#alana bloom fanfiction
bi-bard · 2 years
First Kiss (Pt. 2) - Hannibal Preference (NBC's Hannibal)
Title: First Kiss
Characters: Alana Bloom, Margot Verger, Frederick Chilton, Beverly Katz, Abigail Hobbs, Bedelia Du Maurier
Word Count: 1,894 words
Warning(s): (Alana's) very subtle hint to sex, mentions of attack (and Hannibal), (Margot's) mentions of Mason Verger, (Abigail's) mentions of bad parenting, (Frederick's) none, (Beverly's) none, (Bedelia's) none
Author's Note: Here's a Hannibal preference for more than just the murder husbands. If there's a character that I missed that you want me to write about, then let me know and I'll see if there's enough to make a third part (I kinda just put my favorites here).
If you wanna read the part involving the murder husbands, click here!
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Alana Bloom:
It was the first time I had seen Alana since her run-in with Hannibal.
The hospital had been hesitant about letting in visitors, so when she called me to join her for drinks, I was ecstatic.
She had a cane now but there was something else that seemed different. There was a clear shift in her behavior.
She leaned on her cane with a drink in her free hand. I leaned against the wall, almost studying her.
"You're looking at me like I'm a wounded animal," she pointed out.
"I'm sorry," I said immediately, looking down at my drink.
"It's okay," she replied. "I just want you to see that I'm okay."
"I see that," I promised. "It's just... I'm just worried, Alana. It's my nature."
She nodded, "The worst part of all this is the wasted time."
"Alana, you didn't-"
"I should've left Hannibal's house with you that night," she cut me off. "Would've saved me from that relationship, the fight, the physical therapy I had to go through."
I had offered her a ride home from Hannibal's dinner party. She must've seen that as her turning point.
"I could've been happy," she added. "With you."
I took a deep breath at the thought, "We... We still could... be happy together, I mean."
"After everything that's happened?"
"As long as I'm with you, I don't really care," I shrugged.
I walked over to her slowly. I leaned in and kissed her slowly. My free hand cupped the side of her face as she kissed me back.
Standing there, kissing her in her living room, was the time I felt most alive.
I let out a breathless chuckle when we finally pulled away, "Wanna make up for that lost time?"
"I can think of nothing better," she replied as she placed the glass on the counter and leaned in to kiss me again.
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Margot Verger:
I had been hired to work on the Verger estate years ago. I was mostly confined to the stables. Feeding, cleaning, helping Margot. It wasn't a terrible job on its own. Mason just made everything miserable.
I basically had to turn a blind eye to everything he did. I had no idea what the consequences would be if I didn't. I just knew that I hadn't seen the last person who confronted Mason about his behavior.
The longer I was there, the more I saw, the more it broke my heart.
I had been putting Margot's horse away when she walked in to meet me. I tried not to stare, but I can see the expression on her face as she tried to hide any of the pain.
"He shouldn't treat you like that," I said softly. She looked at me. "You two are siblings. He just... it's disgusting how he treats you."
She softly grinned, "Thank you."
I nodded and went back to my work.
"You always have been very kind to me," she added.
"I'm pretty sure it's part of my job," I replied.
"But it's so much more than that," she continued. "I've seen you almost every day for about a year. Maybe more. You've become... a comfort to me."
When I looked back at her, she was standing directly in front of me. I immediately felt nervous. She took another step forward, mere inches between our bodies.
"Seeing you every day has been very nice."
"I feel the same, Margot," I felt my face heating up.
She hesitantly took another step forward before leaning in slowly. She pressed her lips against mine briefly. I tried to kiss her back, but she pulled away before I could.
"I'll come back tonight," she muttered. "Meet me here?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "I promise. I'll be here."
She grinned before stepping back and going to leave. I let out a breath once I knew that I was on my own.
Holy shit.
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Abigail Hobbs:
Abigail and I had become friends when she entered the Port Haven psychiatric facility. I had been the only person who didn't turn a cold shoulder to her. Because I didn't think she deserved it.
We spent most of our time together. The only exceptions were during group therapy, at night, or when one of us had visitors.
There was one time when I violated those exceptions.
My mother had come to visit. It didn't help me much. I was left in this messy headspace that I couldn't get out of. My mother was the reason I ended up here and all she did was remind me of all the ways I was messed up. How unfair it was that I ended up this way because it looked bad on her parenting.
My brain was fixed on seeing Abigail. I found my way to her room that night. She looked up from her book when the door opened.
"What are you doing," she asked as I carefully shut the door. She looked worried when she saw my face. "Oh my god."
"My- My mom showed up," I muttered, wiping my tears. "And I just... I couldn't..."
She waved me over. I went and sat next to her in the bed. She let me rest my head on her shoulder.
"I don't know why they let her in," I mumbled. "You would think seeing how much harm it's doing would make them stop her."
"I'm so sorry," she grabbed my hand.
"You're the best thing around me," I continued. "Doctors just tell me all my symptoms and throw diagnoses at me. My mom seems to hate me. You... You actually listen."
"You do the same for me," she said.
I moved my head so I could look at her. She grinned at me. I softly grinned back before leaning over and pecking her lips.
It was maybe a second before I leaned back to look at her again.
"Was that okay?"
She nodded, "Yeah... yeah, it was fine."
I grinned before leaning my head on her shoulder again. I was okay with everything around her as long it was her.
She made whatever could happen worth it.
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Frederick Chilton:
I was working as a nurse in the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane.
I had fully intended for it to be a temporary job. Just a job to take the time until I could move properly. Once moving past how the patients would yell things at you, it wasn't the worst job ever.
