#and if i feel that way at 25? why the fuck is your 39 year old ‘admirer’ telling you you’re mature for your age
bigothteddies · 22 days
oh and btw, that 39 year old telling you how mature you are for your age is a manipulation tactic. It’s not a compliment.
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kraken17 · 16 days
One quote from Enid Sinclair per every chapter of Kooky Spooky in which she has been present.
(Note: She is present in Ch.6 & 7 but in a total wolf out, so she has no dialogue).
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"Yeah, yeah... relax. The knife-throwing contest is still on. I already made it clear to Wednesday that she could only use volunteers as living targets. Yoko has offered." (Chapter 1)
"I think she's mine and Wednesday's daughter, but not from around here." (Chapter 2)
"Sigh... as tempting as it is I'd ask you both not to maim her just because of her bad habit of spouting occasional idiocy." (Chapter 3)
"They've captured our Friday. Let's go find her and then you'll teach me what's the most painful way to rip off the head of the person responsible." (Chapter 4)
"Sorry, I just… I don't feel like wasting time with this ceremony right now..." (Chapter 5)
"OMG! Why do I always forget this now when I return to my human form!!??" (Chapter 8)
"Holy shit, I'm a hunk." (Chapter 10)
"Aaaw, I think it's very cute. I'm sure deep down your Bruno appreciated this kind of attention." (Chapter 11)
"Are you very fond of this nightgown?" (Chapter 12)
"And I smell people, and pollution, lots of pollution." (Chapter 13)
"Gosh, you're a year older than us now. This is disconcerting." (Chapter 14)
"Wednesday, don't talk about your parents as if they were rabbits." (Chapter 15)
"I'm sorry... I..." (Chapter 16)
"You threw me against a building and caused me to terrify a family! That's very rude!" (Chapter 17)
"At least you're not a racist nutcase who would use her personal Hyde to gather bits of human remains for resurrection rituals." (Chapter 18)
"Your sister told us a little about you when we met her. Well, she told us that you liked to be thrown with catapults..." (Chapter 19)
"I'm not going to fight you! We don't have the time!" (Chapter 20)
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" (Chapter 21)
"Uh, I should say something, but just for calling Tyler a dime-store Hyde I'll let you have a pass." (Chapter 22)
"Wednesday and I are keeping our names because our dimension was the one originally visited by the others... Pure convenience but it was all by mutual agreement between all parties." (Chapter 23)
"What happened to my local counterpart?" (Chapter 24)
"God, it's a little trippy to think of myself as dead." (Chapter 25)
"Principal Weems! Or maybe I should say director... uh... because of the... Yeah, I'd better shut up." (Chapter 26)
"Uh... yeah, it's something I usually do, Wednesday. You used to love to complain about it." (Chapter 27)
"For your own sake, you'd better..." (Chapter 28)
"They will have no hesitation in killing any of you." (Chapter 29)
"You're going...to pay...for..." (Chapter 30)
"Oh... erm... apology accepted my... err... my lord?" (Chapter 33)
"But wait a minute, if they're a confederation of packs how come there's a princess?" (Chapter 34)
"I'm sorry. There's nothing wrong with your last name. It's just that... well, in my reality a counterpart of you is one of my best friends." (Chapter 35)
"Ok, the doppelgänger thing I can get, but what's with the homunculus?" (Chapter 36)
"And now... now I get this story that I'm some kind of... multiversal warrior who reincarnates, like a cheap copy of Avatar: The Last Airbender!?" (Chapter 37)
"Ah, ah. I already know the electricity trick." (Chapter 38)
"We're going to breach The Bright One's defenses. And we won't use magic to do it. What we need is science. Mad science." (Chapter 39)
"What do you say about finding a way to inter-dimensionally travel to a magically sealed universe to rescue Wednesday and Friday and deal with an army of supernatural monsters?" (Chapter 40)
"Six months, my love. It has taken me six months to be able to come back to you." (Chapter 41)
"It's just that if you leave me stranded in another universe I have a bad habit of trying to find my way back." (Chapter 42)
"Oops, someone's a wee bit cranky." (Chapter 43)
"It's just that… Look at her! We're not even talking about being just a MILF anymore. I'm going to be totes a GILF, for real." (Chapter 44)
“My name… is… Enid Addams.” (Chapter 46)
"Fuck, Weds, getting stabbed by a saber shouldn't feel so good!" (Chapter 47)
"Who are we? Right now and right here, we are the Addams family." (Chapter 48)
"Well...I mean...the truth is...erm...Ireallylikeyourhairandyourloosehairdoesthingstome." (Chapter 49)
"Six months, Weds. I've been six months away from you. The word insatiable doesn't even come close to describing how I feel.” (Chapter 50)
“You know, if you keep calling them that they're going to end up being born with horns and wings.” (Epilogue)
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petitmonde · 1 year
Meet ugly
A set of dialogue prompts and scenarios for meet ugly, because who doesn't need chaos in their lives? Send in a prompt and/or scenario + a ship. Feel free to share and use.
I'd like to thank @missjanjie and @sweetlikesunflowersandhoney for their help.
Dialogue prompts
1. "Is that my car?"
2. "Oh, so that was you?"
3. "Please never contact me again"
4. "You shouldn't be in here"
5. "Who the hell are you?"
6. "So listen, I met the worst bitch ever on my way to work"
7. "Can you shut up? At least for ten minutes"
8. "You could say sorry"
9. "Just don't puke on my carpet"
10. "I don't even know you"
11. "I didn't ask for your life story"
12. "I didn't sign up for this"
13. "Okay, rule number one, don't talk to me"
14. "That fucking hurt"
15. "Did your parents hate you when they named you that?"
16. "That is the ugliest dress I've ever seen"
17. "I think I just spilled coffee all over our new boss"
18. "I'm pretty sure my date is hitting on your date"
19. "Wait, this isn't my apartment?"
20. "If you kick my seat one more time, I'm cutting off your legs."
21. "Get out"
22. "Well here's the thing, I don't care"
23. "I'm going to call the cops"
24. "It's loaded"
25. "Shit, I thought you weren't home"
26. "It's been six months and you still don't know their name?"
27. "I think you got the wrong number"
28. "Put your clothes back on"
29. "What the hell is wrong with you? Don't answer that, I already know"
30. "When I see that bitch again"
31. "I don't have a death wish"
32. "I am not getting in that car with you"
33. "Why does this kind of thing always happen to me?"
34. "Okay, for the last fucking time"
35. "Didn't you hear me?"
36. "Get a grip, get a life and get over it"
37. "I am not going to entertain drama, chaos, confusion and madness"
38. "I'm not bothered, not at all"
39. "I knew she was a clown from the jump"
40. "I'm not finished talking to you"
41. "I pity you for the face that you have"
42. "Here, let me buy you a new one"
43. "I don't want it anymore"
44. "You're getting blood all over me"
45. "You will be hearing from my lawyer"
46. "Well, you can go fuck yourself"
47. "Did you ever work in porn?"
48. "Who invited you?"
49. "This sounds like a scam"
50. "$800? I don't have that kind of money"
A. A and B have an appointment at the same clinic after their partner cheated on them, without knowing the other person is their side piece.
B. A server spills a milkshake on a customer's fancy new shirt, and is entirely unapologetic about it.
C. A and B match on Tinder and they quickly realise the other person is insane and unmatch. They then meet again on a blind date.
D. They've waged a passive aggressive war against eachother for years for being 'that annoying neighbour' by leaving notes in the laundry room without actually having met.
E. They're both hospitalised in the same room, and absolutely everything their new roommate does is annoying. And their family and friends are even worse.
F. It's the worst day ever already, and in comes an idiot who thinks it's cute to be overly friendly.
G. A is gleefully eating something B had been looking forward to all week – and it was the last one!
H. A stole B's cat accidentally, but now it's been over a year, so whose cat is it really.
I. A suddenly having to become a babysitter for a very drunk B, a complete stranger.
J. A and B have been tricked into babysitting the same pair of chaotic twins.
K. A finds B wildly attractive, and has had a crush on them for a good while, however during their first conversation, A blanks and insults B.
L. Just your ordinary everyday traffic accident between a car and a bike.
M. A drunkenly texts B, thinking they're A's ex, and now B won't stop teasing them about it.
N. On a skiing trip, A walks into what they think is their own lodge, only to find that the bed they're sleeping in belongs to B, who very much doesn't appreciate waking up to being spooned by a stranger.
O. A is the sole reason they're desperately trying to survive an avalanche.
P. A's dog messes up B's date, but is refusing to pay for a new pair of pants.
Q. A's sibling fucks over B, and when B comes over to slap some sense into them, they end up slapping A.
R. A gets an angry phone call from B, cussing out someone with a name that's similar to theirs. At first they wanted to hang up, but now A just really wants to hear how that person fucked up.
S. A is a stand-in for B's partner in a reality TV show, and is doing their damnedest at messing them up since B was dismissive of them when they met. Revenge isn't always cold, bitch.
T. They're sharing an Uber from a club, and holy shit, A is bleeding all over the place, so B has no option but to help to avoid paying a cleaning fee.
U. A works at an amusement park as a mascot in a suit. B lives to torment the mascots, and now that there aren't kids around, A is ready to let them have it.
V. A is running late, and only notices their shirt is inside out in the elevator. They try to put it on right but they get stuck with their shirt half off. B is the shocked neighbour who finds A like that.
W. A has brought in flowers to work to welcome the new hire, who happens to be extremely allergic to said flowers.
X. Someone keeps stealing A's food from the fridge, and having had enough, A poisons their food with an inordinate amount of chili peppers. Now to wait for the screams of B come lunchtime.
Y. If A doesn't shut up about their ex anytime soon, B is going to blow a gasket and tell them to get a life. They're in public for fucks sake, have your mental breakdown somewhere else.
Z. A has talked mad shit about B at length, not realising they'd be their next opponent in their next match. Now it's personal.
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
Writing Prompts
1. Ignorance is a disease so back up asshole, I ain’t trying to catch your germs
2. “Look around, what do you see? Nothing? Yeah, cause that’s how many fucks were given!”
3. “Your hot temper makes for a great heater.”
4. “You’re the cum drop your mother should’ve swallowed.”
5. “Don��t speak please, you’re lowering this whole neighborhoods IQ.”
6. “I’m in shock, see I’m wearing a blanket.”
7. “Fallings just like falling expect with a more permanent destination in mind.”
8. “Super weird.”
