#berlin imagine
Eine Blume auf dem Weg.
“Fate or luck. Some rare moments make us reflect on the mysteries of life and who we really are…”
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I'm not a writer because I'm not sure that everything I say ends well. I am not a poet either because I am not sure if everything I say becomes an offering, sublime poetry or if it is insulting and does not end well. I'm just a poor being. Who carries in her heart joy, the mortal grace of a woman, a hope, the reason to live to love with all her soul.
—  Juan Francisco Palencia.
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agent-grey-fics · 5 months
Breaking Point | Part 2 of ‘You don’t belong here’
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Who: Denver x reader
Wordcount: 3400
Summary: After a chaotic heist at the Royal Mint, you find yourself shot and fighting for your life. Denver, determined to prioritize saving you over the heist, resorts to extreme measures to ensure your safety. Will you survive this?
Warnings: Violence, sexual tension, injury, trauma, language
Part 2 of You don’t belong here, you can read it here: X
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A loud bang echoed through the Royal Mint. Denver and Tokyo exchanged a confused look. ‘Was that a gunshot?’ Without wasting time, they ran toward the entrance hall where they had gathered the hostages. Taking two steps at a time as they ran down the stairs. ‘What the fuck is going on?’ Tokyo yelled towards Berlin when she saw Rio on his knees, hunched over your body. Oslo and Moscow held the hostages at gunpoint, here and there a cry sounded in disbelief. A smug grin hung on Berlin’s lips, a young woman stood trembling on her legs behind him. He was disgusting, using fear to fulfil his own needs. ‘I told her to stay in line, she should not meddle in other people’s business.’ Denver could not grasp the image before his eyes. 
You lay motionless on the ground, Rio pressed his hands hard on your stomach and Nairobi looked in disbelief at Berlin casually holding a revolver in his hand. ‘He fucking shot her.’ When these words reached Denver’s ears he launched himself forward, toward the older gangster. ‘I’m going to fucking kill him!’ Denver was screaming at the top of his lungs. Tokyo did her best to stop her friend, clinging to his waist. But he was too strong. With a simple shove, he pushed her off him and she fell to the ground with a thud. Berlin pointed the gun at the young robber. “I warned her.” Denver seemed unimpressed and continued to run in his direction. Before Berlin had the chance to shoot at him, Denver had worked him to the ground and his fist collided with his jaw. ‘You piece of shit.’ Berlin resisted fiercely, allowing Denver only a few good hits at his face and body. ‘Enough!’ Tokyo crawled upright again and tried to pull Denver off of him with all her strength but it had no effect. ‘Denver stop, she needs you!’ It was Rio screaming over his shoulder to the frantic man. It wasn’t until Helsinki marched towards the two and pulled Denver backwards onto the ground with little effort that the fight stopped. 
‘You need to calm down and help me carry her towards the office space where we stationed Arturo.’ The Serb remained calm and began handing out orders to the other group members. He went into his military mode. ‘You stay the fuck here because if I see you near her again I’ll fucking kill you myself, understood?’ Berlin could only nod irritably when he heard the Serb’s words. ‘Rio and Nairobi, keep a fucking eye on him and if he tries something funny shoot him in the leg.’ ‘Yes sir!’ Nairobi gave him a military salute. ‘Tolyo, Oslo, Moscow stay with the hostages.’ 
Denver quickly crawled back on his feet and ran toward you, still lying on the floor. ‘Baby, come on open your eyes.’ His hands were trembling as he gently placed them on your face. ‘You need to apply pressure where she was shot.’ Rio nodded towards your abdomen, blood flowed down his fingers. ‘Pressure.’ Denver mumbled to himself. As Denver applied pressure onto your stomach, memories of your moments together flooded his mind. The laughter, the shared glances, the intimacy you had discovered amid chaos. Denver, usually calm under pressure, found himself teetering on the edge of despair. ‘Please babe.’
Helsinki sank to his knees next to Rio, pushing his hands away so he could place a makeshift tourniquet onto the gaping hole in your abdomen. ‘Come on sweety let’s get you patched up.’ Denver gently placed you in his arms so he could carry you towards the office space which now served as a makeshift hospital. His heart raced as he carried your limp body, your blood stained his hands, and the gravity of the situation pressed down on him like a heavyweight. Berlin had jeopardised everything, he wasn’t done with him. The heist was already stressful and chaotic since Arturo got shot on the roof. But Denver couldn’t afford to lose you, he was going to do everything in his power to make sure you were going to make it.
‘Do you see the irony of it?’ Helsinki mumbled to him as they placed her body on a table next to Arturo. ‘She was supposed to patch us up, not the other way around.’ Denver gently stroked your hair; he was afraid you were going to break under his touch. ‘I swear to god that I’ll kill Berlin for this. The bastard.’ His eyes became watery and he blinked a few times so his vision was no longer blurred. Helsinki patted him on the back. ‘Come on, your girl needs you.’ A shaky sigh left his lips. ‘Okay, what do you need from me?’ Helsinki listed a series of materials he needed.  In the confined space, he sought any medical supplies he could find. Realizing quickly that they didn’t have everything they needed. Helsinki tried his best to stabilize the girl he learned to love as a sister. ‘We’re going to do everything we can bro.’ Denver just nodded, he already knew what he was going to do. 
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Denver’s eyes were fixed on the makeshift hospital room, where Helsinki worked tirelessly to stabilize you. The urgency in the air was palpable, heightened by the earlier chaos of Arturo getting shot on the roof and of Berlin shooting you out of nowhere. Denver’s mind raced, a plan forming like a storm in his thoughts.
As Helsinki barked orders for supplies, Denver’s gaze shifted to the entrance of the Royal Mint. The deal with the police had brought surgeons to attend to Arturo, but Denver couldn’t let them focus solely on him. He had to make a bold move to ensure the surgeons would save you first.
