#also even going away from the books and into the show - rory literally said that sandor sees gregor in joffrey's abuse of sansa
stellaluna33 · 1 year
okay i genuinely have a question. do you think jess has ever got arrested in nyc? because he got a pretty bad record in stars hollow, but it’s just a bunch of adult hating on a literal teenager, and liz said jess is trouble which made me wonder; what if he did got into trouble while trying to take care of himself? what if he got arrested and had to spend the night in a police station with no one to bail him out because frankly, no one cared then. and then he got to stars hollow…. and really…. his reputation there isn’t the best either. they hate him. they hate luke because of him, but he promised himself he won’t get luke to any trouble while he’s there, mind his own business, and he does that. he works in 2 jobs, he bought himself a car, he’s doing the best he can but he is still that trouble maker kid, he can’t run away from that. i’m just thinking of jess need to take care of himself in the city because ofc liz never did her fucking job, so he ends up in a police station on halloween or christmas or something and he thinks. well, it better than being home. also him taking rory’s book away without her noticing, without anyone noticing actually because he stay at the porch, made me think what if it isn’t the first time he “borrowed” something? he had to. he had no other choice. but now, with luke, he gets a new start. and ofc, he’s not dealing with that right either but… he is doing his best. what do you think?
You know, that's a really good question. And honestly, I mean, it's certainly a possibility. We really know next to nothing about what Jess was up to before he came to Stars Hollow. All we have to go on is that Liz told Luke he was getting into trouble and "staying out late," but what KIND of trouble? I think it's possible that Jess could have gotten arrested at some point (and maybe that was even the breaking point?), but it's also entirely possible that he never was. I could see either one being true, haha! But if he WAS, it's interesting to speculate about what it would have been for. Shoplifting or pickpocketing? I wouldn't rule it out, especially if he was hungry, and he is good at sleight of hand. Did he "stay out late" at a party that got busted? We know that he smokes and stole a beer from Lorelai, both of which are illegal for minors. Was he in a car with a friend who got pulled over, and the cops found marijuana in the vehicle? I've known people who got arrested in that situation. Maybe he did something wrong, or maybe he was in the wrong place at the wrong time; either way, it's a possibility but not a given. And as to whether it would have been something he felt he "had to do" to take care of himself, I mean, maybe? I do believe that Jess has always had a good heart and that most of his bad reputation was exaggerated or undeserved, but I've never been totally onboard with the "Jess was an innocent baby lamb who never did anything wrong in his life!" idea either, haha. The fact is, when we first met Jess, he was a very damaged, hurt, and angry kid who did canonically act out either to test Luke's love for him or to manufacture the feeling of some kind of control over his situation. So I think it's entirely possible that, in addition to getting in trouble accidentally, getting into trouble might have sometimes felt like the only way he could get his mom (or anyone) to pay any attention to him. So maybe he did do some "bad stuff" without having a "good reason." I still don't think that would make him a "bad kid." Just a hurting one. Or even just thoughtless. He was a kid! But we saw multiple times on the show that he felt bad any time he was made aware that his actions actually harmed someone else, and tried to make it right. And that means the world to me.
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scoopsgf · 2 years
another anon here but “both logan and dean had a habit of reducing rory to this thing they couldn’t let go of, but they never prioritized her” really punched me in the gut and i fully agree, but it also it made me realise how much jess does do that! he certainly had his issues but most of them (imo) boil down to the fact that he left when he shouldn’t have, which is really just him not wanting to overstay his welcome but drawing the line too soon, which is pretty much the exact opposite of what dean and logan do. but other than those miscalculations, he always puts rory first. making sure she’s ok after the crash; leaving (when he visits yale) when she tells him to; and in the paul anka episode, not expecting anything but rather just letting her be there on her own terms and letting her decide what her visit will be like; not expecting anything from her when he comes to show her his book…. sorry for rambling but he makes me so insane
NO ANON THIS TAKE IS SO CORRECT!!!! jess never does anything to make her feel smaller or less than him, he never demeans her, he never degrades her. like you said, he does leave, but i truly believe that came down to him thinking he wasn’t good enough for her, not the other way around. he’s definitely the kind of guy to treat her as an equal. it’s established that he values her opinion and wants to make an effort to be better for her (like spending time with lorelai, or going to the dinner with emily and agreeing to go again even after it was bad—not even dean did that). i think what jess really needed was a better sense of self worth and once he obtained that he was like, the perfect guy for rory. he found himself, he discovered his niche, and that gave him confidence. the lack of those things were really what broke down their original relationship. but anyway, not to get off topic bc ur right: he has always prioritized her and respected her ambitions, unlike dean (who made her feel like shit about wanting to go to harvard) and unlike logan (who encouraged her to ‘loosen up’ and mess around more, which ultimately lead to a really low point for her). i’m firmly in the camp that him asking her to go to NY with him in s4 had nothing to do with ‘leaving yale’. he was proud of rory for going there, so why on earth would his opinion change? i really, really think he was just worried about what the hell dean’s intentions were given his marriage to lindsay, and he wanted a chance to recreate that day in NY they’d had before + talk and smooth things over. he said they had to get away because of how much meddling had gone on before in their relationship, which really influenced their trajectory as a couple. plus yale is literally like an hour and a half from NY and they were out for summer break, so i don’t think he had any ill-intentions (though i do still stand by rory for turning him down, it was a smart move on her part). anyway. god. yeah. i think at the end of the day jess is the only bf of rory’s who truly admired her for her intellect and passion, and instead of wanting her to be more like him he just wanted her to be herself.
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itzyourgirlnat · 3 years
Not a science fan
It’s a monday evening, you and Kara are eating peacefully.
‘So, your school called me this morning’ she said while eating.
You immediately stopped eating and raised your head to look at her.
‘whatever they said I did it wasn’t me’
‘What? Kid, no! You didn't do anything wrong’ she stopped for a second ‘Did you?’
‘No! of course not’ you said while choking a bit.
‘Anyways, they called me to know if you were attending “the ceremony” this Saturday. It seems that you didn't confirm your attendance?’
‘oh, OOH’ Of course, the ceremony, you completely forgot about it.
The thing is that when this school year began, you were supposed to take physics. However, you hated it. Ok, you didn't hate it, but you definitely weren’t a fan (which is hilarious since your mom is literally one of the best scientists on the planet). But the funniest part was that even your teacher knew, actually it was him who recommended you to quit his class. At first you were shocked because science is something you’ve always done, what could you do instead of that? That’s when he suggested the newspaper along with a class specialised on writing. It is true that you’ve always been good at writing stories, but you never considered taking it seriously.
Anyways, literally the next day instead of learning about physics you’re learning the basic elements of a storyline. The surprising part was that after that class, you completely fell in love with it and, since then, you started working on a simple storyline that ended up being much more complex and longer than you expected. You wanted to talk to your moms about it, but when all happened you weren’t seeing them that much, and once you were, you just didn't have the courage to do it. A thing that stopped you was that both Kara and Lena were geniuses when it comes to science. But the main problem was with Lena, you’ve spent so much time with her in her lab in L-Corp, and even if you didn't enjoy it as much as her, every time you spent with her there was such a bonding experience that you couldnt tell the truth. So you just avoid the topic, even if you knew that one day they would find out.
Going back to the ceremony, that story you first started writing ended up becoming a book. A novel that you had to present in order to pass the class. What you weren’t aware of at the time was that the best ones would compete in a contest that involved schools from all National city. And, last week, you were given the news that your story was one of the finalists.
While you were scolding yourself mentally for not declining the invitation Kara had put all the food away and was now cleaning.
‘What’s that ceremony?’ she questioned while turning around to look at you
‘It’s nothing’
You sighed
‘I wasn’t planning on going anyways’
She did the famous crickle and that’s when Lena entered the kitchen
‘Hi loves’ she kissed Kara and then kissed you cheek.
‘What are you two talking about?’
‘Your daughter was invited to a ceremony’
‘Really? what is it about?’ she questioned
‘It's nothing, just an award ceremony’ you got up and started walking towards your room.
‘Wait, so you are nominated for something?’
‘It seems like it’ you sighed ‘but it's nothing and I wasn't planning on going’
`Why?’ Kara asked
‘What for? I’m not gonna win and I don't really care if I do’ you walked towards the door
‘Well I do,’ Lena said. ‘Can we go?’
‘The principal told me that we could’ Kara said
‘Guys it's really not necessary’
‘Of course it is!’ Kara said
‘Wait, is it that science competition?’ Lena asked
Oh no
‘Emm no’
‘Then what is it?’
They both looked at you. You took a deep breath
‘Its, its justforasillybookIwroteforaclass’ you said as fast as you could
‘Wait wait , wait, what?’ Lena said
‘Did you say you wrote a book?’ Kara said walking towards you
‘Umm yeah’
‘Why didn’t you tell us?!’
‘When did you say the ceremony was?’ Lena asked
‘Saturday. Y/N why didn’t you say anything?’
You were about to answer when Alex called her sister. Soon enough she had to leave for a Supergirl emergency. Thank Rao
‘We’ll talk about this later’ she said before leaving
You were already going to you room when Lena called you to sit with her
‘So, Y/N, for what class did you have to write the book for?’ she said, raising her brow. Oh no, she knows, she totally knows
‘Please don't get mad’ you said
‘Why would I?’
‘Ok, so, its for a writing class that I’m taking’
You nodded
‘Why would that make me mad?’
‘Because I’m taking it instead of physics. Sorry I didn’t tell you, I swear I’ll join physics again if you want me too’ You looked away from her expecting an angry response. Surprisingly, she grabbed your hand and squished it gently
‘Y/N, I know’
‘Did you really think you could just change your classes without me finding out?’
She chuckled
‘Of course not. in fact your physics teacher told me about the newspaper and the writing class before telling you’
She was now laughing hard, but she soon hugged you. After some minutes she let go of you and placed a lock of you hair behind you ear
‘and you’re not mad?’
‘No! I mean, it did hurt that you didn’t tell us but, it's your life and if you prefer to attend that class I support your decision’
‘I’m sorry. I just didn’t wanna make you feel disappointed and-’
‘What? Honey, you know you could never disappoint me’
‘I know, it's just that science in general is something that you really enjoy and that I’m supposed to be good at. But it also made us spend a lot of time together at L-Corp. And, I love spending time with you, I guess I didn't want that to end’
‘Oh Y/N. Look, just because I enjoy science doesn't mean you have to like it too. Besides, spending time together doesn’t have to involve science. When I take you to L-Corp it's nothing more than an excuse to spend time with you. But we could do other things, all I care about is spending time with you’
It was now your turn to hug her.
You cuddled for a while and when you were about to fall asleep in her arms she asked ‘Why didn’t you tell mom? I mean writing is kind of her thing’
‘I was planning on doing so, but I’m not very good at it, and I wanted to improve before I show her’
‘What did we tell you about being perfect Y/N?’
‘I know, but ieu is a Pulitzer winner. I doubt I’ll ever be at her level but I wanted it to be at least presentable before showing it to her. I want her to be proud’
She caressed your cheek
‘She’ll always be proud of you. Well except if you murder someone or do something very terrible like that’
You laughed at her comment
‘But I’m sure she’s dying to read it’
‘Thanks mom’
She kissed your forehead and at that moment through the window Kara entered
‘Hi guys’
‘Hi’ you both said turning your heads to look at her
You looked at Lena, who somehow guessed what you were thinking (like always) and nodded
‘I wanna show you something’ you said to Kara before sprinting towards your room. Before anyone could say anything you were already back with a your book in your hands
‘Here’ you said giving it to Kara ‘The binding is pretty simple but the full final story is in there’
She was looking at the novel in her hands
‘You wrote this?’ her eyes were starting to water
‘Yeah. Please have mercy while reading it, its not -’
‘It's perfect’ she then hugged you harder than she had done in a long time 'I'm sure it is'
‘Does this mean you’ll go to the award ceremony?’ Lena ask
‘I mean I have nothing better to do this Saturday’
That same night Kara started reading your book. It was actually 3 am when you woke up to go to the bathroom when you saw a light coming from their bedroom. You walked towards the light and saw Kara still reading your book out loud with Lena on her lap listening. They were so invested in the story that they didn’t even notice you. You decided to give them some privacy and went back to your room.
The next day you were so nervous, you knew that they had been reading your book but were too scared to ask for their opinion. Luckily between school and practice you didn't have time to think much about it. After a long day you finally got home and as soon as you entered the door both of your moms ran to you.
‘Y/N! when Rory is at the cave under the fire palace and gives Camila the silver stone and tells her that is her turn to take care of it, does it mean he has accepted that he won’t see her again?’ Kara asked very seriously
But before you could answer her question Lena asks ‘But if that is true why does he continue to deny the fact that he won’t be able to see her again during the next four chapters?’
You chuckled ‘Wait you’ve already read it all?’
‘Yeah and we have questions so please tell us’ Kara asked
You spent around an hour answering all their questions about your book. This made you incredibly happy since they were both so into it
‘You’re gonna write a sequel right?’
‘I wasn’t planning on doing so’
‘But Y/N it's not only an incredible story but the way you portray society and all the critiques you make are perfectly made. I mean this is more than a fantasy story’ Kara exclaimed and at that moment you couldn’t hold it anymore and started crying. She panicked and hugged you immediately
‘Did I say something wrong?’ she asked very worried
‘Do you really like it that much?’ you asked
‘Of course I do! Not only because you wrote it but because it is really good’
‘Then I’ll have to write another one’
‘Please do’ Lena said ‘And no pressures but don't take long because I need to know if Rowan survives’
You all laughed
‘I knew you'd like him’
It was three days later, Saturday evening, you were all getting ready to go to the award ceremony. A week ago you didn’t care about this event, but now, after your moms read your work, you were really nervous. You walked to the kitchen with the outfit you had chosen earlier (a dress or a suit,... something elegant of your choice).
‘Wow, you look great’ Lena said
‘Like mother like daughter I guess’
She winked at you. Soon enough you were all in the car and suddenly you were already sat in the auditory surrounded by other nominees and even a couple press members.
‘Nervous?’ Kara asked who was on your right
‘Kind of’
‘Don’t be’ Lena who was on your left held your hand
A few categories were announced and yours was the next
‘Hey, whatever happens we’re very proud of you’ Kara said
The following things happened very quickly. Suddenly your name was called and you were walking towards the stage after Lena literally crushed you with a hug. And five seconds later you were with the second prize in your hands. Once many pictures were taken you were walking down towards your moms when a man in what looked like a very expensive suit approached you
‘Congratulations’ he said
‘Thank you’
‘I’m Anthony Lee’
‘Ar-are you serious? you’re the owner of one of the most important publishing houses of the city’
He chuckled
‘I see you know who I am’
You were about to reply when you heard Kara calling you.
‘I don’t want to take much of your time, just wanted to ask you to continue writing, you’ve clearly inherited your mothers ability with words’
You blushed
‘Well thank you’
He gave you a card with a phone number and an email
‘Please, if write something else send it to this email and one day we may work together’
With that he kindly said goodbye and left. You then walked towards your moms and Kara immediately hugged you.
‘Y/N you did it! I’m so proud of you!’
‘Congratulations darling’ Lena said squeezing your arms
‘Thank you guys’
‘Who was that man that approached you?’ Kara said
‘That was Anthony Lee’ you said
‘No way!’ Kara replied
‘Emm a bit of context please?’ Lena said
‘He’s the owner of one of the biggest publishing houses of the city!’ Kara said almost jumping
‘He told me to send some of my future work so that one day we can work together’ you said blushing once more
‘Are you serious?!’ Lena said
You nodded. Immediately they both hugged you and somehow Alex was soon hugging you and then Kelly (it turns out your moms couldn’t hold it and told almost everyone about the ceremony). You then went to a restaurant to celebrate and had an amazing time with everyone.
Once in your car on your way home you said ‘Hey guys?’
‘Yes baby?’
‘Thanks for making me go, it was really fun’
‘Well, we didn't do you much. You were the one who won’ Lena said
‘I got second place’
‘Same thing to me’ she replied to which you all laughed.
It had really been a very unexpected week.
Hi !! Just wanted to let you all know that you can send me request anytime and that the ones that I already have received will be done as soon as possible :)
(thanks for all the support btw I really appreciate it)
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tarysande · 3 years
Initial S6 Thoughts
With Lucifer watched, I can now return to social media! Yay!
I managed to go into this season completely unspoiled. I didn’t even watch the promo (since last season, I wished I hadn’t; it gave too much away). I don’t want to spoil anyone even with my reaction to S6, so I’m going to throw my first thoughts under a cut.
Okay. While I was not anticipating time travel as a narrative tool wielded so forcefully, and while I look forward to watching it a second time without doubting literally every single thing Rory said, claimed, or did as a potential evil plot twist, I will say that this season basically hit all the notes I personally wanted hit, and I was pretty satisfied by how those notes were played. 
I loved the domesticity and ease between Chloe and Lucifer, and I loved the conflicts--the super strength, the LAPD, the reveals of Linda’s book (bless that whole episode oh my god)--between them, too. 
I love that Eve and Maze had a wedding--a tangible symbol of the connection they wanted and needed and chose--because I think it was important. Maze needed to walk down the aisle with her friend. Eve needed to walk that aisle alone. They needed to walk down it again together.
I also love that Chloe and Lucifer didn’t have a wedding. Because not every relationship needs that outward symbol, and I love that theirs was shown as a loving and committed relationship even without the traditional trappings that usually mark it.
I loved Ghost Dan, and Ghost Dan broke my heart. I loved Ella figuring things out because of course Ella figured things out. 
I loved that both Lucifer and Amenadiel found callings, and that those callings were so in line with who they grew to be over the course of the show. 
I love that Chloe’s being a good mother was honored. I’ll admit that I was still a little underwhelmed with Trixie’s role (though her scene with Dan was lovely) this season; it did feel like she was sidelined a bit by the shiny new daughter. But I also know there are lots of reasons for that involving things like actor scheduling. Something I didn’t love was that Trixie was not with her mom and sister at the end. I would have been so much happier if Chloe had been surrounded by the found family we saw her build throughout the show--even if it wasn’t all of them--rather than just the deus ex daughter of the sixth season. She didn’t lose that family because she lost Lucifer, and I’d have liked to see that shown.
