#alfred one shot
nat-ter · 3 months
Bruce had never met Superman face to face but he still hated the alien and thought of him as a threat and he was convinced his boys did too— except his kids are traitors. They each met Superman individually and found him really friendly and nice. At first, they were all hiding the fact that they were friends with Superman from each other, and especially from Bruce. So while Bruce was obsessed with coming up with contingency plan after contingency plan to take down Superman— even though he didn't try to kill the alien yet since Superman was still doing good for the people and Bruce couldn't just attack someone who hadn't done any wrong yet— the kids were making excuses to go meet Superman in secret and Bruce just went on oblivious to the fact that his kids are backstabbing demons.
Of course they lied to Superman too, about Batman's opinions of the Man of Steel, and the various plans he had made to kill said man. They always came up with reason after reason why Superman shouldn't or couldn't meet Batman, sometimes it's getting so ridiculous they were sure even Superman would call their buff. But sweet, ol' Kal never did.
Eventually, they found out that none of them held a grudge against Superman like Batman did, so they all teamed up together and cover for each other whenever one of them spend time with Superman, or cover the fact that Superman came to Gotham one too many time than he should. And it was the one thing that all of them could work together on without fighting or insulting each other. At one point, to keep their secret friendship with Superman, Dick even went so far to wear Batman's costume and meet Superman as Batman because Superman had wanted to meet Batman really bad and they were running dry on why Batman couldn't make time to meet the neighboring hero, and it wasn't like they could just ask Bruce to meet him considering the large collection of Kryptonite in the Cave. And they didn't exactly want their mentor to find out they had went behind his back and formed a friendship with who he swore was his mortal enemy (B's dramatic like that).
They tried to broach the subject of partnership with Superman to Bruce once in a while, of course, but every single time they were either shot down immediately and called ridiculous for even thinking about it or they had to sit through a dramatic monologue about how Superman couldn't be trusted and why they should stay away from him.
But Superman could fly and had superspeed so of course they couldn't stop him if he were to randomly come to Gotham and speak with Batman as if they were friends. Which was what exactly happened. Dick, as Batman, had warned Superman to never, ever come to Gotham without prior notice and to make sure no one notice his presence while he was in the city ("but you can totally see my kids. I'm cool with that." "Oh? Thanks, Batman. But... you know you sound younger than I thought you would." "Uh... yeah, I. Ehem. I'm very in touch with the modern lingo."), and Superman had readily agreed citing about respecting each other's boundaries and all, so the kids thought they were in the clear. But of course, there would be an emergency when even Superman wouldn't have the time to page first before coming right into Batman's turf and ask for his help.
So on a relatively quiet night, Batman was perching on a gargoyle while the newest Robin was scouting out the alleyways for any trouble. And Superman decided to touch down on the roof behind the crouching Batman and said, as if they had met before, as if they were close friends who hang out every once in a while, "Good evening, Batman. It's nice to see you again. Sorry I couldn't page first, and I hope you're not too busy because I have an emergency and I could really use your help."
Batman had gone rigid in a second and through gritted teeth, said, "Superman."
Upon hearing the name through the comm, Damian panicked and immediately sent out an emergency alert to his brothers before grappling to the building where sweet, clueless Superman with his sweet heart was facing the big bad Bat of Gotham who had been stockpiling on kryptonite for years, waiting for the day he would fight Superman. Which was the first mistake.
Because of course Superman, friendly Superman, with heart the size of the Sun, immediately recognised Robin. And of course, clueless Superman with his dumb, harmless 1000 megawatt smile was waving at Robin as if they were friends, as if they knew each other, as if Robin didn't hear Bruce grumbling about each piece written about the good deeds the Superman did every other day.
The others arrived at the scene faster than they would have at any night. Panic stricken and scared shitless of Bruce's wrath. And of course Superman immediately greeted them as soon as they got there.
Batman had merely narrowed his eyes when Superman had waved at Robin, and barked, sharper than he had before, "What the hell are you doing in my city?"
Superman looked taken aback but he was quick to recover. Seems like whatever emergency he got was more prominent than figuring out why his sort-of-not-really-friend was behaving weirdly. "Like I said, I have an emergency and I could really use your help, Batman."
Batman scoffed but with the voice modulator it sounded garbled and hard for the ears. "And what makes you think I would help you?"
Superman blinked. "What do you mean— Why wouldn't you help me?"
"First you encroach into my city without even asking for permission, talking to me as if we are— friends. And then you ask for my help as if I would just drop everything on my plate and follow you. Who do you think—"
But Batman's rant was cut off by the arrival of the other three heroes who stood at the edge of the roof, looking sheepish and guilty, breathing heavily in the quiet night. Superman looked at them, bewildered and surprised to see all the Batfamily in one place but smiling wide nonetheless because he was happy to see his little friends together. It had always been two kids or one. Never three, never all of them and certainly not with Batman in the mix.
"Oh, hey, Red Robin, Nightwing and Red Hood...?" Superman waved awkwardly by the end of his greetings, looking unsure. "Sorry," he said and actually curled in on himself a little as if he's self-conscious. "Are you guys on a big case? I didn't hear anything so I thought you weren't busy. I guess I could try to contact Wonder Woman if you have your hands full."
Superman turned to Batman but Batman was slowly turning his head towards where his kids stood at the edge of the roof. He was eerily silent and motionless making the kids take a step back nervously. Superman watched the scene with a frown, pulling his eyebrows together so tightly they almost meet in the middle. He was starting to detect that something wasn't quite right.
"Explain." Batman barked.
And Superman's face scrunched up even further. Clearly the man was deep in thought. "You know," he said slowly before none of the kids could speak. "Batman. You sound really different than the last time we met. Or any other time, actually. It's as if you're..." he trailed off, staring at Batman's feet, lost in his thoughts again.
"What." Batman shifted slightly. "We've never met before."
"Oh," Superman breathed out, his face going slack. He turned to Nightwing and the young hero immediately stood up straighter. "It was you."
Batman's head snapped towards where Dick was standing with his hands literally clasped behind his back like a soldier. "Nightwing," growled Batman. "Explain."
"Uhh..." said Dick eloquently.
"Red Robin." Bruce barked when Dick fell into silence, unable to come up with a plausible excuse, or to tell the truth.
"Err..." said Tim, swaying a little on his feet. He hadn't had enough sleep or coffee in him to live through the situation.
Batman did not sigh but Bruce Wayne did. A lot. And the kids had a knack of bringing out the dad side in him so Batman sighed through the voice modulator before he could think better. He had always suspected that his kids were up to something but he was so consumed with the thought of the alien— who was now standing in front of him with the world's greatest kicked puppy eyes in the world for some reason— he had stupidly thought whatever shenanigans his sons were up to, he would be able to deal with it later. Of course, he had never thought that his kids were dirty, backstabbing demons.
"Father," Damian finally said, but only because Jason had been signing at him to do so, telling him to use his puppy eyes since it still seemed to work on Bruce. "This is a misunderstanding."
But apparently they were dealing with the full Bat tonight, despite the involuntary sigh, because Batman did not slumped down his shoulders like he always did when Damian turn on his pleading eyes, instead he stood up straight as ever and met Damian's eye straight on. Jason was sure he could hear thunderstorm coming their way.
"A misunderstanding." He repeated flatly.
"Yes." Dick quickly said and Jason gave him a side eye. Dude, he thought, I just convinced the demon child to throw himself under the bus, why are you still talking.
"How is this a misunderstanding." His tone was so flat it didn't even come out as a question.
"I don't understand," Superman said instead, before anyone could reply Batman. He turned to the kids, his face set in disappointment so similar to Bruce's the kids actually flinched back. "You told me Batman was okay with me hanging out with you guys... And he told me— Oh. Nightwing. Right."
Batman's shoulders went impossibly more rigid. "You have been... hanging out."
"Err," said Nightwing, Red Robin and Robin simultaneously. Jason wisely kept his mouth shut. But Bruce's eyes still landed on him. Jason groaned in his head. So much for staying undetected.
"Red Hood," Bruce said slowly, very pointedly. "I thought you hate Superman."
"Yeah, well." Jason shrugged with nonchalance he didn't feel. "Turns out, he's a pretty great guy. So, kudos to him. Yay...?"
"You hated me?" Superman asked, looking dejected. Like someone kicked his dog and Jason knew he had a dog so the expression was even more daunting. And Jason wasn't having any of it, okay. Kal-El had literally given Red Hood his Ma's secret recipe for the perfect cinnamon roll. Which tasted like heaven (sorry Alfred). They had a bond, okay. No way he would let Superman see him as some cynical asshole. No way.
"Not fucking fair. It was the old man who went on and on about how you can't be trusted while making weapons to kill you. So, in my defense, it was hard to like you when all your flaws and possible weaknesses are pointed out in an alphabetical order." He threw a quick glance at the old man he just threw under the bus. Bruce looked unimpressed as ever. "But that was before I met you and found out that you're actually a chill dude. With a mother who's, like, the God of Baking."
"Superman doesn't have a mother!" Batman, honest to god, spluttered.
"Yes, he does." The young heroes said in unison.
"His world is dead. His parents are dead." Batman needlessly emphasised the word 'dead', for which he got four pairs of unimpressed eyes.
"B, have you ever heard of adoption." Dick said, emphasising the last word just to spite Bruce. Because of course Bruce did, if not, three of them wouldn't be there.
"You have Earth parents!" Batman exclaimed quite unlike himself, pointing a finger at Superman as if that's an accusation.
"You want to kill me." Kal whispered, his puppy eyes back on full effect.
Batman shifted uncomfortably. It was one thing to plan ways to kill someone, even if they're alien, it's completely different when said someone you wanted to kill was confronting you about the very thing.
"Yes." Damian reaffirmed. Ever the literal. "Father has been producing a variety of weapons to weaken you, hurt you and eventually kill you with the material called Kryptonite."
"Robin." Tim hissed.
Damian was still a growing child, emotionally and physically. But even he knew that when his any of his brothers said his name like that, it meant he had crossed a line he shouldn't have without realising he did.
"But you have nothing to worry about, Kal." Damian quickly amended. "Should father try to use these weapons under unwarranted circumstances, he will find the stock empty. We have contingency plans for father's contingencies—"
"Damian." It was Dick this time, who quickly moved and put a hand over Robin's mouth. He didn't even realise his mistake, not any of them did, actually.
"What." Batman said. Mostly confused. He couldn't even find it in himself to be furious at the moment. He was just flummoxed.
"Oh. Uh." Superman stammered. "Thank you? That's really nice of you."
An awkward silence befall the rooftop as each hero stood awkwardly where they were, barely breathing, motionless, not knowing what action to take next. Eventually Batman shifted an inch.
Oh no, thought the boys, he's going to go on another rant.
"You went behind my back," Batman started with a dark voice. "I warned you about the danger and you dismissed it. You went and made an alliance with my enemy." Here, Superman let out a protesting noise which could also he offended because, really? Enemy? Batman ignored it. "Not only that, you made plans to go against me. Instead of talking to me, you decided to oppose me. I have trained you and taught you everything you need to know. I take care of you and make sure to meet each of your needs. And this is what I get in return. Betrayal. You did not listen to me and—"
But he was cut off by a sardonic voice. "Master Wayne," said a voice from the batcomm each Bat was wearing, and Superman with his superhearing could hear it loud and clear too. "Considering your history of doing what you were told not to do, are you sure that you should be giving this speech?"
"Alfred," Batman said, sounding almost petulant.
"It is your fault, afterall, that you did not seek out Superman first before deciding who he is and what he is like. It is a good thing, if I may be so bold to say, that the kids see past the mask and befriend Superman in spite of what you have to say about him." Batman looked at Superman who was standing there awkwardly, staring at Batman. Bruce sneered, unable to help himself.
"Quit that," Alfred admonished. Bruce immediately dropped it. Superman blinked. "Now, Master Bruce. I agree that Master Dick, Master Jason, Master Tim and Master Damian should have come forward with their established friendship with Superman but considering your opinion on him, I believe it is understandable that they hesitated to do so." The aforementioned young boys nodded their head at Bruce. "That is not to say, however, that their behaviour shall go unpunish." Now they were groaning and Bruce had a little smile of triumph. "Perhaps, a few days off petrol and reflecting on our behaviours would do us some good. Including you, Master Bruce." Bruce immediately dropped his smile. Why him, too? Alfred answered right away. "I believe you realise now that you have been acting brashly the past few years. Now, we know that Superman is not as aloof and alien as we had previously thought. He is more earthbound than we believed him to be. If he were to go, he will have someone to miss him."
The kids nodded again. Superman just stared at Bruce with wide eyes and an expression Bruce couldn't put together. Whatever, Bruce had no time to care about him. He turned slightly away to whisper to the comm.
"But Alfred—"
"None of that now. I suggest you send the young lads home and we put this discussion off for the future."
In the ensuing silence, Superman softly breathed out: "Wayne."
Batman immediately went rigid, and so did the other young vigilantes. How the hell—
"Bruce... Wayne...?" Superman searched Batman's covered face as if he was trying to see if he was actually coming to a concrete conclusion.
"Oh," Alfred said, surprised and guilty. "The supersenses have slipped my mind. My apologies, Master Bruce."
For the first time in his life, Bruce didn't know what to do. Of course his immediate response should be deflection. But how could you lie to Superman about the very thing he just heard. The kids didn't seem to know what else to do either.
"Perhaps, you should ask Superman to come over for tea if his emergency is not an emergency anymore and we could talk about this in a more secure place." Alfred smoothly continued. No point in lying now. Superman had heard what he had heard and it was unlikely that he could be convinced that his superhearing was faulty.
Superman blinked a few times as if to clear his thoughts before he cleared his throat. "Yes, uhm. I was going to ask Batman to help me take a look at some data about a shipment from Gotham to Metropolis that was to happen tonight. I have reasons to believe that Luthor is involved and when Luthor is involved—"
"Kryptonite is involved." Bruce finished it for him.
Superman looked at him, seemingly a bit surprised. "Erm, yes. That. But I think it has already happened so... I'd have to follow it up tomorrow. So. Uh. I have... time?"
Batman narrowed his eyes and stayed silent.
"Bruce." Alfred said.
"C'mon B," Dick piped up. "The worst has already happened."
"I concur, Father. Kal-El now knows who you are, it is only best that the matter of discretion be properly discussed." Damian nodded sagely.
"The fuck, old man, are you still contemplating this?" Jason raised his arms in disbelief. He's so done with this family.
"Language, Master Jason."
"Uhh..." Tim swayed on his feet.
Batman sighed again. Dammit. Instead of showing his discomfort, however, he growled out a mean, "Fine." And then he grappled towards where he parked the Batmobile. Those brats could find their own way home and Superman? He could fly anyway.
Turned out, Superman could fly with four more passengers and Red Robin's bike that the kids used to get to that building. Although Bruce later gave Kal a piece of his mind about safety and the standard amount of people Superman should carry during flight without putting anyone in danger.
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redhead-batgal · 5 months
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Type: Two-Shot (Part Two: Here)
Pairing: Fem! Reader x Damian Wayne/ Robin
Word Count: 8,605
Content: Bad y/n family, self-depreciative thoughts, language, violence, a little bit of gaslighting, angsty times, (a tiny bit of venting), "good" coping/reactions, tiny bit of batfam slander and aged up reader/Damian to 18yrs.
(P.S: I may or may not have another part planned that will make all of this make more sense but like it works fine as it is if y'all like it on its own)
Y/N: your name, V/N: Vigilante name, S/n: Sister's name, Favorite Color: f/c
Family is supposed to be one of the most cherished and important things in life. They are supposed to support and love you; they are supposed to make you feel safe and happy. They are supposed to lift you up and help you know that despite your flaws you are loved, wanted and cherished.
And yet, yours never did.
Born the middle child you were quickly forgotten. Especially since your younger sister captured everyone's attention. Captivating every person who passed it seemed as if she had some kind of aura that pulled others in.
It seemed as if she was good at everything and nothing you could ever do would even make you half the person she was. She was kind, and friendly, wickedly intelligent and charismatic. A perfect person some would say, and it made you feel like utter shit for not being able to do a third of what she could.
Maybe that was why you turned to a life of vigilantism. Maybe you hoped that doing good, even with no thanks for it, would help you feel worth... something. Worth anything. That even though only you would know, you would be able to burn at a fraction of light your sister burned at. Helping others, saving people merely because they needed help and making a difference made you feel... alive.
But your sister was still there. She was still shining and bright, happy to steal any friend or crush you ever had. Or at least that's the way it seemed, the way her eyes would glint as she laughed twirling her hair chatting with your friends. A vengeful look spilling from them. But she always shed tears upon seeing your distraught face, she seemed to feel guilty though you felt a hidden smile behind her tears.
Sisters are sisters, your parents would say, she will be mean and tease you, but you will always love each other.
You began to wonder if all of it was a lie to make you feel as if she cared about you when it was clear she didn't. She seemed to hate that you had become content that you were different then her, that you proudly held your head high as people pointed out your differences. But she didn't know the way you truly felt. It was strange, she was so perfect that you were jealous, but jealousy was a nasty color on anyone. And you had heard too many times that you were selfish and self-centered to let others know how you truly felt about her.... well, some people knew.
Your partner, Damian Wayne- the mother fucking Robin, knew how you felt. He was your best friend after all, he knew all of your secrets and deepest feelings and wishes as you knew all of his. Ever since you had moved to Gotham and decided upon some extracurricular nighttime activities, only to be caught and brought in by Batman; your life had gotten a bit better. Your sister was miles away in your home state living a happy and pampered life as she went to college while living with your parents.
