#as omni is under the bi umbrella
victoryshowers · 2 months
every time someone has discourse over whether jack harkness is bi, omni, or pan an angel dies
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starblaster · 1 year
believe it or not 😱 an overwhelming majority of queer people don't like being labeled against their wishes as something they don't identify with
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pinkfey · 2 years
okay in relation to this post someone identifying as pan isn’t ripping the community apart actually gnsbsbdjdbshd
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mellifluousoctopus · 2 years
*me a, sapphic but not solely wlw, being called a lesbian by a lesbian*: chill, fun, yes we have the same hat that hat says 'i love women'
*me, a sapphic, being called a lesbian by a non lesbian*: horrible, yucky, I am throwing you into a mud pile and you will not like it much as i have not enjoyed your presence. Shoo!
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yonpote · 1 month
the way dan speaks about his sexuality is interesting to me bc he originally was like yeah on some level i am attracted to women i wouldn’t say i’m totally gay and now it’s like i am a homosexual i would never date a woman
to me it reads as. yes in theory dan has the capability of being attracted to anyone regardless of gender or anatomy. but he just happened to bag the most fuckable emo twunk on terf island fall in love with a boy who would end up being his forever partner and therefore didn't have the necessity to explore his sexuality beyond that, but it was still something that he thought about. i think of people who get into straight relationships and one of them realizing theyre bi but they just never pursued the same gender and then ended up falling in love with someone of a different gender.
i remember talking to a couple people about whether or not dan should be called bi, but as a bi person who has struggled with calling myself bi in the past, i just really dont think that's a call for anyone to make other than dan. he's said he's queer. queer is intentionally not a very well-defined word in terms of a sexuality/gender. queer doesn't mean anything other than different from the norm. nowadays it feels like theres a lot of terms that fall under the bi+ umbrella, or the multisexual-spectrum (mspec) as some people like to call it. idk exactly how it is for dan, but for me, i like the history behind the terms bisexual, queer, and gay so those are what i use for myself, even if you could argue that i should technically call myself pan- or omnisexual. like even if dan is "technically" multi/bi/tri/pan/omni/polysexual, it doesnt matter cuz hes in a gay relationship and he calls himself gay. he has personal trauma and history surrounding the word gay, whereas FOR HIM, the bi label felt like an escape route to be openly queer without seeming "too queer." so his reclamation of the label Gay is so much more than a technical definition.
wait i gotta find a clip of dan in one of the stereos where he literally says "you can call yourself gay even if youre technically this or that you can just call yourself gay" i always think of clipping it and always forget to
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batpoisonz · 3 months
hey what label can I use when I'm not attracted to male-aligned people under any circumstance?
I know this likely was not asked in good faith but the simple answer is really: whatever you want.
if the answer you're looking for is lesbian, then you've come to the wrong place. because I am not going to just say "lesbian" if you wanted me to exclude bi-lesbians; who are people of my own community.
yes, you can identify as lesbian. most of the lesbian community experiences exclusive attraction to women or nonbinary individuals. however some people who experience the same attraction prefer the terms trixic, enbian, trixenamoric, or more. some of these labels also prove use as an add on to lesbian, such as "trixic lesbian" or "enbian lesbian," bc they want to specify their attraction to nonbinary people (as not every lesbian experiences such attraction, most lesbians do experience it exclusively to women as there are terms for including nonbinary people, but they are NOT required).
a lot of the time in the mspecles community, these labels are used as replacements for terms like "bi" or "poly" and other mspec identities bc they feel as though terms like those do not describe them. if bi or poly or omni and more do not describe you, then you do not have to use it. if your attraction feels monosexual, then u can say that! nobody is forcing u to use labels you are uncomfortable with. that's the important part.
also I forgot to add that neptunic is a widely accepted term even by the exclusionary lesbian community: it is explicitly defined as the attraction to all genders EXCEPT man aligned individuals, which fits exactly what you said as well!
because your attraction is so broad, you could even use bisexual or polysexual, and polysexual means you are attracted to more than one gender, and bisexual is two or more. there is nothing wrong with the overlap of these labels eith lesbianism. if lesbianism includes a being attracted to women and/or enby people, there's at LEAST two genders there. thus falling under both the bisexual and polysexual umbrellas.
tl;dr identify as whatever you want. labels are useless if the person using them doesn't feel fully comfortable or described by the labels they are using. just be yourself and nobody else should stop you.