9. “Bitch don’t kill my vibe.”
10. “Flex tape, stronger then your relationship.”
11. “Bippity Boppity back the fuck up.”
12. “If I had a dollar for every time I was called ugly I’d be broke cause bitch, I’m gorgeous.”
13. “You think you got problems with me, but baby I don’t even think about you. You mad at everything I do, but what are you up to I haven’t a clue. Cause baby you’re dead to me, how can I be dead to you? You’re looking way too obsessed.”
14. “Leave me alone you little fucker.”
15. “God this is so fucked up.”
16. “Older shits teach littler shits shit the elder shits should’ve taught them.”
17. “When we get in here don’t touch shit, don’t look at shit, don’t ask for shit, because we ain’t getting it.”
18. “Be careful who you call a child because you know what that makes you? A pedophile! And I’ll be damned if I sit here and be lectured by a pervert!”
19. “Bold of you to assume I even think.”
20. “I will destroy you on this court yard, I will ruin all that you love, slaughter your hopes and your dreams. I will rip you limb from limb and stand over your fallen corpse, and once that is all over I will laugh at your misery. I will be your demise!”
21. “You guys are pros right? Then why does it feel like I’m going against toddlers that barley knows how to walk right?!”
22. “Thanks, it’s the trauma.”
23. “You better not disrespect me because who you gonna send to check me?”
24. “After all these hands are rated E for everybody!”
25. “Speak for yourself. At least I don’t have more conversations with the memorial statue then with actually people.”
26. “I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not.”
27. “I’m not really a murderer but when I play GTA 5; I turn into Jeffery Dahmer.”
28. “Being jealous is a disease, get well soon bitch.”
29. “ I know I’m handsome but having you stare at me is kind of a turn off.”
30. “No matter what it is, I always get what I want.”
31. “Cause I was born with this pretty face, so of course only pretty things can be worn by me.”
32. “ If I wanted to kill myself I will climb up your ego and jump to your IQ level.”
33. “Would you let me make a dildo of your penis?”
34. “Ya know, talk shit get hit?”
35. “Why is big birds emo son talking to me?”
36. “You know I really like confident women .”
37. “And I like men in my age group.”
38. “Run and I’ll break your legs. Attack and I’ll break your necks.”
39. “Listen there isn’t a single language on earth that has a word for how little I care. A super computer that calculates for a thousand years cannot even approach the number of fucks I do not give.”
40. “Once I find them I’ll peel their skin from off their muscles and feed it to the creatures of the forest, watching as they drink their blood like holy wine.”
41. “So let me tell you one last time so we're clear
42. You don't want to take the path you took to get here. If you pop that lip I will rock your shit. Stop playing with the fire, you are not that lit On monday you can get it! On tuesday you can get it! On wednesday you can get it! What about thursday? You can get it! On friday you can get it! On saturday you can get it! How about sunday? You can get it! And every single day you can get it.”
43. “ It’s heretopaternal superfecundation, mom had a threesome and got two mistakes instead of one.”
44. “As long as my fucks to care are flying around and no one catching them it’ll continue to be that way, no fucks given.”
45. “You must be into some kinky shit if you put your honored guest into chains and cuffs.”
46. “Mate, I’ll fucking spin your jaw.”
47. “It’s the borderline incest for me beloved.”
48. “Mhmm now apologize you fuckin goofy.”
49. “Now remember what I told you, walk straight even if you’re gay.”
50. “I can’t talk right now, I’m doing bad bitch shit.”
51. “If I hated any of you then I would’ve either killed you all off one by one or just left.”
52. “Why don’t you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma.”
53. “I was not born with enough middle fingers.”
54. “My depression is vicious, but this ass is delicious. Dinner is served bitch.”
55. “You wanna talk about the seatbelt rule! How about we talk about the shut the fuck up rule!”
56. “ Hippity hoppity your grave is on my property.”
57. “You speak to your mother with that mouth?”
58. “ No, but I suck your father’s off with it.”
59. “I’m sick you assholes. Baby me!”
60. “Your first orgy! I approve. Especially the tall one. He'd make an excellent consort."
61. “What did I tell you about speaking of orgies so freely in front of mortals? It's weird. Especially since you're my dad. You're not supposed to approve of these things."
62. “Ding dong the witch is dead."
63. "This drink is my weakness and she knows it. Bitch."
64. “Because they're never gonna see that coming." You say, matter of factly. "They pull back the curtain like re-re and you're like re-re yourself, motherfucker!"
65. “And then you stab them in the eye. You thought the psycho was out there? Surprise! The psycho's in here with the Olay body wash on her."
66. “Oh shit, he's trying to say something. Quick get the Speak-n-Spell!"
67. “The total number of fucks I give are equal to the number of living relatives Sasuke has.”
68. “Haven't you seen my halo, darling? I'm an angel." 
69. “ Can I call you a waste of time? Because that’s what you feel like to me.”
70. “He looks like my depression in human form.”
71. “He looks like he could be my sleep paralysis demon.”
72. “If depression and anxiety had a child he would be that child.”
73. “Oh you shouldn’t talk so big it makes your height look bad.”
74. “Sucking the life out of you guys like depression on a Tuesday.”
75. “I’m lazy not stupid.”
76. “I can't be sad. It is a state of mind which is simply not accessible to me. But this doesn't mean that i am happy all the time because this emotion is suppressed, barely there. Mostly i am in a state of...resignation. Calmness. No matter what situation. I do feel getting touched. But i don't feel pain. At all. So none.”
77. “You could basically rip my eyes out and i would only feel a slight movement and a soft touch. I don't feel exhaustion. I don't feel hunger. Sometimes i forget to breathe. I mean...my body still does that automatically but...meditating can get pretty dangerous for me.”
78. “Think of it that way. Everything around us, is god. The cells. The air. Atomic bonds. Life itself. The movement of the leaves in the wind and the smell of the coffee in front of you. It is around us. In us. Something. Call it molecules. Call it Allah. Call it God. Call it Science. Gravity is god. Carbon dioxide is god. You. Are a tiny bit of god. God is just a word. Something, a word, a thought to share. A reason to life. Live itself. You don't have to be a Jew a Muslim a Buddhist a Christian or an Atheist to know, that the world around you exists. Maybe there is a Plan. Maybe there is a spiritus sancti. Maybe, there is a soul and maybe there isn't. We do not know. But we know of our world. We know of us. Maybe the cells in our body's weren't meant to mutate. Maybe they were. We do not know. But we can believe. That is the difference, between us. A believing and a none believing person. And the difference is, that there is none. We are the same. Thinking about the same, knowing and not knowing the same facts. Simply chose to call it differently."
79. “I’m not here to boost your ego Walmart Superman.”
80. “This is my ninja way.”
81. “They say I care I didn’t care when my dog died.”
82. “I really don’t think barging is the right word… strolled is a more accurate description, I think.”
83. “Of course. I’d tie them up. First I’d remove each nail and when it got inflamed, I’d dip it in salt. They screamed so loud, you have no idea. Then I start to amputate. I’d remove one finger each day, then the toes. Then the hand, then feet, moving my ways up. They wouldn’t die since I would cauterize their wounds. Then I’d play with them. I’d throw screw drivers, knifes, and needles at them. I have a terrible shot you know… or do I?”
84. “I rip their hair out with my own hands and feed it to them. I’d shove my fingers into their eyes till they pop out. The genitals are always last to go. Even if they admit in the beginning, I’d still do it. I’d then dump their bodies for the little birdies and critters to nibble at.”
85. “Treat me like a joke and I’ll leave you like it’s funny.”
86. “I don’t want you guys to think I’m some good guy cause if I got the chance I would sacrifice you all in a heartbeat.”
87. “You fuck me but won’t marry me! How does that work?!”
88. “Shut your mouth!”
89. “Oh I thought you liked it wide open.”
90. “I’m the person who’s gonna cut ya dick off and glue it to ya forehead so you look like a lilting unicorn.”
91. “Who the fuck are you?”
92. “Nobody gives me butterflies anymore, just anger issues.”
93. “Fuck you goatman!”
94. “Mentally sick, physically thick.”
95. “Congratulations, you played yourself.”
96. “I use my tears as hand sanitizer because there’s nothing riper then depression in it’s purest form.”
97. “Always in the sun, but no ones son is ever in me.”
98. “Well if he says I am baby then I am baby. Goo goo ga ga motherfuckers.”
99. “Is this a new technique for kidnapping kids?”
100. “Cry like a little girl. Run like a slave. But when I catch that ass boy, you gonna behave.”
101. “Call me a escalator cause I always let people down.”
102. “Call me a tree cause they always picking on me.”
103. “Call me my dad cause I’m never around.”
104. “Dark humor cause even orphans gotta laugh, shopping which is weird cause I will dead wear the same shit for a month straight, laundry - it’s something about seeing the clothes and everything drown that gets me going.”
105. “They play dumb I play dumber looks like we spongebob and Patrick now.”
106. “Roses are red, Memes are neat. I wanna die, LMFAO YEET.”
107. “If you feel like the world is eating you alive that’s just proof you always looking like a snack.”
108. “I know I’m hot, but I also know I’m not a full time hot person. I’m hit when I want to be. I choose my own hours. I make my own schedule. I do freelance hotness.”
109. “You have a build a bear as a principal.”
110. “I was gonna give you that vacuum cleaner gawk gawk 6000 and this juicy wet 🐱 till you leaked outta me after painting me white on the insides but it seems you having a good night without me so anyways goodnight ☺️.”
111. “Is this social interaction because I don’t really like it.”
112. “Listen if a guy doesn't man handle me during a makeout session or during u know 😏 I'm putting him in rice or sending him back to whoever broke him 😂.”
113. “If we dated before I turnt 20 you are not an ex but a childhood friend.”
114. “Can you wipe off my favorite seat oh I meant ya face.”
115. “Guess I’ll have to stick around, gotta keep you guys alive…for my own.”
116. “I never said I was an angel. Nor am I innocent or holy like the Virgin Mary. What I am is natural and serious and as sensitive as an open nerve on an ice cube. I'm a young black sister with an unselfish heart who overdosed on love long ago. My closest friends consider me soft-spoken. Others say I have a deadly tongue. And while it's true that I have a spicy attitude like most of the ghetto girls I know, I back it up with a quick, precise, and knowledgeable mind. My memory runs. Way back and I'm inclined to remind people of the things they'd most like to forget.”