Without a second thought, Denver bolted from the room, gun drawn, his heart pounding in his chest. He reached the entrance hall where the surgeons were setting up to attend to Arturo. Determination etched on his face, Denver intercepted the lead surgeon, a middle-aged man in a white coat. ‘Listen, you’re not working on Arturo first,’ Denver declared, his voice low and intense as he pressed the gun against the doctor’s temple. Nairobi gasped for air as she saw his move. ‘Denver, what the fuck are you doing?’. ‘She’s dying! I cannot let her die, I won’t let her die!’ Tears were welling up in his eyes again. The surgeon, taken aback, stammered, ‘But we’re here to help the hostages, that’s the deal with the police.’ Rio cautiously approached his friend. ‘Bro, think this through. We must be careful here, they are just aid workers doing their jobs.’ Denver shook his head. ‘No, they’re helping her first. Then they can help him.’ Rio raised his hands in surrender. ‘Okay, okay. I’ll go and get her here. Stay calm.’ Denver’s eyes bore into the surgeon’s around the table. “You’re going to help her first,” he pointed back toward the makeshift hospital. ‘She’s dying, and she doesn’t have time to wait for your bureaucratic protocols. Do you understand?!’
The surgeons hesitated, caught between the demand and their professional obligations. Denver, fueled by desperation and love, leaned in closer. ‘If you don’t help her, you’ll have a bloodbath on your hands. I’ll fucking kill them all.’ There was a tense moment of silence, and then they nodded, realizing the severity of the situation. Denver led him back to the room where Helsinki was working. The surgeon assessed the situation quickly, understanding the gravity of your condition.
‘Alright,’ the surgeon said, taking charge. "Hook her up to the monitor and prep a sterile field for the equipment. Now, someone assist me.’. Denver, feeling a mix of relief and determination, jumped in to assist. The room buzzed with urgency as the surgeon and the makeshift medical team worked together. Denver stole glances at you, hoping against hope that the medical intervention would be enough to save you.
As the surgeons worked to stabilise you, Denver couldn’t shake off the guilt and anger toward Berlin. He vowed silently to make the older gangster pay for what he had done. The heist had taken an even darker turn, and Denver was willing to break any rule, defy any expectation, to ensure the woman he loved would survive.
‘Clamp!’ The surgeon ordered his colleagues as he poked at you with tweezers. 'I can see the bullet, wait I-’ A clanging sound resounded as the bullet fell into the metal dish. Denver breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the metal ball on the table. ‘Needle and thread, I have to be quick.’. With determination, he began suturing the wound. 'Give her a bag of O- too, she’s going to need it.’ Denver watched with wide eyes as they hooked you up to an IV so you could get enough blood again. "Are you sure she can get O-? The surgeon nodded. 'Universal donor.’ ’ He muttered as he tied the last loop. ‘This is all we can do for her inside here, if you let her go outside with us we can guarantee her safety.’ Denver immediately shook his head. 'No, no if she goes out, she’ll get at least 30 years in prison. Is she stable?’ The surgeon nodded. 'Then she stays here.’
Helsinki moved the table you were lying on to the corner of the room. Denver followed on your heels. As soon as the Serbian led the surgeons toward Arturo, he sank down on his knees. 'We should have left while we still had the chance. I knew it. He dropped the weapon beside him and grasped his hair desperately. ‘You’re going to be okay, you have to be okay. I’m not walking out of here without you’.
You could hear what Denver was saying to you but you weren’t able to respond, you were in a strange twilight zone. You weren’t awake but you weren’t unconscious either, you had felt all the pain, it was burning. It was a strange state you were in.
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Denver stormed down the stairs straight to the entrance hall with an assault rifle in hand. ‘Denv-’ Tokyo tried to reason with him but it was to no avail. He put his Dali mask back on and pointed the rifle at Berlin’s face who was sitting on the ground near the hostages. ‘Get up.’ A cocky grin appeared on his lips. ‘What didn’t your girl make it?’ Denver was seeing red. ‘I’m going to ask you one more time and if you don’t listen I’ll blow your brains out.’ He raised his hands in surrender and stood up. He didn’t want to risk it to see if he was bluffing or not. ‘Towards the entrance.’ Denver pointed his gun towards the massive door that was shielding them from the outside. ‘You’re kidding?’ He shook his head. ‘Rio, go open the fucking door.’ Rio didn’t waste a second and ran towards his computer. ‘Everyone up, masks on and weapons at the ready!’ Tokyo yelled towards the hostages. They all obeyed and stood in a V-shape behind Denver, all their weapons pointed at Berlin. Nairobi casually walked toward him and pulled the Dali mask from his hands. ‘Didn’t think so.’ She took her place next to Rio at the door. ‘Rio, now!’. 
Before anyone could object, the young man opened the doors. 'Drive him out. The crowd stepped forward evenly with their weapons drawn so Berlin had no choice but to walk out of the bank.  ‘Adios bastard!’ Nairobi shouted. The police did not understand what was happening, one of them was thrown out of the bank. Without a mask. Within seconds they had his name: Andrés de Fonollosa. The special units marched forward and charged him. His hands were harshly held behind his back and they dragged him into the interrogation tent. As Berlin looked over his shoulder one last time, Denver raised his middle finger at him. One last sign of envy. 
Rio closed the doors before the police fully realized what just happened. When they were fully closed, Tokyo pulled off her mask. 'The professor is going to kill you. How are we ever supposed to get out of here alive?’ 'Calm down, we’ll find a solution to it. Besides, I don’t think I was the only one who wanted him out.’ Denver looked at the other gang members. Rio and Nairobi nodded in agreement; the others shrugged. 'He was just there to perform fear on the hostage takers, he had no real job. I’ll take over his duties. We’ll get out of here, with the money as agreed. Promise.’ Tokyo wearily stroked a hand through her hair. 'I hope you’re right Denver.’
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Three days had passed and you still hadn’t awakened. The gang members had planned out a rotation so there was always someone sitting by your side. It was Denver’s turn. He held your hand and absently stroked your knuckles with his thumb. 'We haven’t discussed where we would go when we walk out of here.’ He muttered more to himself than to you. ‘I thought we were going to live on a remote island and party on the beach every night?’ Your voice was hoarse and your throat hurt from days of not speaking. ‘What happened?’ You tried to sit up but a hellish twinge of pain stopped you. Your face twisted in pain. Denver was in shock. ‘You’re awake,’ he muttered to himself, ‘you’re alive.’ He gently pushed you down so that you were back on the table. 'No, don’t move too much. Berlin shot you. Don’t worry I made him pay.’ Confusion was on your face. 'How long was I out for?’ Denver gently stroked hair out of your face. 'Three days, we leave in two hours.’ He stroked a strand of hair behind your ear. 'I’d never have left you behind, Helsinki and I made a stretcher.’ 'What happened to Berlin?’ Denver chuckled irritably, an angry expression crossed his face.  'We handed him over to the police. He crossed the line, we’re a team and he betrayed you.'  Flashes of Berlin forcing a woman into sexual acts moved before your eyes again. 'I couldn’t let him have his way,’ you muttered. 'I know sweetheart, I know.’
