#but seriously can't draw for crap
fictionalshippingbean · 7 months
I have a heavy urge to draw Cinna but ugh! I first off can't think of an idea to do a drawing of Cinna and secondly I can't draw skeletons for crap because I've never done any practice with drawing skeleton in my own art style, as it is of old arts I see of mine the art style is too cartoonish which I do not want my art style to look like that. I would try and draw some of the incorrect quotes I've posted but I have the same problem of not being able to draw sketons. 🫠
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shostakophile · 11 months
butterfly lovers but it's schumendy
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beanzandkye · 1 year
there's no way in hell i'm gonna be able to write this shit.
no you mfs best bet that this is gonna be a comic book.
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fanartka · 3 months
can you tag your mid ass AI art so nobody gotta look at that crap thanks 🌹
My answer is "No."
And this is the line beyond which my patience finally ceases to be patient.
@docty-strange If you can't see beauty, then maybe you shouldn't force your radical opinion on those who don't need it.
AI is a tool with which a person can translate his ideas, his thoughts from words into an image, a way for an artist to create something in a style different from his own and sometimes adopt an idea, a well-generated fold of a patterned garment or something similar to use already in what he draws with his own hands.
This is not an enemy, not a devil, it is not even intelligence, it is a tool, like Photoshop and other programs, including programs that people use to improve the quality of screenshots and photos, by the way.
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I am old enough to remember heated discussions about the idea that digital artists are not real artists, but just hacks. And although I'm not old enough to remember the Luddites, I'm sure they had very similar rhetoric when they broke machines that only improved people's lives.
Every time something new appears, most people perceive it as a threat. There are still people who blame smartphones and computers for all human ills, just as a few centuries ago fanatics believed that the devil sat in the clock and turned the mechanism. I think our ancestors, who first began to use sharpened stones instead of fists, were also perceived as something strange and threatening. But this is just progress.
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The world is changing. AI isn't perfect, it has a problem with human fingers and there are some legal issues that need to be ironed out, but this thing allows people to create beauty that wouldn't otherwise exist. AI helps in scientific calculations, including medical calculations, and much more.
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Oh, and thank god I don't have to buy marble, hire a sculptor, and figure out where to find space for a Strange statue in my apartment, because I can see what such a statue would look like with the help of AI.
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But pestering other people with all sorts of nasty things and demanding that they do as you would like is unacceptable. Seriously, when haters come to my inbox, most of them are homophobes who claim that Stephen would never love a guy and demand that I stop disgracing him, or with statements like that.
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AI can make beauty, but you can only produce hatred and bother people with your demands. If you don't like it, don't watch it. That's how the Internet works.
Take it back 🌹 You know what to do with it.
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the-rio-grande-duran · 6 months
Killer and the Sweetheart
Part Two
TW: Knives, killing, blood, dubcon, kinda cnc, some other shit probably
Summary: Serial Killer! Eddie x Virgin! Reader 18+Serial Killer Eddie murders some bullies and Reader is there. I had a dream like this end it would not let me be so here ya go. is very sloppy
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The screaming really wasn't necessary.
The lights had been flickering all night. It was just a matter a time for them to crap out entirely. A few thuds join the shrieks as the other girls apparently run directly into each other.
" Ow!-Shut up.- What's happening?!!- Seriously shut up you're yellling like right in my ear!"
This could be it. You could finally escape, slip out the back door and just drive. I mean you wouldn't even be here if Anna didn't need a ride. But judging by chorus groans and breaking glass they might not last the night.
" Anna. Anna! I'm gonna go find the breaker."
"But it's dark!"
"Yeah well we can't just sit here. I'll be back."
You stub your toe about a 1,000 times on the way to the basement. Hand against the wall find your way. The box is cool and sticky. Sticky?
Another scream from upstairs. Different. Scared.
You flip the switch stumbling back to the door. Blood smeared hands struggle against the door. The screams are louder now. You can even make out some words. Strange nonsensical apologies. Promises to stop.
Why the fuck are they apologizing? They're the ones being... murdered. Jesus Christ you're listening to people being murdered. You retreat to the breaker box and wait.
It takes forever for the screams to stop. The silence that remains makes your ears ring. You almost miss the door open. You manage to flip the switch just as it opens.
"Oh, we playing hide-n-seek sweetheart?", a man's voice teases from the stairs.
Your heart is threatening to give you away. It screams louder at every thundering step. You've never felt like this. Terror setting every nerve ending on fire. You fight back a scream. Practically drawing blood as you bite down on your tongue.
There's a scraping sound against the wall. Slow. Teasing.
"You don't have to be scared of me you know."
The sound is practically forced out of you. A choked out whine of derision and disbelief. The footsteps stop.
“It’s true. I only play with people I know. People who deserve it.”
Your body betrays you again. An unwanted throb at the harshness in his voice. Jesus, you’re pathetic the most attention you’ve gotten from a man is being murdered. 
“Aw don’t get shy on me now. Where’s those pretty noises?”
You bite down too hard at that, gasping in pain. He’s too close now his steps within arms reach.
“ There she is”
The light clicks on above you. 
He’s looking down at you. Big, wide eyes boring into you. Dark and searching like he’s looking straight into your soul. An angel of death. Soaked in blood and wreathed in light.
