#and i’m currently in a relationship
arachx · 2 years
to the little mx who dreamt of undying bouquets
who looked for comfort in bold statements
who anticipated surprises in every box,
every unmarked bag, every sentence
to the little mx who watched couples proclaim “this is my one. they are my only.”
the couples who were “1and2” in conversations; never “1 and 2”
the couples who embodied “if they break up, love isn’t real. relationships are a scam”
to the little mx who chased and chased and chased and chased and chased and chased and chased and
to the little mx who grew up afraid to love.
pinned their heart up on display at a carnival game,
just waiting for someone to play for the big prize
without having to scream for their attention.
to the little mx
who only knew of heartbreak, heartache, and “we’re better off friends”.
who only knew that they would be left behind when a new attraction came.
who only knew they are a fleeting thought, never in their subconscious.
to the little mx,
the sensitive, romantic, obsessive, possessive little mx.
who wanted someone to happily call them theirs; someone to whisper it in their ear; someone to always look for them in the crowd.
to little mx;
you’ve always loved a little harder than others
spread your affection a little louder than others
sang sonnets, wrote novels, painted murals dedicated to your love.
to myself:
as you heal from the trauma, the abandonment, the instability
as you are loved in a way you’ve needed to be
we can be loved in the way we have always wanted to be
and if we cannot
then that’s alright too.
because we will love ourselves
up on that pedestal of rose petals.
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purrfectlycontent · 1 year
anime onlys will never know that the ada cares so much about dazai they literally crafted an entire plan on how to revive him if he actually dies
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nburkhardt · 1 year
Gimme secret relationship reveal but make it silly. Like a very high Steve coming out and saying something like “oh honey honey, love youuuuu” and being so fucking cheesy. That whoever they’re with doesn’t believe it until morning seeing the couple knocked out and cuddling.
Gimme like the corroded coffin boys accidentally letting it slip that Eddie and Steve are too much and confusing the hell outta The Party.
Just, silliness.
UPDATE: I wrote a thing
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See? We aren’t so different 🖤🖤🖤
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egbmp2 · 1 month
Ok but instead of a singular relic WHAT IF the storybook of legends was like the Bible that The Grimm required everyone to have one hi my name is Brooklyn and I’m writing a book
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catastrxblues · 3 months
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i am DONE with olivia rodrigo and conan gray
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pepperpixel · 1 year
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Some waves! Cuz I finally bought a shockwave toy to go w my soundwave one! So.. I wanted to draw some art of them to celebrate! Cuz I was happy about that lol… I’ll finally have both my fave boys..!
#transformers#humanformers#shockwave#soundwave#maccadam#wavewave#doodles#I have a starscream too but he’s not where I’m living at currently! it’s the cool g1 movie one w the cape!!#now I just need… a megatron….#*starts disassociating remembering how the only megatron I’ve seen so far that I’ve rlly liked and wanted is masterpiece megatron*#ITS THE EXPRESSION. I JUST! I fucking ADORE that expression on him! I love that so much more then him like frowning#bUT ITS SO EXPENSIVE. ITS RIDICULOUS. I CANNOT POSSIBLY BUY THAT AND NOT FEEL LIKE AN IRRESPONSIBLE IDIOT#I’m gonna need to. the only way I’m going to get that megatron is like. when I get into a relationship w somebody I’ll tell them.#if they want to get married. they have to buy me masterpiece megatron instead of a ring#that’s the only way….#like! Guh… I usually don’t rlly care about the quality or whatever of a toy. like the soundwave and shockwave I bought were both#pretty reasonably priced!#but I just.. the expression on masterpiece megatron is SO GOOD. I love it so much!!!!! I want it so bad! it’s so much more endearing#then other megatrons! but it’s so expensive ;_;#but uh… yeah! either way… here’s some wave art ghgh#also in looking for a shockwave to buy I found the funko shockwave.. and that’s not the one I bought!#but also like… I saw it and I was like… omg.. since shockwave doesn’t have a face for them to mangle#this is actually… kind of cute ghgh#like.. funko shockwave is surprisingly not shit ghgh#but yeah!!! the shockwave I got should get here in a few days I’m excite…
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nunyverse-scribe · 4 months
I think once we, as a (western, could be different for other) society, move past the idea of lip-kissing being restricted for ONLY romantic relationships, and allow it to be something friends can do, we will be able to move forward.
