#abe no seimei x reader
kabootarandishaan · 6 months
Title: Ruined
Pairing: Seimei x female reader
A/N: Thank you @jellsssslxtsz for the request! I hope you enjoy this and this! I wasn't sure if you wanted smut but that's kinda the turn the story took 😂 Please note this is my first time writing anything that is actually descriptive smut which is why this is also fairly short.
Warnings: NSFW, fingering, cunnilingus, inexperienced reader (although not explicit), mentions of female genitalia, minors dni
You had made the acquaintance of Seimei through Minamoto Hiromasa. You were sent from your small village to seek out the help of the powerful onmyoji in casting out a troublesome demon tormenting your people. You were nervous as you had never traveled into the Imperial core.
He obliged, albeit begrudgingly, exorcising the demon with little difficulty. Considering your village was rather far and isolated from the Imperial city the mission required them to lodge at your residence temporarily.
You had been tasked with maintaining hospitable conditions for the men. You couldn’t help but be amused at the stark difference in personality between the two men. Hiromasa was far more extroverted, excited to carry conversations, and asked questions about your village and its traditions.
Seimei on the other hand, you found to have a more elusive temperament. He spoke often with a rather passive attitude. To say his mystifying persona intrigued you was an understatement. This is why when one day he spoke to you with what you thought was interest, you were taken aback.
To this point, you had only exchanged a few words with the man. They usually had to do with whether he was comfortable in the lodgings or if he required anything particular. You did not take him for someone who indulged in small talk.
You had been taking the men sightseeing around your village, and Hiromasa had opted to join some fishermen near the river, leaving you to continue your tour with Seimei alone. The walk so far had been primarily silent with you pointing out a few key spots from time to time.
You could feel his gaze burning into the side of your face. You felt an odd sensation spread through your body at the intensity but chose to ignore it. As the two of you passed the large poppy field you saw him stop and turn to face it.
“Quite fascinating how something so beautiful and harmless looking can also ruin the lives of so many men.” He says thoughtfully. You turn to face him and speak softly. “I suppose. However, you cannot deny the role that man has played in that turn of events as well.” You say.
He turns to face you and raises a brow, an amused smirk playing on his lips. “True. I suppose my words are rather vague as well. My statement could also be applied to other things. Women as well it seems.” He eyes you carefully gauging your reaction to his statement.
You let out an amused huff through your nose. “Should I take that as a testament to the many women who have ruined you Seimei-san?” You smile as you match his teasing. He furrows his brows but smiles seemingly surprised at your more open persona.
You walk further towards the field and begin grazing carefully through it. You pull a single flower and pick at its petals, a giddy smile adorning your face. Seimei catches up to your stride and continues to eye you curiously.
This time you turn and mirror his gaze. You can tell he wants to say something by the way his lips part slightly. You silently wait for him to speak taking the time to admire how his stark features stand out against his fair skin.
“Your beauty easily surpasses that of the flower you hold in your hands. I wonder how many men have been ruined just staring into your eyes.” He teases as he takes a step closer to you, slowly lessening the distance between your bodies.
Your breathing hitches and you feel that similar sensation of heat spreading through your body. You stare at his face taking in each of his features before your eyes stop at his lips. You speak but your gaze does not stray from his mouth. “Well, current circumstances might allow for me to have a first.” You say breathlessly.
He smirks at your words and leans further. You close your eyes and wait for the tension to dissipate, your body braced and prepared for something. But something does not come. You can feel his hot breath fall repeatedly against your top lip but as you wait nothing happens.
You slowly open your eyes, brows knitted in confusion as you see his own brow raise a mischievous look in his eyes. “Were you expecting something?” He asks feigning innocence. Your mouth falls open as you are taken aback by his words.
He looks away briefly his hand covering his mouth as he lets out an amused chuckle before he returns to face you. You scoff incredulously at him, but cannot hold back an impressed smile. “You know exactly what I was expecting.” You playfully narrow your eyes at him.
“I have an idea. But I would much rather hear you say what exactly it is that you want.” He grins widely as he stares at you. Your face deepens with a blush as you process what exactly he wants from you.
You bite your lip and look down at your feet momentarily before speaking in a soft whisper. “I want you to lean in.” You say so softly that if it was not for the proximity he probably would have never heard you.
He looks at you curiously and inches slightly forward. His lips ghosting over your own but not yet touching. “You are going to have to be more specific, darling. What do you want me to do?” He whispers. His breath is hot as it fans over your face. You feel your heart beating rapidly in your chest.
He wants you to say it. Your face is burning, you were not sure if it was due to embarrassment or arousal at this point and frankly, you did not care. You took a deep breath to try and calm yourself before speaking.
“I-I want you to kiss me.” You whisper once more and look up through your lashes. He chuckles and seemingly moves in to finally close the gap. You close your eyes and pursed your lips once again waiting for the impact. But you quickly open your eyes when you feel a slight breeze as he pulls back slightly.
“How badly do you want this kiss?” He teases once again with a grin. You groan in frustration before realizing you have had enough cat-and-mouse games and take the initiative. You place a hand on his chest and lean in crashing your lips rather harshly against his. 
He stiffens in surprise as he is caught off guard by your bold move. However, he quickly relaxes into the kiss and slowly pushes back. His hands settle onto your body, one around your waist while the other caresses your neck. 
You do not hold back and greedily continue deepening the kiss, you gasp when his tongue prods at your bottom lip encouraging you to open your mouth. You eagerly oblige and his tongue explores the warm, wet wall of your mouth. 
The lewd squelching noises only heighten your existing arousal and you let out a soft moan into the kiss. You can feel his lips tug yours up as he smiles from the response he elicits. He pulls back and you still in your passionate haze try to catch his lips once more.
He chuckles and holds your neck still. He leans his head against yours and stares at you longingly. Your face is flushed, your lips red and swollen, a sheen of saliva glistening for them as you pant trying to catch your breath.
He pulls you down into the bed of poppies and gently grazes his thumb along your bottom lip. You see the dilation of his pupils and the heaving of his chest. He quickly pulls you in again. The intensity from before is heightened due to the mutual feelings of lust that are overtaking both of you.
He slowly pushes against you, his lips never leaving yours, and you lean back before your back is flush against the poppies beneath you. He pulls away from your lips and begins trailing kisses along your jaw, down your neck.
You whimper at the feeling and place a hand in his hair, his kanmuri falling off a while ago when he dragged you down. You tug gently, urging him to continue. He groans lowly at the feeling and continues his trek down your body. You had opted for a rather thin and light kimono with no underclothes due to the weather.
You were thankful for your choice as you felt him push the fabric down to expose your shoulder. He continued his kisses down before glancing up at you. You let out a shaking breath as you saw the look in his eyes. He placed one last chaste kiss on your shoulder before unfastening the sash of your kimono along with the front of his own sokutai.
The front loosened allowing you more freedom to move. He crawled down your body his gaze never straying from yours. He began an ascent of kisses beginning from your ankle. He slowly pushed up the fabric exposing your legs. 
He kissed up the inside of your leg. As he neared your crotch you held your breath in anticipation. Your body was burning with desire you felt his lean body drag itself up the bare skin of your legs and shivered at the contact.
He paused as his head reached the area between your legs. You whimpered at the feeling of his hot breath fanning across your exposed lips. You felt electricity shoot through your body when you felt the light touch of his finger slide between them.
You braced yourself for what you thought would come next, your breath coming out in shallow pants. Only once again, you felt nothing. You looked down in confusion to see the same mischievous look that had adorned his face earlier.
“What is it that need from me, dear?” He whispered as he ran his finger across your aching sex once more. You let out a deep moan before looking at him through gritted teeth. “If you do not finish exactly what you started I swear I will do all in my power to actually ruin you!” You say.
He chuckles. “Very well, as you wish.” He wastes no time in pressing his lips against the soft folds. He chuckles as you place a hand over your mouth to hold back your lewd sounds and continues running his tongue over your sensitive bud as his fingers push in and out of your fleshy cunt.
As you are overwhelmed by feelings of pleasure and arousal you cannot help but find the situation amusing. To think of where this began and where you are now. Letting out such obscene sounds as one of the most powerful men in the country was settled between your legs.
