#but on the other hand i have SO MANY FICS open in different tabs that I wanna get to
The struggle between reading original books or reading fanfiction is real.
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doobea · 6 months
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synopsis: choso finally goes on a date with you but he's an absolute nervous wreck.
contents: choso being silly and inexperienced, gn!reader, somehow he thinks his brothers get more partners, half!brother sukuna makes an appearance, sfw/very fluffy, things to do and not to do on date, no curse AU word count: 2.4K a/n: of course i gotta release a choso fic before any of my milestones duh
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"Uh, Choso? What are you doing?" Yuuji's voice calls from behind and it startles Choso, quite badly.
Choso's hands fly up in a messy attempt to cover his laptop screen, only to realize that he could've shut it instead. So he does that, loud and with too much force than originally intended, causing the cup of tea next to him to rattle and spill.
The liquid drips down to his newly purchased dress pants for the very topic he was just looking at, but he ignores it and tries to pretend that it didn't burn his skin and that he isn't mildly disappointed that he might've ruined an expensive pair.
"Nothing," Choso tries to level out his voice but his face always betrays him.
The moment Yuuji eyes his outfit, then darting to the number of colognes sprawled across his desk, and down to the neatly tucked dress shoes underneath his seat, Choso begins to falter.
"Nothing, huh," Choso doesn't stop Yuuji when he pushes his chair aside and opens his laptop. A stifle laugh and then a rather loud 'aww' emits from his brother and Choso feels like his life has flashed before his eyes. "Could've sworn you were reading an article that was like," and he, unfortunately, reads the title out loud. "85 First Date Ideas You’ll Actually Find Fun."
He snatches the laptop away from his brother before he could start listing all 85 and, this time, clenches it to his sides. Almost too embarrassed to admit, Choso mumbles out, "It's for research..."
"He's got a date tomorrow," Sukuna pipes in lazily from the bedroom entrance, frame leading against the doorway. "Saw him looking at WikiHow for kissing tips the other—"
"Sukuna," Choso slides further down in his seat. "You said you wouldn't bring it up."
The older male looks up briefly from his phone and scoffs. "Yeah, I said I wasn't gonna talk about it with you. I'm talking to Yuuji right now."
Choso should've known better to expect Sukuna of all people to keep a promise.
He rubs the bridge of his nose in exasperation and sighs heavily. "Okay, yeah, I have a date and I don't know what to do." Choso confesses.
The fact that it's actually happening is a miracle to him. Just last week, he'd finally gathered the courage and asked you out after dancing around the topic for months. And when you agreed, he felt like doing a somersault, but maybe that would've been too much. He's going on a date with you. You and him. Dating? Yeah, dating.
As much as he's excited for it, Choso can't help but to feel anxious and jittery because, well, he's never been on a date. Hence, if anyone would to compare his search history to that of a teenage boy, no one would be able tell the difference.
The number one date idea that's listed on that ridiculous article is rock climbing. Freaking rock climbing on a first date? Is that what people do nowadays?
Another 'aww' comes from Yuuji. "You guys do look cute together!" He gushes. "Have you decided where you're going to take them?"
Choso sighs again and places his laptop back on the desk, and away from the spilled tea, he's still gotta worry about his outfit situation later. "I haven't."
Yuuji throws out a long 'dude' while Sukuna laughs at his dismay.
"I know, I know," Choso opens his laptop again and stares at the many tabs he has opened.
So much research and yet he's feeling nothing but overwhelmed and underprepared. What if you actually find him creepy and weird? Did you only agree because you felt pity for him? Ugh, the last thing he would want is to make you feel uncomfortable.
"Hey," Sukuna appears by his side and throws a firm hand on his shoulder. "Stop bitchin' around and let me help."
"Help?" Yuuji takes the words out of Choso's mouth as they both stared at Sukuna with wide eyes. Normally, 'help' isn't in his vocabulary, at least when it comes to him offering it.
Sukuna cocks a brow. "Don't want it? Fine. Don't come crawling to me when it doesn't work out."
Choso weighs his options. He'll either spend the rest of his afternoon reading up dozens of lamely curated articles written by self proclaimed 'internet love doctors' or he could listen to his older half brother that has quite the reputation of breaking people's hearts. The answer is obvious, but maybe Choso could actually hear out some real life advice rather than listening to random strangers online.
He groans inwardly and accepts Sukuna's offer.
In the end, Choso ends up taking you to an amusement park. While rock climbing would've been 'too' active for a first date, Sukuna proposed an amusement park because it'll offer tons of ride options, the environment will keep everyone busy so there wouldn't be a lull moment, and it'll be great for, um, physical intimacy. Whatever he meant by that. Choso was too afraid to ask for clarification.
"You guys can be like the shitty Disney couples waiting in line," Sukuna commented.
"Yeah, yeah," Yuuji agreed. "You can say 'I'll never leave you, my love. It's us against the world.'"
Is that what they take him as? Choso doesn't know if that was meant to be a compliment or an insult. But, the fact that both of them were nodding at him approvingly before he left, he can only assume they have faith and confidence ... so that's something?
He arrives at the meeting spot maybe thirty minutes early and was about to text you when he sees you there already waiting, sitting on one of the benches and watching something on your phone. Oh no.
"Oh, hey!" You call out to him when you peer up.
"Hey," Choso lamely waves as he walks over. "How long have you been waiting? Did... Did I get the time wrong?"
"What? No, no!" You shake your head, aggressively. "I just... wanted to come a bit early, too. Don't sweat it, I literally got here five minutes ago!"
"Okay..." Still, he can’t help but feel a little guilty. And here he was trying to make a good impression by showing up early.
"Let’s go?" You smile at him and god, did that always take his breath away.
He texts the family group chat as soon as you both board the bus.
[Yuuji's Favorite Brother] I feel like my heart is about to burst.
[SUCKuna] Lol.
[YUU YUU] You got this!! 💪🏻💪🏻
"What 'cha looking at over there?" Your voice rings into his ear and he almost jumps out of his seat, nearly dropping the phone. "Woah, careful."
"Just checking the weather," Choso immediately regrets his answer and cringes.
You don't push the subject further and instead refocus your attention when the park comes into view. "Looks like they added new rides, Cho. Where do you wanna head first?"
"Actually, I was thinking maybe the food court? You haven't eaten yet, right?"
You laugh. "If I barf later then it's not my fault."
"Haha, yeah." His phone buzzes with a notification. A message from Sukuna this time.
[SUCKuna] Dead yet?
[Yuuji's Favorite Brother] Surprisingly alive.
[SUCKuna] 👍🏻
It takes a while to get to the food court, and Choso believes that the crowd has grown bigger as the two of you started to bump into one another frequently. He considers taking your hand into his but hesitates. Is that too much to ask? Do you mind? And suddenly, he forgets everything that he's read in the last week.
Choso decides to text Sukuna for his thoughts.
[Yuuji's Favorite Brother] When should I hold their hand? Is there a waiting period? Should I ask?
[SUCKuna] Just do it.
[Yuuji's Favorite Brother] Are you sure???
[SUCKuna] Lmao yeah.
Well, that's not helpful at all.
Choso eventually chickens out and walks behind you, making sure that no one bumps into you, and tries his best to listen while you list down all the rides you want to go on, the scamming logistics of cursed carnival games, and the insane prices for fair food. Most of your ranting flies out of his ear because he can't stop thinking about holding your hands. The only piece of information he remembers hearing is something about the prices of food here are the same as the ones in a movie theater.
Still, that didn't stop you from grabbing yourself a corn dog, some french fries, and a lemonade. You two manage to find an open table outside right by the ferris wheel.
"Okay, I take it back," You say after biting into your food. "These are pretty good."
[Yuuji's Favorite Brother] How hard is it to make corndogs?
[SUCKuna] Do I fucking look like a Google search engine?
[Yuuji's Favorite Brother] Sorry.
"Still checking the weather?" You pipe up from beside him, and Choso exists out the messaging app before you could see what he was doing.
"Um, yeah, I guess."
"Hm," you hum in thought for a moment before continuing. "Where do you wanna go after this?"
"Anywhere you want," Choso admits.
He hasn't been back to an amusement park in ages. The last time that he was here he vaguely recalls going on a rollercoaster ride with Yuuji, and that was after he downed a whole burger meal. Anyone could've imagined that it ended rather horribly. But Choso didn't care if you were going to throw up on him, though, he's praying that you wouldn't. He just wants you to enjoy the day, enjoy spending time together, and he's fine with you taking the lead.
Your eyes light up as you stare at the ride behind. "Then..."
Choso smiles. "Yeah?"
"Can we go on the ferris wheel?" You finish.
"Anything for you."
Turns out that Sukuna might be a hidden romantic. He wasn't wrong to suggest an amusement park as a first date and Choso can see why both of his brothers would see him as the 'Disney Couple' type. Although the ferris wheel was your idea, he can't help but to think that, if he had the confidence, he would probably be cuddling and sneaking kisses with you right now. Hell, if it weren't for the fact that he's currently suspended 100 feet in the air, he'd probably ask to hold your hands. Maybe.
"You have to put some moves on them," he remembers Sukuna say to him before he left the house.
And exactly how is he supposed to do that? He gets his phone out to text him, to ask for some more advice when—
"Hey, Choso..." Your voice rings by his ears again. You sound unsure. This catches his attention.
"Is there something wrong?" Did he do something wrong? Why do you look upset?
"Are you… having fun?"
"Huh?" The question catches him off guard. Did you think he wasn’t having fun? "Of course I am."
You take a deep breath and begin toying with the hem of your shirt. "It's just... you've been on your phone all evening. I'm sorry if this is boring—that I'm boring—"
"W-What?" Choso panics. "You’re not, I'm—"
He doesn’t notice sending the message to Sukuna, but he does in the end.
[Yuuji's Favorite Brother] Sukuna, how do you kiss someone again?
You excuse yourself before Choso can explain further. You reach to grab your phone, saying something about your parents or friends sending something important. Then Choso watches as your eyes stretch wide like flying saucers.
"W-What happened?" Did he do something again to make you uncomfortable? God, this has to be one of the worst dates you've been on.
"I—um," Choso feels all the color drain from his face when you flip your screen around. He accidentally sent that text to you out of all people. "Uh, last time I checked, my name isn't Sukuna."
Oh god.
This is it. This is how he dies.
"Y-You're not wrong..." How is he going to explain that?
You snort a tiny laugh. "So… you’ve been texting Sukuna this whole time?"
"...Yes?" Choso slumps his shoulders and brings a hand up to cover his burning face. "I-I'm sorry, I was just really nervous and I wanted to make sure that I wasn't messing things up. I really like you and didn't mean to make you feel—"
"Choso." You laugh quietly, and he thanks god because it seems like all of the misery that was on his face earlier had disappeared. "It’s fine, it’s okay!"
"But I—" Choso bites his lip. "I'm sorry again that I made you feel like that. I'm an awful date."
"You’re not." You try reassuring him. Then, a brief pause. "Well, maybe a little bit." You motion with your fingers.
He can't argue with that.
"Um, I guess—" You smile sheepishly at him before placing your hand on top of his, squeezing gently. "I guess you have to make up to me!"
Choso feels a blush creeping up on his cheeks again.
"You’re not the only one who’s nervous, you know. I’ve texting Nobara and Megumi nonstop over the past few days about what I should wear and—god, you don't even know how long I spent in front of the mirror this morning—"
"Me too!" Choso catches himself when he sees you flinch. "I mean—I’ve been… I’ve been reading up on what to do on a date and what not to do on a date and where to go on a date and...? I’m such an idiot." He looks down at both of your hands, which were still linked together. The sun is just about to set, the ferris wheel cart is swaying gently in the wind, and the lights around the park are slowly turning on.
"Don’t apologize." You chuckle softly. "I'm just glad to know I wasn’t boring you."
"You weren’t! I—I really enjoyed today." He really did, despite feeling like his body was going to combust at any given time. "Please, let me make it up to you."
You smile again, leaning against him. "Sure thing."
"So, uh… you want get out of here?"
"Mhm." You grin and Choso thinks about what he did right to be able to see that smile directed at him. "Oh, and Cho?"
"Yeah?" You're still holding hands by the time the ride comes back down to the ground level. "What is it?"
"I really like you, too."
Choso is pretty sure his body might explode soon, but he'll have to be sure to send Sukuna his thanks before then.
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bananabeebenson · 1 year
Romcom kind of idea: Helmeppo and Garp takes Koby drinking to relax since next day they have to start training some new recruits. At the bar Koby see a pretty lady and get pushed by the other two older marines for him to go talk to her. After talking, drinking and maybe even a little make out session with the lady, Koby goes home all relaxed and happy. Next day, still with a little hangover, Koby goes to talk with the new recruits just to spot who in the crowd? Cute lady!!!! And she looks just as surprised as him. What now?
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Pairing: Koby x Reader
Warnings: None (SFW/Fluff and some awkward Koby)
Word Count: 1,940
Fic is under the cut
Requests are open
Koby should have known this was going to be a mistake.
Garp, the famous Hero of the Navy, had pulled only a handful of strings in pulling his two apprentices away from Marineford to an island only half an hour’s travel away, where a ‘perfect bar was calling them’. Koby had been trying to ignore their insistence that he join them. It wasn’t that he wouldn’t have enjoyed the idea of a couple of drinks possibly in the house, or Garp’s own tab, it was that the next day they would find themselves training their first new wave of Recruits. Koby and Helmeppo had struggled to get as far as they had come, fighting through tribulations and their own self-inflicted doubts to get to the point they were. Not to mention the thin ice they sometimes found themselves on due to their light association with Luffy D. Monkey. Not that they would complain. Garp’s name would usually be enough to back off most who threw doubts their way, or their own accomplishments they’ve managed in most locations. This had put them in good enough graces to finally take on a small group of new recruits to be trained. It wouldn’t be permanent, like Garp with them, but more so a temporary thing to last only a few months before they would be split apart and shipped off to different areas. Some would remain in Marineford, but not many.
“Come on.” Helmeppo spoke, tilting his head to the side just as the boat rocked to the right a little too hard. It wasn’t a Navy ship like they were used to, more so a simple Ferry built to withstand the waves of the Grand Line. It wasn’t something built to go for several days or harbor hundreds, thus it rocked in uneven motions, tossing the people who weren’t prepared for it back and forth. Compared to others, they were holding on just fine, with Koby’s hands gripping the side of the boat. He still couldn’t believe they had managed to convince him to come along. Maybe he was more stressed than he had realized over the situation.
“I’m here, aren’t I?” It wasn’t bitter, but he was pouting in a strangely young way, something to remind Helmeppo just how young the two of them were compared to others out here. He huffed.
“Don’t look so guilty and miserable about it. You’re acting like we kidnapped you at gunpoint or something.”
“You both threatened to, and I quote, carry me out here anyways. I don’t think I had much of a choice.” His smile was weary, small on his face. His goggles fell suddenly from a sharp rock and he steadied them back to the top of his head.
“Well, you needed to get out.” Helmeppo said. He nodded, agreeing with himself and propped up against the railing. Koby knew when he was fighting a losing argument, so he resigned himself to simply enjoy the quiet he would have before arriving.
The bar was definitely crowded with young, new faces that Koby had never seen before. Some older Marines, people he had seen around Marineford, were also there and nursing harder drinks in their reclusive corners. Garp and Helmeppo wouldn’t leave Koby alone, much to his own simmering annoyance. It wasn’t that he wasn’t unthankful nor wished for a lonely presence, but he did wish for some quieter drinking company. His own drink was fruity and light, something he could enjoy at least while he watched everyone around him continue to grow louder and louder. 
Then, he spotted you.
It was a creeping feeling. A sudden realization that he had been staring at you as you laughed at something another person said, your own drink also being softly nursed with small sips. He didn’t even notice his staring or how he was acknowledging how you snorted into your hand when you laughed a little too hard until Helmeppo had noticed he was zoned out and no longer listening. Bending over his shoulder he looked over and grinned something broad and dangerous.
“Oh, spot you someone?” Koby jerked into a stiff seated position and quickly looked away from you, red burning across his cheeks. Garp’s attention was immediately dragged over when he tried to stutter an excuse, one that had Helmeppo smirking.
“What’s wrong? Got tongue-tied or something from a beautiful lady?” Garp slapped a hard hand onto Koby’s shoulder and his weaker drink was spilled, the shattering of the glass covered by the loud atmosphere of the crowd around. “I thought you learned how to talk to someone like that from me already. Or did you?” Garp shook his head and delivered another harsh slap, knocking him from the seat.
“Go talk to her.” Helmeppo said. “She doesn’t look like she’s here with anyone.”
Koby choked on a response to them and found himself urged away, shooed off with waves and hollering that followed his ever growing reddening ears. You were still where you were though, as they had said, you were alone. Whoever you had been talking to had moved on, perhaps to another face, and you were still nursing your own drink, twisting the straw that stuck out of it. You were dressed formally. No, not formally, but better than he was in his casual clothing that had been thrown to the back of his closet, almost forgotten about until this time. He felt underdressed compared to you and it made him hesitate even further. But the shame of what Garp and Helmeppo would do if he returned without at least attempting to speak to you far out-weighed any nerves of his attire, so he swallowed nerves down deep and approached you with the first thing he could say.
“I like the color of your shoes.”
He was doomed.
You blinked up at him in confusion, poised for a sip you would abandon in return for eyeing the man before you. Koby remained unmoving, hands sweating and flexing in his pockets as he tried to maintain some calm atmosphere about him. 
Then you laughed.
“Well, I’m glad I suppose. I like them too.” You looked him over once, twice, then shifted on the seating you had been perched on. A bench, definitely meant for outside, had been pulled in. “Did you come over here to speak only about my shoes or….”
He definitely did not.
“I-I came over to talk to a pretty lady like you.” Garp would have been proud of his word choice, but the ever flustered Koby was slowly curling in on himself, turning away to hide his embarrassment. You found it charming. Cute, in a way, and masked your giggle around the rim of your cup.
