#a lot of people seem to forget it
mask131 · 4 months
Always remember that there isn't just one type of reading.
You read books because you love them and are invested in them.
You read books because you dislike them, hate them, and want to understand who you hate them, and understand what a bad book is.
You read books as a way to kill time, to distract your own mind, you have comfort-readings made to be easy and fast and not unpleasant.
You read books because you do not understand them, they confuse you and you want to understand what their deal is.
You read books because you are forced to - kindly forced or not - by your school, by your job, by your friends, by your family.
You read books because they are classics everybody knows about ; because they are part of your cultural heritage ; because they express someone else's culture ; or because they influenced a person or a piece of fiction you like very much.
You read books because nobody ever heard about them, they are some obscure titles that never became mainstream or never even left their country or region of origin, and you are curious about what might be.
Whoever tells you "You can only read book if you have fun with it" lies. There are books you read to laugh, there are books you read to cry ; there are books you read to learn, there are books you read to despise ; there are books you read simply to know about it ; there are books you read because you have nothing else to do ; there are books you read to feel disgusted, books you read to feel enchanted ; and books you end up reading without understanding how you even ended up with it in your hand.
Reading can be a game. It can be a hobby. It can be a chore. It can be a job. It can be an art. It can be a war.
The most important thing is that you read - and there is no "good" way to do it. Binge-reading, slow reading, fragmented reading, planned reading, single reading, group reading, love reading, hate reading. As long as you read
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shmaroace · 5 months
aromanticism is not and will never be a subset of asexuality!!
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simplysparrow14 · 2 months
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I just want to point out that Taliesin and Ashley give each other this look right as Matt asked if there are other conversations to be had, and Ashley and Taliesin mumble “Not yet.” And “In time” 👀
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bimyself06 · 12 days
Idk why ppl think that Poseidon left Sally. Like babes, no, she dumped him after he offered to make her immortal and build her a palace at the bottom of the sea and he respected her decision and seemed to keep an eye on her and their son up until she was kidnapped by his brother but was believed dead.
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Hey, I just watched Dead Poets Society for the first time ever! Now, if you guys don't mind, I'm gonna go sit in the corner of my room and scream!
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threadsoflacee · 2 months
i wish we got more molly and will scenes. they have such a good chemistry together. the few scenes we have of them awkwardly trying to talk about their feelings and will unable to reach out and molly reassuring him however she can are so bittersweet. in the script theres WAY more small gestures of love between the two of them like will crying in her hands or kissing her face and molly complimenting him about his progress or calling him hotshot and sweet lol. i am one of those people that truly believe will loved molly !!!!!! of COURSE he didnt love her as passionately and as maddeningly as he loved hannibal. but i feel like he felt safe around her and found his sense of normalcy and soothing and secure environment that hannibal could have but never gave him. he needed that after so many years fighting for his life and everyone else’s. god i WISH we got to see those kisses or those tears from will crying at his own guilt for putting his wife and son in danger even with hannibal being out of his life. ( also molly is so pretty and they look so good together. and i love their little house.)