I loved seeing Lucifer as a dad. I did. I don’t think every person (or every character) needs children to complete them, but I do love the amount of growth and perspective Lucifer had as a result. In a story that revolved so much around love and family and mistakes and reparations ... I loved that Lucifer got that extra level of growth. Plus Lucifer and Rory’s Day of Fun was beyond precious even though my dark distrusting skeptical heart was waiting for the evil plot twist that never came.
I loved Lucifer’s goodbyes. Maze nearly destroyed me. And I love that those goodbyes were for all of us, too.
Though the practical part of me was like OH MY GOD CALL BACKUP when Lucifer and Chloe went to 10th and Swanson, I absolutely freaking LOVED that fight sequence, wow. (Chloe doesn’t actually need a full bulletproof vest--she just needs one for that one part of her chest, amirite? God, just think of the scar tissue.)
Many things about this season, this ending, are exactly what I wanted to see happen and what I would have written. Lucifer as Hell’s therapist, angels having a role in the stewardship of humanity, Amenadiel as a God who accepts help, the importance of choice and change. I’m glad Lucifer remained immortal and Chloe wasn’t made immortal. I love all the ways partnership in all its forms came to play. I will say this: though of course Chloe and Lucifer being parted was bittersweet ... I don’t know that it was entirely necessary. Rory didn’t know her father growing up; she wouldn’t necessarily have known if Chloe and Lucifer saw each other when she wasn’t around. They had to keep things as they were, sure (freaking time travel), but only from Rory’s perspective, and she wasn’t omniscient. Anyway. I’ll write a fic about it or something. 
It’s genuinely hilarious to me that a couple of things that happened this season have already existed for years in my Taking the Fall notes. Uh, probably not the things you might think. But if (when) I ever get to them, I swear to God, I thought of them ages ago! Any resemblance to canon is coincidental ;P
I’m sure I will have a lot more to say later. But for me? This farewell worked; the show went out with love, and I’m so, so very glad we all fought so hard so it didn’t end on shock and a devil face three seasons ago. I will miss this show beyond measure; it has meant more to me than I can really put into words. But fandom is here and, as my husband so aptly put it earlier, I can always watch the show again. (And again. Don’t you know that, Detective?)
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georgianadarcies · 3 years
What do you think about people saying Logan and Rory made each other better people? So many Rogan stans say they made each other better and I totally disagree, Logan was awful for Rory! I'm think if they made each other better then why was Logan wanting to continue having an affair with Rory while with someone else, he didn't want her he was just a self centered douche! Logan stans will also say Jess didn't change because of Rory but because of books but somehow Logan changed because of Rory? Again if Logan changed because of Rory why did he go back to all of his bad habits?! Jess did change because of his relationship with Rory in large part he learned from his mistakes losing the love of his life, and he bettered himself because she inspired him to do so! Where are people getting these stupid Rogan arguments? Logan did not change because of Rory, he went back to his old ways, and even when he did "change" he didn't really change that much even at his best!
I think that anyone who says that they made each other better people is lacking some critical thinking skills. it's such an empty claim like you literally have to take everything at face value to think that. I mean, first off, Rory definitely set out to "fix" Logan, but that doesn't really equate to making someone better. she knew he was a jerk but she was like... he can be good and I will singlehandedly be his therapist until he is! which... didn't happen. she definitely got him to mostly be monogamous, although he dabbled a bit in cheating, but again, that's not making someone better. that's every red flag in a relationship rolled into one ship, complete with the "I can fix him" agenda and him like. learning how to say sorry but without actually meaning it. plus any "development" he had in season seven is practically nonexistent not to mention... irrelevant considering it wasn't even written by the person who CREATED the show and Logan and actually had a plan for his character which certainly wasn't along the aligns of the attempted "world's best boyfriend" agenda.
and as for him making Rory better... I can see trying to say that she made Logan better, I guess, but if anything he did the complete and exact opposite of that with her. it's not that he actively tried to change her. it's that he encouraged certain behaviors and made Rory feel like she could do some not-so-great things or just not try. like he made her feel like it was okay to be at her lowest because he wasn't all that stand-up himself. she steals a yacht with him, which, yes, was her idea, but he was practically giddy at the thought. she drops out of Yale, which also wasn't his idea, but did he encourage her to go back? did he show concern longer than a 60 second conversation? a conversation that, by the way, he barely showed any concern in. him saying that he bets she'll be back at school in a month and her insisting that she won't be and she's a slacker now (like him) doesn't count as him trying to help her be who she is/her best self. he liked that she was slacking off with him, not caring that it wasn't her or that she wasn't speaking to her mother or anything. him wanting her to be in this world as opposed to doing what she's meant to do certainly doesn't seem to me like he's "making her better." even in the revival, she's having that affair with him. she wouldn't do that with anyone else, and that's not because he's the love of her life or some bullshit their stans would try to claim. like I said, he makes her feel better about doing bad things. she can try to pretend that she isn't doing what she's doing when she's with him. and that affair was definitely a joint decision, but people usually say that to try to absolve Logan of the blame when it really should be focused on him. like, being the other woman isn't great. it's not exactly "moral," but Rory was not the one who was engaged. Logan was. Logan was living with Odette and talking about having Rory hide away in some hotel like a dirty mistress. that really doesn't seem like making someone better to me.
it's not even just about the "bad" stuff. Rory just... totally loses herself in Logan, and that is not a good thing. she gives so much and he gives so little and she tortures herself over it, thinking that that's on her and that she needs to be better. she throws herself into this relationship where the love and commitment is so unequally distributed that she has to bear the weight of all his mistakes and bad decisions just so everything is fine. in season seven, she's not Rory Gilmore: main character, she's Rory Gilmore: Logan's Girlfriend. her life is all about him, and I really feel like I shouldn't have to say that that isn't good. she needs to still be her own person, but with him, she just... loses herself in him. which is really hard to see.
when it comes to comparing Jess and Logan, the thing is, neither of them change for her, but the emphasis is in different places. Logan doesn't change for her, he just alters his behavior noncommittally and goes right back to doing what he did before at the first sign of trouble. Jess, meanwhile, doesn't change for her. he just... changed, which was definitely due to having known her and her undying faith in him, but he grows and matures because that's just who he is. he wasn't meant to be angry and lost forever. he doesn't become a new person. he just grows into himself. he gains some confidence, loses his anger, relaxes. finds a place where he is happy and where he can thrive. but he doesn't do this to get Rory back. he does it because he has to. Logan, meanwhile, becomes monogamous for Rory, but it clearly doesn't stick.
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daydreamreality · 3 years
Thinking about actor availability, and how that affects my perception of Jess and how strongly I feel about shipping Literati.
Really thought this would only be a few paragraphs going over the points where Jess could have disappeared never to be seen again, but it turned into a freaking essay so LONG POST warning if you decide to click ahead. 
If the last we saw of Jess was hanging up the phone in the season 3 finale: "Well, it was fun ride while it lasted. That's about how I thought this would end." Still have a lot empathy for this kid and wish him well, but you screwed with Rory's heart like I knew would happen. Was that intentional? No. But he was so immature, out of control with his emotions, zero communication skills, not trusting in others...the list of reasons why he wasn't ready for a serious relationship, even if the feelings were serious, goes on. There was no way Rory wasn't going to end up as collateral damage in his personal breakdown that I could feel was going to happen. And this is the thought I had as a teenager with no dating experience watching this show for the first time. Did I want to date him? Hell no! I could see that trainwreck from a mile away. Rory was naïve to put her heart in his trust but that's part of her good qualities - she's sees the best in people and champions for them. I could go on a tangent about why exactly Jess was such an important character to me when I first watched the show (and probably why he stuck around unconsciously until I decided on a whim to rewatch GG in lockdown) but...I don't know, maybe some other time.
In the context of the entire show, I would look back at the relationship as my favorite one to watch of Rory's in the series (The build-up! The connection! Their deep belief in and respect for each other! The angst!) and Jess being a really fun character to root for (and yell at) but endgame? It was a short lived but important relationship. It’s fun to think about what ifs and how circumstances could have changed to make it work, but we can move on.
The ill-fated spin-off: I have no idea what this show would have been about except focusing on Jess and Jimmy and I’m not about to theorize. I still like Jess at this point so it would probably make me like him more since we’re getting a deeper dive into his character, but in regard to shipping him with Rory, this opinion would not change unless he all of sudden showed some great maturity. But I doubt this show would have even gotten a whole season so that probably wouldn’t happen. And then he’s living in California…this is too much, moving on.
If the last we see of Jess is in season 4: About the same feeling as above. Life, as expected, has not been treating Jess well. At all. His jadedness and hostility is at an all-time high when he shows up to get his car. Do I see the reasons informing his behavior and have empathy (once again, for a KID)? Yes, but he's also being a jerk. "The years don't seem to have hardened you." Well this year sure has!
I love the "I love you" scene but too little too late, buddy. That's probably why I love it, it's all a bit hopeless. Just keep shoveling the angst at me. I do like fics where this scene is reimagined with Rory running after him to give him a piece of her mind or Jess finding some other words to say (I really feel like he had more to say there but got overwhelmed), and coming to a tentative reconciliation: exchanging numbers, "don't fall off the face of the earth," but getting back together? No. You hurt her and you're feeling the consequences. Rory is not obligated or responsible to reciprocate those feelings, nor is she in a place to do that right now. 
But season 4 does cement that Luke and Jess's relationship is one of my favorites in the entire show. There's probably a whole other post in me regarding that so I'll keep it brief. Because of his respect for Luke, Jess makes tentative steps towards maturing in interpersonal relationships. He shows some vulnerability and honesty with a veil of sarcasm and awkwardness because, well, it's JESS.
But then of course this all goes to hell when applied to Rory. Sometimes I like to think how this dorm scene would have gone down if Rory stepped back for a second and went, "Hold on. You're not making any sense, chill out," and they could have talked a bit and had a similar reconciliation like I said above because I really think that’s all he was going for - to talk to her, apologize, and make an attempt at reciprocation like he did with Luke. But getting back together here? Canonically, he hasn't made enough progress. He set aside his personal feelings to be in his mother's wedding and used the knowledge from the self-help book to apologize to Luke, but I don't think the book's message has sunk in all the way yet and he’s still got a massive chip on his shoulder preventing him from making a good life for himself. Getting rejected by Rory here is an important moment and I really like it. It's fun to think about the AU if Rory had said yes (hello road trip!), but it's very in-character for her to not be able to handle Jess's crisis and just shouting "NO, make it stop." This is one of my proudest of Rory moments: Protect your heart girl, he ain't ready. The seeds have been planted that Jess will continue to grow and I wish him well on his journey. Endgame material? Nah. Goodbye forever, take care my friend...
Even though this scene doesn't feel like closure at all, I really thought this was the end of Jess Mariano. So imagine my surprise when -
SEASON 6: HE'S BACK. Coming out of the shadows, [literally] it's Jess Marianoooo *air horns* *confetti* *jazz hands* *Jess rolls his eyes at the fanfare*
Alright, that's out of my system. But for real that's what my mind did at this point. For context, the way I watched this show for the first time was getting the DVDs from the library while a couple of seasons were still on the air; when a new season was available to borrow, I would rewatch all the seasons up to the current point so my memories and favorite parts of the show are seasons 1-4. Because I was not bingeing the show all the way through, seeing Jess here seemingly so different didn’t feel out of place. A shock, yes! A happy surprise. But nothing about him seemed OOC. A year had gone by, we’d seen some signs of maturity in him, and getting rejected by Rory was a big kick in the ass for him to start making bigger changes in his life. I really cannot emphasize how satisfying and sensical his positive character development felt to me. 
The slight maturity we see in season 4 in its full potential. Jess is still Jess: guarded, self-deprecating, and a bit prickly but he shows a sense of calm and feeling more comfortable in his skin. This is really satisfying to see as someone who always "knew" there was a kind and capable heart underneath the exterior just like Rory did, and that tough guy, must protect myself at all costs posturing has melted away. But that side of him isn't gone, it's not like the writing did a complete 180 on his character. I love this. He's just...more at peace with himself but he's not a different person, and he's found something to direct his focus and intellect on. He's made his peace with Luke, and now he has something of worth to show Rory to try to mend that hurt as well.
Yes, it would have been nice to see how and why he decided to write a book and work in publishing but this course of events is not out of left field, nor is Jess enough of a main character at this point for scenes like this to be necessary to the show unless they were tied to Luke and showing another side of him. Jess has shown in the past that he has a good work ethic if he feels it is worth it. The problem wasn't him being lazy, just poor decision making and focusing on RIGHT NOW, "I need to get out of Stars Hollow and live my life," and not considering the consequences of his actions. Which as an immature kid whose life had told him he can only depend on himself...not out of the ordinary. The dude’s life passion is literature and has probably read every book he can get his hands on, it’s not crazy that he had his own story in him. 
Here is where Literati becomes endgame material for me. Prior to the revival it was always my feeling that post-series they would reconnect while Rory was on the campaign or afterwards. It would be low drama (except for Lorelai criticism), slowly gaining trust in each other again, and eventually starting a committed relationship within a year or two of being friends with sexual tension (lol). They made their adolescent mistakes, hurt each other, but learned from it and started over on infinitely better footing.
The match just makes sense to me at this point for many reasons; I don't feel like I need to list them all out because you can go to any pro-Literati post and I'll probably agree with the majority of the points. The biggest issue they had was timing: “Right heart, wrong time.” I like especially how they even out each other's more extreme personality traits. For example, Rory learning from Jess to consider her own feelings instead of sacrificing herself for others, and Jess considering others before himself all the time. Or professionally, I can see Jess encouraging her to step away from her ultra-organized, “everything has to be just so” ways when it benefits her to seize an opportunity right now, don’t worry about the details, you got this. Maybe Jess has another book in him, but his self-deprecation and disorganization prevent him from getting it done but Rory helps him be more objective and focused. There’s this…synergistic energy I feel with the two of them: they’re great by themselves, but form something better together.
Judging from Rory's reactions towards him in this season, I don't think it's OOC for her to have romantic feelings for him again. She's extremely proud of his accomplishments and not unhappy to see him (not holding a grudge). They fall back into their comfortable dynamic even if it makes them both a bit nervous. Now some could argue that this means that Rory only wants to be friends with him but...when have Jess and Rory ever been just friends? If "Another Year in the Life" comes out (I've got serious doubts but would love to be proved wrong) and Rory rejects him or he's not even a part of it, fine! But I just don't see anything in canon that says explicitly she'll never feel romantic towards him again.
Now the kiss...there's a lot of ways to read that scene. Do I think Jess was in the right to assume "everything is fixed" as a go ahead? No. But that's part of why he is such an engaging character: he's impulsive and acts in accordance to his feelings, and yes, this gets himself and others in trouble. 
Do I think Rory purposefully went to the open house to "use" Jess to get back at Logan? No. I think she genuinely wanted to support him, and Logan being out of town meant she wouldn't have to explain why it was important for her to go. I see the kiss paralleling the one in 2x22 but instead of Rory not being able to hold her feelings in any longer, Jess initiates. The way I see it is she was unaware she still had lingering feelings towards him (not out of nowhere, I mean their relationship has "unfinished business" written all over it) and that scared the crap out of her, just like at the end of season 2. So she runs away to the "safe space" that is being with Logan. Because she's in love with Logan, she has a sense of obligation towards him, and Rory has shown many times that she does not react well to change and highly emotional situations.
Is this scene a deal breaker for a future relationship between them? I don't think so. Jess says that he isn't sorry she came, which I take as "I'll never be sorry to see you no matter the context." Yes, this hurt him and made him pretty mad, but I don't think he's holding a grudge against her for this; even in the moment he's more concerned that someone cheated on her and her safety getting to her car. He sets a boundary that he doesn't deserve his feelings to be pushed around like this and Rory agrees. Not that I condone this sort of tit-for-tat hurting of each other (which I don't think Rory was going for in the first place) but it's almost like...that cycle is now broken. The whole scene is so open ended, it doesn't feel like a "good bye forever" to Jess.
"But Rory is so in love with Logan!" I don't know about you, but that "I'm in love with him despite all the bad he's done..." sounds so defeated and sad. It's almost like she's resigned herself to being in love with Logan. The first time I watched this, I thought this was foreshadowing that the relationship was on its last legs. To keep them together, Logan almost dies so Rory will bury her hurt out of guilt for holding a grudge against him. She is completely entitled to feeling hurt by Logan's actions, and I hate that she feels like she has to do this. But it happened, moving on.
"But Rory is a cheater!" When I think about Rory's characteristics, "cheater" doesn't make the list. She feels entitled to the men that she's loved and this isn’t super great behavior, but I don't view her as inherently unfaithful or okay with cheating. I give her leeway on the season 2 Jess kiss because she was a teenager with a lot of conflicting emotions and everything around her was pushing her to stay with Dean. The season 4 Dean debacle...she was still very young and naïve. I put most of the blame on Dean for manipulating her; I say most because if Rory really wanted to be with him, she should have been more sure of the status of his marriage, but I repeat: he manipulated her and she was very young and naïve. I dare to say she has been conditioned to view Dean as nothing but safe and trustworthy so why wouldn't she believe him... Season 4 was all about her being out of sorts when away from the Stars Hollow bubble and trying to reclaim some normalcy. Narratively, I see why this makes sense and I don't think the intention was to say “Rory is okay with cheating,” but to show very explicitly that Rory isn't perfect. This show goes to extremes, at this point I kind of just accept it and don't jump to "this person/character is terrible!" Certain characteristics and behaviors I have less patience for (mild) or will make me lose all respect for a character (extreme - honestly very few GG characters fall into this category for me); you may feel differently and that's fine. When other plot points in this series are much more bizarre and OOC, while this turn of events makes me uncomfortable and angry, at least it makes sense to me.
