meidui · 8 months
hi cassie!! lately i've been rereading lots of fics, and i was wondering, do you reread fics? and if you do, are there any fics you go back to time and time again? 👀🤭
omg yes i love rereading fics 🥺 here are the ones i reread the most as part of my regularly scheduled emotional maintenance
which fics have you been rereading? 🥰
don't go wasting your emotion by nanasekei ( @elcorhamletlive )
Tony is aware that the circumstances seem highly sketchy, but he’s telling the honest-to-god truth when he says: It starts off as an accident.
Or: Steve dates. Tony doesn't deal well with that.
Talking Bodies by itsallAvengers ( @intelligentbees )
Coincidentally, the physical effects of romantic and sexual desire match up very closely with the physical effects of fear. But it's not a problem-- it's not like anyone is going to be able to hear the way your heart speeds up, or see the minute dilation of your pupils, are they? They'd have to be some sort of Superhuman to do that.
And what's worse than a Superhuman hearing that quick pulse and seeing those dilated eyes and concluding that you're in love with them?
A Superhuman hearing that quick pulse and seeing those dilated eyes and thinking you're terrified of them.
The Least Difficult of Men by @isozyme
It isn’t until Tony watches Steve lean into the punch that he thinks oh, this is going to be a problem.
Steve’s taking hits on purpose in the field, so Tony suggests a safer option. It's simple: Tony smacks Steve around, Steve gets the pain fix he’s looking for, everyone leaves happy. Things do not stay simple.
The one with repressed masochist Steve and sadist Tony and everyone getting off on pain a whole bunch.
Under God by @isozyme
“Captain America represents the values of our country. The recent allegations about his sexuality are specious and designed to smear an American icon. Captain Rogers regularly attends the Church of Saint Agnes and invites the citizens of New York to attend worship with him this Sunday, April 14th. God bless America.”
Nobody was ever going to know. Steve would be a good husband, a good father, and he’d never give in to sin and touch another man.
But Steve makes two mistakes, one after the other: he leaves two words out of the Pledge of Allegiance, and he doesn’t notice a camera flash among the strobe lights of a dark club, because he’s dancing with his clumsy hands on Tony’s hips.
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ifmywishescametrue · 1 year
hi kennedy! i was wondering if you could tell us how this is how you fall in love came to be? as in, how did the idea first come to your mind, and has it changed much since that firts idea? also, i'm really curious about how much time you've been working on it 👀❤️
hi ari! I absolutely can do that, but bear with me because it's long!
I had to scroll through my google doc history to find when it started, but apparently I got on the idea for it on August 23, 2021 lol. I'd forgotten this but I guess it came for an AU bingo that I was sort of doing (but definitely didn't complete). It was supposed to be the College AU square and all the doc had at first was this:
"Idea:  pre-serum steve wants to lose his virginity before he graduates from college, doesn't really know tony but asks him to be the one to do it (seems likely he would say yes), turns into friends with benefits, they both catch feelings, mutual pining and all the fun things"
That initial idea didn't go very far until April 2022, when another bingo started and I thought I'd incorporate those squares. I absolutely missed that deadline, so as you can see, there's a recurring theme here of me failing hard at bingos.
But those squares were: virginity, Netflix, Edwin Jarvis, Bronx, Kissing in the Car, Victor von Doom
All of those are hilarious now, because Jarvis and Victor von Doom aren't even mentioned in the final version, and Steve and Tony never end up in the Bronx. But, they started me on an outline that evolved over time and helped a lot.
I wrote really sporadically from April-August 2022, then stopped completely in September-October. I felt like it wasn't turning out very well, so I went to other projects and wrote/posted those instead. When I came back to it, it turned out I actually really liked it.
I think there were 7 or 8 chapters written at the time I came back to it. I edited those, then kept going and so, so much of my initial outline changed. Entire scenes got scrapped, some parts were moved around or combined, and a few minor plotlines disappeared all together. The only major thing I kept from chapters 9-19 was the ending, but it was initially supposed to be 26 chapters, I think.
