#Would the batfam also get wings (that is feathered ones)
puppetmaster13u · 7 months
@f4nd0m-fun here (I hope they allow us to ask with secondary blogs soon)
Just how wild do you like your Batfam cryptids? I've got ideas for days.
One is a wing fic where all the bats essentially end up half demon. Thomas and Martha make a deal with Alfred to help fix the city and clean up the curses and everything, and. Alfred asks for 'the souls of your descendants' at the point, not caring much for humanity but hoping to get ahead of those pesky demons in his soul collection (so and so said he has Constantine's soul but that's only a piece! What about a bunch of souls that have been tainted by the spirit of a city that has never had reason to hope? Now those are some rare and dark souls).
The Waynes were hoping he'd take their souls instead but he refuses (maybe they're too full of hope or something) but, over time, he grows attached and ends up giving Bruce a shard of his power, allowing him to transform into a demonic winged form based on an animal for his protection after his parents die. When he's young the form is a snowy owl, but once he come back and became Batman his wings have changed. Each of the babies is the same way. As Robin, they gain their baby wings, but, once they move to a new name, their wings evolve.
'The Demon's Head' isn't just a fancy title, the Al'ghul's are demon descended, so Damien is at least a quarter demon even at the beginning, but Alfred's power can't be passed genetically like they thought, so he was born grounded. In this, he shows up sooner, Talkia asking Jason to take Damien with him to his father since she knows her father will kill him for being wingless.
Tim, poor baby. He couldn't fly as Robin because his wings were a shattered mimicry of Jason's Robin wings. He felt like he was in the shadow of the previous Robin, making the 'replacement' nickname sting even more, but, eventually, he grows into the wings of a cardinal and learns to fly.
I'm not sure if Alfred marks Barbara as his person, but if not, maybe he regrets not doing so, thinking that she might not have ended up paralyzed if he'd given her power. But also she's not really considered a 'Wayne descendant' life the kids Bruce adopted, so he'd have to directly make the deal with her. Maybe he does this with Stephanie when she comes along, still thinking about how Barbara might've been better off with a deal. Also, he keeps trying to hold off on gathering their souls because he's grown attached. I figure he'd probably end up wanting to turn them into proper demons too tho when they eventually die but, for now, until the city has been restored (if it ever will be), the Batfam is essentially immortal, and Alfred might be pulling some strings so no one realizes the Waynes are as well. As a side note, I debated Alfred x Lady Gotham for this story.
Then I had a dpxdc version of this where the wings were still demonic in origin but basically Scarecrow and Bruce are many many family lines removed cousins from an ancestor who was siblings with Jack Nightingale. On top of that, Danny had wings but they got charred when he was electrocuted. This one also has Clock x Pariah and they have wings due to something to do with ghosts, Danny gets a cloak made out of their feathers while his ghost side slowly grows its own wings (but he'll never have wings as a living again).
Sorry for the long send, I got a bit carried away, but if you want I can dig up my AU again and share what I have for the wings at least, not sure what else I've got written down.
#colony of bats AU
Honestly I love both of these ideas, but what if they were say, combined.
Alfred gifts Bruce a shard of his power- everyone knows the Waynes have wings, even if in most cases too small to fly. But the wings are feathered, usually bright and flashy for the men who inherit the trait.
Which means they're very identifiable. But like you said, Alfred gets (ugh) attached to this little mortal. He's practically raised him and honestly thinks it's adorable watching him manipulate the other richfolk at galas into thinking he's such a "polite young man." Bruce is practically his baby!
So he gifts him a bit of his blood (which we know via Constantine can extend ones lifespan including giving them a bit of healing) and an itty bitty piece of his own power. Just enough for Bruce to be able to willingly call upon it. Just enough for him to disappear into shadows. Just enough for his eyes to gain a hint of an unholy glow. Just enough for a hint of claws. Just enough for feathered wings to shift into jagged mimicries of his own.
You know what could be an interesting thing? The wings are Realms in origin. We know the FentonNightingales separated into the Fentons and Nightingales some time after Jack, so whose to say that the Nightingales didn't get into magic. Perhaps they were given a gift to thank them after a bit of protection or assistance. And the infinite realms are well, infinite. It attaches to all worlds, including say the more demonic ones. But whose to say none of the Fentons made a deal or three in the generations following. They were witch hunters after all, perhaps they need something to keep up with the "traitors" of their bloodline.
Perhaps a deal which resulted in those matching wings.
Now, how could they find out their relation with the Fentons? While there could be the adoption route, what if instead it was right after Danny's accident.
He died screaming, visibly got electrocuted, his wings are torched, there's no way they're not taking him to the hospital. Which means things like blood tests, maybe even a donated organ or two because someone doesn't get blasted with that much electricity without consequences.
Which, it's the batfamily, they definitely have alarms set up for any sort of family pings for both themselves and their rogues. Just in case.
Also had no idea where to put it but if this includes demons and ghosts feeding on fear, or emotions in general, then Scarecrow could be instinctively attempting to feed and grow his wings. Also he deserves raven or rook wings. Maybe a jay's if you wanna go for color.
Oh my gosh, even if Alfred and Gotham don't get together, they definitely have tea together and spar. They're definitely co-parenting either platonically or romantically, it doesn't matter this is their specialist lil boy. Who then brings even more of the specialist lil ones ever!
God I love the implications of Clockwork and Pariah creating a cloak of wings for a ghostling for them to use as their feathers slowly grow back. Love what that implies for the culture of the ghost zone. Love the idea of it maybe having an influence on Danny's wings in ghost form since a ghost's appearance is influenced by their image about themself.
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
What would the Batfam dress up as, incorrect answers only?
They go as literal interpretations of their vigilante names to see if the public notices
Dick spends months making wings with constellations painted on the feathers
Jason wears a red hoodie
Tim dresses up as a burger restaurant employee
Damian buys a bird onesie
Duke puts together a working traffic light costumes that the other family members have to follow
Cullen isn't a vigilante but he gets the "haha like Edward Cullen" thing so much that he might as well go as a sparkly vampire
Steph walks around wearing a sign with movie endings
Cass goes as Bruce
Barbara designs a Greek mythology costume and goes around predicting people's futures
Harper also gets a bird onesie except it's blue because the place Damian got his was doing a 2-for-1
Kate finds a vintage women's baseball uniform
Alfred goes as a secret agent with a fancy A insignia that he embroidered last-minute
Selina borrows a dress from a retired old lady and carries all her cats in baskets
Bruce forgets until Halloween morning so he prints a map of a Turkish city and tapes it to his shirt
Helena goes prehistoric by wearing mammoth-hunting pelts
Luke reuses old jetpack wings and paints them to look like realistic fruit bat ones
Jean-Paul secretly makes a DnD style archangel costume but he'll deny working on it so long
Bette makes a bird costume except the feathers are electric candles
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
Read a fanfic a while ago where Red Robin gets Surgeoned by (OC? Canon? Idk) the villain The Surgeon to have wings that are hinted to work
Now imagine this; Everybody in the Batfamily has bat and bird wings and bat and bird instincts, minutes the token human Timmy
And Tim suddenly has wings thanks to a villain Playing Doctor + God and the Batfamily's bat/bird brains are going crazy going stupid because one of their flock members has wings now!!
Except Tim got wings, and nothing more.
Tim doesn't have the instincts to act as a bird should, he can act, he can pretend, but it can only go so far
He doesn't have any other traits of a bird person, be it Talons, feather sin his hair, natural chirping, etc
He can register that hey, his wings will need to preened but his subconscious doesn't register the gravity unhealthy wings can have
Furthermore energy and blood flow and more has to go into maintaining those wings like he rest of his body. The Surgeon gave him wings and wings only, no other modifications.
Tim's body is only equipped to maintain a human body not a human body with wings
He has to eat for more body mass and feathers and bird bones than his body is made for and—
Yeah Tim is not having a good time and nor is the rest of the family
There's probably ideas I've missed
Feel free but not pressured to expands/explore/etc with this idea as you wish
Hmm... All of the batfam members? I do think it could be interesting if Alfred was human too. This could be a representation of the emotional disconnect he often displayed throughout Bruce's childhood. Not only does Alfred employ a professional distance between him and his charge, but he doesn't understand the instincts (and overwhelming needs).
Besides that, this is a super interesting concept! I love the idea that the instincts the Bats have support their ability to take care of themselves and their wings. I bet finding flock members is part of that end goal. I'm also curious about the dynamics pre-wing transition.
So Tim, as the token human, has never felt any of the flock needs that the others do. Since he's human, would their instinct be similar to a human's adoption tendencies for cute animals? Would Tim treat it as a cultural difference? Like, Tim gets invited to cuddle in the nest, something he doesn't feel the need for and has never done himself, so he politely declines at first. From what he knows (and has researched about hybrid cultural needs, behaviors, traditions, etc.), this is a ritual done with close loved ones.
When does he get invited to the first one, and who invites him? I don't see Bruce, who is at first pushing Tim away, as the one to invite him. Because it is such an intimate moment, it would take Dick awhile too. Even if he saw Tim as a brother, the difference in species, instincts, the grief of just losing a brother, and living in a different city (meaning less quality time over a period of time) probably combined to Dick needing a while before his bird brain could allow it.
I like to imagine maybe Cass, who has less notions about safe flock connections (aka not imprinting on people immediately), saw Tim and immediately invited him to the nest. It's a small point of contention for Dick cause he's been trying the entire time to work up to it (by combing Tim's hair, offering him small gifts, showing his back [a lot to the point Tim becomes concerned] to the younger one, and offering customary greetings in chirps). Dick has been putting in the effort, and then Cass's instincts immediately grab onto Tim.
Tim being human could also explain some of the tension between him with Damian and Jason. Bruce was already breaking some of the typical hybrid standards of conduct by mixing hybrid of different types (prey birds, bats, predator birds, etc.). Then Bruce just throws in a human and claims he's flock despite him not having the instincts at all.
I also love the symbolism of Tim being considered an outskirts member (as maybe not truly apart of the family) until right before he gets his wings. I think we can tie Jason into this as well (like maybe his death fucked with his wings and/or instincts. As he slowly gets integrated into the flock again, he starts to heal or get those instincts back).
Basically, everything is settling down with the batfam dynamics. Then Tim gets his wings.
It's symbolic of him finally feeling accepted in the family, but it also fucks him over. The others see him as a hybrid, their instincts are desperately reaching out, and they unintentionally feel hurt because Tim doesn't reciprocate. Tim is trying, by the gods is he trying to deal with everything new, but he just doesn't have those instincts.
Thus, the family has to rework through their dynamics as the hybrids battle their instincts and Tim has a mental breakdown about his identity.
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vinnybox · 2 years
Okay, I really need to know: how do villains react to Talon!Dick? Joker, Penguin, Ivy, Riddler, Killer Croc, you know classic Gotham rogues who know him almost whole his life? And how does Dick react to them? Does he continue to fight crime after transformation and use his wings to hit bad guys during combat? What if some villain is allergic to feathers?