The 6x18 kiss I've already said that I don't think Rory had premeditated intent to cheat on Logan judging from the fact that Jess initiated it; yes, she went with it nor was it a complete surprise, I get this. The "I couldn't even cheat on him..." line I think is an outburst of guilt and regret, not her saying she had a plan in mind. Maybe I'm being too soft on her, I don't know...she did stay there late but maybe she just got lost in the book while waiting to say bye. We've seen her not know how to deal with conflicting emotions and change to her status quo, and attempt to distract herself when life isn't panning out the way she wants and not think about the consequences in the moment, so I don't find this scene OOC or intentionally cruel. The revival...I don’t think I can even go there right now because it would just be me screaming incoherently about how much I hate "full circle" and how bizarre the entire thing was. Maybe something of value would eventually come out with a lot of editing. XD
This isn’t to say I’m 100% on Rory’s side all the time. Pretty much every character in this show has at some point made me smile, made me laugh (generally with them, but some characters it’s more like at), made me want to give them a hug, made me roll my eyes, and made me want to throw something at them. That’s why I love it so much! Even if the drama is turned up to 1000, I still get the sense that these characters are human. My favs end up on my “will protect at all costs” and “shit” lists throughout the series, no one is immune. Except Lane. She really is the best person in this entire show. #JusticeForLaneKim
If ASP had written season 7: (Remember there being some sort of theme to this post? Only two episodes in s6, but Jess sure does make an impact.) I bet Jess would show up at some point. MV is loyal to the creators and not the show, if it was important for Jess to be there I’m sure his shooting schedule would have been accounted for. Storyline would have been similar to the revival because AYITL is ASPs season she didn’t get to do without considering how time passing affects the characters (I’M STILL SALTY) except Rory is at Yale and I think the book was a new idea. Shipping as endgame doesn’t change, and I bet there wouldn’t be a nice little Literati ending because we’ve got to end it the same way, right? I don't even need them to be together at the end because Rory has greater plans to focus on, but just a moment! One moment is all I asked for... I don’t know if this makes me mad because I felt like the narrative had been pushing us along this path for so long even if actual "endgame" was going to be offscreen or if I kind of like just having it in my imagination. Little bit of column A, little bit of column B. In any case, it could have been cool to see Jess present for the birth of his half-sister and giving Luke some support. 
Like I said, I'm not touching AYITL right now. The whole starting point of this was, "huh, if MV never came back to the show, how would I feel about Jess and Literati?" And he was in it so it doesn't really fit into this even though we've gone on a meandering journey as pieces of discourse that have never sat right with me but didn't quite know how to express that disagreement until now popped in my mind. So there you go. If you’ve made it to end, claps to you, what a champ.
At the end of the day, Literati is the ship that makes me feel the most things, it's kind of just a gut thing. This really isn't any sort of argument just an outpouring of love for the show and these characters. I don't know how well that's communicated, but hey, I try. I’ve got a lot of nostalgia for the pairing and I always viewed Jess as being Rory’s, and only Rory’s, choice.
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reputayswift · 4 years
Ever since I saw your exile literati gifset I cant get over how cyclical their relationship is! They really have seen this film before!! Why do you think Rory keeps coming back to Jess especially when she’s in a relationship with someone else?
Hey there! First off, thank you for checking out my Exile edit, I appreciate that a lot :) Secondly, this question sent me into an analytical spiral which is why you’re getting a response a few days late lol! I wanna preface this by saying that I’ve read a LOT of GG takes so anything I’m about to say has probably definitely been said more eloquently and concisely by someone else. Also I’m not going to get into comparing the boyfriends specifically because 1. I’ve watched the Jess eps more than any other so I don’t feel knowledgeable enough to talk on the other bfs 2. Conflict scares me :)
Okay so!
1. My (Somewhat) Reasonable Answer
I think they have a certain level of understanding that draws them back towards each other. I know Jess saying he “knows [Rory] better than anyone” in s6 is pretty controversial in the fandom (and I would never say Jess’s connection with Rory is deeper than her and, say, Lorelai’s) but that theme of “knowing”/mutual understanding crops up a lot for them (I’ve also seen a quote floating around from the writers saying they were intended to have a “meeting-of-the-minds” situation going on but all the sources I found for that were from Tumblr so not sure on the legitimacy of that).
Aside from both being bookworms they’re also both dealing with having others’ narrow expectations placed on them. The people of Stars Hollow (and in Jess’s case, his mother as well) reduce them to archetypes/caricatures of themselves (Town Sweetheart, Bad Boy). We see this pretty clearly when Taylor takes issue with Rory not wanting to play “Ice Cream Queen” once she sets her sights on college and Rory being hailed as the (literal) “poster-child of censorship.” Early on Jess susses out that Rory’s not exactly pleased with having this role forced on her (when Rory complains that her censorship poster is “stupid” Jess responds that “it’s the people who are stupid” and switches around the movie discs to get it taken down), which is one of our first glimpses at this understanding/peeling-back-their-images theme.
Teach Me Tonight has probably some of the most obvious examples of this. When Rory asks Jess why he’s not planning on attending college (when she knows that he’s more than capable, despite his lack of effort in school) he says:
“Ask my mother, she could give you a couple reasons. Oh, and I’m sure Principal Merton can chime in with a few good ones. In fact, ask your mother. She doesn’t know me all that well but I’m sure she could improvise a few things.”
Notice his response has everything to do with others’ uninformed expectations and nothing to do with his own desires! Then we have Rory saying her dream is to be an overseas correspondent and Jess initially thinking it sounds “a little too rough for [her]” (going off of that gentle Town Sweetheart assumption) then immediately pushing that away and assuring her she’ll do it.
Then we have Lorelai’s Graduation Day/The New York ep which is a huge turning point for their relationship! This whole interaction when Rory boards the bus back home really emphasizes the breaking-through-expectations point:
“Why did you come here?... I mean, you ditched school and everything. That's so not you. Why'd you do it?”
“Because, you didn't say goodbye.”
“Oh...Bye, Rory.”
Especially in conjunction with Rory’s confusion regarding her own actions after the fact:
“This is not who I am. If I were to write this down in my diary and I would read it, I would be like, Who is this freak? This isn't me.This isn't my diary. I wouldn't do this. I wouldn't skip school when I have finals coming up to go see a guy that isn't even my guy and end up missing my mother's graduation, which I wanted to be at so badly. That's someone else. That's someone flighty and stupid and dumb and girly.”
So we not only have Rory going against her own responsible schoolgirl image, but also Rory breaking through Jess’s assumption that people expect/desire him to leave (not caring enough for a warning or explanation). My friend @sanssa has a great post expanding on this better than I ever could :)
Alright so! The controversial s6 “WHY DID YOU DROP OUT OF YALE?” ep! Jess showing up (denim jacket, tousled hair, sparkly eyes...) having finally harnessed his own smarts with a published book is perhaps the perfect example of how the Jess x Rory relationship empowers them to seek out their own desires despite expectations:
“Jess, you've got such a great brain. I knew that if you could just sit down and stop shaking it around, you could do something like this. I knew it. I knew it.”
“I know you did...I just basically wanted to show you that. Uh, tell you...tell you that I couldn't have done it without you.”
Fast-forward to their mid-dinner argument, where Jess says:
“I know you better than anyone. This isn't you...What are you doing? Living at your grandparents' place, being in the DAR, no Yale — Why did you drop out of Yale?!
You could (and many have!) argue that this wasn’t his place to interfere (if you’re not invested in Jess I can completely understand how having the boyfriend with the least screen-time show up — tousled and sparkly as he may be — to tell her he knows her best and she’s — in kinder words — wasting her life away would have you saying “Who’s this guy?” lol) but when you look at their history of pushing past each others’ fronts and get to Rory’s resulting realization;
“[Jess is] doing something...I’m not. I mean, what am I doing? I'm living with my grandparents... I'm palling with my grandmother and being waited on by a maid. I come home, and my shoes are magically shined. My clothes are magically clean, ironed, and laid out. My bed is magically turned down. I'm in the DAR? I'm going to meetings and teas and cocktail parties?... And wasting my time partying and drinking, just hanging out doing nothing,”
I personally interpret it as him telling her a hard truth she was shielding herself from accepting. And of course we see his intervention in-part sets off her reconnecting with Lorelai and getting back on track with her schooling/dreams, in much the same way Rory pushing past his “no one expects anything of me so I’m going to do nothing with my life” assumption motivates him to pursue writing more seriously.
Then finally we get to the Revival where Jess finds Rory in a slump again and encourages her to write a book about her and her mother:
“Where is this coming from? What inspired you?”
“I was frustrated. I was talking to Jess —”
“Last night I outlined the first five chapters just like that. That’s a sign...This is it, this is what I’m supposed to do.”
TL;DR: They understand each other in a way that lets them see past others’ assumptions/expectations to the true, complicated them in a way that empowers them to follow their dreams and be better versions of themselves
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2. My Extremely Biased Hopeless Romantic Answer
There’s some sort of soulmate/red string of fate thing going on, Alexa play Invisible String
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Stark Spangled Forever: Man’s Best Friend.
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Intro: The Rogers bid a sad goodbye to a member of their family…
Warnings: Pet death- sorry, I know!!
Pairing:  Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: This was a one shot I started writing a while back when I had to say goodbye to my horse, Cap, and I forgot about it until I was sifting through my files today. It as therapeutic for me to write, and I promise it has a happy end. Hope you all enjoy still reading about my favourite duo as much as I still enjoy writing for them.
I love your re-blogs and comment, as always.
SSF Masterlist // WIYPT Masterlist
It’s a well held opinion that dogs don’t live as long as people because they don’t need to. People need to learn how to be good and kind as life moves on. Dogs are simply born that way…
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November 2028
“Steve…” Bucky asked, watching Rori as she lay on the rug in the living room, her legs bent in the air behind her, crossed at the ankle as they swung to and fro. “Why does Rori have odd socks on? Thought it set your teeth on edge?”
“It does.” Steve rolled his eyes from where he sat on the sofa, eyes glued to the Giants game that was on the screen. “But you try getting her to change them.” “She’ll do anything for her uncle Buck…” Bucky smirked and Steve turned to look at him, grinning.
“Go on then…” he said, watching as he knew full well where this was gonna go.
“Hey, Ror…” Bucky spoke. The 4 year old turned her head to look at him with a questioning glance.
“How ‘bout you go change your socks, find 2 yellow ones.” “How ‘bout no?” She replied, turning back to her activity book.
“Rori…” Steve said, sternly at her cheeky reply and her eyes turned to her father. She looked at him, completely unabashed, shrugging with an air that was so goddamned like her mother before she continued what she was doing, clearly no shits given whatsoever.
Steve looked at Bucky, an I-told-you-so smirk sliding on his face as he turned back to the game, beer bottle held in his hand. At that point Jamie came into the room, flopping down next on his bean bag.
“Who’s winning?” he asked, glancing at the large TV.
“The Pats.” Steve said, his nose wrinkling.
“Gross.” Jamie agreed “What we getting for dinner?” “Jay, you ate a whole pizza for lunch like an hour ago.” Steve turned his eyes on him. “You can’t possibly be hungry.” Jamie shrugged.
Steve rolled his eyes “I’ve no idea…if you’re that bad go grab a snack or something…” Jamie pushed himself off the sofa and Rori jumped up toddling after him. “Wait for me…” she called.
Bucky watched them go and turned to Steve with a grin “Gotta hand it to you pal, you got this father thing down to a tee…” Steve looked at him, narrowing his eyes slightly “You being sarcastic?”
“Not at all.” Bucky said “I mean they leave you in peace to watch football, get their own snacks…” At that point there came a piercing scream through the baby monitor signalling that Harry had awoken from his nap.
“You hadda curse it didn’t ya?” Steve sighed, looking at Bucky. Bucky simply smirked as Steve pushed himself up off the sofa and took the stairs two at a time, stepping over Lucky who was sprawled on the larger corner step as the staircase doglegged to the right. He entered his youngest son’s bedroom, to see the tot clutching the bars of his crib, tears pouring down his face.
“Hey pal…” he said softly, and Harry’s face split into a watery grin at the sight of his dad “What’s all the cryin’ for huh?”
“Dadadadadada” he babbled, holding his hands up and Steve smiled as he lifted him out of the crib and found his pacifier which was discarded by his blanket. Handing it to him, Harry shoved it in his mouth and wound his little hands into his Dad’s T-shirt, pressing his teary face into Steve’s neck. Steve smoothed his hair back and gave his head a soft kiss as he grabbed his stuffed giraffe before making his way out of the room, all tears now done, his son silent in his arms.
It would take him a while to come round, Steve knew that. Jamie and Rori had been the same at this age, clingy through disorientation when they woke up, but Harry even more so than his siblings. He had a feeling it was because Katie babied him a lot more than she had with Jamie and Rori, for no other reason than they knew he was their last, and she wanted to cling onto him being that cuddly little boy for as long as she could. She’d been heartbroken when Jamie had no longer cried for her anymore at night and had started refusing her cuddles and stopped sitting on her knee. Thankfully Rori was still at the stage where she was happy to do that but again, give it a few years and she wouldn’t be.
He headed back down the stairs, stepping over Lucky once more who hadn’t moved a muscle all day it seemed. Steve gave him a glance and said his name, the dog lazily thumping his tail against the floor but beyond that he showed no signs of life. He’d noticed the dog slowing down dramatically over the last year or so. His walks had become shorter and shorter, now they literally consisted of a potter to the top of the road so he could pee against the lamppost and then back again, most of his time was spent in the back garden or the step he was on now, simply sleeping, or at night on Jamie’s bed. His eyesight was going too, but on their last trip to the vets a few months ago he was limping quite badly on his front right, they had been told that for his age there was nothing wrong. He was simply old. And Steve could sympathise. At almost 17 Jamie had relayed the message that meant Lucky was almost 90 so as far as he and Katie were concerned, the dog had earned his right to be lazy.
When they walked back into the living room, Harry looked up and gave Bucky the once over. Bucky waggled his fingers at him, and the tot moved the hand that was tangling in Steve’s t-shirt to mimic the action, making the former assassin chuckle slightly as Steve sat back down, his son getting comfortably on his lap, his blue eyes looking around the room. Bucky watched the tot with a little amusement. Whilst Jamie was a carbon copy of his father both in looks and personality bar the distinctly Stark-like nose he had, Aurora was the double of her mother in the same way but had inherited her father’s cheekbones, yet Harry was almost a perfect blend of the two of them. He had the light brown hair, freckles and nose from his mother yet the blue eyes, cheekbones, ears and jawline from Steve.  He seemed to be a lot more placid that his elder brother, but then again there was time yet. He was stubborn, which Steve insisted he got from his mother, but both Bucky and Katie reminded him regularly that he was just as obstinate as she was, if not more so on some occasions.
Jamie and Rori returned and they sat and watched the game, both men and 8 year old fully invested in it, getting annoyed as the Giants made mistake after mistake. At one point Jamie let out an angry snort and rolled his eyes turning to his father asking why they were playing so rubbish. Steve had no response, other than to shrug and comment that it must simply be a bad day at the office…and then, not sooner had he said it, they broke and made a run for the line.
Both Steve and Bucky jumped up, Harry in Steve’s arms now fully awake, and when they hit the touchdown Steve let out a loud cheer, and Harry mimicked him, grinning and clapping. Jamie did some kind of running man dance that Sam had taught him and then dabbed, just like Bruce had shown him how to do years ago. Harry watched before he moved his arms and did the same. Steve laughed.
“Jamie, do that again…” he said.
Jamie turned and repeated the notion, Harry following again, causing Jamie and Steve to crack into identical grins.
“I leave you alone for a few hours…” a voice quipped and Steve spun round to see Katie stood in the doorway, back from the salon with her hair perfectly styled, arms folded, grin on her face. At the sight of his momma, Harry shrieked and wriggled in Steve’s arms. Steve set him down on the floor and he toddled towards her. Smiling she met him halfway and swung him up, peppering kisses all over his face, causing the tot to giggle.
“Hair looks nice…” Bucky commented and Steve shot him a look, fuming that his friend had beaten him to compliment his girl.
“Kiss ass…”
Katie laughed as Bucky grinned innocently. “Thanks Buck.” she glanced around the room “No Sam?”
“Gone to see his sister.” Steve said, dropping kiss to her cheek as she moved to sit down on the couch. “Your hair does look good.”
She smiled at him, Harry winding his hands into the soft curls, the ends slightly lighter than the rest. “Won’t do for long if he keeps playing with it.” she looked around the room and frowned “Where’s Lucky?”
“On his step” Steve said, “Hasn’t moved since you left. I’ll take him up the road when the game’s finished”
“I’ll do it.”  Katie shook her head “I’ll take Harry, give him a chance to toddle outside for a bit…fancy it baby? Wanna take Lucky for a walk?”
Harry clapped his hands “Uck uck…” he nodded.
“You wanna come Jamie?” she asked. He shook his head from where he was lounging on a bean bag, eyes glued to the game. “Rori?”
Rori took a bit longer to consider before she also shook her head.
“Suit yourselves…” she said, standing up. She took Harry into the hallway and retrieved his coat, scarf and hat from the pegs before bundling him up and slipping on his boots. Once he was ready she wrapped herself up and then called Lucky down, jangling his lead. The dog padded down the stairs and sat obediently whilst she clipped his lead on and they headed outside.
It was a slow walk, Harry still unsteady on his feet but he chattered away, his speech was taking shape much faster than his siblings had, the three of them stopping every so often so Lucky could sniff at something. As they reached his preferred lamppost, at the end of their road, Lucky went to cock his leg but to Katie’s horror he wobbled and collapsed onto his side.
“Shit…” she muttered. Dropping gently to her knees she stroked the dog’s head and looked him over, noticing his breathing had become a little shallow.
“Ucky ‘leepy.” Harry said where he stood by his momma.
Katie took a deep breath and pulled out her phone to call Steve.
“Hey?” his confused voice answered “You ok?”
“No Lucky’s collapsed…”she said, fighting back her tears. “I can’t lift him to get him home…” “Ok, wait there…” Steve said, cutting the call.
Less than a minute later Katie looked up at the sound of feet slapping on the damp sidewalk to see Steve sprinting towards them, not even having bothered to put a jacket on.
He dropped down besides her and took a second to look at their dog before he glanced at Katie, the pair of them sharing worried and sad expressions.
“Let’s get him to the vets.” Steve said, as Katie wiped the tears off her face. He gently and easily scooped the retreiver into his arms as Katie picked up Harry and they quickly made their way home.
**** They left the two youngest with Bucky, Jamie insisting on coming with them. At 8 years old he was clever enough to understand what was going on, and as Katie pointed out to Steve it was only fair he came with them for what the adults both knew deep down was going to be Lucky’s last trip.
Jamie sat on the back seat, Lucky’s head in his lap, softly talking to the dog as Steve drove through streets to the local vet surgery. He glanced in the mirror at his son, then over to Katie who was biting her thumbnail, her knee jerking nervously. He took her left hand in his and gently pressed a kiss to her knuckles and she kept hold of his fingers until he had to gently untangle his hand from hers as he pulled the car into a space.
