#at what age should you start using anti aging cream
gowomenbeauty · 3 months
Why Do You Think Skin Care Is So Important? Note:100% Satisfaction, 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. ✨ Why is skincare such a hot topic? 🌟 Beyond the surface, it's about nurturing the canvas we present to the world. 🎨 Dive into the science and ritual behind skincare with me as we explore its transformative power. 💆‍♀️✨ For more queries, visit the page mentioned in the profile bio section. 🌐🔍
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Got impatient waiting for Min Ho fan fiction so i made one in a minute
I hate it. I want it to burn. But here 🥰🫴
No pronouns used
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Gif by @showgifs
Imagine trying to find some skin care products your friend recommended so you go to the nearest beauty shop by your dorm.
You walk in and look around for the skin care for a while staring at the link your friend sent you. Your gaze flickers from the photo of the cream back to the shelves wondering if it was even at this store. The workers asked you if you were alright but you nod and give them a smile saying you were fine.
After thirty minutes of loitering you decide to leave thinking you were unlucky in choosing the location. Before you could step out you feel a tight grip on your wrist and you turn back to see a handsome stranger in a white hoodie and some gray jeans. He seemingly glares at you looking you up and down and muttering words in Korean under his breath.
Before you could even understand what was happening he started dragging you throughout the store mumbling things under his breath like, “This can help with acne,” while placing seemingly random products in your basket. “Best treatment for blackheads and pores,” a nose strip gets placed in.
You protest trying to pull your wrist away and try to explain you won't be able to pay for the basket that seems like it could overflow if you keep walking with him. “Stop complaining. You're going to get wrinkles.” He grabbed an anti-aging cream this time and turned around to look you up and down again. You felt self-conscious under his gaze wondering if you should have tried harder with your outfit even if it was the weekend.
“Did you even try waking up in the morning?” He asked you with a tone that sounded like you woke up just to annoy him. You tried to hold back a scoff and discussed face at his words.
You can't even respond before he drags you to the cashier and looks at you with a raised brow.
“I’m sorry, but I can't pay for it.” You apologize for looking at the two zeros after the $34. “It’s too expensive anyways. I’m sorry for wasting your ti-”
“Stop apologizing.” He scoffs, flipping out his card from his wallet. He doesn't bat an eye as he places it in the register.
“No-! You really don't have to do that. Let me repay you somehow.” You tell him but something in your gut told you to let him pay for it and run with all the skincare you had no idea how to use.
“Who said I wasn't going to let you repay me?” He replied with a snarky voice. The cashier placed the jars, tubes, small cardboard boxes, and any other products he bought for you in a bag.
“It could take a while but I can get you the money-”
“7:30 pm tomorrow at the new French restaurant. Don't be late.” He turns around and starts to leave the shop. “I’m Min Ho. You don’t need to be afraid to follow me on insta. I have that effect on people.” You can hear a cocky laugh leave his lips as the automatic glass door closes leaving you staring at his retreating feature.
Maybe you should go shopping for a cute outfit today as well.
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steveshairychest · 1 year
Steve used to be afraid of growing old.
He used to fear the day his hair would start to grey and his skin would start to wrinkle. His father hadn't aged well and Steve feared that was also to be his fate. He used to care so much about how he looked because that's all he had going for him; it's all anyone noticed about him.
No one took the time to sit down and get to know the real Steve, not Steve 'the hair' Harrington.
But then Eddie came along. Eddie, with his big smile and loud laugh and endless questions. He asked Steve questions Steve had never even asked himself.
"What do you want to do with your life?"
"Who do you want to be?"
"Why are you using your mother's anti-wrinkle cream?"
Eddie came barrelling into Steve's life and made him realise that getting older isn't something to be afraid of. It's something he should welcome with open arms because there is still so much he hasn't done, still so many wonderful things he hasn't seen.
He's sat around worrying about silly things he can't avoid, like grey hair and bad knees, instead of going out and living his life.
He doesn't want to waste away in Hawkins worrying about what he'll look like and what people will think of him. He wants to travel the world and eat new foods and get his first grey hair with Eddie by his side.
Because he knows now that no matter how much he changes with age, no matter how wrinkly and frail he gets, Eddie will love him regardless. Eddie will still hold his hand and call Steve his 'beautiful boy'.
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ruminativerabbi · 4 months
Can the Center Hold?
As we move forward through these strange times, I find myself careening these days back and forth between my native pessimism about the world and the occasional flash of uncharacteristic optimism. On the whole, things are probably no worse than they have been in the course of these last few months. And in some ways, things are actually looking up. (For one thing, I keep hearing rumors about some sort of imminent deal that will bring at least some of the hostages home. So that sounds hopeful.) I know both those things. But another part of me feels that the gyre is widening and that, at least in the end, the center will not hold. I write this week not to scare or depress, but to share my ill ease and to find comfort in inviting you to join me in hoping together for better times to come.
Yeats (that is, William Butler Yeats, 1865—1939) was one of the world’s greatest English-language poets, a Nobel laureate, eventually a senator in the Irish government. He was a strong Irish nationalist and he definitely flirted—and probably even more than just flirted— with the rising fascist movements of the 1930s. Not an anti-Semite in same sense as Ezra Pound or T. S. Eliot, he was nonetheless part of a world that held anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism to be part of a normal, educated person’s worldview. (For a brief but trenchant review of Irish anti-Semitism over the ages that appeared in the Irish Times a few years ago and that specifically mentions Yeats, click here.) There’s a lot of evidence to review, but I don’t wish to sort it all out here. Nor do I want to comment—not now, at any rate—about the set of bizarre reasons that have led Ireland to be the most consistently anti-Israel nation in Europe. (For a recent essay published in the U.K.’s Jewish Chronicle on that precise topic, click here.) Instead, I’d like to use one of Yeats’ most famous poems, “The Second Coming,” to frame my thoughts about the world we are all living in.
