#aaravos x gender neutral!reader
redr0sewrites · 9 months
can u do aaravos x reader hcs of them when they get into a fight and then make up afterwards
like ofc aaravos gets really scary when he's angry but i feel like he'd be the one to immediately apologize if he goes too far
and if he gets really pouty then reader does cute and silly things to cheer him up
eeee i got this req last night and i was so excited to write it!!!! i love my star boy ♥️
🥀Cw: some angst (with comfort), aaravos is Bad At Feelings™️, arguing, aaravos sucks at communicating somtimes smh, he also has attatchment issues
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fights with aaravos dont happen often, but when they do they can get nasty
he can get petty sometimes, and is also very stubborn. it can be hard to change his mind, and he can sometimes get offended, thinking that u dont trust him or that u think hes incapable
it will usually start off as something small, like for example ur worried ab him overworking himself
aaravos will jump to conclusions and blow it out of proportion, he'll think that ur losing faith in him and that ur going to leave him
tbh hes his own worst enemy cuz his fear of losing u just makes him act nasty and cruel during fights which only pushes u away
during the heat of the moment, aaravos might say some things he doesnt mean
he can be pretty scary when angry, hes like a cornered animal and gets defensive over anything
afterwards, he will feel esp bad
if he made u cry, the guilt will be eating at him for hours
aaravos will sit silently beside u and be going over what to say, but when he opens his mouth he just gets really anxious. after fights and when ur really upset with him are one of the only times u will ever see him unsure, normally hes always so calculating and put together but he is not good at apologizing
he will try his hardest to apologize tho
hes a firm believer of the "dont go to sleep angry" rule and will talk to u as soon as hes calm
once aaravos isnt angry, hes pretty levelheaded and mature when communicating ab an argument u two had
but only if he was in the wrong
if U were wrong, he will pout and be bratty ab it
hes too clingy to ignore u, but will literally be hugging u cuz hes scared u'll leave while pouting and side eying u while saying hes angry (he isnt, hes just a little bitch)
if he was wrong, he'll dote on u and be very sweet and gentle for the next few days
the worst thing u can do is ignore him, aaravos loves attention, ESPECIALLY ur attention and u ignoring him lets him know that he fucked up bad
if u were wrong, he will want to be pampered and will wait for u to apologize on ur own time
depending on whether or not ur a hot-headed person, arguments can last for as short as a few minutes to lasting a few days of the both of u being petty
after any argument, no matter how small or who was right or wrong, aaravos always ends up being clingy and needy
hes afraid u'll leave, he doesnt want to be alone again and doesnt want to lose u
however he will poke fun at u cuz hes just like that 🙄
"aww, is my little star upset? ur so cute when u pout my dear, how could i not tease u?"
aaravos could never get physical in fights, he sees that as a huge red flag
if u flinch in an argument, he immediately stops, there is nothing more important to him than making sure ur safe and that will break through any level of anger that he has
the idea of u being scared of him makes aaravos scared cuz, as previously stated, he is SO FUCKING AFRIAD OF LOSING U😭
if hes being a pouty little bitch after an argument, it's honestly so easy to cheer him up
how to cheer up a pouting aaravos:
1. cuddles 2. food 3. talking it out 4. playing with his hair 5. REASSURING HIM U ARENT LEAVING HIM
overall, aaravos overthinks things, and that leads to most of ur arguments but he will recognize when hes wrong and take responsibility. he can be difficult and downright irritating at times, but he tries his best to be a good person (elf???) for u and loves u unconditionally
the little bitch (affectionate) is constantly afraid that u'll leave him
PLSSS I LOVE HIM SM 😭 hes both very mature and immature and its so funny
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mlm-writer · 2 years
Pleasure is Mine (Aaravos x GN!Reader)
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Pairing: Dom!Aaravos x Small!Sub!Gender Neutral Reader Rating: Explicit Words: 717 POV: Second Summary: Aaravos uses his magic to make you go above and beyond in the bedroom. Note: For the prompt ‘crying during sex’.  See my kinktober 2022 masterlist here. Ssssshhh I am not late. Tags: crying during sex, blacking out, hint of size kink, gentle (?) domination, overstimulation and dirty talk
If he wanted, he could hold all the power of the world in the palm of his hand, but it would still not be able to compare to the power he held over you. Your legs were burning, but your body was no longer your own and you kept riding him at a steady pace. His eyes pierced through your soul as he watched you suffer for his pleasure. “Aaravos, please have mercy,” you whined, your hole almost as sore as your legs. 
He hummed disapprovingly. With a wave of his hand, you found your body riding him more vigorously with your hands crossed behind your back. You cried out in pain and pleasure, begging him to slow down, but he just laid there, smirking up at you, as if he was not feeling a thing. 
Tears streamed down your face by the time Aaravos let your body rest. The spell was broken and you fell down onto his body in exhaustion. His cock slipped out of you and he lifted you up. The elf placed you on the bed. You stared up at him, unable to stop your crying. His large hands cupped your face and his thumbs smeared the tears out. “You look exquisite like this, my little pet,” he hummed, before spreading your legs again. “You’re in so much pain and yet, you want to keep going to please me. You know your pleasure is mine.” 
Your chest was rising and falling rapidly. He was going to fuck you again and even if you could stop him, you did not want to. Until he filled you up, there was no true satisfaction. 
Aaravos put your legs around his waist and reentered you. You didn't know if it was you getting used to having his huge cock inside you or some other spell he put you under, but it did not hurt as much as you feared. In fact, it was pleasurable. It felt so good. It felt a little too good. Only a few thrusts in and you were cumming. Your eyes went wide as saucers and you stared at Aaravos in surprise. His smirk was all-telling. 
The pleasure did not stop. It stayed high like a never-ending peak, feeling like a never-ending orgasm. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, body shaking like you were possessed. You screamed, not sure yourself what words were coming out of your mouth, but they encouraged the elf to fuck you harder, deeper. It was all so much; your entire body felt overstimulated and tears fell out of your eyes again. "That's a good little pet. Cry for me. Keep doing that. Give me your pleasure" 
You nodded as you squeezed your eyes closed. Behind your eyelids the world consisted of eigengrau and every word uttered by the elf on top of you. That was until it all turned to black and you could no longer hear him. 
When you opened your eyes again, you found yourself wrapped in a blanket and in Aaravos’ lap, while his magic held up a book for him to read. “Welcome back, darling,” he mused as the book closed itself and flew back to the shelf where it came from. The hearth fire warmed your face and placed a purple glow on Aaravos’ face. “You blacked out on me there, are you all right?” He caressed your face, voice soothing and silky smooth. 
“I… I don’t know,” you answered honestly, not feeling your body yet. Aaravos hummed in reply and stood up, carrying you bridal style to a glittering bathtub. He removed your blanket and you held onto him tightly, making him chuckle. 
“Do not worry, my little one. I have no intention of leaving you alone.”  He kissed the top of your head and stepped into the tub. He sat down, never letting go and allowing your body to slowly submerge into the warm water. You sighed in relief, not realising how tense you had been until you relaxed in the water. 
With some help, you managed to sit down between Aaravos’ legs, relaxing with your back against his chest as his hands ran over your body, both cleaning and massaging you. “Thank you,” you sighed. 
Aaravos kissed the side of your head. “The pleasure is all mine.” 
