#and you are not entitled to a writer creating a story to your preferences unless its specifically a gift exchange
echoofawind · 5 months
I have a problem with 90% of the fests I see advertised with prompting. I love the idea of sharing plot bunnies or creative ideas. I don't like it when the prompt forms have a dozen fields outside of the prompt that further specifies anything. Ship, rating, characters, triggers, etc. A prompt in a standard fest is NOT a request for a gift. The writer is not obligated to write you a story. If you as a prompter have a list of requirements for the prompt, then you are not offering a prompt. You are saying, writer you must write me this exact story. I do not understand how that is seen as the norm in fandom right now instead of rude and limiting?
As long as you don't gift the story to the prompter, you are under NO OBLIGATION to follow any of those superfluous prompt fields. It's a prompt. A starting point for inspiration.
I cannot count how many fest prompts I've read through, found a prompt that sang to my muse and started crafting an idea only to then read 'Do Not Write: age gap relationship. Or only X or Y characters' . Who is this prompter to tell me what stories I am allowed to create? That is not how a prompt works! That is how a gift request works. Stop putting me in a fucking box.
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ilikekidsshows · 1 year
You mentioned that fans become angry if a story doesn't go how they want, but can't admit this, so they insist the creator must have "told his own story wrong." Basically, the problem is that the fans' worldview is not "falsifiable". For a claim to be falsifiable, there must be a "failure condition" that would potentially prove the claim wrong (if I claim the capital of Australia is Sydney, and you look it up and it's Canberra, that "falsifies" the claim). But fans have no "failure conditions".
The issue here is that what many entitled fans view as facts are actually just their opinions. An opinion is how we experience something, but our experiences are not universal, not everyone experiences the same thing the same way. For example, you might find the taste of broccoli awful, but that doesn’t make “broccoli tastes bad” a law of nature and an undisputed fact. I’ve said it often on this blog that entitled fans treat their opinions as facts.
The difficulty of grasping the difference between opinion and fact comes from the reality that the internal process that creates your opinions is real. You can test that you really hate broccoli by tasting it repeatedly, with the same results; it can’t be “falsified”, as you put it. Broccoli tasting bad to you is your reality, so the idea that others experience broccoli differently can be difficult to grasp. The entitlement comes from when this difficulty in understanding becomes willful ignorance, where people can tell you their opinions straight out and you shut them down by claiming they are wrong. Entitlement is thinking that your experience is more enlightened than everybody else’s based on nothing other than that it is your experience: “The writers wrote the show wrong, because I would have preferred it to go another way.”
The point where things get dicey, however, is when we start attributing malice behind dissenting opinions. It’s one thing to say that people with different opinions from your own can act obnoxious about it, but a wholly another to claim that they hold those opinions out of some malicious intent, or that they’re outright lying about their opinions just to hide some personal agenda. This is where we get the claims like: “Astruc had a bully in school called Chloé and that’s why he hates Chloé the character,” because this kind of thinking can cause people to jump to ideas like: “Even the writers knew the story would have been better the other way around, but wrote something different because *insert conspiracy theory*.”
Even so, even if someone has a specific reason behind an opinion (like: “I hate the taste of broccoli because I was forced to eat it when I was small”), that just makes the reason part of the process for creating that opinion. Trying to explain someone else’s opinions away this way doesn’t really accomplish anything, mostly because we can’t really know what someone’s internal process is unless they entrust us with a lot of very personal information, and also because that just means that, because your opinions are most likely also caused by your past experiences, your opinions are equally invalid. You can claim your opinion is objective all you want, but you can't actually prove that because we are fully capable of forgetting events that shape even our strongest opinions.
Opinions might have no failure conditions, but they don't really have win conditions, either.
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burninghoneyatdusk · 4 years
What do you do if you have people criticize and post rude comments on your fic? It's my first time writing and I've gotten tons of great replies and kudos and stuff, but the one negative poster is really getting me down.
Happy Friday, love 💙
First off, congratulations on your first time writing/publishing! That can be a scary thing to do and requires a lot of vulnerability to post for the first time, so you should be really proud of that.
Second, I’m sorry a rude asshole is tainting this experience for you. Unless an author asks for criticism, there is no excuse for posting negative commentary on the work you posted for free and for the enjoyment of others, and even if someone asked for criticism, I doubt anyone’s preferred method of receiving it would be in the comment section of the story.
To address your feelings about this person’s comments bringing you down, how do I put this...they’re being an entitled asshole whose opinion does not hold any weight in regards to the value of your work. I know it’s truly easier said than done to ignore those people, but they truly aren’t worth your time or attention.
Something I think that is important to remember is that no fic writer (no matter how big and successful the fandom perceives them to be) writes stories that are universally loved by all readers. Conversely, no reader loves every single fic published in a fandom.
I say this because although posting rude commentary is a separate issue in itself, I don’t want you to think their opinion is anything other than a single opinion among hundreds and thousands. It is not a reflection of your work.
We all produce works that not everyone loves and we all read works we’re not a fan of, and that just means that the fic was not for that specific reader, which is more than okay. The appropriate response is to close that tab and move on with their day. Clearly not everyone seems to understand that, which is why we have issues with negative commenters like yours.
I want to share one of the comments I got on All Because of You, which stats-wise, is by far my most popular fic. I want to share it because the response that someone else commented in in my defense before I had a chance to respond is honestly more eloquent than anything I could have managed:
there are 25 chapters left and you are gonna milk this marriage thing of clarke till the end i can see it.. the canon is doing us no favors and then you come and write a fic in which clarke will probably spend half of it being married to someone else and with cillian of all people. it was disgusting enough when she fucked him on season 6 but it's not enough for you people. imagine how tiring you are
You knew what you signed up for when you read the summary. If the story is no longer to your taste, then so be it. No one's forcing you to read it. But at least have the decency to bow out gracefully without leaving unnecessary, rude commentary to the author for telling their story the way they want to, as is their right. The story that the author invested time and effort to create and provide us with for free. Everything you've just said is completely uncalled for. This is an amazingly written, nuanced story but if it's not for you, then just go. Don't take your frustrations with canon out on an author who most certainly doesn't deserve your ire.
I hope those words help you because they couldn’t be more true. Negative commentary, if anything, is simply uncalled for. I hope that helps in regards to not letting people like that affect your view of your own work.
Next, I’m not sure if you’re looking for actionable suggestions here other than your own feelings about it, but I figured I’d add this too just in case.
It could he the case that this persons comments are not as outright rude as the one above, and more the case that they’re offering criticism that wasn’t asked for. If this is the case, it might be worth a comment in response explaining that it isn’t appropriate and that you’ll be writing your story as you want to, and simply asking that they not leave any more comments of that type in the future. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, maybe for one reason or another they don’t understand fic etiquette and it’s worth a reminder/civil conversation that will help them understand it. Maybe that’s all they need to hear to stop.
However, in the case of more malicious comments, there’s a few things you can do if they just won’t stop. First, you could turn on comment moderating - this way all comments go through your approval before being posted to your story. It won’t stop you from seeing negative comments, but it’ll take away their audience and also maybe deter them from commenting in the first place. Similarly, you can turn anon off your comments. That’s going to deter a lot of negative commenters unless they’re particulary bold. Lastly, if you feel like it, defend your work however you see fit. Maybe that’s a simple “fuck off,” maybe it’s a passive aggressive kill em with kindness comment, maybe it’s ignoring them, because isn’t not giving them attention so satisfying? It’s your story to respond to or defend how you see fit, and as far as the comment options above, those are great ways to set boundaries if you need them.
After that long ramble, I realize I never answered what I do. Honestly, it depends on the nature of the comment, but I generally follow above. If it’s not malicious but either criticism or a classic “are you ever going to update” I usually go the route of kill em with kindness. The above comment I shared, I basically just thanked my defender. I was new to writing back then, so these days I probably would have chosen to either ignore something more malicious like that or simply tell them to fuck off.
I hope that helped in some way. I just really want to emphasize that although there’s a hundred ways to actually respond to those comments, that what’s important is that you don’t let them get you down. The way I think of writing fic is that if I made ONE person happy with my story, if I improved ONE person’s day, then my story was a success. It sounds like you have far surpassed that one person and you should be really proud.
If this keeps happening, feel free to DM me. I know a lot of writers who would be happy to flood your comment section in defense of someone like that 😏 The reason that is, is because nearly every writer I know has faced this in one way or another. Not only are you not alone, but for better or worse, welcome to the club. Just remember their opinions mean nothing. Don’t let the haters get to you. Don’t let the bastards grind you down. Keep writing, for everyone who enjoys your work, and most importantly, keep writing for you.
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theimpossiblescheme · 3 years
Also, this is such a petty personal thing, but I have beef with the term “fanservice”.  As if fans have dire needs that the writers are required to service (especially since it’s so often sexual in nature).  I mean, yes, obviously it’s important that you get your audience interested and excited about your work, but you can do that by just... writing a good story.  Whether that means big action scenes, high emotional stakes, or just shining a spotlight on underappreciated characters--it’s all up to you.  You write the story that you want to write.  Plenty of entitled “fans” are going to bitch and moan about it, but plenty of them will never be pleased unless a writer adheres to their very specific preferences.  You don’t have to bow to those preferences.  Creating something out of love, not out of obligation, will always be more fulfilling.  And someone out there is going to love your story for what it is, not what someone else thinks it needs to be.
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kingsmakers · 3 years
I am writing in response to your answer - I am aware a reader might drift etc. I should clarify that I would rather have a review from a reader whose initial response is a genuine liking for the story even if it is an update soon or love it comment. I am not disrespecting polite reviews left in return, I appreciate the gesture but its just not my preference. I also don't mind in general these brief reviews so many fics get like some OC creators have a problem with. I like to create but I don't
2 - hold readers hostage for feedback. I find extremely distressing that creators find the lack of feedback etc is damaging to the extent it affects mental health; that creators get trolled over using same face-claims or similar names; that I can't express an opinion without being able to come off anon because it doesn't fit the status quo.
3 - I admire Kass's work and all she does to try and break open the bars that is the OC community. I am glad to see she is taking a stance on those who just use her and she's tough loving it. I love all her different ideas and enterprises to include creators but I just feel conflicted on the reviewing one. I feel isolated more due to other creators than readers not giving me kudos etc, its just a social climbing scene now and nobody wants to know you unless you are in the elite. I don't want to
4 - i dont want to guilt-5rip readers into reviewing liking, reblogfing etc my content. I am happy if people like it and want to meet other creators who like to create for the love of it. I am not the anons harassing Kass at this time and I don't harass in general. I know people want feedback but its not the be-all and slamming people for writing a simple update soon or similar isn't right. We are not entitled to feedback the same as the reader isnt entitled to demand from us whenever they want
Okay, but it was your choice to go on anon. You can express an opinion off anon and my response would be the same. I find there’s a lack of accountability behind an anon grey face but hey, you do you.
I can understand you wanting reviews from “genuine” readers. Shit, don’t we all? Regardless, your comments to Kass came across as somewhat passive aggressive, as does this. 
“I don’t mind these brief reviews so many fics get like some OC creators have a problem with” alright it really sounds like you’re trying to say they’re wrong to be irritated with reviews saying simply “update soon”, which is super ironic considering initially, you were saying you “feared” readers coming to review as an obligation. Which is the exact same as those who comment with “update soon”? You’re not making much sense here lmao.
It doesn’t have to be a social climbing scene? If you find people you click with, reach out and chat with them. Really, hiding behind anon is doing you no favours. If you actually attempted to make genuine connections with other writers, I think you’d find it’s more than just “social climbing”.
No we aren’t “entitled” to feedback, but as people who write fanfic content for free who often received pushy reviews/messages simply telling us to update, asking when an update is instead of appreciating the content we’ve put out there, it can get tiring. Again, your views seem to be a bit all over the place considering your earlier message to Kass about reviews.
You’re always welcome to message people off anon about these things. I respect it a lot more than a grey face telling me I’m wrong to want feedback on things I create and share.
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jimlingss · 4 years
pt.2 of yesterday
I don’t want to flood people’s dashes, so hopefully answering your messages here will suffice!
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anonymous asked: Hi! I wanted to tell you how much I love your work and how you make me enjoy every Monday thanks to your regular updates ! I saw a previous anon telling you how your writings lacks of emotion and I totally disagree with them... obviously everybody won’t like it but your stories just DON’T lack of love or emotion this is madness I want to thank you for publishing your amazing stories freely here for everyone to read. (Sorry if my English is weird I’m french ejfjekfjd)
“this is madness” LOL
You’re hilarious, anon. And your english is perfectly fine!!!