Regardless, it was hard to forget such emotions- to remove them completely. In fact, it was harder to forget how you were treated since you were so much freer. You were unhindered by your family's expectations and your sister's growing shadowing which you were so used to living in.
Now out of that shadow- out of sight of the throne your parents constantly put your sister on you were better able to see that she wasn't perfect at all... well at least she wasn't as nice and kind as she seemed to be. Away from your childhood home you were able to see all the jabs, torment, disparagement and diminishment you received from her. How she would mock your accomplishments and steal away those who helped you rise passed your insecurities regarding your place against hers.
It seemed whenever you got enough footing to climb out of her shadow, she'd push and knock you back to the depths of it.
You had, as many do, told your best friend of such revelations. But, as humans do, you made it clear that your thoughts probably had bias. An accumulation of years of neglect and belittlement made it hard to be sure what you felt was the truth. Which made it even harder to convince Damian you were right, but you didn't mind fighting such a battle if it meant someone else could see the sister the way she truly was... or at least the way you saw her.
"Ugh," You groaned tilting your head back as you turned your phone off leaning against the gravel covered rooftop, "Miss Perfect is at it again."
Across from you, Robin raised his head. His face stony as he scoffed looking around once again, doing the job you were supposed to be doing at the moment, patrolling.
Silence beat between the two of you and you rolled your eyes, swirling into a somersault before bounding over towards him. He stayed quiet and you began walking circles around him.
Throwing your voice down at least three octaves you spoke again, "And what exactly did that horrendous sister of yours do this time?"
Robin blinked at this, pausing before turning to you, his facade finally cracking as he lifted an eyebrow.
"What exactly was that supposed to be?"
You grinned leaning in a bit closer to him before batting your eyes and replying, "My impression of you being a caring friend and contributing to this important conversation."
This time the corner of his mouth twitched as he hesitated. Then he turned eyes scanning the horizon. You shrugged accepting the small victory as you slid into a perch your back pressed against his.
"I'm going to just keep talking and if you don't respond I'll respond for you, okay?"
He grunted in reply, and you took that as a yes before leaning your head, so it rested against the back of his shoulder.
"S/N found the old diary we shared and posted pictures of some entries on all of her socials. Entries- selective, that only I wrote- embarrassing entries."
Silence beat once again between the two of you and you took that moment to take up your impersonation once again.
"Do you think it was involuntary? Or that she had a particular reason for doing such an atrocious thing?"
You felt Robin's body tremble and twitch as he shifted, and his chest shook. Smiling softly, you looked up at the night sky, partially missing the thousands of stars you could see back home.
"No, I think she did it on purpose. As I have told you before, it is her life's mission; along with being the exact image of a perfect daughter, girl and person, to make me feel like shit." You paused shifting so your weight was slowly and surely pressing upon him, "It was- it was probably because of the pictures I posted last week of me, Steph, Cass and Barabra."
He was motionless this time and still silent. Fiddling with your belt you waited a moment more before replying to him.
"You must have a rather elevated opinion of yourself if you think she would care about something so minuscule y/n- no V/n."
This got a soft- barely audible laugh from him. Taking the second it escaped to bask in the sound and feeling of his body shuddering as he tried to hold it back and you let out a breath. It was relaxing being here with him, talking half to yourself while he listened. It was peaceful and quiet, something you found your cherished. However, the quiet would not last long, so you continued on.
"You see Da- Robin, I would agree with that except she not only was one of the first people to like it, but when it started getting a lot of likes she commented, 'So proud of how far you've come! I hope you'll be home for my ceremony next month!'. Now I have a question for you, is that something someone who doesn't give a shit does?"
This time he moved, shifting so your sides pressed together and faces nearly touched. His brow was furrowed and gaze dark. You blinked in surprise but merely tilted your head.
"What?" He muttered something tense in his voice.
"She commented on my photos of my girl's day with Steph, Cass and Barabra, 'So proud of how far you've come. I hope you'll be home for my ceremony next month. Kinda seems off right?"
Robin scowled as he looked away from you, but not at the city, no he looked at the rooftop, his jaw locking. You weakly laughed and turned so his side was pressed against your back.
"I don't know about you, but that sounds fairly passive aggressive. And I know I'm not the world's greatest detective or his kid, but... that does not seem like something you'd comment on your sibling's post."
Robin grunted and you shut your eyes for a moment, happy tonight was tranquil enough that you could feel the quiet. Every moment that pulsed between the two of you was raw and unimpeded. You could hear every one of his breaths, feel the expanding and contracting of his chest and feel the heat of his body pressed against yours fighting off the chill of the night.
"It is... odd." He finally replied.
You snorted, opening your eyes to see him looking at you, his brows creased with concern.
"That is an understatement if I've ever heard one."
He rolled his eyes snorting as you sat up yawning. Stretching out you faintly heard the beep of the coms, a voice crackling in your ears.
"V/N, Robin, if everything is clear you two are good to go for the night."
Patting your mouth, you nodded making brief eye contact with Robin before you stretched some more, "Alright, thank you very much Oracle!"
Oracle's voice instantly replied, "Of course, get some rest Y/N."
You smiled, shooting Robin a wink as you snagged the small bag you carried with you throughout patrol.
"Yes mam! I will see the both of you tomorrow!"
A soft laugh echoed through the coms before everything went silent, you turned and bounded down the stairs to the closest empty room, changing back into your civilian clothes and placing your vigilante gear into the bag.
Now appropriately dressed, you began your trek home. Which luckily for you, was less than ten minutes tonight. Taking in the night air you bounced and twirled walking down the sidewalk before you arrived at your complex.
Walking inside you began your assent to your apartment; sure, nothing could ruin your night. However, as you made it to your floor you found a figure with bags standing nearby your door.
"Uh, hi," brow furrowed, you slowly approached the figure, "can I help you?"
At the sound of your voice the figure snapped up stepping enough into the dim light that you could see it was a girl- a familiar girl who perked up at the sight of you.
You felt the blood drain from your face as the girl raced up and pulled you into a hug. Your head began to spin as you fought to breathe normally.
"What are you doing here?" You weakly asked as the girl released you grinning brightly.
"I'm here to surprise you silly!" She laughed as she pulled on your arm, "I haven't seen you in what feels like forever, so I wanted to come by! I thought it'd be fun to hang out and see how your life is here. Maybe you can give me a tour of the city and introduce me to your friends."
You nodded half understanding what she was saying, still in shock at the sight of her, "Uh-huh."
"Y/N, come on! It's late we should get inside... speaking of where have you been?"
"Work- uh work I work nights most of the time. I usually get back around 4ish," You began, walking towards your apartment.
She nodded in understanding as she pulled her suitcase towards your door waiting for you to open it. Hands slightly shaking you put the key in the lock and twisted pulling down on the handle. With a weak flourish you gestured to the apartment.
"Welcome to Gotham... S/N."
"I'm so excited!" She squealed, wheeling her things in, "we are going to have so much fun."
"So much," You weakly echoed heart dropping as you almost saw your new life going up in flames.
It was unfortunate to say the least that not only was your sister in town, but she wanted to meet your friends. You didn't have many friends outside of the other vigilantes and were nervous to explain that you were friends with the Waynes and never said anything about it.
Part of you wanted to brag and shove it in her face, but you knew that not only was rude but would do nothing. If you were lucky, she would be acquaintances with them in the end... if you weren't.... let's just say you wouldn't be able to have your fun little chats on patrols anymore.
You knew that Damian would never abandon you... at least intentionally. You wanted the two to meet so he could see how all you spoke about was true! So, someone else could tell you, you weren't insane. So that you could feel a sense of relief that you weren't making all this up. But you feared- you so deeply feared he'd choose her over you. You were terrified of being abandoned again for your sister.
Regardless, you knew you had to introduce them at some point because there was no way Damian was going to allow you to not speak to him for that long.
So, after an extensive two-day tour of Gotham and pointing out all of the best places to shop, eat or just relax (despite how few there were) you made your way to the Wayne manor for a brunch of sorts with everyone. To introduce your sister and finally get over with the fear.
Tapping your fingers against the steering wheel you tried to listen to your sister's ramble, but your stomach was churning.
"Sooo," She said, "After this brunch I'm going to go and meet up with some online friends... will you be okay without me?"
You tensed, but slowly nodded, "Oh, yeah! I should be okay. I probably can talk with my boss and ask for some time off so we can continue to hang while you're here. And I run a couple of errands."
S/N nodded, shooting you looks as you pulled into the Wayne's neighborhood. She furrowed her brow as you reached their driveway and the gates opened. You began to go up the driveway when she let out a slight gasp.
"Wait, is this... is this Wayne manor?!"
You nodded your chest tightening, "Uh yeah. I thought I told you I'm friends with the Waynes."
Her jaw dropped as she stared in awe at the manor. You wanted to laugh at her expression, but your nerves were wound so tight you feared it might end in you crying.
"We- we are having brunch with the Waynes?!"
"Well, a few of them. Bruce is busy at work and I'm pretty sure so's Tim. Dick is in Bludhaven. And j-" You stopped yourself recalling Jason wasn't legally alive, "and I think the rest should be joining us, along with a friend I think."
S/N did not move, her eyes wide as you pulled to a stop parking. From here you could see Alfred standing in the doorway. You gave him a quick wave and he returned it with a smile.
Unbuckling, you turned the car off and slid out of it. S/N scrambled to get out as you closed your door. She blinked a few times, shaking her head as you locked the car and began your way to the front door.
"How- how are you friends with the Waynes?" S/N whispered, having clamped onto your arm.
"Uhhh long story, I mean technically work. My boss- he uh... he put me on a project, and I ended up meeting Damian and we hit it off pretty well and I ended up meeting the rest and the same happened." You spat out your prepared lie, noticing the way she tensed upon you saying Damian's name.
"Damian... he's the youngest right?" She muttered as you began to climb up the steps.
"Miss Y/N, Miss Y/N's sister, it is a pleasure to have you dine with us this morning." Alfred said, holding the door open.
You smiled and gave him a nod, "Alfred this is S/N, S/N this is Alfred Pennyworth he is the butler here and the one who actually runs things."
S/N giggled as she released you to give Alfred a curtsy. He gave you a look as she was bent, and you shrugged. The two of you then walked into the manor a clattering of shouts and chatter coming from the dining room nearby.
"Y/N IS HERE!" A delighted Steph bellowed before bouncing around the corner and bolting towards you.
S/N stepped back as Steph flung herself at you, with surprising ease you caught Steph with a laugh. She grinned wildly as a few more people rounded the corner.
"Looks like all your training is paying off!" Steph giggled as you set her down.
She then paused seeing your sister and smiled, holding out her hand, "Hi! I'm Stephanie but you can call me Steph!"
Your sister's expression instantly lightened, and she took Steph's hand shaking it.
"I'm S/N, Y/N's sister."
Steph released her hand and nodded, "Nice to meet you."
A few beats of silence occurred, and you noticed Cass, Duke and Damian, all approaching you.
"Yo, Duke!" You said almost subconsciously, "It's been a while, how are you man?"
You walked towards Duke giving him a quick side hug as he laughed. You felt Damian's eyes bearing into you, but you ignored it.
"I'm good! You know how it is, school and work. It has been a while, what about you?"
"I'm good, pretty much the same," But you paused as you turned to see your sister shooting you daggers, "My sister is in town. Duke this is S/N, S/N this is Duke! He is one of the chillest people in Gotham and the best writer I know!"
Duke flustered slightly as your sister smiled bounding towards him.
"Hi! It is so nice to meet you! I'm S/N!"
Cass waved hello and you waved back as Damian stopped at your side. Your nerves were twisting tighter as your sister looked to you, her eyes brightening upon seeing Damian.
"That's Cass, she is amazingly talented... oh man if she had one, I would take you to see one of her ballet shows."
Your sister nodded clearly not interested in Cass, she eyed Damian and you noticed Duke and Steph sharing troubled looks.
"And this is?"
"Damian Wayne, it's a pleasure to meet you S/N."
He took the hand she offered out and shook it. You were still as Damian's arm brushed past you, your heart racing. Silence seemed to buzz in your ears before Alfred cleared his throat. You blinked and turned.
"Uh, Is it time to eat alf- Alfred?"
Alfred nodded and you turned towards the dining room feeling Damian's not so subtle grip on your arm, "Why don't we go eat?"
Steph instantly grabbed onto your sister and began asking her questions. She shot Damian looks before caving in and allowing her to guide her away. Duke and Cass followed behind them leaving only you and Damian.
"Are you alright?" He muttered.
"Yeah yeah," You weakly replied, "I- i just wasn't expecting her."
He looked you over his brow furrowing before he nodded, "Alright."
The two of you stared in silence before you felt your face flush.
"Uh, okay let's go eat!"
You felt his grip leave your arm and you hurried to the dining room to find only two seats open. One next to your sister and one next to Cass, across from your sister. You sat down next to her watching as Damian took the seat across from her.
"So!" S/N instantly said, "I'm assuming you've heard all about me so why don't you tell me about yourselves?"
"Actually," Steph chirped, smiling, "Y/N doesn't talk about you guys often... none of us do. It's kinda like an unspoken rule. After all, Bruce adopted half of them and I- let's just say family troubles aren't fun!"
You had to resist a laugh at your sister's outraged expression and quickly drink from a glass of water to hide your amusement.
"Oh," S/N faltered, shaking her head, "that's okay! I just thought that Y/N would talk about us, I mean we used to be so close...anyways uh what do you guys like to do?"
You turned so she wouldn't see your eyes roll, it was clear- at least to you- she was trying to get the other's pity. Make them feel bad for her and be angry at you. Fortunately, they did not fall for such weak tricks.
"It'd be weird if she did when we have a rule about it but okay!" Steph continued, "a little about me hmmm, oh! I love sports and waffles; my favorite color is purple, and my favorite vigilante is Black Bat!"
Your sister slightly flinched before putting on her sweetest smile, "Oh that is so cool! Though... I don't know a lot about Gotham's vigilantes."
This time Duke chimed in, "That's okay, just pick someone you know. As Y/N said I'm a writer, I enjoy poetry and music; my favorite color is probably yellow, and my favorite vigilante is The Signal."
You had to practically shove your fist into your mouth to stop this laugh, your sister nodded looking a little deflated. She then turned to Damian- hesitated and looked at Cass.
"What about you?"
Cass blinked a few times before signing, "I like ballet, black and Spoiler is my favorite."
Your sister blinked a few times and you coughed to hide a laugh before you watched Damian pipe up.
"She speaks sign language, she just said she likes ballet the color black and that her favorite vigilante is Spoiler."
Something in you slipped a bit and your smile nearly dropped as all the laughter left you. Your sister grinned leaning on her arm as she nodded.
"That is very cool. So, you know, sign Damian?"
"All of us do, even Y/N." Duke replied with a shrug.
Your sister turned to you with a surprised look on her face, and you flushed feeling your stomach drop.
"I-I-uh learned so I could talk to Cass. I- I ended up accidentally catching her while practicing and it- it was ... she was so amazing I wanted to compliment her. She understood but- I wanted to talk with her, you know? Be able to hear her words and see her interpretation of the dance."
Something flickered in your sister's eyes, and she nodded her smile looking a little forced as she turned back to Damian, her brow raised.
"I do believe that you should go first, after all it is poor manners to make our guest go last."
She blinked twice before her smile brightened and she nodded, "Oh of course! That makes so much sense. Uh well... I'm in a little bit of everything. Fashion, art, music, science, math, sports. My favorite color has to be blue and uh... Batman is my favorite vigilante."
You bit your lip hard to stop yourself from bursting into a fit of giggles. Damian made eye contact with you, and you could see the amusement in his eyes as you pressed your hand to your face.
"Okay, Y/n it's your turn!" Steph declared, causing you to instantly drop your hand.
"It's not fair if you're the only one who doesn't do it!"
"Uh," You hesitated, feeling your sisters' eyes locked on your face, "Okay I guess."
You looked up meeting Damian's gaze for a moment before you looked at everyone else.
"I uh... I like Gotham, my job, spending time with you all and uh my favorite color is f/c."
Silence followed and Steph leaned on the table locking eyes with you.
"What about your favorite vigilante?"
Part of you stirred, tempted to say your own vigilante name when you had a sense of guilt wash over you. It wasn't really fair to your sister, was it? She only knew Batman and- and and now you were trying to find a reasonable way to pick Robin, weren't you?
You shrugged, "Uh I guess I'd have to say Robin since, despite the many different ones, he's just as consistent as Batman."
Steph narrowed her eyes and Damian looked at you, surprise faintly on his face. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed your sister rolling her eyes. She then leaned forwards, capturing Damians attention.
"Your turn Baby Wayne."
You winced at the nickname catching Steph and Duke miming gagging motions and shook at your held back more laughter.
"Alright," Damian said, "I enjoy art, it is so intriguing to see the different depictions of peoples inner most toils. I also revel in animals and taking care of them. While I find picking favorites childish, I will partake out of fairness. Green would have to be the most suitable color and..."
Damian stopped, looking at you for a moment before he looked at your sister.
"I would have to say V/N seems the most competent out of the newer vigilantes."
You felt a very faint blush rise on your cheeks and your sister giggled in delight.
"Oh really? That is so interesting. I love art too! And green is such an amazing color."
Damian nodded as she smiled coyly, the door to the kitchen swinging open as Alfred walked out with trays of plates in his hands. You noticed how your sister watched Damian look at Alfred, his brow slightly furrowing, before she darted up.
"Oh Mr. Pennyworth let me help you with that."
You noticed Damian's eyes following her as she approached, also Alfred's tight grin as he opened his mouth to protest but decided not to stop her from taking a tray from his hands and setting it on the table.