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toasterbunnicula · 1 year
Mass Effect Character Sexualities because I want to project
(Partly headcanon, bi-ased, personal opinion)
Ashley: straight, formerly homophobic until she realized that most of her Normandy crew mates were gay
Garrus: bi energy, its simply unfair to our gay guys for such an amazing and hot character to not go both ways. Ive also seen too much Garrus/Thane/Shepard fanart to see him any other way
Liara: obviously bi, I hc that she was confused when she first encountered homophobia because it simply doesn’t exist in asari culture (closest thing is the asarixasari stigma)
Wrex: for some reason I see him as bi? I have no idea where I got this but I want to see a tough, old warrior casually mentioning being into both men and women and not caring at all about it (even though I think krogan culture probably wouldn’t approve)
Tali: for my sake as a helpless bi simp, I see her as under the umbrella, but doesn’t realize it. Like me before I came out, Tali would say “yeah she’s really pretty and I want to hang out with her and hug her and stare at her but I’m not gay or anything.” You are. You are gay. I think it would be in character for her to completely miss the fact that she’s into girls as well as men
Joker: straight. The kind of straight to make jokes about his friends’ sexualities, but not mean anything by it. He goes to pride every June with his wife EDI (who I will get to)
Jacob: I honestly can’t believe that he was originally intended to be bi, I just can’t see him into men unless I squint. It’s hilarious that they tried to make his male romance more like Brokeback Mountain so it’d be accepted
Miranda: I’ve seen a headcanon on Pinterest about Miranda having internalized homophobia because it doesn’t line up with her view of genetic perfection, something she’s established to be insecure about. I think it would make perfect sense for her character. I think it’s easy to see her as a lesbian practicing het-comp, especially with how awkward her initial flirting with Shepard is, but there are more scenes in her romance that feel authentic than there are that feel performative, so I’m inclined to say she is bi/pan/omni/etc.
Mordin: I’m pretty sure his asexuality is canon. I also think that he’s aromantic as well, but can objectively assess beauty/attractiveness well. For example, his film noir short story in the Citadel DLC involves a hookup with Aria. I personally believe that is him saying “yeah, she’s attractive, and if I were into women, I’d smash”
Zaeed: he gives off straight uncle who would punch a homophobe for you but otherwise doesn’t know how to interact with you after you’ve come out and tries a little too hard to acknowledge your sexuality but it’s definitely well-meaning (think the “anyone could be they!” scene from Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Grunt: straight and supports his bi parents (Shepard and Garrus/Thane/Tali/Liara), wears rainbows at Pride for them, and regularly headbutts homophobes
Jack: I’m forever salty about them erasing her pansexuality. Also she and Miranda should’ve kissed
Kasumi: also gives off pan energy. She definitely feels like the type to not care about gender at all- as long as they’ve got muscles, that’s all that matters to her
Thane: pan energy
Samara: as established, Samara is bisexual
Legion: ace, non-binary (goes with people using he/him based on its masculine voice, pronouns are they/it)
Kelly: she said so herself, she doesn’t care about race/species or gender, all that matters is the person 💖💛💙
EDI: something about Sentient AI Who People Initially Don’t Trust Until She Gets A Humanoid Body That People Can Better Associate With Her reads to me as a trans allegory. Obviously, she’s not trans, but the vibes are there. Many times, people are suspicious of trans women until they transition and pass more as cis, which is similar to EDI’s story. She learns more about herself after her body changes, and others start to appreciate her more and have an easier time referring to her with she/her pronouns. As for her sexuality, she doesn’t seem to lean any particular way to me. She doesn’t seem like the type who’d use labels, even though it would make sense for her to “categorize” herself. I’d say she’s unlabelled- definitely into men, with her relationship with Joker
James: as much as I wish we could get gay gym bro representation, James is great as he is, being a masculine straight guy who’s best friends are openly gay (Cortez) and bi (Shepard)
Traynor: lesbian (canon), definitely into women who can crush her head under their heel but also has a dominant side herself
Cortez: gay (canon)
Diana: that annoying and popular bi girl you secretly had a crush on but didn’t want to because she was intimidating and popular
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mspecpolls · 4 months
welcome to mspec polls!
