#and if you said 'make me a bomb' the warehouse is getting blown up and we are going down hand in unscientifically-minded hand
nancywheeeler · 4 months
("i would bring the snacks!" you're the fixer. "i'm wearing a bunch of different disguises!" you're the conman. "explosions!" you're the gadget guy. "i'm making sure everyone else does their fucking jobs!" you're the second in command. "i'm just chilling." you're not invited.)
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octuscle · 9 months
Full time barista here I’ve always been envious of the men on stage especially the heavy weights. Don’t want to over work the chronivac but help me become a muscle bull as big as jean pierre fux.
Mate, I understand you only too well…. There are few things hotter than the real heavy beefcakes. I've tried it long enough myself… But I didn't make it either. Jean Pierre is a pretty good role model… But I have an idea…
Friday morning. It's 06:00, you have to hurry, in one hour you have to prepare the first coffee. You don't have time for much more than a few situps and pushups. In the bathroom you have to hurry. You need longer and longer to conceal your receding hairline. You are now 40 years old, slowly you just notice that you are getting older. If you go out tonight to party, it will take you almost the whole Saturday to recover. The cosmetic industry has nothing effective to offer against the wrinkles in the corners of your eyes. And even if you don't need to be ashamed of your body: You won't gain much more muscle in your lifetime.
Shit, at 07:00 o'clock people are already queuing up. You hate it when you can't open the store in peace. But as it looks, it will be 10:00 o'clock, until you have the first moment of rest. In fact, it's even 10:30 when your colleague thinks you can take a break. If you need it, he adds with a wink. You look fantastic today! You take a mineral water and sit down in the warehouse. In fact, you feel pretty damn good right now. You drink the water in one go. You don't have much time for a break. And you have to piss again before the lunch business starts. Your lower jaw drops as you wash your hands. Fuck, what happened to you. There are no more receding hairlines or laugh lines. You look ten years younger than when you got up today. The only difference is that you look as if you'd spent the last ten years doing little else but lifting iron. Your T-shirt is almost blown up by your biceps and pecs. And your jeans look like they're painted on your monstrous legs. How could you not notice that? As you tie the apron back on your way back to the counter, you wonder why you were just amazed. Since your 20th birthday, you've spent every spare minute at the gym, investing every penny you earn in protein and supplements. Hell, if you didn't look the way you do, you would have wasted a hell of a lot of time and money.
The calm in your coffee bar begins to subside again. The lunch business is starting up. There's a beefcake in your line that makes you jealous. Yo, bro! he greets you. It's nice to see that there are real men working here, too. What you can recommend to him. You suggest the protein bomb. A scramble of 10 eggs with 400 grams of chicken breast. He grins and nods. And a liter of still mineral water. The bro shares your taste. While you type everything into the register, he asks you if you're all-natural. Of course you are. With the money for the meal, he slides you a card. In case you want to think about it.
It is 17:00 o'clock, when you tie off your apron. Fuck' according to your watch you have walked 12,000 steps today on the few square meters behind the counter. But it also looks like it's been a pretty good day so far. You're 20 now, and the idea of opening your own café with healthy and, above all, protein-rich food came to you when you were 16. That's when you started getting into high performance bodybuilding. And a place like this was missing at that time. And then you built this place with your mentor and trainer as a straw man. But you can't stand behind the counter for more than ten hours. Even if you are the best advertisement for your products, you have to work out at least four hours every day. Otherwise you don't stand a chance on the big stage.
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You might not be one of the big ones yet… But you are on a really good way to get there. You met Jean Pierre Fux once at a fitness fair in Germany. A great role model for you. And he said that at your age he would have been a linnet compared to you. The prerequisites for a brilliant career are there. Enjoy it and make the best of it!
This and other hot pics @anton227ludwig
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In the Silence (Two-Face x Reader)
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Your ears were ringing. What the hell just happened? You lay on the ground, eyes staring at the building in flames next to you with gouges out of it. Oh right, the bombs. Suddenly Mark came into view. He was talking but you couldn't hear him. "Hey! (Y/N)!" Mark shook you making you look at him. "Hang on, I'm gonna get the boss, alright?" 
Two-Face wasn't particularly difficult to find given his unique attire and well half of him was burned and scarred. "Boss! It's (Y/N)! They were too close and- they're alive but they won't get up!" Mark had fully expected his boss to give the order just to leave you. Instead, he demanded that Mark took him to you and ordered a van to the building that had blown up. It was definitely risky but Two-Face seemed determined. 
He and Mark ran to you the moment they laid eyes on you. "Hey! Hey! (Y/N)! Look at me!" Harvey moved to his knees as you watched the fire. You jumped slightly when he scooped your upper half into his arms. Two-Face looked at you, cradling your face. You couldn't make out what he was saying but his mouth was moving. "For fucks sake, (Y/N), can you hear us!?" Two-Face demanded before releasing your face. He got his answer. Not by you, but by the red sticky liquid now on his fingers. Harvey took your jaw and turned your head. Blood was coming from your ear. He checked the other side, that ear was the same. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" He cursed and tucked his arms under your back and legs, lifting you into his arms. 
You were carried into the back of a van with a few of your fellow henchmen and Two-Face. The back of the van was dark and you felt the movement. Yet you couldn't hear the engine. Your breathing quickened. Where were you going? What happened? You tried to look around but could only make out the dark walls of the van. Something touched your hand. Your gaze shot to the source. A unscathed hand held yours. You followed the length of the hand to up the crisp white sleeve of the jacket and finally setting eyes on your boss. He mouthed to you with a reassuring look. 'You're okay.'  You struggled to believe that. 
"We need help!" Two-Face barked out as he carried you into the warehouse. His call had gotten the attention of both The Riddler and Scarecrow. "Is it done?" The Riddler demanded. Two-Face ignored him and looked to Scarecrow. He looked you over as you craned your neck back over his shoulder trying to figure out your surroundings. "Bring them down the hall, I'll take a look." Scarecrow said finally and Harvey nodded. 
You didn't seem to know what was happening as Two-Face set you down on the table. When you tried to sit up, he pushed you back down. His mouth moved. You couldn’t hear him. As you looked around you caught sight of Scarecrow, of all people, entering the room. Needles in hand. He peeled back his mask and ran a hand through his hair. His eyes were set on you. Nothing good came from that man. He never had good intentions. You tried not to do anything to upset him but the moment he got too close, your limits had been reached. You panicked the moment you felt Scarecrow firmly take hold of your head. You shook violently and tried to escape Scarecrow. "N-N-Nnn-" You never spoke a word only incoherent noises. "Stay still..." Jonathan muttered to himself as he angled your head to see your ear. You fought against his strong hold but couldn't. That was when you caught sight of a needle. Right by your side. No. No, you were determined. You were not going to be his next experiment. You kicked and fought him him off.  You let out gut wrenching terrified screams as you tried to get away. "Dent." Jonathan said warily and Harvey held down your legs. "What the hell is all this racket?" The Riddler walked in. "Edward, come help." Jonathan demanded. "I'm busy!" The Riddler snapped and fury flashed across Harvey's face as he held out his gun. "Get your green ass over here before I shoot you in the fucking head!" Even with a gun aimed at him, the Riddler rolled his eyes with an inconvenienced sigh and walked over. "What am I doing?" "Help hold them down." Jonathan replied. Your hands shot out again as you tried to sit up and Edward caught them with ease before pressing your arms to your chest and pressing his weight against you. Your back hit the table once again and you let out another panicked scream. You couldn't get free of the three men. You couldn't even move. All you could do is scream and cry. Harvey turned his head away, hiding the tears that built in his eyes as he felt the urge to cry. He hated how tense you were under him, your violent shakes as you cried and screamed. It was obvious what was happening. You saw Scarecrow and assumed the worst. It felt a pang in his chest knowing that you thought you were the next test subject. You had no idea that they were trying to help. "They'll be fine." Jonathan confirmed. "Damage to cause bleeding but not enough to permanent hearing loss. It should be back within a few days. Their ear drums are still in tact." Jonathan turned your head back and indicated for you to follow his finger. As he moved it back and forth, you followed it. "It's the shock. They'll be uncomfortable for a little while when it wears off but if they were as close as you say then you should consider them very lucky." "All of this for a silly diagnosis like that!?" Edward scoffed. "Edward, they can't hear. They don't know what is happening." Jonathan replied. "You try it." Harvey snapped. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, can i let go now?" Edward huffed.
You settled after an hour or so. It was clear you were still very confused but significantly less dazed than before. You moved to touch your ears and winced. Two-Face's hands wrapped over your own and pulled them down. He shook his head with a small smile. With a flash of dejavu, you turned your head in perfect timing. Scarecrow turned the corner and your heart dropped before it began to race. Not again. You looked to Two-Face but changed your mind quickly, deciding you didn't want to take your eyes off the Scarecrow.
"Yes, me again." Jonathan grinned seemingly enjoying your fear. In his hands were two cotton cloths. "I think they're feeling that discomfort you mentioned." Harvey said. "I figured. That's why I have these until Nygma gets paracetamol." Two-Face huffed. "Getting them to take that will be an even bigger battle." Jonathan grinned at him. "I know." He seemed almost eager, excited at the thought of seeing you struggle that much more. Jonathan folded the two clothes a couple of times. "Distract them and hold their hands down." Jonathan said lightly as he held both cloths in each hand. Harvey tapped your hand and you turned your head towards him. Like clockwork, Jonathan sandwiched the two cloths, covering each ear. Whilst Harvey held your hands down and shook his head, urging you not to struggle. "They'll realise in a moment. The discomfort should...there we go." The two rogues watched as you relaxed. "It's the heat." Jonathan explained. "A soft fabric and heated it up. The key is to hold the cloths to their ears without actually touching their ears." Two-Face nodded as he eyed Jonathan's finger placement. Two fingers placed in front of your ear and the other two behind your ear. "You can take them home, you know." Jonathan's gaze flickered to Harvey's. "Yeah?" Jonathan nodded. "Just make it clear not to get water in their ears and they'll be fine." "I'll do that then..." Harvey nodded. "...better than a shitty warehouse." Two-Face added. Jonathan smiled in amusement.  "I know the feeling." 
The last thing you remembered hearing was the blast from the bomb and it had been a few days now of nothing but silence. No one had told you what was happening. No one told you if you'd ever hear again. The silence isolated you from even a room full of people. You felt so alone. You had tried to shake it off but with every passing day, the silence grew heavier on your mind. You couldn't help it when tears ran down your face. Even as your shoulders shook from your sobs, it still wasn't right. You couldn't hear yourself crying. Were you even crying out loud? There was a quiet sniff that you barely caught. It sounded like your head was currently underwater, quiet and muffled. You heard muffled quiet sobbing but immediately put it down to your brain making up for the silence. You caught sight of Two-Face entering the room. He had been visiting you constantly over the last couple of days. Mostly just to sit with you considering you weren't much for conversation. Plus he knew you didn't exactly want to talk. However, he seemed almost saddened as he looked at you. Once you started crying, you couldn't stop. Two-Face moved to the side of your bed before climbing onto it beside you and running a hand down the side of your face over and over again. It was comforting along with the rumble you felt from his chest next to your head. There was a low muffled sound you couldn't make out and once again considered it your imagination. The cries were louder more consistent but still unbearably quiet. Was this some kind of joke your own brain played on itself? Perhaps you were going insane. You didn't think that to be far from the realms of possibility in the slightest. Even if it was your brain playing tricks, you were glad to hear something other than the silence. It wasn't so heavy and suffocating. 
"Hey..." Harvey said softly as he trailed his fingers along your face. "I'm here." He said quietly into your ear. His hand moved down to your stomach, rubbing softly. He had knew this would come. He just didn't know when but he was glad he had come just at the right time. Your whole body jerked with how powerful your sobs were as they wracked your body. You angled your head towards Harvey. He knew your fear and he knew the pain even more. You were lucky but the healing was always the more difficult part. His fingers wove into your ear. "Just let it out. I'm here." He mumbled. He looked down at you for a moment. "If you insist on getting snot on me...at least make it the side of the suit that's destroyed." Harvey smiled softly and you couldn't help but chuckle through your tears. "There's just so much snot." He chuckled to himself before reaching behind him for a tissue. "Blow your damn nose." Then he halted. "Wait...(Y/N)?" "Mmhmm?" You asked. As you wiped your nose. Harvey snapped his fingers twice. "(Y/N)." "What?" You asked. "Can you hear me?" Harvey asked. You nodded with a hum. "You can hear me?" He repeated and you nodded at him turning to look at him. "Yeah." You sniffed as you cast him a glance. "Never been so happy to hear your voice, boss." You giggled and he laughed. "Oh, you scared the shit out of me." Harvey slumped. "Do you realise how strong you are? It took three of us to hold you down! Crane and Nygma are stronger than they look!" "I thought I was being used as a test subject." You admitted. "Yeah, we know." Two-Face chuckled. "What a relief that's over." Harvey sighed. "Need a nap now?" You asked. "I need a drink and then a nap." He smiled as you laughed at him.
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spacedikut · 4 years
risks ; spencer reid
pairing: spencer reid (criminal minds) x f!reader
summary:  “Hi! Do you take requests?? If you do, can I please request a Spencer x Reader (Including the BAU), where they are dating and the reader is a year or so younger than spencer, but just as smart and very loved by the team, and one day she has to save the team from an unsub and gets really hurt and after everyone is safe they are all really worried about her?? Idk if that made sense at all. Love you work!” 2898 words
a/n: do i know anything about bombs or surgery or post-op procedures? No. did i still have a lot of fun writing this? Yes . i hope you like it! this specific request has been sent to multiple fic writers which i didn’t know until i’d already written and posted BUT the good thing is every writer is different so every request will be approached differently
“I said, no.”
“My girlfriend is stuck in there with a psychopath, Hotch! I can’t leave her in there!”
“I know, Reid. But I need you out here, alive, rather in there, dead.”
Spencer glares, “She could be dead in there for all we know.”
Emily winces from behind Spencer. Hotch stands, hands on hips, trying to think logically despite the situation, “We can’t afford to think like that.”
“He has a bomb! He-he-“
“Reid.” Hotch says, tone authoritive to show he’s playing unit chief and not old friend Hotch, “I need your head in this. We need to profile him to figure out the best way to negotiate – we can’t do that if you keep threatening to act irrationally.”
Spencer scoffs. Derek steps forward and pulls Spencer aside to talk him down from the metaphorical ledge he’s standing on. He’s one second away from running right into that abandoned building that everyone had just evacuated, bar you, and straight into the arms of the man who now has you hostage with a bomb ready to be detonated whenever he pleases.
Hotch already tried calling and negotiating. The man scoffed, voice gruff, and rumbled, “Either I get what I want, or both me and the pretty agent are getting blown to bits.”
In hindsight, they should’ve been more prepared.
Storming the abandoned warehouse, the team expected to find the remnants of a crime scene – they profiled the warehouse was the base of operations for the unsub, a place for him to store all his supplies, and because it had made the news that the FBI were on the case, they assumed he would’ve started running the second he felt them closing in.
He didn’t. He’s ready to go down with his ship, and you’re the unfortunate one that found him. And his homemade bomb.
Derek found the bomb-making equipment. He shouted in his comm for everyone to evacuate, and Spencer realised the second he stepped outside that you were not there. And you hadn’t responded to any calls after stepping into the building.
All it took was one call from the too proud unsub for them to realise your life is in the balance and for Reid to stop thinking rationally.
Spencer should’ve gone with you. He knows you can handle yourself, you’ve saved his ass enough times, but if he’d just.. followed you instead of JJ. Maybe you’d both be in there, or, even better, out here. Alive. Safe. No hostage situation in sight.
Suddenly, several shots ring out.
The team ducks behind their SUVs, Hotch having to drag Spencer down when he doesn’t react, just in case he decides to run straight in.
“It wasn’t the bomb!” Derek calls across, their heads beginning to pop up from behind the vehicles.
Spencer breaks free from Hotch’s grip and sprints into the warehouse. Bomb be damned, there were exactly six shots fired – the exact amount you have in your revolver.
Also the exact amount he has in his revolver.
“Go! Go!” Hotch shouts. The team all charge after Spencer, separating and flowing through the hallways and doorways of the warehouse – there’s this sense of dread running through all of them. There’s something so unique to the panic you feel when someone so close to you, someone so dear, is the one in danger.
There’s a screech from the back of the warehouse. It’s filled with agony, anguish and unadulterated pain – loud enough to reach every nook and cranny of the premises.
“I need a medic!”
Spencer’s throat burns from the tormented yell that leaped from his throat when he found you. There’s so much blood, and it takes Spencer longer than it should to find where your wounds are: two shots to the stomach, one too close to your lungs for comfort.
Although, none of this is comforting. Your eyes are closed.
The unsub is dead. The team looks around the room and easily pieces everything together: you both shot at the same time. You were able to give fatal hits and Spencer refuses to let the hits you got become deadly too.
They spare little to no attention to the bomb – the bomb squad stampede in and analyse it. Their focus is you, if you’re breathing and if the blood has stopped and how weak your pulse is.
It’s too weak. Spencer chokes on a sob above your body.
“Spence, you gotta move,” Derek’s voice is gentle despite the chaos around them, two medics taking Spencer’s place when Derek pulls him away.
“She-she- I can’t-“
“I know, kid, I know. We have to let them take care of her.”
The team is frozen around you as a stretcher is brought it. You’re being given oxygen, the medics are frantically shouting all kinds of things that Spencer doesn’t register – he follows behind you, shoulders slumped and cheeks wet, scanning you from head to toe constantly to see some display of life within you.
Hotch tells him to ride with you to the hospital. He doesn’t bother sparing the team a glance – he needs to keep his eyes on you because if he doesn’t he’s terrified you’ll disappear and he’ll never see you again and never hear your voice and never get to hear you say “I love you” ever again.
He’s terrified.
You’ve been in surgery for hours.
Spencer’s still covered in your blood. He sits next to Derek, who just force-fed him half a granola bar, leg bouncing while he bites his nails.
The whole team is waiting impatiently. Hotch hasn’t sat down once, JJ has been on the phone to Will and Henry several times so she doesn’t go crazy, and everyone has been taking laps around the hospital to burn off some… fear? Apprehension? Just to do something?
Penelope broke several driving laws to get here. She came in, makeup smeared all over her face and hiccupping as Derek caught her when she approached them and collapsed. It took her an hour and a half to calm down.
Spencer doesn’t move.
“Reid, kid.”
