#and then she gets a drink with like 10 shots of espresso and leaves without another word
arundolyn · 2 years
idk what really prompted the thought but
modern au
es is an electronic music artist, nobody really knows who she is but her work is REALLY popular
#crow.txt#blazblueposting#not sure where the fuck that came from but its entertaining#people just see this short stern seemingly emotionless shopping for groceries like shes on a mission#not really talking to anyone if she can absolutely help it#little do they know they just walked past The Azure Maiden#one of her songs is even playing in the store#some brief stint into more pop stuff that she doesnt particularly enjoy#so she just kinda ignores it goes through self checkout and minds her business#listen for as put together as es is canonically it would be very cute to see her in like a hoodie or something#you cannot tell me modern au es wouldnt be absolute coze mode all the time#she'd probably mostly be a hermit tbh. she leaves the house once a month to get food and whatever.#nobody can question the number of pudding cups shes buying if she doesnt talk to a cashier! win win.#actually back to the azure maiden tag it woudl be Very funny if she was in the new world at the end of blazblue#like ragna decided god damn you deserve to be normal if i cant be#thats also a fun line of thought#imagine talking to a weird girl in line at liek a coffee shop and finding out that like#shes 100 whatever years old. she saved the world like twice. she just straight up didnt live around people for a long ass time.#what the fuck is this azure shes talking about?#and then she gets a drink with like 10 shots of espresso and leaves without another word#sipping it very casually while its still very hot#no milk or anything but a Lot of sugar for sure
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crypticenbug · 9 months
Stuff from my time as a barista
I used to work for a local chain coffee shop, and here's some of the best stories I can remember
I had someone come through the drive through and order a cold brew with steamed milk. This prompted my coworker to scream into the headset as the person was driving away "WHAT KIND OF FUCKING PSYCHOPATH ORDERS A COLD BREW WITH STEAMED MILK". I had to look this person in the face as I handed them their lukewarm drink in a plastic cup. As soon as they left, I heard "Enjoy your microplastics!!" Over the headset
So usually, a caramel latte is 1.5 pumps caramel to a double shot espresso. To me, that is a mere suggestion, so when I had someone order a caramel latte with "extra extra caramel", I just grabbed the espresso pitcher and started going. I ended up getting distracted while filling the pitcher with caramel and ended up filling the espresso pitcher with what I think was like 6 pumps of caramel, which is half a pitcher. I was in too deep, so I made the latte. This customer was an old old white guy, and he didn't come back to complain about it being too much, so I take that as a win.
On top of recipes being a suggestion, I would kinda just add whatever amount of syrup I felt like, the only acception being drinks that will be literally awful with too much syrup (mostly our fizzy drinks or lemonades). I have had so many people come back up to me and say that it was the best drink they've ever had and I just go "Thanks! I have no recollection of how much syrup I put in that, so I will not be able to recreate it perfectly." They still enjoy whatever I give them. No two drinks I make are the same and it shows. My fiance will probably rb this talking about the drink I used to make them.
I once had a woman come in, completely covered in dirt and grass stains, handed me a 20, and said "I kinda want one of those fruity fizzy drinks, but I don't know what I want, surprise me." And then she went to the bathroom. I panicked cause I had no clue what to make, so I did blackberry with an extra shot of lime (we already add lime to most of our fizzy drinks to cut the sweetness of most of the syrups, I wanted to do something more tart so I added an extra shot). I present her with her drink and her change after ringing her up. She then says that this drink was the exact thing she wanted, then proceeded to ask me my name, then tell me her full name, and then talk about how she had just come back from visiting a famous person's grave. She then asked to shake my hand, saying she visited the grave of greatness and is now shaking the hand of greatness. She then proceeded to put most of her change (her change was like $14.60-something) in our tip jar and then hand me the remaining $10 bill. I almost started crying on the spot, she made my evening and I hope she's doing great.
The very last person in the cafe before close witnessed me put on a wonderful performance of 'Super Trooper' by ABBA while I used my broom as a microphone.
I loved whenever my coworkers started getting used to my dad showing up and them ringing him up for the drink I was making for him and every time without fail my coworkers would try and give him his drink for free and EVERY TIME he would argue with them because he "Can't leave a tip if he doesn't pay for the drink" cause he never carries cash. This would always end up with me yelling at my socially anxious coworkers to "LET HIM TIP YOU GOD DAMMIT JUST GIVE HIM MY DISCOUNT"
I once had a coworker make me and a shift lead try espresso mixed with lemonade. She then proceeded to excitedly tell us "It tastes like pee, right?!". I took a single sip, made a face, and then just dumped the rest in the sink. My shift lead doubled down and drank the whole thing. It did taste like pee but I didn't want to know why my coworker knew that (The drink was warm, too.. eugh...)
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peanutbutteresque · 1 year
salut, bonjour, guten dag, ciao!
get to know me and le château of my mind (っ˘ڡ˘)っ♨
⍣ i never get caffeinated even after drinking two cups of coffee in less than 10 minutes time gap (i feel like i can pull five cups of coffee in a day and still feel nothing, haven’t tried it yet but i’m pretty confident). it is probably because i have been having lattes, not that tiny yet deadly shots of espresso or proper drip coffee. i normally have one instant coffee and low-calorie sweetener dissolve in small amount of hot water, then put some ice cubes, and at last, pour the pricey-but-hard-to-resist oat milk on it cause we need to balance that less than a dollar grinded coffee with a five dollars milk. believe me, this simple recipe creates a decent typa coffee. it does taste so good and addicting but it doesn’t kick in, i need something stronger which means more acidity and bitterness that i don’t think my tummy is ready for a level up yet. i’m saying this all as if i’m in a person who needs a specific dose of caffeine per day to get their busy business life done lol wrong person *cough cough*. but no, i adore coffee and its caffeine on behalf of dopamine and antioxidant. i also do have a very special coffee buddy whom i cherish the most. we have paired our lattes with an interesting range of food, we went from cakes/cookies to instant noodles. we literally have everything with our lattes. i wish we can go out more and do cafes hopping to explore all the coffee recipes that exist. anyway, y’all better drink water more than coffee, we can’t deny the fact that it’s 100000 times healthier and more important than that colored drinks. 
⍣ i am an aries, yup, “the leader” of all the signs, the hard to get, the dominating, the chaser, the independent, mr/ms. confident, the headstrong, type of personality, and the list goes on. frankly, i don’t always feel like i own those natures, it feels like i lean more toward the soft and emotional kind of aries. i can be as indecisive as a libra, sometimes confidence doesn’t seem to be my strong suit, i can’t always say what’s on my mind like most of the aries i know seem to be really good at, i tend to put myself on other’s shoes, i think too much than i act, there were numbers of argument i lost because i chose to breakdown and cried rather than defense myself, i can be as gossipy as gemini. just like many aries, i do have a perfection side but it often leads to me being angry and depressed about it. they said, aries is the type of person who is strong and reliable, i might seen as one with my appearance and how i am in my daily life. can’t deny the fact that people see me as a joker, i always make them laugh in any occasion with or without a purpose. i often wonder, am i doing it because they expect me to do so or is there even a possibility that i am a natural joker? hate to break it to you, i don’t think so, it is true that deep down, i am a wreck, i am lost, i am scared, i do not know what to do. the future i once had a clear vision of seems blurry right now. i need someone to wake up the real sleeping aries in me, she must know how to face a situation like this with such grace and poise. anyway, sorry for turning this into a journal but it will eventually just so you know ;)
⍣ let’s get into the real business, i will use this space to post reviews about movies and tv shows (mostly on netflix and disney+) have watched that leave strong impressions on me. it actually will be rewritten from the reviews i have done on my instagram. most of them posted in close friends, and please note that i have a really really small circle, that’s why i’m planning to re-post them on this platform so it will be more accessible. since i am a full-time fangirl, i will also be liking, re-blogging and might be posting everything about my favorite artists, be it holywood peeps, kpop or cpop idols (mostly wang yibo and xiao zhan)!! 
thank you for coming to my ted talk. please check out my blog regularly for the new updates! take care my loves and be happy! see you latte(r)! <3
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reynaszobel · 2 years
FULL NAME: Reyna Saoirse (pronounced Sore-Sha) Cojuangco Zobel NICKNAME: Rey, Rey2x, Nana, Sor AGE / BIRTHDATE: 26 / January 1, 1996 PRONOUNS: She / Her OCCUPATION: High-Fashion Designer / Owner of REIGN by Reyna / Sole Heiress of Zobel Group. HOMETOWN: Sagaponack, Hamptons NATIONALITY: Filipino-American (dual-citizen) ETHNICITY: Filipino
TATTOOS: 3 (1 rose tattoo on her ankle, 1 rose tattoo on the back of her neck, and a latin phrase on her rib) PIERCINGS: 5 (3 on her left ear, and 2 on her right) PROS: outgoing, driven, honest, loyal, creative, resourceful, confident CONS: hardheaded, spiteful, not the type to let things go when they get to her, unforgiving, self-loathing LIKES: coffee, jollibee, spicy food, peach mango pie, giving gifts, cherries, pastries, sleeping, shopping trips, traveling, binge watching, horror genre, wearing heels, taylor swift DISLIKES: pineapple on pizza, being told she can't, people who are mean for no reason, being perceived as materialistic by people who are supposed to know her, overly sweet things, cold water
Born and raised in Sagaponack, Hamptons.
She's the one and only child of the 8th richest man in the world.
Reyna stands at 5'10", and you'd think she wouldn't want to wear heels, but she does.
Reyna is known for her New Year's Eve Birthday Gala where everyone who's anyone is invited.
She is fluent in 10 languages: Tagalog, English, Mandarin, Korean, Japanese, French, Italian, German, Arabic, and Spanish.
Reyna did a little bit of pageantry when she was younger. When she was 18 years old, she was crowned Miss USA; making her the first Filipina to ever hold that title.
Reyna is a confrontational person. She has a bad habit of talking without thinking so the probability of her hurting someone's feelings, even though she means well, is high.
Reyna can't ride a bike, unless the bike has 3+ wheels.
She is proud to be Pinoy and although she dislikes fast food, she will never say no to Jollibee.
She may or may not have a caffeine addiction. She drinks 3 cups of coffee everyday, with a shot or two of espresso on a bad day.
Her favorite color is Red.
She's a self-proclaimed Swiftie.
Loves the beach and is an excellent swimmer, but lowkey has Thalassophobia.
Reyna's favorite number is 12.
Her party trick is she can never get hungover.
She self-loathes to the point where nobody can say anything that could hurt her because she already said it to herself at one point.
Reyna is extremely confident, borderline conceited. However, she is not one to put down others and is actually the first one to support and encourage them.
She loves socializing A LOT. Despite her status, you can take her to a room full of strangers and she will leave the room now full of new best friends.
She is extremely driven and spiteful, and will do anything and everything to prove you wrong if you challenge her.
She was homeschooled up until she entered high-school. Reyna was bullied for being Filipino but instead of crying about it, Reyna beat up her bullies on the very first day of classes. Her parents donated an entire building and an all-expenses-paid school trip to Aspen just to keep the whole thing off her records. Reyna was never bullied by anyone, especially prep school girls, since then.
From the outside, Reyna's life seems perfect. She is the sole heiress of the Zobel Group, the biggest group of companies in South East Asia. She's one of the richest bachelorettes around the globe. People assume she never had to need anything in her life because everything and more is handed to her on a golden platter. She is never not wearing designer from head to toe. Designer brands have her on their priority list for items, including ones that are never made public. Reyna never experienced waiting on anyone or anything because what Reyna wants, Reyna gets. Or at least, that's what it seems to the public eye. What people don't know is that Reyna is the illegitimate child of her father with his secretary. There are only four people in the world who knows about this: Reyna, her father, her biological mother, and her adoptive mother. Her father and his wife were incapable of producing an heir and so he decided to get someone else pregnant. The deal was her biological mother will never need to work a single day in her life in exchange for being pregnant, producing an heir for the Zobel family, signing an NDA, and that she will never, under any circumstance, meet, speak to, or see Reyna. As unfortunate as it may be to the Zobel family that the only heir now is a girl, they had no choice but to deal with it. They already publicized the fake pregnancy of her mother. It was too late to back out. Her family came up with a brilliant idea that will change the business world: the first heiress of a multi-billion group of companies. Unbeknownst to many, it's all for show and everyone in the family dislikes Reyna's existence. Even as a child, Reyna knew she was unwanted. Her mother was only kind to her in front of other people but she never cared to put her to sleep or even utter a word to her at home. Her father never took care of her whenever she got sick. She only ever got called into his office at home when it's about business and she needs to make an appearance for their business partners or the press. She knew her purpose for living is to protect the family name and nothing else. Not a single person in their household cares about her personally. As long as what she does doesn't give the family a bad reputation, nobody bothers to say anything. She knew she were to marry rich one day and have her future husband acquire everything she worked hard for since she was little. Even though she knew the reality of the situation, Reyna always strived to be the perfect daughter. Whatever her parents figured would shape her into the perfect wife for her future husband, they made sure she got trained in it: tea ceremonies, classical ballet, cooking, piano, violin, singing, pageantry, and the likes. However, her real talent and passion was in design– specifically, fashion design.
Armed with her own sewing machine, pins, and accessories, Reyna was known for altering her clothes and making it her own even at a young age. Usually, designers would have a problem with it but her eye for detail and her skill in design was just too hard to ignore to the point where designers even consulted her regarding their designs for the next season. She became a regular at Fashion Week in New York, Paris, and Milan when she was only 14. When she was 15, Reyna was hand-picked to be a consultant for Vogue and their editorials. Because of her reputation, nobody was surprised to hear the news that she got an offer to study Fashion Design at the top #1 school for design in America– Parsons School of Design. Everyone was happy for her, with the exception of her parents. Reyna's parents disagreed at first, because they feared her popularity and independence might scare off potential suitors. She should study something more conventional for an heiress, like business. But after convincing them that it would be good for the Zobel Group since they haven't touched the high-fashion industry yet, they finally allowed her to have a bit of freedom. It was then that Reyna was able to start her own fashion brand “REIGN by Reyna”. She graduated with Latin honors and a Bachelor's degree in both Fashion Design and Strategic Design & Management. Because of her connections with notable people in the fashion industry, it wasn't that hard for her to get the word out about her own brand. They welcomed her with arms wide open and for once, Reyna felt like herself. Making her debut in Fashion Week and having first dibs on tables for the Met Gala ever since her freshman year in college, Reyna knew this is where she belongs, and she will stop at nothing to make sure she conquers the world.
𝙄'𝙇𝙇 𝙃𝙊𝙇𝘿 𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝙏𝙃𝙍𝙊𝙐𝙂𝙃 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙉𝙄𝙂𝙃𝙏 𝙐𝙉𝙏𝙄𝙇 𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝙎𝙈𝙄𝙇𝙀 — the best friend(s). reyna may be an extremely outgoing person but she keeps her inner circle small. this person knows reyna better than anyone and vice versa. they've seen her at her best, and especially her worst. there's nothing reyna wouldn't do for them and she's eternally grateful to have them in her life. she owes her sanity to this person. ( taken by: teddy, via, amor, dylan )
𝙈𝘼𝙔𝘽𝙀 𝙒𝙀 𝙂𝙊𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙎𝙏 𝙄𝙉 𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙉𝙎𝙇𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉, 𝙈𝘼𝙔𝘽𝙀 𝙄 𝘼𝙎𝙆𝙀𝘿 𝙁𝙊𝙍 𝙏𝙊𝙊 𝙈𝙐𝘾𝙃, 𝘽𝙐𝙏 𝙈𝘼𝙔𝘽𝙀 𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙎 𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙒𝘼𝙎 𝘼 𝙈𝘼𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙋𝙄𝙀𝘾𝙀 '𝙏𝙄𝙇 𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝙏𝙊𝙍𝙀 𝙄𝙏 𝘼𝙇𝙇 𝙐𝙋 — the ex. reyna and him dated for a couple of years in high school. it started out as something her parents had set up and reyna, not wanting to disappoint her parents, went along with it. the two became really good friends, maybe best friends even, and reyna fell for him. he's her first in many things. but sadly, the relationship ended because he didn't see her the same way. ( taken by: je )
hello! thank you for reaching this part of reyna's bio. she is open for almost every past connection you can think of so don't be shy to reach out if you see her fitting any of your wanted connections. i would also like to say that as big of an ic drama and angst heaux as i am, i would appreciate it if ic drama was run by me. small misunderstandings and such between muses are normal and there's no need to plot those, but reyna will not engage in major ic drama, especially on the timeline, without ooc consent. reyna is a very strong-willed muse and isn't the type to back down ever. she WILL fight back. so, just to avoid any ooc misunderstandings, i'd really prefer if we talked things out. please don't hesitate to reach out if you want heavy plots because i am almost always down as long as we get to discuss things ooc first. thank you again for reading her bio. <3
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dc418writes · 2 years
•|One Man’s Trash…|•
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✨Pairing✨: Dennis BakerxBlack Reader
Summary🪄: You’ve got a bit of a soft spot for one of your regulars
⚠️: mention of divorce, talks of intimacy (including said statement of 🍆👀 lol), mention of pregnancy, small instance of harassment, implications of mental/emotional abuse, mostly fluff
A/N🎙: So this was inspired by @syntheticavenger and her Dennis fic which is amazing and so wonderfully written, so please go read it if you haven’t. I thought this would be a cute idea and I hope you guys like it☺️! Also don’t judge me for writing about this hamburger out the toilet eating man; for the sake of this story that was a drunk moment lol.
