#but the idea isn’t that he’s evil because there’s nothing else to be
i-know-the-endss · 7 months
i think the most frustrating part about tbosas is the fact that you want to root for coryo. you want him to be a better man for lucy gray. you want him and sejanus to become closer, to become the best friends sejanus believes them to be. you want him to run away and find a way to relearn all the oppressive and tyrannical ideals the capitol instilled in him.
but that’s not what happens.
coriolanus isn’t necessarily a good person. he’s not a bad person either, not yet, but he’s no where near good. and rather than try to be good, he gives up, he lets himself “go bad”, he rats out sejanus, he lets his anger get the best of him and loses lucy gray.
the idea that coryo could be a good person but chooses not to be is exactly the reason this book and this character are brilliant.
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serafilms · 6 months
song 53! magic (one direction) + percy jackson requested by @isabelboo (2023 spotify wrapped event)
you, you’ve got this spell on me, i don’t know what to believe, kissed you once now i can’t leave
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Percy isn’t really sure how or when it started, but he’s pretty sure you’ve put some kind of curse on him.
His thoughts are consumed by you day and night. His vision tunnels in on you every time you’re around. Whenever you talk to him, all he can do is think of your lips. It’s excruciating. It’s nauseating. And it’s definitely affecting his daily activities, he thinks as he sits, dazed in the infirmary, with a stab wound (a very minor one!) in his side.
It has to be some kind of magic, he thinks, because he’s never felt like this. Maybe some voodoo? Maybe a trick by Hecate as vengeance for defeating the Titans. Maybe you’ve been slipping him potions in his food. It could be anything, and Percy is not as well-versed in magic knowledge as some other people at camp, so he has no idea.
But he finds himself always looking for you, asking after you. He finds himself trailing after you always, and depressed when you’re not around.
The strangest part is that nobody else seems to notice anything out of the ordinary, and he’s too afraid to ask them about it.
He mentioned something about it to Annabeth once, but she merely waved him off.
(“It’s like I can only think of Y/N,” he said.
Annabeth looked over her notes distractedly. “Uh huh, yeah, that’s great, Percy. Hey, since you’re not being any help here, would you mind getting Y/N so they can help me finish the Capture the Flag plans?”
Percy blinked. “Okay?”)
He thinks it must have started somewhere between all the times you held his hand to lead him somewhere, or the times he stood behind you to help correct your sword fighting posture, or the times you touched his hands and arms to correct his archery posture. He always ended up blushing furiously after each of those ordeals.
Or maybe it started that time he kissed you. Although, technically, you’d kissed him first (on the cheek, nothing crazy!) before he went off to face Kronos.
But then again, Percy had been the one to kiss you on the lips when he found you again after.
He heard the call of his name, registered your voice, and his head was already whipping around to find you. He found you, a strained look on your face as you hobbled towards him, and Percy rushed towards you.
No sooner had you steadied yourself by holding onto his forearms than he had leaned forwards and kissed you on the lips.)
But Percy couldn’t help it! He’d just been so worried about you, and so relieved to find you alive. He thinks maybe during one of those kisses you transferred your evil little spell.
Still, he hoped that kiss might have meant something to you, more than friendship, but you hadn’t gotten the chance to talk about it, since you’d collapsed on your broken ankle right after.
Even until now, you two have never really discussed what you are, or what the kiss/es entail for your future relationship. Because magic spell or not, Percy’s endless thoughts about you have him planning out your future (however much of it you can plan for two demigods who face certain death before their prime). An apartment in New York, close enough to his mom and Paul but not so close that it’s overbearing, college and planning schedules to match up, weekends out with your friends laughing and eating and watching movies and doing normal teenager things.
That’s all he wants. But he’ll settle for the lingering touches and smiles he gets from you for now.
But this curse, spell, whatever (because gods forbid Percy Jackson admit he’s in love with you before he’s sure you’re in love with him. They kissed you, Percy! What more do you need, for Zeus’ sake) is seriously becoming a problem, because somebody explain to him how from 30 feet away, Percy managed to see an Ares camper headed straight for you and make it over the battlefield in time to intercept it. With his own abdomen.
It was a stupid mistake, he acknowledges now. He’s been through countless battles, and he knows he could’ve incapacitated the camper from behind, or just knocked the spear out of his hand or something. But something about seeing you in danger just sets alight a fire in his mind that burns through any rational thought, leaving only an urge to stop you from getting hurt.
A little inconvenient now that he’s wincing on an infirmary bed with his side burning up. But at least you’re okay. And oh, look! It’s you! He’s not sure if he’s hallucinating now, or if you’re really standing in front of him.
“Seaweed brain,” you say, sniffling.
Okay, definitely you.
“Hey Y/N,” Percy says meekly. His side still feels like it’s on fire but his heart feels warmer with you here.
You take his hand and his heart aches at the tears in your eyes. “Hey, I’m fine,” he assures, ignoring the fact that he is definitely not fine.
“You’re an idiot, is what you are.”
“Yeah, that too.”
You look at him, at the ridiculous little smile he’s giving you to reassure you, at the bandages around his waist, and his hand in yours, and you lurch forwards and press your lips to his.
Percy jolts in surprise and feels his abdomen screaming at him from the movement, but kisses back nonetheless, feeling your lips on his once more and your tongue graze his bottom one.
When you pull back, he stares at you in a daze. If kissing is how you kept this spell on him, he is okay with being under it forever.
“You’re ridiculous, Percy Jackson,” you say, “but I love you.”
He swears his heart has never felt this warm. “I love you too.”
(“Sorry,” Leo says, looking rather gobsmacked, “they weren’t already dating?”
“Leo!” Piper throws her hands up in exasperation.
He smacks his cheeseburger back down on his plate and stares at the faces of his friends. Jason and Frank also look rather miffed, but the girls are all rolling their eyes. “Excuse me for being surprised! They’ve known each other since they were, what, 13?”
“12, actually,” answers Annabeth.
“12! When Percy woke up on the other side of America, the only name he could remember was Y/N’s, right?”
“Correct,” says Frank.
“And we spent ages on the Argo II, during which they got caught in the stables—“
“They were just talking,” says Hazel.
“—and they fell into Tartarus together! Because he refused to let go of her hand! They literally went all the way to hell, all the way through hell, and back out, together!”
Nobody says a word, all looking at Leo.
“You’re telling me,” Leo says, breathing very intensely as though he just found out that his pet dog has been run over, “that during that entire time, neither of them asked each other out?”
“Nope,” says Annabeth matter-of-factly, “and he also kissed Y/N on his 16th birthday.”
“Man,” Jason sighs, “talk about slow burn.”)
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angelofsmalldeaath · 1 month
I don’t know if your taking requests but I would love to read something about taking a bath with Andrew 🥰 anyway, I love you’re writing!!
this is genuinely the freakiest coincidence because i wrote half of this last night, wayyy before getting this request!! anon we share the same braincell
also thank you sm for reading!! i appreciate you very much 🤎🤎
cw: nudity (non-sexual), sappy and sickly sweet but at this point if you're coming here expecting anything else...idk what to tell you
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“ah, you’re a sight for sore eyes,” he shuts the bathroom door behind him, shuts his eyes too and sighs for a long moment. 
i flick some of my bath bubbles at him and squawk in mock outrage. “i’m naked in here, you know?”
still leaning against the door, he half-opens his eyes and smirks, “that supposed to deter me, darling?”
i take him in properly then—hair slipping out of his bun, messy, unruly, like he’s ran his hands through it quite a lot today. the sleeves of his sweaters are pushed up to his elbows. ink stains his fingers, calluses litter the palm of his hands. 
“there’s no way the two of us are fitting in this together,” i laugh, “we’d spill water everywhere!”
“i’ll clean it,” he protests without missing a beat. “let me in? please?”
softness creeps into his features, the kind that melts my heart until it’s nothing but a beating mess at his feet. “get in,” i smile, “i’ve got a eucalyptus bubble bath going.”
sluggishly he begins to get out of his clothes—socks at first, tossed in one corner of the bathroom, then the sweater joins the pile. i stare at him, a bit mesmerised, at his stomach and chest and arms. all that skin on display, skin that i have touched and caressed and kissed a million times. and yet i feel breathless. 
a moment later, he kneels by the tub, still in his jeans, and flicks a thumb at the corner of my lips. “got a bit of drool there, baby.”
i flush, and he steals a kiss, smug and satisfied. 
“don’t be evil,” i pout, “i’ll uninvite you!”
“mm-hmm, and are you capable of that?”
i roll my eyes, trying to hide the smile creeping onto my face once again. it takes him a few more seconds to pull down his jeans, his boxers, and then i slide forward and make room for him. 
the regret is instant. “oh my god,” i scrunch my eyes shut as water floods the bathroom, drenching the edges of his discarded clothes. all he does is laugh—impish and full of mischief. “god you’re lucky i love you!”
“i am,” he kisses the nape of my neck once he settles behind me, “i really am.”
his skin is warm when i settle against him. he smells like he always does—his cologne, day old now, the fabric softener he’s used since long before i knew him, and something that is entirely and inexplicably him. i breathe in deep until it fills my lungs, until the smell of eucalyptus almost disappears from the room. 
“how was your day?” 
“honestly?” he sighs, and starts a vague soapy doodle on my thigh. “it was a lot. not quite so physically, just…emotionally. i couldn’t wait to get back home to you.”
“yeah? that bad?”
“just hard…not bad. never bad.”
i nod, and trace a vein on his arm, leaving a soapy trail behind. silence settles over us for a few moments, occasionally broken by his small sighs. it’s nice, this—being able to feel his heartbeat against my body. absently, he hums a tune, something i haven’t heard before. 
“that’s new,” i lean my head against his chest, relish the vibrations of his humming travelling through my body. “is it?”
“it is. nothing concrete, just something i’ve been toying around with.”
“‘s nice, sweet.”
“you think so?” he asks and i nod. after another moment of silence, he chuckles lightly, then tightens his hold on me. “maybe i’ll use it for a song about you. that’s a nice idea, isn’t it?”
“i didn’t know there were songs about me,” i giggle, and kiss the back of his hand, once and then once again for good measure. 
“there are always songs about you,” he nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck, kissing the spot where my pulse is quite obvious. “in my head or my notebooks or on any scraps of paper i can get my hands on. always you.”
like he so often does, he leaves me speechless—stuck between blushing and welling up—until he flicks bubbles on me and the moment dissolves away. 
“we should just get takeaway,” he declares innocently, like he hasn’t left me with a lump in my throat. “i just want to be lazy with you.”
i clear my throat, shake my head. “takeaway it is. i can order while you clean the bathroom, right?” i bite my lip and keep the laugh in. 
he groans, huffs on my shoulder. “god, you’re lucky i love you!”
“i am,” i kiss his knuckles softly, knowing i mean every single word of it. “i really am.”
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Multifaceted (S.R.)
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Summary: Reader interrogates a witness. Spencer can’t believe what he sees.  
Request: reader where she is super quiet, shy but really really sweet and soft spoken but she has these crazy interrogation skills and tactics that shock the team and Spencer Couple: Spencer Reid/GN!Reader Category: Fluff Content Warning: Police interrogation mentions Word Count: 650
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Spencer likes to think he knows you pretty well. You’d only started working with the BAU a couple weeks ago, but in those few weeks, he’d taken a particular interest in you.
Of course, that had nothing to do with the fact you were attractive (although you were). That would be shallow.
Instead, Spencer liked you because you were kind. There was an undeniable softness about you that extended far beyond your features. There had never been a moment between the two of you where he felt anything less than appreciated.
For that same reason, Spencer was worried about your first solo interrogation.
He just couldn’t stop thinking of his own. Thankfully, those many moons ago, Hotch had been nearby to put an end to his misery when he’d realized just how far out of his depths he was.
So, Spencer tries to return the favor. He doesn’t tell you that he’s watching because he doesn’t want you to think he is expecting failure.
He stands by. Just in case.
Spencer quickly realizes, however, that you are not the one who might need saving.
Behind the two way mirror, he sees an entirely different side of you. A side that is brusque and intimidating and notably not like the rest of you. Still, your charm somehow bleeds through the rough edges.
Spencer finds himself falling in an entirely different way. That stomach-sinking sensation breaks and makes way for butterflies that feel almost inappropriate.
He watches you with a morbid curiosity as his idyllic image of you dies on the metal table.
There is nothing resembling fear in you as you face evil. You are composed yet terrifying in quick, loud movements.
As you lean closer to something vile, he notices your lip and nose twitch in disgust.
He catches the way the man in the room practically cowers at the sound of your raised voice. He is reminded of the saying:
Demons run when a good man goes to war.
That is how he feels about you.
When you storm towards the exit, Spencer runs to greet you. In that brief time, he stubbornly clings to his vision of you as something soft. He is convinced, however silly it might seem, that something else has happened to explain your behavior.
Yet when he turns the corner and hears the door click shut, he is met with a familiar smile.
“Oh! Hey Spencer,” you chirp happily.
“Hey…” he mumbles suspiciously. He searches your expression for any sign of distress.
He finds none. He isn’t ready to give up just yet, though.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
You look confused, too. That is, until you realize what he meant.
“Oh, were you watching?”
“Yeah…” he confirms.
“So…” you urge him on with a wave of your hand.
He has no idea what you’re waiting for. You giggle as you notice his eyes following your hand like it would help the gears turn faster.
You snap your fingers. He snaps back to reality.
“Was it convincing?” you ask.
After a minute, he almost starts to question it, but he eventually concedes defeat.
“Wh—I-I mean, yeah!” he squeaks, “You were… very, very convincing.”
You recognize the flustered state of him. You take in pink cheeks and wide eyes that are looking anywhere but at you.
Slowly, you realize that Spencer had underestimated just how much of you he had yet to see. You capture that reaction in a treasured memory and tuck it away for a future date.
For now, you just giggle and return to the version of yourself that he was more familiar with.
“You think that’s bad?” you whisper through the side of your mouth, “You should see me when I’m hungry.”
Spencer laughs along with you, even though, if he were honest, he knew he’d like you just as much.
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(Tell me what you thought about this fic here!)
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Reid Taglist (Everything Reid): @mrs-dr-reid , @dreatine , @hopefulfangirl24 , @laurakirsten0502 , @dontcallmekittens , @rintheemolion , @andreasworlsboring101 , @imsuperawkward , @wentz2005 , @lovejules888 , @dashneydanger , @materialisthicc , @violetspoetic , @mslowlife 
Complete Taglist (All Works): @cynbx , @emsma11 , @mediocre-writer , @fightingdragonswithwho , @andiebeaword , @jayyeahthatsme 
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beauty-and-passion · 5 months
Lore Olympus: a golden mine of bad writing
As I said, one post wasn’t enough.
There is still a lot to say about this webcomic and in this post I would like to talk about how Zeus, Apollo and Kronos have been treated. Here I will focus on the first two acts only, because the third act is not over, as well as the story. And yes, that means I will write another post when this whole thing is over.
I wanted to focus on these three gods in particular because are treated in a way that baffles me and makes me question what did they ever do to Mrs. Smythe. Tell me, Rachel: was it something personal? Did they do something to your family? What happened?
But maybe you don’t understand my point, especially if you haven’t read the Greek myths at all and you think that these three are just “Unfaithful Guy”, “Rapist” and “Evil Villain Har Har Who Also Wants To Rape”. Seriously, what’s with this weird obsession with raping everyone and with sex? Did Mrs. Smythe ever see anything else in myths, besides sex?
So please, allow me to explain why their characterizations are wrong and boring - and no, not just from a mythological point of view. 
Zeus: the walking clichè
Making Zeus an asshole is understandable, even if utterly boring and clichè. Oh wow, he's an unfaithful husband and he's vain. Very original. Groundbreaking, I'd say. I’ve never read about him being unfaithful to his wife, not even once in all the 200 million retellings made during the history of mankind.
