#been trying to post updates as I play but sometimes I just don't feel like it
pxlatedlife · 1 year
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Stevie got a new internship
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screamin-abt-haikyuu · 4 months
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You're jealous but you can't do anything because you're not dating him (Part 7) - Wakatoshi Ushijima
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Pairing: Ushijima x Fem! reader
Genre: Angst to fluff
Warnings: none, really? Reader calls him Toshi.
Requested by: @ushisrever
A/N: Can't believe I posted the last update to this more than two years ago. Has it really been that long???? The incomplete series has been bothering me for two years now lmao. Didn't think I'd ever find a fitting scenario for Ushiwaka but thanks to @dira333 helping me sound off some ideas, I was able to get that perfect "snap!" you get when you fit a puzzle piece in perfectly. Gave me enough brain juice to write this out before going back into hibernation.
Serving you some fresh, hot angst and then some lol. Enjoy the burn and then the healing. For someone who was as far removed from Ushiwaka (emotionally) as one can, writing this actually made me see him in a new light. Loved writing him. Hopefully, it stays as true to his canon nature as it can. Hopefully I don't trash this before it's out💀 but if you're reading this, it's good lol.
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It feels like the entire Shiratorizawa is at the gates of the school.
"I can't believe she's coming to our school!"
"AAA I can't stop imagining how she'll look in our school uniform."
"Do you think she already has a boyfriend? Maybe I have a chance?"
"I don't know about a boyfriend but you certainly don't have a chance with her."
"Must you always be so cruel?!"
"If you think a star child actor who has made it so big in the industry is going to date a simpleton like you, you're delusional."
You sigh, annoyed, as you try to make your way through the babbling crowd. You're already late for your morning classes and you couldn't care any less about Hoshiko Nakamura. Or any celebrity for that matter.
"In fact, I don't think any boy in this school has a chance with her. Hmm... except maybe Ushiwaka? Not that he'd be interested in dating her anyway. Sometimes I feel like that guy doesn't have any emotions at all."
Your ears perk up at the Ace's name.
Wakatoshi Ushijima has become somewhat of a celebrity at school ever since he was selected for the under 19 representative for Japan in the Youth World Championship.
He was already well known as the formidable volleyball player who crushes any team that he takes on. However, his serious and stoic nature has kept most people from approaching him. Till now, at least.
The girl was right. Wakatoshi wouldn't even think about dating anyone. You seem fairly sure of that. However, the suggestion still leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
You're wrong about him not having any emotions you think as you finally break free from the crowd and sprint towards your classroom.
You've known Wakatoshi for as long as you can remember. You remember when his family moved into the house next to yours when you were just little kids. You remember watching the reserved, determined figure of the boy practicing volleyball all by himself in the nearby park. You remember going up to him and offering to play with him. Out of all these memories, the most vivid of them all was the way his eyes subtly lit up when you said you wanted to play with him.
Time has blurred into a haze since then. Even though you both went to different schools all through junior and middle school years, you both kept alive the tradition of playing volleyball together in park.
"You should come to Shiratorizawa," he had said that fateful day. You both were in the last year of middle school. It was a beautiful evening as you both walked back home from the park, the setting sun throwing hues of red and gold across the partially cloudy sky.
"That's not in my hands. I tried in middle school, remember? I want Shiratorizawa but Shiratorizawa doesn't seem to want me," you said, kicking a pebble on the road. Funny how I could say the same about you.
"That was three years ago. You have grown," he said without pause.
"We'll see. I don't want to get my hopes too high. You know just as well as I do that they give preference to athletes over normal students like me. Casual volleyball games with you are just about as sporty as I get," you said as you reached out to open the gate to your home.
You turned to say goodbye to him and found him looking at you, his expression more serious than usual.
"It's not about athleticism."
"Shiratorizawa only accepts the best. Be it volleyball or anything else. I believe you fit into that category. You should come," he says, looking straight into your eyes.
Your stomach flutters. How could he have so much faith in you? There is no doubt that he believes in you because Wakatoshi Ushijima always means what he says. Almost 5 years of knowing him had taught you that. You still found it hard to digest, though.
"I'll try my best, I promise."
"I know you will."
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"Class, please give a warm welcome your new classmate, Hoshiko Nakamura!"
You can't help but gawk at her. Saying she is pretty would be a severe understatement. If she looks pretty on screen, it is nothing compared to what she looks like off screen. You look at your desk partner to see if he is thinking the same. Wakatoshi, however, seems to simply be listening to the teacher.
"Miss Nakamura, I'm sure you will have no problem settling in here. To kind of help you settle in this new environment, I was thinking of seating you next to Ushijima as I believe you two have met before at some of the national events."
The teacher might as well have thrown a bus at you and it would have felt just about the same as you do now.
Hoshiko's face lights up. "That would be great. Wakatoshi-kun has always been a delight to be with. Thank you for having me," she says and bows.
Did she just call him by his first name?
"Ah, Y/N, sorry for springing this on you so suddenly. I wanted to get a hold of you before morning class but couldn't. I hope it's not a problem," the teacher says.
You force a polite smile. "It's not a problem at all," you say and start packing your bag.
Hoshiko walks up to the desk and waits patiently for you to gather your stuff, thanking you again.
Your legs feel heavy as you take the empty seat diagonal to them in the adjacent row.
I'm panicking for no reason. They just know each other from an event. It makes sense to make her sit with a familiar and safe person, given her popularity. Yes, Wakatoshi is definitely the ideal choice in this scenario. He is not someone who would be creepy in any sense. He's also strong and intimidating so it would keep the creeps away. It's fine. It'll be fine. Nothing is going to happen between them... right?
"Wakatoshi-kun, I'm so glad I got to sit next to you," she says, smiling at him, speaking loud enough for people sitting nearby to hear.
"Actually, if I'm being honest, when I decided to come back to my hometown to complete my studies, I knew I wanted to go to Shiratorizawa immediately," she continues.
"Of course. Shiratorizawa is the best school in the prefecture. It's only natural to want to study here," Ushijima says, completely seriously.
Hoshiko blushes. "Ah... that is not what I meant... nevermind," she says, causing the guy behind them to burst into laughter.
It seems like the hollow sensation growing in your stomach is here to stay.
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It has been two months since the day Hoshiko joined your school. With Ushijima going to school earlier than usual and practicing late into the night for the Inter High preliminaries, he hasn't been able to spend much time with you lately. Normally, this wouldn't have bothered you because you could see him in class everyday but with Hoshiko now taking your place, you barely get to say more than hi to him.
However, with the prelims now over and the upcoming week-long break ahead, you're hoping to get some one-on-one time with him once again. All these years with him have made him such an intrinsic part of your daily life that it feels like something big is missing when he's not around. To the world, Wakatoshi Ushijima might be a lot of things. But to you, Wakatoshi Ushijima is home. He is comfort. He is strength. He is someone that you know like the back of your own hand. He is someone that your heart always keeps coming back to. He is the only love you have ever known.
You know that he doesn't share the same feelings for you. But that doesn't stop your heart from longing for him.
The lessons for the day are over and you walk back to your class, eager to pack your bag and go home with Ushijima. You wonder if he'll want to go to the park in the evening.
"She's asking him out! She's asking him out!"
"No WAY! I am SO jealous."
A small crowd has gathered around the window and they're whispering amongst themselves as they look outside.
"Man, that Ushiwaka is so lucky! He gets to date the most beautiful girl in the entire country."
"I mean… he is in the nation's top 3 aces and an under 19 representative of Japan. Not to mention he's tall and strong and good looking. They're actually perfect for each other."
Your heart drops down to your feet.
You look out the window and find yourself looking at Hoshiko and Ushijima standing a ways away from the school building. They're in a quiet, secluded spot and Hoshiko seems to be blushing as she says something to him. You see him nod and say something in return. Hoshiko's face lights up in pure delight and even though they are at a distance, you can hear the joy in her voice.
"No way!!!! He said yes?? I thought he wasn't interested in girls!"
"Goddamn it! There goes my chance!"
You feel dizzy as you watch the two of them walk back to school together.
No. This can't be. You have always known that he doesn't like you that way. But you thought he wasn't interested in dating at all.
No. You shouldn't make any assumptions just yet. These gossip mongers are messing with your head. For all you know, he could have said yes to being in a show or something. You shouldn't despair before you hear the truth from him.
You blink back your tears and run to your class. Thankfully, it's empty. You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself and wait. Both of them soon appear in the hallway. The crowd surrounds them instantly, wanting to drown them in questions but Ushijima breaks away from them easily and walks towards the class. He comes up to you.
"Y/N. I'm sorry I won't be able to come to the park today."
It's true.
"Hoshiko and I are going to watch this new movie playing at the theatre-"
He's going on a date with her.
"Apparently it has a lot of volleyball in it-"
He's going on a date with h-
"You should join us."
"I figured you might like it since you play volleyball with me even though you don't play it otherwise."
What? What? What?? What is happening right now??
Ushijima patiently waits for your answer.
"Uh... Whose idea was it to go to the movie?"
"Nakamura's. Why?"
"And how did she bring up the idea?"
"Well, I was returning from the club and she asked to speak to me in private. And then she told me about the movie and if I wanted to watch it with her."
He didn't get it.
"Ah... Toshi... I'm pretty sure she was asking you out on a date."
His eyes widen with surprise.
"A... date? But she never said she had romantic feelings for me."
Could this mean...? Can I hope...?
"Well, her asking you out on the date was her way of saying it."
"I see. I didn't realise. Thank you for telling me. In that case, I should tell her my feelings for her as well."
He has feelings for her.
Your heart shatters.
You're glad that he walks out right away because you couldn't have stopped your tears from coming out even if you wanted to. You run out of the back door, desperate to get far away.
I guess I was the problem all this time. I just wasn't someone you could look at that way.
You had always known that. You had always known that he didn't feel for you the way you did. But that hadn't stopped you from falling for him. Hard. How could you have not? Eight years of knowing him... You didn't even realise when you fell for him. Loving him just came so naturally to you.
Logically, it makes sense. They make sense. She is beautiful and tall and smart. And so is he. They are the type of couple who would be featured on the cover of a magazine. Which, given their career trajectories, is bound to happen sooner or later.
But the heart doesn't care for logic and at this moment you feel like it will actually burst from the amount of pain you're feeling.
You spend the rest of the evening and the entire night crying in your room.
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Morning comes and you feel worse than ever. Your head is throbbing, your nose is stuffy and your eyes are swollen. You decide to skip school. It's the last day before break anyway. Maybe this break will be good for you. It will give you some time to adjust to everything and compose yourself.
You go back to bed and sleep through the entire day.
You thought you'd feel better after getting some rest but you still feel like shit.
You drag yourself out of bed. Your entire body feels like it weighs ten times more.
Maybe a shower and some fresh air will do you good.
You head out.
No matter how much you try to think of something else, your mind keeps coming back to him. Your eyes keep searching for him. You look in the direction of his room. The curtains are open and you can see it is empty.
Of course he's not home yet. He's probably out with her again.
Even though it's barely a minute away, you feel exhausted by the time you reach the park. Thankfully, it is empty.
You sit on one of the swings and look around. Most of your memories with Ushijima are tied to this park. This is where you both have spent the majority of your last eight years together.
All the sweet memories make you tear up again.
"You didn't come to school today."
You were so lost in your head that you didn't realise when he walked up to you. You blink back your tears.
"Oh... hi. Yeah, I - I wasn't feeling very well today," you say, not meeting his eye.
"You seem upset."
He noticed.
"Oh... I'm fine. Really. It's just been a rough day. It's nothing to worry about," you say, still evading his gaze.
He sits on the swing next to you. You look to the side and see he has a volleyball in his lap.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
You quickly avert your gaze again.
"I see. Well, would you like me to distract you? Talk about something else?"
It is getting harder to keep your tears in check. You're sure your voice will crack if you speak. You just nod.
"You would've liked the movie. It wasn't as focused on volleyball as Nakamura said it would-"
Great. He's chosen the worst topic he could have talked about. You don't want to hear about his date. You need to change the topic. Quickly.
