#and admire my wife
cinderswife · 6 months
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a companion piece to my previous outfit ref of rose, here's cinders!! i had so much fun designing her a variety of outfits <33 cinders my beloved cinders my wife :3 i will also do one of these for snow because i can't not!
design notes and lore info dump under the cut
so cinders was design to be a complimentary opposite to rose as well as heavily fire themed. she's tall, she's lanky, and she's one of those people who is uncomfortable to hug because they're so bony. she's also a wolf girl. wolf girl rights <3
cinders is a trans woman !! this is very important to me.
the scar on her torso is actually where a sci-fi hrt implant was implanted so she doesn't have to worry about taking hrt cuz she's got so much other shit going on
cinders has had a hell of a time in cole's prisons over the past 10 years. her tattered ear and lip scar come from some of the several times she has stood up for herself and met violence with violence and she is notably malnourished
the gradient in cinders' hair is a very common trait among the people of her planet Perrault and is also very pretty
the dots on cinders' face are skin picking scars
fun fact: other than the eye color, having been amab, and a few environmental factors, cinders looks exactly like her mother. wonder what that's about
prison uniform
the prison uniform of cole's prisons is pretty standard across the empire: grey with a red triangle on the front. realistically, this should be the only outfit on the sheet because cinders has been in prison for an entire decade but that'd be boring.
cinders' uniform hangs off her body. uniforms her size are designed for peope with a lot more meat on their bones
princess party dress
full disclosure: this was an excuse to design cinders a disney princess dress. lore wise, this is cinders' favorite party dress imported from one of the four planets perrault was in a close trade relationship with. it's also the dress she was captured by cole in. it was her 20th birthday party which was meant to bring a little levity to the people of her planet in the midst of a terrible war. unfortunately, the combination of her stepmother marguerite's betrayal and a promising young soldier named rose grimm accidentally discovering a secret tunnel meant that the party went down in the most tragic way possible.
this dress is made up of lots and lots of orange gradients and was designed to match her hair
the tiger lillies on her dress and gloves are detailed fabric replicas
her tiara and necklace are made of rose gold, which on perrault is its own naturally occurring metal. it's very difficult to refine correctly, so this small amount of it is a fabulous flaunt of wealth and power
the tiara has no special history compared to other royal jewels, this one was commissioned specifically for her
the glitter was painstakingly hand beaded in by an artisan (and was drawn with a glitter brush lol)
queen of perrault
hey wait a minute, isn't cinders a princess? well. this is entirely delving into headcanon/lore territory, but my particular cinders was queen from the ages of 12 to 19 because her father, the heritage king, was old and ailing and her mother died unexpectedly (cough reneged on the deal with a witch that created cinders cough). in order to keep the people from freaking out, her advisors took advantage of her looking exactly like her mother and made her queen. transition by becoming your mother, you know how it goes. this was not approved by her father, who did not die, and it turned into a whole political mess that ended with her as princess instead of queen. she was the best queen her people had had in a very long time, even if she had to lead her people to war in the latter half of her reign. i'll get into the details some other time but. lore!
this is the only outfit on this sheet that reflects the cultural fashion of perrault, specifically in the floating capital
this is an extremely goth outfit by perraultan standards. red is the color associated with mourning and ties heavily into funerary traditions and bone white is the color of death and evil. cinders' reign was haunted by grief and mourning
the gold is just an accent color. all of the embroidery was hand embroidered, which in an era of perfect machine embroidery is a huge flex and considered very fashionable
she is wearing two veils. the first one is mostly to make the crown more comfortable on her head (that sucker is heavy and tugs at her hair) and features elaborate designs on the inside. the second, translucent lace one is to obscure her features so people don't notice she's a lot younger than her mother
the crown cinders is wearing is the rose gold crown of the perrault! it was designed for one of her distant ancestors, the first queen of the grimsnarl dynasty, after perrault formed a coalition with the other four trader planets. aside from being made of pure rose gold and thus the world's biggest flex of wealth and power, every aspect of it has meaning.
the seven peaks of the crown represent the seven great nations of perrault that cinders' rules over. the peaks aren't assigned to any specific nation because one might get mad about being tiny while another flaunts how big it is. the size variation of the peaks is designed to mimic the towers of the castle, which is on a floating island unattached to any nation.
the jewels on the crown are the national jewels of the coalition of five trader planets and represents the strong ties between them. the big topaz represents perrault, the morganite represents telemaine, the heliodore represents anea, the ruby represents charn, and the amethyst represents quaria. all of these planets fell to cole's rule after perrault did
cinders isn't wearing any other jewelry because the embroidery on her dress is worth more than any jewel in the kingdom
the fabric of this dress is very heavy because it gets chilly on a castle on a floating island
day dress
this dress is not of any of the trader planets' fashions. rather, it comes from the six month time period between cinders and rose's marriage (aka signing a piece of paper to get cinders out of jail) and their wedding (the ceremony that kicked off ouatis). this fashion style comes from the star system of delinore, the duchy snow rules over and that snow and rose are from. this is actually my favorite outfit on this entire sheet; cinders in pink gingham is something that can be so personal
look, you actually get to see cinders' feet! she doesn't usually wear dresses this short haha
turns out that this particular pastel pink is cinders' favorite color <3
this dress is a lot lighter weight than cinders has worn previously; the capital city of delinore, chel, is a lot warmer than perrault's capital
the rose necklace was something snow got for her as a wedding gift. cinders like it so much she found shoes to match
big floppy hat rights for cinders !!!! i want her in so many hats you don't understand
this is a gingham dress! its so pretty
the ring on her finger isn't The Glass Ring TM, it's just the one snow grabbed for the impromptu courtroom marriage/pardoning. don't worry, the glass ring will show up at the actual wedding. consider it like an engagement ring
i wanted to give cinders an homage to disney's cinderella (who was my favorite disney princess growing up), hence this dress! much like the previous outfit, this one also originates from delinore. cinders wore it to balls and other formal events that snow hosted that rose was required to be at.