It's a shame because Zeus is much more than that. He's a mighty ruler with a strong sense of justice: in several myths, he punished the assholes for their wrongdoings. He's very clever and strong. He's also associated with xenia, the custom of offering protection to strangers, which means Zeus is also a protector of foreigners.
I mean, this information alone offers so many new perspectives about him! Just imagine if, instead of hanging around and doing nothing useful aside from being everyone’s favorite punching bag, Zeus fought against every corrupt system of the mortal realm, in order to protect the foreigners and the innocents. It would’ve been so cool to see a different side of him, instead of the same thing over and over again!
But nope, Zeus = unfaithful husband only. Let’s ignore all the other aspects of him, to focus on the one everyone focuses on. Let’s make him the umpteenth version of the same guy, instead of offering a new vision. This will surely make the story worth everyone’s time!
Rachel, this could’ve worked if I was 12 and had never read a retelling in my entire life. But since I’m more than twice that age, seeing Zeus as an unfaithful husband again doesn’t get my interest. And I’m sure this doesn’t only apply to me, but to everyone who already saw at least two retellings of him. Isn’t this story supposed to be new and original? Then why are we still picking from the same old clichè visions of these gods? Where is the writer’s personality and ability?
Apollo: king of wasted potentials
I am absolutely, completely, 100% baffled at how Apollo has been treated in this story.
It's insulting to see the most beloved Greek god treated as a bidimensional piece of shit. Not only because he doesn't make any sense in the story (why is he here in the first place? Did Persephone and Apollo even interact in any myth?), but also because there are so many different possibilities for him, that seeing him being this is the biggest waste of potential I’ve ever seen.
A brief recap of who Apollo really is: Apollo is the embodiment of the sun. He is the god of arts and crafts. He's the most beautiful god, he embodies the concept of perfect Greek beauty. And he is associated with a lot of cool stuff, like medicine, truth and oracles. Also, like most of the other Greek gods, Apollo had many male and female lovers.
Now, look me in the eye and tell me that, with all of this, your first idea about him is "yeah, let's make him a stupid rapist, so stupid to not realize that hey, maybe forcing a girl to sleep with you will not make her fall in love with you". Oh and let's not forget he randomly decided he wanted Zeus' throne just after the fertility plot point had been introduced Because Yes. And he’s running for president of Whatever-Land Because Yes. Also, he’s currently involved again in another evil plot Because… yeah, you got it.
It’s just so frustrating to see him being the biggest loser of all time, considering how much cooler he could’ve been. Just think about it: we could've had a bisexual musician, who does concerts with his band (the Muses) and has a shit ton of lovers. We could’ve had a heartbroken doctor, who does his best to save everyone because he has not been able to save his own son from death (Asclepius). We could've had a mysterious advisor who can see the future because of his foresight powers.
What did we get instead? A fucking rapist.
Apollo is nothing but wasted potential. He’s an insult to himself, the story, common sense, and the Greek culture. Of all the incredible things he could've been, he became the most insulting of them all. I really cannot bear to see this fucking idiot and his punching-bag face, pretending to be Apollo. He’s not Apollo.
But if there is a guy I can see less than him, then let me introduce you to…
Kronos: Supreme Master of Wasted Potential
First of all: why is Kronos here? Why does this love story need Persephone to defeat a big bad guy? Just to show how cool and badass she is? Considering that their fight was a joke, it didn't work very well.
But okay, let's say we need a villain Because Yes. Kronos is still a huge waste of potential, probably the biggest waste of potential of the whole series until now. He could’ve been an interesting, multifaceted character, but he became a cartoonish supervillain har-har I want power.
But let’s take a step back and talk about the real, mythological Kronos. His story starts with his parents, Uranus and Gaia. The two had a lot of sons, including Titans (like Kronos) and Hecatonchires (monsters with fifty heads and one hundred arms). Disgusted by their monstrous nature or maybe just out of fear of being overthrown, Uranus chained his sons away into Gaia's womb (aka the Tartarus) so that they could never come out again.
Gaia suffered from this decision, so she devised a plan: she made a stone sickle, gathered her sons and tried to persuade them to castrate Uranus.
All of her sons were afraid of Uranus, Kronos was the only one brave enough to do it. And he was successful: he overthrew his father and became the new ruler of the universe, along with his wife/sister Rhea.
However, after becoming king, he didn't free all of his brothers as his mother wanted, but locked Hecatonchires and Cyclopes away once again. And so, Gaia told him that, one day, he would meet his father’s same fate and be overthrown by one of his own children.
Scared by these words, Kronos devised a plan: every time he had a new child, he took the baby from Rhea and swallowed them. Rhea was desperate and, in order to save her last son Zeus, she sought Gaia's help.
So Rhea gave birth to Zeus in a secret place, then handed Kronos a stone wrapped in clothes: he swallowed it, thinking that it was his son. This way, Zeus managed to escape the same fate as his siblings and was raised in secret, away from his father, until he was old enough to come back and fulfill his destiny.
And now, you may think Zeus overthrew his father with a sword and killed him and nah nah nah, myths are not that stupid and predictable. Zeus didn’t use violence to overthrow his father, but intelligence. He disguised himself to reach Kronos' court and, at the right time, he gave him a drink. That drink was an emetic (given by Gaia), that forced Kronos to throw up everything he swallowed, in reverse order: first the stone he thought was his last son, then Zeus' brothers and sisters.
After freeing his siblings, Zeus did what his father would've never done: he released the Hecatoncheires and the Cyclops to help him in the following battle against Kronos and the other Titans, a battle known as Titanomachy.
The war ended with the victory of the Olympians (i.e. Zeus and his siblings). Many Titans were confined in Tartarus, under the Hecatonchires' control, others were not imprisoned and kept appearing in other myths.
And Kronos? His fate differs depending on the myths. In some versions, he was imprisoned in Tartarus. But according to other, more interesting versions, Zeus forgave him after years, freed him and Kronos became king of the Elysian Fields: the famous earthly paradise reserved for the greatest Greek heroes.
Now. Just look at all of this beautiful, beautiful potential.
We have Gaia, a powerful goddess who overthrew two rulers of the universe, without moving a finger. A goddess strong and clever, but also a mother who wanted all of her children to be free - even the most hideous ones. She could’ve been a tragic figure, a master manipulator, or an evil schemer. Or all these things!
We have the Hecatonchires: fighters so powerful, to turn the tide of any battle. They could’ve been scary and intimidating, but also tragic monsters who just wanted to be accepted. They could’ve taught a beautiful lesson about the importance of accepting the ugly and giving everyone a chance to prove themselves.
Then we have Kronos. And Kronos had everything to be the greatest character.
Think about this concept: Kronos has always been afraid of Uranus, just like his brothers. He was just better at hiding his feelings. And that visceral fear is still inside him, it still haunts him after centuries, just like the memory of how he overthrew his father. And that fear takes the shape of paranoid thoughts about his father coming back to take the throne.
Kronos could’ve seen his father haunting him, but he could’ve also dissociated and seen himself as his father. In his altered state of mind, he could’ve been both the king and the one who overthrows him.
That could’ve made him a truly dangerous, unhinged character. A god who can’t see what’s real anymore, obsessed with the ghosts of his past. A god with nothing to lose and everything to gain. After all, if he kills his children again, the throne would be his once more. And, since he sees himself as himself and as his father at the same time, he would think that he is the "true king" coming back to take his throne.
That could’ve been awesome. Kronos could've been complex, desperate and multifaceted, a villain to pity and to be afraid of. A truly new, interesting version to know and love.
And do you have any idea how incredible Zeus could’ve been in this version? We could see him facing Kronos again, still as strong and determined as when he was young. And while everyone would expect him to kill Kronos, he would use his intelligence once again. He would prove to Kronos (and to everyone else) how intelligence is always superior to violence and how he's a good leader, despite his thousands of flaws.
Also, we could've seen Zeus talking to the defeated Kronos and making him the ruler of the Elysian Fields. We could've had a meaningful ending, in which Zeus understands Kronos' fears and shares his own.
I would’ve adored this, because according to the myth, Zeus was also supposed to be overthrown by a son! Hence why he swallowed Metis (his first wife) while she was pregnant.
The myth never truly clarifies who this supposed "son" is, but according to the different versions, Metis was pregnant not with a son, but with a daughter. A daughter who, one day, would be born, full grown, from Zeus' head. A daughter who would become Zeus' favorite child: Athena.
Honestly? I ADORE the idea that there was never a son to overthrow Zeus, but a daughter. And she would not overthrow his father by violence like her grandfather or by intelligence like her father, but by love. Athena doesn't need to take the throne from her father physically, she doesn't even need to sit on that throne: not when her father loves her more than anything else.
And I love the idea that Zeus is aware of that. He knows his daughter is his weakness. He knows that, if she asks, he will willingly give her that throne, because he loves her too much. And I would've loved to see him sharing these thoughts with the defeated Kronos. It could've been a beautiful moment, to see Zeus talking with the fatherly figure he always missed from his life. It could've led to a beautiful, meaningful ending for a dramatic story.
But can you see the problem here? This concept works for a story about Zeus, not about Hades and Persephone! These two have nothing to do with Kronos! Heck, even Rachel Smythe knows it, considering she had to pull a stupid plot point out of thin air, to explain why Kronos would give a damn about Persephone!
In case you were wondering: yes, the fertility-magical-power-battery-thing is bullshit. Gods don’t need a magical battery to be powerful. And no, fertility goddesses are not rare either: Aphrodite, Demeter, Hera, even Artemis are just a few of the fertility goddesses in Greek mythology. Kronos could’ve picked his favorite from a large pool, instead of becoming an absolute creep with Persephone in the stupidest fight of all time.
And speaking of that, two words on the supposed “fight”. First of all, apologies to all fights for being associated with this thing, because this was anything but a fight: it was a cartoonish conversation accompanied by the umpteenth sexualization of Persephone, who first appeared fully naked, then with a dress so stupid to defy the laws of physics and perspective.
And if you don’t believe me, please see it by yourself: this is how the dress was supposed to be, according to episode 75
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This is how it ended up. Apparently, the Fates didn’t predict how huge Persephone’s boobs would be and the neckline didn’t grow accordingly: I feared to see one of them slipping out from it anytime during the “fight”
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Also, please appreciate how Persephone is turned to the side, but the dress’ stupidly huge neckline is shown from the front, otherwise we would’ve seen her full naked boobs.
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And that stupid neckline kept bothering me throughout the whole “fight”, because it kept changing size. Check the episodes and see it by yourself: sometimes it’s smaller, other times it’s wider and it keeps moving in impossible ways. It drove me insane.
But since we’re talking about drawings, please allow me a very brief parenthesis about them too.
The drawings are a joke
I am not an artist. I can barely draw a straight line by hand. But I studied art history, perspective, proportions and colors, so I’m not completely clueless.
But you don’t need to be clueless, to notice how bad the drawings became. If you have two eyes and saw another human being in your life before, then you can notice by yourself how bad they are.
It’s not a secret that Lore Olympus’ art style changed over time. In the beginning, this comic was characterized by a lot of straight lines and geometric shapes, alternating and mixing with gentle curves. There were blur effects, colored outlines, a lot of details that gave an overall dreamy, ethereal vibe to every chapter (like the soft glow that accompanied the gods).
But as the story progressed, these elements disappeared. The geometric shapes gave way to an overall “softness” and roundness. The dreamy vibes and blur effects were replaced by sharper, clearer drawings. A distinct black outline now marks every character.
And speaking of characters, they were the ones who changed more. Lore Olympus always had funny, silly faces but the characters were also able to be serious and look natural. Now all we have are grotesque faces: the characters are a collection of caricatures and no one has a normal expression anymore. Check by yourself, by confronting a random episode of the third act with the first one: they’re two different worlds.
The disproportions were common too, since episode one. But at least they were somehow plausible, while now they’re completely absurd. It’s as if Mrs Smythe completely forgot what a human being looks like.
And this is pretty evident in how all characters became a rough draft of the two protagonists: all women got Persephone’s face, all men become buff and huge, with wide-ass shoulders and teeny tiny heads. This is particularly obvious at the end of season 2 / start of season 3, when we see some of the funniest images ever, like Hades with a tiny head and shoulders as wide as the entire USA
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Or this hilariously bad image of Zeus with clown shoes and a head as big as his deformed hand.
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No excuse can justify these drawings: no one is running after Mrs Smythe, nor forcing her to draw, and people are paying her real money to work on this webcomic. The least she can do is draw something that doesn’t look like a bad distortion of a human being.
Unless this isn’t her drawing, but her staff’s work. In that case, they are still paid to do their job, right? Or do they think this story is a joke and decide to show how much of a joke it is, by turning everyone into a grotesque caricature?
In conclusion
Lore Olympus is hilarious because of how bad the writing is. It’s a manual example of how not to write a climax for your story. It’s a perfect demonstration of how you can still fail, even with great characters with endless possibilities. It’s a list of all the mistakes you can make as an artist.
If you’re a writer or an artist in general, please check Lore Olympus and study it. Here you will find everything you should never do and all the mistakes you should never make.
As a writer myself, I appreciate Lore Olympus, because I need works that teach me what I shouldn’t do. Good teachers are useful, but bad ones are even more useful, because it’s thanks to them that I can learn and grow and make better stories. Lore Olympus might be a failure from an artistic and writing point of view, but it might also serve as a foundation, from which other people can develop better ideas.
Actually, it already did it! Do you want to read a better story, rose from the disappointing ashes of Lore Olympus? Then check Lore Rekindled and @genericpuff: you will find their work here on Tumblr. They planned everything ahead and it’s pretty clear by reading it. The characters make more sense, the events have a more logical explanation. And the art style is much, much better than the last Lore Olympus.
We will meet again for the third and (for now) final post about this series, a much-needed post about the protagonists of this story: Hades, Persephone and Demeter.
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damiansgoodgirll · 11 months
are r up for writing about gavi if so could you do gavi reacting to u pranking him telling his a guy did ur brazilian wax? if not that’s ok but can u then do it with kylian?
i’m not really a gavi fan so i hope you don’t mind i made this with kylian 🫶🏻🥹
kylian mbappè x reader
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Prank goes wrong
you saw this video on tiktok right before you had your wax appointment and you had this mischievous idea to recreate the same with kylian, even though you wouldn’t be filming it you couldn’t wait to see his reaction.
“hey baby!” you said almost screaming once you got back home from your appointment.
“hey mon amour” he said from over the couch “come here next to me” he aimed at you for joining him on the very large and comfortable sofa he had in his living room.
“how was your day?” you asked him.
“boring. no practice, nothing to do…you were gone all morning and the house was pretty silent without having you here” he confessed.
“i’m sorry baby…you knew i couldn’t cancel my appointment today” you smiled to him and kissed him.
“i know i know…by the way, how did it go?” he asked, focusing all of his attention on you.
“oh pretty good! you know, the usual girl who wax me was sick today so i had someone else to do it” you said trying to act natural.
“oh, was she good?” he asked.
“yeah, he was really really good” you said, not looking into his eyes yet.
“oh great…wait, he?” kylian asked you turning off the tv.
“yup…no one else was able to do it this morning, but they have this new guy and he’s actually really good” you said once again.
“but-but where did you? you know…where, which part of your body?” he asked you trying to keep it cool.
“oh, i shaved my legs, my armpits and my vagina” you said completely normal.
“hold on…you’re telling me you had a man touching you down there?” he almost screamed.
“what? he wasn’t touching…he was just doing his job kylian, why are you so pressed? you’ve never acted like this when it was one of the girls doing it…” you said.
“exactly! those were girls! today you had a man! a man! a man who basically saw you naked! isn’t this illegal?”