You come back to your senses too slow, fumbling with the heavy wrench you’d grabbed. His hands snatch your wrist. Heaving rings biting into your flesh. He moves fast shoving you to the floor roughly. Your head hits the cement with a crack, tears springing to your eyes. 
You cut him off. Teeth connecting with whatever part of him you can reach. Pulling and tearing like an animal in panic. You bring your free arm to the hand holding the knife. Shoving it as far from you as possible. You stay like this struggling blindly in a mess of limbs. Clothes tear. Skin bleeds. And soon he’s shaking against you. Laughing.
Then it’s over. He shifts so his full weight is straddling you as he shoves his knife beneath your chin. His other hand pins both your arms above you. You buck underneath him furiously. Desperate. 
“ Hey, hey easy there Killer”, his knife skates just shy of your cheek. “ I told you I don’t wanna hurt you. But you keep squirming around like that I could… slip.”  The knife is at your chest now right above your heart. “Now I’m gonna let your arms go but you can’t scratch me. Got it?”
“ Why don’t you want to hurt me?”
His smile changes then not the teasing smirk from the moment before. Something soft and surprised. “ I told you I only kill people who deserve it. You don’t deserve it. Do you?”
You shake your head. Mouth going dry from something that’s not quite fear.  “Good”, he starts wiping some tears away. You gasp again surprised at the gentleness. “ You really do make such pretty noises.” You snap your legs shut at that trying to tamp down the heat inbetween there.
“Trying to buck me off again Killer? And here I thought we were getting close”, he growls bringing the knife back to your throat.
“No. No not I-” 
“You what? “, the knife draws a tiny bead of blood.
“You know I think I’d rather die”
The laugh is sweet enough to make your heart ache. 
“ Strange time to make a joke. Did I break your little brain there Killer?”, he says rapping your forehead.
“ Don’t think you’re in the position to call someone else strange Sweetheart “
That laugh again. It has no right sounding that cute.
“ I think I can do whatever I want in this position”, the last words are whispered straight in your ear.
“So what do you want?”
His lips taste like blood. But they’re soft, and so easy to lean into. His hand tightens on your wrists rings cold and harsh. Panic and arousal fill your stomach in equal measure. Knowing there’s nothing you can do if you want this to stop. He pulls away and you chase after him missing the contact. He laughs again bringing the knife to the hem of your shirt. Splitting it in two. You shove against him then panic winning out. 
“Don’t like it?”, You could swear there’s a flash of concern as he says it.
“ I've n-never”  
“ Is that what your little wiggles are? And here I thought you were trying to get away.” Fingers skate down your stomach making you shiver. “ But you wanna get closer”
You go for the same spot you bit earlier. Earning a yelp of pain and surprise. 
“How’s that for close”
“Not good enough”, the knife is cool between your thighs as he reaches beneath your skirt. You still at once terrified he’ll cut you here of all places. But he’s careful as ever freeing you from your panties with intense precision. 
“Fuck me, have you been this wet the whole time?” you clamp your legs down on his hand embarrassed. Not wanting him to go further. “Uh uh, Killer can’t go back on me now. Your whine is pitiful. You know you can’t deny him. 
“Please, please just be gentle with me.”
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tw33k-tucker · 2 months
Doodle requests are open‼️
The series characters I can draw the best(In order) are:
South Park, Eddsworld, Creepypasta, n' SMG4
Just a some things about me(changes/updates so much)
Fictionkin of:
Tweek Tweak
Craig Tucker
Clyde Donovan
Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCormick
Stan Marsh
Damien Thorn (South Park)
Eric Cartman
Tweek Tweak (Mirai Park)
Gregory House (House M.D.)