117. “My vagina just said thank you in Spanish.”
118. “I look at you and go dry, like sand.”
119. “Told you not to call him shitty, now you look like shit.”
120. “You really don’t know someone till you’ve seen them beg for mercy.”
121. “Oh how their screams make me tingle.”
122. “Your words hold no weight against mine.”
123. “Well aren’t you Sherlock fuckin’ Holmes.”
124. “Don’t you know that threats only work on those that have something to lose? If anything I count death as my blessing.”
125. “Welcome to my abortion clinic pizzeria were yesterday‘s loss is today’s sauce.”
126. “Do you know Jesus is actually black and he’s all our fathers cause we haven’t seen him in years.”
127. “Do you know all the zodiacs have their own hairstyles expect for cancers.”
128. “It means I'm perfectly content but also wouldn't mind if the sun exloded right now and killed us all.”
129. “Every day I think I’m getting closer, gonna take a bath with my fucking toaster.”
130. “Are you a race horse? Cause when I ride you’ll always finish first.”
131. “You know what sea turtles and I have in common… we both like being choked by trash.”
132. “I’m gonna sound like a Victorian peasant but please sir may I have some bread? I rather not have some of that mystery meat.”
133. “Service error 11037: Go fuck yourself :)”
134. “🔫🐝 you are beeing robbed. Only thing that’ll save you is ya number. “
135. “Sharing is caring but unfortunately I don’t care.”
136. “He likes to play catch, so I asked him can you catch these hands. He said yes so I hit the living fuck outta him. What’s the problem officer!”
137. “Do you think when humans feel butterflies in their stomachs that butterflies feel humans in their stomachs?”
138. “I keep looking behind and hope to continue forward.”
139. “I’m sorry, is our friendly banter bothering you? I know you prefer to choke your friends rather than joke-”
140. “Are we even together together or are we together like high school musical we all in this together type shit.”
141. “Oh, because I’m so scared of a slenderman clone with daddy issues, who’s also having a sexuality crisis”
142. “Bitch, your pussy smells like hotdog water. Move on.” 
143. “You’re so cute…I hate it.”
144. “Look. I could be a whore, or I could be YOUR whore. Really; it’s up to you.”
145. “Oh, oh, oh my god. Choking is my main turn on.”
146. “This is my no no cube. Anything is possible if you have enough lube.”
147. “Aye baby you ever had KFC. Cause I can give you some of that Kentucky Fried Cock.”
148. “You’re not dummy thicc you’re dummy stick.”
149. “And you little stupid purple looking Barney looking bitch!”
150. “I was raised and surrounded by happiness, something you don’t know.”
151. “They put you in the streets but even the streets ain’t want you.”
152. “Remember reality is an illusion,the universe is a hologram. Buy gold, bye.”
153. “Better scramble like an egg before you get folded like an omelette.”
154. “Play stupid games, and you win stupid prizes .”
155. “Call me Ms.Water gun cause I’ll squirt you like one.”
156. “ I would say I’m like the ocean, I’m calm and peaceful and you can see my beauty on the outside but the further you dive into me you learn not everything is as it seems uptop. I’m calm yes but even calming things can be dangerous, I have my flaws the further you go in and things that are best left at the bottom of my ocean depths but do know if you are to disturb that sea level be ready to face the Consequences.”
157. “ i’m not interested in being disrespected by someone who I lowered my standards for.”
158. “Shut the fuck up before I fold your lanky ass like a chair.”
159. “Listen here, Snotball, don’t bullshit me. I’m ain’t come here for your public-pleasing fake smile. “Go polish your skills instead of sucking my dick…”
160. “ Nana whipped them highschool kiddies asses into shape that day, oh yes she did. They met they maker on them steps I tell you, now go and and play with this old timer if you dear I’ll send that ass to the pearly gates or the flaming pits below.”
161. “Let my hands speak for me, smack talk.”
162. “Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
163. “Out here living like the main character because if I’m not the main character, I’m that one bitch that go berserk.”
164. “Food is fun, food is great, food is why we celebrate!”
165. “I want my next piercing to be a bullet. In my head."
166. “Okay, rude. You have the Eminem’s hairline, but I didn’t say anything about it!”
167. “If I’m die, then I wish to go out on my own terms, for I am like none other person on this earth.”
168. “Criminal or not. Sometimes it’s nice to be wanted.”
169. “When I said I fell in love with you I lied. I fell in love with your entire existence, I would cry for you, I would kill for you, I would die for you. “
170. “Life is just a big movie, you just can’t pick your genre.”
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defjux · 1 year
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100 of my favorite Hip Hop Albums of 2022 Might be excessive but there was simply just a ton of music this year that I enjoyed and found myself going back to, and I believe each of them is worth checking out.  Each of the album titles here also links to either a bandcamp page or stream where you can listen to the project. Hopefully you’ll at least find one new album that you enjoy here, and as always feel free to reply with what you enjoyed and connected with the most this year. I’d love to know, and any other recommendations are definitely appreciated. This was an incredible year for new releases, not just for hip hop but for music in general which is why i’ll be posting another top 100 list for all of the non hip hop stuff I enjoyed from this year, hopefully in the next few days.  Peace. Chart w/ titles included 2022 Hip Hop Spotify Playlist 1. Billy Woods & Preservation - Aethiopes 2. Avantdale Bowling Club - TREES 3. Cities Aviv - Working Title For The Album Secret Waters 4. MIKE - Beware of the Monkey 5. ELUCID - I Told Bessie 6. AKAI SOLO - Spirit Roaming 7. Teddy Faley - Teddy Brown Brown 8. Defcee & BoatHouse - For All Debts Public and Private [IMPORT EDITION] 9. Ka - Woeful Studies / Languish Arts 10. J.I.D - The Forever Story 11. Open Mike Eagle - Component System with the Auto Reverse 12. billy woods x Messiah Musik - Church 13. Danger Mouse & Black Thought - Cheat Codes 14. ShrapKnel - Metal Lung 15. SolarFive & Iceberg Theory - Momento Mori 16. Moor Mother - Jazz Codes 17. Serengeti & Child Actor - Ajai 2 18. Infinity Knives & Brian Ennals - King Cobra 19. Joshua Virtue - RAMA 20. Zilla Rocca & andrew - Don't Wait For Me to Leave 21. Fly Anakin - Frank 22. Cities Aviv - MAN PLAYS THE HORN 23. KILLVONGARD - I Think I've Lost It. 24. R.A.P. Ferreira - 5 to the Eye with Stars 25. Illogic - The Transition 26. Quelle Chris - DEATHFAME 27. Bloodmoney Perez - Curses 28. Fatboi Sharif & Noface - Preaching In Havana 29. Ockham's Blazer - Ockham's Blazer 30. Little Simz - NO THANK YOU 31. Theravada - Strange Voice 32. amani & robalu - I'll Be Right Black 33. Jam Baxter – Fetch The Poison 34. OKnice - Have You Tried Being Happy? 35. Davis & Foule Monk - Plum Whisky
36. Noveliss - Vagabond 37. SHIRT & Jack Splash - I Turned Myself Into Myself 38. Moses Rockwell - Until You Run out of Cake 39. Ja'king the Divine - 手术: BLACK SUN TZU 40. Archibald SLIM - Worldly Ways 41. NNAMDÏ - Please Have A Seat 42. YUNGMORPHEUS & Theravada - Up Against the Wall; a Degree of Lunacy 43. Roc Marciano & The Alchemist - The Elephant Man's Bones 44. Nas - King's Disease III 45. Lord Kayso - MOOR CHORES 46. Ace Cannons & MIGHTYHEALTHY - Mightycannons 47. Rich Jones & Iceberg Theory - Smoke Detector 48. Lukah - Raw Extractions 49. Nicholas Craven & Boldy James - Fair Exchange No Robbery 50. Ghais Guevara - There Will Be No Super-Slave 51. Lupe Fiasco - DRILL MUSIC IN ZION 52. Milc & Televangel - Neutral Milc Motel 53. ILL Conscious x Mute Won - Acres of Diamonds 54. L'Orange & Solemn Brigham - Marlowe 3 55. $ilkMoney - I Don't Give a Fuck About This Rap Shit 56. Teller Bank$ & Ed Glorious - The I & I 57. Wiki & Subjxct 5 - Cold Cuts 58. Love, Ulysses - 61​,​265​,​147 59. Vic Spencer & August Fanon - Psychological Cheat Sheet 3 60. Stik Figa x August Fanon - Heresy 61. Raz Fresco & Nicholas Craven - Boulangerie 62. QThree - U Be Ight 63. Wrecking Crew - Sedale Threat 64. eLZhi & Georgia Anne Muldrow - Zhigeist 65. Apollo Brown & Philmore Greene - Cost of Living 66. miles cooke - i used to feel things 67. Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire - I Love Y.O.U cuz Y.O.U Ugly Vol.1 68. demahjiae - Angels Wear Black 69. AJ Suede & Televangel - Metatron's Cube 70. Sacco & Vanzetti - It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You 71. Mavi - Laughing so Hard, it Hurts 72. Rhys Langston - Grapefruit Radio 73. Steel Tipped Dove & Aloe Vera - Days Pass Strange 74. PENPALS - Dimensions of Dialogue 75. Malachi. Whitman - Happy Place 76. Denzel Curry - Melt My Eyez See Your Future (Extended) 77. Lungs/LoneSword, Phiik & Cise Greeny - Where Are The Bugs!? 78. Pink Siifu & Real Bad Man - Real Bad Flights 79. Andrew - The Rain Knows What It's Doing 80. Mattic & Parental - Down In The Rabbit Hole 81. Boldy James & Futurewave - Mr. Ten08 82. Ransom & V Don - Chaos Is My Ladder 83. Torito & Small Professor - Soiled 84. Jermiside & The Expert - The Overview Effect 85. big kahuna og & graymatter - METAL GEAR SOLID 86. Duncecap & Hajino - Go Climb A Tree 87. Earl Sweatshirt - Sick! 88. Deca - Smoking Gun 89. Freddie Gibbs - Soul Sold Separately 90. Mickey Diamond & Big Ghost Ltd - Gucci Ghost 91. Rome Streetz - KISS THE RING 92. Redveil - learn 2 swim 93. Daniel Son - The Bush Doctor 94. Dälek - Precipice 95. Jesse the Tree - Pigeon Man 96. Jason Griff - Fireside Chats 2 97. Benny the Butcher - Tana Talk 4 98. Killah Priest - Mother 99. Lord jaH-Monte Ogbon & Sadhugold - The Black Möbius 100. Kipp Stone - Room 109
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quackitysdrugdealer · 2 years
As some people may know i'm going to start writing one shots so i made a list of promts feel free to use these i can do other promts and things this is just ideas but there are some things i won't do like smut i will let you know if i'm uncomfortable with your request and explain that i'm uncomfortable with that and if you send in a request i'm a small account so i can pretty much guarantee that i'll get your request done within 27 hours lol but for now enjoy my promts!
