aurorawest · 2 years
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Title: A Full and Factual Account of Asgard Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki & Thor, Loki & Stephen Strange Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count: 245.5k Summary: Together, Loki and Thor reopened the Bifrost, replanted the World Tree on Earth, and established a new Observatory in New Asgard. But the Sons of Odin have a debt to pay to the Nine Realms: both Asgard’s debt and their own, and they intend to offer their aid and service to each of the remaining Realms.
The emergence of an ancient evil changes all of that. Now, the Odinsons are in a race against time and a being they don’t understand—a being that has the power to destroy the universe as they know it.
So: same old same old. Right?
Thank you to @ankeschoenle​​​ for betaing!
Chapter 54, If You Come Back, Look Me Up, is posted!
Loki tried to roll over, but pain burst through him, exploding from his abdomen.
He hissed, and a hand rested on his shoulder. “He’s awake. And trying to get up.”
“I did say we should restrain him.”
“Yeah, yeah. Point to you.”
“Is he okay?”
“What the hel is going on?” Loki managed. He almost apologized for interrupting but decided he didn’t have the strength to really imbue his sarcasm with enough venom.
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evenaturtleduck · 2 years
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While reading chapter 36 of afafaoa, I suddenly got this image of Loki deciding to figure out how to darn his own socks, and then realized that Thor would discover this new skill and also want Loki to darn his socks, and anyway then I had to draw it.
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aurorawest · 2 years
i want to read your fic but you have written SO MUCH and i am SO ADHD so like, can you tell me where to start? the chronology? what links to what? please break it down for me <3 <3 <3
Of course!! I'm happy to! :D
My main series is it's not going to matter if we fall down twice. It's a How Loki Healed And Got His Groove Back, 10 fic journey, which starts at the New York Sanctum, travels all over two different galaxies, and ends...I guess I can't say. The whole thing is from Loki's POV, and there's lots of Brodinsons. Loki/Stephen Strange is endgame for the series. It's comprised of:
Sleight of Hand (12 chapters, 42.3k)
even if we come upon a language we both know (1 chapter, 9.6k)
The Real Asgardians of the Galaxy (44 chapters, 175k)
A Full and Factual Account of Asgard (54 chapters, 245.5k)
Afterimage (9 chapters, 39.5k)
Here, Here and Here (15 chapters, 14.3k currently posted)
far away from here and closer to somewhere else (1 chapter)
Life on Earth (11 chapters)
Unready (7 chapters)
The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling (46 chapters)
Most of my non-AU fics take place in this verse. I usually note it when they don't, though it's typically pretty obvious because if I'm writing a fic that doesn't take place in this verse, it's usually a fic about Loki and Stephen getting together in a different way, haha.
Will you be my festar-man? Love and courtship in the New Asgardian court (or, How Loki Stopped Worrying and Proposed to Stephen Strange) (9 chapters, 40.6k) is a romcom about Loki courting Stephen.
Entanglement (9 chapters, 34.2k) is an accidental baby acquisition fic which takes place in the far future, featuring Loki and Stephen as older adoptive parents. May or may not have been motivated originally by spite
My mafia AU turned out to be shockingly popular? Nasty Boys Don't Mean a Thing (17 chapters, 70.2k)
There's also just like...a LOT of pwp, haha. Though a lot of it actually has a plot tbh.
Thank you so much for the interest!! :D :D
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aurorawest · 1 year
🎙️which one of your fics would you like someone to make a pod-fic of?
Oooooh hm gosh I don't know! Maybe A Full and Factual Account of Asgard?
🍉in what ways has writing helped you process trauma and/or navigate through your own life?
I don't think I can overstate how much writing helps me process trauma/negative emotions. I have a DS9 fic (Anamnesis) that in part is about the dissolution of a marriage, written while my first marriage was crumbling. I always say my first multichapter Wreck It Ralph fic was about my divorce (it's largely about how you go on when you feel like you've destroyed everything that matters, and how you forgive yourself). Most of my MCU fic was written during covid, and you can particularly see the theme of isolation in A Full and Factual Account of Asgard and Here, Here and Here. In the manuscript I finished recently, one of the main character's relationships with his parents is based heavily on my own relationship with my parents (spoiler alert, it's not hearts and unicorns).