I hadnt thought that far ahead so it's not a solid idea yet but here's a lil brainstorming! Anyone feel free to add to this! Even in tags I'll read them :D I wouldn't mind learning more since my knowledge is quite surface level compared to how much comics and information there is out there. Sorry if this seems like nonsense DHSHDJ I just woke up-
I think a little after Dick's disappearance, they'll catch wind of Nightwing being missing eventually and maybe quite quickly too. Im sure some of the villains would even take the chance to taunt the fam about it and usually it does NOT end well for the villains cause the fam are on the look out for Nighwing. They’re worried, they’re tired, they’re trying, and they do not have time to deal with them trying to get under their skin. They just want him back.
Like you’ll for sure hear the classic, “Your little Blue Bird gone missing?”, “So I’ve heard that our dear Nightwing hasn’t been showing up as of late!” or anything along those. And Im sure the thugs talks about him to.
“Nightwing’s been gone for a long while. You think something happened?”
“Who cares? Less of the bats to worry about.“
“I dunno, man. I’d take Nightwing over Batman or any of the bat brats. One of the kid’s got a damn sword! And don’t even mention the Red Hood...”
“What about me?” (Jason)
I think that in this AU Dick would eventually be back out to patrol and fight crime with the batfam again at some point!
IF a villain is allergic to feathers that would be absolutely hilrious actually DJSHGDHD LIKE IMAGINE YOU PLANNED OUT ALL THESE SCHEMES... and then a guy with wings shows up and your allergy acts out DHSHDJ I’d just give up and go home HDGSHD
ALSO ALSO? Slade, Deathstroke, whatever we wanna call him tbh DHSGDH. from what I remember, he is quite fixated on Dick/Nightwing so like, he might be some of the first few to notice Dick hasn’t been showing up. That’s definitely going to make him suspicious and curious on what might have happened to Nightwing. 
When the villains see him again tho, Im sure they’re in for a rather big surprise tbh. Like imagine seeing this kid you fought with so often and pretty much watched him grow and change, and then suddenly he lost most of what you remembered about him and now has wings and eyes do some glowy shit and is a bit more stabby than you remembered.
Feel free to add onto this or correct anything!
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salparadiselost · 3 years
hi!! i just read the entirety of here be dragons because i didn’t know how much i needed it but would u happen to have any like descriptions of what the robins look like as dragons bc i would like to draw them but i would like to stay true to what you see in your head
Hey!! I’m glad you’re excited about the dragons and want to draw them! Here’s a quick run down of some batfam members and their breeds.
Bruce: Gotham Chiroptera
The Gotham Chiroptera is one of the largest and considered one of the most dangerous of the Chiroptera breed family. This variation of the breed is known for its possessive tendencies and propensity towards kidnapping both humans and smaller dragons. Many myths have been written about the victims that fall into the sorry fate of being part of a Chiroptera's hoard, though true kidnappings are very rare in modern times.
The breed has a wyvern body shape (two legs and uses the wrists of his wings as forelegs) and get their name from the bats they resemble. Hatchlings of the breed start out as a brilliant white and darken over time. Bruce, as an adult approaching middle age is mostly black though his wings have some light barring patterning on the edges and his belly is lighter than his black. He moves like a bat and breathes darkness.
Dick: Thermotect
Thermotects are a breed of ice dragons that are named after their propensity towards building complex cave systems out of ice and digging into glaciers.
They are covered in a half-coat of feathers on their front legs, head, chest, and half up their wings, and come in various shades of blue and black. They also have blue tongues. They are one of the smaller of the “Great Breeds”.
Jason: Phoenix Breed
The Phoenix breed is a rare fire dragon named after the mythical bird that was said to create the breed. This dragon has immense healing abilities and can combat even death if they are dipped into fire immediately after their demise. They are one of the largest of the "Great Breeds"
They are one of the few fully feathered breeds, and are entirely coated in red, orange and red feathers. However, when a Phoenix dies and is reborn, one of their feathers will pale and turn white. Jason has died over a dozen times due to Ra's's experiments on him and has white feathers scattered through his body. The most prominent of the white feathers is one in the middle of his forehead and another in his wing's flight feathers.
Tim: Goldenfang
Goldenfangs are a rare arboreal breed originating from the forests of Eastern Asia. They are one of the smallest dragons to be classified as a "Medium Breed". Goldenfangs are named after the deadly and golden venom that pools within their clear fangs which is visible when they bear their teeth.
The breed has the deadliest known venom of the dragons and can kill even the largest of the Great Breeds with a single bite. However, that also means that the breed has been the subject of intense poaching efforts as a tiny and diluted dose of the venom can be used to paralyze other dragons and make them easier to capture.
Alfred: Welsh Dogdrake
A common, medium breed that was one of the first breeds to partner with humans. Dogdrakes are named after their doglike muzzles and friendly depositions. They are wingless, have four legs and are covered in thick fur.
(Basically he looks like Falkor from the Neverending Story)
~ Kay
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side-shawty · 4 years
Don’t Hate Me
Fandom: DC 
Type: one-shot
Prompt/Summary: “Hello! Can I request a Damian Wayne x reader where the reader can communicate and control animals, so when the batfam sees her fight for the first time, they're like, hella surprised and Dami is very pleased that the reader treats the animals so kindly? 💜💜👽”
Pairing(s): Damian Wayne x Reader
Requested? YES by @comicnerd557​
I mostly focused on the controlling part but the communication is implied. I hope you enjoy :)
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“Come on Y/N just show me what your power is please~” Dick begged for what felt like the millionth time today. Ever since Damian had let it “slip” that you had an ability that even he didn’t know about all of the Wayne boys had become curious.
“Just give us a hint,” Tim pressed as you sat on one of the sofas, getting ready for a post-patrol movie night.
“I’m telling you she’s not going to give it up,” Damian said as he sat beside you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, you were quick to snuggle into his side.
“How about this,” Jason began settling into one of the armchairs, “If we guess right or even pretty close then you have to tell us that we’re right, okay?”
“Deal,” you said as Dick started the movie but it was pointless considering they spent the entirety of it trying to guess at your power. They were close a couple of times but not enough to call them right.
“Okay can you, um, teleport people?” Dick asked as the credits rolled.
“Nope,” you said, popping the ‘p’ and repositioning to place your head in Damian’s lap.
“Alight how about —“ Jason started but was interrupted as all of your phones began to chime with a crime alert from Bruce, who was already suited in the cave when you all arrived, he probably hadn’t taken it off.
“Sorry to interrupt movie night but I could use a hand with something,” Bruce said, “Get suited up, I’ll brief you in 5.”
“So much for a quiet night,” you said before you all suited up for a second time that night.
When you all got back there were already images and CCTV footage on the Batcomputer and Bruce didn’t hesitate to begin.
“At approximately 3:45 AM Killer Croc and Gorilla Grodd released all the animals from the Gotham Zoo from their cages but have yet to release them into the city. They’re trying to wait until sunrise for their ‘animal liberation.’
“The police are there but it seems they have lions and tigers barricading the entrances. We’ll go in, take down Crock and Grodd, and put the animals back. Hopefully before breakfast,” he finished and you saw Damian’s hands become fists, you knew he had a soft spot for animals and it was one of the reasons you hesitated to tell him about your powers.
You controlled them, for lack of a better word. Yes, they might have been drawn to you but like Grodd, it didn’t take much for them to bend to your will.
“One last thing,” Bruce continued, “You’ll be needing these. Attach them to your temples and Grodd won’t be able to get inside your head.” He looked to you, “Y/N, you’ll be needing this too,” Bruce said and handed you an amplifier. You looked at him and shock but he only winked at you.
Damn, he really was the world’s greatest detective. 
“What why does she get a special gadget?” Jason asked.
“It probably has to do with her powers, idiot,” Tim retorted.
“Shut up replacement. Y/N you told B about your powers before us? I’m hurt,” he said throwing a hand over his heart as you all made your way to your vehicles.
“Let’s be honest, nobody tells B anything,” you said before hopping onto your cycle and revving the engine.
The Zoo was controlled chaos when you got there. Gordon already knew what Grodd’s powers were so he had fewer men than with a regular villain. Just in case the gorilla somehow managed to be able to control the animals and the police there wouldn’t be too many at his disposal.
You split into two teams Bruce, Tim, and Dick would focus on Killer Croc whilst you, Damian, and Jason went after Grodd. They had barricaded themselves in the middle of the zoo along with crocodiles and gorillas because they truly were that cliche.
Killer Croc put up a good a fight as ever but he couldn’t do much when Grodd turned on him and forced the animals to defend only himself. Croc went down cursing Grodd’s name as Batman and Nightwing left to take him to the authorities.
“Now that the nuisance is out of the way I can focus my energy on getting rid of all you pests,” he said and began his onslaught. You fought but waited for Batman’s signal before hitting the amplifier on your neck and stretching your powers.
“Stop,” you spoke, holding a hand in front of Grodd and he immediately went lax before you.
Damian and his brothers also froze as Batman and Nightwing returned to the battlefield.
“What the hell?” Grodd spoke angrily, “What are you doing to me girl?!” He screamed at you.
“You’re strong Grodd but your downfall is that you’re also an animal and I control animals,” you told him, a smug smile on your face as he roared at you.
“Silence,” you commanded and he found himself unable to speak.
“Take his helmet, Robin, it’s still controlling the animals but they can’t move if he can’t. The cuffs are on my belt,” you told him and Damian quickly removed it and disabled it. Within minutes he was in police custody with the proper utilities to ensure he wouldn’t be using his powers any more tonight.
“Nice work Y/H/N,” Batman complimented and you smiled at him.
“Couldn’t have done it without this,” you told him tapping the amplifier. 
“Feel free to keep it. Now let’s get these animals back in their enclosures,” Batman said and you all instantly got to work.
You took the lead mostly, coaxing the larger animals back to where they should be but stopping often to pet them or appreciate how beautiful they were. At some point, Robin had joined you in or rather stared watch you as you were getting the polar bears back to their place.
Even though you weren’t looking at him you could feel his eyes on you from your crouched position rubbing at the polar bear cubs belly. 
“What?” You asked as the cub rolled over and stood up to join its mother behind the gates.
“So this is your power? It is truly“ you braced yourself for the worst, “amazing,” Damian finished and you had to do a double-take.
“Huh?” You said dumbly, not expecting that at all.
He grabbed your hand so you stood next to him but still avoided eye contact.
“Why did you not tell me sooner?” Damian questioned softly, releasing your hand because you were still in uniform even if your only witnesses were animals.
You thought about beating around the bush or making a joke of it but instead, you said, “I thought you’d hate me.”
“Hate you?” He said, incredulous, so much so that you spared a glance at him and suddenly you took interest in anything but him.
“Yes, I’m no better than Grodd,” You said fingers grazing over the feathers of a passing peacock.
“Tsk, I assure you that you are not similar to that overgrown monkey in the slightest. Let’s go home,” he said and you nodded.
When you got back you took a long shower and didn’t see Damian again until you found him reading on his bed as the sun rose.
He looked at you, all smiles as if nothing had changed and it made you look away again as you sat next to him.
Damian sighed at your silence and put his book down, holding your hand instead.
“What’s wrong beloved?” He asked, noting your lack of eye contact.
“I just don’t understand why you’re so okay with my power. I mean I can’t stand it and I hate using it,” you told him and risked a glance into his blue orbs, suddenly you couldn’t look away.
“Y/N do you want to know one of the reasons I fell in love with you?” When you said nothing he continued, “It’s because Ace, Titus, and Alfred don’t like anyone outside of the family for at least a month but the moment you stepped through the door they were as smitten with you as I was,” he told you and your eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Really? ” You asked, you hadn’t even noticed.
