#and we're all just collectively making ocs out of him. that's all that's happening here.
ratcandy · 4 months
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nobody look at me for a minute
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hiaon · 9 days
Hi there could i request yandere rich boy oc x bttm willing male reader. So basically the yan and the reader go to uni together and the rich absolutely falls for the reader and the reader has an obsession with wanting the yan to fuck them, going as far as leaving their stuff around going into areas with less trafic in the hopes he would grope or even attempt to kidnap him until the yan finally has his moment with the reader
Rich!Yandere!Oc! x Willing!Male!Reader!
I got confused at this request.. But I tried my best 🥲 (Read the request about 10 times and got it..)
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Disclaimer: Lewd thoughts, Kidnapping, non-con touching, & stockholm syndrome.
• You we're just a normal student trying to go through college, but somehow you got Daven the riches guy in that colleges building.
• Daven was somehow got infatuated by you. He didn't even know how himself got that obsessed with you. Or..
• It happened because you got partnered up with him in a project, usually people who team up with him just made him not do it because he was an important figure out there. So they did all the work themselves.
• But you, you didn't care of he had status or not. He is still going to do the project with you.
• That's how he got so obsessed, he was having fun with you while doing work! He doesn't even like doing work.
• Ever since that project, he constantly craved your presence. He always want to be near you, to touch you, to have something with you.
• When you're just writing notes in the library he is always a table away from you, in his mind you always look so handsome. He always have those thoughts on how will you react when he bends you right there and then.
• But he always wanted to be near you at all times, even if it's just a little glimps, he'll be happy as long as he can see you at a distance.
• But at one point undressing you with his burning stares isn't cutting it anymore, so he decided to take it a step forward.
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• When he noticed that you take a train to uni, he will coincidentally be behide you.
• It'll be one of those porns where a lady gets groped without there consent in a crowded train.
• But the difference is you are the one who is getting groped. Surprisingly, you we're quite calm and collected. Daven was touching you all over the place like a perverted man with his favorite idol.
• You we're just talking this assault. Even though you were putting on a brave face, Daven can feel how hard your cock is from pinching and pulling your nipples.
• You're shaking because of just your nipples being assaulted and being touched in sensitive places.
• You just look so fucked by just playing with your nipples. Daven wonders how much fucked you would look like if he fucked you.
• But he decided to take it slow, or at least that what he thought he would do. Then, you decide to hangout with one of the boys in your class. You've never done that before, why do it now?
• He couldn't handle it anymore, he wanted you so bad, it makes him go crazy sometimes.
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• When he kidnapped you, it was kind of.. Easy. You we're taking a midnight stole and he swiped your feet of the ground and took you in a van.
• Now here you are, tied up in a seemingly comfy bed. But hands tied up in the bed frame.
• He noticed that when he kidnapped you, he didn't expect you to be calm about everything. It's like you knew this would happened to you, he didn't like that.
• It took a while to get you to warm up to him. But when you do, he spends more time with you. He liked being with you, and looks like you're also happy. He is glad you're fine with him being with you.
Now... He'll never let you go.
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luvangelbreak · 3 months
Deprived | Twenty
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: swearing, smoking, suggestive? word count: 3.3k a/n: this series has been longer than I anticipated but I'm living for the slow burn so it's gonna be a while till we're done folks.
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pov: layla
I spent the next week couped in my room, refusing to leave as I quickly smoked the bag of weed Wes had given me. Allie had messaged me in concern multiple times and I finally built up the courage to reply to her a day after her last message.
Allie <3 Monday hey girl are you okay? matt has been off all day 1:30pm Tuesday if u wanna talk im here <3 5:37pm Wednesday im getting concerned pls message me if u need anything 3:47pm
You sorry just havent been feeling good im okay just need time alone 10:21pm
Allie <3 im sorry :(10:23pm
You its okay i'll be at school tmrw 10:27pm
Allie <3 okay! see ya then <3 10:28pm
I locked my phone and threw it lazily on the bed beside me, rolling over to face the wall where my window was cracked open. I was glad my dad was out tonight, having to deal with him for over a week straight was draining and I felt like it didn't benefit my self-loathing in any way. I sighed as my mind always travelled back to the look on Matt's face, the pure hurt in his eyes that I knew I caused.
Part of me was glad he hadn't messaged or tried to talk to me. It meant that I could push him away if I wanted to. I did just that without even consciously meaning to. I got scared and made it his fault in my brain but as I continued rotting in my bed, I realised I hurt him more than I ever meant to. It wasn't his fault that I was afraid of someone being close, it wasn't his fault that I let something so small set me off. I needed to make him realise it wasn't his fault and I was just not used to the affection and accommodation he offered me daily.
I barely slept over the past week and this night was no different. My alarm went off in the early hours of the morning and I knew I had slept a total of 4 hours from the way my brain had constantly been reeling. I dragged myself out of bed and trudged into the bathroom. I took an extra long shower to attempt to rid the disgust I felt towards myself.
After scrubbing my entire body head to toe, I jumped out of the shower and walked to my room. My entire body felt heavy and I felt tears prick my eyes when I looked over to the pink sweater that was still laying over my bag. I picked it up, realising it was the only clean sweater I had since I hadn't been bothered with laundry. I quickly slid it over my head before sliding on my black sweatpants and combat boots. I slid my leather jacket over the top, not bothering with any makeup as I lazily tied my now damp hair into a low ponytail. I grabbed my bag, quickly sprayed on some perfume and grabbed my phone off of my bedside table.
I quickly exited my house without food or water in my stomach and as I began walking down the road, I decided to light one of the last few cigarettes I had pre-rolled. I grabbed my headphones from my bag, slid one into my ear and plugged them into my phone. I clicked shuffle on one of my playlists and I let my feet drag on the asphalt as I slowly made my way down the streets of Massachusetts.
After an hour, I finally arrived in the parking lot of the school and I scanned the cars, my eyes landing where I saw the familiar silver minivan. I paused, letting out a heavy breath as I collected myself and began walking to the group of people in front of the car.
Nate was the first to notice me and he just looked at me with no expression before he turned back to the group. As I got closer I noticed the fact that Mia was standing beside Matt with her head leaned on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around her back lazily and I felt a pang of pure jealousy run through me. I tried to shake it off as I got closer, knowing I had no right to be mad about it right now since I was the one who caused the riff between the brown-haired boy and myself.
"Speak of the devil," I heard Nick say when his eyes caught mine and I was a few feet away, standing uncomfortably as I looked between all of them. All of their heads turned to look at me, Allie being the only one who didn't seem like they were looking right through me.
"Matt, can I talk to you?" I asked quietly as I didn't dare to meet his eyes yet and there was an uncomfortable silence that fell over us, "Please."
"About what?" he asked, his tone short and I looked up to see his face completely expressionless but his eyes held such hurt and aggravation that it felt like it cut right through me.
"Last week," I mumbled, ignoring the pain in my chest of seeing Mia looking at me with a slight smirk. I focused in on the boy I had hurt, his blue eyes piercing in the sunlight.
"Now?" he questioned, not taking his eyes off of me and I just looked at him, the judgement of his friends radiating off of them. He sighed heavily before swinging his arm out from around Mia and I felt a weight lifted off of my shoulders but there was still a pressure on my chest, "I'll be back."
I looked at the ground as he pushed away from the hood of the minivan and he walked past me. I followed behind him, not daring to look back at his friends as we walked to the back of the parking lot before he stopped to face me.
He didn't say anything for a moment as I looked up at him and he scanned me head to toe before murmuring, "That's my sweater."
"Yeah. I left it on my bag all week but I didn't have any clean hoodies for today," I explained and he hummed as I picked at the skin around my fingers, my nails too short to bite now that I had been picking at them all week. I nervously chewed on my lip before I said, "I'm sorry."
"It took you a week to say that?" he asked, his voice quiet but his words laced with pain.
"I didn't mean to hurt you. I know I reacted to what you said horribly but I just-" I cut myself off as I took a breath and looked down at the gravel below us, "I haven't had anyone take care of me the way you do. It scares me. I'm sorry."
I squeezed my eyes closed, chewing on my bottom lip far more aggressively than I intended but my heart raced as I waited for his response. I felt his hand fall under my chin and he lifted my face to look up at him, noticing now that he was slightly closer to me. He used his thumb to gently pull my lip away from my teeth as I fidgeted with the hem of the pink sweater.
"Why didn't you just talk to me?" he asked, his tone softening as he looked down at me and I shrugged dumbly.
"I am bad at talking about that sorta stuff," I answered quietly, my throat closing from the sadness that invaded my body as I looked up at him. I had no right to be upset right now, I was the one who fucked up and made this so difficult, but I felt guilt invade my entire body when I realised I didn't want to push him away. It was habit and I was always bad at breaking them.
"Don't do that again," he demanded softly and I pursed my lips as I pushed my sadness down the best I could as tears sprung to my eyes, "Or I swear to god I won't talk to you again and I don't want to stop talking to you. Ever."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you away. I just don't know how to deal with everything I'm feeling and I know it's shitty but I promise I'm trying. I have no right to be sad right now because this is my fault but I feel so horrible for making you upset. You deserve so much more than that and if I can't give that to you I understand if you don't want me to be around anymore," I rambled out all of my feelings and conflicting voices in my head but I was cut off by his lips on mine.
I paused for a moment to register what was happening before my body melted into his, his arms wrapping around my lower back as I snaked my arms around his neck. I pulled him into me, missing the way his body felt against my own more than I anticipated. It felt like a breath of fresh air after being stuck in my room for the past week with smoke-filled lungs. He gripped my hips, pulling me impossibly closer to him as I tangled my hands in his hair before he pulled away to breathe for a moment.
"You're an idiot," he mumbled before he leaned back in to kiss me gently again.
"I know," I mumbled against his lips and he ran his tongue against my rough lips, the sting of his saliva hitting the open splits on my lips from chewing them. I hissed and pulled away as he looked down at me.
"You need to stop biting your lip," he muttered as his eyes travelled all around my face, "And stop picking your nails. You're not gonna have any left soon."
"I've been stressed the past week. I can't help it," I whispered as I looked up at him in awe. I had forgotten the pure oxytocin that ran through my system when I was with him and I refused to let it go again.
"Pretty girl," he gave me a sympathetic look and I shook my head as I pulled away from his face slightly, my arms still slung over his shoulders.
"Don't feel bad. This was my doing and I will make it up to you," I answered sternly and his face broke into a small smile. I sighed, the weight being lifted off of my chest now and my body tingled with joy.
"All I'm asking is that you talk to me next time," he whispered, leaning down to place a peck on my lips and I let it linger before I pulled back and nodded.
"I will try," I scratched the nape of his neck lightly and he bit his bottom lip as my face dropped, "Don't look at me like that before we have to go inside. I'll drive us back to your house right now."
"I don't see you for a week and you're ready to jump my bones already," he chuckled and I raised my eyebrows.
"How else can I make it up to you, ya know?" I joked as let my mouth form into a smirk and he shook his head as he pursed his lips, "Does this mean I can come to your game this week?"
"Of course baby," he smiled down at me and I felt the butterflies erupt in my stomach again, promising not only him but myself to never let myself ruin this again.
"By the way," I let my right hand trail from his neck to his chest, playing with the necklace that sat comfortably on his collarbones, "Allie's brother was just dropping me home. He tried to flirt with me but I shut it down. I wasn't lying about that."
"I know. I overreacted. I'm sorry about that," he said softly and I shook my head, twiddling the pendant between my fingers as I looked up at him.
"I know how it looked. I would've been just as upset. You don't need to apologise for it," I mumbled, trying hard to convey my feelings as best I could to which he didn't respond verbally. He instead placed another kiss against my lips and smiled against me as he squeezed my hips.
"Matt!" I heard Chris's voice call from only a few feet away and we both broke apart to look over at him, "You guys done? We gotta go to class."
"I forgot about that," I joked and Chris just gave me a deadpanned look as Matt chuckled.
"We'll be there in a sec," he called to his brother who just rolled his eyes and spun around to walk back to his friends, "They're more pissed at you than I was."
"I can tell," I mumbled as I watched their eyes pour directly into me, "Allie messaged me though."
"She was the only one defending you," he told me honestly and I hummed as I looked back up to him, "I'll talk to them."
"Don't sugarcoat it. You can tell them I'm a dumbass who doesn't know how to deal with her emotions," I stated and he shook his head with a smile, placing a kiss on the top of my head before swinging his arm over my shoulders.
"Come on," he said nodding towards the group and I hesitantly began walking with him by my side. Their eyes stayed glued to us as we approached and Mia gave me nothing but a scowl with her arms crossed, "Chill out. We talked about it."
"That didn't seem like talking," Mia spat and I remained silent, letting Matt handle the situation as I looked at Allie who gave me a sympathetic smile.
"Don't Mia," Matt deadpanned and she only scoffed with a roll of her eyes, "We talked about it and I don't wanna hear it."
"Only took you a week," Nate raised his eyebrows as he spoke and he looked at me. I pursed my lips while glancing between them.
"At least it happened," Matt retorted before the bell rang and he sighed, "We'll talk about it later. Let's go."
He began walking with his arm around my shoulder still and I followed suit, Chris moving to stand on the other side of Matt as everyone else followed behind. We made our way to our classes and once we sat down, a weight fell back on my chest.
Not only did I have to make it up to Matt, I had to win back his brothers and his friends.
Pretty boy where did u go?? 12:23pm
You 🚬 be there in a minute 12:24pm
I locked my phone, sliding it into my pocket as I finished off my cigarette, throwing it onto the ground before I wedged it into the ground with my boot. I made my way back inside and straight to the cafeteria where I saw the group of friends sitting together.
