#and the chaos that ensued afterwards
jamesmalatesta · 3 months
happy one year anniversary of pk’s goalie goal to those who celebrate
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ideas-4-stories · 7 months
Store Worker: "Would a Captain... Buggy please come to the front desk?" Buggy, arriving at the desk: "Hello, what's the problem?" Store Worker, points to Mohji and Cabaji*: "I believe they belong to you?" Cabaji and Mohji, simultaneously: "We got lost"😢😞 Buggy: "...I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-" Richie: *Sad Lion Noises*
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dutybcrne · 1 year
Kae most definitely gives Jean the whole single-father needing to see his baby spiel whenever he wants to shirk work for Klee. It works bc him heading out with her minimizes the times Klee will go off unsupervised.
Though Jean has to wonder if those two together really is better for Mond or not.
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gaelic-holiday · 1 year
Danny passes on a message
The league summons Phantom (as the ghost king, perhaps) for something or other, and afterwards, Phantom just starts to pop in to meetings at the watchtower to hang out.
Danny, to Batman: "Hey, you're Bruce Wayne, right?"
Everyone freezes and looks at Phantom in horror. Danny just looks back at Batman, unblinking.
Batman: "How did you know that?"
Danny, ignoring the question, as usual: "Right, your parents asked me to pass on a message."
Batman: "What"
Danny: "They said they love you and are proud of you. They also said that, as much as they love their grandbabies, child acquisition is not a replacement for therapy."
Chaos ensues.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 11 months
Highlights From the SOLDIER Group Chat
All SOLDIER operatives are required to be apart of the official group chat, a space where they can comfortably communicate and relay messages en mass.
• Genesis sending PDFs of the Communist Manifesto at random.
• Director Lizard™ memes every Wednesday provided by Zack.
• Sephiroth using "DTF" to indicate that he's free to spar. Genesis had told him it means "Down To Fight."
• Zack sending a picture to the group chat holding the severed head of the president ShinRa statue, along with the caption "I fucked up."
• Someone changing the group chat name to DilfGeal™ and friends.
• Genesis sending "Sephiroth you forgot your briefs at my apartment" and turning his phone off.
• Zack and Kunsel's rap battle through voice notes.
• Sephiroth using "IWTFY" to indicate that he's free to spar. Genesis told him it means "I Want To Fight You."
• Roche changing the group chat name to Sephiroth's wig.
• The mystery penis™ — someone accidentally sent a nude to the group chat at 3 AM and quickly deleted it, but the picture automatically saved to everyone's device and it incited a month long discourse and speculation about the mystery penis. No, it wasn't Genesis.
• The day they discovered there was a turk informant lurking in the group chat (it was Reno) after said lurker insulted Zack, it escalated and Angeal went out looking for Reno to "chat."
• Genesis sending "THE 👁️ GODDESS 👁️ IS 👁️ WATCHING 👁️" after every misdeed.
• The day professor Hojo joined the chat so everyone changed their name and profile pictures to Sephiroth.
• Lazard: screen name "Milf-Muncher-5000" kindly revert to your government name and profile picture. I know this is you, Commander Rhapsodos.
• Sephiroth once misspelled the word "laughed" as "laft" and now instead of "lol" or "lmao" everyone just "LAF"
• Everyone spamming the hashtag #GetHewley'd after someone is scolded by Angeal.
• Kunsel posting a list of estimated hex codes and measurements of everyone's junk and chaos ensuing right afterwards. Genesis in particular is outraged at why his is so underestimated. He proceeds to send everyone his correct measurements.
• Zack using too many emojis, oftentimes only using emojis.
• If you swear, Angeal kicks you out, so everyone starts using Zack's name as a substitute for for curse words. "ZACK YOU!" is a particularly popular one.
• Sephiroth randomly sending unflattering pictures of Genesis. Then he sends a voice note of his office door being beaten down by Genesis.
• Sending random pictures and depictions of lizards and captioning them "FOUND THE DIRECTOR"
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matchadobo · 5 months
KIDD; it's the captain's birthday!
wc: 2453
summary: name prepared surprises for kidd's birthday, but unfortunately, it won't go as planned.
warning/s: fem reader, nsfw at the end 🔞
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kidd woke up with the space beside him cold and empty. it was strange that he had all the blanket to himself and you weren't there to take it all from him. he shuffled through the mountain of pillows on his bed for you, blurry eyes scanning through the dimly lit room. he checked the bathroom and you weren't there either. so he opted to go outside where chaos ensued.
the crew members had stopped on their tracks from fishing out confettis and streamers from crates, looking at kidd like he intruded at his own ship. kidd was only wearing boxers but that wasn't the surprising bit. he had a scowl on his face and had a bedhead. but his presence that he had walked out that door made everyone turn pale.
"what the fuck are you guys doing?" he cocked a brow, eyeing each one of them to answer. "what? lost your voices or some shit?"
"you sure you don't need to sleep anymore, captain?" one member tried to salvage the situation, rubbing his hands together with a gentle expression as anxiety pooled through him.
"that's not what i asked, is it, rookie?" he got closer, bending down to the poor man's height who shivered at his proximity. "i wanna know where's name?"
there was total silence, no one wanted to speak and kidd was getting impatient. that is until, he heard a clang by the kitchen that followed your shriek afterward. kidd sauntered to the kitchen, had his mind straight to getting to you. the other crew members tried blocking him by the kitchen entrance, but one glare was enough to send them away despite their protests that you firmly instructed them to prevent him from entering.
kidd saw you entirely focused on decorating a cake with a piping bag. baking supplies were scattered on the countertop and on the floor. it was a mess. your hair and outfit was powdered up by what seems to be flour and your arms and apron had scattered stains of whipped cream. he didn't miss how your tongue peeked out from being way too concentrated at your craft.
his canines tugged at his lips as his smile slowly grew watching you. he crossed his arms leaning by the doorframe with the scared rookies at his feet. he waited for you to notice him but you were on your own world. so he made his way closer to you, leaning by the empty space of the table you were working on and crossing his arms. he glanced by the worn out calendar by the kitchen and saw that it was indeed his birthday. his heart swelled at the thought of you going an extra mile to even make a cake for him.
"ugh, what is it? i asked those ruffians to not let anyone in-" when you finally take your eyes off the nearly finished cake, you saw kidd with a cocky grin on his face. you looked up at him with a shit-scared face.
"hm? what's that? why did you stop, bunny? come on i wanna see how it turns out." he said with a teasing tone, gesturing to the cake.
"h-how-" he saw how your expression shifted and he kinda panicked. you pouted, shoulders dropping as you tossed the piping bag by the table. "those idiots had one job." you sighed, disappointed as you crossed your arms. "well, it's kinda my fault for sleeping in."
"hey what's got you so down, lovebug? you gonna stop makin' this?" he walked in front of you, bending down to your level as he pointed at the cake behind you.
"you're a big party pooper you know...!" you avoided his gaze, hiding your flushed face by your palms. "you're not supposed to wake up until 10 or something."
"can't help it if you're not cuddlin' me or stealin' the damn blanket. plus, crew's too loud." he pulled you in for a hug, hand placed at the back of your head. "come on, ain't ya finishin' your calligraphy? this shit's gold." he peeked behind you at the top of the cake adorned with flowers made from fondant, some edible pearls that contrasted the black icing, and the red lettering that spelled 'happy birthday to the coolest captain' in intricate calligraphy and 'hubby' written in little font with a heart. you couldn't see it, but he had to bite his lip to prevent himself from smiling so hard cuz his heart did a thing.
"you givin' up on me? alright, lemme take over. i think i can make a better lookin' one than you can."
with his last phrase, you suddenly pulled away, looking at him with the most offended glare. your hands loosen around his waist, pushing him away and escaping his grasp. "shut up! this is gonna be fire just you wait!"
so he sat on a stool and watch you decorate with much attention. mission success for him. he knows how to push your buttons and he really wanted to see you finish what you did for him. plus, he loves getting you riled up. he adored how your brows furrowed and the little noises you did when you almost screw up. you'd ask him to look at some little designs you do, he'd glance over and tell you it's cute but he ain't even looking at the cake, he's looking at you. he admires how you make everything look pretty. how some of the strands of your hair fall down your face amidst the bun. how beads of sweat form in your temples and he reaches over to wipe it off.
"there! 's all done." you stuck the candles by the cake and lit them with a lighter. you held up it for him and gave him a big smile, proud of your craft. "happy birthday, kidd!"
kidd took a moment to look at you. you were on your pajamas; panties and a silk, short-sleeved button up that looked too stained with the black and red frostings. your hair was too disheveled but the brightness of your smile made up for it, kidd liked you with messy, bedhead anyways. your eyes were tired but they still found a way to smile. you were so bright and so beautiful even if you just got out of bed and already sweated from working too hard. so he's happy that you were the first one to greet him happy birthday today.
he blew the candles with only one wish in mind after looking at you. he planted a kiss atop your head before grabbing a plate and knife. "let's slice 'er up and dig in."
kidd let you sit on his lap, letting you feed him the cake while you also munch on some yourself. he praised how well you did for the cake, urging you to get seconds. he'd eat the whole cake, not leaving anything left for the crew.
he'd reach over to kiss you, the frosting interspersing on your tongues. "thanks, baby." he mumbled through your lips, smiling. you'd comb on his locks while he presses your torso to his.
"that's not all my surprises though, you wouldn't figure this out."
"really, now?" he tugged on your bottom lip. "i can't wait for the surprise during the night." he planted a kiss on your jaw.
"come on, come on. let's get some breakfast!" you got off his lap, pulling his arm to lead him to the deck.
you took kidd to the decorated deck. red, black, and gold ballons scattered on the floor. colorful streamers and flaglets adorning the railings. a round table stood by the middle with two chairs. "what is this?" kidd asked, shimmying through the ballons and streamers that blocked his way as you led him.
"just sit your ass down, kidd." you sat him down and took a seat yourself.
you gestured to the assigned waiter, a.k.a. the kidd pirates' rookies you bullied into agreeing to be the butler for the foods, only to do the signal for about three fucking times kidd started laughing at how silly you looked. you looked back, seeing the group of men who were supposed to be your butlers to be drunk as hell, stumbling over themselves or lying on the floor. they must've drank last night, you haven't had the chance to check on them this morning since you were a mess yourself.
"love, i-it's okay, we can just-" kidd intervened, seeing how stress you are becoming.
"no...!" you promptly responded, finally facing him. "i'll just get them myself." you stood up, walking back in shame. good thing killer was there to help you bring food to the table.
after that disaster, kidd was fondly waiting and ready to start eating with you. fortunately, kidd lightened up the mood by cracking up some jokes here and there. well, he wanted to see you laugh a lot on his birthday. that's what he wished for.
you two spent the day singing and drinking with the crew. playing games with everyone to pass time. having a huge boodle fight. and chewing up the rookies who fucked up earlier.
until the evening came and everyone was either cleaning up or flat out drunk. you and kidd are already in his quarters as you donned a lacey lingerie in red. kidd was waiting by the edge of his bed, legs spread as he took in the sight of you.
"come 'ere, tiger." he bit his lip, doing the 'come' motion on his hands. you made your way toward him, teasing by walking slowly, keeping eye contact, your hands tracing your body from your hips to your chest. when he finally had you in his grasp, the door busted open.
"c-captain! th-there's fire!-" a daring rookie had bursted out of the door, he seems to be in real panic since he wasn't fazed by the glare of the both of you until he finished his sentence.
"what?" kidd answered, pissed at the interruption. "this better be fuckin' serious or i'll throw you overboard." he stood up while you grab your robe to cover yourself up.
"start talking." you crossed your arms, the blush on the boy's face was evident by the sound of you.
"h-heat-san and wire-san are washing up but... suddenly there was fire." he stuttered, nervously sweating under both of your gazes.
