#anti iw
abby118 · 2 months
I know I don't talk a lot about how much I despise the series, Ragnarok, or IW, but know that's just because I don't want to give it the time of day. There are a myriad of things I disagree with and/or find downright offensive for the story as well as its characters. 
It's such a shame, but it's evident that the people responsible for the "sequels" knew fuck all about the narrative they were supposed to be presenting. They ended up making shoddy remakes and I can't wrap my head around how so many people are utterly blind to it. The sheer mischaracterisation of all the characters is astounding.
They threw away years worth of highly valuable backstory and, with that, any chances of elaborating on any of the of subjects they could've addressed, just to make everybody into their miserably written comic relief. It's disgusting and shows just how little respect the new creators hold for the fanbase (and essentially, their own creations).
I applaud every single one of you who have the mental energy to write these elaborate metas pointing out what went wrong. I've got a lot to say too, but I can't bring myself to do so and acknowledge it.
I'm so grateful there are still people who understand the characters and their story, you are deeply appreciated and I love seeing you 🖤💚
(PS- in case you haven't noticed I don't hesitate to block you so called fans of the post 2013 era, so if any of you end up seeing this, stay away from my blog. You will get blocked.)
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delyth88 · 8 days
Ugh. I made the mistake of image searching "loki infinity war". :'(
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rogersstevie · 2 months
really and truly unless it's a discussion about why peggy/steggy fans shouldn't like endgame, at this point idk why people feel the need to continually make the argument about her having a family as if that's the biggest problem about the ending especially when i figure most people are of the belief that it was another timeline or whatever idk what the current consensus on that is in the mcu and i don't care
but what about the fact that it destroyed steve's family? does that not matter because it's not the standard spouse and children but is instead a family he built for himself with sam and nat and bucky? because it's easier to decide steve is a selfish asshole and always has been instead of acknowledging that that storyline did more of a disservice to him than to anyone else? like oh maybe peggy's family was erased and that's horrible but it doesn't matter that steve's family was abandoned in the midst of the kind of trauma he knows very well?
i've said it before but it makes me so sad that so many people just turned on steve and decided a decade of movies don't matter in the face of one shitty desperate attempt of a movie to make him look like a pathetic creep just so they could justify their heterosexual nonsense ending
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galaxythreads · 3 months
Unpopular opinion time: I think Loki's arc in the movies was excellent and we didn't need to drag him back from the dead to give him a series that ends with him completing exactly the same arc. Again.
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huffle-dork · 17 days
Swap Across the CrystalVerse Chapter 17: The Bad End
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs| You've reached a Bad End (Also on AO3!)
Read SITCV | SATCV Masterpost | AO3 Link
"You do look more like me wearing that," Chase comments, looking over Bro in his new clothes. "The hand-me-down look really seals it. Sorry if they don't fit. We have, uh, limited options while living in a cave. At least they're clean."
Bro laughs, "It's okay- we're pretty similar just… bigger… arms I guess."
"You can say bigger muscles- I think Chase's self esteem was already shot just by seeing them~!" Jackie grins.
"Hey! Don't be mean! It's not like… I'm showing off! It's just! What happens when you fight crime!" Bro protests.
Chase laughs. "Don't worry, I'm not too concerned about being built. I'm more of a long range guy."
Stacy pokes her head into the storage cavern where Chase, Bro, Jackie, and Sam are waiting. "Are you guys done in here?"
The two swaps look at Stacy and Bro tries to hide his blush at seeing her as he adjusts the outfit. "u-uh yeah! I think so!"
"Great." Stacy nods. "I found a group of people who are going to come along."
Someone else leans into view. They have short dark hair underneath a blue beanie and are wearing a black jacket and skirt with leggings. "Hey." They wave.
"Oh! This is Raven, they're one of those people," Stacy says. "They wanted to meet you."
"Not often you hear about people from another world." Raven grins. "Nice to meet you. I'm the magician."
"Oh! A magician! That's great!" Bro grins. "We could use any help we can get!"
'Nice to meet ya, Raven!" Jackie smiles.
"Heh." Raven smiles. "Happy to help. If you get paused in time I'm able to unfreeze you. That's why I'm coming."
"Oh awesome! That'll make this way easier!" Bro laughs.
"Stacy, are you gonna go, too?" Chase asks.
"Are you?" Stacy asks him.
"I, uh… I want to help. But I think it'll make the whole decoy thing hard."
Jackie looks at Chase and then shrugs, "If you stay with us and hidden- it should be fine! Once Bro starts using his powers it gonna be real obvious it aint you so-"
"That's true…" Chase muses. "Alright. I'll go. I'm an alright marksman, I can stay hidden from a distance."