"Hey," Allie beamed as she scooted closer to Mia to make space between her and Matt for me to sit. I smiled at her as I swung my legs over the bench and sat down. Matt placed his arm around my lower back as he continued his conversation with Nick.
"I don't want to wear a tie. That's why I got the red shirt," Matt groaned and Nick gave him a deadpanned look.
"It's prom. You're supposed to look fancy with a tie," Nick stated and Matt ran a hand across his face.
"We're all wearing a tie. Don't be a bitch," Nate pointed out and I tuned them out as Allie tapped my shoulder to gain my attention.
"You okay?" she asked quietly and I nodded with a hum.
"Yeah. Thank you for checking on me," I answered in a hushed tone and she shrugged with her sunshine smile that warmed my heart to know she wasn't annoyed with me.
"Of course. That's what friends are for," she said casually before she turned back to listen to the group conversation. I let her words hang over my head like a cloud.
That's what friends are for.
I don't remember the last time I had a genuine friend and her simple words struck me right in my heart. She had always been kind to me and from the moment we talked, she had been such a light in my life. I realised I not only wanted to share my emotions and feelings with Matt but also with Allie to show her that I appreciated her.
I wanted to be better for both of them.
"How long do we have to stay there?" Chris whined as he threw his head onto the table dramatically and Allie rolled her eyes.
"You're acting like you're being held hostage. If you don't wanna go it's fine," Allie responded, her tone quietening at the end and I could sense the slight sadness at Chris's distaste for prom.
"Al, I told you I'm going and I'll stick to that. I just don't wanna be there for five hours," he lifted his head up to look at her and she shrugged, eyes glancing at the table.
"We can leave early and go back to my house," she offered and Chris's mouth broke into a smile as he nodded.
"Works for me," he said triumphantly before sitting up again, resting his elbows on the table in front of him.
"How are we getting there?" Mia asked, looking around at the group and I just sat there in silence, deciding to go along with whatever plan I knew Allie had already set up.
"Meet up at my house at five thirty so we can take photos and make sure we have everything and then we will leave at like six-thirty to get to the hotel," Allie explained the plan and everyone seemed to hum along in agreement. I felt Matt's arm snake further around my back as he scooted closer to me.
"How are we getting there?" Nick asked and Allie smiled as she adjusted her ponytail.
"I got us a limo," she announced happily and Mia showed her first sign of happiness of the day as she squealed excitedly, "You guys won't drink right?"
Matt and his brothers shook their heads with a firm no and Allie turned to look at me and I shrugged, "Depends on what it is."
"Bottle of champagne in the limo?" Mia asked Allie and Allie nodded causing Mia's smile to widen.
"You're dad won't arrest us if we drink?" Nate asked, the half-hearted joke not landing well with Mia as she rolled her eyes.
"Not if he doesn't know," she pointed out with a slight smirk and Nate raised his eyebrows before nodding in agreement.
"Did you find a dress?" Nate asked, turning his attention to me as he attempted to make conversation. I assumed that in the time I'd been in my other classes and was outside Matt had talked to Nate, Chris and Nick since they weren't glaring at me anymore but they still felt slightly standoffish.
"No. I'm just gonna make my own," I explained and he nodded, his smile in a downturned smile.
"Mad impressive that you can do that," he complimented me and I gave him a half-hearted smile as Matt traced circles on my hip with his thumb.
"Thanks. I just hope I can finish it in time," I explained and I could sense Mia's disgust towards me radiating off of her but I was learning to tune her out like I had always done before Matt came into my life.
Suddenly the bell rang for our next classes and everyone began getting up. I stood up from the table before Matt spun me around and kissed my lips gently. I froze for a moment, shocked at the fact he did that in the middle of the cafeteria but I quickly reciprocated the action before he pulled away.
"See you after school pretty girl," he smirked at me before he walked away and I stood still for a moment as I watched him walk away with Nick, Chris, Nate and Mia.
"You guys are so fucking cute it makes me want to throw up," Allie rolled her eyes playfully beside me and I looked around to see people staring at me once again. I pursed my lips, my cheeks tinging red as I hid a smile and shook my head before I began walking out of the cafeteria.
@dsturniolo @chrisstankyleg @lov3bug @pinklittleflower @thatcrazybitch-69 @trinity2058 @alorsxsturn @chrizznmetswife @ilovechrissturniolo1 @leprechaunbirthdaygirl @sturnfix @lilsstvrn @sturniololol @sturniolowhore @jebbie-project-blog @jaxyy219
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2ndprinceofdarkness · 2 months
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“You Wouldn't Look Half-Bad, Half-Angel!"
Header art for Light-Bringer's last scene took way too long guy plz
(Read the full scene below!)
Maybe support that Wattpad?
Act 4, Scene 4--
"You Wouldn't Look Half-Bad, Half-Angel!"
[Hell. LILITH's heels click as she walks down the stairs. LUCIFER, CHARLIE, VAGGIE, ALASTOR, and NIFTY turn as she approaches the group gathered in the Lobby.]
CHARLIE: Mom, you're awake!
LILITH: Has he returned?
CHARLIE: You knew?
VAGGIE: What else aren't you telling us?
LILITH: He will be back, dear, I assure you.
LILITH: It's up to him. I'm sure we will be well aware of his return, so...
LILITH: So– we should focus our attention on something more productive than sitting here huddling in a corner. We have spent the past millenia waiting! I am tired of waiting for them to do the damn thing.
ALASTOR: I agree Lilith! There's no point in waiting for the end times, we could bring them ourselves!
LILITH: [A moment of "bitch tf,"]  Unfortunately, Alastor, the timeframe of Uri's return is within his own hands. I've done all I can do. But–
[LUCIFER looks to her with panic–she stops.]
ALASTOR: Ouu! He's baaack!
[The handle of the front door turns–a slender black hand guides the door forward. A golden-orange glow comes from the other side. We see the silhouette of demonic horns, lit by the glow of URIEL's wings. There's a collective gasp at his new appearance. Red horns, a matching tail.  He's holding his own "Grimore"–the book he and LILITH have. He has a blank expression, he's been having a rough time since we last saw him.]
VAGGIE: Woah, are you okay?
LILITH: What happened!?
CHARLIE: [Guiding him to a seat] Here you can sit–do you need anything?
VAGGIE: We can get you something to drink, some food...
URIEL: It's alright–I don't need anything–
LILITH: [Making way for herself and LUCIFER,] Let me see you, oh my–
LUCIFER: Lil, maybe just back off a bit–
URIEL: Mom, please–!
[ALASTOR watches with NIFTY perched on his head. VAGGIE backs off, sensing URIEL's unease. CHARLIE does too–pulling LILITH away to give him some breathing room. URIEL sits with his head in his hands on the sofa, LUCIFER kneels before him. The others watch, unable to look away, still feeling like they're intruding.]
URIEL: I'm sorry–
LUCIFER: We're not mad, kiddo.
URIEL: I didn't mean to. [Beat.} I didn't mean to...I had to–
LUCIFER: [Gets in closer, giving some reassurance–breaking URIEL from his spiral.] I know. How're you really holding up?
[URIEL peeks at the group, not giving an answer before LILITH breaks away from CHARLIE, going by LUCIFER's side.]
LILITH: What happened, Uri?
URIEL: [Beat.] There was a guard.
VAGGIE: Oh, shit.
URIEL: On my balcony.
.CHARLIE: A guard? Why?
URIEL: Because I was made by these two [Re: LUCIFER and LILITH.] So, Heaven doesn't trust me to be here. Or be on Earth. Or really just "be...."
URIEL: I needed to leave Heaven.
LUCIFER: So you...?
CHARLIE: What did you do?
ALASTOR: AHAHA! Now this will be interesting!
NIFTY: Oooohhohohohohuu!!
[URIEL rolls his eyes, a growl sighing out.]
NIFTY: He's even more of a bad boy!
CHARLIE: [To URIEL:] Who was it–?
URIEL: –An exorcist.
VAGGIE: Wait, who?
URIEL: One of Lute's a-hole, top-shit, dickbag officers. And they aren't dead just out of commission–
ALASTOR: Oh, understood! Now–do tell me, is this new appearance change of yours intentional? I do say it looks like quite the improvement, maybe if we got you to smile, you wouldn't look half-bad, Half-Angel!
URIEL: Well, actually–
LILITH: That part we did expect–
CHARLIE: You did?
LUCIFER: We did?
LILITH: We did.
URIEL: [Hands the book to LUCIFER.] More or less... it's all there.
VAGGIE: Woah...
CHARLIE: Is that why you didn't want to go back? Because of this? Uri, I need you to know–I wouldn't have made you go back to Heaven if you didn't want to, ever! I hope you didn't feel like I wasn't happy to meet you–it was–is–a lot to take in. I just hope you'll let us try to make things right–for all our sakes.
URIEL: Thanks, Charlie.
[URIEL smiles, surrounded by the group. He sits between CHARLIE and VAGGIE on one side, and LUCIFER and LILITH on his other.]
VAGGIE: I need to be honest, you're handling this better than I was when I fell.
[VAGGIE goes to the bar, grabbing a bottle of wine. While she's there, she does a headcount, realizing she doesn't have enough glasses to give to everyone.]
URIEL: Aw, thanks!! I've had 10,000 years to prepare.
LUCIFER: Only if you're sure you are okay–
URIEL: I'm fine, really. [He's trying to play it off:] The pain stopped before I got here, besides I got way worse from sparring at home! Oh–
VAGGIE: It takes a while. You'll get used to it.
[Beat.] URIEL is notably more introspective–at this moment–the reality of his situation hitting like a semi-truck. VAGGIE returns to the couch, with three wine flutes and a bottle of red wine.]
ALASTOR: Well–I believe wine glasses were an oversight of our little Hotel renovation! Say, Nifty, care to join me on a few errands today?
NIFTY: Sure! [She waves flirtingly at URIEL,] Goodbye–eheh--I'll see you tonight~
[He just kinda smiles awkwardly–not knowing what to do, or what that means. ALASTOR and NIFTY exit with gleeful giggling. URIEL begins again, after the door closes, ending the laughing.]
URIEL: Right–anyway–I did want to show you something. So, after I dealt with the guard, I went to the Grand Library–[URIEL opens his book onto the tabletop. VAGGIE hands out glasses of wine.] –Thanks.
CHARLIE: The Library? Why?  [Re: VAGGIE giving wine.] Thanks, You.
[VAGGIE offers the final glass to LUCIFER, who snaps his fingers, materializing a glass in each hand, already full–he hands one to LILITH. He grins at VAGGIE who shakes her head at "His Royal Smugness."]
LUCIFER: That's not exactly playing it safe, Uri.
URIEL: Yeah, well, I'm a big kid–and it doesn't matter. Before I got to it, Lute found me. Get this: she said that the ending of the book had disappeared right after Adam's death. So...
VAGGIE: So? It's Lute–she's probably lying.
URIEL: So–that's when she sent Mom back when she did–that's when she sent me down here!
URIEL: So–the hotel is changing things in Heaven!
CHARLIE: Holy shit! That's great! Maybe they'll listen to us now! 
URIEL: Charlie–can you honestly tell me of a time that Heaven actually listened to anyone here right now?
CHARLIE: I–uh–no, not really. What about Emily!? She seemed like she might--maybe--listen, someday...
URIEL: Charlie, I have spent a millenia trying to make someone in Heaven understand, to make them all actually listen–they aren't going to. But now–even Sera can't deny it–Heaven is losing control!
LUCIFER: Do you think we're in danger? Are they going to send someone after you again?
CHARLIE: Whaat,  noooo! 
URIEL: Uhh– 
URIEL: Yeeeeaaah, probably. Big things are beginning to happen up there, and they aren't the ones causing it., it's scaring them. [To CHARLIE:] But you need to be careful–I doubt they'd treat you with the same kindness they showed me all these years after my [Airquotes:] "stunt"–
VAGGIE: We've fought them before, we'll do it again if we have to.
CHARLIE: We can protect ourselves, but I don't want to lose anyone else after Pentious.
URIEL: I won't let it come to that, you have my word, Charlie. I won't put you guys in danger. You've all done your time in the battle against Heaven, now I... [Beat.] If my being at the Hotel will put you in harm's way, I can find somewhere else to stay. Would I be able to get my stuff? I left it upstairs–
CHARLIE: Uri–! Please, don't feel like you have to leave. And Husk is making everyone dinner, we're just waiting on Angel to get back
VAGGIE: Yeah, it's not like you have any competition–we have plenty of rooms. Not many sinners want to stay at ground zero of the extermination.
LILITH: Oh well I can help with that–
CHARLIE: Really?!!
LILITH: Of course, dear.
CHARLIE: I am! You and Mom can stay here, at the Hotel, it'll be great. We can all live together, like a big family! [She squeezes VAGGIE, holding her around the waist.]
URIEL: [Beat.] Really?
CHARLIE: Wouldn't that be great? Just like on Earth, we could have game night! Ah!! We could have a karaoke family game night! And we could sing, and hold hands, what else do families do?
URIEL: I forgot. You haven't been to Earth yourself yet, have you?
CHARLIE: No, not personally. I've heard some good reviews though!
URIEL: Really, from people here?
URIEL: Ah. [Beat.] I guess that's what I could do once you guys kick me out. Go to Earth?
VAGGIE: Absolutely not!
URIEL: What? Why not?
VAGGIE: I forbid it.
URIEL: You do?
CHARLIE: She does.
LUCIFER: [RE: LILTH] So does she.
LILITH: What? I spent far too long waiting to get back here with you–no way I will be letting my baby boy out of my sight again.
URIEL: I'm like 10,000 years old. 
