jmtorres · 5 months
in re plagiarism and citation and people not knowing how to do it
in the capstone class of my MASTER's degree, I had to do a group paper with fellow students who had all done 6+ years of collegiate study to get there
we shared drafts of our portions and they had no citations and i was like???? and they were like "it's a draft i'll put the citations in at the end" and i was like ???????
because by the time you're done writing the thing you're not going to remember what you got where and whether you synthesized information together! this is how "i thought i thought of it" plagiarism cases occur!!!!
anyway i told them at the bare minimum any time they referenced a numerical figure they needed to cite it, and since it was a paper on accounting fraud that mostly worked out. but i could tell they were citing stuff simply because i'd told them to cite where numbers came from, because they didn't bother to cite some non-numerical things that definitely needed it.
anyway this is why when you have classes that have multiple assignments for a paper to teach you how to write it, annotated bibliography comes before drafting. because you're supposed to have your sources and know what's in them when you start writing.
to current college students: PLEASE put the citations in as you're writing not as you're editing. i know it seems like a pita especially if you don't know the formatting well, but that's what tools like Purdue Owl are for. Tell it what citation format you're supposed to use, what kind of source you have, fill in the fields and it will format the citation for you.
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hdfjsjkj · 1 year
okay its time to settle this
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aitanasbatlle · 16 days
APA best midfield in the world, iktr
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sophieinwonderland · 4 months
r/systemscringe user ponders the question of whether they would still hate endogenic systems if we stopped calling ourselves systems. It goes... predictably.
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Before going on... let me just stop and say how sad I think it is that u/DustyArcade is befriending people to bait them into revealing personal details about themselves for Reddit Karma.
While it seems hopeful that they're more open-minded than some of the others on the general concept of plurality, this is a really gross behavior.
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Spoiler: the answer to this question is yes!
But before we get into that...
PSA: Beware @/Cains-Coin-Shop
Now, I am going to get into the comments, but before I do, we need to take an intermission for a PSA regarding u/DustyArcade. When looking at their post history, I ran across this.
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The blog has apparently been reinstated in the week since that post.
And they're apparently an anti-endo tulpamancer.
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I remember running across this not too long ago, thinking about responding, but deciding not to. Though given that this user is baiting people into friendships to post to Reddit, WATCH OUT FOR THIS BLOG.
I don't know of this is their bait blog or just another blog they happen to run. But either way, they aren't a safe individual to interact with if you're concerned about being posted to r/systemscringe.
Now, back to our regularly-scheduled debunking...
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"They're already saying they don't have DID/OSDD but they're still faking it" is some of the wildest reasoning I've ever seen.
Now, "used by" is a pretty interesting use of words. Because sure, there are plenty of DID/OSDD systems who use these terms. But remember that "plural" was created in the 90s as an alternative to the medicalized "multiple." Likewise, "collective" and similar terms were created to distance people from medicalized terms like "system."
It's pretty clear that u/NonamesNolies has no understanding of plural history, which does get pointed out by u/DustyArcade to their credit.
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Pretty sure the equivalent term before "endogenic systems" was "natural multiple."
Normally at this point, I would point out to u/NonamesNolies that the ICD-11 acknowledges that you can have multiple distinct personality states without a disorder.
I would point out that the creators of the Theory of Structural Dissociation have said spiritual practices and hypnosis may be able to result in the creation of self-conscious dissociative parts of the personality.
I would point to the chapter in Transgender Mental Health, published by the APA, which stated that you can be plural without a disorder or trauma.
But I won't do that because I know for a fact they aren't willing to listen, and just prefer to call any psychiatrists who disagree with them grifters. And yes, that's an actual thing they did, which I will get to at the end of this post!
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Really just... going straight for those cult accusations, huh?
Funny from the science-denier.
Anyway, it's amazing how completely wrong they are on the term "multiple."
Yes, originally, the term was shared. And it still is to an extent. But then as the endogenic/non-disordered community broke off, they coined and popularized "plural" as an alternative to avoid medical connotations.
Plural was NEVER a DID/OSDD-specific term. It was always inclusive to all systems from the beginning.
But there you have your answer. It's not about the terms we use. It's about our existence. The language we use doesn't really matter to them.
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There is... a whole lot in this interaction that it's hard to know where to begin. For one thing, most tulpamancy is viewed as psychological. And I imagine that even most spiritual tulpamancers would dispute their practice being considered "religious."
But to u/doubtful_messenger's assertion that endogenic systems need a parasitic relationship with DID, I'm just going counter that endogenic plurality through various names has existed for a long, long time.
The explanation of some forms of plurality as a mental disorder is fairly recent, only arising in the past couple hundred years. Before that, any instance of plurality was viewed as spiritual. Endogenic systems don't need a DID community to exist.
The tulpamancy and daemonism communities, forming completely independently of the larger plural community, proves that.