Derek nudges him. He looks up, lips chapped and bitten raw, and looks at Rossi who holds his to-go bag.
“You should change.” Rossi says, a warm smile on his face as he speaks quietly.
Spencer stares at the bag, then his shirt and sweater vest. He nearly vomits – your blood is everywhere. It’s dried now, a testament to how long you’ve been on that table, and he feels himself getting choked up all over again. He wishes he could help you. He wishes this wasn’t happening.
The guilt sinks in.
If he’d stayed with you. If he’d followed you. If he’d found you a little earlier. If they’d realised who the unsub was quicker. If they’d come to the warehouse more prepared.
Maybe you’d be here. Maybe it would be him on the operating table. God, he wishes it was him.
He needs you alive. He needs you.
“C’mon, Spence,” JJ whispers. She can’t speak any louder or she’ll cry. She takes the bag from Rossi, gingerly takes Spencer’s hand and pulls him towards the toilet just a little way away.
She opens the door and holds it open for him, gesturing with her head for him to go in.
“It’ll take you five minutes. I’ll be right here.”
He sniffles and nods, a tear sliding down his cheek, and heads in.
Everyone breathes a sigh of relief when they hear the lock of the door.
Spencer hasn’t moved since he got to the hospital and you were hurried away straight into surgery. Your eyes opened in the ambulance and Spencer could only cry harder – you used every last bit of strength you had to grip Spencer’s hand and passed out again.
He hasn’t spoken, either. No one can blame him. But changing clothes, cleaning your blood from his hands and forearms and it’s somehow on his neck, that’s progress. It’s about as good as they’ll get until there’s an update on you.
Spencer slumps back out of the toilet, walking clumsily towards his friends with his head facing the floor. The room is too bright, his eyes are beginning to sting from crying, and his heart is hurting because he doesn’t know what’s going to happen. All of it is giving him a headache.
You know how to help him with his headaches. You always know how to help him. You.
There’s movement from the large doors next to Spencer. A doctor comes out, looking frazzled and still in scrubs, and says, “Y/N Y/L/N?”
They all stare.
“She’s stable.”
Penelope lets out a verbal gasp and a “Thank God,”, both Emily and JJ’s heads fall in their hands in disbelief and even Hotch’s head falls back as he lets out a sigh of relief.
Derek’s hand grips Spencer’s shoulder. He’s too shocked to say anything.
“Can we see her?” Derek asks. He knows Spencer will want to see her the second he can, and he’ll spend every moment with her until she’s fully healed.
The doctor gives a pitiful grimace, “Only one at a time, unfortunately. These next twenty-four hours are vital and we don’t want to overwhelm her.”
“I have to see her.” Comes Spencer’s voice, weak and fragile as he still chews his thumb.
Hotch nods, “Of course. Spencer, you stay with her and we’ll come back later.”
He then nods towards the rest of the team and they all filter out slowly, all acknowledging Spencer in one way or another – Penelope kisses his head, Derek and Rossi give his shoulder a squeeze, JJ, Emily and Hotch tell him to text them if he needs anything.
He knows they don’t want to leave, but Spencer would fight every single one of them if any even tried to see you before he could. He needs to see you for himself. Needs to see you breathe.
“Follow me, sir,” The doctor says, “She might look a little off-putting – she had more injuries than we thought. But she’s steady and strong, so we’re confident she’ll make it through.”
She gestures towards your room. Spencer nods and gives a tight lipped smile, mumbling, “Thank you.”
When the door’s pushed open, Spencer chokes on a cry.
He remembers the only time he was shot: that one time in the leg. It wasn’t much. It was a shock to the system, but ultimately he was fine. He’s come to love the scar thanks to you - you’ve placed plenty of kisses on it for him to see it and instantly think of you and the love you bring.
Which is exactly why he can’t lose you. He loves you too much and he knows you love him and he’s never been so sure of anything or anyone in his life until you and he swears to God if you’re taken from him-
He takes a deep breath, pulling the chair towards your bed as close as possible as he moves to interlock his fingers with yours and grip tightly.
Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay.
Penelope is the first to visit. She waddles in, flowers, chocolates, a card, a cuddly bear and some food for the good doctor in her arms. When she walks in she realises Spencer is knocked out in the chair next to you. She’s not surprised; she didn’t want to leave you, but Spencer needed to be with you.
She pokes him gently. And again, when he doesn’t respond.
He jumps awake, immediately going to rub his neck that is stiff after spending hours at an awkward angle.
“Morning, handsome,” Penelope smiles. She hands him the food she brought and, after sparing a glance to your sleeping form, he takes the bag and digs in.
“Thank you,” He says quietly. Penelope looks at you.
“How is she?”
“Not bad. She hasn’t gotten worse, and that’s all I can ask for.”
Penelope leans over and presses a kiss to your head, “She’s a boss. She’ll be up and at it before you know it.”
Spencer pauses in his eating and watches you, feeling nothing but love and pride, and his lower lip began to quiver. He clears his throat and looks away.
His eyes have been rubbed raw from Spencer trying to stop his tears and from trying to stay awake all night, just in case you woke up. He doesn’t remember when he fell asleep.
Derek appears then.
“Hey, you two,” He’s also carrying flowers and a cuddly bear (the team knows you so well – the way to your heart is stereotypical gifts). He gives Penelope a side hug and shoots Spencer a nod, “How you feeling, pretty boy?”
He rubs his eyes, “I’m awesome.”
Derek chuckles, “Uhuh.”
He looks at you, then, and his smile becomes tighter. Penelope grips his arm and tugs him towards her, leaning her head against his shoulder.
“You two look cosy.”
All attention is snapped to you: half lidded, voice coarse, lips dry. Spencer drops the bag of food.
“Hi, pretty,” He grins, eyes filling with tears again when he stands and leans towards you on your bed. God, what do you do to him?
His forehead rests against yours and you close your eyes in comfort. His smell fills you, all familiar and oh so welcome after whatever the hell you went through. Your whole body aches, breathing feels strange and almost unknown, and you’re acutely aware of the tubes in your nose.
Spencer pulls back suddenly, eyes jerking open, and grabs some water for you, “Here, drink.”
You do as he says, gulping it down and gulping down a second and third cup.
“I’ll get the nurse,” Penelope says, having to tear her eyes away from you because you’re awake and it fills her with so much happiness to see you okay.
After a quick visit from the nurse, you’re told you have to stay for a further few days and you pout at the thought. No one likes hospitals. No one likes being stuck in a hospital.
The whole team arrives and Derek and Penelope offer to go meet them to catch them up on everything before they come in. Everyone knows it’s really so you and Spencer have a second alone.
The second the door closes, Spencer kisses you. It’s eager and full of angst. You wish you could wrap your arms around him and pull him in tight, but everything hurts. So that’ll have to wait.
“You had me so worried,” Spencer gasps, forehead against yours and hands cupping your face, “So, so worried.”
“My apologies,” You giggle. It hurts to do it, but Spencer makes you so happy, even in a dreary hospital. “Won’t happen again.”
“It better not.” He smiles. He feels like all the tension has evaporated from his body - you’re here, you’re okay, you’re awake, you’re as perfect as ever. “You had everyone scared.”
“I have fans?”
He can’t help but roll his eyes at you. You just woke up from being shot and going through a long surgery, and you’re joking around?
He loves you so much.
Your arm slowly moves up to loosely hold his wrist. Your eyes look glassy, suddenly.
“I love you, Spence.” You breathe, “My first thought when I got shot was I’d never be able to say that to you again. I love you so, so much.”
Spencer grips your face tighter and pulls your lips back to his. There’s so much passion in the kiss; he wants to tell you he loves you every second of every day for the rest of his life, and he’s trying to show that.
Now you’re here, he can do that. Thank God he can do that.
“I love you too. So much. I’ve never been as scared as I was when I found you, I-“ He gets choked up again, “If you ever do something like that again, we will have issues I swear to God Y/N-“
“Kiss me again you idiot,” You say, all smiles.
When the whole team roll in, Spencer is perched on the very edge of your bed, hand in yours, thumb rubbing back and forth. They all smile at you, holding various gifts that get you very excited, and tell you how glad they are you’re okay.
Derek’s brows furrow, pointing at your heart monitor, “Now what happened while we were gone, cuties?”
Everyone looks towards the monitor, where your heartbeat is still high from kissing and being close to Spencer after being scared you’d never be able to again.
You and Spencer blush, “I’m just very happy to see my team.” You say, trying to suppress a smirk.
“Yeah, yeah,” Derek smirks at you both, “Just couldn’t keep your hands off eachother, huh?”
Spencer sputters, “It would be so inappropriate to do anything like that in a hospital, Morgan! Actually, hospitals…”
As Spencer rambles on, you scan the room and find yourself tearing up. You feel so cared for and loved, surrounded by the people you consider family and holding the hand of the love of your life. You’re so lucky, you realise, despite the situation that led to this, to have such amazing people so close.
You move and lean your head against Spencer’s shoulder and, mid-sentence, he presses a kiss to your forehead.
It’s an honour to be so loved by such lovely people.
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mochegato · 4 years
Chaotic Neutral
Dick knew something was wrong.  He even knew what was wrong, he just didn’t know what to do to help her.  Marinette had been distant since they found the trail Black Mask left for them, for her. She smiled, but it wasn’t her real smile.  Dick knew the difference.  It was the smile she gave when she wanted everyone else to be okay and not worry. The smile she gave when she wanted to disappear without anyone noticing.  As though he would ever not notice her.  
He always noticed her.  He noticed when she was happy.  He noticed when she was sad.  He noticed when her eyes glimmered with light and when her eyes dulled.  He noticed when her laugh was real and when her laugh was forced.  He noticed when she stayed up all night working on a design.  And he noticed when she stayed up all night wallowing in guilt.
Last night was one of those nights.  She had left before he woke up but the pristine appearance of her side of the bed indicated that she hadn’t made it to bed at all.  She was getting worse and nothing he had tried in the last week had done anything to help.  Dick knew it was time for drastic measures.  She didn’t like talking about things directly.  He couldn’t confront her and make her talk, but he could make her feel how much he loved her, how much he supported her without using words.
When he got home from his shift he made their apartment an oasis from stress for her.  Dick bought a bouquet of her favorite flowers.  He queued up her favorite movie and set out the comfiest blankets on the couch. He had her favorite bath bombs sitting by the bath.  He bought her favorite dessert and did her the favor of not destroying the kitchen attempting a terrible tasting and looking version of it.  He had ordered her favorite food to be delivered any minute now.  
Everything was perfect except she wasn’t here to see it.  She was running really late.  She should have been home an hour ago and Dick was starting to get worried.  He had texted her a few times throughout the day but hadn’t gotten any response, which was not like her at all.  He was about to pick up the phone and give her a call to check on her when he heard keys in the door.  He grinned and bounced to the door ready to give her a big hug as soon as she walked in.
“Hey, I missed you today.” He said as he moved to grab her into a bear hug.  
“Awww.  I didn’t know you cared Dickiebird.” Jason cooed at him, shoving him to the side before he could finish the hug coming at him.  “Here,” he placed the bags of delivery food he was carrying on the counter.  “Intercepted the delivery guy in the hallway.”
“I missed you, too.” Marinette said with a big smile, walking out from behind Jason to give Dick a hug and a quick kiss.
“I didn’t know you guys had plans for today.”  He eyed Jason suspiciously, watching him help himself to their cookie jar.
“We didn’t.” Jason said through his mouthful of cookie. “Spur of the moment kind of thing.”
“We decided to spend the day hanging out.” She smiled gently up at Dick. Dick looked into her eyes and saw them to shining like they used to.  Dick’s smile faltered slightly.  He had been trying for a week to bring that light back but nothing worked.  A few hours with Jason and the light was back in her eyes.  
“If you need me again, just let me know, Pixie Pop.” He gave her a strong, lingering hug and kissed the top of her head.  “See ya, Dickiebird.” He waved as he let himself out of their apartment.  
“You smell like gunpowder.”  He observed trying to sound nonchalant.
“Yeah, Jay took me shooting… and we may have also blown something up.”  She winced as she said it.
“It was abandoned and falling apart.” She waved him off walking over to the coat rack to hang up her coat.  “…and it was being used by Black Mask for a slaughter house.” She muttered under her breath.
“WHAT!  Marinette! That is beyond dangerous.  What were you thinking?”  He threw his hands up in the air.  He expected something like that from Jason, but Marinette knew better.  It was childish and petty and dangerous and she knew better.
She huffed out a breath.  “I was thinking I needed to do something.  I was thinking I needed to act.  I was thinking I needed a distraction from thinking about what he did, what I couldn’t stop him from doing.  I was thinking I needed to blow something up.  Win, win.  I feel better and he won’t be able to use that warehouse to hurt people again.” She got louder and more annoyed as she spoke.
He ran his hand over his face.  “You can’t just go around blowing things up.  You’re going to start a war.”
She looked down and sighed, a guilty and melancholy look settling on her face.  “We didn’t kill anyone, Dick.  We didn’t even hurt anyone.”  She said quietly.  “We just… I just needed to break something.  Make something look like I felt.  I’m sorry.”
He sighed to himself and looked away.  She was finally feeling good again and he was making her feel bad.  The entire point of tonight was to make her feel good.  “It’s fine, Sunshine.  Don’t worry about it.  Let’s just eat.” Dick huffed quietly turning toward their kitchen.  “Unless you guys grabbed something to eat between explosions.”  He said a bit more bitterly than he meant to.
She looked up and stared at him for a few moments like she was trying to figure something out.  “Wait, you’re not jealous of Jason are you?”  
Dick’s head fell slightly but he recovered quickly. “No!  If you want to hang out with Jason instead of me you’re allowed to. He’s your friend.” He winced at himself when he heard the words come out of his mouth.
“So you’re not mad about the explosion, you’re just jealous I did it with Jason instead of you?”  
“No.  I just…” He sighed and leaned against the back of the couch.  “Why didn't you come to me?  Why didn’t you let me help you?”
She smiled gently at him and moved in front of him so she was standing between his legs and could caress his face gently.  “Because you would have given me the responsible, healthy way to deal with my emotions.  But, I didn't want the proper answer, I wanted the feels good answer, the irresponsible answer, the blows off steam answer, the chaotic neutral answer. You make me feel right, but I needed to feel wrong for a minute.  I needed a moment when I didn’t feel like me and you always make me feel like the best version of me.”
He looked deep in her eyes and lowered his head until their foreheads were touching.  She didn’t come to him because he made her feel too good.  He could live with that.  There was only one issue to clear up.  “Okay, but you like me better, right?”
“Dick, I love you.  I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  I want to fall asleep in your arms every night and for your face to be the first thing I see when I wake up every morning.  I want to work beside you and start a family with you.  I love you.”
He smiled lovingly at her for a moment then narrowed his eyes at her, “Yeah, but you didn’t answer the question.”
“Yes, I like you better” She yelled in pretend exasperation.
“Good, as long as you still like me better.”  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, nuzzling into her neck.  Her giggles turned to raucous laughter when they fell back onto the couch, his arms still loosely around her waist.  He leaned his head back to look at her and ran his hand along her cheek.  He sighed contentedly, reveling in her beaming smile and sparkling eyes.  “I’m glad you have someone that can help you when I can’t… even if it is Jason.”
“Jason might be my best friend, but I’ll always come home to you.”  She looked up at him slyly and bit her lower lip.  “You know, I am feeling better, but I can think of something that would make me feel amazing that only you can help me with.”  She smiled seductively at him as her hands made their way under his shirt.
“Only me, huh?”  He grinned back at her, cupping her face with his hands.
She nodded.  “Only you.  Always you.” She whispered pushing forward to give him a passionate kiss to dispel any lingering doubts about her affection.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Two Live Crew Job
leverage 2.07
Sophie: I love the symbolists.
- - - - -
🥰 I love when the ot3 are together in one frame 🥰
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the dogs playing poker painting tho
- - - - -
Eliot: Any sudden movement's gonna cause displacement of the water. It'll set it off.
Parker: Is that C-4?
Sophie: Oh!
(Nate grabs Parker’s hand before she can touch the vase)
Sophie: Parker... please don't poke at the motion-sensitive bomb.
Nate: So, uh... secret admirer?
Sophie: Well, it's no secret they want me dead.
Hardison: What do you think, man?
Eliot: I'd have to reach into the vase to disarm it. It'd go off.
eliot’s lips quivered when he said that bc he’s so nervous for her im-
- - - - -
Parker: Do you have any instant pudding?
(everyone looks at Parker in surprise. Cut to Parker pouring pudding into the vase)
Parker: The powder hardens the liquid, tricks the bomb into thinking it's not moving.
Eliot: Should give you a little wiggle room. Very little
- - - - -
(mourners are gathered around a casket with a line of black cars parked nearby. An open casket shows Sophie lying inside. Eliot is standing at a podium)
Eliot: She had a way of taking care of people, you know? She was a sister... she was best friend, all rolled into one. I'm gonna miss you, Soph-- So-O-O-O-O much, Katherine.
(Eliot leaves the podium. Hardison stands to let Parker walk by and she approaches the podium. Nate stands at the back of the crowd, Eliot joins him)
Parker: Katherine and I have known each other forever. Almost two years. Yeah, I know that probably doesn't sound like a lot to you, but it is to me. I never really had many friends. Which is why losing her is so hard. (sighs) It's so creepy. I mean, she's really dead. I was just talking to her and now she's just laying there. She was just laying there.
(Nate coughs and Hardison gets up to go to Parker)
Parker: Can you hear me?
Hardison: Parker. I'm -- I'm sorry. I'm sorry, y'all. What – What she really means is just, um, Katherine was like family. And sometimes, friends are all the family that you have. So... you -- you good? Come on. Just – let -- just keep going. You got all hysterical and emotional
- - - - -
btw there is at least one door from behind the briefing monitors which means they have at least one extra room (most likely more) from the adjacent apartment eliot knocked the wall down from
they have guest rooms or something back there for if anyone needs a place to crash
- - - - -
Sophie: We used to work together. We did the Copenhagen job in '97, the Berlin Polytech job in '98, and, Nate, remember – Remember that great run in Moscow?
Nate: "That great run"? I chased you for three months.
Sophie: Well, uh, technically, y-you chased us. Sorry.
Hardison: Are you saying that you saw other teams before us?
Parker: Really just another Nate before Nate.
Eliot: Let me ask you a question -- what bugs you more, is it the fact that he was with Sophie first or that he outsmarted you?