You knew how much Alfred prided himself on being able to take care of the household. Down to even setting food out he found it... offensive when people forced help upon him. He didn't mind if you offered, you recalled once offering to help wash dishes and his soft nod. But when people force their help- he had told you it seems as though they are saying he is not good enough- too old or incapable of carrying out his duties.
Wincing you dug your nails into your palm as your sister continued to "help" Alfred out. Thanking your lucky stars once everything was set out and she finally returned to her seat. With that, you all began to plate up food and dig in.
It was around 5 pm when your phone buzzed, the familiar name flashing across the screen with all the familiar words. You were needed for patrol. Your sister had been out almost all day, her internet friends showing her their favorite spots and getting all the "tea" about her brunch at Wayne manor a few days before.
You were a tad frustrated she was using your friends to gain popularity but decided she could dig her own grave. However, upon receiving the text you knew you had to tell her you wouldn't be home until late at the very least. After all she was staying at your place... even if she was never there.
You sent a message back essentially saying you'd be there for patrol, then you shot your sister a text right before you left.
Y/N: Hey! I just wanted to let you know my boss called me in tonight. Apparently, they don't have anyone else who can cover my shift. So, I'll be getting home late.
She did not reply but you could see that the message was read, sighing as you gathered your things and headed to the cave knowing you couldn't expect to be able to leave your stuff around here for much longer.
With your bag hoisted over your shoulder you headed to Wayne manor. Finding Tim on the bat computer and Oracle on your coms.
"Looks like I've got double the help tonight, " You weakly joked.
Neither of them replied so you got dressed, commed up and headed out, half expecting Damian to already be out there. You, however, were surprised to discover that he was not at your normal spot. So, you assumed he was out chasing a criminal or watching from someplace else. Bouncing around the rooftops you looked for any sight of him.
You could have sworn you spotted a flash of his classic colors in the alleyway and descended to investigate. The alley was musty and wet, probably from the rain the night before. Looking around you didn't see any sign of Robin.
"Looks like fifth street's clear," You muttered into the com.
As you readied yourself to go back to the rooftops a figure lunged at you from the shadows, slamming you onto the ground a glint following him as he did.
"Oh shit!" You hissed your finger sliding from the com as a frantic voice began on the other end.
The figure- no, the thug raised the glint, and you realized it was a knife. Fear raced through your veins, and you instinctively pressed your distress signal. The adrenaline coursing over you and drowning out the voices on the other end of the coms.
"Come on you stupid bitch," The thug snarled, "just die already!"
He went to thrust the blade down, but you yanked your leg up and shoved him off of you. Scrambling to your feet as he fell backwards. A snarl of sorts escaped him, and you watched as he rose blade ready in hand. He swung at you again and you barely dodged, your brain beginning to wonder where the hell Robin was and why he wasn't here to help you already.
While in your stupor of thought the thug lashed out again, his blade barely catching your arm, but slicing right through your gear and causing a burst of pain and blood to spill from your arm. You blinked, shaking your head as you tried to focus.
The thug readied himself for another strike and you kicked outwards, sending your foot directly for the knife. You felt the impact into his hand and heard his cursing as the knife went flying backward. You landed and felt your lungs screaming as the thug cursed louder.
Was Robin even coming? What the hell was going on, wasn't he your partner? Wasn't he supposed to be there for you in the most dangerous of moments and you there for him?!
You turned, hoping to get to a more open area so that... that if he was actually coming Damian would be able to see you easier.
However, something grabbed your hair yanking you backwards, you stumbled passed the thug heart racing as you scrambled to your feet. You backed away a bit more hoping to catch the thug off guard. You looked over your shoulder then turned back.
A fist swung out hitting your face, you recoiled chest heaving as the heartbreaking realization you were all alone dawned on you. He wasn't coming.
Reaching up you grabbed onto a fire escape ladder and swung yourself forwards kicking the thug in the chest and sending him skittering backwards. You half climbed up fingers latching onto some round you could not see, and hands grabbed onto your legs. In an act of frantic reaction. You release your grip on the latter allowing the thug to pull you down. however, as you went you slammed the object into his head hearing his faint grunt before slamming into the ground. The heavy thud noise told you he was down for the count.
Spitting out blood, you rose to your feet wobbling as the thug twitched on the ground. Something hot burned in you, and you swung your foot forwards, straight into the thug's gut causing them to go stiff.
Chest heaving and breaths more like pants, you wiped the blood away from your mouth as you heard frantic voices over the coms.
"V/N! V/N are you alright?"
Heaving out a sigh you nodded slowly and answered, "I've been better."
"Thank god, backup will be there soon, hang tight."
"I have a question."
"Uh yeah?"
"Where the fuck is Dam- where is he?"
There was silence and you felt your blood begin to boil. They knew, they knew where he was, but he didn't have the decency to tell you he wasn't going to be going out tonight.
"He's-... he's out." Tim stammered.
"I'm shocked, you are covering for him. Since when would that-" You faltered as you pressed a hand to your bleeding nose.
Oracle voice broke through your rising haze, "He's on a date with your sister."
"He's on a date with your sister. He didn't think he'd be gone for so long. He told me he'd be back in time." Oracle remarked calmly.
You swallow, feeling something in you begin to shatter, “My sister?"
Silence followed on the coms, and you closed your eyes for a second remembering her coy smile at him just the other day. And-and how his eyes followed her.
of course... of course he's with her.
"Where are they?" You whispered feeling your throat begin to ache.
"Y/N I don't-" "Where. Are. They?"
"At the restaurant just past the park, the little Grecian style place."
Your- your favorite restaurant. They were at your favorite restaurant. You bite your lip, feeling your hands curl, nails pressing into your palms.
"Y/N don't do anything stupid."
You hissed, shaking your head, "I'm not, I just... I just wanna see it with my own eyes. ... since when, have I ever not been levelheaded?"
Despite what you had said your heart shattered as your mind screamed. Over and over again
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it
Trembling, you waited before bounding towards the restaurant. You skittered to a stop on the rooftop across from the restaurant. It took less than a minute to see them sitting at a table near the windows.
The coms went silent, and you stared through the window. Watching the two laugh together. Damian oblivious to the time and your sister's eyes glinting as she pressed a hand onto his arm. It was a tactic you knew well and noting Damian's back- his body language, it was working. You should have known, when it comes to your sister… you will never be the first choice.
You should have known she will always be chosen over you. You took in a shaky breath.
"Y/N... are you okay?"
"D-don't tell him." You whispered feeling something warm slip down your face.
"Don't- act like this- tonight, never happened. Please. Pretend this didn't happen that I don't know... please." Your voice cracked as you moved away from the restaurant.
There was more silence than a clicking sound.
"Tracking data and video footage are gone. Com records will be shredded once tonight's over." Oracle remarks, "what do you want us to tell him?"
"Tell-tell him that you told me he wasn't coming, and I decided to take the night off. Tell him that Nightwing and Hood went out and everything was fine."
"Alright...you should probably go home Y/N."
"Okay... I'll see you all tomorrow." 
Curled on a couch in the Wayne manor library, your eyes darted towards the door, you weren't even attempting to pay attention to the book in your grasps. You knew- knew Damian would be in here soon. And then- then you would be able to ask him what he was doing. To see if he'd try and keep it from you.
At first you weren't even going to mention the other night but... your sister had bragged- bragged about her date. Claiming that Damian had told her all sorts of awful things he thought about you. And to prove it, you should ask Damian if the two of them went out. While you knew what she said wasn't true. Damian wasn't the type to badmouth someone behind their back. Instead, he'd say it to their face, and you'd never heard anything actually awful from him. And to make it all worse, your sister declared as she left, she would be coming back after her ceremony. That- that she had things-people who she couldn't leave behind. That you had no idea what to think of, but you were unsure of whether what she said was the truth. Unsure and uninterested.
However, part of you was .... curious. Curious as to whether or not he'd tell you. He'd be honest and say that he liked your sister, that he was attracted to her. And even though it would be painful to hear, you wanted so desperately wanted him to. You hoped and prayed and begged fate, the universe and God for him to tell you.
You didn't want to lose yet another friend... no, no despite how much it hurt to think of now. Damian was so much more than a friend.
It should have been obvious to you. With how much you craved his presences and adored his smile. How you took almost every opportunity to lean against him and hear his heartbeat. How your heart would flutter when his hand brushed yours or when he said your name. God, were you always this sappy?
Groaning you pressed your face into the book, of course you just had to notice these feelings when your sister came.
"What did that book ever do to deserve, you slamming your face into it?" A familiar voice asked causing your head to snap up.
You swallowed meeting Damian's eyes with a weak laugh, "Nothing... I'm just- it's been a long week."
Damian nodded before sitting down, right next to you. Before- before your epiphany, you would not have realized how close Damian was in a setting as simple as this. And with how you were sitting it'd be hard for him to not be sitting that close.
"I concur." He replied opening his sketch book.
You shifted shooting him a few glances, part of you hoped he'd just tell you without questioning. Another part just wanted to stare at his face for a while. To take in his presence and relax. But you couldn't. Not with all these questions and worries bubbling at your mind.
"What do you wish to say Y/N?" Damian remarked finally looking up and directly into your eyes.
You froze feeling your entire face flush as you dropped your book and stuttered.
"Oh! I- I-uhm... I was just wondering what you were up to the other night patrol got called off. Usually, you asked me to come help you with some of your sketches but that night-" Before you could even finish, he interrupted you.
"I was with Colin and Jon. They wished to spend time together since we are 'friends'."
Something bitter was suddenly on your tongue as you recalled him sitting across from your sister at the restaurant, the image of his back searing int your mind.
"Yes, what did you find yourself doing?"
"Just reading," You mumbled eyes dropping as you felt the air leave your chest.
He was lying. Lying to you.
It almost seemed as if the world came crashing down around you as his words- his lies blared over and over and over again in your mind. A burning was in your throat, and you found yourself struggling to breathe as a single question repeated over and over and over.
Was it because he had... he had feelings for her? If so, why couldn't he just be honest? Was it because he was scared of the way you'd react? Did he not trust you? Was it because your sister was telling the truth? She was coming back to Gotham because of Damian? Were they- were they going to be in a relationship? If so, why was he hiding it, why was he lying?
Your head spun with questions and worries as your heart shattered in your chest, the realization crashing down on you. She did it again. She had taken another person from you.
You in took sharply and Damian placed a hand on your arm.
"Are you alright?"
"Uh? Oh yeah, " You lied blinking slowly, "just tired. I really wasn't expecting S/N to come."
"Maybe you should get some rest." Damian softly replied.
You nodded your mind screaming as your heart raced. You- you couldn't take this anymore. There had to be a change. Something-something had to be different.
Rising slowly, you picked your book up and set it on the couch absentmindedly waving goodbye.
"I'll see you later." You muttered as your heart jumped to your throat.
"Yes, of course... shall I tell Kent and Wilkes you say hello?"
You froze in the doorway of the library as a plan began forming in your mind. You looked over your shoulder seeing Damian's eyes locked on you. You smiled and nodded,
"Of course."
With that you walked out of the room, down the hall. Then- then you were running, running down the stairs and to an office. Panting you bit your lip and squeezed your fists.
With a heavy breath you pushed the door to the office open and made eye contact with none other then Bruce Wayne.
"Y/N, what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked his brow furrowed slight concern on his face as he took in your disheveled figure.
"I wouldn't call this meeting a pleasurable one," You softly began before raising your chin, "Mr. Wayne, we really need to talk."
The air was fresh, and you took in a deep breath hoping to admire the beginning of a new day, unfortunately that was not in today's cards. Your phone buzzed and you swallowed seeing his name flash across the screen. Slowly letting the air leave you, you answered and pressed the phone to your ear,
"Hello?" You mumbled, only to hear Damian's prompt inquiry instead of a greeting. "You are acting rather irregular as of late, is there something that has been disturbing you?"
"No, no I'm not and I'm fine... unless you know of something that might make me act strange?"
"I do not understand what you are speaking of. Are you implying there is something I have done to make you act irregular?"
You went silent grinding your teeth as you shook your head, resisting the urge to pull your phone away from your face, "Nevermind... why did you call?"
"I was curious as to why you have been avoiding me. And before you go on blathering that nonsense that you are not, I know you are."
"Why does it matter?"
"You are always saying that we are...how did you put it? Ah yes, best friends. Am I wrong in saying such acquaintances should keep in contact and even spend time together?"
"You're not wrong in saying that best friends do that."
"Then what am I wrong in saying? That much is evident by your choice of words."
"That we are best friends."
"Pardon?" Damian voice sharpened causing you to swallow.
"I'm not your best friend Damian... at least not anymore. I-I don't consider us best friends."
"Then what exactly am I to you now?"
"That... that is what you are concerned about? Not why I suddenly changed by mind or that it might have been because of something you've done?"
"Y/N, if you wish to tell me something, say it. I do not care for you beating around the bush as they put it."
"You lied to me Damian." You calmly stated feeling tears building up in your throat.
He went silent before replying his voice trembling just enough to tell you he was lying. "What on earth do you mean?"
"You're lying again..." You paused closing your eyes, "Damian, I know you too well for that bullshit to work. You lied to me about what you were doing the other night. I know you were with my sister... I know you were, on a date with her."
"I-" Damian began, before stopping
There was more silence, and you squeezed your hand into a fist, silent and painful tears spilling from your eyes, "You betrayed me. I-I should have known you were going too, that you would. Everyone- everyone always does... they always chose my sister over me. They always decide to put her first even if I was friends with them originally."
"I do not understand how going out with your sister is betraying you."
"That's the best part Damian, it's not. But lying to me about it, helping feed into my sister's taunts and torments-"
"I never fed into that, I would never Y/N. This- this is all a- a misunderstanding."
You ignored him and pressed on, "Abandoning me when I needed you most, when my life was in danger... to be with my sister at a place- a place I showed you... that is one of the most utter betrayals."
Damian went quiet and you squeezed your eyes shut finally, finally letting him know what actually occurred that night.
"I went on patrol that night, I got ambushed and attacked and and- I waited for you." You heard your voice crack as your crying spilled over into your throat, "but you never came. God, I felt like such a fool, especially when I found out you were with her. I feel like such a fool."
"Y/N I-"
"Do you know what makes this all-worse Damian? Do you know what hurt the most? What burns so deeply it hurts to even fucking breathe?"
He was silent on the other end, and you continued, half sobbing as you did,
"I actually thought that you'd come, I actually thought that you cared. I actually thought that you- that you would be different and that- that-"
You took a slow breath, "I actually thought you might return my feelings. I thought for once- for once my sister couldn't take something -someone I love from me. Yet here we are."
Damian in took but you blazed forwards knowing what he was going to say, you'd heard it all before too many times.
"I know- I know!" You seethed, "She's not just anyone and it makes me wonder, what- no who am I then? Who am I too you Damian?"
He didn't reply and you hiccupped pressing a hand to your face so- so thankful you decided to do this over a call instead of saying all of it in person.
"I know who I am, even if you don't know who I am to you. I am not the quiet girl who I use to be." You muttered looking up towards the rising sun, the pit in your stomach both growing and weakening, "I will not sit aside as my sister tramples over everything and takes what remains. And I am definitely not the girl who is going to stay friends with, let alone partners with someone who knows how I feel about my sister and chose to... and chose her. You chose her over me. Despite all we've been through you lied to me. And-and what hurts the most is had you told me... had you told me the truth? I wouldn't have cared. But you hid it and tried to make it seem as though you were on my side. You- I- I love you, Damian. Actually, and truly love you. In a romantic way. And had you told me the truth- had you not lied... let's just say I wouldn't be leaving Gotham."
"I, am leaving Gotham. I already resigned as a vigilante.... she is planning on returning after her ceremony and I-I can't live with the sight of the two of you together... not- not with feeling what I feel." You in took a breath hoping that this heart wrenching- this heartbreak would be quick so that in- in your new home you'd be able to start fresh.
"Where will you be?" Something almost sounded frantic in Damian's voice, but you must have been imagining it.
"I will be leaving, going somewhere my sister has- well to quote her, 'have been to enough for a lifetime.' You don't need to worry I won't try and hold this over you... in fact after this call I'm getting rid of my phone."
"I will- I will not stand for this!" Damian snarled his voice cracking on the other end, "you will stay here."
"You don't control me Damian... if fact. If I'm being completely honest after all of this- after what's happened. You mean nothing to me." The lie was bitter on your lips, and you bit your tongue to hide your sobs.
"Y/N... forgive me. It's just I-...You don't understand- please. Please, He sounded so desperate it made your heart ache in a different way, but you couldn't let him get to you, you'd come so far, "Please allow me to explain. I beg of you."
"No," You softly replied digging your nails into your palm, "No. I won't hear any explanations. I won't listen to your honey coated lies because I'm sick of it Damian. I am sick of being used and disposed of. I'm sick of being the second choice, I am sick of being thrown away the second people find 'something better'.
"I made a mistake, please."
"Are you sure it was that you made a mistake and not that you were caught lying?"
Damian went quiet and you had to press your hand to your mouth to stop more cries from escaping.
"Goodbye Damian, despite all that's happened... despite all you've done, I hope you have a good life."
"Y/N no please I-"
You ended the call before you could hear the end of his sentence. Removing the sim card from your phone, you took in a breath then threw your phone into the nearest trash can.
Pressing your back against the complex's wall you buried your face into your hands and sobbed. Letting all of your emotions and feelings out. It was a matter of seconds before someone was hovering over you and you looked up to see your new roommate's concerned face.
"Are you okay Y/N?"
"Yeah, " You nodded wiping the tears from your face as you hiccupped, "I'm... I'm much better. Thank you... seriously, thank you so much Jon."