Stacy nods. "In that case, I won't go. It's too dangerous for both of us to leave. Just in case something happens to one group."
Chase nods. "Alright. Where's Jack, by the way?"
Sam gets off the box They're sitting on and wraps Their nerve-tail around something inside. A small pen. They awkwardly write letters on the lid of the cardboard box. A-L-T.
"He's still with Alt?" Chase asks. "Huh."
Jackie frowns. "… I feel like that's been a long time."
Bro looks worried. "Do you think they're both okay?"
Chase bites his lip. "I don't think anything could've happened to Jack. You literally can't touch him, yknow? But… something could be…" He shakes his head, not wanting to say it in front of Bro and Jackie. "I-it'll probably be fine. If everyone's ready, we should start moving right away. Jackie, are you gonna come?"
"Yeah man! I can be moral support if anything. But, also like- whats the saying… better with numbers…?" Jackie frowns. "Why can't I remember how that goes-"
Bro laughs, "Please try to stay away from any place you can fall and break something, Jackie-"
"Nooo promises!" Jackie grins.
"You want a gun, then? Or a knife?" Stacy asks, pushing open the lid of a crate.
"Oh- a knife please. Imma a terrible shot." Jackie laughs.
"Alright, here you go." Stacy grabs a sheathed knife and hands it to him. "That looks the right size for you. Feel free to slash away, the corrupted don't feel pain and they don't go down easily."
"ooh- that's.. fun. Good to know." Jackie says, taking the knife.
Bro frowns, "huh… i gotta be careful then… I don't wanna like- accidentally… you know-"
"Accidentally kill them? You're that strong?" Chase asks with wide eyes.
Bro flushes, "…I dunno! mmmmaybe? I haven't tried to! I'm very against killing- but I usually try to hold back once I see someone in pain."
"Yknow, Trisha once shot Error point-blank with a shotgun and he got up again, I think you punching them really hard won't do that much," Stacy says. "Just don't aim for the heads. These are still people under all the corruption."
Bro nods to Stacy and wrings out his hands and wrists, "Okay… I can do that. I don't like aiming for the face much anyways. Broken noses aren't fun for anyone… Unless they deserve it. …Broken noses are meant for criminals not mind controlled people. There that's a new super law for me." He nods.
Jackie snorts and rolls his eyes.
Stacy laughs. "Great, good to hear."
"Let's head out, then," Chase says. "The sooner, the better. We need Bro to hang out somewhere with a lot of cameras for him to see, while the rest of us stay out of sight."
Raven nods. "I can keep up an invisibility spell for a while, but everyone will need to stick close to me, it only covers so much ground."
"Alright, good luck guys," Stacy says.
"Thanks Stacy- stay safe okay?" Bro says with a smile. Jackie gives her a two fingered salute.
“Let's go." Chase checks his gun, then leads the way out of the cave.
The door to the room appears, opening up. Jack looks away from Alt and towards it, stiffening. His form is overtaken by white static until he's just the staticky outline he was when Alt first saw him. He puts a finger to his lips.
Alt jumps slightly and then curls up as Jack becomes less solid. He shakily nods.
Error walks in. He looks at Alt and grins. "We're going to take a trip. Come on. Please don't make this difficult."
As Error walks in Alt growls and bares his teeth at him like a feral animal.
"Oh, don't be like that, this is your lucky day! Though you don't think of it that way right now." Error leans down, still grinning. He's not wearing the hoodie outfit from earlier. Instead, it's some red and blue jumpsuit, torn and bloodied. "Come on." His smile drops. "If I have to drag you down there, I will."
"Go ahead and try fucker-" Alt spits. He grins as his eyes spark with energy, "You already know I'm pretty slippery."
"Because of your glitching? Is that it? Hmmm." Error hums. "You know… the Place has a way of taking you where Anti wants you to be. So, sure, you can try. You'll probably just end up where I'm taking you anyway." He flashes a sharp smile. "But if you insist." He grabs Alt by the arm and starts pulling him towards the door.
Alt yelps and then quickly tries to glitch away and out of his grip.
And yet, somehow, Error manages to hold onto him. The static swarming around his body buzzes around Alt's glitches, causing some kind of rough barrier. "Come on," Error says, adjusting his hold so he's pinning Alt's arms to his side. He doesn't sound bothered at all by the struggles as he drags Alt out into the hallway. The static form of Jack follows.
Alt cries out and tries to fight as much as he can. "H-Hey! What the fuck!! Let me go!!"
"Nope!" Error says, almost cheerfully. He continues dragging Alt down the hallway, which slopes and twists downwards. Cables start to appear on the ground, ready to trip people up, but he nimbly dodges them. "Come on, we're almost there!"