Yeats begins his poem with a stunning image:
            Turning and turning in the widening gyre
            The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
A gyre is a gigantic circular oceanic surface current. Before the poet starts to write, he looks out at the sea and finds it calm, placid, and peaceful. And then the churning begins. At first, it is barely perceptible, hardly even noticeable. And then, slowly, the motion picks up speed. What was tranquil and serene just a moment earlier is suddenly unsteady and unfixed in place. And as the speed of the water picks up, the pleasurable expectation of swimming peacefully in calm waters is replaced by the fear of drowning in those same waters. Nothing, suddenly, is as it should be. The tightest personal connections—Yeats uses the intimate relationship of the falcon and the falconer—become attenuated, then ruined entirely by the deafening gyre as it picks up speed and grows louder and stronger. In the world the poet is comparing to the sea, then, things that are normally each other’s natural complement—butter and toast, coffee and cream, pillow and pillowcase, socks and feet—these normal connections too weaken. And, in the end, the center itself around which life revolves—the family, the house, the workplace, the church, the shul, the park, the grocery—the center doesn’t hold and what was once normal, even pedestrian, now seems unpredictable and in a state of permanent, debilitating flux. And then, just like that, nothing at all seems fixed in place. Or safe.
I’ve lost track of the news even though I read obsessively. I subscribe to a dozen daily news bulletins, peruse half a dozen on-line newspapers, have an inbox that is constantly overflowing. My junk file has its own junk file. I am, I think, as up-to-date on the world’s goings-on as anyone who has a day job could possibly be. Mostly, I deal with it all by compartmentalizing the data, thus storing it in manageable chunks for later degustation (which I occasionally even get to). In that way, my center can hold. But just lately the center is not holding. And the gyre feels more than ever as though it is ominously large and ever-widening.
Let’s consider one single week’s worth of news. A man was arrested last Monday in London and charged with having attacked several employees in a kosher supermarket with a knife. In Haifa, a terrorist drove his car into a crowd of civilians just yards from the front entrance to the Haifa Naval Base. A Chabad rabbi in Washington was pushed out of a Lyft cab by the driver, who then violently attacked him. A terror cell about to perpetrate an “October 7-like attack” was identified and neutralized in Jenin. A would-be terrorist was shot and killed as he tried to murder soldiers standing guard at the entrance to Tekoa, a peaceful town in the Gush Etzion bloc that Joan and I visited just last summer. The International Court of Justice considered seriously a charge of attempted genocide made by South Africa against Israel, then rendered its decision almost without reference at all to the October 7 pogrom that took the lives of well over twelve hundred innocent Israeli civilians, some of whom were beheaded and others of whom were raped. The speaker of the French National Assembly commented the other day that the steep resurgence of violent anti-Semitism in France had reached the level at which it poses “a threat to the foundations of [the French] republic.” Federal agents in Massachusetts arrested a man who was making credible threats of mass violence against Jews and Jewish institutions in his state. Undeniable proof was adduced that UNRWA, the branch of the United Nations charged with supplying humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, is so suffused with actual Hamas-affiliated terrorists and sympathizers that it wouldn’t be that unreasonable for UNRWA itself to be considered a terrorist organization. (If you have access to the on-line version of the Wall St. Journal, click here for a truly shocking account of the whole UNRWA scandal.) The top civil rights officer at the U.S. Department of Education, who has spent her entire professional life as a civil rights attorney, declared herself “astounded” at the level of anti-Semitic aggression the characterizes our nation’s college campuses. To offer one single example, students at Stanford University, once a school I would have characterized as one of our nation’s finest, were chased just last week from a campus forum on anti-Semitism by a crowd of haters threatening to hunt them down in their homes and, at least by implication, to murder them there. (Click here for the horrific details. They’d have to pay me to send a kid of mine to Stanford. But I wouldn’t anyway.)
Is the center holding? More or less. So far.
The poet continues with reference to anarchy being “loosed upon the world” and goes on to imagine innocence itself drowning as the “blood-dimmed” tide rises. And the problem is not only the brutal barbarism of the aggressor; it’s also the fecklessness of the aggressed-against: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst / are full of passionate intensity.” Oy. And so ends the first half of the poet’s poem.
Being a Christian, Yeats imagines the salvation of the world in Christian terms. No problem with that for me: in what language should the man speak if not his own? And so the Christian man looks to the horizon for salvation and expects Jesus. But Jesus does not appear at all. The poet is ready for the Second Coming, for the messianic moment, for redemption. But on the horizon he suddenly espies something else entirely:
…somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare…
The savior cometh not and instead cometh the “rough beast, its hour come round at last.” The poet expects to be saved, but his hopes are dashed as his faith turns out to have been misplaced entirely because all the distant horizon can deliver up is a monster. All the promises of modern society—prosperity, human dignity, security—turn out to be hollow,  misshapen fantasies; none will help much. Or at all. The much-awaited Second Coming yields only an ogre, a fiend, a “rough beast.” There is no hope.
And where does that leave us? I too look to the horizon and wait for redemption. I also fear the “rough beasts” of anti-Semitism, anti-Israelism, anti-humanism, and anti-Americanism, the four horsemen (to wander back into Christian terms) of my personal most-feared apocalypse. And yet, despite it all, I don’t find myself entirely drained of hope. I keep perusing the headlines with all the doom they presage for the world and all the terribleness they recount, but somehow find myself able to retain hope in the future. Where that comes from, I have no idea. Maybe it has to do with relativity. Hamas is Amalek, but we’ve faced worse. Our American college campuses are minefields for Jewish students, but things will surely improve as the problem is dragged out into the light and the world can see the haters for what they are and respond accordingly. Israel’s set of tasks in Gaza is beyond daunting, but the tide seems slowly to be turning. I continue to harbor the real hope that the hostages are all still alive and that the rumors of a deal to release them will turn into reality. And even though the streets of our cities seem clogged with villains whose hatred for Israel feels visceral rather than rational, I still have confidence that the American people will never embrace anti-Judaism and that the republic, the indivisible one featuring liberty and justice for all, will never turn on its own citizens. Do I sound Pollyanna-ish or rationally hopeful? Like an ostrich with its head in the sand or a Jew with his head held high? Even I am not sure. But I continue to believe in the future, in our future in this place and in the future of Israel. “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.”