1 "Aw, look at you!"
"Stop touching me."
"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to annoy you; you're just so cute."
2 "Do you even realize how cute you are?"
"Oh yes, I'm adorable. I'm a fucking delight."
3 "I just can't get over the fact that you said yes."
(while gazing at their ring) "Believe it, baby. I said yes over a year ago."
"I know... but still."
4"I've never met anyone that makes me feel the way you do."
"Yes but in the best possible way."
5"Stop touching me."
"But I wanna cuddle!"
"Oh, well then why didn't you just say so. C'mere."
6"Do you know who's the best person in the world?"
"No, me but only because you make me the best person."
7"I want to be better for you."
8 "I want to deserve you and I never will unless I become a better person."
9 "I still can't believe you love me."
"Better believe it, baby."
10 "I'm crazy about you."
"Yeah, you're crazy alright."
11"Kiss me!"
"Oh, I was kidding! Stop pouting like that."
12 "You're my favorite!"
"You married me, so I really hope I'm your favorite."
13 "Have you ever thought about leaving me?"
"I'd be a fool to ever want to leave you."
14 "You are the best."
"Not nearly as best as you!"
"That made no sense."
"Only because you don't understand how incredible you are."
"No, that just grammatically didn't make sense."
15 "Quit being a grammar junkie!"
"Why don't you come over here and make me?" (😘😉)
16 #11 “I’m tired” “I can see that babe” “Sleep with me?” “mhm”
17 “Kiss me?”
18 “You are my home, you have been since we met”
19 “Hi sweetheart” “Hi babe” “Is that my shirt?” “No”
20“Die” “Bet” “wait- babe no stop”
21“Hello lovely” “Hi <character name>”
22 “I've to go” “Noooo please” “Sorry love”
23“God I love you”
24 “Happy Birthday”
25: "i'm pregnant"
26: " you know i only let you touch me"
27: " there's no other person for me i swear"
28: dancing in the rain
29 "dance with me?"
30: person a shares persons Bs secrets with the there friends and they break up
31 They're drunk and you're carrying them to their room, when they unexpectedly say how much they love you, causing you to drop them on the floor
32 They end the phone call with an accidental ''love you'', leaving you flustered
33 Confessing before being separated for an uncertain period of time
34 Asking them how your name + their surname would sound like (or/and vice versa)
35 Accidentally confessing while laughing over something
36 Saying "I love you" while they're sleeping/unconscious/in coma. You know well that they can't hear you, but a small part of you hopes they did
37 Always giving each other yellow roses for valentine's day, when one day you see that you've got red roses instead
38 Tears drench your cheeks as you confess. The last thing you hear before dying is them screaming your name
39 Confessing at the same place where they first met
40 Scolding them for doing something stupid, wondering "why did I have to fall for you" and not realising that you just said that out loud
41:“You saved me, let me save you”
42: “You can’t save me and then walk out”
43: “ Focus on me please”
44: “You deserve better” “And you need more”
45: “Babe it’s not what it looks like” “Yeah? then what is it?”
46: “How are you in the wrong if you’re the only one putting in the effort to make it work?”
47: “Sometimes giving up is easier my love”
48: “How many times do we have to hurt each other before realising we’re no good at this”
49: “So what that’s it?” “Yeah it is, this relationship is one sided and I’m tired okay”
50: “Can you hold me while I go?”
51:hot chocolate and cuddles
52: person b gets hypothermia
53: breakfast in bed
54: holding there child for the first time
55: walking in on person a cuddling there baby
56: person a and b break up and 3 year's later person a finds person b with a child there child
57: Braiding eachothers hair
58: dieing before you can admit there feelings
59:dancing in the light of the fridge
60: dyeing eachothers hair
61: person a has autism
62: doing face masks together
63: one of them getting shot and almost dieing
64: person b has adhd and person a notices that there fidgety so the grab there hand
65: person a being a Assassin and is supposed to kill person b but they can't and make it there lifes mission to protect person b
66: movie night!!
67: (requester chose's a song for the oneshot to be based off of)
68: person a thinks there house is haunted but it's just person b being annoying
69: meeting the parents for the first time
70: person a finding out they need glasses and realizing how long there visions been so blurry and they thought it was normal and freaking out beacuse they can finally see person b clearly and thinking there beautiful
71: photographer meets artists
72: " we've GOT to stop meeting like this"
"You kidnapped me idiot"
" but your not a kid?"
" oh my gosh you are a idiot"
73 " murder wasn't on today's agenda"
"It's not on anyones"
" no it's on mine, just not untill next Thursday"
74: " did you have to hit me with a corpses leg? Was that really necessary?"
"Necessary. No. Hilarious, yes"
Brother's best friend!au
enemies to lovers!au
Friends to lovers!au
Love letters!au
Famous brother!au
Time travel!au
Ghost and human!au
Suicidal x therapist!au(not romancing being Suicidal please if you feel this way talk to someone even if it's just a little or about your day it will help and dms always open)
Student x teacher!au(both of age)
Demigod x mortal!au
Beast friends brother!au
Transfer student!au
Dark academy!au
Different sides in a war!au
Polor opposites!au
I hate everyone in the world but you!au
Fake dating!au
Grumpy x sunshine!au
Cowarker romance!au
And again these are just ideas you can thinknof your own if you want to
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craby-bouquet · 7 months
Warm Winter Promptlist
We're back with a new Warm Winters!
I started this series in 2019 to fight winter blues with fluff! You can find the whole Warm Winters series here!
You can find the prompts under the cut. So...
Send me a Seventeen or BTS member and 1 or 2 prompts and I will write a short, fluffy story using your prompts and your man!!
Warm winters 2023-2024
1 "Take mine, I don't need it anyway."
2 "You're cold, aren't you?"
3  "There's… only one bed."
4 "Your love will keep me warm."
5 "Those lights are beautiful there."
6 "You bought me a present? I thought we weren't gonna do presents this year."
7 "no I won't be your fake partner to your office Christmas party, don't you remember what happened last time!?"
8 "Don't lie. You hate it."
9 ""You've been laying on my arm all night and I can't feel it."
10 "Yeah so, funny story, I actually thought you would maybe give me a new years kiss? But I guess not, which is fine! Don't worry. I didn't really care anyway." 
11 "...Wow. You look like a princess."
12 "Dance with me."
13 "I… I didn't know you could play the piano."
14 "Do you wanna build a snowman?"
15 "Sing for me?"
16 "It'll be a blue Christmas without you."
17 "I miss you."
18 "All I want for Christmas is you."
19 "I really can't stay."
20 "Baby it's cold outside."
21 "That's a tad too optimistic for me."
22 "Why are you awake right now?"
23 "Wake up! Please wake up! It snowed!"
24 "Is there a reason you're blushing right now?" 
25 "Have you seen my hoodie? You know that one with the blue stripe in the… Wait, you're wearing it, aren't you?"
26 "Are we on a date right now?" "No. We're snowed in." "Ah… so it is a date then?"
27 "I'm not blushing, I'm just cold -or warm. or… whatever. But I'm not blushing."
28 "I think I'm in love with you."
29 "You want hot chocolate?"
30 "The moon sure does look beautiful tonight."
31 "All I do is drink hot drinks and say bad words."
32 "Your feet are so cold!" 
33 "I'm too sober for this."
34 "Wow! I didn't know you could sing."
35 "We'd both warm up faster if we would take off our clothes." "Fuck off."
36 "A water fight? Are you crazy? It's way too cold for that."
37 "I'm the reason you got sick in the first place. So yes, I am indeed going to take care of you."
38 "Can you put on anything other than the Spotify Christmas playlist? I'm sick of it."
39 "It's January! Why are you still listening to Mariah Carey?"
40 "So… valentines is coming up…"
41 "Santa left a lot of presents this year."
42 "Wow, I asked for you, and I actually got you. That Santa guy really is amazing."
43 "I don't want that, I just want to finish my book."
44 "I wanted to say 'I love you' for the first time on Christmas Eve…  but I guess you were a step ahead of me."
45 "Tell me that when you're sober."
46 "Who thought I'd find my soulmate on new years eve?"
47 "You've been giving me bedroom eyes for the last half hour."
48 "“All I want is to sleep by your side.”
49 “I didn’t get soaking wet and ice cold by walking to your house for you to say no to pizza. I have beer too. I know you’re sad, so let me in.”
50 "I missed you."
51 "Are you trying to seduce me?"
52 "How can even still see out of your glasses? They're so dirty!"
53 "I always wanted a Christmas wedding."
54 "Kiss me."
55 "I'll cry." "Is that meant to be a threat?"
56 "That's starting to get on my nerves."
57 "Okay, answer me honestly. Are you, or are you not, Satan himself?"
58 "How can you not like christmas?"
59 "Will you marry me?"
60 "is... Is that a mistletoe? Now that's good timing"
61 "You should have told me sooner."
62 "That might actually be the best present I ever got."
63 "I didn't know you could play the piano."
64 "Are you seriously wearing a donkey onesie?"
65 "no I'm not drunk and yes that was a serious question!"
66 "Wait! Hold that thought! I really, really need to pee. Be right back."
67 “Are you an angel?”
68 "I hope our baby looks like you." 
69 "Don't be so gentle. You can hug me tighter y'know- I'm not going to pop or anything."
70 "I'll run you a nice, warm bath." "Excuse me? Why don't you run us a bath? I'm not gonna bathe by myself, that's boring."
71 ""Happy Valentine's Day"
72 "This is not what I meant when I told you to fall for me."
73 "Who would have thought I would find my soulmate on new years eve?"
74 "Your nose is so red, you look like Rudolph. Are you sure you're okay?"
75 "Look, it's a full moon tonight."
76 "I know we're engaged but I'm so in love with you."
77 "You outshine the stars."
78 "Did you mean that romantically this whole time?"
79 "Look, The blossom is coming through already."
80 "You made it."