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
Um. Never? That might be a problem haha. When I finish something long I "reward" myself by giving myself a writing break, but I mostly just feel guilty that I'm not writing every day. I might have a bit of a complex.
Thank you for asking!
Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
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aurorawest · 1 year
Fic question. I know ur fic has a lot of loki and strange. but was curious how thor and loki have progressed as brothers as well
The Real Asgardians of the Galaxy is about Loki and Thor working through their baggage. There's still a little of that going on in A Full and Factual Account of Asgard, but by the end of that the two of them are in a really good place. Here, Here and Here has a little friction between them stemming from the fact that Loki doesn't know what to do with himself on Earth.
There's a scene near the end of the final fic in the series where Thor holds Loki while Loki sobs, haha. So they really become steadying presences in each other's lives.
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aurorawest · 2 years
Panicking a little bit because I have to get the last chapter of A Full and Factual Account of Asgard ready TODAY, since I’ll be out of town. I want it to be perfect 😭
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aurorawest · 1 year
1, 3,4
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
Right now I definitely prefer writing multi-chaptered fics, but I've been through phases where I prefer oneshots.
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
So I'm a plantser who leans heavily toward the panster end of that spectrum. I typically know what's going to happen when I start a chapter, but how I'm going to get there is kind of a journey of discovery, haha. And sometimes in the course of writing a chapter, a new thread will crop up that I hadn't planned on. (this is why I don't post as I'm writing, incidentally—I do a lot of retconning of earlier chapters due to stuff like this)
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Oh gosh, everywhere. I saw a post on tumblr recently about inspiration that characterized it as inspiration coming out of nowhere and having no explanation, and...man I did not identify with that at all. I get inspiration from conversations I overhear, experiences I have, things I read, places I go, pictures I see, you name it. I can typically trace my inspiration to something very specific.
Like, we did this coral reef restoration excursion on the cruise we went on in January, and it gave me an idea for a novel (which I'm super excited to write). There's a section of The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling (last fic in my Loki series) that was 100% inspired by the reserve we stay at when we visit South Africa. In A Full and Factual Account of Asgard, the entire character of Skadi was born from my desire to subvert the Jotun Princess trope in Loki fanfiction. Life on Earth takes place in London because I love London, and my wife and I wander aimlessly when we go back to visit her family. The climax of Sleight of Hand, where Strange tells Loki he can leave the Sanctum, is set at Liberty State Park on a rainy day because I visited Liberty State Park on a rainy day and was hit with the image of Loki standing by himself at the railing and watching someone trudge towards him through the foul weather.
I could definitely go on haha, but I'll stop. Basically I'm always on the lookout for stuff to work into my writing.
Thank you so much for asking!
Get to know your fic writer!
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aurorawest · 2 years
4 & 9 for the writing ask
4. Do you have any OCs? Do you have a story for them?
Tons of OCs! The kinds of fics I write often calls for original characters. I guess I could try to shoehorn canon characters into those parts, but I'd rather just create new characters.
My MCU fic has a few major OCs: Mira, Kalmsh, and Skadi. There are also OCs in more supporting roles (Loki's unit on Preccat in The Real Asgardians of the Galaxy, Gymir in A Full and Factual Account of Asgard). And lots of others with smaller parts.
I have one major OC in my WIR fic (Mal, the villain). My big DS9 fic, Anamnesis, has several major OCs (Deimos, Leto, Soltoi, Parnon).
I haven't written any separate fics for my MCU OCs, though I'd like to. I have a couple oneshots that have Deimos in them for Anamnesis.
9. Thoughts on cliffhangers.
I write them all the time, lol. Only at the end of chapters, though. I don't really like when books end on a cliffhanger.
Thank you!
Yet another writing ask
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aurorawest · 2 years
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Title: A Full and Factual Account of Asgard Author: @aurorawest Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki & Thor, Loki & Stephen Strange Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 237.1k Summary: Together, Loki and Thor reopened the Bifrost, replanted the World Tree on Earth, and established a new Observatory in New Asgard. But the Sons of Odin have a debt to pay to the Nine Realms: both Asgard’s debt and their own, and they intend to offer their aid and service to each of the remaining Realms.
The emergence of an ancient evil changes all of that. Now, the Odinsons are in a race against time and a being they don’t understand—a being that has the power to destroy the universe as they know it.
