#barely wg related
Show! Me! The blorbo!
god damn you people work fast
alright but if i get bullied for it i'm lighting up the nearest cracker barrel stg
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this fucker.
i'm pretty sure he only shows up in like 4 episodes and yet each time i see him my brain does something between a "." and a "!" like. "man acknowledged." watching this man is like watching a beetle or perhaps a moth. i know nothing of who he is or his thoughts. i know not why he's only here for a short time or why they use him so often for that short time. I don't even remember his name. I just know my neurons fire up when observing him in this show to a point where I may turn my attention from what I am doing while the show is on the background to watch He.
This is the epitome of Just Some Guy. This is white bread with barely any butter. This is a plain white tshirt but with a pocket on the front. This is a guy you see in a starbucks and find yourself staring at as you wait in line, wondering who he is and what kind of life he lives. This is a guy you match with on Tinder and you have to take a good 10 to 15 seconds to wonder if he's actually cute or if he simply looks inoffensive enough that the absence of any negative reaction counts as positive in your mind. He is basic and plain and simple and for some fucking reason his pure neutrality in and of itself captivates me.
I cannot tell for the life of me if my fascination with this guy is romantic, platonic, purely intellectual, or what. I think it may transcend that tbh. I think this feeling is the epitome of passing human connection. It's bumping into a stranger, having a pleasant 3 word interaction, and forever wondering if you could have kept the conversation going, longing to know what potential for friendship or closeness could have been realized, but knowing you will never get that chance again, and a stranger they will remain. It's looking at someone and wanting to know what the fuck their deal is, what actions they have taken in their life to come to your field of vision, directly in line with your ever curious, burning gaze. He's only been in so many episodes, but he is just so fucking normal that it's almost familiar, comforting to see him. It's like a brand of mac n cheese you've never tried that you know is going to taste the exact same as all the others. It's reading coffee shop au fanfic and basking in the simplicity. It's like a blanket at a hotel that's somehow just as warm and fluffy as one you keep at home. Familiar in that which you've never seen before. Basking in the few constants of the chaotic universe we live in. For me it just so happens to be dorky glasses wearing blonde twinks that are a dash of fruity.
either that or this would be normal blorbo territory for me save for the fact that i just finished watching neon genesis evangelion and it has been Affecting How I Perceive Characters.
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crepes-suzette-373 · 2 months
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In chapter 1066, Shaka explained this story about the Void Century. It was a big dramatic reveal scene, and most of the chapter was about Ohara and their research efforts on the Void Century. In the cover, sensei chose to depict a zoomed out view of the Germa castle, with all its "66" banners.
Is this a coincidence or a hint?
Based on the fragmentary snippets that we've heard of Germa's history, it sounded almost like... Germa's destruction is a "smaller scale" version of what happened to the ancient kingdom. They were able to continue to exist somehow, but their history was so obscured that barely anyone know the truth about them.
Even someone like Brook was only able to vaguely know that "they conquered North Blue".
Previously I assumed that World Government destroyed the empire, but I now consider the possibility that the other North Blue kingdoms just allied together to defeat it. A mirror of the Void century history, but localised in the North Blue instead of the whole world.
Judge had said he wanted revenge against the North Blue kings. It would stand to reason that he might have wanted to do that because the other kings banded together to take down Germa 300 years ago.
Germa might have been allowed to continue to exist as a smaller kingdom because WG is not involved in the destruction. They just turned a blind eye towards its destruction.
That being said, though, I have been suspecting for a while that Germa is hiding knowledge related to the old Void Century kingdom.
Germa has been a kingdom of science for generations, but lineage factor and cloning was Vegapunk's discovery. So what was Germa doing before?
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Very likely, it's something more similar to what we would call "engineering" in our world. Back in MADS, Judge was seen building that spear that would eventually become his main weapon.
Not to mention that even in the drafts, sensei had planned for Judge to be titled "Earl of Mechanisms". Both of those, plus the snail ships and the raid suits, they all seem to suggest that Germa's main scientific endeavours before were machinery and gadgets.
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So, when did Germa develop the snail ships and why? If these were newer, then I would be wondering "What did the Germa kingdom look like before they made the snails? Just normal ships?".
However, if these ships have been around since their land's destruction 300 years ago, then was the Germa empire's eventual goal to conquer the entire world? Why else would they need the snail ships that can climb the Red Line otherwise? Did maybe the old empire had wanted to make All Blue? Perhaps due to their knowledge of the Void Century?
This assuming that All Blue here is not a specific location, but just "the open sea" in general, not blocked by the Red Line.
Something about all this is just so weird.
I had the vague idea that Sanji is going to ironically be the one to "fulfil the goals of the old Germa empire", which was originally not evil whatsoever. I just don't know what the hell that "goal" is. But if their goal was in fact "All Blue", then it's an even more insane irony. It also fits the samurai conspiracy I had (TL;DR, basically "unification").
Another thing related to the machinery.
Is it possible that Germa had been the one to send the ancient robot up to the Red Line? Nobody knew who sent this robot, and it just died midway because it ran out of power.
It's possible that it was done by some other unknown entity. For example, from the same island as Professor Tsukimi who built the small automatons, since that shows that there's someone knowledgeable in robotics. Or maybe the robot just woke up on its own and started moving around. Especially with the revelation in chapter 1111 where it woke up apologising to Joy Boy.
But if Germa is a nation with very advanced ability in mechanics, it could be that they found the ancient robot and reactivated it. They just might not have known how to refuel/charge it up, so it collapsed midway.
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It's rather unlikely, but it's not impossible.
This is also somewhat related to how the snail ships were able to climb the Red Line. If the old Germa's ambition was something to do with the Red Line (like, perhaps destroying it), then it's not unreasonable to think that they would try to send this powerful looking robot to do the job.
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pennyroks77 · 7 months
So, as I said before, Marissa (or Rissa for short) is the Pentobey fankid. She exists in a future timeline of wg. She's nine years old and has an obsession with candy.
She's an only child but has a robot "brother" named Peter. She is a super robot genius like her dad. She's a next-gen kid villain. She also sometimes uses a fake accent in public.
The thing is, though... she didn't know her parents were ever villains until she became one. Penelope and Tobey wanted to wait until she was older to tell her. (in this future au, Tobey has a robot manufacturing company and builds robots for helpful purposes. he's given up crime [for the most part] in order to keep his business's good reputation intact. Penelope is still a journalist.) So, it was a very big shock for Rissa to learn that her parents also wrecked the city with giant robots!
After she learned about her parents' past, she wanted even more to be a villain so she could be like her role models. She mostly only commits destruction- and candy-related crimes. I can imagine a Wordgirl vs. Tobey vs. The Dentist-type scenario involving her.
Also, she calls all the kid villains like Victoria, Eileen, etc. "aunt" or "uncle" since her parents don't have siblings.
idk what else to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
if you have any questions, ask away
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peoplesoup · 1 year
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i love when hannibal and will are talking about the chesapeake ripper and hannibal intentionally gets things wrong so that will corrects him. "these aren't the ripper's enemies, they're pests he's swatted," and in his head hannibal's like it was a test and you passed. u know me so well. let's get married.
645 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
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might fuck around and get real into printmaking anyways it might be slightly crooked i don't know how to use a photocopier
650 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
Imagine being Hannibal. Reunited in Italy with ur boy best friend. You share a peaceful romantic moment together where he delivers his little speech and poorly disguised confession of love. He then immediately goes to stab you and he gets shot. And then you get to homo-erotically wash and bandage his bloodied bare chest. And then you try to cut open his head. And then you're interrupted because you've both been kidnapped. And then you're tied up at a dinner table with a man who wants to eat your penis. And then your boy best friend bites a guy's face like a rabid little preschooler and you are so so in love how could you have possibly thought you could kill him!!!! And then you're in bondage while he's about to have his face removed. And then you escape and go on an absolute fucking rampage to save him, and carry him bridal-style through to the snow to his house and tuck him into bed. And then he wakes up and dumps you and now you're serving a life sentence in bottom storage with a metal toilet.
716 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
i just know molly graham googled will's name one time saw the 300 tattlecrime articles then chose to marry him anyway. same girl
2,677 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
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i have exactly three phrases in my vocabulary and they're "hiiiiiiii" "so truee" and "i'm gonna kill myself"
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imunbreakabledude · 20 days
was able to jury rig my laptop while I wait on a replacement and finished up the missing quests I needed for lumbridge elite diaries. Did ds2 among a bunch of others and I have to agree that whisperer was easily the hardest boss of the four. You could probably chalk it up to my shit mage gear and level compared to range and melee but it took the same amount of tries as the other 3 combined. The Lassar undercity was sick though, that and the Stranglewood are standout areas in my eyes, also a special vampire spin with Vardorvis makes me love the quest even more.
