#The Hardest Breakup Of My Life Taught Me This
witheringgflower · 7 months
being aroace and a hopeless romantic feels like an infinite cycle of unmet expectations and withering dreams.
i think the hardest part of accepting that i wasn't only ace but also aro was precisely burying the life i dreamt for me. burying that one dream that, at some point, i might find someone to love... romantically speaking. being aroace has taught me just why i always take friendship breakups so hard. why i always feel neglected within my friendships because i always put them first, but i will always come second because romantic partners will always come first. and don't get me wrong: i am beyond ecstatic that my friends, slowly, have come to find people that cherish them just like they deserve to be. i am truly, genuinely, so excited to see my friends being loved like that.
it's just also terribly lonely. because i know that's a love i won't ever experience. even if i dreamt at some point of getting married or just have someone i can rely on like that, it's just not happening. and grieving those experiences have exhausted me in many ways—ways that i cannot tell my friends because, even if they tried to understand, they can't. they can only see that i avoid relationships and dates like the plague. that i find comfort in fictional characters, and books, and videogames, and music, but never, ever, on a significant someone.
one of my best friends said to me, while on the subject of visual novels and otome games, that i didn't feel the need to look for a boyfriend because these pixels, these games, satisfied all of my emotional needs. maybe she was right. i haven't played an otome game in almost a year, but maybe she was onto something. we were both fresh out of highschool when she said that. maybe they did satisfy my needs for romance or whatever it is. maybe they also made me feel lonelier. maybe that's why i daydream so much of being in a world that is not this one—a world where someone loves me, and i love them, and maybe, if timing is right, i would love them so much that bringing a kid into this world wouldn't seem so much like a nightmare and more like the right choice. ♡
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the-hushed-one · 8 months
I am not fully over the Jaylor breakup, but I am losing hope of their reconciliation. But here is what I am going to say.
I am so grateful that that relationship happened. That relationship and the breakup taught me so much about...stuff...
Their relationship though private, taught me so much.
They taught me that love isn't black and white. It isn't just love or hate. It is a beautiful mix of feelings. A golden mix of feelings. Love is a beautiful combination of happiness, comfort, a true friendship, intimacy, trust, honesty, laughter, loyalty, understanding, patience. But keeping aside all the happy feelings, love is also filled with angst and gloominess, sadness, fights, jealousy, tears, hurt and loneliness at times.
They taught me that true love can be messy, complicated and a difficult thing to do. They taught me that a relationship is perfect despite having the flaws like trust issues, commitment issues, hurt and tears.
The real thing that matters is if you stay with them during their happiness and sadness. And he stayed for her through it all.
Their breakup taught me that forever is a lie. This is not in a sad way, but the truth. If not life, then death would definitely come in the way of forever. Not every beautiful thing lasts. However, just because something extremely beautiful came to an end, that doesn't mean it was never good once.
Their breakup changed my perspective towards relationships and life. Their relationship got me through the hardest times ever in my life. I am just glad I could witness some of it as a fan:)
I will never not miss Joe and Taylor together. I am a child of divorce:(
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recovery-n-poartry · 2 years
The hardest poems to write are the ones in which I haven’t entirely healed.
This is and will forever be one of those.
Part One
He captivated me from the start.
Drawing me in
The way the ocean gently pulls each wave back to her mouth,
Kissing her softly before releasing her to the shore once again.
His charming smile called my name in a heavenly tune.
He wasn’t the only man to ever call me princess.
But when he did,
He said it like it were the only name suitable for me.
He made me feel as though it were true.
He spoke it in a tone so soft, it made me melt to match its consistency.
Overlooking Pine Island Sound
For the first time
Late at night
It felt as though the world had stopped its dizzying motion and time stood still.
For years after that,
There would be a bouquet of grocery store flowers on our kitchen bar for me.
I would learn what it meant to be half of the plural pronouns.
No longer was it mine and me.
Soon, it became ours and we.
We would watch the sunset on the boat as often as we could.
We would skinny-dip our way around one island after another.
We would make love off the coast of our favorite island.
And we would lose sight of the world.
The waves would encompass our love as they washed gently towards us,
Seemingly pulling us closer together with each swell.
The sky was a distant memory when all that was visible was water and skin.
Our home was wherever we were together.
Our dogs were our babies.
The ocean was our playground.
We came home to one another’s embrace.
He was mine.
I was his.
All was well.
Part Two
Our story did not end with “Happily ever after...”
Our story,
It ended as passionately as it began.
With fire on our tongues and desperation in our bellies,
We tore each other apart, one piece at a time.
Rage replaced our language of love.
Yet, it was not long before we discovered where we were best fit.
Our and we collapsed back to mine and me.
I call our breakup, “the dark days”
Let’s not talk about the dark days.
Instead, let’s talk about the countless times
My depression led me back to his arms.
Bawling for life to leave me behind,
I would dissolve in his arms.
I would give away my grief to my lover turned best friend.
And he would hold it.
He would hold me.
Both he and I knew that the days of we were over
Yet, the love lived on.
And that is to say,
Our love never died.
It transformed into the purest of friendships.
Where I loved to watch as he fell in love again.
He taught me how to have the courage to lean in for the first kiss
in my next relationship.
He held my hand as I told him I was pregnant and scared,
Knowing it wasn’t his child.
He held my entire body as I shook with sorrow
From the following miscarriage.
He was my rock.
I was his hard place.
There was nothing in between.
Part Three
I’m listening to Rudy Francisco’s reading of Drowning Fish
When a line grabs ahold of me,
“Aren’t they built to survive in that environment?”
And I think of him.
And the way he died.
The propeller stole the air from his lungs,
Replacing it with the same water that once bathed us in love.
Two men on the boat
With deceit in their hearts.
I was not there.
I could not stop them.
Part Four
There’s only one way I knew how to face a grief so strong and overbearing.
Drown it.
I hurt myself today,
to see if I still feel.
With each dive of the plunger,
My pain seemed to vanish.
I focus on the pain,
the only thing that’s real.
Give it a few hours.
It would be back with vengeance.
The needle tears a hole.
This mad cycle only worsened with time.
The old familiar sting.
Draining the life from me with each shot.
Try to kill it all away.
Intentionally pushing my doses, larger and larger.
But I remember everything.
Only to wake up to the same hell I passed out in.
Drowning the pain never seemed to work.
No matter how high the cliff,
I landed on my feet.
The hospitals never seemed to help,
Their only goal to regain consciousness.
Suicide is a door
I’ve grown too accustomed to knocking on.
A door that’s empty on either side.
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sweetestofme · 8 days
Life after break up
Acceptance. Forgiveness.
"Berdamai dengan takdir" is a simple phrase but it's the hardest part of living. to ikhlaskan everything, to accept whatever is written for you, to let go and let God. But once you did that, you will be in peace.
So, gimana cara "move on" setelah menjalani hubungan 6,5 tahun berpacaran? Susah? Galau? Yes. of course.
Terkadang, bacain chat lama and realize how close we used to be. but too bad can't have it back HAHA. good old times, I think.
kalo ke flashback ke hal hal yg bikin sakit tuh sebenarnya yg aku tangisin bukan orangnya tapi karena "why should I deserve this? kenapa aku di perlakukan segitunya?"
I was heartbroken for so many times. Again and again. The sad part is, I'm the only one who picks up the pieces. Every single time.
yeah breakups hurt, but have you ever been a super talkative, enthusiastic person but slowly over the years and after trauma you watch yourself become quieter and quieter to the point where that person just isn't who you are anymore?
Sekarang aku paham kalau cari pasangan yang bener-bener merhatiin hal-hal kecil tentang kita itu penting. Apalagi yang ada kaitannya sama mental health, trust issue, trauma dan apa yang buat kita takut. Cause some just listen to understand, but the right one will listen to learn.
aku setuju dengan kata-kata Denny Sumargo, yang kalimatnya seperti ini: "kalau prinsip laki-laki yang beneran cinta dan sayang itu bakalan doing something buat mempercepat agar tidak kehilangan" intinya, kalau kita tidak diperjuangkan dan diusahakan berarti ada pertimbangan yang lain.
People come and go, Semua udah ada porsinya masing-masing, mungkin emang masanya aja yang udah abis. Karena setiap yang hadir pasti bakalan pergi, itu suatu kepastian yang mungkin ga ada satu orangpun menyukainya. Cukup nikmati prosesnya dan selalu berusaha untuk bahagia.
at least kita pernah ngabisin waktu dan cerita tentang banyak hal. walaupun endingnya we never talk again and you’ll find the new happiness.
My last relationship taught me that the more chances you give someone, the less they value you. They're not afraid to lose you because they know no matter what, you won't walk away. Never let someone get too comfortable with disrespecting you. Love yourself first.
I’m soo in love with my process this time around. I feel myself growing more than ever, thank you God for clarity and lessons, my next chapter is going to be out of this world!
I’ve been feeling so happy these days…jadi suka mikir dulu pernah loh sedih sampe seterpuruk itu, sampe gak bisa ngapa-ngapain. ternyata it gets better. it does get better. so keep fighting, whatever your battles are! happiness will come soon! 
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electricdaisies · 2 years
I've been sleeping better these days. I don't wake up feeling well rested but I'm definitely less tired. I'm still going all out with my activities. I still boulder, run, play basketball and do pilates every week.
I don't feel sad anymore, I don't feel the pain anymore, I don't miss him, don't wonder about him or the relationship anymore.
This whole breakup taught me so damn much about myself. I think it's this year that I'm truly prioritising myself. Caring for myself and my sanity, choosing to be happy, choosing what makes me happy, even choosing the people I want to keep in my life. I lost so much, but I've also gained so so much.
I think I semi expected that I'd be losing some friendships but what I did not expect was the number of people who offered love, kindness and support to me throughout the hardest times of my life. I'm so damn grateful. Getting to where I am now - finally sleeping 6 hours a night, having fixed exercise routines, laughing everyday, I owe it all to people who came into my life this year.
Thank you all for seeing something in me, for seeing someone worth sticking by, for being willing to stand by me when I could barely hold myself together. Thank you for putting me back together when I was so broken and everywhere. Thank you for everyday I had you guys to talk and laugh with, for the days and weeks that felt so wholesome. Thank you for accepting me for me. I am and will be eternally grateful.
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mountswhore · 3 years
hey! see u were taking requests so i wanted one with mason related to "london boy" by taylor swift? maybe reader is a singer or something like that?
one of the best taylor swift songs imo, so of course!
𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐲 — mason mount
summary: mason shows you around london during your break, and now you don't think you can ever go back
notes: requests are open again! my asks are open.
Leaving your hometown in New York to visit the world was one of the hardest things you had to do. But you had your dream job, now it was time to follow it. Your recent album was a success, pouring your heart into it as you recovered from your breakup. Your fans had watched your relationship build, and then break apart. Hearing your side of things through 14 songs. Awards, interviews, and traction had come from it, earning you a world tour. It was a scary thing to do, considering it was your first international tour.
“I just want to come back to New York already, I’ve not been on this tour long.” You complained to your sister, curled up in a hotel bed in London. Your first destination was the UK, and there was nothing worse than being homesick.
“Quit being a baby, the UK is so nice.” Your sister replied, chuckling shortly afterwards. “Me and dad visited Manchester, I think? Very nice looking, at least where we stayed.” You sighed, knowing that didn’t make it any easier. You loved your cosy apartment in New York, you were even starting to miss the constant traffic sounds and arguing in the early hours of the morning.
“I guess, and I know London is nice, at least. I think I’m gonna interact with some fans,” you decided, pulling the duvet further up your body, “speak tomorrow at sound check.” You ended the call, liking some tweets and replying to a few things, eventually tweeting something of your own.
“Happy to see a lot of my UK fans tomorrow, can’t wait to scream my feelings out with you,” Declan read out, giving Mason a cheeky look. The pair of them were in Mason’s living room, enjoying their evening of FIFA. The boys had spoken about you plenty of times, in interviews too, Mason declaring you as his celebrity crush.
“Shut up already, she probably doesn’t even know who I am.” Mason stated, resting his arm over his eyes to conceal the blush on his face. Him, Declan and a few other boys were going to your concert tomorrow night, some of the WAGs suggested it as they loved your music.
“You think she’s not going to notice a blue tick in her dm’s? It’s worth a shot.” Declan encouraged his friend to shoot his shot, close to grabbing his phone and doing it himself, but instead he was watching Mason bashfully scroll through your twitter replies. “Do it, or I will.”
Mason sighed, clicking the reply button and typing out a reply, handing the phone to Declan to review. ‘Can’t wait, wanna see you.’
“Perfect,” Declan mumbled, pressing the reply button for him. He knew Mason never would, he just saved him 20 minutes of back and forth debate. Handing Mason his phone back, Declan smirked as he watched his friend's face change from fairly embarrassed, to shocked.
“There’s no fucking way you sent that.” Mason remarked, refreshing his phone to see his tweet attract likes. “You dick.”
Declan just laughed as Mason had turned completely red, watching the likes and replies collect under his tweet. Moments later, you’d appeared in his dm’s.
‘I recognise you.’
It was an ominous message from you, one that had you pacing and replaying the creepy message over and over again. But Mason smiled at the message, all ounces of worry leaving his body as he replied to you.
‘Oh yeah? From where?’
‘Actually, I think I recognise your teammate, Pulisic. He’s all my brother talks about sometimes. But all I know is that he plays for a soccer team.’
He laughed at your reply, Declan watching over in pure disbelief.
‘You have a lot to learn about the UK, and luckily I know all about it.’
‘I’ll hold you to that, come backstage after the show, bring whoever you’re with. I’m in London for the next few days before my next show, maybe you can show me around.’
“There’s no way you’re flirting with Y/N Y/L/N within two minutes of replying to her tweet.” Declan stated, Mason smirking at his best friend before sending another reply.
Your show was now over and you were anxiously waiting for the boys to be escorted back stage. You didn't know much about football, especially over here, but you knew the boys that were coming back stage were professionals. You'd learnt their names, Declan, Jack, and Mason. Jack and Declan brought their girlfriends along, but Mason was 'painfully single', as he put it.
Finally, as you sat down in your chair to relax, you heard a knock at the door. It was them. They had all filed in, the two girls in shock that they were meeting you. You'd given them all a hug, and gotten to Mason. He looked down at you as you pulled him in, squeezing you tightly before letting you go again.
"Did you guys enjoy it?" You asked, ushering them to the couch for them to sit down. You wanted them to feel as comfortable as possible, rushing over to your dressing room fridge and pulling out some drinks.
"It was amazing," Sasha gawked, still in awe over seeing you for the first time, "we saw you have one in Birmingham in a few weeks, so we're going to that one too." You blushed, returning to your seat opposite the couch.
"That's so sweet! I'm sure I can get you some good tickets, I'll dm you on Instagram or something." You suggested to her, Sasha eagerly nodding her head. You conversed with the group of five, Mason giving you a particular look that you had mirrored back to him. You planned on getting his number, and making sure he showed you around London.
Soon enough, the group was heading back to wherever they were staying, as it was beginning to get quite late. "Thank you guys for coming, and I'm so glad I met you."
Mason stayed behind, folding his arms and sharing a smirk with you as his friends voices trailed down the hallway. "So, about this bet."
"Yeah," you replied casually, grabbing your water bottle from the table and taking a sip, being in the presence of an attractive man again was giving you quite the nerves, "I'll take your number, because I'd love to get to know London." He nodded, grabbing his phone from his jacket pocket and handing it to you.
"Perfect. See you."
You and Mason had planned your first meeting in a pub. It wasn't the classiest of places, but your plan was to get to know the UK. Mason had ordered you both a drink, guessing what you like and nailing it when you went in for a second sip and shoved a thumb up.
"So," he began, fiddling with the coaster his beer sat on, "how long are you in London for?"
"Just until Thursday, Friday morning I'm heading to Manchester." You stated, realising you only had four days with Mason, including today.
"Well, we better make the days count then." Mason declared. The pair of you spoke about his career as well as yours, talking about how different school was for the pair of you. Mason had stood up, holding his hand out for you to take, and you'd accepted it without complaint. He led you out of the pub and through the town center, gazing at the stalls set up around you. The weather wasn't so different to New York, both constantly dreary, but you were liking London so far.