inspired by @aspecpolls & @nonbinary-polls, this is a page for polls for mspec people to answer.
mspec is an umbrella term for anyone attracted to multiple genders. all mspec labels, be it bi, pan, poly, omni, abro, fluid etc. people are welcome here, as well as all kinds of attraction, be it romantic, sexual, tertiary, undefined etc. unlabelled people are welcome too. basically, if you are attracted to more than one gender in some way, these polls are for you!
when submitting polls, please keep in mind that polls can only have 12 options. i will add a "see results" button on all polls, unless there is no space or you specifically ask me to leave it out. you can also submit polls for a certain group under the mspec umbrella, like specifically abro people, or aromantic bi people, or nonbinary mspec people etc. you don't have to be mspec to submit polls!
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lesbicosmos · 7 months
ok i swear i posted something like this ages ago but i can't find it so fuck it im posting it now
so im rewatching torchwood with my mum rn and im also in the middle of listening to tma so i can't get the idea out of my head that the torchwood team and the archives staff are literally the same people in slightly different genres, like torchwood just deal with aliens instead of the supernatural
anyway here's the character parallels i can think of
jack - jon
both the boss of the group
everyone hates them at one point or another
burdened with a fate they can't avoid (immortality/being an avatar)
bisexual (jack's omni but that's under the bi umbrella so it counts)
really doesn't like their love interest at first
ianto - martin
in love with their boss from like the very beginning
tea man / coffee man
softie but also like...don't get on their bad side.
Tragic Backstory™
one of their first interactions with their jobs was because of an animal (myfanwy counts as an animal here, then the dog from the trailer/liveshow)
tosh - sasha
the reliable one
definitely queer
dead (sorry)
owen - tim
the flirty one
probably the one who hates their boss the most
dead (sorry again)
gwen - daisy
joined the group later
easily angered
bonus: if gwens daisy, this makes andy basira lmao
literally the only difference is there's no elias - there's no evil boss, jack's just an enigma
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arcadekitten · 5 months
hello!!! If you don't mind me asking, what is Theodores sexuality? I always imagined him as being omni with a preference for men but i wanna make sure that i'm not mischaracterizing him. Thank you have a lovely day!!
I never thought too hard about it! I did always envision him as somewhere under the mspec/bi-umbrella though!
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Hi! I'm going anon bc I'm not sure enough of myself to be perceived yet LOL but I need to know other ppls views on the subject that we all know— the difference between pan and bi. I've been switching between the two for as long as I can remember (along with Omni sexual) and it's like I have no clue at this point. RN I'm going with pan but honestly next week I might go with bisexual 😭 it's just so confusing bc I know all the different definitions and nothing quite makes sense. I've heard of pansexual being gender blind but it could also just be not factoring in gender and then bi could mean liking two or more genders and THEN there's ppl saying that pan is under the bi umbrella and omg all I know is that I have the capabilities to like EVERYONE, Idrc about the gender, i just know that I'll like you if you're a girl, boy, enby, or whatever else, if im attracted to you I am (i also asked this question to the pansexual page lol) do you have any advice or thoughts?
I’m not sure. My first thought was demisexual, which is when you develop sexual attraction after you develop an emotional connection with someone. I wish I could be of more use, but I’m just not sure. If anyone has ideas in the comments, feel free to share!!
