#but now i can read about the dead gay wizards again
ao3 is back and now my sanity is gone again!!!
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strugglingatart · 4 months
Jr Year ep 3
This is me live blogging bc I need to get thoughts out also would love fandom friends full spoilers bellow the cut just so no one accidentally reads anything they don’t want to this will be long
EX GIRLFRIEND I will legit fight Brennan why did we at least not see it....
btw me saying I will fight brennan is mostly a joke like I get why we made all these changes, I don't actually love everything but I do trust all these people enough that it will serve the story and play out great
Immediately clocking the fairy festival (Frosty whatever it is I'm so sorry Brenan says it and then it's immediately out of my head) connection we love
love love looove the aguefort projections, so many Arthur statues!
Riz's manic energy is such a vibe, not exactly healthy but a vibe I get
the astral realm where all the dead gods go
lowkey love that Gorgug and Fabian are solid like the boys lowkey play them so dumb but that's just teenage boys for ya (also thought maybe Fabian would be in less trouble but still some so this makes my anxiety relax a bit, only issues we already knew off)
Actually for the wizards I'm really chill is an A+ and also probably true sentence
ah the answer I needed about Fig's multiclass
Ah the society of shadows again, and a college for sad alone adventureres lol
their record is bad but it should be worse when talking about the one person sports team is SO FUNNY to me
the friends bit is so good, everythig about it, all the laughing, Emily failing intentionally, Ally letting it work even tho it shouldn't, perfection
Lydia still making half orc meals we love and stan
Adaine-Riz friendship is SO IMPORTANT to me
the sibbling energy our girls have are amazing
the Thisstlesprings will literally just go into sex ed and Gorgug's reaction is gold everytime
"Can I run from you?" LMAO
ok I'm getting the silly energy they were talking about now
listennnn we are gonna get into Gorgug isn't a good barbarian according to his teacher again aren't we? it's why it wasn't pre approved? I will fight this teacher he literally saved the world twice as mostly a barbarian let him be a chill barbarian
yes Fabian make Fig go to class
yay new lunch lad
also I legit thought the time quangle was just an explain continuity errors away and also get rid of the agueforts who break encounters thing but it might be related to the plot now that it's come back up in the recap and in the intercom in story
Fig has Gillear's luck confirmed ok
Zac's physical comedy continues to be SO GOOD
the sillies really are here I'm laughing so much
straight away this lady is insane
four different dogs is such a good burn, love agro Kristen
do not trust this people at all
ohhh skullcleaver, Katya's aunt? cousin? I don't recall the seven mentioning that
listen Fabian's house being party house is lowkey dangerous
Kristen being a disaster gay even when trying to help friends flirt is a mood and a half
ooohh I like mazey
don't trust the attomaton tbh
also yes I just thought of this now so it's late but going back to Kipperlilly whatever her name is, like homegirl can't make big institutional changes youre class president not on staff
rules always being followed to the letter is tbh scary there has to be room for interpretation, perfect order doesn't exist
YES PLOT love how it's already too much bc mood and "yeah I cannot think about that right now" and "embodyment of writers block" oh this season is gonna continue to hit me in the face
Wanda Childa is wild
she was a turncoat, more importantly she was a mirror
why is Ally's hey girlie voice so terrifying
fully forgot porter was the barbarian teacher and I will fight porter LET GORGUG MULTICLASS...
aaaa I'm going into a worry is here, legit thought it was gonna be in battle but I love Gorgug's energy here bc I've been there where you do things kinda nontraditional way and have teachers make the achivements sound so much worse just bc i didn't get there through the path they wanted me to take
love terpsichore immediately
they get 30's fairly often now we love level 10
fabian is such an arsty kid at heart and always was like Lou wanted to make a jock maybe but never did
listen trashbag sandwich is worrying but it was indeed fine
I get that Riz is type A but he is the non annoying kind
homegirl who desn't like technicalities and ppl gettign away with stuff got out in one huh? also I have no idea what that means the teacher found her? what?
Jawbone I love you and also I worry about how much I relate to Riz
I so hate this girl I'm with Adaine, she's the worst we've had
oh no the Applebee's
ok so I have a huge like essay somewhere about both why I don't like how Kristen is dealing with Cassandra but also how I 10000% understand her as someone who abandoned religion but was then forced to still be in similar roles and religious enviornments after that somewher in my head buut also who cares but just know it exists
omg Bucky giving her a hug I cry
Kristen is not doing well but that was actually a pretty good parental confrontation tbh I'm proud
oh damn poor Adaine I'm sosorry my dear you don't deserve this
Brennan really went you know what? we are not having your wildness work for you this time Emily, your shit is catching up to you
yay fig went to class finally
we got SO many designs with all the teachers and such and they are all so great
oh nooo Kristeeen, each step I take the step behind me vanishes is such a raw ass line like this poor teenager is legit so lost like someone help her please (also that was a relatable little monologue.. am I ok?)
love the cleric teacher a lot
ok but i love cassandra alright twilight, mystery and doubt are such a cool ass domain you can sell it and embrace it Kristen I belive in youuuu
but also again: a good ass teacher
awn I love that they're back in the forest
again Siobhan promised no taers and I have cried twice now maybe three times in three eps??? rude af
the bad kids should've helped with the whole Cassandra stuff I just realised I'm so sorry
oh shit not Kalina again.... I feel like i got stabbed in the heart
oh I am sooo pumped for next ep!!!!!
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Sapphicnatural Fic Rec List
So, I'm finally making a list of my favourite sapphic spn fanfics, so you can check them out if you're interested.
I will add more to this list as time goes on! Have fun reading. <3
Jo Daily by thereweresunflowers
→ Jo/Cassie; Rated T; 37173 Words
My favourite spn fic of all time. Read Jo's blog entries as she talks about her mum, her dead father, the Roadhouse and then, most importantly, Cassie.
2. like a song by guntherapy
→ Billie/Rowena; Rated M; 2607 Words
Billie and Rowena get to know each other after Rowena becomes the Queen of Hell.
3. the saint patron of dirt under your fingernails by sonorousangels
→ Anna/Mary; Rated T; 544 Words
Anna watches Mary and considers disobedience.
4. Faith Undone by iamfoxfire
→ Layla/Anna; Rated E; 9474 Words
Layla is dying, so she's praying for a miracle. Anna answers her prayers.
5. An Angel Bright Betwixt by depressaria
→ Anna/Ruby; Not Rated; 5228 Words
Anna and Ruby are teaming up, fighting for their lives in a world overrun by vampires.
6. Be still, my beating heart by thereweresunflowers
→ Rowena/Jo; Rated T; 1074 Words
Jo tries to kill Rowena. It doesn't go as planned. (Or the Jo stabs Rowena homoeritcally in the heart fic.)
7. We'll have our pearl by everytuesday
→ Mary/Charlie; Rated G; 2787 Words
Mary and Charlie go on a roadtrip. Charlie tries to find out if Mary is gay.
8. Your eyes were like machinery by myaimistrue
→ Anny/Mary; Rated T; 1170 Words
Anna tries to convince Mary to leave John in order to save the world. Mary doesn't want to, so Anna erases her memory and tries again and again.
9. Amidst ashes and feathers by anarchistamara
→ Amara/Mary; Rated M; 6797 Words
Mary is brought back to life by Amara. She struggles with this new life, so she confronts Amara about it.
10. The Harvelle Gospels by LaurytheLatrator
→ Anna/Jo; Rated M; 26519 Words
Jo is the Righteous Woman, raised from Hell by Anna. Now she has to prevent the Apocalypse.
11. Wolf like Me by schmevil
→ Bela/Meg; Rated T; 4084 Words
Bela is in hell; Meg shows her how to be a demon.
12. Neatly-labelled leftovers by gayliens
→ Jody/Mary; Rated E; 3177 Words
Mary constantly compares herself to Jody, who seems to be the perfect mom. That doesn't stop them from hooking up though.
13. Violet by ghost_roads
→ Jo/Cassie; Not Rated; 4573 Words
Jo and Cassie meet on a hunt.
14. Batgirl and Catwoman by lightsaroundyourvanity
→ Bela/Sarah; Rated G; 1816 Words
Sarah sees Bela at an estate sale and quickly realizes that something is off.
15. We Might Be Pretending by rubyboys
→ Anna/Ruby; Rated T; 684 Words
Anna and Ruby are on the run.
16. The Third Most Badass Wizard in the Multiverse by soullistrations
→ Charlie/Dorothy; Rated T; 1067 Words
Charlie and Dorothy travel through Oz together and share some intimate moments.
17. snowflakes and silent conversations by Anonymous
→ Jody/Mary; Rated T; 1233 Words
Jody and Mary celebrate Mary's birthday together.
18. nobody will lose their head by halfwheeze
→ Bela/Jo; Rated G; 2432 Words
Jo and Bela run away together, sort of.
19. On Begged and Borrowed Time by wartyfrogfish
→ Ellen/Mary; Rated T; 1021 Words
Ellen visits Mary who is already married to John. She tries to understand why Mary left her.
20. after the storm by puchuupoet
-> Jo/Tessa, Rated T; 1149 Words
Jo dies and she meets Tessa the reaper who wants to show her the way to the afterlife.
21. Likeness by iamfoxfire
-> Jo/Amara; Rated T; 1063 Words
Jo takes the Mark of Cain and sets Amara free.
22. Cast No Shade by thereweresunflowers
-> Mary/Jo; Rated T; 5193 Words
The lesbian cowgirl AU you never know you needed!
23. I don't know nothing (and that's fine) by halfwheeze
-> Claire/Magda; Rated G; 7319 Words
Magda moves in with Jody and the other girls and Claire starts to get to know her better.
24. welcome to your life (there's no turning back) by ElasticElla
-> Amara/Mary; Rated T; 1415 Words
Amara brings Mary back from the dead. Mary has to get used to her new life.
25. Thorns Around A Rose by HeddersTheOwl
-> Bela/Meg; Rated T; 2932 Words
Meg needs something from Bela who has made quite a name for herself in hell.
26. on sunshine by thereweresunflowers
-> Charlie/Donna; Rated M; 7250 Words
Charlie meets Donna for the first time and it's as sweet as you'd expect.
27. Pillow Talk by HeddersTheOwl
-> Jo/Mary; Rated T; 740 Words
Mary and Jo have a soft conversation in bed about whether they should exist.
Also gonna plug my own fics here hehe
Back from Hell
→ Bela/Jo; Rated G; 2270 Words
Jo meets Bela outside of the Roadhouse and they bond over their past and their scars.
Still Breathing
→ Anna/Mary; Rated E; 1083 Words
Anna wants to kill Mary. Mary tries to seduce her to changer her mind.
-> Jo/Cassie; Rated T; 1265 Words
Jo and Cassie move into an apartment together. As they want to enjoy their time as a couple, they realize they are not alone in the house.
Black Eyes
-> Jo/Ruby; Rated E; 4222 Words
Ruby meets Jo, a former hunter turned demon. Although she is skeptical at first, they quickly make a great team - and maybe even more than that.
Happy Birthday, Jo
→ Jo/Cassie, Rated G; 508 Words
It's Jo's birthday and she shares this moment with Cassie.
Lost on Earth
→ Ambriel/Anna; Rated G; 2231 Words
Ambriel lost her grace to Amara, so she's human now. She struggles to find her way in this new, confusing life but finds support and comfort in Anna.
Life Without Grace
→ Ambriel/Anna; Rated G; 710 Words
Glimpses of Anna's and Ambriel's life together aka them being human and happy and in love.
Weekend at Rufus'
-> Jo; Rated G; 2035 Words
Jo has a fight with Ellen and spends a weekend at Rufus' place where, to her surprise, she also meets Bobby. While she is staying there to calm down, she slowly gets the impression that these two are more than just hunting buddies.
A Weight Lifted
-> Jo; Rated G; 1025 Words
Jo shaves her head.
