#and bc of him both sides are on standstill
Thinking about an AU where Harry travels back to the first war with Voldemort when his parents are still alive. An AU where he is Voldemort's soulmate. An AU where you can't kill your soulmate. Thinking about Harry just fucking with Vee while knowing that.
(because in his time his Voldemort is dead, he was dead because he tried to kill Harry and it backfired. Because in his time Harry lost his other half and broke. That is why he time travels or was forced to travel back by Hermione and Ron because they could see that the loss of soulmate was slowly killing Harry.)
So imagine a fic where Voldemort and Harry are soulmates but Harry learns that after Voldemort dies. So he goes back to the past and start fucking with him out of spite but also protects him and slowly but surely ends up protecting the world.
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fisheito · 5 months
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This is what i mean
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hak · 1 year
not to sound crazyyy since I still have my backlog of pandemic yona to go through but I just saw my old joodoh being scolded by yona epic compilation and like.
joodoh…that’s her second dad to me. uncle whatever. older cousin. maybe she didn’t even look up to him like that but that’s the essence of their relationship and to me it’s one of the more compelling parts of the betrayal dynamic on both ends bc they have such uneven roles now where in all cases yona has more moral authority just because joodoh knows what he did was wrong to her but also stands by it so it’s just. a standstill on both their sides.
but also joodoh can’t. even look her in the eyes still. he sweats when he has to face her and hear her speak to him. because. because he used to carry her in his arms when she cried and found her during hide and seek and probably knew her mother before she died too (speculation but very probable) like this is the child he used to scold and exasperatedly follow around when not even soowon or hak was present much at that point in her childhood (soowon didn’t live at the castle and we don’t get the impression he visited allll the time). like they’re family as much as the king were. they were anyway!! and then hak came along and he no longer needed to be in that position. and joodoh still on some level resents hak for it, places anger on hak specifically because he feels regret but also maybe jealousy??? it’s probably weird to unpack but also just interesting to note that he’s literally the only one on soowon’s side that feels a marginal amount of like guilt at all whenever he’s in yona’s presence
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duckiemimi · 8 months
trying to wrap my head around WHY gojo had to die but all i can think of is how the story literally came to a standstill when he was in the prison realm. how they all fought to get him out of the box bc he's the strongest, he's gojo satoru, he's their savior.
and then gege just threw in a 2 month time skip, a bland shonen fight scene (i stand by it being bland! throwing in fancy techniques =/= a strong fight scene. this fight was poor executed in that it lacked meaning on both sides. maybe if we saw megumi tear up or gojo react in some way to his students and megumi...) just to kill him off at the end.
what i don't get is why he had to come out of the box for that? the main characters developed really well when he was in the box, to the point where i thought we were going to get an all out fight with yuji, yuuta, maki, AND gojo against sukuna; this would've been a cool full circle moment with gojo's goal being accomplished before he died. then, he would've died knowing that he isn't the sole strongest.
(that's the kind of meaning geto was looking for too, i think)
but the way it's being done now, it feels like we're just gearing up for another gojo level up? (also who is kashimo i'm all for jjk's power system but WHEN will we get to see nobara's tomonari and yuuji's new cursed technique and even yuuta and his absolutely op copycat technique again???)
idk it feels like we're erasing the entire culling games arc and all the progress we made during it just to get to where we are now... gege please explain what are we thinking...
like? they spent multiple arcs trying to save him, thinking he’d be their savior, and it didn’t pay off at all 😭 there are effective ways to build up a tragic character storyline and a “you’re best is never enough” theme! this isn’t it! had the wait been shorter, and had we been given a couple panels of gojo and his thoughts in the prison realm, then maybe it would’ve worked, probably loosely. but even then, this is an event-based plot driven story that keeps moving forward and the trajectory gege set in the beginning doesn’t line up with where we’re at now. sure, the existential nature vs. nurture theme is still there (gege really wedged in that “are u strong, or strong are u?” question to salvage some consistency), but the development of everything we’ve watched bloom is thrown away for…what? a quintessential shounen fight to live up to other shounens? a “PEAK” battle that’s rushed?? gege used to be so good at drawing circles closed, but it’s been confusing loops these days.
(oh, and i viscerally feel you. many people praise the technicalities and powerscaling of this arc, but just like the recent writing, gege’s power system isn’t consistent. and even if it was completely consistent per character and per CT and understandable as a whole, fight scenes without “meat” to them lack story! i wanted see more characterization! i wanted to see that the battle went deeper than surface-level! fifteen chapters of cyclical back-and-forths with barely anything else to pay attention to is boring…if gege wanted to keep every reader engaged, he should’ve added sukuna’s characterization during his fight with gojo. and if he really wanted to land that tragic character storyline for gojo, he should’ve added more scenes of gojo’s introspection and inner-conflict, or at least a thought process we could follow. as it is now, ending him like that betrays the trajectory for growth gege set for him in the beginning.)
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
hiya! i hope you're still down to answering asks about That Line, sorry if you're not, do feel free to delete this too!
i think my initial reaction to that line was like a sucker punch to the gut with the way it was setup, i.e. the framing, him standing next to TK, and TK looking at him after he'd said that line. i was so pissed and i'm still pissed about it now. in no way is that fair to TK for him to have said that, no matter how angry or hurt he is. i'm not saying right/wrong bc it's never as transparent as that, i'm coming from pov of an audience and having witness both sides of the argument. yes, tk crossed a boundary when he visited iris even though both him and carlos had agreed not to, and i understand why carlos would react the way that it did. i hated it, but i don't really wanna get into it now. which brings me to,
i think, or at least i'd hoped that this might be setting up for carlos' character arc where – you'd previously mentioned that 403 is essentially confronting his past before taking that next step into his future with carlos, and i agree! – we'll be able to see carlos realising that he needs to be able to learn how to let go of the unfounded guilt he had towards this whole mess (i.e. marriage, iris getting kidnapped), and iris would swoop in and be like, 'hey, i'm no longer your legal responsibility now, and i am no longer your responsibility, period. i can take care of myself, and i'm sorry for the way things were but we're still best friends and i still love you. you can let go of this now.' something something about him having to confront and address things rather than chalk things up until he absolutely had to confront it, in order to move forward in his life, bc atp its at a standstill. and it's kind of like a full circle moment for him to realise that he didn't need to, and will never need to take on this weight and responsibility all by himself and pushing away the ones he loves in the meantime (i.e. TK 😭😭💗💗💓), when there's someone so willingly to take on this weight with him (back to my boy TK). i know i'm dreaming big but if i had to cope with shitty writing choices from a professional who does this for a living, i can pretty much read between the lines and interpret it however i want to.
which brings us back to That Line, so if the writers are willing to explore that route with carlos, it would make much more sense in relation to him implying that it was the marriage, and TK having been drowning in his own guilt and misery, misunderstood and took that to mean that carlos had meant with him (imagine the angst we would get from this if it was addressed on screen i'll cry).
i know i'm putting myself through the mental gymnastics and i'm pretty sure i'm 100% wrong in this. atp i'm still pissed at everything and especially carlos (i know its warranted but i'm still pissed and that's ok bc i'll get over it), but this is a headcanon i'd like to believe in until we have more context in 404 IF (and that's a big fat if) it ever gets addressed. if its just a result of a poor writing choice, i'm more than willing to pretend it never existed too.
thank u for reading, sorry it's this long!
Hello anon! Very happy to discuss, no worries at all. <3
I think 4x03 was a hard pill to swallow after how easily 4x02 went down. We've never seen Carlos shut out TK like this, even in the ice storm (he was mad but he was there. Although I should note I did not see the ice storm arc play out as it aired, so my experience of it is different to those who did watch at the time), but we've seen him be 4x02 Carlos before. The contrast is extreme after last week's squishiness. It's implied he 'doesn't like TK right now' immediately after being madly in love. It's new for us to get to grips with, how he goes from one to the other so quickly. I share your sucker-punch feeling and I still have it now to an extent – even after having talked myself into thinking Carlos was referring to himself and Iris. I guess I wish I didn’t have to *think* that, and rather I could just know. I’m happy for plenty of things to be left up to my interpretation as a viewer, whatever I’m watching, but a lack of clarity around something like this line doesn’t sit well with me. I have a very nervous disposition!
You’re right, the framing and the whole vibe made it seem like a super passive-aggressive reference to his own relationship, yet as I mentioned it’s total whiplash for the man who’d so recently comforted TK on the couch to say such a thing. If he *was* making a reference to being super displeased with TK to the extent of suddenly finding their relationship bad (just writing this reinforces to me how it makes no sense…) then the punishment does not fit the crime. Especially as Carlos is canon-aware that TK and Iris hugged rather than had a falling out.
Essentially, I share your headcanon and would really like to see them address this comment so we and TK aren’t left in the dark. There are actually so many good things that can come out of this arc, even if the writing itself leaves us with neon question marks blinking over our heads. By trying to ignore his past and leave it behind him, Carlos has inadvertently looped it tightly with his present and now he has to unpick it from this point. That’s fascinating! I want to see it. This is contrasted nicely with TK, I think, who in some ways ‘left the past behind’ when Owen brought him to Austin, but has been doing the hard work to face it and overcome it ever since, by going N.A meetings, taking his sobriety seriously, talking to the crew about it and his relapse, and finding an incredible man who opened up his heart again. Carlos is on a similar journey, in his own way, he just has to stop resisting and pretending and lying. I love Carlos so much – and it’s because I love him that I care. That lad needs to apologise to his fiancé. TK needs to understand that Carlos’ reaction was due to 99 problems and TK was maybe 1-ish (due to a transgression that was actually nbd). And they are going to be okay.
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heleizition · 5 months
eye emoji. who helps the lads with the kid... someone give able therapyyy we are handing out therapy to everyone. ev e r y o n e. but baby angel!! adopted siblings!!! lovely. i do like the song!! i only understood like one outta ten words but the v i be is off the charts, very good sounds. whats the... design type and shit. whats the difference between angel and demons? hows the theology work? what makes someone higher ranking and what makes noah the highest?
ok i dont have recent art of the characters i was thinking abt at all so bear with me. i have two ocs from my very very first oc group, arthur and maria, who were always the support team and i was thinking abt them,,, so im thinking theres a whole group of people who are angels, demons, but mostly who are out of that system, living in that purgatory space, and who abel and cain work with/helped out to get out in the past...
arthur was always the scientist/mechanic one ? so im thinking that. cain n abel see that jasper is unresponsive and they bring him to that little group to find whats wrong, if theres a way to fix him, or if he's really just... a messed up experiment who has no will of his own.
so jasper spent a lot of time w that little group !!! he has a whole family............................. sobs gently
ive thought abt angel a bit (im gonna keep calling them angel i think sobs). they live inside of jasper's body heart and soul, very long blond hair, little sunshine person, tries very hard to help jasper without him being able to hear him,,, they're also most likely blind. either from something before/how they were created or spending so much time as jasper's body. no lights in there.
design differences between angel and demons :
demons have horns, typical devil tails, and typical devil wings
angels have typical angel wings, lion like tails, and a halo that isnt always here but ! it appears !
they can both fly but it's a learned skill. lena is great at it but nell is SHIT at it lmao. angel would have very tiny useless wings bc they could never fly : ( babey
also all angels and demons have a power, a way to fight when they wake up... most times it's weapon summoning (knives for nell, bow and arrow for vik, sword for titania... the list goes on) but sometimes it mutates (eden for exemple w his healing. cody has a similar mutation but im not set on it. something that looks like white fire which could be an indication of who she is lol)
the theology and the hierarchy.............................. its veeeery vague for now . basically god communicates with the higher ranks of each sides. the war started forever ago for god's favors. at first god would help the side they liked most - never using their full power or smth, but giving little help here and there, a legendary weapon, a vision of what the other side was plotting... eventually god got bored of the war and left them to their own devices, each side thinking that they were waiting for one of them to win. so they kept on with the war.
the war in itself has been in a standstill for centuries. angels and demons both go on earth to achieve some things - helping or hurting someone mostly, depending or sides and orders - and it's usually where they end up seeing each other and trying to kill on sight. its a whole aspect i havent really explored yet, and also how vik and nell meet !
the hierarchy is more of a,,,,, typical political,,,, votes and stuff,,,,,,, there's a noah equivalent on the demon side but i havent really pushed that too much yet. in the end its ok if i dont figure out all those details because it's not what interests me until i have a an actual idea :]
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lifeofclonewars · 3 years
Fives and Echo in Clone Cadets
Okay, buckle in if you're gonna read this. I'm an English major and you can tell bc this started out as a quick rant with a few points in my head at midnight and turned into a full analytical essay on the Domino Twins throughout the entirety of Clone Cadets in one sitting plus some next-day editing. What can I say, I analyze everything I watch even when I'm not consciously doing so. Some pictures and links included.
I get the whole “Fives and Echo weren't close until after Rishi” thing because of the poetic-ness of the narrative of brothers who aren't close going through trauma and coming out of it stronger and as best friends all that but listen to what I have to say.
We’ll start chronologically: with their final run-through before the finals. As you may know, I made a list (here) of who argues with whom during Clone Cadets. The other three constantly nag Echo about his habit of repeating things. Hevy and Cutup both call Echo, well, Echo but before he accepts it as a name and more as an insult. Cutup’s the first one to do it, literally almost right off the bat. Hevy does it to purposefully pick a fight after the practice test. DB responds to Echo's “stop calling me that” with “stop repeating every order.” 