“Yeah, and then when you told me you were studying to be a vet I fell a little harder. And when I came back from patrol and found you and Titus sleeping on my bed. And when you carried that bird half a mile in the rain because of its broken wing,” he said and before he could continue you interrupted.
“Robin, it was a robin. I found it a day after we told each other about our night lives. I thought of you that entire half-mile,” you told him smiling as the rising sun began to make his eyes shine.
“There you go again,” he said and you tilted your head slightly in confusion, “Making me fall in love.”
You felt your cheeks warm beneath your chocolate skin as he used his free hand to cup your face.
“I don’t hate you or your power beloved, I know people who would be more than happy to abuse an ability like yours but you only use it for good. Hell if it was up to me I’d use it to make Alfred attack Drake non-stop,” he smiled at you and you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your lips.
“That laugh too, I have always loved your laugh,” he told you.
“Okay now you’re getting cheesy,” you smiled as he released your hand to mimic the one on your face.
“Oh am I?” He teased inching closer and closer to your face.
“Absolutely,” you told him before closing the space between you and falling into a kiss that was all smiles and love.
Suddenly you didn’t hate your power so much.
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hpfannons · 3 years
Oh la la! Thats a fine choice of specimen. Thank you. :) lol. I only ask about the jealousy thing because I remember that Dick said one time that they only get to see him 2 months a year or something... I probably meant the batfam side i guess... lol but its good most Harry’s friend are okay or just roll with it... maybe I should asked some batfam moments during their stay in order hq... I really love that scene where Harry was on Dick’s lap and and the rest are just with them... I kinda want a scene with the same feeling...if you dont mind. xD thank you very much! glad to hear ur answer about fudge and umbridge. thank you so much... im really immersed in this au... looking forward to part 7. >_< thanks and stay safe y’all.
Glad you like my batfam! My best friend and I spent way too long going back and forth on people we could agree on for different characters (I think Tim and Alfred were the hardest… but it was years ago, so don’t quote me on that lol)
Sorry about the jealousy thing though, miscommunication on my part. I blame that for answering at 3 am on my phone XD
Yes, there is a lot of buried jealousy with the Batfam. Though surprisingly, most of it comes from Harry. That’s mostly because all these new family members come in while he’s at school, so it kind of feels like they’re all much more close knit with each other than with him because he’s not there for the large portion of the year.
They’re all happy to include him and catch him up with things he missed while he was at school… But there are some things you just have to be there in the moment for, because retelling the story just isn’t quite the same.
That’s not to say that the rest of the Batfam don’t have the same feelings as well, I think I’ve mentioned before that Tim and Harry especially are very close (actually best friends, on the same level as Harry and Ron) so Tim is definitely one of those people who feels Harry’s lost during the year the most.
Add on the fact it’s not really that easy to keep in touch with him while he’s at school, and it really is just hard on everyone.
As a side note, I fully believe the family would find some kind of way to make alterations to a communicator that will work at Hogwarts. Considering how many people who both use magic and have been involved with the Justice League in some way or the other, I find it hard to believe they haven’t found a work around for the whole magic screws with tech problem. At the very least, Harry would have a way to check his email from family, b/c making Headwig carry letters from Scotland to New Jersey and back is just cruel.
As far as the Batfam hanging out around 12 Grimmauld Place… They’re trying to be as non-confrontational as possible, even if there’s still some ruffled feathers from the first night. So the boys mostly go along with helping clean out the place under Molly’s orders - Jason was originally kind of prickly about it because he’s not a child (certainly not her child), so he found getting ordered around kind of insulting… Until his inner clean freak won out and yeah, this place does need a lot of work. Alfred has taught them all well, and it shows.
Tim mostly hauls himself up in the library when he can get away from clearing out pixies and de-gnoming the garden. He’s got like four notebooks full of information and Ron is a little shocked to find out Harry wasn’t kidding when he said Tim was worse than Percy and Hermione together when it came to information gathering.
Damian has less than stellar people skills at the best of times, and here he’s decided he doesn’t care very much for anybody over the age of seventeen (that’s not family anyway), so most of Dick’s time has been dedicated to keeping the youngest away from most of the Order. Not that he really blames him, Dick isn’t nearly as vocal about it as Damian, but he is also just completely done with all of them. He’s only playing nice because they’re here for Harry.
Bruce has also posted himself up in the library, reading everything he can get ahold of in regards to the history of the wizarding world trying to understand exactly what he’s son has gotten wrapped up in. Because lord knows nobody in this house is going to explain it to him… At this point he’s about one wrong comment away from telling them exactly where they can shove their ‘muggle’ excuses.
There was one notable evening though, when the boys as well as the Weasleys and Hermione were just hanging out in a parlor or sitting room or whatever it was supposed to be. Jason had been messing around with an old radio he found the other day and between him and Tim, they managed to get it working. The minute they recognized Britney Spears’s voice, there were four sets of eyes immediately on Dick who gave all of twenty seconds of resistance before he was up and dragging people along to dance with him. The impromptu party had ended up going on for hours, Tonks getting roped into the fun with them while Sirius and Remus smiled fondly from the doorway. Molly made a passing comment about bedtime, but didn’t argue back when that was quickly shot down by the other adults. Let the kids be kids while they could.
As far as soft moment’s for the Batfam… there are two that really come to mind, though they’re kind of sad though.
The first is really kind of short, but it’s after the battle of Hogwarts, and Harry’s come back from his final fight with Voldemort, and there’s just people everywhere in the great hall, but Harry knows exactly where he’s going. Bruce is standing to the side, watching while Jason’s getting patched up, and trying to keep an eye on his other kids as well. Everyone's a little banged up and bruised, but they’re all alive, and that’s the important part right now.
And then he sees Harry and there’s this almost tangible sense of relief because now all of his kids are present and accounted for, and Bruce feels like he can finally breathe again. And Harry just like collapses into Bruce who has to scramble a little bit to catch him, but then just stands there and holds him, because Harry is just completely exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally. And all Bruce hears is “I want to go home Dad.”, and honest to god Batman almost starts crying in the middle of the great hall in front of everyone.
The other is after the Triwizard Tournament, and everything with Mad-Eye Crouch, when Harry’s in the hospital wing. Everyone’s standing around trying to figure out what the hell just happened, and Harry wakes up still kind of groggy from whatever Madam Pomfrey gave him to knock him out, and he ends up breaking down crying in front of everyone.
Dick doesn’t even hesitate, he’s on Harry before the first tear even really starts rolling and just tucks him into the crook of his neck and let’s him cry it out. Except Harry’s been traumatized and he’s like full-on sobbing, almost wailing, and that just stabs everyone straight through the heart. Tim’s next, doesn’t say anything, just sits down behind Harry and tucks himself up against his brother’s back. Damian and Jason join in as well, Damian sitting on Harry’s other side and just quietly putting his head on Harry’s shoulder; while Jason sit’s down a little farther away, reaching out to put a hand on the back of Harry’s neck. Bruce is standing on the other side of the bed, and just runs a hand through Harry’s hair while they let him get it out and calm down.
And once he’s down to hiccups and kind of stuttery breaths, Dumbledore says something about leaving him be, and if looks could kill… Jason’s still armed, and he almost, almost goes for the gun. Bruce head’s it off at the pass though, saying he’ll go with them to discuss things further and also inform the league about what’s happened, but the rest of the boys will be staying.
Madam Pomfry insists on dosing Harry again, and after some reassurances that his brother’s aren't going anywhere, they get him to drink the potion. That’s as far as they indulge the mediwitch though. Tim and Damian both try to settle down in the bed on either side of their brother, though after some jostling around and being unable to really fit two teenagers and a ten year old comfortably in a hospital cot; Dick and Jason move another bed over flush against Harry’s and Dick manages to coax Damian into it with him, as long as the younger is able to keep hold of Harry’s arm. Jason retakes the seat he’d pulled up to the bedside, kick’s his feet up on the cot and settles in to keep watch over the lot of them for the night. And that is exactly where and how Bruce finds them the next morning.
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jasontoddiefor · 5 years
Title: Death shall not rest on my doorstep
Summary: Bruce dies and suddenly Gotham, previously claimed by the Omega, is without a ruler. And Jason hadn’t planned to do anything about it, but-
AN: Written for @thursday-batfam-prompts ABO! Because I like non-traditional A/B/O AU’s so this is NOT CREEPY. I repeat: NOTHING CREEPY!
In-between all the vigilante occupied cities, Gotham had always been the odd one out. Not simply because none of its heroes were aliens or meta-humans of any kind, but because it was a claimed territory.
If you passed Gotham city borders, you entered the home of the Bat. It made outsiders vary. They weren’t used to the omnipresent feeling of darkness waiting to wrap them in its shadow. They thought of it as unnatural, gross, and downright frightening. For those who called Gotham home, the Bat’s presence was the sweet reassurance that someone would be there for you at the end of the day. Whether it was to welcome you to the gates of hell or heaven’s feather-light embrace, nobody knew. It was the reason nobody ever truly left Gotham. After years of living under someone’s protection, it was hard to move to another place.
During his training, Jason had spent a couple weeks in Bialya, first tracking down a teacher, then learning under them. While the country wasn’t a place Jason had wanted to spend more time in than necessary, Bialya was also one of the few claimed territories still left in the world. Its ruling Omega Queen Bee couldn’t be further from Bruce, but the weight that came from being in claimed lands had been comforting on Jason’s shoulder.
He had never known what it was like to live in free land. Jason had been a toddler still when Batman had started his crusade. He couldn’t even recall what the city’s scent had been before the Omega had torn through the streets, declaring it his city to nourish and cherish. In the course of one night Gotham’s fate had changed.
And now its direction had turned once more.
Jason knew that there was a difference between death and absence. He was the best example of what either did to you. Absence was breathing in and remembering the taste of something you were missing dearly. Death was defined by taking a breath, choking on glass, and wondering how you could ever lose something as precious as your heart.
Gotham was grieving, had been since Bruce had died - or disappeared if you were to believe the words of an equally destroyed teenager. Jason almost felt sorry for Tim. First, another little Beta disturbed the careful balance of Gotham’s vigilante pack, then their parent and guide died, and finally Dick proved incapable of putting his foot down properly, effectively pushing Tim out.
And meanwhile, Gotham was still in tears. Sure, there was a new Bat on the streets who could hit just as hard as the old one, but in the end, Dick was a Beta and couldn’t claim a territory. It was almost ironic that Crime Alley, Jason’s region, was the most stable one. Its people missed the Bat – How could they not when it had such a much more merciful chokehold than the Red Hood? – but at least its borders were still defined every night.
Jason stretched his arms above his head. It was time to get going, least of all some other second-rate Omega thought he could take what belonged to Jason. As he made his way across the rooftops, Jason stopped once in a while just to turn west and stare. The rest of Gotham whispered sweetly, begging for its Knight in shining armor or, perhaps as Jason used to dream so long ago, for a Robin who had spread his wings.
Bruce gave him a promise ages ago when the streets Jason walked hadn’t run red with his own blood yet.
