#and the ones who love bickering couples lmfao
rninies · 4 months
✮ idiotic love - gojo satoru
synopsis: gojo satoru annoys the hell out of you.
warnings: fluff, gn!reader, chaotic couple lol — wc: 698
notes: this is not enemies to lovers but one sided hatred LMFAO
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you and gojo satoru have been incompatible ever since you met him. it’s not like he’s ever said anything mean to you, but it’s because he annoys the hell out of you. every little thing he does makes you just want to punch him in the face. shoko and suguru have already seen the way you two bicker every time you see each other, and it is safe to say they are tired of it.
as fate wants, you and satoru have been picked to go grocery shopping together. jujutsu high requires a snack restock, and as unlucky as you are, you picked the short end of the stick. when satoru looks at the face you made when you pull the short stick, he laughs out loud, doubling over.
“are you laughing at me?” you asked, clenching the stick so hard in your hand that it almost breaks.
“yeah, i am. what are you going to do about it?” satoru says with an annoying smile on his face.
the irked you for some reason. “wipe that smile off your face before i do it for you.” you throw the stick at satoru, crossing your arms. “who got the other one?” when satoru lifts his hand up, you immediately shake your head. “no. no way. i am not going to the grocery store with him.” you gave shoko a pleading look, begging her to switch with you but all she did was shrug.
“sorry, y/n.” she apologizes half-heartedly.
“sugu?” you turn to look at him and he shakes his head, leaving before you can ask him. “you traitor!”
“hey come on. grocery shopping with me is fun.” satoru slings an arm over your shoulder. you flinched, surprised, and immediately moved away from him. “come on. the kids are waiting.” he winks and starts walking away. you groan before catching up to him.
the first two minutes were filled with silence, which was weird for satoru because he always wanted to talk to you. the silence… feels weird. you were used to a loud satoru, so a quiet satoru just… creeps you out for some reason.
“are you okay?” you asked, and satoru hummed in reply.
“mm, could be better,” he mumbles. however, he suddenly stops, making you shocked. “actually, no. i’m not okay.”
you raise an eyebrow. “what? what’s wrong?”
“this is so frustrating.” satoru scratches the back of his neck and then drops his hand frustratedly. “this question has been on my mind ever since we met, okay? why do you hate me so much?”
“what?” you paused, not knowing what to answer. why do you hate satoru so much? “you want an answer right now?”
“yes, please.” satoru crosses his arms, waiting for your answer.
“it’s the way you annoy me all the time. the way you always have to show off your stupid infinity power by using it whenever i try to throw a pillow at your way. it’s the way your stupidly handsome face is constantly on my mind!” you exclaimed, but then you immediately covered your mouth, realizing what you had just said.
satoru blinks and then smiles, shaking his head. “ah, so you have a crush on me?”
“no!” you wave your hand in front of his face, turning red. “no! i don’t like you! don’t get the wrong idea! i just-”
“nu-uh. you have a crush on me.” a smug smile is evident on his face and you immediately slapped yourself mentally. “the person who has been clearly hating me since the start has a crush on me.”
“stop! no! i didn’t say that! stop, you’re delusional. i do not have a crush-” satoru cuts you off with a kiss. your eyes widened when you felt his soft lips on yours. when satoru pulled away, you couldn’t move or say anything.
“cat got your tongue?” satoru smirks, he places a finger under your chin and squishes both of your cheeks. “come on. say something.”
“you-” you stuttered before turning around and start walking. “i hate you!”
satoru looks at you in shock before laughing, catching up with you with ease. his hand intertwine with yours, squeezing it. “i love you too.”
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taglist: @planetnini @xintre @kyoghurts @sad-darksoul (send an ask to be added!) <3
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Happy Monday fandom :) I love these episodes for them. I know they’re not always a fan favorite but I adore them. Just for the Chenford content alone. The married moments, the touching, the sassy banter. What’s not to love? Just like I did for 3x07 I’ll just be analyzing their moments in this ep. Since they’re disconnected from rest of group for most part. Let's get going shall we?
4x16 Real Crime
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Sunshine x Grumpy at it's absolute finest kicking this episode off. Lucy is so jazzed to be back. Her little foot kick after she asks how they are? I cannot. She’s so cute. Tim is already over it from the moment his sexy ass hits that chair. It’s so friggin funny. Our king of expressions is on one in this ep. Tim judges Lucy the entire time with serious sass throw in. Their banter mode is on right away and never turns off. We start off with them asking Tim if he saw the last one? Of course he didn't...
Why would he? The only way he would watch it is if Lucy forced him to. haha Lucy rolling her eyes at his answer but with a hint of fondness. She loves her grumpy old man so much. The married train has officially left the station. All aboard. The ride is gonna be hilarious. Tim gets them back on track saying they were first responders to the scene. Tim notes how frustrating it was with all the cameras and coverage nobody saw anything. Nothing useful for the investigation. I mean that is ridiculous tbh. I'm with him on that one.
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Lucy tries to add colorful sound bites and Tim is judging her so damn hard. The amount of sass in that second gif. He was not about that line at all. Like who are you right now? Their mini fight in front of the interviewer I’m dying. ‘Why are you SO happy?’ 'I'm being colorful!' LMFAO Lucy defends why she’s doing this and Tim can’t believe it. The bickering in hushed tones is too funny. Like a true couple. Lucy imitating a wife scolding her husband while defending herself.
God I love these idiots sfm. Naturally this is the last thing Tim wants to be doing. The shake of his head above is one of many to come. We all know he would much rather be out on the streets than dealing with this circus. Lucy going the opposite direction. Wanting to get them as many segments as possible We all know the less he's in this the better for him. He barely wants to be in the amount he's in now. heh
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This next section is one of my faves. First off I love and commend Lucy’s confidence to just rap in public. I adore her so very much. She couldn’t be cuter in this episode if she tried. Of course she has a karaoke jam I adore her. She is more than happy to share this info. We’ve talked about Eric’s comedic timing. He is absolute gold in this.
His reactions from start to finish are what make this portion so amusing. Goes from 'Huh?' to 'WTF is happening?' It's so funny every time I watch it. Tim doesn't need to say anything. His facial expressions say it all. The sheer amount of judgement he is throwing her way is immense. This is the woman you’ve chosen to love Timothy LOL
Lucy is in her own world as she jams this out. Tim is next her with all the judgment he can muster. These moments are one of the many reasons why he loves her though. Just being 100 percent herself no shame in the game. We know it’s these types of goobery scenes that he actually enjoys from her. She looks so joyful and happy when she turns to sing at him. Then she see's his reaction.... Prompting the iconic line below that always makes me laugh.
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Tim’s confusion of her rapping is everything I have to say. I think she’s partly trying to impress him with her rapping skills. He doesn’t give her anything though. LOL They’re so cute I might burst. The marriage moment to end this scene is the best. ‘Can I be interviewed alone? ‘ LMFAO. She is already over his grumpy ass and I’m laughing so hard. Eric and Melissa play off each other so well. It’s a delight to watch them. They have so much chemistry just sitting next to one another. It''s unreal.
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We flit back to them talking about Aaron’s father’s musical partner. Tim delivers a ‘colorful’ sound bit of his own. Lucy is beaming with pride. So much so she has to say to make sure it's noted. Interrupting to heap on that praise. Then casually touches his arm. Not a short touch either. It's 4 seconds. Yes I counted heh She lingers. I love watching Tim get all fidgety and hot under the collar after she does this.
Wringing his hands to shake off the feelings washing over him. Trying not to have his feelings recorded for this documentary. Too late... It’s so cute because one he clearly got a little contact high off that touch. Two she just complimented him publicly with the proudest look on her face. He is riding high ha Look at her. That is proud wifey mode right there. Especially after he thanks her for the compliment.
She tries to put herself back in check but is brimming with giddiness. It's adorable. I cannot with these two. *heart clutch* Be more in love please. It's one of those 'Everyone knows but them moments.' He’s also just so cute when he says ‘Thanks..’ haha Oh my Timothy you are so out of your depth with this documentary. But so adorable I wanna squeeze you. Part me of thinks he was trying to get into this for Lucy. Impress her a little with his quote. Mission accomplished sir. Your girl was very proud. Love these idiots in love so much.
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Their chemistry is so palpable in these scenes. They're asked a question about the knife in Aaron's kitchen. Saying his DNA was all over the murder weapon. Well duh....Lucy slams the interviewer hard with some solid logic and sass. They're trying to implicate Aaron for having DNA all over the knife in his kitchen... Lucy absolutely destroys this guy's stupid question. Then starts to feel bad afterwards. Checks in with hubby and asks if that was too mean?
Lucy couldn't be cuter turning to her person for feedback. Her immediate reaction to do so getting me all in the feels. I adore him backing her like he does. She looks to him for reassurance and he gives it to her in spades. Saying no that it actually felt good. To be able to stick it to them a bit. You know he is proud of her for doing so. Instead of doing an evocative soundbite she knocked them down a peg. He didn't need to help her in the dept. But the support one? Nailed it.
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I love her proud and smug face when he says it was a dumb question. Careful Lucy your feelings are showing my love. Look at her in that first gif. She a ten but crap at hiding her feelings. The second gif is that same look she always gets when he compliments her. *sigh* I just love them. He backs her so fiercely here and Lucy is so ecstatic with his reply. It’s all over her face especially in the last one. That smug smile when he validates her is everything fo her. Basically saying my hubby says I'm right so that means I am haha
Tag team of smug righteousness and it’s amazing. He is oozing proudness in this moment for her. He followed it up with having her back and she’s a happy girl. Let’s not forget the gloriousness that is Tim’s biceps and forearms out on display. Mmm defending his girl and his arms are crossed? Pass the ice water imma need it. This man is deliciously fit and I too am a happy girl in this moment.
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The case leads them to a woman named Colette who was brought home to their apt that same night. She had a controlling BF that was never questioned. Cue back to Lucy and Tim. Lucy explaining how a group of internet sleuths found him. How they spent countless hours investigating Aaron’s case. Tim notes this group also pointed the finger at a lot of innocent people ruining their lives… Lucy comments some of the members went little too far.... That's putting it lightly. lol
It’s here the interviewer reveals a prominent poster named ‘truecrimejunkie.’ Implying it’s Lucy who posts under that name. The amount of sass Tim is throwing her way is hysterical. I'm laughing so very hard. Tim’s reaction is the best part of this whole scene. It’s the intense stare down he does. This episode has me laughing from beginning to end. The way he fully turns to her is hilarious. Making fun of his wife with just a look. Lucy stumbling around for words and coming up short.
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That moment when your husband finds out about your secret internet life LOL Lucy could not be more embarrassed. Stuttering trying to defend herself to Tim. It’s so funny. It finishes off with Tim’s ‘Seriously?’ Eric and Melissa are a god damn treasure. We are so lucky to have them. It's truly mind blowing the chemistry these two have just with their banter alone. What makes these episodes so very good with their segments. They are the best part with their back and forth. I love this episode for them. I defy you not to laugh or smile with this one.
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It comes out Aaron’s mom was in Paris the day Patrick was murdered. Lucy gets all hyped up when they ask what they thought of this? The true crime junkie in her coming out. Saying what a game changer it was. Tim brings her back down to earth with his reply. Lucy doing her cute ‘Well yeah…’
Tim shaking his head. Not at her but this whole documentary. He hates the feelings/people being exploited in this whole thing. Doesn’t sit well with him at all. Once again proving Tim is just a good man on the daily. Not trying to impress anyone with it. It's just who he is as person. His integrity deeply ingrained in him.
Unlike the clown. He's not even in this one but I had to point this out and take a shot. lol Also let's not ignore the GLORIOUS forearm/bicep porn here. My god it's a miracle his work shirt contains those guns of his. Bursting at the seams with muscled goodness. I’m here for it. He could bench press me any day. I'm available is all I'm saying...
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We cut back to Tim and Lucy talking about the case being closed. They have their killer finally. Aaron has been exonerated in the process. She starts on another ‘colorful’ bit and stops herself. Rubbing her tattoo feeling how wrong this is. The way she stops herself mid sentence knowing this. Tim jumping in saying ‘Feels gross doesn’t it?’ She agrees and says 'Yeah.'
Look at Lucy growing in this documentary at the end. No longer wanting to do 'colorful' sound bites to get them more time. Being much more focused on respecting those involved. Her ending statement is much better than her potential ‘juicy sound bite’ Look at our babies still growing. I love this episode. So nice to have after a clown fueled previous ep.
Side notes non-Chenford
Everyone is funny on these types of episodes. Always enjoy their bits. Especially Harper haha
Patrick’s dad coming to apologize to Aaron was a really nice way to close that chapter of his life. Was very sweet.
Thank you as always to those who like, comment and reblog. I appreciate you all more than you’ll ever know. See you all in 4x17 :)
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kdyism · 2 years
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you’ve been classmates for the longest time and he has always liked you but never approached you as more than classmates. he asks you out because he decides he doesn’t want to regret it later and he is so glad he did when you said yes
when you start dating, the entire school knows the next day because he was so shocked it really happened and asked all his friends if he actually confessed lmfao
concert, orchestra, library dates are your thing and if you aren’t artistic, he loves that you indulge in his interests
lazy dates are his favourite, just sitting in your room or dozing off while you’re in each other’s company he would serenade you out of nowhere, love songs galore and at this point, you might as well have your own ost lol + the way he would look at you lovingly while singing!
apado gwenchana— HAHAH BYE
the type to help you with homework and actually study together
since he would likely do music on the side while dealing with school, you help him de-stress and actually study instead of getting lost in the music.
your words of encouragement, affection and trust in him helps him through finals oh, he would taeil is shy about kissing you at first then, there is no escape because he is so clingy!!
high school would basically be the setting of his and your music drama
captain of some sports team and you don’t like him at first but fuck, why is he so hot when he is playing?? he catches you glaring but still being star-struck, john is so amused that he actually befriends you
hang-out dates without calling it a date, everyone knows he’s got dibs on you
then he asks you out after winning a game at the celebration party, you think he is joking but he kisses you and you melt
the type of couple where he is so soft for you and you can’t accept the fact you are soft for him too
omg he teaches you how to do sports, play video games, takes you to try all sorts of things and you find that he is so adept that everything
he finds himself wanting to touch, whatever you do, he wants to put his hand on you — hand-holding, back hugs, side hugs, leaning against you, his hands in your pockets, engulfing you in him, anything to hold you
he is pretty smart, so he teaches you whatever you don’t know and he always makes his lessons fun for you
he would introduce you to his parents early on, he wants you to be friends with his parents more than anything. invites you to family dinners and whatnot
the two of you would likely be known as a pair before being known individually in new spaces because ya’ll don’t know how to leave each other
he asks you out on a whim, he doesn’t know who you are or which class you’re in but he knows he wants you and that’s how you meet
you reject him a few times until you get to know him and you utterly fall, finally accepting and boy does he announce it to the world
the type people expect to get married soon after high school
he would let you play with his hair, colour his nails, dress him up and he would do you too, home dates are basically workshops
he is well-known in school, soon after you start dating him everyone wants to know who got him and when you get overwhelmed, yuta becomes so scary to everyone that it was a shock
he loves how gentle and soft you are with him, he knows you are probably not like that always but with him, you flush and stumble over, he wants to squish you
you didn’t think he is one of the top students but he is, he barely seems to study but he is always in the top 5 and you are so confused because he is always with you or his friends
he kisses you hello, bye and even as thank you in public — he has no shame in saying the world he is put in your hands
the other boys start asking him all about dating because he makes it look so satisfying and peaceful but you and he bicker a lot before making up the next second or two
you make sure he doesn’t skip classes, eats and you even know his mother because he carelessly left his school bag in your house more than once
he is definitely the type to express interest in marrying you whenever he feels so loved and warm because you + you always say yes anyway
omg he is so cute! he knows who you are, everyone does because you are part of the judo club and you ask him out and he has no idea what to say before stutteringly accepting
café dates, DIY home dates, shopping, pet café dates or exploring the city dates, he takes you anywhere he finds interesting, he loves watching your reaction to different things
the type to do weird things together
whatever you both want to try, you try with each other. whether it is sky-diving or trying to hold a frog for more than five minutes, random challenges are usually your thing
bickering over small things and finding the truth is a daily and taeyong is always so smiley when you are lowkey mad because he finds you cute
he would be class president or in the student council, you wait for him till he gets out to walk home with him or you go on impromptu dates
he brings you to meet his friends, you like them all and consider them your own friends that sometimes, he gets jealous as to you getting along so well
it irks him that you and his friends sometimes hit the gym together when your judo practice overlaps
he makes custom presents for you, is on call with you till 4 AM and tries cooking for you often, he is kinda domestic when it comes to dating
you take care of him because he tends to forget to take care of himself and he is thankful for you because he gets lost studying or planning stuff
he thinks his parents like you more than they like you because they pamper you as soon as he introduces you
you and he have always been tied at everything you do throughout your school years, and it all breaks loose when you run for vice pres of the student council and he is the president
god awful the time you snap at him and he throws hurtful words at you but nonetheless, the two of you always try to reduce the burden on each other because you know each other that well
staying late at school one day for work, you find him asleep on his table and you get caught staring at him, waiting for him to wake. “like what you see?” he scoffs, a loud yawn escaping his lips and you were done for
doyoung notices the way you avoid him later and then he realizes your presence is so essential to his daily routine. there is obviously a part of his routine missing when you are missing
he sees someone confess to you and before he knows it, he pulls you away, jealous and confesses his feelings and then, you were lovers who didn’t know how you came to love each other
since you already know each other so well, learning the other sides of each other is the most common of your dates
finding out his love for singing, his mama boy attitude and his various expression that is not snobby; you find doyoung a lot more endearing after you learn the sides of him that is not competing with you
the boy is a sucker for kisses and cuddles, he wouldn’t ask but you know whenever you come over, what he wants is to just hold you and maybe fall sleep
juggling school and the council doesn’t bother him as much as it did earlier because you are part of both, still competing to one-up each other but this time with a reward system
you were probably the most memorable part of high school for him because he has always been too busy to notice anything else
mr jung jaehyun always got a load of sweets during valentines because it was his birthday as well. while he couldn’t possibly eat all of them, you somehow could
every year, you were in front of him during valentines not giving him sweets but taking his sweets from him and one year, he remembers that he doesn’t actually know you other than your name even though you were always on his mind
he asks you out only to confirm his feeling but you don’t accept him, telling him you’re not looking for a relationship and he is flabbergasted (almost asking you, “how dare you reject me?”)
eventually, you feel his stare on you, flushing and his honest ears going red whenever he talks to you and you finally go on a date with him but that didn’t mean ya’ll a couple yet
somehow, you kiss and hold hands and walk home together but you aren’t a couple yet + you totally act like one at this point but you weren’t and you call him up, “let’s date!”
