#but she get offended cause she take it that we don’t care about her feeling and take the side opposite of her
yoohyeon · 11 months
I thought I would have a nice day today, but it turn into a big fight how great
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#my mom is constantly saying we don’t care about her and that we won’t let her express herself#but the way she need to express herself hurts both me and my dad so we kindly tell to not do it please#but she get offended cause she take it that we don’t care about her feeling and take the side opposite of her#but once we tell her she dosen’t consider OUR feelings she repeat that we don’t care about HERS#no you’re the one only caring about your feeling#I’m exhausted I’m already so stress and confused about what to do I need money and the store won’t call back so I need to find somethin#but there’s nothing around my house that won’t end with me having having panic attack everyday like at my old job#but she won’t hear a word we say if we ever tell her she does something to hurt us she takes it as an insult#she says to take her as she is and she will never change even tho we tell her it hurts us but we should change and and absorb everything#todays conversation was one we have often and I feel the same way she does about the subject but I hate talking about it we don’t have#to keep talking about it what is done is done no matter how much we talk against it it just hurt#even when I told her it was mentally the worst time of my life she still thing that I should listen to her complain non stop and have#to think about it when it just hurt#i feel like Imm just repeating but imm so tired of everything and don’t wanna go in detail I hope it still clear#we had plans today and everything is just ruin#i would continue playing my game and stay distract but this ruined my mood so bad#tomorrow is probably gonna be bad to cause my botch my parents are stubborn especially my dad and he won’t talk to her now and probably#won’t tomorrow neither and she’s gonna be mad and say that he should get over it#i would cause I hate to fight I just want peace but he’s not like that#i love them but they are exhausting sometimes#i wish I could just leave but I have no one to meet and I’m scared if I leave they are going to fight even more today or tomorrow#or that my mom will get offended idk#i wish I wasn’t coming back to complain but I need to ‘’speak’’ somewhere or I’ll break down 😭#I’m not here often and I don’t feel like scrolling you can tag me in things if you want it would help or use my tag for your content 💕#I’ve been stalking a tag for a couple of days that’s why I couldn’t resist reblog that nice Eri post when I came earlier and keep reblogging#alex.txt#tw negative
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seattlesellie · 10 months
imagine letting ellie hit for the first time and all she can see is your stuffed animals and plushies surrounding your bedd😭
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an: i know i wrote something similar to this a looooong while ago already but i really love it cause it’s so cute !! dni if you hate fun and if ur a plushie lover i love u a lot k bye 💗
warnings: ellies a little mean 🙄 but shes so cute.
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♡ firstly, you’d probably be mortified before you both tiptoed into your room. you’ve been sweetly (but fervently) making out on the living room couch for about ten whole minutes already. when ellie bounced you up on her thigh — and you moaned out her name, she huffed a breathy and teasing “oh, yeah?”, and you knew you were gone. you had constant battles within the realm of your head about needing to wait for “the right time”, but for some reason, with ellie, the right time seemed to be all the time. you’ve nearly let her have it in the backseat of her beat up honda, but you came to your senses pretty quickly (or you banged up your head on her inner roof which kind of made things awkward), and decided to actually wait.
♡ ellie pushes you up against the door, her knee snug between your thighs. you can feel her on your heat, and you’re pretty sure she can feel the actual heat on you. when ellie gives a slight swivel to the metal doorknob, you panic completely and shakily puff out a long held breath. “nono, my rooms… uh, untidy. s’messy, we can’t”, ellie raises a brow (and it tweaks a little because she’s just as nervous and it’s so cute), she grants you a little guileful smirk, “i don’t really care, so” — and as soon as she mutters that “so”, ellie opens the door and you shriek.
♡ at a full tilt, you try to cover up her eyes with your hands, shakily whispering “nonono, told you it’s messy, you’re being so rude!” but ellie — ever the speedster, pushes them off. when she’s faced with the hoard of plushies, sitting cozily on your bed like brave, plucky little soldiers, ellie seems entirely… amused. “so uhhh…” you stutter out, and ellie lets out an actual wheeze. she’s trying to cover up her stupid laugh and her smile by attempting to form it into a line, and you budge her forcefully on the shoulder and she barely even moves. “you didn’t tell me you had guests over, babe”, she turns to look at you — and you’re trying very hard not to throw an actual tantrum. you roll your eyes, and she takes your hands between her’s and gives them two chaste kisses. “okay, okay… didn’t mean to offend you…” she gulps down that damn laugh again, “just should’ve gave me a warning before i came in here trying to fuck y—“, your eyes nearly pop out of your head, “ellie!” you warn, and your voice goes nearly three octaves higher and now ellie’s fully just laughing at you. you furrow your brows and cock your head to the side. “well, technically, you’re the guest. they live here, so”
♡ “well… technically” ellie mimics and mocks, swallowing a small throaty giggle. you stare at her for a moment, giving her your best “i’m warning you — this is your last chance!” eyes, and ellie takes that warning very seriously, (because perhaps she’d been dying to fuck you), lifts her hands up in the air as if it’s to sign that she “gave up”, and shuts her mouth. “you done?” you question, raising your brows. “you’re the guest here, because they sleep with me every night, and you don’t” you smile impishly, followed by a sweet, satisfied little “hm”. ellie smirks and shakes her head, “every night, huh? you tryin’ to make me jealous?” then, she points at one of the plushies. “cause that little fucker over there is trying me, shit— i think his eye’s ripped off, what the actual fuck do you do with your dolls?!”
♡ out of amused anger, you try and push her up against the wall and she lets you. she hits it with a thud, and she rests her veiny hands on your waist and gives you a squeeze. you whimper, and she grabs your waist and pulls you closer. you try composing yourself, “y… you’re just jealous cause they get to sleep with me and you don’t”, but it all comes out of your lips too shaky and too sweet to be let known as teasing. ellie chuckles, and grabs the back of your neck. her lips are simply hovering over yours, and you let out a shaky breath and close your eyes. “open” she instructs, and you open them so slowly she nearly melts away like an ice cream cone in the middle of august. “just answer this one question i have, ‘kay?” she raps in her husky voice that makes you simply shudder. you hum, and she smirks. “do they fuck you every night too?”, she takes her bottom lip between her teeth and licks. not to seduce, simply as a casual gesture. nevertheless, it does seduce. “cause i might need to, uh…” and then — ellie places a small peck on your lips that you’re simply too eager not to try and follow up, but she meanly backs away. she chuckles and brings her head forward again, and lets out of a shaky breath. “might need to fuck them up, y’know? rip off their insides, stomp on ‘em, give them a nice little shake and —“ you cut her off with a whine, and her eyes nearly roll back. she takes your bottom lip between her top one and suckles and kisses you so deeply, “yeah fuck it, get on the bed, c’mon” — she pushes you forward between whimpers and more whines and you land with a soft thud, one of the plushies falls down on the floor.
♡ she parts your legs with her own, earning herself a sweet breathy gasp from you, and whilst she’s hanging messily off of the mattress— she kicks the plushie up on the bed, so it lands a mere centimeter from where it originally was. she can tease you all she wants, but it’s very soon that she memorizes all of their names. “do i need to cover up their eyes or are they used to this stuff?”, she knows they’re not used to it, at all actually, but you shake your head from side to side. she grabs both of your cheeks between her calloused fingers, gives them a forceful little squeeze that makes you moan, and looks up at one of them. “sorry for what you’re about to witness here, buddy”
♡ needless to say that ellie wasn’t a “guest” no more after that day.
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lilislegacy · 28 days
It kind feels this fandom babys Percy and forget everyones been through things even Annabeth. She gets treated like shes the cause of some of his pain and therefore they shouldnt be together? When the guy would be depressed without her.
warning: i’m about to thought vomit. a lot.
RIGHT?? i try not to talk about it, but sometimes the way the fandom mischaracterizes and misunderstands percy really bothers me. the fact of the matter is: a lot of people want percy to be someone he’s not. and don’t get me wrong, i love that people have their own headcanons, but percy would hate the way people portray him in the fandom. and yes, it annoys me how people villainize annabeth in the meantime. they make him out to be this sensitive little guy and her this super mean toxic girl. when in reality they are complete equals. which is… the whole point.
percy has his insecurities, and he is super sarcastic and silly (largely in his head), but he’s a super strong and badass guy. he’s canonically very tough and intimidating. he has real human feelings, has big mood swings, and even gets emotional at some times (usually with his dad), but he’s not a sensitive guy, by any means. this is the same dude who’s been kicked out of every school, including military schools. he’s dealt with bullies and monsters and villains his whole life. he doesn’t get hurt or offended easily. and annabeth has been through just as much shit. it’s different, but it not “more” or “less” than he’s been through. and for some reason people don’t like this, but annabeth is the sensitive one in the relationship. she cries easily, she gets offended more easily, she feels and shows her emotions a lot more than percy. and that does not make her weak. and it’s the truth. so when people make her out to be this cold toxic person, who hurts little poor sensitive percy, it’s frustrating. it’s so wrong. they are both extremely strong. annabeth is percy’s biggest source of joy and comfort. she does not abuse him or degrade him.
no, their relationship is not perfect. neither of them are perfect. annabeth can be too prideful, and can tend to feel superior to others, but it’s just because she’s so intelligent. she’s aware of it and she actively works on it. in COTG, percy said whenever she gets excited about her day at school or proud of her accomplishments, she stops herself and asks about him instead. she knows she can be prideful, and wants to make sure percy knows she values and respects him. and percy, along with being impulsive, can be very insensitive. yes, it’s true. he is very loyal, but that doesn’t mean he’s always sensitive and considerate of people’s feelings. we see it so much, especially in battle of the labyrinth when he was an asshole to annabeth. some of it is because he can be very oblivious (no, not dumb), but some is just because of who he is. but he’s aware of it and actively works on it. like when he gave nico that big apology in heroes of olympus, and apologized to leo about calypso.
they are not perfect, because they are real. but they build each other up and love each other unconditionally. percy does not need people to protect him from annabeth. annabeth protects him more than anyone else. she takes care of him - physically and emotionally. and he does the same for her. they’ve been through a lot of crap, and they both help each other through it. they are partners. they are equals. neither are weak, and neither are toxic.
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lesbianfakir · 3 months
Something that is an example of good character writing in Princess Tutu is how Fakir and Duck have little incompatibilities in their personalities (you know. Beyond the obvious). It makes it a little harder for them to get along and understand one another but you get the sense that they’re both putting the effort in. It’s sweet and it makes the relationship feel all the more real.
Fakir is serious, blunt, and he doesn’t sugarcoat things. His words often come across as harsh, even when there’s real care behind them. As a result, Duck—who reads his tone but not always the intentions behind it—doesn’t always pick up on when he’s doing something nice for her. For example, when Duck starts to tell Mytho she’s Princess Tutu, Fakir startles her to interrupt her, causing her to turn back into a duck. She takes offense and only later realizes he did it so she wouldn’t reveal her identity to mytho before she was ready (and even then I don’t think she picks up on the full extent of it). There’s another scene where he tells her point blank if she doesn’t want to fight the raven she needs to stop being princess tutu. It comes across as quite harsh and seems to visibly sadden Duck, though he cares about her deeply and is only trying to keep her safe.
The other “incompatibility” that comes to mind is how Fakir is sensitive and easily offended while Duck tends to blurt out whatever’s on her mind. While there are many scenes where he does get upset (take the scene in the Wandering Knight where he takes her request to stop getting in fights as an attack on his character), there are just as many where he doesn’t take the bait. Watch the show a few times and you’ll notice Fakir has a habit of going silent when Duck says something insensitive. He waits for her to finish speaking and he either ignores her or moves on. In those moments, you can feel the conscious effort he’s making to not lash out. Duck’s earnest naïveté is part of why draws him to her but at the same time it causes friction between then when she’s overly hopeful about something delicate to him, like his writing.
Anyways tldr; Fakir tends to hide what he’s feeling and thinking behind a deadpan demeanor, which sometimes obscures his true intentions from Duck. Meanwhile Duck tends to trample over the things Fakir is sensitive about in conversation, and he often has to stop himself from getting upset. In these moments you see how these characters may not completely understand each other but they care about each other a lot and actively work to smooth out their differences. Also it’s very cute when Duck realizes after the fact Fakir did something nice for her and her face lights up.
These little quirks make room for natural misunderstandings between the characters. Honestly, I like how Princess Tutu doesn’t smooth out compatibility issues or completely rewrite Fakir’s character when he and Duck become friends. The same flaws and tendencies are present, we just see the characters taking more active, conscious steps towards getting along.