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anonymous asked: Hello! Im the culinary student anon who sent you an ask a while ago and i saw you received an ask about the lack of emotion from your stories. I read kitchen romance and i actually really really like it and don’t quite understand how it lacks in emotions as I interpreted the stories more like the beginning of the oc and jin’s love story and they are only starting to open up to each other so i guess thats why anon might feel like it lacks romantic vibe from both of the characters. (1)
Anonymous said: Just want to tell you that you’re one of the best writer and ive been following you for 2/3 years now, you never failed to amaze me with your writings!! All your stories are so well written that i sometimes wonder how do you come up with such an amazing plot every single time and your stories are always nice to re-read and the effort you pour into creating your stories is also admirable (2)
while i was reading kitchen romance and ive only started s&c (currently on chapter 4) i can say that its pretty similar with how it is irl (and the part where we find out jk is an iu fans reminded me of my ex-crush whose also a culinary student, i would like to tell you a story about it but ill just waste your time lol) , just want to send you a few encouragement and love for you and your writings *sending virtual hugs* (3) -👩🏻‍🍳anon
You’re too kind, thank you (and also, welcome back!). I’ll be frank, there was a hot second I was considering taking down Kitchen Romance but I didn’t cause I don’t want my efforts of editing it to go to waste asdfghjkl. I can’t believe you’ve been sticking around me for so long :’) it’s always nice to know some folks stay. Anyway, I’m glad that Sugar and Coffee is pretty similar to how it works irl since I tried my best to do research. I definitely love a good storytime as well so don’t worry about wasting my time :>
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Anonymous said: a good majority of your fics display an unfathomable amount of DEPTH. regarding character development. plot. even the shortest lines of dialogue reveal so much more to the character and unveil their true emotions. i personally think the more REALISTIC side of love may be perceived as 'bland.' ‘emotionless.’ whatever you want to call it. nothing’s wrong with portraying a relationship that isn’t overboard with a whole lot of tooth aching fluff or lowkey annoying pda. +1
Anonymous said: there’s nothing wrong with taking out a bit of emotion to fit the PERSONALITIES of the characters. some people out there don’t necessarily feel a lot of emotions. so it’s honestly not really a mistake if a story lacks it (unless it was unintentional). subtlety is an art that is hard to master, but you’ve done it! and to respond to the anon, sometimes, if you skim through a fic without reading every word the author intended for you to read, +2
Anonymous said: then it’s quite common to not feel the full extent of the emotions you were supposed to feel. just a thought but no hate. we’re all entitled to our opinions. but besides that, kina, you write on a vast scale ranging from hardcore angst to diabetes-inducing fluff. and you do it beautifully. sure there are some stories that are better than others, but i believe a LOT of it comes down to personal preference and taste. +3
Anonymous said: even if you are feeling creatively limited, you work hard to continue writing for your readers, and your determination and diligence wILL NOT GO UNNOTICED. i just want you to know that you write amazingly. your syntax is practically immaculate, your characters feel real… the endings of your stories always wrap something up and the strings are tied—even if it isn’t necessarily a happy ending. you can convey hundreds of different characters through WORDS. +4
Anonymous said: i’ll have you know that it’s hard to write. it’s even harder to write about people who aren’t YOU. so as someone who looks up to you a lot, i want to commend you for your writing. some of your fics that i read on a monthly basis: tears of a villain, a piece of the moonlight, head over heels to hell, ghost in the machine, a mark of betrayal, a kiss of poison, until yesterday, the truth between us and arcadia. +5
Anonymous said: to be fair, there were way more fics but i didn’t want to make this message any longer than it already is LOL. i find these pieces wonderful. heart wrenching. and SO DAMN EMOTIONAL IT PLAGUES MY MIND FOR DAYS. also you’re literally one of the few fucking people who can use the em dash correctly. thank you so much for sharing your talent with us! +6
Oh my goodness. I don’t even know what to say, anon. This is a whole damn thesis and it’s about my fics :’> You know, it’s easy to brush off fanfiction as a ‘whatever’ thing and indeed, it isn’t that big of a deal compared to some things in the world. But I really do take all my stories seriously and put forth a lot of effort - so to see it recognized and appreciated it makes me beyond happy. It’s good to know that my efforts haven’t gone to waste at all and that there are people out there who will support me no matter the endeavours I take. Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me.
((Also, honestly I picked up the em dash usage after I wrote The Truth Between Us with gukyi who used it. I’m pretty sure I’m not using it right but to hear that I am, god damn that’s a breath of relief right there))
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backtobleuside submitted: Are you kidding me!? Your stories don’t lack love at all. They’re the kind of fics that you read, soak it all in and then come back for more. I’ve cried so much when I read Beyond reach, Boo-lieve in me, A piece of the moonlight, His name, Tell me lies etc. etc, and also laughed and felt the emotions of not just the OC, but also the other characters. Kitchen Romance was also so fluffy and sweet and personally, I don’t think that anything needs to be added to it. Anyway, your fics do not lack emotion—you’re probably the first author I send a message to because your stories impacted me a lot and left a strong impression on me. I even imagine your characters as real people who have real lives that continue on even after the story is done.
asdfghjkl thank you :’) I see you every week and sometimes several times at that. I really appreciate your consistent feedback and following. You never fail to send me a message too which I appreciate a lot. I’m glad you’re enjoying everything I’m producing!!
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youngfleurever said: Would just like to say that your fics do in fact make me violently sob to the boy where my eyes are so swollen I have trouble opening them the next day and I wake up feeling like there’s sawdust in my mouth because I’m dehydrated.
oh my god. please keep yourself hydrated hahahahhaha more importantly, how do you know what sawdust in your mouth is like. WHAT have you been doing LOL
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Anonymous said: I’ve felt emotions that I’ve never felt before when I read your fics.... so as a person that has read your entire masterlist, I DO NOT think that your fics lack emotion.... I hope you don’t feel disheartened because you’re one of my favourite writers, not just on tumblr but like, evER 💓💓💓💓💓💓
Please, even if I was disheartened, the overwhelming amount of feedback and praise has completely overridden it :’)
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joonie-mono said: when tumblr deletes the first part of your ask 🙄😌✌️
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haylo4ever said: Sorry had to add my 10 cents. You're such a talented writer,,, I WISH I could write a smol smol 1/1000000000 that you write,,, like I remember when I followed you bc I was in awe of your writing.... I mean?? Sure maybe not every fic hits it with someone but it's just ridic to name drop (a friend nonetheless) when you're all extremely talented writers.
Trust me, writing comes with practice!! I should honestly just tattoo that on me. God knows my first fanfic was absolutely GARBAGE. I didn’t know pacing, didn’t know that I should separate chunks of paragraphs, how to write dialogue or describe scenes properly. I went in blind. Even my second, third and fourth fanfic was garbage. You could definitely get to “my level” or even far surpass it with enough dedication and practice. I mean I’ve been writing for four years, so thank GOD there’s been improvement. I wouldn’t be natural if there wasn’t. But clearly the more you practice, the better you improve! That applies to anything.
The me in ten years will certainly be better now.
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Anonymous said: Hi kina! I’m here in support of kitchen romance! I actually didn’t feel like it was missing a ton of fluffy moments (and I say that as a huGE LOVER OF FLUFF) but the story was just as entertaining in the whole chase of them getting closer to each other! It’s honestly one of my favorite one shots I’ve read lately and I’m not saying that lightly! Also, that anon that said your work lacks emotion has probably not read like half of your masterlist bc oO MAN QUEEN OF MAKING ME CRY- black heart anon🖤
Thank you :’]
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Anonymous said: Ok I’m very offended wow the audacity!Specially coming for my baby kitchen romance like that story made me feel so much and it’s only one of the many fics you have written kina like I’m literally baffled like dynasty has made me cry scream happy and hot all at the same time and I was literally just thinking about it that whole weekend and this anon has the nerve to say your stories lack emotions?When you are literally the queen of show casing all types of emotions in your stories!You did it all
Anonymous said: Also 😭😭😭😂😂😩hoooooooow and whereeee did they see any lack of love and emotions like have you read jungle park???? Inside my mind??? FREAKING SUGAR AND COFFEE (like this fic is made with love and I- ) Actually you know what , just read the whole masterlist😩😩💗💗💗
LOL tbh I didn’t expect Dynasty to receive the love it has. I was actually kind of wary when posting it cause it’s kind of Wild. 
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bangtans-peaceful-piegon said: just gotta say u handled that whole anon thing so well which not only makes me admire u as a writer but even more as a person :] (i mean i knew u were gr8 before the whole deal but yeah love ya 💛)
tbh, I’m not sure how well I handled it cause I was flooded with over 30 messages afterwards (evidently) ;_; which I love and appreciate but I’m not really as hurt as some people think hahaha criticism should be received well but it’s still hard not to take personally tbh. It’s gonna have to be something I work on or perhaps it’ll be one of those things that I’ll take better with age.
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lancemccutie · 6 years
Sometimes I feel really really really really reeaaaaaally bad for Voltron’s creators, writers and VAs. Actually, sometimes I feel incredily bad for creators, writers and VAs of shows in general.
Man, why are some of us so petty and self-entitled? No, seriously, someone please give me an explanation because I can't seem to find a proper answer.
We act like we’re all perfect and can do nothing wrong, and give ourselves permission to judge everybody else.
Well, guess what? We’re not and we can’t. We’re all human and, as gross as it sounds, our farts all smell the same. 
Unless we’re all colon-lacking angels sent from above to free this planet from sinning monsters, that is. I seriously doubt it’s the case, so, yeah, give it a rest.
Stop pointing judgy fingers and yelling problematic every time someone makes a mistake, or creates something we don’t reason with. 
After all, despite it clearly being aimed to the audience, it’s still their work, their story, their creature. I'm sure original creators already have a hint on where and how it's supposed to go. They’re doing it for us all and sharing it with the world so that we can all enjoy it and receive something positive from it. 
I wonder what we’d do if we created something, share it with others, and receive hate for it because literally anyone felt like they had every right to judge our work, change it and have a say in what goes on or not. Especially without giving us room to explain or learn or even ignore it that's how we want to deal with it.
Wouldn’t be that pleasant, uh?
Educating people is okay. Critics should be encouraged. Talking about what we care about is almost required. Requesting to be heard, it has to be done. Treating people like shit, sending death threats because of all of this? That’s what’s not acceptable. At all, and in any case.
There’s way and way to prove our point. If threats, hate and shaming don’t bring us anywhere, maybe it’s not how things need to be handled. I personally don't think with vld is the case, but try thinking about it this way: if staff members don't want to hear what we have to say, or don't care about the suggestions we make, then maybe they're not even worthy of our attention. It's their loss.
Plus, constantly bashing on people's hard work is tiring on both ends. I honestly don't know how some of us do it. I wouldn't even know where to find all that pettiness and will to argue all the time, to be honest. You guys really have some serious persistence. To an extent, it's almost admirable.
Treating someone aggresively and with that sort of angry attitute won’t give them the chance to do better and grow from it, it would just scare them away and discourage them from doing better next time. It’s the sort of thinking would only encourage power embalances, that divide people in those who scream because they need -want! DEMAND!- and those who lower their head and go against their ideas and principles in order to stop the screaming by doing what we're ordered to do.
Fighting hate with hate. What a modern and mature concept.
 And yeah, trying to change something so that it suits our standards is sometimes a lost battle, but not because fighting for it is useless. It’s because, surprise surprise, despite what some of us think, we don’t all have the same necessities and tastes. Some of us are okay with just accepting what we get because, well, we're apparently not oversensitive and petty enough to make it our mission to conform everything to our convintions and likings.
Not everything has to be filled with politics, or seen through a critical and socially acceptable point of view. Sometimes it’s just fantasy, and sometimes, it’s for entertainment purposes only. Leave it to reality to be all gray and difficult. 
Please, don’t forget we’re not the spanish inquisition. That shit ended centuries ago and for a good reason.
And thank goodness it did, I may add.
Let’s not bring back that sort of ugliness only because a show on tv is not the way we want it to be. It's 2018, for Batman's sake. It's not like we've got nothing to choose from. There are so many other shows out there that could meet our preferences and that deserve the kind of recognition we could provide it if we’d stop being angry and wasting energies and time on things that, after all, don’t necessarily need to change because we said so.
Can I say it? As someone who has their own salty moments as well, I'm an itsy bitsy ashamed of this kind of behavior. I think of us as a community and when some of us fail, we all do in a way.
I also miss those times when it wasn't so hard to communicate through your own art and opinions were still opinions and not something people felt the urge to shove down each other's throat without any courtesy.
With this, I’m not referring to anyone or any situation in particular, don’t mean to start any drama, and I definitely don’t think I’m above and beyond discourse/ship wars/fandom madness. I'm not even going to tag this lenghty post with something specifically discourse-related because it's just a personal and totally chill rant.
I've just been thinking about all of this a lot, lately, and I’m slightly concerned and even a little pissed that you can’t go a single day without complainings, people apologizing for things they shouldn’t be apologizing, and death threats raining on others like new years confetti. 
It’s honestly exhausting to watch and, most importantly, it’s ruining all the fun.