“Well, aren’t you a charmer?” You asked. The teasing tone did urge him to look at you and you were so nice when you spoke. Up close like this he got to smell the perfume you had on, something sweet to lure him in a bit closer, which helped to ease up his nerves. “You look a little uncomfortable though. You sure that’s why you’re over here?”
“I-It isn’t that I don’t want to talk to you. My friends just, ah, they saw me looking at you and just, well.” He choked and you fought your grin until he found his words. “They…wanted me to try talking to you.”
“I’m glad.” He blinked, looked you over once, then blinked again. “No, really. I promise, my friends dragged me out here too for some celebration I’m not even a part of. Or, well, I don’t want to be a part of.” You spared a glance to a gathered group of young, fresh faces to the far side and he followed it. They were drinking heavily, a few encouraging the others as fresh shots of something strong and smelly passed around. You lightly cringed around your own fruity drink, something Koby would have liked. 
“You were dragged out too?” He relaxed a bit more then, finding you in a similar situation. “Well…guess we have no choice but to keep each other company then, right?”
Keeping each other company turned into a few drinks. A few drinks turned into a couple shots, bought by the beaming Garp who raised his own glass. And a few laughs and stories shared between the two of you turned into shoulders brushing. Then it turned into him helping you to a corner where there was less light to try and fix your shoe, which had broken when you stood to get a drink.
Then it turned into a drunken spur of the moment kiss that evolved into more than one.
Maybe he should have paid attention to the facts you spoke, but he hadn’t drank in a long time and it was definitely potent when it settled. These kisses you shared were sweet and warm. A breath of fresh air to the cold reprise of Marinfore, and he was sighing into them whenever you both broke apart. He was respectful of any boundaries you had and you were respectful that he was still intoxicated, so your touches were restrained. Held back to simply brushes of fingers on fingers, or fingertips touching at the shoulders or bottom of the kneecap. The kisses continued on, the sounds of the background falling apart, it all became too much and when you finally pulled back, head lightly spinning, a hand clasped onto Koby’s shoulder.
“It’s getting late.” He stated, a gruff voice rough from his drinks and a couple of smoke breaks he had taken with others in the Marines. Koby blinked up at him in confusion before you seemed to put the pieces together. Garp was charming with his smile, but he was also aware of how late it had actually gotten. Koby seemed to want to disagree, but your hand on his wrist distracted him briefly as you agreed.
“You should head back. I have a few things to take care of tomorrow too.” You looked down at your person and frowned. “I…don’t have a way to communicate, but I could meet you back here tomorrow night? If that’s okay?”
That was more than okay in his eyes.
Then, nothing. He was on the rocking boat, listening to Helmeppo tease him about the “loving eyes” he had been shooting you, all blitzed out of his mind from his drinks, but he didn’t care. Garp didn’t speak much on anything, enjoying the cooler evening air and soft sounds of the Ocean. Then he was in bed, curled into his pillow and still remembering your perfume, the taste of your sweet drink on your lips, and how soft your hand was on his.
He slept with a smile on his face.
That smile would be abruptly taken the next morning, when he was dressed in uniform and standing at the end of a long lineup of people, all dressed in similar uniforms. They all looked similar. Young, fresh, and new to the Marines. Similar to how he had been long ago when he had first joined, except there was an issue. Standing in exactly row five, three to the left stood a familiar, equally shocked face.
You. There stood you, with your eyes wide and mouth partially open at the realization of what had happened the previous night. Helmeppo, thankfully, hadn’t recognized you or he would have never heard the end of it. Garp wasn’t there, busy with something else that these two were to handle.
‘Well.’ He thought, looking away with his ears a vibrant pink once again. ‘At least I won’t have to meet you there tonight.’
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rapha-reads · 2 months
Question, because I trust your judgement more than the interwebs: Which should I read (or which should I read first): Heaven's Official Blessing or Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation?
Asking for myself, the friend with an overflowing library. <3
Heya! Good question. And thank you for regarding my judgement with such esteem! Very honored.
I haven't read MDZS (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) yet (started the first chapter), only watched the show, so on that side, I can't help you.
I read Heaven Official's Blessing (TGCF - no duh, you must have seen my posts 😆), and I absolutely LOVED IT. I couldn't put it down, it was so addictive. I'm deep into the fics right now, I cannot tell you how many tabs I have opened already (got hooked into the side-pairing because of course, the potentiaaaaal). Very besotted with that one. The plot is masterfuly constructed, the characters will make you foam at the mouth, the humor, the angst and the softness are perfectly balanced... Aaah. I love that book.
I think whichever one you want to start with is okay? Both have their own fandoms, MDZS has a live action show, a manhua (comic) and a donghua (animation), TGCF has a manhua and a donghua (and the live action started production in 2021 apparently).
On a personal note, having watched The Untamed first (and then a second time; and a third, and... right now I'm at 5 rewatch), I think that's why I find it more difficult to get into the novel - from what I've heard around, some characterisations and (maybe?) plotlines are a bit different from book to show, so I'm naturally reluctant to let go of the known (and beloved), but if you haven't watched the show, maybe you'll find reading the book easier. It is, after all, immensely popular (I like to state the obvious).
My personal opinion: read both, and start with whichever one attracts you more in terms of plot!
On one hand, you have Xie Lian (TGCF), once a glorious prince, then a glorious god, now a disgraced and forgotten deity roaming the earth and doing menial jobs to survive. He's extremely smart, cunning, resourceful and knowledgeable, but he likes to pretend he doesn't see and doesn't know anything because that boy is just Tired™. Love him. He's baby. Made me cry. Made me gasp. Made me scream in my hands. He's just like me for real.
On the other hand, you have Disaster-in-chief Wei Wuxian - my boyyyyyy! As I type this, I am literally wearing a white hoodie with a chibi Wei Ying in the back, a birthday gift from my sister 3 years ago, that's how much I adore this mess of a human being. And a mess he is. No self-esteem, no survival instinct, no emotional intelligence, he is simultaneously the smartest and the dumbest person in the room. Again, haven't read MDZS, so all of this is show-character.
I think @thegreymoon could be much more helpful than me, if you want a more detailed argument!
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
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Writ, @writcraft, a creator I've long admired! Writer of excellent stories, thinker of excellent thoughts, human of excellent taste! They've written some of my favorite fics, such as How We Were Warriors and The Beating of this Fragile Heart. Oh and not to forget A Lion's Heart! (Not me sneakily sneaking in extra recs for you all.) (As if this list isn't stupidly long to begin with hahaha.) In fairness, I did strive to choose works I think need more attention and hype! Ones I love dearly that I need others to chat with about! Plenty of people know the above fics...it's the below fics I need to scream about!
But before we get there...Well, Writ is more than just a fabulous writer. They've modded many a fest and event over the years. In fact, you can check out their Fanlore page for more information about those! Not to mention their fantastic meta works (which...oh heck I'm gonna add some of those to the list too.) The point is, they've been in fandom for a very long time, and they've done so much for fandom in that time. The community is so important to them, and it shows. They are so dedicated and supportive. Even now, they manage so much in spite of how busy real life has kept them! They still care so deeply and it shows.
Thanks for being here, Writ. Thank you for all that you do for fandom. And for being so kind to me (even if I'm chatting your ear off! 😂)
Broken Promises, Shattered Dreams
Harry/Severus. Harry/Draco. Rated: E. Words: 6,995. Angst. Pining. Post-breakup.
This fic practically lives in an open tab on my phone, so often do I reread it.
Also AO3 keeps telling me I left kudos here, which: rude. Let me leave more!!!!
Draco left Harry and regrets it bitterly. He wants him back, but Harry is now in a relationship with Severus. As much as he wants to, Harry will not be able to make both men happy and someone is going to get hurt.
Dressed for Dinner
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 3,772. Formal wear kink. First time. Established relationship. PWP. Romance.
I did not have a thing for men in tuxedos until now. Hubba hubba!
Harry has a thing for men in tuxedos. Severus finds out.
Dirge Without Music
Albus Severus/Draco. Harry/Draco. Rated: E. Words: 6,029. MCD. Suicide. Dub-con. Knifeplay. Alcholism. Angst. Dark.
Ouch. But also: wow.
Albus is happy because everything seems to be coming together. He is captain of the Quidditch team and his father is getting married again – then one night the bottom falls out of his world. Written for the NextGen Darkfest on Livejournal (2012)
Forget Me Not
Harry/Severus. Draco/Harry. Draco/Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 8,219. PTSD. Threesome. Hurt/comfort.
One cleans, one collects and the other just wants to forget. Somehow, it works.
In the Palm of His Hand
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 6,969. (Wow what a word count 😉) Hand & finger kink (don't we all?) Glove kink. Getting together. Hot as all hell.
Harry has a thing for Snape’s hands. Snape indulges him.
Independent Love Song
Ginny/Millicent. Rated: E. Words: 6,255. Getting together. Matchmaker Hermione. Coming out. Queer themes.
I'm in love with tailor!Millicent and this does not disappoint.
Millicent Bulstrode is a tailor and Ginny is losing her mind over a woman in a tweed blazer and burgundy brogues.
Life Has Just Begun
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 6,230. Older characters. Internalized homophobia. Coming out. Romance. Salt and Pepper Fest 2018.
Harry has been carrying the weight of his secret desires for a long time. Severus is there when he’s finally ready to talk.
Stone Butch Blues
Minerva/Wilhelmina. Rated: T. Words: 1,019. Genderfluid character. Gender identity.
Will reminisces with Minerva.
Take Him to the Stars (Cut to the Feeling)
Harry/Scorpius. Rated: E. Words: 9,768. Age difference. Light bondage. Romance.
Scorpius has a thing for older men. For one older man, in particular.
Treading Water
James/Sirius. Rated: M. Words: 1,200. Implied/referenced homophobia. Angst. Closeted character. Ambiguous/open ending.
I’m sorry, Sirius wants to say. I’m sorry that people in this stupid world made you think loving me could only ever be a joke.
Albus Dumbledore: a Man More Sinned Against Than Sinning?
Comparing and Contrasting Snarry vs Drarry
Canon Critique and Creator Responsibility in Fandom
Fandom Platform Migration: Fandom History and Why It Matters
Tags, Warnings and Freedom of Content: On Non-Con, Dub-Con and Consent
Why dark fanworks matter to me
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for an explanation about Mutuals March, or to figure out why i wrote you a thing, please check out this post.
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cdyssey · 1 year
Different World
Prompt: i re-read your gardening fic recently where mel's staring at barb and is heart-eyes at her and it's just. so nice. so anything along those lines, would be lovely.
Happy belated birthday, Scottie (@gatalentan)!!
I can't believe you have me over here writing fluff, smh.
But on a sincere note, I'm extremely glad that I've gotten to know you over the last few months. You are so kind, so talented, so funny, and so wonderful, and I'm incredibly lucky that I get to be a witness to all your brilliance firsthand. 
Thank you for all that you do for the Abbott fandom, and thank you for just being a lovely person all around. I'm honored to be someone that you call friend.
CW: Alcohol Mention, Discussions of Coming Out, Suggestiveness
AO3 Link
That night, as Barbara ices her coconut cake with passive aggressive gusto, Melissa wraps her arms around her partner’s curving waist in apology, nestling her chin against her shoulder. She has to prop herself up on her tiptoes to do so, which is one of the occupational hazards of being naturally short and loving someone whose favorite kind of shoe is a sensible heel. 
She likes that, though.
Their height difference.
She’s spent all these years looking up to Barbara Howard in so many more ways than one.
“How many times do I have to say I’m sorry before you talk to me again?” She pouts, poking her lower lip out a little. Barbara pauses her emotionally charged cake decorating to audibly sigh, the gesture filtering thinly through her nostrils.
“I’m talking to you right now, Melissa,” she says in a measured voice, her Sister-Howard-who-goes-to-church-three-times-a-week tone. It’s guarded and three octaves too formal, somewhat sanctimonious even. “And I assure you—I’m not mad either. It isn’t exactly your fault that you’re irresistible.”
Yep, there it is.
Both the problem and the succinct answer to what has gotten under the older woman’s skin.
Melissa works hard to suppress a smile.
They’d only recently come back from dinner at Ricci’s, where the waitress had spent the entire meal alternating between blushing and stammering every time that Melissa had so much as looked her way. She had found it vaguely amusing, such puppy dog love from a clumsy kitten, chuckling when she opened the tab and saw that the young thing had shakily scrawled her number in pink pen on the receipt. It reminded her of her long past youth, when she’d often found herself wondering if her ma’s cousin with suspiciously cropped hair, or her eleventh grade English teacher who carefully referred to her significant other as her partner, or her favorite foul-mouthed nun at St. Bartholomew’s were like her. 
Did they like women too?
It was harder to talk about back then, of course, and so she didn’t. She kissed girls beneath bleachers and in shadowy, secluded corners all around Philly. She’d been terrified to tell Joe that she swung both ways, afraid that he’d leave her, unaccustomed to people in her life ever staying—but to his enduring credit, that was one of the few things that the old gabbadost never gave her shit about.
It’s a different world nowadays, though, and she loves that for the generations below her. She loves that a squirrelly, little waitress can feel comfortable enough to write down her number and hope for a call that’ll unfortunately never come.
Barbara, on the other hand, had decidedly not been so endeared by the discovery, nearly silent the entire drive back to her house, almost immediately drowning out their ability to talk by turning the volume up on her spectacularly horrible Pandora playlist.
(It's just seventy percent Otis Redding and thirty percent instrumental jazz that isn’t sound mixed properly.)
“Sure feels like you’re something at me,” Melissa shrugs. “Mad, disappointed…”
She trails off, a slow and easy grin lifting one side of her mouth.
“Jealous,” she whispers against the column of Barbara’s exposed neck, pleased when she feels the other woman shiver beneath her.
That will never get old. 
They’ve only been officially dating for a little less than half-a-year now, sure, but every time that Melissa is reminded anew that Barbara is forever hers to cherish, to worship, to love, and reverently respect, she gets chills running laps down her spine all over again.
She’d never thought that she would get to be with her best friend without at least one of them—or, hell, sometimes even both of them—having a foot out the door.
“What? I’m not… jealous,” Barbara huffs, resuming her pastry ministrations again, attacking the cake like it's personally offended her. “You’re being facetious—distracting me while I’m trying to ice this cake. I'm making this for you, you know!"
“Touching, but the cake can wait,” she says firmly, reaching over to pluck the spatula out of Barbara’s hand. 
“Hey!” She protests, but Melissa pays her no mind.
“I wanna know what’s up your craw,” she continues, undeterred, and takes a step back, brandishing the spatula like a wand. She’s tempted to lick the vanilla icing off of it, but she’s well-aware that she’d get an ass chewing faster than she could say Dave-n-Busters if she did.
Barbara finally pivots around herself, arms crossed over her chest, a gesture that Melissa recognizes to be protective. And yet, she equally knows that getting the other woman to admit to feeling caged is half of the battle. Even that’s an admission of vulnerability too far for her sometimes.
“I’m not jealous,” she repeats herself, looking somewhere about an inch to the left of Melissa’s face. “I’m not.”
Melissa instantly softens, noting the consternation in Barbara’s dark eyes, how the emotion swells in them like a bruise. 
“Okay,” she says gently, shifting her weight from foot to foot. “You’re not. I believe you.”
And she does.
That’s the mutual kindness that they’ve extended to each other after all these years of having known and loved each other so intimately: as colleagues, as friends, as lovers. 
It’s a truth made even more striking by the fact that neither of them are particularly honest people, lying to other people and themselves all the time as their most reliable defense mechanisms.
With each other, though, they’ve never held anything back, except maybe for the crucial fact that they loved each other.
But even that had to eventually be named, confessed, and appropriately acted upon—wordlessly communicated by way of mouth and tongue.
“So spill,” she goes on, with all the fondness and exquisite tenderness in the world. “I’ve got time."
Indeed, she has nowhere else to be except for present with Barbara in this delicately fraught moment. She looks at her, this goddess in the flesh, elegant in a silky blue blouse and her shining pearls, and feels a rush of holy adoration.
“Melissa…” The kindergarten teacher starts and then just as abruptly stops, briefly worrying her plum-colored lips together, looking uncomfortable. “I know I said otherwise, I know I said that I wasn’t quite ready for us to be… transparent with the world just yet, but I was—Lord, this sounds so silly saying it out loud—"
She visibly winces and Melissa takes pity on her.
"It's not silly at all," she says quickly. "I'm listenin'."
Barbara smiles gratefully at this intrusion, taking a deep, steadying breath to clearly orient herself.
"... I was, well, annoyed that the waitress didn’t realize that we were together.”
Melissa isn't exactly sure what she was expecting to hear, but it certainly wasn't that. She knows that she doesn’t discipline her expression well-enough either, painfully aware that her visceral reaction is the one that Barbara receives; her entire face stretches in utter and cartoonish shock.
“You’re mine,” Barbara says hurriedly, taking advantage of her rare speechlessness, “but that poor waitress didn’t know, and she flirted with you, and I realized how foolish it was—entirely ridiculous even!—to have at least six articulated boundaries preventing me from reaching out and grabbing your hand.”
And to Melissa’s increasing wonder, astonishment, and unadulterated surprise, Barbara reaches out then and does it—she grabs her free hand, lacing their fingers together and squeezing.
“What are you sayin', Barb?” She asks, not daring to hope, hoping anyway. She hasn’t begrudged the older woman for insisting that they wait at all, knowing that she’s just wanted to approach the situation delicately with her girls and to spare Gerald's feelings for just a little while longer following their divorce a little over a year ago now. And even though they’ve never quite talked about it, she has a sneaking suspicion that fear is a powerful inhibitory element too. 
It always is.
It’s terrifying to be in the closet, to not know what's waiting on the other side.
Melissa has been out of it for a pretty long damn time now, but she had no trouble sliding back in just to patiently hold Barbara’s hand.