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nochiquinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 34: derd
if liam and ashley aren't at the table at the start of the episode I will simply walk into the ocean. I refuse to engage with it.
tonight's supposed to be just under 4 hours and idk why that makes me more nervous than a super-long one
everyone trying to keep frozen while they laugh hysterically (and failing)
taliesin's holding it together the best
oh no there he goes
I once again do not have my earbuds in so I just see sam pop up in the subs going "Wow!"
laura's really pretty tonight
marisha's shirt is going to bother me tho (weird necklines give me second-hand sensory weirdness)
"no wait I have to iron my cat"
"shut up MATT"
show me the table, I need to know how bad it's gonna hurt
oh okay. full table. ….that will probably be worse
fcg: I am just a little creachure
oh the way matt said "him"
oh no
hey maTT
I'm gonna puke
"their" WHOMST?
no fearne and orym memories T_T
going to la to fight matt in a denny's parking lot
hey dice gods turn on your location
matt it has TRULY been 15 minutes
"we're the dm now"
I don't know why I thought I could work during this
chetney with one of those sensory chew necklaces
I am ashley
honestly about to go get my emotional support piplup
"now it's a normal-size party" shut the hell your mouth
try to steal from her
"I hate this game"
"fearne" "[gay fear]"
"okay bye ashley"
"geeze louise"
"it's like carrying a toddler" nancy 😔
"what do you mean orym's dead." just the flat anger
liam if you make orym stay dead bc grief reasons I will fucking fight you
"why would I have a diamond" "because you steal everything"
hi I hadn't actually teared up until now
ashley fucking goddamn johnson
laudna wake up, I don't like this
laudna broom
I appreciate the sentiment on the gas can but I do not believe him
the worst part is that's true
"she stole my coin didn't she"
oh I knew she was gonna swerve
"we can be mad at the changebringer later"
liam o'brien I will fight you in a parking lot
hello 911 liam and matt are murdering me
"you're not done" like fucK YOU
the little whispery voice for will I'm gonna fkcing
"fearnie" fu ck
oh don't say it that way he'll break in half
I mean you're valid but
"we clearly threatened you"
"little bitch signal"
this is an extremely griffin mcelroy ad read
he forgot to draw his angry eyebrows on first
"I really wanna punch a wall right now" "why do that when his face is right there?"
give him advantage, he stabbed him in the foot
wait didn't caleb have a thing
alternate timeline ghost thing
my guy they cannot protect themselves from her
use ur wood chetney
I literally only just noticed sam has painted nails
"it only makes sense when she does it" and only barely then
dbza voice: maaaahogany
I miss dariax
matt: it can replace material components
beacon juice
"I trust ashley johnson, ashley johnson told me she doesn't trust ashley johnson"
Illegal Airport Patdown
all I ever think of is "that's not how you measure pants!"
this is the same day as Angry Eyes???
matt what u do
my heart needed that
"god it's awful. I love it!"
"aren't you an orphan?" "…I'm gonna give you ten seconds to work that out."
was it fucking wizard hubris again
taliesin's voice rn
wonder if the Theme of this campaign is being dramatically altered against your will
if not physically then emotional trauma changing how you interact with/see the world (these are not mutually exclusive)
[ducks from the imodna shipper shrapnel]
oh. OH.
delilah would fully zombify her wouldn't she
or it's like a salt circle against delilah possession
"also: u in danger girl"
I desperately need to see travis' etsy search history
"doomsday clock is at Concern"
"this thing is for toddlers!"
"get it off of laudna"
I'm gonna miss Joe
tag urself I'm shady sally
"grab the kids, I want them to see!" why is that so cute tho
[mighty nein voice] up!
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vukovich · 3 years
peculiar prompt: soulmate au where your dick is the same exact length as your soulmate’s (i guess everyone has a dick in this universe idk 😂) anyways drarry discovering they are soulmates in whatever convoluted way you would like!
Nine and Three Quarters
Summer weddings were an unlikely tradition for a family that ran high to freckles and sunburns, but Harry didn't mind. Usually.
This wedding, though, he'd have just as soon not attended. It wasn't that he harbored any romantic intentions toward Charlie, but seeing him so bloody happy made Harry keenly aware of his own solitude.
Charlie and Constantin fed each other forkfuls of cake and grinned. They were perfectly-matched. Identical white short sleeve dress shirts and gold waistcoats, sparkling blue eyes and mirrored grins as they threatened each other with blobs of icing, much to Molly's horror.
Their matching gold rings felt like an extension of the tattoos on the underside of their left forearms. Charlie's was a dragon, of course. Constantin's was a crouched hippogriff. They were exactly the same size, but different designs and colors.
Forearm tattoos abounded among gay wizards, but it had taken seeing Charlie and Constantin together for him to notice the pattern. A plate of cake floated to his table and set itself down in front of him. He picked it apart with his fork, separating the layers of frosting out from the the cake, then mashed the fluffy cake down into a pellet.
A breathless Charlie flopped into an empty chair next to him and surveyed the wreckage on his plate.
"Got a grudge against that cake?"
"Huh? Oh. No. Sorry."
Charlie slid Harry's cake away, probably for its own good. Constantin and Fleur fox-trotted past, and one of them reached out to ruffle Charlie's hair.
"No date?"
"Nah." Harry licked his fork clean, rolled the bits of cake around in his mouth, and wished he'd have eaten the slice.
"Still doing the playboy thing, eh?"
Harry shrugged. "I guess."
Charlie huffed a laugh. "You guess? What else would you be doing at clubs?"
Harry shrugged again.
"Well, if you get tired of it and want the name of a really good soulmate tattoo artist, let me know." Charlie wiped up a dab of frosting off Harry's plate and popped his finger in his mouth. "Until then, enjoy hunting in the dark."
Charlie rose to leave, but Harry reached out and grabbed him by the buckle on the back of his waistcoat.
"Soulmate tattoos?"
"But I thought the tattoo went on my arm."
Harry kept his hands in his jeans pockets, just in case the man decided to help him disrobe.
"It does..."
Bushy grey eyebrows rose in speculation, and the man's brown eyes squinted at Harry, unsure of whether Harry was playing a prank, playing dumb, or playing at nothing.
"So why would I take my trousers off?"
"Riiiggght," he said slowly, gently spinning back and forth on his stool. "Why don't you tell me what you do know about soulmate tattoos."
Harry hooked his thumbs in his pockets and looked around the tattoo parlour for clues, but there was nothing but drawings on the walls. Pictures of forearms, too, all with differing sizes of beasts and creatures on them.
"Uhm," Harry started, "they go on forearms." The man nodded and motioned for him to continue. "And... they're... magic?"
The man shook his head and sighed. "The death of gay wizard culture, I swear. I blame that app."
"Wait, there's an app for-"
"Soulmate tattoos are the size of the wearer's dick."
Every tattoo Harry had ever seen ran through his head at once, and he stood slack-jawed for what felt like hours.
The man continued. "And so part of getting one is getting your dick measured. Professionally."
"I... Uh..."
"Men lie on the app. That's why all these boys are running around thinking they don't have soulmates, but older men know better. Back in the day, we'd just walk up to a bloke, line our arms up, and pair off."
Harry looked at the ceiling and tried to imagine a scenario in which that didn't sound both terrifying and oddly comforting.
"Why would you line them up?"
The man stared at him for a long. fucking. time.
"Soulmate dicks match, kid." He grumbled something about the Internet. "Now do you want the tattoo or not?"
"I... Uhm... Maybe later?"
"Suit yourself."
There had to be a better way to do this.
Harry balanced on tip-toe, focused on his dick with one eye, and dipped his quill. His tongue peeked out a corner of his lips as he concentrated on tracing around his shaft.
Was the quill angled accurately? Was the nib too far from his skin to be accurate? Was width even relevant?
He let out a held breath and dropped down to his heels. The paper on his desk was an embarrassment.
"Looks like a fucking caterpillar," he grumbled to himself.
Maybe they made enchanted quills for this.
The nook of art supplies at Flourish and Blotts was overwhelming, but it smelled good. Needle-sharp enchanted nibs sounded like a terrible idea. Image-grabbing paper sounded equally dangerous. What if he got his dick stabbed or absorbed into a piece of paper?
Someone cleared their throat behind him.
"Can I help you?"
Draco Malfoy met his eyes with a hesitant smile. He looked strangely at home surrounded by paper and ink. He wore a rumpled black t-shirt that advertised in bold white letters "Truth Quills: The Reign of Error Ends Here".
"Uhm... maybe?"
"What kind of project are you working on?"
"I'm... just... tracing something?"
Draco nodded and reached up to grab a pack of nibs just above Harry's head. The Dark Mark on his forearm caught Harry's eye. It wasn't a Dark Mark anymore. The skull wore a crown of red roses, and the snake had been filled in with vibrant yellow and blue markings. Harry decided it looked a bit like a Grateful Dead album cover. But prettier.
"These are good for most projects if you're just starting out."
Draco handed him a plastic box with more thingamajigs than he had any idea what to do with.
"Uhm, okay. Thanks."
"No problem." Draco's eyes wandered down to Harry's forearm and his smile faltered. "Anything else?"
"No, I think I'm good."
He wasn't good. He was nowhere near good, and he had black ink all over his dick. Also on his hands, and the table, and the floor, but those were less important.
"Looks like a goddamn Holstein dong."
"Alright," Draco said, and his smile was bordering on a smirk. "But what's the reference? What are you trying to trace?"
A dozen dick-shaped things came to mind, and Harry blurted, "A banana."
Draco did not laugh. Not with his mouth. Just with his eyes. His t-shirt today said "Blink Ink: Drier than your ex" in jagged black script.
"Mm hm," Draco squeaked through his nose. "Is accuracy important?"
Harry let out a relieved sigh. "Yes."
Draco cleared his throat and schooled his face. "Here."
He handed Harry a Truth Quill. "That ought to give you an accurate outline of your... banana."
"Hot damn!"
Harry held the outline of his cock up to the light. Damned if it wasn't perfect. He laid it face-down on his forearm and frowned. How was he supposed to get it onto his skin?
Draco faked a cough and covered his mouth and nose with his hand. "Pardon?"
"I need to transfer it."
"But a backlight won't work because..."
"Uhm... it can't... light can't go through the... other... thing."
Draco's t-shirt today had a frilly, looping font that said, "Nearotica: Almost There."
"Dare I ask what material you're transferring this banana onto?"
Harry focused on Draco's forearm, and the curve of the roses, and the sinewy body of the snake.
"Uhm... leather?"
Draco shot him a challenging look Harry didn't understand. "I suppose you'd want a cautery tool for that."
"Uhm... okay."
He wasn't okay. He had two burned dots on his forearm, and a hole in his paper at the base and tip of the outline.
Over a hundred galleons spent, and all he had to show for it were what looked like two mosquito bites that were exactly one penis-length apart.
The hell with all of it.
Harry dropped bags of barely-used art supplies on the store counter, and Draco's chin snapped up. He cocked his head and looked at the bags while Harry read his t-shirt: "Thrill Your Darlings: Tropes and Nopes."
"Didn't work out?" Draco asked.
Harry bent down, rested his elbows on the counter, and shook his head. "Can I return it?"
Draco shrugged. "Store credit, since it's all been opened."
Harry buried his face in his hands. "I'll take it in coloring books."
"I'll throw in some markers."
Draco shot him a pitying smile and stood to collect the bags. His eyes caught on the two burn marks on Harry's forearm. He set his elbow next to Harry's and pressed their wrists together.
"Huh," Draco exhaled. He rolled his tattoo against Harry's forearm. The peak of the rose crown touched the mark nearest Harry's wrist, and the snake's tail met the other.
Harry stared at their arms, wide-eyed and panicked in the best way.
"Is it-" Harry started. "Do they, uhm..."
"I... do believe so. If your banana outline was accurate."
Harry gulped. "It was."
"Huh," Draco repeated. "Well, in that case, there's a giant mandala coloring poster I've had my eye on, but it's a bit much for one person."
Harry let a grin spread across his face. "Consider it sold."
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S3 ep5
Current emotional status: FEAR
Cthulu Max has been on the rampage for a whole week!?
Ew, the narrator
Oh man, are they sending the airforce after him?
I really like Cthulu Max's design
Momma Bosco 💗
Oh hey, Norrington and Papierwaite are alive.
Superball are you saying you tried to send the Maimtrons up Max's--
Also he's acting president while Max is... deposed of.
Superball is only giving Sam until 6am :(
"Wandering around the moleman tunnels is no fun without Max."
"You got it all wrong, we're trying to help Max." "We will help him... to a generous serving of ass whooping."
"That is one rabbit who will be multiplied... into 2,000 smoldering pieces."
Carol ran off with Blustet
"I only want her to be happy, is all." Aw, Curt
Superball just admitted to having separation anxiety from Max
Ok Momma can't come but Papierwaite and Norringron can.
I like Norrington :)
Is it?
It is!
Oh, she is very pregnant
She was a wizard at one point?
She's gonna help!
Superball there's no such thing as acceptable losses
Abe has his body back
"Four score and seven tons of raw power"
Sybil, I love you, but why did you mod someone else's car???
Grandpa Stinky I love you
Oh, he just handed us the recipe for once.
Asdfff the spore maxes swarming Grandpa
They stole Grandpa's hotdogs
"We must feed the host! Piglets and sphinkters make us stronger!" "We regret nothing!"