LILITH: And you were still "like 10,000" seven years ago, and I still don't care, dear.
LUCIFER: Besides, we made a deal.
URIEL: --You can't say it like that, Dad. He wanted me to play piano for him, and then I said he'd have to teach me to play the violin–it's stupid. I was drunk, and he was...Dad.
URIEL: Hey. [URIEL beams a smile to LUCIFER. Now to CHARLIE:] That wouldn't even take super long, I could be out of your hair tonight if you change your mind...
CHARLIE: [Beat.] Stay for as long as you want.
[URIEL hesitates and decides not to speak–smiling and taking a small sip of his wine as the lights fade to blackout.]
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uncannyalien · 3 months
Asking some AU comp competitors & supporters:
- Are there any AUs you weren't familiar with that have recently caught your attention, or that you would like to learn more about?
- What are some AUs/fanworks that you enjoy, and would encourage more people to go check out? (Doesn't have to be in the comp!)
Oh Stars, where do I begin?
The server of the competition is full of so many creators, many of whom I have never met or known of their AUs before(I'm still quite new to the fandom), and it's been great engaging with all of them!
I can't list every single AU I wanna learn more about, there's too many!
I'm very intrigued by Aberration by probablynotarutabega whom I'm going up against in the coming bracket, and I literally spent some time today reading what they have available so I could get to know it better! I hope we're at least able to team up!
There's also the Revelations Timeline AU by idk im just here now who has a really cool insight into how the Krang and the magic system works in their AU! I'd like to say we've become friends over this little time
Of course I have to talk up some of my friends AUs!
Minecraft Isekaid by songdrop (who has teamed up with Mitosis by Varian_dislikes_cheese) is a really cool AU about the rise boys getting stuck in Minecraft but as they explore things are not quite how they know. They're incredibly talented at art and storytelling and have so many ideas it's absolutely insane!
There's also the Soulmates(Evil) AU by Evan that's heavy Mikey angst and it's wonderful to see the other characters beating up MeatSweats
Oh dear this is gonna be long isn't it ehe. There's just too many to count!
The Employees is done by multiple folks and follows a collective of OCs that work for Senior Hueso
Minor Interference by bambiraptorx is on my To Read list where the turtles accept Draxum's offer of training with him
As for ones that are not in the competition I have many suggestions:
Clean up Crew also by songdrop, a small fic that's part of his like, 6 AUs in one universe the guy's an idea machine!
I discovered A Mirror's Reflection by ratsistryingtheirbest here on Tumblr as just a "what if" post and I may or may not have sort of dared them into making it. And it's really good! A rise Future AU where Leo, Mikey, and CJ are sent to another reality post-apocalypse where their brothers survived. And won the war.
The Nexus Heir by ItzCoffee is a fun AU where Leo gets manipulated into Big Mama's care
I'm not particularly one for fics that have romance/shipping or the Next Generation trope, but Little Warrior by NovelistServant is a proud exception for me. This is an AU where Future Raph gets sent back in time with a baby CJ and things sure do happen. Prepare to cry, prepare to laugh, prepare to cry again but happy this time. I've read it twice
A Tale of Spirits by unorthodoxx recently updated and I'm so excited with where the story is going. You like turtles? You like ATLA? You're gonna like this one
And last but certainly not least, I'd be remiss if I didn't shameless plug my own AU: Remember Forever. I've written plenty of stories before but this is my first fanfiction and it's the longest project I've had so far. It's a post-season 2 pre-movie rise AU where Mikey discovers an alien(that is definitely not my self-insert) and shenanigans ensue. You can of course learn more at my masterpost which is pinned on my blog and by giving it a read! I'm trying my best to write some fluff while also acknowledging that these characters have Gone Through Things.
There are so many more AUs than these that I've mentioned so seriously go check everyone out! Thanks so much for the ask and I wish everyone a great time in the competition!
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aheckinmess · 3 months
Wash Away the Storm [Shinsou] (Angst)
(One-shot to 1/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots - posted regularly on Saturdays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Shinsou x OC, Hitoshi Shinsou, Shinsou soothes the mind and soul, tragedy befalls the OC, angst, hurt/comfort, our favorite purple-haired bean, grief, grieving OC
Word Count: 860 words
Summary: Following a devastating tragedy, Ichijiku is grateful when Shinsou inadvertently helps quiet her mind during her grief.
Author's Note: This one-shot isn't a part of a series, so if you're ever looking to see what character I'm writing for, I'll give a character name and whether it's angst, fluff, or smut in the title. Enjoy!
Ichijiku (Tigress)
"Hey, are you okay? I heard about what happened last week."
"Do you need a minute?"
"You must be so sad! Why don't you go see Hound Dog?"
All of their voices melt together as I try to make sense of everything happening around me. Getting the call that my grandpa died is crushing, and I haven't really wanted to do much except train and fight to get out all of my anger and sorrow.
My friends in 1-A, however, nudge me to seek out help as opposed to my avoidance coping mechanisms. I'd do the same thing, but I don't know if I feel ready to talk about it right now.
Still, I make an empty promise that I'll go see Hound Dog to get Ashido to stop talking to me and then go walk into the forest after school. I don't feel like going home yet to see Naomi. It'll only serve as a reminder of who's not there.
"Are you ever not out here now?" A tired voice pierces through my tumultuous mind.
"Are you ever not out here in general?" I sass back, turning to the purple-haired offender with a roll of my eyes.
His lips quirk into a smile as suddenly my mind is blank. It's blissfully, peacefully blank. I've learned how to combat Shinsou's brainwashing with an exhaustive bout of mental fighting, but this afternoon I don't want to. I just close my eyes to let the darkness aid the empty feeling in my mind.
That's when Shinsou seems to realize there's a problem. My thoughts flood back and I drop to my bottom, pulling my knees to my chest and tucking my forehead on them. Why'd you stop? I think. Why couldn't you just keep all of my memories away? To make the world go away for a little while longer...
"You didn't fight back, Sunshine." He comments softly, sitting down beside me in the grass. "That's not normal for you. Did something happen today?"
Right...Shinsou's still in General Studies. He hasn't shifted to the Hero Track yet. He wouldn't be close enough to anyone to know. I debate for a few moments if I should say anything, but ultimately decide we're close enough friends at this point to tell him.
"I guess it makes sense you wouldn't know yet. Not many outside of my class do." I choke out a little laugh. It lacks my usual humor. "I got news several days ago that my grandpa died while in the Navy." I want to cry, but I don't feel like it. I don't know that I have the energy anymore.
He doesn't make a sound, but I feel the tension in his arms. There's a long pause, not that I blame him. After all, how does one respond to that?
"Did my quirk give you a little break?" He asks after a moment. His arm gently wraps around my shoulders.
"Yeah." I breathe, once again hit with serenity when he brainwashes me and my mind quiets.
"Go ahead and get out a good cry." Shinsou whispers to me. Normally, I would fight this order. Shoot, my body even takes a second's pause like it's deciding whether to comply. But all of my sorrow suddenly combines together and splashes out of me onto his shoulder. "I'll keep you safe." He says as his hand strokes the back of my head and his other arm wraps around me.
Blissful, brainwashed fog swirls in my head as my body slumps onto his shoulder to be held. With a blank mind, I'm able to find that release of grief and tears without holding on so tightly to the pain that accompanies it.
By the time all of my tears are spent, he lets my mind go but I stay tucked into his side. It's so warm. Don't leave me. It feels so good in his arms. I decide to give myself a brief reprieve from grief and imagine what a life would be like with him. More moments like this, whether sad or content, pulled close into his arms to soak in his comfort and offer my own in return.
"Do you think he'd be proud of me?" I whisper.
"Your grandpa? For sure. I'm proud of you, and I rarely admit that to anybody." Shinsou says, shocking me abruptly. His shoulders shake with a snicker. "I mean it. I don't think I've ever seen someone work as hard as you do at helping others feel better, making sure they're alright, and at the same time juggling all of your own responsibilities and emotions. I can barely throw my scarf properly. But you," He pauses and I turn to look up at him. "You learn so quickly. You have the uncanny ability to take your weaknesses and reflect on them to immediately turn them into a strength. It's...nearly inhuman. I love that about you."
His words flood me with warmth and I sigh, relaxing.
"I appreciate that." And I mean it. "Is it okay if I stay here for a little while...with you?"
"I would never leave you to deal with this alone."
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bagel-muncher · 2 months
I'm gonna be cringe asf and post wip stuff about one of my Persona oc's because I like this little guy and I'm tired so therefore immune to thinking why this is dumb to post.
So for some important background info, a lot of my characters are framed around basically a hypothetical Persona game that exists solely in my brain. The core theme of it is dreams, in the sense of both sleep and your aspirations and such. All of the Persona-Shadow-saving-the-world junk happens in their dreams. I don’t know the best way to describe it, but basically, the line between the collective unconscious and the individual subconscious has weakened and now Shadow’s are spilling into people's dreams, attacking them and leaving them brain-dead. Enter the MC and their group with all the Persona shenanigans you’d expect to try and stop this.  
So all that barely coherent background info aside, onto Yoshitada. He’s 20 years old and serves as the Navigator of the group once he joins later on (how and why is still up in the air, everything here is mostly vague ideas though I’m leaning towards a P4 type “they’re saved in their dreams and awaken to their Persona when confronted by their Shadow’s there”). The simplest way to describe him would be as another character in the same “bro” archetype as Junpei, Yosuke, and Ryuji. An idiot at times, but cares a lot about his friends and teammates and would do whatever he can to protect them.
His full name is Yoshitada Saito, but he mainly goes by Yoshi. He saw the dinosaur from Mario and went “Yeah that’s me frfr” (jk). He doesn’t like being referred to by his last name by anyone, both because he prefers to treat practically everyone like a close friend (he'd be like "Hey man, we're buds, yeah? Just call me Yoshi, no need to be all formal and shit!") and because of his parents.
To explain that last bit, his parents left him with his mom’s brother as a kid before driving off to who-knows-where. This led to him forming a lot of resentment toward his parents, making them among the few people he isn’t fond of. He lived with his uncle for the majority of his life, and he still lives in his uncle’s house after he passed. He doesn’t like his last name because it connects him to them.
I’m not sure if popular is the word I’m looking for, but he’s very well-known throughout town. Both for positive (his friendly demeanor, willingness to help others, and great work ethic) and negative reasons (him being loud as fuck, tending to sort of force himself into a situation, and just having dyed hair and that many piercings and the assumptions it brings). He’s generally well-liked, but people often feel like he’s trying too hard to be friendly or helpful, making them think it’s all just an act.
His unique appearance is entirely thanks to the fact that he thinks it looks rad as hell. He knows that it can give people a bad impression of him at first glance, but doesn’t care. To Yoshi, appearances don’t matter at all. If someone is scared off by him having blue and green hair or a face full of piercings, that’s an issue for them.
He plays the drums! His S-Link is started by him and the MC forming a mini-band just for fun in Yoshi’s garage. Band practice would be the main excuse for the two of them to hang out (like how most of Ryuji’s is prefaced with him and Joker training or Naoto’s is him and Yu trying to understand the whole Phantom Thief thing, etc.), usually starting with band practice before turning to them talking or going somewhere else for whatever reason. It’s through this that Yoshi starts to reveal more of himself to the MC, talking about his parents and other stuff that bothers him as much as he tries to pretend it doesn’t. I imagine the big thing of his link would be his parents wanting to get in contact with him again after over a decade, and him having to learn and accept that not everyone deserves the kindness he tries to treat everyone with.
His Persona is something I’m still undecided on, mainly because I’m trying to figure out some other characters and want to try and find some consistent theme or source that’d make sense. As a placeholder, I’ve just given him Apollo. As a god of music and prophecy, it combines one of Yoshi’s interests with his role in the team in a way that I think makes sense. His Arcana is the Strength.
Most of the cast is in college, except for Yoshi. He just works, flipping between jobs as he tries to find what works best for him.
Thanks to what a friend said ages ago, it is now canon that he has shitty posture. Bro sits like a shrimp.
As this is something that exists solely in my mind and as such is untouched by logic and Atlus’s rules, there’d be a male and female mc. That may seem random to mention, but I bring it up because Yoshi is gay, but is romancable with either protag. The thing is, getting closer to the male MC is what made him realize he liked guys. He’s had a ton of girlfriends over the years because he thought that was just what he was supposed to do and he never wanted to turn anyone down, but none of the relationships lasted. Yoshi tried constantly, but he could never be as interested or involved in the relationship as his girlfriends, so they’d eventually break up with him. This extends to the female MC. He thinks “Well, we’re really close. She cares about me, and I care a shitton about her. So… we probably should try to date, right?”, not really understanding the difference between his platonic love for her and what romantic love is supposed to be like. So romantic scenes like Valentine’s Day, Christmas, etc. would have him being a lot more stiff and awkward compared to the male MC, where he is genuinely in love.
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(from my lovely oomf @nero1forte)
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I'll be honest with you sometimes I hate this fic bc it makes me sad and I can't skip reading it bc I'm the one writing it -Danny Words: 2,129 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Kid Kingdoms (Acoustic)' -by Surfaces
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XII: Weird Flex but Okay
They walk into a gift shop where Frank gets a stash of new shirts—he had to leave New Rome in a hurry, after all—and Percy calls Ara to a corner of the shop.
"Look at this." There is a rack of kids' backpacks just like her T-Rex, except these are all sea creatures.
"That's you," Ara points at a jellyfish at the top, its eyes are mismatched and half of its head is pushed in.
As they make their way out, Ara spots a shark-shaped hat and grabs it. When Percy catches up with her and sees what she's holding, he raises a brow. She puts the hat on. "Leo collects hats."