You had completely forgotten about the Professor, how would he have reacted? "El Professor? Denver saw the question in your eyes. 'He was angry, but he understood our reaction. We couldn’t trust him anymore.’ You nodded gently, thankfully he wasn’t the most important link you thought to yourself. How could you have been so wrong about someone, he seemed to be a strong leader type when he was just a pervert. 
'Would you like to try standing and walking around a bit?’ You bit the inside of your cheek and nodded. ‘Come on, I’ll help you.’ Denver stood up again and placed a strong arm around your shoulders to gently help you upright so you were in a sitting position. ‘Take a deep breath baby.’ He mumbled when he saw the painful grimace on your face. Air filled your lungs when you did what he said. You resisted the pain and swung your legs over the edge of the table. 'Put your arm around my shoulders so I can support you.’ Obediently, you did as he asked of you and clung to his neck. He gently wrapped one arm around your lower back and the other along the front of your hips. He was careful so he didn’t touch the gunshot wound. ‘On three, one, two, three.’ You got to your feet. It was a strange feeling, they felt very heavy but that was probably because you had been lying on an uncomfortable table for three days. Everything was a little stiff. Cautiously taking some steps, Denver did not leave your side afraid you would fall. ‘And?’ His voice was hoarse. ‘I’m a bit sore and not the good kind.’ His laughter roared through the room. 'I can take care of that in a few days when you’re feeling better.’ Blood rushed to your cheeks. 'Don’t be so vulgar.’ Before he could object, the office door flew open and Helsinki walked in. ‘You’re awake?’ A grin spread across his lips. ‘You’re awake!’ The Serb walked toward you but Denver raised his hand protectively. 'Gunshot wound and haven’t been awake for three days, be careful big boy.’ Helsinki rolled his eyes before gently wrapping his arms around your frame. 'Oh I am so glad you’re okay. I hadn’t doubted my ability for a moment but still.’ You laughed softly. ‘Thank you, I owe you my life.’ He shook his head. 'Well, I did a lot but if Denver hadn’t obliged the surgeons for Arturo to help you I don’t think we would be standing here now.’ You looked at Denver with a raised eyebrow. He had a sheepish expression on his face. ‘I might have held them at gunpoint until they agreed to operate on you,’ he admitted. Your mouth fell open in astonishment. ‘Dude, they’re EMT’s. You gotta show them some respect.’ He nodded. ‘I know, but I was panicking, and we couldn’t do everything because we didn’t have the right equipment. They were our only option. Your only option.’ You nodded. ‘Bring me to the others so we can leave here as soon as possible, please.’ The three of you walked towards the large entrance hall where everyone had gathered. ‘Havana!’ Nairobi exclaimed upon seeing you coming down the stairs. Tokyo and Rio turned around when they heard her scream. Moscow winked at his son, who couldn’t contain a grin. ‘Sorry I couldn’t help more,’ you mumbled as you stood among the others. Everyone expressed relief that you had pulled through and assured you that everything was going smoothly. ‘We’re leaving in 30 minutes.’ Helsinki announced. Everyone nodded. ‘Let’s do this.’ 
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2 months later 
The two of you lay side by side on the sun-soaked sands of the deserted island, the rhythmic sound of gentle waves providing a soothing backdrop. With the golden sun kissing your skin, you took turns applying sunscreen, laughter dancing in the air as you playfully teased each other. ‘Give me a kiss.’ It wasn’t a question, he ordered you but you didn’t mind. You crawled towards him and straddled his lap, one knee on each side of him. ‘Told you we would end up on an island.’ You mumbled before you pressed your lips softly on his. He hummed in agreement. You placed your arms loosely around his neck and his hands slowly crept up. First over your thighs until they found a spot above the edge of your bikini bottoms. You leaned back a little so you could look at him. 'I could do this forever. Just the two of us on a deserted island.’ He nodded in agreement. ‘I assumed this was forever from now.’ He had that boyish grin on his face that you loved so much. ‘If we’re really going to do this, then-’ You didn’t finish your sentence and kissed him again, more intensely than before. You fought for dominance as your tongues swirled around each other. He didn’t just give in. His hands moved a little higher and he played with the string of your bikini top. Tired of his wait-and-see attitude, you untied the string yourself, followed by the string at your neck, causing the top to fall between you. 'I thought you promised me I was going to be sore? Or am I remembering that wrong?’ He didn’t wait a second and pushed you back into the sand. His lips found the pulse point on your neck. He sucked it gently until the stinging sensation earned a moan from you, then soothed it with his tongue. 'Havana you drive me crazy.’ he mumbled against your neck. ‘Call me y/n, please call me y/n.’ He was stunned for a few seconds and pushed himself up on his arms so he could look at you. ‘Y/n’ he mumbled, a grin appearing on his face. ‘My actual name is Daniel, but everyone calls me Dani.’ You smiled back as you repeated his name. ‘That’s easier to scream when I’m fucking you.’ You laughed out loud. ‘I hope that’s a promise.’  Instead of answering, he pressed his lips hungrily to yours again.
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minniieee · 7 months
la casa de papel preferences
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having a love-hate relationship with Berlin.
- would def call u nicknames to bother u.
- always arguing over stupid shit, n y’all def tried to kill each other before.
- sneaks into ur room occasionally.
- even tho he acts like he despises u, he gen cares abt u and makes sure u don’t get hurt.
how secretly dating berlin would be like.
- always sneaks into ur room at night.
- giving u glances here n there.
- secretly making out in the bathrooms
- Nairobi always being suspicious but js stays quiet.
- eventually getting exposed by Tokyo.
- berlin always talking to his brother abt u.
- protects u obv.
- has a soft spot for u that no one else gets to see.
- calls u nicknames (in Spanish 🥴).
- let’s pretend he survived n y’all lived happily ever after.
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depressopax · 5 months
HII could you maybe write something for Berlin like HCs being in a relationship with him, maybe with connections to the new show or sm.