“I’m saying that we’re absolutely not taking separate cars to school anymore,” comes an astoundingly decisive answer as Barbara rolls her thumb across the side of Melissa's own. “And when you stay over, I want you to bring more than a night’s worth of clothes and a toothbrush. I’ll even make you a drawer.”
“Just a drawer?” Melissa laughs, but there are tears standing in her eyes, and she’s smiling so damn hard that it almost hurts. Barbara takes the opportunity to steal the spatula back, prying it from her fist and tossing it on the kitchen counter behind her. 
“Two,” she amends teasingly, her own eyes over bright, briefly swinging their hands in the gap between them. “And maybe some space in your closet for your frankly ludicrous collection of leather jackets.”
“Hey! I’ve only got seven.”
“That’s at least five too many.”
“Screw your calculus,” Melissa snorts, and now it’s her turn in the tango of their affection to make a bold move. She leverages their clasped hands to reel Barbara in, pulling their bodies close, aligning their chests, their tummies, their warm thighs.
“Vulgar,” Barbara smiles down at her, anchoring her fingers on her hips.
“Feisty,” Melissa corrects before gathering the collar of her partner’s blouse in her fingertips. It’s a wordless request that she should lean forward; they have plenty of things to say to each other without ever needing to speak. 
Their lips meet at a crooked angle, soft and luscious, a little bitter from the champagne that Melissa had at dinner and simultaneously sweet from Barbara’s honeyed wine. And Melissa’s toes splay on the cold tiles, fireworks bursting in the column of her throat as she reaches up to gingerly cradles the nape of Barbara’s neck. And Barbara is so gentle, so kind, and yet characteristically exact as she spreads her kisses from Melissa’s mouth to her jaw to her neck to the slightly freckled skin just above her collarbone—a practiced connoisseur by now in knowing all the little places that make her sing.
She thinks that if they could ever just get these damn clothes off, she’d reciprocate the favor, starting with the space between her lovely breasts and loving her all the way down.
“Would you hold it against me if I confess to having been the tiniest bit jealous?” Barbara finally admits when Melissa’s lips ghost the side of her head. The overhead lighting rings her hair in a golden halo.
Melissa laughs loudly—enchanted, so perfectly in love.
“I think I’d hold it against you if you weren’t,” she clucks, gratified when she feels Barbara hitch against her. The kindergarten teacher begins to work her fingers beneath the edge of Melissa’s shirt, rolling it upwards, baring her skin.
“You’re so unserious, girlfriend.”
“Tell me that again after we’re done,” she smirks before doing her part and helping out.
When all is said and done, there’s a pile of clothes on the kitchen floor, a half-iced coconut cake on the marbled counter, and two women who can’t quite take their hands off each other, stumbling and dancing all the way down the dimly-lit hall.
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
Secrets Chapter 10: The Only Friends I've Ever Had
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X OFC, Brock Rumlow X OFC.
Word count: 1591 words.
Summary: Sometimes keeping secrets can be dangerous or a heavy burden, which is what Kathleen has been doing for years. She will also be in charge of guiding Steve Rogers into this century; meanwhile, S.H.I.E.L.D. will be looking for a way to kick-start the Avengers Initiative by integrating her as one of the superheroes, but that won't be the only danger they face.
Warnings: Arguing, sad.
A/N: After long time working on this longfic, I finally post it. If you wanna be added to the taglist, let me know.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too. Secrets masterlist. Previous chapter. Next chapter.
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Steve was watching a documentary about the Second World War on the laptop that Kathleen had lent him. After several days, he had finally learned to use it, stopped the video, and saw the military uniform that he wore when he was not on a mission. He grabbed the files. Finally, after a month, he was going to dare to see them. He opened the folder and began to see the tokens. They were from his companions in the Howling Commandos, all dead. Until he reached Peggy's file, He held it between his fingers, felt a turn in his heart, and began to read it carefully. There was the current residence address and a telephone number. Should he dial that number and call it? Wouldn't he still remember it?
He closed his eyes and put the token aside along with the others. He couldn't do it; he could appear out of nowhere. Everyone believed that Steve Rogers had died. He took the next one. It was Howard Stark's. He was also dead. He put it with the others. It caught his attention that there was one more token. He watched her carefully, putting his hand on his chin thoughtfully. He couldn't describe the feeling he had; it was between confusion, anger, and disappointment.
He put on his jacket and, for the first time since he woke up, he went for a walk. He walked the streets; there was so much change. Now there was a lot of noise; he was practically infested with vendors. He kept walking until he reached a coffee shop near Stark Tower. He ordered a coffee and, on a piece of paper, he started to draw the nearby buildings. He had not noticed the waitress's presence until she spoke.
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"Waiting for the big guy?" The waitress asked, and Steve raised his head and looked at her blankly. "Ironman," the woman turned to the sky."Many people eat here just to see him fly."
"That's right," Steve replied, looking up at the sky. The woman watched him carefully. He pulled out his wallet.
She brought him more coffee. "So, we have free Wi-Fi," she said, walking away from the table.
" Radio?" Steve was confused, so he would ask Kathleen what that was. Surely she would know. The waitress saw it as funny because she managed to listen.
"Don't be silly, ask for her number," said the old man at the nearby table.
After this, Steve took the train. He felt like he didn't fit in; what would he do with his life? He knew he had a position at S.H.I.E.L.D., but did he want to get started with it? He was depressed; there was too much news, both good and bad; so many changes had occurred in those almost seventy years; however, he did not belong at that time. He came to a gym; at least he should have some hobby or something that could help him get everything he had inside. He would return to practicing boxing.
He was furiously hitting the bag. He had completely lost track of time. When he left the gym, he realized how late it was. It was probably past ten o'clock at night.
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Meanwhile, in the house, Kathleen moved nervously. She didn't know where Steve was. He had left the cell phone in the house. The city was very complicated. If Fury found out, he would surely kill her. He didn't know what to do. She was already desperate. He could look for him in the vicinity without success. He could look for the minds of other mutants, but to look for the human one, he needed what he had stored in the secret place. Suddenly, he heard the door open and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was he who entered and approached him.
"Where were you, Steve?" I asked you not to go out alone yet, or at least you could have left a note warning. I was worried...
"I don't have to tell you where I'm going." You're not my mother. I think I'm old enough to know what I'm doing. Your concern is not me, but losing your job. If something happens to me, you know I'm the mission that Fury left you!" Steve yelled at him.
She was startled, not knowing what to say. He had never spoken to her like this. He was always chivalrous and tender with her. When he passed by her, she perceived the chaos in his head. He was depressed. She heard the slamming of the door coming from Steve's room.
She went to her room and took photos of her best friends from her hiding place. She missed them; she had lost them because of her; even her other friend was upset about the situation; she was alone again; she kept crying.
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Neither of them was able to sleep that night; Steve felt bad about how he had treated her; he unfairly took it out on her, and all the anger he had in store had come out; it had not been her fault, that the plane crashed and he would end up frozen, nor of everything he had lost; she was as lonely as he was; she could see it in her eyes. She always tried to show that she was cheerful, but her eyes reflected the opposite. The next morning, she left her room. She would go to buy flowers, and although she did not know what her favorites were or if that was still being done, she would give them to her and apologize. What she did not expect was to find her in the kitchen because he was always the first to wake up. She was having a cup of tea and immersed in her thoughts with a lost look.
"Kath..." he approached her, "I..."
"I don't see you as my mission, Steve," she interrupted. "I think if Fury said I would help you adapt, it was because he wanted him to have at least a friend he could trust," she continued. He looked at her without understanding. He also didn't understand why she wasn't angry. "Are you afraid of me for who I am?" She looked directly into his eyes.
"No, why should I be afraid of you?" Steve noticed the woman's swollen, red eyes. He guessed she had been crying all night.
"Well, because I’m a mutant," she sighed, "because of the problem that existed years ago with mutants, many believe that we are failed experiments or that we want to end humanity, but what they never say are the consequences." We survived with very few. When I was three years old, I began to show that I had powers, and that was when my parents decided to go to Japan to be safe. There, practically all the mutants went unnoticed. They feared that the sentinel services or the government would go after us because, although their files do not say it, my whole family is a mutant. "You know, there I met a woman who was also a mutant, the first in her family, but a few years later, according to official reports, she couldn't control her powers and die." She took a sip.
Steve looked at her attentively. He preferred not to interrupt. She never talked about her, but she always listened to everything he told her. Could it be that she also felt like a monster?
"I don't know how a man from another country contacted my dad." He had twins, a year older than me. He asked my parents to help their children learn to control their powers because no one else in their family had and they didn't know what to do. The twins and I became best friends. On vacation, sometimes they stayed with me, and sometimes I went to their country and stayed with them. We got into trouble together," he smiled as he remembered.
" Why?" He was very curious. "You're someone very nice. I find it strange that you don't have any more friends or any suitors." They both blushed.
"People are afraid of mutants; I had already told you that the children and their families started to be afraid of us; the kids at school bothered me; they made jokes, they hid my things, and so on; no one would hang out with me, so I was always alone," she said. Steve felt identified; similar things were done to him for being weak, and the only one who defended him was Bucky. "The twins were my only friends, but when they were ten years old they lost their parents, then mine took care of them too, and then something horrible happened with other friends we had; they discovered the horrible secret of their parents and ran away, but also what happened to them was unexpected, and as a consequence, I started to have nightmares.” My friend helped me with them; she was the only one who could help me with them; she did what I did with you when you had them; she was the only one who could help me."
"What happened to them?" He interrupted; he didn't think it was something so serious, but he remembered all the trouble he got into.
"They trusted someone they shouldn't have; the twins and I were too late to save them."
She didn't mention Saori, but what had happened to her still hurt. Besides, the only one who knew was Brock; if only she had arrived in time...
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icannotreadcursive · 1 year
I want you all to know that the way I find fic to read is absolutely bonkers.
I’ve seen a few posts recently (including a poll or two) about fic searching strategies and habits on Ao3) so I’m thinking about this, and I just feel like sharing.
So, I used to just scroll through fandom tags, search by character or ship like a halfway sane person.
But then, for the sake of some personal research I went on a kick of searching by additional tags--things like Hanahaki, Possession, Mermaid AU--to see distributions of what kind of fics and fandoms different tropes and kinds of stories were common in.  It was very interesting.  I have done absolutely nothing with this research other than internalize it into my understanding of How Fandom Interacts With Stuff.  It wasn’t even research related to the Metatext Guide.  I’m just Like This.
This is a pretty long explanation, so buckle up and continue under the readmore if you want a glimpse into how weirdly my brain works.
Anyway, I have discovered that searching by tag both does a better job of providing fics that scratch an itch for a certain vibe (which is more often what I’m hunting for than anything about particular characters) and usually provides results that, by filtering, I can narrow down to a much shorter list to actually hunt through.  (I find it frustrating and overwhelming to have like 20+ pages of results to go through for a given ship or something.  It’s partly choice paralysis but mostly frustration that so many of those results will be things I’m not interested in and the need to comb through them by hand when I can’t readily narrow the filters further and the chances of missing something I really would like in between all the chaff, or from later pages of results because I’ve just given up.)
So what I do is pick a tag, search it, then click on it in the tagblock of whatever fic shows up in my initial search.  This takes me to a results page of all the fics tagged with that tag, its variations, and any tags that stack under it.
This is usually a lot of results, but that’s okay.  Now we filter like we’re goddamn sea sponges.
Most of the filtering I do at this point is Excluding.  I will set the language (usually to English because that is my first language), set a length range depending on how I’m feeling, set a recent date rage if this is a tag I’ve looked at before and I don’t wanna reread, etc.  But mostly it’s going down the Exclude section of filters, checking the boxes for fandoms I’m not interested in, ships I don’t like, the “Major Character Death” warning because I’m rarely here for that, “Reader” and “You” under Character because I personally cannot stand reader-insert fic, tags I’m not into, etc--then hit apply filters to reload the refined results, and repeat this process until the top 10 tags shown for every section in the filters is something I’m fine with.
At this point, I copy the URL from my search page and open another copy of it in another tab, Include something--usually a category (like all the m/f fics) or an additional tag (all the Hurt/Comfort)--and then do the whole Exclusion process again with that subset of results.  Doing that, i can almost always whittle down to less than two pages of results to actually comb through--opening fics that look promising as I go.  Once I’ve done that, I close the second search tab, Exclude the secondary search’s Included tag from my main search, then do all that again with a different Included tag’s subset of results.
Yes, the multiple rounds of filtering takes forever.  Yes, I am aware this is a bizarre way to hunt for fics--the fact that it’s such a pain to do is a constant reminder that no one expected anybody to use the search and filter system like this.
I’m dyslexic, though.  The round after round of filtering isn’t as draining on me as sitting there, reading through page after page of summaries and tagblocks--especially because I find the tagblocks difficult to parse, even with a dyslexia friendly siteskin on that does help.  I don’t necessarily trust myself to catch a tag I don’t like; it’s more reliable for me to filter the living daylights out of things.  (This is also part of why I simply do not read fics without summaries.)
If I’m in, say, a Mistaken Identity or Mutual Pining kinda mood, it usually doesn’t matter to me if that takes the form of Deep Space 9 or Sailor Moon--or, hell, with some tags, especially less common ones, I’ll happily read fics for fandoms I’m not even in, which can be a cool way to expand my horizons.
And, developing this method of hunting  fic has given me a way to narrow down and section out overwhelming numbers of results when I do want to search by fandom, ship, or character.  Like when I recently dove into Trigun fic for the first time.
So yeah, that’s how I search Ao3, in case anyone was wondering.
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mamadoc · 3 months
1, 2, 3, 34, 37, 40, 48, 49
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
My two long multi-chapters have taken most of my writing time (and I love them), but I actually really love the first series I ever wrote, *Sense* You Know Me So Well. The second chapter of this series and the second chapter of its sequel are the two that I am most proud of. They just feel very authentic and have deep feelings.
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
I'm not great at tagging apparently or my stories are all quite different. My only tag that I've used more than once was 'Alternate Universe,' which makes since given that 3 of my 6 are AUs.
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
I really enjoy awkwardness. Perhaps that speaks to my own romantic history (haha), but I feel like I write awkward romantic scenes well. I love reading sexual tension; that's easily my favorite. But I guess I'll have to work on my skills in writing it.
34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life?
Hmmm... Not much. I'm a doctor with 4 young kids who's been married for 18 years. Reeeeally doesn't match much of what I write. But I do have a couple ideas for short stories that would use a little bit more of my medical expertise.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
I really love the story in chapter 2 of my *Sense* You Know Me So Well, Too series. Tim and Lucy are in the middle of the pining/not talking stage when Tim's dad dies. He doesn't deal with it well, and Lucy is the only one that can get through to him.
40. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
I reread my favorites for sure. Plus One by murphallo, Little Green by MeadowWard, Darling Let's Run by mooncpd, Unless It Is by adina_rachelle (@makeitastrength) are all favorites I've read at least two times each. But there are so many good stories out there (I think I have 60 tabs open of stories I want to read on my phone) that I don't reread often.
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
The Loophole by The Chandom. Amazing story. I highly recommend it.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
I'm working on chapter 17 of my Catch of a Lifetime story. Theoretically I was going to have it ready to post this weekend, but.... life.
When Lucy left the locker room on Sunday morning, Captain Andersen called her into her office.
“Good morning, Captain.  How can I help you?”
“First, I was happy to see you on the tabloid sites this morning,” she said with a smile.
Lucy furrowed her brow and opened her mouth to speak, but Captain Andersen put up her hand to indicate that she wasn’t done speaking yet.
“Not that I think that’s good journalism or that your privacy should be invaded like that,” she clarified.  “But I’m a bit of a romantic at heart, and I had a good feeling about you and Bradford from the moment I saw you two together. Even with the fuzzy photos that were taken, it’s obvious that you were happy to be with him last night.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Lucy said, her cheeks suddenly a fiery red, unsure if it was the right time to discuss personal matters like this.  “I am happy, ma’am.  Thank you,” she said with a small smile. She thought for a moment and then asked, “You look at the tabloids ma’am?”
Captain Andersen laughed. “Not usually. But the LAPD’s tech force keeps tabs on all the sources of news that they can. Usually they’re looking for criminal activity, but the posts about you and Mr. Bradford were a nice bonus.  I got an email this morning with all the links.”
“Oh.  That makes more sense,” Lucy said nodding her head.
“Well,” she started.  She shuffled some papers around on her desk and then looked up at Lucy. “That’s not exactly why I called you in. I have an assignment for you today, if you’re up for it.  It’s not exactly undercover work, and it’s not exactly an internal affairs investigation, but it’s a little bit of both.” 
Lucy was intrigued.  She tried to quickly put the other conversation behind her and smiled at the captain.  “Nice hook.  I’m totally in.  What’s going on?” She leaned her arms on her duty belt and focused on the captain.
“Close the door and take a seat,” she said, waving toward the door and walking around to the front of her desk.
Thanks for asking! I love your stories.
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creativekha0s · 1 year
Liv Morgan x Rhea Ripley
(Not sure if oneshot or mini fic in progress, nonetheless enjoy!)
“Another beautiful Sunday morning.” Liv walked to her favorite coffee shop, Coffee N Bliss, nearly every Sunday bright and early, always getting there at least 15 minutes after they’ve opened. It was her routine the last few months and she enjoyed it. She always brought her laptop with her to work on her beauty shop that she developed into a full time business online.
“Gooooood morning Little Miss Bliss.” Liv sang out after being the first in line. She was always their first customer on Sunday. The counter blonde on the other side of the counter chuckled. Alexa Bliss was the owner of the shop and knew very early on to have her coffee before Liv arrived so she could tolerate Liv’s overly positive attitude in the morning. “Place looks great, croissants look like they could keep my ass nice and round, and I haven’t even had my coffee yet.”
“Let me guess, the usual?” Alexa had already begun making Liv’s tallest cup of iced chai tea latte with extra chai and double the espresso, like she needed more. “Two croissants today?”
