#big day for Sam
undead-knick-knack · 5 months
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Sam Riegel is 6' but desperately wants us to think he's a short king
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secondbeatsongs · 1 month
when you're into the Big Ship™ in a Big Fandom™, you have the luxury of having an OTP - a real One True Pairing, where you can read about just them for ages, and you will never run out of fics, and everything is perfect and beautiful and nothing hurts
but when you go to a smaller fandom, you'd better pray to whatever god you worship that someone else in this room ships the same thing that you do, and that if they do, they're writing more than late-night crackfic, because you're on thin fucking ice!
and how small is your small fandom? is it less than 100 fics? maybe even...less than 20 fics?
welp, then it's time to make peace with that god and either open up a text document or learn how to ship everything, because it's swim or drown babey! and your ship is sinking fast
anyway all of this is to say that after hanging out in small fandoms and shipping less-common pairings for a while, going back into a Big Huge Fandom™ is wild because suddenly it's like...wait, why didn't I ship these people again? I don't remember. why was I only sticking to one ship in this fandom?? boring of me, honestly. these guys should make out.
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bloodfreak-boyking · 3 months
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He means well, but…
You mean, he thinks you’re gonna get laid.
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traumatas · 7 months
I'm sure someone has done this already, but I am still curious. Also special shoutout to everyone friend maxing Krobus, I wish I could put them as an option too.
Reblogs are always appreciate and feel free to tell me why they are your favourite. :]
EDIT: We are also not going to be mean about any Bachlor/ette we don't like. We are keeping that off my poll, please.
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freakartack · 5 months
Best muppet?
Oh gonzo for sure
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seasononesam · 9 months
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Stackednatural- 1/327
Sympathy for the Devil (5x01) September 10th, 2009
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ourfinalembrace · 12 days
looking for new blogs to follow 👀
my name is gillian, i'm 26 and i'm from england 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 i'm not new to tumblr but this is a new blog and i would love it if i could find some new blogs to follow (and maybe even follow me back 👉🏻👈🏻).
my interests are vast and i don't have any one particular aesthetic. i've tried to sum them up in the list below as best i can:
sam fender
stray kids
foo fighters
the outsiders (book and film)
green day
linkin park
bullet for my valentine
star wars
big bang (ot4)
and a lot of other things!
like / reblog this post if you're into any of these things and i'll give you a follow 🫶🏻
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jackexmachina · 1 year
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@suncaptor's Birthday Event Sam & Lucifer // Sam & Dean You know I'd never hurt you. Not really.
image description: scene comparisons between "The Benders," "Simon Said," "Free to Be You and Me," "Sam, Interrupted," "Swan Song," "Hello, Cruel World," "The Born-Again Identity," "Citizen Fang," "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here," and "Let the Good Times Roll"
1x15: Sam is trapped behind iron bars, and Dean tells him, “Must be getting a little rusty there, kiddo.”
5x22: While possessing Sam, Lucifer looks into the mirror to tell him, “You got me all wrong, kiddo.”
7x02: Dean looks at Sam and says, “Oh, you think I’m Dean. Right.” He grins and then the hallucination changes, morphing into Lucifer. 
9x01: In Sam’s mind, Death watches as Dean puts a hand on Sam’s shoulder, saying, “Come on.” Then he begins to glow with light, and Sam looks confused as his face morphs into that of Gadreel’s vessel.
5x11: A psychologist opens Dean’s file, and says, “You’re my paranoid schizophrenic with narcissistic personality disorder and religious psychosis.” Dean looks rattled listening to this diagnosis.
7x17: Sam is on his bed at a hospital, and the hallucination of Lucifer sits behind him reading from a large book, saying, “Narcissistic personality disorder. Okay, now, this one I could have.”
5x03: Dreaming, Sam turns over in bed and jolts, surprised to see Jessica. She smiles at him and says, “Hey, baby. I missed you.” 
8x09: Sam sits in a bar and takes out his phone, considering the text message he believed was sent by Amelia. The text reads: [Sam, I need your help. Come quick]
2x05: Dean glances at Sam and away while driving the Impala. He slaps a hand on Sam’s leg and offers a weak smile, saying, “You’ve always been a freak.”
13x23: Lucifer tries to avoid bringing Maggie back to life at Jack’s request, saying, “Right, well, Sam’s always been… sorta different.” He smirks.
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crunchchute · 3 months
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holy moly. just hit 1k. thank you!!