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ourhouseishaunted · 1 month
people acting as if laios can Do No Wrong and infantilizing him because he is autistic are annoying as hell. especially because laios belongs to my favorite genre of character: "person who desperately wants friends and deep relationships because they're lonely, and while part of their problems stem from people not wanting to understand them and refusing to meet them where they are, they also genuinely come across in a way where you Completely Understand why others can get turned off from them"
#.txt#dungeon meshi#laios#like. okay. i think its a very autistic experience to Want People In Your Life So Badly but because you act differently and have a hard time#with social cues you dont get that easy friendship and it sucks and youre lonely as hell#<- source: im autistic#but ALSO. i think some people forget that missing social cues genuinely makes you rude. even if you dont mean it#intent goes a long way but sometimes the autistic experience is realizing that Unfortunately You May Have Been A Dick#or that being intense or overbearing or disregarding boundries you dont know are there Drives People Away#like idk i think wanting people to look deeper and see whats worthwhile about you while also realizing youve unintentionally#driven people away#and that you can be misunderstood AND need to improve how you treat people#is an interesting story (growing as a person while also understanding that you were worthwhile the whole time even if others didnt see it)#on TOP of being a. idk more true to life autism expereince at least for me#and characters who have these kinds of arcs are really fascinating to me and i think theres a lot of nuance to them#and idk it sucks when people try to act as if lack of malicious intent suddenly means everyone who doesnt love you unconditionally is wrong#to be clear sometimes its not the Neurodivergentisms that drive ppl away sometimes its smth else#but idk i find more nuanced approaches to characters like this feel much more engaging to me and its lame when it seems like ppl go out#of their way to remove nuance from characters :/
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canisalbus · 8 months
just a quick ask to tell u it makes me super happy seeing the detail u go into when pointing out stuff u like about other people's art of ur ocs :3 it's so rare to see but it's so so motivating!! <3
Thank you! I don't take any interest for my art for granted, and if someone goes through the trouble of drawing my characters for me, I feel like trying to write a proper response is the least I can do. For a visually oriented person, receiving gift/fan art is a huge deal, it means someone considered my goobers worth their time and effort, they've probably been thinking about them more than a little and found them inspiring in a way or another, and I find that terribly flattering. It's extremely fun and interesting to see other people's takes on them. And I've drawn stuff for people as well, I know how nice and rewarding it feels to receive a response that is longer than a word or two. Positive comments like that can linger in people's minds for a long time, at least for me they do.
#this comes with a big serious disadvantage though#it often takes me a long time to write that response#my social batteries are extremely small and a lot of the time by the time I go online I feel too worn out to engage with people properly#I'm autistic anxious and severely depressed my spoons are in short supply at the best of times#I've always had really hard time putting my thoughts into words in a way that I find satisfactory#so I keep putting off reblogging gift art#because most of the time my brain is too smushed to formulate that meaningful comment I want to give#maybe that sounds dumb and fake#but this is something I've struggled with for years and I feel extremely guilty for keeping people waiting like that#often weeks sometimes months even#and potentially making them feel underappreciated and unnoticed#I'm also genuinely very scatterbrained and unorganized and I miss and forget things I'm supposed to do all the time#not to mention that I tend to have trouble keeping track of my mentions and dms and asks I'm only one person#so if you've ever drawn something for me and I didn't/haven't responded yet#please know it's not personal it's entirely my fault I'm kind of a mess#and chances are I'm still very much attempting to get back to you#feel free to remind me if you feel like I might have not noticed your post I really don't mind at all it often helps me a lot#and please if you can don't delete the post even if it seems like I didn't see it#because again sometimes it takes me a long time to respond#thank you to everyone who has stayed endlessly patient with me though I appreciate it#sorry this spiraled into a list of apologies and excuses this is actually something that bothers me a lot#because it's largely a mental health thing but easily comes off as ungratefulness#I'm trying to work on that#answered#anonymous
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
*politely raises hand* Ayo do you have any thoughts on if fear toxin is even anything to worry about in the face of the Courage of Achilles?
Like Billy Batson would obviously have a terrible time if he’s exposed to it but would Captain Marvel, setting aside the fact he doesn’t need to breathe, be fine?
I don’t have a penny to give but I request thy thoughts.
Hey there!
So my answer here is two fold:
Technically there have been canon comics where Captain Marvel is affected by fear toxin (Shazam #12 i believe), bringing his greatest fears as Billy to the surface despite him being powered up. There have also been other non fear toxin induced events to a similar effect.
But to be perfectly honest, the comic I'm thinking of largely included him being affected by fear toxin as an excuse for a more experienced Batman to save the day and highlight his own inexperienced fighting style.
So as with most things, Cap's immunity to toxins (including fear toxin) varies based on what the writers want to happen in their story.