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platinumrosetail · 7 months
Hi it's me again! I was wondering if you could do a Yandere Aaravos refusing to let go if his reincarnated Lover aka reader after losing them in elarion??
Hello again! And yes! I’ve been waiting for a Aaravos request for so long 🤩.
Warning: noob author, , yandere romantic character and others.
Character: Aaravos.
You were a simple servant to Viren, you mostly take care of dusting and straightening things that were out of place and needed fixing, unaware of the eyes of a invisible; with Viren being the one to see him, startouch elf named Aaravos.
Aaravos soon realized that you’re the reincarnation of his past lover which he lost long ago when he was still free and not stuck in that mirror he is in now
Aaravos decided to manipulate Viren to get you to help out more around viren’s office so that he could see you more and learn what new things you liked as there was new things made that weren’t in existence in the past when you were still his lover before you died.
While you do your job you notice that a little caterpillar like creature appear when you’re in lord viren’s office, you decided to let the little crawl up your finger so that you could hold it but wasn’t expecting it to crawl faster up you arm to your neck and around your ear before a deep voice started to speak.
The deep male voice kept saying how he’ll have in his arms again and that he’ll never let you go again along with how you’ll never leave him again and not even death will take you after he has you in his hands, you were fearful about all of this but didn’t know what to do as you needed a job to have a stable life and this was the only one with good pay as far as you were aware, you decided to keep quiet unless it escalates to more trouble then you would tell lord Viren about the caterpillar creature, though what you didn’t know was that your choice on leaving it be was a bad decision on your part.
Aaravos began on making sure to execute his plan faster and more calculated seeing as you were put into the mix which was unexpected even for him, so he has to make sure he doesn’t lose you again.
Though he did find a spell that could bring you into the mirror and decided that, that was the better course of action as he can keep a better eye on you, make sure you don’t run off, get injured or worse, and so he can finally have you in his arms after so many centuries since your passing.
(A/n: hope you like it!! Also I can’t wait until season 6 and hope we get to see more Aaravos and his past cause i feel like he isn’t doing all of this just for fun especially after seeing some pictures of Aaravos that I believe is for the next season, also I really hope I get more Aaravos as I love this man even though he’s a villain 😍 lol and I know some of y’all can agree with me, also I’m hoping to create a book for this man sooner or later so wish me luck 😁, anyway hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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nxonlxghts · 2 years
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Aaravos looking up at you from an angle. You have a single finger on his chin as he smirks. One of his eyebrows are quirked and he is blushing. There are words above his head that read "My, My human! You are so brave sometimes!" the word brave is underlined.
This was also really quick bc im just in love with him like ✋😫 PLEASE HES SO HOT OH MA GHAWD MARRY ME
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windtowee · 10 months
Hiii c: I was wondering if I could request a Aaravos x gn reader fluff romantic? It can be a scenario or Headcanons I just need some content of this pretty starboy
A/n: Sure! This is good because I was gonna write for him soon anyways
Romantic Gender neutral reader Tw! Mentions of war, mentions of killing,
Aaravos x Reader: Accidentally in love..?
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“Put this on”
“Just put it on tiny human”
You were confused why Aaravos handed you his cloak but you did what he asked and put it on anyways.
It was pretty big considering Aaravos was like.. a 7 foot tall startouch elf, so it swallowed you immediately. Like how a child would drape a blanket on their shoulders.
Aaravos then gave you a grin, that grin was telling you that he was going to tease you about how small you are in his cloak. He thinks you look cute but he’ll never admit it to himself
Aaravos wrapped it tightly around you, picked you up, held you in his arms then flopped on the bed and started… cuddling you?
It was interesting seeing a startouch elf, that has started many wars to be soft, with a human nonetheless.
His arms were surprisingly comfortable and warm. It caused a warm feeling in both of your chests.
I guess even startouch elf’s such as Aaravos can’t escape that warm feeling too.. not that he’ll ever admit it to himself. You were supposed to be helping him out of the mirror then you were supposed to be killed..
You were helping him as now you’re in his arms but you’re not dead. No, you’re far from dead.. Aaravos holds you a bit closer.. his heart is beating at a faster pace… he’s grown attached to you and maybe, you even got him to fall in love..
But that’s crazy, right?
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domxmarvel · 10 months
Pairing: Aaravos x Gender neutral!Reader
Slot:“Why should I trust you?” “You shouldn’t” @v009hj
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“Y/N I need you to gather these items for me” Viren handed you a list.
“New spell?”
“What’s it for?”
“It’s a long story,just bring these items to the room with the mirror” He walked off before you could ask anymore questions. 
The items were relatively easy to find: a piece of fabric along with a needle and thread,a wine glass, a pestle and mortar. The only thing that was somewhat difficult to find was a geode,but thanks to a few connections you got it very quickly. 
You made your way back to the castle only to find out that Viren already left and didn’t tell anyone where he was going. You made your way to the room where he kept that mirror,there was already a table set up so you just put the items there. A sudden draft caused the door to slam shut and everything turned dark. Before you could even use your light spell the mirror suddenly lit up. Carefully you stepped closer,leaning in as if something could jump out,which considering the mirror was originally from Xadia it could be possible. The mirror was like a portal into a beautiful cozy library,you didn’t have time to look closer, you were interrupted by someone walking in. Immediately their head turned towards you,you could move or even look away from them. They stepped closer to the mirror before removing their hood,a star touched elf. You had heard a lot about them but never seen even a painting or picture of one let alone in the flesh. He was beautiful and he could tell,based on how he smirked at you. You noticed how his eyes darted around the room,stopping when he noticed the small table and gestures to it. Before you could even think it through you were following his instructions. 
The reality of it all struck you when he asked you to add some of your blood. You quickly grabbed a pen and paper,since you couldn’t hear him.
“Why should I trust you?” You held up the paper,he moved his hand like he was writing on the air. Letters forming as he wrote them,glowing brightly. 
“You shouldn’t” There was a brief pause before he continued “But I know you will,because your curiosity’s already gotten you this far” He was completely right,you wanted to know more. He smirked as he noticed the blood dripping down your hand and into the small dow,blue dust and smoke coming out as your blood went in. He did the same,drawing some of his own blood. Suddenly you felt a chill down your spine before you heard. “Humans so predictable,you always let your curiosity get the better of you”
“Who are you?”
“My name is Aaravos”
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mandakatt · 3 years
The Dragon Prince Fic - Aaravos - Pyrexia
A/N: Written for @thetrueenemyofhumanity as she's not been feeling well lately, and life for her--and everyone to be honest--has been so stupid stressful because of the pandemic, and other things.
Wow. Two stories posted from me within a week?
Maybe the dry spell is finally over.. ♥
Rating: T Characters: Aaravos, Reader (Gender Neutral), Claudia Relationships: Aaravos x Reader Genre(s): Sickfic, Fluff Warnings: Fever, Nausea, Unconsciousness Summary: Useful.
It's a term that bounces around in your head a lot lately.
You must be useful.
You're not sure when that thought started to be the only thing you could think about, but it has made you push yourself to your absolute limit, and now, it's catching up to you.
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“—hey? Are you even paying attention?”
Jumping in slight surprise you paused with what you were working with; because it seemed as if it was taking all of your concentration to even do simple things today, you turned to look only to blink in slight surprise at who it was.