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naturalreceipts · 2 years
Skin Care Tips for Teenagers
Skin care education begins in childhood. As soon as a child gets his or her first pimples or blackheads, it is important to explain to him or her that they cannot be removed mechanically, otherwise they will leave visible scars. It will be much more difficult to get rid of them than acne, and some traces of the fight against skin problems will remain for life.
It is important to keep in mind that before starting any skin care routine, existing problems must be eliminated. If the child or teenager has acne, contact a dermatologist or, in the case of less serious complications, a cosmetologist. He will clean, find out what products a girl or young man uses for skin, and give any necessary recommendations.
Skin care for teens usually consists of three main steps: cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. You should choose cosmetic products according to the characteristics and needs of each particular case.
Cleaning should be done with a special product after the age of 13 years. Ordinary soap will not work: an aggressive alkaline environment destroys the protective lipid film, which can lead to increased sensitivity, dryness, and dehydration of the skin. Special cosmetics usually have a neutral or near-neutral pH and therefore have a much less irritating effect.
It is sufficient to wash the face twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.
The type of products used depends mainly on the type of skin and its characteristics.
For oily skin, gels and foams containing salicylic acid (salicylic acid), zinc (zinc) or willow bark extract (willow bark extract) will really clean pores and remove excess oil.
For dry skin, choose cream-based gels or gentle detergent-based foams. Aggressive facial cleansers should be avoided because they will be too drying and uncomfortable when combined with tap water. You should look for moisturizing ingredients like glycerin and hyaluronic acid.
To cleanse combination skin (mixed), you can choose a remedy for the problem that worries the teenager the most. If the main concern is shine or blackheads, oily products are suitable for washing. If dryness in some areas is more of a concern than oiliness in others, cleansing should be more gentle, moisturizing with cosmetics for the dry type. Anti-inflammatory agents with mild detergents will also become a universal option. They clean deeply while avoiding over-drying the skin.
Boys and girls with normal skin can be envied, as they do not encounter any problems. They are not bothered by excess oil or the discomfort of dryness. However, even perfect skin needs to be cleansed twice a day. Gentle foams and creams are suitable for this purpose.
Toning is the final step in the cleansing process and the preliminary step in basic skin care. The physiological pH of the skin becomes alkaline when washing with foam, and the toner helps to normalize it. Depending on the type of skin, there are certain rules and tips to consider for proper skin toning.
For oily skin, opt for toners and lotions that usually contain alcohol and anti-inflammatory components like witch hazel extract (witch hazel bark or leaf extract), tea tree oil (tea tree), and salicylic acid (salicylic acid). All of this is designed to clean and shrink pores as well as neutralize acne-causing bacteria.
For dry and normal skin, alcohol-free toners and toners are more suitable. Their task is to balance the pH, restore the hydrolipidic film, and, ideally, moisturize as well.
The presence of soothing components in the composition will have a positive effect in the case of hypersensitivity to tap water or sulfated cleansers.
In the case of combination skin (mixed), you can use several toners at once, depending on the needs of each area of the face. For cleansing and mattifying oily areas, more aggressive lotions with a drying effect are suitable. For dry areas, gentle alcohol-free toners are suitable.
Regardless of the problems and characteristics of each skin type, moisturizing is a mandatory step in the daily beauty routine. Lack of water leads to dehydration. The role of a moisturizer is to prevent moisture loss due to evaporation. For teenagers, there is no need to choose different products for day and night care; just find a good moisturizer that can be used in the morning and after washing at night.
However, there are some specific rules for skin types that need to be emphasized for effective moisturizing.
For oily and combination skin, light-textured products are suitable for moisturizing, such as emulsions, gel creams, and fluids. They are quickly absorbed, don't clog pores, and don't smell on the face, which is especially appealing to teenagers. In addition to moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin, aloe, and hyaluronic acid, these products may also contain components that help fight acne, such as zinc (zinc), clay (clay), and salicylic acid (salicylic acid).
For dry and normal skin, intensive moisturizing and nutrition are usually not necessary. The exception is if you have atopic dermatitis or other skin conditions. In most cases, a universal moisturizer will suffice for comfort.
Finally, it is equally important for parents not to ignore the changes in the teen's body due to hormonal changes. With more experience and knowledge, parents are sometimes better able to choose cosmetics for young skin than teens themselves, based on advertising and marketing advice. And that's very important, because appropriate skin care for teens is an investment in the health and beauty of tomorrow.
You can learn more about this topic by clicking on this link.
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The increased pursuit of eternal youth is honestly so sad.
Like it’s long been a standing trend that women are told that their value decreases each year they’re alive.  30 used to be the magical number that turned a beautiful young woman into a wrinkly, decrepit hag.  But despite the body positivity movement growing stronger each year, I think our society’s obsession with youth has only gotten worse. 
I have seen people spend >300 dollars on anti-aging routines. 
I have seen people buy special straws so they don’t pucker their lips. 
I have seen people train their face muscles not to move. 
I have seen people paranoid about their sleeping positions.
I have seen 20 year olds get “preemptive botox.” 
And it’s just so sad.  Like not only is aging a natural thing, a privilege even, because not everyone gets to be old enough to develop wrinkles, but people are now spending their entire youths in the pursuit of not looking old. 
Like how long do those morning/nighttime skin routines take?  How many hours of one’s life is wasted applying creams alone in your bathroom?  
How much money is out of your pocket that you could’ve spent on new experiences and hobbies and savings even?  
How much less fun is life when you can’t react to anything in it, for fear of your face moving too much? How much anxiety must you be in to worry about how your body is moving when you sleep?  SLEEPING!  The one time you’re not supposed to worry about anything!  
And I know there’s a lot of late-bloomers in the world.  I’m one of them.  I’m 25, and I’ve never been in a relationship or on a date.  I’m starting to develop some smile lines.  I had a breakdown when I first saw it, because even though I’m aware of how stupid (and creepy) youth-obsessed beauty culture is, it’s inundated from the moment you’re born to the moment you die.  If no one found me attractive and datable at 20, what chance do I possibly have to find love at 30 when I’m all shriveled up and worthless according to society? 