"there was fire when they're...washing up?" kidd repeated, puzzled at the fucked up statement. both of you rushed to the kitchen and there was indeed fire. the entire wall was burning and simmering in flames, heat must've been so drunk. kidd slapped the back of heat's head, asking him what the fuck he was doing while you stand disappointed in the corner.
since it looked like kidd had it under control, you sighed and silently went by the bow of the ship. your heart was heavy and you were so sad that today was full of fuck ups. your cake surprise was blown, the romantic breakfast was a bust, and the sexy time was interrupted. you couldn't even make kidd's day romantic and magical. you leaned by the railings, staring at the sea as you let tears flow by your eyes.
kidd soon took notice of your absence so he immediately went on his way to find you.
"hey." he called out, knowing that you're already crying from the way you were hunched over and your shoulders were shaking. he placed an arm around you, rubbing your shoulders as you rested your head on his chest.
"i'm sorry." you mumbled with wet cheeks and quivering lips. "this day was supposed to be special, but everything i planned for was a disaster."
"don'tcha worry about it, sweetness. you can always make it up to me later, with no clothes on." he squeezed your cheek, winking afterward. "but in all seriousness, i had fun today. it's all because you were there." he rubbed the tears off your eyes, kissing your forehead afterward. "the cake, the breakfast, and god the way you looked in that lingerie. it was the first birthday that i was entirely grateful for this day cuz you made me feel really, really special. aye?" he held your cheek with his hand, earnestly looking through your eyes. "you're the greatest fuckin' present i have ever received, you know that?"
"romance looks good on you, kidd." you smiled, tiptoeing to kiss his cheek. his snowy skin soon being flushed from your gesture.
"aye." he tucked strands of hair by your ear. "but you know what else will look good on me? you." he instantly carried you over his shoulder like you weigh nothing and carried you to his quarters. "let's fuck until daylight cuz that's what the birthday boy wants."
he started off by leaving lip marks on your thighs, biting, kissing, and licking the plump flesh while he was carrying you. he plopped you down the bed, his golden eyes teemed with desired as it peeked through his crimson locks. he slid your panties down with his teeth, his breath tickling your skin, and tossed them somewhere on the floor. he slithered his tongue down the crevice of your folds, his metal arm held your neck in a firm grip while his human arm played with your mounds. he eagerly sucked and nibbled on your folds, spreading them deftly. he elicited vulgar moans from you, moans that would make the crewmates from the other room sweat coldly. he loved the way you pulled on his hair as you screamed for more.
he then lied on his back by the bed, arm at the back of his head as he watched you bounce yourself on his length. his hard, girthy length spreading your cunt as you struggle to sit on it. your back was facing him, ass on full display for him to play with. it was his favorite position after all.
he savored how you periodically looked back at him with that helpless expression, lost in ecstacy and pain. how your pants were in rhythm with his grunts as he relishes on your tight warmth. so when you mutter that you're close, looking back with a pleading gaze as your cunt felt numb and your rear was red from his handprints, he felt himself release inside, not being able to hold back from the literal dream that was before him.
"fuck, sorry, i couldn't hold it b-"
"you're lucky my period just finished." you joked, smiling at him. "besides, it's your birthday. i'd consider it."
once you came, he planted a kiss on your shoulder before hugging you by your waist, tightly basking in your warmth and touch. "sun's still down." he bit his lip, anticipating your reaction.
"you're lucky it's your birthday."
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waaaahh it's my baby's birthday!! 🌷i just rushed this during the 6th oml 😩 nsfw ver coming soon i promise!!
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forgeofthenine · 6 months
Could I request the tiefling bachelors with a lover from Elturel who opts to leave with them when the tieflings are exiled from the city?
This was one of those requests where I started writing and just couldn't stop, I love this idea and it was so refreshing to just be able to write off vibes without any real issues. Thank you for the wonderful request Anon, I hope you enjoy <3
The bachelors when their partner joins them in exile
Dammon isn't stupid, he knew when Elturel was returned to the surface that tensions wouldn't resolve easily
What he wasn't expecting was for his non tiefling lover to come find him as he packed a bag of whatever tools he could carry
There in his workshop doorway is where you stood, panting and catching your breath, and Dammon pauses
He's wondering how you might say goodbye to him, after nearly a year of being lovers no goodbye seems like enough to him
It's hardly a shock when you launch yourself into his arms and pull him down for a kiss, what does surprise the blacksmith is when you ask to join him afterwards
It's a quiet plead, you know it sounds desperate but time is running short and it's impossible to imagine a life without this man
Dammon is honestly conflicted about the whole thing
He wants desperately for you to be safe, to live a good life, to be happy
You both know however that the two of you are happiest when together, and he's spent so long imagining the life he'll share with you
Despite the dangers he knows will be waiting on the road, he agrees to take you
Dammon will selflessly shield you from any mockery or criticism as you both leave with the pack of tieflings
He's happy to protect you from danger or cold while on the journey too, it's easy for anyone to see his dedication to you in the way he acts
However, it would be a lie to say Dammon doesn't worry sometimes that you both might've made the wrong choice, that being exiled with him might be your ruin
Those thoughts will only be quashed in the future, when you both reach Baldurs Gate, but for now you two snuggle by campfires as Dammon sneaks some of his food onto your plate
Zevlor is in bad shape when Elturel is returned to the surface where it belongs
He and the rest of the hellriders disgraced, his fellow tieflings all being driven from the city
The paladin has a couple residual injuries from the fall and the ensuing chaos, trying to nurse them as he and the others are driven out
It all happened so fast, things passing by in a blur until he hears someone calling his name
It's no secret you're the lover of the hellriders general, the two of you had been together happily for a couple years now
He's shocked to see you sprinting over to him, a satchel thrown over your shoulder as you call for him to wait a moment
As soon as you reach the man he's ready to pull you against him, trying to hide you from the judgemental stares of others as he asks what you're doing
Zevlor is honestly speechless when you tell him you're joining him in exile
As much as he loves you, he doesn't want it at first
The most important thing to him is that you stay alive and safe, he can't guarantee that if you join him on the road
It's only when you tell him 'staying in Elturel can't guarantee that either' that he'll finally acquiesce
He's careful to take notice of your comfort, making sure you have good shoes and a warm blanket even if it means him going without
Zevlor is both dedicated and a protector, sometimes it takes you talking to him before he sees that he needs to be a priority for himself too
You spend your time sat on his makeshift desk in the grove, making sure Zevlor eats and drinks enough while looking over his maps
You'd known Rolan and his siblings for years, your families close as the four of you grew up together
The budding wizard had always been drawn to you, much to his own annoyance at times, and it was no surprise when the two of you became lovers as teens
When Elturel was returned to the surface there was chaos and confusion through the streets, seemingly the only thing people could agree on was to blame the tieflings
Rolan himself was focused on trying to get Cal and Lia out safe, not worried about himself so long as they make it out unharmed
What draws him out of this focus is when you meet the trio at the gate
Your face is flushed, hair a mess from your heedless running towards the group of tieflings, and at any other time Rolan would consider it an attractive look on you
His own clawed hand grips yours as you pull him into a firm hug, and as soon as you ask to join him you feel the warmth of his tears against the skin on your collarbone
It's so relieving for him to know you still want him, despite the shunning that comes with it
Your thumbs wipe away the tears gathered in the corner of his eyes when you both pull away, his hand quickly taking yours as you all join the group of refugees beyond the walls of the city
While tempers run hot between him and Lia as you all journey, particularly when he wants to split from the group in the grove, everyone can rely on you to calm him
He struggles with the lack of privacy and the high tensions both wearing on his patience, but having you to confide in is endlessly helpful for him
Even while on the road, you two often sneak away to spend time alone and if you're lucky Rolan might even put on a bit of a magic show for you, much to the amusement of his siblings
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milfjuulpod · 2 months
Guidance Ch IV
An apology is shared between you and Melissa, with a surprise had afterwards.
read the first chapters here
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A/N hi don’t hate me for this being so late, i’m working on the next chapter for you lovelies already! does anyone read these notes? anywho lmk what you think!! kisses 💋
Before your alarm went off in the morning, you were up. Anxiety high, mind full of everything that could go wrong meeting with Melissa today. Last time you saw her it went…not well. You were ready thirty minutes early, heading to the coffee shop much faster than you should be driving at 6:30 in the morning. 
Coming on to the school grounds, you had your bag slung over your shoulder, two coffees in hand. A latte for you, and a macchiato for Melissa. Of course there was an apology to go along with the coffee, but it couldn’t hurt to bring her a little present. After dropping off your personal belongings, you made the unbearable trek to her classroom. The warmth from the drinks didn’t help the sweat coming from your hands. 
At her door, you took in a deep breath. Never before have you been so nervous to apologize. What if she was still mad and didn’t want to listen? What if she didn’t believe you? Realizing the options were to go inside and give it your best shot, or stand outside the door and spiral out, you finally decided on the former. 
A couple quiet knocks on the door, and you gently let yourself in. Melissa’s head popped up at the sound, her demeanor stiffening at the sight of you. “Hey, I wanted to apologize,” you started. The redhead said nothing, in fact she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. Nonetheless, you approached her desk and continued. 
“I shouldn’t have believed what I heard, especially since things were going so well, there was no reason to. And I’m sorry for making such a big deal out of it. I know you’re probably regretting starting to be friends, so I hope we can at least remain professional.” You ended the statement by placing the coffee in front of her and immediately leaving. After accidentally getting a bit emotional with your words at the end, you just wanted to leave. 
Luckily your office wasn’t far, and you were back in a safe space, for now, at least. You pulled out your phone to text Gregory that you took his advice and hoped for the best, and texted Janine the same thing as well. One for logical support and one for girl talk, of course. After wrapping up those conversations, you started up your computer for the work day. Only fifteen minutes until the kids came in, which didn’t affect you as much, but chaos would sure ensue. 
You had barely gotten started when there was a knock at your office door, strange since it was so early. You offered a “Come in!” and poked your head past the screen to see who could be needing something at this hour. It was Melissa, with a look you hadn’t seen on her before. Embarrassment, shame maybe. 
     “Hey,” She started, closing the door behind her. She didn’t sit down at your desk though, instead she remained at the door. “Thank you for the coffee, you didn’t have to do that. If anything I’m the one who should be sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that hon, I know how Janine can be and the reputation I have. I know you mean well.” 
You were silent for a moment. Shocked, honestly, at Melissa’s words and actions. It took you a moment to gather your words, trying to be careful this time. 
       “It’s okay. I think it’s safe to say neither of us handled it well,” You joked. She smiled, but didn’t look at you. The floor seemed to be more interesting at the moment. The redhead stood there silently, looking at the floor. Her smile faded into a furrowed brow. Unsure of what to do, you waited, afraid of scaring her off. From what you knew about the woman, Melissa was not one to get emotional with others, so treading lightly seemed best. 
      “I don’t regret it, by the way.” She finally spoke. Her emerald eyes finally returned to your gaze again after she got her first sentence out. You bit back a smile, trying to hide the joy and pride from watching Melissa work out and speak about her emotions not only in front of you, but to you directly. It was a big step for her, so it was clear she was no longer upset with you. She seemed to be in a better place, so you tried for more. 
      “You don’t regret what, Melissa?” You asked, but instead of keeping eye contact, you focused on moving your bag from the desk to the floor and a few other items around, giving her a moment of space and pseudo-solitude. 
       “Being friends with you. Earlier when you were…bringing me coffee you said I might regret starting to be friends with you. I just want you to know I don’t,” She answered after a couple moments. You looked back up at her and smiled, unable to hold it back this time. “I’m happy to hear that, I’ll see you at lunch?”
        “I’ll see you there,” Melissa replied and returned your smile, turning to make her exit. “Hold on…Did you just, guidance counselor me?” She asked, hand frozen on the door handle. 
      “Maybe,” You replied, not taking your eyes off the screen in front of you. The redhead huffed in annoyance but you turned your gaze at the right time and saw she was still smiling. 
The first half of the day was easy to get through thanks to the buzz from seeing your work crush earlier. Lunch luckily came sooner than expected, and you made your way down to the break room with a pep in your step. Upon arrival, you saw Melissa and Barbara were already at their usual seats, with a third empty spot next to Melissa. You started walking towards the fridge, but stopped halfway. In an effort to make amends with your friend this morning, lunch was completely forgotten about. With a sigh, you turned back around to get lunch elsewhere. 