the type of couple others would be jealous of
jaehyun shoots heart eyes at you 24/7 and you are always so sweet to him, small misunderstandings happen and pass but somehow he feels like he falls harder every day the more he spends time with you
since he was popular for being good looking, you get girls glaring at you and occasional confrontations but jaehyun takes care of them without you knowing because he didn’t expect anyone to have something against you
car dates, late night drives, video calls till you fall asleep, sleepovers and your parents approve, jaehyun loves the stability of your relationship
he thinks that maybe you are his first and last but then again maybe he is just a sappy romantic lol
he is friends with all of your friends and you love his energy, humour, aura, charisma, style and okay, you love everything he offers in your dull school life
hanging out with him came naturally to all of your classmates but he searches you out, you were always the first to be invited by him and everyone notices
being shipped was embarrassing but the possibility that he likes you haunts you every night and then you ask him out, preparing the whole day before asking and he becomes goo, melting in a high pitched yes as if you proposed to him
the type of couple to be all over each other
you both are always with each other because you are friends before lovers, it was like extra perks to be in love with someone you like hanging out platonically
sleepovers are a thing that becomes a tradition and he never lets you wake up once he has caught you in his hold
the teachers would change your seats because you don’t pay attention, he would wear whatever of your jackets that fit him and he lends you all of his too
your parents don’t trust him with your life but they totally trust him with your life at the same time
his goofy energy being the serotonin boost it is, you always feel 89% better once you see him after a shitty day and he knows, just hugging you and reassuring you
his attention to detail in your relationship is something you didn’t expect but appreciate a lot because he doesn’t need to ask before knowing what you need
anywhere is a date for you two, if he could, he would put you in his pocket and take you everywhere he went
shyboii 101 — his crush on his science lab partner is the topic of his friends’ discussions for days
you are the nicest, kindest, beautiful, charming, funny, generous, helpful person he has ever known ever since you saved his ass from getting in trouble for the first term assignment
he might be infatuated but he thinks it naturally became a crush that he wants to take seriously
you work on your assignments after school, over at each other’s houses or in the park and it feels like a date when you blush when your fingers graze and you look away too fast
the confessions never happen but the two of you silently agreed that you were dating, whenever someone asks it was certain you were because you did everything a couple would from the physical to the emotional
the type of couple to act like they are still in the honeymoon phase even though it’s their 3rd year
he writes songs, plays the guitar and makes playlists for you, sometimes he would also sing for you
cheek kisses are his favourite, you were too shy to actually kiss him so it was the first spot you kissed him at and ever since it stuck
his parents know you because he talks a lot about you and they invite you over every other weekend, giving you a warm feeling of being welcomed into his family
he can’t cook for shit but that one time he made mug cake for you was good that you cherish that memory
while people at school didn’t know y’all be dating, it was as if the teachers shipped you because you two always get assigned to each other and you find it hilarious
you know for sure in your heart, that high school would be a little lacking without mark lee in it to shake your heart
okay, so he is a brat rn but he would he brattier!! no cap! and he is your friend because you share mutual friends
he would often tease you, sulk at you, play pranks and skip school with you and one day he asks, “if i ask you to date me, what would you say?”
you said, “oh fuck off” but look at where you are, suddenly you are haechan’s girlfriend
the type of couple who are basically child and caretaker because he is especially childish with you
you don’t condone all of his actions but hell, he is so funny even if he is going to break a bone or is this close to being punched in the fast — you settle to fixing him up after the incident though
it’s almost sad how the two of you can’t seem to study, always distracted by each other's company
when exams come around, you literally ban haechan from coming near you; his dramatic ass would make fake grand gestures as if y’all broke up and you let him in to shut him up lol
omg pouty baby when he wants kisses, he is like a puppy. after school, he’ll follow you around because he wants your attention
he tries to be a responsible, protective boyfriend but he is always so child-like with you, he trusts you so much that he forgets the world is not always a happy place
graduating would be his nightmare, the thought of not seeing you every day for school, in uniform and messing around in secret corners for kisses
his love for you would feel like high school even way after high school
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♡ nct dream + sungtaro ver ♡ wayv ver
taglist: @soobin-chois @sungbeam (drop an ask or pm to be added or removed!)
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oh-three · 8 months
Loki S2E1
Really starting where we left off, aren't we? Awesome.
"I don't know you." 😭
Yesss, take a piece out of that Kang statue, will ya?
Loki's day literally just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Lmfao.
Also, Casey being an MVP.
Ayyyyy, I missed the title theme so much (she says, as if she doesn't have a Loki playlist Spotify).
Ooooh, war room. 👀
Casey and Loki are NOT having fun right now 🤣
Well, at least that one hunter is apologizing for pruning Mobius. Though, "I was just doing my job" is an awful apology.
Yeahhhh, can't deny now that Ravonna knows He Who Remains.
X-05 reminds me of Rumlow.
B-15 is so underrated. I love her.
AYYY, that went well.
The way Loki is so bent up on emotion that he's almost maniacal. The way Mobius is still trying to help him despite that.
"In order to do that, I need a Loki Who Remains." Lmao.
"I have no memory of having my memory wiped." Why would you??? Mobius, never change.
Holy shit, poor O.B. hasn't had a visitor in like four-hundred years.
The back and forth with O.B. taking to Loki and Mobius is so funny omg.
He has to get pruned again. Heh.
Shoulder bashes Mobius 😂
They bicker like an old married couple 😂
Not only are the lights flickering, they're falling. Oh boy.
"...ran diagnostics every few hundred years." Man, time really did just blur together for these guys before all this, didn't it?
"If I don't make it back..." I hate it when people say that.
Holy shit, that is a huge suit.
Sometimes I forget that Owen Wilson also played Lightning McQueen. Then there's Mobius just casually reminding me: "Get ready to see some hoofin' like you've never seen before." The nostalgia. You can't tell me he didn't improv that line 😂
You know it's bad when they're evacuating the TVA.
"Give him more time. He can still make it." This man is such a golden retriever, I love him.
"Mobius, listen to me. There is nothing you can do for him. He's lost to time." githgoihgrhrioithj
Lmfao. He's always getting pruned during pivotal moments with her.
I almost just spat out my soda. That was so fucking funny. Poor Mobius, that looked painful
She does not understand fast-food restaurants.
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hanafubukki · 7 months
okay Hana i am here to tell you abt my twst self ships :3
preface is that you’ll have to forgive me for any mistakes as far as lore and timelines because i am still fairly new to the game (been playing since June!) and i and still working things out ofc but that’s all the fun about self shipping right? is changing things up and tweaking things hehe
also for a bit of background i don’t go by the Yuu/prefect story in my au hdhfhf ~ but instead my self insert a princess who has sunshine magic from a small kingdom that neighbors Briar Valley and i have know Malleus and the other Diasomnia crew for awhile <3
also ofc for me NRC is a legit college LMFAO and i share this au with a few friends where we all go to the school together which is a ton of fun for talking abt our self ships and adventures and lore !
⭐️ Leona, Malleus, and Silver are my main f/o’s
in my ss with Silver, he actually starts out as my bodyguard while im attending NRC per Mal’s request and we get closer and fall in love that way 🥹 he was actually the reason i started playing Twst !! he is very much so special to me
with Mal it’s essentially “childhood” friends to lovers aka ive known him since i was younger and we rekindle our friendship upon me coming to NRC and he’s happy to see me again and from there we rekindle our friendship and fall in love (he has loved me for a long time and was patiently waiting for me sobs)
with Leona he was at one time betrothed to a friend of mine who is also a princess and they didn’t want that (but they’re obviously just friends now) and he and i meet and it’s very sunshine x grumpy! he denies his romantic feelings, we bicker, and there’s a kiss in the rain and etc heh
⭐️ Idia and Trey are my “not my usual type but i fell for them anyway” f/o’s idk i just….LSJFBCHFH i want them lmfao (the Obey Me Leviathan to Idia pipeline….so true)
⭐️ and then my BABIES aka my platonic f/o’s who are my besties or sibling types are Deuce, Jack, Kalim, and Cater hehe <33
there’s like….a billion more things i could write tbh i am constantly talking abt them and adding/taking away things and thinking about scenarios with them! UGHH Hana i love them haha sorry for rambling on so much ;w;
Hello Gray 🌻🌷🌺
Yesss, definitely! The fun part of self shipping is that there’s no rules, only that you have fun ☺️💞
Welcome! I hope you are enjoying the fandom Gray 🌷🌻 I’m happy you have friends that you can share your thoughts with, it’s so much fun when you can talk to others about it. ☺️💞💚
A Yume with sunshine powers??? Yessss I adore it greatly. (Yume = self-ship character) I have a weakness for those types of characters.
That’s so sweet!! Princess and knight romance my beloved!! And you know that Silver would treat your yume sweetly and would court her properly and it would be so sweet. I’m calling them the wholesome couple 💞💞
Childhood friends to lovers!!!! Yes yes yes yes!!!! I love this trope, it’s one of my favorites. Especially since malleus has always wanted someone to love him and get to know him and ahhhh you two are so sweet 🥹
Oh Gray you’re using all my fave tropes in your yume, kiss in the rain??? Hell yes!!! I can see the “no one can touch them” 🫶🫶
THE LEVI TO IDIA PIPELINE IS SO TRUE!!! I’m shaking your hand, yessss I know how you feel. I also like idia too and part of it is because of my softness to Levi.
Trey is wonderful, who doesn’t want someone who can bake?? Domestic husband for the princess ☺️💞💞
Oooo wonderful platonic babies 🙌 they all are so so good. I can see how deuce and jack would get along with you (school mates??), but what about cater?? Did your yume know kalim?? From travels or something?
Please! Don’t be sorry. I would love to hear about them. They all sound wonderful and interesting.🌻🌷 please ramble away ☺️🌺
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gyubby99 · 1 year
@disneyanddisneyships i went on a rant spiral geez LMFAO so here's some mallory(ft. Voc and friends) headcanons because im inlove w them ur honor
Vox is a big asshat so I imagine them bickering a lot
One time Alastor and Vox saw each other at the same bar because Aponi and Mallory were going to be performing there together. Send an ask about how I think that went.
Mallory is SPOILED. Flowers, clothes, bags, you name it. That's kind of his thing.
Mallory and Velvette are very close omg Velvette definitely tells Mal embarrassing stories about Vox
Valentino actually calls her "pretty thing"
I hesdcanon Vox as more powerful than Valentino because duh he runs technology, so I think Val is kinda neutral about her.
Mallory has a shock collar for.. reaserch. and science.. like blitz has his own.
Staticfly shopping dates. ALL THE TIME.
Vox's ego literally inflates faster than a balloon whenever Mal uses a product of his. Like, her eating Voot Floops for breakfast? "My products are just THAT awesome, huh babe? I'm just that kinda guy."
Vox cuts in the line at the grocery store, a restaurant, or like even on fast food chain dates.
He's a show-off.. with a girlfriend. He probably sees an advertisement of him and goes, "you see that? That's your cool boyfriend!"
Sometimes Mal just gotta be flirting with Vox on stage at Val's club
In the hamilton au, because idk if sinners can die from illness, mal gets exterminated instead and there was like a hellwide blackout that laster for two days LOL
Mal loves baking and making things so vox was definitely their sue chef. Also they bring him along to the happy (hazbin) hotel to bring like lil cupcakes or her favorite graham cake
I feel like they never really explicitly told Vox about Elise. They just said "I had a toxic ex" because she wasn't ready to come out and when they finally were, they were like "so you remember my ex right? She's a girl. Im bi."
--and at that moment Vox realized they were a bi couple. My fucking babies
Mal never got redeemed :( it's kinda impossible for Vox too cause who'll run hell's tech. Mal decides she would stay with him because even if she DOES get redeemed.. there's nothing for her in heaven. She'd have a couple of friends but.. it wouldn't be the same without tv man. Besides that, she sees Hell as her home.
Jason never got redeemed because Mal got him exterminated when Aponi went to heaven LMFAO BRO DIED BEFORE GETTING BETTER A SECOND TIME
She actually doesn't know how abusive Val can get. Like she knew everyone in hell was bad but she doesn't know he would be THAT bad. So imagine her surprise when Vox, Angel, Aponi, and Roxxie all revealed what he did..
Mal: "can I ask you a question?" Vox: "Yes, the air up here is pretty great, why do you ask?" Mal: *blank stare*
Mal is the little spoon
She fights off anyone who tries to assassinate Vox for their own greed even tho Vox can handle 'em pretty well.
Vox's form of apology is spoiling the hell out of her.
Mal is dating Vox ofcourse they're going to suffer about Vox's angry Alastor rants
The most non-PDA couple to ever exist.
Mal is a sleep-talker and I hc vox as someone who rarely sleeps so he watches her talk in her sleep and not let her live through it in the morning
Mallory height jokes
Mal tackles him for free wifi
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cranechel · 2 years
Prompt: Chrissy's little brother’s reaction to Eddie and Wayne's reaction to Chrissy
hi!! thank you for the ask omg this is vv interesting [eye emoji]
i answered about wayne here, and chrissy's parents here if anyone is interested.
chrissy's brother is a different story. i will call him matthew from this point on bcuz that's easier and that's my hc name for him -- he doesn't have a canon name, though, so you can obviously pick whatever name you like for him.
okay so. the thing is. matthew really really liked jason. jason is cool and athletic and charismatic and would play ball with matt and talk sternly with kids who would hassle him. for a little boy with a father figure that is very very background and doesn't speak up for himself ever, that is someone to immediately idolize. and that is what matt does. he loves jason, loves playing with him, and that's another one of the reasons why it's so hard for chrissy to break up with jason. her mom loves him. her brother loves him.
and eddie, as much as she loves him, is... eddie.
so once they get there -- once chrissy sorts everything out and breaks up with jason, matthew is already mad about that. he's a little kid and he doesn't understand why jason isn't coming over anymore, doesn't understand why chrissy doesn't want to see him. the thing he does understand is that there's a new guy, a guy he's seen from afar a couple of times, a guy that replaced jason. so he'd be resentful from the get go, really -- but eddie is also a little scary lets be honest. so matthew is resentful and intimidated and wouldn't even try to talk to eddie at all for a long while.
(eddie would be kinda hurt tbh. it would sting a little. he's actually p good with kids but this boy won't even give him a chance lmfao)
it'd take a while for matt to calm down -- until he realizes this guy is going nowhere. that's when he'd start noticing things about eddie. how much chrissy smiles when she talks to him, when she talks about him. the cool music that plays from his van. the fact that he plays guitar and has long hair and is different, but people don't shove him into lockers for it (not anymore -- but matthew is too small to understand the nuances lol). i think he would slowly start getting more curios -- and if eddie brought his guitar along bcuz he's going to band practice as he's picking chrissy up, matthew would ask if he can play something.
eddie is speechless. this kid has never spoken more than two words to him. he practically trips over himself -- and once chrissy gets out of the house, there's her boyfriend next to his van, his guitar in hand, while her little brother is nagging at him to play a different song and eddie is saying he'd never be caught dead playing a song like that and that's somewhat where they end up. constant bickering but they still get along. matthew thinks eddie is really cool. and hey, none of the other kids dare to bother him anymore either way because he just tells them eddie will curse them.
(chrissy is so so so happy she cries. her brother is very important to her despite everything, so she'd be incredibly relieved to see him warming up to eddie.)
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vera9 · 2 years
oh i will talk fandom with you because puentalay run circles in my mind all day everyday and i need to let them out but idk how.
puen has personality of biggest loser but luck of thousands gods because talay fell for him and 1) they didn't see each others faces 2) talay didn't know how rich he is 3) they have maybe not even one common interest (only writing scenarios but talay was forced to do it and I don't think he'll continue to do it in the future) and still their bond feels so natural and strong??? they really live just to do the best things which are bicker and bang and enjoy good food.
tell me what's your favourite talay and favourite puen moments from the series?:)
Hi anon!! <3
But yeah, I absolutely adore how they drove home that appearance plays no part in their connection. I'm sure they find each other physically attractive (in both their own and the other universe) but they were fully aware Tess and Tun's bodies didn't belong to them and fell in love anyway. It was all about the person inside. That's love man 😩
Also asldkjfld oh man I'm sure @stormyoceans is far more informed than I am but I can think of a couple things they have in common! We see them flying kites, fishing(?), and riding bikes in episode 2, plus they're enjoying a movie together in episode 10. And *sighs in I-don't-drink* we all know they like their alcohol. What's awesome about these two is that you can easily imagine them trying new things together, simply because they enjoy each other's company so much 😊
OH BOY YOU ASKED FOR IT. Because I have to be extra about this, here's at least one (1) favorite PuenTalay moment of mine per episode:
Episode 1 - Talay gifting the alpaca hat (and this line in particular)
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Episode 2 - drunk!Talay kiss & "Ai'Dang!" (also proud of myself for calling that line was gonna come back when this episode aired)
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Episode 3 - Talay not only trying to cheer Puen up (in his own goofy way) but also giving him advice without judgment (yes I like the bath scene too but this one is more meaningful to me personally, it's such an important step in their relationship)
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Episode 4 - Talay teasing a shy Puen (rare in the wild) & the cheek-pinching battle
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Episode 5 - the mouthing-words thing coming full circle by way of Puen reassuring a sad and lonely Talay he won't leave him behind
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Episode 6 - Talay confessing everything he loves about Puen & whatever the hell this is
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Episode 7.1 - this entire fucking scene
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Episode 7.2 - Puen running right over with a home-cooked meal because he heard Talay was sick + the following conversation
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Episode 7.3 - and of course, the emotional climax
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Episode 8 - Puen pulling one over on Talay (and immediately explaining why), Puen being a horny bastard, them being total nerds, and THE scene which has to be one of the most romantic scenes I’ve ever seen
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Episode 9 - Puen being a horny bastard yet again while making this face, Puen helping Talay with his trauma (again, no judgment to be found) despite having a terrible fight with him last time they saw each other, them making up in an understanding, healthy way, and Puen realising who Talay is in their own universe
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Episode 10 - this bathtub scene because I love just how frickin’ comfortable they are with each other (even though I’d never dangle a tablet above my bath what is wrong with you Puen) & them hugging in elation after finally finding the link that’ll bring them back home
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Episode 11 - WHAT THE HELL ELSE (+ them falling over during the kiss because that’s an adorable touch)
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Episode 12 - this one might be incomplete because I’ve only watched it once and I’m holding off on a rewatch but! them being domestic and bantery and adorable in the opening scene, Puen pulling an Enchanté, and Puen’s proposal (Lays get the fuck outta here)
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So much for sticking to one scene lmfao this took a bit of time so I hope you like my picks!! 
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aquagustd · 2 years
was wondering if you dislike any book/film tropes or character dynamics then also what ones you really do like ?
oh also which one do you consider yourself a sun/moon/eclipse person
hope you’re doing well :))))
hmmm for tropes i dislike:
bully to lovers 😐 like i’ll never understand why some like this trope. it doesn’t sit right with me on so many levels. like especially if the character that’s being bullied is a female & the bully is this asshole who would go to lengths to make the mc’s life a misery and then they back it up with - ‘but he secretly liked her the whole time that’s why 🥺’ NO i know they say that “oh if a guy is mean to you he likes you” it’s not always the case 👏🏻 & that’s why we go for toxic guys 🫠 (sometimes enemies to lovers can go too far when it comes to hurting each other) ig i dislike this one bc i was bullied throughout primary & high school
brother’s best friend - no wait hear me out !! i know i wrote two brothers best friend fics lmao. BUT when the mc has like no life? it revolves around the brother & his bsf. AND the absolute worst is when you get the brother’s pov & he infantilizes her 🤢 & when that’s the whole hurdle they need to cross for the sister and his bsf to be together? i immediately stop reading. like he just sees her as a child and not a woman.
