#and sometimes some of those changes are scarier than others
arcanarix · 2 days
Prompt: Stalker Toji, you feel eyes on you and decide to play into it, putting on a show for whoever is watching you.
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You often view every day as a blank canvas. 
You can’t predict what each unique stroke of your brush is going to come out with, if it’s going to be a clean stroke or a raggedy one, but you go straight in without any solid plan. Planning’s for uptight losers, anyway, and you like when life provides just enough novelty for you to keep your otherwise monotonous routine worth telling like a story. So when you feel eyes on you through your bedroom window, you can’t help but wonder . . . it can’t be a figment of your imagination if it has been a common tingling sensation. Right around this hour, in fact. Practically every day. At this point, you come to see it as a sign that there’s about to be a dramatic shift in your life. Not that you’re one of those nutty spiritual hippies or anything like that, because you know this sort of thing is legit. You have some kind of proof that this isn’t in your head. 
You swear you’ve felt those eyes closer than they have been some nights, too. Sometimes in your very home.
And sometimes you may just enjoy the attention more than you’ll ever admit to yourself. 
Sometimes you find yourself changing in front of that window, uncaring for whose eyes fall on you because you’re not ashamed of your body. Far from it. Crazy to imagine in a world that tries to sell you’re not supposed to be proud of how you look but you sure damn are. Enough to flaunt it for this mystery audience of yours. Slipping off that sweaty top from your white collar job, feeling the stress lifting as you do so. All those incessant rantings from your boss and your supervisors just vanish the minute you take off your work clothes. Now just in your bra and underwear, you decide to twirl about and strut that stuff. Your eyes gaze upon the window, imagining you’re meeting the eyes of that stranger who keeps visiting you. Either as a guardian angel or a guardian demon–who the hell knows? You sure as hell don’t. Not only that, you like to think you’re absolutely friggin’ grown. You can handle anything life throws at ya. You have the most hard to please boss in the world and faced other scary things like that. Much scarier things like a violent ex boyfriend who’s in prison.
With a bit more of shimmying that ass you work so hard to keep plump and round and juicy, you decide that’s enough of a show to keep that stranger on his–or her, what the heck–toes. You shoot the window one last smoldering look before tossing your hands over your head for a long stretch before strutting into your bathroom, not without a fresh pair of nighties to wear. You opt for that silk nightgown a friend got you. It’s sexy and lightweight and perfect for a hot night like this.
Little do you know, all this time someone’s stared back at you–milking every minute of that show you put on for him (and milking himself of every last bit of indulgence he can). Toji finally declares this as an invitation inside.
So, as you enter your restroom for your bath, he slips into your space.
You haven't the slightest idea that the next stroke of your brush might unveil something . . . dangerous.
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"ventress wants to face it, you want to fight it... i dont think i want either of those things" << scenes that changed my LIFE
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hellyeahscarleteen · 6 months
How to Handle No Like a Pro
So they’ve said no. You took the plunge and asked if someone wanted something, and they don’t. Dang.
Now where do you go from there? Here are some ways you can react or prepare without making the situation uncomfortable or destructive for yourself or others:
DO: Let your partner know, before you are in a sexual situation, that they should never feel bad for saying they don’t want to do something: that saying no, not now, not yet, or not that way, is always okay.
DO NOT: Feel guilty for saying no yourself. If the person you’re with is worth much of anything, they will want you to speak out when you are uncomfortable.
DO: Keep in mind that saying no can be even scarier than hearing it. Let the other person see you aren’t upset with them, and that it really is okay for them to tell you no.
DO NOT: Pout or throw some other kind of passive-aggressive temper tantrum. Maybe you are disappointed they don’t want to try something new with you, or it’s just something you’ve been looking forward to. Maybe you are worried or sad. It is okay to experience any feelings that come up, but it is not okay to use those feelings to make someone feel guilty, because that can influence them into doing things they do not want to do so that you'll leave them alone and stop acting this way. Do not let your own feelings make your partner feel bad for what they do or do not want. It is important for your partner to understand that it is safe for them to refuse.
DO: Ask them what they DO want. If you suggested something and they turned you down, maybe they have something else in mind. They might feel like doing something new, or even completely different. Maybe they want to deescalate the situation and do something nonsexual. See what’s up and ask them.
DO NOT: Pester. Don’t keep asking for the same thing multiple times when you’ve been given your answer. While it is true that a person can turn down an offer, only to later change their minds, it is best to let them take the reins if they have a change of heart. A good rule of thumb is that unless the situation you’re in has changed, their answer most likely hasn’t.
DO: Tell them to inform you if they change their minds. This way they know it wasn’t a one time only offer, and you don’t need to remind them again.
DO NOT: Expect perfection. Sometimes interactions are going to be a little awkward, embrace it! What you wanted is off the table for now, so a few uncomfortable pauses while you mentally adjust is not uncommon. It is okay. Most ways of being intimate, including sex, feel awkward or clumsy sometimes: that's just part of how intimacy goes.
DO: Figure out if they are specifically disinterested in what you asked, or if they’re generally uncomfortable with the situation. The surest way to find out is to -- you guessed it! -- ask them.
DO NOT: Interrogate. You might feel like if you only knew the reason behind a no, you could fix it so they won’t have a problem. However, in the heat of the moment it might be hard for the other person to calmly assess why they do or do not want something. If someone is uncomfortable with being sexual or with certain sexual actions, let them have those feelings and don’t cause undue stress by forcing them to give you some perfect explanation why. No one owes you an explanation for why they don’t want something; it is up to you as a caring partner to simply accept and respect their wishes.
DO: Immediately accept that the other person has made their choice. Even if it was something you were really looking forward to it is important to internally accept the situation and the other person as they are.
DO NOT: Try and push, convince, bribe, trick, or threaten anyone into changing their answer. If you don't know, for sure, these are NOT things you will do sexually with someone, step back from potential sexuial situations until you are sure.
DO: Remember that no matter how important doing something seems, it is never more important than being a respectful, gentle and sensitive person and partner.
DO NOT: Bemoan how disappointed you are. It might seem like a harmless joke, or even a compliment, but in sensitive situations even jokes can cause feelings of guilt, obligation or shame.
DO: Be thankful they are comfortable enough in your relationship that they are being honest with you.
DO: Take a breath. Whatever is happening is not the end of the world.
There isn’t any list that could be long enough to name all the ways to be caring or cruel during sex. Just remember that no sexual activity (even that one you really really want) is worth acting like a jerk over.
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saltydumplings · 8 months
Can I request a vampire and a werewolf hanging out, talking about their terrible and eternal curses that robbed them of their humanity?
Request #31
I feel like this turned out a lot cuter than the request suggested, lol.
"I miss the sun," the vampire started. They were sat on the porch steps of a cabin, staring out at the dark woods around them. "I feel like my world is missing colour. Like the second I got bit my sight switched over to grayscale."
Beside them, following their gaze, the werewolf could almost understand that. The forest looked so vibrant during the day: glowing green in amber light, speckled with the red and brown of mushrooms and the white of clustered flowers; there were pink blossoms in spring, and in the fall the valley was overcome with orange - that single colour sweeping through everything in its path without remorse or signs of stopping. The moonlight ruined that though. It washed it out, and the shadows dulled whatever remained.
"I can understand that," the werewolf said after some consideration. "It must be hard, only ever seeing half of what the world has to offer."
The vampire hummed. "Warmth too. I miss days when I could just lie in the sun."
The werewolf took the confession as an invitation to move closer. They repositioned themself behind the other's back, arms encircling the vampire's waist whilst their nose nuzzled against their neck - taking in their scent slowly.
"I miss my control," the werewolf admitted. "I hate having days that I don't remember. Days that could change everything for me - and usually never in a good way."
Nothing was scarier than waking up in the middle of nowhere, alone, not knowing what had come before that. Sometimes they'd find blood under their fingernails or fresh injuries like something else had tried to mawl or ensnare them.
"Perhaps I can remember those days for you," the vampire offered. "To the best of my ability - if you like."
The werewolf paused, a little taken aback. "You would do that for me?"
The vampire leaned back into them, turning to place a kiss against the werewolf's forehead. "Of course I would. It's the least I could do."
In response, the werewolf let out a small rumble of a sound as they returned the affection, first kissing the vampire's lips and then their neck - pulling them in closer still.
"Maybe I can return the favour: provide enough shade for a sunset. Sunrise, even, if you're feeling brave."
The vampire chuckled, hands locking around the werewolf's own. "Brave? I think you have me mistaken for another vampire."
"Hmm, well, certainly brave enough to share a bed with a wolf."
"How else would I stay warm in winter?"
"Ah, so I'm just a glorified radiator now then?" the werewolf asked.
"Yes, amoung other things..." the vampire teased.
"Other things?" The werewolf let out a low growl, tail wagging behind them in a playful manner. "You want to expand upon that?"
All too happily their partner complied. "Well, you're also a spectacular pillow. Very comfy. Not to mention a pretty reliable chair - sometimes even a footstool when you're in one of those moods where you just like to curl up on the floor and--"
"I'll show you who's a footstool!" the werewolf declared suddenly, standing and taking the vampire with them as they turned back towards the cabin.
The other let out a startled yelp that broke into giggles, struggling lightly as the werewolf threw them over their shoulder. "Werewolf, no! D-Down!"
"Down?! Oh, you're in trouble now!"
They went inside, laughing, closing the door behind them softly with the vampire tucked tight between their arms.