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reidslovely · 10 months
heyy bambi i was wondering if i could request tasm!peter x reader where she’s grumpy and he’s sunshine with her getting jealous and not wanting to say anything so she just pouts and he thinks it’s so cute cause reader has nothing to worry about 🥹
hi friend loved this concept...however i can only bring myself to write frat tasm peter so that is incorporated into this plot because it's just fitting. hope you love it.
Love on the Brain
Frat!Peter x Reader
(in place of liking?hearting this post, pretty please, leave a reblog and/or a comment 🫶🏼)
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This had been the flashiest frat party of the year by far. Even flashier than the one you and your friends had stumbled into six months ago, where you first met Peter Parker. Now Peter Parker had entangled himself in every sense of your life, like the spider he was. Everyone was dressed in some type of couples get up. Groups of friends having picked out group costumes, or couples having picked out iconic couple costumes. Which is what made you pissed off even more as the brunette dressed in a heart pink dress with a heart logo on it, grasped your boyfriend's arm. Peter’s eyes widened, very interested in her story not at all paying attention to the care-bear girl petting his bicep. 
You two were very clearly dressed in a couples costume, both having walked down the stairs in a 1950’s get-up mocking that of Jack and Alice from Don’t Worry Darling. Besides that, everyone knew Peter Parker had a girlfriend, a girlfriend who was pretty territorial. 
“He only has eyes for you.” M.J. approached you with two drinks in hand Harry in tow. The two dressed as Fred and Daphne from Scooby-Doo. She pushed the vodka sprite into your hand, eyes peering into you. 
“I know. And I have eyes for her right now, just not the ones she wants.” 
“He’s so oblivious.” 
Harry laughed watching his friend, nodding his head answering the chemistry question thrown at him. “How’d you even get him to catch on that you liked him?” 
“Didn’t have too he liked me first.” You shrugged sitting your drink down, leaning against the table of snacks where Peter had left you before being cornered.
“She’s not even one of the original care-bears.” M.J. shook her head. Peter finally pulled his eyes away from her, finding you in the crowd. Warmth and relief washed over you, but apparently not your face as Peter pointed your way talking to the girl. She huffed, dropping her hand shooting daggers at you. You bit back a smile, but your walls cracked as Peter walked over engulfing you in his arms. 
“What’s the long face for mhm?” Peter teases. 
“This is just my face.” You said dropping the smile again quickly. 
“Mhm, is someone jealous? Mhm” Peter teased, rubbing his nose against your forehead, teasing you. 
“No, of course not. You know where you’re taken care of.” 
You whisper, fixing the tie, you’d put it around his neck earlier. You were insanely green on the inside, and it only filled more when you caught her and a girl in a blue dress pointing your way mumbling something about “bitch.” Your bottom lip pulled inward, biting down on it as you thought.
“You know it’s okay to get jealous. It’s healthy, good for a relationship. Shows we still got something, if you weren’t jealous..well baby I think I’d be a little offended.” 
“Do you get jealous?” You deflected away from yourself, hands resting on his shoulders. Peter laughed and tilted his head. 
“..’Course I get jealous baby. Why do you think I’m always hanging on you on these things? I gotta show we are both taken. These guys have wandering eyes and I don’t really like that.”
His words made you feel better, him bringing his lips down to your cheek and to the corner of your mouth. You smiled at him, locking your lips with him, hands squeezing his shoulders. “I love you.”
“I love you too baby, promise.” Peter says pecking your forehead. “Now let's go make fun of Harry and that dumbass ascot.” Peter says, taking a drink out of your cup, pointing at Harry who turned already anticipating the loving ridicule.
@helloheyhihowdyheya @sincericida @a-lumos-in-the-nox @moonyslove78 @messymissy @adhdhufflepuff @toomanyfictionalboyfriends @eevylynn
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yourpsicodelicbitch · 7 months
specific astro placements and what I’ve learned from them?!? 🚩🎢
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love him (wallace wells)
*birth chart + whole sign system + tropical
basically me again calling them out and not finishing the idea I had in mind at first -what I’ve learned from some astro placements-. sorry I’m repeating placements, it’s just I’m basing my observations with the experiences I share with the ones around me. take what resonates, don’t take this seriously.
mars 2H
I’ve noticed mars 2H is not good at spontaneous stress situations bc they’re not prepared, they have to control and know what’s happening; 2H it’s the house of craving stability, security.
what I’ve learned?! more a what I admire about them it’s that they’re decided, when they take a final decision, they stay like a stubborn bitch with it.
virgo moon 7H square pluto
virgo moon 7H square pluto can provoke to make things complicated in relationships, were they can suffer a lot. they could get stuck on being friends with people they’ve been a long time with, even though they’re toxic. they’re conscious of what conducts make them feel not validated from their friends but still they bottle up or don’t take things seriously and will make like nothing happened. they feel deeply and feel their friends don’t get them as they wish but they move their head and pass the situation. they idealize their friendship -in this case-.
what I’ve learned??! I’m thankful i could recognize the situation my friend has being in? you can learn something in everything😭
saturn trine neptune with scorpio/water placements
saturn trine neptune with scorpio/water placements evidences how personal, psychological and spiritual growth affects on their way of thinking and perspective of life. and how circumstances -saturn situates- causes the person’s opinions change, to be more flexible, when in a million years they could’ve imagine even accept or look towards it. I’m referring to a traditional person with unconditional love who tries their best to comprehend others.
what I’ve learned?? more than what I admire the dedication coming from this placement.
water and air dominant dynamic
pls my mom having NOTHING in air placement and her children’s birth charts being almost with all air placements. she’s water dominant, it’s fucking CHAOTIC.
what I’ve learned??! is to being more conscious when I speak, she gets easily offended and takes things personal BUT I do admit air placements can be too RATIONAL. if they’re not emotional intelligent, they don’t even read your face and proceed to say solutions: sometimes people need only to express how they feel and not a rational solution.
lilith (mean) 1H
lilith (mean) 1H immature -bc I have the believe placements can obtain and have certain characteristics when they’re immature and when they have become mature and etc,- can be too childish, they say they don’t care what people think about them but two minutes later they’re asking what x person would say or they’re criticizing others to feel better. they’re full of their ego but they haven’t done some introspection about their issues, they could say they do but I visualize the opposite. they could be too defensive or get mad at details that, I believe, make them remember a negative emotion a memory they own.
what I’ve learned? at first I loved their energy of fake idgaf but then they spoke about how things must be, they corrected my manners, spoke as “we” when she was referring to her opinion, blablabla more, the intensity of Lilith’s energy reflecting her issues towards others was a no for me. idk I’ve learned/remembered being in tune with your energy doesn’t mean attack others energy.
obviously having this placement in your chart implicates suffering from a lot of adversities and painful situations, specifically as a child, that affected/affects your whole persona. what I’ve explain is an experience :) being in tune with your Lilith (mean) is to accept and embrace your shadow side. when the placement is “immature” they reflect their issues on others and etc.
moon 6H square uranus + 12H venus
I’m sorry I’ve fucked up the harmony of our friend group, no, I’m not really sorry -me using astrology as a way of catarsis-. this are the placements of my friend who texted me “make thing up with x(a friend of a group), I don’t feel good when my friend group is awkward”, when I was tired of the Lilith 1H person attitude I explained before. basically, this placement + aspect, when they finally founded their people, when they can feel comfortable and being themselves -a situation 12H placements experiment RARELY-, they could often idealize the idea of the group or “family” they have been searching and when they encounter others don’t see it or simply have their own perspectives etc it kills them -idk if I’m exaggerating-, want to admit it or not. they could be inestable with the moon 6h, they need a routine to not explode but at the same time it fucks them up, the stability his friend group gave him + square uranus aspect makes the stereotypical idea of 12H being more present: isolation, imbalance, etc. and the feeling they did something wrong with the situation.
what I’ve learned?? fcking nothing srry no… I can do wathever I want tf, that my way of controlling the situation is analyzing it with astrology. idk is not my responsibility to make you feel happy -doing as if I’m talking to my friend and I did, he’s kind of resentful about it, he admitted he was shocked but time helped him-.
I just have a whole analysis of a situation with placements
1H stellium + sun trine pluto
1H stellium + sun trine pluto “inmature” -I mean when they haven’t grow or do some introspection, heal, etc.- can be such a disappointment😭 sorry I don’t mean it in a way they are but in a way that…✨I had a friend I didn’t know she was gonna be such a capricious and vain lady💋. when I knew her, she initially showed a temperament and stubbornness but the other day she opposed completely to do an important task that involved other people bc she wasn’t prepared and didn’t know, I thought she was as decisive or that could confront adversities as she apparent: she wasted a beneficial opportunity and she threatened me bc I told her to calm down for the sake of others. 1H stellium makes a person have a HUGE influence, they can get too cocky and be full of themselves. also sun trine pluto aspect can be too much bc they want things done in their way and they’ll do everything to make it done, manipulating and being so stubborn you’ll get tired. I’m not affirming that aspect makes you evil and blablabla, my recommendation is to benefit yourself from the power of moving masses unconsciously instead of making a scene bc of your cockiness.
what I’ve learned?? To not judge a book it’s cover, also me having expectations towards people. I could have expected that kind of character from her bc her signature sign is virgo/virgo ascendant.
(*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა ∗ ࣪ ˖༺ ♡ ༻˖ ࣪ ∗ */ᐠ - ˕ -マ✩(๑>◡<๑)
♡ Based on personal experience and I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
♡ English is not my first language.
♡ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 28
FF does not like being on pain medication.
Everything feels floaty and it is so hard to focus on anything around him.
He’s almost glad that his Gran has given him something to focus on that something being helping her sell her lie to the Foxes that she only knows Polish. Coach Wymack must know but the man is a steel trap and FF finds himself envying his Gran that HER secret keeper is Coach Wymack.
“Smithy! My sweet beautiful idiot!” Nicky cries when Gran gives Wymack the OK for them to come back in. FF finds himself on the receiving end of 2 forehead kisses and a kiss to each of his cheeks from Nicky. “Next time you see a crazy mafia hitman looking to kidnap me you just grab me and RUN.” He orders pointedly, “No more cool guy shit where you take ‘em out in the weird sex alley.” He runs his fingers through FF’s hair and…
Yeah it’s okay that Nicky is the one that knows.
Nicky is so nice.
“What about Aaron?” FF asks.
“If Romero could grab Aaron when he is in whacky inflatable tube mode then I don’t think he’d be taken out by you and Andrew.” Nicky says with a watery smile.
“Hey.” Aaron’s voice is offended.
“Learn to dance at a club already. We’ve been going for years.” Nicky shoots back but never takes his eyes off of FF’s face.
“I dance just fine. I’m better than Kevin.” Aaron argues.
“Hey.” Kevin’s voice is offended.
“You are better than Kevin, but that’s not a real standard of good.” Nicky dismisses, “Regardless, next time grab me and I’ll grab Aaron and the three of us can hide literally anywhere other than the weird sex alley. We could go to the back room with Roland or, if it means you not ending up in the hospital with a stab wound, I would even tolerate hiding down in the straight swingers club in the basement.” Nicky says.
He sees Andrew and Captain Neil tense off to the side.
Oh, that’s right.
Oh fun another lie for him to focus on instead of feeling floaty. Gran always talked about the virtue of telling the truth but the only thing set free would be Nicky in a club that he’s not supposed to know about.
“I wouldn’t ask that of you Nicky.” FF says instead.
Nicky laughs and kisses his cheek one more time. “You’re my favorite family member now. Sorry Aaron, you’ve made me endure the horrors of a heterosexual relationship for too long.” Nicky says stroking  FF’s face as he looks up to where FF assumes Aaron is.
“Hey.” Aaron says in the exact same way he said earlier.
“Andrew-“ Nicky starts but is cut off.
“I don’t care.”
“That’s the spirit.” Nicky says, “Neil-“
“Nicky, I also don’t care.”
“At least you have one another to support each other.”
“Wait, what about me?” Kevin asks.
“You won’t even LEARN the family language Kevin, you were NEVER in the running for my favorite.” Nicky dismisses and doesn’t bother to turn back to the  “So Smithy is my favorite family member now with Aras coming in second.”
Two things strike FF in the wake of family conversation.
First, when in the world did Kevin get here? Why is he here? Is he going to ask the doctors to run tests on FF to figure out stealth mode?
