#That little red psychotic cat
thedreamerstoryteller · 2 months
Li Bing has his own way to deal with his emotions and the daily issues. Since he was a child, he has always done one thing to not be overwhelmed by his thoughts and that is busying himself with reading and studying. In this way, he didn't think about his condintion, about his sickness, about his life that wouldn't be long. He does the same as an adult, he buries himself into work and solving cases.
So, what makes you think that the Vice-Minister didn't pay a visit to his most important person? What makes you think that he wasn't touched by what happened to the General when he saved him and ended up in a coma?
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This fic answers to those questions because, unlike someone has thought, Li Bing wasn't indifferent, he wasn't at all.
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xzaddyzanakinx · 3 months
Not That Kind of Guy
Part One: Stalker!Anakin Skywalker x femme reader series
Warnings: stalking, weirdo behavior, psychotic/delusional behavior, possessive/protective, sexism/misogyny, one-sided relationship [eventual warning for smut; be sure to pay attention to future warnings in the series]
Info: Anakin loves you so much it hurts, he just really wants to make sure your silly little girl brain doesn’t get in the way of your safety, you have a cat, Anakin is a bartender [diary entries from Ani’s perspective] MDNI 18+
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Diary Entry: May 2nd
The Cerulean was filled with loud music, flashing lights, and the stench of sweaty guys and spilt beer. Over-kill perfume on the girls who so desperately wanted my attention, writing their numbers on their drink coasters after finishing their stupid little cocktail. The occasional ‘break it up guys, c’mon’ yelled out at a pair of ‘roided up college boys. Peanut shells stuck to my sneakers at the end of the night, going home and washing off the stickiness from working behind the bar.
All things I was used to.
But you… not you. Every time I caught a glimpse of you tonight it was like the first time all over again.
Pink, skirt, sneakers, crop top. Such a cute little outfit; it made you easy to spot, easy to track, easy to watch over.
I have your drink order memorized. I so hoped you’d come back for another so I could hear your voice, to see your pretty little lips move just for me again. But you didn’t. Because you’re a smart girl. You knew that without a man around to look out for you, you’d be pretty hopeless if you got too tipsy. It only made me want to protect you more. You’re too soft, too sweet, too innocent to worry about the big nasty world around you.
That’s my job now.
I’ll always keep you safe, but I also want to keep you happy. You deserve the world and more, and I’ll give it to you.
I’d destroy the earth to build it up again in your design. I’d live for you, serve you, die for you, at any moment you might ask. Just say the word and I will. I promise I will.
Note: Motion sensors
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May 23rd
Anakin walked a safe distance behind you, his hands in his hoodie pocket, his hood up and head down. It was dark out, the only light was from the street lamps.
Sometimes when he walked you home he just wanted to run up and grab you by the shoulders and shake you; ask you to please for once just pay attention to your surroundings.
You walked around with your headphones in, ignoring everything and everyone. Yeah it was a straight shot to your apartment from the bar. Only having to cross the road once during the mile long journey down the sidewalk. But a mile was a good stretch of space and there were plenty of people who passed you. A handful of creepy, unlit alleyways you could be dragged into.
You were practically asking for it.
He just had to remind himself that this was just another reason you were so lucky to have him. He’d watch over you, so you didn’t have to worry your pretty little head about nothin’.
Anakin stood by the corner store dumpster and watched as you trotted up the steps and tapped the door code into the keypad of your apartment building. After the door shut behind you and he saw the keypad flash red, he knew you were safely locked inside.
It took approximately one minute and 14 seconds for you to jog up the steps to your door, depending on how tired you were he could add a few seconds and not worry. But anything over 20 seconds had him sweating in a panic.
Tonight though you were right on time, his phone pinged with an alert that your door had been opened, and successfully shut behind you. Now he could breathe a sigh of relief and make his way back to work.
His boss was kind enough to never question why he skipped out for about 20 minutes a night or two a week. Anakin smoked, it wasn’t unlikely to assume he just got a little distracted scrolling on his phone during his smoke break or maybe just needed a few minutes of peace.
Now all he had to do was suffer through three more hours of monotonous work and try not get a head start on his hearing loss from the shitty music.
Then he could go home to you.
The cloak of stress he wore when you were out of sight vanished quickly when he perched on the fire escape and peered into your living room. Poor thing. You’d fallen asleep on the couch again.
Not that he minded. It made his night that much better when he could sit closer to you. It was a pain to climb the ladder of the building next door and sit on the rooftop so he could see into your bedroom window. Very inconvenient, but worth it everytime.
He sat quietly, observing you and the way your lips twitched while you slept, as though you were having a conversation with someone in your dreams. Probably him, he thought.
“Oh, your blanket… you’re gonna be cold if you keep squirming around like that, your blanket is gonna end up in the floor.”
His fingers itched to pry open the window and tuck you back in, but he didn’t. He promised himself he wouldn’t do that. No breaking and entering.
He decided it was time to head back to his own home after that, he couldn’t stay much longer without: a) falling asleep b) forcing his way into your apartment for the sake of keeping you warm.
So he trekked to the sidewalk, wiping off the rust stains on his palms from the old metal fire escape. Shoving his hands back into his hoodie pocket after blowing you a goodnight kiss.
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Diary Entry: June 6th
You owe me big time young lady.
You left your door unlocked and your window cracked open. It is 3:00am, what if someone snuck in? Then what would I do?
Die probably. I’d probably die if something happened to you.
Therefore, I bit the bullet and helped you out. I’m lucky you’re a heavy sleeper and I’m not easy to startle or else we both would’ve had a big scare tonight.
I cracked open your window, slipped in quietly, lowered it behind me, locked it. Double checked it and then triple checked it just in case.
When I turned around- christ that fucking cat. I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes. Guard dog? Who needs a guard dog when you’ve got that monster running around?
A quick blur of orange and a loud *reeeareow* was the only warning before it- sorry, Boogie, climbed up my leg with her little pitchfork claws. I handled it well, you’d be proud. I picked her up by the scruff and gave her a light bop on the noggin’ just like you do when she’s in trouble; except I didn’t kiss it better afterwards, I think she would’ve eaten me if I tried that.
Any-who, I carried her with me to the kitchen and got her a little treat from the cutesy kitten jar on the countertop. Then she decided we could be friends or well… maybe or maybe not I don’t really know, I guess we’ll see.
I plucked your spare key from the top of the fridge and quietly left your apartment. I locked the door and checked it several times, just in case.
As I walked down the steps I saw that the super was kind enough to leave a reminder that the keypad code had been changed, how nice of him! You are awfully forgetful sometimes. No worries princess I took a picture for safe keeping.
I need to change the batteries on or door sensors soon anyway, those little button batteries don’t last very long you know.
It was only when I got home that I realized I still had your spare key… tsk tsk Anakin. Ah well, that just means it won’t fall into the hands of someone it shouldn’t. I’ll keep it safe.
I love you 🖤
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Diary Entry: June 7th
You know, come to think of it. Now that I have a key I should get a few new items for your apartment, that way I can keep an eye on things for you while you’re away.
Note: Hd1080p microcam x4
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There will be a bot to go along with this series! This is really short compared to my usual posts: I just wanted to give all my little lovelies a snippet of what’s to come.
Part Two
@wickedtactics @tsugumiholic @kingdomhate @burnthecheshirewitch @exquisitcorpse @arzua10 @bby-imasociopath @depressed-kay @aliciaasky @naty-1001 @mrsmikaelsxn @bunnylovesani @ausskywalker @angelsadmired @slut4starwarssmut @chocolatepalacecloudhoagie @starkiller419 @hearts4mitski4 @lethargic @allhailbuckybarnes @shadowhuntyi @mortalheartache @fallinlovewithevil @sythethecarrot @chaoticantihero @vadersslut @luvvfromme @anakinsbaee @sweetcheesecakesblog @luvskywxlker @angelsadmired @kaminokatie @anakin-pilled @graveyard-stray @styleslytherin @chiaraanatra @jediavengers @zapernz @lunalitva @salted-snailz @queenofchaos99 @ellie-luvsfics @dazednstars141
Let me know if you wanna be added/removed
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ohbabydollie · 3 months
dollie i know you said no more schlatt but you're my fav schlatt writer and the only person i'd trust with this idea🫣
cheesy christmas cards/photoshoots with schlatt and the cats, with the tacky costumes and everything, the cliche poses, just funny cringe stuff. it becomes sort of an inside joke, and a yearly tradition, and it continues even after you guys have kids, putting them in the silly matching costumes
that is all, living for your ted era, because i'm obsessed with him too
-all my love, 🌠
*sigh* even when i came close to quitting he still haunts me /j
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schlatt has everything planned out, from the theme of the christmas card to the outfits. schlatt hires a professional photographer to take the photos of you and the cats.
he spends a good two hours getting the tiny custom made sweaters onto jambo and [redacted] and trying to get them to keep it on for the photo. tiny cat santa hats, he goes all the way for these photos.
he even makes you do your hair in a 80’s poofy, curly, over sprayed style with the ugliest sweater you have ever laid your eyes on to match. schlatt is dressed to match you and is stoked to take the photos.
he wears his glasses and sits in a chair so you can put your hands on his shoulder and lean on him in that christmas card pose. he holds the cats as they start to try and take off their sweaters and he makes sure to pick out the worst possible photo out of all of them.
one where you’re not looking at the camera as [redacted] starts to hiss, jambo is getting ready to jump off his lap and schlatt is giving the biggest, psychotic smile known to man to the camera as the chaos starts around him.
he loves that picture and reposts it every single Christmas alongside the other pictures that show the chaos unfolding.
with kids it only gets better (or worse depending on how you see it), he picks the theme based on the classics from how the grinch stole christmas to a christmas story. they’re often the worst and best photos people have ever seen.
from your baby’s first christmas, schlatt dressed as the grinch, you as martha may and your poor little cindy lou who sobbing her eyes out as her dad holds her on her lap
all the way to their teenage years, your oldest dressed in ralph’s bunny onesie, youngest in a thick red coat with a scarf barely letting them peak through to look at the camera, you holding a turkey about to fall out of the tray and you husband holding that damn leg lamp.
he loves looking back on the photos from your first christmas together to the most recent, he puts them up as soon as thanksgiving is over and doesn’t take them down until after new years. he absolutely loves the stupid photos no matter how cringey they may look, he always finds a way to make them worse every year and sends them out to his friends just in time for the beginning of the christmas season
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heartfeltcierra · 1 year
Dude where's my submarine? Part 3 (Final) Isekaied Law X Female reader
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It's time for Law to go back.....
Word Count- 6.9k
Part one here Part two here
“The end of a melody is not its goal: but nonetheless, had the melody not reached its end it would not have reached its goal either. A parable.” ― Nietzche
AN-I had so much fun writing this story , but as they say all good things must come to a end. I hope you enjoy the final part! -Love Cierra ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
Side note-There are a few links in the story for reference you can use.
Warnings/content-Nightmares, Mentions of Violence, Modern Day references, Character death
  “You can’t run forever Y/N~ Fufufu” Doflamingo’s voice echoes through the dark forest.
  “Leave me alone you creepy bird bastard!” You yell without daring to turn your head as you run from the pink pursuer. How did I get here? The rapid heartbeat in your chest mixes with the sound of breaking twigs and the whooshing of strings. 
 “There you are.” The devilish voice was too close for comfort. You pick up the pace, desperate  to make some distance between you and him. “Bullet string.” The ball of string shoots past your face, taking a few strands of hair in the process. “Just give up already.” One of the trees ahead of you gets sliced and comes crashing down.
 “I’ll give up when your hairline grows back!” You jump over the tree and continue your frantic running. The moonlight glows  and reveals the end of the woods. Almost there. A sense of false relief washes over you as you leave the mess of trees and brush. Looking ahead you realize you are cornered, leaving you two options. 1. Jump off the cliff you’ve found yourself at. 2. Doflamingo kills you. 
 “The mouse has found itself between the cat and a trap~” You turn around to see Doflamingo standing a few feet away. “You know what that means Y/N?” He slowly inches closer to you. “No matter what you do, death is the only sure result.” Am I going to die here? You take a few steps back, closer to the edge of the cliff.
 “Help?” Doflamingo mocks you with a sadistic grin. “Who the hell is going to help you?” 
 “LAW!” You jump up from the bed with your hand over  your pounding heart. It takes a few moments to realize you were in the safety of your room and not in the woods being chased down by a psychotic ex-warlord. 
 “Y/N are you okay?” Your jolt hearing the bedroom door slam against the wall. “I heard you scream.” The light in your bedroom flickers on revealing a menacing looking Law holding his sword in an offensive position. 
 “I’m fine.” You give him a glance done before smirking. “Nice boxers~”
 “I came in here with full intent on killing something or someone for you and all you can say is nice boxers?” Law deadpans before laying his sword down. “But seriously, what caused you to scream?” 
 “A nightmare.” 
 “What about?” Law questions with a raised brow.
 “I’ll tell you, but just know it was pretty horrific.” Law nods his head, letting you know to continue. “So I was in a dark forest being chased by Doflamingo.”
 “Damn that does sound horrific.” 
 “Trust me it gets worse. I reached the edge of the forest only to find a cliff waiting for me. So I could jump or wait for him to slice me into pieces.” You grimace thinking about being turned into a million little pieces via strings. 
 “Which did you do?” 
 “Neither. I called for help.” A soft smile forms on your lips. “More specifically, I called for you.”
 “And I came.” 
 “That you did, my knight in shining red plaid.” Law rolls his eyes as you start to laugh.
 “Since you're obviously okay, I’m going back to bed.” As he walks away you remember that tonight was his last full night here.
 “Wait. Stay.” You could feel heat rise to your cheeks considering your request, but you also wanted to make the most of the situation. “Please.” You bat your lashes and pat the empty spot next to you.
 “Fine.” You watch Law crawl under the covers with a huge grin on your face. “I’m starting to think you planned this out.” 
 “I did not!” You reject his statement. “The nightmare felt so real, when I first woke up from it I thought Doflamingo was in my room!”
  “I doubt that will ever happen, but if it did…” Law gives you a teasing look. “I’m sure you could handle him.”
 “Me?!” You nearly jump up from the bed. “What do you suppose I do Law? Refer him to a really good therapist? Maybe they could convince him to take antipsychotics.” You doubt there is a person or pill strong enough to handle the pink bastard.
 “I had something different in mind….Something much simpler.” Law turns on his side to face you. “All you have to do is call for me..”
 “I will.” You blush as his hand reaches out to stroke your cheek. “And you better show up.”
 “As if I’d let you down.” Law winks. “Now if I recall you said we had big plans for my last day tomorrow.”
 “I do.”
 “So we better get some rest.” Law gets up to turn the light off before laying back in the bed. “Good night Y/N.”
 “Good night Law, sleep well..” 
 You lay on your side, facing Law. He was so close you could smell his body wash and feel the warmth his body produced, but not him. Not that you were expecting him to cuddle up with you, well actually you were. Maybe I should ask? But if you did he would probably tease you until the sun came up. 
 “What are you doing?”
 “You told me to sleep well.. SHAMBLES.” The soft pillow beneath your head is replaced by something firm and warm. “So this is me sleeping well.” Your heart leaps in your chest hearing his voice so close to your ear. That could only mean..
 “Ummm Law…. am I laying on your chest right now?” It was a stupid question and he didn’t answer it. Instead he adjusts your head until your ear is right above his heart. The calm and steady thumps are the polar opposite of the borderline cardiac arrest you had going on. “I have to say using your devil fruit power to teleport me was a little extra considering I was barely a foot away to begin with.”
 “Want me to send you back?” 
 “Are you sure Y/N?” He asks like he didn’t just wrap an arm around you to pull you closer.
 “I’m very sure..” Your eyes were already struggling to stay open.
 “Good, now go to sleep.” 
 I don’t think I couldn’t be any more grateful to the moon as I am right now. The once dark room was now illuminated, giving Law the perfect view of your face laying on his chest. A lazy smile forms on his lips seeing the small trail of drool leaving your glossy lips. I'm definitely going to tease you about that in the morning. 
 “Law..” He tenses up hearing your sleepy voice call his name. “........” She must be dreaming.
 “I’m right here Y/N.” He gently whispers before placing a kiss on your forehead. His action causes your sleeping body to shift ever so slightly. Your hand that was thrown lazily over his body moves until it stops over his heart. 
  It was now official. The infamous heart thief named Trafalgar Law just got a taste of his own medicine.
 “Y/N.” Your body was being slightly shaken, pulling you from your sweet dreams. “Wake up before you drown me.”
 “Huh?” You raise up and see Law smirking at you. “How was I about to drown you?”
 “See for yourself.” He points at the pool of drool on his bare chest. 
 “Crap, I'll be right back.” You ran and got a towel before wiping the drool off of him. “I am so sorry, Law.”
 “Don’t be sorry, I was expecting it.”
 “I mean you drool over me when I’m awake, so it makes sense you do the same thing while you're asleep~”
 “I’m so over the teasing.” You throw the towel into a hamper. 
 “That’s too bad because I’m not~” Law grabs your hand and pulls you down beside him on the bed. “And considering it’s my last day, prepare for a lot more.” That’s right, today is his last day. “Y/N you're frowning, what’s wrong?” 