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samdeancrimespree · 1 month
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idk whose post this is originally and i know this moment was kinda played for laughs in-show but like. they are good enough at hunting animals to find and kill food to eat on a new fucking planet.
they are …. So calm in this situation. they each have their tasks and jobs and they complete them in an orderly fashion, barely even having to talk, like they have a routine for being alone in the middle of the woods. we don’t ever see them doing this, but they must’ve done it before.
at which age do you think john winchester decided his sons needed to learn how to fend for themselves in the Real World and left them in the woods with bows and arrows and knives and said “i’ll be back in 4 days.” cause i’m gonna say 10 and 14? dean might’ve been out on his own before that, with the vague excuse of “training” given to sam to explain his brothers 2 day absence. it was a semi-frequent, maybe quarterly thing throughout their childhoods. obviously not on a Schedule so they never knew when to expect it, but they were always kind of waiting for it. it was just A Thing They Did, just like everything else. a way to prove they were retaining all their training. this was the winchester version of a camping trip. for the first couple years, sam didn’t even know this wasn’t what camping normally meant. he just knew he really hated camping.
one time, john got distracted by a hunt and left them in the alaskan wilderness in october for almost two weeks. one time, john forgot it was sam’s birthday and dean spent any spare time he had looking for cool rocks and leaves to give sam, and promised he’d give him his real presents when they got back. one time, dean got attacked by a goddamn cougar in colorado and sam patched him up and wondered what the tentative friends he had made last week were learning in their tenth grade class. and he hated john but almost cried with relief when he came to get them. dean did almost all the hunting because the very first camping trip, sammy shot a rabbit in the leg and sobbed as it slowly bled to death, and dean never wanted to see that type of anguish again. he hated killing the animals too, but he could do it, because sammy had to eat. he knew john would question it if sam hadn’t improved his skills, so they would set up makeshift archery ranges to practice. and in his reports to john, dean would always give half the kills to sam.
over time, as they got more skilled, john would give them less and less supplies, until at the end they only had a couple weapons each, rope, matches, and a first aid kit. and bobby thought when the boys spent one summer building a fort but refusing the tools he offered them, they were finally being regular kids.
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💙Sam & Wes at the Warped Tour '97💙
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starsillys · 2 months
Massive idea that will be drawn later but I need to get it out now if there was a small cartoon of them or just. You know what in general (one of) my headcannons are that the kinitocrew's dynamic would be very very very very similar to peep and the big wide world (yeuah I'm Canadian 😔) qnyway Sam is quack Jade is chirp and Kinito is peep if you don't know what I'm talking about I'm so fucking sorry
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what are your thoughts on samruby?
thank you for sending this! and OH BOY i wrote a lot. i'm so sorry. i'm putting it under a cut for everyone's sanity.
see, the thing about samruby to me is the religiosity of it all. it's about a victim unknowingly initiated into a cult. it's about a holy lamb being raised for slaughter.
firstly i can't discuss it without spilling my guts over ruby as a character!! i saw a meta the other day (and i wish i'd reblogged it bc i can't find it again) calling ruby the most devout character in supernatural. and they're right! she is! her arc is about devotion and keeping faith. she's a direct narrative foil to cas, who falls down the path of doubt and experiences a crisis of faith. For ruby, her god is lucifer, and she'll accept all persecution and undergo every trial she has to in order to fulfil her mission as his servant. and she does! she succeeds up to her death! (whereas cas fails, and lives)
she doesn't see grooming and manipulating sam as an act of corruption. it's about purification. (and we all know how sam feels about purity, aha) for ruby, the demon blood drinking is a matter of cleansing sam of human imperfection, for the purposes of presenting lucifer his ideal vessel. because the thing about sam is that he's a liminal figure. he's as human as he is monstrous - and from a demonic perspective, wouldn't his humanness be considered the infection?
the way ruby preys on sam also has a definite maternal tilt to it. from as early as s3 (like the way she says 'that's my boy!' to him in 3x04? like dean does in 1x11?). she calls him 'sammy' in a way that mirrors dean, but also evokes maternal warmth. just as dean in season 1 functions as a protector and guide for sam when he brings him back into the hunting fold, ruby does so for sam in dean's absence. sam's grief and vulnerability presents her an opportunity to take on the role of carer and mentor. she'll teach him how to use his powers! she'll guide him in what he needs to do, while he's so lost in his own suffering. sure she provides warmth and affection - but more importantly, she directs sam towards a mission, a cause for good.
she's an incredible character to pair off with sam, a character full of hope and belief that his faith might amount to something (i'm thinking of the start of s11 here - sam desperate to believe his prayers are being answered by god. only to discover it was lucifer all along) he wants to be like joan of arc - he wants the voice of heaven commanding and guiding him along a path of heroism. it's his hope and faith that make him vulnerable.
