#also I want autographs on my art so bad
howlingdemon13 · 7 months
what if i just went back to stage door…?
like nothing is stopping me besides my own fear of being cringe…
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roseharpermaxwell · 9 months
Bite-Size Drarry - Under 10k (Part Four)
Pausing my RWRB reading (I have an ask about firstprince fics too and I’m working on it!) to answer this, which is the nudge I’ve needed. I’ve done this for Dramione before (under 5k), but I especially love tempting readers to Drarry. 
Short works are the unsung heroes of fandom. They don’t get enough love, which makes me so sad, because you definitely don’t always need 100k to deliver a stunning story. These are your bedtime stories, your palate cleansers, your individual serving sizes of serotonin. It’s okay to enjoy these even if you only read slow burn 100k+ fics, I promise. Live a little! 
This is a sampling of some amazing favorites, but I’m always reading new things and will add to it regularly. If you find something you love, I know the author would love to hear it, and so would I! Take a deep dive into their work to find other gems. 
Here's Parts One, Two, and Three if you missed them.
Bite-Size Drarry - Under 10k (Part Four) below:
Stay by @orange-peony. E, 7k. The day Draco Malfoy finds out that the Manor has finally found a new owner is a Tuesday. It takes him less than two minutes to realise that he’s screwed. He has nowhere to go. Things go from bad to worse when he finds out that he's been assigned a new probation officer. Harry bloody Potter.
Sorry i was never good (like you) by @tigerlilycorinne. T, 7k.  “What is your name?”
Michael Corner puts his cup of tea down. “You already know my name,” he says. He points to them each in turn: “Draco Malfoy. Michael Corner. We went to Hogwarts together.”
“You are the one Harry Potter took to bed last night, correct?”
Draco has a questionnaire he calls the Boyfriend Check for Harry’s boyfriends. Because he’s roommates and friends with Harry, and he needs to make sure they’re up to snuff. 
And also for other reasons.
A Love That Knows of Itself by @sleepstxtic. M, 7k. After an accidental bonding, Harry is forced to confront some longstanding feelings concerning a certain Unspeakable.
Epitaphs in Autographs series by @vukovich. E, 7.1k. (MCD) A series of works surrounding death, imperfect relationships, flawed coping, and humanity.
Knead, then let rise by @softlystarstruck. T, 7.2k. Malfoy stumbles back into Harry’s life via the laundry room. A story about baking bread and tripping over words and falling in love.
Interpersonal Relationships Year 7, Unit 3: How to Have Sex Like a Responsible Adult by InnerLilith. E, 7.3k. Harry came to Hogwarts to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. He did not come to Hogwarts to obsess over Draco Malfoy. He definitely did not come to Hogwarts to channel that obsession into…supervising Draco’s sex education class?
Whatever, Harry saved the world. He could handle sex ed. Right?
Draco Malfoy and the Broken Room by @aprofessionalprotagonist. T, 7.3k. A drunk and morose Draco gets trapped in the Room of Hidden Things with Potter of all people. Now, he’s got to figure out how to make peace with the Golden Boy long enough to get out.
everything you should say by icarusinflight. E, 7.4k. They're not friends. But when Draco offers help, Harry takes it.
The Re-Fenestration of Potter by @cavendishbutterfly, @iota. E, 7.5k. Harry wants the Prophet reporters to stop following him and Draco wants Harry to stop climbing through his window at all hours of the night…even if he’s taken to leaving it open, just in case. Everything is bearable until they both get doused with Draco’s latest batch of Wolfsbane, and then suddenly nothing between the two of them is bearable at all.
of course i cum fast, i’ve got a snitch to catch by swoons. E, 7.5k. Strangest of all, Potter never lasts more than two minutes — and that’s if Draco’s being really, really generous with his time-keeping.
It should be off-putting, but Draco’s just intrigued. Perhaps that’s why he’s watched Potter wank in the showers so often.
The Exhale by spqr. T, 7.5k. Hermione makes a soft, concerned sound. "Harry, look at this." She shows him an article with a photo, but the photo's not moving; it must be a Muggle newspaper. "NASA have just landed a rover on Mars. It's called Curiosity, and look, this is so--I don't know if it's sweet or sad, but--it's all alone out there, and they programmed it to sing itself Happy Birthday." Nothing is wrong, but Harry starts crying.
Lovesick by @corvuscrowned. T, 7.6k. People keep spiking Auror Harry Potter with love potions. Healer Draco Malfoy keeps having to pick up the pieces.
But it's getting harder and harder for Draco to watch Harry fall in love with everyone except for him.
Dating Potters by @goldentruth813, @mzuul. M, 7.7k. Scorpius and Albus have been together for awhile now and decide it’s time to have a family dinner and come out to their fathers. What they’re not counting on is the fact that they’re not the only ones with secrets to share.
Play Dates by bixgirl1. E, 7.7k. Harry never thought seeing Malfoy as a dad would affect him this way.
What I Thought by @bafflinghaze. E, 7.8k. Draco thought they were in a relationship. Harry thought it was just sex. 
First Week of Eternity by InnerLilith. E, 7.8k. Moving in with the colleague you’d like to fuck is a bad idea for anyone. It’s worse when you’re a card-carrying member of the eternal dead. It’s exponentially worse when your already garlic-obsessed colleague-slash-crush-slash-roommate has recently discovered his distant Italian heritage.
In which Draco tries desperately to hide that he’s recently become a vampire, and Harry tries desperately to feed him.
The Trouble with Good Sense by RorouniHime. M, 7.8k. When you fill a hotel with flying quills, hands-on demonstrations, and too many Aurors, someone is bound to get cranky.
The Dinner by @brightowl-fics. E, 7.9k. Draco had been trying to beat the sunset, walking along the cobblestone road to the Chateau where he would be staying that night, when he saw the door. Le Billet Doux, said a painted red sign. Below it, réservations non requises: ‘no reservations required.’
in a rambling way by @fw00shy. T, 7.9k. Ron knocked Hermione up, and now Harry's got to figure out how to clone himself so that his friends don't split up fighting over him. Falling for Draco again was never part of the plan.
Check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous by @lqtraintracks. E, 7.9k. Auror Harry has a crush on Unspeakable Draco, and Draco's dared to give him a lapdance when they're out for Friday night drinks.
Keep Me Here by @academicdisasterfic. E, 7.9k. Teddy/Harry/Draco. The one where Teddy is pining, Harry is in denial, and Draco is impatient.
Driving me crazy (but I'm into it) by @thecouchsofa. E, 8k. Draco’s fucked a lot of people. He’s fucked models, Quidditch players, members of the Wizengamot, even a Muggle actor, but none of them come quite as prettily as Harry Potter.
Leeward by @teacup-tai. M, 8.1k. There’s a polaroid kept in the back of Harry’s nightstand drawer. Just the one. It’s Muggle and slightly yellowish. There are many other photos in a box in the back of Harry’s cupboard under the stairs—the one he almost never opens. A hidden box of hidden memories. After four years since their break up, Harry and Draco meet again at Dean and Blaise’s wedding. Now, between the turquoise sea and the white sand dunes of Fuerteventura, they will need to face their feelings.
in between two tall mountains (there’s a place they call lonesome) by @oknowkiss. E, 8.2k. In the shadow of a mountain on the Oregon coast, there may or may not lie a shipwreck, on which there may or may not be a magical relic, lost hundreds of years ago. Harry's been tasked with finding it, and Draco is there to take notes, and they're stuck in a campervan pretending to be married, and it's all going to be just fine. That's what Draco's gotten rather good at telling himself, anyway.
Born Slippy by @dracoladon. E, 8.3k. Harry finds that it's less 'one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor' and more 'one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, decide Malfoy's quite fit, actually, and decent company after your friends traitorous abandonment, floor.' With Malfoy lying next to you.
(Un)Anticipated by @p1013. E, 8.3k. Though he won't ever admit it—not even years later, when Draco's giving Harry shit about it right before they go to sleep, the bedside light just dim enough to hide the worst of his blush—it takes Harry an embarrassingly long time to realise that something is wrong. It's not like he's trying to pull regularly. If he wants to get laid, he gets laid. He is, after all, Harry Potter.
But it's not until it's a Saturday morning, and he's languidly stroking himself off in the shower with long, slow pulls that he feels deep in the pit of his stomach, that Harry realises that he's been at this for quite some time, and while it feels amazing and his toes are curling and his balls are pulled up tight…
Nothing's happening.
Contretemps by @moonflower-rose. T, 8.4k. Draco Malfoy has been living like a model citizen. If only he could convince Potter.
Say Anything by megyal. M, 8.5k. Draco has a crush on Harry and tells him in French.