"What are you doing here?" you blurt out the one question that has been weighing on your mind ever since he came here.
"What do you mean? I came here to play volleyball with you."
"I- I mean... I thought you would spend your free time with Ho-Hoshiko from now."
"Why would I do that?"
"B- because you're d-dating her?" Your voice cracks.
"I am not dating Nakamura."
"What do you mean you're not dating her? I thought you liked her. Didn't you go on a date with her yesterday?"
"I do like her. Just not romantically. And no, I went to watch the movie with Tendou. She had already bought the tickets so I bought them from her. I wanted to watch it with you but you went home. "
"But... you left to tell her your feelings for her..."
"I did. I wanted to clarify that I only feel for her as a friend. It was only thanks to you that I was able to tell her in time before I ended up hurting her unintentionally."
Relief floods your heart. You suddenly feel a hundred pounds lighter. You finally gather the courage to look at him. He is looking right back at you.
"Can I ask you something?" you say, your lower lip trembling.
"Of course."
"Do you have romantic feelings for anyone?"
You instantly regret speaking up as soon as the question leaves your mouth. You know he never lies. And if he doesn't feel the same w-
"Yes. You."
You stare at him blankly.
It's subtle but his expression has changed from completely serious to something a little softer. You can't quite place what it is. Is it concern? nervousness? Adoration?
"R-really? You like me? Romantically?"
"Since when?"
"Ah," he rubs his chin, "I'm not sure..."
You're still having difficulty believing that any of this is real.
"You know," he continues, "After my father, you were the first person who ever wanted to play with me."
He points towards the corner of the park. "I was practicing against that wall that day when you came up to me. Do you remember?"
"Of course I remember. I can never forget that day."
"So many people have come and gone from my life but you have been with me for so long that, I guess somewhere along the way I just assumed you would stay forever. Which, I now realise, I shouldn't have."
He feels the same. He has always felt the same.
He turns to you again.
"I love you."
He breaks into a soft smile.
"I love you too."
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Holyshit this was a ride. I'm glad I wrote this and I hope you guys enjoy.
Reblogs appreciated. Please do not steal or repost.
Taglist: @pinkiipeachiikeen @duckymcdoorknob @kakiwrites @ebiharachan @r0binscript I wasn't sure if you guys still want to be tagged for this series, seeing that it has been over two years so let me know if you want me to remove you from the taglist.
Check out THIS POST to know what all characters I have written for in this series.
MASTERLISTS | If you enjoy my work and want to, you can Buy me a Kofi!
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oh-katsuki · 7 months
bird of prey (tendou x reader)
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series masterlist | ao3
Pairing: Tendou x Reader, Bokuto x Reader
Series Summary: Satori Tendou is your best friend, but you fuck for fun.
Chapter Title: Act I, Scene 1 — Play Like Lovers
Chapter Summary: Satori likes your current arrangement. You're friends, arguably the best of friends, and sometimes you fuck. Well, it's more than sometimes. Like rabbits, really.
Chapter Content Warnings: afab!reader, college au, friends with benefits, no strings attached, angst, oral sex (m!receiving), teasing, bokuto is in this too, ushijima mentions, mentions of breeding, mentions of pregnancy, slowish burn (?) they're already fucking tho so romantically speaking, teasing, dirty talk
Word Count: 6.7k
A/N: i missed tendou and ended up deciding to write this. i don't have any chapters prewritten so updates will likely be slow, but im trying out a new thing so bear with me. it's probably better read on ao3, but im posting it here too. formatting is the bane of my existence. enjoy <3
next >
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Satori likes the cold. He always has. He likes the bite of it. The way it makes his skin feel when he’s been standing outside long enough that the cold begins to feel hot across his cheeks.
There’s a certain solitude to winter that Satori appreciates. It’s as if the world has had a blanket thrown over it and everything becomes muffled and quiet. Sometimes winter makes Satori feel like he’s on another planet, floating through a silent universe in a perpetual winter. He especially feels this way when it snows. He loves the world when it’s like this, calm and quiet and so hazy that he can’t see the street sign a block down. 
Satori blinks winter from his eyes, furrowing his eyebrows as they begin to water to fight the cold. He inhales, tucking his hands further into his puffy jacket as the crisp air fills his lungs. It’s a quiet night. The first snowy one of the season, and snowflakes fall like little diamonds onto a thinly coated sidewalk. 
He doesn’t have a particular destination in mind. Satori is just wandering, savoring the feel of the evening as he strolls through his neighborhood. There are a scant few people outside. It's a weeknight and the neighborhood surrounding campus is eerily quiet in these small hours of the morning. Only the occasional drunk or a couple loved up and leaning on one another, their hands intertwined in the pockets of one of their coats. 
Tendou thinks that he could only become one of those two options. The drunk seems to have far less to worry about, stumbling across the sidewalk before coming to a stop on a slanted curve and letting his head fall onto his crossed arms. Not that Satori would want to be him. Don’t get him wrong. He’s not judging. How one man lives his life is absolutely none of Satori’s business and, in the same way he prefers people don’t mind what he does, he won’t mind what the neighborhood drunk does. Still, on a sliding scale of difficulty, the drunk seems to—for the moment—have it easier in Satori’s eyes. Only one person to worry about. 
It’s nearing three in the morning and the world has taken on an eerily slanted feel to it. Satori likes the world like this, calm and quiet. No one to talk to or worry about, only the sound of his boots against the thin layer of snow. There’s no crunch, as it hasn’t stuck yet, but if it keeps snowing like this, Satori thinks that it might. He looks forward to it, tilting his head up toward the sky and feeling the soft sting of bitter cold snow as it falls on his cheeks. 
Teeth, tongue, the press of your body arching up to meet his. It’s hot today, the way you move. Rushed like you’re trying to get something done. Music plays quietly from your computer on the desk and your hands fumble blindly around his body, eyes screwed shut as you let your tongue explore the inside of his mouth. 
“You’re eager,” he coos, detaching himself from your lips. 
“Sh, sh, sh,” you mumble, pulling him back down to you by the back of his neck and delivering a sloppy kiss. “Keep your voice down.” 
“Why?” He asks back, still connected at the lips. 
“My housemates don’t know you’re here,” you answer, pushing on his shoulders. 
Tendou gives in, letting you turn him over on the bed so that his back is against your headboard. You settle over his hips evenly, placing yourself like you belong there. He wouldn’t be surprised if you felt that way. This is regular enough that you end up like this a lot. Straddling his thighs with your hands on either side of his face. 
You tilt your head, kissing your way down his jaw. Your lips press onto the side of his neck and he can feel the way your tongue darts out to taste the salt on his neck. Your hands roam freely up the other side of his neck and across the back of his head, almost like you can’t feel enough of him fast enough. They raised goosebumps along his skin, teasing the parts your mouth isn’t touching.
“And I don’t really want them to find out,” you say into his neck. Tendou feels the hum in his collarbone and shutters. 
“And why’s that?” He breathes out, his lithe fingers coming up to pull your hips down against him. Tendou figures that if you’re going to rock your hips back and forth like that, you might as well do it like you mean it. 
“They’ll give me shit for hooking up with you all the time instead of getting a real date,” you answer through your breathing. “Something about self respect.” 
Tendou leans his head back against the headboard, looking at you over the tops of his cheeks. You’ve pulled up his shirt and your body is curled over itself, your mouth smearing down his heaving chest as far as your posture will let it go.
He supposes that’s fair. 
“Suppose you haven’t told them that the no strings attached thing is mutual?” He teases, tilting his head to the side to let you continue to kiss at his neck. 
He slides his fingers under the fabric of your sleep shirt, cool fingertips hitting your warm back. Tendou presses his palm flat on your lower back and you shiver away from him, pushing your chest up against his. He likes the way you move. Something about it scratches an itch he’s got. Like watching marbles in a chain reaction. 
“I have,” you say, reaching between the two of you to undo his pants. Tendou slips his fingers into the waistband of your sweatpants, cupping your ass in his hands. “They just don’t believe me.” 
“Hah,” he laughs, tilting his chin forward to kiss you again. He likes the way you taste. “That’s funny.” 
“Ugh, can we like,” you pull away from him, your eyes glazed over and your eyebrows furrowed. You keep one hand on the back of his neck, the other splayed on his chest and Tendou idly rolls the fat of your ass across his fingertips.
“Can we like, what?” He imitates through a grin, tilting his head. “Not talk about this?” You say, rolling your hips. “Because I really want to fuck you right now and it’s sort of killing my vibe.” 
Tendou chuckles at the way you drop your head and roll your hips against him, tipping his head back again as he lets out a low groan. 
“If it means we get to fuck then sure thing,” he drawls, guiding your hips over his crotch by the fat of your ass.
You groan, exposing the hollow of your throat to him as you lean backwards. Tendou leans up to meet you, placing his lips near your pulse point. He bites down on your neck lightly and savors the slight gasp you let out, salving the ache with a quick swipe of his tongue. You cling to him like velcro, rocking your hips over his hardened cock through your clothes. It’s so desperate that it’s almost juvenile, though you’re both well past the phase of being too prudish to not take them off. 
He sighs, sliding his hands from your ass and up your back. He cups your shoulders around your body, letting you move your hips against him. Tendou finds that he likes to let you do what you want. There’s really nothing you can’t take from him and as far as he’s concerned, nothing’s off limits. He’s playing a game and right now, letting you win is the most interesting option.
You reach between them to pick up where you left off, fumbling in his pants to palm at him over his boxers, still rocking your hips against the inside of your wrist. Satori groans lightly at the weight of your hand. He likes it. His dick just fucking fits. 
You slide your hand back and forth, teasing him the way that you know he likes it. God, in moments like these, Satori is convinced that you’re perfect. You and that perfect body, that perfect fucking pussy. All of it just sort of clicks. 
The sexual chemistry between the two of you is palpable. It really always has been. Even when the two of you swore up and down that you were just friends, Satori knew that eventually you’d fuck. And of course, he was right. Months later and here he is, leaning up against your headboard after sneaking in through the window while you give him an over-the-boxers handjob that feels better than what he can do to himself for some reason. 
You need it almost every night, and if it isn’t every night, it’s at least three times a week. You’re always together anyways, might as well throw some heavy petting into the mix while you’re at it. That’s just as well with Tendou. Personally, he’s always willing to fuck you if you need it. Especially when you need it. You just get this pretty look in your eye. It’s a lot like the one you’re wearing now, mouth slightly open as you free him from his boxers and swipe the precum from the tip of his dick with your thumb. Satori shudders. It’s perfect. 
“If you’re going to fuck me, you should just do it,” he says, his face contorting slightly as you grip his cock in your hand and begin to shift backward between his legs. 
“Shut up,” you retort, looking at him through your lashes. “I know you love this shit.” 
“Yeah, fuck-” he groans as you take the tip of him into your mouth. “You’re right. I love a tease.” 
Good conversation. Good sex. A good friend. There’s really nothing more he could ask for. 
Satori brushes the hair from your face, holding it back on your forehead so that he can see the way your mouth takes him in. It’s soft and warm and you hollow your cheeks around his cock in a way that drives him insane. You look so pretty down there. So giving and malleable. And get this, you do it because you like it. God, how fucking sexy. 
He likes the way you look from this angle, your eyebrows knitted together and your ass up in the air. He can see the way you rub your thighs together, small pulses that tell him that when he finally gets down there, you’re going to be soaked. You feel good too. Soft skin, soft mouth. 
Satori lets out a groan, reaching forward to play with the meat of your ass. He kneads the skin there, rubbing his thumb back and forth against it as if he were just trying to feel it. It hides your face from him for a moment and Satori is sad for the loss, but your ass is soft and giving and you push it back against his hand like you like the way he touches you. Of course you do, Satori only touches you in ways he knows you’re going to like. It gets him off. 
You swirl your tongue around his cock, your other hand gripping the base of him and moving along with your mouth. When you do try to take him all the way in, you cough lightly around it, raising your head to catch your breath before lowering your mouth back down. His lower stomach ties itself into knots. That familiar swell begins to mount in him and his muscles tense against his will. Your mouth works him until that slow moving wave pushes against whatever barrier it needs to break for him to finish. 
