#also it didn’t come off as judgy you’re good!
mvalentine · 2 years
Don’t you get bored playing OH book 2 without the extra scenes with Ethan? Maybe because I’m an Ethan hoe and I just want to spend time with him even when I hate him lol, but is it worth it missing that to follow you own MC’s personality? Not judging, I’m genially curious
hey anon!!
so i actually don’t miss out on his diamond scenes, infact i think ive bought every single one of them lol. i have this habit with choices books of sort of altering & changing scenes in my head as the play out so they make more sense for my hcs & characters. but like for some scenes yeah, i do have to miss out on some scrumptious scenes like the kiss post ethan & mc making the georgian chicken together which :( but sometimes i just replay it twice once to choose all the romantic options & yk— feel something & the other to do a proper lana-esque playthrough.
it’s also one of the reasons ive been putting off my oph2 replay— because sometimes doing all this mental gymnastics in your head to change the story to fit your hc can be exhausting. book1 is way better in regards for allowing multiple personalities & mcs to shine through, where as with book2 the mc is just sort of boxed into being this sad, mopey person who just has to pine over ethan like no? let the mc be angry, let the mc be the one to push him away. i mean for an app called choices — they’re very much lacking. anyways! now that uni is almost over ill probably do a replay over the holidays because let’s be real book2 has some of the best scenes ever come on now 2x11? a cinematic masterpiece 💗
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papercorgiworld · 4 days
Listening in and panicking
Mattheo, any Tom, Enzo, Theo, Blaise and Draco
Your boyfriend overhears you say something that makes him believe he’s not the one you planned to be with and panics, with each having their own dramatic reaction.
Thanks for the request! Usually it’s the reader that overhear something, so it was fun to focus on the guys overhearing something, misunderstanding it and panicking about it. I actually almost had this finished last weekend but Draco was being difficult and it took me another week to finish this! So I’m happy it’s here! Sending you all a lot of love and kisses. Happy readings!
That the quidditch game hadn’t gone well was a light way of putting it and Mattheo really needed you to brush through his hair so his muscles would instantly relax. For the past few hours Mattheo had been contemplating whether or not to crash your girls' night. He knew he could be demanding and didn’t want to be the asshole boyfriend who ruined this for you. He was especially afraid of your judgy friends who probably didn’t hold Mattheo in a high regard as a boyfriend. However, he was damn near losing it when he heard the Weasley’s fireworks. “They won a game. Not the cup.” He hissed, throwing away his cigarette and surrendering to the desire to be with you.
He could hear the giggling of girls when he approached Pansy’s dorm and took a deep breath as he raised his hand to give a gentle knock on the door. 
Mattheo halts his movement as he hears your voice, he listens intently but is only able to make out some words. “What?! Someone like Cedric? How did you end up dating Mattheo Riddle of all people?” Pansy’s sharp voice sucks out all of Mattheo’s breath and he’s nailed to the floor as he listens to your voice. He can’t really hear all you’re saying because your voice is soft and further away than Pansy’s, but he does make out one thing. “Yeah, sometimes I wonder how I ended up falling in love with someone like Matt.” 
Mattheo’s distrusting nature took this entirely the wrong way and he didn’t even bother to listen in further. After those words his feet take him far away from you. His heart aches as he now believes he’s not the guy you want to be with while you are all he wants for the rest of his life. He feels suffocated by the fear of losing you and rushes out of the castle. 
It’s Fred that spots Mattheo’s appalled face first. “Still not over your epic loss.” He snickers, not aware that Mattheo is more than pleased to run into an excuse to punch. “Get off of my brother!” George screeches before taking a swing at Mattheo. Fuck, I forgot there are always two of them.
A soft knock at the door has all the girls narrow their eyes at the door. “Are we expecting anyone else?” Pansy looks disgusted at the thought of some loser girl wanting to join her elite girls’ night, but as she gets up to open the door it’s Theodore who pushes it open just wide enough to stick his head through it. “You better have a damn good excuse Nott.” Pansy crosses her arms with a death glare that would match your boyfriend’s. “Mattheo.” Theo simply states making your heart skip a beat not just at your boyfriend’s name but at the seriousness of Theo’s voice. “That guy is always in some kind of trouble and not an excuse to come in here.” Pansy snaps, far from interested in whatever mess Mattheo had gotten himself into, but you had already gotten up from your spot among the soft pillows. Pansy lets her head fall, not pleased that you were leaving, but you just give her an apologetic smile and pull your hoodie over your head.
Mattheo rolls his eyes when he sees you enter the hospital wing, but he also couldn’t help but return his gaze to you. In short pyjama shorts and an oversized hoodie that Mattheo didn’t recognize was his, you looked so innocent and for a moment he forgot that you broke his heart. You took a seat next to him on the hospital bed, while studying his injuries. “You’re an idiot.” You whisper, but Mattheo just snorts and lets his head fall back into the pillow, staring up at the ceiling. “Yeah well, apologies that I’m no Cedric Diggory.” Mattheo says with a quiet but poisonous ring to it. 
Your eyebrows knit together for a few seconds before it hits you. “Unbelievable.” You chuckle and Mattheo looks up at you with pained and confused eyes. How could you think this was funny when it was heartbreaking to him. 
“You sure are no Cedric Diggory.” The soft laugh that follows your words puts Mattheo at ease. “You’re better than anything I had ever hoped for. So Matt, don’t ever jump to conclusions as ridiculous as the ones circling your head now. I love you and I don’t think I could ever love someone else.” Mattheo stares at you with a clenched jaw and glassy eyes. “I really hope so, because I don’t want to lose you.” His voice is raspy and you give him a soft smile, before leaning in. Your boyfriend is more than pleased to feel your touch, deepening the kiss as soon as your lips brush his. 
You and Tom had been dating for a while and it was clear that you were his girlfriend and he was your boyfriend, but Tom was not one to put labels on relationships especially with all dark things surrounding him. He was losing his patience with Hogwarts and its professor questioning his ambitions. His always stoic and charming attitude had almost been broken by Dumbledore’s intrusive questions. It had upset him  to such a level that he needed you around regardless of your plans.
Agitated and in need of your calming voice Tom is ready to burst in and ruin girls night when he overhears you and your friends banther. “What, him? He’s nothing like Tom?” Some girl squeals. “He’s the exact opposite.” Another laughs. “Yeah, sometimes I wonder how I ended up falling in love with someone like Tom Riddle.” His eyes go dark the instant he hears you say his name. His tongue moves as his mind rages with absolute fury for you. You of all people, you that he needed more than anyone. He wasn’t even your first choice. Suddenly all your friends in the room faint and you jump up, immediately checking for a pulse. It’s in that silent moment of relief when you realise that your friends are just asleep that you hear footsteps outside.
You swing the door open with your wand ready in hand, but when you spot your boyfriend you relax. “You can’t just hex people.” You sigh, you tense up a bit when Tom turns to face you with emotionless eyes. “I can, I'm a wizard.” You knew better than to mess with him when he was as cold as he was now. “What’s going on?” You calmly ask, walking towards him. “Explain to me what you meant with ‘someone like Tom Riddle’?” A featherlight huff of air escapes your lips as you meet his eyes, you can’t keep a smile from tugging at the corner of your mouth. “Someone who hexes four people to sleep because he’ll take any excuse to believe that he is unloved, rather than listen to the sentence as a whole. I fell in love with you Tom Riddle and I don’t intend to fall out of love with you.” Your boyfriend feels almost attacked by your words. You love me? “You mean love as in the big sense of the word?” Tom’s voice is hesitant, failing to sound demanding or charming. “Tom, the word love has no small sense of the word. It’s a word that’s always true and always full of emotion.” 
“Should I wake up your friends?” Tom offers, feeling a bit embarrassed at how he overreacted. You chuckle and walk over to him and he’s happy to wrap his arms around you as you think over his offer. “Nah, I much rather spend the night with you.” His lips search yours for a tender kiss. I love you too.
Your boyfriend was insulted when you picked Pansy over him. We could be having a bath together, but no girls’ night. I need a new girlfriend… Who am I kidding, I need just mine asap. Ignoring his friends warnings about how dangerous Pansy could be when someone interrupted her gossip nights, Enzo basically ran to Pansy’s dorm, like he needed you for urgent matters. Then again, in Enzo’s book intimate quality time with you was always an urgent matter. He needed you and he would have you now. “Yeah, sometimes I wonder how I ended up falling in love with someone like Enz.” Enzo’s happy puppy face falss the second he recognises it was you talking. 
The next morning an unwashed, unshaven, not properly dressed Enzo is picking at his food when you jump in to give him a kiss on the cheek. He lets you, but he doesn’t react and you frown, looking over at his friends you see them raise their shoulders. Odd. You shuffle between him and Blaise and turn to face your boyfriend. “Talk to me Enz?” “Not hungry.” He states and without even giving you one look he gets up from the table and leaves. You are absolutely frozen in your seat at what had just happened. “What did you do?” Mattheo asks, unable to hide his curiosity and amusement. No one had ever seen Enzo like this so everyone at the table was dying to know what had happened, but you didn’t have a clue. 
You take breakfast on the go and follow your boyfriend. Quickly stuffing your mouth as you head for his room. You enter and see him lying on his bed with his back turned towards you. “Enz, talk to me, what’s wrong?” You get no response except for a lazy shrug so you decide to move closer and sit by his side. As soon as you do so he turns around so again his back is facing towards you. At this point you were getting slightly annoyed with his behaviour. “Enz-” “Just break up with me already!” Enzo snaps and he jumps up heading for the door.
When you see him angrily swing open the door you snap. “Sit your ass down, Berkshire!” Enzo stops in his tracks and for a second no one moves, not you, not Enzo, not the people in the slytherin common room who were absolutely terrified of what was about to go down. Enzo closes the door and turns to face you. You immediately notice his tired eyes and you walk over to him. “Enz-” Your soft voice breaks your boyfriend’s stubborn attitude. “I’m nothing like the type of guy you wanted… you just accidentally ended up with me.” Your eyebrows knit together and Enzo explains himself further. “I overheard you and your friends talk last night, I wasn’t listening in or anything, I just missed you.” His voice sounds painfully broken and your grab his hands meet his eyes with a sincerity. “I didn’t accidentally end up with you. You charmed me. You spend days flirting your way into my life, my head and my bed… You made me fall in love with you and oh boy did I fall for you, Enzo Berkshire, you and all your charm. Did first year me think to ever end up with you? No. Do I ever want anyone else? No! You are the one, Enzo.” A small smirk tugs on his lips as he can’t hide his happiness anymore. “I’m the one?” Your boyfriend questions sheepishly and you nod, making him smile brightly. “I’m the one.” He repeats, eyebrows wiggling, pleased with that new piece of information. 
Stealing you away from a girls night wouldn’t be easy, but Theodore had come prepared. He hated himself for being this needy and this cheesy, but he flicked away his cigarette anyways and picked up a small box filled with your favourite snacks. His friends and everyone else at Hogwarts were starting to see that the tough guy act that Theodore had been keeping up for years was cracking as his softer side was becoming more and more visible everyday all because of you, the love of his life. Walking towards Pansy’s dorm a small smile creeps up your boyfriend’s lips as he stares at the snacks in his hands. Salazar, I’m whipped for this girl and I don’t even mind. Your voice interrupts his thoughts and his eyes lift to the door in front of him. “Yeah, sometimes I wonder how I ended up falling in love with someone like Theo.” Pansy snickers “Yeah, he’s nothing like the guy you just described. So weird you fell for him.” You chuckle at Pansy’s words. “Silly, I know.” The word silly rings in Theodore’s mind as he speedwalks away. 
“I so want to marry him.” You laugh and continue dreaming out loud. “He would be such a sweet and sexy husband… oh and omg he would be the greatest dad to our kids. I just know he’ll be so invested with their dreams and hobbies.” You roll on your back and stare up at the ceiling, when you sigh in a dreamy way Pansy smashes a pillow in your face. “Hello! Girls night, stop dreaming about your boyfriend… and instead tell us nasty sex stories or something.” Everyone burst out laughing and you spend the night not having a clue that in Theodore’s mind you two were done.
The next morning you are still unaware of your break up and instead fall in love even more when you find a box filled with your favourite snacks outside of Pansy’s dorm. “That’s just disgustingly adorable.” Pansy jokes as you walk in the direction of the great hall. “Husband material.” You sing and smile at Pansy. However, you stop in your tracks when you spot Theo lazily hanging over some girl's shoulder joking with her about something. He notices you and you want to smile, but he instantly looks away making you frown. You and Pansy walk over to him, but your heart already knows something is wrong. When you stand beside him Theodore reluctantly pulls his attention away from the pretty girl at the table to give you an agitated look. “Look (y/n), I heard you last night, I’m not the guy you planned on ending up with and I don’t mind, but let’s not waste any more time on this relationship and just go our own way.” You stand there absolutely perplexed and you’re absolutely horrified to hear some girls giggling at the scene in front of them. When you finally open your mouth Theo doesn’t even let you speak. “It’s been fun, but really I’m busy here.” 
Never had anyone stomped on your heart and humiliated you like this. With teary eyes you turn around and rush out of the great hall, only to hear Ron hushed voice, “That was brutal.”, followed by loud smack, probably Hermoine. 
Theodore didn’t even look as you walked away, but Pansy’s silent but demanding presence forces him to again look away from the girl he’s trying to play. When Theo looks up Pansy wastes no time. “You absolute baboon!” There’s a silence as she just looks at him like he’s vermin. “First of all you don’t eavesdrop.” She smacks him on his arm. “Secondly, you missed out on the part where she said she wants to marry you.” Smacks him again. “Contrary to her opinion, I think you would be a shit dad considering you are a god awful boyfriend.” Smacks him even harder. “Go apologise!” “But she said-” “Apologise!” Pansy’s shriek horrified everyone in the great hall, but Theodore just stood there confused. He had been so convinced you didn’t really want him, you had just fallen for him but it was never supposed to last and now Pansy’s telling him that you want the same as him, marriage and a life together.
Slowly and slightly terrified Theo opens the door to your room. He’s immediately met with the sound of your sobs and when he spots your figure curled up into a ball his heart breaks even harder than it had done yesterday. You turn around expecting to see Pansy, but you’re shocked to see an apologetic looking Theodore slowly walking towards you. “No!” You snap at him and get up. “Get out!” You yell and throw a pillow at his head. “Please listen, I made a mistake.” You grab the table lamp on your night stand. “Yes, you did by coming here!” He’s quick to grab your hand and keep you from smashing the lamp on his head. “Don’t. You love this lamp.” You girth your teeth, of course Theodore knows you love that lamp, he knows everything about you. You start sobbing again and Theo struggles to find words so he just gets to his knees. “It was a misunderstanding. I thought I was just a fling to you and it broke my heart… and I did a dumb thing.” Your eyes go wide. “A fling? You thought you were a fling?” You can’t believe your dumb ass boyfriend. Theodore takes your hand in his and kisses it softly. “Please forgive me.” He begs in a soft voice. You look at him sitting on his knees, holding your hand, looking lost. “Please.” He urges and you start laughing. “There are no words to describe you, Theodore Nott.” Theo gets up and smiles. “How about future husband? Does that describe me?” He pulls you closer and a cheeky smile forms on his lips. You loved him, but forced your smile into a line. “I’m still mad.” You state and your boyfriend’s confidence fades. “Obviously. Just let me make this up to you.” You better!
“I dare you.” M attheo whispered near Blaise’s ear for the millionth time. “Still not playing.” Blaise sighs and Mattheo growls in annoyance. “Why?” Blaise looks up from his book. “I’m not ruining my girlfriend’s girl’s night because you want me to spy on your crush… I also don’t believe they would even let me stay.” Mattheo huffs. “I don’t have a crush, it’s research, and you should at least try to get in there.” Blaise shakes his head no. “I’ll do your homework.” Mattheo offers. “I’ll do it better.” Blaise sings, making Theo chuckle. “I’ll clean your side of the dorm.” Blaise looks up at Mattheo. “Have you cleaned a thing in your life?” Mattheo thinks about it and quickly realises that he needs to think of a different offer. “I’ll shut up for at least 24h hours if you try to get in.” “Oh, please Blaise, do me a favour and just go, so Matt will be silent.” Blaise sighs and gets up. “Fine, I’ll take one for the team.” Draco and Theo both cheer, making Mattheo frown.