Dipper Pines
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Hunter (TOH)
Michael Afton (FNAF)
Crying Child/Evan Afton (FNAF 4)
Mr Puzzles
Louise (Bob's Burgers)
Angel Dust (Hazbin hotel)
Medic {Pls, istg I'm not insane anymore, I swear😭}
Scout (TF2)
Tom (Eddsworld)
Kevin (Spooky Month)
Selever (FNF)
Shadow (Sonic, but not sure which specific Sonic yet)
Gnarpy (Regretavator)
Jax (TADC)
Jeff T. Killer
BEN Drowned
And Ticci Toby (Creepypasta)
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Questioning 2
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Therian but not completely comfortable to reveal more then a few of my Theriotypes, those few are a Border Collie, Island Fox, Clouded leopard, Red Panda, Some kind of Shark, and an Opossum
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He/Him (Trans FTM/Masc)
13 !! :D
Christan (but excepts any religion)
Favorite Animal is Guinea pigs
2nd favorite drink is coffee (My #1 favorite drink is water cause I need it to survive)
Top 5 Favorite songs:
1st: Riptide - Vance Joy
2nd: Cooler Than Me - Ethan Fields
3rd: Boys Don't Cry - The Cure
4th: Bad Habit - Steve Lacy
5th: Cupid's Chokehold / Breakfast In America - Gym Class Heros
(it was top 10 before, but I'm to lazy for that crap)
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A few last random shit facts 'bout me
I am very scared of alarms(Like, fire alarms)
I have Trypophobia aka fear of holes(it's very bad)
I have a love hate relationship with insects
I'm AroAce and BI
Wolverine is my all-time favorite hero(I don't care that he's technically an anti-hero/also an X-Men, he's the best)
Black and Red are my favorite colors
HTTYD is my favorite movie series
I love Scooby Doo(Especially Mystery Incorporated)
I am a mix of Introverted and Extroverted
I swear I wanna cry when stuff I've been waiting for is altered(Don't ask, I have no idea why)
I have anxiety
I freak out VERY easily
Salamanders are so cool istg
I have sensitive ears so I hate loud noises(I think I'm just a wimp)
I was in a car crash when I was 8(Luckily me and my dad were fine)
I like Diary of a wimpy kid
I have an older brother that I fight with(Imagine Rodrick and Greg's rivalry)
Some noises also make me want to bawl my eyes out(Also don't ask why, I seriously don't know)
I will 'kill' you if you look in my sketchbook(I swear you do not wanna see it, like really, you do NOT)
I have social anxiety👍
I'm seriously fucked up in the brain
I have OCD and BPD
And also i've decided to make tags because it is so annoying trying to find certain posts. So: the art tag is #Tw33k Draws the ask tag is #Tw33k Answers and I also use #Tw33k Rambles when I'm just talking and then as well theres just the #Shitpost tag on the posts I post that have words or images that isn't art, I also #Tw33k Rants, I think that name is pretty self explanatory, I also don't add tags to like any of the stuff I reblog unless I'm talking in the tags
And yeah, that's all I'm willing to tell
Also please don't hate me, I can't control who I am
Thanks for reading
Random Icons :D
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Okay! One last thing, sense I have started the Zombie Park series, you can ask them questions about litterly ANYTHING some stuff they might not be allowed to answer at the moment like some stuff that'll happen in the future, but if you have any questions about the AU feel free to ask
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daydreamwalker13 · 2 months
Mk1 Random Drawings # 25
My au of mk1 teens still continues. Kinda busy this days. Don't be bored, it's kinda long but worth to read. For making it better, I advice you to zoom Johnny's face at the colored one. If you feel sad, that's the purpose, enjoy.
Protectors of Earthrealm:
Forever, Together
A love letter to Johnathan Carlton by Kenshi Takahashi.
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You always smile, you always laugh and jokes around every damn time.
You can take things seriously, but of course, you have to crack a joke or rant some movie references in between.
Always happy and energetic, always annoying, the one who lives his best life in a colorful world.
Always the center of the attention.
But in reality, you live in black and white. Like those silent movies from an old tv. Quiet and static.
I never thought I'll see such face in you.
Never seen you cry before, never seen you stressed so much that your eyes didn't glistening anymore.
There's no life in there. Just a porcelain mask.
Back then, I don't like you as a kid.
Now as a teen? I love you.
So much that I can loan Sento for you, but my ancestors will hate the idea and wack me in the head.
You were always tired, but you hide it so well.
I'm tired too, tired of seeing you like this.
I'll wipe that tears in your eyes because I can, I have hands. I'm not crippled.
Reaching your hand, kiss it and prayed, for all the stress you had will washed away.
I want to see you smile again.
As I hold you,
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I'll be your color and you'll be my vision for this world.
You can fight, and I like that about you. But let me, protecting you from the dangers that you can't handle anymore.
In this trial times, for you and me, I'll do my best to always help you, support you and always be on your side.
As you already did to me back then, when we met for the third time.
So, hold on to my hand too. As I already hold yours, but a bit tighter. Just making sure that I'm not letting us go.
You're really a star, a starlight crafted by the elder gods.
I'm yours, truly.
Even the world gone mad, I always choose you.
As my fighter, as the love of my life.
Forever, together.
I just found this reference on twitter, and I forgot who's post is it.
Combining Mk11 and Mk Legends for teen Johnny's outfit. And inspired by Mk1 Kenshi's suit at chapter two storymode for teen Kenshi's outfit.
Last time I said I'm not good at coloring, now I'm kinda crap doing backgrounds. Still learning tho.
I'm giggling when I writing this, now I'm crying. I didn't expect that it will turn out like this.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 7 months
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Battle in Rhodolite: Team Deer Bonus Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
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Emma: "Is there a reward for the winning team?"
Sariel: "Yes. They will be presented with a ticket that can grant any wish within reason."
Sariel: "Our committee will have to hear their requests."
Emma: "I understand. I'll prepare myself from now on."
---------Flashback Ends--------
Emma: "So, congratulations!"
Emma: "The winner of the first International Friendship Martial Arts Tournament is Team Deer!"
Emma: "As the organizing committee, we will do our best to fulfill everyone's wishes."
Keith: "That's great. Although it wasn't a serious martial arts tournament, a victory is still a victory."
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Leon: "Hold on. There was one person in this team who slacked off."
Chevalier: "..........."
Leon: "You disappeared for your own reasons, but it's still considered skipping."
Silvio: "True. It's a bit funny that everyone gets the reward equally."
Rio: "You say that, but you just played in a card game."
Silvio: "And you just made sweets. That's not called a martial arts tournament."
Luke: "I did participate in the martial arts tournament properly."