Ridding the circular table of the small sprinkles of sugar and drops of coffee left by the previous customer, you can’t control the sympathetic sigh that passes your lips at the sight of your more known customer in the corner. He typically came with his wife, but you’d noticed for a couple months she came less and less until she didn’t show at all. That typically wasn’t a good sign.
Especially with his once cheerful face falling to a mix of sorrow and disappointment. Maybe even shame.
“So, think the Dodgers are goin’ all the way this year?,” you ask, now close enough to notice the newspaper spread in front of him open to the sports section.
“I’m sorry?”
“I asked if you thought the Dodgers would make it to the World Series, since you’re uh on the sports page.”
“Oh! Um I’m not really into sports,” he nervously chuckles pushing his large frames higher on his nose. “Really just looking at the cartoons over here.”
“Aw it’s Peanuts,” you smile looking over the black and white drawings depicting Snoopy and Woodstock in another one of their adventures. “My dad used to cut them out and put it with my lunch when I was little.” Although brief, the soft smile that graced his lips has your heart warming as well knowing you’d brightened his day even if just for a moment.
And surprisingly, you were hoping you could do it again, or as many times needed to turn his recent melancholy mood.
“My wi-I mean ex wife, used to complain I was hogging the paper for only wanting to look at silly, childish drawings. It’s the first time I’ve looked at them in three years.” You always did get this feeling whenever she’d step in the bakery that she’d honestly rather be somewhere else—anywhere really. If it was raining, she’d make poor Dennis brave the strong winds and harsh droplets to pick up their dozen of cupcakes. She wouldn’t even help with opening the car door for him, instead looking down at her phone as he performed a bit of a balancing act with the cupcakes and coffees.
When Dennis would order both of their usuals; his a standard hazelnut iced coffee, hers a caramel latte with soy, light sugar, and two full shots of espresso exactly, she seemed annoyed. Crossing her arms when Dennis would try to sweetly grasp her hand as they waited. Slender fingers tapping her phone screen while her foot impatiently tapped on the wooden floor below. As soon as their order was called, she quickly grabbed her drink scurrying through the front door without so much as a “thanks” let alone a tip.
With an embarrassed tilt to his lips cringing as she called for him to hurry up because she had more important things to do, he’d slide a $10 bill into the tip jar as he said a soft “thank you.” You felt bad for thinking it, but he deserved better. Someone who didn’t treat him like a burden or like that pesky mosquito that just wouldn’t leave you alone. Albeit nerdy, he was caring, kind, incredibly sweet to anyone around, and should be loved for all he was.
“Well by all means take as long as you want,” you smile. “We get a good amount delivered every day so you never have to worry about hogging here.”
Being called over by another customer, you missed the blush that crept along his cheeks just as pink as the polo shirt he wore. The way his eyes shyly followed you to your new table, occasionally glancing your direction time after admiring how sweet you always were to every customer. From then on, he frequented the shop more often coming late morning/early afternoon. He’d sit somewhat far off with his coffee and newspaper at first, but eventually built enough courage—from your friendly smile and pleasant small talk—to sit at the table nearest to the pick up area. A prime location to talk with you between orders and smell the mix of berries and citrus from your perfume when the fan would hit you just right, causing an intoxicating breeze to occupy his nostrils.
“Which one is it this time?,” you cheerily ask leaning over the counter as if you could see the small drawings on the paper. It took Dennis a moment to register what you were asking with your chest casually pushed forward and sunlight shining on your delicate skin just right. He even had to remember to breathe quickly looking down at the paper while clearing his throat.
“Um it’s Charlie this time. He stopped at Lucy’s lemonade stand and she tricked him by charging him more. Snoopy knocked down the fake sign though so he found out just as he gave her the money.”
“Lucy’s still being mean to poor Charles,” you giggle with a light shake of your head.
“Y-Yea, I don’t think that’ll ever change,” Dennis briefly laughs along with you before his nerves start getting the best of him. Well, again.
For a couple of weeks now he’d wanted to see if maybe you’d like to have a conversation outside the coffee shop. Perhaps even over dinner or lunch. He didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable though, or potentially upset you thinking all the talks and sweet exchanges were just to get in your pants. You were the closest friend he had right now, and he’d hate to lose that.
“H-Hey, um Y/N?”
He nervously wipes his palms on the front of his khakis as he stands, carefully approaching the bar with fingers fidgeting by his sides.
“Everything okay?,” you ask a bit concerned from the redness around his neck and ears. Dennis practiced this at home many times knowing exactly what he’d say and be able to calmly walk up to you and ask you out. He didn’t take into account the pressure of the actual execution and you staring attentively at him with those eyes he could never look too long in before getting lost.
“Yea! Yea everything’s fine. But um s-speaking of change-,”
“Afternoon sunshine,” a man interrupts lightly bumping into Dennis on his way to the counter where you both stood. Taller, more muscular, and definitely more stylish than Dennis, he was worried at first glance fearing that this mystery man would steal you away. Or had already done so.
But from the roll of your eyes—a key sign of your annoyance he’d come to learn—he felt the lump in his throat slowly dissolve.
“I’m working Cannon.”
“Not right now,” he smirks. With his dazzling smile and clear, golden brown skin, anyone could assume he was a model. And they probably did from the cocky way he carried himself and strode about, no doubt letting the compliments boost his ego and inflate his head.
“Hey, you mind? Kinda in my space,” Cannon directs towards Dennis shooing him away with the tilt of his head back towards the door.
“S-Sorry.” He gave the two space, but something inside told him not to go too far away. Was it his slight jealousy? His own intuition telling him to be aware? Maybe both.
“So sunshine-,”
“Please don’t call me that,” you state looking past him to take the order of the older woman waiting behind him.
“Why? You know you’ll always be my sunshine.”
“Not after you slept with my cousin in my bed. Speaking of, she know you���re down here?” He manages to catch your hand after giving the customer her chamomile tea and packs of honey, pinning your smaller hand to the counter with no escape.
“That’s in the past and was admittedly a mistake. Let me show you how different things’ll be now.”
“I’d rather not.”
“Cmon Y/N, don’t act like you haven’t been thinking of me,” he pouts, grip growing a bit tighter as you try to get away.
“I’m not acting, now let go Cannon.”
“Still keeping up with this hard to get game? Starting to get a bit old sunshine.”
“Leave her alone.”
Both of you turn to see Dennis, now standing closer and appearing to not really know how to hold his arms going back and forth from folding them in front of his chest to letting them hang at his sides. You appreciated him for trying to stick up for you, but sweet Dennis really didn’t know what he was getting himself into. “Dennis don’t worry about me, I can handle it.”
“Yea Dennis, she’s fine,” he grins bringing your hand to his lips placing a kiss to your knuckles. The whole time holding eye contact with your, now angry, friend. “Plus this doesn’t really concern you.”
“If it’s pertaining to her it does.”
You couldn’t help but smile hearing his words and how he wanted to protect you. But at the release of your hand as Cannon stood sizing up this new challenger, your heart raced quickly going around the counter to stand between the two.
“You her new man huh?”
“N-No we’re uh just friends.”
“But you want to be. Don’t you? Why you’re trying to prove yourself as some saving knight so she has no choice but to fall head over heels for you?”
“Cannon enough, just get out.”
“Nah he wants a fight, then go ahead Dennis. I’ll even give you first shot,” he smirks with arms out giving him said free range to throw the first punch.
“I-I don’t want to fight. Just leave her alone, okay? S-She doesn’t want you anymore, m-move on to s-someone else.”
His nerves were at an all time high not knowing what would happen next. Whether Cannon would come to his senses and leave or become angrier that he wasn’t getting his way. Plus your back against his chest wasn’t helping his heart rate as you attempted to shield him.
Looking between the two of you, there’s a moment of silence before he jumps towards Dennis faking as if he were about to throw a punch clearly catching both of you off guard. You slightly flinched while poor Dennis cowered so hard his shoe slipped against the hardwood floor making him fall backwards; smacking his elbow against the counter in the process. Cannon laughed to himself watching you kneel next to him, observing his reddened elbow in your hands to make sure he was okay.
“You know my number sunshine,” he winks haughtily walking out of the little coffee shop as if nothing happened. The few customers you had remaining immediately coming over to ask if you and Dennis were okay, or needed them to call the police to which you politely declined.
“It’s starting to swell, maybe we need to go to the hospital.”
“No I’m fine,” he hissed holding his arm closer to him, not daring to extend it. “Probably just need to ice it.”
“And what if it’s more? I really think you need to see a doctor.”
He knew you were right. The way his elbow uncomfortably throbbed and felt stiff didn’t seem like a good sign. He was embarrassed though, not being able to stand tough against your ex and be that protector he always wanted to be. Something else his ex-wife chastised him for.
“A rat has more fight in him than you.”
“How did I end up with someone so…weak?”
“Some way to stand up for you,” he laughs to himself as you help him stand to his feet. “Then again I should’ve known better. Tough is definitely not part of my DNA.”
“You stayed and stepped in when you knew I was uncomfortable and, although you may not think so, protected me from Cannon trying anything more. When he first told you to leave, you could’ve done that and left me to fend for myself but you didn’t. And I’m very appreciative for everything you did.” Leaning forward, your watermelon lips meet his warm cheek making it hotter from the sensation along his skin he’d dreamed about many nights. They were just as soft as he’d thought and selfishly, he wanted to ask for another so his lips wouldn’t feel left out. Instead though, he softly smiled shyly looking down tapping the fingers of his good arm against his opposite upper arm.
“Y-You’re welcome.”
“Sweetheart let me know if you get tired. I can get the scooter for you.”
“Dennis I promise I’ll be fine, we’re only getting a few things,” you giggle as you both walk through the busy supermarket. “Plus the doctor said I should be staying active.”
“True, but she also said not to over exert yourself,” he counters kissing your temple as you roll your eyes.
“You worry too much.”
“No, I just love you so much. There’s a difference sweetheart,” he winks as you reach the pharmacy. It wasn’t too long of a line, but there were two people waiting ahead of you and Dennis knew with your hunger and decreased patience, the next few minutes may not be fun for you.
“Why don’t you go ahead and get the ice cream? I’ll get your inhaler so you don’t have to stand in line.”
“You sure?”
“Yea it’s okay. You go ahead,” he warmly smiles gently squeezing your hand.
“Okay, I’m gonna find the bathroom first because I definitely feel my bladder being squeezed.”
Dennis can’t help smiling to himself watching you waddle away as fast as you could, hand on your belly trying to avoid an accident—well, another one. The pharmacist even had to call out to him with a “sir?” to bring his attention back.
“Sorry, pickup for Y/N Baker.” He’d never get tired of that name rolling off his lips.
“Dennis?,” he hears making him turn around to the last person he expected to see. Six years had passed since the last time he saw her, so he honestly figured she’d moved away and no doubt moved on.
He appeared the same since she watched him take his things out their formerly shared home all those years ago, except for his more modern looking black frames over his eyes. He clearly also had some change in style standing in a white tee, black joggers, and sneakers. With her he always wore khakis. Would probably even wear them to bed if they were soft enough.
“Y-You’re not in khakis,” she awkwardly smiles.
“Oh um yea. I still have a couple pairs, but these are a bit more comfortable. My wife bought them for me.”
“Wait…your wife?”
As if hearing your name, you appeared smiling beside Dennis with a basket of three different pints of ice cream and a couple bags of chips excited to show him what you’d found. “Honey look, they have new flavors! I couldn’t choose so I got them both plus our usual.”
“Sounds great! Um sweetheart I want to introduce you to-,”
“Susan. The ex-wife,” you finish for him snuggling closer into his side.
“Lovely to meet you,” she smiles. You can’t say the one you give back is genuine. “And I see congratulations are in order!”
Instinctively his hand finds your swollen belly, smile widening as it gently grazes up and down. “Thanks, we’re beyond excited to meet them.”
“Them?,” she repeats, wildly blinking and looking even dumber than you already knew she was.
“Yea, twins. Boy and girl.”
“Looks like there’s no bad penis over here after all,” you add with your fakest smile making sure the words stung just the same when she told them to Dennis.
From the way she looked down fumbling with the reusable bag in her hands, you achieved your goal.
“Well,” she clears her throat meeting both of your eyes again. “It looks like you’re doing just fine.”
“I am, really more than that actually. I’ve never been happier.” His lips on the top of your head leave you smiling to yourself, and it’s the final nail in the coffin sending Susan down the river and completely out of Dennis’ life. She couldn’t lie it was tough to hear, and honestly a bit confusing how Dennis managed to move on before her.
“I’m glad. Really I wish you both continued happiness.”
“Thank you. Well, we need to be going now so have good night,” you state with one final fabricated smile before pulling your husband along with you not giving her a chance to say anything further.
“Sweetheart, you promised you’d be nice if you ever ran into her,” Dennis whispers in your ear as you place the basket on the conveyor belt.
“That was before my emotions were dictated by two babies who do not like the lady who was very mean to daddy. And may I remind him was almost the reason said babies were not conceived.”
As can be expected, being continually berated can have lasting effects on one’s mind. You began trying to erase those words of doubt and criticism when you started dating—and before that even when you were still friends—but his problems with intimacy lasted the longest. Fearing that he couldn’t please you just as he couldn’t seem to do with Susan.
Dennis was so gracious for your patience as he worked through everything and that you stuck beside him. From the days he just wanted to hold you, or be held, to the days he felt a bit more daring wanting to try something from the list of your collective kinks. You supported him every step of the way doing whatever you could.
“Do not blame our unborn children on your tendency to be over-protective,” he grins pecking your neck just as the cashier tallies your total.
Collecting your groceries and journeying back to your car hand in hand, your eyes never leave the man beside you adoringly watching him safely maneuver the mini SUV through traffic while humming to the radio.
“Is there something on my face?,” he asks once stopped at a red light making you giggle.
“No, I was just thinking.”
“…did you mean it when you said this is the happiest you’ve ever been?,” you ask, hand comfortably gliding along the base of your growing abdomen.
“Of course. More than you’ll ever know sweetheart.”
Taglist: @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @give-me-a-million-dollars-pls @bekinds @ladydmalfoy @maxcullen @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss @damnitaa @literaturefeen @bamondomesticity @secretmysteriousperson
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Coffee (Jaemin x you)
warning : fluff! flirty Jaemin! 
okay sorry for once again reusing a fic, this was from my Sehun collection which I actually find cute, but I guess Jaemin can fit in here nicely too! 
“One ice Americano,” the angelic guy with ominous aura places his order, for a second the café suddenly feels frozen. He looks and sounds cold, but once he steps into the counter in front of you, you feel the blazing sun of summer, the cute shy smile, and a gentle stare.
“One Americano, no water? 6 shots of additional espresso” you question him even when you remember his order nicely in the back of your mind.
The man across you smiles, “You remember?”
You smirk, deep inside your heart you wonder how one could forget if that’s the only thing he orders in every single visit and no one else drink a coffee like him.
You take his card, swipe the bill, and rush to brew his cold coffee.
Ever since the cold and hot man enters that door last week, you quickly fell for his demeanour aura. You learn his name when he ordered his first cup of coffee in a bubble tea shop. Though you find it weird why he bought coffee when you guys are known for bubble teas, you did not reject his orders; you even wished with all your heart he will be a regular here.
“One ice Americano coffee to go, for Jaemin oppa,” you scream out his name, and when he walks to take the bag, your hand swiftly drops in a piece of cookie inside the paper bag. He saw you and almost say you misplaced an order, but your whisper silence him.
“It’s a complementary,” You panicked, “Special for the customer who has the queuing number 100.”
You see him smile and you hear your co-worker stifling a laugh.
“Thank you,” Jaemin smiles and nods his head as he takes his order, “Thank you, see you!”
He leaves the counter with his expressionless face and your shift continues. You take more orders from other customers.
One of your co-workers nudges you when the rush hour is over, and the café is a bit empty. “What was that, did you put in your number on the cookie earlier?” the man with a beautiful eye smile teases you.
You blush when your mind teases you back with the phrase Jaemin said before he left.
“Stop it Jeno, I did not drop my number in it. Seriously, I just wanted to treat him a cookie, what’s wrong with it?” You shrug your shoulder and choose to leave to take a short break. Well, secretly you scream out of joy when you reach the storage room. Jaemin, the man who creates butterflies in your stomach is slowly recognizing you.
The next day, your shift starts and as time ticks by, your heart beats faster as you expect the presence of Jaemin. He shows up in his regular time, with his regular expressionless handsome face just that today he looks a bit tired and annoyed. You pull up your textbook-smile and try your best to control your heating face.
“Welcome, is it another usual menu, or are you interested in trying todays special menu?” You flash a concern look to him. He catches your attention and runs his eyes through the menu. He sighs and inserts his hands into his pockets.
“Do you have any recommendation for a bad day?”
You nod in a second, “Are you okay with Chocolates?” he nods, you type in a menu and he seems to agree with what you call ‘House favorite chocolate bomb bubble tea’
Jaemin hands you his card and surprises you when he asks for a table number. He brings his number and sits on the corner, the secluded chair near the windows.
