#bro just popped into existence and decided to become everyone else's problem
chelsiegeorgia · 4 months
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my incredibly in depth headcannon for Sonic's backstory/origin
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genaleah · 3 years
For the first time in about a year maybe??? Some of these might be even older than that.
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Yes, it is Korka! I definitely want her involved, she’s a wonderful character and there is a *lot* of fun paranormal stuff going on in this setting that she can help them research. Also, I’d just love for her and Nelson to become friends!
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Thank you! I love him a lot, and it’s fun to picture him interacting with the other guys. They’d all make for some interesting uncle figures, but they might not be that great in terms of role models.
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OHOHO. Devilish laugh. That’s a wonderful idea, and a good way to keep him occupied at some point. He’s a great character, but he’s incredibly powerful, and I want these dudes to solve their own problems whenever possible. 
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A good question! I don’t remember most of my dreams, but there’s usually a consistent look to the vivid ones. Lots of water, mountains, creeks, and high, winding roads. There are also a lot of buildings that are closely integrated with nature, even though I have almost never seen construction like that. 
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I had not, but now I have! Here’s a trailer, for anyone else that missed it:
I really like these new models! I’m looking forward to watching a playthrough when that’s available. Just like with Rhombus of Ruin, I don’t think I’ll be able to play this one myself.
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DOUBLE FINE, I WISH TO SPEAK WITH YOU- no, I’m kidding! I think great minds think alike. But I’m really excited to learn more about that character and possibly involve them in this whole au eventually. 
I’ve actually tried to avoid almost any info about Psychonauts 2 so I can go in mostly-blind, and a lot of the characters are vague to me. It’s fun to look forward to, but it’s also a little harrowing because I don’t know how to anticipate for it!
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N...NO..... I NEED TO... Honestly those are old enough that it might be a good idea for me to re-make them, as well as the playing cards I made for the mega playlist cover. I think it’d be nice to remake them as vectors... that might make for a nice art stream sometime. I’ll mention publicly if I start doing that, and sharing any of these conceptual Wildcards arts when they’re done. 
And if you’re just curious about what the tarot cards for the other characters are going to be, it’s this:
Eddie: Judgement, The Magician, The Emperor
Manny: Death, Justice, The World
Sam: The Chariot, The Tower, Strength
Max: The Devil, Wheel of Fortune, Joker
Although! I may actually give the Moon card to Max instead of the Devil, and replace the missing card from Nelson’s selection with the High Priestess?  🤔  I’ll decide when I get to it.
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Could be! I’ve flip-flopped occasionally on if I want the split-a-cab gang to participate much in the story. I think they deserve a break, and splitting an apartment in New York seems like a good situation for the four of them.
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Oh boy, that must be so disorienting for him. The Psychonauts deal with a lot of hippy-dippy weirdness in a seemingly organized way, but it seems like they’re not as paranoid about safety as a real federal organization would be. Not necessarily a good thing, considering one of their camp counselors went AWOL one day, and the head of the Psychonauts got kidnapped the next. They kinda need to get their act together.
Fun fact, in one of the earlier drafts of Chapter 3 I was actually going to make Nelson get scanned by the equivalent of a metal-detector for malevolent thoughts at the door and get really spooked by it, but I decided against it.
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Honestly, a big bulk of the plot in this just regards characters having to face their mental health struggles... via facing it as literal internal demons, unstable powers, etc.  It’s going to take a little while for any of Eddie’s teammates to realize how MUCH he has going on under the surface because he does a pretty good job of hiding it. “Needing to help others above ever helping themselves” is a hard issue to notice if you’re not looking for it. But it’s a guarantee that once they find out he needs help, they’ll give it; whether that’s making sure he’s not working himself too hard, or fighting off demonic cultists. Care comes in many forms.
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SHE NEEDS TO REST.... POOR SYBIL (on the upside, they don’t TECHNICALLY work there, so she might be fine most of the time.)
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Strong Bad isn’t a Psychonaut! He’s just a vlogger and a petty (psychic) criminal. It’s honestly not very different from canon.
Free Country, USA is a smalltown hotbed of psychic activity. Nearly everyone there has some mild capacity for supernatural powers, but nobody really notices or cares. Strong Bad just pops the tops off of cold ones and.... sometimes alters reality, a tiny bit. But mostly just in regards to media. The cartoons, comics, etc, that he invents and talks about have a tendency to suddenly voip into existence and nobody knows how. I swear, there’s actually a line of him saying something to this effect, but I can’t find it anywhere.  Don’t worry about it! Nobody in town is ever going to do anything truly nefarious with their powers, so it’s not a high priority on the Psychonauts’ radar, just a weird footnote.
The only reason Homestar is an actual agent is because he seems like exactly the kind of guy to sign up for a job like that on accident and then stick with it. And he’s a talented telekinetic! None of his other friends know about his job or notice his absences.
And just for fun, here’s some weird instances of psychic overpowering that happened in the cartoon:
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(Poor Strong Sad)
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I’ve actually answered this one before! BAM  Pretty sure all of it is still accurate.
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Nelson: He sees floating sheets of paper containing notes, questions, etc. Anything that he wants to know more about regarding that person. The notes are subject to edits, cross-outs, ripped pages, etc.
Guybrush: He sees the item that the person is carrying that he wants most. As he gets to know people better, he sees them for their useful skills first.
Manny: His view of most living people is not very kind...
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The people he’s closest to will eventually look a lot less garish. More like a flattering, camera-ready versions of themselves.
Eddie: Sickass sketch drawings that look like they belong in the margins of a composition book. The illustrations improve as he gets a better picture of where they’d fit in the internal lore of his mental world.
Sam: A lot like Nelson; Sam pictures case files, though his are a bit more in-depth.
Max: Max’s visions of people are highly personal and uncomfortable for those who witness them. He sees Nelson as a puzzle with a piece missing. Guybrush is a ripped up voodoo doll. Manny is a forgotten ofrenda. Eddie is a powder keg with a long, lit fuse. Sam is Sam, but he’s the wrong one.
I also got two questions that were pretty big subjects, or that I didn’t want to repeat, so I’m gonna cover them pretty broadly:
Sure, I support it! I’ve gotten this question a few times in regards to things that I haven’t had time to delve into yet, or I’m not interested in, so I’m not going to include it into the AU myself. But if you want to explore an idea like that, feel free! This AU is pretty dang collaborative.
My main focus is just on the main 6 properties: Psychonauts, Puzzle Agent, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Brutal Legend, and Sam & Max.