Nightwing had made his home in Blüdhaven then, barely even a member of their pack, and Batgirl had sought new heights to explore. There had been no other children tearing at Bruce’s cape for attention, whether that was in form of an angry blonde Alpha, another silent Omega or two Beta Robins.
Jason had been a son then, the only other Omega. It had been logical that he’d become the next Bat and inherit Gotham. His eyes had been so wide when Bruce promised him this city, so full of disbelief.
The child that had died had been right to question it. Crime Alley was all of Gotham that ever should belong to Jason, to the Red Hood. The rest was the home of the Bat and a naïve, hopeful Robin dreaming of the future.
Red Hood couldn’t care for a city. His job was to keep it contained.
Jason’s attention spiked when he felt a disturbance two blocks further down. The Bat was halfway across the city, but he could tell that the newest Robin was interrupting on the edge of Jason’s territory. Jason wasn’t really able to pinpoint Damian’s scent. He was a child still, smelling more like a mix of his parents than himself. But Jason was more than familiar what Robin’s scent should be. Before they were even allowed outside, Bruce had taught them how to divide themselves.
This was who you were at home.
(Old books, oil, hot chocolate, lemonade tarts)
This was who the media got to see.
(Ink, money, gold, summer)
And this was who you will be on patrol.
(Hope, streets, laughter, the Bat)
Robin was supposed to be attuned to the Bat. Jason had buried that part of himself deep beneath the anger, blood, birth and decay of the Pit. Damian, however, still smelled like the Bat. Like a Bat who was out of his depth and should have stopped hanging onto Daddy’s legacy when he left this city the first time, but a Bat nevertheless.
What was the little brat doing here? There was no reason-
Jason bit on his tongue until it bled. It was a bad habit he hadn’t been able to unlearn even after all the terrible lessons his silence had taught him already.
Someone was trying to lay claim on Gotham, or at least a part of Gotham.
Jason shouldn’t care.
He had his part of town, the rest was up for grabs since Jason distinctly hadn’t claimed it and yet-
It had been supposed to be his years ago. When he still recalled how to not only be the danger waiting to snap your neck but the person you ran to for help. The kids on the street came to him, they recognized his slang and knew he was one of their own – but therein laid the problem. Robin hadn’t been one of them. Robin was theirs, body, soul, mind. If you misbehaved, you’d get hurt, that was given. Batman and Robin wouldn’t be effective if they just gave stern talks. The reassurance that despite everything, you wouldn’t die on the cold and dirty asphalt though, was enough to trust Robin above Red Hood every day. As long as Batman had been there, Jason hadn’t needed anyone to trust him.
But now the difference of Bruce’s disappearance managed to tear a rift the size of the Grand Canyon in-between him and everyone else.
Jason hurried to his bike and raced to Damian. He wanted to see which idiot thought he could trouble the most lethal Robin to date yet and dare to claim his father’s city right in front of him. Jason was halfway there when he recognized the intruder.
Victor Zsasz.
Fuck. Jason hadn’t even known the serial killer had escaped from Arkham.
He was already driving way above the speed limit, the few miles more he pushed for shouldn’t matter. When he arrived at the scene, Jason first scanned the situation. Zsasz was armed, Robin didn’t have his belt, and a couple kids were standing behind Robin’s back. Oh great, civilians. Last thing Jason needed tonight. As soon as he jumped off his bike, even before feet touched the ground, Jason threw a smoke bomb in Zsasz’s direction.
“What the hell-?”
While Zsasz was distracted, Jason ran for Damian’s belt lying on the ground.
“Don’t let anyone ever take this from you,” he hissed as he threw it in Damian’s hands. “You lose the belt, battle’s already looking worse.”
Then Jason turned to the kids. “You, scramble. You don’t want to see this.”
They didn’t have to be told twice and rushed off in the opposite direction, disappearing into another street.
“I had it under control!” Damian lied, so Jason didn’t even bother with a reply.
The smoke cleared up and Zsasz didn’t wait for even a second to jump Jason. The serial killer was dangerous, but he had nothing on the teachers Jason had trained under. Jason grabbed Zsasz’s outstretched arm, breaking his wrist as he took the man’s knife away and used his speed against him to throw him on the ground. He crashed harshly against the asphalt, but that wasn’t enough to stop him from trying to kick Jason’s legs away.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jason could see Damian reaching for his batarangs and no. The last thing he needed was more knives in Zsasz’s reach. Instead, Jason let himself be caught and crashed onto the attacker’s back with his knees.
“So you get out of Arkham and the first thing you do is try to claim Gotham,” Jason said. “You’re not really that stupid, are you?”
Zsasz growled and tried to shake Jason off.
“Nobody’s taken Gotham yet!” Zsasz shouted. “The Bat is dead. Has been for weeks now. We all know it! I’m just the first to try to do something about it.”
“And you think you deserve Gotham? You think you’re strong enough to keep this city under your thumb? Don’t make me laugh.”
Zsasz’s face turned into a torn impression of a snarl and he tried to push himself up again, but Jason stopped him by putting pressure on his broken hand. Zsasz hissed and reached for Jason’s leg with his other hand, digging his nails into the armor.
“Don’t act so high and mighty now, little Red Riding Hood, you didn’t do anything either! You’re weak and scared. Barely brave enough to stick to Crime Alley like the trash you are- urgh.”
Jason dunked Zsasz’s face in the ground, but that didn’t stop him. He just kept talking and talking, cutting into Jason’s skin with his words just as well as he would with a knife.
“All dressed up with a Bat across your chest, but we all know you’re not really a part of their pack. You just take like the rest of us. Take, take, take and cut this city into pieces, but you don’t try to fix anything at all.”
“Shut up.”
He didn’t need to hear it, he didn’t want to listen to it anymore. All Zsasz should do now was keep silent and stay down like the scum he was.
“What? Little red afraid to hear the truth?”
“I said, shut up!”
Zsasz kept grinning despite lying on the ground defeated. Jason only had to put a bullet into his head and it would be all over. It would show him what happened when you messed with the Red Hood and tried to take what didn’t belong to you. Jason should claim Gotham to keep all the monsters away from ever touching this city again. Jason should let them rot in the same depth of anger and decay as him.
Them and the rest of the city.
He couldn’t do that to everyone. The rogues of this city, the ugly creatures of terrible massacres deserved to drown in the worst of Jason’s self. But the kids spraying Batman murals and Robin Rs should grow up in a better place.
“Speechless, Red?”
“You,” Jason said and injected Zsasz’s with a sedative. “Talk too much.”
Slowly he stood up. Tomorrow, maybe, Jason would regret it. The Pit would scream at him, and he’d wake up wondering how he could ever let the broken little Robin spread his wings again. But right now Jason was angry. Gotham was his city. The city they had sweat, bled and died for. The hell would he let anybody else take it from them.
No matter what you did, you couldn’t forget Robin. It was almost a little too easy to open up the cage he’d put the kid in and let hope, laughter and the Bat wash over him, effectively switching places with the scent of the Pit.
Zsasz’s eyes went wide, he looked up to Jason as if he saw a ghost. Jason licked his lips.
“Y-you’re dead!” The man screeched. “The Joker killed you! How is your scent like the dead second’s?”
Jason’s shoulders tremored. He wanted to cry, but instead, a pitiful laugh escaped him. He grinned, bright and just on the edge of unsettling.
“He did,” Jason said. “He took a crowbar to my head and didn’t stop until only heaven could have saved me, and it didn’t care. But do you know who cares? Do you know who wanted me back?”
Zsasz tried to push himself to his feet again, only to stumble and fall again in a fit of hysterics. Jason stepped on the man’s back, pushing him down.
“I said, do you know?”
The man sobbed and shook his head. With his hands, he tried to protect his face. Jason could feel Damian’s eyes on his back. He wondered if the kid had ever gotten to see Bruce like this.
“Gotham did. She called me back to keep this city from falling. So listen well and tell all your buddies: This city is mine. It always was, it always will. The Bat gave it to me and if you want it, feel free to knock on our signal and we will answer.”
 “The Bat, Robin, me and all your worst nightmares.”
Before Zsasz could say another word or continue with his freak-out, Jason hit him at the back of his neck, knocking him out. Zsasz deserved death. All of Gotham would be better off with him dead in a ditch six-feet-under.
But murder was hardly the first thing Jason should do after taking Gotham, if it was something he could afford to do at all.
In the distance, Jason could already hear the police sirens.
“C’mon, Robin,” Jason told his Robin.
It hadn’t even been minutes and Jason was already getting protective. He could already feel the headache coming. Was this how Bruce had always felt day in and day out? No wonder that Betas were usually the organizers in charge of keeping everything else running and Alphas were sent to defend their land. Jason had a hard time recalling a moment he had ever felt as cheerful and nauseous as right now.
But maybe his suffering would be short. Dick would kill him as soon as he got to them. Even if Jason would still have to walk Gotham’s borders at least once to finalize his claim, but Dick would be able to tell right away that this particular Robin had laid claim on the city.
He’d shout and accuse Jason of trying to be Batman, except Jason really wasn’t. The man he had grown up to be couldn’t be Batman.
But he still remembered how to be Robin. To look like he belonged in any street, crack a joke for the crying children and give them hope, and linger in the shadow of the Bat and support him.
Their city, their pack, didn’t need Red Hood to spread the fear right now. He could do this when their runaway Batgirl returned to be this pack’s Omega.
Right now, though, they only had Jason, and there was a particular responsibility that came from caring for a city. Mainly, that you had to love all of it. Every corner, every flaw.
And Jason could do it.
“Todd, what are you doing!? How dare you put your filthy scent on Father’s city!”
Damian had finally found his voice again it appeared.
“I’m putting a claim on our city. And I smell just like you, brat.”
“This isn’t yours-“
“Then whose is it?” Jason interrupted the squirt. “Zsasz is right. B is dead and everybody knows it. Unless this pack got another member with the ability to claim territory lying around, be my guest and let them take all of Gotham. Until then, Gotham will be dealing with me. Don’t worry, I’ll stick to your rules. Now, are you coming or not?”
Another second passed, then Damian got onto Jason’s bike.
“Did B ever take you ‘round the city and showed you how to do proper claiming?”
Jason could feel Damian shake his head.
“Then I’ll do it. The most important part is the visualization. If you don’t know how your home looks, you can’t draw proper borders. You know how Batman forces you to memorize maps before you go out? Imagine that but a hundred times worse. Every day he’d have me learn each street and then go about practicing it. I swear, the first time I managed to make a part of the Batcave mine, it was the most exhausting thing I’ve ever done.”
They covered all the bridges, kept driving until the sun was rising again and the newspapers began to shred each other apart trying to explain that it was their dear second Robin who had taken over for Batman. Jason enjoyed the silence of the drive. He and Dick would scream at each other long and loud enough once they returned to the Cave.
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rayewriting · 5 years
The Ink That Binds Us
Fandom: Batman
This was my FIRST request by the lovely @lauren-posts-stuff:
“Can I get a Batman one shot of dick Grayson getting piercings and/tattoos and the Batfam (except Alfred) notice months later“
And this isn’t beta read, but someone on Discord said it was good, so here we are (Bruce’s stuff is inspired by Professor Pyg-Wing on Discord). Also I added pictures of Dick’s tats after the story, in case I didn’t describe them good enough.