Katie went into the surgery whilst Steve stayed with Jamie, the young boy eventually breaking the silence.
“Is he gonna die dad?”
Steve felt his chest tighten as he debated how to answer. He never lied to his kids as much as could be helped so with a sigh he turned to face Jamie who was sat in the back, his eye full of fear.
“Jay…he’s an old dog.” Steve said softly “I think he might be ready to go yeah…” Jamie bowed his head a sniffed and at that point the passenger side door opened and Katie popped her head in.
“They can see us now” she said softly.
Steve nodded and climbed out, before he lifted Lucky into his arms. Jamie slipped his hand into Katie’s as they walked into the surgery and were ushered into a quiet examination room at the back.
The Vet, they knew as John Mason smiled at them as he walked in, his round spectacles perched on his nose. He greeted them kindly as Katie explained what had happened and he gently gave the dog an examination, and Katie had to stifle the sob as even then Lucky was feebly wagging his tail.
“I’m so sorry.” The Vet looked at Katie and Steve sympathetically as he sighed “As I told you the other month, Lucky is a very old dog. I could try some pain killers and maybe a vitamin supplement but you’re just going to be delaying the inevitable…” Katie pinched her nose and bowed her head, tears filling her eyes “We won’t want him to be in any pain.” Steve slid his arm round her as Jamie’s hand tangled into hers and gave it a squeeze as he sniffed. “Mom…” She looked down to see her eldest son crying and she crouched down so she was level with him suddenly struck with the fact that in another few years she probably wouldn’t need to do that.
“I’m sorry baby…” she sniffed, her tears trickling down her face “There’s nothing we can do… I think we need to let him go to sleep.” She glanced up at Steve, her soldier’s eyes were also filled with tears as he too crouched down to look Jamie in the eye. “Your mom’s right buddy. He’s a very old dog. And we don’t want to see him in any more pain do we?”
Jamie shook his head, wiping his face with his hands “But he’s my dog. My best friend…” “I know sweetheart.” Katie sniffed, her lip trembling “But you’ll always have memories, and we can bring him home and bury him by his tree.” “The pee tree?” Jamie sniffed, and Steve gave a little chuckle.
“The pee tree.” he nodded.
Jamie looked up at the vet as his parents stood up at either side of him, Steve’s hand resting on the top of his head. “Will it hurt him?”
“No.” The vet said “I’ll give him an injection first that will put him to sleep and then the second one will stop his heart. It will be very fast, he won’t feel a thing.” Katie glanced down and could see Jamie was contemplating something before he looked at her “Can we stay with him? He’ll be scared if we don’t…” “Of course we can.” Katie nodded.
The Vet glanced at her then to Steve who gave him a small nod of permission and Mason straightened up. “I’ll give you a few minutes with him ok? I’ll go and get everything prepped.” The door clicked shut behind him and Jamie tugged on Steve’s arm “Can you lift me up?”
Steve nodded and gently swung Jamie up onto the bench where he shuffled and gently lifted Lucky’s head into his lap. The dog’s tail began to thump again and that was when Katie turned away, her sobs silent. Steve gently reached out to her and she pressed her face into his chest, her shoulders shaking.
Steve was devastated too. That dog had seen so much with them since he had found him at Clint’s after the snap. He’d seen Emmy come and live with them, grow up, she’d wiped her tears into his fur the first time Peter had finished with her, then the second time, and the third time. He’d seen the birth of all 3 of the younger kids, and had been curious at the small, noisy human that had been Jamie when they had brought him home but had fast become the boy’s self-appointed guardian, taking up sentinel position outside his room whilst he had been young, and then moved himself into the room once he had been older. He’d put up with Rori covering him in pink glitter, been an expert at stealing toast off their plates if you weren’t looking and both he and Katie had enjoyed his company later at night when he used to sidle up next to them on the couch or outside on the decking as they spent their later evenings together. Up until about 2 years ago he’d been Steve’s running companion, one that he had missed a lot when he pounded the streets of Brooklyn and he knew that Katie talked to the dog as well when she was cooking and he was hovering, waiting for scraps. Steve had also sketched the dog, more times than he cared to remember, one of the best drawings he had done of him sat with Jamie on the kitchen step adorned Jamie’s wall in a frame above his bed and another one of him and all of the kids in the garden was displayed on the sideboard in the Den.
There was no doubt about it, losing him was going to leave a huge, Lucky shaped hole in their lives.
Steve looked at Jamie and tuned in to hear his son assuring the dog that he would be ok, and that he wouldn’t hurt, but it was when he told him to say hi to his Uncle Nee and Auntie Nat-Nat that he felt Katie give a choked sob and he wrapped his arms further around his wife, his own tear falling into her hair.
The vet returned a little while later and Jamie made to move but he stopped him.
“You can stay there…” he said kindly, “He seems nice and calm.” Jamie nodded, watching as the vet gently prepared Lucky’s leg to find a vein and inserted the first needle, explaining what was going on.
“He’s going to fall asleep now…” He said, removing the needle and Katie moved from Steve’s hold to press face into the dogs fur behind his neck, just as Steve had seen her do so many times before when she’d either been upset or just in the mood for a cuddle.
“Sweet dreams puppy.” she said softly, standing up, and smoothing his fur down as Steve reached out and scratched the dogs’ ears.
“Miss you buddy.” he said, sniffing slightly as the vet injected the next drug. Jamie began to cry softly as he bent his head, Lucky’s breathing eventually stopping.
“Do you want to take his collar?” The vet asked gently as Jamie continued to stroke his beloved dog’s head and Katie looked at him.
He sniffed and nodded, and Steve moved forward, gently undoing the blue leather collar that was studded with metal bones from around his neck, Lucky’s name tag glinting in the light.
Steve opened the trunk to the car as Jamie walked round to join him, grabbing the dog basket that contained the freshly washed blankets.
“You got it?” Steve looked at him as Jamie easily lifted the item, another trait he had inherited from his dad, strength.
“Yeah…” Jamie assured him as Steve lifted the 2 large bags of dog food they had swung by the store for onto his shoulder and shut the trunk. Together they trudged through the snow into the animal shelter and Steve pushed the door open. The receptionist looked up and smiled at them.
“We have some donations.” Steve smiled at her, dropping the bags onto the floor.
“And there’s this too.” Jamie offered, “Our dog died last month and he would want other dogs to have these…”
The receptionist came out from the desk and glanced at the basket, blankets and various toys which didn’t contain the rope tug chew that Lucky had been so attached to. That had stayed home and was going to be nailed to the tree they’d buried his ashes under.
“Sorry to hear about your dog.”  She said. “Was he old?”
“17.” Jamie nodded, sniffing slightly “He was my best friend.”
Steve dropped a hand to his son’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze as Jamie wiped his face. He knew his eldest son was still grieving. All of them were, Emmy had been distraught when they had called her at University to break the news and Clint had also been a ltitle upset, the archer thanking them for giving him such a good home for the past 10 years. His collar now rest next to a photo of him in the hallway and a few times over the last 4 weeks Steve had silently observed Jamie simply holding it, for a few moments, before he would place it back down and Steve had hastily made his retreat so his son never knew his dad had been intruding on his moments of grief and remembrance. They’d left all the decisions about what to do with the rest of his things to Jamie, who had announced the previous day that he was ready to give Lucky’s basket and toys away and both he and Katie had been so upset but so proud of their boy when he said he wanted to take it to the local shelter along with some food in Lucky’s memory.
“We’ll make good use of them.” the receptionist assured him. Jamie nodded and looked up.
“Can we go now?”
“Sure buddy, come one.” Steve said, giving the receptionist another smile before he steered the boy towards the door. As they walked Jamie casually glanced up at the board on the wall which contained photos of the animals ready for adoption and stopped dead.
“Dad…” he said, pointing “Look…”
Steve followed his hand and scanned the board. “Jamie, what…”
“The one in the middle…” he said gently, “look at his name.”
Steve scanned the adverts when he spotted the one Jamie was talking about.  It was a white and tan dog with a huge bushy tail and pointy ears. The dog’s large brown eyes wore an expression that was worried and scared, which wasn’t surprising considering he was in a rescue and as he looked at the details learning the dog was approximately 5 years old and had been picked up as a stray, he read the name and his eyes widened.
“Well I’ll be damned…” he gave a low chuckle.
Jamie looked at him. “Can we see him?”
“I just want to see him….” his son said desperately “That name!”
Steve glanced down at Jamie again who was wearing a look of hope on his face and he signed. “Fine, ok, we can see him. But just looking ok?”
Famous last words.
It was a well-worn joke in the Rogers house hold that whilst Dad was the one that dished out the worst telling’s off when mum told him they’d been misbehaving and weren’t listening to her, he was also the pushover out of the two, the one who the kids went to first if they wanted something.
So now, it was no surprise that Jamie turned all of his best pleading and reasoning on his father as he looked up at him from where he was crouched petting the dog, whose tail was wagging furiously.
“Please dad…” Jamie looked at him, “Lucky sent him to us, he has to have done…”
“We can’t just take another dog home…not without asking your mom.” Steve shook his head
“Why not? She does stuff all the time that you tell her not to.”
Ok so that was true. And it wasn’t like they hadn’t talked about getting another dog, they’d agreed they’d wait until after Christmas though, and then come to the rescue as a family…but, as he looked at the dog, although he didn’t believe in fate, he had to admit the name was one hell of a coincidence. And when the volunteer who had taken them to see the dog had explained just why the dog was called that…well, he was struggling really to argue with Jamie about it being a sign.
Even though fate was a load of bullshit.
Steve took another look at his son. His young face was radiating utter joy, something that had been absent from his life since he’d lost his faithful companion. With a low groan, Steve turned to the volunteer.
“Hypothetically speaking, if we wanted to adopt him…”
“You need to fill out a form and we do a quick background check but, well, seeing as it’s his last day today there won’t  be a home check or anything so…” “His last day?” Jamie’s head snapped up.
“Yeah he’s been here 4 weeks. We don’t keep them longer than that.”
“What…��� the young boy said, his mouth dropping open “You mean…” “Afraid so.” The woman sighed “We don’t have the space or…”
Jamie turned his blue eyes on his father, as the death row inmate in question licked his rosy cheeks,  his tail wagging furiously.
“Damned it…” Steve grumbled as he turned back to the woman “Better show me the form then…” ***** “Honey?” Steve called as he, Jamie and mutt entered the hallway “Don’t go mad, but… “Mad?” her voice called back, “What would I be…”
Katie stopped dead as the dog pattered into the kitchen, bushy tail raised as he looked around sniffing, Jamie still holding his leash. Harry gave a shriek of excitement from his chair.
Steve held his hands up, palms out “This was not my idea…” “It was his last day mom.” Jamie looked up as Katie crouched to pet the dog, her mouth still hanging open. “They were gonna kill him and we saw his photo and then his name and…” “His name?” Katie asked, looking up and almost falling back as the dog jumped up, two paws on her chest as he licked her face, his tail wagging furiously. “Why, what’s his name?” Steve, picking Harry up out of his chair, glanced at Jamie who grinned and looked at his mom as he spoke “Stark.”
“What?” she whispered softly, looking at Jamie then to Steve. Steve nodded to confirm what his son was saying was true. “He’s…called Stark?”
Steve nodded, setting Harry down on the floor watching as the tot headed over to the dog, Katie showing him how to pet him softly.  “The Wardens picked him up by that huge memorial-slash-murial of Tony near the park.” he said softly “Hence his name.” He watched as his wife’s eyes filled with tears and she stood up, hastily wiping her face. Steve reached out and rubbed her arm as she turned and moved back to where she had been chopping vegetables for dinner. Jamie stood up a little tentatively, looking at his dad before he glanced at his mother.
After a moments pause she spoke “Suppose you best go show him your sister if he’s staying. She’s in the den.”
Jamie’s face split into a huge grin and he dropped the dogs leash and rushed over to his mom. “Thank you….” She turned to give him a hug, gently ruffling his hair before he took the dogs leash again and headed out of the room, Stark eagerly trotting by his side. Harry followed and Steve turned to Katie.
“You’re an ass hole.” she narrowed her eyes at him before she turned back to the vegetables and he laughed as he crossed the room, wrapping his arm around her from behind as he kissed her neck.
“I’m sorry but…well come on, tell me you would have left him there.”
She took a deep breath, but her silence told Steve all he needed to know.
“So now we have a son and a dog named after Tony and a daughter who shares his birthday.” she said, snorting “He’ll be laughing his head off up there.” Steve chuckled and they both turned as their kids walked back into the room, followed by their new dog who was now sporting a pink and blue bandana round his neck.
“I don’t like the collar from the rescue…” Jamie shrugged, as Rori giggled.
“Stark looks pretty.”
“Why don’t you let him outside?” Steve asked, “So he can see the garden.”
Jamie nodded and opened the door, the dog hesitating slightly before he stepped out and down the patio, before letting out a huge bark and running onto the grass. He dropped and rolled onto his back, happily before he jumped up and walked over to Lucky’s Tree. He sniffed, and then as they watched he cocked his leg and peed straight up the side of the trunk.
With a huff Jamie grinned, his arms folded as he leaned against the door frame, his father doing the same slightly higher up. “Still the pee tree…Dad.” “Still the Pee tree.” Steve nodded, agreeing. Katie snorted at the ridiculous similarity between the two and shook her head slightly as she held Harry on her hip. “What do you think pal?”
Harry laughed and clapped his hand “pee”
She pressed a kiss to his cheek and her attention turned to Steve who gave her a wink.
“You’re still an ass hole.” she said to him.
“Language.” he shot back, as he moved over to where she was stood and whispered into her hear. “Make it up to you later pretty girl.”
There was something about the way he said that phrase that always sent shivers down her spine. He kissed the side of her neck again, before he headed out of the kitchen and Katie watched him go before she turned to look at Jamie and Rori who both shared a hi-five as Jamie whistled. Stark’s ears picked up and as he shouted to the dog he came bounding back over and into the kitchen, his tail wagging furiously before he dropped onto his back for a belly rub.
“I love him already!” Rori giggled and Jamie looked up at his mum, his eyes so like his fathers locked onto hers and he smiled.
“Love you momma.”
And if Steve hadn’t already won her over with his loaded promise a few moments ago, that would have done it there and then.
There was a lot of excitement over the new addition to the Rogers household, but eventually later that night they managed to get the 3 kids into bed, Jamie leaving his bedroom door open so that Stark could find where he felt more comfortable to sleep.
When they were heading to bed, Katie took a shower in the en-suite, and as she turned the water off she could hear Steve talking to someone or something. Assuming he was on the phone to Emmy, which wasn’t uncommon last thing at night she opened the door and stopped dead. Stark was nestled next to Steve on the bed, his nose tucked under Steve’s as the super-soldier gently held the pup like he was one of their kids, softly cooing at him.
She gave a cough and he looked up at her sheepishly, shrugging.
“What can I say?” he smiled, raising an eyebrow “I have a thing for Starks…”
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N.B. Yes, the dog I had in my mind was Dodger, and I’m doing this shamelessly so that I can use photos of him and Chris because I’m a thirsty ho…
@the-omni-princess​  @momobaby227​ @geekofmanythings16​ @angelofhell-666​ @thewackywriter​ @marvelfansworld​​  @cobalt-gear​  @asgardlover75​ @jennmurawski13​​​  @jtargaryen18​​ @saiyanprincessswanie​​  @navispalace​​ @patzammit​​  @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​​  @icanfeelastormbrewing​​ @djeniiscorner​​  @ayamenimthiriel​​  @coldmuffinbanditshoe​​  @disneylovingal​​ @madzmilllz​  @sgtjaamesbaarnes​ @official-and-unstable-satan​ @jhayes6984 @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​
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sexualtea · 5 years
Hey! How about an imagine where ur ringos lil sister (couple months younger than Paul) & u go on tour with them bc u and ringo are super close, & u have a crush on Paul that u havent told anybody but George and John notice u acting different around him. Ringo thinks theyre just messing with him and Paul is literally oblivious so John and George try different ways of setting u 2 up and nothing works til finally John blurts out that u have a crush on him and ur embarased and Paul reveals his crush
Here you Go!! Hope you like it as much as I liked writing it! Really had fun with this, although I was in a rush so it hasn’t been checked for errors. That said, bon appetit!
Starry Eyed
Word Count - 2,422
Paul McCartney x reader Fluff
Your beatle boys love you deeply, but part of you deep down wants Paul to love you a little more.
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When Ringo left Rory Storm and The Hurricanes to become a Beatle, apparently you did too. You sometimes felt like you were the luckiest girl in the world to have Ritchie as a brother, you never argued and always had a good laugh - So imagine your surprise when you found yourself with three more big brothers!
You and George got on like a house on fire. You were drawn naturally to him after hearing of how hard he fought to have your brother in the band, and even more so when you found out how much effort he put in trying to make sure Ringo felt included. He took you under your wing as well, and put together you were an unstoppable trio.
John was uncertain at first. Ringo had told them all that you were off limits, and so John was never particularly interested. If he couldn’t chase you, what was the point? But you persisted, and one day when he was deep into reading A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, you told him how much you liked the book, but that you liked the Buddy-Holly style glasses perched on his nose even more, And he began to realise that maybe you weren’t so bad. A firm friendship ensued, enjoying relentless teasing and hours upon hours of intellectual conversation about books and films and art - Sometimes Ringo felt as though John preferred you to him.
But Paul, oh Paul. He was a whole different story. The last thing you wanted him to be was a brother to you. You wanted him to hold your hand and kiss you, for all the amazing songs he wrote to be about you. You wanted him to spill his hearts contents to you; his thoughts, his fears, his ideas, his dreams. You wanted all of him, unconditionally and completely.
It nearly killed you to watch him everyday, writing songs about girls who weren’t you, parading around with groupies after every show. He’d buy them drinks and keep them close to him all night, before leaving discreetly, a hand on her back and always throwing a cheeky wink to the group. But what hurt you most of all was that you could never have him.
Even if Ringo didn’t forbid them from going after you, Paul would never be interested. How could he ever be? He was perfect. He was kind and thoughtful, willing to go out of his way to do anything for anybody. He was beautiful, his smile brighter than anyones you had ever seen, the longest eyelashes known to man, and a silly mop top that he pulled off so well it has inspired a new fashion trend. He was untouchable.