On your second day together, you'd taken a cab to another town, this time to just experience the busy streets. To Mason, this was normal. For you, it was only familiar. New York was one of the busiest cities in the world, but London was different, better in every other way. You'd finished your day together, stomachs full of pub food, and in the back of a cab, rain pattering on the windows. You'd shuffled closer to Mason, placing your hand on his and squeezing. He looked at you briefly, smiling his usual smile, before quickly looking out at the street in an effort to hide his tinged cheeks.
Day three, the weather was too bad to do anything. But Mason kept you company in your hotel room. He'd taught you a bunch of British slang, laughing as your accent completely butchered them all. You'd shown him a snippet of your new song before room service had arrived. And the night ended with the pair of you collapsed in your bed, tv playing in the back ground, but your eyes on each other. It was like pure magic, the long-awaited feeling of his lips on yours. You'd been thinking about it all day, missing every opportunity until now.
Your final day was the worst. You both knew it was coming, you wouldn't see him until you had a break, and he had one too. You both had stupidly busy schedules, as well as living in different countries. Maybe one day you could bring him to New York, show him your side of life. And maybe one day you'll branch out and move here.
Mason had helped you carry your things out of your hotel room, which was taking you to Manchester. Your manager had texted you to be in the car before 3, which meant you had just 10 minutes until you had to say goodbye to Mason for a while.
You were stood in the foyer of the hotel, waiting for the car to arrive. You'd secretly hoped it didn't, you wanted to stay with Mason for a while longer, but you couldn't. Duty called.
"Thank you for showing me around London," you spoke, looking up at Mason, who was hiding his deflated feelings, "I really enjoyed it, I might even prefer it to New York."
"That's a given. I'm here." He joked, in an obvious attempt to lighten the mood. These four days had been immense fun for him, different to how he usually spent his days. Different than night at home alone, different than a night on the town. Was it too soon to say he missed you?
Mason looked down at you as you clung to his side, hoping he felt the same way you did. And he did, you just didn’t know that. His fingers slid across your jaw slowly, pulling your chin up to look at him. It was an intense moment, so many different emotions. He’d leaned in and kissed you, it was his parting gift. To say that he’d see you soon enough.
“Enjoy Manchester, I’m sure I can fit another show in somehow.” Mason spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too.” You spoke, the car pulling up outside. He’d dragged your suitcases out to the car, popping them in the boot for you. Finally, he stared at you through the window, which you quickly rolled down. “I fancy you, is that the right term?”
Mason laughed, head tipping back slightly. “Yeah, it is. And I fancy you too.”
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roniscloud · 3 years
lhs - runnin’
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lee heeseung [a. + f. 4700 words] runnin’
to you
you came up on some new
i know i shouldn’t feel blue
‘cause i was runnin’ out of time for you
synopsis: you met heeseung in your freshman year of college and immediately hit it off. you’ve made it to your third year and when everyone including yourselves thought that you were each other’s endgame, the devastation when you two split was immeasurable. you both know there’s still love between you. this break allows you both to realize new things. can you two find your ways back to each other? will this be the final goodbye?
genre + tropes: angst. fluff. comedy. college!au. establishedrelationship!au. exes!au.
warnings: fem reader. swearing. arguing. nosy friends. cold heeseung and cold reader. drifting relationship. interventions. slight suggestive themes but it’s only mentioned like once. they both pine over each other. mentions of alcohol and binge drinking. maybe not a happy ending. if you choose to see it that way. whoops. appearances of the rest of enha plus txt yeonjun and soobin.
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i.  the break
“so this is how it’s gonna end? i thought we were doing fine.”
heeseung erupts into an even angrier fit, “are you kidding me? we are not fucking fine. in what world is this fine? tell me!”
you scoff from where you stand cross-armed on the other side of the bedroom. “well, can you really blame me? it’s hard to see if there’s something wrong if we never see each other.”
“exactly my point! we don’t see each other.”
the two of you have been at each other’s throats since heeseung showed up at your apartment. you have no idea how long ago that was or when the argument started. all you remember is coming up to him when he arrived, wanting to actually spend some time with him. instead he shrugged you off and ignored you, blaming the fatigue. the rest has been a blur. one of you made an offhand comment and now here you are: frustrated and in another fight.
a quick recap: you two met at a mutual friend’s party. you thought that each other was attractive and he ended up asking you out. from there you kept going out, fell in love, dated, and everyone thought you were perfect together. three years later and it’s getting tiring. life has been draining trying to balance it all.
“and who’s fault is that?”
annoyed, he snaps back, “oh please, you can not put the blame solely on me.”
“bullshit. i sure can when i’m the only one making an effort here. i’ve actually been trying to save us. you, on the other hand…” you pause again, rolling your eyes, “well, we both know just how much you care.”
his jaw drops, defensively he spits back, “are you genuinely implying that i don’t care about you? about us? that’s rich.”
you move to sit on the edge of the bed, staring at a single spot on the floor. you can see the shadow of heeseing pacing back and forth. you sit there, not looking at each other. the only sounds to be heard are his footsteps and the heavy sighs from you. you think back to the last several weeks. you recall each of the times you have been able to see each other. there’s no substance, nothing memorable. the only thing that comes to mind is that you always end up not talking at all or arguing.
just like right now.
“be real, heesung. when was the last time we went on a date? when was the last time you stayed the night without it ending up with you just knocking out? when was the last time we actually sat down and had a conversation? be honest because i will. i can’t remember.”
“and yet you thought we were fine?”
“well it’s better to believe a good lie than face the hurtful truth. i’m trying to save this relationship. i’m trying all the fucking time and you don’t do shit.”
he spits back frustrated, “well maybe that’s because there’s nothing to be saved.”
“are you kidding me right now? am i supposed to be scared? you tell me that there’s nothing to be saved and expect me to just give up?”
“sorry but i’m not running from this anymore.”
“you’re not sorry and we both know it.” you push yourself back up to stand, resting your hands on your hips, “you can’t say you’re sorry and expect me to forgive you. that’s not how this works.”
“this isn’t what i wanted to happen. this isn’t how it was supposed to go.”
“then make it work.”
“i- i can’t,” he holds his hands over his face, running one through his hair, “it’s too much.”
“so what? what do you mean?”
he finally stops. he takes a deep breath and lets it all out, “i just can’t see this working anymore, at least not like this.”
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ii. week one
you thought this would be more difficult. that this would be the hardest pill to swallow. the first week apart may actually be the easiest. nothing has really changed. that’s probably because you haven’t told anyone that you two are no longer together. perhaps the time that you didn’t spend with each other before the break up had trained you for this.
life goes on, with or without heeseung. that’s what you keep telling yourself. you choose to get caught up with your life. you have other priorities. it’s not a crime to focus on yourself for the first time in three years.
heeseung feels the same. he doesn’t see any point on dwelling on the breakup. sure, he was the one who made the decision. he’s the one who put it out there. he’s the one who ended it and the one who is taking responsibility.
lucky for both of you, you don’t have any courses together and your schedules don’t really coincide. there’s no chance at any awkward run-ins. there is this weird, tiny feeling though. there’s this small inkling of something missing. you both suppress it. i mean, hell, the breakup just happened.
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iii. scheming
meanwhile, your friends have all seemed to notice that the two of you are off. they aren’t sure what it is. they get that you two have had some time apart, but you’re both adults with lives. you have your own classes, jobs, other friends, and such. no one mentions it because they don’t think it’s their business.
but come on… there’s no way they won’t get to the bottom of it. our resident gossips, sunoo and sunghoon, team up and make it their mission to snoop around. of course, they take precautions to not get caught. the scheming duo find out nothing, to no avail.
now the gang of the scheming duo plus jay, jake, and niki have convened in the common room of jungwon’s dorm building. the 02z are all playing billiards in one corner. sunoo battles jungwon in a game of ping pong. the youngest of the group sits by himself on one of the couches, contemplating if he should speak up. they’ve been in a heated discussion as they try to figure out what exactly has been irking them.
riki, against his own conscience, speaks up to the five. he has this gut feeling and innocently wants to voice his opinion. “what if,” the young boy start out while gauging the faces of the others, “now don’t get mad and just hear me out.” he stops again, taking his time to make eye contact with each of the older boys, waiting until they all nod, “what if… they broke up?”
the group of friends all exchange glances with each other before breaking out into laughter. jay composes himself a bit, still chuckling when he says, “seriously? you think they broke up? heeseung and y/n? yeah, no way.”
sunoo leans onto the ping pong table and eggs him on, “they are literally soulmates.”
jungwon sets his racket down and goes to plop himself next to riki on the couch, “there is no way in hell the two of them split.”
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iv. breaking news
“yeah, we split.” plain and simple. three words that crushed the poor hearts of jake and jungwon. he broke the news over brunch. he sensed their curiosity when they deliberately never brought you up. 
“good joke there, dude. almost had me for a second.” jake says, awkwardly with a forced laugh.
the youngest of the three chiming in and agreeing, “yeah, that’s really funny.” a silence hits the booth. “you are joking… right?”
the oldest then looks back and forth between the two, tilting his head to one side like a confused pup. he doesn’t see why they think he would joke and simply replies, “nope. you guys haven’t asked so i’m guessing you tried to snoop around and pick up on my cues. i’m also guessing sunoo’s behind this whole operation.”
“ok wait,” jake interjects, “what do you mean you broke up? you can’t just break up.”
jungwon agrees, “he’s right. you two are just playing a prank on us.”
“guys, i’m serious. y/n and i are no longer together.” the two just freeze, jaws dropped, eyes wide. “besides, it’s better this way.”
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v. bad timing
meanwhile the remaining four members of their friend group have met up in the campus library in an attempted study session. so far, they’ve just gone back to gossiping and slacking off. the boys all find themselves teetering on the verge of sleep. that is until sunghoon catches you walking in. immediately going to softly pat the others back awake, they all look up confused. trying to stay subtle, hoon jerks his head to the side in your direction.
you make your way to one of the shelves, searching high and low for a book you need for your literature class. sneaking up behind you comes choi yeonjun, the library aid and a friend of yours. 
“need any help?”
“no thanks, i’m good jun.” you give him a polite smile.
unbeknownst to both of you, the failure of a study group has creeped to a closer table. they knew that you two were friends but they still can’t help but eavesdrop. “will you two please shut up so we can hear them?” the annoyed face evident on sunghoon’s face at the bickering of sunoo and niki. he turns to see jay, snacking and not paying attention. he rolls his eyes at the group, his gaze then catching yeonjun leading you out of the shelves. quickly shushing the three and nodding his head in your direction again, they finally get the hint.
yeonjun steps in front of you, “so you know my friend soobin, right?”
“soobin… as in choi soobin?”
yeonjun flashes his bright smile, “that’s the one.”
“yeah i know him. we had a stats class together a while back. he definitely taught me a few tricks around a calculator.” you laugh with him, “he’s super sweet, and needless to say cute too.”
“well, am i glad to hear that! long story short, he’s kinda been crushing on you lately and wants to know if you’re free. he mentioned your shared class before but he said he never got your number.”
“since you have mine already, go ahead and give it to him. tell him i’m free whenever he is.”
yeonjun raises his eyebrows at your boldness, “will do. i just wanted to ask you first before i gave it to him because… y’know…”
“no worries, i completely understand.”
he gives a quick goodbye before going back to his desk. storming quickly, four faces appear in front of you, all a combination of confusion, shock, and anger. 
sunoo starts, “um… y/n. why are you telling yeonjun to give your number to another guy?”
“yeah, are you cheating on heeseung?” his partner in crime, sunghoon, joins in.
you pause and scan their faces. your face dawns an equally as confused expression. “how can i cheat on someone who isn’t my boyfriend?”
four jaws simultaneously drop. riki’s being the first to close and answer a bit hushed, “i knew it.”
jay turns to him in disbelief, “not the time, niki!”
“did heeseung not tell you guys?” you ask them slowly. “i assumed he would be the one to let you all know.”
“that you two broke up?!” sunoo asks angrily, being shushed by yeonjun from the counter. giving an apologetic smile then tuning back into your conversation, “what do you mean you two broke up?”
“we just… broke up. that’s it. end of story. now if you’ll excuse me, i have to actually study.”
they watch you check out the book you came in for originally and walk out the doors, unsure of what to do next.
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vi. the intervention
arranging your monthly movie night was not exactly the easiest task given the tensions surrounding two people in your group. so the only logical solution that they all could think of was to simply not to tell one of you that the other was coming over. a fool-proof plan.
in the dorm of the 02z, you did not expect to see heeseung when you walked in.
he gets up from his spot on the couch, “what the hell is going on here?”
“yeah, an explanation would be nice.” you cross your arms as you glare at the younger boys.
niki, trying to act as mediator gestures for both of you two sit on the loveseat—the same loveseat that was always reserved for the two of you before. “this is an intervention.”
after the confession of their intentions, everyone goes quiet. not a single word is spoken for several minutes, no one knowing how to start. after much internal contemplation, jungwon finally attempts to start. “we brought you two here today because- you know what, i can’t do this.” he stops and cuts himself off, burying his face in his hands.
sunoo sits next to him with his arms crossed. “how dare you two? our parents gets divorced and we don’t even get a notice.” it was common for them to refer to you and heeseung as the parents of the group, being the oldest. although something about sunoo still calling you by that nickname stings, him shaking his head to display his disappointment making you feel guilty. 
you see heeseung out of the corner of your eye avoiding looking up to your friends. “look, i don’t see the big deal. we broke up. that happens when relationships don’t work out.”
sunghoon quickly intervenes, “how can you say it isn’t a big deal? you’re letting three years go to waste and that’s all you can say? that’s what happens.” he scoffs at how shameless you come off.
“well, would you rather us stay together even when we were unhappy?” their reactions were a mix of shouts, the words yes, of course not, and duh all blending into each other.
that’s what brought your ex boyfriend out of his daze. “y/n has a point. we broke up and it’s over. we were no longer happy and i don’t see the point in bringing it up again either. it’s in the past. let it go.” he says rather coldly and sternly. him actually saying it and acknowledging it caused that weird feeling to come back. his body language is off, too. your years together has taught you enough about heeseung to know when he’s upset, especially with himself.
jake takes his turn, looking down at his fidgeting hands and muttering sadly, “but you promised each other forever.”
that prompts you and heeseung to glance at each other quickly, making eye contact and it lingering for a couple of seconds. you look away first, not noticing that his stare doesn’t leave you.”some promises just can’t be kept.” your response then making him turn away.
“bullshit.” it’s the first word uttered by jay this entire time. “neither of you are the type to break promises.”
“some things can’t be helped,” heeseung defends.
jay, getting angrier, asks his friend, “did you know that she’s already going on a date? yeah, that guy, soobin. i’m pretty sure you know who he is. your ex,” he makes sure to stress the last word with a certain degree of annoyance, “thinks he’s cute.”
emotionless, heeseung answers back, “good for her, then.”
you were sure that you were over him, that’s why you said yes to the date. but something about him not caring leaves you feeling odd.
jungwon stops your train of thought, “no, you’re supposed to be upset. you’re supposed to get jealous and confess you still want to be with her. you’re supposed to fight for her and be together.”
another quick glance between the two of you, lasting longer than the previous one. no words are said on his end, but you know exactly what he’s trying to say. “he doesn’t have to fight when i’m the one who ended it.” you knew him. you knew he couldn’t admit to the others his decision. after all, he wants to be a good role model even in his darkest times. he couldn’t crush their idea of love and you did what you had to do. you lied for his sake—and maybe even yours.
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vii. him
two months have passed since the breakup. there’s tension amongst the friend group, the six not wanting to pick sides between you and heeseung. they’re constantly going back and forth, like they’re walking on eggshells as to not bring up something that only happened with the other.
to get your mind off everything, you’ve found comfort in soobin. well, more accurately you’ve found comfort in between his sheets, or wherever you two decide for it to go down. that’s not to say the dates aren’t great. you’re not official and you both know that. your latest date, however, couldn’t help but feel weird.
the date was going pretty well. don’t get me wrong—soobin is a great guy. he’s sweet, caring, funny, and handsome. you have a lot in common like your taste in drinks and movies. maybe if you had met him first, you would’ve dated him… but you didn’t meet him first. you met heeseung first, and soobin isn’t heeseung.
you found yourself drifting from the conversation now and then, thinking about how heeseung would’ve been at that moment. you think back to his habits, particularly the way he raises his eyebrows whenever he’s excited or talking about something he’s passionate about. you always found it endearing. over the course of dinner, you are able to notice that soobin has some cute habits too, like him covering his face when he gets shy or puffing out his cheeks. but it still isn’t the same.
“you two deserve each other.”
soobin catches your attention again with that comment. “what?”