The curtains closed soon after.
An hour later and pink light was spilling across the sky, the werewolf peeking out at it whilst their partner slept contentedly on the bed - lovingly bundled up to their chin in blankets.
One day, the werewolf thought. One day they could share this.
But not just yet...
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silverskye13 · 8 months
So there's this thing about technology, and complexity, and fear. Technology is a tool, innovation is good, time passes. Change is, well, everyone is a stubborn goat about change at some point but ahm, change happens. Change is neutral, but the little animal living in the brain of wise men likes to think change is bad, and so all things that bring change are bad.
Doc, for his part, is glad he's built mostly of change. It makes embracing change... Easier. He looks in the mirror and he sees all the complex gadgets that augment his life and, yes, change was scary once. Not anymore. Technology, vessel of change, complex, is a scary thing but Doc is scarier. Well, not really. He doesn't think he's scary. But he does scary things you know, dramatic, and ahm, well, the other Hermits do give him those wary animal looks sometimes. Not scared, just a little off-balance, like they saw movement on the horizon and can't tell if it's heat off the ground or something... Scary.
Doc thinks they're scared of his tech mostly -- not scared, wary. He changes things. Shakes them up. Well -- they all do. But he changes things in complex, dramatic ways. Shadow tech. The Perimeter. The anvil canon. The tunnel bore. Big. Complex. Technology.
It's funny almost. Technology isn't bad. An axe is tech, technically, and they use those every day. Netherite is an upgrade. They make simple farms all the time. And those farms are far more complex than an axe. Though he supposes most mules balk at their first step down a steep ledge too.
Doc isn't frightened of technology. It is a tool. It is a vessel for change and most change is neutral. It's people that make it one thing or another, good and bad. Axes don't have opinions on good and evil, they just swing. They're tools. His flying bombing machines are tools, and he uses them goodly. He uses them to break -- but only so he can build. It's not like he's hurting people with them. Intentionally. The Buttercup thing doesn't count. They're like very big shovels really, and you wouldn't get mad at a shovel for digging.
Doc is standing in front of a mural. It is a mural in his Perimeter. It is beautiful and impressive and, most importantly, it is a mural he didn't make. It is a mural none of the Hermits made. It is on a wall he arbitrarily uncovered, because of a leveling in the terrain when he first mapped out this location. He thought at the time it was a fortunate happenstance in geography. But, you know, geography isn't ordered. People put things to order -- the first shapes we drew when we first started making societies were squares. Squares, well, they happen naturally sometimes but, never perfect ones. He should have known --
Well. He's not an archeologist. He couldn't have known. He didn't even know when he first blasted the hole. The mural didn't reveal itself on the wall for months. It was too... Big. Impressive. He doesn't have an eye for inorganic stone. Plaster just looks like smooth stone to him. But the rain washed away what the explosions didn't and now he's standing beneath a beautiful mural of a goddess he's never seen before. He feels... Irreverent. It's not intentional it's just. It's. It's that feeling of standing on a mountaintop and knowing you were never meant to be there. It's the feeling of elytra wings it's -- it's like trespassing. He is staring up at a goddess he doesn't know and she is staring down at him and he is smaller than an ant, and she looks. She looks. Bone-deep familiar, and rugged, and forgiving and. Sad. Yes, he thinks she looks sad. Not sad like weeping but sad like an unused thing that is bleached under countless sunrises. Her facade is cracked. By him. By... Not him. By pipes and irreverences he didn't make, old ones, made by people who knew better and he wonders how she got here. He wonders who buried her. He wonders who cracked her plaster with their ugly pipes.
Ugly? Yes. Ugly. She's holding fruits of the earth and she's made of natural things and those pipes aren't natural. Vessels for change.
Doc is standing beneath a mural he didn't make with a goddess who looks neglected whose facade has been cracked by the vessels of change and her hands cup the fruits of her labor and they're red like blood and he wonders who put her there. He wonders why he found her. He wonders what she thinks of him, of his arm lit with redstone and his vessels of change and his him that isn't her and he wonders who worshipped her. Where they went. Why they broke her and why she was buried and she is dirt smudged from her unburying but the rain reveals her more day by day and he thinks the rain is hers. And the earth. And he thinks beneath his feet if he dug he might find what was left of the people who forgot her and he wonders what rage that would bring and he wonders if they looked like him, with his vessels of change.
"It is a tool," Doc tells the mural. He doesn't know why. It's something about the way she stares at him, measuring his worth. Superstition. The little animal in the back of his brain that shies stubbornly away from cliffs. "It does no harm on its own."
The mural watches him.
It doesn't seem to be the answer she was looking for.
"Ahm, the first tools we made," Doc tells her, "we made to survive, you know. Cracking nuts, taking meat off bones and things. They were simple. Mine are... A little less simple."
Doc places a hand on his redstone arm. "But I survive."
The mural watches him, and he thinks he can feel the weight of oceans and storms in her gaze. Then, he feels nothing. Overhead, clouds he hadn't noticed gathering part for wary sunlight.
The next day, Doc returns to the mural with a shovel, and at the goddess's feet he digs. He plants the seeds of one of his best tomato plants, and a row of flowers to attract butterflies, and he wires a simple redstone circuit to bells, that will chime when it all needs watered. The sky is cloudy when his work begins, but it clears by the time he wipes the dirt onto his pants. Doc stands beneath the mural, in front of the work of his hands done with simple tools, and waits for... Something. Superstition.
Nothing happens.
Doc takes to the sky on his elytra, and belatedly begins work on another redstone project.
He is glad he's built mostly of change. He thinks his goddess is as well.
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stinkylittleanon · 1 year
Can I request Guzman with a stoic s/o? (Preferably male) Guzman already looks menacing and behind him is his tall Boyfriend who looks even scarier. S/o also loves bug type pokemon :)
Its doesn't have to be a full story just silly little head canons or scenarios.
YES!!! YES I CAN DO THIS!!! Kicking my feetsies bc this is (from what I remember) my first male reader request >:))))
Guzma w/ Stoic Male S/O!
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First of all, no one has ANY clue how you two got together, it was like- A miracle!
At first, Guzma didn't like you very much. Something about your stoic behavior pissed him off and just made him assume you were like all those other people who thought they were better than everyone else
But actually, something ended up changing that. Something that's only between the two of you.
One day, Guzma stumbled upon you on one of the more hidden beaches. You were on a rock, sitting casually with... Wimpod??
Why were they not running from you? And how did you have so many around you?
"What is he doing..."
Guzma muttered to himself, squinting at you. You seemed to have a wimpod on your lap, and somethin' was goin' on...
So he made his way over, hands stuffed in his pockets. His presence, of course, scared off the small pokemon that surrounded you. Yet you still didn't look up.
"What're ya doin', jackass?"
Erm... He doesn't have the most family-friendly language, but anyways!
The wimpod on your lap started to freak out now that someone else was here, but you were quick to hold onto it.
Guzma couldn't help the way his heart stopped (in a positive way) as you quietly shushed the Wimpod and comforted it...
"Shhh..." It was a simple noise that calmed the creature down as you stroked its back, holding it close to you.
"It's injured." Was all you said once the Wimpod was calmed.
Since that day, he didn't really see you the same. And slowly but surely, he started letting you hang around his town, y'know?
When Guzma was teased about it by some Grunts, he was just
"Psh! As if I would warm up to that guy!"
And then suddenly you guys just?? Kissed?? In front of everyone
Well more like you casually walked up to Guzma, gave him a big ol' smooch, and acted like nothing happened
That's basically how everyone found out you two got together
And when you join Team Skull?!?!
Guzma can't see enough of his boyfriend in the uniform- He's fuckin' awooga mode when he sees you try it on for the first time
Immediately you're an admin, and he knows he can trust you
You're around him more than Plumeria is, and that's sayin' somethin'
You guys are literally like- Scary dog privileges for each other
If someone isn't intimidated by one of you, then they're intimidated by the other
You tend to walk behind Guzma, and I imagine Guzma to be a good 5'9-6'0, so you're... You're very tall
Tall boyfriend x Medium boyfriend
Rest your elbow on Guzma's head
It'll get him pissed, yeah, but he's still flustered
Something about seeing someone taller than him,,,, :flushed:
You always manage to get Guzma worked up, whether he's flustered or angered (in a lighthearted way), and then just stare at him with that damn expression
He knows you're doing it on purpose!! STop that!! Actually don't
Sometimes he'll catch you off guard though
A good ol' smack on the ass (only if you're comfortable with it) is somethin' he'll do sometimes (again, only consensual)
Or when he's frustrated enough, he'll grab your shirt and force you down to his height
The first time he did this... You almost fell over, but it got the both of you flustered because your faces got really close
Behind closed doors, though, he's like a puppy looking for affection
And seeing your expression soften when you two are alone... <3333
He's fuckin' in love with you, and he's always reminded when he's alone with you
PDA isn't something Guzma is too big on, he'll wrap an arm around your waist but only if you're comfy
Your stoic nature still frustrates him sometimes, but that's him getting over some o' that good ol' trauma
Also sometimes, when Guzma will tell you (not ask, tell you-) to kiss him
You'll go "No." without any fuckin' emotion
But at the same time you're leaning down and givin' him a kiss
Things Guzma will say about you/to you
"That's my man!"
"He needs to get that stick out o' his ass!" (And then he goes on about how hot you are)
"Goddamn- Fuckin- Hot bastard son o' a bitch- Fuck you!"