And, by extension, once we as a (western) society recognize that being romantically affiliated doesn’t mean you can just expect your partner to want to do lip-kissing (or other forms of physical contact) just bc you’re romantically attracted to one another, we will be able to move forward.
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tsuchinokoroyale · 2 months
How are you not someone's wife already???
I’ve licherally got no room for a man like where’s he gonna fit??
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Not to mention…
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
Shadowpeach's reaction to believing the other is dating again
ANON I AM SO SORRY T^T i meant to reply to this the moment I read it then got distracted and now it’s almost 1am (edit: it is now 1:30 lmao)
you have come to ask me, a girlie who is a sucker for unhealthy shadowpeach and long time lover of the jealousy & possessive tropes, about shadowpeach’s hypothetical reactions of the two monkeys believing the other is back in the dating scene?
well, obviously, they would be completely fine. absolutely no negative reactions or breakdowns or obsessive thoughts hindering their ability to function and be mentally healthy. of course.
however, i feel like swk would be more subtle about it. like maybe he hears something out of context said by MK or Mei or Tang or Red Son or Sandy (who might have also jumped to the same conclusion) and is like “oh……” and then is oddly quiet for maybe a month, freaking out MK
also, SWK would have his own internal battle of wanting to see Macky to confirm but also not wanting to see Macackle because the confirmation would break him. but he would make so many excuses to see Macaroon by visiting Pigsy’s noodle shop then chicken out when the time does come (the funny part of me says that Pigsy is the only one aware of SWK’s true intentions and is very annoyed about it)
the anger doesn’t really come until SWK feels fed up with Macaroni’s “mixed signals,” meaning Macky’s very bad attempts at being civil/flirting. because “if Macky thinks he can just use my feelings while being in a relationship he can think again!” (despite Macky never being in a relationship but Wukong never confirmed this so is mad for the sake of this hypothetical SO and himself while struggling with his own very messy feelings. because he likes it when Mac has his attention on him, he likes it when Mac tries to woo him the same way he had tried when they were younger and ignorant, he likes it when Mac cannot help but look at Wukong, he likes it when he makes Mac forget all about that stupid significant other because Wukong and Mac used to be something and could still be that something if Mac just gave Wukong a chance or if they had never ended their old relationship like the way they did. if only, if only, if only, if only, if only—
with Macky, ahahahaaaaaaa hoo boy.
not subtle. very unsubtle. like, yes, even Wukong can see and notice Macky’s very unsubtle and unstable self but unlike everybody else who is aware of the reason, Wukong would just be confused on why Macky is always weirdly snappy and grabby and always feel the need to mention Wukong’s love life????
anyway, Macky would not react well. 1) because it feeds into his angry theory that Wukong found their relationship to be superficial and temporary 2) he has been revived for, uh, *checks watch* not very long, so imagine going through a severe break up and dying them being resurrected and trying to enact revenge on your ex (of whom the feelings are still too raw) but you’ve been out of time for so long that you cannot process shit 3) it is my belief that Macky had nobody else as close to him as Wukong was
so, Macky hearing through the very botched grapevine that Wukong is back in the dating scene? man’s is not handling it well. house/apartment/whatever establishment he was staying in is trashed. he replans his revenge against Wukong. he stalks Wukong obsessively bc he has to see that bastard in the act because maybe then he’ll be free. he would sabotage any and all attempts of demons, humans, whoever that whispers about pursuing Wukong because….reasons
(obviously the reasons are not the fact that Wukong moving on terrifies him, the fact that he can be so easily replaced hurts, the fact that he cannot let go despite everything, the fact that Wukong still smiles the same, that Wukong still laughs the same but it’s so much lighter, that he understood what it was like to be loved and cared about by Wukong. to have all of his attention on Macky, to hold him so gently even though these same hands could break him (and have), to be treasured and desired by someone so powerful. how could Mackarell give up something so precious? he is still selfish and has been deprived for f that love for too long. why on earth would he ever wish for someone else to have a piece of what he once had?)