Fives argues a bit with the rest of Domino when they're all arguing, but he only says one negative thing toward Echo. But there are so many things that make it different from the things aimed at Echo from the rest of the squad.
He tells him “Will you shut up with instructions? You're not in charge.” Domino’s nagging Echo about the repeating, Fives... doesn't quite do that. The narrative makes it look like Fives is also mad about the repeating orders, given both DB and Cutup have at this point. However, what Fives says doesn't make a direct reference to Echo’s habit, at least. He's definitely frustrated here (they all are, they’re failing again), but, at least to me, he's frustrated because Echo's focused more on getting them to follow exact orders instead of moving forward or working together. And yeah, he snaps a bit while reminding Echo he's not squad leader and not focusing on the right thing. But he never mentions the echoing, and, after this one moment, he never makes a negative comment toward Echo again during Clone Cadets. Also, important to note, Echo wasn’t repeating orders or anything when Fives snapped at him, just saying they’re not following orders again (which is different).
So, basically: everyone’s arguing about everything. Everyone argues with Echo about various things. Fives is the only one that doesn’t go and make a comment about Echo’s repeating during it, though.
That signifies something. Fives has got a better understanding or acceptance or trust in Echo than the rest of Domino. He doesn't mock him for what makes him him. He gets why Echo does it, maybe. Even if he doesn't, he knows it helps Echo and that Echo repeating orders is his way of trying to help his brothers. And this comes into play at a point farther along in the episode that we’ll get to soon. 
Next comes the, like, one moment we see the clones have some downtime. It’s when, once again, they start arguing. Despite DB being the one to tell Echo “stop repeating every order” during the run-through, we see them getting along here. We see them chatting with each other and 99 very briefly when Fives' gives his “you never even met a girl” line and Hevy comes barging in. Hevy insults 99, Echo tells the squad to follow orders, an argument starts, yada yada.
Then, Hevy gives his “care to repeat that, Echo?” line, which I mentioned earlier as Hevy doing it to purposefully pick a fight. When they start to fight, we hear the other members of Domino start cheering Hevy on. One says “Come on. Get him, Hevy!” The other says, “Smack that know-it-all.”
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Here’s the thing, though. They show a shot of DB, Cutup, and Fives. Cutup can be seen pumping his fist but his accent isn’t heard. There are two voices speaking, but they’re layered on top of each other so it’s hard to tell who’s speaking and how many people are speaking if you aren’t paying attention. Together, this comes out to look like Fives and DB could be the ones talking, and Cutup’s not actually speaking. 
However, as I’ve mentioned in previous posts, Cutup’s accent drops in and out all throughout Clone Cadets. Especially during impromptu moments. With this, it is also possible to conclude that he is speaking during the fight, just without a different accent, especially since he’s pumping his fist. 
That leaves Fives or Droidbait as the other person speaking. As you can see, both of them seem to be watching. Now, you could argue that Fives is the one who said something. You can argue the DB is the one who said something. Since they’re showing the fight when the lines overlap (the “Get him” one starting about a second earlier), there’s no conclusive evidence for either. For the point of this argument, you can’t argue that it proves Fives and Echo were close, you can’t argue that it proves they weren’t.
Following that comes Colt’s speech before the final. As I’ve noted multiple times, nobody in Domino is happy with Echo the first time he makes a comment.
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Going back and watching it happen in time reveals a bit more, though. They’ve all got facial expressions kinda similar to it when it cuts back to them after Colt speaks. Echo says “thinks he means us, boys?” Hevy seems to be the only one truly angry about the comment. The other three seem to be more of “what are you talking about, you know we’re not that great.” Plus, you know, they’re all nervous about their final. Even more so with how they didn’t make it through the day before. (Here’s a link if you wanna see it for yourself. 0:45; it’s all quick reactions, but you can see what I mean)
(Hmm so maybe I was wrong about that screenshot before. Go figure. There’s a reason screenshots aren’t always completely reliable sources for shows, since none of what I just talked about is visible in a standstill moment. This is why I’ve rewatched Clone Cadets 48209832 times. I’m still picking up new things about Domino while doing it.)
When Echo says, “well bravo for Bravo Squad,” some other things happen. Firstly, Echo’s rolling his eyes. He’s either being flippant about Bravo or he’s being self-aware enough to know it’s a bad pun and that his brothers don’t like his comments. But Fives actually looks over, concerned, when he makes the comment.
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That definitely counts for something. Especially since the other three don’t look very concerned about how Echo’s feeling with the comments. (Hevy’s definitely not looking over here.) But Fives seems to be wondering how anxious Echo’s feeling or something along those lines and how Echo’s expressing it. Especially since Echo doesn’t purposely pick fights like Hevy. He’s just making comments that happen to aggravate the Squad more than he’s usually trying to use as his way of showing he cares about his brothers and how well they perform.
After that comes their first run of the final. And with it comes a moment I love so much. Echo’s standing at one of the cover blocks when Fives runs up to him. Not only does this happen, but Echo smiles so much at seeing his brother do so.
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He’s just! So happy that Fives is there. I love that. Anyway, Fives tells him, “you flank right, I’ll flank left.” Then comes Echo’s lil pun moment. Fives rolls his eyes, but he looks more fond but exasperated than truly annoyed. 
Right after that, Fives runs off again. Which means he took Echo’s comment about staying on the same side and went with it, even though that wasn’t his initial plan. He’s trusting in Echo’s combat planning there. After DB gets shot down, we can actually see this happen as they meet Hevy at another one of the blocks. They come from the same side, Fives, then Echo. So, it worked out successfully.
When Colt tells them they failed not too long after that, another thing happens! Fives and Echo share a look. They didn’t have to — Hevy was behind Fives and Cutup was in front of Echo. They could’ve shared a look with them. But they didn’t. It’s definitely an “oh crap” kind of look they share with each other. Something that’s usually shared with those your closer to in situations like that, ya know?
“But wait!” you might say. “These are mostly examples of Fives being a good brother than of them being close.” Well, that’s where Echo and Fives talking to Shaak Ti about transferring squads comes into play! Of course, since I’m going chronologically, it’s not the immediate next point on this, but it happens during this conversation.
The two of them talking to her is a pretty big deal, especially since constantly up to that point we see Echo not getting along with the squad. He definitely wouldn't do it with Hevy, who he fights with most. Cutup and Echo don't fight as much as Echo and Hevy but we don't see them actually talk to each other besides whenever they do the sim, right before the second final, and Rishi. And Rishi is Hevy and Cutup making fun of Echo a bit. (Main difference then is that they do understand each other better to some degree and it doesn't escalate like it once might've.) DB, I touched on some points earlier. 
But there’s a reason it’s Echo and Fives here, and it’s more than just Fives fighting with him less.
When they talk to Shaak Ti Fives trusts Echo to do the talking for them (he only speaks up twice with small comments then). While it’s a short conversation, most of the talking is done by Echo. The duo most likely had a conversation beforehand about what they were asking and why. While we don’t know who asked the other if they wanted to do it, they’re both there, and Fives trusted Echo and his memory and ability to repeat the points they wanted to make. It's the exact opposite of what the squad has been doing. Instead of mocking the repetition, he gives Echo a chance to do it without judgment and as a positive thing.
Echo also goes on to do some things that show it’s not just Fives being a good brother, it goes both ways with them. 
There are only two instances where we see Echo touch someone. One is when he fights with Hevy (and Hevy starts it). The other instance is with Fives, during this talk. The two of them had been standing at parade rest and Echo — who's whole thing as a cadet is following orders — breaks it to set a comforting hand on Fives' shoulder! 
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He's the one to do it! Echo’s the one that takes the opportunity to comfort Fives and Fives doesn’t shy away from it. And not only did he recognize what Fives was feeling, but he also acted on it. They know each other well enough at this point to understand each other’s emotions and how to react to them accordingly.
And it's not like the other clones don't nudge and pat each other on the back and whatnot. Hevy pats 99 on the head (condescendingly smh Hevy you know better but whatever that's not the point).Both Fives and DB nudge Cutup for a comment he makes.
Echo just... doesn't do it during Clone Cadets. (I will point out he gives 99 a light excited punch on the shoulder during Arc Troopers — but that's after he's been with Torrent and trusts 99 even more than he did on Kamino for helping Hevy out) But he does voluntarily set a hand on Fives' shoulder. He’s comfortable enough with Fives to do it when we don’t see him do it with the rest of Domino or even 99.
Also, we all know Fives smacks some of his brothers, we've all seen that post by now. But he never does it with Echo. Instead, he lets Echo do what he's comfortable with. I just think that's important to note.
There’re also multiple times in this scene where they share looks while they’re speaking or when Shaak Ti says something. If you watch Arc Troopers or the first half of the Citadel Arc, even some parts of Rookies, Fives and Echo have a lot of nonverbal communication. This is just planting the seeds for that.
This scene can also be used for some “Fives and Echo aren’t that close” arguments, especially if you go with the “they are literal twins” hc. The whole “they wanted to stick together because they were twins, not necessarily because they got along better” argument. There are some other points here, like the fact that Fives did say something rude to Echo, or that Fives was talking to Cutup in their downtime and Echo with DB.
The thing is, with these things I've talked about, it shows that they were close on Kamino, regardless of that hc. I highly doubt LF and Filoni actually write them as twins (they probably would've mentioned it by now if they were). So while I personally like to take some of these things as them being twins, mostly they just show that either way, they were close. And the points Echo makes while asking Shaak Ti come into play as well.
Echo states, “Which is why Fives and I are looking out for each other,” when told that the clones, like the Jedi, have individuals and the group be one and the same. He makes it a clear point that they’re looking out for each other, that they’re trying to make the decision they think is best for the other. That’s! A big deal and sign that they’re close, if you ask me. 
Right at the end of the scene, Fives once again shows his trust in Echo. After hearing that they’ve been given another shot at the final, he looks skeptical. What does he do right after? Look at Echo. He didn’t need to, he could’ve stared at the wall, ground, given Shaak’s back a funny look. But he looks to his brother for comfort again. And we see Echo look back at him, doing so, right as it transitions to Cutup’s scene.
(“Wow this is really long, you must be obsessed with Domino Squad,” you might also say. That would be correct lol. We’re almost done, though.)
The next time we see either of them is when they think Hevy hasn’t shown up but then does. This is a nice little moment. Domino must’ve had a conversation or something because Cutup, DB, Fives, and Echo seem to be more at ease beside the whole missing Hevy thing. I should write that conversation someday. Echo even repeats what Fives said and nobody makes a comment about it.
Hevy eventually surprises everyone with his dramatic entrance and marches through their bench area to head to the simulation room. After that, the three of them turn and look at Echo, who shrugs. Not really a moment between Echo and Fives and more about the whole squad, but it’s there. Domino’s getting along better as a whole, matching more of what the dynamic between those two has been the entire time. 
And finally, the second final. Like how the practice test is slightly focused on Echo’s comments and the reactions to it, this one’s focused on Hevy being the natural leader he is. Also, just, Domino Working Together.
When they take cover in the little slit thingies, Fives and Echo take cover in the same one. Part of it was probably which one was closest. Part of it definitely was production trying to make it easier to fit more of them in the same frame there. But also, it says something about how they trust and understand each other on the battlefield. Partially from growing up training together, partially they've got the trust and understanding the whole squad is just finally starting to get within the rest of their dynamics. 
The only scene in this whole episode I don’t know who’s who is during the medal scene. If we base it on where Hevy stands, Echo and Cutup are the ones to talk. However, the second clone doesn’t have Cutup’s accent and it’s not one of those situations that Cutup tends to drop his accent. So I’m not really sure, other than that Domino is very clearly all proud of each other. I’m not really sure why I wrote this paragraph then… aNyWaY, that’s the episode!
TL;DR Throughout the episode, the Domino Twins show multiple signs of them being close to each other. I really think that the episode is supposed to show us that they're close from the beginning and Rishi just made them form an even stronger bond. Paraphrasing Shaak Ti, their journey is about them connecting to the rest of their squad throughout the episode, not necessarily about them also learning to connect with each other. They’ve got that down, after all.