Nate: Moving on
eliot puts his arms over the couch and behind parker and I’ll take it + them grinning at each other seeing nate’s discomfort
- - - - -
mikel is wearing flannel in this one and you can now take bisexual mikel from my cold, dead hands
- - - - -
Sophie: Wrong place, wrong time. Starke must have seen me, and now that I’m one of the good guys, decided to get rid of me, because...why? Because... Because I know his scams. Because... I know his favorite scam.
(Stark’s team is sitting on crates looking at monitors as he goes over the job)
Starke: Cafe and a moonlit terrace.
Sophie (voice over): The Mona Lisa variant.
[Briefing Area]
Parker: Oo! (claps) That was the first one I learned!
- - - - -
(Hardison is drinking orange soda and working on a computer as Sophie watches)
Sophie: I'm not dead. I'm right here, Parker. So, this is, um, it's what you do, right? You take footage of us on cons and you -- you -- you -- download it into that?
Hardison: Yeah, I analyze it, I monitor comms, I scan for a police frequencies, I -- You had no idea I do all this, did you? Well – d-does nobody respect the van? The van is important. What -- What is that?
Sophie: It's lemon-Zest tea. I got to tell you, it's -- It's a little bit -- It's a little bit whiffy in here.
Hardison: It smells like hard work. That's what it smells like. D-- Whiffy
sophie has no idea what hardison does and does not like the van smell. hardison is ready to go off
- - - - -
Sophie: That was some nice things you said at my funeral.
Hardison: Wait. We -- We trust Nate to make sure the plan works. We trust you to make sure we’re all okay.
- - - - -
Starke: Word is on the street that you run the nastiest crew this side of the Atlantic.
Nate: Well… what?
Starke: Come on. Everybody knows. You robbed a bank and you -- you framed a judge. You rigged a jury to steal a million-Dollar settlement. I hear that you even conned the Irish mob out of a couple of million dollars just this year. Now, that's style.
Nate: That's one way of looking at it.
Sophie: Listen, Nate, if you tell him the truth about us, we're blown
- - - - -
Hardison: I know this style. This is Chaos.
(computer screen flashes signal found. Hardison grabs his keyboard and heads for the back door of the van)
[Parking Lot]
(Hardison exits his van and a little ways down the parking lot, Chaos exits his van with a laptop in his hands. They square off like an old west gun fight)
Hardison: Chaos. I heard you were in jail. Guess I was wrong.
Chaos: Hardison. I heard you sucked. Guess I was right.
(they eye each other across the lot, their fingers twitching. Abruptly they raise their keyboard and laptop and begin typing while car alarms start going off)
this wild wild west showdown tho
- - - - -
Nate: Okay, now, we know Starke. This guy goes by the name Apollo. I've chased him a couple of times -- infiltration, physical security.
Parker: People in that line of high-risk work tend to be very unstable. We could use that. Write that down.
(the rest of the team exchange glances)
🥰 she’s sitting next to eliot with popcorn between them 🥰
- - - - -
Hardison: Now, this person here's ex-Mossad, sealed records. Mikel Dayan used to work both sides as a mercenary.
Eliot: Mikel Dayan. I know that name.
Hardison: You were scared to fight a girl.
Eliot: She'd mop the floor with you, Hardison.
Hardison: I don't care.
Eliot: Seriously. She actually killed a guy once with a mop. It's a funny story, actually. (starts gesturing time parker) She broke the mop and took --
Hardison: Eliot. Eliot. (turns back to monitors) Now, this here's Colin Mason, otherwise known by his hacker handle as "Chaos." As... whatever. Hacked the pentagon, the NSA. The CIA computer guys call him the Kobayashi Maru.
Eliot: What the hell is that?
Hardison: None of y'all got that? Seriously?
Parker: Star Trek.
Hardison: Thank you
parker’s reluctant fistbumb I love them + it’s officially canon that she’s seen at least some of the movies
- - - - -
Nate: I tried to say to her I’m sorry, you know, and I don't –
Security: Because, as men, we're taught to hide our emotions. You share or you pay the price.
Nate: Yeah
- - - - -
Mikel: You wouldn't hit a girl, would you?
(Eliot walks forward, taking off his jacket and hanging it on some pipe)
Eliot (in Hebrew): Not unless she hits me first.
(they approach each other and begin to fight, blocking each other until Mikel hits Eliot in the chest, knocking him back. He touches where her blow hit.)
Eliot (in Hebrew): That counts
let me just say I LOVE that they had a woman hitter
- - - - -
Starke: What is going on, guys?
Guard: Motion sensors went off, sir.
Starke: I already checked that out. Everything's secure. And who's this?
Guard: Uh... he just got lost. No problem.
Starke: Sir, you okay?
Nate: Yeah, I’m fine.
Starke: I'm Nathan Ford. I'm with the insurance company.
(Nate gives Starke an irritated look)
- - - - -
Parker: What kind of bird did you use?
Apollo: North American Kestrel. It's small-Bodied, but its wingspan is expansive enough that it sets off the motion detectors.
Parker: I would've gone with the Scarlet Tanager. Similar wingspan, but the brighter colors are more distracting.
Apollo: Yeah. That was my second choice.
(Apollo scrambles forward in the ductwork. Parker also scrambles forward, headed another way)
- - - - -
eliot taking off his shirt too? equal rights
- - - - -
Starke: Now, why would you want to kill Sophie?
Chaos: Come on, Starke. (gathering equipment) I had set up the perfect double-cross, and then you want to go and bring in a new player at the last minute? "Oh, and by the way, guys, that new player is gonna be Sophie Devereaux." There's no way I’m gonna try to out-con Sophie Devereaux! And I hate to break it to you, Starke, but she was the one that everybody was always scared of. It was never you.
- - - - -
[McRory’s Bar]
(Parker and Apollo sit at a table with locks)
Parker: Go.
(they begin picking locks to see who is fastest. Across the room, Eliot and Mikel sit at a table)
Mikel: I can top that. (pulls her shirt aside to show a scar on her shoulder) Frag grenade, Somalia.
Eliot (pulls up his sleeve to show scar on his arm): Myanmar. Sniper.
Mikel: I was a sniper in Myanmar for a while.
Eliot: When?
Mikel: 2003.
(Eliot looks surprised. Mikel holds up the handcuffs and Eliot quickly pulls her hand down)
Eliot: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. We can't have that.
Hardison (walking by): Handcuffs. Y'all nasty
(eliot has a handcuff kink and was probably pegged within an inch of his life that night. I said what I said.)
- - - - -
(Sophie stands looking down at her grave. The headstone for Katherine has been replaced with one for Sophie Devereaux. Nate approaches and stands next to the grave)
Sophie: Starke was right. I'm not Sophie Devereaux anymore. I haven't been for ages. I... you killed her, you and your silly crusade.
Nate: It's just a name.
Sophie: No, they're not just names, not to me. All my aliases, every one of them, I -- I know when their parents died. I know when they had their first kiss.
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Reader helps Nagito in his plan to expose the traitor
Came up with this one on my own, just something for you guys to see my style of writing for if you want to request :)
Category: Angst Imagine
Specifics: GN!reader, obviously takes place in chapter 5, reader is Ultimate Actor
Warnings: Gore, swearing
I legit finished this but forgot to save and had to rewrite it all over again-
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Nagito had told his lie of planning on blowing the island up. You, of course, saw through his bullshit, there was no way he had more than one bomb from the Ocagon. And he had just used it. So when you had stopped him walking away from the restaurant and confronted him, he let himself take his chances.
The boy had decided to confide in you after a minimal amount of convincing. There was no use in lying to you, especially when his time to execute his plan was limited. He told you what he knew. Absolutely all of it.
He told you how you were all Remnants of Despair, the 78th class’ killing game, Hajime’s “identity crisis”, about Junko Enoshima, everything. He even shared the fact that you had your left eye replaced with Junko’s while some other classmates, including himself, had other body parts.
While his claims were unbelievable at first, you could tell he wasn’t lying. He took you to his cottage and showed you the book he had received in the Octagon and he got some sort of poison. It was insane, yet it explained so much: Mikan’s behavior, Hajime being talentless, the swirls in Nagito’s and Mikan’s eyes when they got despaired, and so much more.
However, with this explanation, you had also gotten a hope/despair rant of how you all deserved to die for being Remnants. And for the first time, you actually agreed with his ideas. This part seemed to shock him slightly before he chuckled and explained what had to happen.
Whilst everyone else was on a wild goose chase for the bombs, the two of you got to work. You were told of the traps he already set up the night prior. He had you tie a spear above him, tie his legs and arm, and finally, made sure no one could hear him through the duct tape. You weren’t completely aware of why he needed that last point, but you guessed you would find out soon.
When leaving the warehouse to “meet up” with the others, his last words before you left had sent chills down your spine;
“Just make sure no one can hear me screaming, Y/n..”
You had finally met up with your classmates just after they left the plushie factory where Nagito set his video message. You discreetly led them to the warehouse, using your talent as a shield of sorts. The domino fire trap had been set off, then they found the grenades in the break room, all according to plan. You made sure to stay back and not throw any of the grenades in case you screwed it up and took the poisoned one.
Once the fire died down, you had entered the next phase of this plan, the part you had to complete alone. You carefully led the group to Nagito’s body, not having to act as the shock of his self-mutilation took over you. Quickly shaking the nerves off best you could, you focused on the rest of the plan. Before you knew it, everyone was in the trial grounds being led by your lies.
That is, until a certain protagonist decides to call you out.
“Y/n, you don’t usually speak up so much during trials,” the boy gulped a bit and suspiciously looked to you. “Especially since you weren’t there until after we found the video.”
“I just want to help as much as possible,” you bit the inside of your lip nervously, “and like I said, I was in my cottage the whole time to avoid being blown up.”
“Then how did you know to lead us outside of the warehouse?”
Shit, shit, shit...
“I-I..” You had to think fast. So you did the only thing you could think of. Besides, all they had to do was vote incorrectly, right?
Lowering your gaze, you let your voice take on a dark tone, forcing a visible smile to tug at your lips.
“Because I killled Nagito.”
The room went dead silent for a moment. It was almost amusing. But you had to finish this plan out.
“I think we can start the votes now Monokuma, I killed Nagito-”
“No that’s wrong!”
Hajime’s voice rang out like an annoying alarm. You looked towards him and raised a brow for an explanation.
“Y/n, I don’t think you killed Nagito. I think you’re covering for something.” Hajime was getting closer to the truth, but thankfully your classmates were short tempered at this.
“What the fuck do you mean?! They already confessed!”
“Buddy, they already said they did it!”
“Hajime, they have just confessed their crime!”
“I don’t get the fuss, just start the voting!”
Their voices tangled together, most ready to start the vote. Unfortunately for you, Hajime apparently had backup.
“Y/n, if you did kill Nagito,” Chiaki’s voice had silenced the others, “then please give an explanation of what exactly you did.” You felt your chest tighten but remained calm on the outside.
Taking a breath in, you relaxed and focused on using your talent to complete your mission.
“When Nagito told us he’d blow up the whole island, I could tell he was lying, so I went to confront him. I knew there was no way he’d get a bomb large enough to take out the whole island. At least, not without any of us knowing beforehand. Plus he already used a bomb, and there was no way he had a second.”
You stated with a truth as you always did before delving into your lies, carefully weaving the two together. You were ready for this rebuttal battle.
“He refused to tell me anything, so I dragged him to the warehouse and tied him up. There, I tortured him to tell me the truth. When that didn’t work, I threatened a painful death.”
The thoughts of having to commit the actions you were describing caused you to pause for just a moment before continuing your faulty explanation.
“He began to mock me, saying I wouldn’t do such a thing. I decided to prove him wrong. I stole the key to his cottage off him and forced him to hold the spear above him. To keep him from screaming for help, I covered his mouth in tape.”
You felt yourself grip your trial stand just a bit tighter.
“I took the poison from his room and placed it in a granade for later. From there, I had set up the rest of the traps like Hajime said. All I had to do then was lead you all along and throw the grenade with the poison into the room-”
“I’ll cut through those words!”
Ignoring the odd word choice Hajime had been using in every trial, you turned to him, annoyed and nervous.
“Y/n, you’re the only one who didn’t throw a grenade,” the ahoged boy pointed out.
“Hey wait a sec- Hajime’s right!” Kazuichi joined in, “You were standing behind us the whole time!”
“So why the fuck are you lying to us?!” Fuyuhiko swore.
“They’re acting a bit like Nagito in the first trial..” Sonia was quiet but you still heard her.
“Do you know who the culprit is or not?!” Akane shouted from across from you.
Now you knew you were in deep shit. If you couldn’t keep the culprit’s identity safe, you would’ve failed. You would’ve failed to keep the world safe from the remaining Remnants.
After a few moments, you had your next course of action planned out. You lifted your head once more and smiled sickingly sweet. You were going to follow what Sonia had said.
You were going to play Nagito.
“Heheh..” Keeping the same dark but nonchalant tone as he always did, you continued, “Yes and no, Akane..”
“What do you mean, Y/n?” The plain boy seemed confused as ever.
“Well you’re the smart one Hajime, so I’ll give you one hint that should pull this together for you..”
The group had gone silent once again, awaiting your words.
“He used our talents to find a certain someone.”
Your head tilted to the side in false glee. Hajime had gone into his own mind for a minute, processing your claim. Once he figured what you meant by that statement, he turned to the group in shock.
“You’re telling us, that Nagito set this up?” He almost looked scared to say such a thing.
“Indeed I am,” You gave a crazed look, “I’m sure you know who the culprit is now, Hajime, don’t you?” The boy gulped once more.
“It’s the traitor.” Hajime looked down, “He was trying to kill the traitor.” At that, you erupted into Nagito’s signature laugh.
“Not quite, Dating-Sim-Protag.” You let out one more chuckle at your teasing. “It wasn’t the traitor he wanted to kill. It was everyone but the traitor!”
You continued your cackle. Having to laugh in his way made you feel guilty for your actions and words. You were hurting everyone. But what had to be done had to be done.
“They’re messing with us like Nagito did!” Kazuichi seemed more freaked out than everyone, as per usual. “Just tell us who the traitor is!”
“Not so fast, Kazuichi,” Chiaki once again calmed down the commotion, “I think Y/n isn’t lying. Nagito wanted the traitor to kill him and be the blackened, right?”
“Y/n,” Hajime kept his gaze towards the floor, “did you really know where the poison was?”
“In the grenades? Yes.” You felt this as your chance to come clean, convinced they couldn’t find the traitor. “Which one, however? I had no clue.”
“Then how would the traitor have known which one it was in?” Sonia was so close to getting it, but Hajime sealed their deal.
“They didn’t, Nagito used his luck.”
“Correct.” You decided to drop the Nagito facade, deeming it unnecessary now. Your face instead fell solemn.
“Why the hell did you help him, Y/n?!” Fuyuhiko’s voice called out.
“I’m sorry, I really am,” You let yourself speak the truth, “but it was what had to happen for the world to be safe. Safe from-”
“Ah, ah, ahhhh!!” Monokuma jumped in, “We wouldn’t want spoilers, now would we!”
You grit your teeth, feeling even more horrible that you couldn’t explain your actions. Although there would be no need to once the vote had started.
“Just..” Your voice fell weak, “..know all but one of us deserve painful deaths. And we’re about to get those as I assume the traitor wouldn’t reveal themselves.”
The room was completely silent. Even Monomi kept her usual whimpering to herself. Monokuma probably would’ve jumped up again if it weren’t for said traitor speaking up.
“I killed him.”
Chiaki’s voice made your head snap up. She must be lying right? No, there’s no way she’d help you and Nagito.. right?
“Chiaki what are you talking about?” Your voice trembled, knowing you won’t know if she’s helping you or everyone else until after the vote.
“I’m the traitor.” She smiled sadly, “Hajime, you want to do your usual run down of the case?”
Hajime’s face was in complete shock along with the rest of us. He quickly shook himself out and nodded. You could tell he didn’t want to vote on his (what you assumed to be) girlfriend. Nevertheless, he gave the story of it all.
“Here’s everything that happened: The person who actually arranged this incident was... the victim, Nagito Komeada. He kept a specific item inside his cottage that he needed for his plan. Monokuma's Special Poison, which he brought with him from the Octagon.
“Using the gloves and gas mask that he got from he military base... Nagito swapped the contents of a fire grenade he took from the Plushie Factory break room with that poison. When he did that, a specific item was left as evidence: the blue aluminum seal on the grenade.
“With that, Nagito finished making the poisoned fire grenade, took it with him to the factory... and put it back with the rest of the grenades in the break room.
“The next morning, Nagito appeared before us and declared that he hid a bomb somewhere... However, one of us wasn’t fooled. That person was Y/n L/n. Through some sort of convincing, Nagito had told them his plan and the two of them got to work.
“While we were looking for the bomb, that's when Nagito and Y/n headed over to the goods warehouse. In order to set up a fire, the two arranged the Monokuma panels in a line going from the door... to the curtain, and placed an oil lighter in front of it. From there, Nagito set his insane plan in motion.
“First, he hung the spear that he took from Nezumi Castle from the ceiling girder by its cord... then he had Y/n tie his arms and legs at the back of the warehouse with rope. However, they burnt off the rope on his right arm beforehand.
“In doing so, they made sure that only his right hand was free while his remaining arm and legs were tied up... As he gripped the tip of the rope hanging over the ceiling girder with his left hand... He laid down face-up, just beneath the dangling spear.
“But this was just the beginning of Nagito's plan, and then...he did something no one could've predicted. First, he covered his mouth with duct tape, and after making sure he was unable to scream... He made Y/n leave and stabbed himself with the knife multiple times in his left arm and in both of his thighs.
“Finally... He propped the knife on the plushie, and slammed his right hand onto the blade! He didn't just want us to think he was tied up, he also wanted us to think he's been tortured... Through all this, Nagito never let go of the spear. His plan still wasn't over...In fact, it was just about to begin.
“Meanwhile, we finally arrived at the plushie factory and found Nagito's message... After seeing his message, we instantly made our way to the warehouse, Y/n leading us there even though they had shown up after we left... But that was part of Nagito's plan. We opened the door to the warehouse, which inadvertently started the Monokuma panel domino effect...
“The panels fell, one after another, until they reached the lighter, tipped it over, and ignited the curtain. Shocked by the sudden fire, we rushed to the factory's break room to obtain some fire extinguishing grenades.
“We then aimed for the fire's origin point, which was the curtain, and unloaded the entire supply. It never occurred to us that one of those grenades was the poisoned grenade that Nagito had prepared... But because Y/n knew it was there, they made a crucial mistake in Nagito’s plan and their later lies... they didn’t throw a grenade.