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masterlist | warm winter masterlist
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little-lovely-freak · 2 months
Alright since you wanna play it that way, let's go 25-78! and since we skipped 1, you might as well do that too <333
yes ma’am!
1. First kiss? 11
2. First time masturbating? I was 11 or 12
3. First sex toy? Vibrator, it was a bullet from Spencer's when i was 15
4. First kink tried? Choking! 
5. First time doing oral? Consensually i was 16
6. First time having sex? I meannnnn like 16
 7. Biggest turn on? Dominance 🫠🫠
8. Biggest turn off? Talking about my trauma
9. Quickest way to get horny? IM ALWAYS HORNY 
10. Weirdest thing that ever turned you on? Im not proud of this butttt watching a very sweaty very muscular man choke another man out in like the pro fighting way
11. Top 3 places to be touched? Throat, cunt, ass
12. Ultimate fantasy? Pet pay fantasy where my partner makes me pee in the backyard while im wearing a leash then to clean of my piss wet cunt my partner eat me out 
13. Do you like the idea of a three or moresome? Yes im also poly!
14. Do you send nudes? Do you like receiving them? Not really and yes
15. Sex or masturbation? sex but honestly im not picky
16. Spit or swallow? Swallow
17. Cut or uncut dicks? D I C K S 
18. Rough or sensual sex? Rough AND sensual sex
19. Oldest person you’d sleep with? Uhhh im 20 so like 40-43 (20-23 years older(  
20. Loud or quiet partners? dont care as long as ur at least semi vocal 
21. How much foreplay do you like? Dunno really i just like sex ngl
22. How much teasing do you like? PLZ TEASE ME
23. What is too big for you to take? Im really tight (like more the two inches thick is kinda difficult[i can barely take E])  
24. Do you do hookups or only sleep with a partner? I like a partner better but fuck buddies are nice too
25. How much kissing do you like during sex? I love it but hate tongue in mouth kissing
26. What’s the most attractive part of the body? My body either my eyes or my ass
27. Would you have sex in public? semi public
28. Last place you had sex? 29. Where would you most like to have sex? Bed, i wanna in backyard 30. Do you like spontaneous sex, or do you need to be in the mood? I like both! 31. Could you go through with a hookup at a strangers house? Depends who hookup is and how well i know the person What’s your biggest kink? Probs Daddy/mommy kink or petplay
33. Are you okay with name calling in bed? I like it! 34. Would you do any BDSM? Im a masocist, i love it
35. Do you prefer to tie somebody up or be tied up? Be tied up
36. Do you like orgasm denial/forced orgasm?why not both
37. Do you like overstimulation? YES
38. Do you like having pain involved? Mild or a little more than mild but yes!
39. Do you like biting/being bitten? YES OMG I HAVE AN ORAL FIXATION
40. Have you ever been made to/made somebody beg for it? yes🤭🫣
41. Do you have any strange or extreme kinks? yes 🫠😭
42. Have any roleplaying preferences? not really as long as im still the sub 43. Do you own sex toys? How many? Yes vibrator and tassel flogger. 44. What do you masturbate to? porn or writing sometimes imagination
45. How often do you masturbate? Daily 🫣
46. How often do you use sex toys to masturbate? 7 out of ten times
47. Do you masturbate with penetration? Yes with my vibrator i like how it feel vibrating inside
48. Do you go for multiple rounds or settle at one or no orgasms? It depends i wanna be able to go for more but cant most times 49. Do you enjoy giving oral? Yes
50. Do you prefer giving or receiving oral? Prob giving
51. What makes you orgasm the fastest when receiving oral? I dunno im too blissed out
53. Can you deepthroat? Yep! :3 54. Do you like playing with your clit? If so how do you prefer to do it? I love it! Im kinda rough
55. What’s your breast size? D or DD is some
56. How often do you go braless? Only to sleep
57. Do you finger yourself? YES🫠
58. How familiar are you with your g-spot? I like to think im pretty familiar
59. Do you squirt? YES
60. How often do you do unprotected sex? Almost never
61. How loud are you in bed? If i feel safe im loud
62. Do you enjoy having nipples played with? PLEASE PLAY WITH MY NIPS
63. Do you like/dislike cum? i like it
64. How good are you at dirty talk? i dunno ngl
65. Do you get sleepy after an orgasm? Sometimes
66. Do you trim, shave or leave pubic hair untouched? dependes if i feel mor masc or more fem or adro
67. How do you prefer partners pubic hair? Dont care!
68. How many orgasms can you have in a day? my records like 12 i think and they were all separate occasions
69. How many other people know your bra size? quite a few
70. What do you wear to bed? Boxers and a shirt almost always (unless its winter then its sweat pants and shirt)
71. Any funny sex stories? i got hiccups after giving a blowjob
72. What food if any would you use during sex? Im recovering from and ed so none(makes me uncomfy and turns me off)
73. Would you give somebody a sex toy as a gift? I DID LITERALLY A WEEK AGO LMAO
74. What’s the weirdest porn you’ve ever seen? Ive seen some scarey shit yall
75. Do you often get horny in public? sometimes
76. Ever used something that isn’t made for sex in the bedroom? Hairbrush. Thats all im saying lmao
77. Have you ever walked in on somebody or been walked in on? yes and yes
78. Do you have any friends you’d sleep with?QUITE A FEW!
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
lulu’s summer prompts 💘
it’s summer! so for the next week you can request prompts from my prompt list 🌼🤍
when requesting please send in the full prompt and not just the number. this makes it easier for me, the writer. if you don't do this and just send the number your request will be deleted no questions asked.
you can find my list of who I write for here
1. "you're so cute." "what did you just say?" "I said you look like a boot"
2. "yeah, okay, so what if i dreamt about kissing you? don't we all do that to our best friends? …..no? what do you mean no?"
3. "you're cute." "what?" " said you look like a fruit." "that doesn't even make any sense."
4. "how do i know if i have a crush on someone?" "well, you can't stop thinking about them, you feel strange when they're around, and then you want to- why are you looking at me like that."
5. " I can't get you out of my head." "..thanks?"
6. "would it be weird if i kissed you? be honest." "honestly? yes. do i care? no."
7. "¡ feel strange when you're around." "do you have a fever or something?"
8. "just to clarify: me holding your hand doesn't, like, mean anything, by the way. not in that way, at least. unless you want it to mean something. i don't mind. that's cool."
9. "this sounds like you're flirting with me." "..i have been trying to do that for three years now."
10. "What, did you think I kissed you all these times because I was doing it for the shits and giggles?"
"…Let's be real, you did have a lot of fun shoving your tongue down my throat in public."
11. "Oh my God, why are you crying? Does me liking you disgust you that much?" "No, you dumbass, it's because you like me back but I spent all of this time thinking you'd never like me that way!"
12. "Look, we can pretend I never confessed if it means you'll stay-" "What?! No! You can't just take back your confession! That's such a coward move and l'II not allow that! Especially when I feel the same way towards you."
13. "I'll get over you. I promise. These feelings, they're- they're only temporary, I swear I’ll get over you. Just please don't leave me-" "Did you ever think, that maybe, I don't want you getting over me? What if I don't want these feelings to be only temporary? That maybe I...
Like you, too?"
14. "I didn't mean to fall for you." "And neither did I."
"..Fucking pardon?"
15. Classic "there was only one bed"
16. Alternatively, there was only one couch
17. Having to share one blanket, fighting over it the whole night.
18. There's only one pillow, and neither of you can sleep without one. You both end up using each half of the pillow to rest your head on, causing your faces to be only a few inches apart.
19. All other seats are taken, so you both have to squeeze into one chair.
20. Wanting to borrow the same book but there's only one copy of it available at the library. After arguing over who will get it, you both decide to share it and study together.
21. "Oh no... what did we do?"
22. "Hi! You need to leave."
23."I'm sorry.. who are you?"
24."Ugh...I drank so much."
25. "I can't believe I did this again." / "I can't believe we did this again."
26. "Where are your clothes?"
27. "…I'm sore in such weird places."
28. "Hey, sorry! I'm gonna go. Right now."
29. "You didn't seem like you were having such a bad time last night”
30. "I think this was a mistake."
31. "It was always you."
32. "Can you just hold my hand?"
33. "I wished every day to hold you once more."
34. "There is something between us and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever felt."
35. "If I could stay here with you forever, I would."
36. "You are the first thing on my mind, the last thought before sleep”
37. "You made me feel weak."
38. "I didn't mean to love you so much."
39. "You were the only person I thought I could trust."
40. "You promised you wouldn't forget me.
41. "I don't have anyone else."
42. "I thought you still loved me."
43. "You never cared that you broke my heart."
44. "It wasn't supposed to end this way."
45. "Please just stay with me. For one moment at least."
46. "You're leaving now?"
47. "You didn't miss me at all?»
48. "I can't love you anymore."
49. "I wish I was sorry."
50. "Did I ever really matter to you?"
51. "Admit that you're wrong!"
52. "Do not compare yourself to me."
53. "My hate for you runs deeper than your ego."
54. "You left me!"
55. "You will never know how I feel."
56. "Liar!"
57. "I wish you were dead."
58. "You will regret this."
59. "Get away from me!"
60. "I don't know you anymore."
61. “She's not yours.”
62. " It wasn't meant to go this far. I swear. "
63. "Please, not now."
64. " You were ready to leave me for her. "
65. " There is no us, there never was.
66. "Why didn't you tell me? "
67. " If lies keep spewing from those lips then i'm walking out that door.
68. " Shut up. "
69. "Are you ever going to listen? "
70. " Don't leave me. Don't you dare leave me. "
71. " You know for a fucking fact that wasn't supposed to happen. "
72. " Sort yourself out first.
73. " Shhh. I know. "
74. " Tell me a story. "
75. " Leave. Before we wake up regretting what we've done. "
76. " All he ever did was use you. Why can't you see that? "
77. "You think this will make me stay? "
78. " You thought this was real? "
79. " My mum asked about you again. "
80. " Alcohol's the only constant in my life. "
81. " Sirf tum hi ho "
82. " He already knows. "
83. " I was doing fine. Really, and then you waltz back in like you didn't break my heart”
84. " You're married!! "
85. " You deserve so much better. "
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dodger-chan · 6 months
20 Questions for fic writers:
Tagged by @cchapsticck
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
59, if you count the very old stuff I archived there. 39, if you only count the stuff I originally posted there.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Recently, it's been all Stranger Things. If I start writing other fandoms again, tumblr will be the first to know.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Their Wedding Night (cowritten with @sharpbutsoft )
Adventures in Housekeeping
The Opposite of Love
The House Dick
Her Double Life
All but The Opposite of Love are part of A Bliss Like This
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to. I used to not, but I've gotten into some nice conversations with other authors who responded to my comments, so I decided to try it. And I'm a very small author (don't let the word/ count fool you; I've been posting fic online since the late 90s) so there aren't that many comments to reply to.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably that sin, through which I run. Though it's told backwards, so it might depend on what you consider the ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Any fic in A Bliss Like This. It's a guaranteed happiness series.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Never on AO3.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've written, but not published smut. I'm not good enough at it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't, really. Nothing wrong with crossovers, I'm just not usually inspired in that way.