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theonyxpath · 5 years
Yep! This is one of the full page pieces of art (by Gunship Revolution) for Lunars: Fangs at the Gate, the next Exalted 3rd Edition “fatsplat” book that we’re Kickstarting starting tomorrow (Tuesday) at 2pm Eastern US time.
Looking back at the last two blog posts, let me refer to this Lunars Kickstarter to illustrate some of the ways we’re approaching Kickstarter and book sales now.
1- The text is already written. A lot of the time when our KSs ran way past the estimated date, it was because of writing and/or rewriting the text. That was mostly based on the expectations and aims of Kickstarter from way back when we started, when the creation of the project was part of the whole KS thing. Now, we know better, and with very few exceptions we only KS after the text is finished.
2- The text is going out to backers in sections during the KS. This is a by-product of having the words all written: we can share them with our backers. We prefer to do this is sections throughout the KS so there’s always new stuff to talk about, as opposed to one big info dump. This also lets our backers know that we trust them, and by seeing what we’re going to publish backers can bail before the end of the KS if the book isn’t what they were looking for. No unpleasant surprises.
3- The Reward Tiers don’t delay the book itself. One of the other big factors in delayed rewards have been added material due to Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals that add material directly to the book being Kickstarted. We don’t include those things unless for very specific and controlled reasons anymore. We now create Companion projects where we can add new sections during the course of the KS and concentrate effort on them after the KS’d book is rolling along.
Lunars art by Gong Studios
4- Shipping costs are included in the KS set-up and are realistic for current shipping charges. This is not one of the cool parts of Kickstarting projects, but shipping costs have risen just this year, and we want you to know right as you pledge what costs will be added to your base pledge. Similarly, paper costs have risen dramatically and have been passed on to us by our printer, so the physical book pledge had to rise a bit, too.
5- This is a Deluxe Edition, to go with EX3 and Dragon-Blooded. So the sales chain on this will be PDFs and physical book PoDs on DTRPG, and Deluxes to backers and IPR, rather than to Studio2 for release into stores.
6- Expanded media coverage. In addition to the opening vid that we put up with each Kickstarter, our expanded use of other media to explain our games means that there will be links provided throughout the KS to delve further into what the Lunars are all about. For example, Matthew Dawkins and Neall Raemonn Price will be presenting a Lunars character creation session using the new book.
Lunars art by Priscilla Kim
Other stuff, just a brief word about cons. We’re going to these cons this year, so far, already did MidWinter:
UK Games Expo: May 31st – June 2nd Gen Con: August 1st – August 4th Save Against Fear: Oct 12-14 GameHoleCon: October 31st – November 3rd We’ll also be back at PAX Unplugged later this year.
We will also be appearing at other cons either as Onyx Path or as individual creators, and I’ll get that list going next week below in the Blurbs!
Lunars art by Melissa Uran
One thing we are doing differently is that we’re changing how we do Gen Con this year, because we really want to emphasize demos and play opportunities with all of our many game lines. I’ll go into the details as things firm up, but what we are sure of is that you’ll still be able to buy our books at the IPR and Studio2 booths, that a bunch of us will still be doing panels, and that our demo area is going to be greatly increased.
Because after all, we still want to introduce so many people to our:
Many Worlds, One Path!
NEXT UP! We’ll be starting the Kickstarter for the Deluxe version of EX3‘s Lunars on this Tuesday February 12th at 2pm Eastern US time – so don your beast forms and let loose a howl (or snarl or squawk or hiss) to let everyone know it’s coming!
Illustration by Michael Gaydos
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast is entitled What We Look For In Freelancers, and the Terrific Trio of Trouble will be revealing just what they, and Onyx Path as a whole, looks for when deciding on who to work with as freelancers on our projects! https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
And Here’s More Media About Our Worlds:
If YOU have a podcast, YouTube or Twitch channel, or talk about games on a blog or other website, and want to perform actual plays or make reviews of our games, please reach out to the Gentleman Gamer on the Onyx Path forum. From there we’ll share emails and get you started, so when you do start producing content we’ll be able to promote it on our blog and YouTube channel!
On Saturday we uploaded the third part of the excellent actual play of They Came from Beneath the Sea! run by Matthew Dawkins for Red Moon Roleplaying. Here’s a link to the video: https://youtu.be/szxFe7vvBnE Things are getting incredibly creepy in the town of Denton, Alabama, as people are melting into gunge!
The Story Told Podcast has started up its Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition overview series! Here’s a link to their site: http://thestorytold.libsyn.com/wraith-20th-anniversary-edition-overview
Matthew continues his read-through of Scarred Lands novel, Vigilant: Through Shadows and Dreams, on our YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/n1Ya7caS1U4 You can also find the book on DriveThruFiction as we start uploading mp3s of the chapters, or of course to buy in print: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/253274/Vigilant-Through-Shadow-and-Dreams-Book-One
High Level Games continue their actual play of Pugmire, with our oft-times freelancer and frequent contributor to the Storytellers Vault, Josh Heath, as the Guide: https://www.highlevelgames.ca/podcastingnetwork/pugmire-actual-play-episode-2
And here’s something exciting! Matthew Dawkins will be on our YouTube channel later this week to discuss Werewolf: The Forsaken with frequent Werewolf writer, Chris Allen. Chris also acted as one of the three chaps sharing the developer seat on Shunned by the Moon. Chris and Matthew will be discussing the content of the comments left on this video: https://youtu.be/2my21NosubI and we encourage you to leave comments too!
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is now live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is both rolling and rocking!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue you bought it from. Reviews really, really help us with getting folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the Screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can now order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=296
And available this week! Deluxe Changeling: The Dreaming and Deluxe Beckett’s Jyhad Diary! The additional books we have after the Kickstarter ship-outs are done are now at IPR!
This Wednesday, we’re releasing Changeling: The Lost 2e Condition Cards on DTRPG, and CtL 2e Blank Journals are going on sale on our Onyx Path Redbubble store!
New convention notices coming soon!
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM FAST EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
Geist2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Distant Worlds (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Let The Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
TC: Aeon Ready Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Heroic Land Dwellers (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Second Draft
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion Ready Made Characters (Scion 2nd Edition)
Witch-Queen of the Shadowed Citadel (Cavaliers of Mars)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Memento Mori: the GtSE 2e Companion (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Pirates of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Hunter: the Vigil 2e core (Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
CofD Dark Eras 2 (Chronicles of Darkness)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Manuscript Approval:
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
CofD Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Aeon Aexpansion (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Dystopia Rising: Evolution (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Tales of Excellent Cats (Monarchies of Mau)
V5 Chicago By Night (Vampire: The Masquerade)
V5 Chicago By Night Screen (Vampire: The Masquerade)
Spilled Blood (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
Wr20 Book of Oblivion (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
C20 Novel: Cup of Dreams (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Scion Jumpstart (Scion 2nd Edition)
Post-Editing Development:
Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon (Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition)
In Media Res (Trinity Continuum: Core)
Ex3 Dragon Blooded (Exalted 3rd Edition)
In Art Direction
The Realm – More sketches in.
Ex3 Monthly Stuff –
Chicago By Night – Contacting artists to see who is open.
Aeon Aexpansion
They Came From Beneath the Sea!
EX3 Lunars – Assets finalized for KS page.
Signs of Sorcery
In Media Res – Headshots all in, and rest of the finals coming in.
Hunter: The Vigil 2
Shunned By the Moon – All artists contracted.
Book of Oblivion – Sketches coming in slowly but surely.
Contagion Chronicle – Fulls/splats contracted for KS.
Marketing Stuff
In Layout
Dystopia Rising: Evolution
Scion Hero – Putting printer files together, sending to press this week.
Scion Origin – Putting printer files together, sending to press this week.
M20: Gods and Monsters – Gathering backer errata.
Pugmire Roll of Good Dogs and Cats – Gathering backer errata.
Adventures for Curious Cats – First proof corrections in.
Trinity Core – Inputting Errata.
Trinity Aeon – Inputting Errata.
Ex3 Dragon Blooded – Indexing.
Geist 2e
C20 Player’s Guide
False Images – EX3 novel – Gathering backer errata.
At Press
Wraith 20th – Shipping to KS backers.
Wraith 20 Screen – Shipping to KS backers.
Scion Dice – At Studio2.
Scion Screen – At Studio2.
Fetch Quest – Shipping to US.
CtL2e Condition Cards – On sale this week.
Slarecian Vault Art Pack 01 and 02 –Waiting for PoD proofs.
Later this week – it’s human heart trading day! Happy Valentine’s Day, ya’ll!
5 notes · View notes
abigailht · 6 years
you say ignore the bad portrayals and just support the writers you like but it’s always the same ones post so much and the good ones don’t
( it’s about this ask: http://abigailht.tumblr.com/post/177991170824/okay-what-is-the-deal-with-certain-desus-writers )
Listen, I understand your frustration of not getting what you want, but do you know how hard it is to write a good fic? You sit and google the best ways to break into steel doors and what equipment you’d need, and what that part of a motorcycle is called you know nothing of, and what earthworms taste like on a fresh September morning, and what type of tea brand folks preferred in 1767 in London, UK, in the upper classes during Boxing Day…And don’t get me started on english-ing as a non-native such as myself, and wondering how many natives you’ll make cringe with that last sentence😂 So we’re all rolling in our own misery of hell while writing, okay. And then after that is done, there’s editing left. Editing. Is. The. Worst. (Unless I’m doing it for other people’s writings, lol! But editing my own stuff? TORTURE.)That takes at least 5 times longer than the original draft, and two ice cream boxes and five ugly crying fits in a corner later, you finally give up and just decide to fuck it and post it.
— and then you get 2 comments saying “this nice thank” and 5 kudos —
And that’s it. 😂 that’s very anticlimactic sometimes lmao. Don’t get me wrong, I love those comments as much as the long elaborating ones okay. I embrace each comment and kudo as if they’re the gift for my firstborn!But what I’m trying to say is that writers put a LOT of work and energy and time into their fics, and the better the content, the harder the work, trust me okay, quality content doesn’t fall from the heavens where Jane Austen’s ghost blesses us with free-fluffy-genius masterpieces of literature for Desus. And when you put so much work and energy into something, and the support you’re getting doesn’t really match up with the energy you’re putting in, it can get draining and exhausting quickly. Comments give creators energy. Attention and support motivates more than a good inspirational idea. When I have a good inspirational idea, you know what I do? I dream about the ideal story before falling asleep just as any other person, and go sleep. Period. I do not invest all my free time after 10 hours of irl work to share a fanfic and then not get comments. Lmao. This attitude of expecting content creators to deliver content like machines for free has to die!We’re human. We have day jobs. We have families, responsibilities, lives. So if someone blesses us with a chapter update of their ongoing fic after 6 months of hiatus, you don’t abandon or quit that fic out of frustration and entitlement-feels. YOU FUCKING APPRECIATE. You don’t whine about fics not being finished when so many of you have the attitude “I don’t read unfinished fics, lala” — and with that you’re saying basically “I’m too entitled to support this writer while they’re writing and I’m waiting for them to finish their work so I can read it in one go and not comment at all. Lol.”I’m repeating myself, but how about supporting and encouraging people and sharing their works, reblogging their works, commenting on their works, recommending their works. Like… I can’t solve this problem for you.
All I can say is:WRITING IS HARD. And support what you like. I promise (for the third time) that will help and encourage!
Or better yet try creating content yourself!
We’re running a cool challenge atm — Paul Rovia Deserves Better 2k18 over at @desussquad.
Submit!! 😊💃🙌🏻
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undothedamage-blog · 7 years
Talking About Abuse
Strap in, this is a long one. Skip to the bottom for a TLDR if needs be.
It’s impossible to spend time in the #abuse tags on Tumblr and not run into discourse re: personality disorders. 
And it’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot because I’ve stumbled across the dividing line trying to figure out where I stand. And I think both sides need to remember this:
Mental illness does not make someone abusive. But an abuser with a mental illness may be particularly cruel.
It’s a point that abuse expert Lundy Bancroft has made, and he knows what he’s talking about.
Ideally, I’d like to see the abuse community create new terminology. What exactly, I’m not sure. I’m certainly open to suggestions. Egotistical abuse? Trumpian abuse? Egocentric abuse? Conceited abuse? I don’t know (personally, I prefer Egocentric). We’re not actually trained and qualified to diagnose our abusers with specific disorders. So I’d feel more comfortable avoiding terminology that is already well-defined as something specific that may or may not accurately apply to our situations and that, imo, removes some responsibility from abusers for their choices and behavior.
