#all the non americans i know are saying it looks gross
janeway-lover · 5 months
Okay I am fighting for my life for biscuits and gravy in the discord chat so here we go.....
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moremaybank · 9 months
day six childhood friends to lovers with jj maybank
pairing jj maybank x fem!reader
summary you and jj visit a fortune teller for a laugh at the first annual obx carnival, but her predictions end up coming true. (loosely inspired by all american 3x07)
warnings jj licking your fingers in a non-sexual way (lmao), pretty sure that's it. just hella fluff with bestie!jj
obx week ‘23 masterlist ;; jj masterlist
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“For a moment your eyes open and you know.” - Keane
You plucked a tuft of pink cotton candy from the cone in your hand. “Last piece. You want it?”
“Hell yeah. Give it to me.” JJ grabbed your wrist gently, bringing it toward his face so he could eat it. He goofily licked your fingertips to get rid of the stickiness, and your nose scrunched up in disgust. 
“Ew, J. You actually have no boundaries.” You wiped the residue of his saliva on his shirt.
“We’ve been best friends since we were nine. What boundaries do we have left?” 
Truthfully, you couldn’t argue with that. You and JJ had seen it all together. You’d been as vulnerable and open as two people could get with each other. You shouldn’t have been shocked by his…gross action. The man passed all kinds of gas around you twenty-four-seven. He’d eaten foods far past their expiry dates. You’d seen him drink spoiled milk on a dare (though you can’t say he wouldn’t have done it if he wasn’t dared to).
That’s not to say you two weren’t good for each other, because you undoubtedly were. JJ’s wild spirit helped you break out of your shell. He pushed you to try new things, push your boundaries, and make you see that you had all this untapped power inside you. You didn’t think he could surprise you any further, but he still managed to every day, even now in your twenties. 
On his side of things, your calming presence grounded him. It provided him with the safety and the domestic feeling he’d longed for while living his life with Luke Maybank as his father. No matter how chaotic things became, all he had to do was take one look at you, and his mind calmed. You, even as a child, gave him a comfort he never knew he needed until he had it in the palm of his hand. 
“I guess that’s true. You’re still gross though.” 
He winked at you with a cheeky grin. “You love it.”
The sun began to dip below the horizon, and the warm hues of pink, orange and yellow painted the sky as the two of you made your way through the colourful maze of booths and rides. Laughter and music filled the air, and your mouths watered at the sweet smells of funnel cakes and caramel apples. 
Your eyes wandered over all the activities surrounding you, and one specific booth caught your eye. You tugged on JJ’s arm. “J, look!” 
His eyes followed your pointed finger to a quaint, candlelit tent a little ways from where you both stood. He squinted, trying to focus on the large lettering of the sign above the booth. “Madame Zara’s Mystical Fortunes. Are you for real?” 
He couldn’t deny that it piqued his interest at least a little bit, but he also wasn’t sure about wasting ten bucks on words of ‘wisdom’ that you could easily get out of a fortune cookie. 
“Why not? It’s all in good fun anyway.”
“Y/N/N, I can give you a fortune right now for free. Watch this.” JJ stood, raising his index fingers to his temples and closing his eyes. His voice picked up a spooky tone. “I predict that we’re going to go on the tilt-a-whirl in the next thirty seconds.” 
His eyes open, and he points to the ride right next to you, clasping a hand over his heart with a shocked look on his face. “Oh my god, look! The tilt-a-whirl! I was right!”
You rolled your eyes at his mockery but still let out a laugh. “Come on. Do it for me?”
JJ looked into your pleading eyes and your jutted-out bottom lip, and felt himself starting to crack. He’d always had a soft spot for you. How could he deny your wishes when you looked at him like that? 
He let out a large sigh. “Fine. But we’re hitting the tilt-a-whirl as soon as we’re done. And I don’t want any complaints about how fast I spin us.” 
You stepped into the dimly lit tent, where an older woman with piercing eyes welcomed you. “Welcome, young ones. I sense that you seek answers.” 
You and JJ exchanged amused glances as you spoke. “Sure. Why not?”
She gestured for you to sit across from her at a small table, covered in a rich, purple velvet cloth. She took your right hand and JJ’s left, closing her eyes as her fingers traced invisible patterns on your palms. 
“There’s an abundance of energy between you two,” she began in a hushed tone. “This night you embark upon…it’ll offer you both clarity, unlocking secrets hidden in the depths of your hearts.” 
JJ laughed softly as a smirk took over his features. “Clarity, huh?” 
You kicked his leg under the table, trying not to laugh. Madame Zara continued, though, unfazed by your shared skepticism. 
“Remember, clarity often reveals truths you’ve chosen to ignore.” 
You thanked the fortune teller and exited the tent. “That was…something.”
“It was a load of bull,” JJ laughed. “I mean, clarity? Clarity about what?” 
“Who knows,” you replied. “Alright, we can go on your beloved tilt-a-whirl now.” JJ grinned at that, grabbing your hand and tugging you over to the ride. 
You two spent the evening going on every ride you could manage and indulging in all the sweets you came across. You’d be sick to your stomachs by the night’s end, but you couldn’t bring yourselves to care.
The night wore on, and you found yourselves atop the ferris wheel, overlooking the brightly lit carnival below you. The twinkling stars above you seemed to be in perfect alignment. JJ had grown eerily quiet, which was odd for him, seeing as he was always bouncing off the walls with an energy you couldn’t quite comprehend. 
You turned to look at him, planning to break the silence, when you caught his heated gaze. Your brows furrowed. “What’s that look for?” 
He licked his lips, turning his body toward you slightly. “Nothin’, I was just thinkin’ that psychic lady was right.” 
“Right about what?” You asked. All of a sudden, things had turned serious, which was rare for you two. Everything about your friendship was fun and lighthearted, but it didn’t feel that way anymore. At least, not at that moment. 
“About me needing clarity. Y/N, we’ve been best friends for so long. I mean, we’ve been through everything together. But sometimes…sometimes it feels like there’s somethin’ more. Somethin’ we both kinda deny.” 
Your eyes searched his for an understanding. “What are you saying, J?” 
“I think— Nah, I know. You’re my world. You make everything better, make everything brighter. I love you, pretty girl. I’m in love with you.” 
Your heart raced as you processed his words. Suddenly, the fortune teller’s prediction didn’t seem so foolish or ridiculous. In that moment, that same clarity JJ felt washed over you. The lightbulb switched on inside your head. You realized that you weren’t just in love with the idea of your friendship; you were in love with him. 
“I’m in love with you too, J,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. Your hand found his, and your fingers intertwined. He smiled at you brighter than he ever had, and his eyes sparkled as the moonlight bounced off of them. 
“Can I kiss you now?” 
“You definitely should.”
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JJ TAG LIST (JOIN HERE!): @surftrips @oncasette @taintedxkisses @maybankslover @goldenroutledge @penny4yourthoughts @bmo-bri @hemogloban @princessbetsy123-blog @slytherhoes @whoisdrewstarkey @aliyahsomerhalder @dreamingwithrafe @vigilanteshitposting @poppet05 @wildflwrdarlin @adoreyouusugar @f4ll-for-you @tell-me-when-ur-ready @bbycowboi @jjmaybankisbae @enhypens-hoe @loverofdrewstarkey @earth2starkey @angelofcigs @koalalafications @aerangi @cantstoptheimagines @sarah5462 @slut4drudy @lvvrgrl @somerandos-world @peachpitlover @sya-skies @emmalandry @gillybear17 @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @madelynie @urbestieboo @abbybarnesstuff @lovelyxtom @camelliaflow3r @dirtytissuebox @runningfrom2am
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sequencefairy · 2 months
Ya know, I was gonna be done. I spent hours yesterday talking friends off ledges when people were harassing them for being excited about the watcher announcement, or when their anxiety ballooned while watching the never-ending fucking tide of absolutely entitled morons kept piling on and on and on and spreading baseless bullshit every where.
But like, I cannot be done.
Because I am just so fucking disappointed. I'm so fucking sad to be sitting here watching people writhe with glee over the reactions to the announcement, and fill their little vengeful mugs in anticipation of watching the fall of a fledgling independent media company they are literally standing around lighting matches to throw onto the pyre.
Y'all make me sick.
You profess to love these guys, to want to see them succeed, to enjoy the stuff they make for you. You beg and demand and scream for more time with Ryan and Shane and bitch constantly during periods of the year when it's not Ghost Files or Puppet History time. You complain to anyone who will listen about how this is a betrayal, as if they're your fuckin' friends who you know personally.
News flash, they're not. They never were. You're parasocially attached to the plush puppet and the guy who sticks his hand up it in a way that is detrimental to your critical thinking skills and you know what? Fucking don't subscribe to the streamer. Who fucking wants you around anyway?
I would bet American cash money that none of you have EVER had to sit with your staff in a meeting and figure out how you were going to keep your company afloat. That none of you have ever had to decide to take a risk like this, in this kind of economic climate and be cautiously excited about what it might mean for you and then to have this absolute viciousness being the response.