       “Hey kid, where ya goin?” You knew that voice from anywhere. With an extra pouty look, you turned to face Melissa. 
       “I may or may not have forgotten my lunch this morning, so I’m going to grab something at the store really quick,” You answered. Melissa kicked out the seat next to her and motioned for you to come to her, so you did. She pushed the tupperware she had to you and got up to the fridge to grab a salad she had as well. When she sat back down, you gave her a quiet thank you, to which she gave you a warm smile. 
    Your phone buzzed on the table, a text from Jacob that read, I’m glad to see this morning went well! 
    You smiled and set the phone back down, and when you looked up, Melissa was looking at you with a smirk and raised brow. Rolling your eyes earned you a nudge from the other woman, she obviously saw the text as well. Lunch continued with this light energy, everyone chatting about their day and whatever was on their minds for the next thirty minutes. It was nice, you were starting to feel settled at Abbott. Even though the issue with Melissa wasn’t pleasant, it made you realize how quickly you had become one of the group.
Despite getting a head start on this morning, the day seemed to drag with the amount of work on your plate. It wasn’t until after the kids had left that you were finally pulled away from the strenuous projects you took on. 
“It’s open,” You said sweetly to whoever was behind the door, not yet glancing up from the computer. 
“Hey, what’s-Oh! Melissa!” You interrupted yourself as soon as you looked up and saw the Italian woman. She tried to hide her smile and pink cheeks, but you caught it, just in time. 
“Hi hon, could I sit with you for a minute?” She asked, but instead of pulling out the chair in front of you, she crossed sides of the room and sat herself atop your desk, barely scooting over your keyboard. 
“Yeah go ahead, make yourself at home,” You teased. In that instant, you realized how close she was to you. Her knees were level with your abdomen, just a couple inches away, sitting oh so pretty on your desk. You couldn’t look anywhere but her even if you wanted to, and couldn’t help but wonder if she did that on purpose. 
“Listen…I’m startin’ to think my apology this morning wasn’t enough. Let me make you dinner tonight, at mine,” Her sultry voice spoke. 
Dinner? At Melissa’s? Cooked by her? Was this a dream?
“Words, my dear. Yes or no? You won’t hurt my feelings.” It was so hard to focus on her words and speak your own when she looked this good, this close, treating you with this kind of attention. 
“I- Yes. Yeah, I’d love that.”
“Good, because I lied. That would’ve hurt my feelings,” She smiled at you, and you returned it. “I’ll text you my address now, just let me know when you’re heading over. I’ll probably start cooking around 6, but you’re welcome over whenever,” Melissa told you. She went to stand and take her exit, but you stopped her with your hands on her knees. 
“Wait, do you want me to bring anything? I can’t expect you to do all the work,” You said honestly, trying to ignore how warm Melissa’s skin felt through the fabric of her pants. Unbeknownst to you, she was trying to ignore the sensation as well. 
“Mm, I think I have a couple bottles of wine at the house but if you want anything specific I’d grab it on the way. Other than that, just bring you. That’s all I need,” The redhead smiled and gently took your hands off her so she could stand. As she walked out of your office, she shouted, “See ya tonight!”
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in1-nutshell · 5 days
Hey again I also kind of want to see Predacon buddy interacting with the Lost light crew a bit more more specifically them getting transported to the Lost light and just absolute chaos ensues
Steel Mauler's interdimensional travels continue!
Hope you enjoy!
3 Things that have happened on the Lost Light while Steel Mauler was visiting
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
1. The Predacon rides
“Has anyone seen Tailgate?”—Cyclonus
Skids shakes his helm.
“No? Have you seen Swerve though? I thought I’d catch him at the bridge but didn’t see him.”--Skids
Chromedome turning the corner after running.
“Has anyone seen Rewind?!”--Chromedome
Meanwhile on the other side of the ship…
Steel Mauler is happily giving rides to the minibots.
Rewind on Steel Mauler’s helm.
“Faster! Faster!”—Rewind
Swerve clutching their neck tightly.
“Slower! Slower!—Swerve
Tailgate looking behind them.
“Keep it steady!”--Tailgate
They have given rides to many of the bots on the ship.
Minis are frequent riders, not that they mind anyway.
Everyone has at least gotten one ride on the Predacon.
Some don’t like the experience too much; others have to stop certain crew members from tiring the older bot out.
The last thing the crew needs is Steel Mauler collapsing on some poor bots.
Whirl is trying to talk them into letting him ride them into battle in their alt mode.
2. Warm naps with a Predacon
Steel Mauler is practically a giant furnace.
Something great to snuggle with when the temperature gets colder and for the bots with joint pains.
Turns out heat could help with the pain.
Great for cuddles too.
Bots have hidden in their frame and have ended up napping with them. Mainly because the older Predacon loves grabbing things when they are sleeping and refuses to let go until their nap is done.
No one is going to disturb a sleeping Predacon.
“Has anyone seen Rodimus?”--Minimus
“No, I haven’t. Have you checked his habsuite?”--Megatron
“That was the first place I checked.”--Minimus
“Where could he be…”--Megatron
Rodimus is struggling under the weight of a sleeping Steel Mauler’s arms as they pull him closer.
He only wanted to escape today’s meeting, now he had to escape this.
“Okay… not the best idea… maybe if I wake them—”--Rodimus
“Don’t do it or they’ll move on top of us.”--Cyclonus
Rodimus looks down and sees Cyclonus trapped as well.
“How long have—”--Rodimus
“I don’t want to talk about it.”—Cyclonus
“How do you know—”--Rodimus
“I don’t want to talk about it.”--Cyclonus
3. Story time from the other universe
Steel Mauler loves telling stories about their universe at the most random times.
Many of these stories get the bots attention.
But… the feelings afterward are mixed.
Some are more upbeat… while others are a bit more startled.
And by startled its more shocked and scared.
It’s a quiet evening at the bridge.
Steel Mauler walks by looking at everyone in the room.
“Megatron, have you found any purple glowing rocks?”—Steel Mauler
Megatron raises his optic.
Steel Mauler nods.
“Just don’t stab it in you spark chamber or you’ll be speaking to Unicron for a week.”—Steel Mauler
Steel Mauler walks out of the bridge.
“Yes well—UNICRON?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!”--Megatron
“Someone get Steel back in here!”--Rodimus
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when the predacon lore comes up randomly.
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dyhayc · 2 years
A Polaroid Is Worth A Thousand Words
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader (Fluff, Humour, Smut)
Summary: It’s summer break! You, your boyfriend, and your friends go on a road trip to meet with the Byers in California. Chaos ensues
Word Count: 7.9k
Warnings: Self-esteem issues/previous negative body image, MDNI 18+, explicit consent, protected sex, innocence kink, corruption kink, praise kink, a little dumbification, a little hand kink, a little oral fixation, a hint of temperature play, a hint of a choking kink, fingering, piv penetration, semi-public sex, virgin!reader, blatant misuse of a popsicle
A/N: I was inspired to write this because I had to pack for my vacation to a beach area. I know this is pretty divergent from my regular stuff. I try to write fluff only (and honestly this is my first time writing anything nsfw) but I’ve been thinking about this specific scenario a lot and I had a long plane ride so… yea. The intrusive horny thoughts won today
Also most of this was written pre-part 2 so I’m just gonna ignore cannon lmao. I actually haven’t watched it yet (I made the mistake of opening Tumblr because I forgot it was July 1st and instantly saw a spoiler, so I’m aware of… things). This can be considered an AU because I know that it doesn’t match up with s4 pt2 at all
The last sentence is a gift for all the people who miss Eddie
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Light wash or dark wash? A dilemma that has taken twenty precious minutes from your life. Space in your luggage is limited, and you’re too indecisive to make a choice. Which pair of jeans to bring isn’t the first tough fashion decision you’ve had to make tonight. Over half of your closet is scattered around you. Clothes on hangers struggle to grip onto every ledge available in your room.
Typically, you’d pick the most comfortable clothes from your closet and call it a day, but you and Eddie made a deal. He’d told you that if ‘86 was his year, it would be yours too. At first, you pretended not to know what he was talking about, but he’d just raised his eyebrow, and you knew he knew.
High school had caused a lot of insecurities about your body, mainly because of your “friends” who were catty at best and downright rude at worst. Every day, they’d rate each other’s outfits. However, when it came to you, they always commented about your body rather than your clothes. There had never been a day where you’d felt comfortable in your skin. Getting together with Eddie was one of the best things to happen to you. He helped you to gain your confidence back after years of suppression. He’d always gone out of his way to help you; it was how you’d met.
It was dark that night. The grey storm clouds looming over Hawkins threatened to release a torrent of rain at a moment's notice. They’d been around for days, intimidating but never actually storming. Unfortunately, luck was not on your side. The rain was predicted to pour the night of your graduation.
Even though graduating is a momentous occasion, the ceremony was boring beyond belief. The school had been too cheap to rent a venue, so the entire class of ‘85 and the accompanying families were squeezed into the gym. The speeches were shallow, it smelled like homecoming, Tammy Thompson performed a horrendous rendition of your class song, and to top it all off: you didn’t even get your diploma, just the holder. Everyone had to return with an ID the next day to get the real thing.
Afterward, you were dying to get home, but your friends wanted to attend some grad party. And by “grad party,” they meant going to an abandoned barn and getting shitfaced with half the class. Parties had never been your thing, much less one where everyone would be so fucked up. Maybe you were naive and wanted to believe your friends cared about you, but you didn’t expect them to be so upset that you didn’t want to go.
Thinking you would be hanging out with your friends, your family had left. To make matters worse, it was sprinkling meaning the storm had finally started. If you walked home, the rain would only fall harder, meaning you would get soaked. You asked your friends to drop you off at home, but they said, “The only place we’re going is the party. You’re either coming with, or you’re walking.”
You walked.
Down the jagged streets, you trekked for a few blocks. It was miserable. Your heels hurt your feet, but there was no way you’d walk through the muck and debris barefooted. Your robes were massive, inconvenient, and so thin the wind blew right through you. You were right about the rain. Effectively soaked, you were sure you’d be sick the next day. The disappointment got to you. What was supposed to be a happy day felt impossibly terrible. Sniffling, you weren’t sure if the water on your face was tears or raindrops.
A pair of headlights blinded you, so you raised your arm over your eyes to block the brightness. Brakes screech as the vehicle comes to a stop. Lowering your arm, you see the driver’s side window roll down. Inside is someone you never expected: Eddie Munson.
He seems as confused as you but leans out the window to shout over the wind, “Need a ride?” Considering your options, walk home and potentially get frostbite or ride in a van safe from the rain, you chose the van. Thinking back, it was stupid to trust a man in a van offering to drive you home in the middle of the night, but in the moment, the thought that he may be dangerous hadn’t even crossed your mind.
Running across the street, you open the door and put your soaked cap and holder into the van. Thank goodness they hadn’t given you your actual diploma; it would’ve been ruined in the storm. You unzip the gown, shimmy out of the thin, itchy fabric, and then sit in his passenger seat and shut the door. Embarrassed about the massive wet spot you’re going to leave, you mutter shyly, “Sorry about your seats, Eddie.”
You realize too late you’ve used his name, despite never talking to him before, but he didn’t seem to notice. Instead, he was distracted by the beautiful and, quite frankly, fancy dress you wore underneath your gown. So distracted, he took a second too long to respond, “It’s fine. This van has seen worse.” Unsure of what he means, you don’t reply and buckle your seat belt. He continues, “So, where are you headed? The party is the other way, y’know.”
You wrinkle your nose as tears gather in your eyes again. Vigorously shaking your head, you declare, “I wanna go home.” His eyes soften when you tack on a weak “please,” to your request.
He nods, “Of course. Where do you live?” You notice how his tone becomes gentler, his energy lowering to match your mood. He accommodates you effortlessly, but the thought only hurts your heart, knowing your friends would never do that for you. Hearing your address, he pulls a u-turn and drives toward your house.
You’re both silent, but he keeps glancing at you. Finally, he voices the words he’d been holding back, “Are you okay?” There’s hesitance in his voice as if he doesn’t know whether or not the question will break the relatively calm air of the ride. You genuinely consider ignoring him for a moment before deciding that would be incredibly rude.
