#the avengers end game
General synopsis of the greatest piece of cinema of 2023 🔥🔥
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marveldaily · 7 months
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Avengers: Infinity War // Loki 'Science Fiction'
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irondad3000 · 1 month
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bliss-in-the-void · 7 months
This is so meta but I can’t help but feel like the main story of Jujutsu Kaisen was Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko’s story. Think about the set-up.
You have Shoko, who has the most important cursed technique in the universe. She can bring people back from the brink of death. Her whole purpose is to heal and support other sorcerers.
You have the anomaly that is Suguru, a Curse Manipulator (one of the most powerful techniques to have) that comes from a non-sorcerer family. He was just born out of the blue with a special-grade technique?! That’s crazy.
And then you have Satoru, who was born with Limitless and the Six Eyes, a feat so rare that he shifted the entire balance of the universe.
I truly believe that they were supposed to complete that Star Plasma mission successfully—you’re telling me the Six Eyes and a Curse Manipulator wasn’t enough to protect the vessel? That’s crazy.
If you think about it, the person who shifted the balance wasn’t Satoru. It was Toji.
He couldn’t use Jujutsu and yet had a Heavenly Restriction so powerful that he was able to easily overpower the two strongest sorcerers of the modern era, resulting in literally every calamity that follows that event.
That whole thing just makes it feel like the events of JJK 0 and the main story following Yuuji are some sort of dark timeline in which the worst-case scenario plays out because of Toji successfully ruining the Star Plasma mission.
That’s why I’m afraid of the ending to this story. To me, it seems like Gege is telling the story of what happens when it all goes wrong.
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sad-trash-hobo · 2 months
If you really think about it. Bucky went missing at the end of winter soldier, and then 2(?) Years later, they found him during civil war. Then he immediately goes into cryofreeze after that. Sam and Steve go on the run for 2 years, and then come back to Wakanda for infinite war, and Steve sees bucky again. But was that the first time he saw Bucky again? And then Bucky gets snapped and is gone for 5 years, and then he comes back, and almost immediately, Steve goes back in time.
So, if Steve did visit Bucky in Wakanda, assuming that Bucky was under for even just 6 months, that's really only 1 and a half years that Steve could visit him. And in that amount of time Steve just? Got over the fact that Bucky was back. After finding Bucky and going into shock over the realization and letting Bucky kill him, because Steve didn't know he was gonna live, he fully expected to die, and then he just. Maybe visited him? And then lost him again and was depressed over it and then finally got Bucky back, but there's no big scene for their reunion. I'd even say that his reunion with Sam was more important, and I love Sam, but focusing on Bucky right now.
Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers were inseparable on both school yard and battle field, Bucky was the only commando to give his life in service. And then per Steve's timeline, not even 10 years later, maybe 3 years for Bucky, he just. Leaves Bucky.
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No one was more excited for Cowboy Carter than this mf
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frootbyethefoot · 4 months
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and the world is not a better place because of it.
[ID: a digital drawing of maki harukawa from danganronpa v3: killing harmony. she is on her knees and hunched over, shaking, and clutching kaitos jacket. she is coated in heavy purple lighting, while the background is pitch black.]
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marvel-lovers-world · 4 months
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starlight-bread-blog · 4 months
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I didn't watch every MCU product so if it's not them specify who in the tags.
Loki and Wanda aren't here because they got redeemed.
Everybody else aren't here because they cannot match them.
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linusbenjamin · 2 years
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Tell me something. In the future, what happens to you and me? Zoe Saldaña as Gamora — Avengers: End Game | 2019 dir. Anthony & Joe Russo
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She’s finally gonna defeat thanos
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marveldaily · 1 year
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Paul Rudd as Scott Lang/Ant-Man Avengers: End Game | dir. Anthony & Joe Russo
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sithbaeb · 2 months
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If you know ... well then you know
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justthoughts1310 · 3 months
ATLA and Marvel have the same misogyny
So... I've finally made it to episode 8 of Netflix's Live Action ATLA.
This may be shocking for some of you, because I wrote a post about how Netflix ATLA is misogynistic a month ago, but now I'm back again.
I specifically want to talk about the absolutely ridiculous and bullshit feminist virtue signaling that we are habitually forced to endure.
