#but since i finished this later than anticipated sooo
alicornze7 · 1 month
Waow my ask got pinned
Anyways I would still like to request a silly ribbun scenario please :3
sure go ahead^^
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Ask away my friends:D
I spent more time on this that I'd like to admit
this is so bad for a digital painting but I'm a traditional artist and I miss the feel of paper:(
btw context in tags
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stcrgazings · 2 years
Unexpected visit | (c.l)
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note: sooo, this is my first imagine ever so please be nice, English it’s not my first language so if there’s any mistakes pls let me know.
it’s a fluffy, trying to cheer y’all up after these crappy two weeks, it’s written in a she/her kind of narrative since I’m not a fan of y/n, but I couldn’t thing of any names for the protagonist, might made this a small series if y’all like this one so pls let me know. I’m kinda proud of how this one turn up so pls you liked it
pairing: Charles Leclerc x Female Character/Reader
summary: Charles girlfriend goes to surprise him at the Austrian Grand Prix, after getting some small vacations at work and missing him too much
warning: Some sexual jokes nothing major and maybe some bad French but give me a break I kinda ghosted my teacher
words: 4.2K
She missed him, every day and every night, she missed him when she was about to go to sleep, remembering all those times they would FaceTime right before bed, even when he was at the other side of the globe and it was 9am where he was, he would always be sure to call her before bed, she missed those times when he wasn’t traveling, those few days between races where he would stay in their apartment and wake her up with breakfast in bed, or take her to the beach or just driving around in the city of Monaco, right now she was in Atlanta shooting for her new film, but she couldn’t really get her boyfriend out of her mind, needing to see him, hug him, kiss him, feel him and just be with him in general.
It wasn’t more than a week since the last time she saw him, they reunited in Monaco right after Silverstone’s huge disaster in which he did a wonderful job keeping good positions most of the race but getting Ferrari to fuck him over once again getting a disappoint p4 and a really angry Charles at his own team, but at least Carlos had won and she was truly happy for the Spanish’s first win.
Then they both traveled back to Charles hometown, Montecarlo. Her first on Sunday afternoon and Charles joining her later on Monday morning, they stayed there for a good two day, or so, she was supposed to join him at the race but sadly she had to comeback to Atlanta earlier than anticipated, her boyfriend driving her to the airport at two in the morning on Wednesday, leaving her sobbing on his shoulder before catching the plane.
He wanted to come with her, to see her in action like he said, but his schedule didn’t really allowed it, having press conferences and practice a day earlier because of the sprint race.
"And cut!” The director yelled at her direction, getting her out of the small trance she had entered thinking about her boyfriend. “We are done for the day ladies and gentlemen”
“That’s it?” She asked, at little bit confused thinking she had to film some other things before the end of the day.
"Yup, i have a meeting with some of the producers and stuff so I’ll let you when the filming will start tomorrow morning”
She nodded standing up from the floor she was previously laying, walking to her trailer, her assistant running toward her at a full speed.
“He got p2!” She exclaimed excitingly, and probably the whole of the set heard the small scream that left her mouth, whilst a brilliant smile lit of her face.
“Really? Oh my god i knew it, I’m so proud of him” She said hugging her assistant, and taking the towel out of her hand to dry her wet hair and body that came out of the previous scene she was just shooting.
“Did he call?”
“No, not yet they just finished i was watching it live from the app like you asked me to”
“Thank you so much, Ana” she genuinely thanked her assistant, she was really nervous for Charles and a little bit upset that she was going to filming be in between scenes during the sprint race and even though Charles insisted that it wasn’t that big of a deal and that she should be focused on her filming and that he would call her as soon as he could to tell her everything from his mouth, she still asked her assistant if she could watch the race for her so she could be updating her in between shoots and the young girl didn’t denied.
“Yeah no problem, it was actually kinda fun”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, Ana”
The blonde started telling her a little bit about how the race went as they both made their way to her trailer, the girl telling her that Verstappen had gotten p1 but her boyfriend still scoring some great 7 points and Carlos some other 6 from the sprint, something the team need for the constructors championship if they still wanted to be competitive, when all of the sudden her phone started ringing as they arrive the door of the trailer, the name of her boyfriend adorned with heart emojis lighting up her screen.
“I’ll leave you two to it, bet he’ll tell you the story better than me”
“Thanks Ana, see you tomorrow, love you”
“Love you too, bye”
“Bye!” Was the last thing shouted back to her assistant as she entered the trailer, answering her boyfriend with a big proud smile on her face as she throw herself on the bed of the big car.
“Baby guess wh-“
“My favorite 7 point winner!” She celebrated smiling through the screen, Charles face all light up because of the happiness he was feeling after scoring some good points that he truly needed, her heart flustered at the sight of his bright smile and redden cheeks.
“You got to watch it?”
“Something like that”
“What do you mean something like that?” He ask as he accommodated himself in his drivers room.
“I made Ana watched and update me while filming” she admitted embarrassed, cheeks tinting with specs of red.
“Don’t me embarrassed ma chérie, I love it when you do small things like that for me, it’s cute”
Her cheeks turned more red with every word that came out of the monegasque’s mouth, a small laugh coming out of his lips when he noticed how nervous he was making his girlfriend.
“Stop Charles, or I’ll punch you when I see you”
“I’ll rather have a kiss if it’s up for discussion mon amour” she smiled, admiring proudly the boy on the other side of the screen, it has been a while since he has been this happy with anything race related, he truly loved the sport but the awful strategic choices that he’s team constantly made, we’re making him frustrated and sad, so it breath of fresh air seeing him that happy, even with a p2.
“I hate you, Charles”
“No you don’t” he gives her smirk on his side of the screen making her roll her eyes and give him the finger.
“No, I don’t” she gives in a small grin flashing her face. “But I do miss you, so much baby” she finally admitted to him, she never liked to tell Charles that she missed him because she didn’t want him to feel guilty like he usually does about everything that surrounded him, even things that didn’t have anything to do with him, like Silverstone and Azerbaijan.
“I know baby, I miss you too, all the frinking time, but summer break it’s right around the corner and then I can join you in Atlanta to see you film like I’ve always wanted and then take you to Monaco beaches and we can go traveling the Italian coast like I promised you, it’ll be just the two of us, and believe me when I tell you that the only time I’ll leave your side it’s when I’ll be on top of you”
“Charles!” The girl chuckled, redden cheeks once again.
“Making you scream just like that”
“Charles, I swear to god” she started laughing as she scolded him through the phone, as a goofy smile adorned her boyfriends face.
“It’s okay, you can also be on top of you want baby, I’m always here to please your needs” he gives her a small grin as she tries to keep her laughter from coming out with a serious expression.
“I’ll hang up now Leclerc”
“No wait, I want to tell you about the race”
He pouted and she gave in with a small sigh never been able to be mad or
to say to him, accommodating herself on the trailers bed ready to her all of what her beautiful boy had to say.
So he excitingly began “it started When Verst…”
“Baby I have to leave you, Binotto is annoying me about press”
“M’kay baby, I love you” she mumbled as she was falling asleep, not because he was boring her or anything but because Charles voice always had a way to soothe her, and relaxing her, she has always had sleeping and anxiety problems, but since their calls before bed she has slept like a baby, not to mention that when they sleep in the same bed she can pass out for 10 hours straight with her head on her chest or with him spooning her both like he loved to.
“Love you too, sleep well” he hangs up smilie face and everything but not before throwing some kisses at the camera just for her.
She smirk like a stupid person at the phone, as she throw it in the bed to plug in the charger, the time was 10 pm o’clock and she realized she had just spent almost 3 hours on the phone with her boyfriend and that the girl that handles the schedules for the next day at 8 pm sharp never showed up.
She shrugged her shoulders, as she prepares for bed walking towards the bathroom to begin with her respective skincare routine, but several loud bangs on her door interrupted her halfway.
“Oh my god! You won’t believe it!” The voice that clearly was her assistant’s echoed throughout the whole trailer, excitement clearly noticeable in her tone.
“What happened Ana?” She mumbled why grumpiness opening the door.
“You now have free week and a half”
“Yeah and- Wait, what?!” She exclaimed still half sleep not sure that she had heard correctly.
“Yeah! You have more scenes done that anyone here so meanwhile the others catch-up with you the producers and directors took the choice of giving you a week and a half break so they don’t have you here doing nothing”
“Oh my god!” She squealed loudly, jumping up and that, that meant that she could go see Charles and spent time with him.
she could even see him race tomorrow!
“That means that i can go-“
“See Charles, yeah i’m way ahead of you, I already book you a ticket for Austria, your flight leaves in two hours and a half” her assistant interrupts her as she hands her the flight information and the tickets. “You’ll get to Austria two hours before the race, and you’ll get to the circuit about half an hours before the star of the race”
“Did I tell you that I love you?” She said admiringly, almost swearing that Ana was basically glowing like a divine intervention right now.
“Yeah, yeah I’m amazing now go to your place, and pack a bag because I don’t want you to make me watch the race tomorrow while I listen to you for two more hours about how you miss Charles”
“Ok” she said softly before wrapping the small girl in a tight hug full of gratefulness.
“Thank you”
“Sweetie my job is to make you happy, and you’ve miss that boy with every cell in your body since you got here on Wednesday, so go now and have fun before producers regret and call you back to have you here to do nothing”
The girl pulled her outside of the vehicle as she handle her the keys to her car and pushed her to hurry, she thanked her again as she basically ran to the vehicle needing to see Charles more that anything in the entire world.
She landed at about 11 am, and the drive from the airport to the hotel where Charles was staying took about an hour and a half.
who would know that Austrian traffic is a real bitch?
When she got to the hotel, Charles’ manager had someone meet here there with the drivers room key and a car to take her to the race.
She went to the room, a big ass smile plastered on her face from the moment she opened the door and the smell of her boyfriend invaded her nostrils.
She basically run at the speed of light into the bathroom from how fast she got in there to take a shower and change herself into a more adequate closes for the race, so she put herself into some cute black pants, a white top and a Ferrari jersey she got from Etsy with Charles’ number embroidered into it, she had been dying to show it to the driver, excited for when the next race was going to be and now she could finally show it to him.
When she got to the circuit, all she could see was a freaking horde of orange and Red Bull caps, and obviously the typical Red Sea of the Ferrari Fans or tifosi how they are usually called.
She got out of the fancy black Ferrari car that had picked her in the hotel, with the paddock pass hanging from her neck, black dark glasses covering her eyes, when all of the fans got the sight of her the screams became significantly louder.
A small laugh got out of her, as she approached some teenagers that were begging for pictures with her, one of the girls throwing a cap with her boyfriends number on it.
“You sure you wanna lose that?” She ask a playful smirk adorning her face before put it on for a picture with them.
“Keep it! I have a few others at home bu I’ll never get the chance again to say that Charles’ Leclerc girlfriend wore my cap to the Austrian Grand Prix”
She burst out in laughter whilst signing her phone case. “Thanks cutie” she said winking her eye action that she had adopted from her boyfriend before walking away.
She got in smoothly with the paddock pass, it was impressive those little plastics work, she walk nervously towards the Ferrari garage, anxious to see Charles’ face.
All the engineers and crew from the team saying hello to her since she was there for most of the start of the season when she was taking a little break from acting.
The first Ferrari drivers that showed up on her sight was no more or less than Carlos Sainz who’s face turn up a big smile when he saw her.
“What are you doing here?!” He wrapped her in a tight hug lifting her a little making her shriek excitingly, when he put her safely back on the ground she explained to the Spanish driver that she was there to surprise Charles. “You’re boyfriends over there on his typical pre-race ritual, very stressed, Binnotos’ there with him trying to calm him down, seeing you will do him really good”
“Yeah I missed him like crazy, see you Carlos, good luck”
The driver left with a friendly kiss on her cheek sprinting to his car, she smiled to him one last time before walking away, every step that got her closer to where her boyfriend her heart pounded faster, hands shaking uncontrollably, she was excited but also a bit nervous because when racing, Charles would get on this different mindset and it kinda worried her that he wouldn’t like that she was there, it was very unlikely but this was the first time she surprised him showing up to a race unannounced.
But when she saw him, his back facing her, headphones on his ears as his elbows were on his knees while staring on his phone, she could swear that the smile on her face made her look like a crazy person, her heart beating so fast she could feel it on her throat so with shaking hands she started walking towards him.
Charles was stressed, a pit in the bottom of his stomach worried about what would the result of this race might be, he was tired and worried, he would oftenly text or call his girlfriend when feeling like this, cause she would always knew how to calm him down and exactly what to say to make him feelbetter, but he knew that she was working and didn’t really wanted to bother her, he knew she wouldn’t mind but he didn’t want to get her worried.
Charles adored his girlfriend, he would take a bullet for her on the spot without a hint of hesitation, sometimes he wonders to himself how he got to be with such an awesome girl like her, he loves everything about her, every time a race ends the very first thing he thinks about it’s her, about how he wants to celebrate his wins with her in every way possible, and to be in her arms everything time that something goes wrong, which have been the case lately.
He got up, taking off his headphones and passing her hand trough his hair, he check his phone once again to see if his girlfriend had answered his texts, seeing that there wasn’t any response he turn it off again a little worried with the fact that she hasn’t even read the text he had send it the night before after they had FaceTimed but he shrugged it off knowing that he had to focused on the race and knowing that probably the reason of his girls disappearance was because she was filling or learning lines.
He put his phone on one of the tables in his garage when suddenly he felt some thin arms that he could recognize even in his sleep wrapping around his waist, and the characteristic coconut smell hitting him all at once as the girls head curled against his neck as she purred “Hi baby”
“Mon ange” he whispered in disbelief that this was her, right there with her arms wrapped around him, face on his neck, he wasn’t dreaming and she wasn’t thousands of miles away from him, he could swear that the smile that formed on his face could be seen from outer space.
He took a deep breath trying to take it all in, as she rested his face on his neck whispering “how much she had missed him” He was still a bit shocked that this was happening, as he took her arms on his hands to free himself from her grasp to turn around, cupping her face with one one his hand as the other snaked it’s way to her waist.
“I can’t believe you’re here”
He said softly rubbing circles on her waist while she had one of the most biggest beautiful smiles that he has ever seen looking almost proud that she could pull this off and that he was so happy to see her.
but how couldn’t he be? When every time he was around her he felt the world was lifted off his shoulders, that there were no longer expectations and disappointments and it was just him and her pretty ass smile, it made his heart fluster that it was all because of finally seen him, that she was just as happy to see him so he knew he couldn’t restrain himself any longer when he crash his lips against hers.
When they finally kissed after all those days that felt like an eternity, they both felt like nothing had ever felt so right as they basically melted against one another, her arms curling through his neck, both hands petting his hair, and right there she felt like crying from how much she had missed him and how much she loved him, Charles right behind as he finally relaxed after all those stressed days where he wished she had been there with him, the kissed was one feel with sentiment love irradiating from the couple as his tongue pressed her upper lip asking for permission, the girl smiling mid kiss just to kiss the driver once again.
“ I missed you so fucking much “ Charles murmured again her lips, giving her small pecks through her face making her giggle.
“I was so nervous” she admitted, both her hands resting on his face, as his arms kept still around her waist.
“Why?” He asked genuinely confused, she then proceeded to shrugged it off saying that it was just her being dumb, Charles denying with his head as her cheeks turn red.
“Mon ange, I don’t ever want you to think that I don’t want you here with me, because I mean, if it was for me I would have you tied up to my side day and night, okay?” She nodded as he gave her a small kiss and hugged her again, this time his face on the crook of her neck.
“My pretty girl” he whispered as he went leaving kissed on her jaw and neck, her giggling once again. “Came all the way from Atlanta, with a jacket with my number on it”
“You liked it?” She asked excitingly as Charles laughed against her neck, separating from her.
“Are you kidding me? I love it” he smiled against her, as their foreheads touched, her baseball cap falling to the ground, he separated from her as he knew that the would calling him for the formation lap any minute now, the engineers all in their world as they wanted to give them their privacy, he grabbed his girls hand as he dragged her trough the garage while asking her about her trip, she excitingly telling him every single thing about it as he now rested against the outside wall of the garage, putting on his suit and drinking some water, while looking at her like she was the only thing in the entire world, just for him, with a jacket and a cap to prove it.
“What? Am I talking too much?” She asked while playing with her hands getting a bit embarrassed that he was boring him”
“Oh non chérie, you just look really pretty with my number on you” he smiles to her as she chuckled, rolling her eyes.
“Charles I know your happy that your girlfriend is here but Mattia will have a stroke if you don’t get in the car right about now” one of the engineers informed them, making them both giggle as Charles lean towards her for a last kiss before put in his helmet on and get in the car.
“I love you” he said as their lips touched once again, her smiling against him.
“Good luck baby, go kick their asses like you know how to” she encourage as she peck his lips one more time, leaving him with a small smile as he put his helmet on.
“Yes ma’am” he said as he finally separated from her and got on his racing car.
“Love you, be safe” was the last she shouted to him as the car started and she walked towards the paddock and he gave her a small thumbs up.
She felt like she was about to throw up right there and then.
Carlos sitting beside her, still very angry about his DNF and his engine problems but borrowing his arm for her to squeeze as his boyfriend was suffering in the track, his throttle giving him problems with only three laps left and Verstappen on top of him.
“Turn three it’s really difficult” he said through his radio as she felt like she could pass out from her nerves for her boyfriend, the win almost his for the taking.
So when he finally passed the checkered flag, a couple of laps later she felt like she could finally breath again as everyone around her celebrated and even Carlos who was still down from his engine problem clapped and celebrated for her boyfriend.
“Go celebrate with him, he’ll want you there when he gets here”
She got up from her sit as Carlos encourage her moving his hand from front to backwards as she rolled her eyes smiling starting to run to the garage to receive her boyfriend from his winning race.
So she stand there as he park the car as he celebrated and hugged his engineers, but when he finally saw her she smiled to him with everything that she had as he launched himself to her to wrap her in a tight hug.
“I love you, I’m so proud of you” she scream throughout the noise as Charles took of his helmet, to gave her a winning smiling as she felt herself so full of excitement for him, being able to see him happy and excited again, his eye’s lighting up as his face was basically glowing from how happy she was and she was so thankful that she was there with him, and so incredibly proud of what he had just accomplished too.
So when he took of his helmet he crashed their lips together once again, catching her of guard as she returned the kiss placing her hands on his cheeks.
“Won that race just for you chérie, I love you so much”
And with that she kissed him again, both their hearts beating at what it felt like a thousand miles per hour, as they both thanked everything around them and that they were together to celebrate Charles’ win.
So she screamed like a crazy fan when he was in podium and got redden cheeks when he wink to her as he lifted the trophy to then bathe her with champagne and laughed and kissed as they enjoyed that well deserved rave that the driver most definitely needed.
Her wishing for a celebration of the both of them just later.
Her unexpected visit wasn’t so bad after all.
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dlartistanon · 7 months
I have to be honest, after everything I heard I went into Lone Trail anticipating Muelsyse character assassination-- nay, *annihilation*, for the sake of Doctor-sexual fanservice and I was ready to be disappointed. But having finished reading Lone Trail myself now... What? Her homescreen lines are utter horseshit, I completely agree, but her actual character writing in Lone Trail fits that really good analysis post by meeblo so accurately that I can't believe meeblo didn't read LT before writing
"The more I think about Lone Trail the less I like how they executed the story."
So, let me preface this with with preemptive TL;DR: If you are a fan of Silence as a character, you probably really enjoy Lone Trail.
If you are a fan of any other character, especially Muelsyse, and ESPECIALLY if you don't like or don't care for self-insert pandering, you're likely disappointed and/or frustrated with Lone Trail. I am the latter.
Let me just copypaste what my friend has to say (plus my own replies and commentary) since they can articulate the feeling better than I can:
I'm sorry. I just can't imagine a world where Saria, who means so much to Muelsyse, is nearly assassinated and in awful shape, and *she knows that* and is like "wassup doctor, heard Saria's in trouble but lets hang out"
Me: Exactly. This does not make sense with what we know of their relationship. Especially since she's later worried sick/almost breaks down at the thought of losing Saria for real
I'm just going through the story and so much of it doesn't make sense to me. And it's (I'm not done but getting there) just *so depressing* how much of the event is eaten up with kind of pointless/uninteresting doctor babysitting? She should be front & center in all of this. There's so much to work with and play with but so much of it does not make *any sense*. Muelsyse did not need to be hobbled by this. Hell, so far as I've read, Doctor didn't need to be there or could have done it on their own. Fucking frustrating.
Me: I'm not that familiar with Guide Ahead, but I can't help but imagine how much better/more concise Lone Trail could've been had they handled Samuelsten in a similar way to GA's central trio. Don't shove Muelsyse to the side, make her an active agent in the story, with the people who matter to her
I mean I’ve made it to CW-7 and as someone who’s in the middle of all of this (often by design) I’m puzzled that she’s one of the least interesting parts of the event? Kristen, HoHo, Nasti, Jara are great. We know why it matters to her but she’s on the fringes the entire time. This should have been done like guide ahead but guide ahead was much better and leaner by virtue of not needing to dedicate half the fucking event to talk about how great and interesting the doctor is. There’s no reason doctor couldn’t have been with Kal’tsit the entire time. That would actually make sense. But nope.
"It's Saria you want to see, It's Kristen who you're looking for" but why don't we just stick you with Doctor the entire fucking event and you can act like you're just on a little adventure. Cannot believe I have to rely on the furniture to give what the event should have.
This might be a controversial take, but I wish all this giant lore dump with Doctor, Priestess and Kal'tsit had been relegated to another vignette or main chapter with just mentions of Kirsten/Kristen and Rhine Lab. It's taking up much too much of Rhine Lab's event. Instead of *way too many flashbacks* with Doctor/Kal'tsit/ whoever, we could have had this building up Saria/ Kirsten/Muelsyse with their past instead of the one 3 second glimpse we got. I am so mad at this stupid fucking decision. Rhine Lab Event: featuring Rhine Lab as glorified cameos
Reply: Yeah its so annoying. It takes up sooo much god damn space and for what? And for what ? It doesn’t belong. I swear to god i wish we focused on, idk, the main relationship between saria and kirsten (and mumu but my faith is lost) instead of kirsten only showing up at the very end
Yeah, I'm sure glad FERDINAND got the most screen time out of all Rhine Lab. Just *what*. But the lore dump, while *fine* is just fucking egregious and does not belong here. This could have been referenced elsewhere and they could have fleshed out everyone else.
I have finished Lone Trail! Cumulatively, I love about two chapters worth of it! I definitely had high expectations but even if I'd had mediocre expectations I would have been let down. Not enough of the Rhine Lab founders, needless lore dump that could have gone elsewhere. It felt fragmented and like a hodge podge of things. Saria, Muelsyse and Kirsten felt like cameos in the entire event. And I'm sure the intention of this was to elevate just how goddamn special the doctor is, but the way it was written, it felt like no one at Rhine Lab gives a single solitary fuck about Muelsyse in any real capacity. These are the people she's had and adores. Yes, her loneliness was a sort of focus of the event, but the way it plays out does make it feel like "yeah, you're right to be lonely. Thank god for doctor!"