That said, on the other side of things I’d say to think long and hard about whether you want to attack and possibly re-victimize somebody who is in the long, hard process of recovery from abuse for talking about things like “narcissistic abuse.” Not everything is about you. And if you have experience with mental illness you should consider using that experience to fuel compassion for victims (who are highly likely to be suffering their own mental illness as a result of their abuse) rather than launching into them because they are repeating the terminology that was handed to them by somebody else. By all means, educate people via posts on your own blog. But if you must call out a specific person (whether by reblog or anon asks), remember that the person on the other side of that screen has just spent a very long time, years or decades in some cases, being put down, attacked, criticized, shamed, and endlessly treated as wrong and stupid. If you want to engage with them, don’t do it in a way that will trigger them. And don’t treat them like just another ableist asshole. They’re trying to make sense of what has been done to them and a lot of the people providing answers and hope to them for the first time are teaching them this vocabulary. These people, the ones with a large audience and significant influence, are probably who you should be asking to reconsider their wording.
However, I want to emphasize again to my fellow abuse survivors, that not all abusers have personality disorders (in fact, most probably don’t). Not all people with personality disorders are abusive (and we should really, really hesitate to add to the stigma they face). And abusers who DO have personality disorders would probably still be abusive even if they were magically no longer mentally ill. So just as I ask people to have compassion for victims, I’d ask victims to have compassion for the mental illness community and embrace language that allows us to talk about certain flavors of abuse without co-opting words from the DSM nor contribute to stigmas that harm others (especially when we consider that the mentally ill are often more likely to be victims of abuse themselves). We are, generally, on the same team. And it really requires very little effort to just abstain from using certain phrases or words. 
Again, mental illness does not make somebody abusive. Don’t let abusers get away with using mental illness as an excuse by perpetuating language that implies otherwise.
It boils down to the same problem I have with people calling mass-shooters or terrorists “crazy.” For one thing, it dissolves their responsibility and that’s bullshit. For another, it further stigmatizes mental illness. Millions of mentally ill people every day manage to live their lives without hurting a fly (though many mentally ill people are, in fact, hurt and abused by others). And, perhaps most insidious, it absolves society of any blame for helping create abusers.
It is NOT mental illness that makes, for example, a man shoot up a bunch of people because his girlfriend dumped him. It is entitlement. And we need to face the fact that our culture absolutely contributes to teaching men they are entitled to a woman’s attention, affection, body, emotional labor, etc. We celebrate media that repeats the trope that even the most mediocre of man will be rewarded with a beautiful woman that adores him. We talk about the friend-zone as if it’s a real thing and it is something that women unfairly do to victimize men. We tell women that they’re feelings are wrong and they should be flattered by sexual harassment. We legislate that women’s bodies don’t belong to them (and even afford corpses more bodily autonomy than living women). We tolerate misogyny in our music, movies, television, and government. We teach women they are responsible for preventing assault instead of teaching men not to assault. We teach generation after generation that “boys will be boys” and that girls should just tolerate their bad behavior. 
So, yeah. Maybe a lot of us have, in fact, been abused by somebody with a personality disorder. But unless we’re a psychiatrist, we’re not really qualified to comment on that. And we’re shooting ourselves in the proverbial foot when we frame our discussions about abuse in terms from the field of mental health. Because mentally ill or not, abusers will continue to abuse as long as they feel entitled to do so. If we borrow language from psychiatry to frame the conversation around abuse, we make it too easy for everyone to throw their hands up in the air and say “well, we can’t really do anything about it” (especially when talking about disorders that haven’t found successful treatment options).
And that simply isn’t true.
Because, guess what, we CAN do something about abuse. Now, we can’t do much about individual abusers. Only abusers can change themselves. But, and Lundy Bancroft talks at length about this at the end of Why Does He Do That, society and individuals can absolutely do things to combat problems that contribute to abuse and to protect victims. Things like:
BELIEVE VICTIMS. The rate of false accusations of abuse is, despite what MRAs would have us believe, incredibly small. Bancroft says “There is a natural temptation to speak out forcefully against abuse until the man whose behavior is under the microscope is one of our own, and then we switch sides. But we can’t have it both ways. Abuse won’t stop until people stop making exceptions for their own brothers and sons and friends.“ He also says “Nothing would work faster to end the abuse of women than having the friends and family of abusive men stop enabling them. And that begins, in turn, with making sure that you listen carefully and respectfully to her side of the story— something the abusive man never does.” (emphasis mine) 
TEACH WHAT ABUSE LOOKS LIKE. Bancroft specifically advices therapists, the clergy, etc. to “provide some basic education to any male about partner abuse. Give some examples of abusive behaviors, describe their destructive impact on women and children, and explain that a man is entirely responsible for his own actions.” I think a huge aspect of why people discount women’s reports of abuse is that they don’t recognize abusive behavior as, in fact, abusive. This comes back round to entitlement and justification as well as abusers and their allies tendency to point to worse forms of abuse to say “that’s what REAL abuse looks like, what I’ve done isn’t REAL abuse.”
REFORM THE JUSTICE SYSTEM TO BETTER PROTECT VICTIMS AND FORCE ABUSERS TO FACE REAL CONSEQUENCES FOR THEIR ACTIONS. I won’t go into the details on specific changes that need to be made. This post is already super fucking long. You can find Bancroft’s suggestions in Why Does He Do That.
I’d add that we also, as a society, need to:
REFUSE TO SUPPORT MEDIA THAT IS MISOGYNIST. If it promotes the idea that men are entitled to behave in controlling or abusive ways it doesn’t deserve our attention, accolades, or money. We should also stop handing out awards to abusive men as if separating their performances and public persona from their abuse doesn’t teach them (and others) that abusers can abuse without consequence.
CHALLENGE DAMAGING IDEAS AND STATEMENTS. This is particularly important for men to do. If you hear dudes complaining about the friend zone, or celebrating rape culture, or otherwise espousing sexist and harmful ideas, call them out. Make it clear that such views are entirely unacceptable.
LISTEN TO FEMINISTS, SJWs, AND OTHER SO-CALLED SNOWFLAKES. There’s a false notion that when progressives voice concerns or complaints about micro-aggressions or subtle sexism, or whatnot that they’re focusing on small stuff and should just get over it. But the reality is that the small stuff matters. All the various small things add up to a culture that sends abusers the messages of entitlement they use to justify their abuse. Take the Bechtel Test. I recognize it is only one step in beginning to evaluate whether a movie is, in fact, sexist. But, generally speaking, any movie that doesn’t feature enough named, female characters with dialogue about something other than a male character sends the subtle message that women’s roles revolve around the men in their lives. It says that woman are accessories to a man’s story. When feminists call for more women in the writers’ room of television and movies, it goes so far beyond just wanting to level the employment playing field (though that’s important in its own right)! More women contributing to scripts means more well-rounded women characters and less sexist tropes being repeated. It means more boys growing up consuming media in which the world presented to them is not one that revolves around men.
If you’re still with me at this point in this long-ass post I just want to say thank you. I know tumblr is usually a place for more pithy communication. But I go on at length because there is just so much to say that is so important.
That said, here’s a TLDR for those who can’t handle the endless wall of text (I’m ADHD, I can empathize):
The abuse community would do well to create new terminology to discuss our experiences that doesn’t rely on language which may inadvertently harm the mental illness community.
Be patient and kind to abuse victims if you want to talk to them about how something they’ve repeated may be problematic so that you can avoid triggering them or adding to their trauma.
If somebody asks you to reconsider your language, be kind and sympathetic and remember that they may share more of your experiences than you realize. 
Society can do a lot to prevent and combat abuse.
And most importantly let me repeat this:
Mental illness does not make somebody abusive. Don’t let abusers get away with using mental illness as an excuse by perpetuating language that implies otherwise.
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scriptautistic · 7 years
Hey there! Apologizing in advance in case this would sound wrong (it probably does). Just to make sure: I absolutely love your work and support it by all means. This is not meant to criticize you or anything. If you think it’s best to not post this, I’d totally understand. But I’m going to submit it anyway just to add another point of view on the issue of autistic representation through in fictional characters. 
Thing is, I’m autistic myself, and an amateur writer as well. Generally I’m not good at hating things. That just doesn’t work for me. But if there’s a single thing in this world that I really dislike on the verge of hatred… that would be pity. Unfortunately it is also something I see a lot towards myself through all my life. 
Probably this is why it irks me to hear people talking about how autistic characters can’t be presented as this and that. It must be positive representation, they shouldn’t be monsters, aliens, robots, villians or anything like that. That we got plenty of that kind of representation already and now it’s best to censure out all those monsters and focus on creating proper characters.
Why? Because I know how and what for this kind of characters will be created. And not just by allistic authors, I’m afraid. Of course, many of them would agree and will do their very best to fill their stories with best autistic characters they could manage. Some might go as far as to go through a list of all things they must represent They’re going to think, “yes, I’m going to be a good author with modern liberal views who does the right thing to support all those poor minorities as they deserve”.
Problem is, when someone’s starting to work with thouse thoughts, it’s like donating a coin to a homeless on streets. It’s never done to actually help anyone but oneself. It is done to make a person who does it to feel good about themselves. They pity that homeless and give a coin that changes literally nothing. But they’ll go on through the day thinking that they’ve done a good thing. They’re just buying themselves a tiny bit of fake heroism. At expense of that homeless person who’s forced to accept all those coins for boositng someone’s self-esteem in exchange for lowering their own. Eventually they’re going to suffer some harmful mental changes because of it, breaking into “liking” this kind of attitude while forgetting any other mean of going through this life. 
What I’m trying to say is… I don’t really like to be in this role. I don’t want to be given a representation as a token of its author feeling sorry for us and thinking it’s right thing to do and makes them a better person to help. I don’t want to read yet another piece of new fiction just to see a perfect autistic character there who has next to no flaws. Who’s loved by everyone in the story. Who’s clearly under no danger to suffer through the plot and will end up with a happy ending even if the whole world collapses on everyone else. Who is smart, beautiful, successful, and only those carefully picked and described autistic traits would let the audience know that we’re talking about autistic person and not Batman. 
In broader sense, I feel the same about any other minority group that gets a fiction representation in similar way. I understand why people do it this way, but it doesn’t makes me feel better whenever I encounter it. And as of last few years it happens more and more often. It also affects how people treat me in real life. Sure, they try to smile and be polite at their best. But I can’t help but to feel they only do so because some cool and sparkly 101 on tumblr said them they’ll be terrible people for even thinking about treating an autistic person poorly. That they should treat us as equals. 
Well, unfortunately, so far very few can actually manage that “equal” bit, at least as it seems to me. Best they can do is treating us as if they’re terrified of ruining their public image if they do something wrong.
But fear is not equality. And writing a good autistic character out of fear of writing it bad isn’t exactly a good representation either. It’s just trying to follow with whichever direction the current society dictates them to be a correct one. And, as I recall, people have done some horrible things in past guided by a very similar things. It just happens that right now being tolerant is trending. And we’re still not sure for how long this trend will stick around.
You might ask, which kind of representation would I think as a better option? Well, I can only say that it can’t be good unless it is done out of sincere interest of its author towards autistic people, and not out of an urge to prove their own worth in whoever’s eyes or because there’s a quota for 3 more underrepresented minorities left. If author really believes their story would benefit from having an autistic character. If they have a good character idea that fits well with autistic traits. If they really feel like writing autistic character because it’s interesting for them personally and makes their story rich and more diverse. Then it is alright, I think.
Even if that means this character might suffer a bit in the story. Or that they’re an alien or a dragon or robot or monster. Or if someone’s treating them in a bad way in the story - as long as they are avenged or at least are not portrayed as this is the way to go. Yes, sometimes it means autistic character might die (preferably as a hero!). Or that there’s no happy ending if the story is not about unicorns and rainbows and is not suggested to end with everyone’s happily ever after. Still I’d take that 100 times over a single autistic Batman.
Sorry if this is too long. And, again, sorry if this sounds too harsh. It’s alright to just delete this if you think it’s not the kind of thing your followers should see.
Hi! We thank you for your thoughtful message, and we certainly won’t delete it; silencing some autistic people’s opinion to make ours heard is not our idea of representing the autistic community.
I will however comment on some of the points you have made.
First of all, I think your homelessness parallel is quite misguided. Whether people give out of pity or because they want to help is a question I can’t answer, though I personally like to think it’s the second option that’s true. And it’s true that a coin won’t do much, but they add up. Regardless of why it was done, I don’t agree that it is “at expense of that homeless person who’s forced to accept all those coins for boositng someone’s self-esteem in exchange for lowering their own. “ Sure, accepting help can be quite difficult for some people. But that doesn’t make the help any less… helpful. Thanks to the money they’ve been given (maybe not by this person but by all the people who’ve given them a coin), this homeless person will get to eat tonight. All help is still help, regardless of motivation.
And I’d argue it’s the same thing for representation. If we are represented in a piece of media, who cares if it was just to make the writer feel good about themselves ? They have anyway created some representation for us. And representation is powerful. Representation does change the world. Here is an article about one study which shows that being more represented in media raises one’s self-esteem. This book explores in some depth the effect representation, positive representation and lack thereof can have on LGBT people. This study shows that positive portrayal of marginalized groups has positive impact on people’s mindset.