“you and heeseung. i know that look. don’t try to lie to me.”
“look, heeseung is my past, and i want it to stay that way.”
“do you really want it to stay that way, or are you just afraid of what could happen if you let him back into your present?”
you give him a teasing glare, “don’t get all philosophical with me. i just don’t think he and i can go back to how we were before.”
“what’s so bad about you two changing? obviously if it didn’t work out, you shouldn’t try to be what you were before.”
“can’t i just try with you?”
“as much as i would love for you to give me that chance, i can’t do that to you or to myself. it’s not fair.”
you hesitantly ask him, “but is it worth it?”
“that’s not my decision to make.”
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viii. her
now that you’re virtually not in his life, he seems to be looking for you everywhere. actually… rather than going out of his way to look for you, everything just reminds him of you. the jingles of the commercials you always sang along to, your favorite songs on the radio, the reruns of 90’s shows you always binged. hell, even when he was making ramen, he was reminded of how you would make his favorite for him every time he was stressed over an exam. he was sitting in the back of the lecture hall, trying so hard to stay awake for his 3 hour long class with the most boring professor on campus. he fought the urge to text you since it felt like second nature to rely on you to help cheer him up.
there was a particular night when it really hit him. reality smacked him in the face late one evening. heeseung was bored out of his mind, laying alone in bed, aimlessly browsing netflix to find something to watch. he thinks to himself y/n would’ve slammed this laptop closed and talked all night about random and obscure topics. he laughs to himself, reliving the memories. right then, it’s obvious. he misses her.
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ix. promises
the rain hitting your bedroom window had no help on your already gloomy mood. what did help was the bottle of soju- well more realistically, four bottles of soju. it was all the liquid courage you needed to call heeseung at three in the morning. 
you sat drowsily on the rug of your living room, your phone on speaker and placed in front of you as you stared out the dewy glass. you heard the phone ring seven times, ready to hang up until you heard his groggy voice come out from the other end. “hello? y/n, why are you up?”
you laugh softly and ask him, sounding loopy, “why are you up?”
“because you’re calling me. would you like to give me a reason why, and are you drunk?”
“maybe. anyways, you know… i was thinking. we broke a lot of promises and it hurts. i have to know that we’re not bad people. i have to keep at least one, right?”
heeseung groans but lets you ramble, knowing that you won’t stop until you’ve said it all, “go on…”
“we made a promise that if something was going on, if we were in a dark place, that we would talk to someone. well, if you couldn’t tell by now, i’m not in the best place. the first person i thought to talk to was you.”
“why me?”
“shhh… don’t ask questions. i know you’re tired so just stay on the phone and let me talk. ok?”
he goes quiet for a bit, sighing, “ok.”
“i miss you. i do. i don’t expect you to miss me but i just want to say it,” pausing to hiccup, “soobin helped me realize some things, saying some crap like we deserve each other.” you chuckle as you recall his words, “maybe he said it because bad people deserve bad people. maybe he said it because in our own fucked up lives, we’re the only ones who can understand each other. i did a lot of thinking and i’ve come to the conclusion that we don’t. because if we stay together, we can’t move on. we can’t grow. we can’t become good people, no matter how much we want it. that’s life. sometimes, no matter how much we want something, no matter how much we wish on stars or pray, some things just aren’t meant to be.”
“y/n, get some rest…”
“wait, i’m not done. you already can tell i’ve been drinking and to be honest i have been, for a while. i do it,” starting to choke up and sniffle, “because it helps me forget. even if it’s just for a minute that i can forget what happened, i’ll drink as much as it takes. i’ll grow out of it, eventually. i know i will, but for now… i have to do what i have to do. i’m sure you can relate.” you laugh again, getting more drowsy. you bring your legs up, hugging your knees. faintly, the sounds of heeseung’s snores play from your phone. you smile to yourself, “i wish you were here, singing me a lullaby. i don’t know when you fell asleep but goodnight. take care of yourself.”
cuddled up in his bed, heeseung hears you hang up. he lets you believe he didn’t hear what you said. he knows the reality of it all and the weight that you both are carrying. knowing that you won’t check your phone for the rest of the night, he sends you a quick text: bookstore, saturday, noon. goodnight.
as he turns off his phone to try to fall back asleep, he sees his reflection in the black screen. he sees his puffy, red eyes and his tear-stained cheeks. the end of it all is coming and finally, you two are ready for it.
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x. love song
seeing him in person is a good idea. clearing the air, letting it all out, getting closure. all good ideas, you hope. walking into the bookstore was a weird feeling. when you spot him sitting by the window, you quietly make your way over. he looks up at your new presence, his feet shuffling out of nervousness. you notice the glass of pear juice on the small coffee table in front of him, already half empty.
“hi,” he says like a whisper.
“hi,” you awkwardly respond. it’s unlike the two of you to not know how to start a conversation. you make your way onto the cushioned seat, letting yourself get comfortable to help ease the tension. you each avoid the other’s gaze, not knowing how to begin. you sigh and finally ask, “how have you been?”
“busy,” he says as he nods, “finally took up actual music lessons. thought it would be better to have someone who’s played piano and guitar professionally instead of trying to teach myself.”
you softly giggle, “that’s good. you’ve always loved music.”
“yeah… how about you?”
“same, busy. i got the t.a position i applied for like forever ago.”
“congrats! you still looking to become a teacher?”
“well, generally yeah. i was having my doubts before but i just fell back into it. finally being able to be there, present, and guiding others… that’s what i want.” you sit there across from him, watching him and taking it all in. the man in front of you is heeseung, but not the heeseung you knew. no, this is the better version of him. the version of him where he can focus on himself. the version of heeseung that’s glowing and happy and ready to take on the world. “so, look. there’s no easy or delicate way to put it but i think there are things we both need to get off our chests.”
“agreed. since it all happened—the fights, the breakups, the ambush interventions—we haven’t actually talked.”
“those interventions… they were silly but the guys did help me realize some things. we’re growing up. sure, i thought we had this plan of us graduating, getting married, having a family, settling down, growing old. we both wanted that type of life. sadly, it’s not what happened and we have to live with it.”
he lets out a chuckle, “heeseung and y/n: meant for each other and meant to be.”
“but not meant to last. what a bittersweet and poetic ending."
“it’s like people always say: right person, wrong time.”
“you know… you used to tell me that our love song was the soundtrack to the best life you could live.” you reach out and take his hand in yours, “i just,” pausing to take a deep breath and compose yourself, “i just want you to know… that if anything happens-”
he cuts you off with a quiet gasp, whispering your name with a shaky voice, “don’t.”
you shake your head and gently squeeze his hand, “if anything happens… if in the end, we don’t find our way back and it isn’t us, don’t think we ended on a bad note.” you drop your head as you chuckle lightly before continuing, “cause you were always on key.” you give him a small grin, trying your hardest to not make things worse by crying. “we were just playing different tunes.”
he pulls you in closer to him, placing his hands softly on your cheeks. “i always hated seeing you cry,” he says as he wipes away the tears on your face, not bothering about his own. he wraps his arms around you, holding you close for the last time. 
you stay there in his warmth, hearing him sniffle as he tries to hold back the falling tears. when you pull away, you tell him “i will always love you. maybe not in the way i thought i would but it’s still there.”
“maybe in our next life, it’ll be the right time.” with that, he leaves a kiss on your forehead, leaves the bookstore, and leaves your life. your duet that worked in perfect harmony now playing a beautiful cadence—two wandering artists, free to fill your own wretched worlds with new melodies, the bliss and tranquility of it all. the hope that maybe one day, you’ll be in each other’s lives again is enough.
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a-friendly-fangirl · 3 years
My thoughts on Sex Education, season 3.
First of all, please try to remember that this is just my opinion. I'm nobody to judge whether the season was good or bad and I don't mean to hurt anyone.
With that being said, I'd like to begin by admitting that I liked these 8 episodes overall... but there were so many things that felt wrong to me.
I loved Jean's journey during her pregnancy and the way she tried to take care of everyone at the same time (although I kind of disliked Jakob for some things he said).
I loved Aimee and her desire to heal after the assault. The way she really wants to make her voice be heard was heartwarming and inspiring to me. Plus, her friendship with Maeve is one of the most beautiful I've ever watched (about this, I'll say something later on).
I loved Viv and her ambition that slowly became less important than her peers and their rights. She really wanted them to be happy in the end. I think that she didn't really understand how bad things with Hope were until the trip to France. And she redeemed herself in a great way.
I loved Lily and her journey towards acceptance of herself, even when others thought she was weird and silly. It was empowering seeing her so confident in the end.
I loved Adam's growth. It taught that even the most simple of passions can turn into something meaningful and that, no matter how bad you are, you can change.
Above all, I loved Maeve finally getting the chance to do something amazing for herself for once.
All of these things were wonderful, truly. But so many others I didn't like and I couldn't really understand as narrative choices.
Let me begin with the one I found the most annoying: Isaac's fake redemption arc. I know what you might say: "Of course you hate it! You ship Maeve and Otis!". Well, yes, I do. But it's not all about that. I might be exaggerating... but Isaac deleting Otis' message was beyond disrespectful to me. If you remember, at the beginning of the second season, Isaac was really mean to Maeve... but he had the opportunity to redeem himself. He had the chance to say he was sorry and to be a better person to her, even though he had been around for so little time. However, when it came to Otis to have the same opportunity, he decided that he wasn't worth it. Isaac, who didn't really know Otis, took away from him the chance to at least say that he was truly sorry for being such an ass to Maeve. But, what feels even worse to me is that he took away even Maeve's possibility to decide. We don't know how it would have gone, if Maeve had listen to what Otis had to say. Maybe she would have forgiven him. Maybe she would have still chosen Isaac, because Otis hurt her too much. Who knows what might have been? No one. And why? Because Isaac decided for everyone. And I don't care if he thought he was protecting Maeve or if he was angry. It. Was. Not. His. Choice. To. Make.
Also, I didn't really understand why Maeve wasn't as mad as I was with him. Sure, she stopped talking to him for a couple of days. But the moment she started to speak with him again, they hooked up. Too fast, too soon, in my opinion. He apologised? Sure. But so did Otis. And he didn't get to be so easily forgiven.
But let's move to the another point I have a lot to say about: Otis and Ruby. I really liked them together. I found them cute and funny. But still... Ruby struggled for real to accept Otis for who he is. And Otis acted the way she wanted to keep her close. For example, he shaved off his moustache for her. Now, most of the fandom hated that moustache... but again, Otis seemed to care a great deal for it. He kept repeating that he spent months growing it. But Ruby didn't like it. And he sacrificed something he was proud of for her. But okay, a lot of people would do something like that for their loved ones. But then he had to dress like her friends to fit in. To be fair, Ruby gave up that idea pretty soon... but she just reacted to Otis refusing to do it. If I had to make a comparison between her and another love interest (not Maeve, 'cause I'd be biased), I'd choose Ola, of course. She was putting pressure on him in other ways, but she never wanted him to be any different than who he was. Love, after all, means acceptance. And perhaps Ruby loved Otis for he saw the hardest part of her life, without judging her. I wish it could have been the same for him.
About this, I've noticed many people being disappointed in Otis not saying he loved her too, because it means that he was just using her. Well... no? I mean, he was the first one to admit that, if she was willing to give him more time, he might have learned to love her. Should he have made it clear to her earlier in the relationship? Sure! Can we condemn him for not feeling the same? Absolutely not! Feelings can't be forced. And I'm also sure that he thought he was done for good with Maeve. He suffocated the love he had for her so much that the clinic made him sick and that he admitted his feelings only when pressured by Maeve herself.
In conclusion, I think that Otis and Ruby might have had a wonderful friendship, if they were only given the chance. They have that kind of chemistry.
Talking about people who are better off as friends: in my opinion, that's all Maeve and Aimee will ever be. I honestly can't see anything romantic in them. The purity of their friendship means so much to me and it's, at least for me, so different from the "Friends who are more than friends" energy. We're so lucky to have such wonderful actresses to play these characters... and what I see in their gestures and glances tells me of a great friendship. They're so different from Emily and Sue in Dickinson (they're supposed to be just friends, but they're clearly not) or even Judy and Jen in Dead To Me (another pair of friends that can be ambiguous with each other).
Moving to another couple, whose development I didn't understand: Adam and Eric. I'm not a great fan of their relationship. I like them both as individuals. But the bully-victim dynamic they used to have wasn't the best one to start a relationship with. I could see the appeal though. So much that, I was truly happy for them, when they said their first I love you's. And every step Adam made in the right direction made me smile, since that it took him a long time to grow up. Eric seemed happy with him too. Until he went to Nigeria. I sincerely loved the whole trip... but something felt wrong in him founding what he truly wanted there, where he couldn't even tell his family he had a boyfriend. The scene in the taxi gave me chills. I felt the risk he was taking by going with a stranger to a gay club. A stranger that he kissed almost out of nowhere (whether it was the heat of the moment or Adam not replying to him, I'm not sure). It's the second time he cheats on his boyfriend. And I think Eric deserves far better as a character.
My question about this whole drama is: "How come Eric found out that he wanted to be free in Nigeria and not in England?". If it's true that going to the club made him realise he wanted to be among people like him, it makes the whole situation even more absurd. Because there are plenty of gay bars and clubs in England. Why not go to one of them? My theory is that they wanted to build a good romance with Adam, then build tension between them and in us and end the whole thing with their breakup (probably to make Adam fall in love with Rahim).
I swear I'm almost done. I want to discuss one last topic with you all.
Maeve going to America like that felt so rushed. It's probably another strategy to make us want to see more of the show. And it surely worked. But still, it has, at least for how they developed it, nothing to do with Maeve maturing. The idea itself was amazing. I loved her getting the opportunity of a lifetime. But she literally decides to go the evening before (which is not even realistic. In real life, you have a deadline until which you can pay to go wherever you want. If you don't, your place is given to someone else), after getting the money from her mother. Now, where does that money come from? She might as well have stolen it, since she didn't have it before. In my opinion, this part of the story could have gone differently with little effort and the same outcome. How? Well, since that basically everyone thought she deserved to go to America, why couldn't have her classmates and teachers organised a fundraiser? Even in secret, so that she couldn't get angry for their "charity". It would have been so much better and so wholesome to see everyone in that school give a little sum for her, even to thank her for the help they got from the clinic.
Anyway, I'm so sorry for talking so much, but this season didn't go as expected and I truly needed to vent :P.
Thank you for listening❤
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sl-c · 3 years
Hey sim, first of all I’m glad that you seem to be so happy right now! Secondly I was wondering if I could please get some advice. I’ve been with my boyfriend for over a year, have some great memories with him and I do love him, but I feel like it’s not working out as a romantic relationship anymore. I’ve doubted the relationship countless times before but this time I feel like it’s more serious. It feels like now he’s just more of a best friend than a boyfriend? The sex is kind of bad now and I no longer have any sex drive with him, but on the broader scope of things I just feel like our lives, lifestyles and views don’t really match up. And it sounds selfish, but this is my first relationship and I do find myself wanting to see what else is out there in the dating world. It’s so confusing because I feel like we get each other on a really deep level and I don’t have that with anyone else, and if I end things I can’t expect that he’ll want to stay friends if I hurt him, so there’s no going back. Have you ever been in a similar situation? I know I need to talk to him but It’s so hard to find the right time. sorry for the super long ask, and no worries if you’re not in the right space to answer this! Xx
Thank you!
Can totally resonate with this and have many views and opinions on relationship things so more then happy to share my 2 cents about your situation!
Personally I think it's clearly time for a break of some kind, at the very least a temporary one which may give you some more clarity on how you feel, what you want and decisions going forward. It's really easy to fall into a state of comfortability when you're in a long-term relationship and not realise that even though things aren't 'bad' and you're still close/get along that the relationship is no longer working or what you want/need anymore. In other words, you can still get along with someone well and even love someone but the relationship not be right anymore for whatever reason. I've been in this exact situation and honestly I think it's one of the hardest to get over but ultimately it's for the best and something you've just got to come to terms with for the sake of both of you. I think the moment there is consistent doubt and questioning in a relationship about serious matters or you're not feeling that spark/connection in major areas (eg. intimacy) anymore then that says something and it's either time to try and resolve those issues or come to terms that things are no longer working like they use to.
I think deep down you probably know you need to break up but are still just coming to terms with it and trying to workout how to follow through with it which is really challenging. Unfortunately with these kind of tricky and emotional situations there is never a 'good time' and it's better to just get it over with. Try and surround yourself with a good support system, stay distracted and make sure you're practicing plenty of self-care.