Second, Nicky just used his Gran’s nickname. The nickname that causes FF no small amount of embarrassment. It was a youthful indiscretion! He had thought he understood Lithuanian quite well! He had wanted to impress his Great Gran and his Gran with his knowledge.
“You’re looking pale Smith, do you need more pain medication?” Captain Neil asks.
“No, I’m fine.” He is pretty sure that pain meds can’t numb the psychological pain of his friends hearing about his youthful mistakes and he doesn’t care how bad his stomach is going to hurt he wants to only take the absolute minimum amount of pain meds required to get through this so he can stop floating.
Having friends nearby makes it so much easier.
Conversations go on with him and around him. He’s tired still from everything and when a nurse comes in to try and give him more pain medication he declines. All present in the room except Gran try to convince him to take it but he declines all but the most minor amount to take the edge off.
He finally realizes that Kevin had not been with them and asks why the hell he’s here. He gets an answer that makes him reconsider being on any pain medication at all because it doesn’t really make any sense. Why in the world is Kevin telling him not to trust the nutritionist?
Neil lets him know that the FBI are going to be coming around at some point to talk to him. He says that Agent Browning is a dick but generally fine and that there will be a local agent Iruma Matsumoto stopping by before him, probably today. He looks right at Andrew and says “Yeah, I’ll talk with them about how Romero stabbed me.” Andrew lets out an amused puff of laughter that makes FF feel like he might be doing alright at this friendship thing.
He apologizes to Andrew that he can’t make the pie today and gets a flick to his ear.
He finds out that he slept through all of Saturday and that it is Sunday morning. Finds out that his Gran and Wymack had stayed over at the Columbia house last night and that Wymack has him excused from his classes this week. He also finds out that Nicky has given his grandma a key to the house in Columbia so she could stay there while she’s visiting him.
He apologizes to Nicky for messing up the clothes he’d let him borrow and earns another flick to the ear from Nicky.
Wymack hands him a new phone that Nicky has apparently set up for him. His lip quirks up slightly when he sees that Nicky registered it as ’Smithy’s phone’. Neil shows him some stuff since he has the same phone model but Andrew rolls his eyes.
“You’ve barely figured out how to set anything on your phone Junkie. You still haven’t even set a screen lock.” He says as he pulls Neil back from FF’s space.
“I’ve figured out how to change the notification ping.” Neil argues but lets himself be pulled away and if Andrew keeps his arm around Neil afterwards? No one comments on that.
He translates things for his Gran when it seems important for her to be able to respond to and helps Nicky with some pronunciations.
He falls asleep a couple times and wakes up to his friends and teammates in all sorts of different configurations. Nicky gets him some good sugar-free Jell-O from the nurses while Aaron smacks Kevin upside the head when Kevin complains that it’s not good for him and not part of the diet he’s making to get FF back on the Court ASAP. “He’s gotta be on a clear liquid diet for 24 hours after his surgery.” Aaron hisses.
“Why does it have to be clear? I can put it in a blender but it won’t be clear.” Kevin grumbles.
“He’s not going to be on puree’d food for at least two weeks idiot.” Aaron smacks his head again.
“Stop that.”
He hears from Wymack the other Freshman Dealer won’t be returning and that Sheena is now their only Dealer and she does not do defense well. Kevin’s disapproval for the Jell-O cups only grows stronger in light of this news. His grumbling only stops when Gran looks at him and says “Maybe someone should help you pull that stick out of your ass young man.” In her nicest most grandmotherly voice.
When Kevin turns to FF for a translation Nicky beats him to it, “She said a handsome young man like you shouldn’t ruin your face with worries.” He says without a hint that he’s lying.
Kevin preens at the grandmotherly approval of his looks and FF gets to know that he, Nicky and his grandma all have lying in common.
Eventually it’s lunch time and the natural hunger of college athlete boys trumps anything else. Kevin won’t eat anything at the cafeteria since he doesn’t trust the nutritionist so they agree to head out of the hospital to grab food. He’s more tired than hungry so he tells his Gran to go with them. She pats his face and promises she’ll be back with some clear soup for him per the Doctor’s order and despite Kevin’s grumbling that he could make a clear protein shake.
His Gran kisses his forehead and tells him that she’ll be back soon and that he should rest as much as he can.
FF can’t sleep.
He tried.
He really did.
But without the noise of everyone else his mind keeps going back to the last time he was in a hospital. He closes his eyes and he can see Gran’s pale face when she tells him that his dad didn’t make it and the tears when she tells him neither-
He can’t sleep.
So he gets up against medical advice and decides to go on a walk. He’s not been connected to any of the monitoring equipment since he had first woken up, just the IV keeping him hydrated. FF decides he wants to get his dad’s leather back because it would make him feel better. The leather jacket has weight that would keep his feet strictly on the ground and it’s something his Gran had given to him when he went off to college so that he could keep his dad close. He could call a nurse but it feels like he shouldn’t distract them with something as stupid as getting him his dad’s jacket so he doesn’t have a panic attack.
So he lets himself slip into the background and heads towards the nurse station. He thinks that might be where they’re holding his belongings. It’s a good first stop if nothing else.
He can’t help but notice a strange number of men in suits but figures that maybe they’re just there to talk to people who seem to have gotten caught up in some sort of mass casualty incident.
He makes it to the nurse station and when a whole 5 minutes goes by without a single nurse clocking that he exists he considers speaking up until he sees a nurse bagging up some clothes, slapping on a label, and heading away.
It’s nice when things work out for him.
Another suit wearing man comes up and a different nurse sees him there immediately and comes up, “What can I help you with?” She asks.
“I’m looking for someone with the last name Smith, he has a stab wound?” The man asks.
“You’re going to have to be more specific.” The nurse responds with exasperation but FF is already almost out of earshot when he hears it because he’s following the nurse with the bag.
He follows her down the hallway and she thankfully takes an elevator instead of going down the stairs because FF doesn’t know how he would have gotten his IV stand down with him.
FF walks in with her and he watches her slump as the doors slide close. Relaxing like most people do when they think they’re alone. Her shoulders go straight back when the elevator opens again and he follows after her.
He follows her to a door that she unlocks and proceeds to enter and FF sees a room full of the same bags with belongs all tagged with a last name and a room number. “Christ, why are there so many fucking Smiths in here right now?” She grumbles but takes him straight to the S section and he sees his own ‘Smith’ and room number.
He grabs it and heads out the door before the nurse and heads into the elevator.
His phone pings with a text message. He opens it and sees a text from an unknown number.
“Come to the Cafeteria. - IM”
FF stares at his phone for a few minutes before the initials click.
Iruma Matsumoto, the local FBI agent who was coming to talk to him today according to Captain Neil. It’s weird to be texted like this but this is the first time he’s ever had to talk to the FBI. Maybe it’s normal? He doesn’t really want to bother Captain Neil about what getting interrogated by the FBI is like since Captain Neil is out at lunch.
He decides to go to the Cafeteria.
FF follows the directory in the elevator and then the arrows that point him towards the cafeteria. He takes a moment to pull his dad’s jacket out and it does help him feel better. He realizes the McDonald’s toy is still in his pocket and thinks that he really should probably turn that over to Agent Matsumoto.
When he gets to the cafeteria he sees even more of those guys in suits and then he sees a well dressed Japanese man sitting by himself at a table. FF has a moment where he thinks ‘Wow that FBI agent sure does look like a member of the Yakuza.’ Before he squashes it because ‘OMG that’s such a fucking racist thing to think. Thoughts from the abyss are the worst and Agent Matsumoto is probably a perfectly nice guy.’
He takes a seat in front of the man who is surrounded by two other of the men in black he’s seen. Oh that guy was probably looking for him to bring him here so they could have the talk.
None of the men seem to notice him and FF realizes that he’s still in stealth mode. He sets the bag with the rest of his clothes to the side and clears his throat.
Three sets of eyes are on him immediately and FF breathes through the anxiety as the two men at either side of Agent Matsumoto seem to reach for something at their holsters.
“Captain Neil said you wanted to talk to me.” He says.
Captain Matsumoto raises a hand and the two men on either side of him return to an at ease position.
Ichirou Moriyama could admit to himself that he had been startled when a young man seemingly appeared out of nowhere in front of him without any warning. He sees a bulge in the man’s pocket that says that he’s armed and he could have done anything before bringing attention to himself. He had men throughout the hospital and no one has spotted Wesninski or any of his cohorts but they had their eyes peeled for the uninvolved civilian who had taken out Jackson on his own and had assisted Wesninski’s guard dog in taking out Romero.
Ichirou clasps his hands together in over the cafeteria table.
“Yes, let’s talk.” He agrees.
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@i-have-three-feelings​ @blep-23​ @dreamerking27​ @andreilsmyreligion @belodensetdust​ @rainbowpineapplebottle @yarn-ace​ @iwouldlikesometea @lily-s-world​ @obscureshipsandchips​ @booklover242​ @whataboutmyfries​ @sahturnos​ @pluto-pepsi​ @dreamerthinker​ @passinhosdetartaruga​ @leftunknownheart​ @aro-manita-muscaria @hologramsaredead​ @Chaoticgremlinswishtheycouldbeme @tntwme​ @tayspots @nick-scar​ @crazy-fangirl2524​ @blue-jos10​ @stabbyfoxandrew​ @splishsplashyouropinionistrash​ @sammichly​ @the-broken-pen​ @bitchesdoweknowu​ @very-small-flower​ @ghostlyboiii​ @its-a-paxycab​ @bisexual-genderfluid-fan​ @cheesecookie​ @theoneandonlylostsock​ @foxsoulcourt​ @blueleys @adverbialstarlight​ @elia-nna​ @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner​ @nikodiangel​ @foxandcrow-inatrenchcoat​ @hallucinatedjosten​ @satanic-foxhole-court​ @vexingcosmos​ @chalilodimun​ @insectsgetcooked​ @angry-kid-with-no-money​ @queer-crows​ @lillyndra​ @themundanemudperson​ @readertodeath​ @apileofpillows​ @mortalsbowbeforeme​ @hellomynameismoo​ @next-level-mess @youreonlylow​ @interstellarfig​ @notprocrastinatingatalltoday​ @percyjacksonfan3​ @queenofcrazy27​ @bsmr261 @ghostlyscares​ @spencellio @adinthedarkroom​ @harpymoth​ @sufferingjustalilbit​ @anxietymoss​ @oddgreyhound​ @ohno-myhyperfixation-itsbroken​ @ken22789​ @atiredvampire​ @isoldescorner​ @not--a--pipedream​ @azure-wing​ @bushbees​  @roonilwazlib-main​ @crumplelush​ @foldedaces-paperbirds​ @thesenseinnonsense​ @let-tyrants-fear​ @ketchupandfries​ @legowerewolf​ @deadlydodos​ @but-we-respect-his-craft​ @cariniqe @zanypersonapricotbiscuit​ @lesbian-blackbeard​ @lesbiansupernatural​ @silvermasquerade​ @thepeachfuzz​ @minniemariex​ @kazoo-the-demjin​ @gaypomegranate​ @ji-nk-ies​ @neilimfinejosten​ @omgrubelangel​ @itsyouitsmeorpheuseurydice​ @percabethotplove​ @cozyrosykay​ @foxyatlas​ @theoneandonlylostsock​ @cindersapsecrets​
The  requests to be added to the tag list keep being spread out across a few  different areas. If I missed you please just ask again in the replies I  promise I just missed you.
As stated before if you’re up here and I spelled it right but you didn’t get a notification there might be  something switched around in your settings that won’t let me tag you properly?
If you didn’t get notified on the last part it’s probably because I used tumblr mobile to post and our most beloved garbage fire site just didn’t like that.
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lotus222 · 11 months
I only meant to make one SJM post cause Ik how certain girls like to tussle
But since the gwynriels and elucians decided to mess w me EVEN THO I SAID TO LOOK AWAY IF YOU GET EASILY TRIGGERED…
There is only one thing to do:
Talk more about why Elriel is not based in delusion — unlike some ships (not naming names, if you take offense that’s your mind questioning things)
Again, I am giving my PERSONAL OPINION. I even said at the end of my last post that I am not the author and I will love & respect whatever SJM does, which some of y’all can’t echo. That’s sad. This is a fictional world.