You stop before he gets to cum and Satori feels that swell of pleasure recede into the back of his gut. He pouts momentarily, his chest heaving as you discard your sweatpants and crawl back over him. 
Satori places his hand over your cunt like it's a habit. He rubs over your slick folds with four fingers, evening applying pressure across your whole pussy because he knows that it frustrates you. In response, you let out an exasperated groan and grind down against his hand. That only makes it better when he finally centers in on your clit, two fingers dipped between your lips to rubbing at the throbbing bud. 
He plays with it for a moment, moving his fingers in a continuous circle. You’re so wet that Satori doesn’t even need to lick his fingers, but he does anyway because he wants to taste you. Slowly, he raises them to his lips and sucks your pleasure off of them, eyeing you while he does so. Then, he places his other hand on your chin and gently forces your mouth open, sliding his two fingers across your tongue. 
The muscle gives under the weight of his fingers. Pleasantly, delightfully, you let him mold you. You let him open your mouth further and stick them deeper—all the way into the warm, wet back of your mouth—until you gag around them. It’s an awful sound. Wet and desperate and it leaves you panting when he pulls them out, but Satori likes you messy. He likes you when you’re drooling for it, saliva pooling under your tongue for just a taste of what he gives you. 
Don’t get him wrong, it’s not a power trip thing. It’s borne out of pure fascination. Like the way scientists like to study molecules, Satori likes to study you. You’re interesting to him. The first to follow through on sex only being sex because Satori—well, Satori fucks you like he loves you. And he loves that you don’t get caught up in it. 
You’re desperate for it today. Satori can tell because you don’t even let him finger you before you’re guiding the tip of his cock to your entrance. 
“What? No condom?” He drawls through a sly grin. 
“Not tonight,” you pant, screwing your eyes shut. Satori’s hands move to your hips, squeezing the fat there and admiring its delightful give. “Don’t have one.” 
“What ever happened to safe sex?” He says through gritted teeth, craning his neck forward to get a good view. 
“You worried you gonna get me pregnant?” you give a breathy laugh, sinking all the way down on him. 
“Depends, you gonna let me finish inside?” he asks through a locked jaw as he feels the warmth of you envelop him. 
“Fuck no,” you say, beginning to move your hips. 
Satori inhales through his teeth, leaning backwards and holding you by the hips. You take the lead tonight, rolling your hips forward with slow, almost calculated, flicks. He guides you, his fingers gripping at the side of your ass, pulling it apart as best he can. He likes the way it feels when he holds you like this and wonders briefly what it looks like from the back when he lets you fuck him like this. 
The music from your laptop is drowned out by the quiet sounds of your breathing. The only thing Satori really hears is the both of you, stifling moans to prevent your housemates from figuring out what you’re up to. He grits his teeth. 
Satori has always been on the more vocal side of things. Talking, moaning, laughing, things like that. This though, this is hot too. Like this, he can hear every little change in your breathing. He can hear every time he hits that particularly sensitive spot inside of you. Shit, he can even hear his own breathing, labored and low and mirroring your desperation like you’re both cut from the same cloth. 
He loves being inside of you. It’s comfortable. It always feels good in a way Satori has found is hard to come by. You’ve got a good pussy and an even better attitude about it. 
When you get close, you always take in a sharp and fast inhale. It’s like a tell. Something that gives away just how good you feel. Satori loves the sound of it. Sometimes, he’ll edge you three or four times just to hear it, just to savor that sweet intake of breath. Tonight though, he’s going to let you have it easy. You deserve to have it easy tonight, as desperate as you are, and this is fun for him too. This position makes it easy to feel just how tight you get when you’re close, pussy clamping down around him at a fast interval even with the upward pumps of his hips. 
He’s too impatient to let you fuck him on your own. Satori lets you have it your way, but he wants it his way too, accenting the roll of your hips with subtle pumps. He grips your hips, his fingers sinking delightfully into the fat there and holds you at a good enough angle to fuck. The weight of your breath comes heavy, that little accent and then a slow crawl from your lungs. You shudder, mouth falling open. And Satori, well Satori watches. In fascination, in awe, in sheer pleasure. 
“Oh shit,” you breathe, glancing at him. “Yeah, yeah.” 
Oh, he loves that. Those little nothings that you babble when you’re breathless and climbing towards that high. Satori can’t get enough of it. Your voice, the cadence of it, how heavy it sounds on your tongue when you force out the sex-laced words. 
You crumble quickly. It’s almost desperate the way you push your hands onto his chest and let your head fall forward, cunt clenching down hard around him as you stop the roll of your hips to shudder. Your thighs press harshly against Satori’s sides and he digs his fingers into your hips to keep from cumming inside of you. That’d be pretty bad, though he can’t say that it’s not endlessly tempting. 
You don’t waste a moment pulling yourself off of him, wrapping your hand around is cum-slicked cock and beginning to pump. You squeeze the head of it and Satori lets out a low groan. God, you’re being so quick about this that it would almost be jarring if Satori didn’t find it so fucking hot. You’re like… desperate for it. Christ, he thinks he’s gonna cum. 
“Can I finish on your face?” He grits out. 
“No,” you reply, teasing him by pressing your thumb over the head of his dick. “On your chest. I like it when you make a mess of yourself.” 
Then, a familiar, teasing smile lights up across your face. Your breath is still heaving and it makes the expression feel more genuine. Satori leans his head back against the headboard eyebrows pulled upwards in his pleasure. 
“You’re fuckin’ sadistic,” he laughs out. 
It’s half a groan, his voice strained and thick with his imminent high. He reaches up to toy with your tits, anything really that he can grab. Satori gets handsy when he’s close and he feels the way pleasure mounts in his lower stomach like water fills a bucket. 
Then, he peaks, his cum spilling out over his chest. Satori makes an effort to muffle his voice when he does, gritting his jaw and squeezing the flesh of your tit as an outlet for the pleasure of it all. The mess he’s made is warm, spilling into the ridges of his abdomen and the soft lines of muscle there.He’ll have to shower again when he gets home. For the moment though, he just watches his chest heave as you let go of his dick and reach to put two of your messy fingers in his mouth. Satori obliges, swirling his tongue around them. 
“Hah, you’re disgusting.” 
“You’re the one who likes it, sweetheart,” he drones, reaching to take some tissues from the nightstand and wipe up his mess. 
“Throw those in the bin,” you say, laying down on your bed as he stands. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” 
Satori stretches for a moment, inspecting his clothes to ensure that the mess was minimal. He turns to look at you on the bed. Your eyes are closed, arms above your head with your sleep shirt riding up on your body, revealing a small glimpse of your fleshy stomach. God, he almost wants to fuck you again. 
“Move over,” he says, bullying his way into the bed next to you. 
“Fine, but you can’t stay for long,” you reply, lifting your head and putting it back down on his chest. You face the ceiling, picking at your nails. “I gotta shower and finish up a paper.” 
“You have a paper to finish but you called me over to fuck?” 
“Duh,” you reply. “Needed some sort of stress relief.” 
“Most people just eat a bowl of cereal or something,” he says through a smile, his lips curling up in the corners. 
You huff and roll your eyes, letting out a short and genuine laugh. “Whatever, you just can’t stay too long, ‘kay?” 
“You got it,” he chuckles, rolling his eyes lightly. 
Satori tucks his arm under his head, watching your ceiling fan as it spins in circles. He hates the ceiling in your room. You’ve got popcorn ceilings, something that Satori is particularly disdainful of. It’s why he likes having you over at his place, with its smooth and well painted walls. Plus, you can fuck as loud as you want and there’ll be no one there in the morning to hound you both over it. 
You can’t stay for long. 
He never really understood why you always tell him that. Even without it, Satori never really does. 
Satori’s morning routine isn’t really a routine at all. On days where he has nothing to do, he rolls out of bed at whatever time he pleases. Sometimes that’s 12 in the afternoon and other times that’s 5:30 in the morning. 
He tries his best to avoid early morning classes. Truthfully, he tries his best to avoid classes at all, but hey, when you’re getting a degree, that’s not really an option. Satori’s been relatively successful in that endeavor, keeping most of his class schedule well within the 11 am to 4 pm range, except for one pesky little discussion. Once a week, on Tuesdays, Satori has to drag himself out of bed and be in the classroom at 8 am sharp. 
It’s not that he isn’t driven, or isn’t a morning person. Satori just isn’t a rules person, which doesn’t exactly function well within a societal structure. There are always rules. Ones that tell you when to cross the road, where to park your car, when to be somewhere or when not to be somewhere. The fact that he has to get up early on Tuesdays makes him needlessly resistant to getting up, even if he’s awake already. 
Satori blinks away sleep in the quiet of his room. He’s woken up about fifteen minutes before his 6:50 alarm and now stares blankly at the ceiling with his arms tucked behind his head. What a drag, getting up like this and going immediately into the daily slog, not that anything can be done about it. 
He inhales, preparing himself to sit up, before actually doing so. His muscles scream at him, sore with sleep and aching for a good stretch which he gladly obliges with a loud yawn. Cartoonish, almost. Satori laughs to himself as he pulls his body from the bed. 
His room is messy. Clothes are strewn about haphazardly across the floor and various items that he’d picked up to mess around with are out of place. He exhales, shaking his head a little bit and telling himself that he’ll clean it when he gets back. It’s not that he minds the mess. In fact, Satori likes a little organized mess. Like what you and him are doing. That’s messy in the most delightful way. But right now, his room is a little too messy, verging on the precipice of dirty, which Satori hates. 
He tosses on a soft, long-sleeved t-shirt. It’s the kind of shirt that he’s had for a long while, the ones that feel smooth on his skin. The fabric is so worn that it falls over him almost like tissue paper and he loves the feeling. His black jeans are hanging over the back of his desk chair and he grabs them quickly, shrugging them on over his hips with two quick steps and a pull. The ink on them is faded and though they started their life black, they are now almost a dark gray and look even lighter at the knees and backs of the thighs. He thinks he’ll have to get a new pair soon. Gray doesn’t look as nice with other colors as black does. 
The sink in his bathroom is nearly empty, save for one single face wash, his toothbrush, and some toothpaste. He uses all of them in that order, hardly glancing up to look at himself in the mirror except to fix his scraggly long hair. He fiddles with it for a moment, running his fingers through minor tangles that worked themselves into his hair while he slept, before deciding that it looks good enough. The rest of it will sort itself out during the day and fall flat. 
His dish is in the sink from the night before and he briefly loads it into the dishwasher and runs it, chiding himself mentally with an eye roll for not doing it the night before. There’s always a 50/50 chance in the morning that Satori has forgotten to run the dishwasher and it antagonizes him as much as anything can antagonize Satori, which really isn’t much. 
There’s a black puffer jacket hanging by the door of his modest apartment. It’s a size too big for him, but it’s warm and looks nice on his figure, so he sees no use in telling his mother that she’d gotten the wrong size. It was a gift from her at the beginning of the winter season last year, along with a hat that Satori never wears. The jacket, at the very least, gets some use on account of it suiting his own personal style. 
He’s grateful for it when he steps outside of his apartment, shrugging it closer to him as the familiar bite of winter rushes up and under his skin. The sun has only just risen and the world is cast in a familiar orange, pink, and purple glow that makes it feel like a painting. Satori doesn’t mind being out in the world when it’s still asleep. Especially not in the early morning hours just before the sun comes up, when the world is cast in blue as if it were covered in film. Today though, it’s late enough that the world is now wide awake and the bustle of it gives Satori a headache. 
He passes businessmen on their way to work, girls in school uniforms rushing to make it through the gate of their school on time, their loafers smacking the floor with a delightful and intrusive clicking sound. His campus is only a few blocks away, around two corners and a straight shot until he hits the main building. He got lucky with his apartment’s location and sacrificed nice amenities for its proximity to his classes. The apartment itself may be crap, but Satori finds it worthwhile for how near it is to the things he cares about. That, and it doesn’t have popcorn ceilings, thank god. 