 “I know you don’t want me to be sad about you leaving tonight. But I can’t help but be bummed out.” You stare up at the ceiling thinking about the days to come.
 “It’s okay, I am too.” His golden eyes join yours. “I’ve grown quite fond of this place. I will definitely miss it.”
 “I think you’ll miss the laptop more than anything.” You laugh thinking about all the crazy youtube videos he watched.
 “I won’t miss any of it more than I will you Y/N.” The sincerity in his words brings a blush to your face. “Sure I had fun learning about this world, but you were the one who was with me through all of it.” His hand wraps around yours as your eyes meet his. “When I first got here I was confused, but when I saw that goofy little smile of yours I knew I was in good hands.” 
 “My smile is not goofy.” You pout as Law’s laughter fills the room. “Besides I was just really excited to see you.”
 “Oh I could tell~” You grab a pillow and throw it on the cocky man's face.
 “Is teasing me all day really what you want to do?” Law pulls the pillow off his face and smirks.
 “Maybe.” He sits up on the bed and comes face to face with you. “I doubt you’d mind, right?” No words came out of your mouth seeing just how close Law was. Your first thought was to kiss him. You could tell he was thinking the same thing about you, but you were both hesitant. 
 “Law. I” His hand came up to cup your cheek.
 “I know Y/N.” The words were unspoken, but the feelings weren’t as silent. You smile and bring your hand over his. “Me too.”
 “Hey Law, come help me pick things out for us to do.” You plan to take Law out of town to a city with plenty of attractions.  “I already have a surprise for dinner tonight, but I want you to pick out some things to do as well.” Law sits besides you on the couch and watches as you scroll through the list.
 “What’s a selfie museum?” Law points at the picture of a couple in front of a color background.
 “It’s a building filled with aesthetic scenes for picture taking.” You click on the website to show him more pictures. “I’ve never been to one myself, but I think it would be fun if you want to!”
 “Yeah, that does sound fun. Plus I’m sure you want to take plenty of pictures with me.” Damn straight I do. “That also looks interesting.” He points to the museum of life and death. 
 “It does.” And it’s right up his alley. “They  have real human skeletons and animal ones too. Plus the backstory on how they died.” You look at Law’s cute expression. We definitely have to go now. 
 You and Law get ready for your final day out. You decided to wear something cute but comfortable considering you were going to be walking around alot. 
 “Y/N are you dressed?” Law knocks on the door. 
 “I am!” With that Law steps in and looks you up and down. “Are you enjoying the view?” You smirk and twirl around in the outfit. 
 “Yeah I am.” Instead of getting flustered like you wanted him to, you met with his cocky smirk. “Did you get all dressed up for our date?” Date? DATE?
 “So this is a date?” After all this time playing coy, Law finally breaks down blushing.
 “Well, yeah. It is.” His eyes never left your awe stricken face. “And we better get going, you said we had to drive a few hours to get there. ROOM.” Law grabs onto your hand. “SHAMBLES.”
 “Wait Law I need my.” He teleported you to your car but you didn’t have your-
 “Purse, phone and keys.” He jiggles the keys while your purse sits in his lap. He even had your phone already plugged up into the car. “Your most important things, besides me of course~” You reach over and pull his hat down over his head, causing him to grunt in annoyance.
 “You sure exploit your favorite character privileges.” Your eyes roll and put the directions in on your phone. “So since I’ll be driving that means you're in charge of music. You remember how to get to my playlist?” Law nods and grabs your phone. “Good, you’ll make a fine passenger princess~”
 “What does that even mean?” 
 “Wow this place is huge!” You and Law walk into the selfie museum. “There’s so many rooms. Where do we even begin?”
 “Let’s go this way.” Law grabs your hand and leads you towards a rather dark looking section. Figures.
 You see a sign above the door that says ‘Nightmare room’. Creepy. When you and Law first enter your met with what looks like a fun house. There was a giant clown that pointed towards a path that said ‘This was to your death.’
 “Death?” You gulp.
 “Yeah?” Law mockinly answers.
 “Just because you have death tattooed on your hands does not make you death! But that clown may just be.” You subconsciously move closer to Law. “I thought this was a cute place to take pictures?”
 “It is, so why don’t don’t you go take a picture with the clown?” He nudges your side.
 “Which one?” You give your companion a dose of side eye
 “Are you insinuating that I am a clown?” He bends down until you are face to face.
 “I sure am.” You reach up to his face and grab his nose in between your thumbs and index finger. “Honk Honk.” You pinch his nose a few times, grab his beloved hat and run away before he can kill you.
 “Y/N L/N!”  His voice echoes the long hall you were running down. Oh no he used my full government name. 
 You run past a room full of trick mirrors before ending up in a dimly lit room full of dracula style coffins. Glancing around the room you find a perfect place to hide from Law’s wrath. You open the pink coffin and shut the door. Loud footsteps start reverberating in the room causing your anxiety to skyrocket.
 “Oh Y/N~” The intimidation in Law’s voice made you even more on edge. “I’d come out if I were you.” Your eyes peek out of the small window on the coffin. He had a malevolent smile on his handsome face. “Because I promise you won’t like I do to you if I find you.” 
 You slam your hand over your mouth as a small squeak leaves your lips. Law’s hat in your other hand shook with your trembling hand. Good going Y/N, pissing off the freaking surgeon of death. You lean back in the coffin causing it to creak. Oh fuck. 
 “Fount ya.” The door to the coffin swings open causing you to scream out of surprise “Say cheese~” A flash blinds your horror filled eyes. “Now who’s the clown?” Law holds your phone up to display the very unflattering picture of you clutching his hat for dear life as you screamed.
 “Not funny.” You jerk the phone out of his hand. “How did you even get my phone?” Your hand goes into your back pocket and pulls out an admission ticket. “So that’s how. Smart.” You didn’t even notice him using his ability, but you were  running for your life so it makes sense.
 “Here.” Law takes his hat out of your hand and places it on your head. “Pose.” You lean back in the coffin and hold up a peace sign. “You know when I think of death and coffins a peace sign isn't the first thing that comes to mind.” He snaps a picture of you.
 “I thought it was cool.” You come out of the coffin and take your phone with a pout on your face. “Well it’s your turn now, see if you can out do me.”
 “Oh that won’t be hard.” You scoff as law grabs his hat from your head and puts it back on his. You hold the phone up and wait for him to pose. He smiles before crossing his arms behind his back, leaning into the coffin. “It’s quite comfy in here.” He looks at you through lidded eyes. You shamelessly snap three pictures. I’m so making this my background. “I’m not done yet.” He brought his hands down to his shirt before pulling it up enough to expose his abs. You blink a few times and try to keep your jaw from hitting the floor.  “Go on Y/N~” Your finger rapidly hits the screen taking pictures.
 I take that back, I’m making this my background.
 After escaping the nightmare fuel room you end up in a room called the ‘Clean and Chill’. The room was filled with mirrors and attached from the ceiling were bubbles.
 “This reminds me of Sabaody.” You and Law say in perfect unison, causing you to look at each other. 
 “Bright minds think alike.” Law smiles at you before taking your hand. 
 “Hey Law, let's take a mirror selfie.” You walk over in front of the mirror and drag Law with you. You pull your phone out and hold it up. He brought his head down so it rests on your shoulder. You snap the picture and pull it up to look at it. “Who taught you that?” You notice he gave you bunny ears.
 “I looked up different things to do in photos last night.” It didn’t shock you one bit. “I just wanted to be prepared.” 
 “I have an idea. Take your hat off.” He does and looks at you in the mirror. You bring your hand behind his and give him bunny ears. He does the same to you as you take the picture. “It’s such a cute photo.” You look at the picture and swoon.
 “It is.” Law smiles seeing how eccentric you were. You are what made it cute
 “This is the last room.” You walk into the ‘Sweet room’. It was filled with human sized deserts, a colorful ball pit and a slide that takes you out of the museum. You and Law walk around taking pictures with all of the deserts, unaware of the eyes that were on you.
 “Umm excuse me?” You and Law turn around to see a girl smiling. You notice right away she has a one piece shirt on. “I just wanted to say I liked your Law cosplay! It’s almost crazy how much you look like him.” She studies Law who’s giving you a look that screams ‘What do I do?’ “Wow you even have the tattoos! Are they real?” Law awkwardly nods his head.
 “Yeah they are!” You place a hand on Law’s back. I got this Law, don't worry. “And I like your shirt by the way!”
 “Thank you!” She smiles and pulls the shirt out more, revealing all three supernovas, Luffy, Kid and the man standing right next to you. “It’s my favorite to wear because it has my favorite character on it!” Your body tenses up. What if it’s Law?
 “And who would that be?” You ask nervously. Law smirks at you knowing exactly what’s going through your mind.
 “Kid!” Suddenly the girl whips out an Ita bag filled to the brim with Kid’s face. “He’s such a himbo and I love him.” Your body relaxes. 
 “That’s cool!” She was truly dedicated to Kid. “My favorite character is Law!”
 “I figured that much considering..” She looks at Law and then back to you. “Wait a second.” She opens her bag and rummages through it before pulling out a keychain with Law on it. “Take this!”
 “Are you sure?” Your geeky smiles plaster your face, she nods. “Thank you!”
 “You're welcome.” Law nudges your side. You look into his eyes and know exactly what he’s saying. “I’ll let you guys get back to enjoying the museum!” 
 “Wait!” The girl stops. Words get caught up in your throat as you freeze. 
 “Sorry, my girlfriend is a little shy.” Law is now the one holding your back. “She’s working on making friends.”
 “Oh I see. I’d love to exchange numbers!�� The girl pulls her phone out and you do the same. “My name is______.” After exchanging numbers you part ways. 
 “Thank you Law.” You take a deep breath and fall into the ball pit. “She seems like a really nice person.”
 “You're welcome.” Law laid right beside you. “And she did. But I bet you would have said differently if I was her favorite character.” You grab one of the balls and throw it in his face.
 “Says the one who called me girlfriend.” Your eyes blow wide. Earlier you were too frazzled to process it, but now. 
 “I did.” Law picks up a bunch of the colorful balls and throws them at you one by one like a snowball fight. “Do you have a problem with that?”
 “I guess I don’t, boyfriend.” You throw a ball and it knocks Law’s hat off his head, revealing his spiky black locks. 
 “You catch on quick.” He winks before picking his hat back up. “Are we ready to go?”
 “Yup.” You get out of the ball pit and head towards the exit slide. “I’ll get in first and you get behind me.” You sit on the slide and Law straddles his long legs around you. “Are you ready?” 
 “Not yet.” His voice was right up against your ear, causing shivers to snake down your spine. “Hold onto this for me.” He hands you his hat before his arms wrap around you to pull you against his back. “Now I’m ready.”
 Your laughs echo the slide as Law holds onto you for dear life. You see the light at the end of the tunnel and Law does too but in a different context. You and Law exit the slide and come to a halt.
 “That was so much fun.” You lift up with your hands in the air, while Law falls back on the slide. “You okay Law?” He doesn’t respond. I’m taking that as a no…
 After Law recovers from his trip down the ferocious slide you make your way to the Museum of Life and Death.
 “Welcome everyone!” The tour guide dressed in white waves his hands. “I’m Life!”
 “Hello, I am Death.” A girl dressed up like the grim reaper swung around a foam scythe. “Follow us.”
 “Here, so we don’t get separated in the crowd.” You blush as Law laces his hands with yours.
 “Aww Law if you wanted to hold my hand you could have just asked.” You elbow his side as he glares down at you. Much to your surprise he releases your hand. Your lips part out of shock. The audacity!  “Law…” You try to grab his hand again but he keeps avoiding you. 
 “Aww Y/N if you wanted to hold my hand you could have just asked.” He mocks before grabbing your hand again. 
 “Your a brat Law.”
 “Takes one to know one.”
  The two tour guides took you from exhibit to exhibit explaining their role in the birth and demise of each specimen. You look up at Law and see his eyes sparkle with delight. Only he would be this happy about seeing the skeleton of a tree frog.
 He stole your phone and took pictures of anything and everything. But he suddenly stops and quirks his brow.
 “Is that what I think it is?” He points to an exhibit that had two skeletons in a very ‘suggestive’ position.
 “Umm.” You and him look at the exhibit and then back at each other. “Yeah they are totally screwing.” You watch as Law holds back laughter.
 “So I’m sure some of you have already caught onto this act of love.” The man known as Life points at the exhibit. “It's also the start of all life.”
 “It is also the start of death.” The girl known as Death pipes in. “From the moment you are born you inch closer and closer to the inevitable fate bestowed onto all living beings.”
 “As grim as that seems.” Life takes over again. “Life is still beautiful.” Life and Death smile at one another “If you take anything away from today's tour, let it be this. Live your life and enjoy the life you live.” And with that the tour ends.
 “So did you have a good time?” You buckle up and look over at Law.
 “I did, thank you for bringing me.” His stomach grumbles. “But I’m starving.”
 “Me too.” You smile thinking about the surprise. He’s going to love it.
 “So what exactly is this surprise dinner of yours?” You shake your head. 
 “You’ll just have to wait and see~” 
 You have Law close his eyes before pulling into the parking lot of the destination. The outside of the building is a dead giveaway considering it’s shaped like a ship.
 “I swear if I fall I will never forgive you.” Law grips onto your arm as you guide him into the building.
 “I won’t, besides we are almost there.” You walk him up a few stairs before opening the door handle that was shaped like a sword hilt. Air rushes out of the building and into your face. 
 “You can open now!”
 Law scans the room with a look of pure confusion on his face. All around were people dressed up as stereotypical pirates, fake treasure chest filled with plastic gold coins sat in every corner and the room smelt like salt water.
 “Y/N?” Law grabs onto your forearm and leans down.“What exactly am I looking at?”
 “It’s a pirate themed dinner show!”
 “I see.”
 “So what do you think?” You look up at Law’s expression and feel a little sad. He looks unamused.  “I’m sorry Law, this was a stupid idea we can leave if you want to.” The disappointment in your voice alerts Law. Yes he thinks it's very weird, yes he’s confused. But he also sees the amusement of this place.
 “No actually, I think this will be fun.” He pulls you close and feels a wave of relief seeing you smile again. 
 You and Law walk into the main venue. The seating was colosseum style around a huge stage where the actors would perform. Once you got to your seats a waiter came around to get your drink orders. 
 “This is.” Law took a sip of his iced tea. “This is the best tea I’ve ever had.” You watch as Law downs the entire sweet tea. “What’s in this that makes it so good?”
 “Sugar… lots and lots of sugar.” You take a sip out of your own drink. 
 “It slays.” 
 “Law....” You nearly spit your drink out while holding back a laugh. “Do you just say..”
 “I did. Because this tea slays.” The waitress came up to fill his cup. 
 “What other modern slang terms do you know?”
 “Rizz. And according to the internet I have it.” 
 “Yeah, I'd have to agree.”
 The lights in the auditorium dim as a loud bang resembling cannon fire echoes in the room. Most people jumped in their seats, you included. But Law didn’t move a muscle, probably because he was used to the sound. 
 You watch as a huge crowd of pirates come on stage and start fighting one another over a treasure chest. Law chuckles when the captains walk out on stage to fight. 
 “I wonder what they would think if they knew a real pirate captain was In the crowd?” Law whispers in your ear. 
 “They’d probably think you're crazy.” You scooch closer to him “Especially if you mentioned your navigator was a polar bear.” A very cute one at that~
 “What do we have here?” You and Law froze when a spotlight was put on both of you. “What a fine maiden we have here.” The ‘evil’ pirate captain came up to you. “I think I’ll take you with me.” 
 “Like hell you will.” Law wraps an arm around your back. The gesture gave you butterflies, but your curiosity gets the best of you. 
 “Sure.” You shrug your shoulders and wiggle out of the firm hold he had you in. “Lead the way.” You walk away with the evil pirate leaving a very confused Law behind. 
 The pirate takes you up to a platform. It was a little nerve wracking to be high up. The pirate wraps his arm around you before walking to the end of the platform. 
 “If you want yer woman back you’ll have to take out my men!” You see Law standing up in his seat below. He looks absolutely feral and you're living for it. “And if you survive you’ll have to fight me!” The crowd cheers as a staff member hands Law a fake sword. “Now my lady, any words of encouragement for your daring fellow.”
 “Go easy on them.” You wink at Law who’s finally catching on to what’s happening. He gets to play hero. 
 You watch as Law skillfully but gently, takes down each pirate one by one. From time to time you would yell out a “Save me.” just to egg him on. 
 “Are you ready for the real fight!” The captain yells out as Law climbs the ladder up to the platform. 
 “I could say the same to you.” Law smirks before jumping onto the platform. “I’ll take my girl back now if you don’t mind.” You step back and let the two captains duke it out over you. The actor whispers something to Law before they begin to battle. 
 In the end Law of course won. With one final swing of the provided prop sword, the evil captain went falling into the water below. You ran up to Law and stood by his side. 
 “Thanks for saving me, how could I ever repay you~”
 “Like this.” Law grabs your cheeks and turns you away from the crowd before smashing his lips against yours. The crowd around you starts to whistle and cheer as Law kisses you like there’s no tomorrow. In reality that is the case.