DISCLAIMER: if you’re easily triggered by elriel/elucian/gwynriel…l o o k a w a y
DISCLAIMER#2: I am unapologetic cause this is my page :)
Also, stop hitting my line with the “I wasn’t going to respond to this but…” or “you’re so anti…” like 1, if you weren’t going to respond, then don’t. It’s not that serious where the world is BEGGING for your opinion. And 2, I’m not anti anything, I’m pro-logic, again if that offends you then that’s a convo for you and you not you and me.
Now onto the main event…
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My mans is being dragged through the mud both in the books and online. We say we “love him” but are ignoring what he wants and babes, that’s Elain. If you don’t like her personally, that’s not how Az is feeling, that’s how YOURE feeling. Gwyn has one chapter (+1 sentence) of where I can even attempt to grasp at what Gwynriel’s quote as bible, but again, AZ AND ELAIN HAVE 3 BOOKS. Y’all are acting like Rhys in Az’s bonus chapter and if Rhys couldn’t make his stance acceptable, y’all definitely can’t.
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Again, I say, if you do not like the lady pictured above, stop reading ACOTAR cause she ain’t going anywhere. To be so for real, I didn’t mind Elain at first, meaning I didn’t care whether or not she was included in any story whatsoever. But as I read ACOWAR and ACOFAS, I started realizing that there’s something so lovely about having a character who is innately good and wants/practices peace in a world of animosity and ugliness. She brings beauty in all areas of her life and I think that there’s nothing bad about being “boring” cause that just means your life ain’t a dang mess (*cough* *cough* everybody else in this book)
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So here is where I debunk all the claims I have grown tired of ignoring:
• #1 - “He hadn’t gotten that far into his planning beyond the fantasies he’s pleasured himself to.”
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(Picture credit: unknown) Get a good look cause that’s what he’s doing at night when he thinks about ELAIN. (It’s canon, so cry to yourself)
So, y’all really think you got us here, huh? So, my man Azriel blatantly admits to thinking of Elain when he wants to be intimate and y’all STILL want your girl to be with this man?
Anyway, so Azriel hadn’t planned a relationship with Elain…OKAY???? Did you expect this man to have a map laid out about how he’s going to steal Lucien’s mate??? Do y’all even know Azriel? Like, be so for real rn.
Idk about y’all but when I have a crush on someone, I’m not thinking about how to steal them from the rest of the world, I’m imagining kissing them or going on cute dates. Not how I’ll actually make it happen. And ik y’all do that too with your favorite celebrities so stop playing.
He has a crush. Can you let the man figure out if Elain even wants him to act on it before he plans a 12-step mission on making Lucien disappear forever?
Azriel doesn’t want to force his emotions on anyone (as seen with Mor) so of course he’s not going to act or plot without confirmation that the other person in the party wants that. I.E. why he hadnt tried anything with Mor in all the CENTURIES that he liked her.
So, yeah, consider that point invalid.
• #2 - Lucien is Elain’s mate
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(PC: @shauna_the_author) *sigh* This one cannot be dubunked, unfortunately, because it is true. You got me here.
Elain is more likely to marry Nuala and Cerridwen before she spends the rest of her life with Lucien.
And it has nothing to do with Lucien. It really, really doesn’t. Elain simply doesn’t like him. Y’all were in my comments like “oh he didn’t really sell out Elain and Nesta, he didn’t know”. OKAY. But Elain literally says in ACOWAR that she knows Lucien as two things: Feyre’s friend and the MAN WHO SOLD THEM OUT TO HYBERN
Who cares if it isn’t true, that’s what Elain thinks and with her in mind, you can’t say that this bond means anything more to her than Lucien having some ownership of her which she doesn’t like at all. She even tells Graysen that she doesn’t care Lucien is her mate (“I belong to no one, but my heart belongs to you.”)
Whereas with Azriel, my girl is practically skipping into his arms; talking with him about her dream garden, getting him not one but two solstice gifts, almost-kissing him, recoiling at Cassian’s dagger but actively using Azriel’s…
Idk about y’all but if someone who was fated to be with me was acting this way with another girl, I’d drop him like a hot potatoe. AND AS LUCIEN SHOULD. He deserves someone who wants him, not someone who, as even Lucien said in ACOWAR when he was questioning if Elain was “worth it”, is shackled to him.
I harbor no ill will toward this dreamy man, but it ain’t gonna happen so do Elain a favor and lose her number, k?
• #3 - Sarah wouldn’t do the 3 brothers with 3 sisters, it’s too cliche
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Write your own book then. Fan fiction is a thing. If the ONLY thing preventing you to see reason is the possibility of a cliche in a book about kingdoms and fairies and magic then your priorities are so out of shape I won’t even spend the time explaining it to you.
This is SARAH’s WORLD. If she wants to be cliche and have the three female protagonists end up with the three male protagonists then let her. Omg.
• #4 - That Gwynriel scene tho
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(NOTE THE PICTURE) Oh, you mean the bonus chapter that featured thoughts about Elain? Not that one? Oh, then maybe you mean the other bonus chapter that featured thoughts about Elain? No? You mean the scene with Gwyn…hmmm
OH! You mean the 2 page conversation about training and why he couldn’t sleep (cause of Elain) and the subsequent regift of Elain’s present to Gwyn. Yeah, I know about that but why are we talking about it? Cause that means Az likes Gwyn? Huh?
That’s how delulu y’all sound. And if I hear another “you’re the ribbon Az”, one more time I’ll scream. THE RIBBON WAS ABOUT TRAINING NOT GWYN WANTING TO SLEEP WITH THE MAN. We are talking about the same girl who hadn’t left a library in god knows how long because of a sexual trauma and y’all are forcing her onto another man??
Gwyn was focused on coming into herself and mastering the ways of the Valkyrie. Nesta meant Gwyn found another obstacle in Az that she would have to overcome to become a Valkyrie. The only man Gwyn was concerned about was Cassian and that’s cause he was getting it on with Nesta. Again, be so for real right now.
I refuse to acknowledge this point until the opposing ships acknowledge the 3 books (+ ACOFAS) of build up between Elain and Azriel.
• #5 - Elain doesn’t belong in the Night Court
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This is the last point I’ll mention cause I actually feel bad for dogging the Gwynriels like this, but it had to be done. (Elucians get a pass bc at least their ship is based in evidence)
Elain doesn’t belong in the Night Court, okay, yeah Cassian said that the colors drown her out, I’ll give you that.
But Elain doesn’t know where she belongs anymore, just like Azriel has said about himself. She’s still figuring herself out and what she wants, so it’s okay she looks odd at times or feels at times out of place. Azriel keeps his shadows out 24/7 for the same reason. He doesn’t let anyone past the front he puts on unless he knows it’s safe to. They’re both figuring out how to live their best lives in their current lives.
I’ve heard Dusk Court theories and others but I won’t even repeat those (even tho they’re so good and you should definitely look into them). They just need to find their place in this world (and Cassian was right, Elain DOES NOT BELONG in the Hewn City).
Just like how Nesta didn’t believe she belonged in the Inner Circle, I believe there’s a place for Elain and Azriel where they can be themselves. They just need to find it I.E. their book.
Okay, that’s enough slaying of my enemies for one post. Again, this is just my opinion/theories and at the end of the day I’ll be happy with whatever Mrs. Maas gives us as long as she gives us something.
Act correctly or else I’ll be back.
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ec1ips3 · 10 months
-;༉‧₊˚✧  𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐝𝐨 𝐢?
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⚡︎ pairing: megumi fushiguro x reader
⚡︎ summary: megumi doesn’t have crushes, he didn’t think he could have one. but he doesn’t think this feeling is normal.
⚡︎ warning: this is so fucking fluffy it’s sickening, “pretty”, “beautiful”, “gorgeous”, “stunning”, i told ya this was fluffy. 
⚡︎ word count: 4370
⚡︎ a/n: heyyyyyy guyssssss….. okay i know it’s been foreverary. i’m sorry. i got sick, had major tests, lost motivation, got sick again, still had a writer’s block, went on vacation, got sick AGAIN, and still had zero motivation. but alas, we are here. we have motivation. and we aren’t sick. I know i should’ve spent my summer writing, but i did not and school starts back up this month, so this is 1000% bad timing, but hey who cares. but yeah sorry i was away for four months. hopefully, i’m back this time. enjoy and happy reading <;33
masterlist | megumi’s masterlist | taglist
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Despite the fact that he has a lot to say, Megumi Fushiguro is quiet. Very very quiet. It isn’t that he didn’t know what to say, he does. He just doesn’t feel like talking unless he absolutely has to. And even when he does speak he’s always so calm, his voice always sounding like he was bored, even if he isn’t.
But not with you.
Of course not with you.
He always engaged in the conversation when you were there. He actually sounded like he wanted to be there too. It was obvious that he only preferred the conversations you were in. He hadn’t even noticed this until it was pointed out to him. 
“Why do you only talk when Y/n’s around?” Nobara asked him once you had finally walked away. She was one of the first people to notice it. Two weeks ago when it almost seemed like the two of you were having your own conversation, even when the both of you were with other people.
Megumi looked at her confused. “What are you talking about?”, he turns away but Nobara follows him.
“You only ever talk when they’re around”
“That’s not true”
Nobara huffs, “That is true.”
Megumi rolls his eyes, “I’m talking to you now.” He says plainly.
“Yeah, but only because you have to. You actually want to talk to Y/n”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re being weird.”
This comment offends Nobara, “I’m not being weird! You’re being weird, Fushiguro!” She crosses her arms.
“Okay Nobara,” he says unphased by her comment.
After that day he really thought about it. Was he really like that? He knew he was quiet. He just assumed he was quiet with everyone. He would’ve noticed it by now, wouldn’t he? He would’ve caught on that he talks to you more, right? Why did he talk to you more?
Once he got to that question he rolled his eyes to himself. That’s the most simple answer. It’s because you and he had more in common. Why else would he talk to you more? That is the only answer, right?
Plus it makes more sense. He spoke to you more because the both of you have more in common. Which is why he didn’t notice before. Duh, obviously. No other reason.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。・ ───
He hadn’t thought about it for a while. Not after he came to his conclusion. Not his conclusion, the conclusion. It was the last thing on his mind while he was walking to his room, fidgeting with the pen in his hand. 
No, of course not he’s not thinking about how comfortable he is when talking to you. How easy it feels to talk to someone he thinks is thinking the same thing as him. Cause that’s stupid. Why would he think that? 
He drops his pen thinking about it. He curses himself before crouching down to get it. When he puts his hand out another hand brushes his. Wait, what was that? He immediately pulls away and stands up. Once he’s up he realizes the person’s hand it belonged to was you. 
You looked up at him, still crouched down, and laughed a little before picking it up. “Sorry, Megumi. I didn’t mean to scare you” you say, offering the pen back.
What was that?
That thing that happened, what was that? He couldn’t explain it.
“I didn’t get scared. Thanks.” He takes the pen from your head. But his mind is so clouded.
What was that? That feeling when your hands touched. Something weird happened.
He was used to feeling something he couldn’t quite put his finger on whenever you accidentally touched each other. Or whenever either of you were close to one another, he got used to that feeling.
But this.
This was different. What was that? It was like, his stomach did something. Something it’s never done before.
You laugh lightly at him, “You alright? You seem like you have a lot on your mind.”
That was a nice laugh he thought before he snapped out of his trance. Wait, you’re still here? “Uh, yeah. I’m alright. Just something weird happened.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Weird?”
“Yeah, weird. It’s probably nothing.”
“Are you sure? Seems like it’s bothering you.”
Megumi shakes his head, “it’s nothing. Thanks for picking up my pen”
You smile and nod as a quiet you’re welcome. You start the opposite way he was walking. “I’ll see you around, Fushiguro.”
Megumi looks back and smiles a bit, “see you around.”
You look back and give him the usual kind smile you always give him, before looking in the direction you were going. Megumi still looking at the direction you were leaving in.
“Whatcha smilin’ at?”
Megumi jumps and looks in the direction of the voice. He rolls his eyes once he sees it’s Gojo. “I’m not smiling.”
Satoru smiles, “So you weren’t just smiling at Y/n”. He points in your direction.
Megumi shakes his head no and shrugs. “Why would I be smiling?”
“You tell me,” Satoru says, walking away shortly after.
Why’s he acting weird? Scratch that, he’s always weird. Megumi shakes his thoughts and walks back to his room. Why has everything been weird lately? It’s starting to annoy him.
Once he relaxes on his bed he picks up one of the books he has lying around. While reading though, he can’t get that feeling out of his head. It wasn’t like he felt butterflies but it felt like something. He couldn’t explain. There has to be something for it. Some sort of word or phrase for it. It was like that one feeling he always felt around you was enhanced.