Of course none of these sources are about autism in particular, but I feel that these results can be generalized to media representation of minority groups.
Moreover, you can see in these sources that positive, non-stereotypical, non-stigmatizing representation has a positive effect which is more important than other kinds of representation.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that autistic characters have to be perfect. I’m not saying they can’t have flaws. I would even argue that a character without flaws is a bad character, and, as such, bad representation. I agree with you that if the only form of representation we’re given is perfect, flawless autistics who don’t suffer and are loved by everyone, it will get pretty boring very soon, and not even realistic in any way. This is not what I want.
What I am saying is that there is so little representation of autistic people in media, and we need to change that, and to change that in a balanced way. Some autistic characters can be robots or aliens, just not most of them. Some autistic characters can be villains, just not most of them. Some autistic characters can die if the story calls for it, just not most of them. And I’m pretty sure we’ve never said autistic characters couldn’t suffer in stories. Writers exist to make their characters suffer :)
Once again, what I want to emphasize is, make your representation fair. Sure, every story doesn’t have a happy ending, and characters might die. But if everyone survives and is happy and the only autistic character in the story dies to make it possible/ ends up miserable, that does kind of send a message to your readers. In the same way, if everyone in your story is neurotypical unless a few robots who are all autistic, in your readers’ minds, autistic and robot will very quickly become synonyms. Everything is a question of proportion.
And, as always, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and every writer is free to write whatever they wish. This is just my opinion, and you and our other readers are perfectly free to disagree.
-Mod Cat
I just want to say that I completely agree with all that Cat wrote. We never said that autistic characters must be perfect or flawless or never get hurt. What we want is fair representation. I have no problem whatsoever with autistic monsters and aliens and robots per se - I have a problem with that being the only option. And I couldn’t care less why a writer includes a realistic autistic character which provides a good role model for a reader. I don’t care if they’re doing it selfishly, to feel good about themselves. I don’t care if they pity me. I’m interested in the book, not the author. When I pick up that book and read it, all I care about is that character. 
I love Ender’s Game even though I think the author is a despicable human being. It’s still a great book. It was a great book the first time I read it, when I didn’t know anything about its author. It’s still a good book now, despite what I have learned about him. I can love Ender even though I despise his creator. Books have a life independent from their authors, as do their characters. A character can have meaning for a reader no matter what the author intended it to be.
What I want, what I think most autistic readers want, is the chance to pick up a book and read about a character we can relate to without being told that we can’t be human. That’s it. Make that character flawed. Make that character struggle. Of course. But make that character. Make that character, and then go ahead and feel all good about yourself, and pat yourself on the back, and feel like a better person, because… Well, because you did something to make the world better for autistic people. Unless the author emblazons I ONLY DID THIS OUT OF PITY FOR AUTISTIC PEOPLE AHAHAHAHAHAHA across the cover, the reader is never going to know that. All they’re going to know is that they finally have a character they can relate to who isn’t a friggin’ robot. And that’s just awesome.
-Mod Aira
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
My Story: Jenn Harper is On a Mission to Empower Indigenous Youth, One Power Lip at a Time
Meet Jenn Harper, the founder of Cheekbone Beauty, a made-in-Canada cosmetics line of colourful lipsticks and lip glosses, plus complexion products, focused on low waste and sustainability: think biodegradable packaging and sustainably sourced ingredients. What’s more, 10 per cent of Cheekbone Beauty’s profits are donated to the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society, a non-profit organization providing reconciliation-based public education, research and support to promote the safety and wellbeing of First Nations children and their families. Formerly a sales professional, the idea for Cheekbone Beauty – which was established in 2016 and puts Indigenous youth at its centre – came to Jenn in a life-changing dream. Here, the entrepreneur shares, in her own words, her brand’s ethos and how she turned past trauma and struggle into do-good triumph.
On the dream that sparked it all:
“I was a serious alcoholic for many, many years and got sober in 2014. Then, in January of 2015, I literally had a dream about making lip gloss — and I don’t dream very often. The highlight of that dream was little Indigenous girls with the rosiest little cheeks, and they were laughing and just so happy. So I jumped out of bed that night, grabbed my laptop and typed up what I now know is called a business plan (I did not know that’s what it was called back then). That was the beginning of it. I took 2015 and 2016 to learn as much as I could about entrepreneurship and the beauty business, from product development to supply chain, market research and marketing. I didn’t go to business school. I just literally read over a hundred books between those two years.
Going through this insane experience of getting sober and getting my own life together, I thought about the ways I wanted the world to work: How could I be a real force for good and for positive change? How could I take money and put it towards good causes? How can I rethink how to operate? It was an opportunity to build a business that I did not yet see in the world and incorporating all of those ideas right into the business plan. I always talk about how I wouldn’t be where I am today without all the trauma and pain in my life. I had to go through that in order to get here now. I’m a grateful, recovered addict who wants to be a good role model for Indigenous youth, for my own family, for my own children. And I want to show that you can use business as a force for good.”
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Happy September Warriors!⚡⚡⚡ Personal email invitations will be landing in your inboxes this week. We are are launching a whole NEW Brand Advocate program. Super excited to share the details! Watch your inboxes all week! Thank you for sharing your swatches #Repost @tobyandrocket — Should I make #swatchsaturday a thing on this page? Here are swatches of the @cheekbonebeauty lip products I got recently. From top to bottom: Agave gloss Autumn liquid lipstick Melina liquid lipstick Keyah lipstick Melina and Keyah are really similar on me. For normal times I’ll definitely prefer the lipstick but the liquid lip is way more smudge proof for mask wearing Happy weekend! . . . . . #makeupflatlay #makeupswatches #makeupswatch #lipstickswatches #cheekbonebeauty #crueltyfreemakeup #crueltyfreecosmetics #makeupplaytime #makeupparty #newmakeup #veganmakeup #veganlipstick #indiemakeup #indiemakeupbrands #makeupcollection #lipsticklover #makeupfavorites #igmakeup #lipstickswatch
A post shared by Cheekbone Beauty Cosmetics INC (@cheekbonebeauty) on Sep 1, 2020 at 10:23am PDT
On learning and growing from one’s traumatic past:
“[That dream] came after me having my own struggles and searching for a long time on why it is that my community constantly struggles. And when I learned in 2015 about the residential school system and the impact that it had, which is called transgenerational trauma, it all started to make sense. Many Indigenous families are still impacted by the residential school system — a system that tried to eradicate Indigenous people of their language and practices. Learning that was really humbling because I used to just think there was something wrong with me and something wrong with my family. It gave me a true understanding of how big of a role that played into the person I had become because of my family history, but also the opportunity to realize that change is possible for so many of us.
I want to share with Indigenous youth that, yes our lives are imperfect, yes we can make mistakes along the way, but we can overcome a lot of those traumatic experiences and turn out on the good side of it as better people. We can be better citizens, better community leaders. We can be better parents and families. That’s all possible. I want to represent Indigenous views and stories, and I realize how important it is to be vulnerable and share that part of myself because somebody who is struggling may hear your story and take something away from it. And the truth is, when I was struggling, I would listen to other people’s stories and find empowerment in them by thinking, ‘Well, if they could do that, then maybe I could too?’ That’s the whole hope with my entire brand. Like The Warrior Woman collection is ultimately this platform of incredibly inspiring, strong Indigenous women that we want our Indigenous kids to see and think: if you can see it, you can be it.”
On the importance of being able to tell your own origin stories:
“In mainstream industries, I don’t think Indigenous people have ever truly been highlighted, unless it’s an appropriated version. We see this in sports teams, in Land O’Lakes butter, even in stories like Pocahontas where nobody even got the story correct. And there is this Hollywood version of what it means to be a native person in North America. It’s unfortunate that our stories have never really been told from us, by us — the true stories. So, I’m just glad that Cheekbone Beauty gets to be a part of the storytelling.”
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When we use to gather, miss it.🙌🏾 We them Boujee Natives @snottynoserezkids ⚡⚡⚡ All Wearing MELINA Liquid Lipstick named after another Boujee Native @melina_miyowapan 💚 Melina is named after an Indigenous Rights advocate from the Lubicon Cree First Nation in Alberta, Canada, Melina Laboucan-Massimo. Melina has been a vocal advocate for Indigenous rights for the past 10 years and is a Climate and Energy Campaigner with Greenpeace Canada. Melina has also produced short documentaries on water issues as well as Indigenous cultural revitalization.💚 Melina is a Rosy Peach Nude.💚 What Warrior are you wearing?!⚡ ❤️🙌🏾⚡❤️🙌🏾⚡❤️🙌🏾❤️⚡ #Repost @ericavioletlee — O, for the heady days of meeting friends at a cafe. 🖤 #cheekbonewarriors #CheekboneBeauty #thelipstckforacausecompany
A post shared by Cheekbone Beauty Cosmetics INC (@cheekbonebeauty) on Aug 18, 2020 at 12:05pm PDT
On helping Indigenous youth:
“We aren’t just building a brand that’s about selling lipsticks. The real power of our brand is truly about creating this space for representation for Indigenous kids and creating awareness around the unequal funding for Indigenous kids. We’re doing our part by doing what we can financially and, to date, we’ve donated just over $8,000 to The First Nations Child & Family Caring Society. And altogether we’ve donated well over $25,000 worth of products and cash to organizations as a whole that exist to improve and enhance the lives of Indigenous youth. For us, it’s really important that these kids’ education is taken care of and that people understand that they deserve an equal education, just like the rest of the Canadian kids.”
On her brand’s social media visuals:
“They are all of our community. We repost anyone who has purchased our product. We repost pictures along with community members’ thoughts around products. You’ll notice that we’ll make a comment in the caption about what shades they’re wearing, but then we let people express themselves in their own words. Our entire social media strategy is about letting people have this space to share their stories with the rest of the world.”
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Imagine your lipstick could make a difference!!! ⚡⚡⚡ Wear, share and tag your shade to @cheekbonebeauty ⚡⚡⚡ SUNNY Liquid Lipstick.💋 Sunny is named after the Lakota speaker, writer, poet, activist, and advocate for sexual abuse prevention from the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. Sunny is an advocate for Indigenous Women, from helping coordinate the Remember the Hearts of Our Women MMIW March in Rapid City to empower women by sharing her own stories about abuse, finding her own identity and her journey of healing. Sunny also published articles with NativeMax Magazine entitled ‘The Mother Of Racism’ as well as ‘Pursuit of Innocence’ in Last Real Indians.💋 Sunny is an Orange Coral.💋 Thank you for wearing and sharing your @cheekbonebeauty #Repost @lesalove — As a proud Cree woman, daughter, sister, auntie & mother. I am finding myself and my identity to be proud of who I am and where I come from. I’m Registered Massage Therapist and in search of ways of our peoples old traditional healing to incorporate into my practice. As I learn more about my people and our customs and traditions, it’s more and more important to me to support indigenous businesses as they find their way too. T-shirt from @therezlifestyle Warrior Women Liquid Lipstick from @cheekbonebeauty wearing colour (Sunny) #ecommerce #therezlifestyle #firstnations #model #indigenousowned #entrepreneurship #rezBAE #BigAuntieEnergy #landback #supportindigenousbusiness #proudtobeindigenous #creefirstnations #plainscree #cheekbonebeauty #cheekbonewarriors
A post shared by Cheekbone Beauty Cosmetics INC (@cheekbonebeauty) on Aug 15, 2020 at 11:33am PDT
On the impact of the Black Lives Matter movement:
“Business has just skyrocketed. It’s become super overwhelming, and I honestly believe that the Black Lives Matter movement has played a giant role in our success. I will forever be grateful to the community members that have really propelled this and made the entire world stop and pay attention to something that should have been paid attention to far, far, far earlier. These movements also help us to make better business decisions as well, like who’s going to be working here? What does our board look like? Things that are super important. Even as an ‘awakened’ brand, we also can be learning and listening, because there’s so much more awakening to do.”