His tongue lapped up your sweet wetness as he grunted and fucked you with his fingers. You thought it might be quite a sight to behold if anyone were to find you two out in this field. His first teasing words repeating in your mind, oh how wrong he was.
When he was the one ruining you.
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imma-write-stuff · 2 years
Dating Seimei May Include
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- As an onmyoji he’s a very busy man and constantly traveling so you will have to be patient with him. Once Seimei is done with his mission, he try to get home quickly as possible. He may bring home little gifts or trinkets from his travels.
- Seimei will provide shikigami to protect you and provide you company while he’s away. As an onmyoji he has many enemies, he’s not very comfortable with leaving you alone.
- He’ll give all the love and attention when he gets home, even when he’s tired from his work. He has the quality time together love language. If your a onmyoji as well you two would travel together.
- Dates would be relaxing and fun from chilling in the hot springs, to attending festivals to celebrate important events. Or even going out to stargaze and eat some snacks.
- Seimei is a one person guy, he’s not into the whole poly thing in society. (Heian Period in Japan encouraged it.)
- (I’m not kidding during that period men had a bunch of lover, women would have a bunch of lovers, though women had to be discreet.)
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ashesbreadandbutter · 2 months
Um, so currently watching Ohmyoji... Seimei is getting to me a lil. Also reeling in more peeps for commissions. ^^
Seimei Headcanons
We're going to write this in a way where he's more than just a little interested in you. You're rather calming to be around and silly as well and there's a few times where you get a chuckle out of him even at the worst times
He's a tease, he can help it from time to time but oftentimes he finds it funny just to reach his hand over and lightly grip your thigh when talking to others over a drink for example.
Bro will definitely act like he doesn't know why you jerked like you did. If you mention it later in a fit hell grin just a bit.
He kinda reminds me of a fox, like those kitsune characters OR that snake brother from Juni Taisan (Zodiac War) or however you spell it.
On the topic of who he looks like I can imagine him getting a little annoyed being compared to other people
Outside of touching you just to get under your skin, if both of you are okay with it he will take the time to touch you, caress your skin and admire it in all its glory.
I wanna say that the interest he has for you is only meant to be seen with ONLY you. He's not a fan of showing off his pda to anyone who he doesn't care for.
Though, of the topic I can definitely see him get touchy if he's feeling a bit threatened. It's not that he gets jealous often if at all but he does know when someone is looking at you with less than innocent intentions and maybe there's no harm in... Suddenly wrapping his arms around your shoulders or waist before pulling you in.
"Aren't you a cutie?~" or "You crying?" From Gojo is something I can see him saying.
Probably into things like morning hugs and cuddles, like imagine making breakfast in the early morning hours of the day just for him to come find you and rest against him quietly.
Will also offer to cuddle if he visits you in the middle of the night.
Will play music for you, find little flowers and trinkets and such to bring back to you, honestly a bit of a lovey dovey type with the right conditions.
Touches and rubs you while humming softly as if it's a calming thing for him.
I can see him being the type of guy that touches you all the time but let you ask him playfully he'll respond just as playfully but let you seem serious... Looking deep into his eyes.. he may try not to but bro might fold. He's so pretty when he blushes..
Likes running his hands through your hair if you let him and if it manages to put you to sleep he'll stay still and let you sleep against him.
If you mention that your favorite aspect of his is his eyes he might freeze for a moment. One of those moments where he seizes, blinks and then smiles a bit.
Honestly so far he's giving possible aspec, like maybe after time to watch and examine his LI it's easier for him to want to cling to them and be close.
Honestly bro being in love with his partner is like watching two swans or geese be in love.
Will take the time to get you gifts that he's sure you'll like but also makes him think of you when he sees em. Those flowers match your eyes.. he'll pick em up. That necklace would go so well with your eyes. Hell he'd take the sun out of the sky and hand it to you if he could because of just how beautiful it is as it runs over your skin.
I can also see him writing little poems or notes for you to find. Bonus points if he hides them all over the house like it's a little game.
Caresses your knuckles whenever you leave your hand in his for too long.
Head kisses, forehead kisses, shoulder kisses and neck kisses seem like they'd be a favorite of his.
And I'll stop this here for now but he definitely will say your name in different ways just to see which affects you the most.
(want more? Follow me and see what else I post! Want something specific from me and have the funds to support then please commission me! 🙏🏾❤️)
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weird-addiction · 1 year
Seimei x female? Reader
don’t mind gender
maybe seimei and you doing demon parade
also your writing is so good
Demon Parade
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Pairing: Seimei x GN!reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
The Demon Parade was one of the things that Onmyojis from all over Heian-Kyo loved to see, the different shikigamis, demons and spirits all go in a parade and do fun things afterwards as well.
You and Seimei have been together for a while but he has never taken you out to the demon parade before, as he was always busy with protecting Heian-Kyo and the mountain of paperwork.
But tonight he finally decided to take you on a date to see the demon parade.
“You ready love?” He asked from down the hall.
You were putting the last finishing touches to your outfit before you stood up and walked out, his eyes fell on you and was amazed and in awe. He turned away blushing. “You…you look beautiful.”
You could only giggle as you saw his flustered form. “Come on. Let’s go.” You practically dragged him for about halfway before he walked normally.
The Parade was beautiful, the spirits and demons walked down the streets as they coexisted with the humans.
“This is amazing Seimei.” You turned towards him. “Thank you for taking me out here.”
He gave you a soft smile as his arms went around your waist. “Of course love.”
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ozzgin · 6 months
Yandere!Yokai Harem x Reader Headcanons
Introducing some of the characters Reader will encounter throughout the story. Get to know your monsters in this handy reference booklet!
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Fun fact: The names of the characters are quite literally chapters from ‘The Tale of Genji’, one of the earliest existing novels written in the Heian period by noblewoman Murasaki Shibiku. Kiritsubo and Murasaki are your closest companions and bear the names of the main female characters of the story. (They’re men. A little irony.)
The list will be updated as more characters are revealed:
Abe no Nakamaro 阿倍 仲麻呂
Descendant of famous onmyōji Abe no Seimei, Nakamaro rapidly built his own reputation using the powers of yokai he'd captured across the country. His binding powers have yet to be deciphered. It is believed only his own blood can break the contract forged with the legendary beasts.
Known for his ruthlessness, Nakamaro was feared by humans and demons alike. His commissioned portraits often depict him surrounded by dark clouds - a signature detail - emphasizing his evil nature.
As you progress through your journey, you will be plagued by many flashbacks of his cruel deeds. It's almost as if your own hands are tainted by the blood of the yokai standing before you. You vow to free the beasts and prove you are nothing like the vile creature dwelling within your soul.
Kiritsubo 桐壺
The first yokai you encounter. Despite his intimidating appearance, he is the kindest of the group. He is tall and very muscular, with short, straight horns, long silver hair and glowing amber eyes. When he smiles you can spot his sharp, prominent fangs. He has multiple scars on his back, reminiscent of old punishments.
He is a dragon spirit, although his true powers remain unknown. Nakamaro always kept him close and was particularly strict with him, hoping to unlock his dormant potential, to no avail. He begins to show improvement once he embarks on his journey with you. It seems that his desire to protect his new owner was the secret all along.
Kiritsubo is extremely clingy once he gets to know you better. You're kind and patient and nothing like the famous onmyōji before you. He almost can't believe you're part of his reincarnation. He will follow you around everywhere, like a loyal dog, and might be overly touchy sometimes. He can't help it.
Murasaki 紫
Murasaki is the second yokai you meet. He is tall and slender, with long black hair and imposing horns. His deep crimson eyes hold a lot of resentment towards you, or rather whoever lies within you. Despite this, he always holds a disciplined posture and acts very well-mannered.
He used to be Nakamaro's right hand. He is considered to be the most skilled among the legendary yokai. A master of the sword and possessing unmatched intelligence, he served both as an advisor and bodyguard. Always cold and calculated, he rarely shows any hint of emotion. He seems to be quite sarcastic and arrogant.