The final fight did get me once but I'll defend myself by saying I was tired after reading all the quest dialogue, getting really hyped for While Guthix Sleeps and eventually Ritual of the Mahjarrat later down the line and thinking of the Implications. Putting in random words into the golem at the beginning of the quest was super fun to see what I could get. Didn't get anywhere near the entire list but I did get Erebus by myself, and I saw black stone denied access on the wiki. Like yeah I see right through you Zaros hows Mah doing (not well probably). I wish more people in the osrs community took an interest in the quest dialogue instead of space baring through it because the team really knocked it out of the park with this. Plus the lore in both games is so interesting, can't wait to see how the osrs quests differ from the rs3 ones from here on out.
Oh, and Sliske, the only mahjarrat for me. I hope he the catalyst of some truly crazy shit again in osrs but it looks like he's up to something again already. I must look at pictures of the blorbo again
Also I relate on the fang thing, when I got my bowfa i went to gwd to do altar door bandos and spent the better part of two hours getting smacked around before i realized it was on long range and not rapid, haven't been back since lol.
gz! I struggled enough doing DT2 (both times) on a computer in good condition, can't imagine doing it on a struggling laptop haha nice. also GL with Lumby Elite - i'm also working on getting that on my main rn because ever since I got it on my iron, it now feels impossible to live without that fairy ring QoL. i get sooo angry anytime i have to pull out the damn lunar staff. working on the smithing level (also need RC) and just slowly doing a ton of gold ore all the way not even to be 'efficient' but because i did so much damn giants foundry on the iron i cannot stand to go back there...
DT2 is a great quest though, even though it's definitely the hardest in OSRS by a fair margin. and fwiw I saw tons and tons of praise for the lore when it came out, even on 07scape ;) it's obvious the mods care about the past rs3 lore but also taking their own spin.
however, I never played that part in rs2/rs3 because I was too low level/young and scared - so i know a few bits and pieces, recognize a few things being played with (like, i remember Tale of the Muspah, so I wasn't shocked by Secrets of the North, except that Jhallan is like, meaner here, esp in Dt2! 'cause I remembered him being nice!!!) but i never did Temple at Senntisten, or anything after that. so I can't really reflect on how this version compares to Rs3 or predict anything, but from the chatter i see from other people it seems like they're doing a good job respecting but varying the story. which seems the right way to go.
which reminds me - i'm excited that WGS is coming to OSRS since that quest was like, my dream to do as a kid, but I never came anywhere near the requirements to do it back then. part of me is bummed knowing it'll be different and most likely easier here (in the objective sense since it won't require ALL quests like it used to, and in the subjective sense since I'm an adult and a better player now so it won't be so mythical and daunting)... but I'm still excited to get to relive that 13-year-old-me dream in a way. also intrigued to see where they go with it, and which of the major plot points they stick to from rs2/3 or which they change. i imagine some different NPCs will die - probably no slayer masters since they already kinda paid 'homage' to that with nieve dying in mm2, and also that was pretty unpopular - but I bet they'll still kill a few of the npcs no one really cares about. or maybe 1-2 that feel like it's 'their time'. (Hazelmere? did hazelmere die in original WGS or did i make that up? like i said, I never did it).
but i'm definitely invested in OSRS's version of the mahjarrat storyline even if I don't recall RS3's very well. And yes, i also spent a lot of time inputting search terms to the golem when I first did the quest... really really fun interactive bit, props to the mods who designed that.
anyways... glad someone else feels me on whisperer being hard - initially I thought it was just because i #chose to limit myself - I did the quest on my iron before warped sceptre came out, and didn't have 87 slayer, so no powered staff options. doing that thing with 5 tick autocasting PLUS the 1 tick autocast delay? when you have to move between almost every attack? was not fucking fun lol. just being able to have a trident makes it at least twice as easy, dunno if any other mage upgrades are that much of a difference except marginally, you still have to kinda keep your cool on the enrage phase but high enough dps i guess you could end it fast enough that it wouldn't be so hard. buttt now that sceptre is out and also they're about to remove the autocast delay, I imagine it'll get easier for mid level irons to do which is nice :) Final fight as I said, I think is just harder without a blowpipe but it's really not THAT bad. i also think there was pretty conflicting advice out there right after the quest came out but now there's clearer guidance on how to handle each miniboss depending on your setup (or maybe that's just my perception since I came in knowing the fight the 2nd time lol).
i loveee the vibe of the lassar undercity and the style of that puzzle - except that it just does not work well with my brain, trying to imagine what to do next with the 2 realms and so much space to cover, so I DID use guides for it both times. Stranglewood is objectively a very cool design but subjectively, I am super squicked out by anything zombie or infection related, and i also super super hate stealth-based sections in OSRS quests, so i hate that place, worst part of the quest for me. I actually preferred Ghorrock and the Scar personally, both of those had an awesome blend of exploration and puzzle solving that I really enjoy, did both of those on my own (only used a guide to help me get unstuck at a couple tricky parts of Ghorrock, which I feel bad about, but also less bad since they went back and added more hints to it in an update after I did that section lol).
but overall it's a very very cool quest with great lore, great challenges, and a lot of unique ways of adding difficulty that haven't been seen in osrs quests before. i'm very glad I was at a point where I was ready to take on more bossing challenges when this quest came out, so I could actually learn & enjoy it, rather than putting it off and resenting it as an immovable obstacle in the way of quest cape (as I used to for quests that had "hard bosses" back in the day. lol)
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silverpathfinder · 1 year
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Meet Faby Brinewing, one of my oldest OC, who I just updated:
Youngest daughter of House Brinewing, Faby is a shy and reclusive harpy that shares none of the aggressive ambition and opportunism of her seagull related species. What she is however, is an hedonist whose lack of self-control made her the heaviest harpy in the whole city of Silvershore.
To learn more about Faby and how she acquired such a cumbersome figure, you can read this story I wrote, which is centred around her: A Travel to End them All (WG)
This piece is a update of a very old drawing I made of her. She is in fact one of my oldest OCs ^^
I changed her anatomy to place the wings in the back, as this body plan was more fitting with the kind of society the harpies of my setting are part off. Not that it changes much for Faby, as she is so heavy she can barely get her feet off the ground on a good day.
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heyitsdoe · 3 years
Hey Doe! Here's a change of pace for asks...
Got any headcanons on if some of your favorite BNHA characters (looking at the list: Eraserhead, Present Mic, and All Might) were in One Piece? Think they'd be pirates, marines, revolutionaries, something else...?
Doc! This is an interesting request indeed...definitely a challenge but we all know how much I like those anyway! Thank you for the request, and I hope this did them justice! It's been awhile since I've brushed up on BNHA, we shall see if these are even still in character for them. ;)
(At the moment I don't write for BNHA, but I'll make an exception since it's also OP related this time!)
BNHA Characters in the One Piece World - HCs
WARNINGS: None Characters: All Might, Eraserhead, Present Mic
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You think Mr. Number 1 Hero would be a pirate? Think again! Definitely a Marine, all the way! Toshinori will be a high-ranking Marine, too, given what he is capable of.
But considering his heart of gold, he is specifically kept in the dark about the darker side of the organization he works for. The WG will team him with specially trained soldiers to work under him, who keep his view of the Marines carefully censored, so as not to give him the impression they are anything less than the good guys.
Our boy would definitely have a devil fruit! Most likely a Zoan, or something that can boost his physical capabilities and strength.
Takes his job seriously, but absolutely loves the crew of soldiers that he's assigned to lead. Plus, he's a shining example of what an actual 'good' Marine is.
To be honest, Toshinori would be walking propaganda for the WG. They would use his amazing reputation to their advantage to boost recruitment numbers, paint themselves in a good light to the world populace, etc. (Think Captain America.)
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Aizawa, being as low effort as he could possibly be, would definitely fit into the pirate category of the One Piece world. No obligations, no responsibility, nothing. But, given his altruistic personality, he would no doubt eventually end up affiliated with the Revolutionary Army at some point.
Given how the World Government has too many rules and things he has to do (especially considering the way they cater to the Celestial Dragons) that would be a no-go from him.