Sariel: "The cleaning afterward was hell, though. Fufufu."
Luke: "Well, it's not my fault."
Keith: "Things are starting to look ominous. Emma, what should we do?"
Keith: "In the first place, the ticket that grants any wish is one per team, not one per person, right?"
Emma: "Yes, that's correct."
Keith: "I can't imagine everyone here agreeing on a wish."
Keith: "What should we do about that, Sariel?"
Sariel: "Let's just forcefully gather and summarize their opinions."
Keith: "Understood. In that case, how about something like this?"
Emma: "Do you have an idea?"
Keith: "Yeah. We're going to have a martial arts tournament with everyone here."
Keith: "And the person who wins will receive the ticket."
Emma: "I see!"
Emma: "Wait, what?"
Silvio: "That's easy to understand."
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Silvio: "Alright, I'll start by taking you down."
Rio: "Whoa!?"
Rio: "Attacking out of nowhere一are you some sort of a barbarian!?"
Silvio: "Tch, you even threw a knife at me right away."
Silvio: "But don't think you can crush me with such a feeble weapon."
Emma: "Ah, crap, it's really starting!"
Luke: "Hey, wait, Rio! Don't throw a knife at me!"
Rio: "Then why don't you help me, Prince Luke? I'll behave myself if we defeat this jerk!"
Silvio: "Ha? Are you my enemy too, big guy? Then come at me."
Luke: "Alright, the way you said that just now pissed me off."
Luke: "I'll kill for unlimited honey."
Emma: "Ahhh! You too, Luke!? Wait, what you said sounded really dangerous!"
Sariel: "Please step aside, Emma. At this point, we can only leave it to fate."
Sariel: ".........."
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Keith: "Heh, I've known for a while that you're no ordinary guy, but I didn't think you'd block my sword with a whip. Impressive."
Sariel: "What are you planning, Prince Keith?"
Keith: "Nothing. I'm just thinking of taking responsibility and joining as well."
Sariel: "If you say you'll take responsibility, then could you please stop this?"
Keith: "Sorry, Sariel. I'm as fragile as a weed, so stopping this is beyond me."
Keith: "Though, I don't really intend to stop it."
Leon: "Emma! Come over here!"
Emma: "Leon! W-W-What should I do? Even Sariel has started fighting with his whip."
Leon: "Calm down. Do you know what to do in times like this?"
Emma: "No. I have absolutely no idea."
Leon: "It's simple."
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Leon: "In this world, the strong devour the weak and make the losers submit."
Emma: "Um, why are you drawing your sword too?"
Leon: "Stay behind Chevalier."
Emma: "Wait! And he's gone."
Keith: "Oops, haha! I never thought I'd have the chance to fight you, Leon."
Leon: "Don't let your guard down. This fight won't end until there's a winner!"
Silvio: "Hey! Who the hell tried to attack me from behind just now!?"
Rio: "Ah, damn it! I missed. Seriously, this guy's so persistent!"
Luke: "How about I just blow everyone away together?"
Sariel: "That wouldn't be good. Please calm down."
Emma: "No one..."
Emma: "No one seems willing to listen to me."
Emma: "If everyone wants to fight with swords so badly, they should've done it in a martial arts tournament."
Emma: "The only person I can rely on in this group is..."
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Chevalier: "............"
Emma: "You've been reading a book since earlier. Sorry, but I have a favor to ask."
Chevalier: "............"
Emma: "Could you please settle this commotion?"
Chevalier: "............"
Emma: "I'll give you some rare books. The owner recently said he found books from a lost nation!"
Chevalier: "Oh?"
Chevalier: "Lost nation's literature sounds interesting. Most of it is said to have been burned by Obsidian."
Emma: "The owner is an incredibly lucky person. Having one or two books from a lost nation is a real bargain!"
Chevalier: "In that case, it is certainly worth it."
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Chevalier: "Stop, was it?"
Emma: "Eh? Huh? He disappeared."
Rio: "Waah!?"
Luke: "Whoa!?"
Silvio: "What the!?"
Sariel: "Oops."
Leon: "Chevalier!?"
Chevalier: "Keep your promise, simpleton."
Emma: "T-Thank you very much."
Emma: "I didn't expect you to disarm everyone in an instant."
Leon: "Isn't this unfair, Chevalier?"
Luke: "Sneaking in when our guard is down and taking the easy part is really sneaky."
Rio: "Exactly!"
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Silvio: "Seriously, why are you the most motivated one here? That's not like your character at all."
Keith: "Your swordsmanship was impressive, Chevalier. How about sparring with me next?"
Sariel: "Prince Keith seems unusually spirited today."
Emma: "Okay, everyone, did you cool your heads already?"
Emma: "If we continue like this, we'll never be able to fulfill your wishes."
Emma: "Let's have a constructive discussion, please!"
Rio: "Emma looks cute when she's mad."
Luke & Leon: "Agreed."
Silvio: "You guys, shut up."
Keith: "Hmm."
Keith: "In that case, how about having the Second International Friendship Martial Arts Tournament?"
Silvio: "Ha?"
Keith: "I'm talking about the team's wishes."
Keith: "Well, everyone seemed to still want to fight, so I thought having it regularly might be a good idea."