“Yeah…Duh!” she said with a bright giggle as she placed her hands behind her back. “I know you’re working on something, but you never answered me. You okay?”
“Oh, I’m fine, just a little tired.”
“Tired?” Claudia blinked at you and it was obvious that she didn’t believe you. “Have you eaten today? Ooh! I could make you a hot brown morning potion and some fluffy pancakes if you’re hungry!”
You immediately felt a bit nauseous at the idea of eating something. “Ah—uh yes, I have. It was just a rough night's sleep I think. But thank you for the concern Claudia.”
“...I’m sorry? For the concern?”
“Ugh, for your concern,” a deep sigh passed your lips but you gave her what you had hoped, was a convincing smile. “I’m fine, sorry. Like I said, I’m tired.”
“If you’re tired you should rest. It’s that simple!”
“I can’t. Not yet.” giving Claudia a little smile you turned your head back to the work in front of you, once more dipping your quill into a bit of ink as you attempted to accomplish finishing writing your words down. “But I promise to rest when I finish.”
“...oh? Working on a new spell then?” and when you didn’t answer her again, Claudia fidgeted a little, gently tucking a lock of her white hair back behind her ear. “Well, don’t push yourself too hard, like my father. I’m sure it’d upset people if you got sick or something.”
Your eyes snapped upwards from your work, staring off at nothing in particular before you gave off a soft huff. Getting sick would hinder you and slow you down, making you weak and useless, and that was the last thing you wanted to be.
You had to be useful.
No matter how tired you felt.
“Yeah, I know. Thank you Claudia,” your voice was soft and gentle as that mask of a smile was plastered on your features. You refused to look at her, as you were sure she could see right through it. “I will be fine. Promise.”
“You’d better be,” Claudia smiled gently then sighed. “But I’ll come by and check on you later. Besides, if you’re working on a new spell, I’d love to learn it!”
Keeping that gentle smile on your features as she left, you found yourself having to stop for a moment as you looked back down at what you were working on and the words suddenly became fuzzy and unfocused. You closed your eyes, took a deep breath and counted to ten, before opening them once more only to blink them repeatedly, as if you were attempting to get something out of your eye. Lifting your head you frowned as the room now had gained the same fuzzy appearance that your words had, and when you shook your head once more to try to clear your vision you felt a shiver run down the entire length of your spine.
With a soft huff you set your things down and gently rubbed your eyes with your thumb and forefinger, perhaps you had been staring at the page too long and a small walk would do you a bit of good, so you got to your feet with a sigh, only to make a soft noise of surprise as the room unexpectedly spun. You quickly placed your hands on your worktable to steady yourself as a sudden and almost overwhelming feeling of nausea caused your stomach to flip.
“Ugh…” you closed your eyes once more and took a deep slow breath in through your nose, then slowly let it out through your mouth in hopes that it would pass, only to feel the room suddenly heat up, then grow chilly again.
The first thought to cross your mind was someone was playing a prank on you. The second was that someone had poisoned your food the night before, but no one would be that stupid.
Or...at least you hoped no one was that stupid.
“...shit, I’m going to have—” you slapped your hand over your mouth as you heaved, thankful that nothing came up with it; not that you had anything in your stomach anyway, and you took another deep breath through your nose as you started to make your way out of your work room to head toward your room. You wanted nothing more than to be alone, and simply sleep off the nausea that was suddenly causing your head to throb.
“...Little star?”
Your head snapped in the direction of his voice, and you instantly wished you hadn’t turned your head so fast. You swallowed the bile in the back of your throat as you plastered a fake smile onto your features.
“Yes, Aaravos?”
“I see you have been working diligently this morning,” he spoke softly as he approached you, his head tilting just a little before he lifted a hand to cup your cheek, catching you by surprise. You swallowed hard as he seemed to study your face a moment, before petting his thumb just under your eye. “Though, it would seem you are not resting as well as you should be.”
“Just had a rough night's sleep last night, that’s all.” you let that fake smile grow as you tried to put a bit more cheer in your voice in hopes that it would mask the way you were feeling at the moment.
“Ah, I see...” Aaravos’s brows pinched a little as you spoke then dipped into a slight scowl as he realized you felt much warmer than normal under his hand. “Or is there more to your tale that you are not telling me?”
“I—” you hated lying to him, but at the same time your brain screamed that if he saw you as weak, you wouldn’t be useful anymore, and that made your stomach flip with the reminder of how nauseous you felt. “—I’m fine.”
He slowly pulled his hand away from your cheek then placed them both behind his back as he sighed once again. “Very well. May I ask where you were off to?”
“My room.” Just going to lay down for a moment, and see if this nausea passes.
“Then I shall accompany you, if you do not mind?”
Shit. “No, I don’t mind at all.” and you took a step back and turned to head toward your room, when it suddenly felt as if the world decided it would continue to spin even when you stopped.
Your hand went back over your mouth as the bitter taste of bile rose in your throat as you screwed your eyes shut and took a deep breath through your nose as you tried to swallow it back down. You thought about opening your eyes only to feel your head throb so hard that it caused a bunch of stars to flash across your eyelids, and you felt your legs give out from under you as you crumpled to the ground.
No, No! I can’t! Don’t do this...don’t—I need to get up! UP!
The stone you could feel against your skin felt so very cool and comforting that you made a soft noise of protest when it was suddenly no longer there. You felt weightless for a time, as if waking from a dream, and when you finally got your eyes to open you found yourself staring at a very familiar ceiling.
You were in your room.
Turning your head just a little to look at the window nearby, your brows pinched at the colors you saw painting the sky in bright oranges and reds of a sunset.
And you immediately tried to get up.
“Now then,” a gentle hand upon your shoulder stopped you, causing you to grunt softly in frustration. “Where you think you are going?”
“I have to get up…”
“And why do you think you must?”
“Because…” you took a breath as that familiar wave of nausea caused your stomach to flip. “I need to be useful.”
“Useful?” Aaravos echoed back to you as he gave your shoulder a squeeze. “What you need to do is rest…”
“...no, I don’t...” you huffed and groaned as you tried to sit up again, only to be frustrated at how easily he pushed you back down against the bed. “You don’t understand. I don’t need to rest. I need to be useful. I promise I can be…!”
“Little star,” he cooed to you softly and gently moved his hand from your shoulder to cup your cheek instead, humming softly as your eyes fluttered a little, probably at how cool his skin felt compared to yours. “Heed my words, and listen closely. I do not need you to be useful. I need you to be well.”
Blinking at him a moment, you swore that a blush warmed your face as he moved his hand from your cheek to simply sit back and take your hand into both of his own.
“You are not a tool, Little star.”
Feeling embarrassed and a bit ashamed at how your brain had somehow found a way to convince you that if you weren’t useful, to him especially, that you were not allowed to remain at his side.
“It would seem that I must remind you of this now and then,” Aaravos spoke softly as he moved one hand to grasp a small bowl from the night table near your bed, before he looked back at you with this gentle smile on his features.
“Here, drink this.” He then moved enough to place a hand gently behind your head, and lift it just enough as he placed the bowl against your lips, helping you drink the liquid within. When you made a face at how bitter it was, he couldn’t help but chuckle. “I promise you, you will feel better.”
“Guh, what...was in that?”