Jon Kent sighed with a weak nod as he gave you another look over.
"Of course, I'm always happy to help out a friend... especially one who is willing to help me cut my rent in half."
You weakly laughed before rising to your feet, wiping all the stray tears from your face.
"I'm happy to have a place to stay."
Jon nodded again looking you over before he turned towards the city, "How about I give you a tour to get your mind off things?"
"Tour? hmm, yeah that sounds good. Let's do a tour."
"Alright, but first," Jon smiled as he gestured to the city, "Welcome to Metropolis Y/N."
Tag List:
@andromedaj2003 @thomasbeloved @instabull @zvtanna @daemonnix96 @krswrites @thefallingstarlights @masset-fotia @neon-scenery @ssak-i @legendarylearner18
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1K notes · View notes
Alternative Universe Father-In-Law
Word Count: 2,700
Summary: Bruce enters a portal by mistake, leading him to bring back someone from another universe for a nice breakfest.
Pairing: Bruce x female!reader
Notes: I enojyed the comic and the animated movie where thomas meets bruce and i had an idea to write for it. also give alfred some well desserved flowers in being a dad. #alfreddesreveshisflowers
Warnings: dad that has come back with the milk
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'I am telling you, Lois. Clark is stubborn, but he has a weak spot; mention the missing turkey of '08, and he will shut up and let you do whatever you want. "
'Wait! That really works?'
'Of course, it does. I have known Clark for 7 years, and I was the witness to that crime, so just mention it: he will fall back, trust me. Now I have to go. I am home.'
'Thanks, doll!'
'No worries, bye!'
Opening the big door, you enter with your phone nestled on top of your shoulder as you held the grocery bags. Stepping into the manor, you noticed the living room where Alfred was dusting behind the plasma screen.
'Mistress y/n. Welcome back.' The cheerful butler spoke as he walked to you, grabbing the grocery bags
'Thank you, Alfred. How was your day?' I asked him, striding next to him as we entered the spacious kitchen that held the marble island in the middle, placing the bags on top of it
'My day was good. The gardener came by and took care of the bush that Master Damian had 'shaped' with his swords yesterday. Although the poor man left with a terrible mind haze after finishing the Herculean task, managing to shape it back into a proper bush, and not some rhombus as Master Damian did.'
'Do remind me to tell Damian to leave the shrubs at peace. Maybe he can use those swords' skills to cut up meat when we have BBQs.'
'That seems like a great idea.'
The two hushed and resumed their conversation as Damian entered, his smile non-existent, his eyes scrunched into a tight-knit. You turn to him, saying with a slight chuckle
'Speak of the devil. What's up, Dami?'
The child walked between Alfred and you, crossing his arms and with a deep sigh, he articulated gradually
'Father has disappeared.'
You look at Alfred, knowing fully well that sometimes Bruce disappears to follow a clue, 'He will turn up by the end of the day. Bruce is like that, don't worry, sweetheart.'
'That is true, even before his vigilante lifestyle, Master Bruce was always the one to go with no notice but always turned up when his belly rumbled.'
With a giggle nestled in Alfred's sentence, Damian spoke again, shaking his head 'No. Father and I have been working on a portal and when I was grabbing a tool, he connected two wires, which opened a portal and pulled him in. By the time I came close, the portal closed.'
Looking at Alfred with a concerned look, you spoke what you two were thinking, 'And how come you two didn't tell us about that portal?'
Damian shook his head 'I-I have no clue, y/n.'
'Okay... and do you know where the portal leads to?'
'Between our world and other 456 parallel universes.'
Sighing deeply, you look at Damian 'So we have 1 in a 456 chance of finding him?'
'Yes. So are we going?' Damina asked, ready to jump into the adventure of the chance to jump from one universe to another
'No. We aren't. Damian, I can barely turn on the TV here without asking for help. And by no means will I manage to open a portal. We only have to wait and be next to the Bat computer to see if there are any anomalies. If an anomalie happens, I know someone who can help us.' I say, looking at the small assasin child
Damian looks up at you, his eyes asking questions, 'Who do you know, mother?'
'A friend, someone I knew way before you and Bruce. Even before I met Clark.'
You look at Alfred smiling 'He will show up, right Alfred?'
Alfred responds, faying his smile 'Of course, Misstress y/n.'
While the day dragged along in a snail-pace of time, you felt yourself doze off on the bat computer, a small trail of drool leaving a trail on the keyboard that was far too uncomfortable, but when you are fatigued, anything can be a pillow, and that stiff neck fo yours is a problem in the morning.
A shift in the air moved and circled, stirring you up from your slumber. Your eyes slowly open, adjusting to the luminous light that materialized in the Batcave, the wind pushing around the whirlpool of light as a tall, a dark shadow exited out. Staying up on numb legs, you felt the same pull you felt with Bruce, a warm safe space that drew you two always closer.
'Bruce?' you asked cautiously as you paused. The shadow you saw his features, the sharp hairstyle that was always in place, his tall and muscled build that was engraved in your mind. You knew that was him. Moving to him, you felt a wave of relief wash over you but another one followed, disappointment.
'Where were you?! We were worried sick about your stupid ass! How could you not tell me that you were making a goddamn portal in the house, Bruce!' you directed your words at him, the light of the rustled and shined over his taller-than-usual figure but nonetheless, you continued, 'And don't think for a fact you went to another universe that means I will get any sympathy from me. You are sleeping on the couch for the next 3 weeks.'
As the portal began to size down the light shimmered down you step back letting yourself catch a breath, sure you were mad but you were also glad that he was alive.
With the portal gone, the shadow started to dissipate bringing back the man you loved. You waited, a small smile on your face as you heard him speak a few shades deeper than what you know 'You were right. She is a firecracker.' Stepping back few more steps at the unfamiliar tone you watched a shape move behind him tall as him, same as him, did Bruce duplicate?
Leaning on the Bat computer, ready to press the button on the keyboard to call the remainder of the Bat Family you watched carefully as one moved closer to you, revealing... Bruce, your Bruce with a small smile.
'Sorry I was gone, dalrin.''
'Bruce, what is going on?'
'I met someone along the way.' Bruce steps for you to see the man that you talked to, with one confident step the man steps to you, his features coming to light, grey hair styled in a way that not even the wind could move one strand, his blue eyes decorated with wrinkles and his smile eerily identical to Bruce's looking at them side by side it struck you
'Love, this is my father, Thomas Wayne. In the universe I stumbled upon was a universe where my father was the Batman, and I was shot that night.'
Thomas smiled warmly at you, offering a hand to shake 'It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. L/n. Bruce has told me a great deal about you.' Shaking his strong hand, you think
What a great first impression. First, I thought he was Bruce and second I gave him an earful. What a great first impression.
'It is great to meet you, Dr. Wayne. I apologize for my actions beforehand, I thought you were Bruce and wel-'
'No worries about that. It is great to know that my son has someone who keeps him in check.' He spoke as you awkwardly laughed it off.
Bruce stood next to you, placing a hand on your waist 'Let's try this one more time. Father, this is Y/n, she is the love of my life, and the woman I wish to marry and spend the rest of my life.'
It's your time to be shocked yet again. You and Bruce never talked about it, only joking about being called Mrs.Wayne but he never communicated his desire to get married. Thomas glimpsed at the two of you, Bruce stood proudly with you while you tried your best to conceal your red cheeks and shocked eyes at his claims 'You better treat her right, son.' Thomas spoke
'He does, Dr. Wayne.'
You uttered, looking at the alternative universe father-in-law as Bruce examined your expression and in that moment, he felt himself fall in love yet again with you.
'How about we grab a bite? I am sure that Dr. Wayne would appreciate a good breakfast.'
Thomas nodded his head in agreement, beaming 'I'd love that, but y/n, no need for formalities. Call me Thomas. I haven't been a doctor in decades.'
'Sure. Thomas.'
Grabbing Bruce's hand you three exit the Batcave and head to the living room.
Strolling into the living room, you smelt Alfred's mouthwatering breakfast, scented the familiar maple syrup, and took notice of the sizzling bacon.
'I am bringing our guests.' You announced and Alfred cracked a smile as he watched you bring Bruce into the dining room where Damian was already seated. Alfred placed the lofty breakfast on the table. Pivoted to Bruce switching into scolding mode 'Now, young Master, I think we could have a great and lenghty chat about what goes in the Batcave.'
As Bruce stood behind you, Thomas' voice boomed into the ear of the butler 'I agree, Pennyworth. He surely needs that talk."
Alfred froze when he heard that voice. His eyes caught onto Thomas and he felt and thought that he was dead, joining the afterlife as there was no way that the deceased Thomas Wayne was standing before him.
'Master Wayne?' Alfred weaved quietly towards the man, and Thomas smiled 'Hello, old friend.'
He spoke, grabbing the longtime friend into a bone-crushing hug. Smiling at the interaction, Damian stood from his seat, walking towards his alternative universe grandfather 'So by my conclusion…you are my grandfather?'
Thomas stepped and crouched down to his eye level, smiling 'Yes, but I am. From another world.'
'I figured as much.'
Thomas looked at Damian and Bruce, his gaze shifting from one to another 'The resemblance is uncanny. He is your and y/n's copy.'
You felt yourself freeze as you interrupted him 'Thomas, he isn't mine. I--i mean he is my son but he didn't come from my stomach. Damian's mother is a leader of a group of assassins.'
Thomas stood up, watching his son 'You cheated, son?'
Bruce shook his head 'Father, no. Damian's mother and I met before me and y/n. Damian's mother was a --'
'She is a cold-hearted assassin who doesn't care about me or my well-being.' Damian cut in, saying what he considered his mother.
Thomas looks to the side, a bit shy about this situation, thanks Bruce.
Alfred coughs dryly, breaking the tension 'Let us all sit for a nice breakfast.'
Sitting next to Bruce you saw his smile, his true smile. The one reserved for you, comfort moments you both encountered and made, a smile that told you he felt at peace.
As everyone ate you desired to ask questions your father-in-law 'So Thomas, what do you think about Bruce being this world's Batman?'
Thomas looks at you a slight smile 'I always believed in the multiverse, and I alwats hoped that in one of them my son is alive and living his life. Being Batman, I suppose, is a part of the Wayne lineage, but what I mostly hold important in my heart is that my son is happy.' And he smiles bigger. 'And I can see that he truly is.’
Blushing at Thomas' words you looked at Bruce, your eyes twinkling with love while his blue irises showered you in silent praise 'I definitely am.'
Damian whispers to Thomas 'Thanks a lot. Now they will make-out in front of us.' Thomas laughs, whispering in the exact low tone 'That's good. It's better than to fight, besides, Martha adn I were the same. Always in love, never apart.'
Bruce turns to Damian saying slyly, 'You are aware that you are across the table, and not 40 meters away, Damian. We can still hear you.'
Damian rolls his eyes, playfully but nonetheless taking his grandfather's words to heart. It is definitely better for them to be in love and not fight. 'I have to feed Bat-Cow. Y/n, will you help me? I am too short to get the ball of hay.'
Smiling you stand up, leaving with Damian. Alfred, Thomas, and Bruce stayed at the table.
'Bat-Cow?' Thomas asked, perplexed, while his hands tingled
'No worries, Master Wayne. Thankfully, it is not a hybrid of a cow and bat; it is just a plain cow with an artistic name.' Alfred spoke
'Father, stay.' Bruce blurred out, declaring the thing he wished he would receive an optimistic answer to
'Bruce... I can't. If I stay long enough, my universe will disappear. Besides, if I did.... I don't want you to grieve all over again.'
'Believe me, Master Wayne...Master Bruce still grieves to this day.'
Thomas stands up from his seat, hugging his son 'I love you, Bruce. There is no need to grieve anymore. It won't change anything. You have no idea how much it brings me happiness to see you happy with Alfred, your son, and Y/n.’ Thomas didn't let Bruce stand up, not to see the small pixel-like specs encircling Thomas' legs. Alfred noticed the scene but stayed silent.
'When I see you looking at your son and Y/n I see myself and my life I had before that night. And it makes me so happy to see it. I know that it can be better. You make me proud every day, and will continue to do so."
The pixels reached Bruce's eyesight, standing up to look at hIs father, Bruce weakly said 'Stay...please.'
'It's not me to decide but I am happy I had a nice meal with your family.'
Kissing his forehead, Thomas dissipated back into his universe. Bruce looks at Alfred a small tears escaping his eye. The two men stand up, hugging each other, leaning on this moment. Bruce wanted to talk to his father more to make up for the lost and stolen time. It was time that he wanted nothing more than to be a son again. Alfred wanted to talk more to Thomas about Bruce. To tell him how he has matured, how he traveled the world and yet came back home, in Gotham, to make the city shine brighter than ever. To tell him how Bruce keeps an engagement ring for y/n ever since she moved into the manor but is not sure when to pop the question.
Both Bruce and Alfred wanted to tell him about their path of trying to grasp at straws to find justice in this forsaken town.
Pulling away from the hug Alfred spoke, 'As you can see, your father is proud at you. And I believe that goes for every Thomas Wayne in any alternative universe.'
Bruce looked at Alfred, nodding in confirmation 'I do believe that but I also am proud of the father that raised me as well. The one standing in front of me.'
Alfred's eyes twinkled in appreciation no words needed to be spoken at that response, there simply weren't those words that could how Alfred felt in this moment.
Steps echo closer and closer as you come back, with no sight of Thomas.
'Is he gone?' You ask, seeing Bruce walk to you, a smile on his face.
Bruce nods, hugging you, Feeling a bit sad at not being able to say goodbye to your father-in-law you ask Bruce 'How are you feeling?'
Pulling away Bruce chuckles 'Good. This moment made me realize some things. About my family.'
Bruce understood. The reason he went into that portal and brought his father here, it was a shifting moment for him, a moment to bring him in a more grateful state, he knew how lucky he was to have Alfred as his father figure, his son, and you, possibly his future fiancee.
That is until he pops the question.
Hope you enjoyed it!
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layla4567 · 6 months
Let me take care of you
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Pairing: Bruce!Wayne x Fem!Reader
Summary: You are very close to Bruce but lately he seems very distant or cutting, one day he will come to the mansion beaten and you will have to heal him.
Warnings: Not proofread, Injuries,bit of blood mention, secrets, fluff, worry/angst,
Word Count: 3k
︶꒦︶꒷︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶꒷꒦‧ ₊˚・
You hadn't known Bruce for long, but it seemed like he had been in your life from minute zero. You didn't have the pleasure of knowing him personally when he was just a child, but he grew up and met you. It was pure chance, you were late for work looking at the ground as usual and you didn't notice the people crossing in front of you until you suddenly collided with a boy with hair as dark as his clothes. He looked at you sad and apologizing profusely, you only had eyes to see and admire that beautiful serious but worried face. After that you two became good friends, you saw each other often, sometimes he invited you to his mansion. You had met his butler who soon took a liking to you. In Bruce you had found peace, a rare and pleasant serenity in contrast to the chaotic city of Gotham. And you could say that the feeling was mutual, young Wayne had found in you a light of hope, someone to cling to, it is true that he already had Alfred but he was someone already older and Bruce was afraid of losing him. Besides, what he felt for you went far beyond a simple friendship. In him he discovered a new rebirth, a soft and tender side that he never dared to show, you were his light in the middle of the darkness and he didn't want you to go out. In a city like that full of dangers, you had each other.
He had never told you about his "double life" that is, that he was Batman. When he met you and realized how important you were to him, he promised to protect you with his life. With so many villains and crimes on the loose, Bruce couldn't risk losing the only good thing he had ever had in that city of death, the only thing that gave meaning to everything. his life. You. And that's why lately he had been behaving strangely, he was still affectionate with you but you still noticed something strange and different about him.
You two had met in a park under the treetops, you were walking aimlessly admiring the vegetation, you were both arm in arm like an adorable old couple, from time to time you would rest your head on his shoulder since you were shorter than him.
"I missed these days like this". You sighed, squeezing his arm affectionately.
"Me too". He said looking at you and smiling slightly.
"You've been very busy lately, does your company demand so much of your time?"
"My company? Oh yeh, yeh, lately unemployment has umh risen its numbers…". He said, clearing his throat nervously.
You looked at him confused, was something wrong with his company? Had you said something bad? You never saw him so hesitant, he was almost always a person sure of his words. You didn't want to worry too much, he was always someone enigmatic and you loved him for that, you respected his silences and spaces. You two sat on a bench watching the people walk by, but you noticed that Bruce was serious and thoughtful, well, more than usual.
"All good?". You asked anxiously, taking his hand.
Wayne seemed to wake up with your touch, as if he had been in a trance. He looked at you surprised, meeting your worried look, he smiled, downplaying it.
"Of course, don't worry." He caressed the back of your hand with his thumb and brought your hand to his lips to kiss it tenderly.
That gesture brought the heat back to your cheeks and you smiled, sighing in relief, maybe he had just had an exhausting day, to tell the truth, your work also tired you sometimes. They continued sitting trying to bring up topics of conversation other than the insecurities of living in Gotham or the horrible crimes that were committed there. You told him about a new book you were starting to read and he listened attentively as if his life depended on it. He loved listening to you talk about things that were so mundane but that were clearly exciting to you.
"I'm just starting to read the first pages but it's already exciting! It's full of adventure and fantasy!! and the protagonist must face a mystery from his past and…"
The words came out of your mouth like an uncontrollable torrent, you gestured with your hands and your smile widened as your eyes lit up. Bruce admired your passion and charm for reading among other things, your cheeks heated by the speed at which you spoke seemed to him to be the cutest thing in the world.
"Maybe one day you can bring it so we can read it together."