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BUILD YOUR OWN ECO + REFILLABLE PALETTE IS LIVE!!!💚 Applying change.🙌🏾 Do good.❤️ Feel good💚 Look good.💋 You can now build your own face palette! Choose between your favourite cheek, contour, and highlight shades to create your perfect palette. It's important to us that our products are both not harmful to the environment but also accessible to everyone. This new packaging is refillable, sustainable, and true to the core of our journey to be stewards for the earth.  Our original palettes just didn't have a shade that was complimentary to deeper or more fair complexions. With this new launch of shades, we hope you can find your perfect colours!  These silky, pigmented powders are so easy to use and add the perfect amount of colour and warmth to your look. A do-it-all addition to your makeup routine.  Made in Canada. Made with Biodegradable paper and refillable. Sustainable. 10% of Cheekbone Beauty's Profits Support shannensdream.ca #cheekbonewarriors #cheekbonebeauty
A post shared by Cheekbone Beauty Cosmetics INC (@cheekbonebeauty) on Aug 28, 2020 at 1:36pm PDT
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My Story: Jenn Harper is On a Mission to Empower Indigenous Youth, One Power Lip at a Time published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
how to write a Letter of Interest (UPDATED Version)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=2988&wpwautoposter=1587881529 The How to Write a Letter of Interest Game When writing a letter of interest to get a job there are a few important aspects to bear in mind. You are attempting to create the impression of a confident person who has the capacity to do a job, you are likely to need to chat about your accomplishments and why you are an ideal choice Avoid passivity. The authority letter must be extremely precise and ought to leave absolutely no room for ambiguity. No matter your problem is with handwriting, it’s very unlikely it can’t be remedied. In the majority of instances, you’re going to be writing to the individual who sent you the waitlist or deferral letter. Try to learn the name of the individual you’re sending the cover letter to. Homework is easily the most important thing, and whenever you’re well versed with a few techniques with writing such letters, you shall have the ability to craft a Letter of Interest Format. An individual should not send `form letters’, as they are most likely to receive ignored. Writing an official letter is often thought to be an intimidating task by people. A Startling Fact about How to Write a Letter of Interest Uncovered State how you learned about the work opening and whether you’ve already been in contact with the person to whom you’re addressing the letter. As a candidate, it would be simple to presume that it won’t be read and it is a waste of time. Use the letter to highlight why you are the perfect candidate for a position and request an interview. Every portion of the cover letter plays an essential role in aiding you to shine a positive light on your candidacy, and that has the closing. A letter of intent is comparable to a cover letter but more detailed, providing not just an overview of your qualifications but in addition a thorough description of your accomplishments and career targets. A motivational letter has become the most personalized and important document it’s possible to conduct as a way to send towards a desired university, where you’ll have the opportunity to present yourself and grant yourself a fantastic opportunity! Citing the explanations for why you’re interested and ways to be an important asset to the company are also imperative. Before you write your letter, make time to learn about the organization. If you work for a big company, also list your present department and position. On the flip side, if you get an overnight package from FedEx, you’re most likely to open it at once. It’s possible to present your interest in buying a product from someone. Once you have found out the varieties of people that your business hires, you wish to do what you can to emulate them in your letter of interest. A resume is a necessary tool for virtually any job search, but it’s only one tool. Read the job description carefully and establish the top a couple of qualities the business wants in a candidate, Salemi states. Do your research firstBefore you get started writing, find more information regarding the business and the particular job you desire. You would include what sort of a role or job you’re seeking in that organization and you will need to justify why and how that role would agree with your qualification for that specific post. If you’re interested in turning in an application for an exciting city position, you want to inform your prospective employer that you’re the perfect candidate for the job. Landing a job with no experience may be an even larger challenge. Clearly state what unique qualities you must offer and the way in which they meet the requirements of the organization. So ask the colleges whether you are able to expect to get a similar number of grants in subsequent years if your financial circumstances are alike. You may also have anything of value that would indicate that you’re an outstanding professor. Students loved Ms. Dominguez due to her nurturing personality. Introduce yourself and explain why you’re writing. In the majority of instances, the company letter is going to be the very first impression that you make on someone. Showing employers exactly ways to earn a positive effect in their school will force you to stick out among applicants. No interest personal loan aren’t something which can usually be attained unless borrowing from friend or family, or so the lender is definitely entitled to some type of reimbursement. Describe how you anticipate using the funding in a means that most fit the aims of the funder’s grant. Gather all the needed materials and ideas which you have to produce your letter. How you include a cover letter is dependent on just what the job posting instructions were. You may have heard that keeping your cover letter to a single page is great. The response might choose the kind of a signed copy of the letter, or possibly a formal lease document that includes the expressed terms. The duration of the letter won’t be more than one to one and a half pages and supplies data about your accomplishments within the field. The opening paragraph needs to be short but more than 1 sentence. If you don’t know the name of someone to whom the letter should be addressed, call the business and inquire. Therefore, if you’re sending an email to somebody who hasn’t given you permission, you might be believed to be a spammer. Start with the name of the person that you’re applying to and the address. A financial aid package is an assortment of different kinds of financial aid from several sources. For instance, if you can find out the e-mail sequence in a particular company, then you’re able to constitute the e-mail yourself. The secret to a thriving letter of interest isn’t in showing off what you could do, but in showing what you can do to help the organization. The Argument About How to Write a Letter of Interest You have to select or download a sample interest letter according to your requirements or requirements. If at all possible, identify a manager in the department at which you would love to work and send a duplicate of your communication to that person. A superb application for a student travel grant should consist of convincing demonstration that you truly are contingent on the grant so as to attend the conference. Writing an excellent cover letter could signify the difference between getting the interview you would like and not getting an interview in any respect. The tough part was making an offer. A company is considerably more likely to employ someone they think will delight in working for them than someone who will leave at the first available prospect. The Ideal Approach to Letter of Interest Tell your former employer as soon as the verification letter is necessary. A letter of interest is just one of the most essential and crucial cover letters which should accompany resumes, certificates and other formal documents which make up the contents of a work application. The donation request letter ought to be in a position to draw an image of the cause which you are associated with. Keep your letter genuine, and don’t just put together sentences that you believe faculty heads wish to hear. Bear in mind that you’re supposed to compose a letter, not an essay. Last, you need to remember that writing an official letter isn’t difficult if you understand and adhere to the fundamental rules and the format of the letter. Any other important information of interest to the ward in question ought to be mentioned in the letter to prevent unnecessary problems later on. Thus, the best method is to send a letter or email to the employer to be sure he has received your CV. There are two or three examples you can look at, before drafting your own letter. The letter shouldn’t be too lengthy and only the relevant details ought to be written. The content of the letter ought to be well thought out and then ought to be presented well. An email is comparable to a cover letter. Choosing Good Letter of Interest Tobacco is now synonymous with cancer. If you need assistance deciding what’s essential for the position, examine the biographies of different men and women who do this or read past job postings to discover what the business is trying to find. It is an important document that is usually written by a candidate applying for a job. You simply need to prepare a productive cover letter if you prefer to secure a good job. A career change cover letter indicates the interviewer why you’re applying for a specific job and why you’d be the very best person to employ. Write a letter to somebody else in an equally enticing position you know they’re out there, and that there are lots of people that are prepared to speak to you! Also, make sure you end the letter on a superb note by wishing the individual good luck. Also, remember to attach a copy of your resume to the person does not need to waste time browsing for your resume. With the aforementioned suggestions, you will see that the procedure for writing a letter of intent for college is now much simpler. A lot of people assume that a cover letter is about you. This letter should emphasize the simple fact that if they’re not able to pay the amount within the stipulated time, you are going to be left with no choice except to take strict legal action against them. So if you would like to be an expert writer, it’s important to have the ability to compose a professional letter. You don’t have to compose your life story in protest. As a rule, it should be written in the first person. Letter of Interest Secrets That No One Else Knows About Since school-going students are young and can’t be expected to deal with a letter about missing class, parents have to take responsibility instead. Details about the way the scholarship will lead to your education also are appropriate. Briefly state which you have good communication and organizational abilities, in addition to proficiency with computer programs that allow you to perform tasks accurately and efficiently. Applicants should emphasize the exceptional skills they could bring to the organization. Our professional services are here in order to supply you with help writing the ideal residency letter of recommendation. You will support and produce the ragtag group of trainers and technologists at DefendDefenders by contributing your special expertise to our present projects or start the growth of new ones. Most word processing programs provide a number of templates. The process is comparable to writing an external resume with a couple adjustments and tweaks needed. If you’ve got an experience of handling several calls, then let them know you can manage. Be certain the frame isn’t just random. He or she can also add his contact number, e-mail ID for further communication. Though a sample always has the choice to help you recognize the format, it is a good idea to refer to a template. In general, if you’re in a position to compose a really superior letter of explanation, you’ll be in a position to buy yourself more time, since the lender may not report the late payment, thereby preserving your credit score. No interest personal loan isn’t something which can usually be attained unless borrowing from friend or family, or so the lender is surely entitled to some kind of reimbursement. It is necessary for the borrower to thoroughly read the conditions of repayment to prevent any confusion later on. Do not neglect to mention this letter is only an agreement on your intent to obtain the property, not a binding legal document. Letters of intent can also incorporate a section that outlines special conditions connected to the stock sale. A Letter of Inquiry is written whenever you are seeking information about the organization, positions that might be available or whenever you are proposing a contribution you feel would benefit the organization in some manner. What Everybody Dislikes About Letter of Interest and Why When the simple information is presented at the start, details about his or her life follow in chronological order. Then you need to provide some help to fix the problem you’ve created and taken corrective measures. Now, there may be a speculation regarding how something like business letters can be a bit of art. Letter of Interest Sample Options A step-by-step instruction with various samples will enable you to compose each section of the cover letter. Understanding the circulation of the paragraph is truly important and the work description portion of the advertisement does the work here. A static item of paper is trumped by a robust internet presence. Your name and page number ought to be on top of each subsequent page. Simply take a notebook to your interviews and also maintain a notebook close to the phone where you are able to jot down important info, like the names of those who are interviewing you and their titles. Bear in mind that it is a template, so you are going to want to edit the info. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Letter of Interest Sample So it’s possible you will need to change jobs to acquire a huge raise, but additionally, it is possible you can find a fairly enormous raise by staying put and playing your cards right. You will have to compose a sample and if it’s something which clients are interested, you are going to land a gig. The advantage of digital call center is you could work at home. Value statements are almost always warm and fuzzy. In a Letter of Application you’re applying for the certain position for which an ad was placed or for which you are referred. Professional summaries permit you to place some of your very best qualifications right up at the peak of the resume. Up in Arms About Letter of Interest Sample? That means you can make sure that only significant profile clients are posting jobs here. A Letter of Inquiry is written whenever you are seeking information about the organization, positions that might be available or whenever you’re proposing a contribution you feel would benefit the organization in some manner. Message lead developers, or CTOs at companies that you’re interested in, and allow them to know your interest in getting to where they’re professional. You don’t need to go from cold to sold as you’ve already established trust. Talk about your career objectives and why you believe you would be a fantastic fit for the organization. Job hunting isn’t different than working on a semester undertaking. Understanding Letter of Interest Sample It’s always valuable to prepare ahead prior to going for a job interview. See what you could learn from how they show up and do work. A good way to get to understand the provider is to speak to somebody who is already employed there. In instance, you don’t have work experience in some specific area, then tell about your education and the way it can allow you to fulfill the challenges of the job, if you’re hired. Possessing little to no experience yet doesn’t indicate you are unable to get the job that you desire. Also, make certain it’s related to the position. Address the outside the envelope to the interest of the individual you addressed the letter to so it is going to arrive on the proper desk. If you can’t think of an illustration of the candidate being organized, for instance, don’t incorporate that. It’s basically an introductory letter, which is sent by means of a man or woman to a possible employer. Letter of Interest Sample Secrets Sincerely, Your Student Services Staff The above letter is only a sample to give you a notion of what an award letter appears like and what kind of information you might be given on a financial aid award letter. It is clear that the candidate is going to be deemed as sloppy in the event the cover letter isn’t formatted. The next thing to do is to work out who you’re addressing the letter to. For your motivation letter to be profitable, it should address certain vital issues and ought to also be in the most suitable format. You are able to also use the third paragraph of the cover letter to give extra accomplishments in the academia like a normal manuscript reviewer for journals in your area. In the initial one, you must compose an essay. Ok, I Think I Understand Letter of Interest Sample, Now Tell Me About Letter of Interest Sample! Make certain you know what’s a grant award and what’s a financial loan. One is to have the hiring manager excited to find out more about you, as stated by the University of Texas at Dallas. Most companies have a yearly merit cycle, sometimes depending on the calendar year, and sometimes dependent on the corporation’s fiscal calendar year. Letter of Interest Sample – Dead or Alive? If you’re