& another thing i don’t like is when it’s a romance. the couple is supposedly in love but when we get his pov - he immediately sexualizes her and most of his thoughts are centered around her body & appearance :/
for tropes i love:
enemies to lovers when they don’t go too far with hurting each other in the beginning 🤩 like they don’t put each other in life & d3ath situations lmfao. the tension is top tier.
best friends to lovers i just. the bickering? the banter? the secret feelings? the pining? the confessions?😩🤌🏻
unrequited love. idk this hits different for me. loving someone who doesn’t feel the same. but you still choose to love them? i find it beautiful ig lmao maybe i’m crazy. loving them without wanting/getting anything in return :( the same reason why i like hanahaki aus plus i love flowers
neighbors au & they fall in love 🥺 idk i just want to experience this irl maybe that’s why i like it so much lmfao. they’re right there. whenever you need them & whenever they need you. the friendship you never knew you needed
when they’re stuck together? ig that’s a trope. like they can’t leave the house or room. eg. they get snowed in. they’re forced to be together & talk & get to know each other & realize that the other person is actually pretty cool & fall in lurrrv
i’m not sure if this is a trope but when the female mc is so in love with the dude, it’s starts off as unrequited love au but by the end he starts to like her back, but by then she realizes that she’s all she needs. and in the end she’s alone but comforted in her own solitude yk? i wanna write something like this (like little women)
& im a moon person !! what about you ?? <3
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
DNA Says Love You Live Blogging
Bro I didn't even love KinnPorsche, so why am I like still not watching anything new and have just been refreshing the AO3 VegasPete tag for the past 4 days since the show ended? They've fully been taking up so much of my mind lol
I gotta just... start a new show to move on, so here goes. I haven't heard much about this show at all but I know it explores some gender stuff? Hope I like it!
Episode 1 (July 13)
lol? I actually have no idea what this show is about, I guess starting with some ghost cam stuff?
Are the pink-haired guy and the TA a side couple?
Episode 2 (July 13/14)
um it's like 1:30 am and I'm at the part where they get to the grandma's house and uhhhh maybe I'll finish this tomorrow. It's probably not actual horror but I don't wanna deal with it rn
Amber's face is nice to look at and I'm glad they don't blur his acne scars because I'm really into them (is that weird to say?)
Is this show actually supernatural or are they just stories? Curious
Episode 3 (July 15)
I'm still way too into VegasPete and reading every fic about them on AO3 to truly move on to a different show, so it's taking me forever to watch this lol
Aw, the 3 friends bickering as children
lol Li (pink-haired, excitable, hyper) and Gwan (TA, calming, exasperated) are cute. Both tease each other cutely
oh yeah lol I forgot there was gonna be a romantic arc between Amber and our main character (Le Chien) until Amber's long staring and photographing lol
lol "If Rong was a woman, her weight should be lighter and the rope shouldn't break" lol x2
lmfao Li orchestrating a ~moment~ between Amber and Le Chien
Episode 4 (July 15)
Not Li imaging watching the clip of when he put Le Chien and Amber in romantic moment last episode and now imagining them in other various romantic scenarios
aklsdfj bruh, Li fr posted a romantic video of Le Chien and Amber to the channel
Aw, seems like the girl (Hsieh Yu He) is feeling like she's being replaced? or kinda pushed out? or just not as close? to the group and especially Le Chien spends more time with Amber
Every single ~moment~ between Li Chien and Amber is really played to death with the slow-mo, 4 different angles, the music lol
Amber reminds Le Chien of his old friend who is also Amber as a youngin lol
I'm still not fully sure where this story is going and there's no romantic chemistry yet, just shots and moments that make it seem like there's ~something there~ and also I'm watching it at 1.4-1.7x speed. Makes it sound like I really hate the show but I actually just think it's kinda boring lol but this episode I started becoming a little more interested than before because oooh interpersonal relationships
We'll see how the rest of the show goes, I really hope I start liking it more
Episode 5 (July 15)
Yay family and friends dinner with Li Chien, his mom, Amber, Yu He and Teng. I like how everyone is so friendly and casual with his mom (Ms Pu)
Li Chien putting food in Amber's plate heh the ultimate sign it's a BL
Interesting reaction to it though because in all Thai BLs the parents are like oh? eyes emoji but here's the mom's like "lmfao chill and let Amber breathe don't bombard him with all the food." Although she did tease like "oh seems like Amber's the only one with the bowl while we others aren't here" and Le Chien says "you guys are all my family go get it yourself while he's a guest."
cute, I think the dinner is cute because I think good friends and family interactions are always cute and endearing and enjoyable
Aw they don't even know they're thinking of memories with Wen Wen while their old friend is right beside them. It would be interesting to get more of Amber's POV and what he's thinking but I guess they didn't wanna give away Wen Wen = Amber so soon
rip Yu-He's face everytime Li Chien gives special attention to Amber at dinner or at the cafe. Is it jealous romantically or platonically?
Le Chien and Amber making food together in suchhhh a coupley way lol. Even Le Chien's mom see and agrees
T.T Amber literally crying into his orange pie. I'm assuming he's overwhelmed by the orange pie memories that we saw in episode 3/4 start of the episode flashback
Damn, I knew Li and Gwan were not doing well in their relationship since Gwan has been so flighty and seems dishonest with Li but I didn't realize Amber would come into the mix
I'm still watching at 1.5x+ speed but I'm more interested now because of all the interpersonal relationships and brewing conflicts lol
Episode 6 (July 16)
rip Li and Gwan breaking up after 4 years. I don't get why Gwan doesn't freaking explain or say anything though like he's keeping secrets about going abroad to study + meeting up with Amber
Okay previously I was like I don't feel any romantic chemistry between Amber and Le Chien because the only moments are like when they force it down our throat with the slow mo and bg music but seeing them cooking together is nice and cute. Food as love language strikes again fr
lol Amber holding onto Le Chien tightly during the motorcycle ride
Aw montage of Gwan thinking of himself and Li's cute memories in their apartment
Episode 7 (July 16)
They're showing us the start of Li and Gwan but I'm kinda back to not caring
lol Le Chien and Amber just... standing and witnessing Li and Gwan's conversation
dang very quick decision to be willing to go abroad with Gwan
Le Chien's mom is asking about whether he likes a girl and mentioned his future wife hoho I hope she ends up being a nice and accepting mom since they get along so well
I'm bored again lol At least the episodes are ~25 mins, so I can hopefully finish it in the next day or two
Episode 8 (July 16)
The gang all hanging out together once again
Le Chien white knighting for Amber by drinking for him and Yu He watching like :( Also I liked Le Chien's hand on Amber's shoulders in this scene
lol this show really does have every BL/romance trope in existence, including Le Chien taking a drunk Amber home and falling asleep beside him on the bed
We couldn't see Amber's chest in the shirtless bathroom scene but Amber probably doesn't have top surgery right? From what I've read, it didn't seem to say anything about that. I wishhhhhh
lmfao "No matter where she is, if I meet Wen Wen, I can recognize her right away" and Amber's face like -_- lol
rip Amber walking around all sad/teary but also going around taking photos
Episode 9 (July 17)
It's almost 2am but here's my last piece of entertainment before going to bed. I think we find out about Wen Wen = Amber here
The transphobia Amber faced >:(( (I don't think Amber identifies as trans, people said he's probably intersex and doesn't identify as trans, but this is still transphobia regardless?)
Aw, Amber and Yu He :')
I wonder how long till Le Chien finds out. Also, I just remembered there's a car crash in the horizon lol
Oh so the scene of Amber seeing Le Chien and Yu He in the park is real? but before he introduced himself in that cafe I'm guessing? Parallels with their childhood pic rip
Episode 10 (July 17)
Why don't they translate what's written in the crane origami? Yu He's confession to Le Chien?
Aw Yu He T.T I agree with Teng ge, we're no saints so her reaction is understandable and the fact that she thinks so much about them means she still cares a lot about them
Oof Yu He told Le Chien that Amber is Wen Wen. I kinda don't like that? I wish she'd at least given Amber a heads up
Woah intense confrontation type scene between Amber and Le Chien. Yelling "I'm Zhuang Xi-Wen, I'm a boy. I'm not the Wen Wen you knew!" while grabbing Le Chien by the collar is really impactful
I wish I knew what pronouns they're using in Mandarin because the subs use she/her whenever Wen Wen's name comes up and it's like hmm, especially when they're referring to current Amber as Wen Wen and using she ?
Episode 11 (July 18)
I love the sibling banter between Yu He and her brother, + the fact that she's getting over Le Chien
I really thought the circle around to see younger version of themselves would've happened a lot sooner
Aw that hug
Amber said not to call him Wen Wen
Amber cries so often rip like I get it but it's fr a lot
lmfao this silly car crash
Silly Le Chien unable to realize his feelings
Nice for Le Chien and audience both to know that Le Chien likes Amber for Amber and not because he's Wen Wen
I like it when there's an actual reason the children are afraid to come out to their parents, like right now Le Chien saying his mom always looked forward to him getting married and having kids or like in Life: Love On The Line where Akira's mother always told him to be "normal"
Anyway, I know the mother reacts well so it's all fine
One more episode left
Episode 12 (July 18)
Once again, the child apologizing to the parent for being queer and then being reassured by the parent that it's all fine is truly my kryptonite
I do wish the acting was better though lol KinnPorsche had stellar acting and now I have to get used to the level of acting in most BLs
Aw, cute ending
I don't know how they could've made the show less boring (cut out most of the first half maybe?) but it really was so boring. I was wondering if I did it a disservice by speeding it up when watching but some episodes were just too boring to be watched at 1x speed. The first 3 episodes were related to the ghost/legend hunting stuff and then it hardly took up any time in the next 9 episodes. Also, the side couple stuff with Li and Gwan felt unnecessary, they could've just been cute and fun throughout the show instead of having the storyline in Ep 5-7.
However, I still enjoyed all the friendships and familial relationships! I am truly a lover of such relationships and they showed complex friendships and wholesome families. Also, interesting gender stuff even though they didn't explain anything much.
Rating: 5.5/10
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threeletterslife · 4 years
For Everland
→ [2/7] of the Society Series
→ summary: Yoongi is supposed to be your patient. He's not supposed to threaten your so-called relationship with your lifetime partner, Jeon Jungkook. You're not supposed to love him—you shouldn't be able to.
→ pairing/rating: yoongi x reader | PG-15
→ genre: 97% angst, 3% fluff | dystopian!au 
→ warnings: profanity, making out, implied sex, infidelity (kind of?), blood, death, hyperventilation, depictions of a seizure (oc works at a hospital so), mentions of the afterlife, descriptions of getting shots/needles, a character has a missing leg (poor bby)
→ wordcount: 17.7k
→ a/n: this is loosely inspired by the great lois lowry’s the giver. i grew up reading that book omg 😭😭🥺and writing this fic was sO fun bc if i had to choose a dystopian society to live in for the rest of my life, it would HANDS DOWN be this one
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It's over.
Thank goodness, it's over.
It's easily the worst part of the job. The transport room is painfully white and frighteningly silent. The only comfort you have is your ocean linen hand soap that sits loyally on the side of the sink. You pull off your latex gloves slowly, tossing them in the trash and turning on the warm water to wash your hands. The familiar, sea breeze scent punctures the room, soothing your jittery nerves. It seems to warmly congratulate you for orchestrating another successful transport.
Thank god. You won't have to do the procedure for another few weeks.
You make a bee-line toward the hospital closet, quickly shrugging off your spotless lab coat and pulling on your worn-out, fuzzy sweater. Already, you're feeling a bit better just being in your normal clothes. Professional attire makes you feel solemn and serious. You hate it.
But other than having to do the procedure in the transport room quite often, you enjoy your assigned career.
The procedure is only inevitable, you suppose, as you start to walk home from your career unit. Jungkook, your assigned partner, isn't waiting for you today, so he must be at home, making dinner. You begin to fast-walk before you accidentally break curfew a second time—the first time was embarrassing enough.
But to keep your mind busy and away from shutting down due to boredom, you reflect back on the day's work.
It's definitely not easy being a nurse, but you take the job with immense pride. Because without you, no one would be able to get to Everland. When you'd first received your career assignment, the Council had proudly told you that you were the very bridge between the society—Tagna—and Everland. They told you that you should take your assigned career with pride.
Everland. How do you even begin to explain that place? It's a paradise, they say. The Council tells every citizen of Tagna the general idea, but only you're gifted with the details. They told you that the skies are blue and the sun shines brightly but never too much. It is spring all year round in Everland. The land boasts serene nature and lakes that stretch across the grassy lawns. The homes are built from cedar wood and are sturdy against the whispering breezes at night.
Of course, you've never seen Everland for yourself. In fact, the Council makes it very clear that no one who has been to Everland has come back to Tagna. You suppose if you lived in paradise too, you wouldn't want to leave.
Some are transported to Everland earlier in their lives; you've worked with a handful of newborn babies, young children and even teenagers. Others are transported later, after thoroughly experiencing the structured and well-disciplined society of Tagna; there were more adults, grandmothers and grandfathers who you transported to Everland. But in the end, every person in Tagna—yourself included—would earn a chance to visit Everland themselves. It's just a matter of time... and luck.
As a nurse, it's up to you to take care of the patients. You're supposed to talk to them, keep them company, comfort them, be their closest friend—until it's time for them to be transported. The transportation is also part of your job, but the least favorite part for you.
Maybe you hate the procedure and going through with the transport because you get quite attached to your patients—you don't want them to leave. But maybe... and deeper inside you, you hate the procedure because you're jealous.
You can't deny that you want to experience this Everland. You've come close to the paradisiacal land more times than any other citizen of Tagna. But the Council seems to be intent on keeping you in society so you can serve those in need.
Goddamn. Every time you step into that small, white room, every time you put on your latex gloves, you wish it were you, sitting in the hospital bed, instead of your patient.
When your assistant rolls in the medical cart with supplies, you can't help but spend an extra few seconds gazing longingly at the clear serum in the syringe. The sharp, pointed needle glints in the white light, which brings a small, sad smile to your face. That's the serum that puts your patient to sleep—well, physically. Their minds are already flying through dimensions, zipping past other worlds to land in Everland. Their bodies will follow suit later.
It's unsettling though. You hate how the clear liquid disappears through the skin the more you press the pad of your finger on the plunger of the syringe. There is also an unspoken agreement with all the people in the room to stay absolutely silent. The silence is unsettling to you.
Very rarely, your patient has to be strapped into their seat. But it becomes quite obvious when you're tending your patient before the transport whether they'll need a strap. You assume the shot isn't too painful, judging from the majority of the reactions of your patients. But you're not really sure. And it's not your job to know. The Council is extremely strict about assigned careers.
Sometimes, it's unsettling to watch your patient fall asleep. Their eyes begin to flutter rapidly and their limbs become limp, their head lolling to the side. As a tradition, you have to walk towards your patient, your shoes clacking against the white floor. You hold their hand and speak your last goodbyes.
"Remember the lines we rehearsed? The ones we went over every day, honey?" you say every time.
There's always a mixed response from the patients. Sometimes they nod, sometimes they shake their heads. Other times, they don't even answer you—when the serum works too quickly and they're already halfway crossing dimensions in their minds. It usually doesn't matter. You recite the rehearsed line yourself.
"For us and for Everland."
On good days, your patient says the line with you; it's their very last words before they would leave Tagna forever and enter Everland. When their body goes slack and their eyes close, you have to double-check their pulse—for the transportation to Everland is not possible with a beating heart. The injected serum is merely a catalyst that will help your patient transport to Everland. And once the patient's mind is already at Everland, their body will follow, and they will wake up in paradise.
The unsettling feeling does not leave until some of your assistants enter the room to roll your patient's hospital bed away. You always give them a nod of acknowledgment but you never speak to them—just in case any loud noise might disrupt your patient's safe travels.
Every transport procedure drains you. But Jungkook's always waiting for you somewhere, waiting to replenish your energy and shower you with attention. He's always insisting that you take a rest, which, in his language, means to go on a lunch coffee date with him. But you're usually too busy to accept.
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You manage to reach your house unit before curfew, opening your door and nearly collapsing on the living room couch.
"Sweetie?" you hear Jungkook calling you from the kitchen. It takes you a moment to realize he's cooking spaghetti, which makes you lift your head gratefully.
"Yeah?" you say.
"Are you tired?" he calls. "I made spaghetti, but I can wrap it up for you so you can have it for breakfast tomorrow if you want to sleep."
"No, no, it's fine," you say, heaving yourself up from the couch and stumbling into the kitchen. "I want to eat dinner with you."
Jungkook smiles brightly. Normally, you leave him to eat his meals by himself. "Did something good happen today?" he asks as he pulls out the chair for you and places two still-hot bowls of spaghetti on the table.
"Not really," you shrug, sitting down and grabbing your fork. "It was normal as work goes."
"How was the transport, then?"
"Routinely," you say, stuffing a forkful of spaghetti in your mouth. "Mm, this is good, Jungkook," you hum, swallowing. Jungkook beams at your compliment. "The patient was a grandmother, and she recited the lasting line with me, so that was good."
"For us and for Everland?"
"Yeah." You nod.
You like it when Jungkook discusses work with you. Because in your opinion, your career units are the only thing the two of you have in common. Which was the whole point of assigned partners, anyway—to match people up according to their career units. The Council says it makes couples more compatible. You're indifferent.
It's silent for the rest of dinner. Jungkook knows you don't like to come home to small talk after doing it for work all day. And you don't find it interesting when Jungkook starts to go off in tangents about the new baseball lineups the Council approved of. You do the dishes while Jungkook clears off the table and cleans the kitchen floor.
The chores are habitual, making you feel almost like a robot as you complete them every day. When the last dish is in the dishwater, you turn to Jungkook, who just came back from taking out the trash. "Jungkook?"
"Yeah, sweetie?"
"Listen, I've been meaning to ask you..." you trail off. Your partner smiles hopefully at you. "Where do you roll my patients off before their bodies are transported? I mean... I guess what I'm asking is, do you get to see Everland? Is there a portal or something that leads there?"
Jungkook sniffles, scrunching his eyebrows in thought. You can tell by the slight crease on his forehead that he's disappointed there's going to be another work-related conversation.
"We're just told to put them in a white sack. Maybe that's the portal you're talking about? I'm not sure where they go, sweetie," he says. "We just do these extra check-ups so we know they're in good condition to transport. Then we set them in another room. I guess someone else does the rest." He pauses. "But I don't think I was supposed to tell you all that. Y/N, you know the details of our assigned careers have to be kept confidential."
You sigh. "Yeah, I know... Still, though. What does it matter? We work in the same career unit. There should be no secrets!"