But my general rule of thumb for “characters that exist somewhere within the background of this story” are any other properties owned by Telltale, Lucasarts, or Double Fine. And considering all of the licensed games that Telltale was getting into before it kicked the bucket, that includes some really weird characters, even up to the Venture Bros. I loved that series, but I’m not really interested in doing anything with them for this story! Partly for my sanity, the canon I’ve picked are already a lot of content to play with. 
There’s no particular criteria needed to join the discord, and it’s not strictly on a need-to-know basis! Because it’s been a long while since anyone has joined, I've been hesitant about adding new people in... But I‘ve decided to try sending invitations again! Everyone who had asked about it in the past will be getting a ping by me in about a day or so, since I want to double-check if you’re still interested. If you’ve been nervous to ask you can reply to this post or message me privately.
Some things to keep in mind before asking or accepting the invite:
If you’re not a friend or a follower I recognize, I will likely double-check your tumblr along with some other current members before sending the invite. 
Here’s the Rules page, so you know what to expect before you join: 
Be Mindful - Respect other people's boundaries, don't do or say things that would cross the line. If your behavior makes other people feel uncomfortable or unsafe, I will remove you from the chat. In most cases I will try to resolve things with you and offer a chance to do better, but that will depend on the severity of the situation. And if you have any concerns regarding another member of the chat, you can contact me privately.
Health Boundaries - While discussions of mental health do occasionally pop up, do not rely on the chat for help. None of us are equipped to handle serious mental health concerns, and it will only cause distress for everyone. Please seek real help if it is needed! If you rely on people beyond the point that they have asked you to stop, I will remove you from the chat.
NSFW - Generally speaking, try to keep NSFW talk to a minimum. Swearing and humor is fine, but don't get too explicit please! Discussions should usually keep to a PG-13 / occasional R, but no NC-17.
Spoilers & Censorship - Please use the spoiler function to hide story spoilers, as well as discussions and graphic depictions of gore/excessive blood/body horror/severe psychological horror. Include a content warning so that people know what they could potentially be seeing when they click on the censored content. If the spoilered content is the subject of a back-and-forth discussion, please use another warning when you are switching to a different spoilered topic. (Note that these rules were added to the chat later, so be careful when using the search function or back reading.)
The canon series involved with the Wildcard AU are Psychonauts, Puzzle Agent, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Brutal Legend, and Sam & Max. Please be mindful of story spoilers!
Channel Organization - Also be mindful of which channel you're in and move a discussion over if need be! That way they don't get too clogged with unrelated info.
Creative Criticism - When it comes to writing, art, or character creation; try to be open to suggestions from others! Nearly all of the creative work in the chat is collaborative, so input from others is important! Creative criticism is not the same as judgement, and is not a personal attack.
Have fun! - Discussions move quickly in this chat! Don't feel bad if you ever need to step back, whether it's because of the speed or a disinterest in whatever current topic we're focusing on. If you ever want to come back, we're happy to have you and can give quick explanations if you feel out of the loop! :thumbsup:
We’re a group of approx. a half dozen to a dozen people, either posting very very quickly in a span of a few hours or barely anything for a few days. We’ve been in an activity uptick lately and there’s about a year and half of back content, too. If it’s hard to keep up on, not that interesting to read through, or you just have a hard time gelling with the group that's already there, there’s no shame in just lurking or dipping out if you need to.
We also talk a lot about Psychonauts OCs, so anticipate that.
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beccarooni · 5 years
Space Bros
(A.N: my first asgardians of the galaxy fic! Took me a while, sorry about the wait. This is mostly inspired by that thing about Chris Pratt being able to braid hair. Thanks to @woahthisguy for helping me out with dialogue!)
“No, one of us has to do something. This has gone too far already.“ 
"I don’t see what the problem is. The Angel-God should be able to wear what he likes.”
“Drax, you haven’t worn a shirt in…any of the time I’ve known you. Forgive me if I don’t take your sense of style too seriously.”
“For someone who can’t even reach the table, you-”
Quill leaned against the doorway, watching as the ‘friendly debate’ between Drax and Rocket once again got out of hand. That seemed to be happening a lot recently. Well, he supposed they’d always been a bit like that. And that was what he liked about them, really. Sure, the Avengers were great and all, but they were just so…serious. Serious about their friendships, their battle plans - it was all a bit of a bummer to witness. Which was partly the reason why he’d been so opposed to having Thor join them in the first place. When they’d first met him, he’d been a serious mood killer. Tall, dark, handsome, and an all round axe-wielding angst machine that made his team go crazy. 
And then the blip happened, and suddenly that guy was gone. To where, Quill didn’t exactly know. All he did understand was that somewhere between then and now, all of the anger and pain that Mantis had first witnessed had been shoved somewhere deep under the surface of the Asgardians skin. 
If he was being honest the whole ‘missing 5 years of his life’ thing was still freaking him out. He’d been dead for five years. Rocket had mourned for him, for the whole damn team, for five years. And then all of a sudden he was running out of a portal shooting weird space-creatures, and he was just supposed to deal with all that? 
Things were stressful, and all he’d really wanted to do was go to space, play his tapes, and pretend not to notice the way Rocket stared at them all- like he wasn’t sure if they were even real. 
But then Thor had asked to stay. He’d asked to come with them, just for a little while, and what was he supposed to do? Say no? 
He may have had his disagreements with Thor in the 20 minutes he’d known him, but that was the old Thor. The frankly kind of scary one. This one, with the longer hair and the wild beard and the laughter that seemed just a bit too close to crying - Quill could handle this one. He could understand him, tolerate him, maybe. 
And with their travels of course had come a bit of bonding, no matter how Quill had tried to prevent it. Thor was a likeable guy, with no shortage of crazy stories to tell. Granted, Quill had tuned out at first. Combat stories were all well and good, but when you’d fought a planet who happened to also be your dad, other things started to fall a little flat. 
But then, Thor had started talking about love. 
About a scientist with curly hair and brown eyes, and a giant with green skin and a crooked smile, and that had got Quill’s attention. He’d never been to Asgard - the Ravagers had scared him away from that golden fortress with tales of security systems that seemed straight out of Quill’s own personal nightmares - but even just listening to the man talk about love was like getting smacked in the face with a Shakespearean sonnet. 
Quill got that. He got love that was so intense it made your heart want to explode out of your chest. It was kind of devious, really. Thor had roped him into conversations and now dared to use his charm on him? To win him into a friendship? 