I did work with a couple of friends once on a wild, universe hopping crossover that involved Sonic characters, Gundam Wing, Dragonball Z, The Old Man from Scene 24 (Holy Grail) and others with a friend that I think she posted somewhere. Probably fanfiction.net, but it was like 25 years ago (I am very old) and I'm a little scared of how awful it must have been so I'm not looking.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that anyone's mentioned to me.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not in the sense that we've blended our writing into a single story, but @sharpbutsoft and I built a 1920s AU together. Individual stories in A Bliss Like This are often hers or mine but they build off each other and all the major details are a joint endeavor.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
This is an impossible question.
I have noticed a preference for jock/nerd or similar such pairings. Where one half of the couple is "normal" or socially acceptable and the other half is very, very weird. But only when the relationship develops without either of them giving up that aspect of their personality. No makeovers!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A Nancy POV fic tentatively called 'Three Truths and No Lies' that I started between the two volumes of season four. Because there were all these "fruity four" fics and I thought Nancy would likely try to fix or at least find closure in her relationship with Jonathan as soon as he got to Hawkins, leading to her feeling a little left out of the Eddie and Stobin closeness.
Also a third part of Coming Out with a Purpose, where Robin and Steve come out to Joyce to test her reaction and give her the opportunity to learn from the mistakes she makes with them so that she doesn't fuck up when Will finally comes out.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Limited POVs. I think I'm decent at character voices, too, but I'm less confident there.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing words down (what do you mean just thinking about the fic doesn't make it exist?). The urge to edit while I write. Spelling. Plots.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm not good enough at it to really do it, unless the character speaking is not supposed to be fluent.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
That I published online? Fushigi Yuugi, as I recall. Maybe Gundam Wing. But as a kid I used to write Real Ghostbusters fic for my parents (they wanted to encourage my creativity). Mostly fleshed out (no pun intended) back stories for the ghosts.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'm still writing it. I'm gonna finish it, I swear.
Of what I've published, it's probably Her Double Life, because genderqueer drag queen Eddie of the 1920s is just so much fun. I have so many thoughts and feelings about her. So, so many.
No pressure tags for: @sharpbutsoft , @greenlikethesea, um, who else writes? If you do, and you want to answer these, please consider yourself tagged.
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all of them. unless you're uncomfortable with any
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
only with my mom
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
I last said I love you to panda
03: Do you regret anything?
yep, lots of things
04: Are you insecure?
hell yeah, plenty to not like about me but that��s the anxiety talking
05: What is your relationship status?
06: How do you want to die?
quickly, calmly
07: What did you last eat?
08: Played any sports?
play soccer mainly, but dabbled around
09: Do you bite your nails?
unless I paint them, yes
10: When was your last physical fight?
fourth grade
11: Do you like someone?
yeah, I’m dating them
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
I hate actions not people, unless the action is unjustifiable. So like, Israeli military and my dad
14: Do you miss someone?
I miss my moots in a way of ‘we never met but I want you here way’
15: Have any pets?
yep, always lived with dogs
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
really shitty
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
nope, never even kissed someone
18: Are you scared of spiders?
nah, they’re little guys
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
nope, might get killed legally
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
haven’t yet
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
take a fucking break
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
maybe, all I know is I want to adopt
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
none, but I want basic earibgs
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
anything art related or english
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
no, I left them for a reason
26: What are you craving right now?
sleep and cuddles
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
yeah,,,,, I didn’t want to hurt them but I’m not going to date someone I don’t like back. It’s not fair.
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
I believe so, but we were being sweet and it was a while ago
30: What’s irritating you right now?
31: Does somebody love you?
32: What is your favourite color?
33: Do you have trust issues?
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
Me, someone was trying to kill me
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
my teacher when asking for stock footage
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
I think but also everyone deserves a new chance
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
don’t know, still growing
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
haven’t had one
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
when I was like one
51: Favourite food?
Cheese quesadillas
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
yeah, why else would they happen
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
hug my mom
54: Is cheating ever okay?
only on tests that don’t matter much
55: Are you mean?
playfully mean
56: How many people have you fist fought?
57: Do you believe in true love?
58: Favourite weather?
summer rain
59: Do you like the snow?
60: Do you wanna get married?
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
yeah, I love pet names
62: What makes you happy?
a lot of things
63: Would you change your name?
yes, I did
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
no? I kissed my mom on the check and I’ll do it again
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
(well as a trans male) if I was single and liked them then maybe but usually I just say I’m not interested and run off embarrassed
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
not really
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my mom
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
no, but there plenty of people I’d live for
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blueeyedheizer · 2 years
1.6k celebration - blurb event
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you can send up to two prompts
the list is kind of long because I will only use each prompts once. this is the main difference with my previous blurb events! first come first serve kinda :)
please do not mass request <3 and finally please please pleeeease bear with me and my slowness. i'm still struggling to write rn so like. uh. yeah. be patient 😭
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-matt, matthew connellly
-michael gray, j cody
-seb jacobs, frank mccullen, four
-cassie howard, pippa
-eddie munson, chrissy cunningham (no smut)
(i'll be privileging requests for sydney and stranger things bc I wanna write more for them — but feel free to request for whoever you want from the list :))
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#1 "Just shut up! I'm not as fragile as you think I am, I don't need protecting!"
#2 "This is a one time thing”
#3 “bend over the desk”
#4 “I guess I’ll just get off all by myself then”
#5 "you shouldn’t be alone right now.  i’ll take the couch,  it’ll be fine."
#6 "well, i can think of some ways to wear you out. 
#7 "i didn’t have anywhere else to go.”
#8 "i'll never forget you."
#9 "Don't go [on that date/mission/business trip/ to *destination*...]." "Why?" "You know why."
#10 “i want to taste you”
#11 “my mom/dad adores you.”
#12 "babe, you can barely keep your eyes open...let's go."
#13 “touch me and you lose”
#14 “When we get home I’m cuffing you to the bed and going down on you all night until my jaw is sore.”
#15 "man, fuck that guy. go show her what she’s missing. “
#17 “tell me that there was some truth to it.” “...come on. i don’t want to do this.” “tell me it wasn’t all in my fucking head, [name].”
#18 “stop— stop talking!” “why? you can’t even face your own mistake?”
#19 "I don’t want you to be alone tonight and honestly, I don’t really want to be alone either.”
#20 "I'm really not in the mood." "You never are."
#21 "I love you."
#22 “y'know, i was hoping to make a sandwich but seeing as you're here already, wearing that, i'd rather have something else to eat.”
#23 "I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy." "don't ever say that...you made me so happy."
#24 "that’s the sixth time you’ve complimented me today.”
#25 "I'd hold onto something if I were you."
#26 "You don’t love me anymore, do you?”
#27 “I wonder what your girlfriend/boyfriend would do if they knew what you were doing right now.”
#28 “You're so beautiful.”
#29 "It’s really hard seeing you/him/her with him/her everyday.”
#30 “There will always be a part of you that wishes you could be with him/her."
#31 "she’s everything i ever wanted, but i don’t want to risk losing her as a friend."
#32 "look, i don't know if i’m the kind of person you need or even want right now. but i’m looking around and i’m the only one who’s here.
#33 "If I never see you again, just know that I love you so, so much.”
#34 "We've been by each other's sides for years, you think I'm gonna leave now?"
#35 "did you fake it?"
#36 "i heard what you said...no one's ever talked about me that way before.."
#37 "i asked if you were having a party. i didn’t tell you to have a party.
#38 "If you die, I’m going to kill you"
#39 "You’ve got thirty seconds to explain to me what you’re doing here."
#40 "It’s amazing how fast the world can go from bad to total shit storm.”
#41 "What do you got?” "Uh...A headache.”
#42 ”Are you alright?” “I will be.”
#43 ''you only call me when you want to hook-up.'' '' that was part of the agreement, wasn't it? ''
#44 "We're in public you know." “I really don’t care, you look hot and I’m trying not to fuck you senseless right now”
#45 “I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice”
#46 Think anyone will notice if I start fingering you right now?”
#47 "you're an idiot" / "but i'm your idiot"
#48 "Look...I know we broke up, but you know that you aren't any less important to me now, right?"
#49 "Spread your legs."
#50 "You're perfect... everything about you is perfect"
#51 "One more word out of you and I’ll bend you over the table and fuck you in front of everyone”
#O you can also suggest a prompt from my previous prompt lists :)
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graces5169 · 1 year
300 prompts, categories and character descriptions.
Leave however many prompts you want with the genre of writing and any necessary character descriptions and any extra detail needed. :) (make sure you also leave
character x reader so I know who I'm writing about)
¡Prompts! (From Pinterest)
1. Why did you leave me
2. Am I that useless to you
3. I hate you
4. I love you
5. Can you hug me
6. Do I mean anything to you
7. Please stop your hurting me
8. Don't look at me
9. You disappoint me
10. I am (so) proud of you
11. Can I sleep beside/with you tonight
12. I'm scared
13. Can I hug you
14. Please hold me
15. Your hands are shaking
16. Stay by my side it doesn't have to be forever
17. Promise you'll return alive
18. I've always hated you
19. I've always loved you
20. Your safe now I've got you
21. Your the only one I trust to do this
22. Your too good for me
23. You've got to be kidding me
24. Have you lost your damn mind
25. Please don't leave me
26. Why don't you come over here and make me
27. Are you jealous
28. I almost lost you
29. Wanna bet
30. Looks like we'll be trapped a while
31. Just once
32. Shut up
33. It's not what it looks like
34. Sometimes it's hard to keep pretending
35. And if I don't
36. I can't help but stare
37. Make me
38. Can't you pretend you love me just once
39. Is your ego really that big
40. Come dance with me
41. Just shut up for one minute
Original/ (not off Pinterest)
42. What are you afraid of
43. Just love me damnit
44. I'm broken and unfixable
45. She's mine
46. I suggest you back off
47. Fuck off mate
48. I'm not watching you mope around like a loser
49. I'm trying to break up with you
50. Did you ever care
51. I was a fucking game
52. Im not your toy
53. She's so annoying
54. Your nothing but a stupid mudblood
55. You tried to kill me
56. I could've killed her
57. Im a monster
58. I hate myself to
59. How'd you do that
60. She never smiles anymore
61. She only smiles when he's around
62. I'd rather date Sirius
63. This time your 'prank' went to far
64. Just my parents
65. You don't deserve this
66. They don't deserve you
67. You have a beautiful voice
68. She's stunning
69. I have to go I'm sorry
70. I can't do this
71. Are we just friends
72. You could never hurt me
73. Your a wolf
74. Are you serious
75. I'd never date you
76. I don't believe you darling
77. You're cheating on me
78. It's over
79. Im pretty sure I'm drunk but you're really hot
80. We can't do this
81. Im sorry
82. It's better this way
83. "Fuck you!" "When?"