(Im actually so glad I found someone who writes for this fandom bc there’s literally no one nearly 😭)
Berlin - Relationship headcanons
Thank you for the request!! <3 I'm happy to see more LCDP fans here omg 😭 Hope ya like it! :)
Smut version can be found here
Pairing: Berlin/Andrés de Fonollosa x gn!reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): Spoilers for LCDP. Cuss words, Berlin being a bit possessive, reader uses they/them pronouns Words: 1145 Summary: Being in a relationship with Berlin would include…  English is not my first language - lmk if there's any spelling mistakes so I can improve my writing! &lt;3
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Being in a relationship with this man would be a roller-coaster of emotions…
But you can’t really complain!
People see him as “cold and self-centered”, which is partially true.
BUT when he’s in love, it’s like his whole personality changes.
You are his whole world, and he will do everything to put his ego aside, and show you just how loving he can be.
And boy, he succeeds… 
When he first saw you, it was love at first sight, or at least for him.
He would find out everything about you, what you like to eat, what hobbies you have, and the places you like to be at.
He would just wait for you to approach him first, but it wasn’t that easy…
After a while, he stopped being stubborn and started talking to you.
Berlin would make sure you fall for him, and that would be his biggest goal.
He would take you on extraordinary dates and totally spoil you.
He prefers calm private dates, but wouldn’t mind going to a bar/nightclub if you like that.
Despite his sophisticated looks, he knows how to party. (That one scene in Berlin when he’s at the punk club LMAOO)
Seeing you hyped up makes him happy, so how can he not love partying with you?
The two of you having lazy mornings together. Berlin is a night owl, and getting him out of bed in the morning is a challenge.
He’ll also never let you leave bed. - “Just 5 more minutes, love! - “Are you gonna leave me, all cold and lonely in bed, huh?”
Berlin wouldn’t give up his flirting until you fall in love with him. 
Once that happens - he won’t shut up about you
Like, EVER.
He would drive Sergio and his other friends insane with how much he talks about you, telling them a bit too much about his love life… 
Berlin is the cheesiest guy you’ll ever meet, tbh.
And he takes that as a compliment.
He would write you love letters, send good-morning AND goodnight messages to you, and bring you flowers every now and then. 
Berlin is a man with many talents, and he loves impressing you, especially with his singing
Cheesy as it sounds, he even sings you serenades to express his love and devotion.
You’d have to put up with his weird and impulsive ideas.
Whether it’s planning a spontaneous trip, a heist, etc…
He needs someone to tell him to calm the hell down lol
As seen in the show, Berlin is very passionate and a bit unpredictable.
Being in a relationship is no exception.
Everyday with him is like an adventure, and he knows how to spice things up to not end up like a “boring couple”. 
His goal would be making sure the honeymoon phase never ends. 
He would make sure to tell you how amazing and good-looking you are EVERYDAY. 
He is not afraid to argue with you, but would rather admit he is “wrong” rather than have you be mad at him for too long. 
He’s not always good at reading your emotions and knows what you’re feeling, but tries to. 
It breaks his heart to see you upset, and will try to make you feel better. 
He can be rather possessive too. If someone stares at you for a bit too long, or flirt with you, he’s not afraid to show them that “you are his”.
He’s extra protective of you when you are around his friends. He wants to make sure you feel safe, and also that no one tries hitting on you…
Especially if you are shy, he’d be very close to you, smile at you when you talk and laugh extra loud if you say something funny. 
He makes sure your friends like him. 
He wants to make a good impression on everyone, but especially when it is your friends and family. 
Big fan of PDA. He’s a man that is not afraid to kiss you in public, and he practically never lets go of your hand when you’re outdoors together. 
When cuddling, he prefers being the big spoon. 
One of Berlin’s love languages is touch.
He enjoys having his hand on your thigh, giving your shoulders soft massages, and forehead kisses. He’s the type of guy to kiss your hands, too.
If you have long hair, he tends to fidget with it, running his fingers through it, stroking it away from your face and even braiding it.
Berlin definitely treats you like a god/goddess. 
But the relationship would also be challenging from time to time.
Berlin being a criminal does bother you.
Your fear is for him to get caught and end up in jail.
He’d have to reassure you a lot that he won’t get caught, promising you that he will be fine.
But don’t worry, he makes sure to keep that promise. 
His pet names for you: (My) love, honey, babe… 
His phone is full with pictures of you and you’re definitely both his home- and lock-screen. 
He has lots of money, and spends them on you, whether you like it or not. 
Berlin enjoys luxury and wants to give you a luxurious life.
His dream is to travel and see the world with you by his side.
If you don’t speak Spanish, he would offer to teach it to you. 
He is very overprotective and makes sure you keep a distance from his work. 
But he does enjoy impressing you with dramatic stories about his heists.
During his most difficult and dangerous heists, he will think of you and keep on fighting so he can come back home to you. 
When he’s away for a longer time, Berlin makes sure to text and call you with regular updates. But in all honesty, he just misses your voice.
Like I said earlier, he is an unpredictable man, and if someone is mean to you, yikes… - “Just drop it, Andrés!” “No, babe… I’ll have a ‘chat’ with them…”
Remember the throwback scene of Berlin and the man that made fun of his bow tie? 
Let’s just say, whoever insulted you will return to you and apologize, trembling and crying from pain and fright.  
…Berlin would just return to you with a smug smile, pretending like nothing happened… 
And act all clueless when you confront him about it. 
With you, Berlin is soft and passionate, but others view him as your “scary boyfriend”, a title he accepts with pride. 
To summarize… Despite Berlin's cold exterior, he is the complete opposite with you. He has so much love to give, and isn’t scared to do so. He will make sure to worship you and make sure you feel loved. All he wants is to spend his time with you, and give you the passion, excitement and devotion you deserve. Being together with him is definitely not boring.