And recently, he bothered you more and more than you’d care to admit. Every night before each show, the boys would stand in a line as you wished them good luck and pressed a kiss to their cheeks - But with Paul, his hands would fall to your waist and you had to force yourself to pull away before you were tempted to give him a kiss. You feared if you started you’d never be able to stop.
Every morning, you would wake up the lads with a cup of tea - at their insistence as you ‘make it just right’ as George liked to say. But not Paul. You didn’t know what would be worse; seeing how perfect he looks in the morning, all soft and gentle, Or seeing some blonde model in his bed, still wrapped around him.
Avoiding him was difficult, and more noticeable than you thought. The boys had clocked your strange behaviour, and quickly confronted Paul, wanting to know what he had done to hurt you so much. Paul was as clueless as ever, and desperately tried to rack his brain to work out what he had done wrong. He couldn’t bear the thought that he had hurt you - You meant so much to him.
He loved everything about you, how could he not? You were stunning, easily the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life. The groupies were merely a substitute for you, distractions. You would never want him, and even if you did, it wouldn’t be worth destroying the band.
You were the reason the band was so successful he thought, you inspired him. When he looked at you, it was as if the lyrics wrote themselves. And when he talked to you, it was music to his ears. He admired your passion, your talent, your intelligence. You kept him going, and every time you pulled away and shut him out, his heart broke a little.
John couldn’t stand it any longer. He was sick to death of Paul’s moping and he was beyond fed up with your erratic behaviour. He was a clever man, and he couldn’t realise it had taken so long to realise what was up with the pair of you.
The two lads were squashed up on the bed of a stuffy hotel room, guitars in hand and notebooks scattered between them. They worked silently, the only noise being chords and strums as they examined lyrics, when John decided to peer down at Paul’s notebook, his eyes straining to see what it said. In the younger lads typically messy scrawl, John squinted to make out words dotted along the page,
If it’s something that I’ve said or done, tell me what and I’ll apologise
Tell me Why
I really can't stand it I’m so in love with you
But then his eyes finally adjusted, and amongst the lyrics on the page that they were currently working out, John nearly gasped at the sight.
Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.
Your name, over and over as if it was a song in itself. John couldn’t believe his eyes. He couldn’t believe Paul would disregard Ringo like that, but he also couldn’t believe Paul wouldn’t act on his feelings. John loved you like a sister, and he only wanted the best for you, and he was pretty certain that Paul would treat you right. The only thing left, John thought, was to see if you felt the same.
You stood at the kitchen counter, stirring the mugs of tea you were making for Ringo and George. You were softly humming ‘do you want to know a secret’ to yourself, a favourite of yours. You found Georges voice so comforting, but not when he snuck up behind you, laughing ‘Yes, I’d love to know a secret!’ You let out a squeal in surprise and his hands fell onto your shoulders and he rested his head on yours.
‘Jesus George, what do you think you’re doing,’ you gasped, hand on your heart to feel it racing.
You whipped round to meet his eyes, his eyebrows quirked and a teasing smile. ‘Cmon y/n, whats going on with you?’ He poked, and you could see the tinge of concern in his eyes.
‘What do you mean? I’m fine,’ you shrugged, carefully handing him his mug. He took it with a smile and muttered a ‘ta.’
He sipped at his drink, watching you carefully. ‘Y’know if I didn’t know better, I’d think Paul had upset you.’ You went to protest, scrambling to find the right words that wouldn’t reveal the truth.
‘But I do know better, and I know Paul wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. And not just because he knows Ringo would win in a fight,’ He offered you a smile and rubbed your shoulders comfortingly. ‘So whats going on?’
You looked up, deep into Georges eyes. Since you couldn’t tell Ringo, George was the next best thing. There was something about his soft brown eyes and gentle gaze that made you crack, and your eyes slowly began to well up.
‘Oh George,’ you sighed, and he pulled you into a tight embrace. ‘I think I love him.’
George made sure to hold you tight till you stopped crying, and brought Ringo his tea so he wouldn’t get suspicious and come check up on you. When he was making his way back to the kitchen, He bumped into John.
‘Hey, want me to get you anything? Y/n’s in there and she’s pretty upset, don’t think she wants anyone to see her at the moment.’
‘She’s upset? Why? Whats happened?’ John demanded, his eyes narrowing.
‘Well. Oh I don’t know John, I don’t think she would want me to say. Especially if you’re gonna be all Lennon about it.’ George shrugged, trying to squeeze past the older man.
‘Hey now, I care about her just as much as you, I promise I won’t make jokes or tell everyone,’ John protested, ‘I promise.’
George was torn, and if it wasn’t for your muffled sobs coming from the kitchen, he would’ve ignored Johns persuasion tactics and come right back to you. But he felt a little out of his depth, knowing what he knew, and trusted John to protect you as well.
George inched closer to John, his voice dropping to a whisper. ‘She’s in love with Paul. Got ‘erself a bit worked up about it, y’know,’
Johns eyes widened and his face split into a huge grin. ‘This is fantastic!’ He cried, ‘Don’t you see?’
George looked up at John with confusion, immediately regretting his decision to share your secret.
‘John,’ he warned, his voice firm, but it was too late, for John was bouncing to the living area, calling for everybody to join him. George shook his head nervously but began to make his way over.
‘Listen Star, you won’t believe this,’ John nearly sang, eyes swimming with mischief and glee.
‘Well what is it?’ The drummer asked, setting down his magazine.
‘John,’ George again warned as he entered the room, ‘Don’t do this…’
Ringo tilted his head like a lost puppy, till John exclaimed, ‘Paul and Y/N are in love!!’
Ringo’s eyes shot open with surprise. ‘Wipe that shit-eating grin off your face Lennon, and tell me whats going on!’ He nearly yelled.
‘I’m telling you Rings! Paul’s infatuated with her! He’s like a teenage boy! You should see the sap he’s been writing, And I’m quite sure she feels the same.’ John insisted eagerly. He was so caught up in his excitement he never noticed you sheepishly enter the room, cheeks red and eyes puffy.
‘You must be joking, it’ll never work!’ Ringo argued.
George hid his face in his hands as you opened your mouth to speak.
‘What won’t work?’ You asked quietly.
‘You and Paul!’ Ringo exploded, and the room descended into silence. You couldn’t believe George would go running straight to Ringo, you should’ve known better. ‘Rings…’ you started.
‘She cant help how she feels,’ John came running to your defence, standing with his back to the door, as Paul ever so casually sauntered into the room, ciggie in mouth. ‘If she’s in love with Paul, she’s in love with Paul!’
‘Lennon!’ George shouted as you squeezed your eyes shut and let a tear slowly escape, Praying and praying for the floor to open up and swallow you. Your throat tightened and you paled, a sick feeling beginning to burn in your stomach like acid.
You didn’t want to know whether his perfect lips had formed into a surprised ‘O’, or if they were pulled up into a smirk, finding the idea of you loving him the funniest thing he’d ever heard.
You felt someone gently place their hand on the small of your back and guide you out of the room and back into the kitchen, where you finally choked out a very audible sob.
‘Georgie I cant belie-’
‘I’m not George,’ a voice whispered, hands gently holding your face, ready to brush away the tears. McCartney, you cursed.
‘Can you please look at me?’ He eased, tilting your chin up. You opened your eyes to be met with his, bright and eager.
‘I can’t believe it. I can’t believe you love me too,’ He smiled, his own eyes welling up as he began to press butterfly kisses along the landscape of your face.
‘You’re everything. Absolutely everything to me. Let me take care of you,’ He breathed out between kisses.
‘I don’t understand…’ you stuttered out, cheeks warmer than ever.
He pulled back to look at you deeply, before taking in a breath to calculate his next move.
‘Listen. I love you. I love you so much. I want you to be mine, snotty nose and all,’ he smiled, as he poked at your nose gently. ‘Thats if you’ll have me.’ He tilted his head to the side and looked at you pleadingly.
You could’ve screamed. You felt like you were on fire. Your skin burned where he was touching you and your heart was thumping against your ribs so hard it could bruise.
‘I’d have you anytime,’ you grinned, as your hands made their way to his dark locks to pull him into you.
Your lips met in a passionate kiss, exploring one another fondly, before a stunted cough interrupted you.
You turned your heads slowly to see the lads. George stood smiling proudly, John, with the biggest cheesy grin known to man, and Ringo, looking stern. But his eyes revealed the truth, and they looked at you lovingly.
‘Listen Y/n, I want more than anything for you to be happy, as long as I’m still your number one, eh’ Your big brother smiled tentatively. You couldn’t believe your luck, the best brother in the world and maybe, just maybe, the best boyfriend?
You looked up at Ringo, your best friend, with all the love in your heart and replied ‘Oh Rings, you’ll always be my number one.’
‘Do you, ehh. Do you mind lads?’ Paul coughed out, His hand resting determinedly on your bum.
‘We just wanted to tell you you’ll make beautiful babies!’ John exclaimed, pretending to wipe tears from his eyes. ‘And I personally wanted to say John is a beautiful name - girl or boy!’ You all rolled your eyes and laughed, apart from Ringo, who balked at the idea. ‘Enough of that!’ He exclaimed. ‘You’ll give me a heart attack!’ He took a step closer to you and Paul, outstretching his hand. ‘But seriously. Take care of her.’
Paul stretched out and they shook hands firmly. ‘I will.’ He promised. Ringo shrugged but couldn’t hide his proud smile. ‘I know.’
The two lads nodded their heads at one another, before Ringo turned to pull George and John out of the room, ‘C’mon lads,’ he said, ‘I don’t want to see what he’s gonna do to my baby sister.’
John let out a childish whine ‘Aw, but I do!’
You snorted, as Paul’s attention returned to you. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
‘Where were we?’ He mused, his hands returning to your bum. ‘Let me remind you,’ you whispered seductively, pulling him in for another kiss, one of many to come.
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littlehollyleaf · 4 years
(I had a really long, detailed version of this....... but Tumblr ate it D’: so this is... heavily abridged, sorry!)
Tagged by the ever lovely @castiel-saved-me-from-myself​ <3
pick 10 ships without reading the questions
Interesting... ok!
1. Dean/Cas (obviously)
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2. Aziraphale/Crowley
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3. Nygmobblepot
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4. Foxma
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5. Babitha
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6. Amy/Rory
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7. Nomi/Amanita
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8. Eve/Flynn
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9. Catradora
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10. Cosima/Delphine
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1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
I think I started shipping Amy/Rory during the Venice fish monster ep - cos that was when I felt Amy really did love him back and they had a future together. Before I suspected that her running away with the Doctor was a sign she and Rory weren’t right for each other.
2. Have you ever read a FanFiction about 2?
Only read a handful of Ineffable fic. Overall I’m perfectly happy with the canon alone.
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr?
Yes I’ve had Foxma themed phone backgrounds and a tumblr header :)
4. If 7 were to suddenly break-up today, what would your reaction be?
Disbelief and disapproval. Nomi and Amanita were one of the great constants of Sense8 for me. I think a break up would be out of character for them tbh. Plus it would be denying the black and trans characters a rare example of a happy ending, which would suck.
5. Why is 1 so important?
I wrote such a detailed thing about how DeanCas is not only important to me personally but also how I feel it’s been important for TV/media in general... ugh, tumblr!
In a nutshell - this ship helped me better myself in various ways. It introduced me to fandom,  which boosted my confidence and independence via increased socialisation; it encouraged me to write more, which improved my writing skills; meta discussions educated me on lots of issues, inc. but not limited to abuse, sexuality, gender identit, autism and racism.
I also genuinely believe that the loud and open fandom support of the ship has been a significant help in the ongoing battle for more and better queer rep in media.
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
Serious! Catra and Adora’s relationship is a core part of the whole show, relating to lots of the wider themes of abuse, toxic behaviour, growth and forgiveness. Plus the significance of a same sex romance involving the lead character in a CHILDREN’S CARTOON really cannot be overstated.
(but it is also cute and funny sometimes :p)
7. Out of all of the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
I’ve spoken before about having issues with the concept of ‘chemistry.’ If I ship characters it’s usually because I find the combination of their characterisation and story arcs interesting/compelling. I often don’t notice (or I guess care about?) chemistry.
So I think I’m not qualified to answer this one.
8. Out of all of your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond?
Agreeing with @castiel-saved-me-from-myself​ here - you can’t really beat the Ineffables millenia long romance :)
9. How many times have you read/watched 8’s fandom?
I’ve rewatched The Librarians 2 or 3 times now. It’s DAFT. But it’s fun. And Eve and Flynn make me feel warm and fuzzy.
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
Again, as @castiel-saved-me-from-myself​ said - it’s gotta be the Ineffables, both within AND outside of the story, since Good Omens was originally published over 30 years ago and the Zira/Crowley shippers have been going strong all that time. Otherwise it’s DeanCas.
(though idk if Catradora was a ship back when the original She Ra cartoon was airing, or when the original cartoon was made, so it’s possible that is also a contender!)
11. How many times, if ever, has 2 broken up?
Lol at @castiel-saved-me-from-myself​ for getting Nygmob for this one, as their relationship is, like, 90% break up :P
For the Ineffables though it’s basically just the once - when Zira chooses Heaven over Crowley. Not made such a Big Deal in the book IIRC, but in the show it’s the infamous Bandstand Break Up scene.
All other separations are only minor, temporary squabbles imo. Which is what makes the Bandstand scene so PAINFULLY, BEAUTIFULLY, ANGSTY AND EMOTIONAL and why I love it so! 
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
I figure angels and demons probably can’t be killed by zombies, so the Ineffables are the most likely.
But Eve and Flynn did actually face off against zombie-ghost things in an alt universe during a whole Loom of Fate plot and survived, so I think they’d probably also make it.
13. Did 5 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
No, Babs and Tabs were always open about being together, even when Tabs was also in a relationship with Butch.
I might argue they hid the depth of their feelings for each other though, even from themselves, and instead made out what they had together was just a casual ‘friends with benefits’ type thing.
Though Tabs did hide things a little when she sent assassins after Jim cos she blamed him for putting Babs in a coma. She clearly knew her brother would disappprove, which is why she didn’t tell him what she was doing. I guess that kinda counts as hiding her relationship with Babs? She was trying to conceal how much Babs mattered to her?
14. Is 4 still together?
Lol, Foxma were never together (ALAS!). But the show did end with their lingering fondness for each other intact I think.
15. Is 3 canon?
Is Nygmobblepot canon? Rather a touchy question for the fandom tbh.
If we are talking EXPLICIT canon - then no. 
They never got a kiss or a MUTUAL love declaration (and they had a controversial ‘we’re brothers’ exchange in the penultimate episode) - ergo there is not enough, imo, to say they ended the show officially romantically involved.
However, Ozzie DID EXPLICITLY DECLARE HIS ROMANTIC LOVE for Ed, and that was never rescinded. There is also LOTS OF SUBTEXT floating around Ed to imply he reciprocates. Plus they did end the show together as clear Partners in Crime.
So is Nygmob subtextual canon?
I would say yes.
But explicit, CANON canon?
A frustrating no that fandom remains, understandably, critical about.
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
I think a toss up between Nygmob and Babitha - because everyone else has too many morals that would hold them back from killing :p
(and since Ed and Oz have both bested Babs and Tabs in the past I lean towards them... but it would depend on when in Gotham canon the games were happening!)
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 10’s ship?
Breaking up Cosima and Delphine was a LITERAL PLOT POINT of Orphan Black at one point, so very much yes! I forget the details (the show got very twisty, with lots of different organisations working on different agendas in the shadows), but I’m pretty sure Delphine was shot because she was protecting Cosima. I remember it BROKE MY HEART and I thought it was a casebook example of Bury Your Gays. But, spoiler: it wasn’t ;)
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
Going with DeanCas, because I think that, historically, it’s the one that’s been in most need of defending.
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 1’s tumblr page?
Not anymore I’m afraid. Though 3 or so years ago I used to spend most of my free time on DeanCas and spn meta. Ah, nostalgia.
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she´d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?
Foxma. Because while I adore the idea of a messy, confused ~something between them, in my heart I know that Foxy deserves better :P
I was too tired to bother with tagging the first time I completed this - DEF not gonna bother now!
Play if you want - it’s fun :D
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What are your headcannons for the kids from the four main All the Wrong Questions series?
oh geez there are so many 
Lemony Snicket
Listen every character in the Snicketverse is autistic but Lemony? HIGH.KEY. This boy cannot stand sensory overload and also stims with verbal recitation. 
After several months in Stain’d-by-the-Sea, the Associates got used to him just showing up and taking food. He eventually stopped asking, and then eventually stopped using the door. Moxie has, more than once, come downstairs to find him sitting on her counter eating cereal. 
Beatrice snuck into town once to see how he was doing, saw him and Moxie trying to jump off the roof of the diner with a tablecloth parachute and Jake dragging them back and screaming, and she just turned right the fuck around and reported to their friends, “yeah he’s fine.” 
Kit made him promise not to tell Jacques that she was almost in jail. 
MODERN AU: Gets into twitter and tumblr fights with obvious trolls. Tried to call CPS on Theodora just to see what would happen. Can recite any “Unraveled” YouTube video on command. Has an extensive knowledge of Pokemon. 
Moxie Mallahan
listen this girl is a lesbian in denial and she wrote Ellington Feint a note that said “get out of my town” because she didn’t know what else to do
She always kinda knew that her Mother was never coming back for her, but she didn’t admit it aloud until after Lemony left. 
Moxie: I can eat ten marshmallows at once. Kellar: You are a hazard to yourself. Lemony: And a coward. Do twenty 
Moxie knows how to pick every kind of lock, and how to break into every window. She takes her journalism very seriously and will get the truth even if she has to flip the world off as she does it. 
MODERN AU: Blogger. Once spent a week straight putting together a project and then passed out for forty-eight hours. Still carries a typewriter with her everywhere. Had to physically stop Lemony from eating a tide pod. 
Ellington Feint 
Had literally no idea Lemony had a crush on her because she’s just that gay. 
Actually popped up around town inbetween books constantly, mainly to chill with Cleo, Jake, the Bellerophons, and even Ornette. They just all neglected to mention this to Lemony. 
She doesn’t remember anything about her mother. All she knows is what her father told her; that her mother used to make music boxes, loved coffee, and died in a fire. 