"I think the Council would have something to say to that," Jungkook says. "I just think you want to see what Everland is like because you've been asking me an awful lot of questions about work," he sulks. "We're partners, Y/N... Can we please act like it? Look at Hoseok next door with his partner. And Namjoon too. They always go on dates, and they're already thinking of signing up for kids from the clinic."
You flinch. Assigned partners, you want to remind Jungkook. But you don't. It's not that you hate Jungkook or despise his presence altogether. It's just that you don't love him. Not as much as he loves you, anyway.
But he's loyal and one of your only friends. And he's not too bad of a company.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," you say, reaching out to place a friendly hand on his. "I just... I've been selfish, I know."
Jungkook takes your hand in his, tugging you into his arms.
"I always feel guilty, you know?" you whisper against his chest. "I make Everland seem like this fairytale place. But I don't even know what it's like."
"It's best to trust what the Council says," Jungkook reassures you. "You're better off trusting them than anyone else, right?"
"You're right."
"It's okay," Jungkook whispers, kissing your forehead before letting you go. "Sooner or later, we'll be transported too. Sometimes in moments that we least expect it."
You hum, detecting the melancholy tinge to his silvery voice. "It's your brother, isn't it? How do you think he's faring in Everland?"
"Junghyun?" Jungkook sighs. "He's probably having the time of his life there... It was just so sudden. I didn't even get to say goodbye to him."
"They leave us in the most mysterious ways," you say. "Too bad we lose contact after their transport. I would've loved to see what it's like there."
"Yeah, me too," Jungkook says. "But I want us to leave for Everland together."
Unlikely, you think. "Me too," you say. "Come on, let's get to bed. I have to stay late tomorrow at work. They're giving me another patient on top of Jimin."
Jungkook groans, his hand searching for yours as the two of you make your way into the bedroom. When he finds your hand, he holds it tightly, almost as if he was afraid you'd fade out of sight at any second. "The Council's overworking you, sweetie."
"Or they just think I'm doing a great job," you say, squeezing his hand. "It's okay. I swear I don't mind. He's a good guy, you know, this Jimin. Deserves to be in Everland. He just needs some emotional boost as they all do. And as for the new patient... I don't know what to expect."
"Well, then," Jungkook says. "Tell this Jimin to say hi to my brother for me when he's there."
"Sure thing."
"Don't work too hard," Jungkook says. "You need some time to relax."
You giggle. "My career is my relaxation! It's fun to meet these people, to talk to them, you know? Granted, half of them don't understand me, but I dunno... I like the process way more than the procedure itself."
"Yeah, yeah," Jungkook laughs, shaking his head, his hand slipping out of yours. "We should wash up," he says, "before the suppressant makes me drop to the floor snoring."
You laugh along with him, tugging your assigned partner into the bathroom. The nighttime routine in there is as practiced as any other routine in your life. Soon, you and Jungkook are lying in bed, side by side. Just like always.
"Sweetie?" Jungkook murmurs, the suppressant taking a toll on him already. He seems to be barely awake.
"Try to get home much before curfew, okay?"
Jungkook had freaked out when the patrollers had found you crossing the streets after curfew. He'd been reminding you about getting home earlier for months now. But you never listen to him. Still: "Of course," you say. "I'm sorry for always making you worry."
When Jungkook doesn't answer, you realize he's already knocked out. You let out a deep sigh, turning over to face the small window in the bedroom. It's dark out tonight, with no moon to light up the bedroom even the slightest bit.
Sometimes, you wonder what it would be like if the suppressant worked on you normally as it did for everyone else.
Out of the thousands of citizens of Tagna, it had to be you to be the victim of immunity to the suppressant.
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"Jimin! How are you?" you exclaim, closing the hospital room door behind you as you shake a bag of his favorite chips in your hand. "Look what I got you! I might've been late because of that." You laugh apologetically as Jimin giggles, immobilized on his bed.
"I'm fine, Y/N, thank you. No need to worry." But the man shifts uncomfortably, then lifts the bed covers off of the lower half of his body. "Can you help me up?" He nods towards his missing right leg, giving you a rather frustrated look.
"Yes, of course," you quickly say, taking big steps to help Jimin out of his bed and onto his wheelchair. Though the amputation had been successful—the infection didn't spread to the rest of the body—a missing leg left Jimin often irritated and frustrated. "Where do you want to go today?" you ask him, rubbing his shoulders to comfort him.
The man places a hand on top of yours, looking at you pleadingly. "Outside the hospital...?" he says hopefully.
"Aw, Jimin..." you say, crouching down in front of him to take his hands. "You know we can't do that." He knows, but he asks every day, just in case—as if one day, you'll be waiting for him with a different answer other than no.
"I know," Jimin says, squeezing your hands. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," you tell him. "Do you want your blanket, Jimin? You know, to cover—"
"Yes, please." Nodding, you help the man drape a white cotton blanket over his leg. "I want another look around the hospital before I'm transported."
"Sure!" You adjust Jimin's blanket, securing it so it falls over his missing leg. You and Jimin have a wordless agreement not to talk much about it, and you know how much he likes to have it covered up. Jimin's insecure, embarrassed about a missing limb. Especially when before the amputation, he had been a fit, robust figure, always running around and training. "We'll just roam around the hospital and talk."
Jimin smiles. "That sounds good to me. Let's bring the chips too."
You hand the snack to Jimin, carefully checking the room one last time before rolling the man out into the hospital corridor. It's silent as you wheel Jimin in the direction of the left-wing, where there are full-length windows replacing the usual bland white walls, allowing bright sunlight to flood the corridor. It's the only place that gives the otherwise spotlessly white hospital a golden glow. Jimin likes that spot the best; honestly, so do you.
Once you situate Jimin in front of the windows, making sure he isn't completely in the sun, you sit down next to him. (He doesn't like it when you tower over him.) Jimin looks comfortable in his wheelchair, clutching his now open bag of chips and staring out the window with deep admiration.
"Tell me about Everland, again," he whispers, gazing thoughtfully out of the windows. "Please, Y/N."
The sunlight bounces perfectly off the bridge of Jimin's sloped nose, giving his face of beautiful features a sort of rare radiance.
"Everland?" you hum. "What do you want to hear about it?"
"I don't know... If people like me are welcomed there, I guess," Jimin sighs. His gaze flickers to you. "No one I know and admire knows about my amputation—except you. They won't let me contact my friends or family... They're sending me to paradise early because I'm an embarrassment to Tagna."
"Don't be like that." Sure, you've noticed society's outcasts are usually the ones that are transported—the ones with physical or mental disabilities, or just those older in age. But, of course, that just means that everyone should be transported sooner or later. Or maybe these people are the only people that Everland accepts.
Jimin is going at it as if Everland only accepted those rejected from Tagna. You're not so keen on that idea. The Council works hard to protect every single citizen. That would be impossible.
The seated man inhales sharply. "How can I not be like this, Y/N? I feel so useless here, like this, in a fucking hospital of all places. The only way I can even moderately feel like I'm back in society is here, in front of these damned windows where I can actually see the sunlight. Otherwise, I'm stuck in these white-walled rooms with no one to talk to but you. Then I'm forced to run through these health checkups with doctors that never speak to me, even when I ask them questions! At this point, anything is better than this stupid hospital."
"Oh, Jimin..." you say, immediately taking his hand in yours. You can't bring yourself to tell him 'don't be like that,' again. Pure sorrow is held deep in his brown eyes when he looks at you; your heart aches. "Hey..." you whisper, softly squeezing his warm hand. "Remember that thing I always tell you?"
"What thing?" he huffs. You can tell he's a little bit irritated, and you struggle to keep a straight face.
Placing another comforting hand on his remaining knee, you say, "Remember? For us and—"
"For Everland," Jimin finishes for you. "Oh, that thing," he mumbles. "Of course I remember."
You nod, smiling when Jimin grips your hand tighter. "Have you ever stopped to think about what that meant?"
"No, not really, Y/N." Though he's still frowning, he doesn't look as forlorn anymore.
"Well," you say, "we, as a society, will always miss any patient after their successful transport. I remember everyone I've helped to cross the dimensions and go to Everland, so I'm sure your friends and family unit will always remember you as well. You'll be the man who was worthy of being transported into paradise. Think of it like you're doing it for Tagna, to represent our society in a new land. For us."
"And for Everland?"
"It's nice to say that out of respect, you know?" you smile. "I mean, you'll be staying there for the rest of your life, Jimin. Besides, no one ever said anything about you being an embarrassment, Jimin. You're nothing but a hero, a veteran."
The corners of Jimin's lips turn up just slightly as he looks out the windows once more. "For us and for Everland, huh?"
Though he can't see you, you nod. "Everland is the happiest place on what's left of planet earth," you say, causing Jimin's head to whip toward you. "Yeah," you say. "It's a place even better than our advanced society right here. Everyone is equal in Everland too, but you get many more benefits. The skies are this rich, azure blue and the clouds are so fluffy, they say they emulate the sweetest cotton candy. The people there are veterans like you. I can guarantee you that everyone is respected and well-understood. Every home unit has enormous windows that let the sunlight warm up the buildings. The food there is fresh, nurtured straight out of the soil and hand-picked by the dwellers. It's beautiful there because it's spring, all year long..." you trail off.
Jimin stares at you, lips parted and eyes glossy, no doubt daydreaming about this Utopian place just like you are. "Beautiful..." he mutters under his breath. It's like he wants to ingrain this wonderful scene he had painted of Everland in his head, to recite it to himself every so often before his transport.
You sit back, hand still intertwined in his as you let Jimin lose himself in his reverie. It's several minutes later when Jimin finally jolts from his seat, turning to you with an apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry," he says. "I zoned out."
"No worries," you tell him. "We all do when we think of Everland."
Jimin hums, squeezing your hand, turning to you with the best of his ability (which was how well his chair would let him). "Do you have a partner, Y/N?"
The rather personal question makes you raise your eyebrows in shock, but you quickly make up for it with a small, stifled laugh. Normally, your patients like it when you tell them fantasy stories or when you listen to them talk about their whole life. They very rarely ask about you.
"Uh, yeah, Jimin," you say. "I have an assigned partner."
"What's he like? When were you assigned to him? Do you love him?"
When you raise another shocked eyebrow, Jimin squirms in his seat, releasing your hand. "Sorry... I-I wasn't trying to be... um, invasive. I'm just... I'm being transported before I get my partner. Having one was one of my dreams since I was little. You know, having my very own family unit to come home to after work..." he trails off. "Please, tell me everything about it."
How can you say no to that?
"Don't worry," you smile warmly. "You can ask all the questions you want—I can't guarantee a good answer, though."
"That's fine, Y/N."
"Well then, hmm..." you say. "Um, his name is Jungkook. I'll start with that. Tall, handsome, ungodly fit... Kind, too." You pause, searching for the look of approval on Jimin's face; he looks like he's in bliss, so you continue. "Sometimes, he acts like my assigned mother, you know, nagging at me to take care of myself and being concerned about everything I do... But, at the end of the day, he's my best friend. He tells me not to overwork myself and he tries to take me on dates when they're due. Then he always makes sure I'm back home before curfew. He knows how I let time fly past me at work," you laugh. "Jungkook's a beautiful soul. I'm really lucky to have been assigned to him. It's been about three years, and I can't say I have any complaints, really."
"Do you love him?"
The question catches you off guard. You look at Jimin, who looks so hopeful, so attached to your assigned relationship—as if it were as precious as his own. With that look on his face, you don't know what kind of monster you would have to be to tear that fantasy apart. Your assigned partner is the last relationship Jimin will hear of, the one that will be embedded in his memories when he is transported. It's your job to take care of Jimin. And it's your job to support him emotionally.
You know the answer to that question. You've known it for a while, and for the longest time, you always thought (or hoped) it would change. It never did.
You're not even completely sure what love is, at this point, though the Council had drilled the definition of it in you since you were a little girl. You're supposed to love your assigned partner, so in a way, you feel like you've failed them.
But you let out a shaky breath, catching Jimin's eyes as you beam. "Yes, I love him."
It's a lie.
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Usually, you're given one patient to work with at a time; the Council knows to give you some well-deserved lax time. But never have you gotten two patients. Jimin's transport wasn't scheduled for another two weeks, yet they're taking you to meet a second patient today.
You're not that bothered by the news—not as bothered as Jungkook, anyway. You know he's always wanted to lounge around in bed, watching authorized movies and cooking homemade breakfast together. But you insist that you need to take your assigned career seriously.
He can't argue much after that.
You've said your goodbyes to Jimin earlier that day, had a quick snack and waited. And waited. and waited.
The first meeting with a new patient always makes you feel so jittery. You don't know this person at all—you're to never have any personal connections with them. So you always have to figure out their conditions yourself. It's always one of three things: mentally disabled, physically disabled or older in age. At first glance, it's always easy to tell which the patient is.
The patient is always nervous too, glancing at you anxiously, wondering if you would take good care of them as the Council had promised. There's some pressure to make the best impression. Your white lab coat tends to make your patients uneasy, so one day you 'lost' it in the laundry and never wore it again. A fuzzy sweater or a modest t-shirt with jeans usually does the trick.
You straighten out your t-shirt for the hundredth time, checking to see if it was tucked in your jeans correctly and fixing your hair too. Sometimes, you think you probably feel more nervous to meet your new patient than the patient. After all, you'll have to spend as much as time (or more) with this person as with your assigned partner.
When the door to the hospital room opens, you stand up immediately, ready to greet your patient and assistant, Taehyung, who always introduces you to your new patients. But you're greeted with something you're not quite ready for.
"Don't fucking touch me," a menacing voice snarls. The owner of this voice is a rather lean man with messy blonde hair. He practically slaps Taehyung for holding onto his elbow, and even the always-happy Taehyung looks miserable.
You quickly scan the patient with your eyes. Normally, your discernment is quick, but this time, it's hard. Immediately, you're able to rule out old age. If there was a physical disability, it wasn't obvious. You're leaning towards mental disability, though you also get a feeling that it's really not. You're stumped, but you try not to show it.
Besides, your patient already sounds really irritated.
"Hey, Taehyung," you say, offering your assistant a smile. "Who's our lovely patient?"
The patient dramatically rolls his eyes, aggressively pulling away from Taehyung's grip. "Min Yoongi."
"Yoongi!" you say with a happy smile, though you're very much aware that this Min Yoongi is anything but happy. "Come on into your new room! Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N. I'll be your nurse until your transport in several weeks. You turn to Taehyung, nodding. "Thank you."
"Yeah, no problem. Good luck," Taehyung says before hurrying away.
It's possible that Taehyung's busy and that's the reason behind his sprint away from you and the new patient, but something tells you that it's something else. And that 'good luck' sounded more like a warning than a cheerful goodbye.
Your eyes meet with Yoongi's. They're hard, black and cold. Almost like they can pierce through your soul.
"So, Yoongi," you say, "are you excited about going to Everland?"
It's the best way to start off the first conversation with any patient. They enjoy talking about Everland—and if they don't know much about it, they beg for you to tell. It works every time.
Except not today.
Yoongi scoffs, collapsing on his hospital bed as he turns to face you, cocking his head haughtily. "Why would I be excited?" He sounds like he's accusing you of spreading false lies.
But you don't back down. "Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe excited isn't the right word. I guess I meant you're looking forward to it?"
"No, I'm dreading it. Terrified. Fucking disgusted and filled to the brim with overflowing trepidation."
"Whatever. Just leave, Y/N. Come back when it's time for me to be 'transported' or whatever the shit the Council calls this."
Never have you dealt with a rude patient. They're all usually very understanding and kind and most of all, respectful. You're taken aback, but you're not one to say no to a challenge.
"Yoongi, do you need someone to talk to?" you ask in your softest voice. "Hey, I'll listen to anything. Really. If you're that 'filled to the brim with overflowing trepidation,' then you can tell me. I'll listen."
"What makes you think I trust you?" It's another challenge, the way he utters it. Yoongi crosses his arms over his chest and raises a daring eyebrow at you.
You swallow your pride, keeping an unfazed, neutral look on your face. "Everything you tell me here, stays in here, Yoongi. You have my word."
"You could be lying through your teeth right now," Yoongi snorts. "Could you be any more artificial? You're giving me a headache, all right? If you're going to be so ersatz with your emotions, I reckon you leave."
Me? Give him a headache?? And not the other way around???
You've had enough.
"I don't think you want me to leave," you say slowly and firmly, crossing your arms and staying rooted to your spot.
"And why would you think that?" Yoongi cocks his head, his bangs falling over his eyes as he does so. He makes no effort to sweep it away. For some reason, that ticks you off even more.
"Loneliness," you say. "You'll get sick of being cramped up and alone in this white-walled room. The only artificial thing here would be the lights—and trust me when I say if you stay here alone, you can say goodbye to natural sunlight until your transport. If you claim that you don't find loneliness even in the tiniest bit of solitude, then I think I might have to ask you to leave for being... what was it again? Ersatz with your emotions."
You haven't left eye contact with the patient.
And you start to become jittery again when complete silence follows after your passive-aggressive speech.
Until: "Damn. Didn't think you had that in you."
"I have to give you credit for that," Yoongi shrugs. "Maybe you won't be completely annoying after all. Maybe you'll be bearable."
You let out air through your nose. "Thanks?" You shake your head in disbelief as you sit next to him on his bed.
"You're welcome, I guess."
A small giggle escapes from your lips, then a louder laugh.
Yoongi looks at you as if you sprouted devil horns on your head.
"Sorry—" you manage to say in between giggles—"if the Council saw me being this mean, I'd have to say goodbye to my job."
"You call that being mean?" It's Yoongi who laughs this time. "You're going to have a hell of a time with me, then."
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You leave your home unit early for the first time—without Jungkook having to shake you awake—to buy some snacks for your patients. (Though you know Jimin's favorite foods, you end up having to take a wild guess for Yoongi.)
Jimin had made you promise to meet you as early as your schedule allowed it. You don't mind. Hanging out with Jimin is relaxing, especially because he lets you blabber on and on about your personal life. Today, he wants to hear about your assigned career.
"The Council assigned me as a patroller, you know," Jimin says, leaning back proudly in his wheelchair. "I would've been a hell of a good one too... If it weren't for the infection." He sighs, staring at his foot with scrutiny. "It's okay," he shrugs. "What about your career?"
"Hm," you say, looking outside the window where the morning sunshine catches your eye. "Well..." you hum, voice soft and eyes glazed over. "I'm a nurse." Jimin waits for you to continue. "But I have to admit, I didn't really like my assigned career at first. Why be a nurse when you can be a doctor, a surgeon, perhaps?" You give Jimin a small smile. "As a little girl, I always wanted to be in that operating room, you know, operating and saving lives."
"That's honorable, Y/N." Jimin gives you an approving nod, placing his hand on yours to tell you to proceed.
"But I guess the Council thought I'd be a better nurse," you say. "And now, I think they're right. I mean, they always are. Besides, I wouldn't last two seconds in a cold, quiet operation room. I need to talk to people, you know? Take care of them, tell them stories, help them transport. I think I value the presence of people, along with their happiness." You shrug. "I dunno. I do dare say that I'm pretty good at making people happy."