Disgusting. Illegal. Quill would’ve challenged him to a laser-gun based duel if Thor wasn’t the only person on the spaceship who would high five him no matter the occasion. 
But then the eventual day had come where Thor had decided to leave them. To go back home and check on New Asgard, and most importantly to see Bruce. Thor had said “For the first time in about 3 years!” With a sense of levity, and for the most part he’d been happy for him. 
And then Groot had asked what Thor was planning to wear for a 3 year space reunion. 
And then all hell had broken loose. 
All because Thor had gestured to a pair of sweatpants and a jumper and said the fateful words, “these are fine”. 
“Listen, I’ve met his Bruce, alright? Dude wears button up shirts and cardigans. That’s code for being a big green fancy man.” Rocket shook his head, clawing his way back onto the table to poke Drax in the chest.  “That means no sweatpants.”
“He’s a god!” Drax retorted, twirling a knife in hand which Quill was really hoping he wasn’t planning to use. “If I had a lover capable of tearing apart spaceships, I would bed him regardless of pants!”
“Oh my God, we get it Drax. You’re horny for Thor.”
Quill rolled his eyes, failing to hide the fond smile that was creeping over his face. Honestly - he’d truly picked some of the weirdest people in the galaxy to share his life with. 
But he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Maybe they’d never really admit to him being their captain, or see him as their leader. At least, not in the way the Avengers saw that dude in the spangly outfit. But maybe being the captain was more than that. 
Maybe being the captain was loving his team, as cheesy as it sounded, even with all their weirdness. 
Being the captain meant taking care of his crew. And with his eyes drifting away from the table, and down to the darkened hull of the ship, Quill began to suspect that there might be someone else that needed taking care of. 
He pushed away from the wall with perhaps a little more speed than he needed to (in all honesty it was more to avoid Drax’s next weird sex anecdote than with any urgency regarding their resident Thunder Dude, but no one else needed to know that), walking along the various rooms to get to Thor’s bunk. Prior to the asgardians arrival that room had been the designated 'Random Garbage’ room, and had become the largest victim of Rocket’s serious weapon-hoarding problem. It had taken a whole week, and several close calls regarding bomb explosions to clear the place out, and even longer to procure a bed suitable for someone who could summon lightning at will, and who was one bad dream away from conjuring a hurricane. 
He knocked on the door, casting his eyes over the Nordic runes that had been painted over it with a crooked grin. Thor had spent a decent amount of time teaching the guardians Asgardian, more specifically, Asgardian curse words. Not a mission went past now that wasn’t littered with words that would make the Allfather blush, and the not-so-subtle warning to 'Keep Out’ that was posted over Thor’s door was no exception. 
“Just a minute!” 
There was the sound of something smashing from behind the door, and the thud of footfalls followed until the metal panel was thrown open with a clang that made Quill wince - the Asgardian’s slightly flushed face staring back at him. 
“Oh, hello." 
Thor’s face brightened in something close to surprise, as if Quill was a neighbour who’d popped round for a quick chat. 
"Did you need something, Quill? I was just packing." 
"Thought you might need some help." 
He grinned back, peeking his head through the door at the chaos inside. Clothes were strewn over chairs and tables, random axes and swords piled precariously onto any surface that could handle them. And some that definitely couldn’t. 
"Ah, yes. That would be…appreciated." The Demigod clapped Quill on the shoulder in a brief show of thanks, guiding him forward into the war zone he’d created within the span of half an hour. 
"I must apologise for the mess. Had a bit of trouble trying to find clean clothes.”
“Yeah, join the club, pal.” He shook his head, nudging through a pile with his feet. “Spaceship living. Hard on the laundry, harder on the privacy." 
Thor chuckled from across the room, pacing about what little free floor remained as he watched Quill attempt to navigate through it. 
Now, Quill was no stranger to mess. His spaceship was frequently labeled as a blatant violation of any and all safety protocols that existed for rag-tag groups of space bandits (which, surprisingly, there were quite a few of). But something about this mess seemed…off. Clothes had been strewn about, not by laziness or necessity, but what looked like anger. And there were a few still sparking holes in the walls that were definitely made from fists. 
"You uh…” Quill rubbed at the back of his head, trying to think of the right words to say to get to the bottom of this. “You excited about going back?" 
"Hm?” Thor glanced up, brows furrowing as he mulled over the answer. “Well, of course. It’s been a while since I’ve seen everyone. It’ll be nice to catch up.”
“You’re not nervous?" 
"Nervous? Why would I be nervous?" 
Quill shrugged, lifting up a shirt that was still glowing red with embers before dropping it with a hissed curse. 
"Just seems like you’re a bit freaked out about it, is all. Which is understandable, I mean. I’d probably be freaked out too.”
“I’m not nervous.” Thor’s frown deepened considerably, a few stray sparks flying from his fingertips. “I’m…excited. Excited, happy, very happy to see them all again. Not nervous. That’d be stupid.”
“Not even about seeing Bruce?" 
A pause followed before Thor’s next answer, and for a moment Quill was worried he’d crossed a line. The dark shadow that crossed the demigods face was a sharp reminder of the Thor they’d first picked up all those years ago - the sad one, the furious one. The broken one. 
"I don’t -” Thor began, his voice breaking off into silence. He lifted a hand to his mouth, shutting his eyes briefly against what quill was sure were tears, allowing the tremor in his voice to settle before continuing. 
“I don’t know if I can face him like this, Quill.”
“Wait, like what?”
“Like this. This, all of this!”
Thor gestured to himself, his face set into a deep scowl as his hands clawed at his clothes, his hair - all with a ferocity that made Quill grimace in sympathy. 
He didn’t quite know how to handle this, and he was honestly a little nervous to even try. Petty arguments between friends, he could stand. Friendly touches and comforts were things that he could easily dispense, if he needed to. 
If Rocket was angry, he’d want to be left to cool off with a handful of machinery and some light music. If Mantis was sad, she’d want a hug, and something funny to make her laugh. If Gamora, or Drax, or Groot, or any one of his team members needed something, he knew what it was, and when to provide it. 
But Thor was new. Even after 2 years, he was new. 
He’d been about to open his mouth to offer him some privacy when Thor interrupted, his voice low and just so tired. 
“I only went to space to get better. I was supposed to be happy again, and I’m just…not. Coming back like this? Without changing anything about myself? It feels like I’ve failed him, and I promised myself I was done with failure." 
The clenched fists and hunched shoulders really weren’t giving Quill much to go on comfort-wise, but he was done with standing awkwardly at the sidelines. It was time to be the captain. 