Maybe the biggest annoyance came in the form of Dr. Frederick Chilton. He wasn't absolutely awful. He was just cocky. And the moment he had a second alone with me, he made enough flirtatious remarks to fill multiple pages of a notebook.
I didn't mind that much. It was just more irritating than anything.
"Dr. Chilton," I knocked as I leaned into his office.
"(Y/n)," he greeted before leaning against the front of his desk. "Come on in. What can I help you with?"
"I just wanted to talk about something," I said quietly. He nodded. "Do you flirt with all of the nurses or is it just me?"
He scoffed, "Very blunt today, aren't we?"
"I have to be when it's becoming an obstacle during my work," I replied, crossing my arms over my chest.
"And if I told you that I didn't?"
"I wouldn't worry as much about you just being an H.R. nightmare."
He chuckled and shook his head before looking at me, "Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"
"Would there be a few problems with a nurse going on a date with an administrator?"
"Gotta make H.R.'s life a nightmare somehow," Chilton shrugged.
I walked over slowly.
He stood up a little taller as I got closer. I leaned in a kissed him gently, cupping the side of his face. He tried to follow me as I leaned back. I bit back a chuckle.
"I'll see you after my shift," I said before walking away.
"Yeah... see you..."
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Beverly Katz:
Asking Beverly out on a date was one of the most awkward moments of my life. But after she said yes, it felt like a weight rolled off my shoulders.
I thought I'd never have to deal with that pressure again.
And then the end of the date rolled around.
I had been fine during the date. I had followed the conversation pretty well; I hadn't embarrassed myself. It had all gone very well.
But when I dropped Beverly off at home, I felt all of those nerves coming back. I walked her to her door and said goodnight. I was about to walk away when she stopped me.
"(Y/n)," she called as I was walking away.
I stopped to turn to her.
"Come back here and kiss me," she chuckled.
"What," I asked in shock. She smirked at me. "Oh, okay."
I jogged back over to her and pressed my lips to hers. She let out a laugh against my lips as she cupped the sides of my face. My hands touched her sides as I smiled against her lips.
When she pulled away, we both just stood there for a second, smiling at each other.
"I-I'll see you tomorrow," I said after a moment before pecking her lips again. "Goodnight."
I offered one more awkward wave before leaving for the night.
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Bedelia Du Maurier:
Bedelia and I were working together on a paper I was hoping to publish. She only saw one patient now, but she had years of experience that helped me gather previous research and make sense of the results I got.
It was all coming together. She had just been doing a final proofread before we started the next big step in the paper.
I walked into her house anxiously, "Bedelia?"
"In here," she replied.
Her office was simple. The two chairs in the middle of the room were truly the center of attention.
She was standing over by the window, flipping through pages. My paper.
"Hi," I said as I walked over. I stood across from her on the other side of the window. "How does it look?"
"I think it looks good," she nodded. "We're getting to the final changes, which is very good. We got here much quicker than I thought we would."
I grinned.
"I've made some notes on this copy, so I'd advise you take this back with you and look them over."
I took the pages from her hand, "I truly can't thank you enough for all that you've done for me."
"It's been my pleasure," she replied. "Your research has been very interesting."
I looked down at the paper, ignoring how nervous she made me.
"If everything goes well, this work will help you get a lot of respect. I'm happy to be-"
I quickly leaned up and pressed my lips to hers. I leaned back quickly. I didn't have to answer any questions later because there was a knock at the door.
"I'll let you know when I get a chance to go over the notes you left," I muttered before quickly walking out.
I brushed by whoever was on the other side of the door.
As I sat in my car, trying to calm my breathing, I facepalmed.
I don't know which made me feel more stupid, kissing her so awkwardly or that I ran away so fast.
Masterlist (Includes links to All Writing Challenges)
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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honeygrahambitch · 1 year
I appreciate the fact that Alana was never an "I can fix him" type of woman. She was more like "He is too damaged for me to fix" and that is sad for Will but good for her. Must be nice. While Hannibal is like "i love him as damaged as he is, he doesn't need fixing, he is my perfect boo"
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ms-masago · 1 year
I love season two of Hannibal because you can see the exact moment Will stops being prey and starts being the predator
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klazje · 20 days
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the powers of tumblr
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captaincanklezzz · 2 months
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uh oh, it’s a depressed and slightly psychotic lesbian! Abigail Hobbs put me through the mental ringer, let me just say.
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Don't Blame Me (Smut)
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Summary: if there's one thing that makes Hannibal Lecter lose control, is rudeness.
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter x reader, past Alana Bloom x reader (mentioned)
Warnings: Smut!
English is not my first language, if you see any mistake, let me know! It came out a little different than the ask cause I just don't see Hannibal losing his shit like that hahahahah I hope you like it anyway, anon!
Word Count: 2277
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It's common knowledge that one must never miss a Lecter soiree. 
Always one of the most expected events of the year, I was lucky and even grateful to be invited. I've known Hannibal since the years on Hopkins, he'd always been Alana's interesting acquaintance, one I never thought I'd catch the attention of. 
Turns out we have more interests in common than I originally thought. He's a skilled artist, so am I. We both enjoy opera, and love to play instruments, mine being mostly flute and oboe. I could still hear the angelic sound of the harpsichord being played half an hour earlier. Impressive how his fingers glided through the keys, how effortlessly he recorded complex tunes to entertain his guests.
"I missed the days that sparkle in your eyes were directed to me" Alana's jest ringed in my ears, making me jump a little. She chuckled. "Look at you all jumpy. Relax, Y/n. He didn't catch you staring."
"Shut up, Lana" I shoved her playfully, sipping the red wine. "Do not get me started on Will Graham and those puppy eyes. He's staring right now, you know. You should give the poor man a chance."
"Okay, I got it. I won't meddle in your affairs anymore."