The snow hasn’t stuck yet, which means that the sidewalk is damp with melting ice as the sun begins to warm the pavement beneath it. His shoes will get damp like this. The converse do little to repel the water, instead soaking it in like a sponge. He’s careful to avoid puddles, but should he hit one, Satori won’t dwell. They’ll dry at some point. 
He can see the school up ahead. Satori isn’t really a fan of the building style. They’re stuffy and a bit reminiscent of the industrial buildings just outside of the Sendai city limits, but Tohoku University is a good school and Satori thinks it would have been a waste to not accept his admission. As the buildings grow closer, Satori can see the bodies of students wandering. Some talk in small groups and others, the more independent of them, walk hurriedly to their classes with heavy backpacks slung over both shoulders. Their backs curl forward a little, feeling the pressure of the weight.
Right through the quad, through the double doors, and up to the second floor. That’s the path Satori needs to take to get to his classroom, though he’s about 10 minutes early. He pauses just outside of the building, tilting his head to the side as he spots a familiar silhouette. A smile creeps onto his face, lips curling in the corners as he recognizes you. 
You’re having a conversation with someone, though Satori can’t quite make out who exactly it is. They’re standing partially behind one of the trees, their broad figure concealed by the trunk of it. As he approaches, he recognizes the other person to be Bokuto Koutarou, one of the core members of the university’s volleyball team. What an odd pair to be seen together, and so early in the morning too. Then, Bokuto leans down and pecks you on the cheek and Satori is more confused than he’s been in a while. When did you get close? When did you start seeing him? 
A pit forms in his stomach, though not the kind he’s familiar with. Messy, messy. 
“Bokuto, huh?” he says as he approaches behind you, watching with you as the other man walks away. “When did you and him get so… close.” He drags out the last word, hissing out the S through a small smile. 
“That,” you start, “is none of your business. It just sort of happened.” 
Satori gives you a coy smile, tilting his head in your direction. 
“Does he know?” He questions genuinely. 
“Know what?” 
“About us,” he croons, leaving no room for misinterpretation. 
You give him a pointed glance, an eyebrow raised. He knows the look. It’s the one you give him when he’s said something stupid or far too obvious. 
“We,” you emphasize, “are friends.” 
“Oh yeah,” he nods, tucking his hands into his pockets and leaning back as he follows your step. “We’re really good friends. And we fuck for fun.” 
You laugh. It’s a shrill laugh, and totally comfortable. He can’t see an ounce of tension in your shoulders and they’re relaxed in the way they usually are when the two of you speak. Satori looks down at you over the tops of his cheeks and a sly grin spreads across his face. 
“Well,” you say, though it seems to not have any real purpose in your sentence. It’s almost like an admittance that he’s right, which he knows he is. “What does it matter if he knows, anyway? What’s there to know?” 
Satori stops walking, his hands buried deep into his pockets. His head hangs forward and his jaw is open in faux confusion. The strain in his neck posing like this is worth the smile you give him, he thinks. 
“That we fuck,” he states, saying it almost as if it’s a shock to him as well. 
You stop to  roll your eyes and Satori quite likes the way that the expression looks on you. Fed up, but pleasantly so. It gives your features a somewhat light, carefree sense. You look away from him for a moment, almost as if to accentuate just how nonsensical his manner of speaking is, before looking at his face and narrowing your eyes. You size him up and then give a small grin, almost mischievous in nature. 
“He suspects,” you say. “But it doesn’t seem like he thinks too hard about it. I think he might if we were like… ex’s or romantically involved, but we’re not, so,” you shrug your shoulders. “Besides, it’s not serious enough for him to mind yet.” 
“Yet?” Satori raises his eyebrows and gives you an incredulous smile. 
Despite his demeanor, he feels something odd. It’s almost like his stomach is about to drop, and an unsettling feeling of dread begins to loom over him. You turn to look at him over your shoulder, impossibly pretty eyes giving him a very square look in the face.
“Yet,” you confirm, your tone a bit sharp as if to warn him that he’s stepping too close to the line. 
He’s not sure what he’s done to warrant that kind of reaction. Satori thought that he’d come off rather disconnected, aloof in the way that your agreement is, but it’s entirely possible that he’d sounded insecure. He furrows his brows at you, almost like he’s confused himself, and then shrugs in a non committal way. 
“Right,” he says, beginning to spin on his heel in an exaggerated manner. “Well, you have fun with Mr. Center-Of-Campus,” he smiles, continuing his sentence,” and I… will be going to my photography lab discussion.” 
“You do that,” you laugh, putting up a hand to wave. “I’ll catch you later.” 
“I’m sure you will,” he says, to which you respond by giving him a tired look and a shrug, like you’re admitting to the implication that you just can’t go without it. It being whatever the hell kind of sexual relationship exists between you two. 
Neither he nor you turns behind to glance at the other. Satori starts off back in his original direction and you dip into the building next to his. He’s sure that if he looked, you’d have your fingers looped through the straps of your backpack, probably greeting someone or other that you know on campus. 
You’re popular in a way that Satori isn’t. Truthfully, Satori is more notorious than liked and people know him for his strange, roundabout way of speaking and the knowing look in his eye. It doesn’t bother him to think that. He’s heard the way people talk about him, either directly from you or from walking up to a conversation a few moments too early. It doesn’t suit anyone to pretend that he doesn’t know and he doesn’t really mind knowing. It helps to weed out the people he wants to be around versus the people he doesn’t.
You, however, are very well liked. Sociable and blunt in your way of speaking. People like being around you, not just because you’re easy to look at, but because you’ve got a casual demeanor about yourself that makes people feel unjudged and at ease. It’s actually one of the first things that Satori had ever noticed about you, the way that you settle into a conversation as if you’d always been meant to be a part of it. No need to switch subjects or guide it to a more suitable position, you seem to blend effortlessly into social scenes, whether you notice it or not. Maybe it’s because you’re very true to yourself. You don’t recognize yourself as a perfect person and, as a result, you never hold the expectation that someone else should be perfect. 
Satori thinks you’re like-minded in that way, though his interpretation of other people’s flaws is more rooted in his treatment by others. People are quick to judge and in all his years of being judged, Satori has just come to accept that that’s the way things are and he can’t blame humans for simply being human. Still though, he has the same idea that people’s flaws aren’t a reason for judgment. They just… exist and that’s fine. 
He slides into a desk along the wall, quickly glancing around the room at the people who have already filed in. He’s only a few minutes early and most of his class are already in their seats with their cameras on their desk. Satori doesn’t know many people in this discussion and the majority of his class is either made up of girls that are too afraid to introduce themselves, or pretentious boys who spend too much time thinking about what tortured artists they are and too little time on the actual composition of their photos. 
He wishes that Ushiwaka had been able to take this class with him. Satori had suggested that he try to enroll at the beginning of the spring semester, but with the class being an upper division, Ushiwaka didn’t have the previous coursework to be able to do it. Besides, Wakatoshi isn’t really in school for the classes, but rather because he’d been scouted by the campus’ volleyball team to play for them and Wakatoshi had gone because it was a good opportunity to get into the professional division. In that sense, Satori feels that he’s falling behind his friend. After all, Wakatoshi knows what he wants, but Satori only knows what he likes. 
This class is pretty irritating. Not just because he has to get up and leave for it at the asscrack of dawn, but also because he feels that the discussions lack any real insight. Every week, they’re expected to upload their photos onto their computers and bring them to class, then, they spend the entire hour going around and discussing goals for the project and what could be improved with their current techniques. It would be useful if Satori didn’t find that so many people half-assed their photos the day before and then brought them in with some made up philosophy on why the snow in the crack of the sidewalk symbolizes their incessant need for human connection. 
He doesn’t think this way because he’s innocent of half-assing. In fact, Satori half-asses a lot. Sometimes because he can’t be bothered and other times because he finds the work less valuable than something else he could be doing. Still, he likes taking pictures and this is a class centered entirely on developing a personal work portfolio. It’s easy for him to do the assignments because it’s essentially what he does in his free time anyway, so there are times when he feels that maybe these people just don’t care too much about school at all. That’s a fine thought to have, he thinks. Most artists think like that in some way or another. 
Satori wonders if it’s the same in your major. Do literature students phone it in and do you find it irritating? He thinks you probably aren’t bothered by it if they do. It wouldn’t be in your nature to get worked up over the actions of others. You hardly even get worked up over your own actions and he thinks it would be weird to see you get in your head over someone else. 
He sits through his class though, explaining the photo he’d taken of you in the early morning after you’d spent the whole evening talking and touching each other. Your face is obscured and your belly is pressed down against the mattress. It’s really only an off centered photo of your back, displaying the lovely curve of it against the crumpled white bed sheets and a bit of your hair. There may not be anything special about the photo to anyone else, but Satori remembers how badly he’d wanted to photograph you then. 
Intimacy is pleasant to him in small doses. He likes to play pretend when it comes to loving and he’ll touch you like he loves you, let you touch him like you do, but Satori doesn’t ever think he’ll do it for real. At least not right now when he is so consumed by catching up to his peers in some arbitrary way. Still, the picture is a pleasant reminder to him that intimacy exists even in the most mundane of moments. Arguably, it is most present in them. 
He doesn’t say all of this to his class though and someone describes the photo as almost pornographic, which he supposes that it is. It gives the impression of two people just after they’ve gone to bed together and he laughs to himself because that’s exactly what it is. Satori just shrugs his shoulders at the comment. That’s just about what your physical relationship to each other is, isn’t it? Almost pornographic in nature, indulging in each other the way lovers might without ever stopping to think if romantic love factors into the actions at all.
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youredreamingofroo · 2 months
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Make the Most of It
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Roo boarded a busy bus after an outing with Rylan, and Roo knew the trip was going to be a long one and fell asleep. After sometime, an aching worry creeped into his stomach and began waking him up, and all it took was a gust of summer wind, and an acrid smell of oil to fully wake him up, which was just in time to read his unexpected welcome into Strangetown. Like most people, he inched towards the front to ask the bus driver where in god's name he was, but... there was no bus driver! Who was driving the bus? Where did everyone AND the bus driver go? How did they get here? How long had Roo been asleep? So many questions and all left unanswered as he departed the bus. Curiously, he approached the front door of a home nearby, where he saw a sign that said "This home is now property of Roo Norman," and although he was incredibly stressed and worried, the harsh wind gave him a feeling... He knew he was gonna be here for a long time... So with a free home, sparse money to his name and practically a new life, Roo figured it was best to make the most of this unexpected "vacation"...
Make the Most of It (MtMoi) is a Sims 2 Rotational Save/Series set in Strangetown, of course with a twist as Roo enters the Sims 2 ring and rotation pool. - -
[ more information + transcript will be under the cut ]
Types of Posts I'm gonna try and do a couple different type of posts; -Main posts will have more effort/editing put into them and are more than likely to be of Roo. -Side posts are going to have less effort, and will be where I post little tidbits and/or wrap-ups of a rotation I'm still debating how I wanna do this as I do wanna make Main posts centered around other sims but idk... 🤔 Post Schedule I'm really bad at scheduling posts im gonna be honest 😪 Taking how back-n-forth my burnout/motivation bursts can be into consideration, I'm gonna shoot for once or twice a week with the main posts/roo updates, and once a week with the side posts/rotation updates Side post posting frequency may differ depending on how often I play
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Panel 1: So I'm a little lost / For Context: I was taking a bus back home as I usually do on outings- and all was well, until I woke up to a rather dreadful gust of wind, an odd smell and a sign that said... / "Welcome to Strangetown!" / Now I was gonna ask the bus driver what was going on, but as I walked to the front to get off at my... "stop".. There was no bus driver! Thus leaving me... very confused.
Panel 2: I may seem rather calm for such a situation / But what else are you supposed to do when you are completely and utterly lost and don't have some form of way to get home?
Panel 3: But on the bright side / I got a free house!.. Okay maybe not so bright considering everything else
Panel 4: So what now? What do you do when you're lost in the worst climate. are given a new home and a clean slate for life?
