#also cheering for me now and found/tonight sucked
pythiaswine · 1 year
CAN I JUST TALK ABOUT HOW BAD I WANTED LMM TO LEGITIMIZE LAMS but i kept being let down over and over again like ughhhh. first he gives the Angelica relationship a whole song and subplot and yes it was great, the whole musical's a lyrical, compositional, choreographed masterpiece BUT WE AREN'T HERE TO DISCUSS THAT. we are here to talk about how his source material was biased because Chernow gave breath to the Angelica thing, as improbable as it was (especially compared to the probability of the Laurens/Hamilton relationship? homophobia.) but then picture it, I'm a young, naïve teenager, I'm very fixated on lams and history, I loved the Hamilton musical, was a Hamilton teen and that part of me is irreparably burned into my brain. then LMM drops this sneaky little tidbit like the beacon of wisdom his fans see him as bc he wrote a historical self-insert fanfic for broadway, he says the Laurens/Hamilton relationship was real. great! but he didn't actually put it in the musical and that disappointed me. And damn, okay, he had a few lines here and there in the off-broadway version that were cut but maybe that wasn't his fault or maybe he planned on fleshing it out more and had to cut it down to make it more palatable for the people sponsoring his ride to broadway, a pathetic excuse but it could make sense. For all that, I could have forgiven, forgotten, etc etc... but I will NEVER forget naïvely believing during the year the Hamildrops were released that we'd finally get a Laurens/Hamilton song. In April it didn't happen, I thought okay, maybe pride month. Didn't happen in pride month. Didn't even happen in September or October, or as a last-minute gay reveal in December. It just didn't happen at all. We even got some covers of songs that already existed without notable variations on the lyrics and it's like... bro couldn't have done the bare minimum and had a Laurens cover of Satisfied? That's the moment I was let down for real. I had truly BELIEVED that because he said himself that the Laurens/Hamilton relationship was real, he'd actually follow through on something that could be digested by the fans more than a forgotten tweet. but damn it hurt. absolutely no queer representation in a musical about Alexander Hamilton. bro. to play devil's advocate, there is no way to "prove" hamilton wasn't straight (eye-roll) but it's not like Hamilton: An American Musical is historically accurate in the least. It's embellished, fun, glamorous. It paints people in their best (unless you're charles lee lol) considering it's about a bunch of people who definitely were not kickass abolitionist BIPOC, but because LMM found it important to represent America today, he made the cast very inclusive to cultures and ethnicities of those these historical figures oppressed. so why can't he fictionalize the story a bit more? it's not even FICTION BRO it's literally more provable (and less problematic and more interesting) than the Angelica/Hamilton affair so WHYYYY. all i mean to say is, i was very let down and i can't appreciate the musical or LMM the same as I did when i was younger because now it gives me the straight-man ick. the "yeah they were gay!" for ++ points with the lgbtq+ fans but a severe lack of action. i hate that shit. real allies would say "fuck your homophobia, i'm publishing my art as it is even if i face backlash and censorship," because that's how shit gets done. it really really let me down, that's all, good night.
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hiskillingjar · 2 months
Heeey if ur down maybe
Strade x reader...but it's like a hitch hiker situation it's like 3 am and he picks them up off the side of the road yadda yadda their phone is dead maybe some awkward small talk (I can imagine th asking if he wants to play I spy or something)
Anyway I'm getting off track we all know hitch hiking is dangerous we've all heard horror stories of girls hitch hiking and then she's found in a ditch chopped into a billion pieces we all know this so does reader...so they keep asking if he's gonna kill them every five minutes...they're weirdly into it too
Sorry it's so long and just rambling I got off track I just really love strade
haughhhh this prompt haunted me and i just had to fill it. not totally what you asked for but. like. same vibe ya know?
3200+ words, cw for like. the lead up to actual noncon, i love strade most when he's evil and sexy and condescending sorryyyyyy. also crossposted on ao3 because i like having my longer fics there
"Hey, buddy, climb in!"
When the large, black SUV slid to a stop beside the road’s dirt path, you could have cheered. 
You had been walking for what felt like hours after getting off the bus at its last stop, your thumb raised high beside you in hopes of someone pitying you and stopping to pick you up. Had this stranger not stopped, you might have considered calling it quits and sitting in the cold to wait it out until morning rather than exhausting yourself with the walk.
Thank god you didn’t have to worry about that.
"Hey! Thanks for pulling over!" You beamed brightly and politely, as you climbed into the front of the stranger's truck, running a hand through your messy hair and dusting your boots off before you got comfortable in the expensive-looking car. "I really appreciate it, man, I've been standing there for, like, an hour now."
His own smile widened, dimpling handsome smile lines and crinkling his golden eyes. You had no idea what a guy like this was doing travelling on the highway at three in the morning, but you were sure that he would say the same about you, so didn’t think much about your wondering.
"Oh no, that sucks.” He said with a sympathetic click of his tongue. “Here, let me help you with that, you must be exhausted after such a tough night."
The friendly attitude remained as he reached out for your backpack, showing off muscular (albeit slightly scarred) arms and tan skin. You smiled appreciatively, all the same, as he took your backpack and tossed it into the back seat of the truck, before starting the engine back up with a twist of the keys in the ignition.
"Yeah, uh, I accidentally rode the bus to the end of the line and...yeah, the last stop was a little over two miles away?" You said, buckling your seatbelt as he pulled off the dirt path and continued down the road. "It's a total ghost town there, and I have no charge on my phone either. I really thought I'd be walking all night."
His smile shifted into a more sympathetic expression before it went to the road ahead of him.
"Ah, I feel you on the phone thing, it really sucks when your battery decides to die on you when you need it most.” He replied, both hands on the wheel, as he let the speed of the truck climb back up to the naturally higher speed of a highway drive. “No charge, huh? What a shame."
You nodded, unsure of what else to say.
"So, what's in the backpack?” He asked after barely a beat, and you got a sense that he wasn’t one to stay in silence for long. You didn’t mind the opportunity for small talk though, not really, even if it was late at night and…you mostly just wanted to get some rest. “You a tourist, or..."
"Yeah, kind of a tourist." You nodded with a little smile. "Um, I'm trying to get to Toronto, actually. I know that's pretty far, so no pressure to get me there,” You chuckled awkwardly. “But I think there's a bus station nearby, a few towns over? I was just gonna stay there tonight and get another ticket in the morning."
He nodded along as you spoke, an attentive audience member, like he was listening to you in place of late-night talk radio or music.
"Oh, so you've got quite the journey ahead, huh?" He peered towards you out of the corner of his eye when you nodded in response to his question. 
"Mmhmm, it’s still another day or so of travel,” You said with a shrug and a little nod. “So, um, I didn't get your name?"
"Ah, right, yeah, I forgot to tell you."
He took his eyes off the road for a moment to smile at you.
"Name's Strade,” No last name. Makes sense, you probably wouldn’t have told him your last name, either. “And you are...?"
You smiled back and told him your name.
"And, um,” You tittered a little coyly. “You know, I’m just trying to make small talk here, but I'm noticing a bit of an accent there...not Canadian, huh?"
He laughed, a friendly and warm chuckle that put you at ease, despite your less-than-ideal situation.
"Haha, you're good.” He said, sounding genuinely impressed. “Yeah, not Canadian. German, actually. I’ve been living here for, ah…” He sucked a hiss in through his teeth and tilted his head in thought. “A while. Just never managed to shake the accent, I guess."
"No, that's super cool. I’ve always thought Germany was an interesting place" You nodded with a bit more of a smile. "I've never been there, or anywhere in Europe or anything, but I've always wanted to."
"Oh yeah?” He hummed thoughtfully, still smiling. “You should definitely visit, it's great...I mean, yeah..." He peered out his window as he turned onto a new road, though you hadn’t seen where the illuminated sign was leading him. "The people...the cities...you know…” He continued, his words trailing off and his tone sounding distracted as he drove. “Germany's great...beautiful country...definitely worth the visit."
"Mm," You nodded. "Sounds nice."
After another long moment of silence (with you staring out the window, not seeing much other than fields and woods, and him focusing on driving and looking more and more put off by the quiet), he cleared his throat and reached up with one hand to rub his stubbly (and scarred) chin. 
"Listen…not to be intrusive or anything, I'm just trying to make some small talk,” He placed his hand back on the wheel, though he was still smiling. “But what's a pretty girl like you doing all by themselves, anyway? What, not got a boyfriend to travel with you?"
You let out an uncomfortable laugh, a slight flush coming to your cheeks as you tried to think of an appropriate (and smart) response. 
You knew you should have been...put off, to say the least, by a stranger asking why you were alone in the middle of the night, but...well, he had picked you up in the middle of nowhere, and you kind of owed him for that. Maybe he was just a curious guy.
And…he was pretty hot. Maybe he was just asking so he could make a pass at you.
"Hah, nope, all on my lonesome. But, um," You bit your lip, considering your next words very carefully. If you said something about…meeting people, perhaps, maybe it would have been enough to scare off any darker intentions he might have had with you. "I have friends in the city that I'll be staying with who know I’m coming. So, just need to get there, ya know."
He nodded again, smiling as casually as he had been.
"I see.” He said simply. “So, you must be pretty brave then, huh? Not many girls your age would feel safe travelling and staying in a bus station all alone without any protection, especially not these days."
An idle smirk crossed his lips as he kept his eyes forward, tapping the steering wheel with the pale palms of his hands.
"Lots of weirdos on these roads late at night, ya know?” His golden eyes went to yours then, and you could see they had narrowed just a touch, his eyebrows quirking with a silent challenge, or...threat. “Good thing I found you first, hm?"
"Mmhmm..." You nodded politely, letting out another uncomfortable chuckle. 
"Mhm…” He mimicked. “But, maybe we should change topics, ja? Let's talk about something...a bit more interesting~"
"Interesting?" You looked up at him with a curious blink, watching as he turned the truck again and started down a darker road, surrounded by woods. You still didn’t have a reason to be concerned though…at least, that’s what you were telling yourself. "How do you mean?"
"Oh, you know...a little more personal." He suggested with a shrug of his shoulders, like he was trying to appear more casual. "How old are you?"
"Oh, I'm twenty," You replied, raising a brow. "Yeah, second year of college, actually. I'm on spring break."
"Really?" He said, raising his own brows with pseudo-surprise. "Wow, I'm almost double that....way to make me feel like a creepy old man picking up a vulnerable girl on the side of the road, hah."
"Hah," You chuckled awkwardly, a slight flush coming to your face as you chewed the inside of your cheek. You’d read countless horror stories about this situation, and yet, when you were sitting in it, you still couldn’t help but be a little charmed by him and his self-deprecation. "Y-Yeah, sorry...um, I don't think you're creepy, though. I actually really appreciate it. I would have been stuck there all night, if you hadn't picked me up." You smiled. “Thank you.”
"Aw, how sweet," He crooned, taking one hand from the steering wheel and placing it on your bare thigh, making your breath hitch tightly. Denim shorts had been a fine choice when you dressed that morning, but a far stupider one at three in the morning, it seemed. "You really are very gracious, aren't you?"
"Mm..." You dug your teeth into your bottom lip as his hand roamed further up your thigh, calloused skin against smooth, goose-pimpled flesh.
"But, ah, graciousness can only get you so far in this world, right?" He said after a beat of silence, his voice taking on a lower tone as he looked towards you, pulling the truck to the side of the road and…slowing it to a stop.
You didn't expect (though maybe you should have, considering all the hints he had been dropping) for him to stop the car, and you suddenly felt a lot more scared to be in a strange truck, in a strange country, with a strange man.
"If you're too grateful,” He murmurs, taking the keys out of the ignition. “Some people can take advantage. And why wouldn't they."
Your polite (albeit tight) smile dropped and you swallowed tightly, as you saw him pocket his keys and turn to you, those golden eyes that had once been so inviting narrowed and sinister, as the hand on your thigh crawled further and further up.
"It's late at night, we're all alone, you’re in some…stranger’s truck,” He cut himself off with a chuckle and a shake of his head, like he was chiding you. “And who knows what someone could do to you."
Now that the car was stopped, he was able to lean in a little closer to you, the hand on your thigh ascending to your hip.
“Helpless, right?”
You let out a little whimper, swallowing tightly as he pressed himself even closer towards you, sliding a knee under himself so he could push himself forward, over the wide console of the truck. 
You were so stupid. 
Your pocket knife, your only means of protection while you were on the road, was in your backpack, of all places, which was in his back seat…where he had thrown it. Somehow, though, you had a sense that even if you did have a weapon of some kind, some sort of defence against him, it probably wouldn't have done anything to stop him, anyway. 
The predatory glint that had always been in his eyes, looking back on the encounter retroactively, became a whole lot less concealed, as he reached up and idly pushed a thick chunk of your hair behind your ear, almost like he was admiring you innocently. His mouth tilted into a mocking smile and his tone became lower and even more lecherous.
"Twenty,” He said, like he was reminiscing. “Just twenty years old and doing this all by yourself. So young...and so pretty too.” He leaned a little closer, so close you could smell the thick scent of motor oil and sweat lingering on him. “It would be a shame if something happened to a girl like you..."
He let out a small chuckle, keeping his gaze locked on yours as his hand shifted from your hip and down to his side.
Your eyes followed it almost instantly. You didn't know what he was doing, but you knew that it couldn’t be good.
Strade noticed your gaze too, raising his brows and giving you a smile that he had practised so many times before, one that was supposed to settle a nervous spirit, a fretting hostage. He shifted his hand to the side, making it seem as if he was just casually adjusting himself, when, in fact, he was hiding something else, something much darker and more sinister altogether.
"Were you not scared...of a stranger like me, picking you up in the middle of the night?" He tilted his head, considering you closely like you were a new specimen for examination.
“Strade,” You mumbled softly, your eyes flitting to the side to try and spot your backpack. “Come on…let’s not do this.”
"Now, now...don't be so frightened.” He said, with almost the start of a hurt pout to his lips. Why was that enough to make you feel bad? “I don't mean you any harm at all, but you still haven't answered my question..."
He pressed even closer, his fingers suddenly trailing down your neck as his stubbly cheek grazed yours.
“Were you not scared?”
"I...didn't think I needed to be scared," You mumbled quietly, taking in a slow breath and feeling like your skin was prickling with nerves each time he pressed close to you.
"Why's that, hmm...don't you think it's dangerous to be alone at night?"
His staring eyes met yours, spanning up and down your face, like he was trying to take in every detail of you, each freckle, wrinkle and pore, before…
"Don't you think it's dangerous...to be alone...with...me..."
You let out a shrill grunt as he quickly pressed his body entirely against yours, climbing over the console of the truck and pinning you down to the seat. You attempted to quickly unbuckle your seatbelt and reach for the car door on the passenger side, gripping fingers scrambling for the handle as you heaved with his added weight on top of you.
"Oh no no no…” He chided lightly, sitting back as he straddled your hips and reached down in his jacket pocket. "Don't think you're getting away from me now, fraulein, not when I’ve just gotten you where I want you."
Your eyes widened when you saw him pull out a long bowie knife, hidden in plain sight, all this time. It wasn't even in a sheath to protect it.
"Please," You pleaded quietly, as he slid the knife up your front and severed the seat belt like hot metal through butter. "Please, Strade, please, let me go. I-I have friends, I'm going somewhere, you know that, they'll know I'm gone, they’ll know." You babbled erratically, every part of you trembling.
Strade just laughed, using the cut seatbelt as a makeshift rope to tie your trembling wrists to the car seat headrest above you (you had sunk down enough in the seat to get away from him that it was high up now).
You didn’t even try to fight him off that hard.
"Aww...you're still so hopeful, aren't you?"
His grin broadened, laced with malice as he watched the terror build in your eyes indulgently, like your fear was enough to sustain him.
"Do you actually think someone's going to come and save you...little college girl on her spring break, hm?” He asked, shaking his head further with a condescending little chuckle, before leaning in, his breathing heavy and ragged and excited. “No, I don’t think I’m going to let you go, fraulein…not when I have you right where I want you.”
"Please," You whimpered, your lip trembling as the first sting of tears began to bead in your eyes. "Don't kill me, please..."
"Oh, I'm not going to kill you. Don't worry."
You took in a shaky gasp as he raised the knife to your throat, immediately stilling when you felt the sharp edge of polished metal dig into your skin.
"I'm just going to have a bit of fun with you, that's all. That’s why you let me pick you up, isn’t it?" He pressed the knife down a little harder against your throat, leaning in even closer, thee bridge of his nose nestling against your jaw as you felt the sting of the blade. "You wanted someone to have fun with you, just like this..."
"Please don't hurt me...I-I'll do whatever you want," You murmured, tears spilling down your cheeks, trying not to move or struggle or shake too much and…encourage the knife to slip. “Please, please, please…”
"Aw, are you begging?" Strade’s grin widened even more, as he laughed at you, cruelly, meanly. “You really just get cuter and cuter the more you speak. I almost can’t stand it.”
You whimpered again as he raised his head to look at you, his face close enough to yours that he could have kissed you (if he wanted to), his tongue slipping out and licking his lips, and his breath heavy on your neck as his laugh trailed off into a low chuckle.
"Maybe I want to keep pretty things like you around...take my time with you, perhaps?” He mused softly, dragging the knife to a point and pressing it to the bottom of your chin. “Or maybe…I just want to do something with that pretty mouth of yours, hm?"
You gulped and squeezed your eyes shut, revolted by what you were about to say.
"Yes," You whispered, trembling a little more and pulling at the seatbelt that was binding you. "Do…a-anything you want to me. Just...please, please don't hurt me..."
He pulled back from you for a moment, raising his dark brows in a questioning look…like he was wondering if you were being truthful with him.
"Hmph. I know your type, you know. You'd say anything right now."
His expression shifted to one of mocking disappointment as he sighed, the knife moving slightly downwards and pressing into the hollow of your bobbing throat, as he studied your face.
"Do you really mean that? Or are you just trying to survive, eh?"
"I-I mean it," You stammered, pulling at the seatbelt again and swallowing hard, trying to sit up straight. "Anything. I'll...I'll even like it, too. I won't fight or scream or..." You sniffled, trying to shed the last of your tears. "Or cry."
"Really?” He gave you a doubtful smirk as he slid the knife downwards, easily cutting through the buttoned collar of your shirt. “You don't even know me, and you'd let me do whatever I want? With that pretty…” He enunciated each word by cutting away the buttons of your shirt, exposing more of your chest, your sternum, and your stomach. “Little,” Another button gone. “Mouth." Another.
“Yes. Anything.”
Once your shirt was completely open (showing your ratty sports bra), he lightly pressed the point of the knife against your breast, like it was about to be punctured. 
"And you'll like it?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Yes," You sniffled again. "Just...don't hurt me."
"You promise~?” 
He lilted airily in your ear as the knife trailed over to the band between your bra cups, severing it without a modicum of effort and revealing even more of your chest as he peeled away each flap of fabric with the point of his knife.
You bit your lip when he let out an appreciative whistle at the sight of your bare chest, the buds of your nipples erect and perky in the cool air of the night, the silver piercings glinting in the dark.
"Nice tits," He commented with a snicker. "I'm surprised someone else didn't pick you up first with a rack like that." His lecherous dirty talk was enough to make you blush and look away. "Maybe you should have been a little more...open with them, hm?" "Strade-"
“Mm, no apprehension, please.” He chided, poking one of the piercings with the point of the knife and bringing his face close to yours. “We’re going to have fun, and you’re going to smile and say ‘thank you’ the entire time...no looking away or playing shy, now.” He pressed the point of the knife to the bud of your nipple then, his golden eyes locked on yours as it dug deeper and deeper. “Understood?”
You took in an unsteady gasp as a delicate bead of blood spilled down your breast, and looked up at him quickly.
He wasn't fucking around with you.
“U-Understand!" You said quickly, a rictus grin of pleasure coming to your face, the air cool on your tear-streaked face. Thank you~”
“Good girl ♡”
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gojosnympho · 1 year
spring fling - j.yh
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pairing: yunho x black!fem!reader
genre: smut, fluff, angst, non-idol!au
word count: 3.8k
content warnings: two smut scenes, strangers to lovers, alcohol consumption, reader is a little bold (queen), oral (fem receiving), fingering (fem receiving), protected and unprotected sex, rough-ish sex, public sex, light hair pulling (m and f receiving), marking (m and f receiving), dangerous driving practices, creampie, dirty talk
synopsis: you find the love of your life on spring break
inspired by this video i saw on twitter
author’s note: i saw this video and immediately thought of yunho and i had to write something for my boo! i hope y’all enjoy it! 🥰
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the cancún heat was beating down on you whilst you laid in the sand. your friends were busy doing other things on the beach, some of them wading around in the clear, blue water of the ocean. the rest of them joined a volleyball game with a group of guys who also decided cancún was the best place for spring break. you could hear all the laughs from them while you enjoyed your time soaking up the sun. that was until you felt the sun being blocked by someone. you popped open your eyes to get a good look at whoever was interrupting your time. he was fine, whoever he was.
“you don’t wanna play?” he asked you, gesturing to the volleyball game his friends and your friends were engaged in.
“not really into sports.” you replied to him with a shrug.
“c’mon just one game?” he pleaded with you, using his charm to get what he wanted. it worked because you were standing to your feet and making your way over to the volleyball net. yunho watched as you walked ahead of him, following the shape of your body and the way it seemed to glisten under the blistering sun.
“do you even know how to play?” one of your friends asked you and you shrugged at them. you knew the basics: bump, set, spike. what more did you need to know?
you looked across the net to see how big the other players were compared to you and your friends. there’s no way in hell this was fair, but you played anyway. you tried your best to get the ball over the net and each time you failed. your opponents laughed at your sad attempts. you sucked at this, to be quite honest. your opponents weren’t playing fair either, spiking the ball onto your side of the net whenever they had the chance.
“that’s not fair!” you complained to the men on the other side of the net. “you guys are bigger than us!”
“or maybe you just suck, mamí.” one of them teased you, making you roll your eyes behind your shades.
the game continued, you and your girls lost terribly. your opponents cheered happily on the other side of the net. you returned to your spot in the sand to lay back down this time under the umbrella. you were all sweaty now and you wanted nothing more than to cool down. the fine boy who invited you to play came back over and sat next to you under the umbrella. you looked at him like he had two heads and he offered you a smile in return.
“need something?” you asked, sitting up like he was to try to make this situation less awkward than it already was.
“your name.”
“so i can ask you out properly.”
“what if i said i wasn’t interested?”
“then i’d leave you alone.”
you took your sunglasses off of your face so you could get a good look at him and his face. “i’m ____.” you introduced yourself
“so, yunho do you flirt with every girl you see or am i special?” you asked and he shook his head with a frown.
“you’re special, that’s why i wanna take you out.”
“which one of my friends put you up to this?”
“got damn, girl. you’re difficult.” yunho said shaking his head again. “nobody put me up to it. i just think you’re hot and i wanna take you out. so let me?”
“fine.” you agreed. “you can pick me up at my airbnb at seven. it’s the one at the end of the beach.” you told him pointing in the direction of it.
“i’ll be there.”
you found that you were oddly excited to go out with yunho tonight. you didn’t want to go at first, afraid that your friends would be upset you’d bailed on them. they encouraged you to go though, helped you pick out an outfit, and gave you ideas on how to do your makeup. yunho told you to dress casually, so you decided to just wear what you’ve been wearing this entire vacation, a bathing suit and some sort of cover up.
“don’t do anything i wouldn’t do.” your friend told you when you slung your bag over your shoulder and slid on your sandals.
“so everything basically?”
“not too much.” she defended herself
you giggled at her before blowing her a kiss, “see you later.”
at seven on the dot, yunho was knocking on the door of your airbnb. you opened the door and shut it behind you, standing in front of the tall man in front of you. he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. you looked so good in what you were wearing.
“where are we going?” you asked him, pulling him from his thoughts just before they turned from innocent to dirty.
“how about a drink?” he asked, sticking his hand out for you to take. you looked at it and then at him. you accepted the gesture, putting your smaller hand in his much larger one.
hand in hand you walked down the beach taking in the sounds happening around you; the spanish music that was playing out of many of the places you walked passed, the sound of people laughing, and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. you made it to the bar that was on the end of the beach over looking the ocean. yunho helped you onto the tall barstool and then sat next to you.
you spoke first, “what do you usually get?”
“a beer. let me guess, you get one of those girly drinks?” he teased you, playfully booping your nose with his long index finger.
“a pina colada is not a girly drink.”
“that’s the girliest of them all.” he retorted, waving the bartender over. he ordered in spanish, something you definitely weren’t expecting. that somehow made him that much sexier. “didn’t think i knew spanish, huh?”
“i’ll admit. i’m impressed. don’t get a big head or nothing though.” you told him
you and yunho talked for what felt like hours while you drank. he told you about himself, where he was from, you learned he was from korea. he learned you were from the states. you told him about yourself. it was so easy to talk to him, it felt like you knew him forever. it sucked that once you left cancún you would probably never see him again. you tried not to think about that right now though. you were tipsy now after two drinks. yunho looked even sexier now than he did when you were sober.
“can i ask you a question?” you inquired and yunho nodded, finishing off the rest of his beer. “why’d you wanna take me out?”
“because i think you’re very pretty and i wanted to get to know you.” his answer sounded truthful and sincere.
“so you didn’t have any ulterior motives?”
“like what?”
“like… sex?”
yunho cleared his throat and sat up straight in his seat. he didn’t know if it was the alcohol (even though he had one beer) or the way you were looking at him, but he felt himself chubbing up in his pants. of course he wanted to have sex with you. that’s not the only reason he invited you out though and he told you as such.
“that’s not all i want from you.” yunho told you truthfully.
“so you admit you want some pussy?” you asked and the dirty word slipping past your lips made his dick jump. alcohol made everything so much easier to say.
yunho was never one to back down from a challenge though, “are you gonna give me some?”
yunho paid for the drinks and pulled you out of the bar with him. his hand was wrapped around your hand while he pulled you down the sandy pathway to what you were guessing was the hotel he and his friends were staying in. the elevator ride up to his floor was unbearably slow it felt like. your hands were all over each other, his lips were on yours placing bruising kisses on them. the ding of the elevator indicated you’d made it to his floor, you got off and yunho led you to his room. the key didn’t even make it all way into the slot before you were making out again. his free hand was kneading the fatty flesh of your ass while his tongue was shoved down your throat. it was filthy. he pulled away for just one second to actually get into the room. the door unlocked and he slammed it shut the moment you got inside.