“The poison sank to the floor, instantly vaporizing due to the intense heat, and spread everywhere... The poison gas quickly drifted to the curtain at the back of the warehouse, where Nagito was. Also, Monokuma's poison has a unique quality in which it becomes heavier than air when vaporized. That poison gas completely surrounded the area where Nagito lay face-up on the floor.
“There, Nagito inhaled the poison, and if it didn't instantly kill him, he certainly lost consciousness... Which caused him to let go of the rope in his left hand, and the falling spear plunged into his stomach.
“But even then, his plan wasn’t completely over as his accomplice, Y/n, had to lie in order to voting wrong. Unfortunately for Y/n, the traitor did something they couldn’t expect... the traitor revealed themself.
“This is all the information related to Nagito's plan. His true intention was to set one of us up as the killer... At the time, we didn’t know who the killer was... Because the killer wasn't aware they killed someone. Try as we might, if the traitor hadn’t revealed herself as Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer, we could not reach that truth... That was Nagito's trap.”
You could feel yourself shake as the rest of the trial went on. You didn’t trust your voice to not get all shaky if you attempted to speak. Instead, you simply listened as arguments were made on Chiaki really being the traitor. As well as the insults occasionally thrown your way.
Soon, though, the guilt of failing Nagito and the world settled in as Monokuma declared that Chiaki was indeed the traitor, and possibly worse, correctly voted as the blackened.
As soon as Chiaki’s execution had ended, you made your way out of the trail room and to your own cottage. You didn’t want to end up tied in the warehouse like they did with Nagito in the restaurant so many weeks ago. So when there was knocking at your door, you didn’t answer it.
The knocking continued, but you stayed in your curled up position on the bed. When the knocking finally ended, you sighed in relief, that is, until you heard Hajime’s voice.
“Y/n.. please come out and eat.. you haven’t had anything since this morning..”
That certainly wasn’t what you had expected to hear. You expected scolding, anger, anything other than concern. Hearing a sigh from outside the door, you decided to slip out for just a moment.
When you did open the door, you saw Hajime as he was about to turn and leave. His form seemed stressed, like he’d definitely been crying.
“You aren’t gonna tie me up, are you?” You tried to joke, but your voice was hoarse, your own crying to blame. Even so, Hajime let out a tired chuckle.
“No, I did have to stop Kazuichi and Akane from trying though..” He scratched the back of his neck. A small, breathy laugh of your own forcing it’s way out of you.
“Why aren’t you siding with them?” You looked downward towards your shoes. “I mean I did quite literally act as Nagito and try to get us all killed..” At that, you felt a hand on your shoulder, forcing your gaze back to Hajime.
“If your reason behind doing that was good enough for Monokuma to stop you from revealing it, I think it’s justified.” He gave a weak, but reassuring smile, “The others agreed with me once I pointed that out.”
“Let me guess,” you attempted to lighten the mood once more, “Sonia agreed with you so Kazuichi just magically changed his mind and Akane was forced to join?” The two of you shared a small laugh as he pulled his hand away and to his side. There was a short, awkward silence that followed before Hajime spoke again.
“Just.. please help us figure out what’s going on. With the information you now have, you may not be able to directly tell us, but you can help so much more.”
You felt yourself nod, slightly ashamed. “In that case, there’s something I need to show you and the others. I can go get it-”
“Let’s wait till you get something to eat, okay?”
Hajime, no, everyone was really willing to give you a second chance after you essentially killed two classmates? You couldn’t believe it. But it was the truth. A small smile made it’s way to your mouth and you nodded once more, this time more assured. This made Hajime smile in return.
“Now how about we go eat something before Akane gets to it all, Y/n?”
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nade2308 · 3 years
For the whump Drabble could you do 26 with Mac? No pressure though! ❤️
Thank you for this ask, anon. Here’s the story. Hope you like this. The drabble kinda... derailed. As it is always with me. More under the cut 
Mac jerked away from the hand that was shaking his shoulder and immediately backed up to the corner of the bed. Someone was talking in a low voice, but Mac was still a bit disoriented and couldn't place the voice. Or the words. 
He tried to clear his mind from the fog he could feel his brain swim through. It was a feeling he was very familiar with, thanks to being prone to accidents and injuries. He was on heavy duty painkillers. 
He closed his eyes and blinked several times until his eyes adjusted and he saw Jack. Jack who was worried and stressed the hell out, Mac could see that much even drugged to the gills. Jack, whose hand was suspended in the air, not knowing if he could touch, but not sure if he could let it rest. 
Mac whimpered and Jack's response was to crawl in the bed and pull Mac in an embrace. 
This time Mac didn't flinch. 
When Mac opened his eyes next, Jack wasn't in his bed, but his bed was warm so Mac came to the conclusion Jack was close around. 
And Mac needed to pee. 
Looking at his right hand that was heavily bandaged and with a brace on the wrist, Mac was reminded of what happened yesterday. How close they came to be blown up. All because Mac got the drop on him and was held at gunpoint as he tried to disarm the bomb. The moment his hand was forcefully pulled behind his back and he felt the pain as it was sprained. And then the bastard stepped on it. 
Mac could hear his own screams in his head as his hand cracked underneath the guy's heavy boot. And then it was a blur in Jack getting the goon off of him and grabbing Mac and dragging him outside, with seconds to spare before the warehouse went up in flames. 
Mac sighed. It was his right hand. 
His bladder was persistent and Mac decided he'd go and find Jack after he relieved himself. It was with that thought that he opened the door to the bathroom, pushing the IV stand with him. It was a good thing he had that pole to keep him from toppling over. 
The sight that greeted him was that of Jack hunched over the toilet bowl, breathing heavily, holding the porcelain edge with white-knuckled grip. His head was angled a bit, but Mac was able to see the blood trickling down Jack's lip. 
His partner recoiled as if burned and if Mac wasn't holding on to the IV stand, he would have for sure gone to his knees on the tiled floor. His partner looked like someone ran him over. Deep bruises under his eyes, and one that wasn't from exhaustion and lack of sleep on Jack's right cheek. His hair was askew like he spent running his fingers through it. 
“Jack, you okay?” 
“Yeah… something didn't sit well with me.”
As if on cue, Jack's stomach rumbled and Jack pulled himself to his feet. He flushed the toilet and then went up with cleaning himself. Mac had the feeling Jack wasn't tracking so well. 
They made quite the pair. 
Mac watched as Jack moved gingerly back towards the room. 
After Mac was done, he splashed some water on his face. Looking up at his own reflection, he could see he wasn't faring any better than Jack, sans bruise on the cheek and split lip. 
He returned to the room where Jack sat on the bed, too stiff and like he was expecting Mac to banish him from the room. 
Mac couldn't pinpoint what was tickling the back of his mind about punishments and someone screaming, but he pushed back against those thoughts. He needed to talk with Jack because his friend was apparently upset. 
They were interrupted by his father that just barged in without even asking if it was okay to get inside his room. The moment Mac saw Jack flinch, he knew whatever was going on with Jack was his father's doing. 
Looked like Mac didn't make the screams up and that they were real. It hurt to listen to Jack tell him about James screaming at them and having to be escorted by security because he was upsetting patients. There was something more to the thing that Jack wasn't telling him. But now that Mac had his father to consider in the equation, he made an estimated guess. 
Jack would joke about Mac developing his own superpowers and reading minds, but it wasn't a superpower really. Mac knew his father well, sadly, and knew what a guilt trip he could send you on. Looked like he privately did that to Jack and after some wrangling, Mac managed to get the story out of Jack. 
(Some nodding and humming here and there as Mac continued guessing). 
“You couldn't have done anything other than what you did Jack. It was a dire situation.” 
Mac looked at his bandaged hand. It was his right one and it hurt. It'd be hell on him to do things on his own with his non-dominant hand. He was well versed in using both hands, but the dominant one was always the one he used by default. 
Oh well, not his first rodeo as Jack would say. 
“I was too focused to clean the bottom floor that it didn't occur to me that there might be someone else out there. You got hurt, Mac.”
“I know. But it wasn't your fault. Got it?” 
“I'm supposed to watch your back, kid.”
“You do. You watch my back even when we are off the clock. And I got yours, too.” 
Mac tried to reassure Jack, and tell him everything with his eyes and the words he couldn't speak up just yet. 
It wasn't Jack that needed the lesson and reassurance. Jack was the best partner Mac could ask for. 
In hindsight Jack should have known. He should have seen it in the way Mac was watching him and the questions he asked and the assumptions he made, and that were the truth. He should have known that Mac would go to James to hash it out. 
And Jack was legitimately scared about what that'd entail for his partner. Jack didn't yell back or quipp at James, he didn't want to lose his job over something like that. The fear ran deep. He didn't know what James would do, how far would he go if Jack was out of the picture. He may claim he made it possible for Jack to be Mac's Overwatch, but Jack made his own decision to stay. And Jack didn't want to jeopardize that. 
He moved gingerly out of Mac's empty room. His partner had detached the IV and Jack looked at it, most of today's meds in the bag, still. 
When Mac told him he had Jack's back, he didn't think Mac would go head to head with Oversight. 
Jack swiped a hand over his tired face. This kid wanted to kill him before his time. 
Jack texted Matty to let her know about Mac before he went straight to James' office. And just as he rounded the corner, he heard voices. They were yelling and Jack had to stop when he heard James scream at Mac. 
About how Jack was incompetent and let him get hurt. How he hoped that Jack would keep him safe, but Jack disappointed him. Then James moved on to the topic of Mac being unable to disarm the bomb and the sheer disappointment and disgust in his voice was enough for Jack to say fuck it, and barged in.
“You really want to be arguing about that? He wasn't able to do it and that should be enough.” 
“What? He was held at gunpoint, and his hand got stomped on, Jim. Unless he had inhuman ability to heal or even recover from the pain quickly, there was no way-”
“You could have stopped it. While you were there. But you didn't. So his failing is directly connected to yours.” 
James looked at him with such a conviction in his voice and he looked so angry and ready for a fight… Jack's fist was itching to connect with James' face and then he looked away. The intensity with which James' eyes were burning with rage was too much. He didn't want to do something that would lead to him getting fired. And punching Mac's old man would be weird to explain because they all just… didn't acknowledge the fact that James was too controlling. Jack didn't want to be the one to get punched so to speak. Mac would come to him if he needed Jack. And James wasn't wrong. If he was careful, Mac wouldn't be in a world of pain and the bomb wouldn't go off. 
“He is not the one that got the bad intel, though.” Mac's voice cut through the fog in Jack's head. 
“The Intel came through you. You said the building was empty. We went there with the information that we were evacuating an office building and not the fact that the building was already evacuated and the bad guys had set camp there.” 
“You are in too much pain, son. Under the influence of strong meds and you have no idea what you talk about.” 
“I am a trained EOD specialist. I know when a bomb is planted there to destroy and when it's there because they were working on it just then. If they wanted to blow up the place, they would have with the people working there. While they were still working. 
“They emptied the building because the homb wasn't for them.”
“It was for us.” the realization slammed into Jack and he had to use the door because suddenly he was feeling lightheaded. 
“Yes, Jack, it was for us. We were set up. No matter what you or I did, they did it to take us out. We were low on chances before we even stepped inside. It's not your fault. Or mine, for that matter.” the kid turned to his father this time. “And the next time you blame Jack for your oversight, pun intended by the way, you'll deal with me.” 
“I am not here to play games and take your shit. Neither is Jack. If you want me to stick around this time, you will have to do better. Oh and before you say that, and I know what you are going to say, Jack didn't tell me I figured it out myself. Come on, Jack. We are going.” 
Jack was still stunned, but let Mac lead him out of the office and back to Medical. 
“You shouldn't have done that.” Jack found himself whispering. “I don't want you to get into trouble with him.” 
“Jack, the only one that will get in trouble is him. With Matty. You don't have to worry about it.” 
“But, I-” 
“Not your fault, Jack. Besides, you saved me. My hand will be okay, and I am not blown up. I count that as a blessing.” 
“Of course, kid. Always.” 
“Now let's find a nurse to help me with the IV.” 
“Just how much in pain are you? You asking for an IV…” 
“It hurts. But don't worry about it. We said no worrying.” 
“Once you get your mini-mes running around or you take some under your wing, I'll remind you of this then.” 
“I look forward to it.” 
Jack chuckled and followed Mac to his room. There was pain etched in his features. But he was alive and well. It was all that Jack could ask for.
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Savior (Kate Kane × F! reader SMUT)
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Request: Yes or No
Based On: A post by @allurajarren​ wanting some Kate Kane × F! Reader Smut. I got you guys who wanted it covered. And I warn you it is my first time writing Lesbian Smut so it’s a learning experience here since I’m straight. Enjoy! 
Pairing: Kate Kane × f! Queen reader
Note: (Y/S/H/N) - Your superhero name, (Y/N) - Your name, (A/B) - Alcoholic Beverage, 
Word Count: 
Description: As batwoman gets captured by Alice on a mission it's up to her girlfriend the reader aka (Y/S/H/N) to save her from Alice. After you save Batwoman the reader get injured and as her girlfriend she learns your identity. Which leads her to being angry at you, but also angry at Alice for harming you. But it escalates where the reader isn't too badly injured and leads to Angry yet passionate sex between Kate Kane and the Reader. (And yes, this is Oliver’s sister). And no I do not own Batwoman. 
Your heels were clicking against the hardwood floor as you were entering The Hold Up as you saw doing more work as she was currently thinking of what else to do with the whole club since everything with the club across the street hating homosexual people. When you kept studying the surroundings and saw Luke talking to Kate, as Mary noticed you walk in. 
“Hello (Y/N).” Mary said waving at you as your heels clicked more on the hardwood flooring, and you watched as Kate glanced at you from where she was standing behind the bar while focusing on her conversation with Luke. As you went to sit down beside Mary at one of the tables across from her. 
“So how is it being a lawyer in Gotham (Y/N)?” Mary asked me as I laughed. “Nothing too hard, because last time I checked Star City wasn’t too calm back then being a lawyer and all.” I said as she looked at me, “One time we almost had the court blown up.” I said as I remembered helping my client on trial as one of the court wall’s.” I said as Mary gasped, “Did anyone get hurt?” She asked as I nodded. “Well, nothing more than one broken leg, and a few people having scrapes and scratches. But nobody was injured to bad since Arrow came before anything could happen.” I said as she nodded. 
“Heroes always come at the craziest moments. Like they know how to make an entrance.” She said as I nodded. Before I saw a ding on my phone about the latest news in Gotham. I was scrolling through some of the batwoman articles as Mary continued to talk about Batwoman and (Y/S/H/N). 
Before I could glance back at Mary, I turned my head to see Kate coming up with drinks for everyone. I smile at her as I grab (A/B) and clink my glass with everyone before I take a sip of it. As everyone just looks at another as we are having a moment to just... enjoy. 
I heard Luke’s phone go off, as he whispers something in Kate’s ear as she apologies to Mary and I and then she runs off out the back way. For quite awhile I have suspensions that Kate is Batwoman since our encounter back when I lived in Star City as (Y/S/H/N) with my older brother Oliver when the Monitor came to test the heroes for this “crisis”. Before I knew it I finished my (A/B) and grabbed my jacket from the chair and walked out the front door after saying goodbye to Mary and Luke. 
I ran to my motorcycle and drove to my apartment as I threw my jacket on my couch as I took my hair down from the bun it was in, and sat my keys in my door bowl as I turned on the news watching as the sun was setting in Gotham knowing some sort of crime would happen tonight or any night now. Like Star City once did back then as my Brother, and I along with Team Arrow had to fight the crime there so why is this any different?
As I snapped out of my own head, and I saw the news headline “Alice captured Batwoman during a fight near Gotham Bridge” It said as I stared at the screen. I continued to watch the helicopter fly over Gotham Bridge and River.
I quickly grabbed my phone as I opened it and texted an Old friend as I opened my burner computer and started hacking through some of the controls of Batwoman’s gear and not getting to far. As I got a quick response back from my text, “I got you covered (Y/N). Next time just ask Barry to bring me to Gotham so I could have it easier to hack gear from Batwoman. Friggin Batwoman. What’s next Batman?” The text said as I laughed from the response that I received from Felicity one of my go to girls from Star City, other than Dinah, Laurel, and Sara. 
I grabbed my gear putting the location of the warehouse one of my weapons as I walked to my wall where my painting was as I moved it to grab my suit. Then running to my room to suit up as I continued to listen to the news. Then I ran to the storage place across the street unlocking it to grab my motorcycle as I started driving down the streets of Gotham. 
Smelling the water, listening to the cars, and the helicopter above me as I saw the flashing light from the lighting under the helicopter as I knew it would be the news. Then before I could continue to look up I see some of the crow cars behind me as I smiled turning down a street earlier and losing them heading to location of the warehouse Batwoman’s tracker was at. 
I stopped my bike near a dark patch of the street looking at some of the goons outside of the warehouse, as they definitely were Alice’s goons since they wear those silly and stupid masks that they do. I use my bow to go above the building before I jump on a goon and then fight the others, before taking them all down. Only getting minor bruised and scratched in the process. Nothing that Oliver would kill me for if he found out, or Kate. 
When I walked in the warehouse I walked through some creepy areas of broken dolls, white and red roses, and checker board on the floor pattern. I saw batwoman tied up as Alice was talking to her about her life story and not giving in to Batwoman. Before I could listen anymore I saw a goon coming over to where I was standing and I had to sneak up to them and take them down just like the old days as (Y/S/H/N). 
I continued to listen to Alice speak to Batwoman as she was bleeding badly already, and I continued to sneak around the hallway. When I was sneaking I heard Batwoman call Alice “Beth” which was Kate’s twin sister who was claimed “dead”. Just as I was going to enter some goons saw me. 
“It’s (Y/S/H/N).” One goon said as they started shooting at me and I dodged the bullets, as I saw Alice turn her head along with Batwoman as I kicked the men, and then threw a smoke bomb. When I got to the main room to help Batwoman, Alice had disappeared. But she can always be captured later.
As I saw some of the goons start to run down the hall towards here I quickly cut batwoman down with one of my daggers in my side pockets. Watching as she was trying to fight my grip as I turned to see the goons coming our way and I used my grappling hook to get us up hearing what sounded like Luke’s voice as we flew out of the building. 