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I'm getting back into the swing of things for writing, so here's some random safe for work headcanons because I've been reading an obscene amount of x reader content (Please go check out Aggre(g/v)ation by llama goddess, and Saving Three Ex-cell-ent skeletons by recklessly caffeinated on ao3 because I got brain worms babey.)
Also since its been awhile since I've written something on this blog, remember that these are stream of consciousness teehee <3
(General tws: references (but not explicitly said) to past consumption of humans, ED/Disordered eating and mental health issues, au-typical violence references, etc)
Word Count: 2.2k words ish
Horrortale!Sans (Skull) x Reader Misc SFW Headcanons
My favorite thing is when people portray sans in any light as either Just A Little Guy or as Fuckin Huge and Skull is a Big Boy <333 he's easily 7 feet tall, and Built Fucking Different.
Monsters can't like, completely and utterly alter the type of monster they are, so you won't see a Bunny Monster turn into a Moldsmal but its very widely understood that magic reflects the soul reflects the mind reflects the body - so its not really something where monsters experience dysphoria as much? Like if a monster is afab, but realizes they're trans and a guy, it may take awhile to transition - and they may need some help via magic other than their own - but it's really normal in comparison.
Unfortunately, the positive aspects of the whole "mind/soul/body" equation in that you'll eventually look how you want so long as you put the effort into changing every day can also be blocked by trauma and "scarring" to the soul. It's pretty rare in the canon universe, but for Horrortale monsters its damn near exclusive - when you have to do anything you can to survive, adaptation to your environment makes you a hell of a lot scarier in compenstation.
Skull is one such monster where if it weren't for his injury, he'd be a complete 180 from the typical monsters you see. But because of it, it makes it harder to control his magic because he can't think straight. It takes him longer to form sentences, takes him longer to process words sometimes, or even read. He gets light sensitivity really bad, and because his body change wasn't by his choice, but by an unfortunate way of being injured while in a traumatic situation, Skull, no matter how much better he gets, will never fully go back to what he was before.
He's extremely self-conscious about his size and his looks, not to mention his mental capacity. He knows and can think about what he's doing, his mind has never lost that sharpness or intellect. He can strip a machine down to parts and put it back together or put it to other use in minutes, but if you ask him to write it down or explain it he's going to have one hell of a time and he'll probably leave the experience worse than he went into it.
Similarly, if he does want to talk, in one of his rare moods where he's explaining what he's doing out loud to you, he could go on for hours, but suddenly hit a block where the words don't work right.
Be patient with him when this happens. He doesn't like it, and even though it can be frustrating at times, like if you're trying to decide something for dinner or write up a grocery list, he really is doing his best.
Sign language is a good alternative when the words don't want to come out but he's still able to communicate - writing can be one sided, but sometimes thats all he can do too.
When an idea strikes the both of you one day to just draw what he's thinking, Skull could fucking kiss you senseless when you hand him a white board and a dry erase marker. Words may not be making sense in his brain but he can picture what he wants in those moments so this is the perfect compromise between the two for communication.
Skull is his name now, so even though he was once Sans, Skull is what he picked as the reclamation of all that's happened to him. A name that he picked to get him through it day by day but its also a reminder of where he's been and where he'll go. That said... it's also a name he initially picked as a form of self harm to some degree, a mocking reference to his own injury that hindered him.
So while he'll probably never change his name again... he appreciates it when you call him pet names. It's a reminder that you love him enough to do so, while also giving himself a break from the constant reminder. He particularly loves when you call him your "Big old teddy bear" because... god he does not feel like it sometimes.
Get it its a reference to some of the fandom calling him Bear and I love that name for him a lot too
Due to the past, he has some Big Issues With Food, constantly bouncing back and forth between feast and famine.
He has some issues with meat at times - on bad days certain textures and tastes just remind him of the bad times in his life where survival was such a tightrope walk that just imagining eating it makes him sick.
A very "safe food" house, where the two of you stock up on your safe foods and have a cupboard dedicated to it for days you can't stand anything else.
Some days, Skull is content for the two of you to eat at the kitchen table or to watch TV in the living room while you two eat from separate bowls/plates, and he can eat fairly freely, not particularly caring who eats how much or in what order.
Others... other days he anxiously watches to make sure you've had a serving before he gets his, or, more likely, he brings the full pan/a single platter to the table, and the two of you share the same food, taking bites in turn so he can make sure you're getting enough to eat.
King of cooking. It makes him feel better to have full say of what goes into the meals, and honestly the man is an excellent cook. If you insist on helping him cook, it's a 50/50 on whether he gives you this smug little smile and sets you up on the counter top so he can look at you while he cooks, or if he actually lets you help.
He feels out of control if he can't cook, so even on special occasions he's still going to be cooking himself, unless you feel the Urge To Cook or you two order out.
Even then, please just go over with him what you did step by step and tell him what fully went in it - he trusts you implicitly and he's unlikely to outright ask... but it always helps ease his mind when you walk him through what you did just so he can feel less guilty.
Big fucking cuddler.
Sitting on the couch alone? Not for long. Skull appears? Bam. you're in his lap, his claws smoothing across your skin and through your hair, purring up a storm as he settles his chin on the top of your head and closes his eyes.
If you're watching TV, he's only ever going to pay half attention if he's got you in his lap, half-snoozing in a very light doze as he basks in your presence, and half listening for danger/to the TV depending on the day.
He ADORES when you read to him. He loves it when you talk, and when he gets to listen to storytime while you talk? Best. Day. Ever.
Loves how small you are in comparison to him - something he never thought he'd be comfortable with at first, just based on the idea alone, but in practice he loves being completely wrapped around you and making sure you're safe. You're his personal teddy bear, no matter how many times you call him that yourself.
Jetpacking/Him being the little spoon is... unlikely. He's got some damn broad shoulders and chest, and he's not super happy with the idea of your limbs inside of him no matter if its on purpose or not.
If you want to hold him, he's definitely okay with that (although he does prefer to hold you) as long as you're touching him. You'll just have to let him set his head in your lap, or rest against your chest as he snuggles you chest to... well not chest, so more chest-to-skull and chest-to-legs with how he holds you. He's very beefy and has presence but he's about half the weight most people expect, despite the fact that it should be obvious because he's a skeleton.
He lets out the most broken whimper-whine-purr when you gently kiss the cracks on his skull, close to the gaping wound there. Don't actually touch inside or press too close to the wound itself, because that's genuinely very uncomfortable in the way it would be if he were human and had a missing eye and you touched the inside of the socket to see what it felt like. Just overall a bad experience so Don't Do That No Matter What The Intrusive Thoughts Say, although he'd let you do it in a heartbeat if you asked him
Absolutely whipped. Skull will do anything and everything you say if you just look at him just like that - just like he's your everything, like you love him without bounds and without exception. Puppy eyes also work.
He's a goddamn simp is what he is,
You'll just be minding your own business and you'll look over and catch him staring at you like you've hung the moon and the stars just to provide him with a small amount of your light during the nighttime. He looks at you with such adoration that it hurts.
Sometimes it looks a little freaky like, before you've come to automatically understand his expressions but goddamnit its so hard not to fall in love with him even just by a little more when he loves you so fucking much.
Kissies? Kissies for Skull? Please?
man FIENDS for kissies.
Once he's more comfortable giving affection unprompted you can barely keep his fucking hands off of you. He goes from "I Can And Will Nuzzle You And Pull You Into My Lap But That's It" to "No Kissies? No Snuggles? No Love For Skull? Oh! Jail! Jail For Datemate! Jail For Datemate For One Thousand Years!"
He straight up just hangs off of your clothing while staring at you until you give him a kiss or a hug. He'll come up to you and just bury his face into your neck while purring, or nuzzle your hair, but then moments later pout at you while wrapping his arms around your middle and burying his face into your stomach until you give up whatever youre doing and pay attention to him.
He doesn't do it often But By God Does He Get His Way When He Does.
He's also the type to just like, spend the entire day giving you small pecks on the lips and cheeks and forehead, and then snuggle you at night, and then the next day he'll be way less clingy. You take it in stride and then he just out of the blue dips you in the fucking moonlight and kisses you senseless.
The bastard.
Circling back to pet names, he thinks the nickname Teddybear/Bear is cute and he likes it, but call him My Love/Love/Dear Heart/something else dripping with affection and he's cupping your face in his hands and staring at you adoringly while he rubs your cheek with his claw.
Surprise him with new ones and he'll turn positively blue in the face while smiling like a fool
Surprise him with silly ones and he'll be even more in love while laughing. call him your little chicken nugget and he cant stop smiling and chuckling for a few hours. God. He'll dream of kissing you under the moonlight if you make a pun out of it.
(Brief aside here so I can avoid the text character limit "per block" but I prefer doing bullet point lists for these so anyway continue on)
Pet names always depend on the person, so whatever his one for you depends on you as a person (thats the easy way out for me) but he prefers just one pet name. (Aside from like. Babe being thrown in sometimes yknow)
He'll start with one pet name and see how you react to it - he prefers cute ones like Kitten, Bunny, Lovebird, etc. Something small and cute and adorable - though he changes it up depending on what you respond best to, because while the majority of the reason he calls you a pet name is out of affection, he still calls you pet names to see you get flustered.
On days he's feeling better, he gets more sassy he's gonna include more puns. Or teasing. Example - if he calls you lovebird, or some sort of bird-based nickname? Fuckin. He's calling you pigeon to see how you react.