Dick was in the medical bay with the top half of his suit pooling around his waist as Alfred checks Dick’s ribs for any fractures and Bruce is sitting by the Batcomputer when he notices smudges through the reflection. “Dick, what are those?” Bruce asks incredulously, pointing at the ink on his eldest son’ s side.
Dick looks at Bruce quizzically and says, “Um… tattoos? I got them after getting out of Spyral, Bruce. All of them are in my chart.”
Bruce was flabbergasted at the news; did he really not notice this for nearly six months? Granted Dick has been at the Titans Tower for a month with Tim to mend their relationship, then he took Damian to Bludhaven for a few weeks to understand everything that Damian has done, then Jason snagged Dick for a couple of days for a case. This was the second month he is in Gotham and the days were spent with Barbara, Cass, Duke, and Stephanie, Bruce couldn’t remember the last time they had an actual conversation outside of mission debriefings.
Well, that couldn’t stand.
“Bruce? You doing okay?” Dick asks hesitantly.
Shaking his head, Bruce stands up and walks to Dick. “I’m doing fine. I guess I haven’t checked your chart since you gotten back from there,” he says, and points to the few inked areas on Dick’s ribs, “What are they for?”
Dick breaks out into a smile, causing Bruce to sigh in relief, and begins to point to the black outline bat that is sitting on Dick’s first rib, “Well, this one is you,” then to a black bird with blue wings under the bat to the right, “this is me,” the green-colored bat under the bat to the right, “that is Barbara,” a red-winged bird right under the bat, “Jason,” a bird with wings that fade from yellow to red under Jason’s bird, “Timmy,” yellow colored in bat under the green one, “Cass,” a purple bat next to Cass’s, “Steph,” a bird with green wings, “Damian,” a yellow-winged bird next to the green one, “Duke,” then to the lone owl that is place almost on his back, “finally, this one is Alfred,” Dick finishes with a fond sigh.
Bruce, processing everything, begins to speak, “If your suit tears or…”
Dick frowns, begins to get off the bed, and bits out, “I wrap them every night, and take all precautions I do when I head to walk the beat. I know what I’m doing, Bruce, I’m not going to expose our identities.”
“I know you aren’t, Dick. That’s not what I’m worried about,” Bruce stumbles through his thoughts as Dick begins to walk into the showers.
Dick turns around and cocks his eyebrow, “Then what?”
“I’m just worried about your suit aggravating the area, Dick. Tattoos can be kind of tricky to take care of.”
Dick lets out a small smile and explains, “I know, Bruce. I have had the first one for about five months, the newest one is a few weeks old.”
“A few weeks?”
“I let everyone choose their own colors, well, almost everyone,” Dick says, the shrugs his shoulders, “I didn’t know if you wanted to or not so I just left it with an outline. I was going to get a set of trapeze next, figure I should get all the members of my family.”
Bruce could feel his heart pick up just a bit at Dick’s nonchalant declaration that Bruce is a part of Dick’s family. “I think, if its okay with you, I would like to go with you next time, Dick. There is something I have been thinking about getting for a couple years now” Bruce requests.
Dick’s eyes widen slightly then nods, “I—Sure, Bruce. That would be great. What were you thinking?”
“It’s a surprise.”
A few days later everyone was at the BatCave finishing up a family meeting before heading out to patrol. Bruce had these meeting once a month, when possible to keep everyone on the same page and if someone needs help or to leave their post for an extended time someone else could cover their city/district. At this point everyone was just munching on Alfred’s cookies, drinking their beverage of choice, and talking amongst themselves when Bruce got up, his tank top bulging around bandages on his ribs.
“Father, when did you get injured?” Damian asks, “I do not recall any recent encounters with anyone that got that close.” This causes everyone to quiet down and look at Bruce, gauging whether it was serious or not. But Dick looks like the cat that ate the canary and Bruce’s heart melts just a bit at the boyish upturn on his eldest. He hasn’t seen that smile in a long time.
Bruce turns towards his children, seeing their worried faces, and quickly tries to calm them, “I’m not injured; it’s a tattoo, well a couple, actually.”
Tim jumps out of his chair, sending it to the floor. “You got a tattoo, too?”, he asks incredulously. When Bruce nods his head, Tim glances around the table, before inquiring, “What is it?”
Bruce looks around the room, lifts his shirt, and slowly peels the bandage away, on the slightly redden skin of his ribs is a black bird with blue, red, yellow, and green feathers, underneath it was the date that Dick was declared Bruce’s ward, a dash, and an infinity symbol. Next to it was a black bat with green wings, a yellow head, and a purple torso with the date of Barbara joining Bruce on his crime crusade with a dash and an infinity symbol.
After a minute Bruce replaces the bandage and drops his shirt, then speaks, “Dick and I both have tattoos now, and we have updated our medical records both here and on the Watchtower.”
Then he turns towards the locker rooms and announces, “Patrol time. Get geared up. Damian and I will be taking the docks, Stephanie and Cass will look for Puppeteer at the old theatre. Jason and Tim will cover Bludhaven, and Barbara will be patrolling the Upper District. Dick, you are on monitor duty, you still need to heal up from your last mission with the Titans.”
“Father!” Damian loudly calls out, beginning to run after Bruce along with his other children. Well, except Dick and Alfred, who has a soft smile gracing their faces.
Finally the pictures (remember they are on the ribs)
Dick’s Bird tattoo:
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Dick’s Bat tat:
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Dick’s Owl tattoo:
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Stray Bird
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam - Jason Todd/Red Hood
Rating: PG-11/T- (minor violence)
Original Idea: I dunno. Nothing in particular.
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) This one’s been sitting in my drafts for ages along with a bunch of others that I’ve been sitting on. I’m gonna try to get some of them posted ‘XD @jason-todd-squad @welovegroot @batboys-and-other-messes
Thud! Thwack! Pow! Crack!
Grunting and the sounds of blows and bones breaking filled my ears. I curled up tighter against the wall in the shadows, desperately wishing not to be noticed.
Just as quickly as it begun, it stopped.
One man stood victorious over the others. He was tall and strong powerfully built. There was a gleaming red helmet over his head and a red bat symbol on his chest.
Red Hood. I recognized him from news reports.
He approached me carefully, holding out a hand. “Are you alright, miss?” he asked. I shrunk away from him as much as I could, pressing my side against the bricks even harder. I whimpered. If he’d taken three men down in fifteen seconds, what was he going to do to me when he realized what I was?
He noticed that I was absolutely terrified, because he dropped his hand, but put both of them up, palms out.
“It’s okay, miss. I'm not going to hurt you,” he said. When I didn’t reply, he sighed and lifted his hands. I yelped. “Don’t worry. Just taking this off.” He pressed the jawline of his helmet. Something on the back of it released, allowing him to pull it off.
He was handsome, but intimidating. Strong jawline, intense gunmetal blue eyes, black hair with a streak of white at the front. He knelt in front of me and offered me his hand again.
“C’mon, little one. I'm not going to hurt you. We’ll get you somewhere safe before these bozos wake up,” he entreated.
Steeling my courage, I reached one hand out and took his. He helped me up.
As the girl stepped into the light, Jason almost gasped.
She had wings. Huge and strong. Under the grime and dirt covering them, they might have been white. She held them so tightly to her back Jason was surprised that she didn’t break the joints.
He shook his head to clear it. “Yeah. We’re going to take you somewhere safe. Come with me,” he said, popping his helmet back on. “I promise I won’t hurt you. No one will ever again.” He kept a loose but comforting grip on her hand as they crept out of the alley and onto the abandoned street. It was nearly four in the morning—it was a wonder that there were still lights on in the city. Why wasn’t everyone asleep?
Jason slung his leg over his bike. “Do you know how to ride?” he asked.
She nodded tentatively.
He patted the seat behind him. “Hold onto me tightly. Keep your wings in,” he said.
“You don’t… you don’t think I'm a freak?” the girl asked quietly.
Jason shook his head. “Princess, my two best friends are a wayward Amazon and a faulty Superman clone. My two best friends before that were a recovering alcoholic and an alien princess who had hair that was literally on fire. A girl with wings is not the strangest thing I’ve ever seen,” he said.
The girl carefully got on the back of his motorcycle, wrapping her arms around his middle and burying her face in the back of his jacket. “Drive careful,” she muttered.
“Of course,” Jason said.
He drove them back to his safehouse—the old bunker under Police Plaza.
Familiar figures were waiting for them.
“Gee. I thought it was Batman’s thing to pick up strays, Hood,” Nightwing said.
I stared. Red Robin, Nightwing, Robin, and Batman were all standing in the bunker where Red Hood had brought me. I could barely see them in the darkness. I wondered if they could see my wings or if it was too dark. I was huddled slightly behind Red Hood.
“She was being attacked, meathead,” Hood snapped at Nightwing. “I took the dudes out.” He turned to look at me, removing his helmet again. “Let’s get you cleaned up, okay? I’ll show you to the shower and then deal with these guys,” he said. I nodded and followed him past Batman and the other vigilantes. I heard Nightwing gasp as I ducked under a spotlight. The other three were silent.
Red Hood took me to the end of the bunker to a small, cramped space with a concrete shower.
“Need a hand washing your wings or anything?” he asked.
I shook my head. “I'm used to doing it alone,” I said.
He nodded. “Holler if you need anything,” he remarked before ducking out of the small room.
“Thank you!” I said as he shut the door.
I stripped out of my clothes and turned on the shower.
“What are you doing here anyway?” Jason asked Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian. “I haven’t been causing any more problems than usual.”
“So that explosion yesterday had nothing to do with you?” Tim demanded.
Jason scrunched his eyebrows. “No I wasn’t even in that area of Gotham yesterday. You can check security cameras in the theatre district and see I was there all day. Honestly keeping me in line doesn’t require all four of you to turn up. You coulda just called,” Jason said, keeping his temper in check for the sake of the flighty bird-girl through the other door.
“And what about the stray?” Bruce asked.
“Like I said, she was being attacked. I took out the men who were hurting her—they’re alive—and brought her here to clean up and be safe,” Jason said. “She was terrified and injured and I figured I should give her a hand.”
“She has wings,” Tim said.
“Astute observation, Sherlock,” Jason snapped.
“Jason,” Bruce warned.
“What? You gonna tell me to play nice with my brothers? C’mon, B. You know me better than that.” Jason took a deep breath, trying to calm down. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you all politely to get out. I got stuff to attend to and that girl with wings is at the top of the list. I gotta figure out where she’s from and what help she needs. So, thanks for dropping by. Hope I don’t see you again soon.” He started pushing Dick and Damian toward the door, causing them to bump into Tim and Bruce.
The rest of Jason’s family filed out. Jason slammed the heavy metal door and locked it. He rolled his eyes and turned back to the rest of the bunker.
The shower was still going, so he strolled over to his giant computer and whistled while he set about seeing what he could find on this new girl. She’d shed a feather on the floor just outside the bathroom that Jason scooped up to run through a DNA scan, looking for a name. He also took her fingerprints off his leather jacket.
Was that weirdly invasive considering she was showering in the next room over? Probably. But if he could find out more information, he could find some way to help her.
An Instant Message popped up on his screen.
Nightwing: Good to see you playing nice.
Red Hood: Shut up.
Nightwing: I'm serious, J. You act like you don’t care about anyone or anything. But when we’re out of the frying pan and into the fire, you always give us a hand. Always. I know you care about innocents. Protecting civilians. It’s just good to see you offering the same care to someone as unusual as we are.