I didn't know exactly who these characters were at the time I outlined it, though, so it had to change as they developed into themselves. Like, there was supposed to be some plotline for the ~drama~ of Tony showing up at Steve's dorm drunk, because he was upset after a phone call with his mom. But it turned out that this Tony just wouldn't do that after everything I'd already written him to be. So, him talking to Steve about his mom got put into chapter 12 instead to preserve some pre-written dialogue I had, and now there's kind of no real drama between him and Steve specifically. (And I certainly stressed over that for months, for the record, but then I decided that not everything needs angst like that.)
This fic was the first multi-chaptered one that I didn't start posting until it was completely done, so I had more freedom to make changes, but also I kind of thought I might never finish it without the posting pressure lol. It did end up taking almost a year and a half, but I'm really happy with the way it ended up!
And I also may or may not have started writing a companion fic from Tony's pov 👀 and it may or may have 15 planned chapters.
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geekymoviemom · 2 years
hi geeky! <3 what can you tell us about the snowpiercer au? 🥺
Hey!! Thank you so much for the ask! 💖
The Snowpiercer AU will combine elements from both the movie and the TV series. Right now the plan is to have Steve be a Tailie, and Tony one of the engineers. Peter will be based on the Miles & Miles character from the TV series. It will also feature Alexander Pierce, Arnim Zola, Nick Fury, Rhodey, Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Bruce, and Clint. I’m still working on where I can fit in some other characters.
I probably won’t be getting to this until 2023, but it’s been pretty fun to brainstorm 🤓
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stevetonyisendgame · 1 year
The Ultimate Endgame SteveTony Rec List
by the A Second Chance mods, inspired by this ask!
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Under a Read More because this has gotten LONG (you've been warned! 🤭)
Angsty With Hopeful/Happy Ending
♡ even without knowing by @ishipallthings
♡ Five Days a Week by @festiveferret
♡ Five Seconds by @elcorhamletlive
♡ And Time Can Do So Much by @jenthesweetie
♡ nobody saves me, baby (the way you do) by meidui
♡ alone (together) by @thahiree
♡ Mobius Strip by @dirigibleplumbing
♡ Atomic Clock by imparfait
♡ you standing in the doorway by Mireille
♡ Surrounded by Chaos by Captain_Panda
♡ Glide Me Towards You by @gotthesilver
♡ The Sorrows of Your Changing Face by BoroughKestrel
♡ Letters to My Lover by Missy_dee811
♡ i have built (deep in my heart) a chapel filled with you by @earliebirb
♡ Remind Me of All Our Little Dreams by @impalachick
♡ i almost fell right through (but i held onto you) by hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes)
♡ Redame by magicasen
♡ Bright Things and Fair by @sheronwrites
♡ Not All Those Who Wander by @the-vorkosigan
♡ Lover Come Hold Me by RurouniHime
♡ couldn't whisper (when you needed it shouted) by @onlymorelove
♡ Give Me Just A Little More Time by Robin_tCJ
♡ a hop, skip, and a jump by IronSwordStarShield
♡ I'll Picture You by @royal-chandler
♡ hello, sweetheart by @areiton
♡ to make a home by @thisissirius
Missing Scenes
♡ Say It Now by @ishipallthings
♡ in plain sight by meidui
♡ Clean Slate Protocol 2.0 by @no-gorms
♡ All Our Yesterdays by @sheronwrites
♡ Where Lies A Home by @suitofhumour
♡ Body Talk by @nostalgicatsea
♡ Together by @ifmywishescametrue
Long Fics
♡ Where Our Restless Monsters Sleep by Mizzy
♡ parallel universe, be mine by @softanticipation
♡ Another Place by @jenthesweetie
♡ Breathing at the Same Time by softanticipation
♡ when i run out of road, you bring me home by @maangoes
♡ Ship to Shore by @msermesth
♡ Down in Lonesome Town by @resurrectedhippo
♡ Yes, Just Like This by @gottalovev