I grabbed the com putting it in my ear as I headed to my motorcycle letting batwoman be in the front as I drove down the streets of Gotham, “Whoever you are if you have a medical kit she is going to need it.” I said through the com. “Who is this?” Luke said as I laughed. “(Y/S/H/N) and Batwoman needs help Luke stop with your games. I know it’s you, and trust me your teammate will die. I just need to know where this cave, or hideout is.” I said with my voice box as Luke sighed then told me to head towards Wayne Tower and go under the parking garage. 
As I arrived at Wayne Tower and headed up the elevator Batwoman woke up and was groaning at the pain from her side. When I got to the floor I saw Luke standing there coming over as he used Martha’s necklace and turned it to the Cave as we sat Batwoman down on the table as we had to get some of the gear off of her to help to stitch the knife wounds up. And I took off her mask, as Luke left the room to return later. I was in shock. 
Kate Kane is Batwoman.
A few minutes passed as Batwoman was finally better, and I was still in shock even through all the years of fighting with Team Arrow. My girlfriend was Batwoman. 
“Luke you let her in.” Kate said as she saw her mask beside her as she groaned and sat up looking at me like daggers coming in my side. As Luke entered seeing her mask off and looking at me. “She saved your life Kate.” She said as I looked at her worried. She studied my face for a moment looking at my (E/C) then every other detail she could see that the hood doesn’t cover. 
“(Y/N)?” She questioned as I was still hurt from being stabbed in the arm that I just stitched. Looking over and saw Luke look at me as I took down my hood to show my (H/C), and then I took off my mask. “Your (Y/S/H/N)?” Kate said as she furrowed her eyebrows and I nodded. 
“I’ll leave you two alone, I’ll see your both I presume tomorrow.” He said walking out to head home. I stared at Kate for a moment. “How long?” She asked me as I looked at her. “Before I moved to Gotham I helped my brother, which I know you know is Arrow.” I said to her as she looked at me as I saw the anger in her eyes. “I didn’t tell you because like you I was wanting to protect you. Even though I know you can protect yourself Kate.” I said as she looked at me. 
“Let’s go.” She said as I heard a light growl in her voice knowing what was going to happen as we headed to her apartment after changing from our costumes. I just knew she wasn’t going to care what I said tonight on how things go. 
As we arrived to her apartment and unlocked the door I turned around to feel her soft lips against mine as she roughly kissed me when we were walking slowly taking off our coats. But before I could do anything else she pushed me against the door, and locked it with a smirk on her face, when she saw I was flustered. 
She continued to kiss down my neck as I was feeling the moans in my throat trying to escape but couldn’t...yet. As she continued she took off my top, and threw it somewhere I couldn’t see. And then she continued to kiss down my neck and sucked on my sweet spot in between my neck and collarbone and I finally let in and moaned as I looked down to see her smirk. Trying to touch her with my hands she moved them up as she shook her head at me leading me to her bed pushing me on it. And before I knew it my skirt was off, along with her clothing as she got on top of me. 
She then pushed my hands above my head as she kissed down my collarbone down to my stomach. As in between kisses she roughly bites and sucks my skin as my moans become more frequently. As I know I’ll have a few hickies in the morning. Until she goes back to my lips and starts teasing my lips with her tongue as I allowed her access as she started to venture into my mouth then sucking my tongue. Once we both ran out of air she finally stopped kissing me and pulled her head up a bit to catch her breath, as I was laying breathless. 
Before I knew it Kate’s hand lowered to my waist, as she lowered her head to my breasted, and placed her mouth on my right nipple making my back arch at the feeling when she held my waist down. But before I could continue moving at the sensational feeling she wrapped her hand around my other nipple bud and started to twist it and the massaged it while she was sucking and biting my right nipple. Until she moved to my other nipple leaving a trail of kissing in-between each breast until she started sucking and biting on my left nipple, and then massaged my right nipple. I let out a deep moan as I felt my wetness growing worse in my panties. As I could hear my deep breathing continue as she came back up and kissed me taking one of her hands putting it on one of my thighs. 
Before I knew it she started to move my panties down my thighs then my calves to my heels as she finally pulled them all the way off looking at my the whole time with lust in her eyes. As she started to kiss my foot, then my ankle, then my calves, knee caps, and then she started to hold my hips as my back tried to arch as I moaned loud and hard. “Kate.” I moaned as she smiled with a smirk on her face going back to kissing up my thigh as I felt my pussy grow more wet knowing that her smirk grew bigger at the sight of me getting more wet. 
“Are you that eager?” She asked with a smug face and a raspy tone to her voice as I moaned out. As she continued to kiss my thighs slowly coming to my core. She then kissed my core as I started to moan louder as she laughed as I felt the pleasure of her laugh in my core. 
As she put her tounge near my wetness teasing me as I moaned as she was so close to the entrance. And I put my hands in her hair and she moaned.
After I hit my climax, I took a few breaths watching her lick some of my juices off my fingers. As she fell right beside me on her bed, as I turned over and got on top of her. “What Kate you thought that you I was going to be the only one?” I said kissing her pushing her back on her bed, watching as she fell down on her pillow and I kissed her again. 
I started trailing wet kisses down her neck to her shoulder sucking and biting leaving bruises for her tomorrow. After I continued to kiss down her chest kissing her breast then going down to her stomach as she moaned, “Fuck.” She said as I went back up and kissed her making her quiet again. 
Instead of teasing her I went to pleasure her by kissing her core 
I could feel from her body that she was almost at her climax. I continued to keep my tounge in her pussy, as I used on of my fingers that was on my other hand to start playing with her 
“That was something Kate.” I said looking back at her as she laughed but with a raspear voice. “Yeah, but (Y/N) next time don’t hide anything from me. I don’t want you to get hurt because of Alice.” She said as I smiled turning my body as I reached up and kissed her before falling asleep in her arms. 
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westernhoodrat · 3 years
Meet Dani
The following is an excerpt from my first book that I recently self published on amazon. If you’re interested in science fiction, adventure, or just a good story? Give it a read, let me know what you think and consider checking out The Map: Book One of the Edwina Chronicles.
Chapter 4
August 4th, 3108 AA 
Olympus, Gaea (Colonial Capitol City)
     The warehouse was grubby, grease-coated and run down; piles of star ship parts sat idly all about it. The lights were dim and the air was stale with the scent of old oil and a haze of drifting dust. It was like a giant mouse nest, that had been patched together out of scrap metal and broken engines. In the middle of this vast stillness, something stirred, tussling through the dust, occasionally clanging parts together and hammering on metal.  Beneath the layers of scrap and decay was a small blonde girl toiling away at a fighter engine, mumbling to herself. She wore a tattered old blue mechanic’s jumper and oil-soaked leather boots. Her fingers seemed held together by various bandages and bits of gauze and they were currently clinging tightly to a hammer and pair of pliers. She had a small, but lean face with a long nose and jawline. A pair of round brass colored goggles clung tightly over her bright blue eyes. Her hair was unkempt and long, the only thing holding the thicket in place was a pair of green welding goggles and a bit of wire tying it back into a ponytail. A small patch on the right breast of her jumpsuit read “Dani.”
    Dani was arguably the best mechanic ever to be dishonorably discharged from the Colonial Corps, and she had worked her whole life to be so. Her father had been a mechanic, her father’s father before him and so on for almost eight generations. But unfortunately Dani had a fondness for making unorthodox modifications to regulation equipment; one such modification had literally blown up in her face. Now, she found herself stuck in an enormous warehouse on a dead planet, trying to piece together old ships and sell scrap just to get by. 
    “Be an ace mechanic Dani!” she muttered to herself, mocking the advice her father had given her years before. “It’s a great career oppawtunity!” she balked in her heavy Gaean accent. She angrily ratcheted a nut on to a bolt. “This war’ll never end! Don’t you worry love! You’ll always ’ave me!” She shook the parts in her hand. “Then the old geezer goes an’ dies!” She let out a heavy sigh, looking around at the enormity of the pile around her. She was a small speck in a sea of particles and shadow, trying to swim her way out. She rubbed her forehead vigorously “You’re alright Dani, deep breafs old girl, deep breafs.” 
     She  had been just a girl of eight when the war started. Her father was arguably the best human mechanic in the galaxy at the time, so he joined up and for nearly eight years Dani and her father “lived off the fat,” as he used to call it. But when she turned sixteen it was her turn. She was at the top of her class in basic, outpacing her fellow students by light-years. It wasn’t fair really Dani had practically  grown up inside an engine block. To her it was as comforting as her mother’s womb. She had advanced to deployment nine months ahead of schedule and at his request served in her father’s division. But her father never lived to see the Colonial victory. It turned out that stomach and lung cancer were the reward for all his hard work in the war effort and for the first time that she could remember, Dani was alone. She became angry and over time her skills were overshadowed by her grief. She began to experiment and modify things out of boredom and frustration. Then one day she’d managed to modify an engine on board a frigate without the proper authorization, it had exploded, almost killing all two hundred and eighty crew members on board. They discharged her, instead of sentencing her to a penal colony, leaving her to rot on the surface of the rotting corpse of Gaea. 
     It had been hard at first. When she’d stepped back on the surface from Gaea’s orbital blockade she didn’t understand what had happened to humanity. Before she had gone into orbit the planet was lush and green, but when she came back, all victory had won mankind was a homeworld that couldn’t give anymore in the way of resources. Gaea had been stripped and mined and farmed to the point of exhaustion. The soil was sterile, the water was poisoned and they lived in a constant, storming, dust-ridden wasteland. But the war had been won. The soil was sterile, the water was poisoned, and humans lived in a constant, dust-ridden wasteland. But the war had been won.
     There had been more people on Gaea when she’d first stepped back on the ground. Some were just trying to get by and others were eating them alive, sometimes quite literally. Roving gangs of violent, broken men, back from the farthest reaches of the galaxy had taken what they learned in war and turned on the very people they’d been fighting for. The learning curve had been steep in the beginning, but over time she’d learned that it was survival of the fittest. She hadn’t killed anyone, she didn’t want to for that matter, but she had given a number of fellows a good clout on the head with a wrench when they came around trying to take her things, steal her water or worse, she never let them though, not once. After a while the gangs in her area figured out that they better not come around the old warehouse looking for trouble, because Dani could take care of herself. After she’d established those boundaries life got a little easier. She managed to sell what little scrap she could to folks looking to patch up homes and huts after the storms, she’d rewire engines to provide heat or cold as needed. But that didn’t stop her from thinking, dreaming, hoping that some day she’d get out. 
     Suddenly she heard a loud crash from the far side of the hangar. 
     “What the ’ell was that?” she whispered as she shot up and began looking around frantically. Another clank came from her left, echoing through the large building. She grabbed her large pipe wrench and went running in the direction of the noise. She slowed her pace as she came to a corner near the building’s entrance, pressing her back to the wall, raising the wrench to her chest and gripping it tightly. 
    No. she thought. Not again, her heart began to race as the thought of fighting off the gangs and robbers made her fear for her life, made her wonder if they had grown bold enough to attack her again, or worse, managed to find real weapons, guns and the like. It made her wonder if today was the day they’d get her.
     She gently peeked around the corner to find a heavily armed man and what appeared to be a dog with a bomb strapped to its chest. 
    Robbers! she thought as she bit her lip. The man was glancing around the room as the dog seemed to almost mutter at him with a series of groans and whimpers. 
    “It’s alright Nugget, I think the computer was right, we just need to have a look round. Try to relax.” He turned and smiled at it before it barked back at him in response. His accent was different than how any of the thieves she know spoke. He sounded like the people in the High Command, the big-wig military types who were the only ones allowed out of the muck and mire on Gaea. They lived in a great black tower complex which was guarded like a fortress and had access to what few resources were left on the doomed planet. For a split second the pair unknowingly turned their backs to her. 
     Alright Dani girl, ’ere’s your chance, she thought, taking a deep breath and leaping out from behind the wall, flying at the man and swinging the pipe at his head. 
   Quickly and without warning the man turned around, reached out and caught the wrench with a thud, just before it reached his temple. “Oh hello!” he said with a devilish smile. He ripped the wrench from her hands and pushed Dani to the ground with his boot, dropping her weapon with a dust laden thud. Dani crashed flat on her back with her legs in the air. The force of her landing made her fuzzy as she tried to draw focus back to the pair. The dog was snarling, hackles up, poised to strike. The man looked down at her in delight. 
   “Who the ’ell are you?!?!” Dani shouted at them.
    The man placed his hand on his chest. “I am Captain Ashley Odessa Cumberge and this is Nugget.” He gestured towards the dog, who was still snarling at her, its eyes nearly popping out of its skull. “Nugget?” She looked up at him. “Heel.” He smiled at her as she immediately relaxed and moved to a seated position. He stood up straight and extended his hand to help her up. “Sorry about that, but you were about to hit me in the head with a rather large wrench.” He grinned. “I don’t know about you, but I’d say that’s just a little rude.” Dani eyed him skeptically until she took his hand, pulling herself up. 
    “What do you want gov?” She shrugged at him wiping her hands on her pant legs. 
     “Ah! Yes, well we are looking for a mechanic.” He pulled a small, blue handkerchief from his breast pocket and offered it to her. 
    “Well you’ve found one.” She grimaced at him, blowing her nose with his hanky. 
    “Indeed.” Ash nodded. Now it appeared it was his turn for skepticism. “But we are looking for a very specific mechanic. Specialist Daniel Colbert, so if you could perhaps point us in his direction it would be much appreciated,” he finished as she handed him back his hanky. Ash stared at it for a moment in minor disgust. “Please, call it a gift.” 
    “Thanks,” she replied, shoving it into her pocket. “Well that’s me mate,” she said, still dusting herself off, only half paying attention to him. 
    Ash paused for a moment and eyeing her with a frown. “You?” he raised an eyebrow.
    “Yeah.” She replied looking down at Nugget.  “Hi doggy!” She smiled as Nugget began to wag her tail. 
    “Daniel?” Ash continued his eyes glancing around. 
    “Yeah,” she repeated, rolling her eyes. “My dad was brilliant wiv a wrench, but he couldn’t spell to save ’is life. So he wanted a Danielle, got a Daniel. But call me Dani.” She stuck her hand out to shake his. Ash shot her a fleeting, half-hearted smile before gingerly shaking hers.
    “Specialist.” Despite the smile, his face went slack and his doubts about her identity floated in the air, as heavy as the dust between them.
    “What’s wrong?” she scoffed at him.
    “You’re a world class, ex-military mechanic?” He forced another smile as his brows drew together. 
    “Yeah why?” She sassily put her hands on her hips, cocking them to the right. 
    Ash eyed the thin, mousey girl, with the rats nest of hair on her head, long crooked nose and obnoxious demeanor. He seemed taken aback. In his experience all the top military mechanics were broad shouldered, square-chinned men and while a woman in the service wasn’t out of the ordinary, one had to be particularly well educated to work on star ships. A slight, young girl whose name wasn’t spelled correctly and who spoke in a manner consistent with that of the rabble who now inhabited what remained of Gaea didn’t seem right. Her mannerisms and appearance were slovenly and simply not in keeping with military standards. 
    “I apologize.” He said softly. “I believe I have made a mistake.” He turned to exit the building.
    “Wait a minute!” she shouted, grabbing him by the shoulder, spinning him around and sticking her index finger in his face. “You can't just march in 'ere with this adorable little dog, ask me one stupid question an' expect to walk off without explainin' yourself!” She grabbed him by his collar. “Now what do you want fancy man?”
    “My dear,” he let out a little laugh and a smile, raising his palms. “I need the best mechanic in the universe to maintain my ship. It is unlike any other that has ever traveled through space. Your name was at the top of the list when I looked through the Colonial database. But now that I’ve met you, I dare say they can’t be right. No offense.” he said, grabbing her wrist and pulling his collar out of her clutches. 
    “A mistake?” she said, raising both eyebrows and rocking back on her heels, crossing her arms. “Oh really? You don’t fink someone like me couldn’t be the best mechanic in the whole universe? Why? Because I’m a girl?” Dani was turning red, as she began to tap her foot. 
    Ash again raised his eyebrow and shrugged. “Well…,” he began to explain.
    “Right well let me tell you somethin’ Cap’n Ashwin Odooly Cabbage!” she pointed her finger at him. “My father only ever taught me ‘ow to do one fing in ‘is world an’ at was ‘ow to take care of starships!” She threw her hands in the air, waving them at him. “My entire life people ’ave tried to tell me I am not who I say I am! But I swear on me father's grave an’ ’is father’s before ’im that there ain't an engine in the universe I can’t fix!” She pointed at him again as her eyes widened. “And if you fink that you can judge ’is book by its cover an' walk out without a piece of me mind you’ve got it all wrong!”
    Ash stood in aghast, eyeing her for a moment. “Cumberge.” he said sharply.
    “What?” she snapped at him.
    “My name is Cumberge, Specialist.” He stood at attention. “What do you know about maintenance on a zero point energy engine?” 
    “I know ’em inside an’ out if yew really 'ave one? I heard they was too expensive to put on most military ships. Even so, we was trained at length on ’em. The principal construction is the same as a combustion, but it only works if you've got it paired wiv a jump drive an’ everyone knows they don't exist.” She calmed down as she spoke, her face turning back to the pale color it normally was, her attitude now shifting from one of anger to arrogance. 
    “Hmmmm…” Ash responded. “What if I told you we’ve got one?”
    “Right! Now who’s tellin’ lies?” She laughed. “You’ve got a ship outfitted wiv a jump drive?” she asked skeptically. 
    “We do.” Ash smiled looking at Nugget. 
    “And I'm supposed to believe you because you’ve got all those guns an’ medals, eh?” She let out a laugh. “Besides you ain’t no captain anyway.”
   “I beg your pardon?” 
    “Look at that old bomber. Blue and gold ain’t the Colonial colors no more, everybody knows ‘at. They’re black an’ red now.” She turned up her lip in a sneer. “So tell me another one ‘captain’.” 
    “Oh yes, just as I am supposed to believe you are the best mechanic in the universe because you’re covered in dust and oil? If I’m not mistaken you’re wearing the same colors as I.” 
    “You’re damn right I am!” She pointed a finger at him before thumbing her chest. “An ’is is my father’s jumper you geezer so don’t you tell I’m wearing the wrong colors.” 
    A pause followed between them as the mood grew sullen. They eyed each other a while longer, each having just as much cause to mistrust the other. Ash looked down at Nugget, who whimpered at him. “Look I don’t know if you are who you say you are but if you can get my ship to work, I can offer you a place on board.” 
    “Oh yeah? What's in it for me?”