“Two of your best. I’m gonna grab my table.” Liv wandered over to the corner of the cafe by the window to set her laptop up on the charger and removed her headphones from around her neck. “Thanks Lexi, let me know you need anything.” Liv grabbed her breakfast from the pick up counter and went back to the table, leaving a generous tip in the jar on the counter as she always did, it was no wonder why everyone thought she was so sweet.
What so many didn’t know was Liv’s other hobby which she wasn’t embarrassed to admit about but never really announced it out loud. Instead of going right to work, she smirked as she ate half of her first croissant while playing World of Warcraft on her laptop. This was another reason she enjoyed Sundays so much. Liv would be here every Sunday for at least half the day switching between her game and her work peacefully, while having breakfast and lunch respectively.
What made today different was that usually she would be the only customer at open for at least an hour or so. Today was different because after five minutes of Liv taking her table by the window, her eyes through her glasses darted up to the woman who walked in next. She was…something. Tall, short black hair, no make up, muscles, abs, backwards hat, earbuds, nose ring.
“Hi how are you? Tallest iced chai latte you have and spinach egg white sandwich please?” And she had a beautiful accent. And the same taste in iced coffee. Liv kept her headphones off long enough to get a name. “For Rhea, please.” After checking around in her pockets, Rhea sighed and held up her hand. “Shit sorry, I think I left my card at home.”
“Hey Lexi, throw it on my tab.” Liv called out with a smile on her face. Rhea turned to look at the mysterious blonde sitting all by herself in the corner and gave her a heartwarming smile.
“This isn’t a bar, Liv. Get your ass up here to pay.” Alexa called out half impressed and continued to work on Rhea’s order. Meanwhile Liv left her table to pay for Rhea’s post workout breakfast as she flashed her another smile.
“Thank you. You didn’t have to do that, I could’ve used another run around town.” Rhea tucked strands of her semi sweaty hair behind her ear and hat.
“Girl look at how fit you are, I think you’ll be okay resting those legs.” Liv didn’t mean for it to sound like she was attracted to her legs, even if she was. “Would you care to have breakfast with me?”
Rhea couldn’t turn her down after having paid for her meal. Plus it was a new town for her, she could use a friend or two and Liv seemed the type. “I guess I owe you that much. I take it you’re Liv, I’m Rhea.” They both headed back to the table after Alexa finished their order. Liv gave a quick morning hello to Zelina who walked in for her morning shift.
“Here, sorry.” Liv shuffled her belongings around to make room for Rhea at the table. Rhea smiled at the World of Warcraft screen as she took a bite of her sandwich. “Oh don’t let that fool you, I come for both business and entertainment.”
“I haven’t played in a few years. Lost touch with my old group but it’s still somewhere wherever I’ve packed it.” Rhea finished chewing for a moment and noticed her and Liv with the same drink order lifted to take a sip at the same time. “I just moved here, not really familiar with the area yet but I’ve jogged past this place a few times and it sounded enticing.” Rhea didn’t say it but having only been here a little over a week, there have been times where she might recall seeing Liv in this same window seat a few times she’s ran by.
“Oh perfect, I’d love to show you around sometime!” Liv blurted out mid bite into her last piece of croissant. She giggled a little which lit up Rhea’s smile back on her lips. “Well you know, if you want of course. You’re probably busy, I know I’m busy but I’d gladly move things around to make time obviously….”
“It’s a date.” Rhea happily accepted and pulled out her phone so she could take down Liv’s number. Liv, on the other hand, paused for a moment to fight her hesitation. “Or did I just scare off anything potential?”
Liv shook her head immediately. “No no, it’s a date! Yeah I’d really love that.” She typed in her number into Rhea’s phone with a witch emoji next to her name. “I’m a witch in Warcraft and technically for work too so I’m easy to remember.”
From there Liv had wanted to make sure that Rhea could eat her food while it was still hot. They talked afterwards for almost 25 minutes together. Liv explained why she came to this cafe to have a relaxing day every week, she told Rhea about her online beauty and self care business and learned that Rhea herself was a fitness trainer at a gym, no surprise there. Smiles didn’t really leave their lips the entire time and Rhea felt bad that she had to leave in a few minutes so she could unpack more at her place and get things more organized while she had the time to.
“Damn I really hate to leave at such a highlight of a morning.” Rhea figured she could stay as long as she wanted to really except knowing Liv has her own business to tend to, she didn’t want to take up all of her time. “I really can’t thank you enough, Liv. For breakfast, a great morning to my day, to meeting you. Quite lovely.”
“Here before you go, try this.” Liv ripped a piece of her second croissant off to give to Rhea, not expecting for the dark haired girl to lean forward and take it in her mouth instantly. Liv blushed watching her moan happily into a smile. “Good?” She asked. Rhea nodded her head instantly. “Can I walk you out?”
Putting her laptop back to the charger, Liv grabbed a bottle of lotion from her bag and quickly got out of her seat to be by Rhea’s side to walk her to the front door. She looked over the counter to see Alexa and Zelina clutching their hearts to which Liv casually gave them the middle finger and walked outside.
“Oh um, here. This is for you, a free sample of my product. I’d love to know what you think.” Liv almost couldn’t get the words out. She was too stunned by how beautiful Rhea was as the morning sun shined on her.
Rhea chuckled and tucked the bottle in her pocket with her phone. “Free breakfast and hand lotion? You are full of surprises for me. I can’t wait to see what you bring for our next encounter.”
“Our date.” Liv said bravely with a smile. “Hopefully that’s what you meant before and I’m not just overthinking it?”
Rhea returned her smile while she shook her head. “You’re so cute, Liv. Yes, a date. Friends? Of course instantly. Romantically, a date. You and me. I’m in.” Just in case, Rhea took Liv’s hand and brought it her lips for quick kiss. “And I’m quite looking forward to it.”
“Good, good. Me too.” It had been too long since Liv actively had anything romantic in her life and then along came Rhea Ripley on a beautiful Sunday morning. “I’ll text you later?”
“Please do.” Rhea gave her hand a small squeeze before returning it to Liv’s side as she started to make her way down the sidewalk. “See you soon, Liv.”
Liv blushed watching Rhea wave at her and walk down the sidewalk, she kept watching until eventually Rhea turned a corner and out of view. She took a deep breath and turned back around into the Coffee N Bliss cafe with her heart beating against her chest.
“Heart eyes? So soon?” Alexa chuckled to her. “Let me know when the wedding is and I hope you keep me in mind as the caterer.”
“You know I’d never let you down, Lexi.” Liv couldn’t get the smile off of her lips even if she tried. In fact, it stayed there for the rest of the morning when she went back to work and Warcraft. At noon, she promised herself, she would text Rhea about date plans.
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Heya! It's been a while since I've sent in an ask but have you got any reccs for angst with a happy ending? Preferably without any form of sexual trauma cause I've come across far too many of those recently.
Hey Lovely! *HUGS*
I have a few of them on these lists here:
Angst With a Happy Ending
Angst With a Happy Ending Pt. 2
Angst With a Happy Ending Pt. 3
Probably a lot of those fics don't contain sexual trauma; I suggest checking the descriptions and tags I added to the fics before you read them <3
AND I'll use your ask to submit my 4th list, so I hope you don't mind since I don't have a different Sunday list ready <3
When Your Belly's in the Trench by Morgan_Stuart (T, 4,743 w., 1 Ch. || PTSD, Character Study, Rescue, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied Torture, Trauma, Danger, Drama, Kidnapping/Captivity) – The next time that door opens, John Watson will kill the person on the other side.
This Year by DiscordantWords (T, 6,283 w., 2 Ch. || TEH Divergence / No Mary, New Year’s Eve, John’s A Mess, Jealous John, Awkward Conversations, Trapped in a Closet, Estranged After Return, John POV, Semi-Reunion, Angry John, First Kiss, Reconciliation, Clueless Sherlock, Happy Ending) – Last year, Sherlock Holmes showed up at the Landmark with a fake moustache and a bad French accent and threw John's entire life into disarray with two words: "Not dead." This year, there are more surprises in store.
Rupert Street by WritingOutLoud (M, 27,262 w., 9 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting || Case Fic, Sexuality, Demisexual Sherlock, Drugging, Smart John, Sherlock Has Internalized Biphobia, Fluff, Angst with Happy Ending, Gay Bar, Flirting, John Manipulates Sherlock to Eat, John Deduces, Arguments, Kidnapping/Torture, Hospitalization, John Whump) – Discharged from the war with nothing but the clothes on his back and a realisation of his bisexuality, John Watson has to learn who he’s become. He can’t afford London on an army pension, but the city is the only friend he has. In an effort to understand his newfound queer identity, he heads to a bar one night, where he stumbles across a mysterious stranger who turns his life upside down. ‘I dug around inside myself, and I'm not quite sure what I found, but it was beautiful and terrifying all at the same time.’
Sunday Evening 6 p.m. by Silvergirl (E, 30,712 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF / TEH Divergence, Grief / Mourning / Stages of Grief, Mutual Pining, Dreams, Reunion, Love Confessions, First Kiss / Time, Alternating First Person POV, Smart John, BAMF Boys, Emotional Love Making, Song Fic, Referenced Suicide, First Kiss / Time, Touching, Sleepy Sherlock, Blow Job, Villain Mary) – Six months after Sherlock jumped, he learns that John is dedicating songs to him on a requests-only radio programme. Is John just working through grief? Or is he—communicating? Fixes the hell out of S3 by pre-empting it altogether. Remember, as TAB told us, John is Pretty Damn Smart.
Lucifer's Gardens by ampersand_ch (E, 32,679 w., 12 Ch. || GERMAN VERSION|| Romance, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Murder, Poison / Drugging, Mystery, John Undercover, Academic Club, Therapy, Rituals, Jungian Archetypes, Doctors & Physicians, Grief/Mourning, Esotericism, Hospitals, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, John Falls In Love With Another Man, Jealous Sherlock, Crying, Doctor John, Hand Holding, First Kiss/Time, Mysticism, Hugging, Touching) – John goes undercover for an investigation as a favour to Lestrade in a village in Suffolk. The events surrounding the case awaken deep-seated fears in Sherlock. While John begins to come to a realisation of what he needs in Lucifer's Gardens, Sherlock tries to find a way to reach John – in more ways than one.
You Might Just as Well Be Blind by ArwaMachine (E, 56,625 w., 12 Ch. || Fake Relationship, For a Case, Bed Sharing, Platonic Cuddling, Jealous Sherlock, Oblivious John, BAMF Hudders, Fluff and Angst, Frottage, Anal Sex, Happy Ending, Case Fic, Flirting, Pining John, POV John, Toplock, Possessive Sherlock, First Kiss/Time, Infidelity) – When a serial killer starts targeting couples, Sherlock and John must do what they have to do in order to get to the bottom of things. Unfortunately, John already has a girlfriend. Surely pretending to be in a relationship with Sherlock won't pose any problems with his relationship, will it?
The Lost Special: Family Matters (As Do Relationships)  by ShirleyCarlton (M, 144,688 w., 40 Ch. || S4 Fix It Fic / Meta Fic, Unreliable Narrator, John’s Mind Bungalow, Friends to Lovers, Happy Ending, Demisexual Sherlock, Holmes Family, John Whump, Gay Mycroft, Misunderstandings, Drug Addiction, Parenting, TFP is a Nightmare, Virgin Sherlock, Slow Burn, Minor Character Death, Switchlock, John’s Past, Sherlock’s Past, Eurus, Love Confessions) –Sherrinford is not really the name of some high security prison. That was just a figment of John’s frantic coma dream. And Eurus is not actually Sherlock’s sister. That’s just something random she said to John before shooting him. Sherlock and John were never actually estranged. That was just their act to cover up what really happened to Mary – or Rosamund Moran, as her real name has turned out to be. Sherlock does have a secret sibling, though, and his name is Sherrinford. After finally eliminating Moran – though in a rather dramatically different way than they had envisioned – and exposing the truth about Eurus, John encourages Sherlock to delve into his past and to find out whether the reasons to keep Sherrinford away from Sherlock were the right ones, and to discover what really happened in 1981. Along the way, Sherlock and John gradually, finally, stop keeping each other at a distance, and eventually become a proper family of their own.
Feel free to add some more, friends, that aren't on any of the above lists!
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thekinkyleopard · 1 year
Hot For Teacher
Pt. 3 of a Non-Canon Remi x Levi Fic
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Possessive Behavior & Fluff
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Author’s Notes: I literally love this series so much ugh. I’m hoping you guys do too! Shoutout to @aller-geez as always for the art and Remi! Thanks for having patience with the long wait guys, it’s been…rough, but I was able to squeeze this out. <3
Description: Levi is a newly divorced English Professor, at his local community college. Recently, he’s had a new student that clearly lacks boundaries. Can he maintain his purity as a responsible educator to society? Or will he submit to the taboo…
One Week later
It was a beautiful Monday on campus, Levi didn’t have any classes but he loved to spend his time at the college, grading, editing, and writing in the atrium. Sometimes, he even enjoyed scanning through the library to read and relax. It was around noon, the professor had taken a break after spending the morning slaving over grading essays, he was completely famished. With his sling case secured around his shoulders, he exited the library, where he had been, making his way into the campus cafeteria. The Professor waited patiently in line as he scrolled through the emails in his phone, he got to the front, looking now at the options before him. “Oh, uhm…shrimp fried rice and some orange chicken please,” he nodded smiling happily at the cafeteria person. Pleasantly she scooped up his order, handing him a to-go box and a receipt to take down over to the register with a pleasant smile.
“Have a wonderful lunch, Professor!” Taking it from her he grinned back, nodding to the woman before following up with a friendly response.
“Thank you! Don’t work too hard now!” They both shared a harmonious laugh together, before Levi made his way to the register, grabbing a grape soda halfway through, then paying for the items and leaving to the outside eating spaces. He passed by many faces and different types of people. It seemed to him that they all blurred and meshed together at this point. Every year it felt the same, which was a comfort, but also a curse. Keeping generally to himself, he found a lone table under a shaded tree, taking the opportunity he slid inside and began to unpack what he bought.
“That sure looks delicious, their Chinese food actually fresh ? I’ll have to give it a taste..” a familiar voice loomed over the back of him, he cocked a brow and swiftly turned to face the student.
“What are you doing here?” Asking surprised, looking the man up and down. He looked as he usually did, band tee, trashed jeans, campus letterman and his black bag.
“Well, Professor, I am a student…so…” he said it but followed up with a charming, yet playful smirk spreading across his face. Levi slapped his own forehead and laughed himself.
“Duh…” shaking his white styled hair back and forth before he turned back around to open the box before him. “I personally love their Chinese, can’t tell you much on the fresh front cause, well, I don’t work in that department and what I don’t know won’t kill me,” shrugging with genuine seriousness before cracking the tab of his soda now.
“Food poisoning can kill you..and I would be absolutely devastated to receive an email about your untimely death via spoiled Chinese,” tsking and shaking his head back and forth before inviting himself in to sit at the table Levi had claimed for the hour. The cat gave a nasally chuckle as he stuffed his face full of food, groaning with pleasure.
“If that’s how I die, know I died a happy man,” he laughed now that he had a free mouth after having chewed and swallowed. Remi also chuckled along side the educator, the two enjoying each other’s friendly banter. “What class do you have today?” The leopard asked casually of the other who shrugged and without breaking his gaze on the man, answered.
“Math and Shop, I’m in my 2 hour break period right now, was on my way to see what the cafe had before I ran into you here eating all alone and what not,” that same charming smiling never broke off the raven haired man’s lips, his emerald greens observing the other’s movements closely almost as if he was memorizing them. Oblivious to the other’s astute observations, Levi continued to eat, and drink his beverage in between sentences. 
“Yeah? You like your professors there?” Keeping the conversation casual, light. Professional. The key word. Biting his lower lip slowly at the sight of the other carelessly chowing down, Remi released it and shrugged his shoulders, sliding back into a proper sitting posture.
“They’re okay, no one I like as much as you though,” shooting the now suddenly blushing educator a quick cheeky wink. Clearing his throat as he finished up another very full bite.
“Well, I’m flattered I have such an influence on you, Mr. Connors, I’m glad to see that I can motivate you through your studies,” that outta save it. Right? Keep steering him into a platonic, professional direction. Or else, be damned. He was still pretending as if that evening after the test, didn’t happen. Rolling his patient emerald eyes, Remi brushed a flirtatious foot against the educator’s.
“You don’t need to be so coy, Levi, there’s no one listening,” smirking and still hungrily gazing at the other.
“You don’t know that, apparently, I have students out there watching me so carefully they know my coffee order,” shooting an accusatory gaze now at the man who could only laugh in a sheepish manner.
“I mean…It’s not my fault YOU aren’t aware of your surroundings all the time…” leaning forward, his elbows now on the table as his face rested on top of his laced together fingers. “However, I have an incredible sense of awareness so, you can trust me,” his foot grazed just gently against the other’s from under the table. It was subtle, smooth just INCASE there were cameras that could see the angle. He was indeed, obsessed, but he wasn’t an idiot. The educator blushed again, feeling their feet collide just barely.
“Remington…” Levi was getting started, ready to repeat the same dialogue he had been, but said man cut him off swiftly with a raised hand.
“What do you do when you get home? Who are you outside of being a teacher?” Trying to quickly distract the Professor, save him from the words he already knew he was going to hear. This wasn’t the time or place to argue boundaries with it being so out and open. No, there wasn’t anyone around paying them any particular mind, but if voices started to raise, that could change. To avoid ruffling the other’s fur, he just smiled, innocently intrigued to hear the answer.
Levi sighed, picking and shoveling through his food before he gently shrugged, responding shyly with a clear guard, unsure of the student’s sudden angle and change of subject. “I don’t know… I watch a lot of Rachel McAdams films…” avoiding eye contact, as it was kind of embarrassing how little of a life he really had.
“That’s it? Just rehashing cheesy hallmark movies?” Quietly slamming his fist on top the rather stable table, he gasped.
“Her movies are so much more than that !” Deeply offended by the other’s response, but also still unable to avoid the smile threatening to pull up at the corner of his lips.