Keith: "That way, the chance to have your wishes granted might increase from once to two or three times."
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Keith: "I believe it could improve things without engaging in useless fights like this."
Leon: "You were the one who started this useless fight."
Emma: "Prince Keith's suggestion is wonderful!"
Emma: "Having the exchange event two or three times would deepen our bonds even more than just doing it once."
Rio: "Emma's eyes are sparkling. Cute."
Luke & Leon: "Agreed."
Silvio: "I told you guys to shut up."
Silvio: "If there's a next time, I want a different team from this damn mutt. I'll knock you guys out with all my might."
Rio: "Wow, so much confidence. Hopefully, you won't get beaten up in return."
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Luke: "I'll be on a different team from that bastard Clavis. I'll take him down next time, for sure."
Sariel: "Where's the word friendship in all of these?"
Leon: "You don't have any objections, do you?"
Chevalier: "............"
Leon: "Oh, he ran away. Well, I guess that means he has no complaints."
Emma: "So it's decided then."
Emma: "I look forward to the day when we all get together again."
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Ikepri Masterlist
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eugeneplace · 3 months
dude, i am insane for your World domination au. just the layers of it all, with the crap pop troll mental health and the super co-dependent Broppy. So good, and I love all the designs. the latest pic of Branch almost whimpering for Poppy not to leave him while she had him bound is perfection. Seriously am loving your au. ^^
Oh my god- Thank you!
I was so worried about that dynamic, what a relief to know that someone liked it!
I'm so happy with the dynamic their relationship ended up having!
Because Poppy is such a good villain?????
Like- her character in general. Her mentality of toxic optimism, her inability to listen to others and impulsivity, her insecurities with being a good queen!
She is smart and charming, and that allows her to also be manipulative. But she isn't cold, actually quite the opposite, she is emotional and unpredictable!
It was so easy to turn her into a villain that it's even scary lol
Ramón, on the other hand...
He doesn't really want to do any of this. The plan involves feed innocent people to the same monsters that took away his grandmother, it's really triggering
But his heart is not with the plan, it is with Poppy.
So he just keeps going. He really embraced the idea that he is a murderer you know? That he murdered his grandma and now is doing the same thing just- on a larger scale.
My idea when I started with that draw/text was that Ramón was going to confront Poppy and reply something really badass like- away, safe. But THEN I added a "safe from you..." Here's a dramatic pause "... And from me"
Ramón- he's not going to betray her. He just can't. And he's not going to leave. No matter how much his brothers- or well, everyone else- wants him to
They are together, for the better or the worse... Until death separates them
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justlarkin · 2 months
It's why Christine is one of my favorite females. I love that she's based on the phantom of the opera, (she even has the main characters name, or was it the actress? I forgot) but she has the mask and everything. Hell they gave her Victorian Era clothing too. People crap on bombom I've seen but honestly he's not a bad artist. Also her OG design is honestly pretty baller too, gives me butterfly vibes with her old mask and dress color.
Also let's not forget maria, who is in another class of her own. Man I love all the females in this 😭 (Same anon from before btw)
Yeah, Christine was the name of the character!! Off topic, but I can't believe that, despite being such a musical-eating dweeb, I still haven't watched or listened through the entirety of POTO smh.
Gosh yes!! I understand why they changed Christine's design into a more toned down look, but both are still very pretty! And Maria is so cute and you have to respect that she carries tf out of the Missionaries!
I'm such a BomBom defender frfr 😪 He's not even a terrible artist and he has clearly improved over the years. I'm not taking a bullet for some of the hands on these characters, but still. I think that BomBom just happens to shine when he's drawing what he's really interested in (medieval fantasy core). Seriously, if you take a look at any of his characters with that fantasy look going on, you'll see the crazy amount of detail his puts into the outfits alone.
And BomBom female characters? Don't get me started. I've said this before, but I really do love BomBom women. They look so cute. The way he draws eyes really makes them pop. Also, like, I don't know how to word this, but the BomBom girlies are so pretty in a casual way? Probably not the word I'm looking for, but iykyk. Plus they didn't even need to be lewded to get simps?? Can't even explain myself. Just know that I love women.
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zimthandmade · 6 months
Hello!,I'm a huge fan of your art about death note and HCs are incredible, seriously, well, I just wanted to make a request and a question
I wanted to ask how you imagine the first phase of successors to L?,Beyond and A, like, I always think about conversations between the two because I imagine them being friends at the orphanage, I wanted to ask your opinion about what it was like in the past(and if you could draw some pictures about lol...👉👈🥺)
Okay, I’ve been thinking. Before we get to friendly interactions, let’s dive a bit into some general headcanons about what I think went down between A and B, so we're on the same page.
Beware, trigger warning: suicidal thoughts, murder/assisted suicide. It gets dark.
If you're struggling with mental health, please reach out to someone. Talking helps.