sending your cover letter’ as an email, then it is advised to create the cover letter the major body of the email and just attach your CV. An email is comparable to a cover letter. Your applicant info, including address, contact number, fax number and email address ought to be on top of the very first page. Facts, Fiction and Letter of Interest Sample Match your skills to the company or job you’re applying for. With the training that you offer, I am certain that I’ll get an equal appreciation of the demands of the plastic market. Read the requirements in the work description and make it instantly clear to the employer (with the support of examples) which you can deliver work according to their expectations. The Ugly Secret of Letter of Interest Sample For instance, if you’re nominating yourself for a service award, identify each one of your accomplishments associated with the kind of service. Before you compose the letter, make a list of your main accomplishments in the business, and after that attempt to quantify them. Templates and examples are available online. All About Letter of Interest Sample Mentioning about the post of the vacancy and other job details will certainly help you to make a fantastic impression since the employer will bear in mind that you have taken pains to learn about the facts of the job. The letter of intent implies that all of the parties involved in the transaction are conscious of the deal and all issues related to it. You’re not obligated to tell your employer why you’re leaving, but if you desire to keep a professional, mutually respectful relationship with your employer, it would be a good idea to disclose your future intentions if you’re leaving to pursue other career opportunities. Address how you’re a superior fit, by employing similar language within the body of your letter to spell out your related strengths, accomplishments, and commitment. Don’t forget, you’re unable to use body language or voice tone to your benefit in an email. Much like cover letters, you have to first compose a greeting to the individual you’re addressing. The Dirty Truth on Letter of Interest Sample Some students state their enterprise experience and other relevant reasons they don’t will need to submit a test score with the requirements. The team element is so essential for all of us. For example, many operating managers don’t provide a hoot about anything aside from results. he Unexplained Puzzle Into Letter of Interest Template Discovered To compose such letters, you want to begin the research practice. Review Before you complete the letter, read over any requirements put forth by the organization to which you’re applying to be sure you’ve completed all their requirements. A cover letter plays an important part in convincing the committee members which you are a deserving candidate for the scholarship. Example Letter of Interest is a very simple format which will be simple for the users to use. It is an easy letter format. These documents are similar and are frequently used interchangeably. In case you have any issue downloading the templates, send me the purchase number and I will return to you. After you get the order, you will find an email with a hyperlink to download the templates. If you’re not the kind of person to compose documents from scratch, you will want to learn about next key, that’s the worldwide web. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Letter of Interest Template While new information can be useful, it might not be sufficient to sway the Admissions Office’s decision. It is essential for them to compose a very good Letter, and they’ll understand that looking at the samples which are available can help them with that. The internship cover letter should focus more on what you would like to do, rather than that which you’ve done. Letter of Interest Template Ideas In order to be remembered much when you have written the letter, it’s important to learn how to write it appropriately. It should also tell the business owner what kind of skills and experience the letter sender has. Your letter ought to have an expert tone It is essential for you to keep up a professional tone in your letter of interest. The intention of a cover letter is to tell a prospective employer what you could do, why you could be interested in them, and why you feel you’re qualified. To write a great cover letter or interest letter, you will need to understand a couple of things. As it’s been stated, writing letter of interest is always an arduous job. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Letter of Interest Template A good way to demonstrate your assertive and proactive qualities, a letter of interest puts you in front of a business for employment once the provider isn’t actively searching for employees. It’s possible to easily irritate them should you sound a little too demanding. Also, make sure to let the individual know how to get hold of you. What Everybody Dislikes About Letter of Interest Template and Why Tell at the first available portion of the letter how did you know more about the work post offer and tell that you’re interested in it. The letter offers you a chance to speak about your professional objectives, or why you’re committed to a specific area or practice setting, Mr. Cebulka explained. To present your work application the very best possible likelihood of success you want to understand how to compose a relevant and concise cover letter. Try to remember that these behaviors apply to virtually any work situation and can be utilized in any simple cover letter. When it has to do with crafting handwritten letters, chances of earning spelling errors are almost always significant. Typos and grammatical errors don’t have any excuses. It permits them to place their request towards something that’s desired by them. The reply to that is no, they aren’t the exact same. Let’s now examine the 2nd reason. The Good, the Bad and Letter of Interest Template These job descriptions can help you to include all the essential information in your cover letter. In case the job posting doesn’t contain all this information, you might need to do a little bit of research to acquire the specifics. Do a quick LinkedIn and Facebook search to discover if your buddies, relatives, and connections know somebody who works at the business. The Lost Secret of Letter of Interest Template In your cover letter, you should explain what makes you a well-qualified applicant for a particular position with a single company. Your letter might be written either in response to a work opening or only to investigate possible employment. To be considered for practically any position, you will have to compose a letter of application. To begin with, figure out which skills you wish to emphasize by carefully reviewing the work description. Odds are that if you’re asking for an internship, you could possibly be lacking in actual work experience. Together with helping with your layout, examples can allow you to see what sort of content you should have in your document (for example, examples of your abilities and experiences). Definitions of Letter of Interest Template You may refer to prior work you have published if it’s directly related. As much as you may want to gush about how much this means to you or inform them your entire life story, you must respect their time and remember their perspective. In truth, it has to work a great deal harder. What Does Letter of Interest Template Mean? As a management student who’s about to graduate from college, I want to inquire about the chance of openings in your esteemed business. A letter of interest can be transmitted at any moment whether the provider is actively hiring and isn’t sent in response to a particular job opening. Also, highlight in the letter how you’re add to the job and the corporation. You’re shooting for your intended business and your dream job. In the instance, you don’t have work experience in some specific area, then tell about your education and the way it can let you fulfill the challenges of the job if you’re hired. It is possible to just write down the degree you’re holding, and the essence of job you’re seeking for. Include evidence which you have done research on the business. Especially if you lack an inside connection to the business, you might feel desperate to stick out from the crowd. By way of example, individuals quit their jobs since they are not making a difference in the business. I understand you will be given a massive number of applications for this position. Employers hire people to address problems. Use practical examples to emphasize what you can do to help the business. he Importance of What Is a Letter of Interest Cover letters typically contain a concise introduction. Such letters are generally not prompted by means of a job posting or advertisement. You should write a new cover letter for each job that you apply for, but should you do choose to use a cover letter for several jobs, make certain to remember to modify the date to the present date. Otherwise, it’s not any different than a mass-distributed bit of letter prepared to be thrown into the trash throughout the city. As it’s been stated, writing letter of interest is always a tough job. Very similar to an expert referral, an introduction letter creates a very first impressionand you want to earn a good one! Yes, you’ve got to include the term count. Thus, you have to be mindful with your selection of words and style of writing for interest letters. You’re left with the three most important reasons, all which should be simple to articulate in a couple of sentences. Up in Arms About What Is a Letter of Interest? Hope you had a great year. Click book covers to secure more info and get them on Amazon. In the event the Cover Letter has not yet been written in an expert style in addition to format, you would discover that it’s hard to get selected for the last round of interview for work. The many articles linked above provide some fantastic advice about ways to boost your application. Nailing the details is often equally as critical as making a great impression during an interview. You’ll have questions, and we’ll also have questions. What Is a Letter of Interest and What Is a Letter of Interest – The Perfect Combination From time to time, there are simply too many applicants for employment. Its main aim is to demonstrate the seller the selection of valuation a buyer is prepared to pay and show the advisory firm the severe intent of the buyer to pursue the chance through to a formal offer. Basically, the letter assures the seller he’ll get payment even if the purchaser fails to pay. To begin with, the rental application by itself won’t tell if you if someone will be a very good tenant. Some businesses may have tax incentives to employ workers in a specific location. Finding a reduction on your charge card interest isn’t impossible, provided you are a great customer, you pay on time all the moment, you have a great credit rating, you pay more than the minimum monthly, and you don’t have a high debt-to-income ratio. Many times, you’d be in a position to locate a telephone number of a contact person in the business in the work description. If you’re interested in getting a conventional publishing deal, a terrific query letter is a necessity. Introduce yourself in the very first line, name the area or position you need and mention how you found out about the business. The Foolproof What Is a Letter of Interest Strategy You should also incorporate the reasons you feel you’d be a fantastic fit for the company and any pertinent references or recommendations you might have. In case the scholarship letter of interest stands alone from an official application, identify the precise information that you still need about the scholarship or any related materials you want, like an application form. If you’ve heard a former position related to the market state it here. What Is So Fascinating About What Is a Letter of Interest? In the job experience section state any sort of work you’ve done even internships and volunteer work count. It’s also simpler if you’re applying for employment in the region you studied in college. A letter of interest is step one for getting work. What Is a Letter of Interest Features The caliber of the content that you put in there matters. Not only are you going to get the BEST letter of interest sample and template that you may use for a work program, internship, or a promotion, but I’ll also boost your over-all opportunities to find a job with a multinational company by a huge margin. Message lead developers, or CTOs at companies that you’re interested in, and allow them to know your interest in getting to where they’re professional. Don’t send a resume, but instead send them your private site and inform them why you wish to work at the organization. Research thoroughly about the business and get accustomed to the organization’s products and services when you’re showing interest in an opening in that corporation. Don’t be afraid to indicate the explanations for why you’d be an asset to the business. After all, the objective of requesting a job is to be invited in for an interview, and thus don’t be shy, do it. There are two standard techniques to let a work candidate down. You want to know more about seeking work in the business, but you need the important skill sets too. What Is a Letter of Interest and What Is a Letter of Interest – The Perfect Combination Networking can be miserable occasionally, but knowing people goes a long way. Many employees have a lousy attitude to their bosses since they see them as someone who only tells them what to do. Write a letter to somebody else in an equally enticing position you know they’re out there, and that there are lots of people that are willing to speak to you! You must be in a position to ask the proper question to spot your customer’s present and even future wants, in order in order to recommend the goods which are most suitable to their case. In many instances, it has a tendency to be client work. Obviously, you should speak about your real experience and the tasks you will do in the position you’re applying for. The urge to keep on learning in also mandatory, as you’ll be given on the work training about specific goods, offers, and options for every kind of client. Your ability to have the job of your dreams could hinge on the caliber of that very first communication with a prospective employer. Your desire to do the job is equally as vital as your abilities. What You Have to Know About Letter of Interest Vs Cover Letter and Why How to Choose Letter of Interest Vs Cover Letter Enable the interviewer do the majority of the talking.  Simply stating your opinion or the subject of the essay won’t ever accomplish this. This question is asked in virtually all job interviews. Attempt to customize each letter in line with the organization you’re sending it to. By that, you’re making sure your letter is going to be read and considered while it’s passed on to the ideal department. Eat on a normal schedule. Key Pieces of Letter of Interest Vs Cover Letter From time to time, you will receive two determinations that look the exact same on the exact same moment. If you’re inquiring about an opening that hasn’t been advertised or one that may not even exist yet, get in touch with the firm to determine the name and title of the individual who will get your application. It’s a letter that’s intended to highlight one’s qualifications for any job and has to be well-written. The very first thing which you should do when told you’ll be asked to sign a non-compete agreement is ask to observe a copy of the agreement beforehand. If you send a letter of interest to a prospective employer, you need to be highly motivated and qualified to be able to be successful since you are sending an unsolicited letter, and therefore there’s a high likelihood that the business won’t be actively hiring at the time they get your letter. There are the authentic legal expenses of getting a divorce judgment. If you choose to apply for some job, academic program or you would like to go volunteering, you’ll be asked to compose a motivation letter. You also need to write what’s going to be your upcoming contribution to the university or organization. This document also enables you to come up with a relationship with the HR. You then go ahead to send a lot of applications to different schools due to the simple fact that admission is extremely competitive in Germany due to the shortage of tuition fees, and hence you wouldn’t wish to risk putting all your eggs in 1 basket. In the end, you can hurt yourself should you give an excessive amount of data in your protest. A motivation letter is largely utilized to enter a university, receive a scholarship, be qualified for a home loan, or submit an application for a volunteer position. You are attempting to hunt for study opportunities so you must hover your mouse cursor over Scholarships tab in the menu at the very top right position. Not one of this very first section was translated. Know all about getting a superb and efficient letter of recommendation within this section of our site. If you know the name of the individual who will read your letter, address the individual by her or his name. The target may be anyone. You’ll find it’s tough to dispose of your phone and attempt to date someone. Needless to say, my real favourite situation to teach was teenagers. It is very important to remember that the people who you are likely to present the proposal to donat have lots of time to read a lengthy document. Not great, is the solution. Why Almost Everything You’ve Learned About Letter of Interest Vs Cover Letter Is Wrong Do everything you’ve learned to stick out from the other job applicants! Learn the way the job will be able to help you to grow professionally. A job is usually something that one goes to each day to earn money, but often does not have any possibility