So: same old same old. Right?
Fic complete. New chapter posted every Tuesday.
Thank you to @ankeschoenle and @windsett​ for betaing!
Chapter 52, Amatsu-Mikaboshi, is posted!
The stench made it hard to breathe, hard to talk, hard to stand there. The fact that it was the last thing he was going to smell was sort of a terrible thought.
“Can I ask you something?” Loki said.
Mikaboshi’s hand stopped again. They didn’t call Loki ‘Silvertongue’ for nothing. If he couldn’t stall a massive, primordial being bent on devouring the universe, what was the point of the nickname?
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aurorawest · 2 years
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Title: A Full and Factual Account of Asgard Author: @aurorawest​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki & Thor, Loki & Stephen Strange Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 229.2k Summary: Together, Loki and Thor reopened the Bifrost, replanted the World Tree on Earth, and established a new Observatory in New Asgard. But the Sons of Odin have a debt to pay to the Nine Realms: both Asgard’s debt and their own, and they intend to offer their aid and service to each of the remaining Realms.
The emergence of an ancient evil changes all of that. Now, the Odinsons are in a race against time and a being they don’t understand—a being that has the power to destroy the universe as they know it.
So: same old same old. Right?
Fic complete. New chapter posted every Tuesday.
Chapter 50, People of Magical Constitution, is posted!
Pain lit every nerve in Loki’s body on screaming fire, electrocuting him, ripping him open. His skull was being torn off, his joints turned inside out. His muscles turned to jelly and he fell to the deck, helpless. Strange hit the floor next to him, but agony tore through Loki, coming from everywhere and nowhere, leaving no room for anything else, and if this was going to kill him, he hoped it was quick—
There was a thump, then a crunch.
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aurorawest · 2 years
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Title: A Full and Factual Account of Asgard Author: @aurorawest​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki & Thor, Loki & Stephen Strange Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 223.9k Summary: Together, Loki and Thor reopened the Bifrost, replanted the World Tree on Earth, and established a new Observatory in New Asgard. But the Sons of Odin have a debt to pay to the Nine Realms: both Asgard’s debt and their own, and they intend to offer their aid and service to each of the remaining Realms.
The emergence of an ancient evil changes all of that. Now, the Odinsons are in a race against time and a being they don’t understand—a being that has the power to destroy the universe as they know it.
So: same old same old. Right?
Fic complete. New chapter posted every Tuesday.
Thank you to my beta, @mareebird​!
Chapter 49, Elevator Music, is posted!
Well. Showtime, as they said. Loki squared his shoulders and stepped out from behind the pillar. “Hello, Grandmaster.”
The Grandmaster whirled. His gaze took in Loki, then Strange. If he was surprised, he hid it well. “Lo!” he said, sounding delighted. “Lo, what are you doing here?”
“Oh, just dropping in for a chat,” Loki said.
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aurorawest · 2 years
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Title: A Full and Factual Account of Asgard Author: @aurorawest​​​​​​​​​​​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki & Thor, Loki & Stephen Strange Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 220.1k Summary: Together, Loki and Thor reopened the Bifrost, replanted the World Tree on Earth, and established a new Observatory in New Asgard. But the Sons of Odin have a debt to pay to the Nine Realms: both Asgard’s debt and their own, and they intend to offer their aid and service to each of the remaining Realms.
The emergence of an ancient evil changes all of that. Now, the Odinsons are in a race against time and a being they don’t understand—a being that has the power to destroy the universe as they know it.
So: same old same old. Right?
Fic complete. New chapter posted every Tuesday.
Thank you to my beta, @mareebird​​​​​!
Chapter 48, Strange’s Bedroom, is posted!
Strange closed the portal and Loki whirled, his eyebrows so high they felt like they were in his hairline. They weren’t just anywhere on Earth. “Are we in your bedroom?” he asked.
“Yeah, kind of boring, I know.” Strange looked thoughtful, though there was the barest, tiniest smile at the corner of his lips. “I still haven’t dug out my REM and Alyssa Milano posters from my parents’ old storage unit…”
What a stupid thing to say. Why was Strange like this?
