#black butler characters
astrossalvos · 9 days
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Literally all the black butler anime screenshots I got <3 more coming soon (yes you can save them)
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wrenbirdii · 8 months
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Was rewatching Black Butler and remembered a REALLY old character I made sooooo here is my demon bodyguard Carmilla >:D
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warmmilk-n-honey · 11 months
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@isleofgumby made a tier list for kuro characters so I decided to rank the blorbos
I only included the anime versions of the characters that were in the original anime, so even if it's their book of iteration in the picture, it's meant to be rating their original anime iterations. For example, anime Queen Victoria is meant to be lolli Victoria from season 1 despite the image being her book of counterpart. So, if the character only shows up in book of, I didn't bother to include them because their manga and anime counterparts are basically the same.
I only included the kuromyu actors of the musicals I've seen obviously. I think every one of them did a great job, I mainly ranked them based on how iconic I found their performance, how much I felt they embodied their characters, how much I like their characters in general, and how much screen time they got, so some of these actors are at a disadvantage based on how much they were on stage.
my explanation👇
S-Tier- The absolute elite of the elite of kuro characters and actors. I don't just love these characters, these characters make the manga for me, they are the absolute most special guys in the whole world. The actors not only embodied the characters well, but I think brought something new to the table that made their performance exceptional. For example, Madam Red's actor slayed so hard with her singing, but also brought depth to the character that made me like her more than I did originally, she was also really hot.
A-Tier- I love all the characters in A, they are icons they make me smile, they make me love the manga. They might not be quite on the level of S tier, but they are very close. Tanaka's anime counterpart is there because while I think the way he deflates is cursed, he is pretty similar to the Tanaka we know and love and I appreciate his Japanese va a lot. Some of the characters in A tier simply have not had enough screen time to be in S. I was also so conflicted about putting Bard and Tanaka in A instead of S but I decided to because Bard's backstory did leave a slightly bad taste in my mouth, and Tanaka has yet to prove his loyalty to O!Ciel, I'm sorry it had to be this way, but I'm strict.
B-Tier- I feel positive things for these characters, I generally like them, but I don’t love them, I generally like them, but I don't care about them that much. Season 1 Victoria is here because I think she’s hilarious and I do actually like her design. Kelvin’s stage actor is here because I felt he did a rlly good job with the character he was given.
C-Tier- I don't care about these characters whatsoever/they have done something that I don't like. For instance, Pitt would be a lot higher, but he betrayed O!Ciel and his character isn't interesting enough to make up for it so, sorry. The anime iterations of many beloved characters are here because I don't think they were portrayed well and it annoys me, especially the servants.
D-Tier- The absolute bottom of the barrel, characters I actively hate or strongly dislike. Sebastian is mainly here as a joke and would realistically be higher up, but I enjoy hating on him so much and that man deserves to be taken down a peg. Anime Lizzie is here because she was done so dirty it should be considered a crime. Anyway these characters are trash.
This list is subject to change, but yeah. Agni could definitely be on S tier, Jane could be a lot higher than she is since she's very hot, stuff like that.
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icantdothistodaybruh · 4 months
For the kuro requests, can we get an Alois? I think he'd look super sweet in your style 👀🙏
It's been a year anon I'm so sorry but here you go🥀🥀🥀
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dadbastiandisaster · 3 months
It’s so cute seeing other fandoms complain about their really good anime adaptations meanwhile s1 and 2 of Kuro are just… bad. Just an absolute dumpster fire. Like I’m seeing people complaining because some of the Hellsing characters were drawn slightly differently in Ultimate, I’m seeing BSD fans talk about how they ever so slightly tweaked this one panel from the manga.
Babygirl, they added a whole two and a half seasons of non-canon wacko nonsense. They added a naked dog-man. They spoiled a major plot twist of the manga. They took a hacksaw to like three whole characters personalities. They added the Alice in Wonderland OVA.
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lunerium · 1 month
Sebastian belonged to Ciel and Ciel belonged to Sebastian the moment they met.
Sebastian gave himself to Ciel the moment they met. Sebastian was summoned by the cry of Ciel’s soul, by the sheer corruption that he so desperately sought. Sebastian went to that sacrificial room not because of the amateur cultists attempting a satanic ritual, but because he was looking for Ciel. He wanted to own Ciel. He chose Ciel.
And when Ciel accepted to surrender himself to the devil, Sebastian marked him. He marked Ciel’s eye and his own hand with the symbol that would bind them together. Sebastian marked him, corrupted him, made him his.
But at the same time, he gave himself to Ciel. The contract is more than just Sebastian granting Ciel his powers. It is Sebastian turning himself in to Ciel, belonging to Ciel, wholeheartedly devoted to Ciel. From the moment that contract was signed, they belonged to each other in the most primal sense.
In this panel, Sebastian says “the power of the devil is yours” which means that Sebastian wholeheartedly let himself be controlled by Ciel, to be owned by him.
Therefore, Sebastian told Ciel, “I am yours”.