I'm really sorry that for some people the price is just out of their reach. I completely understand wanting to join in on something and being unable to because of the money. The amount of times I've had to say no to doing something fun because I just didn't have the cash is not a small amount. It sucks. It really sucks.
But you know, the emotionally mature response to not being able to afford something is to be like, well is there a way that I can save up for this? Something else I can cut out? And if the answer is no, then, unfortunately, sometimes, you just have to be left out. This is a fact of life.
Do you people also get bitchy with artists who charge commission prices that mean they can afford to live?
The comparisons of Watcher to non-network television streamers are laughable. Like, Watcher is absolutely not on the same level of operating profitability as other streaming services. They are an independent production studio that gives a shit about making content that they like to make and taking care of their employees and the other people who are associated with them. And in order for them to continue to make the stuff we like (Ghost Files, Puppet History, et al), we're gonna have to buy-in.
Seeing people say with their full chests that they should just fire people? Are you fucking hearing yourselves? Who should they fire? Their queer employees? The people who write and do sound and edit? The people who make Ghost Files or Puppet History look the way it looks? The people who are the reason the shows work?
And, I'm sorry, but if you think that the solution here is that they should just ... make worse shows, I don't even know what to say to you at all. Sorry that Steven and Ryan and Shane wanna do more than lifeless unsolved copies for the rest of their lives. Go watch fucking unsolved if you want that, watcher has always wanted to do more, do better, make bigger things. And you know what? They are for sure allowed to do that.
I am also utterly enraged by the racism. I cannot even imagine what it's like to be any Watcher employee of colour today, watching the hate and the cruelty roll in. Y'all are just fucking mean, and gross, and I hope you all walk on legos in the dark in bare feet.
Everyone who is acting like this is some fucking personal betrayal needs to go smoke a bowl or do a bong rip and chill the fuck out.
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mcfallen-god · 21 days
Tagged by @zaegreus thanks bestie ✨💜
Do you make your bed?
I often make the bed when I leave for a couple of days, or for a night over, so when I come back home I feel comfy and all hehe.
What’s your favourite number?
Yub, 3
But why? Eh.. The shape? The 'color'? The vibe? Occurrences in my life liked to the three? Idk, just 3 and all the 3 related numbers (33, 333 etc)
What is your job?
Student is not a job, because I am the one losing money, but yeah
If you could go back to school would you?
Probably, I'd like pre-school/middle-school, when I could learn new but easy things lol and I loved the smell and things at my school back then. I'd like to go back in whatever you call that period between 15-18 yo school time, but not for all aspect, let's say I was in a school specialized in art and it was a lot of fun to have a class like that. And for some reason too (but definitely NOT ALL ASPECTS) I'd like to be back to study literature, a part of it...
Can you parallel park?
Yub kinda but I don't like it, and I think it is easier to park on the left part of the road than the right (note: my country drives with wheel on left and road on right)
A job you had that would surprise people?
I didn't had any real job, but maybe the fact I study English literature... Because when I was a kid, until hmm 13/14? I had a deep hatred for English language xD don't ask me why, it is just a fact... This, and me studying literature to begin with, when I barely ever read.. (note: I love to read, but due to other reasons I have a very, very hard time to read even things I really really wanna read :( sed)
Do you think aliens are real?
Sure, but not in the sci-fi kind of way. I think it is absurd to think Earth is the only planet in the infinity of space that met the right conditions for life to develop. But I doubt these forms looks like... humanoid-green/grey skin beings or that they look anything as we know on Earth. I don't even know if there's any 'developed' (in human's terms) form of life, but definitely things that feed and live. (Once again, I doubt they come on Earth with super technology and such... if they do, I really hope they see their mistakes before making first contact and go far far away, before getting involved with the toxic humanity...)
Can you drive a manual car?
Lol of course I can (this question sounds very American oriented question(?) but in my country, manual car is base, we have many non-manuel, but majority is manual) but yeah, I can drive it
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Uh... I don't really know... Some shows? Some I don't even 'like' but more because it reminds me of my youth? (Glee, Ugly Betty, Bones, etc) Idk if it is count as guilty pleasure... If anything else... uh I have unspeakable kinks (only in fictional/role play dimensions, nothing sicko irl), collecting PopMarts figurines? Fried chicken with spicy sauce?? Chocolate biscuit with chips??? I DONT KNOW
Not yet, I wish to have some one day, but first I need to find *the one* I have many artists/kind of tattoos I like, but eh
Favourite colour?
Green and Purple (mostly all the hues) but also: pale mint, pale yellow, pale peach, pale pink, pale bleu, pale lavender, black, white and orange...)
Favourite type of music?
I literally can enjoy anything, from rock, pop, electronic, classical, ethnic/traditional, etc... I have some issues sometimes with some form of Jazz or RnB, but I still enjoy songs from these genres, so I can't say I hate it... I would say rock is always a go-to?
Do you like puzzles?
Most of the time yeah, if it is like puzzle board game 🧩 or puzzle video games 🎮 or riddle games ❓I love it all (Im not saying I am good at it, I say I like it)
Any phobias?
Won't say it is phobia? But I feel grossed at any .. milling bugs? Like colonies of ants or when baby spiders get out of mother spider 🤢 This and I'd say it is more anxiety, but I have a hard time being in crowded place/windowless places (a bit agoraphobic/ claustrophobic but since I can manage to deal with these situations sometimes, I won't call it phobia)
Favourite childhood sport?
Maybe archery🏹 ? Or hmm basketball 🏀 and badminton🏸 ... And I kinda like to play football ⚽ but the toxicity around that sport is making it annoying and boring
Do you talk to yourself?
Rarely out loud, but pretty often in my own head. I feel dumb when I hear my own voice/sometimes it is even stressful because I grow aware of silence around me after I spoke....
What movie(s) do you adore?
Hmm tough question... Many for many different reasons.. But let's say: Legally Blonde (the vibe and the topic, go girls, can be barbie and have a brain), Princess Mononoke (base), FFVII: Advent Children (thirst), Nanny McPhee (chiiill), Crazy Kung Fu (top tier), Ne Zha (2019) (bery nice), ... That's it for TODAY's pick, what about tomorrow..?
Coffee or tea?
Both but ✨☕C O F F E E☕✨(even if Earl Grey Yin Zhen is honestly DOPE)
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
🤔 Idk which come first, but I remember I had the mad project to do "all my dream jobs at once", so I'd have been: a painter, going around the world with a circus where I'd be acrobat and magician, and yet, using the world-travelling to heal any animals I find on my way 😂🤣
A forever go-to @davi-doo
I tag... *go through mutuals*
@beardedladyqueen @kales09 @chinchilla-7 @astraluxe @general-kalani @alladeline @chromium-siren
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frownyalfred · 2 years
Hi, I'm sorry to bother but do you know about this?
If you don't, I hope you can read this, and maybe you can repost about this...
Again I'm sorry to bother but this woman is like Umbridge in Harry Potter. Really. It's terrified.
Yes, I've seen that. I've been pondering how to talk about this, as I've seen other authors/blogs bring it up.
It's no secret that I love and use ao3. I've been on fanfiction.net, LiveJournal, Dreamwidth, etc etc in my time. I've seen fanfiction purges and policing, and it's almost always to users' detriment.
There are many topics and stories I don't personally agree with. I know the adage "don't like don't read" is a bit overused, but I stand by it. Personally, I hate reading stories about underage sex/abuse. It grosses me out. I stay away from stories about graphic sexual assault and rape; it triggers me.
But that doesn't mean I want those stories wiped off the internet. And who am I to really draw that moral line, anyway? If, say, I purge ao3 of pedophilia and any underage sex, will non-con and dub-con be on the chopping block next? Who decides that?
Proponents of "curation" on fanfiction sites make a similar, parallel "slippery slope" argument. They claim that easy and visible access to topics like child abuse or incest will lead to inappropriate behavior or beliefs in real life. It will legitimize these topics, and encourage such actions.
I don't think I need to tell most people that reading about something doesn't mean you like it, endorse it, or want to perform it in real life. Nobody ever asks men who read American Psycho if they maybe shouldn't have, in case they start killing women left and right. Just because I read a story where siblings sleep together (hello, Game of Thrones?) doesn't mean I want that to happen in real life!
The candidate referred to in the tweet seems to be not so subtly endorsing fandom censorship. You can read her interview at the link above, and it's chilling. She seems indifferent to the nuances of these discussions, ones we've been having for years on tumblr and in reaction to fandom purges.
Fanfiction is censored, corralled and contained when it looks bad for owners, companies, and sites. When advertising interests hesitate to put their ads next to graphic smut, capitalism reacts accordingly. IOS hides things on tumblr mobile because it's about money.
And that's exactly what ao3 was created to avoid. It is user-owned and operated. It is literally -- literally -- an archive of our own.
I support the hell out of ao3, and I always reblog posts encouraging others to do so if possible. We finally have a goddamned "safe space" for any kind of fiction under the sun -- any -- and we're risking it over a candidate who appeals to misinformed, underinformed moralism.
I can't blame new fandom members for getting caught up in it. Especially teenagers. They're still figuring out where they personally draw the line. Of course they're clumsy, and apply that filter to everyone around them. It's human nature.