Alt feels his stomach drop and dread starts to take over him as he tries even harder to get away. "N-No! C'mon J-Jackie! You're Jackie right?! J-Just let me go man!!"
"I thought I told you before." Error's grip on Alt tightens to the point where it hurts a little. "That's not me anymore." He reaches a door made of metal and opens it up, dragging Alt inside. It's completely dark, impossible to see, but somehow Error navigates it perfectly until he manages to push Alt into a chair, forcing him to sit.
Alt cries out and squirms and kicks as much as he can. When he's forced into the chair he tries to see if he can glitch away-
"No!" Error sees him doing that and pushes him hard back, hard enough that Alt's head clunks against the back of the chair. "Don't you dare," he hisses, quickly grabbing Alt's arms and pushing them into the arms of the chair, where cuffs snap into place. He quickly does the same for his ankles, cuffing them to a bar connecting the chair legs, and then backs up. "Just wait here quietly, okay?"
Alt’s vision flashes white for a second as he head hits the seat. He then struggles and pulls at the restraints, really starting to freak out. Terrified tears gather in his eyes as he starts to heave in panic. “P-Please don’t do this! I-I don’t want to be a puppet again! Please!”
Error grins. "It's not so bad. Maybe you'll find it's different this time. Maybe you'll be happy." And then he turns and leaves the room.
Jack quickly walks into the room before Error closes the door. The room is completely dark now, but Alt can hear Jack's voice. "You're not alone, I promise," he says.
Alt is panicking hardcore, even Jack's voice doesn't calm him down. His eyes try to find any source of light in the room but there's nothing- its dark and he's scared. "J-Jack…! I.. I don't want to be corrupted…! I..! I-"
“I know, I’m sorry,” Jack murmurs. “I-I can’t stop him, a-and I’m sorry. But I can fix it. Just before you guys arrived here, I figured out how to uncorrupt people. But I-I don’t know how to stop the corruption while it’s happening. Only after the fact. And I’m so, so sorry. But I promise people are on the way to help. I promise.”
Alt feels his stomach sinking even more as he hangs his head and tries to hide his panicked tears. He… he has to try to look tough for whatever's coming… he can't show he's weak- but he's so fucking scared.
“It’s gonna be okay,” Jack says. “You’re not alone. It’s going to be—”
Then the door opens again. The lights flick on, revealing the corruption room, just like the one Surgeon showed Mag. Standing in the doorway are two familiar faces. Anti… and Magnificent himself.
“Hey, Alt,” Anti says, grinning as he closes the door.
"Hello cub~" Magnificent giggles.
Alt goes pale. "M-Magnificent…"
Magnificent laughs wildly and teleports to grab Alt's chin, tilting it back and forth. "Awww look at you, kitten! You look fucking terrible~ Scared out of your wits, are we?"
"S-Shut the fuck up!" Alt spits, trying to pull his wet face away from his grip.
Magnificent giggles and teleports back by Anti, grinning. "This is going to be so fucking easy. It's almost sad-"
"Easy would be good, this is never 'easy' in my experience," Anti says. One of the screens on the walls lights up, showing nothing but static, the speakers letting out the sound of white noise. Anti glitches over to a table and starts looking through the items there. "You should probably cover your ears, Magnificent. I don't think it'll be able to affect you so easily, but better safe than sorry. You get started while I decide how to approach this."
"Ah- Yes. I can do that." Mag snaps and puts basically magic earplugs in and then grins, slinking back over to Alt.
Alt tries to pull his head away but Mag grabs him by the hair and slams his head back, giggling. "Oh you poor beaten kitten… your mind has already been scrambled so nicely for me~! So broken and disjointed… It's like you knew to expect me!"
"Mag- f-fucking! Don't do this! You're really g-gonna let me be a puppet for someone else?" Alt tries to growl at him.
Magnificent just shakes head and laughs, "Why not? I want to see how it works~! And you're already such a good puppet for me, Alt… I think I can lend you away for a bit~" He flares up some corruption in his hands- not enough to completely block Alt's magic- but enough to make him weak. He digs his claws into his neck and spreads it there as Alt screams and tries to thrash against it. As he works a bright purple and green spiral looms behind Magnificent- soon drawing in Alt's eyes as Mag withdraws his hand.
Alt weakly lets his head fall back, panting and heaving in panic- but he's starting to do it less- the anger and fear fading from his eyes. Corrupted purple flickers in his eyes but- he tries to fight against it, weakly squirming in his restraints. "n-no… no I… i-"
Anti watches this happen, observing. It really does happen quite quickly. "I've been able to put people in trances before," he says quietly. "But they always shake it off eventually. That sort of reminds me of it." He nods at the spiral, at the way Alt's struggles are fading. "I can work with that."