“come fuck me.” you told him, plucking off your pieces of clothing one by one until you were bare and laid out on his big king sized bed. your legs were spread so he could see exactly what awaited him between your legs. yunho pulled his clothes off too and decided he wanted to eat you out first before he even thought about splitting you open.
he spread your legs even further and laid flat on his stomach while he flicked his tongue on your clit. you tugged on his hair while he slurped up everything your pussy dribbled out. you were a moaning mess, bucking your hips up in his face whenever something felt just a little too good. yunho used one of his long fingers and pushed it inside of you, his tongue and lips still working mercilessly on your clit. you pinched your nipples with the hand that wasn’t pulling on yunho’s inky black locks.
“that feels so good, yunho.” you praised him. you gasped when he slipped another one of his long fingers into your tight hole, he was making sure your pussy was prepped enough to take him. he pulled away from your pussy his face covered in your juices. he kept his fingers in you though and peppered kisses on the insides of your thighs.
“your moans are so pretty.” he told you. he pulled his fingers out of you and bought them to your lips for you to suck on. you took them in your mouth and sucked your juices off of them, your big eyes staring up at yunho as you did. he felt his dick twitch again and he didn’t think he could wait anymore. he needed to be inside of you. he leaned over to grab a condom and made a point to look you in the eye while he ripped the gold packet open with his teeth and rolled the rubber on his dick.
“lay on your side.” he demanded
you did as told. yunho laid behind you, also on his side. he grabbed your leg and gently raised it so he could rub his dick through your wet folds. he pushed in and both of you gasped. when yunho felt you adjusted to his size he started to rock into you. it was slow at first, probably because he was scared to be rough with you.
“harder please, yunho. you’re not gonna break me.” you told the man behind you who only grunted in response when his pace started to pick up. he was slamming inside of you now, his dick hitting the very bottom of your pussy whenever he pushed into you. his hips were hitting your ass so roughly all that could be heard were the sounds of clapping.
not satisfied with the position you were in anymore he pulled out of you and positioned you how he wanted, face down ass up. he pushed into you again and this time you were screaming when he started drilling into you. your cries were muffled by the pillow you buried your face in but yunho wasn’t having it. he grabbed the back of your neck and turned your head so that he could hear every sound that came from your throat.
“let me hear you baby, c’mon.” yunho said, slapping your ass and watching as it rippled under his touch.
“yunho! please don’t stop! please don’t stop!” you cried out and he chuckled at your desperate cries and the way your pussy was squeezing around his dick.
yunho took it a step further, he grabbed your long ginger braids and pulled you up. he wrapped his hand around your throat ever so delicately while pounded into you. this new angle had tears gathering in your lash line because you were sure you could feel every inch of the man inside of you. he bowed his head to suck hickeys into your shoulders and collarbones while you whimpered and cried. you were so close to cumming but you didn’t want the moment to end. you wanted to be like this with him forever.
“oh, baby. i feel you squeezing me.” he said, his deep voice in your ear, his warm breath dusting the shell of your ear. “cum all over this dick i know you want to.”
“yunho…” you whined and the man behind you chuckled at how light and airy your voice sounded.
“cum for me, baby. please?” he pleaded, peppering kisses all over the side of your face. “cum all over me, make a fucking mess.”
“yunho!” you cried his name out when the band in your belly snapped. you were cumming so hard that your legs were shaking and you were panting. yunho held your body upright so that you wouldn’t fall in the heat of your orgasm. you could feel the way he was pulsing inside of you after you finally came down from your orgasm.
he thrusted into you one, two, three more times until he was pulling out of you, pulling off the condom and cumming all over the small of your smooth brown back. he calmed himself and laid you gently on the bed, he cleaned your back off with a towel and then laid next to you in bed.
“how do you feel?” he asked you
“like i just got fucked really good.” you told him a giggle following after.
“i’m glad i could be of service.” he told you and then placed a kiss on your cheek.
for the rest of the week, there wasn’t a day you weren’t seeing yunho and there wasn’t a day he wasn’t fucking you into his mattress. by the end of the week your skin was littered in hickeys and so was his. unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. it was your last day in cancún which meant you had to face the truth you’d been swallowing whenever you ended up in yunho’s bed; you were probably never going to see him again. it hurt you to think about. he was more than just a spring break fling. because it was your last day you and yunho decided to spend your final moments together. he rented a car and all day you went sightseeing, taking pictures at every place you stopped. you’d never forget him if you had pictures to remember him by.
“i am so happy i met you, ____.” yunho told you, kissing the back of your hand while he drove down the street in the all red convertible he rented for today. you felt a pang of sadness shoot through your heart however you brushed it off with a smile.
his hand was on your thigh now. he looked so beautiful underneath the sun, his tan skin and his soft features. you couldn’t keep your eyes or your hands for that matter off of him. you leaned over the console and began to pepper kisses on his jawline that already had a purple mark that you left there last night. yunho who was trying to stay focused on the road tried to wave you off but you weren’t budging. you were probably never gonna see him again you might as well enjoy the little bit of time you have left with him.
“what are you doing?”
“kissing you.” you said
you leaned over even more until you were almost completely sat on his lap. yunho decided to play along, his hand that was resting on your thigh now going to grip the fat of your ass through your jean shorts. you still kissed his neck, your soft lips and your teeth making him hard already. you looked to see if the road ahead of you was clear before you climbed all the way in his lap, blocking his view. yes it was dangerous and no you didn’t give a fuck. whenever he tried to peer behind you, you blocked his view.
“oooh we’re gonna crash, yunnie. what are you gonna do?” you asked him. you giggled and finally nuzzled your head in the crook of his neck and you stayed like that the whole time he drove.
you ended up at a secluded beach, he parked the car on a cliff that had the prettiest view of the ocean and the now setting sun. you were still sitting on his lap while he rubbed up and down your bare back.
“am i ever gonna see you again?” you asked him, playing with the hairs on the back of his neck. he noticed the way your eyes glossed over and you were about to cry.
“baby…” yunho trailed and he wiped the tear that slid down your cheek with his thumb. “of course you will.”
“you promise?”
“did you think i was kidding when i said i liked you?”
you shook your head and dropped it to rest on his shoulder again, “so you wanna keep in touch?”
“yes and i’ll visit you and you’ll visit me. we’ll make it work, okay?”
“you promise?” you repeated, voice cracking and yunho hugged your body as tight as he could in his strong arms to offer you any comfort he could.
“i promise. now stop crying before you make me cry.” he told you, wiping your tears away with his thumbs. “say ‘we’re gonna make it work.’”
“we’re gonna make it work.” you repeated after him
“that’s my girl. now i don’t want our last day together for awhile to be sad. so what do you wanna do?”
“i want you to fuck me goodbye.” you told him
yunho squeezed your hips in his large hands when he felt you grind down on his half hard dick. he’d been trying to keep his composure since you pulled your little stunt earlier while he was driving.
“anything for you, princess.”
you ended up on the hood of the red convertible, your jean shorts thrown somewhere on the ground and your skimpy little bikini top was pulled down while yunho sucked on your breasts. he gave you even more hickeys, something else to remember him by. he kissed and licked all over your body not letting a single inch go untouched. he pulled your bikini bottoms off as well and moaned when he saw how wet you were for him.
“are you on birth control?” yunho asked you when he eased one of his fingers into your soaked pussy. you bit your lip at the welcomed intrusion and nodded at his question.
“yes,” you answered verbally in case he didn’t see you nod your head the first time. “why?”
“i wanna cum inside you this time. if you don’t want to i still brought a condom but—.”
you cut him off, “do it. i wanna feel you.”
“you sure?” he asked you, ever so so slowly pushing another finger inside your hole and you nodded at him sucking in a breath when he curled his digits inside of you and started to massage your g-spot.
“yunho, i want you inside of me right now. please.” you begged him. you didn’t need to be prepped as wet and as eager you were right now.
yunho pulled his fingers from your cunt and licked the juices off, moaning at the taste of your pussy. he pulled his bottoms down and ran his mushroom tip through your folds to collect your arousal and pushed inside. feeling him inside of you raw was a whole different experience. you could feel every ridge and vein on his dick and simultaneously yunho could feel just how warm, wet, and tight you were. he started a steady pace, his hands keeping your body in place.
“you’re crazy if you think i’d leave you and this pussy.”
“yunho, please.” you begged him again not even sure what you were asking for but somehow he knew. he started fucking you harder, the car rocking back and forth underneath your body. “yes! right there!”
“this pussy is so good. you’re so fucking tight.” yunho said to you through gritted teeth. he pushed your legs up and watched as his dick disappeared inside of you and came back out with a white ring of cream around the base. “that’s so fucking hot. you’re creaming all over me baby.”
“you just feel so good, yunnie. so so so good.” you mumbled. he fucked you so good every time that you couldn’t even think straight.
yunho smiled down at you and brought his lips to yours to kiss you. it was so passionate and so messy and you loved it. you think you loved him. his lips were on yours while he kept bucking his hips into you. you were gasping and moaning into his mouth. he kissed down your neck and sucked hickeys into your neck while he fucked you. you moaned, bringing your hand up to card through his hair.
“i’m gonna cum in this pussy.” yunho growled in your ear. “and you’re gonna take all of it like a good girl.”
“cum in me, yunho. i wanna feel it.”
he came inside of you so deep that you could feel each hot spurt of his cum as it came out. the foreign feeling of having somebody finish inside of you had your orgasm coming closer. yunho kept rocking his hips into you, fucking his cum deeper and deeper until you were cumming too with a long moan. you caught your breaths and yunho kissed you again before pulling out of you.
“we can never have sex with a condom again.” yunho said, grabbing your arm to help you sit up on the hood of his car. his cum started to seep out of your hole and you both watched in awe as the creamy seed formed a small puddle on the hood of the car. “that’s so hot.”
“do you have anything to clean me up with?”
he kneeled between your legs and slurped up the mess he and you made much to your sensitive pussy’s dismay. you were whining and crying trying to push him away but he didn’t stop until everything was clean. he came back up to kiss you so you could taste both of your cum on his tongue.
“i love you.” he said when he pulled back
without skipping a beat, “i love you too.”
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scp230kinnie · 3 months
Hey bro I see that your back now!!:)Was wondering if you could write a Hunter fic there are none on this app and I’m dying😭💕
YESS OKAY OKAY ermmmm let’s see
Hunter Sylvester x reader
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Character: Hunter Sylvester
Genre: Fluff I guess😭 sum angst i think
Lots of it is paraphrased cuz I didn’t wanna sound stupid.. I also change the plot a bit
Warnings: I KEEP SWITCHING BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD PERSON IM SORRY mentions of his mommy issues. Arguing. I suck at writing things. Reader = y/n💀 That’s it I think,,,, nOT PROOFREAD
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Hunter Sylvester and you were once kindred spirits, enduring the rough path of middle school together. Your friendship was going perfect for a while, and he’d even started to gain feelings for you.
The long shadow of change began to appear as the first day of high school approached. Hunter, a sentimental guitarist with a heart full of unsaid things, started to notice changes in the shapes of your friendship. The smooth relationship you used to have was torn apart by new people, different schedules, different levels of popularity, and new environments. When high school came around, you started to get (somehow) more popular, and he felt as if he was left behind.
underneath it all, Hunter had more than just a quiet crush that had grown stronger with time. When life threw a curveball at him in sixth grade, your friendship came through for him. His mother had left abruptly, leaving a kind of void in him. You were one of the few constants in the midst of the chaos, providing comfort during the storm.
The strains of life’s melody transformed into a battlefield where your two bands were destined to be put against each other—a Battle of the Bands. As the band's frontman, Hunter struggled with the memory of a friendship that had endured heartache and the passage of time in addition to the need for victory. He would do anything to win the battle of the bands, and you both knew that.
On that crucial night, Hunter's nerves were crazy. His fists tightened, and like a melancholic tune, the recollections of sixth-grade hardships and your support reappeared. You tuned your instrument (or practiced your vocals), symbolically adjusting the common past that appeared through the bonds of your friendship.
The night goes on and the crowd seats and sings along with all the different songs that the different bands were playing. The judges had made their decision and everyone was waiting to hear who the number one champion. Or “metal lord” would be. (I’m so sorry💀)
Hunters band, Skullflower secured the place of runner up. A bittersweet taste after hearing that your band had been the winner. Amidst the cheers and applause, Hunter knew he had to come find you. He may have been a little upset, but ultimately he was extremely proud of you for winning. He’s always known you’d loved music, and you would constantly practice.
He found you in the band room in another hallway of the school. “Hey.” Is all he can manage to say. He says it quietly, but just loud enough for you to have heard it. You turn to him and look up to meet his eyes. “I’m glad you guys won, you really deserved it.” He says. He tries his best not to sound bitter or sarcastic, because he really means what he’s saying. You smile in return.
“Thanks Hunter. Honestly I feel like your band should’ve won. You guys were amazing” you say in response. He smiles the slightest bit back at you.
“I feel like you should know.. while it’s just us..” he starts to say, but doesn’t know how to finish it. His eyes reflect years of shared history, as well as love for you. He thinks you look absolutely beautiful tonight. As well as every day of course. “I really missed you. Being with you- I’m- hanging out with you I mean. We used to be so close I guess we just.. drifted when we got to this school you know? Your popularity just intimidated me a bit and I thought you would turn out like the other fake bitches at this school.”
“I missed hanging out with you too. We used to be so close and I just.. thought you didn’t want to be friends with me anymore when you stopped talking to me. Stopped calling me to talk about random things and texting me about your day. I thought you hated me” you respond.
“I thought I did too. But if I have to be honest, I was just scared. I just really liked you. Ever since middle school.. I mean- I still do, but I- I just- I don’t know. I thought that if I told you that you’d make fun of me and tell all your friends and stuff. I dont Care if you don’t feel the same, I just wanted to tell you.” He says. It sounds like he’s just saying whatever comes into his mind, without even thinking. “You just looked so beautiful on that stage and I just felt so proud when I found out your band won”
You’re not sure how to respond. “Hunter i… what..? Why..? I’ve never really seen you as the type of guy to have a crush on people. I thought you were too ‘metal’ for that” admittedly you’d caught him staring at you a fair bit of times. You’d had a hunch he felt something for you, but you couldn’t be sure because of his usual demeanour. “I really like you too, if I’m being honest. I always regret us drifting apart. I felt like you’d never like me back, but knowing what I know now.. it’s really.. I don’t know”
“So if that’s the case, want to go out with me? I have some tickets to a concert in town later this week”
And whatever you can imagine what happens from there
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Thanks for reading, sorry if it’s bad or hard to read. Leave me more metal lords requests AND ALICE IN BORDERLAND REQUESTS PLEASE
Read more of my stuff yay
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truthofself · 8 months
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Title: my best friends boyfriend pt.2 Pairing(s): Reader/Kayn, Akali/Kayn, Ahri/Evelynn (Minor) Word Count: 3,124 Warnings: Minor NSFW.
Likes & Reblogs Appreciated <3 my ko-fi link
Drink up? He wanted you to drink up? This felt more like a game at this point than an actual prelude to whatever he had planned in that pretty head of his. You couldn't help but grin and laugh at these words. "We're gonna be cheersing a lot tonight" You spoke boldly, holding up the now half empty margarita glass. Kayn happily picks up the beer you obtain from you and taps it lightly to your glass with a smile. "Cheers" The both of you spoke together, before both throwing back the rest of your drinks with a wide grin and laugh. The clatter of the bottle and glass back on the top of the bar caught the attention of the other bartender
"Just another beer and I think Shi made them one of her secret Margs, so you'll have to get her back to make it."
The bartender looked a little confused, but nodded, quickly calling to Shi who was now dragging her husband from the main floor into the back room. For a moment her gaze fell to you and Kayn, and all you saw was Kayn lift up your glass and shake it at her. She began to mouth the words in a moment, while Zed was clearly trying to protest whatever she was going to do to him. But Shi didn't stop dragging, pulling him out of the main room and into the back. You could hear muffled yelling through the wall for a moment, as Kayn just sighed and tried to distract you with meaningless conversation about beer and similar alcohols as you waited and watched the doorway you had seen Shi go through. And soon enough he was emerging again, a wide smile on her face as she slid behind the bar again and stood in front of you. "So, round two? How lovely"
She seemed so unbothered by whatever had just occurred in the back, and honestly you were kind of impressed, and you could see that Kayn picked up on that trait of hers. It almost made you giggle as you watched her make you another drink before handing it off to you. She smiled again, it felt warm and you couldn't help but to smile back as you watched the other bartender hand Kayn his beer. You could see Kayn nod at the other bartender, before shooting his mother a look and turning to you. You shifted your gaze to Kayn, seeing his mother & the bartender slipping out of the area. You couldn't help but giggle, with each passing moment you could feel the effects of the alcohol in your system slowly taking a toll, and you were kind of excited about it for once. You weren't the type to really get drunk most of the time so on the few occasions you let down your walls you found a lot of joy in them. "Cheers, I can't wait to see what you look like while you're fighting for control over your own body, while you're being pleasured in every sense of the word."
You sucked in a breath at the mere thought of the words he just said, trying to come up with a witty comment in response but you felt too distracted, because the concept of Kayn being able to pleasure you in all meanings was enough to drive your brain into a ditch and just shut down. So you did what any sensible person would do, and just slammed back your own drink without any thought of the consequences, before speaking again. "just don't let me forget." You smiled as you placed down the glass and hiccupped softly. Too much too fast, but you knew for sure there was no stopping tonight. Everything was going to come and go in a haze, while you welcomed it, it also scared you. "Can I get another one of these? It's actually really good" You giggled again, and Kayn couldn't help but grin and nod.
"Hey ma, can we get another one of those for Y/N, but like double it this time? I don't think they're ready to give up quite yet."
"Testing my limits to their full degree, are we now Kayn?"
"Go hard or go home, baby." The simple term of affection sent shivers down your spine. While you knew it wasn't meant in such a way, and simply was just strung onto the saying, it made you feel like and warmer than before. And maybe that was just the alcohol hitting again. But, no matter the case you were feeling different and you were prepared. "I need to drink more to catch up to you at this point, soon enough you'll be drunker than I am. I'm failing as a host." 
You chuckled again at how his words seemed so childish considering the topic at hand and it just made you grin ear to ear. " If you're being a bad host maybe you should step up your game?" You earned a laugh from Kayn, who just brushed off your comment. And that was the history. That was how you ended up here, in the moment being led by your wrist out the back door of the bar and up the fire escape.  Flight after flight of stairs, and you could hardly see where you were stepping at this point, but you kind of enjoyed the thrill of stumbling up those stairs with Kayn. The way he would look at you over his shoulder with that smile, and the gleam in his eyes. Your heart wouldn't stop fluttering. "Do you live at the top or something? There's so many stairs, Kayn!" You nearly cried out between breaths, you were tired, and at the next landing Kayn was already pulling you into him before he spoke.
"And if I do? Shall I carry you the rest of the way?" You couldn't help but nod, and Kayn seemed to agree, sweeping his arms behind your knees with the other at your back and soon enough you were off your feet. One arm around his neck and another on Kayn's chest, faces just inches apart. No words or anything were exchanged, but you wanted nothing more than to just lean forward and lock lips with him, but he made it so you couldn't. He was quick, spinning around with you in his arms, with a grin before stopping. "I might live at the top, so let me make this easier on you my dear."
He knew now to make you swoon which was a shocking yet pleasing trait of his, another thing you liked. But maybe that was just an in the moment thing as he began to walk again, carrying you up the stairs furthering, sealing your fate to spend the night with this stranger that you've taken a very deep interest in. Despite the effects of the alcohol you couldn't help but giggle at all little actions of his. But you just found yourself watching him again, the way his braid bounced when he would skip steps, the way his grip tightened on you each time he turned to move up the next flight. The grin on his face never faltered and it only widened when you could see him glance at you from the corner of his eyes. But it doesn't stop him when you gotta what you assumed was the window to his apartment? Loft? you didn't even know. "If this one apartment, its like 3 floors or''
"It's a loft, yeah. We own the other 2 apartment buildings across the street, but this building is just the bar and our families loft. I got the top floor to myself so my parents don't bother me."
"Wow how lucky late 20s and getting to basically live in your own place but still with your parents"
"Oh hush, you'll appreciate it once you're inside." And maybe he was right, there was a little fiddling with the window as he had put you down on your feet again, but soon enough he got it to pop open and went through the window, before turning to help you through. Inside was a whole different vibe. Inside you could see Kayn stood a little taller, most likely far more comfortable to be back in his own place than out in the open. "Now that we're inside," He began to talk again, hardly giving you time to stand completely up on your own two feet before a hand of his was on your shoulder and pushing you backwards until your back was met with the wall behind you. His free hand found its way to the window ledge and shut it with one swoop. "Don't need the outside to hear you and all the little things I'm planning to do to you."
You could hear yourself swallowed which meant there might've been a good chance Kayn could hear it too, and you're assuming he did because his grin only widened. "And what, do you have planned in that pretty little mind of yours" You hardly mustered the will and bravery to say it, which felt good; but you're already regretting it, because the hand that was on the window was now on your hips, and he was digging his nails into you. His hand that rested on your shoulder slowly moved its way towards your hair where you could feel his fingers slowly run through small sections of it, his gaze shifting to follow where his hand was in your hair.
"You'd love for me to tell you everything, but I think the surprise of it is far more thrilling. Wouldn't you agree Y/N"
"I'd agree."
"So, then let me ask you again, do you want to make bad decisions with me that you'll forget in the morning so when you finally remember them randomly you'll be so embarrassed but can't help but crave my touch again?"
"I want to."
"Perfect, then let's begin." He wasn't kidding when he said that, that was your warning, within seconds, before you could even get another word out, Kayn's lips were on yours and he showed no desire to keep this slow or build up to anything. He was already interested in making you  completely melt for him right then and there. And you were not against it in the slightest, his hand on your hip was warm, even through the pain of his nails digging into your flesh, you almost didn't want him to stop. The thought of him clawing you enough to leave small wounds in the morning so you could see them and wonder what occurred was kind of exciting to you. And you just let him do it more, moving your own hands to wrap around his neck to bring him in closer to you, because even lip locked like this it wasn't close enough for you. 
He must've felt the same way, because the hand that was previously in your hand was now slowly dragging itself down your neck, past your collar bones and down your torso, before falling to sit in the opposite spot of your hip to his other, and his knee finding its way between your legs, and you already knew it was over for you. You could feel your mind slowly wanting to slip away so you could completely give yourself up to this man and all the dirty little things he kept teasing you about. But you needed to remember, you wanted to, because how could you want to forget any of this? You had to fight back a little letting a little moan escape from you when his knee moved up to press against you, and Kayn instantly figured this was all you had been waiting for all night, you were just waiting for his touch.
And maybe in that moment something seemed to change, Kayn's touch got light for a moment, before he was roughly grabbing you again. Kayn's hand traveled from where they were previously perched to right under your ass. You felt his grip tightened before lifting you up off the ground, you were slightly taken back by the action but when your lips left his and you were looking him in the eyes, he was grinning at you with a level of deviousness that he didn't quite have prior. And maybe he too was just waiting for this moment, but at the same time he felt like a different person. He seemed to continue to soften his grip to tighten it again, as if he couldn't tell if you were real or not. But you didn't dare ask any questions, not when he was looking at you with almost predatory eyes. You found yourself wrapping your arms & legs around him to keep yourself up, as his grip on your tightened once again. One hand of his resting on your upper thigh and the other grabbing your ass, as he carried you. You felt like a prey, and the way he quickly made his way to a bedroom before throwing you down on the mattress spoke volumes about how eager he was to make you lose your mind. 
He paused for a moment standing over you, "How much fun do we make this? How far can I push you?"
"Depends what you have in mind."
"I'm game."
"Like riding crops and shit?” You asked a little curious about the idea. And Kayn simply nodded. You paused thinking about it, you never really were a very sexually active person, a couple partners here and there in the past. But you never really were the type you experimented outside of the basic handcuffs, and the occasional gag. "I guess we could give it a shot. But if I say stop, you're stopping. Otherwise I'm making a good choice."
"Good choices are boring, but I'll respect this boundary. I'm just curious how far you'll go before you shatter apart and do nothing more than just begging for me to not stop."
"You talk about big games, but I'd rather have you prove it."
"Then you'll get what you wish for."
And that was pretty much the end of most of the talking for that night. Kayn was quick, to pull your body up, a hand on your arm to pull you sitting up. And then he was gone out of the room for a moment, you could hear him going through drawers or something in another room. But once he came back there were a couple items in his hand that didn't really shock you at the moment. He had asked about all of them prior so you were prepared, just sitting ever so peacefully at the foot of his bed, while he just stood over you. You could make out sets of cuffs, a riding crop among the items but with them all being a matte black-leather like material it was hard to make out the rest in the moment. But that didn't matter when the objects were dropped down next to you. You felt frozen under his gaze, watching him and all his movements, and he could tell, giving you a smirk as his hands traveled to his belt, where he unbuckled it smoothly with one hand before pulling it off and dropping it on the floor next to him. Next his pants button, and his hand rested on the waistband, and if he wanted you to choose the next course of action. And originally you didn't move, but he took a step back, and you understood what he was suggesting. You couldn't help but to giggle softly at his way of doing this, but you still slid off his bed and onto your knees, looking up at him.
From all angles he was the most beautiful person you had seen, and it didn't stop him. His hands began to move again, undoing his zipper, and being this focused now on the ground in front of him you paid a little more attention to the very clear imprint in his pants. You should've noticed before because now you were swallowing your pride and your confidence in this ability of yours. But he didn't stop, and you didn't make any advances for him to pick up on your doubts. Kayn just kept moving, his pants slowly falling down his legs, and soon enough he was stepping out of them and kicking them to the side. You couldn't even imagine how you looked down there, staring up at him with more than lucky big doe eyes, and a clear interest in making him as crazy for you as you were for him currently. And maybe he caught onto that, because one of his hands found its way to the waistband on his underwear and was already slowly pulling them down and off, and maybe you weren't memorized as others could be by men. But you weren't disappointed by his size when you saw it. You weren't expecting it to be fairy tale huge or anything, you were expecting average at least, and he sure was larger than that but not crazy large. 