You are quite surprise; he never dines inside. With a question mark in your mind, you prepare his drink and once again sneak in another slice of red velvet cake. Jeno catches you again and smiles widely while wriggling his brow, “Go, and take that order to his table. Let me take over the cashier and orders.”
You thank him and after tidying your appearance, you deliver the drink and cake to the man sitting alone and lost in his thoughts.
“Here’s your drink, and I bring you a cake to cheer you up.” You move the drink and cake from your tray to his table.
Jaemin’s cold façade melts away when he sees the red cake and your sweet attention, “Wow! Am I the 100th customer again today?” He laughs at his own words. You feel like melting into a puddle right then and there.
He takes his time enjoying the cake and reviving his mood with your special brew, you are once again busy behind the counter and running over making different orders of drinks. You can still see Jaemin from several quick glances, and that is enough to make you energized until your shift end.
After 10 minutes, the tall man in suit fleets from his chair and queue into the line in front of me. You are perplexed when he shows up again with his shy smile, “I’m here to pay the red velvet and I want the cookies you gave me yesterday. I want two of them, all packed to go.” You swipe his payment only for the cookies, the red velvet is from you.
“For someone?” You ask when you take out two fresh baked cookies and wrap them nicely inside a bag.
Jaemin shakes his head, “It’s for me, and I’m working overnight today. The cookies will be my acquaintance tonight.”
“Have strength! Good luck,” you send him off with a wave of hand.
That’s the last time you ever see him. For a good one week, you never see his nose. Jeno teases you repeatedly for waiting and hoping like a fool, but you shush him off. One week feels like a month and the nosey customers really drain your energy.
One night when Renjun is already mopping the floor and you’re already turning over the chairs, the door opens and a young man in a tidy suit surprise both of you. Jeno glances at the door sign; it clearly is turned over already, why is he here.
“Sorry, are you closed already?” the man you missed for one week questions the two of you.
You quickly leave your current work and take over the counter, “No, we can make it work for you. We still have 5 minutes to the closing hour, but feel free to take your time.”
“Usual order?” You ask while turning on the brewer and cashier, Jaemin nods then take a seat at one of the tables you haven’t turn over.
Jeno bids you goodbye after his mopping is done, and you’re left alone with Jaemin.
“Please make yourself a drink, can you sit with me for a while tonight? Drinks are on me.” he sounds hopeful.
You take his invitation, making yourself a cup of warm coffee. You carry the dark liquids and a plate of cake from the storage.
You take your seat across him; he has his coat off already and he looks breath-taking in his white shirt and loosen tie. He is busy with his cold drink, and you preoccupied your nerves with the warm caffeine. Your heart is almost bursting out of joy, here in front of you the man you crushed, you finally get the chance to sit alone with him only. You don’t care what your boss will do to you if he ever finds out about this.
Jaemin picks the fork and pokes the cake, “What is this?”
You snap from your daydream, “Oh, that’s a new menu. A rainbow cake, were going to release them tomorrow.” He raises his brow in curiosity,
“Each colour has different flavour. Please try them.” You look at him expectantly when he takes the red part into his mouth. He savours the taste, munches, pokes into the next colour, tastes them and when he reaches the 7th colour, he finally makes his comment.
“Hmm it’s cool, a nice idea! It also tastes good. I am sure buying this again.” Jaemin’s eyes brighten and he gulps down his coffee to clean his palettes.
“(y/n),” Jaemin surprises you by calling your name. You almost ask where he learned your name, but you realize you wear name tags every day. “Thank you for opening the café for me and thank you for sitting here with me tonight.”
You shake your head and hands, “No, it’s not a problem Jaemin. Besides, I can probably help you if you need someone to talk and share stories too. Only if you’re willing too,” You panicked.
Jaemin thinks for a quick second and smirk, “You’re probably right. I need to share what’s bothering my mind. Great idea!”
It sure is a great idea for Jaemin, but not for you. Jaemin has just finished his story about his breakup with his so-called girlfriend he loved dearly. You are surprised to find out he has been dating for one year and got dumped last week, because poor Jaemin caught her kissing another man in the park. She chose the other guy over him. Jaemin concludes that he’s now traumatized, and he will be staying away from falling in love for a moment. He is hurt, and he doesn’t want to fall in love now.
You made a mental note about this and continue to talk about more things. As the night deepens, the cake vanished, and the coffees finished, you learn each other’s hobbies and favourite singers.
Jaemin helps you clean up the table and turning over the chair. He drops in extra tips into the jar, then he waits for you outside as you turn off all the machines, lights, and lock the door.
“Thank you for listening to me tonight,” Jaemin bashfully looks into his shoes.
“It’s nothing big, I’m happy if you’re feeling better now. So, good night Jaemin,” you wave your hand to him when your bus arrives. He waves his hand back at you and descends into his car.
After that night, you remember his words where he did not want to fall in love yet. That morning, you ensure your heart that the feeling must stop. You ask Jeno to switch with you and take over the cashier. You choose to work in the kitchen with your other co-worker, Renjun. You’re not going to fall more into Jaemin, no you need to stop before you hurt yourself.
You tell Renjun why you’re here now and the cheerful man just pats your back, “Aw, you’re burying a feeling. It’s okay you still have me and Renjun. We’re both still free and available for blind dates.” He winks and succeeds in cheering you up.
Weeks passed by, you work in nice union with Renjun baking cakes, and preparing bobas. Your life is bright again even without seeing Jaemin, until one day Jeno barges into the kitchen and smirks, “(y/n), he’s here and he wants to see you. I can’t hold it anymore; I’ve been telling him lies that you’re not here anymore but turns out he saw you and he wants to see you!” today.
“Who?” Renjun asks
You freeze in your place, is it really the same man you’re thinking of?
Jeno sees your reaction, “You want me to shoo him off?”
You shake your head, Jeno suddenly remembers something, “Ah yeah, he told me to tell you this. He’s ready to try it again. I don’t know what he means but he told me to deliver that message to you.” Your eyes widen and you turn your body to exit the kitchen door, leaving the two men puzzled.
You quickly run your eyes through the customers inside the small café, but he’s not there. Your eyes catch him leaving the door with a glass of Americano in his right hand and a small pack of cookies on his left.
You did not meet him yet, but you know when you will see him again.
That’s right, tomorrow.
The last rays of sun lights are slowly fading off, the sky is beautifully painted orange and purple. You tighten the apron over your waist and with the textbook smile you’re taking in orders and payments once again.
“Good afternoon, what can I help you with? Maybe a special menu today? Rainbow bubble tea made especially for you.” You wink at the man in front of your cashier counter.
He chuckles, “I’d take that as a yes, if you’re going to sit with me in that table at the corner.”
You blush and punch in his order, “That means you’re having Americano today, because I am not free until my shift ends at 9.”
He glances at his watch, “Three hours is nothing compared to a week. Please add a slice of rainbow cake too! I am waiting for my date until 9 tonight.” He offers you his deadly smile, and you cannot feel your legs.
Jeno and Renjun heard everything, when Jaemin goes away to his chair; the two men take their cue to mess with you.
“What do you want for a drink? Let me prepare it for you.” Jeno takes over the cup in my hand and makes the order.
“Of course, strawberry boba, right?” Renjun winks and walks to take a slice of rainbow cake and cheesecake.
“You love my cheesecakes, right? Now, go sit with him and we will take over your part.” Renjun unties your apron and pushes you to Jaemin’s table direction.
What? you’re surprised with the sudden situation.
“Go get your love, good luck!” the two men unite and push you into his direction. Jaemin turns his head and sees you walking to him. He smiles and gets up to pull out your chair.
“Guess this is it, I don’t have to wait for three hours by myself, and my date is here already.”
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
your roommate hcs are so cute, can i request for naib, demi, tracy, andrew, kurt, patricia, and victor?
:0 holy crap yes! I’m so glad you enjoyed the roommate hcs!! Me and the other mods hope you enjoy these! Thank you for requesting :))
(i added melly because why not? lmao hope you don’t mind.)
Part 1!
Naib Subedar
This man deadass didn’t know you were living with him
Even when people told him about it, he wasn’t rlly paying attention and didn’t rlly care
Your stuff in his room? He thought it was his or someone just broke into his room and left it there
When he saw you on the toilet however, he just freaked out.
“Why the hell are you shitting in my room!?” “Your room? I’ve been living here for 2 months!”
Once he found out you lived with him, he made sure you knew what was his and what was yours
also, since he’s very protective of his things-- you being one of them-- he would totally get jealous if he caught you tallking to someone that wasn’t him.
he would probably give you the silent treatment and act like a pissy baby
He hates it when you touch his stuff
especially his photos, the photos were special to him because they were of him and his army friends.
You’d sometimes catch him looking at the photos with a longing in his eyes, it was highkey sad.
having you live with him meant lots and lots of training
he made sure you were always prepared for matches and that you don’t get downed early
when you got downed early however, He would scold you but he would still rescue you anyways because he’s soft
“You’re such an idiot, you’d better do better next time! Or else I’ll kick your ass.” 
one time he got cocky while kiting because you were watching him
he forgot to turn on his elbow pads and face palmed into the wall.
“...You saw nothing.” He turned around, a bit woozy from hitting his head on a wall. He flipped the hunter off before stumbling wooshing away
When you first get to know naib, he’d probably come off as intimidating and menacing
but once you get to know him--the real him--, you start to understand that even though he may be tough on you, its because he wants you to be the best
he has good intentions
During matches he’d let you handle yourself and made sure you didn’t rely on him too much
One time you needed to shower but you ran out of your shampoo so you used his.
When he questioned you, you simply responded “What? You don’t need it anyways, you’re bald!”
He didn’t rescue you the next round.
should’ve seen that coming
though he forgives you when you braid his luscious long existent hair for him
Kurt Frank
The amount of times you almost stepped on this man is astronomical.
he would constantly be in his tiny form because he would lose a lot of his things
his tiny form helped him find his things easily
Though when you first moved in with him, you had no idea what his ability was
so when you first saw a tiny version of your roommate you thought he was just a weird doll
until you heard him say a tiny, “Hey can you move your ginORMOUS foot? You’re stepping on my book.”
You fucking screeched and took off your shoe to try and kill him
After he explained to you about his ability you calmed down a bit and spared this tiny man but only this time!
Frank loves books, he probably filled your shared rooms with stacks on stacks of books
You’d often see him tiny, waving at you while you’re decoding
Once you overhead Kurt arguing with First Officer over who was the rightful owner of some sort of treasure map
They fought for days,
kurt would constantly complain about it to you
turns out it was just a game on the back of a Cereal box.
sorry this is short like kurt
Tracy Reznik
Would be a little awkward at first, but the awkwardness slowly fades away when you both make bad jokes
she gives me childhood best friend vibes
Has her doll sitting in the corner of your shared room room, it’s lifeless eyes scare the living shit out of you in the dark you try not to make eye contact, afraid it’ll curse you or smth
if she was mad at you she would move the bot in a way that looked like it was flipping you off you off in your direction before you went to bed.
Always making little robot things that are super fun to play with
Loves sharing her things. Has no problem with it
you wanna wear her clothes? sure
you want to wear her underwear? evEN BETTER-
Pulling all nighters, trying to get her machines to work like how she wanted it to work.
Would live off of kraft Mac n cheese and junk food in the modern day
Pretty hyper, chugs pink monster energy drinks while pulling all nighters, also, in the modern day
would probably be a bruh girl
Her room is a mess, covered with blueprints and scrap metal
her room is practically a safety hazard
Sometimes she dresses her doll up a bit, putting wigs or her old clothes on it (which scares you half to death)
Once she made her doll dress up like her
and you almost went up to it to ask what it wanted for dinner.
Has a photo of her and her dad
You never wanted to bring it up, worried it might make her upset :(
Sometimes she’d feel really guilty about being downed in the first 30 seconds
please comfort her, she feels super bad
She always relies on you to rescue her
She gets really happy and thankful when you body block for her but she still gets a bit concerned when you do it randomly
“i wasn’t even kiting-” “Protecc the mecc.”
Demi Bourbon
Always out at the bar
Smells like alcohol constantly
tipsy 24/7
she’s never 100% sober
You have to hold her hair out of her face when she comes back to your shared room to hurl
Likes bringing back hard vodka or weird flavoured alcohols back for you guys to get wasted try together
Room is bit cluttered, but she doesn’t have much in her room since she’s always out in bars or matches
Usually latches onto you like a parasite when she’s drunk.
it gets a bit awkward when her face is a bit close to yours,
“Are we about to kiss right now-? BLeurghgrhgherrgh.”“...*audible sigh*”
You’d go to her expecting her to heal you like a normal person but no
instead she shoves dovlin down your throat
She likes to do your makeup, and always adds a matching beauty mark
unless you don’t wear makeup, then she’d ask you to do hers 
always loves how she looks afterwards
more than sometimes demi would get into bar fights, 
so you know she’s about to throw hands when she starts takes off her earrings-
10/10 would fight for you <3
She’s gives me cool wine aunt vibes
Probably a lesbian too (check out our Demi smut fic ;))
Or bi, idk
Just straightn’t
She’s really good at hyping you up, especially when you’re taking shots
Andrew Kreiss
Would be very shy at first, opens up a little when you get to know him
Totally a night owl, can’t sleep at night from all the guilt and “what if’”s
if you see this baby awake at night, hug him, he really needs it
You’ve never seen the other side of his face
How does he see with hair in his eyes?
He’s albino, which is super dope
Sometime you fear he’s thinking about burying you
You always see him thwacking Luca with his shovel
Barely talks
Room is moderate
He doesn’t want you to find out too much about him
He may seem bland, but he loves sweet food
You’d bake him cookies and other sweets
He’d act as if he’s not embarrassed and brush it off
“Are you blushing?”“No, I-I’m sunburnt.” “On your face?” “....I stare into the hot red sun sometimes because it eases me.”
to keep his lie going, every time he catches you staring at him he would fry his eye balls by staring into the sun until you left
partially the reason why he can’t see well
When he’s not looking, you stare at him while he’s eating the stuff you made because he looks so happy :’)
One time you found him down in the dumps so you made him a cup of coffee, and when you handed it to him you said-
“Depresso espresso?”
*sniff* ”..are you oka-” “IM NOT CRYING, YOU ARE”
he actually cried
it was such a nice gesture(?), that he started ugly crying
You’d ask him if he wanted hugs during matches when you see him get stressed
He’d be flushed and kinda confused
hug... him? why tho lmao
he’d definitely agree tho, to be fair, with some hesitation 
if y’all ever cuddled in bed, i feel like he’d be a little spoon
poor boy needs the comfort, he wouldn’t mind if you wanted to be little spoon tho
he just wants to be close to you
Victor Grantz
You love playing with his dog, Wick
Super nice and polite, but a little guarded
The type to be too afraid to call people out when they do something wrong but would totally trash them in his head
You write him little letters everyday and leave them on his bed to make him happy :))
He’d a be a little spoon
Wick would always join you guys while cuddling
Kisses would be soft and gentle
Usually sends you the first letter in matches
Loves to cuddle
He bb 🥰
You always get him a birthday present AND a Christmas present
You also get a gift for Wick
He loves giving you surprise hugs
Likes to read with you while cuddling
Literally a cinnamon roll
Once he was eating a cinnamon roll
And you whispered
“C a n n i b a l i s m .”
He was very confused
and kind of scared- were you going to eat him?
Patricia Dorval
Room always smells like herbs
She could literally smoke weed and you’d think it’s some magical healing herb
it magically makes you feel better
Always there to stun the hunter when you’re ballooned
The mature one
Her room is organized, with boxes labeling what herbs and magic stuff that are in them
You were cooking dinner for the day and you accidentally used one of her fancy herbs in your soup
She didn’t realize until she tried the soup
She wasn’t mad just disappointed
She lectured you on how you shouldn’t touch her stuff or use it for cooking
Gotta admit tho, the soup was pretty good
she acts like the mom everyone wishes they had
totally the type to be like, “dude we should think this through.” before doing something risky
and then five seconds later, “cowABUNGA MY DUDES”
one time she caught kreacher leaving the mens washroom without washing his hands
seeing as she was the mother of this manor, she had to protect her children from diseases
so she yeeted her monkey skull at kreachers head, cleanly knocking him out
and everybody cheered.
Melly Plinius
When you heard melly was going to be your roomie, you couldn’t have been more excited.
you finally had a victim for the many insect pick up lines!
So you decided to make some good first impressions by waiting for her in your room.
so when she arrived to your room and greeted you, you happily greeted her back, and slipped in the pick up line.
“Hello, my name is Melly. I believe I will be your ro-?”“Yeah nice to meet you too, say, what do bees make?”
She kinda thought you were a bit rude so much for first impressions
“...Erm, honey?” she replied hesitantly
... okay maybe you weren’t thaaaat bad.
after that she kind of developed a teensy crush on you 
so it was hard living with you because of her crush, since she was constantly flustered 
you loved her reactions, she constantly got red.
it was funny watching her try to keep her cool and fail.
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siren-virus · 3 years
Luckyboy!AU thing. So I went looking some stuff up, and I can perfectly imagine that Ben would name himself Nekomata, the name for the lucky cats in japanese; you know, because he wants the victims he rescues to have luck in their lives and to bring some of that to himself. However this confuses the Plumbers a whole lot, after all, why would a vigilante want to bring to himself and the others luck in education and love? Green Nekomatas bring luck in education and pink ones (close enough to magenta) bring luck towards love. Spoiler: Ben didn't know what the colors mean, he just thought that the lucky cats bring luck in general to people. His stickers could be coins in order to keep up the theme, or it could be some kind of cats to keep the cat aesthetic.