He doesn't interact much with you in the beginning. In fact, he's most annoyed by the idea of partnering up with a weak human like you. He offers to train you with the sword and teaches you spells and prayers. Despite his complaints, he always protects you from any danger. As you spend more time together, he slowly opens up and might even show signs of attachment.
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Suma 須磨
Suma is the biggest of the legendary yokai, towering over everyone with his gargantuan frame. He has bright red hair and large bull horns, with robust features and fierce eyes. He has many tattoos covering his body, going all the way up to his chin.
Suma is a worshipped guardian of war. He lives for battle and is said to reward bravery and courage. Despite this, he has a very approachable personality. He is loud and easygoing, rarely showing signs of distress. He uses a spear when fighting, although he prefers his bare hands. Brute strength is his specialty.
He finds it hilarious that the feared Abe no Nakamaro has been reincarnated into a small girl. He will often joke around with you and challenge you to playfights. When borrowing his powers, you are able to display impressive feats of physical strength. He likes watching you fight and encourages you to train.
Yuugiri 夕霧
Yuugiri is a mysterious yokai. He is pale with rather feminine features, appearing androgynous. He is very elegant and well spoken, although both Kiritsubo and Murasaki have warned you to be wary of him.
He is a serpent spirit, sly and manipulative. He is known for tricking humans and devouring their souls, yet very few can tell his true nature. He is incredibly charismatic and many people fall in love with him, meeting their early demise.
You cannot read him and therefore keep your distance. His twisted smile never leaves his face. He is very interested in you and while his reasoning might be superficial in the beginning, he does become rather attached and tries to prove his honest feelings to you.
Warning: Spoilers ahead!
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Sekiya 関屋
One of the yokai that has remained by Abe no Nakamaro's side, in his resting tomb. He is the one that kept his presence concealed, casting a barrier around the temple for the entirety of his master's slumber.
His main power is casting barriers. Sekiya is the one that guards the entrance and guides you towards the onmyōji for your battle. Once you defeat Nakamaro, he joins your group.
He is very reserved, shy and insecure. He cannot fight properly and often bemoans his lack of purpose. Like Kiritsubo, he falls in love with your kind nature and clings to you, hoping to be of use.
Sakaki 榊
The other yokai to guard Nakamaro's tomb, Sakaki has been tasked to keep his master alive.
He has the ability to heal and even revive under certain circumstances. After your fight against Abe no Nakamaro, he offers to heal your fatal wounds and joins your group.
Sakaki is rather gloomy and depressed by nature. He has an unhealthy obsession with death and often makes grim or unusual remarks. He considers you his muse and will sometimes write unsettling poetry dedicated to you.
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hiraeth-sonder · 2 months
Delusive Masks - Nasu
Yan! Tamamo no Mae x Reader
Old foxes aren't the best servants, they're wily and complex, and most of all, possessive
TW: Mentions of violence in the form of burning, general toxic manipulative behaviour, not really proof read
//The brainrot hit so bad that I wrote a bad fever dream. A whole bunch of liberties taken with the way being an onmyoji works and with characters as per usual. Poem is from 陽成院歌合, topic of 夏虫の恋 and is number 06 of the whole collection
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あふことを, いつともしらぬ
To be a good person is not difficult, to be a good onmyoji perhaps less so. For many people, merely getting the skill and natural ability to qualify as one is already a kind of privilege, it taints the way they view themselves, creating grandiose splendours that they can transcend beyond the mortal principles. Yet when one becomes powerful enough to summon shikigami beyond weak spirits imbued into paper dolls, it gets to their head. They suddenly, foolishly believe themselves capable of nothing short of miracles. How fast they fall, turning themselves into cruel masters, bidding their servants to acts no better than the very yokai they seek to exorcise, kicking upon their shikigami to which they had entered that sacred contract. 
You are grateful for many things in life, the first that you had good parents that supported your wishes, the second that you could become a practising onmyoji, and the third being your master’s consistent and persistent hammering of humility and altruism. No lesser or greater than any being that walks upon this world, whether human or spirit, your duty was to protect the innocent and excise the guilty. Of course, he had worded it much more eloquently than such, but the motive was still present in his orotund words. 
Your shikigami are as equally deserving of respect as you are, unconditional kindness could very often make the difference between an evil spirit and a good one. You have stuck by such truths for as long as you have started, even when the only spirits under your command were Ubume and Zashiki Warashi. It became a promise of kinds, that you would always do right by them so long as they showed the same sentiment in return. Eventually, you ended up with quite a few of them, a good entourage of them you knew you could trust. Yet, it was rather difficult for people to take you seriously without certifiably powerful spirits, or perhaps it was more accurate to say that there was a certain gap between the perceived disciple of the great Abe no Seimei, and the reality that you were. 
There was some part of you that did resent that expectation, partly that others should have no right to comment on your ability solely on your patronage, and partly because it felt too close to home. Of course you knew it was shameful to be so powerless when you study under one of the best practitioners, it is only natural you did. 
The smell of incense fills your nose as your eyes adjust to the dim room, a talisman before you laying on the wooden floor. With a brush in hand, dipped in ink and poised for use, you calm your pounding heart. You have already summoned a few shikigami before, yet at this very moment, you could feel nothing but inexplicable foreboding. It made no sense, with your current living quarters more than protected by both your and your shikigamis’ efforts, yet you could not merely shake off the tenseness in your joints and the roiling in your stomach. 
It hurts, everything still hurts. Your hands from all the preparation, your knees from kneeling on such hard floors, your head from everything that has been and shall be. It is as though your body only knows to bear suffering, pain from which is borne from being mortal, pain borne of the pure action of breathing. 
Still, you close your eyes and take a deep breath. Picking up your brush in a ramrod perfect posture, the incantation so familiar to your lips spill out as ink stains the talisman. Your voice starts soft, barely a whisper in the wind and as your hand scrawls and scrawls with a fervour not quite known to human consciousness, it rises until the only sound in your ear is your very own words. 
The moment your brush lifts off the paper and the ink settles within, placed within the circle, it resonates and glows, bursting with light and into flame as it burns into a brilliant blaze. It threatens to engulf the summoning room, grazing at the ceiling as even the fire from your candles are absorbed into such a violent inferno. You can feel the heat, practically licking your skin and singeing the ends of your coat, sweat beading at your brow as you shield your eyes from the bright display. 
Even when the flames dim, what is before your eyes is merely the shaping of the firestorm into nine distinct tails, a vulpine silhouette that eventually reveals a tall figure, draped in silks and brocades. With an elaborate fox-like mask hiding the top half of his face, this spirit which presented himself as both court official and decadent noble snapped open his fan to further hide his jade white visage. Among the cool night, all you could feel was the radiating heat from his form, even if he retracted his flames, it was as if there was nothing beyond him and his fire. 
The high wooden geta clacks against the wooden floorboards, elegant footfalls approaching you ever closer as he steps out of the circle. He makes no effort to lower himself to your level, fervid eyes burning behind the mask as he tips his fan beneath your chin and lifts it. The spirit takes a gander at your appearance, scrutinising your every feature with an intensity far beyond mild interest. 
“This place has experienced great change since I’ve last been here,” The old fox’s lips curl into a smile, the peek of sharp canines peeking from behind. His voice is sultry, a minacious bite to his words,  “Onmyoji, we finally finally meet.”
No matter this first introduction, dealing with this great spirit will be much more complicated than any you have ever met. A venerable kitsune in which vagary destruction lay right at the snap of his fingers, no matter what kind of fate he deems worthy for your mortal self, it is exactly because you are mortal that you should meet this trial. 
Bowing, you raise your clasped hands in front of you and dip until you feel your back screech for mercy, “Tamamo no mae-sama, it is an honour to meet you.”
“Do take care of me, little lady,” He croons and a shiver runs through your bones, no matter how gentle his words were.
なつむしの, おもひはかぎり
“Master, I did not think you would arrive so quickly.”
Your hands are steady as you tip the lacquered teapot, fragrant tea pouring in a steady stream from its slender spout. The dark liquid a blend you rarely take out other than to entertain your master, there is a certain trepidation that comes with such an act, one you are not sure when will finally leave you. The joints of your fingers ache, throbbing even as you lay at rest. 