I have such hate-love relationship to Berlin bruh 😭 Andrés in Berlin >>>>>>> LCDP
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smimon · 8 months
I don't have any good photos from Berlin gig but I still know how to draw so here are some of my favourite moments
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Käärijä removing his sunglasses to reveal pure joy and exitement on his face upon seeing so many people in the audience 😭
Jaakko judging me (without breaking character) for taking photos of him specifically while he was just standing there
Jukka shooting his sniper guitar at the audience
Allu performing live the lines "ku mul on puutetila vitamiinist" etc from Hirttää Kiinni, his voice is so good 👌 gdy śpiewa, panie mają dreszcze i wzdychają "jeszcze, jeszcze"
When we were singing happy birthday to Luna from Stuttgart-- I mean from Vodka - the Dalttons joined, but not Häärijä, who right at that moment pretended he's one of them
After Cha Cha Cha Häärijä high fived the entire first row as if to say "good job everybody" 😭
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I'm still thinking about the neon future. the urbex scene must be wild
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jungjungmochi · 1 year
Unspoken Feelings
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- Berleezy x Fem! reader
- 3rd person point of view
- Reader is Krysta’s sister
- This might be short and I’m so sorry! It’s probably so bad and I’m really sorry! But I’d been in a hurry to update you guys. I had a lot going on with my apartment and stuff but I’m now present and hopefully this will get you through!
- Angst to Fluff
- Summary: Even if the relationship didn’t last, biting down on the tongue hurt. So, with a bit of awkwardness, hurt feelings, and the push from your sister, it was time to confess with the unspoken words. Wanting to fix it all.
If someone had ever approached you, told you that you wouldn’t last with Berlin, it would’ve made you give out the biggest laugh of your life. Not you and Berlin. The couple that did almost everything together, the couple that showed up in videos, the girlfriend that always did photo shoots for the merchandise. The supportive girl and her protective boyfriend who cuddled her at night, assured her everything would be okay. It felt unreal. But it was the reality, and it hurt thinking about the way it would be the truth, even if you didn’t want to accept the reality. Every bit of what someone would say, was true.
It was rough remembering the split from Berlin, Krysta remembered seeing your tears. She felt for you, her intentions to introduce you was to never watch you two fall apart, it was to never watch you both get hurt. And sometimes it took you to assure when she apologized a thousand times that it wasn’t her doing and she shouldn’t take the blame for the miscommunication that both of you had. Having to give her a talk about how it was your relationship and not her responsibility to worry about something she had no ill intentions for. She remembered showing Berlin a photo of you, which turned into him being genuinely attracted, which became the desire to meet. And when it happened, you wanted nothing more than to be together from there.
It was like any other day, today work called in early, as much as you despised opening, you still preferred to secure your job and money. Not wanting to go without, so you’d stick around for a few hours of your shift. Which is what you did, and now after the dreading hours of trying to keep calm and not explode on the rude customers you had for the day, it was time to sink into the comfort of your home. “Oh you’re home from work!” Krysta smiled. “Girl please. It was the worst. I hated it! Some girl came in yelling at me and it didn’t help that I couldn’t hit her! She stood there and complained for an hour before she was told to leave. I couldn’t reason with her.” You scoffed at the thought of the lady from earlier. This caused your sister to let out a laugh as she shakes her head slightly. “Well. Y/n. You can’t fight customers. Sadly. So I’m glad you didn’t hit her.” She hums. Yeah, glad. You were happy you didn’t either, you were still upset, hurt. And had anger from your break up.
These feelings didn’t go by easily, even your sister could sense they were still there. She knew, and deep down she wanted to make sure you’d always be okay no matter what. Even if it felt like your three-year relationship was really a waste of memories. “Look. Y/n, if you want us to stop being friends. We can. I won’t hang out with him…” she said. At least you knew she always had your back, but you had no reason to make your sister stop her friendship. Mainly because it was never her fault in the first place. "No, Krysta. I'm not going to make you stop your friendship with him. It's not your fault that things between us ended." you assured. She still felt bad, she hated seeing you so down, knowing you still love him, even though you made it obvious based on your reactions upon hearing his name. "Besides that. Would you like to go out and eat tonight?" she asked. A small smile had formed on your lips. "Sure, later tonight we can go. I need to get out of these damn clothes," you said as you smiled at her. She always knew a way to cheer you up.
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The sounds of people chattering filled the room, but it wasn't so bad after all. Being able to sit at the table and eat with your sister, share a laugh, and have some drinks, which drinking has never fully been your best suit. You remember the time Berlin damn near exploded upon hearing that you walked home drunk late at night. But, once again, he was there. Because he made sure he would find you and get you home and well taken care of. Krysta couldn't scold you though since she would be sober if you did get drunk.
"This ended up being better than I thought." you giggled lightly with the small tint on your face. "I did dread work today, so this makes up for the work I've been doing, which sucked because my manager never has my back," you mumbled under your breath. The waiter walked over and he smiled. "Everything going good?" he asked as you two hummed. "Can I get another one of these?" you pointed to the glass. Krysta kept her eyes on the man, making sure he wouldn't say or try anything. "Of course." he smiled, taking the cup before walking away. Sighing, you glanced at your sister. "You don't have to stare him down so hard," you replied as she rolled her eyes in annoyance. "It's my job to look out for you when you drink a lot. Guys are creeps. Y/n. You need some form of security." she stated.
Upon hearing those words, you thought of him, the times Berlin had assured you and made you feel safe despite the setting you two would always be in. It felt like hell now without him, would you being careless be enough? would it regain his attention so he would stop being stubborn?. Maybe he would hear you out but the desire of his attention was too much. He would never hear you out, let it go. "Has Berlin always...be strong-minded?" you asked. The question was sudden but Krysta cleared her throat. "What do you mean?" she asked as you sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if his strong mind is what makes him feel like he doesn't have to hear me." you frowned as she did too. "What? That's nonsense, Berlin would hear you out." she hums.
The doubt sank in. "No. Because he doesn't love me."
Then the tears welled up. "He never did."
Why couldn't you forget him? "I mean why?"
All you wanted was for him to listen. "He broke up with me."
And were you to blame? "He told me it was my doing.."
Would he ever listen? "He wouldn't even stop for a second."
Did he still think of you? "Maybe he's moved on."
Krysta hated this, watching as you crumble and wonder if you were really in the wrong. But she didn’t have time to comfort because ole and behold, Berlin was there. She couldn’t help but clear her throat as she had grabbed your hands. “Y/n that’s not the case. Berlin loves you.” She said. “He didn’t even take the time to listen to me, he just assumed I was cheating, and that shit hurt.” You huffed. Your sister could only shake her head, why couldn’t you two just make up? That’s all she wanted. “I don’t want him to think the worst. But he’s not even willing to hear my half of the story. So the reality is that we won’t ever piece our relationship back together.”