I also need some fluff between the different "people" (still don't know which noun to use to represent both humans and aliens that isn't "beings" (kinda uncomfortable using that one, since it also encapsulates non inteligent creatures) ) that visit the coffee shop while Ben is working there, like some conversation that he would have with Rook or Gwen, or how he could give some ideas to Cooper over the next technological thing to create/modify, a chat with Kevin about what alien technology he could sell to the civilians that would make him money AND avoid the eye of the Plumbers (and his vigilante persona too if they aren't dangerous)
Would his parents and Max surprise visit him to the coffee shop? I'd imagine that they would, not only to see him but also to have an excuse to give him money in the form of tips without being returen the money XD "You guys just gave me a big ass tip" "Well we just happen to like the service" "I GAVE YOU A GLASS OF WATER" "We REALLY like your service *wink*", meanwhile, Max's watching everything from the table sipping his own extravagant coffee (don't tell me he wouldn't find a way to add some tentacles to his coffee one way or another, forcing Ben to make one that way XD)
Also, what would happen with the love interests that Ben had in the prime dimension? Would he have met any of them in this timeline? How would his relationship with them be? Would any of them come visit him to his job?
Also also, I imagine that Ben would ask grandpa Max any time some of his friends want a tour through the Plumbers HQ to give them all a pass of some kind and do the tour himself (sometimes with his grandpa by his side, sometimes it's Rook, sometimes he's alone, and the best of times he would be with the other Plumber kids going alongside doing lots of pranks at the same time)
I wonder how many charms does Ben have in his home, since some of them are really useful and would help in a lot of things, like I imagine he would use a light charm and reduce his living costs that way, or a heating charm for the same effect.
Finally, I have to say that I love that animation you did of Ben hating early mornings (and if he was out all night and went without sleep, then thank fuck he works at a coffee shop XD), and that tiny detail of him snapping his fingers with both hands, it's just, ugh, I LOVE IT, it reminds me of The Addams Family opening theme. Maybe whenever he does a spell he does that double hand finger snap as a way to focus himself? It'd be a funny easter egg for anyone who would be able to discern it (aka Jimmy, 'cause let's be honest, he would totally find a way to link the double snap with the show somehow, and he would be totally right XD)
Damn dude, I love that whole thing. He would totally choose that name without thinking about it. Nekomata... Rolls off the tongue nicely.
Fluff, eh? People is good enough.
With Gwen, like I said in another post (did I? maybe...) Their conversations would be brief, usually Ben just trying to get a rise out of his cousin to force her into a chat.
Rook is similar, their conversations are brief, but if Ben asks the right questions, serves him a particularly good drink, saves extra amber ogia tarts for him. Rook would be more than happy to indulge. They don't talk about plumbers business, Rook's smart enough to know not to exchange information with a civilian. (Even though Ben probably knows it already.) More, Rook discusses Earth culture with Ben, trying to play catch up with slang, sometimes he'll even indulge some info about his home planet, his friends, family, and girlfriend.
I don't believe Ben and Cooper would talk much, the only reason he's in the cafe is because Manny, Helen, and Alan (if he's not working) forcefully dragged him from the lab, kicking and screaming.
"i'll have an espresso shot. with some honey too... please." Is the only thing he'll before engrossing himself in what tech he managed to bring along.
The one with Kevin is interesting, I do like the idea of Ben tryna push Kevin in the right direction. But Kevins love of tadenite, and the fact he sells weaponry would propbably prevent that.
Instead Ben would try to get as much info from him as possible, subtly giving Kevin a little extra when it comes to info exchange. Kevins lips are sealed. Unless Ben decides to spill some info on Gwen. Kevin plays dumb, but it's easy to spot his interest.
Absolutely, Max, his parents, AND Patelliday all come for visits. At first his parents would be super cautious entering the cafe, they did their best to try to make Ben quit and find a "normal cafe" to work at. They also did their best to convince Ben to move back in. They would deffinitely use any excuse under the sun to tip Ben. They make regular visits on saturdays for morning tea. They don't stick around long though, aliens still spook them a little.
Max and Patellliday - are a unit- would always order a drink together. Max going with the basic Flat White, with some tentacles, of course. Patelliday going for the Boba Fish Tank... they have to restock their gold fish tank every week.
Ben has a good poker face, having to make such a... variety of drinks, and watch how his customer drink/eat. It leaves scars...
Love interests.
Well with Julie, Ben unfortunately never got the confidence to ask her out. But they're really good friends still. (Ben also learned as he got older that not every girl he's friends with wants to date.) Julie comes by the cafe every now and again, always checking if Bens there first before entering, she still managed to get Ship surprisingly, so Ship is always happy to get a pupacino, can't drink it or anything. Just happy to smoosh his face into it.
With Kai, they never had that meeting when they were 10. She comes to Bellwood every now and again, she and Gwen are surprisingly good friends. They clash alot though.
Kai comes by the cafe sometimes too, Ben think she looks nice, but they've had no interactions. (She's not a coffee person, just a water gal.)
Esther, there's no meeting between them, as Ben that is. However, Esther can't deny she feels something towards Nekomata. The guys charming.
I think there's another girl, but I can't remember ;;;
Tour guides? At plumbers HQ? Much as Ben would love to guide his friends around, the amount of jailbreaks that happen there is too many (the plumbers have shit security)... He's not even allowed there most times unless there is someone capable by his side.
More often than not Ben would be disappointed to see one of his regulars, Fist Rick out on the streets the day after he was arrested.
Yes yes yes!! Ben uses a lot of his mana on little things to make his life easier and more convenient. This also comes at the cost of using too much energy, so normally he makes sure to do this when he knows he doesn't have work.
Thank! I work best when I have a visual setting ;; Maybe I should switch careers to be a vis dev.
Also ngl, the whole finger snapping thing, Idk where that came from ;; Could be a cool easter egg thingy
Some days Ben has to be stopped from drinking the coffee. Mr Baumann (yes, he's the head honcho) threatens to send Ben home on those days.
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coffeecakefanfics · 3 years
The 1,001 Clichés of A Teenage Romance (Peter Parker x Fem!Reader)
Studying with Ned was nothing new to Peter, but actually stopping by ‘Kay’s Coffee and bakery’ for coffee was.  The coffee shop sat two buildings down from his apartment and Aunt May would stop in before work every morning.  With her day off she asked Peter and Ned to run and get her a coffee and whatever they’d like.  
It was a typical coffee shop, the walls were painted a muted cream and the tables were a beautiful sturdy oak.  There were pictures of New York plastered on the wall along with a big picture of the “Kay” family.  Behind the counter was a menue board along with a black board with the desserts of the day scribbled in pink and yellow chalk.  
“Good morning, welcome to Kay’s Coffee and Bakery where every cup is brewed fresh and every baked good is homemade how can I help yo- Oh hey I know you two from school,”  The girl stood behind the counter.  She had a smile on her face.  She wore a plain black long sleeve with a small Kay’s logo on the left breast.  The half apron she wore was black and the name tag was pinned to the top ‘Y/N’
“We have Calc, bio, and english together and im pretty sure we share a lunch break too,” she beamed.
“Oh yeah you’re in drama and on the volleyball team right?” Ned kind of lit up.
“Yup, and i’m in knowledge bowl, student council, and they’re trying to get me to join prom planning,” she kind of laughed. Peter recognized her alright, she was the top hitter on the volleyball team, he remembers watching her last season with MJ. 
“You stay busy then?” Peter piped up this time.
“Well I mean between school, clubs, and work i’m surprised I have time for anything else,” She took a deep breath at that. “So, what can I get you guys?”
“I need an,” Peter looked at the text May had sent him, “Iced French Vanilla with Extra Extra Cream and white chocolate syrup and a coffee cake muffin” he finished and peeked up at the girl who was already brewing the drink. 
“So you’re the famous nephew huh?” she teased as she poured the creamer into the cup. Peters face went flush and he started to stutter
“I-well I uh”
“It’s fine, I think it’s sweet.  She tells me how good you take care of her and the trouble you get in to.  It’s honestly one of my favorite parts of my morning.  Everyone else is suuuch a drag,” She laughed and slid the drink and muffin across the counter. “Anything else?”
“We don’t really drink coffee,” Peter turned to Ned. “do you want anything?”
“Yeah can I have a hot chocolate?”  He asked.
“Of course, plain or with extras, extras are free of charge except espresso shots”
“However you like it is fine”
“alright that’ll be $8.27 thank you,” she took the cash, gave them change and went to making the drink. 
“May We’re back” Peter called into the apartment.  May came almost running from the couch to grab her coffee. 
“You are a life saver,” she kissed the top of his head.
“Come oonn” he gently pushed her back.
“Where’s Ned?”
“He had to go home, something about a new episode of a show, I don’t know” He flopped onto the chair cockeyed to the couch.
“She’s cute right?” May smirked and set her drink down.
“I mean yeah, She’s pretty, but she’s also popular,” he shrugged. 
“Peter, baby, she has a job and a full ride to MIT, not to mention she likes a lot of the same dorky stuff you do,” she shifted and looked at him. “You haven’t been on a date in years Pete, why not go now?” she poked.
“She probably already has someone, I mean she is popular, remember?”
“I think you should go for it, get out of the house,” The conversation ended there. Peter laid in bed that night thinking about how he’d spot her in class or in the halls.  She was pretty, but she was also busy, he didn’t want to mess with her schedule. 
Lunch rooms are the devil, they’re clique filled and loud, but the only time he can actually talk to his friends. 
“Come on you KNOW that padme just lost the will to live,” How the topic started none of them new all they new was Peter and Ned were going at it again and MJ wanted out. “Dude she just gave up, her husband joined the darkside, face the facts”
“Actually, Palpatine took her life force for Anakin, Padme was a strong woman who fought for what was right, she wouldn’t just leave her babies alone,” Y/n jumped in and sat next to MJ. Ned and Peter looked at each other and back at the girl.
“What i’m popular not uncultured,” she laughed. “Okay MJ I need some serious help with knowledge bowl studying”
“Y/n, I love you, I do, but I’m busy this week, I have a ton of homework because Mr. Braun decided to be a dick, I’m sorry,” MJ spoke remorsefully.
“My meet is monday, it’s going to decide who goes to state, is there no way you can help,” Y/n pleaded with her friend.
“I’m sorry, I am, but I can’t fail this class”
“You’re right I’m sorry, if you need help studying or doing homework i’ll help you” She smiled and went to stand. 
“Peter can help,” Ned blurted
“I can?” Peter turned his head sharply.
“He can, he has a stark internship until 6 but after that he’s free,” Ned motioned with his eyes from Peter to the Girl.  
“I-uh-I, yeah I can help,” he stuttered and flushed.
“Peter you really don’t have to,” she gave him a sympathetic look.
“Yeah no, it’s uh, no problem,” he smiled awkwardly.
“You just saved my life, I owe you.  I’ll meet you at the coffee shop and we can go to my place after okay?” she beamed.  Peter liked her smile, it was bright. 
“Of course” he grinned. 
“Y/N, Game plan!” One of the other girls called.
“Sorry, I have to go but tonight at 6,” she lit up as she grabbed her tray and jogged over to her friends.
“What the fuck?” peter turned to Ned.
“I saw how you looked at her at the coffee shop, and you haven’t been on a date in years. it’s my job as a wing man to help you get dates,” Ned shrugged and took a bite of the sandwich in front of him. Peter sighed and pulled his phone out.
P:Hey May, I’m helping a friend study I won’t be home till late
M:You’re not patrolling are you?
P:No, I’m seriously helping a friend study
M:Stay safe, I sent you $10 for dinner <3
The streets were dim when Peter walked up to the shop.  She stood locking the door.
“Hey” He called.
“Peter Hi,” she grinned and waved. 
“So um, y-your place?” he tugged at his straps. 
“Yeah, I live in those apartments right there,” she nodded at the building two doors down.
“Wait, what? so do I, how come I never see you?” he turns to her. 
“I usually take the fire escape home, I hate walking through the lobby, and I can sneak in without having to talk to my family,” she laughed. “Not that they’re bad people, I just get over worked and don’t want to take it out on them” they walked into the lobby and got in the elevator.
“Don’t worry about them being home, I live with my dad and he’s on a business trip,” she unlocked the door and let Peter walk in.  It was cleanly decorated with neutral greys, whites and blacks. 
“This is nice,” he lets his eyes wander the apartment.
“Yeah, it’s how my mom liked it,” she smiled sadly.  Peter remembers it happening, it was one of the attacks on New York, The avengers couldn’t get everyone out in time, 3 people had died that day.
“I’m sorry for your loss”
“I’m not, she’s why I do what I do” The girl smiles and kicks her shoes off, “my room is back here, it’s way cooler than this,” she laughs and drags him to her room.  Warm LED lights illuminate the room.  Peter spins and looks at all the posters and figurines scattered around the room.  The walls are decorated with posters of various animes and shows. He turns to the tv stand and sees shelves full of games. 
“Told you I’m cultured,” she teases and sits on the bed. Peter sits next to her.  She pulls out her laptop and plugs a flash drive into it. 
“So this will give you questions and the answer, I get a point if I get it right,” she smiles and spins the screen to him. “thanks for doing this, by the way,” she adjusts and holds a decorative pillow to her chest.
They had been at this for nearly two hours she was growing frustrated and uneasy.
“Who wrote A farewell to Arms?”
“Hemmingway” she looed pleadingly
“Yes,” he beamed and went to click next.
“I can’t anymore, I’m done,” she flopped back on the bed. “This sucks” she yells muffled by her pillow.
“Then why keep doing it?” he closes the laptop. She sits up and pushes her hair out of her face. 
“That is a topic for a different level of friendship,” she smirks and looks him over.  She had had a crush on him forever, and by forever she means since last year.  She admired how his eyes kind of drifted around the room. 
“Do you need to go home yet?” she asked. His eyes jumped back to her and locked. 
“No, I live two floors down so it’ll only take a minute to get home”
“Do you want to play a game or watch a movie?” she asked, getting up and grabbing the controller. His face kind of flushed. “A-a movie is fine”
“What? scared I’ll kicked your ass or something?” she smirked.
“No way I just don’t want to make you cry when I beat you,” he joked cockily with her.
“Oh you’re on Parker, Injustice 2?” she looked back at him and he nodded.
“Black Canary is way to OP this is bullshit,” Peter throws his hands up. Y/N laid laughing at him.  His phone cut the laughter short.
“it’s May sorry,” he picked up the phone. “Peter it’s 10 pm where are you?!” she called into the line.
“there’s no way it’s-” he looked at his watch. “Oh shit, May I’m sorry i’m coming down now,” he hung up.
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize how late it is,” he scrambled to grab his stuff. 
“Fire escape is faster than the lobby, there’s a window to the hallway if you go to the right” she grabbed his phone and bag for him. 
“i had fun,” he smiled at her.
“I did too, especially since I kicked your ass at injustice,” she smirked.
“I’ll see you at school monday?” he asked.
“Um, I’m free saturday if you want to come over, we can play games or watch a movie or something? I’ll get us pizza or-” she trailed off.
“I’d love to,” he blushed.
“It’s a date,” she smiled and opened her window. Peter stepped out onto the landing. 
“Hey peter?” she called and he turned to her.  She leaned out and kissed his cheek. “A little something for the road,” she held something wrapped in white paper to him. He shut the door to his apartment. 
“There you are, I was worried sick,” May scolded.
“I was upstairs with a friend, I’m sorry we lost track of time.  He set the paper on the counter and opened it.  A fresh coffee cake was sitting in a small box with a note
‘For May and Peter’ 
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leiasfanaccount648 · 3 years
It’s Hard to Expresso My Feelings For You
Tumblr media
Shouto Todoroki x Fem!Reader
Summary: The coming of Winter also means the coming of holiday drinks to put people in the festive spirit. One shop hasn’t released them yet, but that won’t stop a certain employee from trying to make your day.
Warnings/Contains: Coffee Shop!AU, fluff, pining, cursing, Shouto being a clueless yet adorable idiot and Izuku teasing him about it.
Word Count:2788
A/N: I typically have everyone call each other by their first names, but in this I had Shouto and Izuku call each other by their last names cause it just sounded off if they didn’t lmao; also I know espresso is spelled wrong in the title, it’s on purpose haha.
Shouto sighed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as cleaned up the counter top as it was covered in grinded up coffee beans from the night before. He knew that Denki was the one of the people who closed last night and most likely was the one to leave the mess. Of course, it could have been Katsuki for all he knew. Whenever the blond closed, he liked to leave as quickly as possible and if he was in a bad mood, which was often, he could leave some of the minimal stuff left to the openers to take care of.
Shouto glanced at the clock on the wall to check the time, sighing as he realized that he had to unlock the doors to the shop; after all, they opened in 10 minutes. He walked away from behind the counter, keys in hand ready to unlock the door when he heard a voice from the back.
“Hey, Todoroki! Do you know where the eggnog is?”