"There is no affair." I wish there was, I thought to myself, taking another sip of the wine while I eyed Hannibal from afar, talking to an older woman dressed like a peacock. "I…"
"I noticed your glass is nearly empty, so I fetched you another one" a familiar voice came from behind me, and the glass was abruptly removed from my hand and replaced with a fuller one. I contained my desire to roll my eyes once I saw who the intruder was.
"Frederick. Were you also invited or just crashed the party to feast on good things for once?" I teased, narrowing my eyes while looking at the director of the general administrator for Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. 
"My dear Y/n, I wouldn't dream of it. Of course I was invited. Moreover, I would avoid all this meat if I were you. You never know the provenance, if you know what I mean." He lowered his voice, coming closer and almost whispering in my ear. I could not help to actually roll my eyes this time, turning to face him. "I am, after all, restrained to low protein meat, that is."
"You still believe that silly theory that Hannibal is the Chesapeake Ripper? Please, Chilton. I never deemed you to be clever, but this is plain stupidity." I allowed the alcohol to make me more straightforward, chuckling on my words.
"Sticks and stones, little Y/n. Sticks and stones." Chilton teased, stepping away and going to bother someone else with his presence.
"For god's sake, the man is a burden" I whispered to Alana, who cracked at the comment.
"He has always been like this, you know that. I don't fathom why you always allow him to get under your skin."
"I've known Frederick for longer than you, Lana. Believe me, if you give that man a hand, he will most certainly grab your arm, shoulder and everything else you have to offer. Now, if you excuse me, I shall mingle a little bit more before the dinner actually begins. His interaction gave me a sour taste on my tongue."
I clicked my glass to Alana's, walking around the room and chatting to some people. Uninteresting conversations filled my ears and fake smiles made my lips start to tire out, but as soon as Hannibal's chocolate eyes were on me, I felt my entire demeanour change. 
An idea occurred to me as I walked straight to the balcony, hoping he would join me. The night breeze engulfed me and I realized how trapped I was feeling inside that house, with those judgy stares and meaningless conversations. My wine glass remained untouched as I placed it on the strong wood porch, contemplating the cloudless sky.
"Tired of the good old socialization already?" I grunted when I realized that was not the voice I longed to hear, turning back to face Frederick.
"Careful, Chilton. One might say you are stalking me. As far as I remember, that's still a crime." I crossed my arms to show how much I unappreciated his presence, stepping away until my back was against the balcony.
"Come now, what have I done to deserve so much animosity? We used to be colleagues, friends if I dare to be so bold."
"An old dog with difficulty dropping the dry bone he was once given. Are you really that starved, Frederick? That's pitiful." I was aware of how indelicate I was getting, but he was starting to bother me immensely. "If there's one thing you are not, it's bold. Arrogant and extremely annoying, yes. Can't stand to hear a loud no? That checks, too. One must always let go of the past if we wish to evolve. God knows I have."
He dismissed everything I said with a slight wave of his hand, getting closer. I could smell the faint scent of whiskey, imagining that, after the loss of some of his organs, he probably would get drunk much easier. He tried to reach me with his free hand, but awkwardly dropped my glass, causing it to crash a few meters down. 
We were alone and a little far from the other guests. The balcony's door was closed shut. I felt my hands start to tremble a bit, and realized I had to get out of there before things could get out of hand.
"Seriously, Frederick?" I snarled, rolling my eyes. "Playtime is over. Let me through, I'm getting out of here."
"Y/n, I…" he held my wrist with considerable strength, making me gasp. I tried to pull away but he was strong, and before I could snap and finally throw the punch he deserved, a low, deep voice echoed.
"I believe you heard the lady clearly, Dr. Chilton." There was a different gleam in Hannibal's eyes, and I wasn't the only one to notice. Frederick turned paler, letting go of my wrist with haste. "I think you should go. You've had too much wine, I see."
He hesitated, but agreed with a nod, leaving the balcony without looking back. Hannibal stared at him through his shoulder darkly and I released the breath I was holding, my knees would have given out if Hannibal had not held me discreetly, supporting my weight with an arm around my waist.
"Are you okay, Y/n?" He inquired, one hand lifting my face so I could look at him. I was so embarrassed. "Do you need a place to rest?"
"Not at all, Hannibal. Do not worry about me, it was just a fright and the wine. I cannot steal the host of his guests."
"Nonsense. Come, I will take you to the guest bedroom. We can enter through the kitchen, so no one will see your state. Please" he pointed to the other door, showing that there was no space to argue, and I just surrendered, allowing him to guide me through the vast kitchen filled with employees working to the elegant guest bedroom, shutting the door behind us. 
I sat on the comfortable mattress, appreciating the shades of cream and white, and the beautiful vintage-like furniture that seemed to complement the place perfectly. I realized then that Hannibal had fallen silent, and I stared at him with worry. He had turned his back to me, leaning on the dresser, breathing a little heavier.
"Hannibal?" I called, getting up and walking towards him, reaching out with my hand on his shoulder. His face was impassive, but he had that same look in his eyes again, something ancient and darker that wides his pupils and pierces his lips tightly.  I allow myself to reach deeper, caressing his strong arm and feeling the muscles tense under his suit. "What is it?"
"He dared to touch you like that" he pointed in a cold tone. "Like you are someone else's property."
My eyes softened as I felt some butterflies in my stomach, and I took the liberty to grab his chin, kissing his cheek tenderly in appreciation.
"Forget about Frederick, he is immature and arrogant. I will call him tomorrow to address this matter."
He still had that predatorial look in his eyes that gave me shivers, though not the way it should. Something in being that much protected by him made me feel dear and precious like an exotic pearl. 