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bendarius · 2 years
i started writing this benrius coleadership analysis a month ago and i finally deem it finished after weeks of not looking at it it so here we go
So as we all know their arcs in s1 start of completely on opposite ends. ben is less than psyched to be there while this is darius’ dream. however ben ends up stepping up during the train moment inspired by darius. they go through their struggles in s2; darius w leadership and ben w himself/survival. beginning of s3 they get brought together and are shown sadness leaving jurassic world because of their individual connection to it: darius w his dad through dinosaurs, and ben’s connection to himself through bumpy/island.
s3 has darius fighting to keep ben by their side bc he cant lose ben again bc that’s threatening his promise that he made to get everyone out safely. meanwhile darius’ attempts to do so threaten ben’s own selfhood. their interests are at a standstill both wanting to do what’s best for ben and having different ideas of such. bc of ben’s specific past that darius still feels guilt for is why he’s so unwilling to let ben go again, that much is obvious. ben is the only one able to absolve darius of the guilt in a deeper conversation than the one we got at their reunion, reassuring that he doesn’t blame darius and loves darius. Now that’s important bc even though the others have tried to remind darius that he’s not at fault for ben this was the only one that was able to get through to him fully. brooklynn did remind darius in s2 and sure; bc its ben himself that he’s able to say “i’m the person you dropped and i’m telling you it’s not your fault” but ben makes sure to not only absolve him of that guilt but to remind darius of his doings and how he’s always tried to protect him—to protect everyone (He’s branching out from his specific instance) they couldve stopped there but we got the “I love you bud” which! the bud is important so i don’t want to take it out of context but i just find it so prominent that ben decides to tell him That instead of a “you’re amazing” like. it’s coming from ben’s feelings. “quite a pair” from darius like theyre partners on equal ground (which they are! co-leaders.) anyways.
through the seasons we get shoulder touching. lots of it. it means reassurance from darius, worry from ben in s1; but in s3 the Amount of reassuring shoulder touches we get. they begin to be able to communicate support through this without words. while i did talk abt their arcs entwining from s1, s3 really shows the equal level they get to be on by being able to comfort one another. the thing that differentiates them from the other campers is ben being the cause of darius’ guilt which means he’s the only one able to help darius w that specifically. having ben there is its own comfort. darius feeling down after the historical jurassic park structure was destroyed was pleasantly surprised by a ben comfort shoulder touch. this doesn’t stop in s4; after ben’s speech, ben isn’t sure if it worked and while darius is going through his own disappointment, he takes the time to give some reassurance to ben. even when darius doesn’t know what to say after they think brooklynn and kenji are gone (and ben pulls away, knowing there’s nothing to say. damn his self blame. will get into that in a moment) there’s an attempt. after darius’ love for dinos cause them to miss the plane again, ben touches his shoulder to tell him non-verbally “hey. nothing can be said rn” and as this post explained so well, gives the other campers space from darius. i am willing to bet a convo takes place on the walk there with ben trying to absolve darius of guilt of “holding everyone back” (sound familiar? ben being tired of holding everyone back in s1) despite it being the right thing. ben can understand darius bc of their connections to dinosaurs thats one big similarity of their arcs and why they work so well together along w how darius has dino knowledge and ben w island knowledge. both of them shielding others behind them w their arms at one point showing their inherent need to protect others bc of this advantage of knowledge they have
the traits they inherit from each other in s4 broadcasted so obviously like. ben’s attempts to lighten everyone’s mood with a plan of action (bc darius for once is not coming up w it. Sign one of shared leadership). ben’s “it’s all my fault” self blame taken from darius i see….bc hes the one who made the plan this time, and darius HAS to understand that when plans fail and people are put at risk the crushing guilt that falls upon him. the moment he steps up he feels like he messes things up. however even before this they both tried to do their parts to keep the group running smoothly, most noticeable during the brooklyn/sammy tension where they both try and dismantle it in their own way (sure ben more because of them being loud but. hey i’ll take it) ben goes through a bit of a leadership arc trying to get darius out of kash’s clutches coming up w another plan that nearly fails but doesnt and he gets darius back! wooo reward. i could talk about his reaction compared to the others when talking abt darius’ potential danger and how worried he was that entire arc but i’m gonna save that for the season compilation post
meanwhile the short arc of darius having to choose between dinosaurs and his friends was done excellently (in how it was introduced not how it was…executed). his need to do the overall right thing vs saving his friends…im proud of him for that. even if the season shouldve given him space to explore his feelings and mental state. but Anyways that must’ve created some sort of cognitive dissonance with his self much like what ben had to go through in season 2. i wish we could’ve seen more of his struggle w choosing one over the other…but his little persona he put on was 100% inspired by ben’s with the “i survived all alone and i am amazing for it” aura. not to mention ben single dad w firecracker and darius just. smiling at him???? he wasn’t even there for ben’s struggle w connecting w the dino, although he was in s3 where ben decided isolation was the way to go so he’s probably like Woo my boy is reaching out!! maybe ben confided in darius about missing bumpy and he just automatically got what was going on. or he’s just gay yeah that could be it. and then ben’s little attempts to impress darius where he says the most cheesy line ever and gets all flustered when darius isn’t impressed i was like Ayo whats goin on
just ben’s admiration for darius i really hope that gets addressed because the leadership bit of ben coming up with the plan—they were already coming up w plans together back in s3: to blow up something as a distraction, to defeat scorpius rex (where ben overrode darius’ “IM going to stop then” with “what are WE gonna do”), to save brooklynn (“if your plan turns out as good as this model, we’re in great shape” go co leadership!!!) and had their little meeting upstairs as the files were being copied, and s4 ben telling darius to listen up, then being like “Darius is already on board. Everyone else ready” like darius agreeing is the only thing that matters which to be fair that is the main leader. but it was rly nice to see him falling into this role in darius’ absence. honestly i somehow forgot brooklynn’s short bit of leadership at the time when i wrote this so i think it’s unfair to not acknowledge it. both ben and brooklynn are darius’ right hand ppl but this post is more focused on ben’s role. at the beginning of the season we see darius communicating w ben like they’re already partners, telling him his solo task to pack the food up while they were stalking the compy and then relying on ben to distract it with berries
i’m just really excited to see where s5 takes them because i really do love both of them as characters and their dynamic together bc they just complement each other so well. i want to see more of darius’ emotions and how he/others deal with them. i want to see ben’s emotions and how he acts while finding himself in the new situation. i want to see them comforting each other bc they know how to and figuring out plans together. they’re just so interesting to me bc of how they started w the guilt and how their personalities reflect and work off one another and i hope i can explore that accurately in my writings.
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cantdanceflynn · 3 years
I did the writing! Tada! Yes it’s camp camp, yes it relies too heavily on my own personal hcs, and yes it feels like it’s supposed to be animated instead. But also I’m really really proud of it bc its the first time I’ve written in ages and I think it’s good. So :D
One quiet, quiet night, at Camp Campbell, a young magician was sitting on his cot, fiddling with a mirror. It had been a little over a week since the Convergence, and frankly, Harrison had it on his mind more than ever. That octopus…… thing, whatever it was, knew his brother? His brother was alive? But, more than anything, he was worried. What if he couldn’t bring him back? What if he did but he messed something up? He’d done it before! At least when he thought his brother was gone for good, he didn’t have to think about that possibility. And he still didn’t know what was going on with his eyes. He got up, glancing over at Nerris as he left the tent. She was still asleep, but she wasn’t the heaviest sleeper, especially recently, so he needed to be quiet. She’d been questioning his tiredness recently, and he didn’t want her worried about him. She worried about him too much for someone she was rivals with anyways.
He quietly and carefully stepped out of the tent, and looked up at the moon. The sky was surprisingly clear this night, although it was growing lighter, and he could see it was a……. waxing gibbous? He was pretty sure that was right. He’d ask Nerris if she was in a good mood in the morning and if she wasn’t too questioning. But looking at it freaked him out after a moment. Part of him expected it to start glowing like it had during the Convergence, even if that wasn’t likely. Even if it wasn’t even possible. Not without the chant. He took a big sigh, and glanced in the mirror. He could only stand looking at his reflection for a split second, but it just confirmed the same thing he hoped he’d been imagining for the past week. His eyes had changed. His eyes were blue.
Not a normal blue, and definitely not the hazel they’d been inside the tent. A light, glowing blue. The blue of the ultra moon.  His mind flashed back to the first time he’d noticed it. He’d woken up alone, something that didn’t usually happen, especially with Nerris. He’d gone out to try and find her, but going to Preston’s tent first was a…….. bad idea. Preston had left a mirror outside his tent, and he was unlucky enough to look in it. He’d panicked, and tried going to David and Gwen, the only people who might have understood, or at least listened. But Campbell and all the other campers were there. The best he could come up with quickly as to why he was awake was “woke up alone and got scared”. It wasn’t a lie, but it was an understatement.
He didn’t know what it meant, but it scared him. More than he wanted to admit. He crouched, putting the mirror on the ground, being careful not to look at it, before sitting on the ground. He knew trying to sleep would just give him nightmares, and he didn’t want to risk waking up Nerris by going back in at the moment, so he stayed there. Besides, it wouldn’t be that long until daylight. Until he heard something. A familiar, loud, overdramatic voice. Shit, that was right. Preston had started waking up earlier, to do his rehearsals when people wouldn’t be as “bothered” by them. And based on the volume, he was approaching their tent. No one else had been, or really should be, considering how many activities they did each day, awake around this time. He wasn’t exactly ready to talk with him about recent events. Especially not considering Preston’s recent situation and ensuing play. He wanted to go back in the tent, but based on the sound of Nerris falling out of her cot in surprise at Preston’s voice, it was a little too late. So he stood up quickly, and ran for the forest.
It took him minutes of running through an oddly dark forest blindly for him to realize just how stupid he was being. Like, genuinely stupid. He’d gotten emotional when he was sleep-deprived before, but never to this extent. He could have probably slipped back into the tent before Nerris got her glasses on, and just pretended to sleep until Preston left the area. No one would have noticed anything, and it would have been fine. Now she would figure out why he’d been so tired lately. And if Preston had seen him, they might even be trying to find him. And now he was lost to boot. Lovely. He stomped his foot on the ground in frustration. Why did he always do this? Why could he never be reasonable? He’d gotten lost before, but never at night, and never this far in the woods. He sighed, pushing it down. The most important thing was getting somewhere safe for the next couple hours until it was properly morning, instead of a dark grey sky with fading stars and a lowering moon. That’s what David had said in most of his mandatory “camps”.
A few minutes of walking later, he was tired, and he hadn’t even walked all that far. But he was still lost. And that wasn’t a surprise. Almost everyone here hated the woods. And if no one had seen, they might not even try checking the woods. He could be lost here for ages. That thought was terrifying enough to make him consider using his magic. But when he was this worried? He remembered the single card he’d tried to make appear, and how it turned into a huge mess he’d barely been able to clean up before anyone else woke up. That was a no go. He’d probably burn up the entire forest, or start the volcano back up. Or make the forest homicidal again. And if they’d actually come after him? He shuddered.
If he used his magic while he was like this, well… That would be disastrous. Besides that, he really didn’t want to do anything that could potentially get him stuck here in the woods forever or hurt anyone. He didn’t know what he could do like this. So he continued to walk. Hopefully none of the animals David had warned them about would attack him. Bears, wolves, the platypus on a bad day. The trees were too thick to see the moon at all at this point, but he knew his eyes were still glowing. When he held his hand up to his face, there was light blue light still on it. Still dangerous, and still lost with no clue if anyone would find him.  
And then he heard their voices. That theatrical voice, this time with a worried tinge. And that all too familiar lisped condescending voice. Except it was oddly worried as well.
“Are you sure you saw him run this way?”
“OF COURSE I AM! He ran off this way!”
For a second there was a glimpse of hope. They were trying to find him! They cared! Then it hit him. He was only hearing them. Just Nerris and Preston. And that’s all the more reason for him to be scared. It was just them! They were getting themselves lost too! He didn’t want to tell them what he was seeing, what he dealt with, what he did, and he didn’t want to hurt them. That’s why he’d ran away! And now they were going to get themselves lost or hurt, or both, or worse! What was he even supposed to do here? Go towards them and explain everything? He didn’t want to do that. They’d hate him. But if he ran away, they’d all just get more lost. And it’d be his fault. He stood still, trying to figure out what to do. And then his magic decided to make that choice for him.
His hat started floating and he tried to reach, and pull it down. More things around him started floating. Little stones, twigs, all glowing and floating. To the point where it was very much visible. In that moment he heard a noise from behind him. One that sounded a lot like footsteps. With no better options regarding the whole situation, he turned around slowly, his eyes still glowing, brighter than ever. And staring at him were Nerris and Preston. Their blue and golden eyes stared right into his glowing icy blue ones, as debris floated all around the dark area.
He stuttered, trying to explain the situation.
He couldn’t get anything else out. He stepped back, something that seemed to snap them out of their standstill. Nerris stepped forwards first, her eyes flicking around the clearing. Preston followed, staying quiet for once, also looking around. He stepped backwards again, bumping past more floating sticks and pebbles. He kept panicking. They knew now just what he could properly do. And if he couldn’t gain control of his feelings, he’d set something off, or hurt them, or… or…… With every step he took back, a small rumble grew in the background of the scene. Nerris and Preston kept approaching him, a…… new. Was that the right word? New. Look in their eyes. He didn’t know how to describe it. It wasn’t the fearful looks he was used to. And it wasn’t sympathetic or faked. It was similar to the looks Nikki used to give him during his magic shows. Awe. It was awe.
And it was also confusion. Confusion at what was happening. But it was mostly confusion at him. He felt his chest tightening at that. He felt anger build inside. Not at them. At himself. For being such a coward. He couldn’t believe how stupid he’d been. How he’d gotten himself into this situation. At least if they were scared of him, they’d leave him alone. They wouldn’t get hurt by his powers, and they wouldn’t disappear. He couldn’t handle that. The rumbling grew louder, and it became clear very quickly that Nerris and Preston could hear it too. Their faces grew more confused and……. scared. And for some reason, one he knew, even though this was what he wanted, he hated it. When his foot came down again, slightly harder than before, the rumbling turned into shaking. The forest began shaking around them, causing Preston to fall over, taking Nerris down with him.
It was hard to understand what was happening, but he knew enough to realize it was his fault. He was doing it. They were going to get hurt and it was all his fault! This was exactly what he was scared of. His hands flew up to the sides of his head, trying to hold it down, as he fell back onto the ground with a thud, making more debris fly around, some of it almost hitting Nerris and Preston. Preston sat up first, and helped Nerris up into a sitting position as she adjusted her glasses. He met their eyes, and somehow, their eyes still weren’t mostly filled with fear.