"Weird hats," she clarifies.
Percy stares at it. "Weird hats for a weird guy. Makes sense."
Kate holds a light conversation with them, casually mentioning she's Phorcys's sister, so apparently, the nerd-looking girl is an ancient goddess, and Ara, the daughter of Olympus, is wearing a shark-shaped hat in her presence.
Percy keeps glancing at the exhibitions as if waiting for something to jump out of them. Ara's never seen him this worried while surrounded by water. When they reach the back of the Aquarium, they notice is packed with mythical creatures.
"This isn't right," Percy speaks under his breath.
The animals look malnourished and groggy like they're sedated. There are two Nereids in one of the tanks, and they don't even look up from their game when Percy walks by, which is alarming, cause all the Nereids love Percy.
"How can you keep them here?" Her brother asks Kate with anger.
"I know." She sighs with disappointment. "They aren't very interesting. We tried to teach them some tricks, but with no luck, I'm afraid. I think you'll like this tank over here much better."
"Holy mother of goats!" Hedge exclaims. "Look at these beauties!"
Ara turns the corner and stops. Her feet backtrack until she crashes against her brother and she points at the tank with a shaky hand. "Percy..."
"Are those—?"
"Telkhines?" Kate beams. "Yes! The only ones in captivity."
"But they fought for Kronos in the last war! They're dangerous!" Percy pulls Ara behind him.
"Well, we couldn't call it 'Death in the Deep Seas' if these exhibits weren't dangerous. Don't worry. We keep them well sedated."
"Sedated? Is that legal?" Frank asks.
"I don't think anything about this place is legal," Ara mumbles.
Percy keeps a hand on her shoulder for the rest of their walk to make sure she stays close, and just this once, Ara lets him. This place is freaking her out, it's quiet and dark and full of monsters.
"Hello!" A man appears out of a dark corner. Ara yelps and Percy yanks her back. To put it in the vaguest, most generous description she can think of, the guy looks like a humanoid crab. "Visitors!" Each word is blasted out of the speakers around them. "Welcome to Phorcys's Follies!"
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"Do you think it gets old with time?" I ask Percy. 
We've been doing our homework in the living room, and I'm getting pretty bored.
"What thing?"
"Fighting monsters," I explain, rolling my eraser across the table. "Do you think it stops being thrilling as you get older?"
"It's getting pretty old already," he huffs, eyeing his pen with a scowl.
Percy's had to do most of the fighting so far. I get why he says that, but I roll my eyes anyway. "Well, I hope never to get bored of it like with school."
He snorts. "Why do you like going on quests? We're always getting hurt, you're always almost dying."
I laugh. "I can't snub on the cool stuff that happens to me, but I am sorry that most happen at your expense. If I could, I would change things to be the one protecting you, because I like fighting."
Percy nudges my side. "Now that you're learning to fight, we'll do it together. We'll protect each other, right?"
I smile. "Yeah."
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"—THE MAP IN CHARLESTON," Frank startles her.
"But enough boring educational stuff! You've paid for the VIP treatment. Won't you please let me finish the tour? The three denarii entrance fee is nonrefundable, you know."
"Afterward, can we ask questions?" Percy inquires.
"Of course! I'll tell you everything you need to know." Phorcys claps and a new tunnel opens ahead of them. "Walk this way!" 
Frank leans closer and whispers as he mimics the god's posture. "Do we have to—?" 
"It's just a figure of speech, man," Percy replies. "Come on." 
"Hang on," Ara looks around. "Where's Hedge?"
Frank and Percy look at her. Her brother answers to her question. "He left with Keto, about two minutes ago." She stares at him blankly. Percy rolls his eyes. "You spaced out, didn't you?"
Ara shrugs and resumes her walk. "Gods talk too much, I can't help it..."
"The Greatest hero of our generation, everyone," her brother taunts her.
They walk until they reach a new empty tank. Phorcys stands in front of it proudly. "Beautiful exhibit, isn't it?"
"What do you keep in here?" Frank asks. "Giant killer goldfish?"
"Oh, that would be good! But, no, Frank Zhang, descendant of Poseidon. This tank is not for goldfish."
Frank backtracks when the god addresses him directly. Percy moves forward. "How do you know Frank's last name? How do you know he's descended from Poseidon?" 
"Well... It was probably in the descriptions Gaea provided. You know, for the bounty, Percy Jackson."
Percy draws out his sword and points it at the small god. "Don't double-cross me, Phorcys. You promised me answers."
"After the VIP treatment, yes," the god agreed. "I promised to tell you everything you need to know. The thing is, however, you don't really need to know anything. You see, even if you made it to Rome, which is quite unlikely, you'd never defeat my giant brothers without a god fighting at your side. And what god would help you? So I have a better plan. You're not leaving. You're VIPs—Very Important Prisoners!"
The god vanishes faster than they can attack him, his voice echoes from the speakers surrounding them. 
"You see, Mother never trusted me with big assignments, but she did agree that I could keep anything I caught. You two will make an excellent exhibit—the only demigod spawn of Poseidon in captivity—and the daughter of Olympus to fight them every day! 'Demigod Terrors'—yes, I like that! We already have sponsorship lined up with Bargain Mart. You can fight each other every day at eleven AM and one PM, with an evening show at seven PM."
"You're crazy!" Frank screams.
"Don't sell yourself short!" Phorcys replies happily. "You'll be our biggest draw!"
Ara hears a loud thud and turns to see Frank crashing against an invisible wall sealing the exit. Percy's hand is against the tank's glass and she can see the outline sinking into it, which means soon they'll be swimming. 
"We won't cooperate, Phorcys!" He shouts.
"Oh, I'm optimistic! If you won't fight each other at first, no problem! I can send in fresh sea monsters every day. After you get used to the food here, you'll be properly sedated and will follow directions. Believe me, you'll come to love your new home."
The crystal begins to crack. Percy can help Ara breathe but it would take some of his power away and eventually drain him, meaning she'd die. She spots a treasure chest from which bubbles are constantly coming out and feels slightly relieved, that's a good source of oxygen.
"I'm the son of Poseidon!" Percy claims. "You can't imprison me in water. This is where I'm strongest."
"What a coincidence! It's also where I'm strongest," the god chortles. "This tank is specially designed to contain demigods. Now, have fun, you three. I'll see you at feeding time!"
Her brother grabs her just in time before the glass shatters. The first thing she notices is that Percy's holding his breath, he holds her unmoving, and Ara slaps his cheek lightly to help him react.
"Hey!" It sounds like she's talking inside a box, but the boy snaps his eyes open and takes a sudden breath. Ara stares at him worryingly. "You okay?"
"Frank," he replies, holding Ara to keep her breathing and then turning around to look for the boy.
Ara pokes his shoulder and points up. "There."
Percy scowls at the giant Koi fish above them. Judging by his microexpressions, he's talking fish with Frank. Just another Tuesday for them. 
Percy shakes his head. "Frank's stuck as a Koi fish. Any ideas?"
Ara looks around the tank. She swims up—taking Percy with her—and touches the celestial bronze at the top. She closes her eyes and concentrates, starting to glow orange.
"The glass can stand low and medium force impacts, which is what we can generate underwater—at least Frank and I. But Phorcys thought of you as well, installed propulsors inside the tank that force the water to flow in separate directions at all times. Must be reinforced with magic so you can't rig it..."
She swims back down, pressing one hand against the glass, then seizes her T-Rex and opens it, fishing out a water bomb.
"We need something to optimize our strength, or get someone to hit it from outside at the same time we do. The glass wouldn't flex correctly and it'd crack, we could target the weak spots with Riptide and Almighty afterward."
Percy stares at her for a moment before replying. "So... in short?"
Ara places the bomb in his free hand. "Well, do you see anyone outsi..." 
Her question is left unfinished when Hedge and Keto enter the amphitheater facing them. Ara and Percy share a look and realize they're thinking the same thing. 
"Get his attention." She orders.
The girl drops Percy's hand, immediately feeling the pressure and coldness of the water around her. She holds her breath and swims towards the treasure chest. In the meantime, Percy grabs one of the giant marbles that they've got lying at the bottom of the tank. 
Ara dismantles the treasure chest so she can reach the plastic tube, she tugs it out and then takes a deep breath from it. Now she has an unlimited source of oxygen. She turns to see Hedge holding a conversation with Percy via wild gesturing.
Ara swims taking the tube with her, the currents making it harder to move since her cloak keeps dragging her around... Her cloak! She can clock in on another blessing, this feels like the right time to pray. 
Percy points at the glass and then lifts three fingers. Ara takes another breath from the plastic tube and then takes the water bomb from Percy and presses it onto the tube's end. She prays as she lifts it above her head with both hands.
Her body lights up a teal color. Ara's stomach sinks weirdly, she activates the bomb and lets go of it so the air from the tube throws it further away, the water swirls around them all in the same direction.
Percy smashes a marble against the glass and Frank—now human—pushes his whole body against it at the same time that Hedge kicks the crystal.
Several cracks spread across the surface and Ara locks eyes with her brother, knowing exactly what's next. She can feel the pressure building and pushing them against the glass, and so they press their hands against the cracks and force the water to escape through them at such speed that the wall explodes at once.
All the cuts she gets heal by the time she's back on her feet. She picks up her T-Rex, soaking wet and with the stuffing coming out. She spots the shark hat a few feet away and picks it up, coughing and trembling.
"Pan's pipes, Jacksons!" Hedge coughs. "What were you doing in there?"
Percy grabs him by the neck and starts running. "Phorcys! Trap! Run!"
Alarms blast around them. Percy glances at the trapped creatures with concern but Ara urges him forward. "Later, Percy! Don't stop!"
Phorcys voice booms out of every speaker. "Jackson!"
They don't know to which Jackson he's yelling, but it doesn't matter much. Phorcys must be desperate to activate some other trap because all kinds of special effects are happening around them. Ara catches her reflection in one of the tanks, the shark-shaped hat neatly placed on her head.
"Ha!" A sudden surge of adrenaline runs through her, Poseidon's blessing doing its job.
Percy looks at her, he gives her a hesitant smile at first that turns into peels of laughter as they keep running. For just one moment, it feels like they're kids again, exactly like the old times.
Ara spots a fire alarm and triggers it, causing panic among the visitors. She yells out confusing instructions so they run in every direction, distracting the staff so they don't go looking for them. She's not sure all the workers are monsters, but she won't leave it up to fate, they love messing with her and her brother.
They leave the Aquarium in one piece, but they continue to run, Percy and Ara laughing all the way to the Argo II.
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Next Chapter –>
@siriuslysirius1107 @ask-giggles1303 @asnyox-the-hoarder @im-planning-something-look @bandshirts-andbooks @coolninjapaper @thewaterlily @whenisthefall @1randomcomic @you-bloody-shank @sunflowergraves @owlalex44 @taylordaughter @typicalsolangelolover @writingmia @espressopatronum454 @slytherinnqueen @orbitingpolaris @obxstiles @ellipsisspelled @thepixiechicks
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excelsi-or · 8 months
summoned (pt. 8)
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hi guys! i hope you're all doing well! i'm back from months of travelling and just in such a good headspace right now, it's kinda crazy. i'm writing and reading so much. drawing, more than i have in ages. sending you all my good energy, because this shit needs to be shared. and if your day is currently shitty, i hope that it gets better soon. i've been there; i feel you; this too shall pass.
pairing: woozi x fem!reader/fem!OC
w.c. 2k
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
A couple hours later, Jihoon closes the book he's reading. It sounds as if the human's finally slowing down. Her angel-demon blood seems to give her ample amounts of energy if need be. When he tips his head back to look at her, she's stretching her arms over her head.
"Come here."
Jihoon gets up and stands beside her. There are at least three loose-leaf pages of faces and buildings. She spreads them out on her desk so that he can see all of them. 
"Talking about my mom's lack of a soul makes me agitated." She's rubbing the side of her hand. Initially, he thought it was because it was sore, but then he notices the pencil marks she's trying to buff out. "But these are for you. Angels and demons who have walked through my house and buildings that I've visited in the last few months." She pulls one sheet closer. "These buildings are the most prominent. We can visit them first." She points at him, finally meeting his eye for the first time in hours. "And you looked up where my mom's hospital is?"
She studies him as she gets to her feet. "Something more to say?"
"Your mom doesn't have a soul. You kinda blew over that."
Her expression is impossible to read. "I don't ask too many questions about either political hierarchy. They both seem just as corrupt as here." She ducks into her bedroom and reappears with her backpack over her shoulder, her hair tied in a bun, and a dark hoodie she hadn't been wearing moments ago.
"When my parents had me," she goes to refill her water bottle and Jihoon trails after her, "they both lost whatever souls they possessed. Can you grab some snacks?"
Jihoon grabs a handful from her pantry without question.
"My parents are now limited to a human lifespan. Essentially hollow shells with a short time limit. But Gabriel seems to think that they can negotiate Dad's soul back."
"So, he'd get to be an angel again when his human life is over," Jihoon states.
"That's what I understood." She pauses as she stuffs the bag with the snacks he'd collected. "All hypothetical." They go back to the desk. She pulls one of the pieces of paper towards them. They're sketches of her parents. 
Armed with new knowledge, Jihoon can see that she's captured the life that exists in her parents. But she's also caught the slight hollowness in them.
"Mom's obviously not going to get the same chance."
"Hell is not exactly a merit system."
She shakes her head, conversation over, and picks up the paper that has the industrial complex they'd visited sketched on it. "I think the best places to start are here."
"Good, I thought so as well."
"And then?" Considering how good the sketches are, Jihoon thinks she should be gentler with the paper as she shoves it into her bag. "What's your plan to save mankind?"