Grandpa hasn't slept in three years
Sam just casually taking the last of Grandpa's corndogs
The spores are trying to get it
Lol Sam slapped them
Sal's alive!
He's hiding from Sam :(
Lol we can control Cthulu Max with Corndogs
Ew, the cornstarch got mixed in with the giant puddle 🤢 Looks gross
Love how Sybil completely ignores the Flaming Max head
Also the look of disappointment on the spore's face made me laugh
Fifth trimester???
The way the one Max spore by Grandpa's truck is bobbing in circles with his mouth open is making me laugh.
Sam showing concern for Sybil because she’s preggers 🥺
Her being pregnant with Abe's child implies that statues have working genital in this universe
She put a weiner scented airfreshener in the desoto
At least Sam and a Max spore seem to like that (of course they do)
"Sybil you're the best!" Hell yeah she is!
Sam's mind went to the color bar codes to prevent being traumatized by Sybil's oversharing
We drowned the desoto
Asdfgh Sam just botched slapped one of the spores for trying to say "that's none of your damn buisness."
Ew, Max's spine is pointing out
Oh hey, Satan and Jurgen
Why is Jurgen wearing his old fashioned clothes instead of his emo clothes?
Lol Sam snuck into frame to shout "Go Mets! New York rules!"
"--besides it's just a good and noble thing to do." "You're not familiar with my previous work, are you?"
"Sam, what happened to you to make you so cynical?" Gee, Jurgen, I wonder what could have possibly happened.
Oh so the water tower counts as vegetable oil because Momma did something to it
Pfft we can replace Satan's microphone with a corndog
Omg they jumped off the building to avoid Max
Oh, they're fine, and the oil is in the giant puddle.
I'm thankful to Featherly for giving us an egg but I'd have preferred not to watch him lay it. Granted it was just in a cartoon way but he still made weird noises
"I desperately wanted to see that, sir. Ask him if he'll lay another one."
Oh hey, the Flaming Max heads helped heat up the giant desoto corndog
Since I'm playing this in 2021 the Maimtron's song references are super dated, which defeats Superball's efforts
Oooh! A unique opening sequence???
Oh this music is jazzy af
Sam really doesn't like the Max spores
Sam how do you already know what Max's insides look like???
"Even when he's not a collasal monster Max's food comas can last for weeks."
Ok we wake Max up with the coffee beans, right?
The gi Max spore is so sad he doesn't get to come 😢
"But I'm a horrible monster!"
"I suppose Max's brain always looks like a living room?" "Well, Max is host to all kinds of weird parasites, and he likes to he a good host!" WHAT
No really, this brings up so many questions about lagomorphs. Are they some kind of Symbiote or something?
And a previous episode confirmed Max is amphibious
Max has tumors!!!
It shocked Sam!
"Eugh! Get away fake Max!" "Do you find my warmth... alarming, Sam?"
"What do nightmares taste like, anyway?" "Pepsi"
Max wants to be author 💗
He also writes fanfiction about Flint 🤣
I'd unironically read his books.
Tina Belcher voice: Friend fiction
Max has an experimental fusion jazz band???
"He just killed a great white shark--"
Max being completely unable to describe a woman is very gay of him. Good for him.
Max's brain teleported everyone to different parts of the body.
Found Sybil in the gym/legs
The brain is broadcasting Sam's thoughts???
Sam couldn't think of a joke for the medicine balls :(
"Wow Max is looking pretty buff. Would it be too weird if I asked him to turn around?"
Sam! Stop thinking bad things about Sybil's pregnancy she can hear you you putz!
She's upset with him now
"Can you believe this guy?" "I find the entire situation to be very contrived and misogynistic." Same spore Max, same.
Sam stop being so mean omg!
"I changed Sybil, I totally get the whole parenthood thing now." "Really now?" "Tax deductions."
In Max's inventory now
Y'know, I never really thought about it as a storage house
Hit The Road reference :3
Baby roach hatched in
"Pa..papa?" "Now I am little champion, now I am!"
Max has a Maximus shrine
Sam turned into a roomba!
Aw, he named it Sam Jr 🥺
We won Sybil back through his love of Sam Jr
Found the conjoined twins
Huh, Max lost as eye. Does that mean he has a glass one, or do lagomorphs have regenerative abilities?
Pfft we have to play twister to control his arma
The brain is messing with things again
Oh, we need a roach to operate the game because of radiation
Well, let's kidnap Sal
Oh, poor Girl Stinky. She's really going through it
Aw, Sal feels bad
Honey, are alright?
He's dying???
He's not immune to irradiation!?
Oh no, he's gone
I'm so sad 😞
Gotta pick up Sam Jr. Before I control Max
They mad Max do a magical girl pose
Ugh the narrator is back
Wait, what?
He's Max's brain??? SUPEREGO???
"I was always ignored" Yo if my super ego was as pretentious as you I 'd ignore it too 😤
He wants to kill himself and Max???
I know Max had a self loathing complex but holy shit
The super ego is perfectly fine with destroying half the east coast what a jerk
Just noticed Sam's tie is red. Had no idea about this while drawing PI!Sam lol
We have to help Max get his memories back to use the ASTRO projector
Skunkapes has three Sam clones imprisoned
Sam had canon ocd?
Gasp Gordon???
No, it's Sammun Mak
I love him, little child tyrant
Just make him a mobile brain in a jar and let Sam and Max adopt him
Why is Grandpa here?
He isn't talking like Stinky
Too polite
Sam sees it too
He's a space gorilla
They switched brains?
Found the cloning g chamber
Let's go to Momma's first
Superball is "wracked with guilt"
"Keep it together Superball. Sam will be able to save the day. He always does."
Ok, let's go to the cloning facility
I'm still thinking about poor Sal yo
He's punching space apes!
Girl Stinky really playing up the evil Mistress role
The doggleganger has a bomb on him!!!
Wait so Girl really is a mermaid??? I thought that was just her aestetic
God I love Flint
Haha we tricked Skunkape with scooby doo villain tactics
Got the robot
Her water broke... and it was pennies
Max wants to save Sybil! 😭🥺💕
Super Ego is here
Oh now he wants to save Max
The only thing here are those records
Super Ego waved goodbye
Cthulu Max is cute when he cries
Wait What?
His head is on fire!
The maimtron hit him!
He waved goodbye... and teleported away.
He exploaded!!!!
He promised he'd take Sam with him and he didn't!!!!
I thought the dead Max thing was popular angst fanon fic thingy!
We're cloning Max?
It didn't work 😭😭😭😭😭
Superball ran off crying
Oh God the credits are just Sam walking sadly what the hell
He's not even stopping to fight any crime 😢
God the way he's clinging to himself
The elevator???
he's back???
Past Max???
He blew his Sam up???
Wait hold on I'm glad they're together again but this doesn't fix anything
There's so much trauma from this season
All the horrible things that happened during 301-304 happened in like 3 days tops, then Sam had to deal with Max being a monster for a week before watching him die!
And the new (?) Max had BLOW HIS SAM UP!!!
And they left the franchise like that for a decade????
What the hell?
I want to be happy but this shit is going to consume my brain for the next week at least what the hell
Like maybe they really do just brush it off but it feels unlikely
I know Max has a connection with his other selves so it'll be easier for him to adjust but certainly Sam is going to notice the discrepancies since he doesn't get the same deal
Someone told me there were multiple endings hold on
Aw, they walked off into the sunrise together
But still
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plutodotpng · 2 years
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DnD CHARACTERS TIME WHOOOOOO since i'm obsessed with creating funky gay magical people, and have about 20 character ideas, over the past few months i've been drawing a few of them in between my usual fanart :) if you wanna know more i'm leaving some info below ;D
these six nerds are the most developed characters i have so far, and i've only gotten to play Thessa and Valax a little before becoming my party's DM. but here they are!!
🗡️🌊 Leonard, tiefling swashbuckler rogue Ah, this fucker. He's a pirate, he's horrible, he's a tease and he only cares about himself and making gold. No horribly depressed backstory except for like, class struggle and being an orphan, he's sure to make a show everywhere he goes. With a rapier and a dagger always by his side, getting himself into trouble is always at the top of his list. At least they're entertaining and fun to be around, and being enticing sure helps draw attention away from the pickpocketing every here and there.
⚔️🛡️ Thessalya, human battle master fighter Ok ok I'm guilty of giving her way more trauma than I should have, but I love making characters go through fucked up shit and still end up being kind. That's her. Her parents abandoned her while their village was attacked and destroyed, was then captured by some shitty army. Almost died a few times from failed escape attempts, all while she was eight, but eventually she was able to run away! And thank the gods, some good knights took her in and helped her! Now she was two cool dads that taught her how to fight (and sing a little) and she loves studying history and philosophy. She's seen a lot of evil in the world so she hopes she can be strong enough to protect those who need help every now and again.
🌲🌒 Valax Roseshade, wood elf, gloom stalker ranger He's sad. He's a forest hobo. He was literally raised by wolves. He's 300 years old and tired. He smells like grass and fungi all the time. He doesn't talk about his religious trauma. He doesn't talk much in general. Still, he's a deadly shot and a good addition to a party who needs help getting around any large terrain with trees. Always looking to keep the balance between nature and civilization, hunting undead evils and shit. Yeah.
🐺🔥 Navah, human barbarian, path of the beast (possible blood hunter multiclass) Navah also suffers a bad case of parents are dead (and lycanthropy, lol), but she channels her emotions in a very different way. She has a giant axe, she's hairy, she's loud, she likes taking up space and occasionally turns into a wolf. She controls her anger, the part of her which knows she deserves better, to help folk with some extra muscle, even forging her own badass weapons (as long as there's no silver involved).
🎶🎭 Asra, moon elf, college of lore bard The Veiled Siren, as most know her by her stage name, is but a simple bard traveling from town to town. They've been on the road for many years, and home is every place where she makes friends. With a complicated past, they've managed to leave everything behind and start anew, and are enjoying the simple things in life while on a quest to inspire confidence in those who struggle with believing in themselves.
🔫✨ Elphi, tiefling gunslinger fighter/order of scribes wizard Wizard with a gun my beloved. She's smart and skilled but visibly struggles holding conversations with anyone that's not a magical talking book. I don't know who gives a kid a gun, but thankfully whoever that was taught her proper safety. Well, whoever that was, no way they're crazier than the nerdy archivist that took her in and offered his library/home for the energetic pink little demon. She's read many books about wonderful and dangerous adventures and is looking forward to write her own!
>>> i love getting asks about anything so if there's any more fun info you're curios about, don't hesitate to drop by <33
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quinntamsin · 2 years
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“We must prepare for war.”
The bombing of Sanctuary has begun the war, and the death of people in Freetown has marked the first series of casualties. The Pyke Syndicate is moving on to Tatooine in a similar fashion to how mining companies use to strongarm their own workers during the Union days.
The House of Fett sits in the ruins of Sanctuary and discuss the war. The Mods convince Boba to stay a while. Cad meets wit the local leader of the Pykes and Mok Shaiz the ever naive starter of all this bullshit. And yes, I blame that Ithorian asshole for a lot of this damage. We learn that duh, the Pykes killed the Tusken Tribe. I think we are getting definitely getting a nice lead up to how truly malicious Cad Bane can be.
THe showdown between him and Bane goes down how we assumed and suddenly his Gotra is completely wiped out bit by bit. The Gamoreans fall and we see the Mods losing members as the Aqualish break the treaty. Santo is overtaken. Fennec saves the Mods and we get a nice little comment about Manners.
Ah yes, good old fashion Mandalorian honor. Our local Twi’lek spineless nominates himself for tribute and reads a nice little fuck you offer. We get an old fashioned Mando’ade level assault via some fucking jet packs and we watch beskar save everyone’s life. THe Pykes lose many, but their numbes are great as our two fighers are saved by an armored speeder from freetown. The Qeequaq bartender has brought some damn backup, and in come the fucking mods.
Love this fight so much and enter mother fucking Krrsantan. God, that wookie had a time putting so many Trandhoshans in the ground he probably should have his own necklace of some nice Trando teeth. And then the Pykes bring in what are obviously a newly updated destroyer droid on Ryl Spice! Holy shit if only the CIS had these others in the Clone Wars.
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Boba flies off and leaves Din to protect the retreating gotra and luckly our brave brave mando stands alone. These fight scenes really show how we should be getting more Star Wars shows that focus on the non-JEDI aspect of the story. Seriously, less Space Wizards and more fucking Twi’leks please!