“Okay, okay, she’s great I’m not mad at that but like…you don’t do anything else?” Curiously poking at the educator, wondering what drove his soul.
“Well…I really enjoyed roller skating and crafting back in my college years but like…I just don’t really, have the drive for it anymore I guess…” answering honestly now, forgetting almost that he used to have passions before his life, essentially turned upside down.
“Why do you think that is?” Remi’s head turned to the side casually, and curiously. It was clear by the look on his face that the wolf was listening very intently, registering every word that was said to him.
“Well….I was sort of forced into a business marriage, for my father…but it was horrible, and neither of us loved each other, I mean…we knew what the relationship was and it just became a hostile environment, and something like that will…” he paused looking down at his half empty food dish now as he scuffled some of the pieces of rice around. “Kill something inside of you, which poisons the rest and then, you just kind of feel like a ghost…living in reality,” looking up to see that Remi was looking at him with soft eyes. Nodding slowly, he considered his next words carefully.
“You know, I can’t imagine, what that must have been like for you…It must have been really, uh…well, hard,” nodding once before continuing “But, from where I’m sitting…you’re free to do what YOU want now, in your own space…so…maybe try something small? Like..a small project you can do WHILE …sobbing at cheesy hallmark movies,” his genuine thoughtfulness ending in a sarcastic chuckle. Levi broke out in a smile and looked down now, blushing lightly.
“You’re right..you’re right..I can’t keep living in that, when I’ve moved past it…I’ll give it a shot…look at you,” gaining the confidence again to look back at the other’s glowing greens. “Influencing me, how about that?” smiling sweetly, allowing Remington to see the human in him, not just the closed off educator.
The raven haired man’s heart raced inside his chest, it had been weeks of very careful observation from a far. Always keeping an eye on his favorite small teacher, but finally having the courage to just sit with him for once, and ask the questions he’d been dying to know. “I think we make a good influence on each other…” saying it so casually like a knife through butter.
“I would hope so,” and truly, in every context, Levi meant that, in some ways one could definitely argue otherwise, but Remi’s grades have never been better since being pushed to try harder. Levi, has never felt more alive since his marriage started, than he had starting this semester and meeting Remi. Whatever was here brewing between these two men, was undeniable to both parties, but such a dangerous…thin line to stand on.
“Let me take you on a date…please, just one,” the student was unable to take it anymore, he needed to see how, where and if he could advance this relationship, get the man to see him as a true romantic equal. Disappointed to see the white haired man shake his head back and forth.
“It’s against policy, Remi, I legally can not do that…” biting his lower lip, hating to say it, truly, because if it were in any other situation he would be over the moon. A handsome, driven man, wants him? However, teaching was all Levi had now. He couldn’t put that on the line for what would probably turn out to be a fling.
“We don’t have to tell anyone until after I graduate…I won’t make any moves on you while on campus…I’ve thought about it extensively and people do it all the time…” still being faced with the same stubborn educator he had been.
“I’m not those people, and I’m not risking it…” he furrowed his brows now, doubling down on his answer. “Graduate first…then ask again,” Levi now stood from where he was once seated, and stepped away from the table finishing the rest of his beverage in one final gulp. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Mr. Connors,” nodding his head with a subtle wink of his bright blue eye, he walked away tossing his trash in a nearby can. Leaving the wolf to sit there with many emotions flooding through him. Okay, so it wasn’t a full stop no…however, it would still be at least another year before he graduated…and this insistent need grew larger and larger in him everyday. It was becoming more and more difficult for him to simply keep their relationship platonic. However, he had a goal, and a date, eventually…well actually, confirmed, the man said it himself, ask again. That would have to imply he would say yes when they were no longer in a power dynamic, right? Right. It had to. Obviously. He could be a little clueless but he wasn’t brain dead. A confident smirk now spread across his face he scooped up his bag and made his way through the campus.
Later that Night
Levi pushed through the front door of his empty, dark home. Slumping his bag lazily down onto the floor of the main entry way, couldn’t be bothered to put it in the closet, or even make it to the counter. The man ran a hand through his soft wild mullet, looking about at the sheer emptiness of his dwelling. Remi was right…he couldn’t keep himself from freely expressing himself anymore, he was truly capable of doing whatever the hell it was he wanted. So, with what little time left in the night he had, he spent it on Pinterest. Looking through hundreds and hundreds of DIY home redesign…he was going to start a new project. Project Safe Space. Initially when his ex wife, without hesitation, signed over the house to him, he thought of it as a punishment. Having to live in the very space he felt like he spiritually died in. However, giving a lot of thought to what his student bestowed on to him today, he realized he could make it a place of rebirth. All on his own, by his hand and creation. He had spent all night researching paint, furniture, decor ideas, he even considered consulting with a professional home decorator for a second. However, he didn’t want to pay someone to make it his home. This was part of the healing.
Eventually, without much warning or notice? The educator fell asleep flat on his laptop. It was hours into the night, when his face turned slightly and scrolled down, clicking one of the, once silent, video ads. This caused a loud sound to emit from the computer’s speakers, waking the Leopard up instantly with a jolt. He sat back, eyes wide, incredibly flustered as his hands scrambled and prodded at the different keys, doing anything he could to make it stop. Soon enough, he got it, and took a deep inhale, releasing it loudly. “Fuck…” he cursed under his breath looking at the time on his phone. “Great…two hours before I have to be up…” shaking his head back and forth slowly, he stood up from the dining room table he once was asleep in and made his way over to his actual bed. Flopping into it without much consideration to the fact he was still in the clothes he had worn all day. Unphased, he fell soundly back to sleep.
What Levi thought to be 20 minutes was indeed, the last two hours of his sleep. Phone alarm now blaring loudly to signal that it was time for him to rise. He groaned angrily his hand searching desperately to find the source of sound. Unable to do so with his eyes closed he sighed, eyes snapping open against his best wishes, locating the cellular. Finally, he was able to silence the obstructive noise and despite every cell in his body screaming against him, he dragged himself out of the comfort of his bed. Trudging his way over to the closet he slung on a simple light pink button up, fastening a black tie to close, fresh pair of boxers and some black slacks. He sighed once more with tired frustration before making his way slowly to the bathroom, brushing, flossing, and making himself a little more alive than he felt. Snapping at himself less than confidently in the mirror he tried a few breathing exercises. Remembering that today, he would have class, and see his bright shining, eager to learn faces…Remi’s face…he let out another content, but cheerful breath now. “Yes, I get to see, my favorite student today…” smiling at himself through the reflection, instead of faking it as he had been. He knew he was tired, but he also knew why…because he had been up late doing something genuinely good for himself. All at the suggestion of that, persistent man. Sliding on his shoes and grabbing his bag by the door he swiftly made his way down to the bus stop.
Despite waking up right on time as usual, and getting at the bus stop in his typical manner, he somehow ended up a bit early to campus. This didn’t bother him though, it would give him time to prep, maybe grab a coffee…first he had to get to the class room. As he walked up to the door, there was a student there already waiting, one of his more laid back students. The man stood up straight from his once slouched position and nodded at Professor Levi. “Hello Professor! I wanted to get an early start, I know office hours are usually after class to 6, but I have work immediately after these classes…I was hoping you could make an exception?” The student was nervous, clearly. Lots of professors on this campus did not play games with their office hours. However, Levi wanted the success of all his students, therefore he had no problem making an exception if it would aid a student in his studies.
“Absolutely, Mr. Rodson, please…come in, what do you need help with?” Levi carried the conversation now unlocking his classroom door and allowing both of them to cross the threshold and over to the professor’s desk.
“Well…this new story we are reading, what relevance does it have to our studies really? I guess I’m having a hard time relating to the main character..” he was struggling to put together what it was about this book that he just couldn’t seem to get through. His body language turning slightly more confident in the space of the class, eyes looking the educator up and down. Levi hummed gently to himself before sitting down into his chair and crossing his legs over one another.
“Have you ever been exposed to indigenous people and culture, Mr. Rodson?” Asking out of genuine curiosity now.
“Well, not really I mean I grew up in a mostly white country town…” shrugging thoughtfully as he considered his experiences through the past.
“It may be hard for you to connect to the character Arnold, because he’s an indigenous boy, living in a completely different world and perspective than you…which, I’d say, Mr. Rodson, should be why the more you should be drawn to it….you have lived a life of relative privilege, Arnold did not, it’s important to hear those stories…and analyze the value in listening to other’s experiences,” the student seemed to be listening but he was also deeply staring at the professor’s lips, oddly enough, shaking his head he shrugged.
“I just don’t see the relevance of Indigenous experience to learning proper English…” slightly taken aback by this answer Levi sat back even more now looking the seemingly white passing student up and down.
“English class is about learning to comprehend, book material is less about what the plot is, and more of, did you understand it? Did you capture the proper imagery? Did you FEEL the author’s intended or lack therefore of, passion, I personally chose this book for the class as it is educational, funny and I think it’s very important to have some standard readings, but also expand past typical white writers,” he paused to examine the student’s face after he said this, receiving neither negative or positive response he continued. “I like diversity, my students should hear minority stories, and be able to comprehend what they’re saying without trying to disband or argue their experiences…while some themes and ideas can be used for creative discussion that can lead to say…you and another student to disagree…that doesn’t mean we are trying to argue the Author’s original experience,” students started to trickle into the classroom, Remi as well who immediately noticed the professor busy in a rather intense conversation. He sat closer, instead of all the way in the back to quietly stalk and observe the Professor, no, more accurately, he wanted to hear the discussion going on at the front.
“I mean, I see your point, but I think I guess, I need help finding that ability to retain information on something I can’t personally relate to?” Trying to explain it from a different angle, but still inappropriately glossing his eyes over down the the small man, that Remi caught as he was watching attentively. His fingers digging into the edges of his desk. Levi chose to ignore the student’s ogling eyes, excusing it as a nervous inability to maintain eye contact.
“Mr. Rodson, did you personally off yourself after falling in love with a girl you just met that you thought was dead but wasn’t?” Crossing his arms over his chest and looking at him now with a tired expression. “You can relate to a little girl that lives next to a man everyone has labeled a monster, but really it’s cause they’re all racist?” The student wanted to speak but he wound up closing his mouth again.
“Or maybe was it easier to put yourself in the shoes of other white characters? Expand yourself, Mr. Rodson, I don’t know what else to tell you…it’s a wonderful book, and I can’t make you read it, but I’d really think you’d enjoy it if you gave it a fair chance,” shrugging his shoulders now he turned around grabbing a marker from the board and starting to jot down the morning agenda. Stephen stayed where he stood, looking the professor up and down more openly now that he wasn’t face with him, lingering eyes on the way the slacks hugged onto his small but bubbly butt.
“Hey, whatever you say, Professor…I’ll give it a shot…” lingering still as he continued to ogle. The wolf’s blood was boiling watching another man eye down what he considered was his. I mean, Levi said it. Once he graduated…which is like the same thing as a promise ring. It’s a promise…date? Promise…ownership? It didn’t matter, his eyes were set on the thin educator and he’d be damned if he was gonna let someone treat him like meat. He stood up aggressively slamming his hands down onto the desk.
“Sit the fuck down, Rodson, ‘fore I make ya,” he growled low in his throat, daggers running straight through the other man who turned to look at the aggressor. He chuckled, feeling brave today, he crossed his arms across his chest and cocked a brow.
“That right, Connors? What’s the problem? Only you can have special chats with Professor Levi and I can’t even get a little help on the reading?” Firing back with attitude as the students who were present all stayed dead silent. Watching it all unfold in front of them.
“You don’t need help with the reading, you’re racist, you don’t want to read the story of a rez kid growing up between two worlds, and you were hoping you could shmooze your greasy way through with the Professor to get a pass, tough luck,” the wolf laughed at the other, stepping closer now from behind his desk, still a few decent paces away from him.
“I’m not a racist!” Immediately trying to defend himself with his palms up, face scrambled, looking about for any sort of help. Levi turned around swiftly and slammed his marker down. “Gentlemen, SEATS, please, no more of this,” he narrowed his eyes mostly at Stephen, and then over at Remi who stuttered backward hesitantly.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, white man,” huffing under his breath before turning back to his seat.
“Whatever, nobody,” unable to help himself in true, male fashion. Remi hesitated, pausing where he stood, and Levi could see it coming from a mile away.
“RODSON, if you can’t keep your mouth closed, I’ll ask you to leave,” quickly trying to step in as the enforcer of the classroom, hoping to keep off a fight. Remi smirked, still turned away, but not moving any further from where he stood.
“You’re going to defend him?? He’s calling me out of my name! Pft,” offended as he scoffed now “He must be really good at plowing that hole,” shaking his head back and forth, Levi was flabbergasted, he stood back almost like he’d been physically assaulted. Remi immediately turned around, like lightning he grabbed the man by the front of his shirt, lifting him and shoving him against the educator’s large desk. Levi raising his hands in defense and immediately rushing over to try and pull the wolf off him.
“Say it again, I triple double dare ya…I got the money to defeat another assault charge, you wanna go?” He licked his growing incisors, his emeralds glowing a bright toxic green, the class around them all gasped and started rustling and whispering in terror.
“What’s the matter, tough guy? Don’t like sharing a piece of the pie? Why not let me have my shot at a good grade, hm?” Laughing in the enraged man’s face, feeling more than intimidated but he wouldn’t go down without a fight. Remi began to cock his arm backward before Levi managed to squeeze his arm between the two of them, and putting an open palm down onto the closed fist.
“Both of you, separate now,” his voice was stern, serious, his face was enraged, fed up. This was not how today was supposed to go and he was absolutely furious with the both of these students. Begrudgingly, Remi stepped backward, knowing he would only screw his chances of coming back to this class if he hit the kid. He took his opportunity though to quick lurch forward and flex his fist at him. Stephen flinched inward, eyes closing as he prepared for some sort of impact, only left with passive laughter.
“Pathetic,” he stepped away, walking over to the desk he once was seated at, he snagged the bag off the floor, eyes still radiating as he left the class without a word.
“Mr. Rodson, I will be reporting your behavior to the dean today, as far as today’s lesson, go home, you’re no longer welcome in my classroom,” without a second glance or thought, Levi started his lecture. Leaving Stephen to collect his things and leave like the kicked puppy he felt like he was. It bothered the educator that Remi left…why? Maybe he had to gather his thoughts…he was pretty riled up. It didn’t look good that they were fighting over what they were fighting over. He didn’t like that because of a few instances that Remi has stayed behind to chat, and sometimes flirt, was being noticed by other students. There isn’t a chance someone saw them was there? No…the door had been closed when the kiss happened…right? Suddenly he found himself unable to remember. Oh no…did Stephen see? What if he reports him and then Stephen reports what he saw? There’s no way , there’s no factual evidence against him so even if he did, both he and Remi could deny said allegations. Nothing was even going on! There was one kiss and some intense flirtatious banter…nothing more or less. Everything was fine.
Finding himself more and more worried about the man who stormed out earlier, even long after class had departed and he had gone home, he couldn’t help himself. He needed to check in…and seeing as almost all the class emails he’s sent out have gone unanswered, it’s unlikely the wolf checks those. He was going to have to break code a bit…from home, through his laptop he accessed the student info database which was open to the professors based on their current classes. This was typically used for emergencies. Say a student hadn’t shown up, hasn’t answered emails, then they have the ability to access the data center for personal info like phone numbers and addresses. Levi put in Remi’s student information and up came the details he was looking for. Quickly entering the phone number into his own device, and saving it under “Remington Connors” he closed the laptop and drew up a text.
Hello, Mr. Connors, this is Professor Levi, I just wanted to check in with you. I know today was pretty intense and I still plan to report Mr. Rodson’s behavior tomorrow morning, just hoping you were able to find some peace today, I can email you the assignment I have at the end of today’s class if you would like.
He sighed sliding his phone into his pocket before going over to his kitchen and looking around. He really wanted to add more greenery to this space….maybe an indoor garden. He contemplated the many ways he could redesign this area when his phone went off.
Oh? I’m flattered you’d reach me through your personal cell…Im okay now…I just didn’t like how he was looking at you…and talking about you…
Levi read the text and couldn’t help but roll his eyes though it wouldn’t be seen by the other.
Mr. Connors, you don’t need to defend me I am a grown man.
Where does he get off? He could very easily have handled Stephen’s sour attitude himself, he didn’t need the wolf popping off and making everything look weird to the other students.
I know that, but I can’t help it…you’re mine.
The audacity. Levi knew texting the man would be a bad idea. He probably thinks it’s just harmless texts, it’s no big deal. No, it was. If he ever got investigated, they’d use them against him in court. Solidifying the end of his career.
Im not “yours” and you can’t be acting like that in front of the whole class, clearly people are talking…
Let them talk, they can’t confirm anything. Just stupid rumors
Are they rumors though?
Levi made a fair point, if they really were tip toeing the line and crossing it here and there, the rumors weren’t exactly far fetched.
I meeeeaaaannn….👀 they can’t prove it tho
The educator couldn’t help but chuckle at the use of emoji to plead his case. Setting his phone back into his pocket and leaving him on read he mulled over the many possibilities that danced in his head. His kitchen was definitely going to need a lot of love and care, Levi missed cooking and missed loving to cook. He knew once he tailored the space to him specifically he’d get back to making himself gourmet meals. Thoughts interrupted by the sound of his phone chiming off again. He gazed at the new text and found himself immediately blushing.
Since I have you here…send something sexy
Who does he think he is? Swear the man only used one head when speaking to him and it wasn’t the one on his shoulders.
Earn it
He shot back, and immediately regretted it. “Fuck!” Slapping his forehead and wishing he could unsend it but, it was too late. The message was read. He watched as the typing bubbles started…then stopped…again…had he stumped him? Nope. Incoming photo message. Oh no. What did he start? What did he do? He opened the message to see Remi, laying shirtless in his bed the angle was from his lap, he could see the start of a happy trail that lead up to his chiseled and tan chest. Levi wasn’t going to pretend like he didn’t immediately feel something boil from deep within him. His face hot, hands clammy, he bit his lower lip and groaned inwardly. He was so…fine…his hair a mess, that cocky grin…
Am I earning it?