So much of my irritation is not only was she reduced to a love interest for Doctor, treated poorly by everyone at RL, she had zero agency in the whole event. She really was just floating passively for the most part. Muelsyse in Lone Trail: 1. Looks for Kirsten/ doesn't find Kirsten/ abandoned & not said goodbye to by Kirsten. 2. Looks for Saria (eventually) stopped by Saria. Saves Saria, doesn't talk to her again/ is not acknowledged by Saria. 3. Nasti tells her she's a crybaby & to get lost I mean, it really is no wonder she wanted to off herself. She built Rhine Lab with them from the beginning and this is how the event chooses for all these people to treat her? It's unbelievable.
Me: All that to make Doctor look better in comparison, right? It's jarring bc it's such a far cry from the brief concern Saria showed towards her in DV and doesn't even follow up with her claim to want to save Muelsyse in LT. Where's the consistency? She remembers that Mumu is fragile, but we don't even get a scene or mention of checking up on her after crashing back down to earth?
At least in Kristen's case, she remembered Muelsyse exists afterwards with the plantlife onboard, but it's not even presented as wrong or a character flaw how Saria ignores Muelsyse in the end, even though she literally saved her life. Just... nothing. This is the defender who protects others? The one that she fell for?
Yeah “when you’re emotional you forget that you’re fragile” & okay this is a devastating day for her so fuck her very much! No need to check on how she’s doing losing a long time friend and colleague, how she was in a thing that literally crashed but she saved *her*. And this isn’t even about Samuels in particular! This is how she was treated by the people with an established history that matter to her. Obviously the game is pandering, but given how literally everyone in the game, from the actions she can see, treats her like she is disposable trash. It’s no fucking wonder she’d be like “oh wow doctor!” Because at least they treat her like a human being who has feelings and who hurts? The fact that Saria doesn’t even reach out, that she has treated her like a stranger for the most part doesn’t track. Why did they make Muelsyse the “hero/ star” of the event banner? She’s forgotten and mistreated by everyone, gets almost zero game content, her file and voice lines are a mess and she doesn’t influence the story in any way at all. This event as a Rhine Lab story was trash.
Me: It felt so much more like a "Silence" story with Rhine Lab as window dressing. They clearly didn't have any editors around because how can you SAY that these people matter to Muelsyse but then not PROVE it? The lack of care, the disrespect towards her and other characters in relation to her is just astonishing
I like Silence a lot but wtf was she leading this? The whole thing is the conflict with Sarsten w/ Muelsyse in the middle. She got a new outfit, talked to Parvis, rehashed a conversation w Saria for the 10th time? This should have been all Muelsyse / Saria/ Kirsten but they barely existed in the event. And who the fuck polled whoever else to decide that Ferdinand and the creep Josh should get the rest of the time!Why so much build up with Jara / her closeness to Kirsten to not have any interaction with them? WTF were they doing.
I could probably write an essay about all the things I felt didn't work as a Rhine Lab event. This might have worked better as a vignette just to keep it tidy. But I think the other thing for me is that… hrm this event almost assumes that all you've seen of Silence is the manhua and thus wow! Growth! She loses the glasses and gets a new style to show that off. But the Silence of this event is the Silence we've had in the game since day one. The one in Mansfield and in Dorothy's Vision who is kind of certain about what is wrong and what is right and will stand up for that. So to me there wasn't any growth there. Because we'd already seen that growth/ that was the person we've known since the start of the game. A lot of this event kind of relies on… either not having read the manhua or exclusively having read the manhua. Because if not for the manhua you don't know/ understand why there's that Kirsten/Saria divide and how much it means. It's all very weird.
And kind of to add to my little rant… DV and the manhua allude to Muelsyse being extremely close to Kirsten and being her sidekick. But in neither the manhua or any of the events do we see any of that. Instead we get Nasti (who I like a lot) in that role and--- I just don't get it. You'll be less disappointed if you don't read the manhua. lol A ton of Muelsyse's character development and her relationship with Saria is highlighted there and this event just kind of decides to burn all of that to the ground. But if you want to see why the final chapter matters/ is special/ yes, read it.
Me: Nasti's in the role bc we had to have our self-insert fix with the hot new playable op :/
yeah. with the same motivations. but all of that should have rightfully been hers I really do think they just gave Muelsyse's role to Nasti And the cherry on top of all of it was at the end when Muelsyse is like "Huh did the three of us actually dance together or did I make all of that up?" I just can't with that final slap in the face to Muelsyse and all of them. Like her talk about loneliness is fine and well done and the little history but so much left a lot of questions.
Me: yeah… it's just. wow. there were nuggets and seeds planted that had potential, but they didn't bother to actually cultivate and develop those relationships and dynamics at which point why even include them at all
Yeah, I’ll include that in my rant, but my last point on that end is Saria’s “I would do it over again” doesn’t make sense if you haven’t read the manhua— and just doesn’t jive with what is presented in the events with her that is much more clinical. And I’ve said this about multiple things— but a story should be able to stand on its own without having needed to read a manhua for additional context— and especially when having read the manhua you’re left with ??????
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fearless-stormclaw · 9 months
I know, it's been months; this one was a toughie for some reason.
Some highlights from this one:
-current working title is Luz Noceda and the Enchanting Grom Fright
-this one contains one of my most anticipated plotlines. plotting it out was sooo much fun and I can't wait till I get to actually writing and posting it because oooh it's such a treat
-instead of a Triwizard Tournament we get a Grom Tournament!
-this one is kind of a combo between Enchanting Grom Fright and Hollow Mind and a little bit of Any Sport in a Storm
-there are harpies and other fun magical creatures!
-we get the first sparks of Lumity! as well as mentions of other ships!
-Raine Whispers introduced! (with mentions of Raeda!)
-the SPEW storyline is replaced with Willow's flyer derby club (after all, the house elf equivalents in this universe are not enslaved and in fact get paid very well for their work)
And update on the Book 1 writing:
I've been ploughing through it these past few months since the last update. I am currently in the middle of the penultimate chapter of the first draft. The kids just went through the trapdoor. Very exciting!
I will not start posting chapters on AO3 until I have finished plotting out the seventh book, just in case it causes any big changes. My dream goal is to begin posting no later than sometime next year.
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Pot of Gold
Pairing: Steve x Reader
Summary: You went broke and bet your pussy.
Words: 2k
Warnings: Fluffy smut, slight dom Steve, language, 18+ ONLY
A/N: dedicated to the anon who said she needed fluffy Steve smut so that she could get out of her bed. Hope you feel better hon <3
“And what do you bet?” Thor asked you, stacking other’s money in the center of the table. It wasn’t game night yet, but since no one wanted to go out you lot pulled out a few board games. It was going great until the betting started, because the Avengers just can’t play like normal broke people. You had like an amateur lost all your cash in the last round of poker, and now sitting around some stupid board game with pictures and dices, you were the only one who was penniless. Everyone else had tossed on hundreds of dollars and looked at you curiously.
“I bet my pussy” You said at last and a hush fell around the table. For the first time tonight, you were glad to be the only woman present. The reaction you received from the men was very flattering.
Tony, Steve, Thor, Sam, Bucky, and Clint all looked dumbstruck for a moment, their mouths hanging open in surprise. It was when Tony snorted in amusement that they shook their head and gave you disbelieving looks.
“Don’t look at me like that. I have it on good authority that its like a pot of gold.” You remarked and saw more than one man blush. You didn’t care much about modesty, or shame for that matter.
“Y/n, you can’t be serious” Bucky said, and you shrugged nonchalantly.
“Of course, I am Buck. My pussy is worth more than your money put together, so whoever wins will be more than pleased with the outcome. If someone else wins that is. I have every intension of winning this time ‘round” You declared while cracking your knuckles.
“Cool then. Game’s simple enough. Roll the dice, get big numbers, and cross the obstacles. Whoever reaches the finishing line first wins and takes the prize.” Tony said and Steve looked scandalized.
“You can’t be serious Tony!” He exclaimed and you rolled your eyes right along with Tony’s.
“Listen up Capsicle if the lady wants to bet her cooch, so she can. I for one really want to win this round.” Tony said winking at you, and you giggled.
“You got competition here Stark. I want that pot of gold.” Thor stated and you would be a liar if a fire didn’t start in your belly. You wouldn’t mind any of the men taking you, or all of them.
“Oh baby, you are gonna get some chocolate spread this evening” Sam was rubbing his hands the way villains do and you gave him a once over, licking your lips at the end making him groan. “Cap and Tin Man make be from the 90s, but I can give it to you good.”
“I can give it as good as you Birdguy. Just you wait and see. She’ll be screaming from the rafter!” Bucky was also flexing as if it was a wresting match. You couldn’t help the smug smile that was splitting your face in half. This was much better than any evening out would have been.
The game began without preamble now and you saw more than one salacious look tossed your way. Even Steve and Clint who had so far not made their desire known were looking at you with hot eyes, each person rolling the dice with greater gusto. Sabotage became common, someone trying to knock their elbows and move their pieces. Arguments broke out, the board was almost flipped twice, and the game was nearing the end. You were holding the dices in your hands, rolling them between your thumb and finger as you carefully measured your score. You’d need a 10 to win. Or else you were out. Everyone’s eyes were trained on and you felt the pressure mounting. You breathed deeply then let the dices fall with a loud exhale, holding your breath as they came to a still.
5 and 4
“Fuck!” You shouted and the sentiment was echoed, more like cheered. You sat back on your chair with a huff and cross your arms while Thor puts a hand around you.
“Its okay Y/n, I’ll make sure you win even as you lose.” He made his move and the other guys booed as Thor lost too. You were at the edge of your seat, watching as one by one everyone else rolled the dices across the board. Clint groaned and mimicked your actions when he didn’t make the line, followed by Sam who simply got up and left. You watched Tony, Steve and Bucky battle it out, their tongues between their teeth. You were as anxious as any of the others, legs bouncing in anticipation. You made a small noise of dejection when Bucky lost and pouted. You really wouldn’t have minded that metal hand between your legs.
“Capsicle, why not give up now. It’s not like you’ll know what to do with a woman like our girl here.” Tony goaded Steve who glared at him.
“Make your move Stark.” He simply replied and you leaned forward as the dices rolled. They spun on their edges, making the suspense comically longer and when they finally laid still you started chuckling.
“Next time, Tony.” You consoled, your hand patting his knee. He looked so forlorn that you almost suggested a rematch.
“He still has to make a move! He hasn’t won yet.” Tony pointed at Steve who with all the stoicism bred into him tossed his dices and got the perfect score.
“In your face, playboy!” Steve triumphed and to everyone’s surprise just lifted you onto his shoulders like a sack and began walking away. “Leave the cash with Buck. I’ll take those earnings after I’m finished with the real prize”
Cheers and howls followed you as you dangled over Steve’s back. You had no idea he could be this passionate, but you had no reason to complain. You let him haul you away to his room in relative peace, only getting a slap on your butt after poking Steve’s ass through his joggers. He threw you on the bed and shut the door behind him, turning to look at you with fire in his eyes.
“Velvet or silk?” He questioned and your throat went dry as he walked to his closet in the corner. He raised an eyebrow when you didn’t respond, and you cleared your throat.
“Velvet?” You answered, unsure what you agreed to. Steve came back with velvet lined handcuffs in his hands and you creamed. Holy shit, who would have thought that prim and proper Captain could have a kinky side too.
“Hands behind your head” He ordered in his captain voice and you swore your thighs were trembling in need. This was something so out of the realm of possibility you felt out of your element for a while. You complied, your hands holding the headrest as Steve came forward and cuffed them, the velvet delicate on your skin. He rattled them a little, looking at you in question. “Feel okay?”
You only nodded, too stunned to speak, and licked your lips when Steve removed his t-shirt, his bare chest only serving to make you hotter. You didn’t realize you had parted your legs in welcome until Steve climbed between them, his blue eyes almost black with lust.
“Do you have a safe word?” He asked and you nodded.
“Oatmeal” You answered, and Steve paused as if making sure he heard right. “It is a long story.” You sighed. Steve smiled before leaning over you to kiss you softly, his hands travelling from your hips to your sides, caressing them languidly and then reaching your breasts. You moaned in his mouth when his fingers found your stiff nipples, and you bucked up trying to bring him closer.
“You need to tell me if I hurt you, okay?” Steve urged, his mouth licking a fiery trail on your neck. You nodded, too busy in the feel of his mouth to do more than moan. Oh god, Tony was sooo wrong. Cap knew what to do with a girl alright.
He pulled back enough to take hold of your top and tear it straight down the middle, his inner caveman coming back. Your bra fared the same and Steve wasted no time in lapping up your supple flesh. You were sure your voices carried all the way down to the common room, Steve’s tongue making you go wild.
“No holding back sounds tonight, sweetheart. Or I’ll hold back your orgasms, that clear?” He said and hooked his hands into your pants to pull them down, his hands tracing your bare legs. The look in his eyes made you feel like you’ll combust if he didn’t touch you down there right now.
“Please Steve, don’t tease.” You whined and he bent over you, pulling your panties down with his teeth. You are going to write him a fucking glowing performance review and mail it to Tony tomorrow. Your wildest fantasies couldn’t have prepared you for it. He slipped out of his joggers and boxers, his cock hard and weeping. Your mouth watered and you downright salivated when he stroked it. Steve saw your expression and chuckled.
“You’ll get a taste later. But right now, I’m gonna dip my prick in your pot of gold.”
You wished your hands were free when he fitted himself between your legs, helping you wrap them around his thick frame. He torturously lubed himself up in your juices and entered you sinfully slow, letting you feel every bit of him. You both moaned, your mouths meeting for a sloppy kiss when he started moving, getting faster by the minute. One of his hands reached between your bodies to tweak your clit, alternating rough and soft until you bordered on the edge of your cliff. He was so thick you were stretched almost uncomfortably wide; each inch of your walls being rubbed in the most delicious way. You chanted a crescendo of “yes” and “oohs” and “please” and “faster” along with his name. You didn’t seem to be making sense, but he clearly didn’t care since he did little but grunt in pleasure, hips hammering in you hard enough to bang the headboard against the wall.
“Come on darling, scream for me!” He ordered, his fingering pinching your bud and you exploded around him, your body arching in pleasure. He fucked you through your high, thrusts getting sloppier with every second. “Are you on the pill?” He really should have asked earlier.
“I get a depo shot. Don’t you dare waste a single drop. Need you in me!” You honestly didn’t know what you were saying, instead you seemed drunk on his passion and power. You needed him to fill you up, the very primal animalistic part of you craving his seed.
Steve stuttered, his breath coming out in broken gasps when he finally released in you, hips lazily moving until he went limp right over your body. His weight crushed you, but you didn’t tell him to roll off just yet. The warmth of him fell nice.
He raised his hands and reached to undo your hands, massaging your wrists gently and you fisted them in his hair, pulling him into another deep kiss before letting go. He settled beside you, sweaty body holding yours close.
“You’re not leaving tonight; I still need to taste you.” He murmured in your ear, biting the earlobe, and making you squeal.
“Yes captain” you conceded, and his hand swatted your behind before pulling you closer.
“Can I tell you a secret?” You whispered in his ear after your breaths had settled to normal. He hummed in reply and you sat up, your eyes twinkling. “I lost on purpose”
Steve blinked before a laugh bubbled from deep within him, his arms pulling your body under his as he caged you.
“My god, I think I’m gonna have to fuck you good enough that you never think of letting another man fuck you. This pot of gold,” he cupped your pussy, “I have no intension of sharing it”.
Gonna re-blog with tags later
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mingying · 3 years
[spoilers] hospital playlist s2 ep 11; ikjun/songhwa
I can’t believe this finally happened. And it happened in arguably the best ways possible for us IkSong shippers. As usual, this post is just basically my own thoughts and opinion of the episode and my interpretation of things - feel free to disagree, and I hope you enjoy reading this musing of mine!
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22 years later, finally they found each other again <3
TL;DR: Everything happens for a reason and we have finally reached the rainbow end <3
Let’s begin by addressing the ER scene, but before that, I would like to point out that since Ep 10, Songhwa has been shown to be somewhat forgetful and a klutz - in Ep 10, she was searching for her socks and insisted that she wore them for her rounds. She also seemed to have forgotten to take off her surgical cap until Seonbin pointed it out to her.
In Ep 11, the episode starts off with Songhwa leaving her handbag in Ikjun’s office, and subsequently her handphone, followed by her handbag in the car again. This is not a dementia arc, guys (haha) but I genuinely think that this is her mind being occupied by her newly realised feelings for Ikjun that her normally composed self had started to crumble (and that’s entirely ok!). Another interpretation of this scene could be that unintentionally and subconsciously, she just wanted to remain in the hospital knowing Ikjun may return to collect his gift later.
Can I also point out her sixth sense in this scene? When she peered out of her window and heard the sound of ambulance, followed immediately by Dr Bong calling, she looked disturbed. Normally, she would have answered her calls immediately without hesitation but this time you could tell that she frowned and waited for maybe 2 seconds before answering Dr Bong. Well, never messed with a woman’s intuition I guess!
The ER Scene. Gosh. I actually have a lot of things to say about this. I know some people do not like this trope and that it is a typical trigger for characters to realise their feelings. But, I’d have to say that ShinLee did not intend for this scene to be a trigger of Songhwa realising that she likes Ikjun.
Because she already knows and had realised, somewhere around Ep 8-9 but more obviously 9, that she does like him as a man (all over again). If anything, this ER scene was meant to give Songhwa that one last push to confess, otherwise she may end up regretting not to. Another reason why I felt this scene was necessary was that Songhwa has been too comfortable in Ikjun’s constant presence by her side -- perhaps she has been wanting to confess but still lack the courage to and she didn’t think she needed to act on it rightaway because Ikjun would always be there by her side.
Gosh, the way she rushed to Ikjun and didn’t even hear Dr Bong trying to report to her that he actually wasn’t in such a terrible state. The way she slipped her hand in his and was so gentle in her questions - you can really just tell that she was trying her best not to crumble.
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(side note: Jeon Mido, your acting was truly stellar during this scene. That suppressed professionalism vs personal feelings. I really felt her worry and regret in this entire scene. I loved it so much)
Now, why do I firmly believe that Songhwa already intends to confess to Ikjun eventually? Other than the fact that Songhwa herself confirmed during her confession that “I should have told you that I liked you”, it’s because of the Gift that she has given him for his birthday. It’s a cap, and initially we don’t think much of it until the flashback sequence showed and we realised that, a cap was what 99z Songhwa wanted to give to Ikjun but never did because he had turned her down for dinner and lied that he has a blind date.
Present day Songhwa gifting Ikjun a cap can be interpreted as her having let go of the hurt he had caused her in the past and that she was willing to try, again.
Interestingly, I’d like to also point out that the 99z flashback in this episode was truly necessary for us to understand Songhwa’s aversion to ‘Sad Sea’ and why she has rejected Ikjun in the first episode. 99z Songhwa didn’t give up when Ikjun stood her up for her birthday but mustered the courage to confess to him - she tried twice too, asking if he really has to go on that blind date that evening and couldn’t he go another time? Ikjun, in that scene, was playing Sad Sea. 
I would like to apologise to Ep 7 Songhwa because I had been frustrated with her then, but now that everything has been rolled out beautifully, I do not blame her at all for her hesitancy and year long passiveness. Ikjun kinda deserved it after breaking her heart twice (HA!) and remember this shot of Ikjun in Ep 7? 
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I now interpret this scene as him realising that he knew Songhwa’s reasons of rejecting him. Because there was no way he didn’t know that Songhwa had liked him in the 99z, and he was perhaps regretting turning her down for dinner that day during his birthday. He knew he had a chance with her then but blew it, and that is perhaps why he never faltered in making Songhwa happy now. Not that he expects anything in return, but perhaps he wanted to make up for the indirect hurt he had caused her.
Bab Meokja had been something initiated by Songhwa back then. And now, it is a treat he gives himself -- I really do think that is the reason why he keeps asking Songhwa out for meals in the present time, because Ikjun probably wanted to indrectly make up for what happened in 99z.
Let’s move on to another great scene! The card game scene!
For some, it may seem to be a random scene but for me, I saw it in a different way and I’m glad Kfans and some users on Twitter pointed out this theory as well. 
As you all know, the card game IkSong was playing was “Bluff/Cheat”. Here, you could see that Ikjun could read Songhwa so well that he knows when she would lie. But Songhwa on the other hand, could not read Ikjun as well -- and this is further affirmed by Songhwa’s confession when she said “If your feelings for me haven’t changed,”. This is beautiful because it makes Ikjun’s expression during the confession scene even more sense -- a user on reddit pointed out that his expression at that time wasn’t more of a “omg she likes me after all”, it was more of a “she has realised her feelings for me,” and I think that’s absolutely beautiful. He even nodded subtlely a few times as Songhwa struggled to get her confession out, as if encouraging her and saying “you can do it, just a bit more”. 
Back to the card game - Ikjun even threw down a 9 Hearts - which I believe is a metaphor of his feelings for her, steady and still unwavering. 
(Bonus note: I absolutely love how Iksun caught on to them being lovey dovey at once and Junwan’s expression catching them was HILARIOUS)
On to my next scene which was absolute favourite.
Songhwa had finished a difficult/challenging surgery, and out of excitement (she even skipped omg whipped girlie), she called Ikjun first to convey the good news to him. Her tone here really depicts a difference in how she talks to Ikjun before. This scene alone tells you that Songhwa has pretty much fallen for Ikjun again and I love love love that finally she has someone she would want to immediately call to share her good news with! 
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And the best part? Our best boy Lee Ikjun never went to Changwon. Instead, he waited for her for probably hours (it was bright day when they said goodbye, but night when Songhwa returned to her office) and even told her straight that he has to see her before he leaves because of how worried she had been before. Good lord find me a man like Ikjun please? 
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image cr: iksongarchives @ twitter
This entire shot, with I Knew I Love playing in the background pretty much hits. It is in this exact moment that Songhwa has probably made up her mind to confess for real, that she wasn’t going to waste another second because I am sooo sure she would have ran to hug him if not because of their status at that moment. I love this scene so much. It is the personification of the lyrics of I Knew I Love, which goes “I called you out of habit today and you answered warmly, you make me the happiest in the whole wide world, I love you so much”.
And finally. 
*takes a deep breath*
The whole directing of this scene, with the slow camera panning into them - Ikjun was restless, probably breaking into cold sweats (he commented it was cold) while Songhwa was nervous and trying to muster enough courage to confess (she commented it was really hot). I held my breath for so long I felt like I was about to faint I swear to god.