I know this kind of situation can be extremely anxiety-provoking but you have to remember that every decision you make and change you implement will always teach you something and give you greater clarity about what you do and don't want. In other words, never stress about making the 'right' or 'wrong' decision because ultimately every decision is just a learning block and we gain knowledge in every decision we make which is always a 'good' thing.
Also, more specifically to this situation, you have no idea how much this kind of background noise in your head can be draining you and you may find that once you've broken up or just come to terms with whatever decision you will find so much more relief and happiness in yourself. I know when I went through my last breakup it was super challenging but through all the tears and sadness I always knew it was for the best and ultimately it taught me so much about myself and it was definitely the right decision and has helped me grow in so many ways even though I still have so much love and care for that person :)
Anyway, hope that helps :) all the best, sending love and hugs you'll get through this I promise!!
Side note: if you don't already openly journaling ALL of your thoughts can be really cathartic and also help give you clarity on whatever is taking over your mind at the moment. I'm a big fan of journalling, especially when I'm trying to overcome big decisions or stressful situations in my life. xx
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itslovelovelyme · 3 years
It's gone. It's all gone. Almost 4 years of friendship, they're just gone like that. I never knew things could end so quickly? I thought I meant more, too.
I don't think I've ever felt this devastated? I never imagined something like this happening. This was my biggest fear, and it became true. I lost you. I lost you forever. I met you back in 2018, January. You commented on that Tumblr submission I sent to Sketch Girl. You complimented my art. I don't think I can put into words the immense amount of happiness I felt. I complimented your art, we followed each other. 
Then we started messaging each other. I remember Tumblr wouldn't let you message me, and I remember how I giggled because I thought it was funny. Then our RPs started. Our daily conversations started. You became the first person on the Internet I called a friend, someone that cared about me, and showed genuine concern about my well-being. Talking to you was the highlight of my day, showing my parents the drawings you made for me was one of the best things. "Look what my friend made!! Isn't it amazing?!" I honestly can't help but to find cute how proud I was, hah. I admired you so much, you meant the whole world to me, you were my everything. I think we both can agree we were a bit cringe though, pfft. In a cute way, tho.
Then you also moved to Instagram. I was there, so seeing you there too made me happy! Having my friend in two social medias, "this is awesome!", and it truly was. I talked to you every day, I thought about you at all times. For personal reasons, you know 2018 wasn't the best year for me, but do you know what made it not so bad? You. You were in my life now, you cared about me, you were all I needed, and you really helped me. 
There's not much to say about 2019, we were so happy, we were friends and SO close, what else could we have asked for? I wasn't into Creepypastas anymore, and you supported that decision. You supported my own original ideas and characters, you made me see that I actually had something to offer. I will never, ever, forget that. We knew we could count on each other, we knew we could trust one another to be there during our dark times. We knew we had someone we could rely on. 
2020. Two years of friendship, haha. I will admit that during this year, you took me by surprise. April hit in. Who would've thought you'd confess your love for me? I wasn't looking for a relationship, but honestly, I loved you as much as you did, and with the same intensity, I'd like to think. I know I never formally said "yes, let's date!", it just kinda happened. I believe it was a bit awkward at first (or maybe it was the embarrassment, at least from my point of view), but honestly, we both know we've always acted like a couple, even in the beginning, even before catching feelings. It wasn't really that hard nor awkward for too long, at all. I quickly loved you even more than before, I loved you a little more with each day passing by. I loved you just so much. Ours was my first serious relationship. I felt so proud, I told all my friends about you, I told them how much you meant to me, I let them know how amazing my girlfriend was. And I let you know that, too. I let them know just how talented, smart, cute and beautiful you were. For once in my life, the so talked butterflies had gotten to me, I really felt like I was touching the sky. I loved knowing I had someone I could call mine, someone I could tell every day how much I loved them, just for them to reply with the same amount of love as I was giving. I will forever cherish this year the most.
Current time: 2021. I believe things started to fail in March. So very quickly towards the start of the year, yeah. Things got bumpy, but I wasn't gonna let that distance me from you, or at least I thought I could do that. I don't think I want to write about this year much, you know all the things we went through during this year (even if it's not over yet). We both know what problems we had, and that we tried our best to make things work. But we couldn't. *I* couldn't. 
And I'm so sorry. I swear I'm serious when I say that I tried to hold just so tightly onto the thought of: "things soon will get better, yeah!". But it wasn't enough. I didn't want to let you go, I wasn't ready. But I knew things just weren't working out anymore.
September 5th. I never thought I'd be doing that. I never thought I'd be ending our relationship. You were the only person I could think of a future with. And even now, it still hurts. But I knew that if I didn't end things, then things on their own would have started to clearly fail. I wanted a peaceful breakup, and I actually got that. You understood where I was coming from, and we agreed that we'd continue on being friends. That a breakup wouldn't get in between all these years of friendship.
We were so wrong, weren't we?
I tried so hard to make things work, even if it was awkward at first. I never thought I'd be writing something so painful. I never thought my biggest fear would come true. I never thought I'd have to let you go. I feel sick while writing this. I felt sick the whole day, the whole week, heck, maybe even for months. But nothing can compare to the pain I felt yesterday.
"Maybe this should be it". I said that. I don't know how things got to this point, but don't you find it so odd, just how fast things change? Almost 4 years of friendship. They were all gone in a matter of moments.
And it hurts. It hurts so much. It really does. I tried my best, and I hate to know it just wasn't enough. I'm so fucking sorry, for everything. I hate this. I hate this just so much. September has never been my month, but I never saw this one coming. This was the hardest thing I had to face. But I just knew there wasn't a way out. Sooner or later, it would all have come down to this. I didn't want more damage done, we don't deserve that. Heck, we didn't deserve any of this in the first place. We fucking didn't. 
But it happened. And now we're here. I can't grasp the fact that for the first time, you won't be there to wish me a happy birthday. That we won't see more texts from the other saying "good morning!!"; "goodnight!!". That we won't be part of each other's life anymore. 
And I'm sorry for being repetitive, but it does hurt just so much. I couldn't nor can't stop my crying. And I don't think it will stop anytime soon, nor the pain. It wasn't a decision I wanted to make, but that I had to. We weren't going to get anywhere, and it fucking sucks to know that even if it's true. We just weren't getting along anymore, we didn't feel comfortable anymore. And it was progressive. Seeing how we slowly drifted apart was one of the hardest things I didn't want to accept. I refused to see the truth. But can you blame me, though?
I loved you. I love you. And I will NEVER forget you. There's just no way. No matter how many years will pass by, I won't forget you. You remember how you used to say that we were soulmates, destined to meet each other? I do believe that too. I just wish I had known sooner that while we were meant to meet, we weren't meant to last. I don't think anyone will nor is able to understand just how much you still mean to me. I never loved someone so much before. 
And I have to thank you, for so many things. You were there for me when no one else was. You always supported me. You cared for me. You genuinely showed concern about me and my problems. And most importantly, you showed me I was worth being loved. You taught me how to love myself. You lent me your hand when no one else did. You loved me.
And I hope I did at least half of those things, too. Even if there's no comparison, I know I still tried. All the memories, smiles, laughs, feelings, I will never forget them. I will always thank this life for letting me meet you. And I will always thank you, too.
So thanks, Random. I hope you will remember me in the same way as I remember you. If you ever happen to read this, then just know that I wish you nothing but the best. Please take care, and goodbye.
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smutbymia · 5 years
rule breaker (haechan bratty sub au)
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WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT 18+ (no protection mentioned, sexual content)
Word Count: 6.4k 😯
Themes: femdom, friendship, fwb, switch, sub/dom themes, edging, replacement of the title Mistress with Princess* 
Pairing: Haechan/Lee Dong-hyuck  x Female Reader (ft. appearances from mark lee)
PLOT:  Dong-hyuck, the hyperactive and silly class clown isn’t used to following directions -- inside or outside of the bedroom. After his friend (Y/N) goes through a sudden breakup, and the discovery of a pair of handcuffs leads him to the reasoning why, he finds himself in an interesting position. He may be in for more than he expects when she offers to show him just what it was that her ex couldn’t handle. 
PS: Requests are open for fics and short blurbs
     You absentmindedly doodled in your notebook as your teacher taught the last lesson of the day. Graduation was quickly approaching and it was clear that most other students, yourself included, had mentally checked out.
The sun poured through the massive glass windows of the classroom, putting emphasis on the speckles of dust that danced through the air and even more emphasis on the boy in the row in front of you, one desk over, who glowed under its rays. 
His tanned skin and bronze hair looked even more rich than they usually did at this time of the afternoon. With nothing else around to distract yourself with, you momentarily admired him. Lee Dong-hyuck. I mean, yes... he was certainly attractive -- but you’d hardly admit it to his face. 
“Haechan, that’s enough,” murmured the teacher, in an exasperated tone. He called the student by the nickname most of his classmates used. The name he preferred. 
The classroom was filled with a fit of giggles, coming from the students. You missed the joke. Not that you missed much. This was a typical occurrence. Hyuck was what most people would refer to as a class clown but not exactly in the traditional sense. He didn’t necessarily crack jokes, or aim for the approval of others through his form of “entertainment”. He was quick witted, and mouthy, and quite frankly a bit of an asshole but with a class this boring -- such things were greatly appreciated to lift the spirits of the students who were surely just watching the clock in hopes of the final bell ringing sooner rather than later.
Hyuck shot a quick apology back at the teacher. Mark lee, his best friend who also happened to be seated directly next to him at the desk right in front of you, pulled him into a headlock the second the teacher turned back towards the blackboard and began to ruffle his hair. The boys tried their hardest to quietly withhold their leftover laughter from whatever stupid comment was made earlier. 
“Hyung, relax!” Hyuck jokingly began, “I know you’re used to having crazy hair, but that life isn’t for me!”. He smoothed out his hair as Mark flicked him -- a punishment for his slick comment.  
“My hair isn’t crazy... its just a bit curly!” he said, trying his best to fix the dark ringlets that cascaded over his forehead. 
You reached across your desk and softly pulled at one of his curls. “Don’t listen to him Mark, your curls are seriously too cute,” you whispered as you shot him a quick wink. His cheeks flushed pink and he responded with a shy smile and quick nod of his head in your direction.
Hyuck swivelled his head around, narrowing his eyes at Mark before turning to you with an expression you were far too familiar with. The boy pouted as he leaned his elbow back onto the empty desk next to you before fluttering his eyes as he rested his cheek in the palm of his hand. 
“And what about me, Y/N?” he asked. As lovely as he looked, still glowing in the sunlight, you had no choice but to take him down a peg... but not before having some fun with the little flirt. 
“Hmm...” you sighed, narrowing your gaze as though you were thinking deeply. You brushed your hand across his exposed cheek and leaned closer to his face. The smug look on his face disappeared with each inch you eliminated between the two of you. By the time your faces were directly in front of each other, he looked a little flustered. 
You lowered your voice seductively before speaking. “I think...” you began, “you’re probably due for a haircut.” Mark chuckled under his breath after witnessing the exchange. 
Just as you thought you’d won the battle, Hyuck quickly snapped back “But then you’d have nothing to pull on, Y/N”. With your faces still close together, he dropped his gaze to your lips before licking his own. 
“Okay, gross...” murmured Mark, before turning his attention back to the teacher who was still aimlessly drawing formulas all over the chalkboard. Hyuck’s intense gaze shifted between your lips and your eyes before you decided to break the distance between the two of you. 
“In your dreams, Dong-hyuck,” you said as you leaned back into your chair, sighing deeply and rolling your eyes. He furrowed his brows, annoyed at your refusal to call him by the name everyone else used. 
“Actually, you usually call me Haechan when you’re screaming my name in my dreams...” he mumbled stubbornly before turning back around in his seat. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself, completely impressed by how nonchalantly he admitted to fantasizing about you. Typical Hyuck. 
The rest of the class passed by painfully slow. The final bell pretty much brought every student back from the dead as they jumped up, excited to start their weekends. You gathered your belongings to leave class with both Mark and Hyuck trailing behind you. 
All three of you had gone to school together for years and were considered to be pretty decent friends. Mark and Hyuck were obviously extremely close, like brothers almost, and you were once a big part of their friendship as well until you all hit puberty and the dynamic seemed to shift. Hyuck got more flirty, Mark got a little more nervous, and the time you all spent together was limited to whatever classes you coincidentally shared and conversations at parties or in passing at school. 
This was one of those moments. The three of you navigated your ways through the halls of your school as other students chattered amongst themselves about the parties happening that weekend, while emptying out their lockers for the day.
Hyuck and Mark were discussing some new album that had just been released when you reached the entrance of your school.
“Hey, isn’t that your boyfriend over there?” Hyuck asked, nudging your shoulder. 
All three of you glanced up at a boy hanging by the bottom of the staircase, speaking with a group of students. His smile dropped from his face the second he looked up and met your gaze, replacing it with an expression of... fear, almost. He quickly wrapped up his conversation and turned in the opposite direction before walking off. 
“Jeez, Y/N. What was that about?” Mark asked. 
“Yeah, he looks terrified. What did you do to him?” Hyuck began, “and where do I sign up?” He chuckled at his own remark as Mark rolled his eyes. 
The two boys turned to you waiting for a response but all they got was a shrug. This wasn’t anything new.
“Just another guy who thought he could handle me. The usual,” you stated, pulling out your phone from your pocket to scroll through the notifications. 
Hyuck and Mark both stared at you wide-eyed, not quite sure what to make of your intentionally ambiguous statement. You gracefully pushed past them, disregarding the encounter with your ex, and continued walking down the stairs. The boys fell right into step behind you.
Your mom had sent you a message, reminding you that you were going to be alone for the weekend while she went away with her new boyfriend -- for the second time this month. 
“Ugh, again?” you mumbled to yourself. Hyuck grabbed the phone out of your hand to read the message as mark peered over his shoulder. 
“You’re so lucky you have us, you know. When’s the last time we camped out at your place anyway?” he said, tilting his head while racking his brain. 
“7th grade” Mark responded, “You almost slipped off the roof when we climbed up through Y/N’s window.”
You all chuckled at the memory. You had almost forgotten just how close you all once were. The thought of being home alone for the second weekend in a row did sound boring.
Hyuck slung his arm around your shoulder as Mark fiddled with his cellphone next to the both of you as you walked your way through campus. The sun still broke through the few clouds left in the sky as students lounged around outdoors and others caught their busses home. 
“You know what you need?” he began, “A real man like me. Someone who can  protect you! Someone who can take control and --” the sound of Marks phone cut him off and quite frankly, you were thankful. 
“Oh jeez, I totally forgot that I promised Jaemin I’d help him with something tonight. Is it cool if I meet up with you guys a little later? I’ll make it just before bed, I promise!” he said, as he walked backwards, nearly stumbling over his feet as he responded to the message before breaking off into a run back towards the school entrance. 
You both shook your heads at his hasty exit. “Meet me in an hour?” Hyuck asked. You nodded in agreement before you both went your separate ways for the time being.
      You were just about to step into the shower when there was a knock at your door. You descended the staircase and opened the door to Hyuck standing out front with an overnight bag in hand. 
It may have been a while but he entered your home as if it was his own, kicking off his shoes in the same place your family did and climbing his way up the stairs back towards your bedroom, mumbling about some surprise party Mark and Jaemin were planning for Jeno’s birthday.
Once you got back to the room, Hyuck dropped his bag and flopped backwards into your bed. “Ah, I can’t believe you still have those,” he said, pointing at the glow in the dark stars stuck to the ceiling before pulling out his phone to take a picture that you were certain he’d send to mark. The three of you struggled to get those up there the last time they were over. 
“I’m going to shower -- and before you ask, yes... without you,” you proclaimed. Hyuck, who had been ready to make that exact remark suddenly shut his mouth before nodding his head and returning his attention to his cellphone. 
A few moments later you returned to the room, fresh out of the shower, in a pair of lounge shorts and a white tank top that sat just at your waist. However, Hyuck was no longer on your bed where you left him. 
He had changed into some sweats but stood shirtless with his back facing you, his tanned skin and muscles emphasized by the setting sun that spilled the remainder of its golden orange light through your window. You really couldn’t help but take a brief moment to admire him. As you got closer to him, he turned around with a mischievous grin on his face. That admiration disappeared the second you realized why. 