Berlin was always hyping you up and when he let you go out with the girls. You recalled getting dressed cute, makeup going, hair going. You felt good about yourself, even coming to the time he told you how good you looked. And the idea of that night when you kissed his lips and told him sweet words before you left, you always put Berlin before them and didn’t mind staying home to watch movies with him on some days you didn’t wanna be bothered with the outside world. He was always so sweet and willing to do everything for you as you were him, but your heart always aches when you recall the ending, the moment he accused you of cheating.
How could he? His y/n was no cheater but he just had to assume you were cheating because you hung out with a guy friend. Did Berlin have no recollect concept that your friend wasn’t into women to begin with? He was so damn cruel that night. Assuming that guy was taking you home, calling you a cheater in front of all those people and some actually believing him. Krysta never once accused you or believed you were, the simple fact and thing was that he was a ticking temper bomb. And at any moment anything could trigger him to react to situations, even if it wasn’t that serious to need a reaction of his. And you remembered the nights Krysta had to lay awake with you. Comforting you through that heartbreak and false accusation of his, going far as to listen to you cry for hours, cry yourself to sleep. She had no words, only comfort by listening and you were forever thankful your sister would listen to you that long, putting her sleep schedule behind for you.
“Y/n. He thought you were cheating…that’s why you need to talk to him. You can’t keep letting the idea of him break you like this. I know somewhere deep down you wanna be with him” she frowned as she shakes her head. “But you can’t if you can’t speak to him, if you don’t. He’ll go his whole life thinking you wanted anyone but him.” She hums softly. Somewhere deep down, you knew Krysta was right. Even if you never ended up with Berlin again, she was right about clearing the air with him after the accusations. “Look. I’m gonna go use the restroom. Berlin’s here…” she mumbled before getting up to use the restroom. Somewhere in you, you couldn’t help but keep your head down as the guy brought the drink before walking away. Fighting the urge to turn around and glance at him, you missed him so bad, you wanted to look back at Berlin so bad.
But it seems, you didn’t have to glance to know he walked over to you. “So you’re out again.” He said as you look at him with a hint of curiosity before humming. “I came out to eat with Krysta.” You spoke, grabbing the drink to take a sip. “Are you sure that’s the cause?” He asked. Dear God no, there he goes giving attitude, that tone of being right, digging under your skin. And in this state of mind? You couldn’t help but grip the glass tighter. “Don’t accuse me of looking for a boyfriend.” Your tone now giving him the same attitude back. “Oh I thought you were very happy in that relationship of yours.”. And the sarcasm dripped off his tongue, how could he be just so, annoying with it.
Krysta watched in fear of what might come next. “You know. You don’t know anything about that night because you refused to listen. So is it really my fault that you remained stuck up and felt right? You thought I wanted to cheat on you?. Please Berlin, where’s the proof? Where is it besides the accusations your mind made because you’re mentally missing a screw to your brain?” You spat harshly as your voice held venom in it, desiring nothing than to prove his ass wrong for once. “Since you came here to put me on the spot. Let’s talk about you.” You huffed as you stood up, looking up at Berlin in annoyance. “How about the times you went clubbing with the guys and you had girls all upon you? Is it justified because you’re the man? Because it’s just, guy things? Please Berlin, educate me. Oh wait. You can’t because you don’t know shit from that night. Now bite your tongue. And walk away.”. You downed the drink, slamming the glass down before grabbing your bag and walking out the door. Krysta had quickly rushed to pay so she could see you, speak to you about this, but Berlin beat her to it when she noticed he was following you out to the car. Could you two get anymore worse?.
Berlin had grabbed your arm, stopping you from walking. “So you think drinking is going to help?” He asked as you groaned loudly. “What’s going to help? You weren’t so concerned about help when you left me. Wouldn’t listen to me! You know what Berlin!” You spoke loudly, pulling you arm away. “You can’t claim to love someone and be the reason love hurts. Did you ever love me if you don’t trust me? In fact. I’m done crying tears over you. I’m done crying and crying, and grieving a whole relationship you didn’t care about. You threw our three years worth of love down the drain for your ego! And you have the nerve to come at me like I want a man. I would have one if you didn’t mean shit to me. I never wanna speak to you again.” You huffed, walking to the car with the anger going through you. Deep down, your sober heart knew it spoke words, but half lies. How could you be over him? You weren’t and you did want to see him again. This is not what Krysta meant when she said to clear the air.
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Sitting on the bed in your pajamas, Krysta had watched as you sighed heavily. “That liquor really makes you bold.” She said, trying to lighten the mood. “It does huh? I think I shouldn’t drink it anymore.” You replied more monotone. Never mind, cheering up the mood after that would not happen nor be easy. “No it was a good thing, Y/n. As your sister I think you need that release. This gives Berlin a chance to really consider what this whole breakup has done. To realize that he’s wrong, and to give you a chance. But I need to push you to do it. To make peace and if you never end up together again, who cares. You two have unspoken words. It’s obvious with that tension from earlier.” She nods her head, trying to encourage you to make the move to speak to him again. It would require something, that push.
“When I watched you two, I clearly noticed the tension and I noticed the hurt you both felt. He refuses to speak to you about it but don’t make it easy for him to avoid it till you speak your peace. Let it go. Off your chest. Talk.” She frowned as she rubs your arm gently. And you knew she was right, you two required peace. Something between you two, bad blood mainly, was the whole reason it felt the relationship was crumbling around the two of you. “I’ll try…”
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Trying? Now it’s been three weeks and you had plenty of time to try and piece this back together and you couldn’t find a way to fix it. Berlin had took what you said to heart, and you figured he did when Jojo called to check on you and the subject of Berlin happened. Today was shop day, you got invited to go with your sister and some part of you wanted to decline but again it was Berlin, it was all fixable if you both allowed the other to express that heartache felt that night. Sticking the casual but cute outfit of yours, not wishing to stand out too much since your sister always had a thing in telling you what would be best to wear for something’s. She really was the best part of your heavy days.
Upon walking the mall in attempt to bring up the mood, your sister had been looking at outfits for you two. And everything was super cute for whatever plans might come up. “I’m telling you. You’ll look cute in this dress! Can’t go wrong with a bit of red unless it’s styled incorrectly.” She giggled as you chuckled behind her. “Right. Because red is the color everyone can magically pull off. But I guess trying the dress on wouldn’t hurt.” You nodded your head. She squealed with excitement before skipping away to find someone in the store that could give you some access to the changing rooms.