I encourage every reader and non-reader alike to consider where their opposition to certain topics and stories stems from. Is it personal? Moral? If this story was a book at a library, would you ask the librarian to toss it in the shredder? Or would you simply put it down and walk away?
In the United States, even atheists and non-Christians are still unconsciously performing Christian, moralistic values. We do things for the sake of the "children" that make very little, logical impact on perceived ills. We are all (even me, and I'm Jewish) subject to this line of thinking, even if we reject it.
My opinion at the end of the day is that well-tagged, well-described, age-gated content should be allowed to exist on ao3 with very few, if any, limitations. If you don't like the tags -- great! The system worked! Read something else.
"Don't like, don't read" needs an update. In my mind, I've been calling it "bag it, tag it, don't wag it" which I know is silly, but it covers all the bases. Put your content in the correct category (explicit, etc) tag it correctly (sexual assault, etc) and don't shame others for what they choose to consume.
Anyway. If you're a member of ao3 (donated 10$ or more in the last year) you're eligible to vote in the board elections. I highly encourage you to do so. You can learn more about the discourse at the link above, or at ao3's elections page.
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neoyi · 1 year
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Just came from theaters. Thoughts (spoiler heavy) under the "Keep Reading."
I pretty much expected the narrative to be the safest, straightest Point A-to-Point B plot. Being a ninety minute film (which my bladder thanks, because I can't watch movies past the two hour mark in theaters without rushing to the restroom nowadays), it never stays in one place or dilemma for long; this film is snappy. Everybody takes things at face value amazingly quick and advance the plot with little struggle. It's kind of odd, because normally this would bother me WAY more since the emotional impact of the protagonist's personal arc should have that gravitate (this film needed maybe like, an extra ten minutes), but I think having a paper thin plot that runs entirely in speedrun mode probably saved it more than killed. It is right to the point, says what it needs to, establishes and answers, and then moves on. I think having a laser focus goal (Mario and Luigi ends up in the Mushroom Kingdom, Peach needs to save it from Bowser, they go kick his ass) means all the little scenes that we do are crucial to the overall movie instead of pointless meandering. The action-y part of the film get to linger the most, which are spectacular to see, though I would have sacrificed a few minutes of it for some introspection. I guess I shouldn't have expected much from an Illumination film, let alone Nintendo's default flagship. When you have a brand as big as Mario (he's pretty much gaming's Mickey Mouse, after all), it makes sense this movie is just... the most Okay Thing Ever. At the very least, it does mean the movie didn't get gross out humors or Mario spouting dated catchphrases, though the pop songs playing in the background DO stick out by contrast, even if it's another thing I'd expect from a mainstream western animated movie.
Probably the biggest jaw drop is not the isekai route (I'm 36, I grew up with American Nintendo lore where Mario and Luigi were originally from Brooklyn and I'm still grateful the movie paid tribute to it because damn it, I find that aspect of Mario Lore interesting, non-canonical my ass!) , but that they have... parents. Nay, a FAMILY. Mario and Luigi have always BEEN Mario and Luigi. We see their parents from the knee down and cloaked in shadows in Yoshi's Island, but that was literally a couple of screens post-credit; we never see their faces or catch their names or anything. Even the 1993 Mario movie only had Mario and Luigi - their parents were non-essentials. Imagine my shock to see they have A Mom and Dad. What the fuck? And not just parents, they have a whole extended family living under one roof (like any true Italians, of course.) I wanna know who these other folks are. Uncles? Cousins? There's a baby there. Mario and Luigi's cousin? Is the old guy their grandpa??? Help, I don't know what to do with this information. How do I take in Mario and Luigi having an actual family?
Pauline has a brief speaking role and it looks like she's in an important position. I'm guessing she's NYC's mayor. Does she know Mario in this continuity?
I see you there, Charles Martinet, voicing a character who looks like Mario, but it isn't Mario. ;D
Speaking of family, holy SHIT, this movie also clarified whether Donkey Kong was Cranky's son or grandson. It's the first! Granted, this might be true for THIS film only, but it's nice to hear someone lay out their relationship out loud!
It is absolutely to no one's surprise that the stand-out role is Jack Black's Bowser. Every scene he's in, he nails. He delivers with so much gusto and enthusiasm - this man clearly loved playing this guy. Dude gets a piano solo in the middle of the film (a love song to his beloved Peach, of course) because Christ, man, if you're gonna use Jack Black, then you gotta use every part of that buffalo!
I've already accepted that Peach is just the oddball humanoid out in the Marioverse long before canon established Mario and Luigi as Mushroom Kingdom originators, too. But the movie does something interesting and goes out of their way to explain why she's the only human in a sea of Toads. I imagine this could be potential material for the sequel. Like Mario, it's also hinted she, too is from Earth, before accidentally wandering into the Mushroom Kingdom as a baby. I have so many questions how this kid walked into a pipe located in a very obscure part of the NYC sewers (maybe her parents were very neglectful plumbers) and even more questions on her upbringing So, the Toads decided to just one take her in, raise her, train her, and then... crown her as their princess? This brings up the question on whether the Mushroom Kingdom started as a monarchy because of her or if they were filling in a vacant seat that they felt only she was worthy. It's such a weird, eccentric thing for the Toads to just DO, especially without a feasible explanation, but also, I feel like this is something these mushroom idiots would kind of do. I mean, have you seen them? They're hopeless.
I would have been fine if Mario learned all his acrobatic parkour skills in the training montage alone, but I actually love that he's always been acrobatic just from dodging Brooklyn's many, many, maaaaany obstacles. Is it silly? Yeah, it is, but ya know what, people do parkour in real life every day, so why not?
Mario and Luigi taking off their gloves to reveal their... hands, is weirdly off-putting to me. Like these are just CGi cartoon hands, but they have like nails and creases and stuff. And it sticks out so badly that all I wanted was for them to put the gloves back ON. Which is funny to me because official Mario renders do this all the time. Like look at a recent 3D model of Mario and see the visible strewn of hairs sticking out from his hat. I don't know why the hands don't work for me. Maybe I'm just so used to them wearing gloves 24/7. Kind of like Mario's nipples.
I suspected Luigi wasn't going to do much from the trailers I've seen, and that proved correct in the final film. He does get to use the super star with Mario to beat Bowser, but I feel it went a bit unearned. Look, if there's a choice between Peach getting kidnapped or Luigi, than I'd rather it be the latter. Peach here is leagues better than what she's originally stuck with, and it really was for the better. I just kind of wished Luigi had maybe a moment prior to the final fight where he, I don't know, gain some courage, and try to free himself and all the other prisoners. I mean, the film already squeezed in Donkey Kong's daddy issues for all the five minutes it had, I don't see why they couldn't do the same for Luigi. I feel then his team-up with Mario (which isn't thoroughly unjustified - they are the Mario Bros) would have felt like a gradual step forward with his character. Ahh well, maybe in the sequel. Which probably will happen. It'll be good news for Yoshi fans if it does, if the post-credit tease is anything to go by.
tl;dr: This is a very safe movie, though I expected it as much. It's like, there are all-age films designed for their target audience, but thoroughly enjoyable for older folks, too. And then there are kid's movie which are... just for kids. This movie is the latter. It's either that or designed for longtime/dedicated Mario fans, which I am also the latter.
I'm not entirely sure if I would consider it a fun movie, but it's not bad. Shallow, but not bad. I have no genuine grievance or high praises for it. But I enjoyed my time regardless and didn't feel like it was a waste. And hey, that's fine with me.
I will absolutely be getting this on bluray, are you kidding me? (Funny little ancedote: A kid sitting next to me in theaters was thoroughly disappointed with the movie. Like straight up groaning, because Bowser did not win. It put a smile on my face. You're gonna conquer the world, kid!)
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tbh it's not just insinuation of you doing some class discrimination that is gross, other things listed by them as accusations towards you are at least equaly as disgusting, if not more. "ableism, classism, racism" i'm sorry, i didn't know swift is disabled, poor or non-white, oh wait, she is neither of these. yes, grammar policing can be used to discriminate, but when it's used to punch down people, who actually belong to these categories.
also there are literal college courses focused solely on swift's writing, but you as someone with english lit degree can't do some grammar analysis on your private blog? is other anon as offended about these courses and sending them emails about how discriminatory it is to pick apart someone's writing? of course not, because the only people, who would spend money an that type of a course are rich ts fandom cultists, who wouldn't say anything, that might be actually critical about swift. also anon doesn't actually care about picking apart someone's writing, they only care about swift's writing being put under some criticism, because otherwise they would be sending offended emails to every school or critic for the crime of literary analysis.
it's almost as if swift trained these people with her never ending victimhood and copying, to look in her name for any struggle to steal whenever she is being criticized. not an ounce of critical thinking or just common sense to look at it for a second and realize that these don't apply to swift. "so yeah not a good look" yeah, but not on crumblinggothicarchitecture
Sorry, this took a minute for me to get to <3. I appreciate this perspective. I didn't even mention that in the ask, but it's so weird to accuse someone of being racist, ableist, classicist just because I analyzed Taylor Swift’s poor grammar. Swift is the one who calls herself a writer and claims she one of the best writers on the planet right now. So, it stands to reason that I would use my English Degree to analyze her grammar if, for any reason, I felt she actually wasn't a good writer.