I don’t know.  I’m not trying to say I’m better than anyone else.  I know skincare can be a hobby and be fun, and it’s nice to have your face all moisturized and smooth.  I have a cream or two, myself.  But it’s just scary seeing how much younger anti-aging products are marketed these days.  It’s scary to think endless tik tok videos and commercials are telling women that now 25 is ancient, and you should do cosmetic surgery to look 18 forever.  And it’s scary how even when you’re aware of everything messed up about it, that you can’t untrain your brain into not believing it.  
Decades of being told one thing doesn’t magically disappear from your frontal cortex because you know it’s stupid.  Those pathways are carved DEEP in people’s brains.  So you’re always gonna feel bad about yourself as you age, and you’re always gonna think the you from 10 years ago was prettier than the you today.  And you’re always gonna believe your worth shrinks the older you get.  Because you’re been brainwashed so deep even knowing your in the Matrix can’t fix it. 
And if by some miraculous will power you really can say “Fuck off” to all of it, that doesn’t excuse you from its effect.  You’ll still be treated different if you look old.  You’ll still be subject to misogyny and ageism, because fixing yourself doesn’t fix the world.  
It’s just so sad.  
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rumblebumble22 · 2 years
I want to be old, and I explain why
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There are a lot of stereotypes about old people. Many of us think they are incompetent and unable to enjoy life, depressed and miserable. But is it true? I did a bit of research and realised that these people are one of the happiest and most fulfilled groups of the world population. It turned out that these people live a calm and joyful life. But why in our world is everyone so terrified of the prospect of becoming older? In my opinion, there are stereotypes which prevent us from seeing aging as it is — a natural process which no one of us can avoid. 
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Modern beauty industries sell us the idea that only youth is beautiful and only young people deserve love and care. On TV and on the Internet we see attractive models with thin waists, skinny belly and smooth skin. There is almost no representation of old people in the mass media, did you notice? There is only energy, health, and liveliness on the faces of teenagers and young adults. It seems like beauty industries associate these concepts only with youth. 
Anti-age. Doesn’t this word sound weird to you? What do surgery clinics and cosmetics companies mean by this word, actually? Does they try to convince us that the laws of nature are wrong and we should turn time back? I think it is ridiculous. It’s like when I am 29, I suddenly wish to be a 12-year-old girl again. Why should I want it? Why anyone should want something like this?
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But I can explain how it works. Beauty companies instill women with fear that nobody will love them if they become old. They told us that smooth skin is beautiful, whereas wrinkles and gray hair are ugly. I just wonder, does anybody really believe in that? Because seriously, these companies just make money this way. I searched how much surgery clinics earned on liposuction, botox and facelifting and goddamn, these numbers exploded my mind. Companies make money on women’s fears, and women obediently go under the surgeon’s knife or waste money on expensive and useless creams. Is it actually legal? 
After all these horrific facts I found old people’s opinions, where they explain their perception of life. It turned out for me that actually the older we get, the happier we are. Aging has some unique benefits which are unavailable to you when you are young. For example, when you become old you really don’t care anymore what people think about you. You can say what you really think, wear weird clothes or sniff cocaine. It's up to you and your imagination. No one will condemn you as much as if you were young. 
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Besides, you can relax more. Nobody expects you to join the gym, become a parent or build a career. Why? Because probably you already do some of these things and if you didn’t, who cares now? You are too old to start this kind of serious project. No one can tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, because it’s just not appropriate to tell things like this to old people.
Also, with age time became shorter, so you begin to comprehend life as it is. Stupid problems and unimportant concerns doesn’t worry you anymore. Sunsets, conversations with friends, walks in the nature: all these things become more precious to you. You simply start to appreciate everything around you more and understand that life is a treasure. 
Also, since with age you get more skills and understanding of life, you become wiser and calmer. Probably, you have more financial security and free time for hobbies and interests than you had when you were young.  Thus, you become more happy and can live as you like. 
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 I think we should give more attention to aging and get rid of our prejudices about old people. Firstly, the despair of aging is simply a lie, and secondly, it’s not fair in relation to old people. Old age might be happier than we actually think, and I am waiting with curiosity for the days when I become an elder. 
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queen-ofnewyork · 2 years
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Review of Skin79′s Natural Snail Mucus Soothing Gel
Skin79 is a well-known Korean brand that started in the 90s and became popular for its BB creams. Their Natural Snail Mucus Soothing Gel is designed to soothe stressed skin and promote clear skin and a fresh complexion. Key ingredients include 1,000ppm  of snail secretion filtrate (anti-aging, moisturizing, maintains elasticity, nourishing), hydrolyzed collagen (anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, aids in collagen-production), aloe extract (anti-aging, moisturizing, lightens blemishes and reduces acne, healing, reduces scarring), barbary fig extract (nourishing, antioxidant, replenishing, hydrating, skin protecting), bamboo extract (soothing, adds vitality, anti-inflammatory, removes dry skin, antioxidant, healing, hydrating) and cucumber fruit extract (hydrating, moisturizing, soothing, cooling, nourishing, softening). This soothing gel retails for between $7-9 USD, you can get it here for $7.65 + shipping.
Water, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Sodium Hyaluronate, Carbomer, Glyceryl Acrylate/Acrylic Acid Copolymer, Hydroxyacetophenone, Arginine, 1,2-Hexanediol, Betaine, Polysorbate 20, Snail Secretion Filtrate (1,000ppm), Fragrance, Disodium EDTA, Aloe Barbadensis Extract, Opuntia Ficus-Indica (Barbary Fig) Extract, Bambusa Vulgaris (Bamboo) Extract, Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract, Hydrolyzed Collagen
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The gel contains 100 grams (3.52 oz) and has a slightly musky scent that usually is in any snail product. It comes in a squeeze tube so it’s easier to take with you as opposed to many other gels that come in tubs.
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It's a thick, clear and typical soothing gel.
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It's very hydrating and relatively thick.
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It's super moisturizing once massaged into the skin and very refreshing.