 “Let’s hear it for the new King and Queen of the pirates!” The announcer's voice echoes the stage as Law pulls away. 
 “I guess I beat Strawhat to it.” Law smiles before giving your forehead a quick kiss. To say you were on cloud 9 would be an understatement. 
 “That you did, Captain.”
  “Hey driver princess, what was the name of that song again?” Driver princess? Law was scrolling through your playlist. You think for a second and it clicks.
 “Oh I know.” In the days Law has been with you he has started to like listening to music. But the music he likes is not what you thought it would be. In your head you imagined him like grunge music or something more on the edgy side, but to your surprise.“It’s called For the first time.”
 “Yeah, that’s the one.” Law finds the song and smiles hearing the song start up.
 You can’t help but smile hearing him hum or ever so quietly sing one of the lyrics. He was out of his element, but at the same time in it. The song comes to an end and Law scrolls through once more to find a song.
 “Can I tell you something  Y/N?” You glance over to see Law tapping his tattooed fingers against his thigh. Is he nervous? With a curt nod from you he continues. “When I first listened to this song it made me think of you.” You think of the lyrics and what they mean. “I know it’s my last day here and all, but I have a feeling that I will see you again one day.” Comfort washes over you at his words.
 “I feel like I will too.” Your hand reaches over and intertwines with his. The tension in the car diminishes as Law gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. 
  By the time you got home it was already 11:30PM, meaning Law leaves in half an hour. Your phone buzzes and you see another text 
 “Your wish must be in the same room in which it spawned.” 
 “Hey Law.” You knock on the door outside of his room. The door opens and you see he’s wearing the outfit he had on when he first arrived. “I got a text saying you need to be in my room at midnight.” 
 “I’m almost ready.” You nod as he walks into the bathroom. 
 You look at the neatly made bed and the piles of folded clothes that he wore during his time here. A sharp pain daggers through your chest. He is going to be gone soon. Tomorrow he won’t be here when you wake up, you’ll be alone. Your eyes start to sting but you stop before tears could form. I want to be smiling before he goes. 
 You and Law talk about everything that’s happened with smiles on your faces.
 You give Law printed pictures of the photos you took today. He smiles and tucks them into his coat pocket.
 Reality comes crashing in for the both of you.  Law sits down on the bed with you and holds you close to him as you fight back tears. 
 Law stands up from the bed and goes to the spot in the middle of your room where he first showed up. 
 “Law before you go. I want to give you something.” You run out of your room and come back with something in your hands. Law's eyes glass over seeing what you're giving to him. 
 “Y/N… Are you serious?” You smile and place the Corazon figure in his hands. 
 “Yes I am.” 
 “You won’t forget me, will you Law?” You wrap your arms and take in his scent for one more time.
 “I could never forget you.” Law did the same. “You gonna keep that promise?”
 “I will.” You pull back long enough to kiss him one last time. 
 “Good girl.” He smiles and looks at the time 20 more seconds. “If you ever find yourself In my world, come find me. I just know the crew would love you.”  Just like I do 
 “Is this my invitation to the heart pirates?” 
 “It sure is.” Law wraps you in his arms. “And I’m not a very patient captain, so don’t leave me waiting too long.” 
 “I’ll try not to.” 10 seconds 
 “I’ll hold you to that.” Law holds you closer to his body. “ROOM.” “SHAMBLES.” “I left you a little surprise, you just have to find it.”  
 “Good bye Y/N.”
 “Good bye Law.” 
 The arms that were wrapped around Law come around your own body. 
 Law is gone. 
 The breath you’ve held for the past half hour starts seeping out of your lips. The tears you fought back cascade down your face. He was truly gone. Through your blurring vision something white and fluffy caught your attention.
 “Is that?” You look at your bed and see the squishmallow on your bed had a familiar hat on it. “Law.” You rush over to the bed and take the hat off the stuffed animal. A small note was tucked inside of it. 
 “You can toss that crappy replica out, you’ve got the real deal now. Take good care of it. Thank you for everything Y/N, take care and keep your promise. 
                                              -I’ll see you again soon                         
                                                       Love Law
                P.S I stole one of your squishmallow’s :) 
              What did you expect, I’m a pirate after all?
 You frantically look around the room to see which one he took. “THAT JERK! HE TOOK THE RAREST ONE.” 
 ~~~~Keeping your promise~~~~
 In the weeks since Law went back to his world, your life changed dramatically. You texted the girl from the museum and started to meet up with her. She even introduced you to her other friends. Slowly but surely you had an abundance of good people who truly cared about you.
 It had been years and years ago since that week and not one day has passed where you didn’t think about it.  Even after one piece ended, even as your hair got greyer, not once did you forget about Law or the time you shared with him.. 
 The heart monitor beeps slowly as you take in shaky breaths. Death is creeping up on me. It was a strange feeling knowing you were about to die, but it didn’t feel like you thought it would. You felt no fear or no real pain. It felt like going up a hill on a rollercoaster. Scary but at the same time exciting.  I’ve lived a good life.  Your weak hands grab the white, blacked dotted hat that belonged to Law. The one he gave you all those years ago. The comfort you felt when you held it against your chest was enough to let you know.. It’s going to be okay.  Your vision was becoming darker and darker. It’s time to go, Y/N…
 “Miss L/N it’s time for you to take meds.” A nurse comes into the door to see the flatline on your heart monitor.  The pills drop into the floor as she yells for a doctor. 
 By the time the doctor got to the room it was too late. You were gone.
 Death was strange. One moment you were on a bed dying, but now it felt like you were traveling through time itself. Your senses are heightened as colors fill the void. So this is the afterlife? Then suddenly the rapid momentum stopped, as if you were on an elevator that stopped at the floor it wanted you on.  Then once again the darkness enveloped you.
 “Bepo give her some room.” Bepo?
  “I’m sorry, it’s just I’ve been wanting to meet her for a while now.” That voice..
  “We all have. She is the captain's favorite character after all.” Favorite character?
  “Wait, I think she’s waking up! Let’s go get the captain!” Heavy footsteps echo in your head. 
 Your eyes open to the unfamiliar room. Where am I? The walls were made of what appeared to be metal and it felt oddly familiar. Have I seen this before? Your eyes land on a small dresser that sat in the corner of the room. Wait, that's…. You stood up from the bed and walked over to the dresser. The corazon figure I gave to….
 “Look who finally showed up.” Your hand clasps around your mouth as tears run down your face, realizing where you were. You turn around and see the man you loved more than anything. He too had tears in his familiar golden eyes. “I’ve been waiting for you.” No words could form. I’m really here. His arms open and you run into them. The warm embrace brought back the happy memories of his time in your universe. And now here you are, together once again. 
“It’s good to see you again, Y/N”
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 “You guys can come in now.” Law kissed your forehead and pulled away. The metal door swung open and the crew rushed in one by one. “Everyone meet Y/N.”
 “Hello!” The crew said in unison while gathering closer around you.
 “Garchu!” You found yourself surrounded by a blanket of white fur. 
 “Garchu Bepo!” You wrapped your arms around the polar bear and nuzzled into him. “I always knew you'd be soft.”
 “Quit hogging her Bepo!” Bepo let you down with a small ‘sorry’. “I’m so excited to finally have another girl on the crew!” You found yourself yet again in an embrace. “I’m-”
 “I told you guys.” Law smiled seeing how shocked his crew was. “She already knows every single one of you.”
 “Come on, let's show her around!” Penguin came up and grabbed your hand.
 “Follow us!” Shachi grabbed your other hand. 
 Law watched as his crew fawned over you and vice versa. They showed you every inch of the ship while telling you stories about their adventures. Finally they wore out and Law could be alone with you again once more.
 “I still can’t believe I’m here.” You sat on Law’s bed with a huge grin on your face. 
 “Me either, but I always knew you’d show up eventually.” Law walked over to a closet and started rummaging through it. “Especially since I had this~” He held up the very rare Squishmallow he stole.
 “I almost forgot about that!” You ran and took the stuffed animal from his hands. 
 “That’s not the only thing I have for you.” Law once again rummaged through the closet before pulling out a uniform. “When I was in your world I saw a drawing on your computer of the outfit you would wear if you were on my crew.” You remembered drawing it, but had no idea he saw it. “So I had it made for you. Try it on.” You put the uniform on and it fit your body perfectly. 
 “I look so cool!.” You spun around in the mirror and admired yourself. “So I take this means…” 
 “It does.” Law smiled. “F/N L/N, welcome to the heart pirates.”
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treason-and-plot · 3 months
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They sit in silence for a few moments. Saffron feels as if she is floundering in uncharted emotional waters, and wonders if logic can throw her a lifeline.
“That doesn’t make sense,” she says at last. “Because as I’ve tried repeatedly to tell you, he’s already getting exactly what he deserves by having to play nursemaid to his horrible bitch of a wife for the next year or so. Not to mention the guilt he’s going to be torturing himself with-“
“You don’t seriously believe what he’s told you about his wife?” says Connor, a little knot of scorn appearing between his brows.
“For God’s sake, Connor, he was telling me the truth,” says Saffron. “And there you go sounding all arrogant and horrible again-“
Connor doesn’t apologise this time. Instead he rolls his eyes. Saffron feels something hot and red stab at her temples.
“Let me guess,“ he says witheringly. “He told you she was crazy and psychotic.  Every single married guy in the history of the world who has had an affair has had a crazy wife, Saffy. It’s the oldest cliche in the book. The man’s a cheater, for Christ’s sake. How can you believe a word he says?”
“He turned up to school with a black eye one day because she’d punched him,” says Saffron. “He showed me scratches on his arm where she’d attacked him. I read texts she’d sent him, where she told him that she was going to hire a hitman to kill him. She threatened to do horrible things to his cat. He told me about lots of other crazy stuff she did too. She’s a sick, twisted psychopath. Sometimes I'd almost feel sorry for him!"
“He probably gave himself the black eyes and the scratches,” says Connor after a long pause, shifting position.
“That's totally ridiculous,” says Saffron.  
“I actually don’t blame his wife for wanting to have him killed,” says Connor, as if she hasn't spoken. “I feel exactly the same way.”
“For God’s sake, Connor! Just stop. You’re sounding crazy too. I just want to put this all behind me and forget it ever happened. Okay? Can we please do that?"
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“You’re the victim in this situation, Saffy. Like it or not, you can’t just sweep it under the rug-“  
“I am not a victim of anything or anyone,” says Saffron, jumping to her feet. “Christ, I wish I’d never told you!”
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She blinks back tears and stomps away, not knowing where she is going, just feeling as if she needs to escape. But from what she isn’t exactly sure.
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chessholic · 4 months
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Bored - The Toymaker
Author's Note: I wasn't really happy with this, but I thought maybe you guys would enjoy it. My english is broken and the german accent-thingy didn't help at all. However this one post did help me a lot and I wanted to put it here for you all (thank you so much, you saved my ass). This is also my first Tumblr post so this is rather exciting. More is to come so stay tuned I guess. My obsession always lasts for a while. :) Thank you. Have a great day, night, evening or morning. <3
The Post That Helped Me:
Summary: The Toymaker had turned you into one of his toys. However regardless of your situation you couldn't help but feel rather, well, bored.
Sitting on the shelf was nice for the first few hours after you had gotten over your fear. You were beginning to come to the conclusion that you were messed up, well mentally and now physically too.
That's because you couldn't help, but admire him. Even now you couldn't tear your eyes away from him. He had his caramel coloured leather apron on top of his waistcoat that was the colour of a plum. Your eyes wandered to his face admiring every bit of it with few disgusted voices nagging at you in the back of your brain.
'Stockholm syndrome darling'
'You are disgusting'
'You should be ashamed of yourself'
'He is dangerous you idiot'
Deciding you were already screwed you returned back into admiring him. His blond grey hair was curled and styled without any imperfections. How did he do it? You could use some advice, well, not anymore. Your hair was beautiful all the time, perfect, too perfect. You weren't a human, you were a doll, his doll.
And who exactly was he? You didn't quite know. You didn't even know his name, you didn't know if he had a name. You only knew that he was The Toymaker. And every sane person would be rightfully terrified of him.
However you had been pulled towards him from the moment you did step into the store. You had been mesmerized by him. However you did admit you were afraid too, especially while playing the life-or-death game.
If you had known better you would have chosen something else that day.
You had been looking for a present, you found the perfect one. However the very charming shop owner had just stated you were short on a few pennies.
"Bloody hell", you mumbled turning a shade of red from embarrassment. You thought you had enough. "I apologise for taking your time", you said reaching to collect your money.
"Nein nein", he teased softly stopping your hand making you almost shiver at you making physical contact with him.
"How about zis, let us play ein game-", he proposed before stopping to look at your confused expression.
"-If you vin, you can take dee toy, for free, nein charge", he stated smiling like the Cheshire Cat. It was almost giving you shivers, but for the wrong reasons. The smile gave you a picture of a cat and mouse.
Only if the mouse would get into the cat's trap.
"And if you win?", you asked hesitantly.
"You vill stay with me and play mein games, du und ich, forever!", he declared cheerfully giving you a mischievous smirk in the end. He was challenging you.
Did he somehow know that you couldn't refuse the offer? You later learned that he did, in fact know.
"What do we play Mr...?", you asked a bit scared of his changing demeanor.
"You kan call me dee Toymaker, meine Liebling", the Toymaker said making your cheeks flush a little.
Why on earth were you flustered?
"Und what we vill play, zat is your ge-decision", the Toymaker told you. Maybe it was polite to let you choose?
What did you like to play? There was one game that instantly popped into your mind. At the same time the Toymakers grin widened making him look psychotic.
"I shall choose that we play a game of chess", you stated fiddling with your fingers nervously.
"That is a splendid choice my dear, we shall play a game of chess!", the Toymaker celebrated like he had already won.
Wait. Where did his accent go?
Before you could voice your questions the Toymaker snapped his fingers and your life was never the same again.
Now you have been sitting on the store's shelf for god-knows-how-long. You couldn't move. You didn't really remember what it felt like to be a human anymore.
'Bloody hell, this is boring', you thought staring at the shop. You had seen customers come, but never leaving. You had a suspicion of what might have happened to them.
You could see the shop even eyes closed that's how long you had spent examining the shop from your shelf.
"My my, is someone bored, meine Liebling dollen?", asked a teasing voice suddenly from your left. You turned to look at the charming man who was smirking. You had heard the smirk already from his voice.
'Let's play something, please', you pleaded in your head fully knowing he could hear your thoughts.
You didn't expect to see the Toymaker speechless. He seemed to be lost for words the first time in his time being.
"You want to play mein games?", he asked gingerly, like you were playing an evil game with his feelings.
'Do I really have something to lose anyway? Yes, please'
"What do you want if you win?"
You knew that your freedom was off the table. However something came to your mind.
'I want to be able to speak and move'
The Toymaker looked puzzled. Like this was some kind of mystery he couldn't crack.
'I want to speak with you, walk around the store and play with you'
Some rare emotion flashed in the Toymakers eyes, you couldn't place it in that exact moment. Because a pain flashed inside you making you gasp for air. Then you realised what had happened.
"I- I can speak", you stuttered confused, but joy was evident in your voice.
"Well yes, it would make the game rather impossible perhaps if you couldn't speak or move", the Toymaker scoffed slightly while picking you up from the shelf.
You knew it was bullshit. It was a rather poor excuse. Feeling brave you decided your next action without too much thinking.
You put your arms around his neck and bury your face to his neck inhaling his scent. He smelled like wood and colone, intoxicating. His scent wrapped you into a safe bubble making you smile.
"Thank you", you whispered. You didn't think he was evil all the way. There was evil in good. So in evil there was good.
The man had stiffen trying to figure out what you were doing. After a moment he hesitantly wrapped his arms around you. Slowly he melted into your touch, even though he tried to fight against the warm feeling. But eventually he didn't want the warmth to go away.
"You are welcome meine Liebling"
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In the Event of My Demise | Ralvez
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not my gif
Title inspo- In the Event of my Demise - Jake Bugg
A/N - this is for @imagining-in-the-margins Comfort Challenge. Thank you to the wonderful @tobias-hankel for being my beta! Set post 13.6 The Bunker. Includes references to 12.22 Red Light. I wrote this in a like a day, but I don’t hate it so, yeah.
Summary - months after his release from prison, Spencer Reid still hasn’t allowed himself to deal with the residual trauma of what happened to him. When a local case triggers his inevitable breakdown, Luke Alvez must pull Spencer back from the brink or risk losing him to his demons forever.
Pairing - Spencer Reid / Luke Alvez (platonic ish)
Category - hurt / comfort | angst | hopeful ending
Content Warnings - Mentions of prison arc, Cat Adams and Lindsey Vaughn and Mr Scratch, talk of PTSD, therapy, swearing, mental breakdowns, possible psychotic breaks, small mention of blood, mentions of sexual assault (as per canon), talk of being drugged, Spencer losing his grip on reality, tears, a broken man just needing a hug, hidden feelings.
WC - 7.6k
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Profiling hadn’t come naturally to Luke Alvez. As a former army ranger turned fugitive task force agent it wasn’t something he’d ever had to be versed in. He was a man hunter, he didn’t read human behaviour the way the rest of the BAU did every single day. Picking up on little nuances and tiny changes in a person's tone of voice or posture wasn’t something that came easily to him. 