“It is so wrong for me to worry for you?” He raises a brow, azure eyes regarding you with some placid gleam.
Despite your admittedly out of place nerves, your master has done nothing to warrant such, that in spite of his graceful and aloof poise, Seimei may likely be one of the kindest people you have ever met. You understand that a person can in no way be entirely benevolent nor evil, for that is what makes a sentient being sentient, but there is merely something about him that brings forward ease within a person. 
You only shake your head, an abashed quirk tugging at your lips. Watching him take a sip from his cup, your mind drifts back to the message you had sent. A letter that was hastily scrawled and messy beyond reason, the paper carried the distinct stench of smoke and ash, it was a moment of panic now that you could look upon the incident with a much clearer head. The minute you had situated the old yokai in conditions appeasable to his own tastes, you remember sprinting back to your room, sweat clinging to your skin and staining the paper as you wrote, informing your master what had just occurred and asking for his guidance. 
“Of course not, I just thought you would have taken more time to get here,” You hum, your voice lowered and sheepish. “Were you not at the capital when my letter arrived?”
Your master only nods, “Your words were so fearful, I thought you had come across a great trouble.”
He takes a moment to partake from his drink once more, a silence falling upon the sun-lit room as birds chirp in the nearby trees and the sound of your shikigami going about their lives ring from the distance. You rest your eyes upon his form, noting the seeming flawlessness of his presence. Sharper features that hinted at some otherworldly grace, just the most minute sign found in the form of the slight furrow of his brow revealed the distress that plagued him. Then, his long lashes flutter open, and your master merely seems to smile, relief all but seeping from his eyes. 
“I am glad you are well.”
Averting your gaze, you thank him under your breath as heat flushes at the tips of your ears, not quite certain whether such bashfulness stems from troubling him or emotions else explained. 
You can only move the conversation of topic away from that moment, putting on a facade of ease, “I thought you would have more insight about him.”
The expression on his face shifts ever so slightly, a sudden hardness in his eyes as he grips the teacup just the little tighter. 
“He…has experienced a great number of losses due to both divine and human action,” He manages to breathe out, the sound almost all but serene if not for the lengthy pause between his words. Your master inhales, as though to continue his words, yet he only sighs, “I am afraid that is as much as I can disclose for now, it is not my place to tell what he does not wish to be revealed.”
Just as you think to pry just a little further, Hana’s voice echoes from beyond the closed doors, asking for your presence. There is a concern tinging her words, and judging by the pattering of rushed footsteps, this was a matter that required your immediate and utmost earnest attention. 
“Master, I must apologise but…” Your eyes glance between him and the door, chest tightening ever so slightly as blood rushes through your veins. 
Seimei merely shakes his head, an assuaging expression on his face as he waves you off, “Do not worry about me, go ahead.”
Nodding, you rise as quickly as possible, rushing off as you are swiftly carted off to the issue. The white haired man remains in his seated position, taking in the scent of his tea as he closes his eyes. He hears the silence of the wind, with neither bird song nor liveliness of existence. Seimei finishes the rest of his tea, herbal and heady fragrance greeting his senses for the last time before he places it down alongside your abandoned cup. 
He takes a breath, not bothering to open his eyes as he speaks, “Uncle, I know you are there.”
From beyond the door and announcing his entrance through soft clicks, a masked man deigns to show his face as he lowers his fan. With his lips almost permanently lifted in mirth, the scarlet markings that painted his mask aided with the unease that your master suddenly feels creeping onto his spine. He is unfamiliar with this sensation, especially from the man before him. 
“Seimei, its been a long time,” The old fox croons, insouciant tinge to his voice. 
Without missing a beat, your master finds a new urgency within him, “What are your intentions with my disciple?”
“We have yet to see each other after so long and this is your first question for me?” Tamamo hums, an unexplainable expression on his jade white face. His fan taps against his jaw in a rhythmic manner, voice much more playful and recondite than Seimei would have liked, “She called out and I responded, nothing more, nothing less.”
“If you have any malintention upon her, I fear I may have to take action.”
Not quite a threat, for even he is unable to deny their relationship, but more so a warning. This tension between the two of them has an unspoken depth, one that had existed long before this clandestine reunion, and with Seimei’s admittedly almost obvious concern for your wellbeing, it only seems to sour so. 
The old fox smiles, and the younger finds that he does not enjoy the way those golden eyes seem to shine with burning regard from beyond the mask. Tamamo only muses, yet despite the airy nature of his voice, behind his lilt was a zealous avariciousness, “I promise you, no harm shall befall her so long as I am by her side.”
For all that the froglets incident was worth, a situation that had been more so confusing and hysterical for the regional townspeople than any life-threatening catastrophe as you had been led to believe, it was only a mild inconvenience. A few dozen little frogs dressed to appear as great yokais were merely wandering around and acting as if they were the spirits themselves, of course they had also been imbued with some kind of ability that allowed them to recreate such acts, but it was still not some matter that would raze the whole of Heian-Kyo. 
Still, that had not meant you expected to return to your abode with said froglets nipping at your heels ready to make themselves useful. 
“Master…” At a loss for words, Momo could only cock her head at the image before her. 
Rather than being seated at your desk pouring over documents, you were instead making yourself quite busy with some leisurely reading while the froglets dedicate themselves to stacking your books in an order only they seemed to know. 
“It’s okay, they are not causing any issue,” You smile, an amused huff escaping your nose when your eyes drift to Susabi Frog balancing on top of Ichimokuren Frog as it just barely pushes a star chart into place, “I am just keeping them busy.”
Turning your attention back to Momo, you place down your book as you roll your shoulders back, the vertebrae in your spine not quite as sore. “Did you have something for me to look at?”
“Ubume asked whether you wanted to join us for lunch or have us eat with you.” Her voice is slightly hesitant, just one step away from wavering. 
It feels like instinct at this point, you rest your head upon your palm and squeeze your eyes in delight. If you had to be honest, you did quite miss being able to have meals with your shikigamis, always some lively affair and certainly occuring far too sparsely for your liking.
“It has been some time since we all sat down together and ate, has it not?”
She nods her head, a hopeful expression on her face as her eyes widen in mock innocence, “Mhm! So will you?”
You laugh, shaking your head as you get up and dust your clothes. An excitement fills her as the little blooms in her hair burst open, grabbing your arm and all but dragging you out. Turning a glance to the froglets, you wave them over and they come scampering to your side at the first notice, almost all too excited to follow along. They clamour in the occasional croak or ribbit, asking about this and that. More akin to children, you wonder when that sentiment started. 
By the time you arrive in your courtyard, it is all but a wonderfully teeming gathering, noise filling your ears in a manner that only served to coax your heart from its tight cage. Seeing them like this, you are happy that you get to have such a sight, living free from suffering and safe, that was the most important point, that they were safe. 
“I see you all are in good spirits,” You hum, an announcement that is swiftly followed by a symphony of ‘Master’s’. 
Some of the younger shikigami immediately leap from their seats to your side, to which you only greet them with on overfond smile and a pat on the head. Those busy with serving food or handing out cutlery likewise greet you, not quite able to pull themselves away from their tasks but still sending a smile or a wave. Momo is quick to join everyone else, flitting between chatting and aiding. Ootengu had busied himself with scooping soup while Hana had been floating around ensuring everyone had some kind of meal, leaving one person notably uninvolved. 
“Little lady,” The old yokai calls for you, resting his head on his palm as a smile plays on his lips. Sitting beneath the plum blossom tree, he almost looks like the subject of a great painting under falling petals and soft sunlight. Just the view of such makes you almost afraid to approach him, yet still you do so. You are unable to tell exactly whether his levity is real, but you can only assume so by his leisurely tone, “Have the froglets been helping you?”
Glancing at the frogs now being babied by the rest of your shikigami, a notion you did not think they would take up so fast, you only laugh, “They are very earnest, thank you.”
Silence falls upon the two of you and for a moment, it truly does feel that all is right in the world. There is little discomfort in your body, joints no longer cracking at every minute action nor head pounding at every little stimulus that dared to exist. The smell of sweet flowers and delightful aroma of proper food fills the air, and you yearn for nothing more than these days to continue on. 