Recommended use is to apply a proper amount on the face and body frequently, then gently pat in for better absorption. First things first, this does have an artificial fragrance so it's best to steer clear if you have issues with that. Otherwise, this product is a great option. It has a nice smooth texture and is very easy to massage into the skin (even my mom liked it and she doesn't like anything with snails in it lol). It works well on sunburns and dry patchy skin as well as really irritated, parched skin. Apart from the fragrance, there are no other irritants in this gel so it should be safe for a majority of people to use. I like that it came in a tube, easier for travel or taking it to the pool with you if needed. Definitely recommended for dry, irritated, and parched skin as well as skin with lots of redness.
What I like: this gel is really moisturizing and soothing and really does a good job of nourishing the skin. The ingredients are great and I liked the packaging a lot as it's more convenient than the big 300 ml tubs. What I don't like: the addition of artificial fragrance.
Nice ingredients
Great packaging
Would I buy again?
Rating: 8/10
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Brits warned to check expiry dates on make-up after woman suffers horrific burns - #DigitalProducts #Global https://www.merchant-business.com/brits-warned-to-check-expiry-dates-on-make-up-after-woman-suffers-horrific-burns/?feed_id=6884&_unique_id=6659790501fdf Brits warned to check expiry dates on make-up after woman suffers horrific burns Digital Products Many of us don’t give much thought to the expiration dates on our favorite beauty products, but one expert has revealed why you should care. A viral TikTok video shows what happens when you use old chemicals on your skin. Beauty fan BeastEaster@Beastar) suffered severe burns after using expired lotion. Despite knowing it was expired, she smeared it on her face and quickly washed it off when her skin started to sting. Unfortunately, it was too late to prevent the damage: her cheeks soon became inflamed and blistered. “I was in so much pain I couldn’t even look at myself physically and I was so devastated,” she told her 20.3 million followers. “I finally agreed to go to hospital after four days because I was in so much pain. This is 1000% my fault so I’m not drawing attention to the brand and I still love the brand dearly.” “I just want to speak up and let everyone know to regularly check the expiry dates on their makeup and skincare products.” The burn victim’s post quickly received countless comments, with various users confused about whether it was appropriate to use expired products. “I’ve seen so many videos like this and I still use expired face masks,” one user wrote, while another commented, “Now go throw out that 3 year old skincare that you only use once every few months.” But what actually happened to Beast Easter? According to CEO and founder Susie Ma: Tropic Skin CareThis is likely the effect of old, harsh chemicals, highlighting how dangerous it can be to use outdated skin care products. “The most obvious downside to using expired skin care products is that they may not be as effective as new ones,” she explained. “So if you’re using an expired face cream, it may not provide the same moisturizing or anti-aging benefits as a new one.” “[But]Expired face products can actually cause problems like skin irritation and breakouts, like this TikTok user said, and using expired face products can lead to a less effective routine and long-term skin problems.” To avoid finding yourself in a similarly trying situation, Susie recommends doing a regular monthly product check. Expiration dates aren’t always obvious on the packaging, but there should be a “use by” marking somewhere on the label. It looks like a bottle with a number and an “M” inside, and the symbol indicates how long it can be used for once opened – usually this ranges from 6 to 24 months. If the product doesn’t state this, check the ingredients list for a “use by” or “expiration date.” Susie continues, “You might not know when you first opened the product, which can lead to confusion, so if you’re introducing something new to your skincare routine, make sure you write down the month that you started using the product.” Paying attention to a product’s smell, texture, and overall appearance can also help you avoid skin-care mishaps: Any changes could mean ingredients have separated or gone bad, and it might be time to buy a new bottle. Susie adds: “How you store your skincare products also affects their quality. Active ingredients such as vitamin C in particular can oxidise when exposed to sunlight, so they should be stored in a cool, dark place (such as a bathroom cupboard rather than on a shelf).” “It’s also why active ingredients like Vitamin C need to be packaged in dark glass bottles, and that’s exactly what we do with Tropic Skincare products.” Story saved This story isMy bookmarks.Alternatively, go to the user icon on the top right. Source of this program “This is another huge module.” “WARNING: Video contains footage of burns. Beauty experts have warned Brits to check the expiry dates
on their favourite creams and serums after a TikTok video showed the possible results of a burn…” Source: Read more Source link: https://www.ok.co.uk/lifestyle/beauty/brits-warned-check-expiry-date-32920111 The post Brits warned to check expiry dates on make-up after woman suffers horrific burns appeared first on Merchant Business News. Buy, Sell, Get Informed, Negotiate and Be Happy! DigitalProducts, Global BLOGGER - #DigitalProducts #Global
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gowomenbeauty · 3 months
Why Is It Bad to Go to Bed with Makeup On? Note:100% Satisfaction, 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. 🌙 Let's dive into the science behind this beauty faux pas! Leaving makeup on overnight can clog pores, leading to breakouts, and hinder your skin's natural rejuvenation process. Give your skin the love it deserves and always cleanse before hitting the sheets! 💆‍♀️ For more queries, visit the page mentioned in the profile bio section. 🌐🔍
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Brits warned to check expiry dates on make-up after woman suffers horrific burns https://www.merchant-business.com/brits-warned-to-check-expiry-dates-on-make-up-after-woman-suffers-horrific-burns/?feed_id=6885&_unique_id=6659790589157 Brits warned to check expiry dates on make-up after woman suffers horrific burns Digital Products Many of us don’t give much thought to the expiration dates on our favorite beauty products, but one expert has revealed why you should care. A viral TikTok video shows what happens when you use old chemicals on your skin. Beauty fan BeastEaster@Beastar) suffered severe burns after using expired lotion. Despite knowing it was expired, she smeared it on her face and quickly washed it off when her skin started to sting. Unfortunately, it was too late to prevent the damage: her cheeks soon became inflamed and blistered. “I was in so much pain I couldn’t even look at myself physically and I was so devastated,” she told her 20.3 million followers. “I finally agreed to go to hospital after four days because I was in so much pain. This is 1000% my fault so I’m not drawing attention to the brand and I still love the brand dearly.” “I just want to speak up and let everyone know to regularly check the expiry dates on their makeup and skincare products.” The burn victim’s post quickly received countless comments, with various users confused about whether it was appropriate to use expired products. “I’ve seen so many videos like this and I still use expired face masks,” one user wrote, while another commented, “Now go throw out that 3 year old skincare that you only