    “Well I can’t promise much, nor can I guarantee your safety, but I can promise that it’s a damn sight better than this place.” He looked around at the piles of junk. 
    Dani paused then and thought about the years she had been there, how long it had been since she had worked aboard an actual star ship, how much she missed her father and how badly she wanted to redeem herself. 
    “What are you doin’ wiv the ship?”  she questioned. After all, this fellow was awfully strange and seemed to appear out of no place; for all she knew it could be some sort of trap or ploy to get her out of the hangar, kill her and take her stuff, or sell her into slavery. But then she remembered that nobody had guns on Gaea, except the big wigs in the tower of course, especially ones like the one this fellow had. 
    Ash paused for a moment, seeming to choose his words with care. “That information my dear is on a need to know basis; however, in the very near future we are looking to acquire a very special map.” He raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Does that suffice?”
    Dani thought again for a brief moment. “Anything illegal?” she eyed him.
    “Ah. Well there might be a bit of trouble involved, but nothing serious.” Ash replied looking down at his dog, who squeaked back. 
    Dani looked down at her dirty boots for a half second of hesitation then said. “Alright Captain. I’ll take a look at your ship, but no funny business?” 
    “I would never dream of it.” 
    “An’ first I 'ave one more question, before we go.” 
    She pointed to Nugget. “Why do you ’ave explosives strapped to your dog?!?!” She shouted, her brow furrowing. “She’s a cute dog an’ you don’t see many of them runnin’ around now do ya?” Dani did have an affinity for cute things and this dog was the cutest thing she’d seen in years, even if it was ready to attack her.
    Ash smiled. “She’s not a dog.“ He shook his head. “She’s a bomb.” He turned and began to walk away, Dani exchanged a look with the mutt who seemingly shrugged at her. “Come Nugget.” The dog followed him quickly as the two put distance between themselves and Dani. 
    “What?” Dani shouted, shaking her head and wrinkling her nose.
    “Coming Specialist?” Ash called.
    Dani looked around at the hangar one last time, with a sigh and then ran after them without the slightest notion of what was to come next. 
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nkp1981 · 4 years
Christmas and New Year Eve 2025/2026
They had all agreed on to meet and celebrate New Year’s Eve in Prague.
Joe and Nicky had arrived around Christmas, where they used the opportunity to be a couple on Christmas vacation to the fullest by eating good food, visiting their old stomping grounds, going down the narrow streets hand in hand being like silly teenagers, who had been left home alone and spending plenty of time in the bed.
As they walked down The Charles Bridge the clock struck twelve, they decided to take a break and looked out on the Vltava. “Merry Christmas, Habibi!” Joe said in Arabic and took Nicky’s hand, which he started to caress. “Merry Christmas, Mi Amore!” He replied in Italic with a smile and leaned into his shoulder. ”I got something for you!” Joe said and took out a bag of figs from his pocket together with some honey. “You incurable romantic.” Nicky replied with a big smile, when he saw the figs. “Remember our first Christmas as friends back in the small inn in Alexandria?" Joe wanted to know. "Yeah, we talked all night even though I'm not sure we understood each other completely since we still were trying to understand each other." Nicky replied with a laughter in his voice. "I think it was that night, I fell in love with you, because I had never seen anyone eat figs like you did with such a delight, so I thought that it was a good idea to do it again.” Joe admitted and handed him a fig. “It is, but how can me eating figs like a wild man be the reason why you fell in love with me?” Nicky wanted to know and tilted his head. It was something he did when he wanted an answer from Joe. “You looked lovely, but it also had to do with that I probably for the first time in my life could be myself without anyone telling me what to be instead of what I wanted to be!” Joe replied and took the last fig in the bag. “I felt the same way that night and I’m so grateful, that the feeling hasn’t disappeared that we still are together and still have time left in the world.” Nicky said and took the fig, he was handed. “You look just like in the inn!” Joe said laughing when fruit juice started to run down Nicky’s face. “Thanks! So, how did you get it through the custom?” Nicky wanted to know. “Well, I just used the concierge service, but I have to say, he didn’t listen when I ordered them.” Joe replied a bit disappointed that the figs were not as ripe as he had wished for. “Doesn’t matter. It is the thought that counts, and I appreciate it!” Nicky said and gave him a kiss on the cheek before he handed him a packet. “This is excellent craftsmanship, that I’ve seen in centuries. Where on earth did you find it?” Joe wanted to know when he saw the dagger and started to examine it closely. “I’m not telling!” Nicky replied with a secret smile. “Just wait till we get back to the hotel, then I’ll get the information out of you!” Joe said as he pulled Nicky in for a kiss. “Then you better put in an effort, because as you know, I’m not easy to get any information out of!” Nicky replied in a teasing tone and gave him another smile before he started to walk again. “Oh, there will be no doubts about that!” Joe said as he took his hand once again, while they talked on the way back to the hotel.   
Andy and Nile didn’t have the same quiet Christmas as Joe and Nicky had. They had been on a mission to take out an Ukrainian arms dealer, who in a desperate attempt to get out of the warehouse had fired a rocket launcher at them, which made Nile throw herself over Andy to shield her, while the rocket flew over the head of them hitting some parked cars behind them. “Told you to stay back at the hotel!” Nile said as she sat up and looked at cars, who were burning. “And miss out of all the fun? I haven’t had this much fun in years!” Andy replied sarcastically and reloaded her gun. “We two have very different definitions of fun and besides I think the boys prefer to see us both in one piece instead of a million!” Nile said and looked towards the arms dealer, who was running for his cars. “You may have a point there. Can you hit him?” Andy wanted to know and looked towards the man. “I don’t have Nicky’s rifle skills, but if you can deal with the big one over there, I may have an idea. Wait for my signal.” Nile suggested and Andy nodded, so when Nile went to the left, Andy waited and when Nile made the signal, they both hit their targets at the same time.
“I could really use a cold beer!” Andy said, when Nile sat down next to her. “Me too, so Merry Christmas!” Nile replied, when the bells could be heard in the distance. “Merry Christmas. Let’s get out of here and find that beer before the police show up. I don’t feel like talking to them or spending the night in a cell.” Andy said and the women walked in the other direction away from the police.
They found a small pub who still had open and sat down in a corner with their cold beer. “I have to say that the Europeans make better beer than the Americans.” Nile concluded and looked out on the snow that had started to fall. “Nah, the best beer in the world, you get in Thailand. I’ll show you one day.” Andy promised with a smile. “I’ll keep you to that promise, Andy. I can’t believe it has been two years since we last saw the boys.” Nile said and drank her beer before making a sign to the waitress to bring another round. “They are still the same. That’s the good thing about them, but I think that when we have celebrated New Year’s Eve, you should talk with Nicky about getting some more sniper training. He is the best teacher.” Andy suggested and took another beer. “It has been on my mind, but I’m also thankful for all the training, you have given me, Andy!” Nile replied in a grateful tone and found the cards in her pocket. “Don’t mention it, kid, but you do know, that you are gonna lose all your money, right?” Andy said and took the cards. “One day I will win it all back.” Nile replied in an optimistic tone.
When the women left the pub in the morning, Nile got a text from Joe. “The boys wish us a Merry Christmas and have reserved hotel rooms for us, but what does he mean with that I shouldn’t let you alone with the dynamite?” Nile wanted to know. “I might one time have blown up a hotel room, when I tripped over a box with dynamite and accidentally had a candle in the hands.” Andy replied and shook her head over that Joe had promised not to mention it again. “Seriously? What was a box of dynamite even doing in the hotel room in the first place?” Nile wanted to know. “Joe and I had picked the box up for a job and while we were waiting for the rest to show up, we started to drink some Turkish homebrew, we found it in the cupboard. We might have gotten a bit drunk, and when we heard noises, well one thing leads to another thing and the rest, you can guess.” Andy explained and made a mental note to have a talk with Joe about gossiping.
A couple of days later the women finally found the bar, Joe had told them about.
“Andy? Nile?” Nicky shouted from the stage and started to wave excitedly over seeing them. “Is he drunk?” Nile asked, when Nicky returned to signing. “He decided to start celebrating New Year’s Eve, when Samoa went into the New Year!” Joe explained and shook his head, before he hugged them. “He is your choice not mine.” Andy said, when she hugged him again. “I know it and I’m not even sorry.” Joe replied with a smile and looked at Nicky while making a sign that he should join them. “How long have you been bald?” Nile wanted to know. “Sadly, I’m not immune against lice. When we saved a couple of children, they all had lice and what was worse, but they are safe now, which is all that matters. My hair will grow out again.” Joe explained and caught Nicky, who tripped over his legs and landed in his arms laughing. “Seems like I keep on falling for you!” Nicky said in a cheesy tone and patted Joe’s cheek gently with a smile before kissing him. “As I said your choice.” Andy repeated and started to distribute the drinks between them. They talked for hours and drank even more. “I promised Nile to take her to Thailand, where you get the best beer in the world.” Andy said, when she took another beer. “That is not correct, Andy. The best beer in the world you get in Ireland, and I will show you.” Nicky said, but when he reached out for another beer, he fell off his chair and ended up on the floor laughing. “I better help him with finding a bed.” Joe said and offered Nicky a hand, who somehow had rolled over on his stomach and looked at the karaoke machine. “No, you have slaughtered enough ABBA for one night. So, I’m gonna give you the same choice, I did in the desert a long time ago: walk or I will carry you.” Joe said in a commanding tone, which did the trick. “See you tomorrow.” Andy said as the last thing, before they parted for the night. “Should we find another party?” Nile wanted to know, and Andy nodded. Before they ventured out into the night.
When they returned to the hotel room Joe helped Nicky down in a chair, so he could take off Nicky’s boots, before he kicked off his own boots. Then he went into the other room to remove the duvet from the bed, when a pair of familiar strong arms wrapped around his waist from behind pulling him near Nicky. They stood like this a bit, before Nicky turned Joe around, so he could look at him. “Remember when you danced with me in the bombed-out bar in Brussels right after the war?” Nicky asks and lays his forehead against his shoulder, brown hair brushing Joe’s nose. Nicky then takes Joe’s right hand in his left and presses closer to his neck, the scratch of his stubble making Joe close his eyes, letting memories wash over him. “You had found an old record player under the bar, who barely could play the record. You smiled, when you heard the lyrics of the song and we danced to it, even though I’m a terrible dancer,” Nicky said and Joe was ready to protest, but Nicky placed two fingers on his lips and he stayed quiet, lost in the depths of his blue eyes and the kiss that followed. “Can we do that again?” Nicky begged, and Joe didn't even blink. “Of course.” Joe finds the song on his phone and presses play, taking Nicky’s hand in his reverently, Nicky’s body fitting perfectly against his as they begin swaying lazily, two hearts beating in sync. when they reach the chorus, Nicky whispers in his ear in Arabic, “Yusuf, you make me the happiest man alive, Habibi.” And they share another kiss as the sun rises.
my creation
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SEPTEMBER 26th - 2013 - 3AM
PART 1 ] [ PART 2 ] [ PART 3 ]
News died down and people calmed down. Slipped under the radar like so much background noise about bombings in far off countries. I could imagine it to be like how you get used to bullets reporting off the sand and brick and hot earth after it goes on for days and weeks and years. 
Tsunamis you never drown in, riots you only see as rushing masses on the screen, earthquakes you can’t comprehend, cancelled flights you’ll never be on, borders closed that you never intended to cross, and hospitals creaking under the pressure of illness that’d been packing them for months. What was some spoiled wheat when you came from the land of agricultural plenty? Nevermind that end of season harvest was recent.
And, anyway, I still had bills and to pay those I had to keep working. Natural disasters notwithstanding.
Thankfully, night shift usually meant I could relax. The current site I was working at was a warehouse facility. Took big trucks in and out all day, but shut down around the time I rolled in. Mostly I did patrols by car or foot. Since it was only what a proper northerner considers ‘chilly’ for my last patrol, I decided to walk.
All I was really looking for inside the warehouse was fires or leaks. Outside was more about checking out the parked trailers along the outer fence line. Making sure the plastic seals weren’t broken. That people weren’t climbing the fence to steal anything.
I honestly didn't expect any trouble. I heard more from the day shift about fist fights over boxes from the workers in the building than I did actual attempts at theft.
Hell, mostly I ran into lone coyotes. Or a racoon. They’re all kinda cute if you keep a distance. Sometimes I’d purposely only look at the stray rabbit from an eye corner and keep moving. They were just there for the choice, crisp, grass on this side of the fence.
Somewhere in the back, I found a hole in the fence line. Low to the ground and mostly under the fence where dirt had been dug up. Not super uncommon. Looked like an animal had dug it up. Another lone coyote lookin’ for one of those rabbits, probably. I sighed out a puff of condensed air and tucked my flashlight under my arm with the cone of light pointing at the breach.
Phone came out of my pocket and I took a flash lit photo. Put that away and took out a bit of scrap paper and a pen I kept in one of my coat pockets. Scribbling the time, 0349, and the look of the hole. I’d have to document it and let the supervisor know in the morning to have it checked out.
It also meant I’d be walking this every half hour instead of every couple hours. Thankfully, I only had three more to go.
I paid some extra attention to the trailers nearby. Checking their seals were intact and making sure the tops of the doors were adequately locked still. Scoped out the area and thought all looked well enough to move on.
Mind you, there was some unease. Might be a coyote around after all. Normally I wouldn’t think much of that. Alone, they’re not really keen to scrap with a human. Most didn’t desperately dig through a fence, either.
Thankfully, I was allowed a taser with this company so I kept it in hand in my pocket. I just couldn’t shake the feeling on the back of my neck. Cold and prickly and not from the bite in the air. Left over combat instinct or plain, embarrassing, fear of the dark mixed with primal fear of wild animals? I resolved to walk with a longer stride and dipped down the figurative hallway between two trailers. There was more light to see by coming off the warehouse at the other side as opposed to along the perimeter fence.
I nearly tripped when I came out. Ahead of me, in the dark place between trailers still in their docks, was something. Low and crouched. With two eyeballs that gave off a sheen of an amber glow. Like a coyote.
Mmm, great. Maybe it had rabies. In which case, a taser wasn’t going to do it.
I avoided shining a light on it to keep it from attacking. Instead I pulled at my radio and turned the volume down before speaking into it, quite and calm,
“Candice, you got a copy?” Relieved when that alone didn’t cause the animal to stir. Beyond a slight shift and a low rumble. A growl that sounded...pained? I didn’t get an inch closer. Rabies or not, injury was even more liable to launch at me with intent to maul if I wasn’t mindful.
“Go ahead.” She responded. Unaware of my predicament.
“We’re gunna need to call Paul and the non-emergency number for the cops, I guess?” I paused, but held the button to keep the line. “There’s a cranky, possibly rabid, coyote back he--shit!” I let the button go, my voice cracking on a high pitch, as the animal came screaming out of the dark across the pavement toward me.
By the way? Not an animal! It turned out to be bipedal! PERSON! A person was streaking toward me with a howl of rage I hadn’t heard since the desert. The only thing that kept me from getting bum rushed straight down into the ground was that time in the war. Muscle memory and understanding of how bodies work allowing me to shift into mindlessly diverting all that failing momentum into the ground under me instead. Face first with me holding an arm and pressing a knee between shoulder blades of the squirming ball of bizarre fury under me. Pinned down.
They kept hollering, but I spoke to them at an even pace despite the adrenaline threatening to make me rattle too fast with my words. “Hey! Are you okay? You can’t just hulk out in the middle of private property. I am going to have to call the cops if you don’t calm down.”
That didn’t seem to work any better than telling me not to eat a fifth slice of pizza on a Tuesday morning.
I mumbled a cuss as I worked on adjusting my hold to free up a hand enough to respond to Candice calling me over the radio with increasing concern.
“Dro? Dro, you copy?”
“Yeah, co--” I paused to let the latest howl come and go. “Copy! We’re going to need the police. It’s some person--” Growled back when the next long winded scream came. “Some person on drugs I think?”
“Copy, you need backup?”
“Nah, you can’t leave the guardhouse. Just...tell ‘em to hurry. They’re not--” I didn’t bother to take my finger off the button for the next roar. “--not real happy about all this.”
I sighed and buckled down on holding them down without hurting them. Drugged out or not, this person didn’t deserve to get their ribs or wrist inadvertently broken. Or to choke if my knee got jostled out of place from all the wild writhing they were doing. I started trying to talk them down when they started whining instead of roaring.
“Sorrysorrysorry.” They sounded to be openly weeping. “Hurts, I’m sorry!” Mashing their own face into the ground where I couldn’t see them. I grimaced.
“It’s fine.” Drugs are wild. I tried to be understanding. Hard and worked up as the both of us were. Wasn’t my first run in with an intoxicated trespasser. Get out of your mind and you don’t know where you are and shit that’s a big fucking lady throwing me, around time to FIGHT. “It’s alright, hey, it’s okay. Police are comin’. With some doctors, I’m su--”
Apparently that wasn’t the right thing to say, they kicked back up into doing their damndest to trash free. My muscles were starting to burn by the time I heard the sirens rolling in close enough to hear. I was running out of breath to deal with this. They couldn’t get through the gate and around back to me fucking fast enough as far as I was concerned.
The police officer that came out of his cruiser looked the sort of troubled that my colonel had in his eyes right before he was expecting us to get blown away by an IED any second. The EMTs that came out of the ambulance were dressed to deal with something infectious. Like...face shields, multilayered plastic white clothing, and were on the person under my knee in seconds with a large syringe.
No one said anything to me as my perp went limp by the time the plunger on the shot fully depressed. I awkwardly got up and stepped away as they gave me the impression of mopping up an undesirable pile of barf. Packing themselves and their charge away into the back of their ambulance on a stretcher board before they took off.
The police officer barely even thanked me for my help and told me to have a good rest of my day before he left right behind them only to overtake them. Flipping on their lights to escort the emergency vehicle he accompanied.
Leaving me in confused and stunned silence as I caught my breath.
The cop didn’t even try to get a statement. Or my name. Or even my number to ask me my statement later. I wasn’t even sure how I was going to write my report up and not sound like I didn’t do my job right without that interaction with the officer.
My brows knotted as I leaned into a brisk walk back for the guardhouse.
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stardancerluv · 4 years
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Part 6
Summary: After being with Roman Sionis for awhile, the man has made you his, so now will you enter his world of shadows and screams? What if the mouse becomes a cat?
Warning: Torture, daddy kink, hints at possible smut.
You sat in the back with Roman. Gotham was rainy. You watched as the light neon and otherwise passed by the window. Nervousness whether you could do this circulated in your stomach. You were relieved, you had Roman’s knife in your pocket.