so yeah i’d say they would be coping sO well :)
#this is a side tangent but shadowpeach deserves some more fics with both or either of the two idiots being jealous#please#for me#ley them simmer or wallow in their personally inflicted angst/pining soup while i giggle and read with delight#and when i say i’m a lover of this trope i also mean i’m a connoisseur of this trope#i have tastes and am picky about it#bc there are some…….not great works that try this trope (to put it politely) and it hurts bc i KNOW it could be written sO good#also funny note: this reply was supposed to end after I shout ‘they would be so horrible lmao’#but then I thought nah lemme share my elaborated thoughts#another side note: I am sure y’all notice I call Wukong and macky’s thing a relationship instead of friendship or situationship mostly bc#a relationship can mean many things and my view of shadowpeach is both romantic and qpr#like the vibes fit for both of them and I’ll just roll with either#but i struggle to call their thing a friendship because to me that takes away some of the aspects of swk and macky#do i think they even dated in the past? no but i DO think the two were so attached to the hip that to outsiders they saw 2 boyfriends even#if nothing was technically official of their relationship being romantic or platonic but it blurred the lines so well nobody could be 100%#& even in the current plot their relationship is STILL blurred to me so i can’t pick and like both options (both are severely unhealthy ofc#lmk#shadowpeach#asks#anonymous
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oddberryshortcake · 6 months
You know what I want?
A hometown event with modern Briar Valley
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kinokoshoujoart · 1 month
cora’s bad time hell simulation steps or how to play “sprite station for girl” “harvest moon ds cute” the wrong way
(all ways are wrong this game is Accursed)
ok so here’s what my disorganized “guide” to myself for harvest moon ds for girl (aka indecipherable notes i wrote to myself as i played and revised as i tested various things and restarted due to mistakes) looks like. at some point when i become a real gamer i will write a legible guide meant for eyes to look at but uhhh this is how i play this accursed game personally
i’m not sure if anything i wrote will make any sense since i wrote it as notes to myself so probably definitely use fogu and fc2 jonason wiki (may not work but some pages should be archived) instead
ALSO if you’ve never played or barely played the game it won’t make sense at all! hmds was my first harvest moon so i am used to various horrors!
my play style is probably not fun in general HOWEVER if you are a grinding hell goblin like me then it’s GREAT!!!! if not you may still find it amusing that the game gives you permission to play like this
(it’s a great background task game while doing like productive stuff but otherwise playing this way would probably be unbearable)
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anyway after that the days go a lot faster, you’ll get the island on summer 1, so on spring 30 i put all my money into million G tickets and sell 200 of em, do the 5x money thing, and save the rest. so when thomas comes the next day to sell you the 900 million G island you can just sell 180 tickets and do the 5x money thing again with like ~600 million G tickets left over. it takes up inventory but you’ll get the shelf in a few days. basically you just need to remember to order from the TV shopping every saturday and place orders with gotz and gray whenever they finish stuff.
random tips
after unlocking the fuckass hot spring sprites (the ones that require you to spend a total of 700 1 hour sessions in the hot springs) i usually grind grazing points— if you put your animals outside for 5 hours you get a “Love Point”, but if you interact with them after they earn that LP then the timer switches over and you can get another LP after 5 more hours. if you wear the time ring the whole time it’s 2.5 hours. i’m not very good at explaining this but basically if you’re super efficient you can get way more animal LP than you realistically should, which is great because the touch glove petting minigame is Bad!!!!
i usually wait on getting the rest of the purple sprites (the ones that require you to hire the purple team and ask for healing) until i’m totally done with the indigo team, cuz i wanna get HG’s purple heart event asap, but you can switch the order if you want
by summer y1 you’ll basically have a feel for everything. aside from Skye, Leia, HG and WP everyone can be married early-mid autumn if you want
if you want to Gay (in the japanese version only) keira is the quickest to marry. leia is the quickest to max affection but it’s impossible to get leia year 1 because the bottle you need to fish up can only be caught in spring. you have to wait until at least year 5 for WP and iirc year 6 for HG.