The white noise in the air sounds less sharp than it did before. More… soothing, almost. Anti walks around behind Alt, carrying something. He snaps it around Alt's neck, revealing it to be a metal collar.
"Alright, Alt," he says quietly, but not kindly. "Here's how it's going to work. If you start to do something wrong, you're going to get hurt. Same thing if you say something bad. Simple enough, right? You can do that, right?"
Magnificent's eyes widen and then he giggles, "Oh… i like where this is going."
Alt snaps slightly out of trance as he feels the collar get snapped onto him. He weakly glares at Anti, eyes sparking. "L-Like i'm gonna just d-do what you say just cuz you ask me- f-fuck off!"
ZAP. Anti can't pulse with electricity the way Alt can, but he has other tools he can use. Namely, a taser, which he presses to the metal of the collar and switches on for a second. "That's a low setting, and I know you can handle electricity," Anti says. "But I promise it can get worse. And I'm not just limited to lightning." He tilts Alt's head back so he can look him in the eyes. "You don't have to fight it, though," he whispers. "You don't have to go through this." He glances back up at Magnificent and nods towards the spiral he has conjured, silently asking him to increase whatever he's doing.
Alt grits his teeth and stiffens in his chair, trying to hide his discomfort. He feels himself get tilted up and he opens his eyes enough to just glare more at Anti. "I-I'm not l-letting myself be corrupted by you…!"
Magnificent tilts his head and the magic gets brighter and hums with intensity. The pressure on the room increases. Mag grips his hand and the corruption on Alt's neck pulses and grows slightly, making purple flash in his eyes as he gasps.
Alt tries to shut his eyes, shaking his head. "No…! Nono-!"
"Why not?" Anti asks. "Remember, I've seen your memories. I know what you've thought. All these Antis out here, doing terrible things. You know that you're not any different. Didn't you try to kill your so-called friends a couple times?"
"T-Those weren't for you to see-" Alt whimpers. "I.. I'm not like that anymore- I don't want to be that anymore…! I'm not like them- I'm not-!" He squeezes his eyes shut tighter, trembling.
ZAP! Anti goes up a setting on the taser. "Don't close your eyes," he snaps.
Alt grits his teeth and bites back another scream. Alt instinctively follows Anti's order and his eyes find the spiral.
"Alright, maybe you're not like that anymore. But you remember what it was like, don't you? Didn't a part of you like being like that? Being able to do whatever the fuck you wanted?"
Alt’s shoulders almost instantly relax as the magic starts to spiral in his eyes. His head lolls back more as he breathes slowly. He leans a bit more against Anti's side, talking hollowly. "… i… i… d..did…"
"That's it kitten… relax… and listen to Anti," Magnificent sings sweetly, increasing the burning magic. "Just like that…"
"I know you did," Anti says, his voice laced with static. "But you feel so bad about it now. Guilt is a useless thing, Alt. All it does is make you feel bad. Life is so much better lived without regrets. Nothing is stopping you from casting these feelings aside and doing something that you like. Even if people say it's wrong, they don't know you. They can't know you. It's impossible to fully know someone, since you can't possibly have thought and felt and experienced everything someone else has. So, why do you care so much about what these people who can't know you think?"
"I… I don't… know…" Alt whispers, knitting his eyebrows together in confusion. "…it… it.. shouldn't… matter…" His eye twitches and he tries to shake out his head, squeezing his eyes shut again as his head pounds. "n-no it m-matters it… it has to- I… I need to- be something b-better…! I…"
ZAP! Up another setting. "Better is arbitrary," Anti hisses. "Good and bad are constructs. Right and wrong are fictional ideas." The static echoes his words. "You only want to be 'better' because others tell you that you should want that. When you strip away those voices, Alt, you know what you really want. And I can help you, like I've helped lots of people before you."
Alt lets out a short scream now, clenching his fists and arching his back. He pants, eyes rolling in his head for a second before they find the spiral again. He starts to relax even more, even through panted short breaths. The magic glows brighter in his eyes as he whispers, "…what… I want…?" He leans his head back and sighs in pain, "i… i wanna be free…"
"Then let me help you," Anti whispers. "Let me free you." He puts one hand on Alt's shoulder. For a moment, he flickers, becoming a figure of black static. Something is in his chest. Right where his heart would be. It looks a little like a heart too, in shape. But it's not. It's a knot of strings, and one of those strings slinks down his arm and into the spot where his hand is touching Alt. Then he returns to his normal look, and the string is gone from sight. But it's still there.
Alt twitches a bit and rolls his shoulder where he feels the string but very quickly relaxes. His eyes glaze over completely and his fighting stops. "…free me, Anti." He whispers, lips hardly moving.