Shouto unlocked the door quickly before walking to the counter again. He double checked the counter before going to the back where he heard Izuku calling for him. “What’s eggnog?” He stood in the doorway of the fridge as he watched his coworker and friend, who had convinced him to take the job he now has, rummage through the boxes that were shipped to the store last night.
Izuku chuckled to himself as he heard his friend. “It’s a cold drink that people like to have during the holidays.” He sighed, his smile turning into a frown as he finished looking through all the boxes; he stood up. “And it doesn’t look like we didn’t get any in last night’s shipment.”
“Were we supposed to?” Shouto followed his friend back to the front so that they could be ready for when some of their early bird customers came into the shop.
Izuku looked over everything on the counter, even though he knew that his friend had already prepared everything for the morning. He leaned against the countertop. “Well, since it’s officially December, I figured we would. Plus we might even get more business as a result.” He smiled as Shouto nodded, seeming to understand what he meant.
Just then the bell on the shop’s door jingled, signalling that someone had walked in. Izuku glanced at the girl, giving her a grin. “Hi! Welcome to the Academia Coffee House,” he glanced at Shouto. “You take the order and I’ll make it?”
“Yeah, sure.” Shouto nodded and walked over to the register. “What can I get for you today?”
The girl looked at Shouto after glancing at the menu, stepping towards the counter. “Um, do you by any chance have an eggnog drink that I can add a shot of espresso to?”
Shouto’s eyes widened slightly, surprised to hear about this eggnog drink twice already today. “No, we don’t. I’m sorry.”
The girl smiled, shaking her head. “Oh, it’s fine, don’t worry about it.” She adjusted the backpack that hung on her shoulder. “In that case,” she glanced at Shouto’s hair, smiling to herself. “Can I just get a medium peppermint mocha with an extra shot, please?”
“Sure.” Shouto clicked the drink on the register’s screen, adding the extra shot of espresso the girl asked for. “Can I get a name?”
Shouto nodded, typing the name into the computer. “Alright, your total is $6.48.”
(Y/N) nodded, handing him a couple bills. After Shouto handed back her change, she placed it all into the tip jar. “Thank you, have a good day.”
“You, too.”
With that, she walked away, picking the table by the unlit fireplace in the corner. She sat down and opened her backpack, pulling out her laptop along with a notebook and pen. Shouto didn’t even realize that he was staring until Izuku nudged his arm.
“Todoroki, can you hand me the whipped cream?”
Shouto blinked out of whatever trance he was in and glanced at his friend before reaching into one of the fridges underneath the countertop. He grabbed the can of whipped cream and handed it to Izuku who happily took it from him.
“You okay there?” Izuku chuckled, grabbing one of the glass mugs and pouring the drink into it. “You appeared to be dozing off there.”
“What do you mean?” Shouto closed the fridge, facing Izuku.
“You were staring at that girl weren’t you?”
Shouto hesitated his answer before responding, making Izuku chuckle again as he put the whipped cream on top of the drink. “She tried ordering one of those eggnog drinks. I was just shocked by it. I didn’t think it was that popular.”
“Whatever you say, Todoroki.” Izuku smiled at his friend before placing the mug onto it’s matching saucer; he placed it on the pick up counter. “Peppermint mocha with an extra shot for (Y/N).”
Upon hearing her name, she glanced up at the counter and stood up as she saw her drink. She walked over, carefully picking it up. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Enjoy!” Izuku nodded, glancing over at Shouto, who was once again watching (Y/N) go back to her table.
“You know it’s not nice to stare, Todoroki.”
“I wasn’t staring.”
A couple days later, Todoroki had another morning shift. He wasn’t opening the shop thankfully, but he was still tired nonetheless; he yawned as he opened the door, quickly making his way behind the counter to clock in as he saw the line of people starting to grow at the register.
“Good morning, Shouto.” Ochako smiled as she saw her coworker, both out of relief that there was more help to make the orders that kept coming in and the fact that she hadn’t seen him in a couple weeks due to the way the shift schedule had been made recently due to the holidays coming up.
“Good morning.” It may have been 11 o’clock, but for some it felt as though it was the crack of dawn. “Where do you need me?”
“Uh,” Ochako glanced at the register, sighing in relief as Eijirou appeared to be taking the orders without a problem. “If you could help me make some of these drinks I’d greatly appreciate it.”
“Sure thing.” Shouto clocked into the system before grabbing an apron and putting it on. He walked over and picked up one of the order receipts, his eyes widened as he read the name at the top as well as the order.
Order # 44  -  TO GO
Name: (Y/N)
Med. Pep. Mocha
Shouto smiled to himself before getting started on the drink, glancing up every now and then to try and spot the girl he had seen just a couple days prior. Eventually he did see her, smiling to himself as he saw her on her phone, not necessarily paying attention to anything else. He didn’t even realize that he muttered the word ‘cute’ under his breath as he continued making her drink.
Soon enough, he grabbed a lid for the to go cup he was holding, putting it on; he walked over to the pick up counter, placing the drink down. “Peppermint mocha with an extra shot for (Y/N).”
As she heard her name, (Y/N) looked up from her phone and walked over to the counter. She grabbed her drink, meeting Shouto’s gaze. “Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome,” he smiled as well. “Have a good day.”
“You, too.” (Y/N) glanced down at the name tag on his shirt, smiling a little bit more before she turned around and left the shop.
Shouto took an extra second to watch her leave before walking back over to where the order receipts kept coming on the counter.
Later in the day, once it got less busy in the shop, Shouto walked over to the register. “Hey, Eijirou,” the red head turned around to face him. “Did anyone ask you about an eggnog drink?”
Eijirou thought back to earlier in the day, eventually nodding. “Yeah, there was. Why do you ask?”
Shouto shrugged, trying not to seem excited or anything but nonchalant. “Midoriya brought up how we may end up making those and someone asked about it the other day. I didn’t know if that was happening any time soon.”
Eijirou shrugged. “I don’t know either. Last I heard we’re not doing anything special for the holidays.”
Shouto nodded, leaning back on the counter with his arms crossed. He thought back to that (Y/N) girl who had come in twice now asking about the drink. He didn’t know why she was on his mind now, but he wasn’t particularly mad about it; just confused. He didn’t even know her besides her name and the drink she keeps wanting to order in their shop.
~     ~     ~
“You’re thinking about her again, aren’t you?”
“What? Who?”
“That (Y/N) girl who’s been coming in every now and then.”
Shouto held back a sigh from Izuku’s words, not wanting to admit to his friend that he was right about his assumptions. Instead of replying, he simply kept scrolling through his phone while leaning against the counter.
It had been almost 2 weeks since (Y/N) had first come into the store asking if the shop was selling an eggnog drink, and every time, since that drink wasn’t available, she would order a peppermint mocha with an extra shot of espresso. Shouto had even seen her and taken her order so much that the two even knew each other by name; however, Shouto, for some reason unknown to him, wanted to try and make her drink that she’d been asking for for nearly 2 weeks.
“I’ll take your silence as a yes then.” Izuku laughed, starting to make himself a drink. They were on the closing shift, so it wasn’t as busy, and it was just the two of them working since Mina called in saying that she was sick.
“I’m not thinking about (Y/N).”
Izuku glanced over Shouto’s shoulder as he reached to grab the half and half cream beside him; he held back a smirk. “Then why are you googling how to make eggnog from scratch?”
Shouto immediately closed his phone, shoving it in his pocket and crossing his arms while his cheeks tinted the slightest shade of pink. “I am not.” “Whatever you say, Todoroki.” He laughed softly, finishing making his drink for himself. He took a sip before speaking up again. “You should try getting her phone number. She appears to be into you as well.”
Shouto glanced to the side, his shoulders appearing to lose their tension. “You really think so?”
“Yeah. Why not go for it, you know?” Izuku took another sip of his drink before glancing over at the door as it opened. He smiled to himself. “Actually, why don’t you go ahead and try making the drink she wants?” He then placed his drink down on the countertop before walking over to the register where (Y/N) stood waiting patiently.
“Hi (Y/N)! How are you this evening?”
“Pretty good, thank you. How about you, Izuku?”
Shouto felt his stomach turn with nerves as he saw (Y/N). He glanced at the floor before pulling his phone back out from his pocket, unlocking it to see the eggnog recipe he had been looking at. He took a deep breath as he heard (Y/N) question of whether or not they had an eggnog holiday drink, only for Izuku to politely say no, despite there being a sparkle in his eyes that said otherwise.
Shouto took a deep breath before gathering the ingredients he needed in order to make the drink. He heard (Y/N) walk away from the counter, standing off to the side by the counter. He tried not to think about the fact that she was possible watching him make her drink.
After about 15 minutes, (Y/N) grew confused as to why her drink was taking so long considering the fact that no one else had come into the store and Shouto was the one making her drink. She was about to say something when she caught a whiff of a familiar scent, but not one she had smelled in the store before.
“Is that-”
“Eggnog? Yep.” Shouto spoke up as he heard her, glancing over and smiling at her as he began pouring said drink into a glass mug. “Do you still want the espresso in it?”
“Yes, please.”
Shouto’s smile grew as he heard the excitement in her voice. He then readied the shot of espresso. “Whipped cream and cinnamon?”
“Please.” (Y/N) nodded, touched at the fact that the man was taking the time to make her a drink from scratch. She watched as Shouto added the espresso shot before the whipped cream and cinnamon. “Thank you so much, Shouto.”
“Well, I figured you’ve been getting tired of the peppermint mocha.” Shouto set the mug atop the saucer, gently pushing it toward (Y/N) on the counter.
“Well it’s much appreciated.” (Y/N) laughed softly before picking up the mug carefully since it was still pretty hot. She took a sip, her eyes widening.
“Is it good?” Shouto felt his heart rate pick up as he hoped that she liked it; he let out the breath he was holding as he watched her nod with a bright smile on her face.
“It’s delicious! Did you guys finally get eggnog in stock?”
Shouto shook his head, looking off to the side while one hand held the back of his neck. “No, um, I actually made it from scratch,” he paused, not sure what else to say. “You kept asking us for it, and I figured I could try and make it for you.”
(Y/N) nodded, placing the mug back on the sauce before picking it up again. “Still, it means a lot. Thank you.” She smiled and walked over to her usual table by the fireplace, which was lit today.
In the last hour of his shift, Shouto couldn’t stop himself from smiling and glancing over at (Y/N). Eventually he and Izuku had to start closing up the shop. Shouto started turning off and cleaning the machines while Izuku began wiping down the tables. When she saw the green haired man, (Y/N) began putting away her laptop. “Thank you again for the eggnog espresso. It was delicious. You guys should add it to your menu if you can.”
“We just might.” Izuku glanced over at Shouto as he walked into the back room; he looked back over at (Y/N). “Todoroki typically doesn’t know how to tell people that he cares about them, you’re pretty special, you know that?”
(Y/N) glanced over at Shouto as he walked back to the front, smiling as he met her gaze. “Yeah. I could tell that he’s kinda shy in a way.” She finished putting away her things in her backpack before walking over to the counter. “Shouto?”
The two toned hair man looked up, wondering what she could possibly ask of him. “Yeah? What is it?”
“I know this may seem a bit forward, but would it be possible for me to get your number?”
Shouto stared at her for a second, glancing at Izuku who stood a couple feet behind her and nodding enthusiastically; he nodded as well. “Sure.”
Grabbing a piece of receipt paper and a pen, Shouto wrote down his number before handing it (Y/N). “I apologize for my handwriting.”
“It’s alright. I can read it just fine.” (Y/N) laughed softly, trying not to show her enthusiasm too much. “I’ll text you later tonight, okay?”
Shouto nodded, still surprised at the fact that (Y/N) also appeared to also take an interest in him. With that, (Y/N) said goodbye to him and Izuku before leaving the shop, the smile on her face making it evident that she was unbelievably happy.
Izuku walked over to his friend, clearly happy as well. “Todoroki, you’ve got a date!”
“A date?” Shouto eyed him, confused. After all, he never saw his parents go on dates, and whenever he heard about them from his friends, they always appeared to be them physically going out with someone. “But (Y/N) didn’t ask to take me out somewhere.”
Izuku laughed, shaking his head. “No, no, I mean that she wants to take you out with you as your date.” He paused, trying to study Shouto’s reaction. “She wants to get to know you better Todoroki.”
Shouto looked back at the shop’s windows, part of him hoping that (Y/N) would be there; he smiled to himself, nodding at Izuku’s statement. “I guess you’re right.”
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tags: @briswriting​
Ficmas Masterlist
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saundraswriting · 3 years
Interior Design Ch. 6: First Day
SUMMARY: Today marks your first day as a SI employee...more specifically the Avengers' personal interior designer.
NOTES: Sorry it has been a while. Been busy. 
As always you can read it on Ao3 here!
Masterlist // Ao3 // Previous
The next morning you were up with the sun. You laid in the bed for a moment, relishing in everything that happened yesterday. You sat up in a quick movement. 'I have to give Ms. Potts the contract. I have to get my sample books here. I should also finish with the other clients I have waiting too. I should speak to each member I can to get a idea...maybe a powerpoint to show the difference in styles.' You thought to yourself. A plan in mind you got ready, silently thanking the universe for dry shampoo. Once done, you pulled out the contract and read it over before signing it. There wasn't anything you were against, so you signed and placed it on your desk for later. You decided to head to the kitchen, remembering the sleek looking espresso machine on the counter.
You headed out, your bag full of your necessary tools. You were deep in your tablet by-passing everyone loitering in the kitchen as if by magic until you got to the machine. Not hesitating you grabbed a mug and set the machine for a quad risotto shot and waited for it to brew. While waiting your phone rang, you answered it knowing it was one of your clients.
"Yes, ma'am? I am sorry I had to take an unexpected trip out of the city. What can I do for you?" You said pulling up her file on your tablet.
"Y/N, I love your work always, but this time something happened. The table just doesn't fit right. I am very unhappy. I hate glass top tables and the coffee table is glass." Your client said.
"Ma'am...I would never had ordered you a glass table. I have a distinct note in your file. I will immediately look into this. Please give me a moment. The company is still there correct? I will call you back in a moment." You hung up, muttering under your breath before calling another number. "You idiots. Get that table out of there. That is the Tohru account not the Bells. Yes. I know. I have the order right here. I ordered the gold leaf marble table, that glass table isn't to be delivered until next month. Take it back right now." You demanded, rubbing you forehead harshly. "Thank you very much." You hung up, you began typing rapidly on you tablet at the same time asking you phone to call your client. "Ma'am, they will be taking that table back this minute. I am sorry for the confusion. I had to take a trip unexpectedly and wasn't there to oversee everything. I hope you can pardon this mistake. I will be seeing you in a few days when your actual piece comes in. I am currently emailing the company to ensure this next delivery goes off without a hitch." You finished your email with a glare to your tablet.
"Thank you so much, Y/N. I appreciate all the effort you put into this. You are always so good to us. I'll send you a tip right now for all your help." Your client bid you good bye and hung up. A second later your phone chimed with an alert your client had deposited a large tip with only a smiley face emoji.
"She is too much. My goodness." You slumped against the counter and remembered your coffee that was probably done brewing. You pulled your mug over and fixed it up. The first sip has you moaning in pleasure. "It isn't even 8 am." You whispered into your mug.
"You gonna join us for breakfast or keep murmuring sweet nothings to your coffee?" Clint asked from the table. You tensed expecting comments on your lack of manners.
"I am so sorry. I am a coffee addict. Nothing before coffee. I don't really eat breakfast, but thank you. I did want to talk to you if that was okay?" You asked hesitantly.
"Sure. I don't mind. Honestly this is probably the best time to get us, before we scatter for the day." Cint answered.
"Oh, good." You hurried over and pulled out your notebook. "I need to get ideas from all of you. I have some examples of different styles and themes to give you ideas. I need preferences and things to get samples ready. I am starting with your individual rooms. It will help build a connection between you and I." You told them. "I have several other things happening at the moment so I will be coming back and forth for a while which is why I want to get ideas so I can build layouts and idea boards and bring them to you for approval." You continued. "I know that it seems overwhelming but my job is to make it less so. If you even have 15 minutes at some point today to speak with me I would appreciate that. My job is to do all the work. Your job is to say yes or no. So who wants to go first?" You looked up from your notebook to meet several curious glances.
"I have some time around 10:30 or so. I can meet with you." Clint said. His agreement seemed to break the ice and everyone else began chiming in on when they could meet. They all were cooperative in making it easy to meet with them, and once breakfast was over Tony came in.
"Mr. Stark, can I ask a favor? I was wondering if you could escort me to Ms. Pott's office? I have the contract all signed and I have a question for her." You asked. Tony nodded. The table began dispersing and with it you did. You gathered your things and waited in the kitchen.
"You're leaving? " Steve asked with a pointed glace at your bags.
"Yes, Captain Rogers. I have things to do at my office and all of my things are there. I have a lot of work to do before I start working. I have to speak to Ms. Potts and then I have to meet with all of you and then I will be on my way back home. I am just trying to be one step ahead of the game." You explained.
"I'll take your bags to the door for you while Tony takes you to Pepper. I will see you later." Steve grabbed your bags but you stopped him with an arm on his.
"Thank you, Captain Rogers. Can I also ask if you would sit in with Sargent Barnes' meeting? I don't want to overwhelm him." You said, looking at the ground.
"Yeah, of course. I'll have him come to mine, how is that?" He suggested. You smiled up at him gratefully.