The Scorpanek (yup sounds like another Colicoid creation) gets its ass handed to it by the fucking rancor. Gods, I have wanted to see someone ride a a bloody Rancor for damn years. My Dathomiri heart sings to see it.
Yup, Boba just became PEAK MANDO’ADE! Can we get a basilisk droid please!
Meanwhile, the Freetowners and the Mods decide to make their stand. The droid doesn’t stand a chance bagainst bigboia nd the combined might of the Fett Gotra. Nor does it stand a chance against our beloved bigboi! This kid has spunk I tellz ye!
We see the people of Tatooine driving back the Pykes back and it all comes down to him and Bane (who used a flamethrower to throw off bigboi). And the true malice of Bane is revealed as the redeyed Duros prepares to end it all. And yet the fool wasn’t aware of Fett’s Gaffi stick and see’s his end finally come. The greatest fucking Bounty Hunter in all of the known Galaxy other than Fett is now dead.
Bane’s death solidifies the fall of the Pykes and their influence on the city. The Rancor meanwhile is terrorizing the city as he’s been sent beserk because of all the shots and Din tries his best to get a hold of Boba’s mount. Instead, Grogu appears to use the force to put bigboi to sleep, annd thenhe snuggles with it. This seems like a fitting end especially with Shand assassinating all of our traitorous family leaders and finally killing that damn Ithorian.
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The Gotra meets once again and we see them gathering as the towners of Mos Espa now show respect to their new Daimyo. Meanwhile, Grogu bugs his dead so they can go really - really fast!
Did I sense gay chemistry between a certain mod and a freetowner?
Papa Weequay taking the small blaster was...so amazing.
Cad Bane has this evil big duros energy, dark side BDE if you will.
The Pykes killing the Tuskens was kind of...obviously really. I hope we get to see some of them survive, aka Warleader who was my favorite char from thsi entire series.
The Book of Boba Fett perhaps only feels right if you know Boba’s story. If you watched him from Attack of the Clones all the way THROUGH Clone Wars. This poor kid has tried hard to get revenge and define his family. For years he rolled with the abusive and manipulative Aura Sing before he struck out on his own. Finally, after years we get a story that puts a new hard chapter in one of the best damn Mandalorians to ever grace our vision.
And yes, fuck the Armorer, Fett’s a Mandalorian. If you follow the Codes of Honor you are Mando’ade!
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bedbellyandbeyond · 3 years
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Call A Friend
(Story Post)
“Are the kids alright?” Nari asked. “Yeah, Korsgaard said they were angels, but I have a feeling he's lying...” Nathan sighed. “I bet they bit someone...” “You can't assume that.” Nari was sitting outside the library talking to Nathan. Nathan had told him to check in if his search lasted more than a week and since he still had no luck, after spending seven days in the expansive library, he took a break to call his friend. “Can you believe he compared me kissing Kent to him literally sleeping with him?” Nathan huffed. “And we're back to that... I don't think I'm allowed to have an opinion on that,” Nari said. “You know, considering my previous relationship to your partner...” “But I'd like your opinion,” Nathan said. “I'm still really fucking lost...”
Nari sighed. “All I know is that it doesn't sound like Dax's behaviour. Cheating on someone just isn't in his nature. One-night stands aren't his thing as he needs time to get to know someone before he'll have sex with them. He's incredibly loyal and he loves you very much.” “I know, I know...” Nathan groaned. “I'm just so confused...” “I would believe that this was something out of his control,” Nari said. “I wouldn't believe it's something out of Kent's control, however, I don't know him.” “Right, I figure Kent's been bullshitting me on a lot of things,” Nathan said. “Like, the guy is so obviously gay, or bi or whatever, but he won't admit it and instead hides himself behind homophobia and ill manners.” “I’m not surprised.” “I mean, we know why he won't come out, it's so...” Nathan groaned. “It's so frustrating. Like, I get that what happened to him was really fucking tragic, you know, losing his girlfriend and his kid, but it was twenty years ago!” “Nathan, I know you're not trying to be mean, but twenty years is not a very long time,” Nari said. “The pain that comes from outliving your children never goes away.” Nathan let out a long sigh. “Right... I suppose you would know... Sorry.” “No, but I understand your point,” Nari said. “He is allowing the pain to prevent him from being himself and opening up to people. That is something that happens to a lot of vampires who get stuck in their feelings... I read a book about a vampire who strictly only drank the blood of red heads because his dead wife had red hair. I didn't like that book.” “Shit,” Nathan cursed. “I haven't asked you about how the search is going... And it’s 11pm here, it must be really late over there. I'm sorry.” “I'm literally a vampire and I called you,” Nari stated. “Right, I'm stupid. Sorry.” “Anyway, this has proved a much more complex task than I had originally thought,” Nari said. “A lot of literature about vampires is written like fiction, in storytelling and such. I naïvely expected I was just going to find a textbook on vampire reproductive systems, but it's just been novels and more novels on vampires giving birth to demons and dark beasts and all kinds of nonsense... Finding fact in fiction is incredibly exhausting, and that's only after finding the books in the first place...” “I'm sorry... Have you asked a librarian or someone to help you look?” Nathan asked. “No... I have no interest in talking to these bloodsuckers... These monsters still use the familiar system around here!” Nari said. “Which system?” “Familiars. You know, human servants promised to be turned one day.” “Ah. Slavery.” “That's what I said.” Nathan sighed. “Well, keep your chin up... You're brilliant and tenacious. You'll find what you need, I'm sure.” “I don't know,” Nari said. “I’ve left Diederich alone quite a while now. I feel maybe I should start looking for the magic books he's been asking about and then we can just go home...” “Aw, don't give up like that,” Nathan said. “I'm sure Diederich is fine on his own and he's there to support you. You just need to keep looking.” “Maybe...” Nari said. “I feel like I'm going crazy. Only thing helping me keep track of time is that more vampires are in the library at night time. The library is completely enclosed during the day, but most of them go home to sleep.” “So, you haven't slept at all?” Nathan asked. “Well, one time I got really bored and nodded off on a couch for about two hours...” Nari said. “Just because you can stay awake for days and days without end, doesn't mean you don't need sleep,” Nathan said. “How do you know that?” Nari said. “How do you I need sleep at all?” “You've told me,” Nathan said. “You told me, the longer you go without sleep, the harder it is to focus and your memory starts to fail you. Like literally right now.” “Oh... Right. That's true,” Nari said. “I suggest you go back to your hotel for a day, get some sleep, at least twelve hours, and then come back in a fresh set of clothes to try the library again where you left off. You need a fresher mind for this. You're tired.” Nari nodded. “You're probably right... Anyway, I'm done with me. Back to your problems.” “Uh, I don't know what else there is to say,” Nathan said. “Did the bear guy see his kids yet?” Nari asked. “Yes, well, we did a video session earlier tonight,” Nathan said. “It's really really hard to hate him when you see him get all emotional from just the kids...” “Did he cry?” “Like a baby,” Nathan snickered. “Hopefully he can compose himself when he sees them next weekend in person.” “And you're comfortable with that?” Nari asked. “Well, yeah... I mean, he's their dad and I'll be there,” Nathan said. “He'll have to promise not to argue with me in front of them... I've made it pretty clear I have full authority over his connection to them.” “Hm... And Dax won't be there this time?” Nathan paused. “No, I don't think so...” “Do you have anyone else you can bring?” Nari asked. “I'm not sure I like knowing it'll just be you and those babies out there in the woods...” “I don't think Kent is a threat to us...” Nathan said. “But I get what you mean. APID’s keeping an eye on him. He usually avoids them, but it'll be part of the condition that he can only see them if he cooperates with APID agents.” “That’s good, yes. Bring an agent with you,” Nari said, flexing his claws. “I'd go with you if I could...” “Well, maybe you'll get lucky and find exactly what you're looking for before the weekend,” Nathan said. “Then you could do the trip with me.” Nari scoffed. “I doubt it... This place is an abyss. If you see me next weekend, it's because I gave up and decided to adopt or something...” “Well, I believe in you,” Nathan said. “You can do it.” Nari sighed. “Well... I’m still on the escort thing. Doesn't your case worker have a field agent for a son? Kingsley or something?” “Korsy, yeah,” Nathan said. “The agent who went with us last week was named Hanover, but he was a bit gun happy, and Korsy might be a better fit... I'll ask Korsgaard if he's available. I know he flies across the country and into the states sometimes on assignments, so he could be busy.” “Well, I'll cross my fingers for you that he's available,” Nari said. “Anything else you want to talk about?” Nathan took a deep breath. “Well, all this started because I hosted Wano in my home... I get upset just thinking about it, but I can't tell if I'm being a bit of an asshole about his situation.” “You haven't shared the situation,” Nari said. “Long story short, he's getting deported but he started seeing this guy from my pregnancy group to have a baby, and they did it in my house when I wasn't home, without my consent...” “Um. What? Of course, you're not the asshole. He is being disrespectful to you and your home. Has he apologised?” “Err... Maybe when I transformed... I scared the shit out of him.” “Hm... Well, yes. You don't have to keep him around. It's not fair to you if you're housing him out of your own goodwill. And if you don't even have your own home, why would you have a baby?” “Right? Both of them live out of other people's places. I can't imagine Jeffrey's cousin will be happy with another baby in his apartment.” “Who's Jeffrey?” “Wano's new partner, I guess... In my opinion he's still a baby himself. Both of them are.” “But they're both consenting adults?” Nari asked. “Yeah.” “Nothing you can do but kick them out. It's not your problem. You have your own problems.” “Yeah... Anyway, I should let you get back to it. I need to sleep. And so do you.” Nari sighed. “I'll think about it...” “No, seriously. Sleep. You'll do better if you do. Can you promise me?” “...Okay.” “For real though?” “Yeah, yeah, I'm tired of this stupid library. It's so medieval.” “Ha, alright.” “So, you should do what you have to do too,” Nari said. “Kick out that Wano guy, give Dax a break but don't throw him out entirely, and kiss the twins for me before you go to bed.” Nathan chuckled a bit. “I will.” “Okay. I'm hanging up now.” “Haha, okay. I'll do the same.” “Bye.” “See you soon.” Nari hung up and sighed. He looked back at the library, considering hitting the books a little bit more, but the thought of having to deal with getting through security again was enough to turn him away for now. He got up and headed back to his hotel. At the very least, he had read a magic book about purification that he could tell Diederich about. Maybe it could be used to lower the blood alcohol levels of a drunk wizard. Hopefully he wouldn’t have to test it out when he got back.