He hadn’t even asked himself why it happened. Why did it? There has to be a solution to this problem. Maybe it’s because he wasn’t expecting you. Yeah… that sounds right. He was too much in his thoughts, didn’t see you, and didn’t think you would be there to grab his pen. Duh.
Then why was he thinking about your laugh? To be fair, it was a cute laugh. But you always laugh cute so. How couldn’t he think of it? 
See? There are simple answers to these stupid questions he keeps asking himself. 
He’s too much in his mind, he needs to stop thinking about them. 
It’s not like he hasn’t time to think about anything anymore when the pink-haired boy bursts into his room. He groans but doesn’t object. He needs to get a few things off his mind anyway.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。・ ───
Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara were just talking to one another. Well, more like Nobara and Yuuji were talking to one another while Megumi just stood there and watched.
When Megumi glanced around, he noticed you talking to Panda and Maki. You looked pretty-- happy. Yes, pretty happy. It didn’t seem like you even noticed the rest of the students.
He hadn’t even noticed that Nobara had walked away until he saw her walking in your direction. When she had arrive you had that big smile and laughed at something she had said. Cute. 
“You’re staring again”
Megumi turned his head to face Yuji. “Staring? At who?”
“Y/n.” he smiles.
“I’m not staring at Y/n.”
“You are.”
“I’m not.”
“You are.”
“I’m not doing this with you” Megumi rolls his eyes.
“But you have to” Yuji pouts at him.
“I don’t. I wasn’t looking at Y/n.”
“Then why were you looking over there?”
“Something caught my eye.”
“You mean, Y/n.” Yuji smiles, he knew he wasn’t wrong. But he knew Megumi would just deny it.
Megumi huffs “No, I mean something.”
“Well whether it was something or a special someone. Y/n’s looking at you.”
“They are?” Megumi looks up immediately. Yuji was right, you were looking at him.
Once both of you shared eye contact, you smiled a bit more but didn’t steer away. There goes that feeling again. You seem to giggle a bit before pointing down. He raises an eyebrow and looks down next to him. Yuji just looked at him with a big smile. Megumi rolls his eyes and turns back to you, but you weren’t looking anymore.
“Did you see that? They only looked away when you did. Bet that made butterflies in your stomach. Oh! Even better, it feel like your stomach was doing flips.”
That was it. His stomach felt like it was doing flips. That-- that’s perfect to call it. That’s what it’s been feeling like recently.
Meumi rolls his eyes, “shut up.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。・ ───
You and Megumi were sitting on some steps alone. It’s been a long time since the two of you have been together, just the two of you. So, he’s feeling a bit nervous, even when he’s not showing it.
Megumi had brought up a topic that he knew you really liked. A topic you knew a lot about.
And that’s when you went off. Like a complete switch from being so calm and comfortable. To be so excited to be talking about this topic and quick because there’s so much to talk about. 
He kinda found it cute. 
It was cute.
You were just rambling about something you really really liked. He didn’t dream of interrupting you, he didn’t want to. He just wanted to watch talk passionately about something you cared deeply out.
“Right?” You say, sounding out of breath.
“Yeah, yeah. Right. I agree.” Megumi had no idea what he was agreeing to.
You laugh lightly at him. “You didn’t hear a word I said.”
“No, I did.” He lied, he was too busy admiring you to hear.
“You’re such a liar” You laugh. “I could’ve said anything and you would’ve just agreed to it.”
Megumi smiles at you, “Okay maybe I wasn’t listening to everything. You were just talking too fast, I couldn’t keep up. I’m sorry.”
You smile back at him, “It’s okay, I was speaking really fast”. He can’t believe you bought that. You look at your wrist and huff. “Great, I don’t have a hair tie.”
“Oh, I have one.” 
Megumi takes one off of his wrist and hands it to you. You just stare at him like he’s insane.
“Why do you have a hair tie?”
Megumi shrugs, he knows why he has a hair tie. “I don’t know. Just had one on my wrist”
You take the hair tie from him and start putting your hair up. “Is this the one I told you to hold for me like two weeks ago?”
You smile softly at him, “You sure?”
“Yeah, why would I hold a hair tie for you from two weeks ago? That’s like, I really long time to have one. Especially since I don’t use one.”
You giggle at him, “Oh really? That’s a shame. I was just about to talk about how cute you would’ve been if you did keep it on you.”
Megumi’s face feels hot. Why does it feel hot? It only ever feels hot when it’s hot outside. It isn’t hot outside. Why does it feel hot? 
“Okay, maybe I did keep it on me just in case you or anyone else needed it. It’s a decent thing to do. It doesn’t-- it doesn’t mean anything” He says, his face feeling even hotter.
You giggle at him and smile as you look at him. “Are you blushing?”
He hears you giggle again, oh now those are butterflies in his stomach. “I’m not blushing.” He insists.
“You’re totally blushing”
“Am not. Why would I be blushing?”
“Because I indirectly called you cute”
Oh, now his face is even hotter. What is going on? Why is it doing that? Stop that.
“So? That doesn’t mean I’m blushing.”
“But it means it’s making you blush.”
Megumi rolls his eyes, and you laugh at him. 
“I’ve never seen you blush before.” You tell him, a light laugh still in your voice.
“That’s because I never blush” he grumbles.
You smile softly at him, “Sure. Well, the ‘not-blush’ on your face looks really handsome on you.”
“Y/n!” A new voice is heard. When the both of you look over you see Maki waving you over. You look back to Megumi and smile again, rising from the stairs. “I’ll see you later Megumi,” you say before walking away.
What did you just say? You just say that and then walk away? That’s not fair. You can’t do that. Now he’s blushing more. This-- this isn’t fair.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。・ ───
Megumi’s in his room, reading now. But you literally called him cute and handsome. In a span of 5 minutes. On the same day.
And you didn’t even seem phased by it. Like you said it was so causally and like it was normal. 
How was he not gonna blush? It was cute.
He puts his book down. Now that he thinks about it. From everything he’s read, heard, or seen. Is he, crushing on you?
Cause if he was he would like… know, right?
Like he would know he has a crush on you. That’s like the whole point. He’s supposed to know he has a crush on you. 
Then why doesn’t he?
Well, there’s a simple explanation, he doesn’t really crush on people. He doesn’t pay people mind that much to actually have a crush on them. It isn’t his thing.
Maybe, it’s his thing now. Could it be? With everything happening. Talking more around you, his stomach flipping when you’ve touched, liking the sound of your laugh, smiling at you, staring at you, admiring the way you ramble about something you’re interested in, having a hair tie for you, and now blushing around you.
Could he have a crush on you…?
Megumi shakes his head and the thoughts away. There’s no way. No. He’s just, going through a phase, it’ll go away.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。・ ───
It didn’t.
If anything it got worse. Megumi’s now paying attention to the little things. The little things he’s starting to enjoy more and more. Like the way, you run your fingers through your hair. Or the way you scrunch your nose when you smile sometimes. Or the way you fidget with your necklace when he compliments you. Or the way you look away before you try not to laugh at something.
But this doesn’t mean he likes you. Nah.
This just means he finds you… interesting?
Yes! That’s it.
He finds you interesting, that’s all. 
“Oh look! I think this fits here” You say, putting a puzzle piece in. Looking at him and smiling.
“You’ve always been better at this than me” 
You laugh a little at his comment. The two of you are used to doing puzzles together. Granted, you only do it when you’re bored out of your mind. But either way, both you and Megumi actually kinda like this activity. The quiet music in the back just adds to the comfortable atmosphere.
But when you both started doing puzzles, you insisted on making it a challenge to see who can put the most pieces on the board. The both of you did the edges together, that was the safety round. But once the edge was done everything was fair game.
You actually started to get quite good at doing puzzles too. You were winning more of the challenges than Megumi was. He would always get you some sort of snack after as well because you won. Even when you rejected it, he always got you a prize. Even when you did win, he obviously didn’t mind. Seeing you happy and smiling at the expense of his failure sat well with him. 
There were times when Megumi would put the most pieces down and win. But he would still always get you the small snack prize. Using the excuse of “you tried your best” to give it to you.
“That’s not true. You’re good at this” You reply to him with your usual soft smile. God, that smile.
Megumi just shrugged. “Maybe I’m good but that doesn’t mean you’re still not better at solving puzzles than I am.”
You don’t want to admit it to him but you are a little better than him. Just a little. You’ve convinced yourself at this point that he just lets you win. It just seems like he’s always wasting time not trying to put the pieces together but getting distracted by looking at something. And Megumi rarely gets distracted. So that just means he lets you win. 
“That’s cause you don’t try hard enough,” You say, turning back to the puzzles.
“I try plenty enough”
“If you did, maybe you’d win more” You laugh a little at his expense. 
Megumi rolled his eyes with a small smile on his lips. You weren’t wrong. He never tried too much when doing puzzles with you. He doesn’t mean to. It just so happens he gets preoccupied with looking at you.
He can’t help it. I mean, look at you. Seeing you concentrate on something like a puzzle is a cute sight. Watching the gears in your head turn to try to solve something is nice. 
He’s starting to get what Yuji meant about him staring at you. He does like to look or stare at you. But like he’s convinced himself, he can’t help it. There isn’t a real possible answer.
Now that you’re next to him. He’s really thinking about the idea of liking you.
It can’t be. He would have to know. Everyone knows when they like someone. That’s what people like the most about crushing on someone.
That would explain why he’s currently feeling all tingly or his stomach doing that weird thing. 
He doesn’t like you, does he? He would know.
It isn’t an impossible idea. I mean you’re- unbelievable. Looks and personality-wise. You’re beautiful, gorgeous even. You’re stunning. Plus you’re so easy to talk to. Like, he feels the most comfortable talking to you. It’d be easy for anyone to crush on you. He’s certain there are other people out there that are crushing on you. Other people out there that are would be more than lucky to be around you. Other people that want to be close to you.
He’s happy that he gets to the one close to you. Thankful that you choose him to be around. And although he’s a little shy about the idea, he’s excited to have a crush on-
Hold on a second.
He couldn’t. That-- no. No way. Is he serious?
“I don’t like you, do I?”
“Excuse me?”
His eyes widen. Did he just say that out loud? That wasn’t meant to be said out loud. Wait you look angry. Oh my god did you think--
“Oh no no no no. Not like-- No I do like you. I just--”
“Are you sure? It seemed like you had to think about it.” You crossed your arms. Oh no. You didn’t believe him.
“No, I swear! I love being around you. I promise you. I do like you.”
“Then how come you had to question it?”
“No, I wasn’t--” he sighs. “I wasn’t questioning it like that. I was questioning it, in a different… Way”
You pause, now your thoughts are racing. A good different or a bad different? “What… kind of way?”
He rubs the back of his neck nervously. He couldn’t lie to you. He’s lied to you enough about little things. He can’t do that now. “Romantically?” he says, sounding more like a question.
There’s a pause in the room. A long pause. He thinks he blew it. He knows he blew it. You’re never gonna talk to him again.
“Romantically?” You ask quietly.
This is the end. This is the end of everything. Of the puzzle days. The hanging out together. The having a hair tie on his wrist. The blushing, stomach flipping, butterflies. All of those days. Gone. 
“Hey, look this piece goes here” Megumi trails off the topic, putting a piece on the puzzle. It fits perfectly.
You shake your head and gently take his hand and from the possible. “No, we’re talking about this. Now.” 
Megumi sighs and turns to you. He doesn’t want to ruin this. He would prefer if you brushed past it and acted like it never happened.
“What do you mean romantically, Megumi?”
He really didn’t want to do this. He’s never had to do this. “I’m trying to figure out if I like you or if I like like you.”
There goes that pause again. This silence is so loud. It’s deafening. Megumi’s body feels cold from how worried he is. “You’re trying to figure out if you have a crush on”
Megumi just nods in response. He doesn’t trust his voice to try not to sound too desperate. He looks down at the floor from the seat he’s in. he’s contemplating if he should just leave. Never leave his room again and just rot in his own embarrassment.
Then he hears your small quiet laughter. His head picks up. Great, now you’re laughing at him! Maybe you’re just laughing at how funny this situation is. You wouldn’t laugh at him… would you?
“Are you laughing at me?” He asks.
You continue to laugh and nod. 
Oh… that’s awesome. Wow, that’s so cool. Yeah, he’s gonna rot in his embarrassment now.
“I am laughing at you, but not for the way you think.”