He would not give in, and I felt bold enough to once more kiss his handsome face, this time on his jawline, near his left ear. That caught his attention, and he towered over me, cradling my face with his enormous hands, making my eyes tremble with the feeling of electricity that flowed through my veins. With no hesitation, his lips crashed against mine, and I moaned into his mouth, the hunger for him making my loins combust. 
"I have wanted this for so long…" I murmured against his neck, his fancy perfume invading my nostrils. He smelled so good. 
"As did I, Y/n. You have been in my thoughts a great deal lately" he confessed, making me blush. Impostor syndrome trying to kick in, I avoid the self-degrading thoughts as I delight in his open mouthed kisses in my skin, gasping in pleasure when he lightly bites my shoulder, enjoying it more than I ever thought I would.
"Your guests…" I tried to be reasonable, a dirty smile playing on my lips.
"The dinner will take a little while longer, I'm afraid" he whispered in my ear, nibbling on the lobe with a mischievous deep chuckle. He lifted my dress to my waist, since we didn't really have that much time to spare, and I got rid of my panties, almost tripping on them with my heels and the rush. 
His hand went to my core, testing how wet I was, and he smiled with how soaked I felt. A loud moan echoed through the room and he removed his hand at once, lifting one finger at me as he would chastise a child. I frowned with frustration, lifting my chin to face him.
"We are not supposed to be too loud, Y/n. You do not want the guests to hear us, do you? Imagine the scandal" that made me laugh with pure bliss, nodding in agreement. "Are you going to be a good girl?"
Oh, fuck. Is this really happening?
"Yes. Yes, I will" I agreed in haste, and he effortlessly lifted me up, sitting me on the dresser and starting to unzip his pants. I tried to control my breathing and anticipation, pleasuring myself with the vision of his hard cock, precum glistening at the tip. He massaged it with his hand for a few seconds before he towered over me, holding my hips in place while he entered me so painfully slowly I nearly sobbed.
To avoid the loud moans, I bit my left fist, suppressing the sounds as my insides clenched to accommodate him. A joyful smile illustrated his lips, his hair falling over his eyes due to the sweat, and he looked like a Greek statue. I could not avoid the mesmerized stare, melting in admiration, as he leaned to cover my lips with his own one more time, his tongue exploring my mouth like he was famished. Still slowly, he started to move his hips, almost both torturing and indulging me at the same time. I entangled my legs around him, pulling him closer to the point one could swear we were one. He moaned my name, followed by an almost savage growl that sent vibrations through my entire body and, for a while, I regretted how little time we had. He seemed to sense that, rushing his movements until the dresser started to hit the wall and, for a moment, I was certain everyone outside could hear us. 
So much for discretion, I thought, grabbing his broad shoulders while he inserted himself deeper and deeper inside of me. His thumb began to stimulate my clit and, sensing I would begin to cry out at any moment, Hannibal silenced me with his lips, allowing me to moan against his mouth as I felt the tension start to build up in my lower abdomen.
I felt him pull out his cock, replacing it with his skilled fingers, finishing on my thighs. I followed him right after, covering my mouth until my moans were unsteady breaths. 
I hadn't even realized Hannibal had left until he came back from the suite with a hot towel, starting to clean me up. I thanked him with a sweet kiss, doing my best to fix his clothes and hair. We both knew it wouldn't do any good, but he enjoyed my caresses and how I took care of him as well. He took one of my hands — the one Chilton grabbed like a brute earlier — and kissed my wrist, right where small purple bruises began to form. 
"We should go back. Who is going to serve dinner? We're being unforgivably selfish" I taunted, chuckling lightly.
"Perhaps you should be my dinner, then" he jested, and I openly laughed, shoving him playfully.
"Later. If you'll have me, that is." I lifted my eyebrows with expectation, staring at his brown irises.
"It would be my pleasure, Y/n" with a last kiss, he went to the bathroom suite to fix his appearance, leaving me with a silly smile and a warm feeling in my chest.
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stripydottycat · 18 days
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Hannibal & Alana, post coital
Hannibal seemed to enjoy himself
Alana was….underwhelmed
To her surprise, Hannibal is not great in bed
He farts in bed (all that protein)
He snores
His teeth catch on sensitive skin in a bad way
He has a TERRIBLE O face - she’s finding it hard to look him in the eye
2/10, would not recommend
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Season 4 "Everything you ever wished for" HANNIBAL
Requests official OPEN!!
Comm sheet👇 IT'S FREE!!!!!!
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Been copying and pasting my 140 notes with fic ideas from my old phone to my new phone and realized I had so many unhinged ideas that I’ll probably never write (never say never) but somebody should lol
So here’s some ideas from my sleep deprived brain over the years:
Hannigram Killing Stalking AU
Mindhunter crew interviewing Hannibal in prison.
Will Graham being nominated by Queer Eye by Alana.
Hannibal being the millionaire from Indecent Proposal propositioning Will to sleep with him for money but the twist is that they actually stay together in the end.
Hannibal and Alana are married and Will and Margot are married, after years of a loveless marriage or a convenient one they decide to swing and exchange partners for the night.
And honestly there’s much more from where that came from.
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moshuwu · 1 month
Chapter 5 is shaping up to be longer than the previous ones! I promised you a dinner party and by god will you have a dinner party! And as a treat, here's how the party is going so far: Hannibal: Trying SO hard to not kiss Will right then and there Will: Oh god why are there so many forks???? what are all these forks for???? Bedelia: Ohhhh so THIS is the homosexual that Hannibal is being annoying about Alana:
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kebosadlife · 14 days
I made a hannigram Fic. I have really good ideas for this Fic so please stay tuned
Hannibal is in the bshci And his life is fucking hell.