84. Im going
85. Im stopping at nothing to get her back
86. Because I'm in love with you god damnit
87. It's too late for me
88. I fancy you
89. Would you fancy a date day at hogsmade this Saturday
(From Pinterest)
90. Im tired of being your secret
91. Who did this to you
92. You are not fine
93. I thought you hated me
94. Im not leaving you
95. I don't owe you an explanation
96. I thought pushing her away was for the better
97. Nobody wants me
98. I want an answer goddamnit
99. No one's ever done that to me before
100. This feels nice
101. I haven't been hugged in years
102. Im pathetic
103. Im not happy here
104. I want my best friend back
105. Go away
106. If he can't see how amazing you are that's his loss
107. What are you smiling about
108. What's in it for me
109. Do you ever stop talking
110. Isn't this what you wanted
111. She's better off
112. Can I hold your hand
113. You can't do that shit
114. You can borrow mine
115. I'll wait
116. He hit me
117. Your one of them
118. I like your scars
119. Don't fall asleep on me
120. Can I date your brother
121. Your a deatheater
122. Don't make me say something I'll regret
123. Can I braid your hair
124. Your really pretty
125. Let me help you
126. You stubborn arse
127. Your in love with her
128. Stay I need you more than you know
129. Your killing me here
130. Tell me I'm wrong
131. I'd be lying to you
132. Lie to me
133. Prove it
134. I'll never get another chance to say this
135. I never stood a chance did I
136. Tell me again
137. This is why we can't have nice things
138. Do you regret it
139. I'm not going anywhere
140. Another nightmare
141. You've thought about it haven't you
142. We need to talk about last night
143. We were drunk we can just put it behind us
144. You were my biggest mistake
145. Are you drunk
146. What happens if I do this
147. I can't have you
148. Just for tonight
149. Be mine for just one night
150. She was crying because of you
151. We're not just friends and you fucking know it
152. You could die and I couldn't care less
153. I never cared
154. Please don't cry I can't stand to see you cry
155. Walk out that door and were through
156. Yell, scream, shout, say something
157. I can't breathe
158. I hate how much I love you
159. Where do you think your going
160. I'm not letting you walk at night alone three miles back
161. I need time and space
162. Run away like you always do you fucking coward
163. You can keep pretending it didn't happen all you want but guess what it fucking did
164. Can't we just be friends again
165. Stop acting like your okay cause I know your not
166. Just talk to me
167. Bite me
168. If you insist
169. I think I'm in love with you and that scares the shit out of me
170. I think your just afraid to be happy
171. I'm afraid I'll hurt her
172. Why are you so nice to me
173. Choose me
174. Shut up and kiss me
175. Your blushing
176. Is that my shirt
177. This is awkward
178. Please come home I miss you
179. It won't happen again
180. I don't see a future with you
181. Why are you helping a monster
182. Stay the fuck back
183. Please pull the trigger
184. Leave! I don't fucking care
185. I can't save us
186. So save yourself
187. Why didn't you tell me how bad it got
188. I never said I wanted a relationship with you so why are you crying
189. I deserve more than this
190. I'm not anyones favorite person
191. I just want to be wanted I'm tired of being needed for everything
192. I know! But you didn't have to use her like that
193. We can start over, please I'll do anything
194. Everything can be perfect so please don't leave
195. I guess we just weren't meant to be
196. You're always leaving me
197. Stop lying
198. If you die I'll go out of my fucking head
199. Your cute when your mad
200. And Your adopted
201. You gave us quite a scare
202. We can work it out
203. You're overreacting
204. You're all I have left
205. I don't care what they think
206. It's me
207. You make me feel safe
208. You guys read my diary what are you five
209. I don't recognize you anymore
210. You make me sick
211. Sorry can't fix what you've done
212. Do you really have feelings for me
213. Don't look at me like that
214. Give me a break
215. It's not a party without alcohol
216. Truth or dare
217. It's six in the morning your not having anymore firewhiskey
218. Your drive me fucking crazy
219. I'm dangerous please stay back
220. Did you hit your head as a kid
221. She's not yours anymore
222. She's deaf dumbass
223. I'm sorry for my brother he's an asshole
224. Oi, fuck off please
225. "I could kiss you right now." "Do it then"
226. What are you doing to me
227. Just admit I'm right
228. He's hot
229. Your my brother I'll always care for you
230. I'm personally offended I didn't get picked to be your fake date
231. They don't love me they're not that stupid
232. We'll what can I say I'm badass
233. Do I get bonus points if I act like I care
234. Excuse me I have to go make a scene
235. I'm gonna need therapy after this
236. Do your parents realize they're living proof that two wrongs don't make a right
237. I'm going on a date
238. Will you be my girlfriend
239. Would you rather kiss me or Lilly
240. Your bloody obsessed
241. She looks so perfect
242. You look beautiful
243. I wanna become an animagus
244. Stop coming back
245. Do you love him
246. I can't love you
247. You made me better
248. You ate my leftovers
249. Just get it over with
250. Were best when we're together don't you think
251. Can I kiss you
252. If I kiss you It's gonna change everything
253. Fuck it
254. I'm pretty sure I just made a fool of myself
255. Can you stop ignoring me
256. I'm friends with a bunch of two year olds
257. Hug me
258. Oh deer
259. Chocolate, old books and rain
260. Cologne, wet dog and leather
261. Cologne, broom polish and fresh cut grass
262. Are you hitting on me
263. This was fun, we should do it again
264. You owe me
265. I swear I'm gonna slit his fucking throat
266. Did you just kiss me
267. Huh ironic isn't it I'm a lone wolf
268. You hooked up
269. You kissed her
270. Teach me
271. What are we
272. What if I do
273. I want you to be happy
274. I think your beautiful
275. Why do you have scars
276. Shut up before you wake them
277. This is why we don't listen to you
278. What do you mean maybe
279. Hey whose side are you on
280. It's okay you didn't know
281. At least my parents are still alive
282. That wasn't love it was a perfect illusion
283. She makes my heart beat at a million miles per second
284. I'm not in the mood to fight with you tonight
285. Come stay with me
286. Don't call me love
287. I always keep my promises
288. Revenge is my best work
289. Why are you up
290. He's amazing
291. She's not going with you
292. I wasn't lying when I told you I loved you
293. Why are you scared
294. Why aren't you scared of me
295. If your a monster for what you've done than I'm the fucking devil
296. You fucking traitor
297. I'll always love you
298. I will never leave you no matter what happens between us I'll always be there
299. Please stop
300. I fucking love you thats why
Genre/ type of story
Friends to lovers
Enemies to lovers
Angst with a happy ending
Angst with a sad ending
Fluff to angst
Angst to fluff
+ more
No smut
Character x reader
Sirius black and reader
James potter and reader
Remus lupin and reader
Lilly Evans and reader
Regulus black and reader
Marlene McKinnon and reader
Characters house
Any added features
Hair color
Eye color
Relationship status with parents and other characters
Any important details.
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little-sw33tie · 2 years
40 Lyric Writing Prompt List
(Songs listed in order at the end)
1- “The rough nights ain’t leaving, so why the hell should we?”
2- “And there is not a single place I’d rather be, I’m fucked you just like you are, and you’re fucked up just like me”
3- “I’m still dreaming after all these years”
4- “I still gotta believe people are good at the core”
5- “doctor give it to me, I’ve got a bad case of not loving me”
6- “I want you by my side, so that I’ll never feel alone again”
7- “Just take my hand and we'll abandon this world, we’ll wash those tears away”
8- “it won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage. But you’d look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two”
9- “It’s alright, come inside and talk to me”
10- “Are you tired of me yet?”
11- “I’ll cut my hair, to make you stare. I’ll hide my chest”
12- “No wealth, no ruin no silver no gold. Nothing satisfies me but your soul”
13- “When god is gone and the devil takes hold, who’ll have mercy on your soul?”
14- “I saw a girl in my dream, she kissed me on the face”
15- “It’s not about the money but the world doesn’t agree, a bribe a lie a trick will hide the truth and they won’t see”
16- “As long as you’ve changed your mind, your soul belongs to me”
17- “If you bother asking me if love is really true, I would stare you in the face and say ‘it’s looking right at you!’”
18- “You tried so hard to take the discord out of me, but I’m not generic in that way, and I just wanna cause a little entropy”
19- “gonna hide myself way down in the deep deep blue, because I hate myself for being so mean to you”
20- “what do you think of me? Do you think of me?”
21- “And I think I like you, and I hope you do too”
22- “I still get a little star struck, baby you shine so bright”
23- “Don’t let me see what I am, ‘cause I can’t stand it. No I can’t”
24- “My odds are stacked, I’ve never been a gambling man, I’ve never had the winning hand. But for you I’d lose it all”
25- “Let’s face it, let’s come to terms and embrace it. Concur, admit, concede, I’m cute <3”
26- “I know I could fall in love twice with you, I do it every day so I swear it’s nothing new”
27- “I’m gonna do this right! Show you I’m not moving, wherever you go, I won’t be far to follow! I’m gonna love you so!”
28- “Why can’t I live up to my family name?”
29- “Well it’s not me that you see, it’s just my pedigree”
30- “Don’t you ever feel like you’ve been destined for something bigger than your skin?”