♡ Hands Out In The Dark by @suitofhumour
♡ Follow You to the Stars (and Beyond) by @navaanwrites
♡ There’s a Party Going on Right Here by @no-gorms
♡ messages from the stars by @thahiree
♡ daynight, daylight by @ishipallthings
♡ PTO by Snapjack
♡ we survived the great war by meidui
♡ this is what you came for by @thahiree
♡ Still Got It by @kandisheek
​​♡ Toward the Sun by @shinysylver
♡ Warmer Corners by @the-vorkosigan
Smutty Fic
♡ this love came back to me by meidui 
♡ Accidental Sexting by @xwinterdreams-blog
♡ like you’ve discovered something you didn’t even have a name for by @thahiree
♡ A Time to Be Alive by babesrgrs
♡ love me like a sinner by @arabellamonkey
♡ Conviction by sweatervest
♡ hold your fire by @jenthesweetie
@orientalld ♡
@rhymewithrachel ♡
@mirthandstar ♡
@hellogarbagetime ♡
@umikochannart ♡
@mrsgingles ♡
Also be sure to check out this Endgame art rec list by @ishipallthings!
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persephonesfill · 3 months
i was tagged by @soliloquent-stark, thank youuu 💖💖
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
i'll be honest, i haven't written in the while so some of these might be a little clunky
deuteronomy 5:21: Steve is going to Hell. Not that he cares anymore.
like smoke rings in the air: Steve has a problem by the name of Tony Stark.
waste no part: Steve wakes up to the sun shining in his face and the smell of smoke, which means one of two things. Either someone has flash-bombed his house, or Tony's trying to cook by himself again.
act of contrition: Before the rest of the guests arrive, and the nave is still blissfully deserted, Steve drags Tony into the confessional.
bad reputation: Tony Stark, Natalie decides, is a goddamn moron.
only over you: When he arrives to Earth-8350 it's already too late; the civil war is in full swing and the superhero community has torn itself apart.
shades of cool: When Tony dies, Steve feels something inside of himself sever, like the fissuring of glass and stone.
perfect stroke: Tony had worn makeup for as long as he could remember. 
this charming man: Steve woke up to a world turned on its head and a bitter taste in his mouth.
early bird: Steve had always been an early riser.
as far as patterns go, it looks like recently i've been here for the short, punchy one-liner to ease the reader into the story, which makes sense given that a lot of these fics are on the shorter side. out of all of them, i think i like bad reputation the most. something about it—the fic as a whole, really—just makes me smile
i'm also tagging @cowboyhorsegirl @meidui @herogers @arabellamonkey @robertdowneyjjr and whoever else wants to play!
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ishipallthings · 11 months
Cap-IM Rec Week 2023 (Fri)
Fluffy Friday, July 21 for @cap-ironman Rec Week!
All the fluff to start off this weekend <3
Remember to show some love for your hard-working creators!
I Always Turn To You by KandiSheek @kandisheek
The Avengers are all hanging out drunk in the common room when Clint suggests playing fuck, marry, kill. Everyone chooses Steve to marry and while it is flattering Steve doesn't really care until Tony says he'd marry Bruce instead. He's not sure why that irks him so much.
The Emperor's New Clothes by Captain_Panda
No, Tony wasn't "flirting with him." Tony was trying to drive him crazy. Steve Rogers would not stand for it.
Fed Love From A Spoon by Carsonian @carsonian
Steve wakes up slowly. (Or, The accidental moments that move a relationship further, make its foundations stronger.)
don't go wasting your emotion by nanasekei @elcorhamletlive
Tony is aware that the circumstances seem highly sketchy, but he’s telling the honest-to-god truth when he says: It starts off as an accident. Or: Steve dates. Tony doesn't deal well with that.
love sees loveliness by ArabellaAM @arabellamonkey meidui, ohjustpeachy @omg-just-peachy
In which every attempt at getting rid of Steve's crush on Tony only makes it worse.