He is an even lesser-effort Dracule Mihawk, content to sail around doing whatever suits him, helping out when he feels like it or when he feels it's right. They'd probably get along pretty well, ngl.
As a pirate, he could barely qualify to be one. Doesn't care about treasure, too lazy to fight if he comes across another ship (unless they attack him first), and hasn't done anything noteworthy to warrant him a bounty from the World Government.
Probably wouldn't have a devil fruit, because not being able to swim would really be a terrible weakness to have when you have to sail to get literally anywhere. Doesn't want to be without that tactical advantage.
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Hizashi, our golden boy, is most definitely a Revolutionary Army member! In fact, he'd fit best as a recruiter and information reporter, keeping the base of operations properly informed of events going on and all that jazz.
The male equivalent of Bello Betty. In fact, he works closely with her all the time!
Hizashi's all about making a difference, and given that Pirates are too evil, and well...so is the World Government, the Revolutionary Army is the best bet out there.
He's just happy to be doing something substantial with his talent. In fact, Hizashi would most likely have some sort of devil fruit similar to Apoo's, or something sound-related.
Is constantly kept busy, because he's so helpful to the cause. But, since Hizashi has three jobs in real life, he's more than up to the task of handling all communication for the army.
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Hello, if your prompts are still open - could I request Ike with Cow TF, please? Um, and 'content with WG'.
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Traveling to different lands after the wars in Tellius had been a mixed bag. 
On the whole, it was a relief to get away on his own, be the master of his own life for once. He’d discovered so many new places, and met just as many people. Of course, he’d come across the same issues that had been prevalent back in Tellius; discrimination, war, enslavement of others. He knew he wouldn’t be able to stay away from it all, and while he did what he could as a traveling mercenary to help those that needed it, he didn’t get himself as invested in things as back home.
While traveling on foot through a stretch of land that put him in mind of Crimea -- all rolling, green hills and farmland -- Ike found himself seeking shelter from a sudden storm. Cold rain pelted him from above, soaking him through to the bone as he jogged along muddy roads in search of somewhere to hunker down for the night. He was out deep in the country here, having stopped at the last village days before. Before the storm hit, Ike had walked by some farms, but figured that he’d find something if he kept pressing on instead of going back.
After a soggy scramble up the muddy road and into a lush field, Ike did eventually come across what looked like a farm. There were no candles or a fire going when he looked in one of the windows, and the whole place looked sort of abandoned, so he didn’t bother knocking on the door; simply going inside, finding it unlocked, and calling out once to make sure there really wasn’t anyone else in the old place. The dark house creaked and groaned as he slowly walked through it, trying not to bump into too many things as he tried to find a bedroom in the inky blackness. Eventually, he stumbles across a room with a still decent mattress, and hunkers down there for the night; shedding off his wet clothes and trying to get himself warmed up.
Waking up, it was still drizzling in the morning, but it wasn’t enough to deter Ike from exploring the place he’d taken shelter in. It was a homey little cottage, and though it certainly appeared to be abandoned for quite some time, it was still in pretty decent shape. Dusty and unused, but Ike had certainly made due with far worse. 
Glancing out one of the rain speckled windows, Ike was surprised to see a small herd of cows milling about in the field by the farm. It was hard to tell if they were supposed to be here, or if they’d just wandered in through the busted fence. Figuring it might be wise to wait and see if the weather clears up, Ike decides to check out these cows. If they were living here, and there was no one around to look after them, he could at least take over until he had to get on the road again. After all, there were other little farms around here that he could bring the small group of cattle to once he had to go. 
Jogging through the light mist of rain along the overgrown path to the field, the cows barely even batted an eye at his presence. They meandered about, tails flicking, as they ripped grass up from the ground and chewed lazily. They all looked to be dairy cows, Ike observed, noticing that they all seemed to be in need of a good milking. Clearly, whoever had run this farm previously hadn’t left anyone in charge to look after it when they left. 
Well, he couldn’t just leave them here like this…
Glancing around, and having to walk back to the dreary little barn a ways off to rummage around, Ike managed to find a pail to use. He’d helped to milk cows before, back when he was still too young to join in the company’s mercenary work, but it would take him a bit to get through all of the cows on his own. 
At least the animals were docile, and behaved well for him while he got to work, milking them for the better part of the drizzly day. After finishing with that, and getting the ridiculous amount of milk stored away properly, Ike rooted around for any dry wood he could use for a fire in the hearth, grabbing some fruit from the trees edging the fence as he headed back towards the little cottage.
Drying himself off and warming up in front of the fire, Ike made a meal of the fruit he’d picked, some salted meat he still had in his pack, and washed it all down with the fresh milk from the cows in the field. The fruit was mild, but the milk was surprisingly sweet -- the taste was so good, creamy and full, that Ike easily drank through a gallon of the stuff in just that sitting. It wasn’t the most substantial meal, but the milk helped to make him feel full where he was lacking in actual food. 
In fact, it made him feel so full and content, that Ike found himself dozing in front of the fire, the drizzling rain outside helping to further lull him into sleep.
He didn’t rouse again until the following morning, waking up just a little stiff from the floor, but otherwise feeling quite refreshed. The sun was out already, and he could hear the cows lowing out in their field. Just as he’d done the day before, he went out to take care of them. With the weather now favorable again, he could head out to one of the farm’s he’d passed before this one and see if they could take on the herd of cows. After all, he should be getting on the road again. After making sure that the cows were all good, he heads back down the road he’d traveled up several days past, trekking along until he comes across another little farm. Explaining the situation, the old man that ran the place said that he could take the cows, but that he’d need some time to expand his own fenced in field for them.
Agreeing to take care of the cows until the old man comes for them, Ike tromps back through the mud to what was looking to be where he’d be staying for a week or so.
It wasn’t bad, really. Sure, it was a delay in his travels, but the old man was paying him for the work he was doing, and the quiet, calm company of the animals was something Ike rather enjoyed. Besides, the break from fighting for his pay was also a bit of a relief. It was a pleasant, honest way to live, and it reminded him of how life used to be back home in Crimea.
With the cows producing that sweet, heavy milk of theirs every day -- and the old farmer down the road sending him food and other supplies every other day -- Ike was doing far better meal-wise than his first night on the abandoned farm. In fact, with the only real work he was doing being related to the cows, he spent quite a lot of his time simply out in the fields with them, eating. Hefty slabs of meat, chunks of cheese and bread, the fruits from the trees and even some vegetables -- all of it always washed down with the sweet, cold milk from the cows. They’d mill about the lush field as he ate, chewing grass and cud, softly calling to one another in such a way that Ike found calming and weirdly familiar -- as if he could almost understand what they were communicating to each other. The mercenary would often doze in the shade of a tree after eating and drinking his fill, blue eyes drifting close against the spackle of sunlight trying to break through the leaves.
The days rolled on at a lazy pace, blurring together after a while. 
It never even struck him that something might not be right here.
Ike had genuinely lost track of time at one point, waking up groggily one morning and getting ready to deal with the day, only to realize that his...clothes are fitting rather tightly now. Sure enough, blinking away the sleep in his eyes and inspecting himself, he realizes that he’s...put on a bit of weight. Not a large amount of weight, really; it’s enough to make him look more thickset than just muscular, a generous layer of padding that he’d never allowed to happen before on account of his work and the fact that the Greil Mercenaries had never been in the lap of luxury. Some part of him thought it was a little strange that he’d gained this much noticeable weight in such a short amount of time, but the mellow bellowing of the cows distracted him from that train of thought.
He simply shrugged, forgoing the now restrictive shirt and just pulled on the tight but still workable pants. It was warm enough out to go without the shirt, and it wasn’t like there was anybody but the cows to be bothered about it anyway. 
Ike couldn’t help absentmindedly touching the extra fluff, though. It was so strange to him, as he’d never really been overweight before -- the closest he’d come to having this sort of softness was simply the chubbiness one had as a kid. He’d always been stocky and well built, but his body had never had this give to it. It was hard not to get lost in the unfamiliar sensation of having the pads of his fingers sinking in a little bit until they hit the harder muscle underneath the chub on his abdomen.
He went about his work as usual, though his hands continued their absentminded wandering over his chubby gut as he did so.
Settling down in the shade of his favorite tree, midday meal brought out with him to enjoy in the company of the cows, Ike relaxed. He could get used to living like this, quite honestly. Wolfing down the food he’d brought in record time, he lets the soft sounds of the cows in the field put him to sleep for a nap.