Goes through a huge rebel/outlaw phase after escaping with Kit, because she’s completely lost and has no idea what to do or who to trust; her own father never gave a shit about her, as she now knows, so how could anyone care? Eventually she made her way back to Stain’d-by-the-Sea, where Moxie found her crying in the attic of Black Cat Coffee and awkwardly invited her to live in the lighthouse. 
MODERN AU: Has been on the run from CPS for so fucking long. Quotes Gilmore Girls almost daily and will argue your ear off about why Rory/Paris should’ve been endgame. Once ate a tide pod. Cries while watching the Addams Family. 
Kellar Haines 
Even after the Train Incident, he basically lives with Moxie. He just can’t trust his Mom anymore, and while he claims otherwise, they didn’t really have a good relationship before then, either. Lizzie stays with him. 
His special interest is in codemaking. He would’ve been really valuable to VFD if he’d gotten recruited. As is, Moxie kicks the ass of anyone who tries to kidnap him, so he’s fine. 
He’s also super good at crafting, and can make really cool art projects whenever he has the time. Lizzie used to give him art supplies whenever she could, and still hangs his drawings on the lighthouse fridge. 
He just gets so tired of his friends’ shit. He’d be a Mom Friend if he made any effort to stop them but as is he just kinda watches crap go down. 
MODERN AU: Constantly goes to the movie theater just to chill. Addicted to YouTube. Is the only one of the squad not freaked out by the Watership Down movie. Asks existential questions at random to scare the squad and then immediately says “yeet” in a deadpan voice and throws Squeak across the room. 
Pip and Squeak Bellerophon 
They took over the taxi for their Dad when he fell ill. He died a few months later, and they kept claiming he was alive, in fear that they would get separated by whoever was in charge of their case. The only person they told is Jake, because he eventually followed them home to ask their Dad why the fuck he didn’t feed them and found that they were living alone, and Cleo, because Jake can’t keep secrets from her. 
Pip and Squeak used to fight a lot, though they never intended any real harm. They slowly stopped after they started living alone, and Pip started kinda taking charge of keeping him and Squeak safe. 
They used to be very tight with Qwerty, because they were constantly at the library. He suspected their situation, but never confirmed it and was alright just making sure the kids were okay. Squeak would sometimes climb on the bookshelves and knock them over, but thankfully Qwerty thought this was funny. 
Squeak likes to “adopt” stray animals he finds in the backyard. Whenever he walks in going “gUESS WHO OUR NEW SIBLING IS,” Pip has to guess whether he’s going to bring in an injured baby bunny he can nurse back to health, or a squirrrel he just caught who is still struggling and about to destroy half the house. 
MODERN AU: Pip has a Nintendo Switch that Squeak can only play Animal Crossing on. Squeak keeps posting photos on Instagram of him and Pip driving illegally but everyone thinks they’re edits. Squeak once very seriously told Pip that he would have to marry Jake so they could keep getting free food from him (before they found out he was dating Cleo). Have slept in library closets before and will again. 
Cleo Knight 
Identifies as Demi-bi. She and Jake met as preteens, when she wandered off and got lost, and went into the diner to use the phone and call Zada and Zora. Afterwards, she kept sneaking out to visit him. 
Was much closer to Zada and Zora than her parents. She used to hang out in the kitchen with them, laying on the counter and practicing calculations or studying advanced chemistry while they cooked. 
Also very very autistic. Can only eat certain things, because she has huge texture problems. Only Zada, Zora and Jake have ever gone out of their way to accommodate her without complaint. 
Is incredibly reckless and never thinks anything through. While everyone knows she can take care of herself, it’s still nerve-wracking to see her run out the window, leaving only a note saying she’ll be back in three hours after trying to find a chemical, and coming back covered in blood that’s not her own. 
MODERN AU: Was a Guardians of Ga’Hoole kid. Would exist on a diet of cheetos, cereal and sprite if not for her boyfriend. Once, Ornette helped her break out of the house to go to the movie theater to watch Lego Batman. Super into Stranger Things. 
Jake Hix 
Literally is the only reason the Associates are still alive. He gives them food and makes sure they don’t kill themselves doing some stupid reckless stuff. 
Surprisingly, though, Cleo has had to physically stop him from fistfighting S Theodora Markson, who keeps forgetting to feed her fucking apprentice
Jake: As soon as I hit 18 I’m adopting you. Pip and Squeak, not even glancing over: Lit. 
Has been in love with Cleo since they met. Since their relationship is technically “secret”, Hungry pretends not to notice, despite how increasingly obvious it gets. She knows she should technically discourage this, but he’s just. so in love. When he’s not working, he spends his time in him and Cleo’s garden. 
MODERN AU: Has threatened to put parental locks on Lemony and Moxie’s phones multiple times. Keeps quoting The Princess Bride at Cleo, to the annoyance of the other Associates around them. Actually super into Doctor Who. Also keeps beating everyone’s ass in Mario Kart. 
Ornette Lost 
Has never once understood what was going on, but honestly she just rolls with it. “Guess we’re doing this now? Okay.” 
Keeps bringing stray cats into her Uncles’ house and adopting them. She has twelve now. There is no stopping her. 
Super close with Cleo and Jake. Mainly because she doesn’t mind third-wheeling, and will just fold origami when she gets bored, but also because she’s pretty good at dropping life advice and also is shockingly hilarious. 
Lemony: Ornette. Why did the toaster blow up. Ornette: Hm?Lemony: Toaster. Blew up. Ornette: Oh. Yeah I blew it up Lemony: why Ornette:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
MODERN AU: Very into anime, especially Fullmetal Alchemist. Lives on ice cream. Has OPINIONS on the Disney Reboots. She got expelled from school because she graffitied GAY RIGHTS on the side of the building, and then a couple of middle fingers. 
Lizzie Haines 
INCREDIBLY protective of Kellar. She had more part in raising him than their mother; she was reluctant to leave him for her apprenticeship, but he convinced her he’d be fine. 
Sharon was a huge perfectionist in regards to Lizzie’s talents and studies, so Lizzie always felt very distant from her. When she left for her apprenticeship, she ended up bonding with Sally Murphy, to the point where Lizzie saw her as more of a parent figure. 
Lizzie noticed suspicious activity going on around town, and started investigating, even though Sally didn’t think anything was wrong. Lizzie had a conspiracy board and everything. She was kidnapped just as she was piecing everything together. 
It took her quite a few months to break out, but once she did, she immediately went hardcore and figured out how best to knock people out and keep them away from her. She had a lot of trauma that emerged after the Train Incident, but Kellar got very good at figuring out how to calm her down. 
MODERN AU: Hangs Christmas lights around her room and glowing stars on her ceiling. Knows more about Sonic the Hedgehog lore than the other Associates could ever understand. Huge Marvel/Star Wars fan. She has memorized all of Chicago, Hairspray, Black Panther, The Empire Strikes Back and Mamma Mia. 
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c-sand · 5 years
Your tags on that literati post are so true. Both of their viewpoints are right but people still rally against Jess as if he's somehow the devil's spawn. Also acting like he broke up Dean and Rory intentionally when??? The entire relationship was based off of Rory trying to appease Dean's overbearing ass esp after she had to tell him she loved him just for him to get back with her??
It’s one of those really good moments where everyone’s right and no one’s really wrong -- even though basically everyone likes to say that Jess is. 
It is completely okay that Rory is feeling awkward and uncomfortable. She likes Jess, she wants to be with Jess. [I mean, Jess moved to town and, let’s just be honest, he handed her that book and got her lit reference and immediately somewhere in her gut (even if she didn’t notice) she went, “Oh wow, Dean and I suck huh? Can’t wait to slowly and painfully let our relationship die -- in an agonizing experience for all involved, but especially for the audience.”] But, the statement that everyone in the town is watching is not a lie or an over exaggeration. Everyone in the town is watching. Everyone in the town is judging. They all hate him. They literally had a town meeting once to kick this TEENAGER out, as if that’s acceptable behaivor. Not even her mother can find it in herself to not be an asshole say passive aggressive remarks about how she had zero issues kissing Dean in public and showing him affection and she didn’t have this problem with Deaaaaan -- all while her daughter is literally concaving in on herself from the judgement she’s facing from her new relationship with Bad Boy, Jess “I stole some baseballs, once” Mariano.
Despite her saying this is the first time her and Dean have broken up, it’s actually the second time he’s turned her into an ex in a not so graceful way. But, unlike the first time Dean decided to drop kick her into the sun (because, she’d been dating him for basically no time at all, truly, and therefor hadn’t come to the expedient conclusion that she was going to give him fourteen children after her mother sold her for two goats) where it absolutely wasn’t her fault that Dean is emotionally incompetent and manipulative -- the second time he breaks up with her, it is partially. Not completely. Dean’s emotionally abusive and extremely possessive. It hits a point where she’s literally flinching from him when he’s screaming at her -- her friend having to save her from a clearly violent situation. Dean’s behaivor is an absolute disaster, so he’s definitely at fault for the relationship’s end, too.
But, Rory meets Jess and immediately connects with him (and Rory is not allowed to talk to someone that isn’t on Dean’s pre-approved communications list, so it’s a big deal)and starts drifting away from the heinous situation she’s in. (Because, she JUST went through this with Dean, when he was out here planning how to murder Tristan only a month or two prior. Despite what I see all of the time: this behaivor did not manifest out of nowhere to make way for Jess. Dean was always like this). She completely disconnects from Dean. She’s a shadow self around him. For good reasons, obviously. But still, she’s not present. She’s so obviously into Jess, it’s a mess, she can’t even hide it. She cheats on him. She spends that whole dance staring Jess down and talking about him and flat out being a disaster. In this very moment, this break up is her fault. 
It was so public. Everyone saw it. Everyone hates Jess. Everyone’s watching. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone feels comfortable just ragging on this kid to her and everyone else 24/7, as if that’s appropriate. Everyone loves Dean. Everyone. Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
She’s got this guilt about how she treated him (even though I still don’t think it was anything compared to how Dean treated her), she’s never had a second boyfriend, she feels crazy pressure. She never in the entire show seems to realise that she was in an abusive relationship, so she just feel like she destroyed Dean and she feels horrible. She doesn’t want to hurt him any more than necessary, blah blah. The fact that she doesn’t want to flaunt it is perfectly understandable and perfectly reasonable. There’s so many reasons she doesn’t want to. A third is the town. A third is Dean. A third is her mom. No one likes Jess, but her and Luke. It’s totally okay that she wants to integrate into society slowly lolz
Jess is also not wrong. Jess is also right.
Was Jess obvious that he liked Rory? Of course. Did he put in much effort to hide it? No. Did he put effort into pretending he liked Dean? Absolutely not. But, if Rory wanted to be with Dean, she would be with Dean. Jess seemed to basically just take any time he could get with her that he could get with her, but there was never any actually pressure for her to be with him. The pressure she felt was from inside herself, because she liked him and didn’t like Dean anymore (which is beyond understandable and duh) and was trying to keep liking Dean and stop liking Jess and pressure pressure. But, that wasn’t on Jess. He even took time to try and understand why she did like Dean. It is not his fault she couldn’t think of a single reason.
He never came out and said, “I like you, please dump your boyfriend.” He never even said he liked her, before she kissed him. It was obvious, he pulled a bunch of stunts to get to spend time with her, but she had free will, she did not have to spend time with him, if she didn’t want to. After she kisses him for the first time, she tells him to keep it a secret. She doesn’t speak with him. She essentially chastises him for trying to move on, criticizes his girlfriend (he IS actually dating this girl -- they don’t just makeout, they go on dates, they talk on the phone, they do things together -- Shane is his girlfriend), is really degrading to, both Shane’s looks and intelligence. 
She likes Jess, she hates him, she likes him, she hates him. And it’s true she’s struggling with how she feels, how she thinks she should feel, what she wants, what she thinks she should do. But, to Jess it’s like a roller coaster of emotions. 
They’ve already done their initial limbo, upon getting together, where they couldn’t figure out how to touch without it being awkward and uncertain. XTC “Then She Appeared” all over the place and she apologized to Dean for being crappy about how she handled everything and now Jess thinks they’re in a comfortable place. And right out of the gate, they rewind back and she’s asking him to hide, again. Secret kisses. Hidden affection. Her reasoning are sound and clearly he’s not incapable of understanding, because he doesn’t put up much fight before asking her how long they interact on the down low. It’s not really a hostile conversation. She’s not flinching in fear. But, his feelings are sound, too. It’s a quick whiplash back to a, “Okay, but this isn’t a public situation,” that it had ended on before the summer. It’s totally rational for him to have a negative reaction at hearing she wants to temper their interactions, to make things more comfortable on Dean and the town -- even if that’s not exactly what she means -- even if it’s actually about her being uncomfortable and nervous.
Rory isn’t wrong. Jess isn’t wrong. They’re both right. And then understand each other at the end of the conversation. They’ll tone it down for awhile until she feels more comfortable. She feels more comfortable, later, and they tone it back up. Rory isn’t evil demon spawn for feeling uncomfortable being judged by everyone. It’s all good. Jess isn’t evil demon spawn for not being happy he’s being asked, again, to keep it quiet. They’re both just feeling their feelings. Neither was hurting the other in the conversation. Rory has some selective memory about how many times her and Dean have broken up and that’s honestly the most harmful part of the conversation, because I rejoice in those two separations, so have some respect for my joy, girl.
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qvintcssence · 5 years
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Task || 002 — About the Mun.
01. what’s your name/alias you go by ??
Stephanie, but I go by Steph or S. 
02. what’s your age ??
Well—if Dani’s ancient then I am prehistoric. If you insist on a precise number, I’m 30.  
03. what’s your zodiac sign ??
04. what’s your ethnicity ??
Dudes, I don’t even know my blood type let alone my heritage. What I do know is that I’m whiter than casper. 
05. what’s your nationality ??
06. what’s your favorite band and/or musical artist ??
Hahaha, cover your ears, Cody. It’s Taylor Swift. 
07. what’s your dream job ??
My absolute dream job would be writing either as a novelist or showrunner. That said, I’m really passionate about teaching, and can’t wait have a classroom of my own. 
08. what’s one place you would love to visit ??
My favorite city in the world is New York City, but I really want to visit Germany. 
09. what’s your favorite tv show ??
Oh goodness... I’ve seen and loved way too many. If we’re talking ultimates though, I’m going to have to say Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 
10. what’s your favorite movie ??
Remember the Titans. I am a sucker for sports films. I literally cry the whole time because they are just that moving. 
11. what’s your favorite song ?
I don’t really have a favorite. I go through stages of listening to songs on repeat over and over again and then not revisiting them until some time later. Right now that includes “Don’t Throw it Away” by the Jonas Brothers and “Church” by Aly and Aj. 
12. what’s your favorite sport ??
Baseball! I am a huge fan of the Cleveland Indians, though I’ve recently started stanning women’s soccer. How about that Christen Press though? 
13. what’s your favorite food ??
Italian. I’m garbage for pizza and pasta. 
14. what’s your favorite face claim to use ??
Hmmm. A few months ago I would have said Eliza Taylor without a doubt, but I’ve really taken to playing with Tasya Teles and Daniel Sharman as well. 
15. what’s your least favorite face claim ??
I get very uncomfortable when people roleplay with child actors and/or children in general. 
16. what’s your favorite character of yours to play ?? which do you think you’re most like ??
I have been with Rory for several years now, so I definitely feel like I know her the best. She’s very near and dear to my heart, so she’s probably my favorite. I love all my kids though. They’re all so different, and they provide me with such a unique perspective! 
I don’t know if I’m really like any of my muses. If I had to pick one, I’d say Matt because I too cannot speak around girls. Haha I don’t have him anymore though, so maybe Ashton or Jonas. 
17. what’s your sexuality ??
 I’m a lesbian because women 😍
18. what’s the last movie you saw in a cinema/theater ??
Ugh. I feel so set up by this question! I took my niece and nephew to see The Secret Life of Pets 2 today, and it was pretty cute. 
19. what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had ??
The summer before 7th grade, I broke my leg and shattered my growth plate sliding into home plate. I was safe though, and we won the game! Too bad my pain tolerance levels are like zero, and it was the worst pain I’d ever felt. #embarrassing
20. what’s a random or interesting fact about you ??
This is the question I struggled with the most. I’m boring, y’all... I have a baby brain tumor that I call a ‘brain buddy’ because he’s not really doing anything up there but chillin’. Also, I once wrote a feature length Power Rangers Film when I was 12. I still have it! 
21. do you listen to music while you write ??
Sometimes! If I do, it has to be very mellow because I get distracted very easily. If there is a song that really fits the moment or inspired me to write the moment, I’ll listen to it on repeat to keep the vibe. Otherwise, I’ll listen to instrumentals or Sleeping At Last’s album titled “Atlas.” 
22. are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer ??
It all depends on when I have time. I honestly get my best writing done on pen and paper while I’m at work with fewer distractions, but a lot of times, I get inspired at night. I also did a lot of writing while substitute teaching, so it all just depends on if the situation allows for it and how focused I can get myself.  
23. have you ever roleplayed intoxicated ??
Yes, it’s embarrassing. Don’t do it! 
24. what language or languages do you speak ??
I only speak English fluently, but I can read French decently well.
25. how long have you roleplayed ??
I started role playing way back in the days of message forums and MSN chat. It was power rangers, and I was 14 so... 16 years. Damn. 
26. favorite roleplay genre ??
Honestly, genre isn’t important to me. Give me a story worth telling, and I’m in. I just need plot. Everything else will fall into place. 
27. one sound you hate & one you love ??
I fucking hate the sound of metal against metal or metal against teeth. Anything that gets that loud screeching noise is a big no from me. 
I love the sound of heavy rain and thunder storms. 
28. do you believe in ghosts ??
I’m fairly certain that no less than three of my former houses have been haunted, so yes. Yes, I do. 
29. do you believe in aliens ??
Sure, why not? I find it harder to believe that the galaxy exists with only us. 
30. do you believe in true love ??
Yes, I do. I believe in reincarnation, and soulmates, and finding each other in each and every universe. It might not be forever, because bad things happen, but it is a constant. 
31. do you hold grudges ??
Not really. I get all hopped up about something for like 10 minutes and then forget about it. No use staying angry over something you can’t change. 
32. do you have any obsessions right now ??