Luke was used to being more hands on. The physical aspect of the job was no issue for him whatsoever. He could chase down an unsub no problem. In all honesty he could run circles around most of his team, with the exception of Simmons anyway. But Matt’s background in the IRT meant he had a better grasp on profiling and despite joining the team later than Luke, seemed to be flourishing in this environment. 
But Luke was no quitter and he refused to be average at anything he did. So he studied, he read every book he could get his hands on about profiling and human behaviour so Hotch didn’t change his mind about hiring him. And progressively his skills were improving and he started to finally feel like a valid member of the team. 
Still he was a novice in comparison to the rest of the BAU, which was why it was so odd for him to be the only one who seemed to notice that one of their own was struggling. 
It made perfect sense. After what he’d been through of course he would be. But in the aftermath of the whole Scratch debacle, the youngest team members' issues seemed to get swept under the rug. But Luke noticed. Luke couldn’t help but notice. 
If Luke was completely honest with himself he’d done nothing but notice Doctor Spencer Reid since the first day they met, over case files about the Crimson King. Luke was instantly enthralled by the young genius, fascinated by the way he seemed to know something about everything. And his beautiful golden eyes certainly didn’t help matters either. 
He could probably attribute a lot of his newfound profiling skills to his observations of Spencer. He noted and catalogued every facial expression, every verbal and non verbal tick of the captivating man. After only a few months Luke could have written the Idiots Guide to Spencer Reid. He consumed everything pertaining to him without even really meaning to. So maybe that was why he saw through Spencer’s attempts to pretend he was just fine that everyone else seemed to buy. 
They’d just finished up on a local case working with the Richmond Field Office, in which several women had been abducted over the past five years. It came to a head when Spencer and JJ were following up on a lead that landed them trapped in the unsubs underground bunker.  
“Oh boy wonder!” Garcia gasped the second the elevator doors creaked open and Spencer’s frame was revealed inside the metal shaft. How long she’d been standing there, awaiting his return, was anybody's guess. “Are you ok? That must have been horrible for you.”
She’d already give JJ the once over, ensuring her friend had come out of that situation unscathed. But Spencer she was more concerned about. Being trapped in an enclosed space like that after his time in prison had to have been a living nightmare for him. 
Spencer shuffled out of the elevator, avoiding eye contact with the bubbly blonde and willing to just be left alone. As soon as he was close enough, Penelope gripped him by the shoulders, trying to force him to make eye contact. 
“I’m fine, seriously. Please stop fussing over me.” Spencer shook off Garcia’s attempts to coddle him. 
“But after what you’ve been through…gosh it must have been so scary.” She ignored him trying to step away and threw her arms around the touch averse genius, despite him attempting to wriggle free. 
“It would have been scary for anyone, Garcia.” He kept his arms at his sides while Garcia practically hugged the air from his lungs. 
Luke watched on from just inside the glass double doors. He could see the discomfort in Spencer’s eyes that he kept focused on the ground, could sense the fact that the younger man just wanted to be left alone. Garcia on the other hand clearly missed these signals. 
“Stop trying to act brave.” She mumbled against his shoulder. 
“No one’s acting, Garcia. I’m fine. Please can we…” he raised his arms now and placed a hand on each of her biceps. 
Luke continued to watch as Spencer gently guided the tech analyst off of him, peeling her away from his body and taking a few steps back from her. 
Garcia’s eyes were wide with sadness as she looked at Spencer and once again, Spencer averted his gaze. 
“No one would think any less of you if you were affected by this, Spence.” She whispered, Luke had to strain himself to hear her. 
He noticed Spencer’s shoulder stiffen, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides while he kept up his stare off with the floor. 
“Good to know.” He nodded, rolling his bottom lip between his teeth the way Luke knew he did when he was uncomfortable. “Can I use the bathroom now?” 
“Oh,” Garcia nodded, stepping back from Spencer’s path. “Of course! Sorry to keep you.”
Spencer didn’t reply, simply offered her a small shake of his head before he hurried past her down the corridor. 
That had been close to an hour ago now. The rest of the team had called it a night but Luke remained alone in the office. Spencer’s jacket and satchel hung on the back of his chair so he knew the younger man wouldn’t have left and Luke couldn’t bring himself to leave while Spencer was still here. 
He spent the better part of a half hour trying to talk himself into checking on Spencer. He didn’t want to overstep the mark, he’d seen the way in which he’d shot Garcia down when she tried to talk to him and could only assume he would meet a similar fate. Maybe he could just let Spencer know he was here, that he could talk to him if he needed someone. Spencer would no doubt reject him, but at least Luke might be able to sleep a little easier at night knowing he’d tried. 
Either way Luke knew he wasn’t going to leave before he saw Spencer, so no matter how long this internal debate went on, it was always going to end the same. So he swallowed his nerves and forced himself down to the men’s bathroom. 
Spencer Reid was incredibly adept at compartmentalisation. It was something that came part and parcel of being an FBI Agent for so many years. 
Frequently it was required to put his own feelings aside, separate the personal from the professional. He was so well versed in it, it came as second nature at this point. 
But there was never more need for this skill after his release from Milburn. 
When JJ had led him out of the prison gates and he’d seen Penelope standing there, eyes glossy with tears, he’d had to force back his own. He’d fallen into her arms, relishing in the feeling of being out, in the arms of one of his best friends and he’d almost crumbled. 
But he couldn’t. Not yet. 
His mom was still missing and if he had any chance of finding her he had to face off with Cat Adams again first. And to do that, he had to be in control of his emotions. 
He pigeonholed his feelings, putting a little pin in them for the time being. If he showed Cat any sign of weakness, no matter how small, his mother was as good as dead. 
And then once they found his mom alive and well, he’d almost allowed himself to succumb to all those emotions he’d bottled up in the past three months. Almost. But then he’d had to put his breakdown on hold again when Scratch kidnapped Emily. 
He barely held it together during that case, one he wasn’t even supposed to be working as he wasn’t technically reinstated. Throwing books at walls and scaring the living daylights out of Garcia certainly wasn’t the signs of a healthy, well adjusted man. Luke had confronted him when he couldn’t stop pressing his palms into his eye sockets, trying to make him feel better with his talks of PTSS. And maybe it worked for a short while. It helped at the very least to get Spencer through until Emily was found. 
Once she was back and safe he expected himself to crumble. But then he was mandated therapy and had to go through the whole rigmarole of being perceived to be capable enough to be reinstated. So once again his breakdown had to be put on the backburner just long enough for his therapist to deem him stable enough to return to work. And once that happened he was working back to back cases, teaching whenever he wasn’t at the BAU and his demise fell by the wayside. 
He didn’t have a second to stop and let himself fragment, and maybe in part, that was intentional. Maybe he’d deliberately kept himself busy to stop himself from reliving the three months he spent in prison so as to protect himself. Because Spencer knew that once he gave in, once he allowed himself to deal with the full weight of what he’d been through, he’d never come back from it. 
He didn’t exactly know why today was the day he’d spiralled. Arguably being in that bunker, trapped in a confined space once again was clearly the trigger. He knew it wouldn’t take much to push him over the ledge he’d been straddling since his arrest. And now the straw had broken the proverbial camel's back and Spencer had snapped, spiralling into the abyss he’d been narrowly avoiding since he’d been released and he was sure there would be no recovering from this. 
He’d excused himself to use the bathroom but time had ceased to exist since then. He could have been gone five minutes or five days for all he knew. He’d made it into the bathroom, to the sink and the mirror hanging above it. But he hadn’t seen his own reflection staring back at him; Cat Adams was staring back at him. She smirked at him before she started laughing maniacally, chiding him about what a fucking mess she’d made of him and his life. 
Oh Spencie, I really did ruin you didn’t I? You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you like this. Broken. Destroyed. I took everything from you and I loved every minute of it. 
Her sick and twisted voice sounded out around him and when he blocked his ears with his hands her voice only got louder. Her laughter grew more menacing, her image swarming his brain even when he closed his eyes. He stumbled backwards from the mirror and collapsed on the floor, hands still pressed firmly against his ears and eyes screwed tightly shut, mumbling under his breath. 
Go away! Leave me alone, you bitch! You don’t get to win, I won’t let you beat me! 
And that was how Luke found him. 
Seeing his friend on the bathroom floor, muttering and rocking and back and forth had all the makings of a psychotic break. Luke had never had to deal with someone in a situation like this. Was it similar to sleepwalking? Would it be dangerous to try and snap Spencer out of his state? It was only when he noticed the blood that his rational thinking flew out of the window and he darted to Spencer’s side. 
“Reid? Oh my god, Reid are you ok?” He threw himself on the floor next to Spencer, quickly finding the source of the blood. 
His knuckles were shredded and judging by the broken glass shards littered around him, Luke thought it was a pretty safe bet that Spencer had punched the mirror. 
“Reid? Can you hear me, man?” He pried Spencer’s right hand away from his ear and inspected the wound. It was still bleeding but it looked as though there was thankfully no glass in his knuckles. 
“Leave me alone you bitch!” Spencer screamed, banging his head back against the tiled wall. “Just leave me alone!” 
“Reid, it’s Luke. Spencer? It’s just me. Can you look at me?” He used his free hand to cup Spencer’s jaw, hoping the contact would make Spencer open his eyes. 
It did. But Luke almost wished he hadn’t. 
Spencer’s usually animated and beautiful eyes were void of any kind of emotion. He was looking right at Luke but he could tell Spencer couldn’t see him. 
“Please. I just want to forget.” He mumbled now, lip quivering. 
“Spencer, who are you talking to?” Luke was pretty sure he already knew the answer to that but he asked it all the same. 
Spencer’s pupils dilated before shrinking again a few times as if he was trying to adjust to the face in front of him. Blood was dripping from his knuckles onto Luke’s hand but he barely noticed. 
“Spencer?” Luke tried again. “Who do you think you’re talking to?” 
Spencer’s eyes glazed over and his head rolled back against the wall. When he spoke it was only one word but it haunted Luke to his core. 
“C-Cat.” He mumbled and then his entire body went limp and his eyes fell closed. His body seemed to crumble but thankfully Luke’s reaction times were faster and he managed to hold his arms out for Spencer to fall into, his head crashing against Luke’s chest as opposed to the hard floor. 
“Leave me alone you bitch!” 
“Spencie, it’s only me. Spencer? It’s just me. Can you look at me?”
“Please. I just want to forget.”
“Spencie, who the hell do you think you’re talking to?” 
The next thing Spencer was conscious of was the sound of an engine idling. With his eyes closed he imagined himself behind the wheel of that truck, hauling ass through the Mexican desert in his pursuit of Lindsey Vaughn. He opened his eyes, blinking a few times as the light from an overhead street lamp flooded his retinas. 
The vibrations from the vehicle rumbled through his legs and up his spine and aided in bringing him back down to earth. He felt a presence next to him and he slowly turned his head to the side. He held his breath, genuinely afraid he would meet the eyes of the woman who had ruined his life. But it wasn’t the evil hit woman he found looking back at him from the driver's seat. He breathed a sigh of relief as he met the other man’s gaze. 
“Luke,” he whispered, nodding his head a little. “Hi.” 
“You have no idea how good it is to hear you say my name.” Luke’s lip twitched into a smile but his eyes were sad. 
“Where are we?” Spencer ignored the confusion that swelled in his brain at Luke’s words and tried to focus on something smaller. 
“In my car. Outside your apartment.” 
Spencer frowned, glancing away from Luke and out of the passenger’s window. He cast his eyes up at the familiar building they were parked in front of. 
“Right. Ok.” He nodded but his confusion was written on his face. 
It was then he noticed a pain in his right hand and he looked down to where it was cradled in his lap to see a thick bandage around his knuckles. Spencer’s head was spinning. He had so many questions that were fighting for first place that it quickly induced a throbbing in his temples. 
He raised his hands to the sides of his head and dug his fingers into his skin, massaging the offending areas.
“Are you ok?” Luke sounded panic stricken all of a sudden and he reached across the centre console and placed his hand on Spencer’s knee. 
“Hmm.” Spencer mumbled. “Just…a lot of things going on in my head.”
“You never let yourself deal with what happened to you in prison.” Luke removed his hand and sat back in his seat. 
Spencer didn’t reply, just continued to knead his temples furiously. 
“Let me help you inside.” Luke unfastened his seatbelt and opened the car door. 
Spencer hadn’t moved by the time he rounded the vehicle and opened his own door. It took him a few more seconds to snap back and he lowered his hands so he could undo his seatbelt. 
He swung his legs out of the car and they shook a little when he stood. He used the door to steady himself for a moment before he trusted himself to move. Luke hovered behind him as he walked, scared the man might collapse but thankfully he made it to the door. Luke followed him inside, carrying his bag and jacket he’d taken from Spencer’s desk. 
He stayed close behind Spencer as he took to the stairs and watched as he fumbled a little unlocking his front door, clearly still not fully with it. It could take a while for him to come back completely. If he ever did. Luke’s main priority became making sure that didn’t happen. 
Spencer let him inside and if he realised the state or his apartment, he didn’t show it. While he kicked off his converse and hung up his blazer, Luke surveyed the chaos of Spencer’s usually perfectly tidy home. He’d only ever been yhere a handful of times, mostly when Spencer was incarcerated and Luke would accompany JJ or Garcia to visit Spencer’s mom. It had struck him each time how pristine the apartment was. Everything seemed to have a place, not a single book was out of line. And right now it was barely recognisable as Spencer’s home. 
He imagined the state of the apartment reflected the state of Spencer’s mind. Books had been ripped from their places on the shelves and tossed haphazardly across the room, some pages even having been torn from their spines as if Spencer had been searching for some kind of answer within those books. Dirty mugs and plates littered his desk and coffee table. A bottle of red wine had spilt and soaked into the rug next to the couch. Case files and pieces of paper were strewn around the room but Spencer didn’t seem to notice. 
Luke watched him head across the room, expertly stepping over the debris in a path he’d memorised in his head. He bypassed the couch and strolled straight into his bedroom, seemingly forgetting Luke was with him. 
“I’m gonna uh…put the kettle on.” Luke called after him but he received no response. 
Sighing to himself, Luke carefully stepped around the destruction on route to the kitchen. He found that room in much the same state of disarray. Cupboards were left open, the sink was full to bursting with dirty dishes, coffee powder and sugar granules coated much of the counter. There were no clean mugs so after he filled the kettle and set it to boil he started on some of Spencer’s washing up. 
He got about half way through the pile by the time it boiled and left the dishes to dry on the draining rack. He fixed Spencer a coffee, with slightly less sugar than the genius usually took, Luke thought he was probably on edge enough. He carried the coffee through the living room, dodging book detritus on his way. 
Spencer’s bedroom door was open so Luke didn’t knock, he shuffled his way inside to find it much like the other rooms in the apartment, this one was also trashed. His bed was unmade, the sheet untucked from one corner and peeling back from the mattress while the duvet sat crumpled at the end. It seemed as though he’d emptied the entirety of his closet across his bedroom floor and items of clothing lay creased in piles all over the place. 
The only thing not in Spencer’s bedroom was Spencer. 
Luke placed the coffee mug on the bureau in the corner as he picked up on the sound he’d missed when he entered the room. He frowned as he looked towards the door at the far side, presumably leading to the bathroom. The shower was running. That was a good sign, right? 
“Reid, you ok in there?” Luke shuffled towards the door that had been left cracked an inch. 
Spencer didn’t reply, all that could be heard was the sound of the water from the shower head. 
“Spencer? Talk to me, man.” He was right by the door now, one hand flush on the wood. 
Once again he got no response. The last thing Luke wanted to do was walk in on Spencer in the shower. Well, not the last thing. It wasn’t as though Luke had never imagined sharing a shower with the eccentric and beautiful genius, it just hadn’t been under these particular circumstances. He edged the door open slightly, not daring to step in just yet, not unless he felt he had to. 
“Spencer? Please answer me.” He tried again but once again he was met by silence. 
He had two options. One, he waited it out, hoped that eventually Spencer would come out of the bathroom and Luke wouldn’t have to invade his privacy. Or secondly, he could go and check on Spencer only to find the man was probably just showering off a long day. But something in his gut was telling him that Spencer wasn’t simply showering. He knew what he had to do. With a sigh, Luke pushed open the bathroom door and stepped inside. 
“I’m gonna uh…put the kettle on.”
Spencer registered Luke’s voice from the other room but he didn’t process his words. Stepping into his bedroom and once again catching the woman glaring at him from the mirror over the bureau, he was lost to his own world. 
Ask me how I did it. Come on, ask me. 
How did you do it? 
I had Lindsey dose you in Mexico. You lost time. And I gave her very specific instructions to get you in the mood. 
You’re lying. That didn’t happen. 
Why would I lie to you, Spencie? I’m many things, but a liar isn’t one of them. 
He spun away from the mirror, rage pulsing through every one of his veins. She had to be lying, she couldn’t have done that to him. Even by Cat’s standards that had to be too far. 
But what if she wasn’t lying? He was missing such a large chunk of time from that Mexican hotel, he would probably never be able to piece together what had happened to him. Cat’s baby may not be his, but that’s not to say Lindsey hadn’t assaulted him while he’d been drugged. 