“It is best that you do not know.” when you gave him another look, he chuckled softly as he placed the small bowl back on the table. “If I were to tell you, Little star, I am sure you would attempt to simply throw it back up.”
You groaned and let your head rest back against the pillows behind your head before you let off another sigh.
“I’m sorry.”
“Whatever for?”
“For...getting sick...” and when he lifted a brow at you, you pouted a little because you knew that isn’t what he wanted to hear. “For pushing myself too hard.”
“Very well. That is an apology I will accept.” he spoke softly as he gently reached for you and brushed the back of his fingers against your cheek. He couldn’t help but chuckle softly as your eyes fluttered shut and you gently nuzzled against them. “Rest now.”
He waited till your breathing grew slow and even before he rose just enough from his seat to press a gentle kiss against your forehead, and spoke softly against your skin.
“Rest my Little star. I will watch over you.”
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faean · 5 years
Aaravos x G. Neutral Reader (1/3)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 638 words
Title: Star Light, Star Bright, It Begins Tonight
“You understand what this means, mage? You can never leave Xadia, nor see another of your kind again. You will forever be locked in this tower as caretaker for Thunder’s mirror, both as an honor and as a precaution… Human.”
           The Earthblood elf stood towering before you, several other elves of various elemental arcanums behind her. Without a moment of hesitation, you nodded, agreeing to the terms set by your King for remaining in Xadia while nearly every other human, save for those who took the time to truly learn about magic and sided with it (and the other creatures of Xadia), were pushed out of these magical lands. You; however, were adamant about your loyalty not just to the King, but to magic itself … Even when your own kind used their twisted dark ‘magic’ in an attempt to kill you and others.
           It was wrong, all of it. But you knew better than anyone else, with the exception of two people, that there was a bigger picture and magic played only a small role in it. After all, you did not spend the better part of a century learning two more arcanums after he discovered your affinity for magic in the first place just to throw it all away.
           Now, (Y/N) (L/N), once gloriously known by all as ‘Mage Dancer’ for their beautiful weaving of spells was erased from history and locked in a tower hidden by a powerful enchantment. Forever spending the present as caretaker to the mirror, and guardian, until the King himself declares otherwise. Both as an honor for their loyalty.
           And as a punishment for their simply being human.
           “So, I am to spend the rest of my days, however long that is, ensuring you are fine. Right, mirror?” You had asked aloud, going about your studies.
           Of course, as much as the mirror enthralled you, it was just that to you. Even with the inscription, or the importance to the King that was never told to you. Not even the curiosity instilled in you by the arch-
           ‘No, it would be best not to dwell on him. Look where that got Ela.’ You though as you stood in front of the mirror, your hand lightly touching the cold glass.
           With a small shake of your head, you returned to your books and set a routine for the following days, maybe even centuries, to come. Having given your life to magic and living in peace with the land, your own life has exceeded that of your own species, and rivals even the elves. All except one.
           The one who sent you on your path. The one who is the main reason you are locked in the tower with both honor and strife. The one who now stood on the other side of the mirror, desperate for the ‘Mage Dancer’ to use their magic once more and spare him of this tortured isolation. The Startouch Elf who knows naught of his whereabout, only that the one person he cared for as much as his dear Elarion was but a few meters away.
           And they were taking a nap in spilt ink.
           For a moment, of course. The cool substance woke you quite quickly, and you messily scrawled a rune in the air to clean up the mess as a single draconic word slipped from your lips (and it was not to activate the minor spell). In this moment of panic, as you did not wish to ruin any of your books and work (again), you also accidently overdid the minor clean-up spell; your entire room was put back into its original state from when you were first imprisoned some time ago.
           Curtains were closed.
           Flames were extinguished.
           Magic hung in the air.
           And a soft glow began to emanate from a certain mirror.
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Writing Masterlist and Requesting Info
My Tags
My OCs: #OC Lyra (used for multiple fandoms - took on a life of her own), #Apprentice Gale (Arcana Apprentice, the first OC on this blog)
My creations (fics, moodboards, analysis, theories, etc): #alls fair creations
Gale Dekarios x Lyra Brightsong fics/info/snippits: #Weaving Constellations
Fluff Fic Requests
Carry Me Home - Imtura from Blades of Light and Shadow x MC
My Brother the Bard - Kade from Blades of Light and Shadow & MC
Ice Cream Fixes Everything - Captain Ed Mercer from The Orville x Reader
Chase the Darkness Away - Modern Day AU Aaravos from The Dragon Prince x Reader
White Rose - Ethari x Runaan from The Dragon Prince
Everyone Needs a Friend - Aaravos from The Dragon Prince x Reader
Sailing for the Horizon - Blades of Light and Shadow: Imtura and Kade discuss Reader
Spare a Moment or Two - Obey Me: Shall We Date Lucifer x MC
Other One Shots
* means link will take you to AO3
Muriel’s Strength - The Arcana Muriel x MC
Hanged-Man’s Chest - The Arcana Julian x MC
Fake it ‘Til You Make It - The Arcana Lucio character study
Like Real People Do - The Arcana Asra x MC
Who Are You, Death? - Original response to a writing prompt
I Wish a Kiss Could Do the Talking for Me - The Arcana, a ship between two fan apprentices 
Revenge Can Wait* - The Dragon Prince Aaravos x Someone Else’s Original Male Character
The Final Battle* - The Dragon Prince theoretical ending, kind of Aaravos x Orphan Queen
Loneliness is Such a Monstrous Thing* - EXPLICIT 18+ Koh (ATLA) x OC/reader written on a dare/lost bet
F8 - Baldur's Gate 3 Tav remembers a previous saved game via dream
The Astronomer and the Mage 
*** This is an ongoing Aaravos x Reader story with a few connected one shots - these links will take you to AO3 ***
The Astronomer and the Mage Part 1 (original, 18+ only!)
The Astronomer and the Mage Part 1 Alt Version (edited version sfw)
Dark Magic Has Consequences - bonus story focused on Viren
He’s More Myself Than I Am - bonus scene between Aaravos and Astronomer
The Astronomer and the Mage Part 2 - (18+ only)
The Astronomer and the Mage Part 2 SFW version - same story without the explicit elements
The Star King's Labyrinth
Aaravos x Female OC Labyrinth AU: part 1, part 2, part 3
The Snake and the Star: A Multi-Part Loki x Aaravos story
Archive of Our Own
FanFiction Net
A Simple Plan Gone Wrong: Astarion x Tav BG3
Ongoing Series, lots of hurt/comfort, 18+ AO3 Link
Weaving Constellations - Gale x Tav BG3 (join tag list here)
"You're not versed in magic are you", Scholarly Discussion, The Ever-Seeing Eye, Confessions, Interlude - Friendly Advice, Magic Lesson
Taking Requests: info and guidelines
You can request short fluff written pieces or character moodboards
One-shot fanfics:
*** CLOSED ***
- The main theme for my series of one shots and requests is comfort, as I think we could all use a little of that from our favorite characters right now
- As such, I’m only doing fluff for now: no lemons and no angst (except mild hurt in a h/c fic)
- I’ll do platonic and romantic character/character or character/reader, and I’ll do my best to keep it gender neutral in case of the latter. I don’t really vibe with second person writing though so I’ll be writing in first person. Edit: I feel more confident writing in second person now! So I can probably give you that if you request x reader.