Flight Patterns by @mosrael. E, 8.6k. Up in the air, Draco can become anyone he wants to be, or cease to be anyone at all. When he puts on his flight attendant's uniform he's just one more smiling face in the crowd, a forgettable interlude in his passengers' day. Not a petrified boy, not a criminal, not a Wizard just trying to keep it together as best he can.
That is until a certain someone interrupts his flight patterns.
Stories in E Minor by @huldrejenta. E, 8.7k. Draco has found his place in the Muggle world. He's got his music, he's got his neighbours and he is content. Until a certain someone from the past enters his life again.
Look For Me In The Sun by @wolfpants. M, 8.7k. Harry and Draco are on the run in America after a mysterious string of werewolf-like attacks in the Muggle community causes the Ministry to impose new and harsh anti-werewolf legislation. Giant trees, crashing waves, seedy motel rooms, and the long and winding coastal road awaits them, but will they ever be able to go back home?
Bored by vorabiza. E, 8.8k. Harry and company are bored, so Harry is encouraged to tell the others a sexual fantasy that becomes a little more romantic than they are expecting.
Howl by @tackytigerfic. M, 8.9k. After an encounter with a vicious werewolf, Draco Malfoy wakes in a field hospital with a mangled shoulder, a furry little problem, and an inconvenient crush on Harry Potter. Potter, meanwhile, is still trying to save the world, only this time he wants Draco right there with him while he does it. Taking part in a rebellion against a corrupt regime isn't always glamorous, but at least sometimes there are organic farmshop pastries and fancy hotel bedsheets. Just don't ask about that smell of burning.
Along Came Potter by huldrejenta. T, 9k. Potter shows up at Draco’s flat. Then he shows up again, and again, and again.
Fuel to the Fire by @eevans22, @holygnocchi. E, 9.1k. Sure, Luna always means well. But suddenly Harry is temporarily living with the man he’s been pining over since they started Auror training, who compliments Harry’s cooking, gives him thoughtful thank you gifts, and looks indecently attractive stepping out of the shower. Something’s got to give. And Harry suspects it will be him.
Just a trial run by @tenthousandyearsx. E, 9.1k. In which Harry wants to get into sex work and Draco would prefer to keep him for himself.
Before the Cold Sets In by @crazybutgood, @vukovich. T, 9.1k. Sometimes, the person you should be planning your life with is already in it. Or, how Harry realised that true love is at the bottom of a tea cup.
sex in trees for beginners by @phdmama. E, 9.1k. The bottle lands on Malfoy and sends out its customary poof of smoke and sparks. Harry hasn’t quite figured out the pattern, it’s not like blue means truth and red means kissing. Malfoy’s poof is a deep pink-purple and there are definitely sparks happening as well. It’s really pretty, actually, and Harry sort of loses himself in watching the colors until suddenly he realizes everyone is quiet and staring at him.  “What?” he asks, glancing around. “What did I miss?”  Malfoy sighs. “The bottle gave us a dare.”
Phoenix by @kedavranox. E, 9.2k. Harry's got a fantasy.
Starting Again by @tamerofdarkstars. T, 9.2k. Harry felt the situation rapidly slipping from his grasp and suspected he’d never really had hold of it to begin with. “You want me to be friends with Draco Malfoy because you think that will stop him from being... sad.”
“Bingo, give the boy a prize.”
The Things They Never Say by bixgirl1. E, 9.3k. Harry and Draco don't know how to talk. So they do other things instead.
to be a bit of warmth for you by softlystarstruck. M, 9.3k. As some of the only eighth years to return to Hogwarts, Harry doesn't know how he and Draco will manage to be roommates for a whole year without resorting to violence. But Draco is too quiet, and too thin, and wears layers of sweaters that he tucks over his fingers. So they fall into an unspoken routine, one that soothes Harry as much as it helps Draco, one that's so much easier than Harry thought it would be.
Until it all falls apart, and Harry realizes he holds the world in his hands.
Wooing with Woodwork by @henrymercury. T, 9.3k. According to Ron, Harry needs to make a move on Draco in the next month or he's going to receive a howler he won't want Draco to overhear.
That Draco will overhear is fairly inevitable given they're cooped up in the same DMLE office all day, or off investigating together, and they go home to the same flat at night.
All I Have to Do by @fluxweeed. E, 9.5k. The Patented Daydream Charm (Adult Edition) allows you to enter a top-quality, highly realistic thirty-minute sexual fantasy. Solitude and privacy spells advised. or: Draco finally has some alone time; Harry just needs to nip in for a book.
Sinking to Swim by @pheaphilus. T, 9.5k. When Unspeakable Malfoy gets his latest assignment at the Department of Mysteries, he can't help but curse his own luck. What are the chances that he would have to seek out the elusive Harry Potter for help?
When Draco Malfoy comes to his door, asking for his input into an ongoing project at the Ministry, Harry is skeptical. When's the last time a Malfoy did anything to help anyone but themselves, anyway?
Let Me Roll It by @lagerloutfic. E, 9.5k. “I’m not going to kiss you here,” Harry said, applying a fraction of pressure so Draco’s lips parted.  “No?” Draco said, his breath hot on Harry’s knuckle.  “No.” --- The thing about Harry was, he hated most people. And there was no one he hated more than Draco’s boyfriend Justin - certified knob and all round wanker.  So when he finds out Justin is just as selfish inside the bedroom as he is outside it, Harry can’t help himself.
Sex on Legs in Six-Inch Heels by @tessacrowley. E, 9.6k. Draco Malfoy is a brilliant freelance cursebreaker and the only one who can help the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with a very dangerous case, but more importantly, he's wearing six-inch heels, and Harry cannot handle it, he really just can't.
what if, but if, we could kiss (and just cut the rubbish) by @swisstae. E, 9.6k. “Christ, Draco, get your mouth back on me, I need you, oh God, Jesus fucking Christ,” and Draco can’t help how he shivers, the words dripping down his spine like molasses, sticky sweet blasphemous prayers in the heat of the moment. It’s enough to bring him closer to the edge, and when Harry spills down his throat, hot and bitter and musky, Draco comes with a muffled cry, his cock spurting weakly as he spills all over the floor. (Later, Harry will tease him, will whisper Christ, Malfoy, look at you, so hot for me, Jesus and Draco will come undone a second time, shaking in the safe bracket of Harry’s arms around him.) OR: Draco and Harry are not-quite-friends, but then they are. it is A Time. Ron just wishes he had bleach.
The Little Marauders Nursery and Day Care by @digthewriter. E, 9.8k. Harry Potter is the proud owner of a daycare, and his favorite student is Scorpius Malfoy. Scorpius’s dad might be okay, too.
Gryffindors Never Kiss and Tell by @drarrytrash. E, 9.9k. The gang realizes that everyone has kissed Harry except Draco. Draco proceeds to do a terrible job of pretending he doesn’t want to kiss him too. 
That's all for now 💚 Give the authors some love! I also adore hearing if you found a new favorite fic or author.
I’ll be regularly adding to this, so if you’re seeing this as a reblog, feel free to check my Master List of Recommendations for the most current list. If you see yourself and you’re not tagged, or I've got a broken or misdirected link, please let me know!
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genericpuff · 10 months
I don't know if you have seen the last thing RS posted on instagram, and I don't wanna sound mean or like I'm criticizing every single thing she does, but, why does this feels a bit off? Like, I know every author needs money, and that's why they sell books, special editions and merch from those books. But seeing how some people who went to that last "book signing" now want to order or buy ANOTHER lo book just to get an autograph or that "exclusive doodle" feels a bit... Idk, bad? Like, the fans have to spend more money than other fans just to get this stuff? It feels a bit like what happened with that Persephone + Ares book that had a special edition that was all black, but costed more than the regular edition so the fans had to spend more money if they wanted their lo novels to look good together. Idk, maybe i'm just seeing too much into it, but I still wanted to ask your opinion on the matter.
Love your work, btw. Lo rekindled is so good, and your art is beautiful!
so I looked into it and yeah! it's off! it's super off!
story time, but there's this band I'm really into where, 1-2 years ago, they had released two new separate EP's, and they were selling them individually as special editions, only for them to then SELL THEM ALL OVER AGAIN AS BUNDLED VERSIONS AND THIS JUST LIKE
there was also a time where this Youtuber musician my husband was really into was selling vinyls, and we managed to snag a copy in the hour that they were available, only for them to start selling SIGNED copies the week after they had sold out of the original prints
it's just an overall "ech" move because it really screws over your audience for paying attention/getting in first, y'know? That's what's such a big deal about being in a fandom, a lot of people like being "first" so to sell something under the precedent that it's "limited edition" just to print more with an even COOLER thing attached feels like such a fuck you. They're literally just trying to gouge more money out of people who have already bought the thing and "need" the exclusive copy.