As Blaise approaches Pansy’s dorm he hears several girls snicker and followed by lots of chatter that he can’t make out, until he’s right in front of the door. “Yeah, sometimes I wonder how I ended up falling in love with someone like Blaise.” Without a second though Blaise turns on his heels and walks back to his friends. Once there his friends all look up to see his horrified expectation. “You okay mate?” Mattheo asks worriedly and Theodore puts his book down to listen, but Blaise can’t form an answer. What does that mean? Why does she wonder about how she ended up with me? 
Blaise just stares in front of him like he was solving some physics problem and not being very successful. Draco takes a piece of parchment from his study notes and forms it into a ball of paper before throwing it at Blaise who seems to wake up from his thoughts and again turn on his heels. “Odd.” Theodore says and Draco shrugs, but they all continue with their business. 
Blaise is back at Pansy’s door and swings it open this time, making all your friends scream for a second. “What the hell, Zabini!” Pansy snaps. “Why do you wonder how you ended up falling in love with someone like me?” Blaise’s eyes focus on you. “What does that mean, someone like me? You mean my colour, my nerdiness, sporty side, or that I’m a bad boy type of guy? And more importantly, are we done? I mean, I would like to know if you’re breaking up with me.” Pansy crosses her arms and groans, dropping her head before snapping at Blaise. “Did she not just say that she fell in love with you! Seriously, if you eavesdrop, at least do it right!” 
“I’m not breaking up with you!” Blaise sighs in relief and you get up from your seat. Blaise looks around and feels a bit embarrassed when he notices all your friends saw his moment of panic. “And what I meant with someone like you was someone as cool and composed as you… but I guess that facade just fell.” Blaise chuckles as you wrap your arms around his neck. “I guess I panicked for a moment, but that was only because I thought you were going to break up with me. Now I’m cool again.” You  smile and lick your lips. “It was kinda sexy.” You whisper and his hands make their way to your hips as you kiss him. 
“Ew! Get that dude out of my girl’s night!” Pansy expresses her annoyances making you both smile into the kiss. 
“Girls like it when you interrupt their little parties and show them love in front of all their friends.” Enzo frowns at Draco’s statement. “Your girl might like it but Pansy will not.” Draco huffs and straightens his shoulders. “I’m not afraid of her.” This false play of bravery makes Enzo snort. “Even Matt is scared of Pansy and his father is the dark lord.” Enzo argues, but Draco just waves his arguments away and heads for Pansy’s dorm. 
“The guy you describe is nothing like Draco!” Pansy squeals, shocked by the person you had just described. “Yeah, sometimes I wonder how I ended up falling in love with someone like Malfoy.” You say rather serious. Draco considers whether to continue listening in, but his ego is too bruised. I’m not the kind of guy she wanted… Did she start dating me out of pity or something…
After a few seconds Enzo sees Draco return, clearly upset. “Told you, Pansy’s scaryyy.” Enzo sings as Draco just speedwalks past him and Theodore lounging in the common room. Both Slytherins shrug, but make no move to check on Draco. 
The next morning you joyfully walk, almost skip, to your boyfriend who is rather depressingly resting his head in hand as he stares endlessly in front of him. “Bad night?” You ask in a gentle whisper and his eyes move to yours, but he doesn’t answer, only the corners of his mouth twitch in response. The heartbrokenness is obvious in his eyes and your joy fades away as you sit beside him. “Who is he?” You almost hurt yourself trying to figure out who Draco is asking about. “The guy you actually like?” You raise your eyebrows and his absurd question. “Oh that guy, total moron… YOU! You dummy! I like you, you know that.” You laugh at Draco’s silliness but he doesn’t even smile so after a few seconds your smile fades as well. “I heard you talk yesterday… about this other guy… that’s nothing like me.” There’s a long silence as it takes you a moment to figure out what your boyfriend is talking about. When you do, you immediately want to assure him, but interrupts you before you get the chance. “I just need to know if I still have a chance with you…” His eyes look lifeless as he confesses his fear of losing you and you. 
You sit up straight and cup his cheeks. “Draco Malfoy, I love YOU. There is no other guy! You hear me?” Even though you’re holding his face in your hands he shakes no. “You said-” You sigh. “Draco, before I came to Hogwarts I had a crush on another guy who was nothing like you, but as soon as I met your dumb ass I thought that has to be the love of my life… weird but true.” Draco stares deep into your eyes in an attempt to check if you’re telling the truth. “So you’re not dumping for some tanned six pack bodybuilder type?” You laugh out loud and Enzo and Mattheo raise their eyebrows as they approach you. “Draco is an idiot.” You say smiling. “I could have told you that before you started dating.” Mattheo jokes sitting down opposite of Draco. “Looking for a new boyfriend?” Enzo quips, wiggling his eyebrows at you. “I’m single and ready to mingle.” Draco throws a pancake at Enzo who dodges it elegantly. “Don’t even think about it Enzo! I’m an idiot but not that big an idiot to let her go.” You smile at your boyfriend and he kisses you gently. 
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bangtanflirt · 10 months
(Un)natural Instincts (Part 2)
Tumblr media
angst, fluff, smut
Pairings: OT7 x Fem Reader, Human CEO Reader, Human Assistant Yoongi, Wolf Hybrids Joon, Jin, Hobi, Jimin, Tae, and Kook.
Basic premise: You and your assistant end up rescuing six wolf hybrids. No part of the process is easy.
Part 1 > Part 2 > Part 3
General Warnings: Hybrid abuse and lab experimentation, hybrids as second-class citizens/owned property, future smut (Minors DNI, 18+ content)
Specific Warnings: torture collars, needles, mention of past dubcon (hybrids under influence of the synthetic hormones cannot properly consent), more inaccurate business talk,
It’s 7am the next day when your actual assistant shows up at your door, with your precious Americano in hand.
“I heard about the coffee mishap yesterday, so I thought I’d bring you this a little earlier than usual.”
“You are my savior.”
Yoongi laughs as you invite him in. Your assistant is one of the few people you found you could let your guard down around. He’s probably the closest thing you have to a friend.
“Is everything alright with you? You never call off work, and you didn’t reply to the message I sent.”
“Sorry, there was a lot going on. Everything’s fine now, just had a little scare with my mom’s blood pressure. She’s good though!”
“Oh thank god. Are you sure you don’t need more days off to take care of her?”
“My brother is keeping an eye on her, but I very much appreciate the sentiment.”
“Of course. Don’t hesitate to step out when you need. Or if you need help with her medical bills, I’m always here.”
“Woah woah, calm down there before I start spreading a rumor that you’re actually a nice person Y/N.”
You roll your eyes and laugh, “Don’t you dare.”
But the joking atmosphere only lasts for two seconds before your mood turns solemn.
“I’m actually so far from a nice person you wouldn’t believe it.”
And so it goes, you explaining the entire fiasco of last night. You know you deserve the judgy look he tries to hide when you get to how easily you caved in. But there’s also sympathy in his eyes, because he’s one of the few people in the world who would even try to understand where you’re coming from.
“That’s not all…they also…um…gave me one.”
He looks puzzled.
“They gave you a collar? But you don’t even have a hybrid.”
You take a deep breath before uttering the next sentence.
“They gave me a hybrid.”
“Shhh! Keep your voice low, he’s sleeping in one of the guest rooms right now!”
He switches to a whisper yell instantaneously.
“You took a hybrid home with you? Are you insane?!”
“Maybe I am. I don’t know, I wasn’t exactly acting with a plan. I just couldn’t send him back to get tortured. You should see him Yoongi, he looks like he’s been through hell and back.”
The man’s eyes softened.
“I don’t know how you’re going to get yourself out of this mess, but I guess I’m getting dragged into it with you, aren’t I?”
“You can always quit, you know. I’d give you a cushy desk job somewhere in the company.”
“Eh I’ll wait. I’m still not fed up with you yet, even if I think you’re actually insane for this. So is the hybrid going to just lounge around here while you’re at work? Shouldn’t there be some supervision?”
You nod.
“Yeah, I notified the housekeepers already, told them I’d pay extra if they take care of him for me. His name’s Jungkook by the way. 60% human and 40% gray wolf.”
“40% is a lot.”
He’s right. The very few pet wolf hybrids in the market right now are 25% wolf, as that’s the max percentage before they get too dangerous to handle.
“Yeah, but I’m more of a threat to him than he is to me at this point.”
The workday is long, and you’re mentally not even there. Every five minutes, you’re thinking about Jungkook and how he’s doing. Thankfully, the housekeepers keep sending you updates to assure you he’s doing fine.
You scroll through with relief, reading what he’s up to throughout the day. Apparently, he was terrified of the shower, but had no problem drawing himself a bath. Another text let you know he loves the omelet the chef prepared for lunch. And the rest of the texts are just notifying you that he’s resting in his room at various points in the day. So far so good, thankfully.
With your mind at some ease, you can actually focus on work.
You get your hands on everything Pet Paradise can give on the Obedience Collar before officially signing a contract. There’s information that’s classified, mainly the patent for the synthetic hormones, but the books and research procedures are documented in the files in front of you. And unfortunately, they look spotless. The money is all there in a clear trail, no gaps or unusual patterns, and the research procedure follows all protocol needed. You want to just hide under your desk and avoid this entire situation.
You’re scheduled to tour the research facility tomorrow, and the last thing you want to do is see five more hybrids as scared as Jungkook—especially knowing you can’t scoop these ones up and take them home. But you’re holding out hope. There’s still a chance that something’s wrong at the facilities, something not shown on paper. At this point you’d settle for the smallest thing and find a way to blow it up so the whole operation has to be shut down. You’ve got some of the best lawyers in the country, so you might as well use them. You just need something to be wrong.
It's around 6:45pm when you arrive home, and one of the housekeepers greets you with a warm smile, immediately jumping into how well-behaved Jungkook is. It makes you wince to hear him described like that, especially knowing the amount of needles piercing his skin just to achieve the “well-behaved” status.
The staff all leave as you arrive, knowing you like them to be done by the time you're back. The chef has already left hours earlier, as he usually prepares dinner in advance and keeps it in the fridge.
Jungkook’s door is slightly ajar, and you peek in to see the boy melted into the bed. It’s weird; he looks a lot more tired than yesterday, eyes barely keeping themselves open. It’s probably the hormones, you conclude somberly.
“Jungkook, it’s time for dinner. Come on out.”
The boy takes the last bit of energy he has to trudge to the dinner table, and you put a heated up bowl of kimchi-jjigae down. You sit across and join, noticing that the stew is extra flavorful today.
“Mhmm, Chef Gyu really outdid himself with this one. And I bet the omelet was just as delicious. I was told you loved it, is that true?”
You look over expecting an answer, but what you see instead is Jungkook almost falling asleep right into the bowl before catching himself at the last minute.
Maybe the side effect of the hormones make him too sleepy to do anything?
Your thoughts are interrupted by your ringtone. It’s Chef Gyu.
“Hello Chef, I was just singing your praises for this food.”
There’s a nervous chuckle at the other end of the line.
“Thank you Y/N, glad you and your new friend liked it.”
“Is something wrong? You usually don't call this late.”
“Um, yes, actually. The reason I called is because of your hybrid.”
“What do you mean? I was told he stayed in his room for most of the day. Did he cause you any trouble?”
You look over, but Jungkook is too exhausted to register that you’re talking about him.
“No, none at all. He was extremely polite. The problem was the housekeeping staff…they didn’t do any of the work today.”
You feel a pit in your stomach, putting the pieces together.
“Did they…did they make Jungkook clean the house?”
“Yes Miss. They were watching TV for practically the whole time. I should’ve told you earlier, but I told myself it wasn’t my place. I’m deeply sorry.”
“Thank you for telling me now. I appreciate it a lot. I have to go.”
You hang up abruptly, seething the minute the phone is cut.
There’s a million different ways your mind is conjuring up of how to ruin the housekeeping agency, make them cry bankruptcy as you blacklist them from working anywhere ever again. The rage inside you is glowing red, and the only thing getting you to calm down at all is your objective of getting Jungkook back into bed before he actually does fall asleep into his dinner. You support his weight gently, grateful that he’s awake enough to zombie-walk wherever you lead him. It’s only when he’s tucked under the blankets do you let the anger stir up again.
They made him clean the entire house by himself. A house that usually takes eight people to clean, they made him do all alone so they could kick back and relax with your flatscreen TV. It astonishes you how cruel people can be, how they can look into his scared doe eyes and take advantage of him.
The world is not on Jungkook’s side right now, it seems.
Yesterday’s incident is fresh in your mind the next morning. Thankfully, Yoongi found a new housekeeping service at the last minute. You’re still worried that the same thing might happen again, but you can’t afford to miss work today; so, you do the best that you can and ask Chef Gyu to keep an eye on the situation while he’s cooking.
Today’s the day you need to tour the lab facilities for the Obedience Collar—a task you’d trade in to do quite literally anything else. Yoongi looks at you with concern, seeing the strain this visit is putting on you.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay. Isn’t the plan to go in and find something to shut the whole thing down?”
“But if I can’t shut it down? What if there’s nothing wrong there either, and I have to look into the faces of five other abused hybrids and know I’m ruining their lives? What if I just call the whole thing off? Yes Mr.Kang is going to be insufferable and yes it’s going to cause a blow to my reputation, but it can’t be worth it to go through with this. It’s just not right.”
The room is silent for a second before Yoongi speaks up.
“It’s a little more complicated than that.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was trying to find a good time to tell you since yesterday, but you’ve been so stressed that I didn’t know how…”
“Spit it out Yoongi.”
“Kang got on the board of directors at Jewel Accounting.”
Your blood runs cold. Jewel Accounting is one of your key partners.
“W-what do you mean? Isn’t that a conflict of interest? How can he be on the board that has to audit his own company?”
“He’s overseeing consulting, not audits. Pet Paradise wouldn’t be his client, but I’m afraid pulling out of this deal on a whim is going to make business a lot harder for us. The only way out is finding a good legal argument against investing.”
You want to shove your head into a bucket of cement.
The lab is cold and sterile, with glaring fluorescent lights, medical lab equipment spread everywhere, and white-tiles lining floor to ceiling. The researchers guiding you, however, seem to be in a chipper mood, smiling as if they don’t torture hybrids on a daily basis here. First, your team is taken around to look at the facility in general. Jungkook’s adverse reaction to showers makes sense when you see the one tiny sad looking shower stall they use—a lab assistant boasts about the stall being “efficient” by fitting at least three of them in at once.
Yoongi lightly touches your shoulder at different points throughout the tour, as if to ground you. There’s no beds, just a chamber with cots on the floor, and the food packets of sludgy brown gruel are easily the least appetizing thing you’ve ever seen.
“And now we have the part you are all, no doubt, most excited for: the research subjects!”
You hold your breath, dreading what comes next.
One by one, each wolf hybrid is brought out and lined up in front of you, all with the same fear engraved in them as Jungkook. They might be the hybrids, but you’re the one with urge to claw someone’s eyes out at the moment.
“We’ve trained different ones for different purposes, just to test how well the collar can make them behave in different situations. Jungkook was given away before any specific training, but the rest are skilled in different domains. First up we have Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung.”
Three of the hybrids step forward. One is a broad-shouldered blonde, with two smaller-framed brunettes next to him.
“These three have been trained for housework and taking care of children. Now, we know the image of a wolf-hybrid putting a baby to sleep sounds ridiculous, but this technology really is that advanced.”
Someone in the back makes some joke about a wolf singing rock-a-bye baby and everyone laughs. You and Yoongi fake a laugh to keep up appearances.
“The next one is Hoseok”
He’s lean with slicked-back black hair, and you notice he’s the only one dressed up, with a low v-neck shirt that leaves plenty of his chest exposed. More than he’s comfortable with, it seems, because you notice his hands itching to cover himself up. He doesn’t though, just fidgets with the sides of the shirt instead.
“He’s a romantic companion. Trained to give pleasure to any gender and for any intimate situation. He can fulfill every fantasy your minds can conjure up!”
There’s some snickers erupting again, but neither you or your assistant can attempt to fake laugh this time. Especially not when he makes eye contact, giving you a trained flirty smile that doesn’t reach his eyes one bit.
“And the last one is Namjoon, the pack alpha.”
Namjoon steps up, the tallest of them all. He stands the straightest as well. His hair is black and his eyes are more dragon-like than wolf, looking straight ahead with a stoic expression. The only indication of his scared nature is his trembling fingers and pleading eyes, but that aside, he looks as still as a statue.