Standing by the clothes, and beautifully lined dresses, you hadn’t expected anyone else to be around. “Excuse me…just wanted to come over and say you were beautiful.” The guy spoke. That’s when your eyes looked at the guy, he was pretty handsome in your eyes. “Awe. Thank you.” You hum, giving a gentle smile. You’d hope with that he wouldn’t push too much, but it was worth a shot. He’d nod his head before giving a response. “I actually spotted you earlier and I got nervous so I couldn’t find the words to tell you that but I gained some confidence to come and say it now.”. Poor guy, he was nervous, no lying about that, but he also seemed the pushy type since he thought stepping closer would result in anything better.
“Could we maybe. Exchange numbers? Go out?” He asked, there it was, the date but it’s not a date, type of tone and question. He was pushing his luck. “Ah. Sorry but no thanks.” You chuckled nervously. Hopefully he’d walk away, no means no. Turning your back to walk away and quickly find your sister, he had only hummed. “Sure but you know, you could be a nice girlfriend. I’m sure just one date could prove that we would fit together?” He said. “And I think you’d be a perfect fit for even me.”. That’s when you felt his hand get placed on your shoulder. He was the type of pushy creeps that Berlin had always warned you about running into.
“No seriously. It’s fine.” This time your throat ran dry, nerves. “No really! I swear you’ll like it.” He nods his head with a large smile. This time, you felt the world crashing down but only for a moment. “She said No. now leave her alone.” The stern tone spoke from behind you two. Both turning around to spot Berlin, he looked like he was ready to kill the dude over this. “Now get away from her.” He said harshly. He was still protective huh? That was a good thing to know. “Move it.” Jojo cut in as the guy glanced at the two before quickly leaving the store. You finally felt the relief and ease of breathing, not realizing the guy had you holding a breath. “Thank you..both of you.” You spoke in a low tone. Keeping your eyes down as you didn’t know what to say. “We need to talk.” Berlin grabbed your hand, pulling you away as Jojo watched, clinging his tongue before Krysta stood beside him. “Where are they going?” She asked as he shrugs. “Either an argument or something else, I don’t know.”
Some part of you felt he had something to say but again he could just be using this moment to scold you and accuse you once again of something. That didn’t matter though, since you now stood outside of the mall. “Look Berlin. If you came to accuse me-“ you were cut off by his words. “I’m sorry.” He apologized. Your eyes had soften a bit as you glanced up at him with a bit of disbelief to his words. “What?” You raised a brow. “I’m sorry. I said. I’m sorry for the way I acted at the restaurant when it was just time for you and your sister.” He said. He sounded genuine, good. You felt good knowing he did in fact mean his apology to you. “Berlin…have something I need to say too…” you mumbled in a low whisper. He did still catch on, so he was all ears.
“Krysta told me to get this off my chest. And I owe that to you and myself.” You shake your head. “That night you accused me of cheating, I didn’t mean him at the club with my friends to cheat on you. I went there with them and he was there. But he’s not into women Berlin. Him and I have nothing but friendship for each other. But instead of explaining myself. I want to be honest. I can’t do this without you. I’m having such a hard time without you because I realize I love you too much to let go so easily. That shit at the restaurant? I didn’t mean one word from that.” You frowned
Just say it. “I’m really sorry.”
He needs to know. “I’ve cried and I realize..”
You can do it. “I realize I love you more than myself and I can’t do this life without you Berlin. I know it’s not helping you understand except the nights I stayed up crying and I’m grieving you! I’m grieving you and I just want you to not be mad at me! Because I’d never piss you off purposely! We may have our differences but my heart belongs to you and I’d never cheat! I’m in love with you and one day I wanna call you my husband! Berlin…”.
There it was. The truth. The nights you laid awake crying and imagining your life without him, it hurt, but finally you could be free from the words that held you down all along. “Y/n.” He grabbed your hips. “I love you too. And I’m sorry. And one day…I’ll be your husband because what I feel for you is there. And I miss you.” He admitted. He’d lean down, moving his lips to yours before giving you a loving and passionate kiss. A man of his words, and the relief felt great. “I misjudged your friends, I assumed they had knew all along but they didn’t, they didn’t know cause it was never true.” He frowned. “I made that up in my head and I accused you but it was wrong. It’s lonely not having you interrupt my recording with food and kisses and drinks. And I just want you to always be mine. I miss it. Waking up with you, I miss it.”
That felt good for the two of you, your relationship with him meant the world to you, Berlin had always been there. And the nights of lying awake and wanting to break down into tears. Was finally over because the two of you held the relationship into nothing but miscommunication. Something you’d be sure would never happen again.
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savvylittlecoxswain · 2 months
Sudden revelation paid Bobby Moch a visit as well. His came as he sat, in the shade under a tree in a wide-open field on Travers Island, opening an enve-lope. The envelope contained a letter from his father, the letter Bobby had re quested, listing the addresses of the relatives he hoped to visit in Europe. But the envelope also contained a second, sealed, envelope labeled, "Read this in a private place." Now, alarmed, sitting under the tree. Moch opened the second envelope and read its contents. By the time he had finished reading, tears were running down his face.
The news was innocuous enough by twenty-first-century standards, but in the context of social attitudes in America in the 193os it came as a profound shock. When he met his relatives in Europe, Gaston Moch told his son, he was going to learn for the first time that he and his family were Jewish.
Bobby sat under the tree, brooding for a long while, not because he suddenly found himself a member of what was then still a much discriminated against minority, but because as he absorbed the news he realized for the first time the terrible pain his father must have carried silently within him for so many years. For decades, his father had felt that in order to make it in America it was necessary to conceal an essential element of his identity from his friends, his neighbors, and even his own children. Bobby had been brought up to believe that everyone should be treated according to his actions and his character, not according to stereotypes. It was his father himself who had taught him that. Now it came as a searing revelation that his father had not felt safe enough to live by that same simple proposition, that he had kept his heritage hidden painfully away, a secret to be ashamed of, even in America, even from his own beloved son.