Not for the way he thinks? He raises an eyebrow, confused.
“Megumi, I’ve been showing you I like you for months now. And you’re just here, in your head. Trying to figure out if you have a crush on me.” You laugh again. “It’s a bit funny.”
Wait… did he hear that properly? 
Megumi… showing… like you…. Months… head… figure out… crush--
He did hear it correctly!
“What do you mean you’ve been showing me you like me for months?”
You laugh. “You’re kidding. You haven’t noticed?” Megumi shook his head no in response. “Everyone has noticed. It was painfully obvious.”
“It was not.”
“It was.”
Megumi huffs. “No way it was obvious. That doesn’t make any sense. I would’ve noticed.”
“You were too busy in your thoughts. Maybe because you were trying to figure out if you like me or not” You laugh.
Megumi was silent. He didn’t know what to say. Was he too distracted with figuring out his own feelings to even realize how out and open you were with yours?  
“But let’s not talk about that, yet. Let’s talk about if you’ve figured out if you like me or not.”
“I haven’t. Not yet anyway. I’ve never really had crushes. This is all new to me.”
You smile softly at him, “That’s fine. We can figure it out together.”
“What if I don’t like you?” He didn’t even want to think of that outcome.
You sigh and run your fingers through your hair. “I’ll get over it and we’ll act like this never happened.”
Megumi smiled and nodded, “Alright. How do we find out?”
“Well, firstly. You have to be 100% honest.”
“Honest, got it.”
You smile, “Alright so. With you, I get butterflies in my stomach whenever you look me in the eye.”
“Like this?” He smiled.
You giggled and nodded, “Yeah exactly like that. Or I get super nervous when our arms touch.”
“You don’t seem to get nervous.”
“I’m a good actress.” You smile. “I also sometimes go out of my way to see you. Like I actually want to be around you.” 
Megumi blushes lightly but nods, “So what does all of that mean?”
“Those are a few signs that prove I have a crush on you or like you. So now you tell me how you feel, and we’ll figure it all out from there.”
Megumi nods and takes a deep breath. “Well… my stomach does this uh-- thing where it feels really weird. Like it flipped” he says sheepishly.
You giggle but nod, “That’s good. Anything else?”
He nods again. “Yeah, you know when you said you want to be around me? I feel the same way. I really want to be around you. Like a lot. And also, I think you’re really pretty. And cute. I like the way you laugh and smile as well. It’s really-- uhm. It’s really nice”
You and he match blushes. But Megumi doesn’t stop. “Yeah and like, sometimes I plan my conversations with you. Only sometimes though. Just because I don’t want to say the wrong things around you. I really like spending time and talking to you because I think I feel the most comfortable with you. Like it’s so easy to talk to you, it’s crazy. And you always make spending time with you a good time so. It’s no surprise why anyone wouldn’t want to hang out with you.”
“Yeah, you’re easy to talk to too.” You giggle.
Megumi sighs shortly, “Like that. That laugh you just did. I really like it. Or when you’re talking to anyone, you always sound like you know what you’re talking about. It’s nice to hear. Or when someone’s talking to you and you’re listening to them. You have this look that’s just. Captivating.”
There’s a long pause. You don’t need to say anything. You just smile at him, letting him process. He knew.
“So, I think I do like you.”
You laugh at him and nod. “Yeah, I think so too.”
Megumi blushes brightly, “Now what do we do?”
“Now we plan something. A date. How about Saturday, we go to the arcade. Together, obviously.” You give him a kind smile.
Is this really happening?
“Saturday. Yeah, that sounds-- cool.”
Is he actually going on a date with you on Saturday? And doing it so casually.
You smile, “Perfect.” You turn back to the puzzle. “Now, let me show you how much better I am than you are at completing puzzles.”
You pick a piece and place it to the piece he placed down not too long ago. The pieces fit perfectly together.
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aaaaaaa! how cute was this?
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xxnomadsxx · 4 months
so floyds colors in the movie look just ever so slightly duller than they did when the brozone bros were younger (at least to me) and that coupled with the down facing ear tips leads me to believe he’s a little gray himself (not surprising after…everything)
maybe thats one of the reasons he didn’t come back? he used to be the sensitive one, most likely the peace maker of the family who tried to talk things out (as seen when he tries to talk vanner into letting him go) and put on a smile to hide his own issues
what if he didn’t come back because he couldn’t do that anymore? that the issues he kept to himself were starting to affect his color and he thought others knowing would cause more issues then it would solve? that is until he was kidnapped and physically couldn’t.
now don’t be fooled im not defending him leaving branch alone by any means it was still a terrible thing to do im honestly just speculating with the little screen time floyd got
i love your au and the fun ideas that come with it keep it up with the amazing work!
also may i be dubbed 🐝 anon?
Thanks for the love!!! And don’t worry I’ll keep it up!
Floyd definitely had to have been grey right?!!?! Especially for a good period of time since his ears were deformed similar to Branch’s and when the other trolls went grey there ears stayed the same so he had to have been grey for a good period of time (maybe he turned grey during a rough patch in his solo career and felt like a failure leaving Branch for a failing career)
Honestly it would be hypocritical of me to hate on Floyd for not coming back because he was ashamed of being grey (when a part of the grey village au is how all the grey pop trolls are to ashamed to go back to pop village)
I give the brothers a lot of hate as you can see in my past posts with how the village is shown to despise them! When in reality I do LOVE them to!! I just have a lot of hate for their actions and feel they should be given consequences for them, such as their brother moving on and getting a new family (plus an entire village that hates them) Honestly I think it’s fine that they left, family can’t be forced to stay with you your entire life (like when your siblings go to college) my problem is how they left during an ARGUMENT! How they cut contact, How they left A BABY!!! In a town with a yearly genocide of trolls (and their grandma) He was left in the care of an old lady, an old lady who was old (I have nothing against grandparent caretakers) She would have had a difficult time raising a baby with her age (not to mention being a gambler, weird thing to learn about her) She seems to have done really well raising Branch from flashbacks in the show or when she’s talked about BUT STILL!! She also could’ve dropped dead any second (who knows what a trolls life expectancy is?!?!?! She could’ve been on death’s doorstep for all we know!)My point is they left him in a bad environment where he could die by the hands of troll eating Bergens Rosie did good, but she was old (also she let all her underage grandkids leave LIKE WHAT??!!?!! She was just playing rummy during the fight too 😦 wtf Rosie!!!)
Sorry this was a bit of a rant- and I don’t mean to offend anyone with how I think it was bad that grandma Rosiepuff was made his guardian because she is old!! I was mostly speaking through my cousins experience with how grandparents can’t be as attentive as they should when taking care of a kid (let alone a baby) because of their age, they will try their best they just have problems due to being older (I mean their bodies aren’t exactly as they used to be)
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sunnynwanda · 1 year
Blind or blinded
Part 2
When Hero agreed to a blind date with their colleague’s good friend, they expected “good” to be an indicator of natural virtue. They expected someone as timid and serene as their colleague. Their eyes searched for a meek creature as they entered the restaurant and allowed themselves to be led to their table. 
They did not anticipate finding the most gorgeous yet annoying human being to ever grace the Earth to be seated at said table. Villain. 
How, in all eternity, did they end up on a date with the enemy? Well, they should not have let their guard down. That’s on them. They should’ve paid more attention to Anita, their colleague, who no longer seemed innocent. Was this a scheme all along? The image of her excited face flashes before Hero’s eyes. 
You have so much in common, I’m sure you’ll enjoy each other's company, she had said. Hero couldn’t deny that claim. They were very similar in their cause, yet their methods differed. And that was what mattered the most. Some would say this ‘date’ was bound to happen, given the tension between them and their nemesis. Except, it wasn’t attraction. It was murderous rage. Blinding rage and something else they were never able to pinpoint. 
They knew for a fact that they should have walked out of the restaurant the moment they saw Villain. Yet they did not. An action that did potentially save their life, to be fair. Because Villain would sure as hell murder Hero for standing them up. Brutally and with utmost pleasure. 
“Did you know?” is the first thing Hero says. Their date is about to comment on the lack of a proper greeting when their eyes land on Hero. It takes Villain almost a minute to realize why Hero is there in the first place. 
“Oh sweet hell, no,” they exclaim, shaking their head - for good measure. “Nah. Nope.” 
Hero would be offended if only they did not feel the same way. Villain digests the information that Hero’s presence entails while their nemesis sits there, staring at the other guests. Well, at least the awkwardness reminds them of a real date. 
“I wonder if Anita knows,” Hero starts after a long pause. The tension around the table could be cut with a knife. Thank god no one knows who they are.  
“Of course, she did,“ Villain retorts matter-of-factly. “She knows my identity. I assume she’s discovered yours as well.“ 
The statement snaps Hero’s attention back to their opponent. “Why would you assume that?“ 
“Because... reasons,” Villain trails off, hoping to avoid the discussion. Their hopes, however, are destined to come crashing down.
“What reasons?” Of course. Why did Villain even hope? Luck was never on their side. The lucky dimwit in front of them is proof of that.
“Because if she figured out my complex self, she would crack you like a goddamn pistachio.” Exasperation is evident in their voice, but Hero seems unaffected. And incessantly curious.
“Pistachio?” They see Villain almost smile and can’t help but think that the charming idiot would look even more dashing if they did. 
“The easiest to crack,” Villain explains, accepting a glass of wine from the waiter. Good thing Anita preordered drinks. They’ll need those to survive this evening without casualties. 
“Yeah, except she didn’t,” Hero grins, satisfied with the effect their words inflict on now dumbfounded Villain. “I told her. She never figured me out. Who’s the pistachio then, hm?”
“You know what? This was a dumb idea, anyway. I’m leaving.” Villain stands up, downing their drink in a gulp. Come to think of it, they should team up and murder Anita for putting them in this situation. “Never took her for the scheming type.”
“Wha- wait,” Hero reaches for them, noticing the glances directed at them. They couldn’t care less. “Don’t get all offended. That’s not how I meant it. Besides, Anita might have done this so we can talk and come up with a peace treaty for the holiday season.”
“She’s mentioned that to you too? What is it with her and Christmas?” Villain asks, still standing but not making attempts to walk away. Hero shrugs before gesturing for them to sit back down. Villain, for some unfathomable reason, obliges. “I highly doubt that, given that we’re both painfully stubborn.” 
“Except I do need some time off.” Hero admits, lowering their gaze. Their fingers wrap around the stem of their glass. “Judging by your life, you could use some rest too.” 
“Excuse you. Speak for yourself,” Villain’s incredulous tone makes Hero snort, heart beating in their throat.
“Oh yeah? What hobbies do you have?” they inquire as their gaze travels from Villain’s hands to their face. “Apart from annoying the life out of me, of course.”
“Very funny,” their lips stretch into a thin line. It’s not like annoying Hero isn’t a significant part of their daily entertainment. It’s that they won’t admit to it. “It’s none of your business.” 
“That’s what I thought,” Hero concludes, now plain irritating Villain beyond imagination. Why does this dumbass look so endearing while being implausibly bothersome? Villain’d pay to know. 
“Hey, hold up there,” they protest, leaning over the table. Hero’s smile is playful and challenging. Villain smirks, accepting the rules of the game. “I have a life. It’s you that doesn’t know about it.” 
“Maybe it’s time I learned, then?” With that, Hero turns to the waiter, ordering without a glance at the menu. Villain has to suppress a surprised ‘Oh’ threatening to escape their mouth. This is their favourite restaurant and their favourite dish their enemy just ordered for them. Oh.
Maybe Anita wasn’t so wrong after all, Villain thinks. Maybe they do share more similarities than they care to admit. Maybe, they do have a shot. 
“Maybe,“ unbeknownst to them, Villain thinks out loud. Hero nods, perceiving their words as a reply to their question.
Part 2
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takusan-no-ai · 1 year
Accidental Kiss
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PAIRING: Heimdall/Thor/Baldur x Female Reader (Romantic) (Separate)
SUMMARY: Heimdall, Thor, and Baldur accidentally kiss (Y/N).
It’s unlikely that he’d cause the accidental kiss to happen himself; Heimdall is too careful about how he presents himself to allow such a thing to happen. It was probably an outside force that initiated the kiss.
If you’re not in a relationship then Heimdall would act disgusted to save face. He’s extremely embarrassed that he didn’t foresee this incident. The moment your lips collide with each other Heimdall would lose focus on everything and just be thinking about the beautiful woman that landed on top of him; his crush.