Seeing how your eyes opened brighter than the sun and your cheeks turned even pinker was his most precious treasure, and it made him laugh softly. You, surprised, accompanied him with sweet giggles. When you decided that it was too cold to be outdoors, you two got up and you tenderly approached behind him and hugged him, squeezing his stomach a little to which he let out a grunt of pain. Startled, you quickly turned away, looking at him.
"What was that? Are you ok?"
His face was trying hard not to contort in pain but he had a deep frown on his face.
"It's nothing, I must have torn a muscle while exercising"
His voice seemed calm but he was holding his stomach with one hand, that alone was enough to dampen the good mood and nice moment the two of you had had. In silence they each returned to their homes.
On another occasion, Bruce disappeared for several days without showing any signs of life. You understood that he had his life and was independent, but it was worrying that you didn't hear from him for so long.
"Come on, come on answer"
You were in your apartment with the telephone in your hand and the other on your hip, moving your legs nervously. Bruce didn't even answer your calls, much less your messages. You were already thinking the worst and you didn't want to be panicked so you decided to do the only thing you could do, find out if he was in his mansion imprisoned like a mole.
You put on a hand-knit cardigan and headed out to Wayne Manor. You walked in a hurry so you arrived almost breathless at the great mansion. It was a miracle that no one had jumped you before. You knocked on the door three times and an elegantly dressed older man opened the door for you. Seeing you, a soft smile filled his lips.
"Miss Y/N, how lovely it is to see you here, tell me, can I help you with something?"
Alfred was always happy to see you hanging around Wayne Manor, many times you had even stayed over to sleep, it was a pleasure for him to serve both his master and you, you could say that you were almost like family. And if you made Bruce happy, the butler was pleased with that. But more urgent matters prevented you from noticing the warmth and kindness with which he greeted you.
"Actually, yes, there is something…Is Bruce home?"
A subtle shadow appeared on the butler's face but he quickly added
"Masterr B had to leave urgently due to work issues but I'm sure he'll be back soon"
"But I haven't seen him in days and he doesn't even answer his phone!"
You were starting to get nervous so Alfred put a warm hand on your shoulder.
"That's because he has had to move from one city to another to attend to important… matters. And you can guess that's also the reason why he hasn't used his phone, he doesn't want distractions."
"Please Miss Y/N, come in and have some tea, you can wait for him on the couch."
Almost forced, you entered the mansion with the butler's hand gently pushing you from behind to enter. Although it was not the first time you visited the building, you were always surprised by finding new details, whether it was a painting that had been moved or a new, clean carpet. The mansion exuded opulence and good taste and that always surprised you no matter how many times you had been there. You sat on the couch waiting for tea while you played with your fingers anxiously. You turned your head and looked out the window, scanning the landscape outside, hoping to see Bruce walk and return to his house. Alfred arrived with a tray on which rested a cup of tea and a sugar bowl with sugar cubes.
"I brought some chamomile tea, it's good for your nerves." He said with a knowing wink.
You thanked him with a nod, trying to smile. You cupped the cup with both hands, feeling its heat, which calmed you down a little, it was like being near a smoking fireplace, those memories made you aware. The cup was finely painted porcelain and decorated with small blue flowers and green leaves with their stems intertwining with each other. The steam from the infusion rose to your nose and warmed your cheeks.
"Are sugar cubes okay or would you prefer honey?"
"The clods are fine, thanks Alfred"
The tea seemed magical to you, it managed to calm your darkest fears and you could even say that you enjoyed your short stay in the mansion. But you still remembered why you had come there. You were about to finish your drink and put the cup on the table when a figure wearing a black coat appeared in the doorway like an apparition.
"Bruce!". You stifled a scream
Bruce was a mess, his battered face had a bruise on his eye and a cut on his forehead, his hair that had previously been combed back was now messy and fell forward a little. Hearing you distressed, Alfred arrived as soon as he could to see what was happening, of course he already imagined it, when he saw Master B standing there looking tired, his face contracted into a frown. Bruce took slow steps entering the mansion.
You covered your mouth with one hand, swallowing your tears, and ran to hug him but you did so with so much force that Bruce gave a pitiful moan, contracting his face and tensing his body slightly. Scared of hurting him more than he already was, you turned away from him.
"For the love of God, what the hell happened to you?!"
Bruce, without removing his grimace of pain, sat down heavily on the sofa near where you were. Alfred left them alone so that the two of you could talk in peace. If you needed anything, the butler knew that you could always call him.
"It's nothing Y/N, leave it at that.". Bruce said with a whimper
"Are you serious Bruce?! It's nothing?! You have a bruise and cuts on your face, what do you call that nothing?!"
The anguish of knowing that someone had hurt him made you scream in desperation, added to the fury you felt at the habit he had of minimizing everything so as not to worry you, well, it wasn't working this time.
"Please let me at least check you over."
"No, wait"
You ignored his complaints and grabbed his face softly and delicately, even so he gritted his teeth when he felt your fingers rubbing his bruise. You didn't understand what the hell he had done to end up like this, but you suspected that it wasn't because of his work issues. After checking his face you came to the conclusion that his bruise urgently needed ice and that the cut on his forehead was not that big but it needed to be cleaned or it could get infected.
"Well, I'll tell Alfred to bring the first aid kit, now will you tell me what happened to you?"
"Some thugs hit me in an alley when I was coming here…" He said avoiding eye contact.
You knew it was a lie because of how he avoided looking at you, but you didn't know how to get him to tell you the truth. You frowned and touched his arm when you felt something wet, you noticed that a part of the sleeve of his coat was slightly darker. You ordered him to take it off and when you saw his arm you gasped. He had a cut deeper than the one on his forehead and it was bleeding. You urgently called the butler who arrived quickly with the first aid kit.
"Fuck! Will you also tell me that that cut was the fault of a thug?"
"I must have cut my arm on a loose nail or glass… I don't remember"
You sighed frustratedly trying to control your temper, you hated when he lied, especially in such a stupid way. A cut like that couldn't have been from a simple nail, it seemed more like it was made by a knife, you shuddered when you thought about it. You opened the first aid kit and took out everything you needed: gauze, disinfectant, cotton, etc. You took his chin with your thumb and turned his face to get a good look at the wounds. You weren't a nurse but you knew how to heal certain wounds. You wiped a cotton ball with disinfectant and Bruce tensed his jaw and closed his eyes, frowning.
"I'm trying to be delicate."
"I know". He sighed and one corner of his mouth turned up.
Luckily Alfred also brought ice so when you finished the cut on his forehead you gave him ice wrapped in a towel to put on his eye. But the worst part remained, the cut on his arm that was beginning to stain his clothes. You rolled up the sleeve of his shirt and grabbed a clean cloth soaked in clean water. When you ran it over his cut to clean the blood, he quickly removed it, complaining.
"Ouch". He growled loudly.
"Sorry, this hurts me more than it hurts you". You said sadly
"Oh really?" He said, mocking slightly with irony.
But when he saw your distressed face, he stopped smiling and extended his arm to you so you could heal him. You tried in every way to do it gently but Bruce would squirm slightly or moan and make the job more difficult. When you cleaned the wound the cloth had turned red. You put some disinfectant and bandaged the wound. Bruce, despite being hurt and bruised, looked at you with tenderness, how you took the time to heal a poor boy like him. You were so worried and focused on your task that you didn't realize he was staring at you until you raised your head, a warm smile spread across his face and it infected you, but you were still angry and that's how you let him know.
"Bruce I need to know the truth, who did this to you?"
He opened his mouth but you interrupted him again.
"And don't start with that they were thugs because you and I know that's not true.". You warned him
He looked into your eyes, getting lost in your long-lashed gaze while he thought about what he was going to say. You looked at him worriedly, waiting for an answer, a real one this time. He sighed and lowered his head and spoke in a low voice.
"Y/N I can't really tell you what I did today because it would put you in danger and I don't want that. When I met you I swore to myself that nothing bad would happen to you and that I would protect you no matter what, well if I tell you the truth that I could break my promise and I don't want to see you hurt."
You looked at him stunned by his words, now with more reason you wanted to know what was happening but you didn't want to risk someone hurting you…or killing you. Suddenly you couldn't help but think of terrible things that Bruce could be involved in, as if he read your thoughts, he said.
"I'm not involved in any shady business if that's what you want to know. What I do is something more complex than a mafia, but it's not bad at all, I assure you."
Bruce saw that this was confusing you even more and he could even glimpse a hint of fear that he wasn't sure if it was because of him or because of what he was doing. He quickly took your hand and caressed it.
"I understand that this is all confusing but you must trust me please. I assure you that I would not do anything to hurt you, in fact it is just the opposite."
Bruce gave you pleading looks and he sounded so hopeless that his silences spoke for themselves, he begged you to believe him. You pursed your lips thoughtfully and then placed a hand on his uninjured cheek and caressed it carefully.
"Bruce… I trust you, and I really want to believe you… but, it hurts me to see you hurt like this."
You sighed and he nodded, closing his eyes, feeling the warmth of your hand bring him back to life.
"It's okay, I know you know how to defend yourself. But I ask you for the love of God that whatever you're doing, don't get too involved. I don't want to find out one day through the mouths of others that you're in a hospital or…-"
Your words got stuck in your throat, stifling a sob and he hugged you. You buried your head in the crook of his neck and breathed in his perfume, that seemed to calm you down. It was ironic how Bruce being so hurt could still comfort you even though it should be the other way around. You slowly broke away from the hug.
"By the way, thank you for healing me and being so nice to me."
You smiled maternally
"Of course I had to take care of you and it was a pleasure."
Alfred, who was actually in the kitchen listening to everything like a gossip, approached with stealthy steps and proclaimed
"Oh no, I think I should watch my back or Miss Y/n will take my job.". He said mockingly playfully
The three of them laughed in relief, feeling the tension dissipate. If your life depended on it, you would take care of young Wayne every day of your life without once complaining. Bruce smiled at you even though the bruise still hurt and his face contracted a little into a grimace, you gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and he invited you to stay the night if you liked, you nodded delightedly, maybe that way you could keep an eye on him even closer.
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amyriadfthings · 2 months
So, this post happened, and then this, so then I thought okay why not, then I went out to vote, and then this little thing happened @brindlelogs
The candle on his desk went out unceremoniously after rousing him with its violent flickering.
Alfred Hillinghead adjusted his glasses and got up to stretch his aching joints and find another stump in Charlotte´s dwindling supply in the kitchen. He groaned from limbs that had gone stiff and realization that age was happening to him whether he agreed to it or not.
It´s not that he had dozed off exactly; his eyes had just gone unfocused after staring at latin terms and intricate illustrations for too long, and the flame not only jolted him back to reality, but also returned with it a helpful, neverending loop of „H e n r y“ riding a merry-go-round in his head.
Whenever he stopped to think at any point in the last 48 hours they were the only letters his brain seemed to want to string together, so he did what he could to populate it instead with any information he could find on South American butterflies exhibited in private or public collections in London over the last six years.
Back by his chair, he lit the new candle and shuffled the leaflets of various entomological associations that were strewn across his desk. He hoped one of them would hold a clue that could save his partner before he could get himself into a situation he could not get out of (because Alfred wasn´t there with him, and Henry was always so damn reckless).
He never knew London had so many passionate butterfly collectors.
But then again, teaming up with Henry was inevitably going to deliver surprises and revelations of all kinds. It´s what made him feel alive more than anything these days. That and Henry´s hands on his skin. (No, he chided himself. He must not think of that now. Nor his hands on Henry´s strong body willingly, eagerly arching up to him, fond eyes never leaving him, soft lips inviting him in, always ready to receive him… no.)
Alfred jumped up again this time, so vivid was the image in his mind. So warm Henry´s skin in his memory as if it were life and not mere thoughts he was conjuring up. He was suddenly enveloped by a need so mighty that it took his breath away and made him clutch at his waistcoat. His whole body seemed to miss Henry, after only two days. And no contact for another one at least.
Another issue was the steady stream of Henry´s voice that was gone from his ear, but not his mind.
He could hear Henry tease him, how unable to keep his focus Mr. Detective Inspector appeared to be. He´d probably even ruffle his hair, Alfred thought, which would earn him his best glare (his own hand going up to the side of his head without thinking, to imitate Henry´s touch), but that would only widen Henry´s grin and he might ask what could possibly be distracting him from his oh-so important work. He might even sit on Alfred´s armrest or...
Alfred´s cheeks began to burn when he looked down at his desk and thought back to how they had said a last urgent goodbye right on this very surface two and a half days ago, even though they had already done that and more extensively the night before.
A knock on the front door rushed him back to the present. It sounded hurried, but before Alfred could even leave the study, or wonder why the mysterious caller did not use the door bell, he heard the door open and close hastily, key turning, locking them in. The only one with a key besides Charlotte and Polly would be…
„Henry! What in the-,“ Alfred took two fast strides forward as a sodden Henry Ashe (his Henry) stumbled into the room (when had it started raining?), a cut along one eyebrow bleeding profusely down his face and staining his shirt (how long has he been bleeding??)
„Change of plans,“ Henry announced with a weak, self-deprecating smile, and winced as Alfred´s worried hands fluttered over him.
Finally, Alfred held Henry in place in front of him and closed his eyes for a second. „Alright. Sit down. Tell me everything. I´ll get the bandages.“
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msfcatlover · 1 year
*lays on my back & stares at the ceiling thinking about Damian & Steph’s reunion in IWCTW. Because for Damian the last thing she did was tell was tell a joke to make light of things before being lead away to die in his place. But because Steph lived through a Jokerified apocalypse, she now has a completely flat affect and never laughs or smiles; she can’t express herself in the ways Damian looks to her for reassurance anymore*
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
𝒂 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆
give me your thoughts x the gif isn’t mine, divider by @newlips
warning - angst
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You watch as Alfred is distracted by Selina’s mum, you don’t know her name, nor do you care. You sip your wine, and your gaze moves over to your brother Bruce, and you see he’s already staring at you with sad eyes, Selina as well. You give them a small smile, feeling as though you’ll break if you try and widen them even more. You clear your throat before getting up, looking at everyone with a fake smile. “Well, I’m off to bed. I hope everyone has a good night.” You grab your glass and bid everyone goodnight before walking off to your bedroom, and you turn the light on. You blink the tears away before heading to your bathroom. You set your glass down and turn the taps on for the bath, and begin to undress.
You strip from your tight clothes, grab your glass of wine and slide down into the boiling water. You sigh and lean your head back, closing your eyes and relaxing. You sip the liquid and rub your forehead with the other hand. Your thoughts were racing. All you could think about was Alfred, causing a headache to form. Your hand moves down, and you run it through the bubbles. You try and let everything go.
You hear footsteps heading toward the bathroom, followed by a knock. You hum a ‘yeah’, and Alfred steps through, his eyes cast somewhere other than the bathtub. “Is there anything you need, miss?”
Your eyes drift up and down his figure, “No, I’m fine, Alfred. Thank you, you may take some time off for the night.” You give him a soft smile as his eyes meet yours before you cast your eyes to face the wall before you, feeling it hurt too much to look at him.
“Very well, and thank you, miss. Goodnight.” He nods, giving you a smile before heading out of the bathroom. He hears you whisper a soft, “Goodnight, Alfred.” Before he closes the door and waits there for a second, he hears a small sob escape your lips, and he desperately wants to open the door and scoop you up into his arms, but he finds that thought and action inappropriate. You’re younger than him, and you’re also his boss. Alfred walks away with so much restraint.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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ziracona · 1 year
I’m going to be thinking about this
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One panel of comic for the next 8 years of my life
#Batman#Two-Face#batman gotham adventures#TwoBats#kind of???? Batman/Bruce loves him so much I can’t get over the innate tragedy and love of this relationship like you know what???#you know what’s ungodly good and fucked up???? that tragedy permeates every inch of Bruce and Harvey’s relationship more deeply than any#other element possibly could but one and the one thread thicker in the relationship’s entire being is love#it’s a tragedy it’s tragic but it is never /quite/ as fucked up and tragic and it is deeply deeply kind and sweet and full of love and the#kind of hope that only exists at all because of it. the way Bruce in BtAS immediately starts reading books on the disorder before he even#sees him again? the letting himself almsot get shot to get through? Telltale finishing his bloody fight in the ruined front hall of his own#home by telling him ‘I still believe in Harvey Dent’. ?? The way movie The Long Halloween Bats doesn’t even know Harvey /super/ well by most#human standards but Bruce has literally no friends and never had except Alfred and Gordon so to him this is one of his closest friends and#that’s not a joke it’s real? when he spends the entire last third of part 2 desperately trying to help and telling everyone Harvey’s his#friend and needs help?? it’s real. when he tells Gilda ‘he was my friend and I failed him’? when he compromises his code in a massive way#for the first time and let’s someone get away with murders so Harvey can retain the one little piece of anything he still has which is#having protected the perosn he loves? it’s real. he means it. that’s his best friend.#they’re so *makes incomprehensible upset hand gestures*
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Title: Forgive Me, I Am A Sinner  {1}* {Two-Shot}
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Title: Forgive Me I Am a Sinner {1}* {Two Shot} 
Someone x Reader
Words: 2.9k
Warning: Play on the church confessional, Cursing, Adult themes, Mild crude language/discussion, Mild NSFW(Toward end), Mistaken Identity
Summary: You have some things to get off your chest and end up walking into a church.