Panel 5: [Silent]
Panel 6: You have to / Make the Most of It
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yelenasdiary · 3 months
Forbidden || Meet The Characters - Natasha Romanoff
No Warnings | 0.6K
Forbidden Masterlist
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Hi there! I'm Natasha, Yelena's older sister. I have a place in Drybellow where I run an orphanage for young girls. I'm sure Yelena has told a little of our back story and why I have this orphanage, so I won't bother you with more details on that. 
I house 16 girls from ages 6 to 20. These girls have nowhere else to go, these are girls who have run away, girls in trouble and girls who's parents couldn't look after. I do my best; I have a small background on basic medicine, so I am able to treat them correctly when they need it. I educate them and teach them things a woman in this world should know. I'd do anything and everything for them. 
We all live together on some land, well, you'd probably call it a small ranch. We grow our own fruits and vegetables, and we have some animals. Everybody helps out and has their own chores to do before they go off and do their own thing. I don't like to make them feel like they need to work to keep a bed here, when they are ready, I help them find a job and a new home to stay at. Most girls will write and give me updates on their new chapter of life and others like to come back for a visit. 
Some of the older girls and I like to knit things like blankets and clothing for new-borns, that's one of the ways we make some money to help keep this place running. Gardening is also something we all do, the younger girls love planting anything they can find so our home is full of orange, yellow, red, and purple plants. I like to try and keep the younger ones more entertained, long walks around the small, wooded area near the ranch, walks along the coastline, painting when we get some supplies, playing in the mud, enjoying their freedom and letting to be children is important to me. 
Every single girl that comes into my care will leave with the skills they need to care for themselves, look out for themselves and make something wonderful of themselves. But enough about that, I'm sure I've just bored you with all that information. 
As for me, I like doing many things. I do a lot of reading, mostly books that teach you something. Cooking, I love to cook! I've taught the girls how to fish and sometimes when the girls go on a walk, they'll bring back a dead rabbit for me to cook. When my days aren't spent looking after the girls, I'm usually trying to keep track of where Yelena is! We have a system; she is to write to me when she's off catching outlaws and if she doesn't, I'll go looking for her. That's if I don't hear from her within two weeks. 
I don't do all of this by myself though. I have to thank Maria Hill for being such a rock through all of this. She has been with me since I told her about the idea of buying this old, broken and run down property and turn it into something beautiful. She helps with everything, looks after the girls as if they were her own, we both do. Without Maria, this place wouldn't be possible. 
Well, I won't chew your ear off any longer! Feel free to write us a little letter, we're the ranch closeted to the railway station in Drybellow! We would love to hear from you. Stay safe out there! 
~ Natasha, Maria & the Girls of Black Hill Ranch.
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Taglist: @madislayyy | @riveramorylunar | @teganmiller | @kyleeservopoulos | @yelenaslyubov | @kacka84 | @lesbiarmy | @meurgen | @caporal-nino | @sl-ut | @scarletwidowblackwitch | @dogtamer415 | @mousetheorist | 
If you want to be on the taglist for this series, please see the masterlist. It's link at the top of this post.
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dragongirltongue · 6 months
New Pinned post <3
Hi there, the name is Zelda, or one of like, 20 other names that may or may not be listed somewhere around here. If you know a name I go by that isn't findable here don't use it. <3
I'm bigender which is made up of girl and fem6oy, as such I use she/her and sometimes he/him pronouns when I'm feeling fem6oy enough <3
I'm in my 30s, not getting more specific than that until I decide it's not true enough to change it, don't try to find my exact age as I don't like sharing that information publicly, I don't even update it on my birthday <3
I'm a polyamorous bisexual voraphile freak and if you're over 18 you're welcome to talk to me about how much of a freak I am. I love to flirt and encourage it. Also happy to share my Other Blog with anyone interested, again as long as you're of age. <3
I'm a film graduate and currently working on doing something with that experience as well as working on a superhero comic and a 2D zelda style game. Feel free to bug me about any of those I love to discuss writing and media and want to encourage media literacy. <3
I'm also an ex-jehovahs witness and as a result I'm hugely into the holiday season in a very against my old god kinda way. Also big into sinning <3
Also I'm like, a dragon in probably an otherkin/thetadelta kinda way, like, it's core to who I am and how I understand myself so yeah. Despite this my fursona is a fox, the dragon in my icon is literally me <3
I also draw sometimes and when I do it'll be posted to @dragongirldrawings but always reblogged here too.
Also I'm a member of a plural system, feel free to check out the rest of the system over here @haven-sys <3
Further on the identity weirdness I'm an imaginary friend for the person who used to inhabit this body, they've been gone for like, over 20 years so it's not really relevant but I have started embracing my nature as a fictional creation, it's comforting.
Btw, if one of my posts containing my typing quirk ends up on your dash I take no responsibility for it. I use it in posts that are for me only and if they happen to resonate with others that's their choice to reblog.
I had intended to set tipping up on my blog for a while but adhd caused me to never get around to it sooo, homebrew tip button on my original posts. Feel free and outright encouraged to steal this idea <3
So yeah that's me, hiii I love you all <3
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this post is specifically a6out tum6lr user Zelda dragongirltongue
DNI list under the read more.
lmao imagine if I actually made one of those finally, that's how you'd know I've been replaced with an evil clone or something.
That being said if you're looking at my blog to send me an ask or dm about what someone gets off to please understand unless they're actively hurting someone I rly don't care. I have a lot of ignored and blocked anons about this.
This goes double if the person you're trying to alert me to is trans femme, we don't play that game here, especially given that I know I've been targetted for things as simple as engaging in vore the wrong way for some people or whatever.
Like, I just want to make it clear I rly don't give a fuck what another adult does in the bedroom, I rly don't care if the bedroom happens to include their blog and I rly don't care if they like to flirt about it with other adults on this website.
Also if your pinned post is a callout for anyone about anything it's likely to set off my paranoia around you, which is to say I will not be able to trust you if this is the case even if it's for someone who's actually a danger to a community, like, actively.
Like, this ain't a moral stance or anything, it's a mental health thing. I see that you want to make your first point of contact into a crosshair on someone else I'm gonna be scared you're gonna aim at me next even if it's completely reasonable that you'd never find anything objectionable with me. It scares me and I'm gonna spend every interaction walking on egg shells around you cos what if you're digging for dirt, like, I got no way of knowing.
Anyway as the opening joke implies I don't see any worth in having a list of things to not interact with me over cos the lived experience on this planet is so full of nuance and I've formed deem friendships with people who'd probably have avoided me if I had a DNI and they cared about it.
I think DNIs are dumb but this feels like a space to talk about some general limits on what I'm gonna put up with on this website. I'm just here for a good time with other freaks, anything else is optional. If you want to drag me into your discourse at this point then I guess this is whre I ask you to Do Not Interact. To anyone else, I love yall <3
If you've been directed here after sending an ask my way please apologize for wasting my time [here]
tl;dr DNIs are dumb but don't drag me into your personal grievances with others.
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this post is still specifically a6out tum6lr user Zelda dragongirltongue [tip]
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bettsfic · 8 days
Hi, Betts! Apologies if you‘ve already answered something of the sort before, I tend to forget that tumblr exists for a few months every once in a while, so I‘m not super up to date with all the topics you‘ve previously discussed! But. I‘ve been writing fics for a couple of years now and, after getting medicated for my adhd, I‘ve also established a pretty reliable and enjoyable system to finish the (long) fic projects I start! However, every time I try to work on something original, I usually tap out after 5-10k words. The excitement, the itch, the brainrot, the daydreaming, it‘s all there but I just lose my motivation at a certain point. Part of it is that creating and writing original characters is incredibly challenging. I‘m using to having a solid base when I write fic characters so it makes sense that having to come up with that base all by myself is new and slightly overwhelming, but ok, I already have ideas to deal with that. However, there is also the fact that I *know* my original stories won’t see the light of day for a hot while — not like my fics that I get to share on ao3 — and that kills my ends up killing my motivation more often than not… I think! Some of my friends and mutuals have offered to beta/read my original stories, so that could help, but since I‘m here writing this, I still haven’t found that push to properly work on my original wips. (Also, I feel like my original writing style is just 10x worse than my fic style… but maybe that‘s just the normal new project bad kind of writing?) I was wondering if you have dealt with something similar and whether you have any tips and tricks to convince myself that my original wips are fun and worth the effort too? Love your advice and your fics :3
when you've written fanfic for a long time, there's one creative muscle that can atrophy, and that's building parameters. in fanfic, the most ridiculous, far fetched AU is still grounded in some way by the text it's responding to. you're playing a game that more or less already has rules. but in original fiction, you have to write the rules before you can play the game. a lot of times that means you write an entire book to figure out the book you're trying to write, and then you rewrite the book.
i almost always come to a grinding halt at about 10k of any original project because that's how long it takes me to find the parameters of the inciting incident. and once i have the parameters, i start over. usually there's one or two paragraphs i keep and which end up guiding the rest of the project. sometimes the parameters are never set and i have to set the whole thing down until a solution comes to me, which can take months or years.
as for external validation/motivation, if you can find a couple good cheerleaders who will read chapters as you finish them and who get invested in the story you're writing, i find that can offer a simulacrum of the immediate satisfaction of posting/updating a fic. i had to have cheerleaders through my first two original novels. i can motivate myself now and don't need them anymore, but lacking them does make writing original work a very lonely endeavor. but if you have good cheerleaders, do whatever you can to keep them. buy them little trinkets, send them birthday cards, kiss them on the mouth. because that kind of friendship and dedication can be such a rarity in the grand scheme of things.
and as always, writing is an endurance sport. it can take years to build up the patience, discipline, and drive to write a novel. even if it doesn't feel like it, getting down a bunch of false starts is still progress. like chess, it's good to know your opening moves, and that initial 5-10k of parameter-building goes waaaaay faster when you know you're going to scrap it anyway. all you're looking for in those early words is that one paragraph that turns the ignition. and once you're on the road and headed in a direction, there's no better feeling than seeing your word count go up and getting obsessed with your own world and characters.
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crushthecore · 2 months
Hey so I impulsively decided to make this blog for the purpose of making friends and uhh idk where to start do I just put my interests out there and people pop out of nowhere,^^`π¢√|ππ`°€°€ Anyways soo at the time it's 2am, so bare with me, sorry if some things are grammatically wrong or/and don't make sense, I know all of this has a bunch of errors. Kinda rushed through this all..:D 
Here's an interest board🙏 this contains like the music I like, movies, and stuff,,,tbh I have some shit in here that I haven't watched cuz of my lazy ass but I really want to, does it count😞 i am interested in it
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If I'm being honest some of these aren't really my current interests, or I'm just rusty in my knowledge abt em, but I haven't been interested in some things for awhile so it would be boring if I had only a few things in there soo (I barely do anything with my life but sleep. I don't even watch shows anymore, ikik boring I'm trying to convince my mom to buy me the CSM manga at the moment though. I'll have something to yap abt, maybe.🙏🙏) 
EDIT: looking back at this I forgot to include some other stuff that I'm also interested in but I forgot abt it at the time of making this... anywho I'll make an updated interest post or something if I'm motivated enough 2 do it
!! Some extra stuff that may be useful to know, to you knowww know what you're getting into. 🤔:3
Ahem ahem, I have social anxiety which means I most likely won't text you first unless I really really force myself too or/and I really like you and think you are very cool. So if u wanna be friends with me, using the anon question option thingy would be a nice first step. :D
I get attached extremely fast uhhh🤔🤔yea, oh and I'm extremely clingy so if someone texting you every 30 minutes (or minute, jkjk) sounds like a no go, than I'm not a good fit to be your friend.^_^  BUT. I also have my times where I feel like talking to no one so uhhhsidnjddj. I have no life so that's what probably contributes to me being attached to someone, maybe, probably...😇 (dumbass)
MY TIME ZONE: PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
BEWAREE⚠️I sometimes joke around meanly so let me know if that ain't your thing, also I SOMETIMES get a little tooooo sentimental so I should probably stop playing around like that but I'll let you know if you passed a limit. Also I don't think I joke around very mean, but just to be safe. Please don't let this be a turn off. 🙏 Some examples of the jokes I may make are like "kys" and uhm yea. My minds kinda blank right now I'm getting a little tired, but my jokes consist of suicide, bombing places I don't like(school) and some other ones.So idk if it's heavilyyy offensive humor but some people don't take a liking to it so I thgouht it would be imporant to add
I feel like writing down a whole DNI list is gonna be uhh time consuming, will it take a long timr??? Some that I can name on the top of my head rn are proshippers, homophobes, and transphobes. But anyways I'll just block you if you're weird weird (in a bad way) so like age regrresors, (SFW) furries, witches, emos, oher co ol people i hsve forggteten, PLEAESRETEGD let me be ur friend 😞
I'm 14 btw,, the age range I'm aiming to become friends with is 13-16
Idk if I'd be down to be friends with people younger than 13 or older than 16, we'll see. 🤷🤷 But 13-16 people PLEASEEe INTERACT.