The scene I am specifcally referring to is the scene in which Katara demands that Master Pakku let's her fight. Then all of a sudden, the camera pans to all of the healers in the Northern Water Tribe (the female water benders) who stand ready to fight.
Yet, despite their immense power, they are begging this old as man for permission, instead of just doing what needs to be done.
This scene is giving... stupid. It's giving the 999th Marvel movie that NOBODY freaking wanted... okay! Does anybody remember that scene from Avenger's End Game (of course you do), in which all of the female avengers assemble, and it's one female cameo after another? I have no idea who liked this scene, but I didn't. I HATED this scene! I thought it was tacky and cringe, and I didn't understand why I felt that way.
Then in the Marvels, there's this scene in which Captain Danvers gets knocked down, and then there's this sequence starting from when she was a little girl playing softball in which she gets knocked down and gets back up.
The whole thing is soooo cringe.
It's cringe because it's heavy handed. It feels like one of those inspirational quotes you put on your wall that says something stupid like "She believed she could so she did..." or "Shero" or "Herstory".
It feels like a moment in which the male writers were like, we got to make women feel seen, so let's stop the flow of the entire movie and series and whatever is going on and have this really stupid overproduced moment in which the women look like bad asses, before we hide the women back in the background and let the real heroes (the men) take over.
All of this despite the fact that in hindsight, of all of the avengers assembled there to fight Thanos that day (both male and female, alike), Scarlett Witch and Captain Marvel were the only one's canonically strong enough to stop Thanos. Yet, we can't have that, because a man needs to be the hero.
Like stop stealing women's W's. It happens all the time in shows like Naruto, in which the most powerful kunoichi will get caught up by the most stupid insignificant thing, so that a man can end up saving her and she becomes the damsel in distress.
The narrative of women can be strong but never as strong as men because men need to be the hero is weak and tired, tell a new story!!!
Especially, because it really isn't all that true anymore. After the industrial revolution and the boom of tech, women and men's physically strengths have become increasingly more similar for decades. Why, because very few people need to carry giant logs and chop down trees to survive anymore! You don't need to be swol to complete a spreadsheet.
I digress.
My point is what these scenes from ATLA and Marvel have in common. It's the reason why they are both cringe.
Men don't see women as women who are unique human beings with our own unique desires. Therefore, male writers force powerful female characters to embody male characteristics that appeal to men.
You know all that flexing and all the abs and the sweat and the thirst trap scenes of half naked men like Thor and Captain America (even the scene with Sokka in it). Do you think those scenes are for women? Well, they are not. They are for men. Men get hard-ons for these kinds of scenes, and these scenes are specifically created for men and the male gaze.
Then they try to extend this to female characters, to show that they are feminists. However, this completely ignores the female gaze and female motivation.
The scenes really are women quietly asking for permission (not really) and then men loudly given women permissions to stand out and be powerful, but only in a way that satisfies the male gaze. Which considering the fact that men are socially conditioned to like feminine or overly sexual women, I have no idea who these scenes appeal to!!!
Like bro... read a freaking book. Learn about history!!! Real history!!! Women do not need the permission of men to be powerful, intelligent, strong, tactful or ambitious. Women have already been all of these things since the dawn of time.
Therefore, women don't need weird cameos that break up the pacing of the story or scenes of little girls playing sports, getting knocked down, and getting back up to feel seen. Women and girls do not need to be convinced that we are powerful. We already know it. We've been working in the background for centuries while men have taken credit for our labors, efforts, and endeavors.
All we need is for men to get the hell out of our way! We can see it right now with education and employment. Ever since women were allowed to attend school, women have outperformed men in education is almost every subject (and men and women are at par with each other in Math and Science). Women are also out enrolling men in college 2:1.
So instead of giving women 5 minutes of permission to be powerful in movies and shows and embuing them with masculine characterists, write a compelling female character from the beginning of the show. Develop her character as a person, who has to deal with the unique intersectionality of being a woman. Don't make her whole personality being a woman.
And if you cannot, write a compelling female character, then get a woman to do it!
End Rant. Thank you for attending my TED Talk.
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dalle2 · 2 years
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A still of Elon Musk as Thanos on Avengers Endgame
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papersniffer · 5 months
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Oh, just that one time Tony Stark was trying to figure out Time Travel and nothing else worked till he tried a Mobius Strip. Perfection!
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