"That's not what we're doing."
"Isn't it?" She slips into her shoes. "My parents said that if the Final Day ever came then either angels or demons would win and that's how eternity would play out. So, having humans here means we're in a sort of limbo stage until the final battle happens and whatever whatever."
"I'm sure your parents are hoping it happens after you pass on." He opens the door for her.
She motions him through first so that she can close her door herself. "Yeah. They do."
"You have a soul?"
"Supposedly." They make their way to the elevator. "I never asked." She looks over at him as they wait. "You can't tell?"
Jihoon shakes his head. It's been a little unsettling.
She shrugs and gets on the elevator.
"That doesn't scare you?"
"I've met angels and demons. There's a demon following me around. Nothing to scare me anymore. If anything, maybe having no soul is a blessing considering the currency it holds."
Jihoon's car is waiting for them. It's so clean that the black paint is reflecting the sunshine.
She pushes out into the warmth, clearly giddy at the good weather. "For all I know, my consciousness disappears when I die. What if my soul is a completely separate entity?"
Jihoon doesn't answer as he climbs into the driver's side. "You're weird, human."
Despite the warmth outside, the inside of the car is cool. "I have a demon and angel for parents." She plugs the destinations into the navigation system. "No way I was going to come out normal."
"Have you memorized all the addresses?" Jihoon asks.
She waits for the car to process the new information. "Yes, actually."
"How often have you visited all these places?"
"A lot."
In her prolonged silence, Jihoon can tell she's crafting a deliberate response. "I could tell something was going on. And I would sometimes go back, wondering if I would ever get to know the story." She hits 'Go' and then puts her seatbelt on. "Figured if it was a problem, Seokmin or my parents would bring it up. Or... I don't know, the energies balancing Heaven and Hell would give me a helping hand."
"You knew I was a demon when you summoned me." Jihoon's question comes out more as a statement of fact.
"I can't say I was expecting for you to show up when I was ordering my coffee. I can't say I was expecting a demon with a moral compass either."
"So, you brought me here by a genuine accident, acted like you'd never met a demon in your life when you hang out with an angel constantly, and you weren't going to tell me."
"I thought you were going to get bored before I'd have to tell you." She kicks her shoes off and pulls her legs onto the seat, crossing them. "Enough about me. Why do you have a moral compass? I haven't met too many demons that have one."
Jihoon doesn't respond.
"Fall in love with a human? Enjoy the sins of humanity? Think the angels are going to win?" she guesses. She leans back in the seat, turning towards the window. "Hate change?"
Jihoon doesn't play into her game, and she seems content with that. She falls asleep in the silence. Not for the first time, he wonders what about him is so trustworthy to her that she lets herself fall asleep around him. Other demons could take advantage; in a human body, it would be very easy. Some would steal her soul in her sleep.
Either she's met enough demons to tell the difference, or she knows more about him than Jihoon thought he was letting on.
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By the time they reach the first address, she's nearly slumped entirely over into the door. 
Jihoon's about to nudge her awake, but she snaps to alertness. It causes Jihoon to jump back in surprise.
One quick pass of both her hands through her hair and a deep breath, she looks as if she didn't just sleep for thirty minutes.
A parking spot opens up right across the street from the convenience store. The convenience store that currently has plumes of black smoke coming off it.
"You see it?" Jihoon asks.
She hums, fiddling with her seatbelt. "Yep. Now that I know what it means," she huffs, "you're on your own."
"Nope. I need your human scent to mask mine."
As patiently as he can muster, he says, "I can easily pick out angels and demons, but humans have a stronger scent. I'm assuming there are going to be demons here with all of that," he waves towards the convenience store, "happening." Jihoon gets out of the car and holds his hand out to her when she joins him on his side.
She frowns. "I'm not stupid."
"I can only take on your peculiar scent if I'm holding onto you."
"What kind of absolute—"
Jihoon rolls his eyes and holds his hand up between them. She watches it burn red and then stares at him in confusion.
"Other than trying to scare me, what was that supposed to accomplish?"
Jihoon yawns. "Think of it like a refractory period before my hand heats up again."
Without further protest, she grabs onto his hand. Due to the burning of his skin, he can't feel hers. But the rest of his arm feels the strength of her tug as she pulls him across the street towards the convenience store.
She pushes the door open and calls, "Mrs. Han! Are you in?"
An older woman walks out and breaks out into a wide smile. "I haven't seen you in ages, darling! How have you been?"
Jihoon senses the angel and stands slightly behind to keep his scent away. She leads the way forward, chattering on. She motions towards Jihoon. "This is my... my boyfriend." The title comes out through grit teeth.
The older woman's eyes widen. "Boyfriend? Now, I thought that other boy was your boyfriend!"
Jihoon wonders why this angel needs to shout every sentence.
"Hansol's just a friend," she laughs. "You know he's interested in Ara."
The angel nods thoughtfully. "Ah, yes! Ara's been asking if you two have been around! She says she hasn't seen you guys drawing the flower shop!"
Laughing, she pulls Jihoon to her other side so he can see more of the store. "We're working on this big mural downtown. Not much time to come and explore this area."
"How's your father?"
She tips her head both ways, watching Jihoon out of the corner of her eye. She can see the smoke coming from the back office. "He's fine. Gabe was around recently."
"Ah, discussing his soul situation, hmm?"
She nods. "Yeah. Anyway, we're just in to grab a few snacks. Going to do a little road trip today."
"Is that so?"
Mrs. Han ducks down behind the counter for a box. She places it on the counter. "Here, take your pick! I'm testing some new products! I want to know what the young people are into these days!"
Jihoon refuses to get any closer, but also refuses to let go of her hand. His hand is starting to warm, which means they're running out of time. But she leans over the box and picks out a couple. "I'll come back with Hansol and let you know what I think of them."
"And tell your father that if he can find Shakespeare's first folio to let me know!"
"Yes, ma'am." She stifles her laugh at Jihoon looking away to wince at Mrs. Han's loud volume. 
"You can call me when you're ready to pay, darling!" The angel returns to her office, passing through the black smoke. Apparently unfazed.
Jihoon drags her to the opposite end of the store near the coolers with drinks in them. She pulls open one of the fridges and peers at her options. "She's an angel."
"Yeah. The guardian angel of the florist next door," she says.
"The one that Hansol has a crush on?"
"The smoke is coming from her office," Jihoon states, peering over the shelves at the open doorway. "Or what I assume is the office."
"What kind of drinks do you like, Ji?" she asks.
The look on Jihoon's face can only be described as disgust. His stomach flips in a way he doesn't like, his heart getting uncomfortable, and his body uncomfortably warm.
A small smile quirks her lips, which only causes Jihoon's frown to deepen. Her voice drops as she whispers, "Her hearing is very selective, gotta act somewhat normal. And I told her you were my boyfriend."
"Yeah, why did you say that?"
Jihoon stares into the fridge. "The red one."
"Because we're holding hands. I have a lot of guy friends. I don't hold their hands." She passes him two drinks, which he manages to hold in his one free hand. "Also, you're starting to burn, so we don't have much time in here."
"I need to know what's back there."
She stares at him in disbelief and then holds up their intertwined between them. "I can't exactly keep her distracted and go back there."
Jihoon huffs, and then he frowns again. For a different reason. "I can't believe I'm going to say this, but we probably need that angel of yours."
They make their way back to the counter. He grabs two random packs of chips on the way down the aisle.
"Mrs. Han! We're ready to go!"
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part 9
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threepandas · 4 days
(But first! Art link! I found the edited version. The ORIGINAL is better VVV)
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As I mentioned on my LAST Yandere!Afo? The person Afo most wants to fuck? Is HIMSELF. But NOT as his own equal. God, No. He'd kill that treacherous, no doubt attempting to usurp him, snake in the grass IMMEDIATELY. He's an awful and untrustworthy WRETCH. He would know.
No, no, the man AfO MOST wants to fuck?
Is a slightly to moderately YOUNGER version of himself.
Someone WEAKER. Someone he can OVERPOWER. Watch as they struggle helplessly in his grip. He wants a GAME. To watch them LOSE. See the realization in their eyes, that they've been outmatched all along. Played. That their stubborn pride means NOTHING before him.
He loves himself. Is OBSESSED with himself. But at the same time? Wants to break that other self down and make him? Helpless, pathetic, and dirty.
Submit to him.
Refuse him.
Show him your RAGE.
And? We can argue all day, about whether he is heterosexual, homosexuality, bi or pansexual. A raging narcissist (he is). If he's Ace as FUCK. But? For the purpose of THIS post and prompt? I am commenting upon his boner for himself. His Selfcest aspect. So we're all going to go with it.
He? Wants to Fuck This Man:
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This one right here. Biiiiiit older of course, as this is baby faced Teen AfO. But? Twink AfO. Early-mid-late Twenties lookin, "I think I'm an adult but am wildly unprepared to handle the manipulations of a Seasoned Adult" baby faced, arrogant lil shit. Proud and sneering. Disdainful.
THATS the one he wants to slam full force, with super strength, not just down ONTO a flat surface, but THROUGH and right into the ground until it CRATERS. Hold him down by the NECK and choke him slowly as he takes his time. Make him watch as he destroys his precious little suit, his put together appearance, do as he pleases.
See the FURY in his eyes. The hatred. The kindling, obsessive, need for REVENGE.
You have NO idea how many times he's gotten off on that fantasy. Idly kept an eye out for Time and Reality Hopping Quirks. There is, after all, only so much relief quirks and his own touch can provide, in the end. He IS but a man. Even he gets... frustrated.
But? As they say? Every human on earth supposedly has 7 doppelgangers. Especially when you don't FUCKIN DIE. It was bound to happen EVENTUALLY. The right combination of genetics and Quirks. Lightning striking once again.
Perhaps they are distantly related through his mother's unknown family. Perhaps his father's. Impossible to tell. The traits were obviously VERY recessive. But? White hair, familiar eyes. A... "copy" quirk.
The young man is LYING.
Unlike himself, the younger man requires all five fingers touching. A variation of his own. Dressed sharply, he is a vicious lawyer. One with a preference for the poor, discriminated, underclasses. Those with DANGEROUS Quirks. Useful ones.
He greets everyone with a firm, American style, handshake.
AfO is ENTRACED. How many HUNDREDS must he have by now? A net, thrown to collect indiscriminately, until something useful appears? Does he piece them together? The weaker quirks? CAN he? Like AfO? Can only take or can he give as well? But, ah, why SHOULD he?
A little demon prince, pretending to be the benevolent hero. The white knight on shining steed. Here to save the day. How GREATFUL they all are! Afo laughs and laughs. Oh, how it takes him back.
And? They never see him coming. How could they? He is a ghost of a shadow, hidden in the dark. They think they are unique! Their own special brand of predator. Unaware there is something bigger, meaner, hunting THEM.
I imagine AfO has ALOT of fun.
But! That's for part two!
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Missing Girls!? (A Prim and Proper Problems fic)
Been a while since I've made small fics of @kayssweetdreams's Prim and Proper Problems fic! Anyways, here is another one. This time, one of my oc's extended relatives appear! Read on to see which one! Anyways, this fic takes place after Kaylo and Yuri were brought back to normal.
Thanks to Kuro's and Shiro's brave act, Yuri and Kaylo were brought back to their normal selves. After taking the time to get adjusted to their surroundings, the two now found themselves looking through everything that was collected from Madame Prim's office with the help of Leo, Emma, Mei and Aria.
"How long was Madame Prim trying to make girls go to her school?" Kaylo asked. She was stunned to see the list of names of the girls from all around the world, Timeville included. "Look at all of these people that she targeted!"
"Especially since she was using fake cash," Mei pointed out, frowning at the suitcase before she went back to sorting through the documents. Her eyes then landed on something. "Uh, you guys?"
"What is it, Mei?" Yuri asked. "What did you find?"
"You all may want to take a look at these." Mei placed two documents onto the table for Kaylo, Yuri, Leo, Emma, and Aria to see.
On the table was two missing person reports.
They both had a picture of a girl who appeared to be around the age of four. One had curly, golden blonde hair, fair skin, and aqua green eyes. The other had straight, black hair that was in a low ponytail, tanned skin, and brown eyes.
"Apparently, Madame Prim was keeping these two missing person reports," Aria said, not wanting to believe this. "But why? Kaylo? Yuri? Mei? Emma? Leo? Do these girls look familiar to you?"
Kaylo, Mei, Leo, Emma, and Yuri eyed the missing little girls' photos. "Yeah, they do look familiar," Emma said. "Not sure why…"
"Too bad there's no name on these missing reports," Mei said. "But there's something about them that is even more suspicious… I can't put my finger on what…"
"Well, we can't just hand these over to the police just yet," Leo said. "We don't know who these girls are. If only there was a way to identify them…"
Suddenly, Aria had an idea. "I know who can help with this," She said. "He's a relative of mine that lives in Scotland. He's coming over to visit me and my parents in Timeville. He'll know what to do."
Kaylo, Mei, Leo, Emma, and Yuri looked at each other. They haven't met Aria's relative yet, but considering with what has happened, they were really out of options.
Later on, the five friends were standing outside of Aria's apartment when the sound of a motorcycle was heard getting louder and louder. A black and blue motorcycle pulled up and parked. The driver pulled off his helmet, revealing a remarkably handsome man with chocolate brown hair and striking orange eyes.
"How's my little cousin doing?" The man said to Aria with a smile. Aria ran up to the man and hugged him, to which he returned the hug.
"Yuri, Mei, Kaylo, Leo, Emma, meet my older cousin," Aria said to the three. "Ethan, meet my friends. From left to right are Yuri, Mei, Leo, Emma, and Kaylo."