ruby takes on sam like she's a cult recruiter preying on a victim! like if you go through the stages of cult indoctrination: deception (check! she tricks him into breaking the final seal by killing lilith!), isolation (check! sam having to keep his activities w ruby a secret, driving a wedge between him and dean, eventuating in their separation), induced dependency (check! a blood addiction!). by the end of it, he's left abandoned by his loved ones, alone and entirely reliant on her and the purpose she's given him.
but luckily - sam is a character who hates being controlled above all else, so he does not have his Midsommar (2019) May Queen moment. even when he does let lucifer in, he does so as a sleeper agent. he holds onto his independent spirit to the end :")
tldr; ruby loves sam as a devotee loves their holy mission. sam begrudgingly accepts ruby, not as the divine guidance he wants, but the only one that'll speak to him.
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demons-i-get · 2 months
Sam does smth stupid hoping Dean won't find out.
Someone rats Sam out to Dean.
Sam gets in trouble and a lecture from Dean (bc Dean is a parent and he is Sam's parent I will not accept criticism on this matter).
Later, Sam makes a group chat consisting of everyone who could have told on him to Dean and just sends this video:
#supernatural#spn#dean winchester#sam winchester#dean winchester is sam winchester's parent#and i will be accepting NO criticism on this matter!!!!#dean raised sam and in my heart i just know that its smth they dont really talk abt but they both 100% know and acknowledge it#and sam (the annoying little brother/kid) that he is to dean definitely calls dean 'mom' sometimes especially when hes being a little shit#but sam also loves his big brother and appreciates everything deans done and given up for him#so every year dean gets a pie and a little homemade card on mother's day and father's day from sam#when they were younger sam would give dean the card and actually say 'happy mother's/father's day dean' but once theyre older sam starts#sneaking the pie and card into dean's room or leaving them somewhere he knows dean will find them and neither of them say anything but dean#always gives sam a soft smile and usually a hug too before they continue w/ their day like its any other#the year dean spends w/ lisa and ben while sam's in hell/running around soulless ben makes dean a father's day card and dean gets all teary#and thanks him but then later when hes alone he just breaks down sobbing bc it just remimds him that sammy is gone#even when sam was at stanford and not really talking to dean he still sent dean a short message (text email voicemail whatever) on mother's#and father's day but now hes gone and dean wont even get that#btw dean def saves all of the cards sam's made him over the years and once theyre in the bunker he keeps them all in a special box that he#hides under his bed and he'll pull it out and look through them when hes having a bad day alongside the box of pictures <3#i did not mean to go insane in the tags here but oh well#enjoy my silly post and unhinged rambling ig
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Her big bear - Kinktober 15
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Summary: The alpha moving in next door catches your attention.
Square 15 filled for @samwinchesterbingo​: Size Kink
Square 14 filled for @anyfandomaubingo​: High School AU
Square 11 filled for @spnabobingo​ : Anise/Honeysuckle/Lavender
Square 18 filled for @spnfluffbingo​: Highschool teacher au
Square 23 filled for @spnaubingo (expired): Omega!Dean
Pairing: Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Reader
Kink: Size kink
Rating: Mature
Warnings: angst, unrequited feelings, a/b/o, scenting, light making out, fluff, implied smut, implied claiming
A/N: This is one of the few flufftober fics I wrote for Kinktober to make sure everyone enjoys kinktober/flufftober.
Words: 1,3k
Kinktober 2022
AFG AU BINGO masterlist
2022 SPN A/B/O BINGO masterlist
2022 SPN FLUFF BINGO masterlist
2021 SPN AU BINGO masterlist
Sam Winchester Bingo masterlist
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He’s so tall. He’s huge. He’s got even bigger hands. He’s all you ever dreamed of and more.
Sadly, the alpha of your dreams is flirting with some other girl. 
“Heya sweetheart,” his brother says, eagerly hugging you. “Are you enjoying yourself? We did good, right?”
“It’s a great party,” you reply with a smile. The brothers moved to town some weeks ago and invited the neighbors over for a welcome party. “Thanks for inviting me, Mr. Winchester.”
“I told you to call me Dean,” he grins. “Anyone bringing me pie, food and beer can call me Dean. The pie was something else. What did you put inside?”
“My pleasure, Dean. I used anise,” The tall omega chuckles now. “I like to bake and take care of-“ you bite your tongue. “You know, share food and all.”
“It’s quite alright, Y/N. I know that you have a thing for my brother,” you gasp audibly. “He’s a good catch, sweetheart. Trust me. I’m an omega and recognize a good alpha when I see one. And he’s single.”