No. It’s not true. Even you wouldn’t stoop so low. 
I wanted to hurt you worse than you’ve been before. I’d stop at nothing to destroy you, Spencer. 
“No, no. Couldn’t have happened. Wouldn’t have happened.” He started to pace, ignoring the discarded clothing on the floor. 
His skin started to itch and he felt unfathomably dirty all of a sudden. He unbuttoned the cuff of his shirt and forced his sleeve up to his elbow, scratching the skin of his forearm to relieve some tension. It didn’t work. He felt like his skin was boiling, like it might melt off of his body. He wasn’t clean. If what Cat said was true he might never be clean again. 
“Dirty. Dirty. I’m unclean. I’m filthy.” His feet led him to the bathroom without realising where he was going. 
Once in the bathroom he turned on the shower and without bothering to get undressed he climbed into the tub and sat under the flow of water. It cascaded around him, soaking through his shirt and slacks in no time at all. He pulled his legs to his chest and hugged his knees. 
“Unclean. I’m so unclean.” He mumbled against the sodden fabric of his pants. 
He kept muttering to himself, hoping the water would cleanse of him whatever Lindsey did or didn’t do to him in Mexico. He was so caught up in his battle with the voices in his head he forgot Luke’s presence in his apartment and didn’t hear him calling for him. He didn’t hear the door creak open or the footsteps on the linoleum floor. 
When Luke pulled back the shower curtain, he covered his eyes with one hand, not wanting to deliberately see Spencer naked in the shower although at any other point in time he would be ok with that outcome. He peaked out between his fingers and found Spencer on the floor of the tub, wet clothes clinging to his frame that appeared so small and fragile as he hugged his legs tightly. 
“I’m unclean.” He spoke, his voice monotone. But Luke knew it wasn’t him he was speaking to. 
Luke felt his heart practically shatter in his chest. It was worse than he thought. So much worse. He wasn’t sure he could handle this on his own. But who would he call? He had to try and step up for Spencer. 
“Spence, buddy. Can you hear me?” 
Spencer stopped mumbling all of a sudden and his eyes shot up to Luke. For the second time that day Luke saw the lack of recognition in his friend's eyes. 
“Spencer, it’s me, Luke. Luke Alvez.” He reached out and switched off the faucet and the water from the shower ceased to fall. 
Spencer resembled a frightened newborn animal, thrust into the world without a clue as to where they came from. His wet hair fell in his eyes and his white shirt was all but see through. His fingers drummed against his shin and he rocked a little in the tub. 
“Am I…am I clean?” He asked, bottom lip quivering ever so slightly. 
“Yeah man,” Luke sniffed back his anguish. “You’re all clean. Let’s get you dried off.” 
Luke had seen the tapes of the interrogation of Cat Adams after Spencer’s release. He knew what Cat had told him, that she’d had Lindsey sexually assault him while he was under the influence, and it was clear to him that’s what this had to be about. 
If she really did that to him I’ll kill her with my bare hands. Both of them. If he doesn’t come back from this I’ll kill them too. 
Spencer let Luke help him to his feet and out of the tub with little to no protest. He stood in the bathroom, clothes dripping all over the floor but Spencer neither noticed or cared. 
Luke grabbed a towel off of the rail and turned back to Spencer who was staring at the wall, unmoving. He couldn’t let Spencer stay in these wet clothes, he had to undress him. 
This is so not how I pictured this happening. 
“Spencer, you with me?” Luke asked, standing in his line of sight. 
Spencer didn’t speak, but he nodded his head a little. 
“Ok, good. I’m gonna have to get you out of these clothes ok?” 
Again Spencer simply nodded in reply. 
Luke sighed as he stepped forward and brought his slightly shaking hands up to the top button of Spencer’s shirt. He started slowly popping the buttons, peeling the wet fabric away from Spencer’s skin, untucking it from his pants and finally discarding it on the edge of the bath. 
His bandage on his knuckles was sodden, Luke would have to find a first aid kit and redress his wound. But one problem at a time. 
He wrapped the towel around Spencer’s shoulders, keeping his eyes averted and not letting himself look at Spencer’s exposed torso for longer than necessary. He wanted to look, but it would feel like taking advantage of him. Spencer was more vulnerable than he’d ever been and Luke wasn’t abusing his trust. 
Once the towel was secured around his shoulders, Spencer surprised him by raising his arms and gripping the edge of the downy fabric, keeping it tightly around himself. Luke smiled a little to himself, it was at least some kind of progress. 
“Can you hear me, Spencer? I’m going to need to hear your voice.” 
Spencer blinked a few times, still nodding his head. But then he opened his mouth. 
“Yes.” He croaked out. “Yes I can hear you, Luke.” 
Luke had never been so happy to hear his name. He offered Spencer a weak smile in return. 
“Thank you.” He swallowed. “Do you think you can get your pants off while I find you some dry clothes?” 
Spencer narrowed his eyes, clearly trying to process what Luke was saying. He blinked several more times in quick succession. 
“Y-yes.” He nodded again. “Yes. I t-think I can do that.” 
“Good. Great.” Luke encouraged him. “I’ll grab you some clothes, I’ll be right back ok?” 
Spencer nodded, looking down at his lower body as Luke left the room. For some unbeknownst reason, it seemed like an impossible feat ahead of him, more like scaling Mount Everest than the simple act of undressing. Spencer found a lot recently that the usually most effortless of tasks posed themselves as some of the biggest obstacles. Cleaning dirty dishes. Doing laundry. Putting a book away. They’d become mammoth undertakings that he saw as impossible to achieve. 
But Luke was here now. Luke was here and Cat wasn’t. He had to keep reminding himself of that. And Luke had asked him to do this simple task, he could do it for him. 
Just focus. Unbutton the pants. Take them off. It’s not that hard. 
Luke surveyed the scattered clothes on the bedroom floor, trying to spot something comfortable for Spencer to wear. He rummaged around for a while until he found an old pair of checked pyjama pants and a CalTech t-shirt. They weren’t necessarily clean, but they would have to do for now. 
“Spencer?” He called through to the bathroom. “Can I come in?” 
“Hmm.” Was all the response he received. 
Unsure if that meant Spencer was decent or not, he cautiously entered the bathroom again. Spencer’s pants were in a pile on the floor and he dared look at the man, breathing a sigh of relief to see he had the towel wrapped around his waist. He was staring off at the wall, in some kind of trance once again. 
The speed in which Spencer was slipping in and out of the world around him was terrifying. Luke really was in over his head here, he didn’t have experience with this kind of psychosis, if that’s what this was. Maybe it was just extreme exhaustion coupled with extreme trauma. Either way, Luke was not equipped to deal with whatever Spencer was going through. But he wasn’t about to stop trying. 
“Can you get dressed?” He proffered the clothes towards Spencer but the other man didn’t move. 
With a sigh Luke moved closer to him, and when Spencer didn’t show any signs of noticing him, he slipped the shirt over his head. Spencer’s limbs were like a rag doll as Luke worked on getting his arms in the sleeves and Spencer did nothing to help. He smoothed it down so it was covering Spencer’s torso and tried to not dwell on how fucking weird this was. 
Getting his pants on was going to be a little more difficult. And potentially awkward. Luke kneeled down in front of Spencer, wrapping his hand gently around Spencer’s left ankle and guiding it into one leg of the pants. He repeated the movement with the other leg, all the while Spencer stood frozen. 
Standing up and taking the sides of the pants, he pulled them up with him, over Spencer’s calves and thighs until he reached the towel. Luke looked up at the ceiling as he pulled the garment up under the towel, trying to save as much of Spencer’s dignity as he could. Once he had them secured around Spencer’s hips, he got rid of the towel for the younger man. 
“Do you have a first aid kit?” Luke looked at the sopping bandage. 
Spencer’s eyes dilated like they had earlier before shrinking again, like he was trying to focus on something but Luke wasn’t sure what. He didn’t get any other kind of communication from him. Luke sighed to himself and looked around the bathroom. He kept his own first aid kit in a cupboard over the sink. Spencer didn’t have a cupboard over the sink. But there was one under it. 
He moved across the room and crouched down to open the cupboard. To his relief the little kit he was looking for was tucked away inside. He pulled it out and found a bandage inside. He brought it back over to Spencer and the other man didn’t show any signs of registering Luke raising his right hand and carefully unwrapping the wet bandage. 
His knuckles were caked in dried blood so without saying anything he guided Spencer to the sink and turned on the faucet. He held Spencer’s hand under the flow of water, gently brushing the blood from his skin with his thumb. Once his hand was clean he used a towel to dab his hand dry before reapplying the new bandage. The whole time Spencer didn’t look at him, didn’t move. 
He secured the bandage and looked back up to meet Spencer’s eye which was harder than it should have been. 
“When was the last time you ate?” Luke asked him softly. 
Once again Spencer was looking at him but his gaze went through him. He shrugged his shoulders. 
“Are you hungry?” He tried again and was met by a shake of Spencer’s head. 
This time Spencer nodded. 
“Ok, I can put you to bed?” 
Again Spencer nodded, but he didn’t move. Luke had to try and pretend this whole situation wasn’t entirely breaking his heart. He had to keep his emotions at bay, tell himself this wasn’t killing him to see Spencer like this otherwise he wouldn’t be able to get through this. And Spencer needed him to be strong right now. 
He wrapped an arm around Spencer’s waist and Spencer seemed to deflate in an instant. His body crumpled against Luke’s, his entire weight being held up solely by Luke’s strong arms. Luke slowly started towards the bed, Spencer’s feet dragging along the floor like he physically didn’t have the energy left to lift his legs. 
Luke guided him onto the bed and when he let go of the younger man, he caved in on himself, flopping to the mattress where Luke had set him down. With a heavy heart, he took Spencer’s feet and swung them up onto the bed. He located the duvet, briefly noting the coffee he’d made on the bureau and making a mental note to clear it away, before draping the sheet over Spencer still form. 
He was curled on his side, eyes still open, staring straight ahead at the opposite wall. Luke couldn’t help but crouch next to the bed and stroke Spencer’s wet hair back off of his face. When he went to pull away he was startled by Spencer grabbing his wrist. 
His long, slender fingers wrapped around him, his eyes suddenly staring right at him. He looked as if he had so much to say but didn’t know how to voice it. Luke tried to encourage him without the use of words. This time there was no doubt in his mind as to whether or not Spencer recognised him. It was the clearest he’d looked at Luke since he’d found him in the bathroom at the BAU. Spencer knew who he was. A little piece of him was coming back. 
“Are you leaving?” Spencer’s voice sounded hollow, distant and so unlike himself. 
“I was going to let you get some rest. But I can come back tomorrow if you’d like?” Luke’s hand was still on Spencer’s forehead, being held in place by Spencer’s grip on his wrist. 
“Don’t leave me alone.” He whispered. “Don’t leave me alone with her.” 
Luke wasn’t sure if the her he referred to was Cat or Lindsey but it didn’t particularly matter. There was no way on earth Luke was going to let Spencer be alone if he didn’t want to be. He was going to be here for as long as Spencer needed or wanted him to be. 
Spencer let go of Luke’s wrist as if testing the waters to see if he would leave. Luke stroked back the rest of his hair and smiled softly at the terrified looking man in front of him. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” He assured him. “Get some rest, I’ll be right out there.” He nodded his head towards the door, but Spencer was shaking his head. 
“No.” He whimpered. “No, she can still get to me when you’re gone.” 
Luke felt a sharp pang in his chest, his heart breaking even further at the sad, pathetic tone in Spencer’s voice. 
“What would you like me to do, Spencer? I’ll do anything you need me to.”
Spencer rolled his bottom lip between his teeth as though contemplating this for a moment or two. Then he heaved a pent up sigh and slowly rolled over a little, patting the now free space on the mattress with his bandaged hand. 
“Lay with me?” He sniffed, and that’s when Luke noticed the tears behind his eyes. “Please. Please don’t go.” 
It was hard to say exactly how many pieces Luke’s heart was shattered into at this point. Every bone in his body, every muscle, ached for the torment that must be going on in Spencer’s head. 
“Ok. I can do that.” Luke gave him a slightly shaky smile. 
When he stood back up, Spencer whined a little but Luke offered him a look to tell him he wasn’t leaving. He shrugged off his jacket and toed off his boots before lowering himself to the bed in the small space Spencer had created for him. He swung his legs up, settling his head back against the pillow. 
As soon as he was settled Spencer quickly shuffled as close as was physically possible to Luke, his head coming to rest on Luke’s chest, nuzzling himself into Luke’s side. 
An ear piercing sob wracked Spencer’s whole body and he buried his head into the fabric of Luke’s t-shirt. Luke wrapped Spencer in his arms, pulling him impossibly closer. He ran his fingers through Spencer’s wet and tangled hair and held him while he sobbed, imagining they were the first tears he’d let escape since his release. He clutched Luke’s shirt, balling the material up in his hand furiously. 
“It’s ok cariño, I’m here. It’s ok.” He cooed, rocking Spencer slightly. 
“Will it ever get better? Will she ever leave?” Spencer’s muffled sobs were hard to make out but Luke got the gist of it. 
“I promise you it will get better. If it’s the last thing I do, I will help you through this, Spencer.” 
Spencer became incoherent after that, crying and mumbling into Luke’s chest while Luke held him and tried to provide a little semblance of comfort to the man who needed it so much. 
Hours seemed to pass and at one point Luke worried he may never stop crying. But eventually he wore himself out, or ran out of tears or maybe even both. His breathing started to calm, evening out slowly until his body went limp in Luke’s arms. 
Luke didn’t expect Spencer would have a peaceful night's sleep, but it just might be restful enough for him to garner the energy to fight his demons another day. 
Spencer’s eyes fluttered and he grumbled at the slight dull ache in the back of his head. He was used to waking up with a headache, that was a side effect of all the pent up emotions and thoughts he refused to let win. 
But today was different. It wasn’t the typical excruciating pain he was used to waking up with, the kind no amount of Advil could tame. It was just a dull throb, relatively minor. He could definitely deal with that. 
It took him a moment or two to realise that his pillow beneath his head was significantly harder than he remembered it being. He forced his eyes open, rubbed them with one hand and blinked a few times. 
He shuffled a little, trying to find a comfortable spot but it was like his pillow had been replaced by…
“Morning, Reid.” 
Spencer swallowed thickly as his eyes looked up into those of Luke Alvez. The pillow beneath his head, not a pillow at all, but Luke’s rock hard chest. 
It was then Spencer realised his right leg was draped over Luke’s and his arm was wrapped around Luke’s waist. 
Luke’s cheeks were flushed red as he looked down at the younger man using him as a life sized stuffed animal. Spencer blinked a few more times, trying to remember how he’d ended up here, in the arms of the one man he’d always wanted to find in his bed. 
“Uh…hi?” Spencer croaked, his confusion written all over his face. He didn’t move though, he wasn’t sure why other than the fact being in Luke’s arms was warm and he felt safe. “Did I drink last night?” 
“No.” Luke chuckled sadly, bringing his hand up to Spencer’s face and brushing back his unruly curls from his forehead. “You don’t remember?”
“No.” Spencer swallowed again. “I think that…maybe it’s best that I don’t. At least right now anyway.” 
“Why’s that?” Luke kept stroking his hair and Spencer adored the way it felt. 
“Because,” Spencer smiled a little, the tiniest movement of his lip but it was more than Luke had seen in a long time. “For the first time since I left prison, I feel light. And I don’t want that to go away just yet.” 
“Fair enough.” Luke smiled back at him, fingertips grazing down from his forehead, down his cheek and jaw until he let it fall to his side. “We will have to talk about it though.” 
“I know.” Spencer nodded, dreading what he could have gotten himself into to end up here. “But for now, can we just stay like this? Just a little longer?” 
“Of course we can.” Luke agreed. 
Spencer settled back onto Luke’s chest and Luke held him tightly. Spencer didn’t know how he’d ended up here but it was the best thing that could have happened to him. For the first time in months, Spencer Reid felt safe. He felt calm, like just for a moment his demons were silenced by the strong arms of Luke. It wouldn’t last, he was sure of it, but that didn’t matter right now. All that he cared about in that moment was how unburdened he felt for the first time since Mexico, since Cat Adams and Lindsey Vaughn. Maybe even for the first time ever. 
Chances were it would pass, like most good things in his life. But for now Spencer was going to relish in the peace and quiet for as long as it lasted. Here in Luke’s arms he was safe from harm, protected from the wicked clutches of Cat Adams and all the other evils of the world. Luke Alvez was Spencer’s guardian angel, that he was sure of. 
The two men laid in silence for some time, Luke’s hand languidly stroking Spencer’s hair while Spencer concentrated on the rhythmic beating of Luke’s heart. 
Eventually, a sigh escaped Luke’s lips and his hand stilled on the back of Spencer’s neck. 
“You know you need to get help right? The professional kind.” He spoke in hushed tones, not wanting to startle the younger man. 
“Yeah I know.” Spencer’s voice trembled. “But Luke?” Spencer shifted in his arms so he could look up at Luke through watery eyes. 
“Yes, Spencer?” 
“I don’t know if I can…if I can do it alone.” He swallowed thickly, his eyes pleading Luke to never leave him. 
Luke smiled at him and couldn’t stop himself when he bowed his head and placed a tender kiss on Spencer’s forehead. 