- I do requests in order that they are submitted to me, with the exception of if I have done one for you before. I’ll get to it, but it will be pushed down in priority so new people can get their own comfort fics. (I’m leaving anon on and I’m trusting you guys to be honest about this. I want as many people as possible to get some love)
- Each one will be around 1000 words, give or take a couple hundred.
Aesthetic boards:
*** CLOSED ***
- These are way easier for me to do! Usually take about 30 minutes each, and they spark my creativity so I can write more!
- Pick a character, book, show, any fandom thing really, and send me a request. I’ll probably get back to you in a day or two depending on how busy I am.
- I can also do specific ratios instead of just square ones. I know everyone is about making icons, but these can be useful for blog headers! (I used to do these for friends on another blog, they work really well)
- I can't guarantee I'll know the character/fandom you're talking about. If I'm not familiar, I won't feel able to fulfill your request, but I can't list out all my fandoms either because I'm sure to forget some. The only way to know is to ask, so don't be shy <3
- Please be patient as I am a very stressed out college student. I love doing this, but I have a busy school life.
- If you want reference from previous requests, all my creative stuffs are under the tag #alls fair creations
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thewheezingwyvern · 4 years
Any chance for a part 2 where Aaravos really makes the reader "sing"?
Alright, it’s been a while for you to wait buuuuuut I got inspired so here we go! 
Based on a previous request. (Also if you like, my Kofi is here)
Aaravos x Human Bard! Reader (gender neutral) 
“Stop teasing me.” 
Your voice had come out stronger than you had expected, especially given the fact that you were confronting Aaravos. But weeks had crawled by and he had been a constant presence after that kiss. His touches were subtle but constant and were carefully measured. If it were anyone else you would have thought that he was interested but trying not to be overtly obvious to everyone around. 
But this was Aaravos and nearly everything he did was more calculated than that, ignoring the fact that only you and Viren could see him.
“Teasing you?” His smirk was devious, half lidded eyes studying you in amusement, “If you use that word, it means that it’s bothering you. Tell me…do I get under your skin?”
You shuffled under his scrutiny, feeling vulnerable in only your bed clothes in the middle of your own bedroom. A place you had not expected him to follow you. Did he get under your skin? Yes. And he knew it and you knew that he knew.
“…A little.” you admitted after a moment of silence, “Why are you here in my room?”
The corner of his mouth quirked up, eyes lidding further as he drank in your appearance. Shivers stuttered down your spine, your heart staggering a staccato against your ribs. He approached slowly, a chuckle humming in his throat as he did so. You stood, thunderstruck and unmoving, staring at him with your mouth slightly open. Aaravos drew close, his right hand taking a hold of your jaw to tilt your head upwards.
“I want to hear you sing.”
“Y-you already have…”
The grin he gave you was wide, a flash of teeth gleaming at you in response to your stuttered words. The Startouch elf dipped his head then, pressing his mouth to yours in a searing kiss. You were more prepared for his kiss this time but that didn’t stop the groan from bubbling in the back of your throat. Aaravos lapped his tongue against your lips, asking for entry. The insistence he kissed you with was heady and you very quickly parted your mouth for him.
He eagerly and thoroughly deepened the kiss, an arm snaking around your waist to draw you flush against him. Fingers tightened into your hair as you clung to him. When he finally pulled back, your breaths were ragged, heat flushing your skin. Aaravos studied you with luminous golden eyes, fingers following the curve of your jaw.
“There are other ways I would like to hear you sing.” he purred silkily, “Would you let me hear your voice tonight?”
You found yourself breathlessly saying, “Yes…”
That was all of the permission he needed, hands slipping beneath the fabric of your clothes. Aaravos traced and stroked, his mouth laving kisses against the skin of your throat. He honed in on your weak points, carefully exploiting them to pull moans from you.
“What other places can I touch that will make you fall apart?” he whispered against your throat.
Heat sparked within your skin, desire throbbing through you as he kissed his way up to your ear. Cool teeth caught your earlobe for a moment before Aaravos pulled back, deft hands removing your clothes. Your skin pebbled against the cool air, shuddering against the candle light. The Startouch Elf remained clothed, leaving you reaching for him to help him out of his robes. 
“Not yet.” Aaravos told you, brushing your hands away nonchalantly, “I want to look at you…”
And look at you he did, slowly following every dip and curve of your frame before him. A soft purr came from his lips, hands coming out to touch you. Your moans were steadily falling from your mouth until his hand delved between your legs, earning a loud cry.
“Good. I want to hear you cry out just like that.”
The two of you were up well into the night. Aaravos got what he wanted.
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Link to Request Fandom Masterlist.
Just a couple of reminders:
-Please check out my fandom and character Masterlist to see who I’m currently writing for!
-When requesting, please specify:
Your chosen character
Pronouns, either female or gender neutral
Whether you want a 'name', 'Y/N', or 'no name'
The setting (if you're in a battle, or an event from the story)
An overview of what you want to happen (e.g. how '__' reacts to you 'getting hurt' etc.)
Tolkien - specify if your insert is Human/Elf/Hobbit/Dwarf etc
Transformers - specify if your insert is Human/Cybertronian/Alien
Harry Potter - if you're in Hogwarts specify your House (e.g. Gryffindor)
So if you want to make a request here’s what I do and don’t do:
What I will do:
Requests for things like reader inserts and imagines.
Maximum capacity of characters: 5
Age limit is 18 years old unless it's a parent & child // found family trope // Reader is same age as character (e.g. harry potter)
Match Ups
Themes I can do:
Angst (I can include death and gore to a certain degree)
Found Family
Anything I don't mention here please check before requesting <3
Tolkien continuities I do:
The Hobbit
Lord of the Rings
Rings of Power - Currently Unavailable
The Silmarillion - Currently Unavailable
For further character specification, click here
Harry Potter continuities I do: (apologies but currently unavailable)
The Golden Trio Era
Marauders Era (please understand that I've barely entered this fandom so I may not be accurate)
Fantastic Beasts Era
Transformers continuities I do:
AU’s (merformers/ monsterformers etc. However if I don’t know it you might have to explain)
Hellaverse continuities I do:
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Other characters I write for that don't have a Masterlist:
Diary of a Wimpy Kid:
Rodrick Heffley
The Dragon Prince:
The Umbrella Academy:
Five Hargreeves
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Maze Runner:
Legend of Zelda:
Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
Once Upon A Time:
Peter Pan
What I will NOT do:
NSFW (NO WAY I AM ASEXUAL) - though I could include the buildup/ mayyybe morning after (emphasis on maybe)
Canon x Canon (I can make SOME exceptions)
Dark themes (suicide/self-harming/abuse/severe depression)
Some mental/physical illnesses since I haven’t really experienced any therefore I don’t feel I have the right to talk about it and I’m afraid anything I might say may upset people. (E.g. someone requested seizures and I felt uncomfortable writing about it)
Pregnancy (I have a phobia of it)
Adult / Minor romantic relationships
Proships (If you support this or the adult/minor thing please kindly FUCK right off <3)
Anything that I find uncomfortable in the future that I don’t mention here.
Also on a side note if you do this more than once I’m afraid I’ll have to block you. That also goes for things like reposting and stealing. This is the only thing you can repost.
(If you want to repost ask my permission first! And if I refuse, don’t whine about it, no is no)
You can reblog though
But enough of the negativity! My request box is currently OPEN / CLOSED!