Fidgeting with your fingers, you attempt to summarize your night, “I just- Well, after graduating, my friends wanted to go to the party, but I didn’t. I don’t know why they got mad. I guess they didn’t want to drive over to my house cause it’s out of the way. I live far from school, so I kinda get it, I guess.” You couldn’t help but make excuses for them. You didn’t know any better.
Though you couldn’t, Eddie recognized how toxic your friends were and pointed it out, “Sounds like you have shitty friends. A real friend would’ve driven you anywhere you wanted.” You stare at your feet. Deep down, you’ve always known your friends weren’t good for you, but they were comfortable, familiar. He just voices the thoughts you’ve been too scared to acknowledge yourself.
Internally, you rewatch every moment they’d treated you poorly, every time they’d disregarded your feelings, every time they’d been… shitty. “You’re right,” you say softly before laughing in disbelief and repeating louder, “you’re right. They are shitty friends. I can’t believe I didn’t know.” Turning to look at him, you smile, “Thank you.”
He seems baffled at your sudden realization, unsure if you’re being serious, but he still smiles back. “Y’know,” he offers, “Since you’re now friendless, you’re gonna need new friends.” Your eyes widen in alarm. How could you forget? Seeing your panic, he quickly adds, “Maybe I could be your friend?”
Insecurities bubble in your chest, and you question, “But what if you don’t like me? Like, when you get to know me?” Right as you voice your concerns, he pulls up to your house. Parking in front of your home, he unbuckles his seatbelt and turns in his seat.
“Why don’t we get to know each other right now? I have nowhere else to be.” Almost six months later, you’d found out that he had somewhere else to be: the party. He was planning on making bank from the drunk graduates who wanted to party hard. The funds he could’ve gotten probably would’ve paid for two or three months’ rent.
You agreed to chat, excited he wanted to talk to you. Both of you had stayed up for hours talking about anything and everything. You’d only left because you got so tired your eyelids wouldn’t stay open. For the next few months, you saw Eddie around a lot. You also met your new best friends, Steve and Robin, during that time. Working at Scoops-Ahoy was a fun, positive experience. It was even more exciting when Eddie would visit you, though Steve and Robin teased you endlessly for it. At least, it was fun until the “mall fire,” when you experienced the horrors of the Upside Down for the first time.
When news spread about the disaster, Eddie spent hours searching for you. When you’d finally been reunited, he’d confessed that the experience made him realize he couldn’t deal with the idea of losing you. At first, you were confused and thought he was trying to break off your friendship, but he realized you didn’t understand and told you point-blank he wanted to be your boyfriend. You were ecstatic and rushed to let your friends know about your new relationship. They had been excited for you, though Robin and Steve told Eddie privately that if he hurt you, he’d be in deep shit.
Your first date had been perfect. He took you to a park for a picnic. His cooking skills were… subpar, but it’s the thought that counts, and he had obviously tried very hard to please you. And, if that wasn’t enough, he gave you a polaroid camera. He said it was because he wanted to capture every beautiful moment with you. Your teasing about his cheesiness was to cover the way your heart swooned at how sweet he was.
Smiling at the memory, you search through your things to get the camera. Finding it in your dresser drawer, you grab a bunch of extra film and some colourful markers to shove in your backpack. Even though you’ve successfully packed a few items, there’s still the wardrobe dilemma left. With a groan, you return to your jeans and begin the internal debate again.
It takes a few hours of sorting and a break to eat dinner, but you’ve finally chosen all the clothes you want to bring. Now, all that’s left is your swimsuits. You grab a one-piece to be conservative, though it’s not your style. Going back in, you pull out a few mismatched high-waisted bottoms and bikini tops. Putting those away, you move to shut your drawer but hesitate.
Last summer, you were heading to work when you saw the cutest bikini set in the window of a store. It had a strawberry print and frilly detailing with ties on the top and bottom to adjust the size. That swimsuit haunted your thoughts your entire shift, so when you headed home for the day, you bought it. You were at the peak of your negative self-image then, so you never wore the bikini out. It was pretty, but it drew attention to insecurities you hadn’t felt comfortable showing in public.
You’re still not sure if you have the confidence to wear it, but your promise to Eddie makes you bring it anyway. If this is supposed to be your year, you want to wear your favourite bikini. And, if you have doubts, you can probably ask Robin what she thinks? She wouldn’t lie to you.
Content with everything in your luggage, you head to bed and mentally prepare to be stuck in a car with Dustin for hours. You love him like a little brother, but he does not do well when he can’t move around.
You slept in a little that morning, getting up at ten. Sitting in a car is oddly tiring, so you’ll definitely need that extra rest. Gathering up your luggage, you move it to your door. Everyone agreed to meet at your house, so you can chill in the kitchen until noon. You know they’re not going to arrive when they said they would.
Though you love him, Eddie is a hot mess who arrives at least fifteen minutes late to every event. He calls it “fashionably late,” and you agree, but for different reasons: he can’t decide what accessories to wear, so he’s never on time. Steve always wakes up late but still insists on doing his perfect hairstyle. Robin is just a disaster who can’t stick to a schedule to save her life. You adore your friends, but you also tell them to come an hour before you expect them to arrive. That way, they’re on time even if they’re running behind (and all of them always are). It doesn’t help that they’re picking up people today, which adds even more time to their arrivals.
It’s 12:26 when you hear Eddie’s favourite band faintly through your walls. Walking to the door to greet him, you lean against the pillar on your porch to watch his van pull up. You can hear Eddie bickering with Lucas and Max from your spot fifteen feet away. The second the van stops, Mike jumps out and walks towards you. “Hey,” you greet, “Fighting already?”
He rolls his eyes and replies ‘yea’ in an annoyed tone but doesn’t elaborate on the issue further. He makes a beeline for your kitchen, leaving you outside alone. Eddie is the next to go, and you watch him slam the car door aggressively before lighting up when he notices you on the porch. He throws his arms up into the air and exclaims, “My angel!” as he comes closer. He moves his outstretched hands to cup your face and whispers, “How did I get so lucky?”
You giggle, flustered, and mumble, “I think I’m the lucky one.”
He shakes his head and responds, “Wrong!” Before you can refute him, he leans in to kiss you. You reciprocate the kiss and wrap your arms around his waist to draw him closer. Both of you are too preoccupied to notice the other two kids, Lucas and Max, getting out of the van too.
Max passes you both without a word, but Lucas wrinkles his nose and makes it a point to comment, “Gross. Get a room,” as he goes into your home.
Eddie pulls away and yells after Lucas, “Be careful what you wish for. She lives here y’know!” Lucas groans, and you can hear him complaining to Mike and Max in your kitchen. You’ve never had sex before, mainly because you wanted to feel more confident in your body before doing something so intimate, but regardless, the threat is meaningless. Though, Lucas doesn’t know that. You laugh at your boyfriend, and he looks at you with his pretty doe eyes, currently filled with mischief, “What?”
Amused, you just shake your head and slip out of his grasp. Walking inside, you remember your luggage and turn around. Moving it all to the doorway, you clasp your hands and give him a little pout, “Will you help me?”
He laughs at your antics and starts grabbing your bags, “You didn’t have to pout to get my help, baby.”
Kissing his cheek, you thank him with a grin. While he’s stuffing your things in the back of his van, Steve pulls up. Robin rolls down the side window when you walk up. You greet them and get a chorus of hellos in return. Leaning your forearms on the car door, you tell Dustin the others are inside, so he runs off to talk to his friends. “Hi, Nance! I haven’t seen you in a while.”
Moving her head so she can see you, she smiles and replies, “Yea, it has been a while.” In high school, you ran in parallel social circles. Occasionally, you’d talk, but it wasn’t typical. After everything that happened with the Upside Down, you got closer. Last night, she’d slept over at Robin’s place, where you would’ve been too if you hadn’t procrastinated on packing.
Robin points out, “You’ll be stuck in a car together for a few hours. There’s plenty of time to catch up.”
Dramatically, you sigh and pout, “I wish you could be with us too, Rob.” Reaching into the car, you rest your hand on her shoulder and give Steve puppy eyes.
He cuts in, unamused, “No. I am not gonna be stuck babysitting again.” He points his finger at you, “If you wanna talk to Robin, you’ll have to sit in my car.”
Though you knew he was gonna say that, you still sigh and pat Robin’s shoulder, “Sorry, best friend.” Moving out of their way, they all get out of Steve’s car and disperse. You watch them go inside as Eddie comes up next to you. Grabbing his hand, you tug him towards your house, “C’mon, we gotta call Ms. Byers.”
When planning your trip, you agreed to call Joyce before you left. She wanted to make sure she’d have space ready for all of you to sleep. You’d tried to tell her you’d get rooms at a motel or hotel, but she’d insisted on letting you stay. She’d said it would be too expensive, and, honestly? She was right.
Everyone is in the kitchen area hanging out and chatting, so you go straight to the phone and call your friends in California. Jonathan picks up the line and slurs, “Uh, hello?” It’s obvious he had been asleep moments before. You tell him it’s you, and he responds, “Are you guys heading out now?”
You’re about to reply when Dustin comes up and asks to say something. You tell him it’s not Will on the phone, but all the teens have crowded around, expecting to speak to him. Relinquishing control, you let them do whatever it is they do. You learned early on that it’s best to just get out of the way.
Checking in with the rest of the group, you offer snacks and water if they forgot to pack anything. Everyone seems to be content with their things, though, so you just get water for yourself and Eddie. You know he’ll forget them if you put them on the counter, so you hand him both bottles. He radiates warmth that draws you in, you can’t resist leaning against his side. Glancing up, you see him softly smiling down at you, so you return it in kind.
Mike hangs up the receiver loudly, getting everyone’s attention. “They know we’re coming,” he announces, “We should leave now.” Desperation bleeds through his voice, obviously eager to get to El. You agree and usher everyone out of your kitchen. Heading out to the cars, the group splits into two. Going with Eddie is you, Dustin, and Nancy. Following Steve is Robin, Mike, Lucas, and Max. Ironically, Steve is taking more people even though he has the smaller car, but it had taken a long fight to get to these positions in the first place.
There had been quite a few rules put in place that limited the placements of people:
1. You’re riding with Eddie (that was non-negotiable)
2. Nancy didn’t want to be in the same car as Mike
3. Dustin insisted he be put with you and Eddie
4. Steve threatened not to come if he was put in a car with only younger teens
5. Lucas and Max requested to sit next to each other
The battle had been brutal, taking over two hours. Luckily, you’d been able to make seating arrangements that pleased everyone. People disperse to their respective rides as you slide into Eddie’s passenger seat, putting your backpack between your feet on the floor. The second he turns on the van, you lower the volume. Dustin leans forward with his walkie in hand, “We’re Eagle One. Steve’s car is Eagle Two.”
“When did we decide that?” you ask, confused.
He responds, “In the kitchen,” before turning on the walkie to talk to the other car, “Eagle Two, this is Eagle One, come in.”
Mike’s filtered voice comes through, sounding agitated, “No way. We’re Eagle One, you’re Eagle Two.”
Recognizing the beginning of a fight, you snatch the walkie out of his hand to break it up, “Dustin used Eagle One first, we call dibs.” You turn down the volume and toss it back to Dustin, who leans back in his seat and listens to what Lucas and Mike are saying.
Eddie glances over and chuckles, “Didn’t expect you to side with Henderson, babe.”
You stick your tongue out at him and jokingly say, “I have to throw him a bone sometimes, Eds.” Dustin exclaims indignantly in the background, but you ignore him. Nancy finally makes her way to the van, so you ask, “Everybody here? Are we ready to go?”
Eddie does a head count, though you only have four people, while Dustin calls over to the other car to check they have all their passengers. Confident you won’t leave anyone behind, Eddie pulls out, and Steve follows. Earlier in the week, your friends gathered any relevant maps they had for the trip. You volunteered to be the navigator, so they were all given to you. The route is pretty simple, though. The hardest part of your trip will be finding places to sleep.
