#but the english word matter is different
mysterystarz · 2 years
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majorshatterandhare · 7 months
Okay, so, speaking of Jessica Law: you ever think about the fact that she says the word “law” in both Trial by Song and Gunfight at the Dolorous Guard? Like I’m sure it’s nothing but I think about it every time I hear it.
I also think about her accent a lot. I *really* enjoy /g/ on the end of /ŋ/ words.
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liu-anhuaming · 6 months
My biggest pet peeve in language learning circles is and always has been when people call Mandarin "Chinese" even though there is not one Chinese language but rather many different Chinese languages (plural! china is linguistically quite diverse), and "Mandarin" 官話 is actually considered its own language family with even more dialects under it and not just one language. I think accuracy matters when talking about what languages you're studying
anyways, here's a tweet on this topic that has been stuck in my mind from the moment i first saw it
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aaravaggarwal9 · 8 months
In This Life
We were always so near
Yet so far apart
You were always in my sight
Yet just out of my reach
I wish i had accepted it earlier
What i knew my heart was saying
I wish i hadn't been so ignorant
I wish i didn't make those mistakes
Because all I wish now is
We were together in this life
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imissjimim · 24 days
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@wdcmaxy 🫡
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echotunes · 11 months
every time duolingo makes me translate "you" with "usted" I am filled with rage. not for any rational reason it's just incomprehensible to me that "you" would ever be formal. like I know that's just how the english language works but it feels wrong
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thisgodwontforgiveyou · 7 months
i dont really know if they know that they made a complete mockery of their movie or not which is not a unique experience but what is weird is how that matters so little for this movie
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desert-dyke · 3 months
been going back and forth on edits with an editor and was initially frustrated with the cuts he wanted to make. Eventually I straight up told him "this was my inspiration for the piece. These are the feelings that need to come through" and guess what? He didn't realize that and two more rounds of edits later, we landed on a really awesome piece that made me tear up. Moral of the story: your editor wants to help you make the best story you can . Be open to changes, but also if it seems like your editor doesn't understand the piece, speak up!
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bisonandbubbles · 1 year
Oikawa: Looking for advice!
Makki: sorry you're doing what?
Oikawa: something called “get the second opinion”
Mattsun: ...do you?
Oikawa: Actually, it's more like the 23rd opinion but who cares, right?
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the-kipsabian · 4 months
i always just like surprising people by saying im not a native english speaker lmao
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willowcrowned · 2 years
for your language: what are your thoughts on having a difference between inclusive and exclusive we (first person plural)?
honestly I haven't even figured out the phonetic inventory yet and I think the plan is to do grammar after phonology so I haven't actually given it much thought but it IS intriguing
I guess my one hesitation is that I'm not particularly familiar with any language that uses them, and therefore I don't have a great idea of how they fit into the grammatical landscape. I wouldn't mind doing a bit of research, but since I'm already venturing into the unknown with consonant palatalization (the nightsisters had to get those russian accents from somewhere, and it really sounds to me like Merrin's /doθomir/ (as opposed to Cal's /dæθəmiɹ/) has a palatalized r at the end), I'm fairly loath to commit to something else new on the spot just because it sounds interesting to add.
That said—it WOULD be interesting to explore given the fact that the nighsisters have different clans and would likely want a word to express "we" as Dathomir vs "we" as the Nightsisters vs "we" as [insert clan here], and it would definitely be useful for worldbuilding to add that and then explore the origins of those words as tied to the making/breaking of clans and the additions of the zabrak nightbrothers.......... hm.
So I guess my answer is ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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nothingweirdhere · 10 months
honestly one of the greatest joys of speaking another language is surprising people who assume you can’t understand them xD
like i was in cadets yeah? and every summer i’d go stay on a military base for training, and ofc there’re people from all over the country there. so at one point a few guys in the flight as well as our officer are talking & they realize they all speak french so they switch languages right? 
well i was doing something nearby & lowkey eavesdropping—i would’ve joined in but i can’t hold a conversation at a fluent pace so i didn’t bother, but i was having fun trying to understand what they were saying—when the officer, who was usually very strict and proper, says “tabarnak,” which is basically the strongest curse word that exists in québécois (it literally means tabernacle, which is where the eucharist—the body and blood of christ—are stored in a catholic church, but is used kinda like the word fuck in english. all the strongest curse words in québec french are related to catholicism)
so i look at him with this huge exaggerated gasp & say “sir” in the most scandalized tone i can muster, and this poor man oh my god. he WHIPS AROUND to look at me with the most stricken expression on his face like “YOU SPEAK FRENCH?! WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SOMETHING” and i just shrug and go “you didn’t ask”
it’s been years and i’m still laughing about it 💀💀💀
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mellaithwen · 1 year
......wait wait wait HANG ON I've been typing sneak peak ....this whole time. and.... it's .... not a mountain pEAK it's a pEEKING peek (ofc).