“He’s a guard hybrid, perfect to keep intruders away. He’s been trained in a mix of defensive martial arts. Plus, he’s an alpha so you’d have to be insane to try to fight him off. Fun fact, hormone packs for alphas are different—they have a higher dosage. It took some experimentation, but we finally got the levels right.
And with that, you’ve seen the whole pack! Normally, training a wolf hybrid to do any of these would take at least two years, and that’s only for the ones 25% max wolf DNA. God knows training a 40% wolf would be nearly impossible. But with the help of the Obedience Collar, not only can we train higher percentages of wolves, but we can train them in as little as three months! As Mr.Kang probably told you a thousand times already, this will really revolutionize the hybrid market!”
You toss your laptop bag onto the sofa right as you come in through the door, kicking your heels off and slouching into your favorite recliner. You can’t be bothered to put things up in a tidy manner at the moment, especially with how shitty you feel.
There wasn’t a single flaw you could find at the lab today. All the equipment had passed inspection checks and were state-of-the art, the researchers had proper credentials and specialized licenses in hybrid research, and every procedure conducted was documented thoroughly—you made it a point to skip over the entire section for Hoseok, wanting to stay far away from the details of what he was made to do.
You let out a frustrated groan. Forgetting you’re no longer alone in your house, hearing footsteps shuffle spooks you for a second, before you see the wolf hybrid timidly come into the living room. Thankfully, he looks well-rested today. Chef Gyu did text you a while back that the new cleaners were doing well, and Jungkook was actually resting in his room for real this time. He does a quick bow before walking over and propping your heels up correctly. His next mission seems to be to put your carelessly tossed laptop bag in its proper place.
“You don’t need to do that for me Jungkook. I can do it myself.”
“Sorry Miss.”
You hate how meek he sounds, and that he’s the one apologizing in this situation. You should be getting on your knees spilling apologies right now, for going to that lab to see his pack be flaunted off like toys. But instead, he’s looking at you as if he’s the guilty one.
“You didn’t do anything to apologize for. Thank you for tidying up, I appreciate it.” You give me a reassuring smile, but he seems more confused than anything else. He doesn’t know if that means to do it more in the future or not do it all…he wishes you could just give simple commands instead of these tests.
You sit down for dinner, but don’t know how much of an appetite you have after today.
“Do you like the fried rice?”
“Yes Miss” he says between big spoonful, and the way he talks with his cheeks full makes you melt a little.
“Call me Y/N, please.”
“Yes Miss Y/N.”
“Just Y/N is fine”
He raises a brow,
“Pets should address their owners politely, Miss Y/N.”
That sentence makes your skin crawl. The way he so casually refers to himself as a pet, and to you as an owner.
“It’s okay Jungkook, I like being called Y/N.”
“…if you say so, Y/N.”
The name alone feels so wrong on his tongue, making him worry that someone in a lab coat is about to come drag him away for extra obedience training.
“Thank you. So, what have you been doing all day?”
“I tried to help out with the housework, but the people today told me that wasn’t my job…which was really confusing because the people yesterday told me that it was my job.”
“It’s not your job.”
“What is my job Mis—I mean, Y/N? I know I don't have specialized training, but I'm a quick learner! If you could give me a list on how to be good here, I’ll do my best and follow it.”
You want to tell him he doesn’t have to worry about things like that anymore, but you’re concerned that a conversation like that will malfunction his brain. How could it not, when the hormones flowing through his body plus the brainwashing tell him that’s all he should be thinking about.
“There is one thing you could do for me”
His wolf ears perk up, eager for a command.
“It’s really hard to keep up with the latest shows with my job, but I feel left out when everyone in the office has seen something I haven’t. If I give you a list, you think you could watch them for me and give me the summaries?”
“Yes absolutely! I’ll take detailed notes and tell you everything!”
There’s genuine excitement in his eyes. Jungkook’s never had the opportunity to watch TV before, and he can’t believe his luck. He doesn’t show his joy too much though, fearing that you’ll think he’s using the assignment as an excuse to slack off. He wants to be good, wants to show you he’s well-trained.
“Perfect. You’ll be helping me out a lot.”
You have to bite your lip to keep a straight face, endeared by how hard he’s trying to hide his excitement. But the moment is short-lived, as Jungkook’s face turns sour in an instant.
“What are you thinking about?”
“My pack. They’d probably love watching TV too.”
You don’t say anything to that.
Dinner ends with an uncomfortable silence looming in the air, that is until Jungkook spills juice on himself.
“I’m so sorry!”
“It’s not a big deal, don’t worry about it.”
“B-but you just got me these clothes. I was being careless. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s really fine, it’s not hard to get it dry-cleaned. I’ll put the dishes up, so go in and change into something else.”
He gives you one last string of “I’m so sorry”s before heading off to his room.
Once you’ve loaded the dishwasher, you make your way upstairs to the boy’s room, seeing if he needs anything before bed. His bedroom door is open, as is the bathroom door. You follow the sounds of scrubbing before being met with his back to you, hunched over the sink, trying to get the stain out of the white t-shirt. He’s topless and you know it’s wrong to ogle at his incredibly fit physique right now, but something catches your attention right before you’re about to avert your eyes.
Blue splotches pepper his waist, almost bruise-like but not quite.
“Um, Jungkook”
The boy turns,
“What are those blue marks?”
He twists his body in front of the mirror, looking at the marks with the same amount of confusion as you.
“I have no clue.”
Was it an allergic reaction? Have your “eat up” commands been making him eat food he’s allergic to?
“Do you have any allergies?”
“I’m not sure…no one’s ever told me…but I feel fine.”
“Nothing hurts? No nausea, hives, itchy nose?”
He shakes his head.
“I’ll come home early tomorrow and schedule a visit with a hybrid doctor in the evening.”
The color in his face visibly drains.
“I’m a-alright. Really.”
No doctor please. Last thing I need is another person in a white coat messing with my body again.
Your tone softens, “Relax, the most it’ll be is an allergy test. No one’s going to hurt you.”
Jungkook’s back to shaking as much as he did on his first day.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know if you're liking it so far!
Taglist: @welcometomyworld13 @kalala22
*If Tumblr doesn't let me tag you for some reason, I'll send you a DM instead!
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babyleostuff · 10 months
hi! could u do minghao as ur bf?
sure thing! here is your mingaho request! hope you'll enjoy this one <3
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genre | a lot of fluff
author's note | if you want me to write this with any other member that I haven't done yet, let me know <3
𓆩♡𓆪 I believe in cuddly Minghao when he’s tired
𓆩♡𓆪 he is cuddly even when not tired 
𓆩♡𓆪 but I just know that he hangs off of you like a koala after a tiring day 
𓆩♡𓆪 he has his arms tightly wrapped around you from behind, while he rests his head on top of yours (or your shoulder if you’re taller)
𓆩♡𓆪 and just waddles behind you, not letting you go 
𓆩♡𓆪 will coo at you at the most random times if you’re being extra cute to him 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’re the definition of the aesthetic couple 
𓆩♡𓆪 even if you’re not that into fashion, it’s just an excuse for Minghao to dress you up and complete different outfits for you (with some items from his own wardrobe) 
𓆩♡𓆪 not because he thinks your fashion sense is bad, it’s just one of his passions and he genuinely enjoys putting together matching outfits and dressing you up 
𓆩♡𓆪 and if you already have a specific type of aesthetic, he will try to look for such pieces of clothing to buy and match with you 
𓆩♡𓆪 like Jun, is very glad that he can share his culture with you 
𓆩♡𓆪 takes you on multiple trips around China whenever he has free time from schedules 
𓆩♡𓆪 even though you were very nervous before meeting his family, he knew that they’d love you endlessly (just like he does)
𓆩♡𓆪 unlike Jun, he is not that good of a Chinese teacher 
𓆩♡𓆪 teaches you cuss words and corny pick up lines 
𓆩♡𓆪 so, in the end, you have to turn to Jun to get some proper teaching 
𓆩♡𓆪 you are his muse and a number one source of inspiration 
𓆩♡𓆪 another basic ass cliche, but he loves taking pictures of you and most of the time, you’re not even aware that he is taking them 
𓆩♡𓆪 but those caught off guard photos are the best, as he always insists that they capture the “real you”
𓆩♡𓆪 has a whole album of your photos, both on his phone, as well as a physical album 
𓆩♡𓆪 because he wants to make sure that one day when you’re older, you can sit down and open a physical album and look back at your youth through those photos 
𓆩♡𓆪 loves to take you out on museum dates 
𓆩♡𓆪 you stand side by side, holding hands and talk about the art 
𓆩♡𓆪 sometimes you make the stupidest and most random interpretation of the art pieces, which make you both laugh out loud 
𓆩♡𓆪 besides being the aesthetic couple, you’re also the sassy and judgy duo 
𓆩♡𓆪 even if you didn’t consider to be such before meeting Minghao, YOU ARE NOW 
𓆩♡𓆪 because what can be better than side eyeing people with your boyfriend 
𓆩♡𓆪 like, your basic sunday afternoon consists of drinking tea and spilling the tea (you see what I did there)
𓆩♡𓆪 tries to teach you how to meditate 
𓆩♡𓆪 shows you different ceremonies of making tea 
𓆩♡𓆪 you even agree to attend some yoga classes 
𓆩♡𓆪 (how it turns out is all up to you, personally I HATE meditating cuz I just keep laughing, SORRY HAO)
𓆩♡𓆪 he doesn’t really get jealous, not because he doesn’t care about you, but because he trusts you some damn much 
𓆩♡𓆪 if he sees anyone trying to flirt with you, he simply comes up to you, puts his arm around your waist, kisses your shoulder or cheek and sends you a gentle smile
𓆩♡𓆪 he just knows that you’re endgame and no one has the power to change that 
𓆩♡𓆪 likes to read with you (or to you) before sleep 
𓆩♡𓆪 it helps him to relax and it always makes him feel more connected to you 
𓆩♡𓆪 he tries to teach you their dances 
𓆩♡𓆪 and if you’re not feeling confident or you think you look silly, he chooses other, easier dances
𓆩♡𓆪 because even if you’re not the best dancer in the world, he’ll make you feel like you are one
your messages <3
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sakuraryomen01 · 8 months
Valentino /Sukuna Ryomen x Reader/ .o9
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warnings: asshole sukuna, college prep. school (aka bitch u at an expensive ass school), former friends to lovers, slow burned love, yuji is sukuna's little brother, Gojo getting a drink of water and healing up his cheek, soft! sukuna, fairly fluffy morning with sukuna and gojo, gaming with geto, a new pov!
reader: female reader; 23 years of age, college prep.
plot: It's been years since you've moved from country life, since you've forgotten about all the things you used to love about your hometown and where you grew up from... you didn't think it'd chase you to college in the city after almost a decade..
words: 4.256k
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fanfic masterlist: .o1 .o2 .o3 .o4 .o5 .o6 .o7 .o8 .o9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20
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a/n:: not only am I starting to cook something up in my lil pea brain, i am making more fanfictions on wattpad as well! i don't know if i've let y'all know that yet but i felt i needed to tell you! there's going to be some only-wattpad reads on there (unless taken down ofc) that are hopefully gonna be good!
. . .
Thank you for reading this! Enjoy!
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. . .
At first, Gojo thought that the night had started pretty decently.
He got a few new numbers at a party with Geto, aka his best friend, and a quick blow job from a lil blonde in the bathroom. He can’t exactly recall where the loo was since he was just a smidge drunk. Normally, his head would be throbbing from the alcohol within a few minutes, but it was just a light buzz. Either way, the end of the night didn’t turn out that way sadly.
He had waddled on home after Geto dropped him off at the male’s dormitory to go park, his bunned up hair and silver rings flashing in the lamplight of a pole before he spun off to the student’s designated parking lot.
Gojo had started walking back, fumbling with his keys and phone. A drunken smile on his face while he hiccuped and a coo eliciting his throat, although he looked up and saw a very sexy silhouette walking his way from his base of origin. Quickly though, he saw that it was just you, a very flustered little mess walking from the building in your casual attire. Adorable.
Messing with you was like Gojo’s favorite pastime.
He stumbled over as best he could towards you, seeing just over his shifted sunglasses with the smallest of smiles on your face. But, it disappeared and changed into a concerned gasp. Gojo felt a soft hand on his forehead, though was somewhat shocked that you had the potential to reach such a height. Though he was leaning forward, sloppy and dirty this Satoru was.
He heard you speak, but the first half was blurred. You had asked him a question out of concern. “..Are you high, drunk, or sick?”
“My girl, you're judgy so muchy~ Let me live without demands!” Gojo said in a very matter of faculty way, at least that’s what he thought. Although, he was more curious as to why you were at the male’s dorm. It wasn’t a tutoring night, was it? Oh?
Maybe something else was happening? Hm? Sounds exciting and gossip worthy.
Sadly, there was very little to offer as you fixed him up before patting his shoulder and parting ways. Well, at least that’s how it was going until a pink haired blurr rushed over and there was a loud crack sound. There was also a thump sound, but Gojo’s eyes had already closed and a groan was leaving him before everything went black.
⇦ 🃍 🃎 ⇨
“You’re kidding me, right? You had to knock his ass out?”
What..?? Who?
“He was kissing your cheek, what was I supposed to do?!”
Oh, so like a pervert? Huh, I wonder who that is..
“It’s Satoru Gojo, he’s not that big a pervert, idiot! Honestly, now he’s going to have a sore jaw or something worse!”
Gojo’s hearing was definitely coming back, there was no ringing anymore. That’s a win. And there’s two people fighting over him, one of them was a girl– he could tell. Also win. The other was a guy. Still a win, but it depends on how he looks. Either way, Gojo’s eyes slowly began to open and the light of the tv was starting to register for him. The room he was in was a living room, with a blanket poorly draped over his middle and left leg.
It wasn’t that big a deal though, seeing as he was tall as fuck and not many blankets covered him now.
“..Mghh..” He grumbles, pressing his brows together and lifting a sore hand up to his cheek. Feeling the damage, there was just a sore ache and a bump. But thankfully, whoever found him gave him an ice pack for the swelling. “Wha’s goin’ on?”
“Oh he’s awake?” A man’s voice rings through Gojo’s ears and there’s a sudden twinge of annoyance with it. “Finally. He’s stinking up my couch.”
“You’ve gotten really dramatic,” A woman’s voice spoke back, a sigh of annoyance before stepping over to check on the currently disgruntled Gojo.
Gojo’s eyes managed to adjust to the light and landed on you, smiling and reaching up to pat your thigh. “Oh, so you are the one fighting with some guy over me. I’m touched.”
You chuckle at this before removing the ice pack, checking his jaw and cheek before returning it to its spot. Looking over at the man at the kitchen counter, Gojo recognized the pink fluffy hair and sat up. Seeing a very ruffled freshman with drooping eyelids and resting his cheek on the palm of his hand. Eyes glued to Gojo and you being close with a slight annoyance on his face.
I mean, of course he would. You’d be mad if you knocked someone’s lights out and they were moved into your living room to recover.
“So, can he go now?” Sukuna muttered, pressing his brows together and letting out another sigh of annoyance. Clearly Sukuna didn’t like having other guys over. It’s giving, no friends?
“Just relax,” You said, giving Gojo’s head a pat and huffing. “He’s not that bad of a stay.”
A dark look crossed the pink haired punk's face at the mention of Gojo, but it quickly faded as he made his way over to the kitchen’s fridge. He pulled out what seemed to be either a beer or a soda can and cracked it open, taking a sip and walking over. Letting his free black nail painted hand sit comfortable on his hip, looking down at the situation with a disapproving glare.
Gojo chuckled weakly at this and sighs, rubbing his jaw and returning the glare. “What~ Don’t trust me?”
“Not really,“ Sukuna replied flatly and grumbled, lowering his drink from his lips and nodding towards his room. “Either way, she’s gonna be sleeping in there. You.. You just stay there. I’ve heard about you and your moments with girls.”
While you sat there, watching the obvious alpha vs alpha moment– total cringe by the way– you laughed and grabbed some blankets and pillows that decorated the couch and started getting the space ready for two men to sleep in. 
“Boys,” Is all you said while you roll your eyes, taking the bundle of warmth into the next room while the said boys continued their little staring contest.
You quickly made a place for Gojo and Sukuna to both sleep in the living room, although everything in your mind said to just switch with Sukuna instead. You couldn’t go into Sukuna’s room, it’s too embarrassing and personal wasn’t it? For him at least?