Bunny? Hare-brain
Kitten? Fuzzball
If its an animal/bird/etc that he calls you in terms of nicknames, he might even refer to you as the scientific name of the animal, or a breed in that category because he thinks its funny to watch you fully stop in your tracks and process what he's just said.
Picks you up at any given opportunity.
Puddle? Oh dear, he should make sure your shoes don't get wet. Better princess carry you.
About to miss an appointment? Thrown over a shoulder.
Just feels like it? Get Scooped Idiot. Okay i have Way More Thoughts but I'm already at 2k because I have no impulse control so byeeeee come request more xreader stuff from me
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spicedwatermel0n · 1 year
Teen designs ‼️
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Feel free to ask questions about them, I'll answer a few that might've already come up in your head here but if I didn't answer them here feel free to send an ask!
- Nigel quickly began growing facial hair, which he originally liked because it made him look tough, but it became clear that it just ended up making him scarier. Hoagie also has gone through puberty a bit faster than everyone else, and has quite the hairy body. He shaves his face, but tells people the arm hair and leg hair needs to stay because it makes him look "like a dad". They all just assume he wants to look like a father figure because he doesn't have one in his life and hasn't since he was six. Rest in peace, Sr.
- the high school is very strict with dress code (no hats is the biggest) and is also under transphobic protocols. Although Kuki managed to fool the system with her gender being displayed as female in the system, Wally didn't get that luxury. He had his name changed in the system, but his gender still says female. Due to dress code, he isn't allowed to bind. He doesn't pass very well, and it means he has to use the girls restroom and is referred to as "she" by teachers and students. He still has his name change in, thankfully, so they only know him as Wally.
- at the beginning of high school, Wally was diagnosed as autistic and suffering from dyslexia (ADHD was diagnosed a year before). This gave him anxiety about his image, which causes him to freeze up when he's being bullied. He's a fighter, sure, but the names he's called causes his body to lock itself up and just let people treat him like a punching bag. He's frequently assaulted, sometimes even in front of staff, but no one does anything besides his friends, girlfriend, and boyfriend. This led to him stealing stuff like weed and cigarettes from stores and smoking it as a coping mechanism.
- Hoagie goes to smoke with Wally all the time. They run off into the forest and get REALLY high. Hoagie gets even more romantic than he already is when he's high so the two spend more time locking lips than actually smoking. They've accidentally left marks on each other's shoulders, necks, and cheeks from holding onto them for too long during their red eyed kissing sessions. They always get bullied for that the next day because high schoolers sexualize anything.
- Kuki finds Wally after school and takes him to her house to spoil him. She knows school is hell for him. He usually cries a bit, eats a small bag of chips, and falls asleep cuddling with Kuki during a TV show she put on for him.
- Abby has gotten in trouble a lot because she ends up getting physical with Wallys bullies. No matter how many times she teaches them a lesson, they don't learn. They still assault him. Wally appreciates it, though, since Abby is usually a good student, and her breaking it just to stand up for him makes him feel loved.
- Nigel only makes it to school once or twice a week. During those days, he'll try to stick around Hoagie and Wally so they don't get bullied. Nigel intimidates everyone, so their bullies just watch them from their lockers, knowing what will happen if they try anything.
- Nigel is feared because he supposedly ended the life of another student with his bare fists. Did he? No. It's a rumor everyone believes. The "dead" student in question was brought to the KND Arctic Prison, which is why they haven't been seen.
- Wally got the name "freak" in many ways. Some call him that for being autistic. Some call him that for being transgender. Some call him that for being bisexual. Some call him that for being polyamorous. Some just think he's ugly. The school was practically made for bigoted students, so he doesn't do very well there.
- Hoagie learned he wasn't going to escape the bullying very quickly, so he just started dressing as he wanted within the dress code. Many, many piercings. Wally can't get over the piercings. He thinks it's "super duper extra handsome of him".
- Kuki has the best reputation of Sector V. This is really only because every boy wants to date her, and every girl wants to be her best friend. Some of these people started poking at her after learning who she's dating.
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mochinek0 · 1 year
Beautiful Boy
Marinette sank into the hospital bed, as the nurses checked over her newborn son.
"You did so well, M'Lady." Adrien whispered in her ear, "Our son is finally here."
Marinette smiled as the nurse brought their son over to her. She looked down and could see the little tufts of blonde hair. When he blinked, she could see blue eyes. From the corner of her eye, she saw the nurses leave to give them some privacy.
"A mix of us." She spoke.
"The world better watch out." he stated, making his wife giggle.
"He's so cute Adrien." Marinette declared, "What should we name him? I had some ideas, but I want your opinion, too."
"What were your ideas?" he asked.
Marinette blushed, "I sort-of....always liked the names Hugo or Louis."
"Hugo Agreste. Louis Agreste." he spoke, looking down at their son, "What about Naruto Agreste?"
"N-Naruto?" Marinette questioned.
"We-We don't have to!" Adrien immediately backtracked, "I liked your names, too!"
Marinette looked down at their son.
"Naruto Agreste." she smiled.
'It must mean something in Mandarin.'
"Wait. Really?" Adrien questioned.
"Yes." she replied, "Little Naruto Agreste."
"So, did you guys pick a name?" Alya questioned, over the phone.
Nino shouted, "Yeah, tell us!"
"I gave Adrien the two suggestions I liked, but he wanted a different name. I like it. It sounds nice and I think it's in Mandarin." Mari answered.
"Cool." Nino smiled, "What did he pick?"
"Naruto." the new mother answered.
"Naruto?" the other couple shouted.
"Yes?" Marinette replied, "Is-Is there something wrong with the name? Is it too weird?"
Alya just laughed and walked away. Nino smiled and took his phone out of his pocket.
"You do know you married a weeb, right?" he questioned.
"Don't tell me." Mari sighed, closing her eyes.
"Meet Naruto Uzumaki." Nino chuckled, as Alya continued to die of laughter in the background.
Marinette opened her eyes to see a blonde haired boy with blue eyes, similar to their newborn son.
"I'm gonna kill him." she answered.
Adrien walked back into the hospital room with some food and drinks from the hospital cafeteria. He wasn't expecting to see his wife so upset. She looked scarier than his father ever had.
'Had something happened to their son while he was gone?'
"M-Mari?" Adrien stuttered out.
"You can choose Hugo or Louis for our child's name." Marinette declared.
"What about-" he began.
Marinette turned her phone around and showed him Naruto Uzumaki.
Adrien winced, "Oh." and then smiled, "Middle name?"
"Hugo Naruto Agreste?" Mari questioned.
"Louis Naruto Agreste?" Adrien offered.
Marinette sighed, "Louis Naruto Agreste."
Adrien smiled happily and brought the food closer to Marinette.
"Your father drives me crazy sometimes, but I love him." She spoke, picking up their son.
"And I love you, M'Lady." Adrien replied, kissing her cheek.
"Dork." Marinette giggled.
"Still yours, though." He answered.
"Yes, you are." Marinette smiled, "Adrien?"
"Yeah?" he asked.
"You are not doing that ever again and if I find out that you went behind my back, I'm changing my name back to Dupain-Cheng." she growled out.
Adrien gulped and quickly nodded. Marinette smiled sweetly up at him.
"Good. That includes video game characters." Marinette continued.
"Aw, come on!" the new father whined, "Imagine having a girl named Zelda!"
"Adrien." she spoke.
"Or we can name it Link, if it's a boy again." he continued.
"Adrien." the new mother called.
"But they'll be so cute!" Adrien defended himself, "Emma Zelda Agreste! Hugo Link Agreste!"
"Adrien!" Marinette shouted.
He pouted, "It's unique."
"Aren't all of those for blonde children?" she questioned.
"Maybe." he answered with a smile.
"What if they get my hair or are brunette like Papa?" Mari asked.
"I'll come up with names for those, too!" Adrien exclaimed, "Oh, Maybe Hinata or Neji. There's Rikka, Rimuru, Levy, Asuna, Tomoya, Yui, Haruhi, Kaname, Tai, Lucina, Sakura, -"
Marinette looked down at her son in her arms and smiled.
'Why do I feel your father is going to be more of a handful than you?'
TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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edgyedgelord · 16 hours
With Instagram suddenly diving into the AI hay wagon head first full speed I feel like people need to be reminded about something.
ofc warnings for talk about AI and AGI but this is a hopecore post because i'm tired of the fearmongering
From my own personal look into the state of things, AI is starting to look more like a scarier version of NFTs so I choose to believe it's going to fall harder than they did after this high point. NFT's died out when the markets crashed due to courts coming in and commenting on the legality issues in their economy and cryptocurrency. Once they didn't make a good enough profit anymore and the get rich quick scheme died out so did they into obscurity.
I believe AGI and AI as a whole will soon have their theft of content and data exposed to courts or some sort of more powerful folk, like what happened to NFTs after the art theft with that one artist, and we'll see the models quickly fade out and return to just being chatbot partners for the losers who live in basements and swear their ape JPEG is still relevant and profitable.
And if I'm wrong they can't legally stop us from making art nor can they stop us from making counter programs that poison their models, lil reminder that those do exist and some programs are starting to put those into their stuff so you can easily poison your art in the program. It doesn't matter how advance their models get because since the renaissance an artist's main supporter were other artist's. As long as we continue to make and do what we love to do and support one another then that's all we really need.