of advancement. Yes, you’ve written about how well you enjoy the organization, but you should be specific regarding the work area you want to know more about. Taking a couple of hours every night to never download every available job board application and apply to each position isn’t likely to diminish your odds of obtaining a job in the slightest. Possessing a double major can boost your employ-ability changing and international job industry. Nowadays, it’s required for a person to work under pressure and can get the job done even after office hours. Recreation clubs are another popular sort of club. Outstanding hubs demand a good deal of planning and thought. Everybody’s situation is unique, but most people today incur economic expenses. So it’s natural that you should prove yourself worthy of getting employed in the provider. Another reason Americans are so deep in debt is that numerous consumers don’t understand the difference between positive and negative debt. Tax dollars don’t normally result in unemployment insurance. Financial and credit providers appear to employee credit checks more frequently than other employers. On the flip side, some forms of debt are bad. With the present to draw out your strengths and data, and then being in a position to present them in a manner that conveys professionalism, an excellent writer can easily remember to stand apart from the crowd. Bear this in mind also in all your life, it’s very powerful. Let’s now examine the 2nd reason. To sum this up, it’s beneficial to seem to be virtuous, but you have to be prepared to act the opposite way in the event the situation requires it. Thus, this case may be closed at intake because no actual neglect is occurring. If you’re the victim of a workplace tyrant, it’s simple to internalize blame and truly feel helpless. My resume contains other facets of my background that may address different questions. Describe a circumstance as soon as your work was criticized. In the end, research skills is important in the majority of art history positions. The Argument About Letter of Continued Interest Lies You’ve Been Told About Letter of Continued Interest In the event the neighborhood admissions officer is prepared to accept an extra letter of recommendation, determine whether you have a teacher that could give another perspective to your application. Although your letter of continued interest ought to be compelling, it also ought to be concise. Make certain you compare scholarship offerings and factor in cost to your choice! Ahead of sending the letter, you want to do a little bit of hardcore research of the organization, taking the opportunity to learn about the particular sort of people who they like to employ. A letter of interest can be transmitted at any moment whether the provider is actively hiring and isn’t sent in response to a particular job opening. Next aspect to consider is how long the company has been in operation. The more you’ve proven that you’ve done your research and know what you’re doing, the more the individual responsible for hiring will recognize that additional work. Simply take the opportunity to compose a suitable cover letter and you’re going to enhance your likelihood of employment. Your work is just to convey to the hiring manager that although you weren’t selected, you’re still interested in the firm. Whispered Letter of Continued Interest Secrets Last, consistency is critical for a strong brand image. You will have to make certain that your content includes targeted keywords to be in a position to achieve your audience. Don’t forget, legibility is crucial when selecting a font. Just like any important document, it’s prudent to create a duplicate of your letter of intent and stay it with yourself. Quite frequently, it’s useful to check at a sample letter. Writing a donation request letter may be a difficult job. Applying for letter of continued interest law school is among the things you are trying to develop into successful in your career objectives. Highlight a few crucial explanations for why you’re so interested in that law school, but don’t just list them. In most cases, they want to extend an offer of admission only to wait list applicants who are very likely to accept that offer. Your application won’t be evaluated without it should we must admit extra students. As a practical matter, you probably should contact a minumum of one professor at every school to which you’re applying. By default, if you’ve applied to a specific school you are interested in enrolling. Waitlisted students want to create their intentions clear right from the beginning and that may lead to the best match by using their dream college. It is to discover strengths as well as weaknesses. You don’t need to tell a school they are your very first decision to convey a suitable amount of interest, and you may also express an authentic degree of enthusiasm for a school even if it isn’t your native choice. The Demise of Letter of Continued Interest Interviewing tips can offer a helpful framework about how to answer difficult interview questions that are supposed to trip you up. Social Media Today presents additional considerations when it has to do with framing up your exact social networking job title. You’re welcome to join us for a guided tour to find out more about what Texas has to offer you. Congratulations to you, you’ve arrived later on. Over the summertime, Chene and Connie became really great buddies. While you would like to remain in touch with a school whilst on the waitlist, you will need to be cautious not to overdo it,” says Senior Consultant Heike Spahn. As stated by the Fair Isaac Company your debt to credit limit ratio accounts for at least 30% of your score, therefore it gets absolutely crucial to eliminate your debt first when you’re attempting to increase your credit rating. The works received a blend of reviews. When it’s your very first option, say so. If you believe you’ll be in a position to prepare a more powerful application by January than by November and would love in order to compare admissions offers and financial aid packages from several colleges, Regular Decision may be the best option for you. Signatories are required, as an example, to legislate statutes that penalize activities in spite of the terms of the treaty. Letter of Continued Interest at a Glance The personal statement is intended to showcase something distinctive and special about yourself. The letter doesn’t need to be a masterpiece, but be sure it’s well written and professional. When there are a lot of conventions to follow, we’ll concentrate on the ones which are most important for beginners to grasp. On the flip side, you’ might feel like you aren’t being a great enough parent and you may start to harbor a feeling of failure deep down inside. In case the business is relatively new and is showing a number of the warning signs mentioned previously, definitely stay away. The individual responds, and the situation is closed. As you mentioned in our interview, you need people who may think and act quickly in tight circumstances and who can deal with a number of different kinds of personnel. The explanations for greater interest are varied. There’s plenty of wisdom and experience to be tapped.
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harrisjv · 6 years
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I performed not necessarily should provide hand written details on a daily basis, yet kind phrases about why I was actually thankful to recognize all of them might possess been actually discussed much more regularly. Attempt adhering the radiance unaware letters forming words I LIKE YOU on the roof above her bed. Providers which are entitled for Meaningful Make use of under the Medicaid course are not subject to payment fines, unless the carrier is likewise eligible under the Medicare program. Coming from the standpoint of the processes curricular attributed knowledge and also previous understanding from the pupil, enabling a truly purposeful understanding. It Is this article writers view that we as black guys have made it through the hardiest of your time achievable, historically talking. 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The text message is actually concise because that needs since it doesn't possess way too many words since this is actually succinct. The trend as well as heritage of delivering christmas expressions is also increasing but it possesses undoubtedly came to be a popular means of communicating your affection and warm festive desires along with the charming terms. They deliver social networking sites control to ensure they could reach the target market and also interact all of them in a purposeful means. An additional characteristic from meaningful work is that you identify its importance as well as others will definitely as well.
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tribelamag-blog · 7 years
http://tribelamagazine.com/art-today-10-28-17-documenting-venice-artists-animal-rescues-find-fires-debbie-zeitman-read-entire-acrostic-interview/ TribeLA Magazine • Los Angeles I’ve been vegan for a long time now, and while I love so many vegan restaurants, at the top of my list at the moment for a consistently innovative and excellent meal is Satdha in Santa Monica. #Arttoday #Deezeephotography
New Post has been published on http://tribelamagazine.com/art-today-10-28-17-documenting-venice-artists-animal-rescues-find-fires-debbie-zeitman-read-entire-acrostic-interview/
ART TODAY 10.28.17 Documenting Venice Artists and Animal Rescues: Find out what fires up Debbie Zeitman - read her entire Acrostic Interview
Photograph by Miguel Montalvo
TribeLA Magazine Acrostic Interview with Debbie Zeitman
[hoot_dropcap]Tagline: Give yourself and your work a tagline.[/hoot_dropcap]
In my heart, I’m a storyteller, a communicator, someone who wants to provoke thought and facilitate change.
[hoot_dropcap]Rest: How do you spend your time off?[/hoot_dropcap]
I don’t know that the phrase ‘time off’ currently applies to my life. Back when I was a motion picture film editor, holed up in an editing room for months on end, time off meant hitting the road for a foreign exploration for as long as possible before the next job. Now that I’m fully in charge of my day, I slide in and out of time off seamlessly and invisibly, though travel is always on my mind and a goal, as well as eating good vegan food and daily runs with podcasts playing in my ears.
[hoot_dropcap]Influence: What effect do you hope to have on us?[/hoot_dropcap] I wish everyone who isn’t battling immediate survival would slow down, kindly ingest the world that surrounds them, and think of ways they can help build community. To tread with greater care on the planet. To mitigate anger with compassion, which is starting to sound cliché but is so vital at this time. And to go vegan for the sake of the animals and the world.
[hoot_dropcap]Back: If you could choose a past literary/art/music movement to be a part of, which would you choose?[/hoot_dropcap] Whenever I hear of times where it’s said that artists/writers/musicians hung out together – like Paris in the 1920s – for conversation and to share ideas, that’s what I want to be a part of. I long for that sense of exchange and community. But I will add that I embody a lot of the hippie era, at least the romanticized version. It’s no accident that I ended up on a month-long Soviet-American peace walk in the former Soviet Union back in my 20s.
[hoot_dropcap]Energy: What fires you up?[/hoot_dropcap]
Fires me up? Good and bad? Politics, laughter, a great mind, entitlement, littering, energetic music, a beautifully timed photograph, lingering dinner parties with a flow of conversation. I think I will consider adding to this list daily as an act of self-reflection.
[hoot_dropcap]Los Angeles: Where is your favorite place in Los Angeles? Where would you take visitors? If you could defend the city in one sentence to someone who doubts it, what would you say?[/hoot_dropcap] I love that I see the ocean daily, and that looking out at that horizon both soothes and anchors me. When friends come to LA, I strive to show them the vast diversity of the city, from neighborhood to neighborhood, but I stay away from glitzy because that doesn’t interest me. We travel to public art and areas with personality, from Venice to downtown to Echo Park…I could go on and on. Since LA seems to be rebuilt constantly, it’s a great place to take risk, because if you fear failure the evidence will likely be erased before you blink.
[hoot_dropcap]Advice: What is the best advice you’ve received? What is the best advice you can give?[/hoot_dropcap] Be more vulnerable. That I must not quiet my own voice because it belongs uniquely to me, and it is my obligation to honor it. That along with ‘Bias towards action’ (thank you Bill Burnett and Dave Evans) because sitting on an idea will not make it happen, and it can grow and evolve once it’s in motion. Imagine and describe your ideal day – where you see yourself, what time it starts, what you are doing, do you work with others or alone, etc. – and then figure out what job looks like that (courtesy of Biz Stone).
Best advice I can give? Listen to the advice I received. And stop uttering the phrase “I’m so busy” as if it’s a badge of honor. If your life is driving you and you’re not driving your life, make some changes. If you don’t have time to gather with people who matter to you, something is terribly out of balance. I know this might sound as if it’s spoken from a place of privilege, but I often notice that those with the least are best about creating time to be with others.
  [hoot_dropcap]Aura: How would you describe your energy, style, etc.?[/hoot_dropcap] I’m very casual and my favorite place to sit is cross-legged on the floor as if I’m in kindergarten. By nature I’m an observer. My eyes zero in on all around me, as do my ears. Images and words lure me in. I aim to capture the experience of being alive. How grandiose does that sound?
[hoot_dropcap]Room: Where in your home do you work? If not in your home, where do you feel most compelled to create?[/hoot_dropcap] My entire home is my workspace. Most often I can be found on my couch in my living room with a Lapdesk and laptop when I’m editing photos or writing. I move to the loft above for printing (and when I play with paint on a canvas). When I do shoots for clients in my home, I use odd surfaces and wall colors as well as the surrounding walkstreets for the unique backdrops they offer. But in my photo life in general, my creating takes place out in the world rather than in a studio.
[hoot_dropcap]Tools: What do you prefer to work with, physically and otherwise?[/hoot_dropcap] These days I mostly use digital cameras, though my film cameras still come out to play from time to time. I write on a laptop and with inexpensive fountain pens on unlined paper because I don’t like the restrictions of lines. And I play with paint and wire and found objects, anything that sparks me. My cell phone is always with me because I get inspired at the oddest moments, often in the midst of a run, and that means I can make a photo or write in the notes app. I shudder that I could lose the thought. 
[hoot_dropcap]Indulgence: What is your favorite indulgence? Do you cook? What is your specialty meal? What is your favorite restaurant in LA where you indulge yourself?[/hoot_dropcap] Getting a massage and restaurant meals are my indulgence. That can be as simple as a slice of vegan pizza. I assemble more than cook, unless I’m having people over. Then I experiment and improvise a lot. I’ve been vegan for a long time now, and while I love so many vegan restaurants, at the top of my list at the moment for a consistently innovative and excellent meal is Satdha in Santa Monica.
[hoot_dropcap]Special: Who or what holds a special place in your heart? How does this factor into your creative process?[/hoot_dropcap] Vulnerability moves me, and the mystery of the human experience. And animals hold a special place in my heart, for you can’t explain to them their suffering, so I strive to aid them whenever I can. When I first sought to donate my time to animal rescue groups via photography, I never imagined how deeply I would get involved. I find it extraordinary how vegans are ridiculed in our society as if wanting to end suffering is a position deserving to be mocked. As I result, I aim to normalize it and offer to sit with people one on one and then take them food shopping to answer their questions and to assist them in exploring going vegan.
[hoot_dropcap]Time: What is your all-time favorite piece of writing/art/music you’ve created?[/hoot_dropcap] How does one answer this? I think back on a piece of writing I did years ago that completely captured an experience I had and that flowed out of me like a song. It’s called ‘Away’ and I’m not saying it’s the best thing I’ve ever done, but it remains personal and meaningful to me, and reminds me to hit the road if I’m ever feeling stagnant. The unfamiliar is my comfort zone.
Thank you Debbie!
Debbie Zeitman has photographed over 50 Venice Artists and still counting. Fifteen artist portraits and stories are hanging at Wabi Venice (1635 Abbot Kinney Blvd in Venice). Her photographic life began as a freelance photographer for the Associated Press covering primarily sports. Now her eyes drift to life’s everyday rich details, whether tiny or grand. She also spends an extraordinary amount of time trying to capture the meaningful expressions of shelter dogs and cats in an attempt to get them to safety and into permanent homes. In addition, Debbie advocates for all animals and lives a vegan lifestyle.
To follow the Venice Artists project on instagram, click here: https://www.instagram.com/beforetheygo/
View Zeitman’s other projects at these links: http://deezeephotography.com https://www.instagram.com/deezeephotography/
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