Nonetheless, you finished setting up your bed and quickly making sure with Sukuna that it was absolutely alright to sleep in there, you badgered him into watching three different horror movies with Gojo. Picking between the three though, it was a little tougher than you had planned it to be.
“Friday the 13th is one of the dumbest horror movies,” Sukuna said, arms crossed on his end of the coffee table.”I like seeing tits as much as the next guy, but Nightmare on Elm Street has more story.”
Oof, you got him there, Sukuna.
“At least Friday the 13th is better than Halloween!” Gojo whined in response, lifting up the movie’s case and shaking it. Pointing at the label, right under the “uncut” bit of it. “At least it’s not this garbage! This has almost no plot other than a psycho chasing after his baby sister like a weirdo.”
True, true..
While the boys continued to rant and grumble, you stood from your cushion on the floor and grabbed the movie you had chosen. It was fairly recent, kinda creepy and gross, and with a dancing clown. Opening the case, the crack caught the attention of the two guys at the table and you pop in the DVD. There was a triumphant smile on your face as you made your way to the kitchen and grabbed three bowls and spoons.
“What did you put in?” Sukuna asked, his brows furrowed in obvious annoyance. “We agreed we would be coming to a decision together.”
You shrug and pull out a big tub of ice cream you had purchased earlier when Sukuna had gotten sick. “Y’all keep bickering so I decided to choose mine. It’s a little spooky, a little gross, and has a clown in it.”
The white haired, blue eyed, slightly drunk Gojo shuddered and pressed his brows together. He had seen this movie with Geto before and the fear inside him made him cringe. “Really? It? Did you have to choose that creepy movie?”
Sukuna waves a hand, watching you put ice cream into the bowls from the massive tub you had bought. “Hold on, is it the 1990 version or the 2019 one?”
You sigh and shake your head as you finish putting up the ice cream and make your way over to the table. Placing the bowls on the table and making at least one of the boys smile, while sitting between them and lifting the remote to skip through the previews that were already playing. Sukuna grumbles under his breath, something he appears to be doing often, and you play the movie. The scene starts on a thundering day in Derry, the gray sky giving an ominous feel to the already creepy music that was playing. The camera pans to a large and abundant home that held two brothers, Billy the oldest, and Georgie the youngest. 
The pair are currently working on a paper boat, Billy smiling once he finishes and turns to his little brother. Asking him to go and get some wax to finish their little paper boat, but Georgie complained until he was finally convinced to go get the wax.
During this, Gojo had managed to scoot his way over to join you and face the TV screen. Actively scooping his ice cream with a childish gleam in his eye as he watched the movie, while Sukuna sat somewhat farther away, side eyeing the both of you with a huff and an upset look on his pouty face. While you wanted to tease and make fun of the face, you stayed quiet as the movie played on.
The iconic 2019 scene with Georgie and Pennywise started, the clown being played by the fabulous Bill Skarsgård. You smile and look between the two men before smirking and announcing suddenly;
“Bill is really pretty.”
The sudden confession earned you a confused side eye from the boys, their brows raising in perfect harmony. “Sorry?” Gojo started, still sucking on his cream covered spoon between his pink lips. You chuckle at the dumbfounded looks and stay quiet, letting their minds fester in confusion until the scene where Pennywise and Georgie meet and start to talk.
Sukuna’s tongue clicks at the cgi that plays later, making you giggle and lean back against the couch, continuing to munch on the ice cream and snuggling into your blankets. Smiling as the boys also got comfortable. Sukuna puts his bowl on the table once his dessert is gone, Gojo’s already on the table since he finished a while ago.
While you wanted to stay up and watch more movies with them, your eyes started to slowly close. And while the main group of the movie started getting hallucinations of Pennywise, and their darkest fears, you had fallen asleep. Head resting on Sukuna’s shoulder and thoroughly surprising him. 
Gojo glanced over with half his face behind the blankets and chuckles, smiling slightly at the cutesy scene before him. “Aren’t you two snuggly~? Kinda cute of you to act like that, punk.”
“Says the punk,” Sukuna grumbled back, brows pressed together in a quiet attempt to regain some dignity. Though, that didn’t come back as he lifted you into his strong and warm arms, biceps flexing under the weight. “I’ll get her to bed. You just.. don't touch anything."
Gojo lifts a hand and uses his other to make a cross across his chest, turning his attention back to the movie and letting Sukuna take you to bed. (But once Sukuna got back, he was definitely convinced that Gojo used it as an excuse to get more ice cream.) The trip wasn’t long, and Sukuna couldn’t help but glance down at your sleeping face before entering his own room, seeing your cute little lips still as plump as before. Doing that same pout they always did whenever you slept. 
The pink haired bad boy wasn’t particularly proud that he remembered your sleeping face from years ago, but he still did. It doesn’t matter anyways. Sukuna didn’t want to get cuddly anymore.
He’s not the kid he once was, the one that followed you around during school so that he could keep an eye on you. To protect you from all the other snot nosed fourth graders that dared side-eye you a certain way. That wasn’t the same Sukuna Ryomen that was carrying you to bed right now.
Once he had placed you on the mattress, he let his mind wander for a moment and he brushed his fingers lightly against your cheek. Pushing some stray hairs behind your ear with a small hum– he didn’t want to enjoy it, despite all the little holes inside him begging to.
With much restraint, Sukuna’s hand removed itself from your cheek. There was a weird twinge in his chest at this, his hand even clamping up and turning into a fist as he stood. Patting his shorts off though, the feeling soon left. But he felt it linger in his heart when he left the room and closed the door, walking back into the living room to see that Gojo had already claimed the couch and was nuzzling into a pillow asleep.
Woe is the one with no bed to slumber..
With a sigh, Sukuna gathered the empty bowls and went to wash them up in the sink. Letting the warm water from the faucet wash away all the bubbles and cloudy thoughts in his head. Watching the suds foam around his fingers and the sponge, wiping away the ice cream residue on the bowels and spoons. The urge to get a beer and fall in bed with you though was powerful, so all his restraint was holding him back from doing so.
“What the hell..” He muttered to himself, letting one of the spoons slip from his grip and clang in the metal sink. “Ah, shit..”
When did he become so soft? It’s been a month, hasn’t it?
Sukuna stills, squeezing the sponge lightly in his grip. Realizing that it took just a month– maybe even a few weeks– for you to already worm your way back into his heart. He didn’t want that, he didn’t need it. That little childish promise he made all those years ago was just some little dream he once had. It had no real meaning, no need to further investigate.
“..That’s it..” Sukuna says quietly to himself, rinsing off the bowls and spoons before putting them on the rack. Wiping off his hands and going to get a spare change of clothes quickly, making sure to keep quiet as best he can to not wake you or the punk on his couch.
He got his coat and his shoes, grabbing his keys and taking one last glance back at his now full dormitory. Grimacing at the pervert on his couch, and the girl in his bed, he left and locked up the apartment. Rushing down the hall, despite it being almost twelve at night, to find a girl willing to release himself on. Sukuna had to get you out of his head, he didn’t care how, he didn’t care who.
Letting you control over his heart was something he didn’t want you to do to him again.
⇦ 🃍 🃎 ⇨
After you had woken up in your childhood best friend’s bed, you were quick to clean up the room as best you could before leaving to ask to borrow the shower. What you didn’t expect was to find Sukuna missing from his sleeping area on the floor. You were curious but didn’t want to call him, seeing as he was an adult and could take care of himself.
While you were anxious about using it without permission, you stripped in his room and got a towel to wrap yourself up in. Putting your dirty laundry and undies into the washing machine before heading into the bedroom to use the shower. You went to work washing your body, making sure to take care of your hair and face properly, even though you didn’t have your face washing items with you on hand.
Then again, you didn’t plan on staying the night at Sukuna’s dorm.
Now that you thought about it, sleeping in Sukuna’s bed was a lot more embarrassing than you thought. Letting your thoughts wander, you started to remember how warm the bed actually was. It was comfortable, with sheets as soft as clouds, and a pillow that hugged your face and relaxed your neck throughout the spine.
Blissfully remembering your sleep and the peaceful dreams that clouded them, you got out of the shower and dried off. Wrapping a towel around your chest, taking special care to make sure the slit of the towel was covered before leaving the bathroom only to be startled and slam the door closed just as quickly as you had opened it.
Sukuna. Behind the door.
“...What the hell?” His voice croaked out after a second– once you had finished screaming your heart out of course. “What are you doing in a towel?!”
There was more silence between you two, before you cracked the door open to see Sukuna rummaging through his drawers for something. Completely shielding his view of you, which made your heart throb slightly. Doki Doki? You got out of the bathroom and squirmed in your spot by the door before Sukuna tossed a large shirt over his shoulder at you and grabbed some shorts as well. 
His brows pressed together with a gruff tone to his voice. “Go on, put them on.”
“Ah, Sukuna..” You blush slightly at the gesture, shaking your head when you catch the shirt. “R-Really, I’m okay–”
“I’m not letting you walk around with your pussy out. Put it on.”
The vulgarity in his words make your face flush bright red. Steaming so badly you swore you heard the sounds of a kettle whistling in your head. With a shaky sigh, you lift the shirt over your still damp hair and turn to face the bathroom. The cool fabric touches your skin, sending small waves of goosebumps across your arms and legs. Once the shirt was on fully, you pulled the towel out from underneath the shirt and patted down the bum portion and front a little before looking back to Sukuna.
“..N-Now the shorts.” He says calmly, averting his attention from you and tossing over the shorts, sitting on the bed with a hand covering a good portion of his face. “Hurry up. The breakfast I got for you and that twink is gonna get cold.”
“Oh? That’s where you went?”
Pulling up the shorts over your legs and waist, Sukuna nods and slowly starts making his way out of the room. Face still covered in what you could only imagine as pure embarrassment of the situation. Sorry Sukuna..
You made yourself look normal, drying your hair out and applying some lotion you got from the bathroom, before getting out of the room and into the main living area where Gojo was already up and rubbing his sore and sleepy eyes.
“Morning,” He said, a pout to his lip at the sudden disturbance of being awake. “Shower? You smell nice.”
You nod and pet his head, chuckling before heading over to the counter and looking at the breakfast Sukuna claimed to have brought home. He lifts a bag with a bright label and begins pulling out platters. The see-through lids reveal hotcakes with other assortments of breakfast items and some syrup. Sukuna placed these platters on the counter while you stood next to him and watched his movements.
Personally, he thought this was kinda cute. He wouldn’t tell you that though. He’s not that kind of guy to get all mushy over feelings.
So, he settles for a small pat on the head, a ruffling of your still damp hair and hums. “Grab a platter and some utensils. It’s messy too so get a few napkins.”
You raise a brow and look over at the pink haired man, pursing your lips. “I’m not a messy eater, you know that!”
“That’s not what the younger you would say,” Sukuna teases, sitting at the couch– practically crushing Gojo’s legs– and flipping through channels on the TV until he found the news station. Letting your broil in your own embarrassment at the mention of your childhood eating habits.
“Y-You.. Just.. shut up.”
There was a triumphant smirk on his face. He won.
You gathered the remaining food and sat on the floor between the two, handing Gojo a platter as well and starting to eat. Giving thanks for the food before watching the TV as well, grumbling to yourself. “Can’t we watch some cartoons or something? It’s a Saturday!”
“Cartoons are for babies,” Sukuna responded while shoveling down a pancake. Whole. Like a damn snack. “I want to see the weather at least.”
“That’s so old of you,” Gojo huffed. “Be cool for once.”
Sukuna returned with an authoritative grunt and quietly watched the screen as the weather analysis was brought up. “Silence and eat.”
The forecast predicted sunshine during the morning and afternoon with relatively calm winds and decent heat. During the evening though, there was a slight chance of rainfall or a mild thunderstorm. It didn’t matter much to you, seeing as you’ll be at your dormitory gaming with Geto later.
“Nice, now you know what’s gonna happen,” You say, turning your attention back to Sukuna. His maroon eyes turned to you, glazed over with some kind of annoyance. You smirk and lift your hand over your shoulder for the remote, wiggling your fingertips slightly. “May I, sir?”
He takes a deep breath and hands over the remote and slowly goes insane as some cartoons were flipped to. Their annoying intro songs playing and driving him even deeper into a Hell he didn’t wish to go down.
⇦ 🃍 🃎 ⇨
That day during your classes, they felt like a fever dream.
You couldn’t put your finger on it. Everything went by in a blur, and you kept replaying the events of this morning in your head. Seeing Sukuna in such a calm state, it made your chest ache. You felt a small twinge at the thought of how he was every morning. Borderline obsessing over it. 
It wasn’t until you had a talk with Geto did you clear your head.
Kicking someone’s ass at Mario Kart was every child's gamer dream.
Geto’s fingers tapped at the buttons, as did you. Focused on the screen as you discussed your struggling, somewhat creative love life– slash friendship recovery. That’s what it was supposed to be in the first place.
“So.. what you’re saying is..” Geto trailed, turning a sharp corner on the rainbow bridge and grumbling. “..Sukuna saw the goods?”
Your cheeks burn a little and you pout your lips, clicking the toggles and buttons. “No.. He just saw me from out the shower in a towel. He also got breakfast, and then drove me to classes today too.”
Geto side eyes you with a small smile and hums. “Interesting.”
“And then he says to not worry about it and that he’ll return my clothing once they’re done by tomorrow ‘cause he’s going to the gym and he’ll swing by. Swing by? Not only does he do things like this for me, but he also let me keep one of his old shirts! He’s sending mixed signals all the time! He’s more confusing than most of my history homework.”
Geto nods, still focusing his game, he listens with a smirk to his face. His brain worked overdrive just imagining all the drama that was going on. To him, he knew what the problem was. No one told anyone anything, letting the problems arise and fester. Letting their feelings just bubble in their chests but never say anything.
Such a troubled couple. Just talk, not that hard.
“Well, my advice is to relax more around him,” He says quietly, rushing over the finishing line and turning to look at you. “If you let your guard down a little, he’ll open up more– I think anyways. Sukuna’s a tough person, just let him lean on you. He clearly needs that.”
You stare at Geto in silence, somewhat stunned by the advice before nodding a little.
Geto nods and stands, heading to the kitchen and grabbing a drink to have before heading off to his dorm and going to sleep. You had turned off the console you both played on, removing the game as well and giving your goodnights. Geto returned the pleasantries and headed out, leaving you and your already sleeping roommate alone in the home.
You got to bed rather quickly, showering quickly and putting your things away, changing into your pjs and folding Sukuna’s clothes neatly into your chair. You rolled around in your bed before facing said chair and staring at them, fiddling with your pillow casing and pressing my brows together.
“Sukuna.. What are you thinking..?”
. . .
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a/n: how is y'all doing today? i hope you're doing good ^^;; i am currently struggling with my gen psychology class, it's nothing fancy rn but omg does my brain hurt. anyways, if u guys read the top, i have a wattpad now! there's nothing special about it right now since it's got the current fanfictions on there but yeah wanted to lyk!!!
a/n (.2):: i finished my gen psychology class with a B! i'm literally so proud oml but now i gotta struggle with history ~~;;; also, i'm trying to get back into thr groove for writing my drabbles again ~~;; lmao i'm literally so used to writing for fanfictions right now XD
Chapter Song Theme: — Play Date / Melanie Martinez / lyric video
taglist: @mageyboo, @mzladyd , @mysticwonderlandangel, @sukunaspersonalflashlight, @kawaiipenguin20, @k-indie, @okkotsufav, @cafeinthemoon93, @pulchritxde, @bontenbunny, @deepinballs, @kleeboomed, @fiierytearzx, @wo-ming-bai, @instantgalaxysheep, @watyousayin, @z3r0art, @sukunaobsessed, @lik0, @sukunasfirstlove, @princesstiti14, @nemoyr, @ladywolf44005, @cat-mak20, @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn, @hxlalokidottir, @domainofmarie, @the-moongoddess, @dark-n-dirty-duchess, @agentdedf1sh, @sukunastoy, @lyn-soso, @bao-yu-sarah-morningstar-wang-9, @heyitstacy, @lost-in-tokyo, @marksassybanana, @bozos-r-us , @p-3-4-c-h, @chaoticqueen33, @dxxny-loves-u, @l0tus-in-l0ve , @jiordeci, @opossum0-0, @gumisgirl
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judeswhore · 9 months
No but going to an event with Jude and running into your celebrity crush?? Or even better, you go without him because he had a game and couldn’t make it and there’s photos of you and your crush everywhere and he’s called you a million times that night but your phone was in your purse and you fall asleep early because it was such a long night out and you just wake up to him banging on your hotel door and you open the door in some lingerie kinda sleepwear, your makeup smudged because you were so drunk you couldn’t bother to take it off, and he’s just barging in, not sure if he wants to yell or cry, because he trusts you but this is looking like his worst nightmare. And he can’t even bring himself to look at you much less properly ask you so he just is starting questions he can’t finish. He’s storming around your hotel room looking for someone or some kind of evidence that’s going to save him the trouble and he’s working himself up near tears.