use once every few months.” But what actually happened to Beast Easter? According to CEO and founder Susie Ma: Tropic Skin CareThis is likely the effect of old, harsh chemicals, highlighting how dangerous it can be to use outdated skin care products. “The most obvious downside to using expired skin care products is that they may not be as effective as new ones,” she explained. “So if you’re using an expired face cream, it may not provide the same moisturizing or anti-aging benefits as a new one.” “[But]Expired face products can actually cause problems like skin irritation and breakouts, like this TikTok user said, and using expired face products can lead to a less effective routine and long-term skin problems.” To avoid finding yourself in a similarly trying situation, Susie recommends doing a regular monthly product check. Expiration dates aren’t always obvious on the packaging, but there should be a “use by” marking somewhere on the label. It looks like a bottle with a number and an “M” inside, and the symbol indicates how long it can be used for once opened – usually this ranges from 6 to 24 months. If the product doesn’t state this, check the ingredients list for a “use by” or “expiration date.” Susie continues, “You might not know when you first opened the product, which can lead to confusion, so if you’re introducing something new to your skincare routine, make sure you write down the month that you started using the product.” Paying attention to a product’s smell, texture, and overall appearance can also help you avoid skin-care mishaps: Any changes could mean ingredients have separated or gone bad, and it might be time to buy a new bottle. Susie adds: “How you store your skincare products also affects their quality. Active ingredients such as vitamin C in particular can oxidise when exposed to sunlight, so they should be stored in a cool, dark place (such as a bathroom cupboard rather than on a shelf).” “It’s also why active ingredients like Vitamin C need to be packaged in dark glass bottles, and that’s exactly what we do with Tropic Skincare products.” Story saved This story isMy bookmarks.Alternatively, go to the user icon on the top right. Source of this program “This is another huge module.” “WARNING: Video contains footage of burns. Beauty experts have warned Brits to check the expiry dates on their favourite creams and serums after a TikTok video showed the possible results of a burn…”
Source: Read more Source link: https://www.ok.co.uk/lifestyle/beauty/brits-warned-check-expiry-date-32920111 The post Brits warned to check expiry dates on make-up after woman suffers horrific burns appeared first on Merchant Business News. Buy, Sell, Get Informed, Negotiate and Be Happy! DigitalProducts, Global
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merchant-business · 4 days
Brits warned to check expiry dates on make-up after woman suffers horrific burns https://www.merchant-business.com/brits-warned-to-check-expiry-dates-on-make-up-after-woman-suffers-horrific-burns/?feed_id=6883&_unique_id=66597904706ec Brits warned to check expiry dates on make-up after woman suffers horrific burns Digital Products Many of us don’t give much thought to the expiration dates on our favorite beauty products, but one expert has revealed why you should care. A viral TikTok video shows what happens when you use old chemicals on your skin. Beauty fan BeastEaster@Beastar) suffered severe burns after using expired lotion. Despite knowing it was expired, she smeared it on her face and quickly washed it off when her skin started to sting. Unfortunately, it was too late to prevent the damage: her cheeks soon became inflamed and blistered. “I was in so much pain I couldn’t even look at myself physically and I was so devastated,” she told her 20.3 million followers. “I finally agreed to go to hospital after four days because I was in so much pain. This is 1000% my fault so I’m not drawing attention to the brand and I still love the brand dearly.” “I just want to speak up and let everyone know to regularly check the expiry dates on their makeup and skincare products.” The burn victim’s post quickly received countless comments, with various users confused about whether it was appropriate to use expired products. “I’ve seen so many videos like this and I still use expired face masks,” one user wrote, while another commented, “Now go throw out that 3 year old skincare that you only use once every few months.” But what actually happened to Beast Easter? According to CEO and founder Susie Ma: Tropic Skin CareThis is likely the effect of old, harsh chemicals, highlighting how dangerous it can be to use outdated skin care products. “The most obvious downside to using expired skin care products is that they may not be as effective as new ones,” she explained. “So if you’re using an expired face cream, it may not provide the same moisturizing or anti-aging benefits as a new one.” “[But]Expired face products can actually cause problems like skin irritation and breakouts, like this TikTok user said, and using expired face products can lead to a less effective routine and long-term skin problems.” To avoid finding yourself in a similarly trying situation, Susie recommends doing a regular monthly product check. Expiration dates aren’t always obvious on the packaging, but there should be a “use by” marking somewhere on the label. It looks like a bottle with a number and an “M” inside, and the symbol indicates how long it can be used for once opened – usually this ranges from 6 to 24 months. If the product doesn’t state this, check the ingredients list for a “use by” or “expiration date.” Susie continues, “You might not know when you first opened the product, which can lead to confusion, so if you’re introducing something new to your skincare routine, make sure you write down the month that you started using the product.” Paying attention to a product’s smell, texture, and overall appearance can also help you avoid skin-care mishaps: Any changes could mean ingredients have separated or gone bad, and it might be time to buy a new bottle. Susie adds: “How you store your skincare products also affects their quality. Active ingredients such as vitamin C in particular can oxidise when exposed to sunlight, so they should be stored in a cool, dark place (such as a bathroom cupboard rather than on a shelf).” “It’s also why active ingredients like Vitamin C need to be packaged in dark glass bottles, and that’s exactly what we do with Tropic Skincare products.” Story saved This story isMy bookmarks.Alternatively, go to the user icon on the top right. Source of this program “This is another huge module.” “WARNING: Video contains footage of burns. Beauty experts have warned Brits to check the expiry dates on their favourite creams and serums after a TikTok video showed the possible results of a burn…”
Source: Read more Source link: https://www.ok.co.uk/lifestyle/beauty/brits-warned-check-expiry-date-32920111 The post Brits warned to check expiry dates on make-up after woman suffers horrific burns appeared first on Merchant Business News. Buy, Sell, Get Informed, Negotiate and Be Happy!
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s--lag · 6 days
See which skin care segment you are in
95-100 points: Sustainable improvement of skin texture: maintain a delicate texture and transparent skin tone (continuous anti-aging)
It is a stage of excellence, and many problems at this stage must be completed with medical beauty, such as controlling deep color spots, suppressing dynamic wrinkles, after the age of 25 or 30, starting to heat super combined with deep anti-aging and anti-sagging... However, to a certain extent, too much perfectionism is prone to problems, and excessive pursuit of impossible white will eventually endanger your health!