If I say that someone isn't a good writer. I'm not going to just state that and leave it there. Obviously, it's on me to effectively argue my point. I do, however, have ways to argue my point. So, naturally, I will get into some linguistic or literary criticism of Swift.
I'm not sure that Grammar-Anon really understands what I am trying to do here. Besides, I think you're right about them not knowing that linguistics is an actual academic discipline. Are the people who dedicate their whole lives to studying and teaching grammar also being racist, ableist, and classicist? LOL.
The English language is such a beautiful medium for expression. It's one of my favorite languages, among many, to read poetry in because it has such an amazing breadth of vocabulary words with which to express emotion. In most linguistic study, it is the mechanism of language itself that scholars pull into study. Fascinating stuff- and people study it all. There are scholars whose life's work revolves around understanding AAVE dialects, or understanding Louisiana Cajun dialects, or understanding mid-Atlantic dialects, or Jewish-New York regionalisms. This is just a short list of regionalist dialects I've personally read about in the last few months- however, the list is expansive and covers much more than just the American continent. For instance, there is a whole subset of academic study centered on the post-colonialist use of English Language in India. Scholarship in this field often takes into account feminist theory, Marxist theory, or Post Colonialist theory. (Again, I just listed my favorites, but there are many more theoretical lenses through which people study the impact of grammatical praxis).
This is something people make into their whole life's work- it's not somehow offensive to participate in low-stakes grammatical analysis of Taylor Swift.
You're right, some people just can't handle the idea of putting her work under the microscope because it would impact their narrow-world view if someone said actually Swift is a bad, unoriginal writer. Imagine the meltdown if twitter Swifties found me :O
I've been giving Swift a pass for years, mostly because I would dismiss her music as simple pop-music. It's meant to be fun. I would listen to it, because it was an easy break from the dense, challenging stuff I would read for classes. However, now I'm going to tear apart Swifts work. It's the principle of the matter now because she seems to think she's the greatest American poet to ever live. I am both bored, as summer approaches and I have nothing else to work on, and frustrated that she's pretending to be a poet.
She's not a tortured genius. She's a trust fund baby who got as far as she did on mediocrity because of her parents' money. We "wouldn't last an hour in the asylum" where they raised her- Ha. She wouldn't last a second working a part-time job after school to pay rent. I get upset when people accuse me of some type of classist's attitude purely because I use my education when they know nothing about my story. I got a lucky break.
Education is my road out of abject poverty. Nothing else was going to save me. I did it all on my own, with the help of a bunch of scholarships, lucky breaks, and really wonderful teachers. Now, in my real life, I am the teacher now. I want to root for people. I critique for the sake of wanting people to improve their skills.
Taylor Swift's arrogant attitude and unwillingness to face criticism just gets under my skin. So, what do I do? I'm not fond of ad hominem attacks. Instead, I will make some good arguments about her bad writing and have some fun in the process. :)
So yeah- I guess it's not a good look.
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
Looks like it's all over. Haruhi has been vomited back up and all that's left is the denouement.
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In an isolated location and with no warning whatsoever, Yuki ate Haruhi over wifi and then rewrote all of time and space in like three seconds. I would love to know what exactly Itsuki's bosses think he could possibly have done to stop this.
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"Yeah, Suzumiya-san was dragging you around by your tie as she does and then you said some shit and she shoved you, not realizing a stairwell was behind you at the time. Fortunately she cheesed it out of there immediately to avoid getting in trouble. Then a passing student found the bloody Kyon Heap and called for an ambulance.
We've planned a memorial service to mourn your passing during the Christmas Party. Suzumiya-san will be thrilled to hear that you'll be in attendance."
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Okay, I love the implication that Future Kyon and the two Asahinas stabilized Kyon, got him into a not-dying-immediately condition... and then Future Asahina threw him down a flight of stairs.
Just. Fireman carried his stitched up and unconscious body into the top floor of the school building and then hurled him and let gravity do what it may.
I will forgive Mikuru's uselessness and the skipping of the Ryoko and Yuki resolution in the climax of this movie if they animate and show us that scene. I need Mikuru hurling Kyon down a stairwell.
That "I fell down some stairs" is a stereotypical code for domestic violence in the U.S. makes this line extra funny from an American perspective.
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See. I have never bought for a second that Kyon secretly enjoys all of this or has feelings for Haruhi but Haruhi having feelings for Kyon is something that the show has actually put the work into demonstrating repeatedly.
This is perfect. I love that she did this.
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No, you won't; The show got cancelled.
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I like how Yuki gives this technical explanation for why it was logistically non-viable to warn Kyon ahead of time that she was going to eat Haruhi.
And then he just cuts right through it.
Like. She didn't tell him because she wanted him to make the other choice. She stands by what she did. As she says at the start of this conversation,
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She's not sorry. She just. Failed. She had an emotional breakdown and tried to rewrite the universe in a way that honestly wasn't even bad. But then Kyon stopped her. And now we all have to. Just. Like. Move on from it.
I like the way this ending is so sympathetic to Yuki despite technically being the film's chief antagonist. Because what she did wasn't even so bad and she did it for completely understandable reasons.
She just wanted to rest. And to feel. And to have her friend back. Again, I am actually more on Yuki's side of this than I am on Kyon's.
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"I'll tell Haruhi that you deleted one of her besties and then she will come for you like a firestorm in the source code of reality and time. You've seen the shit she does to people she likes. You really want to find out what she looks like when homicidally pissed?
You touch Yuki and you are going to be Haruhi's laptop before you even know what happened. Your entire existence will become googling inane teenager things and stuff that gets her put on a No-Fly List for the rest of her life."
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I would love to know what exactly Kyon thinks Mikuru and Itsuki are going to contribute to a retaliatory crusade against a cosmic AI from beyond time and space.
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And then she tried to stab you.
Twice! And one of them succeeded.
My dude, I don't think Ryoko is the example you want to use here. Yeah, they did make an AI who's cheerful and personable and has a social life but she also very much did try to stab you half to death once and then successfully stab you half to death again.
I mean, I'm down for a Yuki that stabs you with a knife every time you join in the gross Mikuru shit. But I don't think that's what you're looking for.
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"...from the SOS Brigade. I need to remember to raise a toast to US: The cause of and solution to all of the world's problems.
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hifumihime · 7 months
Not sure anyone will read/care about this but I need a spot to vent about this whole "Idols "recommending" Made in Abyss" thing that's currently trending on twitter because I feel like I'm losing my mind (also I have no one else to talk about this).
So, one tweet from an unverified account posted that several idols were out here promoting and recommending the manga/anime Made in Abyss to their fans... and like... that's not at all what happened? One of them mentioned in a live off hand that he was going to watch it (along with a list of other shows), but stated he probably wouldn't finish them because he was currently touring. He apparently has never brought it up again. Another had a volume on the floor in the corner of a photo he took on his instagram story. He has also never talked about it before or since.
I have not read or watched Made in Abyss, but I follow several anime accounts online and basically every single person was recommending this show when it came out in 2017. It's still highly regarded in the anime community. I have never seen a single person ever speak about the "sexual" moments in it. I was curious and decided to read the first 3 chapters and... yeah, there's one part right in chapter 1 that has a pretty gross illustration of the child protagonist, which I'm not going to go into more detail here because it did make me extremely uncomfortable. I will note that apparently the South Korean version of the manga/anime is heavily censored and also rated mature, but I've not seen what the censoring in question looks like, so I don't know how much they could have read/watched that in, say, the North American/Japanese versions.
My overall opinion, after sleeping on this, is that calling these idols predators or worse is an extreme over-exaggeration. I'm not surprised people are saying this because the tendency for fandoms to overreact and be the morality police are worse than ever before, but if we're really cancelling these people for reading "problematic" fiction/dead dove content, then I'd be right alongside them.
From my physical manga collection alone, I can name three series I own that would get me cancelled:
After the Rain: protagonist, a high school girl, falls in love with an older man (mid-40s?) who serves her at a family diner. She starts working there, and they develop a friendship. Spoiler: nothing happens between them
Cardcaptor Sakura: pretty well known magical girl series so I won't go into the plot, but like.... looking back on it, there were a TON of age-gap romances in here, one of which being a teacher and an elementary school student. I remember being in elementary school and reading it for the first time and being weirded out by it. Spoiler: nothing happens here either (though I have not read the clear card sequel series)
Daytime Shooting Star: Romance with a love triangle between her teacher (wow I'm realizing I read a lot of age gap/teacher/student stuff) and a classmate. Spoiler: she doesn't end up with her teacher!!
I can think of a ton of other non-anime related examples of "problematic"/dark fiction that I love too: Game of Thrones, Last of Us, House of Leaves, My Dark Vanessa.... One of the best books I've read last year was about a cannibal. I guess to twitter, I am also a cannibal?
I think the unfortunate reality of being an anime fan is that basically 80% of the shit out there has "problematic" elements to it, or as I like to call it, "anime bullshit". And I think a lot of kpop fans have not actually watched anime or read manga and aren't aware of this.