Awkwardly stepping over the various piles of junk, Quill finally arrived at the demi-gods side, planting a firm hand onto his shoulder. 
"Look, I don’t know Bruce. Never met the guy, and I don’t fancy going back to earth anytime soon so I doubt I ever will. All I’ve got on him is what you’ve told me." 
And jesus, had he been told a lot. He thought back on it - on the descriptions of a smile that was rare but so, so bright. Of restless hands constantly moving from experiment to experiment, yet still always managed to find time to hold Thor when he needed it. Of someone who seemed delicate, but really was as tough as they came, who’d been through so much in such a short time but still dedicated every minute of his life to helping others. 
Thor had painted a picture of a scientist, and a giant, who loved with as much fire and splendor as a collapsing star. 
Quill smiled softly, tightening his hold in what he hoped was a comforting squeeze, but honestly Thor’s skin could take a bullet and barely even bruise so he wasn’t sure if he’d even felt it. 
"The only way you’d be failing him is if you didn’t come back at all.”
Thor sniffed, and Quill’s brain was screaming at him for a solid 5 second interval that ’you just made the God of Thunder cry, Quill. What the hell is wrong with you, Quill. You walk in to help him clear up his room and within the span of 5 minutes he’s started sobbing and you’re considering throwing yourself out of the airlock, Quill.’
But then he caught a small smile, shaky and ever so slightly water-logged, but present, and he allowed himself to breathe. 
Thor straightened his back, wiping at the sides of his eyes and trying his very best to drown out the crying with a Manly Cough. 
It didn’t really work, but Quill had enough sense in his brain to ignore that part, and forge forward with his role as emotional support captain. 
“But, I think the rest of the team would kill me if I let you go out without sprucing up your image a little bit.”
Thor raised an eyebrow, folding his arms protectively across his chest. "Did you have something in mind?“ 
20 minutes later, Quill was perched on the edge of the bed, brows screwed tightly together in concentration as he stared at the copious amounts of blonde hair currently tangled in his fingers. 
He’d learned many skills as a Ravager. Breaking into vaults, impeccable aim with his blasters, and somewhere along the line a particularly long-haired ravager had taught him the art of braiding. He hadn’t used that skill in a long time, at least before the guardians had come along. Now it seemed every evening he was braiding back Mantis’s hair, and if he was being honest, he was getting pretty good at it. 
A small chuckle from Thor as he looked in the mirror confirmed his suspicions, and gave him a well needed ego boost. 
"This might be the peak of my career, dude.” Quill leaned back, pulling at a couple of loose strands, earning him a warning crackle of lightning from the asgardians fingers. 
“Seriously. Should I become a barber?”
“I think guarding the galaxy is a somewhat higher priority than hair styling.”
“Nah. This is way better. I feel like picasso after finishing the Mona Lisa.”
“What?” Thor turned slightly, prompting Quill to swat at his shoulder as he tied the final few strands into place. 
“I don’t know, I only got an 8th grade education. Leave me alone." 
Quill brushed his hands against his knees, admiring his now finished handiwork with a proud grin. 
"You do look kickass, though.”
Thor twisted this way and that in front of the mirror, fingers tracing their way along the length of the braid that just brushed his shoulder blades. 
He got to his feet, turning slightly to place his hands onto Quill’s shoulders in a sudden movement that made a rather undignified noise come out of his mouth. 
“Uh-” Quill’s brain short circuited for a moment, trying to come up with some snarky response and drastically failing to do so. "What are we doing?“
"When I first got here, we didn’t get along too well. And that was partly my fault - I think I came across as a little intimidating." 
“Which is ridiculous. You should value yourself more, Quill.”
Thor smiled, moving to pull Quill into what would go down in history as his most awkward, yet somehow most comforting hug he’d ever had. 
“Your talents are varied and I am in no competition with you. You’re a good man. And I thank you for your hospitality these past few years.”
Quill managed to stutter through, kicking his brain hard enough to get it to respond in at least some meaningful way, even if that was just reaching up to pat Thor on the shoulders before the two broke apart again. 
“It’s…it’s no problem. You know you’re always welcome here. Even if you make the team go a little crazy.“ 
Thor laughed at that, reaching up to scratch at his beard slightly, his eyes once again turning back to the mirror beside them. 
"It does look nice." 
"Yeah.” Quill nodded, reaching forward to brush an imperceptible smudge of dirt from their resident god’s shoulder. 
“It does." 
"Y'know, I’m gonna miss having Blondie around.”
Rocket hopped up onto Quill’s shoulder, watching from the viewing window as a large green gentleman lifted Thor clean off the ground, swinging him in a circle as the two clung together. 
“Where else am I gonna find enough electricity to power all of my stuff?”
“I’m sure we’ll be seeing him again soon." 
"We better. Some of this stuff is seriously unstable.”
"I mean, seriously. Like world ending." 
"Oh my God.”
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mbtizone · 7 years
Dennis Reynolds (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia): ENTJ
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Dominant Extroverted Thinking [Te]: Dennis enjoys being in charge and likes being in positions of power and authority. He’s a planner, and spends a lot of his time coming up with and implementing the gang’s various schemes. He is very blunt and other people’s emotions are of no concern to him. Dennis is a huge control freak and has no problem organizing other people to accomplish his goals (Te-Ni). He’s known to snap when other people are being illogical, such as when the gang attempts to make plans that he knows will never actually work. Dennis is the one who works hardest to keep the gang on task and gets extremely frustrated when they lose focus, particularly when they’re discussing ludicrous ideas that can never actually come to fruition.
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Auxiliary Introverted Intuition [Ni]: Dennis loves speaking in metaphor, particularly if insulting or threatening another person. When he has a goal, he knows what he needs to do to achieve it. He knows exactly how he wants his plans to unfold, and expects every step to go exactly the way he envisioned it. When something causes his plans to go awry, he becomes frustrated, angry, and usually throws a fit. Since Dennis is a sociopath and a narcissist, he uses his intuition to manipulate people or to achieve his own selfish ends, particularly in his carefully crafted plans to get girls to sleep with him. Everything Dennis does is strategic, deliberate, and has been very thoroughly plotted. Everything he does is a step in an overall plan (Te-Ni). The D.E.N.N.I.S. system is one of the most blatant examples of Dennis utilizing his Te and Ni. He also thinks ahead enough to believe that a woman won’t refuse sex with him on a boat in the middle of the water “because of the implication.”