Note: So, this might be mildly taboo for some, if it is for you, don’t read, I’ll understand. While I don’t think I took it too far in someone’s eyes it could be blasphemous. Again, don’t read if you feel it may offend you. Nothing lewd but be warned. Don’t come to me with your complaints. They will fall on deaf ears and be met with a quick delete. I don’t think it’s bad but 🤷🏽‍♀️
  ***NOT EDITED/Proofread***
“Forgive me lord for I have sinned. It's been...never since my last confession. I've never done this. Yep, I'm a virgin. Well with confessions otherwise I am soooo not a virgin. The things this body has done, these eyes have seen, these hands have touched, and this mouth has had in it...yikes. Not a virgin. Oh god, I probably shouldn't have said that in a church with a priest across from me. Shit. I probably shouldn't have cursed in the house of God either. Oh, fuck."
You facepalmed then sighed already fed up with yourself. You didn’t know what was wrong with you or why your mouth was still moving and allowing words to pass through. Yes, you were nervous and most of it were nervous ramblings you’d always done but now was not the time to be censor free.
 "I'm going to hell, aren't I?”
 Silence. There weren’t even breathing sounds. Either there was no one there or the guy across from her was weighing his options speaking to an actual heathen. You leaned a litter closer to the wooden screen peppered with small holes that was separating the two booths.
 "Uh...priest guy? Padre? Father? Oh, great even God's messenger sees the heathen in me and has run for the hills to tell the lord this sheep has steered far from the flock. Definitely going to hell."
 You hung your head in disappointment.
 "For all the scripture that has been written about the heavenly trio, the father, the son, and the holy spirit, I doubt they would be so quick as to damn one of their flock."
 You could hear the humor in his voice, and it made you pause. Were priests supposed to have a sense of humor? It did sound like a biblical joke so maybe that wasn’t weird.
 "I think you are being too harsh on yourself," the voice on the other side followed up.
 "You do?"
 "Yes. Also, heathen in quite harsh."
 You giggled nervously. However, those nerves were dwindling with every joke he cracked. There was something soothing about his husky voice that sounded like he was half asleep and just awakened from a quick nap.  "That is what I feel like whenever I muster up the courage to speak to him about this."
 "Start from the beginning."
 "Are you sure it's okay for me to be telling you all this in a church nonetheless?"
 Silence. Was he actually thinking if it was okay? You circled your thumbs and waited for him to speak but when he didn’t you leaned closer again.
 “You came here because you needed help. You came here looking for answers and acceptance. You will find all 3 here. So, let's begin again. Trust me I've heard it all."
 You sighed relieved by his welcoming words. You then nodded and mustered even more courage. "Okay. Forgive me lord for I have sinned I've never confessed before.
 "What is your sin?"
 The silence stretched for so long then the person on the other side of the screen cleared their throat.
 "Lust. Go on. How are you lustful?"
 His voice was even deeper than before.
 "I like sex--like I really, really like sex. I know the bible leans more on sex for procreation and marital health, but I am not married, and I have no plans for children. So, for me, sex is something that feels good, better than good, amazing especially if it is done right and the person I am with understands a woman's body and needs."
 The silence returned but only for a few moments. "Ehm, I'm listening."
 "Lately I've been feeling unfulfilled."
 "Yes, mainly. I have a great career, amazing friends, wonderful family, and a life I love but when it comes to sex it's just not cutting it. The guy I've been seeing..."
 He sounded disappointed and that made you pause. Why would he sound disappointed? You explained it away deciding that he was disappointed in it not being a husband or fiancé.
 "You mentioned you were not married just trying to get a better understanding," he clarified.
 "Oh. Not really. We see each other whenever we have an--itch."
 "For sex. Understood."
 "You sound very chill about this father."
 "I am simply here to listen and never to judge--my child. This is the house of the lord, and all are welcome to be who they are and lay down their burdens. That is the lord I represent."
 He sounded like the cool youth pastor that was written about in some YA novels. The one who would create raps for G.O.D. You stifled a laugh at the thought.
 "Wow, that's really cool. Anyway, he's very...vanilla. Whenever we meet--. Wait should I explain what vanilla is? Um...well."
 "No need," he quickly interrupted.
 "Uh...I am what I am now, but I was not born a priest."
 His unexpected answer had you snort loudly before a laugh escaped you. "Well go on then fuck it up, father. Damn no, I didn't mean that."
 He heartily chuckled. "It's alright. Go on"
 "He's vanilla and never really knows what I need and rarely ever do I cum. I mean reach completion."
 "Then why are you wasting your time with someone like that?"
 "Uh...well...ummm...I am very picky with who I spend my time with. When I said that I like sex, it didn't mean I was some chick who sleeps around with anybody with the right body part."
 "Of course not. I didn't mean to imply that. I'm sorry."
 "No, it's cool."
 "For the record, I didn't think that of you anyway."
 "Okay. Thanks. It's just most guys are insensitive assholes who think if a woman likes sex and pleasure then they must be easy and DTF anyone."
 "Guys like that are the ones who should be offed and sent straight to hell."
 "Preach it, father.”
 It took some time for his words to make full impact, but after a few moments, they did. “Wait shouldn't you say they are also God's children and just need to be steered to the righteous path?"
 "You sound well versed in the priesthood."
 He laughed again and it sounded so welcoming that you laughed with him.
 "Please continue. He doesn't satisfy you."
 "No. I thought I could handle it and finish myself off or something but tonight I couldn't."
 "Did you just have sex tonight?"
 "Yes. I guess that's another sin you have to forgive me for."
 "And you are unfulfilled."
 "Yes. So unfulfilled. My bullet couldn't even take care of this, not even my rabbit, hell not even the usual porn I watch."
 The silence across the way was deafening and you noticed. It was like you’d become hypersensitive to quietness since sitting in this booth. Suddenly he groaned as if in pain.
 "Are you okay father?"
 He groaned again then took a few breaths. Through the tiny holes in the screen, you could only make out a head turned down, everything else was shadows. "Completely.”
 It came out hoarse, strangled. “Ehm...continue.”
 "Uh, so I facetimed him and decided to tell him what I need and even some things I would be into, and he laughed and had the most freaked out look on his face. He said it wasn't normal and I shouldn't tell anyone about it again. Like he made me feel crazy and so--dirty."
 "Uh-huh. For better context. What are these preferences--my child?"
 You twiddled your thumbs then uncrossed your ankles only to cross them again. "I don't know if I should say them now. You might say the same thing."
 "No. I would never. Remember I said my place is not to judge and I am here to help?"
 You took a deep breath and tried to calm those nerves that were beginning to creep up again. After another breath you began.
 "I um...I told him I want to be tied up while he takes all control and completely ruins me. I told him I wanted to try doing it while others watched that him being so gentle is a turn-off and I wouldn't mind some teeth or nail marks on me. I can see myself being into BDSM and get turned on by dominance and submission. I want to be choked a little while he slams so hard into me that I see stars. I want to be weak in the knees unable to walk, sore throat can't talk, eyes full of tears, chin covered in slobber, delirious with pleasure until I squirt and then pass out to do it again. I want him to know my body and what it needs better than I do. I want dirty, nasty, rough, hot passionate sex I'll never forget."
 The silence this time was so heavy so filled with the charge of excitement and arousal. You didn't know why you were slightly turned on finally getting it all out, especially to a priest in a church of all places. Hell, you didn't even know why you had come in here in the first place. The idea of confessional had always creeped you out for some reason. Telling a stranger your secret sin. It felt so vulnerable.
 "Shit. Surely I should burst into flames for all that right? First in line on the locomotive to hell? I shouldn't have said all that."
 "Are you ashamed of these desires? Do you wish to be rid of them?"
 "He made me feel ashamed."
 "Fuck him. Are you ashamed?"
 "Answer me.”
 His voice was serious, and authoritative now. “Look inside yourself and answer truthfully."
 You did as he said and took some time and truly listened to yourself and everything that was going off inside you right now. Among everything, the uncertainty, the excitement, and the confusion nowhere inside of her did you feel ashamed. Not at all.
 "No. I'm not ashamed."
 "Do you wish to be rid of them?"
 "No," you replied with a little more confidence.
 "Good. You should be unapologetically you. You should not allow others to make you feel small or shameful for who you are, what you want, or what you deserve. You deserve all of that. You deserve to be sexually fulfilled and happy in all avenues of your life. We all only have one to live and restricting ourselves from true happiness is not doing service to someone, it does a disservice to ourselves."
 You sat there thinking over his words and gained confidence from each of them. He sounded as if he spoke from experience.
 "Is this your first day as a priest? I don't think you should tell parishioners to sin more to live a fulfilled life if you truly want to gain access to heaven."
 He snorted. "It is my first day doing this, but I stand by my words."
 You sat there noting your nerves had melted away and your confused state had turned to one of mellowness. You didn’t feel in a war with yourself anymore. Perhaps this was why others did this.
 "Do you feel better?"
 "Good, then my work is done."
 "Wait shouldn't you give me instructions to repent like a Hail Mary or ten or something?"
 "Will it ensure you do not sin again?"
 Snorting, you replied, "Probably not."
 "Then you are free to step out of here and live your life with one piece of advice."
 "What's that?"
 "Drop that pathetic loser you're seeing. You can do so much better little lamb."
 The doors on the other side opened but you didn't register it until nearly a minute had passed. When you stepped out and looked in the opposite booth from sheer curiosity, it was empty with no priest inside.
 "Little lamb? What kind of priest was that?"
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4 hours later and he was still solid as a brick hard.
 He palmed himself yet again then squeezed hoping to relieve some of the ache there but no luck and no relief. He shoved his hand under his head and stared up through the glass roof of his skylight at the night sky. It was clear without a cloud in sight allowing the stars to really shine.
 "I want to be choked a little while he slams so hard into me that I see stars."
 His cock throbbed so forcefully it could be seen through his now too tight pajama bottoms. Glancing down, he groaned exasperatedly.
 "Come on. It’s not funny anymore."
 He knew he shouldn’t have gone into that confessional. He knew he should have found somewhere else to wait for his manager as he spoke with the priest of the church he was donating a large amount of money to because of his connection to some of the kids he'd encountered the weekend before.
 He'd gone at that time because he was sure it would be empty and there would be no stray photos of him leaked. Donating money was no fun when everyone knew you'd done it. He liked the incognito life. He just wanted somewhere that had zero chance of him bumping into someone. No way did he expect someone to drop into the other side of the confessional and no way did he expect that someone to have that kind of confession.
 He closed his eyes as he recalled the little slivers of her face. Plum painted lips that looked full, a cute nose, skin that looked incredibly soft, and eyes that called to him. From the small perforations in the wood, he would classify you as a fucking goddess.
 Once you began your confession he should have interrupted and set the record straight but there was something about your voice that held him in place, silencing him. He’d picked up the distress in it, the frustration and uncertainty. Then the more he listened he fell under some spell. When she mentioned her definite non virgin status, he was way past curious. Maybe that’s what possessed him to answer her when she asked if he was there.
 "Curiosity," he muttered mulling over it.
 He thought over your entire confession and within seconds his cock throbbed again. Without even realizing it his hand had drifted into his pajama bottoms and was now wrapped around his engorged length.
 "I want to be tied up while he takes all control and completely ruins me. I wanted to try doing it while others watched, that him being so gentle is a turn-off and I wouldn't mind some teeth or nail marks on me. I can see myself being into BDSM and get turned on by dominance and submission. I want to be choked a little while he slams so hard into me that I see stars. I want to be weak in the knees unable to walk, sore throat can't talk, eyes full of tears, chin covered in slobber, delirious with pleasure until I squirt and then pass out to do it again. I want him to know my body and what it needs better than I do. I want dirty, nasty, rough, hot passionate sex I'll never forget."
 "Uggh. Uggh. Uggh. Fuuuuuck."
 His hand moved so fast he was sure it was going faster than the speed of light. It had to have been. His groans, moans and grunts filled the space as he raced toward a finish he imagined would go across her beautiful face or her breasts he couldn’t see but was convinced were equally as gorgeous as her aura. Within seconds, his back angled off the bed as if whatever had possessed him earlier was finally exiting his body and being pulled into the air.
 "Holy fuck!”
 The white spots that decorated his vision made it impossible to see anything and in that moment he didn’t care. He was only focused on the amazing feelings coursing through him. When he finally regained some motion and sense he glanced down and found stream after stream of his release decorating his chest, pelvis, and pajama bottoms.
 "Ah shit. Come on! Haven't had to jerk myself off since I was twenty fucking years old, and one confessional tipped me over the edge? Unfuckinbelievable!”
 Not in a rush to get up and filled with frustration, he looked back to his skylight at the glittering stars and thought of the side profile of her face. Within seconds, he felt himself harden again and it was then he knew his cock was not done. He was in for a long night.
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redhead-batgal · 1 year
Damian x y/n:  y/n fell asleep at the manor while hanging out with Damian and woke around 2am, y/n gets lost on way to kitchen and meets Jason and says " hello dummy thiccc man"
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Type: One-shot
Pairing: Best Friend! and Gender Neutral! Reader x Damian Wayne/ Robin
Content: Technical one-sided pinning, simp! reader, aged up Damian and reader, cursing, humor, lots and lots of fluff.
Word Count: 1,305
(P.S. I made it best friend! reader because I LOOVVVVE Best Friends to lovers. It's like my favorite troupe. I also changed it a bit, but I think it'll be fine. Enjoy! :)
Human nature and emotions were so strange. Peculiar, how extreme they could be. It was like magic, how strange people could be or act in general. How rage could transform a person momentarily, how joy could bring people out of the darkness. Love though, Love was stronger than any other emotion. It was stronger and more powerful. A black magic of sorts that would take over and change you into someone completely different.
And you had just been hit by its spell.
Part of you didn't entirely understand why you caved to his every whim. Why the tiniest frown and gleaming of eyes could make your stomach swirl and instantly feel guilty.
The rest of you... it-it knew. Knew that you were wrapped so tightly around his finger you might shatter if you did something wrong. Knew how the smallest glimpse of his smile would send your heart racing and make you weak in the knees.
Damian Wayne had a magic of some kind, and you were completely and totally enchanted. So enchanted you sometimes forget the way the world actually works and that you should think before you speak. Unfortunately, tonight just so happened to be a night that his magic overcame you.
Drearily blinking, you found yourself curled into Damian's side. His breathing was slow and steady, calming, even. For a moment you almost drifted back into that peaceful bliss of sleep.
However, your mind jumped. Making you realize how close you were to him and that- that... you probably shouldn't be. No- no you definitely shouldn't be.
Here and now, he was vulnerable, and he hated being vulnerable in front of people. You couldn't stay, if you did, he'd be upset and- and... and you really really hate it when he's upset with you.
Slowly slipping from his grasp, you dropped towards the floor, hoping that you won't startle him awake. Sneaking towards the door you take a moment to look over your shoulder, he took a breath in before letting it out softly. Closing your eyes for a moment you let out a small sigh of relief.
He was still asleep, thank goodness. Part of you didn't want to leave, seeing him so peaceful and happy made something warm bubble in you. However, you knew you had to go, for him and for you. After all you have been here for a while... Wait, how long have you been here?
Sliding out the door you peered around the corner, hoping to see someone wandering around who you could ask. Instead, you are met by pitch darkness and an eerie quiet that shook you to your core.
Oh god, what time was it?
Half scrambling down the stairs you bit your lip. Please oh please don't be morning yet. Your mother would kill you if you stayed out all night.
Clock, clock... where oh where is a clock? Where was the closest one??? Living room? No Steph and Duke broke that one yesterday with their Wii sports tournament. Anywhere else made your mind spin and then- then a thought rose up suddenly.
The kitchen.
Yes, yes, the kitchen should have a clock... and a phone.
The more you moved through the darkness the later you thought it was. Was it four? five? Oh god, please let it be the same day. Blinking, a bit, you noted light seeping under the door rather absentmindedly.
Your hand pushed the door open, and you found the blinking numbers on the microwave. They sent a tumble of nerves straight to your stomach.
Two am. It was two fucking am.
How in hell were you going to survive this? It was a twenty-minute drive home and at minimum, a two-hour walk. There was no way you'd make it home before the sun came up.
A clatter dragged you from your thoughts and you looked up to see a man sitting at the table. He had short dark hair with a white streak through a front section. His eyes were greenish, not as green as Damian's but something about them seemed similar.
It took you no more than a second to notice he was not wearing a shirt. And your brain froze, your thoughts suddenly deciding to spill out.
"Hello dummy thicc man."
Silence followed and a snort of sorts. You blinked seeing a smile stretched across the man's face. Heat flushed through you, and you closed your eyes.
"Dammit. I said that aloud, didn't I?"
The man nodded, leaning forward ever so slightly. He winced instantly and you then spotted the bloodied spot on his torso.
"Holy shit, you're bleeding!"
A weak smile was now on the man's face, and he nodded. Your eyes went wide and your hands darted forwards.
"Are you going to be, okay?"
"Yeah, Alfie's takin care of me.'' He looked you over and snorted once again, "you're the gremlin's?"
Your brow furrowed and you tilted your head before blinking a few times.
“Uh, if you mean Damian, yeah I’m his friend.”
A smirk of sorts worked its way onto his face, and you began fiddling with your fingers.
"I'm y/n." You weakly say.
"Jason... though you probably know me as Todd."
You clamped your mouth shut as a wave of laughter built up in you. Somehow, he had managed to almost mimic Damian perfectly. Looking away from him you squeezed your eyes shut as a giggle of sorts escaped you.
Finally, you looked back to Jason- no Todd... oh yeah. You had heard about him. Nothing really bad though. Strange, though him never being around probably contributed to that.
"The gremlin does have a type. Waffles was right."
You tilted your head again, narrowing your eyes ever so slightly. Waffles? Who could be waffles? you opened your mouth to question the nickname when a door swung open. You froze, only to see Alfred carrying a tray filled with bandages and antiseptics.
"Uh, hi."
Alfred smiled at you before setting the tray on the table. Jason instantly began reaching for things only for Alfred to whack his hand without looking away from you.