Those froglets, troublesome at first though they may, had ended up being a kind of blessing. For ever since their attempted marauding, you have had little, if any issues that required your action. You spend your days reading and writing, responding to correspondence and finally able to focus on your studies. 
It is while reminiscing that Tamamo’s silvery words reach your ears, pleasant and coaxing. 
“These few weeks have been rather peaceful, don’t you think?” He tilts his head to the side, meeting your gaze in a single move. 
You squeeze your eyes again, a soft sigh escaping you as a smile tugs at your lips, “It has, I can finally get to some marriage proposals I had apparently recieved.”
For a moment, just the slightest second late, you thought the old fox’s expression darkened. Yet just as quickly as it came, it left, and he simply continues on. His eagerness almost resembles that of those older ladies, that crooning voice asking for more and more, ready to give advice you never thought you would need, older yokais surely were no different than mortals. 
“Oh? And who is the lucky fellow?” His nails, scarlet and far longer than you remember, clasp around his fan. 
“Just another onmyoji, he isn’t from the big name clans that sent their pathetic excuse they call letters,” You sigh, then hold your hands up in clarification, as though to correct yourself from your perceived distate, “Which is good, less likely to be some bigoted oaf.”
Tamamo merely hums, snapping open his fan to hide the bottom of his face, yet there was an odd wry tinge to his words, “How intriguing, our little lady seems to be quite popular to attract even onmyojis from the big clans.”
“Don’t flatter me, they just want to find someone they can continue their bloodlines with.”
Rolling your eyes, an acerbic grin appears on your face as you take a drink from the teacup one of the froglets brought over. Just like those old ladies, he places a hand on your shoulder and with an assuaging tone, a sense of warm reassurance is poured into your being. 
“Well, you won’t have to worry. I’m certain you will have no trouble.”
またまたも, みをぞすてつる
Kiyohara Genjirou, a practicing onmyoji that had sought you out not only for his pursuit of the craft but admiration as well. So he cited in his first correspondence, and so you would like to believe. 
As he wrote to you, you found him an eloquent and diligent man. Genjirou, though not hailing from a noble family nor considered talented enough to join a major clan, wandered through the country aiding when he could. All he had were paper dolls and simple talisman, yet that was all he needed. He had heard tales from those whose qualms you have solved, and had grown curious of your being. It was natural, yet this natural curiosity had grown to longing when he caught a glimpse of you in the city. 
The image he described of you had seem otherworldly when you first read it, donned in simple robes and merely another face among the crowd, his eyes had no choice but to follow along your form, entirely unable to pull away from you. As if sent down from the high heavens, even the slightest whisper of your voice had made him understand why men should turn to religion. 
You thought of him less fondly, perhaps not an infatuation such as his but an interest nonetheless. He had only sent two letters, the first that had been introductory and more similar to polite courtesy, the second much more personal and akin to courting. Still, you had been touched by his words, further still when you read the last portion. He would make the journey to your estate, to meet you and to perhaps, if you would allow him the chance to, to court you. 
It was by no means a demand, but rather a suggestion. Genjirou had gone so far as to write that should you not find him appealing in any manner, that should you deem him overstepping, you were in every right to have him kicked out and his hair cut short. 
You remember showing Tamamo the letter, surrounded by the froglets as he read from behind your shoulder. You told him that you would like to meet such a staunch person, and perhaps at the time, you had laughed alongside him when he said that should Genjirou truly act as he feared, then it would not be humiliation that he would bear. There was nothing to worry for, all you had to do was await his arrival. 
Yet, despite his staid words and his solemn promises, he never came. 
Under the moonlight and through the cold night wind, you can only let out a soft sigh. Your shoulders slump beneath your robes as all of a sudden, your body feels too heavy for your feet. Leaning against the wooden pillars of the front gate, that familiar tightness in your chest returns once more. Yet rather than what feels like your ribs enclosing onto your rapidly beating heart, what occurs to you now is more akin to that sentimental organ squeezing against its cage, yearning to pry straight through to leap out and wither away. Your lungs long for air, forcing in and out and yet it is not enough, never enough. 
It is cold, so, so cold. Why were you cold?
Closing your eyes, you feel a presence approach from behind you, then a hand pulls you away from your resting spot. You lay against a warm body, that even through layers and layers of silk and brocade, you do not even have to open your eyes to know who it is. 
“Tamamo,” Your murmur disappears into the night, yet it is a call that he hears and responds to. 
With your limp limbs that which hang uselessly, the old fox gathers you into his embrace, allowing you to bury your face into his chest. “I thought he was different…”
Methodical and rhythmic, his chest rises and lowers, coaxing your breath to follow suite. Within his hold, there is a warmth that penetrates the skin, enveloping your tendons in loving flame. Tightly held and tightly received, Tamamo lets you dig your nails into him, until your fingertips ache and your wrists cramp up. He merely returns the sentiment, as though it was entirely natural to do so. 
“Will you be honest with me?” 
As though ashamed to even consider such a thought an option, you can barely muster your voice to above a whisper, “Do you think I’m a disappointment to my master?”
“Of course not, my little lady is very accomplished,” He croons, his voice soft and soothing. “Do you think I would have answered your call otherwise?”
Still enveloped in his presence, you inhale the familiar smell that clings to him. When he speaks to you as such, it truly does feel like all will be right in this world. Desiring nothing more than to keep you safe, this old fox you had once shrinked from has now become your only succour. How fast you had let him in your heart, that he should treat you with the same regard and care you do the rest of your shikigami, and you would become so easily reliant on what he may give you. Ironic, yet undeniably a notion you had grown aware of since his arrival. 
“Besides, he is rather foolish to give up on you,” He sighs, an undertone distantly related to triumph hidden beneath assuage and fondness. 
That graceful hand cups your face, reverent as though bearing a great treasure. Your eyes flutter open, and it is then you notice that he is no longer wearing his mask, presenting that exquisite face once hidden to you. Narrow eyes of beguiling gold with long lashes, lips that more appeared as delicate petals. No matter the scarlet markings painted upon his skin, it is no wonder that men should turn to fanaticism in the face of such sublimity. You can only stare in awe, how warm your ears flush and how heat roils in your stomach upon the sonorous hum of his voice. 
“You deserve much, much better than a human who only knows to lie to you.”
Lying on the beaten dirt path, Kiyohara Genjirou will be buried in an unmarked grave, neither name nor profession known to those who will find him. For all that remains of this unwitting suitor is the stench of smoke and shrivelled corpse, caught too soon in a fox’s tempestuous favour and left to burn in the same blazing rancour that once threatened to engulf the tranquil capital. 
なつむしの, なほあきたらぬ
Being a good onmyoji is not difficult, it is not some arduous task to respect and love your shikigami, to treat them as one would dear friends and family. Yet, a shikigami that has only lost and lost, when given a second chance to make it all right, what then happens to that good onmyoji is very often known only to those hidden away.
Your master, when he had learned of the events that transpired had taken it with nothing more than a furrowed brow and a sharp exhale. Before he left, he had gifted you a talisman and instructed you to hang it in your room, to which you did. Yet, that very day, it had gone missing from your door. You had no unease at it, after all, he had given you hundreds of protection talismans, what difference was one going missing?
You on the other hand, had come to realise many things about your emotions with the arrival of both dismay and prolonged peace. That old fox who has done nothing but inexplicably care for you, with no explanation nor clarification. It had come out of nowhere, that quiet wistfulness and longing glances, you nearly thought yourself mad yet it was true. Torturing yourself with what could only possibly be, one could only imagine the joy that filled you when you had to do nothing but wait just a little longer, and even that foolish wish should come to be. 
Cicadas sing in the distant night, your lover has long retired for the night and lays atop the bed, what you may see now is but his most true form, masks and disguises left at the door. Vulpine ears atop his head along with nine full tails, he once again scoops you into his embrace as even his tails move to cover you. 
“Cold…” You only whine, squirming closer as though you could crawl into his skin. 