Roman, reached over and squeezed your hand. “Just so you know these guys are especially bad. I reached out to them to offer them and a joining of forces. Even after one tried to blow us up. But they turned that offer down. They wanted a war. I got them first and now we will show them who is the king,” he paused smiling at you. “And queen of Gotham is.”
“Then they were also very stupid.”
Roman, chuckled. “Yes, very much so.”
You felt as if your blood was rushing to your ears. Your adrenaline was pumping hard.
You watched as the driver turned onto the roads that led to the factories and then some used and some abandoned warehouses in Gotham’s warf.
Roman, was relieved that Victor and some of his men had found these guys. You really hated when others mentioned with what was yours. These men wanted your territory. Today he would take back what was his and their slice he had been eyeing. He would have preferred to have them as allies. Though you can’t please everyone.
Roman, looked at the rain. “Damn rain.” He muttered as the car came to a stop. The driver came out with an umbrella. It was huge. “We’re here baby.” Then he scooted out and then once under the umbrella, he held out a hand to you. He squeezed it as you took it. Wrapping a tight arm around you, staying under the umbrella you rain to the entrance of the warehouse.
“I’m ready for my little dynamo.”
He took your hand and led you in. Victor and the others had strung up three men. You stopped and looked at the sight.
“Yeah, we don’t always tie them up to chairs sweetheart. This makes things more fun.”
In the pit of his stomach, excitement continued to knot. He loved having you here. Not only to show you his handy work but also to watch you.
“Woooo” he let out and excited whoop of excitement.
“Hello guys.” He looked down at their faces. He went over and gave them each a push. “It is really a shame that we are not at the club sipping drinks and listening one of my singers.”
Smirking he walked back to you. “Kitten, tell me who would we deal with first?”
You went over and he watched as you looked at the three. They wriggled and blustered. He saw you take a step back.
He came over behind you. “Don’t worry they can’t harm you or anyone else for that matter.” Brushing your hair aside and inhaling deeply, he gave you a soft kiss on your throat. “You can do this my little dynamo, make me proud.” He whispered into your ear.
You cocked your head in his direction, “I thought you said no teasing?” You said playfully to him.
“I couldn’t resist.”
You chuckled, stepping forward again. Then pointed a gloved finger at the one in the middle.
“Good choice.” He walked over to him. “Alexi...how are you tonight?” If the man’s eyes could have killed they would have.
“Y/N, this is Alexi.” He made a grand gesture. “Alexi, this is Y/N.” You stepped closer, you smiled down at him.
“Roman, what did he do?”
Roman chuckled. “He tried to kill me and you. He attempted to plant a dirty bomb on my car. Isn’t that right Alexi?” He gave a Alexi a whallop to the face then tore off the tape that covered his mouth.
“Fuck you, Roman. If it wasn’t for Victor that weasel of yours I would have blown you and your whore sky high.”
Roman, hit him again, the man spat out the blood. He stepped back to avoid getting it on his shoes. “Look, you can call me anything you fucking want while you are still breathing, but you don’t call my girl anything.” Grabbing him by his hair, he brought his fist back further then slammed it into him.
“Fuck you.” He watched as he slid his eyes toward you. “You are nothing but a kept whore. He’ll tire of you.” He spat out more blood.
You smiled. “Roman, can I have some fun?”
His heart almost leapt from his chest. “Of course.” He letting go of his hair, he let swing a bit. He stepped aside.
You stepped closer. “Hello.” You gave a small wave. “So I’m Roman’s whore huh?”
The man grunted. His eyes slid to him. “You’re letting the whore do your dirty work?”
“Alexi, I suppose you’re not afraid are you?” You asked sweetly, “Well guess what? I want to be here. I want to help.”
“You can’t hurt me sweetheart.”
A smirked curled your lips. “We’ll see about that.” You reached into your pocket and took out Roman’s knife, then you opened it.
You held it in your hand and wrapped you fingers around it.
“This feel so good in my hand.”
“So about me but not being able to hurt you.” You shook your head. “Roman, can you hold him still. I am worried he will wriggle free.”
“Victor, hold onto this slimy asshole. I want to watch, Y/N.”
He easily went behind and stilled him. You sized him up. Walking over, you grabbed him by his hair. He spit in your face. Roman was immediately over and wiped your face.
He met eyes with you. “Can we get more duct tape for this asshole?”
One of the henchmen came over.
“Whore!” He screamed. Then was silenced by the duct tale. He tried to scream against the tape but it was muffled.
Grabbing him again, you smiled. “ Take a deep breath, that always helps.” He whispered to you.
You did as he said, he noticed then brought the tip of the knife to his hair line. You dragged the knife along it. The further you went the more you dug he noticed. Now he just screamed against the tape. You dragged it against his chin and to the other side.
You wiped the knife against his shirt. Then you tucked it away for a moment.
Then you ripped off the tape. Revealing his screams. “Does it hurt?” You looked down at him.
Then you looked at Victor. “Finish him, please.”
Roman, went over to you. He took your shaking hands. “You did amazing, baby.” He searched your eyes. “Did you want to head back to the car or are you ok?”
“I am...I am good.” Then you ran off for a bit and wretched.
“I need a water bottle.” He met your eyes, when you glanced behind you. He twirled a finger. One of the henchmen, almost immediately brought one over to him. Roman went over to you. He rubbed your back. “Here.” He twisted off the top. And handed it to you. “This will help.”
You took it and practically gulped it down. “Good girl.” He soothed. A loud scream sounded then it ended. You looked at him over the bottle. “Victor finished him.”
You finished and nodded. “I needed that.”
Roman, didn’t have the heart to tell you that you smudged blood on your cheeks..there was just something about it. It made him want you all the more after watching you.
“It can be hard.” He rubbed your back again. “Do you still want to stay here?” He didn’t want to push you.
“I want to watch you.”
He smirked. “Alright, if that’s what you want baby.”
He took a hold of one of your hands. “You don’t need these anymore.” Then gently he pulled off one glove and then the other one. “My dynamo.” He whispered and kissed the hand you used.
He pulled you close. “You did wonderfully.” He paused. “I am sorry about how he was. But he was screaming in the end.”
“He was.”
He then reached and undid the sash that tied your jacket together. Seeing more of your blouse under the jacket. He slipped a hand and caressed your side. “I love how you feel.”
“Roman.” You said in a trembling voice.
“Mmm, I love feeling you.” He smirked and then pulled his hand back and went into your pocket. “Thank you for doing justice with this.”
You flushed. “It still felt good in my hands.”
“Good.” He tapped a finger to his cheek. “Give daddy a kiss.”
You did, your perfume filled his nose. It made him smile. “Thank you baby.”
@spn-obession @ewanfuckingmcgregor @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @nebulastarr @darling-i-read-it @vintagemichelle91 @zodiyack @angel98624
@starwarsprequelfangirl @emyliabernstein @rosionis @johallzy​
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zombiesbecrazy · 5 years
the beginning of impossible
Summary: Jason and Bruce in a recognizable desert
Jason couldn’t stand to watch the timer tick down any further and when it clicked down to three seconds he shut his eyes tight and wished that he was somewhere else. Home. Jail. Space. Anywhere but three seconds away from death in a warehouse in the middle of the desert with no one but the woman who sold him out to the Joker beside him. With his last thought, he curled his beaten body around her to try and cover her from the impending blast.
It was what Robin should do, even at the end.
He heard the blast before he felt it, loud and roaring and ringing in his ears and then he was temporarily airborne, before crashing to the ground in a broken mess of agony.
Jason lay there on the ground, struggling to breathe, fire burning through his entire body, pain shooting in sharp waves in a way that he couldn’t identify a part of his body that wasn’t screaming. He focused on it, thriving on it, because as terrible as the agony was it meant that he was alive. If the pain stayed that meant he wasn’t dead and not dead was an absolutely fantastic living status to have after being blown up by the Joker.
It felt like hours ticking by and he dedicated himself to breathing in, holding it, and then exhaling, concentrating on it like his life depended on it. Jason was starting to drift off, giving into the pain when he jolted. Batman was there and Jason felt him before he heard him. Batman’s arms, Bruce’s arms, were wrapping around him tight. He would know the Batsuit anywhere, hard and cool and smelling like Kevlar.
“B’man?” Jason mumbled, but he wasn’t sure if the words came out or his mouth was even listening to his brain.
The arms wrapped around him squeezed and Jason could feel Bruce shaking uncontrollably in his chest and in his shoulders, like he did when he was laughing; those rare occasions where it wasn’t just a chuckle, when it was a full on hard belly laugh, roaring out in sharp barks that echoed through the Cave. Jason couldn’t figure out what Bruce was laughing about. Had he said something funny? He couldn’t remember. While he was trying to figure it out, he must have inadvertently made some sort of sound because just as fast as the pressure had begun, Bruce loosened his hold and pulled back his cowl, tears streaming down his cheeks.
Oh. Oh.
Jason tried to think of what to say, tried to think of a way to put Bruce’s terror at ease, but it was hard to think, hard to focus on anything other than the pain. He gave up trying to find some words to make Bruce smile and just kept his eyes on him.
Bruce had found him. He was safe.
The longer he stared at Bruce, the more Jason realised that something was very wrong because Bruce’s lips were moving, but there wasn’t any sound coming out. He blinked repeatedly, as if it would somehow turn the sound on, but with no luck. “What are you say…” Jason trailed off when he couldn’t hear his own words. He swallowed deeply, licked his blood crusted lips and tried again. “Batman...” The pressure in his chest grew, not the pain, but the horror, as realization started to set in. “Bruce, I can’t hear you.” He couldn’t hear the tone in his words but he knew that it was cracking and rushed. “I can’t hear.’
Jason could see Bruce’s lips moving again, but he couldn’t hear anything beyond a shrill ringing and now that he was aware that something was wrong he quickly started to panic and when he panicked, he rambled. He started apologizing to Bruce for running away and for getting trapped and for not doing his math homework before he left and the ringing in his head was making his brain feel like screaming into the void and he was freaking out more, starting to give in to hiccupping gasps, sobbing as he squeezed his eyes shut again.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and he forced himself to open his eyes, still gasping and why was it suddenly so hard to breath? Bruce took off his gloves and patted Jason on the cheek to try and draw his attention back to him. Jason locked eyes on Bruce and gave a short nod. He could focus. He could be Robin. Bruce pointed at his lips. They moved and Jason shook his head. Bruce pointed at them again, more insistent.
“I can’t hear,” Jason breathes out. Or maybe he yells it, he’s really not sure and that scares him more than the bomb or the Joker had.
Bruce pointed a third time before Jason understood what he was trying to say. Jason knew how to read lips, better than he understood ASL, but in the hysteria of the situation it wasn’t registering. Jason took a deep breath, willed himself to try and calm down, try and ignore the pain and the terror that he couldn’t hear anything and focused on Bruce’s lips. It was a struggle to concentrate and he didn’t catch everything but it was enough.
“… know it hurts but we have to get you out of here. I’m … to take you to the plane and … going to get help. Come on, Jaylad. Let me … you understand.”
“Yeah, B. I gotcha.”
The smallest of smiles crossed Bruce’s face, one that Jason would never have noticed if he hadn’t been so focused on watching Bruce’s lips. “I need to pick … up. It’s going to … a lot.”
Of course it was going to hurt; it already hurt. He thought he was prepared (because how could it possibly get worse?) but the searing pain that shot through his body when Bruce lifted him like nothing he had ever felt before which he fleetingly thought was strange considering he had literally just been exploded. He might be screaming, he wasn’t not entirely sure, but he felt Bruce’s hand on his back, rubbing in circles, trying to soothe him when he finally blacks out from the pain.
Jason woke up slowly, head feeling like its full of rocks and strapped down to a the bed in the back of the Batplane under a heavy blanket, body strangely numb in a way that only meant that he was drugged up to the gills in pain meds. There is a card propped up on the table beside him in Bruce’s neat block letters asking Jason to call for him if he wakes up.
“Bruce,” Jason croaked out and it’s then that he remembers the time between the explosion and waking up on the plane with perfect clarity because he still can’t hear his own words and it all comes rushing back. The ringing is gone, but so is everything else.
By the time Bruce arrives by his side, the tears are silently spilling over. Bruce takes his hand and squeezes it tight before locking eyes on him and silently asks “Hearing?”
Jason shakes his head, not trusting his voice, especially when he can’t hear how it sounds. Bruce’s lips tighten into a thin line. He pulls an auriscope off the table and looks into Jason’s right ear and then his left. Jason can feel him doing something on each side, and thinks he might be snapping his fingers but he can’t be sure and he doesn’t want to turn his head to check because he really doesn’t want to know the answer.
Bruce sits down in the chair beside the bed and faces Jason head on, giving him a clear view of his lips. “We won’t be able to tell if it’s permanent or not until we get back and have you checked out. We’re still about an hour out. Alfred’s remote piloting us home now that you are awake.”
“I don’t know if that’s necessary, B.” Bruce raised an eyebrow and Jason clarified. “Doctors looking at it. Feels pretty permanent.”
“Over half of your bones are broken and I had to do emergency surgery in the field, which I am extremely underqualified for, to stop your lacerated liver from bleeding out.” Bruce takes a moment to look down and collect his thoughts before facing Jason again and his face is pale and eyes are haunted. “I had my hands in your torso and you almost died, so yes, you are getting checked out regardless as to whether you can hear or not.”
Jason sniffs and tries to life his arm to wipe away the tears on his face but finds that he’s too bandaged up to do so. Bruce picked up some gauze and started to dab away the tears carefully.  
“I’m sorry, B.” He’s sorry for so many things and he doesn’t know where to start. “I’m not going to be able to be Robin any more. Not if I can’t hear. I’m not going to be any use to you and I...”
“Never say that.” Jason can’t hear him but he can imagine the pitch. Hard and firm and stubborn, the voice that he took with something that isn’t up for debate. “Never say that you aren’t any use to me. You are my son, not a tool in my belt. I am so glad… when I arrived, I was certain you were dead. I thought that I was holding your dead body in my arms.” He shook his head, maybe at Jason but maybe at his own thoughts as well. “I don’t care if you can hear or not right now. I’m just so damn happy that you are alive.” He leaned over and kissed Jason gently on the forehead, and tucked the blanket around him a little tighter. The blanket that upon closer inspection was Bruce’s cape. “It’s going to take you a while to recover, but when you are ready and if you want to get back out there, we’ll figure something out.”
“It’s impossible, Bruce.”
“Never tell me that something is impossible. It’ll just make me work harder to solve the problem.”
“Whatever, Bruce. I’m pretty sure that I know an impossible case when I hear one.” Jason snorted at his own words, making his chest ache. “Or don’t hear one.”
Bruce smiled and squeezed Jason’s hand again and Jason promised himself that he would tell Bruce it was impossible a hundred times if it meant seeing that relieved smile on his father’s face every time.
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
| marked | j.jh | ch. twelve
genre: superpower!au
a/n: idk if i’m satisfied with this final chapter and it seemed rushed for me. you guys judge. 🤧 it’s the series’ ending. italics in this chapter meant dialogues. an epilogue will be posted in a bit! or a few hours later. enjoy! 😊 ~j.
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your legs wobbled at the endless running for escape. jaehyun, who was in front, pulled you to the location of original plan— the bridge connecting the two building sections. you had no idea where you’d go next. the continuous explosions and the weakening of your strength were getting the best of you. jaehyun thought the next and only escape would be in the next building. he knew that you both had to confront the supposed enemies; wonhee, boreum and whoever was to come your way, with whatever remaining strength you both had left.
the weather was colder than most days— comparatively to when you were alone, out in the snow. you took a glance at jaehyun, who was running out of breath and to the bridge in front of you. it wasn’t the time to stop. the explosions gone off as if they were chasing you. bricks and concrete blown up high in the air and came in crashing down to the ground. coincidentally though, missing both of your exhausted bodies. not later, the bridge you both ran on felt like it was about to collapse where the vibrations of every concrete developed cracks.
except it did.
you both screamed and closed your eyes to brace for the impact; the dark abyss of the new cliff seemingly created by the effect of the abundant detonation. the same cold wind felt like ice shards scratching through your sensitive flesh, exposed to the pain and vulnerable to the upcoming injuries. jaehyun unintentionally let of your grasp where you both appeared like sky divers who jumped off the plane for an experience of a lifetime. however this wasn’t that kind of experience.
“jaehyun!” you cried as loud as you could, forgetting the fact that he heard less now. he saw how your eyes welled in tears as they searched for that familiar comfort— him. as if swimming in the air as you both fell, he tried to reach for your hand. and he did however, a boulder out of nowhere came in between, breaking you apart from him.
“y/n!” jaehyun yelled in a prolonged tone.
quick bright flashes blinded jaehyun, and for a moment everything else felt like a dream. he saw figures ahead of him whilst he laid weakly on the ground. they appeared to be rescuers but the familiarity of those figures were the same ones that attacked at the mountain top. although his hands were tied behind, he searched for you. to his relief you were just beside him, like you did after eunwoo’s teleportation. but where were you both now?
the smoky figures came into a clearer view. people slowly arrived, a backwards self-disintegration, coming into form and into the flesh.
“the last absolutes..” a man’s deep baritone voice chilled you. it was then followed by laughs of the cursed and of evil doings.
“glad you got them out of harm’s way.”
“they’re quite a complicated duo but seriously? that’s how time-lock works, i get to move freely outside time. maybe admire their crying faces while i’m at it, awww.”
“let us mess with their memories, shall we? pilsuk, please do the honors.”
“well you do make a good choice, master.” she laughed.
if he was the master, then he was wonhee.
jaehyun saw how pilsuk curled her fingers, as if she was playing with poker chips. lights of electricity twirled around them, bringing them close to your forehead. you struggled with the zapping pain. jaehyun came in between, stopping the process of whatever her power was. “do you, perhaps want to join in as well? the more the merrier.” pilsuk’s screechy laugh annoyed your ears. she gestured another to accompany her.
jaehyun’s coat was then grabbed by another man, where he has the same power as pilsuk. he twirled his fingers to his forehead.
wonhee, boreum and the rest of them saw your past memories— the village they destroyed, the people they have murdered, the fire that scarred the victims, the aircrafts that dropped bombs. they smirked at the priceless memory of accomplishment. however they were very much disappointed at the fact two persons, were left alive.