“You know... I was wondering where those marks on your bed frame came from,” he teased as he held a pair of black handcuffs in his hands. 
“Did you SERIOUSLY go through my stuff?!” you yelled, marching across the room to retrieve the cuffs from him. He lifted them out of your reach and dangled them over your head. 
Your cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink as you jumped up, just now realizing how much taller than you he now was. 
“Y/N, now I see why your ex is so scared of you!” he joked, “Wait.. HEY!”
You had jumped up onto him, wrapping your legs around his waist. He instinctively held onto you to avoid the two of you toppling over. Your handcuffs were finally within your reach again. When the commotion settled, you realized you were still in his arms and pressed against his half naked body. As you began to lower yourself, you were met with the feeling of his erection.
 “Okay, seriously? That quickly?” you questioned, as the bulge grew against your center. Hyuck slowly put you down with a sheepish grin on his face. 
“Its not my fault you’re basically naked!” he retorted. 
“Says you! Besides this is my room,” you countered, slapping his chest. He winced in pain as he rubbed the spot that was now plastered with a faint outline of your hand. 
“Is this how rough you are during sex?” he said jokingly. You furrowed your brows, lips descending into a slight frown, suddenly self conscious about the statement. You weren’t exactly insecure about your kinks, but because they played a role in your recent breakup the topic was a bit sensitive. 
     He noticed the sudden change in your expression and sat himself on the edge of your bed before speaking again. “Hey, I was just kidding. This stuff seems hot, I just --” he began before you interrupted him. 
     “He freaked out and started acting weird, Hyuck. He acted like I was some sort of monster for even suggesting the type of sex I wanted to have. I mean, I get it’s not for everyone but he looks at me now like I’m crazy and we didn’t even try anything,” you confessed. It felt good to get the reasoning behind your breakup off your chest because you hadn’t had anyone to speak to about it yet.
He took the handcuffs from your hand before snapping them open. “Show me,” he demanded. You were taken aback by his sudden proclamation. 
“With all due respect, I don’t think you’re the right candidate for this kind of stuff,” you said, laughing at the thought of Hyuck powerless. Your laugh faded when you watched as he attached himself to your headboard, now laying there with his hands above his head. 
He looked... sexy. Your breathing increased slightly and your nipples hardened through your shirt. You were hoping Hyuck was too distracted by his positioning to notice but his eyes scanned right over your body the second you attempted to meet his gaze. 
“Wow, you must be really into this stuff...” he said, not looking away from the rise and fall of your breasts and their protruding nipples. You were too caught off guard by the sudden change in your rooms atmosphere to speak. Instead, you crawled across the bed before unlocking the handcuffs, and freeing his arms.
“Wait, I thought you were going to...” he began. 
“If you want to see what it’s like, you need to do exactly as I say,” you said in almost a whisper. He stared up at you, still laying on your bed with a surprised look on his face. Your tone had changed. He nodded, and you turned to get off the bed before rummaging through your closet for a box that Hyuck hadn’t yet found. 
You placed it on the edge of your bed and he curiously peered towards it, ready for your demonstration. You weren’t exactly sure how far this would go. You weren’t even sure if you’d end up having sex but you were curious to see how Hyuck would feel about your preferences, and you valued his opinion. 
“Stand up,” you demanded sternly. A smile danced across his face as he excitedly rushed off the bed. “Undress,” you continued. 
“Wait, for real?” he almost yelled. It dawned on you that you were actually about to potentially cross a line between your demonstration and actual sex. You backtracked slightly. 
“Um... just your pants. Keep your boxers on,” you answered. Hyuck’s face fell, clearly disappointed. He sighed and untied the waist band of his sweats before stepping out of them. 
He instinctively stepped forward to tug at the strings on your shorts, assuming that you’d both be getting undressed. You grabbed his wrist in response, with your other hand gripping at his neck. He froze, taken aback by your quick movements. 
“Did I say you could undress me?” you asked, raising your eyebrows. Hyuck was momentarily flustered before his smile broke across his face once more.
“Wow, Y/N. I didn’t think you had it in you,” he laughed, as he freed his wrist from your grasp to rope his hands around your waist. 
“First rule. You refer to me as princess,” you said, as you removed your hand from his neck and swatted his hand away from your waist. “And you seem to be having difficulty keeping your hands to yourself...” you began. 
You returned to your closet to grab a belt -- the solution to your problem. “Can you blame me? Look at you... wait what are you getting that for?” he asked, noticing the leather belt you were carrying towards him. 
“Your actions have consequences, baby. Hold out your hands,” you demanded. He narrowed his eyes at you in defiance, his mischievous smile returning. “I won’t ask you again. Hold out your hands Hyuck,” you repeated. This was already getting exhausting. You knew he’d be a handful but you didn’t expect it to start this early. 
He finally complied, and you fastened the belt around his wrists, tugging at it to make sure that it was secure enough.
“Okay Y/N, what’s next?” he asked.  The look on your face was telling. He knew almost instantly that he had made a mistake and was quick to correct himself, “I- I mean princess,” he stuttered.
“Good, you’re learning. On your knees,” you ordered. He dropped to his knees almost immediately. You sat down on the bed with Hyuck facing you, pausing to stroke his cheek as you examined his face. He looked so beautiful on his knees in front of you like that, even though it took him so long. You could feel yourself getting turned on again at the sight of him in yet another submissive position. 
You took another moment to trail your eyes down his body, pausing at the large erection bulging out of his boxers. “Have you been turned on this entire time, baby?” you asked, still stroking his face. He nodded. 
“Please use your words, Hyuck,” you urged. 
“Yes, princess,” he said calmly. 
“You’ve already given me such a hard time. You like breaking rules don’t you?” you asked him. You had leaned forward to meet him at eye level, your faces centimetres from one another. Your every breath danced against his lips, and his against yours. 
“Yes, princess,” he admitted. 
“If you break the rules, you’ll get punished. I won’t go easy on you, especially if you do it on purpose. Do you understand me?” you said, no gripping his face. 
“Y-yes princess,” he stammered. 
“Undress me,” you ordered. He began to lift himself off his knees before you reached out and pushed him back down towards the floor. A brief look of confusion crossed his face as he looked down at his bound hands. 
“Use your teeth, baby,” you urged. You began by lifting one of your feet towards him. He peeled off your sock before doing the same on the other foot. 
You helped him up to his feet and he proceeded to hook his teeth around one of the straps of your tank top, followed by the other. He struggled slightly but eventually pulled the top down the length of your body, leaving you topless.
He stared at your bare chest, nipples erect, and stepped closer to you with a look of hunger in his eyes. “Keep going,” you demanded. He seemed to snap out of his trance as he glanced back up to meet your gaze. There was a familiar look in his eyes. A look that always came before trouble. 
Hyuck lowered himself to his knees as slowly as he possibly could, blowing air across your nipples, across your chest, and down your tummy. The sensation sent shivers down your body. You didn’t bother stopping him. It felt good. He’d be getting punished for it later anyway. 
As he reached the waistband of your shorts, he untied them with his teeth before dragging them down the length of your legs, followed by your panties. When he was done, he peered up at your naked body. 
“Fuck,” he murmured to himself. His gaze took in every inch of you. “You’re so beautiful, princess.”
Your heart fluttered at his statement. You sat back at the edge of the bed, and he instinctively returned to his position directly in front of you, like an obedient sub. 
“Hyuck, listen. Before we continue, we need to establish a safe word. If you feel uncomfortable, say sunset and i’ll stop whatever i’m doing,” you said. “Yes, princess,” he responded almost immediately, “but i think i’ll be able to handle it.” He flashed a quick wink before running his eyes back over your body again, this time biting his bottom lip between his teeth. 
“I’m serious. I’m not going to go easy on you. Especially since you’ve been such a brat so far,” you said. You slowly spread your legs then reached out and grabbed him by his hair before pulling him towards you. 
Hyuck wasted no time diving towards your heat faster than you even directed him, mouth agape. You had to pull his head back before he could make contact with your skin, no matter how badly you wanted it. 
“Don’t be so eager, baby. Wait for your directions,” you reminded him. You held him centimetres away from your slit by his hair. “Stick your tongue out for me,” you ordered. He quickly complied. You brought him closer to your center and the second he met your hot flesh, he licked the entire length of it. 
You groaned in response at the sudden contact before forcing his head backward. You had to stay in control. No matter how good it felt. 
“I- I didn’t tell you to move your tongue,” you stammered. Your breathing had increased and your chest was now quickly rising and falling. 
“Stick your tongue out. I’m going to ride your face. And you aren’t going to move your tongue until I say you can. Do you understand, baby?” you asked, still out of breath. 
Hyuck groaned, his erection desperately forcing itself against the fabric of his boxer briefs. “Yes, princess. I understand,” he responded, before resuming his position. 
You brought his head back into position, once again moaning at the sudden contact. This time Hyuck followed his orders and remained still. You slowly began rocking your hips back and forth against his tongue. 
“Oh, yes baby. Fuck... You’re doing so well,” you praised. Your other hand reached up to massage your breasts, still moving rhythmically against Hyuck’s face. He stared up at you, wide eyed, admiring the expressions of pleasure on your face. He looked at you like you were the most beautiful thing in the world and it turned you on even more. 
With one hand still wrapped in his hair, you applied more pressure to yourself feeling his tongue slip through your folds as you gyrated your hips faster. His nose brushed up against your clit with every stroke and the higher you raised your hips, the deeper his tongue dove into your entrance. You watched as your juices covered his chin, soaking the entire bottom half of his face. 
“Dong-Hyuck... you- you look so pretty. Like an angel,” you began. It wasn’t like you to shower a sub with so much affection but you couldn’t help it this time. He groaned in response. The sensation increased your pleasure as his mouth vibrated. 
“Do you want me to cum on your face like this?” you asked, getting closer to your orgasm. “I’m so close baby,” you moaned. He groaned once more in response sending the vibrations back through your body, this time shutting his eyes. 
“Fuck me with your tongue. I need you to look me in the eyes while you do it,” you ordered. Hyuck followed your orders, meeting your gaze once more as he altered the angle of his tongue to better penetrate your hole. With your fingers intertwined in his hair, you forced his tongue in and out of yourself. Your free hand dropped from your chest as you began to draw circles on your clit. 
You felt the tension building up inside you. You momentarily threw your head back, enjoying the stimulation -- beads of sweat dripping down the sides of your forehead. One last look at the boy between your legs was all it took to send you over the edge as you reached your climax. It was beyond any orgasm you had ever reached before. You could feel your legs shake as the rest of your body convulsed. Still savouring every last moment, you continued to jerk yourself over Hyuck’s face, body shivering at the overstimulation, before falling back onto your bed. 
The room was filled with gasps from both you and Hyuck, as you attempted to slowed your heart rate and as he caught his breath. After a few minutes, you lifted yourself back up. Hyuck sat there still, gazing curiously at you. He was taken aback by your intense orgasm.
“Are you okay, Princess?” he quietly asked. You must have been laying there longer than you thought. You nodded. His face was still covered in your juices when you got up to grab a towel before kneeling down to him and wiping his chin. 
He watched you, attempting to read your face while you cleaned him up. As you shifted your position to get closer to him your knee brushed against his erection. He winced in pain. The poor baby had been turned on for quite some time now and he shifted his thighs looking for some relief. 
You discarded the towel before motioning for Hyuck to stand. Once he was back up on his feet again, you stripped him of his remaining piece of clothing. 
His erection sprang free from his boxers, nearly hitting you in the face due to your proximity. This time, it was you who was on their knees in front of Hyuck. He looked down at you with an equally pained and eager expression on his face, waiting for your next move. 
“Wow, Hyuck. I didn’t expect you to be this big,” you cooed, as you dragged your fingernails over his length. He shutter in response, moaning under his breath. 
“Did it turn you on when I used your face like that?” you asked, gazing up at him seductively. He shifted his footing before responding. 
“Yes princess, of course,” he said. He reached down, arms still bound by your leather belt, towards his cock. You stopped him immediately. 
“You don’t get to touch yourself. And you don’t get to cum until I say you do, understood?” you ordered. Hyuck groaned in response, clearly frustrated at the predicament he was in. 
Your hands circled around his base as you gripped him. He let out a deep moan and threw his head back, nearly losing his footing. He was so turned on, every touch seemed to numb his senses. You began slowly pumping up and down his length, watching his legs shake. A bead of pre-cum, escaped from his tip as his pleasure increased. Knowing it would push him over the edge, with a quick swipe of your tongue, you tasted him. 
“Y/N... babe, please...” he whined. “I need to come,” he pleaded. 
“You’re breaking a lot of rules, Hyuck. And you know what happens when you break rules right?” you warned.“I get punished,” he responded. 
“So you do know better, after all,” you said, releasing him from your grip. He groaned at the loss of contact. Feeling defeated. You watched as he hung his head, eyes closed. You almost felt bad but you warned him that you wouldn’t go easy on him. 
You motioned for him to lay on the bed and he did. You removed the belt from around his wrists, softly rubbing at the red marks it left behind. Hyuck looked exhausted. 
You raised his arms up and fastened him back to the headboard with the handcuffs he had place himself in before. He complied without complaints. You crawled across the bed to retrieve a black silk blindfold from the box you had brought out earlier. 
Hyuck peered over your shoulder, trying to spot the other objects inside but gave up quickly, overestimating the amount of energy he had left. His head feel back against the pillows on your bed as he awaited his fate. 
You straddled him, with his erection pressing gently against your ass causing him to stir and groan beneath you. Once the blindfold was secure, you directed your attention back towards his erection, once again pumping at his length. 
Hyuck’s body jerked in response to your touch as he raised his hips up, trying to thrust into your hand before you pushed him back into place. “Don’t be fussy. Hold still or else this will take longer than it needs to,” you warned. 
He was breathing deeply now, as more beads of cum gathered at his tip. He was trying his best not to release himself but you could tell he was close. Covering his eyes had probably increased his senses, but it also seemed to calm him down a bit more. You made a mental note of it for next time. 
You froze as you caught yourself absentmindedly thinking about having sex with Hyuck like this again. He groaned again, disappointed at the halt in your strokes. This had been the second or third time you had stopped. 
You had been edging him all this time without realizing and you knew he was nearing his limit. You took the opportunity to lick along base of his cock all the way back up to the tip. He shivered and let out his loudest moan yet. 
“F-fuck. P-please, do that again,” he pleaded. You sunk your mouth over the tip of his throbbing erection and his head fell back onto the pillow. He moaned your name as you slowly took every inch of him into your mouth, feeling the tip brush against your throat. 
Hyuck muttered every curse word he knew, along with a couple of dirty phrases that you didn’t expect to hear. He even moaned your name, which should have warranted another punishment if it hadn’t sounded so fucking amazing falling from his parted lips. Still you couldn’t allow him to speak so freely. 
You removed yourself from his length which generated yet another groan from Hyuck. You sat quietly by his side for a moment, watching his chest rise and fall and a single tear slide down one of his cheeks before picking up the discarded pair of panties he had taken off of you earlier and balling them up in your firsts. 
“You’re too loud baby. I need to fix that. Open your mouth for me,” you cooed as you ran your free hand across his chest. Hyuck whimpered before opening up his mouth. You placed the undies inside carefully. This was it. This was the image you’d have imprinted in your mind forever. The image of Hyuck cuffed and blindfolded to your bed with your panties in his mouth. You couldn’t help but lower your hands to touch yourself. You slipped a finger into your entrance, quietly moaning. 
It took Hyuck a moment to realize what you were doing. it wasn’t until the sounds of you fucking yourself increased that he let out a knowing moan and began pulling at the handcuffs. 
Wetness seeped out of you when you straddled his hips, hovering over his erection. You positioned him at your entrance before slowly sinking down onto him. He let out a deep muffled growl in response and immediately started to thrust himself up into you, hitting your sweet spot. 
“Oh my goodness, Hyuck...” you gasped, with each thrust. You shouldn’t have been letting him move so much. As each stroke became more frantic, you used every ounce of your will power to pull yourself off of him once more. 
This time Hyuck protested even more. He yanked at the handcuffs, rattling the bed frame. You knew you were torturing him at this point. He still hadn’t used the safe word yet but you knew he was at his limit. You reached towards his blindfold first, removing it from his eyes. His eyelids where low but he still shifted his gaze to meet yours. You pulled the panties from his mouth and reached up to free him of his hand cuffs. 
“What are you doing?” he asked in a quiet tone. 
“Sunset,” you whispered. His face twisted in confusion. 