Shit, watching Kayn place a hand on his shaft, stroking himself gently a couple of times as he places his other hand on your head, gently grabbing you by the hair, and pulling you with him as he went to move the both of you. You watched him sit down on the bed as he tugged you to turn before pulling you close to himself. You just let him drag you, placing your hands gently on his thighs as you found yourself pulled in between his legs. There was a minor twinge of pain from the pull, but you didn't let it bother you too much, as Kayn let go of your hair and you gently rested your head on his leg looking up at him. How much could you push it off to make it wait for it until he couldn't anymore, because you could see his eyes were already inpatient with you. You watched him shift back to rest on his elbows, an eyebrow raised as he looked from you, to his cock and back to you. "Keep giving me that face, and I could just make you gag on it."
All you did was snicker, picking up your head for a moment, one hand moving to switch places with Kayns hand on his shaft, and suddenly everything felt to click into place. His eyes softened and he grinned back at you. That was all you needed, a simple sign to show both of you were ready and comfortable. Now this is where the fun would begin for both of you.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
Life In The Fastlane|6| Fast Saga
I am blaming the sudden influx of these chapters on the new movie that came out.
And I am also wanting to write more of Sophie's story before hand and what happens with her and Vince before the team going to Brazil.
Oh and her relationship with her older brother
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They had one thing in common
Sophie’s phone beeped several times in her back pocket causing her to shift and pull it out. The number flashing on the screen was an unknown North Californian number.
 “Hello?” She asked as she waved to one of the girls that was coming towards the Skyline. She wasn’t like Mia or Letty who liked the attention of the racers and the hang-a-rounds and Brian announcing it was her birthday brought everyone around. “Hey, baby girl.” “Rome!”
 Leon glanced at her quickly before looking back at the street, they had seen pictures and heard stories about Roman Pearce, if she hadn’t claimed that he was like her second older brother, Vince would have been jealous. And in turn, would have made the others suspicious. They were always suspicious of other men they didn’t know. 
 “Happy Birthday! I got some good news for you.” He laughed.
 “Um, you won a million dollars in the prison lottery? And you are sending me some?”  
“Of course.” Sophie’s laughter was contagious making both Leon and Roman laugh again. “I got out on early parole.”
  “Roman  Pearce actually behaving himself?! I will be god damn!” The blonde teen covered her heart with her hand and batted her eyes as if the man could see her.  “Shut it brat. Ma said you were helping out from LA, I appreciate it.” 
“You two are family, and I owed you.” She returned before dropping her phone onto her lap cheering when Dom went flying past followed quickly by Brian. “God damn, he is still fast.” She shook her head before picking up her phone again, “Sorry Rome.” “Who is still fast?” 
“Dominic, I finally got to come out to the races tonight and he just won the race.” She lied, shooting Leon a look to keep his mouth shut. Brian was a touchy subject still to Roman and to her. 
“What exactly happened? Ma said you were in the hospital for a while. And some guy Vince was answering your phone? Playing gatekeeper?” 
“Vince, is, um,”
 “Her lover.” Leon finished before wincing when she punched him in the arm.  
“Lover? Really? Sophie?” Roman almost sounded disappointed in her, like he had when he found out she had not only started dating the second-string quarterback but smoking pot with him behind the science wing on lunch. “It’s more than that Ro, he’s different. A good different.” Sophie defended looking down at her chipped fingernail polish.
 “Any available units.” The radio interrupted before Sophie could go on. 
 “Shit, we got cops! Cops!” Leon shouted into the radio before looking at the teen who was already putting her seatbelt on. 
“Roman, I gotta go, call me tomorrow.” She said before snapping her phone shut.
A rush of adrenaline was going through her as Leon spun the car out of the line and sped down the street towards the hill that they lived on. Almost 6 weeks of being locked up in the house while everyone went about their normal lives sucked, she got bored quickly but now that she was healed, hopefully she would be able to get back into her normal life. 
Whatever that was. 
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The party was already starting when Leon pulled to a stop in front of the house and Sophie could make out  Vince in the group easily surrounded by blonde and brunette-haired floozies. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” She asked more to herself than anything, forgetting that Leon was with her and waiting for her to get out of the car. 
“You know, you are the only girl he has been with since you two started whatever this is? He only entertains them dawg, it’s like a game.” 
She turned quickly to look at him, “I know Le, I am a pawn in that game too. We both know that Mia is the one, he really wants. I am a glorified placeholder.”  Leon wanted to offer some sort of encouraging words to her, to tell her something different but he knew, they all knew it was true.  
“Sophie! Get in here!” Vince had moved from the living room to the open front door. “Coming.” She returned placing her finger against her lips telling him to be quiet about what they were talking about.  It would just lead to drama that they didn’t need. They had enough of that with Vince’s fight with Brian earlier and then the almost fight at the races. 
Old Coyote smirked once she was in front of him before jerking his head towards the stairs. He had been dead serious when he had told her before they had rejoined the team earlier that he was going to do everything in his power to keep her naked in his bed to make up for lost time. 
“What about your groupies?” She asked, her eyes going over his shoulder to where the trio of girls was standing, one holding an open bottle of Corona and the other toying with the knob at the top of his guitar. The third was busy glaring at Sophie and how Vince pulled her to him possessively. 
“See something you like sweetheart?” She questioned as Vince started backing them to the stairs, he would rather be in her room instead of his dirty room in the basement. “Maybe.” She returned. “Mm, I am sure. But the thing is, I don’t share. And neither does the big guy.” He nodded his head in agreement, he didn’t share well especially when it came to things he thought was his. 
And Sophie was his. Even if he would never admit to it. 
“I already had him and I can have him again.” The girl spat as the two started climbing the stairs. Vince groaned and pulled Sophie up the stairs in front of him, “And we did fuck while you were out. We all agreed that the bullets should have gone further and killed your ass.” “Shut the fuck up.” He barked tightening his grip on Sophie’s hip, “Sophie go.” “He even said it.” “Not worth it. Not even worth it.” The blonde muttered as she climbed the stairs and go into her bedroom. 
She had learned to pick her battles and only picked the fights she knew she was going to win or ones that she knew Roman would break up. Which a lot of time he did. He didn’t want her to follow in his footsteps. But it was too late she was already following in those footsteps. 
“You need to leave,” Leon ordered as a bedroom door slammed shut followed by angry rock music turning on. “Why? I was replaceable, she should know that she is too and that he doesn’t really care about anyone but Mia.’  The girl returned as Vince came down the stairs, rage almost blinding him. “V!” Letty called as she stood up from where she was laying playing video games, “Go upstairs to Sophie now.  I will handle her.”  Still glowering Vince turned from the girl and stormed up the stairs and into Sophie’s bedroom. 
“What the hell V?’ Sophie asked pulling the t-shirt she was changing into over her head, she had decided that she had enough of being around people and staying in her room was the best option. He shook his head and slammed the door shut again. “Seriously? We have talked about this, use words. Angry caveman, I don’t understand.” She huffed. ‘And I don’t understand dumb blonde valley girl.” He returned before he crossed the room and pulled her to him roughly. 
She stumbled and grasped his tank tops in her hands. “V, there is a party downstairs.” “Fuck ‘em. Would rather have you.” He growled before he kissed her roughly, maybe he was just being a horny needy fuck or he was trying to distract her from those words the girl said downstairs but the words he said about having her were true. 
Maybe, just maybe, he was starting to get over Mia. 
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elainaashfith07 · 9 months
ClubOwner Aizawa X FemOc
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Ngl this is mostly if not totally self indulgent. Dark romance themes. Kinda know what I’m doing but still not completely. Sorry if it sucks im doing this instead of sleeping. I don’t own the art I found it on Pinterest
warnings: no beta we die like something, porn with plot?, p-> v, fingering, biting, Daddy kink, breeding kink, unsafe sex, cream pie, slight chocking, graphic sex talk?, multiple female orgasms,
She should have known better then to let Hizashi drag her out of her apartment. She never knew what he was planning but taking her to a strip club on amateur night? Never thought this would be one of the most outlandish ideas of his yet.
“Come on Yukari! We are gonna miss the show!” He chads. He looks nicer than usual. A nice three piece suit with a long dark green tie. His blond hair slicked back tied into a low ponytail at the nape of his neck.
“I said I can walk in six inch heels. Not run.” Yukari snaps back. There is no bite to her words. She could, in fact, run in them if she needed to. However, now was not a necessary time. Much to Hizashi and Nemuris delight, they all make it to the strip club right on time. Hizashi paying for the three of them.
The lights turn low just as they walk in and the stage lights flicker on. On stage was probably the most gorgeous man Yukari has ever seen. He has long, wavy, black hair that is pulled back into a half bun. His jawline and other features are sharp, much like his agile movements, made him appear almost catlike.
The way he moves around the pole, the way his muscles contract, the way he makes it look effortless, has her entranced. She knows it’s not just her seemingly trapped. This man has the whole room captivated. His presence is demanding of attention and so sinfully aggressive.
Then the world almost seems to stop and she forgets how to breathe as deep brown eyes meet her honey amber hues. She feels her face grow hot as his lips curve into an almost wolf ish grin. Vaguely she feels Nemuri pull her to the side giggling like a schoolgirl as they go back into the changing rooms.
“Nem what are you doing?! We arnt supposed to be back here!” Yukari says over the music.
“Did you forget it’s amateur night? He’s the opening act to get people interested in trying it. I also hear best dancer could get a job.” She winks as she fixes herself up. “Better think of a quick stripper name before it’s your turn.” She continues just before the crowds could be heard cheering and the ethereal man walks backstage.
“Alright ladies get in line. One at a time give me a stage name and you will go up. As I’m sure you’ve heard winner will logically be offered a job.” The man starts. His voice is a bit gruff yet somehow smooth like velvet. He walks over to Nemuri who is first in line. “Stage name?”
“Simple enough. Go dance your ass off and have fun.” He says before turning to Yukari. Nemuri smirks and gives a little tata before leaving.“You’re going last. Any friend of Nemuris knows how to dance and I’d like to be sure to end tonight on a high note. It’s better for business.” His tone leaves no room for argument as he moves on to the next girl leaving Yukari to think of a stage name.
The music continues loudly and every now and then she can hear the cheers from the crowd. Soon enough the man comes back his dark eyes shamelessly roaming along her body. Not that she minds.
“Stage name?”
“Calico.” She answers quickly. He’s fully dressed now in a nice suit much like Hizashi. His hair is down cascading around his face making him look both softer yet somehow more intimidating. At the name she notes his eyebrow quirk in interest.
“Alright. Go dance your ass off and have fun kitten. I’ll be watching.” His voice was rich when he spoke. It sent chills up her spine in the best kind of way.
She walks on stage pressing her back against the pole. It’s dark but as soon as the music starts the lights turn on. It’s her favorite song and just like always her body moves with the beat. She walks around the pole and licks her lips seductively when her eyes once again meet his. His eyes darken slightly looking like a panther ready to pounce. Not wanting to disappoint keeps moving. Touching her body pretending it’s his hands moving along her breasts and curves. Spinning around the pole and using all the little tricks she knows feeling his eyes burning holes into her. She loves it.
When the song ends she sends a quick wink to the crowd before walking away hearing them cheer. Leaving the stage she walks back to her friends seeing the man there with Hizashis arm draped over his shoulders.
“Yukari! Girl I didn’t know you could dance like that!” Nemuri shouts over the music.
“It’s not like I could dance like that at any events so it never came up.” Was her only reply.
“What do you think Shota? She the winner or what?” Hizashi asks loudly to the point the man, Shota, pushes him away slightly.
“Obviously it’s between Me and her am I right?” Nemuri cuts in. A Cheshire grin spreading across her face.
“You two are the only logical options.” Shota sighs. Setting down a drink I didn’t notice till now. “After all the other girls were here for some fun not a job. That being said, Yukari, could you come with me for a moment?” He stands, removing himself from Hizashis hold and walking away. She follows without much of a sounds heart still pounding from her performance.
They walk, until they reach his office, silently. Yukari can’t help but let her eyes roam the fine man in front of her noting how much smaller he looks with clothes on.
“Are you wanting to talk to me about the job?” She asks coyly. She knows better though. She has a feeling this is gonna be more about her performance if how tight his pants appear to be getting is any indicator. She’s not worried though as she feels her own excitement slowly start to soak her underwear. She wants him just as much as he wants her.
“I think you’re smart enough to know what this is about.” He says opening the door for her letting her walk inside. She does walk in and goes straight to his well kept desk. She leans against it her heels allowing her ass to rest on the edge.
“You would be correct. Perhaps I just want to hear you tell me what you want, Shota” Yukari smiles watching him lock the door before stalking over to her. His hands rest on either side of her hips while his waist gets between her legs prying them open. He leans down, his lips caressing the shell of her ear before he whispers in a low growl.
“I want to fuck you till my name is the only thing your pretty lips can moan out kitty.”
Yukari shivers in anticipation. His hot breath tickles her skin leaving goosebumps in its wake. His hand slowly moves to cup her cheek a devilish smirk on his lips.
“You would like that. Wouldn’t you kitten?” His voice is soft, playful even. He doesn’t move from there only his eyes look into hers waiting for her to answer.
“Yes. Please?” She whispers. He didn’t have to wait long for her sweet voice to consent nor did he wait any longer before pressing his lips to hers.
Her hands move up his broad chest and into his hair. She plays with it feeling how soft it is running between her fingers. He picks her up by her thighs slipping his hand under her skirt.
The sound of the club falls away as they lose themselves to each other. Small gasps of pleasure turn to loud moans when Shota leaves their heated makeout to give her neck some attention. His thumb teasing her clit through her wet panties.
The melody of her moans spur him on as does the roll of her hips the more he toys with her needy cunt.
“So wet and I’ve barely started touching you. You want me to fill your pretty pussy with my cock kitten?” He asks mockingly. Sliding her panties to the side and slipping two fingers into her dripping entrance he thrusts them inside her slowly at first.
“Please Shota. Please I need you inside me.” Yukari moans out. Her head in the crook of his neck as she peppers kisses along his skin.
Hearing her plea Shota curls his fingers feeling along her velvet walls till he finds what he’s looking for. Her body jolts when he finds it a loud whine leaving her lips.
“Fuck Daddy please! Please right there!”
Shota smirks rubbing small quick circles over that special spot.
“Such a sweet girl asking so nicely.” He coos before connecting their lips once more. He moans into her lips feeling her walls tighten around his fingers. “That’s it. Come on pretty girl. Show daddy how pretty you look Cumming all over his fingers.” His words seem to push her over the edge she was on as her teeth go from scraping against his skin to biting down on his shoulder. Her walls squeezing his fingers as her legs tremble slightly.
Shota groans flipping her over so she’s bent over his desk. He licks the one hand clean from the sweet honey like taste she left dripping down his fingers.
“You didn’t think we were done did you kitty?” He smirks hearing a whine come from her lips. He takes his pants of freeing his throbbing cock.
Slowly rubbing the tip of his cock along her slits he can’t help but smirk at the sight of her spreading her legs for him.
“Good girl. Such a good girl for me. Such a cute little cunt ready to be filled. You want that kitten?” He muses still teasing her with the tip.
“Yes please. Please daddy just fuck me!”
Happy to comply Shota pushes his cock inside her the feeling making them both moan in satisfaction. Grabbing her hips Shota holds her in place as he thrusts into her sex. He watches as his cock disappears and reappears as he fucks into her. Yukaris moans almost bouncing off the walls in his office. Her hands gripping hard onto his desk trying to ground herself.
Slightly unsure Shota puts his hand on her upper back to keep her still as he thrusts hard and deep into her hearing her cry out in pleasure.
Slowly she moves one of her shaky hands from the desk. Reaching behind her she slides his hand up closer to her neck making him grin. Getting the confirmation he needed Shota lightly wraps his hand around her throat cutting off blood circulation.
“So perfect…fuck I’m gonna fill you up. Your tight little cunt is squeezing me just right.”
The sound of wet skin slapping together mixed with both of their moans fills the room. Shotas name being the only coherent word falling from Yukaris mouth like a prayer the closer she gets to another climax.
Her body tightens up on its own causing Shotas hips to shutter before trusting deep filling her insides. Panting he gives a few more thrusts fucking his cum into her before going soft and pulling out.
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faztastiic · 10 months
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Well, it's midnight, damn right. We're wound up too tight. I've got a fist full of whiskey. The bottle just bit me. Oh, that shit makes me bat shit crazy. We've got no fear, no doubt. All in balls out. We're going off tonight. To kick out every light. Take anything we want. Drink everything in sight. We're going till the world stops turning. While we burn it to the ground tonight. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh, ooh. We're screaming like demons. Swinging from the ceiling. I got a fist full of fifties. Tequila just hit me. Oh, we got no class, no taste. No shirt, and shit faced. We got it lined up, shot down. Firing back straight crown. We're going off tonight. To kick out every light. Take anything we want. Drink everything in sight. We're going till the world stops turning. While we burn it to the ground tonight
A company always on the run. A destiny, oh it's the rising sun. I was born, a shotgun in my hands. Behind the gun. I'll make my final stand, yeah. That's why they call me. Bad company. I can't deny. Bad, bad company. 'Til the day I die. Until the day I die. Until the day I die. Rebel souls. Deserters we've been called. Chose a gun. And threw away the song. Now these towns. Well they all know our name. The Death Punch sound. Is our claim of fame. And that's why they call me. Bad company. I can't deny. Bad, bad company. 'Til the day I die. Until the day I die. Until the day I die. Until the day I die. "Eye for an eye". "Tooth for a tooth". "Blood for blood". We've all gotta die. We've all gotta die. And that's why they call me. Bad company. I won't deny. Bad, bad company 'Til the day I die. Bad company. I won't deny. Bad, bad company. 'Til the day I die
I never cared about the money, never really needed fame. You think it would've changed me but I've always been the same. My label tried to sue me, TMZ tried to screw me. Blabbermouth can fuckin' suck it 'cause they never fuckin' knew me. Everybody seems like they're waiting for me to die. Talk shit behind my back, can't look me in the eye. They say I'm overrated, that I should've already faded. Gave a shit about it all because I love to be so hated.
Oh, no. See you walkin' 'round like it's a funeral. Not so serious, girl, why those feet cold? We just gettin' started, don't you tiptoe, tiptoe (ah). Waste time with a masterpiece, don't waste time with a masterpiece (huh). You should be rollin' with me, you should be rollin' with me (ah-ah-ah). You're a real-life fantasy, you're a real-life fantasy (huh). But you're movin' so carefully, let's start livin' dangerously
I stand here waiting for you to bang the gong. To crash the critic saying, "Is it right or is it wrong?" If only fame had an I.V, baby could I bear? Being away from you, I found the vein, put it in here. I live for the applause, applause, applause. I live for the applause-plause, live for the applause-plause, live for the-. Way that you cheer and scream for me. The applause, applause, applause. Give me that thing that I love (I'll turn the lights out). Put your hands up, make 'em touch, touch (Make it real loud). Give me that thing that I love (I'll turn the lights out). Put your hands up, make 'em touch, touch (Make it real loud)
he also responds to chase music from dbd LMAO
tagged by: @trapton
tagging: @astraljams @starkveiined @noctuafought @cupforbrains
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sadomas0chist · 3 years
perfect strangers
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part one; part two; part three
genre: nsfw
pairing: jean kirschtein x female reader
word count: 2.4k
tags/warnings: dom jean, simultaneous masturbation, penetrative sex, oral receiving (female), fingering, swearing, casual sex, partying, make-out session, brother’s best friend, breeding kink, belly bulge.
synopsis: despite being Connie's sister, you were never half the party animal he was. at the moment, getting good grades on your last semester took all your time which made one of your good friends, Hitch, drag you out of your room to the party your brother hosted. what could possibly happen, other than sleeping with your brother's best friend?
a.n. : i was thinking about turning this into a short series but i’m still debating whether i should go for it or not. anyway, enjoy!!!
update: i actually turned this into a series ;) part two is up!!
Being the sister of one of the most chaotic human beings on earth had its drops. I was supposed to be studying for my last semester which was pretty difficult and needed a full-time concentration.
Instead, I was getting dolled up by one of my best friends, Hitch, who was practically begging me to get out of my room and party. "Don't be so nerdy, it's not like you need the extra credit. Connie will be sad if you don't show up. He's been whining to Sasha all day long how his own sister didn't want to attend his own party." She applied some red lipstick to my lips and popped hers as a sign that she was done.
"Hitch, I really appreciate y'all getting worried about me going crazy, but I'm fine really. You know I'm only going because I missed you and the girls." I stood up from my bed and walked to my vanity, gasping at how sexy I looked.
Hitch smacked my ass in response. "Your ass looks good in this dress. Get some tonight." I raised my eyebrow at her. She knew I wasn't in the mood to mess around and get attached again. I shrugged it off and opened my bedroom door.
"Wait, why didn't he invite them to our house?" I stopped, watching her make her way in front of me.
"He needed more space. And a pool. Now come on we're going to be late." she reached out to grab my hand and dragged me out of my house.
"Oh goodness..." I mumbled to myself when I noticed how crowded the place was. Some people were already drunk and throwing up on the grass and in garbage cans, others were shamelessly rubbing on each other, while the rest was either in the pool or at the bar.
"Oh, there's Connie." She pointed at my brother who gave her a tight hug. "Look who's here!" she cheered shaking my shoulders.
"Hey," I smiled and hugged him. "All good?" he smiled down at me and pat my head. I nodded and threw him back a smile. "Aight then, I'm gonna get going. Take care." he pointed at me jogging backward and eventually turned around and disappeared into the crowd.
A pat on my shoulder made me turn around, a grin instantly forming on my lips when I noticed that this hand belonged to Sasha. She jumped in my arms, squeezing me tightly. "Jeez I thought you were dead, never isolate yourself like that again." I chuckled taking a bite of her hot dog. "Hey!" she smacked my arm almost making me choke on the meat.
We caught up on a few things, our conversation getting steamier as Hitch began to mention her sex life and how we should be taking notes.
“No, but really, all jokes aside. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re not getting laid. I don’t even think you know how to pull men anymore babe, full offense.” She took a swing of her beer and shrugged her shoulders. I scoffed, clearly offended.
“Working my ass off for college doesn’t change anything in my flirting techniques.” I scoffed “You know what? I’ll prove it to you right now. Your pick.” I raised my hands up, challenging her. Sasha jumped in excitement next to me while Hitch was inspecting our surroundings.
“Him.” she pointed at the bar. I scrunched my face when I saw a guy who looked musty and crusty. “Girl, not him. Him.” she held my jaw with her hand and tilted my head. My eyes landed on a tall male, manspreading on the stool as his back was leaning against the wooden bar, watching everyone’s move. His elbows were resting on the wood, his right hand holding his drink, swirling it around.
He looked delicious with his tight black shirt and chinos, squeezing him in all the right places. His hair was slicked back, almost dropping to his shoulders. His facial features weren’t clear enough due to the distance I was standing from, but his jawline looked good enough.
He didn’t look like he was expecting company or was here with someone. I smirked and shook her hand, accepting her challenge. “What do you want me to do?”
“Make out with him. You’ve kissed strangers before. I’d like to see if you still have the balls to do it.” I shook my head with a grin. Frankly, I was expecting her to task me with something much worse.
“Done.” Sasha jumped in excitement and Hitch shook my hand. “Watch, and learn.” I turned on my heels and walked to the bar where he was sitting.
“Hey you,” I hissed, getting his attention. “Don’t move,” I whispered as I positioned myself between his legs and grabbed his jaw, placing my lips on his.
From here it could go two ways: he either pushes me off and tells me he’s into guys- yes it happened before, not a pleasant memory- or he kisses me back.
At first, he was shaken. However, it didn’t take him too long to snake his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him, deepening the kiss. He freed his hand from the glass he was holding and wrapped it around the back of my neck, pushing me closer.
I parted my lips, his tongue gently sliding in and toying with mine. When I finally decided it was enough, I let go of him and pulled away, a slight trail of saliva hanging from our lips.
Without adding any other word, I grinned at him and left. He didn’t say anything and sincerely I’m glad he didn’t. He clearly enjoyed it as well.
“Oh my God you actually did that.” she squeaked, shaking my shoulders.
“Hitch, it's not the first time. Also, he was a good kisser. Now, do you believe me?”
She sighed in defeat and nodded. Sasha was long gone, probably dragged to the dance floor by Connie and soon enough Marlo was here to drag Hitch too. I found this as an opportunity to go to the bathroom.
To my surprise, it was empty and clean. I checked if my mascara was still intact and if I needed to fix my lipstick. While I was applying some lipstick on, a group of girls came in, obviously tipsy, and started talking about the guys they wanted to fuck.
“There’s this tall dude with long hair, ugh girl I just want to hump him.” one of them giggled, leaning on her friend for support.
“Stephanie!! He was with a black-haired girl, don't be a slut.” her friend smacked her.
I cocked my eyebrow and added some mascara. I gathered my stuff and texted Hitch that I was going back home.
It was getting lame and my brother was in no way to be seen. I’m sure Hitch and Sasha would understand. I’ve been too focused on my studies and partying wasn’t what I needed right now.
I walked to the gates and waited for a taxi.
“Already leaving?” a voice echoed behind me, startling me. I jumped around to be met with the same dude I made out with, this time, a leather jacket resting on his shoulders.
“I’m not feeling it.” I shrugged.
“You can’t leave alone. Some dudes are total creeps.” He walked to me. His tall frame towering over me, the mixture of alcohol and perfume intoxicating me.
“You could easily be one of them. I don’t know you.”
“Well, if I were, you wouldn’t have made out with me for starters. You look mature enough to distinguish a gentleman from a douchebag.” He grinned, pushing my hair behind my shoulders.