The Hawkins scenery passes by for the first fifteen minutes until you merge onto I-80 West. From there, just follow the highway until you arrive in California. The drive should take about 35 hours, split into three to four days, depending on how much driving is done each day.
Watching grass and trees out your window gets old quickly, so you catch up with Nancy. She rests her elbows on the center console while you’re turned in your seat so you can talk closer together. After a while, you’re both gossiping instead, giggling at stupid rumours about Steve. Eddie seems to enjoy them and says he’ll remember to tease Steve about them later.
Both cars need gas, so you take a pit stop. Hopping out, you walk in circles to stretch your legs. Robin joins you and complains about Steve’s music choices. Teasing her, you laugh, “You’re in the loser car. What did you expect?” She glares and jokingly pushes you out of the way to walk inside the store.
Trailing behind Robin, you beg her to buy you an Icee. To your surprise, she does. You thank her endlessly, excited to drink it. Taking it back to the van, you show the slushie off and tell Eddie that Robin bought it for you. He jokes, “Is Robin your sugar mommy now?”
You stick your Icee-stained tongue out at him, and he takes a picture. You’re thrown off for a moment. You didn’t know he took the polaroid camera out of your bag. Huffing, you set down your Icee and try to steal the photo from his hands. He has much longer arms than you, so it doesn’t work out. Sitting back, you whine, “Why do you even want it, Eddie? I brought my camera to take exciting pictures.”
He laughs at your desperation to get the polaroid back and hits your forehead with it, “Every moment with you is exciting, sweetheart.”
The moment is ruined abruptly. “Why are you two being so lovey-dovey?” Mike questions as he settles in where Nancy had been sitting.
You counter, “Why are you being so dumb?” as you snatch the polaroid from Eddie’s hands. The developed picture turned out surprisingly well, so you decide to keep it.
“You’re not the Wheeler I expected,” Eddie comments dryly, also annoyed at the ruined atmosphere. Mike explains that Nancy asked to switch until the next pit stop; you all leave it at that. The last one to arrive, Dustin hops in with a bag of chips, and you’re on the road again.
Instead of listening to Eddie’s mixtapes, you turn on the radio this time. Flipping through channels, you settle on a random choice. There isn’t much of a selection out in rural Indiana. It gets warm in the car, but the breeze feels fantastic when you lower the windows. You all sit in silence as the smell of dry grass and humidity fills your lungs. The wind is so loud it drowns out the radio, but you don’t mind.
A new song starts, and from what you can hear, it sounds familiar. Turning it up, you realize it’s Mamma Mia, and you crank the volume higher. Laughing in delight, you sing along loudly to the lyrics. To your surprise, Eddie sings too. Dustin says something, but you can’t hear it, and you're definitely not gonna stop singing just to hear his most-likely cynical remark.
He gives up trying to convey what he was saying, instead turning up the volume on the walkie. To your surprise, you can hear Robin and Nancy singing along with you from the other car. The song is over, but everyone’s energy is still high. Rolling up your window, you listen to the group singing along with the radio, occasionally joining in when you recognize a song.
The time passes quickly with the new distraction, and soon enough, you’re at the second pit stop. Steve needed to go to the bathroom, so you found the nearest rest stop. Even though it’s going to be quick, you ask Eddie to photograph you underneath a huge tree. He gets one polaroid before Nancy notices and asks if you want her to take a photo of you both. Posing together, she snaps a picture of you and hands back the camera.
When Steve comes out of the restroom, you get an idea and have Eddie ask a stranger to take a photo of your entire group together. Corralling everyone together is a difficult task, only matched by trying to get them to pose for the camera. The end result is worth it, though, the picture is cute, and everyone looks great.
When you return to the cars, Dustin and Mike switch out for Robin and Nancy. Dustin makes it a point for you to be cautious with his walkie as he passes it, claiming, “with great power comes great responsibility.” You promise him you’ll keep it safe as you take it.
Steve is pissed that he’s “stuck babysitting” even though he threatened to ditch if that happened, but Eddie reminds him he’s too far to go back. Aggravated, Steve hisses at the teens to get in the car as he grumbles under his breath. Part of you feels bad, but another part is happy to finally hang out with Robin.
The ensuing conversation is chaotic. Most of your time is spent arguing about stupid things that don’t matter, but you’re grateful because they fill the time. Robin tried to walkie Steve once, wanting to include him in the conversation, but he was still mad, so he ghosted her.
It’s around 9:30 when you stop at a motel for the night. Anyone who has an income helps to pay for the two rooms. Sorting out luggage, Eddie takes both of yours to the room. You two get a bed, Nancy and Robin get the second, and Steve gets the couch. There’s a line for the shower, so you check up on the younger teens. They’re just watching some stupid horror movie, sprawled out randomly on the two beds. Deciding they’re fine, you tease them, “Don’t get nightmares,” before returning to your room.
The water is freezing, so you shower and brush your teeth quickly. You dress in your typical pajamas, one of Eddie’s t-shirts and a pair of shorts. Your movements are sluggish, the tiredness hitting you suddenly. Reaching your bed, you flop down onto the mattress. Eddie’s the last to shower, so you warn him the water’s cold as he walks away. The alarm clock next to the bed glares 10:13 in bright red lettering.
Huffing, you sit up and crawl under the sheets to try and get comfortable. Steve and Robin are already knocked out, but Nancy is still awake. She has the lamp on as she reads a book, but you’re glad for the light. After everything in Hawkins, you have to admit you’re afraid of the dark.
Eddie finishes his shower fast, dumping his towel in a random spot on the floor. You struggle to keep your eyes open as he lies down on his back next to you. Wiggling around, you find a comfortable position resting your face in the crook of his neck. He smells like the cheap bar soap the motel provides, but you still detect a hint of his usual scent underneath. He kisses the side of your head and mumbles, “Good night, sleepyhead,” into your hair. You fumble some words out that vaguely sound like ‘g’night.’
The following two days go relatively the same. The seating arrangements shuffle around slightly, you drive for about three hours, stop at a rest stop, sight-seeing spot, or gas station, take a few pictures, then repeat. When you get bored, you label and decorate your polaroids. You bought a photo album a few weeks ago to hold all the polaroids from the trip.
On the fourth day, you finally make it to the Byers house. It’s almost three am, so everyone just sleeps and agrees to talk tomorrow. You’re the first to wake up, apart from Joyce. The smell of pancakes leads you to the kitchen, where she’s making breakfast. “Good morning,” you say, rubbing your eyes.
She jumps, not realizing you were there, “Oh! Good morning.” Embarrassed, you apologize before asking if there’s anything you can help with. Food is scattered around the counters, and she appears to be having trouble making a meal for so many people. She motions to a cupboard full of pots and pans, “Can you cook some bacon, please? Thank you so much.”
Together, you make bacon, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, pancakes, Eggo waffles (for El), toast, and apple slices. While cooking, the topic of conversation is grim. You’re both recounting your experiences with the Upside Down and all the other terrible shit that happens in Hawkins. You’re grateful for her insight. She has a lot more experience with murderous monsters than you.
The more people that come in, the more chaotic the kitchen becomes. People snatch items from plates and fight to get food first. You’re surprised, but Joyce looks resigned, like she expected it. When El comes down, you give her the dish of Eggos made specifically for her, and she smiles at you. Observing the scramble for food, you decide to wait until everyone’s done before getting some yourself.
“So, what are you guys planning to do today?” Joyce asks, eating some toast. She has to work since it’s Friday, but tomorrow she’ll be able to hang out with you guys too.
“We’re gonna go to the beach for a few hours,” Jonathan informs her.
Lucas admits he’s never been to the beach before, and Max says, “It’s nothing special. Just sand, water, and trash.” That statement sparks an argument about beaches that you’re desperate to get away from. Pulling Robin out of her chair, you bring her to the spare bedroom where everyone’s luggage is. You pull out the bikini, change into it, and ask her if it’s too much.
She laughs in shock and says, “Too much? It’s perfect. Eddie will love it.” Then, she mischievously nudges your side and adds, “It’s sexy. He’ll love it. If you know what I mean.” She raises her eyebrows to emphasize her point and you push her out the door. Her words still give you confidence, so you put a sundress over your bikini and leave the room.
Once everyone gets dressed, you all head to the beach. For convenience, you park next to each other and open the trunks. Grabbing canopies, towels, bags, and coolers, each person brings something down to the sand. You help Steve set up an umbrella so Robin and Eddie can sit with you.
The sun is burning hot on your back so you peel off the sundress and leave it in your bag. Though you don’t notice, Eddie’s eyes are glued to you. His breath hitches at the view of your ass when you bend down. He’s never seen you wear such a revealing bikini before. The simple sight of your exposed skin makes his heart pound.
Jonathan has a cooler of drinks and popsicles that he’s offering to the kids. You ask for a coconut popsicle, and Lucas tosses one to you. Right after you start to eat it, you realize you left your sunscreen in the van. Letting Robin and Steve know where you’re going, you head towards the parking lot.
Eddie showed you a trick to open his van’s door without the key. There’s a dent in the door that will release the lock if hit hard enough. You’re about to attempt it when two hands rest on your hips. Scared, you jump and whip around, only to find Eddie behind you. He laughs as you angrily glare at him. “Sorry baby,” he says softly, kissing your cheek. His hair tickles your nose and you giggle, accepting his apology.
He holds up his keys and opens the door for you. Or at least, that’s what you assumed he was doing. Instead, he reaches inside, himself, and grabs the camera. You know he’s going to ask for a photo, so you whine, “I need my sunscreen, Eddie!” Still, he smoothly talks his way into just one picture.
Resigned, you pose for the camera, holding your popsicle out in front of you. There’s drops of melted ice cream gathering at the bottom, near your hands, but you wait until the camera clicks to do anything about it. Cupping your tongue, you gather the liquid then lick a long stripe up the entire length of the popsicle.
Eddie groans, “Jesus fucking christ,” before placing his free hand on your chest and pushing until your back hits the van. He crowds your space, hand remaining firm on you. His eyes are hooded as he looks into your wide, confused gaze. You hold your popsicle in front of his face and remind him, “it’s gonna melt.”
He pushes the popsicle away using the hand holding your camera. With the other hand, he can feel your heart racing underneath his palm. Your breath comes out in shaky pants as he slowly inches his hand upwards to rest on your neck. Leaning forward, he whispers in your ear, “God, you have no fuckin’ idea, do you?” An involuntary whine slips out, but it’s quickly silenced by a light squeeze to your neck.
“So innocent you can’t even see that I want you, huh? My sweet angel, so good you can’t recognize you’re being bad.” The way he speaks about you is reverant, like he worships the ground under feet. His big brown eyes shine with love and lust. You stare into them until your lips meet, then your eyelids flutter shut.
The kiss is intense, like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. He takes the lead and you let him, unsure of what to do. The tip of his tongue runs against the seam of your lips and you gasp, unintentionally letting him in. He explores until you have to part to breathe. A string of saliva connects your lips as you both gasp for air. He grabs your free hand and tugs you into the back of the van.
Shutting the door and setting the camera to the side, he grips your hips and pulls you onto his lap, your back fit snugly to his front. You feel his lips kissing the crook of your neck. “Do you want to continue?” The words are spoken into your skin. You nod, but he doesn’t move, “No, use your words. I need to hear it.”
“Yes, I wanna continue,” you speak quickly, adding, “please.” You can feel his smile on your skin, apparently pleased with your words. He presses wet open-mouthed kisses down your neck, starting behind your ear. Sliding his hands up from your hips, he slips them underneath the sides of your bikini cups. He massages your flesh before pinching your nipples. The sudden action makes you jolt. He chuckles at your surprise and moves his hands lower.
Fiddling around with the strings on your bottoms, a harsh tug pulls the ties undone. The light taps on your thigh signal you to lift your hips, and he throws the piece to the side. His right hand splays across your stomach and slowly heads downward. Leading with his middle finger, he continues until his entire hand cups you. His finger swirls around your hole, gathering the wetness there. The movement makes his palm lightly brush against your clit, but any stimulation is enough to send you reeling.