Songhwa looked legit terrified that Ikjun was going to reject her man, and it all makes sense why after we got the 99z flashback this episode. 
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And Ikjun, he really waited for her cues. Even after she was done confessing, he looked at her and waited for her to look at him back before he went “I’ll give you my answer”. And it was only after Songhwa nodded in fear and anticipation, that he swooped in to kiss her!!!!!
Songhwa definitely also leaned in first before Ikjun pulled her closer. She wanted this just as much as he did and it showed through their first kiss. Gosh I’m still shaking just thinking about how perfect that entire sequence and kiss was. They really went all out for it (yes I believe there was tongue involved) rather than soft and gentle. 22 years of suppressed yearning and feelings really popped out in that kiss alone and I am so blessed to have been a part of their beautiful journey.
And now, with only one episode left, we are finally able to see IkSong as a couple and on dates. I have a feeling Songhwa would be the clingy gf man, judging from the Preview keke. I cannot wait to see the rest of the boys finding out, and for sure, I cannot wait to see how their dynamics would change now as lovers rather than just best friends. I do think their transition would be seamless, only that now, they get to do what other lovers could.
This post is so long but I felt the need to address another matter that I have seen roaming around the internet. Apparently, some people are annoyed that Songhwa was ‘forced to change her mind’ and that we cannot accept her ‘No’ in ep 1. I would humbly and respectfully disagree on this point. Songhwa’s ‘No’ in ep 1 was not a “I don’t like you therefore I am rejecting you”. It was more of a “I do not know how to sort out my feelings yet, and am not ready to revisit the past, so it is best not to tamper with it”. 
Songhwa did not change her mind overnight or weeks. It took her one year and a few months. She has had all that time to weighs her decisions again and properly thought out how she wanted to bring forward her relationship with Ikjun. She was not forced.
She may have said that she liked being single in S1, but she has never been averse to love. In fact, she is always encouraging other people to go for it. I for one, am single and absolutely enjoying it. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to ever change my mind if I find someone worthy enough to share my space and happiness with. I like being single now because guys around me are idiots and I’d rather save myself that headache LOL.
Her conscious decision to accept Ikjun now does not and will never invalidate her decision to reject him back then - in fact, it goes to show that as human beings, we constantly undergo character growth and our minds are often changed to suit the present circumstances. 
ShinLee did not portray Songhwa in that light where ‘women needs to say yes if a guy treats her right’. Ikjun did all of those things for her without expecting anything in return. He never once crossed the line and never once forced Songhwa into accepting his love for her. Songhwa said yes because she likes Ikjun and is now ready to move their relationship to that of romantic. It is as simple as that.
And one last point to make is that Songhwa being in a relationship does not in any way invalidate that she is a strong and independent woman. Please do not associate the relationship status of a woman to her being ‘strong/independent’. A woman in a relationship and a woman not being a relationship are still BOTH strong AND independent. Love is a universal element in life, why deprive a person of it simply because she’s portrayed to be a “strong” female character? If that love brings her greater joy and ardent happiness, why stop her from enriching her life further?
Anyway. I digress. 
If you made it until the end of this ridiculously long post, thank you. I hope it was an enjoyable read! Till Ep 12!
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corysmiles · 3 years
Sup! I'm back from Barcelona! Hope you're doing well!
Remember that sbi rust prompt you gave me a month or 2 ago? It is done (not readproff tho so there may be some mistakes) anyway enjoy my grand return!
Edit: did you know 250 paragraphs is the limit lenght to an ask? On an unrelated note I will have to cut this into multiple parts so enjoy this first chapter!
"Whaaat the-"
Wilbur took a step back, mouth agape and watched the figure inside of the dome. A human, identical in the looks, if not for the size of it.
When he went to explore the looming monument that rose from near his house, he expected food or scientific papers, perhaps some gas masks and equipment, not a... giant.
Weren't those things a myth?? Just a silly fictional creature to scare children away, not... not real and THERE, sleeping right in front of him??
The thing was curled up on himself, unable to fit in the 30ft wide sphere if going to its full lenght.
Wilbur was trapped in the walls of flesh.
And to his dismay, he was just in time to witness the creature wake up.
Lazily, they opened their eyes, squinting. They looked at their surroundings, the roof, the walls, the floor.
And the man was able to pinpoint the exact moment their eyes landed on him.
They gasped softly, almost mute. Their eyes widened, and they stood here, studying the punny intrudor for a too long moment. Only after, they spoke, barely above a whisper.
"Uhm... hello."
Wilbur expected the giant to speak, seeing how akin to a human he was, but he didn't expect such a young voice to be held by the.... boy?
"Hey." Wilbur waved, hand as shaking and hesitant as his voice.
"... What's your name?" They spoke.
Wilbur gulped, more on instinct. "Uuh, Wilbur. Who are you? What are you doing here?" He pointed.
They nodded in a hum before looking at the floor below, eyes a bit blurry.
"I...my name is Tommy. And uh... this is where I sleep."
The stare the human kept on the boy was intense, full of disbelief and curiosity. It was uncomfortable.
He shifted a bit. And Wilbur's eyes darted towards the small movements. Ah, right. Humans were hyperaware.
"It's been a while since I met someone around here."
"Yeah, I can imagine that... ever since the nuclear incident, it's been quite the task to find someone." Wilbur explained. What did this being knew exactly?
"Oh... I see." He lowered his head, before letting it rest on the floor, and holy shit he was even bigger than he thought.
He swallowed the lump back down his throat, and sat legs crossed.
The giant, which looked like a teenager now that he got to see his face up close, kept looking at him, expression almost bored.
Then, without much a warning, he lifted his hand and moved it towards the human, who instantly scrumbled away as fast as he could.
"wowowwoowowo- what-"
The hand froze, and when he looked at Tommy, the expression was sad, almost hurt.
Silence filled the room for a minute.
"Sorry" the giant apologized. "I must be quite scary, huh?"
Without much thinking, wilbur nodded. "Um, yeah"
"It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." He reassured, his voice pathetic. "Can I come closer?"
Wilbur looked at the hand, then at the teen. He took a deep breath before nodding, earning a pleased smile from the blond.
More careful, a hand thrice his size came to him, fingers slowly wrapping themselves around the human. He tensed, unwilling to move an inch despite his mind begging him to get out of here.
He closed his eyes in anticipation, but after a minute of stillness, he felt a rough pressure on his head, ruffling his hairs.
"Wha- what are you doing?" He asked, refusing to open his eyes yet.
Before he got an answer, the mass, which he recognized as a thumb, moved from playing with the hair to caress his skin as gently as possible.
With much hesitation, the human opened his eyes and met the face of the teen, who beared an expression of pure shock and wonder.
As the thumb rubbed against his cheek, he inhaled, shivered.
"You're so small... so fragile..."
His face was washed with a wave of sadness, while Wilbur drew his hand closer to the gun hidden in his jacket.
"How do you feel, wilbur? Do you feel fragile?" His voice was as sad as unreadable.
And at the moment, Wilbur did feel as powerless as a bug stuck in a web. A tall, wide web. Not that he would tell Tommy.
"... Is that a threat?" He asked instead.
"No, I'm just curious." A sort of melancholy couldn't leave the giant's face. "If I were to threaten someone, it would be because they acted like a bitch. You're not a bitch as far as I know."
The curse took Wilbur off guard, and he found himself giggling at the vocabulary. The blong smiled as well.
Then, the thumb moved from the face and slowly descended to cover his chest (entirely)
It felt... like a hug?
How long has it been since Wilbur has been hugged.
The gesture was confusing.
"... why?" He voiced.
"I don't know. I know people like hugs. Makes them feel safe."
He eyed the fingers around him before focusing, wary, on the face.
"What are you planning to do to me?"
"Huh?!" He raised eyebrow and his hands left Wilbur's surrounding in a too quick motion, gesturing in defense. "Nothing!! I just want you to be comfortable. Been a while since I talked to anyone." Without the giant controling his volume, Wilbur had to cover his ear at the sudden booming sound.
He nodded nontheless, still unsure, and the silence drawn out.
"...why did you want to explore the dome?"
For some reason, the echoing voice was quite soothing to the human's ears, now that it was bearable. He took a few steps and put his hand on the part of the dome not blocked by an enormous mass. His finger carressed the copper walls until he was sat.
"I wanted to explore. I don't live very far, and this structure intrigued me. I expected to find some researches, not.... uh..."
Tommy smiled and understood the man without him having to finish. "Yeah. I'm not really something to be expected."
He nodded. "And you've been here for a while?"
"Not so much." The giant responded, "I usually travel from place to place trying to survive, pretty much like everyone else."
"I see..."
"I can try and look out for any paper or stuff if you want, so next time you come, I can hand them over."
Wilbur paused. The idea of returning to the giant made him frown, but the blond did seem to hold no grudges against him.
".... Maybe." He landed on.
And visibly, the teen was elated at the news, his grin growing to his ear and his hands joining in a clap. (As gentle as he could to not make the small man deaf.)
"Welp." He got up, before he got a sugar overdose from seeing that excitment. "I think I'm gonna head back."
"Do you want me to help you get back home?" The other proposed, enthusiast.
It was quiet for a moment, silence only disturbed by the giant shifting position. It was... unusual. But the enormous teen didn't seem hostile, and if Wilbur could get himself such an ally, he wouldn't take it down.
And so he returned home.
2 days later, he returned.
He was surprised as well, but curiosity guided his steps much more than his fears ever since the giant teen revealed himself a potential ally.
He inhaled deeply before climbing the stairs, his feet landing on the metalic ground.
The smile on the teenager's face when he turned around and met the tiny man was as heartwarming as nervewracking.
"YOU'RE BACK!!!" He cheered, and already the human had to cover his ears, the joyous scream deafening. He realized his mistake pretty soon though as he covered his mouth and mumbled, much quieter "Sorry. Hi Wilbur."
"Hello, Tommy." He replied, cautiously removing his hands from his ear. "How have you been?" He started. Usual politeness shouldn't be too awkward.
It took all the self control of the blond to keep his voice quiet enough when he said "I've been fine, thank you." The energy bubbling from him only made Wilbur chuckle.
"Good, good." Wilbur took a few steps towards the blond (or rather his face, since the teen was kind of all around the room) "You seem happy to see me."
Tommy nodded way too quickly and strongly as he confirmed. "Yep! I-" he pained keeping his voice low "-I wasn't sure if you'd really come back. I'm very very very glad you didn't lie. Especially since I have..... THIS!!"
He didn't even bother whispering as his hand came to view, previously hidden behind his back, and coming towards Wilbur in a fist at a racing pace. The brunette couldn't help but flinch back.
Tommy stopped mid-way, realizing his carelessness once more. He whispered an apology and the hand came, much slower this time. (Almost comically slow, but Wilbur wouldn't really complain)
Then, when only at about 6ft away from the man, the hand opened, revealing several piles of papers.
Wilbur's eyes widened. He looked at the blond, confused.
"You said you wanted to look for researches and stuff, sooo I tried finding some. And you were right! There are papers everywhere in here!"
Wilbur looked at the floor which he now realized was almost white from sheets, as well as the several seemingly blank pages stuck on the giant's body, and nodded, repressing a chuckle.
"Yep. Everywhere."
Tommy held back a laugh as well, and Wilbur tried visualizing how this.... god knows how tall being could try opening drawers with his nails barely thin enough to hold the handler, and reading papers the size of a pins on his hands, all while trying to manœuver his body so he wasn't blocking the rest of the building.
He would lie if he said the thought wasn't amusing.
He went for the paper, and without much thinking hopped onto the hand, since the papers were mostly at the center of his palm.
He grabbed a few and sat down, begining reading when he felt a shaky inhale. He looked up to meet the amused eyes of the blond.
"... Seat's comfortable?" He teased, as playful as baffled.
Wilbur frowned, then looked below him and his eyes widened as he registered. He shot straight up.
"Oh-oh oh I'm so sorry- I- I sincerely apologize I-"
He didn't get to finish his sentence as he covered his ears, a wheezed laugh echoing through the entire thing and sending Wilbur shaking from the vibrations.
He found himself laughing as well, barely able to keep up his balance as he stepped out of the hand, a good chunk of paper held between his chest and arms.
The laughs finally died down, the blond disforming his face with his hand trying hard to muffle the sounds. He looked back at the human with what could only be described as adoration. The hand left his face and he chuckled still as he talked.
"Ahh, don't worry about it. I expected you to just take the papers and go, but this? This was funny. Definitely the first time someone sits on my hand like that."
"I-... is it a bad thing?" Wilbur asked, taking slow steps backward while he kept a smile. The last thing he wanted was to upset a giant he was trapped with. Sure, the kid was nice, even though overwhelming, but a wrong gesture could change that first part pretty quickly.
"Nah, I don't mind. If the floor is too cold for your liking, you can sit here."
Wilbur sighed in relief and gave the blond a smile. "Alright. Thanks."
He still chose to sat on the floor, and started reading again. His intuition was right, there was tons of information in here.
He read in silence, only disturbed every once in a while when Tommy asked what was in the sheets. Wilbur explained as easily as possible and kept the details for himself. Tommy was satisfied with the answer he was given, though, so that wasn't a problem.
He was only a quarter through the first pile of paper when he felt something approaching. He froze when a mass, probably a finger, found itself on top of Wilbur's head.
There was a beat of silence when neither moved, and the finger ruffled ever so slightly his hair.
It was a bit awkward, but it wasn't uncomfortable, so he didn't protest.
A soft voice pierced through the silence.
"If I press on your head too hard or hurt you, warn me. You're small so I don't know how much pressure I can apply on you."
"Alright." Wilbur nodded. "You're doing fine right now, I'll tell you if that changes."
The rest of the reading was done with Tommy gently playing with Wilbur's hair or tapping his back in an attempt at a 'massage' (as Tommy called it). It was distracting, but not uncomfortable. At times, even soothing.
It was almost night when Wilbur read most of the first pile. He got up with the paper he read already and looked for an empty drawer.
Fortunately, since Tommy spent 2 days scrambling to get every possible paper out, it wasn't much of a challenge. Below Tommy's angled leg was a furniture. He went and deposited it.
"That should be good." He said as he closed it. He then turned around to meet the blond. "Well, I think it's time for me to go home. I'll be back soon though, this place is VERY interesting."
He forced himself not to fake a gag at Tommy's smile. Urg. So genuine.
"Yeaaayyy" the giant stage-whispered while clapping his hands as softly and quickly as possible. "It's nice having you around. Can I do anything to help you?"
Wilbur brought a hand to his chin and thought for a moment. "If you find an empty book, you can give it to me next time. I'll bring one myself though so you don't have to tear this place upside down to find one." That made Tommy chuckle.
And so, Wilbur returned home once more.
Pls read this it’s amazing and so well done, I love the rust server and this is so good :D
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lucyjay · 3 years
Silver (b.bh)
||You and Baekhyun have been friends for the past couple years. What happens when you both develop feelings for each other but no one has the courage to admit it?
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Genre: smut (a bit of fluff)
Warnings: explicit language, alcohol consumption, teasing, unprotected sex ( balloon your baboons fellahs), dirty talk, oral sex, fingering, cum play, throat fucking, hair pulling, multiple orgasms
Words: 6.5k  
 You throw a final look at your reflection in the mirror and sigh. I look like shit, you think to yourself and make your way to the bathroom to finish straightening your hair. The last thing you are in the mood for is clubbing but guess who won’t take no for an answer?your friend Nat who borderline blackmailed you into either joining her and your friends tonight or finding all your embarrassing high school photos displayed on your insta tomorrow morning. 
 After managing to make your hair not look like you got out of a cat fight, you put on some make up which for you consists of 3 simple steps. Step 1, hiding the black shopping bags that jewel your under eyes, Step 2, some blush so that you don’t resemble a ghost and Step 3, mascara. The final result looks better than you anticipated when you started getting ready over an hour ago. 
A simple black baggie-t’shirt style dress, a pair of black boots, your straight hair naturally hugging your shoulders, falling all the way down to your waist and last your make up which thank god hides the fact that you’ve worked a total of 60 hours this week. It’s a nice, fresh spring night and you reckon you’d be okay without a jacket on. You throw your keys, phone and credit card in a small bag and make your way out of your apartment. Your find your uber already waiting for you outside the main entrance of the building, you jump in and decide to give your friend a call to check if they are already at the club. 
 “Hola”, her high pitched voice makes you chuckle, she still sounds like a 5 year old girl just like when you first met her. 
 “Hola. Sooo, I’m on my way, I should be there in like 20′ max. Who else is coming? Please tell me Sehun and Taeyong will be there? Taeyong promised he would make time if i joined you”, you protest already used to one of your best friends, Taeyong canceling on you lastminute.com because of work. 
 “They are already with me babe and we should reach the club in 10′ or so. Sara and Jaebum are coming as well, Bam is DJ’ing, oh and ahm”, she pauses and your heart starts racing subconsciously knowing what she is about to say. “..Baekhyun is coming”. You swear at her for not letting you know earlier and she mumbles apologies which leave you completely untouched. 
 “Nat, you did it on purpose”, you try to keep your tone calm only because your uber driver is already giving you some “lady keep your voice down” looks through the rear mirror. 
 “I didn’t but even if I did so what? We are all friends and it’s completely childish of both of you to put us in a position where we have to go out with each of you separately. Bam is worried and Sehun is having abandonment issues”, she whines dramatically and you hear Sehun in the background screaming, “I just want my friends back, oh god, please”, a fake cry following his oscar-worthy performance as you hear Taeyong burst into laughter a bit further in the background. 
 “Ok ok! I don’t care. I’m done playing his little games anyway. I wanna drink and have fun. See you in a bit”, you reply and hang up. The uber has reached the city centre and your gaze in boring outside the window looking at the people and the buildings but not really paying attention to anything. All you can think about is him. How things have completely gone to shit when they were so promising. You and Baekhyun met a a couple years ago when he started hanging out with Sehun who he met at work. The latest then brought him into your group and he clicked with all of you straight away. 
Fast forward to a a few months ago, you were at one of BamBam’s house parties chilling and chatting away when he confessed that he likes you and he has been into you since the day he met you catching you completely off guard. You, having been crushing on the boy since the moment you laid your eyes on him, did what no 26 year old, sane woman would do and just bailed. Literally left him there, drink in hand, mouth hanging open in shock and you just left the house, got inside a taxi and went home. You were so embarrassed over your reaction and disappointed in yourself for ruining the perfect chance to be with the biggest crush you’ve had since middle school, that you couldn’t even bring yourself to message an apology to him. A few days later you all met at a cafe and that’s when it started. He was so cold and sulky towards you and who could blame him? But he was overdoing it to the point that it started pissing you off. You couldn’t get him to talk to you alone and eventually managed to get you to not stand being with him in the same room. Every time you met since then, it was just a verbal war between the two of you, full of sneaky insults and hurtful jokes with a drizzle of swear words and some whipped sarcasm on top.
 “It’s just one night out. How bad can it get?”, you whisper only for your own ears to hear you. The uber slows down outside the club, you thank your driver and step out of the vehicle, gently closing the door behind you. The queue for the club isn’t too long and you can spot Nat,Tae and Sehun waiting on the left side where the VIP queue is forming. Sehun waves at you eagerly and you make your way to their direction. 
 “At least she is wearing a dress and not pyjamas”, Sehun teases and lifts you up in a hug that made you almost gasp for air. 
 “I am overworked, not lame. I now how to dress for a night out”, you spit back faking annoyance and the younger boy raises his hands in defence. 
 “Tough week at work?”, Taeyong asks as all four of you walk towards the entrance of the club. 
 “Everybody decided to get married at the end of summer apparently, so considering that I have to organise 9 weddings within the next 4 months, I would say tough year.”, you pause and your eyes follow the direction Taeyong is looking at and...there he is. Locking his car dressed like a bloody model straight out of a Vogue photoshoot. Black jeans, loose blue shirt, a silk navy blue scarf around his neck and a pair of black boots. “...and it’s not about to get better”, you finish your sentence. 
 Him being ridiculously attractive should have been something you were used to by now, but you haven’t seen him in almost a month and in all honesty you almost forgot how easily he makes your entire body go numb just by standing there not even looking at you. Too lost in your own thoughts you haven’t noticed him standing next to you greeting the others, ‘till he turns his attention to you. His hair is silver. Fuck him and his ability to look good in everything. Fuck him and his gorgeous face, you think to yourself. 
 “Your hair is longer”, he says in the most indifferent tone. Is this his idea of a greeting? Asshole, you think.
 “Your hair is bloody silver”, you reply, your eyes not leaving his. He serves you a slight side smile and you can feel the insides of your palms getting sweaty.
 “Looks good doesn’t it?”, he throws a rhetorical question not really waiting for an answer. You tsk and roll your eyes at him while quickly turning to get inside the club. BamBam was near the entrance to greet you and show you which table he reserved for you and your friends. You follow him and he leaves you shortly after to go and prepare his station for his set next to the man currently DJ’ing. 
 “I’m gonna go get drinks, what do you want?”, Baekhyun asks the rest of you.
 “Let’s just get a bottle”, Nat proposes and you nod. “tequila or Vodka?”, she asks. 
 “Tequila”, you and Baekhyun shout in unison and you turn to look at each other. Are the lights in here making him look even more attractive or is it just you being horny for him? You give yourself a mental slap. 
 “Tequila is good”, Sehun adds. Baekhyun makes his way to the bar and Nat moves to your side, leaning next to your ear so that she doesn’t need to scream on top of the music. 
 “Make a move”, she says and you almost choke on your own spit. 
 “Are you insane? Haven’t you been around lately? I guess not. Let me fill you in. In the last episode of Season 2, he hates me. End of story”, you reply and she chuckles. 
 “He doesn’t hate you. He is just still hurt by your reaction back then. And you are clearly into him. Like, it’s clear like the sun. Like, I can see you undressing him with your eyes. I could legit-...” 
 “That’s enough! I got your point”, you cut her off and really wish Baek could get his ass there already cause you swear you would love to down that entire bottle of tequila right now. 
 “Babe, talk to him. It’s a shame. You have had feelings for each other for so long. You can’t just..leave it.”, she says and her tone is soothing and understanding. You turn to look at her and nod causing her to smile widely and clap her hands like a little kid who just got her birthday gift. A minute later Baek shows up with two bottles of tequila inside a bucket and a waitress follows right behind him with a tray full of glasses and ice which she lays on your table. 
A few drinks down and you find yourself relaxed enough to be dancing with Taeyong like there’s no tomorrow, rocking some crazy moves  perfectly nsync with BamBam’s wild beats.  Taeyong’s hands are on your waist and you rest your head on his shoulder, your back against his chest as you sing every single lyric of the song currently blasting.