You're allowed to feel uncomfortable with fiction. You're allowed to be weirded out that an idol likes a dark manga that has children as the main protagonists, where awful things happen to them. But at the same time, people are allowed to read dark content as well and that does NOT make them pedos, abusers, etc. That is a horrible accusation to make against someone, especially with no proof other than the fact that they may or may not own a volume of an extremely popular manga series. I really feel like the internet as a whole does not realize that words have meaning, and accusing someone of such vile behavior because of the fiction they may or may not read is just... insane. It's insane behavior. Please go outside.
Anyway if you read all of this, congrats. I'm basically word vomiting this all out at 6 am because I'm bad at sleeping. Would love to hear anyone else's thoughts on the matter honestly!
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ani-coolgirl · 9 months
Wet Hot American Summer
Written for @wincestwednesdays prompt 2: begging
Read here on AO3. Explicit.
It’s hot. Not just, “Oh, I’ll leave my jacket at home,” weather; it’s hot. Hot as if the air is made of fire and every inch of skin is slick from head to toe trying to fight spontaneous combustion; it’s crack an egg on the sidewalk and watch it cook hot. It’s make a whole damn breakfast on the sidewalk hot. Hotter than hell hot. And it shows no signs of stopping.
The hunt’s a bust. Three missing kids turned out to be nothing but three eerily similar custody disputes involving three equally asshole-ish parents. But the hotel room’s already paid through Friday and the Impala weeps every time Dean starts her up; so the car is getting spoiled, hiding from the weather in pre-paid covered parking a block down while Sam and his brother hide in their room. The A/C’s on full blast despite desperate pleas from the governor to mind your energy use but Sam fears it won’t last. Like the Impala, it too whines with every chug. And despite its (and Dean’s) moaning, it still can’t quite keep the heat from sinking in through the door.
They’re both down to their boxers, on top of the comforters, of course. An hour ago, Dean tried raiding the ice machine down the hall for additional relief. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the only one with the idea and there wasn’t nearly enough to fill the tub like Dean planned. So instead they’re stuck dozing at high noon, trying to move as little as possible less they overheat... at least, they were until a few moments ago.
Sam cracks an eye open. Dean remains crouched over him, fingertips dancing along the waistband of his boxers. Sam would kick him away, but—
“Too damn hot,” Sam grumbles, shutting his eyes. Though Dean disappears, his teasing fingers do not. “Said no.”
“Sammy,” Dean entreats, all honey and melted sugar. Burnt sugar, Sam thinks sourly. “Nothin’ better to do.”
“Sure there is,” Sam counters, “sleep.” He rolls to his side and that’s already more energy than he wanted to expend. He can feel Dean’s pout scorching along his back.
“For another two days?” Dean asks. And, yeah, lying around is pretty much all they did yesterday, too, and it’s getting old fast. But Sam’s brain is like a sidewalk egg, fried. He’s not sure he cares. “C’mon.”
“Knock you right out,” Dean offers. “Please?” Then, his tongue slides along his neck and Sam shudders a bit because Dean’s tasting his sweat and it’s. Kind of hot.
Even in the privacy of his own mind, he cringes.
Sam rolls back over, squinting hard at his brother. Dean’s the picture of innocence but his mouth is bubblegum pink and he keeps rubbing circles into Sam’s hipbone. His chest is slick. Everything about him is slick.
Dean’s eyes light up. He knows he’s found a foothold. “C’mon, Sam,” he murmurs. “Gonna let me get at that dick?”
The aforementioned dick twitches.
Sam sighs and Dean’s face splits into a grin. “I’m not doing any work,” Sam warns. “Don’t have the energy.”
Dean shrugs. “Fine by me,” he says, wriggling out of his underwear. “I’ll just get what I need, no sweat.”
Sam snorts. No sweat indeed. They’re nothing but sweat. It shines along his brother’s neck and pecs, pooling in the hollow of his throat. Sam swallows and tries to look bored.
Dean, despite his insistence, doesn’t go straight for the kill. He slides down the end of the mattress, kneeling over Sam’s calves. Then he lifts one foot off the bed and presses a soft kiss to the inside of his ankle. Sam’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
“No complaints,” Dean mumbles into his skin. “You’re not doing any work, remember?”
He has a point. Sam remains silent as Dean nuzzles the delicate bones of his foot, brushing more kisses along the top. His tongue flicks between his toes and Sam gasps and twitches.
“That’s gross,” he breathes. Rationally, it’s not too bad. He’s showered recently—they both have. It’s one of the only ways to keep cool. But the idea of it...
Dean’s gaze drifts up to his non-uninterested cock. “Uh-huh,” he says. “Whatever you say, Tarantino.”
“You’re Tarantino,” Sam mutters petulantly as he fights the redness rising to his face. It’s just the damn heat.
“Mhmm,” Dean agrees with a chuckle, nipping at the ball of his foot; Sam twitches. Then he gently sets that foot down and picks up the other one, pressing his nose to the underside and tickling it briefly with a flick of his tongue. Sam’s fingers dig into the mattress and he stares up at the popcorn ceiling, the only safe place to look.
Dean works his way up Sam’s legs in a similarly methodical faction, taking time to lap behind his knees and bite at the meat of his thighs. By the time he reaches Sam’s groin, there’s no hiding Sam’s reaction. His boxers are soaked, and not just from sweat. Dean glides the shorts down an inch at a time; Sam breaks his own rule a little by lifting his hips. When Dean tosses them aside Sam swears he can hear them splat as they hit the ground. Sam’s... everything is on fire.
“Dean—” he protests but cuts himself off with a strangled groan when Dean sticks his face right between the V of his legs, against his balls, and inhales. Sam has to stop himself from grabbing Dean’s head right then and there and really grinding him in there because that’s disgusting; he knows how much sweat’s been pooling down there, fucking swamp crotch, realizes how much he must reek—
“Cunt smells so good, Sammy,” Dean growls. “Gonna let me get in there? Gonna let me taste?”
Dean doesn’t wait for an answer and Sam can’t give one. He shoves his palm in his mouth so he doesn’t scream as Dean holds his thighs up and apart so he can suck at his balls and dips behind them to stab his tongue viciously at his perineum. Not just there, but at the crease where his legs meet his hips and even dipping down to lick at his asshole. Nothing is spared, save for his dick, which weeps and drips like a broken faucet as Dean mouths provocatively around the base. All Sam can do is arch his back and pant as his veins ignite.
Sweat runs into his eyes and he licks it off his upper lip. Sam doesn’t realize he’s trembling, every muscle tensed like he’s coming until Dean eases him back down on the bed and rubs his legs until he relaxes. He looks up, letting Sam’s dripping cock rest on his face; Dean’s mouth and cheeks and forehead are covered with shining streaks of sweat and come; his lips are candy apple red and glistening. He looks filthy.
“Get up here,” Sam croaks. Dean obeys straddling and leaning down until Sam can capture him in a kiss. And, God, Dean stinks like whorehouse, like an old gym mat, but the earthy musk just makes Sam salivate. He eagerly dives into the offered mouth, tasting his own musk on Dean’s tongue. He licks himself off his brother and loves it.
Dean shoves him back down. “Ain’t done,” he points out and shimmies down until the tip of Sam’s dick teases his ass. “So fucking wet, you’re gonna slide right in there, aren’t you?” Dean taunts, spreading himself wide and letting the head brush his hole.
“Please,” Sam moans. When he grabs for him, Dean lifts up, out of reach. “Please, c’mon—”
“Thought you didn’t have the energy?” Dean reminds him.
“Fuck that,” Sam spits and Dean lets out a surprised chuckle. “Thought you wanted my dick, thought you wanted to take what you want.”
“True ’nuff,” Dean laughs. He reaches back, grabbing Sam’s shaft and guiding it toward his hole.
There’s almost no pause between the head of Sam’s cock breaching the rim and the rest of his dick following; he slides in real easy, just like Dean says. And Sam just has to groan because Dean’s wet, almost girl-wet, and the reason why is fucking nasty; but he sure as hell ain’t complaining when lifts up and drops down again. And again. And again. His own ready-to-use Fleshlight.
He can’t take it anymore. Sam grabs at Dean’s hips (and almost loses him, fingers slipping right off the skin) and pistons up into that smoldering hot, wet heat. Dean retaliates immediately by pinning his hands to the mattress. And Sam lets him because now they’re chest-to-chest, sticking together like they’re becoming one creature as Dean works his ass on Sam’s cock, smooth as any pussy.
“Dirty little brother,” Dean huffs into his face, too close and hot and perfect. “Knew you liked nasty like this, everything smelling like a cum sock, dripping everywhere—”
“I’m gonna, I’m gonna,” Sam gasps as Dean’s ass works his cock. “Gonna—”
“You didn’t even wanna,” Dean teases. Infuriatingly, he stills. “Thought you were just gonna lie there.”
“Please,” Sam groans. He struggles against the hands holding him down, but not very hard. He doesn’t have the energy. “Please—”
“Since you asked nicely,” Dean says magnanimously. He lets go.