I’m forever obsessed with Harry Potter, but I’d say I have a few other currents. The 1OO, Women’s Soccer, Cleveland Indians Baseball, and Resident Evil are the ones that come to mind. 
33. do you drive & if so, have you ever been in a crash ??
Double yes. I ran over my fence post backing out of my drive a few years back, and I’ve fallen victim to the icy Ohioan roads a few times. I also side swiped a truck merging into a lane and also pulling into a parking spot, but listen... I’m not that bad of a driver! Not-So-Fun Fact: All three of the weather induced accidents occurred on February 11th—a day before my birthday. 🙃 These also all occurred before I was 25... minus the bad park job. 
34. do you like the smell of gasoline ??
That’s a no. (Dani, that’s gross!)  
35. do you prefer writing fluff, angst, or smut ??
Honestly, I love it all. Not a huge smut writer, just because it feels a little too personal with the person you’re writing with, but I’m not opposed to it as long as everyone is over 18 and comfortable writing it. Angst and fluff get me hook, line, and sinker though. I live for it! 
36. are you in a relationship ??
37. grab the nearest book to you and turn to page 23, what is the 17the line ??
“I have buried one friend to-day,” he thought: “what if this should cost me another?” —The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson.
38. put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs that pop up:
“Let’s Get Married” by Bleachers, “There for You” by Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan, “Star Maps” by Aly & Aj, and “Maps” by Yeah Yeah Yeahs. 
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robininthelabyrinth · 5 years
Fic: An Internal Affair - Chapter 22 (Ao3 link)
Fandom: The Flash Pairing: Leonard Snart/Barry Allen
Summary: Leonard Snart, the CCPD Captain of Internal Affairs, is known as Captain Cold for a very good reason: He hates corrupt cops with a merciless vengeance, and once you’re on his list, you’re in serious trouble.
His next target?
A CCPD lab tech named Barry Allen who’s developed a suspicious habit of disappearing at random intervals.
Barry's not fast enough.
He's not sure he even can be fast enough, ever - the thought that Wells might've deliberately sabotaged his development as a speedster, ensuring that he's always going to be second best, has gone through his mind more than once - but he knows he's not fast enough now.
And now is when it matters.
He comes to a brief stop, panting for breath, for the fourth time in the last two minutes. He's being worn down, just trying to keep up with Wells' superior speed, and he knows it.
He wonders if Wells is trying to run him into exhaustion, and only when Barry can no longer move his legs, when his will to move is utterly broken, will Wells destroy everything Barry has ever loved.
His dad.
Wells will kill them all.
He'll kill them all because he knows that promise or no promise, Barry would agree to anything Wells wanted if Wells showed him how to get them all back.
Or maybe - maybe Wells doesn't know that.
Maybe he'll just kill them because he can.
"Slowing down again, Mr. Allen?" Wells tsks, coming to a stop a dozen feet ahead of him. "For shame - and you were so promising when you were under my guidance."
"Still happier not to be," Barry spits at him. He can feel his muscles recovering, happy for the break. "You murderer."
"You take it all so personally," Wells says. "The deaths of these unimportant people. You’re always taking it to heart, even though they lead uninteresting, unimportant lives that ultimately mean nothing. You always have. That's a weakness, you know - a weakness that will always be your undoing -"
The wall behind Wells' head explodes.
Even when you can move at speedster speed, you still need a second to process shock.
Barry, who's further away, gets thrown back a few feet, skittering onto his feet and looking around in confusion - Wells is buried in the rubble, too surprised to dodge it properly, but that's temporary, Barry knows -
"Barry! Come here!"
He's at her side in a moment.
"You need to run around Iron Heights," she tells him, breathless. "All around the outside corridors; Snart has a plan. It might hurt you, you can't know what it is, but it has to be done and he's sorry and he loves you."
"Why didn't he tell me himself?" Barry asks, surprised.
Iris smiles. "Because I'm your best friend, Bar; I'm your anchor and he knows that. He knows I'll always be there for you, even when you go and fall in love with the second hottest guy in Central City -"
"Eddie being first?"
"Pssh, Eddie, I'm talking about Rory. Have you seen those muscles?"
She laughs - Iris, beautiful and wonderful as always, and at last, at last, he can love her whole-heartedly without any jealousy or resentment or longing; Iris, who is his anchor, his lightning rod, and of course Len would know whose voice Barry would be automatically drawn to, of course he knows - and Barry can hear the crackle of lightning that is Wells back on his feet and before Iris even finishes laughing, Barry's off again, twisting to tackle Wells right around the midsection before he goes anywhere near Iris.
And then they're running again.
Only this time, Barry's leading - not because he's faster, no, but because Wells saw him heading away and followed, drawn after him like a moth to the flame.
"Where are you going, Barry Allen?" he calls, mocking, darting in front of Barry's path to try to trip him up. Barry dodges and keeps going. "I never took you for a coward!"
Barry grits his teeth and focuses on running. He's not as fast. He needs every ounce of willpower just to stay ahead.
Not that Wells is trying to stop him, not really.
Clearly mockery is much more fun.
"Run, Barry, run," Wells calls, his voice jovial, "Yes, run away from me! Just like you always have - from the very beginning!"
The man who murdered Barry's mom.
The man who put Barry's dad into a cage – into the prison where he spent half of Barry’s childhood and into the cage where he is right now both.
The man who is going to kill everyone if Barry doesn’t find a way to stop him.
Run, Barry, run.
"I'm not stupid, you know," Wells says conversationally, only a foot or two behind Barry now. "I know what you're up to."
Crap. How?!
"You can't hide anything from me," Wells says. "I've been studying you my whole life - even in the far future, before I ever met you."
"Creep," Barry can't resist saying.
"And once I met you, well, that just made it easier," Wells says, the flash of red lightning from his eyes the only sign he heard what Barry said. "For someone who lies as much and as effectively as you do, Barry Allen, you really are an open book to anyone who knows you."
Wells - Eobard Thawne - is probably right.
He knows Barry.
But Barry never knew him - not until it was too late.
Just the way Wells wanted it.
And yet -
And yet -
Wells is still running.
So the plan, whatever it is, is still on.
Barry focuses on running.
"I know you," Wells says again. "You'd never run from me, not really. You've been running to me your entire life, Barry. The Man in Yellow, the genius of STAR Labs, your mentor...I'm everything to you."
Seriously, does Wells not get how creepy he sounds?
"And you, Barry Allen, are everything to me -"
Yeah, no, he's definitely doing the creepy thing on purpose in an attempt to get under Barry's skin.
It's working pretty well.
"- because you're my only way home. And you're going to get me there."
"I'm really, really not," Barry says. He's panting again, damnit. He really hopes whatever plan Len's working on won't take much longer. "Why would you think I'd help you? After everything you've done?"
"Because that way we'd both win! Yes, I killed your mother, but I also give you a chance to get her back!"
Those things are really not equal and Barry has no idea why Wells thinks they are. A lifetime without his mom, versus a chance to destroy every important relationship he's built during that lifetime and possibly himself to save her?
Okay, Barry's not going to lie, he's super tempted.
But they're not the same.
Only a psychopath who doesn't actually understand that the worth of a person is in the time you get to spend with them would think that they were.
And anyway, Barry promised Len he wouldn't.
He's really glad he did, too, because otherwise he might've fallen for Wells' bullshit the way he always has, and then Wells would get everything he'd ever wanted.
Everything he's done, all of that horror and death, would actually have been worth it, in Wells' eyes.
And there'd be no reason that he wouldn't just keep going.
Keep killing.
For all of time.
"Know this, Barry Allen," Wells says. "You will help me achieve what I want. Whatever stupid little plan you and your friends have concocted -"
He doesn't know what it is!
...probably because Barry doesn't know what it is.
Good plan, Len.
Barry knows that there’s probably something bad at the end of it, but he also knows that Len is cold enough to make the call he needs to. He knows that Len knows him well enough to know that Barry would agree to anything, anything at all, if it meant stopping Wells.
Stopping Wells is worth anything, even Barry's life.
Barry just really hopes it doesn't end up killing him before he can tell Len that it would be worth it, because Len will feel awful about it, just the way he felt awful about Mick, and that would suck.
“- just know that it won’t be enough to stop me,” Wells continues. “It will never be enough.”
Is he still talking?
Can’t a guy have a minute for some introspection about his boyfriend right before he potentially dies? Seriously.
They keep running the endless loops around Iron Heights. It's all vacant, now, with all the cons having slipped out and most of the guards safely evacuated as well, so the only time Barry sees anyone is when he passes by the room his friends are in.
Even in that room, though, the speed he's running at makes it seem almost unreal - a series of snapshots, separated by a few seconds, like one of those spinning visor toys that mimics video.
Snap: Mick raising his gun as Nimbus looms above him.
Snap: Mick's gun blasting out a giant wave of flame, all at once.
Snap: Nimbus alight, screaming, a gaseous form lashing out with tentacles aflame.
Snap: Mick ducks.
Snap: One of Nimbus' now-partially-solid 'arms' whips into Mick's belly.
Snap: Mick goes flying, his midsection aflame.
Snap: Kara catches him.
Snap: Mick's midsection is somehow covered by a thin layer of frost.
(Yeah, Barry has no idea how that happened either - he's clearly missed something.)
Or take Iris, instead -
Well, no, it's not quite the same thing. Barry got one snap of Iris standing triumphantly over Tony Woodward's semi-conscious frame, that's basically going to be his mental screensaver from now until he heals from his middle school trauma.
So, like, forever.
After that, though, Iris ran over to help Eddie fight Mark Mardon, which Barry personally thought was not exactly good news. Mardon hates Joe West, might know who Iris West is, and he literally caused a tsunami.
As much as Barry loves Iris, neither she nor Eddie has powers. They shouldn't be fighting Mark Mardon.
Except apparently they should be, because less than ten rounds later they're no longer fighting - he's helping them move wires around or something.
No, Barry has no idea what’s going on there.
He doesn't even know where those wires came from!
Maybe they have something to do with the plan?
Maybe Len is off getting more wires.
That would explain why in all the snaps so far, Barry still hasn't seen him - not since he started running.
Barry would really like to see him.
Especially if he's going to die.
Damn, Barry's a superhero, he should get a dramatic last moment. Ideally with a nice goodbye kiss.
Ideally with magic resurrection happening five minutes later, while he's daydreaming.
Which he shouldn't be, because he's in the middle of a supervillain boss battle against the guy who killed his mom.
Bad time to let your mind drift.
Personally, Barry blames the running - he's always found it easy to daydream while he's running -
"In the end you will come to understand -"
Holy crap, Wells is still talking!
"Seriously?" Barry demands, not breaking pace. "Could you can the monologue already? It doesn't matter what you say -" Like Barry was even listening. "- it doesn't change a thing! I'm never going to help you get back to your time period!"
"Oh, you will," Wells says. "You see, because of your refusal to help me, I'm going to brutally murder every one of your friends - and it'll be your fault that they die."
Ouch. Right in the sore spot.
"And because I'm a speedster, too, I can keep you from going back to save them - let the timeline settle - make it permanent - or, at least, permanent enough for you to only be able to change it if you agree to aid me. What do you think about that, Barry Allen?"
"Honestly," Barry says, "it's about what I thought you were going to say, so - mostly bored?"
"It's the running," Barry says, faux-apologetically. "I'm so used to daydreaming, my mind drifts if there isn't anything worth paying attention to -"
Why yes, Barry can do some damn good passive-aggressive bullshit if he does say so himself.
(He might be an Allen, but he was raised a West.)
Wells looks murderous, which to be fair is how he normally looks when Barry is tweaking his nose, so Barry takes the moment to leap onto the wall and catapult himself forward for a little speed advantage.
That gets Wells' attention back on the race.
But he's still scowling, still murderous, and if Barry doesn't keep his attention, he's going to stop and Len's plan, whatever it is, will be ruined.
He has to keep running.
All his life, everything he loves, comes down to this race.
He runs.
"Faster, Barry!" he hears Iris shout.
He stops daydreaming, puts his head down, and runs faster.
Faster and faster, till he's going as fast as he can go -
"Faster, Barry!"
That was Len.
Huh, look at that.
Looks like Barry can go faster.
Even Wells is concentrating now, mockery gone as he focuses on keeping pace, his eyes crackling red lightning, his steak of light besides Barry's.
Faster, Barry.
"Run, Barry," he hears his dad say. "Run."
(Run, Barry! his mom shouts in his mind. Run!)
Barry puts everything he's got into his legs.
His heart, his soul, his mind -
Everything he's got.
He runs.
He doesn't even see snapshots of his friends anymore - it's all blurring together around him, streaks of light turning into smears of color. It's beautiful and unearthly, an impressionist painting gone mad, and it's something Barry knows at once he'll never be able to show anyone who isn't a speedster, that this is their secret alone. This is how it looks when he's about to travel in time, but there's no other-Barry running beside him to signal that he's broken that barrier, no sign of any time travel, of any anomaly.
Just Barry.
"The Speed Force!" Wells hisses behind him, his voice half-awed, half-jealous, and Barry realizes that this is what Wells couldn't achieve on his own: this detached euphoria, this moment where his mind is empty, his heart is at peace, and everything he is has been given over to the pure act of running.
Where everything, everything at all, is speed.
There's no space for other people here. No room for fear, no room for care - no room for anything at all.
It's suddenly easy. The running, the movement - it locks into place, a runner's high like no other, and suddenly Barry feels like he could do this forever. It's all clear now: how he could run through time if he wanted, how he could return Wells to his time or to go back and rescue his mother in hers, how Barry could do whatever he wanted, but why would he ever want to?
Why would he ever do anything but keep running?
Keep running.
Keep accelerating.
Keep moving.
No one can touch him here. No one can hurt him, or disappoint him, and make him vulnerable. No one to make him care about them. No one to disturb his perfect equilibrium, no one to knock him off his stride, no one to make him stop.
Perpetual motion.
Perpetual speed.
Perpetual peace.
And no one can touch him again, not even another speedster, because Wells is trapped in his own euphoria just beside Barry - visible but separate - distant - and who cares, anyway? This is why Wells doesn't care, Barry suddenly understands, this is why he murders with impunity those people who could never understand this, because what's it worth, what's any of life worth, in comparison to this bliss, this unending perfection? Nothing else matters, not anymore. All that matters is here and now.
All that matters is the speed, the joy of running, the ecstasy of acceleration, because he's left everything else behind.
He couldn't leave this place even if he wanted to, but why would he want to? All there is for him outside of here is pain -
Len's voice, not strong but certain, splitting through the indifference of perfect, empty, vacant bliss like a lightning bolt.
Len, who is waiting for him; Len, who is counting on him; Len, who hurt him -
Len, who loves him.
That's what this place is lacking, this 'Speed Force' that Wells wanted to reach so much, this place of pure joy.
It lacks love.
Because love isn't all joy, no, it's terrible and wonderful, painful even when it's good: it's the heartbreak and the reconciliation, the cold loneliness of missing someone and the fireworks of seeing them again, it's the inside of your lungs being squeezed out of you because you're so happy to see someone, it's your throat catching and choking on emotion so thoroughly fused that you don't know if it's good or bad, it's every tear you've ever shed for love coming back all at once - the agony and the ecstasy both.
Barry loves Len.
And if he stays here forever, he'll never see him again.
That's not Len - that's Iris.
Iris, his best friend, his past love, the one who he first began to love when he was a child and never stopped. The person who knows him best, the one who'll always be there for him, the one who has his back even when she's breaking his heart.
God, Dad. Barry might have lost his mom for good at age eleven, but he lost his dad as well - every holiday soured by their absence, every birthday bittersweet. Speaking to him only through glass, sadness drowning him but unwilling to give it up because the joy of seeing his dad, even like this, was so much greater. Telling him the best and worst parts of Barry's life, telling him about school and becoming a CSI and the hope that burned in Barry's heart - burned hot and ugly and painful, but a fire he tended to faithfully no matter how it hurt him - the hope of putting this wrong right one day.
His friends. Friends already made and held dear; friends only in potential - Cisco, Caitlin, Kara, Mick - people he knows and people he can't wait to get to know. The fear of the unknown warring with the excitement of discovery.
Barry's anchors are all here.
So is Barry.
And suddenly, leaving the Speed Force behind is the easiest thing Barry's ever done.
Suddenly he’s just running again – strong and without pause, suddenly filled with more energy than he’s ever had before, but he’s not trapped in that blank trance, the nothingness and emptiness and loneliness of being utterly alone.
That’s Len’s voice again.
Len –
“I’m sorry, Barry,” Len says, and his voice is anguished. “Ramon, Rathaway, hit it!”
Ramon is Cisco, yes, but Rathaway? Isn’t that Hartley Rathaway, the one Cisco’s been calling the Pied Piper? What is he doing here?
And why did Len say he was sorry –
The world explodes.
It’s like being hit by lightning all over again. Not pain, exactly, just shock: every synapse blazing at once, every sensation - good bad mediocre - all bleeding together the way the light had earlier, hitting every single sense - touch sight sound smell taste - all at once as if the sensitivity of every single input in his body suddenly got turned up to eleven and he can feel it but at the same time his brain is just unable to process it all and opting to just give up, shutting down, going from color to black and he can't see and he can't hear and -
And suddenly he's tripping and falling and the world is spinning, spinning, spinning and everything in his body - mind belly brain - all seized by the strongest sense of vertigo he's ever experienced.
His stomach roils, his brain screams, his muscles spasm -
And then it's over.
Whatever "it" was.
Honestly, Barry couldn't give a damn what it was; he's just happy that it stopped. He's still dizzy, still a little nauseous, but it's fading; he's still shivering and shaking a bit, but that overwhelming shockwave of sensation is gone; and sure, he's a bit sore all over but hey, he's not falling anymore.
So, in summary: he's sitting (well, lying) still, he's not about to throw up, he sees nothing but darkness behind his closed eyes, and his brain isn't on fire.
All good important things that Barry really hasn't appreciated properly up until now.
He’s going to appreciate them now. At length. While continuing to lie down and not move, because not moving sounds great right about now.
At least until his ears stop ringing.
" - arry!"
Someone needs him.
They always need him. Barry really needs to learn how to say no to things.
Maybe Len could give him lessons.
Sexy lessons.
Oh, okay, fine. He's getting up already. Stop yelling.
Barry cracks an eye open.
The world is blurry at first, which is a bit concerning, but then it all stabilizes back into a depressing blank grey slate roof. Very prison decor.