Finally... there's u/DustyArcade saying they thought they were turning into an endo, which I think I'll just let speak for itself.
The final comment in this thread I want to mention is from u/Kamari-mari, who I feel perfectly encapsulates the anti-endo point of view.
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"Nothing you say matters because we already made up our mind and won't read anything that contradicts our preconceived notions."
And shoutout to u/bugzxvi for their addition of congratulating u/Kamari-mari for bragging about not being able to read three short paragraphs. It really pulls the whole thing together.
Okay, now I referenced u/NonamesNolies calling psychiatrists grifters, so let's dive into that next!
r/Systemscringeing on Transgender Mental Health
Quick note: That's not a typo. r/systemscringing is a new hatesub like r/systemscringe, but exclusively for systems to make fun of other systems.
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The relationship between transgender mental health and plurality, including DID, seems pretty obvious to me. How many systems have headmates with various genders? How many of those experience dysphoria while fronting? How does the gender of nonfronting headmates affect the fronters? How do these factors affect transitioning?
This stuff is super important for doctors to understand when treating plural patients.
And it's wild how u/NonameNolies just immediately jumps to hating a psychiatrist for acknowledging the existence of endogenic systems.
This gets even worse in the comments.
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What is the logic supposed to be in this argument? "If you're not a trauma specialist, you aren't qualified to say that plurality can be caused without trauma?"
How does that track?
I mean, surely, not being a trauma specialist means there's a better chance you'll run into plurals who aren't traumatized than someone who exclusively works with trauma victims, right?
"You can't say things other than X can cause Y unless you're an expert in X" doesn't actually make any sense.
Imagine if you decided that to say "diseases other than cancer can kill you," you needed to be a cancer specialist.
That would be pretty silly, wouldn't it?
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Can we just take a step back for a moment and imagine something for a moment...
You are Eric Yarbrough. You worked hard for 8 years to earn a doctorate in psychiatry.
You've served the LGBTQ community tirelessly in the psychiatry field since, serving as president of The Association of LGBTQ psychiatrists, among many other roles.
You've become a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, one of the highest honors given by the APA.
And some rando on Reddit just called you a grifter and said you should be ashamed of yourself because they're upset you don't support their bigotry in a book that itself was reviewed and published by the American Psychiatric Association.
Anyone else just feel like anti-endos treat psychiatrists the way Trump treats judges?
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sooosady · 10 months
mikor lesz már minden rendben?
úgy tényleg
TELJESEN rendben?!
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
Friday December 15th is the 50th anniversary of a significant event in LGBTQ+ history. It's less well known than Stonewall but had a major impact from Day One.
On December 15, 1973, at a time when society often still views gay people as deviants, the American Psychiatric Association reverses a century-old decision, issuing a resolution stating that homosexuality it neither a mental illness nor a sickness. To underline the point, the association removes homosexuality from its influential reference tool, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
That description above makes it sound rather dry. To hear about the dramatic events which led up to that decision by the APA, listen to this episode of This American Life from NPR.
81 Words 🏳️‍🌈
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beepbeepdespair · 2 months
wait wait. gender APAthetic. you can call me whatever you want but you'd better fucking cite it right
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csillagfolyam · 2 months
Aludj nyugodtan, erre senki se jár.
Szabó Balázs Bandája: Apám a vadludakkal
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megnemertett · 2 years
de most jelenleg valahogy nem megy..
nem tudom azt színlelni, hogy minden rendben
most nem
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themiscyradobermans · 15 days
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Themiscyra's Your Fate Is Sealed TKN CGC CGCU
It's the grabby hands for me. Kismet 10 months showing lower body suit work (KNPV/APA style)
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yourfvckinnightmare · 6 months
Anya és apa, bocsánat azokért az időkért, amikor össze kellett volna magam szednem, mégsem tettem.
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goldenstarprincesses · 6 months
America has done such as good job at distancing themselves from their 1600s/1700s British colonial upbring that for many other nations, unless they are really paying attention, the lasting effects on Americas personality/habits can be hard to see
Until America randomly pull out the most out of pocket skill like speaking fluent Latin, formal horseback riding, or some other shit
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oldschoolfrp · 10 months
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“Stop crime and violence, push for chain saw registration laws” — cover credited to Alan E Frisbie, for the APA-L distribution #510, Feb 20, 1975 (4 months after the premiere of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre). The APA-L is the amateur press association zine of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS), in near-continuous distribution since 1964. It began including D&D-related content when the game was released in 1974, until gaming articles were spun off to a separate new zine, Alarums & Excursions, in 1975.
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csilingelofelhok · 2 years
hiányzik valaki aki te vagy
de kicsit sem olyan mint te
csak csináljon úgy mint te
de teljesen máshogy
mint ahogy te tetted
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daily-esports-hug · 10 days
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Day 31
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Csodálom a szívemet,hogy ezt a sok fájdalmat mind egyedül elviseli.
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