Alana comes in to tell him things going on in the world. Chilton takes everything from him including his drawings of will. He has a Gard watching his every move in this glass cell. But his world really comes crashing down when Alana tells him that will is getting married.
Will feels like he's on cloud nine he’s getting married and he’s gonna have a step son his life has never been better. No murders. No dead bodies. And best of all no cannibal psychopath that killed his daughter. He’s never told molly about his and Hannibal’s relationship all she knows is will helped put him where he is today. She also didn’t know will had a secret box with Hannibal’s things in it but why would she need to know that it’s not important. It’s not like Will keeps the box a secret he just never brings it up. But shit starts to go sideways when Jack tells will he needs him back on a case.
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bi-bard · 2 years
Harry Styles Songs that Would Describe Relationships with the Murder Wives - Hannibal Preference (NBC's Hannibal)
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Title: Harry Styles Songs that Would Describe Relationships with the Murder Wives
Characters: Alana Bloom, Margot Verger
Word Count: 2,755 words
Warning(s): (Alana's) my poor attempts of flirting, references to sex & Will's arrest, (Margot's) mentions of abuse (and Mason), mention of a break-up
Author's Note: Honestly... I didn't want to make another one for Will and Hannibal. I'd probably pick Alana or Margot over either one of them anyway.
**Not in chronological order
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Alana Bloom:
She's got a book for every situation Gets into parties without invitations How could you ever turn her down?
Going to Hannibal's party was the best and worst idea that I've ever had. Worst because I ended up tangled in a world of bullshit that I should've avoided like the plague. Best because Dr. Alana Bloom. She definitely made up for the worst side of the argument.
She caught my eye as soon as I walked in. She was the definition of gorgeous. I wanted to know all about her as soon as I could.
I spent a while playing a careful game. I would sneak a few looks before turning away. I didn't move toward her until I caught her looking at me. I smirked at her before walking toward a mostly empty corner of the room, leaning against the wall as I waited for her.
"Hello," I said as she walked over. I stood up straight and held out a hand to her. "(Y/n)."
"Alana... Bloom," she replied. "I'm a psychology professor."
"So... Dr. Alana Bloom," I asked. She chuckled before nodding. "Can't say that I have the same honor. I'm just an artist."
"I don't believe 'just' belongs in that sentence," she glanced at her drinks for a moment. "What science and psychology cannot fully understand of the human mind can be found in the art we create."
"And yet, I don't get some fancy title," I joked. She chuckled. "Do you have any interest in art?"
"I can't say that I'm any form of expert," she replied. "I'd like to know more."
I bit the inside of my cheek for a second. "I would be happy to teach someone like you. We could start with my own work. I'm working on a new set."
"Free promotion?"
"Oh, maybe," I said sarcastically before chuckling. "Maybe I could tell you more about it later?"
"I'd like that."
I grinned. "I'll talk to you later, Dr. Bloom."
I didn't see her for a while after that. I had stepped away into a quiet separate room. I was just clearing my head when she walked in. She grinned at me.
"Come looking for that information," I asked, half-joking as I stood up.
"Yeah," she nodded. "If you don't mind sharing."
"Of course," I stepped closer to her slowly, begging to whatever entity ran the universe that I wasn't wrong. "My hope is to find the perfect balance between the world and people. How the two meet and mix. Or, should mix."
"Statement on the climate?"
"In part," I nodded, taking another step forward. "What about you, Dr. Bloom? What do you work on?"
"I... I teach more than anything," she shrugged. "I've been doing guest lectures at the F.B.I."
"You teach the good guys how to catch the bad guys?"
"At times," she nodded.
There was a pause between us.
"I hope I'm not over-stepping, but you are beautiful," I complimented.
"Thank you," she replied, slightly awkwardly. "You... You are too. I... I was honestly looking at you for most of the night."
"So was I," I mumbled, moving forward yet again.
When she didn't step away, I leaned in slowly and pressed my lips to hers. She froze up for a moment before slowly kissing me back. I hummed against her lips.
My hands fell to her sides, pulling her as close to me as I could. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I gasped lightly when she walked me back toward a wall. I smirked into the kiss, gripping onto her a little tighter.
It took everything in my power to keep from moving down to kiss the skin of her neck. I was so wrapped up in the moment, that was the only thing keeping me from losing my head.
I don't know how long we spent in that same spot, just kissing each other. I just knew that I liked it. I really, really liked it.
I chuckled as I pulled away from the kiss, my forehead resting on hers. Her face was red, and she was trying to even out her breathing.
"It was nice to meet you, Dr. Alana Bloom," I said. "Let me know if you ever want to see that collection that I told you about."
"You too," she muttered.
I stepped away, made sure I looked presentable, and walked back into the main room of the party. As I did, I spotted Hannibal on the other side of the room. He was almost glaring at me. I grinned sarcastically at him, waving a little bit. He forced a grin, nodding at me once before turning back to who he had been talking to.
This was going to be fun.
Sweet Creature
Sweet creature, sweet creature Wherever I go, you bring me home Sweet creature, sweet creature When I run out of road, you bring me home
The mornings with Alana were always soft.
It was almost like our brains did a reset after being together for the night. We would lay in this glow together for as long as we could. It was a brief moment of escape from whatever was happening in the world around us. Neither one of us ever wanted to leave.
She had become a grounding source for me. No matter what I experienced during the day, I would be pulled back to Earth as soon as I found my place in Alana's arms again. She was my path home.
It was one of those mornings that I felt something was different. The moment I woke up, I knew what it was. I had fallen in love with her.
We were laying under her covers together. I was running my thumb along her cheekbone, grinning at her. Her eyes fluttered shut for a moment before she smiled back at me.