Magnificent giggles with glee, hardly able to stop grinning.
"I will," Anti promises. "Close your eyes. When I tell you to open them again, you'll be free."
Alt's eyes easily slip shut now, his head lolling forward to hang limply over his chest.
"One…" Anti whispers. "Two…" He reaches for the collar. "Three." And he snaps it off. "Wake up, Byte."
Alt's head slowly rises and he opens his eyes. Immediately- they are different. His sclera is now green static. The purple spirals still burn in his irises but… now its like- his pupils are glitching. They don't seem to want to settle, glitching across his iris and sclera in broken bits and pieces.
Byte leans forward and looks confused before his lips curl up into an unsteady smile. He digs his nails into the arms of his chair and starts to giggle. He's dazed- still seeming kinda lost and entranced. He falls back in his chair, letting his head hit the back of it as he dazedly giggles at the ceiling.
"…fascinating…!" Magnificent breathes, his eyes sparkling.
"Everyone reacts to it differently," Anti says. "I've given up on trying to predict how they'll act after the process--but somehow this feels right." He leans back, considering for a moment. "It might not be as well-settled as corruption usually is, but that was really fast. Worth the tradeoff, if you ask me."
"I think it was only so fast because his mind is already very open to my hypnosis. And… whatever happened with you two scrambled his brain and made it very easy to manipulate." Magnificent comments, crossing his arms as he studies Byte. "Still… I haven't seen him like this…"
Anti leans forward again, undoing the cuffs on Byte's wrists and ankles. "Hello there." He smiles at him, somehow managing to look both genuine and crazed at the same time. "How do you feel, Byte?"
Byte dazedly watches as he's freed, smile only getting wider. His eyes get a bit more of that unhinged look in them. He tries to glitch up out of the chair and then falls over himself slightly, giggling madly. He finds Anti's arm and grabs onto it, digging his nails in. "F-Fantastic-" He grins. "Fucking f̵a̴n̴t̴a̵s̷t̸i̵c̷~! And… and stabby- I feel stabby." Byte laughs more and looks at Anti with those wide glitching eyes, grinning like a maniac. "Can I stab you? I w-w-wanna see you b̷͚̂l̴̢̇é̷̠e̶̓͜é̸̯d̸͕͘d̴̞̑."
"Ha! Unfortunately, I don't bleed at all, despite this whole thing." Anti indicates the neck wound. "But we can go out into the city and find someone who will." His smile widens into an excited grin. He seems unfazed by Byte grabbing his arm, even as the nails dig in. He glances at Magnificent. "Guessing that sort of comment isn't normal, then?"
"Not at all." Magnificent replies, impressed.
"Can I bite them?!" Byte says excitedly, baring his teeth in a sharp grin. "That's what my name is now, right? B̵I̷t̶e̸!̸ ̵!" He snaps his teeth together like a playful predator, giggling.
"You can," Anti assured him. "Let me just find someone suitable. This will only take one second." He turned into black static and zipped away--and then, exactly one second later, he returned. "Well… I just saw something very interesting." He looked over at Magnificent. "A puppet who snapped his strings. My Chase is out wandering around. It must be some sort of trap, I caught a couple glimpses of people nearby. They must've thought they were hiding with that magician's invisibility spell, not knowing that some cameras can see through that." And back to Byte, grinning. "We can head out right now."
"C̸h̵a̴s̵e̷!̷ I know a Chase!" Byte says excitedly. "If there's twooo Chases- can I kill one, Anti?" He giggles. As he does, he's still glitching a bit in place- his normally bright green and blue glitches now darker and corrupted. Even his magic seems corrupted as he opens his hand up and summons one of his magic knives. It buzzes and fizzles with loud static and flickers between dark green, blue, red and black.
Magnificent chuckles, "That's true… that could mean our Chase is somewhere in there too. No doubt hoping to catch us off guard."
"Or! He can come back too! Two Chases! Two puppets~!" Byte laughs, bouncing on his toes.
"Two would be nice," Anti says thoughtfully. "But if it really comes down to it, you can kill the spare--the one not from this world. As well as anyone else with him."
The spirals in Byte's eyes pulse a bit at this, as if sealing in a command and he grins. "I can kill him. It will be fun to kill him~! And the others! Anyone I can!!"
"Oh this will be quite the show~!" Magnificent laughs, "My puppets wont know what's hitting them."
Anti flashes a smile. "Lovely knives."
"Thank you Anti!" Byte beams. He throws one knife out of his hand and lets its sink into the wall- then opens back up his hand and it flies back in a similar arc. He giggles. "They're m̸a̵g̶i̷c̵~̷" He then poofs them away and glitches around the room like he just can't keep still. "Can we go?!"