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rm-cain · 21 days
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lacryem · 2 months
— A surprisingly long and in depth look about symbolism in the recent G-Fantasy cover by Yana Toboso ✦
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Including references, flower language, how to decode the meaning of flowers, and a little too much brainrot. As well my personal interpretation drawn from all the sources I looked at. And of course what all of means (and maybe hints at?) for Sebastian and Ciel… and maybe even Sebaciel? 
Originally posted as a twitter thread, but threads suck and I forgot a couple things. so here now.
Disclaimer :
I don’t know FOR SURE that all these things were directly referenced by Yana when creating this art. But being a fan of her work for over a decade I've become familiar with her use of symbolism and reference, and believe myself to have a good eye for it at this point!   I'm also pretty familiar with the use of flower language, including different languages, due to having been involved in a project about it and having to read wayyy too much about this. 
Some of it also includes my own personal interpretation, but the meanings and info I based myself off of ARE factual. I think I made it pretty clear when referencing my personal interpretation. You're welcome to reach your own interpretation based off of the stuff provided!
And lastly, I'm not a sebaciel shipper. I'm not an anti (the complete opposite, actually) and have nothing against the ship, I like the narrative around them and how they're written but I don’t actively ship them romantically or sexually. So I'd say this is actually a pretty unbiased interpretation. Personal taste is one thing, but I don’t deny the author's intention and whats written in front of me! That is what this post is about.
Kuroshitsuji takes place in the Victorian period (1837~1901) in 1889.
The following are both important Victorian books on the language of flowers that I will be basing myself off of.
Language of Flowers by Greenaway Kate (1884), and The Language of flowers: An Alphabet of Floral Emblems (1857).
(Also, I’m treating Ciel’s rose as a deep red rose. Which is a bit different than red roses. But I am adding some relevant information about roses in general, anyway.
Now, on what they say about these flowers.
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Deep rose, meaning "bashful shame". White lily, meaning "Purity and sweetness."
— The White Lily
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Most people assume that the lily refers to Ciel's purity, and that’s a fair assumption. But I disagree. 
Firstly, the one holding the lily is Sebastian. Holding it on his right hand, tilted towards the right. However what's relevant here is the VIEWER. From the viewer's POV he's holding it to the left. Note he also holds the scissors on his left hand, where he bears HIS contract seal.
How you hold a flower, what position you give it to someone in, changes the meaning of the flower. These context clues are very important. It tells us that 'purity and sweetness' doesn’t refer to Ciel, but actually refers to Sebastian (…sorta).
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This may be a little confusing. Purity and sweetness, Sebastian?! I know, I know. bear with me.
These books provide poems to help us understand how you may interpret the intended meaning. The lily poem is about enduring trials out of love because of the purity and sweetness he sees in his lover's eyes and soul. I believe Yana directly references the poems I will include in this post in her new artwork.
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— My Interpretation
the meaning of Sebastian's lily is:
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"I do all out of love for the sweetness and purity within you."
Him holding it to the contact seal and cutting the flower could stand for him destroying this sentiment (affection within himself) that has arisen in him as a result of their contract by destroying the sweetness and purity—the source of it—within Ciel (consuming his soul).
Note: This is debatable, as 'reversed' almost always means upside down. But if you consider the lily facing away from the viewer as reversed then it could mean "impurity and bitterness" which fits pretty well with Ciel, and it being held against the contract seal which is a physical representation of his impurity, brought on by his bitterness.
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— The Deep Red Rose
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There something I find very interesting. The rose is in a teacup, standing in for tea (I think there's even tea alongside it in the cup.) From Yana herself we know that Sebastian's eyes are a reference to the reddish brown colour of tea.
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Like I said, I believe this rose to be a deep red rose, which is a bit more specific than the meaning given to red roses. However I think the poem included for roses in general very much applies here.
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I was going to add my thoughts but I found this interpretation that sums it up pretty well if you replace the carpe diem theme with a more "running out of time" or "impending death" theme, which seems to be a more accurate reading for this artwork.
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Looking at the rose itself, it has no thorns or leaves.
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It is not a youthful rose as its already fully open and losing petals. "No hope, and no fear" fits with the poem, the rose is basically an hourglass referring to Ciel. His fate is unavoidable, but this isn't a deterrent. He's dancing on the ledge.
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The deep red rose means 'bashful shame'.
When you compare it to the lily, which is a direct proclamation, the deep red rose is a quiet confession one cannot verbalize.
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Debatable, to be fair but given the tie in to Sebastian's eye colour and the fact that he is always the one pouring tea for Ciel, I believe the Sebastian to be the speaker here too, but this time speaking on Ciel's feelings (Hence why he's the one holding it) rather than Sebastian's own. 
— My Interpretation
The meaning of the deep red rose Ciel holds, speaking about Ciel's feelings of guardedness, and in response saying:
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"Abandon your bashful shame, and let yourself be admired without expectations (hope) or fear"
Sebastian speaks about Ciel's feelings, the deep red rose acknowledges his feelings but they remain unspoken.