Auro (A) is sort of a shy wallflower type character. A people pleaser, generally well liked, empathetic, caring, deescalating, quiet and is basically the complete opposite of Beyond. When Auro first comes to Wammy’s, he catches Beyonds attention because his lifespan looks different (maybe because it’s significantly shorter than the others) and he purposefully tries to befriend Auro because he wants to see how he will meet his end. And it's so weird to see this punky fuck-the-system-dude trying to hang out with the wallflower and nobody understands why Beyond would do that and neither does Auro but he doesn’t have the balls to tell Beyond to go fuck off. Of course, they learn to appreciate the other over time, become friends and all that; maybe I’ll get into detail some other time. I can see them sitting on the roof of the dorm house together late at night talking about philosophical questions, the meaning of life and the such, having vastly different views on stuff but treating each other with mutual respect. Auro starts sharing personal issues with Beyond. He is incredbily lonely despite having many surface level friendships and being generally liked. He probably feels like the whole world is resting on his shoulders because of his "intellectual gifts" with people constantly pressuring him into doing things he isn't really into. He just wants to be happy and give a crap about everyones opinions but he can't get out of his own head. It's wearing him down so heavily he sometimes wishes he would not wake up in the morning, just to not be held accountable for ditching his "responsibility" to function. And it starts to dawn on Beyond how Auros life will end. Beyond is putting all of his time end efford into figuring out how to calculate the lifespans he’s seeing to pinpoint Auros death day. He monitors Auro, sees his deteriorating mental health, following him everywhere he goes to the point where it feels a bit like he’s Auros personal shinigami. To see if there is any way to temper with the lifespan he sees above Auros head, Beyond tries to get Auro actual help but nothing he does ever changes the lifespan. He starts to accept the inevitability of Auros death. Auro notices Beyond getting more and more grim and looking unsettled as the days pass. He seems to be staring right through him. Beyond actually figures out the lifespan code before the day comes and I can see him confronting Auro about his suspicion and Auro confirms he has suicidal thoughts. Instead of talking Auro out of it, he offers to help him go through with whatever he’s planned. “I will be there when you do it, whether you let me help you or not.” Auro is coming back on the day to take Beyonds offer.
Not quite sure what exactly Beyond does to help besides carrying out the actual killing - I’m thinking he stole sedatives or something to make his death as painless as possible. Beyond slits Auros throat and lets him bleed out quietly. He’s sitting there in the room with him for what could be hours and his mind is racing. “Was I the cause for his lifespan to be this short? Would he have died without me? Was this just blatant murder? …?” And the realisation sinks in that this is what happens when a persons lifespan ends. People die. Auro died. He will not wake up. A kid going to the bathroom at night stepped in a pool of blood that was starting to seep out from under the door to Auros room and alerted the staff. When the adults entered the room, they were met with this scene.
Beyond is filled with pure hatred and he blames everyone for the death of his friend. L, Wammy’s, society, the human race, you get the picture. Ambulance and police arrives, the whole school is up that night. Beyond doesn’t say a single word and they’re both taken to a hospital. This whole incident killed the last bit of sanity in Beyond and after what feels like another few hours waiting in the hospital, he just gets up and leaves, never to return to Wammy’s.
From M2s (they are both 12 y/o at the time) perspective: Matt is still up playing video games when he sees blue lights dancing on the walls. Confused, he gets up, looks out the window and sees an ambulance, police cars and a ton of people standing in the yard and immediately shakes Mello awake “Mello, Mello, wake up, mate!” “Ugh jebem ti, can you not let me sleep FOR ONCE, MATT-” “SOMETHING HAPPENED, MEL, LOOK” Matts draws back the curtains, Mello squints at the bright lights and shoots up, suddenly wide awake. Shortly after, they hear movement in the hallways and a supervisor comes to check on them telling them to stay in their room. Mello hard presses the supervisor for information (think of it ike he does with Roger when L died: grabbing them by the collar, shaking them), but they just leave him hanging with a vague “there was a medial emergency with two students”.
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kaycapo · 1 year
AvA spoilers
Victim is ALIVE?!! Holy crap, I was not expecting that
She seems to have been alive for a while now, looking at all the pictures in the room
It looks like she's trying to recreate Alan's drawing app thingy, I can't remember the name
And she wants something to do with chosen.. Take away his powers for herself perhaps?
I seriously hope GRBY team up with dark or smth, that would be amazing
But man, chosen was a lil rude and forceful to second huh?
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coolicywind · 9 months
TW: SHOTA/LOLICON IN THE OPM FANDOM ⚠️⚠️⚠️ (I am not referring to one specific person I am referring to multiple people in the fandom currently)
I'm posting this because recently, a bunch of large OPM artists are posting art of minor characters interacting with adult characters inappropriately. Even a mutual I interacted with started posting it not long ago.
Normally I keep to myself and I hardly comment about things outside of what's relevant to my page in order to avoid potential discourse, however it's getting to the point where my even my friends are becoming upset, so I'll just say it for them.
If you are a lolicon or shotacon please block me or if I find you I'll block you myself. I find your existence revolting.
I'm sick of seeing ships of characters like Garou, Zombieman, Fubuki etc interacting with kids like CE, Tareo, etc. in disgusting ways. I don't even go looking for it but there is a wave of artist recently drawing that crap on my timeline. I can't even browse tags without being bombarded with that "art".
So please, if you draw it kindly fuck yourself and burn in hell. I was a minor less than a year ago and yet I was subjected to that crap time and time again. It's mentality scarring seeing that shit as a kid and only adds onto trauma that was previously there. So you can't say it doesn't effect reality dumbass.