"You have a cousin?" Kaylo asked, stunned. Nevertheless, she and the others took turns shaking Ethan's hand. "It's nice to meet you, Ethan."
"Always a pleasure," Ethan said before turning to Aria. "I got your text, Aria. It sounded rather…troubling. What's going on?"
"It's rather a long story." Aria frowned. "But we're dealing with a woman by the name of Madame Prim. She had the audacity to brainwash Kaylo and Yuri into being perfect. Just today, we found out that she had two missing person reports."
"Madame Prim…?" Ethan crossed his arms and frowned. "Wasn't she that crazy lady that tried to marry Uncle Roy? The same one that made you, Aunt Esme, and Uncle Roy move here?"
"That's the one." Aria nodded as she handed the missing person reports to Ethan. "Anyways, we don't know who these girls are as there's no name on either of the reports. But Emma says they look familiar to her. Not to mention, Mei suspects that there's something suspicious about them. Do you think you can see if you can identify them?"
"I sure can," Ethan said with a nod as he took them from Aria. "This won't take long. All I need is a computer and I'll be able to find out who these girls are."
"There's a laptop on my desk up in my room," Aria replied, handing him the keys to her apartment. "The password should be there."
Ethan nodded and went inside. Kaylo, Yuri, Leo, Emma, and Mei all turned to Aria. "We really didn't know that you had a cousin," Leo said.
"Three, actually," Aria corrected. "Ethan happens to be the oldest. He works as a tech expert for the police back in Scotland. So he knows exactly what he's doing."
Fifteen minutes had passed. Ethan then exited out of Aria's apartment with both the missing person reports…and two pictures. "It took some time, but I was able to identify who the girls are," He explained. "The blonde-haired girl is named Delancey Stewart. And the black-haired girl is named Delilah Kane. According to the missing person reports, these two girls went missing back in the year of 2012."
Ethan then handed Leo and Emma the two photos. "I was able to use AI in order to age the girls in the photos to what they would look like as fifteen year old teenagers. You may want to see these."
The group took a good look at the photos and gasped in shock. The girls were the same Delilah and Delancey that they saw back in Timeville High when Madame Prim came. "It's Delilah and Delancey!" Yuri cried. "The same two girls that framed me and Kaylo for assaulting them and stealing from them! We saw them both at Timeville High and at PPP, Madame Prim's boarding school!"
"Wait, if they're missing, then why isn't anyone looking for them?" Leo asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
"Remember how Aria revealed that Mei felt there was something suspicious about the missing person reports?" Ethan had a very serious look on his face. "Turns out, she had every right to be suspicious. Before identifying the girls, I took a closer look at the reports and noticed that something was really off: not only were their names edited off, but they both haven't been properly filed."
"So, in other words, nobody actually knew that Delilah and Delancey were missing people," Emma said.
"That's right," Ethan said. "Knowing Madame Prim, she either stole these reports from the police station that they were meant to be sent to or someone stole them for her. Either way, it makes me wonder if she's done this stunt to other parents… I'd be devastated and angered if that happened to my cousin, Aria."
"So what do we do now?" Leo asked.
"I would highly suggest that you all talk to the one person that tried to have these reports filed," Ethan said. "I think she may be familiar to you. A certain Misere Au Bonheir… Anyways, I've got to take this all down to the police station before I visit Uncle Roy and Aunt Esme. You all be careful now."
Ethan got onto his motorcycle and rode off.
"Guess we have to talk to Misere," Yuri said. "But how did she know that the two girls were missing?"
Kaylo belongs to @kayssweetdreams
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Aria, Ethan, Roy, and Esme belong to me.
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league-of-sam · 11 months
Catching A Ghost | Simon 'GHOST' Riley
Ghost x Reader
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Simon 'GHOST' Riley x AFAB!Reader!OC 18+ MINORS DNI! t.w // angst, mental health, language, violence, death, sexual themes/SMUT, military inaccuracies, language inaccuracies (google translate).
Catching A Ghost: Masterlist
It didn't take long to catch the team up to speed. 
Despite having worked on the team for months, Hassan was incredibly careful, and you and your old team had barely scraped enough information for a folder. 
Leaning over the map on the table, you placed tokens, pinpointing the locations of various gangs, possible hideouts, and anything else you knew of.
"This is quite the intel, (Y/N), I'm proud of you." Price said, and you smiled widely.
"Unfortunately, it's all we were able to get before (Y/N) and her team were, uh, compromised." Laswell said.
Eyes flicked back to you as you shifted uncomfortably, looking down at your hands. 
"You all need to get a good night's rest; everyone needs to scrub up on their training before we try to take Hassan." Laswell spoke again, clearly picking up on the tension from you.
Everyone nodded, collecting their various belongings scattered around the room, and then made their way out. Price stayed behind with Laswell, the latter telling you to go ahead to your room, where your things were waiting for you.
"Know where you're goin', sweet cheeks?" Alex said, approaching you.
"Not a clue." You laughed.
"C'mon. I'll show you to the house."
Smiling, he threw an arm around your shoulder, yours latching around his waist, and he led you toward the door. 
You stopped abruptly before moving outside, pulling your mask out of your pocket.
"You don't have to wear that 'round here, you know." Alex said, watching you place the mask on your face.
"You never know who's watching, Al. Can't afford to take that chance. It was bad enough that you and John are together, never mind that we're all now on the same task force." You shrugged.
He gave you a sympathetic look, knowing where you were coming from. 
He sometimes wished he'd taken a leaf out of your book, especially after meeting Ghost too. The two of you were pretty similar when it came to your identity.
Nodding to you, you continued to walk out of the door just in front of Alex, when you went crashing into something big, and hard. 
You gasped as you stumbled, hands gripping at the first thing they could hold to stop your fall, which just so happened to be Ghost's hoodie, now bunched into your fists. It appeared he also wanted you to avoid ending up on the floor, as you felt his gloved fingers digging into your hips, holding you flush against him. 
You slowly looked up to meet his gaze. 
Christ, how tall was he?
"Fuck- s-sorry, my bad." You mumbled out, still tight against his chest.
He held your eyes for a moment, and then let go, pushing you to arm's length, "Watch where ya goin', next time." He growled.
"Right, yeah. Sorry."
Ghost looked behind you, glaring at Alex before continuing back into the room. You frowned, but your face was hot. 
Thank God for the mask, because without it, everyone would have seen how madly you were blushing. 
It was him that smelled like gunpowder and...
"Is he always like that?" you said, following Alex out into the night.
"Yup, that's Ghost for you. Never seen him do that, though."
"Well first, the complete evil eyes he gave me, and second, Ghost doesn't touch people. Like, ever."
You furrowed your brows, but decided not to question further, honestly too tired to give a fuck. 
It had been a long day and frankly you just wanted a bed.
"And here is your room, m'lady." Alex said, dramatically bowing as he opened your door.
Giggling, you entered, and did a small gleeful jiggle when you saw that Laswell had had someone make up your bed.
Thank God.
"This good enough for you, angel?" Alex said, leaning against the doorframe.
"It's perfect." you said, flopping down onto the bed.
Tapping the space next to you, you nodded to Alex, who smiled, moving over to lie down at your side, facing you.
"How's the leg?" you whispered.
"It's good, stop worrying about it."
"I won't stop, Al, I almost lost you. We all thought you'd died in Barkov's lab-"
"But I didn't, did I?" he smiled, rolling to his side. "Hmm? Did I?"
"No, you didn't."
"So I'm fine, (Y/N), okay?"
The two of you lay in each other's arms, mostly just enjoying each other's silent presence after not seeing each other for months, until the voices of the others pulled you back to reality.
"Well, that's my cue to hit the hay." he said, standing up and pulling you with him.
He opened your door, stepping out into the hallway as you followed, trudging slowly after him. 
"I missed you, so much." you sighed, wrapping your arms around his middle.
"I missed you too, angel."
You squeezed him tighter, pushing your face into his chest.
"Hey- hey, (Y/N), what's goin' on?" 
"I just...never mind. It's fine." you sniffed, pulling away. "I'm fine."
"You promise?" he said, looking down to you.
"I promise."
Boots thudding on the stairs interrupted your conversation as Ghost and Price emerged, stopping in their tracks as if they'd interrupted a moment.
"Yikes, well...I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Alex said, letting you go.
"Of course, g'night." 
He placed a kiss to your forehead, before skipping down the hall, nodding to Ghost and Price as he passed. You turned to them, feigning a smile.
"Not sure I liked seeing a guy come out of your room in the night, (Y/N)." Price said.
"Oh give over, John. I'm a big girl." you rolled your eyes, laughing. 
Ghost said nothing.
He just stood, staring from you, to Alex's door, and back to you. When he did move, he moved to stand in front of the door next to yours.
That was his room.
"Goodnight, Captain, L.T." you said, nodding to each of them before turning back into your room, shutting the door softly. 
Quickly stripping off your clothes and into some shorts and a tank, you slipped under the covers, gun gripped tightly in your hand underneath the pillow.
You woke up before anyone else. 
It was a shared house, a lot bigger inside that it looked. Everyone had their own room. Granted, they were pretty small, but it was better than the other shitty bases you'd stayed at.
The walls were relatively thin, and you smiled to yourself as you heard Price snoring away from three rooms down. 
Ghost, in the room next to you, though, was as silent as a mouse. 
You hadn't heard a peep all night. In fact, you couldn't quite decide whether he was actually in there.
Springing out of bed, you threw on a faded black army hoodie, stretched from years of it being your comfort clothing. 
Padding to the bathroom, you brushed your teeth and washed your face, tossing your hair up roughly. You were thankful for your expert training, because now you were able to move around almost silently, so you didn't have to worry too much about waking the others.
Stopping back at your room to slip on some headphones for music, you skipped downstairs and into the large kitchen. 
It was nice; beautiful counters, top of the range ovens and hobs, and a huge fridge-freezer. 
It was stocked with all things necessary for a big breakfast, so you quickly got to work cooking up omelettes, bacon, and other things for the boys to enjoy. 
Cooking, you moved your hips gracefully, nodding your head along to the music flowing in your ears. Despite being in such an environment, you felt a sense of normalcy, and it was comforting.
"So ya gonna get in the way of my mornin's, too?" a voice came from behind you, making you jump and spin around, hand over your heart.
"Jesus, fuck- Ghost!" you said, pulling the headphones down as you came face to face with the masked man. "Don't scare me like that."
"Maybe you should be more aware of your surroundings."
"I'm at home, cooking breakfast," you quipped, raising an eyebrow, "what exactly do I need to be aware of?"
"Well, ya didn't hear me, could've easily come up and killed ya right there."
"But you didn't."
"Not the point. I could've." He grumbled.
"But you didn't." Your eyes twinkled with amusement, messing with him was a little more fun than you'd expected, "And how exactly am I getting in the way of your mornings?"
"In my way. I'm usually the only one up at this time."
"Yeah well, me too." You shrugged turning back to finish cooking.
By then, you heard the stirring of the others, laughing as you heard that unmissable Scottish accent exclaim about smelling food.
Rolling his eyes, Ghost pushed past you toward the back door, "Goin' for a run."
"Don't you wanna eat first?" you said, a little confused.
You didn't get chance to hear his answer, though, as the men children of the 141 came bustling down, practically shoving each other out of the way to be the first through the doorway. You giggled, telling them to calm down, and handed each of them a plate you'd put together.
Everyone ate in silence, except for the content noises they made as they shovelled in your delicious breakfast. 
If you did say so yourself, it was damn good. 
A flash of black caught your attention outside as you saw Ghost returning. You perked up, for some reason, ready to greet him, but he just mumbled a hello to the others and rushed upstairs.
"He not eating with us?" you questioned.
"Nah-" Soap said, mouth full of eggs, "he doesn't much. Keeps to himself, but I think he's warming up to us."
"He should eat." You whispered and put together a plate.
The boys took no notice as you excused yourself for a moment, taking the plate upstairs. You stopped outside the bathroom, hearing the shower run, so you opted to leave the plate on the floor outside of his room. 
You were about to do so, but noticed that the door was slightly ajar. With curiosity getting the better of you, you pushed open the door a little more, and peered in. 
Christ, and people thought you were neat. 
Everything was completely spotless and crisp. There was no question that this was the room of a hardened military man. 
"What the fuck are you doing?" Ghost said, now behind you.
You gasped, turning quickly to face him. 
His eyes were hard and angry. Water still glistened down his body. His mask was still on, but only a towel hung loosely around his waist. 
Low on his waist, fuck. 
"I-I, uh sorry I was just bringing you, uh..."
Completely flustered, words failed you, so you opted to just shove the plate of lukewarm food into his face. 
He glanced at it, then back at you, nodding a little as he took it from you silently.
"Mind your business, Reaper." He said, and with that, he pushed into his room, closing the door.
"A thank you would have sufficed." You mumbled to yourself.
Shaking yourself out of the trance you had now found yourself in, you moved back to the kitchen. 
Price opened his arms for you as you re-emerged, squeezing you softly as he placed a chaste kiss to your forehead.
"Mornin' L.T." Soap greeted you, smiling sweetly.
"Morning, L.T." Alex mocked him, earning a swift thump to the arm from Soap.
"Good morning, Soap." You smiled back, "I trust your breakfast was up to standard?"
"Bloody beautiful, love."
The others murmured in agreement, happy to have been fed well. You moved from Price's arms to start gathering the empty dishes, preparing to wash up.
"Glad you're 'ere (Y/N), I was getting pretty sick of Alejandro's shitty cooking." Your brother said.
"Ay! There is nothing wrong with my cooking, pendejo."