This just goes to show btw there was nothing stopping her from signing books personally at SDCC. That feels like such a middle finger to the people who paid money to go to and be at SDCC (travel costs AND attendance costs) esp the people who cosplayed as LO characters and were clearly specifically there for Rachel just to be given a stamp and shooed away with zero conversation (as I talked about in a previous post) and then find out later after you've already gone home days later that you can get a PERSONALLY SIGNED AND DOODLED COPY if you go and buy a brand new book in one specific bookstore. That's so lame man, I can't even.
Just to add btw, not related to your ask really, but it really goes in conjunction with it, there was a tweet recently from Rachel advertising some new t-shirts.
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But people who bought the shirts reported that they're INCREDIBLY cheaply made and don't look anything like the products listed. You can even see the low ratings on them but when you actually view them-
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I do not feel the need to say it any louder for the people in the back, it's being spoken clearly at this point - WT and Rachel are cashing out on what little merit they have left, they do not care.
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sundaynie · 7 months
warning: content spoilers !!
lars being a huge fan of MC’s manga, not knowing initially that she’s the author.
“i really like this artist. i hope to get her autograph one day”
also being the first one to purchase her art when she opened her gallery.
all the little comments he makes during the side stories when levelling up his affinity is just so fckin precious i can’t.
he recognises her talent and genuinely believes in her work since he’s willing to invest in her (affinity lv.2)
the fact that he was inspired to buy art from other aspiring artists like MC bc they remind him of her ??
don’t get me started with the way he was willingly ready to help her instantly set up an online shop for her artwork !! (affinity lv.3)
and the fact that he (jokingly but we know it’s the TRUTH) wants to be the first to buy all her paintings ??
“your dreams are my dreams”
he gushes over her whenever he sees her sketching at the port (affinity lv.4 + lv.6) and wants to purchase an entire ‘harbour collection’ of hers that DOESN’T EVEN EXIST YET
“alright, my little painter” ugh ily lars
he’s just so openly and enthusiastically supportive of MC and if that isn’t the golden standard of 2D men then idk what it is omg
i’m soooo down bad for st. shelter! lars i can’t even
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captain-mj · 1 year
angels of digitalism part two please very very pretty please
Done!! Part 1 is right here
Soap pulled into the parking lot the next morning just in time to see Ghost fly by and park. Without Roach. He noticed a car he didn’t recognize and assumed they must’ve came separately today. 
“Hey Ghost!” Soap beamed at him as Ghost slipped off his helmet. He just had a neck gaiter on so Soap could see his fluffy blond hair. It was clearly bleached, having the unnatural platinum that came from doing so, 
“Johnny.” Ghost tilted his head at him and Soap almost tripped over air.
“Don’t remember telling you that name.”
“It was on your resume. Would you prefer I stick to Soap?” He looked at him, tilting his head. Ghost had the most puppy dog brown eyes that Soap had ever seen. It didn’t help that his hair fell in his face and that he could only be described as pretty. 
“No. It’s fine. Only you can call me that though, alright?”
Ghost’s eyes crinkled like he was smiling. “I’m glad I’m your favorite.” He started walking and Soap felt flustered as he started to walk after him. 
Soap looked up at him, hands going behind his back. “You uh… have any plans today?”
“Mostly rigging checks. I put the wires and harnesses up myself so I’m going to make sure they’re all solid.”
Soap frowned. “Don’t the venue owners handle that?”
“Don’t trust them. A lot of them don’t follow the same standard. Not putting Rudy and Roach at stake because of that.” 
“Also you. You’re also doing the fancy tricks this time right?”
Ghost shrugged. “Not the same. I fall, I recover. They fall and they… crack. I threw Rodolfo onto a bed once and it sounded like pop rocks.“ He sighed. Soap had to pause and really think about that. 
Did he have it wrong? Was Ghost dating Rodolfo and Alejandro was dating Roach? Where did that leave Alex? Was Alex dating anyone? 
Maybe if he was single… He was a strapping young man. 
Soap laughed and decided to change the subject. “You hurt your wrist so bad you can’t play guitar.”
Ghost was silent for a minute and Soap was wondered he offended him before laughed. “Fair enough. I did…” He rubbed his bandaged wrist. 
“How did you hurt yourself anyway?”
“Scraped it up on my bike. Someone pulled out in front of me too fast and I skidded across the road. More embarrassing than anything honestly.” 
Soap frowned. “You were in a fucking accident?? And that’s all that happened?”
“No. I’m just lying to you.”
“Also, don’t trust any story Alex gives you about losing his leg. 50/50 chance he’s lying to you.” Ghost patted his shoulder and held the door open for him. 
Soap nodded and just got to work. He perched on the edge of the couch since Rodolfo was lounging on it, headphones in. Occasionally, he’d speak in spanish so Soap assumed he was on a call. Made sense, he was the manager. 
Soap started to draw again and tried out different methods and styles to see what might look best. 
Rodolfo sat up after a while and used the couch properly. He kicked his legs out and took his headphones off after saying goodbye in English. 
Soap hummed. “Who was that?”
“Alejandro Vargas. He’ll be dropping by later. You can ask for an autograph if you want but no pictures.” Rodolfo started to work on his tablet.
Soap shrugged. “Might get one for a friend of mine but I don’t actually like his music that much.”
“Me either but he’s a friend of everyone here.” 
Soap nodded and showed him what he had so far. 
“I like it. This it?”
“No. This is a rudimentary sketch.” Soap frowned, wondering if they seriously considered that worth the amount of money they were paying him and decided not to ask, lest his feelings get hurt. They didn’t really seem to get how art like this worked.
Rodolfo nodded and handed him roughly 40 bucks. “Coffee again. Need me to text it?”
“Nah, I still have the texts from yesterday.” Soap took the money and did a two finger salute. He once again got all of their drinks and handed them out. When he got to Ghost, he paused. “Uh, where is Roach?” He was trying not to look at Ghost who was hanging upside and shirtless. After working up there for the past hour, he must’ve gotten hot but that logical explanation did not erase that Ghost was fit and scarred and so damn attractive Soap was worried he’d get hard right then and there. 
Ghost glanced around. “He might be working with Alex. I think they were doing something with his outfit for the vocaloid.” He twisted himself in the ropes so he sat upright and took his drink. The position spread his legs and put a little strain on his arms, making them tense. Soap’s knees started feeling a little weak. 
Ghost drank some more and tilted his head. “You okay? You look really flushed?”
“I’m fine.” Soap smiled, noticing the tattoos circling Ghost’s arm. They were clearly covering some scarring. It looked rough, a bit like a dog or something had attacked him. “I’ll go find Roach.” He stepped away and went in the direction that Ghost pointed out to him. 
Soap watched Alex grab Roach’s hips and move him. Roach’s back arched a little and the image on screen just didn’t move. Alex sighed and put his head on Roach’s, almost pouting. 
Were they dating?? 
Alex glanced over, hand going around Roach’s waist. Roach leaned into him and they both either didn’t realize the position or simply didn’t care. Soap wasn’t sure how to handle that considering just yesterday Roach and Ghost had been tangled together. He stared for another minute before Alex snapped his fingers. “Hey, Soap, you alright?”
“Yeah. I’m good.” 
“Cool.” They took their drinks and got back to debugging the vocaloid. Roach would do certain moves and the vocaloid would just stop and freeze until it would snap into whatever position Roach was in. Alex was quickly getting annoyed and it was obvious. They went back and forth on it with them either moving around or standing still. 
Alex groaned. “Soap. Wear the costume.”
“Wear the costume.” 
Roach started to strip and Soap stared blankly. “Why do I need to do this??” When he was down to his underwear, he handed them to Soap. 
“I need Roach to help me at the computer so someone has to wear the suit.” 
Soap slowly took of his own clothes and quickly put on the outfit. Roach was a little slimmer than him so it was tight over his shoulders and ass. It was just leggins and a long sleeve shirt with wires so it wasn’t the most revealing, it was just tight. He listened to Alex’s explanations and watched Roach sign back at him. Roach had no shame in continuing to stand there in his underwear. It was hard for Soap not to look at him. They were musicians and performers, it made sense they were attractive, had to be honestly, but it was ridiculous just how hot Roach was. Slim figure, the exact opposite of Ghost, nice thighs and an even nicer ass. And the entire time, he’d bend over the laptop, back arching slightly. 
Was everyone here trying to kill him? What next? Alex taking his shirt off and pouring water over his head? Rodolfo speaking to him in spanish?? 
Was this flirting? Or were they just oblivious? They couldn’t be, right?
