#cain e abel
hunkydorybaby · 1 year
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my favorite flavor of sibling is Betrayal
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couthbbg · 2 months
leafs being the one to kill the W streak ….. this must be what eve felt like …
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a-sandquist-art · 3 months
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Fanart for an incredibly batshit crackship made between me and @valentronic bc we are so specifically insane about these two and somehow it's gotten out of hand.
Bonus Doodles:
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pawnshopsblue · 6 months
just saw a vid edit of star wars set to mitski’s The Deal . my resolve is slowly slipping
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cornflake413 · 4 months
Rip cain
You would have loved the unrestrained violence of whack-a-mole
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outismm · 2 years
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Can I interest you in a pair of sentient Houses in this trying time?
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desertdragon · 2 months
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I am so fucked why did the update do that to his eyes
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They took a black sharpie to his eyes and the scar head-on doesn't look like it wraps around the nose bridge, now it's one line across and longer for some reason
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These angles and this lighting is the only thing that comes close to looking like him
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DT is gonna be hell on earth for posing
But good news Au Ra men are relatively safe (limbral rings being dimmer now is painful but at least Gan is fine gjdskgs)
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Nvm he stole Vaste's face card
A: The only thing I like is the hair and her donger of a nose has slightly better definition to it BUT it does look smaller and the tip isn't as big either for some reason, the definition is almost undone depending on the angle by the Instagram smoothing filter over the skin, I can't entirely tell if it's my CPU specs impacting the new system in real time or if the graphics system needs to be optimized further by the devs
I say this bc I'm seeing other people reporting graphic issues that most likely would have both factors at fault
Also now Vaste's eyebrows look drawn in with magic marker too, and as if they pulled the browline up higher for some fucking reason, and his skin is pasty regardless of lighting now, which is a problem others have reported especially for dark skin
Like yes Vaste has always been light skinned but you could see the warm toned color to it in all but the brightest pasty effect lighting, now the skin looks lightened across the board in any scenario, she still had blood vessels she's not pushing albino
(same sort of thing happening w Gan he does look amazing in the face and textures but he's redder now in some lighting as opposed to the rusty brown he's supposed to be because of his Angura dad):
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why are you pink sir
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sm-baby · 5 months
Instead of profanity, do caine and abel just shout out things like goodness gracious and “YIKES!”
They sure do... 🤭
I think its really funny how I can figure out their home lives just from the brothers... as well as what their parents were like (Adam and Eve)like these weren't even intentional..
Caine is HoH, that means they probably learned ASL, and had habits like turning the light on and off when entering Caine's room
Caine was compared to Able a lot
Caine's autism was probably undiagnosed
Caine was probably emotionally neglected as a kid
Caine never thought to reciprocate Pomni's flirting, meaning he was raised to be a gentleman
They say things like "YIKES!" "E gads!" "Jumping jellybeans!" Which probably means their parents liked old era media and they picked up their language and interests.
Both Caine and Able were into theatre meaning it was a very artistic household
Both Caine and Able know SEVERAL languages (this is a reference to how bots have different language translations) and are very linguistic
Both the brothers are also very good with math so like
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samgirl98 · 8 months
DC x DP Main List
I just found out that Tumblr only allows 100 links per post, so my second DC x DP master post is HERE, where I will have my WIPs
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
One Shots:
A Totally Normal Wayne Dinner
Father's Gifts
Wight Hood
The Clown is Catching Ghost's Hands Part 1 & 2
World Star Halfa Edition
Rogues of Gotham Fucking Around and Finding Out
Alternate Ways to Live and Die Part 1 & 2
Warnings were Ignored; Clown is Now Dead
Blood Sons
Homeless Angels are More Annoying Than they Should Be
It's a Boy!