“erase the memory of the battle. they won’t need it anyway. crappy absolutes.” wonhee ordered.
as they were being erased, a part of you felt weaker. you could sense jaehyun flinching at the pain. the weight of him beside you concluded that he felt weaker too.
“why are you doing this?” you asked as your head throbbed.
“a new world deserves better people. of course, you absolutes aren’t needed.” a lady spoke, later revealing to be boreum.
“there are more absolutes than you think!” you yelled. a stinging slap covered your cheek.
“ah~ you mean chanyeol, gongchan and wheein, yes?” she chuckled. “the offsprings of those core leaders. they too, survived the wipeout.. but it’s such a shame that they are not, like you two anymore. obviously they lost the power of absolute senses. oops?”
jaehyun could understand a little and got the gist of the converstation. “it’s your doing, isn’t it? you took their powers away!”
“well what a pleasant answer, boy! they should be at least thankful that i still left them with super strength, yes?” she clapped her hands. “and how lucky of you to hear most of what i said.”
you kicked a rock and aimed it to her. “you-!”
the rock stopped midway and fell to the ground. “time-control is such a convenient power, thanks hyunmin.” boreum said.
“boy and girl. we are the defects of the neighbouring country. we were neglected from our own, for not being able to possess any power.” wonhee walked up front.
“we didn’t ask for your history, bastard.” you spat.
“ooh, feisty. i kinda like you, girl.” he held your chin, bringing it up to a rise.
“don’t touch her.” jaehyun warned as he kicked the man.
“feisty as well.. but i don’t like you.” he punched jaehyun and the dimpled boy hissed at the force. “where was i? ah yes, boring history. then we came to your country, became regular, normal people who worked in the government. almost 85% of the workers were of us. and of course we planned to dominate your country after we learnt your country’s certain power categories..”
“..which are known for the ancient and the forbidden.” hyunmin said.
“yes we practiced the powers, book after book. and so we got the acceptance from our country. but people like you, the absolutes, saw through our plans and informed the president. a battle arose and a lot of people died. sad, isn’t it?”
you sighed at the story, who knew it would be true or not. you shrugged at the man with no interest. wonhee seemed to noticed but continued anyway. he hasn’t gone to the main and crucial part.
“the absolutes thought they defeated us and received victory. we waited years, here in the warehouse, for the right time to wipeout your people at the village where they were most concentrated at. so we did wipe them out! wow isn’t that great? it was..” wonhee trailed off. “not until we got a report that some survived. still, we waited, until the three young absolutes reached the age of 22; the strong age of power. so your leaders were, ended.”
“we could’ve waited for the time til the two of you reached 22 but, we got impatient, so here you both are.” hyunmin played with his fingers.
“y-you killed my family!” you scoffed as you tried to escape from the handcuffs.
“nuh-uh. correction, you did. what you get for being an absolute.” wonhee laughed.
that hit a nerve. memories of you taking people’s lives in the past years came in rushing like adrenaline. jaehyun saw how your eyes pricked with tears. you told yourself it wasn’t you who wanted them dead in the first place. but the universe seemed to want to let you know. after a long time, you felt alone again. even if jaehyun was there, the feeling outweighed your friendship.
jaehyun sensed your power of death luring them in. he slid to be beside you as he held your shaken hand. “it’s not your fault y/n!”
“finish them.” he ordered.
you then felt palms onto your eyes and jaehyun onto his ears. two voices battling each other, one telling you that they were giving your sight and hearing back, while the other telling that it’ll be gone permanently. to your dismay, it was the latter.
“mission accomplished.” boreum nudged wonhee.
“not quite yet, i want them dead.” he exhaled, observing how you had little sobs. “press the trigger button for our country’s backup. i sense something strange from the girl.”
crew 097 were stationed back at the core. currently in a spacious room of twenty-one people. after an unfinished rescue mission of code green to retrieve you and jaehyun, they all sat in silence. not a single word uttered since the building bangchan and others were in held hostage collapsed.
mina held in tiny sobs. she still had hopes of you and jaehyun being safe. eunha had comforted the girl, but it did no effect on her.
“seriously stop crying mina!” yugyeom spat, giving her a towel. “they’re gonna be fine! we’ll get them out alive.”
“haha what happened to ‘they can protect themselves for all i care’?” mingyu high-fived bambam.
“shut up!”
the crowd laughed at the embarrassed yugyeom who ended up hiding himself under a blanket.
yuna felt the strength regaining into her. seokmin and the rest of the people in the core were glad that her team and herself were alive. “i feel a lot better.” she stretched her hands up high.
“did you forget that the core has a strengthening source?” seokmin teased her.
eunwoo came into the room, a worried look seen in his face. “dude you seem like you saw a ghost.” jungkook laughed but the boy did not move a face muscle. “what’s the problem?”
a loud gulp was heard from eunwoo, his eyes held in tears. he took a deep breath before speaking. “swarms of planes and people came from the warehouse and..” he trailed off.
“captain ordered for code black.”
“what?” eunha stood from her seat.
“oh gosh we’re all gonna die.” sujeong rubbed her temples. 
“that’s a lot of enemies.” junhoe whistled as his palms rested onto the window sill.
the continuous punches and kicks from them had left you and jaehyun numb and seemingly close to being unconscious. “okay. enough with the torture. backup had just arrived and apparently they’re battling with boy and girl’s core companions out there.” pilsuk reported to her masters.
“they’ll be dead before the entire building collapses anyway. let’s go and-” boreum was cut off by a vigorous shake that had really imitated earthquake. the ceiling above dusted them with mixed snow and aged concrete.
“what the-”
jaehyun saw wonhee and the others falling down one by one, in which was a result of your own power. they became one of the lifeless bodies you unwillingly took.
he went under his arms, sliding himself through them where his wrists were in front of him. he managed to help you do the same. the only way to be able to communicate with you was through tactile signing. but he saw your crying and pained face. tears streaming like a fresh river from its main source.
his hands were brought up to wipe them away. his heart ached at the sight of you, also at the state of your cold hands that were now slowly turning to a darker shade. not because of the cold, but due to how powerful your powers as a marked had gotten. although he couldn’t be able to hear your voice once more, he understood your pain. demise of people laid into these innocent hands.
jaehyun’s eyes pricked with tears too. soon later his lips quivered in sadness, because of you.
you cried and wailed non-stop. but the warm hands that touched yours calmed you just a little bit. you knew jaehyun was there. “y/n..” you felt movements under your palms as he signed to converse with you.
“our friends are out there, jaehyun..” you signed by his palms. “it’s our fault that they had to fight them.. they shouldn’t risk their lives to save ours and.. i don’t want to kill anyone anymore..”
“it’s not your fault. none of this is our fault.. we didn’t choose to be marked. we didn’t choose to kill. but please do know that we’re marked for a reason. i’m very sure it’s not for a bad intention..”
“what’s the solution? we’re gonna die here in the warehouse and we’re vulnerable to death. the enemy already came..” your signed answer shocked him, but he remained unwavered, and strong for you.
a pause from his hands left you hanging.
and you waited for him despite hearing the crumbling walls, indicating there wasn’t any time left.
“there is one, but you have to trust me on this, y/n.” jaehyun’s large hands held yours before continuing. his chest hit hard, not knowing whether it was from fear or hope.
when your hands felt his, your heart sank at the plan he thought and proposed of. “jaehyun, i can’t- you’ll be caught into it too. i can’t do it.”
“i promise you. i won’t die.”
you touched his face and felt his dimples. he was smiling, but you read a lie through them.
jaehyun saw your hands, the shade of black already covering your forearms. it pained him to hurt you, but it was the only way to stop the war; to stop his and your friends from possibly dying.
the ground shook and you both felt another imitation of an earthquake around you.
to him, your eyes were still beautiful. they still brimmed with life. he wanted to think maybe it was him who caused them to have life at the very least. you felt his hands caressing yours.
“i want you to trust me. if you do that, i promise you i won’t die. please y/n-”
“I DON’T WANT YOU TO DIE BECAUSE OF ME!” he saw you mouthed instead of signing, your eyes boring into his even though you couldn’t see him anymore.
what you had said, that was the final blow. jaehyun regretted making you cry. he didn’t want to be the reason for your tears. his lips dropped and he wailed like he did in his room when he was alone.
you asked him why was crying, but he didn’t respond verbally nor through signing. because of this, you as well, cried hard.
you heard his hiccups and low groans as he cleared his throat. jaehyun was someone you adored. despite knowing his developing feelings for you since you arrived to the core, it gave you an ongoing giddiness.
though he felt strangely tired, he looked at you again. your eyes still stared into him. he smiled painfully as he clearly remembered how you loved his dimples. tears rolled down more when he knew you loved him so much, even if you didn’t tell him. jaehyun signed to you this one last time under your palms, later pulling you to close the gap in between.
what he signed left you smiling and it appeared to jaehyun in a sign of relief. he saw a dark light emitting from you and he closed his eyes, where your face was the last thing he saw before darkness consumed him.
the signed touch from jaehyun warmed you when he delivered the words:
“i love you y/n, my first love.”
you then felt his weight on your chest, unmoved. your heart probably sank at its deepest. deeper than the cliff below. deeper than the divers ever swam. it broke you for good. in a shaken state, you touched his fluffed hair. he didn’t keep his promise and you regretted not signing back in time..
telling him that you love him too.
| marked — chapter twelve: the only shot |
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toasttz · 5 years
From the Tabletop X
Shit yeah! I'm totally alive! It's not that our games stopped or anything (though our D&D GM was ready to throw it all at the wall, he has decided to soldier on). Just that I've gotten wrapped up in other things. Like, uh, GM'ing! Yeah, remember, like, a year ago when I started this series and mentioned I really like Shadowrun? We kicked off a Shadowrun 5e game! So, today's special 10th-ennial extravaganza will be Shadowrun talk time, or me at the opposite side of the table. To begin, our players' runners: Troppo - an Australian who ventured to Seattle in search of work once a military injury (several lost fingers) had him on a medical discharge. His role in the party is infiltrator. Which gives him license to trivialize otherwise-challenging moments in my campaign by stealth-killing all the enemies I made for them. Later ends up dating a Johnson after a particular run. Still active as of this writing. Then there's Big Iron - our street sammy. An ex-cop who was put on indefinite administrative leave when she became known as Knight Errant's personal walking PR disaster - effectively the sixth world's version of the Demolition Man. However, as part of the conditions of this arrangement, she had to be on-call when KE needed her for anything. She became a runner to make ends meet and kind of became the Team Mom. And lastly is Clockwork. Clockwork is a decker who runs hot or cold - either hyper-compotent and hacking the planet, or getting thwarted by an OSHA-compliant stairwell (not joking about this) with no inbetweens. Rare flashes of brilliance illuminated the short and underwhelming career of a runner who, as of the most recent update, was sent to the hospital because his overweight girlfriend sat on his face. As the GM, I refuse to issue apologies or excuses. Mostly because, God damn man, you could've done SO MUCH BETTER! Oh yeah, I realize there is a canon runner named Clockwork. Well, we didn't know that going into it, so he got to fly under the radar on that. If he had actually hung in there, I planned on having the canon Clockwork troll him at some point. So, to start, we're all new and Sixth World is out of reach at the time (and debuting late at our local shops), so I decide to pitch the classic: a Stuffer Shack run. Seattle, 2080, early nostril-freezing early January. Big Iron goes into said Stuffer Shack, getting herself some snacks and condoms (in order not to look "lame"). The boy at the counter sleepily rings her up, just in time for Troppo - Spider-Manning his way up to a rooftop in order to eye a gang of elves acting shifty outside the store. This leads to the first glitch of the game - the elves glitch in their attempt to notice Spider-Troppo. Elf 3: Whoa! Look! That pigeon is fat! Elf 4: Who cares?! Focus! Troppo: Troppo sits in silence to watch these crazy elves, taking only minor offense at being called a fat pigeon. One of the elves goes around the side to start hacking the security (which isn't exactly top-notch), and the other three enter and declare themselves the "Daggerbacks" - an elven supremacy movement looking to expand the glorious empire of Tir Tangaire (and sucking at it). Big Iron attempted to take the high road and offered them a chance to reconsider this terrible decision, but they scoff at the offer and a shootout ensues. This goes poorly for the elves (and would've gone worse for them, had I properly read about how this system handles damage! Shadowrun is a ruthlessly kill-y system!) as Big Iron sends the three scattering, one diving for cover, one wounded who slumps into a wall, and the leader with a baseball-sized hole in his torso, blown backwards into the store's front door. He is then grabbed by a colossal, Troll hand, which firmly affixes to his head, causing him to drop his firearm in defeat. The owner of the hand is Oscar, a former coworker of Big Iron who "just so happened to be in the neighborhood" at the time and lent a hand in arresting them. Oh yeah, and Clockwork traced their network activity and arrived at the scene in the nick of too late. Troppo ultimately intimidated their decker into absolute surrender, lifting a coupon for "SUSHI RAINBOW - NOW WITH REAL FISH!" and his deck off him in the process, causing him to flee - claiming to never really care about the Tir - without deck but with soiled pants. The firefight inside dies down not long after. Cashier: You shot it, you bought it! Big Iron: Now's not the time! By sheer coincidence, the other elves had SUSHI RAINBOW coupons on them as well - my subtle shove towards a meet-up place. Big Iron and Troppo meet en route, having established they did work together in the past. Before long, we were all together, meeting at SUSHI RAINBOW, its owners being Japanese immigrants, Yoshi and Rinko Watanabe and their gyaru daughter, Honoka. Since we were playing with few players than normally constitutes a full runner team, I made a few NPCs to help fill any niches that needed addressing. Honoka was a technomancer and had skills like auto mechanic and gunsmith. And, due to an amusing typo (AKA: Clockwork's persistent illiteracy), a new team of runners was born: "Hey, guys! Someone's biting my runner handle!" complained Friend Octopus. "You really need to change it, dude," Observed Radical Larry. "You're one to talk," sighed Sexy Penguin. "All of you, shut up and focus. This bomb isn't gonna defuse itself and if it goes off, we'll lose the entire shipment of irridium discs!" scolds their leader, Disco Panda. Anyways, back in Seattle, we learn Yoshi and Rinko are retired runners who still have contacts throughout the city. Rinko agrees to bring the runners on on a regular basis, provided they assist with a little issue that's been plaguing them for a while: The Silver Knives. A gang of over-the-hill mostly-mages, who are going around and harassing people as of late in the area. I learned many of the foibles of GMs that day. On account the first leg of the run (a shoot-up down a narrow corridor/alleyway) was trivialized by Troppo Spider-Troppo'ing down on them and assassinating them. For reference, I use the dice that came in the Sixth World Beginner's Box - cuz they're super cool - and these geezers were glitching left and right. So, having made complete work of that, the runners got to the main event - a raid on their warehouse compound (where they would be paid for each of the gang necklaces of each head they popped) and were assigned an NPC shaman, Fallen Snow, an Amerindian Shaman who had a... very special master spirit. I used Shark from the core book as the basis and... well... Go to Youtube, and search for "Lumpy Touch Movie Sonic". Once again, as GM, I never make apologies. Except in one run. But that was only half my fault. Fucking stairs, man. Not even once. Well, I underestimated them again and, though the gangers had a numbers advantage, Troppo and Fallen Snow were stealth/assassin builds and Clockwork was given the rival in the form of the 1337 H@X0R, an elderly, experienced hacker who was learning computers before the previous Great Crash, well up to 2080. Fallen Snow then reveals her spirit as Wendigo (full name: Wendigo of the North), who proceeds to beat the hell out of and then subsequently eats the gangers as they go. Now, a small excerpt from our game: "Snow thrusts her arms out to the side as she glows dimly, as two disproportionately long, clawed hands extend up, then out, landing on the ground and pushes up a lumbering, terrifyingly large spirit. Its head is clad in a goat's skull, but its eyes still seem to bulge and protrude from the sockets, as if they are being squeezed. It has a massive set of jaws and ever-convulsing skin that paradoxically seems to hang limp off the spirit's frame. "HEY GUIYS!" the spirit announces itself in an echoing, unearthly voice, "I'm STARVIN' over here!" “Jesus fuck, Snow,” Troppo says under his breath, without taking his eyes off the sprawling enemies. "Wendigo. By our contract. Kill the Silver Knives. Oh, and don't swallow their necklaces. We need those," Snow demands. "Does that mean... WHAT I THINK IT MEANS?!" the spirit cackles. Snow sighs, rolls her eyes, and replies, "Yes. You may eat them. Don't belabor the point. We're in a hurry and outnumbered," “Jesus FUCK, Snow,” Troppo repeats, with greater emphasis this time. Clockwork gasps "Holy shit" Snow rests her eyes for a moment with a sigh. "When gangers killed my family... my magical 'spark' ignited. And I screamed for anything that would give me revenge. And I summoned a Spirit of Hunger," "OH BOY OH BOY, YOU GUYS! It's like a buffet line! Sure, the meat's tough and been under the heat lamp too long, but there's SO MUCH TO TRY!" Wendigo guffaws as his legs manifest and he rises to his full height. After Clockwork used his gun to off a guy in meatspace, Wendigo even pried, "Are you gonna eat that?!" with a sadistic laugh. Clockwork won (narrowly), just in time for the BOSS FIGHT to stomp in - a cybered-up ork with raw strength to spare. When he threw Wendigo across the warehouse, even Big Iron strongly considered the better part of valor. Boss: Well, well, well... I go out for one night on the town with the missus and I come back to find everyone in my branch has kicked their damn oxygen habit... Troppo: Well, to be fair, it's a bad habit to have. Everyone who has it eventually ends up dead. Boss: Too true. Too true. Especially in this day and age. So, you busted up my joint. Least I can do is tell you my call sign. Y'er, uh, runners, yeah? You got call signs, I wager. Mine, when I was a young man, was Wrecking Ball Big Iron: GET SOME, GRANDAD! (Proceeds to open fire wildly). Wrecking Ball: (Dodges, much to the team's horror). The old way it is, then. This was not a fight I had any intention of making easy on them. Hell, I was even going to give them the chance to use social combat to escape. But Big Iron cast the first stone and thus, the battle was underway. But with a bit of teamwork - and a review of how armor works in the game - they were able to beat him - and obtain a specially ranked insignia off his necklace with a color ranking - a green jewel. Rinko paid the team handsomely. The team then got the chance to go back to SUSHI RAINBOW and rest a while. Not long after, I assigned their next run - in what would come to be known as the COFFEE RUN. Join us there as we also DRAW DICKS ON MUSEUM WALLS! And meet a SUPERHERO TEAM! See you there!
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