After a bit, the vocaloid followed the movements like they were supposed and Roach beamed at Soap. He reached up and lightly bonked their heads together before helping Soap out of the clothing. It felt more like he peeled the shirt off and it made him really flustered. Roach’s hands were very cold and they brushed against his back before he politely handed Soap’s shirt to him. He was clearly smiling and that made Soap even more flustered when he pulled it on. Soap nodded at him and fled, running back to his couch and his laptop. 
Except… Alejandro was sitting there. He was playing what looked like a knock off of candy crush and completely ignored Soap as he walked past him. 
Alejandro nodded at him. He sipped his drink and Soap picked up the tablet to get to work. The silence was… actually kinda nice. Soap wasn’t usually one that could handle sitting there without talking, but he was deep in his art and Alejandro was deep in typing whatever it was he was typing. 
Ghost reappeared and Alejandro wolf whistled at him. “What are you doing walking around like that?”
Ghost glared at him. “Fuck off you slag.” 
“Not my fault you’re a fine piece of ass.” Alejandro grinned and Ghost rolled his eyes and pulled his shirt back on. His back muscles flexed as he did. 
“You’re so annoying. Why are you here?”
“Tour just ended so I’m hanging out with you guys. Obviously. Why? Don’t love me anymore?”
Ghost shook his head and sat between them. Three big men on a couch was a bit of a hard fit, but Soap wasn’t going to complain. 
Soap showed Ghost who leaned into him to watch him draw. The silence was slightly less comfortable so he started explaining what techniques he was using. Ghost didn’t really seem to get it, but he listened nonetheless. 
Soap was coming to terms with the fact they were all a lot less cool than he was expecting, but it was nice. Maybe they could be friends when this was over.
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hexfloog · 5 months
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2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024
Can you believe there's barely 10 days left to the year?? Because I can't! Time to lay my feelings bare again!!!
So I definitely slowed down quite a bit compared to 2022, but I still made enough to fill the template and, in spite of everything else, lots of life development things happened these last 365 days that I think makes 2023 one of my best years in recent memory :)
I have less to say about the art this time. The drop in quantity checks out when I stop to reflect on just how much time I spent on each one. I definitely don't have as many sketchy works to show off this time either (probably in no small part due to the fact that I've also slowed down on Detco) - and that's probably owed to having spent most of my art effort this year drawing for other people, be it commissions or fan projects, and I already know that I'm more inclined to take risks when I have just myself to please. It's not a bad thing, that's just how it is.
I suppose my one observation of this year's body of work is that the vast majority of it is quite ambitious. Real pushing-my-comfort-zone stuff, but it's more of a polished brand of risk rather than the kind you get sketching ideas on the spot. Some examples:
February - both a collab and a thing that became a fan cel intended as an autograph piece at a con
April - simultaneously a gift and a very personal piece
June - silly comic (anything humorous is automatically out of my comfort zone)
August - community project + comic page redraw that really tested my ability to find a new style to play with
September - made to become tangible merch (it did)
October - redraw of my very first digital piece
November* - character design from text description only and formal reference sheet commission (my first ever)
December* - digital watercolor + fake children's paperback cover
*active WIP, not yet complete
It's not that much (really, it's average output for me) but I will take my wins where I can get them, especially since this is pretty much the scope of my art projects this year. Didn't really have much time or energy to write, or make more models, or scan more cards, because... ya girl was too busy getting a promotion/raise, moving out, enjoying the best con experience of her life (so far), volunteering, meeting lots of new people, dating again, having general fun, eating good food, trying new things, finishing a monthly art challenge for once, playing creative romhacks, waking up to new career opportunities, etc. etc. etc! It feels like so much happened this year!!
I tend to be harsh on myself and often feel like my life is not going anywhere, but this year really made me feel like I'm finally gaining some momentum again. And like... I don't expect (or want) to live life in the fast lane or anything, but stagnating isn't good, either, and with every passing year I have to ask myself with a little more sincerity what my future looks like.
So all that said, thanks very much for sticking around and suffering me another year <333 Who knows what 2024 will bring!! But for the first time in a while, I think I am looking to it with more than just a resigned "meh" and I hope the same for anyone reading this, too.
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thespectralvision · 7 months
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I met Paul Bettany (again) yesterday at Dallas Fan Festival and I'm not sure I'll ever recover.
To preface this, I've been doing cons and seeing live productions for a long time, so I have met a fair number of celebrities and I've never had a bad experience. Getting to meet Lizzie Olsen a few months back was thrilling enough, and I feel so blessed that both she and Paul ended up attending conventions in Texas within a span of months. That said, Paul Bettany blew every other celebrity meeting I've had so far out of the water I don't even know how to compare them. Part of that is my own personal connection to his work - he's been my favorite actor for a very *very* long time - and getting to share how he's been a part of my journey from afar was very emotional and so *so* worth it. Long story below the cut:
When I met him breifly in NYC it was very exciting, but he was running almost 30 minutes late to his own play and didn't have time to chat, so we just snapped the selfie and that was that. The play was an amazing experience, and I discussed it in this post back in December when it happened.
Yesterday I had several one-on-one minutes with him over the course of the day. After a little stress getting in the line (where a kind lady on staff went out of her way to help me and a large group of friends in line with me. One of them had purchased an autograph because she's collecting MCU signatures in a book, but she told me she also wanted to set me up so he knew I was a super-fan.
He started by looking at the print and then deciding he was going to sign it in pink. He was *very* adamant about that, and I laughed and said it was his call. The grin as he started to write and confirmed that yes, pink was the right colour was a wonderful laugh at the beginning.
I told him that I specifially painted this for him to sign, and he was so kind as he looked at it and told him it was my art. I shared a little of my journey and thanked him, because I found Vision as a character due to being a fan of his acting for nearly 2 decades, starting with when I saw A Knights Tale shortly after it came out back in 2001. Before I could drive my dad would take me to go see every movie he did in theaters, and as an adult I've kept up. Paul's work has been a constant in my life, and a source of comfort long before his involvement in the MCU let alone my love of Vision as a character (completely seperate from the man who plays him)
I explained how I had been fighting severe depression for most of the 10 years prior to WandaVision's release, and I had given up on art. Watching WandaVision, and then reading comics about Vision made me want to paint him. The first several times I've never shared (maybe I'll do a big dump of unfinished/unreleased art one of these days) but I just kept trying. In the time since I've created close to 200 piece of art, and I take so much joy in it again. When I have a bad week I paint to relax, I paint when I'm struggling to express things, for a distraction or to share my joy. I didn't go into so much detail with Paul but he listened to every word. I then mentioned that I had met him very breifly in NYC last winter because I had travelled to see him for The Collaboration, and a front-row seat had been my Christmas Gift. He was *so happy* guys. He looked like he had just been given the best compliment ever when I told him how much of a treat it was to get to see him acting live. He made this little happy sound and it was so lovely. I think as artists, knowing our work has inspired others in the way we are inspired is a very high compliment and it felt that way.
He was so kind and at the end of our time together before I walked away he looked at me and told me I had a gift, and thanked me for sharing it with him. I think hearing my story and his small but oh-so-important role in it made him a little emotional too, he looked like he might cry for a breif moment. I said I would be seeing him later for a photo and he smiled so brighly and waved me off, and he didn't turn to the next group until I turned away from his table. All my friends were waiting for me and had been watching and they started freaking out about the conversation. Another friend who was in a different line but had excellent eyesight of Paul was like 'I think he loved your art wow his reaction'. They watched him with other guests for quite awhile and commented that he was all smiles and like that with everyone. Every other person I spoke with at the convention who met him had nothing but glowing things to say. A few friends told me after they now understand why I'm so fond of him hah.
I had a period of time between the autograph and the scheduled photo ops, so I walked the rest of the event and picked up some goodies I'll share in another post - it was like Paul Bettany/Vision Christmas I've never seen so much Vision art and merch selling and on display let alone being bought. When it was finally my time for the photo he finished with the group ahead of me and his face lit up with a bright smile as I moved into the space. I wasn't sure how close was ok - I have a rule of thumb when doing con photos to let the guest decide how much contact/space is ok because everyone is different. Paul put his arm around me and kept nudging me until I finally moved in closer, then he gave me a proper hug with a little squeeze. If you've ever imagined huging Vision (or Paul) it's exactly what you expect. Before he let me go he thanked me again (?!) and waved me off, and said he'd see me at his panel in a little bit.
His panel was also fantastic and fun, and he charmed the entire room. Some friends went with me who aren't as familiar with him or his work outside of Marvel, and they all agreed they would pay to meet him again/see a panel if he had one. I'm sure someone else will beat me to uploading the video (I did record most of it but my phone was almost dead) so I won't go into too much detail but it was such a fun hour.