But instead, they were filled with a mixture between worry, and the same awe. He shook slightly, tears forming in his eyes and, as much as he tried to stop them, running down his face. As much as he didn’t want to, he couldn’t help but speak. Like he couldn’t control himself. “I d….didn’t want you guys to….. to.. get hurt.. b…..by me. A…. and now….. now.. now you w…. will.“ He tried to push the sobs down, but they bubbled up, wracking his body. The shaking started again, and the floating got worse. Bushes started uprooting themselves, full on stones in the ground and the tips of roots all started floating away, and so did Nerris and Preston, flailing at the air and trying to grab onto something.
Both of them looked panicked and terrified, as each movement threw them further into a panic. They couldn’t move while floating, no matter how hard they reached for something, or how fast they tried to control their floating. He couldn’t look at them anymore. He buried his tear stricken face in his knees, shaking and just trying to keep himself from doing anything else, because if he did anything permanent? Just that thought made everything worse. Huge chunks of the earth pulled themselves out of the ground all around him, and the leaves on the trees started floating away too. At this rate, the trees would completely float away. Along with Nerris and Preston. He buried his head even further into his legs, which were almost completely damp from his crying at this point.
And then the ground underneath him started floating too. He tried ignoring it, hoping with all his heart that it would just go back down, that he could just be left alone, that they wouldn’t worry about him ever again. He hated the idea, but it was safe. It was what everyone else had done, and what he deserved. Everything shook, forcing him onto his feet. The piece of ground around him wasn’t exactly big, and he was barely able to keep his balance. Eventually he could stand there without constantly watching his feet. He knew what he would see if he looked up. He could see the glow, ever present, just as he could still feel the tears flowing down his face. He tried to sigh, to let out some fear and frustration, but all that came out was a body wracking sob.  
After a few seconds, he gathered the very last of his courage, and looked up at Nerris and Preston, stuck floating in front of him. They looked like they were desperately trying to move, speak, do something, but his magic had reached a point where they couldn’t even do that. But the looks in their eyes were unmistakable. Fear. Perfect, typical, fear. The safe kind, that would keep them away and alive. Not hurt, not gone possibly forever, not dead. But their eyes hit his, and all that fear morphed into…… pleading. No more awe. No more confusion. Just pleading. They wanted it to be over. And so did he. He turned halfway around, trying not to see that look any longer. He couldn’t stand it. He didn’t want them to be scared of him, it hurt. But it hurt when they weren’t. Because then they’d get hurt. Above the trees, he could see the sun rising. And he knew that they could see it too. They slowly descended as the glow in his eyes faded, leaving them their typical hazel.  
The ground and everything around it settled back into place, leaving the clearing almost the same, minus the things he’d bumped into. Behind him, he heard Nerris and Preston gain their footing, now that the magic had faded. He’d stopped sobbing by this point, but tears were still falling. He waited to hear them run off, scream, say something, do something. But the only noise he could hear was a few birds chirping. He turned around hesitantly, expecting standstill fear on their faces. Instead, all he saw was…….. just them. There wasn’t any fear, or any sympathy. No awe or confusion either. It was just…….. them. Staring at him.  
Eventually Nerris spoke. "Y…you’re ok…… You’re ok, right?” Her tone was just……. worried. She was worried. About him. After everything? Why did she even care to begin with? Preston followed suit, his voice quiet for once and just as worried, with a hint of fear that Harrison no longer cared about in it. “That was……. terrifying. Are you?” Nerris stepped forwards, and reached out to touch him, but paused when she saw him flinch. She took in a shaky breath before reaching out again, patting him on the shoulder. Preston did the same, both clearly trying to comfort him. And all he could do was stare in disbelief.  
They didn’t hate him. Nerris, who he used to antagonize over something he couldn’t even control, and who he’d jab at for nothing. Preston, who he constantly teased for something he couldn’t imagine doing, let alone for as long as he had, and who he’d hurt even after the entire mental breakdown he’d had. And despite that, and despite his magic, they didn’t hate him. Despite what he just did to them. They were worried about him. “W……. why are yo……….u wo……rri…..ed abo…….ut m…..e?” He hadn’t realized how much he was still crying until he heard himself speak. It was a lot. He tried to stop them, but as always, the effort was wasted.
Another sob escaped. And another. Soon, there was nothing he could do to stop or deny it. He was crying more then he ever had before. Nerris and Preston exchanged a look, one he couldn’t read, and wrapped their arms around him. Part of him wanted to pull away. Wanted to make them go away. Wanted to convince them he was too dangerous. Like everyone else he’d really known had. But despite all of that, he found his arms wrapping around them too, as his entire body shook. But even through all the tears, he could still hear Preston’s voice. “Because we’re all your friends.”  
“Obviously!”, Nerris added comfortingly. The only response he could  muster was cut off by his tears, so he just wrapped his arms around them tighter. And they seemed to understand that. Eventually they sank down to the ground, sitting in what could be best described as a hug pile. When he could finally speak through his tears, he couldn’t think of anything to say other then, “Thank you.” It wasn’t shaky or broken like he thought it would be. They both gave him a loose smile.  
“Of course,” Preston said, still quiet. “We’re here for you,” Nerris told him, removing her arms from the mess that their hug pile was. Preston gave him an extra quick squeeze, before doing the same. They sat there for a little bit before Preston spoke again, his voice having regained its theatrical edge, although it was still quiet. “Do you want to talk about it? Gwen’s been trying to help me talk about things more, and it helps. I think it helps anyway. I’m not very good at it.” Nerris gave Preston a much more readable look, one of “not right now”. He’d seen it before. But it took him surprisingly little time to respond.  
“Yeah. I haven’t exactly been attending Gwen’s therapy sessions. For a number of reasons.” He hadn’t noticed until this point, but he was barely crying anymore. Nerris gave him a small nod, clearly listening. “I….. I mean, you saw what I did back there. I can’t really control it that well…….. especially when I’m emotional. Which is most of the time when I don’t sleep.” The looks of sympathetic understanding on their faces gave him a little more confidence. “And you were there at the Parent’s day show. You saw my parents, right?” Preston nodded, as Nerris’ shoulders slumped and she rubbed her arm. He’d been too open. Shit. He shrunk in on himself, something that they immediately noticed.  
“Hey…. It’s not your fault they’re like that. We should have noticed sooner.” Nerris was trying her best to make him feel better, he knew that, but her wording just hurt more. At this point he didn’t have the energy to cry anymore, so he settled for curling in on himself more. The two got closer, Nerris draping her cape over him and Preston rubbing his back before speaking. “Gwen says if it hurts too much, you don’t have to talk about it.” Harrison sighed. “I…. I do want to talk about it. But I haven’t before, and it………. definitely hurts. And it really is my fault.”  
Nerris seemed lost in thought for a little bit, before speaking. “Well, considering you’re talking to the elf who plays Dnd with her stuffed animals, I don’t think you have to worry about us judging you?” Her tone was oddly reassuring. Preston joined in. “Exactly! I put on plays that everyone hates all the time! How are we going to judge you?” His shoulders sunk at that. “Exactly. I’m a terrible friend. I tease you about your larping all the time, and I didn’t even try to support any of your plays." Nerris sighed. "Well, yeah, it used to hurt, but everyone did it, and either way, you haven’t really been doing it recently. And we’re still friends. And….. I’m sorry too. I did the same to Preston.” Preston had looked more hurt after Harrison had finished speaking, but he perked up at Nerris’ apology. He didn’t say anything but the thankful smile was good enough for Nerris. And he decided to take it as enough too. He sighed.
“What happened was……….. bad. Very bad. If I could change the past, I would. I wish I could, honestly. I’m here to make things reappear because I made someone disappear.” He paused, taking a shaky breath. Any other time, and at the very least, this would have gone smoother. But right now, he didn’t think he had that option. “My brother.” He didn’t expect them to leave. They wouldn’t do that. He’d figured that out by now. But he wasn’t surprised when Nerris drew in a sharp breath, and Preston’s eyes flickered away.  He sighed, managing not to cry through a combination of already having cried so much and being too tired. They sat there, all of them thinking, for at the very least five minutes. It felt like longer. He could practically see the gears turning in their brains.
Eventually Nerris spoke. “That………. explains a…………… lot. Do you want to just…………………… leave it at that?” Her tone was worried, in more ways then one. He reluctantly nodded. He’d already told them more then he’d told basically anyone else besides his parents. Preston kept quiet. After this entire situation, Harrison wondered if he’d ever be quiet again. Then, another thought crossed his mind. “How are we getting back to camp? Aren’t we kind of lost out here?” Nerris let out a small chuckle at that. “Yeah, because Nikki doesn’t have your scent down flat from her time as your apprentice. We should just stay here. We’ll be fine.”  
He let out a small smile at that. They’d be fine. “We’ll be fine.” He repeated it to himself, looking up. Even though the trees were still thick, he could see that the sun was definitely properly up by now. He really was tired. He yawned, more for effect then anything else, and decided he might as well get as little sleep as he was getting on the ground. He must have been more tired than he thought, because as Nerris and Preston did the same next to him, he didn’t even try protesting.  
A few hours later, Nikki lead the rest of the camp to a sleeping trio. If they had been awake, they would have heard the multiple sighs of relief, and the few mutterings of “thank goodness” or “they’re safe”, few being quite literal. They would have seen the worried looks turn into feigned annoyance or apathy or just happiness. But as it stood, they would wake up together at about two, and go about their normal activities, glancing at each other every time they crossed paths. No one asked them about what had happened, and they were grateful for that. But Harrison just slept in his tent that night, and within a week, Preston had moved his bed and some of his stuff in the tent. And for some reason that no one else would get for a very long time, there weren’t any complaints.
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ironmandeficiency · 4 years
random thought of mine, which clone do you think would have the best singing voice? Ik they’re clones so they all sound the same fmdndn but still. i think jesse or echo maybe?
jesse would be such a beautiful singer, not a doubt in my mind. his voice is velvety, a bit husky with a hard punch of power. i’ve entertained this thought on multiple occasions and will one day write smth with singing jesse.
echo though? akhdkshkakdj i never thought abt him singing before now but i can totally see it, his voice being a bit less gritty than jesse’s but with a smidge more range and a clearness that rivals the scarif oceans.
gonna send thank-you’s to @obiorbenkenobi and @hxldmxdxwn for letting me ramble abt this post on discord at ungodly hours.
i made a playlist for this almost-au as well!!! find it here, and i’ll soon add it to my spotify shenanigans.
now enjoy me going into more detail abt these two boys than anyone asked for:
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genre-wise i think jesse would be a bit more cocky and playful with his go-to songs, and he will dominate the stage with his godlike dancing every time he’s given the chance;
radar love by the golden earring - this is the song he first gets the confidence to dance to. once the crowd goes wild for it and he realizes how much he enjoys moving around, he keeps on doing it. there’s this one thing he does that’s like, um, jolting/bouncing (not sure how else to describe it) but the crowd thinks it’s great when he does it.
sexbomb by tom jones - his dancing here is utterly erotic and he knows how attractive it is, holy kriff. it’ll bring the entire bar staff to a standstill bc damn look at his hips go, sex god much??? most definitely grinds against the mic stand and gfgalkdfjghlkf it never fails to fluster quite a few patrons (this will soon be a full-fledged fic so keep your eyes open)
no mr. nice guy by alice cooper - he jokes sometimes that he was actually quite peaceful as a cadet before joining the five-oh-first. it isn’t a joke tho and you can blame fives and hardcase for making him go wild. but this song makes him think of when he stopped caring abt trying to impress the longnecks and he enjoys hitting the higher notes.
rock the casbah by the clash - this is where he learns to snap his hips to every “rock” with a bit extra force. the crowd has a blast clapping along, some of the more drunk people screeching “the shareef don’t like it!” at the top of their lungs. it’s upbeat 
rock this town by the stray cats - he’s having a damn good time with this song, a lot of elvis presley vibes. if he had enough hair he’d flip it. he does a bit of air guitar and will sway his mic stand around and bounce his knee to the beat.
strutter by kiss - he loves this one, it’s a personal favorite. he;ll be running his hands down his body when he’s still, but the times he’s walking around the stage he’s got a hand on his swinging hips, literally strutting. it’s so fun to watch him embrace the music
bad to the bone by george thorogood & the destroyers - a joking request from fives that turned into a crowd favorite. fives didn’t think his vod could do it but jesse rose to the occasion as he charmed his way through the song with his fun swagger and playful air sax. he drank quite a bit of water after this one bc he was unused to using as much gravel in his voice as this song took, but he enjoys it nonetheless.