Heimdall doesn’t even realize he’s been stuck in the same pose on the ground, with a blank face, staring up at the sky like an buffoon. “You…your lips.” He kept mumbling it under his breath. Truthfully, it wasn’t just the fact that you both had just kissed. It was the fact that everyone in the room saw it.
Naturally, Heimdall will pretend to be disgusted to avoid being teased. “Ugh! How dare you contaminate my temple with your cow lips!” He storms off and hides on the wall of Asgard. He’d love it if you visited him afterwards to give him another kiss, but he’d also want to be the one to set the kiss in motion.
If you’re in a relationship then Heimdall is more likely to be suave with the kiss. He wouldn’t be as caught off guard, and so he’d have enough strength to hold up the both of you. He’ll keep the kiss quick if you’re in public, but if not, or if he wants to rub it in someone’s face, he’ll deepen the kiss.
The accidental kiss will only work once, so enjoy it while it lasts.
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The accident could happen in a plethora of ways. Thor could be the cause of it, you could, someone else could, nature could, anything. Either way, it’s more likely to be Thor himself that causes the accidental kiss.
If you’re not in a relationship then Thor will be a little shy at the intimacy. He’s not going to be red like an apple, but he’ll definitely get a bit softer than usual in his tone of voice. Probably also going to hold you in place for as long as you’ll let him. “We don’t have to move so soon. It’s really comfortable in this position, right?” Doesn’t care what anyone says while watching, unless it’s Thrúdie.
He’d be a little embarrassed if his daughter started teasing him about having a crush on you. “Dad, I know you said you liked (Y/N), but I didn’t think you’d move this fast with her!” Thor’s got some self confidence issues when it comes to the people he cares about, so he’ll also be worried that he may have offended you if you didn’t already make it obvious about your shared interest in him.
Thor definitely becomes more bold if you say you’re fine with it. He wouldn’t mind stealing a few extra kisses in the mix of things.
If you’re in a relationship then Thor will cause the incident to happen and he will take his sweet time with ending the kiss. He’s bolder than ever and unless you end the kiss, you’ll be stuck in that man’s hold forever. Thrúd will gag if she sees it herself, but she’ll also secretly be throwing her dad a thumbs up behind you.
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Accidental kisses happen more often than they should. Baldur is really careless about how often he touches you, because he really likes touching you. Even though he can’t feel anything, he knows it’s great and is just happy he can still feel emotions.
If you’re not in a relationship well then you are now. Baldur knows he likes you, he knows you like him; the only reason he hasn’t asked you out yet is because he wants to plan the perfect moment. That was until you accidentally fell on top of him and kissed him. Baldur saw wedding bells. “If I’d known you’d do this I would’ve worn something nice today.”
His mind isn’t well, so naturally he will be upping everything to the max. You smile at him? You were missing him. You hug him? You couldn’t live without his touch. You kiss him? Gosh, what are you, his stalker? Buddy doesn’t get that you’re just nice and that the kiss was an accident. Baldur’s love for you, along with his inability to feel you, makes it all the more extreme.
He obviously won’t move the relationship too fast if you don’t want that, but he will refer to you as his wife to everyone. Leaves your relatives very confused as to why they weren’t invited to the ceremony.
If you’re in a relationship then Baldur just latches on and kisses you. If you’re in public then he’ll make a big display for it, but in private he likes to be more gentle and romantic. “One day, I’ll feel you. And on that day, I want to experience everything I have with you all over again.” Baldur has become a real poet with the way he articulates his words to explain how his heart beats only for you
- Fin
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tar-maitime · 16 days
like my mirror years ago pt. 3
Rating: T Characters: Maedhros | Maitimo, Fingon | Findekano, Finwe, Feanor Additional: Years of the Trees, time travel, AU, fix-it WC: 1k
Read the previous installment here Apologies for the delayed update; life hit like a semitruck there for a bit.
“Maitimë? Who is this?”
Maedhros freezes in her tracks, causing Findekano to nearly stumble into her back. The plan had been for Maitimë to get them into her father’s house in Tirion, so they could explain the situation to Fëanaro and discuss their ideas for exposing Melkor. Good ideas, all of them - Maedhros would believe in them if her memories didn’t firmly contradict any of them coming true.
The plan had not involved running across...
“Haru Finwë!” Maitimë says, a little too brightly. “This is...a friend I have recently become acquainted with, and I had something here that I wished to show her. I did not know you were visiting today.”
Maedhros has a sneaking suspicion that she should bow, or do something similar. It’s been so long since she was at the court in Tirion, and even then, the rules for her and her siblings and cousins were of course different from those for strangers. She can’t remember any of the formalities properly now. All she can think of is the awful silence before the messengers finally said what she’d already begun to guess, that her grandfather was dead - the awful blankness in her father before rage had taken over - the way that her aunt Findis had put herself between Indis and anyone from Fëanaro’s family, all through the hastily arranged funeral - the broken grief-sounds that Indis had tried and failed to suppress...
Her grandfather’s death had shaped every moment of her life thereafter, and yet Maedhros had never really gotten the chance to mourn him, every moment being consumed with something that needed to be done, people who needed to be held together or managed.
And now he’s alive, right in front of her, and doesn’t know her. 
Her cloak and hood, she’s fairly sure, are covering the armor and her shorn hair, but the manifold scars on her face are still plainly visible, and she can feel Finwë’s concern as his gaze tracks over her, trying to figure out what happened to her, what’s wrong with her. 
She wants to wrap herself up in one of his hugs and cry, but that would be startling and abnormal even if he recognized her, let alone with her being presented as a stranger. 
“My king,” she murmurs, with a dip of her head, acutely aware of the roughness of her ruined voice.
Anyone who had lived in Beleriand for any length of time would have noted the things about her that don’t belong, would have disregarded politeness in favor of a healthy suspicion and investigated. Perhaps once, before the Great Journey, Finwë would have done the same. But the Finwë who is king in Valinor sees only his beloved granddaughter’s odd but harmless friend - everything here is harmless - so he merely nods and smiles benevolently and goes his way. “I shan’t keep you.”
She will keep him, though, if she can, Maedhros thinks with a sudden ache. She will keep him and her father and her cousins and brothers and Findekano, everyone she loves - keep them alive, keep them from becoming what she has had to become. She no longer cares if it is impossible. They have to try anyway.
“Come on,” she says, once Finwë has gone. “We need to find Atar.”
* * *
“Nelyafinwë! What has happened to you?”
That’s all it takes for Maedhros to feel her knees go out from under her, because. Fëanaro was looking at her when he said it. He looked at her and called her Nelyafinwë; he knows who she is.
“Atar,” she says, and that’s all she manages before she has to sit down on a mercifully uncluttered stool and Fëanaro abandons what he was tinkering with and crosses to her in three quick strides.
The actual Maitimë is beside her in another moment. “Atar, how did you know?” she asks quietly. “Even I couldn’t guess; I had to be told.”
Fëanaro looks downright offended. “She is my child. Obviously I would know who she is. Now,” he turns back to Maedhros, “Nelyafinwë - other-Nelyafinwë, I suppose - can you tell me what happened that did all this to you?”
He reaches to hold her hands, seeming disturbed when he only encounters one, but she grips his hand tightly in the one she has. Another person she’s lost, here in front of her again, alive and real.
“You’re not going to ask how I got here?” she says.
Fëanaro half-shrugs. “That is less urgent, probably, and I already have a theory or two. Travel back in time or from an alternate Singing seem the most likely. Right now I want to know what I need to do about whatever hurt you.”
She’d almost forgotten about when he was like this, when he genuinely cared for them and wasn’t lost to the grip of mania and paranoia. He’s so close already, at this point in the timeline, to falling into that, but perhaps that will change, too, if they can stop Morgoth.
“It was Melkor, Atar,” she says quietly. “A lot of things, but mostly Melkor. We have an idea of how to keep it from happening, and that’s why we came to see you. We’re going to need your help...and you’re probably not going to like the kind of help we need.”
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skippyv20 · 1 month
Skip, Julie here. Thanks Sandiedog. I just knew you were the perfect person to track down a traitor to HMQE11 and KC3. Tomatoes!! Waste of good food!! Surely the horses on Horse Guards Parade could have provided good pelting material.
Nigeria. I read that a person is upset that in their opinion someone has provided information re Africa ( yes I am fully aware it is made up of many many countries today (althoughmany people were never taught that. I know I wasn’t) and includes Nigeria) in that simply because it was a story re Harry and his wife going there for a visit. Clearly the information provided came from history books because I have read the same information. We all are very aware that history is written by the victors just as we are aware that we today do not actually know the truth in our own counties past except for written or verbal teachings and how accurate they are is anyone’s guess.
I am sorry that the person is highly offended. I am also sure the person who contributed the information was providing information she read in a history book or was taught or maybe even teaches history.
I read nothing in the information that I perceived as racist but we each feel our own pain so it’s not for me to tell people how to feel. I’m sure no one would intentionally try to hurt others on this blog. The part about English paying a lot of money to slavers to stop the practice of enslaving and selling men, women and children I have read and seen documentaries on.
This is a place where we value education and knowledge so if the person who has a better understanding of the facts due to different education I am sure many of us would appreciate learning about it.
We don’t come on here to abuse or cause offence. We come to learn ( and we have so many knowledgeable people it’s amazing the breadth and depth of knowledge) to distress (watch the animals - it’s priceless and way cheaper than therapy) learn about religion ( I’m catholic but love learning about other religions and how and why they have different views). We learn recipes, artistic pursuits, computer tricks even Jam making and gardening. Did you Know is always educational and the photos of different places in the world are brilliant.
Again I feel sorry the person felt offended, I truely am, but Skip would never intentionally post racial slurs. However, we are all different and feel differently about some things that we read but with people from many countries, cultures and backgrounds coming to this safe haven from a world that is turning nasty but she nor anyone else can determine how someone will react to any post.
I think at times things can be confusing as to what some are saying or thinking.  I find I get confused at times.  Not all people have been here since day one like you and I Julie, and as a result have missed much!  We think the way we do because of Harry’s wife, definitely nothing to do with race, we always have made it clear….its her actions, she could be red and striped for all we care.  So I can see someone taking offense when we are talking about Nigeria, if they don’t know where we are coming from.  We don’t slam other countries in this community.  God knows our own countries are a mess….thank you for this great post.  You always bring clarity.❤️
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daincrediblegg · 6 months
relationship asks: all numbers with a 6 in them, for lady terror of course ^_^
OH HELL YEAH THANK YOU KITTENS FOR THIS MAGNIFICENT OPPORTUNITY (this ended up being a 4 page fucking document but fuck it WE BALL. so I'll show a few and then put the rest under a cut- especially since some of them are a little bit raunchy. ENJOY MY LOVES COME GET YOUR SWEET FRANCIS/LADY TERROR CONTENT)
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6. Who would ask the "would you love me if I were a worm?" question? How would their S/O answer?” Honestly I think Lady Terror would be the one to ask. Francis tells her yes and if she wanted to stay with him as a worm she’d “ be the best kept worm in all of christendom”, in his words (whatever that means, babygirl). 
16. Who is the better caretaker? Does their S/O like being taken care of? Honestly they’re both very good caretakers, though Francis is much better at “doing the things that need doing to care for a person” bit while Lady Terror I think is a bit better at like. Keeping people calm and feeling cared for (not to say that either of them are not as good as the other, because they certainly are, but they have their strong suits). And oh my god man yes Francis loves being taken care of by lady terror oh my god she lets him rest his head in her lap and everything.
26. Who gets jealous most often? How does their S/O deal with that? I honestly think it depends. I think Lady Terror has more potential to become jealous (even though it doesn’t happen very often honestly)  from 1) her lack of experience being committed to,  2) her own trauma from past relationships and coming out of those feeling horribly betrayed and 3) also the whole divorce scandal with her parents. Did I mention her parent’s divorce scandal? Yeah there was a whole divorce scandal. But even when she is jealous she remains relatively level-headed about it and doesn’t act out from it (usually, unless an offending party provokes her to it), and she is nothing if not articulate and aware of what she’s feeling. And credit to Francis where it’s due he’s never been dismissive of her emotions, and that I think helps them actually work through it rather than let it escalate to lashing out or acting rashly.