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ballsalsda · 1 month
lesbians I love you
gay people I love you
bi people I love you
pan people I love you
poly people I love you
omni people I love you
other mspec people I forgot I love you
trans people I love you
transmasc people I love you
transfem people I love you
transneu people I love you
non binary people I love you
other trans people I love you
transhets I love you
agender people I love you
neutrois people I love you
androgyne people I love you
bigender people I love you
trigender people I love you
quadgender people I love you
quintgender people I love you
polygender people I love you
pangender people I love you
other multigender people I love you
genderfluid people I love you
genderfae people I love you
genderfaun people I love you
genderflor people I love you
genderfaunet people I love you
genderfaer people I love you
genderfloret people I love you
genderfloren people I love you
genderflorer people I love you
gendersylph people I love you
genderselkie people I love you
gendersatyr people I love you
gendersatyret people I love you
gendersylphen people I love you
gendersylphet people I love you
gendersylpher people I love you
genderselkier people I love you
genderfrith people I love you
genderfrithet people I love you
genderfrithen people I love you
genderfrither people I love you
genderspirit people I love you
genderspiriter people I love you
genderspiritet people I love you
genderspiriten people I love you
genderfruct people I love you
genderfrict people I love you
genderfrect people I love you
other people under the vast genderfluid umbrella I love you
genderflux people I love you
boyflux people I love you
girlflux people I love you
bxys I love you
gxrls I love you
xoys I love you
xirls I love you
nb women I love you
nb men I love you
agenderflux people I love you
agenderfluid people I love you
demigender people I love you
demigirls I love you
deminonbinary people I love you
demiboys I love you
demiflux people I love you
demifluid people I love you
libragender people I love you
libramasc people I love you
libranonbinary people I love you
librafem people I love you
paragender people I love you
paraboys I love you
paragirls I love you
paranonbinary people I love you
alexigender people I love you
genderfluix people I love you
cis nb people I love you
trans nb people I love you
gay nb people I love you
strayts/straight nb people I love you
diamoric people I love you
quoigender people I love you
xenogender people I love you
gendervoid people I love you
neoboys I love you
neogirls I love you
neononbinary people I love you
abinary people I love you
atrinary people I love you
aporagender people I love you
maverique people I love you
kenochoric people I love you
intersex people I love you
intergender people I love you
centrigender people I love you
neurogender people I love you
azurgirls I love you
rosgirls I love you
rosboys I love you
azurboys I love you
asexual people I love you
acespec people I love you
demisexual people I love you
greysexual people I love you
aceflux people I love you
acespike people I love you
acejump people I love you
caedsexual people I love you
nebulasexual people I love you
fictosexual people I love you
yumesexual people I love you
objectum/objectsexual people I love you
autosexual people I love you
aegosexual/autochorissexual people I love you
apothisexual people I love you
cupiosexual people I love you
cavaesexual people I love you
quoisexual people I love you
hypersexual aces I love you
sex favorable aces I love you
sex neutral aces I love you
sex averse aces I love you
sex repulsed aces I love you
sex ambivalent aces I love you
aces that dont use sex favorable/neutral/aversed/etc labels to describe their feelings on sex I love you
fraysexual people I love you
lithrosexual/akoisexual people I love you
reciprosexual people I love you
other acespec people I love you
aromantic people I love you
arospec people I love you
demiromantic people I love you
greyromantic people I love you
aroflux people I love you
arospike people I love you
arojump people I love you
caedromantic people I love you
nebularomantic people I love you
fictoromantic people I love you
yumeromantic people I love you
objectum/objectromantic people I love you
autoromantic people I love you
aegoromantic/autochorisromantic people I love you
apothiromantic people I love you
cupioromantic people I love you
cavaeromantic people I love you
quoiromantic people I love you
hyperromantic aros I love you
romance favorable aros I love you
romance neutral aros I love you
romance averse aros I love you
romance repulsed aros I love you
romance ambivalent aros I love you
aros that dont use romance favorable/neutral/ aversed/etc labels to describe their feelings on romance I love you