#i’m really sorry i can’t make this more organized#if i literally ever have time i’ll just make a video guide instead of pasting this because it’s easier to explain with visuals….#i can’t Write in an organized way i can only Visual Medium#i have a very complicated relationship with corobuckle station for girl#it scratches my brain#(derogatory)#(positive)#i have no idea how many hours of HMDS i’ve played in my life but it’s definitely the game i’ve played the most of all time#i’ll just paraphrase something i read on a japanese wiki for hmds/koroste a long time ago:#’i once again feel that the effort required for the completion of the task is unreasonable’#god i really hope ds gets a remake so all of the titles you can get in the mailbox become steam achievements#bokumono#if people find out there are achievements that take at minimum real life decades to complete with basically no reward#gamers will lose their minds and society will collapse#‘trying to accomplish it is like trying to collect a sparrow’s tears#so at some point it may be inevitable that you have to give up trying’#i really think the devs saw the ds could handle higher values than gba and went insane without considering balance at all#currently i’m trying to record as many cutscenes as i can in the jp version since y’know. english translation is very awkward#i am also trying to see if the pastor carter/cardi marriage option exists in the english version of cute#i will update so stay tuned for that if you want sex on the phone with pastor cardi b. i guess
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mishtershpock · 1 month
#not to sound like a broken record#i know this has already been talked about a lot in current fandom discourse#but all the tommy love also comes from a place of#misogyny (buck’s m/f relationships failed bc the women weren’t good enough. but his first m/m is perfect and destined and tommy is god)#(even though we know next to nothing about them as a couple. cough 1 kiss and 1 failed date cough cough)#and biphobic concepts (buck’s only relationship/partner that is worth shipping and love and fandom time is the m/m one)#(if he’s with a woman he’s not worth our time? the relationship/partner isn’t worth our time. right?)#some people kinda sounding like the conservative haters right now#oliver stark’s voice shouting from afar: he isn’t gay! he is bisexual! he still likes women!#some people like to celebrate bi buck (as we should) but then erase his previous gfs#in favour of this 1 man he’s shared literally 4 scenes with. okay#<- <- <- i drafted this like 6 hours before that interview came out. ollie came to back me up with the ‘he still likes women’ lmao#him dating a guy now does not erase or dismiss his previous m/f relationships or that he’s still into women#one final comment. any time buck got with a girl it was ‘they need to break up immediately’#‘she’s not right for him’#he’s with his first guy and it’s ’they should be endgame’#‘they’re perfect together’#huh?? one. we barely know tommy/them together#two. what exactly makes them endgame material? bc they’re both men? cough biphobic misogyny fetishization cough#three. it would be objectively hilarious if he realises his sexuality and within 2 weeks is dating a guy for the first time#and then that guy ends up being his endgame forever partner. lmaoooo that would be so dumb sawry#not to mention it would kinda lean into the biphobia and misogyny mentioned above#in that it would suggest that his problem with finding love previously was… women#and this problem is now magically fixed because… man#four. not to be a buddie endgame truther but if all the vocal support means this is what we get instead#instead of Them. i’m out see ya bye bye#i am sooooo reading way too much into this but oh well
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shunachii · 2 years
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I think tumblr would like this edit of the logo I made a while ago
credit me I guess if u use it LOL
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milimeters-morales · 7 months
OH MY GOD. biting my hands. Milesganke animatic set to More Than A Woman by Aaliyah and it can go three ways. First way is that PS5 Miles isn’t dating Hailey & is jealous that Ganke is dating Andi, and starts purposefully trying to make himself seem like a better pick than her, and outright saying it once (I personally dislike cheating in stories, and i don’t think Ganke would do that, BUT imagine the dramaaaa).
Second way is where PS5 Ganke isn’t with Andi but is getting increasingly jealous/generally upset when Miles is dating Hailey and not him, and starts acting out of character to make himself seem like a better partner (i end this scenario with polyamory because I love Hailey too much to harm her with Miles cheating).
Third way is with movie Ganke being jealous of Gwen being so close with Miles and thinks that her “crush” (i personally don’t think she’ll ever act on it if that’s what it is) will actually be reciprocated so he starts trying to “be cooler” in ways that would make Miles want to date him instead of Gwen, which ends up putting him in danger sometimes. Jealousy is the main thing in all these, as well as suddenly being bold enough to say “i’m the better choice” in the end.
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buddiesmutslut · 14 days
I have to be honest, I hate the “Eddie has so much sex with women, we don’t see him having any problems with it so he CAN’T be gay.”
Like, it took me YEARS to realize that the way I was feeling about sex wasn’t normal, that you weren’t supposed to feel empty & cold & a little gross after sex, when the high of an orgasm wears off. Even when I didn’t really want to have sex, I still did it, bc that’s what was expected of me & I thought it was normal. I had a whole “slut phase” on my late teens-early 20’s, & thought that the way I was feeling was normal. I didn’t stumble onto the word “demisexual” until I was like, 25 years old & had already decided that I was just broken, somehow.
Granted, I am a woman, so the experiences might not be exactly the same, and I obviously don’t know what direction they’ll go with Eddie’s sexuality, but I think for a lot of people that discover their queerness later in life, you don’t even realize that what you’re feeling is wrong or that there may be another way to feel until something happens & you can’t really ignore it anymore.
Idk, sexuality is really confusing & I feel like it’s going to be that much harder for Eddie, considering the way he grew up & his predilection to repression. He could be literally anything.
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