— The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown
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oreo-cookies-fan · 5 months
Damian is no. 1 Berlermo shipper, you can't change my mind
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catlliecal · 1 year
I think what’s interesting to me about Yor is that Yor Briar/Forger isn’t just a front to hide Thorn Princess, that Thorn Princess alone isn’t her “true self,” nor is Yor Briar/Forger alone her “true self.” They both make up her. She’s compassionate. She may be a bit aloof, but she’s also very intelligent and knows the best place to attack someone to kill them as quickly as possible. I think that makes her a very wonderful character.
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millenari · 6 months
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i love the shift in jack rebaldi's makeup between the late 90s and early 2000s where he very clearly looked at what he was doing and was like 'i need to make this fuck 1000x harder'
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starkiller-009 · 29 days
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romanceyourdemons · 2 months
can you believe they made an american remake of wings of desire (1987) and that furthermore it starred nicolas cage. can you believe that
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depressopax · 4 months
La casa de papel NSFW alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
»» Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 ««
Pairing: Nairobi - Berlin - Denver - Tokyo - Professor - Alicia x gn!reader Genre: Smut, headcanons Warning(s): Sexual content, gender neutral reader Words: 900 Summary: What is aftercare like with the LCDP characters? English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3
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I’ve said it before, and will say it again. AFTERCARE QUEEN <3
Very sweet and caring.
She sometimes tends to get a bit carried away when she has sex with you, so aftercare is something she prioritizes. 
She’ll make sure you’re ok, praise you and make sure to tell you how well you did for her.
Her favorite aftercare is either cuddling or running a hot bath for you (and her)
She makes sure to clean you up and fix the bed
When fixing a bath - she makes sure to light some candles, dim the lights in the room and have the perfect temperature for your sore muscles. 
She likes massaging your shoulders whilst whispering praise to you
Afterwards, she’ll bring you to bed again, making sure you’re comfortable and feel loved.
She likes having you sleeping naked in her arms, while she strokes your back and strokes your hair.
Crying shaking throwing up I NEED NAIROBI IN MY LIFE 😭
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Berlin may have two moods when having sex: - Slow and loving - Fast and hard
However, his aftercare is always the same.
As we know, Berlin is like a totally different person when he’s in love.
You realize so by how sweet he is with you during intimate times.
Whether he’s submissive or dominant in bed (he can do both 😽), he wants you to feel loved afterwards.
But he does enjoy being a tease too lmao
He’ll tell you how good you were, how much he enjoyed it and how amazing you look etc
…But Berlin also likes teasing you for your reactions, how “needy” you were, or simply brag about how amazing he is 
Being an asshole aside…
After being reassured you’re ok, he helps you clean up
Gives you something to drink and offers you a bath or shower (he won’t let you do it alone tho)
Berlin worships you and your body, sexually or not. He just adores you.
But honestly? He is pretty lazy after sex.
He prefers to cuddle you whilst whispering praise to you
Sex makes him sleepy lmao
Besides, his favorite thing to do is have deep conversations with his lover, and have you resting on him naked.
He falls asleep pretty quick, and does so whilst spooning you.
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I’m sorry, Denver simps - but this man is NOT good at aftercare.
He’s clueless AF after sex. 
Of course he makes sure you’re ok and will kiss you, but more than that? No.
You’ll have to ask him for aftercare, and do so quickly before he falls asleep on you lmao 😭
But if you ask him, he’ll of course be more than happy to obey.
You’re a treasure to him, and he worships you and your body.
He’ll do his best, with praise, cuddles and offering to get you some water etc
But when it comes to aftercare FOR HIM?
He loves it.
Mans a switch, but I feel like he prefers being under you and receiving love and attention.
If you’re rough with him, he is needy afterwards and wants full attention.
Even though he’s not good at aftercare, he won't let you go to sleep without making you feel loved. 
He falls asleep first, but does so while whispering “I love you”
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Just like Denver, Tokyo tends to forget about aftercare lol
Unless she loves you deeply, she skips it.
…But she loves you, so she tries giving you good aftercare.
She brings you to the bathroom and helps you fix up a warm shower or bath, whichever you prefer.
She often ends up joining you, or takes the opportunity to fix a drink for the two of you. 
Cuddling with Tokyo is almost as passionate as sex is.
She makes sure you feel like a royal when she cuddles and she praises you.
Telling you how well you did, how hot you are… 
She either falls asleep fast, or stays up watching you sleep whilst slowly caressing you, thinking about how lucky she is to have you. 
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Homeboy is an overthinker 😭 (he’s so me)
“Was it good for you, too?”“Are you ok?”“I did make you cum, right?”“Did it hurt?”
You’ll need to reassure him everythings ok
He is very good at aftercare.
Sergio probably has read a lot about sex, to learn how to be the perfect lover lmao
And he is very attentive to your reactions etc
This way, he figures out what you like in bed, and what you enjoy for aftercare.
His personal favorite is massages.
He is very good at giving massages, and enjoys your reactions to them.
He makes sure to take the tension from your sore muscles and does so carefully - taking any discomfort or stress away.
He is not the guy to fall asleep afterwards, he wants to see you fall asleep first, so he can feel protective of you before he falls asleep as well. 
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Call me down bad, but…
Alicia is a DOMME.
Usually rough with you when having sex
She sometimes tend to not be affectionate afterwards, or be a bit too arrogant/teasing
She cares about you, but sometimes simply forgets to take care of you after she’s done fucking.
You’ll probably have to remind her to give you aftercare
But when you do, she’s affectionate.
She’s very rewarding, especially after you’ve been good for her in bed.
Alicia spoils you with kisses, praise and makes sure to clean you up.
Fixes you a bath, shower, massage…Whatever you need.
Let’s be honest - you’ll probably be sore AF after she’s done with you, so she needs to take her time with you and make sure you’re ok.
If she’s stressed of frustrated from work, she definitely forgets aftercare
But otherwise, she drops the domme act and is very sweet with you.
She adores you and wants to show her love and tenderness.
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smimon · 2 months
In the spirit of the idea by @formulalakana here are my first and last photo of Käärijä, from Berlin gig and UMK 2024 😊 seeing him live for the first time literally took my breath away 🙊
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Yeah he is barely visible on the last one but I love it anyway. Ok ok here is the one before the last one
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k-wame · 10 months
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VOLKER BRUCH  2022 • Babylon Berlin • S4·E08 • Weimar Republic
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