Personally, I think that he should be immune to standard fear toxin or at the very least be able to power through the hallucinations because of the courage of Achilles. I mean what's the point of having supernatural courage as a power if you can't overcome a chemical to induce fear? Especially if perfectly ordinary human Batman can do it with sheer willpower?
Mostly I think a lot of people have the tendency to downplay Cap's abilities while at the same time hyping up Batman and his rogues. If Cap's powers are actually understood and respected by the writers there really shouldn't be much to worry about with fear toxin (unless there's a a team up with a magical villain enhancing it or Billy is caught in it before he can transform. Then we might have an interesting story).
So that's my two cents on the subject! I'd love to other people chime in!
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nomercifulpercival · 3 months
watching the new live action ATLA and actually i REALLY LIKE some of the changes to sokka.
he's not a lil sexist like he is in the animation but he still has Issues - he actively discourages katara from waterbending because he's so afraid she'll be caught and he seems to think Every Person is his responsibility. He seems both older and younger than show Sokka, he's less cocky because he's so insecure about his abilities but he also relies solely on his own abilities and keeps trying to talk himself up as the Big Leader and Protector of his tribe. It is crunchy good character actually.
his insecurity is what makes his relationship with suki so far actually interesting as well (i'm only halfway thru ep 2 tho so take this analysis with a lil salt). he starts by trying to relate to her as a Warrior and Protector but suki rebuffs him. Later she tries to relate to him by showing off her fighting skills (she is also more flawed in this version imo, which is fun. she doesnt know how to relate to people so she chokes the shit out of him) but this makes him more insecure because all his cockiness and self worth lies in protecting people and this girl is showing him up. both of their insecurities are getting in the way of forming a connection and i look forward to seeing how it's resolved.
He's less "I am the Man of my family since my dad left so i must Protect them even tho i'm just a kid really" and more "I must protect my people and if i fail they will die, therefore I am terrified of being anything less than the perfect leader and warrior"
both are interesting character concepts and i'm actually kind of hyped they changed it slightly, it makes me interested to see where theyre going with this.
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minustwofingers · 4 months
it really bugs me how taylor swift has been able to evade sm criticism under the guise that having a problem with her is misogynistic. like yes some of it is but at some point i think we should be able to talk about how she only speaks out about issues when she knows she’ll benefit and also is destroying our environment. she is not your friend, she is not mothering, she is not a queer icon (that’s a whole diff issue..). she wants your money and that’s it!
ALSO adding this as an edit bc i forgot: can u imagine how much more traction the pro palestine movement would get if we had taylor actively speaking out about it and using her platform?? like can u fucking imagine??? and she’s not and it’s just insane to me that people are okay with this. she has enough money. even if doing so completely tanked her career, she would be fine
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solradguy · 10 months
The hell's up with all these anti-trans men/masc memes lately because I'm getting real sick of it real quick. It's not cute and it was never funny.
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roosterbox · 10 months
Casual reminder, apropos of nothing, that people can write whatever the fuck they want. Doesn’t matter what ship, or what tropes, or whether or not something is established fanon lore. If they want to put it in their fic, they can.
Secondary reminder that no one is twisting your arm to read a fic which includes something you don’t like. Doesn’t matter if it’s badly written (to your eyes), way out of character, extremely triggering, or just deliberately going against the popular fandom grain. If you don’t like what you see, closing the tab or scrolling away is incredibly easy.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
A nice way you can involve others in the joy of transition is to ask them to help you choose a middle name, I think.
My best friend chose my middle name, and that is honestly something I really cherish as an adult. She supported me before everybody else did, and it honestly helped save me. I think it's a great way to memorialize others, even if you grow apart.