Red Hood: Bold of you to assume she’s not innocent just because she has wings.
He quit out of the IM program and went back to running his tests.
Nothing. She didn’t have a name. Nor any DNA in any database he could access. He grunted in frustration—
And quickly closed all the windows he had open as she emerged from the bathroom. Her hair, skin, and wings were all clean, but she was still wearing her filthy clothes. Jason would have to fix that… “Is… everything okay?” she asked timidly, massaging the end of one of her wings between her hands.
“Everything’s fine,” he replied. “You feeling any better?”
“Yes. Thank you for being so kind to me.”
“Of course.”
“I, uh, I don’t have any way to repay you…”
Jason spun around in his chair to look at her. “Kid. You don’t have to repay me for a shower and a ride away from thugs who were trying to hurt you.” He paused. “I never caught your name,” he said.
She shook her head. “I don’t… I don’t have one,” she said. She pushed up her filthy sleeve to reveal a 00319 branded into the muscle of her left deltoid. “I was three-nineteen.”
“Where are you from?”
She shook her head. “A terrible place,” she said.
“If you’re another one of CADMUS’ creations I'm going to level that building and destroy everything underneath it,” Jason muttered. He met her eyes again. “You wanna stay here for a little while? I’ll keep an eye on you till you figure out what you want to do.”
“I don’t want to intrude—”
“You’re not intruding. There’s a cot in the corner. Feel free to crash. And, uh, before you do, here.” He got up and went over to a storage bin. He pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. “These’ll probably be a little big on you, but they’re clean. If you need to cut holes in the back, feel free.” Jason pulled a pocketknife out of a drawer and passed it to her with the clothes. She accepted them and looked up at him.
“Thank you,” she offered.
“It’s no problem,” he replied.
She slipped into the bathroom.
The sweatpants were way too long on me and the sweatshirt the same. It bagged on my short torso but the holes for my wings were perfectly sized in a way I didn’t usually get with normal clothing that fit me.
The clothes were comfortable though. Soft and warm. The clothes I’d worn with the doctors were stiff and scratchy. I’d gotten used to the feeling, but these clothes made me want to fall asleep.
I went back out into the rest of the bunker. Red Hood was still sitting at his computer, typing away. I didn’t say anything to him, just walked over to a cot in the corner. It looked different from the cot I used to sleep on in my room—my cell. That one was mesh suspended between the metal frame. This one had a… what was the word? Mat? Matter…? Mattress! This one had a mattress on it. I glanced back at Red Hood as I put my old clothes at the foot of the cot.
“I never got your name,” I said. “I know you’re Red Hood but that’s all.”
He turned and just looked at me for a moment. “I'm Jason,” he finally said.
I nodded. “Thank you, again, Jason. For everything.”
“You’re welcome. Get some rest. We’ll get you a name and anything else you need in the morning,” he said.
I crawled under the blankets covering the cot. It was softer and more comfortable than anything I’d ever slept on. I sighed with pleasure and relaxed for the first time in… a long time. I released the tension in my wings and let them relax too. No one was going to hurt me in the middle of the night.
I wasn’t sure why I trusted this Red Hood—Jason—as much as I did, but I couldn’t help it. Something about how genuine he seemed made me believe that I really was safe. I hadn’t felt safe since Dr. Evans left. She used to keep the other doctors from pushing me too hard.
With a sense of security, I pulled the blankets up over my shoulder, and fell into the deepest sleep I’d ever had.
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batfam-imagines · 7 years
Reader’s Choice
So I have a pretty long request list!! If you want to help me choose, just send the number of the request to my Inbox! Just let me know that the number is a “Reader’s Choice”
If you have more than one you’d like to see, put the numbers in the order you’d prefer!!!
If anyone wants to use one of these prompts, please ask first!! Thank you!
Rules: Please only choose a MAX of 3. I will be updating this monthly, and will only accept your choices for 2 day each month. Please only send in your choice numbers during those 2 days! Thank you!!
Send your three votes to my inbox! If you post them as a comment they will not be counted!!!
If I forget to update this, don’t hesitate to remind me on the 1st of every month, but only on the 1st.
Currently Accepting Requests From This List!!
1.    Hi, A! Can you make a Conner x Abused!witch reader please? Where reader is abused by her whole family, because while she is a good person her family aren't? Can you also make the reader fall in love with Conner and the feeling is mutual? By the way, love your imagines.
2.    Can you write something where batsis has a stalker and it starts off cute but gets more dangerous?
3.    Can you write something where Tim gets really hurt while patrolling with Jason and he has to save him. Can you write it with some angst please.
4.    could you please write about Atlantean Batmom, who's maybe Arthur’s sister, and meets Bruce through him? Batmom prefers to not interfere with the league or Atlantis and the kids don't know about her heritage out of fear for their safety until she uses her abilities to prevent a catastrophe or something like that.
5.    Could you do and imagine of Catwoman's accomplish/niece being best friends with Damian and Damian leaves with the teen titans making her sad and jealous. I really love your writing and this would make my week
6.    batsis possessed by the Enchantress
7.    would you do a batsis imagine where she assaulted by one of her close guy friends and couldn't stop it, so she starts withdrawing from her family and friends. she feels weak and doesn't want them to judge her until jason finally gets her to tell him what happened after she tries to kill herself?
8.       Red Hood get thrown through the window of your local Book store and list three good reads for you before he’s up on his feet again guns blazing.
9.   Love your oldest batsis character! Could you do maybe one where is a good singer/musician and she sings them lullaby’s when they are hurt and around the house and in the shower?
10.   May I request a oneshot please, where Jon and Dami befriend a shapeshifter/reader, who's either their age or a year younger, and none of the Justice League (including Bats and Super) know about them. So it's either the Justice League finding out about them or stupid pranks (like identical Damian’s) that they pull on the Justice League?
11.   Hello! I was wondering if you could maybe do a second post to the bat mom killing the joker fic? I would love to see Bruce's and the rest of the family's reaction to that. That would be awesome!
12.   Can I request where Batsis/reader has terrible insomnia, so she only gets probably an hour a sleep every day or something, and she is always up walking around the manor at odd hours of the night. She hides it from the Batfam with makeup and such. And it's basically the Batfam finding out about Batsis's terrible insomnia. Thank you!
13.   hello! i still hope your requests are still open as i wanted to send in something! could you do a Jason Todd imagine where he and the reader have a meet-cute in the library and he develops a huge crush? he talks about her constantly to Roy to the point he gets frustrated and drags him to her, only to find out it's his younger sister (or if you prefer close friend)
14.   Could you do a little sister au where bat!sis wants to join her brothers and father on patrol and follows them around all day in attempt to get them to agree to let her go and eventually Bruce agrees to take her for a few minutes in her own adorable little suit and it's just super fluffy? Sorry this is long and if that's confusing. I love you're writing and thank you so much
15.   Lil Sis Au. w/ reader watches and imitates older sibling when they spar/fight??
16.   I saw requests were open and I was wondering if you could write being a single mom and falling in love with single dad Roy please and thank you
17.   I wish you would write a fic where sick jay is cared for by his loving fam and reader
18.   Hello! Could you possibly do a Batmom! Reader who's like really short. Like shorter than Damian and she has trouble having some of the batboys take her seriously?
19.   So I had a shitty day, maybe a thing where batsis had an anxiety attack, then her biological dad (who is an asshole to her) make her depressed and the batfamily helps her through it
20.   Could you write a wing au with the wings mimicking emotions with Tim Drake please?
21.   For the fantasy au thing with winged people, could I please request Older Damian's SO's feathers falling out from stress and him trying to help her?
22.   I'm sorry if this is a bad request, you can change the aspects of it if you want to: I am a dragon AU (with any fandom or even not fandom related) but reader is a dragon and a knight has to slay the dragon but the knight can't do it... Thus the knight sneaks out every night because become really good friends in the end of it. Anyway before I end this request I would like to say your writing is amazing and I can't wait to read more from you!! Thanks for reading and keep up the fantastic writing!!
23.   Could you please do something with Bruce helping a batdaughter deal with a bad hit of fear toxin? It could be as sweet or angsty as you like, whatever you feel like doing!
24.   Hi!! Can I request an imagine Dick and batsis (reader) are in the same school event/gym class and it's a sparring section and they laugh it all off, and have to deal with elementary level self defense class, maybe fording themselves to lose to dummies and then when they can finally spar each other they go all out? And the class goes crazy loving it? Also:: can you tag @batty4dc
25.   Hiiii I would like to request a fiction with jason, something like the reader can control the four elements and those are represented by the bat-boys (dick-water/ jason-fire / Tim-air / Damian- earth). The reader is obviously more interested in the fire element so jason. I really like something with some fluff but also passionate (like light smut if you do that). U don't know if the request is clear but thank you.
26.   Older Batsis coming home from a rough night on patrol to find one of her brothers sitting on her couch? Whichever brother you prefer!
27.   Can I request Terry McGinnis w/ a telepathic/telekinetic s/o and they flirt a lot during patrol so Bruce always scolds them
28.   Is there any way you can do a part 2 to the Damian Wayne x reader My Mate?
29.   Can request jason flirting with a telepathic/telekinetic reader
30.   Hi! I was wondering if you could do this request for me? I want a Damian x Reader, Please! I was thinking that the plot could be that Damian used the bully the reader because maybe she was deaf or something like that. The bullying gets so bad that the reader switches school, and Damian feels so guilty. Years later, Damian sees the reader once more, and he tries to make amends. Angst at first then maybe something sweet? Thank you! Love your writing!
31.   Batboy of your choice dating a single mom
32.   Can you write an hc were Batmom has a daughter that's in her teens that clings to Batmom and the boys think she's an attention hog they wind up in a fit and she starts crying and Batmom comes in and stops them and they find out she has awake terrors and that's why she's clingy to mom because she's scares so they start helping with her and now she's clingy with all of them. Thank you for your time, bye.
33.   oh hi how about when reader died or get hurt really bad maybe after she get married to jason/Dami *boi you can chose* and she was pregnant if you chose to her to stay alive the baby died if you chose to her to die than both of them is dead :'c sorry but I really need to read something sad #rosegurl🌹
34.   Can you do an imagine on being 16 and being the youngest member of the suicide squad and there all really protective of you and you start to date or something
35.   Ok, how about this. Damian with a neko reader. He would definitely go crazy and want to pet her ears. Please and thank you
36.   How would the JL and Batfam react if they found out that Batmom outsmarted the Joker on her own. Like he kidnaps her because hey Bruce, you're rich af, and instead of crying and praying for rescue she scolds Joker and he's like, wow ok, I see your point. He doesn't immediately become a grade A citizen or something but, you get the gist. Thx love!
37.   "i didn't mean to hurt your feelings" with Tim and jason please?
38.   hey can i get an older! Damián x reader imagine based on fools by lauren aquilina??
39.   Can I request a Tim X Reader? Where Tim meets the reader at a bookshop and they hit it off. Fluffyness please. Bonus if the rest of the Batfam teases Tim about her.