I couldn't have asked for a better day. If anyone on this Earth made me feel the way Vision makes me feel when I'm reading comics or watching MCU projects, it was Paul. He described Vision in an interview once as 'warmth personified' and I think that's just a lot of *him*. His energy was infectuous and he was so gracious and kind and humbled by the display of fans. It was also just nice to see so many people celebrating his art and the characters he plays. It's rare to see *so much* love for Vision, let alone others that are less known.
If you are a fan and have an opportunity to see Paul Bettany live please do. He really is a gem and in this case I'm so glad I got to meet my hero in more ways than one.
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persondoingstuff · 1 year
Child of the number 1 hero
Fandom: MHA
Pairing: dad!All Might x gn!child!reader
Type: angst
Warning: crying for 8 seconds, attempt (probably bad) at angst, not edited
A/N: idk why my brain has been like ‘write pro hero’s as dad with kids and make it sad’ I’m still new at writing angst so bear with me while I try to figure it out.
Being the number 1 hero’s child may seem cool on a surface level, but the deeper you go, the less cool it actually is.
For starters, you can’t say who you dad is, or even talk about him for that matter. From a young age it was drilled into your head that you were to refrain from mentioning anything about your dad. If any information about All Might fell into the wrong hands, it could be catastrophic.
Safety was a huge issue as well. If you said “My dad is the number 1 hero” villains from every shadow would come flocking to you, in hopes of using his one weakness to finally get the best of him. You also feared for your life for the same reason, you didn’t want to be killed by a villain.
If it was revealed that you were the child of the symbol of peace, you’d be the most popular person in your school. Constantly having people want to be your friend in attempts to get closer to All Might, get an autograph, see his house, and just use you to get to your dad.
That was another thing, you couldn’t have friends over for hang outs or sleepovers. Couldn’t risk having someone realize who your dad was. But that didn’t stop your dad from bringing people over, sure they were people he trusted. But still growing up it was frustrating having to constantly tell your friends you couldn’t hang out at your house.
The one good thing was since All Mights real name wasn’t public, you could use your last name, Toshinori.
As you got older you grew to except the rules and stop wasting emotion on it, the rules wouldn’t change no matter how much arguing would happen. And lots of arguments did happen. Pleading, failed compromises, cries of exceptions, were all denied. You were then given a reminder of the dangers of people possibly finding out your relationship with All Might.
Being a pro hero and a parent is a hard task for anyone, but when your the number 1, and in constant need, it was even harder. Coming home in the late afternoons, or sometimes at night, or leaving at late hours of the night. Sometimes you felt your father put everyone else above you, like every other person in the world was more important than you.
But you tried to convince yourself that you still mattered to your dad, that he still loved you. You wanted to make him proud so he’d notice you more. You got all A’s in school, top of the class, did the best in sports, you were responsible enough to make dinner all by yourself, know martial arts so you could defend yourself, and be independent! All for him to look at you and say “I’m proud of you” and acknowledge everything you’ve done for him. For him to really see you for more than a few minutes at a time. 
You were born quirkless just like him. A sad thing really, the child of the number 1 hero has no quirk. But despite that, you still trained your body to be the next inheritor for One for All. You knew everything about the quirk, your dad had told you everything anyways, so he wouldn’t need to explain anything. You knew you’d need to slowly work up to using the full power, already thinking of ways to build the quirk.
You were so sure you’d be the 9th wielder, already planning on going to UA, getting in the hero course, become a pro hero and be number 1 just like your dad. 
But life wasn’t fair.
Especially to you.
It was 10 months until the UA entrance exam, you knew that your dad would pass on his quirk any day now. So one day, your dad came home late, smiling proudly. ‘Todays the day! I’m getting One for All!’ You thought approaching your dad asking how his day was.
“Today was great. I found a suitable person to pass One for All down to.” Yagi said. Your smile faltered slightly, thinking he was playing around, but dread still creeping into your system. “His name is Midoriya Izuku, a quirkless boy who I’ll be training from now on.”
Your world started to crumble around you. “O-oh… I thought you’d pick me, to be the 9th…” You said in a quiet voice. Your dad looked surprised. “I’m sorry! I didn’t know you wanted to be a hero.” Yagi said sincerely.
Didn’t know? Didn’t know?! Of course he didn’t know! He never bothered to hang around enough for you to say anything about being a hero! Why wouldn’t you want to be a hero? You’re the child of the number 1 hero, of course you want to be a hero!
“It’s fine.” Your voice got cold, as you desperately try to keep tears away. “Wouldn’t want to rip away that kids dream of being a hero.” You walked away, not letting your father say anything else. You tried to blink the tears away, but as soon as one fell, the flood gates opened. You quietly sobbed into your pillow for what felt like hours.
Your dream, your goal, gone. Everything you worked for lost to some random kid. You didn’t know who Midoriya Izuku was, but you loathed him, you were jealous of him. He now had everything you ever wanted, without even trying.
The 10 months following the UA entrance exam, you saw bits and pieces of your dad, he was too busy with Midoriya. You decided to still go to UA, but aime for general studies.
During the entrance exam you felt you did great on the written test, however the practical test, you stood no chance. All you could do was run around for the whole test. During the final minutes of the test however, a 0-point robot came towards all the examinees. It was giant, as tall as or taller than some of the buildings in the mock city.
A boy with green hair zoomed into the sky and punch the robot, effectively smashing it with just one punch. But you knew what that power was. That was One for All. That kid who just destroyed his body with a single attack, was Midoriya Izuku.
You made it into general studies, your acceptance video by your father, a new faculty member of UA high told you with fake enthusiasm. While in general studies 1-C, you met a boy with purple hair and a brainwashing quirk. Shinso Hitoshi, who was gunning it for the hero course. You became quick friends, both wanting to be hero’s, just not having the quirk to make it into the hero course.
During the sports festival you managed to make it to the cavalry battles, before getting out by having no points. While going to your class section, you saw All Might in the hall way congratulating students, you saw the way his scanned the crowed, he was looking for you. But you didn’t want his words of praise now, you didn’t want anything from him now.
Why choose after you got into UA to finally praise and look at you? If he wanted to praise you he could do it later as you made sure you got lost in the crowd, slipping pasted your father.
You routed for Shinso before he ultimately got out by the person you despised. You rooted for Bakugo, for the sole reason that he was Midoriya’s rival.
As the school year went on, they eventually had students move into dorms after 1-A got attacked by villains during a summer camp. One of the students got kidnapped. All Might was part of the group of hero’s that rescued him. All Might ended up facing his long time rival, All for One. This ended up being your fathers last fight as he used the last of One for All.
After the kidnapping the school issued the plan to live into dorms. Your father said yes to the plan, you didn’t mind the dorms either, now you didn’t have to see All Might at all.
Shinso trained hard with class 1-A’s teacher Mr. Aizawa, or the pro hero Eraser Head. Shinso worked on using a capture weapon that looked like a scarf. Shinso would practice capturing people on you by wrapping the scarf around you. You were happy to help and spend the last of Shinso’s time in general studies before he moved classes.
You probably wouldn’t see Shinso as he would be in different classes, in different halls of the building, and a different dorm building. It was bitter sweet, you were happy for your friend, but also sad about losing him.
You felt like you could tell Shinso anything, anything except the biggest secret of your life. You wanted to tell him so bad, but all the talks, all the lectures your dad gave you raced through your mind.
You wanted to bring Shinso over to your house before dorms to hang out, wanted to tell him the real reason you worked so hard in school, tell him why you were so independent. Just tell him everything.
But you couldn’t.
Because that’s the life of being the number 1 hero’s kid.
A/N: thank you sooo much for reading!!! It’s actually really fun to write pro hero’s as parents, so if you have any requests please send them in! Have a wonderful rest of your day 😁
Also there won’t be a part 2, sorry if some people were hoping for one
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homenecromancer · 10 months
[This post is a reprint of an interview with NaRae Lee conducted at San Diego Comic Con 2009, by Deb Aoki for about.com. I have removed web links so that this post will hopefully appear in tags -- please click the source link if you want to click and see, like, archived versions of Yen Press's website.]
Interview: NaRae Lee
Manhwa artist for James Patterson's Maximum Ride
By Deb Aoki, About.com
To celebrate the first birthday of Yen Plus magazine, Yen Press invited Korean comics artist NaRae Lee as their special guest at San Diego Comic-Con 2009. Lee is the artist behind the graphic novel adaptation of James Patterson's bestselling Maximum Ride novels for young adults that is currently being serialized monthly in the pages of Yen Plus.