He’d known from the moment he met Spencer that he’d do just about anything for this man. That had never changed, he’d never wavered from his belief that he would protect this creature with his life. If anything, at that moment, he was even more sure of that fact. If Spencer Reid needed him, he could have him, in any capacity. 
Spencer’s lips twitched into a smile at the sensation of Luke’s lips pressing against his fragile skin. When Luke pulled away, he saw a light behind Spencer’s eyes he hadn’t seen since before his arrest. 
He had a long way to go, huge mountains left to climb. But he’d take it one day at a time, and Luke would be there for him every painful step of the way. 
“You’ll never be alone, Spencer.” He whispered, cupping the other man’s jaw lightly in his palm. “I promise you, you’ll never be alone again.” 
Spencer’s tears overflowed at the sentiment as he nodded his head in understanding. He had a long, dark road ahead of him, but as long as Luke Alvez was the light guiding his way, the shadows lining his path didn’t seem quite as formidable as they did yesterday. 
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@andiebeaword @muffin-cup @takeyourleap-of-faith @thebloomingeagle @dirtytissuebox @smurphyse @ssa-uglywhore27 @reidselle @reidsbookclub @drayshadow @dreatine
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mermaidgirl30 · 6 months
Look for the Light Chapter 21
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- Summary: Aly finds herself trying to escape the Boston QZ. What Aly doesn’t know is Tess is pairing her up with Joel to go on a dangerous mission to find Tommy. Will Aly survive the brooding, moody Joel or will she find herself falling hard for him?
- Tags: Torture, murder, angst, 18+ MDNI
You stood there frozen in the middle of the room looking between Joel and David. Joel looked like he was about to lose it as he watched you with concerned eyes. And David just smirked at you, trying to make you as uncomfortable as humanly possible. You tried to keep your eyes on Joel, but David pulled you away as his voice came out in a low rasp.
“Look at you. Standing there with fear in those pretty eyes. Thinking about your time here, princess? Why don’t you tell Joel about all the fun we had while he wasn’t here to save you.” A devilish grin pulled at the corners of his mouth, and he was staring at you with hungry eyes. Eyes that were about to eat you alive.
You wanted to be sick. You felt like running out and never coming back. You had to do this though. You had to end this. And it had to be you. Not Joel, but you. You gulped and stared back at him, trying not to lose control.
“Did you tell him how we played a little game of cat and mouse, and how I dragged you out from your little hiding spot under the bed?”
He stared at you, eyes glowing from the joy of bringing back those nightmare memories. You could see Joel in the corner shift closer to David, trying to get you to focus on him. You couldn’t break your gaze from David though.
He continued to taunt you. “Did you tell him how we played Russian roulette, and how I choked you out on the pool table?” His laughter grew into a roar as he was laughing at your trauma.
Tears pooled at your eyes as one tear escaped, running down your cheek. You felt as if the weight of the room was about to collapse down on top of you and bury you alive. The room grew cold as you shivered in place.
“Alright that’s enough!” Joel growled as he pulled on David’s collar, slamming his fist into the side of his jaw. Blood spewed from his mouth, but he just laughed it off. He was psychotic, deranged.
“Aly, don’t listen to him. He’s only trying to get a reaction out of you,” Joel said as he looked at you with pleading eyes.
“Tell him how it felt as I dragged the blade down your arm as your warm blood ran down your body. How you completely surrendered yourself to me as I told you Joel was dead, and he didn’t give a shit about what happened to you.” Another laugh escaped his mouth, carrying it into a low shriek to a high pitched wail.
Joel took the knife from his pocket and jammed the blade into David’s palm, the knife cutting all the way through the skin as the tip of the blade showed from the top of his hand. He screamed in agony but kept a smile on his face, staring unbearably into your scared eyes.
“You’re lucky I haven’t just ended your pathetic life already. Now stop taunting her!” Joel screamed into David’s ear, his face so red you could see the veins bulging from his neck.
“That’s right. I am lucky, lucky to be alive to see those sad, scared eyes of Aly’s as I scrape every detail back into her mind.” David’s eyes turned cold as he stared back at you, his eyes haunting your mind.
You couldn’t take it anymore. Couldn’t take the weight of his eyes. You closed your eyes so tight you thought you’d topple over. Panic washed over you in a wave. Fear consuming every sense of being in your body. You remembered every single horror of this place. Remembered every stolen, forced touch to your body. Remembered how you thought Joel wasn’t coming back for you.
He doesn’t care about you. He abandoned you. He’s never coming back for you. David’s vicious words rang through your head, confusing your own mind. You couldn’t think straight, couldn’t do anything but stand there and be paralyzed by your own fear. The words taunting you over and over again as you tried to escape your own mind.
You got lost in your thoughts, sinking back deeper under the water as David pulled you down. Deeper and deeper. You drowned out the sounds around you. The only thing you heard was the shallow noise as you tried to catch your breath.
Slow ringing sounded through your ears as you tried to escape the noise. All you could see was black. All you could think was to run, but you were stuck in place. Blinded by fear as it enraptured you.
“Aly!” Joel shouted, but you couldn’t respond. Could barely hear him as you were in a far away place. He tried again. “Aly!” He sounded closer, his voice getting louder as it rang through your ears.
“Alyson.” His voice was so soft, so gentle. It called to you like a siren song. It was captivating, enchanting. It was like a melody that you wanted to hear played over and over again as it drew you to him.
His hands softly wrapped around your arms, and a tall shadow stood in front of you. “Open your eyes.” The sound of his voice came out quiet but urgent as he pulled you out of the dark once again.
You slowly opened your eyes as the darkness turned into light. Joel stood in front of you, blocking your vision from David. He looked so concerned as his dark brown eyes searched yours. Your breathing slowed as you looked into those warm honey eyes. You wanted to stay there. Stay where it was safe. Where you felt at home.
He traced a strand of your long hair with his fingers and moved his other hand down to yours, entangling his fingers with your own. It instantly calmed you down as his rough calloused fingers grazed against your skin.
“I’ll end him right here, right now. Let me do this. I can’t take him tormenting you any longer. I’m about to lose my fucking mind and my patience. Let me put this bullet in between his eyes. I swear I’ll..”
You stopped him as you placed a hand on the side of his face, his voice catching in his throat. “I know you will, but I need to do this. Just…help me. Please,” you pleaded as he nodded at you.
“I can do that.”
“Good.” Your mouth curled up into a small smile as you stared into those beautiful brown eyes that entranced you.
“Awwww look at that. The two little love birds having a moment together. How sweet. You know what would be sweeter? Me ripping Joel’s organs out one by one while you sat and watched!” David yelled as a laugh carried after.
Joel turned, his face fuming. You squinted at David, a hard line forming on your mouth as your nostrils flared. You whipped out your pistol fast, taking the safety off and loading the gun. Your finger pulled the trigger, and the bullet went flying into his left shoulder. Blood instantly formed on his shirt as the blood seeped down the black material. David yelled, but you were barely registering his screams because you were furious.
“Joel, get the gasoline,” you said darkly.
Joel moved past you, and you could hear him picking up the gasoline as you heard it sloshing around in the container. You just stared at David, your eyes turning dark as you dared him to say another thing about Joel.
Joel walked over to David, undoing the lid of the container as he started pouring the dark liquid all over David’s clothes. His body was drenched in seconds. It dripped off his hair and landed in a puddle on the floor. The room smelled so strong, but you didn’t care. Not right now.
A low laughter left David’s mouth as he looked up at you with eyes that dared you to try him. “Look at you. Finally bringing a little bit of fight unlike when you were over on that table begging for it all to stop.”
“Shut up! Shut the fuck up!” You shouted as you walked over to him hurriedly and punched him hard in the gut. That made him bend his head over in agony as he struggled to catch his breath. “I’m so tired of hearing your goddamn voice. Just stop!” Something snapped hard in you. Anger pulsing through you as you stared at him with big eyes that were full of both pain and bitterness.
Joel was next to you in the next moment, spitting down at David. You ran your finger over the smooth wide box of matches as they sat in your palm. You carefully held the box out to Joel, and he gave you a knowing look. He knew what he had to do.
He took the box from you as your palm opened, his rough hand brushing yours, sending chills down your body at the contact. He grabbed a match out of the box and glanced at you before lighting it up. He was waiting for your approval. There was just one more thing you had to do.
You turned and gave David a hard look, eyes barreling into his. He smirked up at you as he looked from the matches and then back to you. He looked like he was watching a play, begging for the next act to begin. What a freak.
“I sincerely hope this hurts more than anything you have ever experienced before. You know all the history about the witch trials, right? Well, I’m about to burn the worst of them.” A snarl formed on your face as you looked at his lifeless eyes.
He laughed again before he answered you. “Oh princess, you’re just full of surprises aren’t you? You don’t have the nerve to do that.”
He was trying to scare you, make you feel like you couldn’t do it. Well, he was about to be proved wrong because his doubt just made the fire igniting your hate burn brighter.
“Joel, now.” You looked over at him and he nodded, taking your approval. He struck the match against the side of the box as the tip of it caught fire, coming to life. He carefully handed it to you and you took it, being careful not to burn your fingers.
“Light ‘em up,” he said as he stared at David with a hard scowl.
You carefully held out the match, just about to drop it. “Have any last words?” you said shallowly to David. He looked up at you and smiled, the yellow of his teeth catching the light and making you cringe.
“You’re really gonna do it huh? Didn’t think you had it in you, princess. You’re so weak. So vulnerable. Too pretty to be with someone like him.” He jerked his head and snarled up at Joel.
Joel stared back with anger behind his eyes, his jaw clenching. “Better watch your mouth,” Joel hissed.
“She doesn’t belong to you,” David scoffed back.
“She’s mine,” Joel growled as his eyes darkened. Something shifted inside you. Heat rising in your belly that flushed your cheeks. Mine. The words rang through your ears like a song you’d put on repeat. The words sinking so deep inside you that you thought you’d explode right then and there. He had claimed you, and it felt so good.
Focus. You had to focus. You could obsess over how he said the word mine later. Right now you had a body to burn. You took a step closer and reached out your arm, your hand about to drop into his lap full of gasoline.
“That’s right. His. Now go to hell where you belong,” you hissed as you dropped the match into his lap, the jeans instantly catching fire.
The flames slowly consumed him, traveling up and down his body. Even his ashy hair was burning as orange flames fell from his greasy locks. A loud scream escaped his mouth as it traveled through the entire lodge.
You and Joel backed up because the flames were getting too hot to be near. You watched as his pale skin turned dark as the skin was being charred, blackened by the thick flames. He stared at you, not taking his eyes off you. A small smile found its way to his lips and a chaotic, hyena laugh sounded from him. It started low and got louder and louder by the second. He was mentally insane. No sane person would be laughing while they were being burned alive.
The floor started becoming engulfed in flames. It was time to go. Joel placed a hand on your shoulder and started leading you out of the room. You started moving towards the front of the lodge as the room started becoming hotter, your neck feeling the heat of the growing flames.
As soon as you reached the front, you looked back behind you and through the long hallway you could see David still burning alive. His skin was black, all the healthy skin gone. All that was left were the layers underneath his skin. It was disgusting. You gave him one last snarl and turned back to what laid ahead of you.
Joel took your hand in his and led you to the front doors, entangling his fingers with yours. The touch was intense, as hot as the fire that was building behind you. You walked out the front door and felt like you were in a movie with the most epic ending that was ever made.
The cool breeze blew through your hair as you stepped outside into the bitter cold. Joel led you through the snow to a safe distance from the lodge. As soon as you looked back, the building was becoming engulfed in flames. You could feel it coming off the building as the heat rose. Embers lit up the night sky as the lodge became mixed colors of bright orange and deep red. Ashes were seen tumbling through the dark sky, becoming entwined with one another.
You let out a deep breath as you watched the building burn. David was gone. He was finally dead. He couldn’t hurt you anymore. You had done it. You killed him and so had Joel.
You stood face to face with him, your fingers still entwined together. “He’s gone. He’s really gone,” you breathed as you looked up into honey eyes.
“That’s right. He’s gone. You faced him. I’m so proud of you.” He traced his fingers across your cheek, and you leaned into his touch.
“I was only able to do it because you were here with me. That’s the only way I could’ve faced him. The only thing that was getting me through being in that same room with him again…” Your eyes felt glossy as you held back tears.
Joel deepened his touch, and you felt every rough callous on his fingers. His touch was warm, comforting. You placed a hand on top of his, tracing your fingers down to his wrist.
“I wasn’t going to let anything happen to you, baby.”
The nickname made you go weak along with the deep voice that shook your core. The way he was looking at you now…his dark eyes melding into yours. Fuck.
“Did you mean it?” you asked slowly.
“Mean what?”
“What you said back there. When you called me yours.”
He brushed a finger down the corner of your face, his eyes burning into yours. It was so intense, so consuming. A fire started deep inside you, and you couldn’t put it out.
He nodded in response, his eyes growing darker. A shiver ran through you, his response sending electric pulses down your legs. “You are mine,” he said dominantly.
Oh. You knew your pupils were huge, you could feel them expanding as the words ran through you. Mine. He wanted you just as much as you wanted him. He left you speechless. You just stood there letting his gaze burn through you as the flames in the background danced around you.
“Is that what you want?” he asked slowly as his thick Texas accent drawled out, consuming all your thoughts. His fingers trailed down to your chin as he lifted it just the slightest, his gaze burning down to your lips. It was too much, his mahogany scent sending you over the edge.
“Yes,” you breathed out shallowly, your stomach in knots.
He leaned in closer, his forehead meeting yours as his nose brushed against yours. “Say it.” His words came out in a low, sexy voice.
You were holding back a moan from just his voice, his touch burning against your skin. Fuck. “I’m all yours,” you purred.
That’s all the permission he needed. He pulled you in and kissed you passionately. One arm dipped around your low back and the other held the back of your head as his fingers wrapped around your hair.
His lips were so soft and his taste…he tasted like syrup. So sweet and savory. You got lost in the passion, in him. You stayed like that for minutes just savoring each other’s taste and touch as the fire burned brightly behind you.
So this is what it felt like to be completely lost in someone. It felt so good, so right. Joel was your undoing, your undying wish. You’d tear whole cities down just to stare into those warm honey eyes. This was it. You were falling for him, and you didn’t care to stop yourself. It was him. It was always going to be him. And you were okay with this now. This is what you wanted. Him. It’d always be him. For however long you could keep him. Yours.
“Come on, let’s get out of here.” He grabbed your hand and led you back to Shimmer. She was still in the same place as before, waiting for your return. She neighed softly when you made it over to her.
Joel untied her from the tree and jumped up on the saddle. He gave you his hand and you took it, using the rest of your strength to lift yourself up. The events of the day had drained you, made you weak. But David was finally gone. Dead. And that was enough relief to have you relax your body against Joel’s.
You sank against him, folding your arms across his waist as you laid your head against his shoulder. “Where to next?” you asked as your voice carried through the wind.
“To Salt Lake City, we’ll head west as far as we can today and stop for the night somewhere safe. It shouldn’t take us much longer to get there.”
“Mkay,” you said sleepily as you rested against him. Shimmer took off into the opposite direction of the lodge, leaving the heat from the fire behind.
The wind was blowing gently against your face, your skin chilled from the cold. You pulled your jacket tighter against you and let the warmth cover you. You looked behind you at what you left behind. The heat from the lodge disappearing the further you got from it, the red embers in the sky flashing in the distance from the fire.
You took one more hard glance at the lodge as it slowly was corrupted to a black ashy lodge, nothing grand about it left. You sighed and turned back around, no more looking back. It was done. It was over. No more suffering. No more David. No more pain.
You squeezed Joel tight, your hands sliding into his warm coat. He took a hand and gently brushed one of yours, his thumb caressing the top of your hand. And that’s how you stayed for most of the ride. No words needed to be spoken for the moment. Just the two of you riding along to your next destination in peace.
You’d follow him anywhere. It didn’t matter where, it didn’t matter how long it’d take. You’d stay with him. Until the ends of time. Yours.
Chapter 22
Series Masterlist
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rreskk · 1 year
Can you make a Trevor x fem!reader smut/fluff where reader has always had a crush on Trevor but never actually told him because of her shyness and fear he would reject her (and T on the other hand has always been teasing her), so Trevor catches reader, ahem, "having fun with herself", and ends with a dommy T and fluffiness afterwards (love you and your fics❤)
---A/N: Of fucking course!! :)
Summary: He interrupted your 'you' time.
TW: Smut
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“You’re so beautiful for me…” He grinned and ushered while eye-dropping your body. His hands staining your hips and waist, them bloody nails leaving behind red marks of his touch. You dropped down onto his lap and strangled his erection with the ass he fancies the most.
“Yes, Trevor, yes.”
“You fuckin’ saint… I want to fuck you so hard,” The intel of his desires shaped the way you grinded his thigh. Trevor embodied you with his arms and tagged you closer to his warm chest.
“You’ll be screaming my name, baby. Everyone on this street will know the dirty angel I’m fuckin’.”
You whimpered until the lips of his ghostly body shuts you up. The force pushed you against his bed, the man hovering over you with hunger in his devilish eyes. You reached out and…
Your bedroom door opened.