She was glowing. Intoxicating, fascinating, enchanting, entrancing. Any word you can use to say beautiful in every sense of the word. She made me feel weak in all of the best ways.
I never wanted to lose that.
"You're so beautiful," I whispered, kissing her gently.
Alana hummed against my lips, shifting to almost lay on top of me. I moved one hand to her hair and the other laying on her back. She slowly pulled back, grinning down at me.
I grinned, my eyes scanning every part of her face. I was taking note of every detail. Every piece that I wanted to memorize. I wanted to keep them imprinted on the back of my eyelids.
"Can I... Can I say something," I asked. "It might be kind of stupid."
"Alana... I... I love you," I mumbled like I could change the impact of the words if I just said them a little lighter.
Her mouth opened and closed a few times, clearly shocked.
"I'm sorry-"
"That was not a stupid thing to say," she cut me off. "I love you too."
I leaned up and kissed her again, holding onto her a little tighter as I did. She kissed me back slowly, grinning against my lips. I pulled back a little, nudging her nose with mine.
I could get used to this.
Late Night Talking
We've been doing all this late night talking 'Bout anything you want until the morning Now you're in my life I can't get you off my mind
After our first meeting at the party, Alana and I started an... interesting relationship. Not quite a couple, but exclusive. It was a little more casual. More nights together than actual dates. I didn't mind it. It was fun. We were both enjoying ourselves.
It was maybe five in the morning after one of our nights when I found Alana had moved to stand on my patio.
She had my robe wrapped around her. She was staring out at the sky, watching it change colors as she waited for me to wake up. I pulled on some underwear and my shirt before starting to take close steps toward her.
"You look like royalty," I said as I got to the door.
"I doubt that," she replied. "I have a bird's nest sitting on my head and my make-up from yesterday is smudged."
"Well, that can still mean you look like royalty," I wrapped my arms around her, my chin resting on her shoulder.
"Oh, and what are you? A loyal subject?"
"Whenever you want me to be," I chuckled, kissing her shoulder.
There was a long pause between us. Alana had one hand tracing my arm. I let out a quiet sigh, relaxing into her further.
I was getting to the point that I couldn't picture being without her for a long period of time. All I wanted was her. Close to me. In any way that I could have her.
"What's on your mind," I asked after a while. She hummed. "You seem lost in thought."
"It's... It's Will," she mumbled. "I'm still worrying about him."
"Do you think he's innocent?"
"I... I don't know," she ran a hand over her face. "You shouldn't have to listen to any of this. It's not your job to worry about it."
"I'm worried because I care about you," I replied. "Anything you want to talk about, we can talk about it. It's all up to you."
"Because I'm your royalty," she joked.
"Of course, your majesty," I chuckled dramatically. "Now, what would you like to talk about?"
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Margot Verger:
You can let it go You can throw a party full of everyone you know And not invite your family 'Cause they never showed you love You don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up
It was rare for Margot and me to feel safe staying the night together. However, on the rare occasion that Mason had to go finish some deal, we had the night to ourselves.
We wouldn't usually sleep much. We wanted to savor any time that we had together.
It was late. We were laying together in Margot's bed. She was laying on her front, cheek resting on her arm as she looked at me. I was laying on my side, barely letting my fingertips brush against her skin. We had been whispering to each other under the covers when my finger brushed one of her scars.
She tensed. So did I.
"Sorry," I mumbled before leaning forward to kiss her gently. "You're beautiful."
She closed her eyes for a moment before sighing. She didn't believe me.
I carefully pushed the covers off of her back. I followed it down. I let my lips brush every scar that I could find. Margot hummed, relaxing with each kiss.
Once I reached the last scar, I moved back up. My lips traced her spine up to her ear.
"We should just run," I mumbled, moving to kiss her neck.
"You know that's not an option."
"It is," I replied. "I have enough money for us to be comfortable. We can run and never look back. Leave behind your brother and this place..."
She sighed.
"I can love you properly," I continued. "Not in secret. I can love you outside of these four walls."
She hummed as I moved to press my lips to hers. One of her hands moved to my side, pulling me closer to her.
"Please," I begged.
She frowned at me. "I'll think about it. I... I don't want to let my brother be able to follow us."
I nodded.
"I... I love you," she promised. "I really do. This is just... messy."
I pecked her forehead. "I love you too."
What am I now? What am I now? What if you're someone I just want around? I'm falling again
I hadn't been expecting to see Margot after she told me to leave. I wanted to support her, but I could only do so much when she cut me off.
But here she was, standing on my doorstep.
"Margot," I asked. "What are you doing here?"
"I... I wanted to see you," she replied. "M-Mason's gone."
"Oh," I furrowed my eyebrows.
"He's dead."
"Oh," my eyes went wide.
I moved to the side and let her walk inside. I closed the door behind her and offered her a drink. She nodded, sitting on the couch while I got her a glass.
"I only told you to go because of him."
I nodded and handed her the drink. "I know."
"We're safe now," she continued.
"We can be happy together now. Truly happy. Free. It's what you wanted-"
"Margot, please," I closed my eyes for a moment. "I wanted to support you. Be there for you. You sent me away."
"For your safety."
"You don't get to make that decision on your own," I said. "There are two people in that dynamic. I knew any potential risk. I deserved to be part of that discussion, Margot."
She looked down at her drink.
"I loved you," I continued. "I still love you. You are the best thing I've ever had. You sending me away hurt. If you truly thought I was in danger, then you should've talked to me. Don't just throw me out."
"I'm sorry," she muttered. "You're right and I'm sorry."
I closed my eyes and looked away again. "I know you were scared. That's why I wanted to stay."
She nodded.