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aurorawest · 2 years
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Title: A Full and Factual Account of Asgard Author: @aurorawest​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki & Thor, Loki & Stephen Strange Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 240k Summary: Together, Loki and Thor reopened the Bifrost, replanted the World Tree on Earth, and established a new Observatory in New Asgard. But the Sons of Odin have a debt to pay to the Nine Realms: both Asgard’s debt and their own, and they intend to offer their aid and service to each of the remaining Realms.
The emergence of an ancient evil changes all of that. Now, the Odinsons are in a race against time and a being they don’t understand—a being that has the power to destroy the universe as they know it.
So: same old same old. Right?
Fic complete. New chapter posted every Tuesday.
Thank you to @ankeschoenle​ for betaing!
Chapter 53, The Tesseract, is posted!
Had he…done it?
Had he destroyed the passageway?
Was he dead?
He’d thought death would be more…crowded.
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aurorawest · 2 years
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Title: A Full and Factual Account of Asgard Author: @aurorawest​​​​​​​​​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki & Thor, Loki & Stephen Strange Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 213.6k Summary: Together, Loki and Thor reopened the Bifrost, replanted the World Tree on Earth, and established a new Observatory in New Asgard. But the Sons of Odin have a debt to pay to the Nine Realms: both Asgard’s debt and their own, and they intend to offer their aid and service to each of the remaining Realms.
The emergence of an ancient evil changes all of that. Now, the Odinsons are in a race against time and a being they don’t understand—a being that has the power to destroy the universe as they know it.
So: same old same old. Right?
Fic complete. New chapter posted every Tuesday.
Thank you to my beta, @mareebird​​​!
Chapter 46, STRANGE!! We All Missed You But Especially Loki, is posted!
Without access to the Bifrost, Loki had needed to be creative to communicate with Earth.
The connection they’d finally managed to establish a few minutes ago had been bad. Staticky. Loki wasn’t sure if his point had gotten across. Everything he’d said may have gotten lost in translation. Maybe that wasn’t a bad thing.
But he’d heard, through the static, “Give me fifteen minutes.”
Here they were, fifteen minutes later on the dot. As a portal spun open, Loki’s heart kicked up even higher. His breath hitched. He told himself he was an idiot.
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aurorawest · 2 years
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Title: A Full and Factual Account of Asgard Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki & Thor, Loki & Stephen Strange Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 136.8k Summary: Together, Loki and Thor reopened the Bifrost, replanted the World Tree on Earth, and established a new Observatory in New Asgard. But the Sons of Odin have a debt to pay to the Nine Realms: both Asgard’s debt and their own, and they intend to offer their aid and service to each of the remaining Realms.
The emergence of an ancient evil changes all of that. Now, the Odinsons are in a race against time and a being they don’t understand—a being that has the power to destroy the universe as they know it.
So: same old same old. Right?
Thank you my beta, @mareebird​​!
Chapter 30 is posted!
The howl of wind and the pinging of sleet grew louder. Loki narrowed his eyes and straightened out, then pushed the ship into a steeper descent. The Bifrost hit an air pocket and dropped too far too fast, sending Loki’s stomach into his throat. Nothing dangerous. They were still far enough above the surface. But it added to his urgency. There was definitely something wrong with the port thruster.
“Alright, this isn’t going to be all that fun,” he said.
“You sound happy about it,” Thor said.
Loki glanced over at him, a grin flickering over his face. “Well, nothing like a challenge.”
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aurorawest · 2 years
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Title: A Full and Factual Account of Asgard Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki & Thor, Loki & Stephen Strange Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 141.5k Summary: Together, Loki and Thor reopened the Bifrost, replanted the World Tree on Earth, and established a new Observatory in New Asgard. But the Sons of Odin have a debt to pay to the Nine Realms: both Asgard’s debt and their own, and they intend to offer their aid and service to each of the remaining Realms.
The emergence of an ancient evil changes all of that. Now, the Odinsons are in a race against time and a being they don’t understand—a being that has the power to destroy the universe as they know it.
So: same old same old. Right?
Thank you my beta, @mareebird​​​, who told me to rewrite about half this chapter and was absolutely right.
Chapter 31 is posted!
Blue light pulsed once from the flat pane and the door opened. She turned to look at him. He had a nasty feeling he was gawping at her.
Rolling her eyes, she said, “Come on.”
He had to shut his mouth. Shit. He had been gawping.
Once he had followed her through the door, she shut it behind him. It closed with a heavy thud.
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