You were lying there on your bed, fingers tangling below with your panties fully exposing your wet pussy. Fantasizing and masturbating of Trevor was completely disengaged when a limb shadow cooled your hot body.
You opened your eyes.
“Jesus Christ!” The husky voice laughed.
You gasped and held a hand over your naked breasts.
Trevor stood over you with a cat-like grin. His eyes scanned your physique until you immediately hid under your covers.
“Trevor!” You yelled in shock, “W-What are you doing?”
He depicted you as dumb with the raise of his eyebrow. He slurred out a pesky finger and pointed at you.
“You… Missy, was calling my name.”
“Yeah. I went to give you a visit and walked in. I then heard you go; Trevor! Oh, Trevor! Yes, Trevor yes!” His smile was growing wider.
You could die. You were so embarrassed.
“You could of knocked!”
Trevor gasped offensively, “Excuse me, sugar. I thought you were screaming for some help. It’s not every day I hear someone say my name so… Passionately,” He snickered. You were going to return his smart talk but the man leaned closer to your sweaty face, “But you were calling me for another reason, mhm?”
His darkened eyes was hard to resist. How could you deny something he saw? You were caught red-handed and to your luck, he’s… Aroused by it.
“It was always banter when I accused you of liking me,” He cackled, “But little did I know, baby. You wanna know something?”
You whispered timidly, “What?”
“I jack off to you everyday as well.”
“Are you being serious?”
“Dead fuckin’ serious. I keep you around for a reason…” Trevor soon glanced down at your collarbone, “And fuck… You give me the best orgasms of my life.”
Your unfinished business began throbbing again. You uncomfortably shifted in your bed and he struct you with his psychotic toothy grin.
“I came just before you could finish, babe?”
You nodded.
“Hmmmm… Good, good. Get rid of the covers. Lemme see you.”
Obeying, you slowly pushed the sheets off your body and you watched Trevor grope his bulge. His head fell back and he released an animalistic groan.
“Fuuucck, sugar. You are too damn sexy,” He stepped closer and licked his teeth, “Darl, get on your hands and knees for me.”
The demand was compulsory. Wobbling to reach his standard, you faced away from him so Trevor could gain the VIP sight of your ass. You closed your eyes, waiting for him to speak.
“Mhm, you are making Uncle T very… VERY happy.”
The praise was followed by the contact of his finger tracing the roundness of your hips and ass. You knew he was close to you as he was heavily breathing.
“You know,” Murmured Trevor, “This day should of come sooner.”
He properly reached and exacted himself right behind you. His hands began bruising it’s place on your stomach, inserting one finger to tickle your nipple and squeeze your breasts… His clothed crotch was grinding itself against your naked ass, yearning.
“I know.”
He chuckled, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Trevor stroked down your stomach until his hand returned to your hips.
“I didn’t think you’d feel the same…”
He stopped touching you.
The motion was eruptive and sharp. You inhaled in case you’ve accidentally hit a sensitive spot in his unpredictable nature.
“Didn’t feel the same?” He repeated.
You lowered your body and turned around, facing him with concern.
“I don’t know. I thought I weren’t your type.”
“My type?” His face cracked with disbelief, “What the fuck? What do you think my type is?”
There was only wrong answers as you had no idea.
“Shit, Trev… I don’t know.”
Trevor clicked his fingers at your failed attempt of answering. You sighed.
“Wrong. My type is anyone with huge tits and juicy ass, yeah?”
You nodded.
“WRONG!” He lashed out. The aggression was real and you flinched at the pitch of his voice, “I fuckin’ love some big tits but my type? My type is anyone who’s real, loyal and compassionate.”
Trevor extended his arm and your face was soon being caressed by him.
“You are my damn type, sugar. I ain’t no male prostitute… Well, I am… No. No I am not. I’m just a male slut. But! But I have a standard… And you are exactly my dream girlie. Sexy, loyal, a little bit timid BUT I will boost your damn confidence, lady.”
It was comforting as he’d express his admiration through his own words… And vocabulary. It was special considering it came from him. And you appreciated that.
“Now…” He removed his hands from your face and proceeded to study your body, “Let’s see…” His composure was stiff when thinking to himself, “Get on your back. I wanna make this special for us.”
As you rested against the mattress, Trevor was quick to throw off his shirt and took a few seconds to unbuckle his black belt (struggling due to adrenaline). The gasp that left your lips when he pulled down his trousers AS WELL AS underwear… He was hard. VERY. The cock was twitching and was so erected it almost touched his stomach. Trevor held it as he crawled over to you on the bed. He forced your legs over his shoulders and gave you a subtle look.
“Imma make sure you ain’t gonna forget today.”
You smiled at him. Knowing the impact of his largeness from looking at it, you gripped your bed railings for support. Trevor smirked.
“Oh, you ready… My sweet little-“ His nostrils flared and he pushed into you mid-sentence, “M-My sweet little… Fuck, sugar.”
You groaned when he began thrusting into you. The pressure your body needed; Trevor being there to save you.
“You are so loose for me, ay? You’ve been horny for a long time, baby. I can tell.” He giggled crazily before slapping his groin against your thighs.
Your legs tightened around his shoulders, almost suffocating him. The muscles in your thighs grew larger as you’d flex them whenever he thrusts. Trevor was staring down at your tits. They jiggled and wobbled so animatedly. It was like he was hypnotised.
“Fuck, Trevor!” Your fantasy has come true. You were moaning his name like you were before, in your dreams. Breathing for air was hard considering he left no time, he just kept on pushing and drilling inside of you. The drugs that gives him speed clearly is taking an effect as he’s so rapid.
“Yes, [Y/n], my God. You fuckin’ GODESS!”
Flexing your thighs again, Trevor averted his eyes from your tits and turned to the legs that were restricting his breathing. His tongue fell out of his mouth and began licking exotically across your skin. As he’d ruthlessly fuck you, the slimy trail of his saliva on your legs that glistened in the light followed up to where he turned licking into kissing.
“Yes, Trevor!” You pleaded.
He attacked you with his lips. Your thighs and calves were left in red and brown bruises. It was so beautifully presented. After admiring his work, he grew tired and leaned closer, dropping them from his shoulders. Trevor was doing snake press-ups over your nakedness. His strong arms helped him thrust in and out so effectively. You couldn’t help yourself and reached for his neck, pulling him closer.
“Hmm, I’m here, baby,” Trevor purred at the sudden closeness, “I ain’t leavin’ your pretty face out.” A soft touch of his lips molested the inner circle of your neck. However bad you wanted him, it was never enough.
“Harder, Trev.”
He perked his head up, “Harder, you say?”
You nodded frantically.
“Ohhh, I love your style, baby,” A snicker was all you heard before he increased his speed. His face was inches above your breasts as he’d focus on giving you it rough and hard, “F-Fuck… You horny as fuck, babe. I fuckin’ LOVE IT.”
Now you were at risk of hitting your head on the bed railings. It was glorious. You could almost see stars until…
“M’okay… [Y/n], I gotta-“ Trevor pulled out in time for his cum to demolish your bed covers. His face was crunched with ecstasy and his arms were shaking out of weakness. You were so close that seeing him collapse onto your breasts did it.
“Trevor!” You choked out. The clogged up climax that had been distressing you all day was finally out and it dribbled down, mixing itself with Trevor’s fluids.
His body was practically meshed with yours. He was panting like an animal, his hair dampened with sweat and mouth wide open, projecting his intoxicating breath upon your chest. You rubbed his back and was washed over in relief. You couldn’t believe your dream had come true.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
Fail-Safe (1)
a/n: hi everyone! Look at me with a new series that I’ll hopefully keep up with! I’ve had this idea in my mind for a while now and i hope someone enjoys it! Thank you for reading!!
tag list: @sunshadesnrainbowz word count: 1.7k
prompt: Dreykov always had a back up plan, a fail safe, in case his empire fell. You grew up with Yelena and Natasha in the Red Room. But unlike your sisters, who became an Avenger or the greatest child assassin respectively, Dreykov had a different purpose for you. Now that he was gone, you were released from your cage - to hunt down the ones responsible for the death of the Red Room.
pairing(s): yelena belova x dark!sister!reader | kate bishop x dark!reader (not romantic) | antonia dreykov x dark!reader
warning(s)/notes: dark!fic | graphic displays of violence | depictions of blood + murder | Y/N is psycho but in a bad bitch way | throwing up | natasha being Y/N’s voice of conscious - in a ghost way | Y/N has a skeleton covered in vibranium + adamantium and gravitonium injections, bc I apparently can’t write a villain!reader who’s not overpowered | Y/N also has super enhanced speed, strength, freaking agility/flexibility | mentions of torture as a child and young adult | black widow movie implied that some black widow assassins are mutants | there’s prolly more tbh
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Humming, you walked down the hall, fingers dragging against the wall, leaving streaks of blood to decorate the drab paint. Your steps were exaggerated, large and dancing. You felt the warm drip of blood from the cut on your head, where she was able to nick you. Licking the blood that dripped near your mouth, you chuckled, twirling the machete that had been dragging on the floor in your other hand. You would let her savor that little moment of hers, ignoring the fact you had just woken up from your sleep, you weren’t a total monster.
“Oh, Lana!” You sang out, laughing when you heard her panicked breaths. You paused in front of the double doors, where you saw the shadows of her feet shuffling. Cocking your head to the side, you smiled. Oh how you loved the hunt. You found another entrance to the room, stalking quietly like a cat to your prey. Once inside the room, you silently let your braids fall, your hair surrounding you like a curtain. You loved the dramatic things of your presentation, how your hair fell in front of your eyes, mixing with your blood. How it framed the cut on your scalp, how it accented the crazy look in your eyes. Tightening your grip on the knife, you creeped behind Lana, who was anxiously standing near the other door, waiting for you to come through. You tapped her shoulder, snickering as her body tensed up. She slowly turned around, eyes widening in fear when she saw you. She let out a gasp at the cut she had given you, watching with eyes radiating in alarm as blood stopped trickling, revealing the silver layer beneath your skin. You smirked sickly, the blood that had dripped down your face only adding to your psychotic glare.
“Peek-a-boo.” You whispered, pushing Lana backwards slightly, your strength making her stumble. But before she hit the ground, you swung your machete.
Two thumps on the floor. Blood flooding towards your barefoot feet, the red substance staining your skin. Resuming your humming, you twirled your now dripping knife leisurely, practically swaying out of the room, making your way into the kitchen. After all, you knew better than to kill on an empty stomach.
Kate could barely hold back the vomit building up in her throat. She covered her mouth and turned to walk out the room. Yelena just sat in a blood stained chair, looking at the scene with blank eyes. She had freed Lana almost right before the Snap, before she was gone for five years. She was a young, energetic woman, excited for her future. And now…
Yelena bit her knuckle as she shook her head, tears building in her eyes. She stood up, making her way out the door as the investigators went over the scene. She placed a comforting hand on Kate’s back, who was busy being reintroduced to her breakfast and lunch. When she was finished, Kate stood up, giving Yelena a weak smile before looking behind her at the scene with horror.
“God, who would- who would do something like that?” Voice hoarse from throwing up, Kate swallowed, her muscles constricting as she held back from vomiting once more. Yelena shook her head, still shocked from what she saw. Though the dead body, or the pieces of it, was nasty enough, the two women silently agreed on the most gruesome part. In the kitchen, there was a plate with a half eaten sandwich, made with blood stained hands. Yelena walked over to the plate, seeing a note underneath the porcelain. With steady hands, Yelena grabbed the paper gently, reading the words written in plain black ink.
“Always have a back up plan” is such a boring phrase, don’t you think? Anyways, have fun playing the game - it’s only just begun
See you soon, большая сестра
Yelena crumbled the note in her hand, fear and anger overtaking her. She slammed the fist on the counter, resting her forehead on the closed fist. Kate jumped at the sound, looking at her friend in concern.
“She’s baiting me,” the Russian snarled under her breath, standing up to pace back and forth in the kitchen, “that little-”
Yelena paused in her place, the last two words on the note finally registering. Frantically, she smoothed out the note, reading the last line over and over.
большая сестра
большая сестра
большая сестра
Big sister.
Yelena’s eyes widened as she stumbled backwards, note falling to the floor as she covered her mouth with her hand.
“Oh no…” she whispered, looking at the archer with dread-filled eyes. Kate looked at Yelena in confusion, slightly eyeing the tattered note on the floor.
Yelena just stared at her friend as memories flooded her mind.
Memories of her younger sister being forced into the role of a monster.
No one knew what Dreykov was doing to you. All they saw were your dulled eyes, the fresh wounds on your arms and legs, the tremble in your lips as you were desperate for salvation.
But it never came.
One day, Yelena was called in for a personal meeting with Dreykov. The young woman was rightfully anxious, worried she had done something out of place. Going through her mind, she recalled her past missions, each one ending in success. She had to work extra hard now that Natasha had betrayed the cause. Knocking on the giant doors, Yelena straightened her back out of respect when Dreykov’s voice invited her in.
“Ah, little Yelena, how I look forward to your future.” While he spoke like poisoned vinegar, Yelena only heard sweetened honey. She nodded at her leader, following him when he gestured at her as he walked down a hallway revealed by a scanner on his palm. Yelena took in the dark steel walls, the floor creaking ominously as she walked. Dreykov addressed her as he adjusted the cuffs of his blazer.
“It must be hard, being…sisters with a traitor,” his words sent anger flooding through Yelena, yet for some reason she didn’t know why, “but don’t worry little one, you still have one more for redemption.”
Recognition flickered through the blonde’s mind. Her younger sister, Y/N, had been dragged away years ago, presumed dead by the hands of the very man standing in front of Yelena now. She remembered crying that night, a foreign concept to her now.
Dreykov opened a sliding door, revealing a tub boiling with a mixture of silver and something not quite from earth. With a flick of his fingers, armored guards walked into the room, your limp form being carried by two of them. Yelena’s eyes widened at you being alive, the dotted lines all over your body, like you were about to have surgery. Your tired eyes connected with Yelena’s and you sent her a look she couldn’t interpret. Silently, you were placed in a tub filled with clear water, one next to the vat of boiling metal.
“Sadly, the only way, as my colleagues and i have learned, to control this metal is in it’s liquid form,” Yelena realized Dreykov had been speaking to her, quickly snapping her eyes away from you, “but this girl, she’s perfect for these experiments. She regenerates at a pace that far exceeds the experiment of my colleague and there’s something in her genetics, something…” Yelena didn’t know if she liked the gleam in his eyes, “moldable.”
She didn’t have time to question why the patriarch of the Red Room was being so chatty when he snapped and syringes filled with the metal, entering the water chamber through openings on the side. With fascination, Yelena watched as your skin was pierced and injected with the melted metal. Your screams echoed off the walls as you thrashed underwater.
“Beautiful, isn’t it? Too bad you won’t remember it, little one.”
She barely registered his words before her vision went dark.
You didn’t remember the city, as you were torn from any chances of a future from a young age. But as you strolled down the streets, stolen clothes adorning your body, sipping on a fountain drink, you let yourself get immersed in the false waves of nostalgia. Your sunglasses rested on your head, tangling in your curls. But you didn’t care, the slight discomfort helped you stay focused. Soon, your target caught your eye and you casually made your way over.
A week had passed since the passing of Lana and you were getting bored. No one likes a player who doesn’t follow the rules of the game. Carefully, and as planned, you bumped into the girl, falling back slightly with practiced steps.
“Oh, crap I am so sorry!” Her concerned voice made you want to smirk but you merely smiled.
“It was my fault truly and, oh!” You looked down at your shirt, where the woman’s coffee had split. She looked sheepish, covering her eyes with her hand.
“Oh no it’s fine!” You assured her, waving your hands in the air, “once again, my fault. Let me buy you another?”
The woman laughed before nodding.
“Only if you let me buy you a coffee too, to make up for ruining such a gorgeous blouse.”
Holding out a hand, you introduced yourself, no fake names needed.
“Y/N Vostokoff.”
The woman took your hand like a deer falling into a perfectly placed trap.
“Laura Barton.”
You remembered the first time you were given your orders, the ones that would frame your life. It was as you were placed in a cryochamber, Dreykov walked into the room, the implants in your brain making you listen and obey his every word.
“In the case of my untimely death, I’m going to need a Huntress, someone willing to take out my killers,” he cupped your face, a false sense of fatherhood, “you will be by fail-safe, Y/N. If my empire falls, track down the ones responsible, any method you like, tear them apart - physically, mentally, emotionally, it doesn’t matter. Go after their loved ones, go after their loved ones loved ones. Crumble them to pieces, do you understand?”
As he walked away and frost flooded your vision, your mind latched on to his words, a small smile frozen on your lips as you slept. You only had one thought as you drifted into the cold darkness.
I understand
a/n: i feel like this was terrible but thank you for reading! Ik this is tagged as antonia Dreykov x reader and don’t worry, she shows up next chapter (if anyone wants it of course). I love you guys! [also more Y/N backstory next chapter]
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lovelyprincessn64 · 8 months
Halloween request event
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Come one and Come all today is spook mouth all day and night and this year I want to give everyone a special event for a holiday of horror and nostalgia.