Love Thy Good Neighbor
Not All Heroes Wear Capes, Sometimes They Wear Ties and Pantsuits
Memories are a Fickle Thing
Sister Cities
Older Brother Privileges
The Lost Boy
Wrong Number Verse: WIP
Wrong Number
Operators Are Standing By
Zombie Son: [1] [2]
Cain and Abel Wept: Complete [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
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curseanon · 2 months
The Issue with Eden Polycule
So I wanted to articulate my thoughts on a relationship that ive seen in fandom spaces and lots of fan art or fanfiction. I don’t have any opinions or problems with Adam/Eve/Lucifer/Lilith, but I feel like there are some implications and tropes that we should be more careful about when it comes to Eve/Lucifer/Lilith or even just Eve/Lucifer. Before getting into it though, just a disclaimer: this post is not about polycules in general. It’s not my cup of tea personally, but ship whatever you please! This post is just me rambling about my own thoughts. Feel free to have your own interpretations. ALSO! None of this justifies Adam’s behavior. He is responsible for his decisions, including his cruelty towards people, language, and his decision to essentially wage mass genocide each year. And this post isn’t to say that this relationship drama is the sole reason why he ended up doing exterminations.
1. I don’t really like portrayals that have Lucifer/Lilith (L/L) sleeping with Eve and having her cheat on Adam, especially when it takes place in Eden. I’m afraid Vivzie might have this narrative take place in HH, but doing so does a real disservice to Eve’s (and Lucifer’s if he acted alone) character by having her be willing to cheat, and also does a disservice to Adam by having him be cheated on for reasons that are probably not entirely his fault. Not to mention a lot of media where this happens often has the tone of just “haha let’s cuck Adam twice,” which comes off to me as petty and unfair. Not only is it not a funny joke, but it essentially reinforces and justifies Adam’s misogynistic tendencies later. Especially the ideas that women are promiscuous, always willing to cheat and be unfaithful. The narrative would do nothing to disprove this if BOTH of Adam’s wives did in fact cheat on him.
2. Another thing about Eden. Lilith was Adam’s first wife, literally created for the purpose of being his partner. This is also pre-Apple, meaning that Adam has no concept of right vs wrong. The way he acts, if he truly was controlling and mean and the story book wasn’t exaggerating (which I doubt), is entirely the programming of the angels and the way they tolerate or enable his behavior. Assuming we went with the theory that Adam never ate the apple, it’s the same situation with Eve if she left him and/or cheated with L/L. The way I see it, Lilith’s cheating on Adam is not justified, even if she disagreed with Adam on certain things.
3. I also want to note that cheating on one’s partner is not a justifiable punishment for Adam’s behavior. Whether pre or post apple (now assuming he did eat it), I see it as fighting fire with fire, and all it usually does is create even more hostility and problems than if the person just clearly broke off the relationship first. L/L/E runs the risk of inadvertently encouraging unfaithfulness in relationships and marriages as solutions to a problem, but this is rarely the case. As stated earlier, it only makes Adam justified in acting the way he does. And with that justification, is he really in the wrong for how he treats women? What reason does he have to change his behavior if he is right about them? I could probably accept both wives leaving him if the purpose is to justify Adam’s behavior and not just mock him, to show how morality is not just black and white and the villains sometimes have justifiable reasons for thinking the way they do. But it still seems very shallow on Lilith and Eve’s parts.
4. This part is just my opinion on L/L/E, but I don’t find the idea of Eve getting with the people who caused her to lose Eden very convincing. L/L are the reasons her and Adam were cast out of the garden and made to live for centuries laboring to survive, farming cursed ground and painfully delivering several children. Not to mention the bringing of sin and death into the world, losing Abel at the hands of his brother and Cain being cast away to wander the Earth. All the suffering she faced in life and the suffering of all of her descendants, all of humanity. Her sleeping with Lucifer makes no sense to me unless he seduced her (when she was more naive, maybe even pre-apple) intentionally, either for the purpose of hurting Adam or if he did just love her also, which makes him complicit in ruining someone’s marriage. None of this fits with Lucifer’s character, a malewife who adores his Tall Queen and comes off to me as being very loyal. The idea of open marriage is better, but Adam does not seem like the type of guy who likes to share anything, and his marriage is very clearly between Adam and Eve. That controlling personality indicated by the story book leads me to see him as likely having some jealousy and possessiveness (though not in extreme ways).