There was a long pause between. Nothing less to say about the situation. What else was there? I felt like an asshole, but I wanted to support her. I wanted to support her, and she stopped me.
"What do we do now," she asked quietly.
"I... I don't know," I replied.
"I still love you."
"I know," I nodded. "I do too."
With both took a deep breath at the same time before looking at each other.
This was going to be one of the longest nights of our lives.
Adore You
Oh honey I'd walk through fire for you Just let me adore you Like it's the only thing I'll ever do
My family was old friends with the Verger family.
Well, more business partners than anything. We didn't see them much outside of a professional setting. Meetings or professional dinners or parties. There was a very clear boundary.
After their father passed, my dad felt the need to discuss the future with Mason, who took over after his father passed. I didn't care about any of that. I only tagged along in the hopes of seeing Margot.
The two were gone discussing their business when I walked to Margot's room. She was staring out the window, a sling on her arm.
I had always been more drawn to Margot than her brother. It was like she had her own gravitational pull and I got caught in it.
To put it simply, she was perfect to me.
"I heard about what happened," I said, getting her attention. She looked at me for a moment before looking out the window again.
I shut the door behind me and walked over. I sat next to her, trying to see what she saw. When I couldn't, I looked over at her.
"I think he deserved it," I added. "Mason's an ass."
"You've always been very blunt about him."
"He deserves it."
Margot looked at me. I grinned at her. My eyes fell to her arm.
"I'm fine," she insisted.
"He treats you terribly," I muttered.
I felt my brain filling with every way I could get him to pay. Every way that I could stop him. But any of those would screw Margot over financially. All I could do was sit with my rage.
"I care about you, Margot," I continued. "Deeply."
I moved forward, reaching over to grab the hand of her unharmed arm. She looked down at them.
"I would do anything you asked," my voice dropped down to a whisper. "No matter what it was. If you asked, I would say yes."
"Anything," she asked.
I nodded. "Absolutely anything."
I closed the distance between us and kissed her gently. It was only a matter of moments before I leaned back again. She didn't move much, studying each part of my face.
"I just want to protect you, Margot."
After that, I stood up and started walking out the door.
"I want to protect you too," she called when I reached the door. I stopped for a moment and grinned.
"I'll see you soon, Margot."
She made anything that could happen worth it.
Masterlist (Includes links to All Writing Challenges)
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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honeygrahambitch · 8 months
"He hasn't touched his food in three days. Must be some sort of trap. He's manipulating us. And he is succeeding, since we are still talking about him." Chilton said as he followed Alana down the corridor.
"And do you, Frederick, believe that it's like him to not touch his food? Manipulate us into what? Into feeling sorry? He isn't exactly the type to need pity."
"Who knows what's going through that sick mind of his? And pity is the last thing I could feel about him. In fact, I do hope he will starve himself to death."
Alana rolled her eyes to Chilton's theatrical intonation. "I have heard it's not only the food, he hasn't been drawing or reading like he used to."
"Ah. Yes. Indeed. Nor has he been chatty either. God bless." He murmured gratefully. He was happy to take a break from Hannibal's continuous roasting.
"Before I get to talk to him, is there anything I need to know?" Alana asked, having a deep feeling that something else was the matter.
She had been away for a week, left the whole institute in Chilton's hands and for some reason, he broke Hannibal. Not that she felt sorry about the man who had promised to hunt down her whole family, but she had a professional curiosity about what could have saddened him that much.
"No. I don't even believe you should talk to him. It's not our fault that he was affected-" he stopped himself before it was to late.
"Affected by what, Frederick?" Alana asked and sighed deeply.
"I must have accidentally mentioned a little detail, but let's be serious, it feels good to see him this way. I am even surprised he is showing it."
"I don't have time for this, what did you say? I need to know where to start from when I see him."
"I might have told him that Will Graham got married last weekend."
Silence. Alana sighed again.
"Of course. Will Graham is the only person who has some sort of control over his behavior."
"I wouldn't exactly say so-"
"He is the reason Hannibal is locked up in here, Frederick. And you, you wanted to torture him a little bit."
"Can you blame me, Alana? Tell me, are you sorry for him?"
"No. Not at all. Serves him well. In the future however don't intervene in my patients' therapy without my permission. You were very much aware of how the news would hit him. He is not your patient."
"Oh, I get it, forgive me, you wanted to give him the news and I took that from you."
Alana stopped and sighed for the third time. "Maybe. At the same time, let's not endanger Will's new family."
"You think he can do anything while he is locked up in here?"
"I think you've had your share of patients who controlled a lot of things from inside their cell. Will Graham being one of them."
"Alright, alright, we are no longer talking to him about Will's life."
"And the other way around. Make sure Will doesn't hear about Hannibal's current condition. It's hard to predict what either of them can do when it comes to the other."
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Fandom: Hannibal
Sample Size: 31,867 stories
Source: AO3
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‘Ello! I’m at the beginning of a long fic project: writing season four, in prose, inspired by how the cast and crew say a season four would go. It will be in thirteen installments, structured to feel as episodic as the thirteen parts of each season.
This means it won’t just follow Will and Hannibal. We’ll see other characters returning too. There will also be A LOT of mind palace stuff. The pasts of these characters, the before yous, and after yous will both be included.
Anyway, since I’m at the beginning of outlining I wanted to see what people in the fandom would really want to see included or avoided in this fic. Are their questions you want answers to? Characters you want to see again? Ways in which you think Molly and Walter should be included or left alone, ways Alana and Margot can be honored (since there’s a lot of misogyny against Alana in the fandom), or ways you want Abigail to be incorporated?
Mathew Brown will be in this fic, though if you’re a Brownham fan, don’t get your hopes up too too high. And call backs to imagery, dream sequences, and moments from the books and show will be incorporated but I think it will be more fun to write (therefore giving me more motivation) if it involves more interaction.