You’re still hungover and you’re just rubbing your eyes and go “last night would’ve been much better if you were there” and he stops in his tracks right in front of you and you can see his eyes watering and he’s realizing how crazy he’s acting and he’s like “yeah?” you just nod and laugh and are like “Yeah. Though this crazy jealous boyfriend thing is kind of cute too”
the pictures of u seem a little too cosy for jude’s liking. ur sat next to each other and are giggling and talking constantly and from the pictures and videos it’s clear how much fun ur having and just seeing that makes jude jealous bc he wants to be there and he wants to be the only one who makes u laugh like that. he’s tried calling u constantly but ur not answering, he’s texted a thousand times but u haven’t opened any of them and now the worst possible thoughts are running through his head. like he trusts u so much but there’s a part of him that’s panicking that maybe he isn’t enough for u. but in reality u were so drunk and tired u crashed the minute u got back to ur hotel (maybe u even tried to send a text to jude but it didn’t go through for whatever reason) and u had no idea he’d been trying to get in touch with u. so he literally turns up at ur hotel, furious and upset and worried bc even through his anger he’s wondering if something bad has happened to u. opening the door to him in this skimpy little night dress that was gifted to u for the event (u look hot and jude can’t even bring himself to appreciate it), make up a complete mess to the point it looks the way it does when he’s fucked u good and now he’s in full blown panic mode wondering if all his biggest fears have come true.
he’s demanding to know wtf happened, going crazy looking around the room and into the bathroom as though someone might just pop out and ur standing in the doorway completely confused. hungover but feeling happy that he’d come all the way to see u but also baffled as to why bc u knew he had a late match the night before. he’s throwing all these half questions at u abt what happened the night before and u know he’s seconds away from a meltdown when he starts asking abt the guy, abt where he went and if u went for drinks w him or brought him back and suddenly the confusion is gone and u realise exactly what he’s thinking and u know the whole thing is sparked from jealousy so ur walking to him, palm settling on his arm so u can rub his skin soothingly telling him “i went for drinks with a few girls i met. it was fun actually, they were lovely but it wld’ve been so much better if you’d have come with me” and he’s finally meeting ur gaze and u can tell he’s already been crying and it just breaks ur heart. cupping his cheek and brushing ur thumb over his skin and he’s all “yeah?” and ur like “yeah u idiot. i wanted u there w me the whole night, stuff like this is boring when ur not w me to be judgy” and u can practically see his shoulders sag w relief but he just has to ask abt the guy and ur shaking ur head and leaning up to kiss him so softly telling him “he’s lovely yeah, and we had a great night but he’s not u. doesn’t matter if i used to fancy him or not, he’ll never be u and i’d never want him over u” and u just know he needs a little reassurance so ur pressing soft kisses over his face repeatedly while reminding him how much u love him and that it’ll always be him no matter what
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mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s11e13 love hurts (w. eric charmelo, nicole snyder)
STACY Ew, I can taste her mom lipstick…you’re telling her tonight, right?
rude, stacy :P
SAM Is that a hickey? DEAN And? It was Valentine’s Day. I can’t help it if I’m a hopeless romantic. SAM You got half of that right. DEAN Just doing my civic duty. Helping all the single ladies. You know the best thing about February 14th. You don’t have to be Mr. Right, just Mr. Right Now. SAM That’s classy. DEAN Yeah and what’d you do, judgy? Curl up in your Snuggie, watch '50 Shades' on cable?
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cuz every girl crazy bout sharp dressed man men
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*squints* what is that fake domain, danharper.search for the knockoff facebook page. and we got an untitled folder, not quite untitled 1 and 2 but i'll take it :p
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always with the full kitchenette and vintage appliances. and bringing back the ridiculous little separators. tires!
DEAN I need a beer, regroup, maybe get lucky. SAM Didn’t you just get lucky? DEAN That was in Kansas. What do you say? You with me? Ready to go scrape a few hearts off the bar room floor? SAM I think I’ll pass. I’m gonna go hit the lore, but you go be you. DEAN Suit yourself.
dean's feelin his oats again apparently! feels like he had some seasons there where far as we knew he wasn't ever getting laid
laughing at the wife shoving these witchy items down the garbage disposal. one way to get rid of things i guess? not so good for the plumbing though
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hey they named a motel after me personally
DEAN Hey. Any luck? SAM No. You? DEAN Nah. Hey what’s a…uh…dad bod?
please. (reminder that all bodies are good bodies)
MELISSA All I had to do was chant it and seal it with a kiss.
oh i see. it was plot-relevant mom lipstick.
SAM So the curse is transmittable? DEAN Like a magic STD. Okay that works. Kinda makes you nostalgic for good old fashioned herpes.
this is very fic-ish. LOL and of course dean kisses the lady to take the curse on. clearly he should hot potato it over to sam at some point but we know that's not gonna happen :p
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baby lookin pretty in all those pink highlights
DEAN I’d say that went pretty well. What do you think? SAM Wait. Are you serious? You think it’s a great idea to give yourself a fatal curse? DEAN Well, target's off her back ain’t it? SAM I’m just saying. You don’t have to do this. Be the guinea pig. DEAN What? SAM Be the martyr. Try to carry the weight by yourself. Do this. DEAN I’m gonna be fine, okay? And as long as I’m good, she’s good and that’s the important thing. Besides. It proved our theory didn’t it? That this whole kiss of death thing is transmittable. I mean, I’m not asking for the Nobel here, but thank you.
both reasonable to do and also his martyr tendencies are well documented :p but even if he died, wouldn't it just go back to her? moo point, as they say?
SAM I guess. Here we go. Someone chants a curse, lays a wet one on you, then the victim is seduced and killed by the Qareen, but instead of taking the form of Barbara Eden, the present themselves as your deepest, darkest desire.
oh great. so we're gonna see amara then. very convenient of this witch to leave post-it notes with all the details on their monster including how to kill it
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okay, that was adorable. so happy to win for once, didn't even care to claim the prize
AMARA You’re a mystery. I can see inside your heart. Feel the love you feel. Except it’s cloaked in shame. When it comes to this, you can’t help yourself, so why fight it. Just give in.
i mean it's just funny because we did kind of do this already in 4x14 sex and violence with the siren.
from s4e14 SAM Yeah. You see, sirens can read minds. They see what you want most and then they can kinda, like, cloak themselves. You know, like an illusion. -- MUNROE Dean's all mine. SAM You poisoned him. MUNROE No. I gave him what he needed. And it wasn't some bitch in a G-string. It was you. A little brother that looked up to him, that he could trust. And now he loves me. He'd do anything for me. And I gotta tell you, Sam, that kind of devotion? I mean, watching someone kill for you? It's the best feeling in the world. SAM Is that why you're slutting all over town? MUNROE Ahh. I get bored, like we all do. And I wanna fall in love again. And again...and again.
have to do some mental gymnastics to not understand that as wincest, i think. still hard to wrap my head around that making it to the screen. anyway. dean wants to bang amara, let's get to it
DEAN It was Amara. SAM That surprise you? DEAN That doesn’t surprise you? SAM Honestly? DEAN Honestly? You seriously think the sister of God is my deepest darkest desire? SAM She isn’t? DEAN No! She can’t be! SAM Why not? DEAN Why? Because if she is that means that I’m… SAM Means you’re what? Complicit? Weak? Evil? DEAN For starters, yeah.
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SAM Dean. Do you honestly think you ever had a choice in the matter? She’s the sister of God, and for some reason she picked you and that sucks, but if you think I’m gonna blame you or judge you…I’m not. DEAN You know that I want her ass dead. SAM Yes. Of course. And I know you’ve also probably beaten yourself up a hundred times over it, but where has that gotten us? Just how bad is it? DEAN Standing here right now, every bone in my body wants to run her through. Send her back to that hole she crawled out of. But when I’m near her, I don’t know. Something happens and I can’t explain it, but to call it desire or love…it’s not that. I’m screwed man. We wanna kill the darkness. We need to kill the darkness. And I don’t think I can. I’m sorry to do that to you, ya know, but when it comes right down to it… SAM I got it Dean.
i honestly can't remember the last time they had that open of a conversation. dare i say, that's practically out of character understanding from sam, when it comes to dean hiding something important like that. i fully expected the show to have him flip his lid over dean not telling him something relevant to their big monster hunt, not trusting him with being able to handle the truth. maybe i'm just jaded by how they've done overblown brother conflict for so many seasons. but anyway, i'm thankful for sam being so reasonable and understanding. i'm thankful for dean just telling him straight up what's going on and that he can recognize he can't just power through this problem. usually they only talk this way with other people, it's nice to have it directed at each other for once. still a little bit in shock, honestly.
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i like how they focused on the money he left to cover the damages again after showing him slip it under initially. like hello fans yes they do try to cover the fact that they're constantly wrecking motel rooms. feel like these later seasons have a lot of little nods like that (like say, the rock paper scissors, a bitch/jerk moment in 11x04, etc)
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Polar Opposites • B.R.B • Sneak Peek
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x OC
Synopsis: Coming up on his mid-thirties, Rooster feels like he should be married by now. But with every woman he dates, the simplest thing can turn him away. So when Phoenix’s picture-perfect cousin comes crashing back into her life as a runaway bride, he thinks it must be fate. 
Warnings: lowkey sleazy behavior
a/n: new series? idk i may or may not make this a series or just do a couple of parts but Phoenix is my fave character so i had to make something with her involved :) also, yes, this first scene is almost identical to the first scene of Friends haha (also before anyone asks, this will not be a love triangle between Phoenix, Rooster, and the OC)
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It’d been a long day at the beach with multiple games of dogfight football and Penny had been gracious enough to open the doors to The Hard Deck a couple of hours early for Maverick and his squadron to wind down. 
Coyote and Fritz were aimlessly throwing darts at the dartboard while Payback and Hangman played against Bob and Fanboy in a casual game of pool. Rooster sat on top of the bar, locked in a conversation with Halo and Phoenix with Penny occasionally adding her two cents in. Yale, Harvard and Omaha were long gone, opting to head back to the their places to shower and take a well-deserved nap on their day off.
Rooster’s beginning to envy them the further he gets into his conversation with Phoenix and Halo.
“That is the stupidest reason to ghost someone,” Phoenix scoffs, rolling her eyes when Rooster looks at her incredulously.
Phoenix had asked him about the woman he’d been seeing the past couple of weeks, forcing him to begrudgingly admit that he’d ghosted her just a few of days prior. He wasn’t proud of it, but in his defense, he had a good reason.
Or so he thought.
“I think it’s perfectly reasonable, thank you very much,” Rooster defends.
“Ghosting a girl just because she thought Air Force pilots and Navy pilots were the same thing is not reasonable,” Halo chides.
“Yes, it is,” the rest of the guys chorus from their respective spots.
Rooster tips his bottle to all of them in thanks.
“Bradshaw, this is, like, the third girl in the past two months,” she says and Rooster can tell she’s trying her hardest to hold back a judgy tone. “For a man who wants to get married so badly, you sure are picky.”
“Nothin’ wrong with bein’ a little picky, Phoenix,” he says, coming up from behind Phoenix and tossing his arm around her shoulder. He points his beer bottle at Rooster. “‘Specially when you got options like ol’ Rooster here.”
Rooster has to resist the urge to cringe at Hangman’s choice of words. Sure, he was trying to defend him in his own slightly twisted way, but it still didn’t make him feel any less…sleazy.
“You’re a sleaze,” Phoenix responds, nudging his arm off her shoulder.
“Need me to ring it?” Penny asks, gesturing to the bell while eying Hangman threateningly.
Phoenix smiles gratefully but shakes her head, turning back to Rooster. “All I’m trying to say is you’re never gonna find ‘the one’ if you keep dropping girls the second they do or say something weird,” she says. “What about Kristen? She’s cute and you even said you could see it going somewhere.”
He had said that. In retrospect, Kristen was a good choice for him. She was a nurse on a base, so she was incredibly understanding of his demanding and somewhat unpredictable job. She never pressed him when he would shut down at the mention of his parents and as douchebag-y as it sounded, it didn’t hurt that she was good in bed.
They had been on a handful of dates a few months prior and things were going well. He didn’t exactly have a good reason why he never asked her out again after that
Rooster just shrugs. “I don’t know, Nat,” he says truthfully.
“Y’know, Phoenix, if you’re such an expert on relationships maybe you should find Rooster a wife,” Hangman teases.
Before Rooster or Phoenix is able to come up with a retort, Maverick’s voice cuts them off.
“Uh, Phoenix? There’s a woman here looking for you.”
The confusion in Maverick’s tone has Rooster and everyone else’s interest peaked as they all turn to the entrance of The Hard Deck. Maverick beckons the stranger further into the bar and into everyone’s line of sight. Rooster can practically hear everyone’s jaw drop, his included.
This was probably the most stunning woman Rooster’s ever laid his eyes on and based off the expressions of everyone behind him, the sentiment was shared. Her hair was done up in a complicated looking updo, the stray pieces coming free that would’ve looked messy on anyone else only helped frame her sharp features. Rooster could only assume she had makeup on from the way the color on her eyelids made her eyes pop, though he’d never be able to tell without it due to how flawless her skin looked. The only flaws Rooster could make out were the slight mascara tracks beneath her waterline and the small pout that adorned her perfectly glossed lips.
The real kicker was her attire. She would’ve already stood out with her hair and makeup, but the wedding dress sealed the deal for sure. The silky white dress fit her like a dream and looked way outside of any of their price ranges, which made the dirt that laced the bottom of the gown seem infinitely more comical. The white heels she held in her left hand looked equally as expensive as the dress, but not nearly as expensive as the diamond that adorned her ring finger.
Everyone turned to look at Phoenix in shock, like she’s magically poofed this woman out of thin air at Hangman’s request.
“Damn, you work fast,” Halo mumbles.
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ruminate88 · 4 days
Love Covers A Multitude Of Sins:
All day yesterday, I was heavy thinking about how you can’t have forgiveness without love. They go hand in hand. I’ve been writing down my story because I’ve been trying to understand what all has happened to me… only because it’s all impacted my present health and way of thinking. However, I don’t want to talk bad about my exes Cody and Andrew. I know I wasn’t perfect when I was originally talking to them. I tried to “love” them purely but I also was very lustful with them. 😝 I use to think it was okay because I wanted a man and I use to be addicted to porn, so being addicted to “a man” only filled the void of porn. It’s not love though and it’s not healthy. It’s very toxic. That’s not how you treat people but sadly I can’t change the past.
I’ve tried and tried to share the blame of the past. Tried to not put it all on my exes only but in doing so, I find myself picking up the burdens of the past and carrying them. That’s also not good either because the burdens are heavy and make you depressed or weighed down. Preventing me from enjoy the present life I’m in. I can only forgive myself and my exes. I’ve been saying it for over a year that I “forgive them” but then I find myself not being able to quit talking about it all. I realize I’m learning many many lessons about myself and about relationships but I’ve got to be careful I don’t ruminate too much, I don’t wanna have a fantasy mindset about Andrew or further hold the past over their heads because they can’t undo what they did and I pray they’ve since then had some self awareness the way I have!!!
Ya know, Cody told me about all these “disorders” he had and I clearly didn’t understand any of it or I would’ve responded differently to him. I was under the impression that “love” could fix anything and of course after my relationship with both Cody and Andrew, I doubted love some. I felt the coldness from them and it made me a tad cold too. 😞 I never wanna feel that way again. I’ve been slowly coming back to life. I’ve been realizing that in being isolated by them, it didn’t just affect my mood but my ability to love … My mind and body responded in a way that was “protective of self” Mind soul and body are ALL connected and so my mind senses danger and alerted my body and my body slowly began to get sick.