“why should it be illegal kylian? he was simply doing his job…i don’t get why are you so mad…” you tried to look hurt but inside you couldn’t stop laughing, this was evil but you were having so much fun.
“but-but…a man? seriously? he touched you down there y/n…a man!”
“you probably said man a thousand times already…kylian, i don’t get why you are so mad, he was just doing his job…” you tried to resonate with him but he was actually pissed about it.
“i’m not mad!” he screamed and you looked at him “okay…i’m mad…not mad mad, just mad, i don’t know okay? i don’t know how to feel! a guy saw you naked down there and touched you and i don’t care if it was his job that shit should be illegal! a man? no way that’s crazy! you know what? give me the name of that place…i want to get waxed too…” he said and that was the moment you completely lost in and bursted out laughing.
“why are you laughing? it’s because i wanna get waxed too?” he asked you.
“no…no that’s not the reason” you said between laughs “you’re so jealous i love you kylian”
“i don’t get it…” he looked like a lost puppy.
“no man touched me down there…” you kept laughing.
“then how did he wax you?”
“kylian…” you had tears in your eyes because you kept laughing “no man waxed me, it was all a prank” you said.
you couldn’t decipher the look on his face. he went from mad to confused, from confused to sad, from sad to relieved and from relieved to speechless.
“so you thought this was funny?” he asked you and you nodded “why would you think it would be funny? i was about to get fired a man that doesn’t even exist!” he said.
“you are so jealous you would even get a man fired for me?”
“well if a man saw my woman naked i would have his head on my table…” he said smirking at you.
“oh my - you’re something else” you kept laughing.
you both spent the rest of the day laughing about the prank you did but what you didn’t know was that kylian was already working on how to get revenge on you.
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atinylittlepain · 8 months
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Chapter Four
no-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!oc
series masterlist
series playlist
warnings: 18+ violence, physical injury, but there will be hope
a/n: this is a heavy chapter, i am not going to lie. as always, i have done my best to treat this heavy content with respect and truthfulness. i am not out for shock and horror, but honesty, yes.
The burdens that you carry now
Well they're not of your creation
So let's not weep for their evil deeds
But their lack of imagination
Sweetheart Come - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
There’s no denying winter now. Fall is always fleeting, and by the end of November, there’s no calling it anything other than cold. Sarah didn’t come home for Thanksgiving this year, a new boyfriend with parents to meet and a promise for Christmas. A small hurt still, tempered by how he and Dolores spent the holiday. No turkey, no stuffing, no stir or stress to any of it. A meal shared, simple as that, like any other day. 
It’s been a slow gift, this new and unfurling closeness. Touch is always cautious, and quietly asked after. Every new okay, allowing for a bit more so that now, some things have become simple comfort instead of anxious and unknown. Like in the evenings, nothing even has to be said, already expected that they will settle down and around each other on the couch, and if she has grace to give, she’ll read aloud to him from whatever book she’s currently working through. Like in the mornings, sleep still making everything small and quiet, it isn’t uncommon for his hand to find the dip of her spine as they pass around each other in their shared routine, and it isn’t uncommon for her to lean into that touch, to pause in his palm. And around noon, whenever he stops into the diner, his hand will often catch hers when she slides his check across the counter, the slow sweep of his thumb over her knuckles. 
“I might be late picking you up today, gotta help John with all the end of the month paperwork. You okay hanging here a little after four?” He tries to ask it casually, but the truth is, he doesn’t feel very okay about it at all. And he has no business feeling that quick curl of worry in his throat all because of the smallest, stupidest deviation from their usual routine. 
“Of course. If it’s easier, Sal can drop me at the station after we close?” He isn’t sure which idea he likes less, her waiting around for him at the diner, or her coming anywhere near the station when she doesn’t have to. But closer to him always feels better these days, so he nods, a reluctant break of his hand from hers. 
The thing about all this closeness is that it has only made that meanness, that hate blossom in their separation. Sometimes all he can think about when she isn’t around, the things he would like to do to husband. She has told him more, quiet in the night, things that make his heart stutter and then clench like a fist, like a jaw snapping shut. And today, moving through the day, he works all the poison over in his mind until John asks him from across the office what he’s scowling about. Oh, nothing. Nothing that anyone else could ever know about.
“Well, you got the last of this under control? I gotta pick up the kids from the bus stop pretty soon here.” Joel nods, working his mouth around civil words, polite words, sighing the instant John closes the door to the station behind him. He isn’t sure if husband has called this month. John hasn’t mentioned it, and Joel doesn’t want to ask. And there’s no point in telling himself that he shouldn’t. Shouldn’t be in the slow spiral of whatever this is with her. Because he is, and all the good of her makes him forget about shouldn’t. But the reality remains. That there is a man in Nebraska who called her his wife. That there is a man in Nebraska that Joel has imagined violence upon. An equal and accounted amount of it. 
“Hello?” Sudden and startling, he nearly jumps in his chair at the sound of someone at the front desk. Not dressed in his uniform, but he’ll have to do, getting up and walking out to the front of the station.
“Hello, sir, how can I help you?” Just passing through, no doubt. Tall man, thin man, wiry and a little worn-looking. A strange time for him to be here, though. One of the extreme types, he figures, cross-country skier or the like. The kind that enjoy pain, probably looking for directions up into the mountains for a novel excursion.
“Are you Officer Davis?”
“No, he just stepped out. Did you speak to him over the phone or something?”
“Oh yeah, a couple of times. I tell you what though, he hasn’t been much help.” Yes, definitely a tourist, probably out from Denver, full of himself and full of shit. Wearing an expensive-looking flannel beneath a puffer jacket, Patagonia, and making some snit, some little tiff about something, calling John like that. 
“Well, what exactly are you needing help with?” 
“Are you a cop?” Said with a raised brow and a once-over, and Joel has to remind himself that yes, this is part of the job, grinding his teeth to hold back a grimace. 
“I’m Officer Miller, yes. Could you tell me what you talked with Officer Davis about so I can see about helping you?” 
“My wife, we talked about my wife.” A strange feeling. A sick feeling. Pinpricked vision and a hard rush in his ears. Not just passing through, not just a tourist, and not from Denver. Suddenly, he’s not sure how he imagined this man, even though he built him in his mind over and over, a piecemeal Frankenstein that’s full flesh and bone and body before him now. 
Smaller and slighter than he imagined. But aren’t all monsters much bigger in our brains? Easier to fight something that looks just as evil as its rotten core. But this is just a man wearing an expensive-looking flannel beneath a puffer jacket, Patagonia. A tired-looking man at that, drawn and dark circles under his eyes. A man that wears glasses. Men that wear glasses aren’t supposed to be the ones beating their wives. Give him someone with tattoos up and down his arms, someone with enough muscle for it to menace, someone with greasy, long hair and a sneered scowl. This man looks like he goes to work everyday from nine to five in a cubicle, this man looks like anyone else, this man looks like someone who would never be suspected, someone who would never be caught. And just like that, it starts to make sense to Joel. 
“Your wife?” His wife, who is going to be dropped off here any minute now.
“Yessir, I’m Charlie Wright? I’m sure you’ve heard about what happened back in June. There was a car, reported stolen around your parts and well–”
“Oh yeah, I heard about that. With all due respect,  I’m not sure why you’ve come all this way after five months. Wherever your wife has gone, I can assure you she ain’t here.” At least for a few more minutes, at least enough time for him to get this man far away. No time for fight, not with the fine line of risk he’s currently walking just by having this man in the station. 
“Are you sure of that, officer? Has there been any kind of a search effort for her? I’m sorry, if you could just empathize with me here. I’m only a man who’s trying to bring home his wife.” No, not now to that quick flood of fury threatening up his throat. He clenches his fists behind his back until it feels like the skin over his knuckles may split. 
“I’m sorry, but it’s like I said, after five months, I reckon your wife is long gone from anywhere around here.” Whatever the man says back to him, he doesn’t hear it, eyes flickering over his shoulder to movement in front of the station. 
And what comes next happens so slowly, so stupidly. 
Dolores no longer feels anxious around the station. After five months, a figuring that it’s fine, that there’s nothing to fear or fret over. So when Sal pulls up and drops her off, she is barely even considering the building, idly walking over to it as she reads the back of a book she picked up yesterday from the library, using her shoulder to open the door and step inside. 
The rest does not happen slowly. A flash, a bright burst of motion. Something that sounds like a curse, a garbled, grunted you fucking bitch. Her book drops to the ground, spine splayed and cracked open, all the pages getting smeared to the side in an unfortunate crumple. And Joel can’t move. Husband has his hands on her. And Joel can’t move. It’s like husband knew exactly how he was going to move the next time he saw her, fingers closing around her throat, cage and crush as he walks her back until the terrible length of his body is pinning her up against the wall. And Joel can’t move. But husband isn’t just out for fear, a method to the way he takes one hand and clamps it over her nose and mouth while the other stays wrapped around her throat. Husband is looking to take something from her that’s past the point of fear. And Joel can’t move. 
Husband is saying something to her, sneering something to her, though Joel can’t hear it through the pure panic flooding through his brain. His whole body screams to move faster, to get big and mean and loud, but he feels so very small, shocked into a slow, stuttering step that stops just as soon when suddenly husband lets out a curdled scream, his whole body recoiling from her in a tight curl, bent at the waist and clutching at his hand. 
There’s blood, and that’s not right. Not the fact of it, of husband’s blood. The not right comes in how husband’s blood is smeared on her lips and dragging down her chin. In how there is nothing behind her eyes as she slumps back against the wall, a slow slide into a posture that he recognizes, curling in on herself, hands clasped behind her neck and her head ducking between her knees as she comes to sit on the ground. It’s a posture that’s taught to people to take when they’re afraid for their lives, a last hail Mary of protection to all the most vital, soft parts of the body. And Joel finally moves. 
Second drawer from the bottom in the front desk, a pair of cuffs that he’s never been sure why they’re kept there. But now he doesn’t have to think at all about grabbing them, doesn’t have to think about how to pinch the back of husband’s neck in his hand and take him all the way to the ground, a knee pressed between his shoulder blades as he collects his flailing wrists and snaps them together in metal. There’s a fine flood of red dripping down husband’s left hand, perfect punctures on his pointer finger. It looks deep, it looks like it hurts, and Joel is glad for it. 
The station has a single cell, used mostly and infrequently for folks needing to sober up after a particularly miserable night. Husband is still groaning and panting in pain as Joel hauls him down the hallway and behind the bars. All a bit cartoonish, all a bit garish. Lock and key and all that. And he only lets out a breath when the door to the cell is shut behind him. Much more important things that must be tended to. 
His thoughts had been moving so slowly, if there were any thoughts at all, that suddenly it’s like a rubber band snapping back into place, breaking the surface, big gasp and a quick flood of frenzy and fury and fret, needing to make all of this right when he got it so very wrong. She’s still curled into and over herself, the heels of her palms pressed into her ears. And he’s not sure if it’s okay to touch her right now, erring on the side of caution as he kneels down in front of her, calls for her once, twice. Dove, Dovey. It’s enough to get a flicker of her eyes, seeing him, enough for her hands to fall from her ears, though she still stays all tucked up. The blood has already dried, rusted flakes of it on her skin, and he has to tamp down his own want to get it off of her as quickly as possible, settling instead for something slow, a careful coaxing of  it’s okay now, please, let’s clean up, please, let me, please. 
She’s still not quite looking at him, not quite looking at anything, something unfocused in her unblinking stare as he leads her to the bathroom, a small mercy that it’s down the other hall. A hand on her shoulder, an ask that she doesn’t say no to, lets him move her to sit on the edge of the toilet. A hand held on her knee as he fumbles to get a paper towel damp in the sink, still afraid that she will be gone if he doesn’t keep a pulse running to her. 
He kneels down in front of her, and he tells himself that he has to be so careful, so gentle, violence already starting to split all her seams, all that slow stitching, all five months of it. And he can, for her, slow fingers tilting her chin for him. He is meticulous in his work, every last reminder of red until all that’s left is the suggestion of it and the shake in her lip. She doesn’t say a thing, shrugs out from under his touch, all he can do to make space as she stands up and shuffles over to the sink. And it is a shuffle, a limp, something heavy held somewhere in her body that she’s dragging with her. She dips her head under the tap, like prayer, like holy, lets the water run over her turned face until Joel starts to get worried. Pink water in the porcelain when she straightens back up, a slow unfurl of her spine. Still in her uniform, his stomach curls when he sees the spatter on the starched blue collar of it. 
“You sure you got this covered for the night?” 
“Not a problem, reckon your wife would have my balls if I kept you here any later.” 
“Well if he gives you any trouble, I’m a phone call away, you know?”
“Yeah, John, I think he’ll be just fine once he sobers himself up.”
“Alright then, I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks for taking care of this.”
“Sure thing.”
Joel made two phone calls. The first was to Patty. No explanation needed, not a thing said, already understood when she came and picked up Dolores, a careful arm curled around her shoulders and a murmured promise of home and clean clothes. Only a cursory glance to Joel, an implicit command for a conversation later. 
The second call was to John. And he had been ready to tell him the truth when he got to the station. But husband didn’t say a thing when the officer asked him what the hell happened, just kept his hands tucked between his thighs, a blank look on his face. Drugs, alcohol, drugs and alcohol, enough of an excuse for John to sigh and shake his head and agree that yes, he would have to be held overnight. And Joel is doing him a favor really, by staying overnight to keep an eye on things so he doesn’t have to. Joel is doing him a solid, Joel is a real pal, Joel is a real good guy for letting his partner off the hook like that. And really, Joel doesn’t mind, craning his neck to watch John’s car pull out of the parking lot, no, he doesn’t mind at all. Really, Joel is happy to stay at the station with the man in an expensive-looking flannel and a puffer jacket, Patagonia, getting striped and slanted between metal bars. 
The thing about the station is, it is very old and very small, and not very serious at all. Just enough power behind those silver stars to keep things in order over the years. But because the station is very old and very small, there is nothing like a security system, nothing like cameras recording anything. So no one else will get to see. Only him and husband bearing witness when Joel steps into the cell and closes it behind him. 
“Here’s how this is gonna go.” Husband scoffs, tips his head back until his skull rests against the wall, slumped on the paint-peeling bench. 
“You’re gonna get in your car, and you’re gonna go back to Nebraska. And you ain’t ever gonna come looking for her again.” Husband thinks this is a joke, Joel can tell, the way he tilts his head to the side, grimacing up a smile. 
“Like it or not, officer, that’s my wife you’re talking about. And by law, I can drag her sorry ass just about anywhere I want to.” Only him and husband. No one else will get to see how silence falls, only for a flicker, before Joel takes two steps toward husband. And she isn’t here now, so he can get as big and mean and fearfully fast as he wants to. 
Easy, really, anger makes it feel like nothing. Like nothing to get husband back down on the ground, prone and gasping little broken breaths with Joel’s hand clamped around the front of his throat. And he could, right now, he could. Break this man and bring what’s left of him to lay at her feet. He wants to, so very badly, let his hand crush that flutter, that pulse. But just on the heels of that anger is something else. Something small and sodden and sighing. All he can do to let a flame of frustration tamp it down, hauling husband up onto his knees, giving him enough coughed-in oxygen so he can understand what words come next. Speaking slowly, right in his ear. 
“By law, I could show the bruises that will surely be on her throat to any cop in a fifty-mile radius and have you put in jail for a very long time. But I don’t think that’d be enough, do you?” What did Dolores tell him at the bar that night? Once, right here. To temple, that’s right. Where Joel settles the mouth of his gun now. And there is no monster. Something far more pathetic before him now, beneath him now. A blubbering man, a begging man, tears and snot shining up his face. Please, please don’t, please don’t do this. 