 “I need another drink”, he screams over the music. You nod and make your way to the table where you find Nat and Sehun talking to Jaebum and Sara, a couple Nat met whilst on holidays in Japan, who happened to be from the same city as the rest of you. You chat with them for a few minutes, sipping on your drink when you realise you haven’t seen Baekhyun since returning to the table. After scanning the area around you, your gaze falls on Nat’s who mouths a silent “outside” to you, as if she has read your thoughts. You excuse yourself and make your way through the intoxicated crowd, eventually reaching the exit of the club. You step on the pavement and look up and down both directions to see if you can spot Baek. On the left side of the doors, a few meters away you can distinguish a frame that looks like him. You slowly make your way towards the man and after a few steps you can see his face clearer under the dull lighting the lamppost covers the corner of the street with. He was staring at the ground, cigarette in between his index and middle finger. You clear your throat and he turns to look at you. 
 “Oh sorry, I didn’t see you”, he says calmly, taking a puff of his cigarette, quickly letting a line of smoke out of his nostrils.
“You smoke”, you say and it’s more like a realisation and less like a question. Your stare drifts off of his face and down to his feet as if his shoes are the most interesting thing to you. 
 “Yes, got a problem with that?’, he turns to look at you and you raise your head to meet his eyes. You can’t read him. You never could. He looks unbothered yet sounds annoyed. It’s so frustrating and you swear at yourself for even thinking of approaching him. You scoff and turn to leave, sure that you’re clearly not wanted there. 
 “That’s the second time”, he says and his voice is low but you can sense a weak scent of irony lingering at the end of his word. You stop in your trucks and turn to face him. 
 “What was that?”, you ask. 
 “It’s the second time you walk away from me. There won’t be a third”, his statement catches you off guard but you’re not planning on letting him see the affect his words have on you. 
 “I suppose you came out here to get some air, I wanted to check if you’re alright but you’re clearly not up for a chat. Am I wrong for thinking that the best thing to do was to excuse myself?”, you regret the slight sarcasm in your words which was completely unintended. His attention lands on your face. There’s at least 2 meters distance between yourself and him but for some reason you feel like you’re suffocating. His presence is so strong that you can’t even think straight. Without taking his eyes off of yours, he throws his cigarette somewhere to the side and with two steps he is standing right in front of you. You can smell the smoke on him but it doesn’t bother you; his cologne in combination with his addictive natural scent are enough to make your head hazy. He shouldn’t be able to affect you like this. 
 “Excuses”, his voice comes out like a loud whisper and you feel embarrassed at how it makes your entire lower body go numb and the sensitive area between your legs pulsate. His stare is so heavy that it almost makes you feel small. He moves a bit closer to you and you can almost feel his body touching yours.
 “Baekhyun, I’m...”, your voice fades out unable to complete the sentence. Your eyes still on his like magnets. You can’t see anything around you but him.
“Finish your sentence Y/N”, he says calmly. You gather all the courage you could before you allow the confessions that you have been battling all these months, come out. It’s so hard but you know you have to. You have to give it a shot.
 “I’m sorry. For that day.”, you say and his features rest in a slight shock which only encourages you to continue. 
“I’m sorry i left you like that and that I didn’t explain myself. I’m sorry that I never called you after what happened. But what I’m not sorry about is what happened afterwards. You were so mean to me and you refused to talk to me. Your behaviour was horrible and I don’t take back anything I’ve said to you every time we fought”. You swear your knees are about to give out and your breathing is so heavy that you can feel your chest rising and falling as if you were running. You heart beating in your head is making you dizzy and you pray that you won’t just faint right there and then. 
 “You don’t regret anything you’ve said to me all the times we fought?”, he asks and you feel a pinch of annoyance that this was the only part of your paragraph long monologue he chose to focus on. 
 “Nothing. You started every single fight”, your statement came out strong and your voice way too stable given your current state. You congratulate yourself in your head. As if that was even possible, Baekhyun steps even closer to you, now trapping you between his body and the wall. You can feel his torso pushing yours backwards only for the back of your waist to land on his right hand, his left one resting on the wall slightly brushing your cheek. 
 “I swear I would take you against this fucking wall just to shut this annoying mouth of yours”, his lips almost touching yours. You can feel his breath on your face and his words wake the butterflies in your stomach. You’re mad at yourself for feeling so weak under his stare. It takes you a few seconds to realise that you have been holding in a breath. You just stand there, frozen, eyes glued on his honey brown ones when the words roll out of your tongue without second thought. 
 “Why don’t you then?”, you speak in a low voice that even gives you goosebumps. Your boldness surprises him and he shakes his head.
 “I shouldn’t. I-..” 
 “Excuses”, you cut him off and you catch him so off guard that if it wasn’t for you being an absolute mess right now, his shocked stare would have had you chuckling. He raises his hand to caress your cheek and the way his knuckles softly touch your skin makes your entire body shiver. He doesn’t allow you to let the sudden skinship action sink in when he tilts his head only to rest his forehead against yours. 
 “I don’t know what to do with you anymore. Please tell me Y/N. Just tell me what you want”, he pleads and the entirety of your body heat is now resting on your face. You have never seen Baekhyun like this, basically asking you to take the upper hand. You rest your arms on his and connect your hands behind his neck. 
 “I want you Baekhyun. I don’t even remember how it was not to want you.”, you inhale and the air entering your nostrils feels too hot “...let’s go back to yours.Or mine, I don’t care”. The moment you finished your sentence Baekhyun’s hand was on yours, already guiding you towards the direction of his car. He open the door for you to get in and a second later he jumps in the driver’s seat. 
 Baekhyun’s eyes are glued on the road and his grip on the wheal is strong. You take a minute to examine his side profile and your eyes linger on each of his beautiful features. His beautiful honey-brown eyes, his straight nose and his soft, pink lips that are currently pressed into a thin line as if he is trying hold back a river of words threatening to fall out. Your hands are resting on your thighs which you’re pressing together in a desperate attempt to ease the buzzing in your lower area. You are already so embarrassingly wet, even though Baek hasn’t even touched you, which makes you realise how wrong all your past partners must have been treating you. Not able to stand the distance between the two of you, you place your hand on top of his right thigh, slowly dancing your fingers up and down the area. He shakes his head, momentarily closing his eyes only to open them a second later. His stare is intense but you can’t read it properly. 
 “Babe...”, he says and your hand movement stops at the sound of the nickname. Feeling more aroused by the second, you bend slightly over so that your lips are brushing against his ear. 
 “What...babe?”, you tease and he grips the wheel with such strength that it looks like he is trying to break it in half. 
“Finish your sentence Baek”, you continue and at this point you know you’re playing with fire. He turns to give you a look for a split second, his eyes filled with something unknown to you and a slight smirk is gracing his beautiful lips.
 “Sit back properly, take off your underwear and open your legs.”, you’re looking at him, eyes wide open in shock. His habit of bossing you around would normally have you ignoring his ass, maximum serving him an eyeroll as a response, but now it’s different. Your brain hasn’t even had the time to comprehend the possible consequences of his request, when you find your hands slowly sliding the sides of your underwear down your legs. Before you manage to even speak a word, his slender fingers are caressing the inside of your thighs and you throw your head back, eyes shut in an attempt to keep yourself under control. His middle finger and index travel all the way to your sensitive area and you let out a low gasp when you feel them on your heat. 
 “Holy fuck...”, he says and inserts one finger inside your throbbing pussy. You moan out his name as his digit is hitting you exactly on the right spot and you can’t see it but there’s a victory smile resting on his lips. 
 “Baek wait...”, you try to complain but it’s in vain. He adds a second finger and while keeping his eyes on the road, one hand on the wheel, driving almost at 150 km/h, he is steadily bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm. You turn your head to the side, your eyes linger on his frame when you start feeling a knot forming on the lower part of your abdomen. You gather all the strength left in your body to lift your arm and tangle your fingers with his silver locks, slightly pulling his head backwards. He hisses and fastens the tempo of his fingers, his palm now coming in contact with your clit. You know you aren’t going to last long. Your walls start pulsating around his skilful digits and the car stops at a red light which finally allows him to focus his attention on you for at least a few seconds. 
 “I can’t wait to feel you clenching around my dick baby”, he says and you can feel yourself getting closer to your orgasm. 
“Does my baby like dirty talk?”, he teases you and you pull his hair a tad stronger than before. 
“I want you to come before the light turns green, you have approximately..”, he pauses to calculate the other traffic lights at the crossing, “...10-15 seconds?”, he adds driving his fingers in and out your pussy at a frenzy rhythm. You can’t handle the tension anymore. 
 “Baek, I can’t-...”, you swear you could cry with all this tension gathered on your lower body. You’re so close you can sense your orgasm. 
 “9..”, he says, his eyes piercing yours. 
 “Fuck, no I can’t”,  you close your eyes, trying to control your body. It’ll be too much, you don’t want to come here in his car. 
 “Open your eyes and look at me. 6″, he counts and you do as you’re told. His palm hitting your sensitive clit is sending vibrations all the way to your head and you swear you wouldn’t be able to spell out your own name at this moment if you had to. 
 “I’m so close, I’m- Baek please...’, you whine and you can feel your walls clenching like crazy, swallowing his fingers. He places his other hand around your neck, squeezing gently and you’re a goner. Your orgasm crushes through you like fireworks and you can’t stop yourself from grinding down against his fingers, greedily trying to ride the explosive feeling out. 
 “That’s my girl”, he flashes you a satisfied smile and removes his fingers from your pussy at once. You grimace at the loss of contact but you’re too occupied trying to gather your thoughts and get yourself together, to pay further attention. The car is already on the move and before you can fathom what’s happening, he is parking in front of a building. Your eyes feel heavy but only at the thought of what’s coming, you feel the knot in your stomach tighten again. Baek steps out of the car and opens the door for you. You take a second to put your underwear back on, and you step outside the vehicle likewise. He locks it and starts walking towards the entrance of the block of flats before you, his hand in yours as your steps shadow his. You walk up the stairs and stop at the first floor. He stands outside a door and takes out his keys to unlock it when he turns to face you for the first time since he had you coming all over his fingers in his car. 
 “Before we get in I need to tell you something”, he warns and his eyes are examining your face. You step closer to him, your arm brushing against his. 
 “What is it Baek?”, your voice sounds so sweet and the way you say his name has him melting. 
 “If we do this, there’s no disappearing in the morning. There’s no going back to how things were. If you don’t want to stay and if you don’t want to be with me, leave now. This can’t be a one-time thing for me. That’s not what I want.”, he takes a deep breath as if he just gave the most important speech of his life. Your mouth hangs open at his sudden confession and you feel a stink of guilt that you’ve made him so uneasy; scared that you would run away from him and disappear. You grab his keys and unlock the door which opens wide in front of you. You step inside his flat and turn your head to face him. 
 “Do you prefer eggs or pancakes for breakfast?”, you ask him while taking off your shoes. He steps in and shuts the door behind him. Walking backwards you start unbuttoning your dress, “...I prefer something sweet in the morning to be honest”, you’re teasing and you reach the last button. You take another step backwards and you can feel his eyes burning on you. He is following each step you take, mirroring your movements now taking off his shirt. You let the dark fabric of your dress fall down your body and pool around your ankles. Baekhyun stops in his tracks, half naked and the lust in his eyes could make you come right there and then. You are about to take another step backwards when he nods you negatively. 
 “Don’t move”, the words come out as a soft command and you listen, standing there only in your lace black underwear, looking at him basically begging him to do something. He hasn’t even kissed you. He is the only man that has given you an orgasm without touching you anywhere else, not even a peck on the lips. He takes his time roaming his gaze along your body, his eyes resting on your breasts a second longer. 
 “I want you to kiss me”, you let out before you realise the words leaving your mouth. He focuses his attention back on your face and your body is about to burst from the need to feel him closer in any way. He is slowly walking towards you while taking off his trousers, leaving his body now covered only by his black boxers. 
 “Your entire face is blushing, you’ve been squeezing your thighs together, your breathing is unsteady and you’re giving me blowjob eyes”, hie finishes his sentence when standing a breath away from you. “...you want me to do more than just kiss you baby”, you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding in  and he smiles. He is so infuriating standing there, laughing at the misery he has put you in. You can’t let him play you like this. 
 “If you think you can..-” 
 “Shut up”, he says and you can’t tell who initiated it  but his lips are on yours, kissing and biting as if your mouth is the last source of air and he needs it to survive. His right hand finds purchase on your ass, squeezing tightly pushing you closer to his body and his other hand grabs the back of your head, deepening the kiss. You can feel your underwear sticking on your dump heat and you squeeze your legs together trying to give yourself some comfort. Baekhyun breaks the kiss, bringing his lips next to your ear. 
“Is my baby wet?Again?”, he cooes and you wanna smack him across the face because he fucking knows you are. 
 “Yes I am, and if you don’t do something about it soon I’m gonna have to get myself off”, you lilt and turn to enter his room. It’s way cosier than you would have imagined, with a queen size bed in the middle. You seat at the edge of it and you open your legs as seductively as you can, covering the fact that they’re shivering in anticipation. He enters the room and his eyes are darker than before, his erection clearly visible through his boxers making your mouth water. You cock an eyebrow at him but he doesn’t move. That’s it, you can’t waste anymore time waiting for him to do something. You get up and get on your knees in front of him, removing his underwear with a single movement before you place your palm around his shaft. 
 “What the fuck Y/N”, he breathes out and his knees turn weak under your touch. 
 “I’m done waiting for you Byun. Took you 2 years to kiss me. I can’t imagine how long it’ll take you to fuck me”, he is about to protest when you lean forward, putting his dick in your mouth, your nose against his lower belly. His complain turns into a moan when he throws his head back, hands now landing in your hair, pulling slightly. Your lips move around his member, followed by your tongue, hand resting on his balls slightly massaging them. You lick a long stripe from the base of his dick, all the way to the end while pressing your lips around it and then release it with a slight ‘pop’.  A string of saliva connecting your mouth with his tip. You open your eyes only to find his intense stare already on your frame, cheeks on fire and mouth agape in an attempt to inhale as much air as he can. 
 “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you look right now? I swear I would do anything, anything you want If I could only see you like this everyday”, his voice cracks at the last words and he is slightly releasing his grip on your hair. Your hand still working its way up and down his dick, you tilt your head onwards to give small kitty licks on his tip. You take his hand and while serving him a cheeky smile you place it so that his fingers are cupping the upper part of your neck, right under your jaw. It takes him a moment to understand what you’re thinking and when it hits him, he lets out a desperate breath. You move your chin in front of his dick, lips almost touching his slit currently dripping with pre-cum. 
 “Apologise for being an asshole these last few months”, you spit. 
 “Fuck you”. The moment the words slip his lips you open your mouth, taking him so deep that you can feel his tip touching the back of your throat. He moans out your name and you feel your pussy pulsating in the sound. It takes all the self control you can manifest in order to not sneak your fingers inside your knickers and relieve some of the tension. 
 “I can feel my dick down your throat baby, agh fuck”, he hisses and pulls your hair as you take him as deep as you can once again only that this time you keep him there, swallowing again and again with his dick buried as deep as your throat can take it. A tear rolls down your face and your gag reflex is threatening to kick in, but you refuse to let go before he begs. 
 “Fuck Y/N, please. please stop, I don’t wanna cum. Fuck please, don’t-”, you release him and you snap him your best victory smile. after whipping your mouth with the back of your palm. You get up and move towards the bed, this time laying on top of it. 
“I think I prefer you begging than apologising”, you tease and an unintentional giggle follows. 
 “You fucking bitch”, he spits jokingly and you burst into laughter but it doesn’t last long. The next moment he is hovering on top of you, lips on yours, hands cupping every curve of your body unable to hold back anymore. He is devouring your neck, jaw and moves lower to leave dark marks on your breasts. In a swing movement he unclips your bra, throwing it behind him next to his long forgotten underwear. Your underwear is next and before you know it, his face is resting between your legs, blowing tiny waves of air on your heat, driving you crazier if that was even possible at this point. He plants small kisses around the area, next to your folds while his hands are massaging the inside of your thighs. Your head falls back to meet his soft pillow and you moan out his name,  incapable of hiding the mess he has made of you. Without any warning his soft tongue crushes on your burning area, devouring you as if you were his last meal. Your head is now a foggy mess, hands tangled between his silver locks unconsciously pushing him against your pussy, desperate for more friction. He rests his tongue on your sensitive bud of nerves, dancing in slow circles when he enters two digits in you causing you to let out the most animalistic moan you’ve ever heard yourself producing. Your reaction was the confirmation he was seeking, as his tongue picks up its pace and so do his fingers, his name rolls off your tongue like a cursed poem, again and again until you can feel yourself falling off the edge. He lands a last kiss on your pubic bone as he slowly climbs up your body, now hovering above you. You open your eyes, realising you had them wide shut all this time, only to find his beautiful brown ones staring at you in the most loving way you’ve ever had anyone looking at you.
“So pretty”, he whispers and his fingers linger on your lips and make their way to your cheek where he leaves a shy kiss. You can feel his dick between your legs, yours thrown around his waist and you just stay there, in silence looking in each others eyes. You bring your hand to the side of his jaw only to pull him closer, planting a kiss on his lips. It’s not deep; it’s soft, and sweet, almost romantic. You break it after a few seconds and you rest your forehead on his. A word is about to escape your lips when he frantically drives his length inside you, hitting your g spot so hard that you almost choke at your own gasp.
“Baek, fuck”, you whine. He doesn’t say anything, he only pulls out a little bit and then thrusts back in, hitting that sweet spot that has you seeing stars. He does it again and again and again and you are a moaning mess, head thrown back, his diving in the crook of your neck, sucking, bitting, leaving purple spots in every area he can get his lips on.
“You want me to stop?”, he says out of breath without slowing down at the slightest. You attack his lips and the kiss is nothing like the one you just shared a few moments ago. It’s hungry and desperate and your tongues are fighting for dominance, both your mouths swallowing each others moans. You can feel your pussy throbbing around his dick and you know you wont last long. Baekhyun breaks the kiss but stays close so that his lips can still touch yours.
“Are you close baby? You want to cum? Want to come all over my dick?”, he breathes out and you moan out his name, paralysed under his touch.
“Baek I’m close-I’m gonna..”, a circular move of his hips almost brings you to the brink and you moan out cusses with no meaning. You clench around him once more and he lets out a loud groan.
“Y/N If you do that one more time I won’t be able to hold back. Please”, he pleads and you can see that he is trying to hold back so that you can finish first. His dick fucking into you at a relentless pace has your arms pulling his body closer to yours, nails digging in his back and you know these scratches will be visible for next few days.
“Baek I can’t hold it, please”, you moan out.
“Let go baby, let go. Cum for me”, he whispers next to your ear and there’s nothing in the world you want more than to feel him painting your insides with his orgasm.
“Cum inside Baek, Please, cum with me, ah-”, your orgasm hits you mid-sentence and you clench again and again as it keeps attacking your body in waves. After a couple thrusts you can feel him releasing into you as he lets his body collapse on top of yours, both of you battling to calm your breathing.
“I blame you for missing on the best sex I’ve ever had for the past two years”, you tease him softly and he chuckles. You raise your hand to place a stray hair behind his ear and you can’t help but notice the slight rosiness on his cheeks. ‘what?’, you ask flushing him your warmest smile.
“Be mine?”, his lets out as he rubs his nose against the tip of yours. Your heart skips a bit and a wave of warmth crushes through you, for you haven’t felt so happy in a long, long time.
“Hm, nope, thanks”, you giggle and you kiss him. He is taken aback by your reply, staring at you with eyes wide open like a frightened deer caught in the headlights.
“I’m joking baby”, you spit and burst into laughter.
“You bitch”, he laughs.
220 notes · View notes
I have another lovely commission to share! This one is a sequel to the last, with the Brave Police spending more time on the Lost Light to answer questions, and it's just as precious in my opinion!
"Now, now, there's room for everyone. Single file please!"
Ultra Magnus thankfully had ample experience and skill getting his voice to fill the entire classroom, and so the crowd was able to take their seats in a mostly organized fashion at last, filling up the entire room from back to front in short order. Scarcely a single bot on the ship wasn't present for the day's presentation, and one glance at the tightly packed rows of tables made that obvious. No one wanted to miss the long awaited event.
At the head of the classroom, Ultra Magnus murmured about the ill manners being displayed to their guests before nodding at the bots in question. Sitting in their own row at the raised stage, the Brave Police looked like a full representation of all the reactions possible for the center of attention. Some were happy, others flustered, and a few quite casual about all the fuss. Deckerd, ever the responsible leader, held his small collection of notes tightly as he nodded in return to the much bigger bot. Rodimus took that as his cue to hop on stage.
With a single whistle, the captain reduced the fog of chatter to absolute silence, something he took with a proud smile before speaking. 
"Alright, everybot, you know the drill! The Brave Police have been kind enough to agree to this little Q and A panel, so let's show them the proper courtesy while they're up here." he announced happily, looking about the crowd and lingering his optics on a few potentially troublesome bots in particular. Making sure to use his Captain voice, he leveled a serious look at each as he issued his warning. "That means no talking unless you get called, and no hogging the mic when it's your turn."
"Discipline will be administered if anyone breaks these rules." Ultra Magnus said, finalizing the warning with an undeniably serious threat. Beyond a few nervous glances, the room remained frozen in total silence after the big bot went back to his dutiful watch. No one present would dare risk incurring the wrath of Ultra Magnus, not even for the questions that they wanted answered more than anything. 
"Sooo…" Rodimus interjected, taking back the stage briefly to try and bring some life back into the event. Gesturing to the main guests, he gave the best parting warm up he could before stepping off the stage. "Without further ado, I'm going to give the show over to them. All yours, Deckerd!"
Clearing his throat politely, the police cruiser stood up on his spot, briefly taking hold of the rim on his hat-like helm accent as he often did when nervous. Taking hold of his notes, he spoke up with the somewhat ineffectual tone of a practiced but uncom public speaker.
"To start, we would all like to offer our thanks! For everything you've done, and for allowing us this opportunity, you have our deepest gratitude." the well mannered bot said humbly, briefly glancing at Rodimus for a flash of pointed thanks before returning to his notes. The captain couldn't help but puff up a little, quite proud of his suggestion all over again, but he was otherwise still and silent as he watched. 
"Now, I understand you have many questions, and we are happy to answer them as a group or individuals." he explained, looking to his teammates for group confirmation. Each gave some form of assent, ranging from Duke's proper and stiff nod to Gunmax putting his pedes on the table with a vague gesture of agreement. Deckerd merely narrowed his optics for an instant before returning his smile to the crowd. "Through the system, I will begin the process of selection!"
A button on the desk, intended as a method of selecting students to answer questions, was activated. Every bot froze in anticipation that they might be selected first, with each hoping they might be the lucky winner. Magnus had mandated the algorithm select at random to prevent any cries of unfair choice for good reason…
So of course it was quite fitting that Whirl of all bots get the first question.