Francis doesn’t so much have a jealousy streak when it comes to Lady Terror (though time was he might have, and he definitely knows that), and I think it’s because she has pretty consistently made it clear that she has chosen him to share her life with, and having never been picked in such a way, has a bit more faith that she wouldn’t betray him. (also she’s always been the more sociable one. She’s definitely more of an ambivert than he is and doesn’t take personal offense in those kinds of situations. Besides, she will NOT interact with people she doesn’t want to interact with. He knows this and he loves her for it.)
36. What is something that would break their hearts? For Francis, I think it would genuinely be another romantic rejection- or more precisely to be left behind. I don’t think he could bear being rejected for a third time by anyone, let alone by Sofia but by anyone. He’s too old to have his heart broken like that again and it’s why he takes so long to even admit to himself that he has feelings for Lady Terror because he cannot fathom the kind of pain it would cause him.
Lady Terror however I think it would break her heart the most to be dismissed. To have her thoughts and feelings disregarded. Granted, she’s used to it happening with most men and some women, but to have it happen to her coming from someone she loves and respects and who she thought loves and respects her in turn would devastate her. 
46. If they were ever in a life or death situation, who risks their life?  Lmao both of them. Because they both have savior/self sacrificing complexes and they’re calculated with it but they WILL take a risk if it means saving more lives. It’s something that I think they admire about each other when hearing of their past exploits before they met.
56. Who tends to be the level-headed one? Who is feral? Oh Lady Terror is absolutely more feral. She is very very smart when she is feral but she is much more willing to act on impulse about it (for more information, ask Mr. Hickey. He knows.) Francis is definitely more level-headed but absolutely has more of a fiery temper in comparison to how cold Lady Terror’s fury is (but no less passionate, mind).
60. Are they willing to show PDA? If not, is there a reason? They ARE willing, but they are very very shy, (and also lmao you know how the victorians are about propriety if a couple isn’t married yet. Big no.) But also it’s a bit of a carry-over from their time on Terror. They did their damndest not to show that kind of affection for one another for fear of discovery (which would doubtless have caused a mutiny- if Francis’ pre-sobriety behavior hadn’t started that line of thought with some long before that). But they are not beyond the occasional hidden gesture of affection from prying eyes. Holding hands behind each others backs, brushing their fingers against one another subtly as to not give them away. They become more open about their affections eventually, but my god does it make them blush like crazy. 
61. How would they describe their S/O in one word? Francis (on Lady Terror): Good. Lady Terror (on Francis: Handsome.
62. How would outside characters describe their relationship? By-in-large I think people are a little skeptical at first about them together. Like perhaps they shouldn’t be together for some reason or another, that it’s a bit odd, a bit queer. But when people see how affectionate they are to one another, to see how much they truly care for one another? How Francis truly seems to soften and relax around her and how she brightens to talk about him… to those who know each of them best that’s the sign of true love right there.
63. How would they describe one another in bed? I think Francis would describe Lady Terror as a port in a storm. Welcoming, warm, tender in ways he never thought he’d know for himself. At the same time she rides him like the waves of the storm itself, and he can’t help but admire the sheer power she has over him and how easily he’s taken by her. Lady Terror on the other hand finds him sturdier and steadier than strong oak… and weirdly just as bendable (I mean HAVE YOU SEEN THAT MAN??? HE’S SO LIMBER FOR HIS AGE!!! It’s truly miraculous). Though his cock doesn’t quite always cooperate with this image she has of him (although it should be noted that he’s had a much easier time of it since he embraced sobriety it still happens every now and again), he’s very grounding as a lover and seems to find that her pleasures feed into his, to which she certainly has no complaints.
64. Would they ever answer the above question if it was asked to their face? How would they react? Oh Francis would be too much of a blushing mess. He was never one to kiss and tell much even with his closest friends like Blanky and Ross (even though those two definitely HAVE actually seen him in intimate positions before). But I think the lovestruck look in his eye would probably say all you’d need to know- that yes she fucks him well and yes that is probably where he’d rather be right now. Lady Terror might be a little more inclined to give a more cheeky answer in the company of a good friend, but otherwise much prefers to keep her and Francis’ doings to Francis and herself.
65. Who tends to take the lead in intimate encounters? They both can, and do. Both of those bitches are switches and they live up to it. Literally it all comes down to how either one is feeling on any given day.  
66. Have they ever been caught in the act? What would be their reaction if they were? Yes. By Blanky. Everyone else would have the care to knock first at Francis’ cabin door if it were shut but not Thomas (and understandably so). And listen. They’re all three of them good enough friends to laugh it off eventually, but that happens for some sooner more than others (aka. Thomas starts laughing about it immediately and making raunchy jokes while she and Francis scramble to make themselves relatively decent, even though it’s a bit too late for that now. It has Thomas in fucking stitches. He is genuinely happy for them but he can’t believe his luck). 
67. Have they ever done it anywhere questionable? Believe it or not, not particularly. At least not on Terror (they’re already paranoid enough about being caught behind closed doors in quiet hours, they’re not going to risk anything more). After that… well… you’ll find out.
68. Who is more vocal? Who is more experienced? I think Lady Terror is probably overall more vocal (but jesus christ when Francis moans it’d make an angel weep I swear to fucking god), and Francis is certainly more experienced overall, but there are times when she does things to him that have never been done to him before and it makes him feel like he’s a virgin all over again all the same (yes she gives him prostate orgasms. That’s what I’m implying here in case that weren’t clear). 
69. If they were to go shopping, who holds the bags? Who decides where they go? I think Francis would WANT to hold the bags but Lady Terror wouldn’t let him carry all of them. Lady Terror would probably plan where they go a little bit ahead of time but absolutely will deter said plans if Francis wants to have a look in somewhere. Whatever babygirl wants honestly.
76. Are they soulmates? Do they believe in that? I mean yeah duh what are you talking about I think they both think they have found something really rare and special with each other that I think they would qualify as being soulmates, but truthfully I think Francis might actually believe that more than Lady Terror does (and of course not to say that she doesn’t, but she’s formed many deeply meaningful connections with people and knows that Francis has as well, and she wouldn’t limit the depth of how she feels or has felt about others as lesser… but at the same time Francis is absolutely the love of her life and the only man who has ever truly treated her in a way that made her feel like an equal to him, and has wanted her romantically as such… so yeah. Soulmates without a doubt). 
86. Who gives the best gifts? Who gives the more thoughtful? Who goes for expensive?  Ok here’s the thing they both are VERY good gift-givers, both of them are VERY thoughtful and give gifts as truly heartfelt gestures. Though Lady Terror does tend to spend a little more money on her gifts sometimes (by virtue of being just a little more financially well-off) whatever she uses that money towards is no less heartfelt and will go out of her way to buy something dear to someone especially if they don’t have the means to get it themselves. 
96. Who reads the newspaper? Who wants to see the cartoons?  They have two copies of the paper delivered to the house bro BOTH these bitches READ. (but they save the cartoon page to read together. Most likely with Wee Ellie I MEAN HUH WHO SAID THAT???) 
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Capri Donahue x Harper Sibling!fem reader
Warnings: mentions & descriptions of sickness, coarse language and fluff
In which reader wakes up sick and Capri takes care of her. In other words, this story is done with smut for a minute💀
“Hey, why didn’t you wake me up? Did I sleep through the alarm? I was supposed to go to the library to study.”
“Studying can wait. You’d better stay home.” Capri told you, pouring hot water into two mugs.
“I-” You’d barely opened your mouth to speak when one look out the window caused some squeezing pain in your head and your eyes screwed shut, “Fine.”
“I thought you felt a little warm to the touch.” Capri gestured for you to walk over to the kitchen to get your mug. “I don’t know why I’m sick, but I do know why I have a headache.”
“Of course, you’ve been sobbing all night last night.” Capri sighed, “I literally went to spoon you and you were sniffling.”
Capri laughs, “It’s okay, I’ll take care of you.”
“We’ve gone on one date.” You glanced at her as you took a swig of the orange rooibos tea.
“And what is your point?” She squinted at you, “We’ve reached a whole other level of our relationship already.”
“Capri, I can’t argue with you right now.”
“I’m not asking you to argue with me, what I’m trying to say is that I don’t care how many dates we’ve been on. I care about you, you’re my girlfriend. End of discussion.”
You nearly dropped your mug, eyes looking at her like she had three heads all of a sudden. “Why so surprised?”
“I just- never mind.”
“I mean it.” Capri answered earnestly. Your response was a silent nod as you carried on drinking your tea. “I’ll go get the thermometer to make sure your temperature isn’t too high.”
“I don’t care- I already feel like shit.”
“I care.” Capri glares at you, offended as she got up to retrieve the thermometer.
You avoided her statements, asking, “Do you ever cry so much you feel like spewing your guts afterwards? Or is that just me?” As she was walking back from the bathroom, she stops in her tracks, “What?”
“I dunno. The headache seems to be making me nauseous.”
“Oh, that. Yeah, I’ve been through that before.” She scoffs, sticking the thermometer under your tongue.
The doorbell rings, she goes to answer it. “Keep still, and stay put.” She instructed, “Oh- Darby.”
Your body tenses up.
“She’s having a little fever.” Capri says.
“Oh, crap.” You heard your sister at the door. Your head whipped around. “Don’t move or the reading will be off.” Capri huffs. Defeated, you did as she said.
“What are you doing here, anyway?”
“I wanted to talk to her, and apologise. But it seems now’s not a good time.”
“You’re here already- just come in.” Capri told her decisively. The thermometer beeps and you took it out.
“Alright then.” Darby shrugs, walking into the house. Capri quickly shut the door and took the thermometer from you. “102.” She reads off the tiny screen. “What?” Darby exclaimed. “It’s not a big deal.” You got up to pour another mugful of hot water.
“I don’t know how you got sick and you’re acting like you have seasonal allergies instead of a 102 fever?”
“It’s because of me. She’s been very stressed out lately and it’s just not good- I’m sorry.” Darby spoke up.
“Just don’t ever tell me how I should be acting about Mom’s passing. We both have our own way of coping- you may not realise it but the way you respond to how I would talk about it, about her…actually freaking hurts, Darby. I know you love me, but it just hasn’t seem like it in years.”
“I really am sorry, and I hear you. I’ll stop acting that way - I’ll be mindful of it.”
“Okay, take medication.” Capri hands a pill to you, along with a glass of water.
“You’re gonna half to split that in half.” Darby says.
“Alright.” Capri shrugs, making use of her telekinesis to put the pill down and get a knife all the way from the kitchen.
“Dude, are you serious? How well can you even control your power?!” Darby asks, alarmed.
“Pretty well. Besides, nothing’s in the way.” Capri replies, grabbing ahold of the knife and then cutting the pill into two for you. Darby looks at you, worried. You just shrugged.
“What’d you bring?”
“Brownies from the bakery we like.” Darby informs you. “But you probably shouldn’t because chocolate is ‘heaty’ and all.”
“Who’s gonna know if I do eat some? Dad’s not here.” You laugh, grabbing a piece from the box, handing it to Capri first before grabbing one for yourself.
“Just eat.” Capri scoffs, “No one’s gonna tell on you. Darby, truce?”
“Did you forget what I told you that night when you saved her from the car? We’re starting fresh.”
“Just needed to be sure. That night was a bit of a mess.” Capri admits, “Your Dad still doesn’t know that-”
“If he doesn’t ask, we’re not telling. It’ll spare us a lot of nagging and restrictions because he’d be scared to let us go out alone.” Darby says.
“Right.” You stifle a laugh.
“Also, if you need to throw up.” Capri began, you all see a plastic trash can levitating, “Here’s the trash can.”
“I’m uh, not gonna stay long because I have date, but you two enjoy your little day in. y/n, I will see you whenever you get back home.”
“Bye, Harper.” Capri smiled slightly.
“See ya, Darby.”
Darby smiled in return, “Feel better soon, y/n. Rest up.” Well, Darby leaves. So it was just you and Capri alone, again.
“Can I get some cuddles, Capri?”
“Of course you can.” She smiled at you affectionately, which ordinarily would freak you the hell out, but you being sick and sleepy, happy sunk into her arms without much thought. “Are you cold?”
“A little.”
The room instantly became a bit warmer, thanks to Capri and her newfound power. She didn’t even have to get up to grab things anymore- well, at home at least.
“I swear, you, your sister and your Dad are the only ones not afraid of me.” She laughs at the memory.
“I am definitely not afraid of you. But then the thought of you- you being my girlfriend? I shock myself sometimes.”
“Baby.” Capri said back, “I’m lucky to have you. You’re quickly making me soft, but I’m so fucking lucky to have you in my life the way that I do now.”
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