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echo would be softer with his choices, leaning more towards soulful and sweet in comparison to jesse’s wild side. he also plays both guitar and piano, i take no criticism on these points;
the night they drove old dixie down by the band - he plays this one after a rough mission and it’s deeply resonating with everyone there, everyone either putting down their drinks to let the song flow thru them, or grab something stronger to let it lull them into inebriation.
no plan by hozier - he sounds so beautiful with literally any hozier song tbh, but this one is his favorite. this was the closest he got to smth soulful before the times he duetted with jesse and he really enjoyed it. it was smooth yet passionate and is one he sang for the first time when dejected and unsure abt his future.
piano man by billy joel - he plays the piano for this song & kriff did it take him a while to both master it and find someone that played the harmonica well enough to join him. this is rex’s favorite song to hear echo play and will hum it quite often. echo enjoys throwing himself into playing this one in a way he doesn’t often do & he’s called “the piano arc” the first time he plays it. the nickname sticks but he likes it, so no harm done.
amie by pure prarie league - this was a fun song for echo to learn and he really enjoys how gentle it is. he’ll tap his foot with the music and just let himself go. sometimes he’ll catch himself moving his shoulders slightly as he plays but he doesn’t stop. when he plays this one, he prepares to hear his brothers hum it for at least a week afterward, it’s just that good.
house of the rising sun by the animals - this one isn’t heard until some time after he and jesse duet & echo exhibits his capacity to have a bit of gravel, which is absolutely heavenly when heard. there’s a lot of held-out notes here and a special kind of twang he’s able to finesse, it’s stunning.
skinny love by bon iver - he learned to play guitar to this song right here, it’s one of his faves and loves how tender & raw it can be. he’s heard covers of it that added too much to it & detracted from the intensity of the emotions, so he sticks with the original. it’s an extremely vulnerable song and it’s somber, but he enjoys baring himself without the risk of being shamed for it. several people cry the first time they hear him sing this song. (this one will turn into a fic as well, time tbd)
bad moon rising by creedence clearwater revival - echo sang this one for the first time tne night before the five-oh-first got their orders, which ended up being to felucia. there are always strange occurences when this song is sung & a few ppl will do anything to keep echo from singing it bc they think it’s an omen. everyone enjoys hearing the song, no doubt, but the moment it ends, some battalion or another is doomed to a bad assignment.
now if these two were to ever team up???? no one would be able to talk about anything else for weeks afterwards
you don’t mess around with jim by jim croce - they’re sitting on barstools in front of their mics, echo strumming on his guitar while jesse pats his thigh as a substitution to the drums. v playful vibes with this song and they can’t stop grinning as they sing. it’s fun and they’ll sometimes lightly tap each other with their feet throughout the performance to tease. lighthearted and always enjoyed.
all this and heaven too by florence + the machine - it’s got enough power for jesse but is also delicate enough for echo, achieving a great balance of their strengths as well as a tambourine. you’d probably think that jesse and a tambourine can cause as much trouble as hardcase with explosives, but he’s insanely focused on getting the hits right. no one expects to hear echo belt out such strong notes in contrast to his normal choices but damn they love it. and jesse?? softly breathing the verses with a delicateness no one thought he possessed?? they’re weak for them both.
soul shop by prophets and outlaws - they harmonize SO!!! DAMN!!! GOOD!!! echo playing the piano and jesse sitting on top of it just straight up VIBING. the entire bar is swaying with the music and letting themselves melt into the floor. none of them were prepared for echo to harness a little bit of gravel in his voice or for jesse to capture the melodic tone that echo doesn’t have to put effort into. this song, having a lot of soul and grit to it but is smoother than corellian whiskey, is a performance for the record books.
if y’all wanna hear more about these two darlings singing, or if you have any other headcanons you want to share/ask me abt, please don’t hesitate to pop into my asks!! i would love to hear from you!!
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makoandharu · 3 years
Okay so I just had a think back to the makoharu fight in Eternal Summer and how much it hurt to hear Haru say things (that I know he didn't mean) but then break down when he found out Makoto wasn't actually going to be with him forever... But then it got me thinking. Haru repeatedly says that he was fine with the way things were at that moment, but other people think that he wasn't and was just afraid/lost in trying to find a dream to pursue in the future... (1/2?)
Though I do agree with Makoto and the others about Haru just being afraid and uncertain about the future, which was why he wasn't really seeking for anything, I actually more so believe and understand Haru in this fight. I honestly believe that Haru was GENUINELY fine with everything staying as it is, and would not mind basically staying in Iwatobi with no dream to pursue, despite this mostly coming from his fear and uncertainty of the future. (2/3?)
The way he kept insisting he was fine this whole time with not finding a dream and wanting things to be kept how they are, those words gotta have some truth to them. But then it got me thinking what was it that make Haru genuinely feel fine to stay in Iwatobi, if it wasn't just the uncertainty of moving forward in the future...? Makoto. I realised that at the time of the fight he didn't know that Makoto was actually moving away at the time. Like yeah, Rin was going to be an Olympian- (3/4?)
And going to Australia. Nagisa and Rei were also the type of people to keep going and pursue their future, whatever it may be. And despite that, he never breaks down at the thought of all of them leaving, albeit being quite sad that everything wouldn't really stay the same in reality. It's because they weren't really that constant presence in his life that he was so used to living with, so he was pretty much okay with them 'leaving him behind' Because who would be there for him anyway? (4/5?)
Makoto. He had always assumed that Makoto, up until this point, was in the same boat as him and hadn't found a dream yet, therefore was also going to stay there at Iwatobi, just like Haru. And who could blame Haru for thinking that since that was the last thing he heard Makoto say when the three of them were talking with Rin in the rain? But now thinking about it, Makoto has been a constant in Haru's life since the beginning of time, obviously- (5/6?)
But I didn't realise until then exactly how IMPORTANT Makoto and his very presence was for Haru. Haru was fine with not finding a future and everything staying the way it is because Makoto would be there with him, and they'll be stuck together without a future. Even if it feels like it all has come to a big standstill and it's all hopeless, Haru doesn't mind because Makoto, his precious constant, will be there right beside him as it always has been. (6/7?)
Which NOW makes me understand the whole pain Haru experiences when he hears that, in reality, Makoto isn't going to stay with him stuck in this dreamless future. Makoto was going to Tokyo and, in effect, leaving him behind. Gone was his initial comfort in not finding a dream. Makoto won't be there with him also dreamless. And THAT'S why he was so broken during that reveal. (7/8?)
So broken that he didn't even want to go in the water. It was Makoto who got him swimming and, as we learnt in HS, he didn't even want to swim if Makoto wasn't going to be there with him. And that's what I think, when he went to Australia, made him so happy to find a dream of his own. He wasn't in fact going to be left behind with Makoto, but now instead moving forward with him, with a plan that could take both of them to Tokyo and continue supporting each other. (7/8? Lost count lol)
Haha, somewhere in this whole rant the argument got lost and I'm sorry for that, but TL;DR: When Haru said he was fine with the way things were, he DID actually mean it because he thought Makoto was going to be with him. But when he finds out that's not the case, that's when he starts to truly break down and NOW not be fine with staying behind, and actually be full of doubt and uncertainty for the future, since his constant was leaving... (8/9)
Yet when he does find his dream, one that was totally doable in Tokyo, you can see how truly excited he is by the end of the episode. Because can he move forward with Makoto and be in step with him, but he can actually still BE WITH him in Tokyo. No matter where Haru is in his lifetime, as long as he has Makoto by his side, he knows he will be fine and has always meant that. (9/9) Geez I wrote a lot lol. Hope that all made sense ❤️
First of all, wow! I love being ranted at, thank you so much for this, it was great fun to read! 
I agree with you to a large extent, I think he had made peace with the idea of staying in iwatobi dreamless bc he assumed Makoto would stay with him. I think esp after starting days, when Makoto had avoided him but found that actually he wants to swim with Haru, Haru got really really comfortable with the idea that Makoto wouldn’t leave now. Bc he’s had his little panic and found the answer, and the answer is Haru. So Haru’s confident that Makoto will stay forever now. 
But I think he doesn’t quite realise what being dreamless means. Nagisa tells him he can do anything bc he’s good at cooking and art, but Haru dismisses/doesn’t address it. I think he’s so caught up in resisting the idea of going pro that he’s not even thinking about the future at all, let alone a dreamless one. Haru’s a very live-in-the-moment type of person already, but coupled with the anxiety he feels bc the scouts and Rin pestering him about the future and his teacher’s high expectation, he just cannot even entertain a different path bc any thought of the future lead to a panic induced dream where he’s just falling into nothing.
(Maybe the reason the idea of going pro stresses him is bc it’s what everyone expects from him and not something he found for himself, BUT it’s something he can absolutely see himself doing? So he’s pissed that other people are telling him to do something that maybe he was gonna do anyway? Kinda like when you’re thinking of doing the dishes and then your mum tells you to do dishes and your’re like actually no i’m not gonna do it now lmao. But more in the sense that he’s pissed at being put into any box, having any future forced on him, regardless of whether he thinks it suits him or not)
But yeah Makoto leaving was really the straw that broke the camel’s back, so now he has no dream and no Makoto. And that’s really not something he can live without so he knows he has to fight his demons if he want to keep his Makoto around. Intesting that he’s always forced to face his issues as a direct result of Makoto and always comes out happier once he has :)
Do not even get me started on Haru not swimming in Austrailia, makes me lose my mcfrickin mind!!!! Not even in the bath in the morning cos who’s gonna pull him out???????? I always saw him not going into the water as “well Makoto’s not here so what’s the point” bc we know Haru thinks water is healing that it can cure his cold (as a mother this kid really stresses me out, you idiot have some calpol), but here it can’t heal his heartache bc it’s that bad. But you’re right! It also makes sense that he wouldn’t swim bc he always swam when Makoto asked him to (joining the ITSC in the first place, swimming the relay in s1 etc) cos maybe he doesn’t deserve to after he hurt Makoto? D:
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snarkwrites · 3 years
hi, i’m here to bring you a ✨thot✨ as i clean out my closet and cry over the bikinis that i’ll never get to wear due to covid
i literally don’t care who you pick for this, because i feel the reaction is the same across the board for what i’m about to give you😏 but beach sex or even better, sex in the cabanas👀👀👀👀 like sand gets every where but i am not at all going to complain if someone wants to fuck me on the beach🤷‍♀️ - ❤️
Ugh, I could kiss you for all these amazing thots you keep blessing me with, angel, you know that? YES. LETS GET TO IT.
Sexual content ahead. Not meant for anyone under 18+. If you're a minor, you need to keep scrolling. Do not read what's below the cut.
If you choose to keep reading, a. you can't say you weren't warned already and b, here are things you need to watch for : public sexual situation, unprotected sex, dry humping, mentions of marking, my failed attempts at dirty talk and most importantly, SEX IN A PUBLIC SETTING. IN BROAD DAYLIGHT.
[ faq - multifandom tag list ]
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RYAN WOLFE & sex in a poolside cabana;
"You're starting to burn." the crisp depth of the male voice drew you out of a daydream you didn't quite want to end. Your eyes fluttered open and you realized exactly why the sound of his voice was powerful enough to draw you back into the present and out of your own mind. Swallowing hard as your eyes met with Ryan Wolfe, you shrugged off his statement, almost dismissively.
"I'll be tan in the morning. Besides, my lotion is over there. I'm too comfy to get up and go get it."
Ryan shuffled his feet. Rubbing his chin thoughtfully. When he wandered away, you thought he'd probably gone to the poolside bar to get himself a drink -and probably flirt with Natalia some more, the jealous thought crept it's way into your mind before you could stop it.
You put everything out of your head until a few seconds later. Just as you were starting to doze off all over again. He sat down beside the towel you were stretched out on, his legs dangling into the pool. An arm over your body as he stared down at you, a quiet chuckle passing his lips as he shook your head.
"You really can fall asleep anywhere, can't you, princess?"
We're not even going to begin to attempt addressing just how quickly the use of the word princess -or his tone of voice as he said it, affected you. You shivered ever so slightly, raising a hand. Taking off your shades and looking him in the eyes as you yawned and softly laughed while nodding in agreement. "In my defense, I was out late last night with Alexx, Natalia and Calleigh after that last conference."
Ryan nodded. Eyes fixed on your own for a few seconds, lingering. And then breaking your gaze to roam slowly. Almost as if he were savoring the view.
Normally, he barely looked your way -that you knew of, of course, but this time, as his eyes roamed over you and the way you were sprawled out on the black beach towel with the word FUCK spelled out in red calligraphy cursive, it was as if he were really seeing you.
"Your buddy from the Vegas crime lab actually let you roam around dressed like that?" Ryan asked after a few seconds. Raising one of those distracting hands of his to drag it through light brown hair. I miss his shaggier hair, you lamented mentally, I would have literally died to drag my fingers through it or pull it in the heat of the moment.
,, Funny, he almost sounds a little jealous." the next thought came as you raised a brow and tried not to get your hopes up. You sat up and stretched as you gazed at him, curious. It hit you then, he must have seen you joking around with that guy you met at one of the conferences two days before, Greg.
The one who asked you to go out bowling with him and some of his co-workers, but you politely declined.
Because of the oblivious idiot sitting to your left currently.
The cabanas were emptying out. The sun was starting to sink down in the sky just slightly, casting a lazy golden orange hue over everything.
"He doesn't own me." you muttered after a long and heavy pause. You weren't sure why, but you found yourself leaning forward, into Ryan as you turned the upper half of your body to face him. With a teasing and soft giggle, you asked with a smirk, "You're not off flirting with Nat?"
Ryan's brow raised this time. He chuckled, shaking his head no. "I haven't flirted with Natalia in weeks?"
You swallowed hard. Stretched again because you just didn't know what to do with your hands aside from what you wanted to do with them currently.
"Are you gonna stay out here all afternoon?" Ryan asked quietly, hazel eyes darting around the area as he did so. Your eyes darted around also and you yawned, answering softly, "I thought about it, yeah. It's peaceful out here."
"That's because the cabanas are empty. Will you at least get out of the sun?"
"I'd love to but... Kind of wanna show off my new swimsuit." you leaned back, stretching out. Ryan's eyes roamed over you again. Slower this time. Much slower.
