#Yukimura Aguri
itsnxdia · 2 months
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another Assasination Classroom fanart
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ghost-li-yn · 2 years
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"This one?"
"How about this one?"
"Well, guess I'd have to look for it myself~"
AU where Aguri is alive and they're both teachers in 3E
Those two would look sooooooo cute together!
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I really want an AU with Nagisa as Koro and Aguri's son. He canonically has terrible parents who don't deserve him. I think Koro and Aguri will treat him better as parents.
I also think Nagisa is like a combination of both of them. Like he has Koro's observational skill and natural talent as an assassin. He also has genuinely good heart and soft, somewhat meek personality like Aguri. He's adorkable like both of them, and like them, becomes a teacher in the end. His final haircut even looks like Aguri's.
In another life, if Koro and Aguri survived and had a child together, their child will 100 percent be like Nagisa.
In AU, let Nagisa leave his abusive mother, and his father who abandoned him to deal with her alone. Let Koro and Aguri adopt him.
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gottesfreude · 8 months
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Koro Sensei Shrek y Yukimura Aguri.
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coffee-lo-vers · 7 months
The year after Koro-sensei's death had been hell. Being harassed by the press, attending university enduring all kinds of stares, not being able to even go out to the store because her every move was inspected, Akari had lost herself. Her childhood had not been easy, with a strict/manipulative and absent father, the death of her mother, the dark side of her work as an actress (rape, drugs, black market, etc.), Aguri's death and her traumas after it, The guilt of her attempted revenge and the recent death of her master left her with nothing but the need to escape, no matter how cowardly she was. The first time he drank alcohol was the day he dropped out of college, he remembered the faces and words of pity and "comfort" he had received when applying, the remorse at the thought on his way to the convenience store that his teacher would be disappointed if he knew that he had dropped out of the university where he put so much effort into his mock tests, as would his sister; who put so much effort so that she would not feel her mother's absence, her father's pressure and his lack of interest in her, the hesitation and guilt before entering the beverage aisle that, as she walked through that store, became an itch of anticipation at the tips of his fingers, bordering on desperation when paying the kind cashier, the need to run and get home quickly with a stock of beer in hand and drown his wounds in that drink with the hope that they would heal and heal. Sitting on the cold floor of her room and surrounded by the familiar darkness she drank her first beer, making a face of disgust at the bitterness of the first drink, little by little she got used to its taste and a few hours later, the cans were empty, crushed and scattered throughout his room. The moon and the stars witnessed how that orderly room was destroyed by a staggering and crying figure, who, when his outburst finally ended, knelt in front of the window, and there, he cried, screamed and complained to the sky for what he had seen. and lived as a child actress, by the father who had touched her, for taking away everything she loved and finally, when the crying was about to end and only sobs remained, she begged, wanting her sister back, who loved her like a mother, or his kind teacher who, without knowing it, in some corner of his mind, had begun to love him like a father.
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 2 years
Since it’s her birthday (or was depending on where you are and when you get this) how about Aguri with fool and 3E (hehe)
!!! 3E? Omg, yes, that’s perfect 🥺 Thank you for the ask!
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Gosh, I adore working with this palette…might be my fave. So thank you for requesting it again ^^ To be honest, even though I know august has the most AC birthdays, I had no idea it also had Aguri’s…am ashamed of myself, smh. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
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alitheakorogane · 2 years
toonami finishing up assination classroom
Aguri Yukimura and koro just fit
Isn't it?! They are really have a potential chemistry!
... If only they did not die earlier (or Aguri had survived after that event where she died), we could see them interact more and see some fluffy moments. ❤️❤️
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kriosv · 2 years
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360 Day Challenge, Day 1- Aguri Yukimura 
Time 76 Min. Hate the face, but for this challenge I’m actually surprised by how much I like the rest. I really like drawing clothes, and am looking forward to the rest of the challenge.
Pose reference
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Her Shirt:
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scp999ticklemonster · 2 months
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karmaiso · 4 months
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assassination classroom season 2 dvd covers 1-8 (+ extra valentine's ova), from the official website
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no-naem · 4 months
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100 Kayanos Again - #63
I want her to live I want her to see Kayano I want them to bond more while in E Class!!!!
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twtangel-arts · 4 months
I hate the doom by the narrative couple. Makes me sick. /pos
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ghost-li-yn · 8 months
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to pass something down
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heyhellohihowareyou · 5 months
One slightly rushed Aguri for @kazzledazzle20
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kyrieeleisonelise · 7 months
"I am the younger sister of Aguri Yukimura! Get it yet, murderer?"
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reygunning · 8 months
I did a video
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