"Like hell there isn't, Ale. Not everything has to be so spicy!" Alex spoke up.
"Spicy? That's nothing!"
That was it, then. 
The boys fell into a full-blown argument over who had the worst cooking skills. It was honestly laughable that this was supposed to be the deadliest task force in the world. 
No one dared tangle with the 141, unless they had spices for ammo, clearly.
You giggled, washing up happily as they continued to argue, but that soon quietened down with the sound of boots thumping on the stairs. 
Sure enough, a now-fully dressed Ghost came into the kitchen, placing his empty plate next to you. 
No words were shared, but you liked to think he was grateful. 
He stepped back, moving to lean against the counter in the corner of the room. His eyes burned into your skin as he watched you clean up, and you suddenly came aware of how little you were wearing.
"So, (Y/N), why don't you tell us a little more about yourself?" Soap asked, a flirty tone in his voice.
"Well, what would you like to know, sergeant?" You smiled, leaning onto the island counter, mug of tea in hand.
"Might as well get the elephant in the room out the way first...you single?"
"Behave, Johnny." Price said, glaring at the younger sergeant.
You laughed at your brother's protectiveness, smirking, "As a matter of fact, I am."
"You are?" Practically every mouth in the room said.
"...yes? Why is that such a shock?"
"Because...you're like, super-hot." Soap said, and this time, Price smacked him up the back of the head.
"Oh, thank you." You blushed, looking down at your mug, "I've not been single for long, though. I was engaged before. Called it off about two months ago."
"What did he do, (Y/N)?" Price grunted, fists balling at his sides, "I'll kill him."
"It's a long story, not really one I'd like to get into right now." You said through gritted teeth, hopeful that he'd get the message and drop it.
"What do you like to do for fun?" Alejandro asked, clearly sensing the tension in the room.
"I like reading, drawing, I'm a sucker for some video games too."
As you reeled off your interests and other little trivia about yourself, the boys hung on to every word. 
Price had held them all back in the kitchen when you'd disappeared before, telling them things that had them feeling sympathy for you, and so they vowed to make as much of an effort as possible to make you feel at home in the group.
Whatever they were doing, it was working. It was only your first official day, and already you felt like part of the family.
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geometry-trio · 9 months
geometry trio hell yeah
so uh hi. I don't know how you found this. But you're here now. It kind of feels like you just.. walked into our house lol. Anyway..
who are you?? -> we are 3 guys from the cyberspace collective, basically we live in a kid's brain. we happen to be fictive introjects of bill cipher (gravity falls), yung venuz (nuclear throne/gun godz) and an OC from a fanfic
what are you doing here? -> we're kind of our own thing separate from the rest of the system so we made a little sideblog where we just talk to eachother or make memes that nobody on the outerworld will understand etc.
anything to watch out for in this blog? -> not really. we try to censor/avoid swearing and stuff. if anything triggers you, tell us ::]
more info under the cut (stuff about us individually, tagging system, etc.)
so we are YV, PX, and Cipher (to you)
Also known as Yung Venuz. you might hear us calling him "Vi" or "Veeny". he doesn't mind if you use those nicknames too.
Pronouns are he/him, gun/guns and dei/deity. Gamer tag: "GUNGODA42" or "42gunz"
Dei has kind of broken grammar (just how broken depends on how well dei is or if dei's being assisted in typing) and struggles with understanding stuff so be patient w/ deit.
If you know us well enough, you know who exactly he is, but he really doesn't want to disclose his name here.
Feel free to call him "Px", "Codex" or "Pol" but no you're not free to use all the other nicknames he's called on this blog (princess, doll, moonspot, etc.)
try not to say his actual name [this includes deadname and the name that comes before Codex]
goes by he/him.
this is unlikely to be relevant [tho we Have gotten triggered on accident recently.] but just in case: sexual violence is an extreme trigger for him KEEP IT AWAY.
prefers being called Cipher instead of Bill by strangers but he doesn't mind. Nicknames include "C", "Barbie" and "Bees"
goes by he/him. still genderweird
tends to type in all caps or by writing certain words in caps. he can write in lowercase though.
most likely to be weird here.
#trio talk -> post made by all 3 of us together or an info post
#guys be talkin -> any post where we say things
#yv #veeny #veenz -> yv talking // #px -> px // #c -> cipher
#yv assisted -> yv is talking in this post but someone is helping him either type or comprehend.
#pics -> pictures, drawings, etc as long as theyre made or from us. dont always expect ids
#scenes -> screenshots from our discord server or transcripts of in-headspace convos
Don't be weird in general, much less with Px. He doesnt mind mentions of his source though [and, his story and his character's story is different. but yeah just. try not to think a lot of him as the character.]
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h0rr0rsaxo · 1 year
Okay so I have another ocv idea...hope you don't mind. So this is where cp Anni ends up in the oc-verse.
Fang and Viper are freaking out, Kellin and Vince are sitting there like dude....this human is kinda cute, Varrick is standing there holding onto Anni and quite literally is about to kill anyone who tries to touch or get too close and ocv Anni is being unreasonably aggressive, insulting Anni and threatening her, saying things like... "If you were smart you wouldn't be here. You are weak and pathetic and could get us all killed ! In fact I hope some demon catches you and decides to eat you."
"I won't fucking hesitate to kill you. In fact i'd relish in it." which is making Varrick tug her closer to him. Once everyone calms down they realize that human Anni is very much human and smells like such so they have to get rid of the smell. Fang offers to use a spell but Varrick practically jumps at the chance for affection and scents her by hugging her, rubbing his face against her, kissing her cheeks and neck, ocv Anni is seeing this and is just glaring, she feels jealous and kinda lonely but says nothing and sits there with her...."cat". Human Anni even tries to pet her "cat" but Azrael goes into his actual form and screeches, unhinging his jaw and scaring the piss out of poor cp Anni, and Varrick just shields her and glares at ocv Anni and her "pet."Then cp Anni just looks at her other self and narrows her eyes and says, "Why are you such a bitch? This entire time you've been sitting scowling and sulking, so what the hell is your problem?"
Ocv Anni: "YOU are my problem. You shouldn't be here!" and the arguing goes on until it gets to cp Anni just completely calling out ocv Anni.
"Oh whatever, you're just jealous and you know what, I know what your scared of. Your scared of being close to people, your scared that if you get close to anyone like you did with Ris, something bad will happen and you'll get hurt again....you and me may be different but we both have the same fears. So stop acting like you're all high and mighty."
(I am so so so sorry this is so long, no pressure, feel free to ignore this or change and get rid of/add anything you'd like and if you have any questions then feel free to ask!)
[ jealousy. || simp party. ]
Warnings: none.
Tags: @insane-horror-movie-addict
A/N: Never mention Ris around her...-- also, not really proof read?
Word count: 2,769
Fang and Viper found themselves in a dimly lit room, the flickering torches casting eerie shadows on the stone walls. The room was filled with demons, their glowing eyes fixed on the two of them as they entered. Fang's heart raced as she realized the gravity of the situation. She had messed up, and now she was in the presence of Enid and her shadow-proxies. She could feel their stares piercing through her, and her mind raced with thoughts of what kind of punishment Nightmare would inflict upon her.
"Oh no, Nightmare is going to be so angry with us," Fang whispered, her voice trembling with fear. "We're going to be in so much trouble! We allowed them to bring another human— you know how much Nightmare fucking hates humans?! We're all going to be fucking executed by her fucking proxies!" She paced back and forth in a panic, her heart racing as she began to sweat
Viper, who had been calm and collected up until this point, suddenly became more forceful. "Fang, pull yourself together!" she yelled, her voice echoing off the walls, she jumped up and grabbed Fang by the shoulders and striking a palm on her face to get to snap out of it, "We knew this was a possibility, and we have a plan. If we handle this correctly, everything will be fine." Fang nodded, trying to steady her breathing. She knew that Viper was right, but it was hard to shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in her stomach.
Fang looked at Viper with wide eyes, her breath coming in short gasps. "How the fuck would you know?! You're the one who got us into this mess!" she asked, her voice trembling.
Fang's eyes blazed with fury as she confronted Varrick, the large demon who had brought a human into their world. "How could you be so fucking idiotic?!" she yelled, her voice echoing off the walls of the cavernous room. "You know that Nightmare will punish us all severely for this! And if we manage to escape death like that, then creatures from all over are going to TRACK her scent down just to get a taste of this human!"
Varrick looked sheepish, his eyes darting around the room as if he was searching for an escape. "I didn't think it through," he muttered, his voice barely audible over Fang's angry tirade. "But I know I didn't make a mistake— she's so precious.."
Fang shook her head, her long black hair whipping around her face. "You never think anything through," she snapped. "Now we're all going to suffer the consequences of your stupidity!" Everyone's eyes fixed on Fang and Varrick as they argued. Fang could feel their collective tension and fear, their bodies tensing as they braced themselves for the wrath of her furious state. "Varrick? Are you even listening?!"
Varrick, a large demon with rippling muscles and a fearsome countenance, looked down at Anni with a tender expression. He had always been fond of the small, fragile human, and he couldn't resist the urge to show her affection. Gently, he reached out and traced his fingers along her cheek, marveling at the softness of her skin. Anni looked up at him, her eyes wide with wonder. "You are so delicate," Varrick murmured, his voice low and rumbling. "I must be careful not to hurt you."
Anni smiled up at him, her face glowing with happiness. "You're always so gentle with me," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Varrick leaned down and pressed his forehead against hers, his large, calloused hands cradling her face. "You are precious to me," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "I will protect you, always." Anni felt a warmth spread through her body as she gazed up at him. Despite his fearsome appearance, Varrick was always so gentle and caring with her. She felt safe and loved in his arms. Varrick pulled her close, his massive arms enveloping her in a warm embrace. Anni snuggled into him, feeling his heartbeat steady and strong against her chest. For a few moments, they stayed like that, lost in their own world of love and affection. In that moment, nothing else mattered. They were together, and that was all that mattered.
Finally, Varrick leaned back and gazed down at her with a soft smile. "You are my treasure," he said, his voice filled with reverence. "And I will cherish you always." Anni smiled back at him, feeling her heart swell with love. She knew that with Varrick by her side, she could face anything that the world might throw at her. He was her protector, her guardian, and her love— he was nothing like the other Varrick back at home. When Vince tried to walk up to the human, Varrick started growling— glaring at his brother with disdain.
"Seriously, can you stop touching that human? It's fucking pathetic to see you that desperate for attention, Varrick." Ocv-Anni bit at him, clearly angered by his irritating display of affection towards her alternate self. Kellin snorted with a chuckle at her behavior, but quickly shut his mouth when he realized she had been glaring at him with vicious intent. "I can't believe you can even be considered a proxy with this behavior."
Ocv-Anni grunted and rubbed her head, a headache suddenly eating at her brain. Clenching her eyes shut, she moved towards her alternate self that was being smothered in affection, "And you. You pathetic little human. I can't believe you're even a version of me! Why are you so weak looking? I could kill you right now!"
"And I can't believe even when my alternate self is some badass asshole, I still don't get any taller." Anni said bluntly— looking at the angered woman with a completely flat-tone while saying that. "Why are you even trying to threaten me? You're like 5'3…at most." Anni narrowed her eyes.
Ocv-Anni felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment as the room erupted into laughter.
The laughter continued, growing louder and more raucous with each passing moment. Anni could feel the weight of their amusement pressing down upon him, suffocating her with its intensity. Finally, one of the onlookers spoke up, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Yeah, Anni," Kellin said. "Why are you threatening her? Varrick could easily just pick you up…and put you on top of a fridge so you wouldn't hurt his treasure." Kellin's tone was laced with mockery as he snickered and teased both ocv-Anni and Varrick.
Ocv-Anni's embarrassment turned to anger as she bristled at the insult. "Shut up," she spat, her voice shaking with annoyance. "I could kill you right now." The room fell silent, the laughter dying away as her threat hung in the air. He felt a pang of regret, knowing that he had probably ensured that ocv-Anni was going to kick his ass later.
"And you." Ocv-Anni was sharp with her words, but she managed to spit them out. Her colorless-eyes were venomous with her, letting the human know she wanted absolutely nothing to do with her, "If you were smart you wouldn't be here. You are weak and pathetic and could get us all killed! In fact I hope some demon catches you and decides to eat you— in fact, I hope a crawler comes to tear you apart. Limb by limb."
"You know what? I don't need those creatures to do the job." The much more dangerous version of Anni paused to look at her, her eyebrow raising and it was enough to send her little human heart leaping from her chest- but she smirked shortly after. "I won't fucking hesitate to kill you. In fact I'd relish it. It's your fault for being stupid enough to decide to come here in the first place."
Varrick, the large demonic man, could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he surveyed the dimly lit room. He knew they were in danger, and he would do anything to protect Anni, the young human girl who was with him. "Anni, come here," he said, his voice low and urgent. He pulled her closer to him, his massive arm encircling her protectively. Anni looked up at Varrick, her eyes wide with wonder. She could see the worry etched into his face, and it made her so curious— why was he so worried? Would that other version of her actually go through with her threats?
Fang, the only other human, let out a low groan as she surveyed the group of people gathered before her. She couldn't help but shake her head at the tension in the air.
"Can we cut this soap-opera act and come up with a plan, please?" Fang said, her voice dripping with annoyance, "Do any of you have a plan to cover up Anni's human scent before the crawlers come to hunt her down? Or are we just going to let her be a sitting duck?" The other demons looked at Fang with a mixture of annoyance and confusion.