“A gentleman?” I questioned, toying with the pockets of his jacket.
“Only if you want me to be,” he mumbled, raising my chin with his index finger.
We stared at each other for a while. I knew he was another stranger, but he made me feel aroused. Maybe Hitch was right. Maybe I needed some relief. So I did what I thought I’d never do.
“Come over. My brother is having fun at this stupid party and I doubt he’ll be back any time soon.”
I could tell he was hesitating, and to be honest, his silence made me question if I made the right decision asking him to come over. He looked like he didn’t want to take advantage of me. A true gentleman, I thought.
I didn’t really care though. We were both taking advantage of each other in this situation, knowing that we will probably never see each other again after this. It was a one-time thing.
I did have, however, a feeling that I’ve seen him before, but the booze wasn’t making me think straight and I shrugged it off. He didn’t seem to recognize me so there was nothing to be worried about.
“On one condition.” he spoke up. I tilted my head waiting for him to proceed. “Tonight, I’m in control.”
I chuckled and nodded. “If that’s what you want, cowboy then sure thing.”
“Jean.” he handed out his hand for me to shake.
It didn’t take us a lot of time to find his car and get to my place. As a matter of fact, our clothes dropped instantly on the floor as soon as we went through my bedroom door.
“You’re so hot,” he mumbled between kisses, his hand folding my breast. I giggled throwing my head back, my fingers playing with his hair.
His hands traveled down my body, parting ways as one pressed against my heat and the other squeezed my ass. He worked his digits between my folds, my fingers digging in his shoulders.
He gathered my slick before pushing it back with his middle and ring finger.
“Fuck Jean,” I moaned out. I pushed him closer, licking him from the base of his neck to his earlobe, and gently sucked it.
He sighed and backed me until I reached my bed. “Relax now,” He pushed me down on the mattress and spread my legs. I grabbed my pillow and placed it underneath my hips.
He sat on his knees and put my legs on his shoulders, my cunt a few inches away from him. Locking eyes with me, he gave my opening a long lick.
I hissed as he licked my slit, his thumb rubbing small circles to my clit. My hands gripped onto my sheets, my hips bucking. Damn, he was good.
“Shit, ahh, Jean,” I whimpered, his fingers now massaging my insides as his tongue played with my clit. He hummed against me, sending vibrations all over my heat.
I squealed as I felt myself get closer, my legs shakings on his shoulders.
“Be a good girl and come all over my face eh?” he seduced his fingers going faster inside me, occasionally curling to hit my sweet spot.
“I’m so close, fuck fuck fuck fuck.” I chanted gripping his hair, my head pushing down the mattress as my orgasm drove me over the edge.
He stood back up, his stubble coated with my wetness. He sucked his fingers before making them pop out of his mouth.
“Tastes as good as it looks.” He chuckled. “Spread them lips for me again baby let me see your mess”. he purred pushing his hair back.
Doing as I’m told, I spread my folds with my index and middle finger and bit my lip before running another finger between them, feeling my slick. He groaned as I touched myself, slightly playing with my swollen clit.
“You want me?” Jean stroked himself as I dipped my fingers inside me. I nodded biting harder on my lower lip, watching as he pumped himself, his vein now conspicuous.
He kneeled on my bed, pulling me closer to him. “Then take me.” And with that, he rammed himself in. I yelped at the painful stretch, his hands holding my hips. I grabbed his wrist with a hand and tried to reach my headboard with the other.
Once given the green light, he started moving slowly in and out, making sure I was comfortable. Gentleman alright.
His pace was steady, the moonlight lighting his side. He looked absolutely handsome. I wasn’t fragile, nor delicate whatsoever. Still, he didn’t fuck me just to please himself. He wanted to please me and feel me as much as I wanted to.
“Tell me if I’m hurting you okay?” I nodded with a smile. Jean’s thrusts became faster and harder. The deep long strokes were just appetizers for what he was keeping in store. He was big, but he felt incredibly nice.
My room soon was filled with the sounds of our bodies smacking against each other along with my moans and his grunts.
I was already feeling sensitive from my first orgasm, and his strokes were my g-spot almost perfectly. I was a panting mess beneath him, my makeup smudged across my face.
“Ah fuck, you’re choking me so fucking good.” he whimpered throwing his head back. Droplets of sweat trailed down from his toned chest to his abs. I stared at his tattoos and how they complimented him.
“Feel it y/n.” he grabbed my hand and placed it on my lower stomach. Shit.
“I’m gonna cum again, oh fuck, Jean.” I whimpered, his hips rocking my body. I squirmed under him, his thumb rubbing my pink bud, adding more friction.
I wailed as I felt my orgasm rip through my body, his thrusts getting sloppier. I knew he was close.
Fortunately, I’m always on the pill, so I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him down. “I want you to fill me up, please,” I begged, his face buried in my neck, leaving a love bite.
“I’m going to fill you up so good, so damn good.” He lifted my waist with his arms and pulled me closer. “Fuck, yes, oh fuck, yes.” he whimpered in my ear as he emptied himself in me, warming my walls with his semen.
We lead there for a while, motionless. His dick was limp inside me, his arms still holding me.
He feels warm. I don’t want to move. No, he has to move. I don’t do aftercare.
“That was good,” I said breaking the silence. Jean rolled to his side, his cum instantly leaking out of me as pulled out.
“Indeed. Thank you.” I chuckled at his silly response.
“You don’t thank someone for having sex with them dumbass.” A smile formed on his lips as he stood up to grab some tissues from my nightstand to clean me up.
“I’m a gentleman, remember?” he cleaned off our cum and tossed the tissues in my garbage can. “I should get going, we don’t want your brother to go nuts on you.” I nodded and pulled the sheets to cover my nude body. It was a shame that he was leaving, but as I said, I never did aftercare when it came to casual sex.
He put on his briefs and began pulling up his bottoms, however, the most unexpected thing happened, making him stop in his tracks.
“Hey, y/n I brought you some- Jean?!” Connie yelled dropping the bag of chips he was holding.
“Connie?!” Jean who was now half-clothed yelled back.
“Are you- oh my god- did I just sleep with your sister?” He panicked, holding his head with both hands.
I smacked my mouth, my eyes wide open. What the fuck was I supposed to do in a situation like that.
“You sure as hell did idiot!” my brother replied, now both of the males looking at me.
Well, that’s extremely awkward.
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novaiya · 3 years
Good Things Come in Three - Arthur/Reader/Sadie (NSFW)
Summary: You and Arthur skip the gang's celebratory party in favor of some alone time, barely closing the door of the hotel room before freeing each other of your clothes. Naked and on the bed, you almost get down to business when Sadie knocks on your door, asking if she could join the fun. You didn't expect the night to take such a turn, but that's not to say you're opposed to what she's suggesting.
Words: 5,157
Warnings: threesome, girl on girl kissing, face sitting, honestly, nothing too out of the line, just some good ol' F/F/M
A/N: I've wanted to write an RDR2 threesome for months now, and finally, it happened! Hopefully there'll be more to cum (lol) I actually have a rough draft of a Arthur/Reader/Charles sitting in my folder, so maybe I'll do something with it soon. Also, I'm going to horny jail.
AO3 Link.
With successful completion of a big score came a big celebration. The job was two weeks in the making and involved half a dozen members of the gang, you included. A small bank in a cholera ridden town, though heavily guarded with lawmen both inside and around it; you knew there was more to it. After a little bit more digging, you discovered that one of the residents of town struck gold and was keeping his findings there for the time being. It took careful planning and rigorous preparations but on the chosen day, you were all ready.
Contrary to how the gang’s plans often went, this one went rather smoothly (probably due to inclusion of you and Sadie, women’s touch as they say) and not a day later the gang was about $40,000 richer, a few gold bars heavier and miles away.
The spirits were high; Not only did the job go smoothly, but nobody got hurt or caught. Dutch was ecstatic and decided that celebration was in order. As soon as you came upon a town with a functioning saloon in it, all the horses and the wagons were stopped and everybody went inside.
The saloon, which only a few minutes before was quiet and deserted, with only the barman standing and polishing the empty glasses, quickly filled with two dozen of the gang members and their combined laughs, cheers and songs.
“What’s your name, mister?” Dutch said to the barman as the gang filed into the saloon.
“Howard, sir.”
“Howard,” Dutch repeated as he shook Howard’s hand and inconspicuously slid a few bills into his hand. “These people,” he said and motioned to the members that had already scattered themselves around the saloon, some at the poker table, some by the bar stock. “They had a rough go at it. Can you please make sure they have a pleasant evening?”
“Well, of course, sir!” Howard beamed, already putting the bills in his back pocket. “I’ve been serving drinks at this saloon since before the war, sir, I know what people need.”
“That’s what I’m talking about,” Dutch said, patting Howard on the back. “Now, people,” he turned his attention to the gang, his voice raising a few octaves. “Tonight, we celebrate. I want all of you to enjoy yourself. Drink, eat, gamble and do whatever else you want, as much as you want. You deserve it.”
Dutch’s address was met with loud cheers and long applause and thus, the night began.
The last time Howard served so many people so quickly was in ’65 when the war ended. Yet, even then he didn’t remember having to go into the basement to bring more stock and having to wake up his sons so they could help serve the patrons quicker. As he filled each glass to the brim, he wondered how people could drink so much.
You wondered too as you watched your fellow gang members down one drink after another after another. Some fared better than others. Dutch and Hosea, preferring to enjoy their liquor rather than get wasted, sat in the corner of the room by the fire, nursing their whiskey and already planning their next move. Lenny, still being young and inexperienced, was already dancing hand in hand with Sean, who despite not being new to drinking, couldn’t hold his liquor. Pearson, along with Uncle, started playing their instruments and added live music to the mix of singing, laughter and talking that already filled the saloon. Even Charles joined in on harmonica a few times.
Howard wondered what the lot of you did to call for such a celebration, but he knew better than to ask questions. The money was paid and the drinks were sold; that’s all that mattered.
To say that you were tipsy was an understatement. Perhaps drinking a shot of whiskey and chasing it with a beer was not a good idea, but good ideas rarely made their way into your head, especially when running with the Van Der Linde gang. You were sitting in Arthur’s lap, your arms draped lazily over his form, your head on his shoulder. The two of you were sitting at the poker table, with the other players being Javier, John and Micah. All four of the men were far too drunk to make the right moves or plan their strategies, yet it didn’t stop them from gambling their share of the bank job and hoping for the best.
Unsurprisingly to you, Arthur was winning. Out of all the four men, he was the least inebriated (no thanks to his big size and ability to hold liquor), and even when the drinks were not in play, Arthur was generally a good player, knowing when to hold, to fold, or to walk away. Each time he won some, you’d land a kiss on his neck or his cheek and whisper in his ear, “Good job, love.” The stoic, ruthless gunslinger would turn into mush at your words and your touch, and with a pink blush on his cheeks would say, “Thank you, sweetheart.”
Despite enjoying a game of poker from time to time yourself, you found yourself a little bored and were looking forward to when the game would finish. As you sat in Arthur laps, waiting for the men to call it a night, your eyes traveled over the saloon, taking in the scenery around. It was a nice change to see the gang members so happy and carefree, the only thing on their mind, their next drink.
As you scanned the room, your eyes met with Sadie’s. She was leaning against the bar stock with a drink in her hand. You couldn’t read the exact look in her eyes; it was fierce, determined and hot. Hot. That’s exactly how you felt under her gaze. You shifted under Arthur, suddenly too aware that you were sitting on his lap. He groaned a little, one of his hands coming up to your hip to stop your movements.
“Careful, sweetheart,” he said under his breath, loud enough only for you to hear. You could still feel Sadie’s gaze, could see it from the corner of your eyes. His hand massaged your hip a little and he added, “I’m almost done here. Wanna go upstairs?”
A salacious smile, fueled by the alcohol in your veins and Arthur’s body against yours spread on your lips, and you hid your head in the crook of his neck, whispering, “You know I do.”
Arthur chuckled, before turning back to the game.
“All in,” he said.
Javier dropped out, but John and Micah went along, going all in.
One card up, second card up.
You almost jumped out of Arthur’s lap as he roared, scooping up his winnings in no time.
John groaned, dropping his head onto the table with a loud thud, already preparing himself for Abigail’s wrath as soon as she would find out. Micah, on the other hand, was fuming, and his face was almost as red from the rage as his shirt. “Stupid game,” he said as he got up from the table and went to the barman, getting himself another drink.
“I got lady luck in my lap,” Arthur said before turning his head to you, capturing your lips in a kiss. You moaned against his lips and waved your fingers through his hair, not caring even a bit at the John and Javier present, the latter even whistling at your display of love. One of his hands was on your hip, and the other started to make its way up your leg and under your skirt, dangerously close to the hem of your drawers.
You broke the kiss, panting slightly, and said, “How about we get a room?” you said before kissing his jaw and adding, “Unless you want to take me right here at the table.”
He could feel himself stiffen at your words, and without wasting anymore time, got up from the chair and took your hand in his. No one paid you and Arthur any attention as you traversed through the saloon, everybody too busy with their own conversations or drink, except for Sadie. You could feel her eyes the entire time as you walked across the room to the stairs, and your mouth felt dry when you walked right past her, her deep, brown eyes staring right into your soul and calling out to something. As you walked up the stairs, you turned back one last time, and saw her sending you a warm, though hinting, smile.
The two of you giggled and laughed as you tried to undress each other, the alcohol doing its job at making your fingers nimble.
He pushed you against the door as he ravished your mouth, making your head feel dizzy and your need for air almost as strong as the need for Arthur. When he broke away from your lips, his mouth turned to attacking your neck, leaving kisses and hickeys all up and down the column of your neck as his hands worked on undoing the buttons of your blouse.
“Oh my god, Arthur,” you moaned, your eyes closed as Arthur finally discarded your blouse and revealed your chest to him, his mouth landing on one of your nipples while his fingers worked on the other.
“Been hard since the moment you sat your pretty little ass down on my lap,” he groaned against your chest. He sucked on one of your nipples, covering it in his spit before adding, “Thought of taking you right then and there when I felt your nipples brush against me.”
“Fuck,” you moaned, your fingers in his hair as he placed his mouth back on your chest, giving your other nipple the same treatment.
“You sure were as good with them cards tonight as you are with your mouth,” you said breathlessly when he released your nipple.
“Darlin’,” he said, his voice dropping an octave and having a dangerous edge to it, “There’s a lot of things I’m good at.”
“Then show me, cowboy,” you said as you pushed him a little before dropping your skirt together with your drawers on the ground, presenting yourself to Arthur in all your naked glory. He could feel his mouth go dry upon seeing your body, illuminated by a faint light from the lantern. No matter how many times he saw you naked, you always managed to take his breath away and wonder what he did to deserve a creature as marvelous as you.
He picked you up effortlessly and carried you to the bed. The cotton sheets felt cool and soft against your skin as Arthur laid you down before covering your body with his, his mouth on yours in seconds.
“Too many clothes,” you mumbled against his lips and pulled on his suspenders, the strap hitting him with an audible slap when you released it.
He didn’t waste much time, pushing his suspenders to the side and pulling out his shirt before throwing it on the floor, revealing his golden chest and torso to your eyes. You ran your hand up his torso, through the light blonde hair that covered it and up to his chest where you could hear his heart beat wildly. His hands were on his pants, ready to pull them down and reveal his leaking cock when a knock on the door froze both of you. You both darted your heads to the door, wondering who and for what reason would knock on your door. Perhaps it was one of your drunk friends, lost and trying to find an available room.
When neither of you answered, keeping still and quiet despite your breathing hard and heavy, a voice spoke from behind the door.
“It’s Sadie,” she said as if mentioning that it’s her and not one of the drunken boys would make a difference and by god, it did.
Her intense stare flashed before your eyes and you once again felt the weight of it over you. Perhaps the alcohol was doing it’s job, making you bolder and daring, but you turned your eyes at Arthur, searching for something in them; a visible ‘no’, a confusion or some sort of opposition, but when none came, you turned back towards the door and said, “Come in.”
You saw the doorknob twist before the door opened with an audible creak. As soon as Sadie passed through the threshold and closed the door behind her, her eyes landed on the two of you on the bed.
Arthur was just in his pants, situated between your naked, spread legs. Her eyes raked over his golden chest down to the bulge in his pants before darting to you, your nipples perky and at attention, your chest rising and falling each time you took a breath. It didn’t miss you when she licked her lips, her eyes still on your naked body.
“I…” she began, sounding just a hint sheepish, “I’m interested in joining. If it's okay with the two of you that is.”
You could feel yourself clench around nothing and your heart rate pick up a few beats upon hearing her words. From the way she occasionally watched you and Arthur engaging in some PDA and the looks the two of you would often share, you could feel something more than friendly feelings floating in the air. It would be a lie if you said you weren’t curious; Sadie was a beautiful woman; from her piercing brown eyes, to her full lips and her dirty blonde hair. You caught yourself thinking that she reminded you of Arthur in some ways, both of them having a similar, burning fire in them, bravery that could rival anyone else’s in the gang as well as a softer, caring side. Maybe that’s why you liked her and weren’t opposed to what she was suggesting.
You licked your lips and was more than ready to say yes, but turned to Arthur. After how long the two of you had been together, you didn’t need to use words to communicate. You looked at him, raising your brows slightly, silently asking, “Are you okay with this?” He gave you a lopsided grin, nodding his head just a tiny bit, his way of saying, “If you are, I am.”
You smiled before biting your lip and turning your head to Sadie. Arthur moved to the side, making room for you so you could get up from the bed. “Join us,” you said when you came to stand next to her, taking her hand in yours. She flashed you a smile, the one that was making you weak in the knees, before one of her hands made its way to the back of your head, bringing your head closer to hers. You could feel her breath against your lips, could smell the strong scent of whiskey on them. It felt that just by inhaling the scent, you were getting more intoxicated.
Her lips were soft and warm as she pressed them against yours, stealing your breath away as she kissed you. You tangled your fingers in her hair, deepening the kiss and moaning against her mouth when she slipped her tongue in. All tongue and teeth, the kiss was desperate and needy, as if the two of you were starving for each other. Arthur could do nothing but watch as the two of you kissed, his mind on fire at looking at one of the most erotic things he’s ever seen in his life. He could feel himself become rock hard to the point of pain, and palmed his erection through his pants, trying to relieve some of the tension.
Her clothes dropped on the floor in a pile as you helped to disrobe her, your lips not leaving her for more than a few seconds as you helped her pull her blouse over her head and her pants down. Your lips were swollen and wet when the two of you finally broke apart, lazy grins on your faces. You turned around to look at Arthur; he looked desperate and needy as he sat on the bed, his cock already in his hands, rock solid, leaking and red at the tip. Your mouth watered at the sight of him, and you smiled at Sadie before the two of you made your way to Arthur.
“Ladies,” he groaned as the two of you got up on the bed, making your way to Arthur like panthers to their prey. You pushed his hand aside, replacing it with yours. If there was heaven, then this was certainly it, Arthur thought when he watched the two of you bring your lips to his cock, your mouth on his tip while Sadie’s on his base. He fought back the urge to snap his hips forward, pushing more of himself in your mouth, and decided to simply take what the two of you were giving him. While you sucked on his head, popping the head in your mouth from time to time before sucking on it, Sadie was kissing up and down his cock, making a mess as her spit covered him from the base to the middle. Arthur couldn’t help but twitch when she took one of his balls in her mouth, and you took his cock deeper, the head hitting the back of your throat. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he moaned loud, perhaps too loud, at all the attention he was getting.
Thankfully, the two of you didn’t torture him for too long or otherwise he was sure he would’ve been cumming down your throat within minutes. As Sadie popped his balls from her mouth, and you took his cock out of yours, you kissed once again. Neither of you minded the taste of the man on each other’s lips, perhaps even chasing it as your tongues clashed against each other.
You turned to look at Arthur, your eyes almost completely black and full of lust, and said, “Arthur, I want you to fuck Sadie.” Your hands ran up his cock, giving a few slow, sensual strokes and earning a groan from him before adding, “I want her to feel how good your cock is.”
To say that he was expecting the night to go down like this would be a lie, but that’s not to say that he wasn’t enjoying it. He didn’t trust his words, so he simply nodded his head and pushed his hips a little for emphasis.
Sadie’s hand was in yours as she moved to straddle Arthur, his cock right against her nether lips. He could feel her witness coating his member, the heat from her lips already spreading over him. Arthur held himself in his hand as Sadie lowered herself on his cock, moaning at the stretch of being filled by him, pleasure bordering on pain from how thick he was. You kissed her all over, her neck, her cheeks, her lips, her chest, as she took him inch by inch, her breathing ragged and her eyes closed. When he was all the way in, his pelvis flush with her, it was as if everybody breathed a sigh of relief. Sadie felt full, unbelievably so, and without even moving, she could already feel unbelievable pleasure filling her.
You lowered your head to Arthur’s, kissing over his neck before bringing your lips to his ear and said, “Make her feel good, Arthur.”
The first pull and push of his cock had Sadie cry out in pleasure, her face contorted in ecstasy as Arthur pushed deep inside her. His hands were on her hips as he held her in place, pistoling his cock in and out of her wet channel. You could feel your wetness run down your legs as you watched her, so lost in pleasure and so beautiful as she moaned.
With his hands still on her hips, he turned his face to you, capturing your lips in a kiss. You could feel his hunger and desperation as his tongue danced around your’s, making your head spin from the intensity of the kiss.
When he broke away, a spit connecting your lips just for a moment, he said, “I want to feel you too.”
You didn’t have to be told twice. With excitement and lust and arousal coursing through your veins, you sat up on the bed before swinging your legs over Arthur’s head and bringing your soaked pussy over his mouth. He removed one of his hand’s from Sadie’s hips (who was now riding him in earnest herself, taking her pleasures from his cock) and placed it on one of your thighs to bring you down over his mouth.
Your moans joined Sadie’s as Arthur sucked on your sopping lips, before diving his tongue right into your hole. The room filled with nothing but sounds of moans, groans and skin slapping against skin. Perhaps, if someone looked up a definition of hedonism, a picture of the three of you would be there, indulging in your most basic carnal desires and chasing your pleasures.
With your eyes closed and your mouth open, you could do nothing but shake with pleasure as Arthur ate you out, his skillful tongue working between plunging itself into your hole and sucking on your clit. The feeling of Sadie’s hand on your cheek made you open your eyes. She was completely debauched, her face flush from arousal, her pussy wet and dripping as Arthur fucked into her. She brought your face to hers and kissed you, her tongue pushing past your lips right away. From Arthur tongue in your pussy to Sadie’s in your mouth, you could feel yourself nearing the edge.
“Fuck!” Sadie cried out, breaking away from your lips as her orgasm washed over her like a tsunami. Arthur didn’t let up for a moment, pistoling his hips in and out of her quivering hole until she couldn’t take it anymore. She felt herself gush all over him as he brought her to the peak of pleasures to the point where it was becoming all too much and she had to stop. She breathed heavily as she recovered, sitting to the side and waiting for the ringing in her ears to pass.
Satisfied with making one of the women happy, Arthur turned his full attention to you, both of his hands on your thigh, bringing you impossible close to his face, so much so that you wondered how he breathed.
“Arthur,” you moaned as he fucked you with his tongue and brought his thumb to play with your clit.
Sadie was at your side then, kissing down your neck till she reached your nipple and sucked on it.
“Oh my god,” you moaned, tears welling in your eyes as all the sensations were becoming too much. “You’re gonna make me cum,” you said to both of them, and not a moment later, you did.
You kept riding Arthur’s face as you chased your orgasm, crying his and Sadie’s name as they kept bringing you higher and higher. After a few more moments, you finally came to a stop, your thighs still shaking as Arthur helped you from his face down to the bed, laying at one of your sides while Sadie laid at your other. He kissed up and down your neck, leaving small bites and hickeys all over, while Sadie kissed over your chest, marking you as well.
Only after a few moments did it dawn on you that despite making the two of you cum and see stars, Arthur still hasn’t, his cock rock hard.
As if thinking the same thing, Sadie looked up at your from between your breasts, saying, “I wanna watch him fuck you,” before licking your nipple.
You moaned at that, your pussy twitching in anticipation, and looked at Arthur.
You were still sensitive from your orgasm, but you wanted to watch Arthur cum, so you spoke against his lips. “Arthur, please.”
He could never say no to you, not when you spoke his name with such a need in your voice. He smiled against your lips, brushing his nose against yours before saying, “Anything for you, darlin’.”
You parted your thighs to accommodate him and licked your lips when he took his cock in his hand, giving himself a few pumps before pushing just the head of his cock in. There was more than enough preparation, your own wetness and Arthur’s spit running down your pussy and your thighs, yet you still felt that familiar burn as he split you open, pushing more of himself in.
Inch by inch, he filled you, taking a pause here and there to let you get used to the feeling of him filling you to the brim. When he was all the way in, the head of his cock pushing so deep inside you you could practically taste it, you sighted his name, your head rolling back on the pillows and your fingers clawing at the sheets.
Sadie’s hand was on your lower abdomen, right where she could feel Arthur push in you.
She licked her lips before turning to him and said, “Fuck her proper, Arthur.”
The drag of his cockhead over your insides had you clench around him, the tears in your eyes coming back as your sensitive walls spasmed over him. One of your hands was clawing at the back of your pillows, the other at the sheets under you, and you could do little more than simply take Arthur’s pistoning, his cock reducing you to cries and moans of his name.
Sadie turned your head towards her, capturing your lips in her once again before speaking against them. “Tell me how good he’s making you feel,” she said.
You tried to speak, but as you opened your mouth, a moan came out as Arthur delivered a particularly rough thrust, hitting that special place inside of you. Out of the corner of your eyes you could see him smirk.
“So good, Sadie,” you finally managed. The bliss you were feeling had your mind going haywire as Arthur’s thrusts pushed you closer and closer to the edge of euphoria. “Fuck. He’s fucking me so good,” you moaned, your words no doubt feeding Arthur’s ego, making him puff out his chest more and fuck you harder into the mattress, “He’s gonna make me cum.”
Sadie smiled before kissing you once again, alternating between sucking on your tongue and delving hers into your mouth.