Discovered by Yen Press Senior Editor JuYoun Lee, NaRae was able to make her U.S. debut working on a series that already had legions of devoted fans. It's a lot to live up to, but NaRae proved to be up to the challenge by delivering artwork that looks remarkably polished for a relative newbie to the world of international manga publishing.
This visit to San Diego was NaRae's first visit to the United States, and unfortunately, the trip from Korea to Southern California wasn't an easy one for her. The effects of jet-lag took their toll on the petite yet hard-working artist, which forced Yen Press to cancel her first planned autograph session on Friday afternoon. NaRae did manage to make it to the convention center to meet her fans on Saturday afternoon, which is when I caught up with her to ask a few questions.
NaRae tends to draw herself as a pudgy, chibi character in her artist's notes in Yen Plus, but in reality, she's a slender, shy and soft-spoken young woman who seemed somewhat surprised to see the line of fans who came to meet her and get her autograph. Yen Press Senior Editor JuYoun Lee kindly translated our conversation.
Q: Welcome to San Diego Comic-Con. It's great to have you here.
NaRae Lee: I'm happy to be here too.
Q: Did you see anything in the Exhibit Hall that you thought was really exciting and cool?
NaRae Lee: I've been sick (since I got to San Diego from Korea), so this is actually the first time that I've been to the convention center.
Q: Ah, too bad. I hope you get to see more of it over the next two days. When you got the call to do Maximum Ride, had you heard of the books before?
NaRae Lee: I didn’t know about them at first.
Q: What were your impressions when you read the script? Did anything strike you in particular that made you think, 'Wow, I should work on this project?'
NaRae Lee: I liked the characters a lot. They each had their own distinctive characteristics and personalities, so that was the big appeal for me.
Q: Which is your favorite character to draw?
NaRae Lee: Character-wise, my favorite is Iggy, but when I'm drawing I enjoy drawing Max the most.
Q: Why is that?
NaRae Lee: The way I'm drawing the character is like a lot of my taste, so I likes how the eyes and the clothes she wears came out. I'm enjoying drawing her very much.
Q: I was really impressed when I first saw your art for Maximum Ride. It's very accomplished, very professional-looking, and it reads very nicely. Is this your first long series?
NaRae Lee: Thank you. Yes, it's my first major series.
Q: Has it been an adjustment creating a new chapter on a monthly schedule?
NaRae Lee: It’s been tough.
Q: Do you have time to do other things, like draw your own manga stories?
NaRae Lee: I also have my own story, a manga that is currently being published in a Korean anthology. That also has a monthly deadline. That one is fortunately only eight pages a month, but still, because I'm juggling the two deadlines I've been having a tough time.
Q: What is the title and what is it about?
NaRae Lee: It’s called Sweetie Milky Propose and it’s for younger girls. It’s like a comedy, also has a bit of a romance going on. It's about four fairies from Milkland coming into the human world to find their princess, who doesn’t know she is a princess. It's very funny.
Q: That sounds cute -- I hope to see it some time! So how did you and JuYoun (Lee, Senior Editor of Yen Press) find each other?
NaRae Lee: (turns to JuYoun) You would know better about that!
JuYoun Lee:Well, there is like an anthology that her school puts out. I saw her like short story there and I immediately liked her art style. I thought she would be perfect for Maximum Ride, so I contacted her.
Q: Ah wow, so straight from college. So how long have you been drawing manga?
NaRae Lee: I've been drawing since I was in like fourth or fifth grade in elementary school. I also went to an animation high school, not just college, so I've been drawing for a long time.
Q: So what is the curriculum like at an animation university? Is it like mostly animation classes or is it like animation and regular school subjects?
NaRae Lee: Well, the college I go to is a manga college and my high school specialized in animation. You can also major in manga at the animation high school as well.
Q: So now that you've devoted so much of your life to drawing, what do you think is your greatest strength as an artist and what is the hardest thing for you to do?
NaRae Lee: I can’t really pinpoint my strong point because I think I'm still a newbie. So maybe the fact that I have lots of possibilities in front of me might be my strongest point.
The toughest thing that I have to deal with as I draw Maximum Ride is that the story is set in the States and this is literally my first chance I've had to visit North America. Because I'm based in Korea, it's tough to find all the reference photos and trying to imagine like (the various locations described in the script) is going to look like. This has been the hardest thing.
Q: Have you met Mr. Patterson? Have you talked with him?
NaRae Lee: (shakes her head) Ah, no. Not yet.
Q: Ah, too bad. Maybe sometime on your next visit to the U.S. Okay, so I know your fans who are for your autograph session are eager to talk to you, but do you have a special message for the fans who couldn’t join you here today?
NaRae Lee: Thank you very much for reading the books.
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animerunner · 2 days
My MomoCon Highlights:
- Dana. Complimented. Me. On. My. Eda. Dress
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Not the first compliment of the con. I had purposely tucked away the dress until Sunday for the Owl House panel day and when I was going to get the group photo. So it wasn't what I wore the preceeding days.
I got several about my CHB shirt on Saturday (the day before). Along with a couple of conversations about my Friday outfit including with Cissy herself.
But Dana’s compliment on Sunday during the group photo was what completely sent me into a short circuit.
If you know my history and love for Eda as a character then this isn’t a surprise that I totally short circuited after.
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I honest to god don't know if she remembered the conversation or me showing her the photo of me in the same dress at the half marathon at Disneyland in January. When I had shown it to explain to her just how much Eda had impacted my life in the last few years. I do know she and the others I showed it too (I showed it to Sarah and Cissy) all thought it was the coolest thing at the time. And were absolutely astounded in the best way to find out I also did marathons! (which realizing that conversation also happened is starting to cause me reshort circuit a whole second time. Whoops!)
And follow up to that which is no surprise Dana was a total sweetheart even before the compliment. It’s always a bit scary to meet people that you’ve come to look up to for one reason or another. (the phrase never meet your heroes can unfortuantely be a real thing. Thankfully it was not an issue with Dana.)
And my tremor acted up a ton when meeting her and Sarah definitely didn’t help with the nerves.
And while I had no reason to get worried it was still nice. We got to talking about panels and stuff. I showed her some of my racing stuff.
I can't begin to emphasize the fact that she was genuinely extremely nice. And was taking time to talk to everyone who came up.
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(fun fact I thought I was going to be late to get this print. But I wasn't.)
- Pretty much every member of the owl house crew gave me a compliment on my cane/staff. Even had one ask me where I got it from. That was unexpected but totally awesome.
Cissy and I had a whole conversation about costumes!
I was dressed up as Lilith from 2A on Friday when I was going around getting the first set of autographs and photos. So she saw me in the low battery conversation and we got started talking. And she mentioned she was going to be the same shirt on Saturday.
(She did for the record. I saw her wearing it when waiting for Zeno and Erica autographs both of whom were also nice)
Seriously the whole Owl House crew was super nice in every interaction I had with them. You always get a range of comments and reactions (nothing ever really bad) at cons. Because its cons ya know. Things are busy and crazy and you might not always catch every one on their best day. But I had nothing but compliments for the Owl House side.
I finally got a signed copy of this poster from Matt! I've always wanted a copy of this poster but never really could seem to time the Streamily signings right to pick one up. So I was delighted to see he was selling copies of this to pick one up.
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(Also IDK if the person who found it after I accidentally dropped it in the exhibitor hall is on here when trying to shuffle my stuff around. But if you are. Thank you for turning it into lost and found at Momocon. I thought there was no way I was getting this back.)
Honestly I picked up a bunch of signed art at the con. The most I think I've ever done in one go. No regrets. That needs to be its own post though so I'll share another day.
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ask-healthy-light · 8 months
Though I had woken up at the same time as Michael the day before, as I was exhausted from the whole Saturday, I woke up many hours later than usual, and it took me some time to get up and head out to breakfast; and as I left the hotel towards the same bakery, I realised that there were so many more fans at the hotel as I had previously thought, as I nodded knowingly to others as I headed outside.
At the bakery, I managed to order my sandwich and cappuccino mostly in German, but also purchased a couple of extra sandwiches for lunch later that day, before I continued to the venue, meeting a few other folks on my way there; luckily, I had heard back from Filip about the Goodiebag, and told him that I was headed to the venue, where I we could meet up, hopefully before the event started again.
I politely thanked him for keeping safe the Goodiebag for so long, and headed back to the entrance, where I took some time to look through the bag, finding beautiful art of Pinkamena and Discord on a poster and a shirt, as well as a pixel recreation of a meme on a mug; and in the mug, I found a few sets of stickers and a wristband for PCRP, all of which I safely put in one of the many bags I had.