A group groan was cut off by another Magnus stare, yet the orderly mech was clearly beyond apprehensive at the possible chaos about to unfold. Uncaring of the tension his selection created for the crew, Whirl merely cleared his vents and stood up with obvious purpose, having planned his potential query well in advance of the moment. Looking to the bots on stage, his optic betrayed little emotion as he spoke. "So uh, were you guys actually built by humans? From scratch? Processor and all?"
There was an immediate cringe amongst the entire crew, as the question was immeasurably rude by Cybertronian standards, but the Brave Police didn't flinch. 
"Yes!" Deckerd replied happily, completely unaffected by the cultural faux pas he'd just had directed his way. "Each of us was constructed by the Japanese police force, starting with myself."
"Except for Duke, he was made by the Scotland Yard." McCrane specified, drawing attention to the brightly colored and reserved mech at the end. The attention actually seemed to fluster Duke, who flashed an expression of surprise to be singled out before dropping his gaze and quietly confirming the fact.
"That is correct."
There was a moment of mixed murmuring amongst the crowd, with Whirl looking satisfied to have gotten his answer along with getting the ball rolling, and he sat down to allow the next bot a turn. It took just as little time for the next selection to occur as the first. 
"How recently was that, exactly?" Swerve said, looking confused but happy to be the central figure of the moment. It was a much less disrespectful question by Cybertronian standards than the first, and the bots on stage appeared equally content to answer it.
"As of this date, it has been four years and five months since my activation." Deckerd replied casually, unintentionally sending a wave of disbelief through the entire room. This mature, well rounded bot was barely more than a protoform?! 
"We were constructed seven months later." McCrane said, speaking for the Build Team with a gesture that only deepened the shock in the room. Deckerd was young even by human standards, yet he was still the oldest one on the team? How young was the newest among them?
"Shadow Maru was next, by about a year, then six months later I joined up!" Drill Boy declared loudly, loving the surprise each answer drew from the crowd. Gunmax, equally a fan of stirring things up, smirked confidently as he leaned back in his chair. 
"I haven't even been kicking around for a year." he declared smugly, adding to the shock of the bots several times over. Sure, Cybertronians were ready to go in mere hours, but no one had been born in so long… to be confronted by a mechanical being so young was nearly unfathomable. Not to mention that the oldest among them was still so inexperienced! A fresh wave of hushed gossip washed over those assembled, only to fade out into silent anticipation as the next opportunity for a question presented itself.
"What kind of criminals are you fighting? Most of the time, anyway." a bot in back asked, making the Brave Police perk up as a group. Like anyone, the opportunity to retell their adventures was hardly one they'd ever pass up, and even the humble Deckerd was a little boastful as he set up their panel to reply.
"Our division is uniquely suited to handle threats too powerful for humans to safely combat. The criminals we face have a multitude of motives, and it is not uncommon for us to face creatures designed to cause maximum destruction. I will allow my team to recount some of these events in greater detail." he said, opening up the discussion with a smile and a nod. There was a shift in the classroom as if every being leaned forward at once in anticipation.
"The underground bug people were my first mission!" Drill Boy announced proudly, unintentionally creating far more questions than he could have ever hoped to answer in a single sentence. Gobsmacked expressions were shared all through the crew, even by Ultra Magnus and Rodimus at the front. While they'd figured their new friends got into some wild adventures, like themselves, there was clearly so much more to the group than they'd let on… 
"There was a giant moth one time." Dumpson recalled thoughtfully, only adding fuel to the fire with his calm expression of thoughtful recollection.
"Don't forget the giant panda." McCrane said helpfully, the tiniest hint of a smile hinting that he was perfectly well aware of the reactions they were getting. Rodimus had to admire the skillful stirring of the pot. Some bots were taking notes now, especially as the list continued to grow and the Brave Police grew no less unpredictable in their retellings. Brief tidbits about mind control, ghosts, aliens and cults were undoubtedly going to spawn some incredible conversations at Swerve's later on.
Drill Boy finished the segment with a beaming smile. "Without the Boss, I don't think we'd have been able to catch that brainwashing nun!"
While every single adventure would have probably called for a panel of questions in its own right, that statement alone made for an excellent segway into something every single Lost Light bot had been curious about, and the moment the next bot was selected they said what everyone was thinking. "Who's this "Boss" we keep hearing about? Are they a bot like you?"
"Our Boss Yuuta Tomonaga is a human boy, and the first being I ever met. He became my first and most trusted companion." Deckerd replied, smiling affectionately at the description. It had been clear from the onset he cared deeply for his mysterious "Boss", yet most had assumed them to be something like an Amica, or perhaps an older mentor bot. To hear they were a human, and one that sounded exceptionally young at that…? Deckerd recognized the confusion, and while obviously a little bashful to be so open, he was more than happy to talk about the achievements of his dearest friend. "I owe him my life, several times over."
"Many of us have gained human friendships." Power Joe said helpfully, taking some of the pressure off their leader and bringing the attention to himself. Not missing the opportunity to brag, he gestured proudly to himself. "I've befriended many of Yuuta's classmates, they see me as a superhero!"
"Yuuta's sisters are compatriots of mine." Shadow Maru said in a polite and subtle one up, setting the stage for the others to continue naming their friends. 
"Hmph, I'm the only one besides Deckerd to have called Yuuta by his first name." Drill Boy bragged.
"Colonel Seia has taught me much through our professional relationship." McCrane said calmly, returning the focus to one of individual bonds over boasting. Unfortunately, Dumpson chuckled and quickly took aim at the comment.
"Are you sure it's entirely professional?"
McCrane froze for a second, optics widening and face flushing, before he calmly folded his hands on the table and replied. "I could say the same of you and Ayako."
"I suppose Shunsuke and I get along okay." Gunmax said somewhat dismissively, cutting off Dumpson before he could stammer out something he'd regret. The fact that every bot seemed to have a complex and long standing relationship with humans was quite the surprise to many crewmembers, especially those who only knew the species from second hand accounts. The Brave Police weren't too different from Cybertronians, so if they could find friends amongst Earth's inhabitants, maybe it was possible for everyone? More than a few of those in the audience were considering visiting to see for themselves when the attention turned to the only member who hadn't given an answer. 
Lowering his helm to hide his optics from view, Duke appeared to be blushing as he spoke into his microphone, his volume barely more than a murmur as he did so.
"My Lady, Regina, is very important to me…"
While the statement undoubtedly had plenty to unpack, Deckerd mercifully chose to move on, selecting the next lucky audience member. Tailgate stood up in a flash, getting up on his chair and raising his arm so everyone could see him. Smiling with excitement, he was nevertheless quite polite in his tone when he asked his question. "You can transform, right? What are your altmodes?"
"I transform into a police cruiser." Deckerd said simply, earning some nods of approval from the audience. That was a fairly solid alternate mode, from their perspective, and fit quite well with his appearance and abilities. As the team each volunteered their own altmode, there was little fanfare.
"I'm a dump truck."
"My alternate mode is called a power shovel."
McCrane was the first to smile, though his good humor was shared when he gave his answer. "A crane, fittingly enough."
"I have two; a drill and a jet!" Drill Boy declared with a puffed out chest, and the mood went from calm to shocked all over again. Though he had no concept of a triple changer, the young bot knew that having a plurality of modes was special, and the audible gasps confirmed his guess. Rodimus cast Drift a look of surprise from the stage, speaking without words as they so often did. Not only did this guy have two altmodes, but a drill and a jet? Could you get any more wild? Drift replied with an equally stunned but good natured shrug.
"Like Deckerd, I transform into a police cruiser." Shadow Maru said simply, giving his younger friend a look that drew out a very unhappy pout. Sitting up with a smile, he continued and made very clear why his companion was so upset, and in doing so only made the room erupt once more. "I can also take the form of a tank, a jet, and a canine."
Gasps filled the classroom, and even Ultra Magnus was too shocked to silence them, his jaw dropping in total disbelief at what he'd just heard. Five modes?! Not only that, he was a beastformer to boot?! The ninjabot smiled somewhat smugly at the reactions, getting a few looks from his friends that ranged from jealous to bemused as whispered conversations rushed through the bots. Most had never even heard of such an ability, and yet here he was, a bot from earth with so much talent! Several made a note to ask him for tips as Duke took advantage of the chaos to get his simple reply out of the way.
"I am an ambulance."
The medics of the ship all shared a look at what only they seemed to hear, wondering if perhaps the shy bot knew a few things about human medicine he might share with them later. In the murmurs that followed, however, there came a considerable silence as everyone realized the most anticipated answer had not yet been given.
Gunmax leaned back further in his seat, making a face few could decipher when all the attention zeroed in on him. Pretending to cough, he spoke just loudly enough for his mic to pick up his answer. "Don't have one." 
Somebot made a comment about "Monoformers'' before Deckerd stepped in, reading the emotions of his friend as well as the room to skillfully redirect them. It saved Rodimus the trouble of jumping in to make an example of the bot who'd made the comment. 
"Gunmax typically has a motorbike, one that he can merge with to form a very powerful weapon." he explained, looking at the visor that allowed the mech in question to hide so many of his emotions. A flash of gratitude behind the veneer of apathy allowed him to continue with a smile. "When I combine with J-Decker, I can utilize that weapon for defeating extremely powerful foes."
"We can also combine!" Drill Boy added enthusiastically, pointing to the Build Team and perking up the entire crowd with references to "combining" of all things. Combiners were a precious rarity amongst their own kind, could the humans have truly mastered such technology in addition to multiforming?
"Yes, Dumpson, Power Joe and myself form the Build Tiger." McCrane replied helpfully, gesturing to the group of them and further compounding the confusion. How could they all transform into a single entity, their colors didn't even match! Not only that, but the name absolutely baffled those who had been to earth and those who hadn't. The crane bot only continued his talk and further confounded his audience. "With Drill Boy, our abilities are increased, and we form the Super Build Tiger."
Deckerd, wanting to discuss other things, was granted mercy when he selected Brainstorm via the system.
"What kind of energy do your weapons fire?" he asked, having observed the holsters and folded rifles some of them carried. Being intensely curious as to whether earth had progressed beyond the initial steps of plasma based projectiles, he waited eagerly for a reply.
"Most are based on shells, similar to what humans utilize but on a larger scale." Deckerd said, helpfully taking out his pistol to show what he meant. Metallic bullets fell from the chamber and into his cupped palm, unintentionally shocking the scientist and the more ballistic trained crewmembers. Primitive lead based projectiles, fired by simple chemical reactions?! How were these bots just as intelligent as themselves but defending their lives with the Cybertronian equivalent of stone age technology?!
"Yes, that's what my shotgun fires." McCrane added, patting the sizable weapon on his back as Brainstorm noted a million potential improvements he might offer before they left. 
Shadow Maru, somewhat for the sake of dry comedic effect, unsheathed a blade from his back and shrugged as he held it up. "Personally, I prefer swords." 
Laughter rippled through the audience, though Rodimus caught the clear sight of Drift looking far more like he wanted to applaud the other bot who seemed to gel so well with him. Unable to keep a grin off his face at the friendship forming before his optics, the captain considered setting up a communication line on earth so they could all stay in touch going forward. 
"Where do you all live?" a shy bot said when selected next, bringing to mind how their home planet didn't seem to be built for beings as large as themselves. 
"I stay with Yuuta each night, in the garage. His family has made it my personal home, and I keep them safe." Deckerd replied, describing the situation quite wistfully despite the uncertain expressions that flashed before him. The idea of staying within a single room, like a machine for storage… even bots who didn't mind resting in their altmode couldn't wrap their heads around the idea.
"The rest of us stay at the base, but we're free to go where we please when not on duty." McCrane added, wanting to dispel any ideas that they were at all confined. His words did indeed provide some reassurance, especially considering that a few had been considering "liberating" their new friends if necessary.
"When we travel for work, we live wherever we can." Dumpson said, recalling the many times they'd each had to go across the planet undercover. That notion was quite relatable to the group of travelers, especially those who had gone long periods of time without any home to speak of. Needing to find somewhere suitable while moving undercover had been their existence for years.
Gunmax perked up a little at the topic sitting forward a bit so he could be heard as he extolled the wonders of driving around on his bike. "The roads go on for miles, and some have pretty nice views."
When the next question was called, the Brave Police as a group found it was their turn to be surprised. 
"Do you like earth?"
In another turn of events that no one could have predicted, it was Duke who spoke up first, saying his piece simply but confidently before returning to his usual silence.
"It is the only planet we've ever known, and I would have it no other way."
"Earth has everything dear to us." Deckerd confirmed, a barely contained gleam of pride shining from his optics, both for their home and his friend. Everything about the planet was dear to him, from the life that flourished there to the people who had made him, and he wasn't at all ashamed to say as much. That was something each and every member of the Brave Police could agree on, and in order, they all expressed the same sentiment. 
"Earth has everything we could ever want." McCrane added plainly, looking like he wanted to say more but was held back by his own reservations. The simple smile on his face spoke volumes for him, thankfully. His past mentions of friendship and more with humans resonated deeply with certain bots in the audience. 
"We fight lots of bad guys, but that's to keep all the good humans safe, and they're more than worth it." Dumpson said, sharing a glance with Power Joe, who immediately agreed. The big bots many small friends made his answer and confirmation quite easy.
"Most of the people that live there like us, and we like them too. They have a lot to teach us." he said, recalling his love for martial arts as well as everything else he'd ever been passionate about. The need for patience, the importance of seeing the bright side of life, mentoring the younger beings around oneself… Speaking of the younger, Drill Boy jumped in to reply with his own experiences.
"They've invented all kinds of cool games and sports for us to play!" he said happily, tapping the soccer ball in his chest to emphasize his point. The sport was a genuine passion for him, and without humans he wouldn't have it to enjoy. Slightly more bittersweet thoughts of the many adventures he'd had, and the beings he'd met and lost, but wouldn't trade for anything made him smile far more softly. Tapping his digits together, he added a soft addendum to make his point. "Plus they make lots of other cool things."
"There's not much better than going for a drive on earth, or watching the sunset." Gunmax said in agreement, nodding and closing his optics as he played the memories in his mind. The crew talked plenty about their home of Cybertron, and while it sounded wonderful, he doubted anything could ever surpass his home. One of his first memories was going for a drive on a beautiful day, and he didn't believe any planet could ever offer anything more. Not that he'd be opposed to visiting somewhere else...
"It's our home, and it always will be." Deckerd concluded, unintentionally making the crowd a little emotional with his dedication. A far quieter whisper of conversations briefly passed through them all, this time centered almost entirely on the planet in question. Sure, these bots hadn't ever known another world, but they made their own sound quite wonderful. The many who'd never had a chance to see earth were suddenly feeling quite a bit of longing and curiosity of their own. When the quiet descended once again and Deckerd selected the next bot, the query was hardly a surprise.
"Can we come visit you all sometime?"
The entire team exchanged a look, and Deckerd glanced at Rodimus with the kind of knowing smiles leaders could share when they knew what was happening. While the logistics of such a thing would be a nightmare, there could be no denying the eager faces all around, and any potential benefits were far too great to ignore. Though it would be an impossible amount of work, they both nodded to one another in agreement.
"We would be honored to have you as guests, just as you have taken us into your home."
82 notes · View notes
strawberri-blonde · 4 years
Familiar - Fred Weasley
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PAIRINGS: Fred Weasley x Reader
SUMMARY: Fred and your familiar don’t get along.
WARNINGS: Mentions of sex and a few curse words.
Your familiar Lenanx has had your back through thick and thin, he was there when your parents disowned you for having your grandmothers gift. He kept you going even when you wanted to give up. So when you started school at hogwarts, it was a big adjustment for the both of you. People kinda thought it was strange how Lenanx literally followed you everywhere, then it was the fact that you were a half blood. So to say the least you didn’t have much friends however that all change when you met the trio; Harry, Hermanie and Ron.
Ron was the first you met out of the three; you had poisons together and let’s just say he’s not that good with measurements. The first time you two were paired together a poison exploded in your face causing it to turn green and you couldn’t help but laugh because that had to be the funnest thing to happen to you in a long time. After Ron apologized so much that that’s all he would say to you, he then invited you to sit with him and his friends, and that’s how you met the twins. Once they heard the story they loved the fact that you took everything with a grain of salt and surprisingly quite fun to be around. Fred however, especially has taken a liking to you. He feels as if he’s enchanted by every little thing you do, and everyone can see it, even the orange tabby cat. His green eyes would watch as his hands would squeeze your shoulders, or the slightly caress your hands with his. You however didn’t noticed a thing, so when Fred approached you after a quidditch match you didn’t expect the out come.
“Y/n.” You clenched Lenanx closer to your chest as you heard your name being called out. Turning away from Hermanine, you were surprised to be met with Fred.
“Hey, Fred.” Seeing your bright smile made Fred’s shine brighter but once his eyes locked with your cat it dropped a little. The little creatures eyes were squinting like he was actually glaring at the boy. “You played so good.” Hearing your voice snapped his eyes away from the orange creature back towards you.
“Well, you know. They team couldn’t survive without me.” Fred leaned forward some trying to lower his words. You rolled your eyes then shoved his shoulder causing some hair to fall in front of your face. Seeing this Fred quickly brushed it behind your ear and before you could even respond, Lenanx hissed then pawed at the boy.
“Ah, you-” Fred let out a groan while you gasped.
“Lenanx, no.” Putting him down you went over towards the twin and cradled his hand in yours. “I’m so sorry. He’s never like this.” Without realizing how close the two were, when you leaned forward to check on how deep the claws went your forehead  collided with his chin.
“I’m sorry.” With his one good hand, he rubbed his newest wound while you basically threw yourself on him. “Fred I’m so sorry.”
“S’okay.” The Weasley tried to compose himself before looking down at you. “But I might need something to make me feel better.”
“Anything.” You spoke without question.
“Well,” Fred tilted his head before leaning down towards your ear. “You can let me take you out this Friday.” Right there you could’ve sworn that your heart stopped in your chest. You’ve had the biggest crush on the Weasley and never figured that he would’ve asked you out. Letting your cheeks turn a slight pink you responded.
“Of course.” The smile that you both wore could be seen a mile away. Both of the Gryffindors were so wrapped into each other that they didn’t notice the cat at your feet. When he rubbed his body against your leg you bent down to pick him up, making Fred step back not wanting to be scratched again. “I’ll see you Friday.”
Seeing the evil look in the cats eyes had Fred smile back with spunk. “I can’t wait.” And just like that the war between the two began.
As y’alls relationship grew so did their anger towards one another. Whenever Fred would sleep on Lenanx’s side of the bed, the cat would shit in his shoes. When the familiar would act like the boy ‘stepped’ on his tail later that day Fred put a spell on the cat so his hair would fall out. It would only last twenty four hours but for Lenanx the winter time wasn’t his friend.
And just like today, it was no different. Fred and Georage thought it would be a great idea to prank Snape by bombing his office with a stink bomb. The pair made it towards the Gryffindor’s common room where they ran into you. At first you were too engrossed with your book to noticed but Lenanx did. With ease, the familiar jumped down the table to hide underneath. “Y/n!” Snapping your attention away from your book Fred slipped in the chair beside you and slide his arm around your shoulder, while George sat across from you. “Act like we were here all day.”
Hearing those words from Fred, you quickly caught on to what they did. They oblivious pranked someone. “What did y’all do.” Both of the twins let smirks take over their features.
“Now if we told you that.” George began as Fred leaned closer to you making it so his lips were so touching to your ear.
“We’d have to kill you.” Shivers ripped through your body missing his touch. You turned your head in his direction and pressed your soft lips against his smaller ones. Without skipping a beat Fred placed a hand on your thigh and cupped your cheek with the other, to deepen the kiss.
“Oh get a room.” Feeling something hit the both of your heads, with great despair you parted and turned to the other Weasley. You rolled your eyes at his words from all the times you actually tried to be alone in their shared room but George seemed to always interrupt, even when he was warned.
“Oh my dear brother.” Fred’s threw this arm around your shoulder and gave you a comforting squeeze making it more than habit to lean into his touch. “We surely will.” Laughing at himself, George joined in causing you to playfully shove his arm off of you. With all of this commotion neither of you realize the disappearance of the orange tabby and Fred  definitely didn’t realize that his scarf with his initials embroidered on, do to his mothers doing, was no longer on the table.
An hour had past and George left not so long ago and Lenanx rested on a chair that faced your direction keeping the two of you in his view. Fred pulled you into his side with his hand on your cheek and the other on your lower back with lips on yours. You however couldn’t keep your hands in a single place. It’s been sooo long since the two of you had any alone time. The last time you felt his body crashing into yours was a week or two ago and it had to be a quickie in a dark corner because both of your roommates were in your rooms.
Heat began to pooled in your nether region making you move more into his lap brushing your groan against his. From that single action alone Fred broke away from you to let out an aired grunt. Hearing his noise, you moved your lips away from his and traveled towards his pale neck that begged to be marked by you. Between the kissing, sucking and biting, you managed to pull away for a moment to tell some excited news.
Both of you were breathing heavy and couldn’t stop smiling when you looked into his eyes. “Hermanie is staying with the boys tonight to get us have some privacy.” Fred’s fingers moved the collar down from your shirt to press an open kiss on your jugular.
“Well what are we waiting for-”
“Fred Weasley!” Hearing Snape’s voice immediately caused the Weasley boy to pull away from you then gently push you off of him to shield you from his view.
“We were just snogging Professor I bet you did it-”
“What is this?” Fred couldn’t get his words out as the insufferable scent from the twins smell bomb filled both of their nostrils. You covered your nose with your hand while Fred lifted his shirt to try and mask it. Then that’s when he noticed what Snape had in his hands. It was his yellow and red striped scarf with his intials clear as a summers day. “You want to tell me why this was on my desk and why there was a stink bomb in my office.”
Trying his best to misdirect the situation Fred leaned forward. “Well you see.”
“Dention for the next two weeks Weasley you can kiss quidditch practice goodbye as well. Let’s see how Gryffindor does without their star player.” Before either could reply the older man grabbed Fred by the ear and yanked him off the chair.
“Wait for me my love.” You offered him a loving smile and wave, as you watched him be dragged off to spend detention with Professor Snape. But one thing didn’t add up. Fred and George were really good when it came to pulling pranks, too good even. It’s not like either of them to make a mistake and when you think about it you remembered Fred taking the scarf off before he sat down next to you.
Meow. The soft animalistic noise brought you out of your mind as Lenanx jumped off the chair and strolled over towards you raising his head wanting to be pet. Without hesitation you picked the little beast up and brought him into your arms with a little kiss on his forehead. And as you did you noticed a foul scent. Your eyebrows fused together and your mind began to over think because something wasn’t adding up. 
Later that night you had cleaned your room and finished your homework making sure there would be no distractions when Fred showed. His white button up draped over your shoulders with your red lace matching set hidden underneath. The anticipation grew because you haven’t been intimate in sooo long. The moment the knock from your door echoed in your earrums you strumbled over your own feet to race towards the door. Once you opened it Freds eyes grew in size when he saw his shirt on your body. “Merlin, I’m one lucky bloke.” Giggles let your lips as he shut and locked the door behind him.