Tamamo only huffs in amusement, no sign of actual vexation, and pulls you in closer. The increased contact brings burning touch falling upon your skin, the old fox noses along some invisible line at your neck, his lips pressing a kiss upon your pulse. He coaxes a sigh from your throat, soft and airy and almost all too practiced. Wholeheartedly embracing the fervid greed within him, you think you feel the prick of sharp canines against tender skin, yet you could care less. 
In nothing more than your sleeping robes, luxurious clothes stripped off, legs entangled and limbs intertwined. To an unwitting observer, it would be difficult to discern whose form was whose, so thoroughly ensnared fox and human may as well be one body.
With neither onmyoji nor spirit to separate the two of you, and in this little delusion, not even the heavens will seize you from his side. He has ensured it, he shall see to it that the one he loves will never bear such suffering ever again. 
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okadaizoirl · 1 year
sending an ask to invite you to gush over your favorite fate boys
buddy you got no idea what izo x reader insert stuff i got in my drafts rn but for once, i'll give a lesser man (self-aggrandizing) some spotlight:
some versions of the story of abe-no-seimei and ashiya douman say that douman got access to seimei's tomes by just straight up seducing his wife, repeatedly iirc. i need dick like that in my life
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kabootarandishaan · 6 months
Oneshot/Series: Probably a one-shot
Pairing: Seimei x female oc
A/N: I just finished this shit on Netflix and this fox-child man is already all up in my dome. Also, this bouta be my first dabble at NSFW-esque content so be nice! Also, this was going to be a reader-insert but I couldn't stop playing this scenario so I made it using a specific name. However, feel free to just insert yourself. This started out as being a headcannon but welp! Also links are embedded for descriptions of some of the things mentioned.
Warnings: Heavy kissing and mentions of male genitalia, inexperienced (both you and Seimei). Minors DNI!
Like him you were alone, alienated due to your unique background. Although you were fully human, seeing as you belonged to a land far from this one the children had teased and tormented you. Your deeper skin, cultural garb, and accent made you easy to target. But like him, you also had a talent for divination. Where you were from it was referred to as the art of veda and focused on healing.
Despite your talent, your differences proved to make you undesirable to any teacher. You were forced to learn and teach yourself from the few scripts you had from your land. You had honed in your healing abilities, you knew even the best onmyoji was primitive to you in that area of skill. However, when it came to curses you knew you had much to learn.
That’s when you sought him out. You learned of his whereabouts from the Imperial Court. It seemed his infamous reputation has still plagued him despite his accomplishments. You remember meeting him once before you were cast out. You had stood up to some boys who had been tormenting him. You doubt he remembered you though, he stayed to himself even after the incident.
This is why when he greeted you using your name you could not help but widen your eyes in surprise. “It has been quite long since our last encounter, Sarikha-san. I must say, I am surprised you managed to find me. To what do I owe this visit?”
You explained to him your predicament in learning and understanding the world of curses. You requested his mentorship, practically begging. You offered to cook, clean, garden, anything in exchange for guidance in strengthening your craft. He eyed you with an amused look until you were completely finished.
To your surprise, he accepted and you found yourself looking forward to your lessons every day. It was not long till you got to take part in action. There was never a dull moment the minute Seimei became acquainted with Minamoto Hiromasa. Soon you also learned to enjoy the company of Tsuyuko, her youth and passion was endearing to you.
You knew Seimei would probably never admit it but you could see how at ease he felt in the presence of these people. You knew better than anyone that for people like you and him, loneliness was more out of helplessness than intention. You could not help but be drawn to him. It was not soon until you suspected he may have felt the same towards you. 
You remained steadfast on your promise, you would cook, and clean, and Tsuyuko would often help you with gardening. You noticed as time went on how his gaze would linger on your form. You would notice the slight furrow in his brows whenever Hiromasa or Tsuyuko would tease you about having no lovers despite your beauty and personable nature. 
The slight flush of his cheeks when he’d catch the smallest glimpse of your waist because your kurti had ridden up. You noticed but you said not a word. You could not help but feel similar sensations when you’d seen his uniquely colored hair for the brief moments he would take off his kanmuri. 
Tonight you stood near his lake, admiring the beautiful illumination the moon had cast on your landscaping work surrounding it. You enjoyed the serenity of the moment, you pulled away the chunni that you regularly draped over your head and untied your dark hair. The long waves cascade down to the base of your back.
A soft gasp behind you startled you. You turned to find Seimei looking at you, his eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. You quickly grabbed your chunni trying to place it over your head for modesty. He reached out his hand in front of him as if signaling you to stop and speak. “I apologize for startling you, but please do not feel the need to cover your hair. I will leave you if you wish to have privacy.”
Your hand pauses as you furrow your brows, attempting to read him. The soft light of the moon allowed you to see the blush that had contrasted against his pale skin. You slowly dropped the chunni to the side and walked closer to him. You saw his breathing hitch, and it caused a small smile to reach your lips.
”Did you need me for something?” You asked him curiously the smile still plastered on your face. You saw him swallow nervously before composing himself and adorning his usual smug expression. He nodded and spoke, “I have something I would like to ask of you.” Despite his look, you could hear the nervousness in his voice.
You nodded and signaled for him to continue. He took a sharp inhale before continuing, “I cannot lie to you and say I have not become enamored by your presence. I am sure you also have not failed to notice?” He asked eyeing you intently as he waited for your response. You felt a blush rise to your own cheeks at his directness.
You cleared your throat before answering. “I suppose I have been quite obvious in my fancy for you.” You chuckle nervously as you look down at your hands. “I must say though, your confession does fill me with relief. I was beginning to think your lingering glances could have been of contempt.” You say slowly meeting his eyes.
He lets out a small huff as if annoyed by your words. “Please do not ever think I could hold any contempt for you. You were the only person in my defense when we were children I always admired your courage and perseverance. I cannot imagine how hard it was for you to defend me when you were also being endlessly tormented
You were surprised by his words. Not only did he remember your first interaction but he remembered you, with such fondness as well. You whispered your next words. “I did what I thought was right. No child deserves to be treated that way.” You felt a small blush arise on your cheeks at hearing his kind words.
”You have always had a kind heart. I can say with pride I have not met someone as gentle and gracious yet so powerful.” He smiles at you softly. You cannot help but feel your heart quicken at his expression. You bite your lips and look down at your hands which wring together with slight nervousness at the situation. You fail to notice a strand of hair fall forward as you bring your eyes back up.
As if to test the boundaries of their newly established interest Seimei hesitantly reaches his hand forward he points towards the loose strand before speaking. “May I?” He eyes you with a visible anxiousness. You cannot help but smile at his hesitance. You nod slowly and hold your breath as he gently pulls the strand behind your ear. His hand grazes your cheek as he pulls back.
You cannot stop yourself from letting out a soft gasp at the foreign touch. He freezes and his eyes go wide at hearing your sound. You slowly move closer so much so that you can now see the hard thump of his heartbeat against his jugular. You stare between his lips and his eyes. He does the same the unspoken desire strongly settling between you two.
Your face is burning, the proximity, his touch, all of this intimacy is new to you and you are sure it is the same for him. However, you do not want to pull back, you cannot. You want to go further. You need to do something to dissipate this almost uncomfortable tension within your body. You feel his hand settle onto your cheek. His thumb grazes your bottom lip.
You sigh and close your eyes enjoying the new touch. You open your eyes slowly, raise your hand and place it on his chest. You can feel how harshly his heart is beating against the fabric of his sokutai. You feel him tense, briefly, before slowly feeling him relax. You look up at him seeing his mouth slightly agape, his eyes seemingly darker.
You place your free hand against his cheek and stare at his lips. “May I?” You ask in a soft whisper. You see the flush on his cheeks deepen before you see him nod. You lean in and feel the tension that had so tediously built itself up, dissipate. You feel Seimei’s other hand tentatively place itself at your waste. You push your lips against him slightly deeper as a way to signal your approval of his action. He quickly registers the action and grips your waste before matching your passion. 
You both push against one another in a dance of passion. You feel his teeth graze against your lower lip and gasp at the new sensation. He smirks and takes the opportunity to explore your mouth with his tongue. You let out a muddled yelp at the intrusion the lewdness of the act making your body burn with unfamiliar sensations. 