5. The only other option is Lucifer sleeping with Eve after her death and if she goes to hell, since we know Adam and Eve lived a thousand years married together on Earth, starting humanity. But I don’t see any reason for this. We need much much more information about Adam and Eve’s relationship and all four of their relationships’ to each other in general first before we can talk more about this. But until then, I don’t see any reason to break up Adam and Eve unless there’s some importance to it in the narrative. For me, I see Adam’s womanizing in heaven as a sign that Eve is probably not in heaven. And thinking that he’ll never see her again because “Hell is forever,” he eventually becomes bitter and jaded over thousands of years and decides that his relationship with Eve must be over then. Possibly the same case with Eve in hell, somehow leading up to sleeping with Lucifer. But considering she’s no where to be found with L/L and Lucifer only references her once, there seems to be zero indication of anything between them.
6. To briefly touch on the idea that once in heaven, Eve eventually left Adam because of his horrible personality and womanizing. This is still possible, but it seems like WAY too big of a personality shift to go from married and raising a family for a thousand years to suddenly being a massive asshole and a philanderer. Something must have happened that magnified all the worst aspects of his personality. There’s no way he is the same today as he was in Eden or on Earth. If he is, that’s just shitty lazy writing on Vivzie’s part and Adam is nothing but a one dimensional villain with no depth at all. Massive waste of a character with huge potential.
Tl;dr This post is already too long so I’ll just summarize everything. Although I agree that Adam is definitely an arrogant and annoying villain, Lilith and Eve cheating on adam is unjustified imo, there is no reason for Eve to cheat on Adam or leave him at all from what we can tell now, and her having any relationship with Lucifer also makes no sense considering what his choices turned her life into. But let me know your thoughts on all this, if there’s some point you want to make or a disagreement on something else!
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
My Writing Masterpost
List of Subscription Posts (Follow for Tumblr Notifications on any of my fics.)
Good Omens:
The Demon Piper: Crowley is in Hamlin, Germany in 1284 and offers to help the children of the town. They take him up on it and the legend of the Pied Piper is born.
AO3, 24k words, rated T
An Evening In: Human AU. Aziraphale has a bad day and Crowley promises to make it better. PWP
AO3, 18k words, rated E
Carry On: After the garden, the First Family has to find their way in the wider, more dangerous world. But Heaven and Hell aren't ready to leave them alone so Crawly and Aziraphale tag along. When Cain has the idea to sacrifice the best of his harvest to God, Abel also wishes to sacrifice the best of his lambs.
God chooses Her favorite and the First Family is left to pick up the pieces as best they can.
AO3, M rating (Prequel to The Demon Piper)
DP x DC Fics:
Bring Me Home: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and when Danny's parents take his reveal poorly, Tim helps get him safe.
Tumblr prompt fill, 3.5k words, M rating (for fandom typical violence)
Subscription Post
Alternative Reunion: This is an alternate way the original fill could've gone if Tim hadn't been there to get Danny out, but Danny still managed to escape to Gotham.
Rewrite - Friend Request (Arc 1): AO3; Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Silver and Gold (Arc 2): AO3; Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20
Arc 3: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Ghost!Robin Haunts Jason AU: Jazz is dating Jason, so she and Danny are invited to dinner at Wayne Manor to meet the family. Danny arrives and meets Jason for the first time only to be distracted by the ghost of the dead Robin that is hanging off of him. T rating
Original Prompt (and collab fill), Subscription Post
Arc 1: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13
Arc 2: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Answer My Call: (Wrong Number AU) Jazz, Sam, and Tucker manage to help Danny escape the GIW, but they can't follow him and are under too much surveillance to communicate with each other. Sam snuck Danny a phone as he ran and Jazz sends him a text every day, hoping to hear he is all right. But he's not the one getting the texts.