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? by ceealaina
Steve’s going to ask Tony out for New Year’s Eve. Really. He absolutely means it this time. He just... has to work up the nerve.
Shaped for Action by royal_chandler @royal-chandler
Tony buys a Camaro for an American classic.
through thick and thin by earliebirb @earliebirb
“We should break up,” Tony declares, gazing out of the floor-to-ceiling window of their bedroom. The colorful twinkle of lights of the New York City nightlife is truly a mesmerizing view. “Why?” “I don’t love you anymore.” Steve scoffs, utterly unfazed.
Tony Stark vs. the Heteronormative Agenda by sweatervest
Nat leans her hip against the table and folds her arms. “Short of making out in public, I don’t think anyone will make the jump to ‘they’re dating.’” Steve glances at her and then over at Tony. Nat follows Steve’s gaze. “You did make out in public.” “Steve never got his Time’s Square victory kiss,” Tony protests. Or, five times the general public was determined to believe Steve Rogers and Tony Stark were just close friends, and the time Tony made sure they knew otherwise.
dust off your highest hopes by complicationstoo @ifmywishescametrue
When Tony misses his flight back home to New York for winter break, Bucky's quick to point out that Steve can drive him there himself. He's already headed that way, after all. It shouldn't be a problem. Except for Steve's massive crush on him, of course.
i'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone by iam93percentstardust @iam93percentstardust
The real reason Tony wanted to do this movie, the one that he'll never tell anyone about, was because when he’d asked his agent who would be playing Chris, she’d slyly smiled at him and told him that it was Steve Rogers.
Seven Minutes by jellybeanforest @jellybeanforest-a-go-go
When Bonnie refuses her turn in the closet with a shrimpy Steve Rogers during a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven, popular lothario-in-training/class whore Tony Stark gladly takes her turn.
Hope you guys enjoy the recs, and stay tuned for more! Please mind the tags before reading. Check out my tag for previous years’ rec lists :)
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stonyholic · 2 years
trip to the park
week 2
team marry | fill for the @stevetonygames bingo square “matchmaking”.
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“dad, i wanna go to the park with peter.”
“yeah, pops, i wanna go to the park with morgan! you can sit on the bench with mr. stark while we play.”
gift to @arabellamonkey for “steve and tony being divorced parents and having their respective children play matchmakers with them”! i had a lot of unexpected fun sketching this, so maybe it’ll get colored and shaded at some point. maybe i’ll pop in a fic to go with it at some point too, if my motivation allows me later.
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perlmutt-perl · 2 years
Tag Game ✨
I was tagged by dear @hoolequinn to share the last line of my current wip and tag some friends. But since my current fic is meant for an event and therefore can't be shared, I decided to share a sneak peek of the pic I am currently working on. 💙
Tagging: @starksnack @arabellamonkey @jacobbyart @ralsbecket @avengersnewb @kandisheek
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robertdowneyjjr · 1 year
Last Words of WIP Meme
tagged by @ishipallthings 💖
i haven’t written anything in a very, very long time, and yet the tab for this wip is still sitting open on my browser:
He composes and erases several replies, trying his best to tamp down on his complete lack of enthusiasm at seeing Tony getting engaged to someone else.