You’ve completely forgotten about your popsicle until he reminds you, “Don’t want it to melt, do you?” Stopping all movement, he waits for you to act. Shakily, you bring it to your lips and take a lick. Pleased, he slides his middle finger inside you with one fluid stroke. Forgetting all about your popsicle again, you let out a loud whine and focus on the feeling of his finger against your walls. He thrusts a few times, before deciding you can handle a second.
He runs the pads of his fingers up and down trying to find the spongy spot that’s guaranteed to make your toes curl. You gasp when his fingers brush against it, so he massages that area, purposefully rubbing the heel of his palm into your clit. You try to breathe, but you can’t. It feels like all the air has left your body, like your lungs have decided to stop working.
The popsicle stick is sliding out of your hand and you don’t even notice it, but Eddie does. Snatching it up with his left hand, he coos, “Do you need help, baby?” Unsure of what he’s gonna do, you nod cautiously. Bringing the popsicle to your lips, he tells you to open up. You obey, and he slowly presses it in until you can feel the freezing tip against the back of your throat. Pulling the popsicle stick back, you whimper at the loss. Confident you can handle it, he pushes it in and out matching the tempo of his hand.
The cold constantly grabs your attention as he thrusts it in all the way, every time. Now in the wet heat of your mouth, the popsicle is melting at an alarming rate. You’re trying to swallow it all, but there’s so much it drips down your chin and spills onto your chest. “So messy,” he teases, but you barely hear him, the pleasure from both ends is entirely too distracting. Attempting to ground yourself, you grip onto his right arm with both hands.
You’re getting close when he pauses to pull the popsicle out of your mouth. There’s only a little left on each side of the stick, so he eats it and throws the wood away. He praises you for being so obedient, “Good girl, you did so well for me.” You clench hard at his words and he mentally notes your response before moving his fingers again. You don’t know how he knows, but he asks, “Does my angel need to cum?”
Nodding, you squeeze your eyes shut, hard. Shaking his head, he continues, “You can, if you ask nicely.”
“Eddie!” you whine when he pushes particularly hard with his palm, “Can I please cum?” He hums in thought, pretending to consider your request. Meanwhile, his fingers are moving even faster than before, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. Your grip is like iron, now, fingernails digging into his skin.
He concedes, “Well, how can I say no when you ask so nicely? Go ahead.” You see stars behind your closed eyes, leaning your head back onto his shoulder. He presses soothing kisses to your neck and continues his hand motions until you try and squirm away, overstimulated.
You accidentally push back hard against his bulge and you both groan. Helping you off his lap, he gently lays you on your back. Brushing sweat-slicked hair off your forehead, he takes in all the mess on your chest. He licks all the white residue from the popsicle off of you, and you hope silently that he can’t hear your heart pounding hard under his tongue.
“Do you still wanna continue?” he inquires, chin resting on your sternum. You say yes, so he rucks up the top of your bikini. Mischievously, he sucks small marks on the sides of your breasts where the bikini will cover. He notices you watching with impatient eyes and shimmies out of his boxers, sitting on his knees. Lifting up your hips, he rests them over his thighs and gently runs his hands up and down your bare skin.
For a second he appears to be thinking, before he leans over and reaches under one of the seats. You watch, perplexed as he blindly searches, before pulling out a condom. In disbelief, you ask, “Really?”
He shrugs, “You never know when you’re gonna get laid in the back of a van.” You gawk at him, but say nothing more. Watching him put it on is mesmerizing, his hands are so nimble and big. You’re still fascinated as he grips the base of his dick and runs the tip through your folds. “I’m not gonna lie, it might hurt,” he admits, “I’ll go slow, okay?”
You just nod, the anticipation makes you feel afraid to say anything, in fear he’ll turn around and realize this isn’t what he wants. He pushes in entirely in one long movement, kissing your neck because he knows it will help distract you. The stretch burns, you scrunch your eyes at the feeling. Focusing on the crook of your neck, he bites down and sucks to make a mark.
You moan out and clench hard around him. Knowing he’s marking you is so indescribably hot that you can’t control yourself. The rational part of your brain takes over for a few seconds, and you complain, “you’re gonna leave a mark, everyone’s gonna see.”
Eddie laughs, “Well, it feels like you enjoyed it, sweetheart.” Effortlessly, he calls you out on your lie. Flustered, you stutter some lame excuse, but he continues to laugh at you.
Deciding to test the waters, he pulls out partially and pushes back in slowly. When you respond positively, he begins to speed up. The pleasure builds up and you cry out, digging into his shoulders with your nails. “Be a good girl and be quiet for me. Someone might hear you, angel,” he commands, reminding you that you’re in a beach parking lot.
“‘M sorry, I’ll try, promise,” you whimper, wanting to please him. All your energy is dedicated to keeping quiet, but it doesn’t work. With each thrust, you get louder and louder. It’s almost embarrassing how fast your second orgasm builds up, but he just feels so good.
His knuckles brush against your cheek as he coos, “Do you need more help?” You make a noise of agreement, so he slides two fingers into your mouth. They taste slightly like you. Moaning around them, you suck, which makes him groan. He rolls his hips harder, knowing you won’t be able to make noise. Every single time he hits the right spot to make you see stars. Dropping his other hand down, he rubs your clit in tight circles, increasing your bliss. It’s too hard to keep your eyes open now, so you allow them to flutter shut. The loss of sight only adds to the pleasure and you can feel your second orgasm rapidly approaching.
Eddie can feel the way your walls flutter around him. He demands your attention by pushing roughly on your tongue. Your eyes shoot open, and you look at him, vision blurred by tears. “Are you close?” he asks, his tone indicating that he’s expecting something from you. Knowing what he wants, you beg for your release around his fingers. Grinning widely, he commands, “Cum around my cock, I know you can do it. Be a good girl, cum for me.” He says more, but you can’t hear it, all senses consumed by your release. Your orgasm triggers his, and he finishes inside the condom.
Pulling out, he takes off the condom and ties the end, throwing it in the direction of the popsicle stick. You’d chastise him for being so gross if your mind wasn’t so hazy. In a daze, you watch him pick up the camera and take a photo. He takes the nearest marker, a neon pink one, and writes in shaky letters “my angel,” adding a heart to the right.
Finished, he pours some water from a bottle onto his beach towel and wipes the mess off your legs. You flinch when he presses too hard on a sensitive spot. He apologizes, cleaning you with a gentler touch. Eddie pulls your top to its proper place before finding your bikini bottoms and tying them for you. He slips on his swim trunks and nudges your leg, “C’mon, you need to rinse off.” You try to stay on the floor, but he forces you up and takes you to the beach showers outside.
With shaky legs, you struggle to stand so you opt to lean on Eddie, who wraps his arm around your waist. He turns on the water and helps wash the sticky coconut residue off your face and torso. His touch is soothing, and you lean into his hand, closing your eyes. You realize that you’re going to have to go back to the beach, so you mutter, “I don’t think I can walk.”
Turning off the water, he offers a piggyback ride. You perk up, “Really?”
He chuckles at your enthusiasm, “Yes, really.” Kneeling down, he lets you climb onto his back. Before going back to the beach, he stops by the car and hands you his leather jacket, “For the mark,” he says, tapping his neck to show you where your hickey is. You slip it on and wrap your hands around his neck, squeezing tighter and begging him not to drop you when he begins to run. “Special delivery!” he exclaims, setting you down between Steve and Robin.
You instantly drop back, “I’ve never been so glad to be on solid ground.” Dustin calls Eddie away, leaving just the three of you.
Steve has a stupid smirk on his face, which makes you squint at him. After a tense second, he asks, “Yea? You’re not glad about other things?” Realizing he’s pointing to the hickey, you pull the jacket higher on your neck, embarrassed.
Steve laughs, but Robin defends you, “Leave her alone, you knew they were gonna go make out.” She turns to you, “Next time you two are gonna run off somewhere, think of better excuses. Sunscreen and the bathroom are too generic.” You completely forgot about your sunscreen! You groan and drop your head back, covering your face with your hands. At least they think you were only making out.
Continuing the conversation, Steve starts bragging about the craziest places he’s made out. You tune out the conversation in favour of watching Eddie. He looks so genuinely happy here, with his friends, having fun. He catches your eyes and smiles wide. You grin back, content to watch him living happy and healthy.
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wholoveseggs · 6 months
Christmas Khaos
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~Five days of Fluffmas~
You settle in with the Mikaelsons for a cozy Christmas movie night, but when movie choices spark a sibling feud, chaos ensues.
1k words - No warnings, no smut! just pure fluff.
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You were cautiously carrying your mug of hot cocoa into the living room of the Mikaelson compound, observing Kol and Rebekah putting the finishing touches on the Christmas tree as you sat down on the sofa next to Elijah. The plan for the evening involved watching one of those cheesy holiday movies while snuggling in blankets with hot cocoa or eggnog.
"So, what movie did you all decide on?" you asked curiously.
"Die Hard," Kol smirked as he finished placing the last ornament on the tree.
"We already watched that a few days ago," Klaus huffed as he walked into the room. "I want to watch the Grinch."
"Of course you do," Kol scoffed.
"Those movies are terrible. We should watch a better one, like Love Actually!" Rebekah argued.
You turned to Elijah, who had decided not to involve himself in the argument. As the rest of the siblings bickered, you asked him quietly, "What do you want to watch?"
He looked over at his arguing siblings, then back at you. "I will always vote for whatever you want to watch."
You blushed and smiled, "Awww. That's sweet, but I'd still like to know your opinion. Do you have a preference?"
He was silent for a moment, looking deep in thought. "The Nutcracker."
"Seriously?" Kol said, breaking out of the argument he was having.
"Absolutely, The Nutcracker it is then," you announced, earning a raised eyebrow from Kol.
"Are we seriously going to watch a ballet?" he exclaimed, feigning disbelief.
Rebekah rolled her eyes, "Oh, come on, Kol! It's a classic! Plus, it's way better than your Die Hard obsession."
Kol shot back, "Die Hard is a Christmas masterpiece, unlike your sugary romantic dramas."
"We are watching The Nutcracker," Elijah said firmly.
The siblings groaned, but they still settled into the living room. You got up to put the movie in the DVD player, then returned to the sofa, sitting between Kol and Elijah. You grabbed the remote, and when you went to press play, nothing happened. You tried again, same result.
Elijah let out a deep sigh and stood, kneeling in front of the TV to fix the issue. Kol turned to you, giving you a sweet smile.
"So, darling, have any plans for New Year's?"
"Yeah," you nodded. "I'm going to a party in the Quarter."
"A party," he hummed. "I suppose you will be needing a ride there."
You gave him a questioning look. "Yeah… I guess."
He leaned in close to you, whispering into your ear, "I will gladly take you. In fact, I could take you home as well."
He leaned back, giving you a devious smirk. You bit your lip, feeling a little flustered. Kol was so hot, and the two of you had hooked up a few times. He was always so sweet and charming afterward and was just a good time in general. However, sometimes he was a little too flirty and mischievous for your taste. He had a habit of getting you into trouble. As his hand came down to rest on your thigh, you realized how easy it was for him to talk you into doing something reckless and dangerous. You had already done a lot of reckless things with him.
"H-how's the TV looking?" you asked Elijah, trying not to sound flustered.
"I can't figure out the source of the problem," Elijah replied, looking behind the TV.
Kol's hand started slowly inching higher up your leg. Your breath hitched as his thumb brushed against the inseam of your pants. You looked up to see Kol's smirk widen. He was really enjoying messing with you, and you were tempted to let him.
"Well, if it's not getting fixed anytime soon, I'll go get another hot cocoa," Rebekah announced, walking past the couch.
Suddenly the room erupted into chaos, the beautiful Christmas tree came crashing down, ornaments shattering on impact and scattering across the floor like glittering confetti. The air was filled with the jarring sound of glass breaking and the collective gasp of astonishment from everyone present. Everyone looked at it in shock, then jumped as the TV began blasting Christmas music at an alarming volume.
"Oh, for the love of—" Klaus started, but his voice was drowned out by the blaring Christmas music.
Elijah, still on his knees in front of the TV, frantically tried to mute the sound.
"Klaus, what did you do now?" Rebekah exclaimed, narrowing her eyes accusingly.