“Huh? But I d-didn’t say it,” he responded.
“I know, baby, But I did. I can’t take it anymore,” you confessed.
“Can I?” his voice trailed off as he moved his hands towards you, hovering them over your skin asking for permission to touch you, as if the rules still applied. He was so well behaved -- the complete opposite from how he was when you first began. You nodded and he let out a sigh of relief as his hands traced the outline of your body, first moving up your arms before gliding over your breasts. 
He delicately ran his fingers over your nipples and then back down your stomach again. He paused at your hips before snaking his hands around you to grip your ass, sighing as though he had been waiting his whole life to do so. 
The pressure was building back up for you both. His erection still hadn’t disappeared and you were shocked he had held off for so long. You reached down as he watched you position yourself to sink down onto him once more before he stopped you. 
“You’re not in charge anymore are you?” he asked, eyes going dark. His demeanour had changed but he still was taking heavy breaths, yearning for his own release. 
“Technically...no,” you hesitantly responded. 
“Good,” Hyuck stated, as he propped himself up on the bed. Within seconds he had repositioned you. Your arms were pressed against your bed frame, as you arched your back. He wanted you from behind. Hyuck wasn’t patient as he placed one of his arms next to yours to steady himself and the other around the base of his cock. 
He thrusted into you, drawing a loud moan from your lips. He wrapped his free arm around you, applying pressure to the lower part of your stomach as he disappeared into you over and over again. 
Your breasts bounced with every stroke. He pulled your hips towards himself, burying himself as deeply into you as he possibly could. 
“I’ve been waiting so long to do this to you,” he groaned into your ear before capturing a lobe between his teeth. The sensation sent tingles down your spine. He proceeded to drop kisses down your neck, marking you, as you approached your orgasm. He quickened his pace, the sound of slapping flesh filling the room. You could feel him throbbing inside you, so incredibly close to his release. 
“Fuck, i- I can’t hold it any longer!” he exclaimed. He reached his free hand down between your legs before rubbing circles onto your clit while thrusting into you. 
“H-Haechan,” you moaned. It was the first time you had ever used his nickname and it was just enough to send him over the edge. 
“Y/N.. baby.. fuck,” he stammered. Your orgasm coursed through you as you felt him fill your insides with his cum. His body went still for a second before he collapsed onto your back, heavily breathing and unable to hold up his own weight. 
Haechan gasped for air as you moved from under him, laying him gently on the bed. Beads of sweat were scattered across his face. Before he could regain his composure, you slipped out of bed to clean yourself up. Minutes later, you returned in a new set of pyjamas and a few other items. Haechan’s eyes shot open as you ran a hot towel over his body, cleaning him up. He simply stared up at you, not moving or saying a word as you took care of him. You rubbed oil onto his wrists, massaging over the red indentations the belt and handcuffs left behind, before massaging his knees as well.
When you were done, you pulled him into your chest and bundled him up under your bedsheets. The two of you didn’t move for what felt like ages. After some time had passed, Haechan had slipped out of bed to put on a new change of clothes. You took the opportunity to grab some water and fruit from the kitchen before you both sat next to each other again, aimlessly chatting as you always did. Things had changed between you two. He brushed your hair out of your face as always, but this time his touches lingered more. He playfully licked the juices off your fingers as you fed him fruit, but still teased you as he typically would. He even stopped to sprinkle your face with kisses before capturing your lips with his own. Neither of you really knew what this meant for your relationship but that wasn’t a conversation that needed to happen now anyway. 
As you giggled with each other, picking at what was left over the fruits, you both fell silent as you heard footsteps on your staircase. 
Marks head popped into your doorway seconds later. “Hey, you idiots didn’t even lock the door, and what happened to your phones I’ve been trying to call you for the past hour!” he complained, dropping his bag next to Hyuck’s. 
“Hyung!” Haechan proclaimed, still taken aback by Marks sudden entrance. 
“Don’t hyung me, what the hell have you guys been --” marks voice trailed off as his eyes zeroed in on the headboard. 
“Yo Y/N, what did you do to your bed... wait,” his voiced trailed off once more as his eyes dropped to the marks on Haechan’s wrists. He tried to cover them up with his sleeves but was too late. 
“Holy shit, you let her use those handcuffs that you showed me on you? WAIT... What the fuck happened here?” he exclaimed, jumping off the bed in shock. 
You and Haechan burst into a fit of laughter at Mark, who looked equally horrified and disgusted. His cheeks were blushing bright red, and the warmth had reached his ears too. 
“You guys are gross, you know that...” he muttered, pulling the plate of fruits away from you both, trying his hardest not to touch the bed. 
Moments later, Marks words registered in your head and soon enough you were pushing Haechan off of the bed and onto the floor to join his best friend.
“I can’t believe you sent him a picture of the handcuffs too! You idiot!” you yelled. 
“It was BEFORE we used them!” he responded. The three of you laughed and bickered back and forth as the sun finally set. 
final words: wow this one was a bit tough to write. Haechan is a mischievous little thing in this fic and in real life too but I still couldn’t handle the thought of him suffering too much. He’ll always make me soft no matter what 🥺 also Mark was supposed to have a smaller part in this but he just fit so well I even had to put him in the opening gif! please leave your thoughts/comments or feel free to give any criticism so I can correct anything that may be insensitive/inaccurate in my fics. Thank you!
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dearmyblank · 3 years
It's Time
Dear Al(ex),
I'm not done with you yet. I don't know exactly what that means in this moment but maybe in the future I will. Perhaps I have another lesson to learn from you that will come to me in the future. All I know for sure is you were my first love and always will be. You supported me and I gave you everything I could. I know now that we were not meant to be together. Mind you, I always knew that but now I know the short time we did have was as long as it was supposed to be. I wanted something a bit longer in the beginning but I never expected you to be my life partner. I'm only 20 the likelihood of taking each other to our death beds was not foreseeable.
I'm in a weird place. It's not a bad place but it’s not where I thought I would be. Learning about your new girlfriend kind of broke me open again. Not to mention I had a hard week when that happened. My mom had surgery, I got subpoenaed, and my tire blew up on the side of the road. Learning that news allowed me to further my breakup acceptance process. Which means learning the information about your girlfriend was beneficial in the end. Going through all that taught me that I can be strong without you. I can stand on my own two feet and I can sooth myself. I'm still working on this lesson but I'm getting there. If I hadn't been broken up with by you, I wouldn't have been able to see that I could/can handle a bunch of shit getting thrown my way. Turns out the strong one wasn't you but me. I just needed someone to tell me what I already knew. I have myself for that now. That being said I freaked out for making a mistake today and I potentially didn't need to do that to such a high level...like I said I'm still working on it.
I just needed to say I am going to be okay without you. I have been for 6 months. Before I know it February will be upon us (when we started dating) and then more time will pass from the time we met. I will live my life away from you for longer than I have been around you.
Thank you for teaching me that I am strong and capable alone. Though supporting myself can be lonely sometimes it's better than clinging to others who are not as invested as I am, really it’s all about balance (as I am happily learning). Thank you for teaching me the lessons I could not have taught myself.
I wish you all the happiness and success in your future. You will always have a place in my heart that will never change. You were my first kiss so I know I will never forget you. When my life partner (who I still have left to meet) asks me who my first kiss is you will spring to my thoughts. I just hope you never forget me and what I hope I taught you which is to leave people better then you found them. I watched you grow and change into a happier individual from the time I met you at 17 to the time you ended it when I was 20. It strikes me that you ended things with me right after you turned 21. It took me 6 months to get to a place of acceptance with you ending it which is right around the time of my 21st birthday. Maybe 21 is where we were always supposed to part ways. Be an amazing man in the future. Keep growing, listen to yourself, be open, and trusting. Have a good life. The hardest part about leaving you after you ended it was losing my bestfriend. You remain in this moment the one person I have been the closest too in my life. But that will change with time, I will become a better version of myself. Change is so strong and likely that I can’t even comprehend who I will become in the future, but I know change for the good is bound to happen. I will become someone you don’t know anything about. You were the first one I truly loved but you won’t be the last one. Thank you for teaching me about life. Thank you for ending things with me. Growth is never comfortable and because of the ending of whatever we had I now have space for something better. Learning is a bitter pill with a sweet ending, and I don’t think I would have had the opportunity to swallow such a pill and grow if you didn’t end things. I was far too committed and invested to see the flaws in our relationship. Seeing your flaws and my own was beyond my capability when I was so involved, connected, and close to you; making this distance a blessing. In the end, I don’t believe I would have been able to end it and grow as a result without your strong push.
I’m closing this book chapter now, it’s time, and it feels right. That being said if I have any (emotional) reaction to you or think about you from time to time with nostalgia that is okay. I will allow myself the time to self-reflect well also doing my best to make sure I don’t get stuck on you again. I know I can do it. Be authentically you forever.
The Grateful Girl You Pushed Away For The Better
P.S. In the words of cue card guy on love actually, “enough, enough now”.
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Survey #370
“breakdowns, obscenities, it’s all i wanna be”
Do you have any bad habits you aren’t working on changing? If so, do you ever think you’ll try to break them? Downloading music, for one. I really should just start using Spotify... but my iPod has over 1k songs on it and I just seriously don't want to got through all the trouble. When was the last time someone surprised you with their reaction or behaviors? Hm. I dunno. What kinds of videos do you like to watch on YouTube, if any? I watch SO many different kinds. It used to be pretty strictly let's plays, but I've definitely expanded my watching interests. Now I'm really into watching educational reptile and tarantula husbandry and keeping channels, I watch one woman who is like my weight loss idol (Jordan Shrinks, she is amazing), there's a few vloggers, I enjoy some World of Warcraft channels, and then there's a couple urban exploration guys I like. I also occasionally watch some beauty YouTubers just for their personalities and the art of it. Have you ever reached out to a crisis center for mental health support? If so, how was the experience? Yes, but they were so busy that I didn't connect with anyone before I finally gave up and ODed. When was the last time you did something you were afraid to do, and how was the outcome? Ummmm I don't really know. What is one positive thing you believe about yourself? I care a lot about other people. What is something you have been through that has made you stronger? The breakup. It brought me to the lowest of lows, where every day was a struggle to survive. It taught me I can endure through almost anything, even if it doesn't feel like I can. Other than money, what is something you wish you had more of in your life? Happiness, contentment, being in love, motivation, energy, activities, travel... There's genuinely a lot. IIs there anything that you tend to ignore for the sake of your sanity? I'm very bad at ignoring things. If something is bothering me, it's going to put up a beastly fight to be at the forefront of my mind. What is something you wish was different about your family? I wish we were closer and better off monetarily. What keeps you going lately? The hope for a happy, satisfactory future. Have you ever been in an unconventional relationship (long distance, polyamorous, same gender, age gap, etc)? if so, what challenges did this relationship present, and were they worth overcoming? I've been in a long-distance relationship with another girl. I think the hardest part was that there was not being able to physically be there for each other when one of us was really struggling, and sometimes communication was an issue, not being able to read body language when we voice chatted or hear the tone in which we "spoke" when texting, though I'm pretty sure that's an issue with any online relations. I also feel it's difficult to really build and experience your chemistry with one another when you're not physically with the other person. I still think all these challenges were worth overcoming, though. I in no way regret the relationship and got only good things out of it. What is the most unhealthy relationship (whether friendship or romantic) you’ve ever had? What made it so unhealthy? Do you still talk to each other? I'm kinda torn between Jason and Colleen, but I think my bond with Jason was ultimately more unhealthy because it went beyond love: he was an obsession. Having him with me was the only thing that brought me joy, and I lit-er-a-lly could not imagine my future without him. Like that concept just didn't exist; it was entirely impossible in my head. On his end, he failed to communicate what he was going through emotionally, which only contributed to the damage. I never knew he was struggling because of me. Without realizing it, I put so much pressure on him to make me happy, so to answer the last question, no, we don't, by his decision - and I don't blame him. Have you ever been abusive in any way? Were you able to change or make amends, or, in general, what do you think people should do to make amends in that situation? A neverending battle I have with myself is if how I treated Jason after the breakup was qualifiable as emotional abuse, specifically with messaging him things like "thanks for sending me to the ER" and shit. My therapist reassures me that it wasn't abusive because I wasn't being deliberately manipulative, but rather genuinely hurt and convinced I had been wronged and wanted him to know and acknowledge it. She agrees that it was wrong, which I entirely agree with, but sometimes, I'm still convinced I was abusive. I fucking hate answering this question, so hurrying up: I don't know if he's forgiven me. As for how others could reconcile, that's not for me to say. I know sometimes the answer is to NOT make amends and completely stay away from their abuser. It's not my right to tell others how to cope with their abuse. Have you ever forgiven someone for being abusive or allowed someone toxic back into your life? Did this person change for the better or not? My former best friend Colleen was toxic as all fuck hell, and I let her back in way too many times. No, she never changed. I honesty doubt she ever will, given her pride. When was the last time you did something “meant” for children? Do you think it’s okay for adults to do these things (ie. watch cartoons, have stuffed animals, dress in cute clothing, etc), or do you think there’s an age beyond which it becomes unacceptable - and if so, why? Hmmm... I know this was semi-recent, but whatever it was is evading me at the moment. I personally have zero issue with adults engaging in activities like that; let people do what they enjoy if they're not harming anyone, especially things as innocent as dressing how they think is cute, etc. I would far rather people "act like children" (not emotionally, you know what I mean) than run around the streets selling drugs and shit. What was the last thing to “trigger” you (as in, in a true mental health sense, I’m being serious here) and how did you cope with it? What kinds of things do you tend to find triggering? What do you do either avoid or face your triggers? When I was riding to the sleep study section of the health plaza, where the hospital is, my anxiety spiked quite a bit, recalling all of my ER stays for being suicidal. It didn't help that the psych hospital I visited most is also in that whole jumble of buildings. I dealt with it by reminding myself I was in that area for a very different reason, and Mom reassured me that where I would be staying was more like a small hotel room than a hospital bed, which was true, so that helped. Regarding the next question, I'm not gonna lie to ya, I have a stupid amount of PTSD triggers: certain music, shows, fandoms, places, smells, even tastes of certain foods. I tend to stay away from my major triggers, but I'll *sometimes* fight the tiny ones, because I want that sense of ownership of myself back. If you’re diagnosed with anything, do you feel that it accurately represents what you’re experiencing? Yes. What are some minor physical discomforts that really bug you (eyelash in your eye, a wedgie, rumpled socks, etc)? I'm VERY sensitive to feeling anything in my nose, and it leads to me needing to blow it a lot. I also can't stand having holes in my socks, but since I wear flip flops essentially everywhere, I don't experience this much. Are you ever afraid to admit to liking something because you’re afraid other people will judge you for it? What is the worst that’s ever happened as a result of you liking something different from the crowd? What about the best thing that’s come as a result of a unique interest? Y E P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing really bad has happened because of admitting my interests, other than hearing things along the lines of "I don't get it." It's very odd, just how horribly receptive I am to judgment about things I like when I don't recall a time where I was ridiculed for anything. But anyway, the best thing to happen from sharing interests for me is making a new friend that likes the same thing, and I will IMMEDIATELY be closer to you than most people I associate with once you've helped me past that vulnerable spot of mine. Have you ever remained good friends with an ex? Yeah. Do you have a negative view of mentally ill people, or are you mentally ill yourself? Do you ever call others crazy, insane, etc? Do you ever call yourself those things? I'm mentally ill and empathize heavily with those who suffer themselves. I absolutely do not have a negative look on mental health sufferers; we don't choose to be victims. I'm definitely not a big fan of abusing terms like "insane," because I've fucking been there, and it's not a term to take lightly. I've thrown 'em around before, but I try to avoid it. I don't call myself any of those things nowadays, but in the deepest trench of my depression and PTSD, I honest to God think I fit the definition of "insane." Does it bother you to have people comment on what you’re eating, or do you not care? What are some comments that would bother you, if any? Do you ever comment on what other people are eating or make assumptions about their intakes? YES. JUST DON'T FUCKING COMMENT. I get EXTREMELY self-conscious when my mom does this sometimes when I occasionally need a small snack to hold me out overnight, and I absolutely never will say something to someone else. It's just rude, imo. Well, I guess if someone was really destroying their health and I was close to them, I would out of concern and be very gentle, but when regarding most people? I'm keeping my thoughts to my damn self. Do you like Redbull? I've never tried it and don't want to. I'm not an energy drink fan. Who is the last person you spent money on? My mom. I remember I bought us fast food when we were out once. What are you looking forward to in the next 4 days? G U Y S!!!!!!!!! I GET MY TATTOO TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!! :'''') Also on the same day, I start my TMS therapy, which I have high hopes for. Have you ever gone a whole day without eating? No. Do you sometimes use your music player to help you fall asleep? No, but I did that for years back in middle school. Have you ever had a crush on someone “too young” for you? No. Do you shave your legs more than once a week? Haaaaaaaaa. If you could cuddle with anyone right now, who would you pick? I really wish I could cuddle my late pup Teddy again. :/ I was thinking about that recently. Are you tanned? God no. I never am. Do you try to wear dresses whenever you can? No. I wish I was in a shape where I was comfortable wearing spring dresses again... I had this floral skull one in high school that I adored. Are you wearing something that belongs to someone else? No. Have you ever been called a bitch? Yes. Did you like the person you last kissed when you kissed them? I loved her. Who did you have a meaningful conversation with last? Sara. Do you have feelings for someone? Yeah, but they're like... on a leash, you could say. I don't let 'em run free and wild, and I know that even if nothing comes of those feelings again, it's fine. Are you trying to avoid liking somebody at the moment? I think Jason will be this answer for a very long time, if not forever, given the trauma and all. I have to remind myself frequently that I love his memory, not him, because I don't even know him anymore. It's been YEARS since we spoke. Just like I've changed incredibly, I'm sure he has, too. If you saw life in black & white, would that be okay with you? I mean, it would suck, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. When you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, what kinds of things are you likely to do? How often do you find you have trouble sleeping? I do exactly what you shouldn't do and get back on the laptop. I'd say I most often get on WoW and refresh the auctions I have up because that tends to tire me out because I do that shit manually to avoid any addon mishaps, and I have a looooot to put up as a gold farmer. What was the last lengthy packet you filled out? Something to see if I qualified for a sleep study. Are you a patient person? What is one way you have a lot of patience? What about not very much patience at all? I am NOT patient, at least regarding more trivial things, like sitting in waiting rooms. I do have patience though with other people with more serious things, like getting someone to open up to me. At what time during the day do you tend to feel your best? What about the worst? When I first wake up. It's a "fresh start" and it's nice to feel rested. Plus, I open a fresh can of cold soda as my "coffee" for lack of better word, haha. I'm in my worst mood probably late afternoon/early evening, by which time I am incredibly bored and just dulled down. What was the last thing you did that you wish you could take back or do differently? The last thing... I dunno. How frequently do you stay overnight somewhere that isn’t your own home? What things do you miss about home when you’re away? Do you tend to get homesick easily? Pretty much never. I do miss my room and its privacy when I'm away from home, but I wouldn't say I get homesick all that easily, so long as I have WiFi, haha. Do you tend to eat more in the beginning of the day or at night? Do you have a tendency to snack when you’re bored? If so, what kinds of snacks do you normally go for? Not necessarily the beginning of the day, but definitely more than at night. I am BAD about snacking when I'm extremely bored, but at the very least I'm conscious enough to try and find something semi-healthy, like granola bars, fruits, a scoop of peanut butter, but I also sometimes just eat like... a slice of bread or a tortilla. Horrible choice. I'm a carb fiend and I hate it. If you have any dietary restrictions, do you ever miss foods you can’t have? If not, what’s something you haven’t had for a long time that you wish you could eat again? I thankfully don't have any. I've been craving cheesecake like a madman lately. :< The spicy shrimp fritas from Olive Garden, too. Is there something you still can’t do even though you’re an adult or might be expected to do this thing? I don't have my license, and my driver's permit is even expired. I'm terrified of driving. I also don't have a job, and I can't cook. When was the last time you congratulated someone? Were you happy for them, indifferent, jealous? Uhhh I think someone on Facebook had a baby. Of course I was happy for them. What was the last milestone you reached in your life (graduating, buying a car, starting a family, etc)? What milestone are you going for next, if any? Um... I haven't reached a true milestone in years. Hell, I don't think since I started recovery from the breakup. Do you enjoy getting comments or messages? How likely are you to leave comments or messages for other people? Yeah, it makes me feel cared about. It really depends on the platform on how much I leave other people comments, and I'm extremely shy about messaging, but I'll do it sometimes. When are you most likely to scream (either out of fright, anger, or whatever)? Do you scream or yell often? When was the last time someone screamed at you (or in your presence)? Frustration, for sure. I've screamed into a pillow more than once. I definitely don't yell or especially scream often. I'm sure the last person to yell at me was Mom, but I don't remember about what. What would you say is your STRONGEST emotion? Maybe not the most frequent, but the most intense? And what emotion do you feel most weakly, even if you might feel it more often? I'd saaaay... maybe love. When I love something/someone, I love HARD. I think I experience joy the weakest; it's very muted for me. And lastly, what are you listening to? Is this a band you listen to a lot "The Heretic Anthem" by Slipknot. I wouldn't say I listen to them a lot, but I have been more than usual lately.