Btw, you can't use the argument "it isn't real 🤓☝️" when so many of these accounts have real CP on their page. Seriously, on art of Shota or Lolicon (sexual or not) you can easily find accounts that host or link to real CP interacting with the art (b-but I thought they don't resemble real children 🥺🤡).
Even then, it's still weird as fuck and is a sneaky way to get past child exploitation. You in no way can convince me it's right or normal, I don't care what arguments are presented. All of those arguments are surface level and can be debunked.
Fiction doesn't effect reality my ass. I guess propaganda posters never had any effects on real people since it's just a drawing, right?
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seasidesketches · 7 months
If y'all don't mind, I'm gonna vent a bit:
(no need to read if you don't wanna read)
I hate how are our new esper coming is a tiger
I know that sounds like a stupid reason to be upset, but at this point I wanna slam my face against a wall.
Knowing Dislyte, they probably only made him that way so they can get money from the furry whales.
The minute I saw this guy, my brain immediately thought of Javid, and how the fandom p**ned the crap outta him-
And I understand that we can't avoid that at all in fandoms (and that it's probably my fault for still playing the game) but is it too much to ask to just wanna have a nice neutral player experience without chat going:
"daddy? Daddy? dAdDy? 😩"
Seriously, I am NOT looking forward to this guy's release
Idk wtf dislyte has against normal human guys (Yun Chuan, Mateo, Yamato, etc.) but is it too much to ask for more of them? WE'VE HAD EVENTS CENTERED AROUND GIRLS FOR THE PAST 6 EVENTS AND I'M SO SICK OF THEM
They've made it clear for months now that they only want money, but I didn't know they were gonna fuck up their character designs for that purpose
The only things that could make me like this guy are:
-if they do a good job with his event story instead of shoving him to the side like they did with Javid
-Have him interact with characters that I like (that's how I ended up liking Tevor because his interactions with Tang Xuan in sea of sorrow were great)
Also, if anyone draws the new tiger guy in a furry/NSFW way, I WILL block you. Do whatever you want with your art, it's your choice, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna support it
Sorry for the rant, i might delete this later tbh
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sweettoothvn · 9 months
How would be like if LI and MC had slumber party? (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)
Andre: He makes a LOT of snacks and shows you all of his favorite romantic comedies, of course! You're snuggled up against him with Pepper (his pitbull), whose tail is happily thumping against the couch. He's a big night owl so if you try to stay up with him despite how tired you are, he will encourage you to sleep and not worry about him. You two compromise by letting him cuddle you while you sleep.
Casey: Of course he has the best candies! And maybe the spiciest snacks you've ever seen- some of these you've never even heard of. Effortlessly, he's able to devour the hottest of them all that would make most people vomit and cry- how is he able to do that without even cringing??? Either way, we show you all his best snacks and video games. He's really good at Mario cart so fair warning.
Chrys: She will show you all her favorite recipes she likes to cook, encouraging you to work with her so she can teach you as well. Of course, she has the freshest ingredients too. Only the best after all. She has a lot of plushies, most of them she's bought but a lot of them have been handmade by Eddie. They're all plant-themed and very squishy. You both sit on Mt. Plush and watch movies. She doesn't have a general preference so long as it makes her laugh; she doesn't like constantly sad and edgy movies. She would probably enjoy satire movies mostly.
David: Fun fact he's never been to a slumber party. He doesn't know what to do so when you suggest the idea he frantically goes on the internet and looks up what to do so he can impress you. Not that he would ever admit that he did that though. He takes it entirely too seriously and has a schedule planned out- you should probably reassure him that it's not supposed to be like that, and the point is to do whatever is most fun and spur of the moment. You two end up talking about conspiracy theories all night and he lets you pet his bunnies while eating some snacks. He rarely likes to sleep because he either struggles or has nightmares. For once he was actually able to sleep peacefully and comfortably.
Eddie: MASTER PILLOW FORT MAKER HERE. I mean he has to be with two younger siblings you know? He pampers those little guys like his life depends on it. He has so many movies on DVD; this man is a movie addict. If you have questions, he can answer them in-depth and give you behind-the-scenes info and theories about the movie's plot. He makes a crap ton of plushies in his free time- plus they're a good coping mechanism when he can't punch a hole into something. He tries his best not to talk during the movies- he gets so excited and wants to tell you all about the sets and how they were made or what sort of lines were improvised. If you're okay with him chatting during the movie he will ramble for hours- a stark contrast to the person he was when you first met. He usually hates talking.
Kieran: For a punk/goth/alt guy, you wouldn't expect the sort of stuff he pulls out. He has Hello Kitty pajamas and tons of Sanrio plushies. You're watching My Little Pony movies and he's singing along to them. It's fantastic and he tells you all of these facts about Fluttershy you'd never even heard of. If you two wanna do something spontaneous, he dyes or cuts your hair on the extreme ends, and on the lower ends, he shows you some good hairstyles you never expected you could pull off. He lets you try on his clothes- have a whole fashion show. It's a fun time and oddly wholesome considering how he flirted with you and tried to get into your pants when you first met.