80-95 points: Advanced skin beauty: the pursuit of healthy whiteness, improve wrinkles, spots, pores
In the early 20s, do a good job of antioxidant plus sunscreen, VA long-term use without error can be used, can not tolerate there are other options. Don't be aggressive at this stage! Excessive stripping whitening will turn into red and black face, some too strong whitening ingredients may cause allergies, and some are designed for mature muscle
The anti-aging monotonic may make you bored.... ..
60-80 points: skin stability and less error: reduce sensitivity, acne recurrence, control chronic dermatitis problems
After solving the problem, the general doctor or more professional science and technology will teach you what to use for stability, such as acne skin can follow the doctor's advice to use dapalene for 3-6 months, oral medicine should also follow the doctor's advice, and gradually stop the drug. Take medication to maintain stability, skin care can be simple, or maintain the basic [clean - repair - sunscreen] process; The skin is stable enough to add antioxidant serum.
[Cold knowledge] Many of the main plant polyphenols, such as olive leaves, snow grass, tea polyphenols soothing essence, itself also has antioxidant effects, these products can help you soothe anti-red, but also can play a role in antioxidant protection.
Less than 60 points: Focus on solving skin problems: Follow the doctor's advice to treat impaired sensitivity/acne/rose/fat skin, etc
The four common skin problems: sensitive/acne/fat skin, there is a clear diagnosis and treatment plan, go to a regular hospital, follow the doctor's advice, regular return visit, and actively communicate with the doctor, is the best skin care measures.
This stage does not need so many messy skin care products, do a good job of the basic "clean, repair and sunscreen", you can prepare some repair and soothing products to relieve the irritation of the cream, which is enough. It should be noted that: distinguish the boundary between skin care products and drugs, skin care products can only be used as an aid, never have a therapeutic effect, when the problem breaks out or serious recurrence, all need to be treated with medication.
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michellusa · 1 month
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It’s the peak of summer.
And there are small peaks coming up in your skin! As the mercury rises, there are rising skin concerns too! The one that inevitably torments us, is that of acne. Small boils that appear on the face and neck to make our blood boil. Tiny red dots, painful big ones, at times appearing in clusters, to make our skin look aged and haggard. They not only create havoc on the skin, but rob us of our entire peace of mind. So how to beat this menace called acne? The answer lies in a simple, regular skin care.
Teach acne a lesson with an age-defying ingredient
When dermatologists tested an extract of the Sacred Lotus seed in skin care formula, the protein repair enzyme, with a rich blend of antioxidants, it had an amazing anti-aging effect on the skin. Clinical tests in the US showed the skin care formula with the ‘Lotus Seed’ extract reduced the appearance of lines and wrinkles, by as much as 50%, and increased elasticity up to 82% over 4 weeks.
The miracle seed is planted in a bottle The miracle is done by the hidden Sacred Lotus seed. So what is the miracle ingredient in there? A protein repair enzyme called L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase (MT) in it. When dermatologists tested an extract of the Sacred Lotus seed in skin care formula, the protein repair enzyme, with a rich blend of antioxidants, it had an amazing anti-aging effect on the skin. Clinical tests in the US showed the skin care formula with the ‘Lotus Seed’ extract reduced the appearance of lines and wrinkles, by as much as 50%, and increased elasticity up to 82% over 4 weeks.
Thus germinated the idea of AGE-LESS. Though created in the USA, the Age-Less range has been rediscovered and redesigned for the Indian skin. Understanding tropical skin conditions and developing products using the knowledge of Sacred Lotus, was the deepest challenge. Mitchell’s effective AGE-LESS regime for hydrated, nourished skin came in to address the wintry woes. A good daily skin care routine has always remained vital to keep skin clean, hydrated, protected, healthy and glowing.
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Why announce it on skin?
Is your skin follicle clogged with oil & dead cells? Then there’s a chance for acne to pop up, along with whiteheads, blackheads or pimples. The AGE-LESS ACNE+ANTI-AGING REGIMEN addresses what conventional single-use creams cannot. It is probably the ONLY focused trio-regimen, enhanced with Lotus Seed Extracts, that addresses acne prone aging skin.
Experts have found that skin aging typically starts around age 20–25. In our mid-20s, our bodies gradually start to stop producing as much collagen as before, which causes our skin to lose elasticity. Hence, we recommend incorporating anti-aging products in your skincare routine as early as your 20s. You can begin with the basics, such as a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Sunscreen is your skin’s best friend, and should be applied early, and often, as photo-aging is a huge cause of aging in India. Hence we address both issues with our acne reducing and age slowing kit.
Though an estimated 85% of teens get acne, it can last through the teen years and into the early 20s when aging starts. Some older adults may continue to be bothered by it. Many women note that it worsens just before menstruation and disappears during pregnancy.
So, Sacred Lotus Seed is sacred in more than one way! Not only will it help in curing acne, but arrest age from showing up. It’s high time we explore the magic of Sacred Lotus Seed and see it work its charm on our skin.
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modernbeautyjournal · 1 month
What Are the Best Anti-Aging Approaches for Younger People?
Can you be too young to have BOTOX®, fillers, or even a facelift? Philadelphia area’s Cross Medical Group explains that although cosmetic treatments and surgeries have long been the go-to for people wanting to address signs of aging, younger people are increasingly turning to preventive measures to maintain their youthful appearance and stave off the signs of aging in the first place.
In the past, people would often wait until they started seeing more severe signs of aging before taking steps to address changes to their skin. “Prejuvenation” refers to the process of combining a good skincare routine with non-surgical aesthetic treatments to keep skin looking youthful. Some younger patients could also benefit from more dramatic treatments. From targeted skincare routines to non-invasive cosmetic procedures and surgical options, there's a multitude of strategies available for younger individuals looking to defy the effects of time and preserve their skin's vitality.
Why Is Early Prevention Important in Skincare?