So, I propose a form of counter attack.
Go to your local stores and look into making a business deal with them to sell your art or offer to produce advertisement flyers, signs, whatever they need. That way you get your art out there and you're supporting other folk struggling in this capitalistic hellscape.
Using the funds you get from that, go through commission pages and support your fellow artists. If you can, try and find the younger or beginner artists to support. We often look over them and they deserve as much support and encouragement as the experts.
And of course don't forget to share around commission ads as much as you can. The only form of advertisement we get is from us reblogging each other's stuff or recommending one another to other folk.
A large reason as to why artists aren't getting support against AGI right now is because of the public eye seeing us as nothing but a bunch of nerds who draw anime all day. We need to prove that we're people with a passion in this stuff and how we're useful. We also need to speak out how most of us are neurodivergent and careers in art are what fits for us best since it plays into our interests and our skills are best equipped for this.
In summary, don't lose hope. The moment you start talking about how advanced AI is and how nobody is supporting us you're basically saying you give up and that is not how you should ever think about anything. In the theme of pride, when everyone else is against you remember that there are others like you who will continue to support and protect you no matter how long it takes for things to get better. Those who led the queer revolution didn't quit when they were being threatened or detained, they kept on leading the parades and now we have openly queer characters and people in mainstream media. Change happens, sometimes for worse, but time and time again do I see that what is right will always come back on top.
I choose to live through this artistic struggle of an era with hope that in the end human produce media with love and passion and talent will come out on top and prove it's worth over artificially generated content. Even better, I keep hope that after this obstacle for us all it will only go to show our resolve and the public eye will finally look at us with awe at the strength and determination that we have.
Art by human hand has existed since we lived in groups in caves as our first form of communication and it still is such. Stories are told through art, messages are delivered through art, and that is something a robot can never recreate no matter how much techbros want you to believe it can. We are some of the most important and strongest people to be on this planet because we are a community of people who have struggled so much that our understanding of human emotion allows us to put that into images made with ink, pencil, pixels, words, sound, voice, whatever medium you may use. We are masters at what makes us human, communication and complex thought and emotion, and that can't be taken away from us.
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artzychic27 · 10 months
Some incorrect quotes with Marc as Starfire
Cosette: Way to go, Troqie!
Marc: *Scowls* You do not call me that!
Cosette: But Lucien calls you Troq all the time.
Marc: … That does not make it right.
Cosette: What's up? I thought you said it didn't mean anything.
Marc: No. I said it means "nothing". When Lucien calls me "Troq", he is saying that I am worthless, a nothing.
Cosette: Marc...
Marc: There are those on other planets that think Tamaraneans are inferior. Troq is what they call us.
Cosette: So he's calling you a terrible name. And you know that if you punch him out, it'll only confirm all the bad stuff he says about you?
Marc: Yes! You know what it is like to be judged simply by the way you look?
Cosette: Of course I do. I'm a meta-human.
Aurore: I'm sorry Lucien treated you like that. If I'd known I never would've let it happen.
Cosette: None of us would.
Marc: There will always be people who say mean words because you are different. And sometimes their minds cannot be changed. But there are many more people that do not judge people based on how they look, or where they came from. Those are the people whose words truly matter.
Marc: *To Nathaniel* All the fault is yours! I commanded you leave me alone, but you insisted upon the 'being nice'!
Marc: I suggest a large pizza with pickles, bananas, and mint frosting.
Simon: Uh, Marc? Not everything on the menu is a pizza topping.
Ismael: Four and a half pounds of baby back ribs! Man, I love picnic food! *starts scarfing away*
Marc: Agreed, Ismael. This tangy yellow beverage is truly delightful. *starts slurping more of his drink. The Science Kids slowly stop eating and start looking at him, flabbergasted*
Reshma: Um... Marc?
Ismael: That's mustard.
Marc: Oh… Is there more?
Rando: Hey, Hot Alien Babe, you digging the scene?
Marc: Oh I didn't know we were suppose to bring shovels...
Emani: Hi, Little Doll!
Marc: Nathaniel... who is this boy, and why is he calling you "Doll"?
Nathaniel: *After he and Marc have switched bodies* Marc! You have to calm down. My powers are driven by emotion. The more you feel, the more energy you unleash.
Marc: I will try to calm down. *takes a few deep breaths and closes his eyes* Peace... quiet... tranquil... *His powers cause a car to flip over and blow sky high*
Nathaniel: We are sooo doomed.
Nathaniel: You're getting married?!
Marc: Indeed, and I cannot wait to get to Tamaran. I have been having a bit of the sick-home feeling lately, and am eager to introduce my home planet to you, my friends.
Nathaniel: You're getting married?!
Mireille: Yeah, anyone we know?
Marc: I have never met him. My betrothed has been chosen for me by the Grand Ruler of Tamaran.
Nathaniel: You're getting MARRIED? And to SOMEONE YOU'VE NEVER MET?
Denise: Make him laugh, or something!
Marc: Uh… How many okarins does it take to hogie a morflark?… Fimbar!
Marc: Friends! Awaken! Alarm! The Mother Mae-Eye is not truly our mother, but an evil witch who has tricked us all and invaded our home and forbidden our missions and keeps us all under her spell with frequent and plentiful helpings of enchanted pie! *stops and gasps for breath*
Reshma: … So... what now?
Jean: I think he’s saying… He wants more pie!
Marc: *After getting hit by Kim’s prank* Is this punishment? I did something wrong?
Kim: Marc, it was... You weren't supposed to... I didn't... Heh, just remember to change that oil every 3,000 miles. Heh heh.
Marc: … On my planet we have a name for those who do such horrible things, you are a... A CLORBAG VARBLERNELK!
Kim: … I'm a what-bag?
Alix: You heard the guy.
Nathaniel: You are such a clorbag.
Marc: Your Atlas is nothing but a Zolworg Tubeck Plixing Zarbmarker!
Jean: Yeah, what he said!
Cosette: Can't be any scarier than that documentary on hot-dogs Marc made us watch.
Marc: It was fascinating! I had no idea Earth-people ate so many pigs... and insects!
*After Nathaniel laughs*
Marc: Many of your Earth ways are still strange to me, but that was... just plain freaky, correct?
*In the dark*
Marc: Someone’s claws are on my grebnacks!
Lacey: Hehe... my bad!
*Marc is teaching Nathaniel how to fly, because they have switched bodies, and his powers require a happy thought*
Marc: Very good! What was your joyful thought?
Nathaniel: You don't want to know...
Marc: Oh, but I do... please tell me... what did you imagine?
Nathaniel: You… Kissing me.
Marc: *Blushes* Oh... well, I am glad I was able to help...
Marc: Come, Friends. I shall thank you all by reciting the Poem of Gratitude. All six thousand verses!
*The DC kids pass out*
Reshma: It's all right. We're friends, remember?
Marc: … Friends? *advancing; they back up* Why? For what purpose did you free me?
Zoé: Just...trying to be nice.
Marc: "Nice." We do not have this word on my planet. Closest is "rutha." Weak!
Marc: Nomosguoguomuozog! GUO ZOG!!!
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lupunsus · 1 year
there's only one mention of a bird hybrid in diluc's part, and as any person in the middle of the night would do, my brain began to wonder. what ab other birds?
As always, based on and dedicated to the hybrid au made by @cinnamonest
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In Diluc's part, it's mentioned that he'd either have a dog or a bird hybrid, but the bird is described to have human ears, no tail, and wings (unfortunately clipped. Remember hybrids, don't still from crazy rich people! They can pay their way out of any legal troubles). But what if there were other bird hybrids with different features?
People wouldn't know in the first place because of their elusive nature, but in places like the desert in sumeru, there's definitely a good amount of bird hybrids living there. Especially if you consider small animals, bugs, lizards, and fruits laying about. Of course, there are monsters and mercenaries scattered about, but I like to imagine that desert bird hybrids are tougher than most.
This brings us back to the main topic of this post. Bird Varieties.
In the desert, there's a good amount of trees, but not enough to allow the birds to nest in them. I think this would lead to changes to help the hybrid adapt in the environment. For bird hybrids living in the desert, because of how vast and empty it is (a stark contrast to the labyrinth below it), I believe that there would mainly be two kinds of hybrids found in the desert.
One is like any other hybrid, but instead of dog ears and a tail, they have wings and tail feathers. The other being similar, except they don't have human arms like the others, but wings instead.
So basically, one bird has six limbs, and the other four (including wings).
Sometimes, their feet are identical to their bird counterparts, but its not limited to those living in a specific location, so it's considered to be a trait some hybrids just have, and others don't.
For our birds with special feet, sometimes they're mistaken as gigantic beasts from afar, and stories have picked up in the desert about naughty kids that stay outside late will be picked up and eaten by these creatures. At first, it was just a story made up by adults to keep their children from wandering off until someone saw one of the hybrids eating a human.
In the hybrid's case, they saw this dying person, thought that it could be free food, and decided to have a taste.
But from afar, it appeared to the village folk as a four-legged monstrosity with wings. Some even felt guilty, thinking that telling the story so many times made it come true. Of course, later on, as time passed, humans learned that they typically won't eat you if you aren't laying dead for every animal to see.
It's still strange to see a hybrid eat an actual person because they look human as well. Thanks to safely conducting research in the desert, it has been proven that one factor that could lead to this odd behavior is a lack of food in their area, and while some birds don't go down the carnivorous route, hybrids that are larger in size don't mind waiting a bit for humans to succumb to the harsh environment.