Jimin laughs softly. "There's no other career that would've fit you better." He turns his body fully so that he's facing you. "Y/N, I really don't say this often, but I'm glad you're my nurse. Thank you." Jimin looks deeply into your eyes, something he only does when he's extremely serious. "Hey," he whispers, "I just want you to know that I'm not scared. Everland will be as wonderful as you've always told me. I trust you. And I know I'm in great hands."
He squeezes your interlocked hands for emphasis. "For us and for Everland, yeah?"
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"Have you obtained a serious eye infection?"
"N-No," you stutter, wiping your red eyes with the back of your sweater. You quickly set down some snacks on Yoongi's bed and avert your eyes away from him. "I just..."
"Oh," Yoongi says, clapping his hands together. "You've been crying!" he accuses, pointing at your face with a smug smirk. He looks like he could care less, yet he asks, "What happened?"
"It's really nothing," you sniff, sitting down on Yoongi's bed. "They're not sad tears, necessarily."
To your surprise, Yoongi laughs. You look at him with disapproval. "I'm sorry!" he snorts between giggles, "but you wouldn't know 'sadness' if it socked you in the face!" Upon seeing your puzzled expression, he sighs. "Whatever."
Yoongi doesn't push the topic, which is very much like him. You don't mind. It's not like you want to explain crying in front of Jimin, your patient. Jimin has a strange way of making you feel special. And special's a word no one's allowed to be in Tagna—because specialness is the cause of discrimination. But you think specialness makes you feel valuable.
"So," Yoongi starts, tilting his head to look at your curiously, "why are you here?"
This time, you're the one to laugh. "I'm your nurse! I'm supposed to look after you before your transport. You know, talk to you, answer your questions, tell you about Everland."
"Doesn't sound very crucial to me."
Yoongi has a habit of being very, very candid. You tend to mistake his honesty for rudeness, but after a while, you've come to appreciate the truthfulness. He brings out a fun, slightly meaner side of you that nobody else but Yoongi would approve of. You hate to admit it, but you like it.
"Fine then," you say. "What do you suggest we do?"
"I don't know. What do you do with people you know? Not including those in your career unit."
"We..." you trail off, a frown settling on your face. "I don't know any people outside my career unit," you admit. "I mean, unless you count my assigned partner. But then again, I always talk about work with him too." You gasp. "I don't think I have actual friends!"
"Good," he says, which makes you look at him with incredulity. He laughs at your expression, a genuine laugh in which his eyes sparkle with mirth and his lips are tugged into a rather snarky smile. But it's a smile nevertheless. "It's fine, Y/N. 'Cause me too. We can be each other's friends."
"Really? But wouldn't you technically be a career-related friend?"
"But are we going to talk about career-related things?" He gives you a look. "I believe I told you I'm not the least bit interested in Everland. Nor do I care even the tiniest bit how to get there. I surely don't have any inquiries regarding the transport. I'm pretty sure you won't have to worry about being a nurse around me... Though I'll probably appreciate the snacks." Yoongi pauses to rip open a bag of gummy bears. He grins. "My favorite. How'd you guess?"
"I had a hunch." You smile proudly, taking a mental note to buy some more gummy bears for Yoongi in the future. "But wait a minute," you say. "You really want me to be your friend?"
"Definitely not a nurse," Yoongi says. "I can take care of myself, thank you. But you were right. I'd die of boredom if I'm alone. That's where you can step in as a friend." He winks, sorting out the green gummy bears from the other variegated colors and popping one in his mouth. He offers you a red gummy bear.
How'd he guess? You smile, shaking your head as you take his offer. My favorite.
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Jimin and Yoongi are polar opposites. If one man is gentle, sensitive and kind, the other is brash, rather presumptuous and most of all, pedantic. It's obvious who is who.
But you're not one to pick favorites. A patient is a patient no matter who they are—at least you try to think so. Your end goal is to make sure you're there for them before they're transported to the all-so-magical Everland. Granted, one acts like your friend and the other, your patient.
Jimin likes to ask you a lot of questions, whether it's an inquiry about Everland or questions about your personal life. He's made you repeat the details of Everland so many times, you're sure he already has everything memorized. But he still asks.
On the other hand, Yoongi doesn't bother to ask questions at all. As a man of his word, he proved from early on that he had no interest whatsoever in Everland or assigned partners or assigned careers or assigned anything. You're starting to wonder if he has any interests at all. In fact, come to think of it, you're not even sure if he's ever left his hospital room.
"Oh, this place reeks," you tease, waving your hand in front of your nose. You toss Yoongi a bag of gummy bears and plop down on the bed next to him. "Do you ever leave the room?"
The man laughs, reaching for the snack. "I don't leave the bed."
You scrunch your nose. "Ew." Yoongi shoves four green gummy bears into his mouth, and you watch with a mixture of disgust and pity. "We need to get you out of here."
"Out of the hospital?" Yoongi asks with a mouthful of gummy bears.
"No, just out of this room," you say. "I mean, you might die from a kidney disease before being transported. Imagine that, the first man in decades to die in Tagna—in this day and age with advanced medicine and technology!"
Yoongi scoffs. "Whatever. Fine, let's get out of here. Not like there's anything better to do outside, though."
"We can get ice cream in the cafeteria," you offer. "And argue about the right way to cut up a sandwich again."
"You monster, you're supposed to cut it in triangles!"
"Yeah, says the one who puts the milk first, then the cereal!"
The bickering continues until you're seated in the hospital cafeteria. By that time, both of you are too tired to carry on with the arguing. So there's a bit of silence as you and Yoongi feast on your ice cream scooped onto large sugar cones. You went for plain vanilla, but Yoongi opted for the most sugary flavor: butterscotch dutch fudge nut with diced marshmallows and a caramel drizzle.
You swear he might get diabetes before his transport if he keeps this up. Maybe you should bring him some healthy snacks next time—kale, avocados, spinach. They're green, just like how he likes his gummy bears, so maybe he'll listen to you and finally have a salutary diet.
But instead of being able to convince Yoongi to start the habit of healthy eating, it all spirals down into another debate.
"It's CAR-amel," you insist.
"CARE-amel," Yoongi retorts, shaking his head. "We've been quarreling for the past hour, Y/N. Aren't you getting tired of it? I've never argued this much in my entire life!"
"But what if that's how this 'friend' thing works?" you say. "Actual friends care so much they disagree on every little detail."
"Then it's very tiring to have friends," Yoongi sighs, taking a depressing lick of the lump of sugar on a cone.
"I agree." A pause. "Did you ever have friends, though?"
Yoongi snorts. "Actually, contrary to popular belief, I did. But that was before I got myself into this mess."
He shrugs the question off, countering it with another question of his own. "Did you have any friends?"
You tilt your head, but figure it's best to let Yoongi have some space. "Um, yeah. I guess I was pretty well-known in my year. Now I don't really have time for that. Work," you sigh. "But I still enjoy what I do."
"I know you do. You're a good friend, and though I wouldn't know, an amazing nurse," Yoongi grins, shrugging so nonchalantly that you almost miss the complimenting tone of his voice.
You grin back. It had taken you a bit to coax the sweetness out of his cold and collected demeanor, but once revealed, Yoongi could almost parallel Jimin's amenity. "What about you? Did you like what you did before you were chosen to be transported?"
Yoongi's smile disappears in the blink of an eye, a sour frown replacing it. "Not exactly." His stone-cold voice is a sign for you to change the topic, but he continues to speak. "I was good at my career. Liked it at first, too. But I'm a rare mistake, I suppose. Maybe I had some traits within me that the Council didn't catch, or maybe I changed as an adult. The Council deemed my career as a mismatch."
A mismatch... You always thought that was a myth—assigned careers never failed. The Council never made mistakes. You can't even fathom the amount of disappointment that Yoongi probably had felt when realizing his assigned career was a mismatch. "I'm so sorry," you say. "Do you mind if I ask what career unit you were in?"
Yoongi hesitates for so long, you start to think you've crossed the line. But then: "Unit 38. I was in unit 38." He clears his throat and watches carefully for your reaction.
Your eyes widen and your mouth opens, shuts, then opens again. "38?? That's my unit!" you say. "How come I've never seen you before?"
He crosses his legs, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "I suppose I was in the more secluded area of the hospital."
Though you want him to elaborate, Yoongi's uneasy fidgeting sets you off. You're here to make him feel safe, comfortable. As much as you're insanely curious now that Yoongi's avoiding the subject, you shrug. "Oh, that's interesting... Wanna talk about something else?"
When Yoongi shoots you a grateful look, you actually feel glad for changing the topic. It was the right thing to do. As to sate your curiosity...
I'll just ask Jungkook about him later.
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"Hey, Jungkook?" you whisper, testing the waters, trying to tell if the suppressant already brought your assigned partner to a deep slumber. You turn around on the bed to face him, and you're glad when he turns around as well.
"Yes, sweetie?"
"Do you know anyone of the name Min Yoongi?" you ask hopefully.
Jungkook crinkles his brows in thought. "Min Yoongi?" he mutters to himself. "Min Yoongi..." He gives you an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, the name doesn't ring a bell."
"It's fine," you sigh, lying fully on your back now and staring up at the dark ceiling. "I just think it's strange the Council would assign me a patient who worked in the same unit as me."
"Really?" Jungkook murmurs. "Unit 38? Why don't we know him?" he asks, tiredness laced into his tone. "Are you sure you heard him right, sweetie?"
"I'm sure," you say. "He did say he worked in the more secluded part of the hospital... And I thought we were in the most secluded area."
Jungkook laughs softly, moving to place his hand on top of yours. "Why don't you just ask him about the details?"
"I didn't want to push him into explaining something he's uncomfortable with," you say. "I'm sorry... I'm keeping you up with all of this, aren't I? You're tired. It's past curfew." You glance over at the digital clock you keep beside the bed. The red, glowing light flashes 2245 hours. It's pretty late.
"It's okay," Jungkook says. "You don't have to be sorry, Y/N," he laughs, but it comes out dry and forced. You can practically feel the worried look on his face. "You took the suppressant today, right?"
"Never gone a day without one," you reply. "You know they don't work on me as well as they work on others..."
"Sweetie, you should tell the Council. I don't want you to get in trouble for acting out of line," Jungkook sighs but it morphs into a wide yawn. "See?" he murmurs sleepily. "Mine works fine."
You stay silent, watching blankly as your assigned partner's eyes flutter shut. Soon, his breathing becomes even, his chest rising and falling steadily. He's asleep, just like that.
The suppressant does a number of things—or, at least, it's supposed to. The Council keeps the full effects of it private, and the only citizens who are aware of the details are the specialists who designed it. It's uniquely engineered to help the average citizen fall asleep an hour after curfew only to wake him up at 0700 hours every morning. Except on Sundays, it's 0800. Every citizen must take one suppressant—a small, white, tasteless pill—every day before he leaves his home unit at precisely 0845 to get to his career or school by 0900 hours.
Untimeliness is definitely not tolerated.
Which is a proven hassle for you. The suppressant doesn't affect you in the same way it does others. You're always waking up and sleeping later than others. Back when you were in school, you'd always be late for your classes. The Council generously took that into account before they assigned your career, though—but not before they scolded you for being tardy to the career ceremony.
Compared to other careers, nurses have a more lenient call time. It works out in your favor because if it weren't for Jungkook, you'd show up to work three hours late daily.
The clock flashes an angry 2300, but you're still not tired.
At least tomorrow is Sunday. Usually, it's the day off for every citizen in Tagna. Jungkook probably wants you to spend the day with him...
But it won't hurt to visit the hospital. Just for a few hours. To meet your new friend. Jungkook won't mind, right?
You smile to yourself. The thought makes you so excited, you aren't able to sleep until 0300.
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It's routinely to visit Jimin before Yoongi.
Jimin is becoming increasingly nervous as the days of his departure to Everland are decreasing. He doesn't talk too often when you visit, but you know he finds your presence soothing.
But today, it's eerily silent.
"You okay?" you whisper.
He nods but offers you no words.
"You're worried, Jimin. Trust me, it'll calm your nerves to talk to me. What's got you anxious?"
He looks down at his foot, avoiding eye contact. You let him stall as he collects his thoughts. Then, in the smallest voice: "I... I don't like injections," he squeaks.
"Hey, hey, it doesn't hurt one bit," you say, wrapping a comforting arm around him. "I would know, Jimin. Trust me."
"I don't know," he sighs, fidgeting his hands. "The needle just—" he chokes over his words, shaking his head in shame. "The last time I got an injection, they took away my leg. I'm scared, Y/N. What if I get to Everland without my good leg too? What if they take away all of my limbs?"
Once in a while, you get a patient who's slightly nervous about the injection, but never have you dealt with something as serious as this. "Jimin... The transport isn't a surgery," you say softly. "It puts you to a peaceful sleep so you can be transported safely. It won't hurt one bit. And you definitely won't lose any limbs. You're in safe hands."
Jimin nods, but he looks fragile, back hunched and eyes shaking. It's hard for you to see him in this state. You wish you can do more for him—more than telling him tales of Everland and bringing him snacks and giving him intangible support.
You want to show him Everland.
But how can you? You don't even know where it is.
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"You look like you ate dog shit."
You've been waiting for this moment the whole day—you missed the grouchy man and his candid words.
"Hello to you too," you say, wearily plopping down on Yoongi's bed as he shifts to make space.
"Where's your chipper smile today, Y/N?" Yoongi says. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he's worried about you. But he covers it up well with a: "Your frown is very hideous, by the way."
"Thank you."
"No, I mean, I meant to ask, what happened? You look completely miserable."
"It's confidential," you sigh. "You know, about my other patient..."
"What are the fucktards going to do about it when you tell me?" Yoongi snorts. At your appalled face he clarifies, "By fucktards, I mean the members of the Council."
"It's not like they're going to find out," Yoongi shrugs. "Is this other patient giving you a hard time?"
"They could take away my job," you protest.
"Yeah, only if they find out."
"That's true..."
"So?" Yoongi says. "Are you going to elaborate?"
You pretend to think. "Okay, maybe..." You nod. "Yeah, okay. But I have nothing against Jimin, you know, the patient. He's an absolute sweetheart," you say. "Which is the whole problem. He has such big hopes for Everland. And I keep feeding him all of this paradisiacal information, but it's not enough! I want to help him, I want to tell him what Everland's really like, but how can I? How can I speak about something so highly when I've only lived through it vicariously? Oh god, I tell him things he wants to hear, but technically, I'm lying to his face." You pause for breath. "I'm a liar! But he listens to me! He trusts me! I can't bear the thought of him coming face to face with Everland and realizing it's nothing like what I told him it would be! He'd be broken!"
You can't lie, it feels good to let out everything that had stacked up over the past several days.
"Everland is wonderful. I don't want to doubt that. But what if it's not wonderful enough for Jimin? He's different from my other patients, you know? He needs so much more reassuring and love and care... Sometimes I don't think I can give him the best. Should I resign? I can't keep doing this to him. I'll practically die of guilt! Imagine that—in our day and time—a citizen passing away from something incurable! Bullshit!"
"It is bullshit," Yoongi agrees with you right away. "But I think it'll be fine, Y/N. You don't need to resign. And you definitely don't have to worry. You really don't have to." He stares at the floor with a frown etched deeply on his face. "It'll be fine."
The man nods slowly but surely. You can tell he's choosing his next words wisely, which is something he normally doesn't do. Yoongi is a man of rapid-fire and quick reactions. He's prone to blurt out whatever's on his mind. This is the first time you see him be so attuned to your emotions. Maybe he's trying to think of words that'll help you calm down.
"Everland will be unimaginably peaceful," he says, finally looking at you. His dark eyes show no flicker nor hint of playful teasing. He's serious. "Jimin will like it there."
Something about the way he says it makes you believe him.
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Mondays are days when you always end up behind schedule. Your body likes to throw away its natural alarm clock out the window Sunday night, so you tend to accidentally sleep in the next day.
Jungkook usually tries to wake you up for work, but half of the time, you don't budge, so he leaves a kiss on your cheek and leaves for his job. The sequence is always vague in your memories.
Curse your immunity to the suppressant.
It's really no surprise when you show up to your job an hour late. You might've also made a little stop to the convenience store for some snacks. Of course, not for you, but for your patients.
Jimin's already waiting for you patiently on his bed. He thankfully doesn't ask any questions when you walk in a bit breathlessly, handing him a bag of his favorite chips.
You plop down on his bed, wiping away the beads of sweat that had accumulated on your forehead. "I'm so sorry, Jimin," you wheeze. "You must've been up for hours. I apologize for making you wait."
Jimin giggles, shaking his head. "What are you talking about, Y/N? I woke up a few minutes ago. Around 1005 hours? You're right on time!"
If he's lying to make you feel better, he's doing a good job at it.
"I don't get a daily suppressant anymore," Jimin confesses. "I'm awake when everyone's asleep and sometimes, I'm asleep when everyone is awake. Sometimes I can't sleep." He sighs, fingers wrapping around the chip bag. "That never used to happen when I took the suppressant."
He sounds lonely. As if the whole world was excluding him from vibrant, festive affairs.
You're supposed to be his solace, but you can't help but say, "Why don't they give you the suppressant?"
"I've asked," Jimin says. "But of course they don't answer. Just some grunts and mumbles that I can barely comprehend."
"That's not very nice of them," you say. "How about this? I promise I'll visit you more often if you're lonely. And to make you feel better, how about I talk about Everland again?"
Jimin nods hopefully, his eyes lighting. You want the best for him, but sometimes, there's not much you can offer him—except your words.
Yoongi is different. He doesn't want your buttered up, sugar-coated words. He doesn't live behind the curtain of fantasy. He lives in reality. Maybe even a bit more than you do.
"The suppressant tends to mess up the injection. Makes the process longer," Yoongi says casually. He rips open the bag of gummy bears. "Which is exactly why they're not given to patients. Why do you ask?"
"No, it's just..." How does he know that? "Jimin wants to take it again."
"Why would he?" Yoongi scoffs. "I always hated waking up early. Now I can sleep through the whole day and night."
"He's lonely."
"Yeah. He was well-known before he was moved to the hospital. He misses the social life, I think."
Yoongi doesn't answer for a long time after that. When you finally look over at him, you find him staring into his hands with a conflicted look on his face.
"You okay?" you ask, reaching out and putting a hand on his by habit.
The contact makes Yoongi flinch, but he nods. "I'm always okay, Y/N. Why bothering asking?" He grins. His hand feels warm under yours and you make a move to hold it. But he jerks away. "Anyways, you should be going now, right? Time to get my beauty sleep, you know."
You're shocked, leaving his room feeling utterly rejected.
He'd never even told you goodbye.
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If the Council finds out you're pulling a disobedient stunt like this, they might just shove you in the jailhouse for eternity. Then you'll be stripped from your career, home unit and assigned partner.
All your life, though, you've been known as the obedient one. If the Council told you to end your service as a nurse by jumping off a bridge, you'd do it.
But sometimes, you suppose you need to take drastic measures.
Your heart thumps loudly in your chest and your palms feel irritatingly clammy in your jacket pocket where a ziplock bag stays stowed away from sight. Every step towards the hospital fills you with dread—it's another step you've survived without having a Council member catch you in the act.