As he sleeps, he has the most bizarre dream. He’s still out in the field with the cows, only...the cows aren’t cows -- well, they are, but they looked human as well. If he didn’t know any better, he would have almost likened them to Laguz. They spoke in drawling voices, lazily chatting to him about how wonderful it was to live like them. Everything they needed was provided for in the field, and they could spend the entire day simply eating, drinking and lazing in the sun. The only thing they’d been missing in their little paradise was a big, strong bull to look after the herd. 
They crowd around him eagerly in the dream, all massive tits and wide hips, both make and female among the group. They want to feed him, have him drink from their swollen breasts -- show him how wonderful life would be if he stayed with them in the field.
Ike woke up with a gasp, startled to see that the cows had come to lay by him as he slept. 
He does his best to step around them and not disturb them, hustling back to the cottage -- completely unaware to the changes that were starting to ramp up within his body.
Ike occupies himself as best he can for the rest of the night, feeling a building headache coming on as he tends to his up-until-now neglected weapons and armor. He didn’t have a use for it right now, but he felt the need to get back into old habits, try to clear his head from all the strangeness that had been happening recently. It was late in the night when he eventually clambered into bed, his pounding head making it a little difficult to get to sleep, but passing out after some tossing and turning. 
The old bed creaks and groans as the night wears on, Ike slumbering on deeply even as his weight steadily climbs. His entire body thickens up, then starts to pudge out; any trace of muscle on his body glossed over with a heaping amount of fat. Arms bulge now with fat rather than the muscles that so many had admired him for, meaty pecs squishing into one another as he rolls onto his side in his sleep. His face rounds out, double chin and chubby cheeks softening his normally stoic face. His toned ass spreads out in back of him, thick and chunky, his thighs following suit -- tearing through the already worn seams of his pants, absolutely wrecking the garment. What had simply looked like a slightly overindulged gut earlier in the day bloated out drastically, belly bulging out doughily and really testing the limits of the bed’s frame. What had once been easily passed off as just a little chubby could now only be described as blatantly fat; heavy rolls and curves of plush belly and love handles taking up as much space as they damn well pleased.
Ike’s bolstering weight wasn’t the only massive change taking place, though. 
Scowling in his sleep, Ike grunts as the pain in his head reaches a peak -- two, sturdy-looking nubs pushing out at his temples. They continue to push out, growing longer and thicker as they curve out slightly. Pristine white horns take form, sharply pointed at their ends and several feet in length. A tail is next to come in, snaking out from his tail bone and flopping lazily on the round cheeks of his ass. The ears are next; his normal, rounded ones elongating until they round out slightly to achieve that bovine shape. Chubby fingers and toes grow stiff, darkening to look almost like hooves. Snorting, his face starts to change as well; broadening out into the wide muzzle of a cow, a golden bull’s nose ring appearing in place as well. A short layer of stiff fur starts to grow in, too, a pale shade of blue with darker splotches and spots the same hue as his hair. 
Ears flicking as sun hits his face, Ike is further stirred by the gentle but insistent tug of the ring planted through his wide nose. He grunts and snorts at the new sensation, rolling about in the straining bed until he manages to get his feet under himself. He huffs and puffs at the amount of energy it took to simply right himself and sit up, thick fingers scratching lazily at his protruding gut. Blue eyes blink dully at the old farmer from down the rode looping a lead through the ring at his nose, smacking him on the flank -- causing the tightly packed blubber of his thigh to wobble from the action -- and tug again to get the nose ring in order to get the huge bull-man to move. 
“C’mon now, boy, can’t leave the cows to themselves for too long,” the farmer chides, leading the still sleep-addled Ike out of the cottage and to the vibrant field. Floorboards creak as Ike staggers through the abode, his incredibly wide frame just knocking into furniture and just managing to squeeze out through the door.
Ike tries to mumble out a question, but his mind felt so slow and hazy, and all that came out of his mouth was a deep, low bellow.
Some part of him feels like he should be alarmed by all of this, but the majority of his fuzzy brain just tells him that this is always how it’s been. He’s always lived here on this farm, protecting the herd and making sure that the cows’ milk never goes to waste. After all, someone has to drink it when there are no calves around, and the herd is so productive that there’s always so much leftover after the farmer sells what he can.
As soon as they were in the field -- which is once again fully fenced in, unlike how it had been just the other day -- Ike was let off the rope lead. The old farmer shoved something sweet and chewy into the bull-hybrid’s mouth, keeping him occupied as the man circled around him, getting a good look at all the changes that had finally kicked in. “Took long enough,” the man muttered to himself, rough hands grabbing at the flabby belly in front of him, giving the sides of it a good squeeze before hefting it up and letting it drop, wobbling thunderously. “Not a bad start, but a happy bull is a fat bull in my book, and you could do with a bit more happy. Nothin’ to worry about, though. You look after the cows, and they’ll take care of their stud -- besides, my wife’s raised enough cattle in her day to know just how to get meat on their bones.”
The man pats Ike’s furry stomach, chuckling at the way the soft flesh indents with the action, before leaving him to his own devices in the field. Ike stands there for a moment, trying to puzzle everything out, tail swishing behind him as his thoughts turn over in his head laboriously. He’s brought out of his slow train of thought by the welcoming moos of the herd, the cows excited to have a bull they could dote on. They compliment his wicked looking horns, and cute ears. Hemming and hawing about how he’s so small, and that they’ll have to get him looking like a real bull right away! They pet his fur, and brush up against him; meaty sides squishing into his own. Lowing and mooing softly among each other, they laugh as they coax the dazed male into laying down in the sun-warmed grass. Stiff fingers run through his hair, while others massage at his broad shoulders or press testingly into the plush rolls of fat on his midsection.
Ike rallies his scattered brain, and tries to ask the bunch of bovine-people what’s going on, but all that comes out is a bewildered moo -- which is rather quickly muffled by the massive swell of boobflesh and thick nipple being shoved into his open muzzle, one of the cows giggling as he struggles for a moment against the abrupt flow of heavy, sweet milk flooding his mouth. Ike snorts loudly, trying not to choke as he swallows down as much of the warm milk as he can, dribbles leaking from the corners of his mouth at the sheer volume. With the pleasant warmth of the sun on him, the idle chatter and touch of the cows around him and the steadily growing weight of his gut from the milk he’s suckling down, Ike easily slips into a lazy daze of repetitive actions. 
Breathe deeply, swallow. Lick and suck until the breast smooshed against his broad muzzle is pulled away and replaced by another overflowing teat. His eyes drift shut not long in to the routine, large ears flicking at the occasional noise that is not from one of his cows. He slowly drinks his way through the herd, earning pleasured sounds from the overburdened dairy cows as their milk is drained, one after another, into Ike’s fat belly. 
His stomach only seems to get fatter as they urge him to keep drinking from them, first bloating up from simply filling up with the warm cream, but then visibly pudging out further as more and more was forced into his overfilled middle. Even reclined, the mass of it started to overtake his lap; short fur thinning out as it bulged further and further out, pink skin becoming visible underneath in small patches like stretchmarks. The cows mooed softly, encouraging, rubbing and squishing at the growing expanse of bull flesh as the day wore on. 
Not quite sleeping but far from aware, Ike even got in on fondling himself as he drank and grew fatter. Fat fingers grabbed at his thick sides, a moaning moo bubbling up around the milky tit he was sucking on as he felt the sheer size and heft of himself. Stubby digits dug in to doughy sides and love handles, still powerful arms giving his entire middle a shake -- hearing the weighty slosh of frothy cream in his stomach as his blubbery gut wobbled and shook. 
It felt so damn good! Ike could recall anything that had ever felt as good as this, even if he couldn’t really think very clearly on anything but the next milk tap to get his muzzle around. He’d stay in the field all day with his dairy cows, if he could, but nighttime meant that the farmer came back to herd them all into the barn for the night. It took quite some time for Ike to stir, and even longer for the old man to get the milk drunk bull up onto his feet and shifting his fat ass into gear. His content lull was almost broken when Ike felt the tug at his nose ring again, but the promise of a warm bed and a filling meal from the farmer’s wife got him lumbering into step with the rest of the fat cows. 
This surely was the sort of life to look forward to.
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pangtasias-atelier · 5 years
Not Gone To Waste
Really wanted to focus on older games while requests are closed , cause while I enjoy the newer games, I vastly prefer the older games in the series. So expect more stuff from them.