Hearing the click of the lock, you instantly crashed your body into his. Fred didn’t even budge from the act as he was expecting you to do so. Hs hands roamed your body as yours reached the tops of his shoulders to push his robe down onto the awaiting floor. Feeling the weight being lifted off his shoulders, his hands immediately went towards your butt and lifted you off the floor making it so your legs would wrap around his waist. A groan escaped your mouth as your mound grounded against his tone stomach. Feeling your eagerness the red head took big steps towards your bed. As you both were still engrossed in the kiss Fred pushed off all the pillows including Lenanx who was not happy and pulled back the bedcover the best he could because he knew no matter how adventurous the two of you got after a few minutes of recovering, you got cold.
Biting down on your lips, you let out more moans giving the Weasley more than enough confidence as he made his way down towards your neck. You on the other hand tried to suppress the moans but it’s just been a while, so instead you let all of the whimpers, and groans out. Wanting more you began to unbutton Fred’s shirt and that’s when Lenanx jumped on the bed and started to meow. Fred put his hand down you lace underwear to try and distract you. It seemed to work because all you could seem to focus on was the mind blowing sensation of his middle and ring finger pounding into you while his thumb preformed figure eights on your clit. Without any warning an animatic moan left your lips that for sure probably woke up some people.
And that’s when Lenanx hissed and scratched Fred right at the temple so close towards his eye. “Shit.” The Weasley pulled away from you making you sit up and cup his face in your hands to inspect the damage. Right as you saw the three bloody scratches, Fred jumped off the bed and pulled his wand out from the back of his pants. “You stupid beast. I’m so sick of you.” His movements advanced at the familiar with his wand pointed directly his way.
“Fred.” Not caring how indecent you were, you jumped out off the bed and grabbed his wand from his hand. Hearing his insults and the orange cats hissing; and that’s when it became too much. “That’s it!!!” Time seemed to still as Fred and Lenanx looked your way. Your eyes had the look of defeat while your hands were in your hair. “I’m so sick and tired of this.” You took a deep breath before sitting on your bed. “I should have known this was going to happen. I finally think I’ve found happiness and life comes around and fucks with me. I mean I have the perfect familiar who would die for me.” Lenanx sat down and lowered his head like he understood was she was saying. “Then I find you.” Tears entered your eyes making Freds heart break. “I’d never thought that I would find someone who would love me but I guess I was right.”
“Y/n don’t say that.” He tried to advance but you turned your head away from him making him stop moving. “I do love you.”
Without hesitation you spoke again with true pain shining through. “If you did love me then you would try to get along.“ lifting your head you looked in Lenanx’s direction. “I’m talking to you too. I know about your little stunt today. Actually, now that my mind is clear there are so many things that you’ve both done to each other.” You shook your head and lifted the covers to crawl underneath. “Please can you both leave. I need time to myself.”
“Please.” Freds heart felt as if it broke in half watching you turn to face the wall so you couldn’t look at him. Feeling defeated he opened the door with Lenanx falling behind hanging his head low. Fred didn’t make it far as he slid down the wall that was right beside your door and Lenanx sat across from him. Anger filled his chest as he looked at the beast, but as he continued to stare another feeling entered his soul. It was remorse. The cat completely laid down on the cold stone with his paws stretched out in front and had his head rested on them. His green eyes swirled with sorrow, something that Fred has never seen before. Normally, it was disgust or love (of course when he looked at you). “I hope you know this is your fault.” Lenanx didn’t even bother to look at the boy. “If you would have just trusted me none of this would have happened. You like her other friends. Why am I different?” Knowing the cat couldn’t respond the Weasley bent his head back so it was against the wall. “I just love her so much. I knew the moment Ron made her laugh in the dinner hall I was a sucker. Especially, when her nose scrunched up and her cheeks grew a shape of pink that reminded me of a penoy. Maybe that’s why they’re her favorite.” Hearing him ramble, Leanax sat up and tilted his head. “I guess I get why you didn’t want to share. I mean, it was just the two of you for so long that it was scary when she started to get friends. Then I came along wanting to be more and I just you thought she wouldn’t need you anymore because she had friends and a boyfriend.” The little creature shuffled closer moving towards Fred’s side. “But she will always need you, you little bastard. I mean who else will keep me in shape if I mess up.” Fred laughed at himself before he continued. “I mean her heart is so big. I think she has more than enough room for us both. So what I’m saying is how about we get along for her sake?” Moving his head to look down at the creature, the two had an intense stare off before the cat did something Fred never in a million years thought would happen. Lenanx brushed his head against the redhead’s hand. Petting his head, the Weasley noticed how soft the familiar was. “Ok, so this is happening.” Silence washed over the two as they had their bonding moment filled with pet rubs and silent purrs. “Now it’s time to apologize.” Fred was careful as he picked up the orange beast, still scared that Lenanx might snap at any moment.
The Weasley knocked of the wooden door, half expecting not to get a reply and he was right; so he knocked again and slowly opened the door. “Y/n.” Your back was facing the door and anger filled your body from just hearing the redheads voice. You needed space right now. “Babe please.”
Frustration filled your body as you aggressively turned around. “Just leave-” your words were caught in your throat when you saw that recognizable that orange ball of fur residing in your boyfriends arms. You had to rub your eyes to make sure you weren’t seeing things. “What...”
“You’re right.” Fred slowly walked your way with Lenanx still in his arms. You moved over so he could sit beside you and as soon as he did you rubbed the cat’s forehead. “If we did love you we would get along and learn to deal with each other.” A smile formed on your face as Fred bumped into your shoulders. “So here is just two fellow red heads asking their girl if you would forgive them for just wanting you all for ourselves.” Lenanx jumped out of Fred’s arms making it so you could lean into the boys touch.
“You mean that, no more fight.” The pair looked at each other then back at you.
“We’ll try our best.” Knowing those words were true, you pressed a kiss onto Fred’s lips.
You both still felt some affects from the earlier entanglement and the heat began to rise. Unbuttoning his shirt, Fred looked towards Lenanx. “I get her tonight and you can have her cuddles all morning.” The creature squinted his eyes before walking towards the door signaling that he wanted out, not wanting to be in the room as they are spending intimate time together.
Fred jumped up with glee as he opened the door for the kitty and made a face towards your half naked body. “God, I’m going to destroy you.”
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gan-man · 3 years
A little birdy told me (twitter) that you wrote a 5 page smutfic 👀❤ may we please see a snippet?
haha well I started one at least. Disclaimer: I have no idea when/if I'll actually finish this, but since you asked so nicely, the beginning of it is under the cut! It's not really full on smut, but it is definitely not-ah safe-ah for work-ah Donnie/April content, so viewer discretion is advised and yada yada. Enjoy!
It was another unremarkable Tuesday afternoon. Donnie had spent most of the day up until that point hunched over his computer, surrounded by gadgets and scribbled notes and several abandoned mugs at varying levels of cold, black fullness. He was just putting the finishing touches on the code for some new weapons in the Party Wagon’s arsenal when his phone buzzed on the lab table.
Instantly, he abandoned his keyboard to snatch the phone up with both hands, a somewhat embarrassing habit he’d formed ever since April had started sending him—
A: Thinking of you! ;)
—texts like that.
Donnie’s heart began to pump faster, the project he’d spent the entire day focused on all but forgotten. That winking emoji was all he needed to know he was really going to like whatever came though next. His phone pinged again -- it was a photo message. Donnie mentally did a dance that involved a lot of air punching, almost dropping his T-phone in his fumbling rush to open it.
One tap later and he proceeded to melt into a swoony mess as, just as he’d anticipated, a very risque image of his girlfriend filled the screen. “Woahhh mama,” he muttered, his cheeks glowing hot, his eyes quickly honing in on her naked breasts, where they lingered a moment before taking in the rest of her. She must have utilized her powers for this little set up, for the picture was a bird’s eye view of April sprawled out on her bed in her dorm, one hand tucked under her loose, luscious red hair, the other sneaking down the front of a pair of lacy blue panties. There was a teasing smile on her freckled face.
Ohhhkay, yes. Yes, yes, yes to this content right here.
Donnie wasn’t exactly sure how his life became so awesome, but he knew the specifics in regards to when. The major life upgrade directly correlated to the moment he once thought would never come — when approximately 2.55 months ago, after a solid 3.93 years of friendship, April O’Neil confessed to 1) having real, actual feelings for him, and 2) wanting to date him. The fully committed, long term, real deal kind of dating. In short, the stuff that dreams were made of.
And now he was here, receiving unprompted pictures of her boobs at 4 in the afternoon. Donnie let out a sigh and leaned back in his chair, enjoying the pleasant warmth that tingled through his body as he studied his newest topless-April photo. Oh, man… his girlfriend was so, so friggin’ hot. Like, it was ridiculous. And life was good. Amazingly, almost alarmingly good. But he’d spiral into his biweekly questioning of reality later on -- right now he needed to respond to her little impromptu gift.
He flicked over to his and April’s messaging thread, starting his text with the usual, respectable amount of heart eyes emojis (more than one but three was the limit). He’d customized his own to be a little pixelated turtle with a visible tooth gap and a strip of purple behind the bugged out heart eyes, only because he and April had been bored the other day and she thought the idea would be cute. He had to admit the effect was more accurate than a run-of-the-mill yellow circle-face. He finished typing the rest of his message and sent it off, quickly following it up with another.
D: Ohhh wow... yeah, yeah my day just became infinitely better.
D: Having some fun over there, gorgeous?
Her return text came instantly, making Donnie grin ear-to-ear and sending his heart into a little tizzy.
A: Maybe a little… wish you were here to join in though
Hnnng, Donnie thought, and before he knew it the Horny-For-April part of his brain had taken over and he was shooting off text after text.
D: Oh man, I wish I was there too
D: You have no idea
D: I keep going back to look at your pic
D: Fuck… sooo sexy.
D: Love that color on you
D: When can I come over and make you come again
D: You say the word and I’m there.
D: And I’d like to stress that “right now” is a totally acceptable answer. Just putting that out there.
Waiting until sundown be damned, he thought. He knew he was blowing up her phone, but luckily April didn’t seem to hate it when he did that, at least in this context. From what he’d gathered, she was very much into it—not that the mental data he’d gathered so far was too extensive. The sexting thing was still relatively new for them… almost as new as the sex. But with the way they were already talking to each other, they could’ve fooled him, if he hadn’t been a directly involved party.
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
After Hours
Bryan Kneef x Reader. NSFW. For holiday bingo: very, very loosely “ugly sweater.” But it’s my bingo, sooo, c’est la vie. Follow-up to “The Trip” and “The Trip, Pt. 2.” Bryan makes good on a promise to reader.
WC: 3010 
You were surprised when you and Bryan flew back into Chicago that he did not make immediately good on his promise to fuck you in the office. In fact, it seemed that Bryan was done with you – he was all business in the office, no pleasure. You watched with secret jealousy and longing as he flirted and charmed everyone in the office – with the exception of Diane, of course. You even tried to dress a little nicer in the office, in hopes that he would notice. You tried to even bring up a novice mistake Diane had made in court and it was met with a curt smile and raised brows that screamed ‘are we done here?’
That all changed one late evening in the Firm’s copy center. A partner in your own right, you had your own stockpile of paralegals to call on handle whatever you needed. But it was late – and it was the holidays. Unlike other attorneys, it felt cruel to keep them burning the midnight oil. You had worked for asshole bosses like that when you were a paralegal many moons ago and you always vowed to not do that if you ever became an attorney.
You were fiddling around the printer, nary a soul in sight. The overhead lighting was awfully bright and it was emanating a hum. The monstrous printer was jammed and you could not figure out why it was still jammed even though you had removed the stuck paper. Your heels ached and throbbed from the day and with not even an afterthought, you took them off, leaving your feet bare – but still in stockings.
Your frustration was mounting and you decided to kick the machine, which somehow kickstarted the machine back to life, spitting out an obscene amount of pages as if it were confetti. You hit stop and gathered the paper from the floor. Finding some useable pages, you pumped the air victoriously before going back to your office. You remained sans shoes, enjoying how the floor felt against your feet. You spotted a ‘wet floor’ sign ahead and with a weary sigh, you slipped your heels back on, groaning.
Your heels clacked down the hallway to your office, echoing loudly with each step on the marbled floor. You paused in your step, when you realized despite your dim office and surroundings, that Bryan was in your office. He was leaning against the doorway, waiting with a drink in one hand and a cigar in another.
“Bryan? What are you doing here?” You asked, pushing past him. You stood at your desk, and continued to bind your courtesy copies, so it could be picked up by the messenger in the morning and be hand delivered to court.
Bryan cocked his head and swept his eyes over you, taking in your form. Your shirt was untucked from your pencil skirt, but it was not long enough to hide your form, with shapely and curvy hips and thighs. Bryan had been with his share of women – and men – but there was something about a person with curves that he was always a sucker for. There was something about how a bit softer they were, the way a pair of thicker thighs would feel against his hands as his hips crashed against them – something the way a pair of big tits spilled over his hands as his mouth nipped and sucked on them. He loved watching their tits bounce as they rode him or how his fingers sunk into their luscious hips as he took them from behind.
And ever since you and he fucked at the conference, which basically was almost every night until you both flew home, he could not get you out of his mind. He tried to keep things back to business but even weeks later, there you were still, from work meetings to partner votes.
At one meeting in particular, he sat next to you and he had to will himself to not slip his hand up your dress from under the desk. That then led to the image of you under his desk sucking him off. He ended up having to take matters into his own hands and rub one out that afternoon in his office.
He took notice at how you upped your appearance – skirts that hugged your shapely hips and (in his opinion, ugly) sweaters with a v-neck which showed off the swells of your tits. Your lips were always decorated in some kind of bold color and he could imagine those soft pillowy lips around his cock. The promise in Florida haunted him and he decided to make good on those words.
“I was on a settlement call with Tokyo when I noticed your office lights. I never see you here this late.” Bryan replied, his voice low and gravelly. The smell of the cigar burning – which to you smelled like coffee and surprisingly burnt marshmallow filled the air. The combination of that and his cologne sent your senses into overdrive.
“I am finishing up on some courtesy copies and then heading home.” You replied, continuing to work, avoiding his eyes.
“There’s a hundred paralegals in this place – you should offload that to one of them.” Bryan replied, taking a sip of his drink. He shut the door behind him before sitting down in front of your desk and kicking his legs up.
You shot him a look. “It’s fine – it’s humbling at least. You should always know how to do the mundane tasks – it makes you a better manager when you can relate to your subordinates.”
Bryan rolled his eyes and puffed on his cigar. “Sure, whatever you say.”
“Are you here to just antagonize me or…?” You asked, now placing your hands on your hips. You gave him an unyielding glare to which he responded with a dangerous smile. Your glare softened, feeling very much like prey being hunted. You swallowed hard, feeling your stomach knot up.
“What if it’s or?” Bryan asked, his voice laced with lust. He swung his legs off the desk and placed the drink and cigar on your desk before standing and walking over to you. A sound rumbled from his chest and you froze in your spot as he took place behind you.
Your eyes met his. There was palpable tension and you’d wonder who’d crack first. You got your answer quickly as he pressed himself lewdly against your buttocks; you could feel his hard bulge.
Bryan’s large hands gripped the tops of your arms and he nuzzled your neck, his beard tickling your skin and further heightening the feelings of arousal that were beginning to stir. You let out a soft sigh in response, nearly sinking back into him. 
“Remember what I said in Florida?” Bryan whispered into your ear. He nipped your ear playfully which caused you to shudder. His mouth found the slope of your neck and he sucked a deep mark on your skin, before using his teeth to nip some more. Your eyes fluttered shut..
“Yes.” You half moaned. You could feel your heartbeat and pulse quicken as Bryan soothed the bruised skin with his warm, wet tongue.
Bryan ran his hands down your arms and then to the curves of your hips trailing down until he got to the hem. Your breathing began to quicken in anticipation of what he’d do next. Bryan let out a growl as he pushed up your skirt and discovered you were wearing stockings with peacock feather lace tops which were held up with blush colored garters. Finishing the look was a matching blush pink thong panty.
“My, my… is this for me?” Bryan murmured against your skin. You slowly turned around and looked down, meeting his eyes, which were blown with lust.
“Yes. It’s all for you.” You admitted, averting your eyes briefly.
Bryan stood and faced you, using his index finger to tilt your face to his. “I fucking knew it.” Bryan whispered. “Your daddy’s little slut Y/N.”
“Yes, daddy.” You replied weakly, dizzy with desire.
Bryan pulled you into a kiss. Your mouths mashed against one another’s, your tongues rolling around and exploring each other’s mouths. You could taste the alcohol and cigar smoke and you moaned as he sucked in your bottom lip. You ran your hands through his thick hair and his hands grabbed at your ass, rolling the fat between his fingers.
“Is this what you want?” Bryan asked as he pressed your body closer to his; you could feel his erection against your stomach.
You ran your hands down to his collar and tugged him down. Bryan followed your lead as you hoisted yourself onto your desk, not caring at all that that objects on your desk fell over to the floor. Bryan made quick work of undoing the buttons of your blouse and spreading it open. His hand ran down your sternum before he reached down to the cups of your bra, your breasts popping out. His mouth immediately latched onto a nipple, rolling his tongue over a hardened bud. He used his free hand to pinch and roll your other nipple. Your head lolled at the sensations, your body was warm with increasing desire. He switched his mouth to your other nipple, sucking and nipping harder than he did to the other one, causing you to whine.
“I need to hear it Y/N. Or this all stops.” Bryan growled against your flesh before using his teeth to graze a nipple.
“Yes.” You finally managed to choke the words to describe your assent. “Fuck me.”
Bryan stood straight, his eyes taking in your appearance. Your hair was fanned out on the desk, your tits exposed, and your skirt pushed up to your waist, legs spread. The garter straps were strained along your skin as the elasticity was pushed to its limits. He undid the hooks and then stretched your legs wider. He felt his some primal urge swell deep inside at the very noticeable wet spot on your panties.
He bent down so that he was on his knees; his breath was warm against your soaking cunt, and you were desperate to relieve the aching in between your legs. He cupped your clothed pussy with his palm. “You’re so wet.” Bryan noted, a pleased lilt in his voice. He slipped a finger in and he let out his own groan of satisfaction at how easily it sunk in. Your cunt gripped his finger tightly and you sighed in relief at the feeling of his finger stroke you. 
“Oh fuck,” you groaned, your back arching off the desk at the sensation. Bryan’s tongue lapped one long hard strip from your opening up to your clit, the wet, warm muscle circling your bundle of nerves before his lips closed around it.  You groaned, murmuring Bryan’s name with praise. You grabbed at your own flesh, pinching and tugging on your nipples, as you felt your orgasm begin to build.
Now two fingers pressed at your core, slowly sinking inside, curling them and stroking your sweet spot while his thumb rubbed your clit. You couldn’t think straight, all you could focus on was the orgasm that was bubbling in the pit of your stomach and desperate for release. Your chest was heaving, a light sweat breaking out everywhere.
Bryan worked your orgasm alternating with his mouth and fingers. You were on the edge teetering, just about to let go and fall off. He could feel you clenching around his fingers. Bryan’s hot mouth was back to abusing your clit with such vigor.  
“Oh god, oh god, I am going to cum!” You sobbed. His fingers curled to your g-spot again, and the feeling was even more intense than usual.
“Come for me like a good girl.” Bryan commanded. Your body obediently obeyed. You wailed his name as you fell apart, this orgasm different from any other you had, practically shooting out. Your pussy clenched over his fingers and a warm, wet liquid emanated from your body.
Bryan groaned, as he buried his face against you before sucking your clit once more, coming off with a wet squelch. You lay there shuddering, completely dazed at what just happened. Bryan pulled you up and kissed you hard. His beard was soaked and you could smell and taste yourself on his beard.
“Never made a woman squirt before. That was fucking hot.” Bryan rumbled, as lecherous grin spread over his bearded mouth.
“Is that what it was?” You asked, reaching up to touch his soaked beard in amazement.
Bryan nodded. “I have watched enough porn to know that was definitely that.” You leaned up to kiss Bryan again. He kissed you softly this time as he undid the buckle of his pants. Bryan’s lips remained on yours as he used his hands to push down his pants and boxers, releasing his hard cock. You moved to bend and return the favor, but Bryan shook his head. He waved his index finger around. “On your back, facing me.”
You gave him a curious look but did as told. Your head was to the edge of the desk and watched near upside down as Bryan pumped his cock. The air was erotically charged; seeing his hard cock – knowing you were the reason it was the way it was – made you feel powerful. Some cum wept out and he used that as lubrication as he pumped his cock. You bit your lip once more to stifle a moan as you snaked your own hand down to rub your clitoris.
Bryan ended with his head near your head; his cock sticking up gloriously straight in the air. It gave him a beautiful if upside-down view of your face and breasts. You leaned your head over the edge and he leaned forward into your mouth. Bryan thrusted in and out your mouth, relishing in the feel of your tongue on his erection. His cock felt heavy and delicious, stretching your mouth. Bryan cupped your breasts again as he continued thrusting in and out of your mouth. You sucked the pre-cum that dripped out from the slit in the head of his cock. The salty taste flooded your mouth. Bryan grunted as your tongue, soft and warm, swiveled over his cock. You licked every ridge and meaty vein before you hollowed your cheeks to suck him harder. You spread your legs wantonly and continued to pump your fingers, in and out and in again.
Bryan grunted as he leaned further to cover your hand, guiding you as you pleasured yourself. You slipped your fingers out and Bryan sucked them clean before slipping his thick fingers in, replacing yours. You moaned against his cock once and the vibrations caused Bryan’s hips to jerk in response. Your hands wrapped against the backs of his thighs. You could feel him getting close - the sinewy muscles in his thighs were twitching and trembling. Bryan stumbled backwards, leaving your mouth and aching pussy empty.  
You let out a sound of frustration as Bryan walked over to the other side. You thought he’d might climb the desk and fuck you, but instead, he pulled you down to standing. You felt light-head as the blood rushed back down from your head. He pulled down your panties and he began to stroke himself against your soaked pussy. Over and over he rubbed his cock along your folds and swollen cit. It was rousing and lewd, the filthy act of him using you to get himself off, as if you were his own personal sex doll. You hooked your arms around his neck and began to undulate your hips, rubbing yourself equally on his thick, hard cock. It didn’t take long and Bryan groaned, shuddering against you as he came along your mound and panties in thick, hot, white, creamy ropes.
Bryan took a step back to survey the damage done – there you were, standing with your tits hanging out, your hair askew, and your panties ruined with your release as well as his. Bryan gathered some of his release onto his finger and offered it to you. You sucked in his finger, as if you were mimicking the blow job you had just given him. Your want and desire had grown exponentially and your pussy ached to be filled up and wrecked by his monster cock.