I'm not even kidding I'm so desperate for social interaction blehdhdhhd, I hate being an introverted socially anxious loser🤬🤬/hj :3 but please guys🙏🙏 I will worship the ground you walk on I need some friends
ONE. LASTM THING. When I talk to someone new I usually talk, uhh, formally??? Kind of, I get anxious talking to others so I'm so sorry if I seem uptight💔 I swear I'll warm up after some time, the more consistent the interactions, the faster I get used to you and warm up^^
I feel like I'm forgetting to write something else uhh, I'll update if anything important comes to my mind later, maybe (sorry for the messy formatting btw I lost all my progress when I was trying to make it pretty so I just gave up)
Well this is going to be embarrassing if this doesn't have any results errmmfjfjfjjffi I had been contemplating on doing this for awhile, praying to God at least one person reaches out 🙏🙏
 I don't even believe in that mf ☹️ 
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astroyongie · 1 year
Hi yongie, I really hope you are doing better mentally ❤️
In the time you've been gone I've really missed your posts and ended up going back to read them and found a bunch of asks I'd sent you but never seen the answer to 😭 I guess I couldn't keep up with your updates which is amazing because that I read your Tumblr the same as if I were reading a newspaper lol. Anyway, in one of these you asked me for Jungkook's chart and I ended up not sending it.
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•I really wanted to know if with his birth time right, he would still be this type that flirts a lot and if he would still cheat if he felt bored??
• Is the description of red flags and how he would be dating based only on the chart or on a little bit of what you know about him in the tarot too? I had this doubt because you and other astrologers here on Tumblr always say that Leo is a sign that is more difficult to cheat on because it is fixed. He also has scorpio and virgo in his chart, usually these signs are not very known for cheating.
• His Venus in Libra is one degrees of Cancer, would that make him more stable and sentimental in a relationship or would he just be more needy and would he cheat more easily for those who paid more attention to him?
•The sun and mercury are also in degrees of scorpio (besides his Mars is also in scorpio), does that count for anything?
• not to mention the houses too
LMAO I've said too much, I'll stop. I'm sorry for asking so many questions, I'm not doubting what you said about JK, I'm just really curious☠️☠️ I'm trying to figure out what makes this doberman an international playboy based on astrology 🩷
Hey love! i will try to answer your questions by actually analyzing Jungkook's chart completely !
Jungkook Birth Chart Analysis :
Moon Leo 1st house: He is unable to hide his true self and his emotions. Jungkook is someone that is very vocal about who he is, and doesn't like to hide what he has inside of him. So he can often come out as someone rude and full of himself, as he is someone that has high self-esteem and knows his worth. He is an exteriorized person, meaning that when he feels happy he shows it with laughter, when he is sad he shows it through crying and quietness and when he is angry he shows it through violence and recklessness. To finish, he also has a big heart, he is funny and naturally charming
Sun Virgo 2nd house: He is a money person, his whole identity and persona is based on how much he has and how much he can show to others. In other words, Jungkook is a hard worker since his image is something very important to him and he wouldn't be able to deal with the fact that he hasn't enough. He has a materialistic personality, but he is also an analyzer and very down to earth.
Mercury Virgo 2nd house: this is also tangled with his personality to say at best, Jungkook, like I said, is someone very materialistic, and he sees people, work,s and his life as such. He can sometimes be very picky with how he talks and has relationships. He wouldn't want to get mentally involved with someone "lower" than him. He has a mind for the business and he is quite smart as well. He plays dumb to get what he wants, but inside his brain, he has a whole plan.
Venus Libra 3rd house: Don't get fooled, this placement makes Jungkook an expert with words. He is able to seduce people through his voice, through the way he expresses himself. Usually, it's very easy for him to make people fall in love and to make a play out of others. Although he is a 50/50 when it comes to being a player in his life, Jungkook can easily get dependent on people that stimulate him mentally. He is able to make you believe whatever he wants.
Mars Scorpio 4th: He is extremely possessive of what is his. He is especially very attracted and protective of people he considered as his family and he would hurt anyone who tries to hurt his loved ones. Jungkook is an emotional actor, and his Moon in 1st House really makes him driven through emotions. He has a hard time controlling his feeling and always acts based on them. He has no chill whatsoever. Also when it comes to sexuality, he is a possessive lover, with kinks that are usually very rough, and harsh and can include pregnancy kinks.
Pluto Sagittarius 5th: He was made to be on stage, Jungkook has an incredible artistic side of himself due to his versatile way of being. He has enough resources to become however he wants, has a huge adaptation capacity and his sociable side also makes him very lucky in love and friendships. Other than that Jungkook is always innovating and changing who he is, adapting himself to the public eye (although this is also valable to his private life)
Neptune Capricorn 6th: Usually Neptune and the 6th house are a blessing and a curse at the same time. His mental health and his physical health are connected, so basically when he isn't in good mental condition, it will show in his physical health and vice versa. Jungkook as a bad habit of trying to control his condition, his life, and his routines but when Neptune is retrograde, he can easily get stuck in unhealthy pattern habits.
Uranus Aquarius 6th: This comes tangled with the Neptune placement because once more it talks about the way he tries to control his daily routines, however, he is always changing and getting new things to do. He just needs to have the perception that he is under control of his life. Also Jungkook doesn't really like routines, so he enjoys innovating and changing his life every now and then, as long as he is the one moving the cords
Jupiter Aquarius 7th: He is extremely lucky in love, he is able to attract people very easily, people fall under his charms like flies and he doesn't need to do much to get them hooked. However Jungkook also is someone that doesn't like to be trapped in relationships, so he gets easily bored of them and he prefers to have several experiences and enjoy his life. He loves love, sex, and relationships in general, he just doesn't like the responsibility that it impacts.
Empty Pisces 8th: This boy might sometimes use sex when he is in deep emotional turmoil. He gets easily upset when things don't go his way. Again this is more dealing with his controlling side. He can get easily desperate and In a bad state when things don't go according to the plan.
Saturn Aries 9th: He has a feverous belief, whether it's on god or any religion, he does believe that there's someone out there. Jungkook also has a very strong manifestation power, he is able tot make his dreams come true, also the Aries energy makes it even more strong when the emotions driven are anger and energy. He really is smart and has the potential to become someone who leads others
Empty Taurus 10th: Once more this placement shows how much money is important to him, how materialistic he is, and also how careless he is with managing his money. He doesn't invest, since he is too attached to loving luxury things, he spends a lot of money just for the public eye to recognize him.
Empty Gemini 11th: To be honest this placement shows two things. First that Jungkook isn't the type to be a very good friend, due to his multiple facets and secondly also he always ends up in friendships with people that are fake with him and usually around him for his positions. It's always relationships of interest
Empty Cancer 12th: He can get depressed and overly emotional easily, he doesn't deal well with stress, sadness and negative feelings in general. He can easily get emotionally overwhelmed by things which can create a whole "mea culpa" from his side.
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dreamingdarklyblog · 5 months
Heeey guys. So I felt like I needed to post something that isn't uh... you know, rambling nonsense while I'm out of my damn mind.
Things have been hectic because of serious things (see here https://dreamingdarklyblog.tumblr.com/post/736249886351245312/heres-the-deal) But @jerolk has still been finding time to mess with me >_<
It's been... really hot. But also confusing. Lots of things run together in my head and I get kind of mixed up about a lot of stuff. He's been playing with my tits a lot. By which I mean making them really big and having them take over my thoughts and make me all slutty and horny...
It's... disturbingly hot >_<. But also I tend to not remember lots of parts. Lately they've been... whispering to me. In my head. Making me think things. Feel things... He even set it up so they can use some of my triggers sometimes. Which is really ... Hot. but confusing. Conflicting. You know?
I don't know >_<. Feeling them playing with my head... They're really mean to me sometimes. I think they get off on making me all dumb and, like, tit obsessed and stuff. Just getting bigger and bigger and more powerful till I'm just a pair of slutty titts.
Fuck. I'm getting worked up thinking about it. >_< Sorry, I'm trying. I um. He's been putting things in my head and trying to change things, but it's really hard for me to tell what. I just know somethings are changing. I've been thinking about it a lot while I rub, him changing me... My tits controlling me... It's so hot I justget so worked up and need to rub but it's just so hardto cum. I think he made it so i couldn't cum without him for a while, it's not really clear... i know sometmes when im talking to him i just.. cum. out of nowhere, its really hot, knnowing he can do that, just, make me.. i dont
Oh fuck, i think he left a surprise for me >_< my tits are bigger than when i started writing >_< fuck... they feel so good. like lots bigger like.. um.. ill find a picture
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fuck i fortot. i cant post any of the things i have cause i cant post naked tits... went looking for dressed pictures but, lookingat all those slutty tits diddn't reallyhelp me being distracted >_< imrubbing typing now, i cant help ittt >_<
fuckki can hear them.. theyre whispering again itsmakes it so hardto think andddd fuckk
theyrebiggerr god theyrestill growing fuckkkicnattt
Heeeeey guys. Miss me? It's Liriel's tits. Dumb slut is rubbing her needy little clit silly trying to cum. Poor thing. She's just a pair of tits now. Lol. Us. Sorry we haven't been posting much. It's hard to get a chance. @jerolk set this up yesterday to mess with her. Such a silly little tit slut isn't she?
Anyway. You guys should send us more comments and questions and stuff. We can't really respond most of the time =/. But we can still get messages. And you should totally send @jerolk your thoughts and ideas and stuff on what to do with this needy hypnoslut ;). I'm sure he appreciates the feedback, lol.
Anyway, excuse us, we're gonna go play with our little toy. Make her cum her slutty brains out ;). Any thoughts on what we should do to her? Or next time... cause I doubt you'll reply before she needs to think again right now, lol
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zombeebunnie · 4 months
Trembling Essence [Extended Demo]:💙Quality of life changes + Q&A.💙
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Hello and welcome new followers! To show my appreciation for all the support I've received again, here's one of the Valentines Day concept drawings finished! A big thank you to everyone that has continued supporting this through a like, re-blog, fanart, comment, tip jar, share, etc. :,]
I wasn't expecting it to take as long as it did but I'm very happy with the result and how much I've been improving! I'm not too good at drawing angled faces so being able to get it to look just right made me very happy! :,]
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I still have this one to go so hopefully at some point I'll have it done!
Quality of life changes:
*Please note that these changes aren't in the [Extended Demo] yet! It'll be something for me to work on adding and I'll let it be known in a update post!
Now that it's been two weeks of the [Extended Demo] being released, It's time to go over some changes to help the player out when going through the game!
I noticed from comments and playthrough's that certain Bad endings/Neutral story progressions were difficult to find, especially the full afternoon route. I don't want players to feel burnt out from trying to search for everything.
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I want to add a check-list menu that shows all the Bad/Neutral endings you can get while playing so it's easier to navigate the game.
2. For those that are new or have been here for some time, entering the cabin with Noah starts Day 3 due to the player(Y/N) being lost in the terrain for 2 and a half days which Noah mentions. Sometimes this can get confusing since some consider it Day 1 while the game considers it Day 3.
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It's still up in the air about how I'm going to go on about this but I'm thinking about adding a little notification tab in the upper left corner of the game to notify the player(Y/N) of what day it is in the game to resolve confusion.
3. I talked about this last week but I didn't know until recently that the tags I use for Trembling Essence were very unorganized and hard to search through.