Ryan coughed abruptly and then he grumbled. Something to the effect about you, being stubborn. "To who, exactly?" Ryan teased, pointing out yet again that the cabanas were empty at the moment.
This time, he leaned in towards you just slightly. Raising a hand. Tenderly brushing sweaty and damp strands of hair back out of your eyes as the light breeze blew and blew them right into your eyes. His eyes locked on yours for a few long and silent seconds during which your heart was beating like a runaway train, so loudly that you swore he had to have heard it. He leaned in even more. Licking his lips as his eyes settled on your mouth and lingered.
"You." it slipped out in a breathy whisper as you mirrored the way he'd leaned in towards you, leaning in towards him. Close enough that when you said it, your mouth brushed boldly up against his. When he swore quietly, your breath caught in your throat and you had about a split second to ask yourself what exactly you were hoping to accomplish, because he was reaching out. Pulling you into his lap. And then he was standing. Walking straight towards one of the bigger and more private cabanas near the side of the pool further away from any potential prying eyes.
"Ryan?" you questioned, the word stammering as it left your mouth. He stepped into the cabana and sank down to sit on the cozy circular daybed and you wrapped your legs around his waist. Your mouth opened, you were about to ask what was going on, but instead, your words were silenced as he pressed a finger against your lips. The way you were positioned in his lap allowed you to feel the way he strained hard against red and black board shorts. And just when you thought you'd be able to ask him what the hell was going on, you found yourself silenced again, only this time, it was by his mouth. Crashing against yours hungrily as his hands skimmed and ghosted all over your body, finally settling on your ass and squeezing. Hard. Hard enough that you rocked in his lap a little and a quiet growl slipped out of his mouth, swallowed by yours as the kiss deepened. The way he was kissing you, you could feel your lips beginning to bruise and ache. "Ryan?" you finally managed to gasp out his name just as you two pulled away to breathe. His hands roamed upward, settling on your hips. Rocking you back and forth over his bulge and drawing a whimper out of you as a shiver passed through your body.
"You wore that... For me." he muttered, his tone husky as he locked eyes with you and you saw the way lust blacked his eyes out. "Fuck." he practically groaned the word as he bit his lip and let his eyes roam much more boldly now. There was absolutely no doubt that you were being fucked by his gaze.
And just the realization had you dripping. The wetness flooding your thin swimsuit bottoms and making you squirm around in his lap a little. You raised your hands, resting one at either side of his neck as you pulled him in for another kiss greedily. His hands stayed on your hips. Rocking you back and forth in his lap as he bucked himself up and into you.
You wound up on your back, one of his hands pinning both of yours flat against an overstuffed turquoise and white striped pillow that was behind your head. His body settled between your legs, spreading them, and his mouth dove against yours all over again, cutting you off mid moan when you felt his thick bulge brush right against your dripping and aching center, teasing you. He locked eyes with you as the kiss broke. Chuckling quietly as he asked the question, "Were you trying to tease me, princess? Because if you were, it worked. I've been so fucking hard all day..." his mouth burying against your neck as his lips latched onto your skin, leaving a mark behind. You rocked against him, desperate for friction, for anything to make the aching in your cunt stop, but even the little friction he allowed before lowering a hand, gripping your hip and putting your movements at a total standstill... Even that didn't work.
If you thought you were wet before, you were soaked. There had to have been a wet spot on his lap. He had to have felt the way you soaked through your swimsuit.
Almost as if he read your mind, he chuckled, bucked himself into you more urgently, his hands all over you in a frenzied rush, groping any part of your body they settled on. You bit back a loud moan when his hands squeezed your ass, rubbing you against him harder, I mean really baring down.. He muttered calmly against your throat as his mouth ghosted down the front of it, "How are you so wet already, huh? I've barely done anything." while bucking himself against you just enough to make you beg for more breathlessly, pouting as soon as you realized he wasn't letting go of his grip on your hip.
His head dipped down and as his tongue dragged around the shell of your ear, he muttered quietly against it, "Want you so fucking bad. Right here, right now."
"Right here?"
"All I have to do is pull your bottoms to the side. Nobody's gonna know, princess." Ryan informed, gazing down at me with a lust filled look in his eyes. You whimpered, coming alive beneath him as he rose slightly, untying the ties at the waistband of his boardshorts. Licking his lips as his eyes met yours again a few seconds later. One of you needed to have common sense, because normally, that'd be his job, but all of his common sense had pretty much flown out the window by this point. And you've always been ruled by impulse alone, so you weren't about to stop this, either. You whined out urgently and he was pressing into you again, a finger grazing along the skin just below the tie at the side of your bikini. Tracing along where the tie would sit if his finger weren't separating fabric from skin. With one small tug, the tie was loose. His eyes met yours. His tongue ghosted along the outline of his lips and he mumbled quietly, "I'm going to take my time with you later, princess. I promise." against your ear as he moved your bikini bottom out of the way and tugged at the velcro strip holding his board shorts closed, working his cock through the opening. Pressing himself into you, bodies molded together as he sank in slow and deep. Letting you feel every single inch and vein as he did so.
You barely stopped a loud moan. One of his hands rose, settling over your mouth as he leaned in real close and muttered against your ear, "We have to be quiet right now, princess. Later I'll make you scream, okay? I promise."
As you writhed beneath him and met each snap of his hips with your own, you could feel your orgasm really building and you had no doubt in your mind that he meant every word of the promise he'd made about later.
It was all you could do to keep from screaming his name now.
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
You’re my dream when I’m not sleeping // J x Lilith // NSFW aftercare
Summary: You will always be safe with J. The more intense a session, the more intense the aftercare. Truly, the both of you almost enjoy the aftercare more than you enjoy the sex itself... Almost. For J, at least, it provides the perfect opportunity to love on his Hyena a little more fiercely. Not that you’re complaining, of course.
A/N: A personalised piece for @jokershyena​ bc ilyyyyy~ <33333 I hope that you enjoy this, darling!! ^^ <3 
Warnings for swearing, BDSM elements (knife and blood play), NSFW descriptions and allusions to being edged/multiple orgasms within one session, J refers to himself as “daddy” (the things I write for you, istg), aftercare (duh!) and a whole lotta’ lovin’! <3 You get what you deserve ;)
Word count: 2, 935.
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There were many rumours, many lies, many speculations and many untruths about your relationship with J, so deeply kept was the secret, so mysterious was his aura and so protective were his men of you but at the core of the truth lay one simple, earth shattering fact:
J loved you, and you loved him.
Gotham knew him to be a chaotic clown, a murderous terrorist. Someone who was cold and unfeeling, a monster... a freak. Someone who wore clothes which were custom made with no labels, the materials expensive and entirely unique, someone who had no last name, no alias, nothing identifiable about him in any way. He was a complete mystery to the city of Gotham and no one knew him. Citizens knew his persona, his murderous tendencies and the way he could bring the entire city to a standstill with a few well timed incidents, but no one knew who he really was.
But you? Oh, you knew J to be a chaotic clown, this was true, but he was also so human. He had told you, once, that his name had been Jack Napier. It had been the night that you had first seen his bare facial scars, the night that you had first learned of his past, what little of it he was willing to tell you, and it was a night which you treasured with all that you were.
Lilith Napier had been the name he had whispered against your lips that night, his full lips soft and warm against your own, his tongue sneaking out to coax your own into a slow and tantalising dance, his hands hot and firm against your bare hips, his fingers flexing as he moved within you, reaching hidden depths which only he could reach. 
That had been the most tender, the most loving and the rawest night which the two of you had experienced together, and you hadn’t been the only one to cry; J had shed one, maybe two tears of his own, though he hadn’t acknowledged them and in his silence and his refusal to brush them away with his usual impatient manner had he told you that he trusted you. that he was able to be himself with you. You had kissed them away, your lips against his damp skin had made him tremble underneath your reverent touch, and J had again whispered your married name against your lips, the cool band of your wedding ring pressed against his heated flesh.
Many a tender night had passed between the two of you,and through your many ups and downs as individuals and as a couple had the two of you established a way of being, a rhythm which was as unique as the both of you were. You allowed J many liberties with who you were and what he was allowed to do with you, to do to you, and in return did he make sure that you were always taken care of, that you knew beyond all shadow of a doubt that you were safe and loved with J, that you were his and that he was yours. Everything was equal in your relationship, but no balance was more important to J than making sure that after an intense session with him, that the aftercare was matched in its ferocity. 
J would never allow you to ever feel even slightly negative about the things that the two of you did together. Even the most vanilla of sessions contained aftercare, for J was nothing if not a man of his word. If he promised you something, then you could be sure that he would follow it through; that he would take care of you as best as he knew how. 
The world knew him to be J, but you knew him to be a perfect balance of J and Jack, such was the influence of your heart over him. He was as safe with you as you were with him.
On this particular night did you lay, shaking and exhausted. Your body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat, which mingled and lay mixed with traces of saliva, trickling crimson raindrops of blood, your hair a mess, your chest rose and fell rapidly as you fought to catch your breath. Oh, but you ached. Your throat was sore from how viciously J had fucked your mouth, his thick cock stealing your very breath as he pushed himself in to the hilt again and again and again, his fingers carding through your hair in silent praise and in reassurance. Your hands had gripped his thighs, your nails leaving crescent indents in his sensitive flesh. “You always - unf - take me so well, hyena - made for me, aren’t’cha?” and other praises had fallen from his lips in the form of guttural groans, his head tossed back and greasy curls brushing against the tops of his shoulders. 
The space between your thighs ached too, a tantalising mixture of your natural juices, J’s saliva and his cum; so thoroughly did he love you that it always made your head spin as your back both arched into the mattress and away from it. So blurred was the line between pain and pleasure that you felt both at the same time and never did you know if you wanted more of one or of the other; the way J played your body like a finely tuned instrument was always the sweetest torture, his cock, fingers and mouth always bringing a symphony out of your mouth as you writhed and panted beneath him. Oh, but the silver glint of his pocketknife against your skin was so delicious, and it never failed to make his hips pump a little faster, the sound of skin slapping on skin loud in the room, of J’s animalistic grunts and of your own sounds the accompaniment to the pounding in your head, your blood rushing through your veins and roaring in your ears.
Currently were you laying on your side. J was gone from the bed, having eased himself up moments ago with a weary, tired sigh, and you could hear him ruffling around in the bathroom cabinets, along with the sound of running water. You smiled to yourself; you knew that the both of you almost enjoyed the aftercare more than the sex itself. Almost. It gave J a chance to really spoil you, to check you over and to make sure that you were okay, to bring you down from the session and to bring you back home, back to him. 
You drifted into threshold consciousness at the distant sounds of J close to you, and you were roused from it with a large, careful hand which curved to the slope of your shoulder and turned you around slowly so that you were laying on your back. You winced, and J eyed you critically. “Easy, doll, easy. I got’cha. Where ya’ hurt, hm? Tell daddy where it hurts.”
You felt unable to talk so you settled for showing J where it hurt. He could read you like a book, this you knew, so you shifted your hips and groaned as you moved and wriggled various parts of your body. J catalogued every wince, every hiss of air inhaled through clenched teeth, every muttered “ow, fuck”, every shift. All of your responses were memorised and J began to work out what he was going to do to look after you. He didn’t have a plan, he never had a plan. He only had an idea and so long as that idea came into fruition was J satisfied; it didn’t matter how it happened, just so long as it did.
J’s main concern for the moment was patching up those cuts. Crimson droplets had turned into trails which were beginning to conceal on your skin. At the blade’s point of entry was the blood black, so drawn out had your session been, and he cracked open the dark green first aid kit. J kept his intense chocolate gaze on you the entire time, his hands knew what they were doing. This was as familiar an event to his body as the act of sex itself; though it was never purely physical when the two of you had any kind of session. It was two souls, each as chaotic as the other, melding together to create something so beautiful, so passionate, that the love you shared was bigger than your own selves. You always hesitated to use celestial terms because they could never do your relationship justice; its depths were as murky and as complex as you yourselves were.
He cleaned your wounds with disinfectant, which made you tiredly hiss and pull away from J’s touch, something which felt inherently wrong to you. Each time did J shush you quietly, and when each one was disinfected did he put a small plaster on it. As his careful fingers smoothed over the plaster did he bend down to press a kiss to your injury, as if his love could seep into the plaster and heal your wounds from the inside out. 
Though your wounds were now clean and bandaged, blood still remained on your skin. So - next step - you groaned in slight relief and in pain as J’s hand dipped between your thighs. You clenched your legs shut on impulse, trapping J’s hand there. “A-ta-ta, no."  He tapped your thigh twice, open up for me, and you suppressed a moan as you opened your legs for J, letting him see you. His cum was leaking out of you, pearly white against the pink of your folds, and he hummed both in satisfaction and in thought as he took a moment to just take in what he had done to you.
“J,” You whispered his name to centre yourself and J’s eyes flicked to yours. Two pairs of chocolate eyes met and you saw J smile at you. It was a small, barely there upwards quirk of his full lips from both corners, but you saw the gesture, you saw J, for what it was and for who he was and you felt your stomach swoop. Fuck, you loved him. You did. “I love you.”
The smile deepened on J’s face and he kept his eyes on yours as his hand dipped into the bowl of soapy hot water you hadn’t noticed earlier, wringing out the flannel. J draped the flannel over his hand and two things happened at precisely the same time, making you arch upwards into J. His hand dipped between your legs as he began to wipe you down and his lips claimed yours for his own, swallowing your moans of pain and discomfort as his hand, clinical but full of care, cleaned you up, removing all traces of your session from your sensitive core. Oh, but it hurt and cool shivers danced up your body from the very base of your spine and you pushed your face into the kiss, wanting more of everything which J was giving you so freely, so lovingly.