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netflixoxygenoxygen · 5 years
aaravos || memories
They couldn’t break you fully. Hurt you, and you would have simply waited until death. Killed you, and you would have simply moved onto the next life to meet with Aaravos. 
There was nothing you feared.
Or so you thought.
aaravos x gender neutral reader, angst, mentions of torture, >1.5k 
The cell was pitch black.
At first, you had liked that. It meant you could slip into dreamland, fool yourself into thinking you weren’t awake, weren’t alive, even.
That was before the memories began to attack you. They hurt. 
Dragged to your knees, head pulled back to watch as he was taken away, casted into a mirror dimension right before you. His eyes met yours one last time; a million years would never wipe that look from your mind.
The darkness meant that you couldn’t escape the memories. Darkness that had once been your friend, your lover. The time of stars in the night sky, scattered on his body.
It was then that you began to love the pitch blackness once more.
You could pretend that the crawling on your skin was not whatever vile creatures festered in the cell; no, it was his fingers trailing your arms, face, like he used to. Pretend that if you opened your eyes, you would wake to his starlit face, and not more nothingness. The cold grip on your wrists were his hands, not the chains.
Those thoughts took up a lot of energy. A lot of will. But you forced yourself to think them, forced yourself to live through the life before you had been caught over and over if only so that when you did finally die, you might not even notice it. You would awaken in the afterlife, wherever and whatever that might be, with him waiting there.
You had long accepted that you would die. No one came to see you. To give you food or water. How long had it been? 
You only wished for death to hurry.
The flame of hope; death. Oh, the irony. 
And when bright light flooded through the cell, your heart soared. You had arrived.
But it was not Aaravos’ face you were met with.
Instead, it was the face of another elf, eyes sharp and disgusted as they glared down at your form.
You had not died.
“You’re coming with us!”
“Hey, be more gentle--”
“You defending the freak?”
“No! If it dies, we’re in trouble, remember? Tch, idiot.”
“Be quiet! It’ll live. Humans always do.”
You did not want to. Could they kill you if you wished? You wanted to tell them that, but however long you had gone without water was too long; your throat was rawer and drier than the west of the continent.
Your heart began to pound weakly against your chest as they hauled you away from the dungeons. 
Whatever this was, there was no way they’d let you live freely and happily.
It was a trick. One you could not bring yourself to care about. If all they did was harm you, that would be fine. As long as they dared not to try pit you against Aaravos; as long as they dared not use you against him. 
You were taken to a large chamber. Candles hung suspended in the air, a circle of robed elves in the center, their faces cast in deep shadows. You were shoved into the midst of it all, too starved to try to move. 
It was fine.
You would accept whatever they did to you. 
It might have been the only way you’d die.
“Y/N of the humans. You, who conspired with the traitorous startouch elf, must now pay the price. You, who dared to steal magic from others, must now atone for your sins! Now!”
The elves lifted their arms, the robes hiding the candles from view.
You might have smiled. You might have been too weak to.
All you knew was that you were fine with whatever atonement they deemed necessary. They couldn’t break you fully. Hurt you, and you would have simply waited until death. Killed you, and you would have simply moved onto the next life to meet with Aaravos. 
There was nothing you feared.
“Obliviscatur te in unum. Obliviscatur te docuit ille qui. Obliviscentes in tenebris.”
Or so you thought.
“Obliviscatur te in unum. Obliviscatur te docuit ille qui. Obliviscentes in tenebris.”
“Obliviscatur te in unum. Obliviscatur te docuit ille qui. Obliviscentes in tenebris.”
You screamed, silently, internally, eternally.
It couldn’t have been.
But it was.
It was it was it was. 
You were wrong. 
You feared one thing. 
A life without Aaravos. A life without memories.
Death would have been a thousand times favoured. A lifetime of torture better endured, if it meant you would return to his arms. 
Now, now...
You might have met him later. Might have found him again in that second life, waiting. No matter how agonizing the days. No matter how wrenching the loneliness. You would have waited.
Because you would have never forgotten.
Even as the seconds ticked by, your mind began to crumble.
Memories. Hundreds upon thousands of them. 
The first time you had seen the elf with the universe in himself. Your first meeting, the way he had raised an eyebrow at your antics. The day you had gathered enough courage to ask him to teach you magic in any way he could, knowing it was likely impossible, putting all your hope and faith in him. The relentless hours of study and spell-casting that never succeeded until that summer evening. You had pulled the magic out of the butterfly in front of you and had lit up his dark garden with a thousand lights. The moment the magic spilled out, the wondrous smile on his face as you both knew, in that moment, that anything and everything was possible.
Anything and everything.
Your name was Y/N L/N. You were a human that woke up surrounded by a group of elves all glaring down at your frail, thin body underneath the sheets. If you looked, you would see your ribs poking out and the sharp shape of your legs.
Your head hurt. Your body did too. It alarmed you. Why were you in such a condition? Why were you in such a lavish sick room? Why were you surrounded by such noble elves? So many questions, and yet you were not the one doing the asking.
“Do you know how to do magic?”
You stared at the elf who spoke, blinking in confusion. “No...I’m a-a human. Why...why would I?” You cautiously answered, feeling like your life hung in those words.
The elves seemed to deflate in relief. But they did not move. You couldn’t understand why you were so attuned to their emotions. Like you knew all their signs.
The elf turned to the one next to them. “It’s all gone now. We can release it.”
“Are you sure?” The other one insisted. “What if it returns--”
“It won’t. Trust me on that.”
You didn’t understand what they were talking about. Had you been caught up in something? An attack? A conspiracy? 
Didn’t care.
You had to return home. Someone was waiting. Someone...
Who was it that was waiting? Waiting in that room, decorated with stars...
You winced as a spark of pain lashed out from within your head. 
That’s right!
Your mother was waiting. Waiting at your home with her on the outskirts of the country. 
“If I may leave...” You began hesitantly, but with a firm determination. There was so much work to be done at home. Chores and studies. 
Studies of...
Studies of the farm work. You were to take over the farm once mother let you. You had to study how to do everything she did. 
That’s right.
The elf shook their head. “You must come with us first. It will only be a moment.”
You nodded. That was fine. As long as you returned home quickly enough. He didn’t like it when you were late.
No, she. Mother. Mother didn’t like it when you were late.
You’re hefted from the bed in one smooth motion by a larger elf. 
The walk is hurried, but long. Passing the windows, you tried to catch a glimpse outside but you go too quickly. You swore there was smoke in the distance. You went down many flights of stairs, the lower it went, the darker it became. Your heart began to race when you recognised the dungeons. You passed a door that made you nauseous. You could not bear to look at it. It gave you bad vibes. 
Like...like you could not stand it.
Like something had happened there.
The elves stopped at the cell furthest in the dungeons, the door barricaded generously.
When they unlocked it, you’re met with the sight of an elaborate mirror, runes carved into the frame.
The mirror scared you.
But you did not know why.
You stared at your reflection, eyes wide. 
A shadow passed your face, but it made your head ache. You squeezed your eyes shut, and when you opened them, only your tear-stained face stared back.
Were you crying?
“Tsk. We’ll have to give it another go.”
“Are you sure about that? It may damage it permanently.”