Arthur was at the end of his rope. He was holding out his own release, hoping to deliver you to yours first, but it was proving hard when your cunt spasmed over him each time he pushed inside. It didn’t help either that you and Sadie were all over each other, your lips against one another, your hands exploring each other’s bodies. Not even in his wildest dreams or fantasies had he seen something like this.
He placed both of his hands on the back of your thighs before pushing them up so your legs hung on his shoulder, kissing one of your ankles as he did so. Your legs twitched each time he slammed back in, the new position making him go in even deeper if that was possible, and if it wasn’t for Sadie’s mouth on yours, you were sure your scream’s would’ve definitely alerted somebody.
Delicate and slow, her hand traveled from one of your breasts, down your stomach and to your wet pussy. She could feel where Arthur was entering you again and again, the wetness around your walls making for an easy, though loud with sloppy sounds, entrance. Using two of her fingers, she started to add small circular motions around your clit, making your toes curl.
With the combination of Sadie’s fingers on your clit and Arthur’s cock in your pussy, you came, arching your back from the bed as pleasure coursed through your veins, so hard you thought you were gonna blackout from it. Sadie kissed you through it, muffling your cries and moans and screams with her mouth. The orgasm swept over you like a hurricane, leaving you completely boneless as you laid there, managing to do nothing more than keep taking Arthur’s cock.
The feeling of you spasming and tightening over him was too much for Arthur. “Fuck, darlin’, I’m close,” he said, the sweat on his face making it shiny.
With Sadie’s mouth away from yours, you managed a broken cry and a small, “Yes” moving your hips just a little to help Arthur to his release.
Sadie moved her hand from where it was near your clit to where Arthur was entering your sopping pussy again and again. With a mischievous smile, she took his balls in her hand and fondled them before saying, “Fill her up, Arthur.”
Arthur came with a heavy groan, his pace all out of rhythm as he kept pushing his cock into you, stuffing you full of his cum until you could feel it running down your thighs.
At last, he stilled, his breathing heavy as he pulled out of you and lowered your legs from his shoulder to the bed.
You could feel Arthur’s sweat drop from his forehead to yours as he bent down to kiss you, slow and tender, before dropping to your side. His head was on the pillow as he stared at the ceiling, still trying to comprehend what had just happened. On your other side, Sadie was catching her breath too, the activities you just engaged in making her previously clear complexion looking a tad bit pink. You could see a satisfied smile on her lips as she raised herself on her elbows to look at you, brushing a piece of hair out of your face before laying back down on the bed, one of her hands under her head.
As you laid there, well-fucked, satisfied and bemused, you wondered how you’d look Sadie in the eyes in the morning, when the effects of alcohol and lust would vanish, and you’d have nowhere to hide as the sun would illuminate every corner of the room. You remembered Dutch’s words, telling all of you to enjoy yourself. “As much as you want,” he specified. You’re not sure if he had this in mind when saying that.
Sadie, however, decided to not wait for the morning and spoke up now, saying, “Might I say that the two of you sure know how to fuck.”
The ease with which she spoke eased your restless nerves, and you felt yourself relax as you laughed at her words. At your side, Arthur couldn’t help but shake his head, a small smirk playing at his lips.
You knew the next morning would still bring the awkward laughs and pink blushes, but you decided you could deal with that later. Right now, you were happy to enjoy the warmness of the two bodies pressed at your sides.
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shangchiswife · 2 years
steve rogers- sparks fly
summary: y/n gets ready for a charity ball and hopes to impress bucky who ends up with a new girlfriend. absolutely crushed by this, steve ends up cheering you up.
sort of inspired by taylor swift’s sparks fly
warnings: none
word count: 1208
You zipped up your dark red slip dress and sighed as you looked into your full-length mirror. You were not only slightly skeptical about your dress but you were also worried about your night.
That night was the local charity ball at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and you were extremely nervous.
The charity ball was being hosted by your father, Tony Stark to raise funds for the people that had been affected by the aftermath of Loki reigning hell over New York.
The dress code for the event was formal wear and your father had forced you into not only going to this event but also wearing a fancy dress.
You stared at yourself in the mirror. The dress you wore went a little past your upper thigh. The neckline of the dress was low and showed off enough cleavage. The dress was paired with blood-red high heels.
Would Bucky like this dress? you thought. Would Bucky think I'm pretty if I wore this?
It was well-known to everyone that you had a huge crush on Bucky. Everyone knew except for him and Steve who were clueless. You were surprised when Thor found out because he was usually a lost puppy when he came to these things, but he was one of the first ones who noticed your crush.
Your dad was not very happy about your crush on the super-soldier especially after he found out that Bucky killed his parents. He eventually accepted it though.
You had tried to give Bucky hints that you liked him but he never seemed to pick up on them.
Tonight was the night that you decided that you were going to gather up the courage and tell him that you liked him.
You stepped out of the room and then exited the Avengers compound.
You grabbed the keys to your dad's sleek black Mercedes and entered it.
"Alright, let's do this," you sucked in a breath as you turned on the radio and turned on the song "Kiwi” by Harry Styles.
Once you got to the museum you were greeted by flashing cameras and crowds of paparazzi who screamed at the passing celebrities.
"Here we go," you mumbled as you rolled your eyes and then parked your car.
Since you were Tony Stark's daughter you were used to the paparazzi and the flashing lights but it still annoyed you.
Once you slammed your car door it was over with the lights immediately moving over to you.
"Y/N! Y/N over here!" you heard voices calling.
"Y/N that's a hot dress I bet you're gonna end up with a line of men coming home with you tonight," you heard one of the paparazzi tease following in laughter.
Your cheeks burned a bright red and your fists clenched at your sides.
Was this bitch serious? you thought.
You looked up and saw a woman with long blonde hair and cold blue eyes.
"Actually I don't think I will, babe," you jabbed a finger in her face as she smirked.
"I highly doubt that honey, we all know that your one of Hollywood's biggest sluts," the blonde tutted.
"Nope, that's the image that the media has painted. Me apparently dating half of the Avengers and sleeping with every person I'm out with? Yeah, those are all lies that pathetic people like you create," you sneered as the woman's eyes widened.
"Now move," you growled as you bumped into her and she fell over with a loud thud making everyone laugh.
Once you walked into the museum you were met by Thor.
"Y/N!" Thor said happily as he lifted you up in the air.
The God of Thunder was wearing a gray-colored suit and a red tie. Tony had bought it for him since he had no formal attire except for the clothes from Asgard. Tony declared this a "no no" and took him to the tailor and bought him a suit.
"Hey Thor," you smiled.
"You look lovely," Thor took your hand a placed a gentle kiss on it.
"Why thank you, um have you seen Bucky?" you asked.
"Yes, he should be over there," Thor pointed past the sea of tables over at the buffet table where Bucky chatted animatedly with Steve Rogers.
"Okay, thanks Thor," you grinned as you turned around and started walking towards Bucky when you bumped into something hard.
"Sorry- oh it's just you Loki," you groaned as you rolled your eyes and then proceeded to cross your arms as Loki simply smirked.
"Well, well, don't you look ravishing, darling," Loki purred as he looked you up and down making you snap your fingers.
"Loki, I need to get to Bucky," you spoke as you gently moved him aside.
"So are you going to tell him?" Loki asked.
"Ugh you know too?" you smacked your forehead.
"Dear, it's pretty obvious. I don't understand it though because I'm much better looking," Loki boasted.
"Bye Loki," you laughed as you started towards Bucky.
Right as you were about to tell him your feelings you paused when you saw the same woman who had bullied you about "coming home with men" come up to Bucky and kiss his cheek. You saw Bucky smile as he slid an arm around the woman and wrap a tight grip around her waist.
The woman turned her attention towards you and gave you a victorious grin.
"Y/N!" Bucky waved.
Steve stood next to him with a shell-shocked look as he stared at your stunning figure.
"Hi Bucky," you gave him a weak smile.
"Wow," Steve gulped.
"Hi Steve," you turned towards him.
He was wearing a dark suit and a navy blue tie. He looked extremely handsome.
"Wow," Steve repeated.
"Seems Steve is a little distracted right now. Anyways, Y/N I want you to meet Vanessa! She's my new girlfriend," Bucky looked extremely happy.
"Oh, we've met," your voice projected slight sadness that Bucky didn't seem to notice.
"Really? That's great. Well we're going to be getting drinks if you want any," Bucky said.
"I'm fine, thanks. What about you Steve?" you questioned as you turned to the super-soldier whose jaw was still dropped.
"I guess not," you mumbled as Bucky strode off with Vanessa right behind him.
You turned to Steve.
"Rogers!" you snapped your fingers which snapped Steve out of his daze.
"What, sorry," the blonde shook his head.
"Are you okay?" you put your hand on his shoulder as pink dusted his cheeks.
"Yeah I'm fine you just look extremely beautiful, Y/N," Steve stared down at the floor as it was now your turn to blush.
You had never thought of Steve as attractive until now. You were always so focused on Bucky but you forgot how hot Steve was.
His blond hair was swept to the side and he was dressed in a dark suit that complimented his figure well. His steely blue eyes were set on you.
"Well frankly you look hot too," you chuckled.
"The charity ball should be starting soon please take your seats," a voice spoke loudly.
"Oh, we should start sitting down. Do you wanna sit with me?" you asked Steve who looked at you and offered a warm smile.
"Of course,"
"You know what would be fun, if we got ice cream right after this. That would be the highlight of my night," you beamed at the blonde.
"That would be fun," Steve said.
"Alright then let's go sit down and let my dad see me so at least once tonight, then we can leave faster," you grabbed his hand and started towards a table.
That whole night you forgot about Bucky.
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
connie springer, jean kirstein, & sasha braus | sharing is caring
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tagging da usual: @izukine @x6nji @erimins @shisoaya @rintarouss @txzierbaby @kuroosperiodictable @fiaficsxo @erenuts @aotwrites @oblxvion
warnings/notes: cursing, nsfw, smut, cuckholding(ig?), vouyerism, exhibitionism(?), foursome, praise, fingering, cunnilingus, begging, overstimulation, aftercare
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you felt like you were sitting in a den full of lions, back against connie’s chest while his two best friends stared at you almost hungrily.
“you hear that, baby? jean ‘n sash are gonna use you tonight,” connie’s hands rub up and down your shoulders, “is that okay?”
and like the angel you are, you avert your eyes and nod, “yes.”
the reaction is almost immediate, sasha practically pouncing on top of you and locking lips with your own. connie grunts as he’s knocked onto his back, and at the realization you’re under the beast that they call sasha, he jumps up.
“sasha, be gentle,” he reprimands, pulling sasha off of you and jean swoops in.
jean pushes you further up onto the bed, hands holding your cheeks while he kisses you passionately and way more softer than sasha did. you let out a sigh into his mouth when his hands leave your cheeks and creep up the shirt you're wearing and gropes at your chest.
sasha and connie watch in absolute awe at how strands of saliva produce whenever jean pulls away from you. he brings a thumb to your bottom lip, a sly smirk on his face as he swipes some of the saliva. he wipes the spit on his slacks, once again going to grope at your tits from under your shirt.
“jean, take it off,” sasha says, shuffling over to your body and guiding the shirt off of your torso.
“i was going to,” he rolls his eyes and leans into your collarbone, lips sucking gently while sasha gropes needily at your tits.
you let out a small mewl when sasha pinches your nipple and twists it. her lips against yours are a lot more softer this time around, the both of you going with the flow. sasha pulls away, a small smile gracing her lips as she nips at your jaw and neck.
you pant at the feeling of both jean and sasha’s mouths on your skin, both starting to trail downward while looking up to you for permission. jean’s leaving pecks in a trail on your stomach, fingers slowly gripping at the waistline of your shorts.
“you can take them off, jean,” connie waves his hand dismissively.
jean slips your pants and panties off at the same tip, spreading your thighs apart with his rough palms. jean hooks his arms around your thighs, nuzzling into the squishy skin and kissing it.
sasha’s mouth joins her hands, wrapped around a perky nipple while the other one gets groped sensually. your little whimpers are feeding their already too big egos, and connie can’t help but let it happen.
jean places a small kiss on your clit before he starts to kitten lick at it, cherishing the small and needy whines that start to slip from your mouth.
“please… jean,” you sigh and reaching your hand into sasha’s tied back hair.
jean obliges with a hum, propping your thighs upwards with his arms hooked around them so he can hold your folds open with his thumbs. it leaves your clit on a display, almost as if it were a jewel, and dammit if jean isn’t going to commit a heist.
his hot lips wrap around the tiny nub while gently shaking his head in order to get more access.
whining, you tug on sasha’s hair and accidentally pull her up just a tad with your nipple snug between her teeth. you throw your head back against the pillow at the feeling of the light tugging, something that sasha decides to repeat sparingly at your reaction.
you buck your hips into jean’s face when he lays his tongue flat against your clit, hoping that you would try to ride his tongue. and you do, messily.
your whining and moaning is becoming consistent as you near closer and closer to the precipice of your orgasm.
the instincts of being in bed with connie start to shining through as you open your mouth to beg,
“pl-please..! please, can i come? needa come so bad!” your whining sounds so broken and messy, and despite that it still has jean letting out an approving hum against your clit.
the vibrations coming from jean’s mouth has you coming with something that could be recognized as a squeal. your back keens while your toes curl with your fingers.
jean pulls away, immediately reaching over to sasha to pull her into a sloppy kiss. once she pulls away, she cheers excitedly at the way you taste on her lips. she doesn’t pay attention to how jean repeats the action with jean, opting to take jean’s place between your legs.
she stares at your pussy in awe, admiring the way your wetness glistens in the light.
“pretty...,” she murmurs while cautiously slipping a finger inside of you.
when you flinch at the intrusion, sasha flinches with you before her face breaks into a smile. with new found confidence, she presses another finger inside of you while burying her face in your cunt. you squeak in surprise, thighs immediately clamping around her head. somehow, she ignores this and continues on with her actions.
which are just perfect.
her tongue plays with your clit, almost as if she were eating ice cream. her fingers are sensually thrusting in and out of you, occasionally curling against the sweet and spongy spot along your walls. despite just how invested she is, she can’t seem to get enough. that much is shown when she starts trying to bury her face deeper and deeper into your cunt, but the only thing it’s doing is making the stimulation on your clit more intense.
“s—sasha…!” you claw at the sheets while her eyes meet with yours. and, somehow, her eyes still hold the innocence that they always have.
“gonna… gonna cum…!” you warn breathily, bucking your hips into her face.
unlike jean, she doesn’t hum but instead tries to bury her face deeper into you again. it’s like she’s done this before, something you don’t exactly doubt, and you can’t help but be thankful for that. especially whenever you cum all over her fingers.
“yahoo!” she grins while pulling away, fingers held up like a trophy.
she shuffles to straddle you at the waist, gently grabbing you by the jaw.
“taste this,” her smile is soft and small, something that has you hypnotized.
tongue stuck out, she lathers the taste onto your tongue. her face shows a fond smile as she does so, it has you heating up from underneath her.
“can i do it now,” she looks away while she pesters connie.
“yea, just take your fingers out of her mouth,” he grumbles while standing up from the bed.
he walks a short distance while sasha helps you onto your knees and elbows, rubbing circles into your plump ass cheeks.
connie drops something on the bed with a small clink, something that you know very well.
“bro… you let her peg you,” jean questions, bewildered as sasha strips off her clothes.
“we both enjoy it, so why not? also i cleaned it before you guys got here, so it’s not like it’s dirty or anything,” connie shrugs his shoulders carelessly, as if he didn’t have the biggest hard-on in his sweats right now.
sasha’s bare when she slips the strap on, humming enthusiastically. you whimper when jean makes eye contact with you, a subtle plead.
“hurry it up, sasha. the angel here might as well just fall asleep with the pace you’re going at,” jean complains while palming his cock.
“shut up,” she pouts as she lines up the silicone cock with your slit.
sasha rolls her hips subtly, a soft moan slipping from your mouth as the strap hits your cervix. the noise has her rolling her hips a tad faster than before, the fake veins rubbing against your sweet spot. you continue to whine and moan, eyes staring out of the window through the crack of the curtains.
you feel your eyes gloss over a bit when sasha’s thrusting becomes harder and faster, absentminded moans echoing in the room.
sasha adjusts her stance, shifting the strap’s angle and where it hits inside you. her trusts are speedy yet calculated like this, and it’s helping you get closer and closer to your orgasm.
“cu….cumming,” you pant while tiny tears start to drip from your eyes.
and with that, sasha pulls out the strap all the way until the tip before she roughly slams her hips against your ass. the thrust has you sobbing while you orgasm, mouth opened in a continuous sob.
the speed of her thrusts doesn’t decrease, which has your thighs trembling. you can’t close your mouth due to the repeated moaning, drool slipping from the corner of your mouth and down onto the sheets.
she continues to fuck into you with aggression, and every thrust has your body jolting an inch forward.
“holy shit, sasha.. you’re fucking her so well,” connie says amazed at just how good his best friend was at this. in all honesty, he didn’t think sasha would fuck you dumb.
chiming in, jean gasps, “she’s drooling all of the sheets.”
“i’m doing so good!” sasha beams as she leans over your back to speak in your ear, “i’m doing good, aren’t i?”
you can barely see let alone speak. even so, you manage to let out an approving grunt. you’re too focused on the way sasha’s strap slams against the sensitive skin of your cervix.
“fuck—sasha! i’m gonna cum,” you bury your face into the sheets whenever sasha starts rubbing her thumb against your puffy clit.
“tis’ okay! you can cum,” she says happily, staring at the way your cunt sucks in the strap.
your thighs are so close to giving out as you try to fight back the orgasm, but it’s becoming too much.
you let your guard down for a second when sasha slows down her thrusts, but are rudely awakened when she thrusts into you at a faster pace than before.
“sasha! sasha!” you scream into the sheets, gushing all over the silicone toy.
as soon as sasha pulls the toy out of you, you let yourself collapse against the bedsheets. your legs are practically jelly at this point, and you feel bad for jean when you realize this.
but this doesn't demotivate jean, instead he’s unbuckling his belt and shimmying down his boxers and pants down to his mid thigh. you breathe heavily as he pulls your legs apart, sheets tickling your clit as he does so. you weakly watch jean over your shoulder, and while you’re distracted with jean, sasha’s sitting herself down in front of you.
when you turn your head back forwards, you’re greeted with the gorgeous view of sasha’s dripping pussy. small and short tufts of hair sits at her labia and inner thighs, she must’ve waxed.
you gaze up at her blushy and smiling face, “sorry! it’s just, i haven’t come and jean gets to come by default!”
you just blink, leaning in to kitten lick at her clit. her hand tangles itself in your hair, instinctively tugging you closer to her cunt.
she pulls her hand away while apologizing profusely, which you dismiss through connie. you start licking at slit and reach a hand up to help rub at her clit.
as you do so, jean’s entering you with extra caution and you immediately understand why. his cock stings while splitting you open, a drawn out whine vibrates against sasha’s slit. sasha pets your hair soothingly, letting out quiet moans at your half hearted effort to eat her own even now.
“so fuckin’ tight,” jean hisses, hands grabbing at your hips.
tears run down your face as jean starts to thrust in and out of you, uncontrollable moans stimulating sasha’s cunt.
you struggle to eat sasha out, but it’s the effort that counts. especially whenever you slip your tongue inside of her slit while rubbing her clit with a finger. she yelps while she tugs at your tangled locks, bucking her hips into your face as you fuck her with your tongue.
jean groans at how sasha’s face twists up in pleasure and how her tits bounce just a bit when she bucks her hips.
“fuck it,” jean whispers, palms panted on the small of your back as he pulls his cock out halfway out.
you cry out against sasha when jean starts jackhammering in and out of you with haste. sasha moans bashfully in return as you moan against her cunt, over and over and over again.
if you thought sasha’s strap was too big, then jean’s cock was ginormous. with each calculated and fast thrust, the tip of his thick cock would slam against your cervix, taking your breath away everytime. not to mention on the veins on his cock would rub against every inch of your walls, easily bringing you closer to an orgasm.
jean’s groaning without abandon, throwing his head back as your pussy suffocates his cock in its gummy and ribbed walls. he’s going to come soon, all over your cervix. thankfully, connie’s cool with that since they’re best friends.
unsurprisingly, you’re the first to come. squirting all over the sheets and jean’s cock. he comes a few seconds after you, unable to resist the way your pussy milks his cock with ease.
sasha comes last, loud moans echoing through the room as she needily grinds her cunt against your mouth. you help her ride out the orgasm, only pulling away when she’s calmed down and jean pulls out of you.
you turn your head whenever connie calls your name, but instead greeted with connie’s face, you’re greeted with connie fucking his fist.
“p-put out your tongue,” he groans brokenly, eyes shutting as he throws his head back.
you stick your tongue flat out, half lidded eyes gazing up at connie’s face in anticipation.
he peeks his eyes open, and the view of you waiting with your tongue patiently has his coming.
he cum drips down onto your tongue and lips, which you eagerly lick up with the tip of your tongue. you even lap at the tip of his cock, swallowing the cum that pooled there.
he flops onto his back with a sigh, gently pulling you to his chest while sasha scurries off with the strap and jean into the bathroom. you’re immediately dead asleep, and it has the three of them laughing once they realize.
the three of them clean one another up with a warm rag, which sasha throws into connie’s dirty laundry hamper. sasha snuggles close to you, arms thrown lazily around your waist as she starts to snore. jean follows in behind her, hugging his friend to his warm chest.
connie and jean stare at each other in silence.
at the same time they both speak.
“sasha was right, sharing is caring.”
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jaeminlore · 3 years
Landslide | Mark Lee
summary: time makes you bolder. even children get older, and i’m getting older too.
words: 7.1k+
category: teacher!mark, single parent!reader, fem!presenting!reader, graham is the sweetest kid, mark is that teacher that lets kids pick earthworms during recess, friends to lovers, mark’s apartment is flooded so now he has to live in domestic bliss with his secret crush oh nooooo
warnings: talk of absent fathers
author note: it’s my birthday tomorrow so i wanted to give u all a present for supporting me for so long!! here’s to you <3 (cross-posted on /honklore)
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Mark helps one of his kids press their palms onto the wall. When they release their palm, pink paint remains, making a sort of leaf to the tree branches painted onto the wall.
“Now write your name,” Mark advises another kid, whose orange paint had already dried.
“G-R-A-H-A-M,” the boy writes out with a large permanent marker. “Can I take a picture? For my mom?”
All the rest of the children begin to shout their agreements, also wanting to bring home a picture for their parents. Mark grabs his yellow Polaroid camera and takes a picture of each handprint.
He keeps all of the pictures in the chest pocket of his denim jacket. “Okay, guys— to the sink! Whoever has the cleanest hands gets to help me pass out snacks!”
“Why are we having snack time so early?” It’s Graham that asks, the little one always eager to be around Mark.
Mark ignores the boy’s paint covered hands poking at his clean jacket, and answers him as politely as he can. “Mr. Lee forgot his lesson plans today, so we’re going to watch a movie instead.”
“A movie?” Graham’s eyes widen.
“Yep,” Mark giggles. He crouches down to Graham’s level and whispers, “You wanna pick it?”
“Nature Nut!” Graham cheers almost immediately, causing Mark to wince.
Ah, yes, the wonderful little DVDs of a lonesome man teaching the watcher about bugs and weird types of slugs. Mark actually has the entire collection, and Graham happens to adore them just as much as Mark did when he was a kid.
“Alright, go wash your hands and I’ll get it started.”
It’s a little girl named Hana who cleans her hands the best, so she passes out organic fruit gummies to everyone while Mark puts in the DVD.
While they watch the video, Mark checks his text messages.
There’s one from Taeyong: “I’ve already got Haechan on the couch. Sorry, man. You can have the floor, but it’s not gonna be comfy :(“
Right. Mark forgot that Haechan lives in the same complex as him. His apartment is probably just as flooded as Mark’s is. Now if the landlord would just answer his calls and help him... maybe this situation wouldn’t be so stressful.
Mark didn’t forget his lesson plans; they’re just submerged in his bedroom with everything else Mark has left lying on his carpet. And maybe it’s his fault for not buying more storage bins, but a studio apartment can only hold so much stuff.
Serves Mark right for doing his lesson plans at home instead of at the school like most of his fellow kindergarten teachers.
He lets out a quiet sigh, careful not to disturb the children. He only has a short list of friends left to ask, and while he doesn’t think they’ll mind him asking, he really hates to put anyone in that position.
Besides, most of his friends have roommates or significant others and Mark doesn’t want to ruin their routine. He’d hate to intrude. And he could always sleep in his car for a few days, but the amount of stuff he had to pack because of the flooding has barred any chance of a good night’s sleep.
The video ends, and Mark gets the kids seated with coloring pages until their parents arrive.
One by one, he I.Ds the parents and tells the kids goodbye, helping them put on their coats and take home whatever library book they picked out earlier.
Finally, there’s only one kid left, and Mark is a bit embarrassed of his hyper-awareness to Graham. It’s not even his fault, really. Graham just has a beautiful mom, who happens to be Mark’s beautiful friend, and sometimes Mark gets eager to see you during pickup time.
Whatever. It’s no big deal.
The kindergartener already has his coat on. His curly brown hair is almost unruly as he continues to work on his coloring sheet.
Mark pulls at the hem of his sage sweater sleeves and wonders if his hair looks okay. Maybe he should invest in a little desk mirror; or maybe that’s vain.
“Hey, Mark! Sorry I’m late!” You rush in, holding on to your leather messenger bag. You fix your glasses before they fall off the bridge of your nose, and Mark is so focused on the movement that he almost forgets about your child.
Until said child is scolding his mother. “Mom! You have to call him Mr. Lee! It’s rude to call him Mark!”
“Your mom is an adult,” Mark reminds Graham (as soon as he finds his voice.) “Since she isn’t a student, it’s okay for her to call me Mark.”
Graham pinches his lips together, and then shrugs. “Fine. Mom, we watched Nature Nut today.” He runs up to you and wraps his arm around your middle. “Can we go to the park and look for slugs?”
“Sure,” you giggle. “But we need to get home soon, okay, Bud? I have to make dinner and then we have to clean up the mess we made last night.”