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Tertiary Extroverted Sensing [Se]: Material possessions are important to Dennis. In many instances, he uses them as a way to present himself as a superior to others. Though he likes to have things well planned out before taking action, he does a good job of adapting to unexpected events in the moment. Dennis takes a lot of pride in the way he looks. He is a tremendously sexual being and enjoys doing things to make himself appear more attractive. He often feels threatened when other people attack his physical appearance. Dennis wants the best of everything and refuses to settle for less.
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Inferior Introverted Feeling [Fi]: Not only does Dennis dislike feelings, he claims he doesn’t even have them. He does not like to deal with anyone’s emotions and mentally checks out when they come into play. Morality is not a very big concern for Dennis. He is rarely shown to value any of his personal relationships, and prioritizes plots to advance his own agenda above all else. Often, Dennis will refuse to accept his own flaws or shortcomings. When Dennis is motivated to help another person, it is purely because of how their mental state will impact him, not out of actual concern for the person and their wellbeing. Dennis decides to create an online dating profile for Charlie when the gang finds out the waitress is getting married because he doesn’t want to have to deal with how Charlie will react. When the gang “breaks Dee”, he helps because her depression is “bringing him down.” In rare instances, he does seem to genuinely care about his friends, though these moments are few and far between.
Note:: Obviously, the characters on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia are completely unhealthy. Dennis, in particular, is a sociopath, a narcissist, and seems to have serious rage issues. This, ladies and gentleman, is an ENTJ gone very, very wrong. Though, Dennis is one of my favorite characters on television, so I’m not sure what that says about me.
Enneagram: 3w4 8w7 5w6 Sx/Sp
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Dennis Reynolds: Mm. I have contained my rage for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves! Begone, vile man! Begone from me! A starter car? This car is a finisher car! A transporter of gods! The golden god! I am untethered, and my rage knows no bounds!
Dennis: Okay, Dee, this is truly pathetic, and you are really bringing us down, so we’re gonna help you out. We realize we may be in some ways responsible for the state you’re in.
Dennis: You know what I just realized? I don’t care about anything she’s saying. Not a bit. What I do care about is the fact that… Charlie might go postal if he finds out about this and kill all of us.
Dennis: Think about it. She’s out in the middle of nowhere with some dude she barely knows. She looks around her, what does she see? Nothing but open ocean. “Oh, there’s nowhere for me to run, what am I gonna do, say no?” Mac: Okay…that seems really dark though. Dennis: No, no, it’s not dark. You’re misunderstanding me, bro. Mac: I think I am. Dennis: Yeah, you are. ‘Cause if the girl said no, then the answer obviously is no. The thing is that she’s not gonna say no, she’d never say no…because of the implication. Mac: Now, you said that word “implication” a couple of times. What implication? Dennis: The implication that things might go wrong for her if she refuses to sleep with me. Now, not that things are gonna go wrong for her, but she’s thinking that they will.
Dennis: If you do not get my sister her stories and a new room as soon as possible, then I will come down on this hospital like the hammer of Thor. The thunder of my vengeance will echo through these corridors like the gust of a thousand winds.
Dennis Reynolds: You’re gonna wanna nurture that dependence that she’s feeling on you now, guys. Have her car towed, or you could slash her tires. Either way, make her depend on you for rides. Or you can use my personal go-to, which is to create a fictional angry neighbor who’s threatening her and tell her you’ll take care of ’em. Hit up a payphone so that she can’t trace the calls back to you, give her a call and say something along the lines of, “I’m watching you, you bitch. You’re gonna die tonight!” Dee Reynolds: Oh for Christ’s sake, you’re a complete sociopath! Dennis Reynolds: Don’t interrupt.
Dennis Reynolds: And then naturally, we bang. And this is the best bang of all because it’s very emotional for her. You see, she thinks she’s broken through my tough exterior and coerced affection from a man who was afraid to love. And then I slink out into the night, never to talk to her again.
Dennis Reynolds: Aw, merge, merge! You had your… Come on, you got, you have to seize the goddamn gap! People are so goddamn inefficient! Oh, goddammit! I don’t care if you’re old, seize the gap! You old fat bitch! You fat bitch!
Dee Reynolds: What’s going on with Mac and Charlie? Dennis Reynolds: It’s… I can’t get them to stay focused. They keep escalating the conversation into evil curses and opening leather shops in Arizona. Dee Reynolds: A leather shop, in Arizona? Dennis Reynolds: Yeah. Dee Reynolds: They’d be out of business in a weeks time. Dennis Reynolds: That’s exactly what I said.
Dennis Reynolds:Dee, you escalating shit is exactly what I’m talking about. We immediately escalate everything to a ten. It’s ridiculous. Somebody comes in with a preposterous plan or idea. Then all of a sudden everyone’s on the gas, and nobody’s on the breaks. Nobody’s thinking, we’re just talking over each other with one idiotic idea after another. Until finally, we find ourselves in a situation where we’ve broken into somebody’s house, and the homeowner is home.
Dennis Reynolds:Dee, you gangling uncoordinated bitch. I am not getting hogtied over your lack of grace.
Dennis Reynolds:[inner monologue] I’m gonna make Mac look so bad. My form is perfect, I’m like Jerry Rice. Feel that stride, so fluid and fast. I’ve got the stride of a gazelle. A beautiful, beautiful gazelle person. My body is achieving a perfect symmetry right now. It’s that long, lean muscle I’ve worked so hard to achieve. Hm, I should’ve popped my shirt off. Goddammit, really should’ve popped that shirt off. I wonder if any women are watching from the sidelines… [gets hit with football and is knocked unconscious]
Dennis Reynolds:She doesn’t need you here. You need to thrust her into a hostile environment so that she needs you to protect her. Frank Reynolds: I should dump her under the bridge!
Dennis Reynolds: All right, listen, this is Family Fight. This is a nationally televised program. This is a very big deal for us, okay? We’re talking… What are you doing? Are you stealing an ashtray right now? Mac: Yeah. Dennis Reynolds: Why? We have ashtrays, and you don’t even smoke.
Dennis Reynolds: I want to talk about faith. It’s not about whether something is true, or-or-or based in fact or reality or the laws of physics or nature or even basic common sense. It’s about whether or not we’re dumb enough to believe in it that matters. Oh, folks, who the hell am I to say that there is no God? Who am I? Or to say that anybody’s belief in the church doesn’t make their life better? Maybe it does. Or that this man, Dr. Jinx – who am I to say that he can’t cure diseases with his sorcery? I don’t know. I say maybe he can. And I believe that maybe he can. [chuckles] Ladies and gentlemen, if we believe… if we just believe… then we can do anything! [audience cheers] Dennis Reynolds: Oh, yeah, ladies and gentlemen. I feel it now! Do you feel it? Do you feel the spirit? Do you feel the invisible things around you that don’t really exist? Oh, it doesn’t matter!