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fixitfest · 4 years
Anon Master List
TITLE: A Gift RATING: T WORD COUNT: 912 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Sirius Black Lives, Fix-It, References to Footloose (1984), Fluff, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Harry is only mentioned, he doesn't appear, Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter), Canon Compliant, technically, Hopeful Ending SUMMARY: This was meant to be something very different but what it turned into was soft affection and movie night at 12 Grimmauld Place and learning each other again. READ IT ON AO3: A Gift
TITLE: the beauty of a secret (you have to keep it) RATING: G WORD COUNT: 14600 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Remus's supportive parents, Christmas Fluff, THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED, this is really soft and so self-indulgent, First Kiss, Mutual Pining, POV Remus Lupin SUMMARY: When Remus asked Sirius to be his fake-date for them to visit his parents for the Christmas holidays, he hadn't expected it to go that well, not really. No one, least of all Remus could have predicted how rapidly it deteriorated, especially with his long hidden feelings that were too close to the surface. READ IT ON AO3: the beauty of a secret (you have to keep it)
TITLE: Be My Baby RATING: M WORD COUNT: 21876 ADDITIONAL TAGS: wolfstar, RS Fix It Fest 2020, Dirty Dancing AU, 1960s America, Coming of Age, Coming Out, Black!James, Cuban!Sirius, Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Muggle, Fluff, Romance, Dancing, Summer Love, Period-Typical Homophobia, Period-Typical Racism, but both are pretty mild!, Meet-Cute, Getting Together, First Time, dance SUMMARY: It’s the summer of 1963, and 18 year old Remus Lupin discovers dance, love, and even himself. (A very romantic and very gay Dirty Dancing AU.) READ IT ON AO3: Be My Baby
TITLE: Good Year RATING: T WORD COUNT: 1024 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sirius Black Lives, Remus Lupin Lives, Professor Sirius Black, Professor Remus Lupin, Post-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, middle-aged wolfstar, they’re alive and happy and they kiss and laugh a lot SUMMARY: Sirius and Remus one happy morning before the start of their first year of teaching at Hogwarts together. Set the year after the end of the Second Wizarding War. READ IT ON AO3: Good Year
TITLE: Hic sunt dracones RATING: E WORD COUNT: 4941 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, First War with Voldemort, Canon Compliant, Happy Ending, Romance, Makeup, Mirror Sex, Intercrural Sex, Sharing a Bed, RS Fix It Fest 2020, POV Remus Lupin SUMMARY: Remus and Sirius try putting on makeup and end up trying a lot more: sex, kissing, and maybe even talking about feelings. READ IT ON AO3: Hic sunt dracones
TITLE: In the Shadow of Your Heart, It's the Only Way I Can Escape RATING: M WORD COUNT: 10032 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Victorian, Alternate Universe - Muggle, Magicians, sort of a The Prestige au, POV Alternating, Non-Linear Narrative, POV Sirius Black, POV Remus Lupin, Rivals to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Sort Of, Strangers to Lovers, magician Sirius, Magician Remus, escape artist Remus, Non-Sexual Bondage, Remus is sort of based on Houdini, Buried Alive, Everybody Lives, Nobody is Dead, I promise nobody dies SUMMARY: The lights glittered upon the stage, dust particles floating, the light catching on the shiny buttons of the man’s jacket. The boards creaked as he strutted across them, a faint sound only heard if you were listening for it. The heavy velvet curtains hung on either side of the stage framing whatever spectacle was to occur. Or where two sort-of rival magicians perform on stage, confront mortality, and realize that past passion can be present love. READ IT ON AO3: In the Shadow of Your Heart, It’s the Only Way I Can Escape
TITLE: Just Sleep RATING: T WORD COUNT: 1403 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Raising Harry Potter SUMMARY: Remus didn't want to open the door but he almost closes it when he find Sirius back a kidnapped harry under his coat. READ IT ON AO3: Just Sleep
TITLE: La Vie en Rose RATING: G WORD COUNT: 1732 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Canon Compliant, Post-full moon, Pining, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Sirius Black Speaks French, Depressed Sirius Black, Song: La Vie En Rose, POV Sirius Black, Singing SUMMARY: "Remus was lying against him, fast asleep and very human. Sirius was struck with how much older he seemed, now that he was close enough for Sirius to study him. But he still looked as beautiful as ever." It is only Remus and Sirius left in Grimmauld Place after the children return to school. This alone time leaves Sirius facing feelings he buried a long time ago. READ IT ON AO3: La Vie en Rose
TITLE: night rides RATING: G ADDITIONAL TAGS: Art, Digital Art, Alternate Universe - High School, Motorcycles, Fluff SUMMARY: first time riding the motorcycle together READ IT ON AO3: night rides
TITLE: On how to become a DDA teacher RATING: G ADDITIONAL TAGS: Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Everyone Is Alive, Living Together, Marauders, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Marauders Friendship (Harry Potter), Domestic Bliss, Domestic Fluff, trying new things, Happy Ending, RS Fix It Fest 2020, Fanart, Fix-It SUMMARY: Remus prepares himself for his new position as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Just some domestic bliss drawn for the RS Fix It Fest 2020. READ IT ON AO3: On how to become a DDA teacher
TITLE: On The Mat RATING: E WORD COUNT: 14265 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Meet-Cute, Getting Together, Yoga, Yoga Teacher Sirius Black, Yoga Student Remus Lupin, Dubious use of a yoga mat, Anal Sex, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Deep Throating, safe sex, we are pro condoms in this fic, Fluff and Smut, Top Sirius Black, Bottom Remus Lupin SUMMARY: The intimate happenings of Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and a yoga mat. READ IT ON AO3: On The Mat
TITLE: The Pipe Under The Sink RATING: T WORD COUNT: 5253 ADDITIONAL TAGS: FixItFest2020, trying new things, wolfstar, unemployed!Sirius, bookshop!Remus, Baker!James, Alternate Universe - No Voldemort, muggle problems, Domestic Fluff, Baby Harry Potter, Self-Esteem Issues, Love SUMMARY: After being together for so long, Sirius worries Remus doesn't find him sexy anymore. Sirius finds some inspiration from James and decides to show off his sexiness by fixing the kitchen sink...the muggle way. READ IT ON AO3: The Pipe Under The Sink
TITLE: Quality Lighting RATING: T WORD COUNT: 4959 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Magic, Alternate Universe - College/University, Erotic Photography, Get together fic, Happy Ending, POV Remus Lupin, POV Sirius Black SUMMARY: “Give it back!” Remus pitched forward in a desperate attempt to swipe his phone back from his roommate.
“Why?” Sirius asked with a laugh as he started to scroll. “Am I going to find your OnlyFans content or something?”
Remus choked out a laugh of his own. “Very funny. Now please—”
“Oh.” READ IT ON AO3: Quality Lighting
TITLE: We’re Not Like Them RATING: G WORD COUNT: 21574 ADDITIONAL TAGS: First War with Voldemort, Post-Hogwarts, Muggle London, London in the Eighties, Hyde Park, James Potter & Lily Evans Potter Live, Order of the Phoenix - Freeform, Angst, Marlene and Remus's friendship, Godric's Hollow, Character Study SUMMARY: Sirius leaves the flat for hours on end and doesn't tell Remus where he's been. Remus skulks silently in the shadows, forgotten by everyone he once called a friend, and secrets are being kept between the four of them. Remus doesn't even know if they will last the war, and Sirius decides that he wants a child. Remus thinks that they're twenty-one, fighting for their lives, and not like James and Lily. READ IT ON AO3: We’re Not Like Them
TITLE: The Words Beneath Your Door RATING: M WORD COUNT: 11723 ADDITIONAL TAGS: POV Remus Lupin, POV First Person, Pining, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Getting Together, Roommates, Canon Divergence - Post-Hogwarts, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), First Kiss, Remus Lupin is a florid little shit, and Sirius reads Muggle encyclopedias for fun, gratuitous use of The Runaways, and cardamom biscuits, Fix-It, Domestic, and very very toshy, Implied/Referenced Drug Use SUMMARY:It is 1979, Remus is steadily losing control of his higher functions, and Sirius won't stop fucking touching him. Perhaps the two are related, but there isn't enough space left in the cold fusion core of Remus' brain to parse that out. READ IT ON AO3: The Words Beneath Your Door
TITLE: Young Hearts Intertwined RATING: T WORD COUNT: 11643 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Fix-It, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, First War with Voldemort, Fluff, Schmoop, Weddings, Established Relationship, Summer, Welsh Remus Lupin, Desi Potter Family (Harry Potter), Desi Sirius Black SUMMARY: There’s a special kind of magic to a wartime wedding. READ IT ON AO3: Young Hearts Intertwined
TITLE: You're My Lover, Not My Rival RATING: M WORD COUNT: 3734 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Friendship/Love, Best Friends, Getting Together, Casual Sex, Happy Sex, Threesome - F/M/M, Prophecy, Drinking & Talking, Smoking, Fix-It, RS Fix It Fest 2020, True Love, Canon Divergence, Bisexuality SUMMARY: Remus can't do relationships, or so he thinks. READ IT ON AO3: You’re My Lover, Not My Rival
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its-chelisey-stuff · 3 years
Word of Honor eps 21-30 (thoughts)
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So, instead of doing a general opinion (that is sure to get messy because my brain is trying to keep up with so many things these days lol) I decided to write down just a few thoughts on each ep. It worked great to remind me what had happened in these past 10 eps. Enjoy my random thoughts!
Ep 21: YeBaiYi is off to fetch someone who can save ZZS. The family has reunited!!! Also, poor WKX he seems very torn but also doesn't exactly know what's up? Scorpion King is trying something but I don't get it. Also, poor beauty Ghost.
Ep 22: well that should be illegal, it was so painful to see WKX that tortured. Dude practically had an attack because his past is so damn traumatic. btw ZZS must know WKX is the Ghost Valley leader, right? Also, that beggar was totally going to kill someone, he had a knife, so back off, CWN. I like you a lot but not at the expense of my badass A-Xiang. i appreciated the abs 😏🤤
Ep 23: WKX is a cranky bish after waking up from trauma induced faintness lol but ZZS can calm him down in a second. Also, he totally knows WKX is ghost valley leader, which had to be obvious but I still wonder what gave him away. Awww A-Xiang being worried of not being worthy for CWN broke my heart. You're the best and a badass my girl. We had father in law WKX and it was the best. Also, ZZS losing his senses is so tragic. Why was this ep so sad?
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Ep 24: Such a bittersweet ep. If there's no WKX trauma time, it's ZZS's instead. Also, gay domestic life is the best kind of fluff I can ask for. Just say yes, WKX and be the master of Four Seasons alongside your soulmate. Also, what is truly the origin of ZZS? He has noble blood? Who is he? In the novel it was never clear to me, but I'm expecting some answers here.
Ep 25: WKX'S angsty monologue in front of his once upon a time Master’s grave will live in my mind rent free from now on. Finally we know how WKX figured out who ZZS was, but I still don't get how/why WKX and his family were left behind in Four Seasons, I mean I guess it’s because they thought they were already safe. I can't believe everyone and their mothers know that WKX is the leader of Ghost Valley. I don't think I like this change from the novel 🤭 it was such a powerful reveal because no one had any idea. Now all of China knows lol
Ep 26: Wow Zhao Jing is such a sick bastard, but what's new? His scenes with Scorpion King were creepy ans sick lol i kinda pity him. Awww WKX you really have no plans for this, do you? He is taking such care to do everything quietly so ZZS and Chengling don't find out and ZZS is worried for him because he knows everything. Such fools in love. When it's Lord Seventh coming??
Ep 27: Omggg this episode was a delight to see for my shipper heart, if only everything could end here, AhXiang and CWN happy in his sect, OTP and their son in Four Seasons and just forget about all the chaos outside in the world. But no, drama is coming and ZZS still has to be cured. Also, Scorpion my man, wake the hell up, that evil old bastard is manipulating you and you're just letting him ugh
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Ep 28: Finally the Prince appears and lol it looks Like Zhao Jing is going nuts, it was hilarious to see the ruckus he made in front of the memorial of all his dead friends. I wonder if this means he still has some conscience...I laughed so many times this ep because of the contrast between the evil dudes and their conspiracies to get the Glazed armour vs the domestic fluff of the two gay dads and their adoptive child celebrating the new year hahaha
Ep 29: Ooofff what an episode! I loved it! So many things happened! Poor WKX being so tortured and guilty for the the death of Han Ying, it was so sad but tragedy didn't stop there, since they took ZZS away. Finally Lord Seventh and his wizard bf made it lol just in time to knock out WKX who was having an ep of madness, though I'm sure he will still be angry when he wakes up and will try to kill Zhao Jing again (one can only hope). I can't believe CWN found out about WKX being the Ghost Master that way, but it speaks volumes of his feelings for AhXiang that he didn't reveal her identity in that moment.
Ep 30: What a disgusting piece of shit is the Prince, it unsettled me so much that he kidnapped ZZS and dressed him up like his plaything and then threw around the "I thought we were soulmates" argument. Eww. no, sir, please go away. At least it looks like ZZS got a little revenge against him. Not enough of WKX this ep, but I hope next is better on that department along with Lord Seventh and his wizard bf. I'm happy A-Xiang and CWN moved past the whole revelation of her identity, their love is so pure. Also, Scorpion my dude, rebel and kill your sugar daddy he's goddamn awful.
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I liked that the focus of these ten eps (concerning our two male leads' portion of the story) was on their pasts, who they were before meeting each other and their regrets and traumas about it, but also, that they became close by being honest and vulnerable with each other, and now they practically have no secrets between the two of them (or do they? Looking at ya, WKX). Seeing their tranquil and sweet domestic life with their adopted son at the Four Seasons was a delight (it was also one of my favorite bits to read in the novel and I'm so glad they kept it for the drama a pity they couldn't include the hugs and cuddles on the bed at midnight but in my mind they happened) but all good things must come to an end someday and I guess that, given that the whole martial arts world is looking for WKX and that ZZS could only get so far before the crazy Prince found him (on top of him slowly dying by the nails) it was only a matter of time before things escalated and got to where they are. Now we have to believe love conquers all hahaha and I cannot wait to see WKX rescuing his husband in all his dark ala Master of the Ghost Valley gloriousness!
I would love to write an essay on A-Xiang and CWN love story and how pure and true their bond is, but because I know their ending that would only mean torture for me, so I will only say that I'm so glad that they're together and able to talk to each other and clear misunderstandings. Communication is key for any healthy and long lasting relationship.