Maybe this is a bad idea. What if they can check your vitals? That would give away the fact that you had neglected to take your suppressant this morning. The white pill sits snugly in the ziplock bag in your jacket pocket.
The plan is simple. You will walk into the hospital like nothing is wrong. You will walk straight into Jimin's room and hand him the suppressant. He will take the pill. It can't be that hard.
Both of you had developed this plan over the course of a week. It would've taken less time to execute it too if you hadn't chickened out three days in a row.
It mostly terrified you that once started, this little illicit project would last until Jimin's transport. It freaked you out even more that the whole thing was a secret between you and Jimin.
You can't credit this idea to yourself, but it wasn't exactly Jimin's either. Both of you had hinted at it, and in the end, it had been officially addressed. So, you can't blame anyone if it fails drastically.
The suppressant has been around for decades. No one in Tagna has lived without taking them for a very, very long time. The Council likes to hint that before the suppressant entered the human body system, humans were fickle, sexual and undeserving beings. You don't think you'll revert back to that, per se.
But you're wary of the possible side effects.
You always told yourself you'd never show favoritism among your patients. But here you are. Sacrificing your suppressant for Jimin. In your defense, he's something else. Someone that will forever be ingrained in your memories. He's the only person who deserves more than what Everland has to offer. Because Everland surely doesn't restore back missing limbs. And that's what Jimin deserves.
Come to think of it, there's a crazy synergy between you and your patients for some reason. Even Yoongi... He understands you in a way no one else has before. Talking to him feels natural, effortlessly easy and fun, too. Maybe it's because he had worked in your career unit—as the Council says, compatibility rates skyrockets amongst those in the same career unit. Or maybe, just maybe, he should've been your assigned partner. Maybe you're a mismatch with Jungkook.
And judging by the way you feel around your assigned partner, you think it might be true. Doesn't easy communication and having fun around someone mean you love them? Isn't that what love is? Isn't that what defines a deep attraction?
But then again, the last time you'd tried to hold Yoongi's hand—which hadn't been a romantic gesture at all—he had tugged away. Ever since that incident, you've been refraining yourself from lightly touching his shoulder or reassuringly holding his hand. Yet if Yoongi had felt awkward from that encounter, he didn't show it.
Now it's been five days since you've stopped taking your suppressant. Ever since the third day, you haven't felt guilty about it anymore. It almost feels natural not to take the pill at this point.
Jimin's been noticeably happier these days as a result. He has two days before his transport, but he's showing no symptoms of intense nervousness. The suppressant seems to be doing wonders for his condition.
That finally puts you at peace.
And regarding the little warning that Yoongi had given you? The one about how taking the suppressant would make Jimin's transport take longer? Jimin didn't mind.
He told you he'd rather be happy, that he didn't mind the wait. It was all it took for you to authorize the plan.
And now look where things are. It's going great.
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This is peculiar.
You have no idea when it started, or how it started, or why it started, but you've been noticing the smallest details about Yoongi. The way he eats, the manner in which he talks, the slightly sarcastic tone to his voice when he argues with you... You may not have noticed them before, but you see them now. And it's endearing.
He's endearing.
Every time he smiles at you, your heart beats a little faster and you feel the heat rushing through your face. You can't quite say it's a good feeling per se, but you know it's special. When his hair falls over his eyes, you always have the urge to reach out and fix it for him. You can't even get him out of your head.
You've never experienced anything like this before. You can't exactly say you hate it, but you're not sure if you like it either.
"Hey, Yoongs?" you whisper. Yoongi glances up from reading his latest book you provided him. It's a cheesy romance story and Yoongi openly made a ten-minute rant on why he hates romance, but you just think he's in denial that a little romance is actually really addicting.
"Hm?" he hums.
You're silent, admiring his face before the words tumble out of your mouth. "Did you ever have an assigned partner?"
Yoongi raises his eyebrows. "Oh?" He smirks. "Why are you interested?"
You flush bright pink. "Why can't I just ask a question without having to deal with a deflected inquiry?"
"Because I like being difficult."
"But to answer your rather invasive question, yes, I had an assigned partner," Yoongi says. "But it was a mismatch. Lovely."
You gape at him. "The Council mismatched your partner and career??"
"Technically, they mismatched my home unit too," Yoongi scoffs. "They failed me, you know. Don't trust those fucktards."
"Maybe you changed drastically during your transition to adulthood?" you reason. "The Council just doesn't make mistakes!"
Yoongi laughs out loud. "Oh, they make a lot of mistakes. Trust me."
Trust me. It's a lot coming from someone you've known for less than a month. You grew up with the Council supporting you, watching you grow, nurturing you and treating you like you were their own daughter. You can't just throw away your trust in the Council because someone you're fond of says so.
"Mistakes? What other errors could there possibly be?" you say doubtfully.
"They should've made their system foolproof," Yoongi laughs. "They should've put a chip in everyone's arm to check their vitals. Now there's no way of finding out who's not taking their suppressant."
You freeze.
Did he know??
"You mean there's barely a difference in action between those who take the suppressant and those who don't?" you ask.
"No, there are a few differences," Yoongi shrugs. "Only a suppressant developer would know, though. Say, Y/N," he smiles, shutting his book and showing you the cover. "Do you know what love is?"
"Love?" you say, raising your eyebrows. "What do you mean? Of course I know."
"You mean you trust the definition of love that the Council gave you."
"Yes? Why wouldn't I? Love. Noun or verb. A deep attraction. Or to feel a romantic connection with someone." The definition slips off your lips easily after years and years of repeating in your head and out loud.
"And," Yoongi drags on, "how do you know you feel a deep attraction to or a romantic connection with someone?"
"If you communicate naturally together? And uh, have fun together?" you say, but it sounds more like a question than a sure statement. You sigh, "Maybe I don't know what love is."
It feels horrible admitting it out loud.
"Maybe because I don't know what it is, I can't seem to love my assigned partner," you say. "That makes sense, right?"
Yoongi laughs. "Love isn't something anyone can control. That includes the Council." He laughs again, casually tossing his book across the room. You gasp when it lands in the trash can. "Every single fucking 'romance' book here is fake—ersatz, if you will."
"What the hell do you mean?" you say, frowning as you try to stand up to retrieve the book.
But Yoongi grabs your arm and you freeze once more. You turn your face the other way as your cheeks start to feel warm.
"Love is something you find for yourself," he says. "Arranged partnerships, forced partnerships, assigned partnerships—whatever the books say—it's not supposed to work. You're supposed to feel something when you're in love. You're supposed to feel bothered. And sometimes, you'll feel a little too warm for your liking. Your stomach will feel weird. Kinda like there are butterflies flying about inside it. You're supposed to care for the person you love, be their friend, their listener. Sometimes, you'll feel like you want to touch them—sexual attraction. You love them so much, you want to know every inch of them—physically and mentally..." Yoongi trails off. "Of course, the suppressant suppresses all of those feelings."
"Oh." It's the only thing you can manage to mutter. How can you say anything else when Yoongi just described almost everything you felt about him?
It explains so much too.
Why so suddenly you'd been feeling so heated around Yoongi. It's most likely you loved him before you stopped taking the suppressant. But it was only revealed after.
"Oh?" Yoongi says.
"I-I don't know," you say, flustered. "All my life... All my life I thought I was supposed to love my assigned partner. But I don't now... And I... I think I love someone else."
Yoongi smiles, cocking his head so that a bit of his bangs fall over his eyes. "Are you sure?"
You mirror his smile. "Yeah," you murmur, taking a deep breath before using all of your willpower to lean in and sweep Yoongi's bangs off to the side. "I'm sure."
"Good," Yoongi says. "So, do tell. Why have you stopped taking the suppressant?"
He's extremely close to you. So much so, when he speaks, you can feel the warmth of his breath on your cheeks. You barely have the capacity to be surprised.
"I... um, I thought I was immune to it," you answer back in a hushed whisper. "So I didn't think it would change anything if I uh, stopped taking it," you lie. "But it was suppressing me and I didn't even know it."
"Still, you feel it now, right?" Yoongi says. "The butterflies in your stomach?"
Butterflies. What a weird way to describe the fluttering sensation rising up your middle to your chest. But you like it.
"Right now?" you say, raising an eyebrow.
Yoongi grins. "I don't know why, but we're attracted to each other, Y/N. Love has a strange way of connecting the people most far away."
"Wait, Yoongi—"
"Blushed cheeks, shy glances, playful touching... Y/N, I think I found out you love me before you did," Yoongi laughs, lying back on the bed triumphantly. "And then when I thought about it, I supposed you weren't too bad. That's when you started to plague my mind—in kind of a good way, too. It wasn't long until I realized I loved you back." Yoongi glances your way. "Am I going too fast? Do you need time to understand?"
"Um, yes!" you say. "Are you proposing that we love each other? But in an unconventional way? A way that the Council doesn't approve of?"
"The Council isn't the law, you know."
"You're right. They're higher than the law."
Yoongi snorts. "They tell you they are," he says. "I like to think that they're control freaks. It'll be fine. I get to escape to Everland or whatever the shit they call 'paradise' anyway."
"I don't even know what to say!"
"Yeah, me neither."
"What am I supposed to do? Believe you? Challenge the Council questions? Start taking the suppressant again?"
"Do whatever you want," Yoongi smiles. "That's how I ended up getting chosen to go to Everland."
"What do you mean?"
Yoongi suddenly leans in, making your breath hitch and the butterflies in your stomach spread their wings in rapid succession. A rippling motion undertakes your inner stomach. Instinctively, you reach out to the man in front of you, softly wrapping your hand around his wrist. He smiles, tugging you close—so close that your noses are almost touching.
"You'll find out if you want," Yoongi whispers. You can feel his warm breath on your lips. The sensation is new, foreign, but the intimacy pulls you in.
His lips finally meet yours in a quick, fleeting kiss so soft that if your whole face wasn't burning, you would've convinced yourself it hadn't happened. Yoongi leans away, looking confident in himself as he glances at you through the bangs that had fallen over his eyes again.
Your heart beats dangerously fast in your chest when your eyes meet his, goosebumps dotting your skin and your lips feeling unusually tingly.
"Do you believe me now?" Yoongi asks.
It's a hard question disguised with easy words. You find yourself struggling to answer, cheeks tinging pink as you look down at your feet.
Of course you want to believe Yoongi. But you can't throw away your belief in the Council and that was that.
Yoongi senses your hesitation and breaks the silence. "Hey."
"How about this," he says. "Why don't you go back home to that mismatched assigned partner of yours and see for yourself?"
You hum. Maybe that is a good idea.
You suppose you'll have to see for yourself.
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"Jungkook?" you whisper.
"Yes?" he answers in a similar, quiet tone. He grabs your hand from under the bed covers, drawing soft circles on the back of your hand with his thumb. "What do you want to ask this time?" There's a small, teasing lilt to his voice that almost makes you feel bad for planning on dropping such a difficult question on him. But you persist.
"Why do you love me?"
Jungkook momentarily pauses. "We're partners! Of course I love you!"
"No, no," you sigh, shaking your head. "But why. If we weren't assigned partners, would you still love me?"
There's a sudden shift in the covers as Jungkook turns to his side to face you. Judging by the frown etched on his face, he isn't a big fan of your question.
"The Council picked us to be partners, sweetie," he says. "I love you because we have easy communication and we have fun together."
"Is that all love is to you?"
"Do you want me to go ahead and define it, sweetie?" Jungkook asks. "I'm getting worried, Y/N. Why the sudden questions about love?"
"I-I'm sorry..." you say. "But just... don't you feel something? Love makes you feel something."
"Feel?" Jungkook shakes his head. "What are you talking about?"
"Don't you constantly think of me throughout your day? Don't you feel the butterflies in your stomach? Don't you start blushing if I ever say something nice to you? Don't you want to touch me?"
Jungkook's frown deepens. "Why would I have butterflies in my stomach?" he says. "I don't think that would be healthy at all, sweetie. And I'm already touching you, see?" He holds up your intertwined hands.
He doesn't understand.
"Never mind..." you sigh, pulling your hand away from his. "I'll stop bothering you."
"No, explain, sweetie," Jungkook says. "You're not bothering me. I promise."
He will never understand. Not like Yoongi does, anyway. You stay silent, wishing that the suppressant will put Jungkook to sleep. It's better for people like him to stay ignorant.
But just as you thought the long silence indicated that Jungkook was asleep:
"Well, do you love me?" He sounds hopeful, but also so sure you're going to give him the answer he wants.
The question catches you off guard. You desperately want to say yes—to preserve a partnership and prevent Jungkook from pain and sorrow. But maybe it's better for you to tell him the truth. You can't continue what you have with Yoongi when you have an assigned partner. It pains you to say but—
"I don't love you."
"We're a mismatch, Jungkook. Let's go to the Council tomorrow and file a split."
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This is possibly the worst day to proceed with the procedure.
Things have been hectic with the Council pulling you out of your home unit to separate you and Jungkook. Things have been awkward. Jungkook probably doesn't want to speak to you ever again. He's convinced that you broke his heart.
You're convinced that he never truly loved you to begin with.
Yoongi helps you explore a new kind of relationship. The one that sets fire to your insides and seals it with searing kisses. The one that's pretty distracting for your other daily activities.
Jimin sits patiently on the hospital bed with a blanket draped over his missing leg. "I'm excited, Y/N," he says. "Just think! In a few hours, I'll be there! In Everland..."
You nod, silently pulling on your latex gloves.
"I'm so happy, Y/N," Jimin says. "I've never been this happy in my whole life."
"You'll be happier in Everland," you reply, smiling. "You deserve it, Jimin."
"It's all thanks to you," he says. He suddenly sits up, looking at you solemnly. "But I'll miss you, you know that?"
"Oh, Jimin... I'll miss you too."
"Thank you," he says. "Really. For everything."
He's talking about the little suppressant plan. "No, thank you," you say. Jimin was the catalyst to you finally coming to your feelings, after all. "I wish you a safe transport."
When your assistant rolls in the familiar cart with your needed supplies, you can hear Jimin take a deep breath. He must've seen the syringe.
"It won't hurt," you promise, walking over to the cart and holding the syringe carefully. The needle glints in the air.
Jimin gulps. "F-For us and for Everland, right?"
"Right. Now, lie down, please," you say in your most soothing voice. "This is going to put you to sleep. Your mind will start to travel between dimensions to eventually reach Everland. If you want, you can close your eyes too."
You lean in to whisper in his ear, "The process might take longer... as you may know, but the delay won't be hours long, I hope."
Jimin nods. His eyes flutter close and you can tell he's trying to relax his body.
"That's it," you say. "Relax..."
You let Jimin take a few deep breaths. Then you hold out his arm. "Clench your fist for me, please."
Jimin does as you say. Once you can spot a vein on the upper forearm, you tell Jimin the needle will go in. He nods and does not respond, squeezing his eyes shut. Thankfully, his body stays relaxed as you begin to slowly push down on the plunger. You're almost done when Jimin starts to whimper.
He must be scared.
"Just a few more seconds, Jimin," you say. "You'll be fine..."
But his whimpering doesn't cease even after the needle is out of him. You wipe away excess blood with an alcohol swab quickly, pressing a clean cotton ball on his skin and using medical tape to secure it.
Jimin's still squeezing his eyes shut and you notice sweat accumulating on his forehead.
"Jimin?" you say. "It's over, Jimin. Are you okay?"
"I-It h-hurts," he whimpers. "P-Please, make it stop."
"Hurts?" you say. It's not supposed to hurt. No one ever said it hurt after. You don't want to panic; not when your patient is close to a panic attack.
"Please, Y/N," Jimin groans. His body starts to shake and his eyes open in the process. "I-It's hard to b-breathe—"
Your darkest nightmare unfolds before your eyes.
"He's hyperventilating!" you yell, no doubt frightening your assistants. "Jimin, do you hear me? Purse your lips, take a deep breath through your nose and let it out slowly through your lips, okay?? Do you hear me? Jimin??"
Jimin's leg jerks, nearly kicking you. His whole body begins to twitch; you watch in horror as foam starts to gather in his mouth. "Fuck, he's having a seizure! Get me a cushion!"
"Jimin, hang on!"
You turn his head to the side, guarding the edges of the hospital bed so he doesn't fall off. When your assistant hands you a cushion, you carefully place it under his head. "Oh, Jimin..."
All sorts of bad thoughts fly past you. What if he can't get to Everland because he took the suppressant? What if he will never find happiness again? What will happen when the Council finds out? Will they declare my career as a mismatch too?
Right now, all you can do is wait the seizure out. If he's unconscious afterward, it'll be one of two things: he's somehow transporting himself to Everland or he's in need of urgent care.
It's all your fault, it seems. If you hadn't agreed to such a fickle plan, you would never be in this state of agony. A minute flies by and Jimin falls asleep, limp and sweaty. His face is red and there's a puddle of spit with a mixture of vomit by his lips. You have to look away.
I'm so sorry, Jimin.
A new batch of assistants burst through the door and they start to roll the hospital bed away.
"Wait, where is he going?"
They don't answer you. Apparently, they're not your assistants.
"Is he going to Everland??" you try again.
They're silent.
"Is Jimin okay?"
One of them turns around to look at you. Her eyes are cold but she forges a small smile on her thin lips. "He is okay. The transport was successful. The Council has permitted you to go home early."
There is a relief that floods through you. But it feels cold.
You didn't even get to say your proper goodbyes to Jimin. And now he's off to Everland, but only after leaving Tagna feeling intense pain and undergoing great suffering. The last memory you have of him is him unconscious, legless and distressed.
I don't want to go home.
There is no one waiting for you there, now. So you walk solemnly down the unsettlingly white hospital hallway and knock on the door of a familiar room.
"Come in," says an all too familiar voice.
You already feel comforted.
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You tell Yoongi everything that happened in Jimin's procedure. His hyperventilating, his seizure and then his successful transport. Yoongi listens quietly to your story but you can tell his mind is someplace else.
When you finish talking, he continues to stare at you, offering no comments or reactions to Jimin's hectic transport. He looks a lot like he's thinking with his brows slightly furrowed and his lips parted.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Do you want me to be brutally honest?" he asks. You nod, though you're a bit wary of his candid thoughts. "Don't get mad," he warns you. "But I pity you."
You frown. "Pity me?"
"Yes. You, your job, your... life."
"Just because I had a mismatched assigned partner doesn't signal the end of the world," you say. "You don't have to pity me, Yoongi."
"Jimin's gone, Y/N," he replies without skipping a beat. "I do pity you. Jungkook's gone because you never loved him. And I'll be gone too. What are you going to do?"
"This is my job," you say. "I guess we can't all have perfect assigned partners and careers and home units and everything. Besides, Jimin's in a great place now. And you will be too. I'm just helping you get there."
Yoongi's silent. He stares at his hands then he stares back up at you. Then, he sighs.
"Do you want to know why I'm here?"
You frown. "What do you mean?"
"You've been wondering, right? Why I'm not physically nor mentally disabled. Why I'm not an elderly man, either. I'm a strange case, aren't I? You weren't supposed to get another patient for a while longer, but you ended up having to take care of me and Jimin. Don't you want to know why?"
