punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
So basically,here's why Miles and Peter B worked and Spiderson and Irondad and all those 'Batman adopts [crossover kid]' stories don't:
Peter B didn't overshadow Miles-Yes,he's a vital part of his character and had a lot of screentime too but Spiderverse is always MILES' MOVIES.Peter B was not his co-star but his mentor so they didn't share the spotlight and this was a wise choice on the writers part because it would be very unfair on black superhero fans to claim it as Miles' debut only for it to be another Peter Parker movie(Wayne Family Adventures:Take notes)
While yes,Peter B was lowkey an asshole in the beginning,he was never outright cruel.He was literally just snarky and bitter and Miles snarked back at him so they were equals instead of a grown ass man picking on a lil boy and being rewarded for it
Jefferson and Rio weren't demonized or downplayed to prop Peter B up-They got plenty of time with Miles too and it's very clear that while Peter B acts like a parental figure to Miles,Miles views Jeffrio as his only parents while Peter B is more like his way older brother that defaults to acting like a dad due to their age difference(Speaking from the experience of an adult with only kid siblings and a good amount of teen friends that i've gotten close enough to consider we consider eachother siblings too,this is 100000% accurate to how it works)
Peter B dosen't baby Miles-He just teaches him the best he can but believes in him enough to try things out for himself and do his own thing so he's a genuinely good teacher for him in addition to a positive adult figure like his parents and Uncle Aaron but again,they're not blood related and they both act that way and that is appropriate due to the differences in their heritage(Peter B a white jewish person/Miles an afrolatino person.Again,realistic rep and i'm Miles this time)
Peter B also genuinely cares about Miles feelings and thinks extremely positively of him as a person instead of just another crime fighter and provides him comfort and safety instead of traumadumping all over to him and placing the responsibility of caretaker on him like a discord mod LMFAO
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jasontoddssuper · 8 months
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@agentcaptain13 Here it is!!
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taserweb · 7 years
url trades
if anyone wants to trade uns at all here’s my big ass list. i was gonna alphabetise but im lazy rip. i have some unlisted but all my vaguely good ones are under the cut (most of them suck tho)
twin peaks: @dougie-jones  @wally-brando
star wars: @jesspavva  @roguueone @rxbel  @antiskysolo (its a. joke i love skysolo) @lesbjyn @aarmitage @rogve1
marvel: @antispideypool (another joke) @gaysamwilson  @wagnerd  @kurrtwagnerr  @sspideypool  @brucethor @brucethors @chaarliecox @tchallahh  @midtownhighschool @midtownsciencehighschool @bonesawmcgraw  @mathletespidey  @larbspidey @autisticbrucebanner @autistic-hulk @needleds @ostersfield @osterfiield dc: @stockholmharley  @batflecc  @batnya  @batnyas  @qotham-city 
watchmen: @sallyjuppiter @silksqectre @silkspectr @danschach @owlschach @rawrschach
life is strange: @qricefield @antijefferscott
stranger things: @lesbianbarbaraholland @binancywheeler @gaybarbholland @thessallhydra (plus a bunch of other spellings, ask for the others!) @demogordonramsay
it’s always sunny: @howrton @iassip it: @bdenbrough @eldrichie @spooky-denbrough @spookyneibolt @vivalauris @vivalastanley misc: @starterforten (its canon its a james mcavoy movie and its lit. if you haven’t seen it you should it has a bunch of well known people in it but it’s? not very well known) @nonbinaryhowl (plus a few other nb howl pendragon ones, ask)
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Ships where one is a sexual abuse victim and the other helps them recover by being super respectful and caring even in non-sexual situations as romance >>>>>>>> Hard kinks as 'coping' that has been proven by therapists dosen't actually work and only hurts other survivors
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'Idk i just never think of characters giving off trans woman vibes and i wouldn't know because i'm not transfem so i've never experienced it'Well by the way you write them interacting with men you ship them with it's pretty obvious you've never had a boyfriend either yet here we are
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punkeropercyjackson · 28 days
Top 5 worst ships in your opinions (can't be from the same franchise)
5.Weiss/Ruby(Rwby).Purely because of the fandom,i love Weiss but Ruby's way out of her league and ion like how the stans talk about Oscar,who is Ruby's canon love interest and a poor afrolatino boy to Weiss' rich white girl.Dosen't help that Weiss has more chemistry with Ruby's sister actually
4.Peter/Wade(Marvel).Do not care about Wade in the slightest bit and it ranges into full on hatred thanks to me maining Spiderfam when it comes to Marvel and i'm a firm believer in Gwenpool and her x Comics!Gwen as queerplatonic trans girlfriends superiority(Me and my gf fr fr)
3.Bakugou/Momo(Bnha).She deadass shows nothing except disdain for him in canon in all their interactions but she's his bestieeee according to Bakuriders because women don't have backbones if they're soft and peppy and kiddy-Momo is the walking definition of 'Silk Hiding Steel' and that's why she dosen't date nepotism dudebros.Shouto dosen't count because he's neither dude nor bro,he's just her pretty boygirlfriend who lives in her head rent free and vice versa(but for her it's 'pretty autistic girlfriend')
2.Percy/Annabeth(Pjo).Their couple song is 'Fake as hell' by All Time Low and Avril Lavigne because they're the fakest fake to ever fake-Percy is obviously comphet on Annabeth's part but also their whole dynamic is just built on lying to the reader and being shoved onto eachother against their consent by the narrative until they give into it and it's a severely unbalenced dynamic with almost all the favors going onto Annabeth and Percy enabling her because he's scared of her.They will never be the Dead Sea Siblings soulmateisms or Ghostflower and the shippers are such Luke and gods apologists ong
1.Harry/Draco(Hp).This ship has so much of it going around eternally for an eternity and it's all just white privilege and fetishization of minorities and glamorization of richness and i do not get the hype around Draco,it's always been so incomprehensible to me that BLACK WOMEN especially simp for him like honey he called Hermione slurs💀Yet another reason Hp and Marauder's era should've never gotten published,it's done nothing but damage to everyone and everything
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jasontoddssuper · 6 months
Everytime I see posts where Wade is interacting with mayday I’m like “WHERE IS HIS REAL DAUGHTER” so anyways Eleanor Camacho my beloved step-daughter <3
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FR FR Sp*deypools stay mad Wade loves woc
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jasontoddssuper · 6 months
Sorry not to rant. I think it says a lot actually that almost every time I go into the Deadpool/Wade Wilson tag it’s all Spideypool like that’s all there is to his character when that’s very blatantly not the case. Like yeah I get it it’s his most popular ship but that’s almost?? All it is?? I’m about to get violent cause why is it that no matter what fandom I’m in can people not be normal about queer men.
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Especially because Cablepool is right there😭😭😭
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jasontoddssuper · 2 years
There's this post that goes 'If a marvel fan ships Spidey///pool they're probably straight and if they ship Spideytorch they're probably gay' and op was absolutely right but the real point of this post is that same is true for DC fans regarding Tim///kon and Konbart
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
Spidey////pool shippers should keep Peter's name out of their mouth and go back to drinking Wade's bath water
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