“In due time.” Bryan spoke. “We’ll continue at the New Years party.”
“Excuse me?” You asked. “We’re not…?”
Another grin appeared. Bryan reached and pulled up your panties until they were back on and he rubbed your clothed mound, that was full of his cum and your own messy release.
Bryan stood back and tucked himself. He pressed one last kiss to your lips. “New Year’s. I’ll pick you up at 7.”
You nodded. “Okay.” Seeing your disappointed look, Bryan kissed you once more. “Good girls get rewarded with daddy’s cum. So be good for me. Or else.”
Arousal shot through your body at his promise and threat. “Ok daddy.”
“Good.” Bryan replied with a wink. He turned to leave, with a very certain swag in his walk. You were now alone, in complete disarray of the evening’s events. But you had to admit, having his come in your panties made you feel completely defiled; you could hardly wait for New Year’s Eve.
Soon enough.
Tags: @madpanda75 @tropes-and-tales @delia26 @mgarner1227 @beardedmccoy @youreverycolor @neely1177 @the-baby-bookworm @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @ottosuricato @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @dreila03 @beccabarba @garturbo @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @annabelleb49 @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @redlipstickandblacktea @zoeykaytesmom @differentshadesofgray @misssirenlove @esparza-army @bananas-pajamas @mishaissocoolike @thefanficfaerie @theenchantedgalleryofstories @catnip987 @choppedgalaxynerd @pieceofshittytitty @ktiz90 @evee87 @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles @rampantmuses @jazzyjoi @caked-crusader @rachelxwayne @prurientpuddlejumper @lv7867 @permanentlydizzy @bisexual-dreamer02 @madamsnape921 @averyhotchner @teamsladsandgents
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achubbydumpling · 3 years
what do you think about these pictures? maybe not quite as skinny anymore... 👀
ahhh well you're in luck anon because I was just talking with @wotvagyok about that and I typed up a whole wall of text about a fun feedism vacation :D
honestly I'm just happy we're getting happy Seb pictures, but also I'd be very happy if he maybe over-compensated a bit after losing weight for the Tommy Lee role.. maybe going way overboard at the hotel buffet and then still go out to dinner with his girlfriend after.....
and the next morning he gets up at 6 am to head to breakfast... and then he wakes up with his girlfriend again at 9 am to eat breakfast
then brunch with friends, maybe mimosas or cocktails because they're celebrating?
ahh just happy vacation Seb /way/ over-indulging, he packs on all the weight he's lost for the Tommy Lee role within two weeks
they have tapas for brunch, sooo many small dishes Seb just can't keep track of how many he finishes, but when he looks down his belly sticks out and grumbles angrily, so he rubs his knuckles into the sides to ease some of the cramps, good thing his cocktail is still half-full, the alcohol should help make him more relaxed
after brunch they just spend two hours lazing around lying on those lounge chairs by the beach, maybe Seb reads a bit, maybe he's a bit too tipsy to really concentrates and mostly just rubs his little distented belly
at 2 pm he gets a text from Ale asking if he wants to get lunch soon because she's starting to feel hungry, it's been five hours for her since she's last eaten, it's barely been two for Seb, well, he's been snacking on some bar peanuts, but those don't really count, right?
he goes out to lunch with his girlfriend, she orders a salad, he orders two appetizers, insists he isn't that hungry, but when he's finished with the pimientos de padrón drenched in oil and the plate of bruschetta with fresh olive oil, he actually wishes he'd gotten a main course too, but then the waiter offers them the dessert menu and Seb orders a portion of flan and some churros too
he thinks he'll probably have to share with Ale, but she just eats one spoonful of the flan, at this point Seb is back to feeling as overstuffed and crampy as he did after brunch, but a few more hours in the sun should ease the cramping and ache in his stomach
the food is well worth that bit of pain
and the bit of weight gain too, he mostly wears his slightly too big board shorts, low on his hips so they don't restrict his belly at all when it's bloated and stuffed
so he doesn't even notice how much weight he packs on in just two weeks of vacation, he thinks he's just bloated from being full all the time
he doesn't actually have any meals during the afternoon, but the lounge chairs he chose for Ale and him to relax on, are right next to the pool bar, so he keeps up a steady stream of sugary, sweet cocktails and the little bowl of nut mix and chips is refilled too many times for him to count
Ale goes swimming while Seb just lies back and enjoys the continued buzz he has going on and the sun warming his belly and keeping it content and relaxed, so it doesn't cramp up at all the drinks and snacks he's consuming
man, I have so many thots about Seb on vacation after seeing those pictures.....
He planned on going to dinner with Ale, but a director he worked with a few years ago heard that they were in the same country, so he wants to meet up for an early meal, avoid the dinner rush
Seb heads out to meet that director, he doesn't tell Ale it's a dinner meeting, probably forgets about it because he's still feeling tipsy
at the dinner he orders the paella he had his eyes on over lunch and it's as good as he thought it would taste, the director is surprised when Seb doesn't order dessert as well, he's well known for his sweet tooth on set, carrying around granola, protein bars and nut butter to satisfy his sweet cravings when he has to stay in shape,
but he should indulge on vacation, right?
so of course when the director lays it out like that Seb orders some ponche segoviano, the slice is way bigger than he anticipated, but the rich and sweet marzipan keeps him digging his spoon into the cake until there is nothing left
when Ale wants to get dinner later that night he orders the same thing, his memory a bit fuzzy after sharing two bottles of wine between with the director after already being tipsy from the afternoon cocktails and brunch mimosas
he cradles his belly the entire way back to their hotel room, presses his knuckles into his sides, tries to force the food down from where it's pushing up against his lungs
he crawls into bed right away and half-watches a movie while his girlfriend falls asleep next to him
but before he does the same, he slips out from under the covers and gets one of the twix bars in the room's mini fridge, just a little something sweet to help him go to sleep
ein Betthupferl (for the Germans following me :D)
and tomorrow that whole routine starts over again
that sounds like a fun vacation, no? :)
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weasleydream · 4 years
The wolf of my life
This is for @summer-writes​ 200 followers celebration! Once again, congratulations love!!! My prompts were “You don’t get to die today” and “You’re beautiful and I’m not the only one who thinks that.”
This is also my first Bill imagine and I’m sooo excited!!! I hope you’ll enjoy!
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“Why do they have to hide in such an isolated place?” I muttered. “I thought these Death Eaters weren’t the sharpest tools of the box, couldn’t they find a five star hotel?”
“If you keep complaining like that they will hear us.” replied Bill. “I swear we’ll spend the night in the luxurious hotel of Luxor if you shut up.”
Bill chuckled and I was pretty sure he had also rolled his eyes. It was a full moon night but the latter was hidden behind dark clouds, very practical when we were looking for potentially mortal enemies in the middle of the Valley of the Kings in the heart of Egypt. Surrounded by silencious animals, under the threat of an imminent attack we couldn’t anticipate, I was bitterly regretting having involved the both of us in such a suicidal mission. With each unknown sound around us, my grip on my wand tightened a bit more, and I subconsciously walked a bit closer to Bill. Hard to believe that there was a time Egypt was my home, and this same Valley was one of my favourite places in the world. 
“Did you hear that?”
Absolutely all my body hairs suddenly stood on end and I stopped breathing. I listened attentively, my blood freezing more and more with the seconds, and I was on the verge of sighing, thinking it was a false alarm, when an almost imperceptible noise arrived in my ears. I hadn’t even identified it as sand being removed that I had turned vividly and blocked a green flash of light. 
Somewhere on my right, Bill was busy fighting two Death Eaters. Relieved to see he was doing well, I muttered a spell to send red sparks in the sky, a few friends of us patrolling in other parts of the Valley. I also had two people in front of me, but strangely, only one of them was fighting against me. The other was too far for me to see who he was. Before sending us here, Moody had told us they weren’t very smart, but they were certainly vicious as hell. They used all the weapons they could, without hesitating one second to blow sand in our eyes. Soon, the man in front of me became my only concern, and I didn’t even notice we weren’t six anymore, but about fifteen. 
I got read of the Death Eater after what felt like hours, and as it seemed, all the fights were over. My wand projecting enough light to see clearly around me, I frantically looked for Bill and finally spotted him helping Alexander, an old friend who had been the first one to volunteer to help us tonight. 
I was glad our mission was finally over, as it consisted of verifying the presence of Death Eaters in the Valley, but I couldn’t help but think something was wrong. A greatly appreciated wind pushed the clouds, and the moon illuminated the Valley. 
Before I could process I was in danger, someone grabbed me, and an excruciating pain exploded on my abdomen and my left shoulder. 
My sight became blurry, and the only things that helped me identify Bill when he leant over me were his touch I knew by heart and his voice.
“Y/N? Y/N? Love, do you hear me?”
My brain was cloudy as it felt like all my energy was getting drained, and it was like if another person was thinking in my own head when the thought came up that Bill was completely panicked. I felt his hands on my body, getting closer and closer and too close to my wounds. I heard my own screams as he was trying to stop the blood from flooding. And as my eyes were fixed on the sky, on the perfectly round moon that had betrayed us tonight, as the same word echoed in my mind - werewolf werewolf werewolf - everything around me disappeared. In my world, there was just me and my pain. And Bill’s voice echoed far from me, so low I didn’t really understand what he was saying, and if I hadn’t been so dizzy I would have known he was trying to reassure me and himself.
“Stay with me, love. It’s okay, you’ll be okay. You don’t get to die today, Y/N. You hear me? You’ll be okay.”
Third POV
Harry understood something was wrong as soon as he opened his eyes. Something had woken him up in the middle of the night, and after a few seconds, he understood it was Sirius’ mother’s portrait. It was screaming, its piercing voice crossing the floors, yet no one else seemed to have heard it as the screams didn’t stop. Ron moved in his bed and grumbled. 
“The hell is happening?”
As if they had heard him - and it wouldn’t have surprised Harry that much - Fred and George suddenly appeared in their room. A split second later, the door opened and Ginny and Hermione appeared. 
“What are you all doing here?” asked Harry, confused. 
“We wanted to ask you if you knew who came back, but it seems like you didn’t even know someone was gone.” replied Hermione. 
“The extendable ears-” began Ron. 
“Are useless.” finished George. “Plenty of spells have been cast. I wouldn’t be surprised if we couldn’t even go downstairs. Something grave is happening down there, if you want my opinion.”
“Did you even try?”
“Who do you think we are?” hissed Ginny. “Of course we tried! It’s a true anthill, everyone is running and Mum threatened to stupefy us if we don’t stay in our rooms.”
“I hope it’s not Bill or Y/N.” suddenly said Fred. “They are on a mission, somewhere in Egypt, right?”
“Yes.” confirmed George. “But there’s no way they’ve been surprised by anything. They are too skilled.”
“Yes, but this is Death Eaters in the other camp.” said darkly Hermione. 
And it appeared that their fears were founded. The next morning, the six of them got downstairs and the first thing they noticed was that no one seemed to have slept the previous night. They stumbled upon Mad-Eye Moody who grumbled louder than usual and Arthur who had dark circles under his eyes. None of them bothered to say anything when Fred and George harassed them with their questions. 
As the Weasley siblings were trying to get Arthur to spill the beans, Harry noticed the door of the living-room. It was slightly open. He glanced at Hermione, who shook her head vividly. 
“What if they don’t want us to know what’s happening yet?” she murmured. 
“Since when do we wait for people to tell us what’s happening?” replicated Harry. “Usually, we get the answers ourselves, no?”
Hermione rolled her eyes and followed him. 
The first person Harry saw was Mrs Weasley. She was giving him her back, whispering something into Tonks’ ear. When she heard Harry and Hermione approaching, she sighed. 
“I thought I told you to stay in your room?”
“Mrs Weasley, is it Bill or Y/N?”
And her eyes filled with tears. Harry stepped forward. 
Y/N was leaning on the couch, her skin paler than ever and sweaty. She was slightly moaning, and Harry could tell it was because of her pain just by looking at her face. Bill was kneeling next to her and slowly stroking her hair. 
“Are you sure we have to wait?” he asked Lupin, who was standing behind him. 
“Unfortunately, yes. You said the werewolf was transforming, there’s no way we can know if he was transformed enough for Y/N to become one.”
Bill slowly leaned over her and laid a kiss on her forehead. He was completely oblivious to Harry and Hermione’s presence, and he didn’t react either when his siblings entered the living-room. His face showed such a despair that it was quite painful to see. No one knew what to say, and Harry was sure that it wouldn’t change anything. Bill was totally terrified, holding onto Y/N’s hand like a lifeline and constantly murmuring in her ear. 
“Come with me. Hurry up, in the kitchen!” ordered quietly Mrs Weasley.
Throwing a last glance at the injured girl, Harry followed her in the kitchen and sat between Ron and Ginny. As soon as the door closed, everyone pressed Mrs Weasley on questions. 
“What happened?”
“It was a werewolf?”
“Will she be okay?”
“Yes, it was a werewolf,” answered Mrs Weasley, “and yes, she’ll be okay. The only thing we don’t know is- it’s if she’s gonna become a werewolf or not.”
“How is it possible?” frowned Hermione. 
“The werewolf who attacked her was transforming when he hurt her. No one knows what will happen, Remus says it’s a unique case.”
“That’s a chance the Wolfsbane potion exists.” muttered Fred. 
Mrs Weasley’s eyes darkened.
“That’s the point.” she said. “We have to wait before giving her such a potion. It can have nefast effects if she isn’t actually a werewolf.”
“Does that mean she’ll have to transform?” asked Ginny, horrified. 
Mrs Weasley nodded and left precipitately, Bill’s voice having echoed in the silent house. Harry, who had stayed silent since the moment they had entered the kitchen, was so lost in his thoughts that Hermione pronounced his name three times before obtaining a reaction. 
“Harry, you okay?”
In fact, he wasn’t that okay. He had first met Y/N the previous summer, during the Quidditch World Cup, and he had immediately found her really cool. She was a curse breaker, like Bill, and passionate about Quidditch, without mentioning that she was funny and really smart. Harry had seen how adored she was by everyone in the Weasley family, and he had completely understood the depth of Bill’s love for her a few weeks ago, just before the third task of the Triwizard Tournament. 
Harry was still wondering if it was really the Dursleys that were waiting for him when he opened the door in the back of the Great Hall. Much to his surprise, Mrs Weasley, Bill and Y/N were waiting for him. The three of them were smiling broadly and greeted him warmly. They had a really pleasant morning and Ron, Fred, George and Ginny joined them for lunch. Harry was stressed, and it felt like his stomach was forming big knots. 
“It’s so strange to come back here after five years!” exclaimed Y/N. “Everything seems identical, yet it looks different.”
“Look at him.” whispered Bill with a small smile. He was looking at Filch, and Y/N chuckled. “You remember the night he caught us coming back from the forbidden forest?”
“The one that ended with us being pursued by centaurs or the one Charlie found us fighting with two woodsticks?”
“What does that mean?” asked Mrs Weasley, probably horrified at the thought that they had gone in the forest more than once or that Charlie used to go there too (even though it wasn’t a big surprise, in Harry’s opinion). 
“You have your secrets, we have ours!” Bill winked at his mother. 
“You were already together back in Hogwarts?” asked Hermione. 
“Yes, since our fifth year.” said Y/N. “He asked me out between two classes, Charms and Potion if I remember correctly.” Bill nodded to confirm. “I said yes and we were both so excited during the Potion class that Snape excluded us.”
“And what did you do after that?” asked George with a big smile, which led Harry to think that he knew the answer. 
Both Bill and Y/N blushed furiously and Bill stuttered a few words among which Harry heard “alone” and “common room”. 
“And you've been together since?” Hermione asked dreamily. Probably imagining Ron asking her out, thought Harry. 
“Not exactly.” Bill, who hadn’t stopped grinning until then, looked down before grabbing Y/N’s hand.
“We broke up when Bill left for Egypt. At the time, I wanted to be a healer at St-Mungo’s and it had led to an argument. But I realized that it was not what I wanted, and a month later, I was packing my things and joining him.”
“Happiest day of my life.” added Bill. 
Harry smiled with everyone around the table. Bill and Y/N were really happy together, everyone could see that. And, all absorbed by their story he was, he had forgotten about the knots in his stomach and was eating his plate with envy.
  Y/N was a good person, and yet she was suffering because she was on a mission for the Order. The only thing Harry hoped was that she wouldn’t become a werewolf, because he had seen the effect of lycanthropy on Lupin and never in a million years would he want to see Y/N so sad.
“She doesn’t deserve that.” said Harry. 
Hermione nodded sadly.
I woke up in the room I shared with Bill at Grimmauld Place. I felt like my body was burning and sent the sheets that covered me flying. The sudden movement caused my abdomen to ache and my shoulder to feel like it had exploded from pain, and my groan made a human form moving on the chair next to the bed. 
“Y/N, you’re up love?”
His voice was hoarse, as always when he was still sleepy. He opened an eye to see me struggling to sit and immediately helped me. 
“You shouldn’t force, love.” he recommended in a somewhat condescendant way that would irritate me soon if he kept using it. “The wounds could reopen themselves.”
“The wounds?” 
For a second, Bill seemed as confused as I was. Then it came back. I remembered cursing the moon and myself for having forgotten the mysterious enemy. I remembered my skin being torn and Bill’s hands hurting me while trying to save me. I remembered having been attacked by a werewolf. The shock of the realization was probably visible on my face, and even if it wasn’t, Bill knew me by heart. 
“Oh love, it will be okay.”
He wrapped me in one of these warm embraces he had the secret, careful not to hurt me more than I already was. The tears that escaped my eyes soon soaked his shirt. Bill was gently caressing my back and my hair, murmuring words of comfort in my ear and slowly rocking me back and forth, but nothing could have suppressed the thought that I was now a werewolf, that once a month I would turn into a monster, that the only way for me to not kill anyone would be to drink a potion. My sobs probably alarmed everyone in this bloody house and soon Molly barged in, followed by Remus Lupin. 
“How are you feeling, dear?” she asked sweetly while removing my bandages. 
I didn’t answer, focused on Bill’s face. When he saw my shoulder, he winced and looked away, and no matter how hard I tried to reason myself, I was fearing that he would leave me. 
“Y/N, are you okay?”
I mumbled a positive answer and decided to stay silent, in the very same way that Lupin. He was on the corner of the room, looking by the window and the fact that he didn’t bother to bring me any information was beginning to get on my nerves.
When Molly eventually finished changing my bandages, she didn’t say anything and left, followed by Bill who seemed particularly reluctant to let me alone. Lupin didn’t move for a few seconds, and he only sat on the chair when the door closed. 
“Come on,” he said with a gentle voice, “tell me what’s on your mind.”
“Am I really going to be a bloody monster?”
I realized one second too late who I was talking to, and if I hadn’t been so angry I would have probably apologized. However, he didn’t seem upset by what I had just said.
“We don’t know.”
“What? We don’t know? How can we not know?” I exclaimed.
“The werewolf was transforming when he bit you. The only way to know if you’re infected is to wait.”
“And what will happen if I transform?”
“Then you’ll have to learn how to prepare Wolfsbane potion. You won’t be able to take it next month though, it can-”
“Have dangerous effects on someone who’s not a werewolf, I know. I’ve had Outstanding at both my OWLs and my NEWTs in potion.”
We stayed silent for a few minutes, and I wondered where I would have to hide to be sure I wouldn’t attack anyone. 
“I don’t know yet where you’ll go, but Sirius will be there to make sure you won’t hurt anyone.” It was as if he had read my thoughts. “Don’t worry, he’s used to do that.” he added when I frowned before explaining how Sirius, along with James Potter and Peter Pettigrew (“The traitor?” I exclaimed in disbelief) had helped him during their Hogwarts years. 
After that, he patted my shoulder to show me he knew what I was feeling and left me alone with my thoughts and the disgust of myself that was slowly but surely installing in my mind.
Two weeks had passed since this night in Egypt. Two weeks during which I had isolated myself, the shame of what I possibly was preventing me from seeing that everyone wanted to support me. Molly and Bill were determined to crack my shell but all they could do was enhance the anger I kept bottled up. I didn’t even know who I was angry at, probably the werewolf responsible for this, but he was too far away from me to get my revenge. It was easier to snap at Molly when she tried to help me or Bill whan he wanted me to talk to him. It didn’t make anything better though, just added to the shame that was consuming me. 
To make matters worse, I had received the autorisation to get rid of these stupid bandages, and I was now facing the old mirror of my room. I only wore my underwear, and all the scars that covered my body were visible. The marks left by the claws on my abdomen started just underneath my chest and stopped after my belly button. The bite mark on my shoulder was surrounded by a purple bruise, and it was still quite painful, especially when I wanted to lift my arm. 
“What are you doing, love?”
Bill had opened the door and passed his head inside. In the mirror, I saw his expression turning from restraint to genuine worry and he closed quietly the door behind him before making his way to me. He stopped a few steps away from me, his eyes never leaving mine through the mirror. 
“Tell me what you’re thinking.”
And for the first time, I didn’t even think of refusing and I realized I needed to talk to him. If there was one thing I missed more than the times I didn’t have to fear for my humanity, that was my relationship with Bill. I wanted to tell him so many things yet not a single word came from my mouth. Only a loud sob. Without hesitating, Bill wrapped his arms around my waist and tightened me against him. I didn’t feel like I deserved such a proof of love and stayed in the same position, only turning my head to rest my forehead against Bill’s one. 
“Shh, it will be okay, my love.” he whispered before kissing lightly on my shoulder. “Everything will be okay, I’ll be with you. Always, I promise.”
When my tears finally dried, I looked up again to see Bill smiling. His hands began to move from my waist, caressing my skin in the most tender way possible. 
“You know,” he began with a quiet voice, “you’re beautiful, and I’m not the only one who thinks that.”
“And who else thinks I’m beautiful?” I asked with a slight smirk.
“A lot of people. I’m quite sure Ron and Harry have drooled more than once thinking of you.” he laughed.
“I’ve never heard such a thing.” I whispered. 
“Because everyone knows better than claiming my girlfriend is gorgeous right in front of me.”
“That was before…” 
Bill’s eyes followed mine and fell on the scars on my stomach. He grabbed me shoulder and gently yet firmly forced me to face him. He put a hand under my chin and lifted my head to make sure I looked him in the eyes. 
“Listen to me, Y/N. You’re a beautiful person, inside and out, and these scars will never say the opposite. Okay? It only shows how strong you are, it claims that you’re a brave warrior who fought for her convictions. And, if my opinion matters, I think it’s sexy.”
I let out a watery chuckle, and Bill’s eyes shone with love. 
“Here, you’re so much prettier when you smile.”
But my smile didn’t last for long. 
“Bill, if I happen to be infected…” he knew what I would ask, I saw it in his eyes, but he didn’t say anything, waiting for me to formulate it out loud. “If I’m a werewolf, will you still love me?”