Dennis Reynolds:But I will say this – the church’s scam? It’s a pretty good one. It’s effective. Look at all the money these people are giving to the church. So I say we use that model to raise money for your mom at Paddy’s. Guys. Let’s throw a beef and beer.
Dennis Reynolds: Mac, these gentlemen are courting me for my business savvy. How’s it gonna reflect on me if I promote my bodyguard to VP after a two-minute conversation at a ball game? Mac: It’s not gonna reflect on you at all because you’re not Brian LeFeve. Dennis Reynolds: …I’m not what? Mac: Dude, clearly you were floundering. Dennis Reynolds: Mac, I was gathering information so that I can more fully become this man. Look, look, this is about much more than just business. This is about the thrill of wearing another man’s skin. Feeling his innermost wants and desires and being in control of his every single move. That’s how you get off. Now don’t you guys want to get off with me?
Dennis Reynolds:[getting Mac to switch seats] You’re gonna switch places with Becky, right, because while I don’t particularly find you conventionally attractive, I do find you oddly sexy. Becky: Huh, excuse me? Dennis Reynolds: That was a compliment.
Dennis Reynolds:Dennis Reynolds: Hey, whoa, whoa, I’m sorry. Since when did you become the brains? Mac: Uh… I’m sorry. I’ve always been the brains. Dennis Reynolds: What? What are you talking about? I thought I was the brains. What the hell am I? Mac: You’re the looks. Dennis Reynolds: Well, yeah, of course I’m the looks, but I always thought of myself as the brains and the looks.
Dennis Reynolds:All right, buddy, now explain to me how exactly we are going to calculate the totals. Charlie Kelly: Oh, it’s easy, dude. You pour gas into the car using one of these funnels, right? And I count how much gas is going into the car. Dennis Reynolds: All right, let me- let me just stop you right there. How exactly are you planning on counting a liquid? Charlie Kelly: Uhh, I know how to count, dude. I’m not… Dennis Reynolds: Okay, you do it. You do it, Mac, because I can’t speak to him. I don’t understand him.
Dennis Reynolds:[interrupting her] You know what Dee, I don’t want to hear about your dream, okay? I hate listening to people’s dreams. It’s like flipping through a stack of photographs. If I’m not in any of them, and nobody’s having sex, I just… don’t care.
Dennis Reynolds:As I tried to explain before, you cannot get honey from a hornet’s nest. Charlie Kelly: I just don’t think there’s any science to support that, buddy. Dennis Reynolds: There’s some very basic science out there supporting that.
Dennis Reynolds: And although I seem relaxed, I’m actually incredibly tense at all times.
Dennis Reynolds:I’m a five star man! I’m a five star man! I’m a five star man!
Dennis Reynolds:My nose was chiseled by the gods themselves, Frank. My body was sculpted to the proportions of Michelangelo’s David. You, on the other hand – well, you’re a pit of despair. Frank, you disgust me. You disgust everyone. And you will never, ever be on that billboard.
Dennis Reynolds:This is crazy. I’m having feelings again. Like some kind of 14 year-old kid. You remember feelings, right? Mac: Yeah… I have feelings every single day of my life. Dennis: Do you? Mac: Are you saying you don’t have feelings?
Dennis Reynolds (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia): ENTJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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furederiko · 6 years
Infinity Wars: The Mad-Titan Strikes Back...
SPOILER ALERT...? I don't actually feel this review has one, or at least a major one though. After all, I started writing it before it opens in the US. But I'll put this warning anyway. You know, just in case...
The day was Wednesday, and the date was April 25th, 2018. Twas a dark rainy afternoon. After a long tiring day of spending energy, I had the opportunity to screen what is frankly my most anticipated movie of the year. Thank goodness for pre-order, because the theatres are getting sold out very quickly. I came in fully aware that my heart and soul were not ready to see it. So I tried hard to embrace myself for what's to come. Alas, it was pointless. Because I was still totally unprepared to experience what came next.
Imagine having to do a heavy-weight exercise, but without any proper warm-ups. Imagine a punch to the gut, or a slap in the face, with a pain that lingers on. That was how I felt. The movie just hit its audience to the core from its very opening, gripping their hearts and attention without mercy. There was an eerie threatening sense from the very first moment its familiarly known fanfare reel began, and I am NOT kidding here. Sure, there was laughter every now and then, added with a dose of awe and wonders as audience witnessed characters colliding into one another. But each one of those 'fun' moment would also be followed by some kind of emotional tremor that would shock and shatter our sense of safety. Two hours and forty minutes flew by like it was nothing, to the point that I was starting to get anxious when the theatre's exit door suddenly lit up. "No way it has been this long, right?", I calmed myself in my head. More importantly, not when the on-screen situations only got more and more dire and devastating to watch! "NO effing WAY, right?", as I began to panic.
Well, I was proven completely wrong. The movie ended in what was probably the most shocking, painful, yet also glorious and fabulous cliffhanger in the history of its studio's 10 years of existence. The theatre went dead in silence. As the lights lit up, every single audience was speechless, and some like yours truly were gasping in disbelief. Children stood up from their seats, confused and/or concerned about what they had just seen. Their parents paused and didn't move a muscle. It was an atmosphere I have never seen before with my own pair of eyes, despite years of going to the movie theatres. And I could not think or say anything as well, because the movie literally broke me down. Problem is, I actually didn't want it to end! I honestly wanted to see more. Even if I too question my own sanity for thinking that...
That my friend (and everyone else who is kind enough to spend your time for reading this), is "Avengers: Infinity War". As well as the reason why it took me days before I could even write this review. I just had to get my head straight, and built up the strength to write this. Hey, at least it doesn't take a year as I have stated before, right? Though I'm not sure if I'm actually done coping about that ending. Does it mean, it's a bad movie then? Absolutely NOT. When an entertainment is able to figuratively drench your emotions and continues beating you to a pulp until you can no longer say anything, that means it WORKS. For me personally, at the very least. It is a movie that people would undoubtedly talk about after seeing it. A cinematic experience that lives up to its title, because it is all about the INFINITY Stones, as well as an actual full blown WAR about the quest to obtain them. Meaning, complete with casualties. A painful, devastating fight of ideal, that eventually becomes a heavy and emotionally draining experience for those seeing it.