Kol, seizing the opportunity, grinned mischievously, "I bet Klaus sabotaged the tree to avoid watching The Nutcracker. Crafty move, brother."
“How am I getting blamed for this? I was standing across the room!” Klaus yelled in defense.
Rebekah crossed her arms, unconvinced. "Convenient, Klaus. Very convenient."
Kol chimed in, "Maybe the tree was threatened by Klaus's Grinchy energy."
Amidst the chaos, Elijah rose from in front of the TV, his calming presence attempting to restore order. "Enough, all of you! Let's focus on cleaning up this mess and salvaging what's left of our evening."
As Rebekah and Klaus continued to argue, and Elijah attempted to restore order, Kol's lips brushed against your ear again, his tone suggestive, "Care to get out of here?"
"Absolutely," you said, getting up from the couch.
Kol grabbed your hand and led you upstairs to his room. The moment you both entered, he pulled you into a kiss. The door closed behind you, muffling the echoes of the Mikaelson drama downstairs. Kol's mischievous grin persisted as he gently pulled away, guiding you backward towards his bed.
"Care to share what exactly you did downstairs?" you asked, a playful glint in your eyes.
"Just a little Christmas magic, darling," he smiled, leaning in to kiss you again.
You were sure the Mikaelsons would figure out it was Kol and come looking for him, but you weren't too worried. You knew how much trouble Kol was going to get in. Maybe you'd let him get away with it for a little while.
Besides, it was the most wonderful time of the year.
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Credit goes to Anon for this idea ♡♡
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endlingmusings · 5 months
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[ A jar in the shape of an ibex, retaining one natural horn, found in the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun. Photographed by Robert Harding. ]
"Millennia ago, northern Africa was much wetter and cooler. Monsoons struck periodically, and the Sahara was covered with lakes and vegetation. This greener version of Egypt was home to a mix of wildlife more like the one now found in East Africa, with 37 species of large mammals including lions, wildebeest, warthogs and spotted hyenas. The region began to dry out about 5,000 years ago, a time that coincides with the fall of the Uruk Kingdom in Mesopotamia (located in present-day Iraq) and the rise of the pharaohs in Egypt. The Egyptian people at this time switched from a mobile, pastoral life to one of agriculture and subsistence hunting. The new research shows that several species of antelope, along with giraffes and rhinoceroses, disappeared around the same time—extinctions that could be due to overhunting of herbivores. Shortly afterward, the long-maned lion vanished. Egypt became even drier around 4,200 years ago, during a time known as the “First Intermediate Period” or the “dark period.” The region depended on yearly flooding of the Nile to inundate the land and leave behind nutrient-laden silt to feed agricultural fields. But during the dark period, this flooding became inconsistent, crop yields dropped and famine ensued. War and chaos reigned, and eventually the Old Kingdom—and with it, the “Age of the Pyramids”—ended. This is when the roan antelope and African wild dog disappeared from the records. A third aridification event occurred about 3,000 years ago, again bringing drought and an end to the New Kingdom, a time that included Tutankhamun and 12 kings named Ramses. Egypt’s short-maned lions, revered as sacred and even occasionally mummified, vanished around this time. Then about 150 years ago, as Egypt’s growing population became more industrialized, more species disappeared, including leopards and wild boar. Today, only 8 of the original 37 large-bodied mammals remain."
- Excerpt from "Egypt’s Mammal Extinctions Tracked Through 6,000 Years of Art" by Sarah Zielinski.
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Xiaoatian in Century Egg takes the cake for the most dramatic entry into the world for the kids. Not much can beat going into labor in the middle of the Jade Emperor's throne room, while being wet nursed by the Queen Mother herself, and almost the Monkey King almost dying in childbirth. Like Yubei is very close with her eating LBD but it took several days for her to come out afterwards, Xiaoation literally had a span of a few hours
It comes with the title of "Harbringer of Chaos" XD
Each "MK" variant in the Wukongverse has to make their presence known to the world. So far I have these guys planned out;
Xiaotian/MK (LMK TMKATI au): Arrival causes a magtic hurricane to form outside.
Xiaotian/MK (LMK Canon): [REDACTED until S5] Nuwa was involved.
Xiaotian/MK (LMK Century Egg Au): Birth interupts the trial of Sun Wukong vs the entirety of Heaven and Hell over the soul of Macaque. Queen Mother of the West and Guanyin has to step in to midwife.
Xiaoyun (Monkey King Hero is Back au): Extremely tense hatching/birth after almost being killed by a deer spirit.
Xiao Qi (Monkey King Reborn): Artsy rebirth after having given up their life for their new friends + to defeat Yuandi. Vastly understimated how little they'd be.
Xiaoshi (Monkey King Netflix au): Little man busted out feet-first and tried running off Happy Feet-style. Paretns had to chase him down.
Xiaozhen (New Gods au): "Hey there's a free baby in this dumpster."
Ketu & Rahu (Meihouwang au): Born within microseconds of eachother despite one being a Stone egg, and the other a regular unborn baby. Chaos ensued cus no one could tell who came out of where.
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dracodazaii · 2 months
im sorry but i can never be a lyanna stan guys.
just lemme explain.
obviously this is only if she willingly went w rhaegar
To begin with, the situation in its simplest form is that Rhaegar and Elia are married, amicable yet not in love, and Rhaegar runs off with Lyanna, causing chaos to ensue amongst the realm.
Even if no war occured and everything was fine, how can Lyanna try to justify running away with a married man, especially on the way to her brothers wedding which feels very selfish, even if Brandon didn’t want to marry Cat, like she still ruined their wedding day.
Not to mention, that running with Rhaegar meant that shes inserted herself into his marriage which is Elia’s place. How nonsensical it is to run away with a married man and somehow marry him!
There’s two routes people go to justify it, and I’ll explain why I think they suck:
1) E-R-L is a polygamous marriage: This is not appeasable to the realm at all! Nobody will accept that. The only reason Aegon+Rhaenys+Visenya were accepted was because they were conquering Westeros, and like you can’t say shit about the guys conquering you!! Also the Targs were on thin ice then, and Maegor also tried, and look what happened afterwards!
2) E-R was annulled and R-L are married: I don’t think this is reasonable at all. Considering that Rhaegar is only HEIR, just like Daemon, for example. Both wanted annulments and both need the permission from the King and/or High Septon, but also considering how the likes of Aegon IV couldn’t annul his own marriage, do you really think a measly heir could?! At least in Daemon’s situation, he had no children, but as Aegon IV and Rhaegar both had kids (Elia giving birth twice in 3 years) theres no grounds for annulment, and it would disinherit his children potentially anyway, or even start a second Dance. As soon as you have a second wife, whether polygamous, annulled or dead first wife, war will be almost inevitable between the potential heirs.
Also Ik its not possible.. but can we stop with the E/R/L shipping in a serious manner (crackship is fine but in canon is 😐)
Like genuinely thinking mid-20s Elia would want to romance a 14 year old girl, would be fine with her husband romancing said 14 year old, or join in together, is so crazy to me. Like, yes Rhaegar is very much in the pedo-realm but why would Elia also follow suit??!
And like not to be a huge Robert Baratheon stan here (i hate GOT era him) but you can’t deny that it is the rebellion+it’s repercussions on his life, that change him so heavily into this twisted abusive, pedo man. He was not a great guy pre-rebellion, he slept around, was loud and rowdy, but I feel like you can’t really say that Lyanna somehow predicted that he would be this abusive evil man, tbh it seems like she just disliked his promiscuity which is valid, but in doing the same to Elia, her point gets invalidated in my eyes.
Also next point is the age-situation.
Now i know that obviously in a real life situation, a 14 year old girl is at no blame for the groomer actions of the adult…. however just look at how GRRM perceives this. like not as an “oh medieval girls married at 14, its fine” because they were still mentally children… but i mean how GRRM perceives relationships akin to R-L and characters by Lyannas age in ASOIAF-verse.
Ok so GRRM thinks R-L is romantic, which means that the groomer undertones aren’t necessarily meant to be there, and its meant to be more of a Romeo-Juliet situation (which heavily fucked over Romeos girl Rosaline ie Elia). He also believes Dany-Drogo and San-San is healthy, so I don’t think age heavily affects characters romantic feeling and actions much then.
Then if we see character Lyanna’s age, they’re treated as adults (yes some do have child impulses but overall adults). You have Robb acting impulsively like a kid, but ultimately being treated as an adult and being killed. I feel like even though they have kid impulses, they’re meant to get adult consequences for their actions.
Also ages as a whole is fucked up in ASOIAF in comparison to real world, like you have baby Rickon Stark going feral in Skagos, you have 3 year old Joffrey Velaryon/Strong squaring up to Aemond, and you even have 11 year old Benjicott Blackwood being an absolute beast of a warrior when in the real-world, he’d be just a kid, useless in defence.
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nottapossum · 5 months
Itty Bitty Sinners Chapter 1.1: The Test!
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Summary: Classification tests aren't typically taken by sinners, they're usually taken by the hellborn. But still Charlie decides it might benefit the hotel if everyone took the test so they can better understand them.....Chaos ensues
Notes: Hazbin hotel be like: You’ve been waiting for years and now you have this super dark yet meaningful story about mythology, the complexity of human nature as well as other worldy beings, redemtion, abuse, abusive relationships, substance use, toxicity, redemtion, corrupt systems and overall the fight between good and evil and how it's more complex than we're lead to belive.
Me be like: Aw! Babies! 😍
⚠️ READ ME! ⚠️This work is an Age regression/Classification fic. So there will be things such as Diapers and their usage, pacifiers, cribs, bottles, exc.But there will also be cursing and talking about sex, abuse, drugs, alcohol and lots of adult things when characters are out of headspace, and it also mentions some trauma. (Any future trigger warnings will be added to chapter notes if needed. Be careful.)
❤️Age regression is not sexual, it’s a safe coping mechanism.If this ain't your thing. Just don't read it.💜
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“Okay everyone! Today I have a bit of an experiment for you all.” Charlie announces. “You are all going to be taking the infamous Classification test!” 
“The what now?” Angel asks.
“This test will determine what kind of person you are! And it will help us better understand your needs to better help you. The types in question are: Littles, Caregivers, Babysitters, Pet regressors, Handlers, Guardians, and neutrals.” She explains. “Hellborns take this test when they turn fifteen to find out their best possible place in our society to live their best lives!” 
“Wait, so all hellborns take this test?” Angel asks.
“Yeah, is that new information for you?” Vaggie asks. “It's pretty common knowledge.”
“I have never heard of that!” Angel says.
“You know, you should go outside every now and then, maybe you'll learn something.” Vaggie says.
“Do you have any idea what happens when I go outside?” Angel asks her. “Not a lot of learning happening.” 
“Don't worry, I have all the definitions riiight here. I'll read them out for you.” Charlie says. She clears her throat and reads through the classifications: “First we have: Littles or regressors, these people will often regress to a younger state of mind to help them cope with day to day life. They're usually traumatized individuals who either had to grow up too fast or those who had a bad childhood, regressing allows them to heal their inner child. They also need to be properly taken care of by Caregivers.” 
Angel raises an eyebrow, but Charlie continues: 
“Caregivers are the ones assigned to take care of littles, these people usually have natural instincts
Much little Littles, Caregivers are thought to have a traumatic past but they cope by helping others.” Charlie explains. 
“Guardians or ‘protectors’ I think is pretty self explanatory. These people are very strong, fearless leaders who are very protective of their loved ones.” She reads, smiling at Vaggie at that part.  
“Pets or pet regressors are a lot like Littles, except instead of regressing to a child's mindset, they regress to an animal mindset.” 
“And Handlers are a lot like Caregivers except for pets. Usually Caregivers and Handlers go hand in hand, so it's rare for someone to get this classification.” Charlie explains.
“And what's the purpose of these tests? Like what happens to you afterwards?” Angel asks.
“Well, anyone who gets at least fifty percent little on the test will be assigned a caregiver, either a parent could adopt them, or a partner,” Charlie holds Vaggie's hand. “Or they'll be taken to an adoption center to meet their adoptive caregiver or assigned caregiver. A caregiver assigned by the people who run the program. Usually this is a last resort though.”