“Do you want to risk it? Do you?” The sharp-eyed elf scoffed. “Asking me ‘are you sure’! Honestly, if I didn’t know better, you are on their side--”
“Of course not! How dare you think that?!”
“Enough. Don’t fight in front of it.”
You did not understand why they were so agitated. You did not understand why you were so emotional. Where did these tears come from? Where did this sea of emotion...
What sea of emotion?
You didn’t feel anything.
The mirror. It must have been dangerous. It must be the one doing all these things to you.
You dropped your gaze, staring down at your wet hands. 
The mirror hurt to look at.
It must have been dangerous.
You did not look at him.
You looked through him. 
Your eyes, that had once gazed at him so lovingly and passionately, now stared blankly at the mirror. You were confused. You were not...
He had fallen in love with your mind, your heart, your passion and desire to grow and learn magic, your silly antics and mannerisms; he had fallen in love with the you that was so clearly not in front of him, a you that moved so little, sat so still. The you that had so clearly been taken away and buried.
He could not bear to see you like that. Your body wrapped in bandages, held by the large elf that gripped you too tightly. Your eyes, dull and different and unseeing.
Your magic, your memories--you were gone.
Of that, he was sure.
And yet, as the elves took you away, speaking of a second round of spells, giving him one last scathing glare as they threw the cloak over the mirror, Aaravos found that that was fine with him.
At least then, you could have a second life. Spared by the lifetimes and lifetimes of pain he would be forced to go through. You would not remember him and all the memories you had shared; from the walks under the starry night, the quiet moments reading together, the days he had awoken to you hovering above him, happily whispering a good morning. From everything and anything you two had shared.
That was fine.
He would meet you again. 
Until then, you could live a life of happiness. What he had always wished for you. What he had not been able to give you.
Because of them.
Aaravos turned away from the mirror.
Until then, he would never forgive those who had separated you from him.
He wouldn’t be idle. 
Lifetimes and lifetimes trapped he would endure.
If only to avenge you when the time came.
a/n: jumping on that aaravos bandwagon yay! first thing ive written for tdp sooo i hope you like it!! thanks for reading!!
(yes i used google translate for the spell. just in case someone wants to know, it’s supposed to say something like “forget who you love forget the magic within” but i forgot (wow the irony) what i wrote exactly and google translate is translating it into something else entirely so whoops)
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domxmarvel · 10 months
The dragon prince bingo 2 (Closed)
I’m back for the new season with another bingo,please check my Guidelines before sending a request.  You are allowed to combine slots (max 4 per fic)
This is exclusively for The dragon prince (You can find the characters in the guidelines)
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Horns Janai x Female!Reader
 Avatar AU+ Half elf  Aaravos x Half elf!Female!Reader 
 “My love will be with you even when the moon is not” + Soulmate Soren x Female!moon shadow elf!Reader
Love potion Aaravos x Gender neutral!Reader
“Why should I trust you?” “You shouldn’t” Aaravos x Gender neutral!Reader
Castle+Princess/prince!Reader+primal stone Soren x Tide bound elf!Female!Reader
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domxmarvel · 10 months
The only one
Pairing: Aaravos x Gender neutral!Reader
Slot:Love potion
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You knew you shouldn’t be worried about Aaravos,he was strong enough to protect himself. Yet the second you heard the door open you ran to see him,he looked tired but still smiled at you. 
“You should be sleeping”
“And you shouldn’t leave me alone this late”
“Did you miss me that much?” He said in a way that he never spoke to you before,he was flirting with you. He moved closer to you,making you back up until you hit the wall. “I could stay here if that’s what you want,you just have to tell me that you want me” His hand was under your chin,moving to your neck. He pressed his body against yours,his lips made their way to your neck as well. You were lost in the feeling that you didn’t realize his hand moving down your body,his teeth on your neck was distracting enough. 
“Say it”
“I want you” He grabbed you by the back of your thighs and picked you up,pressing you harder against the wall before he kissed you. Wrapping your legs around him,you could already feel how hard he was.
“I want you,I need you” You had no idea why he was acting like this,but he wasn’t letting go of you for a second and you didn’t want him to.  You hadn’t realized or heard him move until your back hit the soft sheets of his bed,and he was looming over you. He looked absolutely beautiful but before you could say anything he said. “You’re the most beautiful being in this world,I love you” You didn’t know what to say other than.
“Aaravos” You did love him but never imagined he’d feel like this,before you could say anything else he put his finger to your lips. 
“Don’t say anything else” He kissed you before his hands moved to your legs,he placed one over his shoulder before he kissed the inside of your thighs moving down. 
The next morning you woke up to find him gone which caused you to worry,but you soon found him in the library just sitting there in silence. And that’s when you started spiraling about the event of the previous night,did he regret what happened? Did he only do it because he was drunk? You hadn’t realized that he had moved to stand in front of you.
“Y/N” You finally looked up at him “We need to talk about last night” There it was the regret.
“I need you to know that I don’t regret what happened last night,I really do love you” You were relieved but also knowing that he meant it was something you never thought you’d hear twice,a part of you was still thinking that last night was just a dream. 
“This sound like something else is coming soon”
“Because it is,I think someone slipped me a love potion. The effects seem to have worn off,I’m not thinking about you and nothing else and I’m not kissing you right now”
“Why,do you want to?”
“There’s a lot more I want to do,but I think you need a break after last night” You moved onto his lap,wrapping your arms around him. 
“I’m not that easy to break”
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domxmarvel · 2 years
2K bingo closed!
Since you guys seemed to enjoy the previous two bingos I’ll be doing another bingo for 2K followers,please check my Guidelines & who i write for before sending a request.  You are allowed to combine slots (Maximum 2 per fic)
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I’ll cross off a slot once it’s been picked *=done
Switching sides Felix Graham de vanily x Female!Du pain!Reader*
Flower shop Hatsuharu sohma x Female!Reader *
Blood Amao Odayaka x Female!Reader *
Good turned evil
Arranged marriage but they want it Aaravos x Female!Reader*
Lovers to enemies
Yandere!Reader Kizano Sunobu x Female!Reader*
Reverse comfort+ Massage Tenya Iida x Male!Reader *
Mommy kink+Pegging+Rough sex Tamaki x Female!Reader *
“Who Did This to You?”  Umeji Kizuguchi x Female!Reader*
Childhood Trauma 
Bleeding Out
Doesn’t Realize They’ve Been Injured Kirishima x Gender neutral!Reader*
Claustrophobia Shoji mezou x Gender neutral!Reader*
Super villain au + Childhood enemies All might x Female!Reader*
Fake enemies
Missing Aaravos x Female!Reader
Big Sub Tomura shigaraki x Werewolf!AMAB!Reader*
First time Hawks x Female!Reader *
All for publicity
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mandakatt · 3 years
The Dragon Prince Fic - Aaravos - Liberosis
A/N: Something I have been working on for awhile for @thetrueenemyofhumanity​​ - I managed to get this done in time for christmas at least! =3 Hope you enjoy it Doll!
Characters: Aaravos x Gender Neutral Reader Warnings: Hurt/Comfort ( Protective Aaravos ), Abuse of Authority, Self Worth Issues, Self Confidence issues, Reader is getting unwanted attention Word Count: 1707 Summary:  You have come to Aaravos with a very strange request... You no longer wish to feel. Surprised by your request, Aaravos finds himself teasing you--much like others had, and that causes you to storm out of his room in anger because he just confirmed to you that you are nothing but something to be used. Aaravos finds himself instantly angry at this idea. You are not. You are more than that. And now, he needs to make it right.