LOVE is patient, kind, honest, doesn’t get jealous, isn’t selfish and is long-suffering. I tried to suffer with cody and Andrew. Months with Andrew off and on had me in isolation and would cry to me how hard his college homework was and I would try so hard to encourage him but the stress was getting to me. I felt like no matter what I said to Andrew to make it all better, it only got worse. That’s abusive.,. HOWEVER, I know I tried to be long-suffering and patient. THAT I don’t regret… Love always is greater than any kind of hate and love always wins ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Yesterday I kept telling myself “You still gotta love them even though you don’t trust them and you’re sad over them. Don’t carry anger or negativity towards them but you have got to take the high road and let them go. Even if they never change in their hearts or feel sorry for hurting you.” Sure, I want to right the wrongs between us. I want to forgive the sins of myself and my exes but only God has that power. I do pray for them regularly as I can. I mean, it’s not always been easy. Some times I just felt like “I do forgive them but… they did a, b & c to me…”
I also have had the opposite mindset where I take so much blame to lighten their loads that it weighs me down and makes me hate myself. NEITHER is good. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 It’s better if I just pray, “God you know the truth of what really happened and only you can heal my mental and take away my sadness. Only you can help my exes be better men in their hearts.” I DO NOT want to judge them. I have been writing down what happened between us trying to make it all make sense and some days I feel so guilty cuz it’s like, “am I judging them and making assumptions of them?” I don’t know their hearts or heads.
For all I know, my exes had good intentions but struggled in various areas of themselves and possibly it made it hard for them to express it to me?? Only God knows their true intentions and God took them both out of my life for reasons I have to accept. I tried to keep Andrew in my life. I tried to be “good enough” for him while he wouldn’t stop crying that he wasn’t good enough for me… It only hurt me more to try to force it all. I couldn’t make Andrew be everything I wanted him to be. His actions never matched his words and he only confused me over and over. That caused me to doubt myself and my perceptions of love and respect. I couldn’t trust my own self after Andrew because why did I NOT see that Andrew was lying to me from day one. 🥺💔
Each day I’ve been untangling myself from strands of Andrew’s web of lies. Not just him but Jake (who I struggle to talk about or remember) he also for years off and on critized me and put me down. Then the biggest lie of all was school labeling me with a “learning disability” as a kid. It’s ALL come down on me and tried to keep me down but I’m one day at a time, rising back up and learning sooooo much.
In conclusion, the past is written in stone. It’s done with and over. Now where do I go from here??? My healing journey is more about me in the present than my exes or past mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes and has sinned in their life. Forgiving myself has been terribly hard because in the last 3/4 years I’ve suffered health issues and just this year alone I’ve felt extremely disconnected and detached from life and from enjoying life fully. I have felt trapped in this “healing journey” but questioned “Am I actually healing??” Not enough information about emotional abuse has changed me but also not knowing how to apply it all to my current life. Learning from past mistakes, is to keep yourself from making the same ones again. LOVE is bigger than hate. If my exes truly hated me or still hate me, that won’t hurt me because love will win. Maybe it doesn’t look like it now but one day everything will be fixed. God will be with me through all of it but I have to keep the right mindset and I can’t judge my exes or myself even. I HAVE to let God forgive it all. I’ll probably never get to face my exes and tell them I forgive them and that’s okay. I’m trying to do it in my heart. God please don’t give up on me or my exes. God please change their lives and hearts. I just want them to be safe, happy and healthy ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 I don’t want justice on them. I don’t want them to owe me anything or pay any kind of punishment. I just want to continue to learn from the past and go forward. I don’t wanna be cold and angry. I pray my exes aren’t cold and that they can love and have love. Please God 🙏🏻❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 I HAVE to rewire my brain from the past and change the way I see myself now.
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Deuce Spade & That Chronically Online Peep
Warnings: mentions of suggestive comments/behaviors, one slightly graphic description of "violence", platonic context-though Deuce may have the beginnings of a crush GN Reader
Synopsis: You're chronically online, what can I say? *shrugs*
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Same as Riddle. Deuce liked you, plain and straight. You were respectful, nice, responsible academically, and always ready to help and encourage him with whatever he needed. Yes, you were very quiet, but he also admired that about you. With all the chaos and stress that people Ace and Grim and school brought, it was nice to just hang out with you in the library or Heartslabyul garden and just relax.
Another thing he admired about you was your strength when dealing with annoying people. Even when they messed with you or pushed you around, you held yourself to a high standard and didn’t pay them any mind. When things got too rough, you skillfully backed away and avoided violence. You inspired Deuce, truly. He wanted to be able to refuse conflict just like you! (Hey, you got an admirer now!)
!!! And then he met you online!!! shikdnqiwfkmoamomasm
He was invited by Cater into the Heartslabyul Twistcord; at first, it was a tiny group. Just him, Cater, tr*y, Ace, and a few other members like A, B, and C. For a while, the chats were just filled with random hobbies and announcements for the dorm and small little private groups dedicated to sharing cheatsheets for tests on the down-low.
Overall, the server was pretty chaotic, with a myriad of personalities left and right. Then you were invited as an honorary member of the Heartslabyul Twistcord.
And things went wild.
Cringy asterisks were your jam and flirting with the students of Hearts was your bread and butter. You threw compliments like roses and thirsted over images of Kirbussy and lion boyos. Your internet self was… an enigma.
Deuce found himself flustered whenever you gave him compliments, and he maybe- maybe, got a bit jealous when you were down bad over others. Not that he necessarily wanted you to thirst over him, but you were very good with words. Your comments were sweet, albeit weird, and though they were reminiscent of Rook’s speech, the words somehow sounded better coming from you.
Now, acting flirty and down bad on the internet wasn’t the weirdest thing for him. You were respectful of people’s boundaries and when people told you to stop, you stopped. And Deuce was very familiar with having multiple behaviors, anyway. Though his situation with his past self was different from your situation, it kind of reminded him of himself. Both your internet self and your physical personality were you. They were extremely different, but still all you. Just as his more chaotic and violent self was him, and his nice and hardworking self was him.
But… when you were online, you also got way more… violent. Contrary to how you acted physically, online you were more than willing to throw hands. “I’m gonna beat up your teacher this” ; “I’ll slap your wife” that. “I wanna squeeze him up and punt him into the sun and when he ultimately falls into a blender imma mush him up and feast upon his entrails”.
Deuce was honestly quite concerned with ^^ that part of your internet self. He kinda wanted to talk to you about it, but he didn’t want to come off as being rude or judgy. It wasn’t really his place to do that, he felt. And sometimes, in the back of his brain, he found himself agreeing with those violent thoughts of yours. Not that he’d ever tell you though.
Overall, Deuce is probably the one least surprised with your behavior. He understands many people have different facets of themselves. He understands that you act differently in different situations because he does the same. He may bring up the interesting change your personality does in the future, but he doesn’t really mind if he never finds the answer to your duality.
He still likes you. You’re still you. And he’s your friend, no matter your eccentricity.
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honeybunchesofangst · 2 years
KiriBaku Fic Rec List #2
(Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder) FALSE Rated: Teen & Up 
-When Bakugo and Kirishima get hit by a quirk that forces them to literally stick together or face the less then desirable consequences, how the fuck is Bakugo supposed to keep his crush hidden?!
Well, turns out he never needed to.--
“Well, this fucking sucks, how are we supposed to train?!”
"Really closely?"
ChitChat and Pencil Pushers Rated: Explicit
-Kirishima did not believe in love at first sight.
Absolutely not. It was a ridiculous notion.
He did, however, believe in holy shit, he’s hot at first sight.-Kirishima starts a new office job and unfortunately discovers that he may just have a big crush on the worst person possible
Gym Rats Rated: Explicit
-Bakugou's bad attitude tends to scare away unwanted attention.Kirishima seems to be the exception.Kirishima is bright, peppy, and borderline annoying; at least, until Bakugou sees him bench press twice his body weight without breaking a sweat.Bakugou is suddenly more interested than annoyed, and when Kirishima extends an invitation to his apartment, it's an offer Bakugou can't refuse.
Tonight We’re The Sea Rated: Mature (Cursing thank u Bakugo)
- Kirishima goes to a quiet seaside town to take care of his grandmother after she has a bad fall. There he meets Bakugou Katsuki and falls in love.
Engraved in your Mind Rated: Teen & Up ONGOING by @albino-pony
-Kacchan is still a stubborn prick while suffering from face blindness. Also, quirk discrimination is a thing.
(this one is like rewritten canon to explain why bakugo doesn't recognize his classmates very well, but it diverges away from canon later)
5 + 1 Rated: Explicit
- The five times Kirishima made the first move + the one time Bakugou blew his mind.
Pass it On Rated: Explicit
-RED ALERT: Bakugou can't jerk off because he'll explode his own dick off. Pass it on.Mina spreads a rumor around Class 1A about a certain Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima is tasked with taking his own life and dignity in his hands and finding out of it's true. Party hijinks ensue.(Spoiler alert: dignity and his life aren't the only things Kirishima takes in his hands)
Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossoms Rated: Teen & Up
-In order to avoid a Quirk Marriage, Bakugou goes to Kirishima for help. 
(a fake dating fic)
come home to me Rated: Teen & Up
-“I shouldn’t have moved out of the way,” Katsuki sighs. “I should have let that fucking asshole hit us, honestly, a broken back would be better than this.”
Masochist, Eijirou thinks and, in the second right before Katsuki chokes and focuses intensely on salvaging what's left of their midnight haul, he realizes that this might be a problem.Bakugou and Kirishima get hit by a quirk that lets them hear each others' thoughts. It goes much better (and much worse) than either of them expect. 
(help these poor sappy teens)
Pickup Lines an Valentines Rated: Teen & Up
-“Hey, isn’t that Kirishima’s hoodie?”
“Why are you wearing Kirishima’s hoodie?”
“He’s my boyfriend.”
Ochako grins, ruffling his hair. “You’re so cute, Katsuki, honestly. Like, you’re the only person who thinks that pretending to date Kirishima is somehow less embarrassing than just admitting you’re cold.”Bakugou and Kirishima find out that they're soulmates after two years of dating. Their friends are more than a little out of the loop.
Punk’s Not Dead Rated: Teen & Up
-“So you want to use me to piss off your mom?” Kirishima summarized, raising one pierced eyebrow at Katsuki.“Look, if you want to be all fucking judgy about it, I take cash,” Katsuki said, dropping his hand palm up on the table.“Hey now,” Kirishima said, raising his hands in surrender, “I didn’t say I wasn’t doing it. I’m always down for a little chaos.” He flashed a grin, showing off his ridiculous shark teeth.“Good,” Katsuki said. “We start tomorrow."
ghosts beneath ink wash stars Rated: Teen & Up
- Eijirou's evolution from Bakugou's delivery boy to kind of, possibly, someone to come home to.
(Bakugo is an ink wash artist)
sugar cookies Rated: Teen & Up
- Bakugou and Kirishima accidentally get married in Vegas. They don't annul it.
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
Hi! :D So I wanted to ask, do you recommend watching The Eclipse? I’m fairly new to all of this and there’s still many series I have to catch up on due to this;It’s just I saw a few people talk about it and was thinking to start it. And I also didn’t want to look through the # in case I come across some spoilers.
Sorry if I’m bothering too much,I’m probably one of the anons (I don’t really know if there’s more) that always ask you for recommendations or advice on what to watch,and you’re always so kind and give me so much info in your responses! So thank you for that. I’m Luchi btw(short for Lucía)!🤗 Maybe one day when I feel less shy I’ll come out of anon lol,since I know you are such non-judgy person.Anyways,sorry for my ramble,bye!
Luchi bestie, have you seen my blog jkdshfd of course I recommend the eclipse lmao.
It's a god-tier show that hits all the right spots. good production, well-thought out story (though with some minor setbacks towards the end to be fair) and an A+ cast. What more can I say. If you're into lgbt coming of age stories with topics like friendship, trust, family, fire chemistries and some mystery and suspense then what are you waiting for lmao. Head over to youtube and start binging!
And please don't apologize lol it's always a pleasure to have people ask me for advice; that's what I'm here for. You can come off anon anytime you want. Or don't. You're welcome either way 💜
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alyjojo · 3 days
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June 📿 2024 Monthly - Gemini
Preshuffle: I didn’t really get one. You’re in a fog, confused, feel like there are things you don’t know and it’s driving you bananas 🍌 which may just be all in your head. Either way, you have no patience for the lack of clarity.
Meditation: You were in a car on a road, waiting behind two large “Caution” signs in the road - which had been blocking you, and some guys came out and removed for you. The road was now free and clear.
Main energy: The Sun ☀️
I can see moments of irritation, and you guys can be so moody sometimes, is there ever not irritation in a day? The world can be irritating. Charmaine is warning against that & being a judgy gossip, because you will be catching up with several people this month, feeling in your chatty element & shining like the birthday star you are 🎉 Or you’d like to, definitely one or two people are showing up for you (appreciate them), but I think the irritation is with some people that aren’t. I’m also getting a lack of gifts could bother you, not that you care about gifts (some do) but it’s like the expression of “I thought of you” that’s missing and you’re left feeling…lack. Of love? You’re ready, you’re receptive in this feminine energy (gender doesn’t matter), ready for others to make the effort. When they don’t it’s a burden on you. Sure you could announce your birthday and suggest plans but you’d rather not. I center it around the birthday because that’s what I’m getting, but it could be anything. The people that do come in may be casual, say “happy birthday” on whatever social media and then disappear again - and you’re left wondering when your connections became so…meh. Not genuine. Lackluster. Distant. Casual.
What’s going on in June:
4 Wands:
Ohh I see. Something is going on that’s painful at the same time you’re feeling spunky, so while you’re trying to be comforting and a good friend/family member/partner - you’re also like…what about me? Probably not out loud. There is a lot of pain here, and catching up, lots of friend/family energy, so I don’t assume this pain is yours. I hope not 🙏
Something you hear is really sad, or it makes you really sad - whoever you’re catching up with sure is sad. I don’t get you acting “selfish”, that’s why yhe se feelings are kept inside, but it’s like you’re always expected to be the giver, the listening ear - and who gives to you? You’re rising above it though, initially, and you’re showing up for those who may need you - or are showing up for you and making it all about them. Could be that too. It could just be a really sad situation halts your plans, could be a home disaster that eats up your money. With the orange caution signs in the meditation, just assume blocks happen for a reason. You might have to reschedule fun for later on.
Knight of Swords:
Be very careful with what you say, you may impulsively or reactively blurt out something that wounds another person - or they could do that with you. Heavy air in this reading, lots of truth coming out and communication being had. Yet you’ve got Introvert here, it may not be you doing the talking, or you/someone else could say something that ends with a harsh and quick talking to. Cut off. I don’t see arguments, just impulsive & excitable speaking. You or someone else may react by completely shutting down. An illness could be involved with 4 Swords, or there’s a lot of communication and then there’s none, and it’s all happening so fast it’s like “what just happened?” Someone speaks first and thinks later.
4 Swords:
Hmm. Someone may act on passionate desires and stick their foot in their own bum. You could have an on/off connection with someone, one of you acted interested, passionately, flirty, somewhere else. I mean they’re actions with Knights, not just words so…it pisses someone off, 5 Swords. Heavy Libra in this reading, could be dealing with one. If someone wants another chance, you could be resistant to that based on what they’ve done before, which makes total sense. This could be another person too, friend, family, whoever - that you have a very close connection with, and maybe they’re going through relationship bs. Essentially making it all about them & not you, like I said before, especially if they’re hurting you too. How patient can you be? Someone has a very harsh tongue & way of communicating, possibly in response to whatever impulsive action was done - 5 Swords is like you stab me, I’ll stab you and snatch all of your swords too b*tch, try me. You feel this way 💯 Charmaine encourages taking the high road though, you do like whoever this is, even if you kinda want to get stabby at their bs this month. Or you/a friend are just venting your experiences this month and getting triggered by what the other person says, wanting to stab Greg from Accounting because fk that guy - messing with my friend.
5 Swords:
If you’re waiting to take a shot at Greg, it’s not coming. That’s not MaTuRe 🙃 It’s more like someone bleeds their life out to you, or you find out some difficult and painful news - so you’re waiting for developments. Waiting and waiting, expecting something. Holding onto grudges, saving money, trying to either get someone back or waiting for someone to show up for you like you have them. Movement. More communication. I’m getting radio silence after someone is put off or acts out, they go completely cold - and then the other person is vengeful as hell. But doesn’t act, just sits and stews on it, eating your/their brain like a fungus 🍄 You’re definitely expecting more from them, or switch it but it feels more you than them.