tagging 🔖 @docdracula @imperialstark @arabellamonkey @viudanegraaa
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sukugo · 2 years
wips, wips, wips everywhere!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.  Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!  And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either.  Sketch titles?  Comics?  DnD campaigns?  If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
tagged by the lovely @arabellamonkey (thank you so much!!! 💖💞💕)
we got: 
anakin good boy goodest boy
anakin's virgin pussy
obi-wan cogete al niño ya por favor (obi-wan fuck the boy already please)
public beach sex
quién me dejó ver dune (who let me watch dune)
sith obi-wan and his boytoy anakin
tinkerbell anakin
and for art: 
bleps - Copy 2
dhshshsj 2
tagging: @meidui  @thahiree @docdracula @demon-glittter @bladling @bi-wan @gayspacesprinkles @hechizero-emplumado @girlvader @bladetoblade @inkspottedtea @your-dark-thor @misovega @playinggalaga @imperialstark @tyrannusimons @bamposworld @lovey-dovey-and-sad @yatsukisakura + anybody else who wants to!!!! (if u see this u’ve been tagged <3)
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nicoscheer · 1 year
By arabellamonkey on insta
AM at the Grammys (posing)
Love how Alex inquires again but answers the question before the interviewer can say the question again our beloved neurodivergent king
Where the audio is originally from (0:40)
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meidui · 8 months
i open tumblr + i come across your publications = i am very well fed indeed 🥹❤️‍🩹
my angel light love of my life!!!!!! it's because i have no class today for thanksgiving so i had extra time 🤭
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ifmywishescametrue · 1 year
FIRST!! 👀👀👀
hi ari!! ☺️ i'll give you three sentences instead of two, because you know i adore you. and of course it's from the first chapter of Tony's pov for this is how you fall in love:
“What do you guys wish your first times had been like?” Tony asks. He hardly notices that he’s interrupting, or that the cheeseburger in front of him is mostly cold now. “Like, if you could go back in time and plan the perfect way to lose your virginity, excluding who it was with, what would it look like?”
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geekymoviemom · 2 years
WIPs, WIPs, WIPs everywhere!
I was tagged by @mega-aulover thank you so much!! 💖
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
All righty then…
1. Wildest Dreams - Peeta/Katniss (1 chapter remaining)
2. Marvel Trumps Hate fic #2 - Steve/Tony + Peter: Alternate AoU timeline
3. Fandom Trumps Hate fic #2 - Anakin/Padme, Ben/Rey: What if Anakin made it off the Death Star II alive?
4. Top Gun AU - Anakin/Padme
5. Snowpiercer AU - Steve/Tony + Peter
6. The Empire Games - Ben/Rey
I tend to only work on one project at a time, so this is actually a lot for me 😆.
Tagging: @gaiagalit @hutchhitched @wilmakins @arabellamonkey @jules-of-the-crown @meidui
Thank you so much, this was fun! 💖
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yelenaisace · 2 years
tag ten people you want to know better: @anakincito @meidui @thahiree @ishipallthings @alwaysash13 @docdracula @arabellamonkey @avengersprotectionsquad @tincanmans @sunnysidesteve
relationship status: single! and forever will be tbh, i just can't see myself being in a relationship tbh. i might give it a go if the other person is ace as well, but i don't think i can be with another allo person ever again dfghjhgfghjk
favourite food: hell0?? who tf can choose? but i would say that i'm currently craving for mushroom croquettes
song stuck in my head: boys don't cry by the cure (i blame the bylers for it)
the last thing I googled: will byers MBTI (i'm hella deep into my obsession with stranger things and mike/will, so sue me)
time: 9:36pm
dream trip: new zealand! i think i'd just love the peace and quiet of it? they have such great sceneries too and i'd love to just bask in it <3 plus, i need to get away from the hustle-bustle of city living. my whole country's a fking city (3 cheers to those who can guess where I live) so i can never truly escape it
something I want: to earn a steady income without ever lifting a finger! i'm so over working life and i literally just started about 4 months ago sdfghjklfvghj
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persephonesfill · 1 year
Last Words of WIP Meme
thanks to @robertdowneyjjr for tagging me 💖💖
"Please…please," Tony murmured in between kisses, the begging going straight to Steve's groin along with all of the blood in his body.
"Use your words," Steve rumbled, dark and low against Tony's ear. "Tell me what you want." Tony squirmed which only made Steve hold on tighter.. "No…I can't. It's too…"
"Too what? You had no problem before," Steve said.
also tagging @docdracula @thahiree @arabellamonkey
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