The Waller poem is a plead for his beloved to seize the day, for time is short, and allow herself to be loved completely. 
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Her beauty is one to be appreciated, she is not meant to be a rose unacknowledged (unloved) in the desert.
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Regarding 'expectations', I think this is more about rigid ideas of how 'appreciation' or 'admiration, might be shown or received. Sebastian and Ciel's relationship defies normality or 'expectations'. So this, too, would defy expectations a young boy like Ciel, or a traumatised boy like Ciel, may have.
From Yana herself, we know Sebastian's dedication and how highly he holds 'beauty', specifically Ciel's beauty.
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The author of the poem proclaims that beauty not appreciated is not beautiful indeeed, and so he calls his beloved to come to him and be appreciated wholly during the invaluable, limited time they have.
We see the deep red rose's petals fall away, in my opinion not only symbolising the withering away of time, but also the crumbling away of this "bashful shame" that Sebastian ascribes to Ciel.
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How Sebastian wishes to "appreciate" this beauty is debatable. How he wants to "admire" and "desire" (per the poem) Ciel is rather open ended. Wether it be in a romantic way, a sexual way or by consuming his soul.
However, I don’t think these are mutually exclusive. And consuming Ciel can easily be a metaphor for the former two. 
— The Lily and The Rose
The Greeneaway book has this poem which im sure was directly referenced. This poem speaks about the lily and the rose in a direct power struggle and fight for dominance, until they eventually unite and reign as one.
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Now when speaking about this "union", you could say it refers to their contract, but I don’t think so.
The contract ties them to each other, but it doesn’t necessarily unite them. So I believe 'unity' to be about the appreciation Sebastian speaks of Ciel opening up to. 
"The Lily" and "The Rose" might be interpreted as directly representing Sebastian and Ciel, and the unity that would come from them joining and becoming a truly complimentary pair. I think a power struggle and fight for being the one in control is very accurate way to describe their current dynamic in canon.
It may also be interpreted as "The Lily" and "The Rose" as being representations of their feelings and ideals previously. And then it would represent these two conflicting expressions—a loud  unrelenting and destructive devotion, and a guarded, bashful, unspoken reluctance— coming together and turning from conflicting to complimentary. 
Or as it tends to be with these things, both!
Either way all of this is expressed under the sense of impending doom created by their circumstances and the contract. So there's a sense of urgency permeating all of it.
Also clear to me is a sense of internal conflictedness coming from Sebastian's message that is usually only hinted at like this, and some people end up overlooking.
Sebastian desires Ciel deeply, but having him would also mean not being able to have him anymore.
Sebastian is torn and that’s why he attempts to cut the root of his wavering feelings represented by the lily. 
All of this makes me wonder about what's next, and if we will see these things said more blatantly. Foreshadowing with flower language and references like this, isn't exactly rare for Yana. I wonder if we will see this 'unity' come to be, and what necessary development Sebastian and Ciel will need to undergo to make it possible. As well as what shape it will take.
I also wonder very much about Ciel's perspective in all of this, as this was almost entirely from Sebastian's POV, but I think that's intentional. Ciel has his own goals and a lot on his mind. Sebastian's goal IS Ciel. So I assume he spends a lot more time thinking about Ciel and this kind of thing.
Thank you if you read the whole way through. Like I said before, even though the sources defending it are, my interpretation is not law and you're welcome to reach your own with the things presented.
Links for sources, including free public domain PDFs of the books mentioned are found at the end of my twitter thread.
— Thanks for reading! —
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astrossalvos · 3 months
hyp-hypnotic ! ! 😮‍💨 yes I edited Sebastian be happy-
Sebastian: my, why thank you Astros Ciel: you never edit me 😒 that is a lie- I think-
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imviotrash · 11 days
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Joanne Harcourt moodboard of being in various stages of distress, because he's just like me fr.
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chasiufan · 7 days
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Inspired by this chapter written by @pain-in-the-butler
One of my fave scenes in the entire fic I had to draw it out ~_~ ignore the character inconsistency I have no idea how to draw any of them
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tokkimins · 13 days
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purring sounds
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blondeaxolotl · 14 days
THE PUBLIC DEMANDS MORE INFO ON MOMMY SEBASTIAN AND DEALING WITH BABY SEBASTIAN !!!!! like dealing with a baby demon must be fun by itself right :P
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WELL, for her it was a confusing at first because not only was it her first time taking care of a baby, but a baby that was a different demon species than her, not to mention in her culture... To put it nicely, only female praying mantises were allowed to be queens/royalty and therefore they were raised more than males. So her knowledge on raising a boy was also very limited. But it's okay! She did end up having a friend teach and help on her how to raise her son. And it ended up being not too hard after all!! <3
Also as a bonus, have a mini comic of Sebastian saying his first words:
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bibyshitsuji24k · 18 days
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ciel in madness au
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rama-thorn · 1 year
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aliciarose-art · 1 month
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an excuse to draw my comfort characters? Hell yeah
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