Jason was away for several months on a mission with the Outlaws. When he finally returns home, he is surprised to find dozens of messages from an unknown number begging a Danny to tell her he's okay. Looks like there's not going to be a break between missions this time around.
T rating (might go up to M for fandom-typical violence)
AO3 Link
Subscription Post
Tumblr Links: Original Prompt and Fill, (actual) Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Part 1, Part 2
I'll Carry Your Heart (Until I Find You Again): Danny and Jason meet in the zone after Jason's death. They become friends (and more). But Jason doesn't think it's enough. He finds Desiree and wishes for his life back. But for every wish, she exacts a price.
Chapter 1: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Danny's Arc: Part 1
The Two Ghost Motel: Danny is tired.
Endless ghost fights with too many responsibilities and too little time; he barely passed sophomore year. When Ember visits town for a bit of fun, she mentions the Two Ghost Motel, a place of peace and refuge for restless ghosts who aren't ready to cross over.
“I’m fine, Ember.”
Danny’s got a home and friends. He’s fine, really.
But when his parents begin experimenting with electricity to destabilize ghosts, it’s too much for Danny. Unfortunately, neither Sam nor Tucker can host him for the night and he’s left wandering in the night, alone. Then he sees it: The Two Ghost Motel.
He checks in.
Tumblr: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Want to Hold on and Feel I Belong: Danny is finally settling into his new life with the Waynes and loves them. But then he finds out their secret identities. The Justice League works with the US Government. And the US Government funds the GIW. He won't go back to them. He won't.
Tumblr Links: Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Part 1, Part 2
AO3 Link
Empathy Verse: Jazz literally runs into someone outside the library when she's distracted. She's about to apologize when she feels the ghost-empathy radiating off the stranger. Instead she relaxes into his embrace.
Tumblr Link: Parts 1-5
Something to Feel: Danny moved to Gotham for university. However, the lack of other ghosts in the city is leaving him restless. He needs to get away from people and let off some steam.
Then he meets another halfa in the park. They're about to start fighting when Danny realizes their might be a more fun way to vent their frustrations.
Rating: E (smut)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Remember, Remember: Danny is a failed clone of Dick by the Court of Owls. Erasing his memory, they threw him out onto the world where he eventually got adopted by the Fentons. If the portal accident somehow knocked loose the mental block hiding his memories… Who knows what could happen.
Tumblr Link - 1k
AO3 Link - 1.3k
Electricity: Danny Phantom has been brought into the Justice League and it's great!
Or, well, it would be if Danny could be paired with anyone who wasn't an electricity user. The post-mission panic attacks are getting old and Jazz is worried.
Tumblr Link - 1.5k, T rating
AO3 Link - 2.4k, T rating
School Nurse!Danny: Danny gets a job as the nurse at Tim's school. He recognizes the type of injuries Tim comes in with almost immediately but doesn't say anything, happy to patch him up in the office or let him take a nap when needed. Until Red Robin decides to go out in costume the day after Tim was in his office with a broken arm. Looks like he has to call a parent-nurse meeting.
Tumblr Link - 1.6k words, G rating
AO3 Link - 2.7k
Kidnap Buddies: Tim and Danny are both kidnapped in Gotham when the goons couldn't figure out which black haired, blue eyed boy was Tim Drake. They bond as they're locked up and Danny uses is powers to help them escape.
T rating, 1.6k, complete. Tumblr only currently
Solved with a Touch: Danny and Damian Twin AU. Danny seeks out refuge with his birth father after he is forced to leave Amity. But he and Damian just cannot get along. So much time has passed and both of them have changed so much that they just cannot figure out how to reconnect. Until Dick forces them to go to a carnival together and they get hit with Poison Ivy's cuddle pollen.
Tumblr only, T rating, 2.8k
Johnny and Kitty overshadow Batman and Superman: What it says on the tin. Danny thinks the Justice League is expecting him to take care of the ghost problem in Amity alone. But when he goes to Gotham apologizing profusely for letting Kitty and Johnny get past him, the heroes have no idea who he is. Or why he was left to deal with a problem so severe on his own. As a teenager.