The photo was captioned with a text, and Levi shook his head back and forth. No! He couldn’t give in like this…right? It would incriminate him later….wouldn’t it?
You’re going to get me in trouble…
Trying a more honest approach to the situation.
Promise I won’t…live a little…
The educator took a deep breath in and then exhaled outward. Something a little lewd wasn’t terrible right? He walked over to his bathroom, and flicked on the light. He began to strip his tie loose, but not all the way off, and unbuttoned his shirt halfway, letting one side slip down a freckled pale shoulder, exposing the flesh there and from the front of his chest. He looked himself over and then using his back camera, he stood with his back against the mirror, his face looked behind him, facing the reflection as much as he could, body slightly crooked to the right now, exposing the obviously teasing shoulder, biting his lower lip, he snapped the photo. Reviewing it over, with slight hesitation, clicking send. He held his breath.
Feeling nervous, but now sliding both pieces of fabric to drape down the sides of his shoulders he took a front camera selfie now, his hand messily in his hair, he stuck out his tongue, one eye closed the other slightly squinted. His bare chest visible but his shirt and tie completely strewn about made him look….tantalizing.
Let me call you, please?
Too real. It’s getting too real. He nearly threw his phone terrified of stepping any further outside the line, he tried to maintain his composure.
Not tonight. Enjoy what you got. ;p See you Thurs.
Throwing his hand through the wild strands of white hair he shook his body back and forth a bit. Trying to free himself of his terribly sinful wants and thoughts. No he wouldn’t just dive in head first. He needed to test the man…see if he was serious. Was he really in this for the long haul? Or is it just another 28 year old trying to get it in with a College Professor? He could never know now a days in this era. All he knew, was he struggled to keep himself at bay around the student. He wondered himself how long he could put it off before, he…caved into temptation.
Oh…I will…goodnight ;)
His heart skipped a beat. Only left now with the thoughts of what the large, desperate man was going to do with those photos, sending chills down Levi’s spine. “Fuck..” realizing that he may have solidified the exact opposite of what he had hoped to achieve.
To be continued….
Thanks again guys for being so patient while waiting for these next few fics to release 🫶🏻 It means a lot to mean that you guys enjoy my writings and value me as a person 🥹 ily all sm my little babies. Muah muah muah. Kisses. ENJOY!
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Private Show
A/n: Hello, my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓! I hope y'all like this fic! Procrastination is a horrible thing. I felt so dirty writing this, even though I do this almost every single time.
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Pairing: Chris Evans x Camboy Male reader
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Bottom male reader, Top Chris Evans, daddy kink, degradation, dirty talk, thigh fucking, and jealous Chris?
Word Count: 3195
Summary: Chris Evans wants you to give him a private show. Just you and him over a webcam. But maybe he’ll get to meet you in person.
I hope you’ll enjoy it! Sorry if it’s bad! And for any errors that are found.
If you like this and wanna read more, you can go to my masterlist.
M/N: Male name
L/n: Last name
C/U/N: Chris Username (Y’all get to decide what name he gets. Couldn’t come up with anything)
F/S/D: Favorite Starbucks Drink (You never had Starbucks, then just pick a random drink)
E/c: Eye color
H/c: hair color
I may have changed the request a little bit… (actually, I think I changed everything.)
ALSO, YOU ARE AGE 25 YEARS OLD IN THIS! Okay, that’s it, you may proceed to the fic.
Chris sighed as he was sitting there naked and with his cock in his hands. He rubbed his head in frustration, throwing his head back. ‘Same old stuff.’ He thought. He hasn’t jerked off in months, and so he was extra horny.
He was scrolling through several different porn videos on Pornhub but nothing interested him. ‘What about something new?’ He thought, moving his cursor to open a new tab.
His fingers were typing away to look up a specific type of porn. Once done, it read, “Gay Pornhub”, he pressed enter. The page loaded to show many types of porn videos, Chris had never seen before.
‘What about this one?’ Chris thought, clicking on the video and waiting for it to load. The title was, “Step-daddy and Step-son ‘Hanging’ out” video was done loading.
The video started with a young male with a lean but somewhat muscular body, lying on his stomach reading something on his phone.
He was only wearing underwear that hugged his ass amazingly.
The camera zoomed in on the boy's plumped ass. Moving up slowly. Chris has to admit, the boy was sexy as hell. Then an older man came in. He looked to be 30 or something. He was the definition of daddy and alpha.
He was shirtless, showing off his hairy chest and muscular body. "Since your mother is out, how about we hang out?" The guy said in the video.
The other male nodded. The next scene was them both hanging out, watching TV. The camera then zoomed in on the step-dad crotch. He had a noticeable bulge.
"I can help you with that daddy. I know mom doesn't let you touch her or have sex with her, but you can touch me." The young man said, rubbing the other guy's bulge.
He spoke in a seductive tone that turned Chris on. His meaty cock got rock hard from the boy seducing the hot daddy.
"Fuck, m/n! Do you want to be a good boy for daddy? How about you wrap that little mouth around my cock?" The daddy growled into the m/n's ears.
'So that's his name?' Chris thought, rubbing his cock to the two males now making out.
It then escalated to m/n removing the man's boxers and giving him the best blowjob of his life.
"That's right m/n~ wrap those pretty lips around my big cock… oh fuck… you suck cock better than your mother. A good little slut for me." The older male said, running his fingers through your soft hair.
Chris's cock was leaking already, cock head becoming red. "So fucking hot! Better than regular porn." He said, throwing his head back in pleasure.
The camera view turned into 1st point of view, with the older male looking down at the other one giving the blowjob.
Chris's mind began to change. Instead of thinking about females' lips wrapped around his cock, it was filled with the thought of your lips wrapped around his cock.
'Want those beautiful lips around my cock.' Chris thought, jerking off faster to the thought.
Then he heard moaning. "A-ah~ daddy! Mmm… wreck my… b-boy pussy!" You moaned as the other male thrust into him.
"Yeah, I'll fuck this little boy pussy. Such a slut, seducing your step-dad into cheating on his wife with her son? But this is worth it." The other male groaned as he felt you tighten around him.
'Yeah, like that baby. Tighten that sweet boy pussy around my cock. Milk me off my cum.' Chris moaned, wishing he was the one fucking your plumped ass. Rubbing his nipples for more stimulation.
"Mmm, daddy, please! Keep fucking me!" You moaned as the daddy picked up the pace.
'Don't worry baby. Daddy will fuck you faster.' Chris was lost in his thoughts of fucking you.
He began to thrust his cock into his hands, thinking it was your tight hole. It's was only his first gay porn video, and he was already hooked.
Much hotter than straight porn. Most specifically, he was hooked on you. "F-fuck… I'm gonna cum~"
'Cum for me baby. Gonna fill these buns with my cream!' Chris groaned, jerking off faster, nearing his end.
"CUMMING!" you moaned, your cock releasing its load. The daddy in the video burst inside you.
Chris felt cum burst out of his cock and all over his muscular chest. 'That was the best orgasm I ever had.'
Chris never shoots that big of a load before. This was his first. 'So fucking hot.' Though Chris was kind of jealous of the man in the video.
(Mostly because he got to fuck you and cum inside.)
Chris found his new favorite porn to jack off to. And a new favorite pornstar.
Over the next few days, Chris was hooked. Curiosity got to him again.
He wanted to know if there were more videos with you. Your name was mentioned in the video, so he just looked you up. And there you were. A verified account, millions of views, a lot of followers.
Chris binge-watched all your videos, cumming several times. He at least came 4 times, draining his big cum-filled of its essences after months.
He got premium just to watch your other videos. It was safe to say, he was kind of obsessed with you.
he was kind of jealous of the guys that got to have sex with you. He loved the way you moan, your beautiful face, and your plumped ass. The way it jiggles whenever the other guy would thrust into you.
Even though it all started days ago. He wanted to feel your hole clench around him, your fat ass jiggling whenever he thrust his pelvis into you. When Chris found out about your only onlyfans, he immediately made an account.
And since then became your biggest donator. He would donate hundreds of thousands of dollars. You took notice of this.
XxxXxxX (I don’t think I did this part correctly?)
Chris was sitting there, cock in hand, as he watched you over a webcam. He gave his cock a few strokes. It was rock-hard and leaking pre-cum from the tip.
You were shoving a large 10-inch dildo inside your plump tight hole. Chris was turned on by your hole just swallowing the whole thing. Of course, he had dirty thoughts about having sex with you. He could imagine the way your hole would swallow his cock.
He was also reading the comments. And of course, they were filled with horny people. Mostly men. Some were:
“You make me so horny!” “Shove that dildo inside that tight boy-pussy!”
“I wanna fuck you.” this made Chris a little jelly
“Boy-pussy is probably still tight.”
Your moans were music to his ears. "You wish this dildo was you, daddies? You want to fuck my boy-pussy?" You moaned, throwing your head back in ecstasy.
'Fuck, yes baby boy. I want to fuck that little hole. Have you riding daddy’s 12-inch cock.' Chris groans, stroking his cock faster. He was close and you were close too.
“You wanna cum inside me? Want me to milk your cock of all its cum?” you said, thrusting the dildo faster while dirty talking to your audience. It hit your prostate deep inside.
Chris stroked his cock harder at the thought. ‘Fuck yeah… Wanna cum inside that ass.’ he could feel his cock twitch, pre-cum gushing out from the tip. “F-fuck, daddy! I’m close.”
'Cum for daddy baby boy. Cum all over you that chest of yours. Be a good slut for me!'
"I'M CUMMING!" You moaned. 'Me too!' Chris groaned, his meaty cock shooting its load. His cum covered his chest and hand.
At that time, you came as well. Your cock twitched a little. "I wish this dildo was your cock and you were filling me up." You said before ending it.
'Me too baby boy. Wish I was there.’
Chris was at a local Starbucks in Boston. Ordering some tea, but then he noticed a familiar face among the crowd of people. ‘He lives in this area?!’ Chris thought, watching you in the distance drinking your F/S/D. You were sitting alone.
He noticed that you were typing away on a laptop. Then he began to take in your features, your soft plumped lips wrapped around the straw, sucking up the liquid, beautiful e/c focused on the laptop, and soft, puffy h/c.
You could feel someone watching, but when you looked, no one was looking at you. Chris turned away before you spotted him. He probably looked creepy to everyone else. ‘Stupid, stupid!’ face-palming himself.
‘Should I go talk to him? Wait, how old is he even? He looks young.’ Chris thought, debating whether to go or not. In the end, he decided to shoot his shot. (Not in a sexual way. Not yet.)
Chris made his way towards you and asked, “Is this seat taken?” you looked up at the person and noticed a tall muscular white man (IDK if I can say that.) He looked pretty handsome. ‘Daddy material. Maybe I can get into his pants- Goddamn thought.’
You shake your head no. He smiled at you before sitting down and sipping his cup of tea. “So, I think I should start with introductions. My name is Chris. Chris Evans.”
You cracked your neck and knuckles. “You play Captain America? Well, my name is M/n. M/n L/n.” you said, taking a few more sips from your F/s/d.
You both talked about random things. Chris found out you were 25 years old and more things about you. And most importantly, a pornstar. Chris was curious about how you got into the porn industry.
“So, how did you get into this sort of stuff?” Chris questioned, sipping his tea while making eye contact with you. You took time to comprehend what he said.
“Oh, um… you see, I started it because I needed the money to support myself and to pay for college. I attend MIT.” you said, looking down in embarrassment. Chris decided to shoot his shot.
(You both left the Starbucks and are walking through the streets of Boston)
“I could be your Sugar Daddy. Who do you think gives you all that money?” Chris said, smirking at you. Your jaw dropped at this new information.
“Wait, your C/U/N? I-” you were lost for words. Chris looked around to make sure no one was looking and there wasn’t anyone. Then he pinned you against the wall.
“What do you say… baby boy?” Chris said, lifting your chin and whispering the last part into your ear. You smirked at him. “Mmm, maybe... I should reward you for being my top contributor.”
“Let’s take this to my place.” Chris offered.
Chris was sitting on his bed waiting for you to come out. He felt the cold air on his naked muscular chest. His cock aching inside his boxers, which gave a noticeable bulge.
Then he heard the bathroom door open. His breath was caught in his throat. You were probably the sexiest guy he has ever seen. He could see your lean but muscular build. You walked towards and straddled his lap. His cock was pressed against your cheeks.
“I would like to thank you for your support. I’ll give you a private show,” you said seductively into his ear. You traced your tongue against his neck. Chris snapped at that point.
Suddenly, you felt two strong hands grab your hips and his scruffy beard buried in your neck. You moaned as Chris nipped at your neck, leaving hickeys. “You taste so delicious. I always dreamed of this.” Chris admitted while rubbing his bulge against your ass.
You moaned as Chris massaged and groped your ass. “Why don’t you be a good little slut and suck daddy’s cock?” Chris said, pushing you between his legs. You smirked at him before removing his last article of clothing. You were met with the most beautiful thing, Chris’s cock.
It was probably the biggest you saw. The biggest you have ever seen was 10 inches, but Chris looked to be 12 inches long and thick as a wine bottle. There was a prominent vein that leads to the tip and big cum-filled balls.
“I know it’s amazing, but I want that slutty mouth on my cock.” Chris said in a cocky tone. No pun intended.
You gave his cock a few kitten licks on the side. You traced your slick tongue up the large vein and tasted his salty pre-cum. Chris groaned, moving his fingers through your hair.
“OH FUCK!” Chris moaned, feeling your warm, wet mouth swallow his cock. You sucked on his cock like your life depended on it. You rolled his balls as well, Chris threw his head back in pleasure.
“You sure know how to suck cock, M/n! I never had this good of a blowjob.” Chris moaned. You moved from his cock to suck his big balls as you stroked his cock. Chris’s chest was moving up and down.
You could feel his cock twitch and pulse in your hand. Suddenly, you were lifted off the ground and pushed onto the bed. (On your back) “Tighten your thighs,” Chris said, using his dominant alpha voice. And you did just that.
Chris inserted his meaty cock in between your thick, soft thighs. “Oh fuck. Such beautiful thighs.” Chris groans as he fucks your thighs. He used your thighs like a fleshlight. You moaned at the feeling of his cock pushing through your thighs. ‘I want him inside!’ you whine needily.
“You want me inside you, baby? Don’t worry, daddy will give you just that.” Chris said, removing his cock from within your thighs and moving down to see your little hole.
Chris lathered his fingers with lube and pressed it against your hole. “Mmm.” Chris could see your clench and unclench which was more of a turn-on. He circled his fingertip around your hole before pushing it in.
You clenched around his thick finger as it pushed further in. “Such a tight ass. Even after all those guys fucked the hell out of you.” He then added another finger, stretching your hole to take his cock.
‘Where is that place?’ Chris thought until he heard you moan. “A-ah…” you moaned as he found your sweet spot. ‘Guess I found it.’
"Please, I need you inside daddy! I wanna feel your fat cock split me open!" You begged, moving back onto his finger.
"Yeah? You want me to fuck your brains out. Make you my personal cumdump. My little slutty whore. I'll give you what you want!" Chris growled, removing his fingers and placing his meaty cock against your ass.
"Thrust that cock inside-" before you could finish your sentence, Chris thrust his whole cock inside you. You could feel your home stretch as he settled in.
"Fuck! Your hole is still tight after fucking so many guys! So warm and tight. Better than that pocket pussy I use." Chris groaned as you tightened around him.
"P-please… don't be gentle… fuck me rough." You begged.
"What do you think I'm gonna do? But first, switch positions, I want you on your knees." Chris said, not taking his cock out. You moved onto your knees with Chris’s cock still inside. “Now… let’s get to the main course.”
Chris pulled his cock all the way out before thrusting back in. “A-ahh!” the room filled with the sounds of skin-slapping, moans, groans, and growls. He was hitting the right spot with every thrust.
“My little slut, how does it feel to get fucked by a real man? This is what you were made for, to serve fat cocks like mine, but too bad, cause I ain’t sharing you.” Chris growled, gripping your hips as he thrusts faster.
“Y-you fuck… m-me better than… anyone e-else! Your cock… is m-much and t-thicker! P-please… c-claim me as… y-yours!” You moaned as Chris’s thrusts became rougher and he kept hitting your prostate. Your cock was aching to release its load.
“I always dreamed of this happening. Me fucking your plumped boy-pussy. I would fuck a pocket pussy thinking it was your hole.” Chris said, leaning down to your ear and licking. You clench around his cock at the thought. You gripped the bedsheets as he kept hitting your pleasure spot.
“Now it’s reality. - OH FUCK - I’m gonna cum soon!” Chris said, holding you tighter and thrusting faster. You could feel his cock twitch and your cock was twitching too. “M-me too… daddy! P-please… cum inside me!”
Chris gave one last thrust before filling you up with his hot load. You could feel his cum squirt out of his tip. His cum was the filling to your donut. (IDK where I was going with that.) And at the same time, your cock shot its load all over the bedsheets. Chris pulled his cock out to see his cum dripping out.
Chris collapsed onto the bed next to you. You rolled over and placed your head on his chest. “That was the best sex I ever had. Even though you weren’t my first,” you said, moving your hands down to his toned abs.
“Also, I gladly accept your offer. Maybe this will evolve into something else.” You said, moving your hand down to his limp cock and slowly jerking it. Chris’s breath hitched.
“Also, I can also be a power bottom. I have a lot of stamina left so prepare for round 2.”
A/n: I hoped y’all enjoyed this fic! Now I have to work on kinktober. Anyways, bye my🍓 little strawberries🍓!
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rocorambles · 3 years
Home Schooling
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Pairing: Stepdaddy!Meian x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Yandere, Pseudo-Cest, NSFW, Invasion of Privacy, Overbearing and Controlling Behavior, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Non-Con/Rape, Degradation, Overstimulation, Humiliation
Summary: Why would Meian let you go to college in Tokyo when he can teach you everything you need to know right here in Osaka?