31- “Baby, all I think about it you. Baby, I don’t know what I’m gonna do”
32- “Life Made you bitter, I can make you tender”
33- “Help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure, nothing ever lasts forever,”
34- “But I won’t let you lose yourself in the rain”
35- “I wanna live close to the sun”
36- “Everything to prove nothing in my way, I’ll get there one day”
37- “But where do you belong?”
38- “So you goners should do the do and do wander the blue yonder cause trying to fool the future takes too long”
39- “I don’t know quite where I’, going, but I’m on my way”
40- “If I could go back then and step into the past, I’d do it all again”
1- Welcome to the Family (watsky)
2- Sloppy Seconds (watsky)
3 & 4- Cardboard Castles (watsky)
5- Can’t dance, don’t ask (weezer)
6- Stolen Dance (Milky Chance)
7- The Cult Of Dionysus (The Orion Experience)
8- Daisy Bell (harry dacre)
9- Talk To Me (cavetown)
10 & 11- This is home (cavetown)
12 & 13- I am no one (gemini killer)
14- Another one of those days (cavetown)
15, 16 & 17- 1925 (English Cover by Biscuits and Discontent) (I’m sorry it just hits me in the inspiration really hard)
18- Entropy (Awkward Marina)
19- I hate myself for being mean to you (Isham Jones)
20 & 21- Your Text (Sundial)
22- Starstruck (The Scary Jokes)
23- Dysphoric (Cavetown)
24- Gambling Man (The Overtones)
25- Let’s Face It I’m Cute (11 Acorn Lane)
26- Twice (Rio Romeo)
27- Never Ever Getting Rid Of Me (Waitress)
28, 29 & 30- The Exit (Forgive Durden)
31- Fantasy (Mystery Skulls)
32- Al Dente (Jack Stauber)
33- Everybody wants to rule the world (Tears for Fears)
34- Spring and a Storm (Tally Hall)
35 & 36- I Wanna Be Famous (Graeme Cornies & Dawna Toews)
37- I Saw The Sign (Ace of Base)
38, 39 & 40- Stupidass (Watsky)
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freyaswolf · 1 year
For years, I lived in bewildered befuddlement regarding the musical musings of Taylor Swift. I usually listen to rock or metal, so her brand of pop was not a part of my usual lineup. However, I gained lovely friends here on Tumblr who swear by our Lady TayTay, so I decided I should check out her stuff. But there was SO MUCH, I didn't even know where to start. Luckily, my dearest mutual and actual friend, @idontgettechnology , took pity on me and made me the most amazing playlist to get me started. She titled it Taylor Swift 101, with a description of "Class is is session bish".
I spent today working my way through it, and it was a revelation! I took notes, cause that's what you're supposed to do in class, so here are my highlights from the 56 song playlist. I know I'm missing out on years of lore regarding TSwift, but I'm eager to learn. After a few more listens I may even be ready for the 201 level of this class lol
Notes below the cut, to save your scrolling thumb 😜
Ok, here we go! (I'm pretty sure these are in the intended order, and mostly these are first impressions)
1. Fifteen: wow, this took me straight back to highschool!
2. Teardrops on my Guitar: yep, I'm already hooked
3. Fearless: UGH!!!!
4. Tied Together with a Smile: FUCK!
5. Whitehorse: Holy shit!
6. Cold as You: DAMN!!!
7. You Belong with Me: (SCREAMING) I'm officially invested!
8. Stay Beautiful: 😍😍😍
9. That's The Way I Loved You: FUUUUUUCK!!!
10. Come Back, Be Here: I'm dead over this one ☠️
11. Sparks Fly: EHRMEHGHERD!!!
12. All Too Well: DUUUUUDE!!! I think this is about Jake Gyllenhaal? Also, OOOUUUUUCCCHHH, I can feel her pain!
13. Dear John: EW! Girl, he's a toxic ass narcissist! Babygirl, you need to ditch those boys, get you a girlfriend instead. I volunteer as tribute, or I would if I wasn't too old and boring lol
14. I Almost Do: 🥺🥺🥺🥺
15. Enchanted: Oh the feels!!! Also, my personal head canon is that this is about Chris Evans 😜
16. Red: oh boy, have I been here!
18. Blank Space: HA! I love this song!
19. Out of the Woods: girl does not have normal relationships
20. How You Get the Girl: OOOOF! I mean come on, she's literally giving instructions!
21. Bad Blood: Fuck you song if ever I heard one! "You made this mess, you know that right?" Kinda vibes
22. Clean: (hand over heart in salute) I feel you sis!
23. Wonderland: Love this! Also, who is this green eyed boy she keeps mentioning?!
24. Look at What You Made Me Do: love this! "Fine, now I'm the bad guy" vibes 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
26. Gorgeous: Love this! UGH SHUT UP YOUR PRETTY FACE! Also about Chris Evans lol
27. Getaway Car: Damn, I've had a few of these, and yeah nothing good happens in a getaway car. Doomed! Lol
28. Dress: HOT!!!
29. New Years Day: Oh my heart!!!
30. The Man: FUCK YES!!!
31. The Archer: wow, exhausting/exhausted, this poor kid!
32. London Boy: FUCK. (This totally made me think of JQ) lol
33. Paper Rings: LOVE!!! ❤️❤️❤️
34. Cruel Summer: relatable lol
35. Cardigan: Sobbing 😭
36. Ivy: UGH! Made me cry!
Tumblr media
38. Champagne Problems: this girl needs a hug
39. Illicit Affairs: OUCH!
40. Coney Island: 🖤
41. Hoax: I am bereft. I feel like I just broke up with all of my exes at once.
42. Gold Rush: definitely about Chris Evans. Also the way I flirt, if you're too perfect, I avoid and ignore. And if I can't do that, I heckle.
43. Tis the Damn Season: FEEEEELS!!!
44. Mirrorball: she needs all of the hugs, and some real friends.
45. No Body, No Crime: I would absolutely hide bodies for her. I would die for her.
45. Betty: I have questions? Also, I 🖤 when she says fuck.
46: Evermore: I liked it, but I didn't have a definitive "note"
47. Antihero: HA!
48. Maroon: I really love it when she says fuck. It may be a new kink for me.
49. Lavender Haze: I really want her to get a girlfriend.
50. You're on Your Own Kid: SO GOOD!
51. Bejeweled: FUCK YES!!!
52. Mastermind: 😈😈😈 I've done this. This is me.
53. The Great War: bonded like war buddies lol
54. High Infidelity: Feels decidedly Hellcheery
55. Would've Could've Should've: DAAAAAMMMMNNN!!!!
56. Dear Reader: WOW
And I am SPENT! This was a rollercoaster of emotions, and I enjoyed the whole fucking time. I am now a ride or die T Swift fan. Dude, I had no idea. Thank you so much MJ for this guided tour, I had the best time today! 🥰
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scarrletmoon · 10 months
tumblr ate this ask but i still got the email for it?? anyway thank you @unadulteratedkr ily
@unadulteratedkr asked: FOR THE FIC WRITER ASKS: 3, 12, 14, 18 (SPECIFICALLY GLASS HOUSES 👀) , 25, 37, 39, 42, and 45 obviously you don't have to do ALL of them, but I fucking love ask games and want to know ALL THE ANSWERS
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
i use a lot of repetition? i focus a lot on how sentences sound so there's a cadence i like to follow, which means i end up saying the same thing in different ways which is kind of annoying but it's been my style.........forever 🥲
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
i dont think so? mostly it's been me discovering kinks i didn't think i'd ever be into bc i only started reading E fic last year. i have discovered that i can be into pretty much anything as long as it's written well!
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
yes. off the top of my head, the only age gap fics i'd read are from friends/writers i trust. same with tentacle fics too, i think? and most iffy tropes although i can't think of any rn
18. If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it involve?
i started writing one that was accidentally inspired by that one episode of Bob's Burgers where Bob's been on a waitlist for this fancy turkey and finally gets it, except this time it's Ed and Stede and Ed wants this fancy ham that'll take like, a 5 hour round trip to get, and Stede offers to drive. and then this happens bc i'm incapable of writing them as not being wildly horny for each other
“Have you?” Stede snapped out of his daydream, a little alarmed now how easy it had been to drift off while he was still driving. “Have I what?” “Dreamt about this.” Stede’s heart galloped in his chest. It was a miracle he could see the road at all, with his head full of the rumble of Ed’s voice, the heat of his body, his fingers light on Stede’s hand, no longer guiding but following the movement. “Why do you think I was so eager to drive you?” One of Stede’s favourite sounds in the world was Ed’s laugh, especially now when he was especially relaxed, warm and effortlessly, hypnotically alluring.  Stede circled his thumb over the head of Ed’s cock, shivering as he caught the pearl of moisture there, and Ed gasped. “Fuck.” Stede could feel the way his thighs tensed, the twitch as the fingers of his free hand curled on the seat. Stede could hear his breathing too, his panting growing heavier with every long, languorous stroke. This was usually the point where Ed got impatient, started bucking his hips or whining, but he was surprisingly patient. Watching Stede’s face through heavy-lidded eyes. Waiting for more. “Did you decide to behave for me today?” Stede flicked his eyes to Ed’s face and away. Ed’s expression was distractingly rapt, even in Stede’s periphery.
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
merriam-webster thesaurus is my best friend
i'll also use One Look occasionally if MW isn't quite cutting it
oh also the color dictionary my beloved
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
maybe it's good that no one read it bc i didn't get it beta read but take from me my lace was so fun to write. i wasn't going to rest until i'd put stede in those laced trousers from ep6, but sluttier
also i get why people dont read it bc it's a christmas fic but Last Christmas has my fave dom Stede outside of PB
39. Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people? If so, who?
god, all the time. the porn wars with stephanie made PB so much nastier than it could've been. @unadulteratedkr has the most incredible suggestions as a beta reader. @oatmilktruther makes me want to be a better writer bc they're so brilliant. and then for some reason i also take my fic writing cues from bexless, at least for longform?? thanks unholyverse
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
i got so so lucky with PB where i'd get such touching comments from several people, including @lokigodofsex and @oatmilktruther who kept me writing (also Holy Man on ao3, i hope you're doing okay 💖💖💖)
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
oh boy um everything? i finished a long form project for the first time in my entire life (i guess, not counting the time i wrote a "novel" when i was like, 13) and that really forced me to get better at continuity, character development, balancing an extended cast of characters and just writing smut in general. i had to end it before i could post all of it but i learned a lot 💖
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