"I mean, of course I do. It's just very sudden that you're—"
"I'm a criminal."
Your heart drops in your chest.
"You're a what?"
"A criminal."
"W-What...? Why aren't you in a jailhouse? A-Are you sure you're a criminal? Why would they allow you to go to Everland?"
Yoongi nods, laughing bitterly. "It's all a part of the Council's masterplan."
"What the hell are you saying?"
"The Council likes order. They like normal. They can't accept people who are different. They can't possibly house the citizens who would disobey their orders," Yoongi says. "So they ship the different ones off to Everland."
"Because Everland accepts and loves everyone for who they are!"
"No, so they won't be a disgrace to Tagna," Yoongi snorts. "My brother had Aspergers," he continues. "But they didn't find out until way later. He liked the routinely ways of the Council and tried to conform. But he was still different. Social interactions were hard for him—so hard that the Council found out that he's different. The next thing you know, he's shipped off to the hospital so they could 'treat' him and I never saw him again."
"They took him to Everland," you say.
"I know they did. I didn't find out until later," Yoongi says. "Because I invented the drug."
"The syringe you use for every patient, right? I invented the serum inside it."
"What do you mean, how?" Yoongi says. "It made it easier for the Council. Less chaos."
It makes sense. When you were training to be a nurse, everything had been a pilot-run because the transport system had been revamped.
"I didn't think they would use the drug that way..." Yoongi says. "I thought they'd use it on the criminals in the jailhouse..."
"Why would they give that to the criminals in the jailhouse??"
"You and I, Y/N..." Yoongi trails off. He looks into your eyes, almost as if he was pleading you to believe him. "We're murderers."
You stand up from his bed. "What did you say?"
When Yoongi stands up and takes a step towards you, you step backward, nearly stumbling over doing so. "Listen to me very carefully, Y/N," he pleads. "That drug... it stops your vitals."
"No! It puts you to sleep! Then your mind starts to travel across dimensions!"
"Don't you understand?" Yoongi says. He grabs your arm. "Everland is death."
You fall to the floor.
"They burn the bodies in the basement of the hospital," he continues. "You thought Tagna was such an advanced society there was no such thing as death?" He laughs scornfully. "Y/N, the Council believes Tagna is so advanced, it's permitted to kill their own citizens to preserve equality and likeness. And when the neighboring societies attack, they'll release the gas-version of the drug and kill everyone—even the citizens of Tagna if they have to."
"That can't be true..." you whisper. "Yoongi, I can't do this." You bury your face in your hands. "Neighboring societies? A cemetery under the hospital? I've been living under a rock."
"The only society we know the name of is Atna. They're curating a selection of their best and most intelligent citizens to destroy us," Yoongi says. "That's all I know. I helped design the gas serum that would make them drop dead like flies. Until I threatened to quit and release the gas in the Council's chambers."
"You quit because you knew they killed your brother."
"Exactly that," Yoongi says. "See, it isn't so hard to understand. And now I'm here, a threat to society, apparently. After everything I've done for them, too. Even fixed up the suppressant by request..." He pauses, watching you tremble on the floor. He kneels down next to you, patting your back. "Hey... do you believe me?"
"I killed him..." you breathe shakily. "I killed Jimin... And I made it worse by letting him take the suppressant... A-And it reacted badly with the serum... I killed seventy-eight people... Oh, fuck! And I have to kill you!" A broken sob leaves your lips as your huddle into a ball. "You're right, Yoongi. I'm a murderer..."
"You were forced to do it. And you didn't know," Yoongi soothes. "The Council are a bunch of vile fucktards, Y/N. They're the real murderers. Not us."
"What am I going to do?" you sob. "I can't continue on, Yoongi. I want to resign."
"If you resign, they'll kill you too."
"Maybe death... maybe Everland will be better than this," you whisper. "What's the point anymore, Yoongi? When I'm old, they're gonna kill me too."
"Let them. There's no use fighting it. Either way, you'll end up dead. Like me."
"I can help the other citizens of Tagna," you say, wiping away your tears and gritting your teeth. "I can free them from the Council's restraints. Maybe we can leave Tagna altogether and see if there are other societies to live in. You can tell me where they keep the gas! That could be really helpful."
"No, Y/N," Yoongi firmly says. "Let the others live in bliss."
"What?? Why?"
"I don't want to be a hero. Think about how complicated things will be if you were to go against the Council," Yoongi says. "It's not worth it because you'll lose."
"So you're going to let me kill you?"
"Everland is better than Tagna, don't you agree?"
There he goes again, answering your question with another one of his.
"You've accepted your fate."
"I have. You should accept yours too."
"I have no fate," you scoff. "I'm someone the Council chose to become a licensed murderer."
"Your service helps those poor people escape their suffering."
"Yeah, without their permission."
"You shouldn't have declared your assigned partner as a mismatch to the Council," Yoongi sighs. He rubs his forehead in a conflicted way and gives you a sideways look. "I'm leaving in five days, you know. I don't want you to be alone. Mismatched or not, he was your friend."
"Five days..." You run your fingers through your hair. "That's such little time."
"We'll spend it together."
"How?" you challenge. "How would I? I'm not supposed to feel love, Yoongi. They'll notice something suspicious if I'm always here with you."
"They'll think you're being a good nurse," he answers. "Come on, Y/N," he says, taking your hands in his. "As your patient, I demand you stay over with me tonight. The other days... you can do whatever you want. I just... I want your company today."
After everything you learned now, you need Yoongi's presence too.
So you nod, crawling into bed with him. He tells you light-hearted stories of fictional societies that might exist in the barren world until you fall asleep.
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You confess.
This morning, when you woke up, you swiftly got out of the hospital bed, swept away Yoongi's bangs from his face and gave him a silent goodbye (you didn't want to wake him) before walking out of the hospital. You go straight to the Council. And you admit you haven't been taking the suppressant. You admit that Jungkook isn't a mismatch as you had thought he was—you were without your suppressant and you weren't thinking straight. You tell them that you deserve whatever consequence they will bestow upon you. That you're sorry (though you aren't). And you regret messing up Jimin's procedure (which is the truth).
They are generous to you. Only because they love you like their daughter. Only because you have such a highly held job.
The Council doubles your suppressant intake and declares your curfew will be stricter. But they will move you back to your original home unit and reassign you to Jungkook. They lie to you. They say he loves you very much. You lie right back to them. You say you love him too.
Then, you bargain with them. You ask if your current patient may have an extension date until their transport, explaining that it's hard for you to convince him that Everland is a paradise. You tell them that he repeatedly tells you that he is afraid of Everland. It's a lie. But the Council will make something of it because they don't know you know the truth. In the end, you manage to convince them to authorize a three-day extension.
Now you have a week left with Yoongi. Less time than you'd like, especially with your stricter curfew. But it's more than what you had before.
Your next step is to apologize to Jungkook, hoping he doesn't take your declaration that you were a mismatch too personally. He is nothing but a victim to you, at this point, you realize. You would never know if he truly loves you or not—only ditching the suppressant altogether would tell. And it's not his fault that you don't love him back.
But the Council must've told Jungkook that you weren't in your right mind when you filed a split with him because he welcomes you back with open arms.
"I missed you," he whispers, tugging you into a tight hug.
"Me too," you say, hugging him tighter. It isn't a lie either. "I'm sorry," you say. "I'm really, really sorry, Jungkook." That's the truth.
"The Council told me what happened. I'm sorry about Jimin's transport, sweetie," he says. "Please don't make me worry again, though." He pulls you back and looks at your face, studying your features with what reflects on his eyes as admiration and care. "Please take your suppressants."
"I will," you tell him.
"They're making me monitor you," Jungkook says. "But just promise me, that you'll take the suppressant."
"I promise."
It's a lie.
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Every day, you leave your home unit for work just like any other day in your life. But every day, you pretend to take your two suppressants in front of Jungkook, but when he isn't looking, you crush them, dissolve what's left of them in water and flush the solution down the toilet. And then you spend the rest of the day—up until your curfew—with Yoongi.
The two of you try to pretend everything is normal. When, of course, everything is not. But it helps to imagine everything is all right.
"What if Everland exists?" you whisper, poking at Yoongi's chest as he reads his mystery novel. "And when you die, you actually go to Everland?"
"I'll find out in a couple days for you," Yoongi says, setting down his book and quirking a teasing eyebrow at you.
So much for ignoring his impending death.
"I'm more worried about you after I leave," he says. "Don't you ever wish I never told you about what Everland really was?"
You hum thoughtfully. "I don't know. Haven't thought about it much... I guess I'm a bit peeved you forced all this information on me," you tease. "But I think I like knowing the truth, overall."
"Well, that's a relief," Yoongi grins. "Don't wanna piss off the person who's dealing with my transport."
You shouldn't have, but you laugh. "We're really getting into the dark humor, aren't we?"
"We are," Yoongi agrees. "And we'll continue while it lasts."
"How long do you think it'll be until I meet you in Everland—if it exists?"
"Maybe like what, fifteen? Twenty years later? You're still young, Y/N," Yoongi tells you, poking at your cheeks. "You still have baby fat, love."
"I-I do not!" You flush a brilliant shade of red. Something about Yoongi calling you love... You wish you could cherish this feeling forever. Lock it up somewhere and go back to relive it over and over again.
"It's okay. I like the way you look," he says proudly. "Even if you were ugly—which you aren't—I would still love you. Because—" he pauses dramatically—"love makes you see past physicalities."
"Clearly," you joke, gesturing at Yoongi's face and subsequently earning a playful shove from him.
"Do you think we're doing the right thing, though?" Yoongi suddenly asks. "What if we just... run away?" He hums, grabbing your hand and tugging you to his chest, earning a little yelp from you.
"Run away?" you say in a hushed whisper. "That's preposterous!"
Yoongi laughs. "I know, I'm just joking. Imagine if we ran away only to find a post-apocalyptic world outside of Tagna. What if one of us dies? Then what about the other? Or what if we meet the crazy Atnatians? I was totally joking. To run away would be akin to a death wish. Only more drawn out and torturous."
"Yeah, I figured," you huff, turning your body towards Yoongi to frown at him disapprovingly.
He just snorts. "You didn't sound like you had it figured."
"You are very, very difficult."
"I know," he says. "But sometimes, you are too."
"Hey! You—"
You're cut off when Yoongi pulls you in by the waist for a kiss. It's one of those searing ones, where your whole body tingles at the feeling of his warm lips moving against yours. Your hands helplessly splay against his chest as his free hand caresses your cheek. When he carefully flips you over, your legs sandwiched between his thighs, he pulls away from your lips, a bit breathless and winded. And the moment his softened eyes meet yours, you realize this is more than what it seems—the road to passionate lovemaking. In reality, it is a desperate goodbye.
Before tears can well in your eyes, you tug Yoongi in by gripping the collar of his shirt, crashing your lips on his. You want to forget, but everything becomes a reminder that he will leave you in two days. The way he grips at your thighs, the way he spares extra time to memorize every inch, explore every crevice of your body—it's all painful to digest that this might be the last time... Everything he does to you might be the last. You hate it.
But you have to live in the moment.
There's something about Yoongi's movements tonight that reveals his true feelings. You can feel how much he loves you tonight—not from the butterflies in your stomach, but from Yoongi, himself. It's like he's cherishing the moment, so it can last well in your memories.
The Council likes to preach that equality is what drives society to succeed. Everyone must be equal, dress equally, live equally, even die equally (though that's disguised as a simple transport to Everland)—all to ensure that everyone is satisfied with the justness of the system. You disagree. It is unfair.
You feel wronged. Stripped away from the greatness of the life you could've had. But there is a small part of you that is grateful. If things hadn't turned out the way they had, maybe you would've never felt love. Maybe you would've been stuck in your career unit, working as a slave to the Council as they brain-washed you without knowing the truth. You wouldn't have met Yoongi.
In comparison to the truths you've unveiled and the pure bliss you've felt with Yoongi, it's a small price to pay. In the end, you'll have to transport Yoongi to Everland. And then you will go back on with living your life as a citizen of Tagna. Jungkook will do everything in his power to make you fall in love with him. Maybe you will; maybe you won't. The far future is hazy and thinking of it hurts your head.
You'll figure something out, though. You always do.
Finally, you've accepted your fate.
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The procedure room is unbearably cold.
Your hands shake as you pull on your latex gloves, and you have to take deep breaths to steady yourself, to convince your assistants that this is like any other normal transport. Except it's not.
"Why are you more nervous than I am?" Yoongi laughs, sitting up on his elbows on the all too familiar hospital bed.
You turn around and shoot him an ungrateful look. "Stop it," you hiss. "I'm trying to concentrate."
"Yes, nurse," he says sarcastically, saluting to you.
You bite your lip so you won't break out in a grin in front of the assistants. Shaking slightly, you turn to the medical cart where the syringe lies, the needle gleaming at you dangerously. You've touched seventy-eight shots, but you can't seem to grab this one, no matter how hard you try.
Finally, you let out a big sigh. "Can all of you leave, please?" you say. "Sorry, not feeling well today."
Thankfully, your assistants are obedient. There's shuffling as they move out of the room, and soon, it's only you and Yoongi left.
"Alone at last," he says, smiling.
"Not so happy you invented that horrible serum, now are you?" you say, frowning.
Yoongi shrugs. "Depends on the wielder of the serum. In this case, I'm satisfied."
With a huff, you snatch up the syringe and hold it out in front of you. "So this is it, then?"
"I suppose it is, love."
Your heart sinks. "I don't know if I can do this, Yoongi."
"Sure you can," he urges you. He grabs your wrist, pulling you close under the upper half of your thighs hits the edge of the medical bed. "Find the vein, insert the needle and you'll be done."
"It's not as easy as it sounds," you say. You stare at the man, a frown etched on your forehead. "I'm going to miss you."
"I'll miss you too," Yoongi replies. "Come here," he says, pulling you in to plant a sweet kiss on your lips. Something tells you it will be the last one.
"Okay. Okay," you whisper to yourself. "Lemme just find the vein and—" you nearly choke on the heavy feeling at the back of your throat. "I-I just have to insert the needle... press the plunger... Fuck," you curse.
"You can do it. I'll be here, watching you," Yoongi says, giving you a shit-eating grin.
"Thanks. That helps."
"Aren't you going to ask me for my last words, love?"
"No," you say, taking a deep breath and inserting the needle into Yoongi's upper forearm. He doesn't even flinch.
"Why not?" he asks.
"Because," you say in your trembling voice as you begin to press on the plunger, slowly and carefully. "Because," you repeat, "I don't want you to say the lasting line. It's bullshit."
"I had another line in mind."
"Really?" you say. When the plunger doesn't move further, you close your eyes in shock, even disbelief. You fumble to stop the blood from seeping out, quickly cleaning the mess with an alcohol swab and taping a cotton ball to the small wound. There is care laced in your actions, and your fingers linger on his arm.
"Yeah," Yoongi answers, his voice softening. His eyes begin to droop as the serum begins to work on his body. "I love you, Y/N."
"Oh, Yoongs..." you let out a choked sob, grabbing his hand. "Please don't—"
"I'm not done yet," he manages to breathe. He tries to look into your eyes, attempting to grin at you, but his lips don't move at his will. "F-For you and for me..." he trails off. "Because..." he takes a short pause to swallow, "E-Everland is bullshit a-and 'us' should only c-consist of... of y-you and... me."
"Yoongi..." you whisper, squeezing his hand. "I love you too. For you and for me... Yoongi?"
And when there is no sarcastic response, you know he is gone.
Except he's not traveling through dimensions to get to Everland. He's dead. And you don't know what happens when you die.
You can't bear to look at him. So you let go of his hand, turning your back to his body. On cue, your assistants flood into the room. You duck your head to wipe your tears and let them roll his unconscious body out of the room. When you get a short glimpse of his face, you find that there's a faint smile on his lips. You exhale a breath you didn't know you were holding.
As long as he was happy...
And with the way he was cracking jokes just seconds before his death proved a lot. If Yoongi is—was—okay with it, then so are you.
You bid him a final goodbye in your head.
Something switches inside you. A boiling, bubbling feeling. You can’t quite describe it, but it’s intense, making your body tingle from head to toe.
With vehement steps, you walk out of the hospital and straight into the Council. Standing before the Council members, you smile at them angelically.
"Good afternoon, Y/N," they chorus.
"Good afternoon, Council," you say.
"What are you here for today?" one of them inquires.
You look at him, "With all due respect, sir, I just want to have a little wish granted."
"A wish?" another member says incredulously.
"Yoongi. Formerly held a career in unit 38. Deceased. Don't burn his body in the basement under the hospital. Bury him, please. Properly. Give him a coffin and a tombstone and everything. He's done a lot to advance Tagna hasn't he? It's the least you can do."
And before any of the Council members can react, you march away, down the streets and into your home unit.
Confronting the Council and demanding justice from them felt refreshing. Your suggestion might actually be taken, or you might be taken to the jailhouse. You're not sure which. But whatever it is, it won't matter. All you can do now is wait until your time of death comes.
"Y/N? Sweetie?"
"How was the transport?" your assigned partner says, rushing to greet you with a hopeful smile on his face. "The Council told me they gave him an extension for his transport date because he was so nervous. Did it go well?"
You smile. "Yeah... It was... good. Peaceful. Eye-opening, too."
"That's great!" Jungkook exclaims. "Did he say the lasting line?"
I love you, Y/N. For you and for me. Because Everland is bullshit and 'us' should only consist of you and me.
The saddest... but most content part of your life in just three sentences. Tears begin to well up in your eyes, but a small smile stretches across your lips from the memory. "No, he didn't say it."
"O-Oh," Jungkook says. He awkwardly stares at you in blatant confusion, wondering why you are crying profusely while smiling. He wonders if starting to take the suppressant again messed with your sanity. Jungkook's brows furrow as he begins to worry again. "Y/N..."
"No," you say, shaking your head adamantly. "He said something better than that."
Something true. Not some bullshit line like for us and for Everland.
It feels good to admit to something so genuine. Your grin grows wider.
Yoongi would be proud of you for not being so... so, ersatz. And he's up there somewhere—maybe in your head—nagging at you, teasing you. You'll count down the days until you'll be able to follow him there.
But for now, it's for you and for me, Yoongi.
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homoose · 3 years
you reblogged those gifs of reid with an attitude and it reminded me of how much i love sassy reid like i just wanna bicker with that mf so badly lmfao (n then hold hands later 🤢)
oh man this just 💧 into my head. gn!reader (the gifs in question)
The door closed quietly and you heard Spencer sigh from the entryway. You poked your head out of the kitchen and gave him the best smile you could muster. “Hey! I didn’t expect you home today.”
“Wrapped the case early,” he muttered.
You tread over the next words carefully, knowing how he could get into his head about cases. “Is that... not a good thing?”
He ignored your question and gestured around at the apartment. “How does it always end up looking like this when I’ve been gone for more than a couple days?”
Your jaw dropped open, half in embarrassment and half in shock. “Whoa, what?”