Fear feels good, right. Making something right when his finger curls against the trigger. A burst of sound, a sob tearing through husband’s chest as he keels over, breathing hard, relieved and retching all at once. Joel lays a single kick to his stomach, sending him skittering back on the floor.
“Here’s how this is gonna go.” A hand gripped tight in husband’s hair to hold his face up, to make sure he is listening so very closely.
“You’re gonna get in your car, and you’re gonna go back to Nebraska. And you ain’t ever gonna come looking for her again. And if you don’t do as I say, that cartridge won’t be empty the next time you and I cross paths.” He lets him go, lets him slump back on the floor, still heaving. 
Not another word is spoken. The door to the cell is left open. By morning, husband is gone.
“She didn’t eat anything.” 
“I don’t know if she slept, I doubt it.” 
“Okay, thanks.” 
“You and I are gonna have a talk.” 
“Okay, Patty, later.”
“Yeah, later.” 
The house is quiet and still when he goes inside, ears pricking to the sound of Patty’s car pulling away. Her door is cracked, the thin light of morning slipping and slivering down the hall. He’s not sure how much of anything is okay right now, silent and standing in the doorway. At the very least, she’s not in her uniform, an old sweatshirt he had offered her when the nights kept getting colder. Not bruised yet, but blooming fast, a smear of dark red across her throat. 
“Is he okay?” It shocks him, startles him. He almost asks who, is who okay? But he knows who she’s asking after, asking for, and it makes him dizzy, makes him sick. 
“He’s gone, Dove. You don’t have to worry about him now.” Her brow pinches and pulls down, a full-tilt crumpling of her expression that forecasts tears, though they don’t come, just that tremble to her lip. 
“I hurt him.” Like confession, like sin, and he can’t stop himself from trying to sweep it away, two big steps to kneel between her legs where she’s sitting on the edge of the bed, hands on her knees to hold her where she is and tell her no, you did the right thing, you had to, it wasn’t that, it wasn’t bad or wrong or regretful, do not regret what you did, what you did was right, what you did was escape. And something else too, sorry. Sorry that she had to, because he didn’t, at least not in time. 
“Is he really?”
“He is.”
“He’s not coming back, I promise.” And this startles him too, the wrecked wail she lets out, head held in shaking hands, shaking shoulders, and shaking ribs that ache with sound and sob. And this isn’t relief, at least not entirely. It’s a mournful sound, it’s a losing sound, it’s a lost, longing sound. 
The thing about a cage is that it becomes comfort once it is familiar. And the thing about monsters is that it doesn’t take much to become one. Just power and presence and taking something that does not belong to him, and never did. Part of her still loves that man, part of her is still kept by that man. And what Joel did, well, a keeping of his own, wasn’t it? A deigning and deciding of his own. 
Something inside of him cracks, fine fissuring lines that splinter and snap, slumping back on his haunches, his hands slipping down to only a weak curl around her ankles as her whole body heaves. The loudest he’s ever heard her, a pure posture of agony in the way her spine snares and snarls up tight. And because of the crush of pain around her throat, the sound is near terrifying, broken and rasped, wounded animal,  and so very not right, big, hot gasps of not right. 
At first, he isn’t sure what it is, maybe just her body acting out some deep desperation in her hands reaching and grabbing onto his coat, still in his coat. Fists in fabric, asking him for something he is afraid to give her, though he does. An awkward contortion, lifting up onto his knees so he can bring his palms to span the shake of her back. She curls over him, into him. And what she says, what warbles up from her chest is an even sharper devastation. She thanks him, quiet and caught between gasps, thank you. Once, twice, his arms tightening around her to steady his own shake now. She thanks him for this undoing he has caused, and it in turn is his own quiet destruction. Because he would do so much more, unasked and unbidden. Dangerous, what he would do. 
There’s no making sense of it, of the strange stir of grief and grace. Eventually, everything slows down, turns silent, and he’s still holding her, and she’s still holding him. 
Nothing is said, not when bodies have already made so much clear. She lets him lead her to the bare light of the window, careful palms tilting her jaw so he can see what must heal. Asks her where it hurts the most and she just makes a dry sound that tries to be a laugh. There have been much worse hurts than this, he knows. 
Maybe mercy, that there is always something that must be done around the fact of the land and the animals. They sniff into the morning cold, silent but close. Bleats turn into puffs of pale air, the flock already beginning their slow wander for the day, snow crunching under foot. 
It’s a leap, a lurch of his heart to take her hand in his. She lets him, unspoken relief. Unspoken, all of it. But staying, both of them.
@cassiopeia @eleganthottubfun @anoverwhelmingdin @sscorpiiio @joeldjarin @casa-boiardi @suzmagine @syakhairi @spookyxsam @northernbluess @hier--soir @joelsgreys @wannab-urs @tieronecrush @trulybetty @softlyspector @noisynightmarepoetry @csarab615 @ratoonstown @harriedandharassed @survivingandenduring @lizzie-cakes @beskarandblasters @pedrostories @pr0ximamidnight
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hqbaby · 10 months
fourteen — somebody’s losing
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fuck ur instincts — suna x reader & atsumu x reader
you and suna are just fooling around—so why does he care so much when you start falling in love with someone else?
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 1.6k content. swearing, mentions of pregnancy, rough sex, unprotected vaginal penetration
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“Aren’t you coming, Oikawa?” Hinata asks, bag slung over his shoulder as he passes Oikawa at the entrance of the locker room. “Omi said he’s treating us to that new barbeque place.”
The setter shakes his head. “I’m meeting up with Y/N,” he sighs. “Haven’t hung out with her in a while.”
“Tell her hi for me please!” Atsumu says as he walks out of the room, climbing onto Hinata’s shoulder much to the younger boy’s dismay. “I was gonna visit her, but she said ya already had plans. She wasn’t feelin’ too good today.”
“Yeah, she mentioned that her stomach was acting up.” Oikawa nods. When Suna walks out of the locker room and waves goodbye to him, a mischievous smirk makes its way to Oikawa’s face. “Gee, what if she’s pregnant?”
Both Atsumu and Suna’s faces visibly pale.
Oikawa starts walking away, patting Atsumu’s shoulder as he keeps his eyes trained on Suna. “Hope you’re ready to be a father, man.”
You laugh into your hands when he tells you about it later in his dorm room. “You did not say that to them!”
“Of course I did!” He’s laughing along with you. “You should’ve seen their faces! Suna was about ready to throw up!”
“That’s so evil, Tooru!”
He throws his hands up and shrugs innocently. “Hey, I’m not the one fucking you.”
You groan, throwing your legs over his lap and reaching for the bag of chips in his hands. “Do we really have to talk about this?” you ask, popping a chip into your mouth. “I said I was sorry for fucking your teammates.”
Your best friend rolls his eyes. “And I said you need to stop apologizing because that’s totally not the point.”
“What is the point then?”
“I don’t know if these guys are a good idea, Y/N,” he tells you. “Atsumu’s extremely anal about volleyball, it’s actually ridiculous. And I know that because I’m just like him,” he adds before you can even say a word. “I just don’t see him being a good partner in a relationship.”
You sink into your spot on his bed. “I know that,” you say quietly. “But I’m not any different, you know, which kinda works out in our favor. I get him, he gets me. Tada!”
Oikawa flicks your forehead. “Are you actually thinking about being in a relationship with him?”
You huff. “I mean, yeah. Kinda.”
“What about Suna then?” he asks. “You said you’ve been fucking him for, what, a year? Why not him? It seems like he makes more sense between the two of them.”
“Do you want me to be with Rin?” you shoot back. “Mr. ‘It’s Just Sex’.”
“I’d rather you not be with either of them, but I know you, Y/N. Don’t tell me you’ve stuck with that guy for this long just because you like fucking him.”
“You’d be surprised,” you say. He just stares at you with a raised brow, unconvinced. You relent. “Okay! Fine! I may have had a tiny crush on him for a while. But he’s an asshole. Atsumu’s not.”
The words feel strange on your tongue. You know it’s the truth. You know that’s exactly how you feel, but it’s weird saying it out loud. Suna’s an asshole and you’ve always known that, no matter what you might have felt for him. You also know that Atsumu changes things a little. That having someone who actually cares about you and doesn’t want to keep you a secret makes a difference in the grand scheme of things.
And that’s the only difference that matters.
Oikawa puts his hand on your knee. “You’re gonna have to choose eventually,” he says. “It’s not fair to them, but more importantly, it’s not fair to you.”
A laugh slips from your lips. “There’s nothing to choose,” you tell him. “Atsumu’s good for me and Suna isn’t. Atsumu might actually fall in love with me and Suna won’t. Atsumu wants me and Suna doesn’t. There isn’t much of a decision for me to make, is there?”
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“Fuck, Y/N, you feel so good. So fucking good.”
You’re on Suna’s bed, ass up as he fucks you from behind. Your head is pressed against his pillow, moaning as he moves at an unimaginable pace. “Rin! Right there! Oh fuck!”
His thrusts send the whole bed shaking. “Right here?” he asks, reaching a hand around your waist to play with your clit. “That feel good, baby?”
“So good, Rin!” Your hands grasp his sheets, searching for something, anything to ground you. “Rin, please! Please!” You don’t even know what you’re begging for, too fucked out to care. “R-Rin! Fuck!”
The room smells of sex and sweat, walls vibrating with the sounds of skin against skin, the wetness of your cunt, and Rin chanting your name as he feels you tighten around him. “You close, baby?” he asks.
You nod, eyes crossing as you get caught in a state of complete ecstasy. “Uh-uh!”
“You gonna come with me?”
His hand comes down on your ass as his thrusts grow stronger, deeper. “Come with me, babe.” He feels you clench him, the tightest he’s ever felt, the best he’s ever had. “Fuck!”
He comes inside of you as you scream his name into the mattress. You clutch the sheets and cream around him, moaning when he continues to fuck you through your orgasm. Eventually, his thrusts become slower and more shallow as the two of you come down from your highs.
You slump forward, letting your ass drop, and he falls onto the bed beside you.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he says. “That was good.”
All you can do is hum in agreement. Your body aches too much when you try to move. You can already feel just how sore you are between your legs. That really was good.
“Is it mine?” you ask, still unable to move your head up.
Suna flops over to check his bedside table. “Yeah,” he tells you. “You want it?”
You nod, groaning when you reach out for the phone he drops in your hand. “I would punch you right now if I could.”
He chuckles. “Does it hurt that much?”
“You have no idea.”
You manage to pull yourself up and turn your phone on, ignoring the way your legs protest as you move.
A message.
tsumu: found him at a party
tsumu: doesn’t wanna go home
tsumu: [sent an attachment]
It’s a picture of a spaced out Sakusa floating around a pool, fully clothed with the addition of a plastic crown on his head. A tired Osamu watches at the edge of the image, clearly having been dragged out in the middle of the night by his brother to pick his friend up.
you: lmao have u tried dragging him
tsumu: i pushed osamu in to get him
tsumu: [sent an attachment]
The picture’s blurrier, capturing Osamu screaming at the camera and Sakusa still floating but with noticeably wider eyes this time.
you: u r soooo dead
tsumu: ikr
tsumu: anw just wanted to let u know
tsumu: in case they can’t find my body tmrw
tsumu: night sunshine
You blink, staring at your phone. You don’t know why, but part of you was expecting him to ask you to come over. Or ask if he can see you tomorrow. Or something. And he didn’t do any of that. It surprises you a little.
“You okay?” Suna asks, lifting his head to look at you.
You stare at him for a moment. You almost forgot where you were.
“Oh,” you say eventually, “yeah, I’m good.”
Without even thinking, you get out of bed and start picking your clothes up from the floor, making your way to the bathroom.
“What are you doing?” he asks, brows furrowed. “Are you going somewhere?”
You’re on the toilet when he asks, already putting your bra back on. “Uh, yeah,” you tell him, grabbing a piece of toilet paper. “I’m going back to my dorm.”
“But why?”
You’re back in his bedroom, pulling your clothes on. “I have an early class tomorrow.”
Suna frowns. “But you always stay over. Even when you have to leave at like seven in the morning.”
“Did you want to fuck more?” you ask. There’s no venom to your tone, just genuine curiosity.
That only seems to make it worse.
“What?” He sounds offended, shocked even. “You’re just gonna leave because we’re done fucking?”
Some part of you thinks that you’re being silly. He's right, you always stay over. No matter what you had to do the next day, you never just got up and left in the middle of the night. Not when all of this started and especially not anytime in recent memory. But some other part of you asks why?
Why would you stay?
It’s just sex.
You smile at him, trying to pass your words off as playful. “Aw, can’t sleep without me?”
He looks serious. “Y/N—”
“It’s the first day of the new semester tomorrow,” you tell him. “I just don’t wanna be late.”
“You won’t be late if you stay over—”
You wave at him, already at the door. “Bye, Rin.”
He sits on his bed, stunned as the door closes behind you. He tries to wrack his brain for something he could have done. Did he hurt you too much? Did he say something wrong? Did he do anything to make you leave?
It takes a moment for the loudest thought in his mind to become clear, and when it does, it’s all he can think about: You just left him, but somehow, it feels more like he lost you.
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notes. :D
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pinkandpurple360 · 7 days
Another reason this owl sucks, he extorts someone into fucking him right next to a portrait of him, his wife, and his daughter. Without ever explaining the situation. Imagine all the times post coitus when stolas was passed out, and this portrait caught Blitzøs eye and made him feel some type of way.
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He started the affair as sexual revenge on Stella, the immediate thing he did right before the affair was overhear Stella shame him for his sexual performance, and the immediate thing he did after was rub it in her face. His daughter worries he’ll run away from their family with Blitzø. But stolas refuses to ever stop this affair or at least explain the situation to Octavia. That stuttering mess he gave her in LooLoo Land was pathetic and he’s had time to come up with something better. To find the words.
As far as we know, doesn’t even give Blitzø the courtesy of telling him that they’re divorced. In fact nobody ever says anything about it since Ozzies. It’s a perfect season to be suspect of him, create a misunderstanding, then resolve it by confessing the marriage was arranged, abusive, and failed. It doesn’t make stolas a bad person because we know Stella isn’t a lover of any kind, it adds depth and it adds consistency.
For all we know Blitzø feels like a toy because of the fact that stolas is married to someone else. That would have been a perfect, realistic source of conflict and misunderstanding. But it’s never used. Blitzø says nothing of depth they just have him dramatically kick doors and yell.
Nothing about this feels like a marital affair. There’s none of the sneaky behaviour, or uneasiness, Blitzø doesn’t feel any type of way over the wife aspect it’s like she literally doesn’t exist and stolas is just a bachelor.
He should have said “how dare you ask me to stick around full time when you’re fucking married?!” Or even a very innocent and confused “aren’t you married?” Which would to me be a far more sympathetic reason for stolas to become closed off and shut down. The marriage is a trauma for him. And if Blitzø said “how do I know you won’t betray me like you did to your wife?” And stolas says “you have no idea what she’s put me through.” That’s a good reason to make Blitzø feel regret because he made too many assumptions. Rather than just “oh no he’s crying after I correctly pointed out his racism, that’s reason enough for me to be sorry”
Honestly if I would have written this to be more sympathetic I would have made stolas a widower or something. Because if he was in mourning of a wife he loved but feeling guilty over having feelings for someone new, so soon, and via being upset because Stella’s death was recent, that would work much better. You could even keep in the fact Stella was abusive and difficult to deal with towards the end because the illness had such a toll on her. Or maybe to make it more grey maybe they were close to divorcing, but Stella became ill, and as of now is still in treatment and stolas found it hard to cope without her, sexually that is. Men do this all the time. Now his guilt, broken heart, feelings of wanting to escape are far more believable, complicated, and sympathetic, but still don’t paint him as entirely innocent.