...because he is, in fact, in a prison.
It all comes back to him in a rush: Iron Heights! His dad! Wells! The Speed Force! Wells about to murder everyone!
Barry's eyes shoot open and he starts trying to scramble to his feet, except he feels heavy and slow and clumsy and -
"Barry, are you okay?" Iris demands. She's kneeling beside him, Len right next to her, and they're both pushing him down from getting up.
His two favorite people, yay.
"I'm fine," Barry says, though he's pretty sure it comes out as something more like "Mmfin."
"Are you in pain?" Len demands, looking pale and guilty and -
Oh, right, the plan.
The "it might hurt."
The "I'm sorry" that Barry still doesn't entirely understand.
"I'm fine," he says again, forcing himself to enunciate clearly. "What happened? Was that the plan?"
"Yeah," Len says, still looking distressed. "But you're sure you're okay? No pain?"
"Just dizzy," Barry assures him. "Wells..?"
"He's waking up!" Cisco yelps. "Guys! Someone! Do something!"
Len and Iris turn immediately, Barry forcing himself up to a sitting position - with some help from both Len and Iris - to see as well.
Wells is, in fact, waking up. Worse, he's getting up - grimacing with an expression that suggests he's got some of the same nausea and vertigo that Barry had, but that he's powering through it.
"Whatever you did," he rasps, his eyes fixed on Barry, "it won't be enough. You can't stop me."
And then he runs straight at Barry.
Except -
He isn't moving at super speed.
He's just - running.
At regular speed.
He stops the second he realizes, coming to a half only a few steps away from them. "What have you done?" he shrieks.
"Holy crap that actually worked," Cisco marvels.
"Of course it worked," Hartley sniffs. And then, begrudgingly, he adds, "When we put our heads together, everything we do works."
Cisco looks thunderstruck. "Uh," he says. "Yeah. Definitely."
"Can someone catch me up to what happened?" Barry asks.
"You remember how Ramon installed a miniature version of the Accelerator in Iron Heights to keep the metas in?" Len asks.
"We exploded it."
"You what?" Wells shouts. “You did what?!”
"Technically," Hartley says, smirking at Wells, "we just followed your lead, O captain - after all, you were the one who designed the Accelerator to explode if it got overpowered."
"Say, by two speedsters racing through an environment not built to tolerate it the way STAR Labs is," Cisco says. "Barry, remember how your powers disappeared when Blackout hit you with his lightning drain? Like that, just - bigger."
Barry blinks. "So - my powers - they're gone?"
"Theoretically, yeah," Cisco says apologetically. "We needed you and Wells to over-power the Accelerator, so we couldn’t shield you from the blast. We theorized that the second blast would nullify the dark matter in your system -"
"Or blow your head up," Hartley says cheerfully. "One or the other."
"They're gone," Barry repeats blankly. "I'm - normal again."
He doesn't feel like he's normal again.
He doesn't really see no-powers as "normal" for him anymore.
Wait. If his powers are gone -
He looks over to where Wells is standing, his mouth hanging open in shock.
"Wells' powers should be gone, too," Iris confirms.
"Now we can arrest him," Len adds. "Bring him to justice - free your dad -"
"No!" Wells shrieks, and then he moves - not a speedster, but fast and unexpected, darting down to the ground and back up and suddenly he has Cisco's discarded vibration gun in his hands. "I'll see you all dead first -"
Len brings his crutch down on Wells' head.
Wells collapses onto the floor, unconscious.
Everyone stares at Len.
"What?" he asks. "I told you they make good weapons!"
Kara starts laughing first, but Barry's right there behind her, and it's only a few minutes before everyone else is cracking up, too.
"Not to interrupt," Barry's dad says archly. "But as funny as this is, could someone please let me out of this cage?"
"On it!" Caitlin says, grabbing the vibration gun from where Wells dropped it and heading over.
"On that note," Mardon says dryly, "I'm gonna duck out before you decide to put me back in prison. I wanna get in a few hits on the Families before I leave town."
"Just keep it to Families," Kara warns. "Or we'll find you and stop you."
Mardon snorts. "Whatever. You already took my powers. What more you gonna do?"
"Iron Heights's regular wing ain't that much fun, either," Len drawls. "Go on, get."
"How come he agreed to help?" Barry asks as Mardon jogs out of the room. "Didn’t sticking around mean he'd lose his powers, too?"
"He really hates Wells," Hartley says dryly. "And he's not alone." He shakes his head. "I'd better catch up with him; I'm probably his only means of transportation out of here."
"It was - weirdly fun working with you," Cisco offers hesitantly. "Like, when it's too much of an emergency for you to be a dick. So, you know, if there's another emergency - not that I want another emergency -"
"I'll call you," Hartley interrupts. "Maybe we can see how we work together when Wells isn't playing us against each other."
"Yeah! Yeah. That."
"See you around, Ramon."
He leaves.
"All things considered, leaving's not the worst idea in the world," Mick says, reaching down and scooping Wells over his shoulder like an unwieldy sack of potatoes. "City's on fire, the people are rioting, the Families and the Feds are brawling in the street, and I'm pretty sure the boss authorized all of it."
"...on second thought, maybe I should’ve let Wells get me," Len says, looking mildly horrified.
"You're not dying," Kara says. "Not after all this effort!"
"Wait, we have to do more?" Cisco asks. "But we already defeated Wells!"
"The city's still going crazy," Eddie points out. "Our job doesn't end until peace is restored."
"That's why being a pig is a shit job," Mick says wisely.
"I'm going to recruit you into the CCPD," Eddie tells him.
"Don't you fucking dare."
"You did good work here -"
"- probably great with scaring kids straight -"
"Mick, he's pulling your leg," Len says. "Stop letting him."
"I don't know," Iris says thoughtfully. "If he’s not going to be a thief anymore, he does need a new job now -"
"That can wait till later," Mick says quickly. "City to finish rescuing, remember? Besides, this guy needs to go somewhere secure 'till the boss can read him his rights."
"Detective Thawne can do that," Len says hastily. "I'm sure it'll be cathartic and all, what with him being his ancestor."
Eddie looks at him, his lips starting to curl up into a grin. "Captain, I hope you don't mind me asking -"
"That ain't a good way to start a sentence."
"- but have you ever read anyone their Miranda rights? Do you even know what they are?"
A moment of silence.
"...I've had them read to me a bunch of times?" Len offers.
That sets them all off laughing again.
"I know what they all are!" Len is protesting when Barry finally manages, with the help of Iris, to get up. "I know them inside and out - probably better than any of you - it's just that saying them feels weird, that's all -"
Barry taps him on the shoulder.
Len looks at him.
"Barry," he says, levity suddenly gone. His eyes are intent on Barry's face, his expression solemn, and suddenly Barry can barely breathe with how much he loves him. It's like the entire world just shrinks down until there's no one there but them. "Barry - your powers - I -"
"Screw my powers," Barry says, interrupting. "We did it. We beat the bad guy. Together."
"But -"
"You didn't betray me," Barry says, because he knows Len well enough to know what's bothering him. "You knew how I felt about defeating Wells and I trusted you to do what needed to be done - and you did."
"You trust me," Len repeats.
"Yes," Barry says. "Because I love you."
Len breaks into a smile. "Yeah," he says. "And you ain't too shabby, either."
Barry laughs, pulls him into his arms, and kisses him.
Len kisses him back.
And it's - perfect.
Not the empty vacant perfection of the Speed Force, but a real perfection: love and joy and relief and pleasure and the hope of a future to come, a future together, a future untainted by the threat of Wells.
That sounds pretty much perfect to Barry.
Someone clears their throat.
Barry ignores them.
Someone clears their throat a second time, and this time taps Barry's shoulder, too.
Barry really doesn't want to stop kissing Len.
But then again, if he stops just long enough to tell whoever it is to buzz off, he'll be able to get back to kissing Len in an uninterrupted manner.
Barry pulls away reluctantly.
Then he turns his head and -
It's his dad.
It's his dad!
His dad just saw him making out with his boyfriend!
"So, Barry," Henry Allen says, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Are you going to introduce me to Mr. Snart here, or am I going to have to call on our previous acquaintance from back when he was a fellow inmate?"
Oh god.
His dad just saw Barry making out with his boyfriend before Barry's even introduced them and he thinks Barry’s boyfriend is a felon!
"I'm a police captain now, actually," Len says.
"Really? That's nice."
"Yeah. Your son's pretty nice, too."
"I know he is. I'd offer to shake your hand, but you seem pretty reluctant to get it off his ass."
"He has a very nice ass," Len says, even as Barry buries his head in his hands. "One of the many nice things about him, really."
"Please," Barry says. "Both of you - just stop talking."
He considers.
"Also, erase the last five minutes from your memories," he instructs. "I refuse to let this be how you two meet."
"Too late," Iris cackles. "We've all seen it now. This is already filed, documented, and going into the Barry Allen File Of Embarrassing Moments forever."
"Is that a real thing?" Mick asks.
"We're breaking it out for his wedding rehearsal dinner," Iris says.
"Really. Say, boss, would you consider -"
"Mick. Finish that sentence and I punch you in the face."
"Yeah," Barry says, unable to resist. "Because as an unquestioned authority in the subject, I can tell you that that would definitely be moving too fast."
Len kisses him again, just for that.
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Books/series everyone seems to like that I dislike
The Freshman/Sophomore/Junior/Senior - The Freshman was actually pretty good up until book 3, when the plot began to go downhill.  A lot of the cast slowly became either watered down in their personalities, were boring to begin with, or became intolerable.  Lastly, and most importantly, the MC of this series went from a new student earnestly trying to find her place and make friendships to a busybody Mary Sue with her nose in everyone��s business.
High School Story: Class Act - The plot was generally unappealing to me (especially in book two, UGH) and the cast continues to annoy me.  The original HSS cast was likable and funny, but the only two people I even remotely care about in the HSSCA cast are Erin and Skye.  Rory is a complete Mary Sue, Ajay never apologized for siding against us with zero concrete evidence after the whole theater block fiasco, Natalie and Clint are creepy as fuck with their pining over Rory, and the rest of the cast is just generally unlikable (Amber, Lorenzo, Danielle, etc).
Perfect Match - The plot wasn’t bad, but it was extremely predictable.  Not only that, but Eros was always, always, always two steps ahead to the point where the series got outright frustrating to read.  And at the end, when we FINALLY get the upper hand, what do Cecile and Rowan do? Well, they’re super powerful villains, so obviously, they’ve got some badass Plan B, right? Nope.  They run away.  And boy oh boy, after all the trouble they gave us and after all the power they’ve exhibited, running away makes them look incredibly weak.  
The cast was also remarkably stupid, which shouldn’t have been the case, since our crew had Damien who is a PI, Sloane who worked for Eros and was a literal genius, and Khaan, who also previously worked for Eros and was also a genius, and yet our group tried to infiltrate Eros’s headquarters even though we KNEW we were public enemy No. 1 in Eros’s eyes and they would almost certainly recognize us and fuck us over, we went on national television with zero evidence against Eros and expected things to work out, it was a mess.  Then we had Hayden, who kept going off on edgy, broody walks ALONE even though they had full knowledge that there was an exact replica of them that was evil and fully supportive of Rowan and Cecile’s plans.  
Lastly, the whole story could’ve ended in just a few chapters of finding out Hayden was an android.  The MC could’ve made a video of Hayden’s wiring/circuitry and said something like “If your perfect match from Eros has a panel/circuitry/whatever the hell, they’re an android.  Spread the word and get the message out so we can stand up to Eros and their wrongdoings.”
The Elementalists - Ugh.  I wanted to like this series, I really did.  I actually did enjoy it for the first couple of chapters.  And then...I lost interest.  I like Harry Potter and Wizard101 and wizardry in general, but good lord, The Elementalists just got so boring to me.  I simply didn’t care about anything going on.  It didn’t help that none of the love interests appealed to me, yet I got Beckett showing up at my door shirtless.  Maybe one day I’ll start playing it again, but for now, pass.
Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance - I will admit, this series did get me hooked just because I wanted to see what would happen next, but overall? I didn’t like it very much.  Logan was constantly crammed down our throats, Colt was passive-aggressive and rude, and Mona was borderline psychopathic (at one point she nonchalantly said she would’ve kidnapped us instead of sending Logan to charm us into the crew like Kaneko did).  Not to mention, Mona was apparently an ex-convict, but instead of turning her life around after she got out of jail, she just went right back to crime.  
And MC permanently damaged her relationship with her dad just for the adrenaline rush.  Sure, it was pretty shitty of her dad to not trust her enough to let her drive, but honestly? He turned out to be really right not to trust her.  She got involved with criminals who had committed various crimes.  Let me see if I can name all of them...conspiracy and attempting to sell stolen property, bribing government officials, theft, kidnapping, grand theft auto, illegal street racing, filing a false police report, aiding and abetting, being accessory to murder, and exclusively in MC’s case, driving without a learner’s permit and obstruction of justice. Whew.  That’s a lot of just being complete assholes in general.
I’m probably gonna do a Books I like that everyone else seems to hate pretty soon.
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reputayswift · 5 years
This is somewhat random and you don't have to answer if you don't want to but which taylor songs remind you of jess x rory?
“You don’t have to answer if you don’t want but —*proceeds to ask the question I’ve been waiting my whole life for*”
Conveniently, I just so happen to have an entire playlist lying around that’s full of Literati songs (in chronological order of the events of the show, ya know, casual) that’s like 80% Taylor songs
But I’ll go in depth below the cut!
“Same old tired lonely place” // “The playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy” 
Not much new happens in the sleepy town of Stars Hollow, until now. Describes their first meeting, in particular that scene where he writes notes in the margins of her book and catches on to her Oliver Twist reference.
“Can’t decide if it’s a choice getting swept away, I hear the sound of my own voice asking you to stay”
The “turn right” scene! She knows she’s with someone else and that she’s getting into a treacherous situation spending alone time with him, but she can’t stop herself from asking him to extend their trip just a little longer.
“It’s been awhile since I have even heard from you” // “I’ve heard that you’ve been out and about with some other girl”
Jess coming back to Stars Hollow, only to be seen out with Shane. Also references coming back together after “crashing down” and they quite literally had a car crash lol.
State of Grace
“I never saw you coming, and I’ll never be the same” // “We are alone just you and me, up in your room and our slates are clean” // “So you were never a saint and I loved in shades of wrong”
Them meeting up in Luke’s apartment after they first start officially dating. Jess is a “”bad boy”” and Rory strung Dean along, but now their slates are clean and they can be together.
You Are In Love
“We kiss on sidewalks, we fight, and we talk”
The Archer
“I’ve got a hundred thrown out speeches I almost said to you”// “Help me hold onto you”
Jess isn’t accustomed to sticking around and he’s becoming more distant. Also pretty much directly describes the “I have imagined hundreds of different scenarios with a hundred different great last parting lines” monologue. 
“You and I walk a fragile line, I have known it all this time” // “Stood there and watched you walk away from everything we had”
They were doomed from the start, Dean is trying to get closer to her again, and the events of the party have caused a rift between them. 
Forever & Always
“I stare at the phone, he still hasn’t called” // “Here’s to silence that cuts me to the core” // “It rains when you’re here and it rains when you’re gone”
The silent treatment between the party and Rory’s graduation. When they’re apart, they’re caught up on each other, when they’re together, disaster ensues. 
“Put you in jail for something you didn’t do” // “Punished you with silence, went off like sirens” // “It’s all me in my head, I’m the one who burned us down”
Jess acknowledging that he’s to blame for blowing up at Rory for his graduation struggles, the first line could also refer to that time Rory assumed he’d gotten in a fight with Dean (Swangate lol). 
You’re Not Sorry
“All this time I was wasting hoping you would come around” // “You don’t have to call anymore I won’t pick up the phone” // “You’ve got your share of secrets and I’m tired of being last to know and you’re asking me to listen cause it’s worked each time before”
The graduation phone call, Rory not knowing about him not being able to graduate, the scene where he asks if they can sit down and talk (aka the “I love you” scene)
Death By A Thousand Cuts
“I take the long way home, I ask the traffic lights if it’ll be alright” // “I see you everywhere the only thing we share is his small town” // “I look through the windows of this love, even though we boarded them up”
Jess and Rory running into each other but not being able to talk to each other. Jess confessing his love for her (also big revival energy). Jess leaving again immediately. 
All You Had To Do Was Stay
“All I know is that you drove us off the road” // “Why’d you have to go and lock me out when I let you in” // “Here you are now, calling me up, but I don’t know what to say” // “Let me remind you this was all you wanted (you ended it), you were all I wanted, but not like this”
The graduation phone call and “I love you” scenes again. “You were all I wanted, but not like this,” you and me both Rory, you and me both. 
The Last Time
“Find myself at your door just like all those times before, I’m not sure how I got there, all roads they lead me here” // “You wear your best apology but I was there to watch you leave, and all those times I let you in just for you to go again” // “This is the last time I say it’s been you all along, this is the last time I let you in my door, this is the last time I won’t hurt you anymore”
QUITE LITERALLY the “run away with me I’m ready now I’ve always loved you!!” scene.
Sad Beautiful Tragic
“Words, how little they mean, when you’re a little too late” // “You’ve got your demons and darling, they all look like me” // “Distance, timing, breakdown, fighting, silence, this train runs off its tracks, kiss me, try to fix it, could you just try and listen? Hang up, give up”
Jess telling Rory he loves her a little too late, seeing a girl he thought was her, a summary of their entire relationship, basically. 
Holy Ground
“Back to a first-glance feeling on New York Time, back when you fit in my poems like a perfect rhyme” // “We had this big wide city all to ourselves” // “For the first time I had something to lose” // “Sometimes I wonder how you think about it now and I see your face in every crowd”
Reminiscing on the New York trip, Rory was the first thing Jess had to lose. 
I Wish You Would
“I wish you would come back, wish I never hung up the phone like I did” // “We’re a crooked love, in a straight line down, makes you wanna run and hide but it makes you turn right back around”
More reminiscing, Jess was constantly leaving and returning. 
The Way I Loved You
“He calls exactly when he says he will, he’s close to my mother, talks business with my father, he’s charming and endearing and I’m comfortable” // “You were wild and crazy, just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated, got away by some mistake”
Comparing her relationship with Logan to her relationship with Jess.
Hope that answers your question lol!!
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