“Of course I’ll still love you Y/N. They won’t separate us that easily, and you won’t get rid of me that easily either. You’re stuck with me, love.”
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
I would love to say that my doubts and anger disappeared after this discussion, but it would be a lie. In fact, it was quite the contrary: the closer got the next full moon, the more I was on my nerves. Bill tried everything to help me relax, Lupin gave me a few advices, but I was so terrified that nothing helped me. The fact that I was more and more tired and sick and that everyone was worried wasn’t very helpful either. 
The day before the full moon, an argument exploded between Bill and Sirius. Bill wanted to be with me during the night and Sirius had refused, saying he couldn’t protect him if I transformed. I tried to tell Bill I wanted him to stay safe but he didn't listen. 
“I don’t care if I’m not safe! You’re more important!”
But he eventually gave up, and after a passionate kiss, I left with Sirius and Remus to go to an old house they had found. 
“You’ll be okay?” asked Remus. 
I nodded weakly and glanced at the window. The sun was almost down. 
“Remus, I need you to be honest. Do you think I’ll transform?”
His sad gaze told me what I wanted to know. To him, I was infected. He left without a word and locked himself in a room, leaving me alone with Sirius. 
“If you could be gentle on me, that would be awesome. My bones are rusty.” he winked before smiling sympathetically. “Listen Y/N, everything will be okay. I won’t let you hurt yourself, don’t worry. It will be over before you know it.”
The sky became completely dark, and an excruciating pain invaded my body.
  Once more, I woke up in my room of Grimmauld Place, but this time Bill was anxiously pacing in front of my bed. When he noticed I was awake, he literally threw himself on me and crushed me in a strong embrace. 
“Thank god you’re okay… Oh love, I’ve been so worried…”
I hugged him back, gladly melting into his touch and kissing his soft lips as if it was the last time.
“What happened?” I whispered a few minutes later, as we were cuddling in the bed. 
“Sirius says you were quite easy to control. You didn’t hurt yourself, he has just a few scratches - nothing bad, don’t worry - and you didn’t try to leave.”
“I don’t remember anything.” I murmured. “I would like to know what I do when I’m not myself.”
“For that, I can’t do anything, unfortunately.” said Bill while tightening me a bit more. “But I have a good new! Yesterday, I needed to keep my mind occupied, you know, as I was really fucking worried, and I studied the Wolfsbane potion. With a bit of training, I’ll be able to prepare it myself just for you! If that’s all I can do to help you, I’ll-”
“Don’t tell that.” I cut him before leaning in, stopping when my lips were a few centimeters away from him. “You help me so much, Bill. Without you, I would still be considering myself as a monster and… And if you want to help me, just keep loving me.”
“That won’t be a problem.” 
He smiled and pressed his lips on mine. 
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onyourzeus · 4 years
• certainty | kyh
ykcyj ➝ arskyh
title: certainty pairing: kang younghyun (youngk of day6) & you genre: FLUFF words: 2.6k
author’s note: requested by @strxwberrifields :’) thank you so much for fueling the idea for this prompt. i think i strayed away a little, though, i’m sorry! i hope it is still enjoyable. also, youngk’s cover of when you love someone was playing while i wrote this, it helped set the mood a ton. (listen to it, you won’t regret it)
any requests? check my pinned post if i’m accepting any at the moment, thanks!
there’s something about being in love 
that you can’t put into definitive words 
it’s so sickeningly cliche, you know that
there’s nothing more annoying than hearing 
someone gush about their significant other 
over and over and over— we get it! you’re in a relationship and it’s great and just
don’t rub it in, please 
kidding aside
—you don’t think your relationship with younghyun is like that 
if anything, you feel somewhat lacking in telling him how much you love the guy
dating a pretty famous bassist, idol, vocalist, business admin major—
scratch that. dating someone like younghyun is already out of the ordinary for you 
and so you can’t help but feel… insecure, at times
or feeling left out from his idol circle and the fact that 
you can never bring yourself to fully immerse in it like he does
you don’t blame him!! you never blame younghyun for who he is 
it’s just a bizarre concept to find yourself even crossing paths with the now love of your life
for almost a year, might you add
the thought still sends goosebumps all over your skin
and a silly smile that gets you weird looks when you’re in public 
man, if they knew who that smile was about
who your heart is for
they’d be jealous, duh
or judge you because— 
you? with a guy like him? scoffs 
you should get out of your head sometimes, it’s healthy (try it, please) 
you’re good to younghyun, right? you think you are
a guy like him is smart enough to know what’s good for him… right? 
STOP IT STOP you have a mission to do today
and that’s to bring the very same guy—  
(plaguing your mind and disrupting the rhythm of your heartbeat every waking second)
—his lunch today
it’s just him in the studio; him and his bandmates have been doing their own thing for a few months now
which is a refreshing change of pace for everyone, you heard  
but work is still work; and younghyun is recording yet another single to upload sometime soon
you’re excited, and jealous of how his mind works 24/7
but with that much thinking and execution comes a lot of hunger; and younghyun is not immune to not having an appetite
man’s stomach is the blackhole, anything that goes in there is nowhere to be found
(as if it never came in the first place)
you text him you’re by the entrance, and there’s a lot of typos
“hrre> i hv lunch. its heavy”
you know he won’t respond because there is no second wasted recording; you still do it, anyway 
just in case
you’re greeted by a few people working in the bldg, some of them recognize you already which you’re still shy about 
finally, you enter his studio, careful not to topple over the take out stuff you have in the bag
as expected, younghyun is inside the soundproof room where the ~*~magic~*~ happens, eyes closed and headphones on
immediately, your heart soars at the sight of him. it’s not a new thing for you to see him in his workspace
but it’s always a new feeling to watch how he lets the music flow in his presence
he can’t hear you but you’re careful in taking out bowls of ramen, broth, rice, and other side dishes on the coffee table. he’ll probably be done in a few minutes—
door opening louder than you anticipated
“you’re here!! and there’s FOOD,” younghyun exclaims, the headphones slung around his neck with the cord hanging in midair
you’re shook at his speed, but then again the one thing he loves the most is right in front of him
yep: food 
you laugh, greet him with a kiss on the cheek (that warms your own face up, you’ll never get used to doing that) and let him know about his probably expensive headphones just dangling around
“eh who cares,” younghyun casually shrugs but you keep reprimanding him with an expectant look 
“fine fine, i’ll put them down safely”
“good, have you eaten today?” 
“yep but that was like an hour ago” 
that’s younghyun for you, and you expected it. so you tell him to dig in
“it’s from the ramen place we tried a month ago, thought you’d want some soup since it’s getting colder”
his eyes light up like a kid opening his birthday present which he already knew what would be inside
“this is amazing, babe, thanks!” he reciprocates your kiss on the lips this time: short but sweet 
you squeal, and temporarily feel calm and collected about his “approval” 
you sit next to him, just watching him attack the noodles first, then slurping the broth with utmost grace (spoiler alert: he is chowing down like it’s his last meal)
and yet you’re falling so deeply in love again as you try to picture the image of him happily eating in your mind, framing it and keeping it stored there safely
“you’re not eating?” he asks in between bites of kaarage and takoyaki. it was practically a meal for three
you shake your head. “i ate before coming here” which wasn’t a lie, and he’d know if it was since he’d hear your stomach grumble 
but that takoyaki sure looks tasty… 
“wh—” younghyun shoves one right inside your mouth, chuckling as he watches you struggle to chew it so suddenly 
“you know you wanted some,” he teases. pouting, you finish the takoyaki before trying to defend yourself
but younghyun had something else up his sleeve; or rather he grabs a tissue and dabs it on the side of your cheek
“someone was hungry,” he sing-songs, slanted eyes glinting with amusement
“you have the nerve to say that considering you finished a full course meal!” you sneer at him, feeling his gentleness as he wipes your cheek clean
you keep bantering back and forth like that; it’s natural, it’s what you like about your relationship
he finishes and it hasn’t even been an hour since you got here. someone can study this man’s digestive system and find new wonders of the human body in him 
buuuut you kinda wanna keep younghyun to yourself for now— as much as you can, really, seeing as he’s an idol… 
“that was sooo good,” he sighs, leaning back against the couch with one hand around your shoulders
you rest your head against his, cradling up to his warmth
he’s so cuddly when he’s just finished eating
not to mention
“younghyun, you have a song to record!” you shake him awake, and he’s not kidding either
the man just falls asleep! 
“mm five minutes…” he dozes off, hugging you even closer to him. both arms around your frame this time
now that you’re face to face, you can clearly see the exhaustion smearing his perfect features
without make up on, his eyelids are veiny, there’s a shadow underneath them and his face just physically looks dull 
the more he eases into you, the heavier his body feels sinking into the couch
and your heart sinks with it
younghyun works so incredibly hard— literally every single day, there is no stopping him from creating and doing and sometimes
you just want to tell him to slow down, pause for a moment
it makes your chest tighten, to think that younghyun thinks time is moving so fast for him
that he needs to accomplish so much before time runs out
you lift your hand up and card your fingers through his hair (he had it dyed black recently, and you’re all for it) 
he hums in satisfaction and nuzzles his head against you even further
then, you move your hand over to his cheeks, tracing its height and going over the tip of his nose
and steal kiss 
he can really fall asleep like this, right next to you
you might doze off with him too 
but, just like younghyun, true to his word— 
he’s awake and back into recording mode less than ten minutes later
he stretches like a cat, and leaves you bewildered at the amount of energy he’s recharged himself with in such little time
“you give me energy, what can i say?”
“shut up” 
he tries to clean up the empty bowls and used utensils, but you shoo the musician away
“go. work, i’ll handle this” he knows he can’t argue with you on that
it makes you feel useful to him, somehow, just doing these little things to accommodate for his lifestyle
you wonder if it’s enough
you spend the rest of the afternoon in the studio. while he records and edits and goes back to recording, you brought your laptop to do some work remotely
he lets you hear some of the recorded lines he’s done, and you nod your head all the time and say they sound perfect, they sound like him
he doesn’t really like that
“there’s bound to be something that’s missing. what else would you have liked to hear from this verse?”
he looks so serious, brows knitted, lips curled forward whenever he listens to himself in the audio
you feel bad; you don’t know much about music mixing and all that— plus you’re not lying when you say you like what you hear
but maybe in this area, there’s not much you can contribute in his life 
and these are the moments when you think you fail as an equal partner
younghyun realizes the abrupt quiet in the air as you make yourself feel smaller than you do
“just a little more and i’ll be done for the day,” he tells you, patting your head reassuringly
you give him a meek nod, not meeting his eyes, and go back to some work
at least, you try. for distraction
he sounds disappointed— maybe you need to learn how to analyze beats and harmonies and such next time? 
before you know it, younghyun finishes up and saves his progress
you’ve also fallen asleep a little there while sitting down on the floor, and your head on top of your laptop 
when you wake up, the take-out bags are nowhere to be seen and your laptop is inside your messenger bag
“can i hang out at your place tonight?” younghyun asks, and you try to regain your senses
“yeah, yeah of course,” you say absent-mindedly, concerned thoughts swirling your consciousness
younghyun doesn’t bring a lot when he goes to the studio, he leaves the instruments in the room and only carries his phone and USB on him
upon exiting the place, he grabs hold of your bag and slings it on his arm
on the other, he invites your hand in his
you don’t say anything, still feel guilty for the incident a while ago, but accept his intertwining fingers
he squeezes yours tight, and gives you a slow, reassuring kiss on the cheek 
“i’m sorry if i pressured you back there,” he apologizes firmly, looking at you straight in the eye
it’s a little intimidating, if you’re being honest 
because when younghyun owns up to something— or even when he’s just determined about his words
he wants you to look at him, and see the truth in what he’s telling you
in retrospect, that’s how you fell in love
as that’s how younghyun confessed his own feelings
but now, he’s saying sorry for something you should be sorry for
before you even feel the tears well up, he has his hands cup your face, rubbing alongside your temples 
the air is still outside, and there’s a faint noise of people chattering, walking, and existing in the world
but what you see is younghyun, and the way he presents you all of who he is at the moment
“it’s not you,” you start off the cliche, so you stop yourself
“i just feel like i don’t do anything…”
“in this relationship… that’s beneficial to you…” finally, words that explain some of your true, insecure feelings
you shut your eyes as tight as you can as to avoid confronting younghyun’s gaze 
he’s quiet
probably mad
possibly about to break up with you
realizing that you’re right
instead, a slight pain on your forehead and you mutter a surprised, “ow.”
“that’s what you get,” younghyun says, seriously but his eyes show that of worry
you pout, and he tries to resist but he can’t so he kisses you
“for thinking the opposite of who you are to me,” he continues, letting go of your face and sliding his fingers in between the crevices of yours once more 
you leave it like that, feeling just a tad bit calmer than before
but younghyun keeps looking at you, poking at your side which causes you to be ticklish
and he knows that 
“you hungry?” he asks once you reach downtown
“just a little,” you say, thinking of what to cook dinner for the both of you soon since he said he’s coming over
“let’s get some galbi,” he urges, tugging you towards the restaurant with the glowing sign
“but you just ate…” you say quizzically, and as if on cue your stomach grumbles
well it has been a few hours for you
but for younghyun, technically he should already be full for the rest of the day!
“c’mon, my treat,” he doesn’t take no for an answer and you guys sit at a table with the stove in the center
for the rest of the night, he grills you your meat 
doesn’t even let you put them on your plate, it has to come from him as you feeds you some of your favorites, galbi, gobchang, hangjusal; the whole nine yards
of course, he’s eating too, and laughing, and making you smile
“room for dessert?” he asks, and you shake your head no too many times
“get yourself some, i know you want to” you tell him, and he’s already calling for the waiter to bring him a mochi or two
he eats it while walking back to your apartment with you; and he seems like such a satisfied kid
you can’t go on throughout the day being all sullen with younghyun; it’s impossible
back in your apartment, you ease into the familiarity of the place
and so does younghyun
you ready some clothes for him that he’s left in your dresser to prepare a warm bath
but he calls you in the living room 
“just a moment, younghyun”
“no no i need you now :(“ 
well, can you resist that tone? no
“what’s up? don’t you want to freshen up first?”
“i want you first” 
:( “okay,” you say as shyly as your pounding heart can let you say
and you’re back in the same position as in the studio, right after he ate
arms around you, and he coaches your legs to rest on his 
basically you’re koala-hugging him on your couch
“what’s this?” you say embarrassed. even in your own goddamn apartment, he makes you feel so many things at once
“being extra clingy”
“i can see that— but why?”
“so you don’t doubt yourself” 
you’re taken aback
“there’s nothing that you need to change or do in front of me, or for me to make me love you more,” he starts off, and there goes his eyes again. staring, watching you. steady, serious but.. calming, in a sense
“because i already love you, so much. for everything that you do for me. all the little things.”
“i love you too,” you whisper, finding it hard to find words to describe how lucky you are to have him
but this time, you know he doesn’t mind
just having you right here by him is enough, having him recognize the small yet appreciated gestures that you do
and how he manages to check up on your own feelings so quick, and remedy the sadness just like that
there’s just something about being in love with younghyun
that words can’t express
but this moment with him right now can at least make you feel
that much loved by him too
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arofili · 4 years
how’d u get into writing? like, writing fic and being part of the silm community, being Known, that stuff? i’m really new to being a silm cc and i’d love to know ur advice! also: how’d u build up the confidence to start posting meta/hcs? bc i have a Lot of hcs and meta ideas but also i’m really anxious abt posting them bc yknow anxiety is like that
these are some great questions, anon! I’m gonna go through them one by one :)
how’d u get into writing?
not to be like, super cliche, but I’ve...kind of always been a writer? as long as I can remember I’ve been telling stories, and when I was too young to read or write I would dictate them to my mom, who would type them up for me and help me choose clipart illustrations to accompany them. when I got old enough I would always be writing; I attempted my first novel at age 9, and while that never really went anywhere I did finish the darn thing and it had some pretty sophisticated plot twists for a 9-year-old!
like, writing fic
around the same time I got into fandom! I was deep into Warrior cats (like. really deep) and I believe I started writing my first fics when I was like? 10 or 11? my memory is kind of fuzzy on the order of things, but I know I got an account on the Warriors forums when I was 9, and that I was already posting my fic there when I made my FFN account. I believe I was 12 when that happened, but who knows. I haven’t the faintest idea of what happened with those forums, but uhhh pretty much all of my Warriors fic is still up on FFN lmao. you could probably find that if you want to but um...maybe don’t?
my first Big Fic was a self-insert of...my entire 5th/6th grade class into the then-current timeline of the Warriors books...well. I honestly think that might still be my most popular fic of all time l m a o though I try not to think about it because Hashtag Cringe. though as much as I look back on that time with a “yikes,” I am very grateful for the Warriors fandom in a way? that place was so accepting and encouraging of OCs, of AUs, of completely disregarding canon, of worldbuilding that is completely alien from canon - it was a fantastic sandbox to begin with, there were so many ways to write stories and practically all of them were accepted and had fellow fans invested in them!
and being part of the silm community, 
soooo I wrote Warriors fic until my freshman year of high school (wow sdjfhkdsjfh), which was when BOTFA came out, and I was absolutely wrecked by the ending and immediately started writing my own fixit fic. I was also super hooked on Kiliel! so that was my intro to the Tolkien fandom; and simultaneously, I joined tumblr, and, well, the rest is history tbh.
I honestly do not remember when I first read the Silm, but I kind of got into the more obscure parts of the Tolkien fandom through fandom osmosis, and I do have a vague memory of doodling the Finwean family tree in geometry class so it might have been later on in freshman year? that was also the same time I was having my Queer Awakening, and Russingon definitely contributed to me unlearning my internalized queerphobia, so probably around then.
anyway - queer awakening, tumblr, Tolkien, transitioning from FFN to AO3 - all of that was happening around the same time. I know I dipped my toes in the Silm fandom then, but I was still primarily a Hobbit fic writer focusing on Kiliel. toward the end of high school I kind of shifted to LOTR and (qp) Gigolas...but somehow the Silm fandom is the most active of the Big Three within the Tolkien fandom, and I was getting dragged further and further in.
it wasn’t until @backtomiddleearthmonth 2019, my freshman year of college, that I really dove into writing Silm fic! I picked some Silm-specific bingo cards and never looked back :D that was really not all that long ago but I am obsessed in a way I don’t really remember being even with TH/LOTR, I obviously cannot see the future but I anticipate hanging out here for a long time. the Silm fandom is great overall and there’s just so much material to work with!! <3
being Known, that stuff?
so I don’t really have a whole lot of context on how “well known” I am in the fandom?? definitely within the past year and a half or so I’ve noticed that I like, get asks like this, and get a significant amount of notes on my posts, and I’ve made a lot of fandom friends especially since I joined some Silm servers on Discord (hmu if you want invites; I’m on the SWG server and 2 general Silm servers and the Russingon server) this past year. and I have 3,000 followers as of this month - and while ever since I hit 1k I don’t particularly pay attention to my follower count I can definitely say that I have more engagement now than I used to! but it took me a long time to build this “audience,” I suppose; I’ve been around the Tolkien fandom since late 2014, so nearly 6 years of this, lol.
really the best way to build a following, in my experience, is to just post a lot of stuff. when I started making edits I got a lot more engagement, because for a long time I would post one every day! (I made them in batches and queued them; I didn’t actually make one every day lol...and now I’m too busy to do that, so I just make edits for events and whenever I feel like it) And I have [checks ao3] 145 works in the Silm fandom as of today - I’m fairly prolific! I’ve come to generally expect 3-10 comments on most of my oneshots, which is a lot more than I used to have back in the day. consistency and quantity are more likely to attract people to your work - and quality, of course.
also: how’d u build up the confidence to start posting meta/hcs?
I’ve been writing since I was very young, and I’ve been writing fic for like...11 years? I think? in that time I’ve produced a lot of garbage, but imo most of that was in my Warrior cats phase, so I came into the Tolkien fandom with confidence in myself and my writing. I’m also working on original fiction on the side (I hope to eventually become a published fantasy author, but right now school takes up most of my time that I don’t devote to fandom, which gives me more immediate gratification and also is just Very Fun) and I know I’m a good writer.
basically, I’ve been doing this for like...half my life, and I’m still fairly young, so I’ve had time to build up my skill and confidence and I know I’m only going to get better with time. you will get better with practice. like I said, I’ve written a lot of terrible stuff, and it’s only through sucking for a long time that I’ve gotten to the point I am now. and I am far from perfect; I know I still have lots of room to grow!
for meta and headcanons specifically, I started with writing fic, and then when I didn’t think I could stretch something into an entire fic I would just make a hc post. I have a vivid memory of writing my first meta in a notebook during driver’s ed because it was so goddamn boring and I had Thoughts about Tauriel and Thranduil!
in my experience, meta comes from having Opinions and wanting to share them and most importantly to back them up - you need to have sources! you need to have reasons! you need to have justification! otherwise it’s not meta, it’s a headcanon or an AU. which is fine!! I love hc/AU!!! but they are not the same as meta, and I’m a stickler for being accurate when it comes to meta. if you have sources and shit to back you up, that will help you build the confidence to share your meta.
sharing disinformation and passing it off as meta instead of just coming out and saying this is a headcanon/baseless theory/AU or whatever is such a fandom pet peeve of mine; it’s not bad for something to not be Accurate! you just have to have that disclaimer - and even when you’re writing meta, you’re offering an interpretation of the text, and you need to acknowledge that other interpretations also exist and are valid.
um. I hope this answers your questions? and sorry for basically word-vomiting my entire life story, lol. this post got long; the main reason I’ve written so much fic is because I really just cannot shut up for the life of me. sooo if you can tear of that filter of being shy and just. say shit. you can go so far~!
OH and one more thing - I can’t believe I almost forgot this - but part of being a writer is participating in the community. this is code for LEAVE A DAMN COMMENT IF YOU LIKE A FIC. that’s how I made most of my fandom friends before Discord! I follow @ao3feed-silmarillion and stalk that blog for new Silm fics; I read the ones that interest me and comment on them.
I know this is not really the most common way for folks to find fic but it’s so rewarding to interact with new fic, new writers, new commentors, new stories - you can find gems that don’t rise to the top of the kudos/bookmark lists; you become friends with your fellow writers; you can watch people grow and change; you support smaller content creators. yeah, you might not be getting Just The Best Stuff, but it’s so so so worth it!!
and if you make friends in the comment section of other people’s fic - I guarantee you some of them will go to your AO3 profile and check out your fic, too! and they’ll leave comments! this is a fic community, and that’s what I cherish about fandom most of all, tbh.
anyway - again - sorry for rambling so much, but I hoped this helped! feel free to send in another ask, or to come talk to me off anon if you’d like! and definitely send me your stuff if/when you decide to share it; I would love to support you!!! <3
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