“I don’t understand how you live like this.” He started picking up the living room. He folded the blanket you’d been sleeping under for the past week— the bed far too big without him in it. Then he straightened the coffee table that you’d been using as a home office. Finally he gathered the trash— snack wrappers, tissues, a couple empty powerade bottles— and brushed past you into the kitchen, dropping the collection into the full garbage can.
You managed to close your mouth as he turned to the sink— overflowing with the dishes from the pasta recipe you’d made to feel like you’d accomplished something, anything while he was away. He gestured wildly at the mess. “Can’t even get to the faucet to wash my hands.”
Your shock turned to annoyance like the flip of a switch. “Sorry that I wanted to cook something for myself while you were gone for a week and a half.”
“It’s really not that difficult to wash the dishes as you go, and then you don’t have all this mess.”
His tone had you crossing your arms over your chest. “Well, it’s hard to do that when there’s only one person doing all the work.”
He turned to face you and drew his brows together. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re never here!”
“Okay? And you knew that when you married me,” he shrugged, “so I’m not sure how that’s relevant.”
“And I’m not sure why you’re so concerned with what I do when you’re gone, but here we are.”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m concerned because it’s irritating to come home from the hell that is my job and be greeted by a pig sty.”
You turned your head to look behind you, made a show of looking over his head and then over your other shoulder. He furrowed his brow. “What’re you looking at?”
You laughed, but there was no humor it. “I’m just trying to find who it is you’re talking to, because it could not possibly be me that you’re speaking to like that.”
He pursed his lips, and you thought you saw a sliver of regret, and then he was muttering out, “I’m gonna take a shower.” He moved to leave the kitchen, careful not to get too close as he passed.
“Great.” You waited til he was halfway to the bathroom. “Hopefully the water does a reverse gremlin and turns you back into the man I married.” You meant to spit venom, but it felt more like rain on a splintering roof.
You were curled up under the blanket on the couch when the shower finally turned off. You’d shook it out extra vigorously as a sort of fuck you to Spencer before tucking yourself in underneath and turning to face the back of the couch.
It wasn’t that he was necessarily wrong— your apartment was a mess; you knew that. But you hadn’t known that he was coming home. And the week had been less than kind to you. And then your husband walked in the door and chose to be unkind, too.
You heard the scrape of the dresser drawer, the creaking of the floorboards, the shuffle of socked feet. And then there was a long pause.
You closed your eyes, brought a hand up to wipe at a tear that had slipped over your lash line, and felt his presence before he said anything. For a minute it was just the two of you in silence, until he asked, “Are you awake?”
You thought about feigning sleep, but there was a tenor of grief in his voice that tugged at your heart. You sighed. “Yes.”
“Are you— are you coming to bed?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, not willing to cave so easily. “Should I?”
He moved to sit on the edge of the couch and looked at your back and then at his hands. “Yes.” He sucked in a wavering breath. “I’m sorry. For being mean, and critical, and an asshole. I know that— I know it’s not easy for you to be alone all the time.”
He turned his whole body toward you on the couch, and you felt his hand hovering over your side. “The bed’s still— did you sleep out here all week?”
You’d been on the couch for nine days. “I just— I don’t sleep well in our bed without you.”
His hand was closing over your side and pulling you up and toward him before you’d even finished the sentence. He wrapped his arms around you, buried his face in your neck, and let out a breath that sounded a lot like agony. “I’m so sorry. It was a shitty case, but that’s no excuse for being a jerk.” He sniffled a little into your shoulder. “I love you, and I’m s-sorry.”
Your arms came around his shoulders, and you combed soothing fingers through his hair. “I love you, too. I’m sorry it was a tough one.”
He shook his head against your shoulder, pulled back just enough to press his lips to yours. You brought gentle hands to his face, pressed your forgiveness into his skin and breathed it into his mouth.
You broke apart only when you had to come up for air, and Spencer immediately laced his fingers with yours, pressed kisses to backs of both your hands. “Come to bed?”
You hummed. “That shower really did bring back my mogwai, huh?”
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i like your hc of beiguang having a seasonal relationship and not using labels, i used to think that as well bc of ning’s title and her reputation she prob can’t be seen publicly with a pirate? but last update we saw them and they were on vacation together so now i’m more curious than ever about just what kind of relationship they actually have lol i don’t doubt it’s romantic but they feel like an old married bickering couple now 😭 (i hope sending ask here is okay, anon’s off on your main)
hii anon!! just wanna let u know this ask brought me SO MUCH JOY bc IM DOWN BAD FOR THESE TWO and I CAN'T BELIEVE SOMEONE SAW THE POST I MADE
i didnt know i turned off anon ask for my main tho - oops
this post is getting much longer than i planned for lmfao you absolutely did not ask for a whole ass essay but here we are
i imagined them having a seasonal relationship in the other post, partly bc of how different they are in small ways (like taste of food, etc) - they probably can't stand each other if they actually lived together for a long period of time without making some concessions lmfao. it could also be because of my own bias... to me, they both seem like people who have way too much on their plates to have a stable relationship. maintaining a relationship is something that takes a lot of energy and company, and i don't rlly see either of them want it *that* badly to sacrifice what they could have been doing instead. having a seasonal relationship is the least cumbersome option
tbh, i agree with u - it would make sense if they acted more distant in public, but then we saw they bickering during moonchase and in the bartending event. in ningguang's hangout, even an npc acknowledged that beidou and ningguang are close. so it doesnt seem like they are rlly hiding it. it's probably a public knowledge by now
they do have some front for their relationship, though - for ningguang, she needs someone to do the dirty work & intrigue for her, and she chose beidou. for beidou, she needs someone to overlook some of the illegal stuff she did. but tbh i think they probably realized early on how well they work together and how similar they are deep down. it's esp fun to think abt all the exceptions ningguang made for beidou (allowing beidou to make jokes on her expense, being honest and straightforward with her when it comes to her plans, inviting beidou for chess, etc), and all the times that beidou complains abt ningguang yet does exactly what she asks for
it becomes rather difficult to label the relationship when your life becomes entangled with another person in so many ways and for a long time
i also absolutely love that they play chess together & travel together, btw (even tho the description of Liyue Millennium sounds more like a fancy monopoly rather than chess to me lmfao). even if one does not see their relationship as romantic, it is still very clear that they know each other extremely well & are on the same level intellectually, and they acknowledge each other's abilities
it's also interesting to consider how long they actually know each other. from the bartending event we know that beidou knows very well of ningguang's past. did they know each other when they were younger, or did they confide their past to each other as adults? either way, i think it shows how close they are and how much trust they have of the other.
tl;dr: they are madly in love and they can't stand each other, and they are absolutely partners in crime, i love them
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silverquillsideas · 3 years
Hi...if you don't mind me asking who are your top 10 favorite anime couples (can be canon or fanon)? And why? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....
Hi! Oof this is another tricky one lol.... The way I ship is basically in two ways : obsess over ships from shows I'm currently watching for a few weeks/months, and then the love sort of fades away :3
OR find my OTPs and consistently obsess for years :D
So, the following list contains both my current/older ships and some of my OTPs :P
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My OTP of all OTPs. The love of my shipper life 😍 I have so many bones to pick with Naruto as a media/show, but I'll be grateful it gave me SNS, I'll never stop being in awe of their unparalleled story :')
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Canon, comfort pairing, sweetness to the max. Victuuri is like that soft blanket u tuck yourself into in winter mornings, or that cup of hot cocoa you sip while sitting on a windowsill. They warm my heart <3
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Lolll can u tell I have a type? I'm a goner for childhood friends (+rivals) to lovers tropes, and bkdk has that and SO MUCH more. Someday, I'll read the bnha manga from start to finish just because of these two :')
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The only het ship in anime I can respect, besides Sakura and Syaoran from Cardcaptor Sakura 😌 they are the royal couple, so to speak. So much of shared history, trauma between them. Yet will give up their lives for each other, the trust and faith and sheer badassery of this ship is just ❤️
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My first ever ship at age 14, the very first time I discovered that two boys can fall in love w each other and that's okay too!! I can't express how grateful I am to Cardcaptor Sakura for being basically the show which made me fall in love w anime, and introducing me to the glorious concept of *ahem* BL 👀
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Another freaking amazing ship. My favourite ship in haikyuu!! This one ticks so many of my boxes : childhood friends to lovers, teammates who trust e/o unconditionally, and pull each other up, the idiot A and serious/responsible B 😂 Two people who basically spend their whole lives together :*3 and look at them!!! The dorks!!! 😍
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This one came outta nowhere and totally hooked me in. Idk what it is about them : the potential angst, the misunderstandings, the rivalry and respect as fellow teammates, Chris' trauma about having his place snatched by this brilliant kid he helped scout....just...so much shared past :3 I'm sorry miyusawa fans, while I like it too, this one just took the top spot for me from DNA :')
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BSD was a huge obsession in 2019, and soukoku undoubtedly became one of my fav ships. Self explanatory : rivals / long time friends / only two ppl who keep each other sane / the daily bickering like a married couple / Dazai giving awful nicknames to Chuuya and teasing him all the time and so much more 😂 they're simultaneously both clowns, as well as two traumatised individuals complementing e/o
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Cute and hilarious ship honestly. But has the potential to be angsty and serious too. This was a short hyperfixation a while ago, and I still remember it fondly ❤️
A confession at the end : I had to exclude some of my other, more beloved ships, because the tumblr crowd is.... Let's say, too delicate to handle those lmfao 👀 I don't want delusional antis to come screeching with pitchforks at my blog, so I'll stick to the softer ships 😂
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i-need-air · 3 years
OKAY OKAY I'M READY I'M SO HAPPY!!CONGRATS FOR 200 AND IMMA STOP SCREAMING! I love your content so much i 👉👈 Could you write soft married hc for Aizawa? I loved the Hawks ones so mcuh and MERRY CHRISTMAS
I just realized I never wrote anything about Aizawa and I just stared into distance silently for some good minutes because the audacity I have, I'm—
I'm so happy that you're happy and thank youuu 💕 I really loved these soft married hcs so I'm glad I'm getting to do more too!! Sorry it took me a few days, anon, but Christmas was time consuming. But it's here now! So thank you for the request, it made me super giddy. Merry Christmas to you too [ a day too late hueh ] 💕💕💕
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AIZAWA SHOUTA: Soft Married HCs.
× he's the type of man that goes with the flow
× as a more laid back, calm man, he'd appreciate more a smaller wedding with the people that he cares most about
× but at the end of the day he doesn't really care how it happens as long as it's with you
× it might come out weird but that's who he is: Aizawa wants to marry you because of you and that's it
× want a big wedding? cool, he can take it
× just do not make Present Mic sing
× lmfao who are we kidding, that man has a whole ass show prepared for you but that's another story;;
× so ✨The Big Day✨ comes
× doesn't lose his nerves or anything, he's very chill about it since you're both in your separate rooms to prepare yourselves and stuff
× but once he sees you? babe, he's soft
× i totally mean it
× we simp for this man because we know how soft he truly is, yet I feel you don't get how fucking soft he is for you
× his heart melts, his dark eyes are just on you as you approach him, mesmerized, absolutely in love and it shows
× he has this soft smile on his face that's just so perfect and peaceful...
× gently takes your hand to guide you towards him faster
× and i feel that if you reached marriage point with this man, even this small gesture is so natural for both of you, the intimacy of it repeated so many times that it's only natural for you to reach and grab it without hesitation, you get me?
× [ and that's how he realized he'd ask you to take the next step in your relationship, when it dawned on him that you complete each other; the comfort, the love, the intimacy, the harmony you shared... becho ass he asked you while cuddling in bed or something, in the middle of a snuggling session, voice low, hums shared, iddle conversation going on and he just... does ]
× a tease in his vows, but lowkey
× he knows when to step up his game and knows how serious this is, so he'll make you fall for him all over again in just a few sentences; then proceeds to end it with teasing and a half smirk
× Eri is the ring bearer, fight me on this
× it's a known fact he basically adopted her at this point so it's a package deal but for real, who wouldn't love Eri? like get out
× he knew this already but nothing changes after the wedding
× that's not bad, that's perfect for him
× the difference is the wedding ring he has on his finger that he always plays with whenever he's about to fall asleep, or stares at when he's trying to overcome a hard day
× it's the comfort that it gives him, you know?
× knowing that the love of his life is there for him is what gets him through all of it
× he seeks a routine, a safe spot and life at home is that for both of you
× a place to relax and seek each other's company
× he's a silent man, so being in the same room and each doing your own thing is still quality time for Aizawa, as long as you're there
× even sleeping together
× this man will definitely 100% no doubt use you as a human pillow
× his head? on your chest
× hey, quick tip: play with his hair, pretty please?
× overgrown grumpy cat man definitely loves that
× imagine this: rare free day for both of you, the sound of food sizzling in a pan in the kitchen as you play with Eri in the living room, not knowing a black pair of eyes watches you both fondly from the door
× full apron and messy bun on his head and gentle smile on his features
× everything falls in place for him from time to time
× or more likely, through his chaotic life, coming home to you and being able to observe these types of sceneries just fills his chest with warmth and makes him realize that yeah, this is what he wanted and needed all along
× if you want a pet you're definitely getting a cat
× but only after a lot of begging
× a lot
× he knows he's busy so he might not be able to take care of it all the time, so you better accept some responsibility
× will talk to the cat like it's a grown ass human being, full conversations complaining about everything
× "you get me, right?"
× meow
× "hmm"
× inside jokes and teasing
× all while having this sweet sparkle in his eyes, adoring this bond only you two share
× Aizawa loves silently yet he doesn't hesitate to tell you
× although he mostly saves those words for whenever you're both about to fall asleep, almost dozed off just to get a sleepy, comfortable "I love you too" back because those are his favorites
× will verbally destroy anyone that dares to even attempt to talk shit about you [ ik it's random but i had to drop it somewhere ]
× bc he is protective
× looks laid back and definitely has no problem with you dealing with your own stuff since he knows you are capable of handling it
× but he will cut a bitch, just sayin
× only his close friends know about you; he doesn't see the need to talk about you or mention he's married unless let's say someone is overstepping
× you know that one couple that always bicker like old married people? that's you guys
× throwing shade at each other while you fight a grin
× complaining about each other jokingly
× all that adorable squabble gives him life
× so yeah, Aizawa has his own way of loving you
× but there won't be a day that passes without letting you know in his subtle way that he is thinking about you or about how much he loves and appreciates you
× he's so thankful to have you in his life
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sasukelore · 4 years
Naruto would learn how to eat someone out during a threesome with Sasuke. Naruto would give his sloppy weird head and Sasuke would be like “What the fuck are you doing?” And demonstrate some REAL GOOD HEAD GAME and then Naruto would catch on
Poly!relationship with Sasuke&Naruto
Request: Naruto would learn how to eat someone out during a threesome with Sasuke. Naruto would give his sloppy weird head and Sasuke would be like “What the fuck are you doing?” And demonstrate some REAL GOOD HEAD GAME and then Naruto would catch on
A/N: I saw this. I stared. I died. This is art. I need this. Please someone else write this so I can enjoy it more and then tag me.
Warnings: descriptions of sex, kinks, genitalia mentions, poly relationships, threesomes
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Just wow. First of all, props to the person who was able to wrap not only Naruto- but SASUKE around their little finger.
The fact that you managed to get Naruto and Sasuke to corporate with eachother for you- blows my mind. Congratulations.
Let’s be honest though. It was hard. They’re constantly competing, for your attention, affection, they’re even competing to see who kisses you better.
You being with both of them means you’ll have to be the mediator in a lot of arguments, or else they’ll either punch eachother or not speak to eachother for a week.
You can go to both of them for different things too! Advice, encouragement, honesty, cuddles, etc
Sasuke, who is a little rough around the edges, adores you. He wouldn’t tolerate Naruto this much if he didn’t.
And despite what you might think, Sasuke is more submissive to you. Don’t get me wrong Sasuke is definitely the dominant one in this entire relationship, but he’ll cater to your needs and will be your slave.
Naruto... Is very eager to please. And that causes him to rush things and not be as careful and delicate as Sasuke is.
But, Naruto is someone you can always count on to make you feel better. Wether he’s giving you one of his intense tickles, or if he’s scratching your back with you sprawled out face-down on his lap
And when Sasuke and Naruto come together it’s perfect. It fits. And despite everything, I think Sasuke and Naruto would grow to love eachother the same.
Sitting on the couch watching a movie with Naruto and Sasuke comes behind you to grasp your chin and have a full on makeout session with you while Naruto groans and starts to yell at Sasuke basically sums up the relationship.
It’s kinda rare that you would all go out with eachother on a “date”...
In fact when you guys make an appearance outside together it kinda looks like either you guys are just all friends or there’s only one couple in the group.
It’s not because any of you are ashamed, it just kinda makes other people uncomfortable.
One time, you had kissed Naruto in front of bystanders, and then Sasuke kissed you... the stares made all of you cringe.
It’s also important to both of them that they get their alone time with you. To establish your own relationships and have fun together, without another person trying to steal you or start an argument
Cuddles with both of them is so serene. You’re laying on Sasuke’s chest and Naruto is clinging to yours and Sasuke’s leg
They love waking up next to you
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Oh boy.
Honestly it only happens 40% of time that a threesome occurs. Too much bickering and the amount of orgasms you have leaves you exhausted for a week.
But I think the way you would normally have sex with them is different because of this relationship.
Sasuke would obviously try to outshine Naruto in every way. If Naruto plays with your nipples good, Sasuke will play with them better.
And Naruto is very vocal about how much better he thinks he is. He’ll chant if Sasuke can make you feel this good or if you’re imagining it’s him right now
Which tbh is kinda a dirty move but it’s these two...
I think when they’re tag teaming, Sasuke will TOTALLY be like wtf are you doing- even if Naruto isn’t doing a bad job
Sasuke eating you out while Naruto is biting your neck
Or- Sasuke gagging you with his cock while Naruto plays with your bud
When it comes to actually fucking you, it’ll always be a race to see who can make you cum the fastest
That’s why... you will literally 10 orgasms...
Sasuke is really dominant- but he’s also really gentle. A gentle lover in general.
I think he would be kinda scared to actually hurt you. You’re so fragile to him
Everything about being with him is ethereal. Butterfly kisses on your collarbone and little claw marks from when he grasped your hips
But he’s also a TEASE. Loves to edge you and wrap his large hands on your dainty neck
He’s fueled by frustration so if you try to disobey him or tease- he can go on for hours
I think sex with Sasuke would be really emotional and sweet but also really fun??
When you’re with Naruto it’s like you’re drunk with him. Sloppy kisses, giggles inbetween pants, eyes rolling to the back of your head
He’s really sensitive during sex so just the most minimal actions can elicit a big action from him
I stand by what I’ve said numerous times, Naruto is FERAL.
Sometimes you’ll tag team with one of the boys and tie the other one up. It’s brilliant.
It’s all fun in games until your so called partner in crime flips you over until he has both of you on your backs
(Naruto would do this lmfao)
Cue Sasuke giving you a side death glance- you’re in for it now
All in all, they both love you immensely. Would do anything for you, and if you like being with both of them at the same time- they’ll try to work together more often.
You’re one lucky hoe I’ll give you thaT.
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