As it stands. This is not a complicated relationship. Blitzø says this is in his song, but never elaborated why. Stella is an entirely evil villain, Octavia is just blind and will “see the truth” and do a 180, and Blitzø is the hero who must save princess stolas. This is babyish.
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one-idea · 5 months
Hi! Just wanted to tell you i really like you reverse strawhats au and after you said that you planned on the crews meeting I started to think about what the reactions of the og crew would be so here are my hcs I guess you can tell me if you agree or not
Franky - would be fine a bit weirded out that iceburg here but wouldnt really question it until someone pointed out that it doesnt make sense
Ussop - freaking out that kaya is here in the middle a fight so his more worried about her well being than the logistic of her being here in the first place. The fact he is also excited to see her again after so long helps delay his realization
Nami - she is questioning how the fuck nojiko ended up here and she will mention it but will hold back the interrogation until after the dust has settled
Zoro - he just think its tashigi but then he notice she does not sound like tashigi or act like tashigi or fight like tashigi and then he see ace is here and starts to think theres some evil clone thing going on
Sanji - did reiju follow him? has she been following him the whole time? why is she here? did she come to help? did she not come to help? She is looking at him with a lot of emotion and is freaking him the fuck out
Robin - is trying so so so hard to figure it out what is going on but she is also disassociating a bit because her brain is not really handling the fact that her mom is alive in front of her. will have a panic attack later
Chopper - oh hes crying hes crying so much
Luffy - oh he is going insane just tunnel vision because his brother is right there and he is alive and luffy is just tearing through everything the way to get there
Thank you so much! Oh my friend, I love all of this!
It totally depends on if the strawhats get dumped in the middle of the fight. I think we agreed that they would be joining the reverse crew in Wano (I need to come up with a name for this crew 🤔) or if they all just bump into each other on an island.
I haven’t reach Wano yet so this is a very rough draft of ideas.
If they get dropped into the Wano fight I think the first thought the Strawhats will have is how did we get back here?!?!?.
Luffy definitely sees Ace fighting, and is off like a shot. Nothing else matters. The others hear him yell “Ace” and now they are really confused. But there’s no time for that. Main goals are:
Stay alive
Figure out what’s going one.
I think Zoro and Sanji would try to follow Luffy, because it’s Wano part two apparently?!? And there is a copy of Ace here? They doesn’t trust this and their captain isn’t going alone.
They get drawn into fighting King and Queen again.
This is where they meet Kuina and Reiju.
And this is where I get to tell you you missed the really fun part of this. It’s not just how the strawhats feel but also how the reverse strawhats feel
Zoro and Kuina
Zoro sees what he thinks is Tashigi fighting King. Which weird why is she here? But Ace(?) is here so nothing really makes sense. He jumps into the fight and Tashigi starts screaming at him. That’s on par for Tashigi. Except she’s calling HIM the look alike, rude! That doesn’t even make sense!
Meanwhile Kuina thinks stupid Tsukin just interrupted her fight. Why is he here? You know what it doesn’t matter. She doesn’t need this dumb marine’s help to beat Kiado’s right hand man. She’s the first mate of the the (not strawhats but whatever they will be called) she is wining this fight herself.
They are about to get into an argument when they both recognize that the other is wielding Wado Ichimonji. But that’s just not possible. It has to be a fake or a copy. But both would recognize Wado Ichimonji any where. It’s not a fake. But how?
King attacks them and they have to focus. They start to recognize each others moves and styles. Little things that they would do even as children. Habits that carried over. Things that Tashigi and Tsukin don’t do. And there’s this little voice in their heads saying “could this be-?” They don’t officially put it together until they meet up with everyone else.
Sanji and Reiju
Sanji sees Queen attacking a woman with pink hair. And while she’s not wearing her kimono he still thinks it’s Umi. He moves to intercept the attack yelling at Queen for attacking a woman.
Reiju is in shock. Because this person is obiously from Germa 66. But who would follow her? Then Sanji turns to face her to make sure “Umi” is okay and she realizes who this person is. It’s Sanji. But that’s not… but it is. It’s Sanji. Her kind little brother.
Sanji finally gets a good look at the woman he just saved and… what? What is Reiju doing here? Why does she look so different? Her hairs different. She’s missing her tattoos and her Germa armor. What is going on here? Did she leave Germa 66. Did she leave their father? Did she follow him? Or is Germa here to help Big Mom and Kaido. No that can’t be it, But why is she here?
He’s spiraling. Both of them are. But Sanji’s frozen. Reiju doesnt know what happening but she knows this is her brother. Before she can hug him or confront him about how he was in Wano she sees queen moving to attack Sanji. No, no way, not her little brother. She launches herself at Queen.
Sanji sees the moment Reiju tenses and then throws herself towards him. He braces for an attack that flies right by him with a vicious battle cry. He turns to see Reiju beating the crap out of Queen. “Don’t you touch him! I won’t lose him again!” Lose him? Like when he left Germa as a child? Or whole cake? But she’s the one who pushed him to go. What is Reiju talking about?
While all of this is going on the rest of the crew is on the move. They are catching glimpse of their counter parts but it’s late enough in the fight that the main problems are Kaido, Big Mom, King and Queen.
(Which will allow for a sequence of Law joinging that fight only because he sees Rosinante fighting Big Mom. I will write more on this once I actually get to dressrosa and Wano)
Nami and Nojiko
I don’t think Nami runs into Nojiko until after the fighting. I haven’t decided what Nojiko’s fighting style is yet. She seems to wield her mother’s gun in the series so she might be a gun slinger instead of fighting with a staff (I haven’t figured out if she’s going to have weather powers yet)
But I can see Nami finding Zoro and Kuina arguing after the fight. (Nami is looking for Luffy/Zoro/Sanji to make sure they’re alright and bring them back to the group.) she find Zoro and who she thinks is Tashigi yelling at each other. Which not to weird besides the fact that Tashigi wasn’t here the first time and she’s calling Zoro the wrong name. Like not even an insult just straight up the wrong name.
She goes to interrupt them when Nojiko comes running in yelling at someone named Kuina. Which seems to make Zoro freeze. (This is his moment of what the heck is happening) Nami sees Nojiko and okay this is to weird, why is her sister her. So she calls out
Nojiko turns and sees this orange haired woman standing in front of her. She has no clue who she is. (Her hair is the same color as Nami’s but Nami died when she was 10. There’s no way she’d recognize 20 year old Nami as well, Nami) but that’s okay because Zoro is going to handle that for her.
“Nami why is your sister calling the copycat Kuina!” He calls out because of course he doesn’t believe this is Kuina. “I’M THE COPYCAT!” Kuina yells at him which he ignores for now.
Nojiko’s world stops. Nami. This woman’s name is Nami?
“I don’t know Zoro! I don’t even know why she’s here!” Nami yells back at Zoro. Breaking Kuina’s brain as well because a woman with the same name as Nojiko’s dead little sister just called this man Zoro. And while she is impulsive and stupid at times, she’s starting to put the pieces together. But we’re not going to focus on Zoro and Kuina right now.
Nojiko storms up to Nami and asks who her mother is. And Nami is real freaked out because “it’s Bell-mére and why are you asking that?” But Nojiko’s not going to explain because Nami’s here! She’s alive! She’s hugging her sister and sobbing. Saying how she’s so happy she’s alive. Nami is so confused. Since when did Nojiko think she was dead?
Meanwhile the sword wielding duo is watching this and Kuina starts quizzing Zoro about their dojo and Zoro’s not going to be out done so he starts asking questions back. The questions get more unhinged as they go. At some point Sanji and Reiju join them (Reiju has not let go of Sanji since the beat queen) and while both siblings still don’t know fully what’s going on. Reiju’s starting to come up with a theory as she watch’s Kuina and Zoro argue and Nojiko sob into Nami.
Usopp and Kaya
The first time Usopp sees Kaya is after he almost dies. He was taking shots protecting his crew when someone almost hits him. He turns just in time to see the hit coming but can’t do anything to stop it. He braces for impact when a crossbolt hits his attacker dead on. His eyes follow the shot, making sure it’s a friend not a foe, and he gets the surprise of his life. It’s Kaya.
Kaya who’s studying to be a doctor. Kaya who’s never hurt anyone in her life. Kaya who just shot a man in cold blood. Kaya who didn’t flinch at the action. Kaya who’s already lining up her next shot and yelling.
Oh wait, is she yelling at him? Yes. She yelling at him to move. He can do that. He starts moving to her position and watching her snip anyone who gets remotely close to him. And he has to wonder ‘am….am I into this????’ (Yes yes he is)
When Usopp finally reaches Kaya she starts yelling questions at him as they work together to watch over their crews. It’s a mess of a conversation.
Usopp’s asking her why she’s not at Syrup village.
She shoots someone and asks why she’d be there? Then has to yell at Usopp not to shoot at the the woman with pink hair fighting besides Sanji, that’s Reiju her crewmate.
Usopp’s so confused “when did you join a crew?”
Now Kaya’s confused cause she been on her crew since they were 14 duh.
Usopp’s freaking out but before he can ask about that Kaya continues “when did you leave Water 7?”
Side bar I got a whole idea for Usopp that since he and Merry take over the ship yard for Kaya when she sets sail at 14 he falls in love with making ships. When he does finally get out of syrup village it’s to go to Water 7 to learn to become one of the best shipwrights in the world. He never crosses paths with the giants, and meeting Ace and the others so early, (and seeing what happened in this world Marineford) changed a lot of things for him. But we can talk about that in a different post.
Usopp is so confused. But he can’t focus on that because “no Kaya don’t shoot at Chopper he’s our doctor!”
“You mean the reindeer creature that’s about to attack MY ships doctor is your ships doctor?” (They witness Chopper and Hiriluk’s reunion. It’s sickeningly sweet.
Needless to say they are both so confused, scared, and happy to see each other. Kaya’s always known that Usopp was a great shot but the Usopp she meets in Wano is on a different level.
They don’t catch on to what is happening until later when they reunite with everyone.
Robin and Olivia / Franky and Iceburg
Robin trying to figure out what the heck is happenings. Why are they in Wano again? How is Ace here? She catches a glimpse of Olivia fighting using HER devil fruit. She doesn’t get a good look at the woman, but a white haired woman using her devil fruit. That sounds an awful lot like Seraphim. She’s not positive. But if there is a Seraphim of herself could this ‘Ace’ also be a Seraphim? If that is the case she needs to get her captain away from it now!
She’s keeping an eye out for other white haired versions of their crew and allies. She hasn’t shared her theory yet. They need to first put a stop to the fighting and get to safety.
It isn’t until after the fight that she comes face to face with Olivia and all ideas of Seraphim fly from her mind. Because this woman is older than her. The seraphim are always younger.
Olivia sees Robin and is shocked to see that they share the same devil fruit power. That’s just not possible. She grabs the nearest crewmate, Iceburg, and goes to figure out what is going on by on. She thinks Iceburg will be helpful, he’s incredibly intelligent, but that all flies out the window the moment they get near this mysterious black haired woman.
She’s standing next to a cyborg who strikes a familiar pose and Iceburg brain stops working. It’s not possible. Franky died so long ago. But who else poses like that, talks like that? Has Franky been alive all this time and Iceburg just didn’t know? His little brother, cut apart into a cyborg, but still alive.
Olivia is talking about how they need to figure this out. They just survived Wano but if someone is copying devil fruits they will have a real problem and wait… Iceburg where are you going!
He just walks away in the middle of her statement. There is no subtlety in his movements. The cyborg and black haired woman see him coming. Olivia’s getting ready just incase they attack but that’s not a problem. The cyborg looks up and calls out “Ice-for-brains? What are you doing here? It’s great to see you don’t get me wrong but what about Water 7?”
Frank and Robin were talking about how they got thrown back in time? Put in a different universe? Or is this is all an illusion? Robin is still on her Seraphim theory. Maybe this is an elaborate training simulation for seraphim’s of the strawhats that the crew wondered into? When Franky spots Iceburg. And he’s excited to see him again but also filled with dread because is Water 7 okay?
Iceburg knew this was Franky the moment he heard Ice-for-brains. He’s crying. This is really Franky. He moves to quickly hug his brother. Franky’s thrown for a loop, because like it’s been a while, but not sobbing so happy you’re alive while, you know. Like Iceburg didn’t even treat him like this when he first returned to Water 7 after being presumed dead for years.
Robin sees all of this and it’s not right, Iceburg shouldn’t be here. But his appearance is also off. The Iceburg they know always looked pristine, he was the mayor and a business man. He presented himself as someone people could trust with important decision. This man looks like a wreck. Not just because he’s sobbing but his clothing and hair. They look different than how Iceburg would present himself.
While she’s having all of these realizations Olivia walks over to join them. She’s worried for Iceburg and wants to make sure he’s okay. She and Robin meet eyes but they don’t recognize each other (if they ran right past each other in Ohara they are not recognizing each other in Wano where they are both much old and believe the other dead for 22 years) it isn’t until Franky looks to Robin (with Iceburg arms still wrapped around him) and goes “hey Ice-for-brains you remember Nico Robin.” (He’s trying to get Iceburg to stop crying so he can find out what the heck is going on here)
But the name brings Olivia’s world to a screeching halt. “What did you just say?” She quickly move to Robin grabbing her face and examining her. “What’s your name?”
Robin isn’t afraid to tell people who she is anymore. Her crew will always protect her. “Nico Robin”
Olivia thinks this is a trick because it can’t be her daughter. But no one knew of her daughter’s existence. She died in Ohara 22 years ago. The only people who know her name are Olivia’s crewmates. “And where are you from?”
“Ohara.” Robin answers without hesitation. Franky is watching closely ready to help her if this crazy lady attacks her.
“That’s not possible. Nico Robin died 22 years ago when Ohara was buster called.” The white haired woman says. And Robin’s dumb founded because she pretty famously the only survivor of that buster call. “How dare you impersonate my little girl!” Olivia is furious. But her words shock Robin. Because WHAT?
“Who are you?” Robin asks this obviously very angry woman.
“Nico Olivia the only survivor of Ohara. I watched my daughter die so you can’t be her.”
This could go on forever if Franky wasn’t standing there like, “um yes she is Nico Robin. We declared war on the world government and destroyed Enies Lobby to get her back because she you know Nico Robin? Back me up Ice-for-brains you were there.”
Olivia and Iceburg are so confused because they stormed Enies Lobby to save Olivia. But Franky, who is somehow alive, says his crew stormed Enies Lobby to save Robin. Several moments or mother and daughter using their brains later they realize that this has to be either an illusion, or a parallel world.
Olivia and Robin have a break down because their daughter/mom is actually here. Like brain stops working when they finally make the connection and are like oh….OH. Meanwhile Iceburg and Franky have already started comparing notes. Not on their journeys and where they differ, no that would be helpful, no they are comparing notes on the ships they built for their crews.
Chopper and Hiriluk
Chopper and Hiriluk don’t have the same blocks that everyone else does. Unlike Nami, Sanji, and Franky, their counter part isn’t alive, so there’s no awkward “how are you alive?” “What do you mean I saw you the last time I was home?” There’s no confusion on how they are here fighting like with Usopp and Kaya. And unlike Robin, Olivia, and Nojiko they can instantly recognize each other. (Hiriluk hasn’t changed that much, Chopper’s the only human reindeer)
The only people in a similar situation are Ace and Luffy as it’s only been two years since they lost each other, and oddly Zoro and Kuina. Though it’s not because they recognize each other and more because they think the other is someone else. (By the time they realize it’s truly their lost friend, it’s because they recognize Wado Ichimonji.)
Chopper runs into Hiriluk on the battle field. They both imidiatly recognize each other. They call out for each other, knocking out any enemy between them, and Chopper just jumps into his arms as Hiriluk falls to his knees. (They have no clue Kaya almost shot Chopper) they are sobbing “My son! My wonderful wonderful son!”