"We can go right now," Anti says. "I need Voice, but we can meet him at the exit. Hmm, I should probably take Error, too, just in case." He looks at Magnificent. "Want to join? The four of us together can probably defeat them all."
"Oh, my friend, I wouldn't miss this for the world." Magnificent chuckles.
Byte glitches to a stop, his hair spiking and curling slightly as electricity courses across it and his clothes. He grins wide. "I'll follow you! I still don't know how the Place works-" He says plainly but even that sounds a bit crazy and unhinged. Maybe its that wild look in his glitching eyes. He then blinks and looks to a certain corner and then points. "And what are we gonna do with Jack? He's watching."
Magnificent looks confused, frowning at the space and not seeing anything. "…what are you talking about…?"
Anti stiffens. "He's what?" he whispers, absolute venom dripping in his voice, thick enough to burn ears.
Jack has been watching everything. He'd wanted to reach out to Alt, to support him during Anti's attempts to corrupt him, to remind him that he's not alone. But then Magnificent had walked in and thrown him for a loop, and before he could recover, that spiral the magician conjured was blocking Alt's vision. He wanted to shout, to scream, but the moment the process started he froze up. It wasn't just Alt in that chair, it was Jackie, Jameson, Henrik, Marvin, Chase--all of them. All of his friends he couldn't help. All of his friends that he had watched get hurt and tortured and twisted beyond recognition and never been able to do a single thing about. The memory of helplessness locked him up, shoving him back into that mentality until it was too late.
Anti turns in the direction Alt was pointing and lunges forward.
Jack yelps, briefly flickering into view, and dives out of the way.
"Get b̵̨a̛ç̛k̕ ̸͠h͡e͟͠r̢͟ę̴̕!" Anti shouts, picking up a blade from the nearest table and throwing it.
Jack dodges it and jumps through the wall, disappearing.
Anti screeches animalistically--then glances at Magnificent and gets himself under control. "I'll… deal with him… some other time," he says through gritted teeth. "He can't be touched. He's just like a fucking ghost. Not important right now. Let's go. He's probably going to tell the group we're on the way."
Byte staggers back, fear flickering in his eyes. As Anti shouts and screeches, he curls up slightly- afraid of his rage.
Magnificent raises an eyebrow and then laughs, "Sore spot, I'm assuming?" He sees Byte cowering and grabs him by the arm and throws him forward. "No time to waste, Byte. You want your blood, don't you?"
"y…yes. Yeah I- let's go." Byte says a bit dazedly. He glances at Anti warily.
Anti takes a deep breath. He notices Byte's fear, and for a moment, regret flickers in his eyes. But it's only for a second. There are more important things to focus on. "Sore spot indeed," Anti says as he walks to the door. He opens it up and heads out. "Come on. We'd best hurry."
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presdestigatto · 20 days
its pretty funny to be in monaco, watching jannik sinner of all people play tennis, only to use your phone during the match to the extent that tennis channel says this
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arbokzee · 1 year
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go ask alice (where she got her dress)
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
I have this theory that rwby white knights and anti-rwdes are really into pushing the idea that Ironwood pre-shooting Oscar is some horrible clearly bad dictator with no good traits because they actually don't have any arguments against people saying his over-the-course-of-two-in-universe-days fall to villainy was rushed, unnecessary, and severely lacking in emotional depth. So the only way for them to try and make it not bad writing is to say that James was always a villain and therefore his villainy arc wasn't 'rushed' (though this ignores the fact that a villain with standards rapidly changing into a villain with zero standards with no real depth is still bad writing.)
But funnily enough, the whole thing with pushing the idea of 'Ironwood was always a bad guy, clearly a dictator, clearly everyone needs to have seen that or they're a pro-dictator bigot themselves' take... Really just makes both the team of RWBYJNROQ and the narrative that the RWBY writers painted seem worse if you ask me. Like, Team RWBY and co were actively and willingly working with IW for like two months, right? Like, they were down in the thick of it in Mantle sometimes, they saw the security camera that some people swear means that James kept the citizens of Mantle under constant surveillance, they saw the broadcasting of James and Winter that some people swear means that James was obviously feeding Mantle propaganda, they saw how he worked on a project that they actively believed in apparently instead of using the easily transferable resources of a communications tower to fix a broken wall. They saw James put things in place like curfews, which some people are swearing is proof of the ironclad hold Ironwood had on those poor defenseless citizens. They saw that he pulled his forces out of Mistral (on the advice of Winter,) which apparently is heartlessly hording protection, and they also saw him bring some of his forces into Vale which according to some people was a show of power. And despite the fact that there was every indication that IW was fully authorized to be in Vale and fully authorized in bringing over weapons, and despite the fact that he only brought them because he thought there would be an attack (which there was,) and despite the fact that he clearly didn't bring his whole fleet - No, he was invading Vale. And Team RWBY and co also saw his 'over-reliance on machinery' and his 'hatred of humanity' at play, and they saw him let teenagers do any fighting and saw that he was running a child recruitment school (ignore if this breaks the premise of the entire show by implying that Ruby shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a fight,) and they saw that he was supposedly grooming Winter. And they saw that he *gasp* was put in charge of security for an event after an attack that could've been really bad while Ironwood and the rest of Oz's inner circle was anticipating worse I MEAN he was completely unnecessarily put in charge of obviously completely unneeded security for your average everyday not in danger at all sporting event that can easily be compared to sporting events in our world where Salem and Grimm don't exist, and so that was clearly an act of aggression and exercising control.