Noble: He's never been A PART of slumber parties before but he has seen a few? He has an idea of what they are as he's seen his sisters host some. He asks you for guidance on what to do- if you just want to chill out, he's more than willing to do that. He bakes with you and gives you some of his secret tips and tricks- maybe you two make edibles and watch some kids' cartoons or Hannibal. He really likes those gorey shows. They make him hungry. There's a lot of cuddling and he tells you how much he loves and adores you. He might do your makeup or nails while you vent to him or share any gossip on your mind. He's a good listener. He loves your voice more than anything.
Zach: Similar to David and Noble he's never really been to one- Or well- He HAS but he was only invited because Kieran's friends' parents didn't want to seem impolite and exclude him. He would always go into the corner and draw, not interested in being there. However, when you ask him to have a slumber party, he gets flustered. He never expected to actually be asked to hang out- one on one- with you. You! He really likes you- he doesn't want to mess up. For someone who tends to lie a lot, he's honest with you and tells you he has no idea what to do, asking for you to take the lead, and he'll just follow your instructions. When you're watching movies/anime with him or you're not paying attention to him, he's secretly drawing you. Of course, if you catch him, he will be super embarrassed to show you the drawings. Don't look through his notebook unless you want to embarrass him immensely.
Bonus: Everyone at once!
Shit, that's chaotic as hell. Andre and Noble are arguing over what to cook while Chrys is making food in the kitchen with Casey. Kieran and Zach are doing karaoke way too loud while Eddie covers his ears as he's overstimulated. He made a pillow fort to hide in- David is with him and also overstimulated.
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im-no-jedi · 9 months
Let’s get some fun recommendations goin around here! What’s a piece of clone content (art, fic, etc) that has stuck with you as being notably excellent? Tag it in your answer so we can all find some new fun to read! If you want, of course; feel free to ignore! 💕
🤩 oh what a fun idea!! I would LOVE to gush about some really cool artists, thank you 😁
I'll start with @shyranno, whose art I absolutely adore. her style is so clean and expressive and colorful, and she makes amazing comics. the TBB Downtime series is exactly my kinda Clone content, filled with lots of fluff and feels. the "baby" batch ones are my favorite, but I'm also fond of this one where Tech gets teased from not being able to grow a beard 😜
another artist I really love is @zaana! she also draws a lot of really sweet and funny moments with TBB, and I'm super fond of her more sketchy style of drawing. she's got a "Crosshair defects the Empire" AU about Cross rejoining TBB sometime during season 2 that I love soooooo much. honestly, all her stuff with Crosshair (especially the ones with Omega) is top tier. although I think my top favorite is this one with Hunter and Crosshair (which @questforgalas also wrote an amazing oneshot about!); it's so simple but so sweet, and I automatically love any wholesome content between these two 🥰
then there's @lightspringrain, who makes beautiful portraits of TBB. I've been wanting to buy some of her prints (and will absolutely do so once I have the money!!) because they are seriously gorgeous. her "Crown" series is the best, it's so lovely! and she does an amazing job capturing the style of the show! to no one's surprise, my favorites are the Hunter and Omega moon crowns. the Hunter one is legit one of my favorite art piece ever; it's been my lockscreen on my phone ever since I saw it 💙
someone I recently started following is @thattoothpick! after seeing her "TBB Happy on Pabu" comics, I had to see more. the best way I can describe her style is "soft". everything is just so soft; the lines, the colors, all of it. it just makes me happy 😊 I have two favorite pieces; the first is this one about Hunter and Crosshair from the Pabu series. literally made me cry. I need this to happen SO badly 🥺 and then this one that I refer to as "the Sad Batch"... oh man. also had me crying (but also simping for obvious reasons LOL) 😭
now for a big one. I can easily say my favorite SW related artist of all time is @lornaka. her art... holy crap y'all. it's so freaking good. she makes everything from simple portraits to stunning dynamic pieces, and I'm obsessed with all of it. she even was featured during SW Celebration last year!! she's that good!! \o/ I have a few favorites of hers. which obviously includes the TBB poster she made for Celebration. still sad I couldn't get my own copy of it 💔 then there's this... lovely portrait of Hunter from behind. oh Lordy 🥵 and finally, my top favorite is actually this simple portrait of Hunter. I had it as my lockscreen for a LONG time. it's just... so good. the colors, the stars, his expression... I'm still obsessed 😍
finally, I can't talk about amazing artists without mentioning my sister @jam-n-ham. her art account is @joyjababanoid. y'all. please just scroll through her TBB art, you will not regret it. I've always adored her cartoony and expressive style, and it makes for hilarious Clone content LOL. she did a bunch of drawings for Inktober last year, solely focused around TBB. she's also done some comics that I've had a part in helping her develop (specifically the Padme pin-up art and the AZI going on a mission). but my absolute favorite is by far the Valentines collection. y'aaaaaaaall. I had the Hunter one as my phone background for over a year haha. she knows how to personally get to me, let's just say that 🥵
oh, and one last thing I wanna mention is that the one thing these folks all have in common, aside from being fantastic artists, is that I love how each of them draw my bae. seriously, y'all draw Hunter so good, and I'm smooching each of your different versions of him 🥰😘
thanks for letting me gush about some cool people!! everyone show them some much deserved love please!! 💙💙💙
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