#alabama fight
General synopsis of the greatest piece of cinema of 2023 🔥🔥
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t3rr3nc3 · 10 months
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"On your left."
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gchoate17 · 10 months
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The security guard didn't have to win me over to be prove that he was the biggest victim/hero of the entire fiasco, but that hat toss was top-notch nonetheless.
(I wish I had a source for the illustration.)
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xtrablak674 · 10 months
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Catching Hands, Feet and Chairs
To be honest I don't really fucks with reality TV, especially those programs started by whyte folks where Black people commit violence and hostility towards each other for the benefit of views. Outside of RPDR which I left years ago for Mr. Charles problematic new behavior as someone with new-found wealth, I didn't have any of this unscripted drama in my life. I felt this was better for the soul. In the same vain I had forgone watching the systematic violence that police et al performed on Black bodies. My mental health was tentative on a good day, I didn't need that poison taking up residence in my head.
But yesterday while Tumbling, a video showed up in my feed, it seemed to be some ClipClock footage showing some kind of brawl. And listening to NPR at that time I hadn't heard of any news that correlated to what I was seeing, so I just thought it was some random occurrence. It would be later that I would hear about the brawl by an Alabaman boat dock started of course by some obstinate whyte folks.
I will readily admit, when it started to auto-play I truly didn't know what I was watching. Some Black dude wearing something that clearly looked like a uniform threw his hat in the air and these white thugs were attacking him. I was like #WTF is going on, and truly I wanted to pull myself away but like a well-crafted drama it kept getting better. Another person who was initially out of frame seemed to be running to this brother's rescue. I was aghast because these white terrorist were beating this man like he had no one who loved him.
What was taking me out was the background comments from the onlookers who were clearly also Black, you can hear their outrage and more and more quickly responded to the ongoing melee happening on this dock, including one young blood who literally jumped in the water and swam over to assist his skin-folks. I saw sisters wearing traditional summer-wear the long dresses that Black womens love to wear, come on down to let the Karen's know, NOT TODAY KAREN! #👊🏿
I had mixed feelings of bemusement, shame, pride, anger and satisfaction as I saw these clearly entitled whyte folks catch hands, feet and chairs! Seriously this has been the highlight of two-thousand and twenty three in my humble opinion. All the shenanigans going on in this country it felt like a societal releasing of steam, as these Black hands rose up to defend one of our own. I felt such solidarity with everyone there and the feelings of being sick and tired of being sick and tired. I realize that the whytes are also human beings, but I think I am not alone in feeling like they think they should take up all the oxygen not leaving any for anyone else. That any space that they occupy is obviously and naturally theirs!
Trust, I am not even mad at chair-guy beating some sense into those whyte skulls and I know that collectively we will protect his identity irregardless of the authorities pursuit of him. These people inadvertently were expressing the frustration we all have every day for the micro-aggressions, the unapproved loans, the unsigned lease, the job not awarded, the raise that never came, the promotion that went to someone else, to the missing that were never found, to using our pain as a tool in some political game. We're done! And this even for a moment was a healthy way to let of some steam off and beat the ass of the figure-head of white supremacy!
[Graphic by Brown estate based on a saying heard in the elementary school yard]
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southdigitalcreation · 10 months
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sucuretcannelle · 10 months
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thyluvcupix · 10 months
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bro lost the fight so hard the crocs where trying to run
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theangrymailguy · 10 months
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makavelligiga · 10 months
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brian4rmthe6 · 10 months
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Montgomery Brawl Alabama (2023)
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wishingforautumn · 10 months
I don't know if the whole Alabama Brawl situation has made it's way to tumblr yet but I gotta say the hypocritical, selective outrage i'm seeing from white folks is crazy. That black man hit a white woman with a chair and suddenly they're sooo against violence towards women, right? Did they miss the part where that white guy ran up and blindsided that young black woman by grabbing her face, putting his arm around her throat and taking her to the ground? Or did she deserve that for being in the fight in the first place? Keep that energy for those white women who had no problem punching and kicking men and women and even continued hitting that security guard after initially jumping him in the first goddamn place.
Also them saying "well how do you know they were racist, it's just a fight that happen to be between black and white people" Uhhmmmm... Sure Jan. Is it really a coincidence that Trump was in Montgomery Friday and Saturday this shit happens? I'm sure that maga spirit was flowin' through them and they took it out on a black security guard for having the audacity to tell them what to do.
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t3rr3nc3 · 10 months
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ashleighsharmaine · 10 months
The Riverfront Function
Instagram @Official Ashleigh Sharmaine 
The Proud Family
King of the Hill
The PJs
The Simpsons
As told by Ginger
Beavis and Butthead
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ackee · 10 months
me and the 3 and a half other black users on this site fr
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reasoningdaily · 10 months
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wandering-wolf23 · 3 months
Tumblr's favorite cow blog has blocked me lol.
Look. Here's the thing - cows do not need to be wading through mud constantly. Do they like mud? Yes. Do most pastures have mud? Also yes. But goddam! Dig a ditch or something so the water can drain! Pick the shit up out of your pasture. It's really not that hard.
Have they never heard of hardware disease? Also, hoof care is vital. You can get away with not doing it for a time (guilty. I learned this the hard way ~20 years ago), but it's going to bite you in the ass. Also, the condition of those cows doesn't look great. I get that dairy cows are skinnier, but they need to look into a bottle of Cydectin and start treating for parasites.
A normal pasture doesn't look like that. My pasture is around 14 acres. It doesn't look like Scout's. Why? Because I've actually collected the metal trash over the years and carted it off. My neighbor has around 300 beef/dairy cross cattle. His pasture doesn't look like Scout's. Yeah, there are muddy spots, but the overwhelming majority of the pasture is dry and he's pulled the metal crap out of it. Hoofed animals can and do step on metal bits. They can and do get sick because of this. All you're trying to do is prevent a vet bill.
I understand that you have to start somewhere. I understand that they really do care about their animals. But the care those animals are getting is not good. No one is asking Scout to be a weather god - we're just asking them to take some pretty basic steps.
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