J kept his lips on yours for as long as his hand was cleaning you up, his movements deft and so gentle that you could only feel the wet warmth between your legs. A finger, covered by the soiled flannel, dipped just inside your folds to clean you there, too, and though it was borderline sensual, the level of tenderness which he was showing you, there was nothing sexual in what J was doing. His lips were slightly rough and yet so affectionate, his tongue sweeping against yours, his teeth nibbling gently at your bottom lip. There was only reverence in his touch now as J lay worship at your altar, telling you in a way only you could hear that he loved you, too. That he always had, always will and always would.
J’s hand, which remained between your thighs, stilled long before his mouth did, his lips trailing across your lower cheek and leaving fire in their wake as he pressed kisses so soft, at least for J, that it made you want to cry. You were sore and tired and you ached in places you didn’t even realise you could ache, so thorough were J’s attentions, so demanding was his body in the way that it put your own to the test, in all the ways that he had claimed you this night, again and again and again. He had edged you, brought you to orgasm multiple times in the same session, and you were well and truly spent.
Finally, J pulled his hand away from you and you missed the reassuring, warm weight of him between your thighs. Your core felt empty, cold, and you both craved for J to once more caress your velvet walls with his thick cock, and for him to leave you alone. J was the very definition of contradiction, of madness within you, and you loved every second of it, every second of him. He pulled away just enough from the kiss so that his nose could brush up against yours as he said, “You’re my hyena, Lilith. My little night monster, hm? There isn’t any me if there’s no you. You’re, ah - you’re im-port-ant to me.”
You choked on a sob, so tired and so emotionally and physically overwhelmed were you, and J cooed mockingly as he left the room to dump out the water and to replace it so that he could wash the rest of you over. He was just as clinical as he dragged the fresh flannel over your face, his touch gentle as he wiped your tears away with a smile in his eyes but not on his lips, your shoulders, your chest - he ghosted over your nipple piercings, so sensitive were they - abdomen, stomach, thighs... your entire body was washed over while J’s eyes searched for bruises, cuts, anything he had missed. He kept the first aid box within reach but otherwise allowed you to drift. He had an inkling that he had pushed you perhaps a little too far this time, but he knew that you would be okay after some sleep. 
Finally, with all of your physical needs met and tended to, it was time for the part which the both of you loved. J was quick to tidy away the discarded plaster papers which had been strewn haphazardly over the bed while he looked after you, dump the used water down the sink and put the bowl back under the sink. He was also quick to take his own wash, water splashing all over the floor, the dirty flannel left in the water which he didn’t bother to drain away before he came back to bed. The bathroom was in a right state, but you weren’t and neither was J and that was what mattered.
Tidying the bathroom could wait. You couldn’t.
The bedroom door shut firmly behind J with a loud click which alerted you to his presence. J didn’t want to startle you, though he was also loathe to disturb your rest. Still, he had to pick the lesser evil. He slid easily into bed beside you, his hand curling around your upper shoulder as he pulled you into his body. J moved slowly, at such a rate that you knew where he wanted you, but just enough that you could control your own movements and therefore cause yourself as little discomfort and pain as possible.
“How ya’ feeling, doll?” 
You groaned sleepily but J poked you hard in the rib. He needed a verbal answer, to know that you were okay. “’M ‘kay, J. Not hurt - just sleepy. ” You got yourself comfortable, hooking a leg over J’s hip to keep him close. It hurt and your inner thighs burned but you needed to feel J between your legs, you just felt so lost without him all over your body. You slung an arm around him and shuffled closer... and closer... and closer, pushing yourself up against J.
With an amused giggle, his body shaking, did J carefully lift you so that you were laying on him. You smiled sleepily and nuzzled in; J always knew what you needed, always, so well did he know you. He ducked his head and rained kisses down upon the crown of your own. His kisses were slow, full of love and of the sense that he was preserving this moment, cherishing it as it was occuring, and each kiss which found purchase upon your head was punctuated with a hum and then a ‘mwah’ as he pulled away.
His arms tucked you into his chest, like a safe cage was J around you as he shielded you from the room, as did the duvet atop your bodies. “You sleepy thing. Get some sleep, hm? Daddy’s got’cha.” J’s voice rumbled in his chest on the way out and you pressed clumsy, sleepy kisses to the bare skin, truly smiling as you did so.
“I love you, J. My J.”
“Mm-hm,” another kiss bestowed upon your head, “and you’re my hyena. Sleep, Lilith.” His tone was firm, his words clear, and as you burrowed down did J squeeze his arms around you, telling you that he was there, that he wasn’t leaving you, that he loved you. With his heartbeat in your ear, his arms locked around you and his breaths matching your own, did you finally slip into sleep the way one gets into a bath:
Slowly and then all at once.
Destructive raccoon boii™ @nothing-but-a-comedy @jokershyena   @anyatheladyclown   @mijachula   @joker-daddy    @rinbyo    @imightaswellnotexistatall    @vladtoly    @joker-is-my-hero    @liz-rdwitch   @enigmaticandunstable        @ledgerskitten    @tsukiakarinobara    @germansarechill      @ezziesworld    @antonija89   @acw1   @sadjesterautumn      @mermaleizroseglasses   @justawriterinprogress
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dudeandduchess · 4 years
what if papa kyo’s kid didn’t make it through the 1st selection ?
Ooooh, bby. Hope you like it. 💜✨
To make things more painful, why not take a look at Chapter 69, page 16 when y’all are done with this. 😂
Also, I have a lot of thirsty anon asks in my inbox, but I’ll get to them tomorrow— bc I am stumped from everything that happened today. All good things, tho. Sorry, bbys! 🥺
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Final Selection (SFW Scenario):
Warnings: Angst, Character Death, So Many Feels
“Remember all of the breathing techniques I taught you. Keep your total concentration breathing going and-” Kyōjurō couldn’t even finish his sentence, as his eldest son nodded along to humor him— before cutting him off.
“Remember to always keep my heart ablaze.”
The former Flame Hashira chuckled at Renjurō’s cheeky answer, then proceeded to pull him in for a hug; one that had the young boy squirming away from his father, in an attempt to save face in front of his younger siblings.
Meanwhile, the gaggle of toddlers all patiently waiting their turn to hug their brother hung around by the father-son duo’s feet. They had to be on their best behavior, lest their mother punish them for being rowdy on such an important day.
“Kyō, if you don’t let go of Renjurō he’ll be late for the final selection,” (Y/n)’s gentle voice cut through the silence, which had all six pairs of eerily similar eyes turning to her.
Damn her husband and his Rengoku genes; all their kids we basically carbon copies of him; down to their trademark eyebrows— except Ran.
The little girl, thankfully, got her mother’s eyebrows; as opposed to her father’s robust and forked eyebrows. She would have still been pretty, but (Y/n) preferred to see her only daughter with a set of normal features on her face.
Because, as it was, her husband’s face screamed ‘look at me’. He was undeniably handsome, but some people also tended to let their stares linger too much.
Then, as soon as the Rengoku patriarch unfolded his arms from around his eldest child, all his other kids moved in to tackle their brother into a group hug.
The kids were quiet for once, no one daring to break the solemnity of their goodbye. But their silence had more to do with the fact that all of them were trying to keep their tears from falling.
“Look after otou-san and okaa-san while I’m gone, okay?” Renjurō tried to keep his voice even, but failed when his gaze landed on his youngest sibling— and his only sister, Ran.
Ran clung on to his hakama tightly, as if she never wanted to let go; and it broke not only her brother’s heart, but her parents’ too.
Slowly, Kyōjurō pulled his daughter away from his eldest son, before picking her up and rubbing her back in a soothing manner. And, as if on pure instinct, the little girl hugged her father’s neck and began to wail so pitifully.
“I’ll be back soon, Ran-chan!”
(Y/n) had tried to merely look on, so as not to keep her child from being late on his journey— but the sight of the unshed tears in his eyes, as well as the worried furrow in his brows had her crossing the short distance between them, just so she could engulf him in a hug.
It was the first time that he was going to leave their home, and it was safe to say that she was worried as hell— both she and Kyōjurō were, even though the latter had already reassured her that their son would be fine.
Because Renjurō had the makings of a future Hashira, just like his father and grandfather had been.
However, instead of fighting his mother’s hug, the young boy seemed to relish in it, before pulling her mother down into a crouch— so he could press a kiss against her forehead.
Just as he’d seen his father always do before he left on missions.
“I’ll see all of you soon, okaa-san.”
It was highly unfair of him to do so, but Kyōjurō had sent his crow to look after his son. Day by day, he would wait for the crow impatiently out on the engawa; even though he knew that there would be no news until the seventh day.
“Otou-san.” The tiny chorus of voices made the former Hashira look up from where he was reading his book, and when he saw his kids, he immediately made a mental note of what page he was on— before setting the book down beside him.
“When’s Ren-aniki coming home?” Eijurō, one of the twins and the second oldest out of his brood, asked softly.
At that question, all four of his children began spouting their own sentiments— ranging from blatant excitement, down to abject worry. And when the kids only got louder, he raised his hands up to silence them.
Immediately, the kids all went quiet; which he took as his cue to stretch his arms out on either side of him and beckon them into a makeshift hug.
“Your aniki will be home soon, okay? He’s going to slay all those demons— cut their heads off without batting an eye!” He narrated as enthusiastically as he could, even though he felt his stomach drop after he’d mentioned Renjurō being home soon.
Still, he kept the smile plastered on to his face, so as not to make his children anymore worried than they already were.
“He’ll be home soon. Just be patient, okay?” The words left a bitter aftertaste in his mouth, which had his happy façade faltering. It was just a good thing that the kids had been too absorbed with snuggling against him that they failed to notice the worried look in their father’s eyes.
Later that night, the ill feeling in the former Hashira’s stomach still didn’t cease. No matter how hard he tried to will himself to sleep, he simply couldn’t do so.
And that left him tossing and turning around, all night long.
It wasn’t as if (Y/n) wasn’t used to having her husband practically try to kick her out of the futon throughout the night, but his restlessness set a different tone in the air; one that clued the young woman in to the fact that something wasn’t right.
She’d thought that it was just her being a worrywart, but it seemed to be something else entirely— if even her husband was feeling it.
“What’s wrong, Kyō?” She asked softly, as she sat upright to check up on the blond next to her.
“Something is just-” He couldn’t even finish his sentence, as the flapping of wings cut through the eerie silence that night; it was as if the world was at a complete standstill, because not even the crickets made any noise.
Immediately, the couple scrambled over to the window to see what Kyōjurō’s crow could want at that time of the night.
Only, when (Y/n)’s eyes landed on the torn and bloody piece of cloth in the bird’s talons, a quiet yet hefty sob left her lips. Her entire body felt cold and, if it weren’t for her hold on the window sill, she would have crashed down on the floor.
Still, her knees had grown too weak to support her, that she found herself crouching down— as she clung to the lip of the window with all her might.
“No. No, no, no, no,” She repeated over and over in a whisper, closing her eyes and willing everything to be a bad dream.
And when the crow eventually landed on the window, Kyōjurō could only stare numbly at the torn piece of his son’s kimono. He didn’t even have to check if it was Renjurō’s, because he would know his wife’s embroidery anywhere.
She had painstakingly decorated their son’s final selection kimono with the trademark Rengoku flames, as he’d wanted to look ‘just like otou-san’ with them.
Slowly, with a shaky hand, the former Hashira took the tattered cloth in his hand— unmindful of the blood that stained his skin. His throat felt so tight, and his heart felt like it was breaking in his chest— steadily getting pulverized into nothing more than dust with the pain he felt; yet he could do nothing but get down on his knees and cradle his wife against his chest.
Because he had no one to blame but himself. He had tried to get his son to follow in his footsteps, and he had led him to his demise.
“Renjurō,” Kyōjurō uttered with a sob, only to be followed by more and more pitiful tears— because it was all he could do then. 
He could only cry in misery, because he was never getting his son back.
For all eternity.
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Back on my AU making BS!
Edit: (Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5)
I was finally able to watch A:TLA for the first time in my life (I haven’t finished the series yet, I’m on mid-S2, on Tales of Ba Sing Se) and I was, of course, struck by an A:TLA/Ninjago au. So I’m gonna talk about it.
So the FSM is the Firelord (He’s like an Ozai/Azulon combo) bc screw him. Omega is his dad and was the one who started the war. The war goes about the same as in A:TLA, with the Air Nomad genocide. Garm and Wu are the two Fire Nation princes (both are benders), until Garm basically pulls a Zuko and gets himself banished. Haven’t decided if I want the circumstances for Garm to be the same as they were for Zuko (speaking out in a war room meeting and the Agni Kai and all that) or if Garm ends up with a scar (it wouldn’t be exactly like Zukos if I do end up giving him one, but it will be very noticeable) but he is sent away on the same wild goose chase after the Avatar.
(Side-note, in this world the Air Nomad Avatar was killed in the genocide, and at least one Avatar has lived and died completely unaware they were the Avatar. Y’all can probably guess where I’m going with this. Shush.)