They are a mess. The enemy’s are avoiding them because you don’t get in between a sobbing father and his son. Especially when that father is telling his son just how much he loves him. Even more so when the father and son just took out a 1/4 of the enemy’s just to get to each other.
Just back away from the sobbing old man and his raccoon dog son as slowly and quietly as you can.
Luffy and Ace
Luffy sees Ace. Which just can’t be. This has to be a dream. Or a vision. But Ace never fought Kaido as far as Luffy knows.
But then he sees Ace hit Kaido hard. He can feel the heat from Ace’s fire from here. This is real. It has to be. And Kaido is about to hit Ace. Ace who he already watched die once. Luffy is gone in point .0001 seconds. He’s left his crew behind (he trust them to take care of themselves, to take care of everything else) he has to get to Ace.
Ace sees the hit coming and he’s bracing for it. But it never lands because some maniac comes flying out of no where and slams into Kaido with a speed and a force he’s only seen once before. But that’s not possible, that person was dead. His baby brother was dead. It couldn’t be him. Except Kaido is sent flying and the boy lands, and it is. It is him. It’s Luffy. From his Strawhat to his sandals, that’s his brother.
His baby brother is here. He’s alive! And he’s just punched Kaido. Kaido who Ace was struggling to fight. Kaido who is launching himself back at Luffy. No. Never again. Never again will Ace let Luffy get hurt.
Cue the boys desperately trying to punch Kaido first. They are both yelling about Kaido staying away from THEIR brother! There’s no way Kaido can win. Anytime he tries to defend himself from one the other launches themselves at him with a rabid feralness that should not be seen in humans.
Gear 5 comes out at some point. Ace awakens his fruit. They demolish him.
Afterwords Luffy just launches himself at Ace knocking him to the ground. His rubber limbs wrapping around his big brother. Ace is cradling his brother as close as he can. They are sobbing. Until they pass out. Exhausted from the fight. They don’t care about the why or the how, their brother is here that’s all they care for.
Their crews find them and move them somewhere safe. And I do mean them. Ace is not releasing Luffy even in his sleep. Not that it matters much, Luffy is so tangled around him it wouldn’t be possible to separate them. Not that their crews would.
They wake up two days later still tangled up. By this point Robin, Olivia, Iceburg, and Jinbei have put the pieces together. They know that the Strawhats are from a different timeline? World? They’re still working out the particulars. And they have no idea how to get the strawhats back. (Oh no extended vacation!!)
Not like the reverse crew wants them to go back.
Again this is a VERY rough outline of what it will look like. I’ll write way more detail when I actually get here in cannon. But for now here’s a taste of what is to come.
Thank you so much for the prompt/ask it was so well articulated I had to expand on it.
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onceuponapuffin · 3 months
My Good Omens Season 3 Predictions
Based on the Amazon Playlist and Established Patterns in S1 and S2
I’ve been listening to the songs on the official playlist that Amazon released in December, and I’ve been thinking about it non-stop. It’s been long enough, and now I feel like I have a solid enough footing to have ideas about season 3 based on the information given to us by the playlist (especially the songs Neil provided). Keep in mind that this is my speculation only. I may be entirely wrong, this post may age poorly, but I am okay with that. At the end of the day, I know for absolute fact that I will be THRILLED with whatever season 3 actually brings (But please – for my sanity – let there be a happy ending for Crowley and Aziraphale).
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First of all, we know the season was outlined back in 2005, and I would assume (for the sake of this post if nothing else) that by the time the s3 announcement came, Prime had the general outline. And so, in the spirit of how this show does things, the playlist is full of Clues.
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GIF by fuckyeahgoodomens
I’ll put the songs in parenthesis as I go.
Between “Before the Beginning” and “In the Beginning,” i.e. Flashback 1:
We’re going to start the season with Crowley’s Fall (Midnight Rain). Neil has said that he’s not going to ever tell us Starmaker’s name, so I’m not expecting that. But we know that each season starts with a prologue, and we also know that these flashback mirror the current events. Crowley’s Fall makes a lot of sense to start with because it is the first thing that pulls him and Aziraphale apart. And where are we starting from in present day? The Divorce.
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How Are Crowley and Aziraphale Doing?
Bad (I’m a Mess). Crowley presents fine to the world, but we, who know him, can see he is struggling. I don’t know if he’ll actually go to therapy, but I would adore it if we got a glimpse of Crowley trying it and being like “NOPE” when it got too hard. He keeps expecting Aziraphale to walk around every corner, and keeps replaying the divorce in his mind (Just My Imagination).
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Aziraphale isn’t doing well either. The Kiss, and by extension his last conversation with Crowley plays on his mind all the time (Could’ve Been).
Very soon after the playlist was released, one of my Good Omens friends on Discord (I forget who it was, I am so sorry), suggested that maybe Aziraphale is communicating with Crowley through his dreams. Honestly, I am so on board with this. With the number of songs that mention dreams and daydreams in this playlist, there is no way that Crowley’s dreams and/or imagination won’t play some kind of role in this season (In Dreams, Just My Imagination).
The Titanic
I think the most interesting thing is that we’re going to have at least one minisode about them alone through time. It’s something that we haven’t seen before, and it parallels their current journey.
That being said, I think one of these will be the Titanic (My Heart Will Go On). Here’s how I see it happening:
Crowley is the one on the ship. He’s not there to sink it, he’s just there to enjoy himself. Maybe he plays around with the kids a bit, maybe he makes friends. Point is, the humans have built this supposedly-unsinkable ship of dreams and he just has to see it. He’s there when it sinks. Maybe he even tries to save people or get the other ships to come faster, but he can’t save everyone.
Heartbroken, he returns home to his dark flat. He doesn’t turn on any lights. There are two envelopes waiting for him. He sits at the table to read them in the dark. The first is a commendation from Hell:
“Great job sinking the Titanic! Downstairs are Very Impressed with your work, as always!” He scoffs and tosses it aside. The second one is from Aziraphale.
Oh great, he thinks, Just what I need, a little ‘oh how dare you drown all those people you evil demon you.’ when I’m already feeling like shit. He opens it anyway. The first lines read:
“My Dear Crowley,
I heard that you were aboard the Titanic when it sank. Are you alright?”
Crowley breaks down and cries. ~End Scene~
The playlist has Heart and Soul on it, but not a recent version – it’s specifically one that was recorded in 1939. So we’re almost definitely getting 1941 Part 3.
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We’re going to find out what happened to cause their huge shift in dynamics from Date Night to 1967, and I think it’s a kiss. Maybe a kiss on the cheek? I’m not entirely sure. I do hope they get to slow dance to A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square though.
The Reunion
My friends, it will not go well. This is one of the songs that Neil chose – Cry Me a River. It just reeks of Aziraphale coming back and Crowley being (understandably, and rightly) being bitter towards him. Aziraphale will, eventually, I’m sure, get back in his good books, but he’s gonna need more than an I Was Wrong Dance to do it.
(Actually?) Saving the World
Okay so being perfectly honest, the only reason either of them are the lead characters in this series is because they’re so freaking loveable. They are very bad at their jobs. Anathema, Newt, and Adam saved the world in S1, and although the Husbands gave Adam a little pep-talk, I think he’s smart enough that he could have managed it on his own if he had to.
So, this time they actually need to save the world and have an actual plan. This is where I think a second body swap will happen – hear me out! First of all, remember that no one aside from Gabriel (who is Someone Knows Where), none of the angels or demons have figured out their trick from the first time. So I don’t think it is the plan, but I do think it will be part of the plan. Where am I pulling this idea from? The Show Must Go On, another one of Neil’s choices. It sounds like it’s from Aziraphale’s perspective, but Queen songs are usually associated with Crowley. Seems odd, right? Maybe because it is. Maybe because they swap.
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The Book of Life
I think we’re going to see The Book of Life, and I think it’s going to basically be The Book of Love. I think this is where we’re going to get the Main Thesis. The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything, if you will. Love. It’s supposed to be Love.
The Book of Love – another of Neil’s choices.
I predict they get their South Downs cottage (Neil said “not yet,” which implies it’s coming). And there’s also a wedding, though I’m not sure whose it will be (The Book of Love). I REALLY hope that it’s Crowley and Aziraphale, because they deserve that kind of happy ending, and Neil is too much of an Ally not to realize how important it is that they get to Live Happily Ever After.
One Last Thought
I still have no idea what to make of I’d Rather Go Blind. That’s it. That’s the last thought I wanted to share that doesn’t really fit in anywhere else.
Thanks for going on this journey with me. Let’s make our Bingo cards and see if I managed to get anything right in 3-4 years.
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zzzzombieboy · 11 months
what do you think about that idea?
Resident Evil 4, but instead of saving the president's daughter, Leon has to save the president's son.
You could add that it isn’t the first time that Leon was sent to save reader because he just does not give a shit about the fact that as the president's son, he’s an obvious target for people who want to harm the country. And secretly he likes that Leon is always chasing after him. But this time is different, it’s more brutal and he actually realizes that he might not make it out alive. Leon saves him but the journey through the village is far from over and they have a lot more time together than the last few times.
Reader is clearly interested in Leon and doesn’t really keep it a secret much to Leon’s displease because a relationship or even the slightest rumor about them having a relationship or something else than a professional one could ruin his job and cause a whole scandal. Plus the president would never allow it, but now they’re in this village with no one who can control what they do and it takes a while before they get out of there. Reader is being held hostage in the village's church. But instead of waiting to be saved, he frees himself, grabs something that could function as a weapon, and tries to fight his way through. And he actually manages to take down a few people (could impress Leon) but soon gets captured again and taken back to the church. Then Leon comes in and saves him - they make a run for it and explore the village together. At some point reader gets pushed into the water with the big fish and after Leon helps him out they need to find a place to rest and to warm reader up.
sweet yes i do like this
Leon Kennedy x M!Reader
It was cold, dark, and empty. Y/N had been through his fair share of captivity situations, but this was just plain cruel. He was locked in this barren room, a few guards muttering on the outside. As much as he loved playing damsel in distress, this was getting boring. Wasn’t much else to do then lie around and hope the next footsteps were going to be a knight in shining armor. He wanted to take it into his own hands.
Y/N wasn’t restrained whatsoever. He was free to walk around, to scream, whatever he liked. He got up off of the floor he was sitting on and began to wander. Looking around, Y/N could see some things that he could use to his advantage. There were very few things, but he did see a very dull axe hooked into a barrel in the far corner. He thought it was stupid of them to leave a weapon to his disposal, but he wasn’t complaining. He stood up and gripped his hands around the wooden handle. He had to give it a few tugs, but eventually it fell out. He grinned.
It was heavy, but he could handle it. He was a pretty strong man, despite the fact that it seems he can be lifted up and carried to whatever captor of the month. He held the axe in his grasp before looking around the room for more things that could be to his benefit.
A window. It was covered by wooden boards, but that’s nothing. He walked over to it, the floorboards under him creaking with each step. He lifted his axe up and plunged it into the panels. He swung over and over until they finally cracked. He had an escape.
He bent the boards to the sides so he could at least fit himself through, looking out over the horizon. He was at least two stories high up and there were shards of glass on the ground from the window he just broke. He could live with a sprained ankle, as long as he could get out of here. He took in a deep breath, backing up away from the window and prepping his stance.
He heard a call. It was familiar. It came from outside the window, to which he was immediately going to check. Nobody here had called him by his name yet, so this was a surprise. He leaned back out the window, looking all around the paths and into the graveyard. Standing in a compression shirt and pounds of gear at his waist was his actual knight in shining armor.
Leon Kennedy. Oh, Leon. To say that Y/N had a crush on him was an understatement. He was absolutely head over heels for this guy. It was unfortunate that it would be taboo for them to be together. He thinks about that every single night. Leon was assigned to Y/N’s detail not too long ago, after it keeps coming out that Y/N is completely reckless and doesn’t have any regard for his status.
“Leon?” Y/N yelled back, leaning back through the window with a slight smile twinging on the side of his face. “Shit man, how’s it going?” he joked, Leon continuing to approach the church cautiously. He had wiped out most of the villagers that would hear him yelling at the top of his lungs, but he still needed to be careful of the people inside.
He let out a little huff through his nose, hand over his gun. “It’s going.” he replied. “Alright, uh,” He looked around again before holding out his arms. “Think you can make it down here?”
Y/N squinted. “Like jump?” he asked. He peered over the windowsill, taking another look at how high the fall would be. It seemed like it was a lot deeper than before. He took in a sharp breath and held it in his cheeks. “I don’t-“
A board creaked behind him. His entire body flipped itself around as he looked for the noise. In front of him were two men in cloaks, the same guys that put him here in the first place. He let out a loud yelp as they continued to walk closer. He wasn’t going to sit there this time.
He plunged his arm down and grabbed back onto his axe. He cranked his arm back, throwing it forward and sticking one of them in the chest. The man collapsed to the floor, and slowly bubbled up into this weird looking tar-substance. It made Y/N want to barf.
His axe laying on the floor again, just as he was about to get grabbed by one of the cloaked men, he dodged. The man tumbled over his feet a little bit, which gave him the chance to grab the weapon. He reached down and tracked around the man, watching as he began to find his balance again. Once he had found his footing, Y/N took his shot. He swung his axe by the side and left it halfway through the man’s neck. Blood splattered across his face, letting out a shocked choke. He watched the man collapse, falling back down to the floor. Y/N looked down, all he could see was the tar. He gagged, the smell being completely overtaking. He turned back to the window.
Leon was slightly worried, hearing the hacking noises, but was relieved to see Y/N still standing. “Catch me.” he called, sliding his legs over the windowsill. He wasn’t going to make a huge leap for it like Leon, he was going to slip down and pray to god that his legs won’t be broken by the time he reaches the ground. Leon let a small smile creep at the side of his mouth, leaning his arms out.
Y/N swallowed tightly, feeling his chest tighten. He always had a big fear of heights, but he trusted Leon. He pushed himself off the wood, feeling a sudden sinking feeling as he started to fall through the air. He let out a small yell, but soon enough found himself in Leon’s arms. It was comfy.
Leon let out a soft grunt while catching Y/N, his knees somewhat buckling before he set him down. Y/N dusted off his legs, making sure that his clothes were in order. He was a man of status, after all. “Thanks for saving me.” he uttered, looking back up to Leon with a meek smile. He felt a little bad that had to come all the way out into nowhere just to save him, and the fact that both of them could die at a given point. Leon shrugged it off.
“I don’t mind. It’s become a weekly thing, might as well enjoy it.” He joked, letting out a small huff from his nose as he looked around for a path they could make their getaway with. Y/N rolled his eyes playfully, stretching out his arms. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” he looked away.
Leon glanced back at Y/N. “It kinda seems like you’re trying to get caught just so I can save you.” He offered, intending it to be ironic, but he was pretty close to the truth. Y/N didn’t outwardly try to get kidnapped obviously, but he didn’t fight back as hard as he could, and he knows it. Leon began to step down a rocky path, Y/N following close behind him like a dog. He snickered. “What can I say, I like getting rescued by a handsome man with arms bigger than my head.” he replied. Leon looked back at Y/N with a slight sigh.
“Y/N..” He began, bringing his hand up to his face. He wasn’t exactly against the whole flirty thing that they have, but Leon has gotten a more than stern talking to from his boss, who is the president. He wasn’t gonna risk that again. Y/N shoved his hands into his pockets. “Sorry, sorry. I just, we’re in the middle of nowhere, y’know? I didn’t see the harm.” he answered, trying to apologize but also defend himself. Leon shook it off.