Graham turns to Mark and smiles naughtily, like the trickster he often is. “Mom said I could tear up her papers last night. She said it’s There-pee.”
“Ther-a-py,” you emphasize for the five-year-old.
Mark studies your face, and he can tell that you seem a little more stressed than usual. “Therapy, huh?”
You smile sheepishly. “Well, when your son catches you tearing up old love notes, you have to let him in on the fun, right?”
“You are a team,” Mark acknowledges. He wants to ask more; wants to dig into your heart and extract whatever is hurting you, but your son is standing between the two of you, waiting for him to say goodbye. Mark clears his throat and picks at his sweater again. “Anyways, uh, text me tonight? Let me know you two got home safe. And, I’ll see you both tomorrow.”
“Yeah,” you breathe. You smile at him and then take Graham’s hand. “Thanks, Mark. I’ll text you.”
Mark spends the night at a motel down the road. He texts a few of his friends and hopes for good news in the morning, or at least a confirmation from his landlord.
When you text him, a little selfie of you and Graham, holding up what looks like microwaved s’mores, his heart grows fond, and he forgets about his own problems for a moment.
Life has never been very easy for you. From the get-go, you have always been destined to fail, growing up with an absent father and an overworked mother. With a dead-end dream like yours (writing, of all things), it’s no wonder you clung to what little breaths of freedom you had.
He was handsome and bold, with a carefree smile and brown eyes that mirrored the sun. The lead singer of a band, with a voice like chimes. And you fell just as hard as one of your many protagonists. Perhaps the mistake always lay in the fact that you put too much fantasy into reality. You have always romanticized the littlest things, and that comes back to bite you more often than not.
You never expected one: to get pregnant your senior year of high school, and two: have to go through it alone.
Of course, most people you come to love leave eventually. It’s something you have always remembered; something that sticks in the back of your brain like gum to the bottom of your child’s Spider-man skechers.
Graham is the only constant in your life. Though you’ve been blessed with a decent job editing for a webazine company, and you can work from home more often than not, Graham is the real thing that keeps you alive.
He’s the most precious boy, with brown curls and big brown eyes. He favors his father, and though that should deter you, it reminds you of innocent days, and it gives a new meaning to brown eyes. Graham is not his father, and he never was.
Graham certainly got his love of learning from you. Though he likes science more than writing, you adore how eager he is to always get to school. It helps that Mark is his teacher.
Mark’s been your friend since freshman year of highschool, when the two of you both took the same creative writing class the local university offered. Though the two of you had differing end goals, you often studied together and encouraged each other. He was there when you found out you were pregnant, and he was there when you found out you’d be raising your child alone.
Now life comes full circle, and you see him twice a day. You could go out on a limb and say he brightens up most mornings, but you would still give that slot to your son.
Mark is standing at the doorway now, greeting all of his students and helping them take off their book bags and coats. He’s wearing monochrome today: red pants, a red sweater, and red shoes.
Graham lights up almost immediately, and you are thankful today that you decided to dress Graham in his red t-shirt. “Mom! We match!”
“I know,” you grin, squeezing his hand.
Mark glances at Graham, and then you. His cheeks showcase that same pink hue they always do, and while it should clash with his red garments, it doesn’t. “Hey, Mark.”
“Hey,” he grins, cheeks full at the sight of you two.
Graham spreads his arms and waits for Mark to help him take off his jacket. “Do you see that we match, Mr. Lee?”
“Yo, that’s awesome, Little Man!” Mark gives Graham a fist bump that seems to appease him, and you wait for Graham to run to his friends before addressing Mark.
“How have you been?”
Mark sighs. He brushes his hair away from his eyes. “Okay. My- uh- my studio apartment flooded so I’m staying at a motel until my landlord can get me estimates on when I can come back home.”
“That sucks,” you frown. “You know, if you need a place to stay, I have a pullout couch in my office. And obviously, Graham wouldn’t mind.”
Mark pales. “Are you serious? I didn’t mean to suggest anything, Like I know you work from home and you need your office.”
“And you’ll be at school until three,” you say. “I’ll work then. C’mon, Mark. I don’t like knowing one of my friends has no place to stay.”
Mark bites his bottom lip and scratches the back of his neck. “Yeah. Okay. I’ll drive over after I check out of the motel.”
“Great!” You smile. “I’ll order pizza.”
"Graham, clean your room," you say, struggling to push your desk against your office wall. "We're going to have a guest for a few weeks."
"Mom," Graham whines, "They aren't going to look in my room."
You begin to take the cushions out of the spare couch to start setting up the pull-out bed. "Mr. Lee is coming over, Graham.  Don't you want to show him your collections?"
Graham's brown eyes grow wide. "Mr. Lee? You didn't tell me he was coming!"
"He's going to be staying with us for a little bit, okay? So I need you to be on your best behavior."
“Can I show him my worms?” Graham asks, alluding to the compost bin in the small backyard of your townhouse.
“Yes,” you say, thankful that he isn’t putting up much of a fight toward cleaning. You’re also thankful he isn’t asking any questions, as Graham always seems to have a few at the top of his tongue.
Graham cleans up his room quickly. You know for a fact that he’s just shoved all of his toys under his bed, but it’s enough until the weekend, when you’ll have more time to help him organize.
The little guy hoards rocks like no one’s business. You curse the day Mark decided to teach the kids about geodes.
“Wanna help me make up Mr. Lee’s room?” You half-yell, while grabbing spare bedding out of your linen closet.
Graham’s little footsteps are heard before he answers, and soon he’s at your hip with a quick, “He can have my Frozen pillowcase!”
You hesitate to tell Graham that his Frozen pillowcase is currently on one of your pillows, and you can’t give your guest a dirty pillowcase. “That one is in the wash, Buddy. Why don’t we give him your Spider-Man one?”
“So he matches my pajamas!” Graham is easily pleased, and he even takes one of his stuffed bears to add to Mark’s made-up bed. (“So he doesn’t get scared at night.”)
By the time the pizza arrives, Mark is just behind, so you keep Graham busy with a slice of cheese and a glass of diet pepsi (only half of a can, and only because it’s a special occasion) while the two of you bring in Mark’s stuff.
He surprisingly didn’t bring much, and when you ask about it, he grimaces. “My studio is pretty small so a lot of my stuff was on the ground and got mildewed. Other stuff was in bins so I just left it there. I only need clothes and my lesson plans, anyway.”
“Well, here’s the desk and bed. It’s not much, but there’s a lock on the door in case Graham ever gets too inquisitive — bless him — and curtains so the stupidly bright sun won’t wake you too early.”
“Those both sound like personal experiences, Y/n,” Mark teases. He takes off his jacket and throws it on the bed. “Yo! Spider-Man?”
“Graham picked it out,” you say. “He also relinquished one of his bears to keep you safe in the middle of the night. His words, not mine.”
“He’s so cute,” Mark mentions offhandedly. The fondness in his tone takes you back a bit. Not because the phrase isn’t true, it’s just that most people find your son annoying before they find him endearing. The change of tone is nice.
“He is,” you say. “And he’s dying to show you his room after we eat dinner.”
Mark gives you that same lopsided smile he often had in high school. Part of your brain shifts to his personal life, and you wonder why Mark himself isn’t in a romantic relationship. Not that he has to be, but the both of you are getting older, and Mark has always been one to express a fondness for having his own family one day. Maybe he just hasn’t found the right person.
It isn’t until Graham is peacefully in bed — after a very chaotic reading of Goodnight Moon by yours truly, and an argument that Mr. Lee cannot, in fact, sleep in the same room as him — that you actually have a chance to show Mark around the house.
“Here’s the guest bathroom. Graham almost always uses the bathroom in my room because he likes looking at the big tub. He will beg you to play with him, but if you’re busy don’t feel guilty telling him no. He knows what no means and he’s good about playing by himself.”
Mark giggles. “Okay. I don’t mind playing with him, though.“
You show him around the kitchen, where you left little spaces for him in the pantry. You show him the garbage bags and the T.V. settings and the list of compostable ingredients. “And also, please come and go as you please. Like, I completely understand that you’re here temporarily and you aren’t a babysitter or anything like that. I don’t expect you to be in charge of Graham any time outside of school.”
Mark blinks. “But if you ever need time away, you can ask me. I don’t mind babysitting.”
“I know,” you smile. “But Graham is my kid. I don’t need time away from him.”
You’re lying. Mark knows it. You’ve been in this single parenting thing for five years and you aren’t about to reach out for help now.
“Anyways, if you have any questions just ring me or ask me,” you say. “I’ve got to get to bed. Goodnight.”
“Thanks, Y/n.”
Mark thinks it’s sweet the way Graham insists on making his own breakfast.
You’re already up when Mark gets out of his (temporary) bedroom with his clothes tucked under his arm. You’re busy arguing with Graham. “You can’t fry your own omelette for the last time.”
Mark quirks an eyebrow at your exasperated face. You look stressed beyond belief, even though the day has just begun.
Mark tosses his clothes back in his room and walks into the kitchen. “Hey, Graham! Do you want to show me your rock collection?”
Graham spins on his sock-clad heels, eyes bright at the thought of seeing his teacher. “Mr. Lee! Yes! Let’s go!”
He grabs Mark’s hand with ease, leaving you room to finish making breakfast.
Graham’s room is fairly simple. The small wooden bed is covered in a green quilt, and beneath that, frozen-printed sheets that certainly don’t match. He has a tub of stuffed animals shoved against a small dresser.
Mark gets distracted by the framed picture on top of the dresser. It’s a picture of you and Graham’s father, a few months before you got pregnant. He’s smiling, and you’re holding up a peace sign. It makes Mark feel a bit sad, knowing that Graham’s dad never stayed around to see how wonderful he turned out to be. Then again, a lot of people in your life left as soon as they found out. In high school, no one wants to be friends with a teenage mother.
Mark reckons that if he had a family like this, he’d never take them for granted.
Graham pulls out a gemstone. It’s a murky green one that Mark has let him take home from class. “Do you remember this, Mr. Lee?”
Mark grins. “Yeah, bud. Thanks for keeping it so safe for me.”
Graham beams. He grabs Mark’s hand and pulls him towards his dresser. “Can we match? I want to look like you.”
Mark feels his heart swell. He wants to smother the young boy in affection, but he doesn’t want to cross a line. He’s your friend, sure, but he’s also Graham’s teacher. He can’t coddle Graham more than the other children. He already has a godchild to coddle. “I’m wearing yellow today. Do you have any yellow clothes?”
“Let’s look!” Graham yanks open one of the drawers and begins pulling out the articles of clothing one by one. “No, no, no... Here!” He finds a pair of yellow overalls, folded amongst the mess he made. “I’ll wear these!”
“Let’s clean up first, okay?” Mark grabs the overalls. “So it’s clean when you come home from school.”
Graham, looking like the last thing he’d ever want to do is disappoint Mark, begins to pick up each shirt with obvious intent. He tries to fold them, and does a somewhat decent job, so much so that Mark leaves it, thinking you’ll find it endearing rather than annoying.
He really loves that about you. He likes your patience with Graham. You’re so young, and in reality, he squashed so many early dreams of yours. No matter your lot in life, you never blamed your child. Mark thinks that’s why Graham is so open, so adaptable, so endearing.
He helps Graham get dressed and leaves him in his room so that he, himself, can get ready.
When he emerges from his shower, hair wet and clothed in yellow, he smells something amazing.
He doesn’t want to intrude on your morning with Graham. He already feels too indebted to you already.
“Have an omelet,” you say. Wisps of hair cover your face. You place a plate down in front of him.
Graham is already eating his omelet, slowly, while flipping through a picture book. He sounds out words he recognizes, but stays silent the rest of the time.
Mark takes out his phone and scrolls through his instagram feed just as your own phone begins to ring.
“Shit,” you curse, and then immediately apologize to Graham. You press the red button and tap anxiously on the tabletop.
“Everything okay?” Mark asks.
You run your hands over your hair and let them rest on the back of your neck. “Yeah is just—“
The phone rings again, and this time you pick it up. “What do you want? ... Why would you tell me that? ... Why should I care? ... Please stop contacting me, okay? Goodbye.”
You slam the phone down and leave the room. Mark watches you disappear down the hallway, sniffling.
“Mommy is upset,” Graham says. He looks at Mark, lip quivering. “At me?”
“No, Buddy! Of course not!” Mark reaches over the table to ruffle Graham’s curls. “Never at you.”
“When we tore up paper, she was crying.” Graham fiddles with his book page.
Mark wonders why your ex’s actions are being brought up five years later. Last he heard, you had fully healed from the breakup long before Graham’s first birthday. But now he’s about to be six, and you're suddenly upset?
He’ll have to ask you about it soon.
“Are you ready to go to school, Buddy?”
You cradle your face in your hands and try to ease the tears back in. You’ll never get this article proofread and sent if you can’t see the keys.
The door opens, and Graham runs in just in time for you to finish wiping your eyes. “Hey, kiddo! How was school?”
“Mr. Lee let us finger paint!” Graham holds up his palm, covered in dried paint, and grins brightly. “Can I have gogurt?”
“Yeah bud. Why don’t you put something on the T.V.? You can have your snack in the living room today.”
“Yes!” Graham takes blueberry gogurt out of the fridge and — after getting you to tear it open — runs into the living room. Sneakers and backpack still on.
Mark trails behind, clutching a messenger bag to his chest. “What’s going on?”
You sigh and close the laptop. The manuscript will have to wait. “Ben called. About a week ago. His girlfriend is pregnant. Called me to tell me he wasn’t going to leave her— like that would heal what he did to me. Then he called this morning to tell me they’re engaged.” You burst into tears then, and you feel so pathetic for doing this in front of your old schoolmate, that you hide your face behind your palms and allow your shoulders to shake. “Why weren’t we enough? Why wasn’t I enough?”
Mark scoots one of the chairs in front of you and sits, leaning his elbows on his knees. “Hey. Look at me.” With gentle hands, he grabs your wrists and pulls them away from your face. “It is not your fault he left.”
“But it has to be me in some way,” you retort. “He must not have loved me. Something, because now he’s going to raise her child after he left mine. Graham deserves a dad.”
Mark places his forehead against yours. The two of you used to do it all the time in school, mostly with immature giggles in the spaces between, but now it’s heavy with intention. “Graham has not felt even a little bit unloved in your care. You are all he needs, okay? You’re amazing.”
You nod, head still pressed to Mark’s. “Yeah. Okay. Sorry for getting too emotional, there.”
“Be as emotional as you want,” Mark says. “I’ll be here to balance you out.”
Your heart stutters at the words, like maybe they mean something more than he’s letting on. Of course it’s stupid to think Mark Lee would ever even consider you, but just the knowledge that he cares makes your soul feel a little lighter.
“I’m a mess,” you stutter, bringing your fist up to wipe at your nose.
“Nah,” Mark grins. He runs the pad of his thumb across your cheek and grins. “You’re alright.”
“It’s snowing!” Graham wakes Mark up by jumping on his chest.
Mark sucks in a breath, winded at the sudden weight, and grabs the boy, lifting him off of his chest and onto the mattress. “Hey, Buddy. Let’s not jump on sleeping people, okay?”
“Okay,” Graham says. He’s already lost interest in Mark, now crawling off of the bed to open the blinds. “Come look at the snow!”
“I see!” Mark rubs his tired eyes and checks his watch. “We might have a snow day, Graham.”
“Yes!” Graham pumps his fist into the air. “Let’s go tell mom!”
You’re sitting on your bed, chewing on a red licorice rope and flipping through a fashion magazine. You look up when Mark and Graham enter.
Mark likes seeing you like this: the domesticity of you in the morning, lazy and true. His chest sparks when he thinks this may be one of the only moments he can capture you like this, so he intends to commit the sight to memory.
“Did I hear snow day?” You grin at Mark, childlike wit in your own eyes — the same as your son’s.
“Looks like it.” Mark rolls up the sleeves of the sweater he slept in. “You want pancakes? I make some mean chocolate chip pancakes.”
You shift your gaze away from his arms and clear your throat. “Uh, yeah. Just let me get dressed and I’ll help—“
“No need,” Mark insists. “Enjoy your quiet time. Graham and I will make the most delicious pancakes you’ve ever tasted.”
“With lots of chocolate chips!” Graham shouts.
You give him a pointed look. “But not too many.”
Graham huffs. “But not too many,” he repeats.
Momentary splashes sound from your bathroom, followed by Graham screaming “It’s a dragon! Run for cover!”
Mark giggles from his place on the couch. He’s got mushroom-patterned socks on, and he’s tucked up into the cushions, nursing a can of Monster. “How does he still have so much energy?”
You sigh and pull your beanie down over your forehead. “You’d think a snow day would tire him out. Thanks for constantly carrying him up the hill, by the way. I know you’re a teacher, but sometimes I forget how good you are with kids.”
“I do have a godson,” Mark reminds you.
“But Mikey is a baby,” you say. You only know the baby’s name because of Mark’s constant snap stories about him.
“Most babies and kids want the same thing. Affection and attention.” Mark scoots over to the edge of the couch and pats the cushion.
You sit next to him. “I guess that’s true. You’re really good with Graham. He’s not this open to other adults.”
Mark is clearly blushing now; you can see his pink cheeks even in the light of the television. “He’s great in class, always helping the other kids.”
“He wants to impress you,” you say. You pop open a can of orange soda and take a sip. “He thinks you’re just the coolest guy.”
Mark laughs and shakes his head. “Didn’t you hear, Y/n? I’m handsome and cool.”
“Oh, of course,” you nudge his shin with our own sock-clad foot. “How could I forget? Mr. Ladies Man in high school.”
This makes Mark blush even harder, because he most certainly was not a ladies man in high school. In fact, he was a nerd in all senses of the word, part of the debate club with a few other boys. He had a few dates here and there, but nothing ever stuck.
“Shut up,” he mumbles. “My time is gonna come.”
“Hasn’t it already?” you ask before you can really process your own words. But of course he knows that he’s grown into his face, right?
Mark is positively handsome, eyes bright and lashes long. He’s so warm and comforting to you. He must be just as comforting to everyone else.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re handsome, Mark,” you say plainly.
“You mean that?”
“Of course I do,” you say. “Why would I lie?”
Mark opens his mouth, perhaps to call you out. To tell you you’ve been too honest, but he’s interrupted by your son.
“Mom! I’m ready to get out now!”
“I should go,” you say, still looking at his eyes.
“Yeah,” he says. His sweater has small spots on the shoulders where snow has fallen and since melted. He shivers.
“You should take a shower. You’ll catch a cold.”
“Okay,” he whispers. “Yeah, I’ll do that.”
Haechan comes over the following Saturday night to hang out with Mark, and you’re surprised at how much he truly hasn’t changed since high school.
He’s still got infamously perfect eyebrows, and his voice is still high despite its blunt sarcasm. “Nice place.” He raises his brows as he looks around.
“Who are you?” Graham is sitting at the kitchen table, watching Minecraft playthroughs (kid-friendly ones you’ve watched through yourself) on your phone to entertain himself while you clean.
“I’m Haechan, Mark’s friend.”
“This is Mr. Lee’s friend from school,” you say, detailing your words so they’re easier for your son to digest.
Graham stares at him for a moment, not quite judging but not quite accepting either. “Okay. Do you want to see my rock collection?”
Haechan looks genuinely excited, and accepts before you can come up with an excuse for him. Graham tells Haechan to stay in the kitchen while he grabs all of his rocks.
“How have you been?” you ask the taller man. “Like, with the flooding and everything?”
“Well, I’m on a couch at Taeyong’s, which is good since he doesn’t charge rent. But that means I’m near Mikey, and that baby has some lungs.”
You laugh. “I remember when Graham was a baby. I was so young, and my mom told me it was my responsibility to wake up and take care of him whenever he cried in the middle of the night. I was so pissed at her for making me do that, but those were some of the best nights to bond with him.” You realize you’re rambling and shake your head. “Whatever. Baby screams are loud as hell.”
“You can say that again. I’ve been talking to my friend Johnny about taking his spare room and paying rent. I dunno how many more sleepless nights I can take.”
“Why would you need to pay rent if you’re just crashing?” You wipe down the kitchen table to keep yourself busy.
“Didn’t Mark tell you? Our landlord is in heaps of trouble because the pipes weren’t up to code and that’s why they busted. The damage is basically too expensive to fix, so we’ve got to find new places.”
You stop cleaning. “Mark didn’t tell me that.”
“Oh.” Haechan scratches his brow. “He probably didn’t want to worry you. He feels really bad that he’s stayed with you this long.”
“It’s only been a month or so,” you counter. “Besides, Mark’s a great housemate. He cleans and keeps Graham occupied. Plus, now I have someone to watch corny game shows with.”
Haechan grins. “Oh. Okay, I get it.”
“Get what?” Mark, finally out of the shower, steps into the kitchen and immediately tackles Haechan in an energized hug.
“Nothing!” Haechan’s voice cracks
You shoot Haechan a weird look, and change the subject. “Where are you guys going?”
“To play video games at Johnny’s.” Mark says, and the thrill in his voice makes you think of high school. Of the debate team bus rounding the corner. Of you standing there, waiting to congratulate him with a big hug and a frosty from Wendy’s.
You miss it. “Have fun, okay? I’m probably going to tuck in as soon as Graham does, so just let yourself in.”
“You’re leaving?” Graham comes in, and his arms are filled with smooth and rough stones and gems he’s both found by himself and bought at random general stores while traveling.
“Not before I see your rocks!” Haechan says with so much enthusiasm, you think he’s telling the truth.
Graham giggles and drops the rocks onto the ground. Of course, he wants your guest to sit on the floor and count rocks. You’re almost embarrassed.
“ ‘ Okay, Y/n?” Mark laughs at your expression. Then he places his arm on your shoulder, thumbs the skin of your upper arm.
And once again, it’s high school. It’s senior year graduation and Mark is the only one who congratulates you. It’s his comforting touch, him coming over in the middle of the night after you texted him a picture of your first sonogram. It’s that same comforting touch. That little “I’m here,” and it melts you on the inside, leaves you in the shell of an eighteen girl again. Scared, and worried, and a little less alone.
“Yeah,” you manage. “I’m okay.”
The television plays Cartoon Network reruns on a low hum. Mark is curled up in a blanket, nursing a bottle of water and thinking over Haechan’s words.
You’ve liked her since high school, dude.
Which is a complete lie. Seriously, Mark didn’t have a crush on you in high school. He would know if he had a crush on his best friend. You’ve been his friend since freshman year, and that’s all you’ve ever been.
Now in college, it was different. In college, Mark was alone in a dorm with Taeyong, and you were one of the only people from high school he stayed in contact with. In college, he would bring you your favorite snacks and drinks, and other things you would forget to buy because you were a part-time student and a full-time mom. In college, you would pull all-nighters with him, working on your exams while Graham was asleep, then using energy drinks to get through the next day.
Mark even remembers the time your mom caught the three of you fast asleep on your rug, with unopened monster cans and an empty milk bottle beside you.
Throughout your entire pregnancy he was warned not to stay friends with the pregnant girl — it’d be too much for him, he wouldn’t want to become the new father, and all kinds of other stuff people would mumble to him when you weren’t around.
But you never expected him to be anything other than your friend. You never asked him for the help he gave — though you thanked him always — and you never once assumed he’d take the role of Graham’s dad.
And now… now he finds himself wishing you would.
“Mr. Lee?” Graham creeps up without him even realizing.
Mark jumps, sets his water — and thoughts — aside. “Hey, Bud. It’s really late. What are you doing up?”
Graham sniffs, and Mark realizes that the boy is crying. “I had a nightmare.”
Mark holds out his arms before he can think, and lets the five-year-old crawl into his lap. He wraps them both in his blanket and turns the television up just a little more. “Was it scary?”
“You left.” Graham says, voice less watery, like he doesn’t know the weight of his words. He’s focused on the rerun of Adventure Time that’s playing. He’s not even remotely interested in his nightmare now, with his tears dried up, and his eyes drooping back towards slumber.
“I’m going to leave one day,” Mark says, because he thinks it’s important that Graham knows.
“You should stay with me and Mom,” Graham says. He yawns. “We like you so much!”
Mark’s heart stutters. He tries not to think about it.
When Graham’s bed is empty the next morning, you freak out. He’s always in his room in the morning. Even if he wakes up before you, he stays in and plays with his toys.
You’ve already got your phone out, and your mother’s number called, when you walk into the living room.
Relief floods your system. Mark and Graham are asleep on the couch, snuggled up serenely like they didn’t just cause you to have a premature heart attack.
You hang up before the call to your mom can go through and stand there, watching the two boys sleep. Graham has both his arms wrapped around Mark’s forearm. It’s such a sweet picture that you take out your phone and snap one.
The flash is on.
Mark scrunches his nose and winces. “What the–”
“Sorry!” You whisper. “You both looked so cute, I couldn’t help it.”
Mark smiles, still sleepy, and finally opens his eyes. He peers at you, copper brown under fluttering lashes and you’re almost intimidated into looking away. “He had a nightmare.”
“About me leaving.”
“Oh.” You frown. “I’m really sorry about that. I keep telling him that you’re moving out soon, but I don’t think he fully understands.”
Graham stirs. You reach down and pick him up. Your knuckles brush across Mark’s warm, sweater-clad chest and you suddenly wish you could cuddle with him, too. You shake the thoughts away and focus on your drowsy son. “You’re staying at Grandma's for a few days, remember?”
Graham rubs his eyes and perks up. “And I’ll see her cat?”
“Yes,” you confirm. “But we’ve got to get you dressed because she’s coming in a few minutes.”
“Mark Lee!” Your mom’s voice embarrassingly rings through the apartment, and you realize Mark has taken it upon himself to open the door. “Y/n told me she had a temporary roommate but I never thought she would finally ask you!”
“Oh my gosh…” you mumble, buckling Graham’s overalls and hauling him up into your arms. “Mom! His apartment flooded so he’s staying here. Don’t be weird about it.”
“But he’s so handsome,” your mom coos. You’re concerned she might reach forward and pinch Mark’s already ruddy cheeks.
“Thanks,” Mark laughs. “But she’s right, I’m just squatting until I can find a new place.”