Sam’s hands scramble along Dean’s backside, though he never quite manages a good grip. It’s good enough that he can keep Dean where he wants him as he pounds his hole; good enough that Dean finally shuts up, only letting out the gasps that Sam’s dick punches out of him. Everything’s almost too hot, too slick; it’s a frictionless glide keeping him just out of reach of completion, until—
The A/C sputters and dies. That, for whatever reason, is all it takes. Sam pumps once, twice, and then comes, fingertips sliding along Dean’s hips and ass as creams up Dean’s insides.
Sam shudders and drops. Dean works himself on the still-hard shaft, hand flying over his dick.
“Do it,” Sam slurs. “Do it. Make me dirty. C’mon, please, cum on me—”
Dean’s cum splatters all over his chest, all the up to his neck. Sam drags his hands through the mess with a shudder; Dean brings the hand to his mouth and licks the white off his palm and the web of skin between his fingers. Dean grinds on Sam’s over-taxed dick with a churning motion they can both hear; they separate with a squelch. Dean is dripping.
It takes a good long time for Sam’s brain to come back online enough to string anything more complicated together than Guh— and even that takes a lot more effort than he’d like to admit. Dean watches him the whole while, stroking his side until he finally stops shaking, which he didn’t even realize he was doing until he stopped. He’s exhausted. His eyes slide shut.
“Tolja,” Dean hums as he lightly rakes his nails over Sam’s nipples. “Enjoy the wet spot, bitch. I’m gonna shower again.”
Sam’s too tired to protest, even as he realizes that the comforter is indeed soaked and the dead air conditioner is going to make what was already a dire situation even worse. In a couple of minutes, everything in here is going to truly, utterly, irredeemably reek. But that’s a problem for a Sam with a brain that’s not a fried egg.
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macbethz · 7 months
oh man i would love more transmetropolitan-adjacent 90s comics recs.....
omg i got you. I will be bleeding a little into the late 80s and early 2000s here (as transmetropolitan itself did with the early 2000s) but I do think they full of a similar kind of gross edginess (affectionate).
THIS GOT SO LONG SORRY I GOT EXCITED. also sorry for grammar etc i am kinda falling asleep but YAYY comics
first of all i will say MANDITORY DISCLAIMER that Warren Ellis is an awful person and you can find all his works online if you know where to look and/or used on eBay. HOWEVER he has unfortunately written some of my favorite comics, including transmet. which means of course a lot of the best transmet adjacent stuff is written by him. So some Ellis comics:
Desolation Jones: ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVES! which is unfortunately forever unfinished at 8 issues. It follows an ex-MI6 operative working as a private eye in Los Angeles, which acts as a secret prison for the discards of the intelligence community. Jones was put through the desolation test for a full year, which was a form of torture where, among other things, he was exposed to images of violence and death 24/7 without sleep, leaving him with little emotion and a very broken mind. Beautiful page composition and art. Be warned though it is just straight up unfinished
"Superhuman Trilogy": This is the name for 3 completely unrelated comics Ellis wrote that all deal with twisted takes on the creation of superheroes: Black Summer, No Hero, and Supergod. Of these I think No Hero strays a little too much into edge for the sake of it, the other two are very good and unique explorations of different aspects of the genre.
Stormwatch: Ellis' Stormwatch run is basically the lead up to the Authority. You CAN skip it and i recommend most people do because it is VERY 90s and not necessarily the good kind. but if you have a passion for 90s nonsense it is very fun and its cool to see the beginnings of the subversions of the comic industry that come to fruition in the Authority. I cannot emphasize enough that this run is fucking insane and of debatable quality. I believe his run goes from vol 1 #37 through the end of vol 2. and don't forget to pick up wildCATS/Aliens if you want to see the true craziness of 90s comics, where a cash-grab crossover is simultaneously essential to the windstorm universe. yeah they just did whatever back then
The Authority: The superhero comic that defined superhero comics for the next 2 decades. Coined the widescreen comic, unfortunately indirectly led the the creation of the MCU. Superheroes as anarchist gods. The end of the century as the end of the world. A lot of stuff that reads to modern eyes as cliche or overdone because the Authority made it so goddamn popular afterwards.
Now for some non Ellis!
If you enjoy transmet you will probably enjoy the other British Invasion writers. Basically there was a period in comics post-Alan Moore where a lot of British writers started getting hired in American comics and writing weird shit.
Sandman: I don't think I need to describe this one. A lot edgier and more directly goth subculture inspired than the netflix adaptation conveyed
Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol: What if instead of making you a superhero your "superpowers" were more like disabilities? And also you were constantly fighting the most batshit enemies possible? That is this comic. Weird, surreal, and very influenced by modern and postmodern artistic movements.
Peter Milligan's Shade, The Changing Man: imo this is such a British Invasion sleeper hit. No one talks abt this one. A being from another dimension with the power to control capital-M-Madness possesses the body of a serial killer right before he is executed on death row. He then teams up with the daughter of the serial killer's victims to stop a plague of Madness from spreading across the US called the American Scream. All about being weird, gross, and awesome.
Now, I have not read Preacher myself. HOWEVER I have seen the show and really enjoyed it. I am naturally suspicious of Garth Ennis but he is a staple of 90s edge so I feel like I have to say something. I can definitely recommend the show and have heard good things about the comic but again. It's Ennis.
Non british invasion and a little later, but I also really recommend Invincible! A lot of that same early 2000s satire and ultraviolence expanded over a MASSIVE storyline that loves superheroes as much as it parodies them
ANYWAY im probably forgetting some but i am sleepy and got excited abt this lmao. A lot of this is pretty popular so might not be anything new but i hope it helps!
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teabights · 2 years
Makeup Kiss
Mentions: Joe Keery friendship & the iconic clinque black cherry lipstick that gets used in hollywood a lot.
Summary: uh, she does his makeup for the show and flirts a little with him. I hate doing y/n when i write so i tend to just give the reader a name. Quick Lil Joseph Quinn Fic: Joseph Quinn x crew member oc
P.S. as an american who knows how gross waffle house is, i think joseph would absolutely hate it
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Josie takes a moment to glide the brown gel eyeliner under his lower lashes. She smudges out the liner slightly.
"All done. You are ready for set." Josie says happily.
"Thanks Jos," Joseph Quinn says with a smile. "Are we still on for late night dinner… at that place… what did you call it?"
"Waffle house?" Josie asks.
"Yeah, how are their waffles?" He asks.
"Oh, terrible…" Josie smiles.
"Then why are we…" he starts to ask.
"It's an experience, trust me." Josie says happily.
"Fine fine… see you later." Joseph says as he shakes his head.
Josie starts to set up for Joe Keery. She gathers all his makeup.
"Hey hey hey." Joe says as he sits down in the chair.
Josie looks over the scene makeup before she starts out doing his makeup. "Hey JoeJoe."
"How is your day going?" He asks.
"Ya know, so fun, but boring in the way of makeup. The scenes aren't too dramatic." She shrugs as she focuses on his face. "How is your day JoeJoe?"
"Pretty good. My mom is coming into town later and we're going to dinner tomorrow since it'll be my off day." He informs her.
"Well, that's good. Joseph and I are going to Waffle House after work today." Josie says.
"Waffle House, he is going to hate that." Joe says with a snort.
"I know, I can't wait." Josie chuckles.
"You're so evil…. SO is it a date?" He asks with a smirk.
"I don't know. Depends on how Joseph sees it." She shrugs her shoulders.
"Joseph would be crazy to not think about it being a date. He'd have to be blind." He shakes his head.
"Yeah, but… it's the first time we'll be hanging out in a non-work environment." She focuses on making sure his makeup is perfect.
"Baby steps then?" His eyebrow raises, messing up the small detail you were working on.
"Stop being so expressional…" She has to grab a wipe to fix the error. She cleans its back up and does it perfectly. "Baby Steps…. Alright JoeJoe, you are all done."
"Thanks Makeup Mommy," Joe jokes with a small cackle. He moves out of the chair.
"I hate you…" Josie says with a grin.
Joe definitely was one of her best friends. She was lucky he was always so silly. He keeps her feeling positive.
"What the fuck…" Joseph sits back down in the chair after a few beats and huffs. "Emily needs you to fix my makeup… Why send me to makeup then hair, especially since this wig is…"
"Joseph, it's okay. I got it. I understand why Emily sent you back. I'm not insulted. I know it's probably hard on you, but listen, it's okay." Josie is quick to de-esclate him.
"Okay…" He huffs. He takes a deep breath then speaks. "I am sorry. My friends back in England are being absolute assholes."
"It's okay. Friends are assholes sometimes… what are they being rude about?" She asks as she assesses what needs to be done, finding herself looking in his eyes for a little too long.
"I've been sending them behind the scene pics and they're being assholes about Maya and you and Natalie. Even Gaten…" He mutters.
"What? What the fuck are they saying?" She leans against the counter.
"They are speaking about how Gaten looks and objectifying you ladies and I just feel bad. I thought it would be cool to see behind the scenes, but they're being horrible…" Joseph sighs.
"It's okay. Don't feel bad. You didn't know they'd be assholes." She says as she starts back on his makeup.
"I am just going to stop talking to them until they stop being stupid." Joseph says.