He brushed his hair out of his face. “It’s alright. But I still got this thing,” he pointed to the chip in his ear. “Listening in.” he explained. Y/N stepped up closer and stared at it. It was blinking red on and off. He squinted at it before turning back to Leon. “It looks dead.” he mumbled. Leon furrowed his brows. “What?” He asked, pulling out the black plastic chunk. He also noticed that light. He threw his head back, letting out a loud grunt. “God damn it.” he muttered. Y/N gave him a slight smile. “Seems like nobody can hear us now.” he nudged Leon.
Leon felt his heart falter a little bit, looking back to Y/N. He knew he couldn’t go against his orders. “Yeah, but I also can’t get any orders now.” he said, dismissing Y/N’s comment. Y/N let his shoulders relax, taking his hands out of his pockets. “Oh no, looks like you’re stuck with me forever.” he spat, his tone slightly snide as a smile spread back across his face. Leon rolled his eyes. “I’ll have to go across that lake, they might have something I could use to communicate there.” he uttered, talking to himself. Y/N furrowed his brows, one hand being placed on his upper arm. “What lake?” he asked.
The two turned a corner, in almost perfect timing. They had made their way out of the brush and were standing in front of a wide view of the body of water, the sun shining off of it almost blinding. “That one.” replied Leon. Y/N laughed softly. The dirt that they were walking on had slowly turned into wooden ply, creaking every time they took a step on it. Y/N was not a big fan of it.
He could feel his heart beat rise every single time his foot hit the floor. He had to swallow his pride for a little bit. “Can I hold onto you? This is freaking me out.” He blurted, looking to Leon with a nervous expression. Leon looked back at him with a brow perked up. He first thought that it was just a ploy so that Y/N could hold onto him, but he looked genuinely anxious. He would’ve said yes either way, though.
Leon offered his arm out, which Y/N was quick to cling to. They were close together now, close enough that they could feel each others body heat. Leon flickered his eyes back and forth between where he was walking and Y/N’s face, seeming to be occupied by both. Y/N kept his eyes at the ground, trying his best not to look over the edge of the boards, where you could see how steep a fall it was.
It was mainly silent as they found their way around the walkway, Y/N occasionally mumbling some comment about how close they were, Leon dismissing it but going insane over it internally. He didn’t mind the comments all that much, Y/N was a pretty good looking guy, and charming, but he wanted to keep his job, so he had to make some tough choices. He just had to ignore Y/N’s advances, no matter how badly he wanted to give in.
Once they had found their way back to land, they were stood in front of a dock with a boat. A lamp swung above it hanging on a pole, and the boat was big enough to fit the two of them, thank god. Y/N smiled, still holding onto Leon’s arm. “Wanna go for a swim?” he asked, his brows bouncing. Leon breathed from his nose, slithering his arm out of Y/N’s grasp.
“With the zombie fish? No thank you.” Leon replied, stepping towards the boat. It had a key in it already, which he was thankful for. He didn’t give it more than a second before he hopped in, looking at Y/N, waiting for him to follow suit.
He followed reluctantly. “There’s zombie fish?” asked Y/N, sitting down on the seat across from Leon. Leon shrugged, giving the keys a turn. “Who knows. I’m not planning on finding out.” he turned it again. With that, the engine roared, practically shaking the whole boat. Y/N let out a small yelp and grabbed onto the bench, watching Leon as he grabbed onto the steer.
The boat began to move, creating mesmerizing waves in its wake. Y/N stared at it. He loved oceans and lakes, he loved swimming and all that. It was too bad that he couldn’t go swimming now. He had noticed though, the waves were getting much bigger in an irregular pattern. At first he brushed it off as just nature doing it’s thing, but he began to see a silhouette form behind the boat. It was so incredibly large, he couldn’t tell what it was.
“Leon,” he began, watching as the shadow began to near the surface. “What the hell is that?” he asked, looking back to the blonde in hopes of answers. Leon furrowed his brows at Y/N, looking over the side of the boat to see what he was talking about.
“Jesus christ!” he yelled out, making a sharp turn. A giant eel looking creature had rose from the water, beginning to tower over the measly little boat menacingly. It was stark black, it’s mouth wide open, showing off its many rows of teeth. The sudden turn away from the creature had rocked the boat, along with the huge wave this giant sea monster had made.
Leon had been able to stay on, but the rocking was too much. Y/N had turned around in time to see the freakish animal, letting go of his seat in shock. The boat had tipped, knocking him over to the side. His hip had slammed against the edge of the boat, which had left him thrown over the edge of the vehicle. A large splash followed him as he fell head first into the water. It was cold. So, so cold. He had fallen far beneath the surface before processing what was going on. He didn’t know which way to swim, he had started to panic.
He opened his eyes, seeing bubbles lead up from his mouth to the surface. He started to follow them, but he could see in the corner of his eye the giant monster that had gotten fresh bait. His pushes through the water became much more urgent, reaching his hands higher and higher until they broke the layer of water he was submerged in. His head followed close after, taking in a deep breath before crying out Leon’s name. The boat was thankfully close to where he had fallen in.
Leon reached his hand for Y/N, grabbing onto his arm and pulling his hardest to get him out of the water. He was slipping, the water being to hard to keep a good hold on. He kept trying. The eel was getting closer. “Use your other arm!” called Leon, trying to get Y/N to grab onto the boat while he was thrashing his legs around. Y/N followed the order, his left hand slamming down on the wood. Leon had a much easier way to get him up with the new balance, and gave it another tug.
Leon had pulled Y/N back into the boat, rocking it back and forth. Just as Y/N had gotten back in, the monster slid past them. “Go!” yelled Y/N, keeping an eye for the water. Leon did just that, revving the boat back up and blasting it down the water. The monster was following close behind them, but still just far enough where it wouldn’t be able to get them. Both their hearts were hammering, trying to escape the grasp of death.
Soon enough they had done just that. They reached waters that were nowhere deep enough for the monster to continue chase, so they had a moment to catch their breath. Leon looked back to Y/N with a sympathetic gaze, seeing as he was completely soaked and shivering.
Y/N took steep and heavy breaths, looking down at his lap with a frown. “God.” he muttered under his breath. “It’s so cold.” he blurted, looking back up at Leon. Leon pursed his lips, remaining silent until they had reached the dock. He slowed it down to a stop once they had arrived at the post.
Leon swallowed hesitantly. He was debating on wether he should just be dismissive, or if he should go full out against his employer. Y/N was right, it’s not like anyone would find out about it. He might as well. He looked around for a short second before meeting eyes with Y/N. “We should probably find you a change of clothes. And, just take a breather.” he offered, standing up out of his seat.
Y/N squinted his eyes, a slight smile spreading across his face. “Take a breather? Never thought that Agent Leon S. Kennedy would turn into a slacker.” he joked, stepping out of the boat. Leon turned his head slightly, his fingers folding up into a fist as he continued to walk. “I’m just trying to help you out. If you wanna keep going, we can.” he replied. He knew how Y/N was going to answer, though.
“No,” Y/N muttered. “I wanna take a break. I’ve just never seen you stop a mission in it’s tracks. Fascinating.” Y/N jogged a little, just to catch up to Leon. “Where would I even find a change of clothes?” he questioned. Leon didn’t respond, instead pointing to the shack that was ahead of them.
It was this cute little wooden cabin, surrounded by trees and brush. It was completely secluded, giving them total privacy. “Look at that.” Y/N uttered, feeling beads of water drip down his body. Leon continued to lead the two until they had arrived at the door. It was propped open, swinging back and forth from the wind that was hitting it. Leon took a step in, giving it a quick look around.
It looked the same as all the other wooden houses in the village he had just been exploring. He walked into the kitchen with a small dining table, and then saw a doorway that led into the bedroom. That was the best bet. He walked through the kitchen and into the room, Y/N following behind him.
The bed was in the center of the room, a small vanity on the floor, broken. The closet and dresser were both against the same wall, which is where Y/N found himself looking. It was the same garbage that everyone in this hellscape was wearing, but he needed some new things to wear. He found something that was about his size and threw it onto the bed. Leon watched carefully as Y/N grabbed all of the new clothes he was going to put on. He faced away from Leon, looking at the half shattered mirror.
Leon looked Y/N up and down. He swallowed, seeing that Y/N had reached for the top of his shirt. He unbuttoned it slowly, the fabric creasing slowly until it had been brought apart. He slipped the shirt off of his arms and onto the floor, leaving his back completely exposed. Leon felt a little guilty, but he couldn’t take his eyes away. Y/N had little scars all over his back, and was surprisingly muscular. He always wore somewhat baggy clothes, at the very least nothing form fitting. Leon bit down on the inside of his cheek.
Y/N could feel eyes on him. He always had an innate sense when it came to states, and he felt it. He turned his head slightly, looking to Leon with a raised eyebrow. Leon’s face was slightly tinted pink, his eyes fluttering before locking with Y/N’s. “What?” Y/N asked, fully turning around, his chest facing Leon. Leon didn’t really know how to respond. He just shrugged, trying to dismiss it again.
“Nothing. Just zoning out.” he replied, his eyes drifting away from Y/N and to the window. Y/N rolled his eyes, letting out a soft laugh. “Yeah right.” he uttered, turning back around. He took a second to look around his body, checking to see if there was any injuries. And look at that, there was a big fat cut along the side of his rib cage. It didn’t sting, it just throbbed. He let out a short sigh. “God damn it.” he blurted.
Leon looked back to him. “What?” he asked, stepping towards him. Y/N ran his finger against the wound, trailing around the skin. He stepped back away from the mirror, now standing by Leon’s side. “Must’ve been sliced or something.” he mumbled, looking down to the right. Leon looked at the wound as well, and raising his hand up to it. “Shit.” he spat. It wasn’t very deep, but it still could get infected. That could be a pain.
“I can try to find something to fix it.” Leon offered, looking back up to Y/N’s face. Y/N shook his head, his hand dropping back down to the side and covering up the would. “It’s alright.” Y/N waved him off, pushing his hair back slightly. Leon continued to watch him.
“Seriously man, is there something wrong with me?” asked Y/N, looking down at Leon with a slight frown spreading across his face. Leon furrowed his brows. “No.” he replied. “Then why are you looking at me like that? Is there a giant bug on my face or something?” he asked, somewhat joking. He wasn’t uncomfortable with Leon staring at him, it was just the way he was doing it. Never had he seen Leon be completely locked onto something, especially a person.
Leon shook his head. “It’s nothing.” he answered. Y/N squinted at him, folding his arms over his chest. He shifted his hips to the right, almost touching against Leon’s. “You’re a bad liar, just tell me what’s wrong.” he started. “You’re a brooding government agent, you don’t ‘zone out.’”
Leon took in a sharp breath. He wasn’t a big fan of how testy Y/N was being. He didn’t want to keep lying, because obviously it wasn’t working, but he also didn’t want to tell the truth. He could get in huge trouble for it, and god knows what would happen if Y/N found out that Leon was checking him out. But then again, they were in a cabin, completely devoid of communication with others.
The longer Leon’s eyes lingered on Y/N’s face, the faster his heart ran. This staring contest went on for a good 5 seconds before either of them made a move. Leon was clearly harboring something, and Y/N could tell soon enough what it was. His face was still growing a deeper shade of pink, his eyes flickering around Y/N’s face frantically.
Y/N took another step closer to Leon, his arms once again falling back to his sides. Leon felt a pressure build up in his body, feeling how close Y/N was without touching. Leon was fighting so many battles against himself in his head, he really didn’t know what to do. He knew what he wanted to do, though. His breath started to become heavy, the silence becoming deafening. “You gonna answer me?” asked Y/N, raising a brow.
Leon swallowed again, his hands balling up into fists. He remained silent, giving the slightest head shake. Y/N let out a soft laugh through his nose. “Do you want me to do it?” he asked, his eyes locking onto Leon’s thin, pink lips. Leon felt his heart spike. He knew what was going to happen. It was out of his hands now, so he couldn’t get in trouble for it. He gave a nod.
Y/N smiled coyly. It wasn’t like Leon to be so meek, but he thought it was cute. He brought his hand up to the side of Leon’s face, thumb on the base of his jaw. The tension was killing Leon. Y/N’s hands were freezing, but the sudden warmth of Leon’s face had heated them up. It felt nice. Y/N didn’t waste much more time, with his go ahead, he had finally been able to do the thing he’s been aching to do for years now.
He leaned in, gently pressing his lips against Leon’s. His eyes fluttered closed along with the other man, beginning to move their mouths in sync. Leon let out a shaky breath, his hand planted down on Y/N’s waist. The two felt this odd feeling, something that they hadn’t experienced before. It might have been the tension of the situation, or the fact that this was so taboo, it didn’t matter that much. They both liked it, this sudden weight feeling like it had been lifted off their shoulders.
Leon’s hand moved slowly from Y/N’s waist to his back, trailing small circles on the skin. It was soothing. Y/N let out a small laugh into the kiss at the motion, his hips hurting forward out of slight shock. They were pressed against each other now, stomachs touching.
Leon was so warm, Y/N didn’t want to let go. It was better than wearing clothes, he just wanted to hold onto him. He loved the thought of always being with Leon, having him next to him. He brought up his hand and ran it through the back of the blondes hair, deepening the kiss by bringing his head closer. Y/N could feel his knees wobble a little bit.
This had gone on for a little while now, long enough that the two were completely out of breath. Y/N, however reluctantly, pulled away, a slight trail of spit leading from their mouths before it fell. Y/N laughed to himself softly, biting down on the side of his tongue. Leon’s face was red now, his cheeks being highlighted with the tint. Their chests heaved in unison as Y/N’s hand trailed down to Leon’s arm.
“I take it you feel the same way about me as I do with you, right?” asked Y/N, his small smile spreading back across his lips. Leon let out a small chuckle. He felt his head cloud with thoughts of nothing, only being able to look at the man in front of him.
He ducked his head down to the side. “Sure. Whatever you say.”
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picturejasper20 · 10 months
Danny Phantom:A Glitch in Time-Vlad Masters Character analysis
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A Glitch in Time puts Vlad Masters in a different role that he has been always presented in the main show: Instead of the main antagonist role, he acts more as anti-hero protagonist in the graphic novel story. He joins forces with Danny, Sam and Tucker and works together with them to look for the true source of ghost power and defeat Dan Phantom.
Having in mind that ¨A Glitch in Time¨ takes place around a month after the events of Phantom Planet, Masters finds himself having lost all the political power, social position and control he built for decades, either by using his powers to steal money or manipulating people around him. In addition to this, everyone knows his identity as ghost and what kind of person he really is now, meaning he is considered an enemy everyone and basically everyone hates him.
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As he explains to Danny: ¨But upon arrival, I realized… i have nothing left to return to¨. In this context he wasn’t only refering to political power and money he had, he was refering to the fact that now he was truly alone, no one missed him nor wanted him around, since they knew what kind of person he was. Even the ones that considered him their best friend, Maddie and Jack, hated him. For once, Vlad couldn’t put the blame in anybody else for his situation but himself.
The issue is that at the start of the graphic novel Masters knows that he did something wrong to end up in this situation but he didn’t know what he did wrong. He still hadn’t fully reconsidered how his obsession with being in control and manipulative behaviour pushed everyone away and how going back in time wasn’t going to fix his actions. Clockwork pointed out how Vlad had many times to do the right think and instead choose to be obsessed with getting revenge and control others.
If there is one way i would define Vlad in this story is ¨lost¨: It feels like he isn’t sure of what he wants to do or what he wants to be, like there is a part of him that wants things to go back the used to be while other part of him doesn’t want to be in the ¨villain role¨ anymore. And, because he doesn’t want to deal with these thoughts, he comes up with this idea to look for this original source of ghost power as a way to distract himself for having to think of this emptiness he feels now, much like he always did when it came to dealing with his own loneliness, always looking for some new power to fill the void he had.