Welcome to the Halloween party to request for any horror of your choice and to your heart desires and here are the choices:
Creepypastas and pokepastas
Crospe Groom Vincent Valentine anniversary
Spooky Mouth
Horror games and movies pules tv shows
Day of the dead
Celebrating the FNAF movie
Characters cosplaying
Halloween party
Trick or treat
Prompts of your choice (it has to be spooky theme)
Pumpkin patch
Suff form your childhood or nostalgia
Fan made monster high skullector dolls
Fanasy horror
Dead in the night
20. Any thing horror related
21. Gruesome faith
22. Yandere nightmare
23. Fan art of fan made horror games
24. Lots of blood and gore
25. Gothic style
26. Fall / autumn
27. Vacation to nightmare
28. Apocalypse
29. Dark desire
30. Monster fright
31. Hypnos lullaby tribute
32. Friday the 13th
33. Candy
34. Horror anime shows
35. Japan Halloween theme
36. Your ocs
37. Black and white horror Style
38. Tim Burton
39. Disney's Halloween theme movies
40. Bloody movie theater
41. Bloody snacks
42. mcdonald's boo buckets
43. Halloween specials
44. Vincent Valentine's birthday
45. L's Birthday
46. Bakery hell
47. Pumpkin spice latte
48. treehouse of horror
49. Childhood trauma
51. Tails's birthday and Tankman birthday
52. Monster Mash
53. sweetest of dreams
54. Night of the nuns
55. Ladies night
56. Sweet as sugar
57. Cafe nights
58. Fortunes of misfortunes
59. Last night at the Christmas party
60. Everless night
61. Final Call of a final girl
62. Death by Grimace Shake
63. Cupcakes
64. Eddsworld
65. R.I.P in pieces
66. Nightmare night
67. Five nights of fun
68. Victims of blood lust
69. vocaloid of terror
70. Dawn of the box office
71. Build a bitch
72. Doomsday
73. Winterwonder HorrorLand
74. Magician of mischievous
75. Tales of Horror Korean
76. Psychotic pharaoh
75. Animal crossing Halloween stuff
76. Cookie Run
77. Grave mistake
78. Lost CN episodes
79. Haunting Hour
80. Chills
81. Deadly sorrow
82. Night of the Woods
83. Come learn with Pibby
84. Fran bow
85. Garden of nightmares
86.🌡Blood n Honey 🍯
87. Random Encounters
88. Reflections
89. Deepest of regrets
90. Hell on kitty
91. Wii Deleted You
92. Jerry's basement
93. Toy Story Black Friday incident
94. Mario Madness
95. Baked alive
94. Dead Bart
95. Saturday of asphyxiation
96. Wonderland Massacre
97. Untold loneliness
98. Mr. Prinz's Pokemon Dusk & Pokémon Dawn also Pokémon Nightfall even Pokémon Nocturne including Pokémon Aurora along with Klaus and Dave even the dark Chronicles.
99. Cult Of The Lamb (some parts of it),
100. Splatoween Splatfest
101. Printer problems
102. The Phantom of the Opera
103. Soap opera genre
104. Dream yard of doom
105. Buried alive
106. Spider tea party time
107. Afterlife with Archie
108. The Walking Dead
109. Lost Silver
110. Evil Among Us
111. Rainbow Factory
112. What have I done
113. Old Chateau
114. Zardy's maze
115.Japan Halloween style
116. Ghosting you since 96
117. The bite of 87
118. Horrific Thanksgiving
119. Self aware genre
200. Earthbound Halloween hack
201. sonic channel
202. Balena Productions (some of it)
203. Tails gets trolled Halloween mod
204. Little Red Riding Hood zombie BBQ
205. Creepy dolls
206. Blood and Feathers
207. meatcanyon (but no requests of his real people videos including the controversial Super Bowl incident)
208. happy birthday balvenie
209. Karamari Hospital
210. Halloween shit post
211. Unown King
212. Cursed Cat Alastor
213. Lady/ man in the mirror
214. The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
215. Resident Evil
216. Spooky Redraws
217. The House of the Dead
218. Haunted Mansion
219. October birthdays
220. illbleed (it's a horror game)
221. Night of the consumers
222. Flesh Birds
223. Dino Crisis
224. Witch way
225. Eaten alive
226. Spookycore
227. No Escape
228. Goth Amy
229. Jack the Pumpkin King
230. Dear brother
231. Ben 10 Zombozo
232. Living Dead Boy / Girl
233. Monster Hunters
234. Nuns murder
235. The man that killed Halloween
236. After Dark
237. Little dark age
238. Calling All The Monsters
239. Turn the lights off
240. Thriller
241. Bloody Mary
242. Dead by Daylight
243. Spooky skeletons
244. Monsters under the bed
245. Charlie Brown Halloween special
246. Death comes at midnight
247. Black cats
248. Hocus Pocus
249. Radio demon
250. Overdue
251. Haunted by screams
252. Pandora's Box
253. Starve Eggman / starved characters
254. Ghostbusters (No 2016 version)
255. Nowhere to Run
256. Bloodpop
257. Plants vs Zombies
258. Main course
259. Genocide
260. Last Escape
261. Kill la kill anniversary
262. Shitno
263. Carnitrix
264. Blood stain ritual of the night
265. Suicide mickey.avi
266. Rain of Terror
267. Castlevania
268. Nightmare invasion
269. Deceased
270. City of the Dead
271. Scent of night
272. Look out!
273. Wind's Wreck
274. Children of the Night
275. Burger and Frights
276. Headless Horseman
277. Unborn's lullaby
278. There's always another night
279. Nebula
280. Reversion
281. Haunted by Screams
282. Living in the Dark
283. Moonlight Menschen
284. Hazbin hotel
285. One night at flumpty's 
286. Crimson head
287. I am not me
288. Silent Hill
289. Jack O'Lantern
290. Gorefield
291. Tofu Survivor
292. Grim Reaper
293. Grave robber
294. Scared Stupid
295. Mr. X
296. Don't feed it at midnight
297. Red Mist
298. Boogeyman
299. Ghost zone
300. What's your favorite scary movie
301. Thalassophobia
302. Mr. L
303. Death is part of life
304. Abandoned by Disney
305. He needs to eat
306. Why I'll never play a Mario game again
307. Appleyes
308. Body Gore
309. Black Ops Zombies
310. Dead space
311. Sleep experiment
312. Every copy is personalized
314. Sonic Generations beta
315. No mercy
316. Eyeless Jack
317. Slender Man
318. Ben drowned
319. Godzilla NES
320. Misfortune.gb
321. Glitchy red
322. Strangle red
323. I am Mr mix
324. Happiness for sale
325. Rap rat
326. Escape from Marywood
327. 1999
328. Rotten yellow
329. Zombreon
330. Pokemon Dead channel
331. Creepy Jigglypuff
332. Disabled can't sing (it's based off of a Pokemon Creepypasta about a Wigglytuff name disabled that cannot sing or use any Pokemon moves)
333. Please hurry
334. Sonic. exe
335. Bio crisis
336. Lisa Trevor
337. Circle you game
338. I hate you
339. Left unchecked
340. National Noodle Day
341. Boyfriend day
342. Abandoned loneliness
343. Pasta night
344. Bad ending friends
345. Evil art
346. Possessed Dawn
347. No you're not the one
348. I am not a clone
349. Goosebumps
350. Triple trouble
351. Sally.exe
352. Purple guy
353. King of five nights at Freddy's
354. Not everything as it seems
355. The murder of me
356. I'm pretty sure it's haunted
357. Luna game
358. Polybius
359. Lemon monster
360. Ed Edd n Eddy's boo haw haw
361. Las plagas
362. Ghost train
363. Resident Evil scrapped creatures
364. The Batman that laughs
365. Gregory's Horror Show
366. Deep fear
367. Faceless
368. Slendytubbies
369. Helluva boss
370. Carnival of Lost Souls
371. Vampire heart Draculaura
372. Why do ghouls fall in love
373. Sugar skeletons
374. Blood drive
375. Darkstalkers
376. Little red psycho Hood
377. #DRCL midnight children manga
378. Blood wash
379. She sways in her velvet dress
380. Keep going
381. Broken finger paradise
382. Horror tales patrick
383. Just gold
384. Survive the night
385. Hex Girls
386. Scooby-Doo Zombie Island (sequel to the movie not allowed)
387. Virus
388. Higurashi: when they cry
389. Hinamizawa syndrome
390. It's alive
391. Happy Fella
392. Harvest festival 64
393. Bonnie's Bakery
394. Morning coffee
395. Close at 2
396. Mouthwashing
397. Dr jekyll and Mr hyde
398. Fruit witches
399. Scoop room
400. YouTuber lumpy touch
401. Sleep paralysis
402. That's not my neighbour
403. Scarlet milk
404. Fundamental paper education
405. Zodick the Hellhog
406. Noh mask
407. Okiku doll
408. Aka Manto
409. Jinmenken
410. Oiwa
411. Nure-onna
412. Rokurokubi
413. Gashadokuro
414. Kunekune
Disclaimer: be sure to read the rules before requesting please be thankful and understandable and civil thank you for reading and understanding.
Note: unlike normal requests you have to request horror theme or if your not interested you can always send a normal one.
Have fun ~🎃🎁
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batboysoneshots · 6 months
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Summary: Dicks first time meeting the Joker makes him have horrible nightmares.
Third person pov...
10 year old Robin jumps out from the BatMobile, tired and achy he begins to pull of his boots,belt and Mask. They had beeb tracking the Joker for the past couple of days.
It started out as a normal patrol before the spotted the Joker, it was Robins first time meeting the psycho and he never wanted to meet him again.
Yawning the boy changes into his normal clothes, as he comes out of thr changing room he looks around for Batman but couldn't find him, he was going to walk upstairs before someone touched his shoulder.
Still freaked out by Joker the boy leaps away from tjr hand like a cat almost leaping up into the rafters. The kids breathing quickens before he realises who it was.
"B?" He asks thr dark figure, Bruce nods his head and takes off his cowl, face showing worry as the boy got scared. "You okay Chum?" He asks knowing the  boy wasn't okay.
Dick just gives the man his usual blinding smile. "I'm doing great B, just tired I guess" he says, Bruce believes him. "Sure, whu don't you head on up to  bed Chum" he says to the boy.
Dick grins then sprints off upstairs to the Manor leaving Bruce to think on thr boys reaction.
Upstairs Dick sprints to his bedroom, breathing heavy his lays on his bed happy to be home and of the streets. Sighing his sits up and walks to the bathroom a quick shower later and his tucked under his covers.
Hours later...
Dick is in his bed sleeping soundly, suddenly he is somewhere else and tied to a chair in thr middle of a room, it was dark the boy didn't like it.
"Hello anyone there?" He calls into the darkness, suddenly a familiar cackle which makes the boy jump, he was on high alert.
Every muscle in his body trying to get the ropes off but they were to tight. The little boy is stuck, the psychotic clown walks into the light.
His white skin, sick green hair and red lips like blood tretched in his god awful smile. "Well if it isn't boy blunder, no Batman to save you now" cackles the clown.
Dick struggles in the ropes begging to be let out of this nightmare, the clown walks closer to the struggling child. "No let me go, Bruce! Help me!" He cries Jokers laugh blocking his cries.
"Wake up"
"Dick wake up its Bruce" calls the black haired man, he had heard his sons cries from downstairs he was just coming to bed himself when he heard Dicks cries.
He all but ran into his sons room, from the door he saw Dick struggling I'm his covers crying out. For Him. Not Batman him.
He walks over to his distressed child and tries to wake him up. Kneeling his shakes the boy, Dick continues to cry.
"Dick come on wake up its Bruce" finally the boy opens his eyes. Bruce smiles at him "there we go" he says softly whiping away the boys tears.
The boy reaches out a hand and tou he's Bruces face wondering if he's actually there. "Bruce" he gasps sitting up and throwing his arms around the man, crying again.
Bruces shushes him and holds him tight, half an hour later the boy had stopped crying only sniffles. Bruce rubs a hand up and down the boys back calming him.
"What happed Chum" he asks the scared boy. A minute goes by before Dick speaks. " Joker, he was there" makes the boy, Bruce tightens his hug.
"H-He took me you didn't come" cries the boy. "I'll always come for you Chum" he mutters the boy crushed to his chest. "Can I sleep with you Bruce?" He asks.
Bruce stands "of course chum" he says grabs Dicks elephant and walks to the master bedroom. Bruce tucks the boy in then gets in himself.
He kisses the boys forehead. "Good night chum" he hopes the boy sleeps better.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot.
Requests are open!
Word count: 711
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queer-adhd · 1 year
Dave I have a question (no pressure) but after my T injection (I restarted it after 6 mos, and this happened every time before too) I get insanely itchy at the injection site for several days and get this little lump under the skin? Do you know what that could be 🤔 for context I do subq injections in my tummy with insulin needles, sometimes it can get red and a little rashy around it too
Hi @psychotic-cat !
So T as a medication for trans stuff is underresearched (is anyone surprised?) But irritation and rashes are listed as something to ask your GP about for the NHS guidelines. Apologies if the link doesn't work; Google PDFs are really hard to link to.
Anyway: it's up to you what you do of course. If you trust your prescriber maybe bring up the irritation! I'd always recommend checking to be safe.
If not: as per, I am not a medical professional. However, if your dosage remains the same strength and you don't have any other concerns I personally wouldn't worry too much about a mild skin irritation.
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sheep-goat-art · 2 years
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this just in: sheepy finds interest in a obscure retired store mascot after learning her existence. dammit hot topic, why’d ya retire her??? 😫😫
[image id: a sketched up colored drawing of Jim Benton’s Sweetypuss, a retired mascot from the store Hot Topic in a gray background. she is a white cat with black stripes on her ears and tail; she wears a red bow with black stripes as well as a red and black long sleeve dress and red leggings that with black stripes and black witch-like boots. on her right hand, Sweetypuss carries a gray colored axe, and has a rather demented, psychotic expression on her face. the writing on the left side says “Sweetypuss” accompanied with a little heart drawn at the bottom. /end id]
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imvasic · 9 months
HELP i just found discord messages from like 2 years ago before i went on antidepressants where i was so bad that i was having a whole psychotic episode and was convinced itemlabel was some sort of like... underground brainwashing company set up by people who were out to Get Me for finding out their intentions 💀 i was fr sending messages to my friends convinced they had put peepy plushies with cameras for eyes Inside My Room because i had talked bad about them for encouraging unhealthy shopping addictions in their discord (which did happen actually)????? how the hell did i think my mental state "wasn't that bad" what the fuck 😭
i assume this probably came from the fact that a manipulative asshole of an ex-friend was obsessed with peepy and the association was fucking with my head but DEAR LORD i sounded absolutely unhinged
yeah oooo so scary little tiny squeaky cow creature
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[ID: An image of the cow print Peepy plush. It's made of two spheres of cow print fabric put together and it has small stubby yellow legs, a white tail with a yellow ball on the end, two cat-like ears, a yellow beak with a red stitched silly smile, and two very round silver plastic eyes with large pupils. The facial features of Peepy give it the look of a charming, slightly misshapen bootleg Furby toy. /End ID.]
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storymakeroc · 4 months
Full name:Janet Rose Becker.
(Looks one year younger than her age)
•Argentinien-German is from Buenos Aires
Favorite color: Black Blue Grey Green Purple and light pink.
Fear/s: Illnesses and losing the people she loves and cares about.
Looks like:{Has light brown hair light skin color and light blue eyes and has a small waist and she is also flat just like Emilia but they both are happy like that}
•Height: 5,6
•Code name: Jazz
•Likes: Candy talking to her friends and Emilia and writing.
Dislike: Nazis Hitler and people being rude.
When killing: a bit dangerous cold hearted and does it fast because she doesn't really like to.
•Full name:Sally Alina Hoffman
•Height: 5, 5
•Favorite color: Black white grey yellow red brown
Looks like:{Has black hair olive skin color and amber brown eyes and has a small waist and normal size breasts}
•Fear/s: The fear of tight places.
•Code name: Star.
Likes: Love Margaret's German Shepherd hugging Jackrabbit {Jacob} and being and talking to Sunny {Sasha} and cats.
Dislikes: Nazis tight places fighting and war.
When killing: Just like Maximilion does it fast because she doesn't want to be too psychotic.
•Full name:Sasha Alicja Klein.
•Polish- German .
•Height: 5, 5
•Looks like:{ Dark brown hair light skin color and warm brown eye color and has a small waist medium size breasts}
•Favorite color: Pink aqua grass green
•Fear/s: Skulls and broken glass.
•Code name: Sunny.
•Likes: Talking to her friends and Star making people smile dogs and cats.
•Dislikes: Nazis rude people Adolf Hitler and war.
When killing: Fast dangerous and quick.
•Full name:Margaret Lea Stefan
•Russian-German is from Saint Petersburg in the Soviet Union.
•Height: 5, 6
•Looks like: {Has bright red hair snow-white skin color and bright blue eyes and a small waist and medium size breasts}
•Favorite color: she likes the darker shades and little bit of the lighter shades.
{and looks two years younger than her age}
Fear: Losing the people she loves and cares about.
•Is both a psychopath and sociopath.
(Has ADHD Bipolar disorder and PTSD)
[Ok now that I am done with the Jewish assassin I will do one of the other characters bye]
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