He takes his time slowly running his tongue over yours. He groans at the sensation, the softness. You slowly feel a familiar tension begin to build within your body. Only this time the discomfort begins to lower. You furrow your brows at the unfamiliar sensation but notice that each time Seimei squeezes your waste, or his tongue prods at your own, the sensation heightens. 
You press your thighs together finding it gives slight relief. As the feeling increases you cannot help but release a moan at the new sensations bombarding your senses. Seimei pulls back begrudgingly but helplessly as you both gasp for air. He looks over your face in admiration. Your lips are red and swollen, a string of saliva connecting yours to his. Your face is flushed and your eyes are dark. You are a sight for sore eyes.
However, your look also ignites a soreness elsewhere for him. He closes his eyes and leans his forehead against yours as he pants. He groans slightly as he can feel his cock straining against his bottom garb. He looks at you with a ferocity that causes that pleasant feeling to shoot right down to your nethers, you to whimper slightly.
You are both startled when you hear the booming voice of Hiromasa from within the courtyard. You aggressively push him away, causing yourself to stumble back. He reaches out and catches your arm, saving you from falling into the lake. You both turn when you see Hiromasa freeze at the sight before him.
You hear Seimei clear his throat and take a moment to stabilize yourself and stand upright on your own. You place your chunni on your head and greet Hiromasa with a small bow. You look down hoping the dim light of the night will hide the flustered state of you and Seimei. Hiromasa eyes the both of you curiously but Seimei speaks taking his attention elsewhere.
”As much as I adore your presence, what do I owe this evening visit?” His smug demeanor returned so easily. It seems Hiromasa’s attention was easily diverted as his eyes lit up at the question. “Well, I had told you I would return bearing better gifts, and because I am a man of my word I did just that.” He reveals the sake he had brought from his sleeve.
Seimei rolls his eyes but you can see the small smile adorned on his face. “I suppose I will indulge you. Make your way to the deck and I shall join you shortly I will drop Sarikha-san to her chambers first. 
Hiromasa narrows his eyes, glancing between the two of you suspiciously, but quickly seems to be subdued by Mitsuyo and Mitsumushi guiding him away. You chuckle as the two hurriedly drag him away. Your attention is caught at the sound of Seimei softly clearing his throat. He motions for you to begin walking and you smile as he follows at your side.
Seeing as Seimei’s residence was so expansive and you had nowhere to go you were able to receive a room. He waved off the very notion of rent when he saw your diligence in learning and your completion of various chores. The two of you walked in silence, the heat that had so uncomfortably plagued you earlier had not yet subsided but you did not know what to do.
It seemed Seimei’s predicament was similar as he still felt the harsh strain of his cock against his garments. The brush of the cloth against it as he walked caused him to clench his jaw, the friction stimulating him. You looked at him in slight concern, unaware that his plight was caused for the same reason as yours.
Are you alright?” You asked innocently your brows furrowed. He tries to relax his jaw and gives you a smile. “Never have I felt such bliss than this instance.” You blush at his words and continue walking until he reaches your chamber door. He slides the door and stands to the side allowing you to enter.
You hesitantly make your way inside. You turn to face him and look up at him. “This night was very memorable for me.” You say softly. He chuckles and meets your gaze. “As it was for me, if I may admit I always imagined that you were the one to steal my first kiss.” Your breath hitches at his words and your cheeks burn once more.
”Well that makes two of us.” You admit as you bite your lips. “I wish you a good night. Do not drink recklessly.” You advise him. He chuckles but nods heading your advice. “Goodnight Sarikha-san.” Before he turns to leave you place a hand on his arm and before he has the chance to speak you place a chaste kiss on his cheek. You abruptly slide the door shut leaving Seimei standing there mouth agape.
You lean your back against the door and cover your hands with your face. You cannot hold back the girlish smile that adorns itself on your face. You lay down on your cot and put out the lamp lighting your room. You cannot help but repeat the events of tonight, as you recall the feeling of his lips, his tongue, his touch, and the foreign sensations from between your legs returns. 
Seimei stands before your chamber door briefly frozen. His cock twitches against the fabric of his garments as he recalls the feeling of your lips on his cheek. It is not until Mitsuyo and Mitsumushi appear in his peripheral that he recalls his rendezvous with Hiromasa. He groans knowing that his arousal will cause trouble for him the rest of the night.
He begrudgingly returns to his deck and rolls his eyes at seeing Hiromasa already having started indulging in the sake. “There you are!” He exclaims tipsily. Seimei sits and begins his own drink before letting out a sigh. “If you cannot hold your sake-” He turns to find Hiromasa’s head lolled off to the side as he lets out small snores.
Seimei cannot help but chuckle at his state. He directs the two girls to aid Hiromasa home. He slowly begins to make his way to his own chambers feeling tired from the alcohol. He scowls slightly. “If he was just going to fall asleep after one round he could have come in the morning instead of interrupting my time with Sarikha-san.” 
He sighed as he felt a similar twitch from before strain against his bottoms. He quickly made his way to his own chamber ridding himself of his clothes and falling flatly onto his bed. He tossed and turned as thoughts of Sarikha continued to consume his mind and body the feeling of her lips, her tongue, her waist. He groaned as the arousal grew within him. This was going to be a long night, he thought.
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ozzgin · 3 months
Do you think I can request headcanons for Nakamaro ?
Like in an alternate route, reader and him (he's in his twenties because... magic ?) are married and reader is pregnant.
But the funny thing is, Nakamaro can't bully the yokais because reader will exorcise him each time he tries.
Aaaaah I finished writing and only afterwards it occurred to me you might've wanted a modern day reader for this. 😭 I imagined the events in his own timeline. Oh well. I think it can work both ways. Just replace the ancient pouch with, I don't know, a visa card that he throws at your parents for wife payment.
Yandere! Onmyōji x Reader
Yokai Harem AU as the wife of Abe no Nakamaro, a legendary sorcerer and collector of yokai. Although you're not quite as powerless as to not keep his cruelty under control.
Content: female reader, arranged marriage, mentions of pregnancy
[Main Story] [Character Guide]
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Your family had vehemently opposed the marriage. To think their one and only daughter would fall into the hands of such a cruel man. The famous Abe no Nakamaro, descendant of Abe no Seimei himself, has quite a contradicting reputation. He has saved many lives, cured countless illnesses, protected villages from monsters and brought peace to the land. Yet many have also witnessed his ruthless nature: the arrogance he has towards humans, the disdain and utter disgust he harbors towards demons. He is quick to punish, rarely forgives, and never forgets. The yokai he’s captured under a binding contract are kept on a leash, like cattle before slaughter.
It is this man who approached your parents one day, when you were still young, demanding your hand. He claimed you had special powers and a lot of potential under the right guidance. Such spiritual prowess would waste away in a family of plebeians. You don’t remember much of the discussion, only the expressions: the man’s mocking grin as he threw a pouch fattened with coins, the frown of your parents who wanted to refuse, the uneasy, grim eyes of the horned demons brought to intimidate. It was clear they were there against their will. One will find just how difficult it is to go against the wishes of the onmyōji, and you happened to be his most ardent desire. Thus, with a heavy heart, you’d been sent away with the stranger who promised you were to live a life of luxury. One your parents could never afford.
True to his word, you have not struggled since. In Akutagawa’s short masterpiece, Hell Screen, artist Yoshihide is wicked and vicious towards everything and everyone except his beloved daughter. Similarly, the sorcerer seems to have a soft spot for you in particular. He often praises your talent, and patiently caters to your whims without complaint. You once inquired about it yourself, as the idea weighed heavily on your mind: why is it that he does not show the same hostility towards you? He stared at you as if you just grew two more heads. "You're my wife. What else is there to question?"
This favoritism, however, is to the benefit of everyone. Especially to the yokai under his command. You've grown rather fond of the demons in your years spent alongside them, and they've quickly learned that your presence means safety from any punishment. Some need reassurance more than others. To these you've even begun to feel like a motherly figure, shielding them from the wrath of an unforgiving master. At last, an authority even Abe no Nakamaro himself can't disobey: the word of his wife.