“Caregivers are very similar, having to have a little, and if they don't have one, they'll be assigned one.” Vaggie adds. “They usually can't get away without having one. Unless they're royal or have kids that is.” 
Angel's mouth hangs open. “...And this is just something you do? You assign people to other people and force them to live their life based solely on a random test they took when they were fifteen?!” Angel asks.
“Yup, pretty much.” Vaggie says. 
“And you're all just fine with this?!” Angel asks.
“It's a flawed system, I will admit. But it has helped a lot of people too.” Charlie says. 
“In what way?” Angel asks. 
“Well, Littles have someone to take care of them, and Caregivers have someone to take care of.” Charlie explains.
“That's stupid.” Angel says. “I am not taking that test.” 
“Oh, come on, Angel. We just want to help you.” Charlie says. “Everyone is going to be taking to, so you won't be alone.” 
“Who says I'm taking that test?” Husk asks as Vaggie tries to hand him one. 
“Everyone is taking it.” Charlie says again. “It'll be fun!”
“Wait a minute, if all the hellborn take this test, does that mean…you've taken the test?” Angel asks Charlie.
“Oh yeah, of course!” Charlie says.
“If you're going to be knowing our results, isn't it only fair that we know yours?” He asks.
“Okay. Well, I'm a classified caregiver and little.” She says, moving some hair back awkwardly when mentioning the little part. 
“You can be both?” Angel asks.
“Yup, 50/50. She says.
“Well, just because you're okay with it, doesn't mean I am.” Angel says. 
“What's wrong, Angel? Scared?” Husk asks.
“No.” Angel says. “I just-” Angel didn't know how to say it. “Fuck you!”
“Come on, Angel. Get on board.” Charlie encourages, handing him the test. 
Angel takes it and looks through it skeptically. 
Suddenly Charlie gets a phone call. She checks her phone but her eyes widen. “Oh.” She looks at everyone and presses the phone close to her chest. “Uhh… I'll be right back, you guys just answer these questions as honestly as you can.” Charlie instructs before walking out.
Vaggie looks at Charlie with concern and wordlessly follows her into the other room. 
~~~Charlie and Vaggie:~~~
Charlie got off the phone quickly, the phone conversation only lasted a few minutes, and even then she exclusively answered with small answers:  ‘mhm’ ‘sure’ ‘uh..okay.’ and finally ‘Yeah, bye.’
“Everything okay, Charlie?” Vaggie asks. 
“Everything is super!” She says, smiling brightly and adding extra enthusiasm to her voice to make sure Vaggie wasn't suspicious. 
“Oh good. So, who was on the phone?” Vaggie asks.
“Just- my dad. Don't worry about it. It's nothing.” Charlie says. 
Charlie was about to leave, but Vaggie grabbed her hand. “Hey, you know you can tell me anything….right?” 
“Of course I know that, silly.” Charlie laughs. “Everything is fine, I promise.” She says. 
“Okay…I trust you.” Vaggie shrugs, keeping a smile on her face. 
What else could she do? If something is wrong but Charlie doesn't want to talk about it, it would be wrong to pressure her. 
Charlie grabs Vaggie’s hand and smiles kindly. “Let's go back to the others. Also, you need to take the test too. I wanna see your results.” 
Vaggie rolls her eyes. “As if you don’t know what I am already? You're the one taking care of me all the time.”
“I'm just curious.” Charlie says. “And of course I will always take care of you, we take care of each other. It's kind of our job.” She chuckles. 
Vaggie smirks. “Well, yeah. But, you're not as young as I am.” She says. 
“Or as absolutely adorable!” Charlie baby talks.
“No way, you're way cuter, little or not.” 
“You keep thinking that.” Charlie says, booping her beloved girlfriend's nose. “But we both know you're the cutest little ever.” ~
“Come on, Angel. Get on board.” Angel mocks once Charlie left the room.
“That bitch is hiding something.” Husk says. “I can tell.” 
“Who cares? I have work to do.” Angel says, getting up and leaving the test behind. 
“It's the weekend.” Husk says. 
“Yeah, but Val has a party tonight and he wants me to help…entertain the guests. If you know what I mean.” He smirks. 
Husk rolls his eyes as Angel smiles at himself. He always looks so proud to get under his skin or make him feel uncomfortable. 
“You sure you don't want to take this with you?” Husk asks. “The princess won't be too happy when she finds out you're walking out on yet another activity.” Husk smirks in an attempt to tease him back. “...You might get in trouble.”
Angel gasps. “Oh please, I'm so scared.” He says sarcastically. “She won't do anything. The worst thing she could do is tell me she's very disappointed in me or some shit.” He scoffs, continuing to walk away. 
“Angel?” Husk asks him.
“What?” Angel asks. 
“Just…be careful. Okay?” He asks.
Angel frowns for a moment, then smiles. “Yeah…I will. Thanks.”
Alastor looks over at the cat, and smiles at Husk wordlessly. 
“Mind your own fucking business!” Husk snaps at him. 
Alastor laughs. “Well, if you didn't make everything so obvious, perhaps I would.” 
“I don't know what you're talking about.” Husk says. 
Alastor chuckles. “Of course you don't.”
Husk looks away from Al, turning his attention on anyone else-
It's what he always does… he observes. 
Sir Pentious and Niffty were already working on their tests, Niffty rather fast and violent and Pentious very slow and hesitant.
“This test is impossible!” Sir Pentious complains. “How can they expect me to answer these hard questions? What am I supposed to put for gender?”
Husk looks at the test, the questions varies from mildly personal, complicated, to way too personal: “How do you deal with your failure?” He reads out loud. Wondering how the fuck that could tell them their place in…
As Charlie put it: ‘Society,’
“I put down: kill tiny things and drink their blood.” Niffty says. 
“Blow stuff up!” Sir Pentious says. “Or perhaps I'd try try again? Oo! Both!” 
“You are all such a pleasure to have around.” Alastor says. Very quickly finishing his test with no issues. 
Husk was honestly surprised he was going along with this. He probably found the idea hilarious. 
Husk sighs, normally he wouldn't engage with something like this either, but he knew Charlie wouldn't stop bothering him if he didn't. It was a lot easier to just do it and then get the rest of his day over with. 
Charlie enthusiastically returns to the main room. “So, how's everyone doing?” She asks. “Where's Angel?” She asks before anyone could answer her first question.
“He left.” Husk says. 
“Oh.” Charlie says. “That's…fine. He can just take it when he gets back!” She says.
Vaggie sighs. “When is he finally going to take anything we do seriously?”
“I don't think Angel knows what serious is.” Husk says. 
They continue their tests, and Vaggie starts hers.
~~~~A few minutes later:~~~
“Finished!” Niffty says, handing her test back to Charlie. 
“Perfect, thank you Niffty.” Charlie says. 
“This test is impossible!” Pentious says. “How am I supposed to know all these personal questions?”
“Don't over think it.” Charlie says. “Just write the first thing that comes to mind.” 
Husk leaves his test on the table, and Alastor leaves his on the floor, then both of them go back to their business. 
Vaggie picked them up so as not to lose them. 
~~~Charlie and Vaggie, Later:~~~
All Charlie had to do was scan the tests on their computer and the test results would print themselves. They had gotten access to the program the test centers use. Perks to being the princess of hell. 
Her and Vaggie both awaited the answers for everyone. 
“This will be so great! Getting to know everyone better so we can help them." Charlie says. "I can't wait to find out what the results are!"
“Just- be careful. Okay? I don't want you to blow this out of proportion.” Vaggie says. 
“Psh, Vaggie! When have I ever done that?” 
“When you found out I was a little, you bought me the whole little store!” Vaggie says. 
“I gave it back after you told me to.” Charlie says. “I just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed.” 
“I know.” Vaggie says. “I just want to make sure you don't get yourself hurt...or scare anyone away. You know?"
“Ooo! Your results are in!” Charlie squeals, grabbing the paper from the printer. 
Vaggie rolls her eyes, but she's still smiling. She can't help it, Charlie is too cute. “What does it say?” 
“Fifty percent little, fifty percent guardian!” Charlie says. “As I expected.” She says, in some sort of accent to make her sound smarter. 
“Sounds right.” She says. 
The next results get printed. “Husker!” Charlie  sings.
Vaggie grabs the paper and reads it. “Seventy-five guardian, twenty five Neutral.” 
“Niffty: Fifty percent Handler and…” Charlie tilts her head. “And unclassifyable nonsense.” She reads. 
Vaggie nods. “Also sounds right.” 
“Ooo, Sir Pentious is sixty percent little and fourty percent neutral.” Charlie says. “Little snake!” Charlie squeals. 
“Okay, calm down there.” Vaggie laughs, taking the paper from Charlie. “Just grab the last one so we can get started planning the actual activities.” 
Charlie grabs the final test result. “Uhhh.” 
“What does it say?” Vaggie asks taking the paper from her. 
Charlie couldn't even answer, she just stayed quietly shocked as Vaggy looked over the results. 
Vaggie's eyes widen. “There's no. Fucking. Way.”
100% Little. 
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Taglist: @todayimfour
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lisbeth-kk · 1 month
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May Prompts
Today's prompt is: calm.
The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 7)
Summary: Rosie is brought to school in a police car, and it has nothing to do with her parents. What's more troubling is her attitude about the events afterwards...
Seven Years Old
Being brought to school in a police car by a uniformed police officer got me some unwanted attention, but there was nothing for it. (I say unwanted…)
Everybody thought it had everything to do with Papa’s detective work. A mistake easily made, but no, it had absolutely nothing to do with either parent, uncle or the DI at New Scotland Yard.
Dad and Papa were away for a few days, and Molly and I made a girl’s weekend out of it. We went to Madame Tussaud’s, Daunt Books, and St, James’s Park. Molly painted my nails, we applied hideous looking face masks and covered our eyes with slices of cucumber, watched the Narnia films, ate popcorn, ice cream, chocolate, pizza and Molly’s homemade scones.
When Monday arrived, I was eager to get to school and tell my friends all about the wonderful time I’d had. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth after breakfast when I heard Molly cry out and then a man’s voice spoke. Not a voice I was familiar with, and his speech was slurred. A commotion ensued.
“Stay calm. Focus. Deep breaths. You can do this, Watson.”
It was Papa’s voice, urging me into action with a calm tone, and I knew what to do. He and Dad had trained me for this if an emergency should occur.
Molly had a landline in her bedroom, so I called 999. The woman answering was very understanding when I told her, in as few words possible, that a man had forced his way into my godmother’s house, could she please send a car over asap.
We were in luck, because a car with two officers was patrolling the area. The doorbell rang a minute later. 
“The door is open. Come…”
Molly’s voice went suddenly muffled. The man was probably holding a hand over her mouth.
Bite him, Molly, I thought, but then the police entered, and chaos followed next.
It turned out that the man breaking an entering, was drunk, hence the slurred speech. He lived one street down, and evidently thought he was locking himself into his own house. Molly had left the door unlocked after she’d brought out the bins. We were after all about to depart minutes later. So, when this man saw Molly in “his” house, he thought she was a burglar.
Molly was a bit shaken, but the man had been too drunk to have the strength to harm her. Another car was called, and Miriam, one of the police officers, offered to drive me to school, lest I’d be late. (Actually, it was me who asked her.) The reason she acquiesced had probably everything to do with my heroic effort, and resourcefulness in saving the day.
I told Miriam all about Papa and that I knew Greg Lestrade. Miriam didn’t know them, but she’d obviously heard of the great Sherlock Holmes. I think she was a bit amazed that I was his daughter.
So, this is why I was delivered at school in a police car, just in time for my first class of the day. Our teacher was supposed to read us a story, but everyone, her included, was bursting with curiosity about this morning’s events. Now that I knew a bit more about the West End, as I was a part of the school’s theatre group, I gestured and dramatized as best I could, which seemed to have the desired effect.
That evening, Dad told me about what had happened after Miriam had driven me to school. Two minutes later, uncle Myc arrived, had a stern talk with Molly about locking her doors when his precious niece was in her care, and when Molly returned from work, a top-notch alarm system had been installed.
Also available on AO3
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