Back inside, I waited at Patch's vendor stand near the entrance for a while, making a collection of items I wanted to buy, since I had not seen her all day on Saturday, which I mentioned to her after the concerts the night prior; fortunately, she was as kind and sweet as usual, and let me know that their breakfast had run late, but we met up not long after, and I thanked her again for everything.
After we met up, and I had told her to look after herself and Deus, who appeared to be somewhat out of it during Prince's concert the night before, she told me this was because of his exhaustion; for not only had Deus been unbelievably busy for weeks prior to the event, but he had also been running around the whole day to make sure everything ran smoothly, which, fortunately, was a great success.
I thanked her for everything once again, and told her that I would see her around, before I went to the Voice Actor panel in the Mane Hall, where I met up with my friend, and where we enjoyed all the voice actors' answers; the most amazing moment was Mark Acheson's brilliant impression of Ana Sani, the voice of Izzy, in a voice entirely unlike his own, which made the whole Hall erupt in laughter.
My friend and I split up after this panel, and after I had asked PrinceWhateverer for his autograph on the two physical albums I had purchased from him, and had told him that his concert the previous night was phenomenal, I headed to a panel on Ashes of Equestria; and I purchased more fantastic art from LupiArts, shared kind words with them once again, whereafter they gave me yet another sticker.
The panel on Ashes of Equestria was almost over, and during it, I chatted with my friend, who I saw sitting at the fountain outside, and met up with him and many friends on our way outside; and after taking pictures of so many friends, we went outside, where I ate some lunch, and enjoyed music from DJ PON-3's Bass Cannon, where one of the guitarists of Coltastrophe was playing along, for a while.
We wandered around for a little while after lunch, waiting for the panel on Building Sweetie Bot to start, during which we saw the robot Mare walking, or, rather, being dragged around, looking around at a few more vendor tables; but to my surprise, confusion, and dismay, I had spent close to all my bills, so I spent the last I had on a sticker book from CutePencilCase before heading to the panel.
The panel on Building your Own Pony Robot was genuinely hilarious, very relatable, both in good and bad ways, and educational, as the host warned us that everything will break, and advised us to look for help, and to not be too overconfident in your abilities or the lack thereof; but the bot, which was apparently more akin to a car, looked amazing, and I'm excited to see her final design in time!
After Sweetie Bot, the time had come for the Charity Auction… Hold on to your wallets!
(Thanks for reading this bonus! I'll be writing more about GalaCon over the next few days, so keep an eye out if you're interested!)
Part 5/8
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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tero-ga · 1 year
Alright, as promised i'm going to giving details about my Barok and Albert SwapAU!! If you want to add more to this, you're absolutely allowed to!! I'm not going to lie that i really want to see of what you guys say and create djhdjd-
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✨Their personality✨ (plus tiny things about the story-)
Okay i'm keeping this one brief since you're probably know how this works, their original characteristics are completely switched as well their occupation, demeanor, status and personal beliefs. As for the story in general, there's nothing really change other than just switching roles so that means original Barok's backstory are also applies to Swap!Albert too, just to keep it safe and not ruined much of anything of already good story lol (spoilers for this bit: so this implied that Albert has a sibling in this, and i know exactly who's going to play the role for this just you wait-). There is something that i think is nice to keep the same habit in this AU for example Swap!Albert still have nervous tic of bitting his nail but just on very, very rare occasion and Swap!Barok still have overly dramatic movements like his damage sprite, ect.
For their times in university, you can interpret it for yourself of how they met together like we are have our own interpretation of how the original met together. But as their personality, for this i thought it would be great if they have same behavior as the original. Swap!Albert is cheery and friendly and Swap!Barok is quiet and often keeping his manners in front of people but once he hangout with Albert, he began to getting comfortable and start to act like a goofball later on. I still don't know if this is a good idea but honestly if it's sounds cute, i'm gonna stick with it-
I think that's pretty much it for this section so let's go to the next thing-
✨The Facts and the Funsiesssss✨
or whatever this is idk what to call this section-
this is me just spewing bunch of stuff that i've been thinking while designing them so here it is-
there's something in me that wanting to change their name but i'm really not going to since i'm so bad at it- but if you want to hear it here's the name that i spend researching for puns way longer than i should, the name i've come up with is Albert Monstein & Barok Wattson. If it's sound bad, i don't blame you so that's why i'm just keeping it the same-
Albert changed his diet to vegetarian back when he was younger, he would be always gets sick after trying eating meat and later on he would begin to absolutely despises it.
Barok would have the most villainess laughter ever that some people actually scared of him, even though this is how he normally laughs.
I for no reason have a weird headcanon that original Barok is farsighted without he ever realized it so that's why i added glasses to Swap!Barok, his vision aren't that major and he'll be alright without glasses but he mostly wears it so he wouldn't get headaches too often.
The reason of why Albert have hood are just to keeping himself low profile in public. Whether it is stay away from media outlets or gets low chances from getting attack and killed.
Albert does have a curly and quite lengthy hair, but he did cut his hair and used hair product to straighten it to make himself look professional.
I've mentioned that Albert does have a habit of bitting his nail, he frequently did it like the original back he was in university. But eventually he learned to stop doing it, and i absolutely have a concept art in my mind of him does bite his nail again heheheh.
Here's their opinion of Herlock Sholmes, or anyone who takes the role as herlock sholmes- : Albert does actually loved reading the herlock sholmes series in his free time, he just only have enough of their bullshit and find their presence irritating. Meanwhile, Barok is absolutely a fan and would idolize them badly but he pretending and act he see them as a rival, archenemy. But he would still asking for their autograph though.
Andd I think this pretty much it, this is probably the most work i've ever put into writing lmao, can't even to compared this to my assignment for college-
But it is fun though!! just something that just keep my mind to rest from stressed and stuff, hopefully you're liking it! Once again if you want to add more, you're absolutely have my permission to do so! :DD
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Arcane HCs !modern au! Tiktok star jinx x TikTok star y/n
CW: slight obsession, emo y/n, TikTok (all that stuff), fluff, excessive catcalling,
Pronouns: gender neutral y/n
A/N: felt bad for taking so long with posting part two to my vampire jinx fic. The delay is due to a combination of me being a procrastinator and me not fully sure of how to write it. So don't worry it's coming it just may be a bit, but I'll post it as soon as possible. So here's some headcanons of jinx being a TikTok star and being in love with a random emo.
Jinx was shocked at how popular she became on tiktok
She literally just got bored one day and was scrolling through it
Decided to do a random trend she thought was cool. A dance to some song she liked.
She always loved dancing but never made it obvious
She thought it was fun so she did a few more
She went to bed that night to wake up the next morning (if you consider 4:30 the next morning) to see she'd blown up overnight.
Ever since shes loved doing TikToks purely for the odd rush that came with all the approval
She'd do all kinds of things, dancing to music, showing off outfits of different aesthetics, or just random funny clips she recorded. She even showed off some graffiti art.
In a few days she'd become a legend. Making chaotic videos of her causing mischief and being a menace to her sister
Who has made abundantly clear wanted nothing to do with her silly TikToks. She was supportive at least
Pride cometh before the fall unfortunately
Overtime jinx noticed that fame comes at a cost
That cost being randos hitting on her in the comments
Some even on the streets
"what a buncha creeps!!! can't they take a hint!?!"
This behavior got under her skin more than she thought it would as more and more people made their attraction to her apparent
With some being rather persistent
One day at a convention she walked around with a mask and hat on as a disguise
Stealth 100
She was looking at some cute accessories when she noticed the person next to her as a follower of hers
Y/n; a fellow TikToker who did vids about outfits and fashion. Mainly gothic and emo stuff.
They also happened to be one of jinx's favorite tiktokers and she froze when they looked over at her
"hey aren't you that girl with the blue hair? jinx was it?"
"oh God they recognized me, what do I do?!?!
She has no idea what to think in this moment having now been recognized by her idle irl
On one hand "OMG senpai noticed me!!"
On the other hand who's to say they won't just flirt with her like all the others who she met irl
"your stuff is pretty cool, especially that mural you did in the old subway station downtown, that was so cool"
She snapped back into reality and returned the compliment, sharing her affection for their outfits.
Her favorite one being the croptop that showed their belly piercing, but she didn't dare say that
After y/n asking for an autograph and more compliments they left, just like that
After that jinx was basically head over heels for them
She couldn't say why
The way they showed interest in her hobbies
The way they didn't seem to be interested in catcalling her or making passes at her
Plus the outfit they wore was just 👌😤👌
This began her new obsession
She couldn't help but follow you around at the convention
Just a little bit.