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remediesremedy · 11 months
Bonjour its the maybe French Anon again!
I saw that you write for Hannibal....Kinda new to requesting stufd but...
May I request a scenario/headcanons for Hannibal and Will where they react to their gn s/o being reckless? Like they trip easily, do random dangerous things, they worry the living devil out of Will and Hannibal and overal live life on the edge.
Seperate or poly is up to you!
Thank you for your time in advance regardless if you are gonna do this request or not.
Happy Pride btw! 🏳️‍🌈
- the maybe "french" Anon
hello maybe french anon, sorry for taking so long but you know how writing can be LMAO
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i’d like to apologise for my absence, these past couple of weeks it’s like i’ve been just breathing, everything else is too taxing. but i wanted to put out some writing, im always seeing my messages and my inbox, so know that i do see you and hopefully i’ll get to you one of these days <3 much love
i’m thinking that they don’t mean to be reckless, they’re just simply not as aware when walking through door frames or up steps, way too focused on every other little detail apart from how they move. their legs are clunky and balance is always off at the most inconvenient of times.
while most of their injuries had not been severe, there were instances where serious medical was needed just for being reckless and not paying attention.
let’s imagine hannibal is in a therapy session, advising a patient when his phone buzzes. He only has bypassed notifications for his significant other, so instantly his hands itch to check the message. He knows you well enough you wouldn’t alert him to anything if it wasn’t serious. Begrudgingly he continues the session, hoping the text was an accident on your part. except when he checks it, he realises it was far from it.
“won’t be home tonight. i fell down the stairs, in hospital but i’m okay!!”
he tenses up immediately, not appreciating your little text of “i’m okay!!” since you were in literal hospice care. He gets to the hospital and arrives at your room, an emotion similar to horror once he sees the bandages around your head, arms and hands.
Now because this man practiced medicine, he’s fussing over you immediately, checking if the bandages are tight enough, examining your fingers that are fractured and/or broken. he can’t help the tuts that fall from his mouth as he moves to gently cradle the back of your head while pressing his lips softly to the bridge of your nose. “reckless my love, so reckless.” he sighs and places his other hand on your jaw endearingly, caressing his thumb over your bruised flesh. “what am i to do with you?”
after making sure to disinfect the seat next to your bed (yes he brought his own disinfectant), he stays the night, uncomfortably curled into a hospital chair. He falls asleep imagining the beat of your heart against his ear.
when you’re back home and on the journey to healing, Hannibal takes the time to start making his home more safe, for someone who is so reckless. he adds railing to hold onto by the stairs, he makes sure to put down a rug at the bottom of the stairs in case you fall again. He rounds the edges of tables and countertops, he gets you more durable clothes so that they take the impact more if you hurt yourself.
he makes you meals and makes you take antibiotics at the same exact times every day. He declines any patients while you are still vulnerable, you are his exception. He couldn’t care less for many people, but for you, his heart seized every time you even coughed or cried or moaned in pain. He was a sinner and you were his temple of forgiveness, he polished and worshipped you, loving every chip and dent you adorned.
he did although hope one day you would be a little less reckless.
Will Graham
this man is incredibly observant so you being reckless from clumsiness or lack of balance wouldn’t be as common. what i can see happening is that maybe you, will’s significant other is an adrenaline junkie.
for whatever reason, possibly varying from how dangerous Will’s job is or you’re a humble person and never got the chance to do stupid reckless things. it’s almost like your addicted to it, you can see why your partner began to like solving murders and piecing together crimes. It was exciting, being in possible danger yet smart enough to jump out of the water before you got bit.
i can imagine them believing Will when it came to accusing hannibal. So when their significant other ends up in a mental ward, soon to be sentenced to death, they do what they can to prove his innocence.
warnings for graphic description of injury here, i hope you’re not too surprised, it is hannibal after all. You sneaking into hannibal’s home, entirely replacing beverly in this situation, by some insane strokes of luck, you manage to find evidence. He has a secret basement, a strange fridge in the corner piled with cooled meat, your stomach sinks when you realise the amount of people he must have eaten. With a frantic heart and a mind yelling at you that this was for your partner, you trudged forward, finding something that was never meant to be found. Abigail.
now for the sake of the prompt. you don’t end up dead. Hannibal does find and catch you in the basement, his hands wrap around your throat and your vision becomes scarce until you have none at all. By the morning, the damage had been done, you are in a strange bed and Hannibal is peering at you through the doorway. You go to speak but nothing comes out, nothing apart from an airy wheeze.
“i have permanently damaged your voice box.” his voice is cool, his steely eyes bore into tears with a lack of any feeling. “if you try to communicate in any way about what you saw.” he blinked, stepping forward, “i will let Will Graham get sentenced to death, and you’ll follow along with him shortly.”
tears ran down your face freely, a never ending pour, this wasn’t what was meant to happen. not now. not ever. a lost voice and soon to be a lost husband too.
“i will save him.” His words cut through the air sharply. “And you will never tell him.”
for him. your mind yelled a dying symphony, deafening noise diminished to a whisper. you had come all this way for him. you couldn’t fail him now. you wouldn’t.
so we come to the scenario where Will gets out, he fails to hide his grief. Realising he may never hear you speak, or that it may be years until the damage could repair, it had his heart clenching. He knows, he knows without you even saying anything that it is hannibal who has done this to you. his waterline fills with tears as his calloused fingers cup your face ever so delicately, he does not even attempt to turn hannibal in, he simply coddles you, hoping for the day he can hear your voice again. And dealing with the guilt that gnaws at him, pulling him apart until he is bare.
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