40.   Yes yes do a fix with Ariel and Damian I'm begging you ❤ and I love the prince of the sea, it's so cute to think of Jay as innocent merman
41.   So I was going through your work and found this thing about batsis, and how villains loved her. And now all I can think is batsis having some recital or fucking graduation or something, and half the fucking crowd is there for her. There's villains, anti-hero's, super-heroes. Their all there for her omg.
42.   Oh oh oh can you write Jason being in love with reader who's close friends with all the batboys and she's especially close to dick and Jason gets jealous and upset and super insecure because he thinks she likes dick when in reality she's in love with Jason (you can do the ending anyway you want)
43.  For face the music, how about some cute Connor x reader moments. Like he hears her laugh for the first time(really hard at that) then she's about to walk out her her pajamas (I sleep with an over-sized shirt and my underwear cuz it's hella comfy) And then some bonding time with Conner, Reader, and Talia?
44.  Hey! Can you please do another Nsfw to dick speaking Romanian? I just read the first one and I really really liked it
45.  Hey, could you pleaassee do something with a sick reader?? I've been trying to find one everywhere and can't.
46. Part 2 for New Sons!
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nightwingswing · 7 years
“Notre Dame de Paris” (Batfam x gypsy! Reader x Ra’s Al Ghul) Part 1
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Bonjour ma little wings! Here you have the first chapter of that disney au nobody asked for but everyone deserves! 
So this au will be based mainly in Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame, with also “Notre dame de Paris” Book elements and elements of the musical with the same name and elements from my imagination.
In the image above the fic will feature the main characters of each chapter
So I’ll give you 3 options and you message or coment your choice. The most voted of them will be the one that the reader will do.
Thanks to @hamsterforlive @chipsinabox @cecedot  and @aliceinwinderland for your coment and support of this au. Also thanks to   @algentforthewin @iisingintheshower @7tharchangel12 @pinkwitch21 @imaprincess09 @lostqueen1613 @cutiedaij @bloodhoundalice @browncoatforever @axa-vega @kaylaphantomhive @roxalienqueenx @memequeen108 for liking it and giving me the suport to write this!
Hope you enjoy!
Part1 (here we are)
                                                             Character GUIDE:
    Damian Wayne - Quasimodo
    Ra’s Al Ghul - Frollo
    Dick Grayson - Clopin
    Reader - Esmeralda
    Jason Todd - Phoebus
    Tim Drake - Pierre Gringoire
Other Info
  (y/n)  Your name      
 (h/c) Hair color    
   (e/c) eye color   
    (g/n) goat name    
   (f/c) Favorite color
The loud bells of Notre Dame rang, waking all Paris up.
Rolling in Paris, the city awakes to the bells of Notre Dame. The fisherman comes with fresh fish and the baker bakes to the Bells of Notre Dame. To the big bells loud as a thunder to the little bells as a sound, and some say the soul of the city it’s the total of the bells, the bells of Notre Dame!
A man dressed with a blue, black suit with yellow feathers in his collars and a matching blue mask, sat behind a cart. A bunch of children sat before him, waiting for him to end his song.
         “Listen! They are beautiful, no? So many colors and sounds, so many changing moves! Because, you know, they don’t ring all by themselves!” He said, suddenly he got a puppet of himself.
“They don’t?!” The puppet said.
“No. you silly boy! Up there, high, high in the dark bell tower lives the mysterious bell ringer! Who is this creature?”
“What is he?”
“How did he come to be there?”
“HUSH!” He hit the puppet with a stick as the children laugh at his antics.
“oww” The puppet whined.
���Nightwing will tell you! It is a tale, a tale of a man …and a monster!”
         Dark was the night our tale was begun on the docks near Notre Dame.
“Shut it up! will you!?” The man snarled
“We’ll be spotted!” yelled the other.
“Hush, little one” The woman shushed the crying baby.
Four frightened gypsies slid silently under the dock near Notre Dame.
“Pay, If you want a safe trip out of Paris”
But a trap had been laid for the gypsies and they gazed up in fear and alarm. At a figure whose clutches were iron as much as the bells,
“Judge Ra’s Al Ghul”
The bells of Notre Dame!
Judge Ra’s Al Ghul longed to purge the world of vice and sin, and he saw corruption everywhere, except within.
“Bring this gypsies back to the palace of justice”
“HEY, YOU! WHAT ARE YOU HIDDING?” A soldier pulled the bundle the woman was carrying, she fought back.
“Surely, nothing good. ..Take it from her”
She ran!
         The woman ran the judge closely behind. His dark horse’s hot breath hit the woman’s neck until she jumped a fence. He stopped and she ran towards the Notre Dame.
“SANTUARY! PLEASE GIVE US SANTUARY!” The woman knocks fast and loud on the church’s door. As the judge approached her she tried to run away.
He got a hold of the bundle and pulled hard, she lost her hold and foot.
As her neck came in contact with the cold snow in the stairs of Notre Dame. Al ghul looked unimpressed, he decided to look what the thing the gypsy was protecting.
“A baby?...No, A DEMON!” His eyes widened and quickly covered the baby’s face. He looked around for a way of getting rid of it. Hi eyes widened as he look at the well. He approached it, holding the baby out and ready to drop it.
“STOOOP!” Cried the archdeacon. Who in his arms, hold the dead gypsye’s cold body. Dark memories flood in the back of his eyes. The archdeacon Wayne looked up to the judge’s face.
“This is an unholy demon, I’m sending it back to hell. We’re it belongs.” The judge said nonchalant.
“See, the innocent blood you have spilt on the steps of Notre Dame.”
“I’m guiltless. She ran, I pursed.” He shrugged.
“Now, you would add this child’s blood to your guilt, on the steps of Notre Dame.”
“You can lie to yourself and your minions. You can claim that you haven’t a qualm. BUT YOU NEVER CAN RUN FROM NOR HIDE WHAT YOU DONE FROM THE EYES, THE VERY EYES OF NOTRE DAME!” Wayne pointed at the statue of the Mary and Jesus, as lighting illuminated their lifeless eyes.
         And from one time in his life of power and control, Ra’s felt a twinge of fear for his immortal soul.
 “What must I do” The judge said, fear written all over his face.
“Care for the child” The Archdeacon said while carrying the body of the woman. “And raise as your own”
“WHAT?” He snarled. “I must be sated with this… monstrous demon from-“He seemed to have a realization, and his face relaxed. “Very well, but let him live with you in your church”
“Live here? Where?!”
“Anywhere…Just so he’s keep locked away where no can else can see… The bell tower, perhaps. And who knows, our Lord works in mysterious ways ” Ra’s looked back  at the baby. “Even this foul creature yet prove on day to be… of use… to me.”
           And Ra’s gave the child a cruel name, a name that mean TO TAME, DAMIAN.
Now here is riddle to guess if you can sing the bells of Notre Dame, who is the monster and who is the man?
Sing the bells, bells, bells, bells BELLS OF NOTRE DAME!
Paris woke up preparing for the festival of fools. People setting up colorful tents and a stage at the middle.
Damian looked at everyone, wanting to be freed of his dread. He saw a young little robin, he’s been caring for, for a while back.
“You think you’ll fly today?” He caressed the bird’s hair “I would do it if I where you. Who wants to be trapped here?” He huffed, his abnormal eyes locking down at the ant sized humans setting up the tents.
Then a flock of other birds flew by, Damian smiled encourageously at the little bird who started waving its wings until he was flying above Damian’s hands.
“Go” He smiled at the bird who flew away with the rest. Damian sighed sadly keep looking down. Suddenly the two gargoyles next to him came alive.
“Uff, I thought that bird was never leaving!” A purple bat gargoyle said, spitting straw from the bird’s nest. “I’ll be spitting feathers for a week!”
“Stop exaggerating, Steph.” Another bat shaped gargoyle, this one with yellow and black tones.  “That’s what you get for sleeping with your mouth open!”
“Har har! So funny Babs! Go scare a nun.” Steph said as she leaned in Damian’s shoulder. “Hey, Dami! What’s going on down there? A fight? A flagon?”
“A festival” Said Babs.
“You mean the fest of fools?!” Steph said, exited as Damian nodded “Alright alright alright! Pour the wine and cut the cheese!”
“It is a treat to see the colorful pageantry of the simple peasant folk” Babs said to Damian.
“Boy, I never liked a balcony seat for watching the FOF!” Said Steph ribbing her hands together.
“Yeah” said Damian darkly. “Watch” He then went back inside.
“Oh look a mime…” Steph was about to spit the mime but Babs covered her mouth before anything went down. Obligating Steph to swallow it. She then pointed at Damian. “Het hey! What gives?”
“Aren’t you going to watch the festival with us?” Babs asked.
Damian ignored them.
“I don’t get it!” Steph said to Babs.
“Perhaps he is sick”
“Impossible” A third gargoyle said. This one was completely black. “If 18 years of listening to your arguing hasn’t made him sick, nothing will.”
“But, Cass. Watching the festival of fools has always been the highlight of the year for Damian”
“There is nothing good of seeing a festival if you can never be on it”  She scared the doves above her before following Damian. “He isn’t made of stone like us”
Damian sat beside a handmade replica of the cathedral and the square. With handmade figures of the people living there. He looked longingly at them as the three gargoyles looked sadly at him, Cass decided to approach him.
“What’s wrong” Cass asked, putting her hand on his shoulder.
“I just, don’t feel like watching the festival”
“Never thought about going there instead?” Cass asked.
“Sure, but I’d never fit in out there. I’m not normal”
“Oh Dami, Dami Dami” Cass said as Steph jumped inside his replica.
“Hey! Quit beating yourself! What do he have to do? Paint you a fresco?!” Steph grabbed the Damian shaped figure from the bell tower and put it beside the other.
“As your friend and guardians, we insist you attend the festival.” Babs said, grabbing Damian by his arm.
“Me?” He asked.
“No, the pope” Said Steph. “Of course you!”
“It would be a fantastical potpourri of educational experience.” Babs nodded
“ Wine, women, animals and so!” Steph said.
“You could learn to identify regional types of cheeses.” Babs said exited.
“A bucket of snails!” Steph said holding a bucket.
“Study indigenous folk music” Babs gestured like she was playing a guitar.
“AND DANCE!” Steph poured the bucket over babs, who glared at her.
“Take it from me, life is not spectator sport. If watching is all you’re going to do, then you’re going to watch your life go by without you.” Advised Cass.
“Yeah, you are human! With flesh, and hair and navel… We’re just part of the architecture! Right Babs?”
“Yes.” Said Babs. Before putting the bucket in Steph’s head.
“Dami, just grab a fresh tunic, a clean pair of pants and go.” Cass tried to drag Damian but he just patted her head.
“Thanks for the encouragement, but you’re all forgetting a really big problem.”
“WHAT?!” The three of them asked.
“My grandfather, Ra’s Al Ghul.” He grabbed a green clad figurine.
“Oh” said the three gargoyles.
“Well, when he says you’re “forbidden” of ever leaving the bell tower, does he mean ever EVER?” Babs asked awkwardly.
“Never ever, and he hates the Fest of fools. He’ll be furious if I asked” Damian sighed.
“Who said you had to ask?” Steph smirked evilly.
“No” Damian said
“You sneak out”
“Just once” Cass said
“Then, you sneak back in!” Said Steph again
“He’ll never know” Cass put a finger in her mouth.
“But if I get caught…”
“Better beg for forgiveness than ask for permission” Babs said, nonchalant.