"I'm glad to see you, Mx Y/n. Did you sleep well?"
You nodded and heard the door behind you open. You then noticed a strange smile slide onto Alfred's face and Jason snorted again shaking his head.
"Hello Master Damian."
Looking over your shoulder in a little bit of horror, you found Damian behind you rubbing his eyes, his hair disheveled and pointing in many directions.
"Pennyworth," He yawned, "Todd."
Jason grunts in greeting and you stand frozen staring at Damian, your mind racing. Were you too loud? Did you wake him up? Was he upset?
"Y/n," Damian then said, holding out his hand, "come on."
"We should go back to bed. School starts early tomorrow. Father would be very upset if he knew I was awake."
"Uh, but- I- why are you awake?"
"You left." He said with a slight, "duh." At the end.
You went very still as his words began to run rampant in your head. Did that mean you woke him up when you left? Were you too loud slipping out the door? Did you hop off the bed too sharply?
A hand took yours and you blinked, finding Damian before you. He pulled at your hand slightly. "Come on."
"But- it- it's two. My mom- she's-"
"We informed your mother that you would be staying the night. You do not need to worry Mx. Y/n." Alfred suddenly chimed in.
Looking back towards him you raised an eyebrow; he was nonchalantly wrapping a bandage around Jason's torso. Tilting to the side you notice ripped abs. You only managed a quick glance before Damian pulled you from the room.
"It's time to sleep Y/n."
Turning back towards Damian you smiled before following after him.
@andromedaj2003 @thomasbeloved @instabull @zvtanna @daemonnix96 @krswrites @thefallingstarlights @masset-fotia @yorsgf @ssak-i
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pyroreadscomics · 12 days
I have finished Tom King's Batman run
Fuller thoughts may follow but in general: I did not like it.
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auroramoon-draws16 · 1 year
Two in one night? Holy shit
Here’s another crossover idea that shouldn’t exist:
Assassin’s Creed x Hetalia
Mostly because I wanna see Desmond bumping into some of the nations and going “am I Bleeding or have I just met this guy before?” Because holy shit, his ancestors knows this motherfucker.
Bonus points if the nations know about the assassins, but just don’t give a shit or think they’re dope as fuck
Bonus bonus points the respective nation was good friends with Desmond’s ancestor
Extra points for pirate England working with Edward at one point, because lmao
Give me more fics of both these fandoms please
I do not get enough historical Hetalia fics and it h u r t s
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Stupid man
Word count: 1900
Pairing: Batman x fem!reader
Summary: Bruce uses 'code 4' while encountering the Scarecrow resulting in defining the next moments that would shake up his family and his future
Warning: brief depiction of the fight and sad Alfred and sad Dick
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"...Code 4..."
"Bruce! Bruce, stay with me! Dick, Bruce needs help!"
"On it, Y/n."
Y/n examines the live cam seeing the infinite black ground covering it. Her hands quiver over the control, hoping her man will live to witness another day. Steps crumble toward Batman Y/n, sighing a breath of relief and sitting on the closet chair. 
"Thank god you are here, Dick."
"What?! No, Batcomputer... I am 3 minutes ETA."
Fear poisons her veins as Y/n listens closely.
"What's wrong, Batman!? Scared?"
Y/n's eyes glaze on the computer screen, her voice letting out the villans name, her voice matching with Bruce's
"Do not worry, Batman. You will not die...Not yet, but your veins will pollute themself with my fear of toxins. I cannot wait to see if this will break you or make you into my Scarecrow. "
Another pair of feet grumble down, rushing in while grunts cascade from Scarecrow.
"Move away from him, buttface!" Dick roared, smashing the straw-filled enemy, managing to cuff him down in 4 agonizing minutes for Y/n. The police sirens howled into the Gotham sky, taking the Scarecrow away. 
"Batcomputer, we are coming back."
The Batmobile drove in as Y/n observed anxiously, already preparing an operating table for Bruce. The door opens with a swift movement, Y/n placing herself under Bruce's weight and Dick helping out. Placing the wounded brute on the table, Alfred comprehended what he had to do. His stoic face examined the patient's body, witnessing his sweating going faster, his face painting itself in a heartbreaking expression, eyebrows stitched together, mouth emitting pained groans and vocal no's, eyes rolling back the white canvas painted with tiny green veins. 
To her, it all collided in her mind, he was wounded deeply, and he could die. He is human. He isn't indestructible like he vowed to her when she uncovered his secret. She could wake up tomorrow and find him 6 feet under. His hands could not hug her or console her. His smooth voice could not comfort or call her when she lost her way in the manor.
She was mad to think that there would be this his end. Dying of old age for the Batman?! She was mad to think that... and more so to believe that he would survive this so easily.
Her expression zoned out, looking at Bruce's hands. With an "I could have done what I could, now we wait for it to pass" from Alfred, Y/n walked over to Burce, clutching his hand and sitting next to him, her face blank as ever.
Alfred gave Dick a comforting hug wishing his son would survive this live nightmare. Alfred walked to Y/n as Dick stood at Bruce's other side while Alfred spoke softly to Y/n.
"Mistress Y/n, rest. I will mind him."
With no glance adverting towards the lovely father figure, Y/n spoke, "No. I will stay with him. You two go rest and...and I don't know."
Alfred and Dick exchanged glances between themself, knowing fully well there was no room for discussion, the ambiance feeling incredibly heavy by the moments that let up until now. Moving away from the couple, they let the bat calls echo on the stone walls, encapsulating the worst moment in their lives.
Trying to stay awake after almost 40 hours of torturous silence and stillness, Alfred put his foot down at the utterly tired woman. 
"All right, Mistress Y/n. Sleep now...IN the Master Bedroom."
Y/n responds in a burb of words, "No... He...Wake...Want to see... Blue eyes... no sleep...coffee..."
"You already had your 10th cup, and I pledge that you now have coffee running through your veins. Go rest. Now!"
Alfred pulled her away, dragging her to the much-needed rest letting involuntary Alfred watch over his adoptive son. 
Time passes as it does while Bruce feels the cold ambiance of the Batcave. His eyes open, noticing Alfred's dead pained gaze. Alfred spluttered some words that were more so sounds with no context as he looked at Bruce sitting on the table. Alfred steps in front of his family, hugging him, not feeling the weight that passed his heart, the deadly weight he would drag into the ground with him. Bruce jerks in the hug his cold skin touching against the warm cotton-laced fabric of his butler. 
"How long was I out?"
Alfred brokenly whispers, "Too long. We already thought the worst, Master Bruce. Don't do that again."
Pulling back, Alfred sighed a breath of relief. His brain rolled back all of the fondest memories he had with Bruce, and it was most of his life, but now seeing his blue eyes blinking, his mouth moving with words but Alfred hearing not one, just feeling the alleviation in his heart. 
"...Y/n?" The voices blur seemed to die down for Alfred, bringing him back, hearing Y/n's name.
"She is resting. She needs it. Mistress Y/n was by your side while you were at your most alarming. No sleep, food, just coffee, so many cups of coffee."
Alfred expressed in a tranquil tone seeing Bruce stand up on frail legs. Alfred stood in his spot, judging whether or not to speak and stop Bruce from walking, knowing full well where he was going. But Bruce was stubborn, not more than Y/n but more so than Alfred, leaving Alfred with a slight chuckle leave his lips.
"My goodness."
Bruce staggered step and step up the manor towards his master bedroom, not seeing much around himself, seeing solely stairs, his feet, and his left hand grabbing the rail for dear life. Bruce felt weak, he felt lost and shaken up, his mind filled with the remainder of nightmares, and he felt broken with all this unwanted movement in his body, mind, and soul. Bruce needed help, but he didn't want to ask. Bruce was ashamed to ask; he was a protector, yet there was no protector in him. One step more, he felt stronger, lighter, and more capable. As if...
"Need help, B-man?" Dick asked with a glint in his blue eye. The evident relief shows on the boy's face as he places himself under braces shoulder and puts Bruce's arm over his broad shoulders. Bruce let the grip of the handrail and leans on his son, letting him guide him up, feeling a tiny bit better now.
"You gave everyone a great scare. Don't do that again. Lost a lot of sleep."
Bruce croaked with a laugh. "And I'm guessing you replaced it with coffee."
"How did you know?" Dick questioned as they reached the top of the steps, a few efforts away from the bedroom. 
"Had a hunch." Bruce responds. Standing tall, Bruce hugs Dick, with the utmost emotion in his heart, towards Dick, a young boy who he gave shelter when he lost his parents, finding a few golden threads that connected them. Giving Bruce a new way to look at life, a moment that told him he wasn't the only one in this position. There were always other people to help, and this small boy, now a proud man, was standing in front of him, proud of helping him grow up in a safe home and letting him define a new generation of justice.
Dick froze in this moment. He felt Bruce's arms around his body, noticing the familial warmth radiating from his father. Hugs weren't rare, and yet they weren't often as well. Well, they were starting to get more often lately, thanks to Y/n influence. 
Communication is complex for Bruce, his primary source of love and communication was cut off a long time ago when he was eight, left only with his butler, who was also mourning, attempting to be a family figure for the boy. Life resumed, and Bruce continued to keep himself and others around him at arm's length, not comprehending what he was doing wrong. Only when he met Y/n. Who told him that communication would build him into a better person and father figure to Dick. Bruce preserved it in his mind, not acting much upon it until this moment, a moment where he felt that the right move would be a hug and the words...
"I love you..son." Bruce spoke clearly enough for Dick to pull back and look a second of puzzled look on his face before taking a chuckle out of it
"You still have a concussion."
Dick stepped away from him down the stairs, his steps seemingly crammed with joy, hearing the words he had heard from Bruce maybe a handful of times. Bruce limped gradually towards his bedroom, opening the heavy door with a slow swoosh, not wishing to wake up his girl. There she was. Sleeping on her side, her back facing him. Her curves were covered by the thick duvet cover that was dubbed an 'expensive heating blanket that could swallow me whole, and I wouldn't mind' by Y/n. His muscular weight dipped the bed slightly as he sat down, looking at Y/n shift towards him, her eyes still shut, laced with sleep. 
"Poor thing... Why didn't you eat anything? Why didn't you drink water like you always tell me to? I feel so stupid to have to put you through this to know how much I love and need you. When I had nightmares, one of my nightmares was seeing you walk past me, not knowing me, not kissing my cheek or holding my hand—just passing me, not even looking at me. And when I wanted to reach your hand, you looked at me with disgust and kept moving. Only for me to yell for you and watch you walk...away. I would never have thought I would see another day where you are in my life, our house, and our future."
Bruce's hand reaches for Y/n kissing her knuckle lightly just enough to stir her awake. Her eyelashes fluttered open, her eyes catching Bruce's figure concealed in the night sky's color. Standing up slowly, Y/n looked at his hand holding hers, examining his hand carefully, caressing her palm, drawing little shapes, tiny invisible hearts, and stars. Y/n looks up into his blue eyes, expressing uncertainty.
"Please, tell me this is real."
Leaning down to her, Bruce kisses her lips softly, answering in a hushed tone.
"I am here, sweetheart."
Y/n eyes twinkle and shake with tears brimming over the edge of her waterline as they begin to cascade down her cheeks. Bruce kisses her cheeks, dabbing away her tears. Y/n drew Bruce to herself, hugging him for dear life, hearing his strong heartbeat beating in a serene rhythm. 
"Don't do that ever again, stupid man. Stupid, stupid man." Y/n cried out to her man, feeling herself ache with the reality of his job and life purpose. 
"I won't, darling. I will never leave you again.'" Bruce promised, caressing her back gently, soothing her as she cried out. Bruce knew what happened to him was life-changing in more ways than one, and it nearly broke his family apart. Bruce was definitely in his peak physical shape, but mentally, he still had to shape himself into a man worthy of being a good son, a great father, and a one-of-a-kind future husband. 
But that will, for now wait, and so will the ring that was hidden in Bruce's drawer for another day.
Hope you liked it! Let me know what you think ❤️
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mrfandomwars · 5 months
Thinking about Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen having been best friends since childhood, like 'it has been so long that you are basically family' sort of thing
Oliver named Bruce as someone he wanted to take in Roy if anything happened to him (and happened to Dinah, though I have heard that she apparently doesn't really like kids and if he knew that maybe he wouldn't leave Roy to her? maybe just a comment asking her to check in on him regularly?) and Bruce did the same thing, though maybe only with all the kids minus Dick (depending on if Alfred was for some reason to take in the kids, of course. Also, minus Dick is in case Oliver was on the island during that time thus Bruce couldn't maybe put him down, though he could have put it in his Will so idk)
Green Arrow being one of the few heroes that Batman will actually listen to, Green Arrow being one of the heroes who can drag Batman to the medbay, Green Arrow being one of the few heroes who isn't immediately thrown out of Gotham (and later on being allowed to patrol it once or twice while Bruce is out for the count for whatever reason)
Come on, please just more of Bruce "I thought you knew" Wayne and Oliver "wHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU ARE THE BATMAN!?" Queen.
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moustacheshe · 2 years
Obsessive! Otto Octavius x fem! Reader x Obsessive! Norman Osborn /Green Goblin
Notes: I hope it's not to out of character and that there are not to many mistakes ^^'
Yes there will be an artwork for this story :D
Summary: Norman and Otto 'adopt' you.
Warnings: kidnapping, mentioning of death, mentioning of drugging, Stockholm Syndrome?
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You are running. This is all you can do while Peter tries to fight the two men currently terrorizing the city. Why are they doing this? You have no idea. The only thing you know for a fact is that one of them targeted you. He's flying on his glider following you. Yes you are chased by the Green Goblin while Peter is busy fighting Doctor Octopus.
You run past some destroyed buildings and dodge the many obstacles lying across the damaged street. While you're running you turn around a few corners in an attempt to loose your persecutor. Somehow you manage to turn around a tight corner and slip into a dark doorway. As you press against the cold doorframe and pray that he didn't see you, the Goblin flys past your hiding spot. You let out the breath you were holding in. 'How is this possible? They were both dead?'
You remember Norman Osborn. The father of your friend Harry. He was always occupied with his work when you were seeing him. But every time he noticed you entering the room, he would stop what he was doing or quickly finish his phone call. He would turn to you and ask you about your day and how your parents must be very proud of you. Harry once said that his dad would adopt you if he could and that you are practically already his daughter. You used to laugh this kind of comments off. Harry often had problems with his father, so you tried to support him as much as you could. You answered, how you already have parents of your own and that for his father he is the one and only. That usually helped... Then the whole Green Goblin thing happened and Harry got together with Mary Jane. Now things started to get even worse. Norman sometimes wouldn't let you leave his penthouse because 'it is dangerous outside'. Other times the Green Goblin would appear out of nowhere and kidnap you. Only for you to wake up in Norman Osborn's room and him being knocked out on the floor. It didn't take long for you to suspect something. Even if Norman said that he never knew about anything.
Eventually Norman Osborn aka the Green Goblin died by his own hand. Everything stopped...for now... You finally found some peace in your life and helped Harry overcome this hard time... You miss him... He was a very close friend...
You shake your head and focus on the present again. How can both of the villains come back from the dead? Your thoughts snap back to reality as you hear a clinking sound right beside you. As you turn your head quickly to look, you freeze. 'A pumpkin bomb!' The devilish device starts beeping and blinking green, getting faster with each ticking second. It is until then, you notice several other bombs spread all over the tight alley you are in. You can't react as fast as they all go of at the same time. They release a thick smoke quickly taking over the whole alley. "Shit! *cough*" You curse yourself for not being careful enough. Quickly you pull up the hem of your top to cover your nose and mouth. You can't see even one step ahead and you start to feel dizzy.
Carefully you step out of your hiding place. You look around. "Hehehe! Did the Goblin scare little (y/n) out of her hiding place?" A raspy voice echos from somewhere out of the thick smoke. Now you start to panic. You run in the one direction that seems to be the right one. "Careful little princess or you'll hurt yourself!" The mocking voice of the Green Goblin sounds through the alley. 'What did he call me?!' Upon being confused about the way the villain talks to you, you didn't notice the obstacle on your path. You trip and fall, sliding across the rough ground. Feeling the pain of the impact you let out a yell. The hard pavement is cool but your knees and palms on which you caught most of your fall start to burn. You let out a hiss and take a look at your palms. They have big scrapes that start to bleed. The fabric of your trousers is ripped open and your knees are bleeding too. Slowly you push yourself up and sit back down on your butt.
Suddenly you hear the sound of the glider flying over your head. Out of the smoke above you a figure jumps down, landing right before you. "Look at what you've done to yourself." The Goblin says straightening up in front of you. His eye protectors on the mask slide upwards, revealing two blue eyes gleaming down on you. "W-What do you want from me, Mr. Osborn?" You manage to ask. "Hehehe, Norman is not here my dear. Although it is his intentions that led me to you." Now you are completely lost. "Then what are your...his... What are you implying?" "Remember how Osborn always gave you all his attention?" The Goblin starts circling around you. "He always loved you like a father would love a daughter..." You watch him carefully. "And now, after coming back from the dead and returning to this universe... He finds out that his only son is dead." You swallow hard. "It broke his heart...or what's left of it. And in the end..." He stops in his tracks right in front of you. The man kneels down and raises his finger, a crazy look in his eyes. "...it broke him completely." He makes a crushing motion with his hand. You start to feel a little bad for Norman. This man went through so much pain, even before his death and now that he is back... It is even worse. The Goblin seems to notice the sad expression on your face. "Oh, don't feel sorry for him. Just wait until you talk to him personally." He takes off his mask and smirks at you with this insane look on his face. "I only feel sorry for you.~" With that he closes his eyes and inhales deeply.
