#bbc sherlock cosplay
What are you doing?
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I am currently outside because @consult-johnhwatson forced convinced me to go outside to Regent's Park because 'the weather is so nice today'. Although I do not understand why the weather is a significant motivator to go anywhere.
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tw0as0ne 5 months
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screenfashions 1 year
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ace-sher-bi-john 5 months
Sherlock Cosplay!
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Me trying to do Benadryl Cucumberpatch impression:
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So I got a deerstalker and a scarf for Christmas! The deerstalker is a little bit small for my natural hair, but somehow hasn't fallen off the wig yet. I'm not sure how that works.
Anyway, I wasn't going to post about my cosplay until I've completed it, or rather bought it (I don't have enough patience to learn to sew), but then I tried on the deerstalker with my wig and it looks way too awesome. So here we are!
If you want to see more of my Sherlock cosplay (there isn't much tbh), you can find me @purpleberrys_cosplays on Instagram. I won't make too many updates, as I'm just using a closet cosplay at the moment.
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mysticghostuncle 1 year
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Some test run images for Sherlock Holmes
Needs work
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I NEED A GOOD PHOTO OF YOU (for nefarious purposes)
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(dont judge me for these photos okay i am more than my twinkest gayass photos)
(wait what nefarious purposes)
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hayaku14 2 years
my fave hc about hakuba is that he thinks he's all prim and proper. he certainly tries to present himself as one, but the moment he's with hattori he gets sucked into their petty competitiveness where they end up throwing playground insults聽and basically devolving into grade schoolers; he lets himself be dragged into whatever mess kaito is cooking up, even though he should know better, because he thinks he should act as the voice of reason when in reality he's just really curious and would deny ever joining in the said act if he ever did (he does); and when he's with shinichi you'd think they'd be all fine and dandy because they both love mysteries and sherlock holmes but they quickly realize that their type of mystery books besides sherlock holmes are completely different. they also discover that they love sherlock holmes for vastly different reasons and so every Sherlock Talk turns into a heated Sherlock Debate and according to kaito and hattori, it is seriously one of the nerdiest exchanges they've ever witnessed in their entire lives.
at one point someone finally points it out to him, "hey hakuba i thought you were a really calm and unapproachable dude but you actually have no fucking chill lol"
he brings this up to shinichi and shinichi's like, "yeah you don't, why do you think hattori and kaito still likes hanging out with you even when they claim that, and i quote, "your existence is insufferable and that you have a stick up your ass."
"gee thanks, kudou."
"you're welcome."
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geekyrin 1 month
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really love fem! Moriarty
and really need moran xd
TikTok | Instagram
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grottweiler 3 months
Elementary, my dear Karmerant!
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Featuring Grott as Sherlock and Karmer as Watson
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what-if-i-just-did 1 year
Guyssss help me out
So this friday there's a school party and we're supposed to go dressed as a movie character. I forgot it was this soon and now I have three days to figure out an easy & cheap costume.
I'm genderfluid so the clothes I already have include various styles from jeans & flannels to long, flowing dresses to miniskirts that make me look like a hooker to tons of other shit.
I've got black/darkbrown hair that's like, kinda like an outgrown pixie cut, I'm tall and I'm white. My main fandom is SuperWhoLock/Avengers, but I also like more obscure things like Red Dwarf and Heroes and First Kill and I'm kind of desperate so even like, a Stranger Things cosplay I can pull off would be great.
Guys please help me figure out who I can easily cosplay I litterally have three days.
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vultureinatom05 10 months
My Sherlock cosplay ft. My screen accurate Hugo Boss scarf, Paul Smith gloves, Rotary watch and D&G shirt
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consult-sherlockholmes 11 months
what flag did they gave you? maybe we can tell you what it is
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I have no idea which country this is, given purple is the least used colour on national flags. Only 4 countries use purple, and this for sure is not one of those 4. Maybe it is the flag of some kind of group that tried to recruit me? Is here any expert on vexillology who could answer which flag this is? Never thought I would ask for the 'expertise' of this website.
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puppybot 3 months
you guys remember the hillywood show? i kinda think they made me into the crossdressing transgender boydyke i am today
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parapsychoiogy 9 months
my stupid deerstalker hat that i have been wearing most winters since middle school because its actually nice quality and warm but also comes with the weight of i bought it with hard earned babysitting money at age 12 because of bbc sherlock
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coffebond 2 years
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Unfortunately, my Instagram acc was blocked and most of the artwork irretrievably lost. Although, in the "mind palace" of my computer I found my favorite fandom's cosplay. Seven years ago, I started with Sherlock cosplay, haha
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I kknow this isn't an overly big issue compared to others, but it kinda ties in with things like feminism, so...
Specifically, women with glasses. Think of your favourite TV show. How many characters have glasses? How many of those are women? Very few, perhaps none. How many dolls or toys of yours have glasses?
None, I'm guessing.
As someone who grew up with glasses, I was frustrated by the number of girls with glasses in media. I was told I shouldn't cosplay Hermione or Ginny or Luna because they didn't have glasses. I didn't want to be Harry Potter. I wanted to be Luna Lovegood.
Not a single companion from Doctor Who has ever worn glasses except Amy, and they were reading glasses.
I can't think of anyone in Sherlock who wears glasses full time.
Name any TV show, book, movie, franchise.
The thing is, glasses are associated with nerdiness, with being smart and socially inept, ugliness, everything that a woman isn't supposed to be. Growing up, I internalised the message that my glasses made me ugly and unwanted. No boy would ever want a girl with glasses. (I have since realised I'm a lesbian, but that's not the point). Putting aside the message that "getting a guy" is the one thing that gives a woman her worth, this is a message that so many young people, but particularly girls, are fed.
I just saw a doll on TV in glasses. The girl advertising the doll had glasses. That is the literal first time I've ever seen that.
We need to stop this stigma against women with glasses. It's unhealthy, and it's damaging our children.
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