A/N: Happy birthday @iwaasfairy ! Of course I need to dedicate my first ever Meian fic to you on this very special day~ I hope this fic manifests a real life DILF Meian for you!!!
Meian has always been protective, even before your mother’s untimely demise. You remember how uncomfortable you had been about this handsome man waltzing into your family home one day, acting like a father figure almost since day one. Only your love for your mother and your desire for her to find happiness again kept your mouth shut, although when she wasn’t in view, you not so subtly found ways to keep your contact with the older man as minimal as possible.
There’s nothing necessarily “wrong” with Meian. In all honesty, if he weren’t so overwhelmingly involved with your life, you’d even argue that he’s a great guy. You can tell he truly cares for your mom, maybe even loves her— although you gag at the cheeky winks and flirtatious touches they generously dote on each other in front of you. And you’re happy for her! You really are. It’s been a long time since you’ve been forced to rely only on yourselves, only on each other. You’ve seen how hard she’s tried, keeping a strong front whenever you’re around, working twice as hard as anyone else to try and fill the aching hole in both your hearts from the loss of your father. If anyone deserves happiness, it’s her.
But there’s something unnerving, even aggravating, about the way Meian interferes with every aspect of your life. You can’t help a strange foreboding feeling twisting inside of you as a heavy gaze trails after you wherever you go, as he begins to rope you into every conversation he has with your mother, almost demanding and insistent about not letting you withdraw to your room despite your well-meaning wishes to give them their privacy.
You try to be on your best behavior, not wanting to be the reason your mom’s new relationship is ruined, especially when you can see just how much she likes him. But every time he opens his mouth and questions everything you do, everything you wear, and everything you say, you can feel your temper rise, wondering where his audacity to act as a father figure comes from.
It’s easy enough to retreat to your room, closing your door and sighing in relief as you escape those sharp eyes. You find comfort in the fact that you have at least one safe place he can’t breach, finding false security in the hope that he’d never invade an adult woman’s bedroom. Except he does, and your heart drops when you notice the miniscule adjustments in your room — your underwear drawer slightly ajar with some pieces missing, your bedsheets slightly rumpled in a way you know you hadn’t left them this morning. Things you know you could never bring up to your mother without sounding like a madwoman. So without irrefutable proof, you keep quiet, knowing that at least there’s not much more time left before you can truly run away from all of this.
Being an adult comes with many responsibilities and adventures, and together, your mother and you pore over myriads of college pamphlets, debating which locations make the most sense, planning how you’re going to make the finances work, and thinking about which colleges have the courses best suited for you. It’s a fun and stressful rollercoaster, but you beam when your mother proudly ruffles your hair, when you both agree on you leaving Osaka behind and adventuring out, creating new memories and beginnings in a different city.
(“Plus, I’ll be able to visit you and play tourist”, your mom excitedly says, and you giggle, letting her affectionately hold you as you stare at the universities you’ve narrowed your choices down to.)
The future seems bright and exciting as you studiously sit down and scan over textbooks and practice exams, dutifully attending your tutoring sessions, cramming for the college entrance exam. It’s all going to plan, except Meian has different opinions. And this time, you can’t hold back the scowl when he yet again goes on and on about how he doesn’t understand why you can’t just stay in Osaka for college.
It’s not a new argument by any means. Just the same few questions being twisted and worded differently and tossed back in your face on a daily basis.
“Don’t you think your mom will be lonely if you move away and only come back for the holidays?”
“Isn’t that what you’re here for? To keep her company?”
“Don’t you feel bad about spending your mom’s carefully saved money on room and board when you could just continue living with us instead and just pay tuition?”
You silently thank your mom when she steps in, firmly telling Meian that she doesn’t mind, that this is exactly why she’s saved up.
But the arguments keep on coming, and you can feel the tension growing in your household, your own stomach churning with guilt and worry, wondering if you’ll end being the cause of their breakup after all as you constantly hear their raised voices going back and forth about you leaving or staying in Osaka.
So despite your discomfort and wariness towards Meian, you can’t help the relieved grin that stretches across your face when your mom comes squealing to you, flinging her arms around your body and shoving her gorgeous engagement ring in your face. You even muster up a slightly tight smile, that only feels a little forced, as you look to the tall man who leans in the doorway, muttering congratulations before directing your attention back to your mom, fondly smiling as she continues raving about her new piece of jewelry, ignoring the way Meian continues to loiter around the both of you.
Your mom is the most beautiful bride as she walks down the aisle and you stare in awe at how she glows, hoping one day you’ll look even remotely as mesmerizing as she does. And while you look on, star-eyed and in wonder, at the woman who had raised you, you miss the way dark eyes intently gaze at you, eyes that should be on the woman he’s about to publicly vow to be with his entire life.
Maybe if you had been more aware, more cautious, you wouldn’t have so eagerly waved both of them off on their honeymoon, wouldn’t have been so excited to shove your mom towards the airport, giving her one last hug and kiss before sillily demanding that she enjoy herself and have the best time of her life.
Maybe then your heart wouldn’t be shattered into a thousand tiny pieces as you collapse in Meian’s strong arms, sobbing uncontrollably and shaking your head in denial when he returns by himself and breaks the news of your mother’s passing.
You delay going to college in Tokyo for a year, allowing yourself time and space to grieve. Or so you had planned, but it seems that Meian has no intention of letting you have your privacy. You share the house with him after your mother’s funeral, unable to argue against him completely moving in when he now owns the property.
He’s still up to his usual overbearing ways, although his tone is softer as he treats you like a wounded animal, carefully handling you as he rouses you from your sleep in the mornings, startling you the first few times he sits on the edge of your bed and wakes you up by tenderly stroking your cheek, preparing all your meals for you and scolding you when he thinks you haven’t eaten enough. It’s almost frightening how easily you fall into his rhythm, not even flinching after a while when his large hand finds itself on your face, your shoulder, your back, your hand, your thigh. Tiny, seemingly platonic touches border the line of what’s appropriate for a guardian and their ward. Although, deep down, you know the two of you are diving in dangerous territory when you feel his knuckle brush against the swell of your ass briefly, his calloused fingertips quickly skimming your breasts, his palm squeezing just a tad too high up your thigh.
But you seek any remaining softness your mother had instilled in your heart for a man who’s lost his wife of just a few days, letting your new guardian (you don’t dare call him father) do as he pleases, not wanting to deal with any more conflict when your heart is still mending. And maybe, just maybe, you find some solace in his touches, in the love he forces upon you, seeking even just a hint of the parental affection your mother had bestowed upon you.
Time heals all wounds, or so they say. You can’t agree that it resolves everything, but you can admit that you’re feeling much better now that a year is almost up, ready to move on, live your life, and make your mother proud. You start re-looking into Tokyo housing, comparing the expenses of living off-campus versus living in the dorms, typing and reworking budgets over and over again in your Excel sheet until your eyes burn and you let out a huge yawn.
Coffee now. Budgets later.
You trudge to the kitchen, brewing a fresh pot of dark caffeinated liquid, letting out a pleased sound when the aroma fills the air, happily making your way back to your room to revisit some of your calculations, mug in hand. But you freeze when you see Meian sitting at your desk, clicking through the different tabs of apartment and dorm options you had been looking at, scrutinizing your planned expenses.
There’s no reason for the guilt that claws at your chest when you see the way his jaw clenches as he turns to look at you, hurt in his eyes as he silently demands an explanation for what he’s looking at. But it’s guilt that has you slamming down the mug on your desk and planting your firsts on your hips in a confrontational stance, that has defensive angry words spewing from your lips as you yell at him for invading your privacy, that has you storming towards him and trying to shove his much larger and stronger frame away from your computer.
But it’s futile and you gasp when you’re pulled into his lap, his hands easily pinning you to him and holding you still as he holds you in a mockery of an embrace, your back against his toned chest, his mouth right against your ear.
“You were just going to leave for Tokyo without telling me?”
You want to stay angry, want to continue twisting and fighting against his grip. But the vulnerability you hear in his words has you staying still, has you anxiously biting your lower lip as you try and find the right words to soothe the man clutching you.
“I- I didn’t think I needed to tell you anything. This was always the plan. You knew I only put off attending college for a year to take some time for myself. But I’ll come back and visit during the holidays-”
Your words are cut off by a pained gasp as thick arms tighten their hold on you, but the growled threat in your ear has your anger bubbling over, masking any other feeling.
“You’re not leaving.”
The matter of fact tone, the final decisiveness of the words, the way Meian leaves no room for discourse or arguments, has you lashing out at him and before you can second guess yourself, the position you’re in, or the difference in power between the two of you. In a matter of seconds, you’re snarling right back at him.
“You’re not my father! You can’t tell me what I can or can’t do.”
Righteous pride swells in your chest and you spare him a sharp, wicked grin, haughtily tilting your head up condescendingly, basking in the viciousness of your words. But what you aren’t expecting is the hearty laugh he responds with, something dark and gleeful swirling in his eyes as a cruel smile cuts across his face.
“You’re right. I’m not your father, not even your guardian. So this is fine, right?”
You scream as the arms still wrapped around you haul you up, your limbs thrashing and flailing as you try to force your way free from his iron grip to no avail. Fear and anger make you hysteric as you register the fact that you’re quickly approaching the room that once belonged to your mother, the room Meian now resides in. Disbelief and nausea overtake you when you’re assaulted by the familiar four walls as you’re haphazardly tossed onto the bed, sobbing as memories of your mother surround you and invade your thoughts while calloused hands easily tear your clothes off your body.
But you’re immediately silenced, sobs turning into choked whimpers as a large hand grabs the bottom half of your face, fingers digging into your cheeks, a palm suctioning your mouth shut.
“Where are all those manners your mother taught you? What would she think if she heard you throwing a temper tantrum like a child?”
The callousness of his words hits you like a ton of bricks. Meian smirks at the new round of fat, watery drops that stream down your face, mockingly cooing down at you, calling you a good girl, praising your newfound silence as his hand slowly drags down until it's wrapped around your neck, where he lightly squeezes, reveling in the adorable whimper you release.
But as pathetically amusing as you are, sniveling and choking under him, there’s more that he’s keen on seeing. You feel like a slab of meat under his observant gaze. Prized meat, but meat all the same as he runs his hands across your figure like a butcher testing the firmness of his livestock, pinching and prodding almost methodically, coldly. Only the amusement and hunger in his eyes are indicative of how much this is truly affecting him. Yet it’s tolerable, barely, if you just stare up at the ceiling, pretending you’re at an incredibly invasive medical exam.
He’d be offended by how hard you’re trying to ignore him if it weren’t for the telltale signs of your arousal that you desperately try to deny. He grins at how your nipples harden from just a few teasing circles, how your clit stands to attention, your pretty folds already beginning to glisten as he pets your velvety walls. You’re even more beautiful than he had imagined after watching you prance around the home in your skimpy loungewear. And suddenly, his pants are far too tight, cock straining uncomfortably against the fabric he’s quick to rip off. It’s music to his ears when you shakily say his name over and over again, as you try and resist the way he forces himself between your legs, hands spreading your thighs apart, toned body pinning you down, something hard nudging at your tight entrance.
“Meian, please. Please! Please, Meian.”
He ignores your tears, ignores the other words of resistance that slip past your mouth, head dipping down to your mouth and neck, kissing and marking every part of you he can reach, murmuring for you to call him by his first name. And when he loses patience with your whining, you finally acquiesce as he forcefully shoves himself balls deep inside you, a sneer ruining his handsome face as he lightly slaps your face in approval when you wail his first name, “Shugo” howled in an agonizing exclamation as you try to somehow dislodge him from ripping you in two.
“Look at that, the little slut can behave when she wants to. I bet your mother would be so proud.”
You hate how he drags your mom’s name in the ground as he defiles you, violates you in the bed they had once shared. You hate how his large frame feels crushing you, overpowering you, making you feel so incredibly helpless and weak. But mostly, you hate the slick lewd sounds your pussy makes as he pounds hard and fast into you, the undeniable proof that your body doesn’t hate this nearly as much as it should. Hot angry disgusted tears roll down your face as you glare up at him, desperately fighting back the rising moans threatening to humiliate you even more.
Your little defiant attitude is punished by Meian thrusting even harder into you, practically bending you in half as he pushes down on the back of your thighs, forcing you into a mating press. And he laughs at your wrecked face, hungrily taking in the way your eyes roll back in your head, the way your jaw drops wide open, your tongue and rivulets of drool trickling down your face, wanton moans loudly filling the room.
“For all your whining and complaining, you sure do look like you’re enjoying this, sweetheart.”
You wish you could deny his words, retort back with a scathing remark, do anything really. But when he reaches a hand between the two of you and rubs rapid circles against your erect clit, hips still pistoning against yours, cock stuffing you full, your mind blanks and an animal-like howl tears through the room as your body convulses, pussy walls clamping down and quivering as you cream all over the shaft still dragging against your sensitive walls, only heightening your peak.
Meian briefly wonders if this is what heaven feels like (or as close to heaven as someone like him is going to get) as he groans at the way your velvety walls milk his cock, gritting his teeth to not be dragged over the edge with you. He’s not delusional to think that any of this is right, the photo of his ex-wife, your mother silently watching you from the nightstand only emphasizing just how wrong this all is, but he can’t bring himself to care. Not when you’re a fucked out mess underneath him, so obediently and submissively slurring his name over and over again, drowning in pleasure and bliss.
There’s nothing more he wants than to just lose himself in the feeling of your tight walls, to fill you, mark you, claim you with his seed, but he’s not quite ready for a full house just yet. He has a few more years alone with you all planned out in his head before he breeds your pretty little womb. So just as his control teeters on the edge, he pulls out of you, casually sitting back and spreading his legs, slowly stroking his cock as he orders you to come and suck him off.
He’s almost proud of the little fight you still have left in you, lips quirking upwards at the way you try to ignore him, trying to look anywhere but at him. But his balls are almost painfully tight, his cock aching for release.
“Suck me off like a good girl or I’m going to cum inside of you over and over again until you’re knocked up. Bet your mother would have loved that for you. Her precious college-bound girl turned into a pregnant uneducated whore.”
It’s an empty threat, but you don’t ever need to know that, not when it has you obeying so well as he threads his fingers through your hair, groaning as your hot wet mouth sinks down on his cock still covered in your essence. All it takes is a few harsh shoves of your face, his hand pulling you up and down like a warm fleshlight, and as he finally reaches his end, he completely pulls you off, arching your neck back in a way that leaves your mouth open as he spurts thick white stripes all over your face and in your orifice.
You make to wipe your face, grateful at least that this is all over, but before you can move even an inch, you yelp as you’re shoved back down on your back, hands instinctively trying to push at broad shoulders as your legs are once again forced open. You’re a quick learner though, and with one dark warning look from the man whose face is now hovering over your spent hole, you instantly bring your hands down to your sides, clawing and fisting the ruined bed sheets instead as Meian ravenously licks and laps at your dripping cunt. The disgusting wet sounds echo in your ears as pleasure and shame swirl inside of you, a crescendo ascending too quickly, too high.
But your thrashing and blissed out pleas to stop, to let you rest, only serve to whet Meian’s appetite even more. Time becomes surreal and meaningless as you drown and float in a mixture of pain and pleasure, brought to climax over and over again until you feel boneless, your pussy and body ceaselessly twitching, mind broken beyond repair as you babble incoherently, unsure of anything except the lips and tongue at work between your thighs.
You cum one last time, body barely moving aside from a slight shudder, too worn out, too dazed to even comprehend the fact that Meian unravels himself from you, wiping his face of your arousal and taking a few swigs of water before making his way towards your desk and dialing the admissions office number he finds. And as the phone rings and he leans back in your chair, he adoringly gazes at the sinful display you make, looking like the epitome of debauchery as your body splays out, a stupid blissed out expression on your face, reeking of sex and sweat.
He strokes his cock as it rises back to life, raring to go again as he licks his lips, tasting your sweet juices on his tongue, never stopping even when a voice finally comes through the line. He only pauses slightly to bite back a laugh when something shatters in your pretty eyes, a sliver of realization piercing through your dazed look as you hone in on his conversation.
But you do nothing to stop him, unable to do anything but listlessly stare and watch as he cancels your enrollment in front of you, hangs up the phone, and casually makes his way back towards you as if he hadn’t ruined years of hard work and decimated your future plans in mere minutes.
“There’s no need to go all the way to Tokyo for education, sweetheart. Not when I can teach you everything you need to know right here. Now open up your mouth so we can get your first lesson started.”
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youreyeslookliketheocean’s DSMP Fic Recs!!
Figured it was about time for one of these... :)
Mostly SBI-centric because they’re my favorite dynamic. I’ll probably add to this list as time goes on, and I also want to go back through my ao3 history and find some lesser-known fics I really enjoyed to rec them all. But for now...
* oneshot  ** unfinished work
** the lights go out (my heart goes still) by curseworm
With his old home unwelcoming and his new one gone, Tommy is alone. After hours of staggering through the freezing snow, he finds a cabin.
Technoblade’s cabin.
He hides himself away in the deepest corner he can find, taking only what he needs to survive, wasting away in the cold and the dark. He’s petrified at the thought of being found out, terrified of what he thinks Techno would do to him.
When Techno finds his injured teenage brother huddled in a filthy little cave beneath his basement, the rage he feels is immeasurable. The voices demand blood, and blood he will give them. Dream won’t be getting away with this one.
(On the other side of the world, in a country that floats on a man-made lake, Philza gets himself in a bit of a pickle.) 
** The hearth down under by Crystalquill
A tiny change gives Tommy the courage to flee to the Nether instead of the cold tundra, finding an unlikely ally in the midst of a fiery hellscape.
But tiny changes can alter the course of history. The SMP will never be the same.
(Lots of cool Nether worldbuilding in this one!!)
to be a wanderer, wandering by hydrangeasheart
Tommy's feet drag in the snow.