frayromantic people I love you
lithromantic/akoiromantic people I love you
recipromantic people I love you
other arospec people I love you
aplatonic people I love you
aplspec people I love you
demiplatonic people I love you
greyplatonic people I love you
aplflux people I love you
aplspike people I love you
apljump people I love you
caedplatonic people I love you
nebulaplatonic people I love you
fictoplatonic people I love you
yumeplatonic people I love you
objectum/objectplatonic people I love you
autoplatonic people I love you
aegoplatonic/autochorisplatonic people I love you
apothiplatonic people I love you
cupioplatonic people I love you
cavaeplatonic people I love you
quoiplatonic people I love you
hyperplatonic apls I love you
friendship favorable* apls I love you
friendship neutral apls I love you
friendship averse apls I love you
friendship repulsed apls I love you
friendship ambivalent apls I love you
apls that dont use friendship favorable/neutral/ aversed/etc labels to describe their feelings on
friendship I love you
frayplatonic people I love you
lithroplatonic/akoiplatonic people I love you
reciproplatonic people I love you
other aplspec people I love you
afamilial and afamilialspec people I love you (not
doing a whole thing for this one, hands hurt)
other atertiary and atertiaryspec people I love you
aspec people I love you
loveless aspecs I love you**
pomo or other unlabeled people I love you
people who use a lot of labels I love you
people who use well known labels I love you
people who use microlabels I love you
labelfluid people I love you
LGBTQIA+ people I love you
queer people I love you
I love everyone, all queer people.
*I do not know the aplatonic version of sex/romance favorable/neutral/averse/etc. Sorry if I didn't use the right term.
**I'm not loveless so Idk if that makes you uncomfortable I meant I appreciate you?? Idk
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ryanyflags · 6 months
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Mspec/multispec cenelian related vesil terms :> ✨✦
MspecCenelianVesi / VesiMspecCenelian : a term under the vesil umbrella, in which many or all parts of ones identity are affected/defined by being mspec cenelian.
BiCenelianVesi / VesiBiCenelian : a term under the vesil umbrella, in which many or all parts of ones identity are affected/defined by being bi cenelian.
PlyCenelianVesi / VesiPlyCenelian : a term under the vesil umbrella, in which many or all parts of ones identity are affected/defined by being ply (poly) cenelian.
OmniCenelianVesi / VesiOmniCenelian : a term under the vesil umbrella, in which many or all parts of ones identity are affected/defined by being omni cenelian.
PanCenelianVesi / VesiPanCenelian : a term under the vesil umbrella, in which many or all parts of ones identity are affected/defined by being pan cenelian.
AbroCenelianVesi / VesiAbroCenelian : a term under the vesil umbrella, in which many or all parts of ones identity are affected/defined by being abro cenelian.
MspecCenelianVesi can also be called MultispecCenelianVesi/VesiMultispecCenelian.
(The terms' names are capitalised like that for easier reading / making the names clearer. They don't need to be capitalised like that when actually using them.)
The colours come from my mspec cenelian alt flags.
I edited the colours of the sparkles a bit to make them go nicer together / avoid eye-strain.
Vesil Masterpost
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arklayraven · 4 days
If you want to be more inclusive of all labels that fall under the Bi+ umbrella. But don't want to accidentally call or just see pan, omni, ply, etc people as just Bi.
Because you know and understand, not everyone is fine being called that or personally see themselves as bi. Or don't feel comfort being put under the bi umbrella, because some people use it to lowkey be queerphobic, or to erase other multi sexual/romantic labels.
It's more inclusive, and no it doesn't mean "men".
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Using just queer is another alternative too obviously. But putting more attention on the fact mspec exist, and should be used more I feel.
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acilykos · 2 years
To everyone who says Senku is unconfirmed as AroAce.
I get it. Stuff like that can be annoying to read over and over again (especially if you're not invested in sexualities or their representation in media). I know so because I'm fucking annoyed that I have to write it over and over again because people don't get it. So bear with me so we can once and for all fucking agree that Senku is canonically a loveless AroAce.
Imagine Ryusui, right ?
Average bisexual, respects women, desires everything and everyone, etc.