Your mom harrumphs. “Well, I don’t see why you can’t stay here forever. Y/n doesn’t even use that office room. And even if she did, the two of you could just share a room.”
“Mom!” You plunk Graham into her hands and grab his overnight bag. “You have to leave.”
“Did I say something wrong?” She sounds worried, but there’s an undisclosed mirth in her eyes that makes you think of your freshman year, when you did have a crush on Mark.
“You said everything wrong,” you say, kindly pushing her out. “Have a good time, Graham. I love you! As always, Mom, call if you need me to come get him.”
“Yeah, right!” She yells over her shoulder. Graham is already giggling, so you close the door with confidence.
You turn back to your roommate. “I’m sorry about that, Mark.”
“It’s fine.” He smiles, but it’s reserved. “But speaking of me finding a place… I know Haechan told you that I can’t go back to my own apartment. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
“It’s okay,” you say. You want to say “You can stay here as long as you want, and long as you’ll let me keep you,” but that would reveal too much, and you don’t want to lose the one good friend you have.
“And I was thinking I should move out soon anyway.” Mark pulls his sweater sleeves until they cover his hands. He’s hiding. He’s shielding himself the same way he did in junior year, when he got turned down by his crush to go to the prom. “I don’t think it’s good for Graham to get this attached to me if I’m just going to leave.”
“Oh,” Your sleeves are too short, but you want to shield yourself too. “Yeah, that’s… that’s probably a good idea.”
Mark stands there for a beat, like he’s waiting for you to say something more. Like he hasn’t just taken your heart and pushed it aside. Like this hurts a lot less than it actually does.
But any word out of your mouth would be tearful. It would be honest. It would ruin everything. “I’m going to go on a run.”
There’s a cricket outside that won’t stop chirping against your window. You blame it for your insomnia, choosing to ignore the anxiety of eventually losing Mark. It feels so horribly childish, since you’ll see him when you drop Graham off at school. And you’ll see him whenever the two of you go out for coffee on weekends.
But you won’t see him in the kitchen, reaching for the pancake mix so his shirt rises up and you can see the dimples in his back. You won’t see him humming along to the radio while he works on his lesson plans. You won’t feel his warmth when the two of you stay awake, nursing spiked lemonade and giggling at the commentary videos you find on YouTube.
He’ll just be Mark again. He won’t be home anymore.
Startled by the realization, you get out of your covers and rush to your door.
It opens before you can even reach for the doorknob, and there’s Mark in his pajamas, biting his lip and avoiding your eyes.
“I don’t want you to leave,” you say.
Mark confesses, “I love you.”
You open your arms and he dives in, face pressed into the space where your neck meets your shoulder. Warmth envelopes you and the scent of pine fills your nose.
Mark is timeless. Youthful glory and childish pride. He’s a pinch on the side and a push on the swings. Like a rock that actually skips on the first try. Like shoes that you can slip on when they’re still tied. And he’s here, in your arms, squeezing you like you’re something valuable enough to lose. He’s confessing love like you aren’t the worst possible candidate for his heart.
“I can’t offer you much,” you start, but Mark bumps his forehead against yours, boyish and playful — football fields and bright red lockers and secret notes on bathroom walls.
“I’ve known you for years, Y/n,” Mark’s voice is a low rumble. Copper eyes blinking at you like you’re something to second glance at. “I know what I’m getting into. I want you. I want Graham. I want everything this is, and everything we’ve been for the past month. I don’t want this to end.”
You close your eyes, because his are too honest. He’s open and vulnerable and gentle — a child on the first day of school, ready to make friends. You take a deep breath, try to remember what you were like on your first day. Rosy cheeks and shy glances. Knobby knees and a trusting heart. You reach out for whoever you once were — the Y/n with a heart open and willing to be loved. “I don’t want this to end either. I’m in love with you, Mark.”
His grin lights up your world in its entirety. Gold flecks in onyx black disappear as he smiles, too thrilled to keep his eyes open. And when he kisses you, warm lips against cold ones, you feel like a puzzle has just slotted into place.
It would only make sense that you would grow to love the boy you grew up with.
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officialscaramouche · 3 years
Hellooo!!! Maybe a part 2 for the traitor fic? Thank you!!!!
Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Yes of course!!!!!!! I liked writing this one now that I have little mister kazuha in my clutches ehehehe
pairing: Scaramouche x gn!reader / kazuha x gn!reader
tw: the usual “fuck” here and there
wc: 1,534
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“Why did you ask me to be your girlfriend, then?”
The question hit him like a truck. It was one he had been avoiding for the longest time, but since it was finally asked, he had to find an answer. To him, the term “girlfriend” was very loosely described. Is it someone who you spend everyday with? Or someone that you sleep with? Or someone that you kiss, and love, and cherish? Then at least everyone in his life fit the bill for “girlfriend,” or “boyfriend.”
He spends everyday with his coworkers in the Fatui, but they’re not his partners. He’s fucked many other women before her, so were they also girlfriends? And what a joke, there’s nobody he loves or cherishes outside of himself. The question was stupid.
He chose not to answer and continue to give his undivided attention to the report in front of him. “Hello?! I’m talking to you!” She pushed everything off the desk. The paperwork, the ink pot, the flowers, everything.
Scaramouche pushed his chair back and stood, holding his arms out to look at the ink staining his clothes. “I honestly don’t know, because you’re the biggest bitch I’ve ever met!”
“Don’t you dare call me that!” She yelled, grabbing his shirt and pulling him to her.
He pushed her arms off of him and shoved her aside into the bookshelf. “Don’t put your fucking hands on me. Just because I allow you to spend your time with me doesn’t mean you can run your bitchy little mouth.” She looked at him in disbelief, the throbbing pain in the back of her head sending stars around her head. “All that mouth is good for is sucking my dick, so shut the fuck up.”
“It’s cold outside,” your boyfriend called out to you, running over and slipping your arms through the jacket.
“Thank you, honey,” you said, pursing your lips to welcome a kiss.
He smiles and kisses you, cupping your face. He leans into the kiss until your back finds the wall, his hand running down your face, to your neck, and to your waist. He squeezes the skin there and pulls your pelvis to him, pressing his back into yours.
You feel his tongue slide into your mouth, the kiss turning wetter and sloppier. “Kazuha!” You whine in his mouth, pushing him off of you. “We’re gonna be late!”
He desperately pulls you back in, unable to control his desire, and finds purchase back on your lips. “I’m sorry, you just look so good,” he pouts, reaching behind to grab a handful of your ass.
“Yeah well, I’m hungry!”
It was your one year anniversary with Kazuha and he got the two of you private seating at Third-Round Knockout. You had been wanting to go for a while, but Scaramouche never took you. “It’s a waste of money,” he’d say as he turned down the suggestion. So when you told Kazuha, he was more than willing to go.
It was his favorite restaurant seeing as he and Beidou went all the time. Except this time he wouldn’t be dragging anyone out of drunk fights and single handedly pack up everyone’s dishes. He especially liked their desserts, and promised he’d buy you one, even if you said you didn’t want it.
Kazuha was immediately so different from your ex. He was kinder, gentler, more respectful, and most of all he loved you. It was weird dating your ex’s best friend and you felt bad about it, especially since you ruined their long-time friendship. But from the day he met you, Kazuha was enamored. Every day that went by, he thought about you. He wanted to take you out, show you off, love you, make love to you, and for you to call him yours. He wanted to make you proud to have him, wanted you to love him the way he loved you. And when it came down to it, he was right there beside you to comfort you when Scaramouche finally said goodbye.
He knew his best friend like the back of his hand. Scaramouche got tired of things very quickly, and he never had a problem finding something new to entertain him. For someone with a terrible attitude and a vulgar mouth, Scaramouche was always breaking hearts.
Kazuha didn’t have many partners. In his experience, women were greedy and petty. Men were controlling and abrasive. Overtime he had come to give up on finding love. But then he met you— you were so kindhearted and patient. You always said yes to Scaramouche and you would defend him until you passed out (figuratively.) Kazuha felt that his best friend didn’t appreciate you. He didn’t see your worth. But Kazuha did. And now that he had you he wasn’t going to let you go.
Kazuha watched as you clapped excitedly as the waitress brought your cake dessert. “Be careful,” he chuckled, his heart warm with love. “It’s not a sweet cake.”
“What kind of cake isn’t sweet?” You joke, swiping cake onto your spoon and funneling it into your mouth. The bitterness hit your tongue after a delay. You open your mouth and spit it out, making a grossed out face.
Laughing, Kazuha takes a napkin to your cheek. “I told you it was bitter, silly.”
“No!” You whined, pushing the plate away. “You said it wasn’t sweet!”
“Oh, I’m sorry honey,” he snickered, pulling the plate to him and taking a bite. “Mmm!”
Scaramouche sat at his private table with a scowl on his face. He didn’t want to be here, and he definitely didn’t want Mona to come. “Can you at least try to look happy for him?” She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she clapped in celebration.
Up at the front with a medal on his shawl, Tartaglia gave a thank you speech for the Tsaritsa and his fellow harbingers. This event was a celebration for Tartaglia and Singora’s success in retrieving Morax’s gnosis. It was funny seeing him up there as he had no clue of his role in the ploy.
Scaramouche was never one for shindigs and he especially wasn’t one for the eleventh harbinger. He was too friendly, he’d say if you asked. “People who are too friendly are hiding something.”
One thing he didn’t like about the harbinger was how kind and loving he was to you while you were together. He saw it as a ploy to get you, take you from him. He thought he was going to be the one there for you when he left, but the harbinger was nowhere to be found. Instead, he saw his best friend stab him in the back.
He watched the young harbinger walk from the front to hug and chat with people. What a load of bullshit, he thought. “If I take a gnosis, kill me before they throw a party, okay?”
Mona rested her elbows on the table, leaning into it and looking around awkwardly. “Don’t worry, I’ll kill you before you can even take a gnosis.”
He watched on at Tartaglia’s seemingly genuine cheer as he excused himself from the people he was stuck with, practically running over to more people to stroke his ego. “Hey,” Mona sort of laughed. “Isn’t that…”
Tartaglia ran up to two very familiar people. “[Y/N],” he breathed, slamming his hands on the table and standing to his feet. What the hell were you doing here? You were no longer tied to the Fatui, you shouldn’t have even been let inside! But there you were, embracing the harbinger and pulling him closer to you to look at the medal. And right beside you, smiling and shaking his hand, was none other than his best friend, and your new boyfriend, Kazuha.
Scaramouche took off, stalking over to the three of you looking for answers. Kazuha noticed first, raising his hands to reassure that he wasn’t there to insult your ex. Tartaglia noticed next, after your boyfriend’s sudden stance of defense. You only picked up on it when suddenly nobody was listening to you. Kazuha forced a smile and greeted the harbinger. “Hello, Scaram—”
“Shut the fuck up,” he bit, pushing the samurai aside. “What the hell are you doing here?” He asked, shoving a finger into your chest.
“I invited them,” Tartaglia cut in, putting an arm between you and Scaramouche, removing his hand from your chest. “And I purposely reserved a table for them far away from you. Besides, where’s your girl, huh? Just leave her behind?”
Scaramouche clicked his tongue in annoyance and eyed you up and down. You looked…nice tonight. It wouldn’t have been the outfit he would’ve chosen, but you wore it well nonetheless. Kazuha placed his hand on Scaramouche’s shoulder, turning him around to face him. “Not even going to say hello to your friend?”
“We aren’t friends,” he hissed, pushing him away once more before stomping off to his table.
“Ah, geez, sorry guys!” Tartaglia groaned, shaking Kazuha’s hand once more. “I was hoping he wouldn’t be an ass tonight. Anyway, it was very nice to meet you Mr. Kadehara. We should all hang out sometime! I gotta go find a bathroom, so I’ll see you later!”
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honklore · 3 years
landslide | karl jacobs
(kindergarten teacher!karl, single mom!reader, oh no karl’s apartment gets flooded so he has to stay at his best friend from high school’s house who also happens to be the mother of his favorite student, karl just being soft and sweet and a great friend, um talk about the baby daddy being a loser essentially, the beast team is there playing the role of karl’s friends from school, graham is the sweetest child, slight angst, fluff, friends to lovers, SOFT KARL, warmth, comfort, romance coded but very light)
listen to: landslide by fleetwood mac, never grow up by taylor swift, growing up by river run north, rainbow by kacey musgraves
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Karl helps one of his kids press their palms onto the wall. When they release their palm, pink paint remains, making a sort of leaf to the tree branches painted onto the wall.
“Now write your name,” Karl advises another kid, whose orange paint had already dried.
“G-R-A-H-A-M,” the boy writes out with a large permanent marker. “Can I take a picture? For my mom?”
All the rest of the children begin to shout their agreements, also wanting to bring home a picture for their parents. Karl grabs his yellow Polaroid camera and takes a picture of each handprint.
He keeps all of the pictures in the chest pocket of his denim jacket. “Okay, guys— to the sink! Whoever has the cleanest hands gets to help me pass out snacks!”
“Why are we having snack time so early?” It’s Graham that asks, the little one always eager to be around Karl.
Karl ignores the boy’s paint covered hands poking at his clean jacket, and answers him as politely as he can. “Mr. Jacobs forgot his lesson plans today, so we’re going to watch a movie instead.”
“A movie?” Graham’s eyes widen.
“Yep,” Karl giggles. He crouches down to Graham’s level and whispers, “You wanna pick it?”
“Nature Nut!” Graham cheers almost immediately, causing Karl to wince.
Ah, yes, the wonderful little DVDs of a lonesome man teaching the watcher about bugs and weird types of slugs. Karl actually has the entire collection, and Graham happens to adore them just as much as Karl did when he was a kid.
“Alright, go wash your hands and I’ll get it started.”
It’s a little girl named Hana who cleans her hands the best, so she passes out organic fruit gummies to everyone while Karl puts in the DVD.
While they watch the video, Karl checks his text messages.
There’s one from Chris: “I’ve already got Chandler on the couch. Sorry, man. You can have the floor, but it’s not gonna be comfy :(“
Right. Karl forgot that Chandler lives in the same complex as him. His apartment is probably just as flooded as Karl’s is. Now if the landlord would just answer his calls and help him... maybe this situation wouldn’t be so stressful.
Karl didn’t forget his lesson plans; they’re just submerged in his bedroom with everything else Karl has left lying on his carpet. And maybe it’s his fault for not buying more storage bins, but a studio apartment can only hold so much stuff.
Serves Karl right for doing his lesson plans at home instead of at the school like most of his fellow kindergarten teachers.
He lets out a quiet sigh, careful not to disturb the children. He only has a short list of friends left to ask, and while he doesn’t think they’ll mind him asking, he really hates to put anyone in that position.
Besides, most of his friends have roommates or significant others and Karl doesn’t want to ruin their routine. He’d hate to intrude. And he could always sleep in his car for a few days, but the amount of stuff he had to pack because of the flooding has barred any chance of a good night’s sleep.
The video ends, and Karl gets the kids seated with coloring pages until their parents arrive.
One by one, he I.Ds the parents and tells the kids goodbye, helping them put on their coats and take home whatever library book they picked out earlier.
Finally, there’s only one kid left, and Karl is a bit embarrassed of his hyper-awareness to Graham. It’s not even his fault, really. Graham just has a beautiful mom, who happens to be Karl’s beautiful friend, and sometimes Karl gets eager to see you during pickup time.
Whatever. It’s no big deal.
The kindergartener already has his coat on. His curly brown hair is almost unruly as he continues to work on his coloring sheet.
Karl pulls at the hem of his sage sweater sleeves and wonders if his hair looks okay. Maybe he should invest in a little desk mirror; or maybe that’s vain.
“Hey, Karl! Sorry I’m late!” You rush in, holding on to your leather messenger bag. You fix your glasses before they fall off the bridge of your nose, and Karl is so focused on the movement that he almost forgets about your child.
Until said child is scolding his mother. “Mom! You have to call him Mr. Jacobs! It’s rude to call him Karl!”
“Your mom is an adult,” Karl reminds Graham (as soon as he finds his voice.) “Since she isn’t a student, it’s okay for her to call me Karl.”
Graham pinches his lips together, and then shrugs. “Fine. Mom, we watched Nature Nut today.” He runs up to you and wraps his arm around your middle. “Can we go to the park and look for slugs?”
“Sure,” you giggle. “But we need to get home soon, okay, Bud? I have to make dinner and then we have to clean up the mess we made last night.”
Graham turns to Karl and smiles naughtily, like the trickster he often is. “Mom said I could tear up her papers last night. She said it’s There-pee.”
“Ther-a-py,” you emphasize for the five-year-old.
Karl studies your face, and he can tell that you seem a little more stressed than usual. “Therapy, huh?”
You smile sheepishly. “Well, when your son catches you tearing up old love notes, you have to let him in on the fun, right?”
“You are a team,” Karl acknowledges. He wants to ask more; wants to dig into your heart and extract whatever is hurting you, but your son is standing between the two of you, waiting for him to say goodbye. Karl clears his throat and picks at his sweater again. “Anyways, uh, text me tonight? Let me know you two got home safe. And, I’ll see you both tomorrow.”
“Yeah,” you breathe. You smile at him and then take Graham’s hand. “Thanks, Karl. I’ll text you.”
Karl spends the night at a motel down the road. He texts a few of his friends and hopes for good news in the morning, or at least a confirmation from his landlord.
When you text him, a little selfie of you and Graham, holding up what looks like microwaved s’mores, his heart grows fond, and he forgets about his own problems for a moment.
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Life has never been very easy for you. From the get-go, you have always been destined to fail, growing up with an absent father and an overworked mother. With a dead-end dream like yours (writing, of all things), it’s no wonder you clung to what little breaths of freedom you had.
He was handsome and bold, with a carefree smile and brown eyes that mirrored the sun. The lead singer of a band, with a voice like chimes. And you fell just as hard as one of your many protagonists. Perhaps the mistake always lay in the fact that you put too much fantasy into reality. You have always romanticized the littlest things, and that comes back to bite you more often than not.
You never expected one: to get pregnant your senior year of high school, and two: have to go through it alone.
Of course, most people you come to love leave eventually. It’s something you have always remembered; something that sticks in the back of your brain like gum to the bottom of your child’s Spider-man skechers.
Graham is the only constant in your life. Though you’ve been blessed with a decent job editing for a webazine company, and you can work from home more often than not, Graham is the real thing that keeps you alive.
He’s the most precious boy, with brown curls and big brown eyes. He favors his father, and though that should deter you, it reminds you of innocent days, and it gives a new meaning to brown eyes. Graham is not his father, and he never was.
Graham certainly got his love of learning from you. Though he likes science more than writing, you adore how eager he is to always get to school. It helps that Karl is his teacher.
Karl’s been your friend since freshman year of highschool, when the two of you both took the same creative writing class the local university offered. Though the two of you had differing end goals, you often studied together and encouraged each other. He was there when you found out you were pregnant, and he was there when you found out you’d be raising your child alone.
Now life comes full circle, and you see him twice a day. You could go out on a limb and say he brightens up most mornings, but you would still give that slot to your son.
Karl is standing at the doorway now, greeting all of his students and helping them take off their book bags and coats. He’s wearing monochrome today: red pants, a red sweater, and red shoes.
Graham lights up almost immediately, and you are thankful today that you decided to dress Graham in his red t-shirt. “Mom! We match!”
“I know,” you grin, squeezing his hand.
Karl glances at Graham, and then you. His cheeks showcase that same pink hue they always do, and while it should clash with his red garments, it doesn’t. “Hey, Karl.”
“Hey,” he grins, cheeks full at the sight of you two.
Graham spreads his arms and waits for Karl to help him take off his jacket. “Do you see that we match, Mr. Jacobs?”
“Yo, that’s awesome, Little Man!” Karl gives Graham a fist bump that seems to appease him, and you wait for Graham to run to his friends before addressing Karl.
“How have you been?”
Karl sighs. He brushes his hair away from his eyes. “Okay. My- uh- my studio apartment flooded so I’m staying at a motel until my landlord can get me estimates on when I can come back home.”
“That sucks,” you frown. “You know, if you need a place to stay, I have a pullout couch in my office. And obviously, Graham wouldn’t mind.”
Karl pales. “Are you serious? I didn’t mean to suggest anything, Like I know you work from home and you need your office.”
“And you’ll be at school until three,” you say. “I’ll work then. C’mon, Karl. I don’t like knowing one of my friends has no place to stay.”
Karl bites his bottom lip and scratches the back of his neck. “Yeah. Okay. I’ll drive over after I check out of the motel.”
“Great!” You smile. “I’ll order pizza.”
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"Graham, clean your room," you say, struggling to push your desk against your office wall. "We're going to have a guest for a few weeks."
"Mom," Graham whines, "They aren't going to look in my room."
You begin to take the cushions out of the spare couch to start setting up the pull-out bed. "Mr. Jacobs is coming over, Graham.  Don't you want to show him your collections?"
Graham's brown eyes grow wide. "Mr. Jacobs? You didn't tell me he was coming!"
"He's going to be staying with us for a little bit, okay? So I need you to be on your best behavior."
“Can I show him my worms?” Graham asks, alluding to the compost bin in the small backyard of your townhouse.
“Yes,” you say, thankful that he isn’t putting up much of a fight toward cleaning. You’re also thankful he isn’t asking any questions, as Graham always seems to have a few at the top of his tongue.
Graham cleans up his room quickly. You know for a fact that he’s just shoved all of his toys under his bed, but it’s enough until the weekend, when you’ll have more time to help him organize.
The little guy hoards rocks like no one’s business. You curse the day Karl decided to teach the kids about geodes.
“Wanna help me make up Mr. Jacobs’s room?” You half-yell, while grabbing spare bedding out of your linen closet.
Graham’s little footsteps are head before he answers, and soon he’s at your hip with a quick, “He can have my Frozen pillowcase!”
You hesitate to tell Graham that his Frozen pillowcase is currently on one of your pillows, but just you can’t give your guest a dirty pillowcase. “That one is in the wash, Buddy. Why don’t we give him your Spider-Man one?”
“So he matches my pajamas!” Graham is easily pleased, and he even takes one of his stuffed bears to add to Karl’s made-up bed. (“So he doesn’t get scared at night.”)
By the time the pizza arrives, Karl is just behind, so you keep Graham busy with a slice of cheese and a glass of diet pepsi (only half of a can, and only because it’s a special occasion) while the two of you bring in Karl’s stuff.
He surprisingly didn’t bring much, and when you ask about it, he grimaces. “My studio is pretty small so a lot of my stuff was on the ground and got mildewed. Other stuff was in bins so I just left it there. I only need clothes and my lesson plans, anyway.”
“Well, here’s the desk and bed. It’s not much, but there’s a lock on the door in case Graham ever gets too inquisitive — bless him — and curtains so the stupidly bright sun won’t wake you too early.”
“Those both sound like personal experiences, Y/n,” Karl teases. He takes off his jacket and throws it on the bed. “Yo! Spider-Man?”
“Graham picked it out,” you say. “He also relinquished one of his bears to keep you safe in the middle of the night. His words, not mine.”
“He’s so cute,” Karl mentions offhandedly. The fondness in his tone takes you back a bit. Not because the phrase isn’t true, it’s just that most people find your son annoying before they find him endearing. The change of tone is nice.
“He is,” you say. “And he’s dying to show you his room after we eat dinner.”
Karl gives you that same lopsided smile he often had in high school. Part of your brain shifts to his personal life, and you wonder why Karl himself isn’t in a romantic relationship. Not that he has to be, but the both of you are getting older, and Karl has always been one to express a fondness for having his own family one day. Maybe he just hasn’t found the right person.
It isn’t until Graham is peacefully in bed — after a very chaotic reading of Goodnight Moon by yours truly, and an argument that Mr. Jacobs cannot, in fact, sleep in the same room as him — that you actually have a chance to show Karl around the house.
“Here’s the guest bathroom. Graham almost always uses the bathroom in my room because he likes looking at the big tub. He will beg you to play with him, but if you’re busy don’t feel guilty telling him no. He knows what no means and he’s good about playing by himself.”
Karl giggles. “Okay. I don’t mind playing with him, though.“
You show him around the kitchen, where you left little spaces for him in the pantry. You show him the garbage bags and the T.V. settings and the list of compostable ingredients. “And also, please come and go as you please. Like, I completely understand that you’re here temporarily and you aren’t a babysitter or anything like that. I don’t expect you to be in charge of Graham any time outside of school.”
Karl blinks. “But if you ever need time away, you can ask me. I don’t mind babysitting.”
“I know,” you smile. “But Graham is my kid. I don’t need time away from him.”
You’re lying. Karl knows it. You’ve been in this single parenting thing for five years and you aren’t about to reach out for help now.
“Anyways, if you have any questions just ring me or ask me,” you say. “I’ve got to get to bed. Goodnight.”
“Thanks, Y/n.”
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Karl thinks it’s sweet the way Graham insists on making his own breakfast.
You’re already up when Karl gets out of his (temporary) bedroom with his clothes tucked under his arm. You’re busy arguing with Graham. “You can’t fry your own omelette for the last time.”
Karl quirks an eyebrow at your exasperated face. You look stressed beyond belief, even though the day has just begun.
Karl tosses his clothes back in his room and walks into the kitchen. “Hey, Graham! Do you want to show me your rock collection?”
Graham spins on his sock-clad heels, eyes bright at the thought of seeing his teacher. “Mr. Jacobs! Yes! Let’s go!”
He grabs Karl’s hand with ease, leaving you room to finish making breakfast.
Graham’s room is fairly simple. The small wooden bed is covered in a green quilt, and beneath that, frozen-printed sheets that certainly don’t match. He has a tub of stuffed animals shoved against a small dresser.
Karl gets distracted by the framed picture on top of the dresser. It’s a picture of you and Graham’s father, a few months before you got pregnant. He’s smiling, and you’re holding up a peace sign. It makes Karl feel a bit sad, knowing that Graham’s dad never stayed around to see how wonderful he turned out to be.
Then again, a lot of people in your life left as soon as they found out. In high school, no one wants to be friends with a teenage mother.
Karl reckons that if he had a family like this, he’d never take them for granted.