It's so, so cold. He's so cold. His toes are freezing. His exposed shins feel like they’ve been cut open-- even the one that’s bandaged. His wings have gone numb, which is almost, almost good, because now he can’t feel the shifting, broken bones inside of the left one, just under feathers and muscle.
He doesn’t know why he’s still walking.
Or, Tommy leaves the exploded ruins of Logstedshire behind, and walks until he finds somewhere safe.
And things keep going from there.
(A canon-divergent AU, splitting off somewhere around when Tommy started hiding out below Techno's house.)
that’s, like, a hundred miles by No_one_you_know (and then “as long as i’m here”, and “he’s my brother, i just raise him”)
Dream would kill him. Dream was going to kill him- he was going to- no, he wouldn’t. Dream was his friend- friends don’t hit each other- Dream was supposed to take care of him- Dream /was/ taking care of him.
It hurt to breathe. It hurt to think. He couldn’t clear his thoughts as he stumbled to the family computer, pulling up a tab on google and frantically typing the name into the search bar.
The words Technoblade Watson stared back at him, the little black bar at the end of the letters blinking slowly, mocking him.
Why, of all people, did it have to be Technoblade?
in short: the one where dream sucks as a parental figure, tommy runs away, and visits his least favorite family member technoblade.
passerine by thcscus(blujamas)
Do I really need to put the summary here? Pretty much everyone knows this fic. Also, though, if you enjoy this one you should totally read thcscus’ connected fic, “shrike”!! It’s only at 2 chapters right now but it’s already really good and has this dark, foresty aesthetic I love...
not with a bang but with a whimper by dip_dyed_ghost
He knows Tubbo doesn’t care about him anymore. He knows that. He’s been shown that. But it doesn’t stop Tommy from caring about him. He brushes the pads of his fingers over the compass’s glass and wonders how he’s doing, if he’s tired of it all yet, if he needs help. He watches the way it points strongly in the direction over the ocean. He hopes he’s alright.
Even after everything, he hopes he’s alright.
During his exile, Tommy finds a drugged and hurt Tubbo on his doorstep. He can’t not help him.  
(This one has a neat take on potions, in my opinion. Also it’s only 4 chapters so it’s a quick read!)
take this compass, follow it home by lightning_anon
Tommy's a fuck up, he can't pay attention, and never sits still. He taps his hands, pushes people away, and has never had a best friend. He's a screwed up, forgotten kid lost in the foster system. He's also just been placed with a new family. Tommy knows how this goes, he never ends up staying long. After all, no one wants a fuck up like him.
Why would this house be any different?
Or: the obligatory sleepy bois foster fic, but with a focus on the neurodivergent kids that inevitably get lost in the system.
(Genuinely want to see more books like this in original fiction. It’s part of what inspired my newest og wip, “To Build a Home.” So sweet and I feel like I had my eyes opened to some neurodivergent tendencies I never knew existed. I read this in a day and can’t rec it enough.)
bloodlines by youreyeslookliketheocean
Tommy’s an orphan on the run from his previous guardian. Philza’s a king who prides himself on keeping his kingdom in an era of peace. Wilbur’s the crown prince, and Techno’s right beside him as his adopted brother. When Phil’s kingdom of Pogtopia is threatened by the bloodvines—a strange, brainwashing plant infecting many of the surrounding kingdoms—the four must work together to keep the kingdom, and their family, safe. --- A royal au sbi fic... + the bloodvines, for spice.
(Yes I’m self-promoting. But, in my defense, I’m very proud of it. If you checked it out it would mean the world to me :’))
Heat Waves by tbhyourelame
Dream has always held a gentle admiration for George, but when their nuanced friendship trickles into his sleeping mind, he awakens to a new world of conflicting emotions and longing. Lost in the midst of a heat wave, he continuously listens to a song that works itself in to the very core of his heartache. Floridian nights, unsent messages, spiraling infatuation, and terrible, terrible weather.
Another fic I think pretty much everyone knows about. Listen, listen... I was once an idiot who said “Oh no, I’ll never read Heat Waves. It’s irl, not characters, and it’s probably cringe”... No. I was so wrong. This fic is wonderfully written, with a pretty quick moving plot and great characterizations. You do need an ao3 account to access it, though. Just to let you know. (Also read “Helium”, unfinished and hasn’t updated in awhile, but it’s the continuation). 
Guitar Strings and Keyrings are What it Takes to Build a Home by Anonymous
Techno was adopted by Phil when he was 12 years old.
He'd been enjoying his morning before Phil came to him asking if he would mind them taking in another kid. Against his better judgement, Techno agrees and ends up with two new foster brothers who he was determined to not get attached to, no matter what.
Tommyinnit’s unbeatable method of avoiding sudden death by eneliii
“I uh,” Tommy starts, not knowing how to break this to the hero lightly. He hates to be the bearer of bad news. “I think your powers are broken? It’s not a bad thing of course, but like, I swear you tried to mind control me and it like, totally failed. Which is fine, honestly, don’t feel insecure. Everyone’s power stop working sometimes… I think.”
Sheesh, this is very awkward. Why is no one else talking? Why is Philza looking at him like he grew three heads? Why is the Blade staring at him so intensely? Why is Willow still frozen?
“Did I, did I hit a nerve? Yikes,” Tommy hisses, “Well um,” He steps back, bracing his legs and bending his knees, “This was like super fun, but I’m - I’mma head out.”
in which Tommy manages to annoy the hell out of Phil, Techno and Wilbur by being both impossible to catch and irritatingly endearing.
or or,
a crack fic where Tommy is a vigilante and Phil, Techno and Wilbur are the heroes hunting him down.
(Feel like I am obligated to say how incredibly funny this fic is. Seriously. I have a distinct memory of sitting on my neighborhood park’s swing, giggling hysterically, while reading this. Well...until the end... but we won’t get into that...)
** bones in the ocean by bunflower
“Your reputation precedes you, y’know.”
“Does it, now?” Philza watches him coyly from where he’s now leaning against the wall, arms folded around his chains and gaze half-lidded, his lips curled in an arrogant, cat-like smirk.
“The Angel of Death, the ferryman of the Styx, the terror of the western seas. One of the most feared captains ever to sail, and yet, I have to wonder… how did a man like you end up all on his own? We searched the area where you were found—not another soul in sight. So,” He fixes him with a long look, allowing the silence to hover like a dark cloud, the words rolling off of his tongue with all the venom and smugness he can muster, “—tell me, Philza. Where is your crew?”
OR: Technoblade is a naval captain, and Phil his unwilling prisoner. Somehow, they manage to come out of it as friends in the end.
(Is this fic considered popular like passerine/Heat Waves now? Cause I feel like it’s reputation precedes itself, at this point... Pirate au.)
Okay! That’s it for now. Like I said, though, I want to add to this over time and also dig back for some older things I’ve read. Also, if you have any recs feel free to send them in! I’m about to go back to school and therefore might not have time for reading fun stuff, but whenever I get the chance I’d love to check them out!!!
Happy Reading!!
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myherowritings · 3 years
anywhere the wind blows
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SUMMARY. After hunting a bounty near Wangshu Inn, you sensed the faint scent of qingxin blowing in the familiar wind. It seemed like it was leading you somewhere.
PAIRING. xiao x reader
GENRE. fluff, pre 1.3 release
A/N. my first genshin fic of my fav character xiao !! i’m definitely still getting used to writing for this world and for him but i hope this isn’t too bad 🥺 i’m so excited for xiao’s story and banner and can’t wait to learn more about him! if 1.3 comes and totally undermines the small guesses abt the lore i added into this fic then…we pretend we do not see u.u ANYWAY PLS ENJOY xx sof
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“A rock shieldwall Mitachurl with a resistance to cryo,” you murmured to yourself with a satisfied smile, picking up the ominous mask and heavy horn that it dropped from the fight. “No more terrorizing Wangshu for you.”
You had just accepted a bounty handed out to you in Liyue and arranged for the proper party to come pick it up. The rewards were promptly transferred to your tab and you bade the team who came to collect the Mitachurl a swift goodbye.
It wasn’t normally on your daily agenda to hunt bounty for money—though the mora was quite appealing, you couldn’t lie—but when the beasts were too close to civilization and scared both residents and passerbyers in Liyue alike, you felt a greater need to step in. And now, after a job well done with some mora in your pockets, you realized just how tired and hungry that search made you.
Looking up, you saw the peak of the inn from a distance and followed the silk flower-covered path there. It wasn’t often you frequented Wangshu Inn, but you have visited enough to know their Jueyun Chili Chicken and Almond Tofu were pretty solid reasons to drop by again.
Your appearance was rather disheveled from your fight with the Mitachurl but you weren’t too messy-looking—certainly decent enough to interact with other humans you hoped. Smoothing down your clothes and practicing a smile, you headed over to the outdoor dining area and were greeted by a waitress who led you to an empty table as she asked for your order. The exchange was pleasant enough and you were soon left to your own devices once your food swiftly arrived.
It was dark out in Wangshu. The bounty hunt took most of your late afternoon and by now the sun had fully set. The dining area was quiet and empty with only the moon watching over you.
You hummed, taking in a mouthful of the sweet Almond Tofu. The night was nice and peaceful and quiet, just like most of your evenings.
A familiar breeze blew against your face, chilling yet warm. Captivating. There was a faint smell of qingxin, like the flowers you grew fond of during your explorations around Liyue’s stone forests.
The wind was different from what you experienced in Mondstadt. That air was light and playful. Free.
The wind you felt just now, on the other hand, seemed to convey something more wistful. Almost yearning.
And it wasn’t your first encounter with this qingxin-filled breeze either. When you helped comfort Little Luo back in Qingce Village and fended off the pesky Hilichurls on her trail, this wind blew around you and cooled the heat from your cheeks. Around Bubu Pharmacy when you spent time with Qiqi, a zombie you happened to stumble upon one day, you felt the same curious breeze.
Part of you felt like you were being watched over. But not in a bad way. It made you feel safe and protected, yet empowered enough to continue your bold expeditions and help the people of Liyue when you were needed.
The wind stuck around as you finished your meal, the aroma of Almond Tofu wafting through the air from the wandering breeze, almost as if it was seeking a taste. Once your plates were cleared and your drink emptied, you headed inside the inn and hoped they had a spare room on such a short notice and—to your surprise—for once they actually did.
On the way up the stairs, you passed by an open balcony near the top of the inn where you caught a glimpse of a lean figure with dark hair looking up at the night sky. You normally would have walked away from the balcony and left the man to his own devices, promptly going to your rented room to get some much needed rest, but the familiar scent of qingxin flowers dancing in the wind made you freeze mid-step.
Wangshu Inn wasn’t too far from mountain tops where qingxin grew… It could have been a mere coincidence.
But in Liyue, you knew that believing such things could be a coincidence would simply be fooling yourself.
The person on the balcony gave no indication that he felt your gaze, but you knew intuitively that he had already sensed your presence despite not having moved a single inch. His stance was so steady you might have thought he was a statue if not for his teal-tinged hair blowing in the wind.
Could he have been the cause of the qingxin breeze that recently started following you around?
“Hi,” you said gently to more formally announce your presence. On the off-chance he didn’t realize anyone was there, you definitely didn’t want to startle him. But judging by the unsurprised expression on his face as he slowly looked over his shoulder, you sincerely doubted he was one to startle easily. “May I stand here?”
His eyes were scrutinizing but not unkind as they looked you up and down. You took your time examining him as well— From the top of his silky-looking hair to the blue tattoos wrapping around his arms and to the mysterious horned mask hanging from his hip.
“I suppose you may,” he finally replied with a single nod, his voice neither welcoming nor rude.
You stood a few feet away from him, leaning against the wooden balustrades as you let the cool air hit your face. The night was quiet and calm, dimly lit by the moon peeking through the foggy sky. Sighing, your eyes fluttered shut in contentment as you felt the wind soothe the aches from the bounty hunt in your muscles.
You wouldn’t normally let your guard down like this in front of someone you just met, but for some reason you weren’t the least bit on edge. He didn’t seem like a stranger. And you had a feeling that maybe he wasn’t.
“Have we met before?” you found yourself wondering aloud. The mask on his hip looked familiar, though you couldn’t pinpoint exactly why, like you’ve seen it in a book you’ve read. And the air around him certainly felt familiar, though it seemed strange to describe why.
He didn’t respond.
Huffing, you tried a different approach. A more direct one. “Have you been following me?”
His brow raised but he uttered no words.
Was that approach too direct?
After a moment of silence, he said, “Were you not the one who followed me out onto the balcony? If I remember correctly, I was here first.”
“But were you not the one who drew me here with your qingxin-scented breeze?” you shot back, tone more curious than biting.
To your surprise, he said nothing to deny it. “Attentive, I see.”
“I’m not sure it’s quite that I’m attentive rather than you wanting me to know.” You hid a smile. He wouldn’t have made it so obvious otherwise, you were certain of it. For someone who held more power in his little finger than you could possibly fathom, you knew that him alerting you of his existence couldn’t be a mere accident.
“You’re right.” He shrugged. “But it’s not so much that I wanted to call you here than I didn’t mind if you happened to stumble by.”
You ran the palms of your hands over the railings, craning your neck to the side to face him. He was a puzzling creature, giving off the aura of something greater and more powerful than a human. The ominous mask dangling around his hip seemed to serve as a word of caution to indicate a menacing side he hadn’t shown you, but his calm stance and the small tilt of his head made him seem curious—almost inviting.
It was intriguing, to say the least.
“And why did you want me to, as you say, stumble by?” you said. “Not that I mind.”
“I don’t know,” he answered honestly, shaking his head and looking confused himself. “Intuition? I noticed you fighting, helping the people of Liyue. You’re doing a...good job.”
You shrugged, rubbing at the back of your neck as you shied away from his praise. “So you summoned me here to thank me?”
“I don’t know,” he said again, his impassive tone sounding almost frustrated.
At the small frown playing on his lips, you couldn’t help but let a noise of laughter escape you. He gazed at you in question. This whole situation seemed strange and peculiar, straight out of a dream you’d have at random only to forget the next morning. He seemed strange and peculiar, like a figure out of a story book lost in the ruins of Liyue.
And yet you found yourself enjoying this odd encounter.
“Well, Mr. Stranger, since you seem uncertain of so many things still, are you going to continue to have your wind follow me around Liyue until you figure whatever it is out?” you questioned teasingly, not at all minding that prospect.
He glared, looking slightly embarrassed. “It’s not that I was following you. I only sensed someone in need but happened to see you rushing along the way and decided to let you handle it. The less involvement in the affairs of mortals, the better.”
So he wasn’t a mortal himself, you thought, his words confirming your previous suspicions. Still…
“Is that so?” You quirked a brow. “And what is this if not for involvement in the affairs of a mortal?”
He folded his arms and didn’t say a word.
“Let me guess— You don’t know?”
You smiled. “Well, I guess it’s okay you don’t know. It’s okay not to know sometimes, you know?”
He blinked. “You aren’t making sense.”
“And you are?” you retaliated. “I still don’t know who you are or anything about you yet. But… I know you smell like qingxin flowers and feel like a cooling breeze. And I know that I rather enjoy it.”
The mysterious entity looked out into the mountain scenery, gloved hand resting on the dark balustrade. He seemed both lost in thought and completely aware of his physical surroundings at the same time. Suddenly, he spoke up.
Your gaze met his as he nodded once. “Xiao?”
“My name. Now you know who I am.”
You laughed, startled by how blunt he was. “I guess you’re right. Nice to meet you Xiao.”
“Hm.” Xiao waited one moment before he asked, “Do you plan to keep exploring Liyue?”
At his question, you briefly considered your options for the near future. You liked Liyue and there was so much you had left to see. Was it like home to you? No— Not yet anyway, though it could be if the situation was right. But that didn’t mean you wanted to leave just yet.
Not when you may have found a reason you would want to stay.
“For the time being, yes.”
He nodded in satisfaction. “That’s good. You being there to help the people of Liyue means less involvement with mortal affairs for me.”
Though his tone was haughty, he didn’t seem like he actually minded what he considered mortal affairs. If he did, why would he be so alert when he sensed people in need?
“And, if you ever need assistance during your ventures, I’ll be there.”
Xiao’s words comforted you as you looked at him, his hair blowing in the wind. Maybe one day you could reach out and touch it. But not today.
You sensed this meeting was about to end. The breeze picked up and you could feel him getting ready to leave. Whether he was going to leave to go to bed or leave the mortal world, you weren’t sure. But you would rather treasure this encounter than dwell on an inevitable—and hopefully temporary—farewell.
“Thank you, Xiao. And if you ever need assistance with...whatever it is you do, I’ll be there too!” you said confidently. “As I’m sure you’ve seen, I’m pretty handy at weilding a sword myself.” You doubted he would ever need much help in the physical or martial department. “Or, I could simply lend an ear as well.”
It happened so fast, you weren’t sure if it was actually there, or if your eyes were playing tricks on you— Xiao smiled. At least, you thought he did. But in the mere blink of an eye, it was gone.
Still, you don’t think you would ever forget that peaceful image no matter how hard you tried. Not that you wanted to.
Sensing the night coming to an end, you asked, “When will I be able to see you like this again?”
He paused. “In this human form, you mean?”
You nodded, though you figured the answer would be those three familiar words he had said many times tonight.
“I don’t know.”
A wry smile played on your lips. Knew it.
“The mortal realm is not where I naturally belong,” explained Xiao, amber eyes glowing brighter than the moon in the sky. “But I will meet you again in this state soon.”
The scent of qingxin grew stronger as the wind picked up. His skin grew paler, almost translucent as he met your gaze one last time for the night.
“Even if it takes time, at least the wind will tell me when you’re near.” You smiled, raising your hand in a wave. “Goodnight, Xiao.”
“Sleep well, traveller.”
And in your dreams that night, with qingxin in the air, you felt contentment and serenity in ways you never had before. You would see the entrancing being who called himself Xiao again. Soon. But you had the wind to keep you company while in wait.
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