Drama plot was always a bit different from novel plot, but at this point in the drama they're telling a completely different story so I have no idea what's next (well, I do, I know spoilers but I also need the context) but I'm excited nonetheless. I would say though I have no idea who really has the glazed armour and who has fake pieces, damn you Wen KeXing lol I'm just so confused but it doesn't really matter because as long as they don't have the key, it's all useless. And I do know who has the key and where it's gonna end up (or with whom 😏 hahaha). I'm actually a bit sad that I know that spoiler, could have been great to be surprised as I watched the drama but that's on me lol
Because I've been following the drama on Youku's youtube channel, this experience has been longer for me than it was for lots of others, and I liked that but because of it the withdrawal syndrome will hit me a lot harder. Ugh and I'm not looking forward to it.
Last six eps, here we go!
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daydream-believin · 4 years
Sure Took You Long Enough, Babe
Summary: (wlw) Reader pulls an all-nighter with coworker Zoe
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, uh i think i remember mentioning people doing drugs, that trademark wlw obliviousness
Word Count: 4374
a/n: g-g-gorlfren... *slaps roof of fic* this baby can fit so many gay fantasy tropes in it. yes, the bars in cali stay open till 4am idk
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Your alarm blared it’s cheery tune, startling you awake. Strangely enough, the happy melody never inspired happiness, just rage. Yet, ever the eager beaver, you shot right up and slammed the button as you slid out of bed, not allowing yourself to dilly-dally. As much as you’d like to stay asleep for three more hours at the least, you forced yourself into a good start for the day. Today was the first day of your new part-time job at Hextech, and lucky you, you got the morning shift. Curse of being fresh meat, you supposed. As long as you could make it through the day without getting too terribly hazed, you’d be fine.
Back home in Arcadia Oaks for the summer, you’d needed a new job or you’d go crazy. What were you supposed to do? Relax? Nah. You’d start taking double shifts as soon as you could. It was a bit tricky finding somewhere that would be a good fit for you. Okay, that was a lie. It was a bit tricky finding somewhere that would even be willing to hire you, apparently. Really knocked your pride down a few pegs.
By a strike of fortune, you had been catching up with one of your old high school buddies over coffee yesterday. You know, the one you used to hang out in the graveyard and practice tarot reading with? Yeah, Evan. It was nice to be able to talk to someone who was just as excited as you were that My Chemical Romance was back. When you two ordered, he pulled out that old joke about taking his coffee black like his soul and it still made you laugh as much as it did in high school. Evan was doing good, new boyfriend, new job, new band. You felt happy for your friend. You were happy that he was happy. He deserved it.
After you’d lamented that you couldn’t find work, he told you about how lately he’d been working for that electronic store Hextech. Not subtly named, was it? He’d told you about how it was run by hedgewizards like you two. They only hired through connections, since they were a magical company run by magical people. You, thankfully, had one of those connections. Your buddy put in a good word for you and, just like that, you were in. They put you on the schedule crazy fast. Like, the first shift of the very next day fast. Good. You were going out of your mind having so much free time. Your relatives were starting to ask you *shutter* questions about your personal life.
You looked in the mirror, slicked back your hair into a neat style, and admired how you looked in your new work shirt. Of course, it would eventually join the trophy quilt of old work shirts you were making, but for now it was nice and new. A pretty baby blue, it will go well sewed next to the royal blue Domino’s shirt from last semester. You added about a dozen earrings to your ears as a finishing touch and headed downstairs. After downing your coffee and hastily scarfing down a still-warm blueberry muffin, you kissed your grandmother’s cheek goodbye as you headed out the door. You tossed a crumpled muffin to the crows waiting by the front door. The greedy bastards inhaled every crumb. As much as you loved having a job again, the sun was still asleep when you started your walk to work. Fuck that.
As you walked through the door at Hextech, you were astonished to see the absolute angel who was waiting there for you. An absolute angel who looked kinda hungover, actually. Well, it was 6 AM on a Sunday. The doors didn’t actually open to customers until seven, but you were here at the ass-crack of dawn so she could train you some before throwing you to the customer wolves. Said pink-haired angel introduced herself as Zoe. What a fitting name for someone as cute and feisty as her. You had to catch yourself from staring too much into her striking blue eyes, that reminded you of lightning, pure electricity, before she caught you. And really, they were distracting. It was hard to focus on what she was telling you, which was a bad thing since she was giving you vital information. You forced yourself to focus. As much as you could.
After going over the ropes of working the wizard-bar, she took you through a cool hidden door to show you around the back. The back had such wonderful rooms as the kitchen that someone microwaved fish in yesterday, workrooms, one of which had a poor guy who looked like her never left last night, tinkering away at some techy-thing, the room Zoe introduced as the room she went to scream in, and a common-room type thing with a sick floor to ceiling screen (or was it a window?), depicting a soothing nature scene. She told you that after you had been working in the front for a while and proved yourself, your bosses would move you up to the repairs and phone troubleshooting. Maybe even invention if you were talented enough. That filled you with dread, despite the inspiration it was supposed to be. You had to admit, you knew almost nothing about the technical/repairs side of electronics and you did not belong here. You were more of a coding/hacking type of hedgewizard. You’d have to fake it till you make it. You were sure Zoe could tell you were bullshitting through this, but thankfully she was gracious enough not to call you out on it. Although, you didn’t mind that impish grin that found it’s place on her face.
Damn. You did not need to get involved with a coworker. No matter how enchanting she was. Or how pretty. This was just a summer job. You would be moving back across California for school soon enough and you were not going to do long-distance again. Although, is a few hours really that long? Definitely not as long as your last relationship. Shut up shut up shut up. No. You don’t even know if this chick is into girls, don’t get ahead of yourself. Mmm, she is very pretty though. You can admire from afar. What’s the harm in that?
There was much, much harm. Stars, you had it bad. You had only been at Hextech for a month now and it felt like hell. Perhaps it was hell. Maybe you were dead, and this was your eternal punishment. Damned to forever pine after the loveliest wizard you had ever met. She took a liking to you instantly too, inviting you out for drinks that first night, and every weekend after that. And she’d invited you over to her place for movie nights and to hang out with her friends. Some nights she’d take you to go dancing with her. She’d taken to calling you Baby. Perfectly normal things for gals being pals right. You guessed this is what girl besties do. You wouldn’t know, you’d only ever really hung with guys. Really feminine goth guys, sure, but guys nonetheless. She seemed hellbent on spending time with you. Not that you were complaining, but it just made your emotions stronger. And harder to shove back into the abyss.
~ ~ ~
One Friday night, you two were just chilling up in your bedroom. A rest before one of coworker’s birthday party tomorrow night. Zoe was telling you that she really wanted to try out a new makeup technique. And you told her she could try it out on you. The joy that painted itself across her features is something that will be burned into your memory forever. But not as high a degree of burn as what came next. Zoe straddled your waist, eyeliner pen in hand, and pushed you back against the headboard so she could better reach your eyes. Your breath caught in your throat. You were helpless to do anything but stare at her face that was in super close proximity to yours. You were caught in a trance as you obeyed when she told you to do this or that so she could properly apply the makeup. Her pink lips were pursed in concentration, and her pink banged strayed into her face. Her signature pink style matched the pink of your cheeks. You were sure she could feel your heart pounding, her elbows were on your chest, basically. She moved on to eyeshadow. Weird, you were always an eyeshadow first kinda person but who were you to critique this goddess’s methods. As she rolled on the perfectly matching lipstick onto your lips, you couldn’t help but think about this being an indirect kiss. This lipstick has been all over her lips and now it’s on yours? Stars.
Once she was finished with her masterpiece, she leaned back to take a good look at it. You felt the heat blaze under your skin as her blue eyes scanned your face. Finally, she seemed satisfied and nodded. Zoe helped you up and you went to go check it out in the mirror hanging on your wall. It was brightly colored, garish even, yet perfect, in your opinion. Like Zoe’s personality distilled into something you could wear. She crept up behind you and put her hands on your shoulders as you both admired her skills.
“My best work yet if I do say so, Y/n,” She grinned like a Cheshire cat, “Hmm, I know it’s already like, 3 in the morning and we’re supposed to be relaxing, but we should go and show this off.”
You both had a shift in four hours but you didn’t know how to say no to those eyes. “Alright, Zo,”
You grabbed your jackets on the way out, careful not to wake any of the other inhabitants of the house, but unable to keep the giggles in. Zoe had thought it would be fun to swap jackets, and you weren’t going to say no to that. Her jacket was cozy, black leather, and smelled of her rosy perfume. You never wanted to take it off. When you put it on, her eyes lingered on your form, commenting how good it made you look. You were very thankful for the cover of darkness that hid your flush, rosy like her perfume. You thought she looked marvelous in yours too, but you weren’t as brave in order to say that out loud.
Suddenly you were in some club across town, being introduced to Zoe’s friend Mimi who was working the bar that night. Mimi looked you up and down, then cocked her brows and clicked her tongue, while nodded to Zoe? Who turned pink and angrily said something under her breath to her friend. You couldn’t make out what she said over the music, you were too busy trying not to put too much weight on this interaction. Telling your heart to stop jumping. Jumping just gets you hurt. Mimi snickered as she scurried off to the other side of the bar to fix up your drinks after Zoe finished her rant. She turned back to you and laughed nervously, leaning on the bar.
“That Mimi. What a card.” You nodded in response, not sure what to say.
You three chatted while you sipped at your drinks. Zoe had ordered you something fruity, sweet, and vibrantly colored. It was very tasty, whatever it was. Must have had a high percentage because your head was already fuzzy with just this one. You stopped after finishing it, not fancying being drunk at work, but Zoe got another. Her alcohol tolerance was way stronger than yours. You fucking lightweight. Mimi had started cleaning up since the bar closed soon. Zoe grabbed your hand unexpectedly.
“How about we dance until we get kicked out, Babe?” She said with a sparkle in her eye.
“Uh- y- yeah,” was all you managed to get out before she pulled you over to the dance floor. It was almost vacant, since it was nearing 4am and most people had either moved on for the night, passed out on one of the club’s couches, or were getting their fix in the bathroom. Nice. It was like the floor was just for you two. Zoe was really jazzed, spinning you around to whatever trashy party song was playing. It was infectious. Her energy, not the song. You were having a lot of fun with the pink girl dancing with you. She tossed her hair back laughing at one point. Right then and there, you decided to throw all those things stopping you out the window. If you missed her come fall, you’d just drive the trip to see her. It would be worth it.
The other trio of people who had been dancing left, and now it really was just you two. It would have felt like just you two even if the floor was full. As the current song ended, the DJ looked at you in sympathy. “Alright guys, this is the last song okay, we close in ten.” He switched it to a Viper song.
“OH! I love this song!” Zoe’s smile got even bigger. You didn’t know that was possible. Somehow, she got an energy boost too. You had completely no idea how the firecracker you were with could stay lit well into the morning. If it wasn’t for your manic pixie dream girl here, you’d be groggy by now. She flittered around you, having a blast. It was adorable. She mouthed the words of the song to you, which would have been rather cute if they hadn’t been considerably sexual lyrics. You felt that blush come back for the umpteenth time that night. And she had that impish grin plastered across her face again, like she knew what she was doing. Zoe had gotten closer to you as the song winded down, you hadn’t noticed until it faded out altogether. Your eyes were wide. She booped your nose, giggling. You blinked, surprised. You felt your heart squeeze at how fucking cute that was.
She took your hand again as she pulled you over to go give Mimi a quick hug goodbye before you two left. You still had two and a half hours to kill until your shifts started at six thirty. Zoe’s favourite coffee house wouldn’t be open until five. As much as a nap sounded good right now, you both knew that it would just make you sleepier. And grumpier from being woken up after such a short time. Might as well pull out an old goth kid staple.
“Wanna go hang around in the graveyard?”
~ ~ ~
Zoe tossed her head back laughing so hard she hit the gravestone she was leaning against.
“Oof, you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” She rubbed her head and turned back to look check the name on the engraving, “Sorry Howard.”
“It’s too late, he’s offended now and he’s gonna haunt us,” you snickered, “Nice going, Zo.”
“Don’t worry Baby, I’ve been working on my exorcism skills. You know, since a certain dumbass brought spirits into the party last week.” Ah, Douxie, what a guy. Of course he hadn’t meant to ruin everyone’s night and release those ghosts. It just sort of happened. He was accident prone and you didn’t understand why people trusted him with cursed stuff like that to begin with. Luckily, within the number of wizards gathered, you guys were eventually able to find a way to banish all the spirits before any real harm came of it. It wasn’t a bad way to spend a Friday night. You got to live out your childhood dream of being a ghostbuster.