"That's a good idea." She fixes the makeup to match more of the wig. "Done. Go."
"Thanks Jos, you're the best." Joseph leans forward and kisses her forehead. He walks out of the trailer.
Josie cleans up her area. She sits down on the couch that they have in there. The other makeup artist take the few minutes of down time to get breakfast from craft services. Josie spends about ten minutes scrolling through instagram to look at ideas on how to get better. Then Josie closes her eyes for a brief moment as she takes in a deep breath. She ends up falling asleep, only to be woken up about an hour and half later by Joseph.
"Wakey-wakey," Joseph's words were soft.
"Mmm, I didn't mean to sleep…" Josie admits.
"Well, Ross wants you to go more rocker with this scene, so I need that." Joseph says
"Fuck… okay…" Josie gets up off the couch, taking a moment before moving to pull Joseph's makeup. "Alright Joey, more guyliner and maybe some black smudging. And, unfortunately, some lipstick, I know you hate it and I am sorry."
"Black cherry?" He asks.
"Yup." Josie says as she pulls out the tube she uses for him. She grabs the lip brush and starts applying it to his lips. It was darkening the pink of his natural lips that only had a closely matched lip liner on.
"Ugh, I hate…" Joseph mumbles after she finishes with the lipstick.
"I know, it makes your lips more…" How can she say kissable without hinting at anything? "More dark…" What a cop out.
"Yeah, that's what Ross wants. More desirable looking lips." Joseph laughs.
Josie gets started on making his eyeliner deeper and smudging it out with black. Ross pops into the trailer to look at Joseph, smiling.
"There is our Eddie, good job Josie." Ross says. "Get back to the scene, Joseph."
"Yes sir," Joseph hops out of the chair and makes his way back to set.
"Thank you Josie… excellent work as always… Matt and I are writing up your contract for season five already, making you the lead artist. I assume you want to stay with us?" Ross asks.
"Oh my God! Really? Yes! Ross, thank you." Josie pulls Ross into a hug.
"Great. I will make sure your contract gets done first. I knew hiring you on season one was the best decision we made." Ross hugs Josie back. "Go ahead and take lunch soon, we have a long day today. I'll give you an hour and half, just text me and let me know."
"Yes sir, thank you again." Josie squeals happily.
Ross departs the trailer and Josie couldn't pull her phone out quicker to send a text to her family group chat, which the congrats came in quickly. This is the first major gig Josie landed, so it is exciting that they have been so trusting in her. She can't wait to boast to Joe and Joseph about it. After about an hour and half, she sent a text to Ross that she was going to lunch. He said to have a good time. She isn't sure where to go. She usually grazes at craft service all day then has fast food after work then sleep after eating. She ends up just grabbing something quick from Chick-Fil-A. She sits in her car and eats, watching Glee on her phone. She has about ten minutes left before she heads back to the trailer. She sent Ross a text saying she is back. She honestly feels on top of the world. The rest of the day is super slow. She spends more time on set doing refreshes than in the trailer.
"So? What did Ross hang back to talk about?" Joseph asks.
"What? Nothing…" Josie says with a smile as she fixes the eyeliner up a bit for him.
"You're smiling… was it good?" Joseph asks.
"Yes, it was beyond excellent." She answers.
"What did he say?" He questions.
"That they're writing my contract for season five and they want me to be lead artist." Josie says so calmly and quietly.
"What?! That's bloody amazing! " Joseph says excitedly.
"I know! I have such a good feeling about it!" Josie matches his enthusiasm.
"QUINN, WE NEED YOU!" Matt calls.
"Done. Go." Josie says quietly.
"Thanks Jos." Joseph walks over to the scene to get where his blocking is at.
Josie touches up some extras for the following scene.
"Makeup Mommy." Joe walks to Josie.
"It's about to be Lead Makeup Mommy for Season Five." Josie whispers.
"What the fuck? Get out of here!" Joe says as he pulls her into a hug. "Congratulations!"
"Yeah, I am not telling people until I sign my contract. Only you, my family, and Joseph know." Josie hugs the man back.
"Okay, sure, you're not telling people." Joe chuckles.
"Well, I won't tell anyone until I sign…" Josie touches up the lipstick on Joe, who loves wearing it, mostly because he eats most of it off.
He waits until Josie is done with the lipstick before speaking again. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, pretty boy." Josie teases.
The rest of the day passes. Josie touched up face for the rest of the day. She ends up back at the trailer, humming as she cleans up for the night and checking the call sheet for the next day. She cleans up the trailer. She hears the door open and she glances over to see her favorite ginger standing there.
"Ready, lead makeup?" He asks.
"Yes!" Josie throws away the wipe she was using to wipe stuff down with. She walks to the door and flicks off the light.
They walk out of the trailer. They start to head out to the parking lot. Joseph follows Josie to her car like a lost puppy. She leans against the door as she looks at him.
"Do you miss the wig?" Josie asks.
"Sometimes. Sometimes it is the most itchiest thing on this planet." Joseph answers.
"Okay, well, do you wanna follow me there or ride with me?" Josie asks.
"Uh, I can follow you there, I just wanted to make sure you got to your car safely." Joseph says as she could feel his eyes burning a hole into her skin.
"Okay, well thank you… anything else you need?" Josie says, hoping that there would be something else.
"Yeah, I… erm…" Joseph starts.
Josie is quick to kiss him, her arms wrapping around his neck. He is quick to reciprocate the kiss, his hands nervous grabbing at her side. The kiss lasts a few beats before she pulls away.
"Well, um, we're still on for Waffle House?"
"Uh…" Joseph looks like he short circuited. "Uh… yeah… shit… wow… yeah."
"Okay, then get to your car and I'll lead the way." Josie comments
With that, she gets in her car. She turns it on, watching Joseph walk away and she squeals loudly.
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chihirolovebot · 2 years
i feel like a big problem in the danganronpa fandom and anime fandom in general is japanese and east asian fetishism? i'm constantly coming across people who like, are super obsessed with dr & other similar media and give themselves japanese names and try to be 'experts' on japan and its culture. i'm a japanese-american and this is so frustratingly common where i go to school and i did like a cultural camp this summer and it was just packed with weeaboos who were totally convinced they could be japanese if they tried hard enough. there's a lot of like, racist -- maybe unintentionally but still racist -- danganronpa fans (especially teenage cosplayers on tiktok??) and obv there's elements of racism in the games themselves (rn i can't think of many examples off the top of my head except for angie?) it might also just be an american thing, do you see this very often as a british anime fan? (sorry for ranting in your inbox lol i thought as a fellow dr fan who's kind of like, willing to confront the bad sides of the franchise + fandom you would be able to get what i'm saying :P)
you're all good!! it's an interesting and frustrating topic to be sure. i'll answer the easiest thing u brought up first— as a british anime fan, i would say the subculture is a lot smaller here than it seems in america? conventions and stuff don't seem to be as popular or as often as they are elsewhere. like i've never heard of an anime convention anywhere near me, for example, and i have a few bigger cities near me. STILL obviously anime and japanese media consumption breeds weirdos.
when i moved into my flat for my first year of uni one of my flatmates was one of those people who are. very loud about liking anime? idk i kind of see anime as like, just another form of media, not a personality trait or even the only thing i consume. like, i watch a lot of shows that aren't anime and play a lot of games that aren't japanese, so i personally dont see the point in identifying urself as an anime-watcher or a 'weeb' which. blegh. but yeah he was ur typical 'mommy-misato-dragon-maid-zero-two' fanboy who randomly broke into broken japanese, referenced anime all the time even when he knew the person he was talking to hadn't watched or even heard of what he was referencing, and overall just seemed to have a very distorted idea of what japan... is like? and obviously im english and have never been to japan so, i dont claim to know what japan is like either. but this guy seemed to think it was some apolitical utopia full of 'traditional' women who all adhere to the 'waifu' archetype (which. gross. fucking gross). i mean needless to say i dont speak to this guy anymore. but my point being that yeah, there is definitely still elements of asian fetishisation present in groups here in britain!! it's why i tend to avoid people who make watching anime their whole personality, i guess, because it always seems to lead to other red flags.
i think some of it you can chalk up to healthy fascination. like, japan and most other asian countries are super different culturally to england, or britain as a whole. for me, i think it's fun to learn about cultural differences, and japan has a very interesting history (in good ways and bad) and it's generally a fascinating country. but what a lot of people do is let the way it's portrayed in anime become a representative for how they think the country actually is, which, like. eh. i guess it's kinda like how a lot of non-brits think all our schools are like hogwarts, when if you want actual representation you should look to educating yorkshire or the inbetweeners. but obviously there's a line to be drawn, and i think it's stupid to assume you know what a country and its people are like because you've consumed media from that country.
as for racism in the game. yeah. the mishandling of angie's god (which, i think is a localisation thing?? apparently in the original japanese, she just called her god, 'god.' and 'atua' was done in the localisation as they thought she was polynesian. but this is very weird and i dont see why they would change it when 'god' is used in many, many cultures and 'atua' is a lot more specific). there's also the daisaku bendai, the ultimate farmer, who's design is..... awful. and then there's the anti-semitic imagery, particularly on kokichi's splash-art, where he wears a nazi-esque hat and holds grape fanta (for those unaware, fanta was a drink create by nazi germany) as well as his title being ultimate supreme leader. it's a bit. like. one of those things on it's own would maybe be okay but all three together is a lot of nazi imagery and it's very odd.