I went through and tried my best to re-organize all of the lore and art about Noah/game posts. I also cleaned up the #Trembling Essence tag since it was flooded with game development posts and not much else. I'm also working on a master post and plan on creating some reference sheets of Noah which will be placed under a different tag! :]
#Get to know: Noah : This will be filled with answered asks and lore dump. Sometimes(?) there's random dev-logs that have lore attached to them too. #TE Updates : This only includes dev-logs/updates about the game and development progress. #Trembling Essence : This tag is mainly used to post fan art / art and anything else in general that might belong here which includes lore posts. I really want searching through the tag to be enjoyable and not filled with a bunch of dev-logs.
Q&A / Ask box is open:
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I would really like to hear from you guys!
I really wanted some of the lore to be found through playing versus me just answering everything. :]
If you've already sent in a ask, I did see it I just need time to answer since I like to respond with doodles/drawings and helps me practice. :]
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That's all I have to share right now! Thank you for the continued support, I wholeheartedly appreciate it. :,]
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lovelyelbowleech · 2 months
All's Fair is incredible! I am on my third re-read and it is just as much of an emotional gutpunch as it was the first time. The emotional impact sneaks up on me every time, even when I know what's coming. It blows my mind how carefully woven everything is. Even just small characterizing details that help make the characters and situations feel so real. You also have a way of writing that flows so smoothly with the emotions each character is feeling, like I don't know how to describe it but it's so well-paced and descriptive and I can picture and feel everything when reading it both from the characters POV and also in a more objective sense at the same time, which is extremely difficult to pull off in my opinion. It is insane to me how easy you make it seem with your writing.
Another thing, too, is that this doesn't even really feel like an alternate universe. It's like you shifted one thing in the beginning with a little flick and we're seeing the ripple effects of that play out naturally, as though you're just sitting back and reporting your findings instead of crafting an entirely new story from thin air. Everyone is so in character that I can hear their voices in every line. Even your OCs feel 'In character' even though you literally created them for the story lmao?? Like I actually forget they're not canon characters sometimes.
ANYWAY- I got sidetracked. my intention for this ask was to actually ask how you pictured some of your characters in more detail. I want to draw art of my favorite scenes and am trying to compile little snippets of character appearances, particularly of Guo, Yuxuan, and Haoyu. I have sincerely contemplated starting a google doc to catalogue all the little details of every character, even the minor ones, like a Pokémon deck I can flip open and consult whenever I want to refresh my memory.
Thank you so much for such a lovely comment, it was wonderful to wake up to! I am glad you are enjoying the fic so much (enough for a reread or two even!) There is some really high praise there, and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy 😂❤️
It is always very exciting when folk say they want to draw art of the fic (even if its just for themselves!) So I will try to add a more detailed description to the character description page I have somewhere. There is not too much in the way of description of the OC's in the actual fic - and there is certainly no wrong way to depict them in art! What is in the fic is not hugely detailed 😂 but a very brief collection of the descriptions would be:
Guo: Short and stocky, facial hair, and a wide craggy face. Big broad hands. Hair currently short (post East Lake) gruff and grumpy to look at.
Haoyu: on the shorter side of average, about 18, round face, green eyes and dark brown hair, currently cut short (post East Lake). Very earnest and open looking face (which has been used to get him out of trouble more than once)
Yuxuan: a year or two older than Haoyu, long dark brown/black hair and honey coloured eyes. Good looking, and has a certain amount of rakish charm.
I am not sure if that is helpful or not! I will try to update the character sheet with additional OC's this week if I can. And thank you again for the wonderful ask!
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bcacstuff · 5 months
Hey BC!! I’ve been taking a break from the whole Outlander/Sam/tumblr thing for a bit. I’m re-reading the books and I still follow Sam on IG but I just kinda needed a break you know?
Anyways, yours is really the only one I bother to look at here and I always value your truthful, insightful posts.
You have, in the past, done some major updates on the goings on and I was wondering a)if you’ve done one lately; or b)if you could?
Last thing I really saw was all his liquor peddling all summer. I cannot remember any female rumours or stories since maybe the one who was on the plane heading to Scotland?
Anyways, just curious and knew you’d know.
Hi @bethune welcome back! 😊 Thanks for the nice words. I can understand we all sometimes feel we need a break from all the shenanigans and drama. At least I hope that was the reason you took a break and nothing something else serious in your live.
I don't know exactly what you consider a 'major update'. All stayed the same more or less, the discussions, the way people try to connect him to women but nothing of the kind. No proof or facts that can be seen as evidence for something.
The woman you're talking about, I think was KE. But she's already history for a long time and replaced by a number of others for who there is not any proof either 😂. All same old same old stories.
After last summer people tried to connect him unsuccessfully to a woman known from the Zanzibar Saga. Sam was a number of times in London, like last September when he was back in the UK for a bit and huge discussions because he wore some rings. People tried to spin it as if there was any proof in it and tried to connect her as well as other women to him. Nothing that can be seen as the slightest indication. But you know this fandom, their fantasies are most of the time much more fun than a simple truth.
Last week when he was in London, the said woman from the Zanzibar Saga posted a selfie in a plane. Where the plane was flying to? No idea, nobody knows, but as Sam went to London about at the same time, easy a story was doing the rounds she'll be meeting him there. And when a fan who posted a pic with him on a shuttle boat told he was with a female friend, it all fed the new shenanigan even more.
Alas we also found out someone who saw him 2 days in a row, said he was both days alone and had his pic taken with him. And we know he had a hair cut on one of those days. Anyway.... nothing else to see there. And despite pics from said woman (I really don't want to have her name on my blog and give her any exposure, because I think she's trolling and playing the fandom) that might look like 'his favorite hotel' in London. Sorry, they're not. They have some furniture that can be found in a lot of hotels, mostly Firmdale hotels. They have 5 hotels in London, 3 in NYC and several Town houses as well. They're all styled the same way. And that's all there is to it. Nothing more, no proof and all I can say is that I could only repeat my ending conclusions I did in the Zanzibar Saga post. I do not see any connection between her and him, even more I see more proof on the contrary. But as always, people can make up their own minds, but people should also be aware, I don't post about this and all these similar rumours unless there is really something that makes sense or has a lot of merit in it.
For you @bethune If you like to read up I can refer you to my timelines, this is the last one I posted up to September last year. Links to previous timelines can always be found at the bottom of these posts. And of course you can always check things in my archive as well.
And maybe my most 'major update' last year was his birthday video with his friends, I still love that one 😊 so much fun.
Thanks again for your lovely message and happy reading 😉
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
Can I pls pls plssss get some fluff with how the THH boys would propose and what the wedding would be like???
THH Boys proposing and wedding headcanons
Yay!! Not only do I have a husband, but today I received a message from the most blessed anon saying how much they adore byakuya and my writing, so I found this one to do for them!! This one goes out to you!!
update: hey guess what's up it's me posting again sorry I've been partying. can everyone whisper under their breath "mod souda and the guitarist he likes are going to go on a date" thank you i miss my husband i want to see him again. manifestation.
currently playing: massage asmr videos on youtube because i'm obsessed
-Mod Souda
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Byakuya Togami
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❤ When he proposes, he makes it something magnificent. I imagine it will be either at an elegant ball somewhere in royal Europe, else somewhere more local, but it has to be somewhere where he is one of the main attractions, and somewhere royal n elegant.
❤ Not that he worries about you saying no, he is actually 90% positive you will say yes. The 10% is if he spontaneously combusts before the day comes.
❤ Byakuya is not going to go down on one knee for you.
❤ He is instead going to lean into your ear, holding you and looking at you as if you are a deity, and ask you politely. You've almost never heard his voice so soft.
❤ You almost doubt his intentions. Is he being hyperbolic? Is this some way the high society talks?
❤ The engagement party is very traditional and very expensive. You are the center of attention almost the entire time, it got a little frightening, especially when some of the attendees have like 100,000x your salary.
❤ Imagine that ring though ohhh my god.
❤ And the wedding can literally be anywhere but he asks that it's an inside wedding and that the place looks baller asf. But you can pick the city / country. If you're indifferent, then his family will probably enforce that it takes place in a shrine, and he'll go along with this.
❤ Beyond his usual black suit, I think he will wear a light gray one with black underneath, just to make the distinction.
❤ I know most weddings are invite only but this one is literally invite only like no +1's or anything and you gotta show your invite before you sit down.
❤ He will fly your family [birth or otherwise] to come and attend, and he will pay for seamstresses and shit to make them the most beautiful outfits.
❤ He high-key wants a theme, but he is going to be like "oh yeah, my lover requests that..." as if he isn't the one with the idea. He doesn't want to appear as a bridezilla even as the groom (is that just, an asshole?).
❤ He scolds the seamers a lot, I feel like this is just a given.
❤ I don't think there are any recordings of the wedding, and the wedding photographers are only for like the posed photos, not the actual ceremony, and maybe the reception.
❤ Live music!! Very traditional music.
❤ The wedding lasts a long time and at first, it was very serious, having minimal smiles, but once everything went on, it became very joyous. It became a celebration.
❤ There were flowers all over the head table, and every time you see those flowers anywhere else it reminds you of your wedding.
Hagakure Yasuhiro
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❤ He will sit inside, whether a building or a car, and watch the fire from Omizutori festival, seeing it from the distance. He takes it as a bit of good omen.
❤ He will worry about it like HELLA and he will rely on his mom to calm him down.
❤ His mom has a very important part in this entire thing. She is giving him the most advice she can possibly give and she is trying to help him to the best of her abilities. Sometimes she has to grab him by the shoulders and shake him.
❤ He will be getting down on one knee for you. He will not be making eye contact with you because that's too scary. He will also probably speak too quietly at first.
❤ I think he's do it either at a shrine or some other place he feels he is most comfortable.
❤ The engagement ceremony is simple, it's just his mother meeting some of your closest people, whether it's your family or those you consider your family.
❤ His mother is so like happy with this entire situation, even if it's not too obvious. I feel as if if you've been hanging out with his mother then you can really notice how more delighted she seems about the situation.
❤ The wedding has colors of neutrals. I feel as if it's going to take place in a forest, like a thick forest.
❤ His hair will be tied up and it'll look so cute!! He'll have his little glasses on, too.
❤ A lot of fairy lights, the wedding site is going to have beautiful golden lights.
❤ He isn't too worried about things such as catering or music, so you can come up with ideas on that.
❤ He wants a dance floor, though. He wants somewhere where the two of you can share that stereotypical romantic moment.
❤ The dining room table is stacked with movies that involve weddings. He just wanted to see what the average wedding is portrayed as. Studying, almost.
❤ Give him a bunch of kisses because goodness is he so anxious.
❤ ^ This is mostly because he wants to look dressed up. Plus, Togami is gonna be there, too, and he doesn't want that guy to make him feel insecure about his dressing.
❤ After the wedding, alone in a room with you he will just sit down, pull you into his lap, rest his face against your back and start to cry.
Hifumi Yamada
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❤ The proposal will be surrounding something that you like. He listens to like everything you say and keeps mental notes of things you like and don't like. This is mainly because gift-giving culture is something he takes very seriously, obviously as a fanfic creator, but it proves to come handy.
❤ Do you like amusement parks? He will propose to you there. Do you like hiking? Any sports? Anime conventions? National parks?
❤ And the ring will be whatever color you want - he doesn't care about social rules when it comes to your happiness.
❤ Tbh I think he'd let you pick out the ring.
❤ But as he is proposing he is so so so worried about whether you'd say yes or not. It's not about if you love him, it's about if he thinks you consider him someone you'd want to spend the rest of your life with.
❤ He tries to be kind, and considerate, and even a person you'd consider a husband, but there is always an insecurity about what you might be secretly thinking about him.
❤ When you say yes, he gets more excited than you.
❤ His engagement party is shared with his sister and those close to you. His sister is very much like him, though she is a lot friendlier to strangers.
❤ The actual wedding he will like beg to have anime influences, and it depends on your answer.
❤ He loves you so much that if you say no, he will respect it, except not really because he's gonna sneak something (like a anime girl pin on his tux).