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maddy-ferguson · 6 months
women will literally accuse women and esp lesbian circles of "not unpacking ""man-hating""" alleged ""misandry" sweetie xo" getting offended ppl aren't appropriately uplifting how "men are amazing and awesome and attractive and i won't be shamed for thinking so" as if appreciating men is a real counter opinion than blame whatever gave women of every sexuality instance to be jaded weary cautious and tired and who'll complain every now and then and continue on with her life until she dies putting up with patriarchy. just welcome to the "woke" internet where misogyny's over and "man-hate" "shamed for not hating men" is worth springing to defences for
yeah i've only seen people talk like men's rights activists and think they're being unbelievably progressive on tumblr it's kind of fascinating. like i can see how seeing people hate on men could mess with people and stuff but you can't demand men appreciation posts that's literally the whole world outside of idk your tumblr dash (or even on your tumblr dash because fandom misogyny from people who think they're not misogynistic at all is really something). men get praised for "babysitting" their own kids like be serious? it's very let men be masculine
i don't think being like men are soooo gross and we hate them is actually constructive and it can definitely veer into transphobia (you'll always be a man/"a male" and thus a danger to women/why would you ever want to become a man they're the enemy and the bane of society etc) and homophobia relatively quickly?
but the way people ON TUMBLR ""combat that"" is often so off to me like if the most basic feminist principles offend you then i'm not really sure where to go from here. i remember seeing a post that was like "men aren't your enemy. they're your friend/brother/father/colleague/neighbor" with a lot of notes and like i don't know how to tell you this but that's literally who's most likely to harm a woman, the men she knows?😭 and obviously not every system of oppression is exactly the same but would you say the same thing to someone criticizing white people like...just very weird
i think women who are attracted to men and dating them making jokes about how they only tolerate being attracted to men because they have no choice and especially the whole i'm bi so i love every woman and only find 1 in a 1000 men attractive (very often said while in a relationship with a man) thing is obnoxious and annoying for like everyone who has to hear it lmao but also when women who date men make jokes about it (not about them being ugly or unattractive or whatever but about them being bad partners in general) it's like. what else are they going to do like you said they're gonna endure patriarchy for the rest of their lives and as girlfriends/wives/mothers they go through the most it's very bleak? idk. it's not like you can date a better man yourself out of patriarchy
of course men aren't a all as bad as the worst guy you can imagine and they're not all out to get you or whatever but saying things like "men don't all benefit from the patriarchy rich men benefit from the patriarchy but jake, 23, is not oppressing you" is like. kind of insane. jake, 14, was oppressing me like have you never interacted with boys in school😭 and it's not like it was entirely their fault we all have to outgrow misogyny it's just you know society etc but some of them never outgrow it lmao and just...the takes you see on feminism on tumblr are astounding i hate it here
#and like i do think that young guys who feel bad about themselves only having people who make them feel worse and who actively make them#worse like incels and idk youtube algorithms to turn to is a problem but like. again it's the same thing as white people who feel bad about#being white to me in a way like are women and GIRLS supposed to coddle them and say it's gonna be okay you're great even when they're#like actually harming them by being misogynistic to them? that's already what they're taught to do always#the notes on that male loneliness epidemic post i reblogged a few weeks ago still haunt me like OH MY GOD#and if you think misogyny isn't as prevalent anymore you're very naive. and probably misogynistic yourself#i'm not even sure young men being more feminist is true (well it's probably true when you compare it to like the 50s) but even#when men ARE like yeah women shouldn't have to do everything i can help with chores (the use of the word help is already a red flag lmao)#when you look at what they actually do they still do way less like i don't have links because these are tags on a tumblr ask but i read#somewhere that men think chores are 50/50 when they're only doing like 30% of the work? like it just seems hopeless#sometimes i'm happy and then i think about the mental load#sorry for not uplifting men 24/7 you can just hang out on the steve harrington tag or something there's actually a lot of people doing that#when someone said um does the ronance fandom not seem terfy to you...because of a post that was like can the lesbian ship ronance#be about the lesbian ship ronance not about steve A MAN#like you can't make this up#i meant it when i said the average tumblr user would benefit from being exposed to more misogyny like i swear they forget it's even a thing#like obviously they wouldn't BENEFIT from it lmao but their posts wouldn't be as dumb and that would benefit me🙏#ask
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megumi-fm · 1 month
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