By the logic of those who say Senku isn't AroAce, Ryusui isn't bisexual (or bi+).
Because neither Inagaki nor Boichi said "Ryusui is bisexual/falls under the bisexual umbrella".
Hell, by this logic Francois isn't non-binary. They never said that either. But I digress, let's focus on Ryusui again.
Still he's canon and why is that? Because he said "I love all women you see! Men too! I desire them all!"
This is what an implied confirmation is all about. The character says something that confirms their sexuality. The AUTHORS wrote that line. The authors made the decision to have Ryusui say that.
Ryusui himself never said he's bi+, but he said something that confirms that he's attracted to more than one gender, ergo he's canonically bisexual (or pansexual, or omni, that's not really the point here and not why I made this post, fact is that he is canonically attracted to more than one gender).
Senku responds to Kohaku's "I've fallen for you quite hard" with "Sheesh, annoying crap like that makes me wanna curl up and die."
Senku says "A brain clouded by love is the most irrational kind. It leads to nothing but trouble."
Senku says in response to Homura's "Watch where you're touching me!" with "These kind of tricks won't work on me"
Senku tell Nikki in response to her saying "I could see myself falling for you" with "Let's nip that in the bud, 'kay?".
How he HATES being touched by other people. How he doesn't hug people back because he doesn't want that (also is part of him being autistic, but I digress). He's inconsiderate of others' feelings (Inagaki himself said this one. A comment from the author himself in an interview a few years back. Google it).
OTHER CHARACTERS say Senku "10 billion percent doesn't give a crap about dating" and that he "just says whatever they want to hear just to accomplish his goals" and ALL AGREE TO THAT STATEMENT.
That those who think Senku is romantically/sexually interested in anyone "don't know Senku at all"
He remained SINGLE even AFTER THE END of Dr. Stone. Years of Senku not having romantic interests in people ONCE.
But for some fucking reason people will go OUT OF THEIR WAY, bending over backwards and grasping at straws to say that Senku is unconfirmed, that he will never be AroAce, especially not a loveless AroAce, and send disgusting aphobic comments to Aspec people who just want to be represented in media FOR ONCE and not be the side character of some B plot people will forget.
This reasoning just reeks of pure Aphobia.
Double fucking Standards.
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2amcheese · 1 year
lmao losers
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this is wrong on so many levels. not rbing where i first saw it bc not worht a potential argument but look.
first off, there are plenty of trand women and men who are bi, pan, omni, straight, whatever. Not all trans people are straight or would be considered straight if they were their agab.
Anyone who is questioning?? There are people who would fall under your little umbrella who might be questioning their sexuality right now. people who are cis but don't know if they're gay or bi or whatever. marketing fail, just makes you look like an idiot. even if i was on your side I would disagree with that.
two spirit: just racist. Wrong definition, and who are you to impose your binary onto another culture? 2 spirit people are valid and you are misinformed.
Ally: literally no one is saying allies are lgbtq+, or even TQI2A+ people if that's what you want to call us. The A is for asexual (and aromantic and agender)
Ace people just don't experience attraction?? I will never understand ace exclus. It's like what lesbians feel for men but with everyone. What gay men feel for women but for men and everyone else too. Saying that being ace is impossible is weird bc if you HAVE to be attracted to people you HAVE to be attracted to all people. if you MUST experience attraction then why is that attraction gender-based? Weird.
Actually, some straight people are lgbtq+! Straight trans men and women are valid.
Why would you, someone who believes in biological sex, exclude intersex people? the way you frame this seems to say that all this is a choice, and while it definitely isn't, intersex people are literally born with it. It's part of their sex. Even by your standards (which are dumb) intersex people are valid.
That's not even dealing with nbs and "anyone who demands special pronouns" or "anyone who identifies as queer" (news flash! lesbian, gay, and bi people identify as queer too! are you excluding them?) but they are all valid
TL;DR, even by their standards this is a fucking trainwreck image and immediately falls apart under any scrutiny. forgive my queer anger abt these fucking idiots. Everyone is valid except for these motherfuckers. I hate you all :)
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