So Garm, a traumatized disgraced teenager, sets out to find the Avatar. It goes about as well as you all have probably guessed. I debated over whether or not to give Mystake an Iroh-like role, but ultimately decided against it. Years go by, and Garm does eventually realize that his father gave him a fools errand, but what else is he supposed to do? He cant go back to the Fire Nation, and if he tries to go anywhere else he’ll be imprisoned and killed bc he’s y’know a Fire Nation royal. So he just stays on the boat, and actually ends up befriending a new, very young crew member (only a few months older than Garm when he gets assigned to the ship. They’re like, 17ish at this point), a Fire Bender named Ray.
And then, when they’re sailing near the South Pole, a huge storm hits. Ray, who can’t swim, gets knocked overboard, and Garm, being an impulsive, ride-or-die idiot who just got a friend for the first time since he was banished, jumps after him. They get swept away, and are presumed dead by the rest of the crew on the boat, which returns to the Fire Nation with the news that the Prince and a crew member have perished. If we’re being honest, the crew should have spent enough time around Garm to know he’s too stubborn to die.
Garm and Ray make it to the Southern Water Tribe. And by that I mean they wash up on the shore of the Southern Water Tribe half drowned and frozen and clinging to consciousness. The Southern Water Tribe isn’t as decimated as it is in A:TLA since the war hasn’t been going on for a whole century and the men haven’t gone off to fight and there are still some waterbenders, but it isn’t nearly as prosperous as the Northern Water Tribe. The two boys are found by Maya, a waterbender, and her friend Koko, a nonbender who has a fascinating backstory I’ll get to eventually. 
(I’m going to make this worlds Misako/Koko a sort of mashup of her show and movie versions, which basically means Koko but she likes history and archaeology and she has glasses. There are glasses in A:TLA, right?)
So Maya and Koko find Garm and Ray, two half dead Fire Nation soldiers, and don’t know what to do. Bc they’re Fire Nation, but they’re injured and there doesn’t seem to be any other soldiers, and looking closer they cant be much older than the girls are, and crap I don’t think that ones breathing!
Maya saves Ray while Koko easily holds an injured Garm back bc he doesn’t know what she’s doing but she can’t possibly be helping him, can she? Things are at an awkward standstill at that point, bc Garm and Ray don’t want to be taken to the tribe, but even if they were in any shape to fight they wouldn’t exactly last long in the South Pole without any supplies, and there’s no way the girls are going to let them just, go free, so the boys get tied up and awkwardly walked back to the village.
There’s a period of chaos in the village as they try to figure out what to do with Garm and Ray. Garm is completely honest about how they got there (banished Prince, Avatar hunt, storm, etc. He doesn’t mention that his father straight up mutilated him tho) bc he thinks that he an Ray have a better chance of not being killed if he lets everyone know that they haven’t actually done anything in the war. Garms been on a boat sailing in circles for like, five years, and even though Ray was trained to be a soldier he was sent straight to Garms ship instead of into combat.
Some people want to hold them hostage, some people want to chuck them out and let the elements take care of them, some people want to straight up kill them. Eventually its just decided by the chief (mb that Sorrla lady from the Never Realm in S11?) that the boys are just going to be kept as prisoners and kept under constant supervision. After all, they have no idea if the Fire Nation has written Garm and Ray off as dead like Garm is sure that they have, and killing a Fire Nation Prince, banished or not, could bring a world of hurt down on the already hurting tribe.
So Garm and Ray are under constant supervision, banned from firebending under any circumstance, and basically put to work helping the village. Years go by. Ray and Garm learn about how the war has been hurting the world, and realize all the propaganda that they were being feed since they were young, and that the Fire Nation and Garms family especially are kinda the bad guys. And as the tribe members (and Maya and Koko especially) get to actually know these two Fire Nation boys, they learn that yeah the Fire Nation as a whole is kinda terrible, but its full of people who are under a tyrannical regime where not even the Crown Prince is safe from the wrath of the Firelord. And these guys are actually pretty good guys considering where they’ve come from!
Eventually Garm and Ray go from being captives to being a part of the tribe. There are still some people who never trust them, but overall they just get adopted by the Southern Water Tribe. And yes, Garm and Ray marry Koko and Maya.
I know that more stuff goes down in the Southern Water Tribe with Katara and Sokka’s mom, the Southern Raiders, and Hama and stuff like that, but all i know is from vague Tumblr osmosis bc I haven’t gotten to that part in A:TLA, but when I do I will revise this part of the au as I see fit. I’m probably going to avoid killing Maya bc I like her.
Life is as good as it can be during a war. At any sign that anyone from the Fire Nation could show up Garm and Ray hide bc they dont want to risk being recognized. And you guessed it, when the kids finally come around, Kai is a firebender, and Nya is a waterbender. I’m also making them Irish twins. Lloyd is three years younger than them. The men of the tribe go off to fight, and Ray goes with them. Garm wanted to go, but the risk of him being recognized as the dead Fire Nation Prince was too much of a risk, so he stayed in the village. 
(I might come up with something to get rid of Maya and Koko without killing them, but idk right now)
More time passes, and when Lloyd is about 10 they find out that he can waterbend to when he was trying to copy Nya. But wait, Garm is Fire Nation, and Koko was originally from the Earth Kingdom, Lloyd shouldn’t be able to waterbend. And then Lloyd accidentally kicks up a small windstorm.
And thats when Garm realizes that he’s finally found the Avatar.
(I’m gonna make a part two bc this got long and I have more to say.)
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oikawas-bae · 4 years
See You Never pt.2
Pairing: Oikawa x Reader ( BROTP of Iwa/Oik/reader bc I live for that 😚)
Word Count: 1669
A/N: this is very long ahah, kinda got out of hand but I had fun ahah!
“WOah!! SO COOL! Even better than Kageyama?” Shoyo gaped at the possibility of someone even more skilled than his meticulous teammate.
“And he’s a playboy!” Tanaka chimed in angrily, punching the air.
“So this guy is dangerous enough to scare his majesty, huh?” Tsukki snickered to which Kageyama glared at him. As you were about to go full on mom-mode with Sugawara on them, you caught sight of the figure finally approaching the net, free from his teammates’ horde of complaints. He was practically glowing, bouncing on the balls of his feet, another figure beside him with an expression that was absolutely done.
A beast
Star of the Show.
Grand King
“Oikawa Toru.” You said just below a whisper but Yamaguchi read your lips as he was the only one not in distress or teasing Kageyama.
“You know him, (y/n)?”
You winced out of your daze when you heard Yamaguchi’s acknowledgment of your discreet recognition of the man chatting it up with the boys around him. The whole team turned to you. You blushed at the overwhelming attention.
“What? Did he break your heart? If so, I’ll break him!” You ducked behind Asahi before kicking Tanaka for bringing attention to the group by screaming.
“Shut the hell up, Tanaka.”
“Why are you hiding, (y/n)?” Nishinoya perked his head to the side and you couldn’t help but blush at his cuteness.
“He didn’t break my heart...I mean technically he did but not before I broke his but I mean he probably didn’t care. Iwa was mostly affected but I mean, look at them now, they’re looking just fine and honestly Toru is looking very...nice. He’s matured fully almost, it seems...wow I actually haven’t seen him in a while and omygod I miss him sooo much, I-” Daichi deadpanned at you rambling and kicked your calf lightly to snap you out of it. The boys were all staring at you in awe.
Realizing you had given them no context to the situation, you explained from behind Asahi. “OH yeah! I knew him in middle school too, like Kageyama...I musta not seen you around, huh? Well Iwaizumi, the one next to our Grand King, and the Grand King himself and I were close back in the day since birth practically but we separated when we went to high school.”
“Hey, losers! Ready to be crushed?” Oikawa raised his voice just when you finished. Asahi moved to turn and you were exposed...like a deer in the headlights and you just knew that the two- Iwa and OIkawa- had noticed you and to make matters worse, recognized you. You blushed deeply, hiding yourself once again behind Asahi to be out of sight.
“UH… this is really awkward for me so if you don’t mind...imma head out.” You pointed your thumb outside and quickly dashed out before even receiving a nod from the team.
The game proceeded as it was going to with or without you but you watched from the window, making sure To not be seen by anyone, not even your own team for fear of them reacting. You forgot what a thrill it was to watch Oikawa play, his serves had gotten even more theatrical, OLÉ! And then he swatted the ball in the air, majestic… You melted into the wall with a reminiscent and lovestruck smile, you had missed him so much that even just watching him get slapped by Iwa was enough to send your stomach into a fluttering whirl. The game had turned around since his entrance and not to Karasuno’s advantage. The game seemed to be over as soon as OIkawa stepped in front of Kageyama and brought him to a standstill.
The Karasuno boys walked way in defeat, you knew they wouldn’t let a loss get to them, they were relentless but you wanted to comfort them either way but this damn nervousness. You cursed at the thought of running into Oikawa and Iwa and striking up a conversation and about what? You imagined it…
“Good game huh?” no scratch that, maybe I could say “Long time, no see!” O shit that’s literally awful you would drive them away...again.
Before you could embarrass yourself further by reenacting any other simulations where you encountered the two or even just one of them, Oikawa spoke up from behind you, leaning against the door frame of the gym entrance. “What are you doing, (y/n)?”
You jumped so high Hinata would be proud and felt you heart leap out of your chest. You slowly turned around to see a taller-than-you-remembered Oikawa crossing his arms and smirking.
“H-How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to see you’re still the same (y/n) I knew.” He walked forward, examining you.
Slightly uncomfortable from the entirety of the situation, You gave him a sideways glace and mumbled, “I would appreciate it if you didn’t stare.”
To your surprise, he chuckled, “What do you take me for? A pervert? No, (y/n)~ I just haven’t seen you in so long and you’re looking just fine.”
Damn it, he still has a way with words. In truth, his way of speaking was different, he talked much smoother than before, almost as if he had trained himself in more than just volleyball.
“I take you for a dangerous playboy King.”
He crooked his head, maintaining his sly smirk. “Huh?”
“Your reviews aren’t very good you know? “Everyone knows about your reputation.”
“I’m still a full five stars, (y/n).” He chucked, closing the space between you gradually as if you wouldn’t notice. His smile was almost snake-like, you assumed underneath it he wanted to tease you to no end about what you’ve missed out on by going to Karasuno and not Seijoh and in truth, he did want that but not exactly right now. At this moment, he wanted to talk to you, whether it be in the broken riddles you were speaking in now or just as casually as you had in the past. He missed you so much his heart lurched out of his chest as yours did but he was so much better at not showing it.
Bravely, you took a long step forward and the two of you were practically nose-to nose; his smirk a polar opposite of your anxious stare. “Damn it...I can hardly look at you.” You admitted.
He confidently pressed his forehead against yours. For a second, you dreaded anybody exiting the gym and seeing you like this but his words kept you from straying too far from your fixation on him. “I don’t know why you’re so jittery right now. I’m feeling right at home.” When was he going to stop playing this confusing game? Was he trying to enchant you? Provoke you? Either way, you didn’t have a clue how to respond and at this point, you were just saying random stuff.
“Your house is next to mine.” He arched a brow at the blatant fact you spouted.
“Yes, that’s true. And yet you haven’t visited. It’s because it’s awkward, isn’t it? You’re not with Iwa and me and you might even have a boyfriend of your own at Karasuno...tell me, is it Tobio? Or maybe the shorty...No, you like em’ feisty, what was his name? Tsukki?”
You pushed him back with your forehead, “It’s Tsukishima to you. And no.” However nerve wracking it was to snap back at Oikawa right now, it didn’t matter. You had your boys’ backs, even if it was a jerk like Tsukki.
“Really?” He pulled himself back in surprise, “You’re not dating anyone?”
You shook your head, “It’s a surprise huh...” You trailed off awkwardly.
“I mean yeah...look at you...” He stopped talking to shake his blush off, “I mean that- ugh...okay. I had a crush on you in middle school and since forever and seeing you again...it feels amazing.”
Iwaizumi poked his head out, catching the two of you in conversation. He crossed his arms at the sight of you.
“And you��re still mad…” You rubbed your arm shyly. “Iwa…”
“Hey! We were having a moment!” Oikawa smacked him and Iwa threatened to punch him before you intercepted...a familiar position the three of you had been in years ago. You looked at both of them before looking down, a small smile tugging at your lips.
“I guess you guys still act like immature little boys with each other…”They both calmed down as you continued. “I-I’m sorry for abandoning you guys. I could have fought harder to go to Aoba Josai...but I just didn’t want to be a hindrance to your volleyball careers...high school is your chance to go to the big leagues and I didn’t want to ruin that... the selfish part of me couldn’t stand the thought of you guys ignoring me either...but now...I don’t regret going to Karasuno. Those boys in there are my best friends! I joined the team as their manager because I wanted to help them and I’ve improved my own volleyball skills so I’m not...useless. That being said, I can be friends with you guys again...if you feel the same.”
Iwaizumi hugged you without another word said. Oikawa smiled and joined in on the hug.
“You were never a hindrance. You wouldn’t have been.” Iwa pulled away, making direct eye contact with you.
“And we’ll be glad to hang out again. We’ve missed you sooooo much!” Oikawa smiled widely.
Iwa scoffed, back to his usual self, “Yeah, this fool hasn’t stopped practicing his love confession to you since you left. They’re getting better though at least.”
“Shut it, IWA!”
“How about we do movie night with us and Shittykawa? Tonight?” Iwa offered. You lit up, eyes watery and pulling him into another hug, to which Oikawa jealously pouted behind you.
“New nickname huh? I like it.” Oikawa gaped at your positive response at his friend’s vulgarity.
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