turns out that when cinders has complete control of what she wears (no royal duties or prison) she really likes monochrome pastels. she is my pastel queen.
this dress is made up of a very lightweight silk that shimmers in the moonlight
the glitter on the medium blue is actually baked into the fabric, but it makes her sparkle more
the cowl and the hair fascinator are part of a matched set, hence the matching flowers
cinders does Not like having her arms out, hence the big long gloves. also they're pretty !!
basically cinders is very pretty and i love her
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cookiescr · 6 months
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This is what happens when you don’t listen to your wife and don’t wear smudge proof lipstick…
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arthursfuckinghat · 3 months
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The handsome unruly son™
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asubakaa · 9 days
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not gonna post the whole thing for reasons but u can enjoy their silly faces idk
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shortnotsweet · 7 months
In a Week by Hozier ft. Karen Cowley
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“The raven is death, obviously. When I die, I want a good tombstone—something right spooky. LT’s got something against the underground, though you’d think that would be just his kind of place. That’s alright. He needs to, he can cremate me. It’s not exactly Catholic, and Mam would turn in her grave, but God is a unicorn and no one is pure anymore, so. What’s all that got to do with me?”
Johnny “Soap” McTavish has a journal. Had. It is his no longer.
Simon “Ghost” Riley had dreams—awful ones, the kind that sank claws into his lungs, dragged him into sleep, and then sent him careening out of it. He still has dreams, but they’re different, now. Better. Johnny’s pages have folded themselves under his eyes and gotten into his head, brighter and more infectious than anything else has ever been. It’s more than the past, that rotting carcass behind him, and more than now. Now is nothing. Now is ash. It’s like, it’s like—blinding, is what it is. He’s a blind man.
It is biblical now. Ghost has read it backward and forward and sideways and inside out. When he runs out of things to read, he reads them again, and when that is not enough, he reads between the lines.
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gallwithapall · 2 months
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library-crow · 9 months
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consider this duo
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mothidocandart · 6 months
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My brilliant shining thing
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feris1213 · 21 days
Google how to marry a dead best AOT character???😭😭💍
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I love her madly, God, she’s beautiful!!!❤️‍🔥
I was inspired by images from the Game and simply could not pass up such a costume!! I admire these skins.❤️🤲✨
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loaf-corner · 3 months
He is my Roman Empire.
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As a man, your masculinity doesn't always need to be externally visible in your gender presentation. It can be, that's what i prefer for myself, but there's also the way you hold your sense of self in interactions with others that can help you come off more masculine.
Now this aint no passing guide, I'm just talking about navigating and interacting with the world in a way more in line with the way men do. This is me trying to describe this aspect of my masculinity that feels reaffirming for me to embody for the people in my life.
I have a hard time associating myself with the idea of having leadership qualities. I been hearing it my whole life and I never resonated with this assessment of me. I don't want no super high paying corpo management role, I just aspire to be a senior level programmer, i don't like the idea of needing to manage other people, mostly cause ion like all the stress and meetings a role like that requires.
But that's a real narrow scope to look at leadership with, i feel i had learned recently. There're a lot of sinister ways american society forces you to only evaluate your personhood through the lens of capitalism.
Being able to see your family or friends struggling, and stepping up to say "I'm going to help you. I'm going to take some of this off of your shoulders. Here is what I can do for you, let's work out what you need." and following through with that is a valuable trait to have as a man. Being able to see your loved ones struggling and striking the balance between feeling your emotions & taking care of yourself and being their rock when they need something steady to hold onto is a very healthy aspect of masculinity I'm slowly working better and better to embody.
This is real intangible, but im tryna write this in a way that'd make sense to me if i'd read this post at 18. This is one of the things i admire most from my own father. I'm not saying he dont ask for help, I'm saying there's a steady and very comforting masculinity in a man gently taking control of a situation and doing all he can to hold all the moving pieces together in place of loved ones who need the help.
It takes a lot of practice to deploy this mindset where it counts the most, both so you don't burn out & turn into a people pleaser and so you dont become an overbearing asshole. Each tool has it's place in the box, and maybe this one has only become accessible to me very recently due to my current amount of life experience, but I hope to keep improving this tool more and more as my life goes on.
To my 18 year old self: You ain't gonna know how to do this for a few years. That's okay. Just keep this in your heart. The more you have to wade through life, the closer you'll get to being able to be the husband your wife can lean on for guidance and security.
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bloobluebloo · 1 month
Me: “Rauru is an entitled, haughty king that antagonizes my wife”
Me and the only charm I have hanging off my work bag:
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ode-to-fury · 3 months
Jaheira and Gale having an argument on one side of the reunion party about who is the worse influnece on Tav meanwhile Minsc and Minthara on the other side of the camp on either side of Tav asking if she’s sure it’s too late to cancel the wedding
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janewaysevenalways · 6 months
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I have a new mission for you Captain Seven proceed to Star Trek Legacy 2024 Admiral Janeway Starfleet End Transmission .
#Admiral Kathryn Janeway #Starfleet
#Captain Seven #Star Trek Legacy
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the-kipsabian · 8 months
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electoons · 3 months
breaking my artistic dry spell by drawing my 6'5" orc and her 5'5" bosmer husband as every single tall goddess/short king meme that exists. unfortunately I can only think of 2
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