“They’ll see me!”
“Wear a disguise! Just this once!” Steph put a towel over her head. “What Ra’s doesn’t know, can’t hurt you!” She hides behind Babs.
“Ignorance is bliss” Babs said, mater-of-factly
“No one wants to stay here forever” Cass says.
Damian thought it for a moment, before getting up.
“You’re right! I’ll go”
“YEAH! HURRAY!” Steph said as the three of them cheered.
“I’ll get clean”
“I’ll go down those stairs.”
“I’ll cross the doors and-”
“Good morning, Damian” Ra’s Al Ghul said darkly.
Meanwhile, under the watch of Notre dame a young gypsy woman with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, walked in between the tents.
“(y/n)! wait!” Nightwing, or best known as Dick called you. “Where are you going?”
“Oh, Hello Dick. I’m just searching for Harley, she was repairing my scarf. You know, for the festival.”
“AH! I think I saw her in the green tent, she was helping Ivy.”
“Great, thanks.” You smiled at him and went to find the clown girl.
“WAIT! I’ll go with you!” Dick shouted. He ran towards you, and then proceeded to walk next to you, talking nonstop.
“Oh, where here!” He says.” Now, I have to go back and talk with pop Haley… You think, we can, maybe, I dunno… eat together later? I’ll cook!”
“Okay, but please. Let Jon cook, you will just burn it.” You smiled at him.
“Great! See you later!” He walked away and you got inside the tent, to see Ivy and Harley talking, sitting there with Zatanna.
“(Y/n)! Coming for your scarf?” Harley smiled. Ivy and Zatanna both greeted you with a smile.
“Hey Ivy, Z. Yes, Harls, did you fix it?”
“Fix it? Heck, I improved it!” She smiles, proud of herself. She gets your scarf from inside a brown basked. It was a silk (f/c) with sequins a preset from your mom. Harley had sewed new bright little jewels than sparkled with every movement.
“Oh, Harls… I love it!” You hugged her. She laughed and patted your back.
“Great! Now go! Go practice for your big moment tomorrow! You’ll break so many hearts!” She cheered
“I saw a rather quiet street, not far away. The guards don’t drop by often.” Said Zatanna.
“Great, thanks Z!”
“Be careful, (y/N)!” Said Ivy.
“Will do, thanks!” You smiled.
You put a hat you borrowed from Raptor on the ground, your trusty goat by your side. She watched that no one robbed you.
You started dancing, the only sound that could be heard in the street has the one from your tambourine.
Almost everyone that passed by, gave you a coin. Some looked at you lustfully, some other impressed, and more often that you would like disgusted looks.
A little kid approached you and put a coin in your hat, (g/n) beeed at him, jumping, the little kid smiled and you bowed your head. He bowed back when his mom called him. He said goodbye and ran towards his mom.
At the beginning of the street were you were, Jason Todd, acclaimed knight returned to Paris, his black hair brushed by the wind, his once boney shoulders were now broad shoulders and with what seemed like a red helmet looked at a map, his brown, almost red horse following behind.        
“Hmm, you go for a couple of decades and they change everything!” He said as he wrinkled the map and threw it away. As two guards passed by he decided to ask them.
“Excuse me, the way to the palace of justice?” But the two guards ignored him. He swearer. “I guess not” Then continued his way down the street.
That’s when, after leaving 2 coins in your hat he saw you.
He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at you, enchanted.
You bowed your head nodding, at the same time you hit your tambourine, smiling charmingly.
He smiled rather silly before recomposing himself. Coughing awkwardly, he tried to smile charmingly before going away meanwhile you had heard the call of the guards approaching and tried to run away, (g/n) grabbed your hat but the money fell over, you went back and were gathering them when a guard grabbed you hat before you could reach it.
“Alright, gypsy. Where did you get the money?”
“For your information, I earned it” You got your hat and money back from his clutches.
“Gypsies, don’t earn money” The guard said. You glared at him as the other grabbed you from behind.
“You stole it” Said the one holding you.
“You’ll know a lot about stealing” You said.
“Troublemaker” said the other guard, trying to take your hat. You kicked him in the face, the got away from the hold of the other guard. Your goat then glared at them, kicking one in the shin and kicking the other one in the face. Knocking them down, one of them unconscious. You then took advantage and ran away in the other direction, running towards your secret shortcut to your tent.
Jason, who had seen everything followed you with his eyes until he couldn’t see you anymore. He was very impress with your fierceness.
When the guards tried to follow you he suddenly put his horse in their way, knocking them back down. The one who had bullied you more fell right on a puddle.
“Arsenal, sit” And the horse sat over the guard, making him fell in the puddle.
The people that gathered around them started laughing at their misery, Jason mockingly said:
“Oh, dear I’m so sorry! Naughty horse, naughty! Really, he’s just impossible” Jason leaned over Arsenal, smiling openly and rather fake. “Can’t take him anywhere!”
You, that had stopped in an alley seeing as your shortcut was crowded by guards, had seen everything. You bit your lip and smiled. That man sure has handsome! You looked at him one last time and turned the alley.
“GET THIS THING OFF OF MEE!” The guard yelled painfully.
“I’ll teach you a lesson” Said the other one, unsheathing his sword. Jason got his own sword from his sheath.
“You were saying” Jason smirked. “Lieutenant?”
Then the guard as if he had seen the light for the first time started stuttering and acting nervously.
“Oh, eh , Oh Captain!” He hit his head with his sword trying to salute him, only making a fool of himself. “AT YOUR SERVICE!”
Jason dig his sword on the ground and it cut the other guards moustache. Then he kneeled at the same height as the guards and said:
“I know you have a lot on your mind right now, but the palace of justice?”
In a few moments, they were yelling
Jason saw a few coins on the ground and grabbed them, leaving them in the hat of a beggar in front of him and followed the guards to the palace.
When they were far, you unhooded and looked at the handsome guard who just had given you back the money that fell in your escape.
That night when you arrived back to your tent, Dick was waiting for you. Food served and a beautiful flower inside a wood glass.
“Dick, what’s al of this?” You asked surprised.
“Well, This is your first festival of fools. I wanted to make it more special. I didn’t cooked this! I swear! It was Eddie! I didn’t know he could cook but surprisingly he can. So if it’s horrible it’s his fault!” Dick rambled.
“Thanks Dick” You kissed his cheek. And Dick’s face reddened.
You obligated Dick to get his mark off for eating. You two had a great time, laughing, making jokes and Dick re-told you the story of the mysterious bell ringer.
“Dick, you’ve told me this story since I was a baby!”
“I know, but it’s very mysterious right?”
“Yeah. It is” You looked outside your tent towards the bell tower, where you swear you saw something moving.
“You know, I told you I had a little encounter with the guard earlier?” You asked absent
“Yeah, I told you they’re complete idiots! Those should be the king of fools, haha!” Dick laughed before taking a sip of his drink.
“I meet the captain” You said and Dick spited his drink.
“DID HE DO SOMETHING TO YOU?” He yelled, checking for bruises.
“No, he was very nice. He even stopped the guards of following me…He was very handsome, his black hair” Dick cheeked his black hair and frowned “his starling blue eyes” Dick’s hands touched his eyes and his frown worsened “And, OH! Those shoulders! Those tights!” You sighed. And Dick pouted.
“I have those same things!” he thought
“Hey, I heard from Z and Ivy that there’s going to be a meteor shower tonight. Wanna go with me?” Dick smiled adorably.
(What will you say?)
A)  Yes.
B)   No, I’ll stay here.
C)   Yes, but we go with the others.
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vinnybox · 2 years
Do you like Danny Phantom?
If so, I wanna know what you think would happen if the Batfam adopted Danny in a Talon Dick au where Dick has wings. (I want this specific au crossover for some reason.) Any headcannons for if that was the situation?
DANNY PHANTOM BELOVED <3 Used to watch that when I was a wee kid
I hadn't seen the show in forever and I don't remember much anymore .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.  I've seen a lot of fics with the crossover but I hadn't read any of them yet. The concept is COOL tho n I'd love to see if I can explore it one day!
at the moment I don't think I can offer much since my memory of the show is very fuzzy. If Danny were to be adopted tho, I think the gaggle of brothers are gonna get even more chaotic, especially with one who has ghostly powers that shoot beams and can turn invisible and do a whole bunch more.
Maybe I DO have a few headcanons of things in mind based on my... VERY limited knowledge for both Danny Phantom and Batfam 👉👈 Im doing this purely out of “What if?” and “This would be funny” mindset hGDSHD
Headcanons undercut!
Another son/brother with the ability to turn invisible? Cue the family getting startled when Danny and Dick suddenly appear out of nowhere. More sneaky stealthy brothers. Im sure all the batfam does this, but Danny and Dick probably do it more often than the others, keeping scores of who could sneak up on who the most. 
Danny using his cryokinesis (if I remembered correctly that he had this power) to prank his brothers like pelting snowballs at them or making his hands cold and touching the back of their neck (I do that with my friends cause our university is fucking COLD and my hand just absorbs cold a little too well). Danny did it once with Dick but then never did it again after Dick had a bit of a bad reaction since it reminded him of the time back in the court when they put him in the coffin or put him to sleep by freezing him.  (I think at some point Dick WILL eventually recover enough to not have as bad of a reaction to the cold after a few years or something. I want my hurt then going to path of recovery thing 😭) 
Danny tries to sneak up on Dick as a ghost and even while invisible, Dick almost always can tell where Danny is. It's like the cat staring at the wall kind of thing.
Jason: Goldie, what are you looking at? Dick: [Staring at one corner of the wall] Jason: Dick: Dick: Danny [silence] Danny, turning visible: uGH- how do you always know??
Even funnier is the reason Dick always seems to know where Danny is is because he'd just choose to stare at a random corner or part of the room where he thinks Danny is and if he stared long enough Danny just gets too awkward that he eventually reveals himself from Dick's literal unblinking stare. So Dick sometimes DONT actually know where Danny is half the time, he just stares at a part of the room and hopes he's right or close. OR he'd just be doing something and randomly calls out Danny's name, to which the chance of Danny ALSO being in the room is almost a 100%. Danny don't need to know that tho.
Tim also does the name callout thing too and Danny just assumes that Tim and Dick just KNOWS where he is. Bruce probably does this too but he likes to pretend he doesn't know where Danny is until Danny comes out to surprise him. Which, isn't much to be honest HDSGHD
Danny sneaking up on Bruce
Bruce: Danny? Danny, appearing: Boo! Bruce, not even startled: Oh! There you are Danny: You already knew Im here, don't you? And Bruce just laughs and confirms that yes he did know Danny is here.
Its hard to sneak up on the batfam I'd say, even with ghost powers, but on some occasion I think Danny could actually catch them off guard. Cass is impossible to sneak up on tho. (I'd like to touch up on the other's relationship in the batfam as well, just need to learn more about them)
Just like any members of the batfam, he receives Winged hugs, and Danny learns to help preen feathers. Its fun but oh my god there’s so MUCH. But I also think he’d absolutely get slap in the face with Dick’s wings if Dick isn’t careful. Other members of the family has had plenty of experience, trust them.
Cue moments where three brothers (Dick, Jason and Danny) are in the kitchen at 3 am and someone walks in on them and almost had a heart attack at 3 glowing pair of eyes.
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