She wasn't stalking it was just...okay yeah she was stalking
She immediately stopped after she realized that
Not before "bumping into you again" to ask for her own autograph
Which she proudly framed and hung in her room
She felt so confused about her emotions towards you
She'd never felt this way before, nor did she ever act like a head over heels teen
She'd stay up and watch all your TikToks and admire you
Simps for you hard
Eventually gains the courage to send you a message
"hey I was wondering if you'd like to…Collab sometime
You excitedly accept
Soon you're both collaborating on an outfit
It came out something like this
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You offer to wear it and she just stared at you
She couldn't stop blushing as she filmed you posing for the tiktok
You notice and ask if she's okay
"I'm good...you just- look nice"
You realize her feelings pretty quickly after that
As Time went on and you collabed more you grew to feel the same way
One day you two do the electric love trend as a joke planning to pull away or dab or something just before you kiss
Cue an on video make out session
Neither of you meant it to happen you just sorta went for it
You began dating shortly after
Best TikTok couple ever
Vi spit up her drink while watching your electric love TikTok
The end 😊
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shootingstarrae · 7 months
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Getting personal here:
I never went to anime cons as a teen. Partially because they were expensive, partially because I had no one to go with, but also because it wasn’t “cool”. I was already seen as a weirdo, I didn’t need to make that reputation worse. The reputation anime itself had at the time wasn’t great, but anime cons themselves? Either you were a deviant for going or something bad would happen to you there. At least, that was my impression.
That changed during my freshman year of college, when I went to Tekko. I saw the joy and love for the same things that I enjoyed and it was like nothing I had ever experienced. I wanted more, but something closer to home.
A few years later, my partner and I went to Colossalcon for a day. That was overwhelming, but fun. We went to Colossalcon a couple more years and, while fun, I never really felt like I could be myself. At the time, I didn’t really know to what extent that meant.
In 2016, we went to Ohayocon for a day, mostly because I couldn’t afford to go for a whole weekend. It was different. The panels were unique. When we left, I said to my partner “we should go next year for the whole weekend”. And we did. It was one of the greatest con experiences of my life. We had fun meeting special guests, everyone was really friendly*. In the Artist Alley, I remember lots of queer flag themed art. This wasn’t anything unique - lots of anime cons I had been to at this point had pride art. But this was the first time I remember seeing the ace flag included. I bought my first ace pride sticker at this con. I felt truly seen. I felt like I could authentically be myself. Even if that meant be anxious, be upset. There was space for me.
From that point on, my partner and I would plan to go to Ohayocon every year. And every year was better than the last. It was memories, both inside and outside the con, that we will cherish forever.
Even in 2021, before the vaccines were widely available, Ohayocon was there in a digital form. It wasn’t the exact same, for sure, but it made a cold, isolating weekend in January 2021 a little bit easier.
We haven’t made it since. We’ve really missed it and have thought about going each year. But, due to COVID, those early weeks in January are tricky. Cases are usually up due to holiday travels and, with my asthma, we haven’t felt comfortable enough to go.
So it breaks my heart to say NOhayocon. But now I have learned about the abusive practices that have been used on senior leadership. I have also learned how senior leadership have tried to change this, and so far no changes have been made. I can’t in good conscience go to a con that is hurting people who have spent their unpaid time and energy to make it a special con to me.
If you are going, please consider that there is a boycott going on and most of the senior leadership who made Ohayocon what it was will be gone.
*Except for one person in an Ohayocon staff shirt who I asked a question about where lining up for an autograph session was. She got really rude and aggressive with me and honestly, made me cry. But there was a calm down area that I went to to recompose myself. And that was the worst experience I ever had in all the years that I went.
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spaceaudyssey · 1 year
I said a stupid thing and I need to get it off my chest!!!
So I went to galaxycon Richmond on Friday and Saturday and I was really excited because David Tennant was going to be there and I was going to get his autograph (which I did).
So when my husband and I got there on Friday, the first thing I did was wait in line to get his autograph. Luckily I didn't wait too long. I had an art print that I wanted him to sign and I was really excited for him to sign it.
Here's the thing though. I was worried that everyone in line, and David, were going to think that I made this art print, and I didn't want that to happen. So while I was in line, a couple of people asked me about the print, and I kept saying "I didn't make it, someone else did!" (I had the artists name with me in case people asked, especially since I really want artists to get credit for their work) even though nobody really asked that, and I was being a bit paranoid about the whole thing. And I was nervous.
Anyway, it finally gets to the point where I meet David. I had my name on a sticky note for him to personalize the signature while writing my name.
He goes "Audrey! Hi! , Wow that's a good print!". So again my paranoia kicks in and I go
"oh I didn't make it! Someone else did, I wish I did make it though! "
And David just goes in a calm voice "Well, you didn't have to tell me that, you could've told me it was yours and I wouldn't know any different."
And I said "Oh...yeah I guess I could've" or whatever,
and then he said something like (I forgot the exact words so I'm paraphrasing here) " Any good print is good for you, Audrey" (it sounded like that but idk if that's what he really said or if it makes sense, basically it was like a compliment, anyway..).
So here's the real kicker okay, .... I was trying to be witty, y'know have a quick witty banter or whatever. So I say to him...."You don't even know me!!". And I said it in like this sort of like if a guy in the mafia would've said it??? Idk how else to describe it, but picture someone like Tony Soprano saying it okay? That's kind of how I said it.
But what I didn't realize, as it was coming out of my mouth, was that maybe it sounds a bit too loud and accusatory. I honestly have had a history of saying things to people that I shouldn't say or that may come across the wrong way. So to say something wrong to an actual celebrity, would be awful to me.
So he just does like a slight chuckle but like, idk if the chuckle was an actual funny chuckle or like a "okay this lady is kinda weird" nervous sort of chuckle, but without looking at me he says like good to see you or something and moves right on to the next person. To be fair, he did have a ton of people to get through, and he was whipping them out pretty quickly, so I didn't think about it too hard.
After that, I met back up with my husband and told him what transpired, and he said "Oh, well I wouldn't have said that." So then I started to feel bad about the whole thing, but of course I couldn't go back and apologize because #1 I don't have another autograph ticket and #2 I'm sure that David Tennant is a smart man and probably understands a situation like that, so to go back just to apologize would've been just a waste and I really shouldn't take it that seriously. But the thought still lingered in my brain as an embarrassing moment.
I also went to his panel but due to a series of unfortunate events that would take too long to explain, I was unable to ask him a question (and to secretly see if he remembered me from the day before and if he would say something about that, to which then I would've apologized). Again, I know I shouldn't think about it too hard because he probably won't remember anything about it anyway, but still, it's there, in my memory.
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I will be trying to make weekly drawings and blog posts. I will post every Monday. This is meant to be practice, so I will post on Monday no matter what even if it is unfinished or bad. It is supposed to be a motivator (I hope it works) This is for realistic-style art, but I will also (hopefully) be posting anime-style art. While this might seem easier I have more trouble with it for some reason (maybe because I can't just copy it). I think it would also be good to work on my creative brain. I will be making these posts separately.
This time I am copying a self-portrait by Rembrandt. It was painted in 1660. I am using a pencil and charcoal. This is just a copy, so it’s just practice.
After I picked the painting I wanted to copy I drew the rough outline in pencil. Unfortunately, I had to make some corrections by directly measuring the Rembrandt I was copying. I didn’t do this with the proportions of the face only things like the hat. Actually, I might have checked the proportions of the head outline after drawing them to see if they were right, but I definitely did do the face by eye. I made it more exact still with pencil because I was not confident enough to do it with softer charcoal. After I got the basic shapes down I made the contours more true to the painting. With my pencil outline done, I blocked in the basic shadow shape with hard charcoal. Then I lightened the dark color of the hard charcoal. I erased out highlights and reflected lights then softened the shadows to be a more reasonable shade (I just left the hat black though) I noticed I did a bad job because the shadows were inaccurate in shape, and there was not enough variation in the shading. I decided to erase the shadows and start over. I ran into a similar problem as before, and I noticed Rembrandt’s eyes were misaligned. The outline also got a little bleary. (bad)
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I fixed the eyes, but I still am not fully happy with them. They are different shades, I don’t think they are entirely true to the original, and I think they are a little misaligned. I admit I worked on them until they were vaguely passable, and did not go beyond that. I added darker parts to the shading to add more variation. I tried to add some highlights and reflected lights, but I think I only did ok.
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I have mixed feelings about the end result. Of course the learning part of it was perfect, but I think the end result could have been better. It is good enough for me to post, but the point of this series is for me to post whatever. Sone of the light arias are not accurate (to be honest I had problems erasing). This is good for what it is, but I think I can do better next time (because I will just be using pencil)
Please give constructive criticism of my art and proses. I will cry, but it will be helpful :3 (also give advise for blog. I am bad at weighting. Was anything confusing/do you understand how I copied this)
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