Half filled prompt, opening scene with Danny rushing to Gotham. Then it skips ahead to the heroes discovering the state of the Fenton household in Amity.
Attack on Sight: Demon Twin AU. Danny is in Gotham with his parents and Jazz when he sees Damian. League instincts kick in and the two are at each other's throats before Jazz or Dick can intervene.
Tumblr only, 1.1k, G/T rating
Constantine Bingo: Danny is being introduced to the Wayne's as Jason's boyfriend. During dinner, he gets notice that he won that round of Constantine Bingo.
Tumblr prompt fill, 873 words, G rating
Stalker Danny: Jason is being stalked and threatened by some sort of pit demon. Danny hopes the new halfa he just came across will accept his courting gifts.
Tumblr prompt fill, 764 words
Justice League Mechanic!Danny: When Danny applied for his position as civilian engineer with the JL, he filled out the demographic information stating he was a half ghost. Apparently, a number of the heroes didn't get the message and are freaked out when his heart stops beating or he puts a pause on the whole breathing thing.
1,060 words, T rating
DC Only
Obligatory Truth Serum Fic: Tim Drake gets captured and injected by a truth serum. Now he has to escape both the up-and-coming villain and his family before he can be asked any questions he doesn't want to answer.
2k, G rating
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buntress · 10 months
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𖤐•°𐕣 Fallen Angel ID Pack 𐕣°•𖤐
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[PT: Fallen Angel ID Pack]
Req By :: Anonymous
𖤐•°𐕣 𝔑𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔰 𐕣°•𖤐
[PT: Names]
Abaddon // Abel // Adam // Aether // Amon // Angel // Angelo // Ariel // Ash // Astrid // Axel // Azrael // Azazel // Baal // Beatrix // Beelzebub // Beleth // Belial // Cael // Cain // Castiel // Celeste // Chemosh // Dagon // Dara // David // Dina // Dumah // Evangeline // Eve // Ezekiel // Gabriel // Ian // Iblis // Jeremiah // Laila // Levi(athon) // Lucifer // Michael // Malaika // Moloch // Nathaniel // Orias // Phoenix // Qemuel // Raziel // Rosier // Saleos // Samael // Samuel // Solas // Tamiel // Theo // Uriel // Val(efor) // Xaphan // Yael
𖤐•°𐕣 𝔓𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔰 𐕣°•𖤐
[PT: Pronouns]
Ae / Aem / Aer / Aerself || Aeth / Aether / Aetherself || An / Angel / Angels / Angelself || Ar / Arch / Archs / Archself || Bea / Beast / Beasts / Beastself || Cae / Caem / Caes / Caeself || Che / Cher / Chers / Cherself || Da / Dark / Darks / Darkself || Dae / Daem / Daer / Daemself || Dei / Deim / Deis / Deimself || Dove / Doves / Doveself || E / Eden / Edens / Edenself || Ely / Elym / Elys / Elyself || Ha / Lo / Halo / Haloself || Hy / Hymn / Hys / Hymnself || La / Lamb / Lambs / Lambself || Mon / Mons / Monself || Om / Omen / Omens / Omenself || Sai / Saint / Saints / Saintself || Ser / Seras / Seraph / Seraphself || Sin / Sins / Sinself || Smy / Smite / Smites / Smiteself || Throne / Thrones / Throneself || Wi / Wing / Wings / Wingself || 🕊️ / 🕊️s 🕊️self || ☦️ / ☦️s / ☦️self || 🔥 / 🔥s / 🔥self || ❤️‍🔥 / ❤️‍🔥s / ❤️‍🔥self || ⛓️ / ⛓️s / ⛓️self
𖤐•°𐕣 𝔗𝔦𝔱𝔩𝔢𝔰 𐕣°•𖤐
[PT: Titles]
The Fallen One // The Unholy // The Corruption // The Revanchist // The Once Divine // The Corrupted Purity // Hy Who Fell From Heaven // Their Corrupted Purity // The Corrupted One // Dae Who Was Divine // The Corrupted Lord/Lady/Leige // One Of Hell's Court // Creator Of Discord Upon The Divine // The Sinner // The Disgraced // The Hellish One // It Of Corrupted Light
Note :: All pronouns can be replaced with whatever pronouns you prefer!