Some adventurous souls even found out that some hybrids are smart enough to scare people into either sharing their rations or into having a heart attack. This only happens with types that hunt during the night and are larger in size.
Are they really that big, though? Some, yes. But oftentimes, it's due to their large wingspan and how the darkness makes anything 100x scarier than it should be.
Bird hybrids with wings for arms have it more difficult, as they have to use their mouth or feet to hold things. But because they're born this way, it doesn't really seem to be an issue for them. Sometimes, they're mistaken for overgrown birds and are shot at by hunters. Due to the mistake of injuring or even killing the hybrids, hunting birds was restricted in areas that had a bird hybrid sighting.
Bird hunting in general would've been outright illegal, but people really like chicken. Raptor hybrids do too! An unfortunate discovery where one lost their small feathered friend to a hungry hawk hybrid. You would think these elusive creatures keep their distance from humans, but when they let chickens just roam free... they consider it to be an all-you-can-eat. It's recommended to have a dog hybrid to scare them off, as the more aggressive birds can easily pick up a dog.
On the off chance that someone tames a wild bird hybrid, they make for great companions. Especially for those living in the desert. I like to think that Candace once saved a raptor hybrid while being attacked during a sandstorm, and now it lives nearby and helps out in the village. People thought it was lucky to stumble upon it in a sandstorm until they saw that 2 more joined her party. Is she a god? What do these dangerous birds see in her to follow her?
The answer is mutual respect. Candace views her new companions as equals and even helps them out when they communicate their needs. In return, they're willing to protect the village from harm with their lives. Because of this, researchers flock to the desert just to get a glimpse of the birds in action but are sometimes scared off by how rough they look. Aren't hybrids supposed to be cute?? Well, if you lived your life in the desert fighting against monsters, humans, animals, and other hybrids, you'd probably have some scars and a mean look.
They're nice, though. Being around kids in the village makes them more protective, but also very distrustful of newcomers. Unless you have Candace's approval, be prepared to have eyes constantly on you.
However, for birds living in more tropical areas, these hybrids are softer and cuter in nature. But still shy around humans. Unless they're raptors, then try to keep a respectful distance. These are wild animals we're talking about, after all. For bird hybrids born closer to cities, they're more relaxed around humans, but some species are smart enough to know what happens to hybrids that have masters, so they opt to live in hard to reach places. They could just leave, but human food is too delicious to be replaced with fruits and insects.
It's their weakness, though, as humans can easily drug the food and capture the hybrid. Or, like the poor thing in Diluc's part, caught in a trap for stealing and having their wings clipped as a result.
Clipping wings is considered inhumane and outright illegal, but if you have a certified doctor's note stating that due to medical circumstances for whatever reason, their wings needed to be clipped, then it's brushed under the rug. But for bird hybrids with wings for arms? Well, it really is game over for them. Learn from Diluc's bird darling and try not to steal from the rich, as they can easily pay a doctor to sign a document to allow your pretty wings to be taken away.
Honestly, bird hybrids could be smart enough to become citizens, but because of how most choose to distance themselves from human society and value freedom more than anything else is probably the main reason why no bird hybrid in history has ever been documented as nothing more than a "treasured pet" or a "monstrous beast".
Maybe one day a bird will be able to have the same rights any human has, but for now, they should probably maintain a distance from humans who want to take away their freedom.
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i-miss-breathing · 3 months
I had a dream last night where I was in like Jurassic park but for demons, and I don’t remember all of them but I remember some of them
Like there was a pecking bird, which was like a very skinny hummingbird mixed with a woodpecker, but just the pecking into wood very fast part, that could take off its beak and shoot it. Those things were cool imo, also I don’t think they had ribs
Another bird one - owls with 1k eyes on their beaks, and their beaks were bigger than most owl beaks, and sort of shaped like an African grays beak, lowkey kind of looked like a fungal infection was on its beak from far enough away, but I think it was my brain mixing stolas from demonology with the thousand eyed angels as a ripoff
Then there was like this aligator? thing? it looked like a rendition of some extinct animal, don’t know which one though, but it could like disappear and climb super fast and it’s tail was prehensile and I think it could speak, and it like messed with peoples minds, and it disappear in a poof of smoke but not like magician smoke like it would leave an outline of itself for a couple seconds of smoke like this
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And then it would just be gone, it could have teleported or just turned invisible, chances are it’s not invisible because it likes to play with its prey which means appearing in the corners of your vision or directly behind you or directly in front of you to make you change directions or on your shoulder with its mouth right next to your head until you died or stopped running, in which case he’d eat you, or if you caught up to the priests leading the tour, one Catholic one satanic, and they made it back off
There was also another bird that was like completely normal? Like it was just a green and yellow bird. And like they mated for life and stayed with their children until their children were adults. Like. ??? (Then they sometimes ate the children but still)
There was also a demon tree that could stretch its roots underneath time and space so if you saw a root that looked like it was missing a tree then the tree “saw you”. Guessing it was like the tree of knowledge of good and evil cause knowledge is ever expanding or smthn like that.
Also there was like a wendigo type thing made completely out of wood and the sounds it made were either someone else’s voice or sounds you can make with wood but louder. They could only say things they had heard though, but they could use any voice they had heard to say the words they had heard, like if a little kid cried for mommy and then a different little kid was just like talking near them they could mimic the second kids voice but make them cry for mommy like the first kid had, so if you heard Wood sounds you had to shut up so you didn’t ruin the tour for someone else by giving them a way to trick someone.
We stayed in a little cabin overnight and there were like little cyclops lizards, and a couple of kittens that were like ripping each other apart and then healing instantly and going back at it, which would have been scarier if this dream was set up less like a tv show
and outside there was like a ground sloth type thing, it had sharp teeth and was sniffing around and it was twitchy and it’s tail was longer; and a Tasmanian Tiger that had bulging eyes and it’s teeth were larger than it’s mouth could hold. Someone said they were the same kind of demon but it just didn’t exist until it could mimic something, but that something had to walk that same line of yes it’s real but it doesn’t exist as well, kind of confusing tbh
Anyways if any of you got any artistic inspiration from what I remember from my dream then I would love to see it. Or if you have an interpretation. Or if any of you had a similar dream at some point
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zorkaya-moved · 7 months
I think it's quite interesting how Zarina's behavior to everyone still reflects in her behavior with those she loves but don't know the full picture of her past and who she might be. Despite how close you might feel to her, when it comes to recollections and bits of knowledge about her history - sometimes people draw blanks. She's so talkative, so friendly, so seemingly open with others but to some it's a lie and to some it's the truth but the problem remains: she may still not tell you anything.
With those she cares about, though, Zarina doesn't do it maliciously. It's a habit, it's a second nature. She is honest and open, tries to be, but there are still stories she she so skillfully avoids or change topics or say something vague that doesn't give a SPECIFIC picture to get the details. And the thing is? If you ask her, she can tell. If you showcase genuine interest in hearing of her past, she will tell when she cares about you.
The problem is that for 'normal' and 'common' folk, her story sounds harsh, dark, morbid, or uncommon. Some people may take it as a tale, some take it as a lie, and some people shut down when they hear of her experience or what life she led. And it forces her to step back, because she doesn't want pity and doesn't want those sad looks. It's her life, that's how it was and it is, the past cannot be changed. She survived, she became stronger, and she can protect herself and others now. She's here, isn't she? Disappointed in society yet still moving forward because how far can she go when she has goals to reach and new ones to create? Thus, when those she cares about are especially sensitive or kind-hearted, she may have a harder time telling them more about her past.
"My parents are fighters. Mom's a military veteran. Dad's pretty similar, he works with weapons." "I did take part in different fights, learned how to protect myself from the best." "You can say I know my way around weaponry because of my family, they sold it and analyzed it." "I guess, I was in a bit of a pinch when I was younger. Arrogance got me into an awful position and now I know better." "It's not always fun to be a genius, to be called the child prodigy, to experience the world so differently, but it's fine. I'll still take bitter truths and raw knowledge instead of living in blissful ignorance. I learned from experience."
She does say things about herself, but it doesn't really hit the specific marks to make it 100% true or correct. All because she's seen the looks on people's faces when she'd speak about her upbringing and survivalist nature, where it came from and why it keeps going, or how she no longer hesitates when fighting against others because it's either her or them because her hesitation brought an end to someone she cared about before, or how her weakness and arrogance prior costed the full destruction of her innocence as a child. Her life was tough and others may call her an edgelord or bitter, but that's just how it is.
It's not like she denies goodness or humanity, she simply states there is more cruelty than kindness and she'd rather rule in hell than serve in heaven. Because the 'bad guys' get the money, the authority, the powers. And how do you fight a beast like that? By becoming an even bigger, scarier and more volatile beast yourself. After all, if she is on top, then she has enough power to secure herself AND those she cares about. That's just how life is, isn't it? That's how the world taught her to live.
And that's why it's so hard to break out of that habit of not telling the full story or walk around the subject of her past. Where does she begin? How much is too much? How would someone not from her 'vicious and violent circle' react to her past? And worst comes to worst, what if the one she cares about refuses her upon hearing such deep and heavy stories? No, the kinder ones always put so much weight on their shoulders. She can't allow herself to burden them with more weight when she does care.