One thing i would argue, is that Masters was already changing in some ways when he went to Danny for help. He expressed to be more aware of how his actions were affecting others, such as acknowledging that he was ¨the last person who Danny wanted to see¨ and half admitting he shared the blame for the timeline being in danger since he accidentally freed Dan Phantom. As it was discussed earlier, Vlad was aware that he did something something wrong, just not what was it.
To expand in this point more, Vlad never does anything that could be considered ¨evil¨ while working with the heroes. He never makes jokes about Jack or makes comments about how he is going to make Danny turn into his pupil. Even when he complains a few times, he is shown to be quite collaborative with Danny and the rest. In part, this could be because he knows better than to argue against the person he went to ask for help, but it still interesting aspect to analyse.
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Another thing worth of analysing are his reactions to seeing Danny being supported and appreciated by his friends and family. He is shown to be annoyed or confused when he sees this happening. While it is not explained, it could be a sign of jealousy from his part as Danny has people that care about him and help him, something he wished he had. It could also remind him of how he used to be friends with Jack and Maddie and how things went wrong between them. Some people have pointed out that these moments are one of the things that leads to Vlad to change his old ways later in the story, pushing him to be a better person.
Now there are two crucial things that leads to Vlad to finally rexamine his past actions and to start to redeem himself: 1) Learning about the truth origin of ghost powers 2) Learning about Dan and his origins, specially in the final fight
Lets talk about these scenes in separate points:
1) Learning about the truth origin of ghost powers
After the protagonists listen to Tucker PDA’s translation of the old runes they found, they learn that ghost and human world used to be connected or be ¨one¨ and were separated. That ghosts in some way are manifestations of human emotions, such as sadness, love and wrath. While the teens discuss the meaning behind the runes, Vlad goes through a bit of…  a mental breakdown to put it lightly.
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¨This is RIDICULOUS! Where´s the rest of it? () ¨Great question, Daniel! What Am I doing? I wasted years of my life piecing together clues for the ultimate power source and for what? Story time?¨
Unlike Danny, Vlad seems to struggle a lot at first with the idea of emotions being the true source of ghost energy. He considers the idea too ¨ridiculous¨ to be real and treats it as it was a child story. And this is not that surprising to see since he was expecting some type of artifact or powerful weapon instead of something more abstract.
It does makes sense for Vlad to not understand this idea at first because he is more logical driven and he isn’t that connected to his emotional part like Danny is. The runes talk about being ¨finding yourself¨, as in the sense that a ghost should examine what they really want to do or be or they could get lost in the process. This is an ability that Master lost over time as he got more and more consumed by his obsession over his past and ways to fill his own loneliness.
Danny talks about how he doesn’t want to ¨hunt ghosts¨ and instead wants to be a bridge between human and ghost worlds to help both human and ghosts. He gets his powers back like they used to be before he lost his emotional drive. After Vlad sees evidence of what the teens were discussing,he starts to have some real changes on his character. Vlad realizes that emotions and purposes are what drives ghosts and it isn’t a simple old silly story.
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While that is a bit open up to interpretation what is going on in Vlad’s mind when he sees Danny getting back his powers, it is easy to see that itself inspires him to revalue what he really wants for himself and if what he has been doing so far has been making him happy or miserable. It someway it leads him to think about himself and what has he been doing until now with his own life, the same way that Danny did to find a new emotional purpose.
What’s more, Masters seems to have a new found respect for Danny after this event. He is seen saving and protecting him multiple times in their battle against Dan Phantom. He treats Danny as more of an equal than someone to turn into his pupil. This could be because, unlike him, Danny was able to figure out way quicker how the nature of ghosts powers worked and didn’t considered the legend a joke. Another aspect is that Vlad starts to see himself as a ¨bridge between the human and ghost world¨ and how instead of fighting Danny he should be helping him and supporting him. As both being ghost-human hybrids, they should work together to fix this issue.
I talked more about these moments in here. (Also, there is a comment that explains well the last point)
2) Learning about Dan and his origins, specially in the final fight
When Vlad first meets Dan he learns about how Dan is part of Danny’s ghost half and his ghost half, Plasmius and he is from another timeline. This moment itself doesn’t trigger an important change in Vlad’s character as more than he learns what Dan is.
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It’s during the final fight that there is a moment Dan provokes Plasmius while he is beating him down. He tells Vlad that he made him and how this is what ¨he always wanted¨. Dan gives Vlad a terrible physical and emotional beatdown that makes Vlad finally realize how obsession with getting power was so self-destructive and how part of himself is what makes Dan act the way he does, having to ¨see himself in a mirror¨.
There is also a lot of Vlad always wishing for Daniel to join him and becoming his pupil and him seeing the results of what he ¨wanted¨ in here: The results being an very powerful version of Danny who destroys everything in his path and with no sense of morals. Making Vlad realize that he doesn’t want Danny to be like this or turn into someone like that.
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In a brief moment Vlad begs for Dan to stop saying these things and says ¨that was a different me¨, trying to separate himself from the alternative version of himself who accidentally created Dan Phantom. Dan reminds Masters that he isn’t any different and his goals were still the same as his alternative version.This is what i personally consider the final ¨push¨ that Vlad’s character need to decide to not go back the way he used to be and to start making amends for his very selfish and controlling actions.
It is seeing what he could become-and Daniel had he joined him- if he had continued this path, something that is even too far and cruel even for someone like him.
Finding a new purpose
When Dan is about to destroy Danny, Danny asks him ¨Why you are so angry?¨, Dan tries to deny that he has emotions like anyone else and he has ¨transended that weakness¨. Suddenly Vlad transforms into Plamius and tells Dan that his wrong since half of him, the Plasmius part, is ¨full of fear¨.
Then what follows is a struggle between Vlad and Dan’s powers and Vlad admitting how his obsession with controlling others drove everyone away, including his close friends Jack and Maddie.
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¨Why amass all this power?¨ ¨For control!¨ ¨Why control others?¨ ¨So no one else leaves…¨
¨All i ever wanted was love, but my quest for power drove everyone away. Maddie, Jack… and even young Daniel¨.
This is what Vlad has always been at his core: A broken man that since the accident back in his collegue years and being abandoned by his close friends in a time of need (at least from what it has been implied), became obsessed with being in control of his relationships with others so nobody else could leave him behind again or he couldn’t be hurt again. This is something that often happens with characters that have had things that made their lives spiral out of control, usually as result of being hurt by someone they cared about. To compensante for that lack of control they had in their lives, they try to control people or their own relationships, because they are afraid of being abandoned or hurt again.
Vlad Masters became consumed by this desire to be in control and as result he pushed everyone away. He always looked for something almost every person wants: Being loved and accepted by others. The issue is that he chose the most toxic ways to do this, hurting people that cared about him or could have been potential friends/allies.
And, as a way to distract himself from these feelings of emptiness, he always looked for more and more power- but that was never enough because it wasn’t what truly would make him happy. This is why in the series his arc was about self-desctruction, until he was left with no one that cared about him and finally ending up truly alone. You can see this habit come up again in the graphic novel, as he suggested to find the source of ghost power. Because it was a way to distract his mind from his real issues and having to think about himself. It could be in part that Vlad thought that if he could gain some power, he could be in control again and then he didn’t have to be alone, that things could back they used to be before the Disasteroid.
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After Vlad comes in terms with how the problem has always been himself, he decides that his new purpose is going to start making amends and redemming himself for his past actions, leaving behind his obsession to be in control. He helps Danny and they fight together against Dan, defeating him in the process.
Helping Dan
Some moments after Dan gets defeated, he starts to destabilize since he has been outside the timestream for too long.Danny, Vlad and Clockwork discuss if t it is a good idea to trap Dan inside the thermos again until they are interrupted by Dan crying and begging to not be left trapped inside the thermos as he doesn’t want to be alone again.
In a rare moment, Plasmius sympathizes with Dan Phantom, he transforms and frees the ghost, offering his body as a temporal host until they are able to find a way to stabilize him. He expresses that he relates himself to Dan’s fear of being alone and, just like him, he has lost everything in his own timeline no other than by his own hands.
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This is important coming from Vlad, a character who was defined by his selfishness and exploiting others for his own gain, showing to be selfless and empathizing with someone’s else pain. As he points out to Danny, he is trying to do the right thing for once, which is taking accountability of his actions and helping another person. Vlad explains to both Dan and Danny that this gesture is a way for him to apologize for his actions and showing that he regrets hurting both of them. He wants to give Dan a ¨second chance¨ and asks Danny if he could give another chance to make things right to him too. Dan accepts the offer, using Vlad’s body as a temporal host.
What it is interesting about this scene is that Vlad asks Danny for a second chance, but he doesn’t ask for his forgiveness. While he apologizes for how much he hurt him, he respects Danny’s choice of not forgiving him or still hating him, showing that he knows that Danny has a right to dislike him after everything he putt he boy through. It’s a good way of demostrating that he has still a long way to go for making up for his actions and he understand this.
I talked a bit more in detail about this scene and why is pretty good in here
Vlad is last seen with Clockwork transfering Dan to one of Danny’s clones that was in Vlad’s lab. Clockwork explains to Vlad that Dan is ¨his responsibility now¨ as even his time powers have a limit. The ending suggest that Dan ends up being taken care of and probably adopted by Vlad, acting as a father figure for him and having the opportunity to be a teenager and have a family again.
In conclusion
Vlad Masters’ character arc in ¨A Glitch in Time¨ is about him realizing that he doesn’t want to be in ¨villain role¨ anymore and having to face the fact that he is the reason he ended up alone and pushed everyone away. Despite of trying to distract himself from this by seeking a new source of power, at the end he realices that his manipulative behaviour made everyone, including himself, miserable.
It’s worth of noting that his arc in this story isn’t a full redemption arc but the start of one. He starting to make amends for his past actions by awknologing what he did wrong and taking care of Dan, who was accidentally freed by Vlad in first place. It’s clear that he has still a lot to make up for and it’s going to take him a long time for him to do that. He is now guardian and ¨parent¨ of Dan. Vlad always dreames with having a family, specially raising up someone who was human-ghost hybrid like him. Now he is going to have to learn what is like to be a father and taking care of someone with a complicated past as his child.
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pix3lplays · 1 year
Can I request yandere blade x reader where the reader finally submit to him and get stockholm syndrome?
Yes! Thank you for the request! Wasn’t sure if you wanted a fic or headcanons so why not a bit of both?
Cw! Yandere themes! Lots of Yandere Themes! Please don’t read if you’re uncomfortable with such themes!
You had to give in. Eventually. The weight of his advances were just too much, and you just…let go.
“Okay Blade…” you sighed defeatedly. He was on high alert, you learned to be able to tell that about him. He suspected this was some sort of trap by you. “I give up. I’ll go with you…just…don’t hurt anymore people…”
“You have my word, my Dear,” he agrees eagerly, that alertness still there while he presses a hand to his chest and bows, as if the gesture proves his word is binding.
He holds you to your words. He takes you to the remotest cabin in the woods, has you shackled by the ankle until you ‘prove you can be trusted’.
Life is a prison.
He comes and goes as he pleases, and you begin to long for his company, not realizing it was all part of his process. His trap for making you fall in love.
One time he was gone for three days, and you were left shackled and alone, and when he came back you collapsed into his arms, having missed his company more than anything.
“Please…please don’t leave me like that again…” you cry, letting that monster stroke your hair soothingly.
“Oh? Why not?” you can hear an almost playful, amused tone to his voice.
“Because I need you,” you say it without even really thinking about it, willing to say anything to get him to stay, but it’s music to his ears. The one thing he’s been waiting to hear for so long.
“Really? How interesting…” and he lifts your chin with his hand, so that your gaze meets his piercing one. “Do you really mean it?”
And you nod, teary eyed. Deep down somewhere you had fallen into a desperate need for this monster’s presence, whether that was called ‘love’ or something else.
He smirks, leans down, and kisses you, deeply and passionately and coldly and hungrily. It is an evil, possessive kiss, one that tells you you belong to him and him alone, so don’t go getting any ideas.
“I think…” he begins after breaking the kiss. “It’s high time I remove that shackle from your ankle. Can I trust you with that responsibility?” he knows what your answer is going to be, of course.
You nod. “Thank you, Blade…thank you…” He lingers on your lips, and you watch him remove a key from his pocket.
Freedom at last. But you weren’t going to run. You were going to stay right here, with the only person you needed. Blade.
After you fall in love with him, Blade is still possessive and jealous as ever. Even out here in the middle of the woods where nothing can rival his affections.
He is also extremely paranoid, always imagining something or someone swooping in and escaping with you, or you running off on your own.
However he already committed to removing your shackle, so he has to live with it. He’s a man of his word if nothing else.
He MUCH prefers you being in love with him. You’re so much easier to control and protect now that you Actually Listen to what he’s saying instead of just brushing him off and calling him a Madman.
And of course he likes the feeling of you willingly submitting to his will instead of him having to kidnap you or drag you around by the hair until you give in.
Of course, even if you weren’t in love with him, he isn’t going to just let you go so easily. He put in all the effort to prepare this nice little place for you, after all.
He marries you quickly. This had been his goal for a long, long time and even if you’re still unwilling at this point, his sword will convince you marriage is a fine option.
The most freedom you get is when he lets you outside for some fresh air. He’ll probably never take you into the city. Not only is he a wanted man, but you’re a missing person, so it’s just a bad deal any way.
However. Maybe on a special anniversary he can be convinced to take you into the city for a bit…
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sailforvalinor · 1 month
Not “Sora is a brainless airhead who is happy and cheerful all the time because he can’t understand evil due to being so pure-hearted” or “Sora is deeply deeply traumatized and his happy persona is completely a front to disguise his depression” but a secret third thing (in KH3 he’s gone through a lot and tries to fall back on his old cheerful mindset and attitudes and ideas that carried him through most of his childhood and had so far proven to be about to buoy him through anything, but while there is nothing wrong with that mindset or attitudes or ideas, they are inherently childish—not in the sense that they are immature, but in the sense that they are more suited for a child’s mind—and because he’s getting older now, that way of thinking and acting isn’t helping him persevere like it used to, but he’s clinging onto those old habits for dear life because he’s terrified and doesn’t know what else to do. Not to mention, that attitude is what everyone expects from him, depends on him for. In some ways it is a front, but in some ways it really isn’t—cheerfulness isn’t unnatural to him, it’s just that he’s growing up and maturing while trying to cling to that comfort of being a kid, because growing up is scary.)
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deadsetobsessions · 6 months
I like the idea of the pit madness, I do. It’s one of my favorite topics. The potential for angst in a supernatural rage driving Jason’s actions and effectively putting him in the backseat of his mind during one of the rage fits is tempting.
But I also adore the idea of Gotham just having zombies be a regular thing. I adore the idea of Jason coming back and digging himself out of his grave out of sheer spite and trauma, all in the name of revenge. The only thing in his head is kill the Joker and nothing else. But he’s like a mini, breakable Grundy, and the League of Assassins coming in with the pit just to heal him and wind him up against the bats.
I like the idea that he got validated, at least in his intentions of murder and that he really took a dip in the dark side, to the point where he brutally beats/almost murder Tim (a child) because he truly does not care past killing the joker. I like the idea of Jason loosing what made him a good Robin and then finding it again and instead of killing himself to be that bright child, he reigns himself and his hatred in in order to stop hurting the people he loves.
Like he’s justified in his anger, but I like that it takes a while until he realizes he’s not justified in his actions (some of them, at least). I want Jason to choose to be ruthless, to be evil. I want him to voluntarily hurt Tim and make that decision with a clear mind. I want Jason to look at his life and choose the less lethal way and to own up to his actions without the shield of the Pit Madness.
Like, good isn’t something that comes easily to an adult. Jason’s no longer the kid he was when good was always the answer. We have to choose it, actively. I think Jason would be a good reflection of that.
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