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twiceinadream · 5 years
Twice React- S/O Treating Them Better Than Their Ex
Requested: Yup
Request: twice's reactions to their s/o treating them way better than their exs please!
a/u: I just want to start off by saying, thank you for 400 followers! I hope you guys, enjoy and thank you again! (Sorry if these are long)
Category: Fluff
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“Y/N, you remembered.”
It had been a long time, since Nayeon has had someone special in her life. Seeing as, her last breakup didn’t end as well, as she had hoped. They were narcissistic and controlling. But, you were different. You always tried to show her, she was more than just a pretty face in a magazine. You made her feel human. As you walked down the busy street, you happened to see a small flower stand; noticing the vibrant colors from where you stood. You picked up the prettiest bunch you could find, as you payed the man at the counter; and continued to Nayeon’s house. When you arrived you didn’t hesitate to knock on the door, waiting as you heard shuffling from inside; then the door opened, to reveal your gorgeous girlfriend, “Hey, Nayeonie.” Nayeon, gasped when she saw you with the flowers, “Y/N, these are my favorite!” She gushed, as she grabbed the bouquet, “I know. That’s why I got them.” She smiled as she gave you a soft kiss, “No one’s ever done something like this for me, before.” You returned her smile, as you hugged her, “Then let me be your first.”
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“When did I tell you?”
Love, has never really come easy to, Jeongyeon. Mostly, after years of dating the wrong people, she tried to shut off her feelings; but you managed to slip through, and you tried everything to show her how much she meant to you. You looked at the recipe again, assuring yourself this was right; you wanted to surprise your girlfriend when she came home, with a feast of her favorite foods. So you had been working all day to make it perfect. The tteokbokki was hot on the stove as you waited for the sauce to thicken; then you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, surprising you, “What’s all this, Y/N-ah?” You pouted as you turned off the heat, “This was supposed to be a surprise.” Jeongyeon, laughed at your expression when you turned around, “Well, I still am. You didn’t need to do all this.” You shook your head, “I just wanted to show you, how much I love and appreciate you, Jeong.” Jeongyeon, smiled as she pecked your cheek, “You don’t need to, Y/N. I already know.”
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“Ahh, Y/N! You made me loose count.”
Success and love, never really came hand in hand and no one knew that better than, Hirai Momo. Her ex was always telling her, she had to stop eating so much or else they would leave her; but they did anyways, and she was heartbroken. That was until, she met you. You showed her the brighter side of life: how to laugh, how to enjoy the small things, how to love herself. It was a quiet night when the two of you went out to the night market. You walked hand in hand, as you fed her jokbal and she shoved patbingsu in your mouth; she hasn’t felt this free in a long time. That’s when she felt her heart flutter again, “How do you always make me feel like this, Y/N?” You gave her a confused look, “Like what, Momoring?” She huffed, “Like, I’m falling in love with you again.” You smiled as you kissed her, “How many times have I made you feel like that?” Momo, smiled to herself, “I stopped counting, after the first time.”
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“What are you doing here?”
Sana, had it rough. She loved being in love, but it was always with the wrong person. Her ex always treated her like she was some prize they had won, and showed her off instead of caring for her. Especially, when they mocked her, for having a childish fear of thunderstorms. That’s when she wanted to stop loving as much as she did; but you broke down her walls and got her bare. You watched the lightning flash across the sky, as the thunder shook your windows. You gripped your car keys tighter as you thought of, Sana, ‘I need to be there for her.’ So, you grabbed your coat and jumped into your car, driving as fast as you could to your girlfriend’s house; the rain came pounding on you as you ran to her door, knocking to have it open a few seconds later, “Sana!” She looked at you in shock as she pulled you inside, “Y/N, what are you doing here?” You started to answer as a crash of thunder sounded, causing Sana to jump, “I’m here for you.” She shook her head, “No, it’s just a stupid fear.” You grabbed her hands, kissing her softly, “Sana, I’m here because, I love you. Every part of you.”
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“You noticed?”
Loving and being loved came naturally to, Jihyo, but having her heart broken did not. Sure, she loved her family and her members but not the bastard that had cheated on her. They had said, “If you were prettier, this wouldn’t have happened.” After that, she tried closing herself off from the world, but you had somehow found your way in. Jihyo’s eyebrows furrowed as she looked at her phone, catching your attention, “What’s wrong?” She looked up at you in confusion, “Nothing.” You frowned, “No, you only narrow your eyebrows like that, when something’s bothering you. What is it?” Jihyo, looked at you in surprise, not even she knew that, “It’s just, reports about my weight. But, do you really notice all that about me?” You nodded, “Of course. Your eyes sparkle when you see your members succeed, the corner of your eyes crinkle when you smile, and when you laugh you look to see if everyone else is laughing.” She looked at you in amazement, as she sat down in your lap, kissing you softly, “I know this look, Y/N.” You quirked an eyebrow at her, “It’s when you look at me, like I’m the only girl on Earth.”
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“You taught me, how to love again.”
Relationship, wasn’t exactly the first word you would think of for, Mina. But, she had been in love once. Only it was with someone who had never treated her right; always throwing her out of her comfort zone, making her anxiety climb. But, since she met you, you made sure to show her that not everyone was like her ex. You laughed as you held Mina in your arms, “Wait. You got a bloody nose, when you got a dog?” Mina, nodded shyly, “That’s adorable, Minari.” Your girlfriend looked at you in confusion, “You’re not gonna say, that’s so pathetic.” Your smile quickly faded as you listened to her, “Why, would I? That’s such an adorable story.” She shook her head, “It’s just, my ex would always tell me that, when I talked about my childhood.” You sighed as you turned her around to face you, cupping her cheeks in your hands, “Look at me, Mina. Do I, look like your ex?” She shook her head as you continued, “Exactly. I love you, for you Minari. And that means everything about you.” Mina smiled as she pressed a kiss to your lips, “Thank you, for showing me love again, Y/N.”
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“Are you for real?”
Dahyun, didn’t have much experience with love, but from what she had experienced; it hurt, a lot. Her ex had left her open and vulnerable. You hated thinking of them. When you had met Dahyun, she was still trying to pick up the pieces they had torn from her, and one thing you learned was, that the pieces never really ever fit just right again. But, that never stopped you from trying; you smiled as you watched Dahyun play the piano. She always looked so calm when she played, so as she finished her piece you asked her if you could play, which she happily agreed to. Your fingers moved gracefully over the keys as you tried your hardest to serenade your girlfriend. By the time you finished, tears welled up in Dahyun’s eyes as she hugged you, “I didn’t know you played.” You smiled shyly, “I wanted to do something special for you, since, I love you Dahyunnie.” Dahyun, giggled as she kissed you, “I love you too, Y/N-ah.”
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“Y/N, this is amazing!”
Most people never understood, Chaeyoung’s free spirit. Causing her many troubles with past lovers and her recent ex, as they always tried to tie her down and make her what she wasn’t. But, you saw it as uniquely, Chaeyoung and you loved that about her. It had been a week, since Chaeyoung had arrived home from tour and you couldn’t be happier, as you watched her from the kitchen, “Hey, Chae. I know you just got back, but what do you think about one more trip.” Chaeyoung, paused the movie she was watching to face you, “What do you mean.” You smiled as you held up two plane tickets, “How about you and me, explore, Paris, together?” Your girlfriend looked at you in disbelief, “How did you...” You shook your head, stopping her, “I got it all under control. And, you only live once, right?” Chaeng nodded as she stood from the couch, moving so she could pull you in for a kiss, “Only if I can live it with you, right there with me.”
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“How long have you known?”
Many people didn’t understand, what Tzuyu risked to be where she is now. Many, like her recent ex thought she was just a dumb girl with a pretty face, that they could just show off. But, you knew her better than that, and you tried with every fiber of your being to prove it to her. Today, was the anniversary of Tzuyu arriving in Korea, and you wanted to make this special for her. So you had emailed her mother, asking her for recipes, Tzuyu enjoyed as a child. Now you were on a Skype call with, Mrs. Chou as you cooked. You laughed as she told you many stories of your girlfriend’s youth, smiling as you cooked, listening to her voice, too distracted to hear Tzuyu come in. The second, Tzuyu opened the door, the smell that greeted her seemed all too familiar; it was strange, it smelled almost like, home. Then she heard her mother’s voice coming from the kitchen; making her rush there first. Only to be met with you hovering over the stove, with your iPad propped close to you on a Skype call with her mother. She dropped her bag at the sight, alerting you of her presence, “Tzuyu-ah, you’re home.” You greeted her warmly, as she looked between you and her mother on screen, then to the food of her childhood resting on the counter. She gave you a weak smile before she rushed into your arms, tears coming out in short bursts, “I didn’t think you knew what today, meant for me.” You smiled as you wrapped her in a hug, looking back at your iPad’s screen to see that her mother had ended the call. You held her closer as you pressed your lips to hers, “Of course I did. Today’s the day, your heart was brought closer to mine.”
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diebyathousandcuts · 5 years
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Hey Taylor!!! @taylorswift @taylornation
I cannot believe Lover comes out on Friday! It feels like ages since you last released an album, even though it was only a little less than two years ago...
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I don’t know if you remember me, but we met in Brisbane in 2013 in Club Red. I was with my sister Meryn (or as you called, Mez) and me Elinor (or, you asked if you could call me Elly). This December is 6 years since that moment, the actual best day of my entire life and I am forever grateful for it.
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A lot has happened between then and now. When we met we talked about what grade I was in school. This year I have been out of school for 3 years... You asked me where abouts in Brisbane I live, and now I live in London!
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It’s pretty crazy how fast time flies when you get older, but no matter how much older I get, I know that I always will have you by my side, and for that I am always thankful.
You’ve taught me how to deal with heartbreak, loss, friendship breakups, just life in general.
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I wanted to move to London because I needed a change, and boy has it been one of the best things I have ever decided to do. I have met so many amazing people and been to so many amazing places. Hopefully I will get to see you on tour here in the next year or so? My brothers wedding is October 2020 so I am also hoping I might be able to do some of the Aus tour, depending on when you decide to tour.
The hardest thing I’ve had to deal with since living here is not having my family by my side. Ever since I can remember, my sister has been there with me when you’ve released a new album and we’ve always had it on repeat until we knew all the words and sang at the top of our lungs together, so I guess we will just have to do that on facetime now!
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Anyways, basically what I am trying to say is thank you for absolutely everything. You have always been such a constant light in my life.
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Hope to see you soon,
Elinor xxx
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daysswithyou · 4 years
Fallen Chapter 24: Déja vu
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Characters: DAY6 Young K x OC (Rachel)
Warning!: Cursing and swearing, mentions of blood and bodily wounds
Tear me apart,
Rip me to shreds,
Leave me as nothing but skin and bones,
An empty shell of what I used to be before.
With the stars and moon hanging overhead, Younghyun dropped you off outside the female living area and made you promise that you’ll take a shower before meeting him for dinner an hour later. You nodded, mustering up a weak smile just to show him that you’re alright. You returned to an empty room; Esther should be with Jae now, presumably having a dinner date. You scrubbed your body vigorously in the shower, wanting to get rid of every last bit of dried salt clinging to your skin. Your skin was red, raw and tingling by the time you exited the shower but you could care less. At least you felt clean, clean from all the dark thoughts that previously clouded your mind, though you could never be fully cleansed of the painful memories. Walking along the hallways, you jumped when you saw someone waiting outside your door.
Bubblegum pink hair… classic red nails… This was Ayeon standing outside your room, no doubt about that. You gritted your teeth at the sight – seeing her always spelt trouble. Straightening your back, you ignored her but alas, before you could even get a grip on your doorknob, her voice had reached your ears.