Graham pulls out a gemstone. It’s a murky green one that Karl has let him take home from class. “Do you remember this, Mr. Jacobs?”
Karl grins. “Yeah, bud. Thanks for keeping it so safe for me.”
Graham beams. He grabs Karl’s hand and pulls him towards his dresser. “Can we match? I want to look like you.”
Karl feels his heart swell. He wants to smother the young boy in affection, but he doesn’t want to cross a line. He’s your friend, sure, but he’s also Graham’s teacher. He can’t coddle Graham more than the other children. He already has a godchild to coddle. “I’m wearing yellow today. Do you have any yellow clothes?”
“Let’s look!” Graham yanks open one of the drawers and begins pulling out the articles of clothing one by one. “No, no, no... Here!” He finds a pair of yellow overalls, folded amongst the mess he made. “I’ll wear these!”
“Let’s clean up first, okay?” Karl grabs the overalls. “So it’s clean when you come home from school.”
Graham, looking like the last thing he’d ever want to do is disappoint Karl, begins to pick up each shirt with obvious intent. He tries to fold them, and does a somewhat decent job, so much so that Karl leaves it, thinking you’ll find it endearing rather than annoying.
He really loves that about you. He likes your patience with Graham. You’re so young, and in reality, he squashed so many early dreams of yours. No matter your lot in life, you never blamed your child. Karl thinks that’s why Graham is so open, so adaptable, so endearing.
He helps Graham get dressed and leaves him in his room so that he, himself, can get ready.
When he emerges from his shower, hair wet and clothed in yellow, he smells something amazing.
He doesn’t want to intrude on your morning with Graham. He already feels too indebted to you already.
“Have an omelet,” you say. Wisps of hair cover your face. You place a plate down in front of him.
Graham is already eating his omelet, slowly, while flipping through a picture book. He sounds out words he recognizes, but stays silent the rest of the time.
Karl takes out his phone and scrolls through his instagram feed just as your own phone begins to ring.
“Shit,” you curse, and then immediately apologize to Graham. You press the red button and tap anxiously on the tabletop.
“Everything okay?” Karl asks.
You run your hands over your hair and let them rest on the back of your neck. “Yeah is just—“
The phone rings again, and this time you pick it up. “What do you want? ... Why would you tell me that? ... Why should I care? ... Please stop contacting me, okay? Goodbye.”
You slam the phone down and leave the room. Karl watches you disappear down the hallway, sniffling.
“Mommy is upset,” Graham says. He looks at Karl, lip quivering. “At me?”
“No, Buddy! Of course not!” Karl reaches over the table to ruffle Graham’s curls. “Never at you.”
“When we tore up paper, she was crying.” Graham fiddles with his book page.
Karl wonders why your ex’s actions are being brought up five years later. Last he heard, you had fully healed from the breakup long before Graham’s first birthday. But now he’s about to be six, and you're suddenly upset?
He’ll have to ask you about it soon.
“Are you ready to go to school, Buddy?”
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You cradle your face in your hands and try to ease the tears back in. You’ll never get this article proofread and sent if you can’t see the keys.
The door opens, and Graham runs in just in time for you to finish wiping your eyes. “Hey, kiddo! How was school?”
“Mr. Jacobs let us finger paint!” Graham holds up his palm, covered in dried paint, and grins brightly. “Can I have gogurt?”
“Yeah bud. Why don’t you put something on the T.V.? You can have your snack in the living room today.”
“Yes!” Graham takes blueberry gogurt out of the fridge and — after getting you to tear it open — runs into the living room. Sneakers and backpack still on.
Karl trails behind, clutching a messenger bag to his chest. “What’s going on?”
You sigh and close the laptop. The manuscript will have to wait. “Ben called. About a week ago. His girlfriend is pregnant. Called me to tell me he wasn’t going to leave her— like that would heal what he did to me. Then he called this morning to tell me they’re engaged.” You burst into tears then, and you feel so pathetic for doing this in front of your old schoolmate, that you hide your face behind your palms and allow your shoulders to shake. “Why weren’t we enough? Why wasn’t I enough?”
Karl scoots one of the chairs in front of you and sits, leaning his elbows on his knees. “Hey. Look at me.” With gentle hands, he grabs your wrists and pulls them away from your face. “It is not your fault he left.”
“But it has to be me in some way,” you retort. “He must not have loved me. Something, because now he’s going to raise her child after he left mine. Graham deserves a dad.”
Karl places his forehead against yours. The two of you used to do it all the time in school, mostly with immature giggles in the spaces between, but now it’s heavy with intention. “Graham has not felt even a little bit unloved in your care. You are all he needs, okay? You’re amazing.”
You nod, head still pressed to Karl’s. “Yeah. Okay. Sorry for getting too emotional, there.”
“Be as emotional as you want,” Karl says. “I’ll be here to balance you out.”
Your heart stutters at the words, like maybe they mean something more than he’s letting on. Of course it’s stupid to think Karl Jacobs would ever even consider you, but just the knowledge that he cares makes your soul feel a little lighter.
“I’m a mess,” you stutter, bringing your fist up to wipe at your nose.
“Nah,” Karl grins. He runs the pad of his thumb across your cheek and grins. “You’re alright.”
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“It’s snowing!” Graham wakes Karl up by jumping on his chest.
Karl sucks in a breath, winded at the sudden weight, and grabs the boy, lifting him off of his chest and onto the mattress. “Hey, Buddy. Let’s not jump on sleeping people, okay?”
“Okay,” Graham says. He’s already lost interest in Karl, now crawling off of the bed to open the blinds. “Come look at the snow!”
“I see!” Karl rubs his tired eyes and checks his watch. “We might have a snow day, Graham.”
“Yes!” Graham pumps his fist into the air. “Let’s go tell mom!”
You’re sitting on your bed, chewing on a red licorice rope and flipping through a fashion magazine. You look up when Karl and Graham enter.
Karl likes seeing you like this: the domesticity of seeing you in the morning, lazy and true. His chest sparks when he thinks this may be one of the only moments he can capture you like this, so he intends to commit the sight to memory.
“Did I hear snow day?” You grin at Karl, childlike wit in your own eyes — the same as your son’s.
“Looks like it.” Karl rolls up the sleeves of the sweater he slept in. “You want pancakes? I make some mean chocolate chip pancakes.”
You shift your gaze away from his arms and clear your throat. “Uh, yeah. Just let me get dressed and I’ll help—“
“No need,” Karl insists. “Enjoy your quiet time. Graham and I will make the most delicious pancakes you’ve ever tasted.”
“With lots of chocolate chips!” Graham shouts.
You give him a pointed look. “But not too many.”
Graham huffs. “But not too many,” he repeats.
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Momentary splashes sound from your bathroom, followed by Graham screaming “It’s a dragon! Run for cover!”
Karl giggles from his place on the couch. He’s got mushroom-patterned socks on, and he’s tucked up into the cushions, nursing a can of Monster. “How does he still have so much energy?”
You sigh and pull your beanie down over your forehead. “You’d think a snow day would tire him out. Thanks for constantly carrying him up the hill, by the way. I know you’re a teacher, but sometimes I forget how good you are with kids.”
“I do have a godson,” Karl reminds you.
“But Tucker is a baby,” you say. You only know the baby’s name because of Karl’s constant snap stories about him.
“Most babies and kids want the same thing. Affection and attention.” Karl scoots over to the edge of the couch and pats the cushion.
You sit next to him. “I guess that’s true. You’re really good with Graham. He’s not this open to other adults.”
Karl is clearly blushing now; you can see his pink cheeks even in the light of the television. “He’s great in class, always helping the other kids.”
“He wants to impress you,” you say. You pop open a can of orange soda and take a sip. “He thinks you’re just the coolest guy.”
Karl laughs and shakes his head. “Didn’t you hear, Y/n? I’m handsome and cool.”
“Oh, of course,” you nudge his shin with our own sock-clad foot. “How could I forget? Mr. Ladies Man in high school.”
This makes Karl blush even harder, because he most certainly was not a ladies man in high school. In fact, he was a nerd in all senses of the word, part of the debate club with a few other boys. He had a few dates here and there, but nothing ever stuck.
“Shut up,” he mumbles. “My time is gonna come.”
“Hasn’t it already?” you ask before you can really process your own words. But of course he knows that he’s grown into his face, right?
Karl is positively handsome, eyes bright and lashes long. He’s so warm and comforting to you. He must be just as comforting to everyone else.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re handsome, Karl,” you say plainly.
“You mean that?”
“Of course I do,” you say. “Why would I lie?”
Karl opens his mouth, perhaps to call you out. To tell you you’ve been too honest, but he’s interrupted by your son.
“Mom! I’m ready to get out now!”
“I should go,” you say, still looking at his eyes.
“Yeah,” he says. His sweater has small spots on the shoulders where snow has fallen and since melted. He shivers.
“You should take a shower. You’ll catch a cold.”
“Okay,” he whispers. “Yeah, I’ll do that.”
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Chandler comes over the following Saturday night to hang out with Karl, and you’re surprised at how much he truly hasn’t changed since high school.
He’s still got infamously perfect eyebrows, and his voice is still monotonous despite its humor. “Nice place.” He raises his brows as he looks around.
“Who are you?” Graham is sitting at the kitchen table, watching Minecraft playthroughs (kid-friendly ones you’ve watched through yourself) on your phone to entertain himself while you clean.
“I’m Chandler, Karl’s friend.”
“This is Mr. Jacob’s friend from school,” you say, detailing your words so they’re easier for your son to digest.
Graham stares at him for a moment, not quite judging but not quite accepting either. “Okay. Do you want to see my rock collection?”
Chandler looks genuinely excited, and accepts before you can come up with an excuse for him. Graham tells Chandler to stay in the kitchen while he grabs all of his rocks.
“How have you been?” you ask the taller man. “Like, with the flooding and everything?”
“Well, I’m on a couch at Chris’, which is good since he doesn’t charge rent. But that means I’m near Tucker, and that baby has some lungs.”
You laugh. “I remember when Graham was a baby. I was so young, and my mom told me it was my responsibility to wake up and take care of him whenever he cried in the middle of the night. I was so pissed at her for making me do that, but those were some of the best nights to bond with him.” You realize you’re ranting and shake your head. “Whatever. Baby screams are loud as hell.”
“You can say that again. I’ve been talking to my friend Jimmy about taking his spare room and paying rent. I dunno how many more sleepless nights I can take.”
“Why would you need to pay rent if you’re just crashing?” You wipe down the kitchen table to keep yourself busy.
“Didn’t Karl tell you? Our landlord is in heaps of trouble because the pipes weren’t up to code and that’s why they busted. The damage is basically too expensive to fix, so we’ve got to find new places.”
You stop cleaning. “Karl didn’t tell me that.”
“Oh.” Chandler scratches his brow. “He probably didn’t want to worry you. He feels really bad that he’s stayed with you this long.”
“It’s only been a month or so,” you counter. “Besides, Karl’s a great housemate. He cleans and keeps Graham occupied. Plus, now I have someone to watch corny game shows with.”
Chandler grins. “Oh. Okay, I get it.”
“Get what?” Karl, finally out of the shower, steps into the kitchen and immediately tackles Chandler in an energized hug.
“Nothing!” Chandler’s voice cracks
You shoot Chandler a weird look, and change the subject. “Where are you guys going?”
“To play video games at Jimmy’s.” Karl says, and the thrill in his voice makes you think of high school. Of the debate team bus rounding the corner. Of you standing there, waiting to congratulate him with a big hug and a frosty from Wendy’s.
You miss it. “Have fun, okay? I’m probably going to tuck in as soon as Graham does, so just let yourself in.”
“You’re leaving?” Graham comes in, and his arms are filled with smooth and rough stones and gems he’s both found by himself and bought at random general stores while traveling.
“Not before I see your rocks!” Chandler says with so much enthusiasm, you think he’s telling the truth.
Graham giggles and drops the rocks onto the ground. Of course, he wants your guest to sit on the floor and count rocks. You’re almost embarrassed.
“ ‘ Okay, Y/n?” Karl laughs at your expression. Then he places his arm on your shoulder, thumbs the skin of your upper arm.
And once again, it’s high school. It’s senior year graduation and Karl is the only one who congratulates you. It’s his comforting touch, him coming over in the middle of the night after you texted him a picture of your first sonogram. It’s that same comforting touch. That little “I’m here,” and it melts you on the inside, leaves you in a shell of an eighteen girl again. Scared, and worried, and a little less alone.
“Yeah,” you manage. “I’m okay.”
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The television plays Cartoon Network reruns on a low hum. Karl is curled up in a blanket, nursing a bottle of water and thinking over Chandler’s words.
You’ve liked her since high school, dude.
Which is a complete lie. Seriously, Karl didn’t have a crush on you in high school. He would know if he had a crush on his best friend. You’ve been his friend since freshman year, and that’s all you’ve ever been.
Now in college, it was different. In college, Karl was alone in a dorm with Chris, and you were one of the only people from high school he stayed in contact with. In college, he would bring you your favorite snacks and drinks, and other things you would forget to buy because you were a part-time student and a full-time mom. In college, you would pull all-nighters with him, working on your exams while Graham was asleep, then using energy drinks to get through the next day.
Karl even remembers the time your mom caught the three of you fast asleep on your rug, with unopened monster cans and an empty milk bottle beside you.
Throughout your entire pregnancy he was warned not to stay friends with the pregnant girl — it’d be too much for him, he wouldn’t want to become the new father, and all kinds of other stuff people would mumble to him when you weren’t around.
But you never expected him to be anything other than your friend. You never asked him for the help he gave — though you thanked him always — and you never once assumed he’d take the role of Graham’s dad.
And now… now he finds himself wishing you would.
“Mr. Jacobs?” Graham creeps up without him even realizing.
Karl jumps, sets his water — and thoughts — aside. “Hey, Bud. It’s really late. What are you doing up?”
Graham sniffs, and Karl realizes that the boy is crying. “I had a nightmare.”
Karl holds out his arms before he can think, and lets the five-year-old crawl into his lap. He wraps them both in his blanket and turns the television up just a little more. “Was it scary?”
“You left.” Graham says, voice less watery, like he doesn’t know the weight of his words. He’s focused on the rerun of Adventure Time that’s playing. He’s not even remotely interested in his nightmare now, with his tears dried up, and his eyes drooping back towards slumber.
“I’m going to leave one day,” Karl says, because he thinks it’s important that Graham knows.
“You should stay with me and Mom,” Graham says. He yawns. “We like you so much!”
Karl’s heart stutters. He tries not to think about it.
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When Graham’s bed is empty the next morning, you freak out. He’s always in his room in the morning. Even if he wakes up before you, he stays in and plays with his toys.
You’ve already got your phone out, and your mother’s number called, when you walk into the living room.
Relief floods your system. Karl and Graham are asleep on the couch, snuggled up serenely like they didn’t just cause you to have a premature heart attack.
You hang up before the call to your mom can go through and stand there, watching the two boys sleep. Graham has both his arms wrapped around Karl’s forearm. It’s such a sweet picture that you take out your phone and snap one.
The flash is on.
Karl scrunches his nose and winces. “What the–”
“Sorry!” You whisper. “You both looked so cute, I couldn’t help it.”
Karl smiles, still sleepy, and finally opens his eyes. He peers at you, stormy green under fluttering lashes and you’re almost intimidated into looking away. “He had a nightmare.”
“About me leaving.”
“Oh.” You frown. “I’m really sorry about that. I keep telling him that you’re moving out soon, but I don’t think he fully understands.”
Graham stirs. You reach down and pick him up. Your knuckles brush across Karl’s warm, sweater-clad chest and you suddenly wish you could cuddle with him, too. You shake the thoughts away and focus on your drowsy son. “You’re staying at Grandma's for a few days, remember?”
Graham rubs his eyes and perks up. “And I’ll see her cat?”
“Yes,” you confirm. “But we’ve got to get you dressed because she’s coming in a few minutes.”
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“Karl Jacobs!” Your mom’s voice embarrassingly rings through the apartment, and you realize Karl has taken it upon himself to open the door. “Y/n told me she had a temporary roommate but I never thought she would finally ask you!”
“Oh my gosh…” you mumble, buckling Graham’s overalls and hauling him up into your arms. “Mom! His apartment flooded so he’s staying here. Don’t be weird about it.”
“But he’s so handsome,” your mom coos. You’re concerned she might reach forward and pinch Karl’s already ruddy cheeks.
“Thanks,” Karl laughs. “But she’s right, I’m just squatting until I can find a new place.”
Your mom harrumphs. “Well, I don’t see why you can’t stay here forever. Y/n doesn’t even use that office room. And even if she did, the two of you could just share a room.”
“Mom!” You plunk Graham into her hands and grab his overnight bag. “You have to leave.”
“Did I say something wrong?” She sounds worried, but there’s an undisclosed mirth in her eyes that makes you think of your freshman year, when you did have a crush on Karl.
“You said everything wrong,” you say, kindly pushing her out. “Have a good time, Graham. I love you! As always, Mom, call if you need me to come get him.”
“Yeah, right!” She yells over her shoulder. Graham is already giggling, so you close the door with confidence.
You turn back to your roommate. “I’m sorry about that, Karl.”
“It’s fine.” He smiles, but it’s reserved. “But speaking of me finding a place… I know Chandler told you that I can’t go back to my own apartment. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
“It’s okay,” you say. You want to say “You can stay here as long as you want, and long as you’ll let me keep you,” but that would reveal too much, and you don’t want to lose the one good friend you have.
“And I was thinking I should move out soon anyway.” Karl pulls his sweater sleeves until they cover his hands. He’s hiding. He’s shielding himself the same way he did in junior year, when he got turned down by his crush to go to the prom. “I don’t think it’s good for Graham to get this attached to me if I’m just going to leave.”
“Oh,” Your sleeves are too short, but you want to shield yourself too. “Yeah, that’s… that’s probably a good idea.”
Karl stands there for a beat, like he’s waiting for you to say something more. Like he hasn’t just taken your heart and pushed it aside. Like this hurts a lot less than it actually does.
But any word out of your mouth would be tearful. It would be honest. It would ruin everything. “I’m going to go on a run.”
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There’s a cricket outside that won’t stop chirping against your window. You blame it for your insomnia, choosing to ignore the anxiety of eventually losing Karl. It feels so horribly childish, since you’ll see him when you drop Graham off at school. And you’ll see him whenever the two of you go out for coffee on weekends.
But you won’t see him in the kitchen, reaching for the pancake mix so his shirt rises up and you can see the dimples in his back. You won’t see him humming along to the radio while he works on his lesson plans. You won’t feel his warmth when the two of you stay awake, nursing spiked lemonade and giggling at the commentary videos you find on YouTube.
He’ll just be Karl again. He won’t be home anymore.
Startled by the realization, you get out of your covers and rush to your door.
It opens before you can even reach for the doorknob, and there’s Karl in his pajamas, biting his lip and avoiding your eyes.
“I don’t want you to leave,” you say, just as Karl confesses,
“I love you.”
You open your arms and he dives in, face pressed into the space where your neck meets your shoulder. Warmth envelopes you and the scent of pine fills your nose.
Karl is timeless. Youthful glory and childish pride. He’s a pinch on the side and a push on the swings. Like a rock that actually skips on the first try. Like shoes that you can slip on when they’re still tied. And he’s here, in your arms, squeezing you like you’re something valuable enough to lose. He’s confessing love like you aren’t the worst possible candidate for his heart.
“I can’t offer you much,” you start, but Karl bumps his forehead against yours, boyish and playful — football fields and bright red lockers and secret notes on bathroom walls.
“I’ve known you for years, Y/n,” Karl’s voice is a low rumble. Green grass eyes blinking at you like you’re something to second glance at. “I know what I’m getting into. I want you. I want Graham. I want everything this is, and everything we’ve been for the past month. I don’t want this to end.”
You close your eyes, because his are too honest. He’s open and vulnerable and gentle — a child on the first day of school, ready to make friends. You take a deep breath, try to remember what you were like on your first day. Rosy cheeks and shy glances. Knobby knees and a trusting heart. You reach out for whoever you once were — the Y/n with a heart open and willing to be loved. “I don’t want this to end either. I’m in love with you, Karl.”
His grin lights up your world in its entirety. Gold flecks in emerald green disappear as he smiles, too thrilled to keep his eyes open. And when he kisses you, warm lips against cold ones, you feel like a puzzle has just slotted into place.
It would only make sense that you would grow to love the boy you grew up with.
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spookydrreid · 3 years
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
CW: jealousy, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, handcuffs, hair pulling (I think that’s it. Let me know if I missed anything.)
WC: 1,244
REQUEST: YES -- request can be found here
A/N: I got so carried away that I made it into a full fic! I hope this is what you were looking for and thank you so much for the request! 
We had one of the most successful cases we’d had in a while. Which meant, it was time for a slight break and a night out with the team.
I lived for the night life, but my husband, resident genius Dr. Spencer Reid, did not. If it wasn’t for my begging, he’d probably be at our house re-reading War and Peace for the millionth time. I was glad I’d managed to get him out to finally spend some much-needed quality time with our BAU family.
“Okay, okay ready? Salt, up, down, up, cheers, throw it back and then suck on the lime!” I handed Spencer a shot of tequila, showing him the correct way to take it. He followed my instructions, shooting it back and shaking as he swallowed the alcohol.
I laughed at the face he made as I sucked on a lime, handing him one as well. “That’s fucking horrible! And you enjoy that?” I bumped him with my hip, rolling my eyes. “I’ll stick to beer thank you,” He said, taking a sip from the long neck in his hands. But if he thought he was going to get away that easy, he was sadly mistaken.
Three tequila shots and two beers later, Spencer was feeling it. Not so smashed he couldn’t walk – id like to thank past me for forcing him to eat a shit ton of carbs – but enough that we were grinding on each other on the dancefloor. Spencer’s hands running over my body. When he was tipsy he was a touchy feely type of guy. I relished in it as we danced.
It wasn’t lost on me, or Spencer, the roaming eyes from the other men in club. They were hunters and I was the prey. And when I’d broken away from the group to gather another round, they all decided to come out and play.
“Two Cosmos, a jack on the rocks, a jack and coke, and a cranberry vodka please!” You yelled to the bartender so you’d be heard over the loud music. I leaned over the bar, shifting my weight from foot to foot as I waited. I felt hands on my waist, causing me to freeze where I stood. They weren’t Spencer’s.
I straightened myself, hoping they were just trying to get by. But when he pulled me back into him, I gasped and tried to move to get out of his grasp. “What the fuck is wrong with you,” you yelped as you stepped away from him. He was a typical alpha fuck head who seems to think he can get any woman he wanted.
“Don’t be like that, baby. You’re just so beautiful I had to come say hello.” He shot me a smile and I had to hold back the vomit threatening to climb up my throat. He moved to grab my arm but before either of us could move, Spencer squeezed into the space id created.
“There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” he grabbed my face in his hands, pulling me into a heated kiss.
“And who the fuck are you?” This man was clearly not giving up and now, I was just pissed off.
Spencer gripped my left hand, shoving the very large diamond in the strangers face as he said, “her fucking husband. We’re also FBI agents, so unless you want a charge, I suggest you back up.”
The man put his hands up in defeat, backing away and slinking back into the crowd. I thought that would be the end of it. I soon realized you thought wrong once I turned back and saw rage filling Spencer’s eyes.
“We’re leaving. Complain and you’re in for it. Go say goodbye to our friends.” You shot him a smile before nodding. You collected the drinks and brought them over to the table.
“Spencer’s starting to get a migraine so we’re going to head out! Tonight was so fun and much needed. I love you guys!” For effect, spencer rubbed his eyes and leaned his head on your shoulder.
They seemed to buy it. Choruses of ‘feel better’s and ‘take care of him, y/n” and take care of him I was.
Spencer had practically ripped off my clothes before I could even lock the door. And now I was bent over the bed with my hands cuffed behind my back. I always knew I was in for an interesting night whenever Spencer got jealous. Which, if we’re honest, was quite often.
His thrust were deep, hard and fast. Each one harder than the last until he was fucking into me with bruising force. One of Spencer’s large hands were wrapped up in my hair, pulling my face out of the mattress so he could hear me. The other using my cuffed hands as leverage.
“Fuck, y/n. Look at you, taking me so fucking well,” He spoke through gritted teeth and I would’ve given anything to see how unhinged he looked. “It’s so funny to me how all those boys think they have a chance with you. But they don’t, because your mine. Huh? Tell me your mine.”
Spencer was fucking me so hard even breathing felt like a chore. I had to will myself to answer, knowing staying quiet wouldn’t do me any good, “y-yours, Spence. All yours.”
His hand came between my legs, his fingers rubbing lazy circles on my clit as he continued to push me over the edge. But it was his words that made me leap into the pool of ecstasy, “Cum for me, beautiful. Be so good and cum.”
A strangled version of his name left my lips as I came around him. And before long, Spencer followed into bliss with me, spilling inside me as he gripped me tighter. He helped us come down from our highs before he softly let me go, placing me on the bed.
I laid there trying to catch my breath as Spencer moved to remove the cuffs from around my wrist. He rubbed the raw skin as he freed me, leaving soft kisses along the red marks. I managed to roll on my back while he went to the bathroom to get a washcloth. He cleaned me up, being mindful at how sensitive I was. I just laid there, basking in my post-orgasm high.
“What’s got you so smiley, baby?” I hadn’t even realized I was smiling.
“I need to make you jealous more often.” I lifted my head to look at my husband who was now staring at me with a less than amused expression.
“I wasn’t jealous,” he grumbled as he pulled on sweatpants and moved to dress me.
I sat up, putting my hands up so he could pull one of his shirts over my head, placing a kiss to my forehead when my head popped through, “you just fucked me senseless. You were jealous. We’ve been together way to long for you to deny that.” I boped his nose before settling in bed.
He crawled in behind me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling my back to his chest, “says the girl who pulled a gun on a cop who asked me if I wanted to go to dinner.”
Though he couldn’t see me, I rolled my eyes, “she knew you were married. That’s why I bought you a black ring.”
He kissed my cheek, “and that’s why I bought you a ring so heavy your finger sags.”
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