Tony came that minute to walk you to Ms. Pott's office. Steve took your bags like he said he would. On the ay there, you made a point to learn the way, not wanting to be escorted back. Tony disappeared when you arrived offering "Meetings, you know." with a quick wave.
Pepper was more that willing to hear out your requests for several of you favorite catalogues and sample books to be ordered for the Avengers to look through. She also accepted your contract with a bright smile. She also gave you her personal cell number and a few other important people in case you needed them. You also got your badge and biometrics scanned to finish your hiring process.
You headed back to the Avenger's side, seeing the living room empty you set up in there, getting more ideas together for the meetings. You were scrambling putting together examples of some of your favorite design motifs like industrial, contemporary, oriental, art deco, bohemian, Scandinavian, rustic, country, modern, classical, minimalist, coastal, glamourous. You also added geometric, traditional, transitional, floral and such. You tried to keep it simple but informative. You listed pros and cons of all of them and before you knew it Clint loudly arrived in through one of the openings into the living room.
" Hey, kiddo. I just need to grab a drink and then we can get started. Do you want anything?" Clint said as he walked by.
"No. I am-" You tried to deny him, you were interrupted by F.R.I.D.AY.
"Agent Barton, Ms. L/N has not had any thing by mouth since breakfast and that was only a large coffee. You should ask her again." Friday told him. She sounded almost disappointed in you. You narrowed your eyes at the ceiling, unable to make words only noises.
"Get used to it. That is what she does. She loves us as much as an AI can. Now, let's try again. Can I get you something to drink?" Clint shook a bottle of water and raised an eyebrow.
"I guess I will take a water. I swear if my meetings run late because of bodily functions, I will never forgive her." You threatened. Clint laughed.
"You heartrate skipped implying that you don't mean that, Ms. L/N. But I appreciate the sentiment." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said. You just sighed and shook your head.
"Come on, Agent Barton. We should get going. This isn't going to take long. All this talk is for it getting you opinions on the very basic thing...theme. You pick what you like, what parts you don't ad I take that information to find pieces to go in your room and then we put it all together. I will do this for everyone in every room and then for the common rooms I will take the common things or needs and then ask everyone's opinion." You explained.
"You will do this for everyone today? That seems a lot." Clint said.
"I need to get ideas, that is all I can do. All my sample books and such are in my apartment. I will have more to work with when I come back. I have some pressing work to do to. I am have clients currently." You patted the seat next to you, gesturing at tablet, notebook and laptop before you. "Shall we get started?"
The meetings with the Avengers went well. The start of each meeting was rocky but as they warmed up, it got easier. You got about 1/2 of those who had rooms, You still needed the more...Very Important Powerful Beings and their opinions. But this was a start. There wasn't much repetition the styles they wanted, and it honestly went how you had predicted. Clint had chosen a geometric motif with hints of industrialism. Natasha had gone with muted bohemian style. Wanda had chosen a more glamorous bold style while her brother had chosen a soft coastal theme. Vision agreed with Wanda's help a very bare bones approach considering his android-ness. He accepted a sleek contemporary look but only to satisfy you and Wanda. Tony was a very new age tech room that you figured would end up being a crash pad and extra lab. Thor went with a more traditional art deco theme, it seemed to make him happy and sad at the same time. Sam was the most undecisive until you convinced him of the perks of mid-century modern vibes. Bruce wanted a more classical theme, a relaxing space to turn off. You made some notes to help that idea stay number one. Steve and Bucky took some time.
"Sargent Barnes, I know this seems like a lot but I promise, nothing you say here is your forever answer. You have time to change your mind, if we finish and you don't like it so be it. We will work on it until you do. This is your room, your space. You don't have to answer to anyone on why it is the way it is. My job is to make you happy and comfortable. So just answer my questions honestly and then we go from there. if you aren't sure then that is okay too." You pulled up some of the more radical themes you had worked on. You felt him saying 'no' would be first easier than saying 'yes'.
"That is gaudy. I was alive when that was losing steam as a trend. I don't want to relive it." Bucky denied the art deco, bohemian, glamorous, nautical and new age theme.
"That is a great start. However this is where it gets tricky. You know what you don't like, but now we need to find what you do like. If you like a whole idea, great. If you only like pieces of it, also fine. My job is to make it work." You next pulled out some of the rustic, industrial and minimalistic ideas. The palette was a little warmer than Steve's Scandinavian minimalist choices. Bucky like the wood/metal contrast and the open concept and natural lighting seemed to catch him too. You had an idea for the ceiling to have it painted to look like there were pipes and so made a note. You also made a note about a pipe bookshelf and plant wall.
"Captain Rogers, Sargent Barnes. This was fun. I will be having some magazines and sample books delivered here for everyone to look through if they want. If not we will have plenty of time to talk about it. Sargent Barnes, I know today was a lot for you, but I have to say...I am very proud of you. Today can't have been easy with the interrogation as light as it was. I unfortunately have to get going. I need to be in the city for the next few days but if you or anyone else has questions, I left my contact info on the fridge." You stuck you hand out to shake and Steve snorted.
"A minute after meeting me, you gave me a hug and made me cry, now you want to play coy and offer a handshake? I don't think so doll." Bucky pulled you into a fast hug before bidding you good day and heading back to his room. Steve gave you a slightly longer hug, beaming at you.
"You are amazing. I never thought we would be doing this today. He seemed like he was having fun. Thank you again. It means a lot to us that you are working so hard." Steve said.
"Captain Rogers, you all save the world weekly. The least I can do it make your bedrooms into a safe space. Now, are you gonna be a punk or you walking me out?" You asked winking with a smirk.
The two of you walked to where Happy stood next to a car that you were sure already had your stuff packed. "I am glad he trusted me enough to talk with me. I want him happy, and comfortable. Tell everyone I said bye and I will see them soon!" You squeezed Steve's arm before heading to the car, letting Happy open the door for you.
Happy opened the door for you to exit the car. You bid him a warm goodbye, taking yourself and your bags up to your apartment to begin the hard part-putting the ideas of others into a plan of action.
So what did you think? How am I doing? Thoughts, comments, concerns?
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The Treatment of Capt. Syverson-Chapter Two: Therapeutic Procedure
Pairing: Captain “Sy” Syverson x OFC (Shane Benton)
Summary: Shane and Sy share some moments during their treatment sessions…and a phone call that could set the tone for the next few weeks.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: None, yet… ;)
Author’s Note: Sorry, I was so eager and excited to post the first chapter of this last night, I totally put some inaccurate info in my description notes. I will correct that in the original post and  try to do better henceforth! Hope you enjoy Sy and Shane totally flirting some more and getting more friendly in this chapter. Feedback is appreciated! Even constructive criticism! :D
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism. 
Tags: @onlyhenrys @cavillryarchive @summersong69 @titty-teetee
Let me know if you wish to be added to the list! I’m happy to do it!
Shane woke up that morning with knots in her stomach. She dropped every product she picked up in the shower, she was shaking so much. She accidentally ordered the wrong coffee on her way to work and was now drinking something much less caffeinated and far too sweet for her taste. The barista had informed her it was a grande caramel macchiato with an extra pump of vanilla and extra caramel drizzle…with only two shots of espresso…she couldn't begin to describe how wrong that drink was for her. But it was better than nothing, she told herself, not fully convincingly.
She had chosen her clothes with extra care, even though, with the dress code, her options were limited. And she had made sure to put on a bit of mascara and just a touch of perfume, even though they weren't strictly supposed to wear it…she didn't know why she was bothering.
Well, actually, she did know why. She had been checking her schedule extra diligently lately to make sure she didn't look like a hobo when Sy was coming in. He'd been coming for three weeks now, and after the initial bellyaching about Jordan not being as pretty as her…her heart!...and his feeling extra sore after his visits with him, they were on a roll and had a great chemistry together as far as their treatments went…she tried not to think about…beyond the world of therapy.
She thought back to their first session after she got back from her trip. And the conversation they had.
"I think the next time you can't see me, I'm just going to cancel." he had sulked as he wiggled his mass of muscle onto the mat.
"Sy, no. you need therapy. Don't be like that to Jordan. He's an excellent therapist."
"He ain't you though." he smirked, sending her heart racing with that smile that somehow managed to look both boyish and rakish under his full, dark beard. Fucking hell. He needed to stop.
"Well, we can't fault him for that, can we? Lay back, Mister." She demanded. Done with the niceties of the evaluation and onto the treatments where she was in charge. The boss.
"Yes, sir!" she laughed at his clear avoidance of calling her ma'am.
"So where'd you go last week? Vacation or stay-cation?" he asked, the term "stay-cation" sounding downright comical coming out of his country-boy mouth.
"I went to the beach. Gulf Shores."
"I thought you looked like you got some sun."
"Yeah," she pretended his noticing the detail of her awesome tan did not send her reeling. "My folks rented a condo right on the water for my siblings and I to come and stay with them. They're still there. It was tough to leave all that beauty." the beach, pretty much any beach, was her favorite place to be.
"I bet…" he looked at her, something dreamy in his eyes, but he looked away before she could process it. "I thought I had my fill of sand and sun when I was over in Iraq. But you make it sound…like paradise." he smiled softly up at her as she worked on his knee, trying to break apart some of the scar tissue from the injuries and surgeries he'd had…and focus on that, and not the warmth rising in her.
"That's the perfect way to describe any place on the Gulf of Mexico. I doubt it's anything like Iraq, since there's so much water around. It's my favorite vacation destination. Well, apart from London."
"Them British folks always seem so stuck up. Don't know if I'd get along with any of 'em."
"It felt like a second home for me. Everyone was very kind and polite, for the most part. At least it was no worse than it is here."
"Maybe it's just because you're so nice."
"Wait 'til about week eight or ten of your protocol. You won't think I'm nice then. You'll be cussing me out and ready to ring my neck."
"Promise?" he asked, a dark grin on his lips and in his eyes…she faltered for a moment, gulping.
"Cut it out, Syverson." she rolled her eyes, covering…without great effect the way he made her feel.
"Yes...ma'am." he smirked with satisfaction.
And now, today, she'd be treating him again, fairly early in the day, and she had to prepare herself. She'd checked the policy, and although there wasn't anything strictly against dating a patient, it was clearly a conflict of interest, and would be frowned upon by her frigid tyrant of a boss. Best to let things remain platonic for now.
Her 9:30 was a no show, so she finished up some notes and was working on some continuing education credits when messenger popped up around 10:00.
Sergeant Sexypants is here. He's quite early and he knows it…*smirk emoji* he must like you, Shane!
Heather, come on, be respectful…he was discharged at the rank of Captain! *rofl emoji* and I think you might be right about him liking me…*nervous emoji*
Oooooooooh!!! You guys are gonna *couple kissing emoji* *eggplant emoji* *okay emoji* *explosion emoji* *baby emoji*
Omg…*three facepalm emojis* I am going to go ahead and start him early since my 9:30 was a NCNS.
Don't finish him too early. Make it last. *smirk emoji*
Jeez. She closed the chat and went to grab him from the waiting area.
"Hey Sy, you ready?"
"You bet, sunshine!" he flashed her a crooked smile. He was calling her sunshine now…ad that to the list of things she'd have to pretend didn't make her swoon.
"Great. Let's start on the bike. How's the knee feeling today?"
"Oh, it's…about the same. Stiff. Lil' sore."
"Well, it's a slow process, like I told you at your eval. You've got a lot going on in there."
"I know…just…it hasn't taken me four weeks to do anything in my life." he sulked. "So…thinking about this taking…twelve or more…" he grimaced as he sat down on the bike, and adjusted it for his longer than average legs, putting his feet in the pedal stirrups.
"You may not see it, Sy, because you're so close to it, but trust me, you're making progress. I can tell you're doing your exercises at home, and you're always willing to put in the work here. You have no idea how much that sets you apart from…some of these other people." she leaned in closer and spoke the last part more quietly to him. It was true. So many of her patients were either lazy or just in it to appease their MDs into writing them scripts for pain meds. That wasn't Sy.
"You really think so?" he gave her the side eye with his baby blues, crushing her with the color like the waves of the ocean she'd just returned from.
"In fact, I know so." she placed a reassuring hand on his broad and thick shoulder. She felt the tension between them hum, like electric current.
"Now, level one, and a steady pace. You're not trying to win any medals here. I'll take those crutches."
"When ya think I can 86 'em damn things?" he griped as he handed over the assistive devices.
"Well, you see Potter again tomorrow? I'll write an update today and send it to him. If he likes what he reads, or more likely pretends to read, regarding your progress, he may discharge them. Do you feel like you can be good to the knee and treat it nice without using crutches? I don't want you to regress and re-injure yourself. That's not gonna get you into your running shoes any sooner."
"I'll be nice. Real gentle." he winked at her…he wasn't just talking about the knee. And she knew it. But again, she pretended she didn't, ignoring once more those butterflies threatening to choke her they were multiplying so fast in her belly.
"Okay, I'll put that in my note. Patient compliant with instructions to be nice." she laughed.
They talked as they biked, Shane sat on the one next to him and pedaled along with him for something to do other than be idle. She thought it made him feel better as well. Like he wasn't doing it alone. They covered the subject of her siblings, an older brother in IT and a younger sister who was an MA, and his German Shepherd, Aika, which he was allowed to bring home from Iraq after they were both honorably discharged. Music, both of them completely in agreeance about the superiority of classic rock.
"I noticed you've worn a Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt a few times and meant to say something before now."
"Yeah, they're one of my favorites. But there are a few newer groups that I like a lot, too. Kings of Leon got me through some tough times, honestly."
"Oh, they're great! I love their sound. And their lyrics…poetry."
"No shit. Sorry." she shook her head and raised up her hands to indicate that he didn't need to apologize to her for swearing. She'd been known to make sailors blush when she was off the clock. "Only by the Night…that whole album is…it's just in my blood, ya know? Ya ever have an album do that?"
"I have. Whole artists catalogs, actually."
"Which artist?" he prodded.
"The Beatles. Pretty much every song. Like you said, it just, like, I dunno, it's almost deeper than the veins. It's in the marrow. My soul." she stared off out the windows ahead of them, thinking about her favorite band in the world and how magical it was to experience Sir Paul McCartney playing some of her favorites live…twice…and the timer on the bike went off, pulling her from her daydream.
She looked over at him, startled by both the noise, and the dreamy look in his eyes that was becoming all too familiar.
"Sorry." she stood, grabbing his crutches for him and handing them back to him from where she had leaned them as they rode.
"Hey, don't be sorry for…ahem…for loving what you love. We should all…hold on to the things that make us feel like that." she nodded.
"Thanks…I don't think a lot of people…understand the way I…my tendency to take things like music, movies, and shows…books…so deeply to my heart." they walked to the treatment room from the gym, taking their time, since they had it. A rare occurrence for Shane, always needing to capitalize on every spare minute. To make productivity a priority.
"I think…that…well, seeing a pretty grim side of the world like I have…seems like there's enough darkness and bullshit making everyone miserable. If we find something…or…someone…that brings us some happiness or even just makes that misery bearable…we oughta hang onto 'em real tight. Cherish it like gold." the silence in the small room was loud with that electrical hum of their tension again. He'd said all the right things, as he always seemed to, but under the absolute wrong circumstances. She just nodded.
"They teach you philosophy in Basic?" she giggled. He laughed back in response.
"Oh, no, Basic was way easier than…whatever goes on inside of us."
"Speaking of which," she segued deftly, "lay back, and let my try to get some range out of that knee before I take new measurements for this update I'm gonna write."
"Yes, ma'am!" he chuckled.
"You get some sick thrill out of calling me that, don't you?" she scowled playfully at him.
"Oh, you have no idea…ma'am." he winked at her.
The next day, Shane was wondering how Sy's appointment went as she ate her soup at lunch and caught up on her morning notes. She got a ping on messenger.
You have a gentleman caller…*eggplant emoji*  hehe, he's on line three.
Geez…thanks Heather.
No need to ask for a name. She knew Heather meant Sy.
She picked up the phone at her desk in the treatment room.
"Hey Sy! How'd the appointment go?"
"Hey, sunshine…eh…he said I'm doin' good, but he wants me to stay on crutches another two weeks." she could hear grave disappointment in his voice. She felt for him.
"Aww, I'm sorry Sy. I know you wanted off those. And I know they're a pain. Literally and figuratively."
"Why wouldn't he want me off 'em?" he was so frustrated. He must have just left the office.
"Did you ask him that question?"
"You know doctors, Shane. Not like I would have got an answer in plain English. Figured you'd know."
"Well, I haven't seen your post-visit report, but it's my presumption that he wants to play it safe. You know he spent most of his day in the operating room with you, right? An eight hour surgery, you had. He probably doesn't want to undo all that by d/c'ing the crutches too soon."
"I was gonna be careful though, Shane!" he was worked up properly, and she could hear it over the roar of his pickup in the background.
"I know you were, Sy. I'm sure you were going to take all kinds of precautions. But what if you're walking into your kitchen, during a storm, and there's a loud clap of thunder, and Aika gets startled and busts past you? What if you're feeling good one day, and forget about it, and jog to catch up to someone holding the door open for you and miss a stick or something under foot? You can't prepare yourself for every pebble or patch of mud in your path, Sy. Accidents will happen. Some circumstances are beyond our control…we just have to do the best we can. The crutches are going to help you until we get you stronger. That's what we'll focus on until those two weeks are up."