So here is Magvel! Specifically, Cormag and Artur. I absolutely love the two but never shipped them before cause I mostly played sacred stones when I thought I was straight. So it wasn't until recently when I replayed a bunch of the older games and most of my ships swapped around to gay ones lmao
They're both such good characters and their support is pretty cute too at the end of their a support. My sacred stones playthroughs are either, Mages only or Grado only, so they're mostly always used.
This came out longer than I expected but there's not a bunch of WG related stuff I feel? Kinda wanted more cutesy stuff with them.
Also, this was inspired by a post by @chubbyheroesworthyheroes about Cormag being an angry/stress eater and I ate that shit up, cause it's a great idea.
Also, titles are still hard
Heavy breakfast finished, an increasingly common occurrence, Artur checks the calendar once again to indeed make sure that it's been a week. Correct, Artur prepares the large stable attached to his house. The area clean from disuse and his upkeep, he replenishes it with food and water. A little tummy adorning his body, the bit of flab slightly pressing up against his shirt, Artur blushes as he feels the newly added weight jiggle. His face is ever so slightly rounded out.
Picking up and reorganizing the tools, Artur's familiarity with the task aids him in completing it reasonably quick. Proud of his work, he checks over it. Everything neat and tidy, Artur closes the stable as he heads back inside.
The house is somewhat full of decoration, the decor souvenirs from his and Cormag's travels or gifts to one another. Everything tidied up, an important part of Artur's routine, he proceeds to another important part of his routine, cooking. Such a fine day soon turning to noon, the day calls for an equally fine spread. Gazing upon the clean area, he decides to go a bit simpler, not wishing to dirty such a spotless kitchen with his admittedly somewhat messy husband returning today.
Pulling loaves of bread out, deciding in a picnic with the day's sun softly illuminating the world as the gentle breeze sways everything in its path, Artur prepares the rest of the ingredients.
A multitude of vegetables spread out, he slowly chops them, the fear of accidentally cutting himself forever present in the back of his mind. With that done and everything already at the ready, he begins making the sandwiches.
Not wishing to waste any ingredients, he finds a bunch of sandwiches staring back at him when he finishes. The amount relatively split, the right containing much more vegetables to his taste, the ones on the left are more meat heavy, his husband's preference. Washing his hands, he places a hand to his face as he rests his elbow it on his other crossed arm. Sighing, he takes out the picnic basket. Placing half inside, he shuts the lid. Testing the heft of the basket, he packs the other half. Just in case for later he tells himself. Beverages prepared and placed nearly, Artur has everything ready. The only thing now to wait for is Cormag.
Who seems to come right on time, Genarog's piercing screech frightening him still to this day despite their years together.
Saving the almost dropped plate, his initial terror leaves him. Basket in hand, he carries in front of him with both hands. Smiling, he heads out to receive Cormag, Cormag busy with work this entire past week.
Cormag busy ever since the war finished, the looming threat of Grado's earthquake hung heavy when Knoll warned him. Deciding to stay and help Grado, Cormag's experience as a knight and expertise in flying was invaluable. Artur had wished to follow him but Cormag had shot that idea down, wishing for him to remain safe. Though Knoll and Natasha gladly accepted his aid with such expertise in the healing arts, Artur tagging along regardless. Duessel had nearly yelled at Cormag for trying to prohibit Artur, his exorcising light magic invaluable.
The two already close, it had been Artur who proposed, Amelia managing to implant the idea in him despite his trepid nature. Cormag had coughed and laughed at first. Artur's fears realized, Cormag profusely apologized before pulling out a ring from Genarog's satchel, the two falling for Amelia's plan. The two deciding to remain engaged until the situation ameliorated, it was a huge sigh of relief to them and their companions when they did. Lute had throttled Artur the day of the wedding for only telling her of his engagement through a letter instead of in person. Though she promptly rushed him away to help him prepare, blocking Cormag from seeing his husband to be before the ceremony. With everything going well, the two had eventually built a cottage a bit of a ways from the capital and settles down. Artur offering his healing arts for any who needed it, Cormag had stepped down as a knight. Branded a traitor, even his commendable work afterwards still left that mark in his name. Despite it all, Cormag had decided to rejoin, this time as a simple soldier.
Stepping out of the house, the increasing size of Genarog as he descends closer widens Artur's smile even further. The wyvern hitting the floor, Artur slows down his pace to avoid running like a fool. Placing the heavy basket on the floor, Artur breaks into a jog regardless. Cormag jumping off, he opens his arms wide to receive Artur.
Except Artur rushes past him, first greeting Genarog. Neck leaning down, Genarog happily receives Artur's affection.
"I hope Cormag has been treating you well," Artur teases, scritching the underside of Genarog's chin.
"You should worry about how you're treating me," Jokingly frowning, Cormag tugs at Artur, pulling him into an embrace. "Don't tell me you married me just to get closer to Genarog?" Cormag leans down, arms wrapped around Artur as he rests his chin on Artur's shoulder.
"No, of course not! I-" Cormag's snort stops Artur. Artur sighs, barely slapping Cormag's back his arms pinned to his side with Cormag's bearlike embrace.
His embrace accurately describe Cormag's appearance as well. A fact that Artur discovered early on about Cormag is that he eats. An issue bugging him, Cormag seems to lose all inhibition and stuff himself in his blind rage or in his stress induced hunger. Cormag an emotional passionate man, reaching said two states is very easy. Artur accustomed to it, snacks and food are always in arms reach for him to hand Cormag. To his embarrassment, he enjoys the way Cormag fills out his clothes as evidence of his binges pile up. And the physical evidence is evident on Cormag's body.
A full on gut struggling against the tucked in maroon shirt, the tan mass is hidden but not forgotten. The soft warm ball of fat Artur's favorite to rub after Cormag's angry binges. The sleeves pinch his arms, a dip in them where the fabric ends. His stomach and moobs push against the tight shirt as if builders moving marble, the fabric straining and clinging to Cormag's body, each curve, each roll, each pound desperate to escape the suffocating confines of his shirt. His pants suffer the same. Thighs wide apart with each tree trunk thigh pressed up against each other, his ass bulges from the back, both square with the large accumulation of fat. Cormag hefty and fat, obesity coming closer, Cormag's binging even has an effect on Artur, Artur now has a potbelly stomach. Yet he's still small compared to his husband.
Sinking into Cormag's embrace, Artur relaxes before remembering. "I made lunch," Cormag perks up at the prospect of food, even letting go. Spotting the basket, he jogs to it, Artur blushing as Cormag's love handles toss and turn. His also ass shakes behind him, the pants slowly hitching down.
Cormag lifts the basket with one arm, grinning. "Where to?" Lifting his feet hand to whistle, Artur stops him.
"We can eat by the stream, better to eat close to home. Genarog can rest," Artur grabs Cormag's hand, the two walking hand in hand.
The walk short, Cormag's longer strides has Artur struggling to keep up, Cormag enthusiastic to eat. The small stream has a gentle flow of water, the tranquil environment conducive to their nice reunion. Picnic blanket spread out by Cormag, Artur begins taking out the sandwiches.
"This…is a lot," Cormag duly notes. Artur turns red, hand covering his mouth.
"I know, I just didn't want it to go to waste and-"
"It's okay, we can save it for dinner or something," Cormag sits down legs wide apart, happily gesturing for Artur to do the same. He does, sitting cross-legged. Cormag immediately goes for the more meaty selection.
"So, how was work?" Artur innocently asks as he reaches for a sandwich himself. A groan coming out of Cormag, Artur looks up.
"It was a waste of time," Blood boiling, Cormag tears into the sandwich as he pauses. "Duessel just sent me on a mission for some bandits," The sandwich destroyed in two more bites, Cormag reaches for another as he continues the story.
Staring mouth agape, each fit of anger Cormag has always a shock, Artur saves face, nibbling on his own sandwich. The contents of Cormag's story ends up lost on his, his mind too busy focusing his eyes to watch rather than listen. The way Cormag frowns and bursts with energy as he recalls the story, how it makes him jiggle, his gut shaking as it rests on the floor, embraced on both sides by his thighs, his no longer angular face cherubic in its soft curves and blonde hair, his arms jiggling as he reaches for more sandwiches. The entire sight is common yet enjoyed all the same.
Eyes focusing on Cormag and nodding at occasional moments, Artur continues to nibble at his sandwich. He reaches for a second one, hand searching the blanket as he keeps his eyes on Cormag, his speed of eating still constant. Still a bit peckish, Artur grabs a third one. But even that isn't enough, a fourth one reached for but never found. Looking down, the entire basket is empty.