And soon enough, as if your marriage wasn't already the ultimate argument, you welcome the return of your husband with the news he's always longed for: you are the soon-to-be mother of his child. His name has just been guaranteed to continue its course through time. To say he is elated is an understatement. You've only seen him smile so genuinely once before in your life, on your wedding day.
"Can you imagine the powers this child will command?" He muses, referring most likely to the fact you've both been blessed with an innate, unmatched talent in onmyōdō. You finish rolling the parchment paper and gently tap his head with the scroll in a scolding manner. "You better not burden the kid with your bizarre expectations!" The same man feared throughout the country is chuckling apologetically at your gesture. "As the Mother says."
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a-weird-writer · 1 year
Any polys (character/reader/character) you really want to write or just love to see in general?? im a gremlin.
Plenty of polys I ponder about, their potential chemistry and angst shit sends me over the fucking moon. Plus, more hands to hold.
I love polys that work immediately just as much as ones that take time to mold correctly. Below are some polys I think about more often than I know I should;
Blue Exorcist (Ao no Exorcist): Mephisto Pheles/Amaimon/Reader, Arthur Angel/Lewin Light/Reader, Sheimei/Rin Okumura/Reader
Arknights: Gladiia/Andreana/Spector/Skadi/Reader, Vanilla/Fang/Reader, Amiya/SilverAsh/Reader, Mountain/Waai Fu/Reader, Mr. Lee/Hellagur/Reader, Mr. Lee/Waai Fu/Aak/Hung/Reader, Jay/Reader/Waai Fu
Mega Man Series: Mega Man/Blues/Reader, Gemini Man/Snake Man/Reader, Terra/Sunstar/Reader, X/Zero/Reader, Red/Zero/Reader, Scarface/Epsilon/Reader, Ciel/Zero/Reader, Eight Gentle Judges/Reader,
The Battle Cats: Catman/Reader/Lucifer The Fallen, Immortal Keiji/Wargod Hanzo/Reader, Immortal Keiji/Zeus/Reader
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime (TTIGRAAS): Shion/Shuna/Reader, Diablo/Rimuru Tempest/Reader, Benimaru/Hakuro/Reader, Milim/Guy Crimson/Reader
Onmyoji: Ibaraki Dōji/Reader/Shuten Dōji, Abe no Seimei/Shuten Dōji/Reader, Asura/Taishakuten/Reader, Lord Arakawa/Kingyo/Reader
Undertale: Sans/Reader/Toriel, Toriel/Asgore/Reader, Underfell & Underswap Sans/Reader, Dream/Underswap Sans/Reader
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a-weird-writer · 2 years
Can I hold hands with Seimei?? 80!!
(Of course, you can! -Weirdo)
Holding Hands (Romantic) With Abe no Seimei
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 Amusement kick flips to flattery at your cute question. You read a lot from Abe no Seimei's body language, apparent and swift as it's made; a sorted pattern, imprinted in an era of fascination depended on expression. An amused smirk, a quick turn to the side; patient taps on his sharp chin with a classic retractable fan, each movement as gorgeous as the last. Pristine, ever honest and so serene. An obvious sign of interest, the sweetest sigh. A pleased smile on his oh-so-gorgeous face, a happy-go-lucky chuckle escapes him, satisfying anyone who hears it. Seimei offers an extended hand out to you, open for the taking. There is an endearing quality in holding hands, simple yet uplifting; if his spirit were lowered, it's definitely soaring in the clouds now. His smooth hands are protective and light, fingers long as ribbons but tough as metal, a fine result from practicing various spells and strong enchantments through the years. Trained to the brim from his youth of walking the Earth’s dangerous realms as an Onmyōji, his battles are songs legends sing in the wind to remember. If you do this more often, should you have him, he wonders, seek him out anytime you wish. Honesty is the best policy, he encourages. Seimei tells flat out how much he adores holding hands, without the slightest consideration for whoever may hear; for all the other ways you're held closer to his soul, Seimei is dangerously creative left alone with none but his own thoughts, so reflect and beware. Seimei gives back what is given on moral instinct, repay kindness with kindness. Reach out to him and he reaches right back, no matter how far your hand might be. Something simple as holding hands is nothing Seimei minds in the least, even if you should ever be afraid, please hold his hand. His presence is a weightless comfort, an everlasting memory. As long as his beliefs and pride live on, in life and release of death, he is always available to you.
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weird-addiction · 2 years
Hello 👋
May I request Seimei x onmyoji female reader please.
The plot will that the reader who actually a formal goddess who is retired as a god from the heaven to explore the moral realm but when the reader encounter an fallen god who try to destroy the capital but their help Seimei and his friends to stop the fallen god.
PS. I like your writing skills (≧▽≦)
From the heavens to mortal
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A/n: sorry this got delayed so much
Pairing : Abe no Seimei x Former goddess!Reader
Some may say that the gods and goddesses have it easy in this world, oh how wrong they are. Nothing is ever easy.
Many gods have retired from their position to live amongst mortals, to see how things have changed throughout the centuries.
And Y/n was one of the many that did so.
Retiring as God of (Your choice), and going down to the mortal realm, and many things did she find interesting.
The time period that she has settled into has people called "Onmyojis". They are basically exorcists that cleanse the demonic forces that are around them.
Y/n decided it would be a good idea to become one of them, as her powers did not exactly go away as she descended from the heavens.
Hanging around the capital is where she would normally spend her time, as during the night she watched over the city.
But one night things didn't exactly go as planned.
Watching over the city like any other night, the streets were still busy as the a big city like this never slept at night. Standing on a rooftop, a fan waving over her face. Eyes glowing a slight (e/c) in the dark shadows of where the moon does not shine on her.
Bare feet standing steadily on the railing, closing her eyes as she embraced the noises of the night.
But one thing made her eyes snapped open once more.
'A demonic force? This close on the capital? And not a peaceful one at that.' She thought.
Slapping her fan closed, disappearing into the night to chase after the demon.
When she got there, she saw a small demon. Even though the size said that much, she couldn't let her guard down.
Y/n then pulled out a amulet, then putting her fingers together to say the spell.
On the amulet it shined a star shape, as the spell was complete the demon was sealed. "Finally, that was annoying."
But then she heard footsteps behind her, turning around to see a white haired male wearing a long hat while also weaning the onmyoji's attire. 'An Onmyoji. I see. But got here to late.' She thought.
"Did you already seal the demon here?" The male asked.
"I did. You mustn't worry as I watch over this city." Y/n then turned around to meet the male in the eyes, showing her face to him.
Seimei on the other hand was stunned by her appearance, Y/n she was wearing a traditional top that overlapped each other like a Kimono but from the waist down she was only wearing a a long skirt that reached her ankles.
"Staring is quite rude you know."
'S-sorry. May I know your name?"
"Y/n. And yours?"
"Abe no Seimei."
The female's eyes widened as she heard the name. "So your the famous Onmyoji that's been floating around."
"you've heard of me?"
"Of course I have. Everyone has at this point."
"Well then in that case, would you like to walk with me? My friends have probably just arrived in time for the festival tonight."
"That would be lovely. I love to."
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weird-addiction · 3 years
Onmyoji Masterlist
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Head canons:
Onikiri HCs with cheerful and Humorous Master! Reader (Gender Neutral)
Orochi with a physically fragile and confident and sarcastic S/O Headcanons
Tamamonmae with a new family and Kid! Reader
Kissing HCs - Susabi, Asura, Onikiri
Yato no Kami dealing with romantic feelings/relationships (GN reader)
Yato no Kami NSFW Headcanons (towards male reader)
The Other Lord
The Other Lord - Part 2
Ibaraki Doji x Warlock! GN! Reader - Onmyoji
From the Heavens to Mortal - Seimei x F! Reader
The Red String decided to Alter - Enmusubi x GN! Reader
Bath Time - Taishakuten x GN! Reader
The Destruction’s Mîr - Asura x GN! Touch Starved! Reader
Jealous Asura - Asura x Male! Reader Smut
Breeding - Yamato no Orochi x Male! Reader Smut
Demon Parade - Abe no Seimei x GN! Reader
Air headed - Shuten Doji x GN! Reader
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