So, if Ironwood is really a terrible dictator who has clearly been doing off the charts bad things that prove that he's a bad dictator since his very first appearances in volume two, then the options are A. Ruby and co are all so hopelessly naive that they completely ignored the clear and obvious signs of a dictator and then made shocked pikachu faces when he 'tried to leave all the poor people behind to die because of nothing but laziness, cowardice, and classism,' which makes them look really bad. B. Ruby and co are all so dumb that they just didn't realize that all the obviously bad stuff he did was obviously bad and should be a deal breaker because they're just that oblivious. Or C. Team RWBY and their friends can be slotted into the same category that the anti-rwdes put IW fans who say that the fall to villainy was rushed and that he wasn't always clearly bad, and written off as pro-dictator probably classist bigots. Ruby literally shared information on the war with him after a bunch of stuff in season seven because she and Oscar decided to trust him.
(Just to be clear, I don't believe any of that. I believe that Ironwood wasn't clearly super bad until he shot Oscar, and Team RWBY weren't in the wrong to work for and help Ironwood and believe in some of the things he was doing.)
But, using that 'James was always a dictator who was always clearly bad' logic, what does that say about the narrative RWBY the show was presenting us with. Because... Team RWBY and co weren't treated as in the wrong for working for and helping Ironwood and believing in some of the things he was doing. They doubted him a little, here and there, but for the most part just worked with him, and then nobody was like 'we were so stupid to trust him after everything he did' and nobody was like 'We need to be more careful because we were working with a dictator FUCK." In fact, Yang and Ren saying anything against Ruby was still treated as completely bad and something they needed to take back, even though she was the one who told the supposed clearly evil dictator important war secrets. Sooooo, if Ironwood really was a dictator, what was the 'Ruby did no wrong' stuff supposed to tell us as viewers? XD Like I honestly truly prefer thinking 'these writers just screwed up their fall to villainy arc pretty badly' rather than thinking 'these writers deliberately made the heroes willingly and happily work for an evil dictator for months and trust him with important war secrets.'
Once again I'm wondering how RWBY simps manage to make RWBY seem eight times worse than it is while they're trying to defend it.
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
My torturous brain is imagining child!Snape saying “I’m scared” in a shaky voice and I’m legit about to cry.
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musclesandhammering · 11 months
I keep getting irritated about the Choices marvel’s making in recent years, but then I remember I haven’t watched any of the movies since infinity war and I’m not going to and I don’t care at all.
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ice-sculptures · 7 months
That Steve & Nat gifset makes me wish that the CA:3 movie has been them + Sam and Sharon searching for Bucky. I miss that quad 😭
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can u believe that these are the only two instances in the entire MCU where the cap quartet was in one frame. we were robbed so hard wtf marvel??? why couldn't cap 3 have been about them instead of being avengers 2.5 😭 the potential of actually having a final film centered around steve and his own personal relationships and properly closing out those arcs haunts me!!! every!!! day!!!
not to mention the potential of nat + bucky interactions and steve + sam + nat bestieism...the 2 minutes that we saw them together in IW were the best 2 minutes of that movie and i will forever mourn that we didn't get any more than that :(
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
I didn't see the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, and even I managed to think of a better way to make the whole "Nebula gives Rocket Bucky's arm" gag work: Reveal that Nebula actually went to Wakanda to get an exact Vibranium replica of Bucky's arm for Rocket because even she didn't want to steal someone's prosthetic arm.
Honestly, I would say its a much better alternative to what we ended up getting, but at the same time, this whole 'Rocket wants Bucky's arm' gag is a bad thing overall really, given it ties into the MCU...oddly having Rocket have a weird obsession with stealing people's prosthetics:
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So like, if anything, Nebula getting Bucky's arm for Rocket (even if it somehow was through replica means)...really shouldn't be in the special in general, given it just encourages the already bad writing when it comes to Rocket and prosthetic limbs, especially as you'd think Nebula would be uncomfortable with Rocket's obsession there, but guess James Gunn and the MCU needs to continue the ableism somehow and drag Bucky into another moment of having his arm taken from him cause...according to them, a prosthetic limb being stolen is....'funny'.