Prevention is key when it comes to anti-aging skincare. It’s typically easier to prevent signs of aging than to correct them after they have become established. It can also be less expensive to prevent wrinkles, shifting contours, and other changes than to correct them.
While aging is a natural process, certain lifestyle factors and environmental stressors can accelerate the skin's aging process, leading to premature wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging. With this in mind, there are several benefits to adopting a proactive approach to skincare.
What Are the Essential Components of Anti-Aging Skincare for Younger People?
Sun Protection
Sun exposure is one of the primary contributors to premature aging. Incorporating a broad-spectrum sunscreen into your daily skincare regimen is essential, regardless of your age. Use a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher and reapply every couple of hours.
Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining skin elasticity and suppleness. Younger individuals should use a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer to keep their skin hydrated without clogging pores.
Antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and green tea extract help protect the skin from free radical damage caused by environmental pollutants and UV radiation. Look for serums or creams containing these ingredients to neutralize oxidative stress and promote skin health.
Gentle Cleansing
Harsh cleansers can strip the skin of its natural oils and disrupt its moisture barrier, leading to dryness and irritation. Choose a gentle, pH-balanced cleanser that effectively removes impurities without causing damage to the skin barrier.
Regular exfoliation helps slough off dead skin cells and promote cell turnover, revealing smoother, more radiant skin underneath. Incorporate a gentle chemical exfoliant into your skincare routine once per week to maintain a healthy glow.
What Are the Best Cosmetic Treatment Options for Younger People?
Even when you’re younger, it’s still important to consider how your skin will evolve with time. As mentioned above, applying sunscreen and avoiding too much exposure to UV rays can go a long way toward delaying signs of aging when you’re in your 20s and 30s. Additionally, you can explore non-surgical treatments that offer subtle enhancements with minimal downtime, making them ideal for busy lifestyles. Treatments such as BOTOX® injections and dermal fillers can reduce early signs of aging once they appear.
For patients who have noticed more significant signs of aging developing, a facelift improves contour changes on the lower two-thirds of the face. The procedure can involve removing or repositioning skin to reduce sagging skin in a way that isn’t possible with non-surgical approaches.
Traditional thinking was that facelifts were only meant for patients aged 60 and older, but an increasing number of younger people are trying facelifts rather than waiting to allow aging to take its course. Having a facelift as a younger patient has some benefits, such as the fact that your recovery process will be quicker, you can enjoy a more youthful-looking aging process overall, and the results will look more natural.
Contact the Philadelphia area’s Cross Medical Group for more advice about how cosmetic treatments can help you to maintain a youthful look and address or delay signs of aging. Call (215) 561-9100 or submit a contact form to request a consultation if you would like to discuss aesthetic treatments. 
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complexion-me · 2 months
Review : SkinBetter AlphaRet® Overnight Cream
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What is it?
An anti-aging cream made to wear overnight. 
Who is it for?
This works for all skin types but will work particularly well for those who haven’t been able to tolerate retinoids.
What’s in it?
AlphaRet: a unique combination of a retinoid and an AHA (lactic acid).
Glycolic Acid: helps retexturize and enhances performance of AlphaRet.
Targeted Peptide Blend: helps smooth the appearance of wrinkles, skin firmness and resiliency.
Ultra Hydrating Blend of Ceramides, Squalane, Niacinamide and Hyaluronic Acid: helps to counteract dryness, providing hydration and moisture.
Allantoin Glycyrrhetinic Acid, Bisabolol, and Green Tea Extract: ingredients with calming properties that also help reduce the appearance of redness.
Vitamins C & E and CoEnzyme Q10: provide antioxidant protection.
Aqua/Water, Sodium Glycolate, Glycolic Acid, Cetearyl Olivate, Pentylene Glycol, Cyclopentasiloxane, Isohexadecane, Sorbitan Olivate, Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate, Glycerin, Ceresin, Glycol Palmitate, Butylene Glycol, Niacinamide, Squalane, Methyl Gluceth-20, Ethyl Lactyl Retinoate, Palmitoyl Tripeptide-1, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7, Ceramide NP, Hyaluronic Acid, Ubiquinone, Tocopherol, Bisabolol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Superoxide Dismutase, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter, Allantoin Glycyrrhetinic Acid, Sodium PCA, Panthenol, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Linoleic Acid, Cholesterol, Linolenic Acid, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Dimethyl Isosorbide, Dimethicone, Glyceryl Stearate, PEG-100 Stearate, Steareth-2, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Acacia Senegal Gum, Xanthan Gum, Hydrated Silica, Carbomer, Polysorbate 20, Tromethamine, Disodium EDTA, Ethylhexylglycerin, Phenoxyethanol, Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891).
How to use?
Use a thin layer all over your face every night. 
What to expect?
Reduction in lines
Smoother and more even-toned skin
Luxurious finish
Works for all skin types
Significantly reduces the appearance of wrinkles in as little as four weeks, with little-to-no irritation.
Provides moisture to help counteract dryness associated with traditional retinoid-based products
Combines two gold standard skin rejuvenation ingredients - a retinoid and an AHA (lactic acid) - joined together to create the revolutionary AlphaRet technology that minimizes irritation, enhancing satisfaction and experience
A blend of antioxidants helps neutralize free radicals.
An effective anti-aging regimen should tackle several skin problems at once. The problem is, you can’t squeeze the best skin-care ingredients—like retinoids and alpha hydroxy acids—into one bottle without causing a chemical reaction or serious irritation. Until now. Researchers at Skin Better Science have figured out a way to mix retinoids (which fade discoloration and kick up collagen production) with lactic acid (an alpha hydroxy acid that evens out skin tone and texture). Each active ingredient is encapsulated in its own bubbles, and those bubbles are linked together to create the new ethyl lactyl retinoate molecule. When you put the cream on, the water in your skin kick-starts a release of the active ingredients that’s gradual and gentle—but effective. “Lactic acid, a humectant and mild chemical peel, enhances the wrinkle reduction that comes from retinol,” says cosmetic chemist Jim Hammer. In fact, in company-sponsored studies, the formula was as effective at smoothing lines and fading discoloration as tretinoin (a prescription-strength retinoid) without causing irritation.
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