in short, there's a fuckton of racism surrounding danganronpa, both in the game and in the fandom. it's awful and disgusting, and disheartening that this kind of stuff should still exist in 2022, and im very sincerely sorry you have come across it so often. i think it's a consumers duty to educate themselves about the media they consume and think critically about it. i dont even really say i 'like' danganronpa because most of the time im sort of fed up with it and all the problematic aspects. it's more just like, i see the potential for something great and it frustrates me a lot that it wasn't developed, as well as being attached to a lot of the characters. but yeah. thank you for this ask, it was actually a good thought exercise and i hope it helped get some frustration off your chest too!
once again. obviously. im not japanese or asian at all, so if i've said anything that comes off as ignorant, please just drop me a message correcting me. and if you have any other thoughts on this, feel free to send them my way ^.^
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* character headcanons: talk about your muse’s accent & verbal or non - verbal communication & disabilities or illnesses please! - @vileincarnations
((Essentially, I tried to base Special's speech patterns off of Tobias Forge's speech patterns, because Tobias was Special for a time. So Special has what Tobias has- a Swedish accent, a softer 's' sound at the end of words (like 'ghoul-s' as opposed to how my american voice says something that sounds more like 'ghoul-z'), verbally pauses with 'um's and 'uh's as he thinks of words, places a word in the "wrong" part of a sentence every now and then, etc. He talks fairly animatedly, using his hands for gestures and for grabbing words out of the air or illustrating a point. My Special does all of this because he is a telepathic being trying to make his human guise look convincing. Special's telepathic voice is different from other ghouls's- it hits the human brain the same way auditory speech does, so when he's in his human guise he basically just shapeshifts a mouth and mimics the motions of speech. He's very well studied!))
((As for nonverbal communication- well, technically, all of his "speech is nonverbal, but anyway- he wags his tail. When he's in his natural ghoul state, or when he's glamoured but has his tail visible, it wags when he's happy. He thumps it when he's upset. It goes limp and drags on the floor when he's sad. He is the only ghoul who's tail belies his feelings. All other ghouls use their tails to hang from rafters, hold tools, or they just wrap their tails around their legs to keep them out of the way.))
((Special is a weird entity of Hell and not technically a living being. He doesn't have illnesses or disabilities in the way us humans know them. He gets what we would call extremely sick if he is deprived of his element (Fire) too long or if he comes in to contact with anything consecrated. The signs of element deprivation include a dullness of the scales and feathers, lethargy, and skin sloughing off, dissolving into sulfurous, oily stains.... It's gross. And touching a consecrated item- or anything doused in holy water- causes Special's senses to go haywire and any glamours he has up will disappear almost immediately. He tried to describe the sensation to Copia once, and Copia said it sounded like "a full-body migraine fucked a hangover and they had a baby made of broken glass and lemon juice." Special agreed despite not knowing what any of that really meant.))
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aces-to-apples · 1 year
wait how are zabraks black-coded if you don't mind me asking? this in good faith btw
I recall the diversity-instarwars blog having written a meta post about Dathomir and its lore but the blog is now empty so I'll do my best to be concise, though I'm emphatically not an expert or authority on racial coding. Through pretty bog standard Star Wars racial stereotyping, cultural appropriation, and exoticization, the Nightbrothers are pretty blatantly ""inspired"" by historical atrocities committed against African peoples by European colonizers, with a Star Wars-typical White Feminist Hashtag Girlboss filter thrown over it.
The men of Dathomir, the Nightbrothers, are canonically acknowledged (and it's widespread, everyone knows) to be subjugated and enslaved by the Nightsisters. They're used as laborers, defenders, and, let's be frank here, breeding stock. In the episodes where we meet Savage and Feral, it's very clear that Nightbrothers do not get a say in whether they become "mates", that they are not allowed to refuse, that they are forced to hurt each other to "prove" themselves, and that they are afraid of being chosen by the Nightsisters. None of the "tests" that Ventress demands they be put through are portrayed as unusual.
In addition to how familiar that sounds—forced into labor, forced to create children against their will, not free to leave or refuse because their bodies aren't there own—the Nightsister "magic" (despite Mother Talzin's fucking ridiculous Transylvanian(???) accent) is clearly based on white American stereotypes of "voodoo", which I understand is itself a pejorative and bastardized version of a living religion. The "dark magic" vibes, the scary green mist, the nonsense chanting, the zombification of its victims, the mind-control, etc., isn't actually anything specific but like. We all know what it's supposed to evoke, especially in a franchise well-known for stealing and twisting pieces of other peoples' culture.
There's also the hyper-aggressive, "savage" portrayal of the Nightbrothers towards outsiders when OBW and Anakin showed up, the way they live in rickety-looking shacks and huts and wear plain and rough homemade clothes, the way they're divided into "tribes" and are visually singled out by their distinctive skin markings (either natural coloring or ritualized tattoos, ymmv), the obsequious treatment of the Very White Woman who shows up to "select" a "mate" without warning or consideration... And then on top of all of that, the White Women In Charge chooses Savage as her "champion" and then uses that "magic" to non-consensually change his entire body, control his mind and actions, and then forces him to murder his family as proof of "loyalty" to her, when he only offered himself up as basically a sacrifice to keep her from killing said family in the first place.
It's all just. So bad and messy. And gross. It's so gross. And look, none of this is like, "proof" or anything. Coding as a concept is really complicated, and can be done deliberately and thoughtfully or subconsciously and without any intent whatsoever but whoops, you did a racism/ableism/antisemitism/etc.! But like, regardless of whether you think the Nightbrothers are (intentionally or unintentionally) analogous to real-life groups of people, it's all super gross and fucked up and the fact that so many people like Ventress as this empowering girlboss character when she's basically a white radfem with a laser sword and systemic power over a group of marginalized men of color that she abuses on-screen super skeezes me out personally.
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rametarin · 1 year
Saw a post, got a bit mad
Revisionist history.
I couldn’t reply to it, so I’ll post about it here. It was a post that said, “ever think about how rich and diverse Americans actually are? But that all gets stamped out in favor of the whiteness.”
And then they determined that “whiteness only cares about power and blandness and uniformity.”
And.. no. This is revisionist horse shit. They take the phenomenon of secular modernity brought about by liberal rationalism and they rephrase that as if to be modern and descended from white people is to be aggrevated out into this “cultureless” bland film. Because they’re already coming at this from the direction white people are illegitimate, “have no culture of their own,” and are just a non-people anti-culture.
When the reality is white people are told BY the supposed “progressive” people, you aren’t fractions of anything. You are only white and you get no credibility or ethnic cred as anything but an oppressive person. Your ethnicity is oppression. Your culture is oppression. You’re either an oppressed underdog ethnic culture, or you’re the schmooze anti-culture oppressor overlord.
That’s your fucking beef, you revisionist fucks. That’s you fuckers deciding that a white person can’t also possess the ‘ethnic cred’ as being descended from others. That’s you deciding that every person that’s “white passing” in the US is a wanna-be Nazi. You came up with that shit. It isn’t true. It’s nowhere near a good assessment of the ethnic backgrounds of people from the United States and the descendents of people that largely look European. That’s you ascribing the value of white supremacy solely because pressure and natural selection, not redlined districts, gave us a white (passing) majority with a rich cultural and ethnic heritage.
You fuckers that insisted if you were white passing that you don’t “get to” celebrate your background shamed and mocked and punished the whites that did so, because that would mean someone was MORE than a “privileged white person.” Those people with actual registered, Native American, card carrying and/or reservation living grandparents? Just considered flavorless, cultureless, disgusting white overlords, now. And getting talked about in gross as “just more Americans that think they’re white but don’t know anything about their glorious ethnic heritage because of overbearing Whiteness.”
You fuckers are why background is a checklist not of where you come from in your family tree and whom those people were, but, “how oppressed by the white cis hetero able bodied patriarchy are you?”
You fuckers are why when I talk about how my father’s ancestors were mixed European and modernized Native Americans (that continued to mix back and forth as they modernized and adapted to the modern world) in Maine, I’m told I’m “just another Justin or Keith that whoops up about being 1% Cherokee. You’re just white, Kevin.” Despite the fact the European element was making families, consensually, with the Native element from before the god damned Mayflower arrived. Gatekeeping whom is allowed to say they have ancestry and heritage where and whom are just evil evil white people and don’t get that “cred” because, “you don’t engage with the culture, so your bloodline doesn’t matter.”
Marxist Race and Culture Science is every bit as disgusting as the totalitarian and white supremacist race science of any given Stormfronter, it’s just more subtle, subversive and has more friends in higher places. It’s no less a threat, and in fact, has always been more of a threat, for it can wag the dog and incentivize xenophobia and tribalism from any group to conflict with another, before blaming that conflict on nativist supremacist elements inherent to those group and pretending they’re the actual peacekeepers and enlightened thinkers.
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