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nebula-drcams · 9 months
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Damien has a habit of doing a LOT by himself, a lot of planning, be it in general or even for a significant other. He ALWAYS wants to be the one in charge/be the one to handle it. Because of this he gets overwhelmed easily, especially if it’s planning a date. He actually cannot for the life of him go simple unless his partner tells him to keep it simple. He just can’t. He also, if not TOLD he’s doing alright by his significant other, will push even harder for each time to be better than the last until he burns himself out. Why? Because if THEY don’t see it as good enough, that means he has to change something or do it right, this can end very poorly for him because if he’s not careful he could lose his temper eventually and straight up yell ‘WHAT AM I DOING WRONG!?’
Damien had to grow up fast the moment Satan was killed and I will die on this fucking hill. Who else did you think was going to be in charge of Hell when Satan went back to Heaven? Who else other than his SON who is the RIGHTFUL HEIR to the THRONE. And don’t you dare say ‘oh his advisors or other demons’ No. Damien is RIGHTFULLY HEIR and they can NOT overrule him. He could’ve given the throne up, but at that young of an age you know damn well his pride would’ve screamed “No! They don’t deserve it! That throne is YOURS!” and would’ve kept it. He would’ve had to fight through so many demons just to keep his place, to prove his worth, to make sure it wasn’t ripped from him. It also means he had to get more serious, he had to mature faster. He couldn’t get involved in things that angered him { That’s why Damien has Nimue to do it for him, and boy howdy did she give people shit in his place when he didn’t have the energy to do it }.
My brain was reminded to mention Damien’s VC / or the idea I have for his VC and what it might sound like. If you’ve heard of artist Bear Ghost { Check out Necromancin’ Dancin’! }, that’s close to the voice I have for Damien. I do think he can still hit those high pitches he did as a child as well and he absolutely does it for fun. Like if he’s telling a joke/goofing around with his ‘I’M THE PRINCE OF HELL!’ jokes he makes, he’ll use the higher pitch.
He looks back on his younger years and shakes his head because he knows he was a violent and demanding little shit. He wants to grow past that, to be better than what he could’ve been. Sure he still gets a little aggressive but he has more of an “I don’t care about a damn thing” vibe about him and often sits back and observes more than anything.
He only goes to Hell on weekends to do his job, and sometimes he’ll have to vanish for a whole year to put things back in place but the less he has to be there the better. He can’t handle the screams as his ears ring from the tortured screams { Because the demons DO have a job to do, Hell ISN’T a nice place }. The only other time he goes to Hell is if Kenny shows up there after dying { So he can give his friend company in the meantime until he revives }
His pride never goes away, but he keeps ‘neutral’ expressions and responses as he gets older { once he gets tired of the fighting over the throne, so on and so forth } He never really reaches out to many of the kids and only sticks around the Goths for obvious reasons, at some point he just gives up trying to be a hardass and just gives himself a less threatening demeanor by wearing things like hawaiian shirts and green or red tinted shades. But of course, it makes it even scarier when he finally DOES snap because he gives off a vibe where he’s chill and people forget how much of a threat he can actually be. I DO 100% believe that at one point in time Damien HAS threatened to choke Eric Cartman with his own intestines. Just sayin’
For those that don’t know, Damien has a problem with sometimes wording things poorly or saying something he shouldn’t say. It comes with the whole ‘being blunt’ thing, but sometimes he’s a little TOO blunt and will say the first thing that comes to mind He’s uh.. He’s working on it but it’s not easy. Just been a terrible habit of his growing up. So if he ever DOES say something wrong, he’ll begrudgingly accept the fact someone’s mad at him { or if they smack him } and take his lumps so to speak.
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shingansoul · 1 year
Lonely Together (Donbrothers fanfic)
It was not only death that pushed people to mourn, loss took many forms and the solace people sought to deal with it took equally as many. Sonoi was learning that more and more as he spent time with an unlikely of companions, but maybe not one who was so different.
To read on AO3, follow the link below. To read here, continue past the read more!
“I have always wondered something, Momotani Jirou.”
The gold ranger in question hummed in attention, his mouth too stuffed with a large daikon slice from the bowl of oden in his lap, a matching one in Sonoi’s own. Some time after Jirou settled in with his now only option of residence after everything from the revelations of his home town to Momoi’s departure, he had tried to make his small house(if one was generous enough to call it such a thing) a bit more his own. He had gotten help from Sonoi of all people in adding on a small porch deck to the back of the building, which is where they both found themselves now seated this early evening. 
“The jacket…did it manifest only for the other one?”
Jirou had to hold a hand over his mouth, keeping himself from reflexively spitting anything out as he swallowed hard to instead push down what he had. He reflexively coughed into his fist anyway, Sonoi looking at him in mild concern.
“Y-you…that’s what you’ve held on to all this time?” His words were stilted half through coughing and half through the traces of a laughter rising up past his lips. Sonoi took a small bite out of an egg, politely chewing it slowly before gracing him with a response.
“You didn’t need to be in your combat transformation form to switch between the two of you, and yet your physical attributes and articles of clothing changed. I always wondered about it, though it never exactly seemed something time allowed me to broach given the circumstances before now.”
Jirou hummed, his laughter dying quickly at the implications of such a statement. It was said with casual remark, but he wasn’t blind to how mentions of the past were like walking on glass with the blue clad noto. He was not a volatile man, but he was a deeply sentimental one and be it not Jirou to be the first to upset him especially when they had only now started to allow anything close to companionship to begin. He carefully placed his bowl beside him, using his freed up lap to lean forward with his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hand.
“Well, I made it for him when I made my own clothes before we started out for the city here. He wanted something that was his own since before we tended to dress pretty simply and didn’t really differentiate from each other. We used to switch a lot more often back home, he was more comfortable with the place and people than here and he didn't want any of our friends to question who was with them. We shared that place and those people, even if…well...even if it wasn’t real exactly.
A-anyways though, once we got here he said he wanted to fight on his own sometimes too and so he wanted people to tell us apart, ‘so our enemies know who they’re facing’ or something like that.” 
Jirou smiled fondly, absently running his free hand along the hem of his pants leg. “To be honest with you, I think it’s just because he wanted something that made him look bigger and scarier and that was warm. Plus, our clothes look pretty cool right?”
Jirou let his warm gold eyes flick up to Sonoi’s intense blue and offered a cheeky smile and a chuckle. Sonoi smiled in return though much smaller, offering a vague shrug.
“It’s not to my tastes, however… it is well made.”
Jirou sighed but the smile didn't drop from his expression.
“I’ll take my wins where I can.”
“So because it was his, he…kept it? Does it work like that?”
“Mmmm, I think only for us. Or at least people like us; because we have the powers that come with the don clan and being don brothers, he was able to do it. Otherwise he’d probably just have to carry it around or put it on and off when he was in control normally? He only wore it inside when he was about to switch though.”
Ah! Umm..so in our…head? Heart? I'm not too sure, but inside us is kind of a place we go to when the other one is using our body. It kinda looked like the old shrine by the school we used to play at as kids, like this small little courtyard surrounded by trees and the rundown shrine. We would wait for each other there or sometimes we could both talk there if whoever was on the outside focused really hard. We didn't…ah...this is weird to explain to someone else.”
Sonoi only offered a genuinely interested and open expression, and not seeing any judgment or disbelief in his face, Jirou hesitantly pushed onwards.
“Well, we didn't always look like…this? When he’s inside and I was talking to him there, he looked like we did as a little kid from when we first met Rumi-chan and Sago and the others. He didn't look like how he looked to you unless he was in control and changed how he looked inside to talk to me or we talked outside sometimes. That was also something we couldn’t do until we left home I think, probably because of our powers manifesting around that time.”
“Is that where he is now? In that place within you both?” 
Jirou shook his head, placing a hand against his heart and then sliding it down towards his diaphragm as he spoke.
“He’s somewhere deeper I think…he’s still in there, and when he wants to he can still speak to me and every once in a while I'm pretty sure he comes out when I'm asleep too, it’s just…we don’t talk very often anymore, not like before. He was always always here before, whether he was talking to me all the time or he was fighting me for control and with us in battle. But now it’s more like…I can feel him, sometimes I can hear something in the back of my mind I'm sure is him, but he won’t respond to me most of the time. We…I have to find my own path, and do things on my own and become my own hero. That’s what he said, and he’s right I'm sure. But it does get a lot lonelier sometimes, with just me all the time. I’ve never…I’ve never been alone before now, so it’s a lot to adjust to…”
He offered a weak chuckle, embarrassed to admit the truth he had been holding onto ever since that day in the woods on his own, having spent weeks of mourning a life he hadn't truly had. He had never hurt like that before in his whole life, he felt sick constantly with how overwhelmed he felt. His whole world had been ripped out from under him, the people he had grown to love and depend on having never been there, the point of his birth having felt like a lie for a much worse purpose. It was too cruel for him to really understand, his heart constantly felt like it was falling apart. He could tell his other self felt similarly, never taking control because within their world he mourned in his own ways and though they had each other in that pain, they had the kindness to not look upon the other’s grief more than necessary. 