"Why is it you can calm me down like this?" he asked, sincere and truly calmer than he had been.
"I'm just a good therapist, is all."
"Ya don't think that's really all, do ya?" the sound of his deep drawl in her ear from the receiver made her shiver. He was implying something that she just couldn't entertain. It wasn't possible for them right now. Maybe…down the road…in a few weeks…
"I'll see ya tomorrow, Sy. Come ready to work that knee."
"You didn't say no…" he was too hopeful. Damn it, he was cute when he was hopeful. She was glad she couldn't see his face light up like she knew it was doing.
"You may have noted I didn't say yes, either."
"Yet. See ya in the mornin', sunshine."
"Bye, Sy."
She put the receiver in the cradle and her face in her hands.
She had a feeling this particular patient was about to become much more complicated.
Up Next: Chapter Three-Therapeutic Activity
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noona-clock · 4 years
The Demon 👿 STOP
Genre: Coffee Shop!AU
Pairing: Dowoon x You
Warnings: Relationship drama
Words: 2,272
Day and Night  👿 Zombie  👿 Tick Tock  👿 Love me or Leave me  👿 STOP  👿 1 to 10  👿 Afraid
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You both say you don’t like each other What more can you do? How many months Have I been hearing this story? I’m so fed up with your stories You’re both bad
Dowoon didn’t have a lot of experience with romantic relationships, but he knew enough to be absolutely certain he would never find himself in one like that.
For... too long, too many months, a couple had been coming into the coffee shop together. But not just any couple. A couple who clearly should not be dating each other, and they really did nothing to hide that fact.
They would argue in line, they would argue while ordering, they would argue as they waited for their drinks, they would argue at their table, and they would argue on the way out the door.
The real kicker was, Dowoon was never sure what they were arguing about.
But, boy, did he have fun trying to figure everything out with you.
Not every time, but most of the time, the two of you were working the same shift when the couple came into the shop. And as soon as you saw them approaching the door, you would rush over to Dowoon and nudge him, whispering the Code Word into his ear. (It had started out as a Code Phrase -- “The walrus sings at midnight,” but had eventually developed into you just whisper-hissing the word “Walrus” into his ear several times.)
And then the two of you would prepare yourselves to eavesdrop.
What good is it? End it now You’ve both tried enough It’s impossible now No matter what else you try, there’s no future You’re both bad
Every time I hear your story I feel like it’s already twisted and twisted It’s already all tangled and can’t be solved None of it
“Why are they still together?” Dowoon mumbled as he wiped down the espresso machine after handing the bickering couple their beverages. “If they’re arguing every time they come in, don’t you assume they’re also arguing everywhere else?”
“It’s a likely fact,” you agreed with a nod.
“So... why are they still together? Why would you willingly stay with someone you barely get along with?” Dowoon’s brow furrowed gently, and even though he knew you didn’t know the answer -- at least, not in their case -- he still paused his motions and looked over at you.
You simply blinked at him for a few moments before lifting your shoulders into a shrug. “I have no clue.”
“Well,” Dowoon sighed. “At least we could understand what they were arguing about.”
A soft chuckle escaped your lips, and you crossed your arms over your chest as you leaned back against the counter. “It sounds like they don’t like each other’s parents more than they don’t like each other. I mean -- have you ever heard two people talk so extensively about a birthday party?”
“He just wanted to drop off the present for her mom? Without even going inside the house? Even though his own parents were going to be there?” Dowoon asked, agape.
“And she wanted to bake a gluten-free, vegan birthday cake. For her mom. Who’s not even gluten-free or vegan. And she got upset when her mom said ‘thanks, but no thanks’?” You shot Dowoon a look which clearly said ‘Yeah. Okay. Sure.’ and shook your head in disbelief.
Dowoon returned your look with a small grin... and your heart flipped.
Quit it Whether you roll your head or do something more There’s no answer If it was destined to be solved, it would have been
Now you go back to you And they’ll go back to them Like how you used to live Before you met Go back to then I can’t stand your story any longer Quit it
As soon as there was a lull in business, Dowoon approached you again, his expression still very much puzzled.
“Can I ask you something?” he inquired.
You gulped surreptitiously and then nodded.
Dowoon frowned slightly before proceeding with his question. “What would you do in that situation?”
“...In what situation?”
“That couple.”
To be honest, it was incredibly cute that this bothered him so much. Even though the two of you would never get any actual answers about them, he still wanted to try and figure it out.
“If it were me?” you asked. “I would’ve dumped him a long time ago.”
Dowoon looked relieved, and a smirk tugged at your lips.
“And why do you look so relieved?” you chuckled. “Did you think I would say the opposite?”
“No, no,” Dowoon chuckled, the tips of his ears turning red (which was one of your favorite little quirks about him). “I’m just glad someone else thinks the same way I do.”
You had to bite back a smile because it wasn’t that normal for one friend to make another friend smile in that way -- unless that other friend had a crush.
Okay, fine.
You did.
You had a crush on Dowoon, and you’d had a crush on Dowoon since practically the day you started working here.
How could you not? He was probably the cutest guy you’d ever seen, and the way he was growing his hair out these days was only making your crush get bigger and deeper.
But you didn’t feel comfortable confessing to him while the two of you were still co-workers, and... to be honest, you’d never gotten the impression that your feelings were reciprocated. He’d always been friendly, but never more than that.
“I’m single for many reasons,” you began -- and just because you’d never confessed didn’t mean you never dropped hints. “But one reason is because I believe a relationship should only add to your life. When I meet someone I genuinely like spending time with more than I like being able to do whatever I want with my free time, then I will date him.”
Dowoon listened intently, dipping his head into nods as you spoke. “I agree. Arguing with someone that much can’t be pleasant. Wouldn’t it better to just be alone than to be in a relationship like that?”
“I certainly think so,” you shrugged. “But it really makes me wonder -- do they really think they’re going to eventually solve all of their problems?”
Dowoon raised his eyebrows at you and said, “I’m pretty sure they have a new set of problems every time they come in, so...”
“This is true,” you chuckled. “A couple like that, you think it would be better if they’d just never met each other.”
“I wonder if they’ll ever break up,” Dowoon surmised with a frown.
And I wonder if you’ll ever catch on to my hints and see me as more than just a friend, you thought to yourself as Dowoon stepped up to the register to take the order of a new customer.
From the beginning, the meeting Was built upon sand From the first time you saw each other The fact that things went wrong Should’ve been a signal of the end
Every time I hear your story I feel like it’s already twisted and twisted It’s already all tangled and can’t be solved None of it
The next time the arguing couple came into the shop when both you and Dowoon were working, they seemed to be having a slightly heated discussion about... their first date?
Why in the world would they be talking about their first date?
I mean, not like you truly cared why because you wanted to hear about it so you could gossip with Dowoon after they left.
But still. Arguing about their first date in a coffee shop. 
Apparently -- according to the guy -- their first date had been a setup by a mutual friend, and the girl had spilled her red wine all over his khaki pants. But according to her, she had specifically asked the mutual friend to set them up, and he had accidentally spilled her wine on himself.
“No, I remember Henry telling me he knows a girl I would like. If you had asked him to do that, why would he have said it like that? He would have just told me that you wanted my number,” Guy had muttered as he’d handed over his card to pay for their drinks.
“I don’t know why he said it like that!” Girl had scoffed. “It’s not like I know the inner workings of his mind! But I’m telling you, I told him I wanted him to set us up.”
And then when you had handed them their drinks a few minutes later...
“I certainly did not spill my wine,” Girl had stated. “You knocked it over when you were reaching across to take my hand.”
“I didn’t hold your hand on the first date!” Guy had retorted. “You knocked it over when you reached up to twirl your hair around your finger because you were flirting with me.”
The second the door to the shop closed behind them, you whirled around to face Dowoon with a very wrinkled forehead. “Are -- are they serious?”
“Question: if you went on a date with someone, and wine somehow got spilled on you... wouldn’t you kind of take that as a bad sign?” Dowoon asked.
“I mean, if you can’t even agree on who spilled it, then yes,” you answered with a giggle.
Dowoon grinned (causing your heart to flip, as it always did whenever he smiled at you), shaking his head as he grabbed a rag to clean up the counter.
You began to wipe down the espresso machine next to him, and after a few moments of silence, he took in a breath and glanced over at you.
“To be honest, it’ll be kind of sad when they do finally break up.”
“I know, right?” you agreed. “We’ll have to find some other couple to discuss and figure out.”
Dowoon paused and hurriedly added, “Not that they’re the only thing I like to talk about with you. I just -- I meant --”
“No, I get it,” you assured him with a playfully teasing smile. “I’m only good for customer gossip. I understand completely what you’re saying.”
Dowoon’s ears turned bright red, and you had to bite your lip to stop your teasing smile from turning into a giddy one.
“No, that’s not --”
But your manager popped her head in and told Dowoon to go on his break before he could continue.
Which was just as well. If his ears had gotten any redder, you wouldn’t have been able to stand it. You would’ve had no choice but to squeal with delight.
Quit it Whether you roll your head or do something more There’s no answer If it was destined to be solved, it would have been
Now you go back to you And they’ll go back to them Like how you used to live Before you met Go back to then I can’t stand your story any longer Quit it
Your manager had let you go on your break just after Dowoon got off his, and then the shop had been too busy to allow for any co-worker camaraderie -- at least for the rest of Dowoon’s shift.
You’d been able to lift your hand in a goodbye wave when he left, but that was it.
When your shift ended about an hour later, you had one thing on your mind: going home to a hot bath and a good book.
You surely didn’t expect Dowoon to be leaning against the wall next to the back door waiting for you.
But, what do you know?
There he was.
You jumped a little after you opened the door and saw him there, your heart skipping several beats.
“Geez!” you cried breathlessly, though you started to laugh softly once you realized who it was. “What are you doing here? Your shift ended an hour ago.”
...And then you realized that the expression on Dowoon’s face was incredibly anxious.
“I just --” he started, his ears already beginning to turn red. “I just wanted to make sure you knew that I really didn’t mean it like that.”
You waited a few moments for him to continue, and when he didn’t, you said, “Mean what like what?”
“I like talking to you about a lot of things, not just that horrible couple.”
...Oh, my god. He was still worried about that?
Could this guy be any cuter?
The answer is No.
No, he could not.
“I know that,” you chuckled, reaching out to nudge his shoulder. “I was just teasing you.”
You assumed he would let out a sigh of relief and then be on his way... but he didn’t.
He continued to look just as anxious, so you frowned slightly and asked, “Are you all right?”
Dowoon shook his head. “No -- I mean, yes, but no.”
“...What do you mean --”
“I don’t know if I should tell you,” he interrupted.
Your heart began to race inside your chest because you truly didn’t know if this was going in a good or bad direction.
“Tell me what?” you asked hesitantly.
“Tell you... I don’t --”
You stepped closer to him, sure that he would be able to hear your hammering heart, but you didn’t care. “Tell me what?” you repeated in a soft, anxious voice.
Dowoon didn’t make eye contact with you, and when he spoke, his voice was low. He murmured down to his feet when he said, “Tell you that I like you.”
And then your heart stopped.
“...You what?” you gaped.
“When you said that one time that you would only consider dating someone you liked spending time with more than you liked choosing to do whatever you wanted with your free time... I just... I started to realize... that’s you. For me.”
Dowoon was still staring down at the ground, so he didn’t see how you bit your lower lip to keep your idiotic grin from getting even more idiotic.
“You like me?” you asked, doing nothing to hide the joy in your voice.
Dowoon simply nodded. “Yeah,” he muttered. “I’m sorry --”
“Don’t you dare be sorry,” you told him, reaching out and hooking your index finger around his. “Because... I like you, too.”
Unsurprisingly, he looked up at you then, his eyes wide with surprise and the whole of his ears as red as a ripe tomato. “You do?”
You nodded quickly in reply, and the smile that curved Dowoon’s lips was somehow -- strangely -- enough to assure you that your story would be nothing like the couple the two of you so enjoyed eavesdropping on and gossiping about. There would be no pointless, petty arguing. There would be no bad omens on your first date. You would never once wonder if the two of you should just end it. You would never once wish you could go back to before you even met.
Your story with Dowoon was one you would treasure and enjoy. One you would delight in sharing with him. 
A story which would never end.
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billy-delos · 4 years
Coffee Stains
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*gif isn’t mine*
You sighed as the 10:30 rush seemed to last longer today than usual. People always seemed to come to your coffeeshop ­for a mid-morning break which was good for business but bad for stress. It always made your life a living hell though, especially when customers were impatient for their drinks and took it out on you.
The only decent thing was the man who came in everyday in a smart suit and tie. He was more attractive than most of your regular customers and he was a better tipper than most. Sometimes you caught him slipping a ten-dollar bill into your tip jar while you were handing off the cup to the barista.
After a series of people grabbing the wrong drink and then complaining when they picked up a mocha that wasn’t their latte, your bosses had told you to start marking the cups with the names.
That was how you’d been able to put a name to the face that you were always hoping to see in line.  
“Can I get a name for that?” you asked when he reached the cash register and ordered his usual americano.
“Billy,” he said. Billy, you scribbled onto the cup.
“Thanks, have a nice day,” you said with a smile when you handed back his change and watched him toss it into the tip jar.
He gave a slight wave and sat at one of the high tops waiting for the line to die down while the next man in line, a cranky old customer who was a problem at least twice a week approached you. “A cappuccino, dry this time, let’s see if you can make it right today,” he said before putting his change down on the counter and walking away without any pleasantries. You sighed, customers like Billy made you enjoy your job while guys like this one made you want to walk right out the door.
 “You know you should just write your number on the cup,” your coworker said as you watched Billy leave the café after his morning run.
“Nah, a guy like that isn’t going to be single,” you said, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment. You all had customer crushes, but almost everyone knew about yours that had been developing on Billy for weeks.
“He didn’t have a ring on,” your coworker replied as she wiggled her ring finger at you. You just laughed, but in your head, you doubted that a guy like him would be single.
 The next time he came in was a couple days later. You were behind the bar this time, trying to juggle making a latte and
“Hey, it’s been a little while,” you said with a smile.
Billy looked up from his phone, slightly surprised by the conversation but smiled when he saw it was you. He shoved his phone in his pocket and got closer to the other side of the bar.
“Yeah, I was out of town for a couple of days but I’m back now,” he said.
“For work or for vacation,” you asked as you finished pouring the milk into a latte.
“For work unfortunately,” he sighed.
“Definitely, less fun than a vacation,” you said.
“For sure. God, I can’t remember the last time I actually took a vacation,” he said.
“You could always do a staycation thing,” you replied.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“Hmmm… one of my coworkers did that a couple of months ago. You just take a couple of days off in a row, don’t think about work and do whatever you want.”
Billy laughed, “That’s pretty much just an extended weekend.”
“Staycation sounds better,” you said. “Here’s your americano, Billy, have a good one.” You reached over the espresso machine and handed Billy his drink.
“Same time tomorrow?” Billy asked.
“I’ll be here,” you replied with a smile and you let yourself contemplate writing your number on his cup the next time he came in.
 The next time that he came in, however, he wasn’t alone. You smiled when you saw him get in line, but your heart sank when you saw him talking to the woman who came in with him. She was stunning, her hair was perfectly coiffed, and from the way she was dressed you could tell she probably had a corner office in one of the downtown professional buildings.
“Hi,” you said. The sound of your own voice made you cringe. It wasn’t the usual friendly tone that you used to greet Billy. Instead, it fell flat. He had never implied that he was single, though, it was just wishful thinking the entire time and that was your fault.
“I’ll take my usual and whatever she’s having,” Billy said as he nodded towards the pretty woman standing next to him.
“I can’t,” she protested.
“Please, I insist,” he said, leaving no further room for discussion as he fished out his wallet.
“I’ll take a latte,” the woman replied, whispering a quiet thanks to Billy as he handed you a twenty-dollar bill.
“What name should I put the order under?” you asked. Billy looked at you curiously for a moment as you waited for an answer.  
“Uh, Dinah,” the woman replied. Dinah. That was her name.  
“Thanks, your drinks will be at the end,” you said. Your coworker shot you a sympathetic glance as they continued their conversation and waited for their drinks.
 On the weekend, you went out with friends to a bar. They’d suggested
“So you drink something other than coffee,” you heard a voice say behind you. You turned around and saw Billy behind you with a beer in hand. He was dressed casually, unlike all of the times that you’d seen him come into your coffee shop.
“I do have a life outside of work,” you said not unfriendly but with a firmness to remind yourself that he had a girlfriend. You couldn’t flirt with him, not when you knew he wasn’t single. Hell, you still felt guilty for when you had flirted with him before you knew about Dinah, but at least then you could say that you didn’t know. You knew better now.
“Are you here by yourself?” Billy asked.
“No, I’m here with friends, just a little late to the party,” you said.
“Maybe next time we could grab a drink together,” Billy suggested.
“Sorry, but I’m not that type of girl,” you said, just as the bartender handed you your drink. You didn’t wait for Billy’s reply, but as you headed back to your friends you sighed. You didn’t know Billy, but you were disappointed that he was the type of guy who would think about cheating.
“He’s cute,” your friend said, having watched the whole encounter.
“He is, he also has a girlfriend,” you said.