𖤐•°𐕣 𝔏𝔞𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔰 𐕣°•𖤐
[PT: Labels]
Aldertatterwingic // Angelius // Angelx // Anniople // Bewolkian // Bloodywingial // Brokenangelic // Brokenwingsdernic // Caninelenel // Corruptangelic // Crucifingelic // Darkangelcoric // Enfealian // Fallangelcoric // Fallenangelaesic // Fallenangelfangic // Fallenangelmoth // Fallenangelsproutaen // Fallencosmica // Fallenlexic // Fallenlovic // Fallenpridic // Guardilenel // Impurfallangelic // Ingeluse // Lovefangel // Nauticheric // Nosaboy // Purleydemonit // Relingelus // Serafernal // Seroanus // Unholy Omninoun // Vengefangel // Villangelgender // Viongelic
Note :: The first letter of each label is a link to the post coining it!
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blusandbirds · 2 months
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big red and little red (is there somebody who can love you?)
dioscuri (dante émile) // the moment of truth (cobra kai) // i'll give you the sun (jandy nelson) // the borders (sam fender) // הבל | hevel (nathaniel orion gk) // all in (cobra kai) // two birds (regina spektor) // little weirds (jenny slate) // all in (cobra kai) // cain (josé saramago) // all in (cobra kai) // the world is a sphere of ice and our hands are made of fire (ritika jyala) // cobra kai creators on that major big red and little red reveal (kristen baldwin) // pulpo (cobra kai) // editor's pages: the long and short of it (richard siken) // the right path (cobra kai) // the borders (sam fender) // let's begin (cobra kai) // cobra kai season 4 deleted scenes // after abel (dante émile) // the secret of siblings (erica e goode) // head of the snake (cobra kai) // the world is a sphere of ice and our hands are made of fire (ritika jyala) // head of the snake (cobra kai) // is there somebody who can watch you (the 1975) // the monster you created (arcane) // head of the snake (cobra kai) // is there somebody who can watch you (the 1975)
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scp-tiggles · 3 months
Scp 073
40% ler | 60% lee
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As a ler:
Okay so, surprisingly he��s very merciful as a ler, makes sure the lee is okay with tickles, offers aftercare, etc.
Rarely ever uses his own hands to tickle lees, he prefers using plants! As per this au, his withering effect is replaced with chlorokinesis!
While he’s more gentle with tickles, he WILL tease a lee to the hells and back, he cant help it!
“My, is something wrong? You’re awfully giggly!” “Is something funny? Is there something on my face? It’s quite rude to laugh someone, you know..” “Oh, don’t touch this is a spot? Right here? Are you sure? I mean, you’re laughing so much, it seems perfect!” Being his favorite ones.
During breaches, it’s best to stay clear of the garden area where cain resides. As the second those alarms go off, cain will drop whatever He’s doing to join the fun!
Staff wise, his hands are rated E for everyone. Nobody is safe. But anomaly wise, his favorite target is Abel. (Or, scp 076-2!)
As a lee
Firstly, absolutely adores being tickled, and pretty much everyone on site knows this. He’s touch starved damnit!
His laugh too..its the most precious thing, speaking of, if someone ever calls it cute he gets all flustered and starts hiding his face in his hands <3
His worst spots are his belly, ribs, and back. Mainly his belly though.
Now, the feather material on his shirt around his neck isn’t just for show, it’s his own way of tickling himself .
Speaking of, his plants can and WILL wreck him.
Cannot STAND light tickles, folds immediately at the slightest graze over one of his spots.