Ace of Pentacles rev:
Either you/someone else could be losing money in court - could be part of this betrayal, an illness, some kind of lawsuit that doesn’t end well for you or someone else, that could bring about these bitter feelings. Repairs to things you didn’t break. Someone you’re there for that shits 💩 on you, a relationship that hurts you, could be many different things but whatever it is - it’s unfair, period. At least on your part of it. Someone could retaliate on you financially, especially if this is work related. You should be being celebrated but it looks like you’re dealing with some very difficult shit this month, or people, but there isn’t much major arcana here…I don’t know what’s within your control. Your mouth? Is it even yours or someone else’s idk. The Sun brings things to light and is the happiest card in the deck, the color cards show you do have good friends around you (even if just one or two), it could be best to focus on what is going well and telling these other things to fk off. Protect your peace.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy air 🌬️ Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio & Aries
Oracle: ✨
17 Feminine Energy 🚺
Darkness. The moon. The tides. The quiet gestation before the chaos - the void. These are all aspects of feminine energy: passive, waiting, gestating, and nurturing. It is the opposite of the prior card: so very different yet the perfect companion. Perhaps you have yet to find your feminine side. The love you are leading right now has given you opportunities to embrace this part of you - but between the two opposing energies, feminine energy is the harder one to embrace.
It requires trust and lack of fear. Trust that all is as it should be and the absence of fear of things not getting done. Perhaps in the past you had been hurt when you were embracing your feminine energy - physically or mentally. This was the free will of the person that hurt you - it was not caused by being who you were. Do not let the actions of another dictate who you need to be. Examine your feminine side - become friends with her again. Alternately, this card represents an important woman in the seeker’s life.
Live & Learn 📚
Experience - Training - Development
Introvert 🤫
Privacy - Separate - Online Community
We enter into June as:
Rhonda Rhino of Amethyst 🦏:
“The road to divinity is paved in forgiveness.”
The true essence of Rhonda is that her dreams came true because she never harbored resentment, this card is about forgiveness. Because she didn’t take her mother’s suffering personally, she didn’t have to work it out. There is a lightness to staying reasonably detached from another’s anger & pain. We only need to forgive ourselves if we have judged others. Rhonda focuses on what her dream is, not what others have done to her, she is the essence of goodness and forgiveness, nothing changed that about her.
What is to be learned in June:
Charmaine Chartreuse 🗣
“I never met a person I didn’t like.”
Charmaine Chartreuse suggests you begin finding the good in others. So much is lost when we do not appreciate those around us, for we lose the wonderful gifts of who they are. Appreciating differences will enrich your present situation. This can be a warning that you’ll lose a valued relationship if you do not appreciate what you have. Thinking the best of another person is more powerful than putting them down. Do not attempt to choose sides. Getting others to agree with you that someone else is wrong will also backfire, you may find yourself alone if you are not thoughtful. Wasting energy focusing on something you shouldn’t is also denoted here. Gossip is an indication you’re not focusing on your own life. What we think may not be the truth of the matter. Be aware now of how you speak of another, for the things you say will come back to you at this time. “Doing your own thing” may leave you lonely, and an aloof attitude may lead others to believe you don’t like them, when that isn’t true. If you’re feeling cut-off, consider that others may be waiting for you, and take a cue from Charmaine, being kind is called for from you, even if others are behaving in an inappropriate way.
Green may be a lucky color 💚
🧩 Happy Birthday Gemini! 🥳
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gleefullypolin · 1 month
You know, I always thought it was so very out of character for Colin to say what he says about her like he does. Maybe it was a product of s2 being not the greatest writing wise (I am being generous) but to have that right after the scene where he tells her she's special to him just to have that be the next thing she hears from him is disjointed. It was over the top and, of course cruel, but it didn't need to be. The context of it in the book is also hurtful but makes sense for Colin at the time.
The way the show did it seemed mean just to be mean. The writing overall last season felt...directionless? To take it all the way to the wedding and not really and truly have a situation that was forcing it to happen felt overly cruel as well. I think they put Colin in a situation that is unwinnable for both him and Penelope tbh. It's a bad writing choice in general and felt wrong. That man has never said a mean thing about her and suddenly he's standing there with a bunch of men who have never been overly nice to her and he says that? Nah, Colin would never outside of some bad character assassination.
I am impatiently waiting for Penelope to love Penelope too, she's really gone through it and deserves a break, poor kid. I hope she and Eloise reconcile. I would lean towards yes because otherwise it's unresolved until s4 or further and I don't think they would call Penelopise the 2nd love story of the season if they were letting it lie.
Why they chose to take a female character out of the fridge (she's very much a fridge character in Eloise's book) and then make her the absolute worst person around is baffling to me. So many people say it's just because Polins don't like Marina because of Colin but good lord, she was going to trick him, she didn't care about him, she was rude to almost everyone with no care, and seemed fine to use people at her discretion. Then they'll defend her saying they get her choices but Penelope is the one who went too far? Marrying someone that can never get a divorce and lying to him about kids that aren't his is a better choice than her ending up with a nice man in a nice house who is raising her kids and being kind to her, knowing the situation beforehand?
Just say the quiet part you want to say about Penelope out loud because no one is buying that, friends.🙄
I'm right there with you, I can cry at any movie or book at any time. Not so much in real life but give it to me in a fiction and I'll be a blubbering mess for no real reason, ha.
Yeah I didn’t understand how he went from “You’re very special to me” to “Not in my wildest fantasies” like dude how much did you drink? It felt like sloppy writing and drama for drama sake. But I agree. I did feel like a lot of last season went to places it didn’t need to go…like really you had to get all the way down the aisle dude? It felt like it was too much.
And now we have Colin who ran off with his careless mouth and now he’s a “man” or thinks he’s a man or something. I just think it’s going to be a true coming to age, need to grow up story for them both and I think too many people are judgy and don’t let ANYONE make mistakes and expect perfection out of the characters they ship. I think it’s gonna be one of those seasons where I just enjoy the pretty pictures and don’t read any of the tags. LOL!! Because I was looking at some pics of the 2 of them from S1 and S2 and the end of last season just made no sense to me.
But after what Pen went through with both Colin’s rejection (after he just told her how special she was and held her hand and took her dancing …yadda yadda boy what were you doing….) then Eloise basically tossing her out of her life, refusing to listen to anything she has to say, I’m pretty sure the girl is over everything.
I’m pretty sure if we see anything more than just their face next season people will burn the place to the ground. LOL!!! Though I would love to see Lord and Lady Whistledown writing the paper together next season just to see heads explode. LMAO!
Marina came off as selfish, insufferable, and just unlikeable. She was mean and cruel and cared about no one. She basically told Colin, get over yourself you child. So, I don’t know. I couldn’t find her redeeming. I get it, she was in a bad place for her time, but she went about it the wrong way for sure. Especially knowing how her cousin felt about the man she was trying to trap forever. It was just a bad storyline and I’m curious how they clean that up in Eloise’s story.
Too many people are trying to sidestep the Penelope stuff by just not liking her or blah blah but a lot of stuff I’m seeing is just rude to downright non sensical. “Fat girls aren’t fun” or “Why does she get to be a main character, she’s not a Bridgerton and she’s been in all the seasons already” I guess I’m just over it.  Nicola has handled it with grace and Luke seems to be a bit more uncomfortable with the spotlight so I imagine the comments about how “the fat boy is now fuckable” must be unsightly. I could never be in showbiz. People are ridiculous!
I cry out of frustration in real life. When I get angry, tears will flow. But give me fiction and the giddiest romantic notions will set me off. It’s a tragedy LOL
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nctsworld · 3 years
spin me right ‘round
✩‌ johnny ‌x‌ ‌reader‌ ‌|‌ record store owner!johnny | fluff | smut | 4k‌ ‌
SUMMARY‌ ‌⇾‌ buying from the local records shop leads you to eventually bed the hot owner on the night of your first date.   WARNINGS‌ ‌⇾‌ ‌smut (in the second half), oral s*x (f and m receiving), f*ngering, johnny has a big d*ck and f*cks you hard???, office s*x in the epilogue (kind of) RATING‌ ‌⇾‌ explicit TAGLIST ⇾‌ @infnteen​ @sehunniepot​ (thought you might be interested in this nikki 👀) 
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⇾ gif created by me, please don’t share or repost without credit! 
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Opening the store’s door, the ringing of the bell above you signals your entrance. 
You moved into the neighbourhood recently and since someone gifted you a record player for your last birthday, you thought it’d be a quaint idea to drop by the local records shop that you always pass by on your way home.  
Rows and rows of vinyl records, organized both alphabetically and by genre, welcome you with open arms, along with a faint musty smell, likely due to the faded, vintage records hanging between the posters on the cream walls. 
The outside of the store is misleading to its size; there’s enough space here for at least thirty people easily. However, besides you, it looks like there’s only one other customer in the shop.  
Although your surroundings captivate your senses, the striking blond man bent over the rock section in the middle of the shop is the true cynosure of your eyes. 
His long fingers flutter seamlessly over the records, seeming to be on a dedicated search to find one in particular. He towers high over the low stacks and oozes coolness with a thumb stuffed in his front pocket and donning a stylish green beanie atop his medium cut locks. 
Not to mention that his jeans tug perfectly over the curvature of his prominent ass, but you merely steal a glance or two at his backside as you stroll towards the pop section. 
Okay, maybe three glances.
With your back facing the man, several minutes pass as you rummage through the sea of mainstream music, ranging from recent to old, but all the while pleasing to your tastes.  
“See anything you like?” 
Your eyes meet the figure standing nearby with a hand on the edge of one of the stack dividers. His smooth voice matches his strong aura and his gorgeous face, which you’re now blessed to be viewing up-close. 
Your gaze pursues downward, soaking up his sturdy frame hidden behind his flattering clothes. Darting your eyes up his lengthy body back to his face, you lick your lips and swallow, in hopes to dampen the sudden dryness in your throat, and naturally raise the corners of your mouth.        
“Yeah—” You, you think in the back of your head and execute a nod, “—there are a few things.” 
He smiles endearingly towards the floor before glancing back up to you. You wonder if he can read your thoughts, or maybe it’s simply written all over your face.
Releasing his grip, he says, “Take all the time you need. If you need any assistance, let me know." 
Your eyebrows perk up in realization. “Do you work here?”
“Yeah.” Bobbing his head, he runs a hand over his beanie. “I’m the owner of the store.”
“Oh, wow,” you exclaim, jaw hanging slightly. “You’re so young, I wouldn’t think someone in their 20s would have their own store, especially one like this." 
A frown falls over his face, and in that moment, you knew you fucked up any chance you had with him.  
“Yeah, 26 to be exact,” he shrugs, tight-lipped, prior to the folding of his arms. His eyes become slits of bitterness. “Thanks for the ageism."
Immediately shaking your head at the misunderstanding, you stammer, “I didn't mean it like that—"
The owner’s expression melts in an instant and a warmness emanates from him once more. The knot in your chest loosens at the sight and relief waves over.  
“I'm just playing with you, don’t worry." 
He opens his mouth, about to continue, but his attention is interrupted by the ringing at the door, and you turn to see another customer over your shoulder. The attractive individual begins to stroll over, but still faces your direction, beaming. 
“Well, if you decide to get anything, you know where to find me, and I'll ring it up for you." 
With puffed cheeks, you nod and watch him greet the incoming patron. Trying to leave the embarrassment behind you, you shift toward the records again and browse for a little longer. 
Finally deciding on a few choices, you walk toward the front register and peer over at the beanied blond. In the classical section, he’s listening intently to the bumbling customer. Not wanting to disturb them, you lay the vinyls on the counter and thankfully find a pen and a stack of sticky notes upon it. 
After sticking the following note on the top vinyl cover, you head out of the store:
“Put these on hold for me?  I'll be back for them.  Thanks!  -Miss Ageist” 
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“Well, if it isn’t Miss Judgmental."
A couple of days later, you drop by the store again and find the spirited owner at the front counter. Today, he’s channeling his inner grunge style, adorning a half-up, half-down ponytail and a loose white t-shirt over a tight, long black sleeve shirt. Is it possible for him to look even cuter than he did last time? 
“Sorry again for that,” you scrunch your nose at the memory. He grabs your records from beneath the counter and rings them through. “You just look so young to own a store.”
The blond airily laughs, “I'm gonna take that as a compliment." 
He spots you twisting your mouth to one side and nodding shyly. “It is." 
As you pay for the items, he gestures to your vinyls on the counter. “Good choices, by the way.”
“Are there bad ones?” From the pay pad, you glance up at him and he’s feigning a hurt look. 
“Oh, most definitely.” 
You banter with a tilt of your head, “Isn't music subjective though?” 
“Not to me. I am the king of music taste." 
Both parties exchange laughter while you wait for the transaction to process. Once it finishes, he rips the receipt and places it into the bag with the records. 
“I mean, I do own a records store, so I think I should know." 
Flashing you his pearly whites, he hands the filled bag over to you. 
“Here you go, Miss Judgy Pants.” 
“Actually, you can call me—” You properly introduce yourself.
He leans back a little, straightening himself and tucking his thumbs into his pockets. 
“I'm John, but you can call me Johnny." 
With a glimmer in your eye, you question, “Is Johnny exclusive to me, or does everyone else also call you Johnny?”
His eyebrows raise, impressed by your straightforwardness. “I only let the pretty girls call me Johnny, if that’s what you’re asking.”  
The wink he gives is short-lived, but it’s enough to cause heat to blossom over your cheeks. You brush some hair behind your ear. 
“So, Johnny,” you enunciate, indulging in his name. “When does the store close?” 
You lift up your bag and cheekily add, “Gotta know when to break in to steal more vinyls." 
Johnny chuckles, and your heart bursts knowing you’re the reason behind it. Looking aside, his hand rubs the counter casually and you can’t help but stare at his large palm dominating the surface, along with his elongated fingers. Eyes blinking rapidly, you attempt to break the fantasy assembling in your brain—his hands are the guest stars alongside (and within) your body in the leading role. 
“I can close whenever I want to, but thanks for the heads up; I'll make sure to keep you away from the store,” he jokes.  
Catching your gaze, one of the sides of his mouth lifts. “Why do you ask?” 
Shrugging nonchalantly as you play with the handles of your dangling plastic bag, you reply, “Just wanted to know when the cute worker got off so I can potentially go on a date with him.” 
You scan around as if someone else is there in the empty store besides the two of you and point your thumb to one side, whispering teasingly, “Not you, but the other guy.” 
His tongue grazes against his bottom teeth, nodding understandingly with a deeper smirk. “The store closes at nine usually, but I can make an exception for him to get off earlier." 
Satisfied with Johnny’s answer, you bounce your head and make your way backwards toward the door.
“Sounds good, I'll be here at eight for him tomorrow night. Maybe I'll see you around then, too.” 
Granting him a wink of your own, you turn on your heels and leave. Intrigued, Johnny watches you disappear down the street through the store window. 
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At 7:58 the next evening, you show up to the store. 
A customer is at the front counter finishing a purchase. As they pay for the products, the worker takes notice of you, smiling in recognition. You return the same, beaming back at him, and casually stride over to a random section to wait until they’re done. They make some small talk, so you delve in the opportunity to admire Johnny’s outfit for tonight—a tight black t-shirt that showcases his blatant pecs and a loose red plaid shirt overtop of it. 
When the customer exits, you make your way over to him as he puts on a light jacket. You lean your elbows onto the counter. 
“Surprised to see you here.” 
“Likewise," he jests back, snaking out of the counter to be in front of you. You glance at him, consuming the tall drink of water.   
Nodding to the door, you ask, “Ready to blow this popsicle stand?” 
Johnny hums affirmatively and you follow behind him outside as he flips the open sign and locks up the store.
“So, where we heading off to?” 
Informing him of what you had in mind, the two of you decide to take his car to the downtown pier. Once there, both of you grab take-out and eat together at a bench table under the clear sky and dazzling stars. Conversation comes easy, making the night fly by fast. 
While talking with him, since his hair flows freely today, he sometimes shyly brushes some of it behind his ear. Although you’re listening intently, you also ponder how it’d be if you ran your fingers through his soft, silky locks. 
Dinner eases into dessert, with the two of you having ice cream side by side on the pier railing, looking out towards the twinkling water. By the time you’re halfway finished with your cone, you hint at not wanting to end the night just yet. Agreeing with your sentiments, Johnny makes the suggestion of going back to the store. 
After finishing the ice cream, you head together back to his car. The back of your hand brushes up against his. Taking a chance, you curl the tips of your fingers around his, half-holding his hand.  