“Are you sure? He seemed pretty into you,” she said.
“Yeah, he came into the café with her this week,” you said and shrugged.  
 You relayed the bar encounter to your coworker that Monday. She’d become your work-wife over the past couple of years and she was over-invested in the non-drama between you and Billy.
“Maybe they were just coworkers,” she said.
“You saw them together,” you shrugged, “they’re really cute together.”
“But would he have asked you out if they were actually dating?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” you said. You were hoping that Billy wouldn’t come in, but sure enough during the 10:30 rush, Billy was in line to order his drink once again.
You weren’t really sure what to say when he reached the register so for the first time since he’d first started coming into the café, the interaction was strictly transactional.
“You and your girlfriend are really cute together,” your coworker told Billy right as he was going to wait for his drink, and in that moment, you could have kicked her.
“My girlfriend?” Billy said.
“Yeah, the woman you brought here last week,” your coworker.
“Madani?” Billy asked and his face scrunched up as if the suggestion alone disgusted him. “We’re just coworkers,” Billy said and he hazarded you a glance.
“Oops, sorry,” your friend said with a grin as if to say ‘see I told you’. And in a moment of bravery, you reached for the cup that you’d been ready to hand off and scribbled your name and number down. You carefully watched Billy pick up his drink and head out, but if he noticed, or cared, you weren’t sure.
 You kept checking your phone when your shift was over to see if Billy called, but to your disappointment he hadn’t. You couldn’t blame him either, your rejection at the bar had been pretty clear and you knew you should have just asked at the time instead of speculating. You were just about to finish your dinner when your phone rang.
“Hello?” you said, hopefully.
“Hi, Y/N?” Billy’s voice asked from the other end of the line.
“Yeah, hi,” you said.
“I kind of wasn’t expecting you to give me your number,” Billy said.
“Yeah, I’m really sorry about that. I realized- mistakenly- that you were actually single and I wanted to see if you still might want to grab that drink.”
“Yes! When I said ‘I’m not that type of girl’ I meant in terms of cheating, not as in the type of girl who wouldn’t date you,” you said, cringing as the explanation made it sound even worse.
Billy just laughed, “I kind of figured this was a misunderstanding at the café today, since your friend wasn’t subtle.”
“I’m really sorry about that too,” you apologized.
“It’s okay, nothing that a few beers won’t fix.”
“Okay, the first round’s on me then,” you said feeling a grin slide on your face, “Are you free tomorrow?”
“It’s a date.”
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lynnsfics · 4 years
Coffee Stained Confusion
Next Chapter
Chapter 1
Bucky wasn’t exactly thrilled with his new mission assignment. His life was about to be turned into some buddy cop movie with Sam Wilson. However, he didn’t have much room to argue about it since he was the newest to the team and still wasn’t completely in Stark’s good graces. Apparently this new mission would help him “strengthen ties” with others, but Bucky knew that was just an excuse to pair him with someone who couldn’t stand him. On the bright side he’d be able to get out of the tower for a while.
He didn’t hate the tower, not really. The others were nice enough to him. Natasha understood what it was like to be a weapon in someone else’s hands, and Bruce was sympathetic enough too, but he still didn’t have a real connection with anyone except Steve. He missed being out in the real world, and this mission would give him a much-needed breath of fresh air. Unfortunately, the cons outweighed the pros.
This wasn’t just some run-of-the-mill mission. Some recent murders looked a bit too much like HYDRA’s work for them to be overlooked, so they decided to send the one most familiar with the organization. Bucky knew he had to be the one to go, but it still brought too many old memories to the surface. Memories he wanted to so desperately forget. It certainly didn’t help that he was partnered with the most insufferable of all the other Avengers.
“Hey Buck, are you about ready to go?” Steve’s voice shook Bucky out of his thoughts.
“Of course, but it’s Detective James Baker now, remember?” he said with a grin. After settling in at the tower he discovered his love for some of the newer shows, including Brooklyn 99 and decided to have some fun with going undercover like Jake Peralta did.
“Are you sure that won’t be too obvious, James?” Steve said with emphasis on his somewhat new name, only half joking. “It's so close to your real name."
"No one knows I've joined the Avengers, and if they do recognize me then we'll have a bigger issue than my blown cover." he responded with a laugh as he grabbed him bags.
The professor’s monotone voice droned on as you sat in your lecture. “Now who can tell me what the British did to try and convince America to join WWI? Y/N?” You answered without looking up from your screen, “They dumped oil drums filled with cut off baby hands into New York harbor, claiming they were from Belgian children killed by the Germans, but it was actually propaganda. The hands were from British children who died of the flu.” The professor looked at you for a moment before responding, “Very good, Miss Y/L/N.” You wished he had asked someone else, you were right in the middle of watching Jake propose to Amy on Brooklyn 99, and besides, if he was trying to prove you weren’t paying attention he should have used a harder question. Everyone learned about that in tenth grade, it wasn’t like it was uncommon knowledge.
The bell rang and you left the lecture hall, but not before the prof assigned a 3 page essay on the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. The autumn air had a slight, crisp chill to it as you walked to the campus coffee shop. The leaves were just starting to change color and the ones that had fallen made a satisfying crunch under your feet as you walked. You could hear students talking noisily and realized you had reached the little cafe. People sat outside in the little courtyard enjoying the weather. You waved to a few friends before stepping inside. After setting your things down at your usual table, you walk to the counter.
“Hey Y/N! What’ll you be having today?” the barista, Sasha, smiled at you.
“Oh, hi, uhh can I get a large iced latte with three extra shots of espresso?”
“No problem, but are you sure you want three? The drink already has four pumps of espresso in it to start with.” she explained.
“I have had the longest day, and it’s only 10 A.M.,” you laughed “besides I can’t cry over a failed test if I’m undergoing cardiac arrest.”
“Alright then, but when you can’t sit still in your next lecture don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
After paying for your drink you head back to your table, taking in a deep breath of air. When you needed an escape, this was always the best place to come. The warm, cozy environment was so calming, and you could actually get some work done since it wasn’t bustling and noisy like the courtyard outside. Your name was called and you got up to get your drink. You felt strangely calm for once. It dawned on that for the first time in ages you didn’t have any work that needed to be done immediately. You pulled out your notes and a highlighter and made some annotations in your notes. You put your earbuds in and lost yourself in the satisfying job of highlighting important facts to remember.
Before you realized how long you were sitting there for your alarm went off. “Shit!” you exclaimed. You tried to down the rest of your coffee while putting your things away but ended up spilling it all over yourself- and your notes. You groaned in frustration while grabbing your things and rushing off to your next class. The sad thing was, this always happened. No matter how careful you were, or how neat you tried to be, you always spilled something on your notes. Mainly coffee, but there was the occasional chocolate smears there too. What could you say, you had a sweet tooth. You speed walked across campus, hoping to make it to the lecture hall with a few minutes to spare. As you walked you saw two good looking guys rounding the bend on the sidewalk near you.
They didn’t look like students, and one was carrying a red binder stuffed with papers. Probably interviewers for potential interns, you thought with an eye roll. Or they could be working for CollegeBoard. Dear God, what if they saw the PSAT memes you made in tenth grade and were here to kick you out of college? You laughed at the thought but still glanced at the sidewalk as they drew closer, just in case.      
As they neared you, you could just make out snippets of their conversation. The one with the binder sounded irritable “I’m telling you Sam, I don’t think we’ll find him here-”
“Get out of the way!” someone yelled.
You just managed to jump to the side as a person on roller skates raced past. Unfortunately, you jumped directly into the path of the two men, dropping all your notes and causing the one holding the binder to drop his as he caught you. “Hey, careful there, you wouldn’t want to get hurt.” he said with an easy smile. Huh, you hadn’t noticed how toned he was until now.
“Oh, uh, thanks,” your cheeks flushed as you regained your balance, “I’m sorry about your notes-”
“It’s nothing to worry about,” his friend said kindly as he collected their papers, “people here are always rushing around without looking where they’re going.”
You knelt down to pick up your notes quickly and said “Thanks, speaking of rushing I have class but uh have a good day…” and rushed off. Unfortunately you didn't have time to check if the coffee stained papers you grabbed were your own, and maybe you should have.
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kittensjonsa · 5 years
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Otherwise, Engaged
The Proposal AU
Summary: Sansa has to get through a tough weekend. Her boss, weekend with the family and saving her job. Oh, right, and a fake engagement too.
Sansa could feel her heart thumping in sync with the throbbing in her temples. Five more minutes.. just five more minutes please.
He was always early and almost everday he would step in just three minutes shy of nine o' clock in the morning. And here she was internally screaming at the line at Starbucks, moving at a glacial pace.
“Okay thanks!” Sansa hollered at the ruddy boy, the same one whom she greeted every morning when she stopped by to get her cuppas. Lucky for her, he knew exactly what her order was and all she needed to do was swipe her credit card. He was her life saver. Scrambling into a cab, she prayed, at least she'd get there a minute before her boss.
Sansa knew she should have stopped at one chapter but a wave of inspiration came over and one chapter became three - and the next thing she knew she jumped, awakened by the loud metal clang of her stationery holder that must have toppled onto the floor in the midst of her slumber.
“Oh shit! Hold please!” Sansa sighed in relief and mumbled her thanks as she rushed into the lift. She could still make in time.
8.56 am. Whew.
But of course like most of her days, it all turned to shit in a split second.
“Son of a! Nooo!” a warm sensation pooled at her chest, one of the coffee cups had smashed onto her black dress as the mail boy she raced into frantically picked up the envelopes strewn all over the floor.
“Arrghhh!” Sansa screeched and glared at him as she stomped to her desk. Angrily, she punched her computer start button. Nothing ever goes right. Nothing. 8.57 am.
“This will have to do. Jeyne will have to do without this shirt for one more day,” Sansa mumbled to herself, ripping open the plastic that covered a dry-cleaned white silk shirt she could wear over her dress. She meant to return it to Jeyne that morning but well, this was an emergency. The stain wasn't noticeable at all but Sansa was too self-conscious to ignore it.
Tying up the hems into somewhat of a cropped top over her v-neck black dress now stained and smelling of triple shot espresso, Sansa figured it looked professional enough for any meetings today. She just had to pull it off for the next ten hours or so.
“Good morn- hey is that my top?” Jeyne chuckled at Sansa's makeshift style statement.
“A teeny accident but I swear I will return this to you tonight if I have to okay. I am so sorry,” Sansa pouted, hoping her one and only friend at work would just let it go and leave it, seeing how the day was turning out to be.
“No biggie Sansa but looks good on you. I should try that some time.”
Oh thank god.
Then, the IM dinged. Two words flashed on her computer screen.
Sansa looked around and watched everyone scramble back into their cubicles; no more giggling by the water dispenser, no longer was there laughing by the coffee machine just heard seconds ago. Everyone was just trying to avoid getting stuck in any common areas, any walkways that meant they had to come face to face with the boss.
Her boss, that is. Jon Snow.
How unfortunate was she to have a boss everyone loathed. Satan, she dubbed him once. Well she had many names for him, recounting many tales of her frustrations at work during her many calls to her family and it became a term of endearment almost. She could probably write a best seller one day alá Devil Wears Prada - with film rights and everything. But for now, it's ten hours a day, weekends at the office and crowded book fairs.
A figure in black went past her. His head of jet black curls was unmistakable. He was a male Medusa; never look him in the eye unless you want to be turned to ash, metaphorically speaking. The rumours that went around were ridiculously vicious albeit amusing.
“Good morning, Mr Snow. As always, here's your c-”
“Sansa, get George on the line. I just scored him an interview on Oprah and I'm gonna need to talk to him. Also, after that get Aliser a meeting with me because that dick is gonna get it from me today,” her boss strutted into his office, as if he owned the building, without as much as greeting her since his eyes were too glued to the email he was furiously typing on his phone.
“Coffee.” Sansa mumbled and cleared her throat as she waited for him to grab the takeaway cup from her outstretched hand. Like clockwork, he did, still ignoring her like as always, every morning. Sansa had gotten used to it.
Jon Snow settled into his chair and immediately turned on his computer, his phone now tossed aside now that there were more important things to start off with.
Yep, good morning to you too Satan.
“Well, so we have a staff meeting at 10, a conference call with the Westerlands office at 11 and you have an appointment at the Immigration office at 1. So should I cancel your lunch and push it back to 2 pm?”
Jon swivelled from the screen and looked at her. His brows were furrowed and to Sansa that was never a good thing. Three years with this man, this slave driver, she knew everything there was to know about him, his likes, dislikes, his micro expressions that helped her navigate through this murky depths of hell she called a job - of being the executive assistant of one the most well known and respected former Pulitzer prize winning journalist now turned editor-in-chief of Mormont & Sons Publishing. Good things don't come easy, she would tell herself that every day, through the late night coffee and dinner runs, the book fairs and the weekends in the office.
“Immigration? What? No, cancel that. I filled out those papers already. You sent them out, didn't you?”
Sansa nodded. Of course she did, she also collected his dry cleaning, his groceries and the expensive watch he had serviced, which took her an hour and half to get to the other side of the city because they were the only ones Jon trusted enough to do.
“Right, so back on with the lunch meeting then.” Sansa inched her way to the door as Jon turned back around to his computer.
“Who's Rick and why does he think I'm hot? Why does he have his Tinder handle here?”
“Umm.. I have no idea who that is.” Sansa froze at her spot.
Jon took a sip of his coffee, his stern face visibly amused by the awful scribble on the white coffee cup. “Triple espresso shot, no sugar. Hmm.”
“Well, I'm guessing that should be my coffee that was meant for me,” Sansa finally admitted.
Jon pursed his lips as he stared at her. “So, you're telling me that you too, drink triple espresso shot with no sugar?”
Sansa shrugged. “It grows on you.. I guess.”
“I thought you drank tea.”
“Well... variety, right?”
Jon's eyes were still on her, unamused. “You spilled my coffee didn't you?”
Sansa sighed. This day was no better than any other. If only she could catch a break.
Jon pointed to his own jacket and then to her. Sansa looked down and saw a small spot of dark brown on her makeshift cropped jacket, the pristine, shiny and well pressed silk blouse. Damn it.
“Good save on the shirt.”
Umm.. thanks?
“If... there's nothing else, you know where I'll be,” Sansa pointed to her desk outside as she slowly made her exit.
Then, the phone rang.
“Mr Snow's office,” Sansa answered dutifully. “It's Mr Thorne. Do you want to take it?”
Jon thought for a moment, then gestured to a general direction - it could only mean he wanted a one on one.
“Mr Thorne, Mr Snow is on his way to you right now.”
Jon stood up and tossed a notepad to Sansa. “You're coming with me, I need a witness.”
A witness? For what?
“Oh you self righteous son of bitch!” the bellow shook her and Sansa almost dropped her notepad.
“You think you can waltz right in here with your big head and big ass editor ego and tell me what to do? I don't think so!” Aliser yelled at him, ripping the glasses from his face.
Shit. Don't punch each other. Please.
“Oh Thorne, you really are a thorn in my ass. Actually everyone's ass. You're just a lazy, entitled braggart who can't do the job right.”
Aliser only scoffed. “So you think your hot shot award is going to get you places huh? Throw your weight around like you own this shit?
“We told you many times, get George on board, get George on board, sign him and write a couple of books. But guess who did that instead? Me. I always have to finish your job for you because you can't do it ever.”
Aliser turned silent but his face was red with rage. Sansa couldn't blame him. He was being fired.
“Look, you have two months to look for another gig. I won't make you sign a non-compete and I'll tell everyone you resigned. I'll make sure Finance settles a leaving bonus for you. For all your years of service. How about that, huh?” Jon coolly offered in an effort to diffuse the rapidly growing tension in the air. Sansa gulped. Please take it, I want to get out of this room.
“You're going to regret this Jon Snow,” Aliser warned. Jon only shrugged and made his way to the door. Sansa quickly followed behind him and only managed a polite smile to Aliser.
“You got all that down didn't you? About the non compete and everything?” Jon asked as they made their way back to his office.
“Make a note to HR and let them get on it. And tell them I'm scouting for new editors. Which means I need you this weekend.”
Sansa's heart sank at the thought. No not this weekend. It's Gramp's 80th.
“Sansa? Did you hear what I just said?”
Sansa cursed under her breath and turned her attention back to Jon as they both stood in front of his office.
“Yes.. yes of course. Got it all down. But this weekend-”
“Why? Do you have plans?” Jon's tone was enough to warrant a slap from her.
“It's my grandfather's birthday weekend and I already told them I'll be there.”
Jon looked at her unblinking. “Well, tell them you'll come for the next one. I mean, if you want to keep your job that is. You do know birthdays happen every year, right?”
Sansa hated every time he brought that up. If it wasn't the book fairs it would be overtime at the office. When does it end?
Sansa bit her lip; there was no point arguing. “All right. I'll call them later.”
Jon winked and gave a token smile. “That's the spirit.”
Defeated, Sansa inhaled deeply, picking up the phone on her desk, hoping no one would be home pick up the call.
Sansa Stark, Editor. Sansa Stark, Editor. Sansa Stark, Editor.
It was the only thing in her mind that could help pull her through whatever life had in store for her that day.
“Hey Sansa, Mr Mormont wants to see Mr Snow right away. He says it's urgent,” Jeyne's voice broke her out her reverie.
Great, another one.
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