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icaxrus · 1 year
i want chaos, gimme graves for the bingo
Chaos and mayhem LET'S GOOOO
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rogersstevie · 10 months
just remembered how stupid the steve/tony arc was in endgame
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galaxythreads · 1 year
Do you have any theories as to why Thor describes himself and Loki as both being eight in that snake story? That line always takes me out. I can't make it make sense. Thanks.
I really only have the one: Loki and Thor were raised as twins.
And the WAY that Frigga and Odin got away with THAT is. Ha.
I've got two ideas, (both of which I want to explore in more detail in a fic at some point):
Jotuns age a little faster than Asgardians, so Loki being 1053 is the same as being 1500 as an Aesir. Odin then lied to Loki about his actual birth date until Thor 1 and raised them as twins, Loki being the younger, but it was fine because BIOLOCIALLY they were about the same age anyway so the discrepancy was fine.
If this is what happened, then the Jotun/Asgardian war was about 400 years long and Thor and Frigga were hidden that entire time so Frigga could BS her way through a "Yes it was twins" without too much trouble. Who's going to counter it? The servants attending Frigga were sworn to secrecy and Loki was hidden from the public until he and Thor looked enough of the same age that it was passable. They blamed Loki's lack of public appearance on sickness instead of literal house arrest.
Could potentially explain why Loki feels perpetually locked up, because even if Loki was young, being hidden away as a kid constantly would be something that would impact you as an adult. Also give him major trust issues about his memories.
(and this is the one that I find much worse personally), but Loki and Thor were raised as twins. Loki does not age differently than Aesir. He is the equivalent of about 17-20 in Thor 1 and Thor is 20-24. Loki is told he is 20-24 and assumes that this must be true because it's not like he remembers to dispute it. Loki does not know that he is significantly biologically younger than Thor.
Again, Loki is kept from the public until he looks old enough to pass as Thor's twin brother, if sickly, and Asgard accepts this as fact.
Thor 1 happens. Loki then learns that he's Laufey's son and does some rapid math. He is not Thor's twin brother. In fact, he is about 400 years younger than he was told. If Loki and Thor were raised as twins, it would make them competing for the throne make a little more sense and Frigga and Odin hiding this from him just that much worse.
Anyway, so the point is that Thor doesn't always remember that, oh yeah, we are, uh, not the same age because he grew up with that habit and just said that because for most of their life, Thor and Loki thought they were the same age anyway.
That said, the ACTUAL reason this is in the movie is because:
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But this age discrepancy actually isn't Chris Hemsworth's fault, amazingly. To my knowledge, Loki and Thor were not actually confirmed to have any gap between them throughout the Thor films. That was something we as an audience just inferred. In fact, I've seen people do 1 year and 2 and 3. I typically do 4, to match the centuries between them. So like, it's kind of an iffy thing to begin with.
INFINTY WAR is actually where the inconsistencies start. Thor says "you know, I'm 1500 years old..." and then the entire audience is scrambling for an explanation. This is also the first movie that Hela is said to be Thor's half-sister. (As far as Ragnarok is concerned, from what I can remember, it has been a minute, she and Thor are full-blood siblings.)
The infinity War writers apparently didn't double-check any of this against Ragnarok, which is vaguely funny to me given that Infinity War opens with the aftermath of Ragnarok.
So the story's ages actually work perfectly fine in Ragnarok. It's after you watch Infinity War that things start to backpedal. Which fun fact, I joined MCU in like June of 2017 or something, so by the time I actually got around to writing fic and thinking about this, Infinity War had already come out so I just assumed that the lack of an age gap was ignorance on Ragnarok's fault. But Loki and Thor being twins makes the most sense to me, not just with Ragnarok, but a lot of other things add up in that direction as well.
(but i cannot trust MCU to stick to basic facts like how old a character is. Wanda has had the same problem, where they bumped up her age by 5-6 years for WandaVision (and retconned her and Pietro's origin story ). And Natasha. and Steve. And Bucky and-- oh my gosh someone please just write this down for the writers)
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buckys-metal-arm · 5 months
If one were to, say, write an entire video essay unpacking their deep and abiding hatred for Avengers Endgame, what is the absolute least amount of information a viewer would need on Infinity War to understand a summary of Endgame? I have a summary written out right now but it's like 3 pages long and I hate it, please lemme know what you think thanks
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