"W-What do you mean?!" Quickly you stand up. "(Y/n)?" You pause mid motion and slowly raise your head. The man before you stares at you with a worried and confused expression. He looks you up and down and notices the bruises on your knees and hands. His eyes widen in realisation. "I-I didn't want this to happen to you..." Norman reaches out with his hand to touch you. But you take a step back looking at him with fear. "HE took it to far. The Goblin. I didn't mean for this to happen... But..." You find your voice again and snap at him. "WHAT is going on here?!" You feel scared, angry and confused. You just want to go home. "Harry is gone and now... I just found out that I was supposed to be dead... I lost my son. I lost my company. I lost my home... Everything I worked so hard for is just gone..." His face distorts in anger and sadness. You could swear you see a tear rolling down his cheek. As you watch him carefully you think about what to do. It still doesn't occur to you, how this whole 'rising from the dead' thing happened. Nor did you know what the Goblin meant by 'this universe'.
But there is one question you want to have an answer to right now. "What does this have to do with me?" Norman looks at you and his expression softens. "Everything I loved is gone except...you." You are taken aback by his answer. 'Did the Goblin tell the truth?' "I-I'm sure I'm not the only one you've left in this world, Mr. Osborn." "How many times did I tell you to call me Norman. Please I just want to offer you something." He again reaches his hand out to touch you but you now take a few steps away from him. His smile falls. "This is madness Mr. Osborn! You are destroying the city! I thought Peter was like a son to you too." He narrows his eyes at your last sentence. "Well that was before he decided to interfere with my plans. Thinks he's something special, going around sticking his fingers in businesses they don't belong." The man answers in a mocking manner. You are unsure if you're talking to Norman or the Goblin right now. "This isn't you Norman... The Goblin is telling you all these lies!"
It is until now that you notice the smoke getting lighter and lighter. Norman starts rambling something to himself. While looking off into the distance behind you. "I'm going to go home now." You tell him while slowly backing up. His gaze snaps back to you, making you jump a little. "Home? No your home is with me...with us." "Us?" You unconsciously ask out loud. "Me and Otto are going to take care of you from now on." 'Dr. Octavius!' You think while freezing mid motion.
The first time you've met him was when Peter first introduced himself to him. You did so too and he immediately remembered your name. "Oh (y/n) nice to finally meet you, dear. Norman was always talking about you. It's good to get to know you personally now." He said reaching out a hand for you to shake it. "Oh...really?" You answerd unsure of how to act. The thought that Norman has talked about you to this man makes you cringe. You didn't even know this Dr. Octavius but he seemed to know everything about you. This moment was awkward... But even more so the fact that he started obsessing over you the way Norman did. He would constantly invite you over for dinner and ask about your day and how you are doing. That was BEFORE the accident happened and turned him into a monster...
It was one or two nights after the whole 'creating the power of the sun' thing went wrong...
You are laying in bed in your apartment. The images of the event are still playing behind your closed eyes. You're tired because of sleepless nights. As you are about to drift off into sleep you hear noises coming from outside. Sleepily you open your eyes a little to look outside the open window. Nothing. You turn around, your back facing the window.
Something starts creeping in through your window. It quietly slithers in your room. One... Two... Three... Four... The metallic arms grab tightly onto the floor and the walls, hoisting up the person controlling them. Quietly the black haired man watches you. You're breathing calmly underneath your blanket. He needs to be quick if he wants to stay undetected.
The moment you notice something gently grabbing you, it was already to late. The mechanical arms grab you around your waist and hoist you into the air. Before you even realize what is happening, you get placed into your captures lap. A hand covering your mouth keeps you from screaming. You, now fully awake, begin to struggle in the two arms holding you. Which ends with you getting pressed even harder against the soft and warm body of the man. "(Y/n) my dear, it's okay. It's me Otto."
Your escape attempts come to a sudden stop and you look up. It is indeed Otto Octavius. His face is barely lit by the streetlight outside your window. There are also four mechanical arms coming into your view. The red light in their center seems to stare at you. With fear in your eyes you try to figure out what is going on. 'Wasn't Dr. Octavius meant to get rid of those in the hospital?!' The scientist removes his hand from your mouth.
"W-What is going on?!" He only smiles at you bittersweet. "I'm sorry my dear for waking you up so roughly." You don't understand what is going on and try to get away from him, pushing against his chest. "Oh, no no. There's no need for such behaviour." He scolds you and grabs both of your wrists with his hands, before you can get any further. "What is the meaning of this?! Dr. Octavius what-" "Please my dear, call me Otto." He sights and pulls you back into his lap. The mechanical arms wrap around the both of you, keeping you close to Ottos warm body. You can't do much except hoping for help to come... "You know how many times I imagined holding you close. How many times I wanted to lock the front door, when you were over for dinner. Just so you would stay and enjoy the evening with me. I even thought about putting something in your food..."
You start to slightly shake in his arms, imagining the different scenarios. Otto notices and hushes you while stroking your head. "It's okay dear, I would never hurt you. I just want you to stay with me, where it's safe. I'll take good care of you." He kisses the top of your head.
"Y/N!" You get pulled back into reality as someone shouts your name. Looking around you spot a red and blue figure swinging your direction. "PETER!" You shout, relieve washing over you. Norman also looks in the figures direction and narrows his eyes. "That damn spider. Always a thorn in my side." He puts on his mask and jumps on his glider. "Let's talk later." The man says, now back in his Goblin voice. Peter has almost reached you, but as he swung to grab you, you feel another arm wrap around your waist. You let out a surprised yell as you get snatched of the ground.
The Goblin grabbed you before Peter could, you struggle in his arms as he's holding you close. He starts to laugh. "Pathetic little spider! Thinks he can take you away just like that!" You yell at him, "LET ME GO!" The bruises on your hands burn as you try to break free and get some of your blood on his suit. "Stop struggling! I'm not as patient as Osborn. I'll put you down for a nap if you prefer that option." You stop in your actions and look up at him with reddened eyes. "Please I... I'm scared." The Goblin growls and then huffs at your statement. "LET HER GO!" Peter yells from a distance. Your captor suddenly stops in his tracks and turns around to face Spider-Man. "Alright then, if you insist." Then he let's go of you. You let out a scream of terror as you fall. "Y/N!" Peter wants to go after you but the Goblin flys right into his side, stopping him from reaching you. Your thoughts are running wild. 'Will this be the end? Am I going to die?'
Before you can even finish these thoughts you land in someone's arms. You don't care who it is as you grab a hold of the persons sweater. Tears start streaming down your cheeks as you close your eyes and hold on for dear life. "Oh no my dear. What did the Goblin do to you? I really need to help Norman, keeping the Goblin at bay. Especially with you around now." You quickly open your eyes. 'This voice...' You look up at your 'savior' and your eyes widen. Smiling down on you is none other than Otto Octavius. His smile is warm, but his expression is filled with concern. You look around and notice that you are on top of a smaller building. "Please put me down! Dr. Octa-" "I'm so sorry my dear. But I'm afraid you'll run away if I put you down." You let out a growl. "Of course I'm going to run away! You two are kidnapping me! Peter is going to save me! I'm not some object to toss around and-" Otto interrupts you one more time. "Hush! Don't say we're kidnapping you. I have to say, it makes me feel sad that you think of yourself as an object in this whole situation. But we'll talk about that later." He answers, sounding a little disappointed. "You belong to Norman and me. No one is going to ever hurt you again. You don't need to worry about anything anymore. We love you." The last sentence was nothing more than a whisper as he kisses the top of your head.
You wanted to protest but he has already turned to leave with you. His four mechanical arms carry you two away, to fast for your liking. "PETER!" You try one last time to break free from his grasp. "(Y/N)! I'LL SAVE YO-" Peter couldn't finish his sentence, as he gets punched in the stomach by the Goblin. "I'm your opponent now little spider. Don't worry about (y/n), she's in good hands." Another punch to the face and he sends Peter flying. "NO!" You yell as you see your friend seemingly helpless against the Goblin. The man holding you brings you closer to his chest, so you don't see the fight anymore. "It's okay my dear. Everything will be fine."
"We had a deal." You hear a faint voice talking.
The last bit of your strength dies down and the adrenaline slowly wears off. You sink down in his arms, as you're getting further and further from the scene. It is strangely comfortable and warm in the arms of your captor. You start to get drowsy and your body increasingly fails to keep you awake. "Now that's much better isn't it? You can rest now, my dear. Don't fight it, it's going to be alright." You turn your head to look at him, barely keeping yourself awake. "W...What...did...you do...?" You manage to mumble the question in your hazy state. "Oh I didn't do anything... At least nothing that you've noticed." With his answer your body gives in to the unconsciousness and you fall asleep in his arms.
"Hehehe, you didn't actually believe that you would get rid of me so easily."
You are laying on something soft. A bed with a blanket covering you.
"You have what you wanted, now go away!" The voice is getting angry.
You carefully start to move your limps. Your mind is still clouded.
"Oh, what a fool you are! Didn't I tell you that I'm going to stay." The other voice sounds much more sinister.
You slowly start to sit up and look around in the room you are in.
"But I have another idea of how to get things settled."
The room you are in is unfamiliar to you.
"As if I would believe another word you are saying."
Your gaze stops at the door. The conversation seems to come from behind it.
"You don't need to believe me, just listen to me."
A shiver runs down your spine the moment you remember the events that took place. Furthermore you now know who that voice belongs to. Norman Osborn. You feel panic bubble up in your stomach and you throw the blanket away. Quickly you stand up from the bed. But the world around you starts spinning as you stand straight. You need to support yourself on the wall. This is when you notice that the scrapes from your fall have been taken care of. They are bandaged very accurately. But you have other things to worry about. You look to the door and then to the window. The door is no option with Norman probably right on the other side of it. Then there is the window... You slowly make your way over to it, carefull to make no sound. As you open it and look down, your heart stops. You are looking down from what is apparently the 20th floor. Underneath you is a very busy street. You are trapped...but you  can still try to scream down for help.
The moment you want to lean a little further outside the window, a arm wraps around your body and pulls you back. You let out a scream and the window slams shut. You free yourself from the person holding you and glare at them. "What are you doing (y/n)?" It is Norman, he's wearing a simple gray shirt with the sleeves rolled up. The shirt is put into his black pants and on his feet are only socks. He looks really concerned and pretty messed up. "I hope you didn't consider jumping. That would be...awful. How could I forget to lock up the window." He mutters the last part more to himself than to you and runs his fingers through his hair. "NO! I wanted to scream for help, because you two are holding me hostage! Just let me go! I'm not your child! I don't know what fantasy world you two live in, but I'm not-" "SILENCE!" You jump a little at his sudden outburst and take a few steps back. Norman sights and straightens up. "I'll not tolerate behavior like that. I know it'll be difficult to adjust to this new life. Otto said that you'll probably be a little agitated..." The man sights. "(Y/n) please honey, don't make this any more difficult. You'll be okay, I promise. Otto and I will give you everything you need." He takes a few steps in your direction. His hands are raised in a calming manner. Like someone would approach a scared animal. Your breathing gets faster and you step back again. "Don't you dare touch me... Why me? I'm a grown up... I live my own life... I don't need you two to protect me! You. Are. Not. My. Parents."
Norman doesn't say anything, he just looks at you with disappointment. "I don't like what I'm about to do... Don't you dare hurt her." He commands with a stern expression. "Who are you...!" The moment you wanted to ask the question, the answer already occurs. Norman's expression changes into a grin. "Hehehe, oh I won't hurt her...much." You gasp and want to make a run for the door, but you get already pulled back. "NO! Not you!" You try to pull away from him. "Oh no, not the Green Goblin!" He imitates you. "Hehehe, you brought this upon yourself sweetheart.~" With all your might you push against him. "No! Norman don't let him hurt me!" You look him in the eyes with a absolute terrified expression. The Goblin just laughs and takes your face in his hand. "Look at you now, shouting for Norman like he would protect you from me." You feel tears slowly filling your eyes. "You know what this reminds me of..." His grip on your face tightens painfully. "This reminds me of a little girl, calling for her dad.~ Why don't you behave, so uncle Goblin doesn't need to teach you good manners." The tears now start running down your face and your mind is fixated on not getting hurt...or hurt even more. "I'm sorry! Please I'm so sorry! Norman please come back! I beg of you!" You plead, doing the only reasonable thing. You close your eyes and start to sob. Then the tight grip on your face loosens and you sink against the chest of the man holding you. You mumble 'I'm sorry.' over and over again, while digging your fingers into his shirt. "There there, it's alright honey. I'm here." Norman is back to himself and strokes your head. He holds you tight against his chest. He knows this is wrong, but he needs you...he needs your attention and your love.
Norman carefully picks you up and walks into the room next door. He walks over to the couch in the living room. You are still holding on tight, afraid to let go. Afraid of the Goblin. Norman sits down, placing you in his lap. "Shhhh, it's okay now sweetheart. I'll not let him out again, I promise." He starts rocking from side to side to calm you down. You start to loosen your grip and just listen to his heart beat.
How can you ever escape? Will Peter find you? Is your family already looking for you?
Suddenly the front door opens and someone steps in. Norman turns his attention away from you and looks over his shoulder. "Ah, Otto you're back already." He says smiling. "Yes my love, it didn't take to long to get everything settled. How's our little sweetheart doing? Is she awake yet?" Otto asks putting down his coat. Then you hear heavy footsteps walking over to Norman and you. "Oh, she woke up a few minutes ago. We were just waiting for you." You hear machinery clicking. Slowly you raise your head and look up at the two man. Otto smiles down at you before his expression turns into a frown. "What happened? You look scared my dear and I can see you were crying." You briefly glance at Norman and then back to Otto. He seems to notice your little gesture and puts a hand on Norman's shoulder. "My love...tell me what really happened." His voice sounds loving but at the same time very firm. Norman tightens his grip around you and you hear his heart beat fasten. You wish you could just vanish right here and there. Norman sights in defeat. "I'm sorry honey... I let the Goblin take control again..." He looks down to you and you can see his expression is guilty.
Otto sights and walks around the couch. He kneels down in front of you two. You watch every move carefully, still afraid to move or say anything. Norman looks at Otto and bites his lower lip. "I don't blame you, my love... But we'll have to talk about this eventually. I know you want this to go as fast as possible but...we'll need to give this time..." Otto smiles at Norman and then he looks at you. Your heart starts to pick up its pace and you look at him with big eyes. 'How do I ever get out of this? How DID I ever get in this?' You feel cornered, you can't go anywhere. "(Y/n) dear, how are you feeling? Do your wounds still hurt?" You slowly shake your head. "I...I feel a little dizzy..." You answer honestly while shifting uncomfortable in Norman's lap. Norman notices and places you next to him on the couch. "That's perfectly normal my dear. After all it's been a very stressful day for you." Otto answers and stands up from his kneeling position. "Norman could you make our little girl something to drink?" Norman snaps out of his thoughts and nods. "Yes of course." He answers and stands up looking at Otto. Dr. Octavius whispers, "Thank you, my love." and gives him a quick kiss on the lips. With that Norman disappears into another room.
Otto watches Norman go into the kitchen, before turning to you again. His mechanical arms start moving. One is getting a folded blanket from an arm chair and another one is getting a handkerchief from a box. You watch them cautiously as they hand the items to Otto. He offers you the handkerchief. "Don't think bad of Norman. You might not understand his actions but he did this because he loves you. It is frustrating for him not getting anything back from you." You just stare at the handkerchief in his hand. Is this supposed to be your fault? You carefully take the item from him. "So you are guilt tripping ME for this whole situation? For not playing along? For not loving two men that KIDNAPPED me as my fathers?" You found your voice again and whipe away your tears with the handkerchief. At first Otto doesn't answer you right away. He just takes the blanket, unfolds it and wraps it around your shoulders. The man kneels back down and holds the blanket firmly to bring you closer to him. "(Y/n) my dear, if only you knew what we saw in this other universe... It's hard to explain but..." He seems to have problems finding the right words. Furthermore he looks very affected. "Norman and I we found out that you've died in this other universe. We were devastated..." You swallow hard, still confused how this is even possible. "Some bad people killed you. That's why we decided to take you away, once we were back to our own universe. This is to protect you. Now that we are alive again after all those years...we've lost everything. But the only person we both love and care for is still here. You're all we've left." You feel bad for them. But is keeping you away from everyone really the best for you?
Tears start welling up in your eyes again. This is to much for your brain to process. Their pain. Your pain. A big lump forms in your throat, keeping you from saying anything. You wanted to say something but your mouth only escapes a little whimper. Ottos expression softens and he finishes wrapping the blanket tightly around you. Then he sits on the couch with you, pulling you closer to him. Norman comes back with some tea. "I made your favorite." He says while sitting the tray down. There are three cups and a pot full of tea. "Thank you my dear. I think this'll help our little sweetheart relax." Norman smiles and pours in the tea. He hands you the tea, which you take carefully after freeing your hands from the blanket. "Be careful it's hot." Norman says while handing another cup to Otto. You don't want to admit it but you've never felt that comfortable in a while. You slowly take a little sip from the tea. It tastes absolutely wonderful. Norman sits down next to you. One of the mechanical arms grabs another blanket and wraps it around Norman. "Thank you, honey." The blonde man whispers and moves closer to you.
You've already finished the majority of your tea as you feel your eyes getting heavy. Otto notices and puts your cup on the table. You let your head rest on the chest of Dr. Octavius while you feel Norman tracing patterns on your back. You let yourself sink into the love the two man give you. And after a few minutes you've sunken into a deep sleep.
"I've never felt so fulfilled and happy." One of the two men whispers. "I think we both never felt that...until now."
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