Pressing up against his arm, you whisper, “Thought you said you gotta keep me away from the store."  
He peers down at the partial hand holding and the grin he gives you reaches his eyes. He gives your hand a small squeeze, ensuring the burgeoning attraction is mutual. 
He whispers in reply, “At least this way I can keep an eye on you." 
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At the shop, Johnny locks the door from inside, in case of any wandering bodies, and blasts some upbeat, electronic music onto the store speakers. Intercepting your hand, he guides you to the back corner of the store and starts to dance with you. 
At first, your bodies are separate vessels, grooving to the beat of the music, but as the songs play on, you gradually gravitate towards each other. Soon enough, one hand settles comfortably upon your waist, the other on your hip, while yours are hooked around the nape of his neck. Before you know it, you merge together as one with parted lips, finally satisfying the tension in the air and within your bodies.       
The kissing is intense, electrically charged and sending currents to the tips of your fingers. Although you’re barely acquainted, you two kiss like you’ve been deprived of each other your whole life—every kiss and every touch quenching your thirst for one another.  
Wanting to change it up, you step over to an empty counter and hop onto it. Johnny steps in the space between your legs and his lips meet yours again. You cup his face, clutching onto his strong features, and occasionally run a hand through his hair to caress his head. 
You answer inwardly to your previous thoughts, confirming the silky texture of his hair, and your touch relishes in his golden locks.  
Suddenly, his mouth channels hunger onto your neck and the electric currents divert directly to your rising arousal. At the sensation, you rashly grind your hips into Johnny’s body, and he groans heavily in the crook of your neck.  
He mumbles into your skin, “Do you wanna take this further? My place is nearby." 
Sighing further into his embrace, you half-jokingly reply, “You know, I was really looking forward to getting fucked in a records store." 
He easily breathes, “We can do that next time, I promise." 
You snicker. “Aren’t you a little presumptuous?” 
Tugging his shirt by the neckline, you force him to leave your neck and to greet your mouth instead. Pressing the top of your forehead against his, you match his gaze.   
“And what if I don't like you after tonight?”  
Something in you already knows that won’t be true, but you mischievously ask regardless. 
The simper Johnny flickers is enough to send another wave of bolts downward to your core. 
He peels his head away to bring it beside your ear. His thumb on your thigh may be gently rubbing you, but his following assurance is hoarse, absolutely drenched in pure lust.  
“Oh, you're definitely going to like me after all the things I do to you tonight." 
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You barely have an opportunity to scan around his bachelor pad because his lips capture yours upon arrival. In his entryway, Johnny entangles with you, pushing you up against the wall. Impatiently, he drags you to his bedroom for the long-awaited spectacle of the night. 
After hurrying to turn on his bedside lamp, Johnny presses his weight against yours on his bed, embracing the full body contact. His lips continue to attack the terrain of your skin as he denudes you. You hum softly as he pursues south to your aching desire. Hoisting your backside and with his assistance, you’re finally completely bare. 
Sitting up at the edge of the bed, Johnny pulls his top layers off, revealing a sculpted physique, the kind that artists muse and obsess over. You knew he was fit from how his clothes constantly hugged his body, but this was just insane. 
“Holy fuck,” you murmur, staring blankly. 
Chuckling, he does the same bashful gesture from dinner—tucking some of his hair behind his ear. The gentleness is a contrast that nicely compliments his Adonis qualities. His soft side is flipped onto its backside in a second as he begins to creep his way over between your legs, his eyes darkening. 
Upon resting on his chest, you didn’t notice it before, but there’s a hair tie on his wrist, which he uses to effortlessly make himself a quick ponytail. 
With anticipation, you sigh into the kisses he leaves on your inner thigh, making his way toward your pulsing sex. When his tongue issues the first swipe, you inhale sharply with fluttering eyes. Johnny isn’t in a rush, taking his sweet time to lazily lap up your slick and learning what incites you.           
Once he has a better understanding of your desire, he dives in and devours you whole. 
Realization sweeps over as to why he has to put his hair up.
In accompaniment to the painting of your folds, Johnny spreads them gently and ensures he dunks his tongue in your wetness. One of your hands drift away from the bed sheets to one of his snaked around your upper thigh, clutching onto his fingertips in reaction to the swift rotational swirls on your raw flesh.   
He draws back, lips lustrous from your nectar, and hastily replaces his mouth with two fingers.
Your half-lidded eyes shoot wide open. His long, thick fingers fill you greatly, scissor you so far in your sex, so much that you fear what his cock is like if this is how his digits feel. 
You’re overcome with bursts of pleasure. Further bursts ensue as Johnny tongues your clit alongside the fingering. Your throaty cries and the squelches of your pussy is melodious to his ears, better than playing his favourite vinyls on the best record player he owns. The lewdness of it all overwhelms his jean-bound arousal, so Johnny retaliates by grinding against the bed.  
After Johnny retreats, he stands by the foot of the bed and starts unbuckling his belt and pants. You crawl your way over, still panting and reeling from the rush of your high. As you reach him, he drags his pants and boxer-briefs towards the floor in one-go, freeing his unsurprising lengthy girth.    
On your knees, hunched over his cock, you chuckle in disbelief. “Now that’s unfair.” 
He watches in amusement as you examine his desire with delight, before taking it into your hand, pumping it languidly. “What is?” 
You peer up, cocking an eyebrow. “Seriously? You’re hot, own a record store, really funny, and you’re packing. God really has his favourites.” 
Johnny’s about to respond, but his brain short-circuits momentarily at the pad of your thumb rubbing his precome over the tip of his blunt head. He cranes his neck back, exhaling a groan. 
“Well, what can I say? Guess I’m just-fuck—” 
You suck the words out of him. Literally. 
Your warm embrace encompasses his entirety, possessing a strong hold over him. Since you can’t possibly take him fully into your mouth, your fist solves your problem by stroking him by the base. Aiming to please, especially after his oral act from earlier, you slurp and bob your head mercilessly, disregarding the saliva leaking down the sides of your mouth. 
One of Johnny’s hands arranges your hair in a make-shift ponytail to get a clearer view of the obscene display. His hazy eyes skim over the gorgeous curves of your bent back and ass jutting high up in the air. His breathing turns heavier and he’s about to tug on your hair, motioning for you to slow down, but you thankfully come up for air just in time. 
The stately figure attacks your lips with urgency. The kiss is wet and messy from going down on one another, but it merely adds to the intensity. While lip-locked, he lowers you into his pillow once more, then stretches an arm out to his bedside stand to fish out a condom. 
He nimbly rolls on the cover, but is confused to find you back on your knees instead of laying on the bed. You grasp him by the wrist and press your fingers against his firm pecs, indicating to him to recline backward. In awe, he obediently obliges. 
Hovering over him, you suck in a breath as you line your sex up with his, cognizant that you need to acclimatize to his size. You steadily sit onto his length and when it finally reaches the end, you release a piercing groan at the deep sensation.
For a bit, you don’t move too much to get used to his great desire. In the meantime, your fingers wander over the chiseled flesh in front of you—his defined, veiny arms; his solid chest; and the valleys of his abs. 
Once you think it’s been enough, you transfer more weight onto your knees and slide on his cock with more vigor. You throw your head back in pleasure. 
On the other end, Johnny’s gaze wavers between the main action, your bouncing breasts, and your supple neck. He can’t see your face clearly, but he knows you must be enjoying this as much as him by the breathy moans that follow each thrust.    
When your legs start to tire, Johnny tries to hold you close and roll you over onto your backside. You both giggle at the unsuccessful attempt to keep himself still inside of you, but that’s an easy fix. Despite just having him within you, you gasp again at the penetration. Him being on top hits you at a different angle and you truly feel the length of his inches. 
Johnny reaches down to meet your lips. You brush your fingers over his pulled back hair as he consumes your existence. In addition to each passing drive of his body into yours, you also grip harder onto his hair in ecstasy, which leads to the unraveling of his long locks upon your face. The gold ocean of silkiness drowns your senses, the strands stroking your skin like extra caresses. 
Retreating back onto his knees and raking a hand through his tousled mane, his hands then attach to the flanks of your body and he pounds you breathless, leaving you heaving for air. 
In your dazed state, you desperately grab on to whatever you can—the sheets, his upper frame, his ass, anything. Throughout it all, your core contracts even tighter over the way his clavicle, tendons, and muscles protrude and flex like they’re about to break through his skin.  
At this point, you’re beyond delirious and definitely beyond gratified. You assume he’s about to finish when he decreases his pace and bends closer to you, but instead, he continues to still move inside of you.  
“Jesus. Fucking. Christ,” you gasp and grunt between his rough, buried thrusts. “How are you not close?” 
“I’m not ready to be done with you yet, beautiful,” Johnny rasps into your ear. You catch a glimpse of his cocked eyebrow and smirk. “Unless you can’t handle me?” 
Denying his accusation, you haul his cheeks to yours and kiss him fiercely.  
And with that, Johnny’s weight is on his knees again and he fucks you like there’s no tomorrow. 
However, Johnny might’ve been right because it doesn’t take long for you to beg repeatedly for him to come.  
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“So, what’s the verdict? Still like me after that?” 
Both individuals are still nude on the bed, but now covered by a blanket. Resting on his chest, you drum your fingers over his skin in thought (as if you need to even think about an answer besides the obvious). 
Pouting up at Johnny, you say, “I’ll only like you if you keep your promise on fucking me in the store next time.” 
“Of course.” He palms your cheek and inches forward, preparing to kiss you tenderly. 
“A gentleman never breaks his promise.”  
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One month later, the record store’s business has been growing, so Johnny decides to hire one of his friends, Mark, to be a part-time worker.
Which means that Johnny has more spare time to do other things... like taking you from behind in the back office over his desk. 
“Shit, fuck,” you grip harshly onto the edges of the worn-out wooden desk as he thrusts endlessly. Even after a month of dating, your pussy still isn’t fully accustomed to the size of his girth. You’re unsure if it ever will be. 
No matter, it always feels amazing. 
“Johnny, Johnny—” 
“Johnny!” Mark’s voice suddenly cuts in and calls from outside of the office door. You immediately bite down on your lower lip to shut yourself up. “Someone’s asking me about a limited edition vinyl and I don’t know how to answer.” 
“Uhhh,” Johnny drones absentmindedly, yet jabs into you with more rigor. You bite down harder, but you can’t control the rising volume of your stifled moans. “Give me five minutes.” 
A silent beat passes. 
“Dude, are you fucking in the office again?!” the part-timer exclaims. You can practically see him shaking his head in disgust. “Ugh, I’ll give them the store’s card. Hurry up, though.”
As he walks away, you hear him faintly say, “Sometimes I think this is why you hired me...” 
Simultaneously, you both giggle heartily. Your lover pecks you lovingly on your shoulder prior to diving again into the wanton moment. 
In the end, Johnny actually spends ten more minutes with you. But he can afford the extra minutes—he is the owner of the shop, after all. 
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lucy90712 · 3 years
showing (pregnancy series)
Series masterlist
It has taken a long time for me to start showing which I know is normal for some people but I just want to see a tiny little baby bump because then I can look at myself in the mirror and see the little thing that is growing inside of me.
This morning when I woke up and went to the bathroom I noticed a tiny little bump that had seemingly grown overnight, I knew it was a bump too because it was quite unlikely I would be bloated right after waking up. I almost screamed because I was so excited that I finally has a little bump after 16 weeks but I didn't scream because I didn't want to alarm George.
I went back out of the bathroom to wake George up and show him because he has also been so excited for this day, he always has his hand on my stomach in hopes that there will be something there but there hasn't been until now. I got back in bed to wake George up nicely with a sweet kiss to his forehead which luckily did wake him up.
"Are you ok love? Do you need me for something?" He said right away
"I'm fine but I have something you might want to see" I said
This caught his attention so I moved and stood up and he noticed right away what I was on about. I watched his eyes fill with love as his hands reached out to touch the small bump at the bottom of my stomach.
"No way you have a little bump its so cute" he said
I have been chilling today on my day off work not really doing anything and just making the most of the time off. I got up to go to the bathroom when I noticed a tiny little baby bump forming on the lower half of my stomach. At first I shrugged it off thinking it was bloating but then I remembered that I have barely eaten anything today so it is quite unlikely, the more I looked at it the more I thought it actually was a baby bump. I'm only 10 weeks as well which is quite early to start showing.
Clay is going to be so excited like he has been telling me all the things he wants to do when I get a bump and how much he is going to talk to the little bump so he feels like he is talking to our baby. I went to go and show him knowing he would be incredibly excited, he was in his set up room so I went in there to join him.
"Morning bub" he said as I came in the door
"You will never believe what I just noticed" I said
"What is it?" He asked
I lifted my shirt to show him and his jaw dropped from what I'm guessing is surprise and excitement. His hands reached out and he put them on my stomach feeling the tiny bump that was there. He took about a million photos of it to send to people specifically his parents and sister because in his words he wants to show it off.
I have been quite bloated this last week or so so I look like I've got a bump even though I kind of don't although it could be a bump now I think about it because it never changes size it is the same everyday and all day. Now that I think about it I might have been showing for the last week and have just ignored it but you can never be sure.
It is around mid day and I'm going to see Sapnap while he takes a bit of a break from working so we can eat together. When I walked in the room his eyes widened right away after he looked at me which I didn't expect.
"Is everything alright you look like you've seen a ghost" I said
"You you're showing" he stuttered
I forgot that I was wearing a tight top today instead of an oversized hoodie like I have done most days in the past few weeks. He ushered me over and he felt the bump before taking pictures of it and calling dream and George to show them because he was just so excited.
I'm 14 weeks along as of yesterday and this morning I noticed that I was starting to show a little bit. Alex hasn't see the bump yet because he hasn't got up yet but I'm not about to wake him up for this seeing as the bump won't just disappear.
He did get up a bit later so I went over to him and gave him a hug before lifting my shirt to show him my little bump. He looked mostly surprised while looking ay my bump and them reaching out to touch it moving his slightly cold hands all over my stomach which made me shiver slightly.
"I had no idea you would start showing this soon that's awesome" he said
"You can start showing even earlier than this" I laughed at his lack of knowledge
For the rest of the day Alex wouldn't take his hands off my bump even though there isn't much of it he is obsessed with looking at it and having his hands on it because he stays it makes him feel closer to the baby which is just the most adorable thing ever.
Karl woke me up this morning in a fit of excitement over something, I was still very much half asleep as he was trying to tell me something at a rapid pace which my brain didn't understand. I rolled over to face him to see if that helped but it did not.
"Please slow down I'm still half asleep I can't understand what your saying" I said
"Sorry I'm just so excited you have a little bump look you can see it" he said
I looked at my stomach and he was right there was a small little bump that could be noticed if you were aware of what I looked like before it was quite obvious actually. Karl put his hands on the bump and started softly rubbing his hands over it.
The two of us got up and got ready for the day because Karl is doing more shooting for mr beast today and now he wants me to come so he can show them my little bump seeing as he is so excited about it he wants everyone to see.
We got to the shoot and I let them get on with whatever they were doing until they stopped and Karl came over with all the others to show them. They were no where near as excited as Karl was but I'm sure that was near impossible because he has just been jumping around all morning but they did think it was cool. Chris was happy too because it reminded him of before his son was born and he showed the two of us pictures he had from when Katie started showing.
The other day I noticed that when I wake up I have a small bump in my lower stomach and I know its an actual bump because although I was quite bloated at the start that went away and now I have this bump. I haven't really thought a lot about it because I'm still very unsure about this pregnancy I love our little bean but at the same time I don't quite feel like I'm ready yet and I feel like people are very judgy when it comes to parenting and pregnancy and I don't want all of that.
No one had noticed my bump because its been cold and I've been wearing mostly hoodies even Wilbur hasn't noticed and maybe I should show him but its just something that I want to keep hidden so that people don't judge me. Today though it has been quite warm so I haven't been able to wear a hoodie but Wilbur isn't in so its ok.
I heard the front door go which I knew was Wilbur and I had no time to go and change so he's going to see my bump. He walked in and sat down next to me not noticing for a moment until he pulled me close to him and thats when he started smiling super hard.
"Wait you have a little bump why didn't you tell me?" He asked
"I just wanted to hide it I can't take the judgement of other people" I said
"Oh love it's ok I won't let anyone judge you plus its so cute our little bean is making them self known" he said
This made me feel a little better and Wilbur being so excited helped too, he put his hands on the bump and kept them there for a good while just taking in the fact that that was our baby.
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