You looked around. The cemetery wasn’t as spooky as most people thought it was. Sure, there were strange noises, and endless headstones with disembodied names that meant nothing, and creepy mausoleums that cast big shadows in the moonlight, and a creaky gate that swung back and forth whether there was wind or not, but it wasn’t scary. Well, maybe that was just because you’d spent most nights of your teen years here, so you were desensitized to it. Zoe didn’t seem to mind it one bit either.
You glanced up and saw three of your crow friends on the top of the mausoleum across from you and Zoe. If crows could smirk these would be smirking. Fuckers. They were always around whenever you’d go out with Zoe. Watching so they could tease you later. Damn nosy birds. Why did you ever start feeding them. They were even there in a set of three, just to mock you. They may as well be singing “Y/n and Zoe sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”
You ignored the crows, pulling out your phone and flipping to your ebook app. Because you know what would make this just like old times? Some dramatic goth poetry. What a way to woo a girl. Zoe was fond of the idea of some poetry reading too. She told you that you could pick. At first you thought to read some Poe, perhaps starting with ‘Serenade’, but decided against it lest the bastards on the roof started demanding you read them ‘the Raven’. It’s happened before. You settled on some Keats instead. And you knew the perfect poem. A poem you could put all your emotions into. The most sapphic poem ever written by a man, in your opinion. If she didn’t feel the same, you could always deny it and say that you were just getting way into character. Either way it was going to make work weird, but you didn’t think you gave a fuck anymore. Here goes nothing.
“Had I a man’s fair form, then might my sighs
Be echoed swiftly through that ivory shell
Thine ear, and find they gentle heart; so well
Would passion arm me for the enterprise:” You took a big gulp of air. Zoe’s gaze was locked on you, and that didn’t make this any less nerve-wracking. You could feel your hands shaking. “But ah! I am no knight whose foreman dies;
No cuirass glistens on my bosom’s swell;
I am no happy shepherd of the dell
Whose lips have trembled with a maiden’s eyes.” With those words, a sudden burst of boldness in your heart caused you to take her hand. Must be the alcohol. Yes, that which hath made them drunk hath made you bold. Zoe didn’t appear to be breathing anymore. You looked back into her electric blue eyes. “Yet must I dote upon thee, --call thee sweet,
Sweeter by far than Hybla’s honied roses
When steeped in dew rich to intoxication
Ah! I will taste that dew, for me ‘tis meet,” Your voice became breathy as you uttered these last verses. “And when the moon her pallid face discloses,
I’ll gather some by spells, and incantation.” You just froze there, breathing. The ball was in Zoe’s court now. Speak of the devil, she was really close, like really close. When did she get so close. You hadn’t realized. She lifted a finger to your face and brushed a loose strand of hair behind you ear. Your breath caught in your throat. She drew closer, your noses touching now. Her eyes slipped down into a half lid. Your eyes flicked to her lips and she watched you. It occurred to you that she was waiting for you to close the gap. So you did.
It was fireworks. Of course, you were kissing a firecracker herself. It was a sweet kiss, but laced with that fire. You both pulled back for air, but quickly returned to each other’s lips. Zoe’s hands drifted down to your hips and she pulled you into her lap, leaning back up against that headstone. And now you were snogging in the cemetery. Mary Shelley would be proud. Howard, however, was probably pissed off for sure now.
Your breaths mingled as you gasped for air. Zoe caressed your cheek, cupping your face. She chuckled, “It sure took you long enough, Babe. I was starting to think I’d have to spell it out for you.”
You all but collapsed back into her arms, exasperated. Stars, it sure did take you long enough, didn’t it. You could hear and feel Zoe’s snort through her chest. You raised back up to gaze into those baby blues. A pang of adoration shot through your heart like one of cupid’s cursed arrows.
“How about I buy coffee, for our first official date?” Zoe agreed to your offer. You got off of her, legs wobbling like a baby deer. Speaking of deer, you were happy to see that the herd that usually hangs out here in the graveyard in the early hours was peacefully grazing around you two. You hadn’t noticed them come in, too busy snogging. You reached out a hand and helped Zoe up. You two brushed the grass off your clothes and gave one last apology to Howard before setting off for the coffee shop. Zoe checked her phone for the time. It was 5:23, you two still had almost a full hour to spend lounging in the coffeeshop before you had to head off to Hextech. Zoe reached for your hand as you walked back to Zoe’s bike. You threaded your fingers together. Something as small as that shouldn’t have felt as nice as it did. But it did.
You completely adored riding on the back of Zoe’s motorcycle. You got to cling to her, arms around her waist, pretending that you were holding her for romantic reasons and not so you wouldn’t fall off a moving automobile. You wouldn’t have to just pretend any longer now. The thought made you giddy. And now that you think about it, that was probably why Zoe had insisted on giving you rides everywhere for the past month. You were so fucking oblivious. It was painful. Thank the stars above she was patient with you. You snuggled further into her back, inhaling that rosy perfume. It truly was intoxicating, Keats. A girl could get used to this.
~ ~ ~
The coffee house barista recognized you two as you walked in and started making your orders that he had memorized. He greeted you cordially as you handed over the cash. He looked down at Zoe’s hand joined with yours, raising his eyebrows teasingly but not saying anything. Did everyone in this fucking town know about you two before you did? You think you might have beaten that Parisian catboy at his own game. How embarrassing.
Zoe got cozy on you guy’s usual couch while you carried over the coffee. After you set the mugs on the coffee table and plopped down, Zoe swung her legs up onto the couch, and over your lap. Didn’t exactly take you by surprise. Zoe often sat like this. You were used to it. Wait, was this also flirting? Stars, you didn’t even know anymore. This was so confusing. She noticed the face journey you had taken with the internal struggle, and grinned, shrugging her arm around your shoulders to ease you. You snatched your cup of the table and downed as much as you could handle before it got too hot. You were still really nervous, despite her being very clear about how she felt, and Zoe thought that was pretty funny.
“So, we’re gonna have to say something to people tonight,” Zoe started.
You just nodded in response. Hopefully this wasn’t going to make anything weird. You hadn’t been working at Hextech long enough to know how the dynamics worked. Maybe someone had been pining after Zoe too and now hated you. Maybe someone was Zoe’s ex and now hated you. Maybe someone was just really homophobic and now hated you. There were plenty of possibilities, you could go on.
“I was thinking we should wear these matching dresses I found last week, and sort of bought already, to double our cute couple factor.” She had murmured that middle part but you still heard it loud and clear. You had to hold back a squeak. That was so sweet. And adorable. She just saw the dresses in the shop and thought to herself ‘I want to wear that with Y/n’? You could die right now. You settled for downing more of that coffee.
“Yes! That’s so cool? I- What color are they?” You didn’t know how to handle this.
Zoe pulled out her phone and leaned over to show you the pics she took of them. They were matching, made of the same brown floral-patterned fabric, but different styles. Either one would go great with Zoe’s leather jacket, which you were still wearing. You’d go for your denim one. Not the purple jacket that currently hung off Zoe’s shoulders. The colors wouldn’t clash but the style of it would. This was going to be awesome, anyways. Matching dresses, telling your friends the best news you’ve had all year, having fun at the party, not having to spend the whole night miserably shoving your feelings aside? You couldn’t wait.
“Which one do you want?” You picked the looser, more flowy one. Zoe was more comfortable with tight stuff that showed off her body. You had a sneaking suspicion she already knew you’d pick that one, and was giving you the illusion of choice. It was sweet, really. Your phone alarm went off, alerting you that it was time to start the walk for work. All the relaxing time was gone. A crying shame, but you’d still get to spend the day with your favourite person just the same, so not truly that big of a loss. Albeit, Zoe didn’t look too pleased to have to go back to work. Laughing, you stood to your feet, and held out your arm for her to link through.
“Shall we go milady?” You two waved to the barista as you headed out the door. “I think you should do our makeup for the party again, really show off this time.” Zoe perked up, excited at the prospect as Hextech neared.
“And I’ll show off my hot new girlfriend too.” There was that damned blush again.
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chdarling · 3 years
i totally relate to your tags on that looking/acting gay posts and i hope you will find the courage to post your gay stuff one day i would be delighted to read it <3
i have recently come out as bi and i keep forgetting to come out to everyone and i really look super straight and when i tell people they're always so shocked and it's just. so stupid. so what it's not written on my face that i find women attractive. it always makes me kind of sad to think that i don't fit into the stereotype, as if i'm not gay enough to identify with the community, like i'm doing something wrong. also the feeling of not belonging is stronger since i lean more towards men as a bi woman and the biphobia gets so tiring. sometimes it feels like bi people don't belong anywhere, because we're never gay enough or straight enough. sorry to come ranting in your inbox i just wanted to talk about it with (at) somebody. i hope you have a lovely day!
Oh, anon. I’m really sorry you’ve been made to feel like you don’t belong to the queer community. You do. You do, you do, you do. And you’re always welcome to come ranting to my inbox 😉❤️
I just want to say, you don’t have to come out to anyone unless you want to. It is not a requirement, it does not make you any less queer, and you are not doing anything wrong if people assume you are straight. That’s on our fucked up society, not you. You do not have to prove your queerness to anyone to belong. It is an innate part of you and not a checklist of commodities to flaunt on social media. And anyone who says otherwise can go jump. 🙃
I did the whole “coming out” thing in my early twenties because I felt like I had to. I felt like I wasn’t allowed to be a lesbian unless I made the announcement. It was...really traumatic. I lost some friends. I lost myself for a while. Shit was rough.
I got through it, and then, one day, I found I had to come out again. Because I had all new people in my life. And then again. And again. And again.
I don’t bother “coming out” anymore. The people I want to know know, and everyone else can wonder all they like. It’s not that I’m in the closet, it’s just that at some point you realize “coming out” never, ever stops. That new co-worker who wants to know all about your boyfriend, surely a pretty gal like you...? Your (ex) friend who keeps ‘forgetting’ or thinks it was just a phase and you’re over it now, you’ve come to your senses and totally want to date him. Every new person who comes into your life and just assumes you are straight. It’s so fucking exhausting.
The anonymity of the internet is occasionally a refuge for this, but I’ve been on here a long time, and sadly I’ve seen elements of the queer community eat itself alive from time to time. Ace discourse. Transphobia. Bi-phobia. Queer is a slur. Maybe it’s because I was so starved for community as a teen, but I do not understand this urge to gatekeep, to bar people from community because they don’t experience being queer Exactly Like You. We need each other and all our different experiences, and the exclusion is absolutely stupid anyway because I guarantee that anyone who in any way, shape or form deviates from the path of straightness has felt the blunt force of their Otherness. Exploring that and then finding that the “community” says there actually isn’t a place for you unless you act like X, Y, Z? Fucking devastating. Because the straights want you to do A, B, C and you can’t do that either so now what??
When I’m not obsessively writing fanfiction about dead wizards, I am working on an original novel in which the main character is a lesbian. She’s deeply flawed. She is angry and vengeful and occasionally cruel. And I trip myself up SO much by worrying whether it will be considered ‘bad representation’ by the queer community. And then I worry that if I ever actually did try and publish it (big if), am I going to have to go through another big “coming out” to prove that I’m allowed to write gay stories? Am I going to have to do that over and over and over again? Am I going to have internet warriors trolling through my social media, deeming me Not Gay Enough?
And like a lot of this angst is admittedly the product of an anxiety disorder, but also, you log onto twitter and you see this shit happening over and over and over — writers, actors, randos who voiced an opinion, all being deemed straight until they’re forced to out themselves — and it’s just fucking traumatizing. Like, I just want to be. I just want to write my stupid little stories and be.
And it’s tricky, right? Because it is important to create opportunities for queer people to tell their own stories, rather than yet another gay trauma movie by a straight man (or misogynistic gay man, see: Ryan Murphy). But the requirement that you must prove yourself Overtly Gay in a Specific Way to qualify feels so dangerous to me and it leaves so many voices silenced and it just breaks my heart.
Ok, sorry. I’m done. 😂 This is as close as I get to queer discourse on this app, because like I said, I’m tired and I just want to be. But it’s been weighing heavy on my heart lately, so here’s a Tuesday morning rant from yours truly. The day can only go up from here, right? 😉
Lots of love to you anon, and please don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you don’t belong. ❤️
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zecoritheweirdone · 3 years
*pulls out spoon* kindly asking u to share knowledge of epic bench bugs au <3
(aight dsmpblr if you don’t know bug fables i Highly recommend checking it out it do be good.)
okay so i haven’t actually shared too much of it over here on tumblr(or anywhere really,, fkdmdkdmr) but the basic idea that i have said before is that it’s a dream smp bug fables au,,, with the bench trio taking the place of team snakemouth. none of them quite fill the roles Exactly,, but they are based vaguely on each member,, tubbo being kabbu, tommy being vi, and ranboo being leif. only ranboo keeps the bug type of the original role(if you’d played the game you’d know why(technically speaking bc this is an au i Could change that,,, but i don’t wanna,, dkdmdkdmdk. ‘sides, i like mothboo,,)),, while tubbo becomes a bee and tommy becomes a damselfly. originally i called him a dragonfly,, but turns out!! the npc i was referencing for his design(riz) was not, in fact, a dragonfly,,,, and i do Not wanna redesign him i Just got used to his design. so. he be damselfly now <3.
and speaking of designs,,, art (and a lot more infodumping) below!