Feathers are insta death for him oml
The longer he’s been tickled, the squeakier his laugh gets. Almost like a squeaky toy!
Scp 073-2 instances
100% ler | 0% lee
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(By the way, the image is only SOME instances. Theres multiple of various entities, including fruits, vegetables, etc)
As lers:
Okay, so as a collective, you’re screwed. Period. These little guys FEED of laughter and show no mercy till they get their fill
Azalea’s, Like to group up and flutter against any skin visible. Mainly necks in an attempt to make a person fall, and then usually let the other plants nearby do the rest of the work.
Snapdragons are a bit more mischievous, will wrap vines around a persons ankles and then pull them into shrubbery, nipping, licking, and nuzzling wherever! Their teeth, of course, don’t hurt. And their ‘heads’ are fuzzy to where its pretty ticklish with nuzzles. And, fun fact, are the only plants that can be distracted by chin scratches!
Lily of the valleys aren’t attached to vines like most of the plants, rather they hop off their vine and run around in search of a victim, hence why they travel in a pair of two or more. Once they do, they climb up the persons legs and get under their shirt, scribbling their tiny hands against the belly and sides, occasionally moving to avoid any attempts at stopping them!
Spider lilies, are a special kind. They’ll entrap a victim in their webs, vines with a sticky sap, and then proceed to crawl over the victim, tickling with the four large feathery petals on its body!
Extra! (For both 073 and 073-2)
The plants adore cain, and more often then not will tickle him if he generally just seems sad and in need of a pick me up.
Cain is classified as a ‘creator’ entity, this is a au feature (that i’d love to explain more if asked!).
Cain and Abel USED to share the cell, but got separated for two reasons, one, abel and him loved teaming up when wrecking staff, and two, the plants loved to wreck abel. (The first reason is the main one, but since they kept targetting abel, d-class experiments rarely worked.)
The plants, while laughter is their main source of food, can also photosynthesize and “eat” sugar water!
Cain, much like 035, doesn’t need laughter to eat. Rather its just a better energy boost for him that sleep cannot always provide.
Some of the plants move their heads rapidly to signify excitement, a move they learned from cain while seeing him stim!
Speaking of, he’s on the spectrum..and is super knowledgeable about literally any plant
You can ask him about the most uncommon, unknown plant in the world and he’ll give you all the information you could ever need.
Cain, has a small crop bed for fruits and vegetables, which he gladly gives to the cafeteria in exchange for flower seeds!
Speaking of flowers, he loves making flower crowns, which he loves to give to staff (and other anomalies)!
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darlingkairos · 5 months
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“Cain stood over Abel and said," Look where glory gets you"
Then he stood under the Lord and said, "I am a sower, not a saint,”
I wonder what Abel thought when he caught sight of his brother’s raised fist
If he hated
The voice of his blood cried from the ground, but what did it whisper?
“I am not the lord, I am your little brother… and I looked up to you, you were worthy in my eyes before you closed them.”
Whispers of Your Brother’s Blood, I,e
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savorynights · 1 month
O mundo está fervendo e os governos vão ebulir, a panela vai estourar e a grande guerra vai começar.
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Cain o reivindicará,
Abel, por sua vez, protestará.
E entre fogo e luz humanidade sofrerá, incapaz de a si mesma compreender e teu próprio lar respeitar, assim, o reduzirá.
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Do pó vieste e ao pó retornará.
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Jesus chorou, uma vez mais, e ninguém o escutou. Não há Maria para o abraçar, ou sequer Pietá para representar. Aqui há Barrabás, aquele que pouco de bom faz e muito mal o apraz.
Nessa de olho por olho, dente por dente, faz sentido estarem cegos de rancor, pois seus juízos se encontram desprovidos de valor.
Não haverá justiça que condene essa dor. Não há dor que justifique essa falta de pudor.
Nossos olhos estão manchados pela ausência de amor, nossa descendência será marcada pela morte de sua inocência.
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Por isso, clamarão por violência.
Este será o fim da compaixão e clemência.
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