“Oh, I forgot to ask what you are doing for a living,” you glance at Sam while talking to his elder brother. You try to make small talk, but all of your senses seem to focus on Sam.
“I’m a mechanic, and Sammy over there,” Dean smirks as he points toward his brother is a lawyer. He just opened his own law company. So, if you ever need help with…uh you know. The law. He can help you.”
“That’s nice. I guess.”
“What are you doing for a living, Y/N?” the friendly omega asks. Dean tries to loosen you up a little before he pushes you into his brother’s arms. He already imagines welcoming you to their family. 
“I’m a teacher at the local high school. Boring I know,” you lick your lips while watching Sam. “Not like Jess. She’s a creative director and Lisa over there, the one talking to your brother is a yoga instructor and knows everything about workouts and such.”
“Y/N, I will tell you this only once,” the omega lowers his voice, “you need to be a little more forward and aggressive when it comes to courting for an alpha you want. Go over there, and make sure to get my brother’s attention. He loves your scent; he told me so.”
“He likes my scent?”
“Lavender and honeysuckle, right? Samy was telling me he scented you before he saw you. Honeysuckle, heady and nectarous, and lavender, a pleasant smell that is floral and herbal at the same time according to my brother.”
“He scented me,” you mumble. “Sam scented me.”
“Yes. Now go over there and make your claim on my brother known.”
Dean smirks. You sigh.
There is no way that a tall and handsome alpha like Sam would ever want to claim someone plain and boring like you. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you lie as Dean looks at you, brows furrowed. “I totally forgot about the time. I need to have a look at my students' homework and there are a few emails I need to answer.”
“Don’t just leave. At least say goodbye to my brother if you are too chicken to get what you want.”
You sigh again.
“Sammy is a nice guy. I know the beard and his size can be intimidating, but you don’t have to be afraid of my brother.”
You gasp.
“Dean, I’m not scared of Sam. I just don’t know how to talk to him.”
“You talked to me the whole time.”
“That’s…you are not him,” Dean chuckles as you try to explain how you feel about his younger brother. “Don’t get me wrong. You are a nice guy but he’s just…so perfect, and tall.”
“Sammy is not perfect. He’s smart, kind, and yes, tall. But you are special too. Go and talk to him. If only to say goodnight.”
You take a deep breath. “I can do this.”
“That’s the spirit, sweetheart.”
While you slowly make your way toward Sam, Dean secretly cheers for you and his brother. It’s been a while since Sam wanted to settle down and find himself an omega. Since he and Amelia broke things up, Sam became a loner.
“Sam, hi,” fuck, you hate the sound of your own voice. Your hands start to sweat, and you don’t know if you can make it out of the house without embarrassing yourself. “It was nice of you to invite me to the party, but I have to go.”
You hold out your hand.
“You want to go?” 
“I got some more work to do,” you feel your heartbeat quicken when Sam shakes your hand. “Welcome to the neighborhood again. I hope you like it here.”
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“Y/N? Hi, uh…can you open the door? It’s me, Sam from next door,” you slowly blink your eyes open as someone repeatedly rings your doorbell. “Y/N! Omega!”
“What? Who?” rubbing your face with your hand you groan. “Fuck’s sake. Who rings at my door in the middle of the night.”
You turn back around and try to get some sleep.
To hell with whoever tried to disturb your goodnight sleep…
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“Morning neighbor,” you wave at Dean as he hurriedly makes his way toward his car. A black Impala he likes to call Baby. 
“Hey, sweetheart.”
You snicker as he blows you a kiss. Dean and you feel comfortable around each other, and it shows.
You spent the last few weeks getting to know the cocky omega better.
“Where do you go?”
“My garage.”
“Oh, I just came home from work.”
“Sammy is back in town too,” you stop in your tracks at the news.
At the same time as Dean decided to become your new best friend, Sam left town. Or was it the other way around?
“How was his business trip?”
“Good…it was good.”
“I should head home. Have a great day, Dean.”
Dean doesn’t tell you that Sam had to leave town to sit out his rut. His brother was ready to just pounce on you. Before Sam left, he asked his brother to keep an eye on you...
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“You kept me waiting,” you drop your bag and keys as Sam Winchester stands in your living room. He looks you up and down but says nothing else. “I have been waiting for you.”
“Sam? How did you get—Dean,” groaning you realize Dean must’ve given the spare key you handed him to to join you for movie nights, to his brother. “He let you into my house.”
“Y/N, I was worried about you,” the alpha steps closer to tower over you. “Dean said you’ll be at home at seven. Uh-I wanted to cook for us.”