They knew that Fang had a tendency to be sarcastic and snarky, but they couldn't deny that she had a point, "The moment she steps out of this place, crawlers are going to surround us. My magic has been lacking as if recently, so I'm not certain I can hold them all off. These things can't be killed with regular weapons, people."
"We could use some of the herbs from the forest," suggested Vince tentatively, a look of concentration as he carefully set his finger on top of his chin, "They might help mask her scent."
Fang rolled her eyes. "Oh, great idea," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Because I'm sure the demons won't be able to smell the human girl walking around with a bunch of herbs stuffed in her pockets." Vince quickly flipped her off, while the others were unsure of how to respond to Fang's biting comments.
"Well, then what do you suggest we do, smart-ass?" Kellin rolled his eyes at the snarky woman, his azure-eyes trailing to her with annoyance.
Fang let out a sigh, her expression softening slightly, "We need to be smart about this. We need to find a way to protect Anni, or else we're all in trouble." She said, "I guess I can cast a spell on her temporarily but—"
"Let me do it." Varrick quickly interrupts— an adorable yet goofy smile as he grinned down at his little treasured human. Anni certainly was confused on what they had been talking about, this entire situation as a whole was confusing— I mean, until now, she didn't even know other worldly travel was possible— like at all. She didn't even know she had an alternate self, with differences that she'd never begin to imagine. Anni's eyes widened even further, and she instinctively moved closer to Varrick. She could feel the heat radiating off his massive body, and it was comforting in such a difficult moment.
Anni felt her face getting warmer. She hated to be the center of attention, and at this moment all the girls were piercing her with their curious eyes, making her sigh. It was all irritating to her, until she felt a chaste kiss being pressed against her soft skin— that was the one thing that hadn't changed about Varrick, he wasn't ashamed to show her affection— at all. A soft smile crossed her lips without her realizing it, her eyes glued to her intertwined fingers resting in her lap while he continued with practically rubbing himself against her. Smiling sheepishly, she turned to run her fingers through his hair, enjoying the way his large fingertips slipped alongside her skin, abnormally warm fingers drawing random patterns on her skin while he pressed kisses all over. Placing her hands over his, she slightly bumped her head against his chin, receiving a kiss on the cheek in return. Giggles were spilling from their throats, and Ocv-Anni felt sick.
Ocv-Anni sat serenely on the plush velvet couch, her long fingers delicately stroking the soft fur of her magical feline, Azrael. The feline purred contentedly, arching her back in pleasure at the sensation of her owner's touch. Ocv-Anni's eyes were narrowed, lost in the moment of pure jealousy that came from watching Varrick throw himself at somebody new, as soon as they gave him the attention he craved. As Ocv-Anni continued to pet Azrael, the room grew quiet, the only sounds being the soft purring of the cat and the gentle rustling of fabric as she shifted position. Anni approached the couch, a look of curiosity on her face. She reached out to pet Azrael, but as her hand made contact, something strange happened.
Azrael's fur bristled, his eyes turned deep red, and his body began to contort and twist in a grotesque manner. His once-soft fur became spiky and sharp, and his purring turned into a low, menacing growl. Anni recoiled in horror as the creature before her continued to shift and change, growing larger and more monstrous by the second. Varrick's face fell as he realized what was happening. He had forgotten to warn Anni about Azrael's tendency to shape-shift when she was agitated or startled. He quickly leapt to his feet, grabbing Anni's hand and pulling her towards the door. As they fled across the room, the monstrous creature that had once been Azrael let out a deafening roar, its sharp claws raking the furniture as it began to unhinge its jaws— before it turned back into a small feline, jumping back onto Ocv-Anni's lap as she snickered.
"Why are you such a bitch? This entire time you've been sitting scowling and sulking, so what the hell is your problem?" Anni heard her alternate self scoff under her breath, while her feline followed her lead. Anni was already prepared for her alternate self's disgruntled stubbornness— quickly flipping off her and her terrifying cat— which only caused the feline to hiss even more.
"YOU are my problem. You shouldn't be here!" Ocv-Anni's nails were buried deep in the palm of her hands, creating moon shapes. Her fists tighten, shivers running through her spine and her arms shaking uncontrollably, "You're causing nothing but problems, once they find out an ordinary human is here, we'll be killed. If not by the hundreds of crawlers tracking us, it's gonna be by the same damn goddess who killed the only fucking person I've ever cared about!" Varrick felt oddly offended by that statement, he narrowed his eyes slightly and sadly buried his head into Anni's neck, pulling the human closer to him for utmost comfort.
"Oh whatever, you're just jealous and you know what, I know what you're scared of," Anni could feel the power of her alternate self, a few meters away from her and her friends, like she was just by her side— her aura was terrifying. It was like her hands smashing her body, pushing her to the ground. Just standing there was hard, and all she could do was repeat the same phrase; 'please don't kill me for saying this,' "You're scared of being close to people, you're scared that if you get close to anyone like you did with Ris, something bad will happen and you'll get hurt again....you and I may be different but we both have the same fears. So stop acting like you're all high and mighty."
Ocv-Anni's heart accelerated. She observed her fingers. They were the same as when she had stretched them towards Ris, seconds before her life was taken by the blue–haired devil. Anni could still see her eyes being engulfed by black— smoke even emitting from them. She could hear her voice echoing her name, the pain she felt once she reached the floor alone. And the darkness, "DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT NAME! YOU DON'T GET TO SAY HER NAME, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO LOSE SOMEONE LIKE THAT!" Her fist struck the wall near them, causing the unstable wall to collapse beneath the strength of her fist. The entire house they were hiding in almost collapsed, with most of it already being obliterated. Light steam emitted from her fist, from the pure strength and velocity from the punch.
Everyone watched in sympathy as ocv-Anni hyperventilated, smoke still engulfing her fists while she glared at her freckled alternate self. Vince glided his hands to her shoulder, in an attempt to calm the shadow proxy, but she only shoved him off and turned on her heel, towards the forest.
"I'm going out to let off some steam."
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2-wuv · 2 years
ok OC character building/rambling time under the cut
(before I start I just wanna say that we are collectively psychotic and that's the end of that sentence do not @ me for any tropes/negative psychosis stereotypes talked about here. thanks.)
Ok so Nestle, right. The dude kills his SO. we've got that figured out for the Plot™. But like… what's his Motive behind it, y'know?
And… We have… About 4 angel characters in the story. All fill the role of guardian angel in some way. All know each other. Soooooooo.…
What if,,, Be it Before or After the Murdering, the Angel Council (a placeholder name) starts talking 2 him. Now the four of em have different ideas in mind for him and it is A Mess and they don't Get Along and Nestle's like, "this is fine :)" and moves on with his life and continues to commit crimes and generally being an Overall Nuisance to people around him Oh also did I mention that these 4 angels are supposed to make sure he doesn't get into any more trouble. they don't do that. they're too busy arguing abt what path they should put Nestle on.
So while they're arguing Nestle's out doing Whatever the fuck. Probably not murder. Probably. Most likely vandalism and theft and also physical assault but not MURDER, no, that was a one time thing it's fine he's fine! Meanwhile In Heaven everything's going to shit because the four fuckos cannot come 2 an agreement thus meaning they can't make sure Nestle acts nice and not violent thus meaning he is still Out Here. Committing Crimes. </3 Rip
But eVERY NOW AND THEN. They Do collectively decide on shit to tell him and they're all like "HI HEY HELLO. WE'RE YOUR GUARDIAN ANGELS. DON'T DO X THING OK BYEEEEEEeeeee" and Nestle's like "Huh. ok! :)" and stops doing X thing midway through and like ups and leaves. His friends r like "hey what" and he's like "yeah the angels told me not to, ciao" and they're like "ok go off. not the weirdest shit that's happened this week"
Just a Small Idea rn in general. We need some way to connect Thee Angels to Thee OG Crew in the story so,,, we'll ofc still keep thinking of ideas this isn't finalized at all but the idea of "one guy with multiple guardian angels who are all shit at their job" is. so funny 2 us HFJDJjajdjf
#talky#oc talk#yes i am purposefully playing around w the 'InSaNe MuRdErEr HeArS vOiCeS oOoOoH!!' stereotype but listen 2 me right now.#***I*** am the psycho clown-ass motherfucker and ***THIS*** is my goddamn circus. If i wanna fuck around w stereotypes related#to my brain bs i damn well will. and i will write it in a way that's funny to us as a whole#bc at the end of the day no one aside us and like 2 friends will read totchb tbh#I think all this would happen After Allan gets yote tho#thus meaning we still need a motive for the murder.#amd other things ofc. like i said it's all small ideas n tidbits I'm brainstorming here#so in short:#Nestle does a Violence. Allan Dies. Angels get a Notif™ thts like#'hey this guy needs guardian angels 2 keep him from being more damned. y'all r in charge.'#the angels have 2 figure out how 2 work together to keep this one guy alive#unrelated I'm feeling deja vu shit rn. the fuck.#anyways meanwhile Nestle's like 'well this is weird. go off tho.#Uhhhh anyways my life is in shambles suddenly I'm gonna go swing my bat at things bc of it. ciao.'#will also probably Indeed give him (and others in the story.) My Symptoms of Unreality Brain Disorder#Hmmmb and actually thinking abt it more. He has friends outside of Allan#(in theory. i haven't Put Characterization into any of em yet but Eventually i will)#what if They egged him on and pushed him over the edge to kill Allan..... Hmmmmb 🤔🤔🤔 perhaps.#i am falling down the characterization brainstorming rabbit hole I'm gonna stop now ajdjsjdj#ask to tag#totchb
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meadowmines · 8 months
OC-Tober Day 21: Different Era
It's not often that Aoyagi gets to enjoy a bath in a nice bathhouse at a reasonable hour. He usually just comes in the middle of the night because the place is deserted. But sometimes, just sometimes, the combination of Shinsengumi money burning a hole in his pocket and the stress of having to feed his fellow troops to earn that paycheck line up just right and the second he can get away with shutting the kitchen for the night he puts out the fire and runs like hell to catch a nice hot bath.
Look, do you have any idea how much these animals can eat? You try feeding a pack of ravenous Mibu Wolves and see how much sanity you've got left by the time dinner's over. Sure, it helps that this Saito guy that's just joined up can cook a little and grows some veggies and brings some eggs and fish and stuff in once in a while but goddamn.
Anyway, he said fuck this shit I'm out, grabbed his money, ran to this nice bathhouse, slammed a whole ryo on the counter for an hour of private bathtime, and now he's just letting his cares soak away without having to worry about who might see what's under his clothes.
He thinks he hears some conversation out front, the attendant talking, then a woman's voice (he thinks) saying something he can't quite make out. He ignores it. It's not his problem.
It's not his problem, he thinks, until he hears someone walk in on his private bathtime. His first instinct is to cover up, and he goes as far as sinking neck-deep into the water before he opens his eyes to glare daggers at whoever just walked in. "I dunno if the guy out front told ya," he starts, "but I paid a whole-ass ryo for an hour in private. Wait yer turn."
"Oh, that's fine!" Same voice, but now Aoyagi recognizes it.
Oh. Okay. It's that Sonno Joui asshole. Great. Awesome. Just what he needed tonight.
"I do that too, you know. For the same reason, even!" And without the least little bit of self-consciousness Yamaoka steps right into the water and sits just far enough away that Aoyagi can't bitch about it. "Hey. No need to be shy. We're all men here, right?"
"Sit on a sea urchin," Aoyagi grumbles, averting his eyes. Yamaoka is tall and slim and he's got long legs and big hands and feet and he probably doesn't even have to bind his chest. Aoyagi is chubby and stubby and lives in constant fear that his shit's going to come undone at the worst possible time. Very few people know what's under his clothes--his brother, Captain Okita, the chief, this asshole, and that's about it and he'd like to keep it that way. "C'mon, man. Ya can't wait one hour?"
"Aw, don't be like that!" Yamaoka shrugs innocently. Innocent, Aoyagi's entire ass. "I never see you around anymore. Heard Okita's working you and your brother half to death."
It's not exactly untrue but like hell is Aoyagi going to admit to that right now. "The Captain saved my life," he says as mildly as he can. Now that part is true, even if Aoyagi suspects the man was more excited about adding a few new bloodstains to his collection than he was invested in saving anyone. "I owe him for that."
"Hey, good loyal men like you don't grow on trees. He doesn't know how lucky he is." Yamaoka says with a shit-eating grin. "You know I could get you into the Sonno Joui. Just say the word."
"Really," Aoyagi deadpans. "The way I hear it, my blood's got too much of the West in it for your outfit."
"Oh, don't worry about that," Yamaoka says, casually waving a hand in a way that just happens to flick water right into Aoyagi's face. "We know you're one of the good ones."
"I'm gonna pop ya a good one if ya don't shut the fuck up while I'm tryin' to relax."
All that gets out of Yamaoka is a laugh. Maybe not the heartiest one--sure, Aoyagi makes most of his coin in the kitchen but he picks up a fair bit of scratch kicking asses that need kicked, and he's no slouch with a sword. Yamaoka is a flashy bastard (he struts around Kyo with not one but two revolvers, what kind of asshole even does that!?) and he's got a pretty scary reputation that isn't unearned. He's a crack shot and deadly at range, but he's shit in a close fight and he's got to be considering his chances if Aoyagi just snaps and starts pounding the crap out of him right here in the middle of the bathhouse.
"All right, all right," Yamaoka finally says, hands held up in the most nonthreatening possible gesture. "Yamaoka-no-nii-san's just trying to help, no need to get a big tail about it. So hey, you see the chicken races last night? My girl picked a few winners, let's just say I got lucky more than once..."
Aoyagi holds his nose and quietly slips under the surface of the water and wonders if he can hold his breath until this asshole stops talking.
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