The way it connects and links to the previous 18 movies released by Marvel Studios is just... beautifully done. A master class in writing, I have to say. This is an ambitious achievement like no other studios have successfully done before. This movie has so many characters, yet they all shine. NOT kidding, especially if you see a certain master of mystical arts does his... 'things', or three heroines with a different set of abilities teaming up to defeat a deadly female assassin, as well as the many other Marvel-ous scenes in this movie *standing ovation*. Even the supporting casts have their moments too, albeit in their very short and limited screen time. One familiar best friend of a neighborhood spider for example only appears for a brief second but remains true in character. Somewhere else, an inanimate object from a certain Sanctum Santorium will steal your very attention. This movie never stops reminding you that you care for these characters, for their movies, and will continue to do so. You will be wanting to see more in the future, just because you care enough to see happiness finally arriving at these characters.
Many characters are put into a massive moral question. The movie constantly challenges them at an intimate level. A simple ordeal really; the trolley problem. But of course, because you have cared for these characters and have witnessed their personal journeys through the past 10 years, there is nothing simple about that. Yet in the midst of Universe-level danger, I believe every character still proves why they are heroes in their own sweet but devastating ways. Selfless people who would choose to sacrifice themselves to protect others. And that is where it hurts.
Nobody in this movie is safe because the big bad Thanos (who is also the actual star of the movie) is a genuine iconic, intimidating, corrupt, and honest to good fascist megalomania THREAT. Over the course of this movie, you would only develop a fear from his looming presence to achieve his deadly ambition (or glorious dream, in the eyes of some). One that you strangely could understand, and for some, relate. You could never know what happens to each character in this movie, and it throws you away from your numerous speculations and theories. Fans of some existing characters will no doubt be put into a frenzy. They wanted this, some of them questioned actual deaths, demanded answers to loose ends, preferred a more serious and darker release, and has expressed their desires of seeing characters meeting one another for the first time. And the result will smack them into another reality. Even though it could have been way more than what we get (which is why I didn't want the movie to end), the fact that Marvel Studios gloriously fulfills those fans' wishes was.... astounding. It's like they boldly smile and say, "Happy now?". Uuuggghhh... T_T
The irony here is that, Marvel Studios is known for being FUN when their rival competitors (like Warner Bros/DC, who else?) goes for the dark theme. Yet when the latter decides to follow suit (for example, like WB's pop-corn flick late last year), Marvel Studios suddenly flips the table entirely. They hit the brakes and does NOT hold back nor pull off of any punches instead! Seriously, they are NOT playing around here. This is a dark, sinisterly dark movie. Several times darker than one could have expected or imagined. Many of its events will haunt your mind for days, probably more, and I'm one solid proof of that. Even after a few days since my screening, I'm still wavering whenever I recall what happens to several key characters.
Strange thing is, I would still favor this one without doubt over any of the dour somber pieces offered by others (for example, DC's underwhelming "Man of Steel" and painfully boring "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"). Simply because of one thing: it's a remarkable achievement in all of its aspect. Its love of its characters, the attention to storytelling, the relentless push for emotional stakes, the intensity of actions, genuinely stunning cinematography. EVERYTHING! Of course, it's not entirely perfect. There's one major thing I'm not too keen on. Those who expect great things out of the newly introduced characters might be slightly disappointed. Of the four antagonistic supporting casts (Thanos himself is not a new character), only two of them are memorable enough for me to remember. The other two are merely mindless henchmen who are present so that the heroes can have rivals to deal with. Then again, am I asking too much here?
There's one more thing I want to say. Being committed to a particular belief for my whole life (though not fanatically devoted), I can't help but notice some of the religious parallels in this movie. I won't say much to avoid risking giving too much away (we are just days after the movie opens in the US, so there are those who still haven't watched it). But let's just say there is a theme of sacrifice and 'rapture-like' situation that will no doubt be familiar to some. An epiphany that sends shivers through my body, because it literally shows us a scenario of what happens when the wrong person gets to play GOD to others. At the same time, it is also politically relevant to what is happening in real world. As with their previous astonishing works in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, directors Anthony and Joe Russo along with writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely (with input from other MCU directors) gives us a complex antagonistic figure who is deeply rooted in a false belief that annihilation is actually the best solution to the universe. You know, not unlike those who have made (or is making, looking at you White House) a negative name of themselves in the history of mankind. On the other hand, I can also dare say that Thanos is still in a way, BETTER than those pathetic humans. You can say what you want about this mad, genuinely mad, purple-skinned monster... but get this: he does not... DISCRIMINATE others based on their differences. I'll stop right there before it becomes a much longer rant. I'm going to wrap this as well because I don't think my emotion can endure it much longer...
"Avengers: Infinity War" is simply phenomenal. The stakes are real, and though it regards the fate of the whole universe, they are also very personal. It is a total much-watch for any Marvel fans, devoted or casual because it is giving them what they want and so much more. Will this movie please newcomers to the franchise? Sure, they probably might not understand the tons of references and continuity links to previous 18 Marvel Studios movies scattered from beginning to end. But there are still other elements that would make them appreciate seeing this movie nonetheless. The action sequences are kinetic and superb to behold, and the emotional drama hits the audience every time. It might not work for everyone, but it is a movie for everyone.
This is a triumphant entertainment of EPIC proportion, that will shake every inch of your core and leaves you gasping for air with your jaw constantly dropped. While wondering if you are really in an actual reality and not some kind of nightmare infestation. It is a breathtaking piece of entertainment that needs to be seen on the biggest screen possible. As many times as you could. Trust me! A cinematic experience 10 years in the making that lives up and subverts expectations, one which you will be crazy to miss out. At the very least, see it once, before you return once again next year to search for a glitter of hope for these characters. Yes, it is heavy, and yes it is arguably exhausting to watch. Nevertheless, when the dust has settled (get it? Aaaaww... T_T), there is no question that it IS a great movie. Why is that? Because it simply is...
Overall Score: 9,5 out of 10 PS: Seriously, I'm questioning my sanity right now. Because I REALLY want to see this movie again! Aaarggghh... T_T
Video is available on Marvel Entertainments official Youtube site. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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oldnintendonerd · 7 years
The GameCube Collection
So we are up to the GameCube in what would be the chronology of collection introductions. What I’m trying to do with these collection introductions is get you guys familiar with my collection as it stands before we get any real finds. Like a starting point. With as much of a drought as I’m having while game hunting, this is turning out to be relatively easy. Even with several days between posts.