When his other half had, in the throes of that, admitted outright his own pain and sadness only to thrust Jirou into focus and to delve somewhere deep within them he couldn't follow, he was confused and hurt beyond belief. He didn't think it was meant as an act of cruelty, it really was Jirou’s own way of pushing the other to overcome an obstacle, but with as much as it gave him the jumpstart and courage to push forward, it hurt to be so alone in such a horrible time. The pain lessened as he tried to lean into his friends he had now, finding friends where he never thought he would too in Sonoi, but…
Jirou startled from his thoughts, not realizing how long it had drawn out since he stopped speaking when he felt a hand tentatively rest between his shoulder blades. Sonoi’s gaze wasn't warm or coddling with sweet words on his lips, nor was it cold and full of judgment. Instead he was simply…there. A true schooled neutrality, but he was there and he was listening and that was as warm as the sun kissing skin with the morning rays to Jirou.
“Someone who completed you, being so close and yet you cannot reach them yourself, I…can understand that emotion. It is a hard burden to bear, being the one left behind…I do not mean to overstep by-”
“Ah, no, no! It’s okay, I… I don't think that’s reaching too much really at all, honestly. I appreciate it…”
They lapsed into a somewhat awkward silence, food forgotten in bowls at their sides for now and simply letting the presence of another person fill up the moment over words. They sat there for a while, the late sun sinking to give way to early evening. The city washed out most the stars from where Jiro’s porch looked out to, but the deeper blues of night overtaking the grayish blue of day was a sight in its own right too. Sonoi let himself get lost in it, doing his best to pick out any exceptionally bright stars fighting their way against the light pollution anyways in the city around them. It was a task that held his attention enough that he didn't at first realize something shift in the frame of the man at his side, his hand still in place on his back.
He didn't properly take notice until he felt Jirou suddenly stiffen sharply under his touch, not quite pulling away but his back almost reflexively arching away from his palm so he pulled it back, quick to glance over in concern. Jiro had not been touch averse by any means as far as he had known him, often with Sonoi being subjected to the other more than vice versa. Then again, that was Don Doragokuu. The man at his side now however, was no longer such person.
Jirou’s eyes were outlined with deep red, silver sharp eyes sliding over to meet Sonoi’s gaze as an involuntary shudder made its way down his back as if shedding something from his skin before he outright shook himself out where he sat. His white coat seemed to drown him a bit when sitting, and the way he reached up to dig nails into his neck as he grabbed at his own throat seemed a bit more painful than usual, like he was unsure how to handle himself and with Jiro no longer keeping his nails so bluntly short, Sonoi briefly wondered if he might actually break skin now.
“You still ask too many questions…Sonoi.”
Sonoi let his lips quirk up in a small smile, tilting his head  a bit at the other man.
“The most persistent of wolves will wear down their prey with time.”
Jirou glared, a loud huff pushing out of him before he let himself glance around them both, taking in their location and then looking himself over.
“Mn…this’ new…” he nose crinkled a bit as he let his gaze slide back over to the noto who had sat patiently for the other to address him further or not. “You…your scent is different now.”
“Pray tell then, what do I smell like, Momotani Jirou?”
Jirou made some kind of rough noise in the back of his throat at the formal address, and he leveled the other man with a strong gaze directly into his eyes. “Sorrow…it clings to you now. Like you don't know what to do with it.”
Sonoi swallowed nervously, unsure how ready he was to have his first real address of this Jirou be about something he wouldn't even voice in full to Sonoza and Sononi, not even to himself most days. So he simply stared back, not backing down, but unwilling to be the one to engage further. Stalling.
Jirou flexed his “claws” as he sat there, not breaking the staring contest between them as he seemed to crack and pop every joint he could move in their seated positions, somehow manifesting a stiffness in their body that he was sure the other Jirou had not felt just minutes earlier. He only gave pause in his focus when he ran the back of his hand across his forehead, and with a grumble he reached up to start preening at his hair, pulling it forward and to the side despite the product that was most certainly holding it in place nowadays. He let a low growl drag past his bared teeth, frustration growing as he was unable to dislodge it in what was apparently a style he was not in favor of.
“Allow me?”
Jirou huffed, but after looking Sonoi up and down in some kind of appraisal, he nodded stiffly. Sonoi chuckled softly and moved to shuffle forward until he slid off the side of the low porch, moving to bend down now on the ground so he was level with the still seated “tiger”. He reached forward and without hesitation as he might have had in the past, he gently began running his fingers through brown locks repeatedly from hairline to the back of the other’s head, trying to coax the spray to crack and free even a bit to free hair from its stiff position. With how it had been combed back before being set, it was likely just the top layer was actually stiff so if he tried to break up the top layer, the rest would be easier to return to a more familiar style.
Jirou, to his credit, didn’t make much noise beyond a soft almost imperceptible sound from deep in his chest, Sonoi struggled to place it quite yet and simply continued his ministrations. Jirou let silver eyes slide closed once Sonoi got into a rhythm, even leaning his head into the touch somewhat whether he realized it or not. Sonoi didn't stop, outright massaging into the other’s scalp now to make sure it was as broken up and would pull on odd stiffened strands as it was styled before he began to do his best to part the other’s hair. If he recalled correctly, this Jirou parted it down the middle and tucked it back a bit in favor of combing it back like the other did so often now or the bangs that threatened to fall into their eyes like a curtain if hair was left to brush forwards.
“You…Jirou trusts you…trusts like the other ones he fights with, not because Taro said he should.”
“Is...that so?”
“Both smell of loneliness...he’s not as lonely with you though. If that’s the case…”
He let himself drop off, exhaling heavily  as he rubbed at his throat once again. He made a face of discomfort, which stilled the fingers in his hair briefly as Sonoi leaned forward a bit on instinct as if to inspect him.
“Words are…it’s been too long. Jirou always did the talking for us, but now I don't speak with him or other’s anymore. Easier to feel than speak, can give feelings to Jirou and he can act on them without needing me to tell him what to do.”
Sonoi nodded sympathetically, though honestly the feeling that came to his heart was closer to envy than understanding. Oh, if only it were so easy to have given his heart like that and all its pangs before he even understood it… it wouldn't have changed the end, but maybe the before could have been…
He hadn’t thought about where his hands had stilled exactly against the other’s head, his thumb that sat against the other’s cheek while his long fingers at his temples, poised to have started another run through of his air before being stopped. He didn't think about how close he was placing his fingers into the jaws of a beast without a care until he felt a sharp pain in his thumb, enough to make him reflexively shout but, as he tried to pull away, he felt his hand snag. Jirou has bitten down firm and hard on the thumb of his left hand, his oversharp canines digging in enough to draw blood and he didn’t let go with a nip either.
“Wh-what are you-!”
“Quit wallowing in it.” His tone was hard and scathing, and if he weren't still stuck in this awkward position he would have likely flinched away at the words. But here he was still held, and so he had to take it head on.
“I’ve not been unaware of what happened since Jiro finally became leader like he was supposed to. It wasn’t how I wanted it, but it’s not my choice; it needed to be his. I know what happened to Momoi Taro. I was listening and seeing what Jiro saw, feeling what he felt…I remember the day when all of you were so full of sorrow, that last fight… could choke on it.”
He bit down once more a bit harder than the first time before releasing Sonoi’s digit, he didn't bother wiping at the bit of blood rubbed off onto his upper lip nor did Sonoi bother seeing to his injury, he simply crouched where he had ended up half pulled away before and listened.
“Jirou couldn’t wallow in our sadness forever, ‘couldn’t let him get lost in it and forget why we came here. What we were born to do. So I took some of it and I put it where he couldn't get to it. Still hurts, but…”
“I…I’m not able to do such a thing. I don’t have another-”
“Excuses. You have the other two, you have Jirou. Yours are outside, but it’s all the same. One person can’t carry it and still move forward, too heavy…you’re choking on it.”
He reached a hand up to his hair, doing a once through of it and he hummed in satisfaction before returning his attention to the noto in front of him. He reached forward in a too-quick grab, nails digging into his forearm with a bit too much pressure, but Sonoi let the other guide his own hand over his chest until his palm was over his heart. He looked down in confusion before looking back up at Jiro.
“You’re alive.”
“Now prove it.”
Sonoi audibly gasped in surprise, but once again before he could get a word in edgewise, Jirou let go of him and all but pushed him back to the ground before turning his attention to the by-now certainly cold oden. Jirou picked up the bowl and after a few moments of consideration, he sighed heavily before practically shoveling down what was left of the serving. Sonoi blinked at him in bafflement, taking the moment to make his way back to sit on the edge of the porch where he had started the evening off.
Another sigh as he finished. “ Miss this taste… odd that it’s Jirou’s now…” 
The bowl was set to the side and he leaned back on his palm, arms held behind him to catch his weight before he inhaled deeply through his nose. As he exhaled, white silk dissolved away and red stain faded as golden eyes fluttered open and his arms shook a bit as if he had pushed into the position and not braced himself beforehand. He almost fell onto his back if it weren’t for Sonoi reaching forward quickly to place a hand behind his back to catch him. He mumbled his gratitude as Sonoi helped guide him into sitting on his own once more, leaning forward into his own lap a bit with clasped hands against his forehead.
“Are you alright?”
“Mn. Yeah, just a bit of a headache though… did..?”
Sonoi hummed in answer, assuming the question already. “Not for long, but yes. I spoke with the other Momotani Jirou.”
Jirou smiled, some weight seeming to slide off his shoulder it felt as he let himself fall further forward until his head brushed his crossed ankles where he sat.
“He didn’t let me hear all of it this time but…umm…I like when you come to eat dinner with me and watch the sky at my house. It’s nice having someone to share warm food and a pretty sky with again.”
Sonoi let his gaze slide back up to the sky, true night setting in as quickly as always.
“Ah…It is.”
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