You just stare up at Sam. He’s even taller up close and it makes you feel small and vulnerable. But there is something else. Your pussy clenches around nothing and you can already feel the slick run down your thighs. “Sam, I…”
“Do you know how hard it is to me to see and scent you every day and not be able to act on it? I wanted to make you mine for so long,” your throat is suddenly a little too dry. Sam’s scent hits you, and you can only stare up at him as he moves his large hand to cradle your face. “Answer me, omega.”
His warm hand on your face makes you whimper. “I will tell you.” He scoops you up in his strong arms to carry you toward the bedroom. “Did you think I missed the way you looked at me?”
Sam presses you against the wall next to your bedroom. His lips claim yours in a heated kiss. You moan, eagerly returning the kiss as Sam starts to grind against your thigh.
“I waited long enough to make you mine. Dean told me that you want to be mine,” he claims your lips again. A little softer this time. “Do you want me to become your alpha?”
You smirk. “I want you to become my big bear…”
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psychofreakforc · 11 months
Random thought about tara figuring out she's bisexual and how sam found out
Okay, so sam left when tara was 13(??) So it's very likely that she still hadn't figured out her sexual orientation.
Sam leaves, and tara starts spending more and more time with amber, that's when she figures out she might like girls... but she knows she finds some boys attractive too, that can't be possible...RIGHT?. Tara is very confused, she wants to talk about it with someone, but the only person who might have understood her was sam, but sam is gone, so the only person left is her neglectful moth- NO! no, that's not gonna happen.
Tara decides to find something that could be useful on the Internet, and that's how tara figures out that she's bisexual. She ends up talking to mindy about it, and needless to say, mindy was very supportive.
Mindy, to show her support, started sending tara every male and female celebrity she finds attractive.
Tara, with mindy's help, becomes more and more confident about her bisexuality, to the point where she is finally comfortable enough to talk about it with chad, wes, liv, and ofc Amber.
Woodsboro is a small town and definitely not the safest place for lgbtq+ people. After Tara's coming out, Chad, Mindy, and Amber created the "tara defence squad." Tara thought it was pretty stupid, but it does feel good to be appreciated just the way you are.
So, yeah, life might not have been fair to tara, She's got a shitty mother, an absentee father, and a sister who also left her, but HEY! at least she has a supportive friend group... Oh, and she gets to call THE Amber Freeman her girlfriend. Tara is finally happy. What could possibly go wrong?
(Let's suppose the scream 5 events happened based on the original script)
Tara gets attacked brutally in her own house by someone wearing a ghostface costume. Tara is in the hospital bed when she sees sam, her sam, her big sister, standing right there, smiling at her.
Something that sam notices almost immediately is how close Tara and Amber seem to be... but they're best friends? Of course they're close, right?... But then again, mindy and chad are also tara's friends... Why doesn't she act like that with them, too?.
Sam decides to forget about it, she has a way bigger problem than the possibility of her little sister being in a relationship with amber freeman. (Because the problem, in the first place, was never that tara was dating a woman, but AMBER FREEMAN OUT OF ALL WOMEN? REALLY TARA?)
She goes to see the only person who could be useful enough in this ghostface situation they've got going on: Dewey Riley. he does say something about not trusting the love interest... and sam can't stop thinking about it (why can't she fucking stop thinking about it?)
What if Amber IS tara's love interest AND ghostface?? That would change everything, wouldn't it?
Turns out sam was right, Amber was the killer, and she just saw her little sister shooting her in the head. She still doesn't know if tara and Amber were more than just friends, but there's so much sadness in tara's eyes... why didn't she feel like that after killing Richie, her boyfriend Richie?
They don't talk about it, Amber is never mentioned betweet sam and tara.
The funny thing about sam finding out she was right all along and tara IS bisexual and she was in a relationship with Amber is that there was no coming out, no emotional talk between sisters, no big explanation... NOTHING
Sam finds out when, one night, her and tara were having a sisterly movie night, and tara kept rambling about how hot that actress was... but also how hot that actor was.
Tara: why are you looking at me like you've seen a ghost?
Sam: you're... i mean- you like- i just- the- girls and boys?
Tara: Is this your way of asking me if i'm bisexual? Yes, Samantha, i thought i made it clear. I didn't take you for the homophobic kind of sister
Obviously, tara knows that sam is not homophobic. She just likes how frustrated sam looks right now.
The all problem with sam not being sure of tara's sexual orientation is that sam regrets not being there for her when she needed it, and that tara had to figure it out all on her own and with a mother who couldn't care less about her.
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