#a girl in her 20s
bryqe · 2 months
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Virginia Woolf portrait, age 20, 1902
by George Charles Beresford
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slugbutterfly · 20 days
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Izutsumi loaf was animated!
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mshmshwrites · 5 months
all my joints taste of tobacco, bitter lingering on the tip of your tongue, for as long as you smoke it, in reality - a long cigarette, maybe a sprinkle or two of hash, I can’t seem to figure out how to balance it well. and i can’t figure out lots of things - how to speak when i’m angry, how to jaywalk with no fear, on which side to stand on the escalator (i think it’s usually right), how to quickly get rid of cigarette smell in my room, how to keep a curly hair routine, how to measure my love out slowly, how to stop myself from yelling, how to paint the nails on my right hand, how to keep my socks in order, how to express gratitude, how to figure out what i want from this life, how to bake cakes, how to be honest, how to accept their love, how to carefully put salt in the mill, how to be on time (though i am getting better), how to make myself proud, how to make it in life, how to find the right people, how to manage my madness, how to make nhs appointments, how to fight, how to live with the knowledge i have, how to see god, how to hear him, how to file taxes, how to drive a car, how to kiss not bite, how to save up, how to be a woman, how to deal with it, how to understand men, how to stop sleeping through alarms, how to grasp the concept of cosmos, how to love someone, how to efficiently vacuum carpets, how to be alone, how to be when someone is near, how to get rid of all the hate inside me, how to stop drinking coffee, how to quit smoking, and how to tell you i'm tired.
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shitpostingkats · 21 days
Okay but.
You've spent your entire life chasing the highs of heroism. You've whittled away for highschool years watching. Manipulating. Circling your prey like a hawk. You have died. You know your target down to the last detail, your rival, your nemesis. You have built your everything around defeating the golden boy, the rogue who's unfairly blessed.
In the middle of your climactic showdown, the culmination of all your cat-and-mouse, you watch.
As he wanders off.
And very deliberately goes and jumps into a pool of lava.
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destielocean · 1 year
forever looking at the secret cameras for the secret audience is awaiting my reaction to this shit
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jq37 · 6 months
For all of Burrow's End, Rashawn has consistently said, "I am a Black woman first, and a stoat second" and I love that for her.
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juha-art · 8 months
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Ayda and Adaine's friendship is so special to me
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cariocake · 3 months
last 20 minutes of the episode was in like bullet time and i know the bad kids weren't perceiving the same things as each other but kristin being in this circle of pure chaos watching her friends throw up spells and counterspells and jumping into a mysterious swirling vortex of case files and her first thought isn't about princess nara or tracker it's
do i see cassandra?
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bowenoke · 2 months
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if you like florence + the machine and also kristen applebees and figueroth faeth. may i offer you cassandra
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a-bloom-to-remember · 4 months
Thinking about how in sophomore year Ayda and Fig were each wondering if the other loved them for themselves and all the while there were fossils at Mordred Manor and a scroll kept by an order of knights for 1500 years just for Ayda to tell Fig HOW MUCH she loved her.
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chrollohearttags · 4 months
meg baby, I promise we’ll all look the other way if you decide to strangle that chimera ant built bitch. I promise we won’t say nothing.
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ironinkpen · 26 days
just had the funniest thought in the world which is what if the reason Kipperlilly Clerickiller first started hating Riz was bc she wanted Kristen as her cleric. like wanted her SO fucking bad. her type A ass 100% scoped out her classmates before the first day of freshman year so she could build the optimal party, and imagine her excitement when she found out! that they had a real live Chosen One in their grade!! she probably practiced the snobby little speech she was gonna give Kristen for HOURS, already mentally mapping out her path to valedictorian. meanwhile Riz walks in with a briefcase and a newsie hat and a missing babysitter to find and stumbles into Kipperlilly's Number One Draft Pick by accident in detention. how much do you think she lost her little fucking mind
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satisfactuality · 2 months
kristen applebees realest lesbian bc i too would see a nice 6'6" girl in a beekeeper suit who loved baklava and be down bad enough to let her take 24 hours to workshop a pick up line
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batcavescolony · 6 months
Bart: I was bored and reading about deities of the world,
Tim: as you do
Bart: yeah, and you know how Cassie is part Greek God?
Cassie: do I want to know where this is going?
Bart: do you think if we started giving her offerings and worshipping her she'd turn into a full Goddess?
Kon: don't know till we try! OH GODDESS! Accept my offering *throws gummies at Cassie*
Cassie: *smiling with a pack of gummies* you joke but I'm keeping these.
Tim: *not looking up from his phone* oh Goddess Cassie, please let us have a peaceful day.
Cissie: *walking into the room* ?
Kon: we're worshiping Cassie to see if we can make her a Goddess.
Cissie: oh ok, merciful and beautiful Goddess-
Cassie: *laughing*
Cissie: -please grant me knowledge on my next exam because SOMEONE *glares at all of them* keeps pulling me into Young Justice mission's and I haven't studied *drops down in a chair and tosses her a bracelet* my offering.
Cassie: *still laughing* knowledge granted.
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nosnexus · 1 year
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I go after my hero, Rosamund.
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bixels · 15 days
Bit of a weird question, but what is your overall least favorite thing about MLP? 
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