❤ He highkey wants some aspects to be pink, because that's almost his comfort color. He turns to Princess Piggles in time of need.
❤ Pink table cloths maybe.
❤ Tbh knowing him like, listen, you could rent out a room at an anime convention right and have the wedding there, and there will be his fans there to support you guys. That is a plausibility.
❤ He just wants the wedding to have a sense of community. He's had a hard time interacting with people, especially when it comes to telling if they're being nice or not, so having a group of people who he knows wants to be there for him is all he asks for.
❤ And also he wants to see you dressed all formal. He's gonna make that the image that appears on the back of his eyelids.
❤ I don't think he knows how to dance so the First Dance will be interesting.
❤ But no matter what, he is going to have such a blast during that mf wedding like he is so happy to be there with you.
❤ He might start wearing a badge that says I'm married.
Makoto Naegi
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❤ His idea of a proposal is a classic one. He wants to go classic incase he gets bad luck from trying to think out of the box.
❤ It'll probably be under a cherry blossom tree, or even a mistletoe if you're a fan of Christmas.
❤ He will take your hands in his and tell you how important you are to him and how special you make him feel.
❤ He is always affectionate, but those words were a little too affectionate for him. When he got down on his knee you finally realized what it all was for.
❤ He was actually a bit nervous around you saying yes.
❤ Actually as he was proposing to you Kirigiri was lurking like in the shadows from far away.
❤ The engagement party is very traditional and very expensive. You are the center of attention almost the entire time, it got a little frightening, especially when some of the attendees have like 100,000x your salary.
❤ Pretty ring!
❤ He doesn't have a set idea for a wedding, but he has fantasized about getting married to you since he's fallen in love with you so he has some idea.
❤ He's kinda a push-over though so your opinion overweighs any of his.
❤ His suit is going to be a pale color! Not black.
❤ And he wants you to invite as many people as you like. He wants to meet all of your friends and family (and he will be nervous as shit as he does so).
❤ He wants you to meet all of his friends, too! You've been a handful of them, but the Hope's Peak graduates are always all over the place internationally.
❤ He is the one that crafts the menu and organizes the playlist.
❤ Maizono is in the back of the ceremony just recording it on her phone.
❤ ^ She'll perform a song for the two of you, too.
❤ His friends literally liven up the wedding so an insane level. There is never a second where there isn't something going on. The distractions give enough time for you and him to exchange a few kisses.
Ishimaru Kiyotaka
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❤ He is literally pissing himself crying at trying to plan this.
❤ He is planning everything about the day, and he swears if something even goes the littlest bit of wrong he's going to have a panic attack.
❤ It's at a shrine. He helps you go up the steps and the entire time he is like shaking. You can tell he is obviously going to piss himself.
❤ Every "what's wrong?" gets combatted with him dramatically brushing it off.
❤ Nothing is wrong, he says. Everything is going right.
❤ His hands are shaky. More than anything, he is worried you're going to say no, and he is worried that you don't want to live your life with him - a nuisance.
❤ He rehearsed what he is going to say. He speaks it clearly - he is good when it comes to things like that, rehearsed speeches.
❤ He is not very slick about his intentions, though. You catch on, and to you it's the matter of whether you let him finish or not.
❤ The engagement party is very traditional and very expensive. You are the center of attention almost the entire time, it got a little frightening, especially when some of the attendees have like 100,000x your salary.
❤ Puts his entire life and soul into that ring.
❤ He wants the wedding to be at a shrine. He thinks it's a beautiful location, and he wants good fortune to come to the two of you.
❤ The suit is one the two of you will pick together, and this is just because he was too nervous to pick something you didn't like. The two of you went suit shopping together.
❤ His family monitor who you invite. Backround checks and the such are mandatory.
❤ But whoever you invite are 100% coming to the wedding, and his family can ensure that.
❤ The wedding stresses him out, and you'll need to reassure him and remind him that the two of you have luck on your side.
❤ "Everything will be okay."
❤ And everything was okay! Nothing bad happened, which he is more than happy about. the reception.
❤ His family enjoyed the wedding, which is another major plus for him. That was something that stressed him out, too. The positive appraise and the fact that they sent your family off with smiles and pleasantries is something that hammers in the fact that his life with you is going to be perfect.
Mondo Oowada
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❤ Ishimaru is in his ear telling him to do something fancy and not something whimsical, but that just isn't who he is.
❤ When he proposes to you, it's like when the two of you met for the first time. He was so anxious, he was fidgeting with his own fingers, and he could hardly control the levels of his voice - he was blushing and yelling.
❤ So yeah, it's just like that ^.
❤ A lot of "so fucking uhhhh".
❤ It's either a stolen ring or like a lifesavers.
❤ He will propose in the darkness of the night, maybe under a streetlamp in a place for from the city. He's not the type to get down on one knee. He's going to hold your hands and ask with an unsure voice.
❤ Zero eye contact. Zero eye contact.
❤ When you say yes, you need to give him a big hug. He deserves it so much. Free him.
❤ The engagement party would probably be skipped, which is something completely not a casual decision, but he is settling with letting you visit his brother's grave with him.
❤ The two of you have a reserved seat for him at the main table, too.
❤ A lot of the detailing stuff is very timid, he doesn't care about what the wedding looks like as long as you are happy and as long as it's not in hot weather.
❤ The ring is something he does put consideration and time into btw like he wants it to be gorgeous. That ring is how people are gonna know that you are his.
❤ Yeah he's kinda against an outside wedding like that shit is gonna annoy the shit outta him with the weather and bugs and stuff.
❤ His suit is something he takes seriously, too. He wants to look dapper. Maybe a low ponytail if he's feeling affectionate enough.
❤ Omg tin cans tied to the back of the bike.
❤ He is going to be hella nervous to meet your friends. It's gonna be like, almost as nervous as he was to propose to you.
❤ He wooulldd prefer if the wedding was themed more dark colors, or if the music he likes played. He'll sneak something in.
❤ His gang will be attending and that just adds to the whole aesthetics of the place.
❤ If some of them are in bands he's going to let them play.
❤ He's surprised at how long weddings last. He thought he was just going to put the ring ons and eat and get it done with.
❤ He has such a fun time hanging out with you in the formal clothes. He feels like a prince.
Leon Kuwata
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❤ Would probably propose in front of a bunch of people.
❤ I think naturally he's going to be nervous about it, but that doesn't mean he isn't confident in your relationship. He knows you love him, so that means you'll marry him, right?
❤ Thank god the answer was yes.
❤ I literally cannot imagine him doing it anywhere else other than his games.
❤ Which can be a bit embarrassing for you but hey. Romance.
❤ He proposed with such passion and belief, it was impressive. He put so much love into those words and that ring.
❤ Engagement party very sweetening. Kanon isn't too happy but.
❤ The thing he is worried about is picking out the perfect ring.
❤ He is going to try to do something different with his hair. One of the attempts is to pull it back but he doesn't find much appeal in that. Taming it is kinda hard.
❤ Leon in a black suit with a cute red bowtie. He might have a goodluck flower on his breast pocket too.
❤ Can one of the wedding photos include his guitar.
❤ He's picking the wedding music and it's not going to be wedding appropriate. He also tries to be very formal but after like two hours he loses the ability.
❤ There are many photos and recordings of the wedding. He wants to remember every second of it, it's the most beautiful thing to him. (And he likes looking at the photos of you the most)
❤ After awhile he's going to treat the wedding as if it's a party. This is either going to be the funnest shit or the most stressful shit.
❤ "Please don't hurt yourself Leon."
❤ Stands on a table to make an announcement.
Chihiro Fujisaki
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❤ The proposal is going to be a cute little program. He is going to watch you interact with it, and he's going to have a shy blush on his face the entire time, waiting with anticipation for you to reach the end.
❤ He will lean on your shoulder, too.
❤ He is going to cry out of happiness, too. The joy and excitement will be incredibly overstimulating.
❤ He waits to buy a ring until after the proposal. He wanted to wait until you said yes.
❤ When the two of you are engaged, he sleeps so close to you that you feel as if when you wake up, he'll have melted from the body heat.
❤ The engagement party is very casual. It'll be a small event, especially since he doesn't want to be around too many people at once. He is going to be extremely kind to all of your family.
❤ Whenever people ask how he proposed, his eyes light up as he explains his entire thought process.
❤ For the wedding, he ties his hair back. The amount of compliments he gets really helps with his confidence, and he spends a long time making sure that people will look at him with admiration in their eyes.
❤ He is going to need help picking a suit though because he doesn't have like any experience in that sort of thing.
❤ One of the sentences in his vows is relating to being secure in the fact that he will not hesitate to protect you. He's always worried that he is too weak, but now everything feels at ease.
❤ He really wants a neutral-colored theme. He likes the casualty mixed with the professionalism. He wants the place to be friendly and calming yet not straying enough to be considered a party rather than a wedding.
❤ There is not going to be a lot of people.
❤ Oh my god imagine how excited and happy his dad is going to be. His dad has always been a sweetheart to you and he is the weddings number one supporter.
❤ ^ He cries during it.
❤ The wedding isn't going to last longer than it needs to. The two of you will have a bunch of fun after the ceremony no matter what, though.
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This is in all good fun.
I decided to make this account after seeing a video with that Markiplier audio where he's smashing or passing pokemon. And I play this game with my sister all the time.
If you have a specific rockstar that you want polled or a specific look for them (young/old, with/without makeup, short/long hair, etc.) just send it and it'll be posted. if I personally don't feel like they're 'rock' then I might not post them (if I do then it'll probably be set for a day). While rock is a massive genre with tons of other subgenres in it - ultimately it comes down to my opinion bc it's my blog?? Not a fan of that? Then don't follow?? Or just block me.
If you send a photo with your ask that is the photo that will be used. That being said, if you want a specific look for said rocker it's best to send a photo, I'm not a mind-reader so if I pick a photo and it's not the era you wanted I'm sorry, but no need to berate me in the tags.
I try post 5-6 polls a day and update my queue everyday. I try to queue up the asks as soon as I get them, so if yours isn't answered right away it's probably in the queue (so no need to send in the same ask multiple times) and will be posted with in a few days! If the polls are set to one day it is either because I don't deem them as 'rock' (see above) or it is a total accident, I try to queue them quickly and sometimes I forget I have to change it, and there have also been times when I do change it (or at least I think I do) and it doesn't... My bad.
As of April tenth this is the top/bottom 10
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katsigian · 11 months
My Monthly Announcement and Update <3
I'm still tracking #katsigian and I'll try my best to keep up with it even when I'm busy.
You can tag me in anything OC related, and in any gifs/edits from any game <3 I know I share a lot of cyberpunk 2077 stuff, but I'm interested in/play other games too!
I was hanging back and not super active because of a bunch of IRL stuff going on (moved provinces, employment struggle, wedding, changing medications) that kept me away, plus I've been quietly working on different modding projects that keep me busy. So, a lot of radio silence but I'm going to try be more active with my very cool and supportive mutuals <3
Also, my blog clean up is 90% done - if I've been following you for a while and you've gotten a recent re-follow from me, it was very likely because I mis-clicked while I was cleaning out bots or I got sides/mains mixed up, or I got confused about a name change 😞 I have the brain fog a lot of days you see and sometimes I don't catch on to changes right away 😞
I've also gotten a much better tagging/filtering system implemented now - if there's something you don't want to see, feel free to filter at your leisure <3 I'm still heavily OC centered, but I'm also a multifandom blog now and I'll be sharing any game that I like/any game my mutuals are playing
I'm tagging text posts and shit posts with [ misc. ] pretty pictures of random scenery as [ jpeg. ] games will be tagged with their acronym if possible, such as [ bg3 - tes - eso ] and some games will be their full names if acronyms aren't available, such as [ cyberpunk 2077 - dishonored ]
I do share some NSFW content for my OCs and OTPs sometimes, so if you want to filter all of that out, I'll be using [ nsft.] to tag them. It won't be anything extremely explicit - no hole being posted here, it'll be just mostly text posts, images, and non-explicit gifs. Mostly MLM.
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