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estravenlover · 11 months
I was talking the other day with people about how English doesn’t have deferential verb forms and stuff like many other languages do but how in English we still have hierarchical ways of speaking to each other. Obviously race class and gender play huge rolls. Also this is not universal but I notice that at least for me and most women around me that we talk to men in an extremely deferential way that men seem to take absolutely no notice of. I think most men that I interact with have literally no idea women speak to them differently than we do to each other. Even when things are not dangerous, like the other day I was talking to a random man in the grocery store and he was insisting that the Barbie movie already came out, and I know that’s just like factually not true but after he told me I was wrong I immediately agreed with him and continued with the conversation. Like I wasn’t scared of him I had no actual belief he would have hurt me in public because I insisted that the Barbie movie was not actually out yet lol. It was just the first reaction I had to placate him and agree verbally even though I knew it wasn’t true. And obviously it didn’t really matter in that interaction but I do this in my professional life, I do it when talking to strangers, and I even do it when I’m with friends even though I try hard to stop doing it then. It’s my tone of voice, it’s the literal words I say, and it’s even the body language. And it’s not a new idea that women make themselves smaller around men, many other people have said it before and more elegantly but idk crazy to me that so many men in the world don’t know we do this? Like this was also sparked by me working on some internal stuff with men and some white women I work under where I was angry because they seemed to be so dismissive of all the work I put into offering them deference and respect in our interactions and my friend literally had to tell me that they didn’t actually know I was doing that. that’s just how they think I am all the time and how they expect me to talk to them. Which, obviously lol but it was kinda jarring to realize in the moment.
#TO BE CLEAR I don’t think this is an innate thing#this is entirely a learned behavior#I think part of the problem is men not knowing but when I have told men in my life this I have not gotten a lot of positive listening back#lol#so I think as feminists we need to do the work of actively trying not to do this and for male feminists they need to be ready to be able to#be prepared to listen to that and actually speak to the women in their life as equals and not use their social power to demand subservience#again this is my experience but I do think many other women share this#but so often the men in my life demand subservience in subtle ways and this is one of them#but like it doesn’t need to be like this#also I think race plays a huge role#like being brown changes how I interact with people all the time and I’m sure it matters in everyone else’s lives too lol#but I do think white women do this too for men but their experience might be different or whatever in ways I don’t know#idk all a work in progress#ugh English is so limiting and is so focused on catagorization it’s hard to talk about this without it sounding like I’m placing a hierarchy#of other peoples privileges#which I’m not trying to do#life is very complicated and these catagoriyan are not real they are social#but idk I’m just trying to put my experience into words#also to be clear fuck TERFs#I feel like when u talk about feminism on thsi website two weird things happen#TERFs try and claim any feminist discussion as being a terf point…. which like ew no stay away#thsi has nothing to do with gender essentialism and I reject terf logic wholeheartedly#but also some people seems to be reactionary and say discussion of women’s oppression is TERFy??? which is also weird and stupid#terfs don’t own feminism they are a contradictory reactionary group trying to pretend that#but regardless of what idiots on the internet think we need to be able to speak openly about issues that hinder liberation#and this is a small example that I was just thinking about#feminism#my post
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aaravaggarwal9 · 6 months
A Fairytale
He once fell for a beautiful girl
One who had lost those dear to her
Broken and emptied from the pain
Solitude and suffering changed her
Into one who no longer trusted love
She did not accept his affection
Scared to open her wounds to him
She turned a blind eye to his efforts
And distanced herself from him
Not wanting her heart to shatter again
But he loved her truly and deeply
So his hopes remained unscathed
Slowly he got to know about her past
And though he knew she didn't need him
He still tried his best to heal her
One day his magic worked
With all the strength she had
She let go of the bygone days
And steadily her mended heart
Fell in love all over again
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cheesebearger · 11 months
*physically restraining myself from getting in yet another fucking argument about alchemical significations and the perception of alchemical language with someone who is only really versed in the scientific history of alchemy*
#the PERCEPTION of alchemists as 'mystics' is as integral to alchemy as the science was#like there is a REASON people think they were mystics lol. they couched their words in religious doctrine#and we have proof across literature in the early modern period especially of alchemical lang. being used to metaphorize#transcendence or an alteration of the self or of literal racial transformation#there's a reason shakespeare's pericles is only a cohesive narrative when viewed through the lens of an alchemical romance#there is and was a wealth of meaning attributed to alchemy that goes beyond merely 'hiding trade secrets in code'#and it's actually kind of weird to downplay it as just code. as merely code to protect trade secrets#that isnt what these writers were doing - they were producing content for alchemists AND non-alchemists#these books were purchased by laymen. their emblematics were used to decorate people's living room walls as wallpaper#and btw your christian mapmaker shit is once more stupid. yes there is obvious religious meaning in placing religious icons#on a map of the world. it imagines the world as created by a christian god and therefore enforces a christian perspective#depending on what kind of creature or icon used they could be communicating vastly different things#i wouldnt call them a 'mystic' for it but they also werent writing about how overcoming personal suffering can lead to spiritual perfection#like all those readily available alch texts were doing. lmfao#let's just totally ignore the ways in which the EM english audience made paracelsus into a figure of christian mystic alchemy#bc paracelsus personally didnt do it. like thats not how things work. we cannot ignore the perception of these ppl by others lol#it doesnt MATTER that most of the actual alchemists were scientists. it DOES matter that people thought they were mystics#do you understand? that it matters that ppl thought paracelsus was communicating smth about christianity specifically?#that it matters very much actually that people perceived alchemy as a CHRISTIAN (white!) mystic science?#im feeling rabid lol
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