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color theory my beloathed <3
yes tubbo has a bazooka. he deserves it. also it ain’t shown here but tommy gets knives.
i also thought about who other characters would be,,,, thinking queen elizant ii would maybe be eret? with maki being foolish bc eternal duo? i also wanna say karl be neolith bc of his whole library thing,, but i think someone close to tubbo might make more sense,, since kabbu and neolith are pretty close in the game (read: gay bugs).
thinking mothiva and zasp would be wilbur and techno respectively? except wilbur is a lot less toxic(more teasing),,, and they are actually friends.
oh also micheal is here too!! (the piglin not the mcchill) he be chompy ^v^,,, thinking he might be a little rotten,, since he is a zombie piglin,,,
now back to the bench trio,, attack styles!!! i thought out some attack styles for them,, kinda like how kabbu is a tank,, vi focuses on long range,, and leif uses ice powers. thinking tubbo might be a hard hitter with his bazooka,, but as a consequence he might have a low hp or it takes a long while for him to attack. tommy hits fast,, and a lot,, might be able to take a lot hits,,, but his attacks alone don’t do a lot of damage. despite being the one i think about the most, i don’t actually have a lot of ideas for ranboo’s attacks. all i know is that he’s got powers kind of like an enderman. i Was thinking he could be a healer of sorts? but that does not relate to enderman at all so. wh. might be able to blast some sort of orb thing? like the enderdragon?? shrugs???
speaking of enderman powers,, he can also teleport! and i’m debating whether or not to keep the water allergy,,,, bc like. the bugs in the game already have an aversion to water, because. bugs. and not to mention,, uh. [stares at the end of chapter 1]. yeah. yeah no if he was allergic to water he would either be Dead or need medical attention fkfmdkfmfknff.
anyway switching topics once again (look at me so good at transitions),, muze!!! thinking niki could take the place of muze. niki is also muse. also also instead of it being a marriage it’s more of a sibling relationship. if you know what i’m talking about,, ;D! if you don’t, suffer <3. ash and zachary both take the place of tod, and no one really replaces the father(wiki calls him grandpa),, he is Nerfed. no longer exists. instead there is awkward cousin john john. yes i am bringing the tales from the smp characters into this, otherwise this would be Weird.
wilbur and niki are friends that is importent to note for me. also jack is,,, somewhere, idk.
the captain and crumb are also here!!! heck yeah!!!!!! they are both beetles(or crumb might be a fruity bug),, and they are tubbo’s (adoptive) family. i would also like to reemphasize the fact that tubbo replaces kabbu. :D!!!!!!!!
unrelated to that last point. the beast. the beast is relatively the same but it’s coloring is more like the enderdragon. why? idk man i just thought it’d be Neat.
oh,, and the wasp king? dream,, 100% dream. (and puffy is(was?) the wasp queen,,)
and phil,,, thinking he could take the place of acolyte aria? and kristen could be venus!!! don’t know if i wanna fully replace the harvest part of her godly status, or add that to it,,, but either way she is also thought to be in charge of death :D! and maybe also primes idk jfmfkdmd. do i know what being the god of primes entails? absolutely not.
also,, this ain’t related to anything from the game,, but i was thinking phil might have been a warrior back in the day? the angel of death :DD!! was teamed with techno,, mayhaps,, before phil retired and tech teamed with wil.
and,,, that’s pretty much it, in terms of characters, i think? aside from a small idea of bad being The Wizard,,,, and also skeppy just. Being There. you simply cannot separate them.
and simply because my brain is hyperfixated on them at the moment,, and i already added tftsmp characters here,,, ran and jackie. they are just. Here. ran might be some sort of thief,, either with whoever replaces astotheles(maybe ponk??? only really thinking that because of,, well. [gestures vaguely]. yeah.),, a separate group,, or just on his own. and jackie. jackie is just There. to cause problems on purpose.
and uh,,, okay Now that’s all i got. aside from doodles during school but that would require me getting Up and taking pictures of them, and. no <3. that being said i Do have pictures of some of em.
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if you don’t know bug fables lore simply ignore the two niki’s you don’t need to know about that ;DDD!!!
also idk if i’ll actually add enderwalking in here,,, but like. bogos binted, am i right, folks?
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rwoh · 4 years
right apparently this is “good” so I will be writing it here I'm copy and pasting it straight from discord
this is the plot of a vld fic I was writing at some point and abandoned cause the show hurt me so much
Basically I made up a group of Alteans called the Samarans who were anti-altea expansion and magic because planets aren't homogeneous groups
But yeah they get stuck mid-teleduv trying to escape the war
And one of them, Tenwan, is thrown out of this vortex and lands on Earth, and she meets Graham, and they get married and she blends into society
And the story is about their two kids
You see Graham is also a wizard?
And Freya and Olivia, their kids, also have magic
Freya's really good at it, Olivia not so much.
And in trying to find out more about their mother, Freya accidentally creates a portal that pulls her through to the ship they were trying to escape on, which is called the Orpis but I wanna rename it but no braincells head empty
And she hits something and brings them back into normal space
Meanwhile at the same time, Olivia is joining the Garrison as a pilot
More on that later
Ok so Freya, stuck in space, has nowhere to go, and she just pretends she's from Altea. She bullshits for about three weeks before it comes out she has no idea what she's doing
She joins the medical team, and apprentices there, and they start coordinating with the few dredges of the rebellion left at that point
Meanwhile everyone on Earth thinks she's dead
She practices her magic in secret from what she remembered from her father, trying to get home
Skip to a few years later, and she's on loan in a medical station with the rebellion and she gets a patient with a broken leg
It's Matt
She's still not found Earth yet, but by this point she's terrified of going home because she reasons "oh everyone's probably forgotten about me by this point"
So now she's procrastinating it
Cause she doesn't wanna deal with the emotions
Matt's like "you look really familiar and I mean REALLY familiar"
And he tells her about who she looks like, and it's Olivia, and she doesn't give herself away but she finds out that she's a top pilot and she has a wife, Seon Mi
Gay rights woo
And Alteans don't have marriage because I've decided it but Freya's got a child, whom I have named Emeraude because I like the name
Anyway she avoids him after that
And then she keeps running into him
At some point she keeps hearing about Voltron, which is when she finds out her mum's actually a war criminal because she destroyed a moon with civilians on to win a battle and she was thrown out of the ship because she was the Captain of the Guard for the Altean Royal Family and she was trying to stop them stealing the ship
When she hears about this she decides that she owes it to Olivia to tell her everything, because she might not know she's only half human
So she decides to try and get back to Earth
She visits her sister, but she doesn't recognise her, so she just leaves a file with everything on it in her mailbox
Olivia finds it and she doesn't figure out what it is for a while, but it hasn't exploded so she doesn't destroy it
And then suddenly she realises what it is, and she can't read it, but she can see all of the pictures and oh my god she's alive
So she sneaks it to Sam Holt, who translates it for her, and she's having the same crisis Freya did so many years ago which was that her life is a lie and she's not human
And then just as she's about to confront her mother about it, the planet is invaded
She was on the other side of the world when it happened, so she's not in the group of pilots that died, but she grabs a lift from one of the wizards that live in her hometown to get back there. By then it's too late, and they're stuck in the Garrison. The whole magic thing is a secret, so she makes up the lie that she was just landing at the airport, and walked there.
No lesbians are dying on my watch
Meanwhile Freya hears that Earth has been invaded from Matt and she does the unthinkable and portals straight into the Garrison, on the middle of peak lunchtime, landing on a table.
Most of them are like "oh my god Altean" But Olivia's just "oh my god sister"
And Freya ends up joining the resistance efforts on Earth because she really doesn't have a grip on her magic so she can’t go back
And when team voltron arrives she avoids them like the plague because she's been with the Samarans for years now, and they're a symbol of imperialism and conquering to them
Which they hated
Cause I have this headcanon that the Alteans and the Galrans were both being a bit power hungry cause of the whole rift thing and the Galrans took out the Alteans cause they didn't want to compete for it
Like that parallel universe, but it was cut off before they could get that far
And then they defeat the Galra, and Freya and Olivia both confront their mother about the whole war criminal thing
And she regrets it, but there's nothing they can do about it now, so they just ban her from ever leaving earth so she can't go to the new Altean colony they were building on the ruins of Altea by terraforming it into a livable planet
I don't know how else to deal with this plot thread other than banning her from ever seeing space again.
Cause death seems too nice
And then they finish all the rebuilding and the Samarans have their new home, and they vow never to be like the Alteans were and Olivia gets to learn all about her heritage, and Freya finally shows her magic, cause it comes from within herself instead of from external sources, which is how the Altean brand of magic was harmful, cause it was destroying the homeworld by sapping its life from it, and the Samarans were the ones doing stuff about it
Oh yeah she has a lover named Dennan and another lover named Polona
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feather-dancer · 4 years
Tales of Arcadia written works
Masks We Wear, Lies We Share - This is a Strickler centric fic set a little bit pre-canon following the regular day to day chaos of both him and his fellow changelings while Project Killahead is underway. Content warnings appear when required. This is currently on hiatus possibly looking towards a complete rework.
Ghosts he left behind - Aka Ghost!AU. Jim made the choice to give up everything he’s ever known and submerge himself in Merlin’s potion except here, he never made it home again afterwards. The Eternal Night is still coming, Jim is currently missing, his fellow Trollhunters have no idea where he is nor what happened and they’re running out of time to find him and bring him home. Contains healthy doses of my terrible sense of humour.
As long as there are stars in the sky - Trollhunter Douxie AU! It makes absolutely no sense but this is exactly why I’m enjoying writing it and trying to make it work anyway because that’s how we roll in this house. Canon is... Somewhere.
A Heart of Glass - Snapshot based AU fic where after horrific accident that resulted in the loss of his left hand and thought to be dead, Douxie is unintentionally driven straight into the hands of the Arcane Order and somehow manages to build up a third found family while (Attempting) to overcome trauma. They’re chaotic and incredibly ill suited for dealing with this but they’re trying their best.
Coming soon: You weren’t there - A oneshot following Douxie of the day the Eternal Night occurred.
Savouring memories - A oneshot in which Douxie who is currently trapped in Camelot of yore unwittingly gets to have one final conversation with Morgana before her fall.
These thoughts of you - A oneshot where Zoe thinks about the very first time she met the wizard who would later become her best friend even if she didn’t think all that much of him at the time.
A Collection of Daises - Tumblr prompts - Does as it says on the tin. Each chapter contains a different prompt so you can get a feel for it before you read.
Currently 1 / 7 prompts are complete.
Along came a word - A writing meme collection - A collection of drabbles sparked from tumblr writing memes with a chapter per prompt.
In the media spotlight - Taking part in @nrth-wind‘s Fashionista AU! In a world where the Arcane Order are renowned fashion designers, the 19 year old Hisirdoux Casperan works in the same industry as a photographer while living with their adopted father the world famous reclusive critic Merlin and their ESA Archie. Behind the scenes is of course where the true gossip lies and they just happen to be perfectly positioned to hear the best of it.
Coming soon: Lavender blue / My Everblue - A little Jilaire oneshot, as a treat.
Eli’s Blog - Earth Date 11022021 - While the mess that is Stars is going on Eli writes a blog showcasing his discoveries for those lucky enough to have the password to see.
I know it now, beyond the sky - Hammerhunter giftshot for @theeio! Starting highschool was always going to be a stressful affair for Jim so Toby has been planning all summer how to make the transition (Heh) as smooth as possible.
In addition I have a few bits of writing that are currently in the early stages of development, as a result their titles are far from finalised and due to it being a genuine mystery of when they’ll be in even a draft state I am unable to give much of a concrete outline at this time.
The consequences of fate - Post Wizards fic
??? - Historical gays
??? - The Soul Binding oneshot
A kiss before the reaper - Shannon and Conrad oneshot
Two additional projects that are staring at me in the Bonus Garbage channel of my server and I can’t talk about them it’s the worst.
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