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“I beg your pardon?”
Aaravos watched you with an almost unreadable expression as he lifted a brow at your request. He was surprised that you would ask for him to do such a thing. Did you not know, nor understand that humans were meant to feel. They were meant to have a wide range of emotions. To feel pain, despair, anger...it is what made you so identifiably human. 
And yet your request struck him as odd.
“Yes,” you spoke softly as you were unable to lift your eyes enough to look at him. “I wish to no longer have a heart that cares.”
“And why do you wish to no longer have feelings?” 
He gently placed his hands behind his back as he slowly started to circle around you. He could hear your heart race, see the pulse of it beat rapidly in the hollow of your throat as he took in your posture. The way you refused to look up from the floor. The way your shoulders were slumped and you no longer carried yourself with that aura of confidence he’d come to adore. He stopped in front of you once more, and brought his fingers up to your chin to grasp it gently to tilt your head back and he waited till your eyes finally lifted to him. 
“Little star. Why do you request me to remove your heart?”
“It hurts too much. I am in constant fear of what others think. Hearing them say that I am doing the things I am to simply gain your favor.” 
Aaravos chuckled softly. “But that is exactly what you are doing Little star is it not? You—” and his words were cut short when you glared at him and gently batted his hand away from your face with the back of your own. 
“No, I am doing them for reasons other than simply gaining your attention!” you snapped then inhaled a bit sharply as you tried to calm the sudden flare of your temper. “I do not want just your attention. If that was all I had wanted you would have known as I would have tried to tempt you into bed from the start! Considering that is what most think of me...”
“Tempt me into bed?” he said softly as a slight smirk pulled the corner of his mouth up. “I do believe that you have done that once already. Although I must admit that was simply to warm your body from the dreadful cold. Was there more you were hoping for that night, Little Star?”
And the look you gave him made him want to reverse time, and take back what he just told you.
“Tell me, are all Startouched elves as dumb as you?”
Aaravos lifted his brows before they dipped down into a slight scowl. Never before have you talked to him in such a manner, and you were not about to begin now. He took a breath through his nose and opened his mouth to rebuke you, but he found himself unable to say a word as he watched tears fill your eyes.
“I am not what they say I am. I am not...but yet this...knowing you would tease me just the same as the rest…” you then scoffed, and gave him almost a sort of self-deprecating laugh. “And you asked me truly why I wished to not feel. To not care about what others say or think about me, and yet you teased me in much the same way.”
He slowly closed his mouth and his scowl deepened, but he was not angry with you. Oh no, never at you, but he did not like hearing there were such rumors.
“I am a tool. And that, my darling startouched elf is what they see me as. Simply something to be used.” and with a huff you scrubbed angrily at your face with the palm of your hand as you pushed past him. “So thank you, for reminding me of my place.”
Before he could say anything to you, to dispute you of what your place was, you’d slammed the door shut behind you, and he found himself simply staring at it for quite some time, till he took a bit of a breath through his nose and started after you. 
You were not just a tool. Not to him; though you truly didn’t know that yet, and if other humans were thinking you were simply something he used physically or that they could use you made his blood boil. He searched for you quietly, believing by now that you’d had enough time to calm down that he could, perhaps, talk with you. 
That’s when he found you cornered by one of Viren’s men. The two of you were mostly out of sight, the man’s arm hovering near your head as he talked softly, close to your ear. He found himself frowning a little as he paused to listen in to what he had to say to you.
“Come on now, surely the rumors about you and how good you are must be true, I simply want to try you for myself. There’s no harm in what I’m asking you for. You of all people should be used to this. Being used. So, what do you say?”
“No,” you replied softly, your eyes never leaving the ground as the man crowded you just a bit more. 
“No? Oh come on, I’m positive that I will treat you better than some old Startouched elf. Come on, let me just—”
“They said, no.” Aaravos said softly, a slight growl to his voice as he got closer. The man blinked then quickly backed away from you, looking nervous. “And you would be wise to keep your hands off what is not yours.”
Aaravos gently tilted his head, regarding this man for a moment before he looked back toward you. You had yet to lift your eyes from the ground and you were gently picking at your clothing in a nervous fidget. He took a deep breath in through his nose before he turned to the man once more as a smirk pulled his lips upwards. 
“When I say they are not yours, they are not mine either. They are free to choose whom they wish to be with and if you cannot take no for an answer, well, I say we make a deal,” he suddenly stalked forward, backing the man up into the wall behind him. “You will do your due diligence to remind everyone that has started to spread these wonderful rumors that they are my partner, my equal, and that they are more important to me than your lovely King Viren.”
He chuckled darkly at the way the man whimpered and went wide eyed with fear. He brought his face close to his ear and spoke ever so softly. 
“If I come to find that you have continued to simply think of my partner as a tool to be used for your silly, selfish, bed warming desires then I will make your deaths slower, and much more painful than being locked away for seven hundred years.”
Upon hearing the man swallow audibly and nod his head vigorously Aaravos straightened himself upwards, resting his hands behind his back once more as he gave the man a sweet smile. 
“Now, do we have an understanding?”
“Y-Yes sir!” 
“Good, now, run along,” Aaravos told him in a sing-song voice before grinning wickedly. “And remember, they are more human than you are. Dog.”
When the man had scrambled away and was out of sight, Aaravos turned to you and lifted his brows at the look of surprise he saw on your face. 
“Did I say something that was untrue?”
“I...but you…”
“Hmn?” Aaravos hummed softly as he moved close to you. “Tell me Little Star, do you truly find my actions so surprising? Do you truly believe, in that lovely human heart of yours, that I would simply keep you because I wished to use your body? Your mind? Your magic?”
“...part of me does, yes.”
Another hum passed his lips before he started to chuckle as he grasped your wrist to gently pull you closer to him. “Then it would seem I am still able to keep you guessing on my true motive to all of that which I have planned. Perhaps one day, you will truly know all of my desires.” 
How I want you as mine. But I will let you learn Little Star, that the choice—if you stay at my side, or leave—is yours.
“Viren will be upset with you,” you said softly as you tilted your head to look up at him. 
“And I do not care if he is,” he gently brought his hand up to brush the back of his fingers against your jaw. “He knows that you are to be treated with more respect than his men have given you. So what if I hurt his feelings just a little by saying you are more important?”
He couldn’t help but smile when you snorted out a little laugh, and before you could move away from him, he gently placed his hand to the back of your head and pressed a soft kiss to the middle of your forehead. He gave off a pleased hum at how you tensed in surprise, only to chuckle just a little as you chased after him just a little when he pulled away. 
“Now then, you had asked me to do something for you earlier. Is that still your desire now?” 
Aaravos gave you a soft smile as you blinked up at him, then shook your head gently. 
“N-No. It’s not.”
“I am glad,” and he moved to your side as he placed his hand on the small of your back. “And I promise to not tease you as I did earlier, and that you will come speak with me on things that are bothering you, compared to asking me for something so extreme.”
“...I promise, Aaravos.”
“Good, now that we have come to that as an understanding, how about we make sure that our lovely little dog is spreading the correct kind of rumors, hmm?”
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