“Drinks? My treat.”
“No thank you, I’ve got somewhere to be soon.”
“Oh, come on. Don’t be such a wet blanket Rachel. It’s just harmless drinks.”
You turned around and crossed your arms before fixing Ayeon with your hardest stare.
“Really? The last time I checked, you don’t ever find me without good reason.”
Ayeon chuckled, but it was a mirthless laughter. Oh, how she wanted to scratch that stare off your face but not yet. Not now. Like a female lioness, patience will be her greatest virtue now – before she went in for the kill later.”
“Alright Rachel, you got me. I do have some things that I want to tell you.”
“You can just say it here.”
“I would need a little more time than that. So why not get comfortable over drinks?”
Ayeon lifted her red lips into a smile, and you knew that you weren’t actually left with a choice. Unless you went with her, she would not stop hounding you. You might as well get it done and over with.
“Wait here.”
You entered your room and slammed the door shut before leaning your back against it. You sent a quick text to Younghyun to tell him that you’ll be late – he didn’t need to know that you’ll be with Ayeon else things are going to get really messy. You swiftly switched off the phone screen once the message was sent. Remembering that she was still outside the door, you scrunched your face up in annoyance, gentling messaging your temple due to the massive headache that was currently splitting your brain open.
What the hell does she want with me?
Ayeon decided to go to a bar by the beach and you mentally swore for agreeing to her stupid deal in the first place. Being on the beach again reminded you of today’s earlier events and you could feel the discomfort crawl under your skin, almost like a million ants were festering under your skin. But there was no way – no fucking way – that you’d admit this weakness to Ayeon. Suppressing your fear, you held your head up high as you walked behind her. As the bar got closer, you could hear the addictive tropical house beats blast from the stereo speakers, the occasional lyrics becoming clearer once you reached the hut. You recognise some of the people at the bar as your classmates and you gave them a small wave as a greeting. Some waved back but quickly frowned when they realised who you came with. Guess your bad relationship with Ayeon is still widely remembered by everyone. You heaved a sigh as Ayeon greeted the bartender with a smile and waved them over.
Let’s just survive this conversation, then go get dinner.
You’re broken from your reverie by her question.
“Martini for you?”
“Yes. Lime. Please.”
“One vodka for me, and one lime martini for the lady here. Charge both to my bill.”
You watched as Ayeon passed her black card over and you kept your gaze on her, expecting her to initiate conversation. But she merely glanced at you from the side of her eyes, smirking as she did so.
“You’re in no hurry, right? Let’s enjoy the music and ambience as we wait for the drinks.”
This bitch is playing with me. Fucking hell.
You kept your voice levelled, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of knowing that your blood was currently boiling inside because of her. Thank goodness Lady Luck was on your side tonight, for the drinks arrived shortly and you resisted the urge to gag when you saw the bartender throw a wink at Ayeon, to which she giggled like some love-struck main in a chick flick. You felt a vessel pop in your temple, and you quickly brought the drink up to your lips, hoping the hot liquid would distract you from that sight.
“Out with it Ayeon. I know you’re not here to enjoy my company. Say your piece, and then we can both part ways.”
“Ouch Rachel, I am hurt.”
You tsked at Ayeon and you saw the shift in her gaze. She released her lips from the rim of the glass cup before turning fully to face you.
“Since you’re so eager to leave, Rachel, I shall cut to the chase. I know about the deal, and I want Brian back.”
Upon hearing her words, you scoffed out loud with your tongue in cheek. The audacity of this bitch to want him back after all the damage she has done. Has she no shame?
“Ayeon, in case your memory fails you, perhaps I should remind you that you’re the one that broke up with first and then publicly humiliated him. After all the damage you’ve wrought on him, you want him back? Your shamelessness is truly astounding. Besides, you can’t just ask for it back. It no longer belongs to you.”
You expected Ayeon to land a harsh slap across your face for insulting you, but she merely pulled her lips back into a smile, showing off her perfectly neat rows of white teeth.
“Oh really? I think it does. Normally I would have taught you a lesson for insulting me but I shan’t waste my energy when I’ve got an easier method to deal with you.”
You watched as Ayeon tapped her phone screen a few times before your phone screen lighted up – as with all your other classmates surrounding you – with a notification from the school app.
You continued to glare at Ayeon. What game is she playing right now?
Ayeon doesn’t waver under your gaze, she merely picked up the stem of her glass delicately before bringing the clear liquid to her lips.
“Check it. I’m sure you’ll be very interested to see it’s content since it involves… a certain… someone.”
The bite in her last word made it clear who she’s referring to and your fingers moved on their own accord to swipe at the notification. A video post with no caption is presented to you and you pressed the play button. The whole video is dark due to poor lighting and you barely make out his figure until the moonlight shone across the planes of his face, illuminating his prominent, handsome nose.
Younghyun… but what the hell… why does he look so dishevelled… and that suit…
You recognised the suit now – it was the one that he wore when he showed up looking all dazed and frightened at your doorstep. The image of his fear-stricken face appeared in the forefront of your mind again, the harrowing image knocking the wind out of you. Audio emitted from your phone speakers again; someone was shuffling offscreen. When you saw her, that’s when you felt the phantom, ice cold hands wrap their fingers around your throat, slowly but surely squeezing the life out of you as it got harder to breathe with each passing second. You’d recognise that pink bubblegum hair anywhere – one that is currently sported by the same lady sitting in front of you in flesh.
The pair in the video was none other than Ayeon and Younghyun, the former whom now had Younghyun pinned against the wall as she aggressively sucked his face. Younghyun had one hand up her thigh, with the other on her lower back. Then, a flash of white hair in the video – Dowoon. Dowoon whom had accidently witnessed this sinful sight that very night. The weight of the truth finally hit you all at once, one that had you stumbling out of your chair as your phone clattered against the glass table top.
So, this was what happened that night. This was what Dowoon was trying to warn me about this entire time. Gosh… I’m such a fool. Younghyun cheated on me. Another guy fucking cheated on me – again. I’m so stupid for believing him… for believing that he loved me.
Against your wishes to not show an ounce of vulnerability in front on Ayeon, your body betrayed you as your throat ran dry, scalding tears already pooling at your lash line. Your grip on your phone is so strong that the screen almost cracked, your nails pierced into the soft flesh of your thigh and drew blood in the process. Ayeon snickered from her spot in front of you, relishing in the sight of your emotional torment. She broke you again – twice now. Oh, just how much more pathetic can you be?
“Like what you see Rachel? Told you his heart still belongs to me.”
Your body felt so weak due to the torrent of emotions currently raging within you – so incredibly weak that you can’t even make a sound to retort Ayeon. Then the sound of a suppressed giggle came from behind you and that has you snapping your head up to look at the person. Your classmate is currently stifling their laughter behind the palm of their hands, the fingers pointed at your pathetic self. More laughter erupted around the bar, some openly jeered at you now. This sort of scene… it’s all too familiar to you.
The canteen.
The public breakup.
It’s happening all over again – you’re the prey laid out in plain sight for all the wolves to see, before they closed in to rip you into shreds. Your head rung painfully with their shrill laughter; your heart hammering so painfully hard in your chest that you thought it might shatter your ribs. Your head is jerked back by Ayeon to face her, her perfectly manicured fingers digging viciously into your jaw,
With a sneer, she spat: “Go on, run Rachel. Run like you always do, run like the pathetic creature that you are. That’s what you do best anyways – running from all your problems.”
She then pushed you off to the side, sending you tumbling off the chair. She stopped short of kicking sand into your face – you looked wretched and pitiful enough. She didn’t feel the need to trod all over you again, you’re already doing a good job making yourself look absolutely miserable. Rising on wobbly and unsteady feet, you stumbled out of the bar, moving further away from the group of people that wanted nothing more than to tear you apart.
One step,
Then the second,
And another.
Soon, you’re thundering down the length of the beach, kicking up sand behind you as their laughter got softer and softer,
And then,
The quiet static of cricket chirps filled your ears, the sound mixing up with the distant lapping of the waves upon the shore and the rustling of palm trees above you. It was quiet – just you against the world with your broken heart. On a normal night, you would have enjoyed the tranquil atmosphere and view; the stars still looked pretty hanging like shining crystals in the sky but tonight… your soul felt void. Completely drained and sucked dry of every good emotion in this cruel world – you honestly doubted that you’d be able to feel positive emotions after all the turmoil that you’ve gone through in your life, more so after tonight’s events. Younghyun’s cheating incident was really the last push that sent you tumbling over the edge, crashing into a million pieces with no hopes of ever being whole again. No matter how hard you tried, the unwanted images from before refused to leave your mind. Even when you squeezed your eyes shut, the cursed images kept replaying again.
Her lips on his…
His hands on her thighs…
The forsaken clothes on the floor.
One need not be told to know what happened next. The memory sent a shockwave through your body, and you lurched forward violently as your chest caved in on itself, forcing you onto the hard gravel, scrapping your knees and palms in the process. Yet, the physical pain was nothing compared to the emotional turmoil within you. A strangled sob escaped you as the first tears streamed down your face like a thundering waterfall – never ending and soaking your outfit wet. You really did not want to make a fool of yourself and cry in public but you knew you could not keep it in anymore – else the pressure would kill you. So, there in the middle of the street, you wailed as you felt your heartstrings snapped. It was physically possible to die from a heartbreak and for a moment, you considered the possibility that you might. You were not sure how long you cried for – minutes? Hours? Time lost it’s meaning to you. After all – you no longer had an appointment to keep, or a place to be. You cried yourself dry, till you could not physically produce tears anymore. You felt like you were going to pass out any moment, and the first instinct would be to call Esther for help. To talk? To come and get you? Maybe both. You just knew that you wanted your best friend by your side now to hold you and tell you it’s going to be alright – because you no longer had the strength to say those words to yourself – maybe you needed someone to tell you so that you would believe it.
You tapped your phone screen weakly, only to realise that it had been damaged beyond repair during the incident just now. The screen was glitching – now it would be impossible for you to contact Esther. The additional distraught of being left with a damaged phone and no means to contact anyone caused another wave of frustration to bubble up within you and you let out a disgruntled sigh, the sound scratching against your hoarse vocal cords. With blurry vision, you slowly rose from the ground and stumbled forward. You didn’t know where to go – all you knew was that you wanted to go far away – to a place where no one would recognise you, and no one you knew could find you.
Away from Ayeon, away from Younghyun, away from this damned life that you led.
To leave things behind, you’d have to keep moving forward – and so you did. You dragged your limp body forward along the unknown path with no idea where it’ll lead you. Even when you walked right into the middle of the road, you didn’t notice until you saw a burst of light so bright that pain shot right through your eyes as the horrible screeching of tires pierced through the silent night, the smell of burning asphalt making you gag. It took you a few seconds to realise that you nearly got ran over by a car – almost, but not quite. The shock sent you collapsing onto the floor, scrapping your already wounded hands more. Any further abrasions and your skin might just be ripped to ribbons. The headlights of the car were inches from your face and when you lifted your eyes to look at the driver, you aren’t even surprised anymore.
She wanted you dead, maybe she was just making sure of it now. From her seat behind the wheel, Ayeon sneered at you. You’re a pest that just won’t die, constantly interfering in her life and making it difficult for her. And now? You nearly sent her to jail for an almost hit-and-run incident. The bright headlights gave Ayeon a clear view of you and she scoffed. Not only did you feel like a pest, you even looked like one. Disgusting – a creature that no one would want to look at. Your eyes were bloodshot from all the crying; no doubt. Your hair has fallen out of the neat braid it once was in, the strands of hair clinging to your face. Your nice outfit now stained with red, your perfect hands and feet now ruined from the damage you’ve caused yourself. Ayeon always knew you were… pathetic… but she never imagined this level of degradation that you would wreck upon yourself. Ayeon does not have sympathy to help you so she swerved her car and left you in her dust. Someone will pick you up eventually, or you could get run over by another car for real this time – she honestly could care less.
As for you, you just sat where Ayeon had left you, much too distraught to move yourself to a safer place. The world hates me so much, it’s trying to kill me now. It should have just now when it had the chance to. Why am I not dead yet? You chuckled darkly to yourself like a lunatic at your thoughts, pressing your forearm against your face. But the laughter soon gave way to more tears, though you previously thought you were incapable of producing more after crying yourself dry. You don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve sat by the side of the road, listening as cars passed you by.
The next time you saw light, Esther’s face was right in front of yours. One look at you, and tears immediately brimmed in her eyes – a rare sight for someone as tough as her.
“Rachel… what happened to you?”
The notification appeared on Esther’s phone screen when Jae went to get coconut drinks for them.
Ayeon? What’s the crazy gal up to again? Another video? What is this?
Esther pressed play and by the time Jae returned to her side, her face had turned ashen with her jaws clenched and lips pressed into a thin line.
“Esther? What’s wrong?”
“That bastard. That bastard that we call a friend. He cheated on Rachel.”
Jae nearly dropped the drinks when she turned to face him – never before has he seen such feral rage in her eyes, the fire blazing fiercer with each passing second.
“What are you talking about? What did Brain do?”
“This. This is what he did.”
Esther shoved her phone in Jae’s face and clicked play. Oh, now he knew. Now Jae knew why Esther was going mad with rage. There was no mistake about it – Brian and Ayeon are back together again. And now the whole world knew.
“I need to find Rachel. I need to tell her this before she finds out on her own.”
“Wait Esther, let’s not be brash. What if she’s seen it already?”
“Then all the more I need to be by her side to comfort her. Twice, this has happened to her. She’s gotten her heart broken by jerks that don’t deserve her. I know he’s your friend Jae, but this is where I draw the line. You don’t have to follow me, and I’m sorry but date night will have to wait.”
With that, Esther took off down the length of the beach, racking her brains on places that you might possibly be at. Jae returned the drinks to the stall owner before hollering after Esther, as the stall owner hollered at him to take the money back. She ran to the other end of the beach when she spotted you there. A speck in the middle of the road. That’s you for sure – she’d recognise your favourite sundress anywhere.
Jae thought he would finally be able to catch up with Esther after running for so long, but he only groaned when he saw her picking up speed again. How she coulf outrun him despite all his basketball training still baffled him – he’s truly got one hell of a girlfriend.
When Esther finally got to you, she nearly stumbled back from the shock. Who did this to you? Who reduced you to this weeping, hollow shell of a person that she once knew as her best friend? The wounds – oh gosh the wounds were the worst. Long cuts across your legs and arms, the wounds festered for a long time; she could tell because of the dried blood against your white dress. Some were deep with gravel stuck between the gaping wounds, she could only pray that you would not need stitches but she was not optimistic. But it was your eyes that told your story without words – oh, how could someone’s eyes hold so much sorrow in them? The blood smeared across your face gave you a ghastly look, but it was really the look of anguish in your bloodshot eyes that broke Esther’s heart and forced tears through her eyes.
“Rachel… what happened to you? Who did this to you…that monster! The wounds… they look really bad. You must have been out here for so long so let’s get you to the hospital first alright? Those wounds must be cleaned before it gets infected.”
Esther moved to help you up gently, but you merely gripped onto her shirt tightly, pulling her down to sit beside you.
“It hurts Esther… it hurts…”
“I know Rachel, I know. That’s why we got to get them cleaned alright? Then they’ll hurt less once they’re recovering.”
“Not the… not the wounds. Here. It hurts here. It hurts so much I think I might just die.”
“Where…? Oh, oh no, Rachel please don’t cry. He’s not worth your tears… please don’t cry…”
When Esther finally looked down at you, you weren’t holding onto your wounds in pain like a normal person would. Instead, you were clutching onto your heart, fisting the fabric above that area so hard that you might tear the material at any time. Nothing could compare to the emotional pain that was still wrecking your body at this point in time. Even Jae – whom was watching in the background – felt anger slowly rise within him for the pain his friend had caused you. No one deserved to suffer through this sort of emotional torture. Brian had disappointed him, and all of them. As you continued to sob into Esther’s embrace, Jae’s phone rung in the background.
Brain Kang calling
Not now Brian.
Jae’s phone continued ringing, and when Jae finally lifted his eyes to look at Esther, he knew that she could never forgive him.
“If it’s Brian calling, tell that bastard to get lost, and never appear in front of my sight again. I will rip him to shreds if he does, I could never forgive him for what he had done to her.”
Jae gulped, swiping the red button as the world around you went black.
Like déjà vu, your whole world came crashing down on you.
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