A little back story on the GameCube. You see, I didn’t have this in my possession even just a few days ago. I had bought it used in something like 2004 or 2005. Yes, I know it launched in 2001. You may have noticed this is a trend with me, I always get things a few years after release, I have never bought a video game console at launch.
After getting a Wii in something like 2008, I thought well, I don’t really need the GameCube anymore since the Wii plays GameCube games. So I left the GameCube with my parents. My dad liked Mario Golf games and I had Toadstool Tour, so thought he may like to play it. I think he did play it for a short time, but then packed the GameCube up in the cabinet of my childhood home where all the other video games were always stored. There it sat. For what was probably 7 or 8 years.
I visited for Christmas just this last year. I had recently started getting an itch to play my old consoles again. So I thought I might see what they had left from all those years ago. I checked to see if the cupboard still had anything there. It did. My black DOL-001 sat right where I figured it would be. It was also sitting with my brother’s Platinum DOL-101, which was unexpected. I thought he still had it. Unfortunately, I did not see any games in the cabinet.
The thought crossed my mind to get the GameCube itself while I was there, but wasn't sure if it would fit in my luggage. See, I live 12 hours away, so we usually fly. Road trips are not often, it is not easy to take things home with me if they are much larger than say, an original Game Boy. Space becomes a premium. Especially for items like a game console that I would rather not stuff into checked baggage. At this point in time I was still only just thinking about pulling the Wii out again, I hadn’t yet, it was still packed in its box, but the thought of playing F-Zero GX or Mario Kart Double Dash again was enticing. In the end I decided to grab the memory card, and the two controllers that were in there. Those would fit in my luggage easily. The GameCube itself, despite being fairly compact would have posed a problem. So it got left behind. I could still play the games I had on the Wii. With any luck the memory card would still have some of my old save games.
After returning home, I could not find my collection of GameCube games anywhere. The only one I managed to dig up was Monopoly Party. Why on earth that is the only GameCube game I held on to out of the half dozen or so I did own I have no idea. I did pop it in to be sure the Wii, and the GameCube controllers and memory card were going to function as expected. They did. Excellent. Now, to see about getting back my old game titles.
Some weeks passed and this is where I had really started researching games and accessories for various systems, you know, because I’m a crazy person and want to start collecting for them all again. I had expected to find prices on GameCube games between $5 and $10 for most. Putting the missing collection back together I figured would cost perhaps $50. Boy was I wrong, I discovered everyone was doing the same thing I was doing, the demand was way up, and some games individually were upwards of $50. Super Smash Bros. for example. That game is still played a lot today in tournaments and other gatherings. So I quickly shifted to look for cheaper games on any system, and wound up purchasing the game in my first post, New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Really good game and I’ve played it a bit already.
In my searching, I ran across an item called Game Boy Player for the GameCube. Until just the beginning of this year I had no idea it existed. I said to myself, I want one of those, but would need the GameCube if I were to get one. No problem, I own one! It’s just not here. Plus, having all five of the consoles up to the Wii again would be nice. So considering the main reason I am trying to get it back is to be able to buy a Game Boy Player, I have looked into prices of course. They run north of $60 - $70 with the player and the disc. See a recently sold auction below. 
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The listing has the GBP and disc. It does not have the correct disc case, or the manual. So, not even complete, and it still sold for nearly $70. So I am not so sure one will ever get added to the collection. At least not for that price. But if I get an opportunity on one, well, the package arrived, so I have the GameCube here. I’ll take any opportunity that arises, for a good price of course. $70? Hell no.
I contacted my dad and said hey can you send me my GameCube? He said you know what? We don’t use any of this stuff any more, I’ll send everything we have to you. It arrived yesterday. So without further delay...
Here is the GameCube. I know these console photos are usually further north in the post, but I had to fill you in on a little of the backstory it took to get it back. At least now the entire first five Nintendo consoles are back together.
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It’s not in fantastic shape. Though the shot doesn’t show it, there is some dust in the logos and other recesses that will need to be cleaned. As well as a chip on the lower side of the front right corner, but it was used when I got it and has made some rounds since, so there are of course some dings and scuffs to be expected.
I remember playing Metroid Prime, F-Zero GX, Mario Kart Double Dash, Super Monkey Ball and Mario Golf Toadstool Tour very vividly on this thing. How some of those games were gone I do not know, I have no recollection of selling them, they are either in a very obscure location somewhere in my house, that I have not thought to look yet, or I sold or traded them for Wii stuff. Either way I regret losing them. F-Zero GX is actually the game that triggered me wanting to play these games again. So I blame that franchise for all of this. This Blog, my Twitter account (@oldnintendoner1), my son’s infatuation with Mario, the dent on the back of my car, the oil stain in my driveway, my dog’s gimpy leg, everything.
If we look at the prices of the games I remember having, Mario Kart Double Dash is a fairly valuable game these days, fetching upwards of $45. F-Zero GX seems to go for north of $25 most of the time. Monkey Ball, Toadstool Tour and Metroid Prime are $10 or so each, nothing special there, but added to the other two games, I’m looking at about a one hundred dollar bill to restore my old GameCube collection. Fortunately, two of the items in the package I received were games I remembered having. So not all of them went up in smoke, my parents held on to two of them.
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I know. Not F-Zero or Double Dash unfortunately. But, still two very fun games that will be going into the permanent collection. Rescued from being lost having been stored at my parent’s house. Very happy to have these back at the insane price of zero dollars. They are in great shape, both of them, and complete. Unfortunately Mario Golf is Player’s Choice. But it can’t be helped. Monkey Ball is Black Box, which is fantastic, I am partial to those. I will always try to get Black Box if I can. The only issues are some stickers. I may have to invest in some goo-gone. I hate stickers. Hate. Stickers. Ugh!
So the GameCube has Monopoly Party, Monkey Ball and Toadstool Tour complete in box behind it so far. With two decent shape controllers and a memory card. It is a good place to start, with a couple games to play in the meantime. Especially since I started with nothing but Monopoly Party. No controllers, no memory cards, no GameCube, nothing.
As for the box my dad sent, that isn’t everything he sent me. There is more in this little bundle than just my old GameCube. My dad sent me every bit of old gaming equipment he had there since I was showing an interest in it. It wasn’t a lot, but it was a nice little package. I’ll do another post here soon with what else was in the box.
Still no pickups or finds, we still have $83.09.
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