Focusing back on Cormag, he spots the last two sandwiches, both nearly finished. Cormag carries one in each hand. Still ranting, he alternates between each one, cramming them into his mouth with each bite.
"And I did all that for nothing!" Scoffing with his rant over, Cormag shoves both last bites into his mouth, furiously chewing before swallowing. Sighing, he pats his stomach. "Anyways, what did you do?" Cormag's stomach answers for Artur, the loud gurgling showing its displeasure with so much food crammed in such a short time. Letting out a burp, Cormag groans as he leans back, arms wobbling as they support his sitting mass. Huffing, he closes his eyes. Artur immediately by his side, Cormag glances up at him. "Overdid it again, huh?" A hiccup jostles his overstuffed stomach, the contents like a torrent.
"N-no…" Artur fumbles, always red at the exhausted state of Cormag. Shaking his head, he leans down for a kiss before helping Cormag up. Nearly faltering under the heavier mass, Artur manages to get him up. Ignoring the basket and blanket, he trudges along with a groaning Cormag. Cormag's stomach complains all the while, one hand attempting to soothe the angry beast.
Opening the door, Artur leads Cormag to their bedroom. Gently helping him down, Cormag sighs as his ass rests against the bed. Artur's hands gently rest on his gut. Lifting up his shirt, Cormag holds back his smirk as Artur helps him remove it. Gut free, the tan bulging mound bubbles from its free form. Pants unbuttoned helps calm it further. Artur gets straight to work, rubbing Cormag's taut stomach.
"Damn," Eyes closed, his teeth bite his quivering lips. "Keep it up," He sighs, head dipped back. He lets out a small chuckle as Artur stutters, a protest in the back of his throat. Stomach, relaxing, Cormag grabs Artur under his arms, lifting him up with ease. Leaning back, Cormag had Artur lie on top of him.
"It's fine," Cormag groans, his stomach disagreeing with his statement. "Besides, you like this," No question offered, the statement thrown out instead, Artur incessantly babbles, mind not forming any coherent thought with the flash of words wanting to come out.
"Can't say I mind it though. I eat like a wyvern when I'm pissed. Can't help it," Artur above him as he rests on his gut, Cormag runs his hands through his hair. "You couldn't help yourself either. You always had food for my tantrums,"
"Sorry…. I-" Cormag's hands pushing his head down, their lips crash.
"You've got nothing to be sorry about. By the time I realized what you were doing, I was already pretty down with this extra weight," Artur nods his head, subconsciously licking his dry lips, his throat parched as well.
"And. I'm okay with it," Lifting himself and Artur out of bed, Cormag leans down, mouth by Artur's ear as his hand digs under Artur's shirt. "And I'm okay with this," Grabbing the bit of extra flab on Artur's stomach, Cormag holds him steady, Artur melting in the embrace, his face positively flushed as his eyes remain wide.
Muscles hidden but not gone, Cormag lifts Artur in his arms bridal style, the pose reminiscent of their wedding day, only both of them are plumper, Cormag much more so.
"So, why don't we see what else we don't want to go to waste?" Cormag asks as he carries Artur, the kitchen their destination.
Artur meekly nods, mouth dry as he wonders how far this'll go, too shy to stop. Cormag wonders the same, too prideful to stop.
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amnachil · 5 years
Hi, I like your stories very much! Could you think about writing a church/cleric related wg story? 🐷
So since you didn’t give any specifics, I just wrote what went through my mind uwu I hope you like it :)
Devil's food cake
Canter was a little town in the middle of nowhere. It had one grocery store, one garage, one school... one of everything needed. The inhabitants knew little about the outside world, and the outside world knew nothing about them. Not that they cared anyway. Canter was and would always be a godforsaken hole. But the people were very united and they were happy all together. At least until that fateful day when Father Phil got sick. The priest was a local celebrity. For years, he had been their guide. The elders loved him. The youngsters respected him. Thus, his health condition worried all Canter. Mary, the young nun, was especially concerned. She knew it was impossible for her to manage the church on her own. The community needed a priest. She needed one. After one week of worries and failed cures, the sister contacted the bishop. Thinking more efficiently and logically, this latter understood Father Phil was slowly joining the Lord. After all, the man was 84 ! The people of Canter wouldn't admit it, but his time had come. And for the bishop, it meant he had to send someone to stand in for Father Phil. Also, he sent to Canter a young cleric that was very eager to prove his worth. And that is how this story began.
The newcomer (Sister Mary pov)
Sister Mary wasn't her usual self this morning. During the Mass, they all noticed how stressed she was. It was kind of obvious when she almost spilt the Host. What was wrong you wonder ?
"The bishop sent us a new cleric." she explained to answer their questions. "He said Father Phil and I have to train him in order to make him the new priest of Canter."
Now that was quite a stunning new. The people paniced all at once. What did that mean ? Was Father Phil going to leave for an hospital ? Or worse ? And this new cleric, who was he ? Can he be as good as his predecessor ? They doubted it.
"Please my dear friends listen !" hailed Sister Mary. "Don't be agitated. I'm sure the new cleric will be a very nice person. Beside, it is our duty to welcome him as best as we can."
She barely finished her sentence when suddenly, the doors opened. They all turned to stare at the newcomer. He was a very fit young man with blond hair and blue eyes. He was kind of handsome. But well, that wasn't the point. He wore a cassock which named him as the cleric. I'm glad he's finally here. Sister Mary approached with her brighest smile.
"Welcome to Canter." she said warmly. "It's nice to meet yo..."
"This town kind of sucks." cut off the guy.
He sounded... pissed ?
"The bishop told me I would work in one of the greatest church of history and this is what I get ? Lord, this old man must be kiddin' me."
"Actually, our church is one of the most ancient in the territory and..."
"Oi you, the nun." he interrupted her again. "Lead me to... hum... I think the old man called him Father Phil ?"
Sister Mary gulped. He's not how I imagined him. And he looks very disappointed. Around them, the people weren't glad with this turn of events. Well, she wasn't eiher. But they did not have a choice.
"Follow me." she mumbled.
Meet Father Paul (Father Phil pov)
To everyone in Canter, Father Phil was sick. But this one knew better. At 84 years old and with a full life, he knew what was waiting for him. He had been glad when Sister Mary finally asked the bishop for help. The Church would send someone to take his responsabilities. A knock at the door attracted his attention.
"Come in."
The nun and a man entered in his room. Young, fit and seemingly smart. The bishop sent a good one. Father Phil sighed, relieved. His last days would be easier now.
"You're the old dying priest ?" asked the newcomer. "Dude you smell."
The called old dying priest gawked. What was wrong with this lad ?
"I'm here to stand for you." continued the other. "But I don't like the place nor the people. They're all starin' at me weirdly. Anyway, I will start my work tomorow but I'm not stayin'. Just so you know."
I vowed to God I would never swear but it's pretty hard to resist. This kid is a brat ! Father Phil didn't know what to say. He was supposed to train this young man but to be honest, he wasn't even able to get off bed.
"Father Paul, you're supposed to become the new priest of Canter !" complained Sister Mary.
Thanks Lord she's saying what I wanted to say. The cleric snorted.
"You want me to be the priest of this town ?! We're lost in the middle of nowhere ! Look, Imma work just fine but I will not stay around here. As soon as I can, I'm out. Dying Father or not."
The truth about Father Paul (general pov)
Let's face it, the encounter between Canter's population and Father Paul didn't go well. The elders knew he was disrespectful. The youngster knew he was arrogant. And they all decided they didn't like him. It lasted for two weeks. Sister Mary noticed it first. The truth about Father Paul. Each morning, he woke up early to plan his day. He came at school every two days to speak with the children about tolerance. He was visiting the farms around daily. He always took the time to see the grannies in the late afternoon. The young cleric was harsh but more than willing to help. During the third week, the youngster finally admitted he was fine. During fourth week, the elders agreed. During fifth week, they all accepted Father Paul as the best substitute for Father Phil they could ever have. But here was the problem : The cleric didn't intend to stay. He had been adamant about that : he would leave as soon as possible. Of course, he liked the kids. Sure, the grandpas were nice. But Father Paul wanted something else. Sister Mary tried to convince him many times. She even asked Father Phil for help, in vain.
The plan (Sister Mary pov)
Sister Mary was desesperate. Father Phil was weaker with each passing week, and Father Paul didn't intend to stay. She thought the cause lost, until one fateful evening. She and the cleric were having diner together. The nun wasn't focused on anything, worrying too much about the future. But she heard perfectly the young man sigh with pleasure. She looked towards him, and saw how satisfied he looked.
"You know what Sister ?" he said. "Imma be honest with ya. What I will miss the most when gone are those delicious devil's food cake. The name say it all but woah, it taste so... perfect."
Sister Mary smiled timidly. It was true their town had a special way to make devil's food cake with a heavy load of chocolate. Yeah, even more than in regular devil's food cake. That was why they kept the pastry for very special occasion. But Father Paul liked them a lot. Loved them even. Sister Mary suddenly realised it. The solution of her problem was right under her nose !
The next day, Sister Mary gathered all the community of Canter while Father Paul was busy planning his day.
"My dear friends." she said. "I know how we can make our beloved Father stay a little longer. I can  tell he loves our devil's food cakes very much. You people should offer him these every time you see him, as much as possible. We must make him realise he'll never find any other place with such delicious delicacies and people able to make them."
"But Sister, don't you think he will grow tired of cakes ?" asked the elders.
"And Sister, don't you think he will take it as a bribe ?" asked the youngsters.
She knew it was legitimate doubts. She had thought about it too.
"My dear friends, we don't have much of a choice." she recalled. "But these pastries are named from the devil for a reason. I'm pretty sure Father Paul will never dislike them. Besides, think about it as gift to thank him for his continuous effort. Please my dear friends, bear in mind that we need him."
The inhabitant agreed. After all, she was right. They needed Father Paul.
The first day of the plan (Father Paul pov)
"Here's a little devil's food cake for you to enjoy." said the teacher. "The whole class made it for you."
The cleric looked at the children, and then focused back on the cake. Smells amazing. He gadly took it of course. Who was he to decline free food ? Especially such a succulent dessert.
"Your blessings are always welcome." complimented the farmers. "As a acknowlegment, let us give you these devil's food cakes. We hope they'll fit your taste."
Father Paul grunted. What are they up to today ? They're unusually sympathic. Not that he cared. He accepted their present. After all, these cakes were delectable.
"We're so thankful for your kindness Father." smiled the grannies. "You're always so nice with us old biddies. Here, take those devil's food cakes. We insist."
Yeah well, they didn't have to insist. The young priest loved them so much. They were so mouthwatering, it was unbelievable.
"How was the day Father ?" asked Sister Mary. "I made diner, and I cooked some devil's food cakes, since you said you liked them."
Father Paul glanced at the table. He felt a tight pressure around his midsection, because he ate with the youngsters not that long ago. I don't why, but they had prepared devil's food cakes too. The lad was someone rational. He knew what a feeling of fullness was. But god be his witness, these pastries were just so... right.
Taking a liking to the town and others (Father Paul pov)
Gluttony was one of the seven deadly sins. Father Paul was a sinner. What can I say ? The people of Canter had taken an habit of offering him devil's food cakes. Youngsters as well as elders. Even Sister Mary. It was like if they had spread the words among themselves. Sure, Father Paul could have declined the gift. He could have explain he wasn't here to stuff himself but to work. Feeble argument when he could work AND stuff himself at the same time. And let's face it : the devil's food cakes are just too good.
This very morning, Father Paul woke up earlier than usual. He had a meeting with the still-not-dead Father Phil. Indeed, it had been exactly three months since his arrival in town. At first, he intented to stay only two, which was the minimum time the bishop demanded from his clerics. But for a reason or another, Father Paul was still here. The young man entered his bathroom. He peed, showered, shaved. He had almost finished when his belly let out a loud rumble. Well he was starving. The cleric rubbed unconsciously his stomach. Wait a second. He felt a softness he wasn't used to feel. Father Paul looked down only to notice a slight roll of fat that he had never noticed before. A bit mortified but mostly curious, he patted this added stoutness gently. His belly jiggled. Of course this is not bloat. With all the cakes he wolfed down daily, he got used to sport a swollen midsection. The cakes. Of course this is the devil's food cakes fault. I'm stuffing my face for a month or so. Father Paul went to his mirror for a more general observation of himself. He wasn't that different... just... well softer around the edge. The young cleric had often taken pride in his body but he wasn't displeased with his new self. He looked kind of... stronger this way. His tummy stand out with a small but noticeable curve. His ass was rounder and strangely, he liked it. He had gained weight so what ? Guess it's no big deal in the end. He loved the devil's food cake too much to cut anyway.
Father Paul arrived late at his meeting. Thankfully, Father Phil hadn't many things to ask. In fact, they came to his main worry very fast.
"You told me you were leavin' but I see you're still here." the old priest stated. "Should I believe you're taking a liking to our town ?"
"Maybe." replied Father Paul. "I havn't decided anything yet."
I don't know about the town but I'm sure I took a liking to your devil's food cakes.
A decision is taken (Father Paul pov)
Father Phil died three month later. The funeral was pompus and warm at the same time. Canter was in grief. During a week, the town was awfully quiet. Sister Mary was inconsolable. And then, the question began. Nobody asked Father Paul directly, but he could hear them whisper behind his back. Was he staying or leaving ?
Father Paul was not the kind to lie. The inhabitant of Canter were nice. Elders and youngsters. But he had always dreamed of a big church with thousands of followers. He had always thought he was promised to a great destiny by the Lord himself. However he had met the devil in his way. Well, the devil's food cakes at least. He was still perfectly doing his job. He was still very good. Nothing really changed. But at the same time, a lot of things had changed. He had changed. He couldn't resist these pastries. If he left, he knew he would miss them way too much. Of course, Father Paul had managed to keep his gluttony under control. His weight had increased steadily but slowly. He could deal with the whole "chubby priest". Sure, his thights were rounder than he remembered. Sure, his rear had widened. Of course he got a belly. A round, soft and nice gut. But he liked that.
"Are you gonna stay ?" wondered Sister Mary one evening.
Finally someone dare ask me the damn question.
"Yes." he replied. "I think so."
The end
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umnicimar1982-blog · 5 years
They had been stopped at the Dazio coming back, and the young officials there, who seemed impudent and desoeuvre, had tried to search their reticules for provisions. It might have been most unpleasant. Fortunately Miss Lavish was a match for any one.. My portfolio hasn changed dramatically in the three years since I entered the industry. When I started applying for my first jobs, I only had one project (The Reddit Flairs one). I don believe my projects have ever had a dramatic impact on an employer opinion of me. Now, the main issue here is you being pressured to give her money that's in your name. I understand that you live together and have a relationship to consider, but it's literally robbery to 하동출장안마 "physically force" someone to take money from their own bank account and give it to another person, which is what you've claimed she's done. If she wants the money she should have the cheques made out to herself. It has been reported that President Trump "lashed out" at you on at least two occasions: after Michael Cohen pleaded guilty on November 29, 2018, and after federal prosecutors identified President Trump as "Individual 1" in a court filing on December 8, 2018. Attorney for the District of Utah, with reviewing a wide range of issues related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Have you ever received a briefing 하동출장안마 on the status of Mr. Hi there! I completely hear you. I feel very similar when my boyfriend offers his sympathies and says that he sometimes feels like that, I know he means well (and I have to keep reminding myself of that) but it comes across as him not understanding the severity of the situation. On another note, maybe increasing the dose of Prozac might help. First went our warrior. A massive wall of metal and recklessness, shield and flail in hand. As she charged the fiend, it barely reacted. A bonus action on your turn you can quickly read through one of the spells in your spellbook. Back when the dragon size began as small, a Gnome pirate found his scaled fried to be invaluable in combat, hopping about delivering potions and dropping bags of caltrops. On the other end of the spectrum is a current player of mine mixing Dragon Knight with Bard to create a support who will hopefully transition into a battlefield commander as he becomes more confident and sure of himself. Also felt like brees has the most similarities with brady on the fact that ppl count them out early in their careers and worked their way to the best qbs the game has ever seen. I swear i wouldnt even mind losing to you guys if u made it to the super bowl. My friend who is a cowboy fan said to me after the pats lost to peyton in the afccg in 2014 that he thinks this was the last chance for brady to win a super bowl and he blew it. Instead, I'm now educated on the endocannabinoid system and how mice with malignant tumors fair when given CB1 and CB2 agonists, per online medical journals. Mind you, I am finishing degrees in Poly Sci WGS. I will find ANYthing to research and/or read abt when I should be reading for the actual paper I have to write. When it comes to location, the more specific the better. If you wish to not disclose the location you should at the very least name the state/country. A lake, mountain): if one can find the place immediately by searching it in google it fine. Thirdly, politics also goad some Muslims into fighting each other. Politics is a complicated game, and it really simple to turn it into an us vs them matter. You seen this in America with Trump supporters and Hilary supporters.
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donovansociology · 2 years
Ch 13 Fieldwork/ AN Interview with Mr. Ghori
Donovan Hall
Translation Of Urdu
Urdu is a language native to the countries of Pakistan and India, and the first language to a great long-time friend of mine, Waliullah Ghori. In this interview, I will be discussing with Wali his past and life in Pakistan before and after moving to the US. 
Donovan H: Thank you so much for doing this interview for me Wali I appreciate it.
Waliullah: The pleasure is all mine my boy.
I wanted to approach the interview by just covering Pakistan at first so I proceeded with
Donovan H: So Wali how would you describe your life in Pakistan?
Waliullah: Life in Pakistan was simple honestly. You could see that it was a third-world country, but my father had a good job and I and my siblings went to a decent school. However, there were some political issues like “Load shedding” which made life sometimes harder.
DH: Load shedding? I’ve heard of a process like that and how it has to deal with electricity but please explain what it was and how it affected your family?
WG: Load shedding is when the government controls how much power everyone in the country receives. So during certain hours of the day, they will cut off the power for particular areas for a few hours. Sometimes it would exceed those few hours and lead into the nighttime or having it happen during our hottest nights in Pakistan. This would make the summers especially miserable.
DH: Yeah I know every day had to be at least 87-90+ degrees, so I know those nights were crucial, jeez man.  Okay and was there ever a span that lasted a day or days? 
WG: In the poorer areas of the country load shedding could end up lasting a day or longer, but where I had lived it had never happened to us. But yeah, going to sleep during those times was extremely difficult, we would set our beds on the terrace so the slight wind could cool us off.
I had then wanted to approach Wali’s immigration to America and his adjustment to the American culture and lifestyle.
DH: So I remember from a while ago you telling me about how your schools had English classes in your school system as well, how much did that help with the language barrier?
WG: Learning English in  Pakistan definitely helped me transition to America, I still struggled a lot when I moved here and it took me a couple of years to reach the vocabulary of my peers. Transitioning to the American lifestyle however took even longer, especially because there were barely any people I could relate to.
DH: It is quite understandable how far of a gap between cultures the two is. Now, who would you say would be the person you started relating to to; to start getting used to American culture?
WG: My cousins who lived here were a good connection between the two cultures. I started living with them a couple years after I moved here. They were quite Americanized while still having aspects of Pakistani culture. My older siblings also assisted in closing the gap between the cultures. Since they had more knowledge I was able to learn about everything American.
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Help with research project!
Hey everyone I know barely any of my followers interact with my personal posts but I’m giving this a shot anyway! I’m doing a group research project in one of my WGS classes and our topic is trans men and women / lesbian only spaces! We’re looking at whether trans men are overwhelmingly rejected by or accepted into such spaces (such as festivals, colleges, groups, showings, etc) and why, and if you are a trans man with any experiences relating to this topic and are okay with possibly being quoted in our project (which will only be seen by classmates and the professor) please share them! We’re looking for both whether or not they allow trans men and the reasoning behind it. Thanks!!!
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theysaidtheysaid · 6 years
(i hate politesse)
i miss ur hands on me holding my neck from under my shirt and massaging my pussy from over fabric pushing me but not annoying me and accepting my no graciously with humor and with desire was so fucking terrific it was so damn cute that u offered me lemon and water and said i have an elevator when i said what floor to make my decision about coming up
i really wanted to sleep next to you i wanted to be in your arms already i had the most fun i loved seeing your chairs and your berlin wg and your two clothes and your little speaker and your ugly sheets and ikea furniture and weird jacket that doesn’t stay shut and your vintage air maxes ! who can forget those my goodness and u brought me coffee in bed like a true hero. i think i’m in like with you
and you’re actually intelligent !! and maybe have done just as many things as me in life ? you sound like you have a lot of experience i wonder if it’s true or if you’re stubborn but you seemed maybe open minded ? or maybe u were being polite
i hate politesse
but you also were an arrogant charming asshole sometimes at the right times freestyling as we said your energy was so great dood ! i was into you the minute you walked in ! u just had a nice air and you’re good at improvising and a terrific conversationalist i mean yes me too sometimes but u also read me well... like u were watching me too much but it was also sweet i wish you said what you wanted more. mostly maybe u would get it i’m not saying i wouldn’t ever push back but i would certainly consider what you have to say with high regard
i know it’s old fashioned but i like that you paid at first . and that i paid later and it was chill i didn’t like when you called burgermeister hipster bc i like it and that doner place is shit and the food is bad but i didn’t want u to think i was a snob so i said ok falafel whatever silly bc u barely ate and the doner was gross i regret that meal lol but it was nice to sit there and nice to sit on the couch at cafe kotti ... i wanna go there again with you but start the evening early
i felt v comfortable with you and i laughed so much and somehow that’s rare you seem so sweet i hope so much that it’s true i would like to like you a lot i’m excited to see you next ! you keep popping up in my thoughts i’m like i wanna send u a meme but i won’t bc it’s too late and i already texted him today
i don’t wanna text i wanna hug !!!! and kiss and have you snake your limbs around mine and kiss my ear and stroke my tits and touch my pussy and straddle me and tower over me and put my hand on ur dick leaking precum ur so hot actually i’m like insanely attracted to you like i wanted to rip your clothes off and fuck so hard but i was also terrified that it would be too good i wanna give us space to try to be something j just really fucking felt u man seeing the world next to you was a privilege and fun and exciting and encouraging and lovely and somehow a worthy risk
how did you really feel about me i wonder ? maybe that sounds insecure bc u gave so many compliments but u never know a lot of boys do just do that bc u made fun of ur sister taking forever to get ready but u seemed to be kidding but also not and when u were mad at a few things here and there or like “this is how it is” statements were thrown around
causally but when i said you were making ur own graves not dissimilar to the suburbia u so deeply feared you seemed to also want love
i asked you about open relationships and u said oh everyone in berlin is in one but it hurts the people sometimes and sometimes they’re in it for show but they don’t really do it and when they do it it hurts each other sometimes i kind of want an open relation but i wonder if you’d tell me, well you’ve never dated me baby i would have to agree and also say yes sure i’ll be your girlfriend tysm 4 asking boo you’re the sweetest
yours ,
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rarestereocats · 7 years
was giving Kal a rundown and the major and minor factions of New Vegas.
Me:  the White Glove Society is in the Ultra-Luxe (lux? i dunno).  they're uppity and arrogant and carry themselves with an air of superiority.  they're shady as fuck,  so you'll be unraveling their dark secrets and either playing along with them or exposing them.  
Kal:  I remember the second one i think i did something wrong in that quest too and i can't quite remember what it was but something something cannibals right? I think i was beating people up with a cane at one point
Me:  yep.  the WGS used to be cannibals and one of them is planning on introducing human meat to the menu again,  but isn't telling until everyone eats it cuz he wants to have #Throwback Thursday and hope they all jump back on the cannibal wagon.
Kal:  SHIANNE #THROWBACK THURSDAY im in fucking tears I remember I murdered that dude straight up and reloaded 10000 times and did it again and again because i kept getting foiled right away and then i still had to do something related to the quest that shouldn't have been a problem anymore because he was dead and I was very frustrated that the game wasnt registering what happened the way i wanted it to but God i can't remember the details
Kal:  I have very poor comprehension when gaming for some reason whixh is why i forget a lot, i only barely understand what's happening in the first place usually. Which is odd because i don't have this problem with literally any other media.
Me:  Mortimer has posted on Facebook after not posting for awhile!  -boop-"Mmm,  nothing better than a good ol' #Throwback Thursday!  Do you all remember our very first meal as a family together?  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
Me:  i love Mortimer cuz the minute you meet him you just know this man's about to bring about the Fuckening
Kal:  :’D
Me:  courier:  (uses cannibal speech check on Marjorie)
Marjorie:  what in the cornbread fuck is wrong with you,  you sick bastard?  get out.
courier:  (uses cannibal speech check on Mortimer)
Mortimer:  oh?  same.
Me:  